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Chapter 21

Hydrodynamics of Vegetated Channels

Jochen Aberle and Juha Jrvel

Abstract Hydrodynamics of vegetated channels and streams is a rapidly devel-

oping research area, and this chapter summarizes the current knowledge consid-
ering both aquatic and riparian zones. The benet of an advanced parameterization
of plant morphology and biomechanical properties is highlighted. For this purpose,
the response of flexible and foliated plants and plant communities to the flow is
illustrated, and advanced models for the determination of drag forces of flexible
plants are described. Hydrodynamic processes governing flow patterns in vegetated
flows are presented for submerged and emergent conditions considering spatial
scales ranging from the leaf to the vegetated reach scale.

Keywords Rivers and floodplains Aquatic vegetation Riparian vegetation 
Hydrodynamics Flow eld Flow resistance Modelling Parameterization 

21.1 Introduction

Vegetation represents a ubiquitous feature in river systems affecting many physical,

chemical, and biological processes. In addition to the flow boundary conditions
governed by the geomorphic setting of streams and channels, vegetation interacts
with the flow thereby affecting the turbulent flow eld, hydraulic resistance, and
bed shear stress (e.g., Jrvel 2004; Nikora 2010a; Folkard 2011; Neary et al. 2012;
Nepf 2012a; Aberle and Jrvel 2013) and consequently backwater proles, sedi-
ment transport, and channel morphology (e.g., Yen 2002; Osterkamp et al. 2012;
Yager and Schmeeckle 2013; Gurnell 2014). Moreover, flow-vegetation interaction

J. Aberle (&)
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
J. Jrvel
Aalto University School of Engineering, Espoo, Finland
e-mail: juha.jarvela@aalto.

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 519

P. Rowiski and A. Radecki-Pawlik (eds.), RiversPhysical, Fluvial
and Environmental Processes, GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-17719-9_21
520 J. Aberle and J. Jrvel

affects solute and particulate budgets (e.g., Shucksmith et al. 2010) as well as the
shapes, sizes and spatial distributions of vegetated patches and mosaics and hence
the habitat structure (e.g., Gurnell and Petts 2006; Gurnell et al. 2006). As a
consequence, the hydrodynamics of vegetated channels has been in the focus of
many scientic disciplines ranging from aquatic ecology to hydraulic engineering.
Vegetation growing in riverine areas is versatile in its properties, as illustrated in
Fig. (21.1). Vascular plants growing in aquatic ecosystems are called macrophytes
and can be classied in plants growing completely under the water surface (sub-
mersed aquatic vegetation; SAV), plants rooted in shallow water but protruding
through the water surface (emergent aquatic vegetation; EAV), and floating vege-
tation which may or may not be anchored in the stream bed (e.g., Janauer et al.
2013). Macrophytes grow also in the interface zone between aquatic and terrestrial
ecosystems, i.e. in the riparian zone, but the more common vegetation types
growing between low- and high-water marks are woody trees, bushes and shrubs
(Richardson et al. 2007).
The above classication reflects partly the classical hydraulic engineering sub-
mergence based vegetation classication in submerged, emergent, and floating
vegetation, which takes into account that the flow eld changes signicantly when
the flow depth exceeds the vegetation height or is affected by plants floating on
the water surface (e.g., Folkard 2011; Plew 2011). However, a purely water

Fig. 21.1 Rough classication of vegetation types based on commonly observed conditions in the
nature. Note that the visual impression is strongly dependent on the water level and season
21 Hydrodynamics of Vegetated Channels 521

depth-related classication neglects important plant characteristics such as plant

shape and plant biomechanical properties.
Plants and plant communities subjected to a flow direct water to move around
stems, branches, leaves, patches, etc. and are thus exposed to flow-induced forces in
form of drag and lift. The drag force FD (Eq. 21.1 dened in Fig. 21.2) results from
viscous drag along the wetted plant surface and pressure drag from the pressure
differences around the plants and can be parameterized by the fluid density , the
drag coefcient CD, the characteristic plant area Ac, and the reference velocity U,
often dened as the bulk velocity. For isolated rigid elements such as cylinders, CD
can be obtained easily using charts from handbooks relating CD to the stem-
Reynolds number ReS = Ud/ where d denotes the cylinder diameter and the
kinematic viscosity of the water (e.g., Hoerner 1965; Schlichting and Gersten
2006). The characteristic area Ac can be dened by the projected area Ap, i.e. the
area of the cylinder exposed to the flow corresponding for emergent conditions to
Ac = Hd, where H denotes the water depth. However, such a parameterization is
much more difcult for complex shaped flexible vegetation which reacts to the flow
by hydrodynamic reconguration if the drag force is larger than plant-resistance
forces (Fig. 21.2). In this case, both the projected area and CD decrease with
increasing flow velocity due to the reconguration of the plant, i.e. streamlining,
reflecting the effort of the plant to minimize pressure drag (e.g., Vogel 1994; Sand-
Jensen 2003; Nikora 2010a).
Most of the research on hydrodynamics of vegetated channels has been carried
out with idealized plants (e.g. Aberle and Jrvel 2013) and focused on homoge-
neously distributed canopies. Such simplications are seldom justied as vegetation
characteristics vary amongst species and habitats (see Fig. 21.1). Therefore, an
important step in the proper description of the hydrodynamics of vegetated channels
and streams is the suitable characterization of morphological and biomechanical

U = 0 m/s U = 0.50 m/s

Downstream view


Side view
FD = CD AcU (Eq. 21. 1)
AP = ?; C D = ?

