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Blackwell Publishing, Ltd.

A Practical Guide To Developing Effective Web-based Learning

David A. Cook, MD, Denise M. Dupras, MD, PhD

OBJECTIVE: Online learning has changed medical education, Unfortunately, not all educational websites are equally
but many educational websites do not employ principles of 7
effective. Adult learning theoryfocusing on learner involve-
effective learning. This article will assist readers in developing ment in the learning processhas changed medical
effective educational websites by integrating principles of education over the past 3 decades, but its influence is not
active learning with the unique features of the Web.
yet widespread in Web-based teaching. Alur et al. recently
DESIGN: Narrative review. reviewed medical teaching websites for evidence of active
learning. Although most sites met criteria for a general
RESULTS: The key steps in developing an effective educa-
tional website are: Perform a needs analysis and specify goals informational website, only 17% had all components
and objectives; determine technical resources and needs; of a learning paradigm (critical thinking, independent
evaluate preexisting software and use it if it fully meets your learning, evidence-based learning, feedback) and fewer than
needs; secure commitment from all participants and identify 50% met any criteria.8 Informational websites certainly
and address potential barriers to implementation; develop con- have their use, but a teaching site will be most effective if
tent in close coordination with website design (appropriately 1
it stimulates active learning. While incorporating active
use multimedia, hyperlinks, and online communication) and learning in an educational website is not difficult, it does
follow a timeline; encourage active learning (self-assessment, require thought and planning.

reflection, self-directed learning, problem-based learning,

This article outlines essential steps in the development
learner interaction, and feedback); facilitate and plan to
of Web-based courses or curricula that employ principles
encourage use by the learner (make website accessible and
of active learning. It will not address technical issues such
user-friendly, provide time for learning, and motivate learners);
evaluate learners and course; pilot the website before full as Web programming or the specifics of webpage design.
implementation; and plan to monitor online communication The scope of these topics prohibit adequate discussion in
and maintain the site by resolving technical problems, period- this paper (the reader is referred to other sources for more
ically verifying hyperlinks, and regularly updating content. information ). Likewise, this is not a systematic review
of Web-based learning; Chumley-Jones et al. recently per-
CONCLUSION: Teaching on the Web involves more than put- 2
ting together a colorful webpage. By consistently employing
formed this task. Rather, this article presents a practical
principles of effective learning, educators will unlock the full framework for developing effective educational websites by
potential of Web-based medical education. combining principles of active learning with the unique
features of the Web (Table 1). We cite literature and personal
KEY WORDS: Internet; medical education; World Wide Web;
experience to illustrate and support the concepts presented.
e-learning; curriculum development.
J GEN INTERN MED 2004;19:698707.
The first four steps should be completed before starting
the website design. Although it is tempting to skip these

T he Internet has changed the practice of medicine, and

medical education has not escaped its influence. A

recent review found 35 evaluative studies of online inter-

steps, their importance cannot be overemphasized. The
success of a Web-based educational intervention rests on
2 thorough preparation.
ventions in medical education. Since that review more have
been reported, and published studies likely represent
only a fraction of Web-based medical education projects. Step 1. Perform a needs analysis and specify goals
and objectives
The first step in any educational endeavor is needs
analysis, including problem identification, assessment of
Received from the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine (DAC, DMD),
Rochester, Minn. learners needs, and assessment of the teaching environ-
Address correspondence and requests for reprints to Dr. Cook: ment. Kern et al.s approach is useful: define the health
Baldwin 4-A, Department of Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of care problem you hope to address by creating an online
Medicine, 200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905 (e-mail: course, and identify what is being done and what should be done to address this problem. Describe how the current
JGIM Volume 19, June 2004 699

