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Summer Assignment for AP Psychology

Class of 2016-2017

Summer assignment part 1

You are going to create an illustrated psychological dictionary. You are going to define
the terms or identify the following people. Give examples or significant characteristics
for each. Each term must also have an illustration-clip art is acceptable. For each
definition, cite your source and be specific.

Addiction Clinical psychology object permanence

Alzheimers disease experiment obsessive compulsive disorder

Anorexia nervosa formal operational stage operant behavior

Antisocial personality disorder frontal lobe panic disorder

Anxiety disorder gender phobia

Attention deficit disorder fundamental attribution error placebo

Attribution theory hierarchy of needs personality disorders

Cognitive dissonance hypothalamus psychiatry

Cognitive therapy industrial organizational psychology

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

Concrete operational stage latent learning positive reinforcement

Conditioned response long-term memory random sample

Defense mechanisms major depressive disorder range

Double-blind procedure mnemonics REM sleep DSM-IV Modeling Schema

Behavioral therapy mood disorders schizophrenia bipolar disorder

Motor neurons short term memory case study natural selection

Social exchange theory cerebellum negative reinforcement standard deviation

Cerebral cortex neurotransmitters statistical significance

Classical conditioning normal curve unconditioned response

Summer assignment #2

Select one abnormal disorder (look at places like

and avoid Wikipedia at all costs). Type a one page 11 point font Times New Roman summary of
the disorder, its appearance in the population, its symptoms and its treatments. Be sure to cite
your sources and properly cite any information taken from those sources using APA format.

Summer Assignment #3



Read and answer the essay question. The application of a particular

psychological perspective is similar to what you will experience on the AP
exam. It is important to present a cogent (clear and organized) argument
based on your critical analysis of the questions posed, using the appropriate
psychological terminology.

Philip, single, 25 years old, unemployed, had been hospitalized after a

suicide attempt. Prior to the suicide attempt, Philip had run into an old
girlfriend and her new boyfriend. They had a few drinks together before
Philip, in a jealous rage stormed out of the restaurant. He began to think
about how he could pay her back. Several years before this attempt he had
felt frequently depressed for brief periods of time. He was especially critical
of himself for his limited social life. He had never had a serious relationship
because he became very critical of his girlfriends and demanded that they
always meet his every need. During the past 3 years a psychiatrist had given
him a drug that resulted in an unusual reaction requiring a hospital stay. Due
to his hostile demands during his hospital stay he left the hospital against
medical advice. Philip views his father as weak, ineffectual, and completely
dominated by his (Philips) overbearing and cruel mother. He hates his
mother with a passion he can barely control due to harsh name calling and
abuse endured during childhood. He believes that his parents view him as
lazy, irresponsible, and has a behavior problem. His parent state that Philips
problem began when his brother was born (Philip was 10 years old). Philip
doesnt remember being difficult to discipline and states that his mother was
once hospitalized for depression. As an adult Philip has had difficulty keeping
a job and has had innumerable interactions with teachers, friends, employers
in which he felt offended or unfairly treated.

a. Define the seven perspectives/approaches to psychology. (Psychodynamic,

Behavioral, Humanistic, Cognitive, Biological, Evolutionary, Socio-Cultural)

b. Describe/explain Philips behavior from each of the perspectives. Give

specific examples.
All assignments are due by Monday, September 12, 2016. This
assignment will count toward the first unit summative grade. Any
questions, please email Ms. Yackee at

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