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Bengal Act XIII of 1936 ,



1. Shorl title, cxrent and commcnccmenl.

7. Definitions.
3. Prnliibirion nl bringing ivntcr hyacinlh inro West Bcngal.
4. Prohibition of sale, rtc., of water hyacin~h.
5. Prohibition o f growing or cuI~ivnlionof waler hyacinrh.
6. Prohibi~iono f rcn~ovingwarer hyacinth from onc plncc 10 another.
7. Powcr tn Stalc Government to prohihi[ occupiers from allowing water hyacinth to c x i s ~
within ccrtain Iocal area.
8. Culling o f bmnclies of trees or shrubs to ~ ~ c i ~ i t discovery
hrc or des~rucrionof water
hyacinth. i

9. Power rr, Authoriscd Officer to untcr on land, ctc., in ccrtain circunis~anccs.

I(). Rcs~riclionon enlry by Aurhoriscd Ofliccr.
I I. Rccovery o f cnsts for works du~icby Aulhnrised Oificcr.
12. Power to Collccror lu rake possession o f land or water for rccuvery of costs. I
nf lcnccs, barriers, eic.
13. Cons~ructic~n
13A. Cosl of work undcr section 13.
14. Repair of oils.
15. Growi~igof hcdgzs o f dl1oi11cl;a
nr othcr planrs a,oninst [he ingress or warer hyacinth.
16. Power to Cr~llrctorro usc land for dcs~ruc~ion
o f waier hyilcinlh.
17. Keeping OF watcr I~yncinrhfor ~ h cpurposc uldesrruction.
18. Salc, crc., of wacer hyacinrtl i n certain circums~anccs.

19. hlcrhod of removal or dcslrucrion o f water hyacinth.

20. Prosccuiions.

23. Powcr of Slaic Governmen\ lo make rulcs.

Bengal Act XI11 of 1936


Ben, ACI I V 1941.

- The Governmcn~(IT I n J i i ~
(Adapia~iono i 1nrli;ln L;IIV~)
Order, 1937.
The Indian I ndepcndcncc
(Adap13tin11nf U c l ~ y al n d
PUIIJ;~~Acts) Odcr, 194s.
The .4dzlprn1ion 01' L ~ 1 u . s
Ordcr. 1950.

Arr Ar.1 i o ~ ~ t r n > i r l ~ *rlrc

r of 11w1erII~LICI'IIIII
ill Herlgnl.

WHEIZERS II i s rspedient lo n~akchcrtcr pro\,ision for preveniing [he

sprrad of water hyacinrh in Bcnyal and Tor i t s desirucrion;

AND\\'lIERE,\S 1 1 1 ~przvious sn~icrianof lhc Govcrnor Gcncrnl Ilns

bcz11ob~ainzduudzr s u b - s z c ~ i t m(3) u l scction 8OA 01- the govern men^
o f India Act In rhc p u s s i l l g a( this Acr:
I t is hcrcby cni~crcdas follows:-

1. ( 1 ) This I\~I ruay bc callcd h e Bengnl Walcr Hyacinlt~Acr. ~ ~ ~ o r t l i l ~ c . I

Cstcnl ant1
1936. LolllllKII~C-
(2) I t extends lo tlic whole of ' [ i ' c s ~ Brn=al]. menr.
(3) I r shall comc inlo forcc on such date' as IIC['SI:IC Gr~vcrni~icnt]

