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946 IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 11, No.

2, April 1996


C.V.Thio, Senior Member J.B. Davies, Non-Member K.L. Kent, Member
Manitoba Hydro
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

ABSTRACT ways of decreasing the commutation failure frequency

This paper provides a formulation for the initiation or onset
other than by simply increasing the commutation margin
mechanism of commutation failures in line-commutated angle which has other negative side effects? What is the
thyristor converters, assuming infinite (zero impedance) ac optimum angle increase? Can the ac and d$ system or
systems. A theoretical development and a parametric analysis control designs significantly affect the probability of
is given. Theory validation by simulation and comparison to commutation failures?
actual field experieiice data is also given. Very little research has been reported on this subject.
The emphasis has been to optimize dc controls to
Keywords: HVDC transmission, commutation failures, efficiently recover from commutation failures and
simulation minimize energy loss to systems. However, a better
INTRODUCTION understanding of this phenomena is becoming increasingly
important for accurately representing dc systems in various
A paradox of life is effectively conveyed in a simulation programs, for solving operating problems, for
philosophers [l] saying, Life can only be understood system designs and specifications, and also for certain
backwards; but it must be lived forwards. A similar aspects of multi-terminal dc systems.
paradox seems to be associated with commutation failures
Commutation failures are a very frequent dynamic event Symmetrical Three-phase Conditions
in HVdc systems. When they occur, the cause and system
responses are usually explainable and understood. But This theoretical development relates to the voltage and
prediction of their occurrence with any accuracy in terms of phase effects at an ideal ac commutating voltage point
the level or magnitude of system disturbances which will, referred to the dc side of converter transformers, and where
or will not, cause them in various schemes has not been any healthy phases remain stable or unchanged at fault
found in publications. incidence. For the present, infinite (zero impedance) ac
A phenomenon in thyristor valves is that the internal systems are assumed.
stored charges produced during a forward conduction Fig. 1 shows the inverter commutation process and the
interval must be removed before the valve can establish a effect of a sudden commutating voltage reduction. The
forward voltage blocking capability. A dc inverter initial theoretical development is based on symmetrical
therefore requires a certain minimum negative voltage-time three-phase considerations.
area, where time is the dominant factor, provided by a The volt-time area, A, required for the commutation
commutation margin angle. Most commutation failures are process for the normal condition is given by:
caused by voltage disturbances due to ac system faults and
they can never be completely avoided. The incidence or
onset of failures depends on the electrical proximity
(distance away) of ac faults to the inverter, which in turn where the symbols are defined in Fig. 1 and also, a+p=x-y
determines the magnitude of the sudden ac voltage
depression and phase shift. But very little is presently .*. A =-E (COSa+COSy). (1)
documented on the ac undervoltage magnitudes which first E
cause the onset of failures and what system parameters If the three-phase commutating voltages were to
most affect these onset levels. suddenly and symmetrically decrease, and assuming that
There are questions as to why some faults cause the dc current and the firing angle temporarily remain
commutation failures and others do not. What ac voltage constant (assume the controls do not move) in a
theoretically ideal situation, then the requirement that the
disturbance levels will not initiate failures? Is this random
or are there some well defined sensitivities? What ac or dcvolt-time area for commutation must remain the same
system parameters affect these sensitivities? Are there means that the end of commutation will extend into the
time period of the normal commutation margin, say to a
point where the margin remaining is y. Then, equating
volt-time areas for the two conditions gives:
95 SM 377-2 PWRD A paper recommended and approved
E = -(cosc~+cosy),
E E-COSa+cOSy . (2)
or -
by the IEEE Transmission and Distribution Committee
of the IEEE Power Engineering Society for presentat- E E E -cosa+cosy
ion at the 1995 IEEE/PES Summer Meeting, July 23-27, This equation basically determines (by calculating y) the
1995: Portland, OR. Manuscript submitted December infringement on the commutation margin as a result of a
19, 1994; made available for printing April 27,1995.
given, per unit, reduced commutating voltage (E/E).
A further expression can be derived assuming that,
besides the voltage reduction, a dc current increase also
0885-8977/96/$05 .OO 0 1995 IEEE

Now substituting this equation into (2) to eliminate cosy,

results in the following:

________-- L-I-
a) Three Phase Fault
_ _ _ _ _ _-
, ,
- - - - --
--- - .
voltage, due to-
b) Single Phase Fault
states that the per unit commutating
a symmetrical three-phase voltage reduction
\ \
, (balanced three-phase ground fault), required to extend the
I commutation time interval to the critical point beyond
which commutation failure is defined, is proportional to the
per unit dc current and the angle-function ratio (cosa+cosy)l
In order to utilize (4) for practical cases, the normal
inverter firing angle (or cosa) must be known or
determined for specific given conditions.
From (3):
cosa = EIdxc - cosy .
, - E
- _ _ _ - - - - _ _ - - - - .-,- .- _ _:+p+y-b:
-----___----- The commutating reactance, Xc, is usually expressed in per
E = line-to-line rms commutating voltage unit on the converter transformer full load, or nominal,
E = reduced line-to-line rms commutating voltage due to a fault
J = firing angle of the valves
rating base:
.t = commutation overlap angle
y = nominal commutation margin angle
y = commutation margin angle following a voltage reduction
yo = critical commutation margin angle corresponding to required Substituting into the above equation:
turn-off time of the valves
A = volt-time area required for the commutation process EFL I d
cosa = --xcpu- cosy.
Q = zero-crossing phase shift angle due to possible unsymmetrical E IdFL
voltage reduction from, for example, a single-phase fault Except perhaps for lower load levels, the ratio of
Inverter Commutation Process Showing the Effect of commutating Voltages (EFL/E) will usually be very close to
Sudden Commutating Voltage Reductions unity. Then:
occurs for or during the total commutation process, and cosa =
xcp-cosy. (5)
again assuming that the firing angle (controls) remains
constan t . And (4) can then be rewritten as:
From the basic dc current equation:
E [cosa-cos(a+p)], X, = commutating reactance,
Id =r=, E [COS~+COS~] Expressing this equation in terms of the inverter sudden
and a+p = Z-Y. .*.I - - .
-axc (3) CommutatinP voltage reduction. AV. reauired to oroduce
the theoretical onset of commutation failure:
For the condition without a dc current increase, but with

