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Recruitment is an important part of an organizations human resource

planning and their competitive strength. Competent human resources at
the right positions in the organization are a vital resource and can be a
core competency or a strategic advantage for it. The objective of the
recruitment process is to obtain the number and quality of employees that
can be selected in order to help the organization to achieve its goals and
objectives. With the same objective, recruitment helps to create a pool of
prospective employees for the organization so that the management can
select the right candidate for the right job from this pool. Recruitment
acts as a link between the employers and the job seekers and ensures the
placement of right candidate at the right place at the right time. Using
and following the right recruitment processes can facilitate the selection
of the best candidates for theorganisation. In this is competitive global
world and increasing flexibility in the labour market, recruitment is
becoming more and more important in every business. Therefore,
recruitment serves as the first step in fulfilling the needs of organizations
for a competitive, motivated and flexible human resource that can help
achieve its objectives.
Campus Recruitment
It is through Campus Recruitment. A proactive approach taken by an
organization to directly visit the campus and recruit the candidates from
Campus Recruitment From a variety of methods, Campus Recruitment is
one of the most popular method, used by many Fortune 500 companies
today. In Campus Recruitment, Companies visit some of the most
important Technical and Professional Institutes in an attempt to hire
young intelligent and smart students at
Why Campus Recruitment
Provides excellent opportunities to the companies to interact with the
talented students.
Instead of the job seekers approaching employers, the employers come to
the most suitable prospective candidate with a job
Three-fold Benefit of Campus Recruitment
1 Companies get the opportunity to choose from and select the best talent
in a short span of time.
2 Save a lot of time and efforts that go in advertising vacancies, screening
and eventually selecting applicants for employment.
3 College students who are just passing out get the opportunity to present
themselves to some of the best Companies within their industry of
interest. Landing a job offer while still in college and joining just after
graduating is definitely what all students dream
Advantages of Online Recruitment
Online recruitment techniques have become the most widely used hiring
method by recruiters. Many companies are currently using online
recruiting strategies, and a growing number are favouring social media as
a means of sourcing new employees. Professional networking platforms
such as LinkedIn, have created an entirely new, easily accessible pool of
candidates, but it also allows recruiters to pre-screen potential hires due
to the information available on their profiles. However, as with any tool,
there are disadvantages to using it.Below is a brief overview of the main
advantages and disadvantages of using e-recruitment?
1. Cost Effective
2. Immediacy
3. More Effective
4. Reach a Bigger Audience
5. Easy.
6. Dynamic Content
7. Flexibility
8. Longevity
9. Accessibility.
Plan the selection process
Selection is the process of screening applicants to ensure that the most
appropriate candidate is hired.
The first step in the selection process is to review the information (resume,
application form) provided by all job applicants to determine which applicants
meet the minimum qualifications as stated in the job posting. No further
consideration will be given to those who do not meet the minimum qualifications.
(In fact, it is a good idea to say in your advertisements that only those candidates
who meet the job requirements will be considered.) Those job applicants who
meet or exceed the minimum job qualifications are then assessed to decide which
ones will be short-listed for a job interview.
The most common methods of selection for all positions include an interview
followed by a reference check.
Other selection techniques used during the interview phase are: work samples,
written tests, in basket exercises, oral presentation, and personality or aptitude
tests. After making a conditional offer, additional selection techniques can
include: criminal records check, driver's records check. Written consent is
required before requesting records chec
Working with a selection panel
Engaging other people in a selection process can be very helpful. You may want to
include a senior staff member, a board member and a potential co-worker, for
example. When you invite panel members to participate, let them know how much
time it will take and what their role will be. Their contribution can include:
Helping to develop selection criteria
Screening resumes
Preparing interview questions
Participating in interviews
Assessing each candidate against the selection criteria
Providing input about the final selection
The in-basket
Leaderless group discussion
Management games
Individual presentations
Objective tests
The interview
Case study
Personality test
Unstructured sequential interview
Personality tests
Tests that use projective techniques and trait inventories to measure
basic aspects of an applicants personality, such as introversion, stability,
and motivation
Unstructured sequential interview
An interview in which each interviewer forms an independent opinion
after asking different questions
Leaderless Group Discussion
(LGD) WHAT IS THE LGD? Industry and government continue moving
toward a team approach, an approach that requires cooperative problem
solving, effective communication skills, and the ability to influence others
by presenting ideas in an open, approachable, and non-threatening
A management game
Management game is designed to create an exercise in business
management. Each game is based upon a more or less realistic model of a
business situation which is used to simulate the outcomes of management
decisions made by the participants in the exercise. In a typical business
management game, the players are divided into teams representing
several competing companies. Each team receives a summary of the
financial position and history of its company, together with a general
description of the under-lying economic and physical relationships which
may be expected to influence the results. The teams must make decisions
and allocate the resources available with the aim of achieving their goal,
which is usually an increasing share of the market, subject to long-run
survival of the firm. The outcomes are then calculated by an umpire often,
but not always, using a computer. The underlying model used to determine
the results is basically a set of cause and effect formulae, which represent
the views of the designer of the game about the functioning of the
relevant business situation. The results are presented in the form of
financial and physical statements about each firm and about the market.
