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Ok, ok thanks for the reviews every one.

Ehm, regarding your comments, Harry knows

the curriculum but he has little training in combat magic.

He is not a genius guys, its because of Occlumency he can remember all the stuff. Write
more revies guy, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 1

“Wake up, Mark and James, get yourselves down here right now.” screamed Lily Potter
from the kitchen.

“Argh”, woke up Harry. How could he forget, today he would be getting his own wand.
He lumbered out of bed and stood in front of the mirror. He was of average height,
slightly athletic build, and bright green eyes. His hair fell down to his shoulders.
Pushing an annoying strand of hair behind his ear, he headed downstairs to get
his breakfast. To his annoyance his father and the spoiled brat was already there. He
watched Mark gulp his food down. Sometimes, he thought he was eating with the
Weasleys; the lack of decorum in the house was appalling.
He dragged his chair back and plopped down. He couldn’t understand why his
mother had to cook the food herself; there was a reason for house elves you know.
“We have to get Marks wand today, oh my god I can’t believe it my sweetie is
so grown up” exclaimed Lily.
Mark hearing this puffed up his chest. He had become an arrogant brat from the
time he started getting private lessons from Albus Dumbledore. He had to admit he was
jealous at first but that was until they were doing mediocre magic like the levitating
He barely refrained from rolling his eyes.

“Can I have my money now to avoid the midday rush please?” Harry asked.

“Here you go, and don’t spend too much young man, you need to learn the value of
money” scowled James.

Harry ignored him, walked up to his room, pulled his robes over his head and headed
to the floo.

He walked out on to Diagon Alley; the shops were brimming with customers. He
instantly joined the flow of people and walked over to Ollivander’s. The shop was just
saturated with magic; he had become somewhat sensitive to magic.
“Ahh, Mr. Potter, I was wondering when I would seeing you” said Mr.Ollivander
surprising him from behind.

He jumped around and scowled.

Just then a girl walked in, she had bright blue eyes, flowing black hair and she was the
same height as him. He was stunned into shock by her beauty.

She coughed capturing his attention.

“Could you stop staring at me, its getting discomforting” she said.

Blushing beet red Harry apologized.

“I assume you are going to Hogwarts this year?” asked Harry.

“Well done, Mr Obvious” she replied.

Harry just sneered back.

“Are you getting your wand or what” she asked.

“Ladies first” Harry replied.

After what seemed like five minutes she got her wand, 12 inches with willow and unicorn
hair as the magical core.

“Well see ya in Hogwarts then” he said, waving his hand.

She was about to walk out sneering when another figure came into view. She stopped

“Hello father” she said.

“Hello Daphne” he replied.

Harry made a note of the name.

Harry looked up and saw the crest of the Greengrass’s.

Bowing he greeted in the usual pureblood fashion.

“Greetings Lord Greengrass” he drawled with an almost royal elegance.

He looked surprised for a second but covered it up abruptly with a mask of indifference.
Oh my, had his family’s name gone down that much in the pureblood circles to get that
sort of a reaction, he sighed inwardly.

“Greetings to you too, Heir to the House of Potter”, he said looking at the crest on his
right breast.

He swiftly turned around and Daphne left giving him a fleeting glance.

He sighed and looked at Mr. Ollivander, and said “Well am I going to get my wand or

Mr.Ollivander ignored the cheek and muttered something along the lines of kids these

“Which is your wand arm?” asked Ollivander.

“I am ambidextrous” said Harry.

“Ahh hadn’t had one of those in here for a good while” said Ollivander.

“Try this 9 inches, dragon heartstring in oak” said Ollivander.

He took it up and a cannon sound came out.

“No, definitely won’t fit you, we need something with more power” said Ollivander.

This trend continued for half- an hour until Ollivander sat down in his chair and held his
head in his arms.

“Well Mr. Potter, these generalized wands won’t suit you at all, however I do have a pair
of wands that just might suit your needs, but I need an oath of secrecy and a promise that
I will have permission to take it after your death” whispered Ollivander, his voice hoarse.

“Very well” said Harry who was barely restraining his curiosity.

“Come with me” said Ollivander gesturing to a backroom.

Harry followed him and came to a massive iron door. At this he shot a glance at Mr.
Ollivander who was chanting something, the doors pulled apart, and on a golden pedestal
wrapped in a purple fabric laid two wands, one ivory, and another yew.

He looked around the room, it was made out of some sort of black marble, and the light
seemed to be reflected onto the pedestal.

He let out a gasp. He made a move towards the pedestal, as quick as lightening a silver
serpent unbound itself from the base of the pedestal and raised its head.
“You fool” exclaimed Ollivander.

