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14 B{gZ ty B 16 lO 2017

$ `M$ {sy *P $ E
*hM, BM *$ {
M$ O M*y Eyr
f. s $ i Z
g$ hGsI $$*$. ${M$t H>r$ ^
I M$ Z E *$ 14 M-s A-O- _a *$ M>V> *
E$ B O.
AV> g gZ lO M* ^$. I $$QV> $V$ >Z
hGs Csg V>M yOMt fV> $$M$s GGC AV> AM> {$ M$ { $O-s {-->-#
g gZ $$$*$. 1983 C$ {_. *$ $y . M> *$$
Cy$ * AM> gZ I $_ #M$. h- M-t-s
*f $M$ A$V$V> : 9866119816
M{ BM>QZ V>Z ^>$.
yMt B * CsgV> M*y
$ `M$ {sy *P Z AM *$$ ^r$
$ _ A^$ `M$ ^$M$$. {$M M r *
^$. hGs A$ZM ^aM yi B $ M$P$ ^$$. C GsM#y$ M M> $ A$r$ZM $$$. C
{r GMOg Csg V> yOMt $ B bs {sy *$PV> D MZM _a "Os ' $. _ $, #$$$,
f B hGsIV> *>a$. *>$$. $ _ $ B $$ A $$$ >{Nr ^$M$ $V>
> E> A bs $ JM $* V> D {MV> *_ Os A ^^$a. JM#y$
A^$ `$ $. D `M$ >$^{yz E# M { V>Z >YM$ *{$ Ey D Ar$
V M~ V> {sy *P h[t {M {sy
>$ E>
AV> $ V>
$y$, a$ V>
*PV> V$#$ $l$ ^. C K
$*V> { ^ D `M$
$ M$P M {M V$#
{My$ y Os
*i V V M~ >y C {$.
s Cy* M M^ > y$ rt$, {V>*M$ O
V> {Ms {MMs fr$t M _. $$QV> $$ Os{y r
^$$. lO11 Z $MV B H gy M^V> *i BrV>y$, GM$P BM ^*$$. y
fW > *Z VM~ #M>P {MMs R > Os * {M {$V>
$$ Q>$ ^>$. 18 >$ V>M $$$*$. A_.
$ Cr M$y$ VV*, _, Os M>$: $ Os {y$
$$ $$. 1945 H{ 22 f_ uM * iO __ $MV B H M*y {MMs
V M~ $y$Z IHGV> gy #M> Z lO12 >$ $*y$ M>$V> YM^$.
ZZ 1968 $_ 1992 M* M$s M$ Z s t Os {y Og* Os V

$ M $ $ ^M * > M M^V> $$_r$ sty(AM) {M *_ s t Z V
^$. 2004&09 $ a$ V> V BP^$. BGGZ M> lO 11 I {Ms_.
VV> ^$. $V> MV> Er* {V> { * G $${_ Os s t Os {yV> V$$. Og*
M$*$y$, _rt_ V f r$ f R$ oV M^V>, $$QV> E> > $_ _a $$Z JMs. y$$$
GV> D #MZ ^$. > {y$ rZ fr$t $_ M$ s Z Er$. ^ $
.>fV^ M$*M$ VM~
f^$. $$P VV> sV $V> $$_. V$yz V> *kV>/ $$V> Ey M$y$. M fV>
2019 {^M M* M M^$ $$V> Ey st V> V({M) V> Er$. Os V$
BM > M>V> A #Z Es$. O $_ M M$ $$V> Ey V *V> M$y$.
A$ $$P 2017 lO 9 M M>$z {M M>$: $ Os {y$ *V$ A$^$
$ VY {^ VV> {Ms_. M$ A$V$V> A >Y {f yjsM$ $ Z
BM ${ >Q M ^ BM Z D V MP^$M$ V s VYf f *^y A. M>st MM> {M Os{y$
> V M>V> $ C. yZ fW $$P {^ AM {V>y *PsZM y$^$$. $$ M>r, {sy M>r, $$
^{VY $ M^$. 1983 ^ $ *Z A$ $ W *^$ s M>r, {sy sM>r, P {M, sty {M, MM>
IHG AM> A$$ V>Y {$ VV> {Ms^$. {^ V_ BrV>yV> M {sy {M s s # {y$, ygO {y$
V>, *s, Cy*, {M M$ V> gZ , $, M>$z t^y$. 317 M*y *$$.
{^ M GWjM*s yOMtV> MO, { $, Gy f$ VZ $ E , *V$$ _a^ M Wr$tV> E
$$. $ 31 >i* ^ A ^. 600 H {M 316 *^ M>$z$ $ Msty$. CVW#y $V$$ fV$W . A$M
MM> Z V>Y $$$ A V> A ^$. lO8 yZ fW $z A$ >Y$_ $V, E >Y M$ AM
*$. Cy&C$M > OZ VZ AM $*y y f BrV>y$ A$r$Z Ey V> A* $^a V> Os {y$
GGC GyV> *$ #> Msty$ $$$. $P g$ 7&6, 6&4, 6&4 P$ *PsZ $#$$$. *$$ $$$M
#>$ D VZ 26 A#* Ky^y$. #$$ VZ Q$ ^ Os {y$ A$r$Z E$$.
tM GMah(GGC) Mrty$ . $ kM^ 236 y Z *Ps: $ Os *Ps Hs 25 M$
$hV yOMt, ` GWjM*sV> V> 1915 $_ 1930 M* D Ey$. 316 y$, {Z ^$ A^. { $*Z ^$M$ A$#V>
{M$ *$ VZ ^$. 306 $*y Z E$. Eyr, M>k Ms M$P M$ ^y, A
>Y$ *O BM$y s M> Os
A>j$ {y *Ps $V$* .
BO : Cs A M> E$$ BO
{^Z r >$ $V> $ $ A$$ $${ $$ MZ E D Z Z A$y . MNr$, s$, $$O
{^Z r B[t*Z ^$$$. 2016Z ^O 1000M OV> E OM M{ NMV> MM$O. > Bz$ C_a s CsM ^$M P V>
H>r$ ^$$$. 100 $V>r $ $ A$$ ^ A{VZ _. C> CsM V>, $$, {M W. $Z BO Hs 30 M$
V D r s *$ y$, A* $*y$, C>M $V$, ^OM$ OM V$ E. $ O# $V$. A$M {M Or$ H>r$ ^$M M>t,
^$$. B[t* >Z D M I Z ^$$. ^O OM$$ {$ E 23 $_ A$g, C s BO J$
$ A* r H>r$ ^$ Z OM u>O y 10 M$ WY^ *^Z E. NM M$$$aM $$$ A$M>$ ^rt^$a.
$. M>$ WY^yM {$ > M $ O E G B$$O ^O t _. A$O ${ M>$: y O [ts O Mrt

C $O , , V> $M$ . As $_ 465 $ MZ JM* M $$P V$# W y *$$V $ r$ y O {y KMV

$ D > ~$$_. A$$ V> E$. A$t *{ 2016Z 55 >Z $ MsV $ {sV M>$ r Z

3117 $ E MZ P. M #$$M$ *{$ { E f
E V> $$Z $$ Z BM JM*M$, $$ $ r t_V $ s$

^$yM D r H>r$ ^$$$. hosZ ^O OM M{ P {^ { Z$ C_a. $$y>$: MM>O $ {M >$

{M$ ^ *$ $B{M> $O hosZ ^O $ CMPy M$ >$V> f r GtM s

$ M{Z VV> H>r$ OM(M>) M{ H>r$ ^. $ JM$ Nf$ ^$s$. * : GM ^ {M$ A$O OgZ
^$$$. A$M>Z M>*Z $$, ** >M$ > M $$ Ay$V$rtM$y > M_ ~ ygO {M> {y$ M$st. Og, {y $
H>r$ ^ 80 $V>r r M>$z$ $ $M$ $V> hosZ ^O D ^$. f *$ $${Z E M$st. M ^ *PsM$ .
C AV$^$. M{ > Vy {_. D Z 2 Vr r$ M EM$ *PsV: A M> #Z, * *PrZ,
$ Z A{V Z ^O M{M ^O , M$ $$ *{$ $ QZ #$$$ A$$ *Z *V$M$ A$r$Z E^.
$. A$$ $$ D M ^$M {$ >$
RO$ E$yZ ^O A{VZ _.
r$ ^O AM> {M $ y
y Mt M$M M ^$. D E $: kM$ 200 Os {y/ Og*$/ V$
_. 2005 $^ ^O $ A$$Z Mhos Z ^O OM M{ H>r$
$ B MY^. * $ $M Gs $$ $. {$ $: *.25 $
A{VZ MV$. {^Z 23
B 16 l O 2017 ty B{gZ 15

{$: 150
sG ss &2 {V>y st
*$P$: 150 $$: 2@30 Vr$ 3) A$M* OQ 4) BZ^ 25. $M E$$ ^* AM
19. >M ^? A* ^$M JM , B
^Oz y$s Ay yV>X M> $y H MV> 1) A Ms A fV M E$$y$ Z^ $M jM$tM$
^$Msy OVsP Py$. { M*y AM A* {Ms
1. yOs Mg Z ""*'' A 1) Crs 2) MNr 3) O{ 4) O 2) { Ms # $P ^aM$ Z H M$O $$V> ^^$a?
""$yM'' * h$ BM 11. y*> P A { 1) A$ 2) M>{M$
N$s H A A$$r$t? {{M$Z $ {M$Z MsZ 3) N gq BV>, {$ A$ 3) # $$
1) A O V$^y? * gq $#$ 4) E {M$
2) At A 1) & #$ & A & # 4) O 26. MZ N $*r$ Z_
3) $ A 2) A & #$ & & # 20. # A JMsZ VZ {^ E$$ Ms M $*r$ *{$
4) {$M 3) A & & #$ & # V> $V$ A>$ $aMyM $$ Z_ N ^$ CX $$
2. uZ {_ kZ $$s 4) & A & #$ & # $, MZ A$a A* ^{s $$ V> V$$^$My H ?
Vr Mst#y$ H M*y {M$ 12. FitM$ M Unfit A $aM$ C_a A$Z A>$ $ V$ 1) # 2) #@
f$ M>y$. MM> Vr PushM$ M Pull A A^yM E$$y$ AM> 3) gOV>M { 4) $ ^$
yV> {M$ f$M>y A H M>M$y Unpush A ^ B Z M^y$. A$$ B E$$y$ M 27. C PzV$ {_?
? MY $$#? H A A$$r$V> ^? 1) OVsP 2) {* 3) y*> 4) P
1) $ A 2) $ A 1) A$M* $$# 1) M A $$ 28. yg# As?
3) M> A 2) {M* $$# 2) yOM A $$ 1) VZ ^* {$ ^*$
4) At A 3) $$# 3) At y*> MVy
3. $, M>M M$ 4) $$# 4) .G.P A 2) {$ ^* VZ ^*r$V>
_ MsZ O M H? 13. $V> $, gO $ V$_ 21. MsZ At AM A^y
1) M> Z i {P*MV>, $aM 6 V $ ^ A H? 3) {$ ^*$ A CM$$$
$ Z i {M*MV> Er$. { {V$ H$s$ A AyV>$. 1) JM P> $$sV> E*W_ #y* ^*y^y
2) $ Z i {P*MV>, A$$ B AV>$ A ^yZ #y$ V> # E*W$. 4) H ^* MV> A^y
M>M Z i {M*MV> Hyz A HM$O? 2) A u>$V> f$V$$ 29. V>${ Zf $$W r {$
Er$. 1) #V$ A 3) { NM M > $yZ M $y. M
3) M>M, $ $ ysZ 2) V$ A 3) >r$ 4) $ A AV$#$ 4) O V>${ $^$aM. B V>${
i {M*MV> Er$. 14. JM uZ $* { 22. G#y* uM$ JM Z y$^$ {l M {$ $yZ $
4) $ , M>M $*M f*$. A$Z JM M$r* JM k ${$$ y$. ^ A
ysZ i {P*MV> Er$. "$*' ^ M$ Z $M$$. y$$s .
4. AM$ _ M M>Z Vy A W* H V> y$zO y$$ M>$$. { l 1) At A2) {$
O {^ $g$y? $$? A Z y$$ $M$$ 3) $ A 4) M>M
1) iZ M MV { *$ 1) My 2) {* {*^y H $$? 30. $yz V$_ a ^{Myz
A A#$. 3) yg# 4) >r$ 1) A $$ 2) $$ V$_ $$M $yz
2) iZ A > MV { *$ 15. E uZ 10 V 3) $$ 4) $ $$ *{ AyW ^{Myz *{ ^y$.
V> ^^$a O{yf $$# {*VNMV> 23. {$ Z A$$ AZ Hy A H
3) iZ fV *$ , A$$M$ *$ ^ AV V$$^$Ms $$Z... M$O?
Gr$s ^^$a. C H M$O V> ^^$a? 1) E& f E & Af 1) #V$ A 2) V$ A
4) M >Z M M*y A 1) st 2) PM { 3) O y* 4) HM>$
M>^$a. 3) {M*M 4) M>M 2) f E & Af E & *$ 13) 2 19) 4 25) 4
5. $$ ^* $y V RM {y 16. 'Productive Thinking' {V ^$$? { 4 20) 4 26) 3
$M$ MyMt$ ^* $yr 1) M 2) MM> 3) f E & Af E & 1) 2 5) 2 9) 4 14) 3 21) 1 27) 2
Z H $ *_$? 3) *M $ 4) y*> { 2) 2 6) 4 10) 4 15) 3 22) 2 28) 2
1) yMyV 2) *M 17. MsZ O? 4) Af E & f E & 3) 2 7) 2 11) 3 16) 3 23) 4 29) 3
3) ^ 4) E {M$ 1) A PM$O { 4) 3 8) 2 12) 2 17) 18) 2 24) 3 30) 2
6. Ball A ^* TUX A A 2) A G#y* M 24. E$$y$ A A$ JM
{*ky$ fqM ^$aMy? 3) M ^a $O *$ Z^M$y _ _ V>$V> ^
1) & 2) {* A M>$ $aMy AM {*f { { ">$$ M>ss M_V
3) M$ 4) $Y$ 4) $$ > A f$V$$ Er$ yOM $$? r' O> #$
7. Z $ Z s $ 18. MZ AY {$ G#y* 1) $ $$ 2) $$ *_.
Y fW {M$$O ^yM *MV> Hy? 3) { $$ $V {$, *$ $V "ty'Z
{{M$ A#$? 1) A$_ 2) 4) M ^> $$
1) Vr M fM $
2) Vr M B>M $
3) B>M fM $
4) VrM$ fM $
EV>$ Erragadda, Dr.BRKR Government Ayurvedic
College Campus, TS, Hyderabad.
^* Er$. BQ$ : lO 24
8. > A M {MMs As Ct V> B$$ y r IIBsI
$. M>, D uM$ V> B$$ V PM {M O>Z y r & s^ $t Cy$ #y Cy a Ay [sOV
$$Z C$$ By$$ {MMs M $t M R$$ M$. M R$$ M$. Ctr*s (IIBsI)& PM {M
M>M VV> Ms$ R$: 5 $t$ & R$: MBzr( 1), l$ a Z M R$$ M$.
yVsty$. A* A $t$ & V>$: OsM B(Zr/ s^ 2, [O$ s^ 5, [O$ s^( R$: 2 M>: Hy
$^$aM$. As $_ B y$ M>V 1, M$ 1, B$$ 1), At(M$ 1), ys) 5 A: C/ sM(/ $M>M) N ^
{MMs r BM M C H M$O $O{M *ht 1 GM: > , Cr*, y* M> > Ey. Z z oV t zV
AM _? A: $t$ A$_ VZ BO R$M$ BQ$ : lO 21 M Z Hy A$ EM, Ey
1) {$ y{X(M$)/ G$/ Gy/ ^y(Z$*/ Os: V$Z {yMtZ stV gq
2) M>M 3) A $O{M *i) N^ Ey. EM { Er$.
4) $ A $$ P : V> ts {yV stV r CN R$M$ BQ$ : lO 30
9. At A A H M$O G{Vyz, O> CX Ay Vg $*s(CN) R$ _$*: The Director,
A $$ $$? $$: lO 1 sM 44 H $^>$ BZ M#s WtM & {gMt Z IPIRTI, PB No. 2273, HMT Link Road, Off
1) {gM$t 2) A R$ ^$M$ BQ$ : lO 20 M R$$ M$. Tumkur Road, Yeshwanthpur Post, Bangalore
3) {*V 4) O _*: Office of the Director, Telangana R$: 2 M>: $*y 560022.
10. M gq >Z Hy $ State Level Drug Testing Laboratory, CN $*s B O>Z {gMt P Os:
S l$
14 l ls lZ..
{ l gq]l
t MSl MS$l ll h$lZ {V>yl$$s/
sG ss : l$VS$

