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—- (A) Ye 64 City of Port Arthur Travel Expense and Reimbursement Report Page a ame itary Harton Date of Repo: ___stzma017 Dsparmantonaion Miyor 1 Caunel Datsle)ol Tips 72017 estnaton ang Purpose of Ta ‘Aust, Texas fo Galen Tanai Da - Expense Type Date —[ pate Date Date Data otal sao | aaon | —are0i7 Registration wzs00|~ i 30720 ~ rt _ hiveage - Diem ¢_re00 |S 700s — 7560 Zam otal Trip Coat ~ 72 Receipts are rq Tor al xpensoe OFonpt pT aT nly 2tual expenses may be reported. Rounding and estimating are not allowed, itioace Record ‘Subir’ [Prepaid Ragiavaton 0 fodortar Gen. TEnd Prepaid Lodging Boro ~ otatiies Prepaid Arte Fae Isnatie ieage Rembarsomene [prepa Crest cara hereby coy at tre above apaneTares Saba — [advanced Amount ZENE presant cash spent for Eaiate cy business [Arca Ou Cauncienber © iy and do pot ctu ems ofa personal nati Faw if poive Signature: Taunt Bue Cy ° reves by beara Head ‘nogatve IaRprovery Gly Manager Notes and Explanation CE ncaa (©1Usorsimayorsec\Document\ Tiny HamitonicRGTDATT “iany Harton Dato of Report 2n02017 Mayoc7 Cours Date(s) of Trip: 204-2772087 ‘Astin, TX for a Taneporaion Frum: Date —]| Date [ate anor | 282007 otal Trip Cost FReceiots ae requved Yor all expenses except par dam. be reported. Rounding and estimating ae not allowed. [Subvact” [Prepaid Regavation Prepaid Lodging Rental Car frat Prepeid Cast Card [Advanced Amun [Amount Due Couseiaamber positive [amount Due Gy ‘negative CcAUsersimayorsee}Documenta\Tifany Hamiton\ERTTansportation Forum be a ee eR ‘aunt Dates) of Tr Tis 192076 raion ard Purpose af Tip: — NU Conforencon PRSba PA is aT a oa ea i Tanemoro[rovra0t9 raat aon ro] y FE 3m) bart $—ss020|Y fa | 08 sna ea f po ane] 1 ae met me ar recy 7 es Ee i 00 am et RS = harmo a Sun cpnces naybaragted. 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Rounding and estimating are not allowed. ‘Subtract: Prepalc Regisraon 7500 Prepais Lodging Prepaid Arie ste z Prepaid Credt Cars [Subaet— Advanced Amount represent cash sper fo igtimate cy business [Amount Due Counelmienbor only and do pt cde ofa personal nature, equa: ifposiive [Amount Due Gay itegatve [Approves by Cty Manager (CAUsorsimayorsec\Documentsifany HamitoniERTMLAG Nate 1 044 Page ot “iany Harton ate of Repor _ 7128/2016, uDwsion Toure ‘Date(s of Tip 717-2020 alin and Purposa of Tir Columbus, Ons eroie | 7a0o16 | 7ravaoe | 11227201 sie - Teco} $ —7e00 | s —ar wos aro0 |S 76.00 1667 Bo 3500 8.00 al Tip Cost ay Scual enpes fad Ba apottet Rouhding an eeimaong ae not wows. 7c Rscord Bubact [Prop Registration mar 809 TER repaid Locos oles X reps Arora =o lasoooge Ranbir id Credit Crd Tereby cay Wat te above epandtarea——|Subaet ——[aavancea Amour. proven cash spt fo imate cy business [aout Due CouneinonBar iy ad do nt nce toms fa preonal nati. ERAS i Srnanze Taaurt bus Cy ved by Daparinant Hea “nog prove By Cy Wanager ots and Explanation: ha ght was delayed wich caused Counei Member Hamiion Wo miss he lst connecting Right IAFL [Sie hod to stay an adational night Prout SOW, a OO\-100K 9! Seed CcAsersmayorsee}Documents\Tifany HamitonINBCLEO Ohio cer City of Port Arthur Travel Expense and Reimbursement Report Page tot TI “Tiiany Hamiton Date of Report ror016 ‘Mayer Counc Date(s of Ti 2472016 ‘usin, Texas forthe Stale Leadership Meeting al Tip Cost corte are recived Tra expanans avinrt pa ai Only actual expenses may be reported. Rounding and estimating ae not ellowed. lcage Recore ‘Subract | Praid RegRTaToR Prepais Lodging Prepait Ara Shute Presa Cre Cart [Subset — [ravens Amour 7005] fopresont cash spettorighate cy business [acon Due Councobar iy a of apetana nar. aa i posive eee JAunt Dve Cy 7500 inegatve [Approved by Ci Mananer Prancddts VS fectiet cred (C\Usersmayorsoc\Documents\lfany Hamiton\ERState Leacershp Mig, ome “itary Harton ate of Report 12018, DeparineniDwaion Mayor Counc a) of Trp. SOTO. Desnaton and Purpose of Ti NLC Board Leadeiship Mestng in Kansas Ciy, Mssoun 613072016 72016. otal Tip Gost Rocapts are required forall expenses except pa dem Jon actuate De reported. Rounding and estimating ae not alowed. lege Resor ‘Subvact Prepaid Region Beg, TERS Prepaid Locong tal ies ropa irare ste lsnute ieage Reimbursement Props Creat cnt hereby cry that te above expensiirer [Subwact —Taavanced amount Feoresert cash spent or igtimate ty business [Anount ve