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Vocabulary for IELTS

1. Abruptly- unexpectedly, hastily 47. Admire- respect, appreciate

2. Authorized approved, accredited, certified 48. Annoy- irritate, displease
3. Access- right to use, right of entry 49. Arrogant- haughty, egotistical
4. Acquire- obtain, attain 50. Apprentice- trainee, novice
5. Accusation Charge, Allegation, Complaint 51. Anonymous- nameless, unknown
6. Admissible- Allowable, permissible, acceptable 52. Automobile-vehicle
7. Abolish eliminate, eradicate, do away with 53. Apathy- lack of concern, indifference
8. Abandon- Discard, dispose of 54. Atrophy wither, weaken
9. Abode Residence, habitat, house 55. Aftermath- after effects, consequence
10. Abuse- misuse, exploitation 56. Ambitious - Striving, determined
11. Acute- severe, grave 57. Accredited- certified, recognized
12. Acquaintance associate, friend, college 58. Abundance- profusion, large quantity
13. Adorable- Sweet, delightful 59. Acknowledge- Admit, recognize
14. Adamant- Obstinate, stubborn 60. Advent- start, introduction
15. Adequate- Sufficient, Ample, Plenty 61. Adversary-opponent, rival
16. Assume- suppose, imagine 62. Adversity- misfortune, hardship, difficult
17. Astounding Amazing, astonishing, surprising 63. Ad mire have a high regard for, esteem
18. Assess gauge, evaluate 64. Admirer- Fab, Follower, devotee
19. Awesome- Splendid, astounding 65. Anxiety worry, concern, fretfulness
20. Ailment- Illness, Disorder 66. Apt- competent, skilled
21. Allure- attraction, charm, 67. Affect- influence, have an effect on
22. Avenge- take revenge, take vengeance 68. Afterwards-Next, subsequently
23. Affluent- prosperous, wealthy 69. Agitate- excite, stir up
24. Accompany- escort, go together with 70. Aggressive- violent, destructive
25. Amazing- Miraculous, astonishing 71. Adventurous daring, audacious, brave
26. Amaze- Startle, astound 72. Audacity boldness, courage, impudence
27. Augment- supplement, increase 73. Amicable- friendly, good-natured
28. Applaud- show appreciation, approve 74. Ancestor- forefather, predecessor
29. Association- friendship, alliance 75. Antagonism- bitterness, rivalry
30. Affirm- Assert, insist 76. Anticipate foresee, predict, expect
31. Admit- Declare, confess 77. Anarchy- Disorder, chaos, rebellion
32. Adore Worship, admire, respect 78. Abhorrence- hatred, detestation, disgust
33. Ambiance environment, atmosphere, air 79. Anxious- worried, frightened
34. Attain- achieve, obtain 80. Apathy indifference, lack of interest
35. Allot- Allocate, give 81. Ashamed - feeling shame, embarrassed
36. Amusement- Enjoyment, Laughter 82. Apologize- ask for forgiveness, express regret
37. Ample sufficient, abundant, plenty 83. Authentic- genuine, reliable, bona fide
38. Annoyance- irritation, displeasure, anger 84. Apparatus- equipment, tools, machinery
39. Anticipate- Predict, look forward to 85. Aspire- seek, wish, desire
40. Accumulate- amass, gather 86. Aspirant- hopeful, candidate, hopeful
41. Absurd-ridiculous, illogical 87. Astonishing- amazing, astounding
42. Agreeable pleasant, acceptable 88. Astonished- amazed, speechless, overwhelmed
43. Alarming- shocking, frightening 89. Attempt- Endeavour, effort, try
44. Amend- Alter, modify 90. Awe - wonder, terror, fear
45. Attire- outfit, costume 91. Appraisal- Evaluation, assessment
46. Appearance- exterior, look 92. Aesthetic- Artistic, visual

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Vocabulary for IELTS
93. Barrier- obstacle, difficulty 139. Cater- provide, supply
94. Barren- infertile, unproductive 140. Catastrophic- tragic, terrible
95. Beneficial advantageous, useful 141. Courageous- brave, bold
96. Benign- benevolent, compassionate, kind 142. Capable competent, accomplished
97. Bizarre- Weird, strange 143. Calm- tranquil, peaceful
98. Bewildering-Mystifying, Perplexing 144. Callous - pitiless, unsympathetic
99. Beginning- Opening, Commencement 145. Captivate- hypnotize, mesmerize