2. I n [his Acl, unlcss rhcrc i s n n y ~ l r i n grcpugniln! in the sut>jcctol' Ikfinilions.

c0ntcxr.- - , ,

( I) "Auihoriscd Ol[?ccr" includes lhc G ~ l l ~ c l and o r i\ny pcrson

auil~oriscdby !he Collec~nrit) crcrcisc rhc ri~nc~iuns o f an
Auiliorised Ofticer u n d c l - scctions 7. 5. ' [ 9 and 1 .?A];
'Fur Sr;irtmcnl t>CObjcchand Rcwl)n,..rcc rl~r:C~r1.rrrrt1 tirr.-trtt'. I i . ~ f ~ r t r r ~ r ltlarcd
~ h 91h
c h c s n ~ h c r .193.5. Par1 11 .' 11~gr:Yh: 311d for rcpon of rht Szlrcr Cunti~~lucc.. scc
1111. L'rrlclrrrrr Go.-crrr u l 1V36. PI. I\'. page 52; and Cor Procccdirips of tllc U c ~ ~ g n l
Lcg~rlnl~vc. Coul~cil..rr.r1l1v P~wccdinysorlhc Bcneal Lcgi.ila~ir.~Cou~~cil. Vol. XL\'II, No. 1.
~:I?L*2Rb. ant1 ibirl. \I111 SLVII I. Xu I pats 7h and 353.
'The r>r(l% \v~lhrnrqudrc Iir.c.Lclu tvurc subsri!i~lcdTor Ih t n o n l "ttrn:.~l'' h?.p31-J. ( l )al'
,\niclc. 3 o l ~ l i ullldran 111dcpcndr.nct(Adap~;~liun ofRc11galand Pu~ijah Asrs) Ordsr. 1038.
''Ihi, ,\L.I cnlilc tllro Ibrcc on ~ h c131 A ~ I ~ u ~1936. I. ri<l~* ~ ~ 4376 A ~ r i . .
~ i o l i l i u n r i oNo.
rl:~lcrltllc 9th July. 1036. puhl~\licdi n r l i t L'rrlrrrr~rrGtrrrrt,. d;llrtl the 10th July, 1936.
PI I.p>pc 173;.
"l'l~racirtl? "I1rcninc.~:~l Ga)wrnri~clll" w t r c o ~ . i g i ~ ~ asl~l y~ b s l i l l l l <fur
d ~ h cr ! ~ > r ~ l i
"L(lcxl G t l \ r . r ~ u ~ w ~I l Ir ~~'
Ijara 4 [ I )or 11it C u v r . r n ~ ~ ~ uC
c . ~India
~ r (Adq)larion of
1ntlia11 L a w c ) Ordcr. l 9 > 7 . J I I ~~ l ~ c ~ . c n l ' rl chrr wort1 "S~arc" w a s h u h s t i r u ~ t dfor
IIICr v o ~ d"P~~orinvial"by para. -I( II orthe A(I;I~IZI~LIIIoiLarss 0rdr.r. IYSU.

(3) "Collecror" includcs any person appoinrcd by 11ie '[Siatc

Govcrnmentj lo exercisc all o r any of ~ h ciuncrirrns of a
Collector under illis Acl;
(3) "Court" nlcans a principal Civil Courl of original jurisdicrion
unless rhc ' [ S L ~Govc~~nmenr]
~C has appointed (as i t is tiereby
empowcrcd l o do) a special judicial oriicer tvithin any
specified local limits Ln perfol-ln ihc functions of [he C o u r ~
i ~ n d c rh i s Act;
(4) "no~ilicnrion"mealls a no~ilicaiionpublished in thc'[Oficiol
Cnzerre] ;
(5) "notil'ied area" means nn arc3 specified in n norification
issucd undcr seclion 7;
(6) "occupier" nlcans [he person in actuid occupalion o r any
land. pren~isesor watcr or. if lhcle is no onc i n actual
occuparion, [he person having thc r i ~ h of
r occuparion of thc
land. prcmisch or water or his authoriscd ileent; and includos
a local nuthoriry. e railway adn~inistrationand a cnmpany in
acrual occupa~ionor havine such right fir occup:~~ir>n:
(7) "prcscrihed" means prescribcd by rules madc undcr lhis
Acl; and
(8) "watcr hyacinrli" ineans thc plan1 ho~anicallyknown as
cra.rsi11es-Sol~ns and includcs rhe seed and any
pan o r thc plan[.

