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Elementary School Report

Brigham Young University Idaho

Early Childhood Special Education Program


Name: XXX
Date of Birth: 11/30/2006
Age: 8 years, 7 months
Evaluation Date: 6/24/2016-6/25/2016
Evaluators: Jiae Park, Lauren, Brian
Report Authors: Jiae Park, Lauren, Brian

Reason for Referral

Based on the interview with XXXs mom, XXX is above average in all of his academic domains, and
he excellences in each of the four categories in the classroom. The one area that he has a hard time
with is writing. It takes him a little longer to write than normal. XXXs parents are concerned in this
area. As a result of this we will assess XXX through giving him the Woodcock Johnson cognitive
ability standard test and extended test in writing.


Developmental History:
XXXs mother had a normal pregnancy and no complications with the pregnancy. XXX hit all of his
developmental milestones right on time. He would walk, crawl, and run, at the right time that he was
supposed to. At age of 2 he was only speaking 10 words. He made up his own language that only
XXX and his mother could understand. He was later put into speech therapy for about 2 years and it
helped him tremendously. Eventually he started talking and was able to catch up to where he needed
to be.

Family Information:
XXX is the oldest of 3 children, he has two little sisters. Both of his parents are currently doing online
school at Brigham Young University-Idaho. His mother is a stay at home mom and his father is
currently working for an automotive company.

Social/Emotional History:
XXX has been very independent his whole life from when he was born to his early ages and up until
now. He likes to have things right on his terms. He has always been stubborn since he was little and it
has been more pronounced since he has gotten older. At school, he was not willing to follow the
instructions from the teachers. Therefore, he is currently in Madison Cares which is a program which
is meant to help XXX to work on his unwillingness to comply to insturction given in the classroom.

XXXs mother had a normal pregnancy. XXX had a few medical problems with his heart. It was SVT
which is known as Supraventricular Tachycardia. When he had SVT, his heart would click on and go
about 200 beats per minute and then click off. He would pass out as well which was associated with
sickness. He had surgery to fix his heart problems, and currently XXXs parents are not concerned
about it anymore.

XXX is going into the 4th grade, he is very smart, and he is toward the top of his class. He knows how
to do the work but he cant explain it to others on how he got the answer. When something is too easy
for him he just wont do it. He loves Math and Science, but he has a hard time in writing since it takes
him a little longer to write than other peers.


XXX was observed while he was being administered the Woodcock Johnson test. When he thought
that he knew the answers for the questions, he immediately responded, and smiled to the examiner. He
didnt wait until the examiner read through the questions when he thought he knew the answers. As
the questions increased in difficulty, his response to each problem was delayed. He used his fingers to
count. The examiner told him that he could use the pencil and paper since the questions got harder,
but he didnt say he wanted to use them; instead, he kept staring the question. When the examiner
began to read the question again for him, he stated, I know what it is. After a few difficult
questions, he was again offered to use the pencil and paper, and he brought the marker and white
board instead. Before he got to use the white board, he played with his toes and lay down in the couch
where he was taking the test; then he tried to solve the question on the board. When he encountered
difficult questions, he frowned and touched his toes or played with the marker.

XXX was observed identifying and immediately reading aloud various words in the Letter-Word
Identification assessment. He did not hesitate to accurately read phoneme-grapheme relationships
within those words. In the oral reading assessment, XXX quickly read the passages without stopping
at all until near the end of the entire passage. He stopped and said, Some of those words I have never
seen before. In the Sentence Reading Fluency assessment, It was observed that XXX quickly read
through as many test items that he could. He quickly went from one small sentence and circled Yes or
No, and then moved on to the next one. Towards the end of the timer, he started to take his time on
the last ones reading them carefully.

XXX was able to hold his pencil in the correct manner. It was observed while we had administered
the spelling test that he could write each of his letters correctly. While he was writing out the words
he said, These are so easy, I know these! and quickly continued writing with a big smile on his face.
As we continued administering more words to XXX, he began taking more time to spell and write out
each word. At times, he would look up, then side to side, and then look back down at his paper to
write. XXX took his time on the writing samples, and would speak aloud to each picture. He would
say out loud what they were doing in the picture by saying, It looks like the mom bird is feeding her
babies, and then proceeded to write it down carefully. After a few of the writing samples, XXX
wanted to stop.

