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The General Conference, World Divisions, Union
and Local Conferences and Missions, Educational
Institutions, Hospitals and Sanitariums, Publishing
Houses, Periodicals, and Denominational Workers.

Edited by
E. J. Johanson, Statistical Secre
General Conference

.(Reconstituied in 1.;61)

Published by

Review of 1950 4

Fundamental Beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists 5

Constitution and By-Laws 7

Special Days and Offerings for 1951 14

General Conference and Departments 15

North American 31
Australasian 81
Central European 93
China 101
Far Eastern 116
Inter-American 131
Middle East 148
Northern European 152
South American ............. 166
Southern African 182
Southern Asia 200
Southern European 213
Union of Socialist Soviet Republics 233

Educational 234
Food Companies 286
Medical 288
Dispensaries and Treatment Rooms 306
Publishing Houses 309
Periodicals Issued 320

Statistical Tables 336

Countries Where S.D.A. Work Is Established 338

Languages in Which Publications Are Issued ..... ..... ...... ... 343

Directory of Workers 353

Necrology 464

Index of Institutional Workers 466

A directory of the conferences, mission fields, and institutions connected with
the Seventh-day Adventist denomination is given in the following pages. Adminis-
trative and workers' lists have been furnished by the organizations concerned. In
cases where current reports were not received, previous official and personnel rolls
have been retained or adjusted to the best information available. Below appears
data summarized largely from the 1949 Statistical Report, the one last issued at
this date.
The number of churches and the church membership in each of the conferences
in North America are those reported at the close of the third quarter, 1950. In fields
outside of North America the church and membership statistics at the close of 1949
have been used except in instances where the organizations themselves have
reported later figures. Populations of conferences in North America are based on
the 1940 census or latest figures available; and population figures for other fields
have been furnished largely from the different Division or Union offices.
Following the classification order of workers in the General Conference
Working Policy, those persons who carry missionary credentials are placed im-
mediately following the ordained minister groups in the conference and mission
sections of the Yearbook. The Workers Directory lists the names and addresses
of ordained and licensed ministers and workers holding missionary credentials and
Bible instructors credentials. A separate list of principal workers employed in
educational, publishing and medical institutions is also given.
The Seventh-day Adventist denomination was organized May 21, 1863, with
a constituency of 125 churches and 8,500 members. The work was largely con-
fined to North America until the year 1874, when the first missionary, Elder J. N.
Andrews, was sent to Switzerland. Gradually other countries were entered. In 1886
a minister went to Russia, the first non-Protestant country in which this work was
started. The schooner "Pitcairn" was launched in San Francisco Bay on July
28, 1890, and was soon prepared to carry groups of missionaries to various Pacific
islands. In 1894 Seventh-day Adventist workers first entered a heathen land, opening
a mission in Matabeleland, South Africa. South America was entered the same year,
and Japan in 1896.
Although publishing and the distribution of literature had been a major factor
in the development of the Advent cause from its beginning, the first regular pub-
lishing house was incorporated in 1861 at Battle Creek, Mich., under the name of
the Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association. The Advent Review and Sabbath
Herald was first published in 1850 at Paris, Maine; the Youth's Instructor at
Rochester, N.Y., in 1852 ; and the Signs of the Times at Oakland, Calif., in 1874.
In 1866 the Health Reform Institute, later the Battle Creek Sanitarium, was
established. The first denominational school was opened in 1872. Tract and mis-
sionary society work was organized on a state-wide basis in 1870. and state Sabbath
school associations in 1877. The name, "Seventh-day Adventists," was chosen in
1860, and in 1903 the denominational headquarters were moved from Battle Creek,
Mich., to Washington, D.C.
Since 1900 to the close of 1949, 6,450 missionaries have been sent out for
mission service in various lands comprising all of the larger countries of the world
and many of the islands of the sea. Evangelistic and institutional workers num-
bering 37,931 were using 705 languages and modes of speech in their gospel service.
The membership of the 9,991 Seventh-day Adventist churches throughout the
world in 1949 was 716,538. There were 78 union conferences and missions, 145
local conferences, 216 regularly organized mission fields, and 551 institutions. Of
the 37,931 laborers, 13,540 were in North America, and 24,391 in other countries.
The funds in tithes and offerings contributed in 1949 by Seventh-day Adventists
were the largest ever raised by the denomination during any one year. The amount
of $44,450,803.21 was equivalent to a per capita contribution of $62.03 for every
member in the world field. In North America alone the per capita giving in tithes
and offerings was $137.07. In addition to the above, $294,767.43 was given in North
America in 1949 for mission rehabilitation and famine relief.
The Statistical Report showed that there were 50 Seventh-day Adventist pub-
lishing houses and branches, whose book and periodical retail sales in 1949 were
$12,456,770.25. These publishing houses employed 1,772 workers in producing this
literature, and 3,517 more were engaged in its distribution. Seventh-day Adventist
literature has been printed in 195 languages, and there were 315 periodicals issued.

The enrollment in the 16,176 Sabbath schools was 889,386, and the annual
Sabbath school offerings were $4,790,896.42. Sanitariums, hospitals, and treat-
ment rooms, to the number of 161 engaged in the care of the sick, with '7,639
physicians, nurses and other attendants, caring for 143,498 patients in the institu-
tions and furnishing 1,709,067 additional treatment and medical services during
There were 3,854 elementary schools, and 310 secondary and advanced schools
with 9,503 teachers employed, and an enrollment of 195,041 pupils. At the close
of the 1948-49 school year 1,397 students entered some branch of denominational
The property value of all organizations and institutions connected with the
Seventh-day Adventist denomination, including churches, at the beginning of 1949
was $166,078,322.64.
The total amount of funds in tithes and offerings contributed since the organi-
zation of the Seventh-day Adventist General Conference in 1863 to the close of
1949 was $577,522,273.49. Literature sales for the same period were registered as

Review of 1950
The record of the past year reveals many significant and interesting items:
General and North America: The 46th Session of the General Conference was
held in San Francisco July 10-22, with delegations from all divisions but one.
The opening day was set aside for fasting and prayer. Attendance on Sabbath,
July 15, reached 20,000. The East Mediterranean Division was organized, and
certain territories reassigned in other divisions. Special missions offering taken
on July 22, amounted to over $325,000. Three Sabbaths were appointed for home
visitation in this Mid-Century Home Evangelism Year.A Youth's Congresi was
held in the Central Union Conference, April 28, 29, with 5,000 youth attending.
The Voice of Prophecy moved to its new building in Glendale, Calif., by June 30.
The Institute of Scientific Studies for the Prevention of Alcoholism held its first
meeting at Loma Linda, Calif., July 24 to August 4.Ingathering in North
America showed a 5% gain over 1949, exceeding $2,900,000 at year end.The
Medical Cadet Corps was reactivated and a training camp was held in Pueblo,
Colorado, August 14-28.Television program, "Faith for Today," was inaugurated
December 3 over an eastern seven-station network telecasting from New York.
The Educational Department produced new biology text and three new Bible text
books. Adventists in North America distributed more than one million pieces of
literature per week during 1950; work of 53 Bible Correspondence Schools resulted
in over 1,100 baptisms.
Africa: First nursing school in Ethiopia was opened by Adventists in Addis
Ababa.New hospital opened in Tanganyika.New publishing house established in
Asia: Voice of Prophecy radio broadcasts were launched from Goa and Ceylon.
China Training Institute returned from Hong Kong to Chiaotoutseng, reopening
September 24.Mission on Okinawa started early in 1950.New Health journal
in Hindi published in India.War broke out on June 25 between North and South
Korea, and our missionaries were evacuated from Seoul to Japan.More than a
score of church buildings were under construction in Japan.
Australia: Australasian Youth's Congress, said to be largest Adventist gather-
ing held in Australia, convened during closing days of 1949, followed by New
Zealand Congress.The Bounty Bible was returned to Pitcairn Island on February
19 after an absence of 110 years.Solomon Islands held first S.D.A. camp meeting
with 3,000 attending.
Europe: New headquarters and chapel dedicated in Rome, Italy, in April.
New chapel opened in Athens, Greece, May 6.The Northern European Division,
formerly at Stocksund, Sweden, set up new offices at Edgware, England.
Central and South America: Silvestre Hospital (Rio de Janeiro) was officially
inaugurated March 12. Belem Hospital (Para), located at mouth of Amazon,
completed at end of year.Sixteen South American Youth's Congresses were
attended by about 14,400 youth. Great Youth's Congress for all Jamaica was held
at Kingston, September 14-17.Central American Union Training School moved
from San Jose to new location at Alajuela.

Seventh-day Adventists hold certain fundamental beliefs, the principal features

of which, together with a portion of the scriptural references upon which they are
based, may be summarized as follows:

1. That the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments were given by
inspiration of God, contain an all-sufficient revelation of His will to men, and are
the only unerring rule of faith and practice. 2 Tim. 3:15-17.
2. That the Godhead, or Trinity, consists of the Eternal Father, a personal,
spiritual Being, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, infinite in wisdom and love;
the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Eternal Father, through whom all things were
created and through whom the salvation of the redeemed hosts will be accomplished ;
the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Godhead, the great regenerating power in
the work of redemption. Matt. 28:19.
3. That Jesus Christ is very God, being of the same nature and essence as the
Eternal Father. While retaining His divine nature He took upon Himself the
nature of the human family, lived on the earth as a man, exemplified in His life
as our Example the principles of righteousness, attested His relationship to God by
many mighty miracles, died for our sins on the cross, was raised from the dead, and
ascended to the Father, where He ever lives to make intercession for us. John
1 :1, 14 : Heb. 2 :9-18 ; 8 :1, 2 ; 4 :14-16 ; 7 :25.
4. That every person in order to obtain salvation must experience the new birth ;
that this comprises an entire transformation of life and character by the recreative
power of God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. John 3:16 ; Matt. 18:3 ;
Acts 2:37-39.
5. That baptism is an ordinance of the Christian church and should follow
repentance and forgiveness of sins. By its observance faith is shown in the death,
burial, and resurrection of Christ. That the proper form of baptism is by immer-
sion. Horn. 6:1-6 ; Acts 16 :30-33.
6. That the will of God as it relates to moral conduct is comprehended in His
law of ten commandments ; that these are great moral, unchangeable precepts,
binding upon all men, in every age. Ex. 20:1-17.
7. That the fourth commandment of this unchangeable law requires the observ-
ance of the seventh day Sabbath. This holy institution is at the same time a
memorial of creation and a sign of sanctification, a sign of the believer's rest from
his own works of sin, and his entrance into the rest of soul which Jesus promises
to those who come to Him. Gen. 2:1-3 ; Ex. 20:8-11 ; 31:12-17 ; Heb. 4:1-10.
8. That the law of ten commandments points out sin, the penalty of which is
death. The law cannot save the transgressor from his sin, nor impart power to
keep him from sinning. In infinite love and mercy, God provides a way whereby
this may be done. He furnishes a substitute, even Christ the Righteous One, to die
in man's stead, making "Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin ; that we might be
made the righteousness of God in Him." 2 Cor. 5:21. That one is justified, not by
obedience to the law, but by the grace that is in Christ Jesus. By accepting Christ,
man is reconciled to God, justified by Hie blood for the sins of the past, and saved
from the power of sin by his indwelling life. Thus the gospel becomes "the power
of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth." Born. 1:16. This experience is
wrought by the divine agency of the Holy Spirit, who convinces of sin and leads to
the Sin-Bearer, inducting the believer into the new covenant relationship, where the
law of God is written on his heart, and through the enabling power of the in-
dwelling Christ, his life is brought into conformity to the divine precepts. The
honor and merit of this wonderful transformation belong wholly to Christ. 1 John
2:1, 2 ; 3 :4 ; Rom. 3 :20 ; ,5 :8-10 ; 7 :7 ; Eph. 2 :8-10 ; 3 :17 ; Gal. 2:20 ; Heb. 8 :8-12.
9. That God "only hath immortality." 1 Tim. 6:15. Mortal man possesses a
nature inherently sinful and dying. Eternal life is the gift of God through faith in
Christ. Rom. 6:23. "He that hath the Son hath life." 1 John 5:12. Immortality
is bestowed upon the righteous at the second coming of Christ, when the righteous
dead are raised from the grave and the living righteous translated to meet the Lord.
Then it is that those accounted faithful "put on immortality." 1 Cor. 15:51-55.


10. That the condition of man in death is one of unconsciousness. That all men,
good and evil alike, remain in the grave from death to the resurrection. Eccl.
9 :5, 6 ; Ps. 146 :3, 4 ; John 5 :28, 29.

11. That there shall be a resurrection both of the just and of the unjust. The
resurrection of the just will take place at the second coming of Christ ; the resur-
rection of the unjust will take place a thousand years later, at the close of the
millennium. John 5:28, 29; 1 Thess. 4:13-18 ; Rev. 20:5-10.

12. That the finally impenitent, including Satan, the author of sin, will, by the
fires of the last day, be reduced to a state of non-existence, becoming as though they
had not been, thus purging God's universe of sin and sinners. Rom. 6:23 ; Mal.
4:1-3 ; Rev. 20:9, 10 ; Obadiah 16.

13. That no prophetic period is given in the Bible to reach the second advent,
but that the longest one, the 2300 days of Dan. 8:14, terminated in 1844, and
brought us to an event called the cleansing of the sanctuary.
14. That the true sanctuary, of which the tabernacle on earth was a type, is the
temple of God in Heaven, of which Paul speaks in Hebrews 8 and onward, and of
which the Lord Jesus, as our great high priest, is minister; and that the priestly
work of our Lord is the antitype of the work of the Jewish priests of the former
dispensation; that this heavenly sanctuary is the one to be cleansed at the end of
the 2300 days of Daniel 8:14; its cleansing being, as in the type, a work of judg-
ment, beginning with the entrance of Christ as the high priest upon the judgment
phase of His ministry in the heavenly sanctuary foreshadowed in the earthly service
of cleansing the sanctuary on the day of atonement. This work of judgment in the
heavenly sanctuary began in 1844. Its completion will close human probation.

15. That God, in the time of the judgment and in accordance with His uniform
dealing with the human family in warning them of coming events vitally affecting
their destiny (Amos 3:6, 7), sends forth a proclamation of the approach of the
second advent of Christ; that this work is symbolized by the three angels of
Revelation 14; and that their threefold message brings to view a work of reform
to prepare a people to meet Him at His coming.
16. That the time of the cleansing of the sanctuary, synchronizing with the
period of the proclamation of the message of Revelation 14, is a time of investi-
gative judgment, first with reference to the dead, and secondly, with reference to
the living. This investigative judgment determines who of the myriads sleeping in
the dust of the earth are worthy of a part in the first resurrection, and who of its
living multitudes are worthy of translation. 1 Peter 4:17, 18 ; Dan. 7:9, 10 ; Rev.
14:6, 7 ; Luke 20:35.
17. That the followers of Christ should be a godly people, not adopting the
unholy maxims nor conforming to the unrighteous ways of the world, not loving
its sinful pleasures nor countenancing its follies. That believers should recognize
their bodies as the temple of the Holy Spirit, and that therefore they should clothe
that body in neat, modest, dignified apparel. Further, that in eating and drinking
and in their entire course of conduct they should shape their lives as becometh
followers of the meek and lowly Master. Thus the followers of Christ will be led
to abstain from all intoxicating drinks, tobacco, and other narcotics, and to avoid
every body and soul defiling habit and practice. 1 Cor. 3:16, 17 ; 9:25 ; 10:31 ; 1 Tim.
2:9, 10 ; 1 John 2:6.

18. That the divine principle of tithes and offerings for the support of the gospel
is an acknowledgment of God's ownership in our lives, and that we are stewards
who must render account to Him of all that He has committed to our possession.
Lev. 27:30 ; Mal. 3:8-12 ; Matt. 23:23 ; 1 Cor. 9:9-14 ; 2 Cor. 9:6-15.

19. That God has placed in His church the gifts of the Holy Spirit, as enu-
merated in 1 Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4. That these gifts operate in harmony
with the divine principles of the Bible, and are given for the perfecting of the
saints, the work of the ministry, the edifying of the body of Christ. Rev. 12:17 ;
19:10 ; 1 Cor. 1:5-7. That the gift of the Spirit of prophecy is one of the identifying
marks of the remnant church. 1 Cor, 1:5, 7 ; 1 Cor. 12:1, 28 ; Rev. 12:17 ; 19:10 :
Amos 3:7 ; Hosea 12:10, 13. They recognize that this gift was manifested in the
life and ministry of Ellen G. White.

20. That the second coming of Christ is the great hope of the church, the grand
climax of the gospel and plan of salvation. His coming will be literal, personal,
and visible. Many important events will be associated with His return, such as the.

resurrection of the dead, the destruction of the wicked, the purification of the earth,
the reward of the righteous, the establishment of His everlasting kingdom. The
almost complete fulfillment of various lines of prophecy, particularly those found
in the books of Daniel and the Revelation, with existing conditions in the physical,
social, industrial, political, and religious worlds, indicates that Christ's coming
"is near, even at the doors." Matt. 24:33. The exact time of that event has not
been foretold. Believers are exhorted to be ready, for "in such an hour as ye think
not the Son of man" (Matt. 24:44) will be revealed. Luke 21:25-27; 17:26-30;
John 14:1-3 ; Acts 1:9-11 ' Rev. 1:7 ; Heb. 9:28 ; James 5:1-8 ; Joel 3:9-16 ; 2 Tim.
3 :1-5 ; Dan. 7 :27 ; Matt. 24 :36, 44.
21. That the millennial reign of Christ covers the period between the first and
the second resurrections, during which time the saints of all ages will live with
their blessed Redeemer in Heaven. At the end of the millennium, the Holy City
with all the saints will descend to the earth. The wicked, raised in the second
resurrection, will go up on the breadth of the earth with Satan at their head to
compass the camp of the saints, when fire will come down from God out of Heaven
and devour them. In the conflagration which destroys Satan and his host, the
earth itself will be regenerated and cleansed from the effects of the curse. Thus
the universe of God will be purified from the foul blot of sin. Revelation 20:
Zech. 14:1-4 ; 2 Peter 3:7-10.
22. That God will make all things new. The earth, restored to its pristine
beauty, will become forever the abode of the saints of the Lbrd. The promise to
Abraham, that through Christ he and his seed should possess the earth throughout
the endless ages of eternity, will be fulfilled. "The kingdom and dominion, and the
greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven will be given to the people of
the saints of the Most High, whose kingdom. is an everlasting kingdom, and all
dominions shall serve and obey Him." Dan. 7:27. Christ, the Lord, will reign
supreme, and every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the
earth, and such as are in the sea, will ascribe "blessing, and honor, and glory, and
power," unto "Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb forever and
ever." Gen. 13:14-17 ; Rom. 4:13 ; Heb. 11:8-16 ; Matt. 5:5; Isaiah 35 : Rev. 21 :1-7 :
5:13; Dan. 7:27.


of the
General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
(As Revised at the Forty-Sixth Session Held in San Francisco, California,
July 10-22, 1950)

Article IName
This organization shall be known as General Conference of Seventh-day
Article IIObject
The object of this Conference is to teach all nations the everlasting gospel of
our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and the commandments of God.
Article IIIMembership
Sec. 1. The membership of this Conference shall consist of :
(a) Such union conferences and union missions either in organized division
sections or without divisional affiliation as have been or shall be properly organized
and accepted by vote of the General Conference in session.
(b) Such local conferences and properly organized local missions not included
in any division, union conference or union mission or such local conferences or
local missions directly attached to divisions as have been or shall be properly
organized and accepted by vote of the General Conference in session.
Sec. 2. The voters of this Conference shall be designated as follows:
(a) Delegates at large
(b) Regular delegates
Sec. 3. Delegates at large shall be:
(a) All members of the General Conference Executive Committee.
(b) Such representatives of missions of the General Conference and Of general

institutions and departments of work, and such general laborers and field secre-
taries as shall receive delegate's credentials from the Executive Committee of the
General Conference, such credentials to be ratified by the General Conference in
session. The number of these delegates thus seated shall not exceed 25 per cent of
the total number of delegates in attendance otherwise provided for.
Sec. 4. Regular delegates shall be appointed and accredited by division commit-
tees except in the case of North America, where they shall be appointed and ac-
credited by union conferences. In the case of unions without divisional affiliation
the delegates shall be appointed by the General Conference Committee upon
recommendation of the unions involved.
Sec. 5. Each union mission shall be entitled to one delegate for the organiza-
tion, an additional delegate for each local conference in its territory, and one
delegate for each one thousand members or major fraction thereof within its
Sec. 6. Each union conference shall be entitled to one delegate in addition to
its president without regard to number, an additional delegate for each local
conference in its territory and an additional delegate for each one thousand or
major fraction thereof of its membership.

Article IVOfficers and Their Duties

Sec. 1. The officers of this Conference shall be a president, vice-presidents, a
secretary, associate secretaries, a treasurer, an undertreasurer, and assistant
treasurers who shall' be elected by the Conference.
Sec. 2. President: The President shall preside at the sessions of the Confer-
ence, act as chairman of the Executive Committee, and labor in the general inter-
ests of the Conference, as the Executive Committee may advise.
Sec. 3. Vice-Presidents: Each Vice-President shall at the time of his election
be assigned to serve as a general administrative assistant to the President or to
Preside over a division field.
Sec. 4. Secretary and Associate Secretaries: It shall be the duty of the Secretary
and the Associate Secretaries to keep the minutes of the proceedings of the Gen-
eral Conference sessions and of the General Conference Committee meetings, to
maintain correspondence with the fields, and to perform such other duties as usu-
ally pertain to such office.
Sec. 5. Treasurer, Undertreasurer, and Assistant Treasurers: It shall be the
duty of the Treasurer to receive all funds of the General Conference, and disburse
them in harmony with the actions of the Executive Committee of the General
Conference, and to render such financial statements at regular intervals as may
be desired by the Conference or by the Executive Committee. The Undertreasurer
and Assistant Treasurers shall assist the Treasurer in his work.

Article VElection
Sec. 1. The following shall be elected at each regular session of the Conference:
(a) A President, Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, Associate Secretaries, Division
Secretaries, a Treasurer, an Undertreasurer, Assistant Treasurers, Division Treas-
urers, a Statistical Secretary, General Field Secretaries, Division Field Secretaries.
a Secretary and. Associate Secretaries of the Ministerial Association, a General
Conference Auditor and Associate Auditors, a Secretary and Associate Secretaries
of the International Temperance Association. a Secretary and Associate Secretaries
of each duly organized General Conference Department: namely, Publishing. Med-
ical, Educational, Sabbath School, Religious Liberty, Young People's Missionary
Volunteer, Home Missionary, North American Colored, Radio, and North Amer.'
icon Home-Foreign Bureau, Division Departmental Secretaries, including the
Australasian Inter-Union Health Food Department Secretary, and Division Min-
isterial Association Secretaries.
(b) Other persons, not to exceed 25 in number, to serve as members of the
Executive Committee.
Article VIExecutive Committee
Sec. 1. The Executive Committee shall consist of:
(a) Those elected as provided by Article V.
(b) Presidents of union conferences, presidents of union missions, ex-presidents
of the General Conference having credentials from this Conference, the general
manager of the Australasian Conference Assn., Ltd., the president of College
of Medical Evangelists, the president of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological
Seminary, and the editor of the Advent Review and Sabbath Herald.

Article VIIAuditor and Associate ' Auditors

At each regular session the Conference shall elect an auditor and one or more
associate auditors.

Article YinTerm of Office

All officers of the Conference and those members of the Executive Committee
provided for by Article VI, Sec. 1 (a), shall hold office from the time of election
until the next ensuing regular session or until their successors are elected and
appear to enter upon their duties.
Article IXIncorporations and Agents
Sec. 1. Such incorporations may be authorized by the General Conference in
session, or by the General Conference Executive Committee, as the development
of the work may require.
Sec. 2. At each regular session of this Conference, the delegates shall elect such
trustees of corporate bodies connected with this organization as may be provided
in the statutory laws governing each.
Sec. 3. The Conference shall employ such committees, secretaries, treasurers,
auditors, agents, ministers, missionaries and other persons, and make such distribu-
tion of its laborers, as may be necessary effectively to execute its work.
Sec. 4. The Conference shall grant credentials or licenses to ministers and
missionaries except in division fields, in union and local conferences, and in
organized union missions.
Article XSessions
Sec. 1. This Conference shall hold quadrennial sessions at such time and place
as the Executive Committee shall designate and announce by a notice published
in the Advent Review and Sabbath Herald in three consecutive issues at least
four months before the date for the opening of the session. In case special world
conditions seem to make it imperative to postpone the calling of the session, the
Executive Committee in regular or special Council shall have authority to make
such postponement not to exceed two years, giving notice to all constituent
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee may call special sessions of the General
Conference at such time and place as it deems proper, by a like notice as of
regular sessions, and the transactions of such special sessions shall have the
same force as those of the regular sessions.
Sec. 3. The election of officers, and the voting on all matters of business shall
be by viva-voce vote or as designated by the chairman unless otherwise demanded
by a majority of the delegates present.
Article XIBy-Laws
The voters of this Conference may enact By-Laws and amend or repeal them
at any session thereof, and such By-Laws may embrace any provision not incon-
sistent with the Constitution.

Article X IIAmendm ents

This Constitution or its By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the
voters present and voting at any session: provided that, if it is proposed to
amend the Constitution at a special session, notice of such purpose shall be
given in the call for such special session.

Article IDivision Sections
Sec. 1. The General Conference shall conduct its world-wide work in division
sections, each section to operate within a specified territory in harmony with the
policy of the General Conference.
Sec. 2. Union conference and union mission field organizations, together with
all other organizations and institutions within the territory, shall be responsible
to the respective division committees, or in the case of fields without divisional
affiliation to the General Conference Committee.
Sec. 3. The division sections shall be known as: Australasian Inter-Union
Conference (See Article XI, Sec. 5), Central European Division, China Division,
Far Eastern Division, Inter-American Division, Middle East Division,
North American Division, Northern European Division, South American Division,
Southern African Division, Southern Asia Division, Southern European Division,
Federation of Seventh-day Adventists in the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics.
The boundaries of these division sections shall be subject to adjustment only at
the General Conference sessions, or at Autumn Council sessions, provided no
divisional territorial lines shall be changed when such division is not represented
at the Council by one of its executive officers, or when such division has not
given consent, except under an emergency such as war: in such case the General
Conference Committee shall make such provision as it is necessary for the conduct
of the work in the territory concerned.

