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TPACK Lesson Plan 1

Name and Grade Level: Alexander Eichhorn, 12th grade

Title: Introduction to Genocide Unit

Content Knowledge - Objective:

How did the term "genocide" come into existence?
What does the word "genocide" mean? What is the story behind its creation?

Common Core/ISTE Standard:

(CCSS)Text Types and Purposes:
2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and
information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of
content. a. Introduce a topic; organize complex ideas, concepts, and information so that each
new element builds on that which precedes it to create a unified whole; include formatting
(e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., figures, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding

(ISTE) Knowledge Constructor:

3a. Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other
resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.
3b. Students evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility and
relevance of information, media, data or other resources.

Pedagogy: Flipped Instruction, Group Discussion, Picture Analysis

_X_: Informal ___: Formal

_X_: Formative ___: Summative

Notes: Students will be informally assessed throughout the lesson by the teacher asking
questions to check their understanding. A formative assessment will occur when students
respond to the lessons Aim question.

Technology for Learners Being Used

Chrome Books
YouTube Video (flipped instruction) Link:
Padlet for sharing genocide research from the night before
Google Docs for sharing Photo Analysis

Technology for Teachers Being Used

Chrome Books
You Tube
Google Docs
What 21st Century Skills are Students Using?

Critical Thinking: Students will utilize their critical thinking skills when they research
information on the internet and determine reliable sources of information.

Creating: Students will analyze and create their own interpretations of the pictures drawn by
children as well as create their own response to the lessons Aim question.

Communication: Students will communicate using Padlet as well as using Google Docs.

Collaboration: Students will share information via the two different class Padlets.

Which Blooms Taxonomy? And Which Bloom Taxonomy for Digital?

Create: Students will create their own Padlet postings.
Evaluate: The students will evaluate different sources of information including photographs.

Essential Vocabulary:
Raphael Lemkin

Chrome Books
You Tube
Smart Board

The night before the introductory lesson on Genocide and its meaning, students will access a
You Tube video (,
in order to learn about the origins of the word genocide. After watching this video, students
will contribute a posting to a class Padlet in which each student will list 3 Genocides and the
years in which they occurred. This Padlet will serve as the introduction to the first lesson of the
Genocide Unit.

Lesson: (developmental procedures)

The night before the lesson the students will view a You Tube video on the origins and
meaning of the word genocide. After viewing this video, students will independently
research the dates of three genocides that have occurred in history and contribute to a
class Padlet posting listing their research information. This will be the flipped
instructional component.
At the beginning of class, the teacher will post the class Padlet from the night before on
the board. The teacher will review with the students how the word genocide was
created, as well as examine and discuss the different genocides that students posted on
the Padlet.
After viewing this Padlet, the teacher will share a Google Document containing
pictures of drawings created by children during both the Holocaust and the Darfur
genocide. Students will be divided into groups of three in order to analyze these
pictures and come up with adjectives used to describe the emotions and or events
presented in the drawings. Each group will create a shared document in order to write
down their feelings/emotions. The teacher will then have the class come back together
to share these emotions. The teacher will record the responses on Smart Notebook. The
teacher will also ask the class who created these drawings and from what part of the
world they were in at the time that is being depicted.
Students will then respond to the lessons Aim question by submitting their responses
on a new Class Padlet. If time allows the teacher will ask for students to share and
further discuss their responses to the Aim question.

Modification: Students who require help in organizing their ideas will be provided with a
graphic organizer in a Google Doc for them to use throughout the lesson to gather the main
ideas that will allow them to construct their responses via the Padlet at the end of the lesson.

Enrichment: Students who have finished the objective early, will be asked to research Raphael
Lemkin and his personal story of experiencing the Holocaust that led him to coin the term
genocide. These students will then share their findings with the class if time allows.

TPACK Lesson Plan 2

Name and Grade Level: Alexander Eichhorn, 12th grade

Title: 8 Stages of Genocide

Content Knowledge - Objective: What are the 8 Stages of Genocide?

Common Core/ISTE Standard:

(CCSS) Comprehension and Collaboration:
1. Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in
groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 11-12 topics, texts, and issues,
building on others ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. a. Come to
discussions prepared, having read and researched material under study; explicitly draw on that
preparation by referring to evidence from texts and other research on the topic or issue to
stimulate a thoughtful, well-reasoned exchange of ideas.

