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7/19/2017 Allanite-(Y) Mineral Data

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Allanite-(Y) Mineral Data

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General Allanite-(Y) Information

Chemical Formula: (Y,Ce,Ca)2(Al,Fe+++)3(SiO4)3(OH)
Composition: Molecular Weight = 598.63 gm
Calcium 2.01 % Ca 2.81 % CaO
Cerium 14.04 % Ce 16.45 % Ce2O3
Yttrium 17.82 % Y 22.63 % Y2O3
Aluminum 10.14 % Al 19.16 % Al2O3
Iron 7.00 % Fe 10.00 % Fe2O3
Silicon 14.07 % Si 30.11 % SiO2
Hydrogen 0.17 % H 1.50 % H2O
Oxygen 34.74 % O
______ ______
100.00 % 102.67 % = TOTAL OXIDE
Empirical Formula: Y1.2Ce0.6Ca0.3Al2.25Fe3+0.75(SiO4)3(OH)
IMA Status: Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1949 - Dana Number Modified from 58.2.1a.3
Locality: Link to Location Data.
Name Origin: Named after the Scottish mineralogist, T. Allan (1777-1833).
Name Pronunciation: Allanite-(Y)
Synonym: Orthite

Allanite-(Y) Image
Comments: Dark brown allanite-(Y) in matrix.
Location: Boden, Marienberg District, Erzgebirge,
Saxony, Germany. Scale: Picture size 10 mm.
Thomas Witzke / Abraxas-Verlag

Allanite-(Y) Crystallography
Axial Ratios: a:b:c =1.5617:1:1.7791
Cell Dimensions: a = 8.98, b = 5.75, c = 10.23, Z = 2; beta = 115 V = 478.74 Den(Calc)=
Crystal System: Monoclinic - PrismaticH-M Symbol (2/m) Space Group: P 21/m 1/5
7/19/2017 Allanite-(Y) Mineral Data

Physical Properties of Allanite-(Y)

Cleavage: {001} Imperfect, {100} Imperfect

Color: Brown, Black.
Density: 3.3 - 4.2, Average = 3.75
Diaphaneity: Translucent to opaque
Fracture: Conchoidal - Fractures developed in brittle materials characterized by
smoothly curving surfaces, (e.g. quartz).
Habit: Disseminated - Occurs in small, distinct particles dispersed in matrix.
Habit: Massive - Granular - Common texture observed in granite and other
igneous rock.
Hardness: 5.5 - Knife Blade
Luminescence: Non-fluorescent.
Luster: Vitreous - Greasy
Streak: grayish brown

Optical Properties of Allanite-(Y)

Gladstone-Dale: CI meas= 0.014 (Superior) - where the CI = (1-KPDmeas/KC)
CI calc= 0.109 (Poor) - where the CI = (1-KPDcalc/KC)
KPDcalc= 0.1845,KPDmeas= 0.2042,KC= 0.207
Ncalc = 1.68 - 1.87
Optical Data: Biaxial (-), a=1.715-1.791, b=1.718-1.815, g=1.733-1.822, bire=0.0180-
0.0310, 2V(Calc)=50-56, 2V(Meas)=40-80. Dispersion distinct to
strong, r > v.
Pleochroism (x): colorless, pale yellow, yellowish brown, pink, or greenish yellow.
Pleochroism (y): yellowish brown, reddish brown, brownish green, dark reddish brown,
or greenish brown.
Pleochroism (z): pale yellow, brownish yellow, brownish green, green, or brown.

Calculated Properties of Allanite-(Y)

Electron Density: Bulk Density (Electron Density)=3.55 gm/cc
note: Specific Gravity of Allanite-(Y) =3.75 gm/cc.
Fermion Index: Fermion Index = 0.0082504498
Boson Index = 0.9917495502
Photoelectric: PEAllanite-(Y) = 93.85 barns/electron
U=PEAllanite-(Y) x relectron= 333.18 barns/cc.
GRapi = 14,180.81 (Gamma Ray American Petroleum Institute Units)
Concentration of Allanite-(Y) per GRapi unit = 70.52 (PPM)

Allanite-(Y) is Radioactive as defined in 49 CFR 173.403. Greater than

70 Bq / gram.

Estimated Radioactivity from Allanite-(Y) - weak

Specimen Estimated
Size Calculated Estimated Exposure
Weight/Volume Activity Activity (mRem**)/hr
Curies (Ci) GR(api) If Held in Hand
(Sphere) * (Bq)
For One Hour 2/5
7/19/2017 Allanite-(Y) Mineral Data

1000 gm / 7.99 cm 314,576 8.50E-06 14,180.81 4.66

100 gm / 3.71 cm 31,458 8.50E-07 1,418.08 0.47
10 gm / 1.72 cm 3,146 8.50E-08 141.81 0.05
1 gm / 7.99 mm 315 8.50E-09 14.18 0.00
0.1 gm / 3.71 mm 31 8.50E-10 1.42 0.00
0.01 gm / 1.72 mm 3 8.50E-11 0.14 0.00
0.001 gm / 0.80 mm 0 8.50E-12 0.01 0.00

Weight of pure Allanite-(Y) in grams (gm) and Calculated Diameter of a

Sphere with a Density of 3.75 gm/cc.*
Goverment Estimate of Average Annual Exposure ( 360 mRem) **
Note: 10 microsieverts/hr = 1 mRem/hr **
Max Permissable Adult Dose 50,000 mRem/yr (hands), 15,000 mRem/yr
Lethal Dose LD(50) Exposure 400,000 to 500,000 mRem
Estimated Thorium Activity ( 0.70 % Th) From Sum REE Elements (14.04
% REE)

