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The Next Global Stage

Challenges and Opportunities in Our Borderless World

The author starts with the global stage has been formed by certain factors, such as
the constant change. During the last two decades and from the date of publication
of this book, Keinichi Ohmae says that there are two "forces" that form the global
stage. First of all, that the world has changed on issues related to economic,
political and social rules, etc., and that these variables are now in a constant
decrease since that the author claims that he needs a new script, new ideas to
contribute to the new global scenario. Keinichi is a person in constant motion since
he has traveled around the world knowing each part of an important factor that is
business, which is happening there with the politics, that's why the fundamental
part is personally visit the place, see what's happening for him, speaks with
managers, employees and consumers and make their own points of view.

Secondly, Keinichi Ohmae gives to understand that he has witnessed the great
pioneers in the world economy. A clear example is the giant of the pharmaceutical
industry Smith Kline Beecham, better known as Henry Wendt, is which saw great
potential across borders, this means that Henry Wendt envisioned borders as
some international alliances that were fundamental to the growth of this industry,
since the borders were weakening. You have contacts and to establish an
international network is vital and even more so today. Given this, Henry realized
there was generally some markets that dominated the world scene: United States,
Japan, the far East and Europe.

Another example was Wlater Wriston, the former Chairman of Citibank which he
leaves aside the border barriers and focused more on the globalized world, where
technology was going to charge an important factor in the economy in general. The
key was that, to succeed in the banking sector was account that should make very
quick decisions and acquiring better technology for that, so the technology would
be key to the success and the bankers should be persons trained to make use of
them, otherwise it would fail, for these reasons, Citibank on the Bank with greater
prestige at international level.

Given the above, the author expresses the urgency of a change in the system that
suits favorably to what he considers a next global stage, focusing on geo-
polynomial (geographical, political and economic) stages. Geographically
considered important to take advantage of the resources that have some regions
(e.g., the Hainan Island and Petrapavlos, Russia) to advance in the developing,
although it argues that the Administration and the central Government not to allow
full use of regional advantages and tend to stall development by bad decisions.
In the political field, Ohmae argued that the Government should disappear the
traditional hierarchical figure and make way for a Government with vision, a
Government that not to frustrate, but facilitate. An example of this is the fate of the
tax, the Government should benefit its population with these funds and thus benefit
more by them, also should be a small government and necessarily attract foreign
investment from developed countries. Questioning the role of the Government in
the economy because State-owned enterprises are not able to compete on a
global stage and for the author to disappearing borders is essential when looking
for an overview.

Companies should disappearing borders, understand a borderless economy,

leveraging resources such as technology and cyberspace, requiring you to take full
advantage to survive due to the constant evolution. The past is important to study
it, but must act in the present taking into account past and showing us towards the
future and that constant evolution.

In the individual aspect is must change the mentality of having the same work life,
knowledge must allow a flip-flopping in professional fields. The author highlights
the fact of being curious and travel as a possibility of opening up new
horizons. This allows the easy development of creativity and innovation which is
essential in the next global stage. Finally the innovation and competition in the
economy are enormous challenges that must engage mainly in the areas of
enterprise systems, products and services, interaction with customers and
employees and staff. Companies should not be limited, companies need people
who can challenge the system and who know how to take advantage of the above,
this will be essential in the next global stage: a world without borders.

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