Fig. 21.2 A natural willow twig photographed in still water and recongured at a bulk velocity of
U = 0.5 m/s illustrates that the application of the classical drag equation to natural vegetation is
complicated. The reconguration alters the drag coefcient CD and projected area Ap used as the
characteristic area Ac
522 J. Aberle and J. Jrvel

vegetation properties so that flow-induced and plant reaction forces can be

parameterized at the plant scale, i.e. for individual plants, as well as for plant
communities at the canopy, patch or patch mosaic scale (e.g., Nikora 2010a; Luhar
and Nepf 2013). Furthermore, the quantication of the net impact of vegetation on
flow properties and transport processes is aggravated by the complex multi-scale
flow pattern arising through flow-vegetation interaction from the leaf to patch
mosaic scale (e.g., Nikora 2010a; Nepf 2012a, b). An adequate framework for the
investigation and the modelling of such multi-scale flow patterns is provided by the
double-averaging methodology (DAM) which is based on the averaging of conti-
nuity, momentum, and other hydrodynamic equations in both time and space (e.g.,
Nikora et al. 2007a, b; Nikora and Rowinski 2008 and references therein). The
DAM framework allows for up-scaling of physical interactions and mass transfer
processes, as well as for considerations of mobile-boundary conditions (Nikora
et al. 2013b) such as flexible vegetation. An in-depth consideration of this meth-
odology is beyond the scope of this chapter, and the reader is referred to the
aforementioned references for details.
The objective of the present chapter is to summarize the current knowledge on
the hydrodynamics of vegetated channels and streams considering both aquatic and
riparian zones. Recent review papers (e.g. Green 2005a; Nikora 2010a; Folkard
2011; Nepf 2012a, b; Aberle and Jrvel 2013; Curran and Hession 2013; Vargas-
Luna et al. 2015) are complemented by reporting latest advances in this rapidly
developing research area. Focus will be set on the plant characteristics and
parameterization (Sect. 21.2) and their signicance for the hydrodynamics of
emergent and submerged flow situations on the canopy and patch scale with an
overview on issues related to reach scale considerations (Sect. 21.3).

21.2 Plant Characteristics

Plants growing in aquatic and riparian habitats show signicant differences with
regard to their shape and biomechanical properties. Thus, a suitable parameteri-
zation of vegetation for hydrodynamic analyses must reflect these differences. Even
though species-specic parameters are favorable, such parameters depend also on
succession, seasonality and local habitat conditions (Puijalon et al. 2008; Thomas
et al. 2014), and should therefore be determined at the site of interest. Moreover,
vegetation parameterization must also take into account different spatial scales as
the characteristics at larger scales represent an integrated view of the characteristics
at smaller scales (Nikora 2010a). The latter aspect will be discussed in the following
presentation of plant morphology and plant biomechanical parameters.
Plant morphology describes the visible structure of plants and plant commu-
nities and is described in terms of length, areal, and volumetric scales (Table 21.1).
The notion of plant structure refers to different type of organization of plant
constituents and spatial structure to the distribution of plant constituents in three-
dimensional space. The form, size and shape of plant constituents correspond to the
21 Hydrodynamics of Vegetated Channels 523

Table 21.1 Summary of different parameters used for the description of plant morphology
Parameter Symbol Parameter Symbol
Stem diameter (m) d Number of plants per uba1 (m2) m
Plant height and width (m) h, W Volume of plants per uba (m) mv
Deflected canopy height (m) hw Frontal area per uba () f
Spacing between plants3 (m) ax, ay Wetted plant area per uba () w
Frontal (projected) area (m2) Ap Frontal area per ucv2 (m1) a
Leaf area (one sided) (m ) AL Leaf area index () LAI
Stem area (m2) AS Solid volume fraction ()
Cross sectional area (m2) Acs Canopy porosity () p
Plant, leaf, stem volume V, VL, VS
unit bed area; 2unit canopy volume; 3here dened as spacing in (ax) and transverse to flow
direction (ay)

geometrical structure, and the topological structure describes the decomposition of a

plant into elementary constituents and determines which constituents are connected
with each other (Sinoquet and Rivet 1997; Godin and Caraglio 1998). The most
common parameters to describe an individual plant element in hydraulic engi-
neering applications have been the stem diameter d and plant height h. Such a
description reduces the plant basically to a cylindrical shape, and subsequently areal
and volumetric measures such as frontal projected area Ap and plant volume V can
be easily derived. However, the spatial structure of most natural plants differs
signicantly from idealized simple shapes as they are composed of different con-
stituents such as stems, branches and leaves (e.g. Fig. 21.3). The growth structure is
species specic and depends on succession and local habitat conditions and its a
priori parameterization is therefore not straightforward. The vertical structure of
vegetation has largely been neglected in hydraulic engineering applications by
assuming a homogeneous structure over height although the actual width W of a
plant may be much larger than for example the stem diameter. The latter has often
been used to parameterize complex shaped vegetation elements (Aberle and Jrvel
2013 and references therein) but a more complete description of areal and