He pushed Harry out of the way, swiftly cut open his wrists and let the blood come to
contact with the tongue of the silver serpent. It seemed appeased and laid it head down on
the .

“If it had been any other blood other than an Ollivander’s blood, the snake would
transform into a basilisk and it stare would be reflected off the walls and the intruder
would drop dead, a sufficient safety measure by my ancestors I presume” explained

He held the wands in the purple fabric, and asked Harry to pick them both up. He took
them into his hands, his aura immediately flashed as the wands chose their master.

Ollivander was stroking his chin deep in thought.

“Curious” he exclaimed.

Harry waited patiently gesturing him to continue.

“Those pair of wands has been in our family for almost a millennia, it was custom-made
for one wizard by my many times great grandfather. That wizard went down in legend as
one of the most powerful wizards of all time” As if pausing for the sake of dramatics , he
continued “He is now known as a one of the most notorious Dark Lords ever to have
existed, have you figured out who it is yet?”

Harry shook his head.

“Very well, he was one of the four founders of Hogwarts, yes he was Salazar Slytherin”
said Ollivander at the awed look on Harry’s face.

“Let me tell you what happened all those years ago, the story is well documented in my
family’s history because of the fact that it was Lord Salazar who gave us money to build
this shop.
In the year of 998, the four founders were already living legends having managed to
build a school for magic at such a young age. But one founder particularly famous,
Salazar Slytherin, because he was the only human practitioner of the Blood Magiks. A
particularly dangerous, yet powerful branch of magic. It is native to vampires, who hold
its secrets with fierce determination. As kings and monarchs came from far afar to meet
him, the other founders slowly became resenting of him.
They began to spread rumors of dark magic. Such lies Salazar Slytherin had to put up
with, until such a time when he felt it was impossible to bear. For all the founders knew
there was no such thing. It all lay in the intent of the use of magic. What exactly
happened next is lost to history. The Wizarding World goes for the dramatic version, of
Godric Gryffindor meeting him on the battlefield and slaying him with his legendary
However one of the few people to witness what really happened was the
founder of this shop, Octavius Ollivander. He was one of the five children who were
under Salazar’s tutorship before his demise. Salazar about to leave Hogwarts and had
announced his departure. The other three founders had managed to get the Ministry to
arrest him on counts of practicing Dark Magic. Helga Hufflepuff managed to dose
Salazar’s food with a magic dampening potion. It was said she had to use two vials of the
potion until Salazar had enough magic to use as a fourth year in Hogwarts.
Salazar ,who realized immediately what happened gestured to his apprentices to
escape as they would be arrested along with him, however Octavius stayed behind under
an invisibility cloak. He withdrew his wands and the four founders began battling in the
Great Hall, even though his magic was dampened he was still skilled enough to match the
other three. By the time the Ministry arrived, Helga and Rowena were beaten. The
constant use of magic began to take its toll on Salazar who couldn’t draw on his core
because of the dampening potion.
The duel changed from magic to sword fighting. Godric had managed to tip his
sword with poison and got a hit in, and there fell Salazar. The Ministry praised Godric on
his skills. They tried to give all of Salazar’s notable assets to the Gryffindors however
Salazar had warded everything so only descendants of his blood had access.
Enraged at the now deceased Salazar, Godric Gryffindor tried to acquire Salazar’s
seat on the Wizengamot, the chair, which lies unoccupied to this day, managed to identify
Godric as an intruder and his magic was absorbed into the stone.
Godric who was left barely more than a squib tried to destroy the chair using his
sword, the sword broke in two. And even in death Salazar triumphed.
My ancestor managed under an invisibility cloak to acquire his wands and here we
are” finished Ollivander.

To say Harry was surprise would have been an understatement. His mouth was gaped
open in shock. Then he abruptly closed it in an effort to gain back his dignity.

He stared at his wands in awe.

“The oath?” asked Ollivander.

“I swear on my magic to keep the knowledge of the nature of the wands a secret and after
my death I bequeath my wands to Mr. Ollivander” said Harry.

“What is the core in these wands” asked Harry.

“ Magical Ivory with the first phoenix feather after the first burning day, 12 inches, a
wand of the lighter nature of magic, it can only be used in self- defense, useful for your
regular school lessons and powerful in its own right , the other one is notoriously
powerful, probably one of the most powerful in existence. You must only use it in times
of emergency, at least till you are of age. It contains Death Yew, a special type of wood
that was acquired from the armor of a fallen daemon who was slain by Merlin himself,
heartstring of a nundu, which required almost 170 wizards to kill it, only 2 survived in the
end, and Basilisk venom from Salazar’s own” answered Ollivander.

As he turned to get out of the shop, he heard Ollivander say “Use it well”.

Shrugging, he walked to bask in the summer sun.

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