Table 1. Ten Steps to Effective Web-based Learning Step 2. Determine your technical resources and
1. Perform a needs analysis and specify goals and objectives
2. Determine your technical resources and needs Effective course design requires an understanding
3. Evaluate preexisting software and use it if it fully meets of both the subject and the instructional medium. The
your needs technical details of Web design and programming can be
4. Secure commitment from all participants and identify and
delegated to a specialist, but a multidisciplinary approach
address potential barriers to implementation
5. Develop content in close coordination with website design with at least one team member having in-depth under-
Capitalize on the unique capabilities of the Web by standing of Internet operationsis desirable.
appropriately using multimedia, hyperlinks, Meet early with an information technology specialist
and online communication to discuss technical matters. At least one author recom-
Adhere to principles of good webpage design 10
mends doing this even before setting goals and objectives.
Prepare a timeline; plan for up-front time investment
6. Encourage active learningself-assessment, reflection, You need to know the resources and limitations of your
self-directed learning, problem-based learning, local network, including the number, type, and capacities
learner interaction, and feedback of computers. Are there tools for multimedia development
7. Facilitate and plan to encourage use by the learner (digital camera, scanner, drawing and photo-editing
Make the website accessible and user friendly
software, equipment for recording and editing audio or
Provide time for learning
Motivate and remind; consider rewards and/or video)?
consequences Determine what e-learning management software
8. Evaluateboth learners and course (termed courseware) is available at your institution.
9. Pilot the website before full implementation Content-free courseware provides tools (student registration,
10. Plan to monitor online communication and maintain the
security, quizzes with automated grading and personalized
site by resolving technical problems, periodically
verifying hyperlinks, and regularly updating content feedback, online communication with instructors and
other learners, tools to monitor learner participation, etc.)
to assist the developer in implementing an e-learning
website.15 WebCT (WebCT Inc., Lynnfield, Mass) and
Blackboard (Blackboard Inc., Washington, DC) are the
most widely used courseware systems, but many others
performance of your learners (knowledge, skills, attitudes,
are available. Toohey and Watson review points to consider
and behaviors) differs from the ideal. Determine learners 16
in selecting courseware.
perceived educational needs and preferences. Evaluate
If you plan to employ a specialist or team to develop
resources and barriers in the teaching environment
the site, find out whether they have developed an educa-
(including those in Steps 2 and 4).
tional website before, and estimate development cost and
Use the needs analysis to develop goals and objectives
timeline. Additional questions for those planning to develop
that address the gap between current and ideal perfor-
the site themselves are listed in the Appendix.
mance, taking into account available resources and learner
Determine the technical resources and needs of your
perceptions. Objectives for online education tend naturally
learners. Have they participated in an online course before?
to focus on medical knowledge, but skills and attitudes
Are they comfortable using the Internet? If they will
can also be taught online. Well-stated objectives focus the
complete the curriculum from home, what computer
design and function of the program, including evaluation.
system (Apple or PC) do they use, and what is the com-
List the goals and objectives on the final website.
puters capacity? What software do they use? Do they have
Clear objectives help define the role of online learning
high-speed Internet access? You will either need to accom-
in your setting. Will it supplement an existing (traditional)
modate the learners resources or specify computer system
course, or be the primary method of instruction? Most
requirements for the course.
online teaching in medical education has supplemented
existing courses, but many courses have been successfully
taught completely online.
Step 3. Evaluate commercial software and use it if
Estimate the class size. In Web-based teaching the
it fully meets your needs
classroom never fills up and handouts never run out, but It is probably cheaper to buy commercial software
this does not always mean that Web-based classes can on your topic than to develop it yourself. Critically assess
expand ad infinitum. In an automated coursethat does not how well it meets your needs before purchasing. First
require instructor interventionan extra learner requires decide whether it aligns with your goals and objectives. A
virtually no additional resources (a barely perceptible perfect match is unlikely, but is it close enough? Next
increase in network usage, and possibly a per-user fee on determine whether the product will work on your network
software or copyright licenses). However, in courses where (consult your specialist). Most importantly, evaluate how
the instructor plays an active role (moderating online well it capitalizes on Web resources (Step 5), promotes
discussion, for example) extra students will have a direct active learning (Step 6), and provides for evaluation
effect on faculty time. (Step 8).
700 Cook And Dupras, Developing Effective Web-based Learning JGIM

