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Case PT

Exposed 21 263
Non Exposed 8 247

Strata 1
Non Expo

Overall IRR=

IDR1= 2.0180

V= 0.0179
CI= [ 0.5400

E1= 1.4933
V1= 0.7499849183

MH squared= 3.020148495390

Interpretations: It appears that the age is a confound

Case Controls
Exposed 529 507
Non Exposed 533 849
1062 1356
m1 m0
1 OR= 1.6620
Conclusion: Those who consume multivitamin are 1.6620 times as likely to develop the bladder cancer

2 V= 0.0069
C.I=[ 1.4120
Conslusion: we are 95% confident that the true OR lies between the CI=[1.4120;

3 Hypothesis testing
Ho: OR=1
Ha: OR!=1
Mantel-Haenszel chi-square test 37.5143

MH squared > Critical squared

Conclusion: We reject the Null Hypothesis. The association is significant and not


Stratum 1: Smoker
Exposed 44
Non Exposed 232
OR1= 0.4703

Stratum 2: Non Smoker

Exposed 485
Non Exposed 301
OR2= 0.8173

Conclusion: There is a similarity between the strata OR

Adjusted OR= 0.6502029546

E=n1m1/T E1=
V=(M1M0N1N0/((T^2(T-1)) V1=

MH squared = 15.5684

Conclusion: We reject the null hypothesis. There is a negative association which is

Here 95% CI ranges from OR/EF to OR*EF, where OR is Mantel-Haenszel Odds rati
EF = exp (1.96* SE) , where exp is exponential and SE is the Standard error of the
SE = Sqrt [V/(Q*R)];
Q = Sigma (i.e. summation of) [(ai*bi) / ni]
R = Sigma [(ci*di) / ni]
V = Sigma [(ai +bi)* (ci+di)*(ai+ci)*(bi+di)]/ [ni*ni*(ni-1)].
IDR= 2.4653 ln(IDR)= 0.9023
Interpretation Those who do exercise are 2.4653 times to develop influenza

V= 0.1726
CI= [ 1.0920 5.5658 ]

Interpretation= We are 95% confident that the observed IDR is between [1.0920 ; 5.5658]

Hypothesis testing
Ho: IDR=1
Ha: IDR!=1

MH 2.2462
MH squared 5.0454 5.0454


Cases PT Strata 2 Cases PT

2 111 Expo 4 93
1 112 Non Expo 2 95
3 223 6 188

ln(IDR1)= 0.7021 IDR2= 2.0430 ln(IDR2)=

V= 0.0213
2.6238 ] CI= [ 0.5368 2.7192 ]

E2= 2.968085106
V1= 1.49983024

that the age is a confounder and that there is an association between Exercise and contracting influenza (D) among adults. However, that
1036 n1
1382 n0

evelop the bladder cancer as those who do not consume the multivitamin

1.9562 ]
s between the CI=[1.4120;1.9562]

ation is significant and not due to chance

300 344 n1
744 976 n0
1044 1320

207 692 n1
105 406 n0
312 1098
71.92727273 E2= 495.36612 E= 567.2934
42.0944833 V2= 52.09523 V= 94.1897

egative association which is statistically significant

Mantel-Haenszel Odds ratio and EF is the exposure factor;

the Standard error of the Mantel-Haenszel Odds Ratio;

1.0920 ; 5.5658]

Strata 2 Cases PT
Expo 15 59
Non Expo 5 40
20 99

0.7144 IDR3= 2.0339 ln(IDR3)= 0.7100

V= 0.0419
CI= [ 0.4752 3.0386 ]

E3= 11.91919
V1= 4.815835

D) among adults. However, that association is not statistically significant.

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