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sta obra adota uma viso sociointeracional e interdisciplinar para
o estudo da lngua inglesa no Ensino Mdio. Ao longo das unidades
didticas que compem a coleo so trabalhadas, de maneira
integrada, sistemtica e progressiva, as quatro habilidades lingusticas:
compreenso escrita, produo escrita, compreenso auditiva e
produo oral.
Ser capaz de compreender o que l e o que ouve, em ingls, alm de
escrever e falar, so pr-requisitos para o aluno ampliar seu conhecimento
de mundo, por meio de pesquisas em livros, jornais, revistas e da interao
com pessoas de outros pases, principalmente pela Internet. Essas prticas
lingusticas visam ao desenvolvimento de competncias e habilidades
exigidas no Enem e nos demais exames de acesso universidade ou no
mundo do trabalho.
Alm dos contedos lingusticos e discursivos, a coleo valoriza a
oportunidade de abordar contedos de relevncia sociocultural, como cidadania,
solidariedade, tica, diversidade cultural, sustentabilidade, sade, cincia e
tecnologia, destacando valores importantes para a educao.
A escolha dos temas abordados nas unidades didticas desta coleo reflete
uma clara atitude interdisciplinar, ao estabelecer um constante dilogo entre o
ensino de ingls e as outras disciplinas do currculo, visando integrao do
conhecimento, reflexo, ao debate e ao posicionamento crtico. Esses temas
devem tambm despertar no aluno o esprito de solidariedade e de participao
comunitria, assim como o interesse pela busca de solues para os problemas
que preocupam a todos ns, ajudando-nos a fazer deste pas e do nosso planeta
um lugar melhor para viver.
Ao longo dos trs volumes desta coleo, aparecem muitos homens
e mulheres, atores que se apresentaram no grande palco do mundo em
diversos momentos da histria da humanidade. Vamos saber de suas
entradas e sadas de cena, seus sucessos e fracassos, cada um desses
atores representando diversos papis, interagindo com a natureza e o
meio ambiente, comunicando-se, descobrindo, inventando, fazendo cincia,
produzindo arte e tecnologia, lutando pela liberdade, enfim, atuando no
espao que compartilhamos.
O mundo inteiro um palco e nele somos todos meros atores. Mas isso
que nos anima. No somos espectadores. Somos atores. Podemos atuar, ter
voz, tomar outra direo quando necessrio. Seguindo as sbias palavras
de Gandhi, podemos ser a mudana que queremos ver no mundo, fazer a
nossa parte.
Visando educao para a cidadania, esta coleo foi escrita com esse
esprito de envolvimento, responsabilidade, participao, com todo o cuidado
e no limite do nosso conhecimento. a nossa parte, o papel que nos cabe

Language Review 6
You Will Never Feel
UNIT 1 Lonely 49
Modern Paradoxes 9
Vocabulary: In Other Words;
Word Formation: Suffixes
Vocabulary: In Other Words; -ness, -less and -ship;
Finding Opposites; Words in Discourse Markers Used to
Context; Noun Phrases Express Contrast: but, however, although
Structure: Adjectives Comparatives; Comparative Structure: Ways of Expressing Emphasis; Past
of Equality; Quantifiers Tenses: Simple Past, Past Progressive, Past
Perfect; The Relative Pronoun that
Listening & Speaking: Paradoxes of Our Time
Writing: E-mailing a Friend Listening: Role Models Speaking: Getting to Know
You Reading & Writing: What Exactly Did He Say?
Curriculum Links: Philosophy; Sociology
Curriculum Links: Philosophy; Sociology

A Bright Idea 21 The Universal Language 63

Vocabulary: In Other Words; Vocabulary: In Other Words;

Words in Context; Looking for Reference; Word
Discourse Markers Families; Noun Phrases

Structure: Modal Verbs Review; Structure: Countable and Uncountable Nouns;

Adjectives Comparatives and Prepositions across and through
Superlative Listening: School Subjects Listening & Speaking:
Plans for the Future Writing: Microblogging
Reading & Writing: Tourism Poster Speaking &
Listening: Some Bright Ideas Curriculum Links: Math

Curriculum Links: Philosophy; Sociology

Magnets and the Power
UNIT 3 of Attraction 75
The Creation of the
Amazon River 33 Vocabulary: Like Poles or Opposite
Poles? Synonyms or Antonyms?; Function
Vocabulary: Transparent Words; Words in Context
Words; In Other Words; Structure: Quantifiers little; a little/few; a few;
Words in Context The Use of Will to Express Predictable Behavior;
Phrasal Verbs
Structure: Past Progressive;
Phrasal Verbs Listening: How to Make a Compass Writing: A
Science Project Report Speaking: Reporting
Listening & Writing: Fact File Speaking: A Scary Story Your Project Results
Curriculum Links: Portuguese; Geography Curriculum Links: Physics

Check Your English 1 45 Check Your English 2 87

The Chemistry of The Interpretation of Dreams 139
Making Bread 91
Vocabulary: Noun or Verb? In Other
Vocabulary: In Other Words; Words; Looking for Reference;
Word Formation Suffixes
Function Words; Noun Phrases;
Odd Word Out Structure: Present Perfect since and for;
Phrasal Verbs
Structure: Modal Verbs: Would; Phrasal Verbs
Speaking: Getting to Know You Speaking &
Listening: At a Diner Listening & Speaking: Lets Listening : Dreamland Reading & Writing:
Get Something to Eat! Reading & Writing: Dreams and Mysteries
Making a Complaint Curriculum Links: Biology; Philosophy
Curriculum Links: Biology; Chemistry; Philosophy;
Sociology; History
A Science Odyssey One Hundred
UNIT 8 Years of Discovery 151

A NASA Invention for Daily Life 105 Vocabulary: Word Families; Positive or Negative?
Word Formation Prefixes; In Other Words
Vocabulary: Noun Phrases; Words Structure: Function Words; Indefinite Pronouns
in Context and Adverbs Compound Forms; The the with
Structure: Como dizer como how, Comparatives (Parallel Increase)
as, like; Numerals in Compound Listening: Twentieth Century Inventions Speaking:
Adjectives; Indefinite Pronouns Have You Ever ? Writing: Preparing a To-Do List
some, any, no, none Curriculum Links: History; Sociology; Philosophy
Listening: World Water Day Speaking: Water
Consumption Reading & Writing: Water
Conservation Campaign
Biopiracy 165
Curriculum Links: Biology; Chemistry
Vocabulary: In Other Words; Words in
UNIT 9 Structure: Present Perfect Progressive;
Prepositions Between and Among;
Eureka! 119
People a Very Important Word
Listening: Aa, the Amazing Amazonian Super Fruit
Vocabulary: In Other Words;
Speaking: Medicinal Plants from the Amazon
Words in Context
Forest Reading & Writing: Sarahs Blog
Structure: Present Perfect Curriculum Links: Biology; History; Sociology
Indefinite Past
As imagens utilizadas neste sumrio

nas pginas ao longo do livro.

aparecem com os respectivos crditos

Speaking: What Have You Done? What Has Check Your English 4 177
Happened? Listening: Promoting a Book
Writing: Dear Diary Minigrammar 185
Vocabulary 233
Curriculum Links: Math; History Index 243
Bibliography 246
Check Your English 3 133 Contedo do CD de udio 248

Contents 5

Language Review
Here are some of the topics and grammar points from Book 1, for a quick review.

Read them and choose the correct answers. 4. Emperor penguins live in Antarctica. They
their entire lives on Antarctic ice and its
Enrique R Aguirre Aves/Getty Images

a. are spending
b. spend
c. spends

5. Emperor penguins never Antarctica.

a. leaves
b. don't leave
c. leave

6. Trees the air. On the contrary, they it.

a. pollute; clean
b. do not pollute; clean
c. pollute; do not clean

1. Global warming is not a problem for the

Ratikova/Shutterstock/Glow Images

future. It now.

a. happen
b. happens
c. is happening

2. The pollution that is causing global warming

from human activity.

a. come
b. coming
c. comes

3. We what global warming and therefore

we know what we have to do to solve that

a. knows; cause
b. know; is causing
c. dont know; are causing

7. Trees take in water from the ground and 14. Mozart more than 600 compositions of
carbon dioxide from the air, converting these beautiful music.
materials into food for their use and .
a. is writing
a. our
b. writes
b. your
c. wrote
c. ours
15. With the Internet, planet Earth is now a really
8. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I small world. you live without it?
pretend I it. I in.
a. Does
a. see; dont fall
b. Are
b. am seeing; am falling
c. Can
c. dont see; fall
16. I want to do something about that problem.
9. life teach you a lesson sometimes? you
learn from your mistakes? a. can
a. Do; Do b. be able to
b. Do; Does c. cannot
c. Does; Do
17. Domestic robots become quite common in
10. The pessimist about the wind; the optimist the future.
it to change; the realist the sails.
a. will
(William Arthur Ward)
b. are going
a. adjust; complain; expect
c. are
b. complains; expects; adjusts
c. expects; adjusts; complains 18. You to read a text about some incredible
machines. What do you think it is going to be
11. Alberto Santos-Dumont in Paris where he about?
his name as a pioneer of aviation.
a. will
a. lived; made
b. are going
b. lives; makes
c. going
c. is living; is making
19. Its cold in here. close the window?
12. Santos-Dumont his 14-Bis in 1906.
a. Shall I
a. build
b. builds b. Its going

c. built c. It will

13. Mozart changed the world with his eternal 20. A friend is a present you give .
music, but he a happy life. (Robert Louis Stevenson)

a. doesnt live a. yourself

b. dont live b. myself
c. didnt live c. himself

Language Review 7

21. The idea of altering a planets surface until 28. Bananas be the reason monkeys are so
Earths life forms survive there work, its happy all the time!
possible to do it.
a. must
a. can; may b. can
b. will; shall c. will
c. could; would 29. Bananas are high in potassium, a vital
mineral, so you include them in your diet.
22. Altering the surface of Mars to make it like
Earth be more complex than it seems, but it a. should
work. b. do
a. can; did c. ought
b. will; may 30. A banana a day the doctor away.
c. might; does a. keep
23. Mars Earth in several important ways. b. keeping
c. keeps
a. resemble
b. do resemble 31. Americans enjoy one of the most luxurious
lifestyles on Earth: Our food is plentiful. Our
c. does resemble
work is automated. Our leisure is effortless.
24. Too much eating is not healthy. You eat to And its killing .
live. You live to eat. a. we
a. must; must not b. they
b. must not; must c. us

c. may; can 32. You lose weight. Everybody . You are

perfectly capable of doing it.
25. eat junk food. smoke. drink alcohol.
drink soft drinks. a. can; can
b. may; may
a. Didnt; Didnt; Didnt; Didnt
c. must; must
b. Doesnt; Doesnt; Doesnt; Doesnt
c. Dont; Dont; Dont; Dont 33. You starve yourself to lose weight. Thats not
26. . If you are alive, there are lessons to be learned.
a. must not
a. Learn b. will not
b. Learns c. dont have to
c. Dont learn 34. I know I eat junk food, but when I see a bag
of potato chips I simply resist temptation!
27. That book tells you what you do to lead a
happy life. a. must; can

a. ought b. should; may not

c. mustnt; cant
b. wont
c. should
Andrei Zarubaika/
Shutterstock/Glow Images

8 Language Review

02 The paradox of our
time in history is that we
have taller buildings but
shorter tempers, wider
freeways, but narrower
viewpoints. And this is
just the beginning

Glenda/Shutterstock/Glow Images

Making predictions
A paradox may be defined as a statement that seems to be absurd, impossible or difficult to
understand because it contains two opposite facts. A classic example of a paradox is I always lie,
thats why this sentence is false. Does the picture above suggest a paradox? What is it? Do you
agree that modern technology sometimes isolates people instead of bringing them together? What
paradoxes do you expect to find in the text? Make your predictions and check them on reading the text.
No Manual do Professor, no tpico Cultural Notes, Language in Use and Exploring the Theme, h uma srie de informaes de carter
cultural e lingustico, alm de sugestes de atividades, leituras e documentrios relacionados aos temas de cada unidade. No deixe de
consult-lo regularmente para enriquecer suas aulas.


Before You Read Activating background knowledge

Skimming oriente How can we interpret this ancient paradox? Choose the best answer.
os alunos a fazer
primeiro uma leitura

Estdio 1+2/Arquivo da editora

Socrates only knew what he thought
superficial, sem
se preocupar com was not important.
a compreenso x Socrates admission of his own
de detalhes. O
objetivo dessa ignorance was in itself an evidence of
leitura descobrir
a ideia principal do
texto. Para obter Socrates arrogance about his
informaes sobre
esse trabalho,
knowledge was influenced by his
consulte o tpico ignorance.
Estratgias de

Time to Read
leitura, no Manual do

Now read the text quickly (dont stop at words you dont know) to
understand the main idea and check your predictions.
Banco de Imagens/Arquivo da editora

T he paradox of our time is that we spend

jokerpro/Shutterstock/Glow Images
more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy
less. We have bigger houses and smaller families,
more comforts, but less time. We have more
information, but less knowledge, more questions,
but fewer answers. We build more computers
to hold more information, but we communicate
with each other less and less. We have more
possessions, but fewer values. We are now long on
quantity, but short on quality.
We eat too much, laugh too little, drive too fast,
get too angry, read too little, watch TV too much.
We know much about the Moon and Mars, but avoid
crossing the street to meet a new neighbor. We are
masters of outer space but not of inner space. We say yes to a bigger car in the showroom, but
no to a homeless street kid who tries to sell us a bag of cookies.
These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, tall men and short character, large profits
and shallow relationships. These are the days of luxurious houses, but broken homes. These are
the times of more leisure, but less fun, overweight bodies, but selfish souls.
It is a time when technology brings this message to you, and a time you can choose either to
make a difference and pass it on, or to just hit delete.

(Adapted from: MOOREHEAD, Bob. The Paradox of Our Time. Available at: <>. Access: Mar. 25, 2013.)
As palavras destacadas no udio so comentadas no tpico Pronunciation and Stress, no
Manual do Professor.
10 UNIT 1 Modern Paradoxes

General Comprehension
Finding the Main Idea Skimming

Which of these sentences from the text best summarizes its main idea?

a. We have bigger houses and smaller families.

b. It is a time when technology brings this message to you.
c. We know much about the Moon and Mars.
d. x We have more possessions, but fewer values.
e. We read too little, watch TV too much.

Word Study
In Other Words Getting meaning from context

Find words or phrases in the text that mean the same as the definitions
and phrases below. They appear in the same order in the text.

a. a tendency to get angry very quickly temper

b. a way of considering something viewpoint
c. try not to cross avoid crossing
d. not deep shallow
e. very expensive and comfortable luxurious
f. families where the parents are divorced and the children suffer
as a result broken homes
g. the time when you are not working leisure
h. too heavy and fat overweight
i. caring only about yourself and not about the others selfish
j. one or the other of two possibilities eitheror

Finding Opposites Scanning comente com os alunos que o scanning se trata de uma leitura rpida, mas com
o objetivo de buscar palavras ou informaes especficas. Para obter informaes sobre esse
trabalho, consulte o tpico Estratgias de leitura, no Manual do Professor.
Scan the text to find the words that are antonyms of the words below.

a. fast slow i. tall short

b. work leisure j. outer inner
c. sell buy k. questions answers
d. ignorance knowledge l. calm angry
e. taller shorter m. wider narrower
f. less more n. fewer more
g. bigger smaller o. deep shallow
h. altruistic, selfless selfish p. bodies souls

Modern Paradoxes UNIT 1 11

Words in Context Getting meaning from context

Complete the sentences with the correct words, as adequate.

Non Sequitur, Wiley Miller 1998 Wiley Miller/Universal Uclick

a. You should drinking if you are going to drive.

bring hit x avoid choose sell
b. You have a clear option here: you can drink water or not drive.
x either each other less more less and less
c. If you drive too you may have an accident.
long, short, tall, large, x fast,
d. When you get an interesting message on the Internet, you should .
x pass it on hit delete get angry sell it avoid it
e. A kid lives on the streets.
slow selfish x homeless shallow luxurious
f. If you often eat at fast food restaurants, you may .
make a difference x become overweight
choose a bag of cookies have more leisure drink too much
g. The good life is inspired by love and guided by . (Bertrand Russell)
the Moon profits digestion masters x knowledge

Noun Phrases Using grammar for vocabulary expansion

Scan the text to find the words that are missing in these expressions:

a. slow digestion digesto lenta

b. large profits grandes lucros
c. outer space espao exterior
d. a new neighbor um novo vizinho
e. broken homes lares desfeitos
f. less knowledge menos conhecimento
g. selfish souls almas egostas
h. more information* mais informaes
* quaint: old-fashioned, outdated i. taller buildings edifcios mais altos
j. inner space espao interior
* Chame a ateno

Detailed Comprehension
dos alunos para a
forma invarivel Skimming
de information:
informaes, nunca
usada com s final.
Para especificar Choose the best alternative to complete each sentence according to the text.
uma informao,
dizemos a piece of
information. a. If you have narrow viewpoints,
you are an broad-minded person.
x you do not accept opinions that are different from yours.

12 UNIT 1 Modern Paradoxes

b. Some people drive too fast
x on wide freeways. on narrow streets.
c. If you avoid meeting a new neighbor,
x you ignore someone who lives you choose to cross the street and
very near you. walk away.
d. Someone who has a short temper
x often gets too angry. watches TV too much.
e. When businessmen have large profits
they get too angry. x they make a lot of money.
f. In times of more leisure, people
have less fun. x work less.
g. When you receive a message on the Internet and hit delete,
you pass it on. x you remove that information from
your computer.
h. Shallow relationships often result in
x broken homes. more comforts.
i. People who eat too much generally have
x overweight bodies. smaller families.
j. We are not masters of inner space, so
x we have no control over our we have wider viewpoints.
personal feelings.
k. A selfish soul
x does not care about other people does not have fewer answers.


Adjectives Comparatives comparao no foi expresso, ficou apenas

subentendido. Para fazer comparaes entre dois
Observe os adjetivos em destaque nesta frase elementos, expressos ou subentendidos, usam-se
de Modern Paradoxes: adjetivos no grau comparativo de superioridade.
A formao do grau comparativo dos adjetivos
The paradox of our time in history is that we
feita das seguintes maneiras:
have taller buildings but shorter tempers,
wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints. Nos adjetivos curtos, de uma slaba,
adiciona-se -er. Quando o adjetivo termina
O texto apresenta uma srie de comparaes
em -e adiciona-se apenas -r:
entre fatos, hbitos, realizaes, exemplos da vida
moderna em contraste com o passado. tall taller
short shorter
(Now) We have taller buildings (than those small smaller
buildings of the past). wide wider
Nesse exemplo, o segundo elemento da large larger

Modern Paradoxes UNIT 1 13

** Tanto farther quanto further (o primeiro mais comum) podem ser usados para expressar maior distncia. Belo Horizonte is far from
Rio, but Belm is even farther/further. Alm disso, apenar further pode significar "mais, adicional". He gave us a general idea of his plan,
but he didn't give us any further details.
Nos adjetivos de duas slabas terminados
To make things clearer
em -y, troca-se o -y por -i e acrescenta-se -er:
Vimos a terminao -er aplicada a um adjetivo, com o
easy easier sentido de mais, para a formao do grau comparativo de
dirty dirtier superioridade: colder, stronger, larger etc.
funny funnier bom no confundir com a terminao -er
happy happier aplicada a alguns verbos para a formao de
pretty prettier substantivos que designam aquele ou aquilo que faz a
Nos adjetivos de duas slabas em geral ao: teacher, driver, writer, computer etc.
usa-se more (mais) antes do adjetivo: A terminao -er pode tambm designar o cidado de
algumas cidades: New Yorker, Londoner, Berliner.
modern more modern
* Quanto aos O sufixo -er pode ainda ser aplicado a alguns
careful more careful dissilbicos a regra
advrbios, principalmente os de lugar, para a formao
famous more famous no claramente
definida. Veja de adjetivos a eles relacionados: outer, inner, upper.****
boring more boring o tpico 20 da
Minigrammar. Finalmente, a palavra pode terminar em -er, sem
Com alguns adjetivos dissilbicos, as duas que isso traga alguma indicao especfica de sentido:
formas so possveis.* master, character, either etc.
narrow narrower ou more narrow
common commoner ou more common 1. Scan the text and find the sentences that
polite politer ou more polite correspond to:
pleasant pleasanter ou more pleasant
Os adjetivos de trs ou mais slabas so
a. Ns temos casas maiores e famlias menores.
precedidos de more no comparativo: We have bigger houses and smaller families.

beautiful more beautiful

difficult more difficult
intelligent more intelligent
b. Ns temos prdios mais altos e

interesting more interesting

temperamento mais irascvel.
We have taller buildings and shorter tempers.

Algumas alteraes ortogrficas

Nos adjetivos de uma slaba terminados na c. Ns temos autoestradas mais largas e pontos
sequncia consoante-vogal-consoante, dobra-se a de vista mais estreitos.
consoante final antes do acrscimo de -er.
big bigger hot hotter
We have wider freeways and narrower viewpoints.

thin thinner fat fatter

wet wetter slim slimmer
Alguns adjetivos tm formas irregulares no
2. Taking turns with a classmate, ask and
comparativo de superioridade. Os mais comuns so:
answer questions making comparisons

good better bad worse

between the elements in parentheses.

far farther/further** old older/elder***

little less much/many more
a. (Antarctica America: cold)
Is Antarctica colder than America?; Yes, it is.
*** Elder (mais velho/a) um adjetivo atributivo, usado opcionalmente (em vez de
older) apenas antes de nomes de membros da famlia: my elder brother/sister/son/
daughter Importante: Nas comparaes de
superioridade em que se mencionam
b. (Antarctica Brazil: populous)

expressamente os dois elementos da Is Antarctica more populous than Brazil?;

comparao, a palavra que segue o adjetivo No, it isnt. Brazil is more populous than Antarctica.

than (do que) e no that (que). c. (Antarctica Brazil: big)

Freeways are wider than streets. Is Antarctica bigger than Brazil?; Yes, it is.

Values are more important than possessions.

**** Mas no downer, que um substantivo e significa: 1 chatice,
coisa desagradvel; 2 calmante. O adjetivo para inferior lower.
14 UNIT 1 Modern Paradoxes

d. (possessions values: important)
Are possessions more important than values?; No, they arent. Values are more important than possessions.

e. (a car a computer: expensive)

Is a car more expensive than a computer?; Yes, it is.

f. (English Chinese: easy)

Is English easier than Chinese?; Yes, it is.

g. (quantity quality: good)

Is quantity better than quality?; No, it isnt. Quality is better than quantity.

h. (the Moon Mars: distant)

Is the Moon more distant than Mars?; No, it isnt. Mars is more distant than the Moon.

Comparative of Equality

Para formar o grau comparativo de igualdade, usa-se a estrutura:

as + adjective + as: to + adjetivo + quanto

Values are as important as qualities.

Quando o sentido negativo, pode-se usar not as + adjective + as ou not so + adjective + as:
as important as values.
Possessions are not
To learn more
How do you say this in English? about this topic, go to
a. No to fcil quanto Sim. No is as easy as Yes.
b. Perguntas so to difceis quanto respostas. Questions are as difficult/hard as answers.
c. Computadores no so to caros quanto carros. Computers are not as/so expensive as cars.
d. A Lua no to distante (distant) quanto Marte. The Moon is not as/so distant as Mars.

Observe as expresses de quantidade abaixo: as do lado esquerdo acompanham substantivos de ideia
positiva, que expressam quantidade ou nmero em algum grau positivo; as da direita expressam escassez.

much: muito (incontveis) enough: suficiente, bastante (singular ou plural)

many: muitos (contveis) little: pouco (incontveis)
more: mais (singular ou plural) few: poucos (contveis)
more and more: cada vez mais less: menos (singular)
too much: demais (singular) fewer: menos (plural)
too many: demais (plural) less and less: cada vez menos
so much: tanto too little: de menos (singular)
so many: tantos too few: de menos (plural)
very much: muito so little: to pouco
very many: muitos so few: to poucos
how much?: quanto? very little: muito pouco
how many?: quantos? very few: muito poucos
too + adjetivo/advrbio: demais

Modern Paradoxes UNIT 1 15

1. Now complete the sentences with the correct quantifiers, according to
Modern Paradoxes.
a. How much do we eat? How much do we exercise?
b. We eat too much and exercise too little .
c. How many possessions do we have? How many values?
d. These are the times of more leisure, but less fun.
e. We know much about the Moon and Mars.
f. Now we have more possessions but fewer
To learn more
about this topic, go to
MINIGRAMMAR 13. g. We read too little .

Para expressar uma relao entre duas aes ou acontecimentos paralelos, o

equivalente em portugus a quanto mais mais, usam-se dois comparativos
precedidos de the.
The more I see
you, the more I 2. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
love you!
sooner more wiser more faster older

a. The more you read, the more you learn.

b. The older we get, the wiser we should become.
c. The faster we walk, the sooner well get there.


Paradoxes of Our Time A transcrio do udio destas atividades encontra-se no tpico

Audio Scripts, no Manual do Professor.

1. Match the columns to form paradoxes.

a. Too many cars, ( b ) so little time to do it.
b. A lot of work, ( d ) so little real communication.
c. A lot of virtual friends, ( e ) so many people living on the streets.
d. So many social networks, ( c ) little affection among those friends.
e. So many luxurious houses, ( f ) so many people starving.
f. So much food waste, ( a ) not enough roads.

2. Listen, write and check.

03 Ms. Gamboa, professora de uma escola de ingls na Savassi, Belo
Horizonte, pediu a seus alunos que, com base no texto principal desta
Unit, escolhessem e apresentassem o modern paradox que mais os

16 UNIT 1 Modern Paradoxes

Vamos ouvir um trecho dessa conversa. Fique atento aos nomes dos alunos para identificar as
imagens a seguir, relacionando-as com o que eles dizem. Os alunos devem ouvir o udio trs vezes: na
primeira, apenas escutam; na segunda, fazem o
exerccio; na terceira, verificam as respostas.
a. Write the name of the student next to each picture.

Comstock Images/Getty Images

Germano Luders/Arquivo da editora

Joana Felipe

moodboard/Alamy/Other Images
Michel Gangne/Agence France-Presse

Estela Eduardo

b. Now check ( ) the right column, according to each students profile.

Joana Felipe Eduardo Estela

does volunteer work

would like to get more attention from his parents
believes people should take more mental and physical exercise
would like to communicate more

3. Talk to a classmate about the paradoxes discussed in activity 1 and those that can be found
in the text: What about those paradoxes? Are they present in your daily life? How are they
present? Give examples. Incentive os alunos a usar os quantifiers ou os comparativos.
The dialogue below may help you:

Do you agree that there are too many cars, but not enough roads?
Yes, I do. Actually, there are too many cars and too many motorbikes!
Is that a problem in your neighborhood, too?
No, it isnt. In my neighborhood, the traffic is not so heavy.


E-mailing a Friend
1. Read and answer.
Anne Marie Valery sua e-pal parisiense, a estudante francesa com quem voc se
corresponde por correio eletrnico in English, the international language! Ela enviou
um novo e-mail com a seguinte mensagem:

Modern Paradoxes UNIT 1 17

Banco de imagens/Arquivo da editora

Inbox (2)
Drafts Subject: Making Comparisons South America

Hi, Betinho*!
Hey, hows everything? Are you still very busy at school? Well, I have some
extra work for you My Geography teacher assigned me a comparative study
between Brazil and its neighbors. Youre my special e-pal in Brazil, so Can you
send me data and info about your country?
Is it larger than Argentina?
Is it wider than Peru?
Is it older than Uruguay?
Is it richer than Paraguay?
Is it more populous than Bolivia?

Please send me all the information you think is interesting. ;-). And please do
it asap*. :-D * asap /e es e p:/ = as soon as possible.
Many thanks again.
Anne Marie Valery
* You told me your name is Roberto, but everybody calls you Betinho, so

2. Now reply to her e-mail.

Pesquise, com o seu professor de Geografia, em livros, atlas, enciclopdias ou na
Internet, as informaes necessrias para responder s perguntas de sua e-pal.
Em seguida, escreva um e-mail com as respostas, usando o seu nome verdadeiro.
Procure usar algumas expresses e recursos comuns nas mensagens de
e-mail, como o cumprimento, a despedida, os emoticons como ;-) e :-D
e algumas abreviaes como asap (as soon as possible), fyi (for your
information), btw (by the way), entre outras.
Banco de imagens/Arquivo da editora


Inbox (2)
Sent To:
Drafts Cc:
Subject: Making Comparisons South America

Hi, Anne Marie!

Brazil is larger than Argentina. Brazils surface area (8.514 million km2)
is much larger than Argentina (2.780 million km2)...

18 UNIT 1 Modern Paradoxes

Another Look at...
Modern Paradoxes
Observe the pictures, read the caption and think about their message. Then have
another look at the modern paradoxes contained in the sentences below and check
those that, in your opinion, are somehow related to the pictures.
Jeff Greenberg/Alamy/Other Images

Ollyy/Shutterstock/Glow Images
The United States is the most powerful and the biggest economy in the world. Its GDP
(Gross Domestic Product per capita) is US$48,112 (in 2011), as compared to Brazil GDP:
US$ 12,594. The man in the picture on the left is a citizen of the United Sates.
His companion is a beggar's cup. The woman in the picture on the right is a citizen
of the United States as well. Her companion is a shopping bag.

(Source: GDP per capita (current US$).

Available at: <>. Access: Feb. 8, 2013>).
Possible answers

a. x We have more possessions, but fewer values.

b. We have wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints.
c. We have taller buildings, but shorter tempers.
d. x We are now long on quantity, but short on quality.
e. x We say yes to a bigger car in the showroom, but no to a homeless street kid who
tries to sell us a bag of cookies.
f. We have more information, but less knowledge.
g. x We spend more, but have less.

Would you say we have a similar problem in our country? What can you do to help
solve that problem? Personal answers.

Modern Paradoxes UNIT 1 19

texto principal desta unidade denuncia alguns
aspectos sombrios da sociedade moderna e

sugere a soluo para enfrent-los. We have
more possessions, but fewer values. preciso recuperar

esses valores. De fato, uma sociedade rica em produtos
materiais e avanos tecnolgicos a mesma que
assiste, impotente, a tragdias inexplicveis, sintomas
de que essa sociedade est doente: terrorismo, fanatismo,
polticas hipcritas que fazem a alegria da indstria das
guerras, a continuao da injustia social, a explorao do
prximo, o trabalho infantil, o capitalismo selvagem, o consumismo exacerbado,
o crime e a violncia de todos os dias Mas ns insistimos em acreditar que o
ser humano basicamente bom e
que preciso nunca desistir dessa
crena. Vivemos num mundo onde

Designpics/Glow Images
tudo pode acontecer, de bom e
de mau, a qualquer momento.
Precisamos preservar e pr em
prtica nossos melhores valores,
sacudir a acomodao e o egosmo,
praticar a solidariedade que nos
faz descobrir que somos todos
irmos quando uma tragdia
se abate sobre alguns, como
no caso dos desastres naturais,
hoje infelizmente cada vez mais
frequentes. Precisamos ter sempre
presente que podemos, cada um,
fazer a sua parte.

Discuss this issue with your classmates and teachers, especially

your Philosophy and Sociology teachers.

Exploring Other Sources

ORWELL, George. A revoluo dos bichos. So Paulo: Cia das Letras, 2007.
WILDE, Oscar. The Happy Prince and Other Stories. London: Penguin Books, 1994. (Penguin
Popular Classics).
APROXIMAR X afastar: o paradoxo da comunicao moderna. Available at: <
vestibular/repositorio/redacoes/redacao13.html>. Access: Mar. 26, 2013.

20 UNIT 1 Modern Paradoxes

A Bright Idea
04 Ideas are like rabbits.
You get a couple, learn how
to handle them, and pretty
soon you have a dozen.
John Steinbeck

Making predictions
When faced with a challenge or a problem, we naturally try to have a good idea or find a way
Lcia Hiratsuka/Arquivo da editora

out of the problem. A clever, brilliant, bright idea. What kind of bright idea does the title refer
to, can you guess? What kind of challenge do you think well read about in the text? Make
some predictions and check them as you read.



Before You Read Activating background knowledge

Some words from the text have a positive meaning, they are good news
(GN). Others have a negative meaning, they are bad news (BN). Check
the correct column.

a. bright x f. dark x

b. ill x g. expensive x

c. reward x h. gift x

d. warm x i. glow x

e. cleverest x j. intelligent x

Time to Read Skimming

As palavras
destacadas no udio
Now read the text quickly to understand the main idea and check your
so comentadas no predictions.
tpico Pronunciation
and Stress, no
Manual do Professor.

he richest man in a Chinese town many years ago was old and
ill. He called his three sons to him and said, I have a challenge
for you. Ill reward the son who is the most intelligent. Each of
you take one coin and buy something that will fill my room.
The oldest son went to the market, but at first he could not
decide whether he should buy flowers or straw. Finally he thought,
Flowers take up less space than straw. And they are more
expensive. So he bought straw. The second son also went to the
market but he could not decide whether to buy paper or feathers.
Feathers are lighter than paper. And they are cheaper. So he
bought feathers. The youngest son thought and thought, What can
I buy with this coin that will fill a whole room? At last he found his
answer and bought something.
That evening, the three sons returned to their fathers room, each
with his gift. The oldest son spread his straw, but it covered only one
small corner; the second spread the feathers, but they filled only two
corners. Quietly, the youngest son showed a candle and lighted it
with a match. The whole dark room filled with a warm glow.
The old man smiled and said, You are my youngest son, but you
are the cleverest. The reward is yours.

22 UNIT 2 A Bright Idea

General Comprehension
Finding the Main Idea Scanning

Match each paragraph with its main idea.

Paragraph 1 ( 4 ) The brightest son gets the reward.

Paragraph 2 ( 3 ) A soft light fills a dark room.

Paragraph 3 ( 1 ) Three coins and one challenge.

Paragraph 4 ( 2 ) At the market: three men, three different decisions.

At a Glance Reading images

Look at the pictures and the words in the box. Write the number that corresponds to each word.

1. straw 2. a candle 3. flowers 4. a match 5. a coin 6. a feather 7. a rabbit 8. paper

Saulo Mazzoni/Arquivo da editora

Pedro Rubens/Arquivo da editora

Luciana Cavalcanti/Arquivo da editora

7 2 8 6
Fernando Lemos/Arquivo da editora

Cludio Pinheiro/Arquivo da editora

Reproduo/Arquivo da editora
Brand X Pictures/Jupiter Images

3 4 1 5

A Bright Idea UNIT 2 23

Word Study
In Other Words Getting meaning from context

Match each word or phrase in bold with its meaning or definition.

a. but at first he could ( b ) occupy, fill
b. flowers take up less space ( c ) if he should buy
c. he could not decide whether to ( a ) in the beginning
( g ) pleasant soft light

( f ) made it start to burn

d. at last he found his answer

( d ) finally he discovered
e. (he) spread his straw

( e ) covered the area with

f. the youngest son showed a candle
and lighted it
( i ) something difficult, that needs a lot
g. with a warm glow
of skill and intelligence to deal with
( h ) give something to someone because
h. Ill reward the son who
i. I have a challenge for you. they have done something good

Words in Context

Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. The context will help you.

a. The old man called his sons and presented a to them.

gift reward x challenge market paper
b. A young person has experience than an old one.
more most x less little least
c. If you need half a dozen eggs for a cake, you need eggs.
a couple twelve a hundred x six twenty
d. cover a birds body.
Flowers Corners Rabbits x Feathers Straw
e. That ballet dancer is as as a feather.
x light
a z ov/ S h u t t e r s t o c k /G l o w I m a
Ra s s k ges
small dark ill cheap
f. My glass was empty, but Ive it with water. Now its full.
showed bought found thought x filled

g. Feathers are lighter than paper and they are cheaper. They are not so .
x expensive warm bright rich young
h. We have a very serious situation here. Do you think you can it?
reward learn x handle light spread
i. Its dark in here. I have a candle, but I dont have a to light it.
coin room glow x match town
j. I dont want to much of your time. I know youre a busy person.
return x take up smile cover call

24 UNIT 2 A Bright Idea

Discourse Markers
Match each discourse marker in bold on column A with its meaning or function on column B.


a. ideas are like rabbits ( c ) introduces a doubt (= if)*

b. and pretty soon ( d ) shows the first of a sequence of facts

( b ) introduces an action that happens within a

c. whether to buy
short time from now

d. at first he could not decide ( e ) expresses consequence

Paragraph 2
e. so he bought straw ( a ) expresses a similarity

f. at last he found ( f ) shows the last of a sequence of facts

Detailed Comprehension Scanning * If (= se) usado para

expressar dois sentidos:
a. condio: if it rains, I'll
stay at home.; b. dvida: I
Choose the alternative that best completes each sentence according to the text. asked her if she loved me.
Whether (= se (ou no...)
usado s para expressar
a. The rich old man dvida. I asked her whether
she loved me. Quando
called his three sons because they were ill. seguido de um verbo no
infinitivo, usa-se whether
became very ill after he called his three sons. e no if. I could not decide
whether to go (or to stay).
x called his three sons because he was very ill.
became very ill because he called his three sons.

b. The old man said that he would give a reward to of his three sons.
more intelligent x the cleverest the cleverer the least intelligent

c. The rich old man

wanted one of his sons to fill his room with coins.
x told his sons to spend not more than a coin each.
did not want to test his sons intelligence.
told his sons he would reward them with a coin each.

d. The oldest son decided to buy straw because it takes more space than
flowers and also because
x it is cheaper. it is more expensive. it is not so cheap. it is heavier.

e. The second son decided to buy feathers because they are cheap and very
light. Feathers are one of things you can buy.
the heaviest lighter heavier x the lightest

f. The youngest son bought something that is very .

dark. x small. expensive. heavy.

A Bright Idea UNIT 2 25

g. At last he found his answer means that
he was the last of the three sons to buy something.
he immediately decided what to buy.
x it was not easy for him to make his choice.
he bought the last candle in the market.
h. The three sons came back to their fathers room
the next morning.
on the following evening.
while it was still light.
x after dark.

i. The whole dark room filled with a warm glow because

the youngest son lighted it with a match.
one of the sons turned on the light.
x a candle gives a soft light while it burns.
the youngest son lighted the straw with a candle.


Modal Verbs Review

No texto desta unidade h vrios exemplos de uso dos modal verbs j
estudados nas unidades anteriores.

Match the columns to find the ideas expressed by the modal verbs in bold:

a. Ill reward the son who is the ( c ) incapacidade descrita no

most intelligent. passado
( a ) promessa de fazer uma ao
b. and buy something that will fill
( e ) possibilidade indagada no
my room.
c. but at first he could not decide presente
d. whether he should buy flowers or ( b ) certeza quanto a um
straw. acontecimento futuro
( d ) recomendao quanto a uma
e. What can I buy with this coin?
certa ao

Adjectives Comparatives and Superlatives

w Image s
c k /G l o
r s to
t te
S hu

Observe algumas frases de A Bright Idea.


a. The richest man in a Chinese town many years ago

b. Flowers are more expensive than straw.
c. Feathers are lighter than paper. And they are cheaper.
d. You are my youngest son, but you are the most intelligent.

Em que frases h uma comparao entre dois elementos? b; c

Que elementos so comparados nessas frases? b. flores com palha; c. penas com papel

26 UNIT 2 A Bright Idea

Na frase b, expensive, exemplo de um adjetivo Brazilians are one of the friendliest peoples in
longo, foi precedido de more, que corresponde a the world.
mais, para a formao do grau comparativo de
Com os adjetivos de duas slabas, em geral,*
superioridade. E na frase c, os adjetivos curtos
usa-se most antes do adjetivo.
*Para outros adjetivos
light e cheap foram acrescidos do sufixo -er. de duas slabas, alguns
com duas formas
ancient most ancient possveis, como clever
modern most modern e common, ver o tpico
da Minigrammar 20.
Agora leia novamente as frases da pgina
anterior e assinale as frases em que um recent most recent
Belo Horizonte is one of the most modern cities
a; d
elemento destacado em relao ao restante.
in Brazil.
Qual o elemento de destaque em cada uma
dessas frases?a. o homem mais rico de uma cidade chinesa;
d. o filho mais jovem, o mais inteligente
Com os adjetivos de trs ou mais slabas,
Os adjetivos usados para destacar um usa-se most antes do adjetivo.
elemento em relao a todos os outros esto no intelligent most intelligent
grau superlativo. difficult most difficult
powerful most powerful
Em vez de -er, qual o sufixo usado para The Amazon River is the most powerful in the world.

Alguns adjetivos tm formas irregulares no

formar o superlativo dos adjetivos curtos?
Que adjetivos assim formados aparecem nas superlativo.

good best
frases do quadro da pgina anterior?
richest, youngest
Em vez de more, qual a palavra, tambm bad worst
correspondente a mais, usada antes dos far farthest/furthest
adjetivos longos, no superlativo? USP is one of the best universities in Brazil.
Que adjetivo longo, usado no grau superlativo de 1. Now complete the sentences with the
superioridade, aparece em uma dessas frases?
most intelligent
comparative or superlative form of the adjectives
O superlativo dos adjetivos curtos feito pelo in parentheses, according to A Bright Idea.
acrscimo de -est e, no caso dos adjetivos longos,
usa-se most. Pode haver algumas alteraes a. Paper is more expensive than
ortogrficas, dependendo da terminao desses feathers. (expensive)
adjetivos. Observe o uso de the antes do superlativo.
b. The richest
man in that Chinese town
was old and ill. (rich)

Acrescenta-se -est aos adjetivos curtos, de c. Straw is lighter than flowers. (light)
uma slaba s:
d. The young man had a better
old oldest cold coldest tall tallest
idea than

Curitiba is one of the coldest cities in Brazil.

his brothers did. (good)

e. The young mans idea was the brightest

Nos adjetivos curtos terminados em
consoante-vogal-consoante, dobra-se a
all. (bright)
consoante e acrescenta-se -est.
f. The youngest son was the
big biggest hot hottest thin thinnest most intelligent of the rich mans
Manaus is one of the hottest cities in Brazil. sons. (young intelligent)
Nos adjetivos de duas slabas terminados em
g. Flowers are heavier
-y, troca-se o y por i e acrescenta-se -est:
than feathers. (heavy)

happy happiest friendly friendliest h. Roses are one of the most expensive
easy easiest funny funniest flowers in the market. (expensive)

A Bright Idea UNIT 2 27

2. Complete the text with the superlative form of the adjectives in

China is a land of superlatives. It is the largest (large) country in

East Asia and the most populous (populous) 1.35 billion
people (2013) in the world. It contains the Great Wall of China, which
is the worlds longest (long) human-made structure, and some of
the worlds most ancient (ancient) architecture. It is home to some of the
worlds tallest (tall) buildings. China shares with Nepal the worlds
highest (high) mountain Everest , and has the fourth largest
(large) desert the Gobi and the fifth longest (long) river the
Yangtze. Things are happening so fast that in just 10 years China will
probably be the most powerful
To learn more
about this topic, go to (powerful) economy in the world.
MINIGRAMMAR 19/20. How do you say Hi, boss! in Chinese?

Svea Pietschmann/Alamy/Glow Images


Tourism Poster

1. The following sentences are about Brazil. Choose from the adjectives in the
box and use them in the superlative form to complete each sentence, as
appropriate. One of those superlative forms will be used more than the others.

high long large fast


a. The largest country in South America.

b. The fifth largest in the world.

c. The Amazon is one of the worlds longest rivers.

d. The Amazon Forest is the worlds largest rain forest.

28 UNIT 2 A Bright Idea

e. The Iguau Falls are one of the highest waterfalls.

f. The Pantanal is one of the worlds largest freshwater wetlands.

g. One of the fastest growing economies in the world.

2. Look at the tourism poster and check ( ) the correct alternative.

Great beaches, great landscapes, great

The poster aims to sell

food and great people! Brazilians are one

Mandy Godbehear/Shutterstock/Glow Images

national products.
x To attract tourists, of the friendliest peoples in the world!
the poster shows
the good qualities of
the country, with an
emphasis on its people.
Explique aos alunos
The poster doesnt que apesar de
mostrar qualidades
emphasize the good gerais do pas, a
nfase maior est
nas pessoas. Isso
qualities of the
country, only the pode ser verificado
pelo uso de imagens
e pela ltima frase
qualities of the people.
Brazilians are one
of the friendliest
peoples in the world.

Comente com os
alunos que a palavra
people no tem
forma plural quando
significa pessoas
(j que ela prpria
o plural de person),
3. Now its your turn. With a classmate, choose a picture, a theme and mas tem forma plural
(peoples) no sentido
create your tourism poster. You can focus on your region, city or in Brazil. de povos, naes.
The images below may help you. There are over 7
billion people in
the world today. The
peoples of the world
are represented in
the United Nations.
S J Francis/Shutterstock/Glow Images

Leo Caldas/Pulsar Imagens

Luis Carlos Torres/Shutterstock/Glow Images
ostill/Shutterstock/Glow Images

A Bright Idea UNIT 2 29


Some Bright Ideas

A transcrio do udio destas atividades encontra-se no tpico
Audio Scripts, no Manual do Professor.
Converse com
os alunos sobre
os itens que eles 1. Bright ideas that can contribute to improving the peoples quality of life
acham importantes are always welcome. Read the topics below and number them from 1 to 6
para melhorar
a qualidade de according to how important you think they are for that purpose.
vida e pea-lhes
que justifiquem a public transportation safety technology
classificao dos
public universities leisure roads

Se os alunos
sentirem dificuldade 2. Discuss with one or two of your classmates about the topics you have
em fazer o dilogo, found most important. The phrases below may be helpful for reference.
pode-se utilizar o
seguinte modelo:
Whats the most
important topic for
In my opinion, The most important item I think
you? Why? Its because I understand, but I dont agree
I think the most
important topic is
05 3. The Bright Idea Awards are given to special people for their
Because we dont contributions to solving societys problems, such as pollution, inefficient
have enough
leisure centers.
means of transport, and lack of leisure centers. Listen to the CD, pay
I understand, but I attention to the m.c. (master of the ceremonies) in the awarding ceremony
dont agree. I think
safety is the most and number the images according to the order in which the awards are given.
important thing...
Fernando Bueno/Pulsar Imagens
akiyoko/Shutterstock/Glow Images

Rubens Chaves/Pulsar Imagens

1 3 2
Pollution Transportation Leisure

4. Listen again and choose the right words from the box to complete each

has revolutionized stressed last year noise-free reduces small

a. Peters invention reduces CO2 emissions.

b. According to Mary, we get stressed if we dont have fun.
c. Mary and her team designed and built small amusement parks all
over the city last year .
d. Daniel has revolutionized transportation in the city.
e. Besides being comfortable, the buses designed by Daniel Murray are
noise-free .

30 UNIT 2 A Bright Idea

Pea a alguns alunos que
comentem sua resposta,
Another Look at... justificando a imagem
que escolheram para

Doing Your Best

o poema. As legendas
de cada foto so uma
sugesto de interpretao
de cada imagem. Faa-os
Good, better, best, perceber como a imagem
subjetiva e cada um
acaba tendo uma leitura
Never let it rest.
Till your good is better diferente dependendo
da bagagem histrica e
cultural que carrega.
And your better best!

Look at the pictures below. In your opinion, which of these pictures gives
the best illustration of this little poem? Answers will vary. Several answers are possible.

David Sacks/Getty Images

Ted Wood/Stone/Getty Images

As light as a feather Almost there!
Jeff Haynes/AFP

Natalie Kauffman/First Light/Getty Images

I'm the winner! A happy clown

A Bright Idea UNIT 2 31

atitude do velho chins pode ser entendida
simplesmente pelo ngulo objetivo, como um

desafio que ele props inteligncia dos filhos.
Podemos, tambm, deixar livre a imaginao e explorar

essa histria um pouco mais fundo, interpretando-a
como uma metfora. Por esse ngulo, mais potico, o
quarto poderia representar a vida, e o pai pretendia que
os filhos descobrissem o que pode ocupar plenamente a
vida de uma pessoa. Poderamos interpretar a mensagem
dessa histria como uma mostra de que os valores materiais,
representados pela palha e pelas penas trazidas pelos irmos mais velhos,
no so capazes de encher plenamente o espao da nossa vida, misso s
possvel aos valores espirituais, representados pela luz da vela. O jovem mais
inteligente o que tem esse insight. O que voc pensa disso? Na sua opinio,
as pessoas costumam valorizar mais o dinheiro e os bens materiais do que
os valores espirituais, como a amizade, a solidariedade, o amor? O que
realmente importante
para preencher a nossa
vida, para torn-la feliz

Andrew Wong/Getty Images

e plena? Voc teria
outra interpretao para
essa histria? Debata o
tema com seus colegas
e professores. Leia a
histria (in English,
of course!) para seus
amigos, para sua
famlia, e veja se eles
concordam com A Bright
Idea ou se h outras
formas de interpret-la.

Discuss this issue with your classmates and teachers, especially

your Philosophy and Sociology teachers.

Exploring Other Sources

FERNANDEZ-ARMESTO, Felipe. Ideias que mudaram o mundo. So Paulo: Arx, 2009.

YOUNGS, Bettie B.; YOUNGS, Jennifer Leigh. Taste Berries for Teens 3. Florida: Health Communications, 2002.
A CORRENTE do bem. Direo: Mimi Leder. Produo: Peter Abrams, Robert L. Levy e Steven Reuther, 2000.
Distribuio: Warner Bros.
The Foundation for a Better Life. Available at: <>. Access: Aug. 23, 2012.

32 UNIT 2 A Bright Idea

The Creation of the Amazon River
Esclarea aos alunos a diferena entre tales, fables e folktales: tales so contos; fables
so fbulas, histrias curtas que levam a uma lio moral e que em geral, envolvem
A Brazilian folktale animais com caractersticas humanas; folktales so contos populares, lendas que fazem
parte do folclore, que o conjunto de manifestaes culturais e das tradies de um povo.

A great collection of tales, fables, myths, and dances was put together by
different Amazonian cultural groups in an attempt to explain the world,
the phenomena of nature, and to understand the mysteries that are
present in the heart of the forest. Most of the time, those magical stories of
the Amazonian peoples were transmitted orally. This is one of them.

Making predictions
Look at the picture, read the title and the opening paragraph. Do you like folktales? How many
Jacques Jangoux/Photoresearchers/Latinstock

Brazilian folktales do you know? What kind of text are we about to read? How do you think the
Amazonian peoples explain the creation of the great river? Make some predictions, read the
text and find out if you were right.



Incentive os alunos a Before You Read Activating background knowledge

elencar os elementos
presentes nas lendas
indgenas, como o Sol, Native stories have an important place in Brazilian oral literature. In those
a Lua, as estrelas e os
fenmenos naturais stories the fantastic is often present. What elements do you think are
(troves, chuva, common in indigenous folktales? Check the items.
eclipses etc.) Se julgar
conveniente, amplie a
discusso, incentivando the Sun natural phenomena animals
os alunos a contar
uma lenda indgena ou human emotions the Moon x all the previous items
outra que conheam.
Pode ser feito um
trabalho conjunto

Time to Read
com a disciplina de
Lngua Portuguesa Skimming
para consolidao dos
elementos narrativos
das lendas. Now read the text quickly to understand the main idea and check your
predictions. As palavras destacadas no udio so comentadas no tpico Pronunciation
and Stress, no Manual do Professor.

long, long time ago, Jaci, the Jaci the Moon, and the Sun never
silver moon, was wandering did meet again. Whenever one comes
by the Amazon forest. She by, the other immediately retreats.
was going her distracted way when But Jaci was so unhappy that she
she happened to meet the golden couldnt help but cry night and day.
Sun. The sun was a strong, fiery Her tears fell on the forest and filled the
warrior. As he set his eyes on Jaci, the valleys. They rolled on down to the sea.
Sun realized that he had never seen In this way the Great River came to be.
anything so beautiful. They fell in love
immediately and decided to wed.
The Sun was thinking about
his beloved Jaci when he realized
that their passion could never be
consummated. It would mean the end
Jacques Jangoux/Photoresearchers/Latinstock

of the world. The Suns intense love

would scorch all plants and burn up
all life on Earth. The tears of happiness
shed by the Moon would flood the
universe. Reluctantly they agreed to
go away and never meet each other
again, for the good of the worlds

(ALMEIDA, Livia de and PORTELLA, Ana. Brazilian Folktales, Westport: Libraries Unlimited, 2006, p. 3.)

34 UNIT 3 The Creation of the Amazon River

General Comprehension

Antonio Abrignani/Shutterstock/Glow Images

Whats in a Title? Skimming

Underline the correct option to complete the sentence:

The creation of the Amazon River, as interpreted by the Amazonian peoples
a. reveals a lot of imagination, as well as pure innocence.
b. involves great skill at storytelling as well as profound religious principles.
c. puts forward an original scientific theory that is worth considering.
d. offers a poetic view of the phenomenon, in the same way as some religions do.

Word Study
Transparent Words Scanning for transparent words

In The Creation of the Amazon River there are many cognates, transparent Old view, Brazil
words. They are words in English that have the same origin and are similar in
form and in meaning to other words in Portuguese.

Amazon forest, collection,

transmitted, distracted, decided,
Read the text to find at least 10 transparent words and phrases.
passion, consummated, intense,
In Other Words
plants, universe, reluctantly,
Getting meaning from context creatures, immediately, valleys

Match the two columns to find the definitions of some important words
from the text.
a. an attempt ( g ) every time that
b. a tale ( f ) inundate, cover an area of land with water
c. fiery ( e ) burn enough to damage the surface
d. wed ( b ) a story
e. scorch ( d ) marry, get married
f. flood ( a ) a try, an effort to do something
g. whenever ( h ) do something by chance
h. happen to do something ( c ) full of flames

Words in Context
Choose the correct alternative to complete each sentence.

a. It was a sad situation. I tried to control my emotion, but I couldnt . And I

cried like a baby.
x help but cry realize shed tears retreat
b. He had nowhere to go, so he was around the city.
going away agreeing x wandering filling
c. A is a story, usually about animals, that teaches a moral lesson.
warrior x fable heart tear

The Creation of the Amazon River UNIT 3 35

Detailed Comprehension
Finding Specific Information Scanning

Scan the text and match the beginnings with the endings of the sentences,
according to The Creation of the Amazon River.
a. The silver moon happened ( h ) cried continuously.
b. The Sun and the Moon ( i ) on the forest and valleys.
c. The Sun realized ( a ) to meet the golden Sun.
d. Their love would mean ( b ) fell in love at first sight.
e. Their love was too intense ( e ) for the good of the worlds creatures.
f. They decided not to see ( g ) the other retreats.
g. When one comes by, ( c ) that it was an impossible love.
h. Jaci was very sad and ( d ) the end of the world.
i. Jacis tears fell ( j ) created the Great River.
j. The silver moons tears ( f ) each other again.

Identifying Cause and Effect

1. Read each pair of sentences and write C for Cause and E for Effect.

a. ( C ) The Sun thought Jaci was very beautiful.

( E ) He fell in love with her.
b. ( E ) They decided to wed.
( C ) Jaci and the Sun fell in love at first sight.
c. ( E ) Their love would mean the end of the world.
The silver moon's
tears created the
Great River. ( C ) The Suns intense love would scorch all plants and burn up all life on Earth.
d. ( C ) They decided never to meet again.
( E ) Whenever one comes by, the other immediately retreats.
e. ( C ) Jacis tears rolled on down to the sea.
( E ) The Amazon River was created.

2. Now complete the sentences with because, as or since to express cause,

and so to express effect.

a. The Sun realized that he had never seen anything as beautiful as Jaci,
so he fell in love.
b. The Sun realized their passion could never be consummated
because/as/since it would mean the end of the world.
c. They decided to go away, so when one comes by, the other retreats.
d. Jaci was very unhappy because/as/since it was an impossible love.
e. Jaci cried night and day, so her tears caused the creation of the
Johnny Lye/Shutterstock/Glow Images Great River.

36 UNIT 3 The Creation of the Amazon River


Past Progressive

Observe o sentido da forma verbal em destaque:

A long, long time ago, Jaci, the silver moon, was wandering by the Amazon

Pelo contexto, conclumos que em um determinado momento do passado a

ao estava acontecendo. Jaci estava vagando, andando sem rumo pela floresta.
Para expressar uma ao em desenvolvimento no passado, usa-se o tempo
verbal Past Progressive (ou Past Continuous), composto por uma forma do
passado do verbo to be (was ou were) seguida do gerndio (forma terminada em
-ing) do verbo principal.
O Past Progressive pode tambm ser usado em frases com duas oraes,
geralmente ligadas por when ou while, para descrever uma ao que estava em
desenvolvimento quando outra aconteceu. Para expressar essa outra ao, mais
breve, que acontece durante o desenvolvimento da primeira, usa-se o verbo no
Simple Past.

She was going her distracted way when she happened to meet the golden Sun.

While the Sun was thinking about his beloved Jaci he realized that their
passion could never be consummated.

Tambm possvel encontrar o Past Progressive em frases com duas oraes

ligadas por while para descrever duas aes simultneas em desenvolvimento no

While the Sun was thinking about his beloved Jaci, the Moon was thinking
about him too. Rogrio Reis/Pulsar Imagens

1. Complete the sentences with the Past Progressive or the Simple Past of
the verbs in the box, according to the text on page 34.

tell fall meet realize agree do wander decide think

a. While Jaci was wandering by the Amazon forest, she met

the golden Sun.

b. They fell in love immediately and decided to wed.

c. The Sun was thinking about Jaci when he realized that

it was an impossible love.

d. They agreed to go away and never meet each other again.

e. The students were doing some research on the Amazon when

the teacher told them that story.

The Creation of the Amazon River UNIT 3 37

2. Now complete the following story with the Simple Past or the Past
Progressive of the verbs in parentheses. Read the whole story and try to
answer the question.
In an Indian village in the region of Tup, not far from the city of Manaus,
an old chief was dying (to die). He called his two sons and
said (to say), My sons, I am dying. When I die, I want each
of you to ride your own canoe all the way to Manaus, to where the Rio Negro
meets the Rio Solimes, to form the Amazon River. The one whose canoe
arrives last at what is called the meeting of the waters will be the new chief of
our tribe.
With these words the old chief died (to die). And the two
young men started (to start) on their journey down the Rio Negro
to Manaus. They traveled (to travel) very slowly, as they both
wanted (to want) to be the last to arrive at the meeting of the waters.
After about six months they arrived (to arrive) at a riverside
shack by the forest where they met (to meet) and old Indian who
asked (to ask) them where they were going (to go).
We are going to Manaus. We left (to leave) Tup six months
ago, they said.
Six months ago! exclaimed (to exclaim) the old man. But
Manaus is only a weeks journey from Tup. Why do you travel so slowly?
They then explained (to explain) why they were traveling
(travel) so slowly. The old man thought for a few minutes and then said
Fabio Colombini/Acervo do fotgrafo
two words to them. The two young men immediately jumped up, ran to
* Pergunte aos the river bank and in a few minutes were traveling (to travel) as
alunos se sabem a
resposta pergunta fast as they could toward Manaus.
do texto. Se ningum
acertar, informe que
What did the old man say to them?* To learn more
a resposta : The old about this topic, go to
man said: CHANGE
(Idea from: DRAPER, David. Wise Words, in Lighter English.
CANOES. No incio So Paulo: tica, 1986.) MINIGRAMMAR 28.
cada um dos filhos
do cacique, na
sua prpria canoa, Phrasal Verbs
deixava que o irmo
chegasse primeiro.
Com isso, aquele Phrasal Verbs so locues compostas de um verbo e uma partcula
que chegasse (preposio ou advrbio) que tm um significado prprio.
depois seria o
novo cacique. Mas Observe os phrasal verbs em destaque:
seguindo o conselho
do velho ndio, os
dois irmos trocam
The Suns intense love would scorch all plants and burn up all life on Earth.
de canoas e cada Reluctantly they agreed to go away and never meet each other again.
um faz o mximo
para chegar primeiro Whenever one comes by, []
com a canoa do
outro. Assim, quem
chega primeiro ser burn up: burn completely
o cacique porque
sua canoa ficou com go away: move away from a person or place
quem chegou por
ltimo. come by: go to the place where someone is

Alguns phrasal verbs podem ser usados seguidos de complemento ou ento

com o complemento entre o verbo e a partcula verbal. Assim, podemos dizer:

Turn on the TV. ou Turn the TV on.

Pick up that book. ou Pick that book up.

38 UNIT 3 The Creation of the Amazon River

Mas quando o complemento for um pronome e no um substantivo, esse
pronome s pode vir entre o verbo e a partcula verbal.
(it the TV) Turn it on.
(them those books) Pick them up.
1. Observe the meaning of some phrasal verbs with turn, and then
complete the story below using those phrasal verbs in the correct tenses. Instrua os alunos
a usar os verbos
no tempo correto
turn down: refuse, reject para completarem a
turn in: hand in, submit
turn into: transform into
turn off: stop (a radio, the TV, the light, the gas etc.)
turn on: start (a radio, the TV, the light, the gas etc.)
turn over: turn upside down
turn to: go to, ask for the help of

a. I turned on the radio.

b. Heres the news. A bus struck a wall and turned over this morning,
killing several people.

c. Another park is going to be turned into a supermarket.

d. Our gas is simply not enough. We have to turn to other nations

for more.

e. The proposal for a reduction in taxes will certainly be

turned down .

f. Declarations of income must be turned in to the government


g. I turned off the radio.

2. Now complete the sentences with phrasal verbs with turn.

a. Its too dark in here. Please turn on the light.

b. Dont forget to turn off the gas before you leave.

c. They hope to turn the desert into fertile land.

d. You know Im your friend. You can always turn to me for

anything you might need.

e. Its a good offer, you shouldnt turn it down .

Estdio 1+2/Arquivo da editora

f. He lost control of the car and it turned over .

g. Robbie is a very bright student. He is always the first one to

turn in his examination paper.

The Creation of the Amazon River UNIT 3 39


Fact File
A transcrio do udio destas atividades encontra-se no tpico
Audio Scripts, no Manual do Professor.
A fact file
is a collection 07 1. Listen and complete the fact file below.
Ana, a jovem brasileira que mora em San Diego, Estados Unidos, est participando
of significant

de um concurso sobre conhecimentos de Geografia em programa de TV. Oua as

and important
facts related to
a specific place, perguntas e respostas e complete a ficha abaixo com as informaes sobre o Rio
event or person.

Jacques Jangoux/Photoresearchers/Latinstock
6,280 kilometers.
South America

Countries which it flows through:

Peru , Colombia and Brazil.
Number of tributaries:
more than 200 .
Its source:
In the Andes Mountains , Peru.
Its mouth:
Brazil, into the Atlantic Ocean , near Belm .
Amount of fresh water it carries into the ocean:
20% of all the fresh water discharged into the oceans.
Number of bridges crossing the river:
Just one, over the Rio Negro , near Manaus .

It is often called The River Sea , because its the largest river by volume .

2. Now choose a landform in your region or state (it may be a river, a mountain,
a beach etc.) and write a fact file about it. The tips below may help you:
do some research from reliable sources: both the Internet and Geography
Pode-se organizar books can be used to get information and you may also ask your
uma exposio na Geography teacher for help;
sala ou mesmo na
escola com os fact take some notes about the most important facts about the landform you
files feitos pelos
alunos. Oriente os
plan to write about;
alunos a pedirem a dont forget to include a picture of the landform;
ajuda do professor
de Geografia na
exchange your fact file with a classmate and ask him or her to make any
pesquisa do lugar. necessary corrections in the text.

40 UNIT 3 The Creation of the Amazon River


A Scary Story
Antes de iniciar
a atividade
1. Observe the picture. It shows a fantastic creature of the Brazilian
folklore. Work with a classmate and discuss the questions about the pea aos alunos
que observem
a ilustrao e
picture. Use the words and phrases in the box for reference, if necessary.
pergunte se eles
conhecem esse
a hunter holding a gun theyre turned backwards dark forest personagem do
folclore brasileiro
e o que diz sua
lenda. Se ningum
a. How many characters are there in the picture? Two conhecer, diga
que se trata do
b. What are they? A hunter and the Curupira. Curupira. No entre
em mais detalhes,
c. What is the name of the creature? Curupira. pois os alunos vo
ler um texto sobre o
Curupira na seo
d. What is it? How would you describe it? It's a very tall and strong creature. Another Look at

e. What color is its hair? Its hair is red.

f. What color are its teeth? They are blue.

g. What is strange about its feet? They are turned backwards.

h. Where are the characters? In a dark forest.

i. What is the man doing? He's holding a gun.

Estdio 1+2/Arquivo da editora

The Creation of the Amazon River UNIT 3 41

2. Now observe the pictures below. Choose one of those characters of
the Brazilian folklore and talk about it with a classmate. Or you may also
choose another character which is popular in your region, if you prefer.
Dont forget to ask / answer:

what the legend is about

what is happening in the scene

Headless mule

Ilustraes: Estdio 1+2/Arquivo da editora

Negrinho do pastoreio

42 UNIT 3 The Creation of the Amazon River

Another Look at...
Brazilian Folklore

mong the most popular and
fantastic creatures in Brazilian
Libraries Unlimited

folklore are the Headless Mule,

Saci Perer, Boitat, and the Curupira.
The Curupira is very tall, strong and
has a hairy body. Its hair is red, its
teeth are blue or green, and it has
big pointed ears. Its feet are turned
backwards: the heels are in front and
the toes are turned to the back. The
Curupira punishes those who damage
the trees or hunt more than they can
eat. It makes those who destroy nature
become lost in the dark forest.

(ALMEIDA, Livia de; PORTELLA, Ana. Curupira and the Hunter. In: Brazilian Folktales.
Westport: Libraries Unlimited, 2006, p. 41.)

1. How would you describe the Curupira? 3. Where does he live?

It is a fantastic creature/a monster; It is very tall, In the forest.
strong, and has a hairy body.
4. What does it do to hunters who hunt
more than they can eat?
2. Whats strange about its feet? It punishes them.
Can you describe them?
They are turned backwards. The heels are in front
5. What does it do to people who
and the toes are turned to the back.
destroy nature?
It makes them become lost in the dark forest.

The Creation of the Amazon River UNIT 3 43

folclore brasileiro reflete a riqueza do pas. No Brasil, as
expresses culturais resultam de uma rede de trocas que

envolve diversas tradies, uma mistura com origem nos
grupos tnicos que compem o pas e nas suas particularidades

ABOUT IT Essa grande diversidade se revela nas diferentes narrativas

orais, tradicionalmente passadas de gerao em gerao, cujos
registros escritos esto nos contos populares ou lendas. Em muitas
dessas histrias, os povos indgenas brasileiros do explicaes para
fenmenos da natureza, como as estrelas, a estao das chuvas, os
animais, os rios, a escurido da noite, as plantas e muitos outros.
Segundo a viso de alguns desses povos, as constelaes nasceram aps uma tragdia
que assolou a Terra, levando os animais, as crianas e os homens a tentar chegar at o cu.
Na narrativa tupi, a mandioca raiz que serve de base alimentao dos povos indgenas
brotou do tmulo de Mani, uma bela moa clara. Em tupi, mandioca significa casa de
Mani. De acordo com os Sater-Maw, povo indgena do Amazonas, o guaran teve origem
em parte do corpo de um garoto que havia morrido. Onia, sua me, enterrou o filho e todos os
dias regava seu tmulo. Do olho direito do garoto brotou uma planta que faz lembrar o olho
humano. A planta cresceu e gerou muitos frutos. Um dia, Onia voltou ao local e encontrou seu
filho, forte, bonito e feliz. Esse garoto, que veio de dentro da terra, foi o primeiro Maw, tribo
conhecida como os filhos do guaran.
Os povos da Amaznia viveram isolados do
contato com habitantes de outros continentes

Pal Zuppani/Pulsar Imagens

por muitos e muitos anos, por isso suas histrias
revelam temas muito originais. interessante
notar que suas lendas no aparecem em nenhum
outro lugar, como ocorre com lendas de outros
povos do mundo.
Pesquise sobre o folclore do Brasil, suas lendas,
costumes e tradies. Conhecer o folclore de um pas
ajuda a compreend-lo melhor.

Discuss this issue with your classmates and teachers, especially

your Portuguese and Geography teachers.

Exploring Other Sources

CASCUDO, Lus da Cmara. Lendas Brasileiras para Jovens. Global: So Paulo, 2006.
MUSEU Paraense Emilio Goeldi. Fauna e Flora em Lendas. Belm, 2003.
TAIN 2 - a aventura continua. Direo: Mauro Lima. Produo: Pedro Rovai. Distribuio: Sony
Pictures, 2004.
BRAZILIAN Culture: Folklore. Available at: <
folklore/br_model1?set_language=en>. Access: Mar. 26, 2013.
MACHADO, Regina Coeli Vieira. Lendas Indgenas. Available at: <
pesquisaescolar/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=308&Itemid=191>. Access:
Mar. 26, 2013.

44 UNIT 3 The Creation of the Amazon River

Check Your English 1
1. Check the correct answers to these questions. 2. Write the questions. Use the Past Progressive
form of the verbs in parentheses.
a. One of the paradoxes of our time is that we have
more information, but less knowledge. a. Jaci, the silver moon, met a fiery warrior, the Sun.
Why is that? What was she doing ? (she / do)

Because we have more computers. b. I saw the three sons leaving the rich mans house.
Where were they going ?
x Because we do not digest the information,
(they / go)
we do not think about it, and so we dont fully
understand it. c. The youngest son was buying something at the
market. What was he buying ?
Because we communicate with each other less
(he / buy)
and less.
d. I saw Peggy saying no to a homeless street kid.
b. Another paradox is that we buy more, spend more What was the kid trying to sell her ?
money, but have less. Whats the result? (the kid / try to sell her)
x We have more possessions, but fewer values.
e. I saw you talking on the phone this morning. Who
We are short on quantity, but long on quality. were you talking to ?
(you / talk to)
We have more fun, but less leisure.

c. The old Chinese had a challenge for his three 0.2 point each /1

sons. Why did he reward one of them?

3. Complete the sentences with the discourse
Because he was the youngest. markers in parentheses, as adequate.
x Because he was the cleverest.
a. While Jaci was wandering by the forest, she
Because he was the richest. met a fiery warrior. (Without) (While) (Within) (So)

d. An Amazonian folktale tells the story of the b. The oldest son went to the market, but
magical meeting of Jaci, the silver moon, and the
at first he could not decide whether he
golden Sun. They fell in love with each other but should buy flowers or straw. (at last) (at least)
theirs was an impossible love, so they decided (at first) (at all)

x to part and never meet again. c. Flowers take up less space than straw. And
they are more expensive, thought the man.
to consummate their passion. So he bought straw. (So) (Instead of)
to wed, for the good of the worlds creatures. (Because) (If)

e. According to that folktale, the Amazon River was d. The Moon and the Sun could not consummate
created when Jaci, the silver moon, their passion because that would mean
the end of the worlds creatures. (because) (but)
shed tears of happiness.
(during) (unlike)
flooded the universe.
e. The youngest son showed a candle and
x shed tears of unhappiness. lighted it with a match. (and) (like) (or) (without)

0.2 point each /1 0.2 point each /1

Esta seo tem o objetivo de avaliar o que o aluno j aprendeu e identificar aspectos que eventualmente devero ser mais trabalhados. Ela apresenta uma sntese
do contedo lingustico apresentado nas trs units que a antecedem, seguida de questes com base em textos novos em que os alunos devero fazer uso das
estratgias de leitura praticadas desde a Unit 1. A pontuao sugerida para cada teste apenas um recurso para que o prprio aluno avalie seu desempenho.
Alm do resultado neste teste, considere a execuo de trabalhos, a participao e o interesse do aluno na aula, de modo a mant-lo sempre motivado a melhorar. 45

b. Are females allowed in there? Aproveitando-se de seu status social e da possvel
No, they arent. Nothing female is allowed. influncia sobre seus fs, o famoso msico Jimi
Hendrix associa, em seu texto, os termos love,
c. Can males enter the monastery?
Yes, they can. power e peace para justificar sua opinio de que
a. a paz tem o poder de aumentar o amor entre
d. How is the border patrolled?
os homens.
It is patrolled by armed guards.
b. x o amor pelo poder deve ser menor do que o
e. Why is the border patrolled? poder do amor.
To ensure that nothing feminine passes the gates.
c. o poder deve ser compartilhado entre aqueles
que se amam.
0.2 point each /1 d. o amor pelo poder capaz de desunir cada vez
mais as pessoas.
8. Read the excerpt below and answer the
e. a paz ser alcanada quando a busca pelo
question on it.
poder deixar de existir.
Read, read, read.
1 point /1

Archive Photos/Getty Images

Read everything trash,
classics, good and bad,
and see how they do it. 10. (UEL-2012) Leia a tirinha a seguir.
Just like a carpenter who
works as an apprentice
and studies the master.
Read! Youll absorb it.
Then write. If its good,
youll find out. If its
not, throw it out of the
(William Faulkner, American writer, won the Nobel Prize
in Literature in 1949.)

In [] see how they do it who does Faulkner have

in mind?
a. Trash d. x Writers
b. Classics e. Apprentices
c. Carpenters

0.5 point /0.5

9. (Enem-2012)
(Available at: <
archive/calvinhobbes.htm>. Access: Feb. 1, 2012.)

a. No terceiro quadrinho, percebe-se que Calvin est


escrevendo um recado. Para quem esse recado?

Calvin est escrevendo um recado para seu(sua)
professor(a) (Youve taught me nothing...).

b. Calvin faz uma crtica ao sistema escolar. Que

crtica essa?
Calvin critica o fato de o sistema escolar exigir a
memorizao de fatos e datas para se obter sucesso
nas provas.

0.5 point each /1

Check Your English 1 47

Oriente o aluno a avaliar o seu desempenho no teste e
tambm quanto aos objetivos de ensino deste bimestre.
11. (ITA-SP 2012) As questes referem-se ao texto SELF-EVALUATION (UNITS 1, 2 AND 3)
a seguir:
How did you do? What was your score?
Excellent Good OK
Artist Detained In Growing Crackdown
do better
Test total:
10-9 8-7 6-5 less than 5
Ai Weiwei, Chinas most prominent dissident out of 10
after imprisoned Nobel laureate Liu Xiaobo, was How do you evaluate your own progress? Check
detained April 3 at the Beijing airport as he tried to ( ) for Yes, (x) for No, or (R) for Review Units 1,
board a flight to Hong Kong. Perhaps best known 2 and 3 after each of the topics below.
Now I can
for codesigning the 2008 Beijing Olympic stadium
known as the Birds Nest, Ai is an outspoken critic
of the government and has been detained several ( ) use the different reading strategies to be able to
times. During one period in custody, he was understand a text in English.

( ) guess the meanings of new words from context.

allegedly beaten so badly that he required brain
surgery. This arrest comes amid a widespread
crackdown touched off by online calls for a ( ) identify the form and degrees of comparison of
adjectives comparatives and superlatives.
Tunisian-style jasmine revolution. Over the

( ) identify and practice using quantifiers and

past several weeks, at least 26 activists have been
detained, 200 have been put under house arrest,
and more than 30 have disappeared. expressions of quantity.

( ) identify the meaning and function of discourse

(Time. Apr. 18, 2011.)

a. Segundo o texto, Ai Weiwei markers.

alegou ter sido severamente torturado.
( ) understand the use of the Past Progressive and
x foi preso devido a um recrudescimento da
Simple Past.
represso na China.
( ) distinguish between cause and effect in context.
embarcou num voo para Hong Kong.
foi preso por incitar uma revoluo nos moldes ( ) identify the meaning and use of phrasal verbs
da tunisiana. with turn.
foi quem projetou o estdio olmpico de Pequim. ( ) listen to conversations, radio programs, and
b. Segundo o texto,
Liu Xiaobo foi preso em 3 de abril no aeroporto ( ) talk to a classmate about our preferences.
de Pequim. ( ) talk about Brazilian geography highlights.
x houve, na China, incitao revoluo via Internet.
( ) write an email and a poster on Brazil.
Ai Weiwei o mais proeminente dissidente chins.
( ) reflect and debate about modern paradoxes.
a priso domiciliar prtica frequente em
territrio chins.
Ai Weiwei faz crticas veladas ao regime vigente.

0.25 point each /0.5

48 Check Your English 1

You Will Never Feel Lonely
In an interview with Amyr Klink, after the Brazilian navigator had

arrived from one of his solitary sea adventures, a reporter asked him if
loneliness had been his biggest obstacle. Amyr answered that although he
had spent one hundred days alone, he had never actually felt lonely, as
he knew that so many of his friends were thinking about him and wishing
him success. And he added, The sea is not an obstacle. It is a way.

Making predictions
Look at the photo, read the title Paul A. Souders/Corbis/Latinstock

and the opening paragraph.

Who are we talking about?
What kind of adventures has
he had? What is his relation
with the sea? What is his
idea of loneliness? Did he
feel lonely while he spent one
hundred days alone? Why or
why not? What else do you
know about Amyr Klink? Make
some predictions, read the text
and check if you were correct.



Before You Read Activating background knowledge

Unscramble the following words from the text.

a. ningmea c. fyastis e. nhipfrisde

meaning satisfy friendship

b. ngselife d. lnlyoe f. vreen

feelings lonely never

Time to Read Skimming

Now read the text quickly to understand the main idea and check your

fter two months of adventures had gone
by, I started thinking about the meaning
of loneliness. An inner feeling that is not
necessarily caused by distance or isolation, a
sense of emptiness that invades you and that no
human company or presence can ever satisfy.
Loneliness was the only thing I did not
feel after I had left. Never. Not even once.
What I did feel was an overwhelming sense of
homesickness. I felt homesick for everything
and everybody, I missed things and people I had
not seen for so long.
Homesickness, however, is good for your
heart. It enhances feelings, lights up hope, erases
And then there is friendship. If you have a
As palavras friend, even if just one, no matter where he or
destacadas no udio
so comentadas no she is, you will never be alone. You may die from
tpico Pronunciation
and Stress, no homesickness, but you will not feel lonely.
Manual do Professor.

(KLINK, Amyr. One Hundred Days Between Sea and Sky. London: Bloomsbury, 2002.)

50 UNIT 4 You Will Never Feel Lonely

General Comprehension
Finding the Main Ideas Skimming

Match each paragraph with its main idea.

Paragraph 1 ( 4 ) Friendship stops you from feeling lonely.

Paragraph 2 ( 1 ) Loneliness is not caused by distance or isolation.

( 2 ) Homesickness was his constant companion during

Paragraph 3
that voyage.

Paragraph 4 ( 3 ) Homesickness is good for the spirit.

Word Study
In Other Words Getting meaning from context

Match each word or phrase in bold with its meaning.

a. after two months had gone by ( c ) makes distance disappear

b. it lights up hope ( a ) passed
c. it erases distance ( g ) at any time
d. what I did feel ( b ) makes hope appear brightly
e. you may die ( d ) really felt
f. homesickness, however, is good ( f ) but homesickness
g. can ever satisfy ( e ) will possibly
h. an overwhelming sense of homesickness ( j ) wherever
Robodread/Shutterstock/Glow Images

i. it enhances feelings a very strong feeling

j. no matter where he or she is ( i ) increases the value of

Word Formation: Suffixes -ness, -less and -ship

The suffix -ness is added to some adjectives to form abstract nouns:

happy happiness (felicidade)

+ -ness
sad sadness (tristeza)
Note that adjectives ending in -y change to i before we add the suffix.

1. Scan the text to find the abstract nouns formed with the suffix -ness,
Loneliness (solido); emptiness (vazio);
homesickness (saudade de casa).
then translate them into Portuguese.

You Will Never Feel Lonely UNIT 4 51

General Comprehension
Finding the Main Ideas Skimming

Match each paragraph with its main idea.

Paragraph 1 ( 4 ) Friendship stops you from feeling lonely.

Paragraph 2 ( 1 ) Loneliness is not caused by distance or isolation.

( 2 ) Homesickness was his constant companion during

Paragraph 3
that voyage.

Paragraph 4 ( 3 ) Homesickness is good for the spirit.

Word Study
In Other Words Getting meaning from context

Match each word or phrase in bold with its meaning.

a. after two months had gone by ( c ) makes distance disappear

b. it lights up hope ( a ) passed
c. it erases distance ( g ) at any time
d. what I did feel ( b ) makes hope appear brightly
e. you may die ( d ) really felt
f. homesickness, however, is good ( f ) but homesickness
g. can ever satisfy ( e ) will possibly
h. an overwhelming sense of homesickness ( j ) wherever
Robodread/Shutterstock/Glow Images

i. it enhances feelings a very strong feeling

j. no matter where he or she is ( i ) increases the value of

Word Formation: Suffixes -ness, -less and -ship

The suffix -ness is added to some adjectives to form abstract nouns:

happy happiness (felicidade)

+ -ness
sad sadness (tristeza)
Note that adjectives ending in -y change to i before we add the suffix.

1. Scan the text to find the abstract nouns formed with the suffix -ness,
Loneliness (solido); emptiness (vazio);
homesickness (saudade de casa).
then translate them into Portuguese.

You Will Never Feel Lonely UNIT 4 51

2. Now complete the sentences with adjectives or nouns from the text.

a. According to Klink, loneliness is not necessarily caused by distance or

isolation. It is a sense of emptiness that invades you.

b. Amyr Klink had never actually felt lonely . He felt homesick

Note the for everything and everybody, but homesickness is good for your heart.
difference He was alone, but he was happy
between alone
and lonely
3. Complete the sentences with alone or lonely, as suitable.
as they are not
synonymous. a. Antonio had no friends in New York and felt very lonely there.
You may be
alone and happy
about that, b. Sometimes I like to be alone . I can work better that way.
whereas lonely
has a negative
connotation. 4. Observe the image and read the caption: according to Sartre, when do
you find yourself in bad company? When you are alone and feel lonely.

The suffix -less is also used to form nouns, but it means

PT Images/Shutterstock/Glow Images

without. Special care should be taken not to confuse abstract

nouns formed with the suffix -ness (loneliness, happiness etc.)
with adjectives formed with the suffix -less (careless, useless etc.).

Look at the images and describe them using the phrases in

the box.

a careless person effortless leisure

a useless invention a hopeless situation
If youre lonely when youre homeless people a leafless tree
alone, youre in bad company.
Jean-Paul Sartre
1000 Words/Shutterstock/Glow Images

Top Foto/Keystone

Eduardo Anizelli/Folhapress

a leafless tree a useless invention a hopeless situation

52 UNIT 4 You Will Never Feel Lonely

Masterfile/Radius Images/Latinstock

Kenzo Tribouillard/AFP

Goodluz/Shutterstock/Glow Images
a careless person homeless people effortless leisure

Another important suffix is -ship. It is added to nouns referring to people in order to form abstract
nouns that indicate a certain state or condition.

5. Observe the list below and translate the abstract nouns into Portuguese.

friend friendship amizade

relation relationship relacionamento
partner partnership parceria, sociedade
+ -ship
citizen citizenship cidadania
companion companionship companheirismo
leader leadership liderana

6. Fill in the blanks with abstract nouns from the list above.

a. Joe is a partner in a law firm with four other lawyers. They all share in the partnership .

b. Clarice Lispector, whose real name was Chaya*Pinkhasovna Lispector, was born in Ukraine but
she was a Brazilian citizen. She had Brazilian citizenship .
* Chaya uma palavra de origem hebraica e significa vida.

c. There is an obvious relationship between smoking and lung cancer.

d. A strong leader must have a good education. Education is the mother of leadership .

e. Im so glad you are my friend, I know our friendship will never end.

Discourse Markers Used to Express Contrast: but, however, although

But, however, and although are three discourse markers that express contrast. Note how each one of
them is used and their different positions in the sentences.
Amyr Klink spent a long time alone, but he did not feel lonely. mas, porm
Amyr Klink spent a long time alone. However, he did not feel lonely.
no entanto, contudo
The navigator, however, did not feel lonely.
Although Amyr Klink spent a long time alone, he did not feel lonely. embora, apesar de

1. In one of the examples above, the second part of the sentence is introduced by a conjunction
followed by a comma. That conjunction is used in writing, especially in formal language and it
can also come between commas. What is that conjunction? (but however although)

You Will Never Feel Lonely UNIT 4 53

2. Of the three conjunctions in focus here, which is used in conversation or informal language?

3. Choose the conjunction that correctly completes each sentence.

a. it was raining, the kids wanted to go to the beach. (But However Although)

b. Mozart was a child prodigy. His life, , was short and unhappy. (but however although)

c. Mozart died a long time ago, he is still famous. (but however although)

4. Make new sentences using but, however or although.

a. The test was easy. They didnt pass.

The test was easy, but they didnt pass.; The test was easy. However, they didnt pass.; Although the test was easy,

they didnt pass.

b. The night was cold. We didnt close the window.

The night was cold, but we didnt close the window.; The night was cold. However, we didnt close the window.;

Although the night was cold, we didnt close the window.

c. My sister likes music. She doesnt like classical music.

My sister likes music, but she doesnt like classical music.; My sister likes music. However, she doesnt like

classical music; Although my sister likes music, she doesnt like classical music.

