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Div Worksheet Reading, Writing, Thinking, and Reflecting Name:_Sela

(1) Complete the worksheet and submit on time with font sizes 10 to 12. 20 points.
(2) Extra points are possible depending on your excellent efforts.
(3) Late assignments will incur 10% deduction of the allocated points per day.
You can adjust the writing space you need.
Select a relevant State Recognize, respect, accept, and value differences.
required competencies
(in the syllabus or
E360 Lessons).
1 point
Why did you choose If the article is assigned, type assigned. If not, answer the question.
this article? (1/2 The Essentialist and Constructionist Perspectives I chose this article because I
point) think its interesting having two different views on things. How the constructionist
says one thing and the essentialist says another.
Reading Number & Framework Essay 1: Section I: Constructing Categories of Difference: Karen E.
Title and the author(s) Rosenblum
name(s) (1/2 point)
Contents theme(s) This reading is tied to diversity themes of : (check one or more if it fits.)
(1/2 point) race_*__, ethnicity___, sex/sexuality_*_, gender_*__, class___, disability_*_, and/or
other related issues___.
Page numbers From page __3_____ to ___7____. Total pages:___5____
(1/2 point) In order to encourage reading with joy and patience, articles with more than 8
pages long will earn 1 extra point.
Identify at least 3-5 Identify at least 3 key words from the reading have to relate to race, ethnic diversity:
Key words (1 point) Sexual preference, disability, ableism.
Summary: This article is about constructionist and essentialist perspectives. In the article,
(Total is 4 points) they talk about how 3 umpires describe the constructionist and essentialist views.
Requirements: The essentialist view of it is saying that theyre likely to view categories of
At least 150-200 people as different in some important way. They will also ask what causes people
words with 2-3 to be different. Constructionists are likely to see those differences as socially
paragraphs ( 2 point) created and arbitrary. They will ask about the origin and consequence of the
reflecting on your categorization system itself. The way society defines difference among its members
reading and tells us more about that society than the people classified.
understanding of the Also from a poll in 2012, Americans are now equally split between an
key points in this essentialist view and a constructionist view on homosexuality. 40% of people who
article (2 points). took the poll said that being gay was something people are born with (essentialist
Add word count at view), and 37% said that being gay was a result of your upbringing
the end of your last (constructionist view). 35 years ago, the opinions were reversed.
sentence. This article also says that some mass transit systems are inaccessible to
wheelchair users, making it hard for them to hang out with friends, or attend
school or have a job. Disability can also be defined through architectural,
educational, and occupational barriers. Disability can be understood as disabling
environments and cultural stereotypes; illness, disease, and disability arent givens
in nature, theyre socially constructed categories from people acting together in
social situations.
In the reading it talks about how the social model of disability is becoming less
relevant when you look at the numbers of younger black and Hispanic men who
got disabled by gun violence. There was a case about a group of Chicago ex-gang
members who got paralyzed because of spinal cord injuries caused by guns. The
social model would say that society disabled the ex-gang members, but instead
they use their injuries to try and save teenagers from having a similar experience.

Word count: 312

Select 2 (If more than Type the 1st question you chose and your answer: (Quote or paraphrase from the
2) discussion article: 1 point. Your own thoughts and interpretation are 2 points. At least 100-
questions at the end 150 words, point. Total is 3.5 points)
of the article.
(Total is 7 points) Question: How does sexual preference tie in with being a constructionist?
Read the
Requirements: Answer: In the book on page 4, it says sexual preference conveys active, human
1.Quote or paraphrase decision making with the possibility of change. Some people who are against gay
from the article to marriage would be considered a constructionist, because they think that a
strengthen your persons sexuality is chosen, and they can change it at any time. Which obviously
statements or isnt the case. You cant just change if you like guys one day, and then girls the
arguments. next. No human can turn on and off their feelings towards another gender. I
personally feel like a person is born liking the kind of gender they do.
2. Your thoughts
3.At least 100-150
words for each Word count: 108
question. (If the
question is a short
answer, then just Type the 2nd question you chose and your answer: (Quote or paraphrase from the
answer words article: 1 point. Your own thoughts and interpretation are 2 points. At least 100-
needed). 150 words: point (Unless the question is a short answer). Total is 3.5 points.

Question: What is the difference between being disabled and being impaired?

Answer: When people hear the word disabled, three things would come to their
mind; physical, sensory, or cognitive differences. They might think of someone
who is in a wheel chair, who doesnt have any arms or legs, or someone who
doesnt have eye sight. But what you would actually call someone with any of
those things is impaired. The physical, cognitive, emotional or sensory condition
within the person as diagnosed by medical professionals. The word disabled
means the loss or limitation of opportunities to take part in the normal life of the
community on an equal level with others due to physical and social barriers. This
pretty much means that anyone that would be considered disabled would be
riding around in a wheelchair because they cant walk. Or someone who has to
have a special steering wheel and pedals because they dont have any legs.

Word count: 156

Your reflection or I think this is a good article to start off with reading because it explains a lot of
comments things; social class, discrimination, disability, sexual preferences, ect. This article
(3 points) makes you really think about the way you talk to someone, or how you label
Requirements: people you dont even know. Someone may look gay, but it could turn out that
1. At least they actually arent. And discriminating against someone who is disabled in a
100-150 words. certain way doesnt make them weird or any less than everyone else in the
2. Connecting to your world, they just have more challenges to deal with as life goes on. They might have
experience/observatio to work harder to do some of the things they like to do, but you cant judge a
n person on the way they were born. I used to work at Dickeys, and there was a guy
or others (if you who went to UWEC and he would come in and eat with his friends. He didnt
know) is preferred. have any legs from the knee down, and both of arms didnt have hands on them.
Add word count at He had numbs that looked like little fingers, but he didnt have 5 on each hand
the end of your last
sentence. like we do. I felt bad for him the first time I saw him, and I wanted to help out as
much as I could. I would watch him to see how he would move around, and he
could do it like he didnt have anything wrong with him. Then a little while later, I
was talking with my boyfriend at the time, and he told me that he went to school
with this guy, and that he was on the international soccer team. So it goes to show,
just because someone is in a wheelchair, doesnt mean they cant do the same
things we do.

Word Count: 290

Is this reading Yes this reading is relevant and can be applied to my life, because I know a few
relevant to, or can be people who are gay. I have a friend who does drag shows a lot, and Ive heard
applied to your life, people say some mean things about it. Some people would say that he was just
family, community doing it for attention, but its something that is a part of him. Its the way he feels,
and career? At least and he shouldnt have to get picked on or put down because of someone saying
50-100 words. (2 he chose to be that way, you can change being gay. I dont think you can. I think
points) it is something youre born with, and its nothing you can change by snapping
Add the word count your fingers. Its how you feel towards someone; you cant really force yourself to
at the end of your like someone/something.
Word count: 130

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