Fig. 21.3 Parameterization of riparian vegetation. For foliated vegetation, the canopy density can
be described with the leaf area index LAI which is dened as the one-sided leaf area per unit bed
area. For emergent conditions, this denition may be rened dependent on water level as the
wetted one-sided leaf area per unit bed area
524 J. Aberle and J. Jrvel

volumetric measures may include the separate determination of stem and one-sided
leaf areas (AS and AL in Fig. 21.3) and volumes, respectively (Table 21.1), which
may also be determined over height. In this context it must be emphasized that the
vertical plant structure may have important implications for the vertical flow eld
through the generation of higher velocities in zones with lower plant mass, e.g.,
below the foliated zone in the case of riparian plants (Jalonen et al. 2012).
In hydraulic models, plant canopies are typically characterized by considering
plant parameters per unit bed area or unit canopy volume. An important property is
the canopy density for which different denitions such as the solid volume fraction
, canopy porosity p, the frontal area per unit bed area (f) or per unit canopy volume
(a), respectively, are used in the literature (Table 21.1). For flow through non-
bending vegetation such as erect reeds or trees where only the stems are exposed to
the flow, the vegetation may be parameterized sufciently by the stem diameter and
vegetation density (e.g., m, f, a in Table 21.1, see also Petryk and Bosmajian 1975;
Nepf 1999). However, for foliated plants such a parameterization is inadequate. For
such vegetation, the canopy density can be expressed in terms of the leaf area index
(LAI) which is dened as the one-sided leaf area per unit bed area (LAI = AL/
AB = m < AL > with AB = bed area and the angled brackets indicate spatial averaging;
Fig. 21.3), which is thus slightly differently dened as f or the wetted area per unit
bed area (w) as the plant stems and branches are not considered.
LAI has been used in a broad range of models in earth sciences, and various
denitions of LAI have been introduced for different purposes. Hemi-surface LAI is
closely related to one-sided LAI, with the difference that the same one-sided leaf
area measure is projected onto a horizontal datum independent of ground slope. A
third common denition is horizontally projected LAI that is typical in remote
sensing applications. It is important that a denition of LAI is precisely addressed to
make reported results comparable. LAI can be derived using various destructive and
nondestructive methods, such as ripping and measuring foliage area (Jalonen et al.
2013; Jalonen and Jrvel 2014), or remote sensing methods such as terrestrial and
airborne laser scanning and image analysis (e.g. Antonarakis et al. 2010; Jalonen
et al. 2014, 2015) thus also allowing for a depth-related denition of LAI. As an
alternative to assuming that the combined effect of vegetation density and foliage
on flow resistance can be described by the LAI only, Vstil et al. (2013) and
Vstil and Jrvel (2014) found that the separate consideration of the foliage and
stem allows a better representation of the physical processes as opposed to
describing foliated vegetation with plant-scale parameters that lump together the
influence of both plant parts (see sub-section on flexible foliated plants below).
In addition, it is important to consider the plant arrangement in plant stands, par-
ticularly in emergent conditions (e.g., Lindner 1982; Schoneboom et al. 2011;
Ricardo et al. 2014).
Plant flexibility cannot directly be described by geometric measures, although it
indirectly affects some of the parameters listed in Table 21.1. For example, a bending
plant has a lower height than in still water (Fig. 21.2) and the flexibility is reflected
by dening the deflected plant or canopy height (hw). Similarly, the reconguration
21 Hydrodynamics of Vegetated Channels 525

of plants affects Ap and canopy porosity p which hence become a function of flow
regime, flow velocity and biomechanical properties, as discussed before.
Plant biomechanical properties dene the ability of plants to recongure in the
flow and hence govern plant-reaction forces. The most important plant biome-
chanical properties are the plant density p, Youngs (bending) modulus E and the
second moment of cross-sectional area I. Youngs (bending) modulus E is a
measure of stiffness characterizing stem flexibility under bending forces orthogonal
to the plant stem. The product EI denes the flexural rigidity of an object describing
its resistance while undergoing deformation. It should be noted that many natural
plants cannot be assumed to have a simple cross-sectional shape, and thus it may be
difcult to derive reliable and meaningful I values. The density p denes the
gravity force of a plant (FG = pgV, where g = acceleration due to gravity) and
hence the submerged weight of the plant (FS = (p )gV). It is not uncommon for
aquatic plants that p < so that FS < 0 represents an upward directed buoyancy
force and therefore a plant-restoring force (e.g., Nepf 2012a). Plants with a very low
flexural rigidity (e.g., buoyant plants) passively follow the flow and experience
mainly viscous drag along the plant surface, whereas plants with higher flexural
rigidity expose a resisting force to the flow (and react through bending), generating
pressure drag and downstream vortices (Nikora 2010a).
Plant biomechanical properties are characterized by a high variability with
regard to environment, species, and scales (Albayrak et al. 2014; Miler et al. 2014;
Paul et al. 2014), and their implementation in studies of freshwater ecosystems and
hydrodynamic considerations is not yet common (e.g., Nikora 2010a; Miler et al.
2011). Nonetheless, there exist studies that have focused on plant biomechanical
properties by relating flexural rigidity to deflected plant height for grass and riparian
vegetation (e.g., Kouwen 1992; Kouwen and Fathi-Moghadam 2000 and references
therein) or biomechanical properties to macrophyte habitat (Miler et al. 2011,
2014). Other studies focused on the development of scaling criteria for vegetation
(e.g., Ghisalberti and Nepf 2002) or developing analytical and numerical models for
deformation of simple shaped flexible elements (e.g., Chen et al. 2011; Kubrak
et al. 2012; Stone et al. 2013 and references therein).
Plant reaction to flow is governed by the interplay between flow forces and the
plant-reaction forces. The governing flow forces are the drag and lift force which
can be expressed in a dimensionless form via the drag coefcient CD and the lift
coefcient CL which are a function of the object (plant) Reynolds-number Rep (or
Res for cylinders; Hoerner 1965; Schlichting and Gersten 2006). For a rigid plant
and a flow situation where the frontal area is constant (i.e., completely submerged
or constant water depth for emergent conditions) and the drag coefcient CD does
not vary with Rep, FD increases proportionally to the squared flow velocity U2
according to Eq. (21.1).
A flexible plant, on the other hand, recongures with increasing U when the
hydrodynamic force exceeds the plant-reaction force due to stiffness and buoyancy
until the restoring force is equal to the drag force (e.g. Luhar and Nepf 2011). The
reconguration and the associated decrease in the projected area is illustrated in
Fig. 21.4 using photographs of a full scale tree towed at different velocities in
526 J. Aberle and J. Jrvel

