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Pry Seence Vo Chapter 7 Study Guide Define the following: 1. Energy 2. Input 3. Output 4, Joule 5, Kinetic energy 6. Potential energy 7. Machine 8. Mechanical advantage 9. Simple machine 10. Work 14, Work input. 12. Work output yun? Name: Mechanical Advantage Write the formula for Mechanical Advantage with both force and lever arm: aeeem Leng Hh tr puck Ere eae scien i fem Langit cutpect Write the formula for Work here: Works Force x Orofance Diagram the Electromagnetic Spectrum, label all the different types of waves. ntrared viable yy Xkay Gamma io yer yadotio. Tong Wav Sort wavelength Explain the Gh of Consel vation of Ener: Energy Cannot be crecteal ov clestroyed , but i+ Can change forms ° Natalie rides her bike to school. About half ofthe way to school she has to ride up etal hill and then go dowa the other side. Use the law of conservation of energy to expla, atleast 5 energy wansfaggnations. » Chemica) > me ana Noy. Ge i Ren i ~ 6 ridin F rich Cfiod Nealicate) — Cmovement ole Cuidling Renta ng Shen, Decide whether the following examgfes stuahtyas Work according @prysics. A physical science student builds a carousel with KNex ___ ome A physical science student carries her book to class:_ A> A physical science student pushes his book across the table a distance of S meter. Apphysical science student stands with his book over his head__¥.€> A physi scence student Ifts his book adtance of 1 meter_yJ@ Explain how simple machines work- in other words, how do they make work easier? They tole force for distance ¢ vice versa Write th Ee Lom! formula for Kinetic Ener | Evemgh_ | Use @ marker and draw a box around all of the formulas you wrote on this study guide. Problems: 1. Find the mechanical advantage of lever whose input arm is.75 meter and output arm is 2.5m. 2 OS 15 : Lb Does che lever mutiny force or distance? _clrsta nce, Cif magi multe \Gistburce : ‘ely if magi mult ¥ Fores. 2. You exert 110 N of force ona lever that has a mechanical advantage of 25. How much force is exerted from the machine to ee Fes oN mae ion! axes hon Meee Foz _a7s0N 3. A1500N force is exerted over a distance of 12 meters, How much work was done? 2 w-eFxD = 1S0QON IZM Dette (ewe Yans Jones If 45000 Joules of energy are used pushing an object 90 meters, how much force was exerted? We 45000 J We Fue D= om Cai Fe ce we ysvooe re 40 ow F = 5o0N Messe ee eeeeseeeeee) Guided Reading Chapter 8 Section 1 1. Mastle x _ is anything that has mass and takes up space. 2. Who were the first philosophers to propose that atoms existed? What time period was this? Pblogpher to propose that engine prod ashi? oy Nedeiiha? Susteren tke? ee ssea ere Mere 3. whowere some other sclenifsts wha contributed to the idee thatstoms existed and what did they believe? : : Cen ee John Dalton - 1703 revived flea o ato len grains move. pecae ; Robert Brown- 1327 Brownian Motton> rated are. Spilhieg sien Ensen - ios Explained w! Albert Emstein- ios Explains Brownian moo : 4. An), ator ¥ is the smallest bit of matter that Is pure and can’t be broken down Into any other smaller substance by physical or chemical means. i rei ies 5. Ain)_adom is the single smallest particle of an element that retains the chemical identity of that element. atom b} element ) compound 4) particle 6. Acompound isa substance that contains__@2_or more different elements joined chemically, and hhas the same composition throughout. 7. Whatisamolecule? TWO OF more groups of atoms, chemically joineal by bonals « 8. Sketch the pictures of an element, compound, and mixture. Element Compownel . i ceo & Ba o ° oo ARGO Q % all game. ROA pre oe at0MS - Puse- pears: Op i _ 9. Howis matter classified? | ai tatons . 