Id =ac
a voltage reduction, (3) gives:
For the condition with both a dc current increase and a
AV=l--d I (ldhdFL)Xcpu
I, (I~/I~L>XCPU+ cosy, -cosy +
The usual condition of most interest, and the worst
condition for commutation failures, excluding overloads,
voltage reduction, . and further assuming that the will be at full load where Id/IdFL=l.O.Equation ( 5 ) then
combination of these two parameter changes extends the reduces to:
end of commutation just to the critical point where cosa = xcpu- cosy, (7)
commutation failure may occur, that is, at yo, ( 3 ) gives:
and (6) becomes:
Id = mE y a + cosy()];
A V = l - - Id xcpu
where I, is the new, larger dc current. Id xcpu + cosyo-cosy .
It should be noted that the effective value of yo in
Equations (6) and (8) give the maximum inverter voltage
thyristor valves may be dictated by forward recovery
reduction which will not, in theory, cause commutation
protection, with a setting selected as the safe value for the failure or, as a corollary, it gives the minimum voltage
actual thyristors. reduction required to produce the onset of commutation
The above two expressions lead to the equation: failures for a balanced three-phase ground fault in the ac
--- COSa+cOSyo .
Id system, without consideration of any possible fundamental
Id COSa+COSy wave distortions or phase angle shifts.
Solving for cosy,
Unsymmetrical Three-phase Conditions
=+(cosa+cosy,) - cosa.
d As depicted in Fig. la, the fundamental sine wave

crossings do not shift in time with symmetrical three-phase power frequency distortions and assuming infinite ac
voltage reductions. But for a system single-phase line-to- systems.
ground fault, the voltage reduction in one phase at the In (9), the AV refers to the phase voltage for single-phase
inverter will cause a reduction in two line-to-line voltages faults, specifically on the faulted phase. For symmetrical
and a resultant phase shift in the zero crossings of the three-phase reductions, the per unit AV is the same for
commutating voltages. These phase shifts cause a decrease phase and line quantities.
in the commutation margin for some of the valve As shown in Fig. 1, the phase shift Cp is a function of the
commutations in the cycle, and cause an increase for AV and this relationship can be derived.
others. Then, the onset or probability of commutation The zero reference in Fig. 1 can be conveniently shifted
failures depends on both the voltage reduction magnitude 30" to correspond to the a-phase voltage zero. The three
and the zero-crossing phase shift. phase voltages are then given by:
This phase shift, designated Cp, is depicted in Fig. lb. It
infringes upon the allocated time or angle required for the DE DE
$5 sin(ot); Eb=-sin(ot+1200);
E,= - $5 E,= DE.
$5 sin(wt-120").
critical commutation margin yo. If the onset of failure is
then to be made exactly equivalent to the condition without The normal crossover points between a-phase and b-
the shift, then the critical margin must be effectively phase are then at 30" and 210". However, if the b-phase
recaptured by adding the phase shift to the margin angle yo. magnitude is reduced to some per unit value, which gives
The theoretical effect of this is therefore to alter ( 6 ) and (8) the AV value, then the crossover can be found from:
to the following: sin at = (1- AV) sin(ot+12O0)
= (1- AV){cosl20" sinwt + sinl20" cosot)
= (1- AV)(- Sinat +~n

In comparing symmetrical three-phase with single-phase

faults, besides the effect of the phase shift, there is a subtle The line-to-line commutating voltage zero crossing
phase shift is then given by:
point to be made about the voltage reduction itself, not the
phase shift caused by the voltage reduction. As shown in
Fig. 1, a reduction in any phase voltage will extend the total
time required for the commutation process. But the
decrease in the line-to-line voltage is almost totally Equations (9) and (10) contain the two dependent factors
dominated by one phase voltage only. In Fig. 1, this is the AV and Cp. Iterative solutions are the best solution
bottom wave. This is because the other phase will always technique.
be near its zero-crossing throughout the commutation Equation (10) shows that the phase shift can vary
process in most dc schemes using normal parameters and between 0" (for AV=O) and 30" (for AV=l). Fig. 2 shows a
significant per-unit loadings. Near its zero-crossing, this plot of the phase shift for the AV range of interest in this
phase will not vary significantly for voltage reductions study.
considered in this context. Therefore, because a sudden
change in the line-to-line commutating voltage is mainly
determined by the change in only one phase voltage, it is of
little significance whether the voltage reduction takes place
only in that one phase or in all three phases, as far as the
first critical commutation process is concerned. Therefore,
in terms of the voltage reduction itself affecting the
commutation, in theory, it turns out that there is very little 0 00 0 10 0 20 0 30 0 40

difference between a symmetrical three-phase reduction Voltage Reduction @erunit) - AV (phase-to-ground)

and a single-phase reduction. Theoretical Commutating Voltage Zero-Crossing Phase Shift
A rather extensive treatise, beyond the scope of this Versus Phase Voltage Reduction for System Single-phase to Ground
paper, was done, both mathematically and by simulations,
to prove this particular concept and to determine the extent
of the potential error involved. It turns out that the error is, PARAMETRIC BEHAVIOR OF COMMUTATION FAILURES
at most, a few percentage points of AV, depending on the Considering Sytnmetrical Three-phase Conditions
range of conditions; and that the probability of
commutation failures is very slightly greater than that A practical example will demonstrate the use of the
predicted by theory for single-phase faults. equations.
It was concluded that (9) can be considered as the For the Nelson River HVdc scheme, which is a large,
generalized equation where the phase shift 4) would go to bulk power, long overhead line system, Xqu=20%, y=18",
zero for the case of a symmetrical three-phase voltage az138.7" (from (7)). Considering a constant dc current and
reduction. Therefore, the Ifiain difference, in theory, in the an impractical limit-case of yO=O"(perfect ideal valves):
commutation failure probability between three-phase and AV = 1 - O.U(O.2 + 1 - ~ 0 ~ 1E820%.
single-phase faults must be mainly attributed to the zero-
crossing phase shifts for single-phase faults, ignoring non- That is, a voltage reduction of 20% would be required to

