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1) The Undo button in Word reverses the last command or action but the drop down

list allows the user to reverse multiple commands or actions. Ans: T

2) Word makes no distinction between uppercase and lowercase in file names.
Ans: F
3) All Word documents have the .wps extension automatically appended to file
names. Ans: F
4) Formatting marks are revealed when the Show/Hide button is clicked and are
used to control the appearance of a document. Ans: T
5) The selection bar, located at the left of the Word window, makes it easier to
select large blocks of text quickly. Ans: T
6) Word, like all office documents, makes extensive use of the mouse and
keyboard directional keys are never used any more. Ans: F
7) A major enhancement over typewriters is word wrap and using this feature
means that the [Enter] key is never pressed when typing. Ans: F
8) When a new document is started in Word, the Normal template is always in
effect. Ans: T
9) The status bar at the top of the window always indicates were the text begins
in relation to predefined defaults. Ans: F
10) Text may be formatted by choosing from multiple character effects but only
one character effect may be applied at a time from the toolbar. Ans: F
11) The automatic grammar-checking feature advises you of misspelled words as you
create and edit the document. Ans: F
12) A font, commonly referred to as a typeface, is a set of characters with a
specific design. Ans: T
13) Character effects include bold, underline, strikethrough, and italic. Ans: T
14) There are five types of paragraph alignment: left, center, right, force, and
justified. Ans: F
15) The ruler, displayed below the toolbars, shows line length in inches. Ans: T
16) The insertion point is a solid horizontal line that moves to the right as
text is entered. Ans: F
17) The numbers following the indicators in the status bar show the exact
location of the insertion point in the document. Ans: T
18) The Office Assistant suggests help topics while you are working. Ans: T
19) The menu bar below the title bar displays the seven menus associated with the
Word program. Ans: F
20) The toolbars found below the Word program menu are the Standard toolbar, the
Draw toolbar, and the Formatting toolbar. Ans: F
21) When the ruler is displayed below the Formatting toolbar, it is used to set
margins, tab stops, and indents. Ans: T
22) When a topic is typed in the text box of the Office Assistant, it will
display a list of related topics. Ans: T
23) The steps involved in the development of a document include planning, typing,
editing, formatting, previewing, and printing. Ans: T
24) The planning step in document development includes understanding the purpose
of the document. Ans: T
25) A template is a file that includes predefined settings that can be used as a
pattern to create common types of documents. Ans: T
26) The feature that makes assumptions about the text being typed is AutoText.
Ans: T
27) The Spelling Checker and Grammar Checker identify misspelled words and
incorrect grammar while a document is created or edited. Ans: T
28) The feature that automatically decides where to end a line and begin the next
line is referred to as "word wrap." Ans: T
29) Choosing Close from the File menu closes a document without saving or
providing an opportunity to save. Ans: F
30) Word file names can contain up to 245 characters plus any three-character
extension separated by a period. Ans: F
31) To open an existing file, select Open from the File menu, click the Open
button from the Standard toolbar, or press the [Ctrl] + O keys. Ans: T
32) Clicking above or below the scroll box in the vertical scroll bar moves page
by page through the document. Ans: F
33) The Previous Page and Next Page Navigator buttons are located on the left
side of the status bar. Ans: F
34) The Select Browse Object button is used to change how the up and down
vertical scroll arrow buttons work. Ans: T
35) Dragging the scroll box to the top or bottom of the scroll bar is a quick way
to view the beginning or end of the document. Ans: T
36) When in the Insert mode, new characters are inserted into existing text by
moving the existing text to the right of the insertion point. Ans: T
37) Overtype mode is used to type over existing text, replacing text as new
characters are entered. Ans: T
38) The [Ctrl] + [Backspace] key combination deletes the word to the right of the
insertion point. Ans: F
39) The Show/Hide button on the Standard toolbar is used to display or hide non-
printing special characters. Ans: T
40) All text in a document can be selected by triple-clicking in the selection
bar, choosing Select All from the Edit menu, or pressing [Ctrl] while clicking in
the selection bar. Ans: T
41) An embedded object becomes part of the Word document and can be opened and
edited using the program in which it was created. Ans: T
42) The File Properties dialog box is used to document formatting, styles, and
templates that were used to create a document. Ans: F
43) The [Tab] key is used to move from text box to text box in any dialog box.
