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Phrasal Verbs (Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate)

calm down "Calm down, Mike. There's no need to yell."

hold on The secretary asked me to hold on while she checked her

get along I don't really get along with my boss.
give up After an hour, Mike gave up. He couldn't fix the computer.
grow up I want to be a fireman when I grow up.
fill out "Please fill out this form."
break down The stupid printer has broken down again.
pass out People were passing out flyers in front of the station.
get together Everyone from class is getting together tonight at 7pm.
work out Bryan likes to work out at least five times a week.
make up I didn't have an excuse, so I made one up.
pass away My grandfather passed away at the age of 98.
break up Mark and Kate are always fighting. They should break up.
eat out I'm trying to save money. I don't eat out anymore.
hang up Kate hung up on me. She didn't want to speak anymore.
check out "Hey, check out that man over there. He's huge!."
figure out No one could figure out where the ninja went.
cheer up Brenda looked sad, so I told her a joke to cheer her up.
look after I agreed to look after Renee's dog while she is away.
shut up "Shut up, Lisa! I can't hear the TV!" (note: impolite expression)
look out "Look out -- there's a deer on the road!"
run out The boys ran out of beer so they walked to the store to get some

check in We checked in to our hotel at 2 pm.
deal with We have a big problem today that we need to deal with before we

go home.
pick up I have to pick up my girlfriend at the airport at 8pm.
drop off I need to drop off a book at the library.
end up After college, and then two years in the military, Mark ended up

in Taiwan.
go on The mountain climber could no longer go on. It was too cold.
set on doing Jason is set on becoming an Olympic wrestler. Thats all he talks

sth about.
tie up I was tied up so I couldn't answer the phone.
beat up A tourist was beaten up last night in central park.
catch up After her vacation, it took Janice all morning to catch up on her

cut back on The doctor told Alan to cut back on fatty foods.


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cut sth out "Bobby, can you cut it out?? The sound your making is annoying."
find out sth Yesterday, Mark found out that his wife has been cheating on

do over I had to do my report over because my computer crashed.
go ahead "A: Can we start eating, mom? B: Sure, go ahead."
go on Mark heard shouting, so he went to the hallway to see what was

going on.
count on I trust Mike. Hes responsible. We can count on him to do a good

hit it off Margaret likes her new boss. They have really hit it off.
set up The journalist managed to set up a meeting with the company

keep sth up Jenny hasn't smoked in 24 hrs but she's not sure how long she

can keep it up.

mess up I dont like giving big speeches. Every time I do it, I mess up.
call off The football game was called off because of rain.
take after Darryl takes after his father. They are both really funny.
think over "Give me a few days to think it over, OK?"
point out Janice pointed out a small error on the report's cover page.
put sth off The meeting was put off until tomorrow because the boss was

rip sb off The cab driver tried to rip me off by charging 40 dollars for a ride

to the airport.
show off Greg enjoyed showing off his muscles at the beach.
bring up No one at the meeting brought up the issue of overtime.
show up Gladys didn't show up to the party until 10 p.m.
sleep in Mark usually sleeps in until noon on Saturdays.
speak up Alex had to speak up so his grandfather could hear him.
base on This movie is based on a true story.
work on I need to work on my pronunciation.
stand out At 195 cm with red hair, Alan really stood out in Japan.


Copyright Matthew Barton of

to ask for


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to request
Can I ask you for a favor?
Puedo pedirte un favor?

Sintaxis: separable


to seek or provoke something negative

If you date him, you're asking for trouble.
Si sales con l, te vas a buscar problemas.

Sintaxis: inseparable
Notas de uso: Se utiliza mucho en tiempos continuos.

to break down


to stop working; functioning

dejar de funcionar; estropearse; averiarse
Our car broke down while we were driving to the supermarket.
Nuestro coche se estrope mientras bamos al supermercado.

Sintaxis: intransitive
Derivados: breakdown [n.] (avera), broken-down [adj.] (estropeado, averiado)


to end negotiations unsuccessfully

romperse; fracasar
After days of negotiations, the talks broke down.
Despus de varios das de negociaciones, el dilogo se rompi.

Sintaxis: intransitive
Derivados: breakdown [n.] (interrupcin, ruptura)

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to remove or dismount
derribar; desmontar; dividir
The firemen had to break down the door to get into the house.
Los bomberos tuvieron que derribar la puerta para entrar en la casa.

Sintaxis: separable
Derivados: breakdown [n.] (descomposicin)


to start crying
venirse abajo; romper a llorar
It was the most stressful week. By Friday I broke down and cried.
Fue la semana ms estresante. El viernes me vine abajo y romp a llorar.

Sintaxis: intransitive
Derivados: breakdown [n.] (ruptura, crisis nerviosa)

to bring up


to raise a child
criar y educar
I was brought up by my grandmother.
Fui criada por mi abuela.

Sintaxis: separable
Derivados: upbringing [n.] (crianza, educacin)
Sinnimos: to raise
Notas de uso: Se utiliza mucho en pasiva.


to mention
sacar; mencionar
I hate him. Don't ever bring his name up again!
Le odio. Nunca vuelvas a mencionar su nombre!

Sintaxis: separable
Sinnimos: to raise

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to catch up


to bring or get up to date

ponerse al da; ponerse al tanto; ponerse al corriente
Call me, we need to catch up!
Llmame. Tenemos que ponernos al da!

Sintaxis: separable
Sinnimos: to bring up to date


to reach someone or something ahead of you

alcanzar a; ponerse al mismo nivel que
You are walking so fast, I will never catch up with you.
Andas tan rpido, nunca te alcanzar.

Sintaxis: separable

to come back


to return
regresar; volver
We are coming back from vacation next week.
Regresamos de vacaciones la semana que viene.

Sintaxis: inseparable
Derivados: comeback [n.] (vuelta, repuesta)
Sinnimos: to return

to find out


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to discover; to learn
averiguar; enterrarse; descubrir
Did you find out what happened to Joe?
Has averiguado lo que le pas a Joe?

Sintaxis: separable
Sinnimos: to discover

to get along \ on


to have a good relationship with someone

llevarse bien
I'm so lucky, my father and my husband get along/on really well.
Soy tan afortunada, mi padre y mi marido se llevan muy bien.

Sintaxis: inseparable
Notas de uso: get along (US); get on (UK)


to make progress; to deal or to handle

How are you getting along at university?
Cmo te va en la universidad?

Sintaxis: intransitive

to get in


to arrive
llegar; volver
What time did you get in last night?
A qu hora llegaste a casa anoche?