produce a commutation failure. If a more realistic valve

turn-off of 'y0=8' is assumed, the voltage reduction would
have to be:
AV = 1 - 0.2/(0.2 + cos8O - cosl8") z 16.4%.
If a dc current increase of 5% occurred due to the reduced
ac voltage, then the voltage reduction required to produce
commutation failure would only have to be:
AV = 1 - 1.05 x 0.240.2 + cos8' - cosl8") E 12.2%.
The corresponding AV for a 10% current increase would
be about 8%.
The above demonstrates that any dc current increase,
dynamically created, is critical for commutation failures,
even for relatively minor disturbances due to very remote UT I I
ac system faults, if the control system (firing angle a)does
not move (a condition of (8)). In a real system, at least for
the first few commutations immediately following the fault
14 16 18 20 22 24 26
Commutation Margin Angle - y (degrees)
Curves of Sudden Ac Voltage Reduction Required to Produce
initiation and corresponding voltage reduction, and Onset of Commutation Failures for a Balanced Three-phase Ground
assuming that no commutation failure has occurred, the dc Fault
current may not have time to rise significantly. This is a commutating reactances, the improvement is somewhat
function of the time constant of the main dc circuit which greater - note the higher slope on the corresponding lines.
often contains significant reactance (smoothing reactor, For a system design, in comparing the relative merits of
commutating reactance, and line reactance). This means reducing commutation failure risk via increased margin
that the I'& term in (6) and (8) may often tend to unity, or angle setting versus decreased commutating reactance, it is
be quite small, for the time frame of interest in this treatise. important to note that increased margin increases the valve
After the first few commutations following the fault, if voltage stresses and also the reactive power consumption,
commutation failures have still not occurred, fast dc whereas lower commutating reactance decreases both of
controls then have some time to react to a rising dc current these.
and somewhat counteract this effect on subsequent
commutations. However, as soon as the first commutation Considering Unsymmetrical Three-phase Conditions
failure occurs, the driving voltage is greatly increased
because the inverter back voltage collapses. At this point, Ac networks, where phase voltages during faults depend
the current rise can be dramatic. on the fault location and system grounding, can be
In (6), (8), or (9), the power frequency is indirectly mathematically solved by using symmetrical components.
reflected in the critical commutation margin angle y' o This analysis cannot be used to determine any exact
corresponding to the required turn-off time of the valves. quantities on the valve side of converter transformers
Other than this small indirect effect of frequency, the basic because it does not consider the existence and effects of the
equations are frequency invariant. This means that, if the valves, the commutation process and the dc current.
per unit parameters and the angles, including yoyo, are Notwithstanding this fact, it can be used to visualize a few
selected the same, then the performance is theoretically conceptual issues within this context [31.
identical for 60 Hz and 50 Hz systems. Therefore, a 50 Hz For a single-phase fault, it can be shown that two line-to-
system trying to employ a 15' margin may experience line voltages experience significant voltage magnitude
unsatisfactory performance compared to 60 Hz systems reductions on the wye transformer and one of these
using 18'. voltages also has associated with It an unfavorable phase
Fig. 3 shows some plots of (6) for various parameter shift for commutation because its zero crossing advances.
changes. In contrast, only one line-to-line voltage on the delta
A significant improvement due to utilization of a lower transformer experiences a significant voltage reduction and
commutating reactance can be seen in Fig. 3. In fact, it is also its phase shift will be near zero. The phase shifts in the
one of the most dominant parameters affecting onset. wye are also larger than in the delta. Fig. 4 shows the above
Therefore, systems with lower commutating reactances effects for a remote single-phase fault causing a phase
may show a significantly lower incidence of commutation voltage reduction to 0.8 per unit at the ac bus, and with the
failures due to remote ac system faults. valve groups blocked and open circuited. At the critical
In dc schemes, there is an increasing use of a temporary point where commutation failures first start occurring in an
resetting of the commutation margin angle for conditions or inverter, the combination of voltage magnitude and phase
switchings which are known to frequently cause shift is such that the wye group has less area in which to
commutation failures. The most common resetting value is commutate as compared to the delta group. Because of
about a 10' increase above the normal y, or about 28' [21. these effects, it could be expected that the wye group may
However, this aspect of dc operation does not appear to be be more prone to commutation failures. In a real system,
well researched and resetting values seem to be mainly this is unlikely to be very apparent. It may show up in a
from trial-and-error experience. statistical analysis of many fault cases where the valves in
Fig. 3 shows that the improvement in failure onset is a wye group are the first to fail commutation more often
approximately linear with increasing gamma. For lower than the delta group valves in a 12-pulse pair. An important
side benefit of this for checking the theory is that the

Reduction of Inverter Bus Phase A to 0.8 p.u. (Remote S-L-G fault) at 0.01 sec.
to produce onset would be 16.4%. Therefore, the equivalent
effect of the phase shift in this case is to reduce the onset
AV from 16.4% to about 14% (from Fig. 5 ) . It follows that
the voltage reduction itself, not the corresponding phase
shift, remains the most dominant factor determining onset.
The basic reason for this is that the critical onset occurs
under conditions corresponding to faults significantly
isolated from the inverter bus, resulting in the phase shifts
being quite small as shown in Fig. 2.
The importance of the AV fundamentally relates back to
the fact that the most dominant factor is the commutation
area requirement identified by the overlap angle p. That is
why a reduction of the commutating reactance or the load
current has such a significant effect on commutation
Fig. 6 contains a family of curves showing the
parametric sensitivities of the generalized commutation
failure theory and equations.
4 0 h

Line-to-Line Voltages on the Inverter AC Bus and on the DC

Side of the Converter Transformers with the Valve Groups Blocked, for
3. Single-phase Fault at a Remote Location from the Inverter

inverter ac bus provides the normal and convenient

measuring point for the phase voltages and corresponding
AV magnitudes which are then retained across the wye-wye
transformer to the valve side.
From the solution of (9) and (lo), Fig. 5 shows the ac
voltage reductions required to produce onset of
commutation failures for single-phase to ground faults. For
comparison of the three-phase and single-phase faults, two
curves from Fig. 3 (for the cases of 'yo=8" plus Xc .=0.2 pu
and 0.1 pu, respectively) are repeated in Fig. 5. T h s shows
that single-phase faults are somewhat more onerous for the
onset or probability of commutation failures than three-
phase faults. The difference is due to the phase shift, most
critical in the wye connected group, for single-phase faults.