Detailed Comprehension
True or False? Scanning

Correct the false statements by replacing just one word with the correct one.

a. ( F ) Amyr Klinks reflections on loneliness started two months before he had left. after

b. ( T ) Klink believes that you can feel lonely even when you have company.

c. ( T ) Amyr Klinks adventures did not make him suffer from loneliness.

d. ( F ) Loneliness is an inner feeling caused by presence and isolation. distance

e. ( T ) The navigator did not feel lonely but he felt terribly homesick.

f. ( F ) Klink believes homesickness has negative spiritual values. positive

g. ( F ) He thinks that if you have a friend, you will never be homesick. lonely

h. ( F ) For the solitary navigator, the sky is not an obstacle, but a way. sea

54 UNIT 4 You Will Never Feel Lonely

Reading Between the Lines Making inferences

What do you think Amyr Klink means when he says, The sea is not an obstacle. It is a way.?

x He sees the voyage as a challenge, an adventure that calls for his best skills, all his energy and

He does not consider the sea to be a difficulty, for him it is a kind of effortless leisure.

He thinks the sea is an effective means of communication.

He does not regard the sea as an enemy, he considers it to be a good way of making friends.


Ways of Expressing Emphasis Choose the alternatives that have the same
meaning as the phrases in bold.
Em alguns trechos do texto podem ser
observadas diferentes expresses usadas para
a. Santos-Dumont dreamed of conquering the
dar nfase, como estas:
skies and he did conquer them.
did he conquer?
the only thing not even once
actually even if just once
he didnt conquer
x he really conquered
Match the two columns.
( b ) the one thing, there
b. I do believe Brazil will soon be a world
a. actually power.
is nothing else
I hope so
b. the only thing ( d ) never x I really think so
c. even if just one (c) even if it is the I think its possible
only one
d. not even once ( a ) really, in fact c. Mozart said he knew how to compose a
symphony and he did know how to do it.

Outro recurso de nfase pode ser encontrado he did ask someone

neste trecho: he did not know
Loneliness was the only thing I did not feel after
in fact he knew

I had left. Never. Not even once. What I did feel d. Chico Buarque does write beautiful songs.
was an overwhelming sense of homesickness x he really writes
O uso do verbo auxiliar to do (nas formas do/ sometimes he writes
does/did) antes do infinitivo do verbo principal he never writes
em uma frase afirmativa uma forma de
expresso enftica. No exemplo acima foi usado e. Yes, we have bananas!
did por se tratar de uma situao no passado. We have a few
What I did feel corresponde ento a What I really x We do have
felt: o que eu de fato realmente senti. Do we have?

You Will Never Feel Lonely UNIT 4 55

f. I say I love you, and I do love you, Maria. Nas frases do texto de introduo, quais os
do I love? nmeros que antecedem verbos no Simple
I think I love Past? 2, 4, 7, 10
Past Progressive
in fact I love

was ou were + terminao

-ing do verbo principal.
joingate/Shutterstock/Glow Images

Expressar uma ao que, no

Uso: passado, estava em processo de

Past Tenses: Simple Past, Past

Nas frases do texto de introduo, quais os

Progressive, Past Perfect

nmeros que antecedem verbos no Past
Progressive? 8, 9

Leia novamente a introduo do texto, Past Perfect

observando os tempos verbais em destaque e a Para todas as pessoas, o
numerao de cada trecho: Past Perfect fomado de had +
In an interview with Amyr Klink, after the Brazilian particpio passado* do verbo

navigator (1) had arrived from one of his solitary principal.

sea adventures, a reporter (2) asked him if Expressar uma ao
loneliness (3) had been his biggest obstacle. passada, anterior a outra
Amyr (4) answered that although he (5) had que tambm aconteceu no
spent one hundred days alone, he (6) had never passado. A ao que aconteceu
actually felt lonely, as he (7) knew that so many Uso:
antes, num passado anterior,
of his friends (8) were thinking about him and (9) expressa pelo Past Perfect.
(were) wishing him success. And he (10) added, Corresponde, em portugus,
The sea is not an obstacle. It is a way. ao pretrito mais-que-perfeito.
Pelo contexto sabemos que todas as formas
verbais em destaque falam do passado. As aes
ou fatos no passado so geralmente expressos * Particpio Passado
por tempos verbais cujos exemplos de uso podem A maioria dos verbos em ingls faz
ser encontrados nas frases acima. Assim: o passado e o particpio passado de
forma regular, pelo acrscimo de -ed, ou
Simple Past simplesmente -d, sua forma bsica: finish
Acrscimo de -ed forma finished finished; end ended ended.
bsica, no caso dos verbos Os verbos que tm formas semelhantes
regulares; formas especficas no s dos verbos em portugus, em geral de
caso dos verbos irregulares. origem latina, tambm so regulares: educate
educated educated; construct constructed
Expressar uma ao que
aconteceu em um ponto
Mas muitos dos verbos mais comuns no
do passado, mencionado
so de origem latina e so irregulares, com
explicitamente ou subentendido
formas prprias de passado e particpio
pelo contexto.
passado: see saw seen; go went gone;
Corresponde, em portugus,
eat ate eaten etc.
tanto ao pretrito perfeito
quanto ao imperfeito.

56 UNIT 4 You Will Never Feel Lonely

1. Nas frases do texto de introduo, quais 4. Complete the text with the Past Perfect
os nmeros que antecedem verbos no Past of the verbs in parentheses.
Perfect? 1, 3, 5, 6
He was an old
man who fished

Charles Scribners Sons/Arquivo da editora

2. Volte ao texto principal (p. 50) e transcreva
alone in a skiff in the
os trechos que correspondem a:

a. Depois que dois meses de aventuras tinham Gulf Stream and he

se passado After two months of adventures had had gone
gone by
b. depois de eu ter sado after I had left. (go) eighty-four
days now without
taking a fish. In the
c. Senti saudade de coisas e pessoas que eu no
tinha visto h muito tempo.
I missed things and people I had not seen for so long. first forty days a boy
3. Choose the correct verb form to complete had been
each sentence: Simple Past, Past Progressive (be) with
him. But after
or Past Perfect.

a. While he was walking along the forty days without a fish the boys parents
beach, he began to see a man in had told (tell) him that the old
the distance. (walk begin) man was now definitely and finally salao,
which is the worst form of unlucky, and the boy
b. My daughter had
had gone (go) at their orders in
an accident
last week. She was wearing
another boat which caught three good fish the
seat belt, thank God for that. (have wear)
first week. It made the boy sad to see the old
man come in each day with his skiff empty and
c. When you saw me this morning, I
was rubbing
he always went down to help him carry either the
my arm with the

coiled lines or the gaff and harpoon and the sail

inside of a banana skin because a mosquito
had bitten me. (rub bite)
that was furled around the mast. The sail was
d. Billy was desperate because he patched with flour sacks and, furled, it looked like
had tried
the flag of permanent defeat.
some different crash
diets but all of them failed .
(HEMINGWAY, Ernest. The Old Man and the Sea.
He was still too fat. (try fail) New York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1952.)

e. Amyr Klink had spent

two months on the sea when he A Little Help
started thinking about the flour sack: strong bag for carrying flour (a
meaning of loneliness. (spend start) powder used for making bread, cakes, etc.)
furled sail: a sail that has been folded
f. I went to Beijing last year. It was gaff: a stick with a hook at the end, used for
my first visit to China . I had pulling big fish out of the water
never been there before. harpoon: weapon used for hunting big fish
(go be) and whales
patch: cover a hole in something (generally
g. I was in a restaurant in Beijing clothes) by putting a piece of something else
when I noticed that they * grasshopper over it
= gafanhoto
were eating fried grasshoppers*. skiff: small light boat for one person
Ugh! Disgusting! (notice eat)

You Will Never Feel Lonely UNIT 4 57

Scan the text and answer the questions. Loneliness was the only thing that I did not feel
a. How did the old man fish? Alone. after I had left.
I missed things and people that I had not seen
for so long.
b. How many days had he gone without taking
a fish? Eighty-four days.
c. How many days had the boy been with him? 1. What is the only thing that Amyr Klink did
Forty days. not feel after he had left? Loneliness.

d. How many fish did the other boat catch the 2. What did he miss? He missed things and people
(that) he had not seen for so long.
first week? Three.
e. Why had the boys parents told him to go in Two Tips
another boat?Because the old man was salao Quando that estiver seguido de um
(very unlucky).
f. How did the old man come in each day? substantivo, nome ou pronome (I, he, we etc.), tem
With his skiff empty. funo de objeto e pode, portanto, ser omitido.
g. When furled, what did the sail look like? Amyr Klink is the Brazilian navigator (that)
The flag of permanent defeat. we all admire.

The Relative Pronoun that Quando that vier seguido de um verbo, ele
tem funo de sujeito e no pode ser omitido.
Observe a palavra trs vezes destacada no Amyr Klink is the Brazilian navigator that went to
the two Poles of the Earth between 1989 and 1991.
An inner feeling that is not necessarily
caused by distance or isolation, a sense of Check the sentence in which the word that
emptiness that invades you and that no human cannot be omitted.
company or presence can ever satisfy.
a. One Hundred Days Between Sea and Sky
That um pronome relativo usado em is the book that Amyr Klink wrote after one
referncia a objetos ou pessoas que funcionam of his sea voyages.
como o sujeito da orao. o correspondente em b. x The reporter that interviewed Amyr
portugus a que. Klink worked for a Canadian newspaper.
Em ingls, como j foi visto, quando o pronome c. Loneliness was the only thing that he did
relativo correspondente a que funciona como objeto not feel after he had left.
da orao, ele pode ser omitido. Nas frases a seguir, d. I missed things and people that I had not
o pronome that, omitido no texto, foi recolocado. seen for so long, said the Brazilian navigator.


Role Models
A transcrio do udio destas atividades encontra-se no tpico
Audio Scripts, no Manual do Professor.

Converse com os alunos 1. Read the following sentences and discuss with a classmate: What is a
sobre o conceito de
role model, fazendo-os role model? Does it represent a good example or a bad one?
refletir sobre que tipo
de qualidades algum
deveria ter para se
a. Marta is a good role model for young players, with her excellent attitude
tornar um exemplo a ser and obvious love for the game.
b. Ayrton Senna was more than a racing legend, he was a tremendous role
model: smart, courageous, fast and successful.
c. Does Obama represent a new kind of role model for young African Americans?

58 UNIT 4 You Will Never Feel Lonely

Antes de ouvirem a
09 2. You are going to listen to a group of friends who were hanging out gravao, d um tempo
at a shopping mall. Among them is Ana Gomes, a Brazilian student who para os alunos lerem
todas as frases. Os
alunos, ento, ouvem
earned a scholarship to study in San Diego, California. Listen carefully and
mark the following sentences T (True) or F (False). o udio trs vezes; na
primeira vez apenas
ouvem, na segunda fazem
a. ( T ) They are looking at a picture of Victoria and David Beckham's family. a atividade, e na terceira
confirmam as respostas.
b. ( F ) The girls think that David Beckham is lucky. Victoria
f. Percebe-se que eles no
sabem de quem se trata
c. ( T ) Beckham is Peters role model. pela entonao e espanto
com que perguntam:
d. ( F ) Michael Sanders is a Senator. a future Senator Who?
Retome a discusso da
atividade 1 com os alunos
e. ( T ) Barack Obama is Michaels role model. perguntando a eles se
acham que para ser um
f. ( F ) Ana's American friends know who Amyr Klink is. don't know role model a pessoa deve
ser famosa. Conduza a
discusso de modo que
g. ( T ) Amyr Klink is Anas role model. os alunos percebam que
para ser um modelo a ser
h. ( T ) Ana knows a lot about Amyr Klink's sea adventures. seguido a pessoa no
precisa necessariamente ser
famosa, mas sim ter boas
i. ( T ) Ana wants to have a sea adventure one day. qualidades, praticar boas
aes etc. Um bom exemplo
j. ( F ) One of the boys wants to go with her and she thinks that is a good idea. pode estar bem prximo
is not de ns, como os pais,
professores, amigos.


Getting to Know You

1. Now you have the chance to know more about one of your classmates. Ask
him or her some questions about his or her preferences and opinions, and
then change places. The following expressions and phrases may help you.

Question topics Some possible comments

admire Amyr Klink I think hes great. He is one of my role models.
like adventures I like adventures, but only in the movies.
like sea adventures The sea is OK, but not for adventures.
like or prefer to be I always feel a little nervous/edgy/worried when I travel by sea.
I like/love/dislike/hate that.
go out with friends
When Im alone, I have time for reflection/organizing my thoughts.
sometimes feel lonely
Home sweet home. North, South, East, West home is best.
feel homesick
Love/Friendship is more important than any other thing.
I have a few friends; Id like to have more.
friendship is the most
important thing I dont have many friends, but the ones I have are very good.

You Will Never Feel Lonely UNIT 4 59

Incentive os alunos 2. Now talk to another student, reporting your classmates answers. The
a usar os discourse
markers vistos at
following examples may help you.
agora ao formularem
suas frases. Although Angelica doesnt admire Amyr Klink, she likes
adventures. She doesnt have many friends. However, she thinks
friendship is the most important thing there is.
Marcos doesnt like to be alone. He prefers to go out with friends. He
also feels homesick sometimes, because he spends a lot of time away.


What Exactly Did He Say?

1. Read and spot the mistakes.
Ingrid de Almeida, uma jovem reprter que entrevistou Amyr Klink, uma
* No jargo cub reporter uma foca*. A entrevista foi feita em ingls, porque Ingrid
jornalstico, foca recebeu essa tarefa de um jornal canadense. Depois de conversar com Amyr
Klink, Ingrid anotou em seu caderno alguns trechos da entrevista, mas, por
o nome que se d
ao reprter em incio
de carreira, sem nervosismo, cometeu vrios erros.
experincia, o que o
leva a cometer erros. a. Underline the nine mistakes made by Ingrid, the cub reporter.

Amyr Klink had just arrived from one of his sea adventures. I asked him if
loneliness had been his biggest advantage. Amyr said he had spent one
thousand days alone, and he had always felt lonely. He said just a few of
his friends knew about his adventure. Those friends had forgotten about
him and ignored his success. And then he added: The world is not an
obstacle. It is a shortcut.

b. Write down the words or phrases that correctly replace those you
underlined in the text above.
a. obstacle d. never g. wished him
b. hundred e. so many h. sea
c. but f. were thinking i. way

2. Now imagine an interview (a fictitious interview, but without

mistakes!) with a celebrity of your choice. Use Ingrids notes as a basis
and write a short paragraph in your notebook about the conversation you
had with that celebrity.
Some tips:
write down some questions you should ask him / her;
imagine the possible answers;
write the paragraph taking his / her answers into consideration and paying
attention to the verb tenses and time expressions;
exchange your paragraph with a classmate and check for any possible
mistakes, then rewrite your text if necessary.

60 UNIT 4 You Will Never Feel Lonely

Another Look at...

Sailing Away

Vitaly Maksimchuk/Shutterstock/Glow Images

Among the following statements there is one that is in direct contradiction

to the quotes above. Check it.

We should start acting on our dreams and goals instead of just talking
about them.
Life can be a great adventure. Dont be afraid to live it.
x Sailing away means leaving a safe harbor, a comfortable place where
you feel at home and moving to the unknown, a risky move involving
the possibility of danger, harm, or failure, which should be avoided.
Stagnant water does not flow and often smells bad. Dont swim in
stagnant waters.
If you lie at anchor you will probably be safe from storms, but you will
never see the world.

You Will Never Feel Lonely UNIT 4 61

estes nossos tempos de vida intensa e acelerada,
cercados de informaes, celular, Internet,

TV, telemarketing, mensagens publicitrias,
dificilmente encontramos espao para ficarmos sozinhos.

E o isolamento, no entanto, nem sempre indesejvel.
Muitas vezes seria bom estarmos ss, para podermos
refletir, serenar a cabea, organizar os pensamentos,
pr a casa em ordem. Muitas pessoas precisam, como
Amyr Klink, estar ss, viajar, explorar novos espaos,
descobrir mundos, sair por a. O isolamento nem sempre faz
o indivduo sentir-se solitrio. Por outro
lado, possvel que a pessoa sinta solido
mesmo quando est no meio de muita

David Olsen/Photographers Choice/Getty Images

gente. Voc j se sentiu alone in the crowd?
A solido di. sentir-se s, embora seja
essa a condio natural do ser humano.
Qual , ento, o melhor antdoto para a
solido? Seria a friendship, lembrada por
Amyr Klink no texto desta unidade?
If you have a friend, even if just one,
no matter where he or she is, you will never
be alone. You may die from homesickness,
but you will not feel lonely.
O que voc pensa disso? Aproveite o
fato de que voc no est s e debata esse
tema com seus colegas e professores. Sim,
e com os seus amigos, of course. The most
important thing in life are not things, but
values. And people, especially your friends.

Discuss this issue with your classmates and teachers, especially

your Philosophy and Sociology teachers.

Exploring Other Sources

KLINK, Amyr. Cem dias entre cu e mar. So Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1995.
KLINK, Amyr. Paratii: entre dois polos. So Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1992.
SEMPRE a seu Lado. Direo: Lasse Hallstrom. Produo: Warren T. Goz / Paul Mason, 2009.
AMYR KLINK. Available at: <>. Access: Mar. 26, 2013.
WHAT'S the difference between being lonely and a loner?. Available at: <
hi/uk_news/magazine/8703173.stm>. Access: Mar. 26, 2013.

62 UNIT 4 You Will Never Feel Lonely

The Universal Language
Mathematics, like music, can be considered a universal language, shared

by human beings across the world, regardless of culture, religion, or gender.

Making predictions
Look at the image, read the title and the introduction. Do you agree with those statements?
Mike Agliolo/Corbis

What do mathematics and music have in common? In what way can they be considered
universal? Do you use math in your daily life? What other information about that science do you
think the text tells us about? Make some predictions, read the text and find out if you were right.



As palavras
Before You Read Activating background knowledge
destacadas no udio
so comentadas no
tpico Pronunciation The question What is the universal language? may possibly have more
and Stress, no than an answer. What would be your answer? Add others if you like.
Manual do Professor.

Mathematics Love
Music Money
English All of them
Esperanto Art

Time to Read Skimming

Banco de Imagens/Arquivo da editora

Pi, a number used in mathematics, is still
approximately 3.14159 regardless of what

Tyler Olson/Shutterstock/Glow Images

country you are in. Adding up the cost of a
basket full of groceries involves the same
math process regardless of whether the
total is expressed in dollars, euros, or reais.
How can math be so universal?
First, human beings didnt invent math
concepts; we discovered them. Also, the
language of math is numbers, not English
or French or Portuguese. Very few people
are literate in all the worlds languages. But virtually all of us possess the ability to be
literate in the shared language of numbers, which connects us with people across
continents and through time. It is what links ancient scholars and medieval merchants,
astronauts and artists, peasants and presidents.
With this language we can explain many of the mysteries of the universe or the
secrets of DNA. We can build computers and transfer information across the globe.
We can understand the forces of planetary motion, discover cures for catastrophic
diseases, or calculate the distance from Boston to So Paulo.
Math can help us in our daily lives, by helping us make important decisions and
perform everyday tasks. Math is not just for professors and scientists. Its for all of us.
And its not just about calculating difficult equations. Its about making better daily
decisions and, hopefully, leading richer, fuller lives.

* pi /pa /: O nmero a medida do

comprimento da circunferncia quando se toma (Adapted from: MATH in Daily Life. The Annenberg Foundation. Available at:
o dimetro como unidade. Nos clculos usamos <>. Access: Mar. 27, 2013.)
valores aproximados: 3,14 ou 3,1416 ou 3,1 etc.
64 UNIT 5 The Universal Language

General Comprehension
Whats the Main Idea? Skimming

Choose the sentence that contains the most important idea in The
Universal Language.

Mathematics is the only language that uses numbers, and not words.

x People across the world are able to communicate by using mathematics,

the shared language of numbers.

Mathematics is the language of scholars, merchants, artists, and


Word Study
In Other Words Getting meaning from context

Match each word or phrase in bold with its meaning.

a. the only language ( d ) Besides,

b. shared by all human beings ( e ) the way we live every day

c. is still approximately 3.14159 ( c ) continues to be about

( i ) able to read and write

d. Also,
( j ) sex, male or female
e. Math can help us in our daily lives
( f ) common things we have
f. and perform everyday tasks to do each day s

( b ) used at the same time by

lo wI
on ium / Shu t t e r s t o c k /G
g. just for professors
h. Its about leading richer, fuller
lives ( k ) independently of, no matter what

( l ) people who know much about a

i. Very few people are literate
certain subject

( g ) only, exclusively
j. regardless of gender

k. regardless of gender ( h ) living more happily

l. ancient scholars ( a ) the one

Looking for Reference Reference words

In the sentence below, what does the pronoun we refer to? In that same
sentence, what does the pronoun them refer to?
human beings;
First, human beings didnt invent math concepts; we discovered them. math concepts

The Universal Language UNIT 5 65

Word Families Using grammar for vocabulary expansion

Scan the text and complete the chart with the missing words.

Noun Verb Adjective

universe universal

ability enable able

share share shared

connection connect connected

planet planetary

day daily

decision decide decisive

Noun Phrases Scanning

Scan the text to find the nouns that are missing in the phrases below.
a. planetary motion movimento planetrio
b. everyday tasks tarefas do dia a dia
c. ancient scholars antigos eruditos
d. math concepts conceitos matemticos
e. shared language linguagem compartilhada
f. human beings seres humanos
g. daily decisions decises dirias
h. richer, fuller lives vidas mais ricas, mais completas
i. medieval merchants comerciantes medievais
j. catastrophic diseases doenas catastrficas

Detailed Comprehension
Finding Specific Information Scanning

Scan the text and match the beginnings with the endings of the sentences,
Milagli/Shutterstock/Glow Images
according to The Universal Language.
a. With mathematics we can explain ( c ) is numbers.
b. Human beings didnt invent math ( d ) and transfer information across
concepts; the globe.
c. The language of math ( g ) the forces of planetary motion.
( a ) many of the mysteries of the
d. With math we can build computers
e. Math is not just
( ) for professors and scientists.
f. Math can help us perform ( b ) we discovered them.
g. With math we can understand ( f ) everyday tasks.

66 UNIT 5 The Universal Language

Distinguishing Between Discovery and Invention
Neveshkin Nikolay/Shutterstock/Glow Images

1. Look again at this sentence from the text and observe the meaning of
the words in bold.

First, human beings didnt invent math concepts; we discovered them.

That means math concepts

x are something natural; they existed in nature before the birth of human
are something created by the human mind.

discover: be the first person to find something already in

existence but that was not known before.
invent: make, put together or think of a new thing,
something that did not exist before.
From an ancient abacus
[picture] to a modern
2. Choose the appropriate word in parentheses. calculator humanity
has come a long way in
a. Which of these two is your favorite the computer or TV? science and technology.

(inventions discoveries)

b. Columbus America. Fact or myth?

(invented discovered)

c. The of super-giant oil fields offshore Santos Basin was excellent news for
Brazil. (invention discovery)

d. Alexander Graham Bell the telephone. And who the cell

phone?*(invented invented / discovered discovered)


Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Os substantivos contveis (countable nouns ou count nouns) podem ser usados tanto no singular
quanto no plural. Quando usados no singular, podem ser precedidos de artigo indefinido a ou
an ; no plural so usados sem artigo ou com some.

a president presidents an artist some artists

* Dr. Martin Cooper is credited as the inventor of the modern cell phone (the Motorola) in 1973.

The Universal Language UNIT 5 67

Quando usados no plural, com sentido genrico, esses substantivos no so precedidos de artigo,
nem indefinido (a/an), nem definido (the):
Mathematics is the language of numbers. (general)
So precedidos de artigo definido (the) quando usados em sentido especfico:
Can you read the numbers on that chart? (specific)
J os substantivos no contveis (uncountable nouns ou mass nouns) no tm forma plural.
So usados com verbos e pronomes no singular. Para expressar quantidade indefinida, podem ser
precedidos de some, mas no de a/an.
Money is used to pay for things. Can you give me some money, Dad?
Esto nesse grupo os substantivos abstratos (courage, patience, education, freedom etc.) e os
concretos que dizem respeito a substncias ou materiais, quando considerados em seu sentido geral
(money, water, sugar, milk, cotton, paper, bread, air etc.).
Bread is made from flour, water and yeast.
Money um substantivo no contvel que em portugus no , em geral, usado no plural nem
precedido de um. No dizemos dinheiros nem comum usarmos a forma um dinheiro. J bread,
flour, water e yeast so exemplos de substantivos no contveis cujos correspondentes em portugus
tm forma plural e podem ser precedidos de artigo indefinido. Podemos dizer um po, uma gua,
farinhas, fermentos.

Observe the nouns in bold in the following sentence. Mark C for countable or U for
uncountable under each of those nouns.
We can build computers and transfer information across the globe.
computers: C; information: U; globe: C
Existe, em ingls, um numeroso grupo de substantivos no contveis que designam coisas que, em
portugus, podem ser contadas, referidas na unidade ou pluralizadas. A diferena entre ingls e portugus
quanto ao uso desse tipo de substantivo um ponto que leva muitas vezes a erro e, por isso, merece
ateno especial. Assim, enquanto computer e globe so claramente contveis, information no .
O substantivo information uncountable, no tem forma plural e nunca vem precedido de an. Assim
informations e an information so formas incorretas. Para dizermos informaes, usamos information
ou some information e para especificarmos uma informao usamos a piece of information.

1. Put a (or an) before the countable nouns and some before the uncountable nouns.

a. a language
b. a
Pixtal/Easypix Brasil

c. some sugar
d. some milk
e. a disease
f. some money
g. some oil
h. an astronaut
i. a basket
j. an instrument

68 UNIT 5 The Universal Language

2. Now choose the expressions from the box to complete the sentences below.

an expensive piece of furniture the best piece of advice some information a fantastic piece of news
time a loaf of bread great knowledge an important piece of equipment

a. Can you give me some information about your country?

b. Obama is the new president. That was a fantastic piece of news .
c. Always say No to drugs. This is the best piece of advice I can give you.
d. I love bread. I want to buy a loaf of bread .
e. A sofa is an expensive piece of furniture .
f. A physicist must have great knowledge of mathematics.
g. A computer is an important piece of equipment
To learn more
for many professionals. about this topic, go to
h. Time passes more quickly when you are having fun. MINIGRAMMAR 7.

Prepositions: across and through

Observe as palavras destacadas nestas frases:
Mathematics is the shared language of numbers, which connects us with people across continents and
through time.

We can build computers and transfer information across the globe.

Tanto across quanto through significam atravs de. Across expressa movimento em superfcies
livres, espaos abertos: We can walk across a road, the street, a bridge, the desert, e tambm em
espaos internos, limitados, confinados: We can walk across the room.
Through expressa um movimento atravs de um espao que est cercado por outras coisas: We can
walk through a forest, a tunnel, a crowd of people.
Veja a diferena:
They drove across the United States, from coast to coast. (de um lado ao outro de, mas no saindo de)

Allmaps/Arquivo da editora




GEORGIA Charleston


0 257 515 miles MEXICO

100 W

Adapted from: IBGE. Atlas geogrfico escolar. Rio de Janeiro, 2009.

The Universal Language UNIT 5 69

We drove through So Paulo on our way to Curitiba. (entrando, atravessando,
saindo de)

Allmaps/Arquivo da editora
Cuiab DF
Goinia MINAS

So Paulo Rio de Janeiro
Tropic of C


Porto Alegre W E

0 111 223 miles

Adapted from: IBGE. Atlas geogrfico escolar. Rio de Janeiro, 2009.

Fill in the blanks with across or through, as required.

a. The train runs through several tunnels in the Alps.
b. Several airlines fly across the Atlantic between Brazil and Europe.
c. We passed through Spain when we drove from Lisbon to Paris.
d. There was a hole in the fence and the dog climbed through it.
e. There is no bridge. We will have to swim across the river.

Essas duas preposies tm outros usos, entre os quais os seguintes:

1. em todo, por todo
That bank has offices across Brazil.
2. do outro lado de
There is a bus stop just across the street.

1. por meio de
His success came through hard work.
2. de um dia/ms a outro dia/ms, incluindo este
The museum is open Monday through Friday.

70 UNIT 5 The Universal Language


School Subjects
A transcrio do udio destas atividades encontra-se no tpico
Audio Scripts, no Manual do Professor.

1. Match the school subjects with some abilities related to them.

Inicie perguntando aos alunos que tipo de habilidades eles aprendem nas
diversas matrias escolares. Em seguida, oriente-os a fazer a atividade.

School Subjects Abilities

a. Mathematics ( f ) to analyze chemical elements
b. English ( d ) to analyze historical facts
c. Geography ( b ) to interpret texts in a foreign language
d. History ( a ) to deal with numbers
e. Arts ( c ) to understand maps
f. Chemistry ( e ) to paint pictures

11 2. Ana Gomes and some of her classmates are talking about their
favorite school subjects. Listen to their conversation and check the right
columns according to what you hear.

Favorite school subject Ana Peter Amanda Michael Kate

Social Studies


Plans for the Future

Listen to the CD again. Pay attention to the way Ana and her
classmates talk about their favorite school subjects and their plans for the
future. Then discuss with a classmate about your own favorite subjects
and your own professional plans. The phrases in the box below may be
useful for reference.

Whats your favorite? Math: engineer; architect; economist; computer scientist

I am (not) (very) good at Biology: doctor; nurse; biologist; dentist
I want to be a Sociology: economist; urban planner; psychologist
What about you? Physics: physicist; astronomer; research scientist
Os alunos devem ouvir a gravao novamente para falar sobre o assunto. Eles podem usar os nomes das profisses
e as frases sugeridas para perguntar ou iniciar as respostas, tomando o dilogo como ponto de partida, podendo
acrescentar outras informaes, ajustadas sua realidade. The Universal Language UNIT 5 71


Imagine that you have a microblog* and you want to share your opinion
and thoughts about your favorite school subject:

brainstorm some ideas first, such as the reasons why this is your
favorite subject;
remember that your micropost should have up to 200 characters
(about 30 words);
exchange your text with a classmate and discuss about your choice
and his or hers.
Incentive os alunos a trocar o texto com um colega para tirarem eventuais dvidas e conversarem
sobre as escolhas e o texto de cada um.
This example may help you:

Banco de imagens/Arquivo da editora

Microposts @jeff_CA 2h
I love biology! I have a lot of interest in the human
Estdio 1+2/Arquivo da editora

body and I plan to study nursing in the future. Well,

it's really interesting. And my grades are always high
in biology too.

Microposts @ 2h


g cons
* Microblo e os
o d e b lo g em qu
um tip fazem
r io s , e m geral,
usu ves de
es bre
Se for possvel, incentive os alunos a postar suas mensagens
o m cerca de em sites de microblog, como o Tweeter, por exemplo.
tex to (c quenas
te re s) . Essas pe
carac as
e n s a g ens so
m .
como m

72 UNIT 5 The Universal Language

Another Look at...

More than a thousand years ago a Moroccan genius conceived the figures 0 through 9
which we know today as Arabic numerals. He shaped the figures so that each contained
an appropriate number of angles, as shown in the illustration below.
Estdio 1+2/Arquivo da editora

His figure 1 contains one angle, his 2 two angles, 3 three angles etc. Zero,
signifying nothing, had no angles.

Choose the alternatives that correctly complete each sentence.

a. Arabic numerals were conceived . c. There are angles in O.

in modern Morocco. x No.
x a very long time ago. Any.
by a genius who came from a None
European country. No one.
by the figures 0 through 9.
d. The shape of some of those figures is
b. The figures were conceived in such not the same in modern times. For
a way as to represent the exact of example, the shape of the figure is
angles each one contained. completely different today.
shape four
size six
x number zero
figure x one

The Universal Language UNIT 5 73

m resposta a uma estudante que lhe tinha
confessado ter problemas com uma certa disciplina

escolar, Albert Einstein disse: Do not worry about
your difficulties in Mathematics; I can assure you that mine

are still greater. Einstein estava brincando, of course.
Sabemos que ele no tinha problemas com a Matemtica,
pelo menos no ao nvel da jovem estudante. Mas ela,
como alguns outros estudantes, tinha um certo preconceito
contra a disciplina, considerando-a difcil e s vezes boring.
Na verdade a Matemtica mais do que uma simples
disciplina escolar, um instrumento muito til para a vida, que usamos em nosso
dia a dia, mesmo sem nos dar conta.
A Matemtica no s school subject e no s para professores e
cientistas. para todos ns. Ela est presente na diversidade das formas e
padres dos objetos e da natureza; na simetria das ptalas de uma margarida
ou das asas de uma borboleta; nas linhas retas dos arranha-cus de So Paulo,
nas curvas das montanhas de Minas Gerais ou de
um projeto de Oscar Niemeyer. Ela est presente de
forma prtica, quando fazemos nosso oramento,

Brian Goodman/Shutterstock/Glow Images

quando calculamos o preo total de um sof que
est on sale, up to 75% off, ou nos juros embutidos no
valor da geladeira nova. A Matemtica est presente
quando queremos saber as calorias contidas em
um potinho de iogurte, ou conferimos as fraes
de cada ingrediente na hora de preparar um bolo
de chocolate. Ela nos acompanha at quando
sonhamos alto com a probabilidade de acertar na
loteria, who knows?
Essas so apenas algumas das muitas formas
em que a Matemtica se apresenta em nossa vida.
Que outras formas voc acrescentaria?

Discuss this issue with your classmates and teachers, especially

your Math teacher.

Exploring Other Sources

STEIN, James D. Como a Matemtica explica o mundo: o poder dos nmeros no cotidiano. Rio de
Janeiro: Elsevier, 2008.
STEWART, Ian. Almanaque das curiosidades matemticas. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 2009.
QUEBRANDO A BANCA. Direo: Robert Luketic. Produo: Kevin Spacey, Brett Ratner, 2008.
OLIMPADA Brasileira de Matemtica. Available at: <>. Acess: Mar. 27, 2013.

74 UNIT 5 The Universal Language

Magnets and the
Power of Attraction
12A magnet is an object that attracts
certain metals, such as iron, nickel and
cobalt. All magnets have North-seeking (N)
and South-seeking (S) poles. When magnets
are placed near each other, opposite poles
attract and like poles repel each other.

Making predictions
Look at the picture, read the title and the paragraph above. What do you know about
Comstock Images/Jupiterimages

magnets? How can a magnet attract some metals? How is a magnetic field formed? Did
you know that the Earth itself is a large magnet, the largest in the world? What other
information about that topic do you think the text tells us about? Make some predictions,
read the text and find out if they were correct.



Before You Read Activating background knowledge

Complete the following paragraph with words from the box.

attract magnet south repel positive

Magnets have a north pole and a south pole. One side has
a negative charge and the other side has a positive charge. The
negative side of a magnet attracts the positive side of another
magnet. This is where the phrase opposites attract comes from.
Two sides that have the same charge will repel each other.
(COLLINS Cobuild Advanced Dictionary of American English, Glasgow:
Harper Collins Publishers, 2007, p. 790.)

Time to Read Skimming

Now read the text quickly to understand the main idea and check your
predictions. As palavras destacadas no udio so comentadas no tpico Pronunciation and
Stress, no Manual do Professor.

Banco de Imagens/Arquivo da editora


A magnet is a metal that can pull pieces of iron toward

Ivancovlad/Shutterstock/Glow Images
itself and make them cling to it. A horseshoe magnet
pointed at a clip will make it jump up from a table and
cling to the magnet until it is pulled off.
The horseshoe magnet has two poles, or ends a
positive and a negative one. If you put the two positive
poles of two magnets together, there is no attraction. But if
you touch the positive pole of one magnet to the negative of
the other, you feel a strong pull. This is because opposite poles
attract each other.
The reason the magnet attracts iron objects is that it sets up an invisible
atmosphere around itself called a magnetic field. When a pin or nail is in that
field, it becomes a little magnet too. Ordinarily, the billions of atoms in the nail
are packed in a scattered way, but when the nail enters a magnetic field, more
and more of its positive atom poles point in one direction , toward the negative
pole of the big magnet, and more and more of its negative atom poles point the
other way to the big magnets positive pole. Since these opposite poles attract
each other, the nail will now jump up and cling to the magnet.
The largest magnet in the world is the Earth itself, because the hot nickel and
iron at its core pull everything towards it!

(HOW Does a Magnet Attract Metal? Available at:

<>. Access: Apr. 1, 2013.)

76 UNIT 6 Magnets and the Power of Attraction

General Comprehension
Finding the Main Ideas Skimming

Complete the following sentences with the correct number of the

paragraphs of Magnets and the Power of Attraction.
All the four paragraphs tell us how a magnet attracts metal. But paragraph
3 explains why a magnet attracts iron objects. And paragraph 2
tells us specifically about the power of attraction of a horseshoe magnet.
Paragraph 1 tells us what a magnet is and what it can do. And
paragraph 4 tells us our planet is the largest magnet in the world.

Word Study
Like Poles or Opposite Poles? Synonyms or Antonyms?
Getting meaning from context

Decide if the pairs of words below are like poles (have approximately the
same meaning) or opposite poles (have opposite meanings). Write S (for
synonyms) or A (for antonyms).

a. ( A ) attract repel g. ( S ) since because

b. ( S ) pole end h. ( A ) positive negative
c. ( A ) everything nothing i. ( S ) placed put
d. ( S ) toward to j. ( A ) from to
e. (S) way direction k. (A) hot cold
f. ( A ) pull push l. ( A ) jump up fall down

Function Words
1. Scan the text and match each word or phrase listed below with its
meaning in Portuguese.

a. each other ( c ) tais como

Introduction b. near ( e ) juntos

c. such as ( a ) um ao outro, uns aos outros

Paragraph 1 d. until ( g ) para, na direo de

e. together ( b ) perto de
Paragraph 2
f. if ( j ) porque, desde que

g. toward ( i ) cada vez mais

h. around ( d ) at que
Paragraph 3
i. more and more ( h ) volta de

j. since ( f ) se

Magnets and the Power of Attraction UNIT 6 77

2. Now complete each of the following sentences with the correct
function word from the box.

until such as since toward each other

a. Since a clip is made of metal, it can be attracted by a magnet.

b. A magnet can pull metallic objects such as clips, pins and nails.
c. Two opposite poles attract each other .
d. A nail will cling to a horseshoe magnet until it is pulled off.
e. The north pole of a compass points toward the magnetic north.

Words in Context
Choose the correct alternative to complete each sentence.
a. Attention-seeking children are attention.
x trying to get full of tired of indifferent to
b. All the following nouns are metals, except one. Which one?
iron cobalt nickel x field

c. The central part of planet Earth is its .

pole x core pull table
d. A magnet is a sign of good luck.
clip nail pin x horseshoe

e. A wet shirt will your body.

x cling to jump up point at set up
f. The crowd in all directions when they heard the shots.
pulled off x scattered called packed

Detailed Comprehension
True or False? Scanning

Mark the following statements about Magnets and the Power of

Attraction T (for true) or F (for false). Correct the false statements by
replacing just one word in each statement.

a. ( F ) Opposite poles repel each other.attract

b. ( F ) A magnet pointed at a clip will make it feel from a table. jump up
c. ( F ) A horseshoe magnet has a positive pole and a negative core.pole/one
d. ( T ) A magnetic field is an area around an object that has magnetic power.
e. ( T ) The billions of atoms in an iron object are normally packed in a scattered way.
f. ( T ) When a horseshoe magnet is pointed at a pin or a nail they enter its
magnetic field.
g. ( T ) Planet Earth has a powerful magnetic field.
h. ( F ) The hot metals at the Earths core push everything toward it.pull

78 UNIT 6 Magnets and the Power of Attraction

Em portugus, no fazemos distino entre quantidade e nmero, sendo comum dizer, por exemplo, que h uma grande quantidade de carros na rua. Em
ingls, no entanto, a distino entre amount (quantidade) e number (nmero) clara e observada no uso de much, little e a little para designar a quantidade de
uncountable nouns (nunca usados no plural) e de many, few e a few, para designar o nmero de countable nouns, usados no plural. A distino entre quantidade
(= amount) e nmero (= number) ajuda a esclarecer este aspecto gramatical, que em geral causa dificuldade aos nossos alunos.


Quantifiers little; a little/few; a few conotao negativa, de insuficincia, pouca

quantidade. Mas veja agora este exemplo, em que
Observe a palavra em destaque nesta frase: little aparece precedido do artigo a:
When a pin or nail Mary is not rich, but she has a little money in
is in that field, it the bank.
becomes a little Pelo contexto, conclumos que a little usado

Ivancovlad/Shutterstock/Glow Images
magnet too. antes de substantivos no contveis, sempre
no singular e que o seu sentido um pouco,
Nesse exemplo, algum(a).
little um adjetivo De fato, a little corresponde a some: um
atributivo que pouco, algum(a), expressando uma quantidade
significa small in moderada, pequena (no chega a much), mas
size (pequeno/a). com sentido positivo.
Little pode aparecer A mesma diferena entre little e a little,
em contextos usados com substantivos no contveis,
que expressam sempre no singular, existe entre few e a few,
afetividade; nesses que expressam nmero e so usados com
casos corresponde ao substantivos contveis, no plural. Compare:
nosso sufixo -inho/a. I have few friends. Maybe one or two. I am not
Compare small e popular.
little no exemplo
Jack is not very popular, but he has a few
friends. Yes, he has some friends.
My house has only two rooms. It is a small
house. But I love my little house.
Qual dessas palavras corresponde a
Qual deles corresponde a uma casa pequena
e qual corresponde a minha casinha?

a small house, my little house, respectivamente E qual corresponde a alguns, algumas?

a few
Alm desse uso, little pode tambm aparecer
A quantidade expressa por a little e o nmero
como adjetivo ou pronome em contextos de
expresso por a few so maiores do que a quantidade
quantidade, correspondendo a not much ou not
expressa por little e o nmero expresso por few.
enough, com o significado de pouco/a. usado
Observe o seu uso:
com substantivos no contveis, sempre no
singular. time
little That
I have little money. Its not enough. energy
I had then. was
I need some more. chances
few bad.
Esse uso de little em frases afirmativas options
prprio da linguagem formal, sendo em geral
a money
substitudo por not much.
I little experience Thats
I dont have much money. Its not enough. I now.
have possibilities better.
need some more. a few
Como vimos, little significa pouco/a e tem

Magnets and the Power of Attraction UNIT 6 79

Little e few so muitas vezes precedidos por very (muito), sendo assim acentuada a ideia de
escassez ou insuficincia. Veja:

little That
If you add a little to a

I had then. was very

little, and then do it

chances bad.
again, soon that little
very will be much.

Urfin/Shutterstock/Glow Images

1. Complete these sentences with little or few.

a. The test was difficult, so few students passed it.

b. That place is almost a desert. There is very little water there.

c. George is an old man now and he has little patience with kids.

d. The doctor said there is very little hope. The patient is very ill.

e. Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen.

2. Now rewrite the following sentences, replacing some with a little or a few. To learn more

a. Give me some water, please. Im thirsty. a little

about this topic, go

b. Molly lives in So Paulo, but she has some friends in Recife. a few

c. I read the message but I didnt understand some words. a few

d. My cousins arent exactly rich, but they own some land in Minas. a little

e. Please sit down. We have some problems to discuss. a few

3. Now complete these sentences using little, a little, few or a few.

a. With the Internet, very few people go to the post office to send a letter nowadays.
E-mail has replaced snail mail.

b. Can I have a little more cake, please? I know Im on a diet, but I simply cant resist

c. Id like to go to the mall with you, but I cant. I have very little free time today.

d. I have been working hard and I need a break. A few days at the seaside will be most

80 UNIT 6 Magnets and the Power of Attraction

4. Complete the extract of the lyrics below with little, a little, few or a few.
a. Regrets, Ive had a few / But then again, too few to mention
b. Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings / These are a few of my favorite
things. (Maria, The Sound of Music)
c. Oh I get by with a little help from my friends. (The Beatles)
d. A little less conversation, a little more action, please (Elvis Presley)
e. Very few in life composed a symphony / Very few in life sing loves
melody (Bob Seger)
f. Little by little the night turns around. / Counting the leaves which
tremble at dawn. (Pink Floyd)

The Use of Will to Express Predictable Behavior

Observe o uso de will nestas frases:
A magnet pointed at a nail will make it jump up from a table and cling to the magnet until it is pulled off.
Since these opposite poles attract each other, the nail will now jump up and cling to the magnet.
Nesses casos, will usado para expressar uma verdade universal, um fato cientfico j estabelecido
ou ento um comportamento previsvel, algo que sabemos que sempre acontece em determinadas
situaes. No indica propriamente um conceito futuro.

Now match the columns to make correct statements.

a. A wet shirt ( f ) will float on water.
b. Ice in the sun ( c ) will make you fatter.
c. Eating too much chocolate ( a ) will cling to your body.
d. A frightened snake ( b ) will melt.
e. Mud ( d ) will attack you.
f. Oil ( e ) will cling to your shoes.

Phrasal Verbs
Como j vimos, phrasal verbs so locues compostas de um verbo e
Comstock Images/Jupiterimages
uma partcula (preposio ou advrbio) que tm um significado prprio. Em
muitos casos, o significado dessas locues acompanha o dos elementos
que a formam. Assim, jump significa pular, saltar e up significa para
cima; em jump up a partcula adverbial apenas refora o sentido do verbo.
Muitas outras phrasal verbs, no entanto, tm um sentido no previsvel, que
precisa ser memorizado. Assim, look significa olhar, for significa para
ou por, mas look for significa procurar. As locues verbais vo sendo
Look at that needle! A compass needle
is a permanent magnet. It points to the
memorizadas medida que as encontramos nos textos. Earths magnetic north pole.

Scan the text and complete the sentences below with phrasal verbs, as appropriate.
a. A magnet pointed at a clip will make it jump up from a table and cling to the magnet until
it is pulled off .
b. The reason the magnet attracts iron objects is that it sets up an invisible atmosphere.

Magnets and the Power of Attraction UNIT 6 81

A transcrio do udio destas atividades encontra-se no tpico Audio Scripts, no Manual do Professor.

How to Make a Compass

Esclarea eventuais
dvidas de 1. Do you know how to make a simple compass? Check the things you
vocabulrio dos
alunos ou pea para
think are necessary to make it.
que consultem o
Vocabulary no final
do livro. x a pin or a olive oil x a piece of cork a hammer
needle x a bowl of water x a magnet a pen

13 2. You are going to listen to Mr. Parker, a Science teacher at Ana Gomess
school. He is going to show his students how to build a simple compass. Listen
to the first part of Mr. Parker's class to confirm your answers in activity 1.

14 3. Now listen to the final part and number the images according to
what you hear.

3 5 2

Ilustraes: Estdio 1+2/Arquivo da editora

1 4

82 UNIT 6 Magnets and the Power of Attraction

15 4. After Mr. Parkers class, Ana Gomes and Michael Sanders were talking
about it. Listen to their conversation and mark the statements True or False.

True False
a. Ana knows that a magnet can attract iron objects.
b. A magnet has two positive poles.
c. When two positive poles of two magnets are together, there is
no attraction.
d. If you touch the positive pole of one magnet to the negative of
other, there is no attraction.
e. Ana knows that opposite poles attract each other.
f. Physics is Anas favorite school subject.
g. Ana does not like Chemistry at all.
h. Ana says she is going to be an astronomer.
i. Michael likes both Physics and Chemistry very much.
j. Michael feels attracted to Ana.


A Science Project Report

1. The following text is a report of a Science project presented at a Science Fair
in California. Read it and notice how the language is concise and to the point.

Project Title: Magnetic Force

Objective / Goal: to find out if temperature affects the strength of a
Materials: 3 plastic bowls, 1 small pot for boiling water, 200 paper clips,
ice and dry ice, thermometer, and 4 magnets.
Fill the pot with water and put it to boil.
Put ice into one of the bowls and dry ice into the other bowl.
Put each magnet in each bowl and into the pot with the boiling water.
Leave one magnet in room temperature.
Put 200 paper clips into another plastic bowl.
After 10 minutes take the magnets and put them into the plastic bowl
full of paper clips for 2 seconds.
Count how many paper clips each magnet has attracted.
Results: The magnet in the boiling water attracted fewer paper clips
than the magnet in the dry ice, which attracted most.
Conclusions: The hypothesis was proven right: temperature does
affect the strength of a magnet.

(Based on: CALIFORNIA State Science Fair. Available at:

<>. Access: Mar. 27, 2013.)

Magnets and the Power of Attraction UNIT 6 83

2. Now match each word or phrase from the list below with their
counterparts in Portuguese.
a. pot ( e ) temperatura ambiente

b. bowl ( d ) gua fervente

c. dry ice ( a ) pote; tacho; panela

d. boiling water ( b ) tigela; vasilha

e. room temperature ( c ) gelo seco

3. Now it is your turn. In groups of three, choose a science topic to
develop your science project. You may ask your Physics, Chemistry
or Biology teacher to help you. After the experiment is done, write
Comente com
os alunos que o down the results in English in your notebook. Swap your project with
experimento pode
ser bem simples, o another group and ask them to check it for possible mistakes and to add
mais importante
que atentem para comments. Dont forget to include:
as etapas de um
projeto cientfico,
como relatar os the topics of the project (name, goals, materials, methods, results,
resultados e a
concluso. Ajude-os conclusion);
com vocabulrio
ou aspectos de the steps of the experiment;
estrutura da lngua,
se necessrio. the conclusion (say if your hypothesis was proved right or wrong).


Para esta atividade de Reporting Your Project Results

speaking importante
que os alunos se
preparem em casa, Report to the class the results of the science project developed by your
pois se trata de uma
apresentao em grupo
group. Each student in your group is to present a step or part of the
dos resultados do experiment. The example below may help you:
projeto de Cincias feito
na atividade de writing.
Comente com eles
The title of our project is Magnetic Force, our objective was to find
que a apresentao out if temperature affects the strength of a magnet.
deve ser breve, e se
preferirem podem usar
tambm um lembrete
First we put 4 magnets in 4 different temperature conditions: boiling
com os dados do water, ice, dry ice and room temperature for 10 minutes. Then we
projeto na hora da
apresentao. Faa-os
placed the four magnets into a plastic bowl with 200 paper clips for 2
observar a sequncia minutes.
das frases e os usos
de first, then, finally,
in conclusion e outras Finally, we counted how many paper clips each magnet had attracted.
palavras e expresses
como it seems that, It was clear that the magnet in the boiling water was the most
while e was proven
right. Como alternativa, affected because it picked up fewer paper clips, while the magnet in
eles podem gravar essa the dry ice was the one which got the most.
apresentao em udio
ou vdeo para mostrar
aos colegas, ou post-la
In conclusion, our hypothesis was proven right. Temperature does
em um blog / site da affect the strength of a magnet.
turma, se eles tiverem.

84 UNIT 6 Magnets and the Power of Attraction

Another Look at...

Power of Attraction

Two North Poles and Two South Poles

The Earth acts as a magnet. It has

two north poles and two south poles.
The magnetic north and south
poles are the points where Earths
magnetism is strongest. The north
pole of a compass points toward
a point called magnetic north,
its south pole points to magnetic
south. These are different from
the geographic North and South
Poles. The geographic North and
South Poles are points at the ends
of the Earths axis. The magnetic

poles and the geographic poles are not

exactly in the same places.


(From ScienceSaurus: a Student Handbook. Wilmington: Houghton Mifflin, 2005.)

Responda em portugus:
1. Quantos polos do nosso planeta podemos considerar?

2. Os polos magnticos e os geogrficos esto exatamente nos mesmos pontos?


3. Onde que a fora magntica da Terra mais forte?

Nos polos (magnticos) norte e sul.

4. Que nome dado s extremidades do eixo imaginrio da Terra?

Polo (geogrfico) norte e polo (geogrfico) sul.

5. Como a Terra funciona, nesse aspecto?

Como um m/magneto.

Magnets and the Power of Attraction UNIT 6 85

tema o poder do magnetismo. Os ms em
geral, os materiais e as foras magnticas que

esto presentes, quase sempre de forma pouco
visvel, na nossa vida diria: fazendo funcionar motores

ABOUT IT tela da TV ou do computador, nos exames de ressonncia

eltricos, alto-falantes, nas imagens que aparecem na

magntica. Os materiais magnticos

esto ainda presentes nos discos
de computador, nos cartes de
crdito e de dbito, enfim, no dia a dia
da vida moderna. As pesquisas sobre a tecnologia
dos materiais magnticos continuam;
so uma firme promessa de mais
maravilhas que vm por a. E o
tema ainda permite abordar
o magnetismo pessoal,
a capacidade que, em
princpio, todos ns temos
de inspirar a simpatia
das outras pessoas
por meio de atitudes e
comportamentos sempre
fundados em valores

verdadeiros. Voc tambm

acredita que, nas relaes
k /G
to c
humanas, os opostos se
t te



Discuss this issue with your classmates and teachers, especially

your Physics teacher.

Exploring Other Sources

KING, Andy. Magnetism. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications, 2005. (Early Bird Energy)
SCHUH, Mari. Magnetism. EUA: Scholastic Books, 2011.
MAGNETS. Available at: <>. Access:
Mar 27, 2013.
MAGNETISMO - Propriedades gerais dos ms. Available at: <
basico/imas/>. Access: Mar 27, 2013.

86 UNIT 6 Magnets and the Power of Attraction

Check Your English 2
1. Mark the correct answers to these questions. within toward)
a. Why is mathematics said to be the universal c. The magnet sets up an invisible atmosphere
language? around itself called a magnetic field.
Because it can help us in our daily lives. (around up away down)

Because we can build computers and transfer d. The train went through the tunnel leaving us
information across the globe. in total darkness. (through across around up)
x Because it is the only language shared by all human e. Math is not just for professors and
beings regardless of culture, religion, or gender. scientists. It is for all of us. (for / for to /
b. Did human beings invent math concepts? to toward / toward by / by)

Yes, we did. Mathematics was one of mans most 0.2 point each /1
important inventions.
x No, we didnt invent them. We discovered them. 3. Complete the sentences, using the Past
Yes, we did. That is why it is so universal. Perfect form of the verbs in parentheses.

c. What is a magnet? a. I couldnt find a taxi and when I finally got to the
station, the train had left . (leave)
x It is a metal that attracts certain other metals,
such as iron, nickel and cobalt. b. The electricity went off last night and I lost
It is an object that can pull pieces of wood toward all my work on the computer because
itself. I had not/hadnt saved it. (not save)

It is a North-seeking pole. c. Those tourists really enjoyed their stay in Rio last
month. They had not/hadnt been there
d. What is the largest magnet in the world?
before. (not be)
The North Pole.
d. Amyr Klink had arrived from one of his
The South Pole.
solitary sea adventures when a reporter asked him
x The Earth.
for an interview. (arrive)
e. What happens when magnets are placed near e. He told the reporter that he had spent
each other? one hundred days alone, but he had
Opposite poles repel each other. never actually felt lonely. (spend / feel)
Like poles attract each other.
0.2 point each /1
x Opposite poles attract each other.

0.2 point each /1

4. Fill in the blanks with the correct word in
parentheses, as adequate.
2. Complete the sentences with the correct a. Few people really understand the theory
prepositions in parentheses. of relativity. (Little Few A little)
a. John and Vincent are going to drive across b. A little work, a little play, things to do
the United States from coast to coast. (across day after day. (Little / little A little / a little A few /
to through along) a few)
b. A magnet can pull pieces of iron toward c. I have a few maps at home. You can take
itself and make them cling to it. (with without that one, I dont need it. (a little few a few)


d. Learning a new language is a gradual process. a. O primeiro pargrafo destaca algo que
Little by little you will become uma inveno da espcie humana, a enorme
proficient at it. (Little / little Few / a few A few / importncia
a little) dos genes. da memria.
e. Very few people are literate in all the do crebro. da informao.
worlds languages. (little a little few) x da biblioteca.

0.2 point each /1 b. Das afirmaes abaixo, assinale a nica que no

abordada pelo autor no segundo pargrafo.
5. Leia o Text I e responda s questes a seguir
O mesmo nome que damos a partes essenciais
em portugus.
da rvore igualmente dado a partes essenciais
Text I do livro que , afinal, produto dela.
possvel, atravs da leitura de um livro, ouvir
a voz de quem o fez, s vezes uma pessoa que
morreu h milhares de anos.
Mickey Adair/Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images

Os livros quebram os grilhes do tempo, provando

que as pessoas tm um poder mgico.
A escrita talvez a maior de todas as invenes
da humanidade.
x A interao entre autor e leitor um fenmeno
raro, s possvel quando criada uma empatia
entre os dois.

0.5 point each /1

On Genes, Brains & Books
6. Read Text II and answer the questions that follow.
When our genes could not store all the
information necessary for survival, we slowly
invented brains. But then the time came, perhaps Text II
ten thousand years ago, when we needed
to know more than could conveniently be
contained in brains. So we learned to stockpile
enormous quantities of information outside our
bodies. We are the only species on the planet, so
far as we know, to have invented a communal
memory stored neither in our genes nor in our
brains. The warehouse of that memory is called
the library.
A book is made from a tree. It is an assemblage
of flat, flexible parts (still called leaves)
imprinted with dark pigmented squiggles. One
glance at it and you hear the voice of another
person perhaps someone dead for thousands
of years. Across the millennia, the author is
What is this life if, full of care,
speaking, clearly and silently, inside your head,
We have no time to stand and stare.
directly to you. Writing is perhaps the greatest
No time to stand beneath the boughs
of human inventions, binding together people,
And stare as long as sheep or cows.
citizens of distant epochs, who never knew one
No time to see, when woods we pass,
another. Books break the shackles of time, proof
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
that humans can work magic.
(SAGAN, C. The Persistence of Memory. In: Cosmos. USA: No time to see, in broad daylight,
Random House, 1985) Streams full of stars, like stars at night.

88 Check Your English 2

No time to turn at Beautys glance, 7. Read the text and answer the questions that
And watch her feet, how they can dance. follow.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.
Langston Hughes
A poor life this if, full of care,
Hold fast to dreams,
We have no time to stand and stare.
For when dreams go
(DAVIES, William Henry. The Collected Poems of William
H. Davies. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1916.) Life is a barren field
a. All these words refer to nature, except Covered with snow.
grass boughs
woods x care
Hold fast to dreams,

For when dreams die,
Life is a broken-winged bird
b. All these words refer to animals, except That cannot fly.
sheep x nuts

cows horses
(HUGHES, Langston. Poetry for Young People. New York:
Sterling Publishing Co. Inc., 2006.)

squirrels a. What are the two metaphors for life in this

c. All these words refer to parts of the body, except poem?
x glance feet Life is a barren field covered with snow. and Life is a
eyes arms broken-winged bird that cannot fly.
d. All these pairs of words are opposites, except
b. In the words of the poet, what happens when
life/death full/empty
dreams go?
poor/rich leisure/work
Life is a barren field covered with snow.
x stars/skies

e. The expression in broad daylight is the opposite of

beneath the boughs in grass c. In your opinion, why does the poet use the word
x at night as long as sheep or cows snow?
full of care Among the possible replies: Because it is cold. Life
without dreams is cold and unpleasant/uncomfortable.
Responda certo ou errado de acordo com
a opinio do autor de Leisure. Corrija as
afirmaes erradas.
d. And what happens when dreams die?
f. A preocupao excessiva impede as pessoas de
Life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.
parar e olhar a natureza. C
g. Muitos no tm tempo para ficar deitados sob os
galhos das rvores. C e. In your opinion, what does the poet mean by that
h. Os carneiros e as vacas tambm no tm tempo para second metaphor?
olhar em volta. E; esses animais tm tempo para isso Among the possible replies: Life is a broken-winged
i. Quando passamos por bosques no temos tempo
bird that cannot fly is a metaphor for loss of freedom
para ver onde os esquilos se escondem.
and meaning. A broken-winged bird cannot fly,
E; escondem as nozes na grama
it is not free to fly anymore, and so its life is
j. Olhar, em plena luz do dia, os riachos estrelados
meaningless, it will probably die.
algo que o excesso de preocupao no nos
permite. C
0.2 point each /2 0.2 point each /1

Check Your English 2 89

8. Read the text and answer the questions. a. No dia 6 de novembro de 1455, qual era o livro que
estava sendo impresso na oficina tipogrfica de
Gutenberg? A Bblia.
The Granger Collection, New York/Other Images

b. Qual era o nome do scio de Gutenberg nessa

oficina? Johann Fust.
c. Qual era o problema judicial enfrentado por
Gutenberg nesse dia?Johann Fust, o scio, estava processando
Gutenberg por uma dvida no paga.
d. Qual foi o veredito e suas consequncias para
O juiz deu ganho de causa a Fust
Gutenberg? e Gutenberg perdeu tudo.

0.5 point each /2

Oriente o aluno a avaliar o seu desempenho no teste e tambm

quanto aos objetivos de ensino deste bimestre.

How did you do? What was your score?

Excellent Good OK
Gutenberg and Fust with the first do better
Test total:
10-9 8-7 6-5 less than 5
printing press, Germany, 1450s.

Gutenbergs Debt out of 10

How do you evaluate your own progress? Check

November 6, 1455. Mainz, Germany. Johannes

( ) for Yes, (x) for No, or (R) for Review Units 4, 5

Gutenberg paced the floor of his workshop. A

and 6 after each of the topics below.

chill wind swept over the Rhine and seeped in
the windows, causing the large sheets of printed
paper that hung from the ceiling to flutter a Now I can

( ) use the different reading strategies to be able to

little. More sheets, already dry, sat in stacks

understand a text in English.

on a nearby worktable. There were thousands
of them, ready to be bound into the Bible that

( ) guess the meanings of new words from context.

would be his masterwork.
He could lose it all. His partner, Johann
Fust, was in court at that very moment at the ( ) distinguish between discourse markers used to
Convent of the Barefoot Friars, pressing charges express contrast: but, however, although.

( ) understand and use the Past Perfect Tense.

against Gutenberg for an unpaid debt. Presses,
type, molds, inks and the beautiful printed
pages of the Bible. Gutenberg had pledged it all ( ) distinguish between countable and uncountable
when he borrowed money from Fust to set up the

( ) distinguish between prepositions: across,

workshop. If Fust would just let him finish his
Bible, the profits would allow him to repay the
loan. But his partner wasn't willing to wait. He through.

( ) distinguish between quantifiers: little/a little,

wanted his money now, and, if not his money, he

few/a few.
wanted the workshop.
The door of the shop burst open, and
Gutenbergs two assistants hurried in with the ( ) listen to dialogues and conversations.
( ) talk to a classmate about favorite activities.
cold air. He had sent them to court to hear the
verdict. As soon as he saw their faces, he knew
( ) write a short text about my favorite school
the news was bad. The judge had ruled in favor of

Fust. Gutenberg had lost everything.

( ) reflect and debate about the applications of

(TOLER, Pamela D. Mankind, The Story of All of Us.
Philadelphia: Running Press, 2012. p. 195-196.)
Johannes Gutenberg (1398-1468) foi o criador da science Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry,
tipografia, processo de impresso com tipos mveis. Biology in daily life.

90 Check Your English 2

The Chemistry
of Making Bread
16Bread is more than just food.
And a good baker is, on a certain
level, a good chemist. Remember that
bread dough is made up of cells and
molecules, and the main ingredients
in a basic recipe flour, water, yeast,
and salt are what a chemist would
call reactants.

Making predictions
Look at the picture, read the title and the paragraph above. What is bread dough

composed of? What are the four basic ingredients in the making of bread? A bakers job
can, to a certain extent, be compared with that of a scientist. What kind of science does
a baker deal with, in daily life? What else do you know about the chemistry of making
bread? Make predictions about the text, read it and find out if you were right.
Chame a ateno para uma eventual confuso entre recipe (receita culinria) e prescription (receita prescrita geralmente por um mdico).



Before You Read Activating background knowledge

1. If you want to make bread, you will probably follow a basic recipe.
There are several recipes for bread making, though. Check the ingredients
considered necessary in the recipe you choose.
flour salt water butter
Dependendo da
yeast milk eggs sugar
receita, todos esses
ingredientes podem
ser necessrios. 2. Complete the following paragraph with words from the box.
No todos juntos,
claro: leite pode
ser usado em vez water making bread pass mixes
de gua; alguma
forma de gordura,
como a manteiga, When a baker mixes flour, sugar, yeast and water , lets
pode ser usada
ou no etc. Os time pass , and adds heat, he is making bread. He is also
quatro ingredientes
essenciais so making science, bread science. Thats the chemistry of making bread .
farinha, lquido,

Time to Read
fermento e sal.

Now read the text quickly to understand the main idea and check your
predictions. As palavras destacadas no udio so comentadas no tpico
Pronunciation and Stress, no Manual do Professor.

in bread dough consumes Another enzyme then takes

sugar (glucose) and produces over and changes the sugar
Subbotina Anna/Shutterstock/Glow Images

carbon dioxide and alcohol. into alcohol and a gas called

Yeast cells reproduce very carbon dioxide. This gas
rapidly. While reproducing, spreads in the dough in

each tiny cell swells, and soon the form of bubbles. As the
the swollen part separates dough bakes into bread and
hen we mix those from the main cell. The new cake, the heat causes the
ingredients together tiny cell then goes on to grow alcohol to evaporate and the
flour, yeast, water, and to full size and this process bubbles to break. This leaves
salt , let time pass and continues to repeat itself. the tiny air pockets in the
add heat, they suffer a During this growth final bread or cake, making it
chemical change to form a process, the yeast cells light and fluffy.
new product that warm, produce substances called You dont have to be a
delicious loaf of bread. enzymes. So when the yeast scientist to know that the
Yeasts are living, single- is added to cake or bread proper way to eat freshly
celled organisms. Like all dough, one enzyme goes to baked bread is with plenty of
living things, they eat food work on the flour, changing lipids and fructose. In other
and produce waste. The yeast the starch in it into sugar. words, butter and jam!

(Adapted from: <>. Access: Mar.

27, 2013. Scientific American Explorations Magazine.)

92 UNIT 7 The Chemistry of Making Bread

General Comprehension
Whats It All About? Skimming

Skim the text to identify the paragraphs where we can find the answer to
each of these questions:

a. What is the proper way to eat freshly baked ( b ) Paragraph one

( e ) Paragraph two
b. What are the four ingredients in a basic recipe to
make bread?
( d ) Paragraph three
c. Why is bread so light and fluffy?
( c ) Paragraph four
d. What happens when yeast cells reproduce?

e. What exactly are yeasts? ( a ) Paragraph five

Word Study Getting meaning from context

In Other Words
Match each word or phrase in bold with its meaning.

a. The yeast in bread dough ( c ) very small

b. making it light and fluffy ( e ) composed

( f ) substances that produce a

c. the new tiny cell
chemical reaction

( h ) that have only one cell

d. the new tiny cell then goes on

e. it is made up of cells and ( d ) continues

( i ) the part that has become larger
f. what a chemist would call than normal
( a ) a mixture that is baked OlegDoroshin/Shutterstock/Glow Images

g. a basic recipe
to make bread
h. single-celled organisms ( j ) assumes control

i. and soon the swollen part ( b ) soft, full of air

( g ) set of instructions for

separates from the main cell

j. another enzyme then takes over cooking a particular food

The Chemistry of Making Bread UNIT 7 93

Function Words
Give the correct meaning in Portuguese of the words in bold. Choose from
the box.

assim, por isso ento, a quando, enquanto em como, da mesma forma que
bastante do que enquanto logo, em breve durante

a. during this growth process durante

b. while reproducing enquanto

c. eat bread with plenty of butter and jam bastante

d. so when the yeast is added assim, por isso

e. like all living things como, da mesma forma que

f. and soon the swollen part separates logo, em breve

g. as the dough bakes into bread quando, enquanto

h. and changes the sugar into alcohol em

i. another enzyme then takes over ento, a

j. Bread is more than just a food. do que

Noun Phrases
Scan the text to find the words that are missing in the phrases below.

a. bread dough massa de po

b. growth process processo de crescimento

c. chemical change mudana qumica

d. yeast cells clulas de fermento

e. single-celled organisms organismos unicelulares

f. basic recipe receita bsica

g. living things coisas vivas

h. tiny cell clula minscula

i. swollen part parte inchada

j. on a certain level em certo nvel

94 UNIT 7 The Chemistry of Making Bread

Odd Word Out
For each group, mark the word that does not belong.
Beto Chagas/Shutterstock/Glow Images

Food Occupations

jam scientist
cake baker
butter chemist
x bubble x dough

Chemistry Substances

heat starch
enzyme alcohol
reactant yeast
x pocket x level

Processes Fat & Sugar "Breakfast is

ready. Come
and eat!"
growth glucose
x flour x loaf
reproducing fructose
change lipids

Detailed Comprehension Scanning

Match each question with the correct answer. Work with a classmate.
Take turns asking the questions and answering them.

a. What does yeast in bread dough consume? ( f ) Chemistry.

( a ) Sugar.
b. How do yeast cells reproduce?

c. What makes the final bread or cake

light and fluffy? ( d ) Waste.

d. What do the yeast cells produce during

the growth process? ( e ) In the form of bubbles.

( b ) Very rapidly.
e. How does carbon dioxide spread in the

f. What kind of science happens in the ( c ) The tiny air pockets in them.
kitchen while you are making bread?

The Chemistry of Making Bread UNIT 7 95


Modal Verbs: Would

Observe os verbos em destaque nesta frase.
Those four ingredients are what a chemist would call reactants.
Pelo contexto, conclumos que o autor fala de forma hipottica a respeito
dos quatro ingredientes da receita bsica de po. Segundo ele, esses quatro
ingredientes so o que um qumico chamaria de reagentes, na linguagem
tcnica da qumica.
Para falar de hipteses usamos o modal verb would, sem traduo prpria,
antes do verbo principal, como auxiliar de formao do condicional ou futuro do

Como todos os modal verbs, would tem caractersticas especiais:

Tem forma nica para todas as pessoas e usado com um verbo principal
no infinitivo sem to:
I would do, you would come, he would go, etc.
A forma curta d: Id do, youd come, hed go, etc.
A forma negativa feita pelo acrscimo de not (nunca se usa dont): I
would not do it, you would not come, he would not go, etc. As contraes
so comuns na linguagem informal: I wouldnt do it, you wouldnt come, he
wouldnt go, etc.
Na forma interrogativa, a pergunta iniciada com would:
Would I do it? Would you come? Would he go?, etc.

Would muito comum

com like, quando se quer
Africa Studio/Shutterstock/Glow Images

expressar um desejo ou
oferecer algo:

Id like to have
something to eat.
Would you like a piece
of cake?
What would you like
for birthday?

I would like to have a

Twelve times a year,
With twelve different
And a birthday always near.
But the problem is the cake
And the candles it would

96 UNIT 7 The Chemistry of Making Bread

Would you? expressa um pedido feito com polidez.
Would you come here, please?
Would usado no discurso indireto como a forma de passado de will. Veja:
John: I will call you tomorrow.
John said that he would call me the next day.
Complete the following answers. The first one is done for you. st
o ck
/G l


a. John: I will think about it.

What did John say? He said he would think about it.

b. Mary: I think Brazil will win.

What did Mary think? She thought Brazil would win.

c. Michelle: I promise I will stop eating junk food.

What did Michelle promise? She promised she would stop eating junk food.

d. Jack: Dinner will be ready in a minute.

What did Jack say? He said dinner would be ready in a minute.
Wheat flour
Would tambm usado em frases condicionais compostas, quando falamos
the main

de situaes hipotticas, indicando o que aconteceria se uma determinada

ingredient in

condio fosse real, se existisse de fato.

the chemistry of
making bread

We would go to the party if we had a car.

Como na realidade no temos um carro, no iremos. Mas, se tivssemos um * A quatrain poem

(quadrinha) is a
Esses usos de would sero trabalhados quando estudarmos
carro, iramos festa. as oraes condicionais, nas Units 3 e 4 do volume 3. stanza with four
lines and a rhyme
1. Match the columns to form coherent sentences. Use the meaning and the A conhecida nursery
rhyme um exemplo
rhymes as a guide to help you. Upon finishing this exercise, we will have de quatrain poem:
two quatrain poems*. Write them in your notebook and read them aloud. Roses are red, /
Violets are blue, /
Sugar is sweet, / And
a. Without women, ( h ) life would be a mistake. so are you.

Without women,
b. Without flour, ( b ) there would be no bread. babies would not
be born.
Without flour, there
c. Without the movies, ( f ) we could not make a cake. would be no
Without the movies,
d. Without water, ( d ) we would all be dead. there would be no
( e ) there would be no e-mail. Without water, we
would all be dead.
e. Without the net,

f. Without sugar, ( a ) babies would not be born. Without the net,

there would be no
g. Without the law, ( g ) criminals wouldnt go to jail. Without sugar, we
could not make a
h. Without music,** ( c ) there would be no popcorn. Without the law,
criminals wouldnt
go to jail.
Without music,
life would be a
**Without music, life would be a mistake is a quotation from Friedrich Nietzsche. mistake.

The Chemistry of Making Bread UNIT 7 97

StockLite/Shutterstock/Glow Images
2. Now answer these questions according to Joes love message.

a. What would Joe do for one look at Mabels eyes?

He would swim the ocean.

b. What would he do for one touch of her hands?

He would walk through a wall of fire.

c. What would he do for one word from her mouth?

He would fight against a lion.

d. What will happen the following Sunday if it doesnt rain?

He will be there with Mabel/her.
To learn more
about this topic, go
to MINIGRAMMAR e. And what will happen the following Sunday if it rains?
13/14. He will not go/be with Mabel/He will probably stay at home.

Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal verbs, como j sabemos, so locues compostas de um verbo e uma
partcula (geralmente preposio ou advrbio) que tm um significado prprio. Em
muitos casos, o significado dessas locues acompanha o dos elementos que a
formam. A maioria das locues verbais em ingls, no entanto, tem um sentido no
previsvel. Elas vo sendo memorizadas medida que as encontramos nos textos.
Observe as locues verbais em destaque nestas frases:
Remember that bread dough is made up of cells and molecules.
The new tiny cell then goes on to grow to full size.
Another enzyme then takes over and changes the sugar into alcohol.

98 UNIT 7 The Chemistry of Making Bread

Read the sentences on page 98, observe the context and match the phrasal Oriente os alunos a
prestar ateno no
verbs in bold with their meanings. contexto das frases
para descobrir o
significado dos
a. make up ( b ) continue doing something as before phrasal verbs.

b. go on ( c ) assume control of something, begin to do

something that someone else was doing
c. take over ( d ) transform something into something else

d. change into ( a ) compose, combine together to form a whole

Observe the meaning of some phrasal verbs with take, and then complete
the story below using those phrasal verbs in the correct tenses.

take after: look like an older relative

take care of: watch, give attention to
take off: 1. remove (clothes); 2. leave the ground and start flying
take out: extract, remove
take over: assume control of

Some moments Ill never forget:

The first one was when I discovered I take after

Dirk Ott/Shutterstock/Glow Images

Uncle Bear. (Yes, he looks just like a bear...)
Then came the day my brother got sick and I had to
take over his business. He owns a bakery, and I
had to wake up at 5 in the morning.
Another unforgettable moment was when the dentist
had to take out two of my teeth. Ouch!
Then came the night I had to take off my clothes
in Alaska in the winter. It was cold there!
Oh yes, and waiting for the plane to take off on
my first flight. That was scary!
And last but not least*, the day I had to take care of
my sisters twin babies. Have a look at the picture!

Now complete the sentences with phrasal verbs with take:

a. What time will your plane take off ?

b. I am going on vacation next week, but another teacher will take over .

c. Who will take care of your plants while you are on vacation?

d. Its hot in here. Can I take off my jacket and have a glass of water?

e. The man was about to take out a gun from his pocket when I saw him.

f. Every father feels proud when someone says his son takes after him.

* last but not least: expression used to mention the final person or thing in a list, to say that they are equally important.

The Chemistry of Making Bread UNIT 7 99


At a Diner
A transcrio do udio destas atividades encontra-se no tpico
Audio Scripts, no Manual do Professor.

17 1. Ana and her friends decided to go to a diner near school. Listen to

them and the waitress. As you listen, cross out two items not mentioned
in the dialogue.

a. A ham and cheese sandwich f. A glass of milk

b. Some orange juice g. Some strawberry ice cream
c. A milk shake h. A glass of water
d. A slice of chocolate cake i. A bowl of yoghurt
e. A slice of pizza

2. Listen again and write the name of each person under the pictures,
according to what they ordered.
Eduardo Santaliestra/Arquivo da editora

Eduardo Santaliestra/Arquivo da editora

Peter Amanda
Eduardo Santaliestra/Arquivo da editora

Yeko Photo Studio/Shutterstock/Glow Images

Michael Ana

3. Now answer: Which of the four teenagers is going on a diet? Ana .

100 UNIT 7 The Chemistry of Making Bread


Lets Get Something to Eat!

17 1. Listen to the dialogue again and pay attention to the expressions Se achar
organize um caf ou
used by Ana, her friends and the waitress. Then take turns with a
classmate and act out the dialogue. um pequeno lanche
com os alunos de
modo que cada
um leve alguma
coisa para comer
Yes, I am. No, not yet. Id like Id like a chicken sandwich.
Id like a ham sandwich. Id like a small pizza. ou beber. uma
boa oportunidade
para trabalhar
Id like rice and beans with meat. Id like a steak and French fries.
Yes, please. No, thanks. o vocabulrio
comida tambm.
2. Now in groups imagine that you are at a diner and have a similar Faa-os participar
do dilogo de modo
que possam trocar
conversation. One member of the group is the waiter or the waitress and
the others are the customers. Then switch places. os papis.


Oriente os alunos a identificar os elementos que compem o rtulo do produto
abaixo: nome do po (super sliced bread), tipo (white sliced bread), peso (300g).
Em seguida, ajude-os na discusso sobre quais informaes estariam faltando,

Making a Complaint
como ingredientes, quantidade de gros, se contm ou no glten, se o po orgnico, diettico,
light, nmero de calorias por fatia etc. A inteno aqui fazer com que eles observem as
informaes que seriam necessrias para alguns grupos de pessoas e que nem sempre esto
disponveis nas embalagens.
1. Ana is buying a loaf of sliced bread as she wants to make some light
sandwiches. Working with a classmate, read the information on the
package below and write down at least three things you think are missing
in the label information. For example, is the nutrition information totally
visible and complete?

Rex Features/Keystone

The Chemistry of Making Bread UNIT 7 101

Oriente os alunos a perceber algumas frases e expresses mais comuns em um e-mail formal de reclamao como este (Dear Sir or Madam,
I would like to complain..., I am complaining because..., I hope you can, I look forward to hearing from you soon.; Best regards), assim como no
desenvolvimento do texto (saudao, reclamao, justificativa da reclamao, sugesto de melhoria, despedida, saudao de despedida).
2. Ana was reading the label but she couldnt find the specific information
she considers important. So, she decided to write an e-mail to the
company complaining about it. Read the e-mail and answer the questions.

Banco de imagens/Arquivo da editora


(2) From:
Drafts To:
Subject: missing information

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to complain about the loaf of Super Sliced Bread that I
bought on July 31st at Green Supermarket, in San Diego, CA.
I am complaining because there is no information about the amount
of gluten contained in the bread. I believe this kind of information
is very important to people who, like me, suffer from gluten
intolerance. I hope you can change your label to make it more

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,
Ana Gomes

a. What is she complaining about?

Missing information about gluten content/the amount of gluten contained in the bread.

b. Why is she complaining about it?

Because she is gluten-intolerant/suffers from gluten intolerance.

c. What does she expect from the company?

Se for possvel,
incentive os alunos
She hopes they change the label to make the information more informative.
a escreverem os
e-mails e a enviarem
uns para os outros a
fim de que possam
ler o texto dos
colegas. Se no for 3. Now its your turn. In your notebook, write a similar e-mail to the
possvel, incentive a
troca dos textos na
company complaining about any other point listed in activity 2. Look at
sala. the expressions and the structure Ana used when she wrote her e-mail.

102 UNIT 7 The Chemistry of Making Bread

Another Look at...

A Brief History of Bread

The Hungarians have a saying that bread is older

than man.

More than 12,000 years ago, primitive people made

flat breads by mixing flour and water and placing these
cakes in the sun to bake. Later, bread was baked on
heated rocks or in the hot ashes of a fire.
It was the Egyptians who are credited with using a
starter of wild yeast from the air that was kept and mixed with other dough and baked to create a
leavened product. Legend has it that a slave in a royal Egyptian household forgot about some dough
he had set aside. When he returned, it had doubled in size. Trying to hide the mistake, the dough was
punched down furiously and baked. The result was a lighter bread than anyone had ever tasted.
The ancient Greeks had over 50 kinds of bread. Public bakeries and ovens were built by the
government for everyones use and were popular places to visit the neighbors.
The Romans continued the
idea of the public bakery. They
also required that every baker
put an identification stamp

Granger Collection/Other Images

on the loaves. In the Roman
times, grain was ground with
millstones and the finest flour
was sifted through silk sheets!
Like people, breads
have regional and national
characteristics. Because of the
climate, soil and other conditions,
different grains grow better in
certain regions of the world.
The type of flour(s) readily
available, the shape of the loaf, its
seasonings and decoration often
denote the breads culture and
The Royal Bakery. Wood engraving after an Egyptian fresco from
the tomb of Ramses III, 20th Dynasty, 1167 B. C.

(BREADS and Other Cultures. Available at:

<>. Access: Apr. 1, 2013.)

Se achar conveniente, elabore um trabalho em conjunto com a disciplina de Histria.

Com base nas informaes do texto acima, responda s perguntas:

a. Quem tinha mais de 50 tipos de po? Os antigos gregos.

b. Quem foi o primeiro a usar fermento para fazer po? Os antigos egpcios.

c. Quem diz que o po mais velho do que o homem? Os hngaros.

d. Quem peneirava a farinha em lenis de seda? Os antigos romanos.

The Chemistry of Making Bread UNIT 7 103

he best things in life are nearest: Breath in your
nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties

at your hand, the path of right just before you. Then
do not grasp at the stars, but do lifes plain, common work

as it comes, certain that daily duties and daily bread are
the sweetest things in life.
Robert Louis Stevenson

As melhores coisas da vida, segundo Robert Louis

Stevenson, so as que esto mais longe ou mais ao nosso
alcance? O ar que respiramos, a luz que enxergamos, as flores por onde
passamos, os deveres que esperam a nossa ateno, o caminho correto bem
nossa frente. Qual o conselho que nos d Stevenson, ento? Tentar o impossvel
ou enfrentar o trabalho simples e comum que a vida nos oferece? Por que esse
um bom conselho? Think about it.


The word companion comes from the Latin com, together, and panis, bread, or with bread.
In other words, a companion is someone with whom you share bread.

Discuss this issue with your classmates and teachers, especially your
Biology, Chemistry, Philosophy, Sociology, and History teachers.

Exploring Other Sources

JACOB, Heinrich Eduard. Seis mil anos de po. So Paulo: Nova Alexandria, 2004.
TAUS-BOLSTAD, Stacy. From Wheat to Bread. Minneapolis: Lerner, 2003.
BREAD: A Global Staff of Life. Available at: <>.
Access: Feb. 20, 2013.
BREAD. Available at: <>. Access: Mar. 27, 2013.

104 UNIT 7 The Chemistry of Making Bread

Invention for
Daily Life
18In its 55-year history,
NASA* has not only developed
space exploration but also
produced inventions that have
brought great benefit to all
humanity. It is true that most
people today will never set foot
on the moon, but we all probably
come in contact with a NASA
by-product every day.

Making predictions
Pacemakers, exercise machines, communication satellites, smoke detectors, and water
Chepko Danil Vitalevich/
Shutterstock/Glow Images

filters are just a few research by-products that have been made possible thanks to a NASA
idea or innovation. How do they affect us in daily life? Which of those NASA inventions will
the text be about? Make some predictions, read the text and find out if you were right.

*NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration



Before You Read Activating background knowledge

Comente com Do you know what a by-product is? Check the correct definition.
os alunos que
a traduo de
by-product para
A by-product is
o portugus seria x something produced in the process of making something else.
subproduto. A
segunda definio
an unprocessed natural product used in manufacture.
refere-se a matria- a product made for space research.
-prima, em ingls,

Time to Read
raw material: Pig
iron is the raw Skimming
material needed to
make steel (Ferro
fundido a matria-
-prima para a Now read the text quickly to understand the main idea and check your
fabricao do ao). predictions.

One NASA Invention You Might Use Every Day

Venus Angel/Shutterstock/Glow Images

by Christen Conger

Water is the essential ingredient to human survival. As people

cannot live without water, the ability to convert contaminated water
to pure water is an incredibly important scientific achievement.
Astronauts needed a way to cleanse water they take up into space,
as bacteria and sickness would be highly problematic. Water filter
technology had existed since the early 1950s, but NASA wanted to
know how to clean water in more extreme situations and keep it clean
for longer periods of time.
If you look at a water filter, you can usually detect some small
chunks of charcoal inside of it. Sometimes, when you first use a water
filter, youll even notice some tiny black flecks from those chunks. This
charcoal is specially activated and contains silver ions that make sure
there arent any pathogens in the water. Along with killing bacteria Water filters trickled
in the water, the filters also ensure that there is no further bacterial down from NASAs need
to cleanse water on long
growth. Companies have borrowed from this same technology to bring space flights.
us the water filter systems millions of people use at home every day.
(Adapted from: CONGER, Christen. 10 NASA Inventions You Might Use Every Day. Available at: <

As palavras destacadas no udio so comentadas no tpico

tv-shows/curiosity/topics/ten-nasa-inventions.htm>. Access: Mar. 28, 2013.)