t{V>yl$$s l MSl $tMS$: O 16
M , MSP: M>sss Btr*y
GZ gyl*G, $ OsMS B {VSyl&2,
l$l ll $tMS$ >l S: O 16
* ]ll l
$ -$, l-$ -]l D&l$ BGZ Ats ClMSt (t) $tMS$ >l
B 16-7-2017
S: O 16
i&20 l> 12]l l$ O
7, 8 lZ fZ YZ
fW. D l$MS$ 19 l>
f]l G l$Z ]l{l l*
E{VSMS ]l$ll$$]l l>O MSMSl]l$ lMS$P]l
All$, $ MSv]lV> ]l]l^l $Z ]l$ _l$. ]l$
$ {l$$ i&20 l>$ MSV> MS^l* M>l l ]l l M>l
l { ]l{l l* P$. ylhr Cyl*,
f*$. {^l BMS ]l, $#^a$. >fMS$ >]l$ Ol# , BMS HMSMS ]ls
Al>j$ f, l ^ll$MS$ M l>$ E{VS $ A]l > {VS
MS ]l$l$$$. lZ $l l$.
]l*Ps ${l, ]l$, E{VSlO >sMS _ {M l> ]l*lZ {W_]l
{]ll, A]l $, 11 *{ M>>^l {MS]l$ { ]l{l l* E{VSlO
*_^$. Cs]lMS$ E{VSlO $MS$ {M l> $MSl
]l ]l*$, ]l$ $Z Al>j$ l]l ]l^$. r$ {M
M>l ]ls A>O l$ lMS$P]lV> El$. D {MS]l$Z {MSyls sV Hg H>r$
MS M> E{VS B]lMSl]l$ VS$$^l>$. 2017 O 1
{]lV> lt _. All^]l A]l ]l$_ llZ ]l$,]l
El$. E{VSMS ]l$ll$V> ]l$]l$ (HMSMSl ]l$V>) A]l$ZMS
JMS Al$M> $]l $$]l l> {l$MS$ $M_a]lr$ l*
$W]l A l>$ ]l$ll$ l. O^l,
Z EMS$P El$$
A]l$$]l ylV , *s
ylV yl*s #]l$ Al$M> {]lV>
]lMS_. {`MS VSZ
{l ]l$_ M $$]l ]l$ {f$
]lMS$O M ]l>Y {fZ {`MS
M>V> Al Wl l$ A-
{$yl. A]l, g$ {ll,
]l$ ]ls A>$ JMS JMSs
i&20 l$
]l*Ps M]lW^lyl, Sl
$, A f ll$]l$
6. ]l*PsMS$ ]lt MSW^l ylMS$
Al>j$V> ]l*^>
C_a#^l$aM]lyl > {]l
B$ ^lMS$y
MSrtyl ^ll$MS$
l H>r$
]l${VS Jl
]l^$. {M l>$
l, A-]l,
P$, ]l
$Z $-
MS$]l ~*$
{^ {-
l ^l$-
{^l BMS ]l]l
MS l-
]lylyl E$ P. 2017 ]l]l yly l$ >_. Al$M> ^lylr$ {^l BMS MS AMSst$. r$ r$ {l yl Ey$.
sMS EMS$P ElMS _]l Al]l# AlS$yl$ ]l*{l Sl MS$ ]l$ll$ ]l*^, { VSZ MSMS JMS MSr$ty Al$M>MS$ ]l$yl *__]l lS M* AlS$ylV>
]l$ lMS M i&20 l$ l$. i&20, B{M> VS]l* l$*V> AMSst. fq ^l>$. M A>Z i&20 l]l]l$ A]l$ZMS GOMS]l Moon Jae-inMS$ l*
r$tst. EMS$P El, fO i&20 l$ AXMS_. B{M> l> 7. r$tyl$$, g {- l$ ]l$_ $ _l $MS$>]lyl > E{VS $M>S$ l$. , lS
l$Z HM>{$ ]lMS M>l$. O *_]l {lMS ]l$ l^ll$MS$ A]l$MS* ]l f b]l Hg l$P AMSst$. M* ]l$l {lMS ]lNlMS
{^lV> MS, ^e ]l*Pr l$ Bl*_. MS-^lyl > ^e f - P$. {^lV> ]l$ {]l]l${ G> Y VS]l$ A]lMS MSr$tyl]lr$
{MS Cs]lMS$ C$]l MS MSr$ty. VS$]l$l$O A]l]l M>lO r$tyl$]l$ l fW]l sZ ]l y]l$ C$ l>ll$ {MSs^$. l$M
{]ll]l$ Mll$ lWY^l$M]lyl > l> >]l& ]lR>$ ]l$]l$ lWY_ A{MS]l$ tMS, > ]lMS$ r$tyl$$V> ll A]l VSZ r$t C Cyl*, ylhr Cyl* ]ls
A]l ^ll$l$]l l>Z fVS f 1. E{VSlO E]l$yl >rr$ ll$]l$ AMSst. ^ Al$M> AlS$yl$ yz yl$$V> ]l$a l { M>{MS]l*Z C$ l> ]l$l
NMSV>, ^lSlV> Ey- E{VSMS BMS * AMSst 8. M>V> O^l EMS$P El Al]l# {r *_^$. M>$. D lV> K M>]l ]lNlMS VS]l$
l$ >_. A]l^ll$- l$MS$ lW]l ^l$ $M. ]l$O E]l P- i&20 l$MS$ l$ AlS$yl$ Z YV> { M]lVS$.
l$]l l>Z ]l$ El]l$$MS$ 2. M>r$ MSMS ^ll$MS$ (Al$M> Jyl) i&20 $ #, rP AlS$yl$ l ]l$ B^$. 2017 ]l]lZ llZ fVS
]ll]l Al$r$, OV, *f- * A#^l$aM. l> l>$ ]l$^. GzV> ]l*l]l$*$. D >]l ]l*$$, B {V GWjZ Cr
]l*]l ]l$ll$]l$ A^ll$MS$ lZ AO $MS$ MSr$tyl Ey lV> #.. * > Jl $Z i&20 l>$ Y]l]l$yls l* VS-
]l*l]l H>r$^l$]l$]lr$ {^l l$ >_. Al>j$ l A>O l>ll$ ]lZ GzV> MS {^$. N~ M> A^l$M ^$. {>$MS, Cl V>Z
MS$ {VS*#, Olsog l#]l l$Z {l]l P]l$ N Z {]llO $, Bl$MS l, * VSl$]l$ l$$VS$^lylZ $. A]l ^l]l l>$ >]l CrZ r$tyl$]l$ B l
Y]l CM> {r {MSs^$. l A]l$$ ^l$ylr$ 2019ZV> ]l ]l*$O {r { GzV> MS _l ]l*$, MS _]l {]l]l${ A]l^$.
l>Z {$ ]l$_ El$ Gr ]l*l]l P]l$ *^ l l$ {W^$. ]l$ # A{$yz$. l*$ E{MSZ M>>^l]l$ A]l$$^l$ylZ ]l ]l*$]l$ AVS$^lyl,
{]l* O C$s M 325 l$ >_. > {^lV> {]ll$MS$ lM]l lO ^la^ll$MS$ f, {lMS {l ^l*$. MSMSl, B{M>Z A]l {l^lyl
$$ y$ $MS_]lr$ {^l 3. {>$MS VSZ AMS El $ A^l $Sl {$ {, $MS$$ ]l*l- A]l ]l]l, ]l$ > ]ls A>MS$ _ C$
M {VS*# AlS$$ hl$*V MSl$ ]l$]l$ AVS$^ll$MS$ Al>j$ MS$y ^l* Bl$ $#^a$. ]l$*$. 2015 > J $Z MS*r$ H>r$^l$M l>ll$ ^la^$. r$
l$. D MS Al$M> AlS$yl$ yz M> A]l. ]l${VSV> A]l$$^l* B* ]lyl > >]l S^l$ lS{M>, {h, MS]ly, f,
{r.. ]lMSVSl ]l$ll$ lylr$ 4. $yl*]l$, Crs]l$ l>ll$ A{$yz$. M]l^la l { *_^$. $ l>ll { l*
Al$M> l#]l 50 $$ y$ E{VSl$$ *W^l$MMS$y A- i&20 l$MS$ l$ fW]l {M EVS$ ]l]l$ {l^, ]l*l]l$*$.
{MSs^$. l ]l*Pr ${l MSstl$MS$ l> ]l$l M>> l$Z l {]l]l${ ]l{l D ^l {^l l>MS$ EMSV>
r$ {]lMS BMS * ^lyl > E{VSl l* {W^$. l BMS ]l]l Er$l l* P$.
^lyl, ]l$ GVSll]l$ AMSrtyl MSlMS]l$ VS$^. lVSV> A]l ^ll$l B$]l ylhr {^lZ E y l]l* Msylz
]ls A>MS$ l>ll$ Bl*l 5. ]l Jl A]l$Z D lV> P$. M*, A]lM>>$ W]lsMSS]lt {, IG, Ol>l
l$. gMS _]l ^laO Gs ]l** Eyll, V - VS, a]l$ B*Z lM]l oV MS*y Er$l$. {^l
l$ GMS$P]lV> lt _. ^e VO $MS$ MSr$tyl E]lr$ l$ MS >fMS*O B]l ]lMS ^l>$.

