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Chemical Hazards OSH, Summer




Introduction Agad, Rissah
Controlling Toxic Substances Borillo, Valen
Chemical Carcinogens Familaran, Kathleen
Controlling Carcinogenic Substances Llamoso, Gladys
Identifying Carcinogenic Substances Racuya, Ezekiel
Dermatitic Substances

Accidents by Gassing

Corrosive Substances

Mechanisms of some Toxic Agents

Additional Topics


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A. Introduction

Toxic Substances
are materials that are poisonous to living organisms

There are hundreds of thousands of artificial and natural toxic substances, also known as
toxins, that can be solids, liquids, or gaseous Toxic substances damage living tissues or
organs by interfering with specific functions of cells, membranes, or organs. Some destroy
cell membranes; others prevent important cell processes from occurring. Many cause cells to
mutate, or make mistakes when they replicate themselves.

Chlorinated hydrocarbons are some of the most common and dangerous anthropogenic
(human-made) toxic substances in our environment which includes:

DDT (dichlorodiphenyl-trichloroethane) can be found in insecticides

PCB (polychlorinated biphenyl) present in the environment as an industrial pollutant

Many of these are produced by pesticide manufacturers and other chemical industries
specifically because of their ability to kill pests. Petroleum products, produced and used in oil
refining, plastics manufacturing, industrial solvents, and household cleaning agents, are also
widespread and highly toxic agents. Heavy metals, including cadmium, chromium, lead,
mercury, and nickel, and radioactive substances such as uranium and plutonium are also
dangerous toxic agents.

Toxic effects are a function of several factors including the following:

1. Properties of the Substance
2. Amount of the Dose
3. Level of Exposure
4. Route of Entry
5. Resistance of the Individual to the Substance

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The issue of toxic substances can be summarized as follows:

When a toxic chemical acts on the human body, the nature and extent of the injurious response
depends upon the dose receivedthat is, the amount of the chemical that actually enters the body or
system and the time interval during which this dose was administered. Response can vary widely and
might be as little as a cough or mild respiratory irritation or as serious as unconsciousness and death.

describes the degree of toxic action from a drug or substance a criteria or index for
quantitative toxicity measurement for chemical specification and drug prescription.

To comprehend the potential harm of a substance, its toxicity must be known.

The toxicity (the potential danger) of all toxic materials depends upon dosage. Some toxins
are deadly in very small doses; others can be tolerated at relatively high levels before an
observable reaction occurs. All chemical substances can become toxic in high enough
concentrations, but even very toxic chemicals may cause no reaction in very small amounts.

A consumption of an extremely large dose of table salt (sodium chloride) can cause severe
reactions, possibly even death. On the other hand, in moderate doses table salt is not toxic and is
essential for your body to continue functioning normally.

Acute and Chronic Toxicity

1. Acute Toxicity
A quantity of substance that produces a harmful effect very quickly (i.e. if such effect is
registered within seconds, minutes, or hours).

Acute effects and exposures involve a sudden dose of a highly concentrated substance. They
are usually the result of an accident (a spill or damage to a pipe) that results in an immediate
health problem ranging from irritation to death. Acute effects and exposures are (1) sudden,
(2) severe, (3) typically involve just one incident, and (4) cause immediate health problems.
Acute effects and exposures are not the result of an accumulation over time.

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Hydrogen cyanide
Hydrogen sulphide
Nitrogen dioxide
Organophosphate pesticides

2. Chronic Toxicity
A quantity of substance that takes a long time to cause a harmful effect (month or years).

Chronic effects and exposures involve limited continual exposure over time. Consequently,
the associated health problems develop slowly. The characteristics of chronic effects and
exposures are (1) continual exposure over time, (2) limited concentrations of toxic
substances, (3) progressive accumulation of toxic substances in the body and progressive
worsening of associated health problems, and (4) little or no awareness of exposures on the
part of affected workers.

General classes of toxic substances with chronic effects include the following:

Neurotoxins, which disable portions of the nervous system, including the brain. Because
nerves regulate body functions and because nerve cells are not replaced after an
individual reaches maturity, damage is especially critical.
Mutagens, which cause genetic alterations so that cells are improperly reproduced. These
can lead to birth defects or tumors. Compounds that specifically affect embryos are called
Carcinogens, cause cancer by altering cell reproduction and causing excessive growth,
which becomes a tumor.
Tumerogensare, substances that cause tumors, but if tumors are benign, they are not
considered cancerous.
Irritants, which damage cells on contact and also make them susceptible to infection or
other toxic effects.