Pronunciation and Stress, no Manual do Professor.

106 UNIT 8 A NASA Invention for Daily Life

General Comprehension Skimming

Whats the Main Idea?

The job of a water filter is to provide water.
tap contaminated x clean charcoal

Word Study
Noun Phrases Scanning

Scan the text to find the missing nouns that complete these phrases:

a. tap water gua da torneira

b. space flight voo espacial

c. human survival sobrevivncia humana

d. scientific achievement realizao cientfica

e. chunks of charcoal pedaos de carvo vegetal

f. black flecks manchas negras

g. silver ions ons de prata

h. bacterial growth crescimento de bactrias

Words in Context

Choose the correct word to complete each of the following sentences. stockyimages/Shutterstock/Glow Images

a. English has many words that have been from other languages.
trickled down x borrowed ensured cleansed contaminated

b. NASAs is to develop space exploration.

growth benefit x purpose flecks chunks

c. No one can live without water. It is essential to our .

sickness pathogen charcoal x survival research

d. Do you think you might on the moon someday?

detect notice make sure x set foot bring

e. Landing a man on the moon was one of NASAs greatest technical .

x achievements silver flights ability filters

A NASA Invention for Daily Life UNIT 8 107

Detailed Comprehension
Wheres the Mistake? Scanning

All the following statements are false. Correct the mistakes in each

a. NASA was created with the goal of avoiding space exploration.

b. Most people today will often set foot on the moon.
c. Tap water filters originated from NASAs need to cleanse water on short
space flights. long

d. Water that has been cleansed by bacteria is highly dangerous.

e. Activated silver does a great job filtering water for human consumption.
f. There are no pathogens in contaminated water.


Como dizer como how, as, like

Observe o sentido das palavras em destaque nestas frases:

How do they affect us in daily life?

[] but NASA wanted to know how to clean water []
how: (advrbio) como, de que modo (geralmente em frases interrogativas,
diretas ou indiretas)

As people cannot live without water

[] as bacteria and sickness would be highly problematic.
as: (conjuno) como, porque, visto que (= since, because)

Inventions like pacemakers, exercise machines, and water filters...

like: (preposio) como, tais como (usado para introduzir exemplos)

As e like tm outros usos e significados, merecendo ateno especial a

diferena entre eles:
As (preposio): como, na funo ou qualidade efetiva de

Joo works as a waiter in a bar.

Like (preposio): como (em linguagem metafrica), como se fosse (mas no

, na realidade)

Joo says he works like a dog.

As pode ser usado como preposio, mas a palavra tem outros usos, mais
comuns, como conjuno e como advrbio:

108 UNIT 8 A NASA Invention for Daily Life

as (conjuno)
1. como, do mesmo modo que: Please look at me and do as I say.
2. quando (= when); enquanto (= while): The telephone rang as I was leaving.
3. quando era (= when was/were): Einstein was not a bright student as a child.
4. medida que: As we grow older, we should grow wiser.
5. como, porque, visto que (= because): As it was Monday, the museum was closed.
as (em expresses)
como: as you can see/as you know/as they say
as (advrbio)
to quanto: George is a rich man, but he is not as rich as Bill Gates.
Estdio 1+2/Arquivo da editora

A girl thinks she is in love when she considers her boyfriend as handsome
as Robert Pattinson, as athletic as Csar Cielo, as funny as Ben Stiller, as
clever as Einstein, and as fast as Usain Bolt.

Now read the next paragraph and fill in the blanks with the same names
mentioned above, but in a different order. Use your previous knowledge
about those personalities and your creativity, and have fun!
She is sure that she is really in love when she realizes that her
boyfriend is in fact as handsome as Usain Bolt , as athletic
as Robert Pattinson , as funny as Csar Cielo , as clever as
Ben Stiller , and as fast as Einstein , but she
loves him anyway.
(Idea from The Meaning of Life, Judith Viorst.)

A NASA Invention for Daily Life UNIT 8 109

Like outra palavra com vrios usos e significados.

like (verbo)
gostar de: I like most kinds of sports.

like (preposio)
1. como, tais como (usado para introduzir exemplos): We all admire leaders like
Mandela and Gandhi.
2. como, como se fosse (mas no ): He is an old man but he was crying like a baby.

like (em expresses)

1. like this/that: I dont understand why she treats him like that.
2. look like: parecer (pelo que se v): Rita Lee was born in Brazil, but she looks
like an American.
3. sound like: parecer (pelo que se ouve ou se sabe a respeito): A holiday in
Bahia? That sounds like a great idea!
4. taste like: parecer, ter sabor semelhante a: Snake meat tastes like fish (so
they say!).

Complete the sentences with how, as or like.

a. Elvis Presley worked as

Jason and Bonnie Grower/
Shutterstock/Glow Images
a truck driver before he became famous.

b. Sue never stops talking. She talks like a parrot.

c. Many Brazilian writers are not as famous as Paulo Coelho.

d. Look at those clouds! It looks like rain.

e. How do you spell Arnies last name?

f. Sting, the famous pop singer, worked as a teacher when he was a

young man.

g. I enjoy outdoor activities, like walking, swimming, and playing


h. Tap water is just as refreshing as any other kind of water.

i. Someone who sleeps like a baby doesnt have a baby.

Numerals in Compound Adjectives

Observe a expresso em destaque neste trecho:

In its 55-year history, NASA has not only fulfilled that role

Alguns adjetivos so formados por um numeral e um substantivo, sempre no

singular. Essas palavras so ligadas por hfen e sempre precedem o substantivo.
O exemplo refere-se histria da NASA, que em 2013 completou 55 anos
de existncia.

110 UNIT 8 A NASA Invention for Daily Life

Complete the following phrases: *A four-letter word
uma expresso
correspondente a
a. A four-mile walk uma caminhada de quatro milhas . palavro (alguns
dos palavres
mais comuns
b. A three-hour movie um filme de trs horas . so palavras, por
coincidncia, com
quatro letras).
c. A two-bathroom house uma casa com dois banheiros .

d. A ten-dollar bill uma nota de dez dlares .

e. Drug is a four-letter word* que corresponde a droga e uma palavra

com quatro letras .

Indefinite Pronouns some, any, no, none

Observe a palavra em destaque nestas frases:
[] you can usually detect some small chunks of charcoal inside of it.
Sometimes, when you first use a water filter, youll even notice some tiny black
flecks from those chunks.
Some um pronome que pode indicar quantidade ou nmero de forma
indefinida, traduzindo-se por algum(a), alguns, algumas, um pouco (de). Usa-se
geralmente em oraes afirmativas, seguido ou no de substantivos, que podero
ser no contveis ou contveis no plural.
I have some (water/bottles) in the fridge.
Some pode tambm ser usado em perguntas quando se espera uma resposta
afirmativa ou se oferece algo.
Can you give me some money?
Ive made some coffee. Want some? Would you like some (coffee)?
muito til a comparao do uso de some com o de outros pronomes
indefinidos. Observe os que destacamos nestes exemplos:
Is there any water in the fridge? Are there any bottles?
(No,) There isnt any (water in the fridge).
(No,) There arent any (bottles in the fridge).
Veja tambm este exemplo do texto:
This charcoal is specially activated and contains silver ions that make sure there
arent any pathogens in the water.
Any, assim como some, pode indicar quantidade ou nmero de forma
indefinida, seguido ou no de substantivos, que podero ser no contveis ou
contveis no plural. Quando usado em perguntas, any significa algum(a),
alguns, algumas. Nas perguntas com any, no h a expectativa de uma resposta
necessariamente afirmativa; so perguntas gerais, quando apenas se quer obter
uma informao, uma resposta. Quando usado em oraes negativas, depois de
not (ou nt), any significa nenhum(a).
Alm de ter um sentido nas frases interrogativas e outro nas negativas, any ainda
pode ser usado em oraes afirmativas, com outro sentido: qualquer, quaisquer.
Tap water is just as refreshing as any other kind of water.

A NASA Invention for Daily Life UNIT 8 111

Complete the sentences with some or any.

a. Do you need any money? Im sorry, but I cant give you any .

b. Dad, I need some money. Can you give me some ?

c. Thats easy. Any child can do that.

d. They got married some time ago, but they dont have any children.

e. I am always at home. Come any time.

f. I dont have any colored pencils. Can I take some of yours?

g. Ive just made coffee. Would you like some ?

h. I cant find any butter in the fridge, but theres some margarine.

Para dizer nenhum(a) de forma mais enftica, em vez de (not) any, usamos
no, sempre seguido de um substantivo no contvel ou contvel no plural, e sem
o uso de not.

* Se julgar
There is no water in the fridge.
conveniente, alerte There are no bottles in the fridge.
o aluno para uma
eventual confuso
entre none e no one, Veja este exemplo do texto:
que um pronome
indefinido composto, Along with killing bacteria in the water, the filters also ensure that there is no
o mesmo que
nobody. further bacterial growth.

There is no E para dizer nenhum(a), tambm de forma enftica, sem o uso de not,
usa-se none*. Nesse caso, pronome substantivo e, portanto, no seguido de
water in the

fridge, but there
is some in the

I wanted some water, but there was none.


Em resposta a uma pergunta como Do you have any questions?, podemos

optar por dizer:
AVAVA/Shutterstock/Glow Images

1. No, I do not have any (questions).

2. No, I have no questions.
3. No, I have none.

Deve-se observar que, ao contrrio do que acontece em portugus, em

ingls incorreta a dupla negativa: o uso, na mesma orao, de duas palavras
negativas comeadas por n, como not, never, no, none, nothing etc.

I cant get any satisfaction frase correta

I can get no satisfaction frase correta
I cant get no satisfaction frase considerada gramaticalmente incorreta

112 UNIT 8 A NASA Invention for Daily Life

Complete the sentences with some, any, no or none.

a. Do you have any friends in Brasilia?

b. No bees, no honey. No work, no
To learn more
money. about this topic, go to
c. Can you please give me some information? MINIGRAMMAR 16.

d. Any Brazilian boy can show you how to play soccer.

e. I didnt buy any clothes in New York, as I had no money with me.
f. Did Robbie make any mistakes? No, none . Robbie is a bright
student. He never makes any mistakes.
g. No man is an island. We are all part of the human continent,
dependent on one another.
h. How many mountains in Brazil are covered with snow?None .


World Water Day

A transcrio do udio destas atividades encontra-se no tpico Audio Scripts,
no Manual do Professor.

1. Do you know when World Water Day is celebrated? Check the date you
Pergunte aos alunos se j ouviram falar no World Water Day e se sabem em que dia
comemorado. Mas no d a resposta, eles vo confirmar ao ouvir a gravao.
think is correct.

May, 12 th* O World Water Day uma celebrao promovida pelas * Se achar
x March, 22 nd Naes Unidas para chamar a ateno do mundo aproveite a
March, 20 th inteiro para a importncia da gua limpa e da gesto oportunidade e
retome com os
sustentvel dos recursos hdricos, essencial para uma alunos a forma de
escrever as datas
vida saudvel. Embora seja celebrado desde 1993, o em ingls: Nos
World Water Day ganhou maior evidncia nos ltimos Estados Unidos
mais comum o ms
anos. A cada ano a data vinculada a um tema. vir antes do dia:
May, 12; March, 22
etc. J em ingls
192. You are going to listen to a podcast about World Water Day. britnico, o ms vem
depois: 12 May, 22
Listen to the first part of the program and check your answer to activity 1. March etc.
Pause a gravao aps a apresentao do World Water Day e confira a resposta da atividade 1 com a turma.

3. Listen to the whole podcast and match each theme of World Water Day Lembre sempre aos
alunos que eles no
with the corresponding year. devem se preocupar
com palavras
ou expresses
a. Water for Cities ( d ) 2010 desconhecidas.
O objetivo desta
b. Shared Water, Shared Opportunities ( e ) 2007 atividade
compreender o
texto como um todo
c. Water and Food Security ( f ) 2008 e as informaes
d. Clean Water for a Healthy World ( a ) 2011 necessrias para
fazer o exerccio.
e. Coping with Water Scarcity ( c ) 2012

f. Sanitation ( b ) 2009

A NASA Invention for Daily Life UNIT 8 113


Water Consumption
1. How do people manage water use in your home? Do you think it is used
responsibly and wisely? Or, quite frankly, are you wasting water? Think of
your daily habits and brainstorm some ideas. The table below may help you.

Number of people in your house

Daily showers in the residence

Average shower time (in minutes)

How many times are dishes washed daily?

How many loads of laundry each week?

How many times are the plants watered weekly?

2. Now talk to a classmate about your water consumption habits. Think

about the ways you are using water and see if that consumption can be
reduced in some way. For example:

I usually take a 15-minute

shower. I think it can be reduced
to 10 or even 5 minutes.
Se achar I usually take three showers a
conveniente, a
turma poder day, but maybe I can take two or
desenvolver um just one.
trabalho conjunto
com a disciplina My mother usually does the
de Biologia ou
Geografia sobre os
laundry three times a week.
recursos hdricos I think she should do it just
once a week.
Alex Staroseltsev/
Shutterstock/Glow Images

114 UNIT 8 A NASA Invention for Daily Life


Water Conservation Campaign

1. Observe the infographic and answer the questions.

You can play your part in saving water with these simple tips

Turn off the tap

Dont let the tap
run unnecessarily
when brushing teeth,
shaving and washing
Take shorter
Keep showers under
5 minutes and turn
off the tap while

Water use in the home

Kitchen and drinking Cleaning
10% 5%

Showers and baths

Toilet flushing

Repair Leaks
Repair leaks and
dripping taps
immediately to
Ilustraes: Estdio 1+2/Arquivo da editora

prevent water
Reuse wastage.
Collect the water from
the washing machine
for flushing the toilet
or cleaning the floor.

(Based on: START with the Little Things. Available at: <>
and INDOOR Water Conservation. Available at: <>. Access: Mar. 28, 2013.)

A NASA Invention for Daily Life UNIT 8 115

a. According to the infographic we spend more water on:
watering plants
x personal hygiene and household tasks
eating and drinking

b. Which of the following tips is the most useful?

Take shorter showers and turn off the tap
Reuse water and repair leaks
x All those four tips are important to save water

c. Can you think of any other tips that could be followed in your school or
home? List at least 3:

2. How about launching a Water Conservation Campaign for the school

and the community? Work with a classmate:
Consider the ideas you had in activity 1c.
Observe the infographic on page 115 considering how the images and the
text are shown, the verb tenses used, the use of bold etc.
You can also include a graph with the water consumption habits in your
class. To do so, consider the discussion you had in the Speaking activity.
You can also ask your Biology and Art teachers to help you.
Os alunos podem criar um pster ou um panfleto para divulgao na escola e na comunidade. Para um maior
aproveitamento, essa campanha pode ser criada junto com as disciplinas de Biologia e Arte.

Tischenko Irina/Shutterstock/
Glow Images

116 UNIT 8 A NASA Invention for Daily Life

Another Look at...
Clean Water

Banco de imagens/Arquivo da editora

Nasa/Arquivo da editora

NASA Home | Missions | Space Science & Technology

Text size + -

Water, Water, Everywhere!

Water covers 70 percent of our planet. But do we think
about the quality of water thats readily available whenever we

Dercilio/Arquivo da editora
turn the tap or run the shower? Probably not. We dont have to.
How about our astronauts in space? Where does clean
water come from when they are away from Earth for months at
a time? NASA technology makes that possible.
Imagine being very thirsty where the only water you had
to drink was full of bacteria and chemicals. More than 1 billion
people on our planet dont have the luxury of clean water.
Space Shuttle technology is now being used to purify
municipal water systems in developing nations and a larger
system has been developed to cleanse drinking water for thousands of people.
As NASAs vision continues to become a reality, methods for water and air
purification systems are in development for its Moon base and Mars missions.
Clean water is a necessity none of us can live without, no matter where we are in
the universe.

(Adapted from: MARCONI M., Elaine. Water, Water, Everywhere!. Available at:
<>. Access: Mar.28, 2013).

Observe as informaes dadas no texto acima. Depois, preencha as lacunas e responda

s perguntas:

a. A gua cobre 70 por cento do nosso planeta.

b. O texto indaga de onde vem a gua limpa quando eles esto longe da Terra durante
meses. Quem so eles? Os astronautas .
c. Mais de 1 bilho de pessoas no nosso planeta no tm o luxo de gua limpa.
d. A tecnologia dos nibus espaciais est agora sendo usada para purificar os sistemas
municipais de gua nas naes em desenvolvimento e foi desenvolvido um
sistema maior para tornar a gua potvel para milhares de pessoas.
e. gua limpa uma necessidade , nenhum de ns pode viver sem ela, no importa
qual o nosso lugar no Universo .

A NASA Invention for Daily Life UNIT 8 117

odos os dias, no mundo inteiro, a qualidade
de vida de um grande nmero de pessoas

beneficiada pela cincia e, neste caso especfico,
pela tecnologia espacial. Desde 1976, mais de 1 400

ABOUT IT rea espacial acabaram resultando em outros produtos e

invenes desenvolvidas pela Nasa para aplicao na

benefcios para todos ns. Mquinas de dilise, aparelhos

de ressonncia magntica, tomgrafos, condicionadores
cardiovasculares, a tecnologia de alimentos congelados, as
roupas dos pilotos de Frmula 1, at o desenho dos modernos tnis de corrida,
todos esses inventos que vieram melhorar a nossa vida diria so spinoffs,
derivados, produtos teis que tiveram como base os programas da Nasa. No
caso especfico da tecnologia de purificao da gua, a que foi desenvolvida
para uso no projeto Apollo agora empregada por aparelhos de combate
a bactrias, vrus e algas em sistemas de
tratamento de gua no mundo inteiro. E, como

Nasa/Arquivo da editora
vimos nesta Unit, a Nasa continua desenvolvendo
projetos de reciclagem da gua para viagens
espaciais e tambm para uso aqui na Terra.
Em um noticirio da TV brasileira, um
reprter entrevistava um sertanejo sobre qual o
seu maior sonho, aquilo que ele mais desejava.
Com um sorriso franco e largo, ele respondeu que
o que ele mais queria era um dia poder, em sua
humilde casa de pau a pique, abrir uma tal de
torneira e tomar um banho. Emocionante. Para
no esquecer.
Clean water is a necessity none of us can live
without, no matter where we are in the universe.

Discuss this issue with your classmates and teachers, especially

your Biology and Chemistry teachers.

Exploring Other Sources

GREVE, Tom. Thanks, NASA. Florida: Rourke Publishing, 2012.

SPACE Age A Histria da NASA. BBC, 2009.
NASA. Available at: <>. Access: Mar. 28, 2013.
10 BEST NASA Spinoffs. Available at: <>.
Access: Mar. 28, 2013.

118 UNIT 8 A NASA Invention for Daily Life

20Archimedes, the ancient Greek
mathematician, would have been at most
22 when the alleged eureka event took
place roughly the same age as Newton
when he made his discovery of gravity.

Making predictions
Observe the title, the image, read the lead and answer: Who was Archimedes? What about Isaac
Universal History Archive/UIG/
Bridgeman Art/Keystone

Newton, who was he? What do you know about them? What was one of Newtons discoveries?
Where was Archimedes when he allegedly exclaimed Eureka!? Is that a fact or fiction? What do
you think the text is about? Make some predictions, read the text and check if they were correct.



*Esta pode ser uma Before you Read Activating background knowledge
boa oportunidade para
esclarecer a diferena
entre: to meet: 1. 1. Eureka! is an exclamation of Greek origin meaning
encontrar-se com algum,
conforme combinado 2. x Ive lost it!*
encontrar algum por
Ive met him! Ive missed it! Ive found it!
acaso 3. conhecer, ser
apresentado a algum; to
find: 1. encontrar, achar,
2. People use that exclamation when they are happy because
descobrir algo 2. achar,
ter uma certa opinio they have performed a difficult task.
sobre; to lose: 1. perder, x they have found the answer to a difficult problem.
no ter mais (o que se
tinha) 2. perder, no they have met a long-lost friend.
vencer; to miss: 1. perder
(por no chegar a ter
they have lost an important document.

Time to Read
uma aula, um filme, uma
chance, o nibus, o avio
etc.) 2. errar, no acertar
(o alvo, a bola etc.) 3.
sentir falta, saudade de.
Now read the text quickly to understand the main idea and check your
predictions. As palavras destacadas no udio so comentadas no tpico Pronunciation
and Stress, no Manual do Professor.

Fact or Fiction?: Archimedes Coined the Term Eureka! in the Bath

The famed mathematician made many important scientific contributions.
Was this exclamation really one of them?
By David Biello

Lets begin with the story: the local tyrant contracts the conjectures of Henri Poincar, Einsteins theory
ancient Greek polymath Archimedes to detect fraud of relativity, Newton getting hit on the head with
in the manufacture of a golden crown. Said tyrant, an apple and discovering gravity all have been
name of Hiero, suspects his goldsmith of leaving out described as eureka moments.
some measure of gold and replacing it with silver in Too bad, then, that Archimedes probably never
a wreath dedicated to the gods. Archimedes accepts uttered the phrase in that way.
the challenge and, during a subsequent trip to the
First and foremost, Archimedes himself never wrote
public baths, realizes that the more his body sinks
about this episode, although he spent plenty of
into the water, the more water is displaced making
time detailing the laws of buoyancy and the lever
the displaced water an exact measure of his volume.
(prompting him to reputedly pronounce: Give me a
Because gold weighs more than silver, he reasons that
place to stand and I will move the earth), calculating
a crown mixed with silver would have to be bulkier to
the ratio of circles we know as pi, and starting along
reach the same weight as one composed only of gold;
the path to the integral calculus that would not
therefore it would displace more water than its pure be invented for another 2,000 years, among other
gold counterpart. Realizing he has hit upon a solution, mathematical, engineering and physical feats.
the young Greek math whiz leaps out of the bath [...] Much like Newtons apple, the exclamation
and rushes home naked crying Eureka! Eureka! Or, persists because of the enduring power of the
translated: Ive found it! Ive found it!. story: a golden crown, a life in the balance, a naked
Several millennia later, the scientific world is mathematician. The suspect foundations of the eureka
replete with the exclamation, and many people have moment take nothing away from the words ability to
received inspiration in the shower. The mathematical uniquely and concisely convey the flash of inspiration.
(BIELLO, David. Fact or Fiction?: Archimedes Coined the Term Eureka! in the Bath. Scientific American.
Available at: <>. Access at: Mar. 28, 2013.)

120 UNIT 9 Eureka!

General Comprehension Skimming

1. According to the author of the article Fact or Fiction?: Archimedes

Coined the Term Eureka! in the Bath, the answer to that question is:
Fact x Fiction

2. What about you? In your view, did that eureka moment really
*Comente com os
happen or is it just a legend?* alunos que legend
um falso cognato,
Its a fact. Its a legend. que significa

Word Study
In Other Words Getting meaning from context

Scan the text to find the words or phrases that mean the same as those in bold:

coined the term

a. Archimedes used a word that no
one had used before

took place
b. when the alleged eureka
moment happened.
c. the ancient Greek person who
had a lot of knowledge about polymath

Lefteris Papaulakis/Shutterstock/Glow Images

many different subjects.

leaving out
d. Hiero suspected his goldsmith of not
including some measure of gold.

e. it would have to be bigger, take
up more space
Paragraph 1
f. Consequently it would displace
more water than its pure gold Therefore
g. He had suddenly found a solution. hit upon

h. The young Greek math genius. whiz

i. nude, not wearing any clothes. naked

j. Archimedes probably never said
the phrase.

First and foremost

k. Above all, Archimedes never
Paragraph 3 wrote about this episode.
l. In spite of the fact that he spent
plenty of time detailing the laws Although
of buoyancy.

m. The exclamation persists because of
Paragraph 4
the everlasting power of the story.

Eureka! UNIT 9 121

Words in Context
Choose the appropriate word to complete each sentence.
a. Hiero, king of Syracuse was a .
polymath x tyrant wreath god measure
b. The king his goldsmith had adulterated his golden crown with silver.
contracted detected x suspected replaced dedicated
c. Archimedes accepted the and tried to find the answer to the problem.
fraud bath shower x challenge trip
d. Gold is heavier than silver. It more than silver.
x weighs rushes hits conveys leaps
e. When a body into water, it displaces some of the liquid.
x sinks reasons mixes leaves out realizes
f. The eureka moment occurred when Archimedes entered the bath.
uniquely x allegedly roughly concisely really
g. The more I read about Archimedes, I admire that scientist.
x the more first and foremost much like the same therefore
h. Newtons scientific discovery was perhaps as important as Archimedes .
x counterpart law god age shower
i. When Archimedes said, Give me a place to stand, and I will move the
earth, he was referring to the principle of the .
x lever ratio path circle crown

Detailed Comprehension
Finding the Main Themes Scanning

There are five paragraphs in the article. Find which paragraphs deal with
the following main themes:

a. Examples of great discoveries that have occurred as eureka moments or

flashes of inspiration Paragraph 2

b. The authors opinion

that Archimedes
Universal History Archive/UIG/Bridgeman Art/Keystone

probably did not

say Eureka!
while in the bath
Paragraph 3

c. Examples of
important scientific
contributions made
by Archimedes
Paragraph 4

122 UNIT 9 Eureka!

d. The story of the golden crown and the eureka moment of Archimedes
discovery Paragraph 1

e. The authors opinion that the word Eureka! is an excellent way of

expressing a flash of inspiration. Paragraph 5

Looking for Specific Information

In each sentence, underline the correct alternative in italics to complete it.

a. King Hiero contracted Archimedes to detect fraud in the making of a
golden crown, possibly adulterated with silver by a dishonest goldsmith /
math whiz.
b. Archimedes accepted the measure / challenge and dedicated time and
thought to the problem.
c. The solution came later, while / before the young man was getting into a
bathtub in the public baths.
d. Archimedes saw the water level rise / move down as he entered the bath,
showing that you could measure volume by putting an object completely
under water.
e. The more Archimedes body sank into the water, the more water was
displaced / replaced.
f. Archimedes knew that silver is bulkier than gold, it occupies more space,
therefore / although it causes more water to overflow.
g. He reasoned that a golden crown adulterated with silver, being bulkier,
would displace more water than a pure gold counterpart / lever.
h. The young mathematician just had to test King Hieros crown against an
equal weight of pure gold / silver.
i. When placed in the water, the crown would cause more fraud / overflow,
indicating that it contained other metal than gold.
j. The young man leaped out of the bathtub and ran naked / mixed through
the streets of Syracuse, shouting Eureka!.


Present Perfect Indefinite Past

O Present Perfect um tempo verbal composto pelo presente do verbo auxiliar
have: have/has (ou as formas contractas ve/s, comuns na linguagem falada)
seguido do particpio passado do verbo principal. A forma do particpio passado
dos verbos regulares igual do passado: work worked worked; finish
finished finished etc. A grande maioria dos verbos cognatos ao portugus (forma
semelhante, geralmente de origem latina) regular: invent invented invented;
dedicate dedicated dedicated. Quanto aos verbos irregulares, as formas do

Eureka! UNIT 9 123

particpio passado so especficas de cada um e precisam ser memorizadas (be
was/were been; see saw seen; go went gone; do did done; find found
found etc.). H uma lista desses verbos para consulta na p. 209.
A forma negativa feita com o acrscimo de not (e nunca com dont/doesnt) +
particpio passado do verbo principal.
Na forma interrogativa, usa-se have ou has no incio da pergunta + sujeito +
particpio passado do verbo principal.

I I have I Formas contractas

have Have
You You not You
He He He Uso:
has has s
She has found She found Has She found
not have ve
It it. It it. It it?

We We We has not hasnt

have have not havent
You have You Have You
They They They

O Present Perfect tem vrios usos importantes, alguns dos quais no tm
correspondncia na nossa lngua, o que exige de ns, falantes de portugus, um
estudo mais atento e detalhado. Vamos estudar o primeiro uso, para falar de:
ao praticada recentemente, num passado indeterminado, com reflexos
importantes no presente.
O tempo verbal em Ive found it!
no pode ser traduzido palavra por
palavra, e sim pelo pretrito perfeito,
em portugus. Pelo contexto est claro
que Ive found it! expressa o mesmo
que Achei!, e no Eu tenho achado.
Esse tempo verbal fala de uma ao
que ocorreu num passado recente,
mas indeterminado. O importante no
comunicar quando algo aconteceu,
mas sim que aconteceu. uma
espcie de ponte entre o passado e o
presente, uma ao que aconteceu e
tem importantes reflexos no momento
presente. Em portugus no existe um
tempo verbal correspondente a esse
uso do Present Perfect, o que exige
bastante ateno ao seu estudo e
sua prtica.
Estdio 1+2/Arquivo da editora

Deixando Arquimedes e o seu

eureka moment, vamos ver alguns
exemplos em contextos mais
modernos. Observe:

124 UNIT 9 Eureka!

Youve broken
What have my plates!
you done?
Altrendo Images/Getty Images

Altrendo Images/Getty Images

O tempo verbal em What have you done? no pode ser traduzido palavra por palavra, e sim pelo
pretrito perfeito, em portugus. Est claro pelo contexto que a ideia no perguntar O que voc tem
feito?, mas O que voc fez?. A pergunta sobre a ao em si, e no sobre quando ela foi feita. O que
importa a ao em si e seus reflexos no presente. No exemplo, os pratos esto quebrados.
O Present Perfect nunca usado, portanto, com palavras ou locues que especificam quando algo
aconteceu, como ten minutes ago, yesterday, last year, in 2008, when I was a kid etc. Quando se quer
especificar o tempo passado, usa-se o Simple Past.
Veja outro exemplo:
Escolha a melhor traduo para a legenda da imagem:
Usain Bolt tem ganhado de novo! E ele tem estabelecido
um novo recorde mundial!

Eddie Keogh/Reuters/Latinstock
x Usain Bolt ganhou de novo! E ele estabeleceu um novo
recorde mundial!
O Present Perfect comunica a ao em si e seus reflexos no
Sempre que o tempo passado for determinado, usa-se o Simple
Past, que fala de uma ao completa, terminada, sem ligaes
com o presente:
Usain Bolt set a new world record in 2009.
Usa-se tambm o Simple Past quando, pelo contexto, estiver
claro que a ao ocorreu num passado remoto. Nesse caso, no
necessria nenhuma palavra ou locuo de tempo passado.
Archimedes lived in Syracuse, an independent Greek city-
state on the island of Sicily, from 287 B.C. to 212 B.C.
Archimedes invented several different kinds of machines.
Usain Bolt has won again! And he
has set a new world record!

Eureka! UNIT 9 125

Observe agora dois esquemas em que registramos duas aes diferentes.
Numa delas, o relgio parou. Em outra, a guerra acabou. Veja:

When? When?

My watch has stopped. ??? The war has ended. ???

parou acabou

My watch stopped an hour ago. The war ended last week.

When? When?

No se esquea, ento, de que essa diferena (Present Perfect: para passado

indeterminado x Simple Past: para passado determinado) no existe em
portugus, j que usamos o pretrito perfeito nos dois casos.

1. Turn these sentences into Portuguese:

a. My watch has stopped.

O meu relgio parou.

b. My watch stopped an hour ago.

O meu relgio parou uma hora atrs.

c. The war has ended.

A guerra acabou.

d. The war ended last year.

A guerra acabou no ano passado.

2. Now complete the sentences with the Present Perfect. Check the past
participle of irregular verbs on page 209.

a. I have/ve written the letter. Here it is. (write)

b. Its no use, doctor. The patient has died . (die)
c. Look! He has left all his documents here. (leave)
d. They have/ve bought a new car. There they go! (buy)
e. The man has killed himself, said Sherlock Holmes.
Elementary, my dear Watson. (kill)

3. Now choose between the Present Perfect or the Simple Past of the
verbs in parentheses to complete these sentences.

a. Shakespeare lived in the sixteenth century. (live)

b. I have/ve done my homework. I finished it ten minutes
ago. (do; finish)
c. Congratulations! You have/ve passed the test! (pass)

126 UNIT 9 Eureka!

d. I studied French when I was in school. (study)
e. Thank you! You have/ve given me a great idea! (give)
f. Archimedes made many important scientific contributions. (make)

4. Complete the story below, filling the blanks with the correct form of
the verbs in parentheses: Present Perfect or Simple Past.

A Man of Very Few Words

Calvin Coolidge, the 30th President of the United States, was
(to be) famous for his silences. Silent Cal was, in fact, a man of very
few words. There is a story that at a reception a pretty young lady
approached (to approach) the President and began (to
begin) to chat gaily. The President listened (to listen) gravely but
said (to say) not a word. At last the young lady stopped
(to stop), breathless.
Mr. President, I have a confession to make. I have made (to make)
a bet with my friends that I could make you say at least five words. Please
help me to win my bet.
Coolidge shook (to shake) his head sadly. Madam, you
have lost , (to lose) he said.

5. Choose the alternatives that complete each sentence, as appropriate.

Calvin Coolidge was a man of very few words.
a. ( ) He was seldom silent. d. ( X ) He said very little.
b. ( ) He liked to talk a lot. e. ( ) He knew only
c. ( ) But he was always chatting. one or two words.

The young lady approached the President and began to chat gaily,
a. ( ) but he wasnt listening. d. ( ) but he told her to stop.
b. ( ) but he didnt even notice her. e. ( X ) while he just listened.
c. ( ) but he didnt answer her questions.

The young lady asked the President for his help. She wanted him
a. ( ) to listen to her.
b. ( X ) to prove he was not a man of very few words.
c. ( ) to win the bet.
d. ( ) to make a bet with his friends.
e. ( ) to make her say at least five words.

The President shook his head. That means that he moved his head from
side to side
a. ( ) to answer yes. d. ( ) to show his approval.
b. ( ) to show he would help her. e. ( ) because he liked the
c. ( X ) to answer no.
pretty young lady.

Eureka! UNIT 9 127

In Madam, you have lost, the verb to lose was used in the Present
Perfect because
a. ( ) the time of the action is definite.
b. ( ) it is important to say when the action took place.
c. ( X ) the time of the action is indefinite what is important is the fact
(losing the bet) and its results at the present time.
d. ( ) it is not the first time that this action happens.
e. ( ) it is a definite past action.

The young lady lost her bet because

To learn more
about this topic, go a. ( ) Coolidge didnt say anything.
to MINIGRAMMAR b. ( ) the President just shook his head sadly.
c. ( X ) in his reply Coolidge didnt use as many words as she needed.

d. ( ) she didnt make the President open his mouth.

e. ( ) the Presidents answer was wordless.

Calvin Coolidge had a . It was Silent Cal.

a. ( ) first name. d. ( X ) nickname.
b. ( ) middle name. e. ( ) namesake.
c. ( ) surname.


What Have You Done? What Has Happened?

Take turns with a classmate to talk about your recent past actions and
their results in the present. The box below may help you.
Incentive os alunos
Why are you so happy? What has happened? a usar o exerccio
como ponto de
partida para falar
de aes recentes
Ive passed my driving test. I can drive now!
e que sejam
para eles.
Why are you so sad? What have you done?
Ive lost my keys. I cant get home now.

Feelings Reasons Results

pass a test lose my keys can drive cant get
happy sad sign a new contract have home have a good job
excited late an accident walk miles have to see a doctor
nervous tired to get here receive great need a rest have to
surprised news receive terrible celebrate have to take
furious dirty news clean the garage a shower cant get a
worried lose my documents miss passport have to take
the bus a taxi
Subbotina Anna/Shutterstock/Glow Images

128 UNIT 9 Eureka!


Promoting a Book
A transcrio do udio destas atividades encontra-se no tpico Audio Scripts,
no Manual do Professor.

1. Match the phrases on the left with their definitions.

a. Well done! ( b ) Used to apologize to someone or to disagree with

them in a polite way.

b. Im afraid ( d ) Used when you can remember a piece of writing

without having to read it.

c. So do I! ( a ) Used for praising someone when they do

something well.

d. I know it by heart. ( c ) Used when you agree with someone in the


2. Ted Wilkins, the (fictitious) American writer, is being interviewed Os alunos devem
on TV. Ted is highly respected as a biographer and he is promoting his ouvir a gravao
trs vezes: na
latest book. This time he has written about Archimedes, his inventions primeira vez,
apenas escutam;
na segunda, fazem
and his contribution to science. Listen to the interview and check the
columns True or False? in the table below, according to what you hear. o exerccio; na
terceira, verificam
suas respostas.
Lembre sempre aos
True False alunos que eles no
devem se preocupar
com palavras
ou expresses
1. Ted Wilkins has written a new book.
O objetivo desta
2. The title of Teds new book is The First Astronomer. compreender o
texto como um todo
e as informaes
necessrias para
3. The author has given an interview on TV.
fazer o exerccio.

4. Ted Wilkins is able to read a paragraph from his book

O princpio de
from memory.
Arquimedes diz
que todo corpo
5. Ted Wilkins has brought the book with him. imerso em um fluido
sofre ao de uma
fora (empuxo)
para cima, cuja
6. Ted begins by reading the principle of the lever. Give me
a place to stand []. intensidade igual
ao peso do fluido
deslocado pelo
corpo. Para mais
detalhes, pode-
7. The talk show host interrupts Ted only once.
-se acessar o site:
8. Ted defines The Archimedes Principle. com/fisica/principio-
empuxo>. Acesso:
14 nov. 2012.

Eureka! UNIT 9 129


Dear Diary
Leia com os alunos o texto 1. Read a passage of a teenagers diary and complete it with the words and
abaixo, faa algumas
perguntas para verificar a phrases from the box.
compreenso e esclarea
dvidas de vocabulrio se not a good day right now not fair got failed started
necessrio. was not allowed much harder ve found

April 25th
Not a good day at school and Does she know I probably
definitely not a good day won't get a passing grade? Is she
at home! a fortune-teller?!
I started the Why can' I go to the party?",
day with a math test! It I asked.
was horrible... I think I Because I 've found
failed ! My dad is this T-shirt and these socks
gonna be mad... I know, I under your bed! Your room is a
should have studied more. But mess... You have to clean it up...
the problem is that I'll have to right now !"
study much harder now I can't believe she is grounding
to get a passing grade. me because of a dirty T-shirt
Then, when I got and a pair of socks! !
home, my mother said that I This is not fair !!
was not allowed

to go to Sam's party tonight!

2. Now its your turn. Write a page of a diary: make comments about any
event of your day, week, month or even year. Here are some tips:
you can write about an event you have discussed in the Speaking activity.
before you start writing, note down some words and phrases you think you
might use in your text. Look them up in the dictionary if necessary.
exchange texts with your classmate and check for grammar or spelling mistakes.

130 UNIT 9 Eureka!

Another Look at...
The Present Perfect in Historic Moments
O Present Perfect aparece em muitas frases clebres, que registram grandes momentos
da Histria. Quatro desses momentos esto ilustrados abaixo, com as frases incompletas.
1. Entre as formas verbais dadas no quadro, escolha aquelas que completam corretamente
cada uma dessas frases.

have we done? has come has landed ve hit

a. On July 20, 1969 Neil A. Armstrong

has come
became the first man to set foot on the Change to America.
Moon. With those words he informed
the NASA Houston headquarters that
the Eagle (Apollos landing module)
had landed on the Moon. Houston, Tranquility
has landed
b. On the night of April 14, 1912, the Base here. The Eagle .
Titanic hit an iceberg and began to
sink. The ship, which was considered
unsinkable, sank completely in less
than three hours.
Stan Honda/AFP PHOTO

c. On November 4, 2008, Barack Obama

was elected the 44th President of the
United States of America. Change was
the keyword then. On November 7, 2012
Obama was re-elected as U.S. president. Neil Armstrong/AP PHOTO

Willy Stwer/Arquivo da editora

We an iceberg

MY GOD, WHAT ? have we ve hit

August 7, 1945
we are sinking fast!
Feng Yu/Shutterstock/Glow Images

aptain Robert Lewis

was the co-pilot
Crdito: MPI/Getty Images

of the bomber which

dropped the atomic
bomb on the Japanese
city of Hiroshima. In
the official log, Captain
Lewis wrote the words
that showed how he
felt at that moment.

2. Agora responda em portugus:

a. Qual era o nome do mdulo de pouso lunar da Apollo? Eagle (guia)

b. Em quanto tempo o Titanic afundou? Menos de trs horas.
c. Qual a frase-chave de Obama em seu discurso da vitria, quando da primeira vez em
que foi eleito? A mudana chegou Amrica.
d. Em que ano a cidade de Hiroxima foi devastada por uma bomba atmica? 1945

Eureka! UNIT 9 131

rquimedes morreu no ano de 212 a.C., em Siracusa,
uma cidade-estado grega, enquanto a cidade

estava sendo saqueada por um exrcito romano.
Ele foi morto por um soldado romano que desconhecia
ABOUT IT alguns quem ele era. O matemtico estava concentrado em
nmeros e crculos que tinha acabado de traar.
Suas ltimas palavras foram No perturbe os meus
Arquimedes morreu h mais de dois mil anos. A espada
de um frio e insensvel soldado ps fim vida de uma das maiores inteligncias
de todos os tempos.
Ao longo da histria, a
brutalidade da guerra, o
fanatismo, a insanidade e
a ignorncia tm produzido
inmeras tragdias
The Granger Collection/Other Images

pessoais, como a morte

de Arquimedes. Para citar
apenas alguns exemplos,
a morte de Jesus Cristo,
Joana d'Arc, Abraham
Lincoln, Gandhi, Martin
Luther King, Jr., John
Lennon, Malcolm X, Chico
Mendes, Dorothy Stang.
Voc se lembra
de outros assassinatos
histricos que envergonham
a humanidade?

Discuss this issue with your classmates and teachers, especially

your Math and History teachers.

Exploring Other Sources

ASSIS, Andre Koch Torres. Arquimedes, o centro da gravidade e a lei da alavanca. So Paulo:
Livraria da Fsica, 2011.
ARCHIMEDES. Available at: <>.
Access: Mar. 28, 2013.
ARCHIMEDES Death Ray: Idea Feasibility Test. Available at: <
experiments/deathray/10_ArchimedesResult.html>. Access: Mar. 28, 2013.

132 UNIT 9 Eureka!

Check Your English 3
1. Mark the correct answers to these questions. e. That water is very refreshing. Ive got some
in my fridge. It tastes like fresh water to me. (any
a. What are yeasts?
none some no)
x They are living, single-celled organisms.

They are the main ingredients in a basic recipe. 0.1 point each /0.5

They are enzymes.

3. Complete the sentences with the correct verb
b. On a certain level, what is a good baker? form in parentheses: Simple Present, Simple
A good reactant. Past or Present Perfect.
x A good chemist. a. I ve bought some freshly baked bread.
A good scientist. Wheres the jam? (buy ve bought)

c. Archimedes allegedly said, Eureka! b. Isaac Newton was 22 when he made his
as he was getting into the bath. discovery of gravity. (has made made)
before he had hit upon a solution to the problem. c. Father has turned off the TV. Good
x after he leaped out of the bath. idea. Now we can talk. (turns off has turned off)

d. The famed mathematician realized that the more d. Several millennia after Archimedes and
his body sank into the water the more water it the eureka-moment, many scientists
have received inspiration in the
shower. (receive have received)
x displaced.

replaced. e. We saw a good program on TV last

evening. (have seen saw)
e. Robots can do jobs that are impossible for us, like
vacuuming the floors in our home. 0.1 point each /0.5

playing soccer.
4. For each of the following sentences find
x exploring the surface of Mars.
another sentence in the box, a comment
that makes sense and shows the logical
0.2 point each /1
consequence of the first one.
2. Fill in the blanks with the correct quantifiers in
Hes going to buy a farm in Mato Grosso. You must
parentheses, as adequate.
study harder. How can we get into the house now?
a. Archimedes made many important Have you got a candle? Hes in the hospital now.
scientific contributions. (much little many) I need a bandage. So I can watch TV now. They
should take a shower. She wants all her friends to
b. Archimedes himself never wrote about the
go for a ride. Then we can eat now.
eureka-moment, although he spent much
time detailing the laws of buoyancy and the lever.
(much many few) a. I have done my homework.
So I can watch TV now.
c. The proper way to eat freshly baked bread is with
plenty of butter and jam. (plenty of a few b. Father has made some sandwiches.
few many) Then we can eat now.

d. Bread is more than just a food. (more c. I have lost my keys.

much many less) How can we get into the house now?


d. Jack has won the lottery. 6. Read Text I and answer the question that
Hes going to buy a farm in Mato Grosso. follows it.
e. Jane has passed her driving test. Text I
She wants all her friends to go for a ride.

f. The boys have arrived from the beach.

Indian Summer
They should take a shower. In youth, it was a way I had

g. The lights have gone out.

To do my best to please,

Have you got a candle?

And change, with every passing lad,
To suit his theories.
h. Ive cut my finger! But now I know the things I know,
I need a bandage. And do the things I do;

i. Youve made a lot of mistakes in the test.

And if you do not like me so,

You must study harder.

To hell, my love, with you!
(PARKER, D. The Portable Dorothy Parker. New York:

j. My brother has had an accident.

Penguin Books, 2006. p. 107.)

Hes in the hospital now. In Indian Summer*, the poet

a. hasnt changed his/her attitude towards other
0.1 point each /1
b. is still young.
5. A ilustrao descreve muitas das
caractersticas e funes da gua. Das c. still tries to do things the way other people expect
alternativas dadas abaixo, assinale a nica her/him to.
que est incorreta quanto a isso. d. is wiser now than she/he used to be.
e. still cares about other peoples impression of

0.5 point /0.5

7. Read Keith Richards statement and answer

the question.

Im free of
although Ive got
everything else.

A gua
a. constitui 3/4 dos nossos msculos.
b. umedece o oxignio para a respirao.
Ilustraes: Estdio 1+2/Arquivo da editora

c. amortece as nossas juntas.

d. elimina os resduos.
e. compe mais de 80% do nosso crebro.

0.5 point /0.5

*Indian summer is an expression used to refer to a period of warm weather in

Autumn and can also be used as a metaphor for early old age.
134 Check Your English 3

Hypochondria is a mental condition in which 9. The Carib Indians had brought the enemy
someone worries a lot about their health and thinks tribes parrots back home with them,
they are sick when they are not. Judging by what
a. x and those parrots spoke the language of the
Keith Richards said about himself in the statement
murdered Indians.
above, would you say he is indeed a hypochondriac?
a. Yes. b. and that had been the reason for the war
between those tribes.
b. No.
c. Maybe. c. but Humboldt realized the parrots could not
d. Hard to say. speak their language.
e. Impossible to say. d. and there were still some human speakers of
0.5 point /0.5 that language left.
10. About two centuries later, Rachel Berwick
Read the text and answer the questions 8, 9
and 10. a. experimented with the same parrots.

b. got two parrots to speak the language of the

victorious tribe.
In 1801, an explorer called Alexander von
Humboldt was searching for the source of the
Orinoco River in South America. He met some Carib
c. x was able to hear the sound of the dead
language spoken by two parrots.
Indians who had recently attacked a neighbouring
tribe. Theyd killed all the people, but theyd
brought the tribes parrots back home with them. d. captured the sound of the language and taught
The parrots chattered away, like parrots do. it to some human speakers.
And when von Humboldt heard them talk, he
realized that they were speaking the language 0.5 point each /1.5
of the murdered Indians. He decided to write
the words down, to capture the sound of the
Read Text II and answer the questions that follow.
language. There were no human speakers of the
language left. The parrots were all he had to go on. Text II
Nearly 200 years later, an American sculptor
called Rachel Berwick decided to make the Human Equality
language come alive again. She got two South
American parrots and taught them to say some of Give me the money that has been spent in war
the words that von Humboldt had written down. and I will clothe every man, woman, and child
Then she put them in a large cage surrounded by in an attire of which kings and queens will be
foliage and jungle noises, and displayed them in a proud. I will build a schoolhouse in every valley
gallery. The parrots happily chattered away. over the whole Earth. I will crown every hillside
Suddenly, the old language came alive again. with a place of worship consecrated to peace.
Even though it was only parrot-talk, hearing it Charles Sumner (1811-1874)
send shivers down the back of your neck. (Available at: <
(CRYSTAL, David. A Little Book of Language. New Haven the_money_that_has_been_spent_in_war_and/327949.
and London: Yale University Press, 2010. p. 130.) html>. Access: Feb. 4, 2013.)

Choose the correct alternative. 11. Choose the item that best completes each
8. In 1801 Alexander von Humdoldt was in South
America a. The money that has been spent in war...
a. when he met some Indians at the source of the x is more than enough to provide everyone with fine
Orinoco river. clothes.
b. exploring the mouth of the Orinoco river. should be spent on fine clothes for proud people.
c. when he met some Carib Indians that were could be used to clothe kings and queens instead.
going to kill their neighbors. has been sufficient to find peace.
d. x trying to find the beginning of a local river. has been well spent.

Check Your English 3 135

b. Two other values that Sumner considers very J. K. Rowling tornou-se famosa por seus livros
important are... sobre o bruxo Harry Potter e suas aventuras,
adaptados para o cinema. Esse texto, que aborda
valleys and hillsides.
a trajetria da escritora britnica, tem por objetivo
x education and peace.
a. informar que a famosa srie Harry Potter ser
crown and worship. adaptada para o pblico adulto.

kings and queens. b. divulgar a publicao do romance por J. K.

Rowling inteiramente para adultos.
wars and religion.
c. promover a nova editora que ir publicar os
0.5 point each /1 prximos livros de J. K. Rowling.
d. informar que a autora de Harry Potter agora
12. (Enem-2012) pretende escrever para adultos.
e. anunciar o novo livro da srie Harry Potter
publicado por editora diferente.

0.5 point /0.5

(ITA-SP 2013) As questes de 13 a 16 referem-se

tirinha a seguir:

Scott Adams, Dilbert, Tribune Comics. Nov. 2011.

23 February 2012 Last update at 16:53 GMT
BBC World Service

J. K. Rowling to pen first novel for adults

Author J. K. Rowling has announced plans to
publish her first novel for adults, which will be
very different from the Harry Potter books she
is famous for.
The book will be published worldwide although
no date or title has yet been released. The freedom
to explore new territory is a gift that Harrys
success has brought me, Rowling said.
All the Potter books were published by
Bloomsbury, but Rowling has chosen a new
publisher for her debut into adult fiction.
Although Ive enjoyed writing it every bit
as much, my next book will be very different
to the Harry Potter series, which has been
published so brilliantly by Bloomsbury and
my other publishers around the world, she
said, in a statement. Im delighted to have a
second publishing home in Little, Brown, and a
publishing team that will be a great partner in
this new phase of my writing life.
(Adapted from: <>. Access: Feb. 4, 2012.)

136 Check Your English 3

13. No contexto em que se insere external stuff, (Mack-SP 2013) The following text refers to
no quarto quadro da tirinha, foi interpretado, questions 17 and 18.
pelo entrevistado, como

a. funcionrios terceirizados.
Hal David & Burt Bacharach
b. exames de rotina para contratao. Barney Williams

c. informaes de menor importncia.

Recorded 11, 20 February 1963
Lennon ___( I )___ slightly ill-at-ease on his
d. dados de veracidade questionvel. own songs, but with covers, he already had the

e. dados investigados externamente.

confidence of a born interpreter. The groups
boyish harmonies didnt distract him from
14. Segundo a tirinha, em uma entrevista de giving another Shirelles hit a commanding vocal
trabalho performance that marked him out as The Beatles

a. est cada vez mais difcil falsear informaes

most distinctive voice.


b. a empresa contratante exige uma srie de
exames clnicos que atestem a sade do

c. a atitude do candidato comprovada atravs de

detalhada investigao laboratorial.

d. o desempenho do entrevistado de suma

importncia para a construo de sua imagem. 17. The verb that properly fills in blank I in the text
e. as informaes sobre o entrevistado, disponveis is
online, no so mais importantes do que sua a. would have sounded.
atitude e apresentao pessoal.
b. would rather have sounded.
15. Tanning bed, no penltimo quadro da tirinha
c. had better sound.
a. foi mencionado para ocultar um MRI.
d. should sound.
b. refere-se a uma atitude do entrevistado.
e. may have sounded.
c. refere-se a um tipo de cama utilizada para
18. According to the song review,
a. Lennon was not self-confident enough while
d. um sinnimo de MRI.
singing his own songs.
e. um tipo de exame.
b. Lennon gave The Shirelles a hit single called
16. A palavra landed, na sentena apparently Baby its you, recorded by Burt Bacharach and
some of your sample landed [...], no sexto Hal David.
quadro da tirinha, pode ser substituda por
c. Lennons harmonic voice turned him into a boyish
a. stopped born interpreter.

b. ended up d. Both The Beatles and The Shirelles reached a

remarkable performance while on stage.
c. was included
e. The Beatles, whose voices sounded really
d. arrived
distinctive, covered many of The Shirelles hits
e. was caught confidently.

0.25 point each /1 0.5 point each /1

Check Your English 3 137

Oriente o aluno a avaliar o seu desempenho no teste e tambm
quanto aos objetivos de ensino deste bimestre.
(Mack-SP 2012) The following advertisement SELF-EVALUATION (UNITS 7, 8 AND 9)
refers to questions 19 and 20.
How did you do? What was your score?

Excellent Good OK
do better
Test total:
10-9 8-7 6-5 less than 5
out of 10

How do you evaluate your own progress? Check

( ) for Yes, (x) for No, or (R) for Review Units 7, 8
and 9 after each of the topics below.
Now I can
( ) use the different reading strategies to be able to
understand a text in English.
( ) guess the meanings of new words from context.
( ) identify the meaning and use of the words in
noun phrases.
( ) understand and practice modal verbs used for
hypothetical actions: would.
( ) learn the meaning and use of phrasal verbs with
( ) distinguish the words that correspond to como
in Portuguese: how, as, like.
( ) learn the meaning and use of numerals in
compound adjectives.
19. According to the ad,
( ) identify and use indefinite pronouns: some, any,
a. proper eye care can only be offered to 80% of no, none.
blind people at the moment.
( ) identify and use quantifiers: much, many, little,
b. should you contribute to Orbis, you will help save few.
20% of those who suffer from blindness.
( ) understand and use the Present Perfect Tense to
c. being aware of the problem of blindness can save express indefinite past.
millions of sick people.
( ) listen to conversations, podcasts.
d. theres no need for the majority of blind people to
( ) talk about water consumption.
be like that.
( ) talk about recent actions and their results.
e. saving lives worldwide is Orbiss purpose
regardless of the disease. ( ) write a letter of complaint, a page of a diary, and
a text to promote awareness of the importance
20. The pronoun who in 80% of those who are
of conscious water usage.
blind dont have to be can be replaced by
( ) reflect and debate about science mathematics,
a. whom or that. d. whose or that.
physics, chemistry, biology in daily life.
b. which or that. e. whom, that or whose.
c. only that.

0.25 point each /0.5

138 Check Your English 3

The Interpretation
of Dreams
22 In 1900,
Sigmund Freud, after
years of research
as a neurologist,
published The
Interpretation of
Dreams. The book
began Freuds
exploration of the
human mind and
his development of

Making predictions
Who was Sigmund Freud? What do you know about him? When did he publish The
Science Source/PHOTO RESEARCHERS, Inc.

Interpretation of Dreams? Why do you think Freud is considered one of the most influential
people of the 20th century? What else do you expect to learn about the father of
psychoanalysis from reading the text? Make some predictions and check if you were correct.



Before You Read Activating background knowledge

Choose four words from the list below that you think you will find in the text.

highway x mind kitchen spacecraft

emperor x behavior x insight x brain

Time to Read Skimming

Now read the text quickly to understand the main idea and check your

Banco de imagens/Arquivo da editora

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100 Years of Freuds Interpretation of Dreams 100 Years of Study of the Human Mind
In 1900, more than one hundred years ago, Sigmund Freud published The Interpretation of Dreams.
Since then, people have learned that dreams can lead us to a better understanding of human nature.
Before Freud, before The Interpretation of Dreams, doctors studied the brain as an object.
Since the publication of Dreams, they have studied the connection between the nebulous and
hard-to-define mind and the physical, gray brain. What they have discovered, and what they are
still discovering, is the incredible complexity of both brain and mind.
The line where the brain and behavior meet is the focus of much of modern neuroscience.
And dreams have proved to be a foundation for much of that research. After a brief period when
dreams were considered to be little more than mental fireworks, scientists have found out that
they provide many insights into the minds workings. Freud called dreams the royal road to
the unconscious. Modern scientists, using technology such as PET scans, are discovering that
Freuds road is indeed royal.
Without The Interpretation of Dreams, psychology might still be the study of ill humors and
their effects on the brain. Without that book, modern scientific study might not be finding the
insights into the mind that have saved millions from the horrors and darkness of mental illness.
Freuds work has led to everything from drug treatments for depression and psychosis to a better
understanding of learning, memory, and mental development. In his effort to understand the
meaning of dreams Freud developed psychoanalysis and began a revolution. That revolution has
been alive and well for more than one hundred years and it is still going on.

(Adapted from: 100 YEARS of Freuds Interpretation of Dreams 100 Years of Study of the Human Mind. Science Daily.
Available at: <>. Access: Mar. 28, 2013.)
As palavras destacadas no udio so comentadas no tpico Pronunciation and
140 UNIT 10 The Interpretation of Dreams Stress, no Manual do Professor.

General Comprehension Skimming

Complete the file with the missing information about a very important book.

Jnos Kalmr/Akg-images/Latinstock
a. Title (in English)
The Interpretation of Dreams

b. Author
Sigmund Freud

c. Published in

d. Study of
the human mind

e. Development of

Word Study
Noun or Verb? Using grammar for vocabulary expansion

Underline the right noun or verb to complete the following sentences.

a. The Interpretation of Dreams began Freuds of psychoanalysis. (develop

b. Psychoanalysis is one of the for mental illness. (treat treatments)
c. Freud used the of dreams to explore the human mind. (interpret
d. Doctors the causes of illnesses. (explore exploration)
e. Scientists are still studying the between mind and brain. (connect
f. The unconscious is the part of your mind that influences your . (behave
g. Many people suffer from . (depress depression)
h. Freuds work has led to a better of how our brain works. (understand

The Interpretation of Dreams UNIT 10 141

In Other Words Getting meaning from context

Match the columns and find the correct meaning of some of the words
from the text.

a. in fact, really ( d ) research

b. living, not dead ( g ) complexity

c. bad fluids of the body, irritable state of mind ( b ) alive

d. study and examination ( h ) brief

e. an attempt to do something difficult ( i ) nebulous

f. the parts that make something work ( j ) fireworks

g. complicated nature of something ( f ) workings

h. short (in time) ( e ) effort

i. vague, not clear ( c ) ill humors

j. objects that explode when you light them ( a ) indeed

and produce colored lights and loud noises

Looking for Reference Reference words

Choose the alternative that shows the word(s) to which each pronoun in
bold refers to.

a. Before Freud, before The Interpretation of Dreams, doctors studied the

brain as an object. Since the publication of Dreams, they have studied
the connection between the nebulous and hard-to-define mind and the
physical, gray brain.

dreams x doctors connections

b. After a brief period when dreams were considered to be little more than
mental fireworks, scientists have found out that they provide many
insights into the minds workings.

mental fireworks scientists x dreams

c. Without The Interpretation of Dreams, psychology might still be the

study of ill humors and their effects on the brain.

dreams x ill humors study

d. That revolution has been alive and well for more than one hundred years
and it is still going on.
x that revolution one hundred years alive

142 UNIT 10 The Interpretation of Dreams

Word Formation Suffixes Using grammar for vocabulary expansion

Scan the text and complete the following boxes with the missing words
and their counterparts in Portuguese.

Verb + ment Noun Portuguese

treat treatment tratamento

develop development desenvolvimento

Adjective + ness Noun Portuguese

ill illness doena

dark darkness escurido

Verb + ing Noun Portuguese

understand understanding compreenso

mean meaning significado

learn learning aprendizagem

work working funcionamento

Detailed Comprehension
Comprehension Check Scanning

Choose the alternative that best completes each sentence, according to the text.

a. The publication of The Interpretation of Dreams marked the real

beginning of scientific research into the human .
illness fireworks x mind body
b. Before Freuds book, the was studied as an object.
PET scan learning behavior x brain
c. Both mind and brain are incredibly .
x complex brief physical royal
d. Freud called dreams the royal to the unconscious.
effort darkness x road research

Dreams are
the royal
road to the Im

unconscious. to

(Sigmund Freud) Sh

The Interpretation of Dreams UNIT 10 143

True or False? Scanning

Mark T (for True) or F (for False) and correct the false statements.

a. Dreams can serve as a basis for the study of brain and behavior. T
b. The Interpretation of Dreams was discovered more than a century ago. F/published
c. There is a link between brain and mind, which are both incredibly complex. T
d. Scientists now know that dreams can help them understand how the mind
works. T
e. The development of psychoanalysis has saved millions of people from the
humors of mental illness. F/horrors
f. The revolution that Freud began a century ago is still alive and well. T


Present Perfect Since and For

Observe os trechos em negrito nas frases abaixo:
In 1900, more than one hundred years ago, Sigmund Freud published The
Interpretation of Dreams.
O verbo em destaque expressa uma ao praticada por Sigmund Freud,
portanto, feita, concluda, no passado.

Em que tempo foi usado o verbo to publish, Simple Past ou Present Perfect?
Simple Past

Agora observe este outro exemplo:

Since then, people have learned that dreams can lead us to a better
understanding of human nature.
Nessa frase, o verbo to learn expressa uma ao que no acabou. Ela
teve incio no passado (em 1900) e continua no presente. A ao de aprender
Imagno/Getty Images

comeou nesse ponto do passado e desde ento (since then) ela acontece.
Nesse caso o verbo usado em que tempo: Simple Past ou Present
Perfect? Present Perfect
Observe os trechos em destaque nesta frase:
In his effort to understand the meaning of dreams, Freud developed
psychoanalysis and began a revolution.
Em que tempo verbal foram usados os verbos to develop e to begin
nessa frase? Por qu? Simple Past. Porque expressam aes praticadas por
Freud, portanto, feitas, terminadas no passado.
Agora, observe:
That revolution has been alive and well for one hundred years and it is
still going on.
Em que tempo verbal foi usado o verbo to be na frase acima? Por qu?
Present Perfect. Porque a ao no acabou, a revoluo est viva e continua.
144 UNIT 10 The Interpretation of Dreams

Present Perfect usado com:

since quando se menciona o ponto Freud died in 1939.

(desde) em que a ao teve incio: He has been dead since 1939.

for quando se menciona o Freud died in 1939.

(por, tempo decorrido desde o He has been dead for over
durante) incio da ao at agora: seventy years.

1. Complete the sentences with the Simple Past or the Present Perfect of
the verbs in parentheses.

a. Freud spent (spend) most of his life in Vienna.

b. Man has lived (live) on Earth for millions of years.
c. Psychoanalysis has expanded (expand) in different directions
since Freudian times.
d. Freud visited
To learn more
(visit) the United States in 1909.
about this topic, go to
e. People have tried (try) to understand the human brain for MINIGRAMMAR 41.
thousands of years.

2. Now complete the sentences with since, for or ago.

a. The Interpretation of Dreams was published more than a hundred years

ago .

b. Psychoanalysis has developed a lot since Freuds death in 1939.

c. Psychoanalysis has helped a great number of people for over a

hundred years.
The famous

Phrasal Verbs*
* Se achar conveniente, retome a explicao
couch in the
Phrasal Verbs presente na seo "Structure"
Freud's museum
da Unit 7, p. 98.
in London.
Observe as locues verbais em
Bjanka Kadic/Alamy/Glow Images

destaque nesta frase:

... scientists have found out
that dreams provide many
insights into the minds
That revolution has been alive
and well for more than one
hundred years and it is still
going on.

find out: discover a fact

go on: continue happening or
doing something as before

The Interpretation of Dreams UNIT 10 145

1. Observe the meaning of some phrasal verbs with put, and then
complete the story below using those phrasal verbs in the correct tenses.
Oriente os alunos a observarem os tempos verbais em cada frase.

put aside: save (money, time) for a particular purpose

put away: put something in its proper place
put back: put something in the place where it was before it was moved
put off: postpone, move to a later date
put on: place (clothes) on your body
put out: extinguish (light or fire)
put up with: tolerate someone or something unpleasant in a patient way

I used to be a servant at the Scrooges house, but I dont work

there anymore. I couldnt put up with that
family anymore!
The adults took books from the bookcase
but they never put them back .
The children never put away
their toys after they finished playing.
Mr. Scrooge always put out
his cigarettes on the floor! They all wanted
to put on new clothes
twice a day! So it was impossible for me to
put aside five minutes to take
a rest. And every time I asked them for a
little more money they put it
off until the following

2. Now complete the sentences

low Images
with phrasal verbs with put.

Shu tter sto ck/G

a. Please put out the
lights when you leave the room.
Lisa F. Young/
b. It is a real pleasure to put on
a clean shirt in the morning.
c. We are trying to put aside a little
money every month. We plan to spend it on our next
d. Please put away your clothes. Dont leave them on
the floor.
e. I think George Walker is foolish and stupid. I really cant
put up with that guy.
f. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
g. I used your dictionary, but I put it back on your
desk ten minutes ago.

146 UNIT 10 The Interpretation of Dreams


Getting to Know You

1. Do you remember how long you have lived at your present home or
have enjoyed the same kind of music? Fill in column A of the table below
with information about yourself.

How long have you A B

lived at your present home?
enjoyed the same kind of music?
had the same haircut?
gone to the same school?
lived in the same city?
studied English?
watched the same TV shows?
had your cell phone?
been a . fan?

2. Now ask one of your classmates the same questions and use column B to
write down his or her answers. Example:
How long have you lived at your present home?
Since 2009. What about you?
For 10 years. How long have you studied English?


A transcrio do udio destas atividades encontra-se no tpico Audio Scripts,
no Manual do Professor.

1. Everybody dreams, but doctors say we forget 90% of our dreams.

Discuss these questions with one of your classmates:

a. Do you often dream? What do you dream about?

b. What was the best dream you have ever had?
c. What was the worst dream you have ever had?
d. Do you have a recurring dream? Has it happened many times? What do
you think it might mean?
e. Do you usually dream in color or only in black and white?
f. Have you ever dreamed in English? If so, what was that dream about?

The Interpretation of Dreams UNIT 10 147

23 2. Ana and her friends are talking about a dream she had last night.
Listen and check the columns next to the statements below.

True False
a. Ana had a terrible dream the night before.
b. She dreamed she was swimming in the ocean.
c. Ana didnt give that dream a second thought.
d. She looked in a book to discover the meaning of that dream.
e. Michael believes that all dreams have a meaning.
f. Kate believes that some dreams have a meaning.
g. Ana has had the same dream for two weeks now.
h. Kate and Michael believe Ana is going to be a pop star.


Dreams and Mysteries

1. Lets have a look at Dreams and Mysteries, by Ted Wilkins (a fictitious
author), and see what he wrote on one of the first pages.
Banco de imagens/Arquivo da editora

reams have always fascinated me. I have tried to understand
their mysteries and interpret their meanings, but in vain. I
Se achar necessrio,
know dreams are mysterious. We all dream, every night,
d exemplos dessas but I can never remember my dreams. In fact, I can remember
etapas da narrativa
localizando no texto
the dream I just had only when I wake up, then I forget about it.
ao lado, com os Today Ive just got out of bed, so let me write about the dream I had
alunos, os trechos:
introduction last night. I was playing in an orchestra. I was playing the violin
(Dreams have always and I was playing very well. It was a great orchestra, the music
fascinated me
etc.); background was beautiful, the audience was enjoying a great concert. Then
(We all dream, every
night, but I can
something horrible happened. My violin strings were all broken, I
never remember wasnt making any sound. The conductor looked furiously at me.
my dreams);
topic sentences
I was so embarrassed I didnt know what to do. Then, fortunately,
( let me write I woke up. Phew! What a relief! Now, what does that dream mean?
about the dream
I had last night. I
Does it have any meaning at all? I dont think so. To be quite honest,
was playing in an I cant play the violin, I cant play any musical instrument
orchestra etc.);
development (Then
something horrible
solution (Then,
fortunately, I 2. Use your notebook to write a short text about a dream you have had.
woke up.); final
comments (To be
Pay attention to the sequence of the story:
quite honest, I cant
play the violin, I cant
introduction development
play any musical background conclusion
topic sentence final comments
Incentive o aluno a usar o vocabulrio e as estruturas que j conhece para criar
seu prprio texto, que pode ser mais simples e mais curto do que o trecho do
148 UNIT 10 The Interpretation of Dreams livro de Ted Wilkins.

Another Look at...
Sweet Dreams

1. Read Van Goghs quotation and the definition of the word dream.

Vincent van Gogh/Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA (Noite estrelada, 1889)
I dream my
painting and then
I paint my dream.
(Vincent van Gogh)

VAN GOGH, Vincent. Starry Night, 1889. Oil on canvas, 73.7 cm x 92.1 cm.
Museum of Modern Art, New York.

1 a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a persons mind
during sleep
2 cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal
verb (past and past participle dreamed / dreamt)
1 experience dreams during sleep
2 indulge in daydreams or fantasies about something greatly desired
3 [with negative] contemplate the possibility of doing something or
that something might be the case
Leia com os alunos o
verbete e esclarea
(OXFORD Dictionaries. Available at: < eventuais dvidas.
definition/english/dream?q=dream>. Access: Mar. 29, 2013.) Depois, reproduza na
lousa a citao do
artista e incentive a
participao da turma
Now identify the nouns and the verbs in the quotation.
I dream my painting / and then I paint my dream. na identificao dos
dream: verb paint: verb elementos nas frases.
painting: noun dream: noun

2. Observe the painting and discuss it with a classmate. What elements are similar to
reality or different from it? Have you ever had a dream that could be a painting?
Incentive os alunos a observar a imagem e identificar elementos que reflitam a imaginao do artista. A discusso pode ser
em ingls ou portugus dependendo do nvel de proficincia da turma. Se houver disponibilidade, trabalhe com a disciplina
de Arte as principais caractersticas de Van Gogh e do impressionismo, movimento artstico a que ele pertenceu.

The Interpretation of Dreams UNIT 10 149

egundo Freud, o homem nem sempre o senhor
em sua prpria casa. Muitas das nossas aes

so ditadas pelo inconsciente, uma parte da
nossa mente sobre a qual no temos controle e que tem

ABOUT IT e comportamento. Os sonhos, segundo Freud, so the

poderosos efeitos sobre os nossos pensamentos, emoes

royal road to the unconscious, a estrada real que nos leva

ao inconsciente. Voc concorda com isso? Ou acha que a
mente humana tem poder de deciso permanentemente
ditado pela lgica e pelo raciocnio? Voc alguma vez se surpreendeu fazendo ou
dizendo algo que no queria e de que logo se arrependeu? E os seus sonhos, voc
acha que eles tm significado ou so, como se supunha antes de Freud, nada mais
do que mental fireworks? Freud explica.

Bruce Rolff/Shutterstock/Glow Images

Discuss this issue with your classmates and teachers, especially

your Biology and Philosophy teachers.

Exploring Other Sources

COSTA, Ana Maria Medeiros da. Sonhos. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 2006.
UM MTODO perigoso. Direo: David Cronenberg. Produo: Jeremy Thomas, 2011.
FREUD, Sigmund. Dream Psychology. Available at: <
psychology_librivox>. Access: Mar. 29, 2013.
FREUD Museum. Available at: <>. Access: Mar. 29, 2013.

150 UNIT 10 The Interpretation of Dreams

A Science
One Hundred
Years of
24The more we come to
know, the more we realize
how little we know. The more
we understand, the more
clear it is that everything
we have learned is nothing
compared to what we still
have to learn. Behind each
locked door we have managed
to open are still more doors
and more locks, and so on ad

Making predictions
Observe the title, the image and the text above. It is about an odyssey, a long journey, full of adventures
and discoveries. How long did that odyssey last? What kind of discoveries does it talk about? What
NASA/Science Photo Library

happens every time science makes a new discovery? Is it final, the last in a series, or does it lead to new
discoveries? Why is that so? Make some predictions and check them as you read the text.
Comente com os alunos que a expresso latina ad infinitum significa literalmente at o infinito e geralmente usada
para designar situaes que se perpetuam ou, ento, processos que se repetem indefinidamente.



Rudyard Kipling, Before You Read Activating background knowledge

escritor ingls
(nascido em
Bombaim, atual Read the poem and then answer the question.
Mumbai, ndia),
escreveu este
poema como
introduo ao conto
I keep six honest serving-men,
The Elephants They taught me all I knew.
Their names are What, and Why, and When
Child, em seu livro
Just So Stories, de
1902. Este conjunto And How, and Where, and Who.
de perguntas
considerado bsico Rudyard Kipling
para a obteno
de informaes
e usado em Which is the best way to further human knowledge, according to the
jornalismo, pesquisa
ou qualquer tipo
poem: knowing the right answers or asking the right questions?
de investigao. Asking the right questions.

Time to Read
Nenhuma dessas
palavras leva Skimming
resposta Sim ou
No, mas oferece a
quem pergunta uma
base de informaes Now read the text quickly to understand the main idea and check your
quase completa predictions. As palavras destacadas no udio so comentadas no tpico Pronunciation and Stress, no
sobre um certo Manual do Professor.

S cience is not an arrival, but a journey. It is not a

William Morrow and Co

fixed body of knowledge or growing shelf of facts
and theories, but an infinite series of questions. The
most brilliant scientists have been those who have
sought not the right answers but the right questions
to ask.
And so we have progressed, not in a straight line,
but from ignorance to misconception, and from
misconception to mistake, and from mistake to
failure, and from failure to insight, and from insight
to discovery about ourselves and our universe and
how things work. It happened very slowly and
haltingly at first and then faster and faster, picking
up tempo until in the twentieth century it has
reached a dizzying speed. Today we laugh at how
little we knew yesterday. Tomorrow we will laugh at
how little we know today.
Science and technology have touched all of our lives and changed us in ways that
we ourselves cannot yet comprehend. Lifesaving medical miracles have become so
commonplace that we are impatient about them. We dont want to wait. We want
cures for AIDS and cancer and other diseases, and we want them now! Perhaps we
have come to expect too much from science. We look to it for the answers when it is
still busy with the questions. Yet we distrust and fear science and technology too, and
it is not unreasonable that we should. For all its benefits, we have seen its destructive
side as well. We understand that it can be a wonderful servant but a terrible master.

(OSGOOD, Charles. Foreword. In: FLOWERS, Charles. A Science Odyssey. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1998. p. xi)

152 UNIT 11 A Science Odyssey One Hundred Years of Discovery

General Comprehension
Finding the Main Idea Skimming

Choose the alternative that contains the main idea of the text.

Thanks to science and technology now we know how things work.

Science and technology have improved our lives immensely and all our
scientific questions have been answered.
We have arrived at the end of our scientific discoveries.
x The twentieth century was one of fantastic progress in science and
technology but we still have a lot to learn.

Word Study
Word Families Using grammar for vocabulary expansion

Scan the text and complete the chart with the missing words.

Adjective Noun Verb

discovery discover
learning learning learn

ignorant ignorance ignore

arrival arrive
failed failure fail
destructive destruction destroy

Positive or Negative? Getting meaning from context

Some of the words in the text, like everything, express a positive

idea. Others, like nothing, express a negative idea. Write P or N in the
parentheses after each word.
a. ( P ) discovery i. ( P ) cure
Vintage Images/Getty Images

b. ( P ) brilliant j. ( N ) disease

c. ( N ) misconception k. ( N ) distrust

d. ( N ) mistake l. ( N ) fear

e. ( N ) failure m. ( P ) benefit

f. ( P ) insight n. ( N ) destructive

g. ( P ) laugh o. ( P ) wonderful

h. ( P ) miracle p. ( N ) terrible

A Science Odyssey One Hundred Years of Discovery UNIT 11 153

Word Formation Prefixes Using grammar for vocabulary expansion

1. Scan the text and find the missing words to complete these phrases:

a. an infinite series of questions uma infinita srie de perguntas

b. from ignorance to misconception da ignorncia concepo errnea

c. from mistake to failure do erro ao fracasso

d. we are impatient about them ns somos impacientes com eles

e. we distrust and fear science ns desconfiamos da cincia e a tememos

f. it is not unreasonable no incompreensvel

2. Prefixes un-, in-, im-, mis- and dis- have a negative meaning or express the opposite idea of
some words. Complete the sentences below by using the correct prefix with the words in bold.

a. September 7th is in dependence Day in Brazil.

b. Everything is possible. Nothing is im possible.

c. Science wants to dis cover a cure for cancer.

d. Van Gogh was a very un happy man.

e. That information is false. They gave us some mis information.

In Other Words Getting meaning from context

Scan the text and find the words or phrases that have the same meaning as:

a. begin to understand realize

Introduction b. we have been able to open we have managed to open

c. door which has been fastened with a key locked door

Paragraph 1 d. those who have tried to find those who have sought

e. hesitantly, with a lot of pauses haltingly

a dizzying speed
Paragraph 2
f. a very fast movement, too fast
g. we ourselves cannot understand yet we ourselves cannot yet comprehend

h. but we do not trust, we do not have yet we distrust

confidence in
Paragraph 3
i. we are suspicious and afraid of science we distrust and fear science

j. in spite of all its advantages for all its benefits

k. its negative side too its destructive side as well

154 UNIT 11 A Science Odyssey One Hundred Years of Discovery

Detailed Comprehension
Expressing It in a Different Way Getting meaning from context

Choose the alternative that keeps the same meaning as the sentences.

a. Everything we have learned is nothing compared to what we still have to learn.

x What we know now is insignificant in comparison with what we still dont know.
We should be proud of our present knowledge.
b. Behind each locked door we have managed to open are still more doors and more locks.
We have been able to open many doors, but we are unable to open any more doors.
x We have made many discoveries, but there are still many more discoveries to be made.
c. Science is not an arrival, but a journey.
x In the scientific process of discovery, it is more important to ask the right questions than to get
the right answers.
A scientific journey never arrives anywhere.
d. And so we have progressed, not in a straight line.
x Humanity has moved forward, but not directly.
The progress of mankind has happened without interruption.
e. [] from failure to insight
x unsuccessful at first but successful in the end
from a lack of success to complete despair
f. Tomorrow we will laugh at how little we know today.
Today we know that we will not be able to laugh tomorrow.
x The knowledge we have today will be considered insignificant tomorrow.
g. Perhaps we have come to expect too much from science.
Electric cars are
Maybe we have waited too long for science.
x Maybe our expectations from science are exaggerated.
now a reality in
many countries.
h. [] and it is not unreasonable that we should.
x and we have a logical reason for fearing the power of science.
and it is reasonable that we should always trust science.
i. For all its benefits []
x In spite of all its benefits
Because of all its benefits
j. [] we have seen its destructive side as
x we have seen that science has the
power to destroy too. ges
we have seen only the negative side of Shu
tte r s to
c k /G
science. Pa tr
ic k P

A Science Odyssey One Hundred Years of Discovery UNIT 11 155

Reading Between the Lines Making inferences
Pode-se esperar,
entre as vrias
respostas: a Read the final part of the text again:
aplicao da
cincia para fins [] Yet we distrust and fear science and technology too, and it is not
blicos, como o da
energia nuclear unreasonable that we should. For all its benefits, we have seen its destructive
para a fabricao side as well. We understand that it can be a wonderful servant but a terrible
da bomba atmica,
o uso da aviao master.
para bombardeios, a
fabricao de armas
como granadas, Based on what you know of history, what do you think the author means
minas terrestres
etc., ou, em outra by the destructive side of science? And what does he mean when
rea, o perigo da he says that science and technology can be a wonderful servant but a
clonagem humana
indiscriminada. terrible master? The author suggests that science and technology (as everything in life, for that
matter) have a dark destructive side. The author does not say how that happens,
he does not make it clear what destructive side of science he is talking about, he
leaves it to the reader to find out.


Twentieth Century Inventions

A transcrio do udio destas atividades encontra-se
no tpico Audio Scripts, no Manual do Professor.

25 1. You are going to listen to five people voting for the best and the
worst inventions of the twentieth century. As you listen to the dialogue,
check the inventions they talk about.
The light bulb x The internet The microscope
x Television x The airplane x The computer
x Antibiotics x The automobile x The nuclear bomb
The bicycle The electric fan The flush toilet

2. Listen to those people again and check the columns in the table below.

She/he She/he
Name Inventions they talked about likes it/ dislikes it/
them them
Sam Antibiotics x

Alejandro The internet/the computer/the airplane x

Martha The automobile x

The television x
u Ra
z va n
t ter
s to c
k /Glo

The nuclear bomb x

w Im

156 UNIT 11 A Science Odyssey One Hundred Years of Discovery


Function Words Alm do seu uso mais comum, em afirmaes,

already pode tambm aparecer em algumas
Alguns advrbios so muito comuns com o perguntas quando, alm do sentido de j,
Present Perfect, para indicar tempo de modo vago, houver outra ideia implcita. Assim:
yet: a. para expressar surpresa, caso em que
1 (adv.) j aparece no final da pergunta:
Usado em perguntas sobre aes comuns,
Have you eaten already? Its only 6 oclock.
corriqueiras (a serem praticadas mais cedo ou
(Voc j comeu? Mas so s 6 horas!)
mais tarde) e quando no se antecipa o tipo de
resposta, que poder ser yes ou no. b. quando, pelo contexto, se espera que a
resposta seja afirmativa. Nesse caso antecede o
Have you eaten yet?
Has the show begun yet? verbo principal:

2 (adv.) ainda (no) Have you already eaten? I can see that. (Voc
Usado em oraes negativas, acompanhado j comeu, no ? Estou vendo isso.)
de not. O uso de already em perguntas com j
No, I havent eaten yet. expressa ideias suplementares, em contraste com
No, the show hasnt begun yet. yet, que o usado como j em perguntas gerais.

Alm desses dois usos, claramente distintos, Has the bus arrived yet?
yet pode ainda ser usado como conjuno, muitas O nibus j chegou? simples pedido de
vezes no incio de uma orao afirmativa, com o informao
significado de no entanto, contudo, todavia.
Has the bus already arrived?
I havent eaten yet.
O nibus j chegou, no ? (Acho que sim.)
Yet, Im not hungry.
Yet foi usado em duas frases do texto, Has the bus arrived already?
reproduzidas abaixo. Com que sentido? O nibus J chegou? (No possvel, no
a. Yet we trust and fear science and technology

Existe ainda outra palavra para j, mas essa

no entanto
tem um sentido bem diferente, fcil de distinguir
b. Science and technology have touched all of de yet e de already:
our lives and changed us in ways that we
ourselves cannot yet comprehend. ever: j, alguma vez. usado em perguntas
ainda (no) com destaque para a ocasio ou a oportunidade
em que a ao pode ou no ter sido praticada.
Como vimos, um dos significados de yet j,
Have you ever eaten raw fish? (Voc j/alguma
usado em perguntas. Mas h outras palavras,
vez comeu peixe cru?)
em ingls, que tambm tm o significado de j,
cada uma com seu uso. Veja:
Complete the sentences with yet, already, or
already: uma palavra normalmente usada
em contexto afirmativo:
ever, as suitable.

a. Have you ever

Im not hungry. I have already eaten. (No
been to Bahia?
estou com fome. Eu j comi.) b. Have you taken your medicine yet ?

A Science Odyssey One Hundred Years of Discovery UNIT 11 157

c. Have you finished your homework already ? I cant believe it!

d. Have you read Chico Buarques latest book yet ?

e. Have you ever seen a movie about some murderous centipedes?

f. Have the kids arrived yet ? Yes, they are already here.

ever: alm de j, alguma vez, em perguntas, como j vimos (as we have already seen...), ever
pode aparecer tambm como:
a. sempre: em afirmaes ou palavras compostas
I will remember that meal for ever. (Eu sempre me lembrarei daquela refeio.)
b. j: com superlativos
The best vatap I have ever eaten. (O melhor vatap que eu j comi.)
c. nunca: com comparativos
As a cook, she is better than ever. (Na condio de cozinheira, ela est melhor do que nunca.)
never: nunca. usado em oraes negativas que dispensam o not, j que never fortemente negativa.
I have never eaten raw fish. (Eu nunca comi peixe cru.)
just: uma palavra que no tem traduo prpria, mas aparece com muita frequncia com o Present Perfect,
entre have/has e o particpio passado do verbo principal, para indicar que a ao acabou de acontecer.
I have just said that. (Acabei de dizer isso.)
Complete the sentences with already, yet, ever, just or never. In some cases more than one
may be correct.

a. I have just/already seen Clare. She was here a moment ago. To learn more

b. Have you ever

about this topic, go to
heard of a place called Porto de Galinhas? MINIGRAMMAR 42.

c. Have you done your exercises yet ?

d. Well, I have already done some of them, but I

havent done all of them yet
Olegusk/Shutterstock/Glow Images

e. I have never been to Florianpolis, but Id like

to go there.

f. The show has just/already begun. Sit down!

g. Shakespeare was the greatest poet the world has

ever had.

h. Have you taken a shower yet ? No, not

yet .

i. My friend Zez is from Bahia. Yet , she

doesnt like vatap.

j. Look at the sun! A new day has just begun.

158 UNIT 11 A Science Odyssey One Hundred Years of Discovery

Indefinite Pronouns and Adverbs Compound Forms
Observe os pronomes em destaque nesta frase:

The more we understand, the more clear it is that everything we have learned is nothing compared to
what we still have to learn.

