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Healthier Business

What is it?

Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
It requires employers, the self employed and those in control of premises to report
certain more serious accidents and incidents to the HSE.
There are no exemptions

What has to be reported

Death or Major injury if the accident occurs at work and:
An employee or self employed person working on the premises is killed or suffers a
major injury [including the effects of physical violence]
A member of the public is killed or taken to hospital

Over three day lost time injury

If there is an accident connected with work [including physical violence] and the
employee or self employed person suffers an injury and is away from work or not doing
their normal duties for more than 3 days [including weekends, rest days or holidays] it
must be reported to the HSE.

If a doctor notifies the responsible person within an organisation that an employee
suffers from a reportable work related disease it must be reported to the HSE

Dangerous Occurrence

If an incident happens which does not result in a reportable injury, but obviously could
have done, it may be reportable under RIDDOR to the HSE
E.g.. Failure of an item of lifting equipment

Who reports it?

Organisations have a duty to appoint a responsible person to notify the enforcing

How is it reported?

On a Form 2508 or Form 2058A for a work related disease
This can now be carried out over the internet or
by telephone 0845 300 9923
By Fax 0845 300 9924
By e mail:

In placement

There will be:

a local system for reporting events
a log book for reporting the specifics of the event within each department

Please familiarise yourself with the local system

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