(ISTE) Creative Communicator:

Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes
using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals.
6c. Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety
of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.

_X_: Informal ____: Formal

____: Formative ____: Summative

Notes: Students will be informally assessed at the end of the lesson by participating in the
Smart Notebook activity, as well as being informally assessed by the teacher throughout the
lesson with questions that check for understanding.

Technology for Learners Being Used

Chrome Books
Google Docs
Smart Notebook

Technology for Teachers Being Used

Chrome Book
Google Docs
Smart Notebook

What 21st Century Skills are Students Using?

Critical Thinking: Students will determine which articles of the UNDHR are broken during
each of the 8 Stages of Genocide.

Creating: Students will create a Padlet with a partner in order to develop and share with the
class a list of characteristics that they think would constitute a genocide.

Communication: Students will communicate with the class via Padlet.

Collaboration: Students will work together in pairs when they determine the characteristics that
they believe constitute a genocide and share it with the rest of the class via Padlet.

Which Blooms Taxonomy? And Which Bloom Taxonomy for Digital?

Create: Students will create their own characteristics for what constitutes a genocide.
Additionally, students will create a list of articles of the UNDHR that are broken at each stage
of a genocide.
Evaluate: Students will evaluate each others criteria for a genocide by participating in the
classroom discussion following the lessons motivation.

Essential Vocabulary:

Chrome Books

Introduction/Engagement: The teacher will begin the lesson by asking students to pair up with
a partner and develop a list of characteristics that they believe would constitute a genocide. In
pairs, students will then write these scenarios/characteristics on a class Padlet. The teacher will
then discuss with the class the responses on Padlet.

Lesson: (developmental procedures)

The teacher will begin the lesson by having students pair up with a partner and develop
a list of characteristics that they believe would constitute a genocide. In pairs, students
will then write these scenarios/characteristics on a class Padlet. The teacher will then
discuss with the class the responses on Padlet.
The teacher will then share a Google Doc with the class that highlights the 8 Stages of
Genocide: classification, symbolization, dehumanization, organization, polarization,
preparation, extermination, and denial.
Students will then access the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UNDHR)
on the United Nations website.
Students will then make a list of the articles that are broken during the 8 Stages of
As a conclusion to the lesson, students will participate in an interactive Smart
Notebook where they match each stage of genocide with its proper section.

Modification: Students with reading comprehension difficulties will receive a simplified

language version of the UNDHR to be used to determine which articles are broken during each
stage of genocide.

Enrichment: Students who complete the objective early will be asked to choose a genocide and
research how/when each stage of genocide occurred or is currently occurring.

TPACK Lesson Plan 3

Name and Grade Level: Alexander Eichhorn, 12th grade

Title: The Armenian Genocide

Content Knowledge - Objective: What was the Armenian Genocide? Why and where is it
still disputed to this day?
Common Core/ISTE Standard:
(CCSS) Text Types and Purposes 2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and
convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective
selection, organization, and analysis of content. a. Introduce a topic; organize complex ideas,
concepts, and information so that each new element builds on that which precedes it to create a
unified whole; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., figures, tables), and
multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.

(ISTE) Knowledge Constructor:

Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge,
produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and
3c. Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to
create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.


_X_: Informal ___: Formal

_X_: Formative ___: Summative

Students will be informally assessed throughout the lesson when the teacher asks questions to
check for understanding. The formative assessment will be in the form of the Google Slides
that are created by each group in order to develop the class presentation on the Armenian

Technology for Learners Being Used

Chrome Books
Google Slides

Technology for Teachers Being Used

Chrome Books
Google Slides

What 21st Century Skills are Students Using?

Critical Thinking: Students will use their critical thinking skills in developing their slides for
the presentation as well as for answering the Aim question at the conclusion of the lesson.

Creating: Students will collaboratively create a Google Slides Presentation on the who, what,
when, where, and why of the Armenian Genocide.

Communication: Students will communicate with each other by using Google Slides.
Collaboration: Students will collaborate in creating and presenting their findings in the form of
a Google Slides Presentation.