Everything e nothing so pronomes indefinidos compostos:

everything: every + thing

nothing: no + thing

Os indefinite pronouns e adverbs compostos seguem as mesmas regras de uso das suas formas
simples. Veja:

Simple Forms Compounds

for things for people for places for manner
some something somebody* somewhere somehow
any anything anybody* anywhere anyhow
no nothing nobody* nowhere
every everything everybody* everywhere

Observe que no, nothing, nobody, no one, nowhere, e none so palavras fortemente negativas
e, assim como never, no so usadas com not. Em contraste com o portugus, no h o uso de duas
palavras fortemente negativas na mesma frase.

No h ningum na cozinha. There is no one in the kitchen. To learn more

Ningum me disse nada sobre isso. No one told me anything about that.
about this topic, go to

Choose the correct words to complete each sentence.

a. came to the meeting. There wasnt there. (nobody everything somewhere none anybody)
b. They are looking for the robbers . (everything anybody nowhere everywhere)
c. I dont know how Crazy Joe passed the test, but he did. (something anybody somehow nobody)
d. Im sure there was in the room when I arrived. (no one none somewhere anything)
e. Listen! There is making a speech. (anyone anything someone none)
f. Dont touch , the detective told . (nothing anything no one everybody nobody none)
g. Did you see when you came in? (anyone everywhere no one none)
h. Do you know about computers? (somehow anywhere anything anybody)
i. I tried to see if there was any food in the fridge, but there was . (no one none someone anything)
j. They try to imitate he does. (everyone anybody everything nothing)
* somebody = someone; anybody = anyone; nobody = no one; everybody = everyone
** No confundir none: How many pens do you need? None. com no one = nobody: There was no one in the room except me.

A Science Odyssey One Hundred Years of Discovery UNIT 11 159

*Theodor Seuss
Geisel (1904-1991)
The the with Comparatives (Parallel Increase)
foi um escritor e
cartunista norte- Observe os trechos em destaque nestas frases:
-americano, mais
conhecido por seu
pseudnimo, Dr. The more we come to know, the more we realize how little we know.
Seuss. Publicou mais
de 60 livros infantis, The more we understand, the more clear it is that
dentre eles Tonho
choca o ovo, Como Usa-se o artigo definido antes de comparativos em expresses repetidas,
o Grinch roubou o quando falamos de situaes que se alteram, uma em funo da outra.
Natal e O gatola da
cartola. Foi roteirista
do filme Design to
Death, vencedor do
Complete this quotation with the missing words.
Oscar de melhor
documentrio The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you
de 1947, escrito learn, the more places youll go. (Dr. Seuss*)
enquanto servia ao
Exrcito dos EUA
durante a Segunda Nos exemplos acima foi usado more, que o comparativo de much. Mas as
Guerra Mundial.
(Fonte: Wikipedia. expresses podem ser formadas com outros adjetivos, no grau comparativo.
Disponvel em:
org/wiki/Theodor_ Observe the context and complete the sentences with the phrases in the
Acesso: Mar. 30,
box, as appropriate.

the taller the wiser the older the harder the better the more tired

To learn more a. The older we get, the wiser we should become,

about this topic, go to but I know a few old men who are rather foolish.
b. The harder I work, the more tired I get. Ive been
working like a dog, Im exhausted now.

c. Volleyball is a sport for tall young men and women. The taller, the better .

wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock/Glow Images

The more we
become experts
about all kinds of
things, the less
we know about

160 UNIT 11 A Science Odyssey One Hundred Years of Discovery


Have You Ever...?

We use the Present Perfect with the adverb ever to ask about personal
experiences (something a person might or might not have done in his
life). Have you ever seen a white tiger? (ever = in your life).
Ask questions about the experiences suggested in the box and then give
Incentive os alunos
a usar as perguntas
appropriate answers. Remember: in the present perfect structure, the
main verbs are to be used in the past participle. e respostas como
pontos de partida
para falar de outras
situaes, escolha
make a speech in English eat octopus try windsurfing
see a dinosaur kiss a frog dance the tango

Yes, I have. Ive once/twice/a few times

No, I havent. Ive never
Tetra Images/Getty Images

Hitoshi Nishimura/Taxi Japan/Getty Images

Karl Weatherly/The Image Bank/Getty Images

Tuca Vieira/Folha Imagem

Blickwinkel/Alamy/Other Images

Daniel Garcia/Agence France-Presse

A Science Odyssey One Hundred Years of Discovery UNIT 11 161


Preparing a To-Do List

1. Ana has made a list of the things she has to do this week. She has
checked the things she has already done, and used an to mark those
she has not done yet. Read Anas to-do list for this week and complete the

Things to Do this Week

Cook some food

Buy a new pair of jeans

Phone Granny Nina

Send a copy of my ID to the school office

Do some research about electric cars with Kate

Clean my room

Watch the new video

Do my homework

Ive done a lot of things this week, but there are some things I
havent done yet. Ive cooked some
food, Ive bought a new pair of jeans, and Ive
phoned Granny Nina, but I havent sent
a copy of my ID to the school office
yet. Ive done some research about electric cars
with Kate , but I haven't cleaned my room
yet, so its a mess (Thats bad!). Ive watched the new video , and
I think its amazing! I haven't done my homework yet
Oriente os alunos a
usar os advrbios
(Thats terrible!).
que j aprenderam
e outros discourse
markers de unidades
2. Now use your notebook and write a similar paragraph about the things
anteriores para you have already done and those you havent done yet. Start by preparing
dar mais fluidez ao
texto. a similar to-do list, then write down the paragraph.

162 UNIT 11 A Science Odyssey One Hundred Years of Discovery

Another Look at...

Then and Now

A science odyssey takes you on a journey through the 20th century, the most
spectacular 100 years in the history of science and technology.
For example

stefanolunardi/Shutterstock/Glow Images

1900 NOW
The era of scientific medicine is only just Today life expectancy has risen
beginning. If you become sick or injured youll dramatically. Antibiotics have proven
need a strong constitution, and plenty of luck, an indispensable tool in battling illness.
to survive. It has been a few decades since the Organ transplants and high-tech
French scientist Louis Pasteur discovered the medicine give thousands of people each
microscopic creatures we call bacteria and year a second chance of life.
demonstrated that these germs could cause
many illnesses. The scientific community
knows that germs cause disease, but they
dont know how to destroy them.

(MEDICINE and Health. Available at: <>. Access: Nov. 6, 2012.)

From the beginning of the 20th century to these days, our knowledge in some
scientific areas has grown in a spectacular way. Which of those areas is being
highlighted on this page?

Physics and astronomy x Medicine and health

Human behavior Earth and life sciences

A Science Odyssey One Hundred Years of Discovery UNIT 11 163

ehind each locked door we have managed to open
are still more doors and more locks, and so on ad

O autor dessas palavras usou um tom modesto,

ABOUT IT no ltimo sculo. Mas essa forma de pensar no se

talvez at humilde, para se referir aos avanos da cincia

aplica apenas s realizaes no campo da cincia, e sim

a todas as reas do conhecimento humano. Aprendemos
muito, mas muito h ainda por aprender. Cada novo dia
nos oferece uma oportunidade de aprender, explorar, descobrir, saber mais.
Todos ns temos esse potencial para
crescer, tanto intelectual quanto

Darren Baker/Shutterstock/Glow Images

espiritualmente. Todos ns fomos
naturalmente dotados do salutar
desejo de alcanar, conseguir, realizar,
por isso compreensvel nossa alegria
a cada conquista, a satisfao que nos
traz esse sense of achievement. Mas
preciso manter uma atitude humilde
sobre isso e sobre tudo. Scrates,
sbio da Antiga Grcia que viveu h
mais de 400 anos antes de Cristo, dizia
(em grego, no em ingls, of course) To
know, is to know that you know nothing.
That is the meaning of true knowledge.
Scrates foi um grande professor,
e essas palavras, apesar do tempo,
servem como lio hoje em dia.

Discuss this issue with your classmates and teachers,

especially your History, Sociology, and Philosophy teachers.

Exploring Other Sources

BRYSON, Bill. A Really Short History of Nearly Everything. London: Corgi, 2008.
DAWKINS, Richard. The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing. USA: Oxford University Press, 2008.
A EVOLUO DA HUMANIDADE armas, germes e ao, vols. 1 e 2. (Documentrio da National
Geographic). Direo: Tim Lambert. Distribuio: PlayArt Pictures, 2005.
MEDICINE Through Time. Available at: <
html>. Access: Mar. 11, 2013.
MUSEUM of Science. Available at: <>. Access: Mar. 11, 2013.

164 UNIT 11 A Science Odyssey One Hundred Years of Discovery

26 / /
n. the appropriation of plants or
seeds and biological information
from developing nations with
great biodiversity without paying
compensation to local people.

Making predictions
Look at the photo, read
the title and the definition
of the word. Biopiracy is
not a new phenomenon,
it has been around since
colonial times. In 1876, a
British botanist smuggled
seventy thousand (!!!)
rubber seeds out of Brazil
so that they could be
cultivated in the British
colonies in Asia and thus
control the global rubber
trade. Thats biopiracy.
What else do you know
Delfim Martins/Pulsar Imagens

about that subject? Make

predictions, read the text
and check if they were



Em 1727, o sargento- Before You Read Activating background knowledge

-mor Francisco de Melo Palheta
foi encarregado de mediar
uma disputa entre a Guiana Read the question and complete the answer with words from the box.
Francesa e a Guiana Holandesa.
Palheta, tendo cado nas graas
da esposa do governador de
Caiena, capital da Guiana
victim rainforest compensation seeds biopirate
Francesa, recebeu da gentil
madame um ramo de flores onde
se encontravam, escondidas,
The cartoon shows a typical scene of
algumas preciosas sementes biopiracy. What has just happened?
frescas de caf, bem como
muitos gros de caf. Assim,
o caf chegou ao Brasil, mais The biopirate has taken seeds
precisamente ao Par.
from the rainforest without paying any
compensation to the victim .
As palavras destacadas no
udio so comentadas no tpico

Time to Read
Pronunciation and Stress, no
Manual do Professor. Skimming Estdio 1+2/Arquivo da editora

Now read the text quickly to understand the main idea and check your

Banco de Imagens/Arquivo da editora

Patents and trademarks on: :: CUPUAU :: AA :: COPABA :: ANDIROBA :: JABORANDI :: MORE CASES

Biopiracy is the appropriation and monopolization of biological materials (like plants and seeds)
taken from developing nations with great biodiversity, without paying compensation to local people.
Brazil is the world leader in endemic species and champion in biodiversity.* For many years, Brazil
has been a victim of biopiracy.
Perhaps the most infamous case of historic biopiracy is that of the rubber tree, Hevea brasiliensis, a
tropical tree native to the Amazon basin. In 1876 Henry Alexander Wickman, a British botanist, stole
rubber tree seeds from the Amazonian jungle (some say he hid them between banana leaves) and took
them to a new plantation of Hevea brasiliensis in the British colonies of Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) and
Malaya (now Malaysia). In a few decades those colonies were able to produce much more latex than the
Amazon region. That was the end of the Amazonian rubber business.
Today, biopiracy takes a more subtle form. For years, researchers from pharmaceutical companies
have been extracting chemicals from plants found in Brazil, in many cases plants whose medical
properties have been traditionally known among indigenous peoples. The pharmaceutical company
then patents the chemical and commercializes it without paying any sort of compensation to the
local people.
Roughly of all pharmaceutical products in the market today use substances from the rainforest.
Hundreds of rainforest plants, like jaborandi, guaran, quebra-pedra are already known, others hold
their secrets and are known only by local people. The indigenous peoples have been passing that
oral knowledge from generation to generation. The profits from new medicines derived from the
forest should be returned to the native populations.

(Adapted from: BIOPIRACY in the Amazon. Available at: <>. Access: Mar. 30, 2013)
* Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, and Indonesia are the four most biodiverse countries in the world. Brazil, with 200,000 registered
species, holds 15 to 20 per cent of the Earths total.
166 UNIT 12 Biopiracy

General Comprehension
Finding the Main Idea

Fabio Colombini/Acervo do fotgrafo


Match each paragraph with its main idea.

a. Paragraph 1 ( c ) Some pharmaceutical
companies are modern
b. Paragraph 2
biopirates, extracting
c. Paragraph 3 biological resources from the
d. Paragraph 4 forest without paying the local
( ) The people of the forest
should benefit from the profits
made by the pharmaceutical
companies that exploit it.
( ) Stealing rubber tree seeds from Cupuau is rich in antioxidants,
the Amazon and taking them vitamins B1, B2, B3, amino
acids. It is traditionally used by
to British colonies.
( a ) The meaning of biopiracy and
indigenous peoples to alleviate
abdominal ache, which helps in
Brazil as one of its victims. tough births.

(Source: FRUITSINFO. Available at: <>. Access: Mar. 30, 2013.)

Word Study
In Other Words Getting meaning from context

Scan the text and find the words or phrases that have the same meaning as:

without paying compensation

a. without paying any money

Introduction b. poor countries, still trying to improve developing nations

and life for their people
Paragraph 1
c. animals or plants that are native to an endemic species
exclusive place, that cannot be found in
any other place
d. took something that did not belong to him stole

e. well known for something bad infamous

Paragraph 2
f. put something in a place where no one
could see it
Paragraph 3 g. not easy to notice, not obvious subtle

h. approximately 25% roughly 1/4

the profit from new medicines

i. the money made from new remedies
Paragraph 4
j. others keep something that only they others hold their secrets
know about

Biopiracy UNIT 12 167

Words in Context
Complete the sentences with the correct words, as adequate.

a. Children parents have died are called orphans.

who which x whose those without
b. Hevea brasiliensis is the scientific name for the tree.
coffee guaran banana medicine x rubber
c. Is Brazil still a nation?
endemic indigenous x developing known native
d. The Amazon basin is comparable to 90 percent of the continental United
traditionally already x roughly perhaps only
e. All the flowers of tomorrow are in the of today.
countries x seeds chemicals leaves herbs

Detailed Comprehension
Comprehension Check Getting meaning from context

Complete the sentences with words from the box, as appropriate. Some of
those words will not be necessary.

subtle chemicals stole the Amazon basin developing nations immense

biopirates found Malaysia big business plants and seeds

a. The variety of plants and animals in Brazil is immense .

b. Plants and seeds are biological materials.
c. The rubber tree is native to the Amazon basin .
d. Henry Alexander Wickman stole rubber tree seeds from the
Amazonian jungle.
e. Some pharmaceutical companies act as biopirates .
f. Biopiracy is big business .
JO973/Shutterstock/Glow Images

168 UNIT 12 Biopiracy


A transcrio do udio destas atividades encontra-se no tpico Audio Scripts, no Manual do Professor.

Aa, the Amazing Amazonian Super Fruit

1. What do you know about aa fruit? Complete the blanks with the
information from the box.

more lipids Euterpe oleracea Mart. the Amazon 118 times more
free radicals compared with cholesterol juice

Scientific name: Euterpe oleracea Mart.

Popular name: Aa
Common region: several regions of the Amazon
Main use of its fruit: cream, juice and ice cream
Nutritional values compared with raw cow milk, aa fruit pulp
4 times more energy
3 times more lipids
7 times more carbohydrates
118 times more iron
9 times more vitamin B1
8 times more vitamin C
the same amount of protein and calcium, half as much phosphorus, and it
even fights cholesterol and free radicals .

27 2. The topic of Ms. Gamboas class for today is a popular Amazonian Os alunos devem
ouvir a gravao trs
vezes: na primeira,
fruit. She has brought a video about that fruit and she asked her students
to watch the video, take notes and be ready to answer questions about apenas escutam;
na segunda, fazem
it. Listen to the audio and check the columns True or False in the table o exerccio; e na
terceira, verificam
suas respostas.
below, according to what you hear.

Lembre sempre aos

True False alunos que eles no
devem se preocupar
com palavras
a. Aa is the fruit of a palm tree.
ou expresses
b. The aa palm tree grows in the Amazon Forest.
x O objetivo desta
c. Aa tastes like blackberries, but not like chocolate.
x compreender o
texto como um todo
d. The aa fruit is blue.
x e as informaes
e. The Indians call every palm tree The Tree of Life.
x necessrias para
fazer o exerccio.
f. For the Indians, aa is a basic food.
g. Aa fruit is both tasty and healthful. x

h. Aa fights cholesterol and free radicals. x

i. It fights infection but it does not protect your heart. x

Biopiracy UNIT 12 169


Present Perfect Progressive

Observe a forma verbal em destaque nestas frases:

For years, researchers from pharmaceutical companies have been extracting

chemicals from plants found in the Brazilian rainforest.
Fabio Colombini/Acervo do fotgrafo

Pelo contexto, podemos concluir que a atividade em destaque teve incio no

passado e continua no presente.

No exemplo acima, o que os pesquisadores das empresas farmacuticas

esto fazendo h anos?
Extraindo substncias qumicas das plantas encontradas na floresta tropical brasileira.

Veja outro exemplo:

The indigenous peoples have been passing that oral knowledge from generation
to generation.
Neste segundo exemplo, o que vem acontecendo?
Os povos indgenas vm passando o conhecimento, oralmente, de gerao em gerao.

Para enfatizar a continuidade e a durao de uma atividade, usamos a

forma progressiva do Present Perfect, chamada Present Perfect Progressive (ou
Continuous), composta por have/has + been + -ing form do verbo principal.
Veja mais um exemplo:

It has been raining since yesterday. The streets are already flooded.

Andiroba seeds. Note que, em portugus, nesses casos usa-se o mesmo tempo verbal quando
apenas se menciona a ao ou quando tambm se diz h quanto tempo essa
ao vem acontecendo. Compare:
peoples of
Amazonia use
andiroba oil for Its raining. Est chovendo.
wound cleaning

It has been raining for an hour. Est chovendo h uma hora.

and treatment for
cuts and burns.

I am waiting. Eu estou esperando.

I have been waiting since 3 oclock. Eu estou esperando desde as trs horas.

1. Complete the sentences and say what they have been doing. Use the
Present Perfect Continuous of the verbs in parentheses.

a. Charles has been driving for hours. Its time to stop and
take a rest. (drive)

b. Jane has been working for ten hours. She must be very
tired. (work)

170 UNIT 12 Biopiracy

c. Lia Luft has been writing a new book. She hopes to
finish it soon. (write)

d. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have been living in that house since
they got married. (live)

e. According to the Big Bang theory, the universe

has been expanding continuously since the beginning of
time. (expand)

f. The ice in the Arctic has been melting and the level of
the oceans has been rising , but some of the world
leaders continue to ignore those facts. (melt) (rise)
Bill Varie/Corbis/Latinstock

Its been a hard

days night,
And Ive been
working like a dog.
Its been a hard
days night,
I should be sleeping
like a log.

(A Hard Days Night, Lennon & McCartney)

Agora veja este exemplo de outro uso do Present Perfect Continuous:

You look tired.
Yes, Ive been painting the wall all day.
Nesse caso o Present Perfect Continuous usado para expressar uma ao
comeada h algum tempo e feita at bem recentemente, mas j terminada, e
cujos efeitos so ainda visveis.
Outro exemplo desse uso:
Look at those cats! What happened to them?
Well, they have been fighting

Now complete these sentences with the Present Perfect Continuous.

a. That senator has been talking for the last two hours. Isnt he tired?

b. What happened to your clothes? I have been playing with the dog.

c. I need a shower. I have been trying to fix the car all afternoon. (try)

d. I have been doing research on biopiracy for the last two weeks. My
report is almost finished. (do)

Biopiracy UNIT 12 171

Prepositions Between and Among
Observe o sentido das preposies em destaque nestas frases:
[] Some say he hid them between banana leaves
[] in many cases plants whose medical properties have been traditionally
known among indigenous peoples.

between: entre um e outro (indivduo ou grupo, claramente separados entre si)

among: entre, no meio de (vrios elementos, diversos, dispersos)

No primeiro exemplo acima, as sementes de seringueira estavam escondidas

entre uma e outra folha de bananeira: between banana leaves.
No segundo exemplo, as propriedades medicinais daquelas plantas so
tradicionalmente conhecidas entre os (vrios, diversos) povos indgenas: among
indigenous peoples.

Complete the sentences using between or among.

a. He explained the difference between those two words.

b. Biopiracy is among the most important issues for the Brazilian
c. Among the letters I received, there was one from Japan.
d. A lunar eclipse can happen only when the Earth is between the
Sun and the moon.
e. Orlando Villas Boas lived among the Xingu Indians for three
f. There can be no secrets between you and me.
g. Dont worry, Tom. Youre among friends here.

People a Very Important Word

Observe o substantivo em destaque:

[] without paying compensation to local people.

No exemplo acima, people um substantivo plural (embora no tenha s final) e

significa pessoas. Nesse sentido, bem comum, o singular a person: uma pessoa.
Portanto: a person, two people. Seria possvel dizer two persons, mas isso s
em linguagem formal ou tcnica.
People pode tambm ser um substantivo singular, com o significado de povo,
nao, caso em que a forma plural peoples (povos, naes).

[] plants whose medical properties have been traditionally known among

indigenous peoples.
Fill in the blanks with the correct word in parentheses.

a. There is not enough room in my house for all these people.

(this) (these)

172 UNIT 12 Biopiracy

b. The peoples of the former Soviet Union speak different
languages. (speak) (speaks)
c. She wrote that book especially for people who are getting
old. (is) (are)
d. The American people are opposed to war. (is) (are)
e. The Brazilian people share a common language. (share)
f. The peoples of the world are represented at the United Nations.
(people) (peoples)
g. The people of Brazil are cheerful and friendly. (is) (are)


Medicinal Plants from the Amazon Forest CuboImages srl/Alamy/Other Images

Lets imagine (just for the sake of this exercise) that you are not feeling well
and you happen to find a herb shop on your way home, so you decide to get
in and ask the herbalist about a medicinal herb that could bring you some relief.
In pairs, work with a classmate asking and answering questions about
which plants could be used for each problem. Use the information from
the table and follow the example.
Herbalist: Can I help you?
Customer: Sure, Im looking for something that fights fatigue.
Herbalist: You could use some Guaran.
Customer: What kind of plant is it?
Herbalist: Its a stimulant.
Customer: Ok, Ill take some Guaran.

Plants What they are What they do Parietaria officinalis

is diuretic,
Guaran emollient and
A stimulant It fights fatigue anti-inflammatory.
(Paulinia cupania)
Jaborandi It induces salivation
A diuretic
(Pilocarpus jaborandi) and sweat
Quebra-pedra A relief of the urinary It dissolves kidney
(Parietaria officinalis) tract stones
Pau-darco It cures candida and
A natural antibiotic
(Tabebuia impetiginosa) athletes foot
It relieves the
Suma or piriguara
A tonic symptoms of
(Achietea salutaris)

Biopiracy UNIT 12 173


Sarahs Blog
1. Read the blog below and answer the questions.


Archives Amazonia Biodiversity [12_

Like f09_2OSaA

Diego Cervo/Shutterstock/Glow Images

foto de rosto
July By Sarah Watson-Almeida
August Photos Atlas moth Atlas moths are apenas de uma
moa loira,
4 posts considered the largest moths in the se possvel
world in terms of total wing surface de chapu e

area. Females are appreciably larger culos de sol.

and heavier. Look at this one. See Hi. Im Sarah
how large and beautiful it is! Watson-Almeida.
Victoria amazonica It used to be As a biologist who
called Victoria regia, after the British happens to be

married to a Brazilian
Queen Victoria, but now the name doctor from Belm, I
of this giant water lily is Victoria have been studying
amazonica. Its flowers are white the and doing research
first night they are open and become on Amazonian
biodiversity for the
pink the second night. Amazing! last two years.
Guaran Yes! Its guaran fruit! Its Weve come to

extract is used to make that delicious Brazil for a 6-month

soda... Brazilians are crazy about expedition through
the Amazon
it, and for a good reason. Ive been rainforest and Ive
2. Wang LiQiang/Shutterstock/Glow Images

drinking guaran since we got here,

1. Natursports/Shutterstock/Glow Images

created this blog to

3. Fabio Colombini/Acervo do fotgrafo

and I love it! share my photos and

4. JO973/Shutterstock/Glow Images

Toucan Look at this beautiful impressions with


you! Enjoy it!

toucan! Its colors contrast with that of
the green forest. And what a beak!

a. Who is the blog owner? Sarah Watson-Almeida, a biologist.

Shes come to Brazil for a 6-month expedition
b. What is she doing in Brazil? through the Amazon rainforest.
c. Have you ever seen the plants and animals show in Sarahs blog? Would
you like to see them? Resposta pessoal.

2. Working with a classmate, choose one or two animals or plants from

your region and write a paragraph about them. Dont forget to mention
their names, where they live, and why you have chosen them. Include
some photos if you like. Try to create a blog to share your photos and
comments with the class.

174 UNIT 12 Biopiracy

Another Look at...

Home News Commentary Business Investing Sports Life Arts Technology Drive


Brazil to boost crackdown on biopiracy 8 comments

RIO DE JANEIRO The Globe and Mail
Published Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2010 12:12PM EST
Last updated Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2010 12:20PM EST

Brazil plans to expand a crackdown on companies that patent products made from rare
plants and animals without adequately compensating the South American country or
its indigenous communities.
The fight against biopiracy has won the support of indigenous communities and
defenders of the Amazon rainforest who say corporations unfairly benefit from
medicine and other products derived from Brazils exotic plants, poisonous snakes or
brightly colored frogs.
Brazil has levied more than 100 million reais ($ 59-million) in fines since July on
companies charged with not paying fair compensation for the use of genetic material
native to Brazil, said Bruno Barbosa, who heads inspection for the environmental
oversight agency Ibama.
Mr. Barbosa says examples of biopiracy abound, such as the development in the 1970s
of the hypertension medication captopril from a snake venom that indigenous groups
used on arrowhead tips.
The government this year stepped up the anti-biopiracy effort with a campaign known
as Operation New Direction that aims to crack down on what it calls profiteering.
The law should reflect the difficulty of determining how to compensate local populations
from collective knowledge passed down over generations, Mr. Barbosa said.

(ELLSWORTH, Brian. Brazil to boost crackdown on biopiracy. In: The Globe and Mail. Available at:
<>. Access: Apr. 5, 2013.)

Leia o texto e marque V (Verdadeiro) ou F (Falso) quanto a cada um dos pargrafos.

a. ( F ) O governo brasileiro planeja incrementar o controle sobre as companhias que

praticam a biopirataria mesmo quando h compensao financeira para as
comunidades indgenas.
b. ( V ) A luta contra a pirataria tem o apoio das comunidades indgenas e daqueles que
defendem a Floresta Amaznica.
c. ( F ) Desde julho o governo brasileiro, por meio do Ibama, aplicou mais 100 milhes
de dlares em multas a companhias acusadas de no pagar pelo uso de material
gentico retirado da floresta.
d. ( V ) Em 2010 o governo brasileiro lanou uma campanha contra a biopirataria, visando
coibir lucros abusivos e indevidos com a explorao de material gentico nativo.

Biopiracy UNIT 12 175

Cinco dos principais produtos agrcolas brasileiros: caf, acar, soja, arroz e laranjas, no so nativos. O caf originrio da
Etipia, mas em 1727 foi trazido para o Brasil via Guiana Francesa, por obra e graa de Francisco de Melo Palheta. A cana-de-
-acar originria da Nova Guin e foi introduzida no Brasil pelo portugus Martim Afonso de Sousa. Em meados do sculo XX,
imigrantes japoneses trouxeram a soja para o Brasil. O arroz tem origem na sia e foi trazido para o Brasil na frota de Pedro
lvares Cabral. A laranja, tambm originria da sia, foi introduzida no Brasil pelos colonizadores.
razil is the world leader in endemic species and champion in
biodiversity. Its 3,000 species of fresh water fish are triple the

total of any other country. Its main farm products coffee,
sugar, soybeans, rice and oranges originated in other places,
but many other economically important plants are native, including

peanuts, pineapple, manioc, cashews, and Brazil nuts.
(OSAVA, Mario. Environment: Who Has Access to Biodiversity?. Available at:
<>. Access: Apr. 5, 2013.)

A biopirataria histrica e mundial. Muitos historiadores

consideram o ano de 1500, logo aps a chegada dos portugueses,
como o primeiro caso de biopirataria no Brasil, com a extrao do pigmento
vermelho do pau-brasil (Caesalpinia echinata). Essa madeira hoje no mais cobiada pelo
pigmento vermelho (brasilena) que era utilizado para fazer tintas e corantes, mas ainda
valorizada por ser a melhor para a confeco de arcos de violino. Emblemtico da situao de
hoje, em que a flora e a fauna continuam a desaparecer, o pau-brasil, que deu origem ao nome
do pas, hoje uma rvore em extino.
O Brasil um dos pases de maior biodiversidade e, por isso mesmo, um autntico
chamariz de biopiratas. No Brasil, a biopirataria concentra-se principalmente na Amaznia, mas
tambm acontece fortemente na Mata Atlntica, no Pantanal e na Caatinga. A abundncia e
a diversidade de vida vegetal e animal nessas regies do Brasil so pontos vulnerveis, que
exercem grande atrao.
E a biodiversidade contrabandeada big business. O trfico de animais silvestres movimenta
de 10 a 20 bilhes de dlares pelo mundo e a terceira maior atividade ilcita do planeta. No
Brasil, movimenta em torno de 1 bilho e 500 milhes de dlares,
estimando-se que por nossas fronteiras secas, nossos rios e pelo ar
sejam contrabandeados cerca de 38 milhes de animais silvestres.

Fabio Colombini/Acervo do fotgrafo

Grande parte desse total levada para fins de biopirataria. A
peonha das cobras pesquisada para servir de princpio ativo a
remdios de hipertenso arterial, fabricados e patenteados pelos
laboratrios de outros pases. Essa prtica facilitada pelo lucro
fcil de quem contrabandeia animais silvestres. Uma jararaca custa
mil dlares, uma aranha-marrom, 800 dlares, sapos amaznicos,
de 300 a 1 500 dlares, besouros, de 450 a 8 mil dlares.*
preciso nos conscientizarmos da necessidade de combater
a grave questo da biopirataria no Brasil. Exera sua cidadania.

*(Fonte: REDE Nacional de Combate ao Trfico de Animais. Disponvel em:

<>. Acesso: Mar. 30, 2013)

Discuss this issue with your classmates and teachers,

especially your Biology, History, and Sociology teachers.

Exploring Other Sources

ROBINSON, Daniel F. Confronting Biopiracy: Challenges, Cases and International Debates. London:
Earthscan, 2010.
SHIVA, Vandana. Biopirataria: Pilhagem da natureza e do conhecimento. Petrpolis: Vozes, 2001.
O BICHO d, o bicho toma (Documentrio). Direo: Beatriz Thielmann. Produo: Guapuruvu Filmes, 2005.
RENCTAS. Available at: <>. Access: Mar. 30, 2013.
OPEN Seeds: Biopiracy and the Patenting of Life. Available at: <
seeds-biopiracy-and-patenting-life>. Access: Mar. 30, 2013.

176 UNIT 12 Biopiracy

Check Your English 4
1. Mark the correct answers to these questions. x Compensate the local people for that
a. Who was Sigmund Freud?
Share the profits with the biopirates.
x He was the Austrian neurologist who studied the
human mind and developed psychoanalysis. 0.2 point each /1

He was the Austrian doctor who studied the brain

as a complex object. 2. Complete the dialogue with the adequate
words in parentheses.
He was the German neuroscientist who studied
the connection between brain and mind and Paul: Bia, what have you been doing ?
developed psychoanalysis. I havent seen you around. (have you been doing
did you do)
b. In 1900 Freud published The Interpretation of
Bia: Oh, I ve been terribly busy. (was ve been)
Dreams. What have people discovered about
dreams since then? Paul: I know. You ve been working hard on
your computer. (are working ve been working)
They have discovered that the brain should be
Bia: Yeah, how did you know ? (did you know
treated as an incredible complex object.
have you known)
They have learned that dreams should be Paul: Well, I think youre hooked on the Internet.
considered as mental fireworks. You communicate with people in other countries
x They have discovered that dreams provide many more than you do with your own friends.
insights into the way the human mind works. (do make)

c. The more we understand about the world around Bia: Oh, Paul, dont be so cruel! I ve been writing
us, the more clear it is that everything we have an article for the school newspaper. (ve been
learned is nothing compared to what we still have writing wrote)
to learn. What should our attitude be, then? Paul: Really? What is it about?

We should be proud of our achievements. Bia: Amazonian fruits, among them aa and
cupuau. Both have great economic potential.
x We should be humble about that. (among between)
We should admit we have been wrong about Paul: Oh, I love cupuau, but I didnt know it comes
everything. from the forest.
d. Science and technology can be a wonderful Bia: Oh yes, it does. Indigenous peoples along the
servant but a terrible master. Give an example of Amazon River have been cultivating
science and technology as a terrible master. cupuau for generations. (have been cultivating
Tsunamis. are cultivating)

Nuclear power stations. And did you know that cupuau seeds
can be used to make chocolate? (did you know
x Nuclear weapons.
have you known)
e. Many pharmaceutical companies have been
Paul: Wow! I didnt know about that.
extracting biological resources from the
Well, live and learn, I guess! (didnt know havent
rainforests for years. What should they do?
Patent the chemicals and commercialize the
0.1 point each /1

Check Your English 4 177

3. Complete the sentences with the correct Leia o texto e responda questo 5.
indefinite pronouns, as adequate. I Will Build A Motor Car
a. Everything we have learned is nothing
compared to what we still have to learn.
(Everything / nothing Nothing / everything

The Granger Collection, New York/Other Images

Everybody / nobody)
b. People try to have as many possessions as they
can, and to see as much of the world as they
possibly can, but without education they will get
nowhere . (somewhere nowhere anywhere)
c. Freuds work has led to everything from drug
treatments for depression and psychosis to a
better understanding of learning, memory, and
mental development. (something nothing
d. The pharmaceutical companies patent the
Ford Quadricycle, 1896

chemicals from plants they find in the rainforest

When everything seems to be going against

without paying anything to the local people.

you, remember the airplane takes off against the

(anybody anywhere anything)

wind, not with it.
I will build a motor car for the great
e. Do you know anything about cholesterol and multitude. It will be large enough for the family
free radicals? (anything nothing someone) but small enough for the individual to run
and care for. It will be constructed of the best
0.2 point each /1 materials, by the best men to be hired, after
the simplest designs that modern engineering
4. Do this exercise in two parts. First complete can devise. But it will be so low in price no man
each question with a past participle from the making a good salary will be unable to own one
box, as adequate. and enjoy with his family the blessing of hours of

seen made been broken had

pleasure in Gods great open spaces.
Henry Ford (1863-1947)

5. Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA, de acordo

a. Have you ever made a speech in English? com o texto.
b. Have you ever had a dream about fire? Henry Ford...
c. Have you ever been to Belm do Par? a. acredita que, na adversidade, preciso
d. Have you ever broken your leg? persistir, fazendo uso da prpria dificuldade
e. Have you ever seen the rain? para conseguir super-la.
Now match the answers below to the questions you b. promete construir um veculo motorizado de
have just completed. excelente qualidade visando atender no apenas
elite mas tambm ao trabalhador comum.
( b ) Yes, I have. And I was one of the brave
firefighters. c. x sonha em construir um carro a motor to
barato que mesmo os que ganham o salrio
( d ) No, I havent. But I broke my arm two years ago.
mnimo podero comprar.
( c ) No, never. But I sure would like to go there.
d. quer construir um carro ao mesmo tempo
( a ) No, I havent. Not even in Portuguese. suficientemente grande para servir a uma
( e ) Coming down on a sunny day? Yes, I have. Many famlia e pequeno o bastante para que um
times. indivduo o dirija e mantenha adequadamente.

0.1 point each /1 0.5 point /0.5

178 Check Your English 4

6. Leia o Text I e responda s questes a seguir em portugus.
Text I

GE /

Cash for

Good Grades?

NEWS FACT: Students at 15 middle
schools in Washington, D.C., have an
unusual incentive to get good grades.
They are being paid! The schools are
participating in D.C.s Capital Gains
Program, which is the brainchild of a
Harvard University professor.

nder the program, teachers award Programs similar to Capital Gains are in
students points for how well they schools in New York City and elsewhere.
do with schoolwork, behavior, Critics are skeptical. Once kids
and attendance. Students can earn become accustomed to this, they
as much as $ 200 a month. Its good become dependent, psychologist Barry
because every two weeks you get paid Schwartz told the Associated Press.
and put money in the bank, Anthony Theyll want someone walking behind
Chavis, a ninth-grader from Washington, them the rest of their lives with an
D.C., told a local reporter. M&M to make sure they are rewarded
Roland Fryer, the economics profes- for everything they do.
sor who came up with the idea, hopes to What Do You Think?
scientifically evaluate how well cash Pay kids who earn good grades?
and other rewards motivate students.

YES You already should have

a reason to get good NO
Tatjana Johnson, 12, is
a seventh-grader from
grades, says Schanora Providence, Rhode
Wimpie, a 10th-grader Island. The way its
at the Chicago Military Academy supposed to be is that students
at Bronzeville. But if [being paid] earn good grades to get into
gives you more reason to earn that college, she tells JS. [Paying for
A, its a good program. Schanoras grades] is like bargaining with kids.
school and others in Chicago, Illi- They might expect it all the time.
nois, suspended their programs this Ariel Cohen, 12, agrees. It
year because of a lack of funds. teaches kids bad values like
I think it is good because it gives money is the key to success, she
students an incentive to work says. The New York City seventh-
harder, and if they work harder they grader would prefer that kids feel
have a better chance to succeed, good about [their] achievement
says Cole Kubisiah, 12, a seventh- rather than caring just about
grader from Wausau, Wisconsin. getting money.

Vote Now Pay kids for goods grades? VOTE ONLINE at

(Adapted from: Junior Scholastic, Sep. 7, 2009. p. 4. Available at:

<>. Access: Feb. 4, 2013.)

Check Your English 4 179

a. Qual o assunto em debate? Se os estudantes de less physically active you are. And the less exercise
Ensino Mdio norte-americanos devem receber you get, the more likely you are to develop
dinheiro como incentivo para tirar boas notas. diseases such as diabetes or heart problems.

b. Em que cidade dos Estados Unidos est sendo

Lennert Veerman is the lead author of the

feita essa experincia? Em Washington, D.C.

study, which was published in the British Journal
of Sports Medicine. Veerman works at the
University of Queensland. He acknowledges that it
c. Os alunos recebem pontos pelo seu desempenho may not just be the sedentary nature of watching
em 3 aspectos. Quais so eles? Trabalho escolar, TV that lowers life expectancy, but also the poor
comportamento, frequncia. diet that onscreen junk-food advertising can
promote. But Veerman says that the association

d. Alguns dos alunos que participaram do debate

between watching too much TV and lower life

so a favor, outros so contra. Transcreva aqui

expectancy persisted, even after adjusting for diet.

uma das justificativas a favor. Se ser pago para

(PARK, Alice. Turn Off Your TV! Available at: <www.>. Access: Feb.
estudar te d mais razes para ganhar um A, essa medida/
13, 2013.)

ideia ou esse programa boa/bom. 7. Aps coletarem informaes sobre adultos que
tm o hbito de assistir TV, pesquisadores
e. Transcreva uma das justificativas daqueles que
australianos concluram que esse hbito, se
discordam. Isso ensina valores errados garotada como se
exagerado, pode causar srios problemas
o dinheiro fosse a chave para o sucesso.
f. E voc, qual a sua opinio a respeito disso? a. Quantos anos de vida a menos tm as pessoas
Resposta pessoal. que assistem a uma mdia de seis horas dirias
de TV em relao a quem no tem esse hbito?
0.2 point each /1
4,8 anos a menos.

Leia o texto e responda questo 7. b. Quanto tempo de expectativa de vida reduzido a

cada hora em que as pessoas passam assistindo
TV? 22 minutos.
Turn Off Your TV!

c. A que doenas os sedentrios so mais

A new study reveals that watching less

suscetveis, de acordo com a pesquisa?

television may lead to a longer life

Diabetes ou problemas cardacos/de corao.

Tian Jiang/Getty Images

d. Alm do sedentarismo gerado pelo hbito de

assistir TV, qual outro fator contribui para a
reduo da expectativa de vida dessas pessoas?
Uma dieta inadequada incentivada pela publicidade de
alimentos sem valor nutricional veiculada pela TV.

0.25 point each /1

Sitting in front of the television may be
relaxing, but spending too much time in front of
8. (Enem 2012)
the tube may take years off your life.
Thats what Australian researchers found

when they collected TV viewing information from

more than 11,000 people older than 25 years. The
study found that people who watched an average
six hours of TV a day lived an average 4.8 years less
than those who didnt watch any television. Also,
every hour of TV that participants watched after
age 25 was associated with a 22-minute reduction
in their life expectancy.
Whats Going On?
Its no mystery that sitting in front of the tube (Available at: <>.
isnt exactly healthy. The more TV you watch, the Access: Ago. 17, 2011.)

180 Check Your English 4

Cartuns so produzidos com o intuito de Ao optar por ler a reportagem completa sobre
satirizar comportamentos humanos e assim o assunto anunciado, tem-se acesso a duas
oportunizam a reflexo sobre nossos prprios palavras que Bill Gates no quer que o leitor
comportamentos e atitudes. Nesse cartum, a conhea e que se referem
linguagem utilizada pelos personagens em uma a. aos responsveis pela divulgao desta
conversa em ingls evidencia a informao na internet.
a. predominncia do uso da linguagem informal b. s marcas mais importantes de
sobre a lngua padro. microcomputadores do mercado.
b. dificuldade de reconhecer a existncia de c. aos nomes dos americanos que inventaram a
diferentes usos da linguagem. suposta tecnologia.
d. aos sites da Internet pelos quais o produto j pode
c. aceitao dos regionalismos utilizados por
ser conhecido.
pessoas de diferentes lugares.
e. s empresas que levam vantagem para serem
d. necessidade de estudo da lngua inglesa por parte
suas concorrentes.
dos personagens.
0.5 point /0.5
e. facilidade de compreenso entre falantes com
sotaques distintos.
(FGV-SP 2013) Leia o texto para responder s
0.5 point /0.5 questes de nmeros 10 a 14.

9. (Enem 2010)
Money Talks
Is money a good medium to spread messages?
At first Alexei Navalny, a Russian opposition
activist and noted blogger, was skeptical. But
then he did the maths: if 5,000 Russians stamped
100 bills each, every citizen would encounter at
least one of the altered notes as they passed from
person to person.
Members of Irans Green Movement used this
tactic in 2009, writing slogans on banknotes
during their antigovernment protests. This
prompted a ruling that defaced notes would
no longer be accepted by banks. Similarly,
supporters of the Occupy movement had added
slogans and infographics about income inequality
to dollar bills. And members of Chinas Falun
Gong movement wrote messages on banknotes
attacking government persecution.
The use of money as a communications
medium, distributing words and images as it
passes from hand to hand, is ancient. The earliest
coins, minted in Lydia (now part of Turkey) in
the 7th century BC, depicted the head of a lion,
thought to have been a royal symbol. Later rulers
had their names and images inscribed on coins,
along with symbolic images of various kinds. In
the era before printing, this was a very efficient
way to project their image directly to the people.
But their subjects were also aware of the
messaging power of money, as the recently
(Available at: <>. Access: Jul. 21, 2010.) revamped exhibit on the history of money at the

Check Your English 4 181

British Museum in London reveals. It includes a d. prevented dollar bills from circulating in Iran for
Roman coin from 215 AD, on which the Christian some time.
e. prohibited slogans from being written on public
chi-rho symbol has been scratched behind

areas by activists.
the emperors head; a French coin from 1855
overstamped with an advertisement for Pear Soap;
and a 1903 British penny on which Edward VIIs 13. The money exhibit at the British Museum
a. depicts royal and religious symbols from different
face has been stamped with Votes for women

ages of history.
by suffragettes. Mr. Navalnys call for Russians

b. displays documents from many centuries ago with

to stamp messages on banknotes is just the latest

a wide variety of messages.

incarnation of a centuries-old idea a pioneering
example of what we now call social media.
(Adapted from: The Economist, Sep. 29, 2012. p. 80.) c. includes the very first coins ever minted by a king.
10. The title of the text Money talks is a common d. has Chinese, Iranian, and Russian money, among
saying in English that implies one can buy others.
almost anything with money, and it is used here
e. shows the use of currency to spread messages
a. to show how corruption is spread all over the has been happening for centuries.
14. The first coin minted
b. in order to emphasize the power money brings to a. had the face of the local king.
those who own it.
b. appeared before the Christian age.
c. so as to illustrate how dictatorial governments can c. were meant to make people know who the king was.
manipulate the use of money.
d. portrayed different kinds of symbols.
d. as a word pun, with a different meaning from the e. symbolized Christian values.
one commonly known.
0.3 point each /1.5
e. to show that money can buy everything one needs
or wants.
(IFBA 2013) Leia o Text II para responder
11. Alexey Navalny questo 15.
a. collaborated with the protesters of the Occupy Text II
Wall Street movement.
b. was inspired for his actions after seeing an exhibit

Harris S/Cartoonstock
at the British Museum.
c. didnt believe in the beginning that his plan would
d. was a pioneer in what eventually became a new
social media.
e. helped the Falun Gong movement in China to
write messages on banknotes.
12. The Iranian governments response to the
Green Movements action in 2009
a. tried to curb the movements political propaganda.
b. ensured that the activists would spread their
c. prompted Iranian activists to join the Occupy
movement for help. (Available at: <
matures.asp>. Access: June 3, 2012.)

182 Check Your English 4

15. De acordo com o Text II, pode-se afirmar que 25 regional words. If it has become harder to find
os tempos verbais utilizados many different terms for outdated expressions,

a. apresentam aes que demonstram

thats partly because people today are more likely

atividades cotidianas.
to be talking about fast food or traffic. In fact, in
the age of Twitter and Facebook, linguists say,
b. apresentam aes que demonstram 30 the interactions that most powerfully shape our

atividades que aconteceram no passado. speech are still local and face to face. In sum,

c. apresentam aes que demonstram

American English actually has more words for

atividades cotidianas e atividades que

the same things than ever before.

acontecem no momento da fala.

(Adapted from: <

d. apresentam aes que demonstram

volume.html?pagewanted=all>. Access: August 14th, 2012.)

16. Select the CORRECT proposition(s).

atividades que comearam no passado e
continuam no presente. Regarding the dictionary mentioned in Text I, it is
correct to state that:
e. x apresentam aes que demonstram
atividades que aconteceram no passado a. x the Dictionary of American Regional English
e aes que comearam no passado e is a result of one of Americas most ambitious
continuam no presente. lexicographical projects.

0.5 point /0.5

b. x the Dictionary of American Regional English is
also known as DARE.
(UFSC 2013) Leia o Text I e responda s c. the dictionary which is a product of a group
questes 16 e 17. of students from Harvard consists of almost
60,000 terms.
Text I
d. Joan Houston Hall is the only lexicographer
The Dictionary of American Regional English responsible for the dictionary published by
1 Joan Houston Hall, a lexicographer, is Harvard University.
concerned about the use of regionalisms e. x the inclusion of newer terms in the Dictionary
of American Regional English suggests that
throughout the country. She works in one

the state of regional English isnt so bad.

of Americas most ambitious lexicographical

17. Select the CORRECT proposition(s) about

5 projects, which culminates with the publication
of a dictionary by Harvard University Press,
50 years after the project was inaugurated by Text I.
a. The Dictionary of American Regional English
Frederic G. Cassidy.

is a scientific article about a scientific

Mr. Cassidy, who died in 2000, did not make it to

10 the end of the alphabet. But to scholars and language
lovers the work he set in motion is an invaluable
guide to the way Americans not only speak but also b. The Dictionary of American Regional English is
a text printed in the mass media about people
live. The dictionary includes nearly 60,000 terms,

who like dictionaries.

many of them reflecting the countrys rural and

c. The text is about a dictionary whose project

15 agricultural past. But among the pages and pages of
names for wildflowers and farm implements, DARE, x
as the dictionary is commonly known, includes was started by Frederic G. Cassidy.

d. The text was written by Joan Houston Hall, a

enough newer terms to suggest that the state of

lexicographer who works with dictionaries.

regional English isnt quite as bad as may suggest
20 the laments about the homogenizing forces of
urbanization, mass media and the Internet. e. x The text adapted from The New York Times
Ms. Hall recognizes that the extremes of
was released originally on February 25th, 2012.
regional speech are disappearing; however, she
is pleased to find out that there are still lots of 0.25 point each /0.5

Check Your English 4 183

Oriente o aluno a avaliar o seu desempenho no teste e
tambm quanto aos objetivos de ensino deste bimestre.
SELF-EVALUATION (UNITS 10, 11 AND 12) ( ) learn the meaning and use of numerals in
compound adjectives.
How did you do? What was your score?
( ) understand the meaning and use of the Present
Excellent Good OK Perfect Continuous.
do better
Test total: ( ) identify and use indefinite pronouns and
10-9 8-7 6-5 less than 5
out of 10 adverbs: compound forms.

How do you evaluate your own progress? Check ( ) identify the meaning and use of quantifiers:
( ) for Yes, (x) for No, or (R) for Review Units 10, 11 much, many, little, few.
and 12 after each of the topics below.
( ) distinguish between the use of prepositions:
Now I can between, among.

( ) use the different reading strategies to be able to ( ) listen to conversations.

understand a text in English.
( ) talk about Brazilian facts and people.
( ) guess the meanings of new words from context.
( ) read and write about dreams.
( ) understand the meaning and use of the Present
( ) write a to-do list, a paragraph about Brazilian
Perfect with since and for.
plants or animals.
( ) identify the meaning and function of the adverbs
( ) reflect and debate about the relationship
used with the Present Perfect.
between man and science in the last century
( ) understand the meaning and use of the phrasal One hundred years of discovery, and it is just the
verbs with put. beginning.

184 Check Your English 4


1. Tempos verbais: Verdades universais, fatos cientficos ou da natureza:

Simple Present forma afirmativa Water covers about seventy per cent of the Earths surface.
(A gua cobre cerca de setenta por cento da superfcie
Veja a seguir alguns exemplos de conjugao no terrestre.)
Simple Present, forma afirmativa: Aes habituais, repetidas, no presente:

To live To go To play We use Math in our daily lives.

I I I (Ns usamos a Matemtica na nossa vida diria.)

live go play
You You You
She lives She goes She plays
It It It
We We We
Complete as frases com uma das formas do
You live You go You play
Simple Present dos verbos do quadro. Lembre-
They They They -se da flexo em -s, -es ou -ies quando o sujeito

O Simple Present Tense equivale ao Presente do

for da terceira pessoa do singular.
Indicativo em portugus. Ele tem a mesma forma bsica to explain to need to punish to contain to have
do infinitivo do verbo, sem a partcula to. to absorb to smile to arrive to drink to go
Essa forma bsica usada para todas as pessoas, com in the same language. smile
exceo da terceira pessoa do singular (he/she/it), caso
1. People all over the world
at least five glasses of water every day. drink
em que, em geral, se acrescenta um -s (he/she/it lives).
2. I
3. more laws to control the use of guns. need
A terminao em -s muda para -es no caso dos verbos

terminados em:
4. The Curupira those who damage the trees or hunt
more than they can eat. punishes
to go he/she/it goes small amounts of three drugs. contains
5. Chocolate
to do he/she/it does 6. Plants carbon from the air. absorb
ss to pass he/she/it passes 7. Winter in Antarctica in March. arrives
ch to teach he/she/it teaches 8.
Mathematics many of the mysteries of the Universe.

sh to wash he/she/it washes 9. One of the paradoxes of our time is that we more
possessions, but fewer values. have
x to fix he/she/it fixes
10. Ann to the office by subway every day. goes
Quando o verbo termina em -y precedido de vogal,

2. Tempos verbais: Simple Present

acrescenta-se -s forma bsica da terceira pessoa do

formas negativa e interrogativa

singular, como em:
to play: I play (he/she/it plays)
to buy: I buy (he/she/it buys)
Exemplos de conjugao nas formas negativa e
Mas quando o -y precedido de consoante, ele interrogativa:
trocado por -ies, como em:
Negativa Interrogativa
to try: I try (he/she/it tries)
to cry: I cry (he/she/it cries) do not Do
You you
He he
Usos do Simple Present She
Does she
not know. know?
It it
Aes, situaes ou atividades permanentes:
We we
We know much about the Moon and Mars. You do not Do you
(Ns sabemos muito sobre a Lua e Marte.) They they


Na forma negativa do Simple Present dos verbos Turtles move slowly.
principais, como o exemplo de to know, usa-se o verbo (As tartarugas movem-se lentamente.)
auxiliar do + not antes da forma bsica (infinitivo sem to)
Quando o verbo acompanhado de objeto, o advrbio
do verbo principal. Na terceira pessoa do singular (he/
vem depois dele, e no entre o verbo e o objeto, como pode
she/it), usa-se does em vez de do. Na linguagem
acontecer em portugus:
coloquial, do e does (sem traduo nesse uso)
geralmente so contrados com not, formando dont Turtles generally move their bodies slowly.
e doesnt. (As tartarugas geralmente movem lentamente o corpo.)

I go to school by bus. I dont go to school by subway.

(Eu vou para a escola de nibus. Eu no vou para a escola de Notas ortogrficas
O sufixo -ly acrescentado, normalmente, aos
She plays the piano. She doesnt play the guitar. adjetivos que terminam em -l:
(Ela toca piano. Ela no toca violo.)
final finally natural naturally
Na forma interrogativa do Simple Present dos verbos
Quando o adjetivo tem duas slabas e termina em -y,
principais usa-se do (does na terceira pessoa do singular)
essa letra trocada por i antes do acrscimo de -ly:
no incio da pergunta, antes do sujeito, e o verbo principal
fica em sua forma bsica. easy easily happy happily
Do you go to school by bus? Does he go by subway? No caso dos adjetivos de uma nica slaba, o -y
(Voc vai escola de nibus? Ele vai de metr?) permanece:

Do they play the piano? Does she play the guitar? shy shyly coy coyly sly slyly
(Eles tocam piano? Ela toca violo?)
Quando o adjetivo termina em -e, essa letra
geralmente omitida antes do acrscimo de -ly:
MINITEST probable probably simple simply true truly

Complete com do, does, dont ou doesnt. Casos especiais

1. the Amazon Forest have a future? Does
O advrbio que corresponde a good (bom) well (bem).
2. Some people know how to react when times are
difficult. dont Alguns advrbios de modo mantm a mesma forma
dos adjetivos:
3. I say I have any enemies, and I mean it. dont
you know any folktales? Do fast: rpido/a, veloz; rapidamente, velozmente (no
existe a forma fastly)

He is a fast driver. He drives fast.

5. Opposite poles repel each other. On the contrary,
they attract each other. dont
(Ele um piloto veloz. Ele dirige velozmente.)
6. Amyr Klink miss his family when he travels? Does
hard: duro; duramente; muito
7. loneliness make him feel sad? Does
That is hard work. You work hard.
contain any pathogens. doesnt
(Isso trabalho duro. Voc trabalha muito.)
8. Clean water
you like to eat freshly baked bread? Do
Existe o advrbio hardly, que significa mal,
10. A selfish soul care about the others. doesnt dificilmente, quase no.

He is not my friend. I hardly know him.

3. Advrbios de modo (Ele no meu amigo. Eu mal o conheo.)

I was so tired I could hardly walk.

Os adjetivos qualificativos descrevem o substantivo e, (Eu estava to cansado que mal podia andar.)
em geral, vm antes dele:
E existe a expresso hardly ever (quase nunca).
Turtles are slow animals.
We hardly ever go out in the evening these days.
(As tartarugas so animais lentos.)
(Ns quase nunca samos noite atualmente.)
Os advrbios de modo descrevem a forma como a
early: primeiro/a; adiantado/a; cedo
ao do verbo praticada e vm depois dele. Em geral, os
advrbios de modo so formados pelo acrscimo de -ly I often get the early train. I arrive early.
ao adjetivo. (Eu frequentemente tomo o primeiro trem. Eu chego cedo.)

186 Minigrammar

late: ltimo/a; tarde a. One of the paradoxes of our time is that we work too
slowly and drive too . fast
I never get the late train. I never arrive late.
(Eu nunca tomo o ltimo trem. Eu nunca chego tarde.) b. The magnetic poles and the geographic poles of the
in the same places. exactly
Existe o advrbio lately, que significa ultimamente,
Earth are not

recentemente. c. Freud founded psychoanalysis and began a revolution.

I havent seen you lately. Where have you been?

That revolution has been alive and for one hundred
years and it is still going on. well
(Eu no tenho visto voc ultimamente. Onde voc tem estado?)
d. Pay attention to your dreams Gods angels often
low: baixo/a; baixo, a pouca altura speak to our hearts when we are asleep. (Eileen Elias
Freeman) directly
We were able to see the low clouds. The plane was flying low.
hear her. low; hardly
(Ns pudemos ver as nuvens baixas. O avio estava voando
e. That old woman speaks so we can
baixo.) f. Our progress happened very and haltingly at first

Existe a palavra lowly, mas um adjetivo (humilde,

and then faster and faster, and it has now reached a
dizzying speed. slowly

Pel is proud of his lowly origin.

g. John Lennon was shot by a maniac in New York in 1980.
(Pel tem orgulho de sua origem humilde.)
h. The medical properties of some tropical plants have
been known among indigenous peoples. traditionally
Existem outros adjetivos, tambm terminados
em -ly, que merecem ateno e cuidado, como lovely
i. Bacteria and sickness would be problematic in a
space flight. highly
(maravilhoso/a; belo/a; lindo/a).
j. It seems that natural disasters have been more violent .
It was a lovely day. A lovely surprise. She has a lovely smile. lately
(Foi um dia maravilhoso. Uma bela surpresa. Ela tem um
sorriso lindo.)
2. Agora sublinhe as alternativas entre parnteses
Para expressar modo, maneira, usamos a locuo in que completam adequadamente cada frase.
a lovely way/manner.
a. I always plan . (my work carefully) (carefully my
They treated us in a lovely way. work) (carefully work my)
(Eles nos trataram maravilhosamente.) b. The Titanic was considered unsinkable but after hitting
O mesmo acontece com os adjetivos friendly
an iceberg it sank . (hard) (hardly) (fast)
(amistoso/a) e lively (vivo/a, animado/a). Para expressar c. George doesnt believe in working hard. On the
modo, maneira, usamos a locuo in a friendly way/ contrary, he . (hardly works) (works hardly) (works
manner, in a lively way/manner. hard)

Outra palavra terminada em -ly, mas que no d. Mozart managed and was in debt when he died, at
advrbio de modo, e sim um adjetivo, deadly (mortal).
the age of 35. (badly his money) (his money badly) (his
money well)
Cancer is a potentially deadly disease.

4. Advrbios de frequncia
(O cncer uma doena potencialmente mortal.)

Para expressar modo, maneira, usamos o advrbio

fatally (fatalmente, mortalmente). Para expressar a frequncia com que certas aes so
Martin Luther King Jr. was fatally shot in Memphis, praticadas, usam-se advrbios de:
Tennessee in 1968. 1. sentido positivo: always (sempre); often, frequently
(Martin Luther King Jr. foi mortalmente atingido por uma (frequentemente); usually, generally (geralmente) e
bala em Memphis, Tennessee, em 1968.) sometimes (s vezes);

2. sentido negativo: never (nunca); hardly ever (quase

MINITESTS nunca) e seldom ou rarely (raramente).

Os advrbios que indicam frequncia em

1. Observando o contexto, complete as frases geral acompanham as formas simples dos verbos,
com os advrbios adequados do quadro abaixo. principalmente o Simple Present, e costumam vir antes
do verbo:
exactly hardly lately slowly directly well
I always drink a glass of milk at breakfast.
fatally highly low traditionally fast
(Eu sempre bebo um copo de leite ao caf da manh.)

Minigrammar 187

Jane never takes a cold shower. 2. My robot is an excellent worker. It makes the beds
(Jane nunca toma um banho frio.) and forgets to clean the floor. (often; seldom)

Alm desse uso, o advrbio always pode aparecer com

(sometimes; hardly ever) (always; never)

o Present Progressive quando se quer expressar uma 3. The negative side of a magnet will attract the positive
crtica a respeito da frequncia com que a ao acontece.
side of another magnet. (never) (always) (rarely)

Compare: 4. A tree does not die. It dies, as it recycles its substance

He always asks me for some money.

for the benefit of all animal and plant life. (never)

(Ele sempre me pede dinheiro.)

(sometimes) (seldom)
5. I was very impressed by the beauty of the English
He is always asking me for money. Thats annoying. countryside. Never such a lovely landscape. (I had
(Ele est sempre me pedindo dinheiro. Isso irritante.) seen) (had I seen) (I saw)

As posies mais comuns dos advrbios de

6. Amyr Klink said that although he had spent one
frequncia so:
hundred days alone, he actually felt lonely. (never
had) (had never) (never)
antes dos tempos simples dos verbos principais: 7. Its no use calling them at this late hour. They at home
We seldom visit our relatives in Curitiba. in the evening. (never are) (are never) (rarely are)
(Ns raramente visitamos nossos parentes em Curitiba.) 8. Brazil a victim of biopiracy. (has been often) (has

depois de am, are, is, was ou were:

been always) (has often been)

I am always at your disposal.

9. More than one billion people on our planet access to

(Eu sempre estou sua disposio.)

clean water. (have never had) (never had) (have had

depois do verbo auxiliar, no caso dos tempos 10. Migrating birds the Earths magnetic field to guide
compostos, ou dos modal auxiliary verbs: them. (use always) (use rarely) (always use)

I have never seen a white tiger.

(Eu nunca vi um tigre branco.) 5. Imperativo
You can always count on me.
O modo imperativo, usado para expressar ordens,
(Voc sempre pode contar comigo.)
instrues, sugestes ou pedidos, tem a mesma forma do
Para efeito de nfase, alguns advrbios de frequncia modo infinitivo do verbo, mas sem to:
podem ocupar outras posies na frase, como o incio:
to come
Sometimes I watch the news on TV in the evening.
Come here.
(s vezes eu assisto ao noticirio na televiso noite.) (Venha c.)
Tambm para efeito de nfase, os adverbs of frequency Please come here.
de sentido negativo (never, seldom, rarely, hardly ever) (Por favor, venha c.)
podem vir no incio da frase. Nesse caso, a estrutura da
Come here, please.
frase alterada, ficando com a mesma estrutura de uma
(Venha c, por favor.)
pergunta. Compare:
Para formar o imperativo negativo, usa-se do not
I had never felt so happy in my whole life.
(dont, na linguagem informal):
(Eu nunca tinha me sentido to feliz em toda a minha vida
[estilo normal].) to sit down

Never had I felt so happy in my whole life. Dont sit down.

(Nunca, em toda a minha vida, tinha me sentido to feliz (No se sente.)
[estilo enftico, potico ou formal].) Please dont sit down.
(Por favor, no se sente.)
Dont sit down, please.
MINITEST (No se sente, por favor.)

Outra forma (mais suave, polida) de apresentar

Sublinhe as alternativas entre parnteses que sugestes sobre aes que incluem a pessoa que fala
completam adequadamente cada frase. usar lets + infinitivo do verbo sem to:

1. It is true that most people today set foot on the Lets walk.
Moon. (will always) (never will) (will never) (Vamos caminhar.)

188 Minigrammar


Observe o contexto e complete as frases Complete com have, has, dont have ou
doesnt have.
escolhendo as formas de imperativo do quadro.
1. The type of banana that we eat no seeds. has
please close lets save dont drive shut 2. Worldwide, more than 500 million people
lets take care of lets walk! dont forget
access to
the Internet. have

any beaches. doesnt have

it. Lets take care of
3. Brasilia
1. This is our planet.
4. According to some astronomers, our galaxy billions
2. If youre going to the beach, to wear a hat. dont forget of earths. has

3. Come in! And the door. shut 5. I say I any enemies, and I mean it. dont have

the window. Please close

7. Substantivos contveis
4. Its cold in here.
so fast! Dont drive
e no contveis
5. This road is dangerous.
6. Water is essential to human survival. it! Lets save
Os substantivos contveis podem ser usados tanto
Lets walk!
no singular quanto no plural. Quando usados no singular,
7. The light is green.
podem ser precedidos de artigo indefinido (a/an); no plural

6. Verbo to have so usados sem artigo ou com some:

a boy boys an apple some apples

Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa Quando usados no plural, com sentido genrico, esses
substantivos no so precedidos de artigo, nem indefinido
I I do not I
have. Do have? (a/an), nem definido (the):
You You have. you
Are girls smarter than boys?
He He he
does not (Garotas [em geral] so mais inteligentes do que garotos?)
She has. She Does she have?
It It it So precedidos de artigo definido (the) quando usados
We We we em sentido especfico:
do not
You have. You Do you have? Are the girls in your class smarter than the boys?
They They they (As garotas da sua classe so mais inteligentes do que os
Na linguagem informal, e principalmente em ingls
J os substantivos no contveis no tm forma
britnico, bastante comum o uso de formas com got
plural, concordam sempre com verbos no singular.
(sem traduo, neste caso). Compare: Quando expressam uma quantidade indefinida, podem ser
precedidos de some, mas no de a/an.
You have a car. You dont have a bike. Do you have a boat? (EUA)
Esto nesse grupo os substantivos abstratos (courage,
Youve got a car. You havent got a bike. Have you got a boat? (GB)
patience, love, life, freedom etc.) e os concretos, que
Alm do sentido de ter, possuir, have tambm dizem respeito a substncias ou materiais, quando
considerados em seu sentido geral (water, sugar, money,
usado para expressar vrias aes, como:
paper, air, bread etc.).
Have breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee, a pizza, etc. Bread is made from flour, water, and yeast.
(Tomar o caf da manh, almoar, jantar, tomar caf, comer (O po feito de farinha, gua e fermento.)
uma pizza etc.) Amyr Klink has shown immense courage.
(Amyr Klink tem mostrado uma coragem imensa.)
Have a bath/shower ([GB] = take a bath/shower [EUA])
(Tomar banho de imerso/chuveiro) Muitos substantivos no contveis referem-se a coisas
que, em portugus, podem ser contadas, referidas como
Have a good time, a nice day uma unidade. Veja como se expressa nmero, em ingls,
(Divertir-se, ter um dia agradvel) no caso desses substantivos:

Minigrammar 189

bread a loaf of bread (um po)
7. Please hand me paper. I want to write down your

money some money (algum dinheiro)

phone number. (a piece of) (a) (one)

(um pedao/uma
8. I wanted to buy bread, but I had money. (a loaf of;
paper a piece of paper
folha de papel)
no) (a; not a) (a; some)

a piece/word of
9. One of the paradoxes of our time is that we have
advice (um conselho)
information, but knowledge. (many; few) (an; no)

a piece/bit of
(more; less)
information (uma informao)
information 10. Will you lend me money, please? Ive got to pay some

knowledge your knowledge
bills. (a) (some) (the)

a piece of
(um mvel) 8. Substantivos formao do plural
news a piece of news (uma notcia) 1. Em geral, acrescenta-se -s ao singular:
(uma pea * Dobra-se a consoante final
a word two words
a piece of musical/uma antes do acrscimo de -es.
music a problem two problems ** H a exceo ox, que oxen.
music/a song msica, uma
cano) 2. Acrescenta-se -es quando o substantivo termina em:
a piece of s a bus two buses
equipment (um equipamento)
ss a class two classes
z* a quiz two quizzes
No se esquea de que os substantivos no contveis
sh a dish two dishes
no tm forma plural e concordam com verbos no singular.
ch a church two churches
There is some interesting news
x** a box two boxes
(H notcias interessantes)

Id like some information, please.

3. Troca-se o y final por -ies quando ele for precedido
(Gostaria de umas informaes, por favor.)
de consoante:
My fathers advice is always good.
a city two cities
(Os conselhos do meu pai so sempre bons.)
Quando o y for precedido de vogal, simplesmente
acrescenta-se -s:
a day two days

Sublinhe as alternativas entre parnteses que 4. Acrescenta-se -es a alguns substantivos terminados
completam adequadamente cada frase. em -o:

1. The best way to eat is with and . (a bread; a a potato two potatoes
butter; a jam) (bread; butter; jam) (a loaf of bread; a lot a tomato two tomatoes
a hero two heroes
of butter; plenty jam)

2. Using mathematics, we can build computers and an echo some echoes

A outros acrescenta-se apenas -s:
transfer across the globe. (libraries) (groceries)

3. Albert Einstein said that imagination is more important photos kilos videos
than . (knowledge) (know) (known) pianos radios avocados

4. some interesting news about the next Olympic E existem outros em que as duas formas de plural so
Games. (There is) (There are) (There were) possveis:
5. For breakfast I always have (a bread with a butter mosquitoes/mosquitos
and an orange juice) (a slice of bread with cheese and volcanoes/volcanos
a glass of orange juice) (a bread with jam and a coffee mangoes/mangos

Aos que terminam em oo acrescenta-se somente -s:

with milk)

6. That has perfect harmony. (music) (song) (pieces of

music) zoos shampoos bamboos

190 Minigrammar

5. Existem dez substantivos bem comuns, terminados 2. Mozart wrote more than 600 , including that and
em -f ou -fe, cujo plural feito com a troca dessas letras continue to love after his death. (composition
por -ves:
compositions; symphonies; adults; children; centuries
symphony adult child century)

a life two lives 3. Mars and Earth have many and the idea of having
a knife two knives
on the red planet, born in science-fiction , is now

a loaf two loaves

being considered by a number of . (similarity colony
story scientist) similarities; colonies; stories; scientists
a thief two thieves
a half two halves 4. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse are making hot

a wife two wives

hotter, and more violent and more frequent. (gas
day stom drought) gases; days; storms; droughts
a leaf two leaves
a wolf two wolves 5. Those show that are good for you; they can help

a shelf two shelves

prevent a number of , maybe thats why are so

a calf two calves happy all the time! (video banana illness monkey)
videos; bananas; illnesses; monkeys

9. Plural dos substantivos

A grande maioria dos outros substantivos com essa
terminao sofre o simples acrscimo de -s:
casos especiais
a roof two roofs
a belief some beliefs Alguns substantivos tm uma s forma para o
a chief two chiefs singular e o plural:
a safe two safes
a sheep two sheep
a cliff two cliffs
a deer three deer
a proof two proofs
a fish ten fish
Estes substantivos fazem o plural de duas -formas: an aircraft two aircraft
a spacecraft some spacecraft
a dwarf two dwarves/dwarfs
a series several series
a scarf some scarves/scarfs
a means some means
a hoof two hoofs/hooves
a species some species
6. H muitos substantivos de uso frequente que tm
O plural de person people. A palavra persons
formas irregulares de plural. Os mais importantes so:
existe, mas prpria da linguagem formal. People tem
a man two men dois significados: pessoas e povo, indivduos de uma
a child two children mesma nao. Com ambos, o verbo usado no plural:
a tooth two teeth
The people are waiting outside.
a goose two geese
(As pessoas esto esperando l fora.)
a woman two women
The Brazilian people share a common language.
a foot two feet
(O povo brasileiro compartilha uma lngua comum.)
a mouse two mice
a louse two lice No se usa people com -s final, a no ser com o sentido
de povos, naes:

MINITEST The peoples of the world are represented at the United Nations.
(Os povos do mundo esto representados nas Naes Unidas.)

Complete as frases com a forma plural dos Alguns substantivos so sempre usados no singular,
substantivos entre parnteses. concordando com verbo e pronomes no singular, mesmo

1. are already a part of our , using their to do that quando o sentido plural. Esses substantivos no so
are too boring for or . (Robot life ability job imediatamente precedidos do artigo indefinido a/an.
man woman) Robots; lives; abilities; jobs; men; women Assim, para dizer:

Minigrammar 191

possivel dizer a cloth, mas isso significa um pano.
uma a piece of information
informao (nunca an information) I need a cloth to clean the table.
(Preciso de um pano para limpar a mesa.)
a piece/word of advice
um conselho Quando se pretende falar de uma pea de vesturio
(nunca an advice)
usa-se (formalmente) an article of clothing, ou fala-se
a piece of furniture
um mvel de forma indefinida em something to wear, ou ento
(nunca a furniture)
especifica-se o tipo de roupa:
a piece of news
uma notcia A dress is an article of clothing. (formal)
(nunca a news)
(Um vestido uma pea de vesturio.) Mary wants to buy
um a piece of equipment something to wear. She is looking for a blue dress.
equipamento (nunca an equipment) (Mary quer comprar uma roupa. Ela est procurando um
vestido azul.)
Can you give me some information/advice?
(Voc pode me dar umas informaes/uns conselhos?) Glasses

Here is the news. I hope the news is good. My glasses are broken. I have to buy a new pair of glasses.
(Aqui esto as notcias. Espero que as notcias sejam boas.) (Meus culos esto quebrados. Tenho de comprar uns culos
That old bookcase is a beautiful piece of furniture.)
Police e cattle concordam com verbo no plural.
(Aquela velha estante um belo mvel.)
Policeman/policewoman concordam, naturalmente, com
A computer is a very useful piece of equipment. verbo no singular.
(Um computador um equipamento muito til.)
The police in that city are very efficient.
Outros substantivos s so usados no plural, com (A polcia daquela cidade muito eficiente.)
verbo e pronomes tambm no plural. Esses substantivos
That policewoman is a friend of mine.
no so usados com o artigo a/an. Esse uso contrasta com
(Aquela policial minha amiga.)
o portugus e abrange algumas peas de vesturio, como
pants, trousers, jeans e pajamas * * pajamas (EUA) = Cattle are raised for meat.
pyjamas (GB)
(O gado criado para corte.)
Those pants/trousers/jeans/pajamas are old.
(Aquela cala/aquele jeans/pijama est velha/o.)
Seria incorreto, portanto, dizer that trouser ou a jeans,
por exemplo.
Sublinhe o item que completa corretamente
Quando se especifica a unidade, essas palavras so cada lacuna.
usadas com a expresso a pair of. E, quando se fala de
mais de uma cala, pijama etc., o plural feito na palavra
1. There are 290,000 species of beetles on Earth, but
pair. Assim:
there is only one human . (specie kinds species)

2. The people
I want to buy a pair of pants/trousers/jeans/pajamas.
happy because the news excellent. (is;
are are; is is; is)
(Eu quero comprar uma cala/uma cala jeans/um pijama.)
3. I cant read without my glasses. Where ? (is it are
She bought a pair/two pairs of pants. they was it)
(Ela comprou uma cala/duas calas.) 4. I bought a T-shirt and jeans. (some pair of a pair of
Seria incorreto dizer a pant, two jeans, three pajamas, two pair of)

por exemplo. 5. The latest is that the police looking for him
everywhere. (information; is news; are advice; was)

10. Dozen, hundred, thousand,

Clothes sempre plural e, em contraste com o
portugus, no tem forma singular.

John is wearing new clothes.

million, billion, trillion
(John est de roupa nova/est usando roupa nova.)
Dozen, hundred, thousand, million, billion e trillion,
I need to buy some warm clothes. quando precedidos de um nmero definido, no variam no
(Preciso comprar [uma] roupa quente.) plural:

192 Minigrammar

2. Acrescentando-se apenas um apstrofo ao
two dozen eggs (duas dzias de ovos)
substantivo/possuidor, quando ele estiver no plural e
three hundred cars (trs centenas de carros) terminar em -s.
four thousand trees (quatro mil rvores)
the girls school (a escola das garotas)
five million stars (cinco milhes de estrelas)
the teachers room (a sala dos professores)
six billion people (seis bilhes de pessoas)
the Simpsons adventures (as aventuras dos Simpsons)
seven trillion dollars (sete trilhes de dlares)

Quando essas mesmas palavras indicam um plural 3. Quando o substantivo/possuidor designa um

vago, sem nmero definido, passam a ter -s final e a serem ser inanimado, em princpio no se usa s, mas sim a
seguidas da preposio of: preposio of (de), em uma estrutura semelhante quela
que usamos em portugus.
dozens of eggs (dzias de ovos)
The door of the car. The color of the walls. The end of the road.
hundreds of cars (centenas de carros)
(A porta do carro. A cor das paredes. O fim da estrada.)
thousands of birds (milhares de pssaros)
4. H uma tendncia cada vez maior de se usar s com
millions of people (milhes de pessoas) os nomes de alguns seres inanimados, personalizando o

billions of stars (bilhes de estrelas) substantivo/possuidor que tem sentido nobre. o caso dos
correspondentes a mundo, Sol, mar, nomes de planetas,
trillions of atoms (trilhes de tomos) pases, cidades etc.

the worlds population the Earths surface

MINITEST the population of the world the surface of the Earth
(a populao do mundo) (a superfcie da Terra)

Natures plan Rios beaches

Sublinhe as palavras que completam cada frase
corretamente. the plan of Nature the beaches of Rio
1. Science has helped of people live a better life. (o plano da natureza) (as praias do Rio)
(millions million millions of)
2. 1,3 people still exist on less than 1 dollar a day. Casos especiais
(billion billions billions of)
3. Tropical forests are the means of survival for people. Acrescenta-se s ltima palavra, no caso dos
(million millions millions of) substantivos compostos.
4. There are more than seven people on Earth today. My daughter-in-laws car
(O carro da minha nora)
And there are galaxies in the Universe. (billion;
billions of billions; billion billions of; billions of)
Acrescenta-se s apenas ao ltimo possuidor, no caso
de haver dois possuidores de uma mesma coisa:
5. That recipe calls for two eggs. (dozen dozens
dozens of)

Homer and Marges family (a famlia dos dois)

11. Substantivos caso possessivo Homer and Marges (os problemas que os
problems dois tm em comum)
Quando o substantivo/possuidor designa um ser
vivo (pessoa ou animal), as expresses possessivas so Mas acrescenta-se s a cada possuidor, no caso de
formadas assim: haver posse em separado:

1. Acrescentando-se s ao substantivo/possuidor, Homers and Marges voices

singular ou plural, desde que no seja terminado em -s. (a voz de cada um)
mans body (o corpo do homem) Usa-se s (ou apenas ) em expresses que indicam
the birds wings (as asas do pssaro) tempo:
Agatha Christies (os romances de
Todays paper (O jornal de hoje)
novels Agatha Christie)
The womens jobs (os empregos das mulheres) Two months journey (Viagem de dois meses)

The oxens horns (os chifres dos bois) Yesterdays news (As notcias de ontem)

Minigrammar 193

Pode-se deixar de expressar o substantivo/a coisa
possuda quando, pelo contexto, ele for bvio. Isso muito climate change (mudana climtica)
research center (centro de pesquisas)
comum com o nome de marcas ou estabelecimentos
soccer game (jogo de futebol)

She bought those clothes at Lucys. O primeiro desses substantivos (modificador) qualifica
(Ela comprou aquela roupa na [loja] Lucys.) o segundo (ncleo), informando de que tipo se trata.
We live in a mans world, but apparently we dont live in a boys. Para entender claramente a expresso, importante
(Ns vivemos num mundo de homens, mas aparentemente lembrar que o principal substantivo (o ncleo) o que
no num [mundo] de garotos.) aparece por ltimo, sendo por ele que devemos iniciar a
traduo. O substantivo que aparece primeiro funciona
Cuidado para no confundir as vrias possibilidades de
como se fosse um adjetivo, qualificando aquele que o
sentido de s:
mais importante na expresso. H expresses em que as
1. Caso possessivo: duas palavras podem aparecer em posies diferentes e
Marys hair is too long. expressando sentidos diferentes.
(O cabelo da Mary est comprido demais.) Compare:
2. Forma contrata de is: A horse race uma corrida de cavalos. [um tipo de corrida]
A race horse um cavalo de corridas. [um tipo de cavalo]
Shes washing it now.
* Pode parecer redundncia
(Ela o est lavando agora.) Ou ento: falarmos de um jardim com
flores, mas, alm de flower
3. Forma contrata de has: A flower garden (um jardim com flores).* garden, h tambm vegetable
A garden flower (uma flor de jardim). garden (horta), expresso
Shes got beautiful hair. comum no ingls britnico.
(Ela tem cabelo bonito.)

4. Forma contrata de us: MINITESTS

Lets go and talk to her.
1. Encontre nos quadros os substantivos
(Vamos [ns] falar com ela.)
que formam as expresses nominais

correspondentes s definies a seguir.

Modificadores Ncleos
Sublinhe as alternativas que completam cada cable winter organ heat TV tool research
frase corretamente. stem-cell building wave months donor

1. paintings are beautiful and send a powerful message. a. o perodo do ano em que faz muito frio. winter months
(Portinaris) (Portinaris) (Portinariss)
stem-cell research
b. So estudos feitos por cientistas sobre clulas-tronco.
2. MASP is one of most famous museums. (So Paulos) c. um moderno meio de entretenimento. cable TV
(So Paulo) (So Paulo)
d. uma pessoa que potencialmente doa parte(s) de seu
3. Dreams provide many insights into workings. (the corpo. organ donor

e. uma ferramenta de construo. building tool

minds) (the minds) (the mind)

4. Santos-Dumont built his 14-Bis in 1906, three years

after the initial flight. (Wright Brothers) (Wright f. um perodo anormal de temperaturas extremamente
Brotherss) (Wright Brothers) quentes. heat wave

5. To terraform means to alter a surface until life 2. Agora complete as frases com a expresso
forms can survive there. (planets; Earths) (planets; nominal adequada ao contexto.
Earth) (planets; Earth)
a. Global warming is synonymous with . (heat wave)

12. Substantivos expresses

(climate change) (weather report)

b. You need a ball to play a . (video game) (card game)
(soccer game)

c. Joo works as a waiter during the day and has classes in

comum, em ingls, aparecerem dois substantivos the evening. He goes to (night school) (school night)
juntos, sem preposio entre eles, em expresses como: (night watch)

194 Minigrammar

d. The large areas of ice that cover the land around the Few comum quando precedido de very (muito).

North or South Pole are called . (ice cubes) (ice caps)
(ice skates)
I have few books on that subject. (formal)

13. Quantifiers much, many,

I dont have many books on that subject. (mais comum,
little, few I have very few chances of getting that job. (comum)

Do you have much time?

many books?
Yes, I have a lot of/lots of time.
a lot of/lots of books.
Sublinhe as respostas corretas.
No, I dont have much time. I have little time. 1. That old man knows stories full of adventure or
many books. I have few books. wisdom. (much a lot of a great deal of)

Pelos exemplos do quadro acima, podemos concluir 2. You should eat fruit and vegetables. (much lots of
que usamos como expresses de grande quantidade little)
ou nmero: 3. Some people are good at math, others dont know
Much (+ substantivo no contvel, sempre no
about it. (many much little)

singular): muito/a. Much usado em perguntas e 4. thousands of bees live and work together in what is
negaes. Nas frases afirmativas s usado na linguagem called a hive. (Many Much Little)
formal, sendo em geral substitudo por a lot of ou lots of. 5. Very people really understand modern art. (much
Many (+ substantivo contvel, no plural): muitos/as. little few)
Many usado em perguntas e negaes. Nas frases 6. That rich old man lived in China
afirmativas um tanto formal, podendo ser substitudo por
years ago. (much a
lot many)
a lot of ou lots of.
7. We know about the Moon and Mars, but avoid
Alm de a lot of ou lots of, outras expresses de crossing the street to meet a new neighbor. (much
quantidade ou nmero podem substituir much ou many few many)
nas frases afirmativas: 8. people are literate in all the worlds languages. (Very
A great deal of (muito/a; expressa grande quantidade much Very little Very few)
e pode substituir much): 9. The proper way to eat freshly baked bread is with
John D. Rockefeller made a great deal of money on oil.
plenty of lipids and fructose. In other words, butter

(John D. Rockefeller ganhou muito dinheiro com petrleo.) and jam! (many few a lot of)

A large/great number of (muitos/as; expressa

grande nmero e pode substituir many): 14. Quantifiers little/a little;
A large number of people know about that. few/a few; less/fewer
(Muitas pessoas sabem disso.)
Veja estes exemplos:
Para indicar escassez, em oposio a much e many,
usamos:* No confundir com o adjetivo little (pequeno/a), oposto He is not rich, but he has a little money. (= some)
de big ou large (ex.: The little boat = O barquinho).
(Ele no rico, mas tem algum dinheiro.)
Little* (+ substantivo no contvel, sempre no
singular): pouco/a. Little o oposto de much e, como He is not very popular, but he has a few friends. (= some)
este, prprio da linguagem formal. Informalmente mais (Ele no muito popular, mas tem alguns amigos.)
comum o uso de not much. Little pode ser comum quando
A little (+ substantivo no contvel, sempre no
precedido de very (muito).
singular): algum(a), um pouco (de). Expressa uma pequena
Compare: quantidade (no chega a much), mas tem sentido positivo.

I have little money. (formal) A few (+ substantivo contvel, no plural): alguns,

I dont have much money. (mais comum, informalmente) algumas. Expressa um pequeno nmero (no chega a
They have very little money. (comum) many), mas tem sentido positivo.

