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Microb Ecol (2014) 68:740750

DOI 10.1007/s00248-014-0441-2


Linking Host Prokaryotic Physiology to Viral Lifestyle Dynamics

in a Temperate Freshwater Lake (Lake Pavin, France)
S. Palesse & J. Colombet & A. S. Pradeep Ram &
T. Sime-Ngando

Received: 6 January 2014 / Accepted: 20 May 2014 / Published online: 10 June 2014
# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014

Abstract In aquatic ecosystems, fluctuations in environmental provide support to previous findings that changes in prokaryote
conditions and prokaryotic host physiological states can strong- physiology are critical for the promotion and establishment of
ly affect the dynamics of viral life strategies. The influence of lysogeny in aquatic ecosystems, which are prone to constant
prokaryote physiology and environmental factors on viral rep- environmental fluctuations.
lication cycles (lytic and lysogeny) was investigated from April
to September 2011 at three different strata (epi, meta, and
hypolimnion) in the mixolimnion of deep volcanic temperate Introduction
freshwater Lake Pavin (France). Overall, the euphotic region
(epi and metalimnion) was more dynamic and showed signif- Viruses, primarily bacteriophages, represent the most abun-
icant variation in microbial standing stocks, prokaryotic phys- dant and diverse biological entities in aquatic environments
iological state, and viral life strategies compared to the aphotic [1, 2]. They play an important role in various ecological and
hypolimnion which was stable within sampled months. The biogeochemical processes by regulating microbial diversity,
prokaryotic host physiology as inferred from the nucleic acid carbon and nutrients fluxes, and food web dynamics and
content of prokaryotic cells (high or low nucleic acid) was mediating lateral gene transfers [24]. Viruses are excellent
strongly regulated by the chlorophyll concentration. The pre- survivors in a wide range of environments, and one of the key
dominance of the high nucleic acid (HNA) prokaryotes (cells) explanations for their omnipresence is through the existence
over low nucleic acid (LNA) prokaryotes (cells) in the spring of several lifestyles, of which two major pathways, namely
(HNA/LNA=1.2) and vice versa in the summer period (HNA/ lysis and lysogeny, are prevalent and mostly studied in aquatic
LNA=0.4) suggest that the natural prokaryotic communities and phage-hosts systems [4, 5]. Lytic infections result in host
underwent major shifts in their physiological states during cell death via lysis following the replication of viral particles,
investigated time period. The increase in the percentage of whereas lysogeny has been described as a means of survival
inducible lysogenic prokaryotes in the summer period was for viral populations, using the host as a refuge under chal-
associated with the switch in the dominance of LNA over lenging environmental conditions. During lysogenic infection,
HNA cells, which coincided with the periods of strong resource the temperate phage can alternatively integrate into the hosts
(nutrient) limitation. This supports the idea that lysogeny rep- genome (as a prophage) and can remain until an induction
resents a maintenance strategy for viruses in unproductive or event takes place, triggering the onset of viral production [6,
harsh nutrient/host conditions. A negative correlation of per- 7]. Studies with cultured isolates and natural prokaryotic
centage of lysogenic prokaryotes with HNA cell abundance communities indicated that lytic infection occurred preferen-
and chlorophyll suggest that lysogenic cycle is closely related tially in more productive ecosystems characterized by high
to prokaryotic cells which are stressed or starved due to un- host abundance and activity, whereas lysogeny is known to
availability of resources for its growth and activity. Our results thrive under unfavorable conditions such as low host abun-
dance and primary production [8, 9]. In aquatic systems, viral
S. Palesse : J. Colombet : A. S. Pradeep Ram (*) : T. Sime-Ngando life strategies are strongly influenced by environmental and
Laboratoire Microorganismes: Gnome et Environnement, UMR
biological factors. More precisely, nutrient availability and
CNRS 6023, Clermont Universit, Universit Blaise Pascal, BP
80026, 63171 Aubire Cedex, France temperature have been described as major factors influencing
e-mail: the two viral pathways [1014].
Linking Host Prokaryotic Physiology to Viral Lifestyle Dynamics 741