3. No person shall, hirnsclf or by any nrlier pcrson on his hehalf,

bring \\*arrr llyilcinrh inlo >[West Bengal].

4. Nn person shall, dirccrly or indirectly hirnsclf or by any other

pcrson on his behalf. scll, cxposc for sale or kccp Tc~rsale water

Rohibirion 5. No person shill1 grow or cul~ivaiewnrer hyacinth in any garden

nrcuIli\~~- or in any ornamental ivatcr or recep~acle.
rion or
'Svr fcor-nolc .ian page 457. drrlfr.
!The wurd\ ~ v i ~ l s~ qi un m 1)nckcrs were suh>liltrrsd for 111u uordr "C~~C~utr,~ Gfr:errL"'
by p x a J ( I 1 of lh?Go~~ernmen~ of India ( ~ d n l > l a l iooi~Indian
~ L:INs) Ordtr, 1437
. '5c h i ) ~ - n l > w2 on ozes 357,tr,rrtb

6. No pcrson shall, himself or by any other person on his behalf, Prnhibilion

remove any warcr hyacinlh- wawr

(a) to any land, prcmiscs or watcr in h ~ uccupn~ion
s cxccpt with hyacinth
a view ro i ~ hcing
s dcs~rt~ycd,
or plact lo
(b) to any land, premiscs or wiltcr in thc occupation of ;~nothcr nno~hcr.
person excepl for lhe purposc nrorcsaid and with rhc conscnt
of such other person, or
(c) to any larid, premises or warcr in lhc orcupatinn of '[any
Government] exccpl for he purposc arorcsaid and with thc
consent of [he Collcc~or.
E . ~ ~ ~ l m ~ a f i o n . - cxprzssion
Thc "remove water Iiyacinth" includes ~ h c
causing o f it lo float by water from one place ro anotliel..

7. (I) The '[Stntc Govcmmcnt] may, by a nolihcation, direct rhat Porrcr lo

within such local nrcn and nfkr such period ax lnay he specilicd in ~ h c Govvn~mcnr
norificntion, no occupier shall allow waler hyacinth lo cxist o n :my Imd. lo prohibit
premises or waler in his occupalion. from
(2) Tlie subslance nT such nolificnlion shall bc publishid in ,he nllotvinp !
notified area in such manncr as may bc prescribcd. hyacmrhlo
(3) Afrer the issue or a nolification undcr sub-scc~ion( I ) cvcry x iI I ;
C C ' ~ Jn
occupier i n rhc norificd arca shiill causc any tvntrr hyncinlh rhai may. local a m .
rronl limc 10 rimc, bc prcscnr on any land, premises ar water i n his
occupa~ionto bc'rcmoved or deslroyed.
(4) If any occupier in a norified arca Tails lo comply with rhc
provisions of this section in rcspccr any land, prcrniws or watcr in his
occupation, any Aurhnrised OrIiccr rnny, togcthcr w i ~ hsuch pcrsons as
he may considcr ncccssary for thc purposc, entrr on such land, premises
rrr walcr and rakc such mcnsurcs as are in his opinion necessary for
rcmovins or destroying thc water hyncinlh.

8. ( 1 ) With a vicrv to racilitaring [he discovery or destrucrion of Curling of

walcr hyacinth. :In Aurhoriscd Orlicer may, subjecl ro any rules nmdc br~nvhe.~ ui
undcr this Act, by a no~iccscrved i n the prescribed manner, dirccr an shrubs lu
ucoupicr o i any land, premises or waler wirhin a notified arca rr) discovcryor
causc- des~n~crirln
(a) any brnnchcs o r trccs or shrubs on any such land o r hyaci~llll.
prcmiscs which ovcrhang [he edge of any river, stream,
w;l~el-way.dilch. marsh, bil, lake, tank, pond, pool or pi1 lo
be cut back and any undergrowth or jungle lhcrcon to be
removed from such edgc, within n distancc spccihcd in the
noticc, or
IThc words willii~isquaw hnckcls wcn. subs~i~ulcd for tht word "Gu~rernrtlenl" hy
pan. 3 and Sch. 1V t u the Govcrn~ritnr o l India(hdap1alion or Indian Lnws) Order. 1937.
'See ioor-no~c 4 011p q c 457. trrrrc.