Sintaxis: intransitive

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to get in (into)


to enter
Get in the car and I will take you to school.
Sbete al coche y te llevar a la escuela.

Sintaxis: inseparable
Antnimos: to get out
Notas de uso: Se utiliza "get in" con coches y lugares y "get on" con buses, aviones,
trenes, etc.


to enter
You can't get into the club without a ticket.
No puedes entrar en la discoteca sin una entrada.

Sintaxis: intransitive


to enter
ingresar; ser admitido
Beatrice applied to many schools, but she only got into one.
Beatrice hizo la solicitud en muchas escuelas, pero slo fue admitida en una.

Sintaxis: intransitive

to get off


to exit or leave

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We must get off the train at the next stop.

Tenemos que bajar del tren en la siguiente parada.

Sintaxis: inseparable
Antnimos: to get on
Notas de uso: Se utiliza "get off" con buses, aviones, trenes, etc. y "get out of" con
coches y lugares.


to finish or leave
terminar; salir; plegar
We usually get off early on Fridays in the summer.
Solemos plegar temprano los viernes en verano.

Sintaxis: intransitive

to get on (onto)


to enter or to board
He got on the bus for the airport.
Se subi en el autobus del aeropuerto.

Sintaxis: inseparable
Sinnimos: to board
Antnimos: to get off
Notas de uso: Se utiliza "get on" con buses, aviones, trenes, etc. y "get in" con
coches y lugares.

to get out (of)


to leave or exit
irse; salir; marcharse
It's too smoky, I have to get out of here.
Hay demasiado humo, tengo que salir de aqu.

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Sintaxis: intransitive
Antnimos: to get in (into)


to leave or exit
He got out of the car quickly.
l sali del coche rpidamente.

Sintaxis: inseparable
Antnimos: to get in (into)
Notas de uso: Se utiliza "get out (of)" con coches y lugares y "get off" con buses,
aviones, trenes, etc.


to avoid doing something

escabullirse o librarse de hacer
How can I get out of going to work today?
Cmo puedo escabullirme de ir a trabajar hoy?

Sintaxis: inseparable


to remove
I tried, but I can't get the stain out of my new dress.
Lo he intentado, pero no puedo quitar la mancha de mi vestido nuevo.

Sintaxis: separable

to go back


to return

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I'm so embarassed. I can never go back to that bar again.

Estoy tan avergonzada. Nunca ms puedo volver a ese bar.

Sintaxis: intransitive


to date to an early time, to have a long history

remontarse a; retroceder
This story goes back to when I was young.
Esta historia se remonta a cuando yo era joven.

Sintaxis: intransitive

to go out


to leave
Let's go out and play in the snow!
Salgamos a jugar a la nieve!

Sintaxis: intransitive
Antnimos: to go in


to be sent
mandar; enviar
Has the mail gone out yet?
Se ha enviado el correo ya?

Sintaxis: intransitive


to be transmitted
comunicarse; transmitirse; emitirse

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The news went out last night.

Las noticias fueron transmitidas anoche.

Sintaxis: intransitive


to be extinguished; to stop working

The lights went out during the storm.
Las luces se apagaron durante la tormenta.

Sintaxis: intransitive


to become unfashionable
pasarse de moda
Mini skirts went out of style last year.
Las minifaldas se pasaron de moda el ao pasado.

Sintaxis: intransitive

to grow up


to mature, to become an adult

crecer; hacerse mayor; criarse
Alex grew up in France, but now he lives in Italy.
Alex creci en Francia pero ahora vive en Italia.

Sintaxis: intransitive
Derivados: grown-up [n.] (un adulto, persona mayor); grown-up [adj.] (mayor,

to hurry up


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to rush
darse prisa; correr
Hurry up or we will be late.
Date prisa o llegaremos tarde.

Sintaxis: separable
Notas de uso: Se usa mucho en el imperativo.

to look after


to care for; to attend

cuidar de/a; vigilar a; ocuparse de
My parents are looking after the children while we go to dinner.
Mis padres estn cuidando a los nios mientras salimos a cenar.

Sintaxis: inseparable
Sinnimos: to take care of
Notas de uso: Se puede utilizar en la voz pasiva.

to look for


to try to find, to search

buscar a; esperar a
Paul is looking for the document you requested.
Paul est buscando el documento que solicitaste.

Sintaxis: inseparable
Derivados: unlooked-for [adj.] (inesperado, imprevisto)

to look forward to


to wait for or anticipate something pleasant

tener ganas de

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We are really looking forward to your visit!

Tenemos muchas ganas de tu visita!

Sintaxis: inseparable
Notas de uso: Se puede utilizar en la voz pasiva.

to make up


to invent
That never happened! You're making it up!
Eso nunca pas! Lo has inventado!

Sintaxis: inseparable
Derivados: made-up [adj.] (inventado)


to reconcile
reconciliarse; hacer las paces
Our parents had an argument last night, but they made up this morning.
Nuestros padres tuvieron una discusin ayer por la noche, pero se reconciliaron esta

Sintaxis: intransitive


to consist of; to constitute

formar; constituir
The committee is made up of several people from the community.
El comit se compone de varias personas de la comunidad.

Sintaxis: inseparable
Derivados: make-up [n.] (estructura, composicin)

to pick up

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to improve
Business is picking up at the shop this month.
El negocio est mejorando en la tienda este mes.

Sintaxis: intransitive
Derivados: pickup [n.] (mejora)


to flirt
That's the girl John picked up at the bar last night.
Esa es la chica que John se lig en el bar anoche.

Sintaxis: separable
Derivados: pickup [n., adj.] (ligue)


to collect
recoger; coger
We will pick you up at your house at 6.
Te recogeremos en tu casa a las 6.

Sintaxis: separable
Derivados: pickup [n.] (recogida)


to learn
He picks up languages easily.
l aprende idiomas fcilmente.

Sintaxis: separable

to put on

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to dress; to start wearing something

Why don't you put on your green dress, it really suits you.
Por qu no te pones tu vestido verde? Te queda muy bien.

Sintaxis: separable
Antnimos: to take off

to put up


to mount; to hang; to raise; to place

levantar; subir; colgar; montar
The kids want to put up a tent in the backyard this summer.
Los nios quieren poner una tienda de campaa en el jardn este verano.

Sintaxis: separable
Antnimos: to take down

to run into


to meet by accident
encontrarse con alguien
Did I tell you? I ran into your brother the other day at the cinema.
Te dije? Me encontr con tu hermano el otro da en el cine.