Very few studies have explored both viral lifestyles simul- Materials and Methods
taneously in natural aquatic ecosystems and have resulted in
contrasting ecological scenarios. Spatiotemporal studies on Study Site and Sampling
both lytic and lysogenic infections have either reported an
inverse relationship [6, 10, 1517], a positive relationship Water samples from Lake Pavin were collected bimonthly
[10, 18], or no correlation between both cycles [12, 19]. These from April to September 2011 at the central reference location
results strongly illustrate that the replacement patterns neither in the lake (2 53 12 E, 45 29 41 N). The spring period
occur in all natural systems or within a same ecosystem over corresponded from the beginning of the study to early June,
time, which emphasized that factors controlling those lifestyles and the summer period referred from late June to early Sep-
dynamics are not fully understood. More than the availability, tember. The three different strata, namely the epilimnion (0
the quality in terms of physiological states and activity of 5 m), metalimnion (917 m), and hypolimnion (2045 m)
prokaryotic hosts may strongly influence the viral decision which were representative of the mixolimnion, were sampled
toward lytic or lysogenic lifestyle. While most of the studies manually by a depth-integrated sampling method using an 8-l
have only explored the bulk prokaryotic production as proxy of Van Dorn bottle. Integrated water samples, which were repre-
biological factors, very few studies have taken into consider- sentative of each stratum, were collected in 20-l capacity
ation the physiological states of prokaryotic hosts to study viral insulated carboys, which had been previously acid-washed
life strategies in aquatic ecosystems[10, 14]. Maurice et al. [20] and rinsed three times with milliQ water and lake water. All
have reported an interesting scenario where different signals of samples were collected in triplicates, i.e., from three indepen-
prokaryote physiology could control the viral lifestyles in dent sampling operations. Utmost care was taken to transport
Mediterranean coastal lagoons. Since lakes are more prone to the water samples from the time of collection to laboratory.
changing or fluctuating environmental conditions, prokaryotic During transportation, the water samples were kept in refrig-
communities in such ecosystems tend to have diverse physiol- erated boxes (filled with ice packs and coolants) and were well
ogy, activity, and community structure. Such constant fluctua- protected from heat and light radiations. The time delay be-
tion in host physiology and activity could provide ideal setting tween sampling and sample processing in laboratory never
or platform to test the hypotheses linking prokaryotic host exceeded 2 h, and this gap was uniform on all sampling dates.
physiology to viral lifestyle dynamics in lakes and compare Water samples were processed immediately upon arrival to the
to those reported previously from marine systems [20]. laboratory, and priority was given to unfixed samples. Water
Lake Pavin (altitude, 1,197 m above sea level), located in samples that were fixed on the site with glutaraldehyde were
the French Massif Central, is a meromictic and dimictic stored at 4 C and were later processed on the same day.
oligomesotrophic crater mountain lake that experiences partial
overturns and that is characterized by a maximal depth of 92 m. Physicochemical Analyses
The mixolimnion which constitutes 060 m can be differenti-
ated into three different strata (namely, epi, meta, and hypolim- Water temperature and dissolved oxygen profiles were deter-
nion), and these water masses are known to have contrasted mined in situ using an oxycal-SL 197 multiparameter probe
physicochemical conditions with different amplitude of vari- (WWT, Limonest, France). Phytoplankton biomass was esti-
ability over time (from highly variable to a more stable envi- mated in situ as micrograms equivalent to chlorophyll a (Chl)
ronment) [21]. Therefore, this ecosystem could provide an ideal per liter using a submersible fluorescence photometer
environment to test the hypothesis linking host physiological (Fluoroprobe; BBE-Moldaenke, Kiel, Germany). The device
states and activity with phage life styles. Such studies on the was calibrated for the system studied so as to minimize any
above are rare especially in a deep freshwater lake. In order to likely errors associated with its measurements. Secchi depth
test the hypothesis that changes in the physiology and activity (Zs) measurements were used to estimate the euphotic depth
of prokaryotic hosts control the phage lifestyles in freshwater (Zeu) according to the relationship Zeu=2.42Zs, assuming
lakes, a 6-month study was carried out in the three different that 15 % of the incident light is transmitted to the Zs [22].
strata (epi, meta, and hypolimnion) of Lake Pavin. The objec- According to the above criteria, Zeu did not exceed 20 m in
tives of this study were (1) to investigate and compare the the present study, and as a result, both the epilimnion and
prevalence and dynamics of the lytic and lysogenic cycles metalimnion were considered to be located in the euphotic
among the three strata and (2) to determine the factors that zone and the hypolimnion in the aphotic zone.
influence mechanisms of viral life strategies taking into account
the different host physiological states and metabolic activities. Viral and Prokaryotic Abundance
Therefore, the present study is an attempt to simultaneously
investigate two viral lifestyles (lytic and lysogenic) on a spa- Enumeration of viruses and prokaryotes in 0.02 m filtered
tiotemporal scale and bring out the knowledge on hostvirus glutaraldehyde (0.5 % final concentration) preserved samples
interactions and bacterioplankton regulations. were performed using a FACSCalibur flow cytometer (FCM)
742 S. Palesse et al.