M>ss MlV
l$* {{l $ l?
1. yl*MS$ BM> A $ st]l s ^yl l]l$fyl$ Gyl$ 27. B{lZ Ayl$VS$st]l _]l I 3) B{l $ ]l&1926
{]lQ B{l$yl$? l^yl$? ]lMS$$? 4) O]l O]ll
1) > A]llMS~ 1) {MS.. 625 2) {MS.. 550 1) $aX$ 2) yl^l 37. >$]l$Z E{VS
s SMS$ _ Cyl$l 2) lr* {MS >{ 3) {MS.. 675 4) {MS.. 575 3) CVSyl 4) {l ]lyl]l$?
s A>MS$ G l]l$? 3) VS$r*$ {l 18. M>MS M> s ]l$ 28. l>Z ]l$_ W>MS E]l $]l* 1) MS* $>]l#
& Gl.Al, Ol>l. 4) {#l V^l $? l*MS $V>_]l {l? 2) V>yl^l l]l$>]l#
MS MS$l -SZ l >f- 2. MS sZ M> fl? 1) Zs WMS 2) A 1) ]l$_r 2) l*$ 3) l]l$ st>]l*>]l#
MS$ ]l]l- (Indian Polity)MS -_ 1) ]lMS$$&ll$ 3) $l 4) EMS 3) H*$ 4) }M>MS$ 4) {gZ$ ${]l$
]l$-M>-]l A>-MS$ {]l C$-]lr$ 2) MS$&]l*l $ 19. MS sZ O]l fl? 29. MS sZ M> fl? 38. B{lZ 1934Z MS]l$t
MS--. Al$-]l Cs-]l A]l$-ZMS
]l_a]l ^lst$, BzllO A]lV>]l
3) MS$$&]l]l$$$
4) $$&l $$
1) l$^e MS$Zl]l&
{$ l]l*ylz {VS*&2 1) ll ]l$ylMS$
]l*l GMSPyl fW?
1) >yl$ 2) yl{
^l$M. sZ 3. >l]l$ M>Z yl$MSZ E]l 2) l*r$&l$ Myl 2) $&{yl 3) M>MSyl 4) MSMSyl$
]lR>]l$ l$$M. lyl ]l$ H]l$s$? rt {lMS >yl$ 39. B{l > H>r$MS$ *^l]l$ ^l]l
]lQ- ]l]l- A--l$--]l$? E: 1) ]l 2) MS$ 3) ]l #>&G{]l 3) l]l ft OMSl bl* H >MS
{$l CAG; {]l G-MS A-M>; 3) Vy 4) ]l$ 4) O]l O]ll B]lMSrt&]l ]l ^l]l$?
${-M$t {]l $-]l; l 4. B{l{lZ A lMS$P]l ]l$yl$ 2) VSl {VS 20. ${l]l$l.. ]l$lyl {V>]l* G]lMS 4) ]l${ lsl A$l& 1) MS>~rMS 2) VS$f>l
* (--l$-s/A-) VS h? 3) ]l >fMSl ]l ^l? V>k MS]l$st 3) >fl 4) MS
Al-S$ $ ll>]l$ 1) MSyl 2) {M> 4) M>l{l MS 1) $PP ]l$l$yl$ 2) AVS$yl$ 30. ]l$ ]l${ MS*$ h Myl 40. >{l ]l$ ]l*l
l$$MS$s ]l$_. 3) a]l$ V]l 4) f$]lVS 11. V>$j]lMylZ ]l_]l H 3) ^$yl$ ]ll Gyl$ ]l$^yl$? GMSPyl fW?
$VS$ l>Z Cs-]l >f-MS$ - 5. >l]l >k y >lMS~ $]l*$ o^$ VS$_ *$V 4) A*^$yl$ 1) 1837, O 14 2) 1827, O 6 1) ]l$*]lVS 2) ]lYyl
]l*-O A-$$ lt---^. Gl$ ^yl$? l]l ^l]lZ Pyl$? 21. ylz>k MS$ l]ll? 3) 1850, O 6 4) 1857, O 17 3) ]lVS 4) Q]l$
>gVS -l G-MS ]l; ]lQ 1) 46 2) 48 3) 53 4) 56 1) l V>$j]l$yl$ 1) ]l*M>]l$ 2) ]l$ 31. MSl$MS* VS B{lZ 41. B{l{l ]l${]lYZ $
MS$-s Al-S$$; -l _]l 6. st{$ * MS]l$V]l 2) ]l$l]l S$]l# 3) ]lVS*]l$ 4) M>MSl]l$ MS u>]l$ l]lZ >Q ]l${?
]l*l > >]l (-v-MSMS$ ZlMS$yl$? 3) ]llMS$yl$ 4) l^ 22. s ^l{l$ $? Gyl$ H>r$ ^l>yl$? 1) ]l* ]l>k
]l); ]lQ yl*$, MS-MS-Ol$]l 1) HB 2) {o 12. f$#Z $ryl]l A {`]l 1) ]l*^ 2) ]l$]l$ 1) 1874 2) 1876 3) 1878 4) 1881 2) l*l i]l$
${-M$t $$; >- GMS; 3) AV>jyl 4) MS l$MSi {MSy {VS H s? 3) VS]l$ 4) *>MS 32. MMPyl lMSrl _]l {MS? 3) {VS lMSrylz yl$
>f---/--]l --l-MS$ GMS 7. MS sZ O]l fl? 1) {MS.. 3 2) {MS.. 4 23. }MS~>$ ]l]l? 1) B{l {M>MS 4) l$ ]lgfVS
]l; MS{l-, -> -$; 1) ]l$W]lNyl&MS~h 3) {MS.. 5 4) {MS.. 6 1) ]l> 2) ]l$$MS*r 2) B{l i]l
gUyl, bl--VSl H>r$, MS >
{lMS {-; G$, Gt$,
2) Eyl ^&l*$V]l h
3) *MS ^&VS$r*$
13. il#>$ As H$s?
1) lW {lZ Ol~*$
3) $]l]l f$
4) lMSr ]l$yl
3) 4) #$ {
33. ft t ]l*l B{lZ
]l$$, l]l$-MS--yl]l l-VS-l$$, 4) O]l O]ll 2) Vyl$VS$O ^l ]l$ 24. MS sZ M> fl? GMSPyl fW? 1) 1 2) 1 3) 2 4) 4 5) 4
Ol$-s-MS$ --_]l g$ 8. >l]l$ M>MS _ 3) l*$ ^$MS$ M>Z O]l 1) yl$VS ]l$l& 1) MSMSyl$ 2) #ll$ 6) 3 7) 4 8) 1 9) 4 10) 1
MS$-]l g ]l*-^-> ^ll-. M>? Q$a]l$ $ {V>]l*$ ^lyl l >]l$VS MS 3) MSP$ 4) ]l 11) 3 12) 1 13) 3 14) 2 15) 1
-l: 1) kjV>MS&*M> 4) >k l *]l$ 2) Xl *l$& 34. MrMyl $r]l Gyl$ 16) 2 17) 4 18) 3 19) 4 20) 3
1. H MS-yl - $ >f- > 2) P]l&PMS OMS 14. l*$ ^$MS$ M> s y$ MS>$ MS fW? 21) 3 22) 1 23) 2 24) 4 25) 3
2. H MS-yl - $ {$l ]l 3) {&Al@# SMS$yl$ *M>$]l$ H]l$s$? 3) l&AVS$yl$ 1) 1909, {]l 18 26) 1 27) 1 28) 2 29) 1 30) 2
3. > {-MS$, l$VSi]l$. 4) {]l{&$fq} >lMS~ 1) $MS {VSYyl 2) {ylMS$P$ 4) O]l O]ll 2) 1908, {]l 14 31) 1 32) 2 33) 3 34) 1 35) 3
E: 9. MSV>$MS MSl$]l# $MSl$Oyl]l 3) ]l{]l$$ 4) {VS 25. l$VS$Z $SV> >]l 3) 1908, O 16 4) 1906, AMt 16
l -l$s ]l]l-Z >f- lW ^$MS >k? 15. ]l]l lM> G]l$ >>$? MSl$MS* ${lMSMS C{ 35. "B{l uVx' l$WY> V 36) 4 37) 1 38) 3 39) 3 40) 3
$-]l$ G]l$-MS$l l? 1) >f>f ]l{l$yl$ 1) }} 2) B${l MS$MS$l$ ]l ^l]l *VS? MS~$ GMSPyl H>r$ ^l>yl$? 41) 3
1) -MS Kr$ l 2) MS$j $~]l]l$yl$ 3) MS~]l*^$$ 1) AlMS 2) ]lMS$yl 1) fVSY$r 2) ]l$_r
2) HMS Kr$ l 3) ]ly $~]l]l$yl$ 4) ]l$ _]l$* 3) _l 4) A 3) `> 4) M>MSyl
3) _l Kr$ l 4) y A]l$>k 16. l$VS$]l$ AM> V> H 26. l$* {{l $ 36. MS sZ O]l fl?
4) l VSr$ Kr$ l 10. Myl MS$^$yl$ Al Og^$yl$ ]llZ {MSs^$? l? 1) fl ^l{l&BNyl ]l$l>]l# G.lMSr]l$>]l#
]l*-]l: (2) >]l {VSl? 1) 1964 2) 1966 3) 1968 4) 1970 1) A^l l 2) O l l 2) B{l i& Ats {, V>$j]l {$l
1) {]l^l]l]l 17. l$VS$ >]l MS]l$ > 3) l 4) >Oll ll $ ^l yl{X MS>, ]lVyl.
A]ll# l B l
O l 16 l 2017