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Figure 1: Selected toxic substances and the organs that they endanger most

Information required for toxicity evaluation:

1. Reaction or body changes produced by the substance;
2. Complete chemistry of the substance;
3. Dosage level required to cause body reaction or changes; and
4. Secondary information such as how, in conjunction with other substances or compounds, the body
changes are affected considering age, sex, and general health of the possible victim

Experiments using animals usually yield information required for evaluation, but data from
experience and human testing have afforded considerable contribution to the full understanding of
toxicity of numerous substances. Dose response values have to be derived from statistical data and
their analysis due to many different types of people that are exposed to risk. As a result, there is
always some doubt about the susceptibility of small number of people who fall beyond the statistical

It is possible to produce an index of relative toxicity of harmful substances from toxic

evaluations. Methods used select a number of responses like headache and find out statistically what
will be the dose of the substance which will produce the effect. The most common and determinable

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response is death. Such a response is usually expressed as the dose that is required to kill 50 percent
of animals under test, called the lethal dose 50 per cent (L.D. 50). Through scientific judgement, this
can serve as a guide to the lethal dose for humans. Table 11.1 is used widely as a guide to acute

Table 11.1: Classification of Relative Toxicity for a Fatal Single Oral Dose (1 mg = 0.001 g)

Entry Points for Toxic Agents:

1. Ingestion (absorption through the gastro-internal tract)

The Ingestion takes place the ability of the substance to be absorbed by the system depends
on the dissolubility of the substances in the gastric juice. Toxic agents sometimes enter the
body by ingestion when they are accidentally consumed by workers eating lunch or a snack.

Inhaled compounds which are trapped in the mucous of the respiratory tract may be
Eating or drinking foods contaminated by toxic substances; and
Smoking cigarettes or eating with contaminated hands.

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2. Absorption (absorption through the skin or eye)

Skin is next most vulnerable area in the human body. This is so because the skin comes in
contact with the three states of matter most frequently and often in very high concentration.
The second most common route of entry in an industrial setting is passing through the skin
and into the bloodstream.

Effects include:
Burning of the skin/eye;
Irritation of the skin (dermatitis); sensitizing effects (contact dermatitis) ; skin
cancer; and
The substance penetrating the skin/eye and entering the bloodstream to affect
other organs.

Humans are especially susceptible to absorbing such chemicals as:
organic lead compounds;
nitro compounds;
organic phosphate pesticides;
cyanides, aromatic amines;
amides; and

3. Inhalation (absorption through the lungs)

The route of entry about which safety and health professionals should be most concerned is
inhalation. The hazard due to an exposure to a toxic substance depends to a large degree on
the physical properties of the toxic substance. Breathing in dusts, gases and vapors is the most
common route of entry.

Inhalation may result in:

Irritation of the respiratory tract (bronchitis) or as sensitizing affect on the lungs
The substance remaining in the lungs causing scarring, cancers;
The substance being absorbed into the bloodstream and affecting other organs.

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The amount of a toxic substance that can be inhaled depends on the following factors:
a. Concentration of the substance;
b. Duration of exposure; and
c. Breathing volume.

Airborne toxic substances such as gases, vapors, dust, smoke, fumes, aerosols, and
mists can be inhaled and pass through the nose, throat, bronchial tubes, and lungs to enter
the bloodstream.

Relationship of Doses and Responses

A dose of a toxic substance can be expressed in a number of different ways depending on the
characteristics of the substance; for example, amount per unit of body weight, amount per body
surface area, or amount per unit of volume of air breathed. The doseresponse relationship may be
expressed mathematically as follows:

(C) x (T) = K

Note that in this relationship,
C = concentration C times T is approximately
equal to K. The relationship is
T = duration (time) of exposure not exact.
K = constant

Three important concepts to understand relating to doses:

Dose Threshold
minimum dose required to produce a measurable effect
Lethal Dose
a dose that is highly likely to cause death. Such doses are established through
experiments on animals
Lethal Concentration
lethal concentration of an inhaled substance is the concentration that is highly likely to
result in death.