(BD Sciences, San Jose, CA, USA) equipped with an air- Lytic Phage Infection and Burst Size Estimates
cooled laser, providing 15 mW at 488 nm with the standard
filter setup. The method used in our survey has been described Viral lytic infection was inferred from the frequency of infect-
in detail by Marie et al.[23] and Brussaard [24, 25]. Briefly, ed cells (FIC) according to Sime-Ngando et al. [28]. Briefly,
extracted samples were diluted with filtered TE buffer (10 mM prokaryotic cells in 8 ml of water samples (glutaraldehyde,
TrisHCl and 1 mM EDTA at pH 8) and stained with SYBR 1 % final concentration) were collected on copper electron
Green I (10,000-fold dilution of commercial stock, Molecular microscope grids (400-mesh, carbon-coated formvar, Pelanne
Probes, Oregon, USA). Mixture was incubated for 5 min, Instruments, France) by ultracentrifugation (Beckman Coulter
heated for 10 min at 80 C in the dark, and cooled for 5 min SW40Ti swing-out-rotor at 70,000g for 20 min at 4 C).
prior to analysis. Populations of viruses and prokaryotes dif- Each grid was stained with uranyl acetate for 45 s and rinsed
fering in fluorescence intensity were distinguished on plots of thrice with 0.02-m filtered distilled water and dried on a filter
side scatter versus green fluorescence (530 nm wave length, paper. Grids were examined using a JEOL1200 EX transmis-
fluorescence channel 1 of the instrument). FCM list modes sion electron microscope (TEM) operated at an acceleration
were analyzed using CellQuest Pro software (BD Biosciences, voltage of 80 kV at a magnification of 20,000 to 60,000 to
version 4.0). A blank was routinely examined to control for distinguish between prokaryotic cells with and without intra-
contamination of equipments and reagents. cellular viruses. At least 600 prokaryotes were inspected per
grid to determine the frequency of visibly infected cells
(FVIC). A cell was considered visibly infected when at least
Cytometric Characteristics and Physiological Status five virus-like particles could be observed in its cytoplasm
of Prokaryote Cells [29]. FVIC counts were converted to the FIC using the fol-
lowing formula: FIC=9.524 FVIC3.256 [29] and thereafter
Based on the differences in the individual cell fluorescent to viral-induced prokaryotic mortality (VIBM) using the fol-
(related to nucleic acid content) and in the side and forward lowing equation: VIBM=(FIC+0.6 FIC2)/11.2 FIC [30].
light scattering signal on the cytogram, at least two major Burst size (BS, viruses per prokaryote) was estimated by
prokaryotic groups were distinguished: cells with low nucleic enumerating viral particles in infected cells, and the number
acid content (LNA cells) and cells with high nucleic acid of infected cells examined was on average 20 cells per sample
content (HNA cells) [26]. Cell abundances were determined (range, 1525).
for each of these groups.
Physiological status of prokaryotic cells was analyzed ac- Induction Assays for Lysogenic Prokaryotes
cording to their membrane integrity using the LIVE/DEAD
BacLightTM bacterial viability Kit (Invitrogen). This kit con- The frequency of lysogenic cells (FLCs) was obtained after
tains a mixture of two types of stains: a red cell-impermeant 24-h incubation of water samples (20 ml) with and without
nucleic acid stain (propidium iodide) that only penetrate cells (controls) the inducing agent mitomycin C (1 g ml1 final
with damaged membranes and a green cell-permeant nucleic concentration, Sigma, MO, USA) in the dark at in situ temper-
acid stain (SYTO 9) that acts as a counter stain for all cells. ature [31]. Incubations were carried out in triplicates, and
The stain concentration and the incubation time have been subsamples were collected and fixed at t0 and t24 h with
adjusted according to the communities studied: 200 l of stain glutaraldehyde (0.5 % final concentration) for enumeration of
solution (2 stock solution) was added to 200 l of subsam- total prokaryotic and viral abundances by flow cytometry using
ples of each container and incubated for 15 min in the dark at SYBR Green I stain (as described previously). Induction of
room temperature prior to cytometric analysis. In this assay, lysogenic prokaryotes was determined from increases in viral
cells with compromised membranes are discriminated from abundance and decreases in prokaryotic abundance in the pres-
intact cells in a cytogram of red (FL3) versus green (FL1) ence of mitomycin C relative to controls. FLC within prokary-
fluorescence. Membrane-compromised cells have higher red otic communities was calculated as FLC=[(VAMC VAC)/
than green fluorescence intensity, because of greater penetra- (BSPAt0)]100 where VAMC and VAC are the viral abun-
tion of the red propidium iodide (PI), whereas membrane- dance in mitomycin C-treated and control assays after incuba-
intact cells have higher green than red fluorescence [27]. tions, respectively. PAt0 and BS are the prokaryotic abundance
Hereafter, the terms of live and dead will be used to and maximum burst size estimates at the start of the experiment.
designate membrane-intact and membrane-compromised
cells, respectively. Controls were routinely performed that Statistical Analysis
consisted of the same natural water sample heated at 80 C
for 30 min. The proportion of intact and damaged cells All statistical analyses of the results were performed using the
was enumerated using flow cytometer (as mentioned in software package XL Stat 2013. Data (both log-transformed
previous section). and untransformed) were checked for normality using
Linking Host Prokaryotic Physiology to Viral Lifestyle Dynamics 743