Tiir Bu~rgolHhtel- H~-~~citrrlr

Acr, 1936.

[Ucn. Act XI11 '

4 (h) any vcgztation irppcaring above lhc surhcc o f any such warcr
to bc r c i i j o ~ ~ cfrom
d 1l1c water,
~vitliinsuch period as mny be specified in rhc notice.
( 2 ) If such nccupicr Ihils ro comply with a nolicc undcr sub-
scclion ( I), any Aurhoriscd Ot'Lcer miry, rogeiher with such pcrsons as
lie inay consider necessary f o r tlic purpose. cntcr on such land, PI-cmiscs
~ f such lrccs or s l ~ u b s10hc st, c r ~hi\&
nr witrcr i ~ n dcause lhc h ' i l n c h t o t
and sitch undergrn~v~h or jungle or such vcgctaiion 10 he rcrnrlrccl.

9. An Authoriscd Officer may a1 any ~irnc,rogcrhcr with such

m a y considcr ncucssary for the purposc, cnler on any I:lnd,
persons :IS IIC
prcmiscs or water in a notilicd area and rake such acrion as m:hp bc
ncccssary in ordcr to asccrrain-
(a) wherlier any wnzcr hyacinrh i s prcsenr, and
(11) whcthcr !he rticasurcs prescribed f11r rhc r c ~ n o v a lor
Jcs~ruclionof rratcr hyacin~hor ally dircc~ionsissucd on
~ l unccupicr under suh-sccric~n(Ij o l sectia~lS havc bcen
cnrricd oui.

Rcslricrion 10. An Aullioriscd OTr~cershall no1 cnrcr under sub-scc~iun(4)

on C I I b~I~
Aull,o,jscd UI scc~ion7 or sub-scuiion (7) nf sccriod 8 or under section 9 inlo any
OCljctr. dwclling housc nr acy cnciosed cnurryard or garden art;tcIlrd l o a
dwelling hnusc (cxccpr with thc consent or thc occupier thereof)
wilhout previously givilig such occupier rrvcnty-iour hours' nnlicc in
writing o l his inren~ionto d v so.

Re~*t~~cry II. Any costs incuired by thc Authorised Olficcr lor carrying o u ~
of c o ~ s
fnr u . o r ~ ~ any measurcs undcr sub-sec~ion(4) o l secrion 7 r)r sub-scclion ( 2 ) or
donuby scc!ic~n X shall bc recnvcritblc from he occupicr as a public dcmand
Ofiiccr. payable to !he Collecror.

12. If [lie Collccror L ~ i l sl o recoucr. o r considers i t inadvisable ro

rccuvcr, any cnsls undcr scction I 1 hc may. subjcci lo any rulcs made
under [his Act. in his discretion, cnrer on and h k c posscssion of iiny
land ar wakr in rcspect o f which thc cos~sarc duc a k r giving no~icc
lo ~ h occupicr
c and retain posscssion ihereof and [urn the same ttl
profi~ahlcaccounl uniil ihc said costs roperl~rr inrcrcsi thereon a1

sucll ralc. not c~cccdirlgsix and a quarter per ~ - c r ! ))el. ! lhe

t . r r r r t ~ r t ~ l3s
'LS[are Govcrnnicnl] 111;ly przscrihc. li;~vcbcen rzali7,erl Irom 1111: prolirs
nr paid by thc occupicr.
I FPP f r ~ r . l-nnl#-4 nn nnor. A q 7 . ~ir~rp

I .

