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~ Energy- the ability to perform work

- Kinetic
- Potential
- Heat Energy
- Thermal Energy
- Chemical Energy

~ Work and You

- In order for your body to do work, your cells must convert the foods that you eat into ATP.
- An ATP molecule contains potential energy
- When ATP is involved in a chemical reaction that breaks one or both of these phosphate bonds,
energy is released

~ ATP and Work

- During a chemical reaction that breaks one of ATP's bonds, the phosphate group is transferred
from ATP to another molecule.
- That other molecule accepts the phosphate group and undergoes a conformational change, thus
driving the work.

~ Three types of cellular work

- Your cells perform three main types of work:
- Chemical work- building a molecule
- Mechanical work- muscle contraction
- Transport work- Pumping ions through the membrane
~ ATP cycle
- ATP is CONSTANTLY recycled in your cells
- About 10 millions ATP molecules are spent and regenerated per second per cell!

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