Article IIStanding Committees

Sec. 1. At each regular session of this Conference, such standing committees
as may be found necessary, including the following, shall be elected to consider
such items of business as may be referred to them and to bring in their reports
and recommendations to the session:
(a) Constitution and By-Laws
(b) Credentials and Licenses
(c) Finance
(d) Nominations
(e) Plans
Article RIVice-Presidents
Sec. 1. Vice-Presidents shall be elected as follows: four Vice-Presidents for
general administrative work, and one additional Vice-President for each division
of the General Conference.
Sec. 2. The General Vice-Presidents shall in the absence of the President serve
as chairmen of the Executive Committee and shall assist the President in his
administrative work. The Vice-President for North America shall work under
the direction of the General Conference Committee.
Sec. 3. The Vice-Presidents elected for the divisions outside of North America
shall act as chairmen of the division committees operating in their respective
fields and shall have charge of the work in those fields under the direction of
the division committees and shall be designated within their respective division
territories as presidents of the divisions over which they preside.
Article IVAssociate and General Field Secretaries
Sec. 1. The term "associate secretary" shall be used to designate the secretaries
elected to be associated with the Secretary of the General Conference, or such
secretary or secretaries as may be elected to associate with the Secretary of any
Department, Bureau, or Association, in carrying the responsibilities of his office.
Sec. 2. Associate Secretaries shall be elected to share the work of the Gen-
eral Conference Secretary. Associate Secretaries shall also be elected as may be
deemed necessary to assist the Secretaries of Departments, Bureaus, or Associa-
tions in the conduct of their work.
Sec. 3. The term "general field secretary" shall be used to designate general
field workers elected, in addition to the officers, to serve in carrying the field
responsibilities of the General Conference.
Sec. 4. The General Field Secretaries shall work under the direction of the
General Conference Committee and be assigned either to field service or to special
projects or responsibilities as may be determined by the General Conference
Sec. 5. Such Division Field Secretaries shall be elected as may be deemed
necessary to labor in the divisions under the direction of the division committees.
Article VDivision Secretaries
Sec. 1. A Secretary shall be elected for each division outside of North America
to be designated "division secretary."
Sec. 2. The Division Secretaries shall work under the direction of the division
committees. It shall be their duty to keep the minutes of the division committee
meetings, to collect information and make such reports as may be required, and to
do such other work as usually pertains to such office.
Article VIAssistant and Division Departmental Secretaries
Sec. 1. The term "assistant departmental secretary" shall be used to designate
such persons as are appointed to assist the Departmental Secretaries and their
Associate Secretaries in the Departmental work of the General office.
Sec. 2. Division Departmental Secretaries shall be elected for the respective
division fields and shall labor under the direction of the division committee.
Sec. 3. Division committees shall appoint such other secretaries as may be
needed to serve in special capacities, to labor under the direction of the division
Article VIIStatistical Secretary
At each regular session the conference shall elect a Statistical Secretary,
whose duties shall be to compile statistics of the world work, reporting the
same under the direction of the Executive Committee.
Article VIIIUndertreasurer and Assistant Treasurers
An Undertreasurer and Assistant Treasurers shall be elected to share with
the Treasurer the work of his office. They shall perform such duties connected
with the Treasury Department as may be assigned to them by the Treasurer or
by the Executive Committee. They may be authorized by the Executive Committee
to sign checks under the instruction of the Treasurer.

Article IXDivision Treasurers

Sec. 1. A Treasurer shall be elected for each division outside of North America,
to be designated "division treasurer."
Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Division Treasurers to receive and disburse
the funds of the General Conference made available for their territory, under
the direction of the division committee, and to perform such other duties as
usually pertain to such office.
Sec. 3. The Division Committee may appoint such assistant treasurers and
assistant auditors as may be required to carry on the work.
Article XExecutive Committee
Sec. 1. During the intervals between the sessions of the General Conference,
the Executive Committee shall have full administrative power, with authority to
grant credentials and licenses, and to fill for the current term any vacancies
that may occur in its offices, boards, committees, or agents, by death, resignation,
or otherwise. The Executive Committee shall also have power to withdraw cre-
dentials or licenses by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at
any regular committee meeting.
Sec. 2. A meeting of the Executive Committee, known as the Autumn Council
shall be held annually for the purpose of considering budgets from the fields
and making appropriations, and for the transaction of other business and the
adoption of such policies as may be necessary in the operation of the world-wide
Sec. 3. A majority of the full membership of the Executive Committee, includ-
ing the President or a Vice-President, is empowered to transact denominational
business of any nature at any time and place.
Sec. 4. Any seven members of the Executive Committee, including an officer
of the General Conference, shall, after due notice to available members, consti-
tute a quorum of the Executive Committee and shall be empowered to transact
such executive business as is in harmony with the general plans outlined by
the committee at the designated place of meeting of the Executive Committee
as hereinafter provided.
Sec. 5. All meetings of the Executive Committee, except majority meetings,
shall be held at the general headquarters, or at such other place as may be
definitely arranged by a majority meeting of the Executive Committee, or by the
quorum of at least seven members meeting in regular session at general head-
Sec. 6. Meetings of the Executive Committee may be called at any time by
the ranking officer of the Conference who may be present at headquarters, and
such officer, or any member of the committee appointed by him, shall act as
Chairman of the meeting.
Sec. 7. Minority meetings of less than seven members of the Executive Com-
mittee may be held at the General administrative office for the transaction of
necessary routine business, but actions taken at such meetings shall not be final
until the minutes of such meetings have been approved in a regular session of
the Executive Committee.
Article XIDivision Committees
Sec. 1. In each division outside of North America, a division committee shall
be constituted as hereinafter provided, for the transaction of business pertain-
ing to the division.
Sec. 2. The members of a division committee shall be the President, the
Secretary, and the Treasurer of the Division, the Presidents of union conferences.
the Presidents of union missions, the Division Field Secretaries, the Division
Departmental Secretaries, the Secretary of the Ministerial Association, and any
other members of the General Conference Committee present. Other members may
also be appointed by the division committee.
Sec. 3. The actions taken by division committees pertaining to the adminis-
tration of affairs in the division fields, shall be considered final, provided they
are in harmony with the plans and policy of the General Conference as set forth
in the Constitution and By-Laws, and in its Executive Committee actions at
regular Autumn Councils.
Sec. 4. Five members of a division committee, including the chairman, shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. When the chairman is to
be absent from headquarters, he or the committee may designate an acting
chairman. Minority meetings of fewer than five members of the division com-
mittee may be held for the transaction of necessary routine business, but actions
taken at such meetings shall not be final until the minutes of such meetings have
been approved in a meeting with a quorum present.
Sec. 5. The Australasian field is organized as an Inter-Union Conference but
functions subject to the provisions of its constitution, as a division of the Gen-
eral Conference.

Article XIICorporation Boards

At each regular session of the General Conference the requisite boards of
trustees, according to their respective Constitutions and By-Laws, shall be elected
for each legal corporation serving and holding properties and receiving gifts and
legacies for the General Conference unincorporated. The trustees of the General
Conference Corporation shall also constitute the Board of Trustees of the General
Conference Association.
Article XIIIDepartments
Sec. 1. The Departmental Secretaries and Associate Departmental Secretarieb
elected by the General Conference shall work under the direction of the Executive
Committee of the General Conference, or in the case of departmental secretaries
in divisions, under the direction of the division committee, and shall occupy an
advisory relation to the field.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall appoint a representative departmental
committee of counsel for each department. Such committee shall in each case be
composed of the secretaries of the department, the secretaries of departmental
work in the divisions, and such other persons as the Executive Committee may
deem necessary.
Artiele XIVAuditors and Audits
Sec. 1. The Executive Committee shall have the accounts of the General Con-
ference and of its legal corporations audited at least once each calendar year,
and the Auditor or one of the associate auditors shall report upon the same to
the Executive Committee annually. The Auditor or an associate auditor, as may
be arranged, shall report also, for the quadrennial period, to the General Con-
ference at its regular sessions. The General Conference Auditor and the associate
auditors shall also be made available for auditing the accounts of union confer-
ences and general institutions as well as division accounts. The auditors shall be
under the general direction of the Executive Committee.
Sec. 2. The division committees shall have authority to appoint an auditor
or auditors to audit the books of such organizations or institutions within their
territories as the division committee shall direct.
Article XVWages and Expenses
Sec. 1. The Executive Committee shall appoint annually eight persons not
in its employ who, with the officers of the General Conference and not less
than seven presidents of union conferences, shall constitute a committee to audit
the expense accounts of employees and to fix their wages for the succeeding year.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall have power to make such adjustment
from time to time in the wage of clerks, stenographers, and other routine workers
as may be necessary.
Article XVIFunds
The funds of the General Conference shall be as follows:
(a) A tithe of the tithe receipts of the union conferences and union missions
and of the local conferences and missions not included in union conferences and
union missions.
(b) Regular mission offerings.
(c) Special donations.
(d) Such percentage of the tithe of local conferences as may be determined
by a committee composed of the conference presidents and the division executive
committee, or, in the case of North America, the conference presidents and the
General Conference Executive Committee.
(e) Surplus tithes which may be appropriated by local and union conferences
for the mission field.
(f) Appropriations from our publishing houses, sanitariums, and other institu-
tions that are under the control of the General Conference which, because of the
character of their work, have more than local influence and responsibility as
may be arranged by joint counsel of the Executive Committee of the General
Conference with the board of management of each institution.
(g) Such percentage of the funds of union and local conferences and missions,
institutions, and Book and Bible Houses in North America as may be arranged
by the General Conference Committee in council with conference presidents, the
same to be known as the Sustentation Fund for the support of aged and infirm
workers and for the dependent widows and orphans of workers.
(h) Divisions outside North America shall adopt a Sustentation Policy which
shall be in harmony with the principles set forth in the General Conf7ence
Sustentation plan.
Article XVIIAppropriations
Sec. 1. The Executive Committee shall make its appropriations for home and
foreign work at the Autumn Councils said appropriations to be based on budgets
from the fields requiring financial help.

Sec. 2. Appropriations shall be made subject to the receipt of the full amount
of funds estimated in the General Conference budget. In case of a shortage the
distribution shall be on a pro-rata basis to all the interests represented in the
Sec. 3. Appropriations for major permanent investments shall be held in trust
for the purpose for which the appropriation was designated. In case the project
is abandoned, the funds shall revert to the General Conference. Other funds ap-
propriated to division fields shall be administered by the division committee.
Sec. 4. All funds raised in division fields, except the regular funds belonging
to the General Conference, as indicated under Article XVI, may be used for the
advancement of the work in the fields in which they were raised.
Sec. 5. General Conference funds in all the world shall be made available to
meet the annual appropriations of the General Conference.
Article XVIIIFinance
Sec. 1. To tide over a possible financial depression, the treasurer of the Gen-
eral Conference shall carry in cash and in readily convertible securities, the
following funds :
(a) A Reserve Fund equal to 20 per cent of the regular appropriations voted
at the latest Autumn Council, including revertible funds.
(b) A Working Fund equal to the Reserve fund.
Sec. 2. The basis for computing the amount of the Reserve and Working
Funds on hand shall be the latest available financial statement. The Reserve
and Working Funds shall not fall below the amounts here specified except on
authorization of an Autumn Council of the Executive Committee.
Sec. 3. The Executive Committee, acting through its legal agency, the Gen-
eral Conference Corporation, shall have power to make such annuity contracts
as may seem desirable ; but all moneys obtained in this way shall be invested in
securities and not be made available for appropriations until the annuity con-
tracts have matured.
Sec. 4. The tithes and mission offerings received by the General Conference
shall be held as a trust for appropriation to the work of the Seventh-day Adventist
denomination. It shall not be within the prerogative, therefore, of the General
Conference Committee, the Treasury Department, nor of any agent or agency
of the denomination, to loan these funds to private individuals, to endorse notes,
sign bonds or other securities, or in any other way to divert the funds of the
General Conference from their intended purpose. Advances specifically authorized
under regular policy, and made in order to enable workers to become located and
equipped for service, are not a violation of this provision.
Sec. 5. The basis for computing per capita funds shall be the average of the
membership of the four consecutive quarters ending on September 30 of the pre-
ceding year as published by the Statistical Secretary in his quarterly reports.




January 6 Home Missionary Day

January 27 Religious Liberty Day
February 3 Christian Home Day
March 3 Home Missionary Day
March 10 Missionary Volunteer Day
March 10-17 Missionary Volunteer Week of Prayer
April 7 Ingathering Day
May 5 Medical Missionary Day
June 2 Home Missionary Day
June 23 Sabbath School Rally Day
July 7 Home Missionary Day
July 14 Midsummer Offering Day
July 28 Educational Day
August 4 Home Missionary Day
September 1 Colporteur Rally
September 8 Missions Extension Day
October 6 Home Foreign Day
October 13 Voice of Prophecy Day
October 27 Temperance Day
November 3 Home Missionary Day
November 10-17 Week of Prayer and Sacrifice
November 22 Thanksgiving Day
December 1 Home Missionary Day


January 6-27 Liberty Magazine Campaign

February 17-24 Signs of the Times Campaign
April 7-May 19 ingathering Campaign
October 13-20 Message Magazine Campaign
November 3-24 Review and Herald Campaign


January 13 Second Sabbath Mission Offering

January 27 Religious Liberty Offering
February 10 Second Sabbath Mission Offering
March 10 Riverside Sanitarium Offering
(Colored Churches)
March 10 Second Sabbath Mission Offering
(White Churches)
April 14 Second Sabbath Mission Offering
May 12 Second Sabbath Mission Offering
June 9 Second Sabbath Mission Offering
July 14 Midsummer Offering
July 28 Elementary Schools Offering
August 11 Second Sabbath Mission Offering
August 18 College of Medical Evangelists
September 8 Missions Extension Offering
October 13 Voice of Prophecy Offering
October 27 Temperance Offering
November 17 Week of Sacrifice and Annual Offering
December 8 Second Sabbath Mission Offering


March 31 Southern Africa

June 30 South America
September 29 China
December 29 Inter-America
Directory of the
Seventh-day Adventist Denomination
Organized May 21, 1863
Territory: The following-named sec- General Field Secretaries: N. F. Brewer,
tional areas of the General Conference W. P. Elliott, L. E. Froom, A. L.
world field: North America, Austra- Ham, J. L. McElhany, W. E. Nelson,
lasia, Central Europe, China, Far G. E. Peters, W. E. Read.
East, Inter-America, Middle East,
Northern Europe, South America, Auditor: W. E. Phillips; Associates,
Southern Africa, Southern Asia, H. W. Barrows, H. P. Bloum, F.
Southern Europe, Union of Socialist Brennwald.
Soviet Republics. Statistical Secretary: E. J. Johanson.
Cable Address: Adventist, Washington. Secretary to the President: Roger Alt-
(A B C Code, fifth edition.) Where man.
the above cable address cannot be
used, please address as follows. "Gen- Secretaries of Departments
eral Conference, Washington, D. C.," Educational: E. E. Cossentine; Asso-
or "Adventist Headquarters, Wash- ciates, G. M. Mathews, L. R. Rasmus-
ington, D. C." sen, K. J. Reynolds.
Telegraphic Address: WUX, General Home Missionary: T. L. Oswald; As-'
Conference, Washington, D.C. (NOT sociates, H. F. Brown, J. E. Edwards,
Takoma Park.) A. A. Esteb.
International Temperance Association:
Office: 6840 Eastern Ave., N.W., Ta- W. A. Scharffenberg ; Associate, J. A.
koma Park, Washington 12, D.C. Buckwalter.
(Telephone, GEorgia 0800.)
Medical: T. R. Flaiz ; Associates, D.
Postal Address: Takoma Park, Wash- Lois Burnett, J. W. McFarland, Carl
ington 12, D.C., U.S.A. Sundin.
Express and Freight Address: General Ministerial Association: Chairman,
Conference, Takoma Park, D. C. (Not W. H. Branson; Secretary, R. A.
Washington.) Consign freight via Anderson ; Associates, M. K. Ecken-
Baltimore & Ohio Railway. roth, Louise C. Kleuser, G. E. Van-
Executive Officers North American Colored: G. E. Peters.
President: W. H. Branson. North American Home-Foreign Bureau:
Vice-Presidents: G. J. Appel, V. T. W. B. Ochs ; Associate, E. J. Lorntz.
Armstrong, W. R. Beach, C. W. Publishing: G. A. Huse; Associates,
Bozarth, Glenn Calkins, L. K. Dick- E. E. Franklin, D. A. McAdams,
son, R. R. Figuhr, Hsu Hwa, W. B. E. Wagner.
Mueller, W. E. Murray, W. B. Ochs, Radio: Paul Wickman; Associate, E. R.
A. V. Olson, R. H. Pierson, H. L. Walde.
Rudy, A. F. Tarr, N. C. Wilson.
Secretary: E. D. Dick. Religious Liberty: A. W. Johnson;
Associates, S. C. Harris, H. H.
Associate Secretaries: W. P. Bradley, Votaw.
A. W. Cormack, N. W. Dunn, H. T.
Elliott, J. I. Robison, E. E. Roenfelt. Sabbath School: L. L. Moffitt; Asso-
ciates, E. B. Hare, W. J. Harris,
Treasurer: C. L. Torrey. H. W. Lowe.
Undertreasurer: W. H. Williams. Young People's Missionary Volunteer:
Assistant Treasurers: R. H. Adair, E. W. Dunbar ; Associates, T. E.
J. F. Cummins, F. B. Knight. Lucas, L. A. Skinner.

General Conference Committee Members

President: W. H. Branson. Secretary: E. D. Dick.
General Vice-Presidents: L. K. Dickson, Associate Secretaries: W. P. Bradley,
R. R. Figuhr, A. V. Olson, H. L. A. W. Cormack, N. W. Dunn, H. T.
Rudy. Elliott, J. I. Robison, E. E. Roenfelt.

Treasurer: C. L. Torrey. Australasian

Undertreasurer: W. H. Williams. (Inter-Union Conference)
Assistant Treasurers: R. H. Adair, President: N. C. Wilson.
J. F. Cummins, F. B. Knight. Secretary: F. A. Mote.
Treasurer: W. L. Pascoe.
Ex-Presidents of General Conference:
J. L. McElhany, W. A. Spicer, C. H. Departmental Secretaries:
Educational and Y.P.M.V.: A. W. Pe-
General Field Secretaries: N. F. Brewer, terson.
W. P. Elliott, L. E. Froom, A. L. Health Food Dept.: B. 0. Johanson.
Ham, J. L. MdElhany, W. E. Nelson, Home Missionary and Sabbath School:
G. E. Peters, W. E. Read. George Butler.
Auditor: W. E. Phillips; Associates, Medical: H. E. Hargreaves.
H. W. Barrows, H. P. Bloum, F. Ministerial Association: J. B. Conley.
Brennwald. Publishing: E. R. Gane.
Statistical Secretary: E. J. Johanson. Radio: L. C. Naden.
Religious Liberty: R. E. Hare.
Secretaries of General Departments Union Presidents:
Educational: E. E. Cossentine; Asso- Central Pacific: G. Branster.
ciates, G. M. Mathews, L. R. Rasmus- Coral Sea: Herbert White.
sen, K. J. Reynolds. Trans-Commonwealth: H. G. Moulds.
Home Missionary: T. L. Oswald; As- Trans-Tasman: W. E. Bettye.
sociates, H. F. Brown, J. E. Edwards,
A. A. Esteb. Central European
International Temperance Association: President: W. Mueller.
W. A. Scharffenberg ; Associate, J. A. Secretary-Treasurer: Otto Schildhauer.
Buckwalter. Field Secretary: A. Minck.
Medical: T. R. Flaiz; Associates, D. Departmental Secretaries:
Lois Burnett, J. W. McFarland, Carl Home Missionary and Radio: M. Busch.
Sundin. Medical: G. Fenner.
Ministerial Association: R. A. Ander- Ministerial Association: W. Mueller.
son ; Associates, M. K. Eckenroth, Publishing: A. Wicklein.
Louise C. Kleuser, G. E. Vandeman. Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V.: W.
North American Colored: G. E. Peters. Raecker.
North American Home-Foreign Bureau: Union Presidents:
W. B. Ochs; Associate, E. J. Lorntz. East German: M. Budnick.
Publishing: G. A. Huse; Associates, South German: G. Seng.
E. E. Franklin, D. A. McAdams, West German: Otto Gmehling.
B. E. Wagner. China
Radio: Paul Wickman ; Associate, E. R.
Walde. President: Hsu Hwa.
Secretary: David Lin.
Religious Liberty: A. W. Johnson ; Treasurer: S. J. Lee.
Associates, S. C. Harris, H. H.
Votaw. Departmental Secretaries:
Sabbath School: L. L. Moffitt; Asso- Educational and Y.P.M.V.: P. T. Ho.
ciates, E. B. Hare, W. J. Harris, Home Missionary and Publishing: H. S.
H. W. Lowe. Chiao.
Medical: Herbert Liu.
Young People's Missionary Volunteer: Ministerial Association: Chen Ming.
E. W. Dunbar; Associates, T. E. Radio: David Lin.
Lucas, L. A. Skinner. Sabbath School: H. C. Shen.
Central China: T. R. Shen.
North American East China: Wu Ming Seng.
Vice-President: W. B. Ochs. North China: Chang Po Ching.
Northeast China: Liu Chang Li.
Union Conference Presidents: Northwest China: Wang Fu Yuen.
Atlantic: M. L. Rice. South China: Cheung Kwok Yan (Act-
Canadian: W. A. Nelson. ing).
Central: M. V. Campbell. South China Island: C. H. Davis.
Columbia: D. A. Ochs. Southeast China: Leung Noi To.
Lake: L. E. Lenheim. West China: Goh Djao Oh.
Northern: J. D. Smith.
North Pacific: C. A. Striver.. Far Eastern
Pacific: C. L. Bauer. President: V. T. Armstrong.
Southern: V. G. Anderson. Secretary: C. P. Sorensen.
Southwestern: J. W. Turner. Treasurer: P. L. Williams.

Departmental Secretaries: South American

Educational: W. 0. Baldwin.
President: W. E. Murray.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School: Secretary:
F. A. Pratt. Treasurer: 0. A. Blake.
Medical: R. F. Waddell.
Ministerial Association and Radio: Departmental Secretaries:
F. W. Detamore. Educational and Y.P.M.V.: D. Garcia.
Publishing: B. M. Wickwire. Home Missionary and Sabbath School:
Religious Liberty and Y.P.M.V.: C. P. Santiago Schmidt.
Sorensen. Ministerial Association: Walter Schu-
Union Presidents: bert.
Indonesia: D. S. Kime. Publishing: W. A. Bergherm.
Japan: F. R. Millard. Union Presidents:
Korean: E. W. Bahr. Austral: A. E. Aeschlimann.
Malayan: J. M. Nerness. East Brazil: R. A. Wilcox.
Philippine: E. M. Adams (Acting). Inca: L. H. Olson.
Inter-American North Brazil: L. B. Halliwell.
South Brazil: Rodolpho Belz.
President: Glenn Calkins.
Secretary: A. H. Roth. Southern African
Treasurer: L. F. Bohner.
President: C. W. Bozarth.
Departmental Secretaries: Secretary: F. G. Clifford.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., V. E. Berry. Treasurer: E. A. Moon.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Field Secretary: Milton Robison.
Religious Liberty: W. A. Wild. Departmental Secretaries:
Publishing: J. C. Culpepper. Educational and Religious Liberty:
E. W. Tarr.
Union Presidents: Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V.: J. M.
Antillian: H. B. Lundquist. Hnatyshyn.
British West Indies: R. W. Numbers. Medical: C. P. Bringle.
Caribbean: F. S. Thompson. Ministerial Association: F. G. Clifford.
Central America: A. V. Larson. Publishing: P. M. Lewis.
Colombia-Venezuela: G. C. Nickle. Sabbath School and Radio: S. S. Hiten.
Mexican: H. J. Westphal, Division Ad- Union Presidents:
ministrative Adviser. Congo: K. F. Ambs.
Middle East East Africa: W. D. Eva.
South Africa: E. D. Hanson.
President: G. J. Appel. Southeast Africa: S. G. Maxwell.
Secretary-Treasurer: C. C. Morris. Zambesi: W. R. Vail.
Union Presidents:
Middle East: R. H. Hartwell. Southern Asia
Nile: Neal C. Wilson. President: R. H. Pierson.
Secretary: J. F. Ashlock.
Northern European Treasurer: M. E. Kemmerer.
President: A. F. Tarr. Field Secretary: E. D. Thomas.
Secretary: E. B. Rudge. Departmental Secretaries:
Treasurer: G. A. Lindsay.
Field Secretary: 0. J. Olsen. Educational and Y.P.M.V.: R. S. Lowry.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School:
Departmental Secretaries: W. L. Barclay.
Educational: Medical: G. A. Nelson.
Home Missionary and Radio: Axel Var- Ministerial Association and Radio: A.
mer. E. Rawson.
Medical: A. Andersen. Publishing: A. J. Johanson.
Ministerial Association: T. J. Bradley. Union Presidents:
Publishing and Religious Liberty: G. D. Burma: M. 0. Manley.
Ceylon: E. A. Crane.
Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V.: E. L. Northeast India: F. E. Spiess.
Minchin. Northwest India:
Union Presidents: South India: 0. 0. Mattison.
British: W. W. Armstrong. Western India: C. B. Guild.
East Nordic: A. Y. Rintala. West Pakistan: D. S. Johnson.
Ethiopian: N. B. Nielsen.
Netherland: Klaas Tilstra. Southern European
Polish: F. Stekla. President: W. R. Beach.
West African: Secretary: M. Fridlin.
West Nordic: P. C. Nelson. Treasurer: R. Gerber.

Departmental Secretaries: Union of Socialist Soviet Republics

(Federation of S.D.A.)
Educational and Field Secretary: 0.
Schuberth. No reports have been received regard.
Home Missionary and Publishing: F. ing officers.
Medical: Other Ex-Officio Members
Ministerial Association: A. Meyer.
Religious Liberty: J. Nussbaum. Advent Review and Sabbath Herald:
Sabbath School and Field Secretary: F. D. Nichol, editor.
A. D. Gomes. Australasian Conference Association,
Y.P.M.V.: J. J. Aitken. Ltd.: A. W. Dawson, general man-
Union Presidents: College of Medical Evangelists: G. T.
Harding, president.
Angola: M. Lourinho. Seventh-day Adventist Theological Sem-
Austrian: L. Schneebauer. inary: D. E. Rebok, president.
Czechoslovakian: J. Doubraysky.
Franco-Belgian: F. Lavanchy. Elective Members
French West and Equatorial African: W. A. Benjamin, H. M. Blunden, W. A.
J. A. de Caenel. Butler, H. G. Childs, P. W. Christian,
Hungarian: L. Michnay. H. H. Cobban, C. W. Degering, C. A.
Indian Ocean: H. Pichot. Dent, H. P. Evens, J. R. Ferren, C. B.
Italian: L. Beer. Haynes, M. E. Kern, H. A. Morrison,
Jugoslavian: J. J. Nethery, F. L. Peterson, H. E.
North African: P. Girard. Rice, H. M. S. Richards, John Shull,
Portuguese: E. Ferreira. J. A. Stevens, E. A. Sutherland, M. C.
Rumanian: D. Florea. Taft, W. H. Teesdale, A. L. White,
Swiss: A. Meyer. K. A. Wright, F. M. Wilcox.

, The Departments of the General Conference named below, while doing
\ work, some of them prior to the time the General Conference was organ-
ized, and some at a much later date, were organized under the terms of
the General Conference Constitution at the dates mentioned in each case.

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION and W. J. Brown, D. Lois Burnett,

Organized 1902 P. W. Christian, E. D. Dick, E. W.
Dunbar, G. T. Harding, L. N. Holm,
Office Address: Takoma Park. Wash- W. G. C. Murdoch, A. N. Nelson,
ington 12, D. C. D. E. Rebok, H. L. Rudy, J. R. Shull,
L. M. Stump, W. H. Teesdale, C. L.
Officers Torrey.
Secretary: E. E. Cossentine. Board of Regents
Associate Secretaries: G. M. Mathews, Secretary and Associate Secretaries of
L. R. Rasmussen, K. J. Reynolds. the Department of Education and the
Assistant Secretary for Parent and following elected members: (Term
Home Education: Mrs. Arabella expiring 1951) J. T. Porter, D. Lois
M. Williams. Burnett ; (Term expiring 1952) W. A.
Division Secretaries Howe, G. T. Anderson, V. W. Becker ;
(Term expiring 1953) W. C. Hannah,
Australasian: A. W. Peterson. G. T. Harding, K. A. Wright.
Central European:
China: P. T. Ho.
Inter-American: V. E. Berry.
Middle East: Organized 1918
Northern European . Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash-
South American: D. Garcia. ington 12, D. C.
Southern African: E. W. Tarr.
Southern Asia: R. S. Lowry. Officers
Southern European: 0. Schuberth. Secretary: T. L. Oswald.
Advisory Committee Associate Secretaries: H. F. Brown,
J. E. Edwards, A. A. Esteb.
General Conference Department of Ed- Assistant Secretary: Grace Fields.
, ucation Secretary and Associate Sec-
cretaries, Union Conference Educa- Division Secretaries
tional Secretaries in North America, Australasian: George Butler.

