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Decanter dream

Dear reader,

Last night I fell asleep on the couch, and in a dream like moment, I saw me pull out a
box from under a sink. In this box was a beautiful crystal decanter (glass vessel with a

I felt this word decanter was part of a thread from my last post. So of course I had to
look up this word. To decant something means to pour slowly from one vessel to
another, like wine from a bottle into another container or decanter. The original reason
this was done in the natural was to allow the sediment to remain in the bottom of the
bottle while the pure wine poured into another vessel.

Also, decanters start out empty, waiting to be poured into. In the process of filling, the
wine is aerated, allowing it to breath, or breath is mixed into it, enhancing its flavor.
Decanting also permits the wine to be served with no labels attached.

An example of something being decanted is in II Kings 4. The prophet Elisha tells the
widow to gather all the containers she can and to fill them from her single jar of oil. The
sale of her abundance of oil allows her to pay her debts preventing her children being
taken into slavery.

I cant get away from the thought that this word is about a pattern. Behind closed doors,
the widow pours out her oil into her borrowed containers. The word poured in this
instance means not only overflow, which is most commonly referenced, but also it
means something that is being cast as metal. To me this sounds like a mold or pattern,
something to be reproduced or multiplied.

I need to ask, have you been feeling empty lately? Step into the secret place, He will
meet you! I have a sense of preparation and anticipation, like the breath of God wanting
to deposit into us as the pattern suggests. This deposit is not meant to be static; for the
purpose of a decanter is to pour into others...the world is waiting.

So that you know, I need this so rest in His presence, to be transformed and
changed into His likenesslets go.

My best,


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