Sintaxis: inseparable
Sinnimos: to bump into


to collide
chocar con/contra
Did you hear? Last night a car ran into the shop down the street.
Oste? Anoche un coche choc con la tienda en la calle.

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Sintaxis: inseparable

to sell out


to have nothing left; to sell everything in stock

agotarse algo
The tickets were sold out by the time we arrived.
Las entradas estaban agotadas cuando llegamos.

Sintaxis: intransitive
Derivados: sell-out [n.] (lleno; xito de taquilla)
Notas de uso: Se puede utilizar en la voz pasiva.


to lose integrity in exchange for financial gain

venderse barato
I never expected that they would sell themselves out like that.
Nunca esperaba que se venderan as, tan barato.

Sintaxis: intransitive
Derivados: sell-out [n.] (traicin)

to show off


to behave in a way as to attract attention; to brag

fardar; lucirse
Stop showing off already! It's been over a month since you won the
Deja de fardar ya! Ha pasado ms de un mes desde que ganaste el campeonato.

Sintaxis: intransitive
Derivados: show-off [n.] (chulo)

to show up
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to arrive or appear
presentarse; aparecer
What time did he finally show up?
A qu hora se present finalmente?

Sintaxis: intransitive
Sinnimos: to turn up


to embarrass someone
avergonzar a; dejar a alguien en ridculo
Stop trying to show up your sister. You both did very well this year in school.
Deja de tratar de avergonzar a tu hermana. Los dos lo habis hecho muy bien este
ao en la escuela.

Sintaxis: separable

to shut up


to stop talking or making noise

Shut up already! You're giving me a headache.
Cllate ya! Me das dolor de cabeza.

Sintaxis: separable
Notas de uso: Se utiliza mucho en el imperativo.

to sign in


to open and start a computer program; to register

iniciar una sesin; registrarse

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When you sign in you must give your password.

Cuando inicies la sesin debes darle tu contrasea.

Sintaxis: intransitive
Sinnimos: to log in
Antnimos: to sign out; to log out

to sign out


to close a computer program

cerrar la sesin
I forgot to sign out of my email.
Olvid de cerrar la sesin de mi correo electrnico.

Sintaxis: intransitive
Sinnimos: to log out
Antnimos: to sign in; to log in

to sit down


to sit or take a seat

Sit down and let's talk.
Sintate y hablemos.

Sintaxis: inseparable
Derivados: sit-down [adj.] (servida en la mesa); sit-down [n.] (sentada; descanso)
Notas de uso: Se utiliza mucho en el imperativo.

to split up


to divide or separate into groups

dividirse; separarse

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The teacher split us up into groups for the project.

El profesor nos dividi en grupos para el proyecto.

Sintaxis: separable
Sinnimos: to divide up


to end a relationship
romper con alguien
Did you hear? Sally and Dave split up last week.
Oste? Sally y Dave rompieron la semana pasada.

Sintaxis: intransitive
Sinnimos: to break up

to stand out


to be so extraordinary or different as to draw attention

With her blue hair, Mary really stands out in a crowd.
Con su pelo azul, Mara realmente destaca en la multitud.

Sintaxis: intransitive
Derivados: outstanding [adj.] (excelente; excepcional); outstandingly [adv.]

to switch off


to disconnect or terminate power to

apagar; desconectar; cortarse
Please switch off the lights when you leave.
Por favor apague las luces cuando salga.

Sintaxis: separable
Sinnimos: to shut off; to turn off
Antnimos: to switch on; to turn on

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to switch on


to give power to
Switch on the lights please, I can't see anything.
Encienda las luces por favor, no veo nada.

Sintaxis: separable
Sinnimos: to turn on
Antnimos: to switch off; to shut off; to turn off

to take off


to depart or when the plane leaves the ground

The plane will take off in 5 minutes.
El avin despegar en 5 minutos.

Sintaxis: intransitive
Derivados: take-off [n.] (despegue)


to remove
Take off your jacket and stay awhile.
Qutate la chaqueta y quedate un rato.

Sintaxis: separable
Antnimos: to put on; to keep on


to make quick and good progress

tener xito; despegar
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The new campaign has really taken off.

La nueva campaa ha tenido mucho xito.

Sintaxis: intransitive

to take out


to remove or extract
Can you please take out the trash when you leave?
Puedes por favor sacar la basura cuando te vayas?

Sintaxis: separable
Derivados: take-out [n.] (comida preparada para llevar)

to try on


to put on clothing to see how it looks and how it fits

probarse (ropa)
Would you like to try those on?
Quiere probarselos?

Sintaxis: separable

to turn off


to leave
salirse; desviarse
He was lost. His mistake was turning off the path.
Estaba perdido. Su error fue salirse del camino.

Sintaxis: inseparable
Derivados: turn-off [n.] (salida; desvo)

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to cause dislike or displeasure

quitarle las ganas a; dejar frio a
He was always drunk. It really turned me off.
Siempre estaba borracho. Realmente me dejo fria.

Sintaxis: separable
Derivados: turn-off [n.] (algo o alguien que repugna/repele)
Sinnimos: to turn on

to turn on


to start; to connect
encender; abrir
Remind me to turn on the washing machine before we leave.
Recurdame que encienda la lavadora antes de irnos.

Sintaxis: separable
Derivados: to switch on; to put on
Sinnimos: to turn off; to switch off; to shut off


to excite; to cause someone to feel pleasure; to become interested

poner cachondo; excitar a
Just his voz turns me on.
Slo su voz me excita.

Sintaxis: separable
Derivados: turn-on [n.] (algo o alguien que excita a alguien sexualmente)
Antnimos: to turn off


Phrasal verbs are not students favourite topic, are they? There are so many in the English language
and each one has many different meanings.

This is why its important to begin memorising the most important ones. Are you ready? Excellent!
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It might seem like a lot, but these 25 phrasal verbs will improve not only your written communication,
but also your ability to understand conversations. Native speakers use phrasal verbs all the time in

Most of these phrasal verbs have several meanings, make sure you remember them all!

1. Add up

a- To be added together and equal the expected or correct total.

Example: We added up the apples: there were 12

b-To make sense : to seem to be logical or true.

Example: Her story didnt add up, I think she was lying, it didnt make sense

2. Blow up

a- To fill (something) with air or gas

Example: Please could you blow up those balloons?

b- To explode or to cause (something, such as a bomb) to explode.

Example: The building was blown up by a bomb

c- To become very angry.