100. Boast blow your own horn, pride yourself on 146. Captivating- charming, fascinating
101. Boastful- arrogant, conceit 147. Cautious- watchful, vigilant
102. Benchmark Standard, Scale, Yardstick 148. Charming- enchanting, captivating
103. Baseless- groundless, unjustified 149. Cheerful- joyful, lively
104. Basically- fundamentally, chiefly 150. Cheap- inexpensive, inferior
105. Bankrupt-penniless, insolvent 151. Circumstances- conditions, situations
106. Bargain- negotiate, haggle 152. Collaborate- work together, team up
107. Barter- Swap, Negotiate 153. Collapse- fall down, ruin
108. Ban- prohibit, forbid 154. Commence- initiate, start
109. Beautify- smarten, titivate 155. Convey- express, communicate, pass on
110. Beautification- ornamentation, trimming 156. Dogmatic rigid, strict, narrow
111. Beforehand in advance, previously 157. Commodity- product, services
112. Belongings- Possession, property 158. Communicate- correspond, be in touch
113. Belated- delayed, late 159. Compensate- pay compensation, reimburse
114. Beloved- dearly loved, adored 160. Compel Induce, oblige
115. Blunt- frank, honest 161. Compete participate, contest
116. Bona-Fide-: genuine, authentic 162. Complimentary- free, gratis
117. Broadly- largely, mostly 163. Comprehensive- broad, wide-ranging
118. In Brief - in a nutshell, briefly 164. Compulsive- irrational, obsessive
119. Brutal - wicked, vicious 165. Conceal- cover up, hide
120. Bulk- Mass, Size 166. Condolence- sympathy, pity
121. Beyond- ahead of, further than 167. Confess- admit, acknowledge
122. Bookish- academic, serious 168. Confidential- secret, private
123. Biased- unfair, partial 169. Conglomerate- corporation, multinational, firm
124. Breeze gust, light or gentle wind, 170. Confiscate- take possession of, take away
125. Bold Courageous, valiant 171. Congenial- pleasant, affable
126. Bulky - Massive, Huge 172. Considerable- significant, great
127. Bonanza 173. Consume- eat, utilize
128. Bring About- cause, result in 174. Convey- express, transmit
129. Biography- memories, life story 175. Controversial provocative, debatable
130. Benchmark- standard, level 176. Convenience- ease, handiness
131. Breakthrough- innovation, revolution 177. Career- profession, occupation
132. Bonding- fraternity, brotherhood 178. Credible- plausible, trustworthy
133. Booming- thriving, flourishing 179. Certainly- unquestionably, emphatically
134. Bounty- reward, gift, prize 180. Current- existing, contemporary
135. Belongings- possessions, property, baggage 181. Custom- ritual, norm
136. Breathtaking Magnificent, stunning 182. Cynical- pessimistic, skeptical
137. Bustling Busy, Lively, Active 183. Dynamic- self-motivated, energetic
138. Challenging- difficult, not easy 184. Debris- wreckage, rubbish

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185. Determination- willpower, fortitude 230. Efficient- competent, proficient
186. Destitute- impoverished, penniless 231. Elegant- graceful, stylish
187. Deliberately- on purpose, intentionally 232. Elucidate- clarify, explain
233. Emphasis- importance, prominence
188. Device- apparatus, tool
234. Enchanting- captivating, charming
189. Deduce Assume, realize, figure out
235. Endure- tolerate, suffer
190. Distinguish- differentiate, make a distinction 236. Enhance- improve, develop
191. Decline deteriorate, fall 237. Enormous- huge, massive
192. Deceive- betray, cheat 238. Excruciating- embarrassing, agonizing,
193. Deviate- diverge, depart 239. Eye catching: Stunning, Attention-grabbing
194. Deficiency- Lack, Deficiency 340. Entrepreneur- capitalist, industrialist
341. Endangered - rare, dying out
195. Dependent- reliant, needy
342. Enchanting- charming, captivating
196. Discover- find out, detect 344. Eligible- qualified, suitable
197. Debacle- catastrophe, calamity 345. Eliminate abolish, reduce
198. Debatable- controversial, doubtful 346. Eminent- renowned, prominent
199. Depression despair, melancholy, dejection 347. Entice-tempt, persuade