Allanite-(Y) Classification
Dana Class: 58.02.01c.03 (58)Sorosilicate Insular, Mixed, Single, and Larger
Tetrahedral Groups
(58.02)with cations in [6] and higher coordination; single and double
groups (n=1,2)
(58.02.01c)Epidote group (Allanite subgroup)
58.02.01c.01 Allanite-(Ce) (Ce,Ca,Y)2(Al,Fe)3(SiO4)3(OH) P 21/m 2/m
58.02.01c.02 Allanite-(La)! Ca(REE,Ca)Al2(Fe,Fe)(SiO4)(Si2O7)O(OH) P 21/m 2/m
58.02.01c.03 Allanite-(Y) (Y,Ce,Ca)2(Al,Fe)3(SiO4)3(OH) P 21/m 2/m
58.02.01c.04 Dissakisite-(Ce) Ca(Ce,REE)(Mg,Fe)(Al,Fe)2Si3O12(OH) P 21/m 2/m
58.02.01c.05 Dissakisite-(La)! (Ca,Fe,Th,La)(La,REE,Ca)(Al,Cr,Ti)2(Mg,Fe,Al)Si3O12(OH,F)withLa>Ce P
21/m 2/m
58.02.01c.06 Manganiandrosite-(La)! (Mn,Ca)(La,Ce,Ca,Nd)AlMnMn(SiO4)(Si2O7)O(OH) P 21/m 2/m
58.02.01c.07 Ferriallanite-(Ce)! CaCe(Fe,Fe,Al)3[SiO4][Si2O7]O(OH) P 21/m 2/m
58.02.01c.08 Vastmanlandite-(Ce)! (Ce,La)3CaAl2Mg2[Si2O7][SiO4]3F(OH)2 P 21/m 2/m
58.02.01c.09 Manganiandrosite-(Ce)! (Mn,Ca)(Ce,REE)AlMnMn(Si2O7)(SiO4)O(OH) P 21/m 2/m
58.02.01c.10 Vanadoandrosite-(Ce)! (Mn,Ca)(REE)VAlMn(Si2O7)(SiO4)O(OH) P 21/m 2/m

Strunz Class: 09.BG.05b 09 - SILICATES (Germanates)

09.B - Sorosilicates
09.BG -Sorosilicates with mixed SiO4 and Si2O7 groups;
09.BG.05b Allanite-(La)! Ca(REE,Ca)Al2(Fe,Fe)(SiO4)(Si2O7)O(OH) P 21/m 2/m
09.BG.05b Allanite-(Y) (Y,Ce,Ca)2(Al,Fe)3(SiO4)3(OH) P 21/m 2/m
09.BG.05b Allanite-(Ce) (Ce,Ca,Y)2(Al,Fe)3(SiO4)3(OH) P 21/m 2/m
09.BG.05b Manganiandrosite-(La)! (Mn,Ca)(La,Ce,Ca,Nd)AlMnMn(SiO4)(Si2O7)O(OH) P 21/m 2/m
09.BG.05b Dissakisite-(Ce) Ca(Ce,REE)(Mg,Fe)(Al,Fe)2Si3O12(OH) P 21/m 2/m
09.BG.05b Manganiandrosite-(Ce)! (Mn,Ca)(Ce,REE)AlMnMn(Si2O7)(SiO4)O(OH) P 21/m 2/m
09.BG.05b Vanadoandrosite-(Ce)! (Mn,Ca)(REE)VAlMn(Si2O7)(SiO4)O(OH) P 21/m 2/m
09.BG.05b Dissakisite-(La)! (Ca,Fe,Th,La)(La,REE,Ca)(Al,Cr,Ti)2(Mg,Fe,Al)Si3O12(OH,F)withLa>Ce P
21/m 2/m
09.BG.05b Ferriallanite-(Ce)! CaCe(Fe,Fe,Al)3[SiO4][Si2O7]O(OH) P 21/m 2/m
09.BG.05b Uedaite-(Ce)! MnCeAl2Fe(Si2O7)(SiO4)O(OH) P 21/m 2/m 3/5
7/19/2017 Allanite-(Y) Mineral Data

Other Allanite-(Y) Information

References: NAME( Duda&Rejl90) PHYS. PROP.(Mason68) OPTIC PROP.

See Also: Links to other databases for Allanite-(Y) :
1 - Am. Min. Crystal Structure Database
2 - Athena
3 - EUROmin Project
4 - Ecole des Mines de Paris
5 - GeoScienceWorld
6 - Google Images
7 - Google Scholar
8 - MinDAT
9 - Mineralienatlas (Deutsch)
10 - Online Mineral Museum
11 - QUT Mineral Atlas
12 - Ruff.Info

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Cape Minerals Google Search for Allanite-(Y)
Dakota Matrix Minerals Google Search for Allanite-(Y)
Excalibur Mineral Corp. Google Search for Allanite-(Y)
John Betts Fine Minerals Google Search for Allanite-(Y)
McDougall Minerals Google Search for Allanite-(Y)
Mineral News Website Link
Mineral of the Month Club Google Search for Allanite-(Y)
Rock and Mineral Shows Google Search for Allanite-(Y)
Weinrich Minerals, Inc. Google Search for Allanite-(Y)

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Original Rockhounds Discussion Group
Rockhounds Discussion Group on Yahoo Groups
Mineral Discussion Forum from Fabre Minerals - also available in

Print or Cut-and-Paste your Allanite-(Y) Specimen Label here :

Dana No: 58.02.01c.03 Strunz No: 09.BG.05b
Locality: 4/5
7/19/2017 Allanite-(Y) Mineral Data


Print this Label 5/5

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