Central European: M. Busch. Other Members

China: H. S. Chiao.
Far Eastern: F. A. Pratt. R. H. Adair, E. W. Dunbar, H. T.
Inter-American: W. A. Wild. Elliott, A. A. Esteb, R. R. Figuhr,
Middle East: J. DeWitt Fox, K. J. Reynolds, W. A.
Northern European: Axel Varmer. Scharffenberg, G. E. Vandeman.
South American: Santiago Schmidt.
Southern African: J. M. Hnatyshyn;
Southern Asia: W. L. Barclay.
Southern European: F. Charpiot. MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION
Advisory Committee Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash-
(General Conference Home Missionary ington 12, D. C.
Department Secretary and Associate Official Organ: The Ministry (48-page
Secretaries, Home Missionary Sec- monthly).
retaries of organized Union Confer-
ences and Union Missions are mem- Officers
bers ex-officio.) Secretary: R. A. Anderson.
Associate Secretaries: M. K. Eckenroth,
Other Members Louise C. Kleuser, G. E. Vandeman.
Roger Altman, L. K. Dickson, E. W.
Dunbar, E. J. Lorntz, D. A. Mc- Advisory Committee
Adams, L. L. Moffitt, F. D. Nichol,
W. B. Ochs, G. E. Peters, J. I. Robi- Chairman: W. H. Branson.
son, J. D. Snider, W.- H. Williams. Secretary: R. A. Anderson.
(All of whom may be addressed at
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C.) General Conference Officers: R. H.
Adair, W. P. Bradley, A. W. Cor-
mack, L. K. Dickson, R. R. Figuhr,
W. B. Ochs, A. V. Olson, E. E.
Organized 1902 General Members: L. E. Froom, J. L.
Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash- McElhany, W. E. Read, D. E. Rebok,
ington 12, D. C. Harold Shryock, J. D. Snider, C. E.
Weniger, A. L. White, F. H. Yost.
Officers Ministerial Association: R. A. Ander-
Secretary: T. R. Flaiz. son, M. K. Eckenroth, Ben Glanzer,
Associate Secretary for Health Educa- Louise C. Kleuser, G. E. Vandeman.
tion: J. W. McFarland.
Associate Secretary for Nursing Educa- Division Association Secretaries.
tion and Nursing Service: D. Lois Departmental Members: A. A. Esteb,
Burnett. J. A. Buckwalter, E. W. Dunbar,
Associate Secretary for Medical Exten- J. R. Ferren, A. W. Johnson, H. W.
sion: Carl Sundin, (312 N. Boyle Lowe, D. A. McAdams, J. W. Mc-
Ave., Los Angeles 33, California.) Farland, G. E. Peters, K. J. Reynolds,
Office Secretary: Emma E. Howell. Paul Wickman.
Division Secretaries
North American Members at Large
Australasian: H. E. Hargreaves.
Central European: G. Fenner, (Kran- Union Presidents: V. G. Anderson, C. L.
kenhaus Waldfriede, Fischerhutten- Bauer, W. A. Nelson, J. W. Turner.
strasse 99 /109, (1) Berlin-Zehlendorf, Conference Presidents: R. R. Bietz,
American Sector, Germany.) Theodore Carcich, N. R. Dower, L. C.
China: Herbert Liu. Evans, A. C. Fearing, C. H. Lauda,
Far Eastern: R. F. Waddell, (56 Mait- H. D. Singleton, R. S. Watts.
richitr Road, Bangkok, (Thailand.)
Inter-American: Evangelists and Pastors: A. L. Bietz,
Middle East: R. L. Boothby, T. J. Bradley, W. A.
Northern European : A. Andersen, Fagal, W. W. Fordham, George Free-
(Sanitarium, Skodsburg, Denmark.) man, A. H. Johns, J. W. Osborn,
South American . J. L. Tucker, R. M. Whitsett.
Southern African: C. P. Bringle. Educators and Teachers: T. G. Bunch,
Southern Asia: G. A. Nelson. Edward Heppenstall, T. H. Jemison,
Southern European: N. F. Pease, P. E. Quimby, E. R.
Advisory Council Thiele, J. E. Weaver, J. J. William-
son, C. E. Wittschiebe.
General Conference Medical Department
Secretary and Associate Secretaries, Gospel Musicians: G. W. Greer, H. B.
Division and Union Conference Med- Hannum, Wayne Hooper, Charles
ical Secretaries. (Address at their Keymer, Harold Miller, George
respective offices.) Wargo.

Editors: D. A. Delafield, A. S. Max- Officers

well, F. D. Nichol, R. L. Odom, L. B. Secretary: W. B. Ochs.
Reynolds, M. R. Thurber. Associate Secretary: E. J. Lorntz.
Bible Instructors: Rose Boose, Mrs.
Ellen Curran, Mrs. Ena Ferguson, Advisory Committee
Mrs. Thelma Smith, Mrs. E. Van W. B. Ochs, Chairman ; H. T. Elliott,
Nockay Porter, Mary E. Walsh, E. J. Lorntz, T. L. Oswald, W. H.
Mrs. Marguerite Williamson. Williams.

Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash-
Organized 1909 ington 12, D. C.
Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash- Officers
ington 12, D. C.
Secretary: G. A. Huse.
Officer Associate Secretaries: E. E. Franklin,
Secretary: G. E. Peters. D. A. McAdams, B. E. Wagner.
Associate Secretary: Division Secretaries
Advisory Committee Australasian:, E. R. Gane.
General Conference Staff Members: Central European: A. Wicklein.
W. B. Ochs, G. E. Peters. China: H. S. Chiao.
Far Eastern: B. M. Wickwire.
Union Conference Presidents: Inter-American: J. C. Culpepper.
M. L. Rice, Atlantic. Middle East:
M. V. Campbell, Central. Northern European: G. D. King.
D. A. Ochs, Columbia. South American: W. A. Bergherm.
L. E. Lenheim, Lake. Southern African: P. M. Lewis.
J. D. Smith, Northern. Southern Asia: A. J. Johanson.
C. A. Striven, North Pacific. Southern European: F. Charpiot.
C. L. Bauer, Pacific.
V. G. Anderson, Southern. Advisory Committee
J. W. Turner, Southwestern. Ex-officio Members
Local Conference Presidents: General Conference Publishing Depart-
J. H. Wagner, Allegheny. ment Secretary and Associate Secre-
T. M. Fountain, Lake Region. tries.
L. H. Bland, Northeastern. Division and Union Publishing Depart-
H. D. Singleton, South Atlantic. ment Secretaries.
H. R. Murphy, South Central. Publishing House and Branch Man-
W. W. Fordham, Southwest Region. agers.
Managers of Book and Periodical De-
Local Mission President: partments.
F. L. Bland, Central States. Treasurers and Superintendents of
Publishing Houses.
Union Conference Secretary for the
Colored Department: Other Members
0. A. Troy, Pacific. II. T. Elliott, R. R. Figuhr, W. B. Ochs,
F. D. Nichol, T. L. Oswald, M. R.
Message Magazine: Thurber, W. H. Williams, all of
Editor, L. B. Reynolds. whom may be addressed at Takoma
Oakwood College: Park, Washington 12, D.C.
A. S. Maxwell, Pacific Press Publishing
F. L. Peterson, President. Association, Mountain View, Cali-
L. E. Ford, Business Manager. fornia.
M. L. Neff, Pacific Press Publishing
Riverside Sanitarium: Association, Mountain View Cali-
C. A. Dent, Medical Director. fornia.
A. Warren, Business Manager. R. E. Finney, Jr., Southern Publishing
Association, Box 29, Nashville 2, Ten-
NORTH AMERICAN HOME-FOREIGN L. B. Reynolds, Southern Publishing
BUREAU Association, Box 29, Nashville 2, Ten-
Organized 1933 Dallas Youngs, Canadian Watchman
Office: General Conference, Takoma Press, Box 398, Oshawa, Ontario,
Park, Washington 12, D. C. Canada.

RADIO DEPARTMENT L. K. Dickson, N. W. Dunn, H. T.

Elliott, L. E. Froom, W. H. Hackett,
Organized 1950 C. B. Haynes, Frederick Lee, H. A.
Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash- Morrison, F. D. Nichol, L. R. Ras-
ington 12, D.C. mussen, D. E. Rebok, J. A. Stevens,
C. L. Torrey, F. H. Yost, all of whom
Officers may be addressed at Takoma Park,
Washington 12, D.C.
Secretary: Paul Wickman. W. P. Elliott, 312 N. Boyle Ave.,
Associate Secretary: E. R. Walde. Los Angeles 33, Calif.; G. E. Hutches,
Division Secretaries Box 900, Lansing 4, Mich. ; V. J.
Johns, Box 124, La Sierra Station,
Australasian : L. C. Naden. Arlington, Calif.; A. S. Maxwell,
Central European: M. Busch. Mountain View, Calif. ; Dallas Youngs,
China: David LM. Box 398, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada.
Far Eastern: F. W. Detamore.
Inter-America: A. H. Roth.
Middle East:
Northern European: Axel Varmer. SABBATH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT
South American:
Southern African : S. S. Hiten. Organized 1902
Southern Asia: A. E. Rawson.
Southern European: M. Fridlin. Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash-
ington 12, D. C.
Advisory Committee
J. A. Buckwalter, James Chase, E. W. Officers
Dunbar, M. K. Eckenroth, W. A. Secretary: L. L. Moffitt.
Fagal, R. R. Figuhr, T. R. Flaiz, Associate Secretaries: E. B. Hare, W. J.
E. B. Hare, G. A. Huse, W. B. Harris, H. W. Lowe.
Ochs, G. E. Peters, H. M. S. Richards, Assistant Secretary: Louise Meyer.
R. J. Thomas, E. R. Walde, Paul Office Secretary: Mary Ogle.
Wickman, W. H. Williams, and di-
vision radio secretaries. Division Secretaries
Australasian: George Butler.
Central European: W. Raecker.
Organized 1902 Far Eastern: F. A. Pratt.
Inter-American: W. A. Wild.
Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash- Middle East:
ington 12, D. C. Northern European: E. L. Minchin.
Officers South American: Santiago Schmidt.
Southern African: S. S. Hiten.
Secretary: A. W. Johnson. Southern Asia: W. L. Barclay.
Associate Secretaries: S. C. Harris, Southern European : A. D. Gomes.
H. H. Votaw.
Division Secretaries Advisory Committee
Australasian: R. E. Hare. R. H. Adair, L. K. Dickson, E. B. Hare,
China: W. J. Harris, H. W. Lowe, T. E.
Far Eastern: C. P. Sorensen. Lucas, D. A. McAdams, Louise Meyer,
Inter-American: W. A. Wild. L. L. Moffitt, T. L. Oswald, L. R.
Middle East: Rasmussen, J. I. Robison, A. L.
North American: W. B. Ochs. White, and Union Conference Sab-
Northern European : G. D. King. bath School secretaries in the North
South American: W. E. Murray. American Division.
Southern African: E. W. Tarr.
Southern Asia: J. F. Ashlock. Sabbath School Lesson Committee
Southern European: J. Nussbaum, (49 Resident Members: T. E. Bowen, E. B.
Avenue de la Grande Armee, Paris, Hare, W. J. Harris, H. W. Lowe,
16e, France.) R. E. Loasby, Louise Meyer, L. L.
Advisory Committee Moffitt, Mary Ogle, D. E. Robinson,
J. I. Robison, J. A. Stevens, W. H.
The General Conference Religious Lib- Teesdale, M. R. Thurber, H. M. Tip-
erty Department Secretary and Asso- pett, F. H. Yost.
ciate Secretaries, the Religious Lib-
erty secretaries of the Union Con- Non-Resident Methbers: W. R. Beach,
ferences and Union Missions are L. L. Caviness, R. F. Cottrell, W. L.
members ex-officio. Emmerson, M. I. Fayard, W. It.
French, V. E. Hendershot, B. P.
Other Members Hoffman, F. B. Jensen, V. J. Johns,
H. M. Blunden, W. H. Branson, W. A. A. H. Rulkoetter, A. G. Stewart,
Butler, E. E. Cossentine, E. D. Dick, S. A. Wellman, C. E. Wittschiebe.

TEMPERANCE C. G. Cross, E. W. Dunbar, J. R.

Ferren, T. R. Flair, G. A. Huse,
International Temperance Association A. W. Johnson, T. E. Lucas, F. D.
Headquarters: Takoma Park, Washing- Nichol, A. V. Olson, G. E. Peters,
ton 12. D.C. L. R. Rasmussen, W. A. Sharffen-
berg, Paul Wickman.
Officers: Regional Secretaries:
President, W. H. Branson. Atlantic Union: R. A. Nesmith.
Vice-President, A. V. Olson. Central Union : D. E. Reiner.
Executive Secretary, W. A. Scharffen- Columbia Union: J. C. Holland.
berg. Lake Union: D. W. Hunter.
Associate Secretary, J. A. Buckwalter. Northern Union : C. E. Guenther.
Treasurer, C. L. Torrey North Pacific Union: C. S. Joyce.
Assistant Treasurer, R. H. Adair. Pacific Union: F. G. Ashbaugh.
Board of Governors: Southern Union : L. M. Nelson.
The members of the Executive Com- Southwestern: J. J. Strahle.
mittee of the General Conference, Canadian Temperance Society
and the presidents and executive sec- Headquarters: P.O. Box 196, Oshawa,
retaries of the Temperance Societies Ontario, Canada.
that have been accepted into the mem-
bership of the International Temper- Officers:
ance Association. President, W. A. Nelson.
Executive Secretary, C. C. Weis.
Executive Council: Treasurer, H. A. Shepard.
R. A. Anderson, J. A. Buckwalter,
E. W. Dunbar, N. W. Dunn, J. R. Board of Governors: The members of
Ferren, R. R. Figuhr, T. R. Flair, the Executive Committee of the Cana-
G. A. Huse, A. W. Johnson, F. D. dian Union Conference.
Nichol, L. L. Moffitt, T. L. Oswald,
L. R. Rasmussen, D. E. Rebok, J. I.
Robison, W. A. Scharffenberg, Paul
Regional Directors: Organized 1909
Australasian Inter-Union : R. E. Hare.
Inter-American Division: W. A. Wild. Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash-
Far Eastern Division: W. 0. Bald- ington 12, D. C.
win. Officers
Northern European Division : E. L.
Minchin. Secretary: E. W. Dunbar.
South American Division: W. A. Associate Secretaries: T. E. Lucas,
Bergherm. L. A. Skinner.
Southern African Division: C. P. Office Secretary: Mildred L. Johnson.
Bringle. Division Secretaries
Southern Asia Division: W. L. Bar-
clay. Australasian: A. W. Peterson.
Southern European Division: F. Char- Central European : W. Raecker.
plot. China : P. T. Ho.
Far Eastern: C. P. Sorensen.
American Temperance Society Inter-American: V. E. Berry.
Headquarters: Takoma Park, Washing- Middle East:
Northern European : E. L. Minchin.
ton 12, D. C. South American: D. Garcia.
Officers: Southern African: J. M. Hnatyshyn.
President, H. L. Rudy. Southern Asia : R. S. Lowry.
Vice-President and Executive Secre- Southern European : J. J. Aitken.
tary, W. A. Scharffenberg. Advisory Committee
Associate Secretary: J. A. Buck-
waiter. The General Conference Missionary Vol-
Treasurer, C. L. Torrey. unteer Department Secretary and As-
Assistant Treasurer, R. H. Adair. sociate Secretaries, the North Ameri-
Circulation Manager "Listen," C. G. can Union Conference Missionary
Cross. Volunteer Secretaries. (Address at
Board of Governors: The members of their respective offices.)
the Executive Committee of the Gen- Other Members
eral Conference, residing in the
United States. W. P. Bradley, J. E. Edwards,
E. 13. Hare, J. W. McFarland, W. B.
Executive Council: Ochs, G. E. Peters, L. R. Rasmussen.
R. A. Anderson, W. P. Bradley, (All of whom may be addressed at
H. F. Brown, J. A. Buckwalter, Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.)

Bureaus, Commissions, Corporations, Services

BUREAU OF PRESS RELATIONS Board of Trustees: The trustees ap-
Established 1912 pointed by Ellen G. White, or their
successors: M. E. Kern, Chairman;
Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash- W. P. Elliott, J. L. McElhany, A. V.
ington 12, D.C. Olson, J. I. Robison, A. L. White,
Officers F. M. Wilcox. Alternate Trustees: F.
Secretary: J. R. Ferren. D. Nichol. D. E. Rebok, D. E. Robin-
Assistant Secretary: H. B. Weeks. son.
Division Secretaries
Australasian: R. E. Hare. ESDA SALES AND SERVICE
Central European: formerly
China: Department of Purchase and Supply
Far Eastern: W. J. Blacker.
Inter-American: W. A. Wild. Organized 1920
Middle East: Cable Address: "ESDA", Washing-
Northern European: G. D. King.
South American: Santiago Schmidt. ton, D.C.
Southern African: E. W. Tarr. Office and Delivery Address: 107 Carroll
Southern Asia: A. E. Rawson. St., N.W., Takoma Park, Washington
Southern European: M. Fridlin. 12, D.C. (Telephone, GEorgia 0800.)
Advisory Committee Telegraphic Address: ESDA, W U X,
L. K. Dickson, Chairman; R. H. Adair, Washington, D.C.
R. A. Anderson, E. W. Dunbar, J. R.
Ferren, W. B. Ochs, D. H. Thomas. Washington Headquarters:
John McCartney, Manager.
COUNCIL ON INDUSTRIAL C. D. Forshee, Assistant Manager,
Export Orders.
RELATIONS H. A. Brummett, Accountant-Cashier.
Organized 1945 Myrtle McGee, Domestic Orders.
Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash- D. S. Damazo, Stock Orders.,
ington 12. D. C. New York Branch:
Officers J. G. Slate, Branch Manager, 355
West 52nd St., New York, N.Y.
Executive Secretary: C. B. Haynes. Telephone, CIrcle 6-1417.
Committee: W. B. Ochs, Chairman; San Francisco Branch:
E. E. Cossentine, H. T. Elliott, C. B.
Haynes, A. W. Johnson, H. A. Mor- W. H. Raley, Branch Manager, Room
rison, H. H. Votaw. 310, 703 Market St., San Francisco,
Calif. Telephone, YUkon 2-2366.
Union Conference Representatives: Cable Address, "ESDA" San Fran-
Atlantic, L. E. Esteb. cisco.
Canadian, W. A. Nelson.
Central, G. R. Fattic.
Columbia, 0. S. Hershberger. GENERAL CONFERENCE ASSOCIA-
Lake, H. K. Halladay. TION OF THE SEVENTH-
Northern, C. A. Edwards. DAY ADVENTISTS
North Pacific, G. W. Chambers.
Pacific, F. G. Ashbaugh. Incorporated 1916
Southern, J. M. Cox. Legal Title: "General Conference As-
Southwestern, W. A. Howe. sociation of the Seventh-day Advent-
ELLEN G. WHITE PUBLICATIONS Constituency: The General Conference
An organization formed in harmony
with the trust created in the will of Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash-
the late Ellen G. White, to act as her ington 12, D. C.
agent in the custody of her writings,
and in the promotion of their continued Officers:
publication in all lands. President, W. H. Branson.
Secretary, R. H. Adair.
Office Address: General Conference, Treasurer, C. L. Torrey.
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C. Undertreasurer, W. H. Williams.
Officers: Board of Trustees: R. H. Adair, W. H.
President, M. E. Kern. Branson, J. F. Cummins, E. D. Dick,
Secretary, A. L. White; Associate, H. T. Elliott, R. R. Figuhr, W. B.
D. E. Robinson. Ochs, C. L. Torrey, W. H. Williams.
ADVENTISTS Organized 1950
Incorporated 1904 Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash-
ington 12, D.C.
Legal Title: "General Conference Cor- Officers:
poration of Seventh-day Adventists."
Chairman, R. R. Figuhr.
Constituency: The General Conference Vice-Chairman, R. H. Adair.
delegates. Secretary, E. R. Walde.
Members: R. R. Figuhr, R. H. Adair,
Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash- I. E. Gillis, W. E. Murray, B. F.
ington 12, D. C. Perez, A. H. Roth, C. L. Torrey,
E. R. Walde, H. J. Westphal, Paul
Wickman, and Radio Secretary, South
President, W. H. Branson. American Division.
Secretary, R. H. Adair.
Treasurer, C. L. Torrey.
Undertreasurer, W. H. Williams. NORTH AMERICAN COMMISSION
Board of Trustees: R. H. Adair, W. H. MISSIONARY ENTERPRISES
Branson, J. F. Cummins, E. D. Dick, Organized 1947; reorganized 1950
H. T. Elliott, R. R. Figuhr, W. B.
Ochs, C. L. Torrey, W. H. Williams. Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash-
ington 12, D.C.
ENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS IN- Secretary, W. A. Butler.
SURANCE SERVICE Members: W. B. Ochs, E. E. Cossentine,
R. R. Figuhr, C. B. Haynes, J. W.
and McFarland, T. L. Oswald, Carl Sun-

INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COM- din, A. L. White, W. H. Williams.
PANY OF TAKOMA PARK, MD. Union Secretaries:
6840 Eastern Ave., Takoma Park, Atlantic, L. E. Esteb.
Washington 12, D. C. Canadian, W. A. Nelson.
Central, W. B. Mohr.
Organized 1936 Columbia, J. C. Holland.
Board of Directors: Lake, E. L. Green.
Northern, J. D. Smith.
President, H. L. Rudy. North Pacific, G. W. Chambers.
Vice-President and Treasurer, C. L. Pacific, H. W. Vollmer.
Torrey. Southern, H. F. Hanson.
Secretary, W. A. Benjamin. Southwestern, H. C. Kephart.
Undertreasurer, W. H. Williams.
Association of Seventh-day
Members: (Term expriring 1951) E. D. Adventist Self-Supporting Institutions
Dick, H. T. Elliott, H. L. Rudy, C. L.
Torrey; (Term expiring 1952) J. F. Officers:
Cummins, C. H. Kelly, J. H. Nies ; President, W. E. Straw.
(Term expiring 1953) R. H. Adair, Vice-President, L. E. Coolidge.
W. A. Benjamin, D. A. Cone, W. H. Secretary-Treasurer, J. W. McFar-
Williams. land ; Assistant, J. L. Neil.
Executive Committee: W. A. Butler,
L. E. Coolidge, E. E. Cossentine, R.
FOR MEDICAL CADET SERVICE Malin, J. W. McFarland, J. L. Neil,
Organized 1950 W. B. Ochs, W. E. Straw, A. W.
Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash-
ington 12, D.C.
Chairman, A. V. Olson. DAY ADVENTISTS
Vice-Chairman, R. R. Figuhr.
Secretary, W. H. Bergherm. Incorporated 1913
Members: W. H. Bergherm, W. H. Legal Title: "North American Confer-
Branson, N. F. Brewer, E. W. Dun- ence Corporation of Seventh-day Ad-
bar, R. R. Figuhr, T. R. Flaiz, A. L. ventists.'
Ham, J. Nussbaum, A. V. Olson, Constituency: The General Conference
L. R. Rasmussen, E. E. Roen felt, delegates from the United States and
H. L. Rudy, C. L. Torrey. Canada.

Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash- Eastern Board: M. L. Rice, Chairman;

ington 12, D. C. V. G. Anderson, E. L. Branson, W.
A. Fagal, D. A. Ochs, L. E. Lenheim,
Officers: E. R. Waldo, Paul Wickman, W. H.
President, W. H. Branson. Williams.
Secretary, R. H. .Adair. Western Board: C. L. Bauer, Chair-
Treasurer, C. L. Torrey.
man ; R. R. Bietz, I. E. Gillis, D. L.
Undertreasurer, W. H. Williams. Olsen, H. M. S. Richards, F. W.
Board of Trustees: R. H. Adair, W. H. Schnepper, C. A. Scriven, Paul Wick-
Branson, E. D. Dick, H. T. Elliott, man.
W. B. Ochs, C. L. Torrey, W. H.
Television Program: "Faith for Today."


COMMISSION Superintendent of Transportation: C.
OrganizedJ940 L. Torrey, Takoma Park, Washing-
ton 12, D.C. (Also general agent for
Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash- trans-Atlantic steamship lines.) As-
ington 12, D. C. sociate, Roger Altman ; Assistant,
Officers: W. H. Williams.
Chairman, W. B. Ochs. Eastern Transportation Agent: J. G.
Vice-Chairman, H. H. Votaw. Slate, 355 West 52nd St.,'New York
Secretary, C. B. Haynes. 19, N.Y., (TelephoneOffice: Circle
Members: F. G. Ashbaugh, E. E. Cos- 6-1417.) Cable Address: "Adventists
sentine, E. N. Dick, L. K. Dickson, H. New York." Consign all freight ship-
ments clearly marked as follows:
T. Elliott, C. B. Haynes, 0. S. (Name of Owner or Consignee) 355
Hershberger, A. W. Johnson, T. E. West 52nd St., New York 19, N.Y.
Lucas, W. B. Ochs, T. L. Oswald, For: (Name of Owner or Consignee)
J. I. Robison, H. H. Votaw, W. H. Final Destination overseas. Send all
Williams. Bs/L direct to the above address.
Executive Council: W. B. Ochs, Chair- Small packages should be mailed or
man ; H. H. Votaw, Vice-Chairman ; sent by American Express direct over-
C. B. Haynes, Secretary ; E. E. Cos- seas, if possible, unless they are to be
sentine, L. K. Dickson, A. W. John- taken by passengers. If sent to New
son, T. E. Lucas, J. W. McFarland, York, packages should be addressed
W. H. Williams. to the ultimate consignee, 355 West
52nd St., New York 19, N.Y.
Regional Secretaries:
Western Transportation Agent and Gen-
Atlantic Union, R. A. Nesmith. eral Agent for Transpacific Steam-
Canadian Union, L. E. Smart.
ship Lines: W. H. Raley; Assistant,
Central Union, G. R. Fattic. F. C. Gordon, Room 310, Central
Columbia Union, 0. S. Hershberger. Tower Building, 703 Market St., San
Lake Union, D. W. Hunter. Francisco 3, Calif.: Telephone YUkon
Northern Union, E. A. Robertson. 2-2366 ; Cable Address: "Adventists,"
North Pacific Union, G. W. Cham- San Francisco. Consign all freight
bers. shipments clearly marked as follows:
Pacific Union, J. R. Nelson. (Name of Owner or Consignee) c/o
Southern Union, L. M. Nelson.
Southwestern Union, W. A. Howe. General Conference Transportation
Bureau, 240 Embarcadero St., San
Francisco, Calif. Send all mail, Bills
of Lading, and Shipping Notices,
TELEVISION COMMISSION direct to the office address: 703
Organized 1950 Market St., San Francisco, Calif.
Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash- London Transportation Agent: C. H.
ington 12, D.C. Anscombe; Assistant, C. Wilson; 41
Hazel Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex,
Secretary: Paul Wickman. England. Cable address: "Adventist,
General Board: W. B. Ochs, Chairman; London." Telegrams, "Adventist,
V. G. Anderson, C. L. Bauer, R. R. Phone, London." Telephone, Edgware
Bietz, E. L. Branson, W. H. Branson, 7758. If the office representative can-
M. V. Campbell, E. D. Dick, H. T. not be located at the London Term-
Elliott, W. A. Fagal, I. E. Gillis, L. inus, please telephone Edgware 7758
E. Lenheim, W. A. Nelson, D. A. for instructions.
Ochs, T. L. Oswald, G. E. Peters, Unless otherwise designated, the treas-
M. L. Rice, H. M. S. Richards, F. W. urers of division fields outside of
Schnepper, C. A. Scriven, J. D. North America and of union confer-
Smith, C. L. Torrey, J. W. Turner, ences in North America are trans-
E. R. Walde, Paul Wickman, W. H. portation agents for their respective
Williams. territories.