The participants study this feedback and make their decisions for the next
period. This process is continued for a number of simulated business years
Employee orientation
A procedure for providing new employees with basic background
information about the firm.
Part of the familiarization process in which a new employee is told of the
firm's history, its beliefs and cherished values, long term goals, and
management structure. He or she is given specific information, such as
about the firm's products and markets in which it competes, the behavior
patterns it views as desirable or undesirable. Company's policies
regarding discipline, information access, promotions, quality, and
vacations, and regulations regarding health, safety, and security rules are
also made known during the orientation process.
A job design technique in which employees are moved between two or
more jobs in a planned manner Job rotation is a management technique
that assigns trainees to various jobs and departments over a period of few
4. Task rotation It takes place in jobs that involve a high degree of
physical demands on the body or extremely tedious job Employees are
periodically removed from these mentally stressful or physically
demanding tasks to a less demanding task for a while to give them a
On-the-job training,
Sometimes called direct instruction, is one of the earliest forms of training
(observational learning is probably the earliest). It is a one-on-one
training located at the job site, where someone who knows how to do a
task shows another how to perform it. In antiquity, the work performed by
most people did not rely on abstract thinking or academic education.
Parents or community members, who knew the skills necessary for
survival, passed their knowledge on to the children through direct
Succession Planning
Ensures that employees are recruited and/or developed to fill each key
role.! Ensures that we operate effectively when individuals occupying
critical positions depart.
May be used for managerial positions or unique or hard-to fill roles.
Align bench strength for replacing critical positions
Off-the-job training
Off-the-job training occurs when employees are taken away from their
place of work to be trained.
Common methods of off-the-job training include:
Day release (employee takes time off work to attend a local college or
training centre)
Distance learning / evening classes
Block release courses - which may involve several weeks at a local college
Sandwich courses - where the employee spends a longer period of time at
college (e.g. six months) before returning to work
Sponsored courses in higher education
Self-study, computer-based training
Performance appraisal
Evaluating an employees current and/or past performance relative to his
or her performance standards
Management by Objectives (MBO)
involves setting specific measurable goals with each employee and then
periodically reviewing the progress made.
1. Set the organizations goals.
2. Set departmental goals.
3. Discuss departmental goals.
4. Define expected results (set individual goals).
5. Performance reviews.
6. Provide feedback.
Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS)
An appraisal method that uses quantified scale with specific narrative
examples of good and poor performance.
Developing a BARS:
Generate critical incidents
Develop performance dimensions
Reallocate incidents
Scale the incidents
Develop a final instrument
Forced distribution method
Similar to grading on a curve; predetermined percentages of rates are
placed in various performance categories.
15% high performers
20% high-average performers
30% average performers
20% low-average performers
15% low performers
Q2An efficiently run human resources department can provide your
organization with structure and the ability to meet business needs
through managing your company's most valuable resources -- its
employees. There are several HR disciplines, or areas, but HR
practitioners in each discipline may perform more than one of the more
than six essential functions. In small businesses without a dedicated HR
department, it's possible to achieve the same level of efficiency and
workforce management through outsourcing HR functions or joining a
professional employer organization
INTRODUCTION.<br /><ul><li>Manpower planning is also know as personnel planning or
human resource planning.</li></ul>DEFINITION.<br /><ul><li>Estimating or projecting
the number of personnel with different skills required over time or for a project, and
detailing how and when they will be acquired.</li></li></ul><li>IMPORTANCE <br />It is
the first step towards manpower management.<br />It refers to the process of using
available assets for the implementation of the business plans.<br />It also involves the
process of coordinating and controlling various activities in the organization.<br
/>Efficient utilization & skilled labour.<br />Higher productivity.<br />
4. 5 ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS.<br />Analysing the current manpower resource.<br
/>Reviewing employee utilization.<br />Forecasting the demand for employees. <br
/>Forecasting supply.<br />Developing a manpower plan.<br />
Recruitment and selection
Recruitment is the process of captivating, screening, and selecting
potential and qualified candidates based on objective criteria for a
particular job. The goal of this process is to attract the qualified applicants
and to encourage the unqualified applicants to opt themselves out.