Which Blooms Taxonomy? And Which Bloom Taxonomy for Digital?

Create: Students will create a class Google Slide presentation.
Evaluate: Students will evaluate multiple digital sources in order to gather information to
present in their Google Slides.

Essential Vocabulary:
Ottoman Empire

Chrome Book
Google Slides
Google Form

Introduction/Engagement: The teacher will begin the lesson by having students pick a number
from a hat to place themselves in one of five groups. These groups will be used to research and
present the who, what, when, where, and why of the Armenian genocide.

Lesson: (developmental procedures)

The teacher will begin the lesson by having students pick a number from a hat to place
themselves in one of five groups. These groups will be used to research and present the
who, what, when, where, and why of the Armenian genocide.
The teacher will create a shared Google Slides presentation in which each of the five
groups will be responsible for contributing to two Google Slides about their specific
section of the Armenian genocide. Each group will then present their two slides to the
class. At the conclusion of the lesson, the teacher will ask students to respond to the
lessons Aim question by submitting a Google Form.

Modification: Students will receive a graphic organizer to contribute to throughout the lesson
and aid them in formulating their responses to the lessons Aim question.

Enrichment: Students/groups that finish early, will be asked to find a short You Tube video
that explains their section of research and which can be added to their presentation if time

TPACK Lesson Plan 4

Name and Grade Level: Alexander Eichhorn, 12th grade

Title: The Holocaust

Content Knowledge - Objective: What was the Holocaust? How and why has it become
known as the most well-known genocide?

Common Core/ISTE Standard:

(CCSS) Text Types and Purposes 1. Write arguments focused on discipline-specific content. a.
Introduce precise, knowledgeable claim(s), establish the significance of the claim(s),
distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that
logically sequences the claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.

(ISTE) Knowledge Constructor: Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital
tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning
experiences for themselves and others. 3c Students curate information from digital resources
using a variety of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that
demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.


____: Informal __X_: Formal

____: Formative ____: Summative

Notes: Students will receive a formal assessment on their knowledge of the Holocaust when
they write evidence based argumentative responses to the question How is something like this
allowed to happen? using the information they learned from their classmates Pear Decks.

Technology for Learners Being Used

Chrome Books
Pear Deck
Google Docs

Technology for Teachers Being Used

Chrome Books
Pear Deck
Google Docs

What 21st Century Skills are Students Using?

Critical Thinking: Students will use critical thinking skills when they formulate their response
to the question How is something like this allowed to happen? by using specific information
from their classmates Pear Decks.

Creating: Students will work collaboratively to create brief Pear Decks on their assigned
topic/person in the Holocaust.
Communication: Students will communicate with each other using various forms of media, as
well as when presenting their Pear Decks.

Collaboration: Students will work collaboratively when researching their Holocaust

topic/person, as well as when creating and presenting their Pear Deck.

Which Blooms Taxonomy? And Which Bloom Taxonomy for Digital?

Create: Students will create their own Pear Deck presentations on an assigned person/topic of
the Holocaust. These Pear Decks will then be shared with the class.
Evaluate: Students will evaluate digital resources for accuracy and relevance to their assigned
research area in gathering information to create their Pear Decks.

Essential Vocabulary:
The Rise of the Nazi Party
The Final Solution
Elie Wiesel
Anne Frank
Oskar Schindler

Chrome Books
Pear Deck
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum website
Google Docs

Introduction/Engagement: At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher will place a map on the
board that shows the number of people murdered in the Holocaust by country. The teacher will
then ask the students to think about the question How is something like this allowed to
happen? This question will be revisited at the conclusion of the lesson.