Fig. 21.4 Frontal projected area and side view of a submerged, 1.8 m tall Goat Willow exposed to
different flow velocities. The percentages indicate the share of the projected area compared to the
no-flow case (specimen SC7 from Jalonen and Jrvel 2014)

towing tank experiments carried out at Aalto University in Finland. In the example
shown in Fig. 21.4 the frontal projected area reduced as much as 82 % compared to
still water conditions. The reconguration results in parameterization difculties for
both the drag coefcient CD and the characteristic area Ac as both parameters
depend on the shape and porosity of the elements.
The use of different denitions for the characteristic flow velocity and area often
aggravates a direct comparison between studies and may even lead to contradicting
results (Statzner et al. 2006). An example is the use of different denitions of the
characteristic area Ac in Eq. (21.1) to calculate the drag coefcient CD from drag
force measurements. Lumping both parameters into a combined CDAc parameter
may be a possibility as only the combined effect of CD and Ac is important (e.g. de
Langre 2008). However, such an approach is not a complete solution as the lumped
CDAc parameter still depends on the same variables as the individual parameters and
cannot be determined a priori. A solution to this problem may be to consider non-
changeable areas as reference area (e.g., Aberle and Jrvel 2013), such as the leaf
and stem areas (Vstil and Jrvel 2014).
As both, CD and the projected area Ap, decrease with increasing velocity until the
plant reaches its maximum deformation, the drag growth with velocity is for
flexible vegetation elements lower than for the usual rigid body proportionality,
which has been shown in many studies on water and air flows (e.g., Vogel 1994;
Jrvel 2002; de Langre 2008; Gosselin et al. 2010; Jalonen and Jrvel 2014 and
references therein). The deviation of the FDU relationship from the quadratic law
21 Hydrodynamics of Vegetated Channels 527

for flexible plants has been expressed in the literature in a more general way
according to FD U2+b, where b denotes the Vogel exponent (de Langre 2008). For
rigid plants b = 0 whereas for natural plants and leaves b has been found to vary
between 0.2 and 1.2 (e.g., Albayrak et al. 2011; de Langre et al. 2012; Aberle
and Jrvel 2013; Jalonen and Jrvel 2014).
Taking the aforementioned forces into account, important force ratios can be
dened to investigate plant deformation, such as the Cauchy number (describing the
ratio of inertial to elastic forces), the buoyancy parameter B (ratio of buoyancy
forces to elastic forces), the solid mass ratio /p, and the reconguration number
R comparing the drag of a flexible body to that of an equivalent rigid body at the
same Reynolds number. Additionally, dimensionless geometrical parameters
describing the plant structure may be dened, such as LAI or the slenderness ratio
Sl which is the ratio of the length of a vertical column and its least radius of gyration
(Chakrabarti 2002; Alben et al. 2002; de Langre 2008; Gosselin and de Langre
2011; Luhar and Nepf 2011). Additional dimensionless parameters may be dened
to account for flexural rigidity at different plant scales and to enable the subdivision
between tensile and bending plants (Nikora 2010a). Further investigation of these
force ratios may provide guidance on how flexible vegetation elements may be
scaled in laboratory investigations which currently remains an unresolved issue.
Until today, many studies focused on the investigation of plant reconguration
in a time-averaged domain so that plant reconguration has often been determined
by single snapshots and not been monitored over time. However, the dynamic
interaction between plants and turbulent flow may result in a dynamic recongu-
ration of the plants which becomes visible as flapping-like motions. Such motions
have been found to be correlated with drag fluctuations and upstream turbulence
(Siniscalchi and Nikora 2013). The drag fluctuations are closely related to ambient
turbulence (Siniscalchi and Nikora 2012) and hence to large-scale eddies interacting
with the plant. However, shear layer turbulence at the plant surface may also
contribute to plant motion (e.g., Siniscalchi et al. 2012; Cameron et al. 2013;
Albayrak et al. 2014; see also Sect. 21.3).
Flexible foliated plants and their reaction to the flow, as shown in Figs. 21.2
and 21.4, are discussed in this section to highlight the importance of foliage, as
several studies have shown that foliage contributes signicantly to the total drag
exerted by plants (Vogel 1994; Jrvel 2002; James et al. 2008; Wilson et al. 2008;
Dittrich et al. 2012; Jalonen and Jrvel 2014). This is of particular importance for
riparian plants where leaves may account for a large portion of the total area or of
the total mass (e.g. de Langre 2008). Moreover, foliated plants represent pervious
bodies and flow passes through them, a feature which is known as bleed flow (e.g.,
Grant and Nickling 1998). However, due to the interplay between leaves and
wooden plant parts, it is not possible to obtain the total drag of a leafy plant by
simply multiplying the drag exerted by a single leaf with the number of leaves
(Vogel 1994).
Leaves are highly flexible structures and the resulting drag at the leaf scale is
affected by their shape, surface roughness, and biomechanical properties (Vogel
1994; Albayrak et al. 2011) indicating a species-specic hydrodynamic resistance
528 J. Aberle and J. Jrvel