Before starting the process of recruitment, the companies must execute
proper staffing plans and should grade the number of employees they are
going to need. Forecasting of the employees should depend upon the
annual budget of the organization and short-term and long-term goals of
the organization.
Recruitment and selection process is very important to every organization
because it reduces the costs of mistakes such as engaging incompetent,
unmotivated, and underqualified employees. Firing the unqualified
candidate and hiring the new employee is again an expensive process
Compensation and Benefits
An essential function of an HR department is the administration of the
company's compensation and benefits strategy. Compensation strategy
positions the company as a competitor in the labor market, which enables
an organization to attract some of the best-qualified applicants for job
openings. Benefits administration includes everything from negotiating
the cost of group benefit plans to counseling employees on medical,
dental, vision and disability coverage. Administration of employee benefits
also involves counseling employees about income protection and savings
plans, such as 401(k) plans, flexible savings and health savings accounts.
Employee and Labor Relations
The employee relations function includes activities such as planning
employee recognition and reward events, identifying workplace issues,
investigating employee complaints, ensuring HR compliance with
employment laws and regulations and administering employee opinion
surveys. The unique feature about employee relations is that it generally
involves all the HR disciplines recruitment, safety, training,
compensation and benefits because employee concerns may focus on
any of those areas. Employee relations functions can also include policy
development and performance management, including providing guidance
to supervisors on how to conduct employee job performance appraisals. In
some organizations, labor relations is a separate function that negotiates
union contracts or collective bargaining agreements, handles employee
grievances and assists the company's legal counsel with arbitration.
Safety and Risk Management
Many organizations have an obligation to compile company information
related to safety, workplace injuries and fatalities, hazardous materials
and complex machinery. This information is then provided to the U.S.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration for reporting purposes to
ensure the organization is in compliance with federal regulations
concerning safe working conditions. In addition to compliance activities,
HR functions include mitigating risk through developing programs that
improve safety for employees and customers.
an independent federal agency created under the Civil Rights Act of 1964,
as amended, to police a program (Equal Employment Opportunity) to
eliminate discrimination in employment based on race, color, age, sex,
national origin, religion, or mental or physical disability.
Employee orientation, also commonly referred to as onboarding or
organizational socialization, is the process by which an employee acquires
the necessary skills, knowledge, behaviors, and contacts to effectively
transition into a new organization (or role within the organization).
The consistency of scores obtained by the same person when retested
with the identical or equivalent tests.
Are the test results stable over time?
Test validity
The accuracy with which a test, interview, and so on measures what it
purports to measure or fulfills the function it was designed to fill.
Does the test actually measure what we need for it to measure
Types of Validity
Criterion validity
A type of validity based on showing that scores on the test (predictors)
are related to job performance (criterion).
Are test scores in this class related to students knowledge of human
resource management?
Content validity
A test that is content valid is one that contains a fair sample of the tasks
and skills actually needed for the job in question.
Performance appraisal
Evaluating an employees current and/or past performance relative to his
or her performance standards.
Steps in Appraising Performance
Defining the job
Making sure that you and your subordinate agree on his or her duties and
job standards.
Appraising performance
Comparing your subordinates actual performance to the standards that
have been set; this usually involves some type of rating form.
Providing feedback
Discussing the subordinates performance and progress, and making
plans for any development required.
The Components of an Effective Performance Management Process
Direction sharing
Role clarification
Goal alignment
Developmental goal setting
Ongoing performance monitoring
Ongoing feedback
Coaching and support
Performance assessment (appraisal)
Rewards, recognition, and compensation
Workflow and process control and return

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