Lesson: (developmental procedures)

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher will place a map on the board that shows the
number of people murdered in the Holocaust by country. The teacher will then ask the
students to think about the question How is something like this allowed to happen?
This question will be revisited at the conclusion of the lesson.
The teacher will then divide the class into five groups, each being assigned a specific
topic/person to research about the Holocaust (The Rise of the Nazi Party, the Final
Solution, Elie Wiesel, Anne Frank, Oskar Schindler).
Each group will then have 20 minutes to develop a short Pear Deck about their topic to
be shared with the class. Students may use the United States Holocaust Memorial
Museum website as a resource for their research.
The remaining 15 minutes of class will consist of each group presenting their Pear
Once the Pear Decks have been presented, for homework, students will respond to the
opinion based question How is something like this allowed to happen? This question
will be answered and submitted in the form of a Google Document.
Modification: Students who require assistance with writing assignments and formulating their
ideas/responses will receive a graphic organizer that highlights each of the five researched
topics/persons of the Holocaust. Additionally, because the Pear Decks will be shared among
the members of the class, students will be able to view their classmates Pear Decks at home.

Enrichment: Groups that have finished the objective early will be asked to choose one of the
death camps that was used during the Holocaust and provide the class with some additional
information about the events that transpired there.

TPACK Lesson Plan 5

Name and Grade Level: Alexander Eichhorn, 12th grade

Title: Darfur Genocide

Content Knowledge - Objective: What is the Darfur Genocide? Why is it important for
students to study this genocide in particular and how can it be stopped?

Common Core/ISTE Standard:

(CCSS) Reading Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies Key Ideas and Details 1. Cite
specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources, connecting
insights gained from specific details to an understanding of the text as a whole. 2. Determine
the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate
summary that makes clear the relationships between the key details and ideas. 3. Evaluate
various explanations for actions or events and determine which explanation best accords with
textual evidence, acknowledging where the text leaves matters uncertain.
(ISTE) 3. Knowledge Constructor: Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital
tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning
experiences for themselves and others. 3d. Students build knowledge by
actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas and theories and pursuing
answers and solutions.


_X_: Informal ___: Formal

___: Formative ___: Summative

Notes: Students will be informally assessed throughout the lesson when the teacher asks
questions that check for understanding. Additionally, students will be assessed at the
conclusion of the lesson when they are asked to write their response to the lessons Aim
question on a class Padlet posting.

Technology for Learners Being Used

Chrome Books
Google Forms

Technology for Teachers Being Used

Chrome Books
Google Forms

What 21st Century Skills are Students Using?

Critical Thinking: Students will use their critical thinking skills when they formulate a
response to the lessons Aim question using specific evidence from the unit of study.

Creating: In groups, students will create slides within the class Prezi in order to present their
research findings.

Communication: Students will communicate with each other by working in assigned groups as
well as when participating in the Google Form and Padlet Activity.

Collaboration: Students will collaborate with each other when they work together to create a
class Prezi Presentation.

Which Blooms Taxonomy? And Which Bloom Taxonomy for Digital?

Create: Students will create a class Prezi Presentation on the who, what, when, where, and why
of the Darfur Genocide.
Evaluate: Students will evaluate digital sources of information in order to construct their slide
contribution to the class Prezi. Additionally, students will evaluate the information that they
have learned in order to answer the lessons Aim question using specific evidence.

Essential Vocabulary:

Chrome Books
Google Forms
Introduction/Engagement: The teacher will begin the lesson by having students view the
Genocide Watch website ( which lists countries
that are at risk for genocides to occur. Students will then submit the name of one of these
countries in a Google form that the teacher will then display on the board.

Lesson: (developmental procedures)

The teacher will begin the lesson by having students view the Genocide Watch website
( which lists countries that are at risk for
genocides to occur. Students will then submit the name of one of these countries in a
Google form that the teacher will then display on the board.
The teacher will then the divide the class into five groups to explore the who, what,
when, where, and why of the genocide in Darfur. Students will contribute to a class
Prezi in order to share key information about their assigned area of research.
Once each group has contributed a slide to the Prezi, the class will view the Prezi
Following the Prezi activity, the students will respond to the lessons Aim question by
posting their response on a class Padlet. In their response to the Aim question, students
must utilize prior knowledge and cite specific evidence that they have learned from the
Genocide Unit.

Modification: Students who have difficulty gathering their thoughts on how to stop the current
genocide in Darfur will be given a summary sheet that details the key components of each of
the genocides that have been discussed during this unit.

Enrichment: Students who have finished the objective early will be asked to respond to the
question, Has there ever been a genocide in the United States? Students who answer this
question may use the internet as a source for evidence in formulating their response.

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