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Conical Capacitor as Gravity Propulsion Device

Algirdas Antano Maknickas

30th November 2016

It was proposed gravity propulsion method by using asymmetric con-
ical capacitor charged by high voltage. It was used linear approximation
of general relativity equations for derivation of gravity field potential of
charged conical capacitor and was shown that negative gravity capabilities
of conical capacitor depends only on ratio of electric energy and capacitor
mass density, where electric energy density depends on applied voltage
and geometric parameters of conical capacitor.

1 Introduction
Still in 1928 Brown patented apparatus generating propulsion by using of electric
field (Brown, 1928), this effect is known as a Biefeld-Brown effect. By late 1915,
Einstein published his general theory of relativity in the form in which it is used
today (Einstein, 1916) but explanation of Biefeld-Brown effect was not included
into equations of GR. Two years later Levi-Civita (Levi-Civita, 1917) proposed
that each field energy curves gravity space-time. In 1999, Thomas L. Mahood,
Woodwards graduate student from 1997 to 1999, reported thrusts ranging from
0.03 to 15 N in a setup comprising a torque pendulum in a vacuum chamber, at
the Space Technology and Applications International Forum (STAIF) (Mahood,
Other group of physical experiments of gravity motion was investigated by
using GHz frequency electromagnetic field. Radio frequency resonant cavity
thrusters in particular have been promoted by two inventors who say they have
designed such devices: Roger Shawyer designed a thruster he called the Em-
Drive (Shawyer, 2004), and Guido Fetta designed a thruster he called the Can-
nae Drive (Fetta, 2014). Thus, physicists have tried to build and test their own
resonant cavity thrusters, based on the designs published by Shawyer and Fetta.
Sonny Whites group at NASAs Eagleworks laboratories, which tests unusual
rocket designs, has built and tested versions of both the EmDrive and the Can-
nae drive. In late 2016, a peer-reviewed paper by the same group was published
that found a consistent thrust-to-power ratio of 1.2 0.1mN/kW . (White et al.,
All above mentioned physical experiments have one similar behaviour prop-
erty of motion by impact of electromagnetic field. Therefore, theoretical explan-
ation of this effects as proposed Levi-Civita can be based on gravity space-time
curved by an electromagnetic field (Maknickas, 2013). Aim of this article is the
theoretical investigation of propulsion capabilities of charged conical capacitor
by derivation of gravity field potential of this device.



Figure 1: Two cones with small gap at zero

2 Electric field of conical capacitor

Consider the coaxial cone (Sadiku, 2010) of figure Fig. 2, where the gap serves
as an insulator between the two conducting cones. g depends only on , so
Laplaces equation in spherical coordinates becomes

2 E = 0 (1)
1 E
sin = 0, R, > 0 (2)
r2 sin
Since r = 0 and = 0, it are excluded, we can multiply by r2 sin to get after
sin =A (3)

Integrating twice gives
E = + B = A log tan +B (4)
sin 2

We now apply the boundary conditions to determine the integration constants

A and B
0 = A log tan +B (5)
V0 = A log tan +B (6)

The equations eq. (5) and eq. (6) gives

B = A log tan (7)

V0 = A log
2 (8)

So, the constant A equals to
A=   (9)
tan 2 /2
tan 1 /2

tan /2
V0 log
tan 1 /2
E =   (10)
tan 2 /2
tan 1 /2
Finally, electric field of conical capacitor is
1 E V0 a
E = E = a =   (11)
r tan 2 /2
r sin log
tan 1 /2

3 Gravity field of conical capacitor

Gravity potential inside and outside a capacitor can by found by using Maxwell
equations representation of linear approximation of equation general of relativity
(Mashhoon et al., 1999; Clark, Tucker, 2000)

Eg = 4Gg (12)
Bg = 0 (13)
Eg = (14)
4G 1 Eg
Bg = 4 2 Jg + 2 (15)
c c t

where equation eq. (12) should by used and gravity field strength expressed as
follow Eg = g and gravity mass density g is substitution of pure gravity
mass density and electric field energy multiplied by electro-gravity coupling
constant g and expressed as follow (Maknickas, 2013)

g 0 E 2
g = c (16)

Thus, we obtain the Poisson equation for gravity field potential g

0 g V02
2 g = 4 2 G

tan 2 /2
2r2 sin2 log2
tan 1 /2

The Poissons equation eq. (17) we will solve by using Green function
G(r, , , , , ) = p (18)
4 r2 2r cos + 2
cos = cos cos + sin sin cos ( ) (19)

Using Green function method gravity potential is

RR R2 2
fg (, , )G(r, , , , , ) 2 sin ddd
g = (20)
0 1 0

0 g V02
fg = 4 2 G
c   (21)
tan 2 /2
2r2 sin2 log2
tan 1 /2

and finally

R c 2 sin2 a ddd

RR R2 2
g = G p (22)
2 2
0 1 0 sin r 2r cos +

0 g V02
a=   (23)
tan 2 /2
2 log2
tan 1 /2

4 Integration of gravity field potential

The Green function for variables x and x0 can be expressed as an expansion
(Arfken, 1985)
1 X r<
= Pl (cos ) (24)
|x x0 | rl+1
i=0 >