Even if existing software does not meet your needs, you Appropriate use of multimedia can enrich teaching but
may be able to purchase and implement part of the material keep in mind the following four caveats.
you review (for example, an interactive anatomy atlas) as First, it is easy to overdo it. There is a fine line
an element in your course. You may also get ideas on between making a page interesting and making it too busy.
content or presentation that you can incorporate into Keep each element of the website focused on the educational
your design. objective. If it does not have a teaching purposeremove
it! Do not include multimedia just because it is available.
Step 4. Secure commitment from all participants Rather, choose the format (which may be just text) that will
and identify and address potential barriers to most effectively teach the principle. Changes in text format
implementation can enhance a page but they can also detract. Again, use
restraint, focus on your objectives, and remember that
Technical needs are important in an online course, but
multimedia per se does not improve learning.22
the human element is critical. Secure acceptance and com-
Second, multimedia is no substitute for good instruc-
mitment from all involvedadministrators and faculty in
tional design. As Rosenberg says, Multimedia can add
addition to learners. In our experience, potential barriers
value, but simply adding multimedia to a bad learning
include resistance to online learning, inadequate computer 23
program wont improve it.
skills, insufficient time, or perception that the curriculum
Third, keep in mind the issue of download speed.
is a low priority. Identifying barriers early allows you to 24,25
Learner satisfaction declines when downloads are slow,
address them in a timely mannerbefore implementation
17 suggesting that the advantages of multimedia are offset
begins. Greenhalgh suggests targeting staff development
by slow speeds. This is less of a problem for users with
to the needs of a given project, rewarding staff who par-
high-speed access, but for users with a dial-up modem it
ticipate in online initiatives with recognition or promotion,
becomes a significant issue. Large filesvideo, detailed
encouraging collaboration between content experts, edu-
graphics, animation, and even audio (if the connection is
cators, and technical specialists, and actively working to
slow)take longer to download. If a large multimedia object
change organizational culture.
illustrates an important point it may be worth the incon-
venience. Otherwise, reduce the file size (e.g., image reso-
DEVELOPMENT lution) or eliminate it altogether.
Fourth, pay attention to copyright law. Fair use laws
Step 5. Develop content in close coordination with that permit duplication for personal use do not, in general,
website design allow reproduction on the Internet. This applies to both text
The key to effective e-learning is to develop content and multimedia. Still, it may be cheaper to purchase a
hand in hand with website design. It is common practice license to use high-quality material than to develop mate-
to copy lecture notes or the text of an existing curriculum rial in-house (but make sure the license extends to Web
onto a webpage. Such productstermed shovelware publication). See Hoffmans text26 for a detailed discussion
are fast and easy to produce, but although they serve as of U.S. copyright law as it pertains to the Internet, and
repositories of information (lecture notes, syllabi, etc.) they consider consulting local experts.
are rarely effective for actual learning. Existing content Hyperlinks take the user from the current page to
can be used as the basis of an online curriculum, but will another site on the Internet. Target links might include
likely require significant modification. The most effective a table on the same webpage, an illustration in the same
websites creatively integrate content with the power and website, an online clinical tool, or a journal article that
flexibility of the Web to enhance learning rather than merely discusses the topic in greater detail (see Fig. 1). Hyperlinks
replicate traditional methods.9 can also open documents (word processor document,
spreadsheet, etc.) to view, print, or save for reference or
Capitalize on the Unique Capabilities of the Web by Appro- modification. Appropriate links enrich a website and enhance
priately Using Multimedia, Hyperlinks, and Online Com- function, but too many links may detract.
munication. The Web offers a wide variety of resources that, Online communication is dominated by e-mail, but also
when appropriately used, stimulate and enhance learning, includes online discussion boards, chat rooms, and white-
including multimedia, hyperlinks, and online communi- boards (supported by many courseware systems), and
cation. While these are powerful tools, it is important to keep Internet-mediated audio and video conferencing. Most
in mind that they are just thattools, used to create effec- online communication is asynchronouswith a delay from
tive, efficient learning. the time a message is sent to the time a response is returned.
Multimedia refers to the simultaneous use of text, While at times such delays can be frustrating, asynchronous
sound, video (with or without sound), slideshow (with or communication allows learners to communicate on their own
without narration), images, animation, and more. Text schedule, and may actually increase learning by stimulat-
font, color, and size can be varied to highlight key points. ing reflection and independent learning while composing
Although multimedia does not necessarily improve learning, a reply. However, failure to address barriers (including
1821 30
it improves satisfaction with the learning experience. uninteresting topics) may limit participation. Synchronous
JGIM Volume 19, June 2004 701