Oral Language
Before taking the test, XXX played a card game with examiners. When he was asked to explain rules
of the game, he paused for few seconds, and began to explain it. The pace was quite slow, and
examiners needed to ask a few questions to XXX to clarify the meaning.
When the oral reading assessment was administered to XXX, he started off reading very smoothly and
did not make any mistakes. He stopped while reading and said, Wow! This is so fast for me to read.
He continued to read and then stopped and would repeat the unfamiliar words he saw. He stopped
again and then looked up at us. One of the examiners told him, Just try your best, and if you need to
skip the word you can. XXX looked back down at the page and continued on reading. He expressed
to us that it was getting to hard for him. When the Letter-word identification was administered to
XXX, he read out loud down the word bank as fast as he could without stopping at all. He stopped in
the middle of the assessment and said, These are getting a bit tricky now and then proceeded to the
next words. Throughout the rest of the assessment he began pacing and then stopping himself to
sound out the words. He looked up at the examiner for reassurance, and then looked back at the page
and continued reading out loud.

Tests Administered
The WJ IV Cognitive Ability tests are designed to assess a students abilities on cognitive ability,
academic achievement, and oral language.








Letter-Word Identification 68 126 >99.9


Applied Problems( Math) 35 110 79

Spelling (Reading/Writing) 29 98 27

Passage Comprehension (Reading 32 96 20

Calculation 29 102 47

Writing Samples 9 86 5

Word Attack 24 129 99.6

Oral Reading - 127 99

Sentence Reading Fluency 37 48 <0.1

Math Facts Fluency 29 77 1

Sentence Writing Fluency 8 86 4

Editing 13 101 39


For math, XXXs ability is average based on the results of the observation, interview, and testing.
According to his mom, math is his strongest subject. However, based on the Woodcock - Johnson IV
test, he scored in the 79th percentile in the applied problems, 49th percentile in the calculation, which
fall into average range, and 1 percentile in the math facts fluency, which means he scored equal to or
better than 1 out of 100 students. The score in the math facts fluency is not consistent with the scores
of other two math tests. When he was taking this test, he didnt rush to solve them as fast as he could.
Rather, he took time and solved them casually. Therefore, the overall math domain is an average area
for him. As a result of his relatively slow pace on solving math problems, he would get lower scores
on math tests even if he knows how to solve the questions.

XXX can consistently:

Add double digit numbers vertically
Subtract a two digit number from another two digit number vertically
Multiply single numbers to each other
XXX can partially or sometimes:
Mulitply double digit numbers in word problems
Divide into two digit numbers
Solve problems involving time and money
XXX cannot yet:
Subtract fractions
Divide into larger numbers that two digit numbers
Solve problems involving decimals and percentages

XXX performs in the above average range for reading based on observation, interview and
assessment. On the Woodcock Johnson IV, his score on the Letter Word-Recognition was in the 99th
percentile rank, which means he performed equal to or better than 99 out of 100 students. On the oral
reading and word attack assessment he also scored in the 99th percentile. Through analysis of his
scores, it was determined that XXX had more success with basic reading skills and had more
difficulty with comprehension and fluency. On the Passage Comprehension assessment, XXX had
scored in the 20th percentile, which shows that he scored at a below average level. On the Sentence
Reading Fluency assessment, he had scored in the 1st percentile, which also provides results of
performing below average. Although data from assessment has provided this information, it is
contrary to what was noted by XXXs mother. She had expressed that only writing was his weakest
XXX can consistently:
Read using literal comprehension skills
Read words that include a vowel team/diphthong
Read for a duration of at least 10 minutes
XXX can partially or sometimes:
Sound out words containing more than 10 letters
Read using inferential comprehension skills
Read words with unpredictable patterns
XXX cannot yet:
Make the proper pauses for punctuation
Read longer words that sound similar to smaller root words
Fluently read words containing more than 7 letters

Oral Language
Based on testing, observation, and interview data, XXX is functioning in the above average range in
oral language. He scored 99 percentile on the oral reading, and <0.1 percentile on the sentence reading
fluency. He was observed that he expressed what he wanted and needed clearly, but he often needed
some time before answering the questions, and it was observed that he needed some time before he
began to express what he intended to say. Therefore, the overall oral language area is a strong
domanin for XXX. However, he needs to improve on sentence reading fluency. Because of the low
sentence reading fluency, he might be misinterpreted that he funcions below average in oral language,
but oral language is XXXs strong domain.