Ans: T
44) The Print Preview feature displays each page of a document in a reduced size
so you can view the layout before printing, however, any further editing or
formatting must be done from the Normal view. Ans: F
45) In the Print dialog box, you can choose to print the entire document,
selected pages, or selected text only. Ans: T
46) A document can be printed by clicking the Print button on the Standard
toolbar, pressing [Ctrl] + P, or choosing Print from the File menu. Ans: T
47) You have made several changes to a file that was stored on disk. You want to
keep the original file in its original condition and store the modified file with a
new name. The Save As command will allow you to accomplish this. Ans: T
48) A graphic is a non-text element or object used to help the reader understand
concepts, to add interest, and to make the document stand out from others. Ans: T
49) Sizing handles that surround a graphic image are used to move the image from
page to page. Ans: F
50) The Picture toolbar is used only with scanned images because the features do
not apply to other types of images. Ans: F
51) Which of the following is NOT a paragraph alignment available in Word? a)
Center b) Right c) Force d) Justify Ans: C
52) The view used to move, copy, and reorganize text in a document is: a)
Normal b) Outline c) Print Layout d) Web Layout Ans: B
53) The document development steps include all of the following EXCEPT: a)
plan b) enter c) edit d) enhance Ans: D
54) Correctly spelled words that are identified as misspelled can be added to the
_____ dictionary. a) main b) custom c) standard d) personal
Ans: B
55) The Spelling and Grammar status icon displays a _____ as long as the document
is clear of errors. a) black X b) black checkmark c) red X d)
red checkmark Ans: D
56) Which feature quickly inserts commonly used phrases into a documen?: a)
AutoComplete b) AutoCorrect c) AutoText d) AutoInsert Ans: C
57) In both the Open and Save dialog boxes, the _____ bar is used to access
recently used files. a) Places b) History c) Look in d)
Type Ans: A
58) Which of the following is NOT used to select standard blocks of text? a)
[Shift] + Click b) [Ctrl] + [Delete] c) [Ctrl] + Click d)
Double-click Ans: B
59) All of the following are used to undo editing changes EXCEPT: a) click
b) select Edit/Undo c) press [Ctrl] + Z d) click Ans: A
60) Which of the following is NOT used to left align text? a) Click
b) Format/Paragraph/Indents/Alignment/Left c) [Ctrl] + L d) [Tab]
+ L Ans: D
61) The ________ displays margin and tab settings. a) status bar b) ruler
c) Formatting toolbar d) Format menu Ans: B
62) The mouse pointer is an I-beam when it is pointing to the: a) menu bar
b) toolbar c) ruler d) text area Ans: D
63) There are _____ toolbars available for use in Microsoft Word 2000. a)
10 b) 16 c) 13 d) 19 Ans: C
64) To move the insertion point to the left one word press ______. a) [Alt]
+ left arrow b) [Alt] + right arrow c) [Ctrl] + left arrow d)
[Ctrl] + right arrow Ans: C
65) The first step in the development of a document is to: a) plan the
document b) enter a rough draft c) set the margins and tabs d)
enter a title Ans: A
66) Removing a sentence from a paragraph is an example of ________, and
italicizing a book title is an example of ________. a) proofing; designing
b) formatting; editing c) editing; formatting d) censoring;
styling Ans: C
67) Initial settings that apply to all the documents you create are stored:
a) in the Format menu b) on the status bar c) on your data disk
d) in the document template Ans: D
68) You can look at the ______ to find the page length of a document. a)
vertical ruler b) title bar c) status bar d) Formatting toolbar
Ans: C
69) The At 1.6" indicator located in the status bar tells you that the insertion
point is 1.6" from the: a) left margin b) top edge of the page c) top
margin d) left edge of the page Ans: B
70) Which of the following indicates the insertion point position on a line?