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B. Controlling Toxic Substances

Threshold Limit Values

refer to airborne concentrations of substances and represent conditions under which it is
believed that nearly all workers may be repeatedly exposed day after day without adverse

ACGIHs Classifications of Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) and Biological Exposure

Indices (BEIs)

Key concepts are as follows:

1. Threshold Limit ValueTime-Weighted Average (TLV-TWA)

is the time-weighted average for a conventional eight-hour workday and a 40-hour
workweek for a given substance to which it is believed that nearly all workers may be
repeatedly exposed on a daily basis without suffering ill effects.

TLV-TWA for liquefied petroleum gas is 1,000 parts per million (ppm)

2. Threshold Limit ValueShort-Term Exposure Limit (TLV-STEL)

is the concentration of a given substance to which it is believed that workers may be
exposed continuously for short periods without suffering ill effects.
is defined as a 15-minute TWA exposure that should not be exceeded at any time during
the workday period.
exposures above the TLV-TWA up to the STEL should not exceed 15 minutes and
should not occur more than four times in a day (with at least 60 minutes between

Example: TLV-STEL for isopropyl ether is 310 ppm

3. Threshold Limit ValueCeiling (TLV-C)

is the concentration of a given substance that should not be exceeded at any point during
an exposure period.

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Calculating a Time-Weighted Averages

Time-weighted averages (TWAs) can be calculated for exposures to given substances. Olishefski
gives the following formula for calculating the TWA for an eight-hour day:

(Compliance Formula)
TWA = CaTa + CbTb + . . . + CnTn


Ta = time of the first exposure period during the eight-hour shift

Ca = concentration of the substance in question in period a
Tb = another time period during the same shift
Cb = concetration of the substance in question in period b
Tn = nth or final time period in the eight-hour shift
Cn = concentration during period n

Sample Problem:

Given: Partial period samples (PEL=12ppm) are

4 hours @ 11ppm
2 hours @ 14ppm
2 hours@ 20ppm

( ) ( ) ( )

There are many chemicals and elements in the industry and household that are poisonous to which
people are exposed. Some of these poisons are as follows:

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Insecticides ex. Ants, moth poisons

Inflammables and extinguishers ex. Kerosene, gasoline
Cleaning equipment ex. Ammonia
Medicines ex. Salicylates-aspirin
Cosmetics ex. Hair-silver salts, potassium bromate


Paint - ex. Thinner

Pesticides - ex. Moth balls

Yard or Storage:

Insecticides ex. DDT, Benzene

Rodenticides ex. phosphorus
Plants ex. Mushrooms, poison ivy

Safe Storage and Use:

1. All medicines, insecticides, and rodenticides should be stored in locked cabinets, properly
2. Dust-forming operations must be in closed system with exhaust ventilation.
3. Lye, polishes, kerosene, and other poisonous chemicals should never be left in a low shelf or
on the floor, but should be in locked storage.
4. Dangerous solutions should never be left in drinking glasses or beverage bottles.
5. Inhalation of spray or fumes must be prevented during painting or application of insecticides
by spraying downwind.
6. Unnecessary toxic substances, such as boric acid and others should be discarded by flushing
down the drain and dust vacuum cleaned.
7. Combustion devices should be adequately vented.
8. Carefully check the label of any medicine before taking.
9. When handling, preparing, storing or using toxic substances, appropriate personal protective
clothing and devices must be used.
10. Toxic materials must be transported in enclosed mechanical conveyors if possible.

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1. All responsible persons in the household, offices and factories must be educated to the
dangers present in the medicines and chemicals.
2. A poison label should be placed in all dangerous medicines, including aspirin, soluble salts,
and barbiturates.
3. Proper education and training in first aid or emergency treatment involving cases of
poisoning must be conducted.

1. Use masks and exhaust ventilation during dry mixing.
2. Wear protective clothing, goggles, and oil resistant neoprene gloves when prolonged handling
of poisons in petroleum oils or organic solvents.
3. Protective clothing should be stored properly after use and exposed skin washed thoroughly
before eating.
4. Respirators, goggles, protective clothing and gloves must be worn during preparation and use
of sprays, mists, or aerosols to prevent skin contamination or inhalation.
5. Protective equipment made of rubber should be used in the handling of chlorinated
hydrocarbons, and equipment made of neoprene or other oil-resistant materials should be
used for handling poisons in organic solvents.