H8 40
5 30
4 20
$10 nominal values: y=18", y,=Xo, I,=l Opu, X,F,=O 2pu, @=OO
Family of Curves Showing the Parametric Sensitivity of thi

' 18 20 22
%ommutation Margin Angle - y (degrees)
24 26 28
Generalized Commutation Failure Theory and Equations


Comparative Curves of Sudden AC Voltage Reducuon
Required to Produce Onset of Commutation Failures for Single Phase- Simulation
to-Ground and Balanced Three-phase Ground Faults.

To understand the relative importance of the voltage The CIGRE dc Benchmark Model has been described in
reduction versus the phase shift, it is possible to compare various references [4][5] and was modeled in the EMTDC
the results in Fig. 5 to equivalent and hypothetical single- (Electromagnetic Transients DC) program. The Benchmark
phase faults that do not cause any phase shift. To do this, it model is a 50 Hz, monopolar cable system rated at 1000
is only necessary to solve (9) with +O". For the case of MW and 500 kV. It has a commutating reactance of 0.18 pu
p18", y,,=8", and XWu=0.2pu, the phase voltage reduction on transformer rating base. It has a low reactance in the dc
95 1

circuit (no defined smoothing reactor) and a large dc cable are plotted on Fig. 7 to demonstrate the very close
capacitance. For this study, an arbitrarily large smoothing agreement between the system simulations and the
reactor was placed at the inverter to mitigate for the theoretical equation curves.
otherwise large dc current rise that this Benchmark circuit
would produce. The inverter compensation is made up of Validation of Unsymmetrical Three-Phnse Theory
shunt capacitors and ac filters, including a low order Fig. 9, similar to Fig. 5, shows curves for single-phase
damped filter. The ac systems were made infinite for these faults on the Benchmark circuit. The theoretical curves are
simulations (no regulation or distortion). The simulation obtained from the solutions of (9) and (10).
results are obtained by reductions of phase voltages at the Note that the system simulations plotted on Fig. 9 give a
inverter commutating bus. slightly higher probability of commutation failure (lower
To accurately study commutation failures with onset AV) than the equation curves. This is consistent with,
simulation, special techniques were devised to determine and due to, the small error that was previously explained in
the fault AV, to establish the cause of the inception or start conjunction with (9). Note also that the error is smaller for
of commutation failures as being attributable to the AV or the more practical cases with y0=8" and also for high y
phase shift, and to be able to discriminate from, or identify values. This is as predicted by the theory.
those, commutation failures which could be influenced by '

dc current rise, control movement or other effects. y(j=OO
Once the AV for a particular fault was established, the

30 1 ; i ;.
........... .............. ..........................
::......... .' ...............
same fault was then applied 100 times with an equal 0.2 .............. ............ ...............

millisecond time-on-wave distribution over one cycle (20 20 i ........................... i i I........... ,......
ms at 50Hz), to obtain a curve of the probability of i
commutation failure versus the AV for each circuit
condition considered.
Validation of Symmetrical Three-phase Theory
I o n -
X, ,=O. 1 Spu, I,=l .Opu (from theory)
x and. inicate resaectwe simulahon results 13
14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
Commutation Margin Angle - y (degrees)
Fig. 7, similar to Fig. 3, shows curves for three-phase
Curves of Sudden AC Voltage Reduction Required to Produce
faults on the Benchmark circuit. The theoretical curves are Onset of Commutation Failures for Single-phase to Ground Faults on
obtained from (8). the CIGRE DC Benchmark Model
$40 Fig. 10 shows a typical probability curve for single-
2i 30 phase voltage reductions which show a significant slope
t decrease above about 80% probability. This effect is due to
8 faults applied during or after a successful commutation but
.g 20 before the zero crossing. For these events, the gamma
measurement detects a change early enough for the controls
* -X, .=O.l8pu, Id=l.Opu (from theory) to have time to react before the next critical commutation,
2 1 % I
which turns out to be the third one later (the first one to
have an unfavorable phase shift). To make these particular
4 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
Commutation Margin Angle - y (degrees) fault events fail commutation, a higher AV (as much as
Curves of Sudden AC Voltage Reduction Required to Produce 35%) was required, hence the slope reduction on the
Onset of Commutation Failures for Balanced Three-phase to Ground probability curves.
Faults on the CIGRE DC Benchmark Model
Single Phase Reduction (y=lSO,yo=Oo)
Fig. 8, representing 400 separate fault applications,
shows a typical curve of the commutation failure
probability versus three-phase voltage reduction AV. Each
curve like this was used to obtain one point on the
corresponding Fig. 7 curve. Since the probability curves
rise so sharply, the onset of commutation failure can fairly
accurately be taken as the AV at the lower knee-point of the
curve. In Fig. 8, this would be at AV=33%.
Three Phase Reduction (y;24", yo=Oo)
Fig. 10: Typical Curve of Commutation Failure Probabilit Due to Time
on-Wave of Fault Inception Versus Voltage Reduction A+ for a Single
Phase Fault on the Benchmark Model