even at the leaf scale (Vogel 2009). Studies with articial and natural specimens at
different scales (twigs and full-scale trees) showed that the contribution of foliage
drag FF to the total drag of a specimen FD depends on flow velocity and involves
signicant natural variability (Aberle and Jrvel 2013 and references therein).
Despite this variability, recent studies revealed a decreasing trend of the ratio FF/FD
with increasing flow velocity which reaches an almost constant value for higher
velocities. This indicates that leaves contribute more signicantly to total drag at
low velocities and that the contribution gradually decreases with increasing velocity
which can be associated with the different biomechanical properties of the plants
wooden parts and the leaves (Dittrich et al. 2012; Whittaker et al. 2013; Jalonen and
Jrvel 2014).
Recent developments on the parameterization of the exponential force-velocity
relationship for flexible woody vegetation have resulted in various models as shown
in Table 21.2. Jrvel (2004) presented a model for estimating flow resistance using
LAI = AL/AB as the key vegetative parameter. More recently, Jalonen et al. (2013)
found that the bulk resistance could be estimated with better accuracy by replacing
AL/AB with Atot/AB. In more detailed investigations, Vstil and Jrvel (2014)
concluded that the leaf (AL) and stem areas (AS) are the key parameters to estimate
the resistance, and proposed a model describing the foliage and stem with physi-
cally based parameters: drag coefcients, reconguration parameters, and leaf as
well as frontal projected stem area per ground area. Whittaker et al. (2013) based
their model on the Cauchy number and incorporated the tree volume and flexural
rigidity EI in their analyses.
In a full-scale towing tank study, Jalonen and Jrvel (2014) collected a com-
prehensive dataset on drag forces and tree properties for comparing the suitability
and reliability of different plant parameterizations for physically-based modeling
applications. The results showed that at low velocities the stem drag of foliated trees
reduced in comparison to the defoliated condition due to more efcient recong-
uration of the stem caused by the leaf mass. This implied that the actual foliage drag

Table 21.2 Parameterization of vegetated drag force in recent models based on the classical drag
equation (Fig. 21.2)
Drag model Notes Reference
1 CDv
FD 2 q Uvv
AL U 2v AL/AB = LAI Jrvel (2004)*
K = empirical Whittaker et al. (2013)
FD 12 qK U qVH EI U2
C F C S FD = FF + FS Vstil and Jrvel
FD 12 q UDv;
v;F v;S

FD 12 q Uvv
Atot U 2v Atot = AL + AS Jalonen and Jrvel
The equations were reformulated in terms of drag force by Jalonen and Jrvel (2014), as
originally they were formulated to determine the vegetated friction factor f. All these models use
an exponential relationship with velocity as F U2+, where the reconguration parameter
equals the dimensionless Vogel exponent b. See Table 21.1 for parameter denitions
21 Hydrodynamics of Vegetated Channels 529

at low velocities can be somewhat larger than estimated by FF = FD FS. Variation

in the ratio of leaf area to the stem area was found for trees of different sizes, and the
share of leaf area appeared to increase for the smallest specimens. Evaluations with
the new independent data by Jalonen and Jrvel (2014) revealed that the tested
models (Table 21.2) were capable of producing reasonable results. The Jrvel
(2004) model proved to be applicable for fully foliated trees and published
parameter values for twigs were suitable for predicting the bulk drag at a broad
range of velocities for trees of different scales. Models by Whittaker et al. (2013)
and Vstil and Jrvel (2014) are suited for both foliated and defoliated conditions,
but the piece-wise FS U relationship can cause difculties in estimating the stem
drag and total FD = FF + FS. Overall, the model predictions were dictated by the
parameter values used rather than the model structure or plant scale (Jalonen and
Jrvel 2014).

21.3 Hydrodynamic Processes

Following the above consideration at the plant scale, this section focuses on
hydrodynamic processes at canopy scale with a subdivision in submerged (H/h > 1)
and emergent (H/h 1) flow situations, followed by considerations of floating,
patch, and reach scale vegetation.
Canopy scalesubmerged conditions For submerged conditions, the flow
depth exceeds the (deflected) canopy height, i.e. 1 < H/h. This general classication
can be further rened by distinguishing between deeply submerged (H/h > 10) and
shallow (1 H/h < 5) conditions (Nepf and Vivoni 2000). Deeply submerged
conditions resemble flows over terrestrial canopies where a large scale free surface
layer dominates the flow eld, although the vertical transport at the canopy interface
is still dominated by canopy-scale vortices forming at the interface with the canopy
(Nepf et al. 2012a, b and references therein). Deeply submerged canopies are rare in
natural channels due to the constraint of sunlight, and thus most submerged aquatic
canopies are characterized by H/h < 5 (e.g., Nepf 2012b). Nonetheless, deeply
submerged flow conditions may occur in grass-lined channels or for canopies
composed of buoyant tensile plants which are easily bent over during a flood so that
they cover the bed surface, i.e. they will act as surface roughness.
The multi-scale flow patterns in a vegetated channel for shallow conditions are
illustrated in Fig. 21.5 according to Nikora (2010a). The canopy interface represents
a porous surface and therefore the flow eld above the canopy can show boundary
layer characteristics where the turbulent scales are governed by the depth scale
(pattern #1 in Fig. 21.5). Although such a boundary layer is perturbed by the
canopy, and hence different from a canonical boundary layer, the velocity distri-
bution above the canopy has often been modelled using a logarithmic velocity
distribution (Stephan and Gutknecht 2002 and references therein).
In close proximity of dense canopies (CDah > 0.1), the flow eld is affected by a
shear layer forming through the different velocities within and above the canopy
530 J. Aberle and J. Jrvel

Fig. 21.5 Side view of multi-scale flow patterns in vegetated channels. Figure modied from
Nikora (2010a)

(pattern #2, Fig. 21.5). The shear (or mixing) layer velocity prole layer is char-
acterized by an inflection point near the canopy top (Fig. 21.6b, c) and its shape
may be described by a hyperbolic tangent function (e.g. Chen et al. 2013 and
references therein). The existence of an inflection point is the prerequisite for the
generation of Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities at the canopy interface that evolve into
eddies dominating the vertical transport at the canopy interface (canopy-scale tur-
bulence; pattern #2 in Fig. 21.5; e.g., Nepf 2012b and references therein). For
0.1 < CDah < 0.2, these mixing layer eddies penetrate the bed (Fig. 21.6b)
governing the turbulence pattern throughout the canopy (Nepf and Ghisalberti
2008), but their penetration depth steadily reduces for larger canopy densities
(CDah > 0.2; Fig. 21.6c). As a consequence, eddies no longer penetrate the bed and
the level of ventilation of the canopy is reduced (Nikora 2010a). Moreover, for
relative submergences H/h < 2, the size and strength of the mixing layer eddies is
reduced due to the interaction with the water surface (Nepf and Vivoni 2000).

