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Boeing 737
Captain / First
Officer Quick
Reference Card
(QRC) #
June 16, 2011
=========== INTRODUCTION
WARNING!QRCnotnotraininginalolder dest
royedc h e c k f o r l a t e
s t d a t e n o t REPRINTSreeony
ue737CockpitC o m p a n i o n F M C
U s e r ' s G u i d e http://www.fmcguide.comsa
feTony Kohlmann
HINTSVVMP e r f I n i t P a g e R
o u t e P a g e
ALTERNATESb e l o w o r andD e
s t A l t andor regular andnotonlyc
ontinuebothd i s p a t c h e r d
i v e r t CHECKS /
G R Exterior
s e t o n o n Receiving
(P&P)A c c u l o a d n o t
v a r i a n c e Runway
Analysisa l w a y s o f
f o n a d d actualon
=========== TAXI
ENGINE START:starter duty
cycle:o n o f f o n o
f f e n g a g e a b o v e even
tsS t a r t m a l f u n c t i o n s : ( e x c e p t c a
ll for QRHb e f o r e l e v
e r O F F after
lever b e f o r e c u t o u t c u t o f f a f t e r c
u t o u t c u t o f f b e l o w readystabilizeE
============ TAKEOFF
WINDSHEAR:S e t u p i n c r e
a s i n g decreasingonShear
recoveryMax Power, Stow
Speedbraken o n o Sink
Rate.Windshear GougeWindshear
aheadr i m c l e a n IN Windshear
recoverynoLOW VIS TAKEOFFS /
ALTERNATE:belowower 1 h o u
r s t i l l a i r e n g i
n e i n o p 3 9 0 n m sameNO
BUGS:o r o r [ F M C ] [ 1 ] V
1 b e f o r e [R]Rotate[white
bug][UP] increased set-
noto r o r belowixe
d flap
maneuverings p e e d s * a b o
v e O R [ F M C ] [UP][ 1][ 5][1
BRIEFINGTAKEOFF:max tailwindmax
recommended crosswindcleared onto position
and holdh e n T O G A check power",
"power set xx
%N1100 kts, V1 , Rotate, Pos Rate, Gear Upo
greater a t 4 0 0 ' H D G S E L L N A
V at 1000' V NAV, Flaps 1 (or
5)notO R o
r LVL CHG, Set Top
BugFlaps 1 (or 5)Flaps up; After Takeoff
Checka t a b o v e
at 3000'V NAVor L
N A V a f t e
r ICAO-A / Noise
Abatement:1 5 0 0 ' L V L C H G 3 0 0 0 ' S e t T
o p B u g , F l a p s 5 o r 1 REJECTED
TAKEOFF:belowa f t e r P w r L o s s u
n s a f e f o r f l i g h t CaptContinu
e o r R e j e c t a c c o m p l i s h e s - throttles
idle, AT off, (FO "Speedbrakes"?),
RTOh o l d s
e t F/Oowerandremai
n s e a t e d allENGINE FAILURE
V1:P o w e r L o s s r a c k
p i t c h gearbellV2 oV2
+ 2 0 k at 400'HDG SELat 800'SET TOP
UP,SET M.C.T.Eng Fail/Fire
Checklistire1 Eng Inop/Appr & LdgFailure
in turn: irst
============ ENROUTE
INTCI N T C C R S i n b o u n
d n o t D N T K F X
o n l y h i s either ENTE
ALTITUDEa n d e x : s p e e d e x
:alitudeex:or aboveex:A
b e l o w e x : B FPA, V/B, V/S, VERT
DEVF P A a c t u a l
= or steeper
V / B c o m p u t e d m e
e t V / S r e q u i r e d a c h i e v e
VERT DEVpresent
MISC:C t o
F : o r exCre
w Oxygen-
o v e r w e a r c a
b i n o v e r b o t h IFR Altitudes
andl y r e s o l v e IFGiveand
Flight Deck Door HARD LOCK Switch...