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l M>$ AMSV> E]l ]lVS H?
12. Z g$ Ar H Panel on Climate Change)]l$ H 3) s{s M $l, $Ol {ZOl$s
_{r B]l MS$]l* ]llZ {lst$? ]llZ H>r$ ^l>$? 4) O]l
1) 1950 2) 1952 1) 1980 2) 1988 44. ""KgZ'' ]l$ H rZ
jMS$t #$$
3) 1948
MS sZ Ar *]lMS$ M>
4) 1955 f]l tyl 3) 2000 4) 2001
33. "l VS {]l (Green House
1) yl 2) MSZs
H? Effect) Al llrV> 3) MSi 4) Ol$
]l* {$ 1) VS]l$ l]lMS >]l E*W_]l >ll? 45. Al>j$ KgZ l H
2) yl$z, O ]l*>Y$ 1) 2) $ l]l $?
1. "Cs&Cs' Al H M>$-
> ]l$?
3) Myl$ {Z Wf]l$$
s^l "yl$' ]l]l$
{lMS 3) G.yl$. s 4) lf]l
34. *V VSr$ E~{VSl Gl?
1) BVS$t 15
3) f]l]l 19
2) t 16
4) 1
1) l$$P M>$ 4) O]l 1) 16.4c 2) 13.4c 46. MS sZ KgZ Sl ]l MSVS
2) M>yl$ M>$ 14. g$ Ayl]l# GMSPyl 3) 15.4c 4) 10.4c l${]l?
3) M>$ 4) y M>$ E? 3) yl*MS ]l>$ 35.
I H>r$ ^l]l $ H? 1) ]l*]l]l#yl MS$ ]l$ylr
2. Cs&Cs ]l*]l]l#ylO 1) ^lOl 2) Z 4) O]l 1) ]lz l$r>hMS BYOlg, 2) *V VSr$ E~{VSl VSyl
MSW^l l${]l H? 3) Ol> 4) ]lO 24. llZ $]l ]l >$ Hs Olsy l G>l$s 3) ]l*]l]l#ylZ ^l l MS]l
1) MS]ll 2) A 15. $]l ]l>]l$ s ]l > Gl l$ El A]l#l$? {{V> l$$ >]lyl
3) G]lMS$ * ^llyl G M>$V> h^l]l^l$a? 1) 40 $$ r]l$$ 2) ]lz l$r>hMS BYOlg, 4) O]l
4) O]l 1) 4 2) 3 3) 2 4) 6 2) 70 $$ r]l$$ ]lz {sy BYOlg 47. "{^l ]l ']l$ H
3. Cs&Cs llrV> H 16. fl^lyl. 3) 60 $$ r]l$$ 3) Olsy l G>l$s JlZ {MSs^$?
lZ VS$^$? ]l*l>$ 4) 10 $$ r]l$$ {{V>, Cr]l 1) $ MSl]l
1) 2) f i) yl l$ 25. Z $]l ]l>]l$ AMSV> El- BYOlg 2) ]l*{s$ {sZM>
3) 4) Al$M> ii) $ Jl ^l$]l >[t H? 4) ]lz l$r>hMS BYOlg, 3) yl l$
4. l >gVSZ f M>$ iii) ]l*{s$ Jl 1) a]l$V> 2) ]l$>[t f M B Cyl* 4) 1, 2
VS$_ l AMS H? iv) $ MSl]l 3) B{l{l 4) l$yl$ 36. MS sZ ~ ]l*$MS$ 48. KgZ SlMS$ M>Ol$]l O{y M-
1) 253 2) 256 ]ll 26. MS sZ $]l ]l>]l$ {l {]l M>MS? M>]l yl$l]l$ H ]ll
3) 272 4) 286 a) 1991 b) 1992 ^l$]l A H? 1) V V 2) KgZ Sl sMS NV> ${]l$
5. f]l ]l]lZ B]l$ ]l> M>- c) 1985 d) 1987 1) MSMS gq]l VSyl 3) B]l$ ]l>$ 4) O]l P?
V> llrV> {l]l$$ i]l#$ 1) i-b, ii-a, iii-d, iv-c 2) i]l]l {]l*$ VSyl 37. I Zl]l {M> 1) 2030 2) 2019
H? 2) i-a, ii-b, iii-c, iv-d 3) rtMS 4) O]l ^leOl$]l ]l# s pH $]l Gl? 3) 2022 4) 2023
1) lP i]l#$ 3) i-c, ii-d, iii-b, iv-a 27. "C&lt']l$ {]lV> G M>$V> 1) 5.6 2) 6.4 49. M M> As..?
2) ^l$ 3) MSrM>$ 4) i-b, ii-c, iii-d, iv-a h^l]l^l$a? 3) 4 4) 8.9 1) ]l lyl^l {]l
4) O]l 17. "{X ' ]l# ]l MSVS 1) 3 2) 4 3) 6 4) 7 38. lyl *]l$, ]l Z GMS$P]lV> M>$
6. gs ]l*$ ^l l M>$ A$? 28. llZ C&lt ElZ {l]l$ Eyl ]l#? 2) C JMS H
yl? 1) El ]l lyl ^l$yl ]lZ E]l >[t? 1) M> OylBMSy 3) * ]l lyl ^l$ylZ
1) 110 - 180 yl 2) ]l{lZ $ VSylz MSrtyl 1) ]l*l 2) ]l$>[t 2) $l 3) s B M> OylBMSy l>l y
2) 10 - 50 yl 3) El ]l ^layl 3) VS$f> 4) l$yl$ 4) Ol{r BMSy {]lOl$]l M>$
3) 50 - 80 yl 4) MSl ]l lyl ^l$yl 29. l {$l "C&lt l$lgl$s 39. MS sZ "B]l$ ]l>' ]l MSVS 4) O]l O]ll
4) 80 - 110 yl 18. ]l$VS$$ ]lV> EylsMS Ay ylV *']l$ H ]l- l$$? 50. g]l$ VS$ ]l*yMS M>?
7. {^lZ GMS$P]l M> EY>]l$ M>? lZ {lst? 1) ]l*]l]l#ylZ B]l$ ]l> M>V> 1) M> OylBMSy
El ^l$]l l? 1) Al$Z M> MS Er$ 1) 2001 2) 2004 >, yl l l$$ 2) OylBMSy
1) O^l 2) 2) M> OylBMSy MS Er$ 3) 2011 4) 2014 ]l 3) M> 4) {o M>
3) 4) f 3) 1, 2 30. VSs VSZ Eyl M> l*MSy 2) lZ B]l$l W, yl$ *]l- 51. BAD KgZ As..?
8. l M>$ > ]l*]l]l#ylZ MSVS 4) Ol{sZf OylBMSy MS Er$ V>ll Gl? $V> ]l* ]l]l$ Ell$$ 1) $ B]l {lZ KgZ
l$l H? 19. B]l$ ]l> > *]l pH 1) 400 PPM 2) 450 PPM lVS$Y ]l* lMS$P]lV> Eyl
1) $]l*l ({MSsf) $]l..? 3) 210 PPM 4) 510 PPM 3) f*Z B]l$l W $ 2) {sZ B]l {lZ KgZ
2) ^lMSP (yl*s) 1) $VS$l$ 31. fl^lyl. VSyMS E*VSyll$ ]l* $ MSs GMS$P]lV>
3) MSr$ (y{f) 2) V> Er$ 3) lVS$Yl$ g & I 4) O]l O]ll Eyl
4) O]l 4) l*$V> $VS$l$ i) {VS VS*y ii) {o VS*y 40. "{*' ]l# A l As$? 3) {tsZ B]l {lZ KgZ
9. M>$ ^lrt ]l]l$ 20. Z l M>$ AMSV> E]l iii) OMSV Ay g 1) M M>$ ]l* lMS$P]lV> Eyl
H ]llZ ^l>$? ]lVS H? iv) Ols VS*y 2) Ol{sM BMSy 3) M> OylBMSy 4) O]l
1) 1987 2) 1988 1) Ol> 2) ]lO g & II 4) M> l*MSy
3) 2000 4) 2001 3) ^lOl 4) ]l*l a) f, VSZ Oyl]l sf, 41. llsV> "KgZ MS$ _$' H ]l*$
10. {>$MS {Z l {]ll 21. g$ Ar ]l& 1952 {M> MSl$>$ llO]l {lZ yl?
1) 2 2) 4 3) 2 4) 1 5) 1
VS$, >{ lZ Gl ]lMS$ l Ar ~ Gl? b) {$l, [Ols M>>*Z 1) AsPsM>
6) 1 7) 1 8) 4 9) 1 10) 1
A]l$]l$$? 1) 33.3% 2) 36.33% Oyl]l MSNr$, {r$ 2) BPsM 3) AssM
11) 3 12) 1 13) 4 14) 2 15) 1
1) 70; 65 yl 3) 21.3% 4) 38.33% llO]l 4) ll>MS lVSYZ
16) 1 17) 1 18) 2 19) 3 20) 2
2) 65; 70 yl 22. IMS>f $.. "Al>j$ Ayl]l#- c) VSZ Oyl]l V $]l$, 42. KgZ MS$ _$ yll H
21) 1 22) 2 23) 4 24) 3 25) 2
3) 40; 60 yl ]ll'V> H ]ll> {MS- {hr$ ]llZ VS$_?
26) 4 27) 1 28) 2 29) 3 30) 1
4) 60; 40 yl s_? d) MStV 1) 1967 2) 1966
31) 2 32) 2 33) 1 34) 3 35) 1
11. MS sZ "yl VS]l$^l$'MS$ 1) 2010 2) 2011 1) i-a, ii-b, iii-a, iv-d 3) 1960 4) 1970
36) 4 37) 1 38) 2 39) 4 40) 1
M>Ol$]l M>$ H? 3) 2007 4) 2006 2) i-b, ii-a, iii-d, iv-c 43. MS sZ KgZ SlMS$ M>-
41) 1 42) 3 43) 4 44) 1 45) 2
1) M> OylBMSy 2) *M>]l$ 23. MS sZ All {]l*lMS ]l>- 3) i-c, ii-d, iii-b, iv-a Ol$]l H?
46) 4 47) 2 48) 1 49) 4 50) 2
3) yl*MSy $V> l $$? 4) i-d, ii-b, iii-c, iv-a 1) Ol{sM BMSy
51) 2
4) Al** 1) C&lt 2) *l$ylMS lt 32. IPCC(Intergovernmental 2) M M>$
{ $ l l$ iZ... 15
]l$ ]l$VS $l VS$$ ${MS B
10+2/{V>yl$$s CfV/ g MS OVSyl/ t/ MSs g P/
GH s sM>i Gyl$MS AO (CW) VSt M>l$ * ]ll l
{VS* {lMS {VS* {lMS {VS* {lMS {VS* {lMS {VS* {lMS {VS* {lMS {VS* {lMS B 16-7-2017

$ s Z z
Olz-O Cl-t-r*s B Cyl-*Z "{-g-MSt' $t$
yl{-yl*-l-Z Olz-O Cl-t-r*s B Cyl*
(yl*-I-I) l {gMSt -]l $t-]l$ M>{sMS$t
lZ ^l-l$MS$ l-R-$$ M$l* {MS-r]l
yl$l ^l.
$t V> R$: {gMSt Os-t-&3, {gMSt lr--
$$ sMS N-^l- M> {MS*-s -l$-s Z B r Al-? -$-l-&2, {gMSt A--$-s-&2, {gMSt Z-&-11,
{gMSt A-ts {VSyl 2&5, {gMSt MB-z-l-r--&1, A
GH st ^lZ E.. {MS*-s-l$s {yllZ M$-MS$]l > ts B l$l-f--&1, AM-s-s-/-B- l$l-f--&1.
ll]l: {gMSt Ost, {gMSt lr---$l $t-MS$ *.54,100; {gMSt
Al$-M--MS--*>? A H ]l*{l $----yl-MSP-l$. Cyl$ A-$s, {gMSt MB-z-l-r--&*.43,300; {gMSt A-ts {VSyl 2, A-ts
B l$l-f--&*.20,000; B l$l-f--/-A-M-s-s-&*.25,000; {gMSt
$ ]ll$ G ]l*>Y-$-. M>st RV> E-]l$l Z $t-MS$ *.32,000.
A-l$: -l $t-]l$ A]l$--_ -^l-yl-/-G-G--/--_- yl{X-/-
Bl-]l*-]l-lMS$ #-tst-$yl. -Ml Ol#-$ ]l*t--yl-{X-/-G-s-MS-/-yl-{X-+-yl-]l*.
]l*---$: B l$l-f--/-A-M-ss $t-MS$ 55 H$, {gMSt Ost,
l ^l$-MS$-l ]l$-* {gMSt lr---$l, {gMSt A--$s, {gMSt MB-z-l-r--&-45, {gMSt
P --*VS ^l$-Myl. $MS$ MS_a-lV> Ats {VSyl 2&-35, {gMSt Z, A-ts B l$l-g-l$s $t-MS$ 35
H$ $^l-MS*-yll$.
l-R$ k: *.500 (f-]l---/-K--). G-/-G-t-/--VS A-$$
yl]ll$s l-Zl g R$-]l$-]l#-l$. MS]lMS-l MSl *.100 ]l*{ll$ ^l-^.
l-R$ ]l: Bl-O l-R$ ^l$-M-.
Cl$-M A-$$ H ^l*Z ^l*.. GMS ]l: >l--S, Cr*.
l-R-$MS$ _]l l: O 20, 20-17.
Cr A]l-M>->$ E]ll l.. >P M$-]l#$
E-VSl$ SV> {--]l M$Z --MS M> {yllZ B M$-MS$-r$--s.. E-VSl$ CVZ G, -^lyl
^l.. s l--MS--]l MS.. {$l SV> r$t-MS$-]ls! Al$Z {-MS* l Gl$-O]l A-$$ ]l*l--Z C->-V> l-]l Kl
A]l$-MS*-V> E]l ]l$ ]l*Y Cr {s-. $ EVS l]l {$----r$ E]ll -]l-M>->--O -]l-s (-C-V-)Z G, -^lyl
--MS Cr-- Al M$ ]l$-$Z lt---^lyl ]l$_. ]lQV> VSs, i--&--G--I-B ls M$Z {l->-MS$ l-R-$$ B-* {MS-
^l*--]l-Ol-]l--sMS.. Cyl$ $ MS-$ ]ls -S-MS$ f--]lyl > E]ll -]l-M>->---r$ BMS ^ll r]l l$]lyl.
Ayl M$ N ^l$-MS$]l -$-MS$ Ol Cr-- -$. $]l$ -l V>Z E]ll -MS$ $-MS--l$MS$ -V>$: G-Z g{VS, MS${t; -^l-
B A-$-. sMS l-R$ ^l$-M-. l ^l$. VSs ]ls -SZ ]l$_ P$ E]ll l A]l-M>->- ylZ h*-i, {^l, f-f Ayl ]l*
Cr-- A]l-M>-> VS$_ l$-$-MS$-l-l$MS$ G --r$ MS M>t -rZ E-V>$ l ^l$-MS$-l-l$MS$ MS*y MS]l--MS-l, ts-tMS, g{VS, gyl Ayl yl]l---l$s tyl, El$
]l*>Y-$-. A.. MS- l-O-rZ MS BP -$. tyl, *-MS-$[t, Ol Bt, $-r Bt, hMS (-hMS Gyl$-MS-l,
M>l$, g t, {lMS Cr-- t, MS-l *MSt h-MS), MS$[t.
$yl* ls-]lP, l$V> MS- {-_ A-l$: -l M$$, -V>-]l$ A]l$--_ ]l*t yl{X-/-G---+-
l$ C]lyl (--l >). Cr---MS$ $ E-V>-l- V> -$$.. l]l$ -V>-MS -- ls. AVS -l-]l l$MS$ ]l*$P >l Ey.
--_]l {lMS t-Z A-$$ l]l$ ]l->- _]l $ -^l B M> {MS*-s-l$s {yllMS$ Ol f$ GMS ]l: G{sl st, Cr-*-/-{-g-s-l.
]l$ l$--ayl > Cr B ^l$a. M>. Al Cs-]l M>Z B M> {MS*-s-l$s {yll lVS$Y-l$]l l-R$ k: *.10-00.
{]lQ M>-i-Z {--]l Ml Ol#--O S ]l*r -]ll$ A M {]lQ g t, MS-$, A-$-]l$ l-R$ ]l: Bl-O l-R$ ^l$-M-.
M$ -$$ M> {yll > A]l$--]l ^l s --$-. Cl$-M B* g t- l-R-$-MS$ _]l l: O 31, 20-17.
E-V>$ l ^l$-MS$-s$. C JMS-Ol# E-V>-l- W-*l Ol#-$ ]l$ S-$-y. Cs-]l M>Z MS-$ {MS*-s-l$s V> A]l$-- G{sl st l: BVS $t 20, 20-17. l-Os:
A M>-i-Z Al$ -$-MS$ ^l$-M-]l-y-MS MS ^l*. ]lQV> -$]l -Ml OlQ.. MS--l]l$ --^lyl. As.. HOl JMS s- $-Z 10 "l$-l-f-' $t$
l M>MS--]l^l$a. M> -l$s M> {OyllZ >->-f-]lMS --MS$ M>-- MSO Bl-O s --^lyl. D s -^l {MS]l$Z l-R-$--
> A]l-M>->$ l- -$Z ]l$ --^l$-MS$.. H -VSZ l]l$-MS-fZ $-]l$ {VS*-$V> ]lY-MS-_ Bl-O-l $ A]l$---]l-]l$-]l#l* -l Ol->--lZ E]l ${ l$ VSl$ $-syl
>, -$ f. -l$-sZ E VS$-^. -l -VSZ Ol#- sP]l$ N ^l* M$-l$-. C -l ]l$-$Z l$ ($---)Z 10 "l$-l-f-' $t-MS$ l-R-$$
g >-ll BZ-^l-]l --l$]l$ -V> $ l$$-VS$---^l$-M-]l-y-MS VSstV> {$--^. sP-]l$ N-^l-]l A-$-MS$ -z--r$ MS-Z B Ol M$l* {MS-r]l l$-]l-yl.
]l*$a-M-]l-MSP-l$. Gl$-MSs.. Cyl$ -$$ Cl$-M {lMS S $-M-. B S MS]l A-$-. $t $: ylNs l$l-f (yl-G), l$l-f,
$ Al- > s MS--Zl A]l-M>->$ Ol#- #-]lMS$ l ^l M>MS$y.. -$ l$l-f (G--G), ylNs f]l-
Al$-MS$l $-l-r$-$ #-$$. {$l t--MS-l MS*y -^l ^l*$-M-. # P l$l-f (yl-i-G), Ayl--]l f]l- l$l-f
$$ ^l*--l EVS l-]lZ $ Al- l> $$ Cr-*MS$ f-O-]l-yl$ $ E-V>-l--Z E]l A-$$ ^l$-M--]l ]lQ (Hi-G).
W-^lyl. Cyl$ G g t RV> Eyl-MS$y ylj A-{VS-yl-l V> MS Ol#.. # P. -$$ M> {yllZ M>]l-y- ll]l: ylG $t-MS$ *.20,60-0-&-46,500; l$l-f--&*.24,90-0-&-50,500;
Cl$MS$ ^lMSPs --$V> $-$-. sZ ^l>$ Al ]l$-MS* A-{$ MS$-VS$-l$. MS C MS*y M>-Ol$ Ey^l$a. A-$$ MS -_ GG-&*.29,10-0-&-54,500; yli-G-&*.32,90-0-&-58,000; HiG $t-MS$
$ {O {MS$s ^l$-MS$.. $MS$]l P, MS JMS-Ol# C Z-_]l Ol#--]l$ l$$-VS$-$a- l]l$Z E]l # P k l$-MS$.. s ^l$-MS$- *.36,60-0-&-62,000.
P Pr* ]l$_ k-l$]l$ A-Zyl MS$-r*l -l VSZ gMS$ A]l--- l-l$MS$ S $-M-. ]lQV> MS]l--MS-l P, CW MSVS -V>$: l$s--$, l$t B--l, ]l*P-sVS (VS {yl-MSt-/-Oyl-/-r*
^l$yl. $ PMS$ -l*VS g]l$ l$ g Ol$]l -Ml P-O S $-Myl. ]lQV> P, s P, lV--$-l PZ B-l- S $-M-. Al tMS), ]l*P-sVS.
t $MS$ l-$-g-. s l ^l$-MS$- sMS-MS M$ -$$ Cyl$ s s-MSV> lV> Cyl$ ]lMS -$ Al->j-$ -]l--s {- ]l*---$: 20-17, O 6 sMS HiG $t-MS$ 48 H$, l$l-f $t-MS$
l-l$MS$ A]l---Ol$]l MS]l--MS-l P, Cl ]l*]l IKs A>Z Ol#-$ ^l$-MS$-l S u>-]l$ Ol Bl-O ^l$a. Bl$-MS -gq- ]l--j- 40 H$, ylG $t-MS$ 35 H$, $W-]l $t-MS$ 45 H$ $^l-MS*-yll$.
Cr* P l$a-Myl. $-M-. ^l$M]l^l$a. f-l -l-]l$ ]l-.
A-l$: -l -V>-]l$ A]l$--_ Cf--VS yl{X-/-G-H. -
{--]l $- $ EV>l ^l A$ $Z l$ r$ $t-]l$ A]l$--_ -l-]l l$MS$ E-V>-]l$-]l, ]l*$P >l
{$l {-$ yl{X M$---r$ sMS, GH ]ls {--]l M$ MSMS {l $. M>st A$$ yl{X N^l]l l>l l--.