This slope effect is real and it will exist in most systems

with modern controls. What this means is that,
occasionally, a single-phase system fault may occur which
results in quite a large phase voltage reduction at the
inverter bus but without causing commutation failures. It
Typical Curve of Commutation Failure Probability Due to could therefore be quite misleading to jump to general
Time-on-Wave of Fault Inception Versus Voltage Reduction AV for a
Three-phase Fault on the Benchmark Model conclusions about system faults on the basis of such an
event. Other than this particular low probability event, the
The points from a few of the simulations that were run time-on-wave of the fault occurrence is generally not very
influential to the onset or probability of commutation
It was also observed in the simulations that, around the
onset AV, the wye group would fail commutation first,
virtually 100% of the time, just as the theory predicts. It
was not until the AV was increased beyond onset that the
delta group would begin to fail first. Once the AV is made
large enough to ensure failure in either group, regardless of
other conditions, the division of probability between groups
eventually settles out to be about 50150. This is logical
because at this point the first group to fail commutation
would be dictated by the first commutation to be
encountered in either group following the fault time-on-
Double line-to-ground faults were also studied and
simulated. These faults are of less interest because they are
rare and they will not be reported on here. Suffice it to say
that the associated fault transfonnation from the ac to dc
side is such that the delta group dominates in failures and
the fault becomes worse than either three-phase or single-
phase faults for equivalent phase voltage reductions on the
ac side. For example, for a particular single-phase case Fig. 11;Curves of Sudden AC Voltage Reduction for Onset of
which has a AV onset of 14%,a double line-to-ground fault Commutation Failures for Single-phase and Three-phase Faults on
has a AV onset of 11%, with all other circuit conditions the New Zealand Expansion and Nelson River-I1 Systems Showing
same. Effects of,dc Current Rise

Effects of DG Current Rise the three-phase ac voltages and is therefore more impacted
by a three-phase reduction.
In Fig. 6, it is shown that, along with %he commutating Fig. 11 also shows that, considering all parameters
reactance, if a significant dc current rise occurs in a discussed so far, two very different systems end up with
particular dc scheme, then it is one of the most important commutation failure onset voltages quite close to each
par meters. other for both single-phase and three-phase faults. At the
For the short duration from fault initiation to the time of normal operating point of p18", the onset AV's all fall
first commutation failure, the dc current rise is very nearly within a range of about 10% to 14%.Increasing gamma to
linear. This has been confirmed by simulation runs with only 24" provides a significant advantage by increasing the
different conditions. Therefore, adhering to the basis of the AV onset by at least 10% in all cases.
theory derivation, the current rise term in (9) should As a test case to show the value of a low commutating
be taken as the average of the total dc current, including reactance and large smoothing reactor, a Nelson River
any rise, at the start of the critical commutation and the Bipole-I1 simulation was run with a modified design. The
total dc current at the end of that commutation when the commutating reactance was decreased from 20% to 11.8%
first failure actually occurs. This average value represents and the smoothing reactor inductance was doubled, as if a
the equivalent current that must be commutated during that spare smoothing reactor was placed in line. For this system,
critical process which dictates whether a commutation the onset A V was increased to about 20% (shown in Fig. 11
failure will occur in accordance with the theory. The dc as "N.R. modified" point), giving a performance
current rise can be obtained from the dc current traces for a improvement approximately equivalent to operating at
fault event which gives a AV near or at the onset level. ~ 2 4 in" the present system. To put this improvement in
Two dc systems are interesting in this context because perspective, it was estimated that of the 128 actual system
they have very different parameters. The New Zealand faults and disturbances that caused commutation failures,
Expansion scheme [2] experiences large dc current rise as reported in the next section, 85, or about 67%, of these
because it has a low commutation reactance (11.8%), a would probably not have caused any failures with the
small smoothing reactor (160 mH) and a large capacitance modified system because the voltage reductions would not
associated with the underwater cable. On the other hand, have been large enough. The dc system would have been
Nelson River Bipole-I1 [2] has a large commutating effectively "blind folded" to many of the more remote
reactance (20%), a large smoothing reactor (750 mH) and a faults occurring out in the ac system.
large inductance associated with the long dc line.
Fig. 11 shows theoretical and simulation results for Commutation Failure Experience On an Actual System
commutation failure onset for the above schemes. Commutation failures at the inverter of the Nelson River
It is seen that current rise effects tend to decrease the system over a recent span of six years have been analyzed
difference in the onset AV between single-phase and three- [ 6 ] [ 7 ] .The result is shown in Fig. 12 for Bipole-11. The
phase faults. Compared to three-phase faults, single-phase onset AV is about 10% and this point is placed in Fig. 11
faults produce the disadvantage of a phase shift but they for comparison to the theory and simulation results.
produce the advantage of a lesser dc current rise. The latter Although this field result is quite close to the other
results because the inverter dc back voltage is a function of results, this is not a completely appropriate comparison.
4. For many dc systems, the onset of failures should
occur for inverter ac bus phase voltage depressions (AVs)
of about 10% to 14% for both single-phase and three-phase
ac system faults, for a normal commutation margin angle
setting of 18.
O5 7 9 15 17 19 25
1 1 13 21 23
Dorsey Inverter AC Phase Voltage Reduction - AV (%)
As a forward to future work, some preliminary
Nelson River Bipole-I1 Commutation Failure Probability
investigation has been done on the effects that a non-
Versus Inverter AC Bus Voltage Reduction from Field Results of AC infinite ac system could have on the theory and results. In
System Faults this case, the phase voltage zero-crossings could
With the field results, not all the system disturbances theoretically shift, that is, a shift in the ac bus voltage
occurred at or near full dc loading. This is one reason why angle. This must be reconciled through consideration of the
the field result curve does not have as sharp a rise as the dynamics in the real and complex power flows and balance
simulation curves. This should also make the field results immediately following the fault application. This may
optimistic (higher AV onset) compared to theory and result in unfavorable voltage phase angle shifts with
simulation, which were determined at full load for Fig. 11. respect to commutation. But any angle change should be
On the other hand, the field results include possible effects very small because the voltage change, and corresponding
from any distortions on the ac bus voltage waveforms. This power change, required to produce onset of commutation
could make the field results pessimistic (lower AV onset) failures is small.
compared to theory and simulation. The extent to which ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
these opposite effects might trade each other off has not yet
been determined. We thank Dr. M.M. Rashwan for providing Nelson River
Bipole-I1 commutation failure data, and Mr. P. Kuffel for
CONCLUSIONS producing the Nelson River EMTDC Results.
1. A theoretical formulation, including a parametric REFERENCES
analysis, has been developed for the initiation or onset of
[ 11Saying attributed to Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard.
commutation failures in HVdc systems, assuming infinite [2] Survey of Controls and Control Performance in HVdc Schemes,
(zero impedance) ac systems. The theory has been validated CIGRE Publication, 1994, CIGRE WG 14-02 Report.
by simulation and compared to some actual field [3] C.V. Thio, L.E. Midford, Commutation Failures as a Function of
experience data. Various Control and Valve Parameters, Report Presented to CIGRE
WG 14-02, August, 1992.
2. The theory shows that ac system single-phase faults
[4] M. Szechtman, T. Wess, C.V. Thio, First Benchmark Model for
electrically remote from the inverter cause the onset of HVDC Control Studies, Electra, No. 135, April 1991.
commutation failures by a combination of the ac voltage 151 T. Wess, H. Ring, FGH Controls for the HVdc Benchmark Model
reduction magnitude and a phase angle shift. However, the Study, Report Presented to CIGRE WG 14-02, October, 1988.
voltage reduction, not the phase shift, is significantly the [6] C.V. Thio, L.E. Midford, Commutation Failures on the Nelson
most dominant factor. River HVdc System, Report Presented to CIGRE WG 14-02 & 14-
05, August, 1992 and February, 1994.
3. The parametric sensitivity analysis shows that the [7] L.E. Midford, HVdc Commutation Failures, Thesis submitted to
most important equipment parameter affecting the Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Manitoba, August, 1991.
commutation failure onset voltage level is the commutating [8] C.V. Thio, Recovery from Commutation Failures, Report
reactance. Low commutating reactances can produce a presented to CIGRE WG 14-05 for inclusion in CIGRE paper on
significant advantage. A transient dc current rise during ac Commutation Failures, February, 1994.
system faults is a systemic response having significant BIOGRAPHIES
influence. A large smoothing reactor can thus act as a C.V. Thio obtained B.Sc. (EE) and M.Sc. degrees from the University of
catalyst for a low commutating reactance to produce its Manitoba in 1961 and 1964 respectively. Since 1964 he has been with
fundamentally large performance advantage. Possible Manitoba Hydro and is presently Manager of Major Transmission
variations in valve designs and valve turn-off times (critical Planning.
commutation margin angle) are not likely to have a large obtained B.Sc. (EE) and M. Eng. degrees from the University
effect. The studies done to date generally indicate that, of Manitoba in 1973 and 1977 respectively. Since 1975 he has been with
Manitoba Hydro where he works on control problems related to ac and dc
other than the y setting, any other dc control parameters or transmission. He is a registered Professional Engineer in the province of
strategies, including predictive-type controls, will not Manitoba.
significantly affect the onset of initial commutation K.L. Kent obtained B.Sc. (EE) and M. Eng. degrees from the University of
failures. The role of dc controls is therefore seen as an Manitoba in 1986 and 1994 respectively. Since 1986 he has been working
optimization to prevent subsequent failures and to a t . Manitoba Hydro and is presently an HVDC Planning Engineer in
efficiently recover the system after faults. System Planning. His interests include power system simulation and
harmonic analysis.

