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Multiple Choice 7th Grade

Directions (1-50): For each statement or question, write on the separate answer sheet the number of the word or expression
that, of those given, best completes the statement or answers the question.

1. With which field of study are the terms artifact, carbon Base your answers to question 8 on the passage below and
dating, and dig site associated? on your knowledge of social studies.
(1) archaeology (2) civics
(3) economics (4) sociology The Confederation was led by the Grand Council. It
consisted of 50 sachems, or chiefs, from each
2. Which document is considered a primary source? nations tribal council. Each of the five nations ran
(1) a textbook account of the American Revolution its own affairs independently. However, the Grand
(2) a personal diary kept by a person who works in a Council made decisions that affected the
sweatshop Confederation as a whole. The Grand Council was
(3) an encyclopedia about the Reconstruction Period responsible for maintaining peace among the
(4) a biography of the life of John D. Rockefeller members. It also handled political and military
matters such as forging treaties with other Indian
3. Mountains, hills, plains, and plateaus are examples of nations and declaring war.
(1) landforms (3) mineral resources
(2) vegetation (4) political barriers 8. Which political structure is referred to in the passage
4. The most widely accepted theory of the earliest human (1) American Indian Movement
migration to the Americans is that people (2) Bureau of Indian Affairs
(1) crossed the polar ice caps from Norway to northern (3) Indian Reservation System
Canada. (4) Iroquois League of Nations
(2) walked across a land bridge from Asia to Alaska. _____
(3) used seagoing vessels to sail from Africa to Central
(4) traveled in rafts and small boats from Pacific islands to 9. The buffalo was the primary source of food, shelter,
South America. clothing, and tools for Native American Indians of the
(1) Southeast (3) Eastern woodlands
(2) Pacific Coast (4) Great Plains
5. From west to east, the major geographic features of the
United States are
(1) Rocky MountainsGreat PlainsMississippi
Base your answer to question 10 on the illustration below
RiverAppalachian Mountains
and on your knowledge of social studies.
(2) Great PlainsMississippi RiverRocky
MountainsAppalachian Mountains
(3) Rocky MountainsGreat PlainsAppalachian
MountainsMississippi River
(4) Mississippi RiverAppalachian MountainsGreat
PlainsRocky Mountains

6. One way in which the Aztecs, Incas, and Mayas were

similar is that they
(1) traveled to the Western Hemisphere from Africa
(2) had developed advanced civilizations before the arrival
of Columbus
(3) settled in the desert of the southwestern United States
(4) left no evidence to help us understand their cultures

7. Inuits wore clothing made of seal and caribou skins.

Pueblos wore clothing made of woven cotton. Algonquins 10. A conclusion best supported by this illustration is
that the Columbian Exchange
wore clothing made of deerskin. These differences in
(1) increased the isolation between Europe and the Americas
clothing were most likely the result of
(1) traditional religious practices (2) ended the slave trade in the Eastern Hemisphere
(3) led to the spread of disease to the natives of the Americas
(2) available natural resources
(4) resulted in a decrease in trade between North America
(3) family kinship requirements
(4) competing customs in fashion and Europe
11. Early European explorers who came to the New World 15. In the thirteen British colonies, voting rights were limited to
were looking for a northwest passage in order to (1) colonists born in America
(1) prove the world was round (2) men who owned property
(2) improve trade with Native American Indians (3) women who could read and write
(3) explore the Great Lakes (4) people who had come from England
(4) find a shorter route to Asia
16. New England town meetings and the Virginia House of
12. What was the major reason the original settlers of Burgesses were colonial efforts to
Plymouth Colony, Maryland, and Pennsylvania came to (1) practice self-government
America? (2) form a union of all the colonies
(1) to search for freedom from religious persecution. (3) raise colonial militias
(2) to search for gold and silver. (4) encourage colonial trade
(3) to convert Native Americans to Christianity.
(4) to bring spices to the New World. 17. The British system of mercantilism was designed to
(1) close Boston Harbor to trade
Base your answer to questions 13 and 14 on the map below (2) encourage trade outside the British Empire
and on your knowledge of social studies. (3) favor the economic interests of Great Britain
(4) prevent local elections in the thirteen colonies

18. The Albany Plan of Union called for

(1) equal voting rights for all citizens.
(2) a declaration of war on England.
(3) a joint colonial council for defense.
(4) separation from England.