C. Chemical Carcinogens
is the formation of a lump or tumor caused by the uncontrolled growth if abnormal cells.

The ability to induce cancer is the most mystifying and insidious of all toxic responses that
can be evoked in the body. In spite of many years of research, which yielded numerous
information on cancer solution of this problem is wanting. It is now believed that at least 80
percent of human cancer is the off shot of exposure to chemicals that are met in our food from a
combination if smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol from breathing polluted air.

Conclusion on cancer:

1. Some human cancers result from substance formed by normal processes in the body.
2. In theory, majority of human cancer are preventable.

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3. Until a fundamental understanding of cancer cause and control is attained a policy of

prevention rather than cure must be the occupational standards.


refer to agents consisting of either chemical, physical or viral that have the ability to induce

Difference between carcinogens from simple toxic substances:

1. Carcinogens affect certain fundamental cell reactions within the cell structure while
simple toxic substances simply upset the body metabolism that prevents cells from
functioning normally.
2. Effect of carcinogens will not appear for many years (latency period) varying from 5 to
50 years during which there is little or no warning of the eventual lethal outcome while
simple toxic substances manifest almost immediate effects.
3. Carcinogens produce irreversible toxic effects that continue after the exposure has ceased
while the action of simple toxic substances will stop when exposure stops followed by


Saccharin and Phenol fluoride commonly used in toothpaste

Formadehyde, quaterium, and dyes commonly used in soaps and shampoo
BHA, Talc, Titanium dioxide and triehanolamine commonly used in some make ups
Lignite, asphalt, bitumen waxes, paraffin oils, arsenic, chromium, nickel compounds,
beryllium, cobalt, benzene, and various paints, tints, pesticides, and enamels.
And also some products with PEG or ends with ETH in their names are carcinogens like:
1) Conditioner
2) Body wash
3) Perfume
4) Deodorant
5) Lotions
6) Cleaning products

They use this to increase the shelf life, color, fragrance of the products.

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Environmental factors can include a wide range of exposures, such as:

Lifestyle factors (nutrition, tobacco use, physical activity, etc.)

Naturally occurring exposures (ultraviolet light, radon gas, infectious agents, etc.)
Medical treatments (radiation and medicines including chemotherapy, hormone drugs, drugs that
suppress the immune system, etc.)
Workplace exposures
Household exposures

D. Controlling Carcinogenic Substances

Two Ways of Controlling Carcinogens:

1.) Permitting their use under close hygienic control.

Example: Wear proper PPE, including disposable full-body coverings, gloves, and full-face
respirator and so on.

2.) Banning their use and changing to safer substances.

Example: Instead of using chemical fertilizer replace it with natural fertilizer.

These are the following list of carcinogenic substances that was published by the Health and Safety
Executive, as a guide to managers and safety engineers:

A. Substances Prohibited in the United Kingdom

1. Beta- naphthylamine
2. Benzedine
3. Salts of these compounds
4. 4 aminodiphenyl
5. 4 nitrodiphenyl

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B. Substances Controlled in the United Kingdom

1. Alpha- naphthylamine
2. Dianisidine
3. Salts of these compounds
4. Auramine
5. Ortho tolidine
6. Dichlorobenzidine
7. Magenta

C. Substances and Processes Carcinogenic to Humans

1. Arsenic trioxide production
2. Dis (chloromethyl) ether (BCME)
3. Chromite ore processing
4. Nickel sulphide roasting, fume, and dust
5. Particulate polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons
6. Vinyl chloride

D. Substances and Processes Suspected as Carcinogenic to Humans

1. Antimony trioxide production
2. Benzene
3. Benz(a)pyrene
4. Cadmium oxide production
5. Beryllium
6. Chloroform
7. Chromates of lead and zinc
8. 3, 3 dichlorobenzidine
9. Dimethylcarbamyl chloride
10. 1, 1 dimethylhydrazine

E. Identifying Carcinogenic Substances

Deficiency of scientific knowledge on the formation of cancer and chemical that are human
carcinogens is responsible for the difficulty of controlling chemicals that cause cancer.

