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Anggung Praing et al. / The Effect.........



Rambu Konda Anggung Praing, Titik Sunarni1, Sunarti1

Faculty of Pharmacy, Setia Budi University Surakarta.
Jln. Letjen Sutoyo, Mojosongo-Solo 57127
Tlpn: 0271 - 852 518, Website:

Faloak bark (Sterculia quadrifida R.Br) is the part of faloak tree which has antioxidant and
antidiabetic activity. The purpose of this study is to know the antioxidant effect of faloak bark
by in vitro and in vivo method.
Ethanolic extract of faloak bark is tested to the antioxidant activity by bind the free radical
DPPH method (in vitro) with IC50 parameter and using rutin as standard to compare with the
extract. Antioxidant activity test (in vivo) in this study using increased activity of glutathion
peroxidase enzyme in the tissue of mices liver which has inducted by aloxan, and then
analyze the datas using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and continued by Mann-Whitney test.
The result of this study showed that the ethanolic extract of the faloak bark has antioxidant
activity. Antioxidant activity of ethanolic extract of faloak bark by in vitro test has IC50 value
4,86 ppm, this indicated that the ethanolic extract of faloak bark include of a strong
antioxidant. The result of in vivo test showed that glutathion peroxidase enzyme with the
effective dose 260 mg/Kg weight of mice and the value of increase level of glutathion
peroxidase enzyme is 56,10 U/mg and there is significant difference compared with the
diabetic control group.

Keywords: faloak bark, DPPH, gutathion peroxidase, antioxidant.

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a group of metabolic disease with hyperglycemic that occur
because abnormalities of insulin secreation and insulin activity or both. Symptoms that
appear because the blood glucose level is increase and decreased insulin secreation10. DM
causes autooksidation of glucose, protein glycation and activation of polyol metabolism
pathways which further accelerate the formation of reactive oxygen compounds12.
The formation of reactive oxygen compounds can increase lipid modification, DNA, and
protein in various tissues. Moleculer modification of these tissues cause imbalance between
protective antioxidant and increased free radical production, this is the beginning of oxidative
damage known as oxidative stress. Furthermore, oxidative stress also contributes to the
deterioration and development of the incidence of complications7.
Faloak bark contains natural antioxidant compounds namely flavonoid and phenolics that are
able to protect the body from free radical attack9. Flavonoid as one of the phenolic
compounds find in many plant tissues can be antioxidant. The antioxidant activity of
flavonoid in faloak bark can donate its hydrogen atom or through bind the metals 6.
Flavonoids can improve insulin receptor sensitivity11.

Anggung Praing et al. / The Effect.........

Making powder from faloak bark. Wash the faloak bark which obtained from Kupang
NTT. Then cut into small pieces and dry using oven with temperature 50C, then continue the
process to make powder from faloak bark using grinder.
Making ethanolic extract of faloak bark. Macerate 500 g powder of faloak bark using 5000
ml ethanol 70% for 5 days (protected from light). Then concentrated the filtrate using rotary
evaporator with temperature 50C.
Identification the ethanolic extract compounds of faloak bark. Identification of the
compounds using chemical reaction method, first preparing the test solution (ethanolic extract
of faloak bark) and reacted with the reactant. The color will change when the chemical
reaction happend.
Test of antioxidant activity (in vitro). The antioxidant activity test was done by mixing 2 ml
of test solution of each concentration series and 2 ml DPPH solution 80 ppm into vials and
leave in dark for 30 minutes and then observed its absorbance at = 517 nm (3 replication),
using blanco from 2 ml metanol p.a and 2 ml DPPH solution 80 ppm. After obtained the %
inhibition datas from all concentration series of extract and rutin, then calculate the value of
IC50 using regression linear equation based on Y = a + bx (% inhibisi vs concetration series of
extract and rutin solution).
Absorbance of blancoAbsorbance of sample
% Inhibition = x 100%
Absorbance of blanco

