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American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings 2014, 104(5): 200205

Physician Payment Reform and Hospital Referrals

By Kate Ho and Ariel Pakes*

For over 30 years researchers have docu- by private ACOs on physician behavior. In par-
mented significant variation in medical care ticular we note that providers facing ACO-type
spending, both between geographic regions and incentives seem to refer their patients to lower-
across hospitals within regions, that does not priced hospitals than other insurers. We ask
seem to be related to outcomes. Much of the what the magnitude of the savings from more
spending variation in the commercial insurance widespread adoption of these incentives might
market is due to differences in prices across pro- be.
viders.1 Given the current policy focus on reduc- While little data on the impact of ACOs has
ing medical care costs, these findings raise the emerged to date, it is possible to address these
question: what can be done to reduce the varia- questions using information on pre-ACO mar-
tion in prices, bringing the highest in line with kets. In particular, similar cost-control incentives
the rest? are already applied to different extents by differ-
The introduction of provider payment reforms ent commercial health insurers for their private
under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care enrollees in California. These insurers often pay
Act of 2010 offers a potential answer to this large physician groups through capitation con-
question. For example, the reforms established tracts under which the groups have an incentive
Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) with to control hospital costs, either because they
the initial goal of helping control the costs of the receive a fixed payment to cover the medical
Medicare program. ACOs are groups of provid- costs of their patients (including hospital costs),
ers whose payment arrangements are designed or because they share in any savings made rela-
to give physicians a new incentive to control tive to some preagreed benchmark for hospital
costs. The previous system of fee-for-service costs.2
payments for Medicare services continues, but In previous papers (Ho and Pakes 2011,
in addition the ACO is eligible to share in any 2012) we analyze hospital referral choices for
cost savings relative to a preagreed benchmark if patients enrolled in six California health insurers
those savings exceed some minimum level. The that use capitation contracts to different extents.
fraction of savings kept by the ACO is linked Our results indicate that patients enrolled in
to performance on quality. Private ACOs are high-capitation insurers tend to be referred to
emerging in parallel to this Medicare initiative. lower-priced hospitals, all else equal, than other
Private ACOs have more flexibility in design- same-severity patients. We allow severity-spe-
ing payment arrangements, but many are very cific hospital quality fixed effects to pick up
similar to Medicare ACOs. In this paper we con- perceived differences in hospital desirability
sider the impact of the incentives put in place conditional on the patients diagnosis and sever-
ity on entry to hospital. We find that the tradeoffs
* Ho: Columbia University Economics Department, made between price and this quality measure do
1133 IAB, 420 West 118th Street, New York, NY 10027
(e-mail:; Pakes: Harvard University
Economics Department, Littauer Building, Cambridge, MA Under a global capitation contract the physician group is
02138 (e-mail: We thank Mark paid a fixed amount per patient to cover all costs of treating
Shepard and Anh Nguyen for their excellent research assis- the patient (including hospital inpatient costs). Alternatively,
tance. All errors are our own. professional services capitation may be used, under which

Go to to visit only the costs of services provided by the physician group
the article page for additional materials and author disclo- are capitated. In about 90percent of cases this type of capi-
sure statement(s). tation contract includes a shared risk arrangement, similar
See, for example, Newhouse and Garber (2013); to the ACO shared savings arrangements, under which the
Coakley (2013); and Dartmouth Atlas reports such as physician group receives a share of savings made relative to
Wennberg and Cooper (1998). a preagreed benchmark for hospital costs.