Few (+ substantivo contvel, no plural): poucos/as. Compare com little (pouco/a) e few (poucos/as),
Few o oposto de many e tambm prprio da linguagem vistos no tpico anterior, os quais indicam escassez e tm,
formal. Informalmente mais comum o uso de not many. portanto, sentido negativo. Veja:

Minigrammar 195

I have little money. Its not enough. I need more. Much: muito/a
(Eu tenho pouco dinheiro. No suficiente. Preciso de mais.)
antes de substantivo no contvel, sempre no singular:
I have few friends. Maybe one or two. much water, rain, food, etc.
(Eu tenho poucos amigos. Talvez um ou dois.) (muita gua, chuva, comida etc.)
Agora compare less e fewer: antes de adjetivo no grau comparativo, acentuando a
Less (+ substantivo no contvel, no singular): menos. diferena na comparao:

They used to be quite rich, but they have less money now. much easier, better, worse, etc.
(Eles eram bastante ricos, mas tm menos dinheiro agora.) (muito mais fcil, melhor, pior etc.)
Many, antes de substantivos contveis, no plural
Fewer (+ substantivo contvel, no plural): menos.
They have fewer problems now.
many rivers, books, people, etc.
(Eles tm menos problemas agora.)
(muitos rios, livros, muitas pessoas etc.)
Less (menos) o comparativo de little (pouco/a);
Very, antes de adjetivo ou outro advrbio, no grau
fewer (menos) o comparativo de few (poucos/as). O
normal (muito).
oposto, tanto de less como de fewer, more (mais). Existe
a tendncia, em linguagem informal, a abandonar o uso very easy, cold, late, well, etc.
de fewer, utilizando-se less para os dois casos. Apesar (muito fcil, frio, tarde, bem etc.)
de isso ser bastante comum, considerado incorreto por Very much, depois do verbo e seu complemento, em
muitas pessoas e deve ser evitado em situaes formais, posio diferente da que ocorre em portugus (muito).
como em provas e exames.
I like her very much.
There are fewer cars on the roads at night. (Eu gosto muito dela.)
(H menos carros nas estradas noite.)
So, antes de adjetivo ou advrbio, no grau normal (to).
She is so lovely! She sings so well!
MINITEST (Ela to linda! Ela canta to bem!)
So much, antes de substantivo no contvel,
no singular (tanto/a); so many, antes de substantivo
Marque a opo que contm os pronomes
contvel, no plural (tantos/as).
indefinidos adequados para completar as frases.

She makes so much money! She has so many fans!

1. I always try to keep a positive thinking about life, at
(Ela ganha tanto dinheiro! Ela tem tantos fs!)
x a little; a little
least hope, courage.

Too: demais
little; little
few; few a few; a few
2. The king asked Archimedes to investigate and days antes de adjetivo ou outro advrbio, no grau normal,
em posio diferente da que ocorre em portugus:
x a few
later the mathematician had the answer.
too easy, cold, late, well etc.
little a little few
3. When we asked for Grannys help, she could offer very , (fcil, frio, tarde, bem demais etc.)
antes de much, many, little, em posio diferente da
x little
but what she had was valuable: the light from her soul.

que ocorre em portugus:

a little few a few

too much danger (perigo demais)

4. They are facing enormous difficulties and problems.

x few too many drugs (drogas demais)

They have very chances of success.

too little hope (esperana de menos)

little a little a few

Enough: bastante, suficiente(mente)

5. In decades those British colonies were able to

x few
produce much more latex than the Amazon region.
a few fewer a little antes de substantivo:
There is not enough opportunity in their lives.

15. Quantifiers much/many; very/ (No h oportunidade suficiente na vida deles.)

very much; so/so much/so many; depois de adjetivo ou advrbio, no grau normal, em

too/too much/too many; enough posio diferente da que ocorre em portugus:

They are not strong enough to solve their problems.
Observe estes exemplos de expresses de quantidade, (Eles no so suficientemente fortes para resolver seus
nmero e de intensidade: problemas.)

196 Minigrammar

MINITEST 1. Any (+ substantivo singular ou plural) usado em
perguntas gerais.

Sublinhe os itens que completam as lacunas 2. Some (+ substantivo singular ou plural) usado em
corretamente. perguntas quando se espera uma resposta afirmativa ou
se oferece algo.
1. There are
Can you give me some money?
bees in a hive that a system of air-
conditioning is needed. (so much too much very
much so many) (Voc poderia me dar algum dinheiro?)

2. Is there fresh water to supply the needs of over seven Would you like some coffee?
billion people? (enough very so many too) (Voc gostaria de um pouco de caf?)
3. Pluto was considered a strange object, small, 3. Some (+ substantivo singular ou plural) usado em
distant. (so/ so so many/ so much enough/enough afirmaes.

4. Any (+ substantivo singular ou plural) usado em

very much/ very much)

4. Lifesaving medical miracles have become negaes, depois de not ou never.

I dont want any explanation.

commonplace that we are impatient about them.

(Eu no quero nenhuma explicao.)

(enough very so too)

5. Perhaps we have come to expect from science. (too

much too many so many - too) 5. No (+ substantivo singular ou plural) usado em
negaes, sem o uso de not. Ao contrrio do que acontece
em portugus, em ingls incorreta a dupla negativa, isto
6. How can math be universal? (very too so too

, o uso, na mesma orao, de duas palavras negativas


7. Amyr Klink had never actually felt lonely, as he knew comeadas por n, como not, never, no, none, nothing etc.

I dont want no explanation. (frase gramaticalmente incorreta)

that of his friends were wishing him success. (so so

I dont want any explanation. (frase correta)

much so many enough)

I want no explanation. (frase correta)

8. Archimedes was to solve the problem of the kings
crown. (enough clever too clever clever enough
very clever) 6. None um pronome substantivo, no sendo,
portanto, seguido de nenhum substantivo. usado em
negaes, sem o uso de not, geralmente em frases curtas.
9. Water is precious to be wasted. (enough too too
much too many)
Explanation? I want none.
(Explicao? Eu no quero nenhuma.)
10. For years, Brazil has been a victim of biopiracy.
(much too enough many)
Empregam-se ainda:

16. Quantifiers some, any, no, Any (+ substantivo singular ou plural): qualquer,

none, every
quaisquer. Em frases afirmativas:

I am always at home. Come any time.

Veja estes exemplos: (Eu estou sempre em casa. Venha a qualquer hora.)

Do you need any money/books? Every (+ substantivo singular): todo(s), toda(s). O

(algum[a], alguns, algumas) substantivo e o verbo com every vm sempre no singular,
mesmo quando o sentido plural.
Do you need some money/books?
(algum[a], alguns, algumas; um pouco de) You come to school every day.
(Vocs vm escola todos os dias.)
(Yes,) I need some money/books.
(algum[a], alguns, algumas; um pouco de) Every hotel in town was full.
(Todos os hotis da cidade estavam cheios.)
(No,) I do not need any money/books.
(nenhum[a], nenhuns, nenhumas)

(No,) I need no money/books.

(nenhum[a], nenhuns, nenhumas)
Sublinhe as alternativas que completam
(No,) I need none. adequadamente cada frase.
(nenhum[a], nenhuns, nenhumas)
1. The type of banana that we eat has seeds. (some no
Por eles podemos concluir que: any every)

Minigrammar 197

2. I say to myself I dont have enemies, and I mean it. pessoas: nobody/no one (ningum)

para coisas: nothing (nada)

(some no any none)

lugares: nowhere (em/a lugar nenhum)

3. I say to myself I have enemies, and I mean it.
(some no any none)
4. Do you play sports? (any every no none) Como acontece com no, esses compostos so usados
em negaes, sem que haja outra palavra negativa na frase:

5. She asked me if I had money, but I had . (some;
none any; no every; any any; some) There is nobody out there.
(No h ningum l fora.)

17. Quantifiers some, any, no, They go nowhere on Sundays.

every e seus compostos

(Eles no vo a lugar nenhum no domingo.)

pessoas: anybody/anyone (qualquer pessoa)
Os adjetivos, pronomes e tambm os advrbios que coisas: anything (qualquer coisa)
expressam quantidade ou nmero de modo indefinido para lugares: anywhere (qualquer lugar)
seguem, quando compostos, os usos de suas formas
modo: anyhow/anyway (de qualquer forma,
simples. Assim, usamos:
de qualquer jeito)
pessoas: somebody/someone (algum)
Como acontece com any, esses compostos so usados
coisas: something (alguma coisa, algo)
em frases afirmativas:
para lugares: somewhere (em algum lugar)
Anybody can do that. Its easy.

modo: somehow/someway (de alguma
(Qualquer pessoa pode fazer isso. fcil.)
forma/de algum jeito)
Its hard to get a taxi here. Anyway, weve got plenty of time.
Como acontece com some, esses compostos so
( difcil pegar um txi aqui. De qualquer forma, ns temos
usados em frases afirmativas ou em perguntas em que se
bastante tempo.)
espera resposta afirmativa, como quando se oferece algo:
pessoas: everybody/everyone (todos/as)
A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and
para coisas: everything (tudo)
touches your heart.

(O verdadeiro amigo algum que pega sua mo e toca lugares: everywhere (em toda parte)
seu corao.)
Como acontece com every, esses compostos so
Would you like something to drink? usados em afirmaes e perguntas, com sentido de
(Gostaria de algo para beber?) totalidade.
pessoas: anybody/anyone (algum)
Everybody knows the value of education.
para coisas: anything (alguma coisa, algo)
(Todos sabem o valor da educao.)
lugares: anywhere (em/a algum lugar)
Ive lost my glasses. Ive looked everywhere, but I couldnt
Como acontece com any, esses compostos so usados find them.
em perguntas gerais: (Perdi meus culos. Procurei em toda parte, mas no

consegui encontr-los.)
Did anyone call me while I was out?
(Algum ligou na minha ausncia?)

Did you go anywhere last weekend? MINITEST

(Voc foi a algum lugar no ltimo fim de semana?)
pessoas: (not) anybody/anyone (ningum) Sublinhe as alternativas adequadas para

para coisas: (not) anything (nada)

completar cada frase.

lugares: (not) anywhere (em/a lugar nenhum)

1. If you see without a smile, give them one of yours.
(someone nobody nothing)
Como acontece com any, esses compostos so usados
em frases negativas com not ou never:
2. It had been one of those days when seems to go
wrong. (something everything everywhere)
There isnt anyone out there. 3. I dream of a world where
(No h ningum l fora.)
man is free. (everybody
every anyone)
They never go anywhere on Sundays. 4. one man can imagine, other men can make real.
(Eles nunca vo a lugar nenhum aos domingos.) (Jules Verne) (Anything Anybody Everybody)

198 Minigrammar

Afirmao: The President lives in the Alvorada Palace.
5. I felt homesick for and , Amyr Klink said.

Pergunta: Who lives in the Alvorada Palace?

I missed people and things I had not seen for so

The President lives in the Alvorada Palace.

long. (everything; everybody nothing; no one

something; somebody anything; anybody)

6. The youngest son thought and thought and at last he sujeito

Perguntas sobre o sujeito

bought . (nothing someone something)

7. we have learned is compared to what we still have

Who e what so os interrogativos mais comuns nas

to learn. (Something; someone Everybody; nobody

perguntas sobre o sujeito.

Everything; nothing)

8. The largest magnet in the world is the Earth itself,

Who wrote Jorge Amado wrote Tieta.
because the hot nickel and iron at its core pull
(Quem escreveu
toward it. (nothing no one everything)

9. in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. Tieta?) (Jorge Amado escreveu Tieta.)

(Marie Curie) (Nothing Everything Somebody)

10. The rich old man called his sons and said, Each of What happened to the The writer died in 2001.
writer in 2001?
(O que aconteceu com
you take one coin and buy that will fill my room.

o escritor em 2001?) (O escritor faleceu em

(anybody everything something)

18. Question Words: what, which, Which e how many tambm so usados neste tipo
who, whom, whose, when, where, de perguntas:

why, how, how often, how much, Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

how many, what time (Qual veio primeiro, a galinha ou o ovo?)

How many were at the party?

What? O qu? Which? Qual? (Quantas pessoas estiveram na festa?)

Where? Onde? How? Como?

Perguntas sobre o objeto
Com que
When? Quando? How often?
Who(m) did Jorge Amado write about?
Why? Por qu? How much? Quanto? (Sobre quem Jorge Amado escreveu?)
Who(m)? Quem? How many? Quantos?
He wrote about the people of Bahia.
Whose? De quem? What time? A que horas?
(Ele escreveu sobre o povo da Bahia.)

A estrutura da pergunta abaixo, comum maioria dos What did those people think of him?
interrogativos, usada quando se pergunta sobre o objeto (O que essas pessoas pensavam sobre ele?)
do verbo: Those people loved him.
interrogativo sujeito (Essas pessoas o amavam.)

What do you study? Notas sobre alguns interrogativos

what: o que; qual (geral)

verbo auxiliar principal What do you want?
(O que voc quer?)
Resposta: I study History.
What is your e-mail address?
objeto (Qual o seu e-mail?)

Quando a pergunta sobre o sujeito do verbo, no which: qual (especfico)

se usa verbo auxiliar, sendo o interrogativo seguido da Which is your house, the white one or the blue one?
mesma ordem de palavras de uma frase afirmativa. (Qual a sua casa, a branca ou a azul?)

Minigrammar 199

whom: quem 8. was that new plantation? In the British colonies of
Ceylon and Malaya. Where
Whom/Who did you see there?
(Quem voc viu l?) 9. happened then? In a few decades those colonies
were able to produce a lot of latex. What
A rigor, whom o pronome a ser usado quando
perguntamos sobre pessoas, no caso do objeto, mas isso 10. did that affect the Amazonian rubber business.? It
s acontece na linguagem formal. Informalmente, usa-se was the end of it. How
who em lugar de whom, mas, quando o interrogativo

19. Adjetivos comparativos de

precedido de preposio, usa-se whom:

igualdade e de inferioridade
To whom did you give the book?
(A/Para quem voc deu o livro?)

Em linguagem informal, a pergunta acima seria feita com Para formar o comparativo de igualdade, usamos:
who afastado da preposio:
as + adjetivo + as
Who did you give the book to?
(A/Para quem voc deu o livro?) She is as tall as Gisele.
(Ela to alta quanto Gisele.)
whose: de quem. Pode vir seguido de substantivo ou
ento como pronome, separado do substantivo. not so + adjetivo + as ou not as + adjetivo + as

Whose car is that?/Whose is that car? She is not so/as old as Gisele.
(De quem aquele carro?) (Ela no to velha quanto Gisele.)

how much: quanto (dinheiro); quanto (+ substantivo Nas frases com pronomes pessoais, depois de as as
no contvel, sempre singular) possvel usar:

How much is that shirt? pronomes retos (I/he/she etc.), seguidos de verbo ou
(Quanto aquela camisa?) no. Essa construo um tanto formal.

How much sugar do you take in your coffee? Gisele is not so/as nice as she (is).
(Quanto acar voc pe no seu caf?) (Gisele no to simptica quanto ela []).

pronomes oblquos (me/him/her etc.). Essa

MINITEST construo comum na linguagem informal.

We are not so/as famous as them.

Complete as perguntas com um dos (Ns no somos to famosos quanto elas.)

As comparaes de inferioridade so feitas com a

interrogativos do quadro abaixo. Alguns deles
anteposio de less (no grau comparativo) e de least (no
podem ser usados em mais de uma pergunta.
grau superlativo) ao adjetivo no grau normal.
where when what why who how

modern less modern least modern

interesting less interesting least interesting
An Infamous Case of Biopiracy

Less e least podem ser usados antes de todos

1. is biopiracy? It is the stealing of biological materials
without proper compensation. What
os adjetivos (de uma, duas ou mais slabas), mas as
comparaes de inferioridade no so to frequentes.
2. is the most infamous case of historic biopiracy? Its
that of the rubber tree, Hevea brasiliensis. What
Geralmente prefere-se o uso de not so/as ou mesmo do
3. is that tropical tree native to? It is native to the adjetivo de sentido oposto, expressando superioridade.
Amazon basin. Where Compare:

You are less strong than Peter.

4. stole rubber tree seeds from the Amazonian jungle?
Henry Wickman, a British botanist. Who
(Voc menos forte do que Peter.)
did that happen? In 1876. When
[frase possvel, mas pouco natural]

You are not so strong as Peter

6. did he smuggle the rubber tree seeds out of Brazil?
He hid them between banana leaves. How
(Voc no to forte quanto Peter.)
7. did he do that? To take the rubber tree seeds to a new
plantation. Why [frase natural, comum]

200 Minigrammar

He is the least strong of the boys. os dissilbicos em geral e os que terminam em sufixo
(Ele o menos forte dos garotos.) (-ful, -less, -ing, -ed) fazem o comparativo com more e o
[frase possvel, mas forada, incomum] superlativo com most.

He is not so strong as the other boys. modern more modern most modern
(Ele no to forte quanto os outros garotos.) famous more famous most famous
[frase natural, comum] careful more careful most careful
He is the weakest of the boys. careless more careless most careless
(Ele o mais fraco dos garotos.)
charming more charming most charming
[frase mais enftica]
surprised more surprised most surprised

MINITEST os de duas slabas terminados em -y seguem a regra

dos adjetivos curtos, trocando-se o y por i antes de se
acrescentar -er ou -est:
How do you say that in English?

You are not so/as strong as us/we are.

1. Vocs no so to fortes quanto ns.
easy easier easiest
Dogs are as clever/smart as cats.
2. Cachorros so to inteligentes quanto gatos.
busy busier busiest
Ice cream is as good as chocolate.
3. Sorvete to bom quanto chocolate.
funny funnier funniest
Cambori is not so/as famous as Copacabana.
4. Cambori no to famosa quanto Copacabana.
Mas possvel encontrar alguns dissilbicos
terminados em -y (happy, friendly, lovely e likely) que
5. Os lees no so to inteligentes quanto o homem.
Lions are not so/as intelligent as man.
aceitam as duas formas:
20. Adjetivos e advrbios Brazilians are one of the friendliest peoples in the world.
comparativo e superlativo (Os brasileiros so um dos povos mais amistosos do mundo.)
de superioridade [Mais comum do que the most friendly]

People are happier in times of peace.

Adjetivos e advrbios curtos, (As pessoas so mais felizes em tempos de paz.)
de uma slaba
[Mais comum do que more happy]
Os adjetivos e advrbios curtos, de uma s slaba, Mas por razes de estilo, a forma com more pode
fazem o comparativo de superioridade com o acrscimo de aparecer em uma frase como esta:
-er, e o superlativo com o acrscimo de -est:
People prefer to live in a more happy and peaceful environment.
long longer longest (As pessoas preferem viver em um ambiente mais feliz e
older older oldest pacfico.)

Existem outros adjetivos e advrbios dissilbicos

Adjetivos e advrbios longos, de mais bem comuns que podem fazer isso das duas formas:
de duas slabas terminados em -ow: narrow; shallow
Os adjetivos e advrbios longos, de mais de duas terminados em -le: simple; gentle; humble
slabas, formam o comparativo e o superlativo antepondo-
terminados em -er: clever; tender
-se more e most ao grau normal dos adjetivos e advrbios.
com vrias terminaes: common; pleasant; polite;
intelligent more intelligent most intelligent
handsome; cruel; quiet; stupid
comfortable more comfortable most comfortable
mais provvel encontrarmos as formas -er e -est
expensive more expensive most expensive
em alguns dos dissilbicos citados:
seriously more seriously most seriously
Are women cleverer than men?
(As mulheres so mais inteligentes do que os homens?)
Adjetivos e advrbios de duas slabas
[mais comum do que more clever]
Os adjetivos e advrbios de duas slabas merecem um
Living in the country is quieter than in a big city.
estudo mais detalhado, j que a regra no claramente
(A vida no campo mais sossegada do que em uma cidade
definida e em alguns casos podem formar o comparativo
e o superlativo ou com -er e -est ou com more e most.
Assim: [mais comum do que more quiet]

Minigrammar 201

Em contrapartida, em alguns desses dissilbicos Uso dos graus dos adjetivos
a forma com more e most uma tendncia atual. Isso e advrbios
acontece, por exemplo, com os dissilbicos mais longos,
como pleasant e handsome. Comparativo de superioridade

Living in the country is also more pleasant than in a big city, Usa-se -er ou more nas comparaes que expressam
superioridade de uma pessoa, lugar ou coisa em relao a
so I think.
(A vida no campo tambm mais agradvel do que em uma
cidade grande, penso eu.) The Amazon River is longer than the San Francisco.
(O rio Amazonas mais comprido do que o So Francisco.)
[mais comum do que pleasanter]
Superlativo de superioridade
Most women would agree that George Clooney is one of the
Usa-se -est ou most para destacar uma pessoa, lugar
most handsome men in the world. ou coisa em relao a todas as outras:
(A maioria das mulheres concordaria que George Clooney
The Amazon is one of the longest rivers in the world.
um dos homens mais bonitos do mundo.)
(O Amazonas um dos rios mais compridos do mundo.)
[mais comum do que handsomest] Comparativo e superlativo de inferioridade

O comparativo de inferioridade (less than: menos

Notas ortogrficas do que) e o superlativo de inferioridade (the least : o
menos ) so formados com adjetivos curtos ou longos, mas
Quando o adjetivo ou advrbio terminar em -e, so pouco usados, sendo geralmente substitudos assim:
acrescenta-se apenas -r ou -st.
The So Francisco is less long than the Amazon. [pouco comum]
wide wider widest (O So Francisco menos longo que o Amazonas.)
late later latest The So Francisco is not as long as the Amazon. [mais comum]
(O So Francisco no to longo quanto o Amazonas.)
Quando o adjetivo ou advrbio monossilbico
The Amazon is longer than the So Francisco. [mais comum]
terminar em -y precedido de consoante, troca-se o y por i, (O Amazonas mais longo que o So Francisco.)
antes do -er ou -est, como acontece com os dissilbicos:
Casos especiais
dry drier driest
dirty dirtier dirtiest Para expressar aumento gradual, equivalendo
em portugus a cada vez mais , usam-se dois
Mas shy pode ter as duas formas: shyer/shyest ou
comparativos separados por and:
He is getting fatter and fatter.
Quando o adjetivo ou advrbio tiver como ltimas (Ele est ficando cada vez mais gordo.)
letras a sequncia consoante/vogal/consoante, dobra-se
We became more and more interested in the story.
a consoante final antes do acrscimo de -er ou -est. (Ns ficamos cada vez mais interessados na histria.)

hot hotter hottest Para expressar uma relao entre duas aes ou
acontecimentos paralelos, equivalendo em portugus
thin thinner thinnest
a quanto mais mais , usam-se dois comparativos
big bigger biggest
precedidos de the:

The older we get, the wiser we should become.

Formaes irregulares (Quanto mais velhos ficamos, mais sbios deveramos nos
good better best
The sooner I finish this, the better.
bad worse worst (Quanto mais cedo eu terminar isto, melhor.)
much more most
The more you read, the more you learn.
many more most (Quanto mais voc l, mais voc aprende.)
little less least
Money is relative the more money, the more relatives.
far farther/further farthest/furthest
(O dinheiro relativo quanto mais dinheiro, mais parentes.)

202 Minigrammar

MINITEST She is not singing a Brazilian song.
Negativa (Ela no est cantando uma msica
Geography & Physics brasileira.)

Ative o seu conhecimento de Geografia e Is she singing Someone Like You?

Interrogativa (Ela est cantando Someone Like
de Fsica e escolha a forma correta entre
parnteses para completar cada frase.
1. The Sun is the member of the Solar System; its Notas ortogrficas
gravity keeps the system together. (massive) (more
Quando o verbo principal termina em -e, suprime-se
essa ltima letra e acrescenta-se -ing:
massive) (most massive)

2. Earth is the third

live living have having
planet to the Sun after Mercury and
Venus, and is the only planet known to support living
organisms. (near) (nearer) (nearest) Os verbos die, tie e lie tm as formas dying, tying e
3. Surrounded by a spectacular system of rings, Saturn is lying, respectivamente.
the planet visible to the naked eye. (distant) (more The forests are dying.
distant) (most distant) (As florestas esto morrendo.)

4. The point on the Earths surface is Mount Everest Thats not true. You are lying.
at 8,850 m (29,035 ft) above sea level. (high) (higher) (Isso no verdade. Voc est mentindo.)

Os verbos de uma nica slaba cujas trs ltimas


5. The exact measurement of a river is difficult, as letras forem, na ordem, consoante-vogal-consoante,

multiple tributaries often make a rivers source hard dobram a consoante final antes do acrscimo de -ing:

run running
to pinpoint, but the Nile (6,690 km or 4,160 miles) is
generally considered to be than the Amazon (6,570

stop stopping
km or 4,080 miles). (long) (longer) (longest)

6. The group of animals on Earth is that of the

arthropods, which include insects, spiders, and put putting

swim swimming
crustaceans. (large) (larger) (largest)

7. An atom is the part of an element that can exist as a

stable entity. (small) (smaller) (smallest) Os verbos de duas ou mais slabas tambm terminados
em consoante-vogal-consoante tm a consoante final
dobrada quando a slaba tnica for a ltima:
8. The greater the atomic mass of an atom, the atom is.
(small) (smaller) (the smaller)

9. Atoms are the basic units of matter, and many bond begin beginning
together to form particles called molecules. (large)
(larger) (largest) omit omitting

10. Archimedes was probably the mathematician of the refer referring

ancient world. (great) (greater) (greatest)
prefer preferring

21. Tempos verbais Present occur occurring

Progressive (ou Continuous) permit permitting

O Present Progressive um tempo verbal composto

de am/are/is + forma de final -ing do verbo principal. Usos do Present Progressive
Adele is singing now.
1. Para expressar uma ao que est acontecendo no
(Adele est cantando agora.) momento em que se fala:
We are listening to her. I am writing now.
(Ns a estamos escutando.) (Eu estou escrevendo agora.)

Minigrammar 203

2. Para expressar uma ao que est ocorrendo na 22. Stative Verbs
atualidade, mas no necessariamente no momento em
que se fala:
Os stative verbs, tambm chamados non-
I am taking a course in American literature. progressive verbs, so verbos que expressam no uma
(Eu estou fazendo um curso de literatura norte-americana.) ao temporria, mas um estado, condio ou situao
3. Alm de indicar aes no presente, pode tambm ser permanente. Em geral, esses verbos no so usados nos
usado em frases que denotam futuro, para indicar aes que tempos progressivos (ou contnuos). Know e understand
temos inteno de praticar ou certeza de que vo acontecer. so dois dos mais comuns. Para dizer, por exemplo, Eu
On Monday the USA is commemorating the life and dream estou sabendo, usamos a forma simples de know: I know.
of Martin Luther King, Jr. Para dizer No estou entendendo, usamos a forma
(Na prxima segunda-feira, os EUA vo comemorar/ simples: I dont understand.
comemoram a vida e o sonho de Martin Luther King, Jr.) Entre os stative verbs mais comuns, nunca usados nas
formas progressivas, esto:
Casos especiais
know: saber; conhecer
Alguns verbos, chamados stative verbs ou non- I know the answer to that problem.
progressive verbs, expressam no uma ao, mas um
prefer: preferir
estado ou uma situao. Em geral, eles no so usados
nas formas contnuas ou progressivas: Mary prefers jazz to pop music.
seem: parecer
I dont like this situation.
(Eu no estou gostando desta situao.) That movie seems to be excellent.
What do you want?
understand: entender, compreender
(O que voc est querendo?)
I dont understand a word she says.
Esses verbos sero estudados no tpico 22, a seguir.
Outros no so geralmente usados nas formas
MINITEST agree: concordar
I dont agree with what youre saying.
Complete as frases com o Present Progressive
dos verbos que voc encontra no boxe abaixo. like: gostar (de)
Escolha cada verbo pelo contexto e observe a I dont like this situation.
formao desse tempo verbal: am/are/is + need: precisar (de)
She needs our help.
ing form do verbo principal.

to light to extract to happen to fill to drive recognize: reconhecer

to mix to have to rain to try to read Do you recognize anyone in this picture?
want: querer
1. Aa is a palm tree that occurs in several regions of
the Amazon. I a bowl of aa fruit with soy milk and What does he want?

am having Alguns verbos podem expressar um estado, condio

granola now. I find it nutritional and delicious.
2. My daughter The Interpretation of Dreams. She ou situao permanente (no sendo portanto usados
wants to be a psychologist. is reading
em tempos progressivos), mas tambm podem aparecer
3. Researchers and scientists to find a cure for cancer em frases que denotam uma ao temporria e, nesse
and other diseases. are trying caso, so usados nos tempos progressivos. Observe essa
4. Pharmaceutical companies chemicals from plants diferena nos exemplos a seguir.
found in the Amazon Forest without paying any sort of
compensation to the local people. are extracting State Action
5. It and this road is full of curves. You too fast, thats (Non-progressive) (Progressive)
dangerous. Please slow down. is raining; are driving
achar, ter certa opinio
(= think) sentir-se
6. The baker flour, sugar, yeast, and water. The
chemistry of making bread . is mixing; is happening feel
I feel your decision is That girl is feeling sick.
7. I a candle with a match and a warm glow the dark wrong.
room now. am lighting; is filling

204 Minigrammar

8. Eles esto precisando de ajuda. They need help.
State Action
(Non-progressive) (Progressive) 9. O que ele est querendo? What does he want?
10. Ela est pensando em voc. Shes thinking about you.
1 estar tendo 2 comer,
ter, possuir Im having trouble with
23. Tempos verbais: Simple Past
verbos regulares
have They have a lot of the car.
money. We are having
breakfast now. Call me
A maioria dos verbos em ingls faz o passado e o
later, please.
particpio passado de forma regular, pelo acrscimo de
-ed sua forma bsica:
entender o que algum
hear I cant hear a word hes to work worked worked
Youre not hearing me.
I said No!
to wash washed washed
estar amando,
amar, ter amor por to call called called
love achando timo
She loves children.
Im loving this book.
Esta forma nica para todas as pessoas, no
1 encontrar com, estar variando na terceira pessoa do singular:
1 ver 2 entender
com 2 ter consulta com
I see my mother every I/ you/ he/ she/
Im seeing my worked, washed, called
see day. it/ we/ you/ they
girlfriend tonight.
Now I see what you
Jane is seeing the
mean. Os verbos que tm formas semelhantes s dos verbos
dentist tomorrow.
em portugus, em geral de origem latina, so regulares:
cheirar, experimentar o
cheirar, ter cheiro cheiro de to protest protested protested
smell This cheese smells Im smelling the
to construct constructed constructed
bad/awful. cheese and I think we
should not eat it.
Mas muitos dos verbos mais comuns no so de
origem latina e so irregulares, com formas prprias de
provar, experimentar o
ter gosto ou sabor de passado e particpio passado:
gosto ou sabor de
This pineapple tastes
taste Im tasting the best
good/sweet/delicious/ to see saw seen
pineapple in the world.
like sugar.
Delicious! to go went gone

achar, ter certa opinio pensar, meditar Duas listas com as formas de passado e particpio
think (= feel) What are you thinking passado dos verbos irregulares so dadas nos tpicos
I think youre wrong. about?
25 e 26.

Uso do Simple Past

O Simple Past usado para indicar uma ao
How do you say this in English? realizada e totalmente terminada no passado,
correspondendo, em portugus, tanto ao pretrito
1. Eu no estou entendendo. I dont understand.
perfeito como ao pretrito imperfeito.
2. Eu estou sabendo. I know.
Mozart lived in the eighteenth century.
3. Voc est se sentindo mal/doente? Do you feel sick?
(Mozart viveu no sculo dezoito.)
4. Eu estou preferindo parar agora. I prefer to stop now.
5. Este emprego est parecendo muito bom. Notas ortogrficas
This job seems (to be) very good.
Quando o verbo terminar em -e, acrescenta-se
6. Ele est tendo problema com o computador.
He is having trouble with the computer.
7. Eu acho que ela est certa. I think/I feel shes right. apenas -d:

Minigrammar 205

To decide decided
to go went to do did
Quando o verbo terminar em -y precedido de
consoante, troca-se o y por i e acrescenta-se -ed: to see saw to come came

To classify classified Para os verbos regulares, a forma do passado igual

Quando o verbo regular for monossilbico e suas do particpio passado. No caso dos irregulares, s vezes
ltimas letras forem consoante-vogal-consoante, dobra-se acontece o mesmo, mas muitos deles tm formas para o
a consoante final e acrescenta-se -ed. passado distintas das formas para o particpio passado.

To stop stopped
Regular to help helped helped
O mesmo acontece com verbos de mais de uma slaba,
Irregular to buy bought bought
desde que a ltima seja a slaba tnica:
Irregular to eat ate eaten
to prefer preferred to occur occurred
O particpio passado necessrio para a formao dos
to permit permitted to refer referred
tempos perfeitos (Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future
Perfect etc.) e tambm da voz passiva, assuntos que

MINITEST sero tratados mais adiante. Essas formas de particpio

passado dos verbos irregulares devem ser memorizadas
junto com as do passado. Nos dois tpicos a seguir, so
apresentadas listas com os principais verbos irregulares,
Complete as frases com o Simple Past dos
em ordem alfabtica e tambm por grupos de formas
verbos que voc vai escolher no quadro abaixo.
semelhantes, o que facilita a memorizao.
to want to fill to present to show to study to work
to call to refer to live to need to light to discover

1. Oscar Niemeyer
hard all his life, and died at age 104.
2. Freud the human mind. studied Complete as frases com o Simple Past dos
3. Freud to dreams as the royal road to the verbos irregulares entre parnteses.
unconscious. referred
1. I keep six honest serving-men, they me all I . (to
4. Archimedes in Syracuse, on the island of Sicily, teach; to know) taught; knew
when it was a colony of Greece. lived
2. In 1876 Henry Alexander Wickman rubber tree seeds
from the Amazonian jungle. (to steal) stole
5. Edwin Hubble that galaxies are moving away from
each other. discovered
3. Archimedes himself probably never about the eureka
episode. (to write) wrote
6. NASA to know how to clean water in more extreme
situations. wanted
4. I homesick for everything and everybody, Amyr
Klink . (to feel; to say) felt; said
7. Astronauts a way to cleanse the water they take up
into space. needed
8. The old Chinese 5. The youngest son and after a few seconds he the
called; presented answer. (to think; to find) thought; found
his sons and them a challenge.
9. The youngest son of the rich old man a candle and
a match. showed; lighted 6. The oldest son to the market and some straw. (to
go; to buy) went; bought
10. The whole dark room with a warm glow. filled
7. Oscar Niemeyer and Lucio Costa the new capital of

24. Tempos verbais: Simple Past

Brazil. (to build) built

verbos irregulares
8. I a movie about Freuds work and how it to a better

saw; led
understanding of the human mind. (to see; to lead)

As formas do Simple Past dos verbos irregulares

9. The Interpretation of Dreams Freuds development
of psychoanalysis. (to begin) began
variam de um para outro e, portanto, precisam ser
memorizadas. Como no caso dos verbos regulares, os 10. Archimedes plenty of time detailing the laws of
irregulares tm uma nica forma para todas as pessoas: buoyancy and the lever. (to spend) spent

206 Minigrammar

25. Verbos irregulares

Presente Passado Particpio passado Traduo

be was/were been ser; estar

beat beat beaten bater; derrotar

become became become tornar-se

begin began begun comear

bend bent bent curvar(-se); dobrar(-se)

bet bet bet apostar

bite bit bitten morder

bleed bled bled sangrar

blow blew blown soprar

break broke broken quebrar

bring brought brought trazer

build built built construir

burn burned/burnt1 burned/burnt1 queimar

burst burst burst estourar

buy bought bought comprar

catch caught caught pegar; agarrar

choose chose chosen escolher

come came come vir

cost cost cost custar

cut cut cut cortar

deal dealt dealt lidar; tratar; negociar

dig dug dug cavar; escavar

do did done fazer

draw drew drawn desenhar; sacar; puxar

dream dreamed/dreamt2 dreamed/dreamt2 sonhar

drink drank drunk beber

Minigrammar 207

Presente Passado Particpio passado Traduo

drive drove driven dirigir

eat ate eaten comer

fall fell fallen cair

feed fed fed alimentar(-se)

feel felt felt sentir(-se)

fight fought fought lutar; combater

find found found achar; encontrar

fit fit/fitted fit/fitted caber; servir; ajustar(-se)

flee fled fled fugir, escapar

fly flew flown voar; pilotar

forbid forbade forbidden proibir

forget forgot forgotten esquecer

forgive forgave forgiven perdoar

freeze froze frozen congelar

get got got/gotten3 obter; arranjar; pegar

give gave given dar

go went gone ir

grow grew grown crescer; cultivar

hang hung4 hung4 pendurar

have had had ter

hear heard heard ouvir

hide hid hidden esconder(-se)

hit hit hit bater; acertar

hold held held segurar; realizar

hurt hurt hurt ferir; machucar; doer

keep kept kept guardar; conservar; continuar

kneel knelt knelt ajoelhar(-se)

208 Minigrammar

Presente Passado Particpio passado Traduo

know knew known saber; conhecer

lay laid laid pr; colocar

lead led led levar; conduzir; liderar

leap leaped/leapt5 leaped/leapt5 saltar; pular

learn learned/learnt6 learned/learnt6 aprender

leave left left deixar; sair (de)

lend lent lent emprestar

let let let deixar, permitir

lie lay7 lain7 deitar-se; situar-se

light lit lit iluminar; acender

lose lost lost perder

make made made fazer

mean meant meant significar; tencionar

meet met met encontrar (pessoa)

pay paid paid pagar

put put put pr; colocar

read8 read8 read8 ler

ride rode ridden montar; andar de

ring rang rung tocar; soar

rise rose risen subir; levantar(-se)

run ran run correr

say said said dizer

see saw seen ver

seek sought sought buscar; procurar

sell sold sold vender

send sent sent mandar, enviar

set set set pr; colocar

Minigrammar 209

Presente Passado Particpio passado Traduo

sew9 sewed sewn/sewed costurar

shake shook shaken sacudir; tremer

shine shone10 shone10 brilhar

shoot shot shot disparar; balear; rematar

show showed shown mostrar

shrink shrank shrunk encolher(-se)

shut shut shut fechar

sing sang sung cantar

sink sank sunk afundar

sit sat sat sentar(-se)

sleep slept slept dormir

slide slid slid deslizar

smell smelled/smelt11 smelled/smelt11 cheirar

speak spoke spoken falar

spend spent spent gastar; passar (tempo)

spin spun spun girar

split split split rachar; separar

spread spread spread espalhar

stand stood stood estar de p; aguentar

steal stole stolen roubar

stick stuck stuck grudar(-se); enfiar

strike struck struck bater em; atingir

strive strove striven esforar-se por

swear swore sworn jurar; xingar

sweep swept swept varrer

swim swam swum nadar

swing swung swung balanar(-se)

210 Minigrammar

Presente Passado Particpio passado Traduo

take took taken tomar; pegar; levar

teach taught taught ensinar

tear tore torn rasgar

tell told told dizer a; contar

think thought thought pensar

throw threw thrown atirar; lanar

understand understood understood entender

upset upset upset chatear; perturbar

wake woke woken acordar

wear wore worn usar; vestir

weave wove woven tecer

weep wept wept chorar

win won won vencer; ganhar

write wrote written escrever

As duas formas so possveis. 6
As duas formas (learned ou learnt) pronunciam-se /l nt/, rimando com burned/burnt.
A forma dreamt pronuncia-se /dremt/. 7
No confundir com as formas regulares lie lied lied: mentir.
A forma gotten usada em ingls norte-americano. 8
No presente, read rima com need; no passado e no particpio passado rima com bed.
No confundir com as formas regulares hang hanged hanged: 9
Sew pronuncia-se /s /, rimando com go.
enforcar. 10
No confundir com as formas regulares shine shined shined: polir, lustrar.
A forma leapt pronuncia-se /lept/ e rima com kept. 11
As duas formas so possveis.

26. Verbos irregulares classificao por grupos de formas semelhantes

A memorizao das formas do presente, do passado e do particpio passado dos verbos irregulares fica mais simples
quando os estudamos por grupos, classificados por formas semelhantes de grafia e pronncia. Confira, lendo em voz alta
e memorizando os vrios grupos gradualmente.

Presente Passado Particpio passado Traduo

bring brought brought trazer

buy bought bought comprar

fight fought fought lutar; combater

think thought thought pensar

seek sought sought buscar; procurar

catch caught caught pegar; agarrar

Minigrammar 211

Presente Passado Particpio passado Traduo

teach taught taught ensinar

begin began begun comear

ring rang rung tocar; soar

sing sang sung cantar

swing swang swung balanar(-se)

drink drank drunk beber

sink sank sunk afundar

shrink shrank shrunk encolher(-se)

swim swam swum nadar

blow blew blown soprar

grow grew grown crescer; cultivar

know knew known saber; conhecer

throw threw thrown atirar; lanar

fly flew flown voar; pilotar

drive drove driven dirigir

ride rode ridden montar; andar de

rise rose risen subir; levantar-se

write wrote written escrever

break broke broken quebrar

choose chose chosen escolher

freeze froze frozen congelar

speak spoke spoken falar

steal stole stolen roubar

bend bent bent curvar(-se), dobrar(-se)

lend lent lent emprestar

send sent sent mandar; enviar

212 Minigrammar

Presente Passado Particpio passado Traduo

spend spent spent gastar; passar (tempo)

shake shook shaken sacudir; tremer

take took taken tomar; pegar; levar

sell sold sold vender

tell told told dizer a; contar

lay laid laid pr; colocar

pay paid paid pagar

say said said dizer

keep kept kept guardar; conservar

sleep slept slept dormir

sweep swept swept varrer

weep wept wept chorar

bet bet bet apostar

burst burst burst estourar

cost cost cost custar

cut cut cut cortar

fit fit/fitted fit/fitted caber; servir; ajustar-se

hit hit hit bater; acertar

hurt hurt hurt ferir; doer

let let let deixar, permitir

light lit lit iluminar; acender

put put put pr; colocar

set set set pr; colocar

shut shut shut fechar

split split split rachar; separar

spread spread spread espalhar

Minigrammar 213

Presente Passado Particpio passado Traduo

upset upset upset chatear; perturbar

forbid forbade forbidden proibir

forgive forgave forgiven perdoar

give gave given dar

become became become tornar-se

come came come vir

stand stood stood estar de p; aguentar

understand understood understood entender

forget forgot forgotten esquecer

get got got/gotten obter; arranjar; pegar

stick stuck stuck grudar(-se); enfiar

strike struck struck bater em; atingir

swear swore sworn jurar; xingar

tear tore torn rasgar

bleed bled bled sangrar

feed fed fed alimentar(-se)

flee fled fled fugir; escapar

deal dealt dealt lidar; tratar; negociar

feel felt felt sentir(-se)

kneel knelt knelt ajoelhar(-se)

burn burned/burnt burned/burnt queimar

learn learned/learnt learned/learnt aprender

214 Minigrammar

27. Tempos verbais: Simple Past
formas negativa e interrogativa
d. A horseshoe magnet has one pole. (two poles)
A horseshoe magnet doesnt have one pole. It has two
A forma interrogativa dos verbos (regulares ou
e. We read too much. (too little)
irregulares) no passado feita com a colocao de did We dont read too much. We read too little.
(passado do verbo auxiliar do) no incio da pergunta para
todas as pessoas, ficando o verbo principal na forma bsica.
f. Henry Wickman smuggled coffee seeds out of Brazil.
(rubber tree seeds)
Exemplo com verbo regular (to work):
Henry Wickman didnt smuggle coffee seeds out of
Did I/ you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ you/ they work yesterday? Brazil. He smuggled rubber tree seeds out of Brazil.

Exemplo com verbo irregular (to go):

28. Tempos verbais Past
Did I/ you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ you/ they go there yesterday? Progressive (ou Continuous)
A forma negativa feita com o auxlio de did + not
(didnt na forma contrata), antes do verbo (regular ou O Past Progressive um tempo verbal composto de
irregular), para todas as pessoas: was/were + forma de final -ing do verbo principal:

I/ you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ you/ they did not/didnt work The man was walking along the beach at sunrise.
yesterday. (O homem estava caminhando pela praia ao nascer do sol.)

I/ you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ you/ they did not/didnt go there Para obter a forma negativa, basta acrescentar not
depois de was/were:
He was not/wasnt running along the beach.
(Ele no estava correndo pela praia.)
Para obter a forma interrogativa, coloca-se was/were
1. Complete as perguntas com do, does ou did: no incio da pergunta:

a. NASA send a robotic spacecraft to Mars in 2012? Did Was the man walking along the beach at sunrise?
(O homem estava caminhando pela praia ao nascer do sol?)
b. Amyr Klink think the sea is an obstacle? Does

c. Archimedes find the answer to the problem of the Usos do Past Progressive
kings crown? Did

d. opposite poles attract each other? Do O Past Progressive Tense usado para indicar:

e. the yeast in bread dough consume sugar? Does ao que estava se desenvolvendo em determinado
momento no passado:

At ten oclock last night we were watching TV.

2. As frases a seguir so falsas. Faa frases (Ontem noite, s dez horas, estvamos assistindo TV.)
negativas, usando dont, doesnt ou didnt ao que estava acontecendo no passado quando
e depois faa as frases afirmativas, corretas, outra ao aconteceu. Nessas frases de duas oraes, para
usando os elementos entre parnteses. Siga o exprimir a segunda ao, o verbo usado no Simple Past.
modelo. We were watching TV when my brother arrived.
(Ns estvamos assistindo TV quando meu irmo chegou.)
The oldest son went to the shopping mall. (market)
The oldest son didnt go to the shopping mall. He went to the Tambm possvel usar while ou as neste tipo de
market. frase, assim:
a. Human beings invented math concepts. (discovered) While/As we were watching TV, my brother arrived.
Human beings didnt Invent math concepts. They/We (Enquanto estvamos assistindo TV, meu irmo chegou.)
discovered them. Ou ento:
b. Mathematics helps us perform everyday mysteries.
(tasks) My brother arrived while/as we were watching TV.
(Meu irmo chegou enquanto estvamos assistindo TV.)
Mathematics doesnt help us perform everyday
mysteries. It helps us perform everyday tasks. While we were watching TV, the dog was sleeping.
(Enquanto ns estvamos assistindo TV, o cachorro estava
c. A water filter doesnt use oil. (charcoal)
A water filter doesnt use oil. It uses charcoal. dormindo/dormia.)

Minigrammar 215

MINITEST Para obter a forma negativa, basta acrescentar not
depois de will/shall:

Great Moments In the History of Science I/ you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ you/ they will not/wont go to school

Para obter a forma interrogativa, coloca-se will/shall

Complete as frases com as formas corretas do
no incio da pergunta:
Simple Past e do Past Progressive.

Will I/ you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ you/ they see that tomorrow?
1. Archimedes a tricky problem concerning the kings

solved ; was taking

crown while he a bath. (to solve; to take)

2. Alexander Fleming the antibiotic penicillin when he Uso das formas do futuro
the bacteria responsible for many infectious diseases.
(to discover; to study) discovered; was studying Will indica uma ao, um acontecimento ou uma
3. Wilhem Rntgen the properties of various types of previso quanto ao futuro:
vacuum tube when he X-rays. (to investigate; to The future will bring wonderful things.
discover) was investigating; discovered (O futuro trar coisas maravilhosas.)
4. Isaac Newton under an apple tree when he an apple Who will win the next World Cup?
fall and a flash of inspiration about universal gravity. (Quem ganhar a prxima Copa do Mundo?)
(to sit; to see; to have) was sitting; saw; had
Will tambm usado para fazer pedidos, na forma
interrogativa, com you:

29. O futuro will/shall, going to e Will you marry me?

Present Progressive (ou Continuous) (Voc quer casar comigo?)

Shall usado em perguntas, com I ou we, quando se

H vrias formas de expressar aes ou pedem instrues ou ento se oferece, sugere ou convida:
acontecimentos no futuro. As trs mais importantes so:
Its a bit cold. Shall I close the window?
1. will + forma bsica do verbo principal: (Est um pouco frio. Fecho/Devo fechar a janela?)

The future will be wonderful. Dinner is ready. Shall we eat now?

(O futuro ser maravilhoso.) (O jantar est pronto. Vamos comer agora?)

2. am/are/is + going to + forma bsica do verbo Ive opened the box. What shall I do now?
principal: (Eu j abri a caixa. O que farei/devo fazer agora?)

We are going to have a wonderful future. A expresso am/are/is going to usada em

linguagem informal para expressar planos, intenes ou
(Ns vamos ter um futuro maravilhoso.)
a certeza de que algo vai (ou no vai) acontecer, em um
3. Present Progressive: am/are/is + forma de final futuro prximo:
-ing do verbo principal:
Were going to buy a new car next month. [essa a nossa
Were going to Salvador on vacation in May. inteno]
(Ns vamos a Salvador, de frias, em maio.) (Ns vamos comprar um carro novo no ms que vem.)

She is going to have a baby in June. [ela est esperando

Formao do futuro com will beb para essa poca]
(Ela vai ter um beb em junho.)
Usa-se a mesma forma will (ou a forma contrata ll)
Look! Its going to rain. [temos certeza disso; s olhar as
para todas as pessoas. Com I e we possvel substituir
nuvens pretas]
will por shall (que tambm tem a forma contrata ll), mas
(Olhe! Vai chover.)
esse uso prprio da linguagem formal. Compare:
O Present Progressive usado, em linguagem
We will go to the party tomorrow. informal, para indicar planos ou compromissos acertados
(Ns iremos festa amanh.) em relao a um futuro prximo:
Well have a lot of fun, Im sure. [estilo informal] What are you doing this weekend?
(Ns nos divertiremos muito, tenho certeza.) (O que vocs vo fazer este fim de semana?)

We shall overcome someday. [estilo potico ou formal] Were having a barbecue in the park.
(Venceremos um dia.) (Vamos fazer um churrasco no parque.)

216 Minigrammar

MINITEST Forma interrogativa: o verbo vai para o incio da
pergunta, dispensando o uso de do/does/did.

Sublinhe as alternativas que completam Can you? Must I? Will he?

So usados com outros verbos sempre no infinitivo

corretamente cada uma das frases abaixo.
1. Archimedes said, Give me a place to stand and I the sem to. O nico modal auxiliary verb seguido de infinitivo
earth. (will move) (am moving) (am going to move) com to ought.

Marta can speak English.

2. Look at those black clouds! We a storm. (will have)

(Marta sabe falar ingls.)

(are having) (are going to have)

She ought to study Spanish too.

3. The future wonderful, and robots all of our

(Ela devia estudar espanhol tambm.)

housework. (will be; will do) (is; are doing) (is going to
be; are going to do)

4. I have a challenge for you, said the rich old man. I So verbos defectivos, sem infinitivo, sem particpio
the son who is the most intelligent. (will reward) (am passado, sem forma em -ing e sem futuro. Nesses casos,
rewarding) (am going to reward) so substitudos por verbos ou locues verbais com o
5. do me a favor? get me a glass of water? (Shall I; mesmo sentido. Assim, para dizer, por exemplo:

Poder, ser capaz de: to be able to (como infinitivo de can)

Shall I) (Will you; Will you) (You will; You will)

6. Im getting tired. have a break now? (Will you) (Shall Eu tive de: I had to (como passado de must)
we) (Will I) Ele poder, ter permisso de: he will be allowed to (como
7. A magnet pointed at a clip it jump up from a table futuro de may)

Quase todos os modal auxiliary verbs expressam

and cling to the magnet until it is pulled off. (will

mais de um sentido, exigindo estudo em separado, o que

make) (is making) (is going to make)

faremos nos tpicos a seguir.

8. Ive mixed flour, sugar, yeast, and water. What do
now, Mr. Baker? (I shall) (shall I) (will I)

9. That knife is sharp. If youre not careful, you
yourself. (will cut) (are cutting) (youre going to cut)

10. We a surprise party for Henry on his birthday next

Whats the Idea?
week. (will have) (are having) (have)
Observe o contexto e sublinhe a ideia expressa

30. Verbos auxiliares Modal por cada modal verb em destaque nas frases

Auxiliary Verbs
a seguir.
1. Amyr Klink can speak several foreign languages.
Alm dos verbos auxiliares be, have e do, usados na (capacidade) (permisso) (possibilidade)
formao dos tempos progressivos, perfeitos, voz passiva,
negaes e interrogaes, existe o grupo dos modal
2. Without The Interpretation of Dreams, Psychology

auxiliary verbs, ou modal verbs.

might still be the study of ill humors and their effects
on the brain. (sugesto) (certeza) (possibilidade)
Os modal verbs (can, will, shall, may, must, 3. The profits from new medicines derived from the forest
could, would, should, might e ought) so verbos de
caractersticas especiais usados junto a um verbo principal
should be returned to the native populations. (certeza)

para indicar capacidade, possibilidade, certeza, permisso,

(obrigao moral) (permisso)

obrigao, necessidade, sugesto, conselho etc.

4. We understand that science and technology can be a
wonderful servant but a terrible master. (necessidade)
Veja a seguir algumas caractersticas comuns aos (conselho) (capacidade)
modal auxiliary verbs:
5. Global warming is a massive environmental problem,
Tm forma nica para todas as pessoas. which could have catastrophic consequences for the

I/ you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ you/ they can/must etc.

planet. (obrigao) (conselho) (possibilidade)

Forma negativa: usa-se not aps o verbo.

6. This is a time you can choose either to pass this
message on, or to just hit delete. (capacidade)
I cannot, you must not, he will not etc. (necessidade) (possibilidade)

Minigrammar 217

7. One of the greatest lessons we learn from history is No, Im sorry but you cant.
that the world will change more in the 21st century (No, sinto muito, mas no pode.)

May, outro modal auxiliary verb que estudaremos a

than in all previous times combined. (possibilidade)

seguir, usado com o mesmo sentido de permisso, em

(sugesto) (certeza)

8. A magnet is a metal that can pull pieces of iron toward linguagem mais formal.

could usado para expressar capacidade geral no

itself and make them cling to it. (possibilidade)

passado, equivalendo em portugus a podia, sabia.

(capacidade) (obrigao)

Ayrton Senna could drive incredibly fast.

9. May I borrow your cell phone? Ive left mine at home.
(Ayrton Senna podia/era capaz de/conseguia dirigir
(capacidade) (possibilidade) (permisso)

10. You must eat to live. You must not live to eat. incrivelmente rpido.)

Mas quando nos referimos a uma ocasio especfica no

(capacidade; permisso) (necessidade; proibio)

passado em que a capacidade potencial de uma pessoa foi

(certeza; sugesto)

posta em prtica, um momento em que a pessoa pde,

31. Modal Auxiliary Verbs conseguiu fazer algo, nas frases afirmativas no se usa

can, could
could. Nesse caso, em lugar de could, usa-se was/were
able to, managed to ou succeeded in.

Em portugus, o significado bsico desses verbos Compare:

poder ou saber. Assim, para indicar capacidade, Capacidade geral, no passado:
possibilidade, habilidade (natural ou aprendida) e
Mozart was a genius. He could write a symphony when he
permisso, usamos:
was 9.
can (presente); could (passado; condicional): (Mozart era um gnio. Ele podia/era capaz de compor uma
sinfonia quando tinha 9 anos de idade.)
I cannot lift that box.
(Eu no posso/consigo levantar aquela caixa.) Capacidade posta em prtica, numa certa ocasio do
Birds can fly.
(Os pssaros sabem voar.) Once he was able to/managed to write a symphony in two
She can dance the samba.
(Certa vez ele pde/conseguiu compor uma sinfonia em dois
(Ela sabe danar o samba.) dias.)
Pel could play soccer very well. A impossibilidade do uso de could s para frases
(Pel sabia jogar futebol muito bem.) afirmativas. Em perguntas ou nas negaes, para
The ancient Romans could build good roads and bridges. expressar que a pessoa no pde, no conseguiu fazer
(Os antigos romanos sabiam construir boas estradas e algo naquela determinada ocasio, normalmente usa-se
Veja mais um exemplo:
Mary could help you if she wanted to.
(Mary poderia ajud-lo, se ela quisesse.) It was Carnival in Rio and all the hotels were full. We couldnt
find a room.
Can e could so tambm usados em perguntas e para
(Era Carnaval no Rio e todos os hotis estavam lotados. Ns
fazer pedidos (could mais polido do que can):
no conseguimos encontrar um quarto.)
Can/could you give us some information, please?
Luckily we were able to find/managed to find/succeeded in
(Voc pode/poderia nos dar algumas informaes, por finding a room in a guest house in Santa Teresa.
favor?) (Por sorte ns pudemos/conseguimos encontrar um quarto
Can e could podem ainda ser usados em perguntas, numa penso em Santa Teresa.)
para pedir permisso. Na resposta, para dar permisso, usa- (e NO: Luckily we could find a room)
-se can. Para negar permisso, usa-se cannot ou cant.

Can/Could I borrow your pen?

(Posso/Poderia pegar emprestada sua caneta?)

Yes, of course you can. Sublinhe o modal verb que completa

(Sim, claro que pode.) adequadamente cada frase a seguir.

218 Minigrammar

1. But Charlie, I never knew you sing so beautifully, Outro uso de may, prprio da linguagem formal, para
someone exclaimed. (will could should may) pedir permisso. Compare-o com can:

2. I sing at all, Chaplin answered. I was only Respeitoso, formal:

May I sit down? (Posso me sentar?)

imitating Caruso. (can cant will must)

Yes, you may. No, you may not.* (Sim, pode. No, no pode.)
you live without the Internet? (Can Does Have

*A forma contrata maynt antiquada.


4. When using the Internet, we sometimes distinguish Comum, informal:

Can I sit down? (Posso sentar?)

between what is garbage and what is reliable
information. (wont cant shouldnt mustnt)
Yes, you can. No, you cannot/cant. (Sim, pode. No, no
5. give you a kiss? the clever little boy asked the
clever little girl. (Shall we Do I Can I Will I)

6. give me a kiss? the same boy asked the same girl. Might pouco usado para indicar permisso, a no ser
(Could I Can you Should I Will I) em relatos do discurso indireto.

7. Of course I , Ive got lips, answered the clever I asked Mr. Smith if I might borrow his dictionary.
little girl. But I , I dont want to. Youre just a kid. (Eu perguntei ao sr. Smith se eu podia pegar emprestado seu
(could; couldnt wont; will can; wont could; dicionrio.)

Para expressar possibilidade no passado, usa-se may/


might + have + particpio passado do verbo principal.

8. The twins are very clever. They walk when they
were just a year old. (can could couldnt cant)
She may/might have written to me, but I didnt get any letter.
(Ela pode ter escrito para mim, mas eu no recebi carta
9. Yesterday, when we flew over Guanabara Bay, we see

the statue of Christ the Redeemer on top of Corcovado
mountain. (could were able to can
will be able to)

10. In the future, mankind live in space. (can could MINITEST

was able to will be able to)

32. Modal Auxiliary Verbs

Sublinhe o modal verb que completa
adequadamente cada frase a seguir.

may, might 1. Be careful. Junk emailscontain viruses that infect

your computer. (may; can cant; will could; would)
O significado bsico desses verbos poder, 2. Life is full of obstacles and surprises. You
expressando possibilidade (presente ou futura) ou
like it or

permisso. Quando usado para indicar que algo pode

not, but thats the way it is. (can could may will)

acontecer, may indica uma possibilidade maior do que a

3. Im not sure if the idea of colonizing Mars is possible, but
indicada por might. Compare:
scientists say it work. (can will wont might)

Its cold and it may rain. [h possibilidade de chuva]

4. I told my family I come a little late, so they wouldnt

(Est frio e pode chover.)

be worried. (might will can wont)

It might even snow. [h uma remota possibilidade]

5. I help you? the smiling salesperson said to us. (Will

(Pode at nevar.)
May Would Cant)

6. How
Veja mais exemplos:
Math be so universal? With the language of
numbers we explain many of the mysteries of the
Com boa possibilidade de acontecer: universe. (may; may can; can might; might will;

Bill is a good man. He may lend you the money.


(Bill um bom homem. Pode ser que ele te empreste o

7. If you have a friend, you never be alone. You die

from homesickness, but you not feel lonely, said
Amyr Klink to the reporter. (can; can; can will; will;
Possibilidade mais remota: may will; may; will might; might; may)

He is a rich man. He might even give you the money. 8. John has been acting strangely these days. I think he
(Ele um homem rico. Pode ser at que ele te d o dinheiro.) be depressed. (can will wont might)

Minigrammar 219

9. Without Freuds work, modern scientific study not MINITEST
be finding the insights about mental illness. (can
could will might)
Sublinhe o modal verb que completa
10. Im not sure but I go to the mall after class. Would you adequadamente cada frase abaixo.
like to come with me? (will wont may would)
1. Within 50 years the computer probably be a thing of

33. Modal Auxiliary Verbs will,

the past. (will would wouldnt - can)

shall, would
2. you like a cup of coffee? (Will Shall Would May)

3. Charlie said that he lend me his car. (will would

shall can)
Will e shall so usados nas expresses de tempo
futuro, como vimos no Tpico 29.
4. Where we go? What do you suggest? (will shall
would might)
I will/shall come to the party tomorrow. 5. We used to go to the park on Sundays. We
(Eu virei festa amanh.)
go there
every Sunday morning. (will shall would may)
Como j vimos, Will you?, Shall I? e Shall we? 6. The Sun and the Moon decided to separate as their
expressam pedidos, sugestes, convites e oferecimentos. union mean the end of the world. (will shall
Would you? expressa um pedido com mais polidez. would may)

Will/Would you come here, please? 7. The tears shed by the Moon flood the universe. (will
(Voc quer/poderia vir aqui, por favor?)
may would shall)

Shall I help you with the bags?

8. In the future, we need computers for Internet access

(Posso ajud-lo com a bagagem?)

and emails. We use our cell phones instead. (will; can
wont; will could; would shall; can)
Shall we go to the movies tonight?
(Vamos ao cinema hoje noite?)
9. Some scientists predict that we to be 120. (can live
would become can stay will live)
Would you? muito comum em perguntas com like, 10. The telephone is ringing. answer it? (May you Shall
quando se quer oferecer algo: I Would I - Might I)

Would you like a piece of cake?

(Voc gostaria de um pedao de bolo?) 34. Modal Auxiliary Verbs should,
Would usado nos relatos do discurso indireto, com ought, must
frases no futuro. Nesses casos, substitui will:
Em portugus, o sentido bsico desses verbos
John: I will go to the party!
corresponde a dever, mas cada um deles tem usos prprios.
(John: Eu irei festa.)
Should e ought (este ltimo sempre seguido de to)
John said that he would go to the party.
so usados para expressar obrigao moral, conselho,
(John disse que iria festa.)
recomendao, dever.
Would tambm usado em frases condicionais
Janet looks sick. She should/ought to see a doctor.
hipotticas, indicando o que aconteceria se certa condio
(Janet parece doente. Ela deve/devia/deveria procurar um
fosse real, se existisse de fato.
We would go to the party if we had a car.
I know that I should/ought to study, but Im so tired
(Ns iramos festa se tivssemos um carro.)
(Eu sei que devia/deveria estudar, mas estou to cansado)
Would tem ainda outro uso, de sentido bem diferente,
Must usado para expressar necessidade, obrigao
indicando uma ao ou estado habitual no passado. Esse forte, ordem. Para esses sentidos, tambm possvel usar
uso, prprio do estilo narrativo, corresponde ao pretrito have/has to (ter de), mas este ltimo no um verbo modal.
imperfeito, em portugus.
We must/have to eat to live.
My grandmother used to tell us stories every evening. She (Ns devemos/temos de comer para viver.)
would tell us to sit down around her. She would open an old
book and she would tell us to be quiet. I must/have to lose weight. Im too fat.
(Minha av costumava nos contar histrias todas as noites. (Eu devo/tenho de perder peso. Estou muito gordo.)
Ela nos mandava sentar sua volta. Ela abria um velho livro Compare os modal auxiliary verbs em destaque
e nos mandava ficar quietos.) nestas frases:

220 Minigrammar

Uma ordem: 5. She knows everything about biotechnology. She be
The doctor: You must stop smoking immediately.
wrong. (must cant mustnt)
(O mdico: Voc deve/tem de parar de fumar 6. You
be a scientist to know that the proper way to eat
freshly baked bread is with plenty of butter and jam.
Um conselho:
(must mustnt dont have to should)

A friend: You should stop smoking. Cigarettes are bad for you.
7. You go on a diet. Remember, you eat to live. You
(Um amigo: Voc devia/deveria parar de fumar. Cigarros
live to eat. (should; must; mustnt) (ought to; could;
fazem mal a voc.)
should) (must; shouldnt; might) (can; could; should)

Para expressar necessidade ou obrigao em relao

8. You study hard if you really want to go to college.
ao passado, em vez de must usa-se had to para todas as
(ought may have to dont have to)
pessoas. 9. Our neighbors have three cars. They be rich. (should
I/We had to work late yesterday.
must will would)
(Eu tive de/Ns tivemos de trabalhar at tarde ontem.) 10. You to stop drinking diet soft drinks. Theyre bad for
As formas negativas must not (mustnt, na forma
you. (should may ought must)
contrata) e do not (dont)/does not (doesnt) have to

35. Formas verbais: -ing depois de

tm sentidos claramente diferentes:

preposies e de certas conjunes
You mustnt talk loud in a library.
(Voc no deve/pode falar alto em uma biblioteca.) Em contraste com o que acontece em portugus, os
verbos depois de preposio (for, of, by, with, without
Ausncia de necessidade:
etc.) no so usados no infinitivo, mas no gerndio:
You dont have to rent a car. Ill lend you mine.
(Voc no tem de/precisa alugar um carro. Eu te empresto o You should not expose yourself to the suns rays without
meu.) using some sunscreen.
(Voc no deve se expor aos raios do sol sem usar filtro solar.)
Must tambm usado para expressar uma concluso
lgica, uma deduo, algo que deve ser verdade, em face O mesmo acontece com verbos usados depois de certas
das evidncias: conjunes, como when, before, after, while etc.
My sister is a basketball player. The elderly man fell down while getting off the bus.
She must be very tall. Or you must be a big liar. (O idoso caiu quando descia/ao descer do nibus.)
( Minha irm jogadora de basquete.
Quando usada depois da preposio by (sem traduo,
Ela deve ser muito alta. Ou voc deve ser um grande
neste caso), a forma verbal terminada em -ing expressa a
maneira como a ao praticada:
O sentido contrrio ao de must, neste caso, dado por
The gases trap heat by forming a blanket around the Earth
like the glass of a greenhouse.
She cant be short. (Os gases prendem o calor formando um cobertor em volta
(Ela no pode ser baixa.)
da Terra como o vidro de uma estufa.)

Sublinhe os modal auxiliary verbs que
Complete as frases com os verbos adequados,
completam as frases adequadamente.
escolhendo-os do quadro.
1. Jodie can speak several foreign languages. She be
spending wandering reading helping working
clever. (shouldnt ought must)
2. You know you talk in a loud voice inside a church. surfing taking leaving becoming paying
(dont have to must mustnt)
3. You 1. You should not go to the beach without a beach
umbrella. taking
repeat the question. Its very clear now. (dont
have to must mustnt)
4. Sunlight can be dangerous, so those people to be 2. Instead of all your money on silly things, you should
careful. (ought should must) try to save some of it. spending

Minigrammar 221

3. Polar bears run the risk of extinct. becoming MINITEST
4. Dont forget to turn off the lights before
the room.

5. I wear glasses only for . reading

Complete as frases com os verbos nos tempos
indicados entre parnteses.
6. He likes to listen to soft music while the net. surfing
1. Researchers with human embryos in the near future.
7. Some pharmaceutical companies patent substances (to work Future Progressive) will be working
taken from the forest without any sort of
compensation to the local people. paying
2. Rising carbon dioxide levels an increase in the
temperature of both the atmosphere and the oceans a
8. Math can be very useful in our daily lives, by
are causing
us make global warming. (to cause Present Progressive)
important decisions. helping
3. The evidence that global warming has been getting
9. Freud published The Interpretation of Dreams after stronger for many years. (to happen Present
for years as a neurologist. working Progressive) is happening

10. While by the Amazon forest, Jaci, the silver moon, 4. Our knowledge of the Universe constantly . (to
expand Present Progressive) is; expanding
happened to meet the golden Sun. wandering
5. In the last hundred years, we

36. Tempos verbais compostos

spectacular advances in
our understanding of the Universe. (to make Present
Perfect) have made
introduo 6. Dinosaurs from the face of the Earth when human
life began. (to disappear Past Perfect) had disappeared
Em ingls, os tempos compostos mais importantes
so os progressive (ou continuous) e os perfect. Os
7. In the last 50 years average life expectancy in many

primeiros so formados com o verbo auxiliar to be + forma

developed countries by up to a third. (to increase
Present Perfect) has increased
de final -ing do verbo principal. Assim:
8. This is the time when humans to sail the sea of space.
Present Progressive: (Carl Sagan) (to begin Present Perfect) have begun

I am finishing the report now. 9. When we finally got to the airport, the plane . So we
(Eu estou terminando o relatrio agora.)
was taking off
missed our flight. (to take off Past Progressive)

Past Progressive: 10. Mary showed me a copy of the poem she . (to write
Past Perfect) had written
I was finishing the report when you called.
(Eu estava terminando o relatrio quando voc ligou.)

Future Progressive:
37. Tempos verbais Past Perfect
I will be finishing the report when you come tomorrow. O Past Perfect (had + particpio passado do verbo
(Eu estarei terminando o relatrio quando voc vier amanh.) principal) usado para expressar a primeira de duas aes
ocorridas em ocasies diferentes, ambas no passado. Para
Para a formao dos tempos perfeitos, usa-se o verbo
indicar a que aconteceu antes, usa-se o verbo no Past
auxiliar to have + particpio passado do verbo principal.
Perfect. Para indicar a ao que ocorreu depois, usa-se o
verbo no Simple Past.
Present Perfect:
I was late and when I got to the office the meeting had begun.
I have finished the report. Here it is. (Eu estava atrasado e, quando cheguei ao escritrio, a
(Eu terminei o relatrio. Aqui est ele.) reunio tinha comeado.)

Past Perfect:

I had finished the report when they came.

(Eu tinha terminado o relatrio quando eles chegaram.)
Complete com o Past Perfect dos verbos entre
Future Perfect: parnteses.
I will have finished the report by the time they come tomorrow. 1. When we got to the airport I realized I our passports
(Eu terei terminado o relatrio quando eles chegarem amanh.) at home. (to leave) had left

222 Minigrammar

2. 2012 was not the first time Madonna performed in Nesse caso, o Present Perfect pode corresponder ao
Brazil. She here before. (to be) had been presente do indicativo em portugus:

3. Jack showed me a copy of the letter he to the A equipe brasileira de futebol vencedora desde 1958./h
President. (to send) had sent mais de 50 anos.

Os diversos usos do Present Perfect sero estudados

4. Cabral landed in Porto Seguro, Bahia, almost two
Lisbon. (to leave) had left
em separado, nos tpicos a seguir.
months after he

5. Nostradamus the attack on the Twin Towers

centuries before it happened. (to predict) had predicted

38. Tempos verbais: Present

Perfect Introduo
Identifique o uso do Present Perfect nas frases a
seguir, de acordo com o quadro.

O Present Perfect (have/has + particpio passado do

1. Ao repetida em um passado indeterminado.
verbo principal) pode ser usado para indicar uma ao que
2. Ao praticada em um passado indeterminado, com
aconteceu vrias vezes num passado indeterminado e que reflexos no presente.
continua acontecendo. 3. Ao iniciada no passado e que ainda acontece no
The Brazilian soccer team has won many Cups and titles. presente.

Nesse caso, o Present Perfect no apresenta 1 Clint Eastwood has made several movies about violent
dificuldade, podendo ser traduzido palavra por palavra:
A equipe brasileira de futebol tem ganhado muitas copas e 2 Ive lost my keys! How can I get home now?
1 The Rolling Stones have been to Brazil more than once.
Muitas vezes, porm, esse tempo verbal expressa uma
ao praticada em um passado recente, indeterminado, 3 That teacher has worked with teenagers since she was
com importantes reflexos no presente: young.

Brazil has won the game! Brazil is the world champion! 3 Ive had my old car for over ten years.

Nesse caso, o Present Perfect deve ser traduzido pelo 2 Ive made some coffee. Would you like a cup?
pretrito perfeito em portugus:

O Brasil ganhou o jogo! O Brasil o campeo mundial! 39. Usos do Present Perfect (I)
Aqui o importante no quando a ao ocorreu, mas
a ao em si e seus reflexos no presente: Como vimos, o Present Perfect usado para
expressar uma ao praticada vrias vezes num passado
O Brasil o campeo do mundo!
no determinado e que ainda acontece no presente.
Sempre que o tempo passado for determinado, usa-se
I have seen Roberto Carlos on TV several times.
o Simple Past, que indica uma ao completa, terminada,
(Eu tenho visto Roberto Carlos na TV vrias vezes.)
sem ligaes com o presente.
Se, entretanto, a ao tiver acontecido num passado
Brazil won its first World Cup in Sweden in 1958.
determinado, usa-se o verbo no Simple Past:
(O Brasil ganhou sua primeira Copa do Mundo na Sucia em
1958.) I saw Roberto Carlos on TV last month.

O Present Perfect tambm usado para indicar (Eu vi Roberto Carlos na TV no ms passado.)
uma ao iniciada num certo ponto do passado e em
desenvolvimento no presente. Nesse caso, usam-se as
preposies since (desde) ou for (h, faz tempo), a
primeira indicando o ponto de incio da ao e a segunda
quanto tempo transcorreu desde o incio da ao at o
Complete as frases com o Present Perfect ou o
Simple Past dos verbos entre parnteses.
two or three cups of coffee today. (to have) have had
The Brazilian soccer team has been a winner since 1958./for
1. I
over 50 years. 2. I four cups of coffee yesterday. (to have) had

Minigrammar 223

3. Columbus She is an actress. She has been an actress since the 1950s/
for over 60 years.
more than one voyage from Spain to the
New World. (to make) made
(Ela atriz. Ela atriz desde os anos 50/h mais de 60
any good movies recently? (to see) Have; seen
4. you
5. Crime and violence in the news almost every day
these days. (to be) have been

40. Usos do Present Perfect (II) 1. Complete com o Present Perfect ou o Simple
Como j vimos, o Present Perfect usado para
Past dos verbos entre parnteses.
expressar uma ao que aconteceu em um passado a. Columbus the New World in 1492. (to reach) reached
indeterminado, destacando o fato em si e suas b. The Indians to the American continent some twenty-
consequncias para o momento presente. five thousand years ago. (to migrate) migrated

My watch has stopped. I dont know what time it is now. c. They on the continent for about twenty-five
(Meu relgio parou. Eu no sei que horas so agora.) thousand years. (to be) have been

Quando se determina o momento em que a ao d. People

have suffered
from diseases since life began. (to suffer)
aconteceu, usa-se o Simple Past, no o Present Perfect.
Repare que em portugus no h essa diferena, isto ,
e. Plants
have fed
the world since the beginning of life. (to feed)

usa-se o pretrito perfeito nos dois casos.

My watch stopped an hour ago. 2. Agora complete o texto abaixo preenchendo

(Meu relgio parou uma hora atrs.) as lacunas com os verbos indicados entre
parnteses. Observe atentamente o contexto
MINITEST antes de escolher o tempo verbal adequado:
Simple Past para expressar aes terminadas no
Complete com o Present Perfect ou o Simple passado, Present Perfect para aes que tiveram
Past dos verbos entre parnteses. incio no passado e ainda continuam.
1. Ouch! I myself. (to cut) ve cut An Incredible Journey
Part I stood have spread have developed have
reengineered have built
2. I
myself on a broken glass five minutes ago. (to cut)
3. I a book and two magazines from the library last One hundred fifty thousand years ago, the first true
week. (to borrow) borrowed humans (to stand) on their own two feet in Africas

me a great idea! (to give) ve given

Rift Valley. Since then, our journey has been nothing
4. Thank you! You less than incredible. From a small area in Africa, we
5. It will be a great day when we hear the news, They a (to spread) across the planet, making our homes
cure for cancer!. (to find) have found everywhere from the tundra of Siberia to the Sahara
desert. Always changing, always adapting, we (to

41. Usos do Present Perfect (III)

develop) new technologies at each stage of history. We
have continuously sought to improve and innovate.
We (to reengineer) landscapes, rerouting rivers and
O Present Perfect tambm usado para expressar
moving mountains. We (to build) pyramids, castles,

uma ao que comeou no passado e continua no

cities, and skyscrapers and connected the world in a

web of roads, highways, shipping lanes, flight paths,
and fiber-optic cables. We are on the verge of being
Fernanda Montenegro has been an actress since the 1950s/ able to reengineer ourselves.
for over 60 years. (From: TOLER, Pamela D. Mankind: The Story of All of Us.

(Fernanda Montenegro atriz desde os anos 50/h mais de

Philadelphia/London: History/Running Press, 2012.)

60 anos.)

Nesse caso, empregam-se as preposies since 42. Advrbios que acompanham

(desde) ou for (h, faz tempo), indicando ou o incio da o Present Perfect
ao (uso de since), ou h quanto tempo ela vem sendo
praticada (uso de for). Vale observar que, em portugus, Os advrbios que indicam tempo de modo vago,
usa-se o presente do indicativo nesse caso, o que em indefinido, geralmente acompanham o verbo no Present
ingls no possvel. Compare: Perfect:

224 Minigrammar

1. Already: j. I havent eaten, yet Im not hungry.
(Eu no comi, no entanto no estou com fome.)
Im not hungry. I have already eaten.
(No estou com fome. Eu j comi.) 4. Just: no tem traduo prpria. usado entre have/
has e o particpio passado do verbo principal para indicar
Normalmente, esse advrbio usado em contexto
uma ao que acabou de acontecer.
afirmativo, mas pode aparecer tambm em algumas
perguntas, quando, alm do sentido de j, houver outro I have just eaten.
implcito: (Acabei de comer.)

quando a pergunta revela espanto, surpresa; nesses 5. Never: nunca. usado em oraes negativas que
casos o advrbio aparece no final: dispensam o not. uma palavra essencialmente negativa:

Have you eaten already? Its only 6 oclock! I have never eaten raw fish.
(Voc j comeu? Mas ainda so 6 horas!) (Eu nunca comi peixe cru.)

quando, pelo contexto, se espera que a resposta seja

afirmativa; nesse caso o advrbio antecede o verbo principal: MINITESTS
Have you already eaten? I can see that.
(Voc j comeu, no ? Estou vendo isso.)
1. Como vimos, j corresponde a vrias palavras
Compare esses usos de already em perguntas com o
em ingls: already, ever, yet. Qual delas voc

uso de yet (j), dado abaixo.

usaria nas situaes a seguir?
been to Bahia? (Voc j foi Bahia?) ever
2. Ever: j, alguma vez.
a. Have you
b. Have you taken your medicine ? (Voc j tomou o seu
Esse advrbio usado em perguntas com destaque remdio?) yet
para a ocasio ou a oportunidade em que a ao
(geralmente pouco comum) pode ou no ter sido praticada:
c. Have you finished your homework ? I cant believe it!
(Voc j terminou o dever de casa? Eu no acredito!)
Have you ever eaten raw fish?
(Voc j/alguma vez comeu peixe cru?)
d. Have the kids arrived ? Yes, they are here. (As

yet; already
crianas j chegaram? Sim, elas j esto aqui.)
Outros usos (menos comuns) de ever e. Have you seen that great movie ? (Voc j viu aquele
grande filme?) yet
Em afirmaes ou palavras compostas (sempre):

I will remember that meal for ever.

f. Have you seen a movie about some killer centipedes?
(Voc j viu um filme sobre centopeias assassinas?) ever
(Eu sempre me lembrarei daquela refeio.)

Com superlativo (j):

The best vatap I have ever eaten.

2. Agora complete com already, ever, yet, just
(O melhor vatap que eu j comi.) ou never. Em alguns casos h mais de uma

Com comparativo (nunca):

resposta possvel.

As a cook, she is better than ever. just

a. I have talked to George. He was here a moment ago.
heard of a place called Paranapiacaba? ever
(Na condio de cozinheira, ela est melhor do que nunca.)
b. Have you
c. Have you done your exercises ? yet
3. Yet: a. j; b. ainda (no).

a. Usado em perguntas sobre aes comuns, corriqueiras

d. Well, I have done some of them, but I havent done
all of them . already yet
(a serem praticadas mais cedo ou mais tarde), e quando no
se antecipa o tipo de resposta, que poder ser yes ou no:
e. I have been to Belm do Par, but I would like to go
there. never
Have you eaten yet?
f. Have you had breakfast ? yet
(Voc j comeu?)
been to Brazil. never
b. Usado em oraes negativas acompanhado de not:
g. Stephen Hawking has

(No,) I havent eaten yet.

(No,) (Eu ainda no comi.) 3. Complete o texto a seguir com os verbos
Alm desses usos, yet tambm pode aparecer como indicados entre parnteses e, orientando-
conjuno, no incio da frase ou no de uma orao, com o -se pelo contexto, escolha o tempo verbal
mesmo sentido de but (mas, no entanto): adequado para preencher cada lacuna: Simple

Minigrammar 225

Present, Present Progressive ou Present Como gerndio, aps certos verbos, equivalendo ao
Perfect. O primeiro para falar de aes que infinitivo, em portugus.
acontecem em um presente amplo ou em um You should avoid swimming after eating.
futuro imediato, o segundo para falar do que (Voc deve evitar nadar aps as refeies/comer.)

Os verbos abaixo podem ser seguidos de outro verbo,

est acontecendo agora, o ltimo para falar de
aes que comearam no passado e que ainda que ser sempre usado no gerndio:
admit: admitir keep (on): continuar

avoid: evitar mind: importar-se

An Incredible Journey
Part II have adapted stand have are exploring happens
consider: estudar a
propose: propor
possibilidade de
For 150,000 years, humans (to adapt), improvised,
and invented. Today we (to stand) poised to explore
both the far reaches of space and the most basic deny: negar risk: arriscar(-se)

suggest: sugerir dislike: no gostar (de)

building blocks of life. We now (to have) the power
to transform our planet and ourselves in ways that our
ancestors would never have imagined possible. enjoy: gostar (de) finish: terminar

forgive: perdoar imagine: imaginar

We (to explore) new sources of energy, the shape of
the human mind, and the possibility of life in space.

Outros verbos podem ser seguidos pelo gerndio ou

What (to happen) next in the story of the human
race? Its all up to us.
pelo infinitivo, sem mudana de sentido. Para dizer, por
exemplo, Eu gosto de andar pela praia, podemos usar
(From: TOLER, Pamela D. Mankind: The Story of All of Us.

I like walking along the beach, ou I like to walk along the

Philadelphia/London: History/Running Press, 2012.)

beach, com o mesmo sentido. Alguns desses verbos so:

43. -ing form diversos usos; verbos
seguidos de gerndio ou infinitivo
like: gostar (de)
begin: comear
A forma terminada em -ing pode ter vrios usos e funes: love: amar
continue: continuar
prefer: preferir
Como particpio presente dos verbos na formao hate: odiar
start: comear; dar a
dos tempos progressivos: Present Progressive, Past intend: pretender
Progressive, Future Progressive etc.

Jane is swimming now. H ainda outros verbos que podem ser seguidos de
(Jane est nadando agora.) gerndio ou de infinitivo, mas com sentidos diferentes.
Como gerndio, para expressar o sujeito da orao,
equivalendo a um substantivo em portugus, mas sendo forget + gerund: esquecer-se de (algo que j passou)
geralmente traduzido pelo infinitivo. Ill never forget going to school for the first time.

Swimming is good for your health. forget + infinitive: esquecer-se de (algo que ainda vir)
(Nadar/Natao faz bem sade.) You must not forget to call Mr. Smith. He is expecting your
Como gerndio, para expressar o objeto da orao, call.
tambm podendo equivaler a um substantivo ou a um remember + gerund: lembrar-se de (algo que j passou)
infinitivo. I still remember sailing into Guanabara Bay for the first time.
I love swimming. How can anyone forget that?
(Eu adoro nadar/natao.)
remember + infinitive: lembrar-se de (algo que
Como gerndio, depois de preposies (before, ainda vir)
after, for, of, without etc.), equivalendo ao infinitivo, em Please remember to answer that letter. Its urgent.
stop + gerund: parar de, deixar de
Jane always washes her hair after swimming. You know you must stop smoking. Its bad for you.
(Jane sempre lava os cabelos depois de nadar.)
stop + infinitive: parar (uma certa atividade) para
Como adjetivo, qualificando o substantivo seguinte. fazer outra
That campground has a swimming area. He was working hard, then he stopped for a minute to have
(Aquele camping tem uma rea para nadar.) a cup of tea.

226 Minigrammar

try + gerund: experimentar, fazer uma experincia 2. Para expressar acrscimo de ideias:
If you dont like mat, try adding some lime drops to it.
and: e; as well as: bem como, assim como
try + infinitive: tentar, fazer um esforo
They visited Ouro Preto and/as well as Mariana.
You must try to get to work on time. The boss is not happy
about it. both and: tanto quanto

Both gold and silver are valuable metals.

MINITEST not only but also: no s mas tambm

Not only the restaurants but also the hotels were full.
Sublinhe as formas entre parnteses que
3. Para expressar alternativa:
substituem adequadamente os .
either or: ou ou
1. I still remember her for the first time. How could I
ever forget that? (to kiss kissing) I think Sean Connery is either American or English, Im not
2. I must remember those bills. Please remind me to sure which.
pay them, OK? (to pay paying) or: ou
3. is my uncles favorite hobby. (To fish Fishing) Call me tonight or tomorrow.
4. I tried you yesterday but I couldnt. The line was 4. Para expressar negao:

neither nor...: nem nem...

always busy. (to call calling)

5. Honey, dont forget

Sean Connery is neither American nor English. He is Scottish.
some fruit before home. (to
buy; coming to come; buying)

6. Do you mind the window, please? Its cold in here. 5. Para expressar condio:

if: se
(closing to close)

If you do all that Ive asked, I will live forever.