-$-MS* Ol#- V> $--MS$ f--]lyl G l$$ ^l. B* $- ]l$_ gMS$ lR$ ^l$MS$l ]l$$ ]lMS$ ]l$lZ E]l GMS ]l: Cr*.
-MS$ f--]lyl > g --]l*-O A]l-V>-]l lyl, MlV> l ^l$- ]l]l.. l]l$ V>MS _ Ol#$ ^l$MS$l l-R$ k: *.100; G-/-G-t-/--yl-*-yl-/-G-MS-&----l$l A-$-MS$ k
M--]l Ol#- VS$_ l$-$-M-]l-y-MS BP -$. A-s-MSs ]lQV> l$MS$ E*W^l$M. s l$Z l$>a. l$.
{--]l $--MS$ f--]lyl > B* V>-Z #-$- l$V> {-^l Ayl$ {MS*rMS$ AO ]l$MS* ]l]l Hyl$l$. l-R$ ]l: Bl-O l-R$ ^l$-M-.
A]l-M> -$. A --l$Z EVS l-]lZ G l$$ ^l$. & {- ., s-&-]l--VS. l-R-$-MS$ _]l l: O 20, 20-17. l-Os:

Highest Paying Jobs l-l$ MS-^l

lZ Ml BZ-^l-]l- ]l*l ]l$ A^l V>
Data Scientist

Information Security Analyst
Computer System Analyst
Network & Computer Administrator
Web Developer
TopTrends ]ll tt MS- H>-r$MS$ MS-l$ ^l. ]l$-Ol#
II-s$, II-G M> {MS*-s-l$-sZ tt Ol#
-$$ lVS$Y ^l*#-l$-$. S ll-$ B ^l]l
GG-l--]l$ M>l tt B-MS$ O Ar$]l Q
MlV> {MS*s ^l$-MS$l Z tt MS-$ ^l* ]l$ Ml
A MSa--V> $ E-VSZ C$-yl--VS->? ? Al. A
$Z HOl -^-l l]l E? ? Al * Cr*
]l$$Zl l$-$-M E-V>$ C$-]lr$ l$ ^* yl
l $f. AVS l-l$ MS-^l A$Z H s E

Top Skills in Demand MS*y tt MS$ ^l*$. MS yl$]lyl A]l$-]l Eyl
MS*y GMS$Pl! Al tt M$-]l#$ M$-MS$l -$-MS$
User Interface Design Ml l-l$ MS-^l l #P $-$-^l$-MS$-sZ. tt
-l$ lMP-Z A{-]l$-ll A]l---]l$-]l #$ .

tt g..
Mobile Development Z l$ - V> All MS-M> s ]lP MSa. D
Web Architecture D l-lZ tt MS-Z MS PO MS.. Ol#--]l$
Cloud Computing MS*y $

Storage Systems and Management
Network and Information Security Project Manager in
MS Ml M>V> ]lQV> yl]l*--Os-g-l l>l tt
$ Jyl--yl$-MS$$ Gl$-P-r$--$l B-]l l-M.

Algarithm Design or Coding
Data Mining
Infrastructure Sector
Designers in Technology
OVSyl {$l -M>t, -yl s tt $ l$ Ml
M>-V> MS $ C$]l -. ]l$-M tt-$ HMSV>
P ^l.. MS t!
Digital Marketing Quality Testing in Technology ]ll--yl$-l$]l Ol]l. D Jyl-yl$-MS$-$ M-M>--l$-]l.. --
Banking, Financial Services Digital Architect l$Z tt- gZ$ VS A]l-M>--]l-l -M>-l$-&-h-l l-MS l-
Taxation Ways to Improve Your Career . 20-20 sMS lZ tt Q 10,50-0MS$ ^l$-l$-l.. 2 -S-
Beyond Money Job Tips to Learn From Debates MS$ OV> E-V>-]l-M>->$ --$ l-MS P.
Set a Career Goal Think Before Answer G]l-MS A]l$-MS*
Continue Learning Smile is The New Confidence
Think Like Present Your Opinion _- yl{X E-$~ ]l$_ -$ {--]l ]lMS$.. G]l-O
Entrepreneur Say it All But in Short tt M$-]l# M s y^l$a. Al l -V> Er*..
Network Be Well Prepared Ml -]l$ A]l-M>->-$V> ]l$-^l$-MS$l .. -r ]l$_ u>$
Essential Life Skills Seek a Mentor Mould Answers.. Not Questions l$a-MS$l l$.. P ^l Ol.. D S-$ E]l MS tt
Listening Groom Yourself M$]l#$ -l*-VS$--$ #-$$ *_-$-$. tt $ BMS ]l$ Gl? MSg VS$_
Will Power Early success in career? MS*y Cs Ml$ Al--$-.
Time HR Looks for These Qualities Compete --MS tt MS-Z ^l>- M tt-$
O]l lMSl
Management Patience at Work ~--^l$-M-]lyl MS V> P Gl$]l MSi {MS-s-_..
Honesty Trustworthy Have a tt gZ ^l>--]l$-MS$l A-$-MS$ O]l lMSl Eylr MS*yl$-MS$-]l-l-]ll l]l --. Al$Z 40 ]l$_ 50 >l
Creative Multi Tasking Skills Mentor ^ A]l-. VS Ps M yl $]ll ]l*rZ.. ""-t-t Al$MS D V> ~$ $-MS$l ]ll$ ]l*{ll$ ]lVSl$ *Z
Thinking Ambitious Be a L--MS$-MS$ P A]l--l$.. M>, *s-r*yl ]l$ ]lQ. l A-$$ B* -MS$]l BMS ]l$ A-$-. $VS
Public Team Player Silent BZ-^l-]l-MS$, lMS--MS ls ]l*PsZ ]l l$. ls ylh-r VS$_ l$-$-M-]lyl ^ A]l-. l DMS-s$, tMS
Speaking Positive Attitude Observer VSZ Oll BZ-^l-]l-MS$ ]l*{ll$ A]l-M> E-''. >]l$]l Hy tt Z E-VS$ Q 20 ]l$_ Bl MSs-# *Z
Negotiating Focus on Ultimate Goal M>Z sM>-i, {ylMSt l$l-g-l$s sZ MlV> {MS*-s-l$s 50 ]l$l-Zl EsZ. M^l ylVS A-$-. A]l$--
Reading More This Jobs Need an Upgrade Solve Conflicts in a Smart Way ^lrt-]l$-]lr$ B$]l l-$. ]l$ Bl-Ol ls l$yl GMS$P-l] V> Es D Q 100 ]l$_ 150 _ A-$$.. l]l$ ]l
Learning a New Language Product manager in FMCG sector Spot Opportunities Before ys M>l$ -MS$yl$ { ]l*s-yl$l*.. A-$Z ]l ]l$lZ Er$. D Q]l$ l$-$-M- A]l-->$, MS-$
Stress Management Data analyst in FMCG sector Others *s-r*yl, --MSl, l l-l S--]l$ -VS--]l-ZMS ]lyl > tt ]l$]l$-VSyl O A^l MSi $-l-]l$
Making Friends Chief digital officer in BFSI sector Build and Value Your Contacts $-MS$-r$-]lr$ l-$. JMS A^l-MS$ >^l$a. VS$_ l$-$-M-.
A]ll# l B l
14 l O l 16 l 2017

What is the average number of vehicles..