SIGNIFO2, Rapid DescentPAFLT, Spin,
Spin, Pull,
PullF L T s p i n s p i n
p u l l p u l l L V L C H
E T E N D Really
ORa n d s p o o l d o w n d o
u b t r e s p o n s
APU FIRE///////////////////////////////////
APU Fire Switch . PULL, ROTATE &
A/P & A/T-DISENGAGE Symmetrical
The QRC (uick eference ard) is a best effortsu
mmary of many need to know Continental
Airlines 737
FlightManual and Operations Manual items (cert
ainly everything,and perfect)! If you see needed c
orrections, please
let meknow!The QRC is for purposes only and as
always, thecompany flight and operation
manuals are the absoluteword.
QRCs with print dates (see date above) may haveer
roneous information, and should be . You areresp
onsible to insure that you have the latest version
(periodicallyat web site below)! The
QRC isendorsed by CAL nor the FAA.If you think
an item of importance is missing or needs to
beupdated, please sent me an e-mail and it will
be added orcorrected in
the future.The QRC is as a service to my fellow Co
ntinental 737pilots! It is a continuation of Bruce
Spragues (now retired) QRCversion. Please e-
mail comments/updates to:You can download the
latest QRC from this web site:I also recommend
Bill Bulfers
excellentand his . You can contact Bill at:Have a f
light, and a good simulator MV / LOE CAPT. 737 I
AH : Verbalize, Verify, Monitor Use
CRM! Call for QRH! On LOE: brief FA's, fill
out logbook Carry Section 1 (Limitations) and
Section 5 (P&P) Go slow, rotate slow (TO and
MA), configure early Tip: "nail" the ADI pitch,
and constantly check it. FMC Setup: before each
takeoff, update: -
: Z F W , T e m p , e t c . -
: K I A H t o K I A H WBBBBI:
Wx, Build, Bugs, Brake, Brief, In-range(FOM
Sec. 2) Need destination alternate if: Forecast 1
ETA,destination 2000 3 miles(gouge123). N
eed 2 alternates if: Destination 1
are marginal (: <400/1mi : <600/2mi)
Alternate Minimums: HAT/HAA
plus 400 Cat I + 1 mile ( if 2 Rwys/2
Approaches: +200
and +1/2 mile) IF diverting to alternate, then la
nding minimumsapply, no alternate for the altern
ate is required IF stronger headwinds cause you
to fly into your Alt
/ Res fuel, you do have to make an unscheduled f
uel stop This is Dispach requirement . IF en-
route & destination weather goes down that
wouldrequire an alternate, you may on ifCaptain
and Dispatcher consider it safe. Call en-
route if need to ; he has nowime data on
weather, airports, and traffic situation Exception
8657 (FOM 2-40) Flight may be dispatched
w/oalternate if: - Dest. forecast wx. @ ETA 1 hr =
1000 and2 miles (1-1-2) subject to: --
Contiguous US only and must be ondispatch
release. --- A/C, Crew and Arpt. Must be CAT
(FM Sec. 3; p. 26)
Safety Check: e appy, o egular(att Sw on
& 23v; yd off; ear dn, 3 green; adar off) Check (
walk around): brakes , fuel / hyd , WW lights
A/C Check: (Radar should be in Test!) signed
off : O2 mask;Fire tests; ACARS link;Cockpit
Voice Rec.