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Three techniques have been developed to identify carcinogenic substances:

1. Animal Testing. This method calls for the exposure of animals to the chemical to determine
if the substance is a potential carcinogenic risk to humans. The objective of this test is to
observe test animals for a major portion of their life span after exposure to various doses of a
tear substance.

Example: Rats and mice exposed with substances.

2. Epidemiological Surveys. This method concerns with the analyses of medical records to
determine if there is a statistical increase of cancer in people exposed to a certain substance or
process in comparison to people who are not exposed.

Example: Relationship between smoking tobacco and lung cancer.

3. Short-Term Screening Test. This is a new method which utilizes animal tissues as a test
system. It has been found out that abnormal reactions can be produced by carcinogenic
substances when tissues containing them are cultured. This technique will hopefully help in
hastening the screening of suspected carcinogenic substances.

F. Dermatitic Substances
is a non-infectious, inflammatory condition of the skin caused by prolonged contact with
chemical or physical agents.

Two Categories of Occupational Dermatitis:

1. Contact Dermatitis
is caused by substances known as primary cutaneous irritants.
an inflammation caused by substances found in the workplace that com in direct contact
with skin.

Signs of Contact Dermatitis include:

Redness of the skin;
Blisters; and

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Scales or crusts.

This kind of dermatitis is caused by chemicals that are irritating (e.g. acids, bases, fat-
dissolving solvents) on the skin.

Primary Cutaneous Irritants:

Mineral Oils
Solvents like: petrol, Chlorinate hydrocarbons, Ethoxyethane, and Propanone
Strong alkalis and acids
Physical Agents heat, cold

2. Sensitisation Dermatitis
is caused by substances known as cutaneous sensitizers.
an allergic response to skin contact with some allergy- causing material (e.g. poison ivy).

Primary Cutaneous Sensitizers:

Photographic developers
Rubber additives
Epoxy and phenol formaldehyde
Nickel compounds
Hair dyes containing 1, 4 diaminobenzene
Methanol solutions
Chromates (VI)
Antibiotics, penicillin, and streptomycin

Preventive Measures for dermatitis

1. Limit exposure to minimum.

2. With dust and vapours, use efficient ventilation.

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3. Move offending substances to safe place.

4. When liquids, pastes or solid are being used, suitable protective equipment should be worn
like gloves, boots, apron, etc.
5. Use correct barrier cream against primary irritants.
6. Adhere to personal hygiene
7. Strict compliance to safe working methods and instructions.

G. Accidents by Gassing
Consists of the inhalation of air containing toxic or corrosive gas. When such gas is absorbed in
the respiratory system it produces acute response.

Common Types of Gassing Accidents

1. Anoxia
lack of oxygen which happens in two (2) ways, via:
a) Simple anoxia the amount of oxygen in the air has been reduced to a level which
cannot adequately support respiration. They arise from the ff:

During fire when oxygen in air is rapidly reduced to support

rapid combustion.
Evaporation of an inert liquid such as liquefied nitrogen,
displacing oxygen in air.

b) Toxic anoxia occurs when oxygen is prevented from travelling through the body in
the blood. This may be due to:

Inhalation of carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulphide, hydrogen

cyanide or arsine
Contact of sulphides, cyanides, arsenide with acids

2. Hypoxia
Oxygen deficiency that results from any interference with oxygenation of blood or
inability of tissues to absorb oxygen. Other kinds of hypoxia are:

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a) Hypoxic hypoxia due to low oxygen tension in the blood; primarily due to
inadequate oxygen source experience in high altitudes
can also be due to leakage of inert gas as nitrogen into a confined
space or replacement of oxygen by carbon dioxide during fire
b) Hypemic hypoxia a disturbance impairing the ability of the blood to carry oxygen
to the tissues, like in haemorrhage and anemia which involves
loss of red cells and reduction of total quantity of haemoglobin.
c) Stagnant hypoxia caused by insufficient circulation of blood and therefore oxygen
in the body
d) Histotic hypoxia inability of tissues to absorb and utilize oxygen carried to them by
the blood

Table 11.2 shows the Effect of Oxygen Deficiency in People:

*Carbon Dioxide as a Hazard

A gas resulting from combination of carbon and oxygen during combustion. As an air
pollutant, it can cause varying discomfort shown by Table 11.3.

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3. Fume Fever
Produces a symptom similar to an attack of influenza. This happens when fumes
containing zinc, copper or brass are inhaled.

