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Jodie Robinson

EDU 280

December 15, 2016

Multicultural Lesson Plan

1. STANDARDS: Lesson Plan Grade- 4

a). Students write using standard English grammar, usage, punctuation, capitalization, and


b). Students participate in discussions to offer information, clarify ideas, and support a


Learning Styles students will use: Auditory- oral discussion/note taking. Kinesthetic- writing

facts/making real world connections. Visual- creating visual image/writing information for


Gardners Intelligences: Interpersonal- emphasize and recognize differences among people.

Spatial- to perceive visual and spatial information.

2. OBJECTIVES: a). Students will be able to use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling

when writing something they learned from classmates show and tell.

b). Students will be able to participate in a discussion/share personal stories about the different

cultures and traditions that they participate in.

Multicultural Goal- Students will be able to develop a positive attitude towards their own/others

cultural background.
3. MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT: blown up image of a basic world map on poster board,

tacks, markers, tape, paper, pencils, show and tell items each student will bring.

4. PROCEDURES: Have you ever wondered where your classmates come from? Or how about

any family traditions they may have? Well today, we will have our own cultural show and tell

and figure out where in the world we are all from.

Students: Have students recall from previous geography lesson the name of each

continent on the world map.

Teacher: Teacher will share cultural artifact first to break the ice. Before sharing, place a

tack on where you are from on the world map. Involve students in this process, see if any

know where this is on the map. Afterwards, show and tell the cultural artifact of choice.

Ex.- Shawl that was used during Native American pow wows. (For substitute teacher: If

no artifact is available, just show where you are from on the map and give brief summary

of culture/traditions). Explain what your article is in relation to your culture. Discuss your

cultural history and any traditions that involve your culture.

Student: Each student is to write down one thing they learned about the culture being

shared (Kinesthetic). Teacher: These facts will be written on board for class to copy and

to later discuss.

Students: Once teacher is done sharing, each student will then share each of their cultural

artifacts. These may range from food, clothing, photos, toys, etc. (Auditory).

Students: Class will participate each time in finding where they are from on the map and

in writing down one thing they have learned about each of their classmates

culture/traditions. At the end of the show and tell, the map will be covered in tacks and

will provide a visual in seeing where everyone in the class is from (Visual).
5. CLOSURE: After each student has shared their cultural artifact, the map will be covered in

tacks showing where each student is from. This map can be hung in the classroom for the

remainder of the year.

With the show and tell now finished, there will be a list of things the class has learned

about each others cultures on the board. Review these facts with the class and have each

student write these down to use as a study guide for a future quiz/discussion.

6. ASSESSMENT: students have list of important things they learned during their classmates

cultural presentations. Writing assignment will be given based on this information. Grading


Know/research individual culture (student researched and is able to present facts about

individual culture)- 20 pts.

Artifact presentation (student has a cultural artifact to present and is able to discuss

object) - 20 pts.

Writing assignment (student writes one paragraph summarizing at least 2 main points

they learned from classmates presentations)- 10 pts. Total Points- 50


CSN Education Department. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Diversity Lesson Plans and Activities. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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