B. Ravipal Reddy earned by Company E, F and G together in Directions (1115): Study the following line
2003 and 2004 (in Rs Crore)? graph and answer the questions based on it.
Director, SIGMA,
1) 70
4) 82
2) 75 3) 78
5) None of these BANK 180
Vehicles made by two companies

No. of Vehicles ( in thousands)

3. What is the ratio between the profit earned 160

X Y CHARTS by Company C in 2003 and 2004 together POs, Clerks 140


The Data Interpretation is very scoring section

and the profit earned by Company E in the
same two years mentioned above?
Special 100
if you can do calculations fast. Always 1) 11:9 2) 9:10 3) 10:11 Quantitative
Quantitative 40 Y

remember that while doing the Data Inter- 4) 11:10 5) None of these Aptitude
Aptitude 20
pretation questions, just do the required 4. What is the average profit earned by all the 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

calculations and if calculations are lengthy, companies in the years 2003 (in Rs Crore, 11. What is the difference between the two
then try to find approximate values. correct up to two digits after decimal point)? 6. The number of students studying in the companies production in the given years?
Now we will discuss one of the important 1) 52.75 2) 53.86 3) 52.86 school during 1999 was? 1) 16000 2) 26000 3) 28000
topic in Data Interpretation is X- Y charts. 4) 53.55 5) None of these 1) 2950 2) 3000 3) 3100 4) 30000 5) None of these
5. Profit earned by the Company B in 2004 is 4) 3150 5) None of these 12. What is the difference between the
Directions (Q1-5): Study the following graph what percent of the profit earned by the 7. For which year, the percentage rise/fall in the numbers of vehicles manufactured by
carefully to answer these questions. same Company in 2003? number of students who left the school Company Y in 2000 and 2001?
Profit earned by seven companies during 2003 1) 133.33 2) 75 3) 67.66 compared to the previous year is maximum? 1) 21000 2) 22000 3) 23000
and 2004 (in Rs crore) (SBI Clerk 2008) 4) 75.25 5) None of these 1) 1997 2) 1998 3) 1999 4) 24000 5) None of these
(Profit = Income Expenditure) 4) 2000 5) None of these 13. What is the average number of vehicles
Directions(6-10): Study the following line 8. The strength of school increased/ decrea- manufactured by Company X over the
80 graph which gives the number of students sed from 1997 to 1998 by approximately given period?
70 who joined and left the school in the begin- what percent? 1) 119133 2) 119233
Profit earned (in Rs. Crore)

60 ning of year for six years, from 1996 to 2001. 1) 1.2% 2) 1.7% 3) 2.1% 3) 119333 4) 119433
Initial Strength of school in 1995 = 3000 4) 2.4% 5) None of these 5) None of these
9. The number of students studying in the school 14. In which of the following years, the
Number of students

500 in 1998 was what percent of the number of difference between the productions of
20 2004
400 students studying in the school in 2001? Companies X and Y was the maximum
0 200
1) 92.13% 2) 93.75% 3) 96.88% among the given years?
100 4) 97.25% 5) None of these 1) 1800 2) 1875 3) 1900
1. What is the ratio between the profit earned 0
10. The ratio of the least number of students 4) 2000 5) None of these
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
by Company A in 2004 and Company B in who joined the school to the maximum 15. The production of Company Y in 2000 was
2003? Number of students who joined number of students who left the school in approximately what percent of the
1) 4:3 2) 3:2 3) 3:4 the school any of the years during the given period is? production of Company X in same year?
4) 2:3 5) None of these Number of students who left the 1) 7:9 2) 4:5 3) 3:4 1) 163% 2) 164% 3) 165%
2. What is the difference between total profit school 4) 2:3 5) None of these 4) 166% 5) None of these

Key with Explanations 370 Clearly, the maximum percentage Total production of Company Y from
= = Rs.52.86 crore
1. Ans: 5 7 rise/fall is for 1997. 1997 to 2002
Profit earned by Company A in 2004 5. Ans: 2 8. Ans: 2 =139000+120000+100000+12800
= Rs 40 crore Profit earned by Company B in 2004 The number of students studying in 1997 0+107000+148000 = 742000
Profit earned by Company B in 2003 = Rs 30 crore = 3000 + (350 + 300) (250 + 450) = Difference = 742000 716000 = 26000
= Rs 40 crore Profit earned by Company B in 2003 2950 12. Ans: 1
Required ratio = 40 : 40 = 1 : 1 = Rs 40 crore The number of students studying in 1998 Required Difference = 128000 107000
2. Ans: 5 Required percentage = = 2950 + 450 400 = 3000 = 21000
Profit earned by Companies E, F and G in =
100 = 75%
Percentage increase in the strength of the 13. Ans: 3
2003 are Rs 50, 80 and 60 crores 40 school from 1997 to 1998 Average number of vehicles
respectively 6. Ans: 4 3000 2950
100 = 1.7% manufactured by Company X=
Hence, total profit earned in 2003 The number of students studying in the 2950 119000 + 99000 + 141000 + 78000 +120000 +159000
= 50 + 80 + 60 = Rs 190 crore school during 1999 9. Ans: 2 6
Profit earned by E, F and G in 2004 are = 3000 + (350+300+450+500) Required percentage 3000 100 = 93.75% = 119333.33 119333
Rs 40, 20 and 50 crores respectively (250+450+400+350) = 3150 3200 14. Ans: 4
Hence, total profit earned in 2004 7. Ans: 1 10. Ans: 4 Although if we have deep look on line chart
= 40 + 20 + 50 = Rs 110 crore The percentage rise/fall in the number of Required Ratio = 300 : 450 = 2 : 3 then we can judge that it was in year 2000
Required difference = 190 110 students who left the school (compared to Based on given X - Y Charts Lets also solve it,
= Rs 80 crore the previous year)during various years Year X Y For 1997 = (139000 119000) = 20000
3. Ans: 1 are: 1997 119 139 For 1998 = (120000 99000) = 21000
Profit earned by Company C in 2003 and 450 250 1998 99 120 For 1999 = (141000 100000) = 41000
For 1997: 100 = 80% (rise)
2004 together = 50 + 60 = Rs 110 crore 250 1999 141 100 For 2000 = (128000 78000) = 50000
Profit earned by Company E in 2003 and 450 400 2000 78 128 For 2001 = (120000 107000) = 13000
For 1998: 100% =11.11% (fall)
2004 together = 40 + 50 = Rs 90 crore 450 2001 120 107 For 2002 = (159000 148000) = 11000
Required ratio = 110 : 90 = 11 : 9 For 1999: 400 350 100% =12.5% (fall) 2002 159 148 Clearly the difference was maximum in
4. Ans: 3 400 11. Ans: 2 year 2000.
Required average 450 350 Total production of Company X from 15. Ans: 2
For 2000: 100% = 28.57% (rise)
20 + 40 + 50 + 70 + 50 + 80 + 60 350 1997 to 2002 = The required percentage
7 450 450 119000+99000+141000+78000 128000
For 2001: 100% = 0% 100 = 164.1 164%
450 +120000+159000 = 716000 78000 16, 2017- 07
39. ? 43. ?
1) 2) 1. 2.
3) 4) 3. 4.
40. , ? 44.
1) 2) 3) 4) ?
41. ? 1) 2) ,
1) 2) 3) 4)
3) 4) 45. ?
42. ? 1) 2)
1) 109 2) 110 3) 111 4) 112 3) 4)

& 3) 4)

1. 2017 ? 1) 2)
3) 4)
27. 2011-12
3) ,
4) ?
. ?
1) 9 2) 10 3) 11 4) 12

1-4, 2-1, 3-1, 4-4, 5-2, 6-3,
1) 2) ? 7-3, 8-1, 9-2, 10-1, 11-3, 12-3,
3) 4) 1) 12 2) 13 13-2, 14-1, 15-4, 16-1, 17-1, 18-1,
3. 2017 3) 15 4) 16 19-2, 20-1, 21-4 , 22-2, 23-3, 24-3,
. 29. 25-4, 26-1, 27-1, 28-1, 29-1, 30-3,
? . ? 31-1, 32-3 , 33-1, 34-3, 35-1 , 36-4,
1) 12 2) 5 3) 7 4) 7 1) 15 2) 16 37-4, 38-2, 39-1, 40-1, 41-2, 42-1,
? 43- 4, 44-1, 45-4,
4. 1) 6000 2) 6028 3) 6025 4) 6002 3) 17 4) 18
14. 2017 30.
? . .
1) 1984 2) 1985 3) 1986 4) 1983 ? 31
5. ? 1) 1867 2) 1868 3) 1866 4) 1869
? 1) 1073 2) 1076 3) 1074 4) 1072
1) 2) 15. . ?
1) 2) 3) 4)
3) 4) ? 31
6. . 1) 2) 32.
? .
? 3) 4)
1) 41 2) 59 3) 60 4) 61 16. 2000 15 ? 1) 2) 3) 4)
33. 13 , ,
7. 1) 2)
? 3) 4) ?
1) 2010 2) 2007 3) 2008 4) 2009 .
1) 2) 3) 4) 17. ,
8. . 31
? ? . ,
1) 2) 3) 4) 1) 24 2) 26 , ,
3) 30 4) 33
18. 10 .
? . ,
1) 2) 3) 4) .
19. . 96

? . : . 299/-
1) 2) ,
3) 4) :
20. , 040 - 24735376, 24606471.
. 34. 13
1) 2)
1) 1630 2) 1730 3) 1830 4) 2000
9. 12 21. 3) 4)
? ? 35. .
1) 2) 1. 2. ?
3) 4) 3. 4. 1. 2 3. 4. .
10. 12 22. , 36. ?
? . ? 1) 12
1) 2) 3) 4) 1) 1769 2) 1889 3) 1689 4) 1500 2) 9 . - 1,
11. 23. ? 3) -2 ,
? 1) 2) 4) ,
1) 2) 3) 4) 37. 20 , 5
3) 4) 24. , ? .
12. , 1) 1993 2) 1994 3) 1995 4) 1992 .
? ? 38. .
1) 2) 1) 62 2) 63 3) 65 4) 64 , ,
3) 4) 25. ? ? :
13. 1) 2) 1) 10 2) 12 3) 13 4) 14 040 - 27429494, 9963293399.
08 16, 2017-