200. Depressed Miserable, disheartened, dejected 348. Eradicate eliminate, exterminate
349. Easy-going: carefree, calm, laid-back
201. Decade
350. Environment-Friendly
202. Decadence corruption, debauchery, profligacy
351. Essential vital, important
203. Destructive- devastating, damaging 352. Emblem- symbol, sign, logo
204. Deficiency- shortage, dearth 353. Erect- vertical, raise
205. Drastically radically, considerably, significantly 354. Effort- Attempt, endeavor, try
206. Diminishing- losing ground, thinning, moving back 355. Express state, convey
207. Drastically- Radically, considerably 356. Extensive- Broad, all-encompassing, massive
357.Enjoyable pleasant, pleasurable
208. Dazzling- Stunning, glittering
358. Enthusiasm- zeal, passion
209. Daunting- discouraging, intimidating
359. Enthusiastic- keen, eager
210. Deprived of- denied, starved of 360. Execute carry out, accomplish
211. Dynamic- vibrant, active 361. Exaggerate - overstate, make a mountain out of a
212. Dedicated- committed, enthusiastic molehill
213. Decorum- etiquette, good behavior 362. Erect build, construct, create
214. Departure- exit, going away 363. Exotic- colorful, glamorous, out of the ordinary
364.Endeavor attempt, make an effort
215. Destitute- impoverished, insolvent
365. Elaborately- highly, richly
216. Despair- misery, depression 366. Enthralling-enchanting, fascinating.
217. Detrimental- disadvantageous, injurious 367. Elated- overjoyed, delighted
218. Dexterity- skillfulness, adroitness 368. Eventually- ultimately, sooner or later
219. Dignity- self-respect, self-esteem 369. Etiquette- Decorum, protocol
220. Dignified- distinguished, majestic 370. Extol- praise, admire
371. Enlarge- broaden, widen
221. Discard- remove, abandon
372. Event- occasion, incident
222. Discriminate-distinguish, classify
373. Epoch-making: age-worthy, revolutionary
223. Disgusting- filthy, repulsive 374.Engaging- appealing, charming
224. Dispatch- send off, post 375. Extrovert- outgoing person, assertive person
225. Distract- divert, sidetrack 376.Embarrassing- awkward, uncomfortable
226. Diligent- industrious, hard-working 377. Effective- useful, helpful
227. Dumbfounded- astonished, speechless 378. Excursion- pleasure trip, expedition
379. Exhausted tired, fatigued
228. Delightful charming, pleasant, enchanting
380. Exceptional- outstanding, extraordinary
229. Eager- keen, enthusiastic
381. Edify- enlighten, improve
230. Ecstasy- bliss, pleasure

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382. Extravagant exaggerated, overstated, 427. Hospitable- welcoming, cordial
overelaborated 428. Hypocrite fraud, pretender, double-dealer
383. Endow- provide, bestow, donate 429. Hypocrisy pretense, two-facedness, double-
384. Endurance-Durability, Perseverance, Survival standard
385.Fabulous- magnificent, marvelous 430. Hypothesis theory, assumption, proposition
386. Famished- hungry, starving 431. Huge colossal, mammoth, enormous
387. Fatigue- exhaustion, weariness 432. Hindrance- Difficulty, impediment, interruption
388. Feeble- weak, delicate 433. Happenings- events, incidents, phenomenon
389. Ferocious- violent, brutal 434. Implications- effects, consequences
390. Frightening- scary, fear-provoking, terrifying 435. Imminent- impending, forthcoming,
391.Flourish- thrives, prosper 436. Ignore- overlook, pay no heed to
392. Flamboyant Extravagant, colorful, showy 437. Illicit- illegitimate, forbidden
393.Formidable- difficult, daunting 438. Implicit- implied, embedded, unspoken
394. Fragile delicate, feeble 439. Intentionally- on purpose, deliberately
395. Foster- look after, nurture 440. Illegitimate- Illicit, unlawful
396. Frequently-often, habitually 441. Impeccable- faultless, flawless
397. Furthermore- moreover, besides, likewise 442. Immense- immeasurable, incalculable
398.Frightful- terrible, fearsome 443. Imprisonment- custody, detention
399. Frustrated- upset, irritated 444. Impending- imminent, awaiting