H. Corrosive Substances
can cause chemical burns, rapid destruction of the body at point of contact


1. Dehydration due to:

a) Acids a chemical substance that neutralizes alkalis, dissolves some metals, and turns
litmus red; typically, a corrosive or sour-tasting liquid.
Example: concentrated sulphuric acid
b) Alkalis a chemical compound that neutralizes or effervesces with acids and turns litmus
blue; typically, a caustic or corrosive substance.
Example: sodium hydroxide and solutions
c) Acid anhydrides - is a nonmetaloxide which reacts with water to form an acidic solution.
Example: ethanoic acid anhydride

2. Reduction caused by reactive reductants

a) Sodium and potassium metals cause dehydration burns due to formation of concentrated

3. Oxidation caused by reactive oxidants

a) Nitric acid is a colorless or yellowish, corrosive, water-soluble liquid, having powerful
oxidizing properties, usually obtained from ammonia; used chiefly in the
manufacture of explosives and fertilizers.
b) Chromium trioxide - is a strong oxidizing agent that is not soluble in most organic
solvents and tends to explode in the presence of organic compounds
and solvents; highly toxic; a confirmed human carcinogen.
c) Bromine - is a dark red fuming toxic liquid with a choking, irritating smell.

4. Denaturation of proteins as caused by phenol

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a) Reactive substances which cause physical destruction of tissue

Example: benzenecarbonylchloride

b) Compounds whose reactions are less severe

Example: solvents

I. Mechanisms of Some Toxic Agents

1. Aromatic amino an nitro compounds These substances oxidize the iron (II) in the hemoglobin
to iron (III) which reduces the efficiency with which oxygen passes through the blood as the
oxidized hemoglobin becomes inactive.

2. Cyanide ion, CN This substance produces toxic action by deactivating enzymes that take part in
the reaction which allows O2 to be used by the cell tissue. First aid treatment of cyanide is
inhalation of amyl nitrite vapour followed by rapid treatment with Kelo-cyanor, resuscitation.

3. Hydrogen fluoride This is one of the most corrosive agents. Its corrosive action is related to the
fluoride rather than to acidic nature of substance. Fluoride is readily absorbed by the skin and
rapidly penetrates deep into the tissue layer causing necrosis (death) of cells of the soft tissues.
Decalcification and corrosions of bone can also happen.

4. Hydrogen sulphide This substance acts directly on the nervous system causing paralysis of the
respiratory center. It paralyses also the olfactory system (sense of smell).

5. Mercury vapour If it is inhaled, it is absorbed by lungs and oxidized into mercury ions. Then it
is distributed uniformly through the body, eventually lodging in the kidneys.

6. Phenol, C6H5OH- A highly toxic substance capable of killing all types of biological cells, in two

a. Corrosive agent when in contact with the skin it denatures proteins, causing skin turn
white, then red resulting in dead skin.

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b. Toxic agent it is rapidly absorbed into the blood stream producing toxic action. The
kidneys are preferentially attacked causing possible death.

OSHA Process Safety Standard (29 CFR 1910.119)

To prevent catastrophic accidents caused by major releases of highly hazardous
To comply with this standard, companies must have written operating procedures,
mechanical integrity programs, and formal incident investigation procedures.

Other key elements are as follows:

1. Coverage. Any company is covered that uses the threshold amount of a chemical listed in the
standardor 10,000 pounds or more of a flammable material at one site in one location.

2. Employee participation. The standard requires that employees be involved in all aspects of
the process safety management program. In addition, employees must be given access to
information developed as part of the program.

3. Process safety information (PSI). The standard requires organizations to establish and
maintain process safety information files. Information included in the files includes chemical,
process, and equipment data.

4. Process hazard analyses (PHAs). The standard requires that companies conduct process
hazard analyses for all processes covered by the standard. Like any other hazard analysis, the
PHAs are supposed to identify potential problems so that prompt corrective action or
preventive measures can be taken.

5. Standard operating procedures (SOPs). The standard requires employers to establish and
maintain written standard operating procedures for using chemicals safely. The requirement
applies to handling, processing, transporting, and storing chemicals.

6. Requirements for contractors. The standard describes the special requirements imposed on
companies that contract portions of their work to other companies.