VL 13. (1) Subject to any rulcs made undcr this Ac!, rhc Col\eclor may C < ~ n s ~ r u c ~ i o n - I

pciolil or causc reilces. barriers or slorsge plrunds to bc ~onslluclcdin la ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; , l L . ,

along IIIC cdgc o f any rivcr, sireaul, waterway, lakc, unk, ~narsllor I ~ i i
whelher public or privarc wi~hina norificd arca, and borims or floaline
harricrs lo bc placed or rnainlained rllcrcin, klr the purpr)sc nf chzckine
or divening tllc niovzmcnl of waler hyacinth.
(7) No person sllall rcmove or d a n l a ~ cany Icnccs, bnrricrs, stora~c . .

pounds, boorns and floating harriers construc~ad,placcd rjr mainraincd

undcr sub-seaion ( I). . ... . ,
. .

, -
CnhL"i , -
'13A. ( I ) An Auihorised OfIiocr may causc a scheme and csrin~ate
work undcr
to be prcpnrcd for [he cons~ructionand mainrenancc of any work trrcmcd ,,c,i,ll 13,
10in s u b-scc~ion( I ) of scution 13.
(2) As soon as possiblc artcr 111e prepi1r:llion o f tllc schcme and
esiirnatc rhe Aurhorised Orriccr shall preparc n preliminary lisr of
:~ppor[ lianles o r pcrsnns likcly ro he bzncfircd by
thc work and rhe porrion r,f the cosl rhcrcor approxirnarcly payablc by
cach such person. and shall, in rhc prescribed m;ui~vr,publish a general
noricc inviting objcclioiis 10 thc schcmc,cslirnarc, or list of apportionmen1
by any pcrson in~eres~ed in, or likely to bc bcncfited by, thc scl~enlcwirhin
such pcriod as may be spccificd in [he notioc.
(3) The Coltcctor st~all,as soon as possible artel- rhe expiry of [lie
pcriod spccihcd i n thc norice published under sub-scc~ina(1),procccd
in the prescribcd tnanncr to consider any objccrions reccivcd in regard to
1\11: schcn~e,
esrirnilre nr preliminary l is[ of apporliclnment.
(4) Suhjccl lo such rules as may be prescribcd in 111is bchulr, tht
Cntlecror may accept thc schemc. 'csdmalc and l i s ~r)f apporlionment
with s u c t ~modificarions ns he may dccm necessary, and lIlc decision o r
rhc Collector lhcreon slii~llhc linal.
(5) On lhc complelion of rhc work rercmcd to in sub-scclion ( 1 ) or
seclion 13, [lie cost of the workshall he en~erzdby thc Au~lioriscdOfficer
in a final lisi of apporlionmcnt in accnrdancc wirh Ihe decision o f the
Collector under sub-scction (3). and lhat [lorlion orlhe cost which is so
cnlered ngninst Ihc name o f each pcrson i n rhe said lisr shall bc rhc
umouor rccovcrable I'rum that person.
(6) Thc amount rcicrrcd 10 in sub-scclinn (5) shall hc recovcrcd in
thc manner provided in scctions 11 and 12.
E~pltrrwrio~~.-For thc purposes of this secrion ' m s r ' ilicludzs-
(a) ~ h crornl expenditure incurrcd fnr surrJcys, plans, rsrirni~tcs,
valun~ionsand incidcnlal expenscs connected w i ~ hany
schcmc. ivherher anlcccdenl or subscqucili lo 111c adoption
of thc scheme. and all expenses incurrcd i n its cxccution;
'This 11cw scclion IVX ~ntcncdby s. 3 oC rhc Bcn:~l Wafer H y a c i n ~ h[h~nc~id~ircnr)

[Ben. Act X l I l

(Secrinns 14-1h . )

(h) thc cstima~cdcapiralized cosr o r rhe maintcnimcc or thc

(c) the to~:lI cxpcnditurc incurrcd by tlie Authorised Officer ill
conneclion wirh ~ h cschcmc, inclusive o f any preliri~inary
inquiqf and 111c nppor~ionmcnto f cost and its recovery;
(d) interes~on all rccr)vcrublc dcposirs or advances rnadz by llie
'[Sraic] G(lvcrnmcnr, or by a locch autl~oriiy.or ariy person.
a1 such rn!cs and from and to such dates as 111ay hc fixed hy
h c '[Sritrc] Govcmmcnt.