THE VOICE OF PROPHECY Associate Speaker and Director of

Bible Schools, D. L. Olsen.
Established 1942 Public Relations Director, D. V. Pond.
Director of Spanish Bible School,
Office: 1500 East Chevy Chase Drive, 13. F. Perez.
Glendale 6, Calif. (Telephones, Chap-
man 5-2349; Citrus 3-4266.) Periodical:
Postal Address: Box 1511, Glendale 5, The Voice of Prophecy News, monthly
Calif. (business mail) ; Box 55, Los 8-page newspaper, free to contribut-
Angeles 53, Calif. (radio mail). ors ; editor, D. L. Olsen; associ-
ates, Jeann Perkins, Florence Han-
General Board: W. B. Ochs, Chairman ; son, D. V. Pond.
V. G. Anderson, C. L. Bauer, W. H.
Branson, M. V. Campbell, E. D. Dick, Legal Organization:
H. T. Elliott, I. E. Gillis, L. E. Len-
heim, W. A. Nelson, D. A. Ochs, T. L. Incorporated under title of "The
Oswald, G. E. Peters, M. L. Rice, Voice of Prophecy."
H. M. S. Richards, F. W. Schnepper,
C. A. Scriven, J. D. Smith, C. L.
Torrey, J. W. Turner, E. R. Walde,
Paul Wickman, W. H. Williams. VOICE OF PROPHECY
Operating 'Board: C. L. Bauer, Chair-
man ; M. V. Campbell, I. E. Gillis, Incorporated 1942
D. L. Olsen, H. M. S. Richards, F.
W. Schnepper, C. A. Scriven, Paul Legal Title: "The Voice of Prophecy."
Wickman ; the Manager.
Office Address: 6840 Eastern Avenue,
Officers: W. B. Ochs, Chairman ; C. L. N.W., Takoma Park, Washington 12,
Bauer, Vice-Chairman ; Paul Wick- D.C.
man, Secretary; I. E. Gillis, Treasurer.
Board of Trustees: W. B. Ochs, Chair-
Manager and Department Heads: man: H. T. Elliott, Vice-Chairman ;
Manager and Treasurer, I. E. Gillis Paul Wickman, Secretary; W. H. Wil-
(Acting). liams, Treasurer; C. L. Bauer, I. E.
Radio Program Director and Speaker, Gillis, M. L. Rice H. M. S. Richards,
H. M. S. Richards. H. L. Rudy.

Persons Holding C redentials frOni the

General C onference
Ordained Ministers Butler, W. A. Takoma Park, Washing-
ton 12, D. C.
Adair, R. H., Takoma Park, Washing- Calkins, Glenn, Box 228, Coconut
ton 12, D.C. Grove, Miami, Fla.
Altman, Roger, Takoma Park, Wash- Christian, P. W., Emmanuel Mission-
ington 12, D. C. ary College, Berrien Springs, Mich.*
Anderson, R. A., Takoma Park, Wash- Cormack, A. W., Takoma Park, Wash-
ington 12, D. C. ington 12, D. C.
Appel, G. J., Post Office Box 1011, Cossentine, E. E., Takoma Park, Wash-
Beirut, Lebanon. ington 12, D. C.
Armstrong, V. T., Box 226, Singapore, Counsel], I. V., Takoma Park, Wash-
Colony of Singapore. ington 12, D. C.
Beach, W. R., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Cross, C. G., Takoma Park, Washington
Switzerland. 12, D.C.
Bergherm, W. H., Takoma Park, Wash- Degering, C. W., Box 66, College View
ington 12, D. C Station, Lincoln 6, Nebr.
Blunden, H. M., Box 132, Buckingham Dick, E. D., Takoma Park, Washing-
Park, Kelseyville, Calif. ton 12, D. C.
Bozarth, C. W., Grove Ave., Claremont, Dickson, L. K., Takoma Park, Washing-
Cape Province, South Africa. ton 12, D. C.
Bradley, W. P., Takoma Park, Wash- Dunbar, E. W., Takoma Park, Wash-
ington 12, D. C. ington 12, D.C.
Branson, W. H., Takoma Park, Wash- Dunn, N. W., Takoma Park, Washing-
ington 12, D.C. ton 12, D.C.
Brewer, N. F., Takoma Park, Washing- Eckenroth, M. K., Takoma Park, Wash-
ton 12, D.C. ington 12, D. C.
Brown, H. F., Takoma Park, Washing- Edwards, J. E., Takoma Park, Wash-
ton 12, D.C. ington 12, D. C.
Buckwalter, J. A., Takoma Park, Elliott, H. T., Takoma Park, Washing-
Washington 12, D.C. ton 12, D.C.

Elliott, W. P., 312 N. Boyle Ave., Los Ochs, W. B., Takoma Park, Washing-
Angeles 33, Calif. ton 12, D. C.
Esteb, A. A., Takoma Park, Washing- Olson, A. V., Takoma Park, Wash-
ton 12, D.C. ington 12, D. C.
Figuhr, R. R., Takoma Park, Wash- Oswald, T. L., Takoma Park, Washing-
ington 12, D.C. ton 12, D. C.
Flaiz, T. R., Takoma Park, Washing- Peters, G. E., 772 Kenilworth Terrace,
ton 12, D. C. N.E., Washington 19, D.C.
Franklin, E. E., Takoma Park, Wash- Peterson, F. L., Oakwood College,
ington 12, D. C. Huntsville, Ala.
Froom, L. E., Takoma Park, Washing- Pierson, R. H., Box 15, Poona 1, India.*
ton 12, D. C. Rasmussen, L. R., Takoma Park, Wash-
Glanzer, Ben, Takoma Park, Washing- ington 12, D. C.
ton 12, D.C. Read, W. E., Takoma Park, Washing-
Hackman, E. F., Box 228, Coconut Grove, ton 12, D. C.
Miami, Fla. Rebok, D. E., Takoma Park, Washing-
Ham, A. L., Takoma Park, Washing- ton 12, D. C.
ton 12, D.C. Reynolds, K. J., Takoma Park, Washing-
Hare, E. B., Takoma Park, Washing- ton 12, D. C.
ton 12, D. C. Rice, H. E., Porter Sanitarium, 2525
Harris, S. C., Takoma Park, Washing- South Downing St., Denver, Colo. *
ton 12, D. C. Richards, H. M. S., Box 1511, Glendale,
Harris, W. J., Takoma Park, Washing- Calif.
ton 12, D.C. Robinson, D. E., Takoma Park, Wash-
Haynes, C. B., Takoma Park, Washing- ington 12, D. C.
ton 12, D. C. Robison, J. I., Takoma Park, Washing-
Horn, S., Theological Seminary, Takoma ton 12, D. C.
Park, D.C. Roenfelt, E. E., Takoma Park, Wash-
Hsu Hwa, 526 Ningkuo Road, Shang- ington 12, D. C.
hai 19, China. Rudy, H. L. Takoma Park, Washing-
Johanson, E. J., Takoma Park, Wash- ton 12, D.C.
ington 12, D. C. Scharffenberg, W. A., Takoma Park,
Johnson, A. W., Takoma Park, Wash- Washington 12, D. C.
ington 12, D.C. Shuler, J. L., Takoma Park, Washing-
Kaplan, S. A., 807 Kennebec Ave., Ta- ton 12, D.C.
koma Park, Washington 12, D.C. Shull, J. C., 312 North Boyle Avenue,
Kern, M. E., Takoma Park, Washing- Los Angeles 33, Calif.
ton 12, D. C. Skinner, L. A., Takoma Park, Wash-
Lindbeck, L. H., 57 Maplewood Ave., ington 12, D.C.
Hempstead, N.Y. Spicer, W. A., 606 Carroll Avenue, Ta-
Loasby, R. E., 913 Hadden Drive, koma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C. Stevens, J. A., 500 Tulip Avenue, Ta-
Lorntz, E. J., Takoma Park, Washing- koma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
ton 12, D. C. Sundin, Carl, 312 N. Boyle Ave., Los
Lowe, H. W., Takoma Park, Washing- Angeles 33, Calif.
ton 12, D. C. Tarr, A. F., 41 Hazel Gardens, Edg-
Lucas, T. E., Takoma Park, Washing- ware, Middlesex, England.
ton 12, D. C. Teesdale, W. H., Takoma Park, Wash-
Mathews, G. M., Takoma Park, Wash- ington 12, D. C.
ington 12, D.C. Torrey, C. L., Takoma Park, Washing-
McAdams, D. A., Takoma Park, Wash- ton 12, D.C.
ington 12, D. C. Vandeman, G. E., Takoma Park, Wash-
McFarland, J. W., Takoma Park, Wash- ington 12, D. C.
ington 12, D.C. Votaw, H. H., Takoma Park, Wash-
McElhany, J. L., 13858 East Lomitas ington 12, D. C.
Avenue, Puente. Calif. Wagner, B. E., Takoma Park, Wash-
Moffitt, L. L., Takoma Park, Washing- ington 12, D.C.
ton 12, D. C. Walde, E. R., Takoma Park, Wash-
Morrison, H. A., Takoma Park, Wash- ington 12, D.C.
ington 12, D. C. Walsh, Horace, Ft. Meade, Md.
Mueller, W., Niklasstr." 19, (1) Berlin- Watson, C. H., 148 Fox Valley Road.
Zehlendorf, American Sector, Ger- Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. *
many. Weniger, C. E., Theological Seminary,
Murray, W. E., Virrey del Pino 3801, Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Sue. 30, R. 11, Buenos Aires, Argen- White, A. L., Takoma Park, Washing-
tina, South America. ton 12, D.C.
Nelson, W. E., Takoma Park, Wash- Wickman, Paul, Takoma Park, Wash-
ington 12, D. C. ington 12, D. C.
Nethery, J. J., 920 W. 7th St., Love- Wilcox. F. M., 1929 E. Glenoaks Blvd.,
land, Colo. Glendale, Calif.
Nichol, F. D.. Takoma Park, Washing- Wilson, N. C., 148 Fox Valley Road.
ton 12, D. C. Wahroonga, N.S.W., Australia. *

Wood, L. H., Theological Seminary, Fleisher, Stella, Takoma Park, Wash-

Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C. ington 12, D. C.
Wright, K. A., Southern Missionary Harrison, 1. H., 119 Carroll Ave., Ta-
College, Collegedale, Tenn. koma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Yost, F. H., Takoma Park, Washing- Johnson, Mildred, Takoma Park, Wash-
ton 12, D. C. ington 12, D.C.
Knight, F. B., Takoma Park, Wash-
Honorary : ington 12, D. C.
Andreasen, M. L., 2809 Midwick Drive, McCartney, John, Takoma Park, Wash-
Alhambra. Calif. ington 12, D.C.
Bowen, T. E., Box 7, Foneswood, Va. Meyer, Louise, Takoma Park, Washing.
Campbell, M. N., Mt. Vernon, Ohio. ton 12, D. C.
R. M. Cossentine, 303 Lincoln Ave., Raley, W. H., 703 Market St., San Fran-
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. cisco 3, Calif.
Eastman, W. W., 361 San Matthew Dr., Schmidt, Ana, 41 Hazel Gardens,
Loma Linda, Calif. Edgware, Middlesex, England.
Griggs, Frederick, 3868 Dwiggins St., Slate, J. G., 355 W. 52nd St., New
Los Angeles 33, Calif. York 19, N. Y.
Halswick, L., 310 Longbranch Park- Taft, M. C., Takoma Park, Washing.
way, Takoma Park, Washington 12, ton 12, D. C.
D.C. Thompson, Mrs. G. B., Takoma Park,
Hansen, L. A., 127 E. Winter Park, Washington 12, D. C.
Orlando, Fla. Towery, Mrs. Mabel, Takoma Park,
Kress, D. H., 405 Niblick Ave., Orlando, Washington 12, D. C.
Fla. Williams, Mrs. Arabella M., Takoma
Longacre, C. S., 102 Park Avenue, Park, Washington 12, D. C.
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. Zeidler, Elizabeth, Takoma Park, Wash-
MacGuire, Meade, Box 581, Sonora, ington 12, D. C.
Calif. Honorary:
Olsen, M. E., 502 Flower Avenue, Ta-
koma Park, Washington 12, D.C. Conard, Claude, Route 1, Box 1315,
Roberts, G. A., White Memorial Hos- Paradise, Calif.
pital, Boyle and Michigan Ayes., Los Ginther, Rosamond, Box 427, Gladstone,
Angeles, Calif. Oregon.
Ruble, W. A., c /o Glendale Sanitarium, Gregg, Lizzie M., 1920 Pennsylvania
Glendale, Calif. Ave., Los Angeles 33, Calif.
Ruhling, R., 21 Woodland Avenue, Ta- Ireland, J. J., Takoma Park, Washing.
koma Park. Washington 12, D.C. ton 12, D. C.
Schuberth, H. F., Hunibach-Thun, McNeill, S. E., 4 Crescent Place, Ta-
Switzerland. koma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Shaw, J. L., Loma Linda, Calif. Peck, Sarah, Angwin, Calif.
Spalding, A. W., Madison College, Tenn. Porter, Mabel, 5036 Denny Ave., N.
Sutherland, E. A., Madison College, Hollywood, Calif.
Tenn. Weir, Margaret, 511 Bradford St.,
Wellman, S. A., 1949 Staunton Avenue, Albany 5, N.Y.
Winter Park, Fla. Credentialed Bible Instructor
* Names are included also in listing of Kleuser, Louise C., Takoma Park,
ordained ministers in the fields in Washington 12, D.C.
which they hold office or labor. Licensed Ministers
Barrows, H. W., Takoma Park, Wash-
Credentialed Missionaries ington 12, D. C.
Anscombe, C. H., 41 Hazel Gardens, Bloum, H. P., Takoma Park, Wash-
Edgware, Middlesex, England. ington 12, D.C.
Arason, S., Takoma Park, Washington Brennwald, F., Takoma Park, Wash-
12, D. C. ington 12, D. C.
Benjamin, W. A.. Takoma Park, Wash- Cobban, H. H., 221 Willow Avenue,
ington 12, D. C. Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Burnett, D. Lois, Takoma Park, Wash- Cone, D. A., Takoma Park, Washing-
ington 12, D. C. ton 12, D.C..
Childs, H. G., Pacific Press Publishing Cummins, J. F., Takoma Park. Wash-
Assoc., Mountain View, Calif. ington 12, D. C.
Christie, E. C., Takoma Park, Washing- Ferren, J. R., Takoma Park, Washing-
ton 12, D.C. ton 12, D. C.
Dent, C. A., 800 Youngs Lane, Nash- Harding, G. T., 312 N. Boyle Ave.
ville, Tenn. Los Angeles, Calif.
Dixon, H. R., Takoma Park, Washing- Huse, G. A., Takoma Park, Washing-
ton 12, D. C. ton 12, D. C.
Evans, M. E., Takoma Park, Wash- Lindsjo, Holger, Theological Seminary,
ington 12, D. C. Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C.
Fields, Grace, Takoma Park, Washing- Phillips, W. E., Takoma Park, Wash-
ton 12, D.C. ington 12, D. C.

Rentf ro, C. A., Takoma Park, Wash- Elsie Minesinger, Mrs. L. L. Moffitt,
ington 12, D. C. Marie Mooney, Mrs. Mabel Mulhol-
Walther, Daniel, Theological Seminary, land, W. L. Murrill, Mrs. Ruth Mc-
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C. Adams, Myrtle McGee, 0. J. Mc-
Weeks, H. 13., Takoma Park, Washing- Kinney, Mrs. Mary K. Nanson, Doro-
ton 12, D.C. thy Ninaj, Frances Nowlin, Vivienne
Williams, W. H., Takoma Park, Wash- Nye, Marion Nyman, Mary Ogle, Mrs.
ington 12, D. C. Anita Olsen, Hazel Olson, Russell
Osborn, Mrs. Margie Osborne.
Honorary: Mrs. Mary D. Patterson, Mary Paul,
Cole, J. W., Coalmont, Tenn. Hazel Peter, Mrs. Frances Plata,
Mrs. Mary Reinhard, Mrs. Alvina
Name also included in listing of Roberts, Bruce Roberts, Eileen Rob-
licensed ministers of the Pacific Un- son, Evelyn Ruch, Mrs. Leona Run-
ion. ning, Frances Russell, Frances Samp-
Licensed Missionaries son, F. E. Sampson, Mrs. Grace Samp-
son, Leila Sanders, Mrs. W. A.
General Conference Employees: Scharffenberg, Mrs. Catherine Scheib,
Karsten Aasheim, Minnie Abray, Mrs. Mary Scott, R. M. Seeley,
Mrs. R. H. Adair, G. L. Alexander, Hazel I. Shadel, Frances Slate, Verna
Mrs. J. P. Anderson, Mrs. S. Ara- Slate, Helen Smith, Lynne Sudduth.
son, Elsie Argent, Mrs. Vera D. Mrs. Dorothy Tarr, Walter Tate,
Baker, Chester Barger, Mrs. Evelyn Minnie Truitt, Mintie Truitt, Mrs.
Beavon, Erna Borm, G. T. Bourne, Marjorie Varmer, Mrs. June Vogt,
Barbara Britton, Hazel Broome, Mrs. Mrs. Gertrude von Tenspolde, Rob-
J. A. Buckwalter, Irene Caslow, ert Waln, Thelma Wellman, Ev-
Louise Caslow, Merilyn Chace, Mrs. elyn Wells, Mrs. Gladys Westberg,
D. A. Cone, Mrs. Harriet Cooney, La Ernest Wetmore, Mrs. Lena Wetmore,
Verne Cunningham, T. Rose Curtis, Mrs. Freda White, Corinne Wilkin-
David Damazo, Mrs. Naomi Dart, son, Ora Williams, Ruth Williams,
Jack Davidson, Maxine Dudley, Mil- Mrs. Lois Yost.
dred Dumas-, Gladys Dunn, Mrs. H.
T. Elliott, Mrs. Clyde Evans, Grace Home Study Institute:
Evans. Mrs. Chester Barger, Mrs. Elsie F.
Mrs. Alice Fagerstrom, Katie Far- Barr, Mrs. Dorothy Heitz, Mrs. Iva
ney, Mrs. Esther L. Fenn, J. P. A. Brando, Mrs. Ivy Lucas, Mrs. G.
Finch, A. F. Folger, Mrs. Edith Fol- M. Matthews, Dorothy Morgan, Mrs.
ger, Zelda Forrester, Clell Franklin, Christine Workman.
Mrs. Clell Franklin, E. H. Franklin, Theological Seminary:
Mrs. Marilyn Froelich, Mrs. Betty
Grider, Mrs. Marjorie Hild, Mildred Mrs. E. R. Gumbo, Mrs. Anita Kohler,
Hill, Mrs. Mildred Hover, Ethel How- Evelyn Perdue, Mrs. Hollis Terry,
ard, Emma Howell, Mrs. Nell Hunter, Mrs. Daniel Walther, Theodora Wirak,
Mrs. H. T. Johnson, Virginia Ken- Mrs. F. H. Yost.
nedy, S. E. Kilby, Mrs. Agnes Kings- Transportation Offices:
field, Pauline Klady, Alice Koger,
Eva M. Linscott, Mrs. Leona M. New York:
A. Correa, S. T. Jensen, Mrs. Freda
Long. Mrs. Kathryn Lundberg. Steeves.
Frances Maiden, Ena Manuel, Mrs.
Marjorie Marsh, Genevieve Melendy, San Francisco:
Audrey Messenger, Kay Messenger, F. C. Gordon, Mrs. Donna Morrison,
Theodore Mikso, Helen Miller, Mrs. Mrs. Lillian R. Wright.
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IV Texas
*Union Conference
Local Conference Q
Educational Institution
Medical Institution
Publishing House
Territory: United States, Canada, ison ; R. A. Anderson, V. G. Ander-
Alaska, Bermuda, and Hawaiian Is- son, C. L. Bauer, W. A. Benjamin,
lands, all of which comprise the At- W. H. Branson, W. A. Butler, Glenn
lantic, Canadian, Central, Columbia, Calkins, M. V. Campbell, H. G.
Lake, Northern, North Pacific, Pa- Childs, P. W. Christian, E. E. Cossen-
cific, Southern, and Southwestern tine, C. W. Degering, C. A. Dent. E.
Union Conferences. D. Dick, E. W. Dunbar, W. P. Elliott,
Population: (1940 and 1950) 150,824,- H. P. Evens. J. R. Ferren, T. R.
636 ; churches, 2,874 ; members, 247,- Flaiz, G. T. Harding, C. B. Haynes,
919. G. A. Huse, E. J. Johanson, A. W.
Office Address: 6840 Eastern Ave., L. E. Lenheim, E. J. Lorntz, L. L.
N.W., Takoma Park, Washington 12, Moffitt, H. A. Morrison, W. A. Nel-
D.C. (Telephone, GEorgia 0800.) son, F. D. Nichol, D. A. Ochs, A.
Telegraphic Address: WUX, General V. Olson, T. L. Oswald, G. E. Peters,
Conference. Washington, D.C. (NOT F. L. Peterson, W. E. Phillips, D. E.
Takoma Park.) Rebok, H. E. Rice, M. L. Rice, H. M.
S. Richards, W. A. Scharffenberg, C.
Vice-President: W. B. Ochs. A. Striven, John Shull, J. D. Smith,
Committee on Administration: Chair- Carl Sundin, W. H. Teesdale, C. L.
man, W. B. Ochs; Secretary, H. T. Torrey, J. W. Turner, Paul Wickman,
Elliott ; Associate Secretary, J. I. Rob- W. H. Williams, K. A. Wright.


Organized 1901

Territory: Connecticut, Maine, Massa- Nesmith. Edward Ney, M. L. Rice,

chusetts, New Hampshire, New York, G. E. Shankel, C. 0. Smith.
Rhode Island, Vermont, and the Ber- Honorary: C. L. Blandford, F. W.
muda Islands, comprising the Greater Cummings, H. P. Gram, H. F. Kirk,
New York, New York, Northeastern, I. M. Martin, 0. J. Nerlund, W.
Northern New England, Southern W. Rice, A. E. Sanderson, Joseph
New England Conferences, and the Schnetzler, D. I. Shaw, C. L. Taylor,
Bermuda Mission. E. W. Thurber, V. C. Townsend, D.
Population: 21,953,686; churches, 218 ; G. Turk.
members, 17,951. Credentialed Missionaries:
Office Address: South Lancaster, Mass. R. J. Carruthers, P. S. Chen, C. H.
(Telephone, Clinton 682.) Dye, Mrs. Mattie Edgerton, Paul
Ford, C. A. Haysmer, Mrs. Rochelle
Officers: P. Kilgore, J. S. Kootsey, A. C. Lar-
President, M. L. Rice. son, R. F. Linthwaite, R. G. Manuel,
Secretary-Treasurer, T. R. Gardner. C. E. Nelson, James Nelson, Rowena
Auditor, K. C. Beem. Purdon, Harvey Rittenhouse, J. A.
Executive Committee: M. L. Rice, Roberts, W. A. Schram, Mrs. Cora M.
D. A. Bailey, K. C. Beem, L. H. Thurber, David Toppenberg,^ Blooma
Bland, E. L. Branson, S. L. Clark, Woodard.
L. E. Esteb, L. C. Evans, T. R. Gard- Honorary : Eva Daggett, Sophia Gooss,
ner, L. N. Holm, J. S. Kootsey, A. C. G. M. Harris, Matilda Helvi, W. M.
Larson, R. W. Moore, R. A. Nesmith, Vehorn, Emma Wells.
J. J. Reiswig, Beaman Senecal. Licensed Ministers:
Departmental Secretaries: K. C. Beem, S. L. Clark, W. W. Isen-
Educational, Temperance, War Serv- see, W. L. King, H. W. Taylor, A.
ice, and Y.P.M.V., R. A. Nesmith. W. Werline.
Home Missionary, Industrial Rela- Licensed Missionaries:
tions, Press Relations, Rural Liv-
ing, and Sabbath School, L. E. John Adams, Dorothy Bartlett, Mabel
Esteb. Bartlett, Walter Beyeler, Doris
Medical, J. S. Kootsey. Bohrer, A. N. Brandon, Mrs. Ruth
Publishing, S. L. Clark. B. Brown, Frank Burgess, Paul Bur-
Radio and Religious Liberty, M. L. gess, Mary Philmon Byers.
Rice. Clifton Calkins, Mary Camara,
Mrs. Arthur Carpenter, J. R. Cham-
Ordained Ministers: bers, Lydia Chapman, H. E. Clasing,
L. E. Esteb, W. A. Fagal, T. R. Clifton Cluff, Ruth Coldwell, Sara
Gardner, W. B. Higgins, L. N. Holm, Conger, Edith Cornell, Mrs. Carol
C. E. Kellogg, G. H. Minchin, R. A. Crabtree, J. P. Crabtree.

Mrs. Ruth Deininger, Laura M. Ordained Minister: Beaman Senecal.