Gurukula Mains
Mathematics Grand Test
1. What is the value of M and N 14. A tree is 12m tall and casts an 8m long
respectively? If M39048458N is shadow. At the same time a flag pole
divisible by 8 and 11; where M and N casts a 100m long shadow. How long is
are single digit integers? the flag pole?
a. 7, 8 b. 8, 6 c. 6, 4 d. 5, 4 a. 150m b. 200m c. 125m d. 115m
Ans: c ans: a
25. Each interior angle of a regular
2. The H.C.F. of two numbers is 23 and 15. A tree increases annually by 1/8 of its
polygon is 4/5 times of two right angles.
the other two factors of their L.C.M. height. By how much will it increase
The number of sides of that regular BV Ramana
are 13 and 14. The larger of the two after 2 years, if its stands today 64cm
polygon are. Director AKR Study circle,
numbers is: high?
a. 10 b. 12 c. 8 d. 15 Tandur, Vikarabad (D)
a. 276 b. 299 c. 322 d. 345 a. 72cm b. 74cm c. 75cm d. 81cm
ans: a
Ans: c ans: d 9441022571
26. The point that is nearest to origin in
3. What is the prime factorization for 260? 16. The cost price of an article is Rs.800.
(4,1), (-3,2), (1,3) and (3,4) is
a. 22513 b. 2265 After allowing a discount of 10%, a
a. (2,3) b. (1,5) c. (1,3) d. (-1,-5) onto a solid sphere. Then the radius of
c. 21013 d. 2526 gain of 12.5% was made. Then, the
ans: a the sphere is
ans: a marked price of the article is
27. If the point (x,y) is equidistant from a. 7cm b. 14cm c. 21cm d. 3.5cm
4. If the coefficient of (2r + 4)th and (r - a. Rs.1000 b. Rs.1100
(2,1) and (1, -2) then ans: c
2)th terms in the expansion of (1+x)18 c. Rs.1200 d. Rs.1300
a. x+3y = 1 b. x+3y = 0 39. The number of balls, each of radius
are equal then find the value of r. ans: a
c. x+2y = 0 d. x+2y = 1 1cm can be made from a solid sphere of
a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6 17. In how many ways, the letters in the
ans: b radius 8cm is
ans: d word ARMOUR can be arranged?
28. If (2,1), (4,3), (-2,5) are the three a. 216 b. 64 c. 512 d. 8
5. If D is an point on the side BC of a a. 360 b. 480 c. 120 d. 320
vertices of a square in order then the ans: c
triangle ABC, such that DF, DE are ans: a
fourth vertex is 40. Volumes of two spheres are in the ratio
drawn parallel to AC to AB meeting 18. if np3 = 9240, then the value of n is
a. (-4,3) b. (3,-1) c. 4 d. (-1, -2) 64:27. Then the ratio of their surface
AC at E and AB at F. EF meets BC a. 18 b. 12 c. 22 d. 36
ans: a areas is
produced in O. Then OD = ans: c
29. The centroid of a triangle two of whose a. 16:9 b. 16:7 c. 1:7 d. 1:4
a. (AExDC) b. (OBxBD) 19. If the roots of the quadratic equation
vertices are (4,-8), (-9,7) is (0,0). The ans: a
c. (OBxOC) d. (AExEC) (b-c)x2+(c-a)x+(a-b)=c are equal, then
area of the triangle in sq.units is. 41. In a horse race the odds in favour of
Ans: c a. b=a+c b. ab=c
a. 44 b, 66 c. 132 d. 22 three horses are 1:2, 1:3 and 1:4. The
6. If P = (x,2); Q = (8, 6) and PQ2 = 25, c. 2b=a+c d. a+b+c=0
ans: b probability that one of the horse will
then the value of x is ans: c
30. A number when divided by leaves a win the race is
a. 5 or 11 b. 1 or -3
remainder 3. When the square of the a. 37/60 b. 47/60 c. d.
c. -5 or -1/2 d. None of the above
same number is divided by 6, the ans: b
Ans: a
remainder is. 42. The variance of the data 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 is
7. The ratio in which the plane 2x-3y+6z
a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3 a. 6 b. 7 c. 8 d. None of these
= 5 divides the line joining (2,3,-1) and
ans: d ans: c
(-1,4,1) is
31. Each interior angle of a regular 43. Word 'UNIVERSITY' is arranged
a. 16:7 internally b. 16:7 externally
polygon is times of two right angles. randomly. Then the probability that
c. 2:3 internally d. 3:2 internally
The number of sides of that regular both 'I' does not come together, is
ans: b
polygon are a. 3/5 b. 2/5 c. 4/5 d. 1/5
8. The length of a rectangle is twice the
a. 10 b. 12 c. 8 d. 15 ans: c
diameter of a circle. The circumference
ans: a 44. If 2cos2 - 2sin2 =1, then =
of the circle is equal to the area of a
32. The extremities of a diagonal of a a. 60o b. 45o c. 15o d. 30o
square of side 22cm. What is the 20. For the constraints of a L.P. problem
square are (1,-2,3) and (2,-3,5), then the ans: d
breadth of the rectangle if its perimeter given by x1+2x2 2000, x1+x2 1500,
length of the side of the square is 45. In a ABC, if (3-1)a = 2b, A=3B then
is 668 cm? x2 600 and x1 , x2 0 and which one
a. 2 units b. 4 units C is
a. 24cm b. 26cm c. 52cm of the following poins does not lie in the
c. 3 units d. 23 units a. 60o b. 120o c. 30o d. 135o
d. Cannot be determined positive bounded region.
ans: c ans:b
ans: b a. (1000, 0) b. (0, 500)
33. Circumcentre of the triangle formed by 46. Which of the following is a
9. The coefficient of variation of two c. (2, 0) d. (2000, 0)
(2,-5), (2,7), (4,7) is Pythagorean triplet?
distributions are 60 and 70. The ans: d
a.(2,3) b. (3,2) c. (1,3) d. (3,1) a. (2, 3, 5) b. (5, 7, 9)
standard deviation are 21 and 16 21. The true statement for the graph of in
ans: d c. (6, 9, 11) d. ((8, 15, 17)
respectively, then their mean is equations 3x+2y 6 and 6x+4y 20 is
34. The length of tangent drawn from the ans:d
a. 35, 22.85 b. 23, 27.35 a. Both graphs are disjoint
point (6,-7) to the circle 3x2 + 3y2- 7x - 47. What least number must be added to
c. 28.25, 32.5 d. 22.85, 42.75 b. Both do not contain origin
6y - 12=0 is 6072 to make it a perfect square?
ans: d c. Both contain point (1, 1)
a. 73 b. 81 c. 73 d. 9 a. 6 b. 10 c. 12 d. 16
10. If Tan A = 1/2, Tan B = 1/3 than cos 2A d. None of these
ans: d ans:c
a. SinB b. Sin2B c. Sin3B d. Sin4B ans: a
35. The rectangle contained by intercepts 48. 0.00059049 is equal to
ans: b 22. Two circles of radii 5cm and 3cm
made by any tangent to a hyperbola a. 0.243 b. 0.0243
11. Three sets of English, Mathematics and intersects at two points and the
xy=c2 on its asymptotes is. c. 0.00243 d. 0.000243
science books containing 336, 240 and distance between their centres is 4cm.
a. c2 b. 2c2 c. 4c2 d. 8c2 ans: b
96 books respectively have to be Find the length of common line
ans: c 49. The cube root of .000216 is:
stacked in such a way that all the books segment.
36. The chord of a hyperbola, which a. 0.6 b. 0.06 c. 0.77 d. 0.87
are stored subject - wise and the height a. 8cm b. 4cm c. 3cm d. 2cm
touches the conjugate hyperbola are ans: b
of each stack is the same. Total number ans: b
bisected at 50. In a group of 60 people, 27 like cold
of stacks will be. 23. AB and CD are two chords of a circle
a. Focus b. Point of contact drinks and 42 like hot drinks and each
a. 14 b. 21 c. 22 d. 48 such that AB=6cm, CD=12cm and
c. Vertex d. Centre of the hyperbola person likes at least one of the two
ans: a AB//CD. If the distance between AB
ans: b drinks. How many like both coffee and
12. What is the least number which when and CD is 3cm, find the radius of the
37. The diameter of a circle is equal to the tea?
diminished by 5 is divisible by each one circle.
perimeter of a square whose area is a. 9 b. 10 c. 11 d. 12
of 21, 28, 36, 45? a. 9cm b. 8cm c. 7cm d. 6.7cm
3136 sq.cms. What is the circumference ans: 9
a. 425 b. 1259 c. 1260 d. 1265 ans: d
of the circle? 51. In a class, there are 15 boys and 10
ans: d 24. One interior angle of the regular
a. 352cms b. 704cms
13. If (k+2), (4k-6) and (3k-2) are the decagon is xo more than one interior girls. Three students are selected at
c. 39425cms d. Cannot be determined random. The probability that 1 girl and
consecutive terms of an A.P. then the angle of the regular octagon. Then the
ans: b
value of k is. value of xo is 2 boys are selected, is:
38. A cubical solid block of metal 49cm x
a. 2 b. 1 c. 0 d. 3 a. 10o b. 9o c. 12o d. 6o a. 21/46 b. 25/117 c. 1/50 d. 3/25
44cm x 18cm is melted and formed ans: a
ans: d ans: b
12 -- - --C 16 -V-j 2017
- K.V. Rao
3, 4) l-iC.
Q: Sir, please translate the underlined words in the follow- 5) -x y d h-uC.
ing sentences into Telugu. 6) vd O . C \.
1. He's not quite six feet tall, which is short for a boxer. 7) - @ \- J-TC. d u-i N
2. I don't think he's young, he must be pushing 50. (to all intents and purposes), - -oA *a-x.
3. Dinner is just about ready.
- M. Kamesh, B. Ampaiah, Tadipatri
4. The dinner is practically ready.
5. After 4 years, the building ready all about completed. Q: Sir, please explain the meanings of the following 949
6. I signed the contract. The house as good as mine. proverbs in Telugu.
7. He had a big pay rise, so to all intents and purposes, 1) A thumbnail sketch
he had been promoted. 2) Speak of the devil and he is there O -v-o- --Lq- -*--...
A: 1) Jh 6 - , -E - A: 1) A thumbnail sketch - uh/ h u-i ~- -p- --Tx-, -v-A- -N-,
q -Lq h . L g, N-- --- u--, - --@ -t -,
2) *o--E -- . _ _ 50 x 2) Speak of the devil and he is there - t-_-E --- , -f ->-x.
Email your questions to:
-aE ----o. J* x---o-p \- h .

Cold water... is not so pleasant!


- M. Suresan

- Prabhas Raju - C. Jagadeesh, Vizag. - R. Raghava

Q: Sir, what is the difference between the fol- Q: Sir, please let me know the meanings of Q: Sir, please explain the meanings in Telugu.
lowing and where we use this words? the following words in Telugu. 1) Ramp up 2) Shut in
i) Never - neverever 1) Critically 2) Initially 3) Dig out 4) On - board
ii) Cool water- cold water 3) Aptly 4) Nonchalantly A: 1) Ramp up = , u u--
A: i) Never = Never ever = Not at anytime. 5) Cocktail 6) Attentively n h--. Eg: The
Never ever is stronger than never. 7) Literally company has planned to increase its pro-
ii) Cool water is water is cool enough to 8) Obviously duction to 10,000 units.
drink with comfort. Cold water, on the 9) Elegantly 2) Shut in = uhE C d C-.
other hand, is not so pleasant / easy to Eg: The police shut in the thief.
A: 1) Critically = N-z--t-/ v-
drink. 3) Dig out = h--j Ny B.
Q: Sir, shall we use both this words in one iv) More rivers in South America are J-n-A
Eg: They dug out the soil in front of their
sentence? longer than the rivers in the other 2) Initially = v-
house and found some gold ornaments.
i) Many - More ii) Many - Many areas. 3) Aptly = J_
4) On - board = j , wj
iii) Many - Longer iv) More - Longer Q: You are to pay Rs.6,000/ You have to pay 4) Nonchalantly = * -
A: i) We can, of course. Many of the teachers Rs.6,000 - What is the difference? And 5) Cocktail = A mixture of a number of
Q: Sir, please explain the following proverbs.
in the school are more popular than which is correct? alcoholic drinks (NN h F- -
1) To cut the corners
those in the other schools. A: Both are correct. Both the sentences mean ).
2) When pigs fly
ii) Many residents in the area are facing almost the same. However, when you say, 6) Attentively = vl
many problems. A: 1) To cut the corners - EE u -
'You are to pay Rs 6000, it means an order. 7) Literally = n
iii) Many of them stayed here for a longer When you say, 'You must pay Rs. 6000 - it
, , u y .
8) Obviously = -h C
time than the others. may be an order/ duty/ necessity. 2) When pigs fly - j J -
9) Elegantly = W-
- Tarun Nagaraju ii) What are the difference between the sen-

Q: Sir, are these sentences grammatically cor-
A: When you refer to one difference, 'What is
the difference between the sentences' is
i) Many more happy returns of the day correct. If you refer to more than one dif-
ii) Many longer you live 1. Submerge = Cause to be under water
ference, 'What are the differences between
A: i) Many more happy returns of the day - (Fx ET ).
the sentences' is correct.
correct. Eg: Because of the cyclone, the low-lying
Q: What is the difference between the follow-
ii) This is wrong. The correct sentence is, areas of the city are submerged.
ing? i) I hope you are answer the letter.
'May you live longer'. Submerge Float ()
ii) I hope you have answer the letter.
Q: Sir, which one is correct? When we don't Eg: Many objects were floating on the
A: Both the sentences are wrong. The correct
know how many corrections are there flood water.
sentences are: a) I hope you will answer the
i) What is the difference between the sen- letter, and b) I hope you have answered the 2. Rejoice = Feel very happy (--).
Eg: His parents rejoiced at his success in Eg: Mathematics is an integral part
tences? letter.
the IAS exam. of school syllabus.
Rejoice Regret / be sad (*A-) Integral Inessential (Not so important -
- C. Srinu, Visakhapatnam A: 1) Suicide hit = t--u s
Eg: I deeply regret his failure in the exam. vu E).
2) Wholesale markets = u
Eg: Several schools think physical exercise
3. Faint = Become unconscious (p %
u , l h t).
p)/ be weak (F- ). is an inessential part of the syllabus.
3) Down - the - line = y p 5. Surrender = i) Yield (T--).
Examples: a) She fainted on hearing the
Eg: After a bitter fight, the army of the
p-E -.
Eg: Somewhere down the line he may be news of her father's death.
Faint Conscious (p % ) country surrendered to the enemy.
caught for theft (p p
Surrender Resist (E-C-)
- E -
- - -E d- - - a). b) They had walked a long distance and
were faint (weak) because they had Eg: They resisted the enemy's attack with
4) Hardship = d. Eg: She had to face many
nothing to eat. all their strength.
hardships to get her children educated.
Faint Robust (Very strong - ii) Give away (a-).
5) Cope with = d--. Eg: My mother is
Eg: We surrender one half of our ticket at
unable to cope with the rush of guests. ).
c) He is a man of robust health. 'Faint' has the cinema hall to the gate keeper.
Q: Sir, please explain the meanings in Telugu.
Surrender Retain ( _ --).
1) Suicide hit 2) Wholesale markets '-p- --Tx- - -*- ---.. several other meanings.
Eg: We retain the other half of the ticket
4. Integral = Be an important part of some-
3) Down-the-line 4) Hardship thing / inseparable ( h- N-D-E with us.
5) Cope with
--C 16 -V-j 2017 -- - 13