Discussion quantities as (9), but a little more complicated. It should be noted

that the numerical difference between the expression suggested
Goran Andersson (ABB Power Systems AB, Box 703, S-771 80 here and the one given in the paper is rather small for typical data.
Ludvika, Sweden.) : 5. In the paper SLGFs are simulated by a reduction in the magni-
The authors are to be congratulatedfor an interestingpaper which tude of the phase-to-ground voltage in one phase (no phase shifts
provides some very illustrative results. The analytical approach on the a.c. side of the convertor transformers). The good agreement
combined with siimulations results is very powerful in gaining between the simulations and the analytical results indicates that the
insight into the problem dealt with. The discusser want to make approach taken is reasonable. However, it would be interesting to
some comments and would appreciate the response from the see an analysis where actual SLGFs were introduced in the system,
authors. as close-by high impedance faults or as remote faults. Such faults
1. An efficient way to get an estimate of the relative importance of would then also introduce phase shifts in a.c. voltages at the con-
various parameters is to calculate the sensitivity of the quantity vertor bus. Such an analysis must be performed before it could be
under study with irespect to small variations of these parameters. concluded in general that reductions in voltage magnitude are dom-
This is easily done for AV in eqs. (8) and (9) of the paper by differ- inating over voltage phase shifts as cause for onsets of commuta-
entiation with respect to Zd, X,,, yo and y, respectively. By tion failures. Thus the work proposed under FUTURE WORK in
doing this, the findings of the importanceof these parameters stated the paper is strongly encouraged.
in the paper are easily verified. Particularly, it can be seen that for 6. It should be remembered that the analysis presented does not
the parameter values used in the paper, an increase of y with one take distortions on the voltage wave form into account. Such distor-
degree is roughly twice as efficient as a decrease of yo with one tions could be as important for the onset of commutation failures,
degree. but this aspect is much more complicated to analyse.
2. An change of Xcpu has two effects: An increase of Xcpu will The authors have shown that it is possible to successfully analyse
increase the risk of commutation failures as directly seen from eq. commutation failures with quite simple models. Their analysis has
(9). On the other hand, an increase of X,, will most probably increased the understanding of the phenomena and I believe that
reduce the increasie of the direct current, resulting in a lower value many more conclusions can be drawn from analyses of this kind.
of I, as comparcd with a smaller value of X,,, resulting in a Once more, the authors are congratulatedfor a very fine paper.
lower risk for a commutation failure. Which of these two effects
that will be largest one depends on the specific system, and it is Manuscript received August 25, 1995.
hard to draw any general conclusions.
3. The required turn-off time of an thyristor is 400 - 500 p,
which corresponds to a yo of typically 8 for a 50 Hz system and a C.V. Thio, J.B. Davies, K.L. Kent: The authors thank Mr.
yo of 10for a 60 Hz system. From the equations in the paper it is Andersson for his very appropriate observations and
then easily seen thiat y = 17 in a 50 Hz systems and y = 18 in comments. Our response to his points are as follows:
a 60 Hz system should give similar performance with regard to
commutation failures.
1. We agree with this comment. The relative efficiency
4. As mentioned in the paper the analysis conceming a single- of a change in y compared to yo can also be shown by
line-to-ground fault, (SLGF), is much more complicated than the simple value substitution in equations (9) and (lo), and this
symmetrical fault case. The discusser is somewhat confused about
is effectively shown in Figure 6. An increase of one degree
the derivation of equations (9) and (10). In (9), AV is the reduction of y is at least twice as efficient as a one degree decrease
of the commutating voltage on the valve side of the convertor trans- of yi Here, twice as efficient means that the increase in
former, whereas A V in eq. (10) is the reduction in the phase volt- the AV required to produce commutation failure onset for a
age of the faulty ]phase. It is straightforwardto show that a phase one degree increase in y (about 2% AV increase) is twice as
voltage reduction (of AV (P.u.) results in a commutatingvoltage of much as the corresponding AV increase required for a one
P degree decrease in yo(about 1%AV increase). Furthermore,