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OSHA Regulation for Chemical Spills (29 CFR 1910.120)

is called the Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER)


Options for responding to a chemical spill:

1. Evacuate all employees in the event of a spill and to call in professional emergency response
personnel. Employers who use this option must have an emergency action plan (EAP) in place in
accordance with 29 CFR 1010.38(a).

Emergency action plans (EAPs) - should have at least the following elements: alarm systems,
evacuation plan, a mechanism or procedure for emergency shutdown of the equipment, and a
procedure for notifying emergency response personnel.

2. Respond internally. Employers using this must have an emergency response plan that is in
accordance with 29 CFR 1010.120.

Emergency response plan - includes the provision of comprehensive training for employees;
OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.120 specifies the type and amount of training required, ranging
from awareness to in-depth technical training for employees who will actually deal with the spill.

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs)

are special sheets that summarize all pertinent information about a specific chemical.

An MSDS should contain the following information as appropriate:

manufacturers name, address, and telephone number;

a list of hazardous ingredients (common name, chemical name, and CAS number);
physical and chemical characteristics (vaporization characteristics);
fire and explosion hazard information;
reactivity information (stability);
health hazard information;
safety precautions for handling; and

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recommended control procedures (ventilation, PPEs, and special hygiene practices).

OSHA Chemical Process Guidelines

OSHA developed its Chemical Process Guidelines (Process Safety Management of Highly
Hazardous ChemicalsCompliance Guidelines and Enforcement Procedures) in response to
incidents in which fires and explosions resulted from accidental chemical releases. The guidelines
require chemical procedures to analyze their processes to identify potentially hazardous situations
and to assess the extent of the hazard. Having completed their analysis, the results must be used
in their emergency response plans and to take action to minimize the hazards identified. Specific
additional requirements include the following:

Compiling process safety information;

Maintaining safe operating procedures;
Training and educating employees;
Maintaining equipment;
Conducting accident investigations;
Developing emergency response plans; and
Conducting safety compliance audits.

OSHA Standards for Toxic and Hazardous Materials (29 CFR)

Hazardous Materials (Specific Standards)

1910.101 Compressed gases

1910.102 Acetylene

1910.103 Hydrogen

1910.104 Oxygen

1910.105 Nitrous oxide

1910.108 Dip tanks

1910.109 Explosives and blasting agents

1910.110 Liquefied petroleum gases

1910.111 Anhydrous ammonia

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Toxic and hazardous substances are covered in 29 CFR (Subpart Z). The standards in this subpart
establish PELs for over 450 toxic and hazardous substances. Each standard deals with a specific
substance or substances. The standards contained in Subpart Z begin with 1910.1000 and run
through 1910.1500.

J. Applications: Moog Controls Corporation

MOOG Corporate Safety Policy

1. Safest manner possible eliminate hazard and the cause
2. Full compliance with E&S Requirement
3. Our employees are Moogs most important assets
4. We are all responsible for each others safety
5. Teamwork and the spirit of trust and cooperation
6. Supervisors are fully responsible for maintaining safe conditions in work areas

Chemical Management
In cases of chemical spills, Moogs HazMat team is responsible.

HazMat Team
An organized group of professionals who are specially trained to handle hazardous
materials or dangerous goods.

A hazmat team needs the following working knowledge:

Assessing the hazards

Basic chemistry

Protective clothing types and uses

Detecting and monitoring equipment

Working methodology for handling each situation

Proper disposal of hazardous wastes

Techniques of isolation and decontamination of the affected area

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Chemical Hazards OSH, Summer

Hazmat teams are generally responsible for the following:

Safe evacuation of the occupants from the building and the immediate affected area

Safe working during the operation with minimum harm to life and property

Removal of hazards from the building or the area and make it risk free

Arrange medical supports to victims

Other duties as ordered by on scene commander etc.

Moog uses software for maintaining Safety Data Sheets (SDS) which contains information on the
chemicals being used in the production of Moogs products and is accessible to all employees.