Base your answer to question 19 on the map below and on

your knowledge of social studies.

13. The information on this map suggests that early colonists

(1) were unable to achieve political unity.
(2) located towns and villages within a few miles of each
(3) built their settlements near bodies of water.
(4) encountered difficulties with Native Americans.

14. The main reason for the variety of economic activity in

the different regions of the original colonies can be
explained by differences in 19. The British government established the Proclamation
(1) family structure and education. Line of 1763 mainly to
(2) geography and climate. (1) avoid conflicts with Native American Indians
(3) political and social systems. (2) promote the fur trade
(4) national origins and cultures. (3) expand the thirteen colonies
(4) provide access to the Mississippi River
20. Which statement identifies an outcome of the Treaty of 25. Which statement about Valley Forge in the winter of
Paris (1763) that ended the French and Indian War? 17771778 is most accurate?
(1) Canada became a colony of Spain. (1) Conditions at Valley Forge ended hopes for American
(2) The Dutch gave up New Netherlands to England. independence.
(3) France lost most of its colonies in North America. (2) Loyalists were discouraged by reports from Valley
(4) Americans won their independence from the British. Forge.
(3) Valley Forge was the scene of much hardship for
21. Many American colonists believed that British tax laws General Washingtons troops.
were unfair because (4) The battle at Valley Forge was the turning point of the
(1) colonists lacked representation in Parliament. Revolutionary War.
(2) the British treasury had a surplus of funds.
(3) Native American Indians were exempt from British tax Base your answer to question 26 on the map below and
laws. your knowledge of Social Studies.
(4) taxes were higher in the colonies than in England.

22. In the American colonies, boycotts were an effective

way of protesting British policies mainly because the
(1) ended trade within the colonies
(2) forced Britain to remove most troops
(3) kept out products from other European nations
(4) caused economic hardships for British merchants

Base your answer to question 23 on the chart below and on

your knowledge of social studies.

26. What does this map of the American Revolution

(1) George Washington's plan to evacuate New York
(2) colonial attempts to conquer Canada
(3) British strategy to capture New York and divide the
(4) the importance of the French Navy to the colonial