14. Suhjcct ru any rulcs made under this ACI, rhc Collcclor may by a
gcncral noticl: published in [lie prescribed nxlnncr d i r c c ~[hilt within the
d ill! occupiers o f fields within
wliolz or a specilied pa1.i o f a n t ~ ~ i f i carca
one hundred feet of any rivcr, >Iream, walcrway, ditch, marsh, bii, lake,
rank. pond, pnnl or pi1 ah;~ll by a datc specified in he norice repair LC I
small cmb:inkrncnts comalonly known as ails surroundin: such liclds.

Crowing uT 15. 11; in rlic opinion or ~ h Collector,

c ir is necessary fnr rhc pro~ccrion
llcdgcs of
~ilr~~i~~cir~r my ;ma i12i1inst t11c ingress oF\vaiel. hyacinth thal-hcdgcs o T d l ~ ( ~ i ~ i c h ( ~
or otllcr (S(!sbti)ri r ~ocrrlet~rcr-Pets) or or any r~rhcrplan1 t h a ~may bc prescribed
should be grown on any land in a notificd area, he shall prepare a scheme
~k inen.\\ eiving parliculilrs or rhc proposed alignment o f such 11eJecs and ,the
of trarcr
hy;lclr~lh. boundaries of ~ h arca c ro be prorecred, and artcr publishing ~ h schemc
i n such manner as ]nay be prescribed and cvnsidcring any object~ons
sub~nirted[herelo inay by a w r i ~ ~ noticccn scrved i n such manner as may
he prescribed direcr any occupicr oisuch land to prow [hereon a hedzc nf
such dcscriprion by such d n ~ cand Ibr such period as inay he spccilicd in
rhc no~icc.

l'o~~<rw 16. ( 1 ) IT, in he pinion o f the Collector. i t i h ncccssary to use any

Id U j r : was12 or arable land in a noril'icd :wen !'or LIIC drstrucrion rliereon of
land fclr water hyacinlli removed from any w:~lcr in rllr sarllr: or anoll~el.notified
of wnrcr area he may, -subject 10 any rulcs m ~ d cundcr his ACLand after service
hy winlh. oF a lot ice i n ~ ! i eprescribed manncr on tllc occupier of sucli land
specifyin: i n the ~ioticethe purprlsc, and rhe rzrln nor exceeding six
mon~tis.Vor which [he land i s nccdcd. cntcr upon and lake possession of
the land and use i t or pel-niil ir LO bc uscd Tor ~ h said
c purpose.
( 1 ) II any rnalcrial dairiage or i n j u ~ yis causcd rhcrcby LO LIIC
ol sucll land. 111c Collcc~orshall pay to him such ct~mpcnsarionas shall
hc ; ~ g r ~ cupclrl
d i n \wiling bcrwczn 11ie Collcc~orand such occupicr:
I1ravtdzd 11131i r l ~ S S C S S ~ Isuch
I~ uonipcnsntion IIICmanurial value of
tllr iviltcr hyacinlll dcsrroycd 1h21-conshall hc takcn inro account.
'Tl11.i rr,ord \<a$
. ; u l l r ~ ~ ~ uior d word
~ c 111c -.Provi11ci31"by para. -I(I ) or ~hc.A d a l ) r ~ l ~ o n

T i i ~Bet~gulIVarer I I ~ ~ ~ l u iAcr,
t z ~ h193b.