Couneimamber ry a ars of parson nat eae itgestve sinatu Re [aroun Oe Cy Proves by Departmenttieod ‘negative [aepoved by Gy Manager hots and Explanation Pret 8\)SOnm — oo Ol S19. So. CcAUsersemayorsecDocuments\Titany Hamiton\ERNUKC a V AVS lo Paget Titany Hamiton Date of Report_ 37112016 or Couns ot Tip a7 a0r6 Washingion C, Nain Leagce of Gis Conference re] arrznie | arezii6 | 32016 Teco |S Tato S 16.09) = eaa [see 75.0 [rota Trip Cost a2i387 JRocetpts are required Tora expenses except por dem, Jonty actual expenses may be reported. Rounding and estimating are not allowed. Paioage Rewoxe fSubtacs [Prepaid Regiaton Tis. [Osometer Beg, Tena [Prepac Lodging TsH0.05 Fra ies \cay sites Rent Car fate lar Fare BSD, [ieags Reimbursement [shutte Service 32.00 Thereby onl that the above oxpenaies [Subivact [advanced Arnos 5000 represent cash spent or igitmate cy business Parount Due Counciriomber iy and donot include ems of personal nature. Equa if postive 193.62 Sigrature [Amount Due Cy by Daparinon Head ifnegatve [Approved by Gy Manager Notes and Expanabon: [Tit tee dlrs waa Goducied because CounGimeribor Haron aRanGed 1 event Wal served bresksaT and event hat served ncn en aS TEC, e cvsormayonecocunentsKapita Fran\Tteny Hamitonwicisoc OO'~ \OO\- GVA. Sle- Ve 13 044 City of Port Arthur ‘Travel Expense and Reimbursement Report ae tot Poga kame Fitony Kamiton__ Deve ot Report 1171372015 [besunaton ana Purpaea oi Tip Neahvile TW for IC [Expense Tope Date — [tate J —Deta—|_—“Date ate | Onto] Tour [ianors [iisrois (Toeabis | rinaors | Hanes 51505] 7500 IL [rott Trip Comt [Receipt ere eequed Tora expensed sicapt pal Gam Jonty actual expenses msy be reported. Rounding and estimating are pot stowed. [Suseaet Ressebon [Subaei_—— Advanced Amount lenes —] tpn aaa OF arene rage Toa cst AG, - WeerimayoruetDocurerts'Mapona Frank'T any Haman Nesle2015 OO! - 1OOl- G12.50” of Port Arthur Council - Travel Expense and Reimbursement Report Faas I Faal = Tian Manion Dafa ction, tozanis Sepia ar eae Sas —aaeas Sessa an Pups OTIS — TM Colas Sax as | baie —— os sivas] waters [sun] — amie oT — | es ae ite onl car ia pao _——ys00[s — re [5 — aoe} — peo} 3 700 | ars sama = 35 rat —— ena — a Sa [or Gas [Total Trip Cost, ee ‘$1,206.04 ecto a ciara pom mea po Seema RT — [Sacra Sep repo cscs aie Semreeed rer Avo tis Li aa rapt crae co fae Taaiaamat — Be fica roa — iy eth at Pe show ome fie Tatra S| lees coh eport yate Giy braiers finest ou Costvonaar is anion Tose /nature, fe [Amount Due Cliy “Teta tami Hon leneetin as a Epa (CMsersmsyorsetDocuments\itany Hamiten\A. San Anonots Bein cars ISS. City of Port Arthur Travel Expense and Reimbursement Report tame: “Tian Harton Date of Report aro72015 pa eno Mayo Counc Dale(s of Tip B6- 882015 [Destination and Purpose of Tp ‘NBCLEO Conference Dai ara 725428 3 allows: Prepaic Regievaton 255.00 Prepaie Lodging Prepaid Artare Ishutie Prepaid Crit Card Jf neredycertiy thatthe above expenciares vances Amount represent cash spent or lgtimate city business [Amount Due Councimembor only and do notncude Roms of personal nature. equa if postive Si [Amount Due Gy “tnegatve [Approved by Gi Manager CP cette U BQ (ChUsersimayorsec\Documents\Tifany Hamiton\ERTML14 “any Hamiton Gales Togie Dasa Tem fro Tap Goat cation of ge Rairbuonest sect yrs oer, an corr Sewn SESE Jor TEFEN Honiton ey ate one aor anwn0is Baan PPssaaRegenaran Prepaid Preps Are cogs Prepaid Cet Crt Tavares Amount Tus 6°80 pa : Tanocnt Ove Counce Prt Per Causesmbs: Hanon 20a wa SSG i age TO FRVT To A HVE HT PTL [ie 18 donor kg Uke! ww or ping a ar srt O01 1001-5 13.56? 7 Baym debi D5; ‘Clersmayree\DocuantsTBany HamitonGTOAYS = 5 x z ¥ Page tof Pages Tiory Hamiton te o Re varn03s Couns ia) of Tip. WH0—107014 Wshinglor, D.C forthe US Conference of Mayors jatation in rare ileage Die 7500 | $7500] s — 700 |S 7.06 rate Sevion ao foil ap ost [20 Recaps ar required Tora expose scan por dom nny tal epnaes tay be foporiads orn and xtaing ent sowed. age Record Subtest Prep Ropar TOD Sb Tend Prepac toogra ta ies reac Aare BIC i Isao 800 age Romburere roped Crest ora rey Sty at abo panos Sabine — [acerca Roo EoD ferent cat percha oy buses Prune Counclnembar 30.00 ryand ooAszcie agora erornaure (ERI i poste nate yo fi . faints Cay tna eee CH aso hain ectett. Ur Ss Cc wsersayorsec\Documents\Tifany HamitoriERTML 14

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