7. You should avoid foods that are high in fat and
calories. (to eat eating)
as long as/provided (that): desde que, sob a
condio de que
8. If you think that pineapple is not sweet enough, try a
little sugar. (to add adding)

9. Kids enjoy video games. (playing to play) Jane will pass, as long as/provided (that) she studies hard.

10. We much about the Moon and Mars, but avoid unless: a menos que, a no ser que
the street to meet a new neighbor. (know knowing) Paul wont work for them unless they sign that contract.

6. Para expressar dvida:

(crossing to cross)

44. Conjunes, locues

whether: se (ou no)

conjuntivas e locues adverbiais

I dont know whether theyll agree to that.

7. Para expressar contraste:

As conjunes relacionam duas oraes dentro de uma although/though: embora, apesar de que
frase. Veja a seguir alguns exemplos de uso e significado
das conjunes mais comuns, agrupadas de acordo com a Although/though Amyr Klink spent one hundred days alone,
noo expressa por elas. he didnt feel lonely.

1. Para expressar tempo: but/yet: mas, porm, no entanto

after: depois que Amyr Klink spent one hundred days alone, but/yet he didnt
feel lonely.
After I finish my homework, Im going straight to bed.
even though: mais enftico, mas com o mesmo
as/when/while: quando; enquanto sentido de although ou though: muito embora
Jack called as/when/while I was leaving. Even though Amyr Klink spent one hundred days alone, he
didnt feel lonely.
before: antes que
* Compare com in spite of ou despite (apesar
Joe lived in London before he came to Brazil.
de, a despeito de), que so preposies seguidas de
until/till: at que substantivo:

We will wait here until/till the rain stops. In spite of/Despite Janes efforts, she didnt pass.

Minigrammar 227

however/in spite of that*/nevertheless: contudo, 8. The largest magnet in the world is the Earth itself,
todavia, apesar disso the hot nickel and iron at its core pull everything

Jane studied hard; however/in spite of that/nevertheless,

toward it! (so) (if) (because)

she didnt pass. 9. we build more computers to hold more information,

whereas/while: enquanto, ao passo que

we communicate with each other less and less.
(Because) (So) (Although)
My wife hates jazz, whereas/while I love it. 10. We look to science for the answers when it is still busy
8. Para expressar razo, causa: with the questions. we distrust and fear science and

as/because/since: porque, j que, uma vez que

technology too. (If) (Yet) (Because)

54. False Friends, from A to Z

As/Because/Since youre my friend, Ill help you.

for: pois, porque

abuse: 1. insultar, ofender; 2. abusar (de); 3. maltratar;
You should go now, for its getting late.
tratar com violncia
9. Para expressar consequncia, resultado:
accent: 1. sotaque; 2. acento (tnico/grfico); 3. nfase,
so/therefore: portanto realce assento (lugar para sentar): seat; base: base;
I was tired, so/therefore I sat down on the sofa. traseiro, ndegas: bottom, behind, backside, buttocks

10. Para expressar propsito, finalidade: actual: verdadeiro, real atual: present

so that/so: de modo que, para que, a fim de que actuality: realidade, fato atualidade: present, present
He killed the deer so that/so he could have something to eat.
actually: na verdade, realmente atualmente: at
11. Para expressar modo: present, today
as: como addiction: dependncia, vcio adio, soma, acrscimo:
Do exactly as I say. addition

as if/as though: como se advice: conselho(s) aviso (por escrito): notice; (oral):
announcement; advertncia: warning
He looked as if/as though he had seen a ghost.
advise: 1. aconselhar, recomendar; 2. avisar

MINITESTS ailment: doena, mal-estar, achaque alimento: food

amass: acumular (dinheiro, informaes etc.) amassar

Sublinhe a alternativa adequada para completar (o carro pouco): dent; (o carro muito): wreck; (a
cada frase a seguir. roupa): crease; (o po): knead

1. Science is not an arrival, a journey. (after) anthem: hino antena: aerial; antenna

application: 1. aplicao; 2. requerimento (application

(before) (but)
2. Archimedes himself never wrote about the eureka form: formulrio de requerimento)

appoint: nomear, designar apontar para: point at/to

episode, he spent plenty of time detailing the laws of
buoyancy and the lever. (until) (if) (although)
3. Bread dough is made up of cells molecules. appointment: 1. nomeao, escolha; 2. compromisso (com
(and) (but) (or) hora marcada); consulta mdica apontamento: note
4. the dough bakes into bread or cake, the heat apt: 1. habilidoso, inteligente; 2. propenso, com tendncia
causes the alcohol to evaporate the bubbles to break. a apto: able; qualified, fit

argue: discutir, brigar verbalmente arguir: question

(So; but) (As; and) (After; yet)
5. A magnet pointed at a clip will make it jump from a
table and cling to the magnet it is pulled off. (until) argument: 1. discusso, briga (verbal); 2. argumento,
(unlike) (before) ponto de vista argumento (de filme): plot
6. A horseshoe magnet has two poles, ends a positive arrest: prender, deter arrastar: drag

assume: 1. supor, presumir; 2. assumir

and a negative one. (but) (or) (and)
attend: 1. assistir, estar presente a, frequentar; 2. atender,
you put the two positive poles of the two magnets
together, there is no attraction. (Whether)
(Although) (If) cuidar de atender (o telefone, a porta): answer

228 Minigrammar

beef: carne bovina bife: steak, beefsteak inhabit: habitar habit existe como substantivo (hbito),
mas no como verbo (habitar) ilha inabitada: desert
candid: franco, sincero, direto cndido: pure, innocent
island, uninhabited island
cigar: charuto cigarro: cigarette
inhabitant: habitante o substantivo habitant no existe
collar: 1. colarinho; 2. coleira colar (substantivo):
injure: machucar, ferir injuriar, insultar: insult
necklace; passar cola em (verbo): paste, glue; copiar na
escola (verbo): crib injury: ferimento, leso injria, insulto: insult

college: faculdade colgio: high school intend: pretender, tencionar entender: understand

compass: 1. bssola; 2. compasso interest: 1. interesse 2. juros

comprehensive: completo, abrangente, no resumido lamp: luminria lmpada eltrica: light bulb
compreensivo: understanding
large: grande largo: wide; broad
compromise: acordo (com concesses mtuas)
lecture: conferncia, palestra leitura: reading
compromisso, obrigao assumida: commitment;
compromisso com hora marcada: appointment library: biblioteca livraria: bookstore, bookshop

costume: roupa especial, como clown costume: roupa de magazine: revista magazine, loja: store, shop,
palhao; witch costume: fantasia de bruxa; national department store
costume: traje nacional costumes, hbitos (coletivos):
malice: mal, maldade, rancor malcia, marotice: mischief
customs; costumes, hbitos (individuais): habits
malicious: maldoso, mal-intencionado malicioso
customs: 1. alfndega; 2. impostos alfandegrios
(maroto): mischievous; (picante) naughty
costumes, hbitos (coletivos): customs; costumes,
hbitos (individuais): habits mayor: prefeito maior: bigger; larger; greater

disgust: nojo, repugnncia desgosto: grief miserable: 1. muito infeliz; muito triste; 2. horrvel, muito
desagradvel miservel, avaro, mesquinho: stingy,
educated: instrudo, culto bem-educado, de boas
mean, cheap; Seu miservel!: You bastard!
maneiras: polite, well-bred
misery: 1. extrema infelicidade; grande sofrimento; 2. misria,
education: educao, instruo, formao acadmica
extrema pobreza misria, avareza: stinginess, meanness
educao, boas maneiras: politeness, good manners
notice (substantivo): 1. ateno, observao; 2. aviso
epidemic (substantivo e adjetivo): epidemia o
(por escrito) notcia: news
substantivo epidemy no existe
notice (verbo): notar, perceber noticiar: report, inform
eventually: por fim, finalmente eventualmente:
accidentally, occasionally novel: romance novela: soap (opera)

excite: 1. animar, entusiasmar, empolgar; 2. excitar operator: 1. telefonista; 2. operador

exit: sada xito: success ordinary: comum ordinrio, grosseiro: vulgar, coarse

expert: perito, especialista esperto: smart, clever ore: minrio ouro: gold

exquisite: 1. belo; perfeito; 2. requintado; delicado parents: pais parentes: relatives

esquisito: odd, strange
particular: 1. determinado, especfico; 2. exigente;
fabric: tecido, fazenda, pano fbrica: factory, plant meticuloso particular: private; personal

formidable: impressionante, respeitvel, assustador petrol: (GB) gasolina (= gas ou gasoline, nos EUA)
formidvel, fantstico: fantastic, awesome petrleo: oil, petroleum

genial: 1. (pessoa) jovial, cordial, bem-disposta; 2. (tempo, physician: mdico fsico: physicist
clima) ameno genial: brilliant
plant: 1. planta (botnica); 2. usina, fbrica planta
hazard: risco, perigo azar: bad luck (arquitetura): plan

influenza (abreviatura: flu): gripe influncia: influence policy: poltica, linha de ao, norma de conduta
polcia: police; poltica (cincia): politics
ingenious: engenhoso, criativo, inventivo ingnuo:
nave, ingenuous prejudice: preconceito prejuzo: harm; damage
(financeiro): loss
ingenuity: engenhosidade, criatividade, inventividade
ingenuidade: navety, navet presently: 1. logo, daqui a pouco; 2. (EUA) presentemente

Minigrammar 229

pretend: fingir pretender, tencionar: intend 1. He has amassed a lot of information about other
principal: 1. (adjetivo) principal; 2. (substantivo, EUA)

diretor de escola
Ele muitas informaes sobre outros polticos.
private: 1. (adjetivo) particular; 2. (adjetivo) privado; 3.
(substantivo) soldado raso privada: toilet
2. Penlope Cruz speaks English with a slight Spanish
prospect: perspectiva, possibilidade prospecto: leaflet,
Penlope Cruz fala ingls com um leve espanhol.
push: empurrar puxar: pull
3. Actuality can be stranger than fiction.

realize: 1. perceber, compreender; dar-se conta de; 2. A pode ser mais estranha do que a fico. realidade
realizar, concretizar 4. My parents never argue. They live in harmony.
resume: recomear, retomar resumir: summarize, sum up
pais; discutem
Os meus nunca . Eles vivem em harmonia.
scholar: erudito, letrado, estudioso escolar: (adjetivo)
school; (substantivo) schoolboy/schoolgirl
5. That library has a large collection of rare books.

sensible: 1. sensato, ajuizado; 2. sensvel, perceptvel Aquela tem uma coleo de livros raros.
biblioteca; grande
sensvel, delicado, melindroso: sensitive 6. He is not strong enough to push that truck.
silicon: silcio silicone: silicone
Ele no forte o suficiente para aquele caminho.
sort: tipo, espcie sorte: good luck empurrar
subject: 1. assunto, matria; 2. (gramtica) sujeito
What was the actual reason for that meeting?

sujeito, pessoa: fellow; (GB) chap, bloke; (EUA) guy Qual foi a razo para aquela reunio? verdadeira

succeed: 1. conseguir, ter sucesso; 2. suceder (a), vir 8. Professor Dawkins gave a series of lectures last week.
depois (de)
O Professor Dawkins deu uma de na semana passada.
support: 1. (peso) suportar, sustentar; 2. sustentar srie; palestras
(financeiramente); 3. apoiar (uma pessoa); 4. torcer
9. I intended to attend one of those lectures, but I
(por um time) suportar, aguentar, tolerar: stand,
couldnt come.

bear, put up with Eu

pretendia; assistir; conferncias
a uma daquelas , mas no pude vir.
sympathies: psames, condolncias 10. She pretended not to hear us, but actually she did.
sympathize: estar do mesmo lado que, solidarizar-se; ter
pena de (algum) simpatizar: like
Ela no nos ouvir, mas ela ouviu.
fingiu; na verdade
sympathy: pena, compaixo; apoio moral, solidariedade
11. Professor Dawkins is a great scholar.
simpatia: liking O Professor Dawkins um grande . erudito
temper: temperamento; controle emocional tempero:
12. The cigars from Cuba are famous.
de Cuba so famosos. charutos
tenant: inquilino tenente: lieutenant

terrific: 1. maravilhoso, muito legal; 2. tremendo,

13. I dont notice any difference between the cigars from
poderoso; 3. terrvel, assustador
Cuba and those from Bahia.

traduce: caluniar, manchar a reputao de Eu no nenhuma diferena entre os de Cuba e os

da Bahia. noto; charutos
traduzir: translate

tutor: professor(a) particular tutor(a) (responsvel por 14. Einstein was not a physician. He was a physicist.
menor): guardian
Einstein no era . Ele era fsico. mdico
ultimately: em ltima anlise ultimamente: lately, recently
15. No physician would ever advise anyone to smoke a


Nenhum jamais algum a fumar .

mdico; aconselharia; charuto
16. On that particular occasion, I wasnt there.
Observe o significado dos falsos cognatos,
preenchendo as lacunas de cada frase. Naquela ocasio, eu no estava l. determinada

230 Minigrammar

17. There are some notices on the board. I advise all of 32. Racial prejudice is still a problem in many countries.
you to read them.

O racial ainda um problema em muitos pases.

avisos; aconselho
H alguns no quadro. Eu todos vocs a l-los.
33. The boss wants a comprehensive report of the
18. We had a private conversation and he gave me some situation.
good advice.

O patro quer um relatrio da situao.
Ns tivemos uma conversa e ele me deu alguns bons .
particular; conselhos 34. Pride and Prejudice is a great novel by Jane Austen.
19. The principal has an appointment with a renowned
Orgulho e um grande de autoria de Jane Austen.
preconceito; romance
physician at 9.

35. In his latest novel, the author gives us a

diretor da escola; encontro; mdico
O tem um com um renomado s 9.
comprehensive description of the hazards caused by
20. The new minister was appointed by the president last nuclear plants.
Em seu ltimo , o autor nos d uma descrio dos
O novo ministro foi pelo presidente na semana passada.
nomeado romance; ampla; riscos/perigos; usinas
causados pelas nucleares.

21. His appointment was well received by all. 36. Honesty is the best policy.
A dele foi bem recebida por todos. nomeao A honestidade a melhor . poltica

22. When they realized their mistake, it was too late. 37. They had to face hazards of all sorts in that mission.
Quando eles seu erro, era tarde demais. perceberam Eles tiveram de enfrentar de todos os naquela
misso. riscos/perigos; tipos
23. God Save the Queen is the British national anthem.
nacional britnico. hino
38. The boy was excited at the prospect of getting a bike
Deus Salve a Rainha o
for Christmas.
24. A sensible person would never do such a foolish thing.
O garoto estava com a de ganhar uma bicicleta no
Uma pessoa nunca faria tamanha tolice. sensata Natal. empolgado; perspectiva

25. Dont worry. The thieves will be arrested presently. 39. Minas Gerais is rich in iron ore.

No se preocupe. Os ladres sero . presos; logo Minas Gerais rico em de ferro. minrio

26. They wanted to leave the theater, but they couldnt 40. Actually we dont own a house. We pay rent. We are
find the exit. tenants.

ns no temos uma casa. Ns pagamos aluguel. Ns

somos . Na verdade; inquilinos
Eles queriam sair do teatro, mas no conseguiam
encontrar a . sada

27. The new nuclear plant will be on operation presently. 41. Mrs. Todds tenant was injured in a car accident.

nuclear estar em operao . usina; logo

inquilino; ferido/machucado
A nova O da sra. Todd ficou em um acidente de carro.

28. We stopped our work at 7 oclock and resumed it an 42. He suffered several injuries and is now in a private clinic.
hour later.
Ele sofreu diversos e agora est em uma clnica .
Ns paramos o nosso trabalho s 7 horas e o uma ferimentos/leses; particular
hora depois. recomeamos 43. You will be trying to get into college next year. I hope
youll succeed.
29. Jack and Judie eventually reached a compromise: he
Vocs tentaro entrar na no prximo ano. Espero
que vocs . faculdade; consigam
washed the dishes and she dried them.

Jack e Judie chegaram a um : ele lavou a loua e

ela enxugou. finalmente; acordo 44. Millions of people go hungry in the world today.
Dont you feel any sympathy for them?
30. Thomas Alva Edison had an ingenious mind.
Milhes de pessoas passam fome no mundo hoje. Voc
no sente elas? pena de/compaixo por
Thomas Alva Edison tinha uma mente .

31. Blankets are generally made of woollen fabric. 45. I know how you feel. I sympathize.
de l. tecido
estou do seu lado/estou com voc
Os cobertores so geralmente feitos de Eu sei como voc se sente. Eu .

Minigrammar 231

46. The explorers were lost in the desert. They had no 59. When you are seasick you get to know what misery is.
Quando voc est nauseado, fica sabendo o que .
Os exploradores estavam perdidos no deserto. Eles infelicidade/grande sofrimento
no tinham . bssola 60. The principal is a genial person, always smiling and
pleasant and she has some brilliant ideas.
47. My sympathies (on the death of your brother).
(pela morte do seu irmo). psames
A uma pessoa , sempre sorridente e agradvel, e
tem algumas ideias geniais. diretora; simptica

48. Men wear collars on their shirts; dogs wear collars, too.
61. He thinks I hate him, but actually I bear him no
Os homens usam nas camisas; os cachorros usam malice.
tambm. colarinhos; coleiras
Ele pensa que eu o odeio, mas
na verdade; mal
eu no lhe quero .
49. Teachers are ordinary people.
62. That is not true. Its a malicious lie.
Os professores so pessoas . comuns

Isso no verdade. uma mentira .
50. My son is an apt student. He learns quickly.
63. Silicon Valley, California, is the worlds
Meu filho um aluno . Ele aprende rapidamente.
habilidoso/ inteligente
semiconductor center. Silicon chips are used in
electronic systems.
51. I dont know much about petrol, but my uncle is an
expert on the subject.
O Vale do , na Califrnia, o centro mundial
Eu no sei muito sobre , mas meu tio um no . de semicondutores. As pastilhas de (ou
gasolina; especialista; assunto semicondutores) so usadas em sistemas eletrnicos.
52. A careless driver is apt to have accidents. Silcio; silcio
64. Wheat, rice, coffee, soya, and sugar are agricultural
Um motorista descuidado est a sofrer acidentes. commodities.
53. He turned on the lamp and started reading a
mercadorias agrcolas/bens de consumo
Trigo, arroz, caf, soja e acar so .
magazine he had borrowed from the library.
65. My aunt used to be a tutor in Math but she retired last
Ele ligou a e comeou a ler uma que ele tinha
pegado emprestado na . luminria; revista; biblioteca

Minha tia era de Matemtica, mas ela no ano

passado. professora particular; aposentou-se
54. He is apt to start arguments when he is stressed out.
Ele a armar quando est estressado.
propenso; discusses 66. Those banks charge high interest rates.
55. It was not a desert island. It was inhabited.
Aqueles bancos cobram altas taxas de . juros
No era uma ilha deserta. Ela era . habitada
67. The mayor of that city has launched a new program to
56. It was raining hard and the kids were feeling miserable. fight the epidemic of influenza.

muito infelizes
Estava chovendo muito e as crianas estavam . O daquela cidade lanou um novo programa para
57. We noticed with disgust that the men were eating combater a de . prefeito; epidemia; gripe
68. I assume well have to go through customs when we
Ns com que os homens estavam comendo get to New York.
gafanhotos. notamos/percebemos; nojo/repugnncia
Eu que teremos de passar pela quando chegarmos
58. There will be no strike. The employers and the a Nova York. suponho; alfndega
employees have reached a compromise.
69. I think Paulo Coelhos latest novel is quite ordinary.
No haver greve. Os empregadores e os empregados
chegaram a um . acordo
romance; comum/sem nada de extraordinrio
Eu acho que o ltimo de Paulo Coelho bastante .

232 Minigrammar


Aqui esto registrados apenas os significados que as palavras tm nos textos desta obra.
among: entre (vrios) bake: (p. e pp. baked) assar (no forno)

amount: quantidade baker: padeiro

ability: (pl. abilities) 1 habilidade
2 capacidade ancient: antigo bakery: (pl. bakeries) padaria
able: capaz; be able to: ser capaz de, and so on: e assim por diante basin: bacia (hidrogrfica)
angle: ngulo basket: cesto; cesta
above: (adv.) acima; (prep.) acima de
angry: zangado bath: 1 banho (de banheira) 2 banheira
accept: (p. e pp. accepted) aceitar 3 (local) termas
answer: (s.) resposta; (v.) (p. e pp.
ache: dor (contnua) answered) responder beak: bico (de ave)
achievement: conquista, realizao around: (adv.) volta; (prep.) volta de beautiful: belo, lindo
across: (adv.) atravs; become: (p. became; pp. become)
arrival: chegada
(prep.) atravs de 1 tornar-se 2 (com adj.) ficar
arrive: (p. e pp. arrived) chegar
actually: realmente, na verdade
before: (adv.) antes; (prep.) 1 antes de
arrowhead tip: ponta de flecha 2 diante de
add: (p. e pp. added) acrescentar;
add up: somar as: 1 como, da mesma forma que begin: (p. began; pp. begun) comear
2 como, na funo de 3 quando,
affect: (p. e pp. affected) afetar
enquanto 4 visto que, porque; as behavior: comportamento
afraid: com medo fast as: to rpido quanto; as well:
tambm; as well as: assim como, behind: (adv.) atrs; (prep.) atrs de
after: (adv.) depois; (prep.) depois de; bem como
beloved: amado/a, querido/a
(conj.) depois que
ask: (p. e pp. asked) 1 perguntar 2 pedir
below: (adv.) abaixo; (prep.) abaixo de
again: novamente
assure: (p. e pp. assured) assegurar,
against: 1 contra 2 de encontro a benefit: benefcio

age: idade besides: (prep.) alm de;

at last: finalmente
(adv.) alm disso
ago: h, atrs (tempo) at least: pelo menos
better: (comp. de good) melhor
agree: (p. e pp. agreed) concordar attempt: (s.) tentativa; (v.) (p. e pp.
between: (prep.) entre (dois)
attempted) tentar
aim: (s.) objetivo; (v.) (p. e pp. aimed)
visar, objetivar biodiversity: biodiversidade
attract: (p. e pp. attracted) atrair
alive: vivo, com vida; alive and well: biopiracy: biopirataria
attraction: atrao
bem ativo
birth: nascimento; at birth: ao nascer
available: disponvel, acessvel
all: (adj.) todos/todas; (pron.) tudo
birthday: aniversrio
average: (s. e adj.) mdia
allege: (p. e pp. alleged) alegar
body: (pl. bodies) corpo
avoid: (p. e pp. avoided) evitar
allow: (p. e pp. allowed) permitir
boil: (p. e pp. boiled) ferver
award: prmio
alone: sozinho
bold: (tipo de letra) negrito
away: longe
along: ao longo de; along with:
juntamente com boost: (p. e pp. boosted) reforar,
axis: (pl. axes) (Geometria) eixo aumentar

already: j
born: nascido; be born: nascer
although: embora, apesar de que
borrow: (p. e pp. borrowed) tomar/
amazing: incrvel backwards: (adv.) para trs pedir emprestado


both: ambos; both ... and: tanto ... candle: vela (para luz) community: (pl. communities)
quanto comunidade
canoe: canoa
bought: (p. de buy) comprou companion: companheiro
caption: legenda (de foto, ilustrao)
bowl: tigela; vasilha carbon dioxide: dixido de carbono, compass: bssola
gs carbnico
brain: crebro compensation: compensao
careless: descuidado
Brazil nut: castanha-do-par complain: (p. e pp. complained)
cashew: caju reclamar
bread: po; a loaf of bread: um po
cause: (s.) causa; (v.) (p. e pp. caused) complaint: reclamao
break: (p. broke; pp. broken) quebrar(-se) causar
complexity: (pl. complexities)
breath: respirao; flego cell: clula; cell phone: telefone celular complexidade
bridge: ponte century: (pl. centuries): sculo
computer: computador
challenge: (s.) desafio; (v.) (p. e pp.
brief: breve, curto concept: conceito
challenged) desafiar
bright: brilhante; claro champion: campeo conceive: (p. e pp. conceived)
conceber, criar
brilliant: brilhante change: (s.) mudana; (v.) (p. e pp.
changed) mudar connect: (p. e pp. connected)
bring: (p. e pp. brought) trazer
character: 1 carter 2 personagem
broad-minded: liberal, que aceita e
charcoal: carvo vegetal connection: conexo, ligao
respeita as diferenas
charge: carga (eltrica) consciousness: conscincia
broken: quebrado; partido; desfeito
chart: grfico; tabela; quadro consume: (p. e pp. consumed)
brought: (p. de bring) trouxeram
cheap: barato; cheaper than: mais
brush: (p. e pp. brushed) escovar; barato do que consummate: (p. e pp. consummated)
brush your teeth: escovar os dentes
consumar, completar
chemical: (adj.) qumico;
bubble: bolha (s.) substncia qumica consumption: consumo
bulky: volumoso; bulkier than: mais chemist: (s.) (pessoa) qumico
volumoso do que container: recipiente
chemistry: (s.) (a cincia) Qumica
buoyancy: flutuabilidade cope: (p. e pp. coped) (with) lidar
choose: (p. chose; pp. chosen) escolher com, dar conta de
burn: (p. e pp. burned/burnt) queimar; chosen: escolhido
burn up: queimar totalmente core: centro, ncleo
chunk: pedao
business: negcio cork: rolha; cortia
circle: crculo
busy: ocupado corner: 1 canto 2 esquina
clean: (adj.) limpo; (v.) (p. e pp.
but: (conj.) mas; (prep.) exceto cleaned) (up) limpar cost: (s.) custo; (v.) (p. e pp. cost)
butter: manteiga cleanse: (p. e pp. cleansed) limpar
could: (v. aux.) podia; poderia;
buy: (p. e pp. bought) comprar clever: 1 inteligente 2 esperto, vivo sabia (capacidade, possibilidade,
cling: (p. e pp. clung) aderir, grudar permisso passado ou
by-product: subproduto condicional)
cloud: nuvem

counterpart: pessoa ou coisa
coin: (s.) moeda; (v.) (p. e pp. coined) congnere, que corresponde a outra
cunhar; coin a term: criar uma (em funo, cargo etc.)
cake: bolo palavra ou expresso
couple: par; casal
call: (p. e pp. called) chamar; call for: collect: (p. e pp. collected) coletar,
requerer, exigir recolher cover: (p. e pp. covered) cobrir
came to be: nasceu, foi criado
come: (p. came; pp. come) 1 vir crackdown: controle rigoroso,
campaign: campanha 2 chegar; come by: passar por inspeo

can: (v. aux.) 1 poder, ter capacidade common: comum crazy: maluco
para 2 saber 3 poder, ter permisso
para 4 poder, ser possvel commonplace: comum, banal creature: criatura

234 Vocabulary

cross out: riscar, eliminar dishes: pratos, loua engineering: engenharia

crowd: multido displace: (p. e pp. displaced) deslocar enhance: (p. e pp. enhanced)
melhorar; realar
crown: coroa distracted: distrado
enjoy: (p. e pp. enjoyed) gostar;
cry: (p. e pp. cried) 1 chorar 2 gritar distrust: (p. e pp. distrusted) apreciar; desfrutar
desconfiar (de)
cure: (s.) cura; (v.) (p. e pp. cured) curar enough: (adj. e pron.) suficiente(s);
discovery: (pl. discoveries) descoberta (adv.) suficientemente, o bastante
customer: cliente, fregus
ensure: (p. e pp. ensured) assegurar,
dizzying: estonteante

door: porta enzyme: enzima
doubt: (s.) dvida; (v.) equal: igual
daily: (adj.) dirio
(p. e pp. doubted) duvidar
erase: (p. e pp. erased) apagar
damage: (s.) dano, estrago; (v.) (p. e dough: massa (de po)
pp. damaged) danificar, estragar eureka event/moment: momento da
dozen: dzia descoberta
danger: perigo
dream: (s.) sonho; (v.) even: at, at mesmo; not even: nem
dark: escuro (p. e pp. dreamed/dreamt) sonhar mesmo

darkness: escurido drink: (p. drank; pp. drunk) beber ever: 1 (com for) sempre 2 (com not,
nothing) nunca; than ever before:
dead: morto drive: (p. drove; pp. driven) dirigir do que nunca 3 (em perguntas) j,
(carro, caminho etc.) alguma vez
deal: (p. e pp. dealt) (with) lidar com
drown: (p. e pp. drowned) afogar-se everyday: cotidiano, de todo dia
deep: profundo
expensive: caro
drug: 1 remdio, medicamento 2 droga
defeat: (s.) derrota; (v.)
experiment: experimento
(p. e pp. defeated) derrotar dry: seco
explain: (p. e pp. explained) explicar
delete: (p. e pp. deleted) deletar, during: durante
apagar, eliminar exploration: explorao (para
duty: (pl. duties) (s.) dever conhecer mais)
depression: depresso
dying: morrendo explore: (p. e pp. explored) explorar
derive: (p. e pp. derived) derivar, (para conhecer mais)

extract: (p. e pp. extracted) extrair
describe: (p. e pp. described) descrever

destroy: (p. e pp. destroyed) destruir

each: cada
each other: um do/ao outro, uns dos/
destructive: destrutivo, destruidor aos outros fable: fbula

detect: (p. e pp. detected) detectar, eagle: guia face: (s.) face; rosto; (v.) (p. e pp.
encontrar ear: orelha faced) enfrentar

develop: (p. e pp. developed) earth: 1 (tb. Earth) (planeta) Terra fail: (p. e pp. failed) falhar, fracassar
desenvolver 2 (Geologia) terra
failure: fracasso
developing: em desenvolvimento effect: efeito
fair: (s.) feira; (adj.) justo
development: desenvolvimento effort: esforo
either... or...: ou... ou... fairy tale: conto de fadas
die: (p. e pp. died) morrer
emptiness: (s.) vazio fall: (p. fell; pp. fallen) cair
dirty: sujo
empty: (adj.) vazio famed: afamado, famoso
discover: (p. e pp. discovered)
descobrir end: (s.) fim; (v.) (p. e pp. ended) fast: (adj.) rpido; (adv.) rapidamente
discovery: (pl. discoveries) fear: (s.) medo, receio; (v.) (p. e pp.
endemic: endmico, restrito a uma
descoberta feared) temer, recear
certa regio
disease: doena endless: sem fim feat: feito, faanha, grande obra

disgusting: nojento enduring: duradouro feather: pena (de ave)

Vocabulary 235

feature: caracterstica forest: floresta government: governo

feel: (p. e pp. felt) sentir(-se) fortune-teller: adivinho, cartomante grade: nota; passing grade: nota
suficiente para passar de ano
feeling: 1 sentimento 2 sensao forward: para a frente, para diante
grain: gro
feet: (pl. de foot) ps found: (p. de find) achou, encontrou;
encontrado grasp: (p. e pp. grasped) agarrar
fell: (p. de fall) caiu; fell in love:
apaixonou-se foundation: fundao, base grasshopper: gafanhoto

few: poucos/as; a few: alguns, fountain: fonte gravity: gravidade

algumas; fewer: menos (seguido de
substantivo plural) fraud: fraude gray: cinzento

field: campo free: (adj.) livre; (v.) (p. e pp. freed) great: grande; (the) greatest: (o) maior
fiery: de fogo, ardente groceries: produtos alimentcios
freeway: via expressa
fight: (s.) luta; briga; (v.) (p. e pp. ground: (s.) cho; solo; (v.) (p. e pp.
fought) lutar; combater (contra) French fries: batatas fritas grounded) pr de castigo

figure: algarismo fresh: fresco; fresh water: gua doce grow: (p. grew; pp. grown) crescer

file: (s.) arquivo; (v.) (p. e pp. filed) fridge: geladeira growth: crescimento
friendship: amizade guess: (p. e pp. guessed) adivinhar
fill: (p. e pp. filled) encher

frightened: assustado
find: (p. e pp. found) achar, encontrar;
find out: descobrir frog: r
hair: cabelo
fine: (s.) multa; (v.) (p. e pp. fined) multar full: 1 cheio 2 total; inteiro
haircut: corte de cabelo
finger: dedo (da mo) fun: divertimento; diverso
hairy: cabeludo, peludo
fireworks: fogos de artifcio funny: divertido, engraado
haltingly: hesitantemente
first: primeiro; at first: a princpio; first further: (adj.) mais, adicional; (v.) (p.
and foremost: antes de tudo e pp. furthered) fomentar, promover ham and cheese: presunto e queijo

flag: bandeira hammer: martelo

flame: chama hand: mo

geese: (pl. de goose) gansos
flight: voo handle: (p. e pp. handled) 1 manejar;
gender: gnero manusear 2 lidar com
float: (p. e pp. floated) flutuar, boiar
generation: gerao handsome: bonito, bonito
flood: (s.) inundao; (v.) (p. e pp.
flooded) inundar genius: gnio happen: (p. e pp. happened) acontecer

flour: farinha giant: gigante happiness: felicidade

flow: (p. e pp. flowed) fluir, (rio) correr gift: presente harm: mal, dano, prejuzo

flower: flor glance: (s.) olhada rpida; (v.) (p. e headless: sem cabea
pp. glanced) olhar rapidamente
fluffy: fofo health: sade
glow: brilho
fly: (p. flew; pp. flown) voar healthful: salutar
go: (p. went; pp. gone) ir; go away: ir
follow: (p. e pp. followed) seguir embora; go on: continuar healthy: sadio, saudvel

food: comida, alimento; food for goal: meta hear: (p. e pp. heard) ouvir; hear from:
thought: matria para reflexo ter notcias de
god: (pl. gods) deus; God: Deus
foot: (pl. feet) p heart: corao
golden: 1 dourado 2 de ouro
for: (prep.) 1 para 2 por; (conj.) porque heat: calor
goldsmith: ourives
for all its benefits: apesar de todos heavy: pesado; heavier than: mais
os seus benefcios good: (s.) bem; (adj.) bom pesado do que

236 Vocabulary

heel: calcanhar information: informao; informaes landscape: paisagem
(nunca usado com s final; a piece of
help: (s.) ajuda; (v.) (p. e pp. helped) information: uma informao) language: 1 lngua, idioma 2 linguagem
inner: interior large: grande; (the) largest: (o) maior
hero: (pl. heroes) heri
insight: (Psicologia) sbita percepo last: (adj.) ltimo
hide: (p. hid; pp. hidden) esconder
instead: em vez disso; instead of: em laugh: (p. e pp. laughed) (at) rir (de)
highlight: (p. e pp. highlighted) vez de
destacar, realar launch: (p. e pp. launched) lanar
iron: ferro
hit: (p. e pp. hit) 1 bater 2 pressionar (a laundry: lavanderia; roupa para lavar
tecla); hit upon: descobrir de repente island: ilha
law: lei
hold: (p. e pp. held) 1 segurar 2 guardar issue: assunto, questo
3 realizar lead: (s.) (jornalismo) abertura de um

artigo; (v.) (p. e pp. led) levar (a),
hole: buraco conduzir (a); lead a life: levar uma vida

homeless: sem lar; desabrigado leader: lder

jail: cadeia, priso
homesick: com saudade (de casa) leaf: (pl. leaves) folha
jam: geleia
hope: (s.) esperana; (v.) (p. e pp. leafless: sem folhas
hoped) esperar job: 1 emprego 2 trabalho; servio
leak: (s.) vazamento; (v.) (p. e pp.
hopefully: se tudo der certo; com sorte journey: viagem leaked) vazar
hopeless: sem esperana juice: suco leap: (s.) salto, pulo; (v.) (p. e pp.
leaped/leapt) saltar, pular
horseshoe: ferradura jump: (p. e pp. jumped) pular, saltar;
jump up: dar um pulo, um salto learn: (p. e pp. learned/learnt) aprender
hot: quente
jungle: selva learning: aprendizado
household: domstico
just: 1 justamente 2 apenas, somente; least: (superl. de little) mnimo; at
however: contudo, todavia, no entanto he has just left: ele acabou de sair least: no mnimo

human being: ser humano
leave: (p. e pp. left) 1 deixar 2 sair de,
humanity: humanidade partir; leave out: omitir, no incluir

hundred: cem keyword: palavra-chave leaves: (pl. de leaf) folhas

hunt: (p. e pp. hunted) caar kidney: rim; kidney stone: pedra no rim led: (p. de lead) levou, conduziu

hunter: caador kill: (p. e pp. killed) matar left: (s. e adj.) esquerda; (p. e pp. de
leave) deixou; saiu; partiu

kind: (s.) tipo, espcie; (adj.) bom,
bondoso legend: lenda

king: rei leisure: lazer

ice: gelo; Ice Age: Era Glacial
less (than): (comp. de little) menos
if: se know: (p. knew; pp. known) 1 saber
2 conhecer
ill: doente; ill humours: maus fluidos level: nvel
knowledge: conhecimento(s)
illness: doena
lever: alavanca
known: (pp. de know) conhecido
immediately: imediatamente
lie: (s.) mentira; (v.) (p. e pp. lied) mentir
impatient: impaciente
L lie at anchor: ficar ancorado
improve: (p. e pp. improved) melhorar
label: rtulo life: (pl. lives) vida; life imprisonment:
in spite of: a despeito de, apesar de priso perptua
lack: (s.) falta, carncia; (p. e pp.
increase: (s.) aumento; (p. e pp. lacked) carecer de, ter falta de, no ter lifesaving: (adj.) vital, que salva a vida
increased) aumentar
land: (s.) terra; (v.) (p. e pp. landed) light: (s.) luz; (adj.) 1 claro 2 leve;
indeed: na verdade, de fato pousar, aterrissar lighter than: mais leve do que; (v.) (p.
e pp. lit) acender; iluminar; light up:
infamous: infame, mal-afamado landform: acidente geogrfico iluminar bem

Vocabulary 237

light bulb: lmpada eltrica Mars: Marte motion: movimento

like: (v.) (p. e pp. liked) gostar de; marry: (p. e pp. married) casar(-se) motorbike: motocicleta
(prep.) 1 como 2 como, igual a
3 como se fosse 4 tal/tais como, por master: (s.) mestre; (v.) (p. e pp. mountain: montanha
exemplo; (adj.) semelhante mastered) dominar
mouth: 1 boca 2 (de rio) foz
link: (s.) elo; ligao; (v.) (p. e pp. match: (s.) fsforo; (v.) (p. e pp.
linked) ligar; relacionar matched) combinar com, fazer much like: do mesmo modo que
jogo com
literate: alfabetizado mud: lama
Math, Mathematics: Matemtica
little: (adj.) pequeno; (pron. indef.) mule: mula
pouco/a; a little: um pouco; little by mathematician: matemtico
myth: mito
little: pouco a pouco

matter: 1 (fs.) matria 2 assunto,
live: (p. e pp. lived) 1 viver 2 morar questo; no matter: no importa

lives: (pl. de life) vidas maybe: talvez

nail: prego
living: (adj.) vivo, com vida mean: (p. e pp. meant) significar,
querer dizer naked: nu
load: (s.) carga (peso); (v.) (p. e pp.
loaded) carregar meaning: sentido, significado namesake: xar

loaf (of bread): po measure: (s.) 1 medida 2 quantidade; narrow: estreito

(v.) (p. e pp. measured) medir nature: natureza
lock: (s.) fechadura; (v.) (p. e pp.
locked) trancar (com chave) medical: (adj.) mdico near: perto de
loneliness: solido medicine: 1 medicina 2 remdio necessity: (pl. necessities) necessidade
lonely: solitrio meet: (p. e pp. met) 1 encontrar(-se) needle: agulha
2 conhecer(-se)
longer: (comp. de long) 1 mais
neighbor: vizinho
comprido 2 mais tempo meeting: encontro, reunio
neighborhood: 1 vizinhana 2 bairro
look: (p. e pp. looked) 1 olhar melt: (p. e pp. melted) derreter
2 parecer (aos olhos); look forward to: net: rede
aguardar ansiosamente merchant: mercador, comerciante
nickel: nquel
lose: (p. e pp. lost) perder millennium: (pl. millennia) milnio
nickname: apelido, alcunha
lost: (p. e pp. de lose) perdido mind: (s.) mente; (v.) (p. e pp.
minded) importar-se no matter: no importa
luxurious: luxuoso
miracle: milagre none: nenhum(a)
luxury: (pl. luxuries) luxo
misconception: concepo errnea North-seeking: buscando o/

apontando para o Norte
miss: (p. e pp. missed) 1 perder (o
nibus, uma aula etc.) 2 sentir nostril: narina
made up: composto, constitudo saudades de
notice: (p. e pp. noticed) notar,
magnet: magneto, m missing: que est faltando perceber

main: principal mistake: erro

make: (p. e pp. made) fazer; make mix: (p. e pp. mixed) misturar
sure: certificar-se, garantir que; obstacle: obstculo
make the best of: aproveitar ao mixed: misturado
mximo; make up: compor occur: (p. e pp. occurred) ocorrer,
molecule: molcula acontecer
man: (pl. men) homem
Moon: Lua octopus: polvo
manage: (p. e pp. managed)
conseguir more: mais odd word out: palavra que destoa do
grupo semntico
manioc: mandioca, aipim most: (adj. e pron.) 1 mais, a maior
parte de 2 a maioria de; (adv.) mais often: frequentemente
manufacture: (s.) fabricao; (v.) (p.
e pp. manufactured) fabricar moth: mariposa olive oil: azeite

238 Vocabulary

only: s, apenas; the only: o nico piece: pedao (usado com alguns punish: (p. e pp. punished) punir,
substantivos no contveis, castigar
opposite: oposto especificando a unidade); a piece
of news/information/advice/music: purpose: propsito, finalidade
outer: exterior uma notcia, uma informao, um
conselho, uma msica push: (p. e pp. pushed) empurrar
outside: do lado de fora compare com pull
pill: plula
overflow: transbordamento put: (p. e pp. put) pr; put forward:
pin: alfinete apresentar, propor; put on: vestir,
overweight: acima do peso pr no corpo
pineapple: abacaxi

overwhelming: avassalador; irresistvel
place: (s.) lugar; (v.) (p. e pp. placed)

P pr, colocar
quaint: 1 pitoresco, com um charme
planetary: planetrio antigo 2 antigo, fora de moda
pack: (p. e pp. packed) amontoar
plenty of: 1 muito, muitos question: pergunta; questo
package: pacote, embalagem 2 suficiente(s); mais do que
suficiente(s) quick: rpido
painting: pintura; quadro

pocket: bolso
palm tree: palmeira
point: (p e pp. pointed) apontar
parents: pais, pai e me compare
rabbit: coelho
com relatives poisonous: venenoso
rain: (s.) chuva; (v.) (p. e pp. rained)
parrot: papagaio pole: polo
pass it on: passar adiante polymath: grande conhecedor de
rainforest: floresta tropical
vrios assuntos
passion: paixo
ran: (p. de run) correram
possess: (p. e pp. possessed) possuir
patent: (s.) patente; (v.) (p. e pp.
ratio: (Matemtica) razo, proporo
patented) patentear possession: objeto, coisa (que se
possui) reach: (s.) alcance; (v.) (p. e pp.
path: trilha, caminho
reached) alcanar; reach for: tentar
power: fora; poder pegar, alcanar
pathogens: bactrias, vrus
powerful: poderoso reactant: (Qumica) reagente
pattern: 1 padro 2 modelo
predictable: previsvel read: (p. e pp. read) ler
pay: (p. e pp. paid) pagar; pay
attention (to): prestar ateno (em/a) prediction: previso ready: pronto, preparado
peace: paz pretty: bonita; pretty soon: logo, logo realize: (p. e pp. realized) perceber,
dar-se conta de (que)
peanut: amendoim prevent: (p. e pp. prevented) prevenir,
impedir reason: (s.) razo; (v.) (p. e pp.
peasant: campons
reasoned) raciocinar
produce: (p. e pp. produced) produzir
people: 1 pessoas 2 (pl. peoples) povo recipe: receita (culinria)
professor: professor universitrio
perform: (p. e pp. performed) refreshing: refrescante
desempenhar, realizar, executar profit: lucro
regardless of: independentemente de
perhaps: talvez proper: prprio, adequado
relationship: relacionamento
PET scan: tomografia computadorizada property: (pl. properties) propriedade
relatives: parentes
phrase: 1 frase incompleta 2 locuo; proud: orgulhoso
expresso reliable: confivel
proven: comprovado
physical: (adj.) fsico relief: alvio
provide: (p. e pp. provided) prover,
physicist: (s.) fsico fornecer relieve: (p. e pp. relieved) aliviar

Physics: Fsica publish: (p. e pp. published) publicar remarkable: notvel

pick (up): (p. e pp. picked) pegar (do pull: (s.) atrao (gravitacional); remember: (p. e pp. remembered)
cho, da areia) puxo; (v.) (p. e pp. pulled) puxar lembrar-se de (que)

Vocabulary 239

repair: (p. e pp. repaired) consertar safe: seguro; safe harbor: porto seguro set: (p. e pp. set) pr; set foot on:
pr o p em; set up: armar, montar,
repeat: (p. e pp. repeated) repetir safety: segurana estabelecer
repel: (p. e pp. repelled) repelir sail: (s.) vela; (v.) (p. e pp. sailed) several: diversos, vrios
velejar; sail away: zarpar, partir
replace: (p. e pp. replaced) substituir shack: barraco
salt: sal
reproduce: (p. e pp. reproduced) shallow: raso
reproduzir(-se) same: (the ~ as) (o) mesmo (que)
shape: (s.) forma; (v.) (p. e pp.
research: (s.) pesquisa; (v.) (p. e pp. sank: (p. de sink) afundou shaped) moldar, dar forma a
researched) pesquisar
satisfy: (p. e pp. satisfied) satisfazer share: (p. e pp. shared) compartilhar
researcher: pesquisador
save: (p. e pp. saved) 1 salvar 2 poupar, shed: (p. e pp. shed) derramar
resource: recurso economizar
shelf: (pl. shelves) prateleira
responsibility: responsabilidade say: (p. e pp. said) dizer
shirt: camisa
rest: (p. e pp. rested) descansar scan: (p. e pp. scanned) passar
os olhos em, ler em busca de short: 1 curto 2 baixo; in short: em
retreat: (p. e pp. retreated) retirar-se informaes especficas resumo
return: (p. e pp. returned) 1 retornar, scarcity: escassez
voltar 2 devolver shot: (s.) tiro
scary: assustador shown: mostrado
reveal: (p. e pp. revealed) revelar
scatter: (p. e pp. scattered) espalhar, sickness: doena
reward: (s.) recompensa; (v.) (p. e pp. dispersar
rewarded) recompensar
side: lado
scholar: erudito
rice and beans: arroz e feijo
silver: prata
school subject: disciplina escolar
rise: (p. rose; pp. risen) 1 subir
2 (sol) nascer similarity: (pl. similarities) semelhana
scorch: (p. e pp. scorched) queimar
risky: arriscado since: 1 desde 2 desde que, visto que,
search: (s.) busca; (v.) (p. e pp. porque
searched) (tb. search for) buscar,
river: rio; river bank: margem de rio
procurar single: 1 um s, nico 2 solteiro;
riverside: ribeirinho single-celled: unicelular
seasoning: tempero
road: estrada sink: (p. sank; pp. sunk) afundar
seat belt: cinto de segurana
role: papel, funo; role model: size: tamanho
secret: segredo
(pessoa) modelo a ser imitado
skill: habilidade
security: segurana
roll: (p. e pp. rolled) rolar
skim: (p. e pp. skimmed): ler
see: (p. saw; pp. seen) ver
room: 1 cmodo, quarto 2 espao superficialmente
seed: semente
roughly: aproximadamente slave: escravo

royal: real, rgio, do rei seek: (p. e pp. sought) buscar, procurar
slice: fatia; sliced bread: po fatiado

rubber: borracha; rubber tree: seem: (p. e pp. seemed) parecer

slowly: lentamente, devagar
selfish: egosta
snake: cobra
rule: (s.) regra; (v.) (p. e pp. ruled)
selfless: altrusta
1 mandar (em) 2 dominar snow: (s.) neve; (v.) (p. e pp. snowed)
sell: (p. e pp. sold) vender nevar
run: (p. ran; pp. run) correr
send: (p. e pp. sent) mandar, enviar smell bad: cheirar mal
rush: (p. e pp. rushed) correr,
apressar-se sentence: 1 frase 2 sentena smuggle: (p. e pp. smuggled)

separate: (p. e pp. separated)
separar(-se) so: 1 to 2 por isso, portanto 3 para
que, de modo que (= so that); so
sad: triste servant: servo much: tanto/a; so many: tantos/as

sadness: tristeza serving-men: criados, empregados so that: para que, de modo que

240 Vocabulary

society: (pl. societies) sociedade succeed: (p. e pp. succeeded) (in) thank: (p. e pp. thanked) agradecer;
conseguir, ter sucesso (em) thank God: graas a Deus; thanks to:
soft: 1 macio, mole 2 suave graas a
successful: bem-sucedido
solve: (p. e pp. solved) resolver therefore: portanto, por isso
such: tal, tais; such an object: tal
son: filho objeto; such a good movie: um filme think: (p. e pp. thought) pensar
sort: tipo to bom; such as: tal/tais como
thirsty: com sede
so that: de modo que, para que suffer: (p. e pp. suffered) sofrer
thought: (s.) pensamento; (v.) (p. e
sought: (p. e pp. de seek) buscaram, sugar: acar pp. de think) pensou
suitable: 1 adequado 2 conveniente through: atravs de
soul: alma
Sun: Sol thus: assim, consequentemente
source: fonte (origem)
surname: sobrenome times: 1 tempos 2 vezes
South-seeking: buscando o/
apontando para o Sul survival: sobrevivncia tiny: minsculo, diminuto

soybeans: soja survive: (p. e pp. survived) sobreviver tip: dica

space shuttle: nibus espacial suspect: (adj.) suspeito; (v.) (p. e pp. title: ttulo
suspected) suspeitar
speak: (p. spoke; pp. spoken) falar toe: dedo (do p)
swap: (p. e pp. swapped) trocar,
species: espcie (biolgica) fazer permuta together: juntos

speech: fala, discurso sweat: suor toilet flushing: descarga do vaso

speed: velocidade sweet: (s. e adj.) doce
too: 1 tambm 2 demais (seguido de
spend: (p. e pp. spent) 1 gastar swell: (p. swelled; pp. swelled ou adjetivo ou advrbio); too late:
2 passar (tempo) swollen) inchar tarde demais
spread: (p. e pp. spread) espalhar(-se)
swim: (p. swam; pp. swum) nadar took: (p. de take) levou; took place:
stagnant water: gua estagnada aconteceu
swollen: inchado
stand: (p. e pp. stood) estar, ficar de p touch: (s.) toque; contato; (v.) (p. e

pp. touched) tocar
starch: amido
tough: duro; difcil
starve: (p. e pp. starved) passar fome take: (p. took; pp. taken) 1 tomar
2 pegar 3 levar 4 tirar; take over: toward: em direo a
statement: afirmao
assumir o controle de; take turns:
trade: comrcio
steak: bife revezar; take up: ocupar
travel: (p. e pp. travel(l)ed) viajar
steal: (p. stole; pp. stolen) roubar tale: conto, histria
treatment: tratamento
step: 1 passo 2 medida, providncia tall: alto; taller than: mais alto do que
tree: rvore
still: ainda tap water: gua da torneira
tributary: (pl. tributaries) afluente
stole: (p. de steal) roubou task: tarefa
trip: viagem
stone: pedra taste: (s.) gosto, sabor; (v.) (p. e pp.
tasted) 1 ter um certo sabor 2 provar triple: triplo
storm: temporal, tempestade (comida, bebida)
truck driver: motorista de caminho
straight: reto
tasty: gostoso, saboroso
turn: (p. e pp. turned) virar; turn on/
straw: palha
taught: (p. de teach) ensinaram turn off: ligar/desligar
strawberry: (pl. strawberries) morango
tear: lgrima twentieth century: sculo vinte
strength: fora
teeth: (pl. de tooth) dentes twice: duas vezes
strong: forte
temper: temperamento; short temper: tyrant: tirano, dspota, rei que
subtle: sutil temperamento irascvel domina arbitrariamente seu povo

Vocabulary 241

U W wild: selvagem

will: (s.) 1 vontade 2 testamento;

unable: incapaz waiter: garom
(v. aux. modal, usado antes de um
unconscious: inconsciente waitress: garonete verbo principal) expressa uma ao
underline: (p. e pp. underlined) wander: (p. e pp. wandered) vaguear,
sublinhar andar sem rumo wing: asa

understand: (p. e pp. understood) warm: (adj.) (agradavelmente) quente; wisdom: sabedoria
entender, compreender (v.) (p. e pp. warmed) aquecer
wise: sbio
understanding: compreenso, warrior: guerreiro
entendimento wisely: sabiamente
washing machine: mquina de
understood: entendido, lavar roupa wish: (s.) desejo; (v.) (p. e pp. wished)
compreendido desejar
wastage: desperdcio
unhappy: infeliz within: dentro de (tempo ou espao)
waste: (s.) 1 desperdcio
unknown: desconhecido 2 resduo; lixo; (v.) (p. e pp. wasted) without: sem
unlucky: infeliz woman: (pl. women) mulher
water: (s.) gua; (v.) (p. e pp.
unreasonable: incompreensvel, watered) regar; water filter: filtro de wonderful: maravilhoso
absurdo gua; water lily: (Botnica) nenfar
work: (s.) trabalho; (v.) (p. e pp.
unscramble: (p. e pp. unscrambled) way: 1 caminho 2 direo 3 modo, worked) 1 trabalhar 2 funcionar
desembaralhar maneira
workings: funcionamento
unsinkable: impossvel de afundar wed: (p. e pp. wedded) casar(-se)
until: (prep.) at; (conj.) at que workout: treino, malhao
weigh: (p. e pp. weighed) pesar
up to: at worried: preocupado
weight: peso
used to: costumava; used to be: era worry: (p. e pp. worried) preocupar-se
went: (p. de go) foi
useful: til wet: molhado worth: valor; worth considering: que
vale a pena considerar
useless: intil whenever: sempre que
wreath: coroa
usually: usualmente, geralmente whereas: ao passo que, enquanto que
write: (p. wrote; pp. written) escrever

wherever: em todo lugar que

whether: se (ou no) Y

valley: (pl. valleys) vale
while: (conj.) 1 enquanto, ao mesmo
yeast: fermento
value: (s.) valor; (p. e pp. valued) tempo que (simultaneidade)
valorizar 2 enquanto, ao passo que
yesterday: ontem
variety: (pl. varieties) variedade yet: (adv.) 1 (em perguntas) j
whiz: gnio
2 (com not) ainda (no); (conj.)
venom: peonha, veneno
whole: inteiro contudo, no entanto
view: 1 vista 2 opinio
whose: (pron. inter.) de quem...?; young: jovem; the youngest:
viewpoint: ponto de vista (pron. relativo) cujo(s), cuja(s) o mais jovem

village: aldeia; vilarejo wider: mais largo, mais amplo youth: 1 juventude 2 jovem

242 Vocabulary

Este ndice remissivo aponta os tpicos gramaticais trabalhados nos trs volumes da coleo. Os
tpicos trabalhados no Book 2 so indicados pelo nmero da pgina; os trabalhados no Book 1 e no
Book 3 apenas so remetidos a esses volumes.

Across and through, 69 / B3 But, 53 Function words, B1 / 77, 94 / B3

Adjectives, Can: ability, possibility, Future, Future Progressive
a question of equality, 15, 202 permission, requests, B1 / 220 (Continuous), Future
comparatives, 13, 202 Como (como dizer): as, how, Perfect, B3
comparatives and superlatives, like, 108 Future time clauses, B3
B1 / 26, 203
Conditional sentences Futuro depois de when, if etc.,
numerals in compound
I Real Conditions (Possible B3
adjectives, 110
position of adjectives, B1 Results), B3 Gerndio e Infinitivo, B1 / 228
II Unreal Conditions / B3
Adjectives ending in -ed or
(Improbable Results), B3 Have Simple Present, B1
-ing, B1
III Unreal Past Conditions
Advrbios de frequncia, B1 / How (= como), 108
(Impossible Results), B3
189 However, 53
Conjunes, locues
Advrbios de modo, B1 / 188 conjuntivas e locues If clauses see Conditional
Advrbios que acompanham adverbiais, 229 / B3 sentences I, II and III
o Present Perfect, 157, 226 Could past ability, B1 / 220 / B3 Imperative, B1
Adverbs of frequency, B1 / 189 Could, may, might possibility, Indefinite pronouns and
Adverbs used with the B1 adverbs: compound forms,
Present Perfect, 157, 226 159
Countable and uncountable
Ago, B1 Indirect speech
nouns, B1 / 67, 191
I Statements, B3
Already, 157, 227 Discourse markers, B1 / 25,
II Imperatives, B3
Although, 53 53 / B3 III Questions, B3
Among and between, 172 / B3 Discurso indireto, B3 -ing form uses, B1 / 228 / B3
Any indefinite pronoun, 111, Do as an emphatic auxiliary, -ing form after a preposition, B1 /
199 B1 / 55 228 / B3
Anymore and no longer, B3 Dozen, hundred, thousand, Interrogatives, B1
Artigo definido, B1 million, billion, trillion, B1 Irregular verbs, B1 / lists 209,
Artigo indefinido, B1 Enough, 198 / B3 213 / B3
As (= como), 108 Ever, 157, 227 Just, 158, 227
As and like, B3 Every indefinite pronoun, 199 Lend and borrow, B3
Be + going to to express future False Friends, B1 / 230 / B3 Like (= como), 108
time, B1 Like and alike, B3
Few, 15, 79, 197
Be presente e passado, B1 Like and as, B3
Few/a few and little/a little, 15,
Beside and besides, B3 79, 197 Little, 15, 197
Between and among, 172 / B3 For and since Present Perfect, Little/a little and few/a few,
Borrow and lend, B3 144, 226 15, 79, 197


Locues nominais, B1 / 12, 66, Plural dos substantivos, B1 Quantifiers (some, any, no,
94, 107 / B3 Plural dos substantivos every e seus compostos), 200
Lose and miss, B3 casos especiais, B1 Quantifiers (some, any, no,
Many, 15, 198 Possessive adjectives and none, every), 111, 199
May and might, B1 pronouns, B1 Question words (what, which,
Miss and lose, B3 Possessive case of nouns, B1 who, whom, whose, when,
where, why, how, how often,
Modal (auxiliary) verbs, B1 Pour and spill, B3
how much, how many, what
review, B1 / 26 Prefixes, 154 time), B1
shall, will, B1
used to express advice, Preposies, B3 Reference words, B1 / 142 / B3
obligation, necessity, B1 Preposies dificuldades, B3 Reflexive pronouns and
used to express certainty or Present Perfect, 225 / B3 reciprocal pronouns, B1
possibility, B1
adverbs used with the Present Relative clauses
used to express deduction, B1
Perfect, 157, 226 / B3 I Defining clauses, B3
Much, 15, 198 indefinite past action, 123, 226 II Non-defining clauses, B3
Must used to express / B3
Relative pronouns, B3
deduction, B1 repeated action in indefinite
that, B1 / 58
Must used to express past, 225 / B3
with since and for, 144, 225 / B3 what, B1
necessity, B1
what and which, B3
Never, 157, 227 Present Perfect Progressive
who, whom, which, that, B3
(Continuous), 170
No, none indefinite pronoun, whose, B3
111, 199 Present Progressive
Remember and remind, B3
(Continuous), B1 / 218
No longer and anymore, B3 Remind and remember, B3
Noun phrases, B1 / 12, 66, 94, Present Progressive
(Continuous) to express Reported speech, see Indirect
107 / B3 speech
future time, B1
Numerals in compound
Pronomes Say and tell, B3
adjectives, 110
demonstrativos, B1 Say, speak, talk and tell, B3
One/ones pronome, B1
indefinidos, 111, 199 Shall, B1
Oraes condicionais, B3
interrogativos, B1
Should, B1
Ought to, B1 pessoais, B1
possessivos, B1 Simple Past
Parallel increase (the the
with comparatives), 160 reflexivos, B1 adverbs and finished-time
relativos usados em oraes expressions, B1
Passive voice, B3
explicativas, B3 affirmative form, B1 / B3
Past Perfect, 56, 224 / B3 relativos usados em oraes negative and interrogative
Past Progressive restritivas, B3 forms, B1 / B3
(Continuous), 37, 217 Pronoun reference, B1 / Simple Present
Pattern verb + object pronoun 142 / B3 affirmative form, B1
(or noun) + infinitive with to, Quantifiers (much, little/a interrogative form, B1
B3 little, many, few/a few), 79, interrogative form using
People: a very important word, 198 question words, B1
172 Quantifiers (much, many, negative form, B1
Personal pronouns subject little, few), 15, 197 Since and for Present Perfect,
pronouns and object 144, 226
Quantifiers (much/many; very/
pronouns, B1 very much; so/so much/ So and such, B3
Phrasal verbs, B1 / 38, 81, 98, so many; too/too much/too So much/so many, 15,
145 many; enough), 15, 198 198

244 Index

Some indefinite pronoun, 111, Present Perfect usos I, 124, Unless, B3
199 225 / B3 Used to hbito no passado,
Speak, say, talk and tell, B3 Present Perfect usos II, 144, B3
226 / B3
Spill and pour, B3 Verb + object pronoun (or
Present Perfect usos III, 157,
Stative verbs, 206 noun) + infinitive with to, B3
226 / B3
Still and yet, B3 Verbo haver presente,
Present Perfect Progressive
Substantivos passado, futuro, B1
(Continuous), 170
caso possessivo, B1 Present Progressive Verbo to be presente e
casos especiais na formao do (Continuous), B1 / 205 passado, B1
plural, B1 Simple Past formas negativa Verbo to have Simple Present
contveis e no contveis, B1 / e interrogativa, B1 / B3 Tense, B1
67, 191 Simple Past verbos Voz passiva, B3
expresses nominais, B1 / 12, irregulares, B1 / B3
66, 94, 107 / B3 What relative pronoun, B1
Simple Past verbos regulares,
formao do plural, B1 B1 / B3 What and which, B3
Such and so, B3 Simple Present forma Who, whom, which, that, B3
Suffixes, B1 / 51, 143 / B3 afirmativa, B1 Whose, B3
Superlative adjectives, B1 / 27, Simple Present formas Will to express certainty, B1 /
202 negativa e interrogativa, B1 218
Talk, say, speak and tell, B3 Tempos verbais compostos Will to express future time, B1
Tell, say, speak and talk, B3 introduo, B1 / 224 / B3
Will to express predictable
Tempos verbais That invisvel, B1 behavior, 81
Future, Future Progressive The the with comparatives Word formation
(Continuous), Future Perfect, B3 (parallel increase), 160 prefixes, 154
Past Perfect, 56, 224 / B3 Through and across, 69 / B3 suffixes, B1 / 51, 143 / B3
Past Progressive (Continuous),
Too many/too much, 15, 198 Would, 96 / B3
37, 217
Present Perfect introduo, Uncountable and countable Yet, 157, 227
225 / B3 nouns, B1 / 67, 191 Yet and still, B3

Index 245

Nesta seo indicamos as obras e os documentos que fundamentaram a proposta didtico-
-pedaggica desta obra e/ou foram utilizadas, de alguma forma, em sua produo.

BAKHTIN, M. M. Speech Genres and Other Late Essays. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1986.
. The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays by M. M. Bakhtin. Austin: University of
Texas Press, 1981.
BLOCK, D.; CAMERON, D. (Ed.). Globalization and Language Teaching. Londres: Routledge,
BRASIL. Ministrio da Educao. Secretaria de Educao Bsica. Orientaes Curriculares para o
Ensino Mdio. Linguagens, cdigos e suas tecnologias. Braslia: MEC/SEB, 2006.
. Ministrio da Educao. Secretaria de Educao Bsica. Parmetros Curriculares
Nacionais: Ensino Mdio. Linguagens, cdigos e suas tecnologias. Braslia: MEC/SEMTEC, 2000.
. Ministrio da Educao. Secretaria de Educao Bsica. PCN + Ensino Mdio:
Orientaes educacionais complementares aos Parmetros Curriculares Nacionais. Linguagens,
cdigos e suas tecnologias. Braslia: MEC/SEMTEC, 2002.
BRYSON, B. The Mother Tongue. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1990.
CRYSTAL, D. A Little Book of Language. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2010.
.Discover Grammar. Londres: Longman, 1996.
. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1995.
DAWKINS, R. The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing. New York: Oxford University Press,
ECKERSLEY, C. E.; ECKERSLEY, J. M. A Comprehensive English Grammar for Foreign Students.
Londres: Longman, 1960.
EDWARDS, D.; MERCER, N. Common Knowledge: The Development of Understanding in the
Classroom. Londres: Methuen, 1987.
FAIRCLOUGH, N. Language and Power. Londres: Longman, 1989.
FLOWERS, C. A Science Odyssey 100 Years of Discovery. New York: William Morrow and
Company, Inc., 1998.
FREIRE, P. Educao como prtica da liberdade. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1987.
. Pedagogia do oprimido. 9. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1981.
GODINHO, J. D. Once Upon a Time um Ingls. Rio de Janeiro: Relume Dumar, 2001.
GOWER, R.; PEARSON, M. Reading Literature. Londres: Longman, 1986.
HART-DAVIS, A. Science The Definitive Visual Guide. London: Dorling Kindersley, 2012.


LANGAN, J. Ten Steps to Improving Reading Skills. Marlton: Townsend Press, 1988.
LAVE, J.; WENGER, E. Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1991.
LEDERER, R. The Miracle of Language. New York: Pocket Books, 1991.
PACKER, T. Tales from Shakespeare. New York: Scholastic Press, 2004.
PARROT, M. Grammar for English Language Teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
QUIRK, R.; GREENBAUM, S. A University Grammar of English. Londres: Longman, 1973.
RAIMES, A. How English Works A grammar handbook with readings. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1998.
SAGAN, C. Billions & Billions. New York: Ballantine Books, 1997.
. The Varieties of Scientific Experience. New York: Penguin Books, 2007.
SHAKESPEARE, W. The Complete Works of Shakespeare. Hertfordshire: Wordsworth Editions,
SWAN, M. Practical English Usage new edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.
.; WALTER, C. How English Works A grammar practice book. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1997.
THOMSON, A. J.; MARTINET, A. V. A Practical English Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1985.
TOLER, P. D. Mankind The Story of All of Us. Philadelphia: Running Press Book Publishers,
VYGOTSKY, L. S. A formao social da mente. So Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1994.
WELLS, G.; CHANG-WELLS, G. L. Constructing Knowledge Together: Classrooms as Centers of
Inquiry and Literacy. Portsmouth: Heinemann, 1992.
WIDDOWSON, H. G. Defining Issues in English Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2003.

Bibliography 247

Contedo do CD de udio
Faixa 1 Apresentao

Faixa 2 Unit 1 Modern Paradoxes

Faixa 3 Paradoxes of Our Time

Faixa 4 Unit 2 A Bright Idea

Faixa 5 Some Bright Ideas

Faixa 6 Unit 3 The Creation of the Amazon River

Faixa 7 Fact File

Faixa 8 Unit 4 You Will Never Feel Lonely

Faixa 9 Role Models

Faixa 10 Unit 5 The Universal Language

Faixa 11 School Subjects

Faixa 12 Unit 6 Magnets and the Power of Attraction

Faixa 13 How to Make a Compass (2)

Faixa 14 How to Make a Compass (3)

Faixa 15 How to Make a Compass (4)

Faixa 16 Unit 7 The Chemistry of Making Bread

Faixa 17 At a Diner

Faixa 18 Unit 8 A NASA Invention for Daily Life

Faixa 19 World Water Day

Faixa 20 Unit 9 Eureka!

Faixa 21 Promoting a Book

Faixa 22 Unit 10 The Interpretation of Dreams

Faixa 23 Dreamland

Faixa 24 Unit 11 A Science Odyssey One Hundred Years of Discovery

Faixa 25 Twentieth Century Inventions

Faixa 26 Unit 12 Biopiracy

Faixa 27 Aa, the Amazing Amazonian Super Fruit


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Manual do Professor


(Atividades adicionais
de listening) 25
A leitura 6
A compreenso oral 7 17. ATIVIDADES ADICIONAIS DE
A produo oral 8 READING 29
A produo escrita 8


Para o aluno 12 Para o aluno 43
Para o professor 12 Para o aluno e para o professor 44
CD de udio 12
Para o professor 45

Manual do Professor 1

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You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him discover it
in himself.
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)

Learning is finding out what you already know.

Doing is demonstrating that you know it.
Teaching is reminding others that they know it just as well as you.
You are all learners, doers, teachers.
Richard Bach (1936-)

Passados mais de trs sculos da poca de Galileu, uma das estrelas mais
brilhantes no universo da descoberta cientfica, Richard Bach, autor de
Jonathan Livingstone Seagull (Ferno Capelo Gaivota, 1970), reafirma,
em bela prosa potica, a verdade que a principal misso do professor fa-
zer aflorar em seus alunos o conhecimento que eles j tm. No podemos
ensinar nada a ningum, mas sim ajudar cada um a descobrir por si pr-
prio. No somos os protagonistas desse espetculo da descoberta, mas
apenas ajudantes nessa construo.
assim que vemos a educao e com esse fundamento que esta obra
foi escrita. Ela adota uma viso sociointeracional e interdisciplinar para o
estudo da lngua inglesa. Alm dos contedos lingusticos e discursivos, a
coleo vale-se intensamente da oportunidade de abordar contedos de
relevncia sociocultural, destacando valores que consideramos importan-
tes para os nossos alunos.
Visando educao para a cidadania, esperamos que esta obra sirva de
apoio e instrumento de ensino no apenas da lngua inglesa, mas que, so-
bretudo, leve reflexo, ao debate e ao posicionamento crtico. Neste Ma-
nual, oferecemos ao professor uma grande quantidade de material de
apoio, esperando com isso contribuir para o enriquecimento de suas aulas,
visando ao desenvolvimento do processo de ensino-aprendizagem e
conquista dos objetivos propostos.
Estamos juntos nessa misso.
Acreditamos, sim, que we are all learners, doers, teachers.

2 Manual do Professor

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mas, no desenvolvimento das diversas sees de cada uni-
2. PRESSUPOSTOS TERICOS dade, estimulado a formular hipteses, deduzir regras
E METODOLGICOS com base na observao de diferentes contextos de uso da
linguagem e coloc-las em prtica; incentivado a discutir
Esta obra, a exemplo dos documentos organizadores
textos e temas, refletindo sobre sua posio diante deles e
e norteadores do Ensino Mdio, no que se refere s lnguas
relacionando-os com conhecimentos de outras disciplinas
estrangeiras (como os Parmetros Curriculares Nacio-
e com o mundo em que vive (como nas sees de com-
nais do Ensino Mdio PCNEM e as Orientaes Cur-
preenso de texto, Another Look at... e Think About It).
riculares para o Ensino Mdio OCEM), adota uma viso
sociointeracional da linguagem. Nessa viso, os sentidos Assumindo tais pressupostos, esta coleo didtica
no so inerentes linguagem, mas construdos por meio prope um trabalho interdisciplinar e contextualizado, no
da interao entre sujeitos em determinados contextos qual o ensino da lngua inglesa se integra a reas do conhe-
de uso, em um dado momento scio-histrico. Esses sen- cimento em um currculo mais amplo e se insere na vida
tidos passam a fazer parte constitutiva da realidade e da social do aluno. Assim, busca-se concretizar a funo edu-
histria da sociedade em que vivemos. Em outras pala- cacional do ensino de lngua estrangeira no Ensino Mdio
vras, atravs do uso das mltiplas manifestaes das lin- e destacar a relevncia da noo de cidadania nesse con-
guagens em suas prticas sociais, o homem atua sobre sua texto, dois aspectos enfatizados pelas OCEM (p. 87-93).
realidade e a de seus grupos sociais, podendo mant-la, Seguindo a sugesto desse documento de usar temas como
refor-la, question-la ou modific-la. ponto de partida para o planejamento de curso (p. 111-112),
nesta obra temas de relevncia social e pessoal para o aluno
Dessa forma, a obra busca envolver o aluno na constru-
so apresentados no texto principal, no incio de cada uni-
o de sentidos que se d na prtica discursiva, para que ele
dade. Ao longo das unidades, esses temas so trabalhados
possa agir no mundo social. Para tal, parte-se de textos sobre
em atividades diversificadas para desenvolver as habilida-
temas relevantes para o aluno e para a sociedade tais como
cidadania, ecologia, sustentabilidade, sade, tecnologia, des de compreenso e produo nas modalidades escrita
cincia, justia social, valores e conflitos e propem-se e oral (como nas sees Reading, Listening, Speaking,
atividades que visam ao desenvolvimento no apenas de Writing) e tambm para levar o aluno a refletir, estabelecer
habilidades lingusticas, mas principalmente de competn- dilogo com outras disciplinas, posicionar-se criticamente
cias que tornem esse aluno apto a, atravs do engajamento quanto aos temas abordados e participar mais ativamente
em atividades de uso da linguagem, compreender melhor o de sua comunidade (como nas sees Another Look at... e
mundo em que vive e participar dele criticamente. Think About It, e nos projetos sugeridos neste Manual).

Esta coleo didtica tambm se guia por uma concep- O ensino da lngua inglesa nesta coleo tambm se in-
o sociointeracional da aprendizagem de lnguas, em que sere nas funes do Ensino Mdio de preparar o aluno tanto
os alunos aprendem ao interagir com os colegas, com o para o ingresso no mercado de trabalho quanto para a con-
professor e com outros membros da comunidade. Desta- tinuidade dos estudos no ensino superior. Como a lngua
cam-se, portanto, atividades que privilegiam o trabalho inglesa utilizada amplamente para a divulgao cientfica
conjunto, seja pela discusso em classe (por exemplo: na e a comunicao internacional, seja em contatos pessoais
fase de pr-leitura, com a estratgia de leitura Making ou mediados pela Internet, saber us-la (para ler, escrever,
predictions, e nas atividades da subseo Before You Read, ouvir e falar) abre ao indivduo maiores possibilidades de
em que os alunos se preparam para a leitura do texto prin- qualificao profissional e insero no mundo do trabalho,
cipal; no momento da correo coletiva de exerccios; e na assim como de acesso universidade, onde parte dos textos
seo Think About It, fechamento de cada unidade), tarefas a serem lidos pelos alunos tambm escrita em ingls.
em duplas ou em pequenos grupos (propostas em vrios Assim, esta coleo prope-se levar o aluno a conhe-
exerccios ao longo da coleo) ou projetos interdiscipli- cer e usar a lngua estrangeira moderna como instrumen-
nares em grupos (sugeridos neste Manual). to de acesso a informaes e a outras culturas e grupos
Nessa abordagem, o professor no visto como aquele sociais, conforme indicado pelos PCNEM (p. 11), em
que tem conhecimentos a transmitir aos alunos que, por consonncia com as finalidades atribudas ao Ensino M-
sua vez, devem reproduzir fielmente o que lhes foi apre- dio pela Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educao Nacional
sentado. O professor aquele que orienta e incentiva o (LDBEN, art. 35) e ratificadas pelas OCEM (p. 7) de apri-
aluno a assumir o papel de sujeito de sua prpria aprendi- moramento do educando como ser humano, sua formao
zagem, a planej-la e avali-la continuamente (como se tica, desenvolvimento de sua autonomia intelectual e de
pode ver, por exemplo, na seo Check Your English e em seu pensamento crtico, sua preparao para o mundo do
diversas sugestes dadas neste Manual). O aluno, por sua trabalho e o desenvolvimento de competncias para con-
vez, no espera receber passivamente contedos prontos, tinuar seu aprendizado.

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vem sendo aplicada com base na Matriz de referncia
3. OBJETIVOS GERAIS para o Enem 2011 com base:

Os objetivos gerais desta obra, listados a seguir, foram nos Eixos cognitivos comuns a todas as reas de
estabelecidos com base nos pressupostos terico-meto- conhecimento
dolgicos j apresentados e nas orientaes dos diversos
Dominar linguagens (DL): dominar a norma culta da
documentos organizadores e norteadores do Ensino M- Lngua Portuguesa e fazer uso das linguagens matemtica,
dio no Brasil, como os PCNEM, as OCEM e a Matriz de artstica e cientfica e das lnguas espanhola e inglesa.
Referncia de Linguagens, Cdigos e suas Tecnologias
Compreender fenmenos (CF): construir e aplicar
do Exame Nacional do Ensino Mdio (Enem). conceitos das vrias reas de conhecimento para a
Os objetivos especficos relativos a cada seo sero compreenso de fenmenos naturais, de processos
histrico-geogrficos, da produo tecnolgica e das
apresentados mais adiante neste Manual, no tpico Des- manifestaes artsticas.
crio das unidades.
Enfrentar situaes-problema (SP): selecionar, organizar,
So objetivos gerais: interpretar dados e informaes representados de
Desenvolver no aluno competncias que o tornem apto diferentes formas, para tomar decises e enfrentar
a, atravs do engajamento em atividades de uso da lin-
guagem, construir sentidos, compreender melhor o Construir argumentao (CA): relacionar informaes,
representadas em diferentes formas, e conhecimentos
mundo em que vive e participar dele criticamente, for-
disponveis em situaes concretas, para construir
talecendo a noo de cidadania. argumentao consistente.
Desenvolver no aluno, de modo integrado, habilidades
Elaborar propostas (EP): recorrer aos conhecimentos
lingusticas (compreenso oral e escrita, produo oral desenvolvidos na escola para elaborao de propostas de
e escrita), compreendidas como prticas sociais e interveno solidria na realidade, respeitando os valores
humanos e considerando a diversidade sociocultural.
Promover, atravs de um trabalho interdisciplinar e
contextualizado, a articulao entre a lngua inglesa e na Competncia de rea 2
outras reas do conhecimento na constituio de um Conhecer e usar lngua(s) estrangeira(s) moderna(s) como
currculo mais amplo, inserido na vida social. instrumento de acesso a informaes e a outras culturas e
grupos sociais.
Fortalecer o esprito de colaborao do aluno em seu
processo de aprendizagem. Habilidade 5 Associar vocbulos e expresses em um
texto em LEM ao seu tema.
Desenvolver estratgias de aprendizagem de leitura,
possibilitando a formao de leitores autnomos. Habilidade 6 Utilizar os conhecimentos da LEM e de
seus mecanismos como meio de ampliar as possibilidades
Levar o aluno a conhecer e usar a lngua inglesa como de acesso a informaes, tecnologias e culturas.
instrumento de acesso a informaes e a outras culturas
e grupos sociais. Habilidade 7 Relacionar um texto em LEM, as estruturas
lingusticas, sua funo e uso social.
Incentivar o reconhecimento da importncia da pro-
duo cultural em ingls como representao da diver- Habilidade 8 Reconhecer a importncia da produo
cultural em LEM como representao da diversidade
sidade cultural e lingustica. cultural e lingustica.

4. O NOVO ENEM na Matriz de referncia de Linguagens, Cdigos e suas

Criado pelo Ministrio da Educao em 1998, o Enem
Estudo do texto: as sequncias discursivas e os gneros
(Exame Nacional do Ensino Mdio), que avalia o desem- textuais no sistema de comunicao e informao
penho do estudante ao fim da escolaridade bsica, com- modos de organizao da composio textual; atividades de
produo escrita e de leitura de textos gerados nas
posto de questes voltadas para quatro reas do diferentes esferas sociais pblicas e privadas.
conhecimento: Linguagens, Cdigos e suas Tecnologias;
Cincias Humanas e suas Tecnologias; Cincias da Natu- Estudo dos aspectos lingusticos em diferentes textos:
recursos expressivos da lngua, procedimento de
reza e suas Tecnologias; Matemtica e suas Tecnologias. construo e recepo de textos organizao da
Em 2010 o Enem passou a incluir Lngua Estrangeira macroestrutura semntica e a articulao entre ideias e
proposies (relaes lgico-semnticas).
Moderna (Ingls e Espanhol). A partir de ento a prova

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diversas sees de sites, jornais ou revistas (sade, cincia,
Estudo dos gneros digitais: tecnologia da
comunicao e informao: impacto e funo social o meio ambiente, economia, poltica, cultura, entreteni-
texto literrio tpico da cultura de massa: o suporte textual mento, msica, livros etc.). Tudo em princpio deve ser
em gneros digitais; a caracterizao dos interlocutores na objeto de interesse e interpretao para se ter um bom
comunicao tecnolgica; os recursos lingusticos e os
gneros digitais; a funo social das novas tecnologias. desempenho na resposta s questes propostas nos exames.
Esse treinamento tambm muito til para aquisio de
BRASIL. Ministrio da Educao. Matriz de Referncia para
vocabulrio e reconhecimento de estruturas gramaticais
o Enem 2011. Braslia, DF: MEC, 2011.
que, embora no cobradas especificamente, esto na base
de sustentao dos textos. recomendvel, entre outras
A prova de ingls do Enem coisas, conhecer as provas j aplicadas. Para isso, lembra-
A primeira prova de Lngua Estrangeira Moderna mos que nesta coleo foram apresentadas questes de
Ingls no Enem foi aplicada em 2010. Uma rpida anlise todas as provas do Enem na seo Check Your English.
das provas que se seguiram mostra de imediato que a 3. Reading strategies Desde as primeiras unidades di-
competncia exigida dos candidatos nessas provas a de
dticas desta coleo, os alunos so constantemente orien-
interpretao de texto escrito, no havendo cobranas de
tados a fazer uso de estratgias de leitura, para melhor
reconhecimento ou produo de aspectos gramaticais
compreender e interpretar os textos. Fazer previses, ativar
especficos. Essa prova composta de 5 questes de ml-
o conhecimento prvio de mundo, fazer uma leitura rpida
tipla escolha, com enunciado em portugus, baseadas em
e superficial do texto para entender sua essncia, encontrar
textos curtos que abordam assuntos de conhecimento
as keywords e as topic sentences que abrem caminho para
geral, de diversos gneros textuais (artigo jornalstico,
a resposta de cada questo tudo isso ser posto prova e
poema, letra de msica, cartum, tirinha), em que o ob-
realizado com sucesso nas provas de ingls do Enem. Desde
jetivo , na maioria delas, avaliar a capacidade do candi-
o primeiro ano de sua aplicao, esse exame tem se mostrado
dato de identificar a ideia principal do texto e, em alguns
acessvel a quem se prepara com interesse e disciplina de
casos, localizar informaes especficas.
estudo. Levando em conta que a prova proposta a candi-
Um conselho prtico para se ter bom desempenho na datos de todas as regies do Brasil, consenso entre os edu-
prova de ingls do Enem resume-se a uma palavra: ler. O cadores que seu nvel bastante adequado, verificando com
ideal que essa competncia se estabelea gradualmente, equilbrio e objetividade a competncia de interpretao do
ao longo de todo o Ensino Mdio, embasada no reconhe- texto escrito, sem despropositadas cobranas de competn-
cimento das estruturas bsicas e no desenvolvimento cias de maior sofisticao na rea de aspectos lingusticos,
lexical, mediante a leitura de uma boa diversidade de g- sem a proposio das abominveis armadilhas conhecidas
neros textuais, e aplicando gradualmente as estratgias como pegadinhas; enfim, um modelo de prova que con-
de leitura que facilitam a compreenso e a interpretao sideramos justo e acessvel a todos os candidatos que se de-
do texto. dicam ao estudo da lngua inglesa.
Poderamos resumir em trs itens os aspectos mais
importantes da preparao do aluno para este exame:
1. General knowledge O candidato deve manter-se 5. AS QUATRO HABILIDADES
informado sobre o que acontece no pas e no mundo. As- LINGUSTICAS E O
sim como para a prova de Lngua Portuguesa e de vrias CONCEITO DE LETRAMENTO
outras disciplinas, muito importante estar a par, mesmo
que em princpio seja atravs de meios e publicaes em O ensino de ingls tem tradicionalmente se organizado
portugus, dos assuntos que dominam o noticirio na- em funo das quatro habilidades lingusticas: compreen-
cional e internacional. Saber o que desenvolvimento so escrita ou leitura (reading), produo escrita (writing),
sustentvel, estar informado sobre acordos polticos de compreenso oral (listening) e produo oral ou fala
problemas ambientais, sobre a situao econmica, es- (speaking). Pode-se observar, entretanto, que, nos dife-
pecialmente dos pases em que se fala ingls, manter-se rentes contextos de prticas sociais, essas habilidades no
a par de manifestaes culturais desses pases, sejam elas ocorrem de modo isolado. Na prpria sala de aula, co-
populares, literrias, musicais, artsticas em geral. Para mum o aluno ouvir o professor ou um colega ler um texto
isso pode ser muito proveitoso, alm, claro do apoio e escrever anotaes ao mesmo tempo. Como apontam as
oferecido por este livro didtico, que o candidato procure OCEM (p. 105), a comunicao mediada por computador
ler jornais ou revistas, em edies impressas e on-line da tambm oferece muitos exemplos de novos usos da lingua-
maior diversidade de fontes possvel. gem que demonstram a conexo entre as diferentes habi-
2. Reading and interpretation practice O candidato lidades. Incluem-se a a presena de caractersticas de fala
deve se habituar a ler sobre os mais diversos assuntos nas na escrita (em mensagens instantneas e mensagens por

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e-mail, por exemplo), o uso de links na construo de tem especial nfase nesta coleo j que a partir da lei-
hipertextos que oferecem diferentes possibilidades de tra- tura, compreenso e interpretao do texto escrito que
jetos de leitura e do ao leitor um certo status de coautor, as outras habilidades lingusticas, alm do desenvolvi-
e a incluso frequente de elementos visuais e at sonoros mento do vocabulrio e dos aspectos gramaticais, so
em textos escritos, que passam a se caracterizar pela mul- trabalhadas. Alm disso, prioriza-se essa habilidade para
timodalidade (que integra texto escrito, imagem e som). que o aluno sinta-se capaz de realizar com sucesso exames
Diante disso, conforme as OCEM (p. 106), passa-se a que exigem competncia na compreenso de um texto
preferir o uso do termo letramento para se referir aos usos escrito, como o Enem.
heterogneos da linguagem nas quais formas de leitura Em consonncia com a viso de linguagem aqui ado-
interagem com formas de escrita em prticas socioculturais tada, esta obra se fundamenta em uma concepo socio-
contextualizadas. Segundo esse documento, o novo con- interacional da leitura, segundo a qual os sentidos no
ceito de letramento permite a compreenso desses novos e esto no texto para serem assimilados pelo leitor, mas so
complexos usos (de vrias habilidades) da linguagem em construdos a partir da interao entre o leitor e o autor,
situaes como as que descrevemos anteriormente, referidas sujeitos sociais inseridos em um certo momento scio-
agora como letramento visual, letramento digital etc., -histrico e em contextos de uso da linguagem, pela me-
levando ao surgimento do conceito de multiletramento diao do prprio texto e, por vezes, de conversas com
(COPE; KALANTZIS, 2000) para dar conta da extrema com- outras pessoas sobre o texto lido.
plexidade desses novos e complexos usos da linguagem por
A leitura na disciplina Lngua Estrangeira Moderna no
novas comunidades de prtica.
se deve restringir a aspectos intelectuais e metalingusticos.
Embora argumentando que a concepo de hetero-
Deve tambm permitir acesso a mltiplas informaes e
geneidade na linguagem e o uso complexo e contextuali-
formas de conhecimento, alm da prpria lngua, no con-
zado (isto , em contextos especficos) de formas variadas
siderando menos importantes o lazer e a diverso. Estar
da linguagem em comunidades diferentes inviabilizam o
habilitado para ler o mundo ser capaz de fazer uso e
conceito anterior da linguagem em termos das chamadas
tirar proveito de todas essas formas de leitura.
quatro habilidades (p. 103), as OCEM reconhecem que
seria incoerente ignorar o conhecimento prvio de pro- Os textos das unidades didticas que compem esta
fessores de lnguas estrangeiras e mantiveram a termino- coleo abordam temas de grande atualidade e relevncia
logia j existente como comunicao oral, leitura e prtica para os alunos, visando despertar seu interesse em ler e
escrita (p. 110). O documento, entretanto, ressalva que saber mais sobre o tema abordado, alm de assumir um
esses termos precisam ser entendidos no como partes posicionamento crtico quanto a isso. A cuidadosa seleo
conceituais da concepo anterior de quatro habilidades desses temas teve como princpio o poder de motivar os
numa viso de linguagem como totalidade homognea, alunos, oferecendo-lhes no somente a oportunidade de
mas sim na viso alternativa de heterogeneidades abertas ler o mundo como tambm a de ler o prprio mundo,
e socioculturalmente contextualizadas (p. 110). por estarem direta ou indiretamente integrados ao univer-
Seguindo tais orientaes, esta obra tambm se refere s so dos alunos.
quatro habilidades (reading, listening, speaking, writing) Para o desenvolvimento da compreenso escrita, este
considerando seus usos em diferentes contextos socio- livro parte de textos sobre temas de relevncia sociocul-
culturais e suas possveis formas de integrao. Ainda tural e de carter interdisciplinar, como cidadania, solida-
que para facilitar a organizao das unidades didticas riedade, tica, diversidade cultural, preservao do meio
haja sees que se referem a uma das quatro habilidades, ambiente, sade, cincia e tecnologia, para propor ativi-
isso no implica a crena de que se possa compartimen- dades que envolvam o aluno na construo de sentidos que
t-las, seja na prtica social ou no processo de ensino- se d na prtica discursiva, de modo que ele possa com-
-aprendizagem. Em alguns casos, at o prprio ttulo da preender melhor o mundo em que vive e participar dele
seo (como Reading & Listening, Reading & Speaking, criticamente. Entre as disciplinas com as quais se podem
Reading & Writing, Listening & Speaking, Listening & estabelecer relaes tendo por base os temas abordados
Writing) j destaca a integrao de habilidades. nas unidades didticas desta obra, incluem-se: Geografia,
Histria, Filosofia, Sociologia, Arte, Lngua Portuguesa,
A leitura Espanhol, Biologia, Filosofia, Matemtica, Fsica, Qumica,
Educao Fsica. Adotando os conceitos de letramento e
Esta coleo visa ao desenvolvimento de habilidades multiletramento (j apresentados), esta obra desenvolve o
e competncias que possibilitem aos alunos a participao trabalho com a leitura, enquanto prtica social, de forma
em prticas discursivas, diversificadas e autnticas, em integrada s outras habilidades e com vistas a contribuir
sua esfera social. O trabalho com a compreenso escrita para a formao tica do aluno como cidado.