not differ significantly across insurers. Instead, from the American Hospital Association, and
high-capitation, price sensitive insurers seem insurer financial statements from the California
to send patients longer distances to access Department of Managed Health Care. We con-
lower-priced hospitals than other insurers with sider only birth and delivery-related admissions
no reduction in quality. records and only private Knox Keene enrollees.5
This paper explores two implications of our We infer the hospital network of each insurer
estimates. First we analyze the correlates of the using the discharge data by assuming that a hos-
severity specific fixed effects that determine pital is in the network if at least three patients
preferences over hospitals for different patients. are admitted from the particular insurer. As in
We then use our estimated referral choice model Kessler and McClellan (2000), we assume that
to investigate the short-run implications of patients consider traveling up to 35 miles to visit
applying capitation incentives more broadly. We a general hospital and up to 100 miles to visit a
simulate patients hospital referrals under the teaching hospital.
scenario where a low-capitation insurer adopts We do not observe the price charged to the
the referral equation of a high-capitation insurer insurer by the hospital; instead, the data include
and predict the changes in average price paid the list price for every discharge and the aver-
and distance traveled under this scenario. 3 age negotiated discount at the hospital level. We
construct a price variable which approximates
I. A Summary of our Previous Analysis the price that the decision-maker expects the
insurance company to pay for a patient entering
We focus on commercially insured patients the hospital in a given condition. It is a mea-
in Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) sure of expected list price (the average across
and analyze referral choices for women giving patients in a group defined by diagnosis, age,
birth who are enrolled in the six largest insur- and comorbidity information known at the time
ers in the data other than Kaiser Permanente. the patient is admitted to the hospital) interacted
Contracts take the form of either capitation or with 1 minus the average hospital discount. We
fee-for-service arrangements between insurers then add supplemental data on the proportion of
and large physician groups (medical groups or each hospitals business that comes from each
Independent Practice Associations). 73percent insurer and use it to estimate the variation in
of payments made to primary physicians by the discounts across insurers for each hospital. We
carriers we consider are capitation payments; the use this to define a second price measure: the
proportions vary across carriers from 97percent list price interacted with 1 minus the estimated
for PacifiCare to 38percent for Blue Cross. 4 hospital-insurer discount.
We use hospital discharge data covering all We estimate a referral equation that summa-
birth and delivery-related discharges from hospi- rizes the tradeoffs made between price, quality,
tals in California in the year 2003 from the states and patient convenience in the hospital choice.
Office of Statewide Planning and Development There are two estimation issues that need to
(OSHPD). We link this to OSHPD hospital be addressed. First, our price variable contains
financial data, hospital characteristics data measurement error which may bias our esti-
mates. Second, the price for a patient with a par-
ticular severity is likely to be correlated with the
For prior research on related issues see Song et al.
(2011) who use a difference-in-differences analysis and unobserved hospital quality for that severity. We
find reduced spending on outpatient services and improved control for these unobservables and for the mea-
quality of care when capitation was introduced. Colla et al surement error in price by developing an estima-
(2012) conduct a similar analysis to evaluate the impact of tion procedure which allows for hospital fixed
ACO incentives for Medicare services and find little effect;
though, as they note, Medicare prices are essentially fixed
effects that vary freely with severity of diagnosis
across providers. However, the difference-in-differences
method used in these papers does not allow for counterfac-
tual analyses.
4 5
The insurers, with their respective percent of payments Knox Keene plans are plans that are overseen by the
to primary physicians that are capitated, are PacifiCare California Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC)
(97percent), Aetna (91percent), Health Net (80percent), and subject to the Knox Keene Act. They are not precisely
Cigna (75percent), Blue Shield (57percent), Blue Cross the same as HMOs. See Ho and Pakes (2012) for robustness
(38percent). analyses with respect to this and other issues.