Where r< and r> are the smaller and larger of r and r0 , respectively, and is
the angle between x and x0 . We can align x0 along the z-axis as shown in Fig.
X.X. This system has azimuthal symmetry, thus we can expand the potential
1 X r<
= Pl (cos ) (25)
|x x0 | rl+1
i=0 >

where angle is angle between r and z-axis. Therefore, integrals reduce to the
new ones
ZR Z2 Z2
c 2 sin2 a ddd

p =
sin r2 2r cos + 2
0 1 0

c 2 sin2 a dd

2 p (26)
sin r2 2r cos ( ) + 2
0 1

Now Legendre polynomial expansion eq. (24) can be applied. We are interesting
in field potential outside the conic capacitor r > , thus

c 2 sin2 a dd

p =
sin r2 2r cos ( ) + 2
0 1

ZR Z2 

2 a
c sin Pl (cos ( ))dd =
sin rl+1
l=0 0

c Rl+3 aRl+1
1 2
F (, 1 , 2 ) F (, 1 , 2 ) (27)
(l + 3)rl+1 l (l + 1)rl+1 l

where Fl1 , Fl2 denotes integrals

Fl1 (, 1 , 2 ) = sin Pl (cos ( ))d (28)
Pl (cos ( ))
Fl2 (, 1 , 2 ) = d (29)

and r is small, not zero gap.

The similar way field potential will be find in inside zone r < . Thus

c 2 sin2 a dd

p =
sin r2 2r cos ( ) + 2
0 1

ZR Z2 

X a
c 2 sin Pl (cos ( ))dd +
sin l+1
l=0 r

Zr Z2 

2 a
c sin Pl (cos ( ))dd =
sin rl+1
l=0 0

X c R 2 r 2 1 a R
Fl (, 1 , 2 ) + Fl2 (, 1 , 2 ) + c log Fl1 (, 1 , 2 )
(l + 2) l r

c r 2 1

X a
Fl (, 1 , 2 ) Fl2 (, 1 , 2 ) (31)
(l + 3) (l + 1)

5 Acceleration at the Earth surface
The gravity field function at the earth surface can be expressed with accuracy
O( 2 ) as follow
G R3 c (cos 1 cos 2 )

g (r) =
r 3

aR (1 cos 2 )(1 + cos 1 )
log =
2 (1 cos 1 )(1 + cos 2 )

G 0 g V02 R (1 cos 2 )(1 + cos 1 )
m   log (32)
r 2 tan 2 /2 2 (1 cos 1 )(1 + cos 2 )
2 log
tan 1 /2
The force acting onto device can be expressed as follow
Me g
Fr = =
(1 cos 2 )(1 + cos 1 )

0 g V 0 R log
Me G (1 cos 1 )(1 + cos 2 )
2 m   (33)
2 tan 2 /2
4 log
tan 1 /2
Now, the acceleration of device in direction colinear to the earth centre is gravity
force divided by device mass
(1 cos 2 )(1 + cos 1 )

0 g V0 R log
Fr (1 cos 1 )(1 + cos 2 )
a= er = g 1   =
2 tan 2 /2
4m log
tan 1 /2
(1 cos 2 )(1 + cos 1 )

3 V
0 g 0 log
(1 cos 1 )(1 + cos 2 )
g (34)
2 2 tan 2 /2
16R c log
tan 1 /2
where g is gravity acceleration near the earth surface.
Most of experiments with electromagnetic propulsion was made on the tan-
gential plane of the earth sphere. Therefore, in it place sun gravity acceleration
gsun = 0.0058m/s2 projection on the tangential earth surface should be used,
which is latitude dependent 0.0058 sin ( 23.44/180) and is at least 1690.8
times smaller.

6 Discussion
Obviously, the less difference = 2 1 between conic angles the bigger is
angular part in eq. (34) (see Fig. 6). On the other hand angular coefficient
increases with 2 where is as small as possible but not zero.
Squared voltage 350kV multiplied by permittivity of vacuum gives value
1.084. Lets choose angular coefficient as best as possible (best value in Fig. 6


30 27


20 18

5 6

0 3

88.8 0
89.0 20
89.2 30
89.4 50
89.6 70
89.8 90

Figure 2: Angular coefficient (eq. (34)) values vs 2 , 1

for = 3.5o , (the biggest value 32.68)

is 32.68), so we obtain 32g 1.5. Now, lets decide that R of our device is
1 meters. This gives for equation eq. (34) negative acceleration if inequality is

> 3.28 (35)
BaTiO3 ceramics with a perovskite structure are capable of dielectric constant
values as high as 7000 and density is 6000 kg/m3 . A complex perovskite is
formed by replacing the Ba portion of BaTiO3 crystal structure with Pb, and the
Ti with a mixture of cations such as Mg, Fe, Nb, Zn. Some complex perovskites
are ferroelectrics with peak dielectric constants as high as 20,000 and sinter at
temperatures below 1000o C (Koripella, 1992). Therefore, today construction of
gravity flying device is not physical but also technical problem, although it is
still a challenge. We need dielectric material with appropriate ratio of relative
permitivity to density and good candidates are barium titanate based complex
perovskites, PZT-based piezoelectric ceramics (Uchino, 2010; Hooker, 1998) or
other piezoelectric or ferroelectric materials with ultra high relative permitivity
and lower enough mass density of this material.

Using equation eq. (22) one can find the acceleration of conical capacitor by
obtaining the gradient of gravity potential as follow
g 1 g 1 g
g = g = er e e (36)
r r r sin
which is in general angular dependent for electric charged conical capacitor. Fur-
thermore, acceleration of charged capacitor always negative when non equality

is satisfied
0 g V02
c <   (37)
2 2 2 tan 2 /2
2R sin 1 log
tan 1 /2
Therefore, if this non equality is satisfied, we always will have propulsion in
direction opposite to the mass centre of the earth or any other nearest celestial

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