(FM Sec 5 / FOM Sec 10)
: if pax count within get new Accuload
Assumed temp. speeds & trim are valid if pax count is
within variance.Variance is valid for GTOW 2220lbs (-3/-5)
/ 1665lbs (-7/-8/-9) above actualspeeds on line 7. Correct
ZFW (Summer=190; Winter=195 and compare toMGTOW
Automated Data:-
shows data with bleeds ; if going withbleeds , you
must the weight penalty! - -500, -700 = 4000#; -
800 = 5100#; -900 = 5000# - to figure an assumed
temp, enter withGTOW (add weight
penalty if bleeds are ). High alt. starts: allow eng
to motor to 31% N2 prior to movingstart lever (-
5)=7000 (-7/-8/-
9)=8400 starter cutout at 46% N2 (56% N2 for N
G)2 mins , 20 seconds , 2 mins , 3 minsdo not sta
rter if N2 20% Key start : starter valve open, N2,
N1, oil psi rising,FF, EGT (within 10 sec.; hot
725C), starter cutout, oil psi by idle. ENGINE /
Back Cover), for start valve) --
start to Idle: start switch-
start to Idle:-
starter : , motor for 60 secs-
s t a r t e r : , N 2 2 0 % , motor for 60
secs.When you are to taxi = flash taxi light once
2 mins for engine to before takeoff or5 mins (if
not flown in past 5 hours) Refer to MEL(see MEL
temp. rev. and CDL) (see FOM Sec
2) : Minimum Equipment List - P code
= performance penalty - M code = Maintenance
procedure; crew mayposition CB's or switches -
O code = Operation procedure - use
"system" number to
find in MEL ( GPWS = 34-
26) : Configuration Deviation List - additional
limitations with secondary airframe andengine
parts missing; penalties are cumulative.
(FM 3-364)
Enhancements / Reactive = windshear on
Grnd. Prox. test Predictive = windshear ahead
on radar test At Airports w/o Terminal Doppler
Weather Radar(TDWR) orWeather System
(WSP) : delay 30 mins. (>15k & );delay 15 mins
.(<15k & ),use longest runway, flaps 5, full
power, Flight Directors,use higher VR of RLL
weight(see FM Sec 3;
p.367) : , T O
G A ( d o below 2000 RA); follo
w FD pitch; rim, config. changes;callradar alt-
if Alt Acquire, TOGA will go off, you must
select again!:(alerts)-
=avoid, go around ( and up)- =( trim
or config. change)
(FOM Sec 2)
See Lo Vis takeoff minimums on Jepp plate 10-
9A No lower than 500 RVR Need T/O Alternate
Departure field CAT I landing minimums. Based o
n" " r e p o r t o f v i s . o r R V R . -
must be within at normal cruise speed in withone
: distance equals .Mins. for alt. as regular alt.
(see FM Sec 3; p. 150)
anti-skid inop, runway contaminates, anti-ice
windshear,improved climb, wet runway, ALTN EE
C mode, PMC FMCinop. or tailwind > 10k when
using assumedemp, throttles are set to reduced
power the bugs will show maximum power. 5 b
ugs: from accuload QRH (-7, -8, -9, -
9ER) V1 (Go / No Go, call "" at 5K bu
g;normally doublebug) VR (""; normally
double bug) V2 (Orange Bug) V2 +
15 VM Flaps 0 ("top bug", 220) for "Improved
Climb Performance", V1, VR, and V2
areand you them on bugs. authorized
IF: contaminated rwy. , anti-
skid inop. red. thrust when flying 220k, flaps sh
ould be used, withthe following
"recommended"( 1 1 7 , 0 0 0 G W ) - 7 , - 8 , -
9, -9ER: - F l a p s 0 2 1 0 k / 2 2 0 k * -
Flaps 1 190k/200k*-
Flaps 5 180k/190k*-
Flaps 10 170k/180k*-
Flaps 15 150k/160k*-
F l a p s 2 5 1 4 0 k / 1 5 0 k * (see Briefing
Card) 10k up to 15k provided actual tailwind co
mponentdoes not exceed value authorized by
Accuload Pilot WeightManifest. Runway is
clear and dry. Antiskid and thrust reversersare
fully operational. Max takeoff rated thrust is
used. Autospoilers are
used. 33k dry / 25k wet runway e x t e
r i o r l i g h t s w h e n
" " . stabilize to 40% 5% N1, 70% and (set po
wer)"" c a l l " ( c a l l