Example: When I said I couldnt go to her party, she blew up

3. Bring up

a- To take care of and teach (a child who is growing up).

Example: Their grandparents brought them up because their parents were always travelling

b- To mention (something) when talking : to start to talk about (something).

Example: Dont bring up the fight again, please!

4. Call off

a- To stop doing or planning to do (something) .

Example: Maria called off the wedding, she decided she didnt love him

b- To cause or tell (a person or animal) to stop attacking, chasing, etc.

Example: Call off your dog! Hes attacking my cat

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5. Carry on

a- To continue to do what you have been doing

Example: Sorry I interrupted, carry on talking!

b- To behave or speak in an excited or foolish way.

Example: The little boy was carrying on: shouting and kicking all day long

6. Come across

a- To seem to have a particular quality or character : to make a particular impression.

Example: Julia came across as a bit bossy

b- To be expressed to someone.
Example: I tried to sound happy but it came across as over-excited

c- To meet or find (something or someone) by chance.

Example: Luis was leaving the fruit shop and he came across Tom, what a coincidence

7. Come up with

a To get or think of (something that is needed or wanted).

Example: We finally came up with a solution to the problem!

8. Fall apart

a- To break into parts in usually a sudden and unexpected way,

Example: My cake fell apart when I tried to cut it

b- To become unable to live in a normal way because you are experiencing a lot of confusion or
emotional pain
Example: After the divorce, she fell apart

9. Get along

a- To be or remain friendly
Example: Were not together anymore, but we get along great

b- To make progress while doing something.

Example: How are you getting along at playing the guitar?

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c- To leave a place
Example: It was lovely to see you, but my friend has to get along, she has class

d- To become old.
Example: Her grandma is getting along; shes almost 99

10. Get away

a- To go away from a place.

Example: I cannot wait to get away from the city

b- To avoid being caught : to escape

Example: The thieves managed to get away in a stolen car

c- To not be criticised or punished for (something).

Example: Yvonne is always lying, I cant understand how she gets away with it

11. Get over

a- To stop being controlled or bothered by something, such as a problem or feeling.

Example: I got over my fear of flying

b- To stop feeling unhappy about (something).

Example: Finally, Kylie got over her ex-boyfriend

c- To become healthy again after (an illness).

Example: Have you heard? Dave has got over the flu

12. Give up

a- To stop an activity or effort : to admit that you cannot do something and stop trying
Example: We all gave up smoking on January 1st

13. Go on

a- To continue.
Example: They landed in Paris and then went on to Montpellier

b- To go or travel to a place before another person or group that is with you.

Example: You go on to the restaurant, Ill come in 10 minutes

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c- To happen
Example: Whats going on? Whats happening?

d- Used in speech to urge someone to do something

Example: Go on! Try it, its delicious

14. Hold on

a- To have or keep your hand, arms, etc., tightly around something.

Example: Hold on to the railing, that way you wont fall

b- To succeed in keeping a position, condition, etc.

Example: I will hold on to my job until May

15. Look after

a- To take care of (someone or something).

Example: The nurse looked after the patient for months, until he was better

16. Look forward to

a- To expect (something) with pleasure.

Example: William is really looking forward to going on holiday

17. Look up

a- Improve.
Example: The economy is finally looking up

b- To search for (something) in a reference book, on the Internet, etc.

Example: Lets look up his number in the yellow pages

18. Make out

a- To write down the required information on (something, such as a check).

Example: Who shall I make the check out to?

b- To hear and understand (something)

Example: I cant make out what youre saying, can you speak louder?

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c- To kiss and touch for a long time in a sexual way.

Example: We made out in the back of his car

19. Pass out

a- To fall asleep or become unconscious.

Example: Lisa was so tired, she got home and passed out on the sofa

b- to give (something) to several or many people.

Example: I passed out leaflets with information on our course

20. Pull over

a- To move a vehicle to the side of the road and stop.

Example: That looks like a lovely restaurant, can you pull the car over and park?

21. Put down

a- To place (someone or something that you have been holding or carrying) on a table, on the floor,
Example: You can put the suitcases down in the bedroom

b- To write (something) : to record (something) in writing

Example: He put down his memories to write a book when he was older

c- To give (an amount of money) as a first payment when you are buying something that costs a lot of
Example: My husband and I are going to put down some money to buy that house in the centre of

d- To kill (an animal) in a way that causes it little pain usually because it is injured or sick
Example: Jessica had to have her rabbit put down; it was very sick

22. Put off

a- To decide that (something) will happen at a later time : postpone.

Example: Graham was so tired he put the shopping off until next week

b- To cause (someone) to dislike someone or something

Example: Youre putting me off my food, stop talking about insects!

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23. Put up with

a- To allow (someone or something unpleasant or annoying) to exist or happen.

Example: My mother wont put up with my sisters or I swearing

24. Turn up

a- To be found usually unexpectedly.

Example: Oh! My phone turned up in my bed!

b- To arrive at a place
Example: As always, Julian turned up late

c- To increase the volume, temperature, etc., of something by pressing a button, moving a switch, etc.
Example: Please turn the music up, I love this song!

25. Watch out

a- To be aware of something dangerous.

Example: Watch out in the mountain, there are bears there!

Ay ay ay Los dichosos Phrasal Verbs, a mas de uno lo vuelven loco! Y

no es para menos, con tan slo aadir un adverbio o una preposicin
cambia radicalmente el significado de un verbo. La mejor manera de
aprenderlos es prctica prctica y ms prctica, espera, qu no sabes
aun qu son los Phrasal Verbs? Pues citamos el significado de la

Un verbo preposicional (llamando tambin phrasal verb o multi-word

verb, o MWV1 ) es, en ingls, un verbo compuesto formado por la
combinacin de un verbo y una partcula gramatical, es decir, un adverbio o
una preposicin, o incluso por un verbo seguido por un adverbio y una

Una vez que ya sabemos de qu se trata, aqu tienes una lista de los 150
Phrasal Verbs ms comunes y esenciales junto con su traduccin y un
ejemplo para que lo veas ms claro. Deja de tener miedo a la parte ms
complicada del ingls, en la prctica est la maestra.

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1. Get on


The bus was full.We couldnt get on.

El autobs estaba completo, no pudimos subirnos.

2. Drive off

Marcharse (en un vehculo) de algn lugar

A woman got into the car and drove off.

Una mujer se subi al coche y se march.

3. Come back

Volver a algn lugar.

Sally is leaving tomorrow and coming back on Saturday.