2. or more, ob —Chentl cally jo alamo 9h elie TA ial a : 10. What is the difference between a heterogeneous and a homogeneous eer 7 Sepens Heleregen ixtwes~ When ike Asample in oh rt} alls ek Ge eh erent” Throughout mogeneous yj y tates Same propor hon ads é Mixtuve, : : ories 7 : Pe lp See Sense by phvcal ean. Innwan\ + Guided Reading Chapter 8 Section 2 1. Draw Figure 8.6, Make sure to include all labels. 2i2er Temp er joore gue || — Teene of ann art ore |] & — tf 2ore : ger f LP PFrarzeh — | 0° Fahvenhert Celsius 2. Write the equations to convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius temperature scales, Tete A Tee € (4-32) : 3. Thermal energy Is caused by a(n)_ hange in temperature. a) increase b] decrease _ d) none of these 5. aee is an Instrument that measures the exact temperature. 6. na liquid thermometer, the expansion ofthe liquid isrelated_prrspar Honalh to the increase in temperature, a} inversely proportionally digital ve. within aVhermomete- 7 How oy ngage ut finer o_ metal wie Fy cata ree epance: he molecule: bg! nthe metal ia hong low of e eletronei 8. Absolute zero Is the temperature where molecules are completely D fazer no movement at all 2) full b) melted ey) the molealeS are barely mov! (ng A gohd teeps its shapte size, Yo pecause. of Wile. fo ng molecular % 8 Movement 3. orewthe molecular di iagram of a liquid. What is a liquid? ° A liquid is a hase o meter, wl slot ve a les ou veces why Ane, Sao near ay adhe doesnt hold ifs "shape but aloes 4. Draw the molecular diagram: Soa? isa gas? mc volume Aaas tS a phase of mater where the, Due mé ecules ality ee & arownel each ohe 5. What are intermolecular forces? forces bebivegn atoms ov molecules in a substance mings yhe phase af mat . 6. A “competition” always exists between d intermolecular forces. Different substances have different melting points because the intermolecular forces_ V4. ey a} exist (pn c) Increase 4} decrease 8. Why does the graph in we 8.14 show a flat line during the phase change? Jemperrhure Stays Constan! during the phase ch fem iefesid) mae (liquid) Energy i being useol fs, IW) Fores 8. Che 1 s6Ad changes directly to a gas itis called “Suh macho 2} condensation —_b) evaporation Gyriration 4) freezing 410. At what temperature does matter break apart and change into plasma? 10) OOO °C e nev) 411, Man-made plasma is created when an electrical current is passed through a hs 12. Complete the following table to demonstrate your knowledge of the different phases of matter | Phase Energy ‘Characteristics Temperature Eee t sot ee Holsssnaneans | lowes | weakest place . | fey Molecuies move | holds volume Liquid et low Stronger lecules by ohare ol 5 : A Expands € Gas Fed ey eel ering i high strong ! rt | ¢ hi a te ag Pi No definate Plasma | Monstrest | vsiume oF | tienes pone! Guided Reading Chapter 10 Section 1 1, Describe density of matter. Does the density a you St ige If! chop ‘She in vi h half? ity of mater jo Ye radio mass je Vohunnes, Density, solid, liquicly gas, Ni , Wood 1S Stil weeel 2 will have Same deat no maker what sive 2. Name afew Tes eIco ee Yar A 9h "8 /my” 3, Label each object with an “H" for Lee ech and an "t” for low density. ‘Object Density “Aluminum bike [OM ‘Wood Steel iI Foam L 4, Why isaring made ee yum denser than the same size ring made pf siver? } A ring made of platinum i clenser Shan a ving pf silver ee 2 plaknun has more mass te begin 5. Why is quid siver les dense than sofé silver? : more The same mass, of' liquid gilver 4 ae space Van solicl silv: 6 isan exception tothe rule that liquids are less dense them their solid equivalent. 