Test of antioxidant activity (in vivo). Testing was performed for 14 days where blood
sampling was done to measure the initial glucose level (T0). In the same day the mice were
given a solution of alloxan monohydrate 180 mg/Kg weight of mice intraperitoneally. After
5 days of alloxan induced, each test animals with blood glucose level >200 mg/dl (positive
diabetic) was then grouped for blood glucose measurent for the first day (T1). Taking the
blood from venous plexus mice. In the 15th day the mice were killed by dislocation the neck
and then taking the mice liver for measure the GPx activity. Measured of GPx activity using
modified Lawrence and Burk method (1976). 200 l liver supernatants werw added 200 l
phosphate buffers 0,1 mM EDTA, 200 l GSH 10 mM and 200 l GDR (2,4 unit). Then
incubated for 10 minutes at 37C, added 200 l NADPH 1,5 mM and incubated again for 3
minutes at the same temperature and continued addition of 200 l H2O2 1,5 mM. The change
of absorption rate during conversion of NADPH to NADP was measured
spectrophotometrically with = 340 nm for 3 minutes. GPx activity is expresed as mol
NADPH that is oxidized to NADP+ minute-1 mg-1 protein with extrinsic coefficient for
NADPH. The calcultion is
Abs x Vt x 2 x 1000 x 1/mg protein
M unit GSH-Px = 6,22 x Vs
Data analysis
Datas from test of antioxidant activity (in vitro) will analysis using independent samples t-test
to compare the average of IC50 rutin and extract and the function is show that the values are
differ significantly or not.
Datas from test of antioxidant activity (in vivo) will analysis using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
and continued by Mann-Whitney test.

Anggung Praing et al. / The Effect.........

Making of ethanol extract of the maceration process of 500 g of faloak
faloak bark. 3,6 Kg faloak bark dried and bark powder is 67,68 g and the yeild of the
after drying the weight become 1,8 Kg so extract is 13,54 %. The results of the
the percentage of dry weight to wet weight calculations can be seen in tables 1 and 2.
is 50%. The viscous extract obtained from

Table 1. Drying yield of faloak bark

Sample Wet weight (Kg) Dry weight (Kg) Yield (%)

Faloak bark 3,6 1,8 50

Table 2. Percent yield of the ethanolic of extract faloak bark

Powder weight (g) Extract weight (g) Yeild (%)
500 67,68 13,54

Identification the compound of datas from all concentration series of

ethanol extract of faloak bark. extract and rutin, then calculate the value of
Identification the compounds using IC50 using regression linear equation based
chemical reaction method showed that the on Y = a + bx. The value of IC50 is more
ethanol extract of faloak bark contains effective as antioxidant if the value is
flavonoid, terpenoid, saponin, tanin and smaller. The definition of IC50 is the ability
alkaloid. of the compounds to inhibit 50% DPPH
activity. The value half maximal inhibitory
Test of antioxidant activity (in concentration (IC50) of ethanol extract of
vitro). The solution of extract and DPPH faloak bark and rutin are 4,86 ppm and 4,23
were reacted for 30 minutes resulting a ppm. They are included as powerful
stable reaction between the active antioxidant because it contains high
compound and DPPH and then, measured flavonoids and phenolic compounds which
its absorbance at wavelength 517 nm can inhibit the activity of free radical
accordance the maximum wavelength of DPPH9;3.
DPPH. After obtained the % inhibition

Table 3. IC50 of ethanolic extract of faloak bark and rutin

Solutions Replication IC50 (ppm) Mean IC50SD
1 4,86
Extract 2 4,86 4,860,01
3 4,87
1 4,23
Rutin 2 4,24 4,230,01
3 4,23
The result of statistic analysis using that the values are differ significantly
Independent samples t-test to compare the (p<0,05).
average of IC50 rutin and extract showed

Anggung Praing et al. / The Effect.........

Test of antioxidant activity (in the glutathione reduction (GSH) become

vivo). The dose of extract (65, 130, 260 glutathione disulfide (GSSH), while
mg/Kb BB rat) are able to increase the reducing amount of hydrogen peroxide
activity of GPx enzyme in the homogenate (H2O2) converted into 2 water molecules
of rats liver during 14 days. GPx catalyze (H2O)1.

Figure 1. GPx activity (U/mg) of entire treatment groups

GPx activity
90 77.79
GPx activity (U/mg)

70 62.83
60 50.87
50 36.73
Normal Negative Compare Dose I Dose II Dose III
group group group group group group

Table 4. Significant difference analysis of variation extract dose groups to control

Groups GPx
N activity (U/mg)SD % Increased the GPx activity
Normal group 5 77,793,28 -
Negative group 5 25,871,07 -
Compare group 5 62,831,44 58,82
Extract dose 65 mg/Kg weight
5 36,7abc0,66 29,57
of mice
Extract dose 130 mg/Kg weight
5 50,87abc1,90 49,14
of mice
Extract dose 260 mg/Kg weight
5 56,10abc0,94 53,89
of mice

Information :
a : differed significantly from the normal group
b : differed significantly from the negative group
c : differed significantly from the compare group

% Increased the GPx activity = %
Increased the GPx activity = 100 % - %

Anggung Praing et al. / The Effect.........