(a) CDah << 0.1 (b) CDah 0.1 (c) CDah > 0.23
z z z
u z
H turbulence


Fig. 21.6 Velocity distributions in a sparse canopy (a) and velocity distribution and eddy-
penetration depth e in dense canopies (b and c) (modied from Nepf 2012a)
21 Hydrodynamics of Vegetated Channels 531

The study of Okamoto and Nezu (2009) indicated a larger penetration of

momentum into the canopy layer for a rigid than for a flexible canopy implying
increased momentum absorption for flexible canopies. Canopies composed of
flexible elements show often a waving motion, known as monami (Ackerman and
Okubo 1993; Nepf 2012b and references therein). It has been generally accepted
that this motion is caused by canopy scale vortices if the instantaneous drag
associated with their passage is sufcient to depress individual plants (e.g. Okamoto
and Nezu 2009). Thus, this motion may produce turbulence (pattern #6, Fig. 21.5).
As the motion depends also on biomechanical properties, it remains to be inves-
tigated to what extent these properties affect mixing layer eddies and the monami
(Nikora 2010a). We note that patterns #3 and #4 hypothesized by Nikora (2010a) in
Fig. 21.5 are also related to flexible elements as they describe the generation of leaf
scale boundary layer turbulence (pattern #3) resulting from flow around individual
leaves as well as from small scale mixing-layers forming through different
roughness of a leaf at the opposite leaf sides (leaf scale mixing layer turbulence,
pattern #4).
For sparse vegetation densities (CDah 0.1), the momentum absorption in the
canopy is not large enough to generate an inflection point in the velocity distri-
bution near the canopy and the velocity distribution follows a turbulent boundary
layer prole (e.g. Nepf 2012b; Fig. 21.6a). However, turbulence within the canopy
is still produced by both bed shear and canopy drag (generation of stem scale wake
turbulence, pattern #5 in Fig. 21.5) and, as a consequence, it is not possible to
predict turbulence levels in analogy to classical open-channel flows, i.e. where
turbulence is generated only through bed shear (Nepf 2012a).
The flow through the canopy is for both sparse and dense densities affected by
the form drag of the plant stems and branches causing flow separation and hence the
generation of wake turbulence (stem scale turbulence; pattern #5 in Fig. 21.5). In
regions of the canopy where both free-stream and near bed surface effects are
negligible, the velocity distribution is a function of bed slope and vegetation density
(Nikora et al. 2004; Lightbody and Nepf 2006). In case the vegetation is vertically
homogeneously distributed and hence CDa = constant over depth, the velocity
distribution in the canopy becomes uniform (Nikora et al. 2004). On the other hand,
a vertically non-uniform density results in more complex shaped proles due to
different resistance imposed at different layers (e.g. Lightbody and Nepf 2006).
Close to the bed, the flow is affected by the bed surface roughness resulting in the
formation of a surface boundary layer.
There exist several approaches for the description of the velocity prole for
submerged vegetation which can be broadly classied in single-prole and
segmented-prole concepts (Nikora et al. 2013a and references therein) as well as
analytical and numerical concepts. Single-prole concepts are based on the isolated
consideration the aforementioned flow pattern #1 (perturbed boundary layer con-
cept) or pattern #2 (mixing layer analogy), whereas the segmented-prole concept
is based on the vertical segmentation of the velocity prole taking into account the
aforementioned different physical principles. Analytical concepts have been derived
using an eddy-viscosity model for the denition of the turbulent stress, and
532 J. Aberle and J. Jrvel