a) Ln b) At c) Col d) Sec Ans: C
71) Press _____ to move the insertion point to the end of a line, and press _____
to move the insertion point to the beginning of a line. a) [Home]; [End]
b) [End]; [Home] c) [Ctrl]; [End] d) [Ctrl]; [Home] Ans: B
AutoCorrect d) AutoFormat Ans: C
73) To change the word "foreward" to "forward" you would:a) move to the left
of the letter "e" and press [Backspace] b) move to the right of the letter "e"
and press [Backspace] c) move to the left of the letter "e" and press the
[Spacebar] d) move to the right of the letter "e" and press [Delete] Ans: B
74) Which of the following is an inappropriate place to press the [Enter] key?
a) At the end of each line in a paragraph b) At the end of a
paragraph c) After you type the word "Sincerely," in the closing of a letter
d) After you type the salutation in a letter Ans: A
75) Which of the following features allows text on a line to adjust when text is
added or removed or the margins are changed? a) AutoFormat b) Overtype
c) AutoText d) Word Wrap Ans: D
76) Pressing [Home] and [End] move the insertion point to the beginning and end
of the current: a) word b) paragraph c) line d) document Ans: C
77) The last four files used will be displayed in the: a) File menu b)
Edit menu c) View menu d) Open dialog box Ans: A
78) By default, the Open dialog box will list: a) all files b) Word
documents and text files c) all word-processing documents regardless of the
extension d) Word documents only Ans: D
79) You have just pressed [Ctrl] + [End]. The insertion point is located at the
end of the: a) document b) sentence c) paragraph d) line Ans: A
80) Pressing the _____ keys deletes a word to the left of the insertion point.
a) [Alt] + [Delete] b) [Alt] + [Backspace] c) [Ctrl] + [Delete]
d) [Ctrl] + [Backspace] Ans: D
81) The insertion point is located to the left of the "q" in the word kumquat.
What will be left if you press [Ctrl] + [Delete]? a) kumquat b) quat
c) kum d) Nothing. The entire word will be removed. Ans: C
82) When you press the spacebar, Word inserts a ____________ as a hidden space
character. a) number sign (#) b) dot (.) c) hyphen (-) d) caret
(^) Ans: B
83) Holding [Ctrl] as you click a word selects: a) the sentence b)
the line c) the word d) the paragraph Ans: A
84) You just deleted a word you did not intend to delete. Which of the following
will bring it back? a) [Ctrl] + [Delete] b) [Ctrl] + [Backspace] c)
[Ctrl] + Z d) [Esc] Ans: C
85) The insertion point is located on page 1 of a 25-page document. If you drag
the vertical scroll box half way down the scroll bar, the insertion point will be
located on page _____. a) 12 b) 1 c) 15 c) 25 Ans: A
86) After saving a file, the file name is displayed in the: a) Title bar
b) Status bar c) Menu bar d) Start bar Ans: A
87) To select one complete line of text, _____ in the selection bar located to
the left of the screen. a) click b) double-click c) triple-click
d) press [Ctrl] and click Ans: B
88) Writing tools in Word include all of the following EXCEPT: a) AutoCorrect
b) Spelling c) Grammar d) AutoType Ans: D
89) Which of the following is NOT used to open a file in Word? a) Press [Ctrl]
+ O b) Double-click the File icon c) Click the Open button on the
toolbar d) Choose Open from the File menu Ans: B
90) Which of the following is NOT used to move through a document? a) Press
[Ctrl] + right arrow b) Press [Home] c) Press [Home], [Home] + [End]
d) Select Go To from the Edit menu Ans: C

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