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Name:________________________________________ Sex: M or F Grade: ___________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________

Birthdate: _______________________________________ T-Shirt Size: ___________________

Cell Phone # (Student)____________________ Are you in the Liberal Arts Academy Y or N

Mothers Name________________________ Fathers Name ___________________________

Cell Phone # (Mother)_________________________ Cell Phone # (Father)_________________

e-mail Address (Student)__________________________________________________________

e-mail Address (Mother)__________________________________________________________

e-mail Address (Father)___________________________________________________________

Do you live in Henry Clay school district? Yes or No

Do you attend another school such as vocational, Locus Trace, STEAM, The Learning Ctr Y or N

if so which school______________________________________________________________

Experience - Have you shot for a school archery team before? Yes or No

If Yes, How many years_______________ What School _______________________________

Do you own your own bow? Yes or No

What other activities are you involved with? i.e. sports, band, Scouts, dance, etc.


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