ShapiroWilk Test. Due to the limitation of the assumptions of early April and extended throughout the study period until
homoscedasticity and homogeneity of variances among the September 2011. Among the sampled layers, the epilimnion
three strata within each variable, the nonparametric Kruskal showed stronger temperature fluctuations (p<0.001, Table 2)
Wallis (KW) analysis of variance on rank tests followed by with the values increasing from 9.1 C in April to 19.6 C in
Dunns post hoc multiple comparison was used to assess the late August (Fig. 1a). In the hypolimnion, water temperature
difference of each parameters between the epi, meta, and was low (mean=4.2 C) and varied less with sampled months
hypolimnion. Comparisons between spring and summer sea- (Table 2). A clear stratification of oxygen concentration was
sons were analyzed by nonparametric MannWhitney observed in the mixolimnion (Fig. 1b). Both the epilimnion
Wilcoxon test for each stratum. Potential relationships be- and metalimnion were generally well oxygenated
tween all microbial and environmental variables were tested (>9.0 mg l1) and differed significantly (p<0.001) with the
by Spearmans rank correlations analyses. hypolimnion where dissolved oxygen levels were the lowest
The magnitude of temporal fluctuations of each environ- (mean=5.00.9 mg l1) (Table 1). The amplitude of temporal
mental and biological variable among the different strata was changes in oxygen concentrations was the strongest in the
compared either with Bartletts test (normal distribution) or metalimnion (Table 2) where values fluctuated from 8.7 to
Fligners test (nonnormal distribution) simultaneously with 15.8 mg l1. Oxycline was located between 45 and 50 m
FisherSnedecors test. In addition, principal component anal- during the whole sampling period.
ysis (PCA) was done to determine whether each sampled layer The euphotic region in Lake Pavin fluctuated from 8.7 to
represents distinct environments according to the combination 20.0 m with the highest value observed in late August. There-
of biotic and abiotic variables. fore, according to Secchi measurements, both the epilimnion
and metalimnion fell in the euphotic region whereas the
hypolimnion was in the aphotic zone. Chl concentration pro-
file as a proxy of phytoplankton biomass showed that the
Results metalimnion was the most productive layer (mean=7.0
3.7 g l1) with significantly higher values (p<0.001) than
Environmental Conditions in the epilimnion (mean=2.41.2 g l1) and hypolimnion
(mean=1.60.8 g l1). Chl content decreased significantly
Water temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration were (p<0.01) in summer compared to spring in both epi and
significantly different between the three layers during the metalimnion, while it was below the limit of detection in the
sampled period (Table 1). Thermal stratification started in hypolimnion (Fig. 1c).

Table 1 Mean (range) environmental and microbial characteristics of epi, meta, and hypolimnion of Lake Pavin, AprilSeptember 2011

Parameters Mean (range)


Water temperature (C)b 15.3 (9.219.6) 8.4 (4.814.8) 4.2 (4.14.3)

