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at supra sie NATIONAL Archive: —srenssrera— CIA HAS HO GBsECID ‘ . 6 a te DECLASSIFICATION SN/OR gu ge f RELEASE OF THiS HOC REVIEWED BY FBUJFK TASK FORCE es on Wilby Pn eae ae (RELEASE IN FULL BY COURIER SERVICE C RELEASE IN PART CJ TOTAL DENIAL: Monoravlo J, Lee Rankin’ Clsesitied hy a - General Counsel Exernpt fora C ; Tho B t's Comission Date of 200 Marylasd Avene, jortheast : Washington, i. C. , ” i Dear tr. Rankin: Through a configential source « reliable i 40a an tha past, we hove f€0n3 stat. ig by Fidol Castro, Ci concerning ‘tha assassination of President your attentio: Kovenber 27, ing waich Castro mada sinilar state z this natter. ‘as pertis portions oY this sr2ecn are set out in report of Sgent Janos J, O'Connor dated Uay 8, 18S, ot veginaing on page 50. social ion, Florida, According to our source, Castro recently is sonorted to have said, “Car people ia fexico pave us the d2tedis ja a fall yeport of how he Wayald) acted when ho cexe to ioxioo to their exsessy Gineertain wietzer ho means Cuban or iw: Enbasay). lated, “Vixst of ail, nobuay ever goes tine izeond, it coszs noney to go tant distance. into ts capassy, dczancad the visa, aad ves reiused to hin, headed ot geinz to aody tor this.'” Czstro is a Continued and assed, “hat is your povornment’ do: the othar acsassins?" and speculated, Saying, (Eta ed to have/ | 5 to eatey I tho ot Et took avout three no ott a ne Teo Source thon: udvtsed that Cedtré’a apocut as Soden eee 20, 12284 zhiea Custro and hia non else ogee ar conditions with a sinilar rislo asi Cw : "inilar rizlo sad tolescopic | Ts 2600S eae , Uonorable J. Lee Rankin eight. Czstro'is said to have expressed tho, conélvsibn that Oswald could not have girod Tea tines in succession and bit tho t: ot with tha tolesconic sitht in the available time, that ho would havo noedad two othar man in order for the threo’. - daterval, ‘ii2 source 723 cloay Cxban + Bhota to have been fired in the 74 ented that on tha besis of Custro's rz balivis vere based on thoory a3 a result of periments and not on ony Yirsthand inYormatioa in C Pp Sion, ia this connection, it ut E2 noted # EBL Latoratory SERS ennorts mado threo shots could ia fire SATIS yt f 5 seconds rt i ry noted, h ry sant tho tining did not begin until after the firiag of the firat shot. subi It will be noted that tho information ¢: our sources at this ¢ ent with and Castro's szoech 02 iiovendi to above. i This additional naterial is set forth for the Commission's information aad no-Zurther action 43 contemplated by this Eureau concerning it. Sincorely yours, ' J. Edgar Hoover

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