Sally se va maana y vuelve el sbado.

3. Turn round

Cambiar de direccin, girarse

When I touched him on the shoulder,he turned round.

Cuando le toqu en el hombro, l se gir.

4. Break down
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Dejar de funcionar , dejar de operar. (romperse)

Sorry Im late.The car broke down.

Siento llegar tarde. El coche dej de funcionar (se rompi)

5. Look out

Ser cuidadoso, estar atento, permanecer atento.

Look out!Theres a car coming

Presta atencin!, Viene un coche.

6.Take off


It was my first flight.I was nervous as the plane took off.

Fu mi primer vuelo. Estaba nervioso hasta que el avin despeg.

7. Get on

Ponerse, Llevarse (bien/mal) con alguien, llevar algo (cmo lo llevas? how
do you get it on?)

How was the exam?how did you get on?

Qu tal el examen? Cmo te fu?

8. Get by


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My french isnt very good, but its enough to get by.

My francs no es muy bueno, pero es suficiente para aparmelas.

9. Run away (from)

Escaparse, huir, alejarse.

Why did you run away from me?

Por qu huiste de m?

10. Keep up (with)

Llevar el ritmo

Youre walking too fast. I cant keep up with you.

Ests andando muy rpido. No puedo llevar tu ritmo

11. Look up (at)

Fijarse en algo

We looked up at the plane as it flew above us.

Nos fijmos en el avin hasta que nos pas por encima.

12. Look forward (to)

Estar pendiente/emocionado por algo que va a pasar, esperar algo, mirar

hacia adelante

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Are you looking forward to your holiday?

Tienes ganas de tus vacaciones?

13. Get in


How did the thieves get in?

Cmo entraron los ladrones?

14. Let yourself in

Dejar entrar a alguien

Heres a key,so you can let yourself in.

Aqu tienes una llave, as que puedes entrar por ti mismo.

15. Dive in

Bucear, zambullirse, sumergirse.

Sally walked up to the edge of the pool and dived in.

Sally camin por el borde de la piscina y se sumergi.

16. Move in

Mudarse, avanzar.

Ive got a new flat.Im moving in on Friday

Tengo un piso nuevo, me mudo el viernes.

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17. Check in (hotel,airport)

Presentar documentos, registrarse.

As soon as I got to the airport,I checked in.

Tan pronto como llegu al aeropuerto, me registr (hice el check in)

18. Walk out

Irse de algn lugar de repente.

He just stood up and walked out.

El tan solo se levant y se march.

19. Lock out

Quedarse encerrado, no poder entrar

I had no key,so i was locked out.

No tena llaves, as que no pude entrar.

20. Climb out

Salir/subir con dificultades.

She swam up and down the pool,and then climbed out.

Ella nad de un lado a otro de la piscina y entonces se sali.

21. Check out

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Comprobar algo, pagar la cuenta, registrar la salida (hotel)

(at a hotel)What time do we have to check out?

(en un hotel) A qu hora tenemos que dejar la habitacin?

22. Drop/call in

Visitar/encontrarse a alguien sin tener intencin previa de hacerlo.

I dropped in to see Chris on my way home.

Me encontr con Chris en mi camino a casa.

23. Join in

Tomar parte en algn tipo de actividad que se est llevando a cabo.

Were playing a game. Why dont you join in?

Estamos jugando. Por qu no te unes?

24. Plug in

Conectar algo a otra cosa (ejemplo conectar a la electricidad).

The fridge isnt working because you havent plugged it in.

La nevera no est funcionando porque no la has conectado.

25. Fill in (U.K) Fill out (U.S.A)

Escribir, rellenar un formulario o documento.

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Please fill in the application form and send it to us.

Por favor rellena el formulario y envanoslo.

(Aqu hago un inciso, podemos ver lo complicado que puede resultar el

idioma espaol a un angloparlante con este ejemplo: send it to us =
envanoslo; imagina lo que debe significar para ellos el cambiar una frase
simple con palabras bsicas por una conjugacin tan enrevesada)

26. Take somebody in

Engaar, ser engaado.

The man said he was a policeman and I believed him. I was completely
taken in.
El hombre dijo que era polica y lo cre. Estaba totalmente engaado.

27. Eat out

Comer fuera.

There wasnt anything to eat at home, so we decided to eat out.

No haba nada en casa para comer, as que decidimos salir a comer fuera.

28. Drop out

Dejar de hacer algo justo antes de terminar.

Gary went to university but dropped out after a year.

Gary fu a la universidad pero dej de ir despus de un ao.

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29. Get out

Evitar hacer algo, no tener que hacer algo nunca ms.

I promise id go to the wedding. I dont want to go, but I cant get out of it
He prometido que ira a la boda. No quiero ir, pero ahora no puedo
echarme atrs (la traduccin literal sera no puedo evitar ir o no puedo no
ir lo cual sera una redundancia, una traduccin ms correcta sera utilizar
la expresin no puedo echarme atrs desde mi punto de vista).

30. Cut something out

Recortar algo de un peridico o una revista, especialmente fotos o


There was a beautiful picture in the magazine, so I cut it out.

Haba una bonita imagen en la revista, as que la recort.

31. Leave something out

Omitir algo, no incluirlo

In the sentence She said that she was ill,you can leave out the word that
En la frase She said that she was ill, puedes quitar la palabra that

32. Cross/rub something +out

Dibujar una lnea alrededor para incluir o excluir algo.

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Some of the names on the list had been crossed out

Algunos de los nombres en la lista fueron seleccionados/rodeados (por una

33. Go out

Que algo se apague por si slo, hacer un esfuerzo, salir, pasar de moda.

Suddenly all the lights in the building went out.

De repente, todas las luces del edificio se vinieron abajo.

34. Put out(a fire,a cigarette,a light)

Extinguir, apagar algo.

We managed to put the fire out.

Logramos apagar el fuego.

35. Turn out (a light)

Apagar (luces)

I turned the lights out before leaving.

Apagu las luces antes de irme.

36. Blow out

Apagar (normalmente fuego, velas), reventar algo (explosin), vaciar.

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We dont need a candle.You can blow it out.

No necesitamos una vela. Puedes apagarla.

37. Work out

Hacer ejercicio fsico.

Rachel works out at the gym three times a week.

Rachel hace ejercicio en el gimnasio tres veces por semana.

38. Work out

Desarrollarse, progresar, elaborar.

Good luck for the future.I hope everything works out well for you.
Buena suerte en el futuro. Espero que todo mejore/progrese para ti.

