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Hand written essay

Date: 09, May, 2017

Name: Damian Maisincho
Theme: Now a day in our country we are almost force to study Master
Programs if we want to get good job, is this a good idea or not.

More and more professionals are exploring the opportunities to continue their
studies after university, the question is: Why study for a Master Program?
A Master Program is not a gold ticket that allows you to get the job of your
dreams; However, for some jobs or professions, having a Master Program
represent a competitive advantage.

Here are some reasons why you should consider studying a Master Program:

1. If we are reaching the end of your university studies but still have the desire
to continue learning to satisfy your intellectual curiosity.

2. If we decide to continue in the field of research, A Master Program is an

excellent opportunity to specialize.

3. If we are in a very competitive job, a Master Program represents a ticket to a

better position in your job.

5. If we want to start a business in our area requires many contacts, and

therefore can be the best way to relate to various fields.

Next here are some reasons why it is not always a good idea to study a
postgraduate course:

1, If our work is more important practice and experience.

2. If we decide to pursue a career or practice our profession to meet the needs
of employers, we simply choose courses or certifications that offer continuing

3. If we have personal obligations that make it practically impossible to take

from 2 to 7 years of his life to devote us to the study.

4. If we have financial problems, a postgraduate study might be too expensive.

Whatever our motivations for studying a Master Program, you should keep in
mind that a degree is just one of many career development options. For this is
important continue with your graduate studies, and increase your personal

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