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Em todas as unidades so apresentados dois textos: o das palavras que ainda no conhece. Essa etapa corresponde
principal, que abre a unidade e a base para o desenvolvi- subseo General Comprehension. Em uma segunda lei-
mento das atividades das diversas sees que se seguem, e tura, exerccios da subseo Detailed Comprehension fazem
o da seo Another Look at, mais breve, geralmente de com que o aluno busque identificar informaes especficas
um gnero textual diferente do primeiro, que retoma o (scanning). Para ajudar o aluno a realizar as atividades de
assunto sob outro ponto de vista e em outro contexto dis- leitura propostas e a construir sentidos ao interagir com o
cursivo, trazendo novas atividades de compreenso de texto, ele orientado a observar palavras transparentes,
texto e possibilitando o estabelecimento de relaes de nomes prprios, datas e nmeros, sinais de pontuao,
intertextualidade. convenes grficas (como diferentes tipos de letras) e a
O livro apresenta textos autnticos, reproduzidos em relacionar informaes verbais quelas no verbais que
sua forma original, selecionados para oferecer temas re- acompanham o texto (ilustraes, fotos, tabelas).
levantes para o aluno e para a sociedade (como os j men- Ao final da unidade, a seo Another Look at retoma
cionados) e uma variedade de gneros discursivos, que o assunto do texto principal, mas em um outro gnero tex-
incluem, entre outros, notcias de jornal ou revista, arti- tual, e prepara o aluno para a etapa de ps-leitura, que a
gos de divulgao cientfica, poemas, textos publicados seo Think About It. Nela se aprofunda e amplia a discusso
em sites da Internet (com seu layout original), textos
dos temas apresentados, j conduzida ao longo da unidade,
dissertativos em geral, histrias em quadrinhos, cartuns,
convidando o aluno a refletir criticamente sobre as questes
psteres, mximas e citaes. Entretanto, no caso de al-
propostas. Na sequncia, a seo Exploring Other Sources
guns textos originalmente mais longos, em vez de repro-
traz sugestes de leituras adicionais (sites da Internet, livros
duzirmos apenas parte deles, optamos por fazer pequenas
e publicaes recentes que podem ser encontrados em bi-
adaptaes a fim de construir textos com incio, meio e
bliotecas ou livrarias), alm de vdeos, documentrios e
fim. Nesse processo, houve uma preocupao especial
filmes, em que se trabalha a intertextualidade, estabelecen-
para que os textos adaptados no parecessem artificiais.
do novas relaes entre os textos e temas da unidade com
Por vezes, a adaptao tambm viabilizou um trabalho
outros textos e outras reas do conhecimento.
mais detalhado dos contedos apresentados dentro do
espao limitado de uma unidade didtica. No acredita- Finalmente, tendo por base o trabalho desenvolvido
mos, contudo, que a simplificao lingustica seja neces- com a leitura dos textos e a discusso dos temas apresen-
sria para viabilizar a compreenso do texto pelo aluno, tados, projetos de natureza interdisciplinar so sugeridos
nem fazemos uso de textos adaptados como recurso nico e podem ser usados como forma de, a partir de prticas
ou prioritrio, conforme sugerem as OCEM (p. 114). de letramento, envolver o aluno na construo de sentidos
Para viabilizar pedagogicamente o desenvolvimento da para agir no mundo social. Ver detalhes no tpico Projetos
compreenso escrita, utilizam-se atividades de pr-leitura, interdisciplinares, neste Manual. Dessa forma, esta obra
leitura e ps-leitura, em que so exploradas diversas es- se coloca em consonncia com a tarefa do Ensino Mdio,
tratgias de leitura. Essas estratgias esto assinaladas ao hoje, de proporcionar aos alunos oportunidades de in-
longo do livro para o professor com cones e um breve ttulo tegrao em torno de projetos multidisciplinares, expon-
em ingls, e so descritas em detalhe neste Manual, no do-os a vivncias intra e extraescolares, no sentido de
tpico a seguir (Estratgias de leitura). desenvolver habilidades e competncias, no apenas
como coadjuvantes, mas como protagonistas, nas diversas
Na etapa de pr-leitura, para resgatar o conhecimento
prvio do aluno e lev-lo a fazer previses sobre o assunto situaes de aprendizagem (Parmetros em ao En-
ou tipo de texto a ser lido, introduzimos o texto principal sino Mdio, 2001, p. 151).
da unidade com perguntas em portugus, e, aps a Unit 6,
metade do volume 1, em ingls. Nessa fase, o professor pode A compreenso oral
fazer outras perguntas introdutrias, chamando a ateno
do aluno para o ttulo, o subttulo, as legendas e as infor- Como recurso para o desenvolvimento da habilidade
maes no verbais (fotos ou ilustraes) presentes na de compreenso oral, um CD de udio acompanha cada
pgina de abertura da unidade. Com o levantamento de volume da coleo, contendo:
hipteses sobre o texto, o aluno se sente mais estimulado
a leitura de todos os textos principais das unidades;
a engajar-se na construo de sentidos que se inicia com
a atividade da leitura. exerccios para observao da pronncia e acentuao
de algumas palavras (selecionadas geralmente por apre-
Na primeira leitura, superficial (skimming), o aluno de-
ver buscar uma compreenso geral do texto e verificar se sentarem dificuldades para o falante de portugus);
as hipteses que formulou durante a pr-leitura se confir- textos utilizados nas sees de Listening, Listening &
mam, sem se preocupar, por exemplo, com o significado Speaking, Listening & Reading, Listening & Writing.

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Embora o trabalho com o texto inicial de cada unidade suporte escrito. Cumpre, entretanto, a exemplo do que
destaque a habilidade de compreenso escrita (leitura), proposto para a compreenso escrita, destacar para o aluno
disponibiliza-se o udio de cada um deles a fim de tornar que ele no precisa compreender todas as palavras utiliza-
o aluno cada vez mais familiarizado com os sons da lngua das, mas deve buscar construir sentidos a partir do texto
inglesa (incluindo a pronncia, acentuao, entonao e e realizar as atividades propostas.
ritmo) e oferecer outro recurso que possa aumentar o Com os recursos oferecidos pelo CD de udio e a di-
envolvimento daqueles alunos mais interessados em versidade de atividades propostas, esta coleo pretende
listening e speaking. No se pretende sugerir, contudo, desenvolver a compreenso intensiva (sons, palavras,
que seja necessrio ler ou ouvir a leitura em voz alta de sentenas), extensiva (global) e seletiva (pontual), con-
um texto escrito para que se possa compreend-lo. forme orientao do Programa Nacional do Livro Didtico
Desse modo, o professor pode utilizar o udio do texto do Ensino Mdio (PNLD-EM).
principal da unidade de vrias maneiras, conforme as
possibilidades e os interesses da turma. Depois de ouvir
A produo oral
o udio do texto completo e repeti-lo fazendo pausas a
cada pargrafo, os alunos podem destacar elementos que
Em cada unidade, a seo Speaking (que tambm pode
costumam ser mais facilmente identificados, como:
se apresentar como Listening & Speaking, Reading &
palavras cuja pronncia seja semelhante ao portu- Speaking quando explicitamente integrada a outra habi-
gus (como scientists, animals, plants, atmosphere, lidade) consta de atividades de produo oral relaciona-
television, penguin, music etc.); das, de alguma forma, ao tema desenvolvido na unidade.
nomes de pessoas e lugares (como Alberto Santos-Dumont, Tal relao temtica possibilita a utilizao de vocabul-
Mozart, Antarctica, Paris, Salzburg, Austria etc.); rio, estruturas lingusticas e outros contedos j estuda-
palavras e expresses em ingls de alguma forma in- dos e praticados pelos alunos, proporcionando-lhes mais
corporadas lngua portuguesa (como Internet, e-mail, confiana para se expressar.
OK, power, shopping, video games, laptop etc.). Ao longo da coleo, conforme sugerido pelas OCEM
(p. 120), levam-se em considerao contextos de uso com
Conforme j mencionado, aps a audio do texto
diferentes graus de complexidade de interao, incluindo
principal de cada unidade so destacadas palavras cuja
a apresentao e a troca de informaes pessoais simples,
pronncia ou acentuao costuma causar dificuldades
a expresso de opinies de concordncia e discordncia,
especialmente para brasileiros. Para explorar essa parte
em diversas situaes, sempre integradas ao tema abor-
do CD, apresentamos, exclusivamente neste Manual, qua-
dado em cada unidade.
dros com dicas, aspectos a serem observados com mais
ateno e a acentuao (stress) dessas palavras. Os alunos Em vrias unidades, a atividade de produo oral par-
so convidados a ouvir, a observar como as palavras so te da compreenso de um texto oral, como um dilogo
pronunciadas no CD e a repeti-las. Relacionamos ainda ou uma entrevista, integrando as sees de Listening e
palavras que rimam entre si, para auxiliar a percepo e Speaking. Em outros casos, seguindo as OCEM (p. 121),
memorizao da pronncia correta. parte-se da leitura e da anlise escrita de um dilogo (no
qual se podem incluir questes sobre contexto, situao,
Para cada unidade, o CD de udio apresenta tambm
assunto, participantes, itens lingusticos caractersticos
diferentes tipos de textos orais (tais como dilogos, entre-
vistas, programas de rdio e de TV, trechos de palestras, do contexto) para, ento, realizar-se a prtica oral. De
leitura de poemas, conversas telefnicas) para serem uti- acordo com esse documento, com isso, pode-se apren-
lizados em atividades de compreenso global ou pontual, der que identificar, analisar e usar um determinado di-
propostas na seo de Listening (que tambm assume o logo apenas parte de um conjunto complexo de
ttulo de Listening & Speaking, Listening & Writing ou habilidades orais em contextos diferentes (p. 121).
Listening & Reading, quando se integra explicitamente a
outra habilidade). O assunto dos textos orais est sempre A produo escrita
relacionado, de alguma forma, ao tema introduzido pelo
texto inicial da unidade, com base no qual se busca engajar Seguindo as OCEM, o desenvolvimento da escrita nes-
o aluno em diferentes prticas discursivas. A transcrio ta obra no se d atravs da produo de textos jorna-
desses textos apresentada apenas neste Manual, no tpico lsticos, argumentativos ou acadmicos, conforme o
Audio Scripts. Dessa forma, lembra-se sempre ao aluno ensino clssico dessa atividade (p. 121), mas com base
que ele pode desenvolver gradativamente sua capacidade na concepo de letramento (j apresentada), ou seja,
de compreenso auditiva sem ter necessariamente um envolve usos contextualizados da lngua, como escrever

8 Manual do Professor

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e responder mensagens, corresponder-se com outras srie de estratgias e recursos que o leitor utiliza para
pessoas pela Internet. entender o texto. Muitas dessas estratgias so usadas
Como j foi dito sobre a compreenso e a produo oral, intuitivamente; outras, porm, de uso especfico, podem
neste livro a escrita tambm trabalhada de forma integrada ser implementadas a fim de desenvolver e aprimorar as
a outras habilidades, especialmente a de leitura, em que a habilidades de leitura, sobretudo em uma lngua
compreenso e a observao de um texto escrito servem de estrangeira.
ponto de partida para a construo do texto do aluno. A Nesta obra so exploradas diversas estratgias de leitura
partir da observao de uma mensagem de e-mail entre que facilitam a compreenso de textos em ingls. Elas so
colegas ou de uma mensagem formal para uma instituio empregadas antes, durante e depois da leitura propria-
educacional, por exemplo, destacam-se caractersticas mente dita e em diversas atividades. Ao longo do livro elas
lingustico-discursivas que podero estar ou no presentes so apenas referidas com um cone ( ) e um breve ttulo
no texto a ser escrito pelo aluno em funo do contexto e do em ingls. Mas aqui elas so explicadas detalhadamente
seu propsito comunicativo. Busca-se, assim, que a produ- para esclarecer e enfatizar a importncia de seu uso.
o escrita seja vista como um processo de interao, que
exige a definio de parmetros comunicativos e que se pau- Making predictions
ta em convenes relacionadas a contextos e gneros de As unidades desta coleo iniciam-se em pgina m-
texto, conforme indicado pelo edital do Programa Nacional par, sempre com uma preview do texto, em que se com-
do Livro Didtico do Ensino Mdio 2015 (p. 47). binam a linguagem verbal e no verbal. Texto e imagem
Entre as atividades que relacionam a escrita com a com- ajudam os alunos a entrar no clima do tema que ser
preenso da linguagem oral e at visual, incluem-se, por abordado na unidade didtica, motivando-os para a lei-
exemplo, o registro por escrito de dados pessoais trocados tura. Antes disso, os alunos devem observar o ttulo, o
oralmente entre os alunos ou de informaes de uma en- subttulo, o formato do texto e a imagem que o acompa-
trevista, a redao de legendas para imagens a fim de criar nha. Depois, devem responder s perguntas feitas nessa
cartazes de conscientizao ecolgica, a formulao de pgina de abertura (em portugus at Unit 6, metade do
dizeres a serem usados em uma camiseta, entre outras. volume 1, e em ingls a partir da). O objetivo fazer com
que os alunos prevejam o tipo de texto que vo ler, o as-
A exemplo do trabalho realizado com as outras habi-
sunto e algumas das informaes nele contidas. Fazer
lidades, as atividades da seo Writing tambm se desen-
previses, tentar antecipar o que vai ser lido, cria uma
volvem com base nos temas centrais de cada unidade,
predisposio para melhor receber as novas informaes,
contribuindo para estimular o envolvimento do aluno na
ativa o crebro e facilita a compreenso do texto.
construo de sentidos.
Como sugesto complementar para o professor tra-
Activating background knowledge
balhar com a habilidade de produo escrita, prope-se
Aps a etapa de previses sobre o tipo de texto e as-
que, por coerncia com o conceito de letramento aqui
sunto e antes da primeira leitura, com base no conheci-
adotado, a correo dos textos escritos pelos alunos no
mento prvio que possuem, os alunos tentam antecipar
se limite a apontar erros de formas lingusticas, mas inclua
algumas das palavras que aparecero no texto, conversam
tambm comentrios de natureza discursiva que possam
sobre o assunto, compartilhando as informaes e for-
orientar o aluno a reescrever seu texto, tornando-o mais
mando uma base de repertrio, o que possibilita melhor
adequado ao seu contexto de uso. Incentiva-se tambm
compreenso do que vai ser lido. Nesta coleo essa es-
a troca de redaes entre os alunos a fim de que os co-
tratgia aplicada na subseo Before You Read, imedia-
mentrios de um possam contribuir para o aperfeioa-
tamente antes do texto principal.
mento do texto do outro. Essas so estratgias didticas
que podem ajudar o aluno a compreender que a produo
escrita deve ser submetida a um constante processo de Skimming
avaliao e reelaborao. Trata-se de uma leitura superficial, que no visa
compreenso do significado de detalhes ou de palavras
desconhecidas, mas apenas a descoberta do gist, a essn-
6. ESTRATGIAS DE LEITURA cia, a ideia principal do texto. Deve-se dar ateno espe-
cial s primeiras e s ltimas oraes de cada pargrafo,
Ler um processo de construo de significado em onde, em geral, encontram-se essas ideias. Em cada pa-
que o leitor obtm informaes, somando-as ao seu con- rgrafo, os alunos procuram encontrar a topic sentence,
junto de conhecimentos prvios. O ato de ler envolve uma a orao principal, que d a ideia central do pargrafo.

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Nesta coleo, essa estratgia ser aplicada principalmen- Reference words
te na subseo General Comprehension, logo aps o texto Reconhecer o significado e a funo de pronomes, co-
principal. nectivos e marcadores do discurso em geral fundamental
para a identificao de aspectos estruturais de um texto,
Scanning tais como a organizao de seus elementos, as referncias
Trata-se tambm de uma leitura rpida, mas agora com internas que garantem a coeso, as relaes entre causa e
a finalidade de buscar palavras ou informaes especficas. efeito, os desdobramentos de uma ao, o desenvolvimento
usada para conferir previses ou verificar hipteses que de uma ideia etc. Identificar essas palavras e seu uso cons-
os alunos formularam em relao ao assunto e tambm titui outra estratgia de leitura importante. No caso espe-
para buscar informaes especficas ou pistas fundamentais cfico dos pronomes, importante identificar quais os
para a resoluo de exerccios de compreenso. No empre- substantivos que foram por eles substitudos. preciso
go dessa estratgia muito importante o reconhecimento orientar os alunos para lerem a primeira parte da orao
no s de transparent words ou cognatos, palavras seme- ou a orao anterior e identificarem a(s) palavra(s)
lhantes nos dois idiomas, mas tambm de ateno a even- substituda(s) pelo(s) pronome(s). Esta estratgia geral-
tuais nmeros, sinais grficos, smbolos ou imagens que mente aplicada nas atividades de Looking for Reference.
ajudam a compreender o texto. Nesta coleo, esta estra-
tgia ser aplicada em diversos exerccios dentro das sub- Recognizing sequence of events
sees Word Study e Detailed Comprehension e tambm
Reconstruir ou analisar uma sequncia de fatos ou iden-
na seo Another Look at que, ao final das unidades, re-
tificar a organizao das ideias em um texto outra es-
toma o tema com outro gnero textual.
tratgia de leitura muito importante. Com base no
conhecimento de palavras como first, next, after, then,
Getting meaning from context later, finally isso se torna fcil. Nesta coleo, esta estratgia
No interromper a leitura de uma frase ou pargrafo aplicada nas atividades de Finding the Right Sequence,
por causa de uma palavra desconhecida muitas vezes d que integra a subseo Detailed Comprehension.
a possibilidade de descobrir o significado dessa mesma
palavra com base no contexto ou na prpria estrutura do Making inferences
texto. Alm de evitar o uso excessivo do dicionrio, a lei-
Muitas vezes, determinada informao no aparece
tura acaba se tornando mais dinmica e natural. Nas ati-
explicitamente no texto, o autor apenas a sugere. O leitor
vidades em In Other Words e Words in Context esta
precisa, ento, inferir, deduzir, ler nas entrelinhas, isto
estratgia trabalhada com palavras do texto em defini-
, tirar concluses sobre o que o autor quis dizer de forma
es, parfrases e novas frases que, pelo contexto, levam
no explcita, mas apenas sugerida. Por se tratar de um
fixao do significado. Nas atividades de Words in
aspecto subjetivo, essa inferncia pode levar a diversas e
Context importante que os alunos explorem o signifi-
diferentes concluses. Praticar essa estratgia, discutindo
cado de todas as alternativas, todas elas fazendo parte do
com os colegas e voltando sempre ao texto para verificar
vocabulrio a assimilar.
e confrontar as concluses, contribui para desenvolver a
capacidade de argumentao e o senso crtico. Nesta co-
Using grammar for vocabulary expansion leo esta estratgia aplicada especialmente nas ativi-
Conhecer o grupo a que pertence uma palavra ou iden- dades de Reading Between the Lines.
tificar sua classe gramatical ajuda a descobrir seu signi-
ficado e um timo exerccio para o enriquecimento do
vocabulrio. Saber se uma palavra um substantivo, um ASPECTOS GRAMATICAIS
adjetivo, um verbo ou um advrbio muitas vezes possi-
bilita a descoberta do significado de palavras desconhe- O trabalho com o vocabulrio se d ao longo de cada
cidas. Explorar a formao de palavras com base na unidade, no desenvolvimento das diversas atividades de
prefixao ou sufixao, relacionar um substantivo a um compreenso e produo, tanto escritas quanto orais. Na
adjetivo, descobrir o adjetivo correspondente a um de- subseo Word Study, que vem logo depois de General
terminado verbo so exerccios simples, mas estratgia Comprehension, sistematiza-se esse estudo a partir do
importante para compreender a estrutura de uma lngua. vocabulrio e do assunto apresentado no texto principal
Esta estratgia aplicada na subseo Word Study e nas da unidade. Em Words in Context, In Other Words, Word
atividades de Word Formation, Word Families, Discourse Families, Word Webs apresenta-se e trabalha-se o signi-
Markers, Function Words. ficado das novas palavras e expresses, chegando-se a

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essa compreenso pelo uso em contexto ou atravs da portugus e exerccios que aprofundam o estudo das es-
associao da palavra com as de outras categorias grama- truturas gramaticais apresentadas nas unidades, alm de
ticais ou com palavras do mesmo campo semntico. outras estruturas consideradas bsicas e relevantes, e
Em outro tipo de atividades, como Discourse Markers, oferecem ao aluno e ao professor mais uma fonte de con-
Transparent Words, Word Formation, Noun Phrases, sulta e referncia.
Looking for Reference, trabalham-se as relaes de coeso
e coerncia estabelecidas por marcadores discursivos, as
semelhanas com palavras em portugus, o conhecimento 8. A INTERDISCIPLINARIDADE
do sentido de afixos, a inferncia lexical das locues no-
minais, a referncia pronominal, e outros mecanismos que Segundo os PCNEM, nenhuma rea do conhecimento
tm como propsito a ampliao da capacidade do aluno prescinde de outras. Ao contrrio, elas esto perfeitamente
de inferir o significado de palavras e expresses desconhe- interligadas e inter-relacionadas, e qualquer tentativa de
cidas e de construir sentidos de modo contextualizado, a desvincul-las redundar, com certeza, na criao de con-
partir da observao da lngua em uso e do seu conheci- textos altamente artificiais, geradores de desinteresse
mento de mundo. (p. 152).
Nas sees de Listening, Speaking e Writing, algumas Por interdisciplinaridade entende-se o dilogo entre
atividades tambm exploram palavras e expresses ge- os seres humanos e os saberes, condio fundamental
ralmente usadas para tratar de algum tema especfico ou para a interao de disciplinas e a integrao das diferen-
para expressar determinadas ideias (como expresses de tes reas do conhecimento. No existem reas ou disci-
concordncia ou discordncia). Essas atividades servem plinas dominantes, com maior peso sobre as demais.
para consolidar e ampliar o vocabulrio apresentado a Todas as reas do conhecimento podem dialogar por meio
partir do tema central da unidade. de temas, tpicos ou ideias, possibilitando a elaborao
Desse modo, a obra segue as Orientaes Educacionais e execuo de projetos curriculares integrados. E nessa
Complementares aos PCNEM, segundo as quais: A forma perspectiva que os temas, os assuntos, os textos para esta
mais adequada de propiciar a aquisio e a ampliao do coleo foram selecionados. Todos proporcionam opor-
repertrio vocabular nesse ciclo por meio da leitura e tunidades de dilogo entre a lngua inglesa e as outras
da explorao de textos de diversas naturezas, apoiadas disciplinas do currculo do Ensino Mdio, de modo que o
em atividades temticas e de associao de vocbulos que aluno no s adquira habilidades lingusticas, mas tam-
partem de um determinado contexto e remetem a outros, bm perceba como o conhecimento de ingls pode ex-
por analogia ou antagonismo (PCN+, Ensino Mdio: Lin- pandir seu conhecimento de mundo e contribuir para o
guagens, Cdigos e suas Tecnologias, p. 105). seu desenvolvimento global.
O estudo da gramtica se d na seo Structure de Ainda segundo os PCNEM, a interdisciplinaridade su-
cada unidade, em que as principais estruturas gramaticais pe um eixo integrador, que pode ser o objeto de conhe-
da lngua inglesa so apresentadas em portugus, sempre cimento, um projeto de investigao, um plano de
com exemplos de uso extrados do texto principal da uni- interveno. Nesse sentido, ela deve partir da necessidade
dade. O objetivo no usar os textos para ensinar gram- sentida pelas escolas, professores e alunos de explicar,
tica, mas, a partir da observao e da anlise de um trecho compreender, intervir, mudar, prever, algo que desafia
de linguagem em contexto de uso, levar o aluno a tirar uma disciplina isolada e atrai a ateno de mais de um
suas prprias concluses sobre as regras e utiliz-las ade- olhar, talvez vrios (p. 88-89). E de acordo com Ivani
quadamente. Em outras palavras, o ensino da gramtica Fazenda, pesquisadora que produziu um grande nmero
no precede o uso prtico da lngua; ao contrrio, toma de trabalhos sobre o assunto, interdisciplinaridade uma
esse uso como ponto de partida. categoria de ao. No significa a mera integrao entre os
A exemplo das OCEM, esta obra destaca a importn- contedos de diferentes disciplinas; antes, constitui-se em
cia de analisar, ensinar e fazer aprender as regras que um dilogo entre indivduos para, s depois, concretizar-se
estruturam o uso das formas contextualizadas de lingua- na inter-relao entre as disciplinas do currculo escolar
gem, no de maneira antecipada a essas prticas de lin- visando um processo interno de construo do conheci-
guagem ou isolada delas, mas sim de forma integrada a mento. Hoje, mais do que nunca, reafirmamos a impor-
elas (p. 111). Assim, as estruturas e as regras gramaticais tncia do dilogo, nica condio possvel de eliminao
apresentadas na seo Structure tambm se fazem pre- das barreiras entre as disciplinas. Disciplinas dialogam
sentes em outras sees, com atividades de compreenso quando as pessoas se dispem a isto (FAZENDA, 2003).
e produo da linguagem oral ou escrita. Nesse sentido, entendemos que no Ensino Mdio o alu-
Alm disso, ao final de cada livro que compe a coleo no poder tomar parte em diversos projetos multi-
h uma Minigrammar com exemplos, explicaes em disciplinares que lhe proporcionem vivncias dentro e fora

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da escola, e assim seja capaz de desenvolver habilidades e Para o professor
competncias. Norteados por esse pensamento criamos,
ao final de cada uma das 36 unidades desta coleo, a seo O Manual do Professor tem as seguintes caracters-
Think About It, elaborada de modo a levar o aluno a adotar ticas principais:
uma postura crtica sobre o tema em questo, pesquisar
Ao longo de cada volume, junto com os textos e ativi-
sobre ele, participar de debates com seus colegas e profes-
dades, prope respostas possveis aos exerccios, alm
sores das disciplinas envolvidas em cada um dos temas
de orientaes para a realizao das atividades e solu-
discutidos. Com isso, propicia-se uma abordagem multi-
es adicionais.
disciplinar e estimula-se o aluno a refletir e posicionar-se
criticamente a respeito do tema, sempre relevante para seu Apoia o trabalho do professor, oferecendo-lhe suges-
crescimento como ser humano, para sua participao na tes de estratgias e recursos de ensino envolvidos no
sociedade e para o exerccio da cidadania. encaminhamento das atividades propostas e na sua
A coleo apresenta tambm uma vasta gama de textos, ampliao (mediante observaes inseridas ao longo
orais e escritos, em que o ingls se apresenta como instru- de cada livro, junto dos textos e das atividades
mento aglutinador do conhecimento, sempre envolvendo sugeridas).
alguma ou, em muitos casos, mais de uma das outras dis- Inclui a transcrio de todos os textos utilizados nas
ciplinas do currculo. No tpico Projetos interdisciplinares atividades de listening, a fim de facilitar o trabalho do
deste Manual, so tambm propostas Cross-Curricular professor.
Activities, trabalhos em grupo que reforam a ideia de uma
abordagem interdisciplinar e contextualizada, na qual o Apresenta orientaes para as atividades extras de com-
ensino de ingls funciona como um elo, um instrumento preenso oral (Listening) que envolvem a observao
de integrao das reas do conhecimento em um currculo da pronncia e da acentuao de palavras destacadas
mais amplo e significativo. do texto principal de cada unidade.
Apresenta os pressupostos tericos e metodolgicos
que fundamentam a obra, alm de indicar os documen-
9. ESTRUTURA DA OBRA tos oficiais que orientaram a sua elaborao.
Descreve a estrutura e a organizao do material, alm
Esta uma coleo didtica em trs volumes, que cor- de oferecer plano de curso, atividades extras, sugestes
respondem aos anos letivos que compem o Ensino M- de leitura para o aluno e para o professor e referncias
dio. Cada volume acompanhado de um CD de udio. bibliogrficas.
Oferece informaes lingusticas e culturais sobre usos
Para o aluno da lngua inglesa em diferentes contextos e pases (no
tpico Cultural Notes, Language in Use and Exploring
O livro destinado ao aluno compe-se de: the Theme), e sobre os diversos assuntos abordados nas
Language Review uma breve reviso, em forma de ques- unidades.
tes de mltipla escolha, de contedos bsicos trabalhados Inclui a traduo de todos os textos principais das uni-
no Ensino Fundamental (Basic Language Review, no caso dades como instrumento de referncia para o
do livro do 1o ano) e de contedos trabalhados no ano an- professor.
terior (no caso dos livros do 2o e do 3o ano).
12 unidades, organizadas em 4 blocos (veja detalhamen-
to da estrutura de cada unidade no tpico Descrio
das unidades, neste Manual). CD de udio
4 conjuntos de textos e questes chamados Check Your
English, destinados reviso e self-evaluation para Apresenta amostras de inmeras variedades lingus-
o aluno, dados ao final de cada bloco de 3 unidades (veja ticas e gravaes de diversos textos, permitindo que o
detalhes no tpico Avaliao deste Manual). professor e o aluno ouam a pronncia e a entonao da
Minigrammar um apndice gramatical para apro- lngua inglesa em diferentes situaes.
fundamento dos aspectos lingusticos j estudados, com Contm o material necessrio para o trabalho com
exemplos, explicaes e exerccios de consolidao. compreenso oral, incluindo os textos principais das uni-
Glossrio ingls-portugus com o vocabulrio utilizado dades, a pronncia de algumas palavras selecionadas
em cada livro, sendo registrados apenas os significados destes e os textos orais (de diferentes gneros) usados nas
com que as palavras aparecem nos textos da obra. sees de Listening.

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Considerando as unidades que compem cada livro e Nesse planejamento, devem-se incluir ainda, a critrio
a distribuio das aulas por bimestres, tradicionalmente do professor, as atividades de avaliao (para as quais
adotada pelas escolas, prope-se a seguinte diviso de apresentamos sugestes no tpico Avaliao, neste Ma-
contedos ao longo do ano letivo: nual) e a elaborao de Projetos interdisciplinares em
grupos (tambm sugeridos neste Manual).

Language Review Em relao carga horria, distribuio dos conte-

1 bimestre Unidades 1 a 3 dos e aos objetivos a serem alcanados, consulte o tpico
Check Your English 1 a seguir.

Unidades 4 a 6
J em relao distribuio das sees de cada unidade
2o bimestre por aula, consulte o tpico Roteiro de trabalho por
Check Your English 2
Unidades 7 a 9
3o bimestre
Check Your English 3

Unidades 10 a 12
4o bimestre
Check Your English 4


As unidades desta obra esto divididas nas sees descritas no quadro a seguir, que informa os objetivos especficos
de cada uma.


Breve texto introdutrio ao texto Ativar o conhecimento prvio do aluno sobre o assunto e o
Abertura da tipo do texto a ser lido.
principal, acompanhado de imagem
relacionada. Levar o aluno a levantar hipteses sobre o texto a ser lido.
Perguntas sobre o texto a ser lido. Explorar a linguagem no verbal (fotos, ilustraes) que
Atividade proposta imediatamente acompanha o texto.
Before You Read
antes da primeira leitura. Levar o aluno a prever o campo semntico do texto a ser lido.

Oferecer contato com textos de diversos gneros sobre

Textos de diversos gneros sobre temas de relevncia sociocultural.
Time to Read temas relevantes para o aluno e a
sociedade. Levar o aluno a verificar as hipteses levantadas antes da
primeira leitura.

Desenvolver a habilidade de leitura, com foco na

Questes de compreenso geral do compreenso geral do texto.
texto com formatos variados (tais Apresentar e oferecer oportunidades de uso de estratgias
como perguntas abertas, de mltipla de leitura, a serem desenvolvidas de forma gradual e cclica,
escolha, correlao de colunas, com nfase na compreenso das ideias principais do texto.
preenchimento de fichas). Abordar e discutir questes relativas ao tema da unidade a
partir da compreenso textual.

Questes contextualizadas e de
variados formatos para apresentao
e ampliao de vocabulrio, Apresentar vocabulrio e oferecer oportunidades de prtica
envolvendo sinonmia, antonmia, do uso desse vocabulrio.
palavras transparentes, campos Ampliar o vocabulrio e desenvolver estratgias de estudo
Word Study
semnticos, afixos, marcadores sistemtico.
discursivos, grupos nominais, Desenvolver estratgias de deduo do significado de
referenciais, deduo, pelo contexto, palavras desconhecidas em seu contexto de uso.
do significado de palavras

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Detailed Questes de compreenso detalhada Desenvolver a habilidade de leitura, com foco na
Comprehension do texto com formatos variados (tais compreenso detalhada do texto.
como perguntas abertas, verdadeiro Apresentar e oferecer oportunidades de uso de estratgias
ou falso, de mltipla escolha, de leitura, com nfase na compreenso e identificao de
correlao de colunas, preenchimento informaes especficas.
de fichas ou quadros). Abordar e discutir questes relativas ao tema da unidade a
partir da compreenso textual.

Structure Apresentao contextualizada dos Apresentar a gramtica em uso, a partir de frases-exemplo

aspectos gramaticais da unidade. vistas no texto principal.
Resumo de informaes sobre o Promover o desenvolvimento do conhecimento sistmico a
sistema lingustico da lngua inglesa, partir de situaes de uso da lngua.
com comentrios sobre variaes de Desenvolver a autonomia do aluno e sua capacidade de
registro (formal e informal). inferir regras gramaticais.

Listening* Diferentes tipos de textos orais Oferecer oportunidades de compreenso oral da lngua inglesa
(dilogos, entrevistas, programas de e de contato com diferentes gneros discursivos orais.
rdio e TV, poemas, conversas Desenvolver a habilidade de compreenso global de um texto
telefnicas, trechos de palestras etc.) oral (compreenso extensiva).
e tarefas variadas de compreenso Desenvolver a habilidade de compreenso de estruturas
oral (compreenso intensiva, lingusticas, sons, palavras, frases, em texto oral (compreenso
extensiva e seletiva), integrados ao intensiva).
tema da unidade. Desenvolver a habilidade de compreenso de informaes
especficas em um texto oral (compreenso seletiva).
Trabalhar diferentes estratgias de audio, dependendo do
foco da tarefa.
Abordar assuntos relacionados ao tema da unidade a partir
da compreenso oral.

Speaking* Atividades de produo oral em Proporcionar oportunidades de produo oral da lngua inglesa
diferentes contextos de uso, em diferentes contextos de uso relevantes ao aluno e seu
envolvendo o tema da unidade, com entorno, com diferentes graus de complexidade e interao.
diferentes graus de complexidade e Trabalhar diferentes estratgias de fala, dependendo do
interao. objetivo da tarefa e do contexto de uso.
Oferecer oportunidades de emprego do vocabulrio
relacionado ao tema da unidade dentro de um determinado
contexto de uso.
Abordar assuntos relacionados ao tema da unidade a partir
da produo oral.

Writing* Atividades de produo escrita em Propiciar oportunidades de prtica e reflexo sobre o uso da
gneros textuais relevantes para o lngua inglesa para comunicao escrita, utilizando gneros
aluno, associados ao tema da textuais relevantes para o aluno.
unidade. Oferecer oportunidades de emprego de vocabulrio
relacionado ao tema da unidade dentro de um determinado
contexto de uso.
Levar o aluno a entender a escrita como prtica social e
como um processo contnuo de avaliao e reescritura.

Another Look at Textos curtos de diversos gneros Oferecer contato com textos de diversos gneros.
sobre assuntos relacionados ao tema Possibilitar o estabelecimento de relaes de
central do texto principal da unidade e intertextualidade com o texto principal da unidade.
questes de compreenso escrita. Desenvolver a compreenso escrita e o uso de estratgias de
leitura para a compreenso de ideias principais e de
informaes especficas.
Abordar e discutir questes relativas ao tema da unidade a
partir da compreenso textual.

Think About It Reflexo e debate sobre questes Estabelecer conexes entre o tema da unidade e o mundo do
relevantes para o mundo do aluno e aluno.
para a sociedade com base nos textos Incentivar o aluno a refletir e a se posicionar sobre questes
e atividades desenvolvidos ao longo socioculturais.
da unidade, oportunidade em que a Desenvolver o senso crtico, a capacidade de anlise e as
disciplina Lngua Estrangeira Moderna noes de cidadania.
Ingls se oferece como instrumento
de dilogo interdisciplinar.

* Em algumas unidades, h sees de Listening, Speaking e/ou Writing, que integram duas habilidades: Listening & Speaking; Listening &
Reading; Reading & Speaking; ou Reading & Writing.

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Exploring Other Sugestes de fontes de leituras Ampliar e aprofundar a reflexo e a discusso sobre os temas
Sources adicionais (sites, livros e outras abordados na unidade sob a perspectiva da interdisciplinaridade
publicaes), vdeos, documentrios e e da intertextualidade.
filmes relacionados aos temas Desenvolver o interesse do aluno em buscar diferentes fontes
abordados na unidade, com pontos de de informao, estabelecer relaes entre elas dentro de
vista de diferentes reas do uma perspectiva crtica.
conhecimento. Estabelecer conexes entre o tema da unidade e o mundo do

Conforme j foi mencionado na seo sobre a habili- abertura da unidade e a seo Reading (subsees Before
dade de compreenso oral, atividades adicionais de You Read, Time to Read, General Comprehension, Word
listening so propostas neste Manual, para que o professor Study, Detailed Comprehension), atividades extras de
as utilize a seu critrio. Essas atividades referem-se a pos- listening relacionadas ao texto principal da unidade
sveis exerccios (j exemplificados na seo sobre com- e iniciar o trabalho das estruturas gramaticais (seo
preenso oral), com a gravao do texto principal de Structure). Nesse momento, exerccios gramaticais da
cada unidade (disponvel no CD que acompanha o livro), seo Structure e em especial os da Minigrammar podem
e a exerccios de compreenso intensiva, que permitem ser passados como trabalho de casa. Na semana seguinte,
ao aluno ouvir, observar e repetir algumas palavras, utilizam-se duas aulas para corrigir esses exerccios, con-
selecionadas do texto principal, cuja pronncia ou cluir a parte referente gramtica e desenvolver as ativi-
acentuao costuma causar dificuldades para brasilei- dades de compreenso oral e produo oral e escrita
ros. Tais sugestes de exerccios se encontram no tpico (sees de Listening, Speaking, Writing). A atividade de
Pronunciation and Stress deste Manual. produo escrita pode ser realizada em casa. Na aula se-
Ainda sobre a descrio das unidades dos livros, cum- guinte, corrige-se a atividade de Writing, trabalha-se a
pre destacar que as trs ltimas do terceiro volume apre- seo Another Look at, promove-se um debate a partir
da seo Think About It e incentivam-se os alunos a ex-
sentam uma organizao diferente. Essas unidades, cujo
plorar novas fontes de informao (Exploring Other
ttulo Exploring a Bit More, apresentam textos autnticos
de diferentes gneros com variados tipos de questes de
compreenso, nos moldes dos exames que exigem com- Desse modo, sugerimos o desenvolvimento de cada
petncia na compreenso textual, especialmente o Enem, unidade ao longo de cinco aulas, conforme resume o
a fim de alcanar os objetivos referentes a Reading, General quadro a seguir:
Comprehension e Detailed Comprehension, j expressos
Before You Read
no quadro de descrio geral das unidades, alm de buscar
Time to Read
levar o aluno a refletir e discutir sobre os temas propostos
Aula 1 Pronunciation and Stress (atividade adicional
nos textos. A opo por utilizar uma estrutura diferenciada de listening, que consta deste Manual)
nessas trs unidades se pautou na expectativa das OCEM de General Comprehension
que as escolas de algumas regies possam interessar-se em
intensificar o desenvolvimento de leitura no terceiro ano, Word Study
Aula 2 Detailed Comprehension
com vistas a ajudar os alunos na preparao para o vestibu-
lar (p. 111). Essa opo, entretanto, no desconsidera o
carter da leitura como prtica cultural e crtica de lingua- Structure
gem, conforme recomendado pelo mesmo documento. Aula 3
Aula 4
12. ROTEIRO DE TRABALHO Another Look at
Aula 5
POR UNIDADE Think About It
Exploring Other Sources
Considerando a carga horria de duas aulas por semana,
para o desenvolvimento de cada unidade sugerimos que se Assim, em cada bimestre, quinze aulas seriam desti-
utilize uma semana (ou duas aulas) para trabalhar a parte nadas ao desenvolvimento das trs unidades previstas e
de compreenso escrita e de vocabulrio (incluindo a as restantes seriam dedicadas reviso e autoavaliao

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(Check Your English) e ao desenvolvimento de projetos
interdisciplinares ou atividades extras, de acordo com as Os alunos costumam relacionar o que aprendem
possibilidades e as necessidades de cada turma. na aula de ingls com coisas que j sabiam, que
aprenderam no dia a dia ou em aulas de outras dis-
No caso das trs ltimas unidades do livro do terceiro
ciplinas? Em caso afirmativo, que exemplos podem
ano, que no apresentam a mesma estrutura das demais
ser citados? Em caso negativo, como estimular es-
unidades do livro, tambm sugerimos destinar cinco aulas
sas relaes entre os conhecimentos antigos e os
para cada uma delas. Em cada aula seriam trabalhados um
ou dois textos.
Os alunos se sentem confortveis nas aulas ou h
algum tipo de desconforto emocional (como medo
ou vergonha de errar, frustrao por no aprender,
ansiedade, desnimo)? Em que situaes h esse
desconforto? Como se pode super-lo?
A avaliao contnua do processo de ensino-aprendi-
zagem essencial para que se possa verificar se o projeto Como os alunos participam das aulas? Apenas pou-
pedaggico est sendo desenvolvido de forma adequada cos participam das discusses? O professor centra-
e bem-sucedida e, se for o caso, buscar ajustes. Nesse liza todas as atividades em si mesmo? Como se pode
sentido, a avaliao no se restringe atribuio de notas, estimular a participao de todos em aula?
mas inclui tambm o acompanhamento crtico de todo o Como os alunos se comportam nos trabalhos em
processo educativo, do seu planejamento sua imple- duplas e em grupos: participam da atividade res-
mentao, sob o ponto de vista de seus participantes: peitando os colegas e buscando aprender com eles,
professores, alunos e outros membros da comunidade distraem-se com atividades no relacionadas ao
escolar. trabalho, impem suas opinies ou acomodam-se
Para auxiliar na avaliao do processo de ensino- e deixam outro fazer o trabalho? Durante as aulas
-aprendizagem e no apenas do resultado apresentado e as correes de exerccios, os alunos buscam
pelos alunos em respostas a testes e provas, sugerimos aprender com as dvidas dos colegas e novas for-
que se criem oportunidades para os alunos refletirem mas de realizar a mesma atividade? O que se pode
sobre o processo de aprendizagem e se posicionarem em fazer para aproveitar melhor as oportunidades de
relao s prticas pedaggicas adotadas. Isso pode ser aprender com os colegas de classe?
feito por escrito, por meio de questionrios ou dirios,
ou oralmente, em conversas individuais ou em grupo, a
cada ms ou bimestre, por exemplo. Engajar o aluno no Nesta coleo, para oferecer mais um instrumento de
processo avaliativo fundamental no apenas para con- participao do aluno no processo de avaliao contnua,
duzir uma avaliao consistente do processo educacional, a cada trs unidades h uma oportunidade de verificao
mas tambm para desenvolver uma postura de autonomia do aprendizado Check Your English. Nela apresentam-
e corresponsabilidade pela aprendizagem. No quadro a -se questes sobre os principais contedos lingusticos
seguir, apresentamos exemplos de algumas perguntas (incluindo aspectos gramaticais e vocabulrio) das trs
que podem ajudar a envolver os alunos na avaliao: unidades que a precedem e questes de compreenso
sobre novos textos (nas quais os alunos devero usar as
estratgias de leitura trabalhadas). Entre essas questes,
Como os alunos percebem a aprendizagem de ln- incluem-se tambm algumas retiradas de exames do
gua inglesa? Relacionam os contedos com outras Enem e de vestibulares de universidades brasileiras, vi-
disciplinas e com sua realidade? Como estimular a sando avaliar a construo de capacidades e competn-
relao entre o estudo da lngua inglesa e a parti- cias pelos alunos. O conjunto das questes propostas em
cipao do aluno, enquanto cidado, na vida cada Check Your English forma um teste no valor de 10
social? pontos para que, ao corrigir suas respostas, o aluno possa
Como os alunos participam das atividades propos- ter um parmetro de seu desempenho. O principal ob-
tas? Mostram-se passivos ou interessados e crti- jetivo, entretanto, no quantificar o progresso do aluno,
cos? Valorizam mais a parte gramatical ou mas engaj-lo no processo de avaliao e indicar, tanto
interagem com os textos (escritos e orais) buscando para ele quanto para o professor, contedos e habilidades
construir sentidos a partir deles? Como se pode que eventualmente precisem ser mais trabalhados. Alm
incentivar essa construo de sentidos? de oferecer um teste com atribuio de pontos s ques-
tes, cada Check Your English tambm enumera os

16 Manual do Professor

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objetivos de ensino das trs unidades que o precedem, a (o que se faz e se diz, o que os alunos fazem e dizem, como
fim de que o aluno possa avaliar at que ponto alcanou cada atividade se desenvolve) e incluir comentrios ava-
tais objetivos. liativos e reflexivos (sobre as reaes dos alunos, as pr-
prias reaes, os objetivos alcanados ou no alcanados
O Check Your English pode ser usado como instru-
em cada seo ou unidade, os ajustes que se fizeram ne-
mento de avaliao e autoavaliao de vrias formas. As
cessrios, entre outros aspectos).
questes podem ser respondidas em casa ou em aula,
individualmente ou em dupla, e corrigidas em sala de aula importante que se parta da observao e descrio
com ampla participao dos alunos, a fim de que todos do que acontece em sala de aula para, ento, avaliar se a
discutam como chegar s respostas certas e aprendam prtica est de acordo com os pressupostos terico-me-
tambm com possveis erros. Alternativamente, as res- todolgicos que se deseja adotar e, finalmente, buscar
postas podem ser redigidas pelos alunos em folha sepa- reconstruir essa prtica, de modo a aperfeio-la. Esse
rada para ser entregue ao professor (para posterior ciclo de observao, reflexo, confronto entre teoria e
correo) ou para ser trocada entre os alunos (para que prtica e reconstruo desta deve constituir um processo
um corrija as respostas do outro, sob a orientao do pro- de avaliao contnua. Para que isso acontea, preciso
fessor). Alm disso, pode-se, por exemplo, fazer uma que se adote uma postura de professor-pesquisador, que,
enquete com os alunos sobre as questes que eles consi- alm de tentar manter-se atualizado e bem informado,
deram mais fceis e mais difceis e, assim, ter outro in- busca investigar e compreender melhor sua prpria pr-
dicativo sobre o desenvolvimento da classe. Utilizar o
tica luz de teorias relevantes, superando o medo de se
Check Your English de diferentes maneiras ao longo do
expor e se autoavaliar em nome do desejo de ser um pro-
ano pode incentivar uma maior participao dos alunos.
fissional mais satisfeito com o prprio trabalho, que com-
As formas aqui mencionadas so apenas sugestes.
preende que h limitaes, mas tambm h caminhos
Alm do Check Your English, a avaliao pode envolver para super-las.
a realizao de outras atividades propostas no livro ou de
Nesse processo de avaliao e desenvolvimento da
projetos e atividades extras sugeridas neste Manual, e ainda
prtica pedaggica, tambm sugerimos conversas com os
a aplicao de testes e provas para a verificao da apren-
dizagem. Os testes podem ser curtos e objetivos, para serem colegas, a fim de que as reflexes possam ser ampliadas e
aplicados periodicamente durante o ano, aps uma ou duas aprofundadas. Um procedimento vlido a observao
unidades, ou mais longos e elaborados, para aplicao ao de aulas ministradas por outros professores (que podem
final de um bimestre, por exemplo. Uma vantagem desse at ser gravadas em udio ou vdeo, com a devida auto-
tipo de instrumento de avaliao que ele pode constituir rizao dos participantes) e a reflexo conjunta sobre essas
uma medida de aprendizagem mais objetiva. Uma desvan- aulas. A leitura e a discusso de textos tericos em grupos
tagem, por outro lado, que ele pode influenciar o conte- tambm podem contribuir para fundamentar o processo
do das aulas que o precedem e o desempenho dos alunos, de avaliao global, inserindo-se em um projeto de for-
muitas vezes de forma indesejada. Quaisquer que sejam os mao continuada do professor.
instrumentos e recursos utilizados, fundamental que a O tpico Sugestes de leitura para o professor deste
avaliao seja contnua e formativa, desenvolvida ao longo
Manual traz indicaes de livros, textos e sites que podem
do processo de ensino-aprendizagem, e no restrita a um
ajudar o professor a, entre outras coisas, escrever um
ou alguns momentos isolados.
dirio reflexivo, saber mais sobre ser um professor-pes-
Conforme apontam as Orientaes Educacionais Com- quisador, conhecer e aprofundar teorias de ensino-apren-
plementares aos PCNEM (PCN+, p. 123), espera-se que o dizagem de lnguas, descobrir como as novas tecnologias
docente, como todo profissional, saiba avaliar no so-
podem ajudar na sua prtica pedaggica enfim, con-
mente os resultados de seu trabalho, mas tambm o pro-
tribuir para sua formao continuada em uma perspectiva
cesso e seus mtodos de ao. Para auxiliar o professor
de reflexo, avaliao e reconstruo contnuas.
em relao a esse aspecto do processo educativo, sugeri-
mos que se faam observaes e anotaes sobre o desen- Em suma, propomos que se adote um repertrio amplo
volvimento das aulas e outras atividades pedaggicas de para avaliar, sob mltiplas perspectivas e em diferentes
modo sistemtico. Para tal, pode-se usar um dirio ou momentos, o processo de ensino-aprendizagem de modo
caderno de anotaes para escrever notas curtas logo aps geral e, em particular, o trabalho desenvolvido com esta
a aula e/ou redigir um texto mais reflexivo uma vez por obra, e que se faa da avaliao uma forma de conhecer
semana ou ao trmino de cada unidade. Nessas anotaes, melhor os alunos e reorientar continuamente a prtica
pode-se comear descrevendo tudo o que ocorre em sala profissional.

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Individualism Versus Solidarity, Lack of Communication,
14. Projetos Big Houses But Broken Homes. Sobre cada um desses
interdisciPlinares temas organizado um questionrio, que os alunos de
cada grupo aplicam prpria famlia, aos amigos e
Os projetos aqui propostos so trabalhos de natureza
comunidade. Os resultados dessa pesquisa so depois
interdisciplinar a serem realizados pelos alunos em gru- apresentados na sala de aula e permutados, servindo
pos, a fim de aprofundar e ampliar o estudo e a discusso de base para um debate a respeito do tema.
dos temas apresentados nas diversas unidades do livro.
A opo pelo trabalho em grupo justifica-se pela concep-
Paradoxes in Poetry and Songs
o sociointeracional de aprendizagem aqui adotada e
Poemas e letras de msica so fontes generosas de
oferece aos alunos oportunidades de aprender ao intera-
exemplos de paradoxos. Um clssico exemplo aparece
gir com os colegas, com o professor e com outros mem-
no soneto de Lus de Cames (1524-1580),
bros de sua comunidade.
modernamente usado na letra da cano Monte
Com o desenvolvimento dos projetos, espera-se levar Castelo, da banda brasileira Legio Urbana.
o aluno a refletir, estabelecer relaes com outras discipli-
nas, posicionar-se criticamente e participar mais ativa- Amor fogo que arde sem se ver
mente de sua comunidade, concretizando, assim, a funo ferida que di e no se sente
educacional do ensino de lngua estrangeira no Ensino M- um contentamento descontente
dio e destacando a relevncia da noo de cidadania. Em
dor que desatina sem doer (...)
outras palavras, busca-se reforar a proposta de uma abor-
dagem interdisciplinar e contextualizada, em que o ensino Outro clssico exemplo de paradoxo est no trecho
de ingls se integra a reas do conhecimento em um cur- da cano Oh! Susanna, de Stephen Foster, 1847:
rculo mais amplo e se insere na vida social do aluno.
(...) It rained all night the day I left,
So apresentadas, a seguir, sugestes de projetos re-
lacionados a grupos de trs unidades, o que corresponde, The weather it was dry
no plano de curso, a um bimestre letivo. Sugere-se a rea- The sun so hot, I froze to death
lizao de um projeto por bimestre ou por semestre. Neste Oh! Susanna, dont you cry (...)
ltimo caso, o projeto seria planejado em um bimestre e
apresentado no bimestre seguinte, dando mais tempo aos A turma dividida em grupos. Cada grupo pesquisa
alunos para organizar o trabalho em grupo. No se espera, exemplos de paradoxos na literatura de lngua
portanto, que todos os projetos sejam realizados. A esco- portuguesa e lngua inglesa e em letras de msicas em
lha dos projetos a serem desenvolvidos deve considerar ingls. Para iniciar a busca, sugere-se, por exemplo: My
os interesses e as possibilidades da turma e o contexto Back Pages (Bob Dylan), Hand in My Pocket (Alanis
mais amplo da escola, e pode ser definida pelo professor Morissette), Viva La Vida (Coldplay), I Still Havent Found
ou atribuda aos alunos. Sugere-se o envolvimento de What Im Looking For (U2). Os exemplos encontrados so
professores de outras disciplinas relacionadas aos projetos transcritos e destacados em cartazes, e o sentido desses
paradoxos apresentado e debatido pelos vrios grupos.
escolhidos, sempre que possvel.
Os sites mencionados nesta seo foram acessados em
Brazil Land of Superlatives
maio de 2013.
Os alunos organizam uma exposio com esse ttulo,
sobre os diversos pontos positivos que merecem
Projetos relacionados s destaque no pas, mas sem deixar de mencionar reas
Units 1, 2, 3 em que ainda h muito que fazer e melhorar. Alm de
pesquisar sobre o Brasil, os alunos devem pesquisar os
Os projetos a seguir podem ser desenvolvidos em con- casos de sucesso e de problemas relacionados
junto com as disciplinas de Filosofia, Sociologia, Geogra- especificamente com a sua comunidade, se possvel
fia, Arte e Lngua Portuguesa. com sugesto de solues. Os alunos devem
confeccionar cartazes, com fotos, legendas e pequenos
Modern Paradoxes textos em portugus e ingls.
Os alunos trabalham em grupos e escolhem quatro Sugerimos os sites e http://travel.
paradoxos da vida moderna, entre os vrios,
apresentados no texto principal da Unit 1: Our lifestyle, que podem ser utilizados como fonte de pesquisa.

18 Manual do Professor

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Making a Difference Internet. Sobre o tema h tambm um bom nmero de
O tema da Unit 1, Modern Paradoxes, leva reflexo vdeos. Com base nesse material e nas entrevistas
sobre os paradoxos da nossa sociedade, e sobre os j concedidas por Amyr Klink, pode-se simular
princpios e valores que precisamos ter, entre eles o da uma proposta de entrevista com ele, com perguntas
solidariedade. A esse propsito, os alunos, em grupo, em ingls.
fazem um levantamento de organizaes que Sugerimos o site de apoio:
promovem o trabalho voluntrio para causas de
interesse social e da comunidade. Cada grupo deve The Sea and the History of Humankind
fazer um cartaz ilustrado (escrito em portugus e em
Os alunos pesquisam sobre a importncia do mar
ingls) sobre, pelo menos, uma organizao desse tipo,
na histria da humanidade, incluindo, por exemplo, o
indicando o nome da organizao, logotipo, site, locais
perodo histrico das Grandes Navegaes e a
e formas de atuao e outras informaes que julgarem
importncia do transporte martimo na economia
relevantes. Como alternativa, os alunos podem
globalizada atual. A apresentao pode utilizar
preparar e dramatizar uma cena em que uma pessoa,
recursos variados (como apresentaes em slides para
com um pequeno (ou grande) gesto, faz a diferena na
data show, maquetes, mapas, cartazes, entre outros)
vida de algum.
com pequenos textos e legendas em ingls e portugus.
Sugerimos o site
voluntario.htm para pesquisa.
The Sea Is a Work of Art
Os alunos pesquisam como o mar retratado na
Lendas brasileiras
pintura, na literatura e na msica (em ingls e em
Com o apoio do professor de Lngua Portuguesa, os
portugus) atravs dos tempos. Com reprodues de
alunos pesquisam sobre lendas brasileiras (Curupira,
obras famosas (acompanhadas de legendas
Boitat, Saci-Perer, Mula sem Cabea, o Boto etc.).
explicativas), poemas e trechos de textos literrios (em
Em grupos, os alunos podem produzir a adaptao de
ingls e em portugus), a letra e o udio de canes
uma (ou vrias) dessas lendas para a modernidade. O
(em ingls e em portugus) que tenham o mar como
script serve de base a uma animao em vdeo.
tema, pode-se montar uma exposio. Podem-se ainda
Sugerimos como apoio de pesquisa sobre lendas
incluir canes e textos literrios em outras lnguas
estrangeiras ministradas na escola, como a lngua
espanhola, e pinturas (que mostrem o mar) realizados
Projetos relacionados s por artistas da comunidade local. Se alunos ou outros
Units 4, 5, 6 membros da comunidade local tiverem habilidades
musicais, pode-se incluir uma apresentao ao vivo de
Os projetos a seguir podem ser desenvolvidos em con- canes conhecidas ou mesmo inditas, sempre com o
junto com as disciplinas de Geografia, Matemtica, Bio- mar como tema central. Como alternativa, dependendo
logia, Fsica, Qumica, Filosofia, Histria, Arte e Lngua das possibilidades e dos interesses da comunidade
Portuguesa. escolar, pode-se ampliar a exposio e incluir a
perspectiva histrica proposta no projeto anterior (The
The Sea Is a Way Sea and the History of Humankind).
Sugerimos estes sites como apoio ao projeto:
A friend is one that knows you as you are,
understands where you have been, accepts what you Museus e galerias de arte:
have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.
William Shakespeare (1564-1616) Museums_and_Art_Galleries.htm

Shakespeare escreveu essas palavras h mais de Pinturas martimas de Monet:

quatrocentos anos, mas elas continuam vlidas. Na
Unit 4, You Will Never Feel Lonely, o navegador search-the-collections?ft=monet
brasileiro Amyr Klink fala sobre solido e amizade. Os As 10 melhores pinturas martimas:
alunos organizam uma exposio com o ttulo Amyr
Klink: um homem precisa viajar, com cartazes
contendo fotos, mapas, trechos dos livros escritos pelo Pancetti: Navegar preciso:
navegador brasileiro, algumas de suas frases e
poemas. A pesquisa desse material pode ser feita na navegar-preciso.html

Manual do Professor 19

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Great Mathematicians simples, atividades comuns, sem nada de
No site extraordinrio, mas que so prazerosas na opinio
htm, os alunos pesquisam sobre quatro grandes das pessoas. O mote para esse questionrio o
figuras da matemtica ao longo da histria da ttulo deste projeto, e sobre ele podem ser feitas
humanidade, como Arquimedes, Isaac Newton, Carl perguntas em portugus e, sempre que possvel, em
Gauss, Leonard Euler, Bertrand Russell ou o fsico ingls, que tornem possvel uma concluso. Como
brasileiro Cesar Lattes. Sugere-se que cada grupo exemplo, apresentamos a seguinte pergunta
escolha um matemtico diferente, organize e de mltipla escolha:
apresente um cartaz com fotos, gravuras e os dados What are the best (simple) things in daily life, in your
principais (em ingls, em tpicos bem resumidos) opinion?
sobre a vida e a contribuio do matemtico para a a. Taking a shower when the weather is hot.
humanidade. O contexto scio-histrico em que
b. Having a glass of water when Im thirsty.
cada matemtico viveu tambm deve ser abordado.
Deve-se aproveitar para quebrar possveis c. Saying I love you to someone I really love.
preconceitos em relao complexidade da
Como alternativa ao uso de questes de mltipla
matemtica, destacando sua importncia para o
escolha no questionrio, em vez de pedir que o
nosso dia a dia.
entrevistado escolha uma das opes oferecidas, pode-
-se fazer uma lista maior de atividades simples dirias a
How to Make a Compass que cada entrevistado atribuiria uma nota de 1 a 10,
Uma das atividades da Unit 6 prope a confeco conforme a importncia de cada atividade.
de uma bssola. Os alunos podem pesquisar O questionrio deve incluir tambm perguntas sobre
projetos semelhantes com base cientfica na Internet o perfil da pessoa (sexo, idade, profisso) e uma
em pergunta aberta, em que o entrevistado possa dar um
choosingatopic.html. depoimento pessoal, se desejar. Os resultados da
A turma pode ser dividida em grupos e escolher survey, que podem incluir dados quantitativos
vrios projetos. Com o apoio dos professores envolvidos (expressos por porcentagens) e qualitativos (ilustrados
no projeto escolhido, os grupos desenvolvem um por trechos de depoimentos), so compartilhados pelos
projeto sobre o processo de fotossntese, o efeito do diversos grupos. A apresentao dos resultados pode
leo sobre as plantas, a ao do detergente sobre a ser feita em forma de grficos e tabelas, levando os
loua suja, como uma pilha transforma um pedao de alunos a integrar a linguagem verbal e a no verbal na
arame em im, etc. organizao de dados. As legendas devem ser
Recomendamos os sites a seguir, entre os vrios apresentadas em ingls e em portugus.
sobre science projects: The Fountain of Life
projects/project_ideas.shtml O Dia Mundial da gua comemorado em 22 de maro. Na verdade, podemos dizer, sem exagero, que
fair-projects/index.shtml todo dia dia da gua, j que sem ela no haveria vida
da forma que a conhecemos. A gua um excelente
tema para um projeto didtico.
Em grupos, os alunos fazem uma pesquisa sobre o
consumo de gua, buscando uma postura crtica em
Projetos relacionados s relao ao tema, tanto no plano internacional, como
Units 7, 8, 9 no nacional. Podem-se destacar formas prticas que
contribuam para a diminuio do consumo individual
Os projetos a seguir podem ser desenvolvidos em con- e, desse modo, influenciar positivamente na chamada
junto com as disciplinas de Arte, Filosofia, Matemtica e water footprint, a pegada hidrolgica. Regras simples
Lngua Portuguesa. como Feche a torneira enquanto escova os dentes!
ou Feche a torneira enquanto se ensaboa! so
Daily Duties and Daily Bread are the Sweetest exemplos de medidas prticas ao nosso alcance.
Things in Life Sugere-se ainda que verifiquem se h desperdcio
Os alunos organizam uma survey (pesquisa de de gua em casa e na escola a fim de apontarem, com
levantamento de opinio) para saber o que as pessoas base em observao, medidas viveis para o uso
consideram mais gratificante no dia a dia. Coisas racional da gua.

20 Manual do Professor

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Os resultados da pesquisa podem ser sintetizados Projetos relacionados s
nas prprias palavras dos alunos em um texto em
Units 10, 11, 12
formato de publicao em blog ou redes sociais,
preferencialmente em ingls. Os projetos a seguir podem ser desenvolvidos em con-
Sugesto de textos: junto com as disciplinas de Biologia, Lngua Portuguesa,
Arte, Filosofia, Sociologia e Histria.
World Water Day: A Billion People Worldwide Lack
Safe Drinking Water:
environmentalevents/a/waterdayqa.htm Os alunos pesquisam sobre sonhos, abordando o
Global Water Supply Drying Up as Population tema tanto pelo ngulo psicanaltico (Sigmund Freud)
Grows: quanto artstico, j que o tema dos sonhos muitas
vezes explorado na obra de grandes artistas.
biodiversityconservation/a/watersupply.htm A turma pode confeccionar dois cartazes com fotos
e legendas em ingls: um para Freud e sua obra, outro
Water Now More Valuable Than Oil?:
com reprodues de obras e fotos dos artistas
escolhidos. Os alunos podem fazer uma breve
descrio das obras em ingls e portugus,
relacionando os conceitos gerais psicanalticos sobre o
Thanks to NASA Spinoff Technologies sonho com a representao artstica.
Os alunos fazem uma pesquisa sobre os spinoffs Sugerimos uma pesquisa sobre a obra de Salvador
(novos produtos feitos com base em um produto Dal, Pablo Picasso, Henry Fuseli ou Ren Magritte, ou
existente) criados indiretamente pela NASA, em de obras de artistas brasileiros como Beatriz Milhazes.
decorrncia das descobertas do programa de
Os cartazes devem ser exibidos para toda a turma e, se
explorao espacial, que acabam servindo de
possvel, expostos em murais para compartilhamento
inspirao para a produo industrial de artigos de
de toda a comunidade escolar.
uso cotidiano. Os alunos preparam tambm um
questionrio sobre a opinio e os hbitos das Como fonte de pesquisa, sugerimos os sites
pessoas (famlia, amigos, comunidade) em relao a e
esses produtos. Os sites index1.html.
index.html e
Sugestes de textos de apoio ao projeto:
products-and-the-optimus-prime-contest/ contm The Interpretation of Dreams, by Sigmund Freud:
listas desses produtos.
Os resultados dessa pesquisa de opinio devem interpretation.htm
ser apresentados em cartazes com imagens e Theories and Interpretations of Dreams:
legendas em ingls. Podem ser usados grficos e
tabelas com o apoio do professor de Matemtica. statesofconsciousness/tp/dreams.htm
Sugere-se promover um debate sobre a popularidade
Characteristics of Dreams 5 Major Dream
dos programas espaciais e a contribuio para a
melhoria da qualidade de vida da sociedade.
A turma pode chegar concluso de que a
tecnologia da NASA promove, com os spinoffs,
benefcio e avano nas mais diversas reas: sade,
energia e meio ambiente, transporte, segurana Discoveries and Inventions
pblica, bens de consumo, tecnologia da informao, A respeito desse tema pode-se encaminhar uma
produtividade industrial. survey, com perguntas previamente preparadas, em
Lembramos que a pronncia da sigla NASA (em portugus e ingls, para que as pessoas (famlia,
ingls sempre grafado em caixa alta) diferente da que amigos, comunidade) deem sua opinio em relao s
usamos em portugus. Ao contrrio da pronncia dessa grandes descobertas e invenes dos ltimos cem
sigla em portugus, em que o s tem som de /z/, em anos. As perguntas podem ser abertas ou com
ingls esse s tem som de /s/ mesmo. respostas de mltipla escolha:

Manual do Professor 21

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Tim Berners-Lee is considered the creator of the Joana, whats your choice?
Internet. Alan Turing was a pioneer in the development joana: Lack of communication. Sometimes Im in a crowded
of the modern computer. Which of the two do you think shopping mall but I feel theres no one around me, I feel
terribly lonely.
is more important?
Ms. Gamboa: I know how you feel, Joana. I understand and I
Com o apoio do professor de Matemtica, os sympathize. What about you, Felipe?
resultados da pesquisa podem ser apresentados com Felipe: These are the days of luxurious houses, but empty
uso de grficos e tabelas (em portugus e em ingls), homes. Thats true. I know about that from my own
em cartazes que sero afixados para visualizao de experience. My parents are doctors so they are shift workers
and we spend very little time together.
toda a escola.
Ms. Gamboa: Well, thats it. You all did very well, Im very
Sugestes de sites de apoio ao projeto: proud of you. Thank you all. Youre beautiful!
Top 10 Inventions: Faixa 5 (pgina 30)
Greatest Engineering Achievements of the 20th apresentador: Good evening, everyone. Welcome to the 5th
Century: Bright Idea Awards! The best reward for the most creative
people, those who come up with the brightest ideas to improve our cities and our lives!
The first Bright Idea Award goes to Peter OMalley.
A Natural First-Aid Kit Peter oMalley: Thank you so much, Jim and everyone! I... I
Os alunos pesquisam sobre plantas, frutos e frutas honestly dont know...
endmicas de diversas regies do Brasil, muitas delas apresentador: Could you give us a brief description of your
invention, Peter?
com propriedades ainda no totalmente conhecidas,
Peter oMalley: Yep. Its really very simple: a filter that
com potencial medicinal e econmico. Exemplos:
reduces CO2 emissions up to 75%.
guaran, aa, cupuau, jaborandi, quebra-pedra etc. apresentador: Brilliant! Thank you so much, Peter!
Devem ser confeccionados cartazes com fotos e NowThe second Bright Idea Award goes to Mary Douglas.
legendas, em portugus e ingls, que podem ser Lets give Mary a round of applause!
mostrados para toda a turma, ou ento colocados em Mary douglas: Thanks a lot! Id like to say that leisure is
murais para a apreciao de toda a comunidade certainly one of the most important aspects in our lives. If we
dont have fun, were bound to get stressed and unhappy.
apresentador: Can you tell us a little about your Bright Idea?
Sugesto de site de apoio ao projeto: Mary douglas: Sure! Last year, my team designed and built small amusement parks all over the city so that everybody
can have fun and a good time with their family
apresentador: Great idea! Many thanks, Mary.
Now its time to announce the next winner. This man has
15. AuDIo SCrIPTS revolutionized transportation in our city. Please come up to
the stage, Mr. Daniel Murray.
Transcrevemos a seguir o udio das atividades de daniel Murray: Hello, everyone! Im very very happy, Jim
Listening. Estas transcries constam apenas deste Certainly, a high-quality transportation service has to be
accessible to everyone. Thats why Ive designed noise-free
buses! Theyre very comfortable and value for money!
apresentador: Thank you, Mr. Murray. Lets have a 5-minute
Faixa 3 (pgina 16)
break before I announce the next winner
Ms. Gamboa: Modern Paradoxes. Are we ready to talk about
them? Who wants to go first? You, Eduardo, whats your
choice? Faixa 7 (pgina 40)
eduardo: Our lifestyle. Too many people live a sedentary life, apresentador: Hello, my name is George Carter. Welcome
theyre modern victims of the remote control. Thats bad. back to World Times, our Geography contest for high school
Ms. Gamboa: Youre right, Eduardo, I agree. What about you, students. The winner will be awarded an all expenses paid
Estela, which of those modern paradoxes do you think is trip to Brazil, Peru or Bolivia. Lets listen to a student from
more strange? San Diego, California. Ready, Ana?
estela: Individualism. Our society is not really a society, just a ana: Yes!
bunch of individualists. apresentador: Here we go! Our topic for you is The Amazon
Ms. Gamboa: Do you really think so, Estela? What could we River!
do to change that? ana: Oh my God! OK Im all set!
estela: We could follow Gandhis words: Be the change you apresentador: How long is the Amazon River?
want to see in the world. I am doing my part. I work as a ana: Oh 6,000 kilometers long?!
volunteer in a hospital in my community. apresentador: No! Im sorry... Actually its 6,280.
Ms. Gamboa: Well done, Estela. Im proud of you. And you, ana: Oh, no!

22 Manual do Professor

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apresentador: Dont worry, Ana. We have one more question. Faixa 11 (pgina 71)
Next one: In which continent is it?
Peter: Whats your favorite school subject, Ana?
ana: South America.
ana: Well I really dont have a favorite, I like all of them.
apresentador: CORRECT! Which countries does it flow
Well perhaps Math. I want to be an engineer. An engineer
through, Ana?
has to be good at Math so What about you, Peter?
ana: Hmm... Peru, Colombia and Brazil?!
Peter: Biology, definitely. I love Biology. I want to be a doctor,
apresentador: Yes! Correct! On to the next question: How
thats for sure. And you, Amanda?
many tributaries does it have? More than 50? More than
amanda: Hmm Im not sure. I like Social Studies, although
100? Or more than 200?
Im not very good at it. But yes, my favorite subject is Social
ana: More than 200.
Studies. And you, Michael?
apresentador: Yes! Where is its source? I mean, where does it
Michael: Me? Well I like Math, Physics, Chemistry. Im going
to be a scientist, you all know that. Dr. Michael Sanders,
ana: In the Andes Mountains, Peru.
astronomer. How about that? And you Kate, whats your
apresentador: Yes And where is its mouth? Where does it
favorite subject?
Kate: Surfing. Surfing the Internet and riding the waves in the
ana: Thats easy In Brazil, into the Atlantic Ocean.
ocean. Just kidding. Well, right now my favorite subject is
apresentador: Correct: It ends in Brazil, into the Atlantic
Ocean, near Belm. Now, how much fresh water does it carry
ana: I know why! What exactly is his name?
into the ocean?
Kate: Juanito. Hes so cute! Yo te amo, Juanito!
ana: Thats a tough one Im not sure... I dont know
apresentador: 20% of all the fresh water discharged into all
the oceans of the planet. Thats a lot of water! Sorry, Ana! Faixa 13 (pgina 82)
Next question: How many bridges cross the river along its
Mr. Parker: Good morning, class! Whats our topic for today?
entire length?
Magnets and the Power of Attraction. Great! Well, we are
ana: I know Ive been there, actually! Its just one, over the
going to do a little experiment in class today We are
Rio Negro, near Manaus.
going to make a simple compass. As you know, we use a
apresentador: Thats totally correct! And our last question
compass when we want to find our way. I know, I know, it
is Its often called the RIVER SEA. Why?
sounds really old-fashioned, today the most high-tech GPS
ana: Easy! Because its the largest river by volume in the
locators are available to everyone, hehehe. Well, in fact a
world. The Amazon is the most powerful river in the world!
compass is old-fashioned, but it is very simple and
apresentador: Thats correct! Congratulations, Ana. You have
interesting too! And it helps us to understand how
a very good chance of winning the contest but there are
magnetism works. We will need a few materials: a pin or a
other competitors, so well have to wait and see Anyway,
needle, a bowl of water, a piece of cork and, of course,
a magnet.

Faixa 9 (pgina 59)

Kate: Oh, look at that picture. David Beckham, his wife Faixa 14 (pgina 82)
Victoria and all their kids. Theyre super! Mr. Parker: Well, first of all, lets fill the bowl with water OK!
amanda: Oh, yeah, I love them too. Victoria is my role model. Now, the first thing to do is to rub, I mean, to move the
Kate: Yes, I think shes great. And lucky too! needle or the pin backward and forward across the magnet.
amanda: Lucky? Why is she lucky? You have to do it many, many times in the same direction.
Kate: Shes married to David Beckham, thats why! Then, push the pin through the cork almost there!
Mark: Yes, everybody loves Beckham. Handsome, talented, Here we go! Now we put the cork with the pin into the water.
rich. He is my role model! Done!
Michael: Dont be silly, Peter. Those people are just famous. As you see, the cork keeps the pin on the surface and, as in
Theyre not serious. My role model is Barack Obama. any compass, the pin will always point North!
amanda: Thats Michael Sanders, future Senator! And you, Now lets get back to our class about magnetism
Ana, whos your role model?
ana: Amyr Klink!
Kate, Mark, Michael e amanda: WHO??? Faixa 15 (pgina 83)
ana: Amyr Klink! Hes a Brazilian navigator, he has made ana: I know a magnet is a metal and can attract iron objects.
several epic sea journeys. In 1984 he rowed alone across the But whys that?
South Atlantic from Africa to Brazil, but that was just the Michael: You know a magnet has two poles, a positive and a
beginning. In 1998 he sailed his yacht Paratii completely negative one. If you put the two positive poles of two
around Antarctica by himself And he had many other sea magnets together, there is no attraction. But if you touch the
adventures after that. One day Im going to run away to sea positive pole of one magnet to the negative pole of the other,
and have an adventure like that. what happens?
Mark: Ok, Ana, Im going with you! ana: You feel a strong pull.
ana: No way! I want to do it solo! Michael: Exactly!
amanda e Kate: Way to go, Ana! ana: But whys that?

Manual do Professor 23

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Michael: Thats because opposite poles attract each other. Faixa 21 (pgina 129)
ana: I know, but
apresentadora: Your book has won rave reviews,
Michael: Ana, do you like Physics? Honestly?
congratulations, Ted! How do you feel?
ana: Well honestly no.
ted: Oh, great. I really didnt expect it to be such a huge
Michael: I love Physics. Im going to be an astronomer. Do you
success. I feel fantastic.
like Chemistry? Honestly?
apresentadora: Can you give us a sample, just a little bit,
ana: Well no, I dont. I hate Chemistry.
maybe a paragraph?
Michael: You see? You hate Chemistry, you dont like Physics. I ted: Oh, sure. But Im afraid I dont know it by heart.
love Chemistry, I love Physics! apresentadora: Really?
ana: Yeah, what about that? What do you mean? ted: I wrote the words, but Ive got a terrible memory.
Michael: Cant you see, Ana? Were opposite poles, the two of apresentadora: Well, have you brought the book? Can you
us! And opposite poles attract each other! read from it?
ana: Oh, Michael, dont be silly! ted: Sure, here we go
Give me a place to stand, and I can move the world. The man
who said those words was Archimedes, a Greek
Faixa 17 (pgina 100) mathematician and inventor who lived over 2,200 years ago.
Waitress: Hello. Are you ready to order? Archimedes is considered to be the first physicist. He was
ana: Peter? well ahead of his time and introduced the basic theory of
Peter: Oh, yes, Id like a ham and cheese sandwich. statics, formulated the principle of the lever, Give me a
Waitress: Would you like something to drink? place to stand
Peter: Yes, please. Id like a milk shake. And you, Amanda? apresentadora: and I can move the world!
amanda: Id like some cake. A slice of chocolate cake, please. ted: Thats rightand discovered the principle of buoyancy
Waitress: Would you like a drink? apresentadora: EUREKA! Thats when he said Eureka!
amanda: Yes, Id like a glass of milk. What about you, ted: Right again!it is the Archimedes Principle that says
Michael? that an object floating on water has the same mass as the
Michael: Id like some strawberry ice cream, please. water it displaces.
Waitress: Would you like something to drink? apresentadora: Brilliant, Ted! Well done! I hope The First
Michael: Just water. Just a glass of water, please. What about Physicist becomes a bestseller!
you, Ana? ted: Thanks, Helen. So do I!
ana: Oh, I dont know. Maybe a yoghurt. Yes, Id like a yoghurt.
Plain. Just a bowl of natural yoghurt. Im going on a diet.
Faixa 23 (pgina 148)
Waitress: Anything else?
ana: Hey, guys! You wont believe it I had a very strange
ana, amanda, Peter e Michael: NO, THANKS!
dream last night. And I just cant stop thinking about it
Kate: Tell us What happened in your dream?
Faixa 19 (pgina 113) ana: Well, I dreamed I was swimming in a big pool in a very
rich mansion. A big heart-shaped swimming pool in LA, like
narrador: International World Water Day is held annually on
those in the movies. And its crazy Ive never actually been
March, 22nd as a means of focusing on the importance of
in a mansion, Ive never been to LA.
Kate: Well, whats so strange about it? Dreams are fantasy;
Each year, World Water Day highlights a specific aspect of
youre free to have the most fantastic dreams. I sometimes
freshwater. We now present the different themes that have
dream Im a queen!
been the focus of World Water Day celebrations.
Michael: Wow! Queen Kate the First. Tell me, your Majesty.
2007: Coping with Water Scarcity. The growing problem of ana: Oh, come on, guys! Ive read somewhere that dreaming
water scarcity was the topic of World Water Day 2007. Clean about swimming in a big beautiful pool is a sure sign of
water is essential for life, but there is not enough of it. success I think Im gonna be a pop star!
2008: Sanitation. In 2008, World Water Day coincided with Michael: Wow! Can you give me an autograph, Miss Gomes?
the International Year of Sanitation. More than one out of Kate: Oh, Michael, dont be silly! Of course some dreams have
three people on the planet are affected by lack of sanitation. a meaning! Go on, Ana!
2009: Shared Water, Shared Opportunities. Countries that ana: The odd thing is it has become a recurring dream. I keep
share the waters of the same river or lake have the opportunity dreaming about it! I have dreamed Im swimming in that pool
of promoting mutual respect, understanding, and peace. for two weeks now. I got curious, so I looked it up in a book
2010: Clean Water for a Healthy World. The problem about dreams.
continues, but solutions are possible. Kate: And what did the book say?
2011: Water for Cities. Aimed to spotlight and encourage ana: I told you! Swimming in a big beautiful swimming pool of
governments, organizations, communities, and individuals a rich mansion means youre going to be very successful,
to actively engage in addressing the challenges of urban maybe a pop star, or a movie star, whatever!
water management. Michael: Oh, boy! What a gang! Queen Kate the First, Ana
2012: Water and Food Security. Statistics say that each of us Queen of Pop Gomes, and Doctor Michael Sanders, a
drinks from 2 to 4 litres of water every day. How can you famed astronomer.
change your diet and reduce your water footprint? ana: Oh, Michael, dont be silly!