,, (3) I f t h e Collec101-n~ld
[he occupier differ as to the sulficicncy o r ihe
campensarion o r i f thc Cnllzctor and or nlorc ulninlnnts Tor
cumpens:sion diffcr as l o the apponionmenl ~hercuf,111cCollccror shall
rcrcr rhc mrrrtcr to thc decision uT thc Cou1.i.

(4) On the cxplry of d ~ lerm c rel'crred t o in sub-sccrion ( I ) the

Collector shall rc3torc huch land (o ihc occupicr aker musing 10 he
desiroyed all warcr ilyiicinil~thai rnay hnvc bccn removzd thercro,

17. h'o~wi~bstanding anything coniaincd clscwl~crein this Acr, any Kr~piq

occupier in i\ uo\ificcI i\rca {tiny kzcp no any land ar in any walcr in his i,yLLi,,T,l
occupa~iontrtarcr hyacinth for Jcsrructio~i. f i r thc
purposc or

18. No~wirlistandinganything cuntaincd elscrvhcre i n [his Acr, any s~lc.c[i..

of tr'a~cr
pcrson or class 01'prsons auihorised hy r l ~ c'(Siaic C;clw~-nmcnrli n this l,y.Kinlt
behalf may, subject to rulcs madc undcr rhis Aci. sell, rcnlovc or kcep inccn~in
walcr hyacinth Trjr a prcscribcd purposc. I~CCS.

19. Wllcn watcr Ilyilcinrl~i s 10 hc remcive(l rir rlc.;~roycdundcl- rhc ~.~c~li,nlot.

provisions or rhis Acl. sue11 rcrnov;d or dsarurrion sliall he i n llic
presuribed nlannel: clitvarcr I

I ' -
20. No pmseculion under [his Act sti:~II bc co~nnlenccdwilhout Prosrcuri~lls.

~hr:przvic~ussancrion 01' the Collec~oror after three mo1lr11s rroln thc

d a ~ of
c tllc allcgcd urrcncc.

21. An Aur hnl.iscri Ol'liuer shnll bc dezlncd' to bc ,I public se~villii A u ~ I ~ ~ ~ r i h c d

.(:I wii11in the nienni~lguf .cecticlri 2 1 OF rbc Indian Penal Code. t~ dvc~ljc,~

22. N o suit. pr.t,szcutio~lor o~herlegal procccclinfs .shilll lie ayainsl Ind~.n~nitc.

rhc Collccror or any Autho~.iscd0TTicz1-rlr Ixrsr,lis acton~pan}-insan
hulliorised 0ii~cc.1.for ;~lrythiligrr,hivll is i n g o d f a i ~ hdonc or in~cndcrl
ro k donc undcr rtiis Act 01- any rule rnade ~llc~eunder.
r8- .+. . -. - a ..-

7l1e Biurrgnl 1V1ircr HyncLlrl~Acr, IY36.