400. Fundamental- primary, basic 445. Imperative- necessary, very important
401. Gain- acquire, achieve 446. Impoverished underprivileged, insolvent
402. Generous- Liberal, openhanded 447. Impressive- remarkable, imposing
403. Gigantic- enormous, colossal 448. Ignoble- immoral, shameful
404. Gratification pleasure, delight, fulfillment 449. Inaugurate- launch, initiate
405.Grateful- gratifying, thankful, indebted 450. Incessant- ceaseless, relentless
406.Glamorous- elegant, enchanting 451. Inadequate insufficient, too little
407. Gloomy-depressed, low-spirited 452. Illustrious Memorable, Well-known
408. Graceful- elegant, stylish 453. Illuminate- enlightens, elucidate, explain
409. Gracefully- elegantly, charmingly 454. Informative- educational, enlightening
410. Growth- evolution, progression 455. Indeed- certainly, undeniably
411. Genre- type, sort 456. Indifferent- apathetic, unconcerned
412. Glorious- magnificent, splendid 457. Inevitable- unavoidable, inescapable
413. Hallucination- fantasy, illusion 458. Infancy- early years, immaturity
414. Hamper- hinder, obstruct 459. Initiative- proposal, scheme
415. Havoc- disaster, chaos 460. Intimate- dear, near
416. Haphazardly- chaotically, at random 461. Innate- inherent, natural
417. Harmony- agreement, accord, synchronization 462. Insignificant- minor, trivial
418. Harsh- ruthless, unsympathetic 463. Industrious productive, diligent
419. Haughty- arrogant, proud 464. Intuition-insight, instinct, perceptions
420. Hectic- frantic, confused 465. Insolent- rude, impudent
421. Hence- therefore, consequently 466. Introvert- shy, recluse
422. Hierarchy- ladder, chain of command 467. Irrelevant- inappropriate, unrelated
423. Handy- useful, helpful, usable 468. Irresponsible-reckless, careless
424. Hinder- impede, hold back 469. Innovative- modern, pioneering
425. Horrible- awful, horrific 470. In vain- unsuccessfully, without success
426. Habitat- Home, Territory, habitation 471. Irrevocable- irretrievable, unchanged

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472. Irritating- annoying, frustrating 508. Mythology- myths, legends
473. Intimidate- threaten, bully 509. Measure- gauge, assess
474. Intuition Instinct, Insight, Perception 510. Measures- procedures,
475. Jovial- cheerful, fun loving 502. Modify- alter, amend
476. Juvenile- adolescent, teenager 503. Malice- hatred, wickedness
477. Jeopardize- put at risk, endanger 504. Mislead- deceive, misinform
478. Knack Skill, Ability, Dexterity 505. Markedly- Noticeably, obviously
479. Know-how- Knowledge, expertise, 506. Mutiny- revolt, rebellion
480. Lament- mourns, grieve 507. Miserable- depressing, wretched
481. Landscape- scenery, site 508 Mob- crowd, mass
482. Lapse- comes to an end, fail 510. Misfortune- hard luck, adversity
483. Leading- most important, top 511. Mind-blowing- Astonishing, amazing
484. Legislation- law, act 512. Misery- suffering, grief
485. Lethargic- lazy, sluggish 513. Narrow Minded: small-minded, prejudiced
486. Likewise-similarly, the same 514. Nevertheless- Nonetheless, However
487. Lucrative-profitable, worthwhile 515. Norm- Custom, standard
488. Lean Slender, thin 516. Notorious- infamous, dishonorable
489. Likelihood probability, possibility, chances 517. Noxious- harmful, poisonous
490. Locality- region, vicinity, neighborhood 518. Notion- perception, belief
491. Largely fundamentally, by and large, 519. Notable- prominent, remarkable
492. Loyal- trustworthy, dependable 520. Noted Renowned, famous
493. Liberal - open-minded, broadminded 521. Notify- inform, let know
494. Lively - energetic, active, dynamic 522. Nutritious nourishing, wholesome, healthy
495. Magnificent- splendid, marvelous 523. Nurture- takes care of, raise
496. Master-Piece- masterwork, work of genius 524. Numerous- several, many
497. Massive- colossal, gigantic 525. Nostalgia-homesickness, reminiscence
498Meanwhile- in the meantime, for the time being 526. Nevertheless- yet, however