Dissolved oxygen (mg l1)b 9.6 (8.411.4) 12.7 (8.715.8) 5.0 (3.66.8)
Chlorophyll a (g l1) 2.3 (0.94.6)* 7.0 (1.412.9)a 1.5 (0.42.7)
Viral abundance (107 ml1) 2.8 (0.84.4)* 3.5 (1.56.6) 0.6 (0.21.1)a
Prokaryotic abundance (106 cells ml1) 1.8 (0.63.2)* 2.3 (0.74.0) 0.7 (0.41.0)a
LNA prokaryotic abundance (106 cells ml1) 1.1 (0.21.9)* 1.2 (0.42.6) 0.4 (0.20.5)a
HNA prokaryotic abundance (106 cells ml1) 0.7 (0.11.8)* 1.0 (0.32.3) 0.3 (0.10.6)a
Proportions of HNA cells (%) 39.7 (11.261.3) 44.0 (22.169.8) 42.4 (22.157.6)
Proportion of damaged prokaryotic cells (%) 32.8 (21.049.1) 37.3 (19.457.0) 38.0 (21.157.1)
Virus-to-prokaryote ratio 16.8 (7.527.1)* 16.3 (9.630.1) 8.9 (4.412.7)a
Frequency of infected cells (%) 16.3 (6.339.6)* 21.5 (5.836.6) 10.3 (2.434.8)a
Frequency of lysogenic cells (%) 1.9 (011.1)* 0.7 (05.3) 0.2 (01.4)a
Burst size (virus prokaryote1) 40 (19118) 42 (2373) 40 (16182)

Indicates a significant difference between two of the three layers (Dunns test)
Significant differences between the three layers (Kruskal Wallis)
744 S. Palesse et al.

Table 2 Variances in environmental and microbiological parameters of epi, meta, and hypolimnion of Lake Pavin, AprilSeptember 2011

Parameters Observed variance p value

EPI META HYPO Bartletts test Fligners test

Water temperature 8.65* 2.68 0.01a p<0.0001

Dissolved oxygen 0.64* 4.69a 0.74 p<0.0001
Chlorophyll a 1.47* 13.80a 0.60 p<0.0001
Viral abundance (1013) 3.95* 13.18 0.58a p<0.0001
Prokaryotic abundance (1011) 5.07* 7.40 0.40a p=0.0064
HNA prokaryotic abundance (1011) 1.65* 3.44 0.18a p<0.0001
LNA prokaryotic abundance (1011) 2.44* 2.25 0.07a p<0.0001
Proportion of damaged prokaryotic cells 91.88 163.99 133.09 NS
Frequency of infected cells 59.55 46.56 45.13 NS
Frequency of lysogenic cellsb 7.60 1.61 0.07 p=0.011

NS not significant
Indicate a significant difference of variance between two of the three layers (Fisher-Snedecor)
Significant difference between each of the three layers

Viral and Prokaryotic Abundance 106 cells ml1 (mean=2.00.8106 cells ml1) in the euphotic
region, and the values were significantly higher (p<0.001)
We looked for evidence of time series variability in the abun- compared to the hypolimnion (mean=0.70.2106 cells ml1)
dances of viruses (VA) and prokaryotes (PA) and the differences (Table 1). The fluctuations in PA were observed at all the
between the sampled depths. During the studied period, both VA sampled depths with a decline in the middle of spring followed
and PA varied by an order of magnitude especially in the Zeus by a sharp peak in June and thereafter declined gradually during
(epilimnion and metalimnion). PA fluctuated from 0.6 to 4.0 summer months which extended until September (Fig. 2a).

Fig. 1 Spatiotemporal variations

of water temperature, dissolved
oxygen, and chlorophyll
concentrations in the
mixolimnion of Lake Pavin, from
April to September 2011
Linking Host Prokaryotic Physiology to Viral Lifestyle Dynamics 745

and Table 2). Indeed, the absolute abundance of HNA cells

differed from that of LNA with respect to months mostly in the
euphotic regions when HNA cells decreased after a peak in
3 early June and was followed by an increase in the LNA cell
abundance which attained maximum values in July
(Fig. 3a, b). The ratio between HNA and LNA cells was
significantly higher (p<0.001) in spring than in summer
(Fig. 3c).
Proportions of dead cells (PI+) fluctuated from 19.3 to
57.0 % (mean=36.311 %) and did not vary significantly
between the sampled depths (Fig. 4a). Values were signifi-
cantly higher (p<0.05) in spring especially in the meta and
hypolimnion (Fig. 4b) with the peak and value recorded in
April for the hypolimnion and in June for both the meta and
hypolimnion (Fig. 4a).