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Faixa 25 (pgina 156) adelle: They say that necessity is the mother of invention, but
tell me Was the invention of the nuclear bomb really
radialista: Welcome back to Science for Schools. Todays
necessary? Certainly not My name is Adelle Parker.
topic is Discoveries and Inventions. During the twentieth
sam: Hello, Im Sam Webster. Until 1928 when Alexander
century, our society was greatly benefited by discoveries
Fleming discovered penicillin if you happened to pick up any
and inventions in the fields of technology, astronomy, the
little bug it might kill you. Thanks to antibiotics millions of
earth sciences, physics, biochemistry, medicine, human
behavior and many others. In the studio today are five people are healthier and live longer. Dr. Fleming, youre a
people from different San Diego neighborhoods, who are real hero!
going to tell us about their favorite discoveries or inventions.
Lets hear what they have to say.
alejandro: My name is Alejandro Contreras. For me, the most Faixa 27 (pgina 169)
important invention of the twentieth century was the
narrador: A recent import from Brazil, aa (pronunced ah-
computer. And the Internet, of course. The invention of the
sigh-ee) is the new superfood of choice. Aa is the fruit
airplane was also great. With the airplane, the planet is
from a special palm tree that grows in the Amazon rain
really small. You can fly from San Francisco to LA in less
forest and tastes like a cross between blackberries and
than an hour. But with the Internet you can be anywhere in
chocolate. It has been a staple for the Indians that have
just a few seconds. You can write to your friends, make new
lived there for hundreds of years, and they call the tree that
friends, watch the latest videos Where would we be
without the Net? bears this small purple fruit The Tree of Life. The juice of
Martha: My name is Martha Williams. The automobile, no doubt the aa fruit is put over grains and fruit, or mixed with water
about it. Im just a teenager, I havent got a car yet, but Im going and sugar to create an energizing beverage.
to buy one when I get enough money. That will be the day! Aas health benefits are astounding, and scientists are
nick: The television is our entertainer, our news source, in impressed by the fruits high level of proteins, fiber, vitamin
some cases the friend of lonely people. But too much E, and minerals. It is an antioxidant-rich superfood as well as
television can be harmful. It fills peoples minds with stupid a valuable, natural cholesterol controller. It also builds the
concepts, makes them buy things they dont really need, immune system, fights infection, protects the heart, and can
makes them fatter for lack of exercise Televison? No, control prostate enlargement.
thanks. My name is Nick Marx. You should start your day with the healthy qualities of aa.

16. ProNuNCIATIoN AND STreSS (atividades adicionais de LISTeNING)

Conforme mencionado anteriormente, quando tratamos de compreenso oral, no CD que acompanha cada livro da
coleo, logo aps o udio do texto principal de cada unidade so destacadas algumas palavras cuja pronncia ou
acentuao costumam causar dificuldades para os falantes do portugus. Para explorar essas palavras, aps a leitura
do texto, escreva-as na lousa, uma de cada vez. Em seguida, a seu critrio, destaque os aspectos de pronncia e acen-
tuao com base nos exemplos de rima, nos comentrios relacionados ao som de algumas letras em particular e na
indicao da slaba tnica dados abaixo. Para finalizar, os alunos podem ouvir o udio mais uma vez, repetindo o final
da faixa correspondente do CD.

Unit 1 (faixa 2)
comfort pronunciam-se duas slabas; a primeira a tnica: COMFort

pronunciam-se trs slabas; a primeira a tnica: HISTory; o h aspirado; numa emisso mais rpida
pronunciam-se apenas duas slabas, omitindo-se o som do o

answer rima com dancer; o w mudo

possession rima com expression; o primeiro ss soa /z/; o segundo soa //, como show

character pronunciam-se trs slabas; a primeira a tnica: CHARacter

pronunciam-se trs slabas; a segunda, que rima com chess, a tnica: diGEStion; a primeira slaba soa como die;
rima com suggestion

pronunciam-se duas slabas; a primeira a tnica: LEIsure; o s soa //; na pronncia britnica, o ei soa /e/ e a
palavra rima com measure e pleasure; na pronncia norte-americana o ei soa /i:/ e a palavra rima com seizure

technology rima com Biology; pronunciam-se quatro slabas; a segunda a tnica: techNOLogy

delete rima com complete ou repeat

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Unit 2 (faixa 4)
dozen rima com cousin; pronunciam-se duas slabas; a primeira a tnica: DOZen

reward rima com aboard e afford; pronunciam-se duas slabas; a segunda a tnica: reWARD

intelligent pronunciam-se quatro slabas; a segunda a tnica: inTELLigent

rima com bill; o i soa // (compare com feel, em que o ee tem som longo /i:/); aproveite a oportunidade
para mostrar a diferena de pronncia dos minimal pairs hill/heal, mill/meal, will/wheel

Unit 3 (faixa 6)
myths o y tem o som breve de // e o s final /s/; no singular rima com with; no plural rima com The Smiths

pronunciam-se trs slabas; a primeira a tnica: FIery, rimando com by; numa emisso mais rpida
pronunciam-se duas slabas, omitindo-se o som do e; rima com wiry

pronunciam-se quatro slabas; a segunda a tnica: iMMEdiately, que soa como (a forma forte do
pronome) me, o e com som /i:/; o segundo e no pronunciado

flood rima com blood, mud e bud

reluctantly pronunciam-se quatro slabas; a segunda a tnica: reLUCtantly, que soa como luck

pronunciam-se apenas duas slabas: a primeira a tnica: CREAtures, que rima com tea; na segunda e
ltima slaba o t soa // como em church, e a terminao -ures soa /rz/; rima com features e teachers

Unit 4 (faixa 8)
rima com secretary; pronunciam-se quatro slabas; a primeira a tnica: SOLitary; na pronncia
norte-americana o a soa /e/; na pronncia britnica o a soa como vogal neutra //

obstacle pronunciam-se trs slabas; a primeira a tnica: OBStacle

lonely rima com only; pronunciam-se apenas duas slabas; a primeira a tnica: LONEly; o e mudo

rima com excess ou express; pronunciam-se duas slabas; a segunda a tnica: sucCESS; a primeira
slaba soa como suck

feeling o ee soa /i:/, em contraste com o som de // em filling

necessarily pronunciam-se cinco slabas; a terceira a tnica: neceSSArily

isolation rima com operation; pronunciam-se quatro slabas; a terceira a tnica: isoLAtion; o s soa /s/ e no /z/

enhance rima com advance; pronunciam-se duas slabas, sendo a segunda a tnica: enHANCE; o h aspirado

pronunciam-se duas slabas; a segunda a tnica: eRASE; o s soa /s/ na pronncia norte-americana e
/z/ na britnica

Unit 5 (faixa 10)

euro pronunciam-se duas slabas; a primeira a tnica: EUro; eu soa como em you

no rima com rate; pronunciam-se trs slabas; a primeira a tnica: LITerate; numa emisso mais
rpida, pronunciam-se apenas duas slabas, omitindo-se o som do a

rima com excess ou express; pronunciam-se duas slabas, com primary stress na segunda: poSSESS; o
primeiro ss soa /z/

pronunciam-se quatro slabas; a terceira a tnica: mediEVal; o e pode soar /i:/ (pronncia
norte-americana) ou /e/ (pronncia britnica); a terminao soa como evil

peasant rima com pleasant; o ea soa /e/

planetary rima com secretary; pronunciam-se quatro slabas; a terceira a tnica: planeTARy

catastrophic pronunciam-se quatro slabas; a terceira, que rima com off, a tnica: catasTROPHic

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lives rima com wives ou knives; pronuncia-se uma nica slaba

professor rima com processor; pronunciam-se trs slabas; a segunda a tnica: proFESSor

Unit 6 (faixa 12)

cobalt pronunciam-se duas slabas; a primeira a tnica: CObalt; o a soa //

invisible pronunciam-se quatro slabas; a segunda a tnica: inVISible

ordinarily pronunciam-se cinco slabas: a terceira a tnica: ordiNARily

packed pronuncia-se apenas uma slaba; o ed soa /t/; packed soa como pact

Unit 7 (faixa 16)

chemistry pronunciam-se trs slabas; a primeira a tnica: CHEMistry; o ch soa /k/

dough rima com go

molecule pronunciam-se trs slabas; a primeira a tnica: MOLecule

ingredient pronunciam-se quatro slabas; a segunda a tnica, que soa como greed: inGREDient

recipe no rima com type; pronunciam-se trs slabas; a primeira, que rima com less, a tnica: RECipe

flour rima com power e flower

yeast rima com least e beast

reactant pronunciam-se trs slabas; a segunda a tnica: reACTant

alcohol rima com shopping mall; pronunciam-se trs slabas; o h aspirado, como em hall

tiny rima com shiny; o i soa /a/

enzyme rima com sometime; pronunciam-se duas slabas; a primeira a tnica: ENzyme

rima com beat ou meat; o ea soa /i:/; aproveite a oportunidade para mostrar a diferena de pronncia
dos minimal pairs, heat/hit, beat/bit, seat/sit e feet/fit

baked rima com faked; pronuncia-se apenas uma slaba, o ed soa /t/

Unit 8 (faixa 18)

pronunciam-se trs slabas; a segunda a tnica e rima com well: deVELoped; a terminao
-ed soa como /t/

benefit pronunciam-se trs slabas; a primeira, que rima com ten, a tnica: BENefit

apesar de parecida (na grafia e no significado) com clean, aqui o ea soa /e/ e no /i:/; pronuncia-se
uma slaba s, com som final /z/, rimando com tens e lens

pronunciam-se trs slabas; a segunda a tnica: eSSENtial; o t soa //, como em show; rima com

incredibly pronunciam-se quatro slabas; a segunda a tnica: inCREDibly, que rima com bread

pronunciam-se apenas duas slabas; a segunda, que rima com dream, a tnica: exTREME; o primeiro e
soa /i:/, o segundo no pronunciado; rima com esteem e com ice cream

pronunciam-se duas slabas; a primeira, que rima com by, a tnica: Ions; o i tem som /a/; rima com

Unit 9 (faixa 20)

pronunciam-se cinco slabas; a quarta, que rima com dish, a tnica: mathemaTICian; o c com som //
como em show; o segundo i no pronunciado

fraud rima com odd, broad e god

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pronunciam-se quatro slabas; a terceira, que rima com back, a tnica: manuFACture; o t soa // como
em church

pronunciam-se duas slabas; a primeira, que rima com edge, a tnica: MEASure; o ea soa /e/, e o s
measure //; na segunda e ltima slaba, o -ure como um schwa, uma vogal fraca, tona, seguida de /r/ na
pronncia norte-americana; measure rima com pleasure e treasure

wreath o w mudo; o ea soa /i:/; rima com teeth

pronunciam-se trs slabas; a primeira, que soa sub e rima com pub, a tnica: SUBsequent; o primeiro
e soa // e a segunda slaba (subSEQuent) soa como sick

replete pronunciam-se apenas duas slabas; a segunda a tnica: rePLETE; rima com repeat

pronunciam-se apenas trs slabas; a segunda a tnica: conJECtures; o j tem som de //; na ltima
slaba o t soa // como em church

em ingls britnico, o primeiro e soa /i:/ e a palavra rima com fever (febre) ou beaver (castor); nos EUA
lever essa forma tambm existe, mas mais comum a pronncia desse e como /e/ mesmo, rimando com
never (nunca) ou clever (esperto, inteligente)

ratio rima com radio, mas o t soa // como em church

Unit 10 (faixa 22)

psychoanalysis pronunciam-se seis slabas; a quarta a slaba tnica: psychoaNALysis; o p mudo

incredible pronunciam-se quatro slabas; a segunda a tnica: inCREDible

psychology, psychosis em ambas o p mudo

effort pronunciam-se duas slabas; a primeira a tnica: EFFort

Unit 11 (faixa 24)

locked rima com rocked e knocked; pronuncia-se uma slaba s, o ed soa /t/

sought rima com bought

progressed pronunciam-se apenas duas slabas; a segunda a tnica: proGRESSED; o ed soa /t/

ignorance pronunciam-se trs slabas; a primeira a tnica: IGnorance

touched pronuncia-se uma slaba s, o ed soa /t/

destructive rima com productive; pronunciam-se trs slabas; a segunda a tnica: deSTRUCTive

Unit 12 (faixa 26)

biological pronunciam-se cinco slabas; a terceira, que soa como lodge, a tnica: bioLOGical

pronunciam-se trs slabas; a primeira a tnica: INfamous; o a soa //, diferentemente do que
acontece na mesma vogal em famous

basin rima com mason

leaves rima com sleeves

latex o a soa /e/ e no a

subtle rima com shuttle; o b mudo

properties pronunciam-se trs slabas; a primeira a tnica: PROPerties

indigenous pronunciam-se quatro slabas; a segunda, que rima com bridge, a tnica: inDIGenous

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17. atividades adicionais de reADING

Apresentamos a seguir textos autnticos de diferentes gneros, acompanhados de questes de compreenso, que
podem ser reproduzidos e utilizados como atividades adicionais para o desenvolvimento da habilidade de leitura. As
respostas dos exerccios encontram-se aps o ltimo texto.

1. life

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.

Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.
(MOTHER TERESA. Disponvel em: Acesso em: 28 de maio 2013)

Responda em portugus.
a. Se a vida um sonho, o que se deve fazer?
b. Se a vida uma promessa, o que se deve fazer?
c. Se a vida uma cano, o que se deve fazer?
d. Se a vida tristeza, o que se deve fazer?
e. Se a vida uma aventura, o que se deve fazer?
f. E porque a vida vida, o que se deve fazer?

2. the Bus station

One ticket to Hell, please.
Im sorry, all departures going South are booked up.
Anything else leaving tonight?
We have one bus heading in the opposite direction.
Any seats available?
Very long ride?
No, not really, but you might want to take a good book along. Ive heard its a mighty lonely trip.
(HUNT, Andrew E. In: MOSS, Steve (Ed.). The Worlds Shortest Stories. Philadelphia: Running Press, 1998.)

Responda em portugus.
a. Para onde a pessoa est querendo comprar uma passagem?
b. Em que direo fica esse local?
c. Ainda h passagens para esse destino?

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d. Quantos nibus esto de partida na direo contrria? H lugares disponveis?
e. A viagem longa?
f. Que sugesto o bilheteiro d ao passageiro?
g. Por que ele recomenda isso?
h. Para onde vai esse nibus?
i. O que voc acha que o autor quis dizer nesse miniconto?

3. the arrow and the song

I shot an arrow into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For, so swiftly it flew, the sight
Could not follow it in its flight.

I breathed a song into the air,

It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For who has sight so keen and strong,
That it can follow the flight of a song?

Long, long afterward, in an oak

I found the arrow, still unbroke;
And the song, from beginning to end,
I found again in the heart of a friend.
(LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth. The Poetical Works of Henry W. Longfellow. Boston/New York:
Houghton Mifflin, 1890.)

1. Fill in the blanks with words from the poem.

a. is the past of shoot (throw a weapon).
b. is the past of fall (move quickly downward from a higher position).
c. is the same as because (in this context).
d. is the same as fast or quickly.
e. is the past of fly (move through the air).
f. is the same as vision.
g. is a movement through the air by a bird or object.
h. is the same as said (in this context).
i. is the same as sharp.
j. is the same as a long time after that.
k. is a large tree that can live for a very long time.
l. is the same as intact.

Choose the item that best completes each sentence to answer questions 2 to 5.

2. The poet was not able to follow the flight of the arrow he had shot because .
a. he was not wearing his glasses
b. arrows fly slowly enough for the eyes to see
c. arrows fly too fast for the human sight to watch
d. it fell to earth
e. he could not see very well

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3. The poet .
a. found the arrowhead in an oak
b. soon found out where the arrow had fallen
c. later found the broken arrow
d. eventually found the arrow in a tree
e. could not find the arrow anywhere

4. An arrow is a dangerous weapon. It can hurt and it can kill. The arrow in Longfellows poem could be a
metaphor for that we sometimes say to another person.
a. negative or destructive words d. simple, basic words
b. kind or constructive words e. images, not words.
c. beautiful, peaceful words

5. The Arrow and the Song is a powerful story of the value of .

a. friendship d. fighting
b. dreams e. vision
c. targets

4. the Miracle of life

Human beings have the right to what is human. All of us are composed of cells, which are
composed of molecules, which are composed of atoms. Atoms of the ninety-two elements that make up
both the Atlantic ocean and the trees in the Amazon. And that make up the entire universe. The same
ninety-two musical notes of the cosmic symphony that produced the atoms in the body of the Queen
of England or Bill Gates also produced those of a street child.
But today a significant share of humanity still aspires to enjoy the rights of animals. Eating, raising
a family, and having shelter are necessities that neither nature nor society deny to animals. Yet the
greed of profit and property denies these rights to half the worlds six billion inhabitants. In Brazil, out of
a population of 180 million, 54 million live below the poverty line.
A human being is a miracle of life. We do not choose the family, the social class or the nation in
which we are born. We can either be rich or poor. We are all children of a biological lottery. However,
the extreme inequality in the world is a shocking social injustice. To recognize this should provoke in us
the lottery winners a minimal sense of personal obligation to those who have not been so lucky.
There is a strong ethical need to give voice to the voiceless, so that tomorrow they can speak for
themselves. The time to do it is now.
(Adaptado de: FREI BETTO. Prefcio. In: REDE SOCIAL DE JUSTIA E DIREITOS HUMANOS. Direitos Humanos
no Brasil 2000. Disponvel em: Acesso em: 28 maio 2013)

1. Scan the text to find the missing words.

a. beings seres humanos
b. the universe o universo inteiro
c. the of England a rainha da Inglaterra
d. a street uma criana de rua
e. a significant uma parte significativa
f. the of animals os direitos dos animais
g. the greed of a ganncia do lucro
h. the line a linha da pobreza
i. the lottery os ganhadores da loteria
j. an ethical uma necessidade tica

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2. Match the columns.
1. have a right to a. aspirar a, desejar
2. make up b. negar
3. aspire c. ter abrigo
4. deny d. ter direito a
5. raise a family e. formar, compor
6. have shelter f. constituir famlia

3. Scan the text and choose the idea in the box expressed by each of the discourse markers in bold. The same
idea may be used more than once.

contrast purpose addition alternative

a. We do not choose the family, the social class or the nation in which we are born.
b. Yet the greed of profit and property ()
c. () so that tomorrow they can speak for themselves.
d. But today a significant share of humanity ()
e. Eating, raising a family, and having shelter are necessities ()
f. We are all children of a biological lottery. However, the extreme inequality in the world ()

4. Observe no quadro o sentido das locues conjuntivas.

both and (duplamente positiva): tanto quanto

either or (alternativa): ou ou
neither nor (duplamente negativa): nem nem

Mark t (for true) or F (for false), according to the text. Correct the false statements.
a. Both the Queen of England and Bill Gates live below the poverty line.
b. In the lottery we can either win or lose.
c. Social injustice is neither ethical nor acceptable.
d. Human beings have a right both to equality and justice.
e. We are all children of a biological lottery. We can be both rich and poor.
f. People can either be lucky or unlucky.
g. We are composed of atoms of the 92 elements that make up both the Atlantic ocean and the trees in the
h. Extreme inequality is neither shocking nor immoral.
i. Many poor people have neither food nor shelter.
j. We should neither be arrogant nor indifferent to that issue.

5. in the Garden
Standing there in the garden, she saw him running toward her.
Tina! My flower! The love of my life!
He had said it at last.
Oh, Tom!
Tina, my flower!
Oh, Tom! I love you, too!
Tom reached her, knelt down, and quickly pushed her aside.
My flower! You were standing on my prize-winning rose!
(TORRES, Hope A. In: MOSS, Steve (Ed.). The Worlds Shortest Stories. Philadelphia: Running Press, 1998.)

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1. Match the columns, finding the correct definitions.
a. toward ( ) to the side
b. at last ( ) in direction of
c. reached her ( ) so beautiful that it had won a prize
d. knelt down ( ) moved her away from him
e. pushed her ( ) past of kneel down: put one or both knees on the ground
f. aside ( ) finally
g. prize-winning ( ) arrived where she was

2. Responda em portugus:
a. Onde a cena se passa?

b. Ocorre um dilogo entre um homem e uma mulher. Qual o nome deles?

c. Qual dos dois vem correndo na direo do outro?

d. O que ele diz?

e. Era a primeira vez que ele dizia aquilo? Como possvel comprovar isso?

f. O que ela entendeu?

g. Como ela reagiu?

h. O que ele fez quando chegou perto dela?

i. Por que ele fez isso?

j. Uma das linhas desse dilogo deu origem a um mal-entendido. Reproduza-a.

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Gabarito No lugar do pronome recproco em destaque, podera-
mos ter usado one another, sem mudana de sentido.
texto 1: a. Realiz-lo. b. Cumpri-la. c. Cant-la. d. Super-
la. e. Ousar viv-la. f. Lutar por ela. Jack and Joe say theyre good friends, but in fact they
hate each other/one another.
texto 2: a. Para o inferno. b. Sul. c. No. As passagens
esto esgotadas/ Os nibus esto lotados. d. Um; h Apesar de ainda ser possvel encontrarmos a recomen-
lugares disponveis. e. No (no muito). f. Que ele leve um
bom livro na viagem. g. Porque ouviu dizer que uma
dao de uso diferenciado (each other para reciprocidade
viagem muito solitria. h. Para o cu. i. Que existem muito entre dois elementos e one another entre mais de dois),
mais passageiros para o inferno do que para o cu. em ingls moderno, na prtica e na obra de autores con-
texto 3: Ex. 1: a. shot; b. fell; c. for; d. swiftly; e. flew; f. sagrados, os dois so usados sem distino:
sight; g. flight; h. breathed; i. keen; j. long afterward; k. oak;
l. unbroke. Ex. 2: c; Ex. 3: d; Ex. 4: a; Ex. 5: a.
Seven years would be insufficient to make some
people acquainted with each other, and seven days are
texto 4: Ex. 1: a. human; b. entire; c. Queen; d. child; e.
more than enough for others. (Jane Austen, Sense and
share; f. rights; g. profit; h. poverty; i. winners; j. need. Ex. 2:
1. d; 2. e; 3. a; 4. b; 5. f; 6. c. Ex. 3: a. alternative; b. contrast; Sensibility)
c. purpose; d. contrast; e. addition; f. contrast. Ex. 4: Falsas:
The young man and the pretty girl sat close to one
a. Neither nor; e. either or ; h. both and.
another by the fire, and were going to be married very
texto 5: Ex. 1: f, a, g, e, d, b, c. Ex. 2: a. Em um jardim.;
soon. (Charles Dickens, The Childs Story)
b. Tom e Tina.; c. Tom vem correndo na direo de Tina.;
d. Tina! Minha flor! O amor da minha vida!; e. Sim. O Em afirmaes gerais, quando no nos referimos es-
narrador do texto diz que Tom finalmente disse aquilo.;
pecificamente a certas pessoas, one another mais
f. Que ele estava declarando seu amor por ela.; g. Disse a
ele que tambm o amava.; h. Ajoelhou-se e empurrou-a comum.
para o lado.; i. Porque ela estava pisando na rosa
premiada dele.; j. Tina! My flower! The love of my life!. Jesus taught us to love one another (soa mais natural
do que to love each other).
A grande diferena no entre each other e one
another, mas entre esses pronomes recprocos e o refle-
18. CuLTurAL NoTeS, xivo themselves.
LANGuAGe IN uSe AND Romeo and Juliet loved each other/one another.
exPLorING THe THeMe They both killed themselves to be together.

Como apoio prtica docente e aprofundamento dos

temas trabalhados nas unidades, apresentamos nesta se- Less & Fewer
o minibiografias, relatos de fatos histricos, curiosida- We have more information, but less knowledge, more
des, notas culturais e lingusticas e indicaes de temas questions, but fewer answers.
transversais, orientados para explorar interdisciplinari- We have more possessions, but fewer values.
dade e a intertextualidade dos contedos.
Essas frases so um bom exemplo das palavras que
Os sites mencionados nesta seo foram acessados em correspondem a menos, em portugus. Less deve ser
maio de 2013. usado com uncountable nouns, sempre no singular (less
money, less sugar); fewer a forma apropriada para
Unit 1 acompanhar countable nouns, no plural (fewer houses,
fewer cars). No ingls moderno possvel (e at comum,
na linguagem coloquial) encontrar less antes de substan-
Scrates tivos no plural (less times, less people), mas isso deve ser
Os antigos gregos consideravam Scrates (470?-399 evitado, principalmente em ingls escrito.
a.C.) o homem mais sbio do mundo. O mtodo de
ensino de Scrates foi perpetuado por aquilo que Plato, Crash no limite
seu maior pupilo, deixou escrito. Scrates foi acusado de
Pode-se entender o tema central da Unidade como a
blasfmia pelas autoridades de Atenas e condenado mor-
necessidade da sociedade moderna de rever alguns valo-
te, obrigado a envenenar-se com cicuta.
res, atribuindo maior importncia a princpios como
amizade, tica, aprendizagem, educao, solidariedade.
Each Other & One Another Podem ser usados filmes, como Crash no limite (2004),
We build more computers to hold more information, para um debate entre os alunos sobre os paradoxos da
but we communicate with each other less and less. sociedade e possveis solues a essas questes.

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Unit 2 quieter/ the quietest/
more quiet than most quiet

stupider/ the stupidest/

John Ernst Steinbeck stupid
more stupid than most stupid
Escritor norte-americano (1902-1968), conhecido por sincerer/ the sincerest/
seus contos e romances, incluindo The Grapes of Wrath more sincere than most sincere
(1939) e Of Mice and Men (1937). Foi ganhador do Prmio
Nobel de Literatura em 1962. Julie e Julia
Recomendamos um debate com os alunos sobre como
Grande Muralha da China uma boa ideia pode mudar uma vida ou uma situao.
Foi construda para defender o Imprio Chins de in- Como filme de apoio, sugerimos Julie e Julia (2009). Nesse
vasores mas tambm para preservar a cultura chinesa dos filme, a blogueira norte-americana Julie Powell, em 2002,
costumes de outros povos. Estende-se por mais de 20 mil est entediada com seu trabalho e v nos livros e no m-
quilmetros, cruzando a China. Foi construda do sculo todo da chef norte-americana Julia Child uma possibili-
III a.C. ao sculo XVII d.C., por cerca de 30 mil trabalha- dade para mudar de vida. A prpria Julia Child, na dcada
dores. Ao longo do percurso da muralha, podem-se obser- de 1950, descobre na culinria um meio de fazer sua vida
var fortalezas, passagens e torres que formam a estrutura. mais til e gratificante.
a nica construo realizada pela humanidade que pode
ser vista do espao. Recomenda-se o site http://whc.unes-
Unit 3 para uma pesquisa mais detalhada.

Adjetivos com acrscimo de -er e -est Indians

Com alguns adjetivos dissilbicos, possvel usar dois As primeiras pessoas a chegar s Amricas so conhe-
tipos de formao do grau comparativo e superlativo, cidas como ndios. Esse nome surgiu originalmente de
sendo mais comum a forma com o acrscimo de -er e de um erro: Cristvo Colombo achou que tinha chegado
-est. Assim: ndia, e no s Amricas, que eram ento desconhecidas
commoner/ the commonest/
dos europeus.
more common than most common Recomenda-se que o termo adequado para nomear
narrower/ the narrowest/ essa populao seria Native Americans e no Indians.
more narrow than most narrow Uma pesquisa de opinio realizada com esses povos, no
pleasanter/ the pleasantest/ entanto, mostrou que eles preferem ser chamados de
more pleasant than most pleasant Indians ou American Indians e no de Native Americans.
No caso dos ndios brasileiros, em ingls o termo para
polite the politest/ se referir a esses povos pode ser Brazilian Indians, e para
more polite than
most polite
os povos brasileiros indgenas, indigenous peoples.
cleverer/ the cleverest/
more clever than most clever
Emprstimos lingusticos
A regra para a formao do grau comparativo e super- O uso de palavras estrangeiras na lngua nacional, os
lativo dos adjetivos dissilbicos no rgida, e pode-se chamados emprstimos lingusticos, acontece em todas
encontrar exemplos em que outros adjetivos de duas s- as lnguas e o portugus no faz exceo regra. Por razes
labas so tambm usados em uma das duas formas. Alguns histricas, o portugus recebeu, ao longo dos tempos,
deles so: entre vrias influncias, a da lngua espanhola e do francs,
friendlier/ the friendliest/ importante lngua de cultura em Portugal at o sculo XIX.
more friendly than most friendly
Desde o sculo XIX e com muito mais intensidade
happier/ the happiest/ aps a Segunda Guerra Mundial, por razes de domnio
more happy than most happy
tecnolgico e poltico, o ingls passa a contribuir larga-
lonelier/ the loneliest/ mente para o repertrio da lngua portuguesa como ln-
more lonely than most lonely gua de cultura.
lovelier/ the loveliest/ Presente na vida cotidiana dos brasileiros e inserido
more lovely than most lovely
no estilo de vida moderno, o ingls surge de diversas

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reas, principalmente a cincia, a moda, a indstria do The Old Man and the Sea um livro pequeno, pouco
entretenimento e a informtica. O uso de palavras e ex- mais do que um short story, mas de grande intensidade.
presses da lngua inglesa uma realidade social. a ln- A histria de Santiago, o velho pescador e sua pica luta
gua transformando-se pelo componente livre, dinmico, para no perder o belo marlim (ou agulho), o maior peixe
que contribui para sua sofisticao e riqueza. Apesar de que j tinha conseguido pescar, tem um generoso simbo-
quase sempre existirem palavras de pura origem portu- lismo e convida a diversas interpretaes. Nas palavras
guesa para outras em ingls, s o mais intolerante dos do prprio autor: No good book has ever been written
puristas, num belo dia de sol, diria algo assim: Aps o that has in its symbols arrived at beforehand and stuck
lugopdio, os ludmbulos decidiram fazer um convescote in. (...) I tried to make a real old man, a real boy, a real
no terreno relativamentre extenso, cercado e arborizado, sea, and real sharks. But if I made them good and true
destinado recreao. Ainda bem que nessa mesma frase enough they would mean many things. The Old Man
podemos fazer uso dos emprstimos lingusticos e dizer and the Sea uma excelente escolha para further
simplesmente: Aps o futebol, os turistas decidiram fazer reading.
um piquenique no parque.
Amyr Klink
Phrasal Verbs Na Internet, possvel encontrar diversos vdeos sobre
Alguns phrasal verbs podem ser usados seguidos de Amyr Klink e suas viagens extraordinrias. Um deles
complemento ou com o complemento entre o verbo e a Um homem precisa viajar (Mar sem fim), altamente re-
partcula verbal: comendvel. Mar sem fim tambm o nome do livro
turn down/on/off/up the radio ou turn the radio escrito pelo navegador aps uma de suas solitrias viagens
down/on/off/up martimas. Amyr Klink um dos heris brasileiros
put away your toys ou put your toys away
No entanto, quando o complemento for um pronome
e no um substantivo, esse pronome s pode vir entre o Unit 5
verbo e a partcula verbal.
(the radio) Turn it down/on/off/up Discover or Invent?
(your toys) Put them away O uso do verbo discover na descrio da chegada dos
(that book) Pick it up colonizadores europeus a novas terras a partir do sculo
XV era aceitvel (e no questionado) at bem pouco tempo
Up Is the Word atrs, e ainda se ouvem muitas pessoas fazendo uso desse
Up uma palavra bem simples, mas serve de exemplo verbo em frases como Columbus discovered America,
da polivalncia das palavras em ingls. Pode ser usada Cabral discovered Brazil. Hoje sabemos que o Brasil no
com diferentes funes, mas quase sempre com o mesmo foi nem inventado nem descoberto em 1500. H um en-
sentido. Assim, dizemos I was walking up the hill (para tendimento de que a ideia de descobrir uma certa terra
cima de preposio), so I was going up (para cima vem pela tica do colonizador, sem levar em conta o fato
advrbio). I was up there (l acima adjetivo). Up pode histrico de povos j habitarem aquelas terras. Para os
tambm ser usada como substantivo (We all have our ups povos indgenas nesses locais, os exploradores no des-
and downs in life) e at como verbo (They are going to cobriram essas terras, eles apenas l chegaram.
up the price of gas once again).
Unit 4 Calculate tem origem na palavra latina calculus, que
significa pedrinha. Antigamente, usavam-se pedrinhas
como marcadores para ensinar as crianas a contar; da
Ernest Miller Hemingway ser Clculo um dos ramos da Matemtica.
Escritor norte-americano, Ernest Miller Hemingway
(1899-1961) autor de contos e romances, como The Sun O homem que calculava
Also Rises (1926). Seu livro The Old Man and the Sea Alm das fontes sugeridas em Exploring Other Sources
recebeu o Prmio Pulitzer em 1952 e foi citado especifi- (p. 74), recomenda-se a leitura de O homem que calcu-
camente quando o autor recebeu o Prmio Nobel de Li- lava, um clssico brasileiro assinado por Malba Tahan,
teratura em 1954. pseudnimo do professor de Matemtica Jlio Csar de

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Mello e Souza (1895-1974), em que ele ensina Matemtica American Heritage Student Dictionary). Boston/New
por meio de fico. York, 2003.)

Uma mente brilhante NASA in Your Life

Recomenda-se o filme Uma mente brilhante, que nar- No site da NASA (
ra a histria do grande matemtico norte-americano John salife/) possvel assistir a diversos vdeos, entre eles o
Nash. Ao formular um teorema quando tinha apenas 21 que mostra a chegada da space shuttle Welcome Home
anos, John Nash provou sua genialidade. O filme mostra Endeavour depois da sua 32- viagem ao International
no s o lado vitorioso da histria de Nash, mas tambm Space Center. Esse e outros vdeos esto disponveis na
os srios problemas pessoais que enfrentou. Foi ganhador seo NASA IN YOUR LIFE.
do Prmio Nobel de Economia em 1994.
Unit 9
Unit 6
Magnet (m) Coining a word or term (cunhar um termo, inventar
Tem origem no nome grego da cidade de Magnsia, na uma palavra) tem origem no substantivo coin (moeda).
sia menor, hoje em territrio turco. Nessa regio existia, Uma moeda cunhada (marcada) oficialmente pelo go-
na Antiguidade, um minrio chamado magnetite, capaz verno de um pas, que determina o valor da moeda. Na
de atrair objetos ferrosos. Os primeiros ims foram en- Antiguidade, era possvel identificar a pessoa que coined
contrados l. a new word, que primeiro a nomeava. Sabe-se, por
exemplo, que a palavra energia foi cunhada pelo filsofo
grego Aristteles. O uso de Eureca! parece ter sido
Einstein e o magnetismo
inventado por Arquimedes e ficou at nossos dias. Hoje,
Albert, em sua infncia na Alemanha, se maravilhava
entretanto, com milhares de livros publicados todos os
com a misteriosa fora invisvel chamada magnetismo,
dias e milhes de pessoas escrevendo na Internet, novas
que fazia a agulha de uma bssola apontar para o norte. palavras so cunhadas o tempo todo e dificil saber quem
Essa observao conduziu o pequeno Albert, pela vida as inventou.
inteira, na busca da explicao para os mistrios da
Fsica. Historic & Historical
Historic refere-se a algo importante na Histria: The
Unit 7 Revolutionary War was a historic event. Historical refere-
-se a algo que existiu no passado, importante ou no: The
author used many historical characters in her novels.
Dough massa, mistura de farinha, gua e outros in- Arquimedes
gredientes como fermento, gordura, acar, prontos para Matemtico, engenheiro e inventor grego (287-212
serem postos no forno e assar para fazer po ou bolo. Dough a.C.), fez muitas descobertas no campo da matemtica,
tambm pode ser uma expresso de gria, equivalente a incluindo frmulas para a rea e o volume de diversas
dinheiro. Em Portugal, massa tambm gria para figuras geomtricas. Arquimedes viveu em Siracusa, na
dinheiro. Quando se referem a algum muito rico, os por- ilha da Siclia (ento colnia grega), e foi o primeiro a
tugueses dizem: O fulano cheio de massa. aplicar a matemtica cincia. Descobriu o princpio do
deslocamento lquido ao perceber o nvel da gua subir
Unit 8 medida que seu corpo ficava submerso, o famoso

Bacterium (bactria) Isaac Newton

Substantivo singular (bacteria, pl.). incorreto dizer Matemtico e cientista ingls, Isaac Newton (1643-
a bacteria, j que significa bactrias: The soil sample -1727) inventou uma forma de clculo e formulou a lei da
contains millions of bacteria, and Tetanus is caused by gravitao, uma teoria sobre a natureza da luz, e trs leis
a bacterium. (HOUGHTON HIFFLIN HARCOURT. The do movimento.

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Em 1665 as aulas que Isaac Newton estava frequen- Unit 10
tando na Universidade de Cambridge foram suspensas
por algum tempo por causa da peste. Durante os dias em
que Newton passou fora da escola, conduziu seus prprios The Interpretation of Dreams
estudos, fazendo descobertas sobre a luz e a gravidade e
comeou a desenvolver uma forma de clculo, um novo (...) For me, of course, this book has
mtodo matemtico. Durante esse tempo, fez a famosa an additional subjective significance,
observao sobre a queda de uma ma e concluiu que a which I did not understand until after its
fora da gravidade sobre a ma era a mesma fora que completion. It reveals itself to me as a
fazia a Lua girar ao redor da Terra. Newton prosseguiu piece of my self-analysis, as my reaction
suas descobertas, definindo a natureza da massa, peso,
to the death of my father, that is, the most
fora, inrcia e acelerao. Talvez a maior realizao de
important event, the most poignant loss in
Newton tenha sido demonstrar que os princpios cient-
ficos se aplicam por todo o universo e que esses princpios a mans life.
tm o poder de predizer o que acontecer se houver um
(FREUD, Sigmund. The Interpretation of
determinado conjunto de condies.
Dreams. Disponvel em:
I do not know what I may appear to the world, but br/books?id=-DPwME23Rg8C&printsec=front
to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on cover&dq=the+interpretation+of+dreams&hl=
the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then pt-PT&sa=X&ei=9WKNUb6qBMTD0gGgz4D4CA&
finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ved=0CDgQ6AEwAQ)
ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all
undiscovered before me. (Isaac Newton)
Em uma unidade didtica que fala em psicanlise,
As trs leis de Newton e alguns exemplos: Freud e A interpretao dos sonhos, sugerimos um tra-

1. Um objeto segue se movendo em linha reta na mes- balho com o filme Quando Nietzsche chorou (2007). Com
ma direo (ou fica parado se j estiver parado), a menos uma mistura de realidade e fico, so apresentados con-
que uma fora seja exercida sobre ele. Exemplo: Uma nave ceitos que fundamentariam os primeiros estudos de
espacial entrando no espao exterior continuar seguindo Freud. Com base na histria dos personagens e seus con-
em linha reta, a menos que seja afetada pela gravidade de flitos, pode-se fazer um debate com os alunos sobre a
um planeta ou de uma estrela e seja a eles atrada. importncia da prtica psicanaltica para o autoconheci-
2. Uma fora faz um objeto mudar seu movimento na mento do ser humano.
direo dessa fora, com uma acelerao (aumento de
velocidade) que depende do tamanho dessa fora. Exem- Unit 11
plo: Quando voc chuta uma bola de futebol, ela muda
de sua posio esttica para se mover na direo em que
foi chutada. Se voc aplicar mais fora, chutando mais Charles Osgood
forte, a bola ganha velocidade mais rapidamente, vai Charles Osgood, o autor do prefcio de A Science
mais longe. Odyssey, de Charles Flowers, texto que reproduzimos
3. A cada ao causada por uma fora corresponde nesta Unit, comentarista norte-americano de rdio e
uma reao igual e contrria. Exemplo: Os motores de um TV, com um programa dirio na CBS Radio Network
avio a jato provocam a exploso de gases quentes que vo chamado The Osgood Files. Na televiso, Osgood o
em direo retaguarda, essa a ao. A reao impelir apresentador do programa CBS Sunday Morning News
o avio para a frente.
desde 1994. Com sua gravata borboleta, sua frase final
Na abadia de Westminter, em Londres, em um monu- no programa de TV, Until then, Ill see you on the
mento a Isaac Newton, podem ser lidas as palavras que o radio, seus comentrios sempre bem-humorados e
poeta Alexander Pope escreveu sobre o cientista: criativos, Osgood uma figura popular nos meios de
Nature and Natures laws lay hid in night; comunicao dos Estados Unidos. Uma de suas inven-
es pronunciar os anos 2008, 2009, 2010 etc. assim:
God said, Let Newton be and all was light.
twenty oh eight, twenty oh nine..., em contraste com
Sugerimos a leitura do site a forma tradicional two thousand eight, two thousand
edu/NatSci102/NatSci102/lectures/newton.htm. nine etc.

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Unit 12 19. tradUo dos textos
A biodiversidade encontrada em todo o territrio Unit 1 Paradoxos modernos
brasileiro e especialmente na Amaznia torna o pas pre- O paradoxo do nosso momento na histria que temos
sa fcil da biopirataria. A coleta ilegal de plantas, insetos prdios mais altos, mas pacincia mais curta; estradas
e animais da floresta para patentes, comercializao ou mais largas, mas pontos de vista mais estreitos. E isso
at venda no mercado negro um crime que precisa ser s o comeo

divulgado e combatido por todos. A aranha-carangue- O paradoxo do nosso tempo que gastamos mais, mas
jeira, por exemplo, vendida por 1 real pelos nativos e, temos menos; compramos mais, mas apreciamos menos.
se chegar viva a seu destino (colecionadores ou labora- Temos casas maiores e famlias menores, mais conforto,
trios nos Estados Unidos ou na Europa), pode valer at mas menos tempo. Temos mais informaes, mas menos
500 dlares. conhecimento; mais perguntas, mas menos respostas. Ns
construmos mais computadores para armazenar mais in-
Recomendamos que seja exibido o vdeo que apa- formaes, mas nos comunicamos cada vez menos. Possu-
mos mais coisas, mas menos valores. Temos agora um
rece em
excesso de quantidade, mas escassez de qualidade.
Ns comemos demais, rimos de menos, dirigimos rpi-
do demais, nos zangamos demais, lemos de menos, assisti-
mos tempo demais televiso.
Nesse vdeo, l-se:
Conhecemos muito sobre a Lua e Marte, mas evitamos
Quando a ltima rvore cair, atravessar a rua para nos apresentarmos a um novo vizinho.
Quando o ltimo rio secar, Somos senhores do espao exterior, mas no do nosso espa-
E o ltimo peixe for pescado, o interior. Dizemos sim a um carro maior na vitrine da
concessionria, mas no a uma criana de rua que tenta
O homem vai entender
nos vender um pacote de biscoitos.
Que dinheiro no se come! Estamos na poca de comidas rpidas e digesto lenta,
homem altos e pouco carter, grandes lucros e relaciona-
Esse trecho faz referncia a uma mensagem dos Cree, mentos superficiais. Na poca de casas luxuosas, mas lares
um dos grupos indgenas da Amrica do Norte, o maior destrudos. Esta uma poca de mais lazer, mas menos di-
grupo das chamadas First Nations, do Canad. esta a verso; corpos acima do peso, mas almas egostas.
mensagem original: uma poca em que a tecnologia traz esta mensagem a
voc, e uma poca em que voc pode escolher entre fazer a
When all the trees have been cut
diferena e passar a mensagem adiante, ou simplesmente
down, apertar a tecla deletar.
When all the animals have been
hunted, Unit 2 Uma ideia brilhante
When all the waters are polluted, Ideias so como coelhos. Voc pega um par, aprende a
When all the air is unsafe to breathe, lidar com eles, e logo, logo voc tem uma dzia deles.

Only then will you discover you cannot John Steinbeck

eat money.
Muitos anos atrs, o homem mais rico de uma cidade
(Disponvel em: chinesa estava velho e doente. Ele chamou seus trs filhos e
lhes disse: Tenho um desafio para vocs. Recompensarei o
filho que for o mais inteligente. Cada um de vocs pegue
uma moeda e compre algo que encher o meu quarto.
O filho mais velho foi ao mercado, mas a princpio ele
Caf no Brasil
no conseguiu se decidir quanto a comprar flores ou palha.
Mais informaes e detalhes sobre a histria da che- Por fim ele pensou: As flores ocupam menos espao do que
gada dos primeiros gros de caf ao Brasil e a participao a palha. E elas so mais caras. Por isso ele comprou palha. O
de Francisco Palheta podem ser obtidos em http://www. segundo filho tambm foi ao mercado, mas no conseguiu se decidir quanto a comprar papel ou penas. As penas so mais

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leves do que o papel. E so mais baratas. Por isso ele com- pensando nele e desejando-lhe sucesso. E acrescentou:
prou penas. O filho mais jovem pensou e pensou: O que O mar no um obstculo. um caminho.
posso comprar com esta moeda para encher todo um cmo-
Depois que dois meses de aventuras tinham se passado,
do?. Finalmente ele encontrou a resposta e comprou algo.
eu comecei a pensar sobre o significado da solido. Um sen-
Naquela noite, os trs filhos voltaram ao quarto do pai, timento interior que no necessariamente causado pela
cada um com o seu presente. O filho mais velho espalhou a distncia ou pelo isolamento, uma sensao de vazio que
palha, mas ela cobriu apenas um pequeno canto; o segundo nos invade e que nem a companhia nem a presena de uma
espalhou as penas, mas elas encheram apenas dois cantos. pessoa podem preencher.
Em silncio, o filho mais jovem mostrou uma vela e acen-
Solido foi a nica coisa que eu no senti depois de par-
deu-a com um fsforo. Todo o quarto escuro encheu-se de
tir. Nunca. Nem uma vez sequer. O que eu de fato senti foi
uma luz clida. uma avassaladora sensao de saudade. Eu senti saudade de
O velho sorriu e disse: Voc o meu filho mais novo, tudo e de todos, eu senti falta de coisas e de pessoas que eu
mas o mais inteligente. A recompensa sua. no via h tanto tempo.
A saudade, no entanto, boa para o corao. Ela reala
Unit 3 A criao do rio Amazonas os sentimentos, ilumina a esperana, apaga a distncia.
Uma lenda popular brasileira E existe a amizade. Se voc tem um amigo, mesmo que
Um grande conjunto de contos, fbulas, mitos e danas seja s um, no importa onde ele ou ela esteja, voc nunca
foi reunido por diferentes grupos culturais da Amaznia se sentir sozinho. Voc pode morrer de saudade, mas nun-
numa tentativa de explicar o mundo, os fenmenos da ca se sentir solitrio.
natureza, e compreender os mistrios que esto
presentes no corao da floresta. Essas histrias mgicas Unit 5 A linguagem universal
eram, na maioria das vezes, transmitidas oralmente. A Matemtica, como a msica, pode ser considerada uma
Esta uma delas. linguagem universal, compartilhada por seres humanos
H muito, muito tempo atrs, Jaci, a Lua de prata, vaga- do mundo todo, independentemente da cultura, religio
va pela floresta Amaznica. Ela movia-se, distrada, quando ou gnero.
por acaso encontrou o Sol dourado. O Sol era um forte e fla- Pi, um nmero usado em Matemtica, continua sendo
mejante guerreiro. Ao deitar os olhos sobre Jaci, o Sol per- 3,14159 esteja voc no pas em que estiver. Calcular o custo
cebeu que nunca havia visto nada to bonito. Eles se total de uma cesta cheia de alimentos envolve o mesmo pro-
apaixonaram imediatamente e decidiram se casar. cesso matemtico, no importa que ele seja expresso em
O Sol estava pensando na sua amada Jaci quando se dlares, euros ou reais.
deu conta de que a paixo dos dois nunca poderia ser con- Como a Matemtica pode ser to universal? Em primeiro
sumada. Seria o fim do mundo. O intenso amor do Sol es- lugar, os seres humanos no inventaram os conceitos mate-
caldaria todas as plantas e queimaria toda vida na Terra. mticos; ns os descobrimos. Alm disso, a linguagem da
As lgrimas de felicidade derramadas pela Lua inunda- Matemtica expressa em nmeros, no em ingls ou fran-
riam o universo. Relutantemente, eles concordaram em ir cs ou portugus. Muito poucas pessoas so capazes de ler e
embora e nunca mais se encontrar, para o bem das criatu- escrever em todas as lnguas do mundo. Mas praticamente
ras do mundo. todos ns possumos a capacidade de nos expressar na com-
Jaci, a Lua, e o Sol de fato nunca mais se encontraram. partilhada linguagem dos nmeros, que nos liga a pessoas
Sempre que um passa, o outro se retira imediatamente. de outros continentes e atravs dos tempos. o que liga os
antigos eruditos aos mercadores medievais, astronautas e
Mas Jaci estava to infeliz que, noite e dia, no conseguia
artistas, camponeses e presidentes.
parar de chorar. Suas lgrimas caram na floresta e enche-
Com essa linguagem somos capazes de explicar muitos
ram os vales. Elas rolaram para o mar. E assim nasceu o
dos mistrios do Universo ou os segredos do DNA. Podemos
Grande Rio.
construir computadores e transferir informaes por todo o
globo. Podemos entender as foras do movimento planet-
Unit 4 Voc nunca se sentir solitrio rio, descobrir curas para doenas catastrficas ou calcular a
Em uma entrevista com Amyr Klink, depois que o distncia que separa Boston de So Paulo.
navegador brasileiro tinha chegado de uma de suas A Matemtica pode nos ajudar na nossa vida diria, na
solitrias aventuras pelo mar, uma reprter perguntou a tomada de decises importantes e na execuo de tarefas co-
ele se a solido tinha sido seu maior obstculo. Amyr tidianas. A Matemtica no s para professores e cientistas.
respondeu que embora ele tivesse passado cem dias Ela para todos ns. E no se trata apenas de resolver equa-
sozinho, na verdade ele nunca tinha se sentido solitrio, es difceis. Trata-se de tomar decises dirias melhores e,
porque ele sabia que muitos de seus amigos estavam esperamos todos, de viver uma vida mais rica e plena.

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Unit 6 Os ms e o poder da atrao Durante este processo de crescimento, as clulas de
fermento produzem substncias chamadas enzimas. As-
m um objeto que atrai certos metais, tais como o
sim, quando o fermento adicionado massa do bolo ou
ferro, o nquel e o cobalto. Todos os ms tm polos que
buscam o norte (N) e o sul (S). Quando os ms so do po, uma enzima trabalha na farinha, transformando o
colocados perto um do outro, os polos opostos se atraem e amido em acar. Uma outra enzima ento assume o co-
os semelhantes se repelem. mando e transforma o acar em lcool e um gs chamado
dixido de carbono. Este gs se espalha na massa em for-
Im um metal capaz de atrair pedaos de ferro em sua ma de bolhas.
direo e faz-los ficar presos a si. Um m em formato de
Quando a massa se transforma em po ou bolo, o calor
ferradura apontado para um clipe faz com que ele salte de
faz com que o lcool se evapore e as bolhas se desfaam. Isto
uma mesa e fique grudado no m at ser retirado fora.
acaba resultando em minsculas bolsas de ar no po ou bolo
Um m em formato de ferradura tem dois polos ou ex-
final, tornando-o leve e fofinho.
tremidades um positivo e um negativo. Se voc juntar os
dois polos positivos do m, no h atrao. Mas se voc pu- Voc no precisa ser um cientista para saber que o jeito
ser o polo positivo do m em contato com o polo negativo, certo de comer po acabado de sair do forno com muitos
voc sentir uma puxada forte. Isso acontece porque polos lipdios e frutose. Em outras palavras, manteiga e geleia!
opostos se atraem.
A razo pela qual o m atrai os objetos de ferro que ele Unit 8 Uma inveno da NASA para
estabelece uma atmosfera invisvel sua volta chamada a vida diria
campo magntico. Quando um alfinete ou um prego esto
Em seus 55 anos de existncia, a NASA no s
nesse campo, eles tornam-se, tambm, pequenos ms. Ge-
desenvolveu a explorao espacial, mas tambm
ralmente, os bilhes de tomos contidos no prego esto
produziu invenes que trouxeram grandes benefcios a
agrupados de forma dispersa, mas quando o prego entra em
toda a humanidade. verdade que a maioria das pessoas
um campo magntico, um nmero cada vez maior dos to-
que vivem hoje jamais poro os ps na Lua, mas todos
mos de polo positivo aponta em uma direo para o polo
ns provavelmente temos contato com um subproduto da
negativo do grande m, e um nmero cada mais vez maior
NASA todos os dias.
dos tomos de polo negativo aponta na outra direo para
o polo positivo do grande m. Uma vez que esses polos A gua o ingrediente essencial sobrevivncia huma-
opostos se atraem, o prego salta e gruda-se no m. na. Como as pessoas no podem viver sem gua, a capaci-
O maior m do mundo a prpria Terra, porque o n- dade de converter gua contaminada em gua pura uma
quel e o ferro quentes que existem no centro do planeta conquista cientfica de enorme importncia.
atraem tudo na sua direo! Os astronautas precisavam de uma maneira de purificar
a gua levada ao espao, j que bactrias e doenas seriam
Unit 7 A qumica de fazer po altamente problemticas. A tecnologia de filtragem da gua
O po mais do que um simples alimento. E um bom existia desde o incio da dcada de 1950, mas a NASA queria
padeiro , de certa forma, um bom qumico. Lembre-se saber como purificar a gua em situaes mais extremas e
de que a massa do po feita de clulas e molculas, e mant-la pura por mais tempo.
que os principais ingredientes de uma receita bsica Se voc olhar para um filtro de gua, possvel detectar
farinha, gua, fermento e sal so o que um qumico alguns pequenos pedaos de carvo vegetal dentro dele. s
chamaria de reagentes. vezes, quando voc usa um filtro de gua pela primeira vez,
voc pode at notar alguns minsculos fragmentos pretos
Quando misturamos esses ingredientes farinha,
fermento, gua e sal , deixamos que o tempo passe e desses pedaos. Esse carvo ativado especialmente e con-
acrescentamos calor, eles sofrem uma mudana qumica tm ons de prata que garantem que no haja nenhum agen-
e formam um novo produto aquele po quentinho e te patognico na gua. Alm de matar as bactrias na gua,
delicioso. os filtros garantem que no haja mais crescimento de bact-
rias. Empresas fazem uso dessa mesma tecnologia para nos
Os fermentos so organismos vivos e unicelulares.
oferecer os sistemas de filtragem de gua que milhes de
Como todos os seres vivos, eles alimentam-se e produzem
pessoas usam em suas casas, todos os dias.
resduos. O fermento na massa do po consome acar (gli-
cose) e produz dixido de carbono e lcool.
As clulas do fermento reproduzem-se muito rapida- Unit 9 Eureca!
mente. Ao se reproduzir, cada minscula clula incha e logo Arquimedes, matemtico da Grcia Antiga, teria no
a parte inchada separa-se da clula principal. A nova mi- mximo 22 anos quando o alegado momento-eureca
nscula clula ento se desenvolve at atingir o tamanho aconteceu aproximadamente a mesma idade de Newton
pleno e esse processo continua a se repetir. quando este descobriu a gravidade.

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Fato ou fico?: Arquimedes inventou o termo Eure- 100 anos de A interpretao dos sonhos, de Freud 100
ca! quando estava no banho anos de estudo da mente humana
O famoso matemtico fez muitas contribuies Em 1900, h mais de cem anos, Sigmund Freud publicou
cientficas importantes. Essa exclamao teria realmente A interpretao dos sonhos. Desde ento, as pessoas apren-
sido uma delas? deram que os sonhos podem nos levar a uma melhor com-
Por David Biello preenso da natureza humana.

Vamos comear pela histria: o tirano local contrata Ar- Antes de Freud, antes de A interpretao dos sonhos,
quimedes, o grande matemtico da antiga Grcia, para de- os mdicos estudavam o crebro como um objeto. Desde a
tectar se havia fraude na confeco de uma coroa de ouro. O publicao de Sonhos, eles tm estudado a conexo entre a
tal tirano, cujo nome era Hiero, desconfia que o seu ourives mente, nebulosa e de difcil definio, e o crebro, cinzento
tenha deixado de fora uma certa quantidade de ouro, usan- e fsico. O que eles descobriram, e o que eles ainda esto
do prata em seu lugar, em uma coroa dedicada aos deuses. descobrindo, a incrvel complexidade tanto do crebro
Arquimedes aceita o desafio e, durante uma ida posterior quanto da mente.
aos banhos pblicos, percebe que quanto mais seu corpo A linha onde o crebro e o comportamento se encon-
entra na gua, mais gua deslocada fazendo com que a tram o foco de grande parte da moderna neurocincia. E
quantidade de gua deslocada seja uma exata medida do vo- os sonhos provaram ser a base de muitas dessas pesquisas.
lume dele. Devido ao fato de o ouro pesar mais do que a pra- Aps um breve perodo em que os sonhos eram considera-
ta, ele conclui que uma coroa misturada com prata teria de dos pouco mais do que fogos de artifcio mentais, os cien-
ser mais volumosa para atingir o mesmo peso do que uma tistas descobriram que eles oferecem muitas percepes
composta s de ouro; portanto ela deslocaria mais gua do sobre o funcionamento da mente. Freud chamava os so-
que sua equivalente de ouro puro. Percebendo que acabou nhos de a estrada rgia para o inconsciente. Cientistas
de encontrar uma soluo, o jovem gnio da Matemtica modernos, usando tecnologias como a tomografia compu-
salta para fora da banheira e corre para casa, nu, gritando tadorizada, esto descobrindo que a estrada de Freud
Eureca! Eureca! ou, traduzindo: Achei! Achei!. de fato rgia.
Passados vrios milnios, o mundo cientfico est reple-
Sem A interpretao dos sonhos, a psicologia poderia
to de exemplos de uso dessa exclamao, e muitas pessoas
ainda ser o estudo dos maus humores e seus efeitos sobre
receberam inspirao no banheiro. As conjeturas matem-
o crebro. Sem esse livro, o estudo cientfico moderno
ticas de Henri Poincar, a teoria da relatividade de Einstein,
talvez no chegasse compreenso da mente, o que tem
Newton sendo atingido por uma ma na cabea e desco-
conseguido salvar milhes de pessoas dos horrores e da
brindo a gravidade tudo isso tem sido descrito como
escurido das doenas mentais. O trabalho de Freud le-
vou a tudo, desde os tratamentos com drogas para de-
de lamentar, portanto, que Arquimedes nunca tenha presso e psicose a um melhor entendimento do processo
dito a frase desse jeito. de aprendizado, da memria e do desenvolvimento men-
Em primeiro lugar, Arquimedes nunca escreveu sobre tal. Em seu esforo para compreender o significado dos
esse episdio, embora tivesse dedicado bastante tempo sonhos, Freud desenvolveu a psicanlise e iniciou uma
para explicar em detalhe as leis da flutuao e a alavanca (o revoluo. Essa revoluo est viva, firme e forte h cem
que o levou a dizer Deem-me um ponto de apoio e eu le- anos e ainda continua.
vantarei a Terra), calculando a razo do crculo a que cha-
mamos de pi, e comeando o caminho que levou ao clculo
integral, algo que seria inventado somente 2 mil anos de-
Unit 11 Uma odisseia da cincia cem anos
pois, entre outras grandes realizaes no campo da Mate- de descoberta
mtica, Engenharia e Fsica. Quanto mais sabemos, mais percebemos que sabemos
[...] Muito semelhante ma de Newton, a exclamao muito pouco. Quanto mais compreendemos, mais claro
persiste por causa do poder duradouro da histria: uma co- fica que tudo aquilo que aprendemos nada comparado
roa de ouro, uma vida em jogo, um matemtico sem roupa. com aquilo que ainda temos de aprender. Por trs de
A base suspeita do momento-eureca no diminui em cada porta trancada que conseguimos abrir esto ainda
nada a capacidade da palavra de transmitir, de forma nica mais portas e mais fechaduras, sempre mais,
e concisa, um sbito momento de inspirao. infinitamente.

A cincia no um local de chegada, mas uma viagem.

Unit 10 A interpretao dos sonhos Ela no um conjunto fixo de linguagens ou uma prateleira
Em 1900 Sigmund Freud, aps anos de pesquisa como crescente de fatos e teorias, mas uma infinita srie de per-
neurologista, publicou A interpretao dos sonhos. Com guntas. Os cientistas mais brilhantes foram aqueles que
esse livro, comeou a estudar a mente humana e iniciou o buscaram no as respostas certas, mas as perguntas certas
desenvolvimento da psicanlise. a fazer.

42 Manual do Professor

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E assim temos progredido, no em linha reta, mas da ig- esto extraindo substncias qumicas de plantas encontra-
norncia concepo errnea, desta para o erro, deste para das no Brasil, em muitos casos plantas cujas propriedades
o fracasso, deste para a sbita percepo, desta para a des- medicinais so tradicionalmente conhecidas dos povos in-
coberta a nosso respeito, a respeito do nosso Universo e de dgenas. O laboratrio farmacutico ento registra a paten-
como as coisas funcionam. Aconteceu de forma muito lenta te e comercializa essa substncia sem pagar nenhum tipo de
e hesitante a princpio, mas depois cada vez mais rpido, compensao aos povos locais.
acelerando sempre, at que no sculo XX esse progresso
Cerca de de todos os produtos farmacuticos que es-
atingiu uma velocidade estonteante. Hoje ns rimos do
to no mercado hoje em dia usam substncias que tm ori-
pouco que sabamos ontem. Amanh riremos do pouco que
gem na floresta tropical. Centenas de plantas da floresta,
sabemos hoje.
como jaborandi, guaran, quebra-pedra j so conhecidas,
A cincia e a tecnologia tocaram a vida de todos ns e outras continuam em segredo e so conhecidas apenas pe-
nos mudaram de vrias maneiras, que no podemos ainda los povos locais. Os povos indgenas tm passado esse co-
compreender. Os milagres das vidas salvas pela medicina nhecimento oralmente, de gerao em gerao. Os lucros
ficaram to triviais que nos impacientamos com eles. No dos novos medicamentos derivados da floresta deveriam
queremos esperar. Queremos curas para a Aids, o cncer e ser repassados s populaes nativas.
outras doenas e queremos isso j! Talvez tenhamos chega-
do a esperar demais da cincia. Voltamo-nos para ela pro-
curando respostas quando ela ainda est ocupada com as
perguntas. E no entanto desconfiamos e tememos no s a 20. sUGestes de leitUra
cincia mas tambm a tecnologia, e razovel que assim
seja. Conhecemos muitos de seus benefcios, mas tambm j Acreditando que o livro didtico no pode ser con-
sabemos do seu lado destruidor. Compreendemos que a siderado o nico recurso de ensino-aprendizagem, mas
cincia pode ser maravilhosa quando nos serve, mas terrvel uma entre numerosas fontes de referncia para professor
quando nos domina.
e aluno, apresentamos aqui, alm da seo Exploring
Other Sources ao final das unidades, algumas sugestes
Unit 12 Biopirataria de leitura para aprofundamento e/ou ampliao dos
Biopirataria (subst.): apropriao de plantas ou contedos trabalhados na coleo, incluindo livros e
sementes e informaes biolgicas pertencentes a sites. A maioria delas aborda temas discutidos nos textos
naes em desenvolvimento com grande biodiversidade
das unidades, reforando a abordagem interdisciplinar
sem que haja a devida compensao s pessoas que
adotada. Tambm sugerimos leituras que podem con-
vivem nessas naes.
tribuir para a formao continuada do professor de for-
A biopirataria a apropriao e monopolizao de ma- ma geral.
teriais biolgicos (como plantas e sementes), retirados de
Os sites recomendados foram acessados em maio
naes em desenvolvimento que possuem grande biodiver-
sidade, sem o pagamento s pessoas que vivem nesses lo- de 2013.
cais. O Brasil o lder mundial em espcies endmicas e
campeo de biodiversidade*. H muitos anos o Brasil tem Para o aluno
sido vtima de biopirataria.
Talvez o caso mais infame na histria da biopirataria seja BRODY, D. E.; BRODY, A. R. As sete maiores
o da rvore da borracha, a seringueira, Hevea brasiliensis, descobertas cientficas da Histria. So Paulo:
rvore tropical nativa da bacia amaznica. Em 1876, Henry Companhia de Bolso, 1997.
Alexander Wickman, um botnico britnico, roubou se-
CAMARGO, L. O. de L. Educao para o lazer. So
mentes de seringueira da floresta Amaznica (alguns dizem
Paulo: Moderna, 1998.
que ele as escondeu entre folhas de bananeira) e levou-as
para uma nova plantao de Hevea brasiliensis nas col- DIMENSTEIN, G. Aprendiz do futuro: cidadania hoje e
nias britnicas do Ceilo (atual Sri Lanka) e Malaia (atual amanh. 10. ed. So Paulo: tica, 2005.
Malsia). Em algumas dcadas aquelas colnias consegui- EINSTEIN, A. Como vejo o mundo. So Paulo: Saraiva
ram produzir muito mais ltex do que a regio amaznica. de Bolso, 2011.
Isso foi o fim do negcio da borracha no Amazonas.
GOMBRICH, E. H. A Little History of the World. New
Hoje em dia, a biopirataria tem uma forma mais sutil. H
Haven/London: Yale University Press, 2008.
anos que os pesquisadores de laboratrios farmacuticos
HAWKING, S. O Universo numa casca de noz. Rio de
Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 2009.
* Brasil, Colmbia, Mxico e Indonsia so os quatro pases com a maior
biodiversidade do mundo. O Brasil, com 200 mil espcies registradas, MARTINEZ, R. O ingls que voc nem imagina que
tem 15% a 20% do total da biodiversidade da Terra. sabe. Rio de Janeiro: Campus, 2003.

Manual do Professor 43

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MUIR, H. Science in Seconds. London: Quercus revista, histrias, poemas, cartuns, curiosidades), o
Editions, 2011. udio desses textos, atividades on-line (exerccios
on-line de compreenso dos textos disponveis,
jogos de palavras, enquetes), links para sites e temas
Technology. So Paulo, [s.d.]. (Coleo Oxford
relacionados. Os exerccios on-line de compreenso
Bookworms Factles Readers, Stage 3.)
dos textos disponveis podem ser acessados a partir
ROGERS, K. et al. Te Usborne Internet-Linked Science da pgina de cada texto e oferecem ao usurio
Encyclopedia with 1,000 Recommended Web Sites. feedback automtico imediato sobre as respostas
London: Usborne Publishing Ltd., 2002. dadas aos exerccios.
SOUZA, S. Meu planeta, minha casa. So Paulo: Escala,
2008. Activities for ESL Students
Para o aluno e para o professor Traz testes, exerccios e quebra-cabeas nas reas de
gramtica e vocabulrio, organizados por nvel de
dificuldade e/ou assunto e com acesso s respostas
English Trails corretas.
Projeto do Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem (IEL)
da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp),
English Trails lista e descreve brevemente sites que
oferecem a professores e alunos recursos gratuitos Site com contedo extenso. rea para alunos,
para auxiliar no processo de ensino-aprendizagem professores, escolas etc. Na parte destinada aos
de ingls. Os sites so organizados por temas: alunos, h links para sees como Grammar,
dicionrios, gramtica, leitura, escrita, compreenso Listening, Pronunciation e Speaking. Cada
de ingls oral, pronncia, msica, cultura, diverso, seo apresenta grande variedade de links para
vocabulrio. explicaes e/ou exerccios. H fruns, sugestes
de planos de aula e outras informaes relativas
prtica do ensino da lngua inglesa destinadas aos
Webliotec@ de Ingls e Literaturas professores.
Servio oferecido no site do ncleo de pesquisas English Listening Lesson Library Online
LingNet (Linguagem, Educao e Tecnologia) da
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), a
Webliotec@ lista e descreve os contedos de sites Oferece ricas e variadas atividades on-line de
selecionados na rea de ensino-aprendizagem Listening, com opo de legenda e transcrio,
de ingls para auxiliar tanto alunos quanto atividades de mltipla escolha, jogos, atividades com
professores. Os sites so organizados por temas: imagens e vdeo. Inclui o udio de falantes de diversas
ingls geral, gramtica, leitura e redao, produo nacionalidades. Para quem no quiser trabalhar com a
e compreenso oral, literatura inglesa e norte- prpria pgina da Internet, possvel baixar o arquivo
americana, recursos para professores, dicionrios, em Flash (*.swf).
diverso e curiosidades.
Randalls ESL Cyber Listening Lab
Learn English
Possui inmeros arquivos de udio organizados
Portal que d acesso a todos os sites do Conselho por graus de dificuldade e temas, acompanhados
Britnico (British Council) para professores e de atividades de compreenso auditiva (incluindo
alunos de ingls. Selecionando Central no menu, pre-listening, exerccios de listening com resposta
pode-se navegar por temas variados, habilidades automtica, atividades de vocabulrio, post-listening)
lingusticas (listening, reading, writing), prtica de e com opo de visualizao da transcrio.
gramtica ou vocabulrio, testes on-line para avaliar
a procincia em diferentes reas da lngua inglesa
e contedos para diverso (como jogos e cartuns). Brazilian Tourism Portal
A partir do link General Temes, por exemplo,
possvel acessar uma extensa listagem de temas.
Para cada tema selecionado, uma grande variedade Site em ingls para divulgar o Brasil como destino
de contedos apresentada no prprio site: uma turstico internacional. timo para passear por todas
relao de textos de diferentes tipos (artigos de as regies do pas.

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Holidays on the Net One Stop English
O site oferece informaes sobre celebraes e Site que interessa a alunos e professores de ingls.
festividades ao redor do mundo, dando acesso a Para os alunos o site oferece artigos, arquivos de udio
interessantes dados culturais. e muitos outros recursos, incluindo os que visam ao
desenvolvimento do letramento digital, por meio de
atividades de excelente qualidade educacional. Para o
Online Newspapers professor de ingls, o site oferece uma vasta gama de recursos teis para a prtica pedaggica.

Portal que d acesso a jornais de todo o mundo, em

diferentes lnguas, incluindo a lngua inglesa, sendo, Internet Picture Dictionary
portanto, uma fonte de textos autnticos com temas
atuais. Pode ser usado para pesquisa e prtica adicional
da leitura pelo aluno ou como fonte de textos a partir Dicionrio monolngue ilustrado de uso
dos quais o professor poder elaborar atividades de extremamente fcil. A consulta pode ser feita
compreenso de texto. pela letra inicial do verbete (Browse by letter) ou
por assunto (Browse by category). As imagens
apresentadas so pequenas, mas podem servir para ilustrar uma atividade pedaggica. Para capturar
uma imagem qualquer, basta clicar sobre ela com o
boto direito do mouse, selecionar a opo Salvar
Trata-se de um portal que rene textos diversicados figura como e escolher uma pasta do computador
(tais como artigos, receitas, quizzes, tutoriais etc.) para grav-la. O site ainda apresenta atividades
elaborados em ingls por centenas de especialistas. variadas na seo Activities, localizada no canto
Pode-se buscar textos a partir de uma lista de inferior esquerdo. H desde flash cards, que podem
tpicos organizados em ordem alfabtica, que inclui: ser reunidos por categoria e impressos, at atividades
Advertising, Alternative Medicine, Biology, Brazil que testam a memria verbal do usurio (Stinky
Travel, Grammar & Composition, Gymnastics, Spelling e Straight Recall).
New York City Travel, Teen Advice, entre muitos
outros e tambm a partir da navegao (browsing)
por uma lista de grandes temas, chamados canais Your Dictionary
tais como Cities & Towns, Education, Jobs &
Careers, Hobbies & Games, People & Relationships, Apresenta grande variedade de contedo vocabular. In-
Sports & Recreation, Travel. uma fonte de textos
clui um dicionrio de tradues do ingls para o alemo,
autnticos de diversos gneros e com grande riqueza
portugus, espanhol, francs e italiano. Possui recurso para
de informaes, sendo til tanto para alunos quanto
para professores. ouvir a palavra procurada, a transcrio fontica, exemplos
com frases e a origem etimolgica.

Short Stories
Rogets Thesaurus
Para quem busca textos narrativos em ingls, o site
Site do conhecido dicionrio monolngue (ingls-
rene, organiza e classifica contos por tipo (infantil,
-ingls) de sinnimos e antnimos. Para fazer uma
humor, co cientca, terror etc.), autor, avaliao
consulta, digite um vocbulo no campo da parte
de leitores, faixa etria e tamanho do texto. Pode ser
superior e clique no boto OK ou ento apenas clique
usado tanto pelo aluno quanto pelo professor para o
na letra inicial do vocbulo na parte inferior da pgina.
desenvolvimento de atividades de leitura. O site tambm
Ainda que seu uso exija um conhecimento maior da
oferece jogos e guias de leitura, entre outros recursos.
lngua inglesa, ele pode ser apresentado aos alunos
como uma ferramenta til.
ESL Notes Para o professor
Apresenta uma relao de filmes em ingls com
sinopses, perfis e caractersticas das personagens, COLLINS, H.; FERREIRA, A. (Org.). Relatos de ensino
glossrios, aspectos culturais e sugestes de questes e a aprendizagem de lnguas na Internet. Campinas:
para debate sobre cada filme listado. Interessante para Mercado de Letras, 2004.
professores que queiram utilizar filmes como recurso Este livro dedicado a professores de lnguas e a
didtico e como fonte de pesquisa para alunos. formadores de professores que queiram utilizar

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o computador e a Internet como instrumento de Horizonte: Faculdade de Letras da UFMG, 2005.
mediao nos processos de ensino e aprendizagem. Este livro tem o objetivo de ajudar o professor de ingls
So discutidos temas como a motivao, a interao, a continuar seu processo de aprendizagem da lngua de
a linguagem e a interface dos materiais digitais, as forma autnoma e, ao mesmo tempo, a reetir sobre os
dificuldades da docncia, entre outros. processos de ensino e aprendizagem que propiciem o
DIAS, R.; CRISTVO, V. L. L. (Org.). O livro didtico uso da lngua estrangeira de forma signicativa.
de lngua estrangeira: mltiplas perspectivas. UNIVERSIDADE ESTCIO DE S. Panorama atual do
Campinas: Mercado de Letras, 2009. Ensino Mdio: virtudes, problemas e sugestes. Rio de
Esta coletnea rene trabalhos de vrios Janeiro, 2005.
pesquisadores que compartilham conhecimento A obra, composta por vrios autores, consiste em
terico-metodolgico sobre o livro didtico de um conjunto dos vinte melhores artigos
lngua estrangeira e apresentam argumentos para selecionados em concurso promovido pela
o desenvolvimento da postura crtica em relao Universidade Estcio de S sobre o tema Panorama
ao material didtico disponvel no mercado e/ou Atual do Ensino Mdio: Virtudes, Problemas e
produzido pelo professor. Sugestes retratando no somente a realidade
DIONISIO, A. P. et al. (Org.) Gneros Textuais & do ensino mdio no pas, mas aprofundando a
Ensino. Rio de Janeiro: Lucerna, 2007. discusso sobre a educao brasileira.
Obra que proporciona uma viso prtica e objetiva
para o ensino da lngua inglesa. As anlises de gneros
Teaching English
discursivos fornecem muitos subsdios para a criao
de material didtico que se fundamenta no princpio de
que a lngua uma atividade interativa de carter social
Elaborado pelo Conselho Britnico com apoio da rede
e histrico, alm do cognitivo.
BBC, o site oferece ao professor de ingls informaes
LEFFA, V. (Org.). O professor de lnguas estrangeiras: e recursos variados, como sugestes de atividades,
construindo a prosso. Pelotas: ALAB & Educat/ planos de aula, fruns de discusso, detalhes sobre
UCPel, 2001. conferncias prossionais, artigos acadmicos etc.
O livro apresenta o professor de lnguas estrangeiras Tambm pode ser acessado a partir de link no portal
como um prossional em formao contnua, que Learn English:
precisa estar sempre se atualizando, no s para
acompanhar um mundo em constante mudana,
mas tambm para ser capaz de provocar mudanas. New York Times Learning
Emancipao, autonomia, dilogo, o professor-
pesquisador, relaes entre teoria e prtica,
domnio afetivo, nfase no desejo do aluno, trabalho D acesso a textos do jornal New York Times, com
colaborativo entre colegas professores e ensino planos de aula e atividades sobre artigos publicados
colaborativo aliado ao uso das novas tecnologias, que podem ajudar o professor a organizar material
conscincia poltica sobre ensinar/aprender lnguas, extra para o ensino de leitura. Para uma viso geral do
ruptura com o tradicional e formao integral so que o blog oferece, sugere-se ler a apresentao feita
alguns dos temas abordados. em
LIMA, D. C. (Org.). Ensino e aprendizagem de lngua
inglesa: conversas com especialistas. So Paulo:
Parbola Editorial, 2009. Internet Grammar of English
No livro, especialistas de vrias partes do Brasil
respondem a perguntas feitas por jovens professores
de lngua inglesa, abrindo um espao de debates, Traz uma ampla cobertura de contedo gramatical,
provocaes e reexes sobre o processo de ensino que inclui tpicos como nouns, adverbs, adjectives,
e aprendizagem de ingls como lngua estrangeira e prepositions, conjunctions e functions in phrases,
internacional. entre outros. Apresenta exerccios interativos com
MOITA LOPES, L. P. da. Oficina de lingustica aplicada: correo automtica e reviso ao nal, alm de um
a natureza social e educacional dos processos de glossrio gramatical.
ensino-aprendizagem de lnguas. Campinas: Mercado
de Letras, 1996. Cybergrammar
Esta obra referncia para a reexo sobre o processo
de ensino-aprendizagem de lnguas, abordando
questes centrais que permeiam a prtica pedaggica Organizado pela University of Exeter, este site contm
na sala de aula, os processos de pesquisa e a formao um resumo de pontos gramaticais e as discusses de
do professor. implicaes pedaggicas referentes a eles, alm
PAIVA, V. L. M. O. (Org.). Prticas de ensino e de testes para a verificao do entendimento das
aprendizagem de ingls com foco na autonomia. Belo reas estudadas.

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International Dialects of English Archive (UCPel), oferece, entre outros recursos, inmeros
textos sobre ensino-aprendizagem de lnguas e formao do professor.
O site contm numerosas gravaes de usos da lngua
inglesa por falantes de todo o mundo.
Pgina com artigos de Mark Warschauer
OWL (Online Writing Lab) m_papers.php
Rene recursos e materiais sobre tcnicas de escrita Na rea de ensino-aprendizagem de lnguas mediado
sobre diferentes tipos de texto (essays, cartas, por computador, a pgina indicada acima, com
memorandos, relatrios) e at mesmo de pesquisa na artigos do pesquisador Mark Warschauer, professor da
Internet. Cobre todos os aspectos, explica em detalhes Universidade da Califrnia Irvine (UCI), d acesso a
todos os tipos de writing e ainda tira dvidas, por vrios textos completos que podem ajudar o professor
meio de FAQs ou e-mail. Conta ainda com um grande a reetir sobre a insero de novas tecnologias em sua
nmero de exerccios. O Online Writing Lab aborda o prtica pedaggica.
processo de redao em suas diferentes etapas, desde o
planejamento at a reviso do texto.

21. reFerncias BiBlioGrFicas

Using English for Academic Purposes Nesta seo indicamos as obras e os documentos que
fundamentaram a proposta didtico-pedaggica desta
Apresenta enorme variedade de contedos prticos
obra e/ou foram utilizadas, de alguma forma, em sua
e tericos para quem precisa usar a lngua inglesa
com propsitos acadmicos, como ler e redigir textos produo.
acadmicos, fazer resumos, compreender e apresentar ALEXANDER, L. G. Poetry and Prose Appreciation for
palestras etc. Inclui dicas, orientao de estudos, Overseas Students. London: Longmans/Green & Co
referncias bibliogrcas e exerccios com respostas em Ltd., 1963.
algumas sees. Divide-se em Accuracy, Assessment,
Background, Contact, Links, Listening, Materials, ALLEN, R. Pocket Fowlers Modern English Usage.
Reading, Speaking, Vocabulary e Writing. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.
BAKHTIN, M. M. Speech Genres and Other Late
Essays. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1986.
Site da Professora Dra. Vera L. Menezes de O.
Paiva (UFMG) . Te Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays by
M. M. Bakhtin. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1981.
Sites de pesquisadores e grupos de pesquisa so fonte BLOCK, D.; CAMERON, D. (Ed.). Globalization and
de textos atuais e confiveis para formao docente. Language Teaching. London: Routledge, 2002.
O site mantido pela Professora Dra. Vera L. Menezes
de O. Paiva, professora titular da Universidade BRASIL. Ministrio da Educao. Matriz de Referncia
Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), oferece, atravs do para o Enem 2011. Braslia, 2011.
link Publicaes, inmeros textos sobre ensino- . Ministrio da Educao. Parmetros
-aprendizagem de lnguas e formao do professor. Curriculares Nacionais: Ensino Mdio Linguagens,
No link Peridicos, h uma extensa relao de cdigos e suas tecnologias. Braslia: MEC/SEMTEC,
revistas acadmicas brasileiras e estrangeiras de 2000.
interesse do professor de ingls, tais como Revista
Linguagem & Ensino, . Ministrio da Educao. Parmetros em
Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language ao: Ensino Mdio Linguagens, cdigos e suas, Language tecnologias. Braslia: MEC/SEMTEC, 2001.
Learning and Technology, . Ministrio da Educao. PCN+ Ensino
entre outras. Mdio: Orientaes educacionais complementares
aos Parmetros Curriculares Nacionais Linguagens,
cdigos e suas tecnologias. Braslia: MEC/SEMTEC, 2002.
Site do Professor Dr. Vilson Leffa (UCPel)
. Ministrio da Educao. Secretaria de
Educao Bsica. Orientaes Curriculares para o
O site mantido pelo Professor Dr. Vilson J. Leffa, Ensino Mdio: Linguagens, cdigos e suas tecnologias.
professor titular da Universidade Catlica de Pelotas Braslia, 2006.

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BRYSON, B. Te Mother Tongue. New York: William LAVE, J.; WENGER, E. Situated Learning: Legitimate
Morrow and Company Inc., 1990. Peripheral Participation. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1991.
. Dictionary of Troublesome Words.
London: Penguin Books, 1984. LEDERER, R. Te Miracle of Language. New York:
Pocket Books, 1991.
CHOMSKY, N. Hegemony or Survival. New York:
Penguin Books, 2007. MARQUES, A. Dicionrio Ingls-Portugus/
Portugus-Ingls. 2. ed. So Paulo: tica, 2008.
CLARK, S.; POINTON, G. Word for Word. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2003. PACKER, T. Tales from Shakespeare. New York:
Scholastic Press, 2004.
CRYSTAL, D. Discover Grammar. London: Longman,
1996. PARROT, M. Grammar for English Language Teachers.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
. Te Cambridge Encyclopedia of the
English Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University QUIRK, R.; GREENBAUM, S. A University Grammar of
Press, 1995. English. London: Longman, 1973.
DAWKINS, R. Te Oxford Book of Modern Science RAIMES, A. How English Works: A grammar Handbook
Writing. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. with Readings. Cambridge: Cambridge University
ECKERSLEY, C. E.; ECKERSLEY J. M. A Comprehensive Press, 1998.
English Grammar for Foreign Students. London: ROSE, M. Lives on the Boundary. New York: Penguin,
Longman, 1960. 1989.
EDWARDS, D.; MERCER, N. Common Knowledge: SAGAN, C. Billions & Billions. New York: Ballantine
Te Development of Understanding in the Classroom. Books, 1997.
London: Methuen, 1987.
. Te Varieties of Scientic Experience. New
FAZENDA, I. C. A. Didtica e Interdisciplinaridade. York: Penguin Books, 2007.
So Paulo. Papirus, 1998.
SHAKESPEARE, W. Te Complete Works of
. Interdisciplinaridade: qual o sentido? So Shakespeare. Hertfordshire: Wordsworth Editions,
Paulo: Paulus, 2003. 1986.
FAIRCLOUGH, N. Language and Power. London: SWAN, M. Practical English Usage. Oxford: Oxford
Longman, 1989. University Press, 1995.
FLOWERS, C. A Science Odyssey: 100 Years of ; WALTER, C. How English Works: A
Discovery. New York: William Morrow and Company Grammar Practice Book. Oxford: Oxford University
Inc., 1998. Press, 1997.
FREIRE, P. Educao como prtica da liberdade. Rio de
THOMSON, A. J.; MARTINET, A. V. A Practical English
Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1987.
Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985.
. Pedagogia do oprimido. 9. ed. Rio de
VYGOTSKY, L. S. A formao social da mente. So
Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1981.
Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1994.
GODINHO, J. D. Once Upon a Time um Ingls Rio de
WELLS, G.; CHANG-WELLS, G. L. Constructing
Janeiro: Relume Dumar, 2001.
Knowledge Together: Classrooms as Centers of Inquiry
GOWER, R; PEARSON, M. Reading Literature. London: and Literacy. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1992.
Longman, 1986.
WIDDOWSON, H. G. Defining Issues in English
LANGAN, J. Ten Steps to Improving Reading Skills. Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press,
Marlton, NJ: Townsend Press, 1988. 2003.

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