499. Mandatory- compulsory, obligatory 527. Nuisance- irritation, annoyance
500. Marvelous- spectacular, fabulous 528. Occupation- Career, Profession
501. Miniature- Small, Tiny 529. Occasionally- seldom, irregularly
502. Melancholic- sorrowful, gloomy 530. Occupy- engage, live in
503. Mere-simple, sheer 531. Obstacle- hindrance, barrier
504. Merriment- cheerfulness, happiness 532. Obtain- attain, achieve
505. Major- Key, chief 533. Observe- monitor, examine
506. Mesmerizing- attention-grabbing, gripping 534. Offensive- abusive, impolite
507. Memorable- unforgettable, remarkable 535. Ongoing- continuing, current
508. Mild- gentle, minor 536. Obstruct hinder, impede
509. Mishap- calamity, disaster 537. Onset- beginning, commencement
510. Monotonous- tedious, dull 538. Open-Handed: Generous, Liberal
511. Minimize-diminish, reduce 539. Out and out- complete, absolute
512. Mitigate-alleviate, lessen 540. Opportunity: Chance, Prospect
513. Moderate- modest, reasonable 541. Oppress- Dominate, tyrannize
514. Motivate- encourage, inspire 542. Optimistic- Confident, hopeful
515. Mournful- sorrowful, grief-stricken 543. Organic- Crude, Natural
516. Mock- ridicule, make fun of 544. Originate- Derive, Come from
517. Mutual- communal, reciprocal 545. Outdated- Old-fashioned, out-of-date

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546. Outing- trip, excursion 582. Protocol- Procedure, Etiquette
547.Outlandish- peculiar, weird 583. Protest- oppose, make an objection
548. Outlook- viewpoint, attitude 584. Prudent- far-sighted, cautious
549. Outstanding- exceptional, marvelous 585. Psychology
550. Overjoyed- delighted, elated 586. Punctual- prompt, on time
551. Overlook- neglect, ignore 587. Pungent bitter, sharp, Spicy
552. Overview- general idea, outline 588. Pitiless-cold-hearted, ruthless, unsympathetic
553. Palatable- delicious, appetizing 589.Perhaps- Possibly, Maybe,
554. Paradise- heaven, ecstasy 590. Pupil- student, learner
555. Preserve protect, save 591. Pointless- futile, worthless
556. Pollute- contaminate, spoil 592. Purpose- Object, goal
557. Passion - zeal, enthusiasm 593. Persistently- Relentlessly, Steadily,
558. Passionate- obsessive, fanatical 594. Perseverance- Determination, Dedication,
559. Patronize- support, stand by 595. Primitive- Primeval, Simple, Ancient
560. Penalize- punish, make somebody pay 596. Primarily- Largely, Mostly, First and foremost
561. Penalty- punishment, fine 597. Premier - Best, Leading, Principal
562. Promising gifted, talented 598. Praiseworthy- commendable, admirable,
563. Perpetual- everlasting, long-lasting exemplary
564. Persuade- change somebodys mind, convince 599. Perpetual- Eternal, long-lasting
565. Pessimism- cynicism, doubt 600. Predecessor ancestor, forerunner,
566. Philanthropist-humanitarian, patron 601. Perceive- realize, become aware of
567. Phobia-irrational fear, terror 602Postpone- reschedule, suspend
568. Pioneering revolutionary, new 603. Prosperity- Success, affluence
569. Plausible- reasonable, credible 604. Puzzled- confused, perplexed
560. Pleasant- enjoyable, lovely 605. Passionate zealous, ardent, adoring
561. Pessimistic- cynical, gloomy 606. Queue- Line, Row
562. Pompous- magnificent, spectacular 607. Query- inquiry, question
563. Portion- Segment, Section 608. Quiet- calm, silent
564. Posh- Stylish, Aristocratic 609. Quite- completely, to a certain extent
565. Possession- Ownership, control 610. Realistic- Rational, pragmatic
566. Propagate Spread, circulate, publicize 611. Ridiculous - Absurd, silly, outlandish
567. Prevailing- Existing, Current 612. Reliable- trustworthy, dependable
568. Principle- Belief, Attitude 613. Recklessly- frantically, irresponsibly
569. Priority- Main concern, precedence 614. Relentlessly- persistently, uncompromisingly
570. Picturesque- Charming, Scenic 615. Ridiculous- absurd, bizarre
571. Privacy - Confidentiality, Secrecy 616. At Random- Haphazardly, randomly
572. Prominent- Renowned, famous 617. Replicate- copy, repeat, imitate
