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Its 4 am,have struggled for the last hour to fall back asleep but I cant yet again im tossing

turning unable to shut down my brain why????

-because im stress

Im stressed about my students im so stressed that the only thing I can think to do is take my
thoughts and write them down tonight and vowed to myself that tomorrow I will tell the students
the truth and the real truth Ive been needing to say..

..This is what students really need to hear

First,you need to know that I cared about you infact I care about you more than you care bout
yourself and icared bout you more than your grades and your test scores more than your GPAs and
in SATs more than the state-required benchmark minimum that tells me how much im supposed to
care. I cared bout you as a person. And because I cared, I need to be HONEST with you,do I have
your permission to be honest in what I say and how I say it? Heres the thing

Teacher lose sleep because of you every week but before I tell you why? Theres something you
need to understand about school see.

Academic learning is not the main event of school,never has been and probably never will be..

Yes, Addmath, essay writing the judicial process English all are important, all can change your
life,they are events but they are not main event. Main event is

dealing with harshness of life

learning how to deal with adversity?

Learning how to deal with harshness as simple as a forgotten locker combination of noxius peers
to gossip to being doubted by others to doubting yourself and pushing to be the best version of
yourself no matter what!

The main event of school is conquering adversity, it is your resilience and conquering the main
events. Adversity that truly prepares you for life after schoolbecause mark my words

School is not the last time you will face great difficulty

yes you will have moments more beautiful than you can imagine, but you will also confront
tragedy, frustration,fear and doubts in the years to come..and you shouldnt be worried about
the fact that you will face great universities. You should be worried because you are setting yourself
up to fail at overcoming that,heres the real reason why teachers them sleep because of you very
single week

youre are failing the main event of school, you are quiting and you may not think you are not
quiting but you are because quiting whereas many masks, for some of you quiting looks like
throwing the day way and not even picking up a pencil to try to write a sentence or a fraction
because you think you cant or doesnt matter or its not worth it but it is what you write is not the

The fact that you choose to take charge of your own doubts or your own weakness your own
boredom in order to write when you get challenged,that is the main event..some of you quit by
skipping class and a free education of a privilege that was paid for blood for died for by millions
of people who came before you. Being punctual is not the main event,the main event is delaying
your temptation and investing your own intelligence, understanding that sometimes the short term
pain leads to long-term gain and great people make great sacrifices for the greater good.

For others you quit by throwing disrespects who asked you to go to class,bowing authority is not
the main event, the main event is

how to problem-solve maturely not letting your judgement be tainted by the stains of emotion
and its having race intact when every fiber of your being wants to hit or scream or run away, I see
some of you QUIT by not taking oppurtinites ,chances after chances after chances to pass a class.

The main event is not having some letter some number tell you are worthy.

The main event is pulling your crap together and making hard choices in heart sacrifices even
when it seems impossible.

is finding hope in the hopeless courage in the chasm guts in the grave

.what you need to see is that everytime you take the easy way out, you are building a
habit of quiting and it will destroy your future and annihilate your happiness If you let it

our society couldnt care less for quiters, life will leave you sad,depressed and poor if you cant
encourage up and learn how to deal with hardship. Youre are the muscle or the dirt, you either take
resistance and grow stronger or you rode in the wind,you know this right now !

as long as you are in my life,im not going to let you quitting be easy for you. Im going to challenge
you,confront you,push you, coach you! you can whine,you can throw a trantum,you can stop and
scream and swear and guess what tomorrow Ill will be right here smilling and patients waiting for
you to give you a fresh start because you are worth it !



---------------Lift your headup with cords out your ears,grab the frickin pencil and lets do this!----------

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