7. Average density isthe MQSS divided by the_ Vo lLum-e. a) volume,mass _&] buoyancy, volume Ooms, volume 8. If you compare an aluminum can to a block of aluminum, the density of the canis__f@*>S_ because the hollow can has a much larger volume that includes ar. 9. Write the three equations you use to find density, mass, or volume. Dake veh me DAV 10, Work the “Soe problem on page 211 Dz a i Bam = 25g/em? mnz(25 Kp) akon?) bg Guided Reading Chapter 10 Section 2 Physical properties of matter are those youcan_CUQSEFV 2 directly. Physical properties of matter include colar, texture, cena —_bivttt lenesdna state of matter. Chemica droperties of matter are those observed when one substance is changed into another substance. Give areal life example of a physical and "thing change to matter. wale ~p lee = physical Lion roxy gen 7 Noe aline Crest Minerals are an example of a(n) solid; having an orderly, repeated pattem, see liseli Coaeeae Complete the following table that compares the mechanical properties of solid matter. Property Definition — Example ] Fengile Sangh ‘Ameasure of how much tensional stress a | Wax hasa low tensile strength, material can withstand before if breaks. | steel has a high tensile strength Britleness |The eee ofa eke ue glass, harel break or lashe, = being atreke Noametals P Hardness measure 0: fed a Diamond ti ereeeleting Soredeling ofa sd Elasticity The ability of a solid to be stretched and - return t0its original size. Rubber bencl ‘The tendency of a materialto expand or i Thermal Expansion Expansion jos of | contract due to temperature changes. briclge or Sidenaile 7 ; i fol Fe Bi Ductilty Tie oP he of sol | Copper wire Maileabilty tise LY use shapes __ ‘The ability of a materfal to be pounded into ‘Aluminum foi Guided Reading Chapter 10 Section 3 1 whatisenua Any material that Slows when Rice is apptieel 2. Abrsscstr2. is the amount of force ina certain area. 3. What is the opens betwegn pour. Se square inch (psi) and ase HL homount of Cis I squcre fas fanals ove ier © 4, Pressure is caused by_ Cail y>r'o (1 Between molecules, @® collisions b) density ¢} bonds win an ee es ngertne precise potest, 40 molecules weathother. Achon - Keachon inehwean motecule 6. Bernoulls Prinicple relates the three properties height, Pee sseur2e,and 7. In an important application of Bernoulli’s Principle, airflow above a wing on a plane must flow than airflow below the wing for the plane to have the lift force that supports the plane. 2 Whi paris arene vcs coor water Why? Gorn oil . Tr has lavge. ike molecules Q eee is the property of fluids that causes a) pressure 8) velocity Criction 10, As the temperature ofa liquid is increased, the viscosity decree StS a) increases Quecreases ¢)remains the same Guided Reading Chapter 10 Section 4 + of pater 1. Whatis the pe between mass and weight? (Vlas ene 7 Se ee eee oe object Sul Kea th Z as id? The strength of the buoyant force on an object depends on its_ Volar vand is otnash the submerged portion of the object. 4. Archimedes Principle states that the buoyant force is Q4Uel TO wyzhe weight ofthe fuid displaced by the object. a) less than Sketch the diagram, demons posi Include both pictures and the free body diagrams, aswell, | ee ass” c} greater than 6 Mama and others sink, in terms of buoyancy? Objects fioet because hey weigh less shan the bucyant Bree. Obysets sink. because Uhey weigh more Shan buoyant force a 19 60 byects len: io. greak, ee eM abies is submerge, Piet siBe hess, i+ will Ploot - |. How does the submarine “Alvin” control its depth in the water? Alvin has a chamber that can be fiileol oy enptreal as needled w/wati- ancl air to change is average Yt How isit theta steel "pe can float, when we know that steel is much denser that water? beau hollew anel elrspk Ae ee cnt of wi o> alee eee pe set Oren, the 7 buo a eet 2 allows I+ to feat 10. What is the legend associated with Archimedés? Hivecl by a King +o gee if gotdennth was Cheett him on his crown. CE don think it endecl wet Prvhe Golbinnith ) Physical Science Chapter 12 Study Guide 4. Which of the following statements regarding electric charge is true? 2. Apostve charge repels a negative charge and attracts other postive charges. A postive charge atracts a negative charge and repels other postive charges. Isle charge a property ofjust electors charge a property of lltoms? al odors 3. There are four forces in nature. Arrange explain how and where the force acts. Nae of Force Stvong Nuclear Force. B at a her E lectro magne \ | ven Weak Force Qravity wd aten~ 4. Complete the following table: Subatomic particle | Charge Where located in | atom proton = nucleus neutron © electron = ia 5. Allatoms of the same element have (choose one) a, The seme number of neutrons ‘The same number of protons The same mass. 6, Answer the following questions regarding element 25 on the Periodic Table: 2. Whatisthe name ofthe elemen'?