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TRADITIONS OF AGTOR's FACTORY Circle is described as atime of relaxation for the cast and crew of the production. It is a time to finally slow down and appreciate the job and the people you have worked with for the past two to three montns. Circle begins the first night of Tech. week. Once you have your makeup and costume on. have checked for your props and have made last minute preparations you are asked to go out in 400 or 300 hallways or in the chapel for QUIET TIME. QUIET TIME is a time when you just get a hold of yourself, study your lines & notes, and concentrat, : become your character. Circle begins around 6:30pm or a quarter till 7:oopm on performance nights. Yhursday night is Ms. Lewis's night to thank and welcome evervone and to read Clay's poem Don't Quit. Friday night the oldcomers a11 say something nice to all of the newcomers to A.F. Also on Friday night one of the officers wil) collect $2.00 from everyone for flowers given out on Saturday. Saturday is circle no special things that have to be done. Sunday during Spring Musical, we s are gooubyes to seniors and others not returning next year. At circle, anyone may attend. You may bring a poem, song, Prayer or just say something at anytime. We ask that you would not bring anything that wali disrupt other's concentration. On Weds. night of Tech week after the dress rehersal the cast burns the notes for the whole performance and places them in a container(wine bottle, or a cosmetics bottle) and puts them in the makeup cabinet. After freshman matinee we all like to relax bofore the night performance. In the past we went to someones house and ate, played games, watched TV, relaxed, etc. ‘Then retura to school. The past two plays we have had to go to restuarants because of lack of houses being volunteered.

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