and which averages out the error in prices.6 We to examine how the tradeoffs between price,
estimate a different preference function for each quality, and distance vary with capitation rates.
insurer. Each is linear in the price paid by the Our findings indicate that though the price coef-
insurer, the distance from the patients home to ficient varies directly with the capitation rate,
the hospital, and a set of hospital and severity- the ratio of the price coefficient to the qual-
specific dummy variables or fixed effects. ity coefficient does not. That is, the tradeoff
Our estimates indicate that the price coeffi- between price and quality differs extremely
cients are much more negative than have been little across the insurers in our data. In contrast,
found with more traditional estimation tech- the tradeoff between price and distance does
niques (e.g., multinomial logit analyses) and are differ. Highly capitated, more price-sensitive
distinctly more negative the higher the capita- plans tend to send their patients further dis-
tion rate of insurers. The confidence intervals for tances to obtain lower-priced service but do not
the price coefficients for all but one insurer are trade off price against quality differently from
ordered by decreasing percent capitation (that other insurers.
is, the upper bound of the confidence interval
for one insurer is below the lower bound for II. An Analysis of the Quality Estimates
the insurer with the next-highest percent capita-
tion). One insurer, Blue Shield, is the only not- We now investigate the estimates of hos-
for-profit in the sample, and we exclude it from pital quality that are uncovered in the analy-
the remainder of the analysis. We show that sis. Our model indicates that they capture all
the results are robust to a number of different severity-specific hospital characteristics that
specifications. affect the hospital choice other than price and
We then use the price coefficients to back out distance traveled. We consider the (just under)
bounds on the insurer, hospital, and severity- 400 estimated hospitalseverity-specific qual-
specific quality terms. We find them to be highly ity terms that cover the highest-volume hospi-
correlated across plans: different insurers have tals in the five largest markets (Los Angeles,
very similar quality rankings of hospitals. We Orange County, Inland Empire, the Bay Area,
therefore add structure and estimate a model and San Diego) for the five aggregated super-
where insurers agree on the absolute quality severities defined in Ho and Pakes (2012). We
of the hospital for each severity level but differ take midpoints of the quality terms for which
in the weight they place on quality in the util- we have bounds rather than point estimates. We
ity equation. This allows us to represent prefer- then add published data on hospital character-
ences as a linear function of price, quality, and istics from the American Hospital Association
distance which differs across insurers only in survey for 2003, together with data from a 2003
the coefficients of these variables. The prefer- survey conducted by the National Research
ence function for patient i of insurer visiting Corporation, a healthcare market research firm,
hospital h becomes to measure amenities at California hospitals.7
After merging the three datasets and dropping
observations with missing variables, we are left
Wi,,h =p, p(ci,h,)
with 345 hospital-severitylevel observations.
qh,s d(li,lh)+i,,h

where p(ci,h,) is the price the insurer is 7

This is an annual survey of California households;
expected to pay at hospital h for a patient who responses are weighted according to household character-
istics to ensure their representativeness within the state. We
enters with condition ci , qh ,s is the quality of
hospital h for severity s, d(li ,lh) is the distance
use a variable that reports the weighted number of respon-
dent households that named a particular hospital as their first
between the patients home and the hospital, choice for best accommodations or amenities. This variable
and i,,h is the error term. We use this equation was also used in Goldman and Romley (2008). We take the
weighted number of responses for each hospital and trans-
late it to a market-level percentage: the percent of weighted
respondents in the market who cited the particular hospital
Our severity groupings are chosen following the advice as having the best accommodations or amenities. We thank
of obstetrical experts at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital. the National Research Corporation for providing the data.