E , = 4 1 - AVp + AVp/3 (P.u.) it should be noted that the turn-off time of most modern
valves is not likely to vary over a si,gnificant range,
for two of the commutating voltages of a Y-Y connected trans- accordingly indicating that the valve design affecting yois
former. (One commutating voltage is unaffected by this distur- not likely to be a significant variable in comparing the
bance. Similar expressions could be derived for the Y-A relative performance of different dc schemes.
transformer.) This is illustrated by Figure 4 of the paper, where a 2. We concur that a change of , ,X (commutating
phase voltage red1,iction of 0.2 gives rise to voltage reductions on reactance) has the two effects stated by Mr. Andersson.
the valve side of 0.10 (Y-Y transformer) and 0.13 (Y-A trans- However, we would have said that an increase of X , will
former). most certainly (not most probably) reduce the increase of
Furthermore, the inclusion of the phase shift, 0, in (9) is not obvi- the direct current (Id term), assuming all other parameters
ous. Assuming that the control system orders firing of the valve at the same. We believe that at least some general conclusions
the time instant corresponding to the angle a of the undisturbed can be drawn about the relative importance of Id and X
commutating volt,ige, this would mean that the phase angle of the in different systems. This relates back to why
disturbed commutating voltage would be a + I$, but the critical smoothing reactance can be so important, as noted in the
commutation margin, yo, would be the same. Thus equation (4) paper. A large dc smoothing reactor will tend to dictate the
* should be time constant of the dc circuit, hence the dc current
increase, and will significantly diminish the proportional
A? -
.- -.
- Id C O S a + COSY
effect of any commutating reactance variations on this
E I d cos ( a + 0) + cosyo
current increase. Any effective blocking of the dc current
The angle a c m now be eliminated from this equation in the increase by the smoothing reactor allows a small
same way as done in the paper resulting in a equation with the same commutating reactance to produce its fundamentally large


0 Simulation

-e 20 --
5 --
8A 19
18 --
4 17 --
+ --
7 15
-214 --
3 13 --
3 12 --
3 11 --
2 lo
2 9

0 -
(11 (21 (31 (41 I51 (61
( 1) 341Faults, I'@d = 1.0, yo=Oo.infinite ac systems
(2) 3$ Faults, r d d = 1.0, yo=8" (NR,Nz)or 7.5" (CEPEL), infinite ac systems
(3) 39 Faults, I'd/& = 1.05 (NR) or 1.24 (NZ) or 1.15 (CEPEL). ~ 0 = 8 "(NR)or 0" (NZ) or 7.5" (CEPEL), infinite ac systems
(4) 19 Faults, Pd/ld = 1.03 (NR) or 1.24 (NZ)or 1.13 (CEPEL). 'yo=8" (NR)or 0" (NZ) or 7.5" (CEPEL), infinite ac systems
(5) 3+ Faults, ~ 0 = 8 "(NR) or 7.5" (CEPEL), simulatednon-infinite ac systems
(6) 1$ Faults, ~ 0 = 8 "(NR) or 0" (NZ),simulated non-infinite ac systems (NR.Nz)and real system (NR)
Graph Showing Range and Trend of Sudden AC-Fault Voltage Reductions Required to Produce Onset of Commutation
Failures for Various Conditions on the Nelson River, New Zealand Expansion, and CEPEL Simulator Model (Approximate
Itaipu) Systems

commutation performance advantage in accordance with increase. Figure A shows the results of more recent
the basic equations with an I'& term tending toward unity. calculations and simulations on three different systems [a].
On the other hand, it has been found from calculations and The relative variation and importance of different
simulations of different systems that where both a small parameters on these systems is illustrated. The largest
smoothing reactor and a small commutating reactance is variation in the AV onset levels occurs over the first three
used, and especially for systems with underwater cables, points which correspond to variations of the basic
then the dc current increase, not the,,
X tends to dominate parameters contained in the theoretical equations. The first
the commutation performance. In other words, the point gives the maximum theoretical condition with a
advantage of the low commutating reactance in this context symmetrical three-phase reduction, no dc current rise and
is lost due to the counter effect of the large dc current with an ideal valve. The fourth point gives the theoretical