numerical approaches use rst and second order turbulence closures or large eddy
simulation (LES) (Nepf 2012a and references therein; Kubrak et al. 2008; Stoesser
et al. 2009; King et al. 2012). Nikora et al. (2013a, b) introduced an approach in the
form of a linear superposition of the velocity distribution in the canopy, mixing
layer, boundary layer, and taking the Coles (1956) law of the wake into account.
Although most of these approaches have been developed for canopies composed of
rigid cylinders, some of them consider the flexibility of the elements (e.g., Kubrak
et al. 2008; Dijkstra and Uittenbogaard 2010; Luhar and Nepf 2013).
Canopy scaleemergent conditions In emergent conditions, the flow in the
canopy is driven by gravity and is dominated by the decay and spread character-
istics of wakes forming at upstream elements (e.g., Li and Shen 1973; Lindner
1982; Wilkerson 2007), i.e. flow pattern #5 in Fig. 21.5 is dominating the hydro-
dynamic conditions. The length scale governing turbulence production is generally
dened by the stem diameter d, or in very dense canopies where the spacing
between stems is smaller than d, by the pore size (e.g., Nepf 2012b). The domi-
nating spatial scales are therefore canopy density and stem diameter (Tanino and
Nepf 2008; Ricardo et al. 2014). In general, the mean turbulence intensity increases
with the solid volume fraction whereas the velocity reduces due to the increased
form resistance. However, for very dense canopies, turbulence levels may be
dampened and may be even lower than turbulence intensities in comparable non-
vegetated flow conditions (e.g., Nepf 2012b). For low vegetation densities the flow
behaves similarly to the flow around isolated elements, although the turbulence
patterns are different from those of unobstructed open channel flows due to the
effect of the wakes (Stoesser et al. 2010). The velocity distribution in emergent
conditions can be described in the same way as for the vegetation layer in sub-
merged conditions (see the preceding section) taking into account that free-stream
effects are not present.
In order to express canopy resistance, it is necessary to consider the spatially
averaged drag force. It has often been postulated that the drag coefcient of the
elements in the canopy can be directly estimated using data derived for isolated
objects. However, several studies showed that for dense canopies lower drag
coefcients can be expected for a stem within a multistem array indicating the need
to consider spatially averaged drag coefcients (e.g., Li and Shen 1973; Lindner
1982; Nepf 1999; Poggi et al. 2004). Herein it must be pointed out that contra-
dictory results have been reported with regard to the density effect on drag coef-
cients (Aberle and Jrvel 2013 and references therein) which may be partially
explained by differences in the experimental boundary conditions (array density and
stem-Reynolds number), the denition of hydraulic variables (e.g., Statzner et al.
2006), and that drag forces were not measured directly in all these studies. For
woody foliated plants, the spatially averaged drag force may be estimated by up-
scaling the drag force equations listed in Table 21.2, i.e. by considering plant
characteristics per unit bed area and assuming that the Vogel exponent is scale-
independent (e.g., Jrvel 2004; Jalonen et al. 2013; Vstil et al. 2013; Vstil and
Jrvel 2014; Jalonen and Jrvel 2014).
21 Hydrodynamics of Vegetated Channels 533

Floating vegetation The hydrodynamic processes associated with floating

vegetation, i.e. in situations where the flow is conned between the bottom and the
floating vegetation elements, have been researched less than the other types of
vegetation discussed above. For such conditions, the flow eld is characterized by
the bottom boundary layer, a shear layer at the interface to the floating vegetation,
and an internal canopy layer. The results reported by Plew (2011) in a study with
floating cylinders suggest that the bottom boundary layer height is inversely related
to the canopy density CDahc and that the boundary layer is coupled with the shear
layer. The latter has its maximum velocity at the top of the boundary layer and its
minimum velocity in the canopy, and its size is hence limited by the distance
between the canopy and bottom boundary layer. Due to the flow deceleration in the
canopy, the velocity distribution is characterized by an inflection point near the
bottom of the floating canopy and the flow structure in the canopy layer is governed
by stem-scale turbulence (Plew 2011).
Patch-scale Under natural conditions, plants often form spatially heterogeneous
communitiespatches which together with non-colonized spaces, or spaces colo-
nized by different types of vegetation, form irregular mosaics. Although the
patchiness of aquatic vegetation is presently an important topic of ecological
research (e.g., Nikora 2010a; Vandenbruwaene et al. 2011; Zong and Nepf 2011),
its effect on flow structure and transport processes has been less examined. The
occurrence of patches in channels may transform relatively two-dimensional open-
channel flow into complex three-dimensional flows (Sukhodolov and Sukhodolova
2010; Siniscalchi et al. 2012). In fact, the flow patterns presented in Fig. 21.5 must
be extended with regard to patches by the consideration of large-scale turbulence
associated with flow separation and wakes at the patch scale (pattern #7, Fig. 21.7),



Fig. 21.7 Flow patterns at patch scale: (a) side view considering patch mosaic structure and (b)
plan view at patch scale (modied from Nikora 2010b)
534 J. Aberle and J. Jrvel

boundary layers and mixing layers developing at the patch side (pattern #8,
Fig. 21.7b), as well as interacting vertical (pattern #9, Fig. 21.7a) and horizontal
boundary layers at the patch mosaic scale (e.g., Nikora 2010b; Zong and Nepf
2010; Sukhodolov and Sukhodolova 2012).
Studies with submerged patches spanning the channel width showed that the
upstream part of the patch diverts the flow upwards over the patch resulting in
decelerating flow velocities in the canopy and flow acceleration above the patch.
This velocity difference contributes to the formation of a shear layer (Ghisalberti
and Nepf 2004; Sukhodolova and Sukhodolov 2012) enhancing vertical turbulent
transport of momentum (Okamoto and Nezu 2013; Zeng and Li 2014). Moreover,
such a flow feature suggests that plants at patch edges experience signicantly
larger drag than plants in the middle of the patch as they are exposed to larger flow
velocities (Nikora 2010a; Siniscalchi et al. 2012).
The patch density and geometry are dominating factors for the turbulent flow
eld in and around the patches (e.g., Green 2005b; Sukhodolov and Sukhodolova
2012). Increasing the vegetation density results in faster development of velocity
and turbulence inside the patch due to the larger resistance compared to sparse
densities (Soulioutus and Prinos 2011). Moreover, these in-canopy flow features
develop faster than the flow characteristics above the canopy (Zeng and Li 2014).
Vegetated patches represent porous patches and this porosity affects the wake flow
conditions. For example, the resulting wake from a porous patch is much longer
compared to the wake generated by a similar solid obstruction as the bleed flow
delays the onset of the von Karman vortex street (Nepf 2012a and references
In the case of emergent patches, the flow is deflected sideways from the patch
and a shear layer develops at the interface between the patch and the free flow
(pattern #8 in Fig. 21.7b). The resulting horizontal mixing layer eddies dominate
mass and momentum exchange and affect both the open channel and canopy tur-
bulent flow features (e.g. Nepf 2012a and references therein). The horizontal
penetration depth of these eddies depends, as for the submerged canopy case, on
canopy density. However, due to the signicant differences in flow geometry, both
cases cannot be directly compared (Nepf 2012a). The presence of more than one
patch, i.e. patch mosaics, can result in a hydrodynamic interaction so that the
upstream patch affects the flow features of the downstream patch. Flow interaction
between vegetated patches such as flow acceleration depends on the ratio of patch
size and distance between patches (e.g., Vandenbruwane et al. 2011 and references
Reach scale The flow processes within vegetated channels depend also on the
geometric setting of the channel. For example, dense bank vegetation in a channel
of compact geometry can have a signicant effect on the conveyance capacity as the
interaction of the bank vegetation with the flow results in the formation of a
transverse shear flow (e.g., Sanjou and Nezu 2011; Czarnomski et al. 2012; de Lima
and Izumi 2014) and hence the generation of large-scale horizontal vortices. These
macro-turbulent structures decelerate the flow in the main channel signicantly
compared to the case with non-vegetated banks, and may lead to a signicant
21 Hydrodynamics of Vegetated Channels 535