39. Work something out

Calcular, pensar acerca de un problema y hallar la respuesta.

345 x 76?I need to do this on paper.I cant work it out in my head.

345 x 76? Necesito un papel. No puedo calcularlo (hallar la respuesta)

40. Carry out (order,


Hacer algo y finalizarlo (cumplir con algo, alguien).

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Soldiers are expected to carry out orders.

De los soldados se espera que cumplan las rdenes.

43. Fall out (with somebody)

Dejar de ser amigos.

They used to be very good friends.Im surprised to hear that they have
fallen out
Solan ser buenos amigos. Me sorprende escuchar que han dejado de

42. Find out + THAT/WHAT/WHEN/WHO etc.

Recoger/tener/descubrir /recopilar algo de informacin, hechos,


The police never foun out who committed the murder.

La polica nunca descubri quien cometi el asesinato.

43. Give/hand (things) out

Dar a cada persona, distribuir.

At the end of the lecture,the speaker gave out information sheets to the
Al final de la conferencia/lectura, el ponente/orador hizo entrega de hojas
de informacin al pblico.

44. Point something out (to somebody)

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Poner atencin sobre algo, fijarse en algo, sealar alguna informacin.

I didnt realise Id make a mistake until somebody pointed it out to me.

No me d cuenta de que comet un error hasta que alguien me lo seal.

45. Run out (of something)

Acabar algo, quedarse sin algo importante, que algo se vace.

We ran out of petrol on the motorway

Nos quedamos sin gasolina en la autova.

46. Sort something out

Encontrar una solucin, poner algo en orden.

There are a few problems we need to sort out.

Hay algunos problemas que debemos solucionar.

47. Turn out to be

Tener razn.

Nobody believed Paul at first,but he turned to be right.

Nadie crea a Paul al principio, pero tena razn.

48. Turn out+good/nice

Que algo mejore (nicamente el tiempo)

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The weather wasnt so good in the morning,but it turned out nice later.
El tiempo no era muy bueno esta maana, pero ha mejorado despus.

49. Turn out+that

Result ser que

I thought they knew each other,but it turned out that theyd never met.
Pensaba que se conocan, pero result que ellos jamas se haban

50. Try out ( a machine, a system)

Probar algo para comprobar que todo est bien.

The company is trying out a new computer system at the moment.

La compaa est probando un nuevo sistema informtico en estos

51. Go on

Algo que pasa/ocurre.

Whats all that noise?whats going on?

Qu es todo ese ruido? Qu est ocurriendo?

52. Call something off

Cancelar algo.

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The open air concert had to be called off because of the weather.
El concierto al aire libre tubo que ser cancelado debido al tiempo.

53. Put something off

Retrasar algo, posponerlo.

The wedding has been put off until january

La boda se ha pospuesto hasta enero.

54. Put off (doing sthg)

Retrasar algo, posponerlo.

We cant put off making a decision.we have to decide now

No podemos demorar ms la decisin, tenemos que decidirlo ahora.

55. Put on

Vestir algo, ponerse algo.

My hands were cold,so I put my gloves on

Mis manos estaban fras, as que me puse los guantes.

56. Put on (weight)

Coger kilos, ganar peso.

Ive put on 2 kilograms in the last month.

He cogido 2 kilos el mes pasado.

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57. Try on (clothes etc)

Para ver si te quedan bien, para ver si te gusta como te queda algo.

I tried on a jacket in the shop,but it didnt fit me very well.

Me prob una chaqueta en la tienda, pero no me quedaba muy bien.

58. Take off (clothes etc)

Quitarse, desvestirse

It was warm,so i took off my jacket

Haca calor, as que me quit la chaqueta.

59. Be off (to a place)

Expresar que alguien estar en un lugar en un momento concreto.

Tomorrow im off to Paris.

Maana estar en Pars.

Im off on holiday.
Me voy en vacaciones.

60. Walk,Run, Drive,Ride + off

Irse (caminando, corriendo, conduciendo etc.)

Diane got on her bike and rode off.

Diane cogi su bicicleta y se fu.

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61. Set off

Comenzar un camino/viaje/recorrido.

We set off very early to avoid the traffic.

Empezamos el camino muy temprano para evitar el trfico.

62. Take off

Despegar del suelo (avin)

After a long delay the plane finally took off.

Despus de un largo retraso, finalmente despeg el avin.

63. See somebody off

Acompaar a alguien al aeropuerto/estacin para despedirte.

We went to the station with her to see her off.

Fuimos a la estacin junto a ella para despedirnos.

64. Drive/Walk/Play + on

Continuar andando/conduciendo/Jugando.

Shall we stop at this petrol station or shall we drive on to the next one?
Deberamos parar en esta gasolinera o deberamos seguir conduciendo
hasta la siguiente?

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65. Go on


The show must go on.

El show debe continuar.

66. Go on/carry on + doing something

Continuar (hacciendo algo)

I dont want to carry on working here.Im going to look for another job.
No quiero continuar trabajando aqu. Voy a buscar otro trabajo.
67. Go on with/carry on with something

Continuar (haciendo algo)

Dont let me disturb you. Please carry on with what youre doing
No dejes que te interrumpa. Por favor contina con lo que ests haciendo.

68. Keep on (doing something)

Hacer algo continuamente o repetidamente (siempre)

He keeps on criticising me.

l contina criticndome.

69. Get on

Hacer progresos

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How are you getting on in your new job?

Cmo te v haciendo progresos en tu trabajo?

70. Get on (with somebody)

Tener una buena relacin.

Carlos y Sara dont get on.Theyre always arguing.

Carlos and Sara no se llevan bien. Estn siempre discutiendo.

71. Get on (with something)

Continuar haciendo algo que tienes que hacer, normalmente despus de

un descaso o una interrupcin.

I must get on with my work.

Debo continuar con mi trabajo.
72. Doze/drop/nod + OFF

Caer dormido.

The lecture wasnt very interesting.In fact I dropped off in the middle of it.
La lectura no era muy interesante. De hecho ca dormido en la mitad.

73. Finish something off

Hacer la ltima parte de algo.

Ill finish it off tomorrow.

Lo terminar maana.

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74. Go off

Que algo explote.

A bomb went off in the city centre,but fortunately nobody was hurt.
Una bomba explot en el centro de la ciudad pero afortunadamente nadie
result herido.

75. Go off

Sonar, que algo suene.

Did you hear the alarm go off?

Escuchaste sonar la alarma?

