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Name: Ms.

Anton Grade Level: Kindergarten

Title of Lesson: Divisibility problems

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills/Standards:

(b) Knowledge and skills.

(1) Mathematical process standards. The student uses mathematical processes to acquire
and demonstrate mathematical understanding. The student is expected to:
(C) select tools, including real objects, manipulatives, paper and pencil, and technology
as appropriate, and techniques, including mental math, estimation, and number sense as
appropriate, to solve problems;

(b) Knowledge and skills.

(8) Data analysis. The student applies mathematical process standards to collect and
organize data to make it useful for interpreting information. The student is expected to:
(A) collect, sort, and organize data into two or three categories;

The student will create the division problems using manipulatives.
The students will be able predict and demonstrate the problem using the
manipulatives to help them.

Introduce Lesson:
The students have prior knowledge to the grouping and regrouping concept
because of the multiplication of the number two was done using blocks.
They should be able to recognize a division problem.
Show the video division song-my dog division as a recap of what we had
previously learned.


Read out loud the problem to the students. The students will create the problem using the
manipulatives in their desks. Walk around the classroom and observe the students
working on the example problems.

Sally has 10 oranges. She wants to divide the oranges into 2 equal groups. How
many oranges are in each group?
Ally has 14 crayons. She wants to separate the crayons into 2 groups of crayons.
How many crayons does Ally have in each group?


Explain to the students that they will continue working with division problems. You will
read the division problems out loud and also write them on the white board. (I have
provided division problems under this paragraph). The students will work out the
problem using the manipulatives in their desks. Give them a few minutes to think and
create the problem you have read. Remind the students that when we divide, each group
has to have the same amount in order for it to be correct. Ask the class if everyone is
finished, if so, ask the whole class what their answer is. Then, you can work the problem
in the white board by drawing the problem. Once you have worked out all the division
problems, give each student the worksheet I named Division: share some more, that I
left on my desk. You and the students can work on this worksheet together the same way
the previous problems were worked. After they get done with this worksheet. Pass out the
second worksheet named divisibility problems that is on my desk. Students can work
alone or with a partner in their table to complete the worksheet provided using the
manipulatives. Explain to the students that you will read the problems to them. Give them
a few minutes so they can find the answer before continuing with the next problem.

Division problems

The teacher has 9 pencils. She gave 3 of her students the same number of pencils.
How many pencils will each student have?

There are 12 cookies and 4 people want to share them. How many cookies should
each person get?

Ask one student who wants to work the division problem 10 divided by 2 in the white
board. Allow the student to explain in his or her own words how he or she came up with
that solution.
Divisibility Problems
Separate 10 hearts into 2 groups. Separate 8 stars into 2 groups.

Separate 6 smiley faces into 2 groups. Separate 4 moons into 2 groups.

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