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Positive Attitude Of City People In Malang City Toward

Environment Conservation

Lusi suciati and Mr. Dr. Sueb, M.Kes,
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Negeri Malang

Will be presented on 1st Desember 2015

Name : Lusi Suciati

NIM : 150342600695
Offering :G


Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences

1 Desember 2015
Positive Attitude Of City People In Malang City Toward
Environment Conservation
Lusi Suciati1 and Mr.Sueb, M.Kes2

Department of Biology, Faculty of Math and Natural Sciences, Universitas

Negeri Malang
E-mail :

Abstrak Nowaday environmental problems such as floods, droughts, pollution (air, water,
and soil), which are mostly caused by human misuse of natural resources and damage only to
private economic interests. conservation is needed to keep natural resources can last for
generations to come. This study was conducted to determine the attitude of city people about
environmental conservation and their attitude about keeping the environment from waste. We
use 30 townspeople in two places, namely, a state university mm, malann town square, town
square and malann. It evaluated their attitude towards environmental conservation. In this
article sample technique used is descriptive survey research design. The study found that
most city people have a positive attitude about environmental conservation, the
interdependence between humans and other organisms, and solid waste management.
However, having a positive attitude alone is not enough if no action. so let us preserve the
environment ranging from the environment around us.
Keywords: Environmental conservation, attitude towards environmental conservation, city

The next generation is presumably supposed to benefit from the present day natural
resources. Hence the burden of ensuring future generation gets their share of todays natural
resources lies with the present generation. Therefore the present young generation should be
made to understand its their responsibility to preserve the present natural resources for the
future generation.

Environmental education (EE) is an important tool forimproving peoples understanding and

for motivating local communities to cooperate and take initiatives for conservation and
sustainable resource use. The basic aim of an EE program is to assist people in developing
awareness, knowledge, and appreciation of natural resources so they can make informed
decisions, driving responsible behavior and constructive action. The importance of EE is
highlighted by studies on relationships among knowledge, attitude, and behavior by
emphasizing that an individual must have relevant knowledge to hold a positive
environmental attitude,which, in turn, is a moderate predicator of behavior.

Despite many research studies investigating peoples attitude towards the environment
suggesting that peoples attitude was positive, environmental destruction has continued
unabated at the local regional and global level.

Attitudes/views on conservation seem to be territorially dependent. In other words,

communities that depend directly on the environment for their livelihood (farmers and
fishermen) are more aware of the need to conserve it for future generations. Communities
that do not depend directly(city people) on the environment for their livelihood are more
carefree when it comes to environmental issues. Individuals whose livelihoods do not involve
a close relationship with the environment tend to be less concerned about adopting
environmental conservation practices. The emotional relationship which such individuals
have with the environment has a significant impact on their perceptions and views of the need
to conserve the environment.

For the large number of individuals in Trinidad and Tobago who do not have either a
territorially dependent connection or an emotional (romantic) relationship with the
environment, it is difficult to determine their position when it comes to issues related to
conservation of the environment.

Therefore, this study attempts to probe, in general, individuals views and attitude on issues
related to conserving the environment, focusing specifically on city people, to reveal where
they mentally draw the line on environmental conservation. In this article, an attempt is made
to explore whether city people regard environmental degradation as a justifiable consequence
of some human activities.


This study adopts a descriptive survey research design techniques, one which does not
manipulate variables or arrange for events to happen and does not attempt to control or
manipulate the variables under study. This was used to describe city people's opinions and
attitude towards environmental conservation in the Malang city. questionnaires distributed on
27 november 2015 at 10:13 pm in two place, that is universitas negeri malang to get
questionnaire from college student, and in the alun-alun Malang city. the sample obtained is
30 people with a random sampling technique we get result of questionnaire from College
student as many as 8 people, Bank employees as many as 6 people, Entrepreneur as many as
12, and Teacher as many as 4 people. the material we need to contents the questionnaire is
pens or pencil. to take picture the respondent we use camera phone and we ride public
transportation to get to the alun-alun Malang city. On average the respondents took twenty
minutes to fill the questionnaire.


Table 1. Public Perceptions Regarding Environmental Conservation.