reduction of the conveyance capacity while the conveyance in the vegetated zone is
only partly affected (Mertens 2006). The enhanced momentum exchange between
the main channel flow and the vegetated zone can be considered by introducing an
apparent interface roughness which depends on the vegetation density (e.g.,
Mertens 2006; Pasche and Rouv 1985).
In non-vegetated compound channels, flow resistance is already affected by the
channel geometry (Shiono and Knight 1991; Knight 2013 and references therein)
but the presence of vegetation has further consequences. In wide compound
channels, bank vegetation affects the flow in the main channel only in spatially
restricted area near the banks, and the flow resistance may be estimated by sub-
dividing the overall flow eld into the undisturbed main channel flow, the interface,
and the vegetated floodplain region, respectively, taking into account vegetated and
non-vegetated zones (Pasche and Rouv 1985).
A common feature in many compound channels is the occurrence of trees at the
floodplain edge, which can be interpreted as one-line form roughness. Such
vegetation stripes have a signicant effect on the velocity distribution and result in
decreased boundary shear stress and an increase in flow resistance (Dittrich et al.
2002; Sun and Shiono 2009), i.e. in a decrease of the conveyance capacity.
Similarly, it is important to consider the main flow direction on floodplains in order
to determine if vegetation stripes formed of shrubs and trees will be oriented in or
transverse to the main flow direction on the floodplain thus affecting local energy
losses (Klaasen and van Urk 1985; Dittrich and Aberle 2010).
Grass-lined channels Grassy type of vegetation is widely used as a protective
liner in agricultural waterways, floodways, and emergency spillways. Thus a sig-
nicant amount of practical and theoretical research is available on such linings
(Jrvel 2005). For designing vegetated waterways, Palmer (1945) introduced the
n-UR method relating Mannings n with the product of average velocity U and
hydraulic radius R for various channel slopes and plant stands. The US Soil
Conservation Service presented the method in a revised form (SCS 1954) making it
popular in practise. Kouwen and Unny (1973) criticised the application of the
method, since their experiments on flexible plastic roughness indicated that the
resistance over such roughness is primarily a function of the relative roughness,
dened as the ratio of the deflected plant height to the flow depth. They introduced
a stiffness parameter mEI, flexural rigidity per unit area, which reflects the overall
resistance to deformation of a plant stand as a result of a flow passing over it.
Temple (1999) concluded that although alternate approaches for predicting vegetal
flow resistance have been proposed, the n-UR method has remained the primary
tool for practical application to grass-lined channel conditions. Conventional
empirical methods are still widely used in practise (e.g., Wilson and Horritt 2002;
Rhee et al. 2008), but it would be desirable to eventually replace them by less
empirical relations.
536 J. Aberle and J. Jrvel

21.4 Summary

This chapter summarized the current knowledge on the hydrodynamics of vegetated

channels and streams taking into account both aquatic and riparian zones, i.e. in-
stream vegetation as well as vegetation growing on banks and floodplains. Vegetation
is an important feature in channels affecting the flow eld across various spatial scales
ranging from the leaf to the reach scale by imposing additional form resistance. The
effect of vegetation on the flow eld has often been studied in a simplied way by
reducing complex shaped vegetation to simple shapes such as cylinders and
neglecting plant biomechanical properties. However, these properties represent a
critical control for the hydrodynamics of vegetated channels as they dene the flow-
vegetation interaction: if the flow force is larger than the plant resistance forces, the
plant parts or whole plant will react to this force by streamlining to reduce the
experienced drag which in turn affects the flow eld and flow resistance.
The signicance of plant characteristics was explored in Sect. 21.2 by critically
reviewing conventional parameterization of vegetation. There is a clear need for
advanced parameterization of vegetation characteristics considering plant mor-
phology and biomechanical properties so that the interaction of natural plants and
plant communities with the flow can be modelled more realistically. The signi-
cance of such parameters was highlighted by addressing how foliated plants react to
the flow and how the drag force can be characterized while taking plant deformation
into account. Hydrodynamic processes affecting the flow in vegetated channels
were reviewed in Sect. 21.3 at different spatial scales using the classical hydraulic
engineering classication of vegetation into emergent and submerged flow condi-
tions. The dominating flow features that have been identied in studies with sub-
merged and emergent canopies composed of rigid and flexible elements, floating
canopies, and vegetation patches were described including brief considerations for
interplay of the geometric setting of the channel. Overall, much effort has been
devoted to solving the challenging flow-vegetation interaction problems, but there
are still many research questions awaiting clarication, as discussed in the above
review. Future research efforts should therefore focus on truly interdisciplinary
research methodologies aiming at a broader incorporation of environmental
hydraulics into studies of ecosystems and vice versa.


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