Some of the chemicals used in the production of Moogs products include:

1. Hy-jet
hydraulic fluid for airplanes
provides excellent high and low temperature flow properties (kinematic viscosities) and rust

Product Name: HYJET IVA PLUS
Intended Use: Aviation hydraulic fluid
*The following information were acquired online from an MSDS of a HYJET IVA PLUS
from ExxonMobil

Hazard Identification: This material is considered to be hazardous according to regulatory

OSHA hazard communication standard:
When used for its intended purpose, this material is classified as hazardous in
accordance with OSHA 29CFR 1910.1200
Potential health effects
Irritating to eyes
Frequent or prolonged contact may defat and dry the skin, leading to discomfort and

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When heated, the vapors or fumes given off may cause respiratory tract irritation.
Highpressure injection under skin may cause serious damage
Environmental hazards
Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause longterm adverse effects in the aquatic
NFPA Hazard ID:
Health: 2
Reactivity: 0

During the OJT, there was an issue where one of the technicians in the Components
Assembly and Testing area suffered skin irritation, and it was suspected that it was
because of the hydraulic fluid (Hy-jet) used at A&T, the management then transferred the
technician to another area temporarily while discussing the options they have to address
the issue. Unfortunately, probably due to some economic constraints, the safety
department seemed not to have the managements support when they proposed acquiring
new protective gloves for the technicians.

2. Degreasers
used in cleaning the bushings and spools before machining them

Example: Before the bushings are machined at the Electrical Discharge Machines,
the parts have to be degreased first on degreasing machine.

K. Applications: Pepsi- Cola Product Philippines Inc.

List of chemicals they usually used:

1. Caustic acid
is used as a multi- purpose heavy duty alkaline cleaner; Pepsi uses this product in the
automatic bottle washing

Hazard Identification: Caustic acid causes severe skin burns and eye damage.
Accidental Releases Measures

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Materials and methods for containment and cleaning up

a) Remove all non-furious metals from area ( aluminium, zinc, magnesium)
Spills and Disposal
a) take up with, dirt or vermiculate
b) Do not use sawdust
c) Use non-sparking tools
d) Place into labelled plastic drum(s) for later disposal.
Personal Protection
a) Wear protective clothing to prevent eye and skin contamination
b) Ensure an eye bath and safety shower is available
c) Operators are recommended to wear full protective clothing, glasses, gloves,
apron, etc. including footwear.
Exposure controls/ Personal Protection
Appropriate Engineering Controls
a) Do NOT use aluminium, tin, zinc, or galvanised iron as a materials of
b) Use in a well-ventilated area.
Physical and Chemical Properties
Form: solid
Appearance: white prills
Odour: sharp caustic
Solubility in water: up to 600 grams per litre with generation of heat.
Flammability: not flammable, contact with aluminium, tin, zinc, or galvanised iron
may generate hydrogen, a flammable gas.
Stability and Reactivity
Possibility of hazardous reactions:
a) will react violently with acids
b) may boil explosively if added to hot water
c) may form shock-sensitive products with organic nitro compounds
d) may react violently with organic halides
e) contact with sugars may generate carbon dioxide

2. Sulfuric acid Caustic acid

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Pepsi uses this in the manual washing of dirty bottles to remove rust and other dirt in the

It is clear, colorless and odourless liquid
It is water soluble.
It is used in drain cleaners and detergents
Health hazards
Exposure to sulphuric acid aerosols at high concentrations leads to severe eye and
respiratory tract and irritation and tissue damage. Consistent exposure to sulphuric
acid aerosols, even at low concentrations, can cause a persons teeth erode.
The following are PPEs that must be worn by Pepsi employees when handling sulphuric
Boots; and
Storage and disposal
It is stored in a cool, dry area away from direct sunlight and heat sources.

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Chemical Hazards OSH, Summer

Goetsch, David. Occupational Safety And Health For Technologists, Engineers, And
Managers. 7th ed., New Jersey, Prentice Hall, 2011,.

Nio, Emmanuel et al. Industrial Safety. 1st ed., Manila, 1983,.

Cunningham, Mary Ann. "Toxic Substance." Environmental Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 2,
Gale, 2011, pp. 1644-1646. Global Issues in Context,
374114635a. Accessed 30 Apr. 2017.

"What Is A HAZMAT Team? - Definition FromSafeopedia". Safeopedia.Com, 2017,



"MSDS". Msdsonline.Com.Au, 2016,

td= 1&ID=b7d55619-e911-4733-8d5b-fae179afb21e.

"What Is A Carcinogen? - Definition & Examples - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.Com". N.p., 2017. Web. 1 May 2017.

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