5 k t s b e f o r e ) " -
concentrate on "100 knot" call (reject now for "p
owerloss"), "V1" call
(committed; do V1 cut if "power loss"). -
rotate at 3/sec, 15 pitch, V2 +20k (25k if light)
rotate (slow) by looking at end of runway (if V1
cut, this will help guide you to keep runway
heading!) - 30 bank if V2 + 15 (bug)- if reduced
power, push up throttles to bugs for more
power , c a l l " " o r "
" - try to delay turns until 400' AGL
(50' minimum for:obstacles, eng. out, noise
abatement, adverse
conditions), 10 pitch, V2 + 15 and acc
elerating: - call "-
do use below 3000' if special noise abatementpro
cedures; ie: SNA - must preset 220k in "Tgt Spd
Climb page, L2 - select "Econ" when ready to
accelerate, if VNAV is not available not desired:
- " , - next
flap retractions at the fixed man speeds-
c a l l " " , c l
i m b 220k/[UP], turn A/P on ( 1
000) - for flaps 1 akeoff, retract at fixed speeds
and accelerating- hold VM Flaps 0 to 3000
AFE , c a l l " " s t a y i n L V L C H
G a t 2 5 0 k go to when appropriate (as earl
y as 400'),confirming: FMC accuracy (vs. raw
data) a t : " " -
a t : " " 100k (fires, smoke, failures,
etc) 1 0 0 k o n l y f o r
" " O R " " c a l l s "
" ; a n d : (or max
brakes) stay on runway, brakes (unlessevacuatio
n, thenbrakes), run
checklists. c a l l " " , P
A t o " " C for Reject checklist
(brake cooling?), eng. fire?,evacuation (see
signals)?, fill out irregularity
report " " , m a i n t a i n ( r u d d e r ) ,
s l o w u p t o 13, up, silence , (Orange Bug
) : " " , m a i n t a i n h e a d i n g , r a d i o c a l l ,
p l a c e 5 units of rudder trim
owardsgood engine
, call for (
i f , r u n a f t e r t o p b u g , and
bring flaps up) (15 bank until V2 + 15) declare
emergency, sqk 7700, fuel balance, give
FATEST, call company, get Wx, call for
checklist, consider restarting failed eng.yoke ,
then rudder (to bottom yoke), go to 800', etc. : "
DIR INTC", hen waypoint to R6(NG: waypoint to
L1, hen enter
"INTC CRS") a l w a y s p u t c o u r s e ,
r a d i a l : set up on FIX page; non EFIS workssi
de of fix; EFIS can define way: IAH/15 or IAH/-
15 :- can define speed altitude ( 250/100) -
can define only ( 250/) -
can define only ( 100) -
can define "at " alt ( 100) -
can define at or alt ( 100) (on Descent
Page): - = f l t p a t h a n g l e
(should be than V/B)
- = angle (vertical bearing to 3R crossing) -
= vert speed to the displayed V/B -
= dev from computed vert. path
(for EFIS / NG aircraft:
LNAV be engaged for this to be correct!)
double C minus 10% +32 (if above 0)-
32 (if below 0) : 18C = 36 -
4 + 32 = 64F : FL250 to 410: one pilot unless 2
pilots in seat-
altitude 10,000': pilots wear - =
Even +2k = 180, 200, 220320, 340,
360, etc.- = Odd + 2k = 190, 210,
230....330, 350, 370, etc. to change
destination station. FMC RTE page / ACT RTE
page1/3 - ACARS / INFLIGHT /
see Flt Man Sec 2 Ops Man Sec 1 IF possible: F/
O on A/P, Capt problem. Declare an
emergency : Engine loss, standby power appr.,
priority handling required, if about to break a
FAR, etc. (: Reason, Fuel, Souls
Onboard) Sqk 7700 Notify
company FA of emergency see Emer Signals bel
ow. Irregularity Report:see Ops Man Sec 1 and 10
On all problems, always call for
QRH Emergency
Descent (damage? smooth air?): P A
, c a l l A T C descent g
,(ignition , MCP to 10M or MEA, V/S ,throttle
s, speedbrakes, at barber pole)(EGT 3-
5secs), have dual eng flameout, loss of 2 Gens?
N1 EGT gauges , "Low Oil PSI" lite If in , push
up throttles to see if you get ! (control A/C,
reduce pitch, increase airspeed, sacrifice altitude)

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