FIGURE 1. Some potential uses of hyperlinks in an educational website.

communicationongoing live conversationis very similar Encouraging active learning is the most challenging, but
to face-to-face teaching. Collison et al. discuss effective often the most interesting and enjoyable, aspect of devel-
strategies for online moderators. oping an educational website. Overcoming the inertia of
passive learning requires a combination of creativity, care-
Adhere to Principles of Good Webpage Design. Educators ful planning, and content expertise. The degree of success
teaching on the Web must understand and adhere to in this area will in large part determine the effectiveness
principles of good webpage design. Poorly structured of the educational website.
webpages are unattractive, inefficient, and confusingall The key to active learning is involvement of the learner
of which limit learning. Effective webpages are clear, con- in the learning processencouraging them to apply new
cise, and consistent. Table 2 describes additional charac- information.34 Kaufman integrated several theories of
teristics of effectively designed webpages, and Figures 2 education to outline seven principles to guide teaching
and 3 illustrate several of these principles. The National practice. Table 3 describes how each of these principles
Cancer Institute maintains a webpage on evidence-based can be satisfied by online methods. It is not necessary to
Web design and usability at employ all of these techniques in every online course.
Rather, select techniques that best satisfy the requirements
Prepare a Timeline; Plan for Up-front Time Investment. Devel- of the course content, environment, learners, and teachers.
oping a quality educational website requires a large up-front Figure 4 illustrates several active learning techniques.
investment of time. Once the site is complete maintenance
will take less effort, and when spread over months or years Instruction and Feedback. Lectures have an important
the total investment (development time + ongoing teaching role in active online learning but, just as in face-to-face
efforts) is cost effective. But if not anticipated, the initial teaching, success depends on planning and presentation.
time requirement may overwhelm developers and lead to Online lecture formats include written text, slideshow,
a projects premature demise. and live or prerecorded video. Appropriate use of multi-
Prepare and follow a timeline. Allow sufficient time to media and hyperlinks can highlight important points,
develop the content, create or find appropriate multimedia, stimulate the imagination, clarify relationships between
develop active learning techniques, prepare evaluation instru- concepts, and promote in-depth study of topics of interest.
ments (write and validate questions), and pilot the site prior Cases, self-assessment, and learner interaction can be part
to full implementation. If you are forced to scale back the of the lecture plan.
project remember that revisions to a website, including more Reading assignments are facilitated by online distri-
complete implementations, are easily done down the road. bution (copyright issues may arise with this) or links to full-
text sources. The same processes that would be employed
in face-to-face teaching (study questions, group discussion,
Step 6. Encourage active learningself- etc.) should be implemented in a Web-based program.
assessment, reflection, self-directed learning, Other instructional methods include video (particularly
problem-based learning, learner interaction, and useful for role modeling and skills training) and visual
feedback instruction (pathology slides, radiographs, photographs, etc.).19
This must be done simultaneously with Step 5, but Instructors can provide feedback with either asyn-
because of its importance we set it apart as a separate step. chronous or live online communication. Automated,
702 Cook And Dupras, Developing Effective Web-based Learning JGIM

