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Buffer Management in a DBMS

Page Requests from Higher Levels


disk page

free frame


DISK choice of frame dictated

DB by replacement policy

Data must be in RAM for DBMS to operate on it!

Buffer Mgr hides the fact that not all data is in RAM
When a Page is Requested ...
Buffer pool information table contains:
<frame#, pageid, pin_count, dirty>

If requested page is not in pool:

Choose a frame for replacement
(only un-pinned pages are candidates)
If frame is dirty, write it to disk
Read requested page into chosen frame
Pin the page and return its address.
If requests can be predicted (e.g., sequential scans)
pages can be pre-fetched several pages at a time!
More on Buffer Management
Requestor of page must eventually unpin it,
and indicate whether page has been modified:
dirty bit is used for this.
Page in pool may be requested many times,
a pin count is used.
To pin a page, pin_count++
A page is a candidate for replacement iff
pin_count == 0 (unpinned)
CC & recovery may entail additional I/O when
a frame is chosen for replacement. (Write-
Ahead Log protocol; more later.)
Buffer Replacement Policy

Frame is chosen for replacement by a

replacement policy:
Least-recently-used (LRU), MRU, Clock, etc.
Policy can have big impact on # of I/Os;
depends on the access pattern.
LRU Replacement Policy
Least Recently Used (LRU)
for each page in buffer pool, keep track of time last
replace the frame that has the oldest (earliest) time
very common policy: intuitive and simple
Problem: Sequential flooding
LRU + repeated sequential scans.
# buffer frames < # pages in file means each page
request causes an I/O. MRU much better in this
situation (but not in all situations, of course).
Clock Replacement Policy
D(1) B(p)

An approximation of LRU
Arrange frames into a cycle, store one C(1)
reference bit per frame
Can think of this as the 2nd chance bit
When pin count reduces to 0, turn on ref. bit
When replacement necessary
do for each page in cycle {
if (pincount == 0 && ref bit is on)
turn off ref bit;
else if (pincount == 0 && ref bit is off)
choose this page for replacement;
} until a page is chosen;
Code Navigation
Allows you to use your favorite editor to find declarations
1. cd to
2. Run ctags -R ../../postgresql-7.2.2/
3. Start vi filename.c
4. ^] - Look up the location of the identifier under
the cursor in the tags file, and move to
that location.
^T - Return to the previous location in the tag stack, i.e.,
pop off one element.
Also Emacs support (ctags). Talk amongst yourselves
Code Debugging
Two ways to debug postgres
interactive mode
bare backend mode (described here)
Initialize postgres by typing
clock/bin/initdb D <data directory>
Startup ddd with the newly complied and
installed version of postgres
ddd /local_tmp/$USER/postgresql-7.2.2-
You can now examine functions
Type in the search field the name of the function to
be examined (e.g., GetFreeBuffer()).
Then click the Lookup button.
Code Debugging
ddd (contd
Run postgres by hitting F2 or by using the
menu option Program -> Run
A dialog box will appear where you enter
-D <data dir> template1
Click on Run and then the backend
prompt should appears in the upper pane.
Place a breakpoint in GetFreeBuffer() on the first line of the code
in the function (You can either right click your mouse and choose the
set breakpoint menu or click on the line and then click on the Break
Type at the backend prompt
Select * from pg_user; to run your query.
Now you can start debugging your code by either
Looking at the current state of your stack (Status -> Backtrace).
Display local variables (Data -> Display Local Variables) and function
(Data -> Display Arguments).
Display any expression you want to know about more (highlight the expression
and click on the Display Button).
Stuff About Assignment 3
Methods to know about
AddBufferToFreeList(BufferDesc) and
InitFreeList(bool) can be ignored for implementing the
Clock Algorithm.
BufferDescriptorGetBuffer(BufferDesc) returns
position of a page in buffer.
GetFreeBuffer() method that needs to be re-implemented.
Data structures to know about
BufferDescriptors[] Array representing the buffer pool
of size NBuffers.
BufferDesc represents a buffer page; stores among other
things information like whether the page is currently pinned or
unpinned (struct variable refcount).
Buffer 0 Buffer 1 Buffer 2.. Buffer N-2 Buffer N-1

0 1 2 N-3 N-2 N-1 N

freeNext freeNext freeNext freeNext freeNext

freePrev freePrev freePrev freePrev freePrev Free_List_Descriptor=N

BufferDescriptors Array after buf_init.c:212 in InitBufferPool()

InitBufferPool() creates BufferDescriptors Array of size N=Nbuffers+1 and creates a
circular doubly linked list with first N items.
BufferDescriptors 0 to N-1 have pointers to buffer blocks in memory.
BufferDescriptors[N] serves as a dummy element and does not point to a valid buffer
Reference History
Buffer 0 Buffer 1 Buffer 2.. Buffer N-2 Buffer N-1

time N-3
0 1 2 N-3 N-2 N-1 N N-1

freeNext freeNext freeNext freeNext freeNext

freePrev freePrev freePrev freePrev freePrev Free_List_Descriptor=N


BufferDescriptors Array after freelist.c:243 in InitFreeList()

BufferDescriptors[N] is only used as a placeholder element in the linked list. InitFreeList()
points SharedFreeList to BufferDescriptors[N] and inserts the latter between
BufferDescriptors[0] and BufferDescriptors[1].
SharedFreeList->FreeNext will serve as the handle to the first element in freelist.
Freelist links the unpinned buffers, i.e. those that are eligible for eviction.
Buffer 0 Buffer 1 Buffer 2 Buffer 3.. Buffer N-1

0 1 2 3N-2 N-1 N
This buffer
freeNext is deleted freeNext freeNext freeNext
freePrev freePrev freePrev freePrev

freelist.c:198, No
free elements left
condition check.

BufferDescriptors Array after freelist.c:233 in GetFreeBuffer()

GetFreeBuffer() returns the bufferDescriptor pointed by SharedFreeList->FreeNext.
Since this buffer is no longer free, it is removed from freelist by rearranging the freeNext
and freePrev pointers of the adjacent elements.
GetFreeBuffer() also checks that there are free elements available in the freelist.
Buffer 0 Buffer 1 Buffer 2 Buffer 3.. Buffer N-1 Buffer i

0 1 2 3N-2 N-1 N i
This buffer
freeNext is deleted freeNext freeNext freeNext freeNext
freePrev freePrev freePrev freePrev freePrev


LRU policy insert (default), after freelist.c:81 in AddBufferToFreelist(),

continued from GetFreeBuffer() slide.
AddBufferToFreelist() adds the input bufferDescriptor[i] to end of the freelist, i.e as
SharedFreeList->freePrev. The freeNext and freePrev pointers of the adjacent
elements are rearranged appropriately.
Buffer 0 Buffer 1 Buffer 2 Buffer 3.. Buffer N-1 Buffer i

0 1 2 3N-2 N-1 N i
This buffer
freeNext is deleted freeNext freeNext freeNext freeNext
freePrev freePrev freePrev freePrev freePrev


MRU policy insert (freelist.c.mru), after freelist.c.mru:81 in

AddBufferToFreelist(), continued from GetFreeBuffer() slide.
AddBufferToFreelist() adds the input BufferDescriptor[i] to start of the freelist, i.e as
SharedFreeList->freeNext. Compare with LRU to understand the modifications in
pointers. Note that this is the only change needed to switch from LRU to MRU.
Reference History

LRU MRU time



0 1 1 0

freeNext freeNext

freePrev freePrev

SharedFreeList 0 1 SharedFreeList 1 0

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