573. Privilege- Advantage, opportunity 618. Resources- possessions, property
574. Probe- investigate, explore 619. Reduce- decrease, diminish
575. Purchase- buy, acquire 620. Repent- regret, apologize
576. Profusion- abundance, large amount 621. Readily- promptly, without delay
577. Proficient- skilled, competent 622. Reluctant- Unwilling, averse
578. Profound- intense, great 623. Rational Sensible, logical
579. Progress- advancement, development 624. Reasonable- rational, logical
580. Prohibit- forbid, ban 625. Reinforce- Strengthen, boost
581. Prompt- swift, speedy 626. Resume- recommence, restart

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627. Recognized- acknowledged, renowned 673.Seldom- rarely, infrequently
628. Ruthless- Cruel, Brutal 674.Strategy- policy, tactic
629. Recover- regain, retrieve 675.Scarcely- barely, hardly
630. Replenish- refill, reload 676.Safe-guard- Defend, protect
631. Resist- endures, survive 677.Superstition- false notion, fallacy
632. Resentment- Bitterness, Hatred 678.Shy- introverted, timid
633. Rise- go up, increase 679.Significant- important, noteworthy
634. Raise- increase, nurture 680.Sibling- brother or sister
635. Ruin- damage, spoil 681.Soothing- comforting, peaceful
636. Rustic- rural, pastoral 682.Solely- only, exclusively
637. Resolution- declaration, decision 683.Sole- solitary, one and only
638.Ritual- custom, practice 684.Sophisticated- stylish, complicated
639.Remarkable-Extraordinary, significant 685.Suffice- be sufficient, be adequate
640.Race- Nation, ethnic group 686.Suffocating- disgusting
641.Retain- preserve, maintain 687.Sort- kind, species
642.Remorse- repentance, regret 688.Stern- strict, harsh
643.Revolt- rebel, mutiny 689.Stipulated- specific, predetermined
644.Realize understand, become conscious 690.Stubborn- Obstinate, willful
645.Revive revitalize, renew 691.Sturdy- Muscular, Strong
646.Research- investigation, examination 692.Strategy- Policy, Tactic
647.Racism- racial discrimination, intolerance 693.Steadily- Gradually, little by little
648.Reveal- disclose, expose 694.Safeguard- precaution, protection
649.Survive- continue to exist, stay alive 695.Surpass- exceed, go beyond
650.Sustain continue, maintain 696.Suppress- control, repress
651.Surge-rise, rush forward 697.Stimulate- accelerate, invigorate
652.Sensible- rational, reasonable 698.Stupendous- Marvelous, amazing
653.Sensitive- vulnerable, delicate 699.Stunning-: Eye-catching, spectacular
654.Surroundings- environment, background 700.Symbolize- represent, imply
655.Scrutinize-examine, analyze 701.Satisfactory- Reasonable, Agreeable
656.Serendipity- fortune, luck 702.Scarce- inadequate, in short supply
657.Scholar-researcher, intellectual 703.Successor - descendant, heir
658.Shrink- decrease, lessen 704.Substantial considerable, significant,
659.Skeptical- Cynical, Doubtful 705.Static- Motionless, stationary
660.Sublime- inspiring, uplifting 706.Struggle resist, fight back
661.Swiftly- promptly, rap[idly 707.Sphere- field, area of interest
662.Striking- remarkable, unusual 708.Spectacular- Magnificent, breathtaking
663.Supplementary- Additional, complementary 709.Spouse- husband or wife
664.Satisfactory - reasonable, agreeable, 710.Starve- go hungry, have nothing to eat
665Sufficient- Adequate, ample 711.Strengthen- reinforce, intensify
666.Serene- tranquil, peaceful 712.Succeed- thrive, achieve something
667.Serendipity- Luck, fortune 713.Trustworthy-Reliable, dependable
678.Severe- Acute, serious 714.Tremendous- incredible, remarkable
679.Spontaneous- Natural, impulse of the moment 715.Terrible- Horrible, terrifying
670.Splendid-fabulous, magnificent 716.Territory- Area, region
671.Supervise- oversee, administer 717.Thoroughly- Completely, absolutely
672.Spell-binding: Mesmerizing, fascinating 718.Tidy- Neat, orderly

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719.Treachery- treason, disloyalty 760.Vulgar- offensive, crude
720.Toil work hard, labor 761.Valid Legitimate, bona fide
