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Standard Bank Tax Free Fixed Deposit the anc may carryout ety and aud preverton checks on me Cl vel] ne 2 t nave ceived 054, undoratod and age othe ems ang condone fecha Tax Sd depo account Ol vO] w a | ‘We woud Ik to provide you wih information on products ad sence tha the group and othor compan orth group and ator companies, which ws elove ray cause wo gard you personal infomation 2 conden ws need your consent 1a share It wih he group. The group means our subsides and thei subsitares You marketing your products, sevens and spacial fers om le You communicating oer compari produce, services and spec offers a me, tI espond postive to such communication, Imay be contacted by that Yes company Is You sharing my personal inormaton win the group for markoting purposes and te group then makeing is products, services and special ofers Yes J. You contacting mo for esoarc purposes. Tha research companios wo use follow stict codes of conduct and reat cusomerinlormaton as confidential) Yes Cnn eed Crier | deca tothe best of my knowledge abl that he partcurs asso out in his apptzaton aro ue and caret and that no adtiona information which may act ‘he bank’ hasbeen wihhel. | acknowledge receipt of the general ems and condor, relevant pedcl brochures), the Basic Guide to Banking Wace tnd stator cecloeures, a8 indeed n th “Appcaton flr for this produc. | agree to read and make sue tat understana temas they frm a inang ag botwoon the bank and mo. | understand and aeknowiodgo that by using the procul 2gf6 to and accept those tars and cretion. Primary account holder to sign in block (donot sign over the fnos) bate rvvY-0 For bank use only ranch Name RANDFONTEIN SERVICE CENTRE Sraneh BT 015861 luser io crasoar [Authors by AZOLA A NTSONGE 190175964 2017-02 The Standard Bark of South Atria Limos (Registration Number 1952100073806) An authorised fnancilkonvces and roitored provider (NCRCP1B), Pope tor? 1 sa 14 15 a2 a4 Standard Bank Introduction ‘These Terms bacome effactve whon you open & Tax fae fed Deposil account Yau must know, understand and comply wh these Tena andthe General Tams and Candas, st they are binding agreement betwesn you and us thane ea aiference betwean tee Terms and te General Terms and Condtons, hase Terme wl apply Important clauses, which may limit our responsibilty or involve some risk for you, wll bein bold and italics or highlighted. You ms pay special tleton fo those causes Definitions capt iiter, where dated. Singular wards nie hs plutal and he other, way rou, ‘Account The Tax fee Investment, being a Taxite fed deposit account wo have opsnedin your na at your roquest [Assessment The tax assessment of 12 months sartng on 1 March each Period year ard ending ont last day of February the rex yoar ‘Business Oay Ary calendar day excudng Sundays, and pub halays Inthe Repuole of South Ata ‘Abank issued you and Inked to your coun ‘Avouchor hat an be exchangod for cash Investment Term The xed patio of tna for which you have invesod your monoy. which wl start fom te te that nite “Tne maximum amounts alowed or your ta ax tee Investment ae R22 000 foreach Assessment Panos {R500 000 over your iets. [Nominated Bank The bank account that you nominated at ‘Account application siago or teoatar and which canbe vith any bank. Investment tha Income Tex Act 68 of 1962, a8 amended, and any regulations theso. Transfer Any movement of ands fo an Agent Bank Tax eo tax laws a rogulatons Witndrawal Any movomont of fads fo a Standard Bank ‘Agent Bank nominalad count whic isnt a Tax ‘tee Ivestment, 2 payment of he funds to you by ath vousher, is canadeed tobe a Withdrawal, We, Us “The Standard Bank of South Afiea Limes (Regstraton Numbor 196200073800) ana You he person who apes for an Account or a vahose name an Account is opened, ‘Yu must depos your nvestmant amount wsthn 3 (ee) days of opening th Account to receve he Fd Rat. you do nat make bis depos win (hee) day, your Account wie cose. The nvesiment amount may not be loss than R000 (one thousand Ran) be sed and your cheque wil be retumed "Yu must invest ora fxed Investment Tem. Please oto that you cannot maks more than one deposit during the ‘Assessment Period, SARS wil charge a penalty of 40% onthe ‘mount that is over the Limit Tis taxs payable a terms of he Income Tax Act 58 of 1982, as amended, ants regulations. 00175968 2017.02 a8 ar 39 ane sar Terms and Conditions for a Tax Free Fixed Deposit (Terms) ‘towards these Limits, even inthe case of Withdrawal of any portion of your money after you have deposited it. Transfers to an Agent Bank Tax free accounts not alowed under the current tx aw, You willeam interest on your invasiment a the Fea Rao. Your irest willbe duo to you on Waturiy. you request a Withdrawal before Maturity, you wil be charged a Penalty which wil be deducted from your investment amount before your funds are pad ‘Sul tne payment of any funds be due on a Sunday or ena public hoy, wo wil mak tho paymant on ths flowing BusinessDay Bek Account, and ths Vater retumed for a reeson, we wil contact you. Snouls we not be abla a reach yu, we wl invest ‘he fall amount incising inoresteamod fora pore’ equa the prvating fr Tax toe aed aepest arcourts fr te lvestnent “erm on th day we resovest& Should your ands be reinvested in accordance wih he clause 2.10, he terms ane conctions applicable to Tax re feed depos at that tre wl app Funds may not be wihraw eect ata ele. Iryou nave a Standard dank ransaciona acount, you can Ink your Account toa tansaconal account card to vw your Account ton the Standar Bark Mode Banking ap, oF access it hough cur itemet banking sere, you pledge funds in your account as secur foray cet facios wi us, wo wl bck access tall yur funds inthe ‘AtMatrty, you may ebaose fo rainest your and, wth the option to chango your Investment Term and investment amount The interest ato aplable wills the rat povaing for Tax re xed Sia, atthe tins of Maturiy, you have not gven us ary instruction on where to pay your ures, we wil envest ina similar account fora pore equalto ths Investment Tory of your mating day wo reinvest ‘Should you furés be reinvested n accordance wih 3.16 above, ‘matte wil apy. Iryou dtaut on any amount ht you one on any ater account or croc facity hel wth us, wo may sma ermiate ris Tax roe Fxod Doposit and we may use the funds in your account sto you. We wil sue an Account statement at Matury you require an ‘Account statoment at ary tie bore Maturity, you can request t We wil provide you win a Perea Netting in these Terms shouldbe consired as tax aie from ts, Please conte yourincome lax aisorf yo need any aie

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