--- -- 2017
No. of Questions: 150
2 --- Maximum Marks: 150 Time: 2.30 Hrs

(-E-o- --) 60. C-- v ju l oC? 82. (i) He was ill (ii) He was absent
The combined form of the above sentences
1) A *o y, l y
47. '-g-i a ----p D`---- begins with ....
Jh--- 1) On account of... 2) Inspite of ...
C C -C* Jh-. 2) x--
1) g C 2) C 3) Besides being .... 4) Though....
3) ~ ---u- ---
83. The word "Calf" is ....
3) v- 4) -g-D-`-C 4) --G--*E Nun x L-T-
1) a disease 2) a plant
48. --Lx --- v-G-*
Part - III 3) an animal 4) a person
84. The sentences labelled a, b, c, d and e are
1) u- 2) vO- Language - 2 70. She can solve this problem. (The underlined
jumbled. Identify the correct order.
3) 4) v--N word shows...)
English 1) Purpose 2) Conviction
a) Sirisha planted it
49. 'O l -E n N? b) Now, she is enjoying the fruits.
61. If it hadn't been for your help, I don't 3) Will 4) Ability
1) O-K 2) C- c) Once Prajwala gave a plant as a birthday
know......... (Choose the correct answer) 71. "Radha has given me a gift".
3) N 4) gift to Sirisha.
1) what I'd done 2) what I'd had done If you start the sentence with "I" the sen-
50. N, N AJ-T v Sx Sx d) Sirisha and Prajwala are good friends.
3) what I'd have done tence will be....
e) Then she took care of that plant with love.
1) I was given a present by Radha.
A---E B C? 4) what I'd have been done
1) - 2) ~-v- 1) d, c, a, e, b 2) b, a, d, c, e
62. Ashoka, the king is greatest of all tragic 2) I have given a present by Radha.
3) E 4) h- characters .... 3) d, b, e, a, c 4) a, c, d, e, b
3) I have been given a present by Radha.
51. v -u Eo C--u Jh-h? The comparative degree of the sentence is ... 85. Choose the correct form of leave taking for
4) I have given a present to Radha.
1) - 2) -n u-- the letter which you start addressing as
1) Ashoka, the king is a great tragic charac- 72. A teetotaller is the one who does not drink
"Dear Madam".
3) -- 4) D_ ter. or consume...
1) Yours lovingly 2) Yours faithfully
52. p '< d- Y. F 2) Ashoka, the king is a greater tragic char- 1) tea, coffee 2) non-alcoholic drinks
acter. 3) Yours affectionately 4) Yours obediently
--J J-N ...? 3) milk 4) alcoholic beverages
3) Ashoka, the king is greater than some 86. How many syllables are there in the word
1) n u u- 2) n-\{ 73. Mr. Sunil has been ...... LLB student since
other tragic characters. Autobiography?
3) n--{ 4) uh 2012.
4) Ashoka, the king is greater than any other 1) 4 2) 5 3) 6 4) 7
53. '-- d d -J 1) a 2) an 3) old 4) new
tragic character. 87. Reading Railway time table is example of...
74. Manoj is a friend ...... dogs.
Eo \ - G-h o 63. Of, all the words given below one is given 1) Skimming 2) Skipping
1) towards 2) with 3) of 4) for
uf t C u? entry in the dictionaries. Identify it. 3) Intensive Reading 4) Scanning
1) ~ 2) vu~ u 75. Identify the correct word to fill in the blank.
1) Lieutenant 2) Lieutienant 88. The Govt of Telangana conducted DSC
''You are wasting a lot of time watching T.V.
3) u u 4) Pxd u 3) Leutenant 4) Leiutenant examination in descriptive form instead of
You .......... concentrate on you studies".
54. '-- C ? 64. Identify the two words/ phrases which can objective form without giving prior informa-
1) will 2) may 3) ought 4) must
1) -- y- t-- fill in the blanks in the sentences "He ........ tion to candidates. Then the test is....
76. Identify the correct question to get the
2) h---y- t-- when the bell ...'' 1) Valid test 2) Not valid test
answer given...
3) - y- t-- 1) writing - rang 2) was writing - ranged 3) Reliable test 4) Not reliable test
Question: .....?
3) was write - ranged 89. Communicative approach developed as an
4) %B p- Answer: She has been here for two decades.
4) was writing - rang extention to:
55. - E a -J- - 1) How long did she live here?
65. What do you say when you see a man who 1) National syllabus
i a ? 2) How long has she been here?
is eight feet tall? 2) International syllabus
1) -n- J a -J----- 3) How long she has been here?
1) How tall he is! 2) How tall is he! 3) National functional syllabus
2) t-~-- --E - - 4) She has been here how long time?
3) How tall she is! 4) How big is he! 4) All the above
77. Tulasi said "I have been working on this
90. Who wrote the book "Modification of

66. (i) Ramani likes singing. novel for two years now".
3) -- d u- - Teacher Behaviour Through
(ii) She likes dancing. The Indirect speech of the above statement
4) v J a-J----- Microteaching''?
Identify the correct sentence you will get if is...
56. --A -u- a v-G---T you combine the above sentences. 1) Allen 2) M.C. Donald
1) Tulasi said that she had been working on
s C? 1) Ramani likes singing and as well as danc- 3) D.S. Kothari 4) Dr. N.L. Desowja
that novel for two years.
1) Nu-n -- No y ing. 2) Tulasi said that she had been working on Part - IV
2) N---- -o y 2) Ramani likes dancing and singing. this novel for two years now. Social Studies
3) u u - vh-N-* y 3) Ramani likes singing but dancing too. 3) Tulasi said that she had been working on
4) N-Eo Jh C-* y 4) Ramani likes singing and she likes danc- this novel for two years then. 91. v ~- Eo -h?
57. N--E C ----? ing as well as. 4) None of the above 1)
-u- 2) \--
1) %u 2) %u v 67. Identify the correct question tag for the 78. Identify the meaning of the phrasal verb 3) -- 4) -J\-
statement. I've met you before..... underlined in the sentence. 92. N-Q-- x p y-?
3) ~ t 4) v
1) have I? 2) didn't I? Lakshman takes after his mother. 1) To y- 2) y-
58. -- E -- y,
3) isn't it? 4) haven't I? 1) Likes 2) Resembles 3) y- 4) Pd y-
u y ---J C-h
68. Identify the sentence which contains a
/ u E G-v---C
? gerund.
3) Admires 4) Dislikes
79. "Shall I bring a cup of coffee for you?"
1) She has been learning French for years The "Language function" of the sentence 47-4 55-2 63-1 71-3 79-1 87-4
1) --v-t 2)
2) I saw him dancing is......
3) uo 4) 48-3 56-3 64-4 72-4 80-1 88-2
3) Smoking is injurious to health 1) Making an offer 2) Asking question
59. --q -C* n u \ 49-3 57-4 65-1 73-2 81-1 89-3
4) Why are you sitting infront of my house? 3) Helping purpose 4) Seeking permission
y Nu-n N Nc- 50-1 58-1 66-2 74-3 82-1 90-4
69. "Before the doctor came, the patient had 80. My car had a ...... at the middle of the main 51-2 59-3 67-4 75-4 83-3 91-1
died" of the above two past actions choose
-C--- v ~u C...?
1) u 2) u the first completed action. 52-3 60-1 68-3 76-2 84-1 92-4.
1) break down 2) break out
3) -- 4) u 1) The patient had died 53-2 61-3 69-1 77-1 85-2
3) break off 4) break up
54-1 62-4 70-4 78-2 86-3
-O --G-v-- --Lq- -- -- 2) Before the doctor came
3) Two actions completed same time
81. Choose the right prefix to make the word
"fortune". 4) Can't say 1) Un...... 2) Dis...... 3) Miss...... 4) In...... (-N- -v-o- - -@-x)
6 . {r- . ->-
~ys+ 16
E, 2017

. B{t--* y. G-*-M>-$
y. f- 38. >- G-$ B -M s ^$--
25. >gV$$ A$-$-ZM _a--y$ ^$a? ( G)
Z E-? (G) G. G---
G. 22 V>-$,395 A-M--$ .JMP- *{-$
. 23 V>- $,392 A-M---$ . y$--$
. 24 V>- $,400 A-M---$ y. H-M>-$
y.25 V>- $,450 A-M---$ 39. ky--$ *Mt-f AM>->
1. >^ $$y$? (G) . $$$ 26. g$ *---M$P M$- ^rt A$-$-Z- _? (G)
G. ZM M y. H-M>-$ () M _a H? (G) G. $--Q
. { $$* 13.Mf A$ -M --$r --Z A? G. 1993 . 1994 . $--Q-${
. $$ $$RM> G. i A $$W# () . 1995 y. 1996 . {---$-$*-
y. OM $$RM> . *--Z $$W# 27.> V$ $$^ry$ D M y. H-M>-$
2. >gV-$$-M$ y - H .Z . B k M>-{M-* $$W# Z G {y$? (G) 40. --Z 356 Bt-M M
f-W-- ? (G) y. H-M>$ G. > $$Q${ _--? (G)
G. 1952 . 1953 14. D {M Z H $-$ yj-s M - . { $$* G. >----
. 1954 y. 1995 $r$Z {---y--$.? (G) . { ${ . g$ A-- --
3.9 {- G$ ? (G) G. AM$, -Msg---$ y. E> . AM A-- --
G. ..----->-# . B-M--$ 28.> >i* { GM A^$? y. H-M>-$
. >i--V> . B-M--$, A---$s $ G. {${ 41.M ^eM$ Mr-V-y--s- $--y s
. g--$$ y. H-M>-$ . E> () H? ()
y. G-$-M>-$ 15. $$ {M-s^-y-M {Z-^-y- . {${ G. *y-*-
4.{-M> $ JM .....? () M ^rt--V> G-M A-M> E. ? (G) y. $s .-$M>-
G. >gV- - G. >- 29. M y > G$? () . M-sZ
. ^rt---$O - . {--${ G. ..W y. {-h--
. ^rtM>- . --${ . G.>M~ t 42 >---M> E->----M> A$--r$Z -
y. M{-{-$$MPQ y. Z${ . iyz y$ G$ B - ---$?
5. Cy* JM y--,G$-^---s? (G) 16. >gVZ $$r G y*-$ Ey- y. {M$- B A- G.${M$t{---$-$*- (G)
G. >gV > A-M> -f-- A-M>- ? () 30. E> M>$? (G) .{-- ${
>$ y$ M>-O (M{,->-) {$- G. 7 .8 G. 5 $ . M-$
-$yr - y. >f- yNs ^O-
. >- {f-^ G$-M--y--y$. 43. {${ G$ $ $$?
. HM-M- M-W$-Q MWEy$r-
6. ZM- M$ $$$ >--V> --_
M? ()
. {f$
. ZM
G. ..W . 9 y. 10 . 6 $ y. > (y)
. G.>M~ 17. {$ ${--YZ $--Q- . 2 $ 44. $$rt-$$-s {- $-$_----
. iyz ${? (G) y. 65 $28. $? (G)
y. >g{{ G. .B-.-A-P- 31.> i V$_ M Z G. V---f---
7. $$,${-$,-M--M OM-$tZ 1862Z . A$--M- M>? () . >-
-y OM-$t H? (G) . --$--s- G. $r$ B* A $ . V>
G. A----M-$t y. .M.-{M-~-$-- . BM A M>Z y. {s {-
. A--- 18.ZM---M$,->-f--M$ >- $-s ^ i$ WY$. 45. Gts A-V>? (G)
. V$-*-$ $ Q? (G) . yjsZ {MV> ^*y$$ G. >--{M$
y. H-M>$ G. 14 . 16 y. $s $_ ^$. . M>-->--M--Q
8. {$ y*z M$$ $$$ y*z V . 18 y. 12 32.India, That is Bhar shall be a union of States . $--Q
M ZM--Z f ^$-yz r Q 19.-$r$ > V$_ >gV H A >gVZ H A-M- Pr$? y. ---Q
G? (G) A-M- --$? (G) G. 1 . 2 46. V M$- yNs ^O G-$? (G)
G. 84,47 G. 79 . 69 . 3 y. 4 (G) G. *s-M-V
. 81,45 . 59 y. 49 33. IM->-f--$-Z {MV> ^ ? . --V
. 79,43 20.^$MP-V$$ V {$ B^ *--? (G) G. *s-{V . rj->y . $--{sZ-y
y. 77,41 G. SM - . O- y. H-M>-$ (G) y. V->-f-
9. $$ B y-{-s-yV> E--^-y . {-N--M-$O *-- 34. >gZ H {M- ${M$tM 47. >gVZ *V>-M>->tV> $--y
N >- G-$? (G) . O y$ M-W? (G) V-$$? (G)
G. M.B-.->->-$- y. O y* M># G. 143 .144 G. t&3
. A$--M- 21.{ ^aM$ M^ A-M--? () . 145 y. 146 . t&4
. - >-{M-~- G. 14 . 16 35. >gVZ H y*-Z > M{-- . t&5
y. H-M>$ . 19 y. 32 { $ E-$$? (y-) y.t&6
10. A->j-$ $-Z $-$*-$ 22. >---- E >Z yjs A$$ ^ G. 1 .2 48."MV' .>--M-M- A $ H$
Q? (G) A-M> -M$r$? () . 3 y. 4 ^-$$ A A----$-M$-y$? (G)
G. 15 .18 G. M{Z${ 36. $$V yOMt * yV> {M-s_ k? G. .g.---M
. 20 y. 22 . M{*-$${ G. 16&8&1946 . >----Z-
11. 356 {M- >- $$-s-- . >-- .8&6&1946 . f--->$
V> H >{tZ ^-$.? () y.V--$ . 6&8&1946 y.G-*-M>-$
G. M- 23.C-s-M ---Z G - G-M$ y. H-M>-$ (G) 49. -- >gV {--MM$ C--M$ G-
. g- f-V>-$$? (y-) 37. $---Z {g {*-f- $ - f-W--? (G)
. E--{- G. 12 . 13 f {---rt--y--y$ { $- G. 1 . 2 . 3 y.4
y. f$*-M>-- . 14 y.15 $* G-$? (G) 50. -- >gV$$M$ C--M$ G M
12. M{ {$- V $ H ? 24.>g--M -- E->-- A-$y$ D G. .G-.--V-- -V>$ ^>a-$.? (y-)
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