23. Which two groups in American history are being 27. Statement of grievances committed by Britain
described in columns A and B? Statement of the natural rights of life, liberty,
(1) Puritans and Pilgrims and the pursuit of happiness
(2) British and French Establishment of the United States of America
(3) Loyalists and Patriots
(4) Federalists and Antifederalists Which document is associated with these actions?
__________ (1) Albany Plan of Union
(2) Declaration of Independence
24. Which statement expresses an opinion about the causes (3) Articles of Confederation
of the Revolutionary War? (4) Constitution of the United States
(1) Colonists participated in triangular trade.
(2) The Boston Massacre took place on March 5, 1770. 28. The Constitution of the United States was considered an
(3) Samuel Adams founded the Sons of Liberty. improvement over the Articles of Confederation because the
(4) The Quartering Act was a serious violation Constitution changed the
of the colonists liberties. (1) status of slavery
(2) civil rights of minorities
(3) number of Americans eligible to vote
(4) balance of power between national and state
29. Delegates at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 36. One major reason historians consider George Washington a
agreed to the Great Compromise and the Three-Fifths great president is that he
Compromise as a way to (1) created many important practices still used by the
(1) limit the power of the president. government
(2) provide legal rights for women. (2) made the United States a world power
(3) settle differences over representation in Congress. (3) ended conflicts among the Native American Indians
(4) establish term limits for senators. (4) extended voting rights to most free males throughout the
United States
30. One reason Antifederalists insisted that the Bill of Rights
be added to the United States Constitution was to 37. Which of the following represents the foreign policy
(1) remove portions of the original Constitution followed by many early United States presidents starting
(2) protect individual freedoms from governmental with George Washington?
power (1) neutrality (2) embargoes
(3) make changes in the election process (3) competition (4) republicanism
(4) increase the power of the legislative branch
38. The Louisiana Purchase was important to the growth of
31. The Preamble of the United States Constitution says that the United States because it
the power to govern originates with the (1) doubled the size of the country
(1) states. (2) president. (2) gave the nation control of the Great Lakes
(3) Supreme Court. (4) people. (3) completed Americas westward expansion
(4) brought California into the Union
Base your answers to questions 32 and 33 on the statements
below and on your knowledge of Social Studies. 39. The case Marbury vs. Madison was a landmark Supreme
Court decision because it
Speaker A: "The president does not like the law Congress is (1) established the power of the Supreme Court to declare
voting on. He does not think it is the right thing to do." a law unconstitutional.
(2) increased the power of the Federalists in the legislative
Speaker B: "If the president really wants to stop the law, he branch.
has the power to do so." (3) resulted in an increase in the number of Supreme Court
Speaker C: "Even if the president does stop the law, (4) created the power of the president as commander in
Congress can still have its way if two-thirds of the members chief of the Army.
are willing to vote for it."
40. The purpose of political parties is
32. What power of the president is Speaker B referring to? (1) to give people a voice in the government.
(1) veto (2) override (2) to prevent war with other countries.
(3) judicial review (4) impeachment (3) to keep peace with Native Americans.
(4) to pay off the national governments debt.
33. What congressional power is Speaker C referring to?
(1) veto (2) override 41. During the 1840s, Americans used the idea of Manifest
(3) judicial review (4) impeachment Destiny to justify the
__________ (1) expansion of womens rights
(2) acquiring of new territories
34. The United States Constitution was created to include (3) beginning of free public education
separation of powers and checks and balances in order to (4) repeal of the Missouri Compromise
(1) give most of the powers to the executive branch.
(2) continue the government of the Articles of 42. The Monroe Doctrine, issued by President James
Confederation. Monroe, warned European nations to stay out of the affairs
(3) make sure the branches of government would not of nations in
disagree. (1) North Africa. (2) Latin America.
(4) prevent any one branch of government from gaining (3) Canada. (4) Asia.
too much power.

35. Which provision was included in the United States

Constitution to allow it to adapt to changing times?
(1) separation of powers
(2) an electoral college
(3) a federal system
(4) an amendment process
43. "The Cherokees are nearly all prisoners. They have been 50. Which heading best completes the partial outline below?
dragged from their homes and encamped at the forts and
military places, all over the nation...The property of many I. ___________________________________
has been taken and sold before their eyes for almost A. Uncle Toms Cabin published
nothing." B. Congress passes Kansas-Nebraska Act
C. John Brown leads attack at Harpers Ferry
The quotation from an eyewitness on the Trail of Tears
describes events connected with the (1) Impacts of Industrialization
(1) Battle of Yorktown. (2) Closing the Frontier
(2) Lewis and Clark Expedition. (3) Political Leadership
(3) Indian Removal Act. (4) Events Leading to the Civil War
(4) Boston Massacre.

44. South Carolina Must Pay Tariff

National Bank Vetoed
To the Victors, Go the Spoils

These headlines are associated with the presidency of

(1) Andrew Jackson
(2) Thomas Jefferson
(3) Abraham Lincoln
(4) Theodore Roosevelt

45. In 1825, New York City was connected to the Great

Lakes by the opening of the
(1) Erie Canal
(2) Champlain Canal
(3) National Road
(4) New York Central Railroad

46. During the first part of the 19th century, differences

between the North, South, and West led to
(1) sectionalism. (2) federalism.
(3) isolationism. (4) mercantilism.

47. Which situation led directly to the War with Mexico

(1846 1848)?
(1) settlement of the Oregon Territory.
(2) annexation of Texas.
(3) discovery of silver in the southwest.
(4) removal of Native American Indians from their lands.

48. During the late 1840s, thousands of people were

attracted to California to
(1) fight in the Mexican War.
(2) help build railroads.
(3) search for gold.
(4) obtain good farmland.

49. Abolition, the Underground Railroad, and the Dred Scott

decision would all be included in a discussion of
(1) banking. (2) slavery.
(3) foreign affairs. (4) transportation.

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