Mean of GPx activity value in normal endogenous antioxidant (GPx). The

group show the highest value (77,79 U/mg) negative control group in this study is used
because various organ in normal condition as a marker of oxidative damage caused by
are able to work well, including liver that free radicals. Oxidative damage in this
has a natural defense mechanism of group can be seen from decrease in GPx
intracellular antioxidant enzyme such as activity when compared with the normal
GPx that serves to neutralize and accelerate group because the normal group is not
the degradation of free radical compounds induced by alloxan so that no oxidative
to prevent damage the macromolecular process occurs5.
components of cells7. In physiological Mean of GPx activity value in the
state, Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) compared control group is 62,83 U/mg and
maintain homeostasis. Under normal differed significantly when compared with
conditions there is a balance between free the negative control group (p<0,05) based
radicals and endogenous antioxidants so statistic analysis. This is because the
that lipid peroxidation does not occur compared control group was given
which is a oxidation process of long chain glibenclamide. This drug works by binding
sarurated lipid acid in membranes cells13. and inhibiting the ATP-sensitive potassium
The negative control group showed the channels (KATP) inhibitory regulatory
lowest GPx activity value (25,87 U/mg) subunit sulfonylurea receptor 1 (SUR1) in
and differed significantly when compared pancreatic beta cells. This inhibition causes
with the normal group (p<0,05), the cell membrane depolarization, opening
comparison group, and the variation extract voltage-dependent calcium channels. This
dose group. This is because the negative results an increase intrasellular calcium in
control group for 14 days was only given the beta cell and subsequent stimulation on
0,5% NaCMC and hyperglycemia insulin release2.
conditions due to alloxan induction. Mean of GPx activity value in the groups
Alloxan as a free radical agent that causes who give extract with doses 65, 130, and
autooksidation of glucose, protein 260 U/mg are 36,73 U/mg ; 50,87 U/mg
glycation, and activation of polyol dan 56,10 U/mg when compared with the
metabolism pathways which further negative control group showed a significant
accelerate the formation of ROS that can difference. These results prove that the
cause moleculer modification of various extract has ability to increase GPx activity
tissues, this is the beginning of oxidative and stop the chain reaction of free radical
damage due to an imbalance between production because the extract contains
protective antioxidants and increased free compounds that have antioxidant activity
radical production. The production of free and antidiabetic. In the test group with the
radicalcan not be neutralized by highest dose of extract compared with the
group give glibenclamide showed a endogenous antioxidants can nuetralize or
significant difference (p<0,05). This bind the free radicals8.
happened because in this research using Compounds that have antioxidant activity
pure glibenclamide who is able to increase on faloak bark are flavonoid and phenolic.
endogenous antioxidant activity in GPx, Flavonoid as one of the phenolic
SOD, catalase with mechanisms causing compounds find in plant tissues can be
homeostasis in the pancreas so that antioxidant. The antioxidant activity of

Anggung Praing et al. / The Effect.........

flavonoid in faloak bark can donate its

hydrogen atom or through bind the metals6.
5. Monroy ML, Mejia CF. 2013.
CONCLUSION Oxidative stress in Diabetes Melitus
First, ethanolic extract of faloak bark has and the role of vitamins with
antioxidant activity to bind free radical antioxidant actions. Mexico Ntech,
DPPH with IC50 4,86 ppm. Second, 9:210-215.
ethanolic extract of faloak bark can 6. Redha A. 2010. Flavonoid:
increase glutathione peroxidase enzyme in structure, antioxidative and its role
diabetic mice who induced using alloxan. in biological systems. Belian
The effective dose 260 mg/Kg weight of Journal 9:196-202.
mice and the value of increase level of 7. Setiawan B, Suhartono E. 2005.
glutathion peroxidase enzyme is 56,10 Oxidative stress and antioxidant
U/mg. involved in diabetes mellitus.
Medical Magazine Indonesia 55(2):
First, further research is needed to see what 8. Shakya G, Goud C, Pajaniradje S,
compounds are contained in the bark of
Rajagopalan R. 2012. Protective
faloak which is able to inhibit the free
radical of DPPH and increase the activity Role of Wheatgrass on Oxidative
of glutathione peroxidase enzyme. stress In Streptozotocin Induce Type
Secondly, further research is needed by 2 Diabetic Rats. International
using other methods and parameters related Journal of Pharmacy and
to antioxidant effects on ethanol extract of Pharmaceutical Sciences. ISSN-
faloak stem bark. 0975-1491. Vol 4, Issue 3.
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