Table 1Regression of Quality Terms on Observed effects suggest that all three characteristics mat-
Characteristics ter more for sicker than for less-sick patients.
Model 1 Model 2
Notice that just under half of the variation of our
severity-specific hospital quality measures is not
Coefft SE Coefft SE accounted for by these characteristics (despite
NICU 0.21** (0.09) the fact that we include both market and super-
Teaching 0.16 (0.27) severity fixed effects). This illustrates the need
Nurses per bed 0.06 (0.16)
For profit 0.24** (0.13)
for hospital- and detailed severity-specific fixed
Patient perceptions 0.03** (0.01) effects in our main analysis.
NICUsevere 0.20** (0.10)
NICUnot severe 0.27 (0.19) III. Counterfactual Analysis
Teachingsevere 0.21 (0.31)
Teachingnot severe 0.05 (0.54)
Nursessevere 0.09 (0.17) We now consider what would happen if a
Nursesnot severe 0.02 (0.34) low-capitation insurer adopted the preferences
FPsevere 0.24* (0.14) of a high-capitation insurer but held its hospital
FPnot severe 0.26 (0.20) networks and enrollees constant. Note that we
Patientsevere 0.03** (0.01)
Patientnot severe 0.02 (0.01)
are calculating a short-run response. Over the
Market F.E.s Yes Yes longer run we would expect capitation incentives
Super-severity F.E.s Yes Yes to affect the networks chosen and the premiums,
Observations 345 345 and therefore, perhaps, the characteristics of
R2 0.569 0.573 each insurers enrollees.
Notes: Regression of estimated quality terms on hospital Specifically, we consider the patients of the
characteristics. See Section II for details. lowest-capitation insurer in our data, Blue Cross.
**Significant at the 5 percent level. We assume that increasing the proportion of pay-
*Significant at the 10 percent level. ments to Blue Cross physicians that were capi-
tated to the level of another, higher-capitation
insurer in our data would imply changing Blue
Crosss utility equation to that of the other insurer
We estimate the following regression (holding hospital networks fixed). We simulate
equation: Blue Cross patients hospital referrals when the
preferences of other insurers are imposed. We
qh,s = Xh +s+m(h)
, summarize the increase in distance traveled for
these patients and the associated change in price
where Xh are hospital characteristics and paid and hospital quality encountered.
(s, m(h)
) are super-severity and market fixed The estimated coefficients from equation (1)
effects, respectively. The estimates are provided suggest that high-capitation insurers place a
in Table 1. The first column constrains the impact more negative weight on price relative to dis-
of hospital characteristics to be fixed across tance than do other insurers, but that the weight
severities. In the second column we interact each placed on price relative to quality is essentially
hospital characteristic with an indicator for the the same for all insurers. This suggests that, as
first super-severity and another that includes all we change Blue Crosss utility equation to that
other super-severities. Super-severity 1 contains of higher-capitation insurers, we should predict
the 55percent of patients who have a rank 1 an increase in distance traveled with an accom-
(routine) principal diagnosis, rank 1 comorbidi- panying reduction in price. The results, reported
ties, and are in the youngest age category (aged in Table 2, are consistent with this intuition. We
under 40). This specification allows each charac- find that the average distance traveled to hospital
teristic to have a differential effect on perceived for Blue Cross patients increases by between 2.5
quality for less-sick patients. The estimates and 6 miles (from a baseline predicted average of
indicate that our measure of hospital quality is 4 miles) under the counterfactual arrangement.
associated with offering a neonatal intensive The average price paid falls by between 4.5per-
care unit, being a not-for-profit institution, and cent and 5.5percent (expressed as a percentage
having positive patient perceptions of quality of of the average predicted Blue Cross price of
amenities. The interactions with severity fixed $3,662). There is no corresponding reduction in

Table 2Results of Counterfactual Analysis

Insurer (percent capitn) Pred. distance Pred. price distance price

Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE
Blue Cross (0.38) 3.94 0.08 $3,662 $17
PacifiCare (0.97) 10.01 0.12 $3,485 $16 6.07 0.10 $178 $9.58
Aetna (0.91) 7.48 0.11 $3,456 $16 3.55 0.08 $207 $8.38
Health Net (0.80) 6.54 0.10 $3,492 $16 2.61 0.07 $171 $7.81
Cigna (0.75) 4.13 0.08 $3,635 $17 0.19 0.01 $27 $3.20

Notes: Predicted distance traveled (miles) and price paid ($) for Blue Cross patients under estimated preference equation for
each insurer. distance and price = average changes in these variables when there is a move from BC to other-insurer pref-
erences. Positive change = increase when moving away from BC preferences.

quality. Thus, the move to more widespread cap- that physicians (with the input of patients) have
itation generates a substantial cost reduction for a free choice of hospitals within the existing net-
the average patient, at the cost of some reduced works observed in the data. In reality, this may
convenience but no reduction in quality. not be the case for all ACOs. Of approximately
430 ACOs formed by January 2013, just under
IV. Discussion and Conclusion 50 percent were integrated with a hospital sys-
tem, with most of the remainder being sponsored
There are three caveats to this analysis. We by physician groups. If an ACO includes mem-
consider only birth episodes; referral choices ber hospitals, physicians in the organization may
may be more or less responsive to financial well have some incentive to refer patients to hos-
incentives for other diagnoses, particularly pitals within the ACO rather than to nonmember
those where physicians have more discretion hospitals. This would limit the cost savings gen-
over treatment choice. We hold insurers hos- erated through the mechanism we study, offset-
pital networks and their enrollees fixed in this ting the beneficial effects of hospital-physician
analysis. In reality both networks and enrollees integration. Our results suggest that this may be
are endogenous to the supply side of the model an important input into decisions regarding the
and may change in tandem with physician incen- structure of ACOs.
tives. We also note that there is a possible selec-
tion issue: physicians who are willing to refer
patients to low-priced hospitals may select into REFERENCES
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