and simulation equivalents close to the more realistic real change in yo, if everything else remains the same. This
system condition of a single-phase fault, the appropriate dc would be intuitively expected because both parameters
current rise and with the valve critical turn-off time simply subtract from the time available between the
represented. For the Nelson River system, this last point upcoming and critical commutation completion and the
gives a result very close to what is known to occur in the zero-crossing. Equation (4) cannot, strictly speaking,
real system, in spite of the fact that infinite ac systems are contain a phase shift 4 as suggested because this part of the
still assumed at this point. theory is based on symmetrical three-phase conditions.
3. The observation given is correct. By substituting the yo However, if it is meant to derive all the equations from the
for each system in equation (9) and setting the AV onset start based on single-phase only, instead of the treatment in
values equal in both systems, the margin angle in the 50 Hz the paper, then this might be a different matter. In this case,
system more accurately comes to 17.2 for the same the use of a cos(a + 4) term presents some conceptual
theoretical commutation performance as 18 in the 60 Hz difficulties because it implies a shift in the firing angle
system, with all other parameters the same on a per unit relative to a fixed reference point in time. Such a fixed
basis. An important note that follows from this is that the reference point is implicit in the theory and equation (9)
CIGRE dc Benchmark Model, referenced in the paper and development. During the initial and very short transient
used for many different studies nowadays, was originally time that includes the sudden voltage reduction and the
designed as a 50 Hz system with a nominal commutation immediately following critical commutation (the only time
margin angle of 1 5 O . Operating it this way, or with any y, that the equation applies), the firing angle (or control) does
will not affect its validity with respect to the commutation not move because it is assumed that there is insufficient
failure theory. The theory is generally valid for any circuit time. In the longer term steady-state following this initial
and for any operating angle setting on that circuit. transient, still with the voltage reduction and assuming no
However, sometimes the Benchmark is converted to an commutation failure, a cos(a + 4) term could be realizable
equivalent 60 Mz system and then operated with ~ 1 8 .If but this is not within the assumed time frame of
this is done, it is important to realize that this system will application. It can be said, therefore, that the theory as
then not be equivalent in performance to its 50 Hz developed for single-phase faults is a rather odd and unique
counterpart. combination of both steady-state and transient
4. The comments here raise two seemingly confusing
points about the derivation of equations (9) and (10). This considerations and quantities - but it works quite
is very interesting because these are some of the subtle effectively as shown by simulations.
points that we also wrestled with for considerable time in 5. As indicated in Figure A by the horizontal axis points
developing the basic theory for single-phase faults. 5 and 6, further simulations have been conducted on
The first point relates to the treatment of AV in different systems to determine the effects that varying ac
equations (9) and (10) and the reconciliation of phase and systems (as opposed to infinite) may have on the onset of
line-to-line quantities on the ac and dc sides of the commutation failures. For these tests, ac system faults were
converter transformer. It is true that AV in equation (9) is simulated on remote ac system busses. In these systems, for
derived out of consideration of the commutating voltage on the time frame immediately following fault application, a
the valve side of the converter transformer. However, for small shift in the ac bus voltage angle could be detected
the generalized application of this equation, that is, for which was attributable to the dynamics and balance of the
application to both three-phase and single-phase faults, the real and complex power flows. However, in conducting
AV in the equation was effectively converted so that it these tests, in contrast to determining angle shifts, there
refers to the voltage reduction of the phase voltage on the ultimately appeared to be more questions and doubt about
faulted phase. For small AV values, there is an approximate how to accurately model systems and apply single-phase
difference of a factor of two between the phase and line-to- remote faults to reflect the real system conditions. The
line quantities for a wye-wye transformer (the most critical simulation results on the axis points 5 and 6 seem to be
for commutation failures, as explained in the paper), as lower than generally experienced on real systems. Only
illustrated by h4r. Anderssons equation, his wye-wye some of this difference was explainable from model tests.
transformer values, and also by Figure 4 in the paper. But Meanwhile, the real systems seem to conform more to the
these quantities relate only to the steady-state vector theory result with infinite ac systems. It is suspected that
magnitudes of the sinusoidal voltages; they do not explain there are some small secondary effects coming into play
the instantaneous voltages that are actually existing during which are trading each other off in the non-infinite real
the critical commutation process. During this process, the systems. It is recognized that it may be useful to test other
instantaneous commutating voltage is dominated by one configurations and varying ac/dc systems.
phase voltage only, because the other phase will be near its 6. There seems to be a long standing perception by many
zero-crossing under normal circumstances and parameters. that harmonic distortions in general are perhaps the most
This concept of instantaneous voltages allows the dominant factor causing the onset or start of commutation
effective conversion, as stated above, of AV in equation failures. They are certainly the domin factor for failures
(9) from a line quantity to a phase quantity with only small due to some major switching actions at the inverter bus,
error as explained in the paper text just below equation (9). such as energizing a l&ge transformer. However, after all
As a phase voltage, the AV in equation (9) can then be the theoretical development, simulations and study of real
equated to the AV in equation (10). system events, the authors now believe that the actual
The second point relates to the inclusion of the phase effects of distortions may have been significantly
shift 4 in equation (9). As indicated in equation (9), a exaggerated for the case of remote ac system faults. The
change in 4 produces the same result as an equivalent perception was that distortions would always cause or at

least make worse, the number of commutation failures but, sudden voltage reductions on otherwise perfectly
in fact, based only on their possible effect of shifting the sinusoidal waveforms, already predicts the onset of failures
zero-crossing, there appears to be at least as much potential for voltage reductions as low as 10% to 14% on many
for distortions to improve the probability of failures as systems. If distortions were significantly lowering this
there is to make it worse. If a particular system at an value, the commutation performance of many existing dc
inverter is highly distortable due to a low order harmonic systems would probably make their operation
resonance, then that system will probably have to be unacceptable.
corrected for other reasons. Furthermore, if distortions REFERENCE
were a significant causal factor, it would be expected to see [a] C.V. Thio, M. Szechtman. R. de Silva, "Simulation Tests On
more commutation failures on actual systems for ac system Commutation Failure Theory In HVDC Systems". paper presented at
faults producing only small voltage reductions, that is, for CIGRE SC14 Colloquium, Sept., 1995. Montreal, Canada.
faults even more remote from the inverter. But this does not
seem to be the case in real systems. The theory, with Manuscript received October 9, 1995.

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