76. Put somebody off (doing something)

Perder las ganas, hacer algo aunque no se quiera, disuadir, cansar.

We wanted to go to the exhibition,but we were put off by the long queue.

Queramos ir a la exhibicin, pero nos desanim la larga cola.

77. Rip somebody off

Engaar a alguien (informal)

Did you really pay for that painting?I think you were ripped off.
De verdad pagaste 1000 libras por ese cuadro? Creo que te engaaron.

78. Show off

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Tratar de impresionar a la gente con tu habilidad, conocimiento, etc, lucirse,


Look at that boy on the bike riding with no hands. Hes just showing off.
Fjate en ese chico en la bici, conduciendo sin manos. Se est luciendo.

79. Tell somebody off


Clares mother told her off for wearing dirty shoes in the house
La madre de Clare la rega por llevar zapatos sucios dentro de casa.

80. Put something up (on a wall)

Colgar, poner alguna cosa en algn sitio.

I put some pictures up on the wall

Colgu varios cuadros en la pared.

81. Pick something up


There was a letter on the floor.I picked it up and looked at it.

Haba una letra en el suelo. La recog y le ech un vistazo.

82. Stand up


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Alan stood up and walked out

Alan se levant y camin.

83. Turn something up

Elevar, subir.

I cant hear the TV.Can you turn it up a bit?

No puedo escuchar la televisin. Puedes subirla un poco?

84. Take down (from a wall etc.)

Bajar, quitar algo de algn sitio.

I didnt like the picture,so I took it down.

No me gustaba el cuadro, as que lo quit.

85. Put something down

Soltar, dejar, depositar.

I stopped writing and put down my pen.

Dej de escribir y solt mi bolgrafo.

86. Sit/Bend/Lie + Down

Sentarse, tumbarse, agacharse.

I bent down to tie my shoelace

Me agach para atar mis cordones.

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87. Turn something down

Bajar algo, reducir.

The oven is too hot.Turn it down to 150 degrees

El horno est demasiado caliente. Bjalo a 150.

88. Knock/Blow/Cut + down

Demoler, tirar, echar abajo.

Some old houses were knocked down to make way for the new shopping
Algunas casas viejas fueron demolidas para crear un camino al nuevo
centro comercial.

89. Be knocked down

Noquear, tumbar, golpear, dejar inconsciente.

A man was knocked down by a car and taken to hospital

Un hombre fue atropellado por un coche y lo llevaron al hospital.

90. Slow down

Reducir la velocidad, ir mas despacio.

Youre driving too fast.Slow down!

Vas demasiado rpido. Ve mas despacio!

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91. Calme down

Calmarse, calmar a alguien.

Calm down.Theres no point in getting angry

Clmate. No tiene sentido enfadarse.

92. Cut down (on something)

Hacer algo menos de la costumbre

Im trying to cut down on coffee.I drink for much of it.

Estoy intentando tomar menos caf, bebo mucho.

93. Break down

Dejar de funcionar (mquinas, coches, etc.)

The car broke down and I had to phone for help.

El coche se estrope y tuve que llamar por ayuda.

94. Close/ Shut + DOWN

Cerrar un negocio, apagar (mquina, coche, etc)

There used to be a shop at the end of the street;it closed down a few years
Sola haber una tienda al final de la calle; cerr hace algunos aos.

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95. Let somebody down

Defraudar a alguien porque no has hecho lo que esperaban de ti.

You can always rely on Pete.Hell never let you down

Siempre puedes confiar en Pete. Nunca te defraudar.

96. Turn somebody/something down

Rechazar a algo o alguien.

I applied for several jobs,but I was turned down for each one.
Solicit varias ofertas de empleo, pero fu rechazado en cada una de ellas.

97. Write something Down

Escribir algo en un papel porque quizs necesitas la informacin ms


I cant remember Tims address.I wrote it down,but I cant find it.

No puedo recordar la direccin de Tim. La escrib pero no puedo

98. Go up/come up/walk up (to..)

Acercarse, acelerar el ritmo, acelerar.

A man come up to me in the street and asked me for money.

Un hombre se me acerc en la calle y me pidi dinero.

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99. Catch up (with somebody)

Alcanzar una velocidad o nivel determinado.

Youre doing well.Keep it up!I cant catch up with you

Lo ests haciendo bien. Sigue as! No puedo alcanzarte

100. Set up (organisation,company,business,system,website etc)

Designar, elegir, seleccionar.

The government has set up a committe to investigate the problem.

El gobierno ha elegido un comit para investigar el problema.

101. Take up (a hobby,a sport, an activity)

Comenzar algo.

Laura took up photography a few years ago.She takes really good pictures.
Laura empez con la fotografa hace unos aos. Hace fotos realmente

102. Fix up (a meeting)

Organizar, arreglar.

Weve fixed up a meeting for next Monday.

Hemos organizado una reunin para el prximo lunes.

103. Grow up

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Crecer, hacerse mayor.

Sarah was born in Ireland but grew up in England.

Sarah naci en Irlanda pero creci en Inglaterra.

104. Bring up (a child)

Levantar, cuidar a un nio, hacerse cargo.

Her parents died when she was a child and she was brought up by her
Sus padres murieron cuando era una nia y sus abuelos se hicieron cargo
de ella.

105. Clean/Clear/Tidy UP

Dejar algo limpio, recogido.

Look at this mess!Whos going to tidy up (or to tidy it up)

Mira todo este desastre, quin va a recogerlo.

106. Wash up

Limpiar los platos y cubiertos despus de comer.

I hate washing up
Odio lavar los platos.

107. End up (somewhere/doing something)

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Terminar en algn lugar, o algo que se est haciendo.

There was a fight in the street and 3 men ended up in the hospital
Haba una pelea en la calle y 3 hombres terminaron en el hospital.

108. Give up

Tirar la toalla, rendirse.

Dont give up.Keep trying!

No tires la toalla. Sigue intentandolo!

109. Give something up

Dejar de hacer algo.

Sue got bored with her Job and decided to give it up

Sue se aburri de su trabajo y decidi dejarlo.

110. Make up something (active form)

Formar parte de algo.

Children under 16 make up half the population of the city.

Los nios menores de 16 aos forman la mitad de la poblacin de la

111. Be made up of something (passive form)

Estar hecho de parte de algo.

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Air is made up mainly of nitrogen and oxygen.

El aire est formado principalmente por nitrgeno y oxgeno.

112. Take up (space or time)

Usar el espacio o el tiempo.