Table 2. Characteristics of Effectively Designed Webpages understanding and new information. Because the learner
sets the pace, online learning has great potential for en-
Clear and Consistent Page Organization couraging these processes.
Hierarchy of importance for items on the page, with more
Online pretests and posttests, with correct answers
important things higher on page
Logical groupings, with visual cues to help organize groups and justification provided immediately, are one way to
Headings and navigation labels reflecting a single theme accomplish this. Questions can also be embedded within
(e.g., topic, function, or sequence) a lecture and linked to answers and explanations. Assigned
Consistent format from page to page short-answer questions and essays, often completed as a
Wise Use of Space
group project, are another way to facilitate self-assessment
Division of page into grid of defined areas
Alignment of all screen elements horizontally and vertically and reflection. Online links to potentially useful resources
using grid support each step of this process.
Limited unused space (webpages require less white space Patient cases and simulations encourage application
than paper) of knowledge and development of judgment and clinical
Few distractions (e.g., unnecessary color, graphics, or
reasoning, in addition to self-assessment and reflection.38
Concise Text that Facilitates Scanning Simulations can evolve step by step, revealing one part of
(Web users scan rather than read from top to bottom and the scenario at a time and requiring the learner to make
page design should optimize this.) decisions (request additional information, order a test, etc.)
Clear headings or answer questions before proceeding.
Short phrases and bulleted outlines
Other methods to encourage reflection include learner
Limited length of sentences (20 words) and paragraphs (5
sentences) interaction (see Learner interaction below) and online
Limited page length (single screen for homepage, scrolling personal journals and portfolios.
limited to 3 screens for other pages)
Topic summarized before presenting details Self-directed, Evidence-based, and Problem-based
Clear and Consistent Navigation
Learning. The self-directed learner asks and then seeks to
Site name/logo on every page with consistent position and
appearance answer his or her own questions. Questions develop at
Navigation bar on every page with consistent position, various points in the learning processlecture and read-
appearance, and content including: ing, self-assessment and reflection, interaction with other
Link to homepage learnersand the Web is uniquely able to assist learners
Links to sections/categories
in answering questions as they arise. Online textbooks,
Search function
Utilities (help, additional information, contact search engines for both medical literature and the Internet,
information, etc.) and full-text journal articles provide a wealth of information
Navigation bar on right from which to derive evidence-based answers. However,
Clear and Consistent Hyperlinks students using Web-based resources must be selective in
Clearly identified hyperlinks
their searching to discriminate valid information from
Descriptive and unambiguous hyperlink labels
No use of graphics as hyperlinks misinformation and to deal with the immense volume of
Repetition of important hyperlinks elsewhere on the page information available.
(as needed) Relevant evidence should be presented and discussed.
Minimum number of clicks to access a given point (flat Asking learners to interpret evidence reinforces learning.
site architecture)
Small-group problem-based learning encourages
Consistent hyperlink format on all pages
learners to define and address their own learning objectives
Figures 2, 3, and 4 illustrate several of these characteristics. For based on a clinical scenario. This process has been
additional information see references by Krug,32 Horton,10 and the successfully implemented on the Web.
Variations on
National Cancer Institute.33
this method would be effective for individual learners
as well.
Perhaps the most effective learning occurs as learners
personalized feedback provided by the computer can also confront a real clinical problem and must immediately
36 42
be effective, and allows learners and teachers freedom learn and apply a solution (just-in-time learning ). We
in scheduling learning activities and alleviates demands have found that after completing an online course learners
on instructor time. Automated feedback can be delivered will return to use the website while caring for patients.
using hyperlinks (see Fig. 4) or courseware-supported
quizzes. Regardless of which method(s) delivers feedback to Learner Interaction. Learner interaction serves a dual
the learner, it is important to provide a way for the learner to purpose as a social function and as a stimulus to active
communicate directly with the instructor (e.g., by e-mail). learning. Almost all courses should provide for communi-
ties of learning, but whether to develop these online (see
Application, Self-assessment, and Reflection. Self-assessment Online communication in Step 5), face to face, or both
and reflection stimulate learning by reinforcing current depends on the course design and resources. Courses
knowledge or by highlighting differences between current where participants have limited face-to-face contact should
JGIM Volume 19, June 2004 703

