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STEP 1 :

1. Infectious disease :
Inflation and culturing microorganism in body
Define as an illness caused by a specific infectious agent
2. Intervention :
Pengaruh atau perlakuan
The action or process of taking part in something
3. Preventif efforts :
the effort to prevent disease for family or society important
4. Communicable disease :
Disease that is spread from one person to another person through a variety of ways that
include contact with blood and bodily fluids breathing in airbone virus or by being bitten
by an insect
5. Exposure :
Something that happened by agent
6. Natural history of disease :
Development an illness without medical intervention or another intervention so the
illness progresses natural
Proses perkembangan suatu penyakit tanpa adanya intervensi yang dilakukan oleh
manusia dengan sengaja dan terencana
1. What are the agents of infectious disease?
2. What are characteristics of infection disease ?
3. Mention some kinds of infectious disease, and give an example !
4. What are the factors that can make infectious disease?
5. How the mechanism of transmission of infectious disease?
6. How to prevent from infectious disease?
7. What are the five level prevention of disease ?
8. What is the modes of transmission infectious disease ?
9. How to solve infectious diseases when it happened in our society?
10. What is the disease transmission media?
11. What are the important of natural history disease?
12. Why doctor must be able to explain about natural history disease ?

1. What are the agents of infectious disease?
Bacteria, virus, fungi, parasite
2. What are characteristics of infection disease ?
Smelly, bleeding , keluar nanah
3. Mention some kinds of infectious disease, and give an example !
Sex infection disease, ex: HIV
Infectious disease caused by bacteria, ex : cholera, TBC, disentri
Infectious disease caused by virus, ex : hepatitis and influenza
Infectious disease caused by fungi and parasite ex : candida
4. What are the factors that can make infectious disease?
Body lifestyle, Body-immunity, Environment, Population density
Food contamination, insect bites, direct and indirect, agent
Host (pasien)
5. How the mechanism of transmission of infectious disease?
1. Kolonisasi : tempat mikroorganisme berkembangbiak
2. Infeksi subklinis : mikroorganisme melakukan reaksi di dalam tubuh
3. Infeksi klinis : tubuh mulai menimbulkan gejala
Person to person spread
1. Direct person to person : sexual transmission, injection, skin to skin
2. Indirect person to person : contaminated object, droplet,
Common vehicle spread
1. Biological products : vaksin
2. Food
Zoonosis : animal bites, vertebrata animals
Vector : lalat (sesuatu terbang)
Geography : antraks (sapi gila),
Carrier : hepatitis

6. How to prevent from infectious disease?

Wash your hands
Get vaccinated
Prepare food safely
Practice safe sex
Dont share personal item : toothbrush, comb, razor (pencukur)
Keeping the environment clean and make good ventilation and sanitation
Avoid direct contact
Checking health routine
Doing exercise regularly
Good lifestyle and have good habit
Life in health environment
Stay home for affected person

7. What are the five level prevention of disease ?

Sebelum terjangkit penyakit
Health promotion : health education and promotion of health lifestyle
Specific protection : immunitation, isolation, and environment sanitation
Early diagnosis : screening ( pemeriksaan rutin )

Setelah terjangkit penyakit

Disability limitation : hospitalized and complete rest

8. What is the modes of transmission infectious disease ?
Self-infection (endogen)
Infection from environment ( eksogen )
9. How to solve infectious diseases when it happened in our society?
Tindakan promotif : mengajak
Kuratif (pengobatan)
10. What is the disease transmission media?
Blood transfusion
Needle Injection
Dialysis (cuci darah)
11. What are the important of natural history disease?
Memberikan wawasan atau informasi tentang suatu penyakit agar kita
mengetahui cara pencegahan dan pengobatan penyakit tersebut
Penemuan inovasi terbaru
Mengetahui latar belakang
12. Why doctor must be able to explain about natural history disease to patient ?
Karena Memberikan edukasi ke pasien terlebih dahulu
Karena itu hak pasien dan kewajiban dokter
13. 4 stage?????


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