[Ucn. Act XI11 1


Powcr 61
23. ( I ) Tllc '[Stale Covernmrn~]may nukc 'rulcs for carrying cw~ I::..
Golcmlnc,,, L ~ purpnscs
C o f h i s ACI.
to 11rAc
mlcs. (3) I n parlicular :ind wilhout prcjudicc LO thc geacrillily o f lllc
i'oregoinp pnwcr ihe 'ISlnie Co\~r~.nmcniJ may ~ n n k crules LO proylidc ror
all or any of thc foll(lwjng rnnllers, namefy:--
(a) Lhe manner of publication or 111: ~ubslanvcul'a tlo~ihcaticin
utldcr sub-rcclion (2) o f s c c l i o ~7. ol'n gcncrol rlolivr: '[undcr
sub-sccrion (2) or scclion I 3 A or] undcr scclinri 14 and o f 3
schcrnc undcr scction 15:
(h) tlie exercisc or power by an Au~hnriscdOfliccr uadcr sub-
scc~ion(I)of scciioll 8;
( c ) rhc rrlanncr nf x r v i c c o r a liurice utltJcr suh-scc~ior~ (I)of
scc~ion8. section 15 Ijr sub-scctinii ( 1 ) of s c c ~ i o nIfi:
(d) the cxcrcisc o i powcrs hy he Cullzc~orunder scci~uns12,
13, '[13Al. I 4 or 16;
(c) the rntc of i n ~ c r e sptyablc
~ undcr scclion 12;
(f) thc planis for grawitlg hcdgcs lo PI-cucn~ingrcss or wiilel-
llyacinlh undcr sec~ion15;
(g) 1l)e purposes Tor ~ v l i i c l ~and
. thc condilions suhjccl Lo
which, tvarcr hyacin~l,may be snld. rc~novcdo; kcpt undcr
scdi~il18; and
(11) thc lnanncr of rcrnoval and dcslrucriun of wilier hyacinlh
under svc~ion19.
( 3 ) 1n making any rulc under lhis scction thc '[Slalc Goucrnmet~t]
may pro\,idc lhar zl breach of ir ~ h i ~bc
l l punislxtblc w i ~ hIine wllicll n;ay
cxicnd lo filly rupces, and, wlicrc [he hrcach i s a conrjnuing onc, wilh 3
ftlr~licl-Lnc which [nay caiend l o livc rupees Tor evcry day artcr IIIC fir51
during lvl~ichthc breach corl~inuzs.

PC~~IIICS. 24. Wh(~cvcrcon~r;luencs any oril1.e provision!, ol'ihis ACI~ n r ~ i ~ i o n e d

c column r,T (tie follo~vinylablc sl~all,on convicliun, hc I~nblc
in ~ h lirsr
lo n fine nor cxceedin~one l~iindrcdrupccs or i n rlchull to irnprisclnrt~ent
no1 exceeding onc mcn~h,and upon n sccond nr subsequcni cnnviclinn
ro a liac not cxczcdin2 two h u ~ l r c drupecs or i n dclbul~i t ] i t t l p r i s o n ~ ~ ~ e n ~
nclr cxccedinz lnpnmon1l)c.
'Srr iocll-note 4 011pnge -1.57. t r ~ ~ r c .
'For n ~ l c h1n3dv undcr his stciiun. set norific;lrion No. 494S Agn.. d n ~ c d?5.7..7h.
publishud in rhe L'irlclrrrtr C;rr;crrt r l i 1936. P3a I, past l t(85. a$ sub5cquc1,lly nlnc~idcd
Cmlli time r:l ~inlc.

en~rieqin thc sccond colun~nof the following

vi ~lablcbcadcd "Suhjec~" are no1 in~cndcdos dehni~ionsof ilv offcnccs
dcscribcd in rhc provisions mcn~ioncdin ~ h cfirst colutnn. or cvcn as
abs~raclsuT thosc provisions, bur arc inscr~cdmerely as rcicrcnccs r t l (he
su b j c c ~I bcrcoC-

Provisinns o f [he ACI. Subjecr.

Sccrion 3 .. Bringing of waLcr hyacind~inlo '[WCSL
Scclinn 4 .. ( Sale, etc. or wsler hyacinth.

S c c ~ i o n5

Seclion 6
I. Removal ororcultivationhyacin~llto any
of wnrzr

premises or wator.
Sccriot~7, sub-scction (3) Failure lo rcmovc or dcslroy waLcr
Section 8, sub-sccrion ( I ) Failure 10 cut branchcs of [fees or shrubs.
and 10 rerliove undcrgrowrh, jungle or
S r c ~ i o n13, sub-sec~ion(2) Rcmovak nf or damage ro any Icnccs,
barricrs. slurage pounds, booms and
floating bnrricrs.
Sec~ion14 .. 1, Failurc LO repair oilr.
Secrion 15 .. Failurc ro grow hedges ofrllrcrirtclru or 0 t h ~ ~
planr!: for prt~rccrionagain21~ h ingress
of waLcr hyncinrh.

'See root-~iotc
I on pagc 4.57.rtrltc.

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