XXX can consistently:

Express his wants and needs
Dicatate sentences with five or more words
Communicate clearly
XXX can partially or sometimes:
Uses complex phrases to replace ordinary words
Uses inferential listening comprehension skills
Uses complex sentences to describe simple pictures
XXX cannot yet:
Display full mastery of conventions
Adapt his speech to a variety of contexts
combine more than one two thoughts in a sentence
XXX is functioning at an average level on his writing skills, based on testing, observation and
interivew data. XXX scored below average on his writing samples in the 5th percentile, which means
he scored at or above 5 students out of 100 students. He scored average on his editing at the 39th
percentile, which means that he scored at or above 39 students out of 100 students. He took a long
time with writing, when he was given the test he knew easy sentences and how to write them, he
struggled with the harder sentences and editing. If he didnt know something it took him a while to say
I dont know, and then would either proceed or skip the question. He often would brainstorm aloud
by asking himself what? Even though XXX is functioning on an average level with one area

XXX can consistently:

Write his full name
Write an easy sentence that makes sense
Can spell easy words
XXX can partially or sometimes:
Spell more unusaully words
Have good handwriting
Spell words with unpredictable patterns
XXX cannot yet:
Make up up sentences using pictures
Complete a sentence when given a begining and the end
Understand how to correct puncuation mistakes

Through testing, interviews, observations, and interpretations it is shown that XXX does not qualify
under any of the categories of the Individuals with Disabilities Educational Act (IDEA). He, therefore,
is not eligible for special services. However, it is recommended that he receives additional instruction
on different content areas in and outside of the classroom.
For the professional:
Give explicit instruction to enhance math skills.
Give explicit instruction on reading comprehension strategies such as, checking for
understanding, visualizing, and fixing it up.
Continue working with XXX in his areas that are weak, eventually retest to see if there is any
For the parents or at home:
Spend 15 minutes every night having XXX read books. While reading the book, ask him
questions about details or what he just read in the story.
To enhance his reading skills, slowly introduce more challenging books.
Continue working at home on his mathematics so that those can be automaticy for him.
For the classroom:
Provide explicit instruction on spelling words containing digraphs and unpredictable word
Provide one on one learning from the teacher and the students.
Provide 10-15 minutes for XXX to read silently or with a partner.
Provide opportunities to choral read as a class.

XXX is an 8-year-old boy who is very independent and enjoys doing social activities. He currently is
in summer break and is involved with boy scouts, camp, swimming, piano and other active groups his
mother has involved him in. He will be entering the fourth grade when the school term starts up
again. XXX enjoys going to school and even enjoys taking tests. He is performing in the above
average range for reading and oral language, and average range for math and writing. However, his
parents have noted that although in school he struggles to comply with basic direction from teachers
for math, he gradually has reached grade level standards by the end of the year. He is able to use his
own strategies and ways of thinking to solve math and does very well, is another note his mother had
made. Although writing is a personal weakness for XXX, his scores still fall within the average range.
He also scored in the average range for math, but is contrry to what his mother has noted. Math is one
of his best subjects in school. He scored in the 39th percentile, which means he scored equal to or
better than 39% of his peers. He scored in the 47th percentile for the calculations assessment, which
means he scored equal to or better than 47% of his peers. It is recommended to allow him extra time
in and out of the classroom for math and writing. It is also recommended for him to continue explicit
instruction in all of his academic domains to continue meeting grade level expectations. Through
tests, observations, interviews, and interpretations, it is shown that XXX does not qualify under any of
the categories of IDEA and does not qualify or have a need for special services outside of the support
he has of now.

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