Drown, Dorothy Evans, Paul Fay, Licensed Minister: K. M. Woods.
Iva S. Furnival, Mildred Gagnon,
Stephen Gascay, Mrs. Mabel Gascay, Licensed Missionary: Mrs. Beaman
Arthur Gebow, James Girard, Char- Senecal.
lottee Greiner, Robert Griffin. Church School Teachers:
Geraldine Hale, Thelma Hale, Mrs. Marie Kelly, William Morgan, Esther
Elinor Hallifax, Irving Hamilton, Pitt.
Mrs. Ann Hammond, Albert Hamra,
Clifford Hamstra, Elizabeth Hartwell,
Mrs. W. B. Higgins, Evelyn Houck, GREATER NEW YORK CON-
Frank Howe, Winfred Howe, H. F. FERENCE
W. D. Jemson, Vera Jenkins, Rob- Organized 1902
ert Johns, Alfred Johnson, Mrs. Jean Territory: The city of New York; and
W. Jordan, Mildred Judkins, Patricia the following counties in the State of
Justesen, Gladys K. Knight, Mrs. W. New York: Westchester, Rockland.
L. King, Helen Kinnear, Amelia Putnam, Orange, Dutchess, Ulster,
Kinner, Pauline Kinner, Sadie Kivi, Sullivan, Delaware, Greene, Columbia,
Mrs. Bernice Knight, Harold Knox, Nassau, and Suffolk.
Daniel Koval.
Mrs. Bertha Ladeau, Gerald La- Population: 8,851,583; churches, 32 ;
deau, Mrs. Gladys Langill, Mrs. members, 3,506.
Vyvyan Lowe, Edna MacDougall,
Mrs. Bessie Manuel, Clinton Marshall, Office Address: 108-11 69th Road, For-
Mary McConaughey, Carroll Medler, est Hills, New York. (Telephone,
Shirley Moore, Amos Nelson, Mrs. C. BOulevard 8-8110.)
E. Nelson, Mrs. Evlyn Nelson, Ruth Officers:
Nelson, Melvin Newton.
Milon Packard, Gladys Passebois, President, E. L. Branson.
Herminie Passebois, Bessie Peck, Secretary-Treasurer, M. D. Howard ;
L'Marie Porter, Mrs. Gladys Quitt- Assistant, Bertha Mamrack.
meyer, Ethel Randall, R. I. Rick, Executive Committee: E. L. Branson,
Rowena Rick, Richard Ritland, Mrs. R. K. Cemer, W. A. Fagal, M. D.
Richard Ritland, Mrs. Virginia G. Howard, Edward Magi, E. V. Pyle,
Rittenhouse, Allen Robinson, Glenda R. E. Rena, F. W. Thorp, J. A. Toop.
Rolfe, H. A. Rudisaile, Harold V.
Ruggles, Manchester Ryder. Departmental Secretaries:
Fred Sanderson, Mrs. W. A. Book and Bible House, A. E. Randall.
Schram, E. E. Scott, Mrs. Win 0. Educational and Y.P.M.V., W. E.
Shankel, Diana Simons, Josephine Burns.
Simons, Ruth Simons, Amanda Home Missionary, Religious Liberty,
Sloane, C. R. Smith, Mrs. C. R. and Sabbath School, J. A. Toop.
Smith, Ottilie Stafford, Ernest Stev- Publishing, H. D. Burbank.
ens, C. J. Stokes, David Stone, Mrs. Temperance, W. E. Burns.
I. Suzuki, James Suzuki, Mrs. Lloyd
Svennevig. Ordained Ministers:
Mrs. H. W. Taylor, Isabella Z. E. L. Branson, W. E. Burns, R. K.
Taylor, Barbara Tyler, B. H. Van Cemer, A. G. Emmer, F. K. Erlecke,
Horne, Mrs. B. H. Van Horne, LeRoy F. E. J. Harder, J. M. Hoffman, M.
Wagner. A. Walker, Beatrice Ware, D. Howard, H. I. James, Reese Jen-
Verna White, Sidney Williams, Harry kins, Branes Kanachky, Robert Kerr,
Woodward. V. A. Lidner, Edward Magi, M. A.
Legal Association: "The Atlantic Union Maloney, D. A. Mozar, J. H. Ny-
Conference Association of Seventh- lender, A. M. Petrone, R. W. Prince,
day Adventists." R. M. Ruf, F. W. Thorp, J. A. Toop,
J. A. Wasenmiller, C. A. Wilhelm.
Credentialed Bible Instructors:
Mrs. Anna Brandon, Mrs. Ena Fer-
Organized 1900 guson, Elsa Hagberg, Augusta Meyer,
Territory: Bermuda Islands. Mrs. D. A. Mozar.
Population: 37,254 ; churches, 3 ; mem- Licensed Ministers:
bers, 278. H. D. Burbank, Wenceslao Cadiz,
Postal Address: Box 370, Hamilton, Anthony Castelbuono, Earl Cowan,
Bermuda. (Telephone, 1220.) Pedro DeJesus, Paul Freiwirth, An-
thony Giangrande, A. L. Headley,
Officers: Ari Hoogenboom, Theodore Miller,
President, Beaman Senecal. Fred Minner, G. W. Muller, A. M.
Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Beaman Potlin, A. E. Randall, Sidney Ritten-
Senecal. house, Jr.

Licensed Missionaries: ney English, R. E. Neall, 0. R.

Charlene Baker, Hazel Brent, Lillian Schmidt, W. T. Skilton, E. L. Van
Broome, Mrs. F. Daxenbichler, Patri- Sanford.
cia L. Harms, Bertha Mamrack, Licensed Missionaries:
Werner Maurer, Evelyn Russell, Mrs. Esther David, Shirley Hutchins, Mar-
E. Schwab.
ion Kruger, Gladys Schnell, Cornelia
Church School Teachers: Walker, Eva Wensley, Louise Wilkes.
Mrs. Alice Ball, Earl Cowan, Mrs. Church School Teachers:
Earl Cowan, Evelyn Damazo, Ruth Jean Allen, Glenn Appelyard, Mary
A. Ekdahl, Dorothy Hasselbrack, Appelyard, Dorcas Baker, Leona Bol-
Dorothy Ketzner, Kaljo Magi, Mrs. ton, Lillian Bolton, Ruth Gove, Erna
Glenna Quimby, R. W. Rhynus, Greene, Eleanor Hansen, Helmuth
Everette Sawyer, Mrs. Chas. Sloat, Heining, Allan Hillier, Gladys Knott,
Mrs. Mary B. Thompson. Carl Krueger, Delores La Mountain,
Legal Association: "Greater New York George Mills, Madge Myers, Ruth
Corporation of Seventh-day Advent- Prest, Berneva Richards, L. C. Stan-
ists." nard, Marjorie Van Dusen.
Legal Assn.: "The New York Confer-
NEW YORK CONFERENCE ence Association of Seventh-day Ad-
Organized 1862; reorganized 1906 ventists."
and 1922
Territory: That portion of the State of NORTHEASTERN CONFERENCE
New York north and west of the line Organized 1945
formed by the northern boundaries
of Delaware, Greene, and Columbia Territory: The colored constituency of
Counties. Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts,
New Hampshire, New York, Rhode
Population: 4,056,338 ; churches, 57 ; Island, and Vermont.
members, 3,634.
Population: 672,730; churches, 20 ; mem-
Office Address: 528 Oak Street, Syra- bers, 3,269.
cuse 3, N. Y. (Telephone, 9-5549.)
Officers: Office Address: 560 West 150th Street,
New York, N. Y. (Telephone, AUdu-
President, J. J. Reiswig. bon 6-0233; & AUdubon 6-0234.)
Secretary-Treasurer, F. R. Aldridge.
Executive Committee: J. J. Reiswig, President, L. H. Bland.
F. R. Aldridge, A. S. Anderson, V. L.
Bartlett, M. N. Skadsheim, Charles Secretary-Treasurer, V. L. Roberts.
Walker, 0. D. Wright. Executive Committee: L. H. Bland,
S. J. Hooper, H. W. Kibble, W. S.
Departmental Secretaries: Lee, E. A. Lockett, V. L. Roberts,
Book and Bible House, Edward Van T. D. Wilson.
Educational, Temperance, and Y.P. Departmental Secretaries:
M.V., H. W. Bass. Book and Bible House, M. L. Mayne.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Educational, 'Temperance, and Y.P.
V. A. LaGrone. M.V., J. E. Roache.
Publishing, Clark Dilts. Home Missionary, Industrial Rela-
Radio and Religious Liberty, J. J. tions, and Sabbath School, J. J.
Reiswig. North.
Publishing, C. M. Willis; Assistants,
Ordained Ministers: Mrs. Mabel L. Barber, Mary Morri-
A. S. Anderson, V. A. Anderson, L. son, Samuel James.
S. Barnes, H. W. Bass, J. F. Bohner, Religious Liberty, L. H. Bland.
H. N. Bresee, G. H. Greene, B. F.
Hartman, D. E. Klam, V. A. La- Ordained Ministers:
Grone, A. D. Livengood, 0. F. Locke, L. H. Bland, T. L. Davis, F. E. R.
L. F. Myers, C. A. Nelson, J. J. Jeffries, H. W. Kibble, W. S. Lee, E.
Reiswig, M. N. Skadsheim, W. W. A. Lockett, P. W. McDaniells, J. L.
Smith, 0. D. Wright. Moran, J. J. North, V. L. Roberts,
Credentialed Missionaries: T. W. Wilson.
D. R. Gibbs, Malcolm Hartwell, E. E. Credentialed Missionaries:
Stott, M. E. Wright, Mervin York. Mrs. Mabel L. Barber, Mrs. Mary L.
Credentialed Bible Instructor: Mabel Morrison, N. 0. Phipps.
Vreeland. Licensed Ministers:
Licensed Ministers: G. R. Earle, J. S. Greene, Jr., S. 0.
F. R. Aldridge, V. L. Bartlett, K. B. James, M. L. Mayne, J. E. Roache,
Burke, L. H. Cox, Clark Dilts, Sid- C. M. Willis, R. T. Wilson.

Licensed Bible Instructors: Licensed Missionaries:

Zilda C. Forde, Helen I. Horton, Mrs. Mabel K. Dryer, Mrs. Mildred
Margaret C. Hurte, Rosa L. Jones, E. Hawkins, Mrs. Bernice L. Kimball,
Elizabeth Simmons. Mrs. Verna C. Moore.
Church School Teachers: Church School Teachers:
Hazel Edgecombe, Sue E. Fisher, Mrs. Julia R. Bickford, Mrs. Clara
Cecelia R. Foster, Jessie M. Godley, M. Blood, A. Z. Bowen, Mrs. Helen
Samuel Gooden, Rosa L. Goodine, H. DeLillo, Mrs. Violet Garven, Mrs.
Julia M. Goss, Cornelius Hill, Erma Doris P. Lamont, Arlene Priest,
Lofton, Gloria Norman, Rebecca Ri- Eleanor L. Priest, A. I. Sawyer, Mrs.
ley, Emerton Whidbee, Dorothy Blanche E. Shaw, Mrs. Martha F.
Young. Sumner, Mrs. Doris P. Thistle.
Legal Association: "Maine Conference
Association of Seventh-day Advent-
NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND ists," and "Northern New England
CONFERENCE Conference of Seventh-day Advent-
Organized 1867; reorganized 1926 ists, Inc."
Territory: States of Maine, New Hamp-
shire, and Vermont.
Population: 1,695,879; churches, 52; CONFERENCE
members, 2,526.
Organized 1870 ; reorganized
Office: 426 Forest Avenue, Portland, 1903 and 1926
Maine. (Telephone, 4-3611.)
Territory: Connecticut, Massachusetts,
Postal Address: Box 1340, Portland 2, and Rhode Island.
Population: 6,639,902 ; churches, 54 ;
Officers: members, 4,738.
President, R. W. Moore. (Telephone, Office Address: South Lancaster, Mass.
3-6521.) (Telephone, Clinton 255.)
Secretary-Treasurer, P. I. Nosworthy.
(Telephone, 4-7972.) Officers:
Executive Committee: R. W. Moore, President, L. C. Evans. (Telephone,
D. K. Bettie, Floyd Hilliard, L. R. Clinton 608.)
Langworthy, E. D. LeBrun, P. I. Secretary-Treasurer, L. E. Aldrich.
Nosworthy, C. E. Perry. (Telephone, Clinton 516.)
Departmental Secretaries: Executive Committee: L. C. Evans,
Book and Bible House, P. I. Nos- L. E. Aldrich, T. G. Bunch, J. B.
worthy ; Associate, R. L. Houghton. Chrispens, J. M. Clemons, George
Educational, Temperance, War Serv- Davis, W. J. Hackett, W. B. Johnson,
ice, and Y.P.M.V., A. M. Ragsdale. L. A. Senseman.
Home Missionary, Industrial Rela- Departmental Secretaries:
tions, and Sabbath School, S. B.
Olney. Book and Bible House, 0. A. Braman.
Publishing, L. D. Dryer. Educational, Temperance, and Y.P.
Press Relations, P. I. Nosworthy. M.V., W. J. Hackett; Elementary
Religious Liberty: Maine, R. W. Supervisor, Mrs. L. E. Esteb.
Moore; New Hampshire, A. W. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Perrine; Vermont, E. W. Thurber. C. P. Anderson.
Publishing, C. P. Lampson ; Assist-
Ordained Ministers: ants, Chester Walkowiak, Mrs. J.
J. P. Grove, Floyd Hilliard, L. R. M. Burks.
Langworthy, R. A. Mitchell, R. W. Religious Liberty: Connecticut, J. M.
Moore, S. B. Olney, A. W. Perrine, Clemons ; Massachusetts, L. C. Ev-
C. E. Perry, A. J. Purdey, A. M. ans; Rhode Island, J. B. Chrispens.
Ragsdale, H. R. Rolfe, J. W. Wood. Ordained Ministers:
Credentialed Missionary: R. L. Hough- C. P. Anderson, N. W. Becker, H.
ton. J. Brendel, T. G. Bunch, J. B. Chris-
Credentialed Bible Instructor: Christine pens, J. M. Clemons, L. C. Evans, H.
F. Dyer. E. Fagal, G. R. Freeman, H. E.
Greene, W. J. Hackett, P. G. Her-
Licensed Ministers: wick, M. G. Johnson, J. F. Knips-
L. A. Benzinger, Jr., S. P. Berkeley, child, H. F. Maxson, C. M. Pike.
Louis DeLillo, L. D. Dryer, C. E.
Groom, W. R. Lesher, N. S. Mizher, Credentialed Missionaries:
P. I. Nosworthy, R. A. Pelton, C. L. 0. A. Braman, Mrs. L. E. Esteb,
Strickland, A. R. Swanson. Harold Maddox, Chester Walkowiak.

Credentialed Bible Instructors: E. Greene, Mrs. Norma Griffin, Mrs.

Mrs. Frances Bishop, Mrs. Fay Mark, E. N. Hanson, Mrs. Vera Henry,
Faith Munroe, Mrs. Bernice S. Red- Ruth Hirst, Florence Kidder, Mrs.
mond, Nita Robbins, Mrs. Ruth Roy, Helen Knutson, Mrs. Duane Mont-
Helen Weston. gomery, C. E. Nelson, Mrs. Annie
B. Patterson, Betty Perry, Mrs.
Licensed Ministers: Olive Roberts, Mrs. Mary Silva,
L. E. Aldrich, Joseph Barnes, Wil- Frances Smith, Florence Strickland.
liam Carpenter, E. S. Chace, Jr., Legal Assn.: "The Southern New Eng-
George Coffen, James Costa, Edwin land Conference Association of Sev-
Crosby, L. W. Curtis, Joseph Damazo, enth-day Adventists."
A. R. Friedrich, Leonard Gaspie,
Willis Graves, R. J. Hammond, E. C.
Harkins, John Hayward, Richard INSTITUTIONS IN THE ATLANTIC
Knapp, C. P. Lampson, Ralph No- UNION CONFERENCE
brega, S. Renzi, Donald Sandstrom, Educational:
Joseph Webb. Atlantic Union College, South Lan-
caster, Mass.
Licensed Missionaries:
Brookside Academy, East Taunton,
Mrs, Edwin Harkins, Carolyn John- Mass.
son, Florence M. Kidder, Mrs. Emma
Kirk, Mrs. Linnea Klouzek, Mrs. G. Greater Boston Academy, 415 New-
Mather, Kenneth Spaulding, Edith bury St., Boston 15, Mass.
Warrell. Greater New York Academy, 41-32
Church School Teachers: Fifty-eighth St., Woodside, L. I.,
N. Y.
Mrs. Marion Adams, Bettyrose Blaser,
Melvin Boynton, Verna Boynton, Mrs. Union Springs Academy, Union
Bonnie Bunn, Mrs. S. L. Clark, Mrs. Springs, N. Y.
Beverly Costa, J. J. Costa, Mrs. Lu- Medical:
cille Costa, Margaret Drown, Mrs. New England Sanitarium and Hos-
Natalie Gifford, D. D. Gray, Mrs. H. pital, Melrose, Mass.


Organized 1932

Territory: Canada, also French posses- Home Missionary, Sabbath School,

sions of Miquelon and St. Pierre, and Temperance, C. C. Weis.
comprising the Alberta, British Co- Medical, W. H. Roberts.
lumbia, Manitoba-Saskatchewan, Mar- Public Relations and Transportation
itime, Newfoundland Mission, On- Agent, W. A. Nelson.
tario-Quebec Conferences, and St. Publishing, J. M. Bucy.
Lawrence Mission.
Ordained Ministers:
Population: 12,160,638 ; churches, 134 ; G. S. Balharrie, H. M. Bedwell, E. E.
members, 11,402. Bietz, J. M. Bucy, H. J. Campbell,
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 396, Osh- R. E. Crawford, C. G. Maracle, T. C.
awa, Ontario, Canada. (Telephone, Murdoch, W. A. Nelson, D. F. New-
3293W.) feld, C. A. Reeves, L. E. Smart, C. C.
Weis, Dallas Youngs.
President, W. A. Nelson. Honorary: F. T. Balmer, S. G. White.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, H. Credentialed Missionaries:
A. Shepard. Margaret Beach, P. G. Biy, Ruth
Executive Committee: W. A. Nelson, Brock, C. H. Casey, L. M. Cowan,
E. E. Bietz, J. W. Bothe, J. M. Bucy, Louise Dedeker, Verda Deer, A. K.
C. M. Crawford, R. E. Crawford, Elvedahl, A. Maclntyre, E. J. Mon-
H. A. Drouault, H. D. Henriksen, G. teith, Jeanne Revert, W. H. Roberts,
E. Jones. C. G. Maracle, A. E. Mill- Ruth E. Stickle, Gus Streifling, Wil-
_ ner, Philip Moores, W. H. Roberts, liam Tetz, N. J. Wager.
H. A. Shepard, L. E. Smart, R. A.
Smithwick, W. A. Sowers, C. C. Weis, Honorary: Charlotte Erdman, Mabel
Dallas Youngs. McDougall, R. E. Robinson.

Departmental Secretaries: Licensed Ministers:

Educational, Medical Cadet Training, C. M. Crawford, H. A. Shepard, W.
War Service, and Y.P.M.V., L. E. A. Sowers, James Wilson.
Smart. Honorary : T. J. Gibson.

Licensed Missionaries: Licensed Ministers:

Alex Aab, M. J. Abrams, Agnes E. L. Anderson, R. Carlill, L.R. Krenz-
Anderson. Frederic B. Shone, Thomas ler, J. W. Proctor, H. E. Reimche,
Bishop, Mrs. M. Bothe, J. R. Peter Samograd, G. Schwartz.
Bowett, Esther Brassington, L. D. Licensed Missionaries:
Brock, Mrs. C. H. Casey, Harold
Coffin, Mrs. Harold Coffin, Margaret Mrs. Bessie Davies, Doris Ellison,
Cox, Jeanne Dorsette, Leslie Dunn, Lilly Johnson.
Mrs. A. K. Elvedahl, Gladys Fenton, Church School Teachers:
Gerald Ferguson, Mrs. Mary S. Gim-
bel, George Graham, Helen L. Hartin, Mrs. William Clark, Agnes Comm,
Harvey Johnson, P. W. Joice, Mrs. Annemarie Fayerabend, Mrs. Opal
P. W. Joice, Marjorie Jones, Mae Kandt, Mrs. Caroline Kiehlbauch,
Kamerer, J. H. Kuchta, Leonard Ronald Sampsel, Selma Shafer.
Leatherdale, Louise Lehman, H. W. Legal Assn.: "Alberta Conference Asso-
Lofthouse, Robert Mehling, Phillip ciation of Seventh-day Adventists."
Miller, Dorothy Minchen, Mrs. Mar-
gery Monteith, Elbert Nielson, Mrs.
Etta M. Pigott, R. J. Radcliffe, Wanda BRITISH COLUMBIA CONFERENCE
Radford, R. M. Russell, Joyce M.
Salt, E. C. Scott, Adele Stickle, Victor Organized 1902
Stoodley, Mrs. A. Vickers, Elwin Territory: British Columbia.
Vixie, Mrs. Mildred Vye, D. D. War-
ner, Emma Wilson, Vernon Winn. Population: 1,114,000 ; churches, 27 ;
Legal Associations: "Eastern Canadian members, 2,991.
Union Conference Corporation of Cable Address: "Adventist," Vancouver,
Seventh-day Adventists," and "The B. C.
Western Canadian Union Corporation
'of Seventh-day Adventists." Office Address: Mission City, British
Columbia, Canada.
ALBERTA CONFERENCE President, R. A. Smithwick.
Organized 1906 Secretary-Treasurer, J. C. Neithercut.
Executive Committee: R. A. Smith-
Territory: Alberta, and Peace River wick, D. Bassaraba, A. W. Bauer,
Block in British Columbia. F. 0. Blake, N. R. Johnson, J. C.
Population: 796,169 ; churches, 29 ; mem- Neithercut, G. D. O'Brien, E. M.
bers, 2,528. Peterson.
Departmental Secretaries:
Office Address: 9848-106th St., Edmon-
ton, Alberta, Canada. (Telephone, Book and Bible House, J. C. Neither-
26141.) cut.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., E. M.
Officers: Peterson.
President, A. E. Millner. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Secretary-Treasurer, L. H. Davies. A. W. Bauer.
Publishing, Charles Allaway.
Executive Committee: A. E. Millner,
L. L. Bock, R. Carlill, L. H. Davies, Ordained Ministers:
John McKibben, C. Peavey, George A. W. Bauer, N. Bodrug, N. R. John-
Soloniuk. son, S. G. Joyce, G. M. McLean, G.
Departmental Secretaries: D. O'Brien, E. M. Peterson, E. Ras-
mussen, P. A. Rick, R. A. Smithwick.
Book and Bible House, E. H. Seaman.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., J. I. Credentialed Missionary: T. S. Bowett.
Crawford. Credentialed Bible Instructor: Mary
Home Missionary, Radio, and Sab- Lebedoff.
bath School, L. L. Bock.
Publishing, J. W. Proctor. Licensed Ministers:
Medical, John McKibben. Charles Allaway, John Corban, Har-
Religious Liberty, A. E. Millner. old Dawes, M. E. Erickson, R. W.
Ordained Ministers: Link, J. C. Neithercut, William Sol-
oniuk, D. E. Tinkler.
Ainsley Blair, L. L. Bock, J. I. Craw-
ford, L. H. Davies, F. E. Johnson. Licensed Missionaries:
M. L. Long, A. E. Millner, George John Holstein, Helen Kivinen, Eve
Soloniuk, A. G. Streifling, C. C. Voth. Sereda, Audrey Taylor, Martha West-
Credentialed Missionaries: phal, Frances G. Wood.
A. N. How, E. H. Seaman, Nick Church School Teachers:
Tkachuk. Mrs. L. 0. Astleford, Richard Banks,

Linda Buhler, Reuben Buhler, E. A. sen, Helen Peterson, Vera Rath,

Edstrom, Anne Friesen, Edward Ga- Elizabeth Spenst, Esther Spenst,
bel, Mrs. R. Glanzer, Harriet Gustav- Katie Spenst.
sen, Mrs. F. Hamren, Mrs. T. Hein- Legal Associations: "Saskatchewan Con-
richs, Anna Homenchuk, Eldon James, ference Assn. of Seventh-day Advent-
Mae Kinney, Mrs. Jesse Locke, Judy ists," and "The Manitoba Conference
Lomon, Ted McDonald, Virginia Mel- of Seventh-day Adventists."
oshenko, William Nelson, Mrs. Doro-
thy Rowse, Helen Ritchey, Palmer
Robson, Hilda Scheffler, Charles
Sokol, Anne Thiesen, Mrs. B. Warner, MARITIME CONFERENCE
Violet Welke, Mrs. A. White, Frank Organized 1902
Territory: New Brunswick, Nova Sco-
Legal Association: "British Columbia tia, and Prince Edward Island, with
Association of Seventh-day Advent- the Gaspe Peninsula.
Population: 1,181,000; churches, 13;
members, 947.
MANITOBA - SASKATCHEWAN Office: 451 St. George St., Moncton,
CONFERENCE New Brunswick, Canada.
Organized 1907; reorganized 1932 Postal Address: Box 125, Moncton,
New Brunswick, Canada.
Territory: Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Officers:
and that portion of Ontario lying
west of the 86th meridian. President, J. W. Bothe.
Secretary-Treasurer, E. J. Heisler.
Population: 1,765,423; churches, 29; Executive Committee: J. W. Bothe,
members, 2,058. F. Coolen, E. J. Heisler, M. R. Hoehn,
Office Address: 1202-3rd Avenue North, R. A. Matthews, J. E. Whelpley.
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Departmental Secretaries:
(Telephone, 22561.)
Book and Bible House, E. J. Heisler.
Officers: Educational, Home Missionary, Sab-
President, H. D. Henriksen. bath School, and Y.P.M.V.,
Secretary-Treasurer, B. H. Stickle. Publishing, Carl Wessman.
Religious Liberty, J. W. Bothe.
Executive Committee: H. D. Henrik-
sen, L. Astleford, Harvey Deer, Leslie Ordained Ministers:
Eaton, Nicholas Ilchuk, W. C. Rick, J. W. Bothe, I. D. Follett, R. A.
B. H. Stickle, W. B. Streifling. Matthews, J. E. Whelpley.
Departmental Secretaries: Credentialed Missionary: Carl Wess-
Book and Bible House, J. Wirsz. man.
Educational, B. H. Stickle. Licensed Ministers:
Home Missionary, Radio, Sabbath
School, and Temperance, W. C. R. G. Christiansen, G. B. Smith.
Rick. Licensed Missionaries:
Publishing, R. C. Spangler. Margaret Connolly, Muriel M. Findell,
Religious Liberty and Y.P.M.V., H. E. J. Heisler, A. J. Sands.
D. Henriksen.
Church School Teachers:
Ordained Ministers:
Earl Coupland, Viola Longard, Lor-
L. Astleford, H. D. Henriksen, Nich- rayne Philbrick, L. Sweeney.
olas Ilchuk, R. A. Lejnieks, D. D.
Neufeld. G. S. Remick, W. C. Rick, Legal Association: "Eastern Canadian
C. G. Samograd, W. B. Streifling. Union Conference Corporation of
Seventh-day Adventists."
Credentialed Missionaries:
W. Bergey, B. H. Stickle, J. Wirsz.
Credentialed Bible Instructors: NEWFOUNDLAND MISSION
Miss S: Johnson, Emily McKendry. CONFERENCE
Licensed Ministers: Organized 1895
L. R. Ellison. H. Eslinger, B. J. Territory: Newfoundland, Labrador,
Kuhn, W. W. Rogers, R. C. Spangler. and surrounding islands, also Mique-
Licensed Missionaries: lon and St. Pierre.
Evelyn Bowles, Christine E. Brucks, Population: 322,531 ; churches, 3 : mem-
Martha Horne, Ethel Peterson. bers, 302.
Church School Teachers: Office: 106 Freshwater Road, St. John's,
Mrs. Ruth Bodrug, Walter Christian- Newfoundland. (Telephone, 6760.)

Postal Address: P. 0. Box 674, St. Shiwotenlco, L. W. Taylor, P. Uniat,

John's, Newfoundland, Canada. F. B. Wells, E. Zins.
Officers: Credentialed Missionaries:
President, Philip Moores. H. F. Anderson, Ethel M. Hull, G. H.
Secretary-Treasurer, F. A. Knutson. Rose.
Executive Committee: Philip Moores, Licensed Ministers:
F. A. Knutson, J. Rice. W. Ismond, A. G. Rodgers, A. Spenst.
Departmental Secretaries: Licensed Missionaries:
Book and Bible House, F. A. Knutson. Juanita Ireton, Elsie M. Patterson,
Educational, Home Missionary, Medi- Florence Wells.
cal Cadet Corps, Radio, Religious
Liberty, Rural Living, Temperance, Licensed Bible Instructor: Esther Par-
and Y.P.M.V., Philip Moores. rish.
Sabbath School, F. A. Knutson. Church School Teachers:
Ordained Minister: Philip Moores. Mrs. F. Blahovich, E. Embleton, Mrs.
F. Hall, J. F. A. MacKinnon, Mar-
Credentialed Missionaries: jorie Manuel, Alma Parrish, Mrs.
Mrs. C. H. Goertzen, F. A. Knutson, Ruth Russell.
Mrs. Philip Moores. Legal Associations: "The Ontario Con-
Licensed Ministers: ference of Seventh-day Adventists,"
C. H. Goertzen, Emerson Hillock. and "Quebec Association of Seventh.
(lay Adventists."
Church School Teachers:
Edna Badcock, Sophie Boone, Alma
Butler, Mrs. Hazel Janes, Ada Rose. ST. LAWRENCE MISSION
Organized 1944
Territory: French populations in On-
ONTARIO-QUEBEC CONFERENCE tario, Quebec, New Brunswick, and
Organized 1880; reorganized 1932 Nova Scotia.
Territory: The Province of Ontario Population: 3,000,000 ; churches, 2 ;
lying east of the 86th meridian, and members, 44.
the Province of Quebec, with the ex- Office Address: 3506 Laval Ave., Mon-
ception of the Gaspe Peninsula, ex- treal 18, Quebec, Canada. (Telephone,
cluding the French speaking popula- HA 3468.)
Population: 3,981,515 ; churches, 31 ;
members, 2,532. President, W. A. Nelson.
Director, H. A. Drouault.
Postal. Address: Box 337, Oshawa, Secretary-Treasurer, J. C. Williams.
Ontario, Canada. (Telephones, 5-1197 ; Executive Committee: W. A. Nelson,
5-1198.) H. A. Drouault, R. Graulin, G. E.
Officers: Jones, A. L. Rochat, J. C. Williams.
President, G. E. Jones. Departmental Secretary:
Secretary-Treasurer, A. G. Rodgers. Book and Bible House, J. C. Williams.
Executive Committee: G. E. Jones,
W. H. Grotheer, F. W. Hosking, A. Ordained Ministers:
W. Kaytor, M. H. Philbrick, W. J. H. A. Drouault, A. L. Rochat.
Pincombe, 0. J. Ritz, A. G. Rodgers, Credentialed Missionary: J. C. Williams.
L. W. Taylor.
Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, W. Ismond. INSTITUTIONS IN THE CANADIAN
Educational, Temperance, and Y.P. UNION CONFERENCE
M.V., F. B. Wells. Educational:
Home Missionary, Radio, and Sab-
bath School, A. W. Kaytor. Canadian Union College, College
Press Relations, A. G. Rodgers. Heights, Alberta.
Publishing, H. F. Anderson, G. H. Oshawa Missionary College, Box 808,
Rose. Oshawa, Ontario.
Religious Liberty, G. E. Jones.
Ordained Ministers: Rest Haven Hospital and Sanitarium,
R. E. Brewer, I. B. Burton, W. A. Sidney, British Columbia.
Clemenson, M. S. Fisher, W. H.
Grotheer, W. J. Hurdon, G. E. Jones, Publishing:
A. W. Kaytor, C. Long, D. L. Mich- Canadian Watchman Press, Box 398,
ael, IL M. Philbrick, 0. J. Ritz, T, Oshawa, Ontario,
Organized 1902

Territory: Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Ogden, Donald Page, Mabel Page, H.