Lytic Infection and Lysogeny

Lytic viral infection, as determined from the percentage of

viral infected prokaryotic cells (i.e., FIC) by TEM analyses
varied significantly with sampled months in the euphotic and
in the aphotic zones (Table 2). Overall, FIC values ranged
from 5.8 to 39.6 % (mean=19.37.8 %) in the euphotic
region and was significantly higher (p<0.001) than in the
aphotic hypolimnion (mean=10.36.7 %) (Table 1). Multiple
peaks in FIC were observed in the metalimnion of which the
maximum was observed in late August coinciding with a
decrease in PA and corresponded to a VIBM level of 66.5 %
(Figs. 2a and 5a). In the hypolimnion, FIC remained very low
Fig. 2 Spatiotemporal variability in the abundance of prokaryotes (a), with minimum variation. BS of individual cells ranged from
viruses (b), and virus to prokaryote ratio (c) in the three sampled depths of
Lake Pavin. Error bars represent SE (n=3) 16 to 182 viruses per prokaryote with an overall mean of 41.
No significant difference in BS estimates was observed be-
tween sampled depths.
VA fluctuated from 0.2 to 6.6107 ml1 in the euphotic
On many sampling occasions, FLC was below the detec-
region, and the values were significantly higher (p<0.001) than
tion limit compared to lytically infected cells. Lysogenic cells
in the hypolimnion (Fig. 2b, Table 1). In both the epi and
induced by mitomycin C were observed on 64 % of the
hypolimnion, peaks in the PA was generally followed by the
sampling dates in the epilimnion (7 out of 11 sampling dates),
increase in VA resulting in a strong correlation (r=0.78,
36 % of the sampling dates in the metalimnion and in the
p<0.001) between the two variables (Table 3). The overall virus
hypolimnion (4 out of 11 sampling dates). When detected, the
to prokaryote ratio (VPR) ranged from 4.4 to 30.1 (mean=14.0
FLC was less prevalent and significantly lower (p<0.001)
5.4) at the sampled depths. Although VPR did not differ
when compared to FIC, fluctuating from 0.03 to 11.0 %
significantly between the epi and metalimnion, their mean
(Table 1). FLC was significantly higher (p<0.01) in the epi-
values were twofold higher than the hypolimnion (Table 1).
limnion (mean=1.92.7 %) and metalimnion (mean=0.7
1.3 %) than in the hypolimnion where values never exceeded
Prokaryotic Cell and Physiological Characteristics 1.0 % (mean=0.20.3 %). Lysogeny was very low in spring
and never exceeded 2.0 % whereas in summer, values in-
Among the prokaryotes, the proportion of HNA cells fluctu- creased sharply in the epi and metalimnion reaching the
ated from 11.2 to 69.7 % (mean=42.011.7 %) of the total PA highest maximal values in early September (Fig. 5b).
and did not differ significantly among the sampled depths
(Table 1). In terms of absolute abundance, HNA and LNA Correlation Analyses
cell abundance in the euphotic zone was significantly higher
(p<0.001) than that in the aphotic hypolimnion (Table 1) and The results of Spearmans rank correlation analyses between
showed a stronger variability with the sampled months (Fig. 3 environmental variables and microbial parameters located in
746 S. Palesse et al.

Table 3 Spearman rank correlation (r) between variable in the euphotic (EPI + META) (n=22) and aphotic zone (HYPO) (n=11) of Lake Pavin


Chl 0.69***
VA 0.67** NS
PA 0.55** 0.67*** 0.78**
NS NS 0.75**
HNA 0.56** 0.80*** 0.66*** 0.84***
NS NS 0.79** 0.81**
LNA 0.52* NS 0.75*** 0.85*** 0.48*
NS NS NS 0.95*** 0.66
%PI+ NS 0.46* NS 0.54** 0.59** NS
FLC 0.60** 0.61** NS 0.48* 0.60** NS NS
0.63* NS NS NS NS NS 0.61* 0.82**

Values for euphotic zone (EPI + META) are indicated in boldface and in italics for aphotic zone (HYPO)
O2 Oxygen, Chl Chlorophyll a, VA viral abundance, PA prokaryotic abundance, HNA high nucleic acid cells abundance, LNA low nucleic acid cells
abundance, PI+ proportion of damaged prokaryotes, FLC frequency of lysogenically infected cells, FIC frequency of infected prokaryotic cells, NS not
*p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001, levels of significance