721.Tiresome-boring, tedious 762.Valuable- Precious, priceless
722.Tedious- monotonous, dull 763.Voyage- expedition, Cruise
723.Tranquil- Calm, quiet 764. Vulgarism rude word, vulgar language
724.Testify- demonstrate, bear witness, 765.Vulnerable- weak, at risk
725.Tyrant- Oppressor, dictator 766.Verify- authenticate, make sure
726.Typical-conventional, usual 767.Vivacity Liveliness, Energy, Vitality
727.Transition- Change, evolution 768.Venture- Endeavour, project
728.Trivial insignificant, negligible 769.Vigorous dynamic, strong
729. Transform- Alter, change 770.Voyage Journey, expedition, trip
729. Tastefully- elegantly, beautifully 771.Vicinity surrounding area, neighborhood,
730.Testify- demonstrate, bear witness, locality
731.Transient transitory, short-lived 772.Violence bloodshed, aggression, brutality
731.Unavoidable- inevitable, inescapable 773. Weary- exhausted, tired
732.Unaware- ignorant, unacquainted 774. Whimsical- fanciful, quirky
733.Unbelievable astonishing, incredible 775. Whimsically- fancifully, quirkily, impulsively
734.Underprivileged- deprived, neglected 776. Willful- Obstinate, stubborn
735Undoubtedly- certainly, unquestionably 778. Willing- Enthusiastic, eager
736.Up-To-Date: advanced, state-of-the-art 779. Witty- Clever, Sharp
736.Urban- city, town 780.Workaholic
737Unbelievable- incredible, implausible 781.Wisdom- insight, knowledge
738.Utilize- use, consume 782. Worried- concerned, anxious
739.Unparalleled Matchless, Outstanding, 783. Watchful- Vigilant, Alert
unique 784. Well-To-Do: Affluent, prosperous
740.Undeniably True 785. Well-Being: happiness, welfare
741.Unforgettable- remarkable, extraordinary 786. Well-behaved: Well-mannered, polite, well
742. Vegetation- plants, flora brought-up
743.Vandalize- damage, wreck 787. Witness- observe, perceive
744.Versatile: multitalented, resourceful 788.While- Whereas, though
745.Vary- differ, show a discrepancy 789.Whereas
746.Vigorously- strongly, enthusiastically 790.Whereabouts- location, site
747.Vigilant- watchful, cautious 791.Worldwide- all over the world, global
748.Vivid- Vibrant, bright 792.Wealthy- affluent, prosperous
749.Victory- triumph, success 793.Welcoming- hospitable, friendly
750.Victorious- champion, triumphant 794.Warm-Hearted: Compassionate,
751.Vital imperative, most important, affectionate
fundamental 795.Widespread- extensive, pervasive
752.Violent- Aggressive, cruel 796.Wholeheartedly- enthusiastically, sincerely
753.Violate- defy, go against 797.Willingly- eagerly, voluntarily
754.Virtue- integrity, good quality 798.Winsome- charming, appealing
755.Valiant- Bold, Courageous 799 Wholesome- healthy, nutritious
756.Vivacious- Lively, cheerful 800. Widely- extensively, broadly
757. Virtuous- righteous, honest 801. Well-behaved-: Well-mannered, polite
758. Vandalize Damage, Sabotage 892.Yearning longing, desire, craving
759.Volunteer- unpaid helper, unpaid assistant 803.Wander roam , stroll

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804.Worthy praiseworthy, precious,
805.Wanderer-nomad, itinerant
806. Wounded- injured, hurt
807. Welcoming- friendly, hospitable, convivial
808. Wicked- evil, sinful
809. Wretched- heartbroken, miserable
810. Wipe out-Eliminate, Eradicate
811. Yardstick- Benchmark, standard
812. Zeal- Enthusiasm, Passion
813. Zenith- Pinnacle, Apex, Acme
814. Yield produce, generate, harvest
815. Wonderful - breathtaking, astonishing,
816. Versatile - Resourceful, Multitalented
817. Vendor- Seller, Merchant, Supplier
818. Vow - declare, assert, pledge
817. Worthwhile valuable, useful, worthy
818. Whilst at the same time, whereas, while
819. Wander- stroll, drift, lose the thread
820. Tiny- Minute, Miniature, insignificant
821. Surge outpouring, rush, swell
822. Prohibited - Forbidden, Illicit, Barred
823. anguish- extreme suffering, acute pain

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Vocabulary for IELTS

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