Most of the space in the room was taken up by a large table

La mayor parte del espacio de la habitacin estaba ocupado por una gran

113. Turn/Show UP

Llegar, aparecer, mostrar.

We arranged to meet Dave last night,but he didnt turn up.

Quedamos con Dave anoche, pero no apareci.

114. Use something up

Usar la totalidad de algo hasta que no quede nada.

Im going to take a few more photographs.I want to use up the rest of the
Voy a tomar algunas mas fotografas. Quiero acabar con el resto del

115. Bring up (a topic etc.) (Active form)

Introducir algo en una conversacin, mencionar algo.

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I dont want to hear any more about this matter.Please dont bring it up
No quiero escuchar nada ms de este tema. Por favor no lo menciones.

116. Come up (Passive form)

Introducir algo en una conversacin.

Some interesting matters come up in our discussion yesterday

Algunos temas interesantes salieron en nuestra discusin de ayer.

117. Make something up

Inventar algo que no es cierto, contar mentiras.

What Kevin told you about himself wasnt true.He made it all up.
Lo que Kevin te dijo de l no era verdad. Se lo invent todo.

118. Cheer up


You look so sad!Cheer up!

Pareces triste, algrate!

119. Cheer somebody up

Hacer que alguien se sienta mejor (ms feliz)

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Helen is depressed at the moment.What can we do to cheer her up?

Helen est deprimida. Qu podemos hacer para alegrarla?

120. Save up (for something, to do something)

Guardar algo para otra cosa (por ejemplo guardar dinero para comprar

Dan is saving up for a trip round the world

Dan est guardando dinero para un viaje alrededor del mundo.

121. Clear up

Que algo se aclare (para el tiempo)

It was raining when I got up,but it cleared up during the morning.

Estaba lloviendo cuando me levant, pero se aclar a lo largo de la

122. Blow up (Active Form)

Que algo explote.

The engine caught fire and blew up

El motor se incendi y explot.

123. Blow something up (Passive Form)

Destruir algo con una bomba.

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The bridge was blown up during the war

El puente fu destruido durante la guerra.

124. Tear something up

Despedazar, romper (en pedazos), partir (en pedazos).

I didnt read the letter.I just tore it up and threw it away

No le la carta. Tan slo la romp y la tir.

125. Beat somebody up

Tumbar a alguien (a golpes), golpear con nimo de hacer dao.

A friend of mine was attacked and beaten up a few days ago.

Un amigo fu atacado y golpeado hace unos das.

126. Break/Split up (with somebody)

Romper (con alguien)

Im surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have split up.They seemed very
happy together.
Estoy sorprendido de escuchar que Sue y Poul han roto. Parecan muy
felices juntos.

127. Do up (a coat/a shoelace/buttons)

Abrochar, atar, amarrar.

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Its quite cold.Do up your coat before you go out

Hace fro. Abrchate el abrigo antes de salir fuera.

128. Do up (a room,a building)

Reparar y mejorar algo, renovar.

The Kitchen looks great now that is has been done up

La cocina se ve genial ahora que se ha renovado.

129. Look something up (in a dictionary/encyclopedia)

Comprobar algo, buscar algo para informarte.

If you dont know the meaning of a word,you can look it up in a dictionary

Si no conoces el significado de alguna palabra, puedes buscarla en un

130. Put up with something

Tolerar, soportar, aguantar algo.

We live on a busy road,so we have to put up with a lot of noise from the
Vivimos en una zona muy concurrida, as que tenemos que aguantar
bastante ruido del trfico.

131. Hold up (a person,a plan)

Retrasar a alguien o a algo.

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Dont wait for me.I dont want to hold you up

No me esperes. No quiero retrasarte.

132. Mix up/get people mixed up (people,things)

Confundir a algo o alguien.

The 2 brothers look very similar many people mixed them up

Los 2 hermanos se parecen bastante, mucha gente los confunde.

133. Away

Lejos de casa.

Were going away on holiday today

Nos vamos lejos de vacaciones hoy.

134. Away

Lejos de un lugar, de una persona.

The woman got into the car and drove away

La mujer entr en el coche y se march lejos.

135. Back

Volver a casa.

Well be back in 3 weeks

Volver en 3 semanas.

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136. Back

Volver a algn lugar, o volver con alguna persona.

After eating at a restaurant,we walked back to our hotel

Despus de comer en un restaurante, caminamos de vuelta al hotel.

137. Get away

Escapar, salir de algn sitio con dificultades.

We tried to catch the thief,but he managed to get away

Intentamos atrapar al ladrn, pero logr escaparse.

138. Get away with something

Hacer algo malo sin ser descubierto.

I parked in a no-parking zone,but i got away with it

Aparqu en zona prohibida, pero me fui sin ser descubierto.

139. Keep away (from)

Mantenerse lejos.

Keep away from the edge of the pool.You might fall in

Mantente lejos del borde de la piscina. Podras caer.

140. Give something away

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Darle algo a alguien porque ya no lo quieres ms.

Did you sell your old computer?No,I gave it away

Vendiste tu ordenador? No, lo don/regal.

141. Put something away

Poner algo en un lugar donde se guarda, normalmente fuera de la vista.

When the children had finished playing with their toys,they put them away.
Cuando los nios han terminado de jugar con sus muecos, los guardan.

142. Throw something away

Tirar algo a la basura.

I kept the letter,but I threw away the envelope

Guard la carta, pero tir el sobre.

143. Wave/Smile/Shout/Write/Hit smbd + BACK

Devolver un saludo, una sonrisa.

I waved to her and she waved back.

La salud y me devolvi el saludo.

144. Call/Phone/Ring somebody + BACK

Devolver una llamada.

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I cant talk to you now.Ill call you back in 10 minutes.

No puedo hablar ahora contigo. Te llamar de vuelta en 10 minutos.

145. Get back (to somebody)

Responder a alguien.

I sent him an e-mail,but he never got back to me

Le envi un e-mail, pero nunca me contest.

146. Look back (on something)

Pensar sobre algo que ha pasado con anterioridad.

My first Job was in a travel agency.I didnt like it very much but,looking back
on it,I learnt a lot
Mi primer trabajo fue en una agencia de viajes. No me gustaba mucho pero
mirando hacia atrs, aprend mucho.

147. Pay back (money)

Devolver dinero.

If you borrow money,you have to pay it back

Si pides prestado dinero, tienes que devolverlo.

148. Pay somebody back

Devolver dinero a alguien

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If you borrow me money, you have to pay me back.

Si me pides dinero prestado, me lo tienes que devolver

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