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More students than ever are now involved in romantic relationship during their study life.
This situation will make student be stressful in their study. Social factors such as romantic
relationships have been found to have effects on students' academic performance, time
management and financial management. These social factors affect academic performance in
terms of time demanded and the psychological state they may cause. We notice that now a
days having a relationship is increasing, we would like to study if being in a relationship
helps or not. It is often believed that romantic relationships may negatively affect in study life.

Problem statement

When it comes to college having relationship is part of it, and as a person being attracted to
opposite sex is normal. Having a burden or relationship not only in your life but also in your
time may affect someones studies. In now a days many student are having relationship while
studying, what we want to know are the effect romantic relationship in study life and does
who are having romantic relationship effect theirs academic performance,time management
and financial management.

Research question

What are impact of romantic relationship in CGPA pointer?

What are the effects on the study financial?
What are the effect on the academic performance?
Impact time with friend?

Research objective

Main objective:
To find out the effect of romantic relationship in study life

Specific objective:
-To determine the effect of romantic relationship on academic performance
-To determine the effect of romantic relationship on financial
-To determine the effect of romantic relationship in time management

Scope research
-Our focus are the final year students here in Universiti Utara Malaysia. We will survey to
these students who are in a romantic relationship about the effect in their relationship and who
can influencing between their partner.

Significance of research

This study aimed to determine the effects of romantic relationship on the academic
performance of Universiti Utara Malaysia. This found out how the Universiti Utara Malaysia
final year students manage their time in study and romantic side is involved. Additionally, it
determines the levels of motivation and anxiety of the respondents. This study highlights the
effect of academic performance, time management, and financial management who are
involved in romantic relationship. The result of this study would make the student realize and
raise their awareness on the effects of romantic relationship in study life a student especially
on its negative effects. These concluded data would also make the students who are involved
in romantic relationship assess their academic performance,time management and financial

Expected Result

The result we expect that the final year students those have a romantic relationship show no
negative impact on academic performance, time management and financial management
while in their study life.

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