the euphotic zone (i.e., epilimnion and metalimnion) and in between spring and summer, whereas the aphotic hypolimni-
the aphotic zone (i.e., hypolimnion) are summarized in on was more stable with sampled months.
Table 3. VA was significantly correlated with PA both in the
euphotic (r=0.78, p<0.001) and aphotic zones (r=0.75,
p<0.01). In the euphotic region, chlorophyll a was signifi- Discussion
cantly correlated with PA (r=0.67, p<0.001), and this vari-
ability was largely explained by the HNA cells (r=0.80, The present investigation is one of the few that explores how
p<0.001,) suggesting that HNA cells were the dominant environmental factors, host physiology, and their variability
fraction in phytoplankton-rich waters and perhaps may repre- affect the type of pattern between the lytic and lysogenic
sent the more active fraction of the community. Furthermore, replication cycles on a time series scale in a natural temperate
FLC was negatively correlated with chlorophyll concentration freshwater system. On the above basis, spatiotemporal inves-
(r=0.61, p<0.01), PA (r=0.48, p<0.05) and more particu- tigations which were carried out in the mixolimnion of Lake
larly with the HNA cell abundance (r=0.60, p<0.01). In Pavin suggest that the dynamics of viral replication cycles
contrast, FLC was positively correlated with the proportions were largely controlled by the shifts of physiological states
of cells with damaged membrane (r=0.63, p<0.05) in the and activity of the main prokaryotic hosts as forced by the
aphotic depth (hypolimnion) only. contrasted vertical gradient related to resource availability.
Finally, the plot of field observations from PCA showed
that the distributions of abiotic and biotic variables under Host Physiological Changes
study were dependent on the vertical gradients (Fig. 6). The
two major axes of this plot explained 63 % of the total As proposed by del Giorgio and Gasol [32], we focused on the
variance. Along the two major axes of this PCA plot, signif- variation of two categories of prokaryotic metabolic properties
icant differences in the studied variables were observed be- which are indicative of their physiology and activity, namely
tween euphotic zone (epi and metalimnion) and the aphotic the nucleic acid content and membrane integrity of prokary-
zone (hypolimnion) suggesting that both represented two otic cells. The most striking feature in the temporal variability
distinct environments. The euphotic region was more dynamic of standing stocks in the euphotic region was the predomi-
and showed significant variability in the measured parameters nance of HNA over LNA cells in the spring and vice versa in
Linking Host Prokaryotic Physiology to Viral Lifestyle Dynamics 747


Fig. 4 Spatiotemporal variations of the proportion of prokaryotes with

compromised membranes (PI cells) (a) and their comparison between
spring and summer period (b) in the sampled depths of Lake Pavin.
Levels of significant differences: *p<0.05; ***p<0.001

activities in the vicinity of the lakes further have been shown

to drive Lake Pavin to organic and inorganic nutrient limita-
tion in the late seasonal cycle [11]. Such strong nutrient
limitation can serve as a source of physiological stress for
Fig. 3 Spatiotemporal variability in the abundance of high nucleic acid
(a), low nucleic acid prokaryotes (b), and their mean ratio (HNA/LNA) the thriving prokaryotic communities. The fact that LNA cells
between spring and summer season (c) in the sampled depths of Lake dominated during the period of low nutrient conditions sug-
Pavin. Levels of significant differences: *p<0.05, ***p<0.001 gests that the prokaryote community would largely be repre-
sented by less active, dormant, or starved cells. The decline of
the summer period. This suggests that the natural prokaryotic HNA cells in early summer is essentially attributable to the
communities underwent major shifts in their physiological resource limitation which is required to sustain growth and
states during investigated time period. The fact that HNA cells activity. Therefore, the nutritional quality of available re-
dominated in chlorophyll-rich waters (as seen by positive sources could be an important factor controlling the physio-
significant correlation between them) could probably suggest logical state and metabolic activity of prokaryotes especially
that HNA cells may perhaps represent the metabolically active in the euphotic region, and drastic changes in their availability
fraction of prokaryotic community. Such similar observations can promote nutritive stress among prokaryotic communities.
have been previously reported in a set of lakes from the same The dominance of LNA cells in resource limited conditions
geographical region [17], and other studies have specifically and HNA cells in nutrient relaxed conditions has been already
suggested that HNA cells apparently depend more on shown in oceanic environments [35]. In contrast to the eupho-
phytoplankton-derived dissolved organic carbon for its tic, the magnitude of variation in HNA and LNA cells was low
growth and metabolism [33, 34]. in the hypolimnion with latter being the dominant fraction
In Lake Pavin, the late summer period toward autumn (i.e., throughout the study period. As aphotic depths are character-
clear water phase) is characterized by lowest annual concen- ized by very low concentrations of chlorophyll (Fig 1c), pro-
trations of organic and inorganic nutrients. This is due to its karyotic community thriving in this region maintain a rela-
peculiarities such as small surface, low catchment to lake area tively low metabolic activity and look more adapted to star-
ratio, and imbalance between sublacustrine spring water in- vation stresses.
puts and the surface water outputs which leads to an apparent The finding that the proportion of prokaryotes with com-
deficit of 20 l s1 [21]. Moreover, geomorphological features promised membrane (PI cells) was significantly higher in the
of the lake basin and the absence of riverine and agricultural spring suggests that the prokaryotic community which
748 S. Palesse et al.

mixolimnion and did not differ significantly among the sam-

ple depths. In aquatic ecosystems, there is a large fraction of
prokaryotic cells that retain their cellular integrity but that
nevertheless does not have measurable metabolic activity
[32]. So, as explained above, the changes in prokaryotic cells
due to starvation do not obligatory imply an increase of cells
with damaged membrane.

