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Important Personalities in Corrections

School of Criminal Justice

BJMP Bureau of Jail Management and Penology is a line bureau under the Dept. of
Interior and Local Government was Created in 1991 pursuant to RA 6975.

Punishment In the legal sense, it is as the redress which the state take against an
offending member.

Beccaria The author of the Book Crime and Punishment which was published in
1764, believed that it should be the legislature not the court which should determine the
punishment appropriate to each crime so that no discretion would thus be left to the

Jeremy Bentham An Englishman holds that every act of any man is his won
freewill and that/he should therefore be held responsible for his acts.

Cesare Lombroso He sought to explain crime in terms of the physical make-up

of the criminal.

Punishment of offenders is now called CORRECTIONS

Lex Taliones In the early history of punishment this is the term used for personal
vengeance or retaliation.

Lex Salica Group vengeance or blood feud, atonement for wrongs by payments
to appease the victims family heralding the beginning of the criminal law.

Age of Enlightenment (1700 1800) and Ref orm This movement was
lead by Montesquiu, Voltaire, Beccaria, Bentham, Howard and Penn which stressed
humanitys essential dignity, advocated the system of graduated penalties which serve as
the primary fore in the transition from punishment to correction.

William Penn (1644 1716) Founder of Pennsylvania and leader of the

Quakers, fought for religious freedom and individual rights.

Pope Clement Xl Built the Hospice of the San Michelle in Rome in 1704, which
was designed for incorrigible boys and youth under 20, recognized as one of the first
institutions to handle juvenile offenders exclusively.

Jean Jacques Villain Frenchman developed a system of classification in 1704

to separate women and children from hardened criminals, and felons from minor

St. Thomas Aquinas introduced the concept of Lex Human or Human Law
and secular leaders learned to be detached from the influence of the pope.

Expiration or Atonement/Retribution Retaliation or Vengeance.

Expiration is group vengeance which is distinguish from retribution which is personal

Aristotle The Athenian philosopher who discusses corrective justice is a means of
restoring the balance between leisure and pain. In other words, suffering by the offender
restores the balance between the injured and the transgressor.

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