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Packet Tracer iLab Report

Name: Cole Morris

Date: 20170612
Professor: Meadows
Course #___NETW203__ Week#__4__ iLab# __9.3.1.2__:

Activity Report

Write a short paragraph (minimum five college-level sentences) below that summarizes what was
accomplished in this lab, what you learned by performing it, how it relates to this week's TCO's and
other course material; and just as important, how you feel it will benefit you in your academic and
professional career. (40 points)

I enjoyed this lab, for many reasons, but mostly because I got to see how data travels to a switch
and then to a server. By setting up multiple users making request, this is a more lifelike situation,
considering all users wont exactly be performing the same action at once. In a academic setting, this
is key to what I study with cisco, and it is imperative that I understand that this is how data flows.
In a Professional setting, this currently helps me by being able to explain to customers why certain
things happen with their internet, and how it effects speeds. Certainly, a way to get out of hot

When you have completed the Packet Tracer iLab, take a screenshot of your completion percentage
page and paste it below. (60 points)

Click Capture/Forward again. Some of the PDUs disappear. What do you think happened to them?

I think they got placed in a buffer on the switch

Click Capture/Forward six times. All clients should have received a reply. Note that only one PDU can

cross a wire in each direction at any given time. What is this called?


Click the Inbound PDU Details tab and scroll down to the last section. What is the section labeled?

Packet Tracer iLab Report
Are these communications considered to be reliable?


Record the SRC PORT, DEST PORT, SEQUENCE NUM, and ACK NUM values. What is written in the

field to the left of the WINDOW field?

1025, 80, 0, 0 SYN

Click the PDU envelope and select Inbound PDU Details. How are the port and sequence numbers

different than before?

21, 1025, 0, 1. SYN+ACK. The source and destination ports are reversed, and the acknowledgement

number is 1.

Click the Outbound PDU Details tab. How are the port and sequence numbers different from the

previous two results?

1025, 21, 1, 1. ACK. The source and destination ports are reversed, and both sequence and

acknowledgement numbers are 1.

Open the PDU and select Inbound PDU Details. Scroll down past the TCP section. What is the
message from the server?

Username ok, need password or Welcome to PT Ftp server

Click the Inbound PDU Details tab and scroll down to the last section. What is the section labeled?


Are these communications considered to be reliable?


Record the SRC PORT and DEST PORT values. Why is there no sequence and acknowledgement
Packet Tracer iLab Report

1025, 53. Because UDP does not need to establish a reliable connection.

Click the PDU envelope and select Inbound PDU Details. How are the port and sequence numbers

different than before?

53, 1025. The source and destination ports are flipped.

g. What is the last section of the PDU called?

Dns answer.

Click the Inbound PDU Details tab and scroll down to the last section. What transport layer protocol
does email traffic use?


Are these communications considered to be reliable?


Record the SRC PORT, DEST PORT, SEQUENCE NUM, and ACK NUM values. What is written in the

field to the left of the WINDOW field?

1025, 25, 0, 0. SYN

Click the PDU envelope and select Inbound PDU Details. How are the port and sequence numbers

different than before?

25, 1025, 0, 1. SYN+ACK. The source and destination ports are reversed, and the acknowledgement

number is 1.

Click the Outbound PDU Details tab. How are the port and sequence numbers different from the

previous two results?

1025, 25, 1, 1. ACK. The source and destination ports are reversed, and both sequence and

acknowledgement numbers are 1. ACK

Packet Tracer iLab Report

How are the port and sequence numbers different from the previous two PDUs?

1025, 25, 1, 1. PSH+ACK. The source and destination ports are reversed, and both sequence and

acknowledgement numbers are 1.

What email protocol is associated with TCP port 25? What protocol is associated with TCP port 110?


Enter the netstat command. What protocols are listed in the left column?


What port numbers are being used by the server

21,25, 80.

What states are the sessions in?


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