Some Some
Disagree what what Agree
(%) Disagree Agree (%)
(%) (%)
1. Im concerned about the problems affecting the 5 0 3,33 80
environment in world the today.
2. Environmental conservation should be done by 0 6,7 20 73,33
all citizens.
3. There is little to be done about current environmental 13,33 26,66 36,66 23,33
4. Cleaning school environment should be left to the 26.66 30 23,33 20
school ground workers

The results showed that the majority (80%) of city people agree with the opinion that they are
concerned about the issues that affect the environment in the world today .Majority (73,33%)
of city people agree with the opinion that the environment conservation must be made by all
citizens. This means that city people have a favorable attitude for the preservation of the
environment which may positively influence their behavior about environmental
conservation. A slight majority (36,66%) showed somewhat agree with the opinion that there
is little into done on current environmental issues. Once again, the majority of city people
(30%) somewhat agreed with the idea that cleaning the school environment must be
submitted to the school ground ' workers. This statement aims to ascertain whether citizens to
teach their children to play a role in keeping the school environment, but it is unfortunate the
majority chose "somewhat agree".
Table 2. Public Perception Of The Interdependence Between Human And Other

Strongly Unde Strongly

Agree Disagree
Pernyataan Agree cided Disagree
(%) (%)
(%) (%) (%)
1. Selalu prihatin tentang efek dari aktivitas 26,66 56,66 16,66 0 0
manusia pada lingkungan hidup.
2. Manusia dapat terus bertahan bahkan 26,66 6,7 10 56,66 0
tanpa mahkluk hidup lainnya
3. Apa yang kita lakukan di lingkungan 0 10 40 46,67 3,33
jarang mempengaruhi makhluk hidup
4. Manusia dapat disalahkan atas kerusakan 30 53,33 16,66 0 0
satwa liar dan lingkungan.

Majority (56,66%) of the city people agreed with the statement that they were always
concerned about effects of human activities in the environment. This attitude by city people
towards the environment suggests that city people are likely to make informed decision about
their action or inaction in the environment. Majority of the city people (56,66%) further
disagreed with the statement that human can continue to survive without other living
organisms. Many number (46,67%) of the city people disagreed with the opinion that what
people do in the environment rarely affects other living things. This implies that city people
were aware that there exists a relationship between human and other organisms which need to
be protected. They were further aware that humans activity in the environment was a threat
to this relationship and there are consequences of interfering with the relationship. In the
statement says that human can be blamed for damage to wildlife and the environment, as
much as (53.33%) citizens agree with this statement. City people with such attitudes
regarding inter-dependence between human and other organisms are more likely to avoid
activities in their environment that are likely to threaten life of other organisms hence
conserve their environment.
Table 3. Public Attitudes Regarding of Management Solid Waste.

Pernyataan Strongly Unde Strongly

Agree Disagree
Agree cided Disagree
(%) (%)
(%) (%) (%)
1. Tas dari bahan plastik menimbulkan masalah 16,66 73,33 10 0 0
2. Pajak kantong plastik yang digunakan untuk 33,33 50 16,66 0 0
kemasan menghukum orang tanpa alasan
3. Saya lebih suka membawa belanjaan saya di 6,7 63,33 30 0 0
keranjang dari menggunakan tas plastik.
4. Tas plastik mempengaruhi keindahan 16,66 83,33 0 0 0
5. Limbah padat jarang menimbulkan risiko 0 43,33 10 46,66 0
kesehatan kepada orang-orang.

From the table we know that majority of the city people (73,33%) agreed with the perception
that polythene bags posed a serious environmental problem. Majority (50%) of the city
people further disagreed with the opinion that taxing polythene bags used for packaging is
punishing people for no reason. Again, majority of the city people (63,33%) expressed
agreement with the opinion that they would rather carry their shopping in a basket than use
polythene bags. A greater majority (83,33%) further agreed that polythene bags affected
environmental beauty. A good majority (43.33%) also disagreed with the opinion that solid
wastes rarely cause health risk to people. These opinions suggest that city people had
observed the menace caused by solid waste in their environment.
Table 4. Results NEP calculation and Standard Error

Frequ Perception REC Attitude
No Variable % Interdependence
mean std mean std mean std
1 Profession
8 26,66 10,8 2,22 12,8 3,90 23,6 3,35
6 20 8,7 3,21 10,4 3,80 20,0 3,66
Entrepreneur 12 40 14,5 3,23 20,9 2,70 25,7 3,81
Teacher 4 13,33 2,8 2,18 8,2 3,24 15,6 2,56
2 Age
19-26 10 33,33 11,0 4,25 13,3 3,44 15,14 2,79
27-34 14 46,67 14,36 3,38 15,07 2,38 18,03 3,88
35-42 6 20 7,83 2,20 10,43 3,28 12,51 2,61
3 Gender
9,71 1,25 11,64 1,22 14,71 1,23
Famale 14 46,67
Male 16 53,33 10,68 1,33 11 1,49 14,75 1,30

From the above data can be diketahu that occupation, age, and gender affect people a positive
attitude towards environmental conservation city. city people aged between 34-35 have an
understanding and a more positive attitude. this is because the insights and thoughts about the
environment to be inherited to the younger generation is higher.


Of the 30 questionnaires distributed revealed that people in the town malang city has a
positive attitude towards the conservation of the environment, the interdependence between
humans and other organisms, the management of solid waste. Therefore, the study concluded
that the city people in malang city has a positive attitude towards environmental


We thank to Mr.Sueb as lecturer of english for biology, Universitas Negeri Malang for his
help in this article.
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