FIGURE 2. A well-designed educational website: the home page. This home page has several features of a well-designed Web page:
1) hierarchy of information, with the most important information at the top of the page, 2) navigation bar includes links to the home
page, goals and objectives, help screen, WebCT courseware (with tools for assessment, course evaluation, and online communi-
cation), other sites within and external to course, and a means to contact the instructor, and 3) links to other sites within and outside

have more online interaction, whereas when learners when replacing an older course with an online version, to
regularly meet in person, online communication may be divert the time dedicated to the previous course to other
minimal or nonexistent. The amount of monitoring and purposes. Such action would likely prove catastrophic
interaction from the instructor varies with the topic being for the online endeavor. Online learning permits flexible
taught and with the goals and objectives of the course. scheduling, but it does not eliminate the time required
to complete the course. Independent and problem-based
learning require protected time, and so does online
Step 7. Facilitate and plan to encourage use by learning.
the learner
We would like to think, If we teach it they will come. Motivate and Remind; Consider Rewards and/or Conse-
Unfortunately, we know this is not true in traditional teach- quences. Motivated learners are essential to the success
ing, and multiple studies demonstrate that it is not true of any educational activity. Wlodkowski describes six keys
for online teaching either. It is therefore important to to motivation: at the start of the activity, the teacher should
plan ways to enhance learner participation. encourage a positive attitude toward learning and identify
and work to fulfill the needs that the learner hopes to meet
Make the Website Accessible and User-friendly. How will during the course. During the learning process, the teacher
users find your site? Providing the address on paper or in an should provide stimulation and promote a positive affective
e-mail may work the first time the learner accesses the site, or emotional experience. Near the end of the activity, feed-
but invariably the paper will be lost and the e-mail deleted. back should reinforce learning and highlight areas in which
Better to place a link to the educational site on a frequently the learner is now competent.46 Many if not all of these
used homepage. Passwords also deter use. They may be re- strategies can be creatively implemented online.
quired for security, but should be minimized as able. Webpages Demonstrating the website to learners improves par-
that are attractive, intuitive, and functional will encourage ticipation. We have found reminders, either in person or
users to return. Those that are not deter further use. via e-mail, to be effective. Rewards for completion and/or
consequences for failure to complete may be effective but
Provide Time for Learning. It is tempting to develop an are not possible for all learning activities. Teaching learners
online course as an addition to existing coursework, or, to regulate their own learning may also help.
704 Cook And Dupras, Developing Effective Web-based Learning JGIM

FIGURE 3. A well-designed educational website: a content page. Note the features of this content page: 1) navigation bar for
sections within module, 2) consistent title bar and navigation bar on all pages, and 3) links to online clinical tools, full-text journal
articles, and useful sites within course. Also note prominent headings, bulleted text (rather than paragraphs), and short sentences.

