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Dear Reader,

Nearly every day, at one point while in our kitchen, my aAenBon is drawn to a
liAle nook area. In this nook sits a large white desk with a big world map on the
wall above.

While looking at this map, I always hear: for God so loved the worldfor God so
loved the worldfor God so loved the world. (John 3:16) It is so simple, yet so
profound at the same Bme. Its like a quiet echo of Father Gods heart.

But lately, I have also been

seeing: a reccuring picture
of a globe shaped world,
covered with what looks
like snake skin. At the top of
this globe I see cracks and
areas peeling away with a
bright light shining through
under the layer of scales.

When Saul was on the road

to Damascus, the Lord
ashed His light upon him;
he was unable to see for
three days. When Ananias
prayed for him, something
like scales fell from Sauls eyes. (Acts 9:18)

Scales represent pride, for Job 41:15 says, His scales are pride, shut up together
as with a Bght seal. This repBlian twisBng spirit enBces man to love the things
and systems of the world over Godto love the desires of the esh, the desires of
the eyes and the pride of life. (I John 2:16)

Last week when I saw the snake skinned globe again, I also heard Holy Spirit say:

The world is shedding its skin, as I shed My light.

When I heard this, I had the sense of a light switch being turned on in a dark
room, revealing hidden sins, agendas and evil intentI saw chaos, like rats
scurrying with no place to hide.

So, you lovers of light, dont let the increasing turmoil and confusion of this world
alarm you, for it is a sign of Fathers intervenBon and invitaBon to mankind. An
invitaBon to all to come out of, darkness into His marvelous light. I Peter 2:9

My best, Linda

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