Dynamics of Viral Life Strategies in Relation to Host

Physiological State

Lytic infection was generally more prevalent at the sampled

depths, while lysogeny was apparently more occasional and
mostly detected during the summer period in the euphotic
layers. To determine the percentage of lysogenic prokaryotes,
the mutagen mitomycin C was used in the present study
because to date, it is the most frequently used artificial agent
to induce prophages, and it allows comparison between a large
Fig. 5 Spatiotemporal variability in the frequency of viral-infected pro-
majority of aquatic studies [6, 10, 11, 14, 37]. In the euphotic
karyotic cells (a) and frequency of lysogenic cells (b) in the sampled zone, the lysogenic strategy was strongly regulated by nutrient
depths of Lake Pavin. Error bars represent standard deviation (n=3) environment as seen by a significant negative correlation of
chlorophyll concentration with lysogenic cycles. The increase
comprised of dominant HNA cells were preferentially targeted in the detection of lysogenic prokaryotes in the epi and
and selectively lysed by the viruses in the euphotic region of metalimnion during the summer period coincided with the
the water column. From a methodological perspective, there switch in the dominance of LNA over HNA cells in the clear
has been a recent concern in evaluating the resistance of water phase period. This could probably be associated to
prokaryotic cell membranes to treatment with oxidants, with lower metabolic activities of prokaryotes such as energy dep-
cell membrane of HNA cells being more sensitive and were rivation and starvation due to the prevailing resource limita-
damaged more quickly than LNA cells suggesting that the two tion. Such scenario has often been reported among aquatic
prokaryotic subgroups have a different chemical constitution ecosystems thereby lending support to the hypothesis that
[36]. Thus, we can believe that some HNA cells may react viruses favored the establishment of lysogeny in the less
quickly to any physicochemical changes in Lake Pavin due to productive or nutrient-limited environments[14, 38].
possible lower membrane permeability. Proportions of cells The most striking feature is that physicochemical condi-
with damaged membrane represented overall a minor fraction tions did not directly affect the viral activities, but in turn, they
of the whole prokaryotic community (<50 %) in the impacted the physiological states and growth of prokaryotic

Fig. 6 Plot of field observations

from a principal component
analysis (PCA) for the three
sampled depths between each
season (1=spring, 2=
Linking Host Prokaryotic Physiology to Viral Lifestyle Dynamics 749

hosts. The physiological state of the hosts has been suggested decision. Our results suggest that there might exist a physio-
to be a potential factor that can regulate the viral life strategies logical threshold level which could be related to the degree of
in aquatic systems [10, 20, 39]. However, the accurate nature nutritive stress of the prokaryotic hosts, and an accumulation
of this link remains unclear. In the euphotic region of Lake of such stress could be an induction signal for the viruses that
Pavin, FLC was not correlated with the proportion of cells can lyse its host to abandon the sinking ship before the host
with damaged membrane (PI cells) whereas the two variables dies [4]. Furthermore, it would be essential to focus studies
were positively correlated in the hypolimnion. Study conduct- more on the lines of physiology and activity at the single cell
ed in Northern Canadian lakes of differing trophic status, also level in accordance to broad range of physiological parameters
reported a similar positive relationship between FLC and (i.e., enzyme activity), if we want to understand more on the
damaged cells especially in the less productive lake suggest- mechanisms that regulate of viral life styles in natural aquatic
ing that lysogeny may constitute a strategy of refuge for viral systems.
communities until favorable cellular condition recover for
viral production [10]. A negative correlation of FLC with
HNA cell abundance and chlorophyll suggests that lysogenic Acknowledgments SP was supported by PhD fellowship from the
cycle was established mainly in prokaryotic cells that were French Conseil Rgional dAuvergne through the project CPER (Contrat
starved. Consequently, transition from high to low nutrient de Projet Etat-Rgion) Axe: Environnement.
environment promotes a fundamental change in cell physiol-
ogy, with a switch from growth to maintenance [40]. Such
shifts in HNA and LNA with corresponding increase in per-
centage of lysogeny have been reported in coastal lagoon [20].
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