Table 3. Principles to Guide Teaching Practice and Corresponding Techniques for Web-based Teaching

Teaching Principle* Web-based Teaching Technique

The learner should be an active contributor to the educational process Learner interaction
Problem-based learning
Self-directed learning
Learning should closely relate to understanding and solving real life problems Case-based learning
Just-in-time learning
Learners current knowledge and experience need to be taken into account Learner interaction
Problem-based learning
Learners should use self-direction in their learning Self-directed learning
Learners should be given opportunities and support for practice, accompanied Case-based learning
by self-assessment and constructive feedback from teachers and peers Self-assessment
Learners should be given opportunities to reflect on their practice Self-assessment
Case-based learning
Journals and portfolios
Learner interaction
Medical educators should model good educational principles with their learners Effective course and website design
(using active learning principles)
Instructor feedback

* Teaching principles are modified from Kaufman,35 used with permission from the BMJ Publishing Group.

Step 8. Evaluateboth learners and course of evaluation is beyond the scope of this paper, but a brief
review was recently published.
In contrast to many other teaching modalities, online
education lends itself easily to assessment of both the
learner and the course itself. Courseware systems facil-
itate submission of assignments and administration of
tests and surveys. Software can automatically grade these
Step 9. Pilot the website before full implementation
when answers are objectively defined. Plan both formative Obtain input from several people, including targeted
evaluation during the educational process and summative learners, at various stages in the design process. After
evaluation at the end of the course. Further discussion development is complete, pilot the entire website prior to full
JGIM Volume 19, June 2004 705

FIGURE 4. A well-designed educational website: promote active learning. Several features of this page promote active learning:
1) appropriate multimedia (photo not shown due to copyright restrictions), 2) link to other topic in course, 3) links to tables elsewhere
in module, and 4) patient-based self-assessment question with answer.

implementation. The gold standard is formal testing in a usabil- CONCLUSION

ity lab. If this is not feasible, assemble a group similar to the
We have presented ten practical steps to guide teachers
targeted learners to test each component of the site informally.
in developing educational websites that implement prin-
Collect information on navigation (especially navigation errors
ciples of active learning.
and points of confusion), how well objectives were met, time
Web-based learning accommodates shift schedules
required, and overall satisfaction. Additional information about
11,32,33 and distance learning, is easily expanded and modified,
website testing is found in the references on Web design.
facilitates assessment, encourages self-directed learning,
and is inherently learner centered. Although it may not
Step 10. Plan to monitor online communication and 2
be superior to traditional methods, these advantages
maintain the site by resolving technical problems, warrant its use in many circumstances to supplement or
periodically verifying hyperlinks, and regularly even replace existing courses.
updating content 52
Harden and others have suggested that teachers
Budget time to monitor and moderate course activities. of the future may be as much designers of learning
Ongoing faculty time requirements vary by course design, experiences as lecturers and tutorstrue facilitators of
with courses involving faculty-moderated online activities learning. Designing Web-based learning involves more
demanding much more time than automated courses. than simply putting together a colorful webpage. Effective
Although time requirements often decrease after com- online learning requires the teacher to carefully construct
pletion of the development phase, maintenance will still be a program that integrates principles of active learning,
necessary. Plan for at least three ongoing activities: motivation, and evaluation with creative Web design.
First, plan to address the technical problems that inevit- Only as educators consistently implement these principles
ably arise. Many of these are best handled by a specialist. will Web-based medical education reach its full potential.
Second, hyperlinks should be tested periodically. Links
to pages within your website should continue to work, but
external websites change frequently and links to those sites A presentation illustrating the step-by-step application of this
may unexpectedly fail. process is available online at
Third, content should be updated regularly.7 One advant- products/journals/suppmat/jgi/JGI30029_appendix.ppt.
age of the Web is the ease with which contenttext, multi-
media, hyperlinkscan be modified. Implement changes REFERENCES
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JGIM Volume 19, June 2004 707


Additional Questions for Those Developing the Website Themselves

Technical details are beyond the scope of this paper. However, we list a few practical questions to be answered early in the process
if you plan to develop the site yourself:
Do you need authorization to develop and maintain a site?
What resources are available to developers? What features and languages are supported by your network?
How do you get the developed site on the Internet?
Who do you contact to establish links to your site?
Will you incur any charges?
How will you implement site security?

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