_waaangamne 9: b. How many protons does ithave? 25 c. How many electrons does 2 neutral atom of this element have? d. How many neutrons does a neutral atom of this element have? ¢. Isthis element a metal, nonmetal, or metalloid? ion metal) f. Would this element be a good conductor or insulator? _ Qooah luctor 8, What isthe atomic mass of the most common isotope? _” 2 YH Hits oxidation number is +3, how many Bromines are needed to bond with to make it stable? _ 7. Atom A has 18 protons and 19 neutrons Atom 8 has 37 protons and 54 neutrons Atom C has 18 protons and 21 neutrons Atom D has 38 protons and 54 neutrons. ' a. Which atoms are isotopes of the same atom? _A_e (? b. Give the mass number of each of the atoms A-D A c B D ap 8. An atom hasa mass number of 85 and 47 neutrons in the nucleus. Whatis its atomic number? 4g. What is the element? _ Dj 9, The pattern of colors given off by a a particular atom is called! An energy level Aspectrum © An orbital 10. Explsin how Nells Bohr linked the colors of an pyrseeeceen to the existence of electrons: olors ea frei eps Heol pec amounts af tendrgg. He. cainl bh ething bh coor ae : bomething iccieyry 11. When an electron moves from a lower energy level to a higher energy level, the atom: a. Becomes a new isotope th dete Cloud syne. [Oe b. Gives off ight 0. he 36 am Absorbs lah onary trons Shing. aaa his Sher 2 watecotnt eZ ners “sb towdr enerse Wel: 17. On ayerage, electrons in the fourth energy level are: ay Farther away from the nucleus than electrons in the second energy level B. Closer to the nucleus than electrons in the second energy level. c. About the same distance from the nucleus as electrons in the second energy level 18, 20, 24. 22. 23, 24. 25. 26. 27. 28, 29, 30. 34. 32, 33. ents on the lef side of the periodic table are Metals Nonmetals c. Metalloids The Elements on the far tight on the Periodic table are known as the -Nohle Gases \What ls unique about the group on the far tof the Periodic table? (right((eft) Jde of the periodic table are In general, the efements on the better conductors. The Periodic Table is divided into vertical columns called _G 5 : The Periodic Table is divided into horizontal rows called Atomsin_QYOUf%_ onthe Parisi Table hove sarchemical ana physical properties, ‘Atoms in, on the Periodic Table have electrons inthe same number of energy levels ‘What group on the Periodic Table do Chlorine and Bromine belong? halogens (not number] List three similar qualities shared by the elements in the group in question # 26. : : b. reactive © When eombned w/aiteli metals +hey form salts Name three siiar qualities shared by the elements inthe aikali metal group: a b, _gilv, « we OT ue Bromine & mmercurg, Name thtee elements that are good conductors of heat and electiciy? — Quy Meta Steel isa metallc- lke material ut is nota pure element. Whatissteel?_@Q. Now An element that has strong intermolecular forces is most likely tohave: a. Aboiling point below room temperature middle. of peri ods b. Amelting point below room temperature ¢. Aboiling point very close to the melting point. Aver nehmetng pont ——> vigeol Imnore enya to change Define each of the following: from liguiol +6 Ia a. Atomic number Spectral line f Atomic mass unit Mass +4 Thermal conductor C h ) insulator 7 Bor conduder af heot 6 electricrhy - Nonmeta |

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