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Nicanor Parra CHILE


Nicanor Parra's most influential contribution to Latin American poetics has been the theory of
"antipoetry." Combining the critical mat~rialism of Brecht with a resolutely colloquial diction, the
absurdist fever of Ka&a with ironic insi;ghts derived from contemporary psychology, Parra's
"antipoems" speak personally but s.tringentJy,wicl1out cl1eintervention of a "sincere" lyrical narra-
tor. For all their critical antecedents,Parra'spoems begin from his assumption cl1at"the function of
cl1eartist consists in the rigorous expressionof his experiences,without commentary of any kind."
Nicanor Parra was trained as a mathematician and physicist at Brown University and at Oxford,
where he came to embrace principles of relarivity in a physical mode, principles that carry over into
cl1eepistemological concerns of his poems. ]:..aterhe was a professor of physics at the University of
Santiago. In an important sense,his poems resemble macl1ematicaltheorems of physics: "economy
of language, no metaphors, no literary figllres." Parra's theories have sometimes been used to
counter cl1edominance of the image-basedp(~rsonalismofNerUda. (Neruda, in fact, was instrumen-
tal in finding a publisher for Parra's Poemas ~Iantipoemas[PoemsandAntipoems, 1954]; in his Extra.:.
vagario [1958], Neruda himself seemsto imitate some of Parra's strategies.) Even more generally,
however, Parra'sexample hasservedasan astringent against cl1eflorid rhetoric of severalgenerations
of Latin American and Spanishlyric poems. ]?arra'swork represents a revolutionary mode of poetic
authenticity. Austere, discursive,droll, mercUJ-ial,fragmentary, accessible,and conspicuously lacking
in sentiment, Parra's "antipoems" have had a strong and liberating effect on poetics in Latin America
and elsewhere.In his later years, Parra moved to a form of neo-Symbolism. Partly in responseto cl1e
oppressive Pinochet regime, Parra devised a satirical character, the Christ of Elqui, whose skewed
folk wisdom spoke obliquely but clearly aglinst human rights abuses and against violations of
ecological common sense.

Todo tiene que estar en sus archivos. Best to have everything in your kit.
Si su mujer se entusiasmacon otto If the wife falls for somebody else
Le rec:omiendo los siguientes trucos: We recommend the following:
Meitarse con hojas de afeitar , Shavewith razor blades
Admirar las bellezasnaturales Admire the Beauties of Nature
Racer crujir un ttozo de papel Crumple a sheet of paper
Sostener una charla por telefono Have a long talk on the phone
Disparar con un rifle de salon Shoot darts with a popgun
Arreglarse las ufias con los dientes Cle;m your nails with your teeth
y ttagar cantidades de saliva. And swallow a lot of saliva.

Si desea brillar en los salones If he wants to shine at social gatherings

El pequefio burgues The little bourgeois
Debe saber andar en cuatro pies Must know how to walk on all fours
Estornudar y sonreir a un tiempo How to smile and sneezeat the same time
Bailar un vals al borde del abismo Waltz on the edge of the abyss
Endiosar a los organos sexuales Deify the organs of sex
Desnudarse delante del espejo Undress in frol};,1:
of a i1!jrror
Deshojar una rosa con un l:ipiz Rape a rose with,a pencil
y tragar toneladas de saliva. And swallow tOns of saliva.

A todo esto cabe preg1mtarse And after all that we might well ask:
~FueJesucristo un pequefio burgues? Was J esusChrist a little bourgeois?-

Como se ve, para poder llegar As we have seen, if you want to reach
Al paraiso del pequefio burgues The heaven of the little bourgeois,
Hay que ser un acrobata completo You must be an accomplished acrobat
Para poder llegar al paraiso To be able to get to heaven,
Hay que ser un acrobata completo: You must be a wonderful acrobat.

iCon razon el artista verdadero And how right the authentic artist is
Seentretiene matando matapiojos: To amuse himself killing bedbugs!

Parasalir del circulo vicioso To escapefrom the vicious circle

Recomiendanel acto gratuito: We suggest the actegratuite:
Aparecery desaparecer Appear and disappear
Caminar en estado cataleptico Walk in a cataleptic trance
Bailar un vals en un mont6n de escombros Waltz on a pile of debris
Acunar un anciano entre los brazos Rock an old man in your arms
Sin despegar!a vista de su vista With your eyes fixed on his
Preguntarle !a hora al moribundo Ask a dying man what t;ime it is
Escupir en el hueco de !a mano .
Spit in the palm of your hand .
Presentarsede frac en ios incendios Go to fires in a morning coat
Arremeter con el corte;o fiinebre Break into a funeral-procession
Ir masall:i dei sexo femenino Go beyond the female sex
Levantar esalosa funeraria Lift the top from that tomb to see
Ver si cultivan :irboles adentro If they're growing trees in there
Yatravesar de una vereda a otra And cross from one sidewalk to the other
Sin referenciasni al porque ni al cu:indo Without regard for when or why
Por !a soia virtud de la palabra ...For the sake of the word alone,..
Con su bigote de gal:in de cine ...With his movie-star mustache...
A !a veiocidad del pensamiento. ...With the speed of thought...

254 Twentieth-Century Latin Americ,(ln Poetry

Una mamia canversa par telefana One mummy talks on the phone
Otra mamia se mira en un espeja. Another mummy views herself in the mirror.

Una momia dispara su revolver. One mummy fires her revolver.

Todas las momias cambian de lugar All the mummies change places
Casi todas las momias se retiran. Almost all the mummies withdraw.

Varias momias se sientan a la mesa A few mummies sit down at the table
Unas momias ofrecen cigarrillos Some mummies offer cigarettes
Una momia parece que-bailara. One mummy seemsto be dancing.

Una momia mas vieja que las otras One mummy older than the others
Da de mamar a su nifio de pecho. Puts her baby to her breast.
trans. ThomasMmon

La montaiia rusa Roller Coaster

Durante medio siglo For half a century

La poesia fue Poetry was the paradise
El paraiso del tonto solemne. Of the solemn fool.
Hasta que vine yo Until I came
y me instale con mi montana rosa. And built my roller coaster.

Suban, si les parece. Go up, if you feel like it.

Claro que yo no respondo si bajan I'm not responsible if you come down
Echando sangre por boca y narices. Bleeding from your mouth and nose.
trans. Miller Willipms

El pequefio burgues Litany of the Little Bourgeois

El que quiera llegar aI paraisa If you want to get to the heaven

Del pequefia burgues tiene que andar Of the little bourgeois, you must go
El caminadel arte par el arte By the road of Art for Art's sake
y tragar cantidades de saliva: And swallow a lot of saliva:
El naviciada es casi interminable. The apprenticeship is almost interminable.

Lista de 10 que tiene que saber. A list of what you must learn how to do:

Anudarse con arte la corbata Tie your necktie artistically

Deslizar la tarjeta de visita Slip your card to the right people
SaC\ldirsepor lujo los zapatos Polish shoesthat are already shined
Consultar el espejo veneciano Consult the Venetian mirror
Estudiarse de frente y de perfil (Head-on and in profile)
Ingerir una dosis de cognac Toss down a shot of brandy
Distinguir una viola de un violin Tell a viola from a violin
Recibir en pijama a las visitas Receive guestsin your pajamas
Impedir la caida del cabello Keep your hair from falling
y tragar cantidades de saliva. And swallow a lot of saliva.

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