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A, AN, SOME, ANY We use A or AN with ee eo We use ANY with countable singular nouns. Se ae pee nouns (only with their plural) ‘Ais used when a noun Si ube untalle (routes and with uncountable nouns. poe eta ANY is used in: * positive sentences; Seeeea starts with a consonant e.g, A deg, a book, ete xg: I have got some time, eg. [haven't got any tine AN is used when a noun * questions, expressing requests and * general questions: ws with a vowel sound: offers: eg, Have you got any sisters? Rug, Would you tke some tea? 5 ethers am ou be Can U ave sone biscuits? Choose the correct answer: [1 Is there..teain | | 9. This is .. interesting | | 17. ‘There aren't... \ this kitchen?” | | newspaper. | | flats to rent. a ban | jany___d) some. 20. There isn’t . in the bottle. aa Een | books to read. | a) some b) an. g [5 Flas Mr. Evans gor | coffee? +a) some -- very nice trees. Ea)some Bb) any [oan dal 7. Have the Collins got 23. 'm reading | ss children? i | interesting book. Fa)an b) some Fa)an bb) any al the wl mal i glasses?” “No, I | ¢) some haven’t got...” ba ) any

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