Nebraska, Wyoming, and San Juan G. Reinmuth, Virginia Shull, G. H.
County in New Mexico, comprising Straight, Theodore Wade, Mertie A.
the Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Ne- Wheeler.
braska, Wyoming Conferences, and
the Central States Mission. Honorary: Evelyn Davis, Mary L.
Doan, G. E. Hartman, C. C. Parke,
Population: 8,9d4,787 ; churches, 276 ; Asa Smith.
members, 18,153.
Office Address: 4547 Calvert St., Lin- Licensed Ministers:
coln 6, Nebr. (Telephone, 4-2313.) S. H. Abel, H. G. Burden, E. N. Dick,
R. W. Fowler, A. L. Moon, J. C.
Officers: Turner, C. B. Watts, W. R. Wollard,
President, M. V. Campbell. H. A. Young.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, W.
13. Mohr. Honorary: F. A. Page.
Transportation Agent, P. D. Gerrard. Licensed Missionaries:
Executive Committee: M. V. Camp- Mrs. Florence Abel, Jess Adams, Mrs.
bell, F. L. Bland, C. W. Degering, Rowena Agnetta, J. D. Anderson,
G. R. Fattie, P. D. Gerrard, R. H. Marie Anderson, Glen Barton, Mrs.
Hanson, H. C. Hartman, R. S. Joyce, Stella Becker, Mrs. Dorothy Berg,
W. B. Mohr, A. L. Moon, E. R. Mrs. Mabel' Brown, Mrs. Ernestine
Osmunson, N. C. Petersen, D. R. Burkett, Mrs. Dorothy Clemens, Rob-
Rees, D. E. Reiner, H. E. Rice, R. S. ert Cleveland, E. W. Connell, Mrs.
Watts, H. A. Young. Ann Cook, Faye Crawford, Goldine
Departmental Secretaries: Cross, Eva Dickerson, Hazel Dunbar,
Buell Dunkin, Mrs. Nellie Dunkin,
Educational, Industrial Relations, Mrs. Ann Dunn, Lydia Egger, Mrs.
War Service, and Y.P.M.V., G. R. Myrtle Ehlers, Mrs. Arloa Endicott,
Fattic. Muriel Fleming, T. B. Forehand, Clin-
Home Missionary, Radio, Sabbath ton Franklin, Mrs. Edna Franklin,
School, and Temperande, D. E. Joseph Galusha, Lillian Gima, John
Reiner. Goodbrad, W. R. Gurney.
Press Relations, W. B. Mohr. Eleanor Hahn, Louise Hall, Pearl
Publishing, P. D. Gerrard. Hall, J. E. Hansen, Ernest Harper,
Religious Liberty, M. V. Campbell. Mrs. Lillian Haug, Ada Hause, Mazie
Ordained Ministers: Herin, H. G. Hohensee, Gertrude
Huygens, Mrs. Leona Inch, Birger
F. E. Bresee, E. M. Cadwallader, Iverson, Mrs. Gladys B. Jeurink,
M. V. Campbell, R. T. Carter, M. S. Mrs. Winnie Jester, Mrs. Blanche
Culver, C. W. Degering, G. R. Fattic, Jones, Mary V. Kisz, Peter Klee,
P. D. Gerrard, H. C. Hartman, E. R. Mrs. Olivia Klee, Floyd Kleiman, E.
Maas, Lee Minium, D. E. Reiner, H. F. Koke, Mrs. Elizabeth Koke, Mrs.
E. Rice, A. V. Wallenkampf, A. J. Emma Landon.
Wearner, L. W. Welch, J. J. Wil- Alma Larson, Paul Lebraska, Mrs.
liamson. Violet Lewis, Gladys Little, Lyle Lit-
Honorary: J. N. Anderson, C. G. tle, Zella Long, Mrs. Esther Lorenz,
Bellah, A. S. Bringle, A. A. Cone, Mrs. Howard Loveless, Susie Lee
B. M. Garton, J. G. Hanhardt, B. E. Mansker, J. A. Mayer, Mrs. Ione Mc-
Huffman, H. M. Johnson, J. D. John- Allister, Opal Miller, Adaline Miner,
son, A. W. Kuehl, E. R. Lauda, R. W. Mrs. Irma Minium, James Mitchell,
Leach, Charles Lightner, A. C. Long, H. B. Moon, Mrs. Maude Moon, Mrs.
C. H. Miller, D. P. Miller, H. J. Mil- Leona Moon, B. J. Morris, W. R.
ler, F. I. Mohr, W. K. Smith, J. H. Mross, R. K. Nelson, Mrs. Theda Opp,
Wheeler, F. G. Young. Walter Page, Mrs. Lillian Parks,
Louesea Peters, Mrs. Ada Pickett,
Credentialed Missionaries: Mrs. Cora Pooler.
D. M. Brown, Mrs. Esther Cornell, Reid Rankin, Melvin Rich, Hulda
John Davis, D. C. Duffield, V. S. Roehle, Eda Schultz, Mrs. Maude
Dunn, M. G. Durichek, Harold Eich- Skinner, Alice Smith, E. H. Smith,
man, Mrs. Helga Forehand, R. H. Floda Smith, Gilbert Steck, Mrs. Ber-
Hanson, M. D. Hare, Helen Hyatt, nice Stewart, William Taylor, A. L.
Mrs. Verna Johnson, Reuben Johnson, Tomlinson, Mrs. Olive VanKirk,
G. C. Jorgensen, H. L. Keene, Mrs. Charles Watson, Ruth M. Whitfield,
Elsie B. King, W. R. Lawson, Angie I. Mrs. M. Widener, Audra L. Wood,
Mahurin, R. K. McAllister, Mrs. W. R. Wright, Ival Yardley, Frank
Beryl Meiklejohn, W. B. Mohr, E. B, Youmans, Arthur Zehm, Mary Zweig,


Legal Association: "Central Union R. E. Rice, B. L. Schlotthauer, C. E.

Conference Association of the Sev- Smith, C. S. Weist.
enth-day Adventists." Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, H. L. Haas.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., Lee Car-
Organized 1947 Home Missionary, Radio, Sabbath
School, and Temperance, L. J.
Territory: Colored constituency of Col- Leiske.
orado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Ne- Medical, A. L. Moon.
baska, and Wyoming. Publishing, B. Y. Baughman Assist-
Population: 353,521 ; churches, 17 ; mem- ant, K. Wenberg.
bers, 1,155. Religious Liberty, N. C. Petersen.
Ordained Ministers:
Office Address: 2528 Benton Boulevard,
Kansas City, Mo. (Telephone, Linwood G. S. Aso, B. Y. Baugham, V. W.
9980.) Becker, 0. H. Bentzinger, J. B. Car-
ter, Lee Carter, Samuel Castillo, D.
Officers: W. Curry, 0. J. Dahl, J. L. Dittber-
President, F. L. Bland. ner, H. L. Hampton, L. G. Jorgen-
Secretary-Treasurer, J. H. Jones. sen, R. E. Kepkey, G. K. Lashier,
L. J. Leiske, W. 0. Lenz, J. H. Nixon,
Advisory Committee: F. L. Bland, N. C. Petersen, George Rasmussen,
J. F. Allison, Xavier Butler, J. H. M. H. Schuster, C. E. Smith, A. F.
Jones, L. J. Pryor, R. L. Woodfork. Storz, C. S. Weist, A. M. Yeaton.
Departmental Secretaries: Credentialed Missionaries:
Book and Bible House, J. H. Jones. Henry Deapen, Malcolm Perkins, Al-
Educational, D. B. Reid. fred Schultz, Carl Specht, C. E. Sten-
Home Missionary, Radio, Religious berg, Ronald Stretter.
Liberty, Sabbath School, and Tem-
perance, F. L. Bland. Credentialed Bible Instructor: Ruth S.
Y.P.M.V., R. L. Woodfork. Lamb.
Ordained Ministers: Licensed Ministers:
F. L. Bland, W. E. Penick, L. J. H. L. Haas, A. E. Higgins, Pete
Pryor, D. B. Reid, R. L. Woodfork. Kostenko, J. H. Matthews, 0. L. Mc-
%Licensed Ministers: Lean, Ellsworth Reile, B. L. Schlot-
thauer, Kenrieth Wenberg.
V. M. Barnes, Jr., J. L. Butler, Xavier
Butler, G. H. Taylor. Licensed Missionaries:
Licensed Missionary: J. H. Jones. Veleda Carter, Grace Duffield, Nadine
Harris, Bertha Jones, Oneita Mat-
Licensed Bible Instructor: Mrs. E. Van thews, Maurice Nash, George Thomp-
Nockay Porter. son, William von Ornem, C. L.
Church School Teacher: Lorraine Ed- Westermeyer.
mond. Licensed Bible Instructor: Mrs. Dorothy
Church School Teachers:
COLORADO CONFERENCE Betty Barker, Mrs. Rebecca Bowman,
Organized 1882; reorganized 1908, Edward Denny, Mrs. Hazel Deapen,
1916, and 1931 Henry Deapen, Roger Deapen, Mrs.
Charles Dietrich, M. A. Dunn, Mrs.
Territory: State of Colorado and San Blanche Durham, Mrs. Jennie Easton,
Juan County in New Mexico. Betty Fesler, Mrs. Florence Hansen,
Avis Jaynes, Mrs. W. D. Jennings,
Population: 1,318,048 ; churches, 65 ; Mrs. Gertie Jones, Mrs. Velma Jones,
members, 5,152. Mrs. Opal Joseph, Ivy J. Larsen,
, Office: 1081 Marion St., Denver 3, Colo. Corienna Lowry, Mrs. W. A. Lusk,
(Telephone, Tabor 2231-2232.) Mable Madsen, Mrs. Delbert Mar-
quardt, Mrs. Ruth B. Matthews,
Postal Address: Box 1109, Denver 3, Aaron Moon, Pollie Munson, W. G.
Colo. Nelson, Mrs. Opal Northrup, Malcolm
Perkins, Frances Price, Mrs. Willis.
Officers: Pruett, Mrs. Dorothy Robbins, Mrs.
President, N. C. Petersen. Hazel Rouse, Esther Schneider, Al-
Secretary-Treasurer. B. L. Schlott- fred Shultz, Mrs. Margaret Turner,
hauer. C. N. Turner, Mrs. E. 0. Wester-
Executive Committee: N. C. Petersen, meyer.
Joy Barker, V. W. Becker, N. L. Legal Association: "The Seventh-day
Beebe, J. L. Dittberner, L. J. Leiske, Adventist Association of Colorado."


Organized 1875 ; reorganized 1914 Organized 1876 ; reorganized 1914
Territory: The State of Kansas. Territory: The State of Missouri.
Population: 1,904,584 ; churches, 62; Population: 3,784,000; churches, 54;
members, 3,298. members, 3,580.
Office: 1109 Topeka Blvd., Topeka, Office Address: 2928 Campbell St., Kan-
Kans. (Telephone, 3-9639.) sas City 3, Mo. (Telephones, VAlen-
Postal Address: Box 267, Topeka, Kans. tine 7073-7074.)
Officers: Officers:
President, D. R. Rees. President, R. S. Watts.
Secretary-Treasurer, E. J. Gregg. Secretary-Treasurer, II. F. Roll.
Executive Committee: D. R. Rees, Executive Committee: R. S. Watts,
E. J. Gregg, E. E. Hagen, 0. L. G. R. Carter, H. W. Christian, E. T.
Heinrich, Earl Higgins, E. E. Lutz, Gackenheimer, Alvin Ortner, H. F.
Jr., E. H. Meyers, B. A. Scherr, Al- Roll, H. G. Turner, G. C. Williamson,
fred Winters. IL B. Wing.
Departmental Secretaries: Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, E. F. Zum- Book and Bible House, H. F. Roll.
baum. Educational. War Service, and Y.P.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., M.V., G. C. Williamson.
Home Missionary, Radio, Sabbath Horne Missionary, Press Relations,
School, and Temperance, E. E. Radio, Sabbath School, and Tem-
Hagen. perance, E. T. Gackenheimer.
Publishing, L. E. Loomer. Publishing, J. B. Bogle ; Assistant,
Religious Liberty, D. R. Rees. G. C. Wilson.
Religious Liberty, R. S. Watts.
Ordained Ministers:
Ordained Ministers:
Carl Beck, R. E. Browning, L. J.
Ehrhardt, E. E. Hagen, D. P. Harder, C. M. Babcock, G. R. Carter, H. W.
0. L. Heinrich, C. F. Kearbey, B. J. Christian, E. M. Cleek, L. S. Davis,
Liebelt, Marion Lockwood, L. E. W. R. Dennis, E. T. Gackenheimer,
Loomer, E. E. Lutz, Jr., J. R. Mc- W. S. Jesske, C. I. Keymer, C. L.
William, E. H. Meyers, D. R. Rees, Powers, H. F. Roll, George Sherbondy,
B. A. Scherr. R. S. Watts, G. C. Williamson, R. B.
Wing, A. S. Zytkoskee.
Honorary: G. P. Gaede.
Credentialed Missionary: Marvin Bur-
Credentialed Missionary: E. J. Gregg. bach.
Licensed Ministers: Credentialed Bible Instructor: Mrs.
Byron Blecha, E. L. Calkins, W. J. Grace Shultz.
Christensen, W. F. Hadel, A. D. Licensed Ministers:
Kaelin, H. E. Kurtz, E. E. Patton, H.
E. Sinclair. W. C. Anderson, J. B. Bogle, A. H.
Gerst, Franklin Hudgins, A. R.
Licensed Missionaries: Lickey, H. G. Turner, G. C. Wilson.
Lester Ball, Venessa Bovey, Ben Licensed Missionaries:
Brost, Mrs. Ben Brost, Mrs. Bluebell
Clark, F. A. Crofoot, Genevieve Dick- Elva Bartel, Janice Bascom, Mrs. H.
erson, Ida Edgerton, Gloria Eichman, W. Christian, Eldon Christie, Mrs. E.
Mrs. 0. L. Heinrich, Francis Knittle, M. Cleek, Iris Donaly, Mrs. E. T.
Harold Lickey, Helen Mayer, Pete Gackenheimer, Elmer Hagele, Ray-
Roehl, Dorothy Scifers, Kathryn Wal- mond Hartley, Mrs. B. L. Iversen,
ling, Robert Warner, Mrs. Robert Stanley Jensen, L. G. Jorgenson,
Warner, E. F. Zumbaum, Mrs. E. F. Mrs. C. I. Keymer, Pauline Long,
Zumbaum. Robert McManaman, Mrs. Robert Mc-
Manaman, Delores Miller, Orlie Mor-
Licensed Bible Instructor: Willietta ris, Russell Morrison, Mrs. C. L.
Weller. Powers, Hilda F. Remley, Melvin
Church School Teachers: Richards, Mrs. H. F. Roll, Eloise
Tyrer, Amy Stuart, Mrs. R. S. Watts,
C. D. Adams, Mrs. C. D. Adams, Rob- William Wiist, Bonnie Wilson, Mrs.
ert Behr, Robert Bell, Mrs. Gladys G. C. Williamson, Mrs. R. B. Wing.
Douglas, Isla Jones, Oliver Maize,
Roy Perrin, Gladys Schnell, Ilene Church School Teachers:
Smith, Marlene Stevens, G. C. War- Howard Birch, Mrs. Howard Birch,
den, Mrs. G. C. Warden, Mrs. Mary Ella Esau, Gerald Fillman, Earl Gibb,
Wakefield, Mrs. Walter Wylie. Lloyd Gibson, Mrs Lloyd Gibson,
Legal Assn.: "The Kansas Seventh-day Martha Gruver, Effie Kribs, Thelma
Adventist Conference Association." McBroom, Zada Morrow, Clifford

Newkirk, Rhoda Pedersen, Melwood Church School Teachers:

Underhill, Norma Wolter. Lillie Beeson, Joan Broughton, Mrs.
Legal Assn.: "Missouri Conference As- Genevieve Corner, Mrs. M. G. Dealy,
sociation of Seventh-day Adventists." Helen Hyatt, Lola Malone, Myrtle
Maxwell, Maude Reid, Mrs. Esther
Surdam, Mrs. J. C. Turner, Mrs. Gas-
ton Wallace.
NEBRASKA CONFERENCE Legal Assn.: "Nebraska Conference As-
Organized 1878 sociation of the Seventh-day Advent-
Territory: The State of Nebraska.
Population: 1,315,834 ; churches, 57 ; WYOMING CONFERENCE
members, 4,076. Organized 1907, reorganized 1945
Office: 4745 Prescott Ave., Lincoln 6, Territory: State of Wyoming.
Nebr. (Telephone, 4-2323.)
Population : 288,800 ; churches, 21 ; mem-
Postal Address: Box 26, College View bers, 892.
Station, Lincoln 6, Nebr.
Office: 604 S. Wolcott St., Casper, Wyo.
Officers: (Telephone, 1053.)
President, R. S. Joyce. Postal Address: Box 599, Casper, Wyo.
Secretary-Treasurer, M. G. Dealy.
Executive Committee: R. S. Joyce,
W. W. Baysinger, A. D. Bietz, J. E. President, E. R. Osmunson.
Chase, M. G. Dealy, M. W. Deming, Secretary-Treasurer, R. R. Newman.
G. A. Haas, John Laeger, R. M. Mote, Executive Committee: E. R. Osmun-
M. D. Oswald. son, Glenn Bowen, P. R. Cales, J. E.
Frick, L. D. Kattenhorn, Oscar Lar-
Departmental Secretaries: son, R. R. Newman.
Book and Bible House, C. J. Sumner. Departmental Secretaries:
Educational and Y.P.M.V., R. L. Os-
munson. Book and Bible House, R. R. Newman.
Home Missionary, Radio, Sabbath Educational and Y.P.M.V., R. R.
School, and Temperance, M. D. Os- Newman.
wald. Home Missionary, Press Relations,
Medical, R. T. Smith. Publishing, and Temperance, Mor-
Publishing, J. N. Hunt; Assistant, ten Juberg.
Mrs. Kathryn Randolph. Sabbath School, E. R. Osmunson.
Religious Liberty, R. S. Joyce. Ordained Ministers:
Ordained Ministers: Glenn Bowen, P. R. Cales, B. K.
L. 0. Barnes, W. W. Baysinger, J. E. Chalker, J. A. Estey, J. E. Frick, A.
Chase, T. S. Copeland, M. W. Deming, E. Hagen, R. ,R. Newman, E. R. Os-
A. A. Dirksen, G. A. Haas, John munson.
Hickman, R. S. Joyce, D. H. Madison, Honorary: L. G. Beane.
C. A. Mock, R. M. Mote, J. J. Olson,
R. L. Osmunson, M. D. Oswald, M. Licensed Ministers:
E. Payne, M. G. Pierson, S. A. Reile. B. J. Furst, Arthur Hauck, Morten
Licensed Ministers: Juberg, E. E. Shafer, L. L. Smith.
Milo Anderson, Lowell Barger, Wil- Licensed Missionary: Mrs. Evelyn Grou-
lard Beaman, Dalrie Berg, William lik.
Carver, L. G. Cooper, M. G. Dealy, Church School Teachers:
Robert Hamilton, D. T. Hawley,
Vera Beall, Mrs. L. G. Beans, Mrs.
James Hudgins, J. N. Hunt, R. R. J. A. Estey, Annette Iseminger, Mrs.
Johnson, Gilbert Jorgensen, Stanley Anna F. Miller, Mrs. E. R. Osmun-
Kannenberg, Virgil Mayer, J. T. Og-
ren, S. F. Pedersen, Carl Pine, R. C. son, Mrs. Mabel Pacheco, Mrs. L. L.
Remboldt, C. J. Sumner, T. H. Weis,
G. D. Williams. Legal Association: "Wyoming Confer-
ence Association of Seventh-day Ad-
Licensed Missionaries: ventists."
Mrs. Lowell Barger, V. E. Bascom,
Mrs. Willard Beaman, Mrs. Alfred
Bernhardt, Mrs. Amelia Craig, Mrs. INSTITUTIONS IN THE CENTRAL
H. J. England, Mrs. Jack Hutchison, UNION CONFERENCE
Ella Jensen, Mrs. Cyril Miller, John Educational:
Minear, June Nickle, Mrs. Kathryn
Randolph, Mrs. C. W. Reeder, Kath- Campion Academy, Loveland, Colo.
ryn Rhymes, A. T. Smith, Magdalene Enterprise Academy, Enterprise,
Welling, Mrs, Richard Wilmot. Kans.

Platte Valley Academy, Shelton, Nebr. Porter Sanitarium and Hospital, 2626
Sunnydale Academy, Box 209, Cen- S. Downing St., Denver 10. Colo.
tralia, Mo.
Union College, College View Station,
Lincoln 6, Nebr. Christian Record Benevolent Assn.,
Medical: 8705 S. 48th St., Lincoln 6, Nebr.
Boulder-Colorado Sanitarium, Boul- Pacific Press Pub. Assn. Branch, 2621
der, Colo. Farna;n St., Omaha 2, Nebr.


Organized 1907

Territory: Delaware, Maryland, New C. R. Gibbs, J. G. Hanna, G. W.

Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Holman, Alfred Koch.
West Virginia, and District of Co- G. W. Lawrence, C. V. Leach, J. B.
lumbia, comprising the Allegheny, Mallory, B. E. Manuel, B. E. Miller,
Chesapeake, East Pennsylvania, New J. C. Oswald, C. E. Overstreet, F. H.
Jersey, Ohio, Potomac, West Penn- Robbins, W. M. Robbins, C. A. Rus-
sylvania, and West Virginia Confer- sell, W. H. Sebastian, W. F. Schmidt,
ences. J. W. Shultz, J. H. Smith, R. M.
Population: 30,534,336 ; churches, 385 ; Spencer, William Steele, T. W. Thir-
members, 29,988. well, F. E. Thumwood, J. E. Veach,
H. P. Waldo, J. S. Washburn, F. C.
Office. Address: 900 Carroll Ave., Ta- Webster, G. L. West, J. H. Wierts,
koma Park, Washington 12, D.C. B. G. Wilkinson, U. S. Willis.
(Telephone, SLigo 3162.)
Credentialed Missionaries:
Officers: E. M. Andross, Mrs. Elizabeth F.
President, D. A. Ochs. Bacon, J. F. Brownsberger, Mabel
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, C. H. Cassell, Lora E. Clement, Myrta M.
Kelly. Corner, Mrs. Edna M. Doty, Mrs.
Assistant Auditor, R. M. Reinhard. Leah M. Griffee, Perlie deF. Hender-
Executive Committee: D. A. Ochs, son, Mrs. Lloyd Holbert, Emma
W. H. Hackett, R. A. Hare, 0. S. Hughes, Mrs. Edyth James, Pearl M.
Hershberger, J. C. Holland, J. M. Jenkins.
Howell, C. H. Kelly, J. F. Kent, J. N. Kimble, Mrs. A. Bernice
H. A. Morrison, W. H. Shephard, Loasby, W. J. McComb, F. A. Meier,
and the presidents of the eight local Mrs. Mable Meinhardt, C. C. Morrison,
conferences. C. E. Murphy, Grace M. Parker,
Esther L. Pierce, Helen M. Shull,
Departmental Secretaries: Louise B. Stuart, G. F. Tarr, May-
Educational, J. M. Howell ; Elemen- belle E. Vandermark, F. E. Wall.
tary Education, Ethel Young, Su- Credentialed Bible Instructor: Bess
pervising Instructor. Ninaj.
Home Missionary, Radio, Sabbath
School, and Temperance, J. C. Hol- Licensed Ministers:
Industrial Relations and Y.P.M.V., W. F. Adams, E. U. Ayars, D. A.
0. S. Hershberger. Bailey, 0. S. Beltz, L. W. Cobb, H.
Publishing, J. F. Kent. T. Johnson, C. H. Kelly, J. P.
Religious Liberty, D. A. Ochs ; Assis- Laurence, C. R. Maclvor, H. L. Niel-
tant, W. H. Hackett. sen, C. E. Palmer, Jewell Peeke, C.
C. Pulver, C. N. Rees, R. M. Rein-
Ordained Ministers: hard, J. D. Snider, P. V. Starr, M. R.
R. J. Christian, A. E. Coyne, D. A. Thurber, H. M. Tippett, S. W. Tyme-
Delafield, Leslie Hardinge, R. A. son, F. E. Vansickle, Mary Walsh, C.
Hare, 0. S. Hershberger, J. C. Hol- E. Winters.
land, J. M. Jackson, T. H. Jemison, Honorary: T. M. Butler, C. A. Dorn-
J. F. Kent, J. M. Howell, Frederick burg, H. E. Garrarde, L. W. Graham,
Lee, J. D. Livingston, C. F. Mont- J. P. Neff, F. 0. Rathbun, C. E.
gomery, W. R. Mulholland, D. A. Reichenbaugh, F. W. Schmehl, N.
Ochs, W. H. Shephard, H. T. Terry. C. Van Horn, 0. C. Weller.
Honorary: A. N. Anderson, R. L.
Bradford, F. J. Bryant, E. W. Carey, Licensed Missionaries:
R. B. Clam), J. C. Dean, L. V. Helen A. Anderson, Yvonne Bariaux,
Finster, J. P. Gaede, H. G. Gauker, Olive M. Bennett, E. W. Bestpitch,

W. T. Bowen, Maude Brook, W. L. R. Preston, R. L. Reynolds, H. T.

A. Bryan, Jack Cassell, Merton Saulter, James Thomas, Milton
Christensen, I. A. Friesan, E. Q. Gar- Thomas, C. B. Tivy, A. S. Wagner,
ner, Mrs. Waive M. Green, J. W. E. I. Watson, U. S. Willis, Jr.
Grounds, W. M. Hackett, Bonnie J.
Hannah, Nis Hanson,' Deena Ingels, Licensed Missionaries:
Linnie L. Keith, Mrs. Alice Kimble, Mary Brokenbough, Gwendolyn Jones,
Karl Koch, Minna Marshall, Idamae Edythe Pettway, Gustavia Raymond.
Melendy, Kemp G. Moore, Ina N. Licensed Bible Instructors:
Rice, Dorothy M. Sampson, John
Schmidt, Peggy Stevens, J. H. Straw- Pauline Rainey, Rauline Troxler.
ser, Lynne Sudduth, L. B. Taylor, Church School Teachers:
Mrs. Mary F. Taylor, H. E. Twing, Mrs. Martha Bell, Mrs. Frances Bliss,
Paul Welker, Leta H. Wight, Earl Nelson Bliss, Mary B. Coleman, Mrs.
Wilson, Leonard Wood, Ethel Yaung. Louise Davies, Charles Dickerson,
Legal Association: "Columbia Union Rosie Emerson, Mrs. Alta Farrow,
Conference Association of Seventh- Catherine Gibson, Frances Henry,
day Adventists." Mrs. Jocelyn Jackson, Mrs. Rebecca
James, Mrs. Ceola Jones, Jacob
Justiss, Mae E. Laurence, Willard
ALLEGHENY CONFERENCE Lewis, Mrs. Ruth Mayfield, Mrs.
Maggie Montgomery, Katherine Pe-
Organized 1945 terson, Mrs. Hurley Phillips, Ethel
Phipps, Malita Phipps, Mrs. Lillian
Territory: Colored constituency of Dela- Pinkney, Lucille Thomas, Mrs. Jessie
ware, Maryland, New Jersey, Ohio, Wagner, Mrs. Florence Williamson.
Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Vir-
ginia, and the District of Columbia. Legal Association: "The Allegheny Con-
ference Association of the Seventh-
Population: 2,340,882; churches, 51; day Adventist Church."
members, 4,928.
Office Address: P. 0. Box 720, Potts- CHESAPEAKE CONFERENCE
town, Pa. (Telephone, Pottstown
3785, 3786.) Organized 1899
Officers: Territory: Delaware and Maryland, ex-
President, J. H. Wagner. cept the Counties of Allegheny, Gar-
Secretary-Treasurer, M. S. Banfield. rett, Montgomery, in Maryland ; and
a five mile strip in Prince Georges
Executive Committee: J. H. Wagner, County bordering the District of Co-
M. S. Banfield, W. L. Cheatham, lumbia ; the Counties of Berkeley,
J. T. Dodson, W. M. Fordham, R. T. Jefferson, Morgan, in West Virginia,
Hudson, J. H. Laurence, J. H. Lester, and Accomac, Northampton, in Vir-
C. A. Morgan, C. E. Street. ginia.
Departmental Secretaries: Population: 1,601,760; churches, 32;
Book and Bible House, H. T. Saulter. members, 2,050.
Educational, Temperance, and Y.P.
M.V., A. V. Pinkney.
Office Address: 24 Fusting Ave., Balti-
Home Missionary, Radio, and Sab-
more 28, Md. (Telephone, Catonsville
bath School, W. R. Robinson. 3660.)
Publishing, H. D. Warner. Officers:
Religious Liberty, J. H. Wagner. President, C. V. Anderson.
Ordained Ministers: Secretary-Treasurer, A. B. Butler.
M. S. Banfield, M. A. Burgess, W. Executive Committee: C. V. Ander-
L. Cheatham, J. G. Dasent, H. D. son, A. B. Butler, A. B. Daugharty,
Dobbins, W. M. Fordham, R. T. D. G. Fleagle, J. W. Hughes, O. L.
Hudson, J. H. Laurence, J. H. Les- Stimpson, C. W. Teel.
ter, W. R. Robinson, W. A. Thomp- Departmental Secretaries:
son, J. H. Wagner, H. D. Warner.
Book and Bible House, H. C. Lilley.
Credentialed Bible Instructors: Educational and Y.P.M.V., T. V.
Mrs. T. Hogue Arrington, Julia Zytkoskee.
Cooper, Mrs. Geneva McDonald, Mrs. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Ethel Nell, Mrs. Claire Saucier. H. E. Voorhees.
Licensed Ministers: Industrial Relations, Religious Lib-
erty, and Rural Living, C. V. An-
G. W. Anderson, N. E. Ashby, F. D. derson.
Beatty, E. D. Brantley, L. W. Brant- Publishing, R. D. McGann, Sr.
ley, J. R. Britt, Paul Cantrell, J. E.
Farrow, Virgil Gibbons, Roland New Ordained Ministers:
Man, A. V, pinkney, J. T. Powell, C. V. Anderson, W, H, Barringhamt

A. B. Butler, D. G. Fleagle, J. W. Ordained Ministers:

Franklin, M. L. Hale, R. H. Libby, E. D. Calkins, C. L. Duffield, C. C.
D. Mackintosh, W. K. Mansker, V. D. Ellis, F. S. Fowler, J. E. Hoffman,
Rees, 0. L. Stimpson, C. W. Teel, H. W. C. Jensen, B. K. Mills, J. G. Mit-
E. Voorhees. chell, A. W. Ortner, Arthur Patzer,
Licensed Ministers: P. E. Pflaumer, A. B. Pohlman, L. E.
Rafferty, H. V. Reed, A. F. Ruf, C.
L. F. Cunningham, H. S. Doss, C. G. H. Smith, G. F. Theiss. H. A. Toms.
Jackson, R. E. Knox, H. C. Lilley, R. T. E. Unruh, Raffele Valerio, A. E.
D. McGann, Sr., J. C. Osborne, A. C. Wade, F. W. Wernick.
Rawson, D. K. Smith, F. A. Staple-
ton, E. Taylor, R. E. Wallace, Jr., Credentialed Missionary: Mrs. Sybil M.
R. Wood, T. V. Zytkoskee. King.
Licensed Missionaries: Credentialed Bible Instructors:
Mrs. Doris Brady, Mrs. Lois E. Butler, Elms Petrovic, Mrs. Gertrude Resse-
Edna Leiby, Mrs. Mary Zytkoskee. guie.
Bible Instructor: Lois Lank.
Licensed Ministers:
Church School Teachers: R. R. Adams, E. W. Bradley, William
Mrs. Irma S. Brown, Isobel Butler, Bornstein, Mrs. Jessie W. Curtis.
Ethel Christianson, Mrs. Lincoln Cox, Richard Fearing, R. E. Francis, W.
W. H. Ferciot, Mrs. W. H. Ferciot, W. Pohle, H. C. Reading, S. C. Ron-
Mrs. C. H. Gibbs, Agnes Hill, Anna ning, Don Roth, C. H. Seitz, R. E.
Hill, Mrs. Lillian A. Hill, Ruby Ingle, Spangle, L. H. Wagner.
Sarita Lochstampfor, Mrs. Robert
Marshall, Mrs. Marie Messenger, Mrs. Licensed Missionaries:
Ethel Payne, Gladys Streaker, Anna Mrs. A. E. Barcelow, Rose DeBene-
Tucker, Mrs. M. VanMeerbeke. detto, Mrs. Juanita Hodde, Betty
Legal Assn.: "Chesapeake Conference Meisler, Mrs. S. C. Ronning, William
Association of Seventh-day Advent- Walker.
ists." Honorary: Sadie Baker, Mrs. Lydia
Licensed Bible Instructor: Mary Neu-
FERENCE Church School Teachers:
Mrs. R. R. Adams, Arthur Boyd,
Organized 1879; reorganized 1903 Mrs. Wayne Conger, Emily DeMarco,
Territory: That portion of Pennsylvania Anita DiBiase, Sammie Eckenroth,
lying east of the eastern line of Myrtle Johnson, Joseph Kulski,
Potter, Clinton, Center, Mifflin, Hunt- Audrey Lee, Ione Markel, Anna Mil-
ingdon, and Fulton Counties. ler, Harold Milliken, Mrs. J. G. Mit-
chell, Ray Montgomery, Fred Morgan,
Population: 5,525,377 ; churches, 56 ; Lucille Pflaumer, Raymond Pike, El-
members, 3,863. eanor Ronning, H. E. Ronning, Mar-
garet Smith, Robert Trans.
Office Address: 1300 W. Hunting Park
Ave., Philadelphia 40, Pa. (Tele- Legal Assn.: "The East Pennsylvania
phones, Michigan 4-4600, 4-4660.) Conference Association of Seventh-
day Adventists, Inc."
President, T. E. Unruh.
Secretary-Treasurer, R. E. Spangle.
Executive Committee: T. E. Unruh,
E. D. Calkins, C. H. Denlinger, Ira Organized 1902
Mills, J. G. Mitchell, A. W. Ortner, Territory: The State of New Jersey.
H. V. Reed, Ernest Roberts, A. F.
Ruf, R. E. Spangle. _ Population: 4,839,040 ; churches, 38 ;
members, 2,330.
Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, E. W. Bradley. Office Address: 1574 Brunswick Ave.,
Educational, War Service, and Y.P. Trenton 8, N. J. (Telephone, 2-3919.)
M.V., Arthur Patzer. Officers:
Home Misionary and Sabbath School,
A. F. Ruf. President, W. B. Hill.
Industrial Relations, R. E. Spangle.
Secretary-Treasurer, J. 0. McLeod.
Press Relations, Don Roth. Executive Committee: H. J. Adams,
Publishing, C. H. Smith; Assistant, S. W. Burrows, W. B. Hill, J. 0.
L. H. Wagner. McLeod, Stephen Paully, G. B. Suh-
Religious Liberty, T. E. Unruh. rie, It. A. Tyson.

Departmental Secretaries: Educational, War Service, and Y.P.

Book and Bible House, W. H. Smith. M.V., E. J. Barnes.
Educational, and Y. P. M. V., V. C. Home Missionary, Industrial Rela-
Brown. tions, Radio, and Sabbath School,
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, G. W. Liscombe.
Press Relations, and Temperance, Publishing, J. A. Jarry ; Assistants,
K. H. Wood, Jr. Fred Goodman, Clark McClurg, R.
Publishing, M. V. Doran. 0. Schroeder.
Religious Liberty, W. B. Hill. Religious Liberty, M. E. Loewen.
Ordained Ministers: Ordained Ministers:
S. W. Burrows, W. E. Haase, W. E. J. Barnes, R. A. Bata, 0. A. Can-
B. Hill, T. P. Ipes, J. F. Jeffreys, ada, V. A. Chilson, C. J. Homburg,
K. M. McComas, E. H. Moldrik, J. E. R. F. Farley, B. P. Gernet, W. G.
Patzkowski, Stephen Paully, A. F. Gibson, H. L. Gray, E. F. Herzel,
Reynolds, D. S. Robbins, Royal Sage, J. A. Jarry, J. R. Johnson, W. J.
Keith, B. E. Leach, E. H. Lehnhoff,
J. A. Terzo, R. A. Tyson, Gabriel
Varga, W. L. Wellman, K. H. Wood, S. K. Lehnhoff, N. A. Lessner, G. W.
Jr. Liscombe, M. E. Loewen, C. M. Mel-
lor; R. T. Minesinger, B. F. Mowry,
Credentialed Bible Instructors: A. D. Nagy, J. D. Neufeld, C. A.
Margaret Cosby, Mrs. Matilda Meier- Paden, J. R. Shull, Floyd Smith, C.
hofer. R. Spangler, Joseph Spicer, D. V.
Steinman, D. S. Thurston, Andrew
Licensed Ministers: Yakush, S. A. Yakush.
V. C. Brown, M. V. Doran, I. A. Credentialed Missionary: Werber John-
Dow, Jr., W. G. McCready, J. 0. son.
McLeod, W. B. Quigley, B. L. Raith,
G. M. Woodruff. Credentialed Bible Instructors:
Licensed Missionaries: Mrs. Eva L. Bruder, Grace H. John-
son, Alfreda P. Larson, Mrs. Rose L.
Alma Chambers, Annie M. Cham- Lindsey, Nellie McDowell, Helen Old-
bers, La Verne DeVaughn, Adele ham.
Dorland, Ruth Fatcher, George
Katcher, Mrs. W. G. McCready, Mrs. Licensed Ministers:
Grace B. Nelson, W. H. Smith. J. W. Clarke, A. H. Cross, Richard
Church School Teachers: Dickinson, Elvin Feltman, H. A. Fow-
ler, 0. W. Fowler, Fred Goodman,
Mrs. Mary Baker, Mrs. Edith Ewing, J. F. Hamrick, Vernon Harris, Clark
Mrs. Hattie Hand, Mrs. J. S. McClurg, R. 0. Schroeder, G. C.
Hardin, Mrs. Pauline Henkel, Mrs. Sowler, D. S. Teters, C. E. Welch, E.
Katherine Moss, Mrs. Grace Oakley, J. Wheeler.
Lillian Rechia, Ethel Robinson, Miss
V. White. Licensed Missionaries:
Legal Assn.: "New Jersey Conference Clifton Baker, Mrs. Clifton Baker,
Association of Seventh-day Advent- Wilmoth Benson, Mabel Colby, Mrs.
ists." E. R. Corder, Vincent Di Biase,
Martha Everett, Hazel Griggs, Paul
Haynes, Mrs. Polly Haynes, R. W.
OHIO CONFERENCE Hines, Mrs. R. W. Hines, Clayton
Organized 1863 Kinney, Raymond Kraft, Ann Las-
tine, Donald Lee, D. H. Miller.
Territory: The State of Ohio. F. J. Pitchen, Mrs. Olive E.
Pitchen, 0. H. Pitts, Blanche Rich-
Population: 7,899,095; churches, 84; ardson, Robert St. Clair, Mrs. Robert
members, 6,616. St. Clair, Mrs. Edna Vorus, Mrs.
Office: 111 S. Mulberry St., Mt. Vernon, Wesley Wolcott, Laurence Wolfe,
Ohio. (Telephones, 42750 and 42760.) Mrs. Maude Wolfe, Arthur Workman.
Postal Address: Box 831, Mt. Vernon, Licensed Bible Instructors:
Ohio. Mrs. Jessie Armstrong, Laura J.
Officers: Cummings, Mrs. C. H. Diehl, Mrs.
Marie Fulkerson, Ruth Weitzman.
President, M. E. Loewen.
Secretary-Treasurer, Werber Johnson. Church School Teachers:
Executive Committee: M. E. Loewen, Mrs. Mamie Bender, Mrs. Helen
H. W. Bills, E. R. Diehm, C. J. Dorn- Bleakley, R. S. Brown, Erland But-
burg, J. L. Hagle, J. R. Johnson, terfield, Mrs. Erland. Butterfield, Mrs.
Werber Johnson, R. T. Minesinger, J. Eugene Cowling, Dorothy Criddle,
R. Shull, D. V. Steinman. Mrs. Christine Dalton, Mrs. Ann
DeMichael, Virginia Eakley, Mrs. L.
Departmental Secretaries: J. Fritz, Frank Fuller, Mrs. Frank
Book and Bible House, 0. H. Pitts. Fuller, Mary Greer, Mrs. Eveyln

Guenter, D. C. Heisey, Nina Hunt, T. Smith, R. L. Vaughn, W. T.

Dorothy Jones, Pearl Kattelman, Weaver, D. S. Weinberg, C. E.
Fern Losie, Mary A. Mead, Mrs. Westphal, W. N. Wittenberg, R. F.
Mabel Miller, W. A. Moore, Norma Woods.
Neiswanger, Mrs. Julia Numbers, Credentialed Missionary: E. S. Knecht.
Mrs. Robert O'Connell, Natalie Pel-
ton, Loren Poole, Mrs. Alice Robin- Credentialed Bible Instructors:
son, William Slabach, Mrs. William Mrs. Kathleen Brownell, Maud Crump,
Slabaeh, Mae Stebbins, Jack Swayze, Vinnie L. Goodner, Mrs. Myrtle King,
F. K. Sykes, J. B. Taylor, Mrs. Na- Mrs. Cassie C. Roberts, Mary Saxton.
omi Trubey, Mrs. Marie Walker, Elsie
A. Weeks, Opal Winterfeld, Helen Licensed Ministers:
Darrell Chisholm, Phillip Fetter, J. W.
Legal Association: "The Ohio Confer- Ford, W. C. Hannah, R. E. Harris,
ence Association of the Seventh-day F. B. Holbrook, W. H. Jones, J. W.
Adventist Church." McGraw, E. J. McMurphy, N. L.
Meager, E. J. Reading, G. N. Roberts,
Glenn Sharman, C. I. Soles, J. G.
Vasko. George Wargo, C. A. Yarnell,
Organized 1903 ; reorganized 1924 Licensed Missionaries:
Territory: Virginia, except Accomac Mrs. Vesta Adams, Frances Andrews,
and Northampton Counties ; the Dis- Grace Ashton, Mrs. W. L. Bigelow,
trict of Columbia; and that portion Mrs. Pearl Deiter, Margarita Dietel,
of Prince Georges County, Maryland, C. A. French.
within five miles of the District line; Helen Hambleton, Mrs. W. C. Han-
and Montgomery County, Maryland. nah, Clara M. Hardin, L. J. Jensen,
Katherine Kavanaugh, Evelyn Kono-
Population: 2,585,898 ; churches, 60 ; wal, Dorothy Lush, Georgene Mine-
members, 7,147. singer, C. B. Mosher, Mrs. Gladys
Office Address: 411 Cedar St., Takoma Paulson, H. M. Soper, Freda Teis.
Park, Washington 12, D.C. (Tele- Licensed Bible Instructors:
phones, GEorgia 5791, 5792, and
5456.) Mrs. Mabel Kurz, Mrs. Lois Mays,
Mary E. Meyers.
Church School Teachers:
President, H. J. Detwiler.
Secretary-Treasurer, W. H. Jones. Mary Alexander, Glenna Altizer, Mrs.
Blanche Banks, T. E. Banks, Mary
Executive Committee: H. J. Detwiler, Bateman, Mrs. Selma Bird, Mrs.
N. S. Ashton, R. L. Boothby, C. H. Joyce Blosser, Olivine Bohner, Mrs.
Dougherty, W. C. Hannah, W. H. Hazel Bowen, Virginia Bowman, Mrs.
Jones, E. F. Koch, L. R. Mansell, Mae Bradley, Adelaide Christian, W.
H. A. Morrison, J. L. Price, G. S. A. Connell, Mrs. Dorothy Dart, Mrs.
Rapp. Emmagean Gainer, Mrs. Helen Gra-
Departmental Secretaries: ham, Joyce Hevener, Mrs. Auda
Hiebert, Shirley High, Mrs. Doris
Book and Bible House, E. S. Knecht. Hill, Elizabeth Hudak, Mrs. Grace
Educational and Sabbath School, Kinder, Mrs. Mildred Kirkman, Mrs.
Home Missionary, Temperance, War Eleanor Lindsjo, Mrs. Anna Mat-
Service, and Y.P.M.V., W. N. Wit- thews, S. A. Minesinger, Mrs. Ervine
tenberg. Minesinger, Harold Mondies, Iris Na-
Medical, . deau, Herbert Oliver, Mrs. Elsie
Public Relations, W. H. Jones. Pohle, Alson Pusey, Thomas Schutte,
Publishing, Mrs. Lynne Schwindt, Esther Senger,
Religious Liberty, H. J. Detwiler. Jay Shanko, Mrs. Alice Sharman,
Ordained Ministers: Mrs. Margaret Smith, Nellie J.
Smith, Nareissa Snyder, Louise
N. S. Ashton, R. L. Boothby, W. H. Stuart, Mrs Miriam Tymeson, Irene
Coffman, M. G. Conger, J. G. Con- Walker, Margaret Wallace, Mrs. Mil-
mack, R. F. Correia, P. G. Crestakos, dred Welker, Paul Welker, Nathalie
H. J. Detwiler, H. M. Dukes, H. T. Wilson, Shirley Wood.
French, R. F. Frey, C. M. Gruesbeck,
J. L. Hamrick, Jr., E. L. Hanson, Legal Associations: "Potomac Confer-
D. F. Haynes, F. D. Horton, 0. L. ence Corporation of Seventh-day Ad.
Jacques, C. 0. Kinder, E. F. Koch, ventists," "District of Columbia Con-
L. R. Mansell, A. C. Marple, J. L. ference Corporation of Seventh-day
Neil, W. E. Peeke, Curtis Quacken- Adventists," and "Virginia Confer-
bush, Russell Quackenbush, G. S. ence Agency of Seventh-day Advent-
Rapp, M. J. Shanko, E. H. Shull, W. ists."

WEST PENNSYLVANIA CON- Population: 1,838,653 ; churches, 20 ;

FERENCE members, 1,236.
Organized 1903 Office Address: 1455 Seventh St., Par-
Territory: All of Pennsylvania lying kersburg, W. Va. (Telephone, 8-4441.)
west of the easterly line of Potter, Officers:
Clinton, Center, Mifflin, Huntingdon,
and Fulton Counties. President, C. J. Coon.
Secretary-Treasurer, W. M. Noswor-
Population: 3,904,631; churches, 44; thy.
members, 1,828. Executive Committee: C. J. Coon,
Office: 744 N. Negley Ave., Pittsburgh 0. B. Gerhart, S. R. Jayne, J. H.
6, Pa, (Telephone, Emerson 1-3770.) McHenry, H. E. Metcalf, D. B. Myers,
W. M. Nosworthy.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 5092, East
Liberty Station, Pittsburgh 6, Pa. Departmental Secretaries:
Officers: Book and Bible House, W. M. Nos-
President, A. J. Robbins. Civilian Defense, Home Missionary, In-
Secretary-Treasurer, C. B. Green. dustrial Relations, Sabbath School,
Executive Committee: A. J. Robbins, Temperance, War Service, and Y.P.
F. F. Bush, 0. G. Carnes, C. B. M.V., L. G. Cornelius.
Green, R. B. Hill, John Keeler, G. W. Educational, C. J. Coon.
Valentine, F. L. Wessley. Publishing, A. L. Page.
Departmental Secretaries: Ordained Ministers:
Book and Bible House, M. A. Paden, W. M. Buckman, C. J. Coon, L. G.
Educational and Sabbath School, L. Cornelius, 0. B. Gerhart, S. R. Jayne,
L. Philpott. T. J. Jenkins, H. E. Metcalf, D. B.
Home Missionary, Radio, Temperance, Meyers, J. G. Penner.
War Service, and Y.P.M.V., R. C.
Barron. Credentialed Missionaries:
Publishing, J. H. Creighton. Mrs. Virginia Cummins, Margaret
Religious Liberty, A. J. Robbins. Fuller.
Ordained Ministers: Credentialed Bible Instructors:
F. F. Bush, E. A. Beavon, R. C.
Barron, 0. G. Carnes, G. W. Fred- Mary Bierly, Mrs. Lillian Lippincott.
erick, C. 13. Green, A. D. Haynal, Licensed Ministers:
R. B. Hill, J. S. Hold, W. C. Moffett,
L. L. Philpott, A. J. Robbins, G. E. George Mowry, W. M. Nosworthy,
Smith, R. M. Spencer, Jr., G. W. A. L. Page, W. M. Schomburg, W. E.
Valentine, H. L. Yates. Snider.
Licensed Ministers: Licensed Missionaries:
J. H. Creighton, John Kronke, M. A. Mrs. Marie Bee, Mrs. Marguerite
Paden, 11. L. Sauder. Foggin, Hilda Holsten, Mrs. Irma
Mowry, J. H. Tegler, Mrs. J. H.
Licensed Missionaries: Tegler, Mrs. Mary Varney.
Frances Dingee, Martha F. Grassel,
Mrs. Elaine Larkin. Legal Association: "Seventh-day Ad-
ventist Book Society," and "Trustees
Church School Teachers: of and .for West Virginia Conference
Helen Bassett, Edna M. Christoph, of Seventh-day Adventists."
Helen Craig, Robert Craig, Betty
King, T. F. Larkin, Irma Martin,
Mrs. Frances Quimby, Rita Wetmore,
Legal Association: "West Pennsylvania UNION CONFERENCE
Conference Association of Seventh-
day Adventists." Educational:
Home Study Institute, Takoma Park,
Organized 1887 Mt. Vernon Academy, Mt. Vernon,
Territory: The State of West Virginia,
except the Counties of Morgan, Ber- Philadelphia Academy, 6063 Drexel
keley, and Jefferson, and including Rd., Philadelphia 81, Pa.
the Counties of Garrett and Alle-
gheny in Maryland. Pine Forge Academy, Pine Forge, Pa.

Plainfield Academy, 622 W. 8th St., Sanitarium

Plainfield, N.J. Medical:
Seventh-day Adventist Theological Washington Sanitarium and Hospital,
Seminary, Takoma Park, Washing- Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
ton 12, D. C. Clinic
Shenandoah Valley Academy, New Washington Sanitarium Mission Hos-
Market, Va. pital, 1252 6th St., S. W., Wash-
Takoma Academy, Takoma Park, ington, D. C.
Washington 12. D. C. Publishing:
Washington Missionary College, Ta- Review and Herald Publishing Assn.,
koma Park, Washington 12, D. C. Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C.


Organi zed 1901
Territory: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, V. H. Campbell, Mrs. V. H. Campbell,
and Wisconsin, comprising the Illi- John Christensen, Rachel Christman,
nois, Indiana, Lake Region, Michi- M. K. Davies, Geneva Erickson, C. S.
gan, and Wisconsin Conferences. Field, J. W. Finley, Vera Fisher, C. I.
Flyte, W. W. Frank, Mrs. Pearl
Population: 27,173,214 ; churches, 399 ; Gaitens, Lela Harper, H. E. Hein,
members, 29,341. A. D. Holmes, Beatrice Holquist, Mrs.
Postal Address: Box C, Berrien Elsie Johnson, I. T. Johnson, R. A.
Springs, Mich. (Telephone, 2541.) Johnson.
Verne Kelsey, Estelle Kiehnhoff,
Officers: H. M. Lashier, T. R. Lukens, R. B.
President, L. E. Lenheim. MacMorland, Mrs. Wanda MacMor-
Secretary-Treasurer, E. L. Green. land, Arlene Marks, F. L. Marsh,
Auditor, A. E. Mobley. Mrs. Eva M. Martin, Mildred Martin,
Melville Meade, 0. T. Moline, Violet
Executive Committee: L. E. Lenheim, Morgan, Olena Nelson, W. W. Nelson,
C. M. Bunker, R. G. Campbell, H. J. Clarence Noblitt, R. E. Oxley, L. E.
Capman, P. W. Christian, T. M. Petersen.
Fountain, E. L. Green, H. K. Halla- Stella Petersen, Barbara Phipps, B.
day, D. W. Hunter, G. E. Hutches, H. Phipps, Marie Pfeifle, Eva Pitcher,
T. R. Lukens, d. L. McConaughey, J. E. Riffel, Edna Shelburg, June
A. E. Mobley, W. A. Nelson, J. D. Shelburg, David Sinclair, George
Snider. Smith, Leslie Smith, E. J. Specht,
Departmental Secretaries: F. F. Swearingen, N. C. Taylor, J. S.
Tupper, E. K. VandeVere, Bernice
Educational, W. A. Nelson. Webber, Evelyn Wiik, Gyneth Wood.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
H. K. Halladay. Honorary: Inez Bird.
Publishing, R. G. Campbell. Licensed Ministers:
Religious Liberty, L. E. Lenheim.
Rural Living, E. L. Green. Daniel Augsburger, C. L. Gemmelt,
Temperance, War Service, and Y.P. P. T. Gibbs, 0. C. Granlund, E. L.
M.V., D. W. Hunter. Green, H. F. Halenz, A. E. Mobley,
H. L. Rasmussen.
Ordained Ministers: Honorary: H. R. Stearns.
D. W. Anderson, A. E. Axelson, R. G.
Campbell, 0. H. Christensen. P. W. Licensed Missionaries:
Christian, A. 0. Dunn, H. E. Ed- Evelyn Allen, John Allen, Mrs. Agnes
wards, J. C. Gaitens, H. R. Grundset, Anderson, Albert Anderson, Earl
H. K. Halladay, D. W. Hunter, C. W. Armitage, Jeane A. Bailey, Robert
Lee, L. E. Lenheim, V. P. Lovell, Beck, Lena L. Best, Paul Bishop,
W. A. Nelson, H. 0. Olson, T. B. Viola A. Bishop, Edwin Bruckner,
Penner, A. H. Rulkoetter, H. J. Shaw, Alma M. Campbell, Daniel Capen,
C. D. Striplin, E. R. Thiele, James Viola Carleton, Benjamin Colon,
Wang. Charles Day, Joseph Day, Olive De-
Honorary: J. B. Blosser, D. E. Collins, Lay, Maude Fahrbach, Dorothy Fer-
T. H. Coopwood, E. F. Ferris, W. H. ren, Cecil Gooch, Edwin Graff, W. F.
Hanhardt, A. E. Hoist, A. 0. Lund, Grail, Mrs. Margaret Green, F. A.
K. A. Offerman, Fred Stebbeds, F. M. Griesman, Paul Hamel, Marjorie
Summerville, W. E. Videto. Hamp, Stanley Hill, Raymond Huff-
aker, LeRoy James, L. E. Johnson,
Credentialed Missionaries: Ruby Johnson, V. V. Johnston.
Louise Ambs, Perry Beach, Earl Bea- E. E. Kidder, Amy Klose, Henry
ty, Margaret Benedict, H. S. Brown, Lane. Thomas Mathews, W. S. Mc-

clure, Mrs. Ina P. Mills, Tycko Credentialed Bible Instructors:

Onstad, Mary Ottinger, Ida Patzer, Marion Blasius, Vesta Cash, Jody
Wilma Pekinpaugh, R. L. Pelton, Ketterman.
Virginia Pelton, Merton Petersen,
Richard Rideout, Arthur Robinson, Licensed Ministers:
Melvin Rosen, Sadie Sinclair, Lillian B. W. Braley, J. R. Caslow, H. E.
Ramsay, Russell Slabach, Lorraine Douglass, J. B. Frank, J. M. Haynal,
Stanton, Dell Stern, Johanna Stou- R. L. Hearn, Raymond Hoffmann,
gaard, E. Thuesen, Luke Tkachuk, Walter Kolmodin, R. D. Smith, L. H.
W. A. Vandeman, Mrs. W. A. Van- Taylor, R. A. Van Arsdell, F. E.
deman, Mrs. Mildred Wade, Robert Vessels, C. R. Wyatt.
Warner, Elsie Wendth, Ernest
Wendth, Frank White, Mrs. Virginia Licensed Missionaries:
Wilbur, Mrs. Olga Witterman, H. Y. John Anders, N. G. Brown, Annabelle
C. Wong. Davidson, Elizabeth Eitel, Mrs. J. 0.
Ferris, Mrs. Breta V. Frank, Muriel
Legal Associations: "Lake Union Con- Franklin, Arlene Friestad, Helen
ference Association of Seventh-day Glass, Mrs. N. R. Hallock, Lyle
A dventists," "Hinsdale Sanitarium Hamel, Ivan Hunt.
and Benevolent Association," and M. A. Johnson, Adeline Kleist, Paul
"Michigan Sanitarium, Incorporated." Lugenbeal, Mrs. Roy Olson, Eric Pe-
terson, Mrs. Virginia Reedy, Richard
Schwarz, Mary Scott, H. K. Show,
Mrs. C. R. Smith, P. M. Weichert,
Organized 1871
Church School Teachers:
Territory: The State of Illinois.
William Brown, Mrs. Laurabelle Cook,
Population: 7,509,795 ; churches, 68 ; Ruth Gerst, Patricia Harker, Mrs.
members, 5,093. Carol Hearn, Mrs. Ada Hicks, Mrs.
Dolores Hunt, Mrs. May Lemon,
Office: 3715 Grand Blvd., Brookfield, Florence Losey, Mrs. Lydia Marsh,
Ill. (Telephone, Brookfield 120.) Mary E. Mattausch, Kenneth Mor-
Postal Address: Box 29, Brookfield, Ill. rison, Kenneth Nelson, Ruby Nichols.
Gloria Prust, Mrs. Xana Schurene,
Officers: Mrs. Lois Shandor, Eleanor Shultz,
President, J. L. McConaughey. Mrs. John Snell, Charlotte Truman,
Secretary-Treasurer, J. B. Frank. F. L. Whiteaker, Pearl Witak, Dena
Executive Committee: J. L. McCon-
aughey, Anthony Catalano, J. B. Legal Associations: "Illinois Conference
Frank, C. R. Kinney, T. J. Kroeger, Association of Seventh-day Advent-
T. R. Lukens, D. S. Osgood, H. H. ists" and "Chicago Conference Asso-
Schmidt, R. W. Wellbaurn. ciation of Seventh-day Adventists."

Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, C. B. Burgess. INDIANA CONFERENCE
Educational, Temperance, and Y.P. Organized 1872
M.V., J. 0. Iversen.
Home Missionary, Radio, and Sabbath Territory: The State of Indiana.
School, C. R. French.
Publishing, R. A. Van Arsdell. Population: 3,427,796; churches, 68 ;
Religious Liberty, J. L. McConaughey. members, 4,315.
Ordained Ministers: Office Address: 3266 North Meridian
0. W. Bacheller, H. L. Calkins, An- St., Indianapolis 7, Ind. (Telephone,
thony Catalano, Joseph Dobias, J. A. Wabash 4571.)
Dominski, C. R. French, F. W. Har- Officers:
vey, T. G. Herr, J. 0. Iverson, C. R.
Kinney, T. J. Kroeger, L. J. Marsa, President, C. M. Bunker.
J. L. McConaughey, C. B. Miller, G. Secretary-Treasurer, Elton Dessain.
H. Nelson, D. S. Osgood, J. I. Executive Committee: C. M. Bunker,
Rivera, William Schaeffler, H. H. D. E. Caslow, Elton Dessain, Arthur
Schmidt, L. R. Scott, H. J. Thomsen, Kiesz, W. F. Mann, George Marsh,
C. G. Tulaszewski, C. L. Turner, L. L. Murphy, W. P. Ortner, V. R.
S. P. Vitrano, R. W. Wentland, R. G. Pike.
Wertz, R. M. Whitsett.
Departmental Secretaries:
Credentialed Missionaries:
Book and Bible House, W. A. Peter-
Mrs. B. W. Braley, C. B. Burgess, N. sen.
R. Hallock, D. N. Hartman, C. R. Educational, Temperance, and Y.P.
Smith. M.V., V. C. Hoffman.

Home Missionary, Industrial Rela- Postal Address: Box 5323, Chicago 80,
tions, and Sabbath School, H. E. Ill.
Publishing, W. G. Wallace; Assistant, Officers:
H. F. Otis. President, T. M. Fountain.
Religious Liberty, C. M. Bunker. Secretary-Treasurer, F. N. Crowe.
Ordained Ministers: Executive Committee: T. M. Fountain,
C. M. Bunker, W. W. Byers, D. E. J. W. Allison, Jr., T. L. Bass, F. N.
Caslow, C. G. Edwards, V. C. Hoff- Crowe, L. H. Davis, E. S. Dillett,
man, L. R. Hoist, Arthur Kiesz, W. L. T. M. Rowe, J. A. Smith, R. F.
Latham, W. L. Massengill, H. E. Warnick.
McClure, L. L. Murphy, W. P. Ortner, Departmental Secretaries:
V. R. Pike, C. W. Pruitt, E. 'M. Book and Bible House, C. W. Laur-
Tyson, H. A. Welklin, H. N. Wil- ence.
liams. Educational and Y.P.M.V., L. H.
Honorary: 0. B. Hall. Davis.
Credentialed Missionaries: Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
L. B. Baker.
Eliza Parfitt, Lela Pierce, Evelyn Publishing, J. F. Lee ; Assistants,
Platt, W. G. Wallace, C. M. Willison. Samuel Flagg, C. H. Moore, Roose-
Credentialed Bible Instructor: Mrs. velt Ruffin.
Edith Cross. Ordained Ministers:
Licensed Ministers: J. W. Allison, Jr. F. N. Crowe, L. H.
Harold Boyer, J. E. Davidson, Elton Davis, E. S. Dillett, W. D. Forde,
Dessain, Herbert Hass, J. S. Hender- T. M. Fountain, J. P. Laurence,
son, F. J. Kinsey, Charles Mattingly, T. M. Rowe, R. F. Warniek.
W. A. Peterson, G. D. Thompson, Credentialed Missionaries:
Garnet Williams. J. F. Lee, C. H. Moore, Roosevelt
Licensed Missionaries: Ruffin.
Lila Beatty, 011ie B. Green, C. C. Licensed Ministers:
Hansen. Mrs. C. C. Hansen, A. M. L. B. Baker, J. E. Dykes, C. A.
Houck, Mrs. Mary Keller, Marion Higgs, Jr., W. J. Kisack, R. C.
Merchant, H. F. Otis, William Stitt, Smith, C. F. Warren.
Celia Walker.
Licensed Missionaries:
Licensed Bible Instructors:
Marian Blevins, Ruby Cartwright,
Mrs. Floy Addis, Nova Padgett. Mrs. Althea Davis, Samuel Flagg,
Church School Teachers: C. J. Laurence, Ruby Mormon, Alma
L. Sellers.
Irene Amen, Virginia Anderson,
Gladys Bacheller, Norman Baker, Licensed Bible Instructors:
Viola Boat, Iva Churchill, Mrs. Gen- Mrs. Bertha Bailey, Susie Kelly,
evieve Drake, George Dunder, Mrs. Dorothy Smith.
Rosemary Griffey, Ralph Heiner,
Clara Kendall, George Kent, Mrs. Church School Teachers:
George Kent, Harold Leffler. Mrs. Myrna Baker, Mrs. Devolia
Mrs. Dorothy Oliver, Isla Padgett, Cantrall, Janet Carter, Ruth Daniels,
Mrs. Alwilda Polk, Paul Schoun, Mrs. Mrs. Julia Dillett, Bernice Ford,
Hilda Schulz, Barbara Stuart, Mrs. Henrietta Granderson, Mrs. Ida John-
Maratha Taylor, Stuart Teegarden, son, Mrs. Catherine Mansfield, Eunice
Mrs. Stuart Teegarden, Arl Voorheis, McQuerry, Goldie Pettress, Paralee
Shirley Wallace, Mrs. Jessamine Raymond, Mrs. Inez Shelton, Roger
Welsh, Maxine Young. Smith, Mrs. Christine Thompson,
Rose M. Vaughn, Marion White, Mrs.
Legal Association: "The Indiana Asso- Ruth White.
ciation of Seventh-day Adventists."
Legal Association: "Lake Region Con-
ference Association of Seventh-day
Organized 1945
Territory: Colored constituency of Il- Organized 1861
linois, Indiana, Michigan, and Wis-
consin. Territory: State of Michigan.
Population: 801,400; churches, 29, mem- Population: 6,308,794 ; churches, 150 ;
bers, 2,995. members, 12,470.
Office: 619 Woodland Park, Chicago 16, Office: 620 Townsend St., Lansing 16,
Ill. (Telephone, Boulevard 8-3331.) Mich. (Telephone, 4-1317.)

Postal Address: Box 900, Lansing 4, Schwerer, Earl Snow, Milford Taylor,
Mich. H. A. Weaver, E. F. Willett.
Officers: Licensed Missionaries:
President, G. E. Hutches. P. P. Anderson, Roger Bentley, Mrs.
Secretary-Treasurer, E. F. Willett. Roger Bentley, 0. A. Botimer, Mrs.
Assistant Treasurer, N. W. Litchfield. 0. A. Botimer, Max Church, J. L.
Assistant Auditor, L. H. Sickles. Clements, R. Cole, Mrs. Grayce Craw-
ford, Theresa J. Day, D. E. Davis,
Executive Committee: G. E. Hutches, Aimee ' DuBois, Gertrude A. Dyer,
Fred Green, A. A. Leiske, M. L. Gordon Engen, Mrs. Gordon Engen,
Mills, R. D. Moon, A. K. Phillips, Oscar Fancher, Evelyn R. Farley,
W. B. Pontynen, L. J. Wall, E. F. Miriam Foreman, Janice Flyger, Ivy
Willett. Freeman, Mrs. V. E. Garber, Evelyn
Departmental Secretaries: Grau, Arthur Harmes, Clara Hoogen-
boom, Ruth Hutches, W. L. Iles,
Book and Bible House, H. J. Forquer ; Alyce Ivey, Burton Jackson, D. Lorne
Assistants, E. H. Craig, J. L. Cle- Jones.
ments. Eloise Leftrook, N. W. Litchfield,
Educational, H. R. Nelson ; Elemen- B. E. Lee, C. W. Mayer, Mrs. C. W.
tary Supervisor, Eleanor Rue. Mayer, C W. Mauro, Mrs. C. W.
Home Missionary, Industrial Rela- Mauro, C. W. McNeal, Jeanne Met-
tions, and Radio, S. M. McCormick. calfe, R. W. Myers, Lawrence Mobley,
Medical, It. W. Spalding. Elmer Moore, Rubie Oaks, Mrs. Anna
Medical Cadet Corps, Temperance, Orr, Russell Parks, Ivalee Potter,
and Y.P.M.V., J. C. Miklos. R. W. Pratt.
Press Relations and Rural Living, Mrs. K. Riggs, Eleanor Rue, Merle
E. R. Potter. Ruskjer, Mrs. D. D. Scott, Florence
Publishing, O. A. Botimer ; Assist- E. Shelton, G. A. Sherman, L. H.
ants, Mrs. Anna Orr, G. A. Sher- Sickles, G. A. Spaulding, Mrs. G. A.
man, Herman Trout. Spaulding, Mrs. R. 0. Stone, Alyce
Religious Liberty, G. E. Hutches. Swedberg, L. W. Taft, Mary M. Tay-
Sabbath School, M. F. Grau. lor, Mrs. H. A. Weaver, Dorothy
Ordained Ministers: Winn, H. A. Wohlers.
U. Bender, H. E. Bisel, H. R. Bren- Licensed Bible Instructor: Aila Issak-
nan, E. E. Burkett, E. L. Byrd, G. H. aMen.
Carle, H. H. Crandell, A. A. Douglas, Church School Teachers:
G. R. Elstrom, Jeremia Flores, V. E.
Garber, M. F. Grau, J. P. Hab- Mrs. Verna Bacheller, Margaret Ben-
enicht, William Harbour, G. H. Hos- edict, Mrs. Eva Burns, T. A. Church,
ford, G. E. Hutches, S. W. Hyde, Mrs. Dorothy Clark, Mrs. Doris Clay-
D. E. Jacobs, Lawrence Kagels, Obed ton, Lilla M. Cohler, Robert Day,
Klein, J. C. Klose, E. H. Knauft, R. Mrs. Charlotte Davenport, Mrs. Mil-
K. Krick, M. S. Krietzky. dred Ekkens, Mrs. Irma Ellsworth,
A. A. Leiske, M. E. Lowry, S. M. Lorraine Fankhouser, William Farver,
McCormick, J. C. Miklos, Duane Mil- Mayliss Gibbs, Mrs. Gladys Gilbert,
ler, Merle Mills, 0. J. Mills, A. R. Mrs. Leona Glidden, Verna Goodsite,
Mohr, R. D. Moon, M. E. Munger, Mrs. Dorothy Greanya.
W. C. Neff, H. R. Nelson, A. K. Charles Hagenberg, Mrs. Emily
Phillips, W. B. Pontynen, E. R. Pot- Hallock, Mrs. Beatrice Halvorsen,
ter, T. I. Rush, H. G. Rutherford, Forest Halvorsen, Leonard Hill, Mrs.
G. A. Schwerin, H. L. Shoup, R. 0. Ruth Howell, Ruth Rusted, Mrs.
Shone, L. 0. Venden, D. S. Wallack, Pearl Hyzer, Robert Kachenceister,
S. E. Wight, J. C. Zolbrecht. Madge Kamerer, Leo Keiser, Mrs.
Nettie Kennedy, Mrs. Ruth LaCaunt,
Credentialed Missionaries: Alice Lankford, Virgil Lewis, Mrs.
E. J. Beardsley, E. H. Craig, E. P. Ina Loder, R. L. Logan, Bernice
Weaver. Lunz, Gloria Mahrle, Mrs. Pauline
Manning, Foster Medford, Mrs. Helen
Credentialed Bible Instructors: Merrill, Pansy Middaugh, Mrs. Flor-
Mrs. D. Brander, Mrs. Verna Bretz, ence Morriss, Mrs. Esther Musgrave,
Mrs. B. Davison, Alma DuBois. Henry Musgrave.
Mrs. Anna Neal, Mrs. Jewell Nolin,
Licensed Ministers: Florence Orth, Sadie Owen, Mrs.
Fred Beavon, A. L. Bristol, J. B. Shirley Patterson, Anna Petersen,
Church, Chester Clough, Gordon Merton Peterson, Marie Pfeifle, Mrs.
Creighton, James Cunnington, Charles Mabel Pilbeam, Mrs. Esther Reyburn,
Everest, H. J. Forquer, Paul Mildred Roat, Mrs. Margaret C. Rod-
Evers, M., D. Hannah, R. M. Har- erick, Marguerite Ross.
rison, Wayne Hyde, P. W. Lamb, Mrs. Joyce Sarr, Jacqualyn Shay,
Nicholas Leftrook, Herbert Lohr, Winnifred Sheldon, Mrs. Meriel Shep-
Keith Morey, Joseph Quinn, W. J. pler, Mrs. Marguerite Soper, Daisy

Sterns, Mrs. Clara Striplin, James Foll, E. Gammon, M. G. Hickman,

Van Arsdale, Bernice Webber, Mrs. H. A. Uhl, L. G. Wartzok, W. C.
Marolyn Whitmill, Edra Wigle, W. J. Whitten.
Wilkinson, Dorothea Williams, H. E. Licensed Missionaries:
Williams, Mrs. Lois Williams, S. J.
Yost. Lawrence Bogdanovich, Dwain Ford,
Legal Association: "Michigan Confer- M. Kuykendall, Mavis LeTendre,
ence Assn. of Seventh-day Advent- Howard Marsh, Syble Partain, Rob-
ists." erta Patton, Herbert Polk, George
Taggart, Mrs. George Taggart, Jean
Woerpel, Mildred Woods.
WISCONSIN CONFERENCE Church School Teachers:
Organized 1871 Lola Barske, Inez Brasier, Carol Cot-
Territory: The State of Wisconsin. trell, Marjorie Danielsen, Mrs. Reuben
Dehline, Mrs. Grace Doyle, Myrtle
Population : 3,125,429 ; churches, 84 ; Fitzgerald, Patricia Griesman, Mrs.
members, 4,467. Margaret Gunderson, Mrs. H. T.
Office: 802 E. Gorham St., Madison, Wis. Hansen, Mrs. Rose Hatcher, Virgil
(Telephone, 5-7727.) Jenkins, Mrs. Francis Johnson.
Audrey Kaatz, James Kaatz, Ruth
Postal Address: Box 512, Madison, Wis. Kaiser, Rulene Karr, Mrs. Fred King-
Officers: man, Mrs. Emalene Kuykendall, Vi-
olet Mattson, Dorothy McEndree, Mrs.
President, H. J. Capman. Edith Moses, Belle Petersen, Delilah
Secretary-Treasurer, R. G. Burchfield. Petersen, Mrs. Alice Rasmussen,
Executive Committee: H. J. Capman, Harold Sample, Joyce Shimek, Elmer
R. G. Burchfield, E. R. Davis, C. W. Stone, Mrs. Elmer Stone, Ellen
Guenther, W. T. Lindsay, J. H. Meier, Widmer.
H. 0. Pierson, W. R. Riston. Legal Association: "Wisconsin Confer-
Departmental Secretaries: ence Association of the Seventh-day
Book and Bible House, L. G. Wartzok. Adventists."
Educational and Y.P.M.V., F. W.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, UNION CONFERENCE
G. F. Ruf.
Publishing, W. C. Whitten; Assistant, Educational:
Lee Sackett. Adelphian Academy, Holly, Mich.
Religious Liberty, W. R. Riston,
Battle Creek Academy, 180 Welch
Ordained Ministers: Road, Battle Creek, Mich.
C. M. Bee, F. W. Bieber, Harold Bohr, Broadview Academy, La Grange, Ill.
J. W. Boyd, H. J. Capman, C. W.
Guenther, N. M. Harlan, J. S. Jame- Cedar Lake Academy, Cedar Lake,
son, C. V. Keiser, F. M. Larsen, Mich.
P. M. Matacio, J. H. Meier, M. H. Emmanuel Missionary College, College
Odegaard, A. G. Parfitt, W. R. Ris- Station, Berrien Springs, Mich.
ton, D. F. Roth, G. F. Ruf, F. A. Indiana Academy, Cicero, Ind.
Sackett, D. W. Schiffbauer.
Shiloh Academy, 3946 Lake Park Ave.,
Credentialed Missionaries: Chicago, Ill.
G. W. Curry, Mrs. Ruth Holland, Wisconsin Academy, Columbus, Wis.
Louise Larmon, Mrs. A. G. Parfitt,
LeRoy Ramsey, Lee Sackett, Mildred Medical:
Summerton, Wava White. Hinsdale Sanitarium and Hospital,
Credentialed Bible Instructor: E. Olive Hinsdale, Ill.
Myers. Publishing:
Licensed Ministers: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Interna-
L. N. Boyd, R. G. Burchfield, M. E. tional Branch, Brookfield. Ill.


Organized 1902; reorganized 1937
Territory: Iowa, Minnesota, North Da- Office Address: 501 Forest Ave., Minne-
kota, and South Dakota, comprising apolis 3, Minn. (Telephone, Kenwood
the Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, 2992.)
and South Dakota Conferences. Officers:
Population: 6,589,714 ; churches; 232 ; President, J. D. Smith. (Telephone,
members, 11,903. Regent 6774.)

Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, A. port, H. B. Davis, W. A. Dessain,

R. Smouse. (Telephone, Midway E. S. Funk, A. R. Hagen, H. H.
9482.) Hare, W. R. Howard, A. V. McClure,
Executive Committee: J. D. Smith, Glenn Millard, Fred Schultz, M. E.
D. C. Butherus, W. A. Dessain, C. A. Smith, H. H. White, Paul Whitlow.
Edwards. C. E. Guenther, L. L Mc- Licensed Ministers:
Kinley, E. A. Robertson, A. R. William Boatright, W. C. Day, L. E.
Smouse, F. E. Thompson. Estes, Emil Hagele, Vernon Heglund,
Departmental Secretaries: C. W. Jorgensen, A. H. Liebelt, J. E.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., E. A. Rob- Lippart, Tom Nickum, R. L. Warner,
ertson. A. A. Weikum, L. G. Whitten, W. G.
Home Missionary, Radio, Sabbath Zima.
School, and Temperance, C. E. Licensed Missionaries:
Guenther. Shirley Burton, Mrs. Lena Day, Mrs.
Industrial Relations and Publishing, Verna Estes, William Garrison,
C. A. Edwards. Gladys Hintze, Mrs. Marilyn Jorgen-
Religious Liberty, J. D. Smith. sen, J. E. Joyner, Elizabeth Lothian,
War Service, E. A. Robertson. P. W. Peters, Mrs. M. E. Smith,
Ordained Ministers: Helen Wilmot, Enid Wilson.
C. A. Edwards, C. E. Guenther, E. A. Licensed Bible Instructors:
Robertson, J. D. Smith. Mrs. Elsie Albertson, Mrs. Stemple
Honorary: August Anderson, J. W. White.
Christian, B. 0. Engen, H. M. Hiatt, Church School Teachers:
J. W. Kass, J. A. Litwinenco, J. R.
Staton, M. F. Wiedemann. Dorothy Bauman, Erma Davenport,
Florence Field, Dorothea Goodson,
Credentialed Missionary: Frances Green, Jack Harrison, Mrs.
Honorary: Mrs. Grace Stewart. Amelia Hill, Mrs. Ilo G. Howell,
Mrs. Adeline Liebelt, Amy Messen-
Licensed Minister: A. R. Smouse. ger, Gerald Mosier, Donald Olds,
Licensed Missionaries: Mrs. Grace Simmons, Helen M.
Florence Hall, Mildred V. Nylund. Smith, James Van Horn, Mrs. Lu-
Legal Association: "The Northern Un- cille Van Horn, Mrs. Carolyn Vuloff.
ion Conference Association of Sev- Legal Association: "The Iowa Seventh-
enth-day Adventists, Incorporated." day Adventist Association.'


Organized 1863 Organized 1862
Territory: The State of Iowa. Territory: The State of Minnesota.
Population: 2,538,268 ; churches, 65; Population: 2,792,300 ; churches, 75;
members, 3,572. members, 4,260.
Office: 640-42d St., Des Moines 6, Office Address: 1854 Roblyn Ave., St.
Iowa. (Telephone 7-4633.) Paul 4 W., Minn. (Telephone, Mid-
Postal Address: Box 1476, Des Moines way 2077.)
6, Iowa. Officers:
Officers: President, F. E. Thompson.
President, W. A. Dessain. Secretary-Treasurer, E. R. Colson.
Secretary-Treasurer, W. C. Day. Executive Committee: F. E. Thomp-
Executive Committee: W. A. Dessain, son, E. M. Anderson, Irvin Carle,
H. R. Coats, W. C. Day, Iver John- E. R. Colson, Dyre Dyreson, V. W.
son, A. V. McClure, Fred Schultz, Emmerson, E. F. Finck, T. S. Hill,
I. H. Wernick. A. L. Thulin.
Departmental Secretaries: Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, Lowell Estes. Book and Bible House, K. I. Foss.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., Paul Educational and Y.P.M.V., P. C.
Whitlow. Jaynes.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
H. R. .Coats. and Temperance, E. F. Finck.
Publishing, L. G. Whitten. Medical, Guy Frederickson.
Religious Liberty, W. A. Dessain. Publishing, J. E. Curry.
Religious Liberty, F. E. Thompson.
Ordained Ministers:
E. W. Amundson, W. 0. Berry, W. R. Ordained Ministers:
Caviness, H. R. Coats, Glenn Daven- L. E. Abelson, W. R. Archbold, R. E.

Cash, E. R. Colson, Dyre Dyresen, Educational and Y.P.M.V., J. H.

V. W. Emmerson, E. F. Finck, T. S. Lantry.
Hill. M. C. Horn, P. C. James, A. L. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Kirk, G. M. Lien, J. M. Mershon, R. D. Steinke.
T. N. Neergaard, C. B. Newmyer, Publishing, E. D. Sorensen.
J. A. Nordstrom, D. K. Olson, Harley Religious Liberty, D. C. Butherus.
Schander, G. P. Stone, F. E. Thomp- Ordained Ministers:
son, H. L. Wernick. R. R. Widmer,
A. C. Woods. L. G. Barker, A. T. Bidwell, Joseph
Brown, V. K. Burgeson, D. C.
Credentialed Missionary: K. I. Foss. Butherus, W. K. Chapman, F. J. J.
Credentialed Bible Instructors: Dittmar, R. M. Hillier, G. E. Hoch-
Mrs. Grace Beardsley, Mrs. Nora P. stetter, N. J. Johnson, Kurt Kurz,
Jenkins, Evelyn Jepson. W. P. Lawrence, George Melashenko.
Licensed Ministers: Licensed Ministers:
Larry Burgeson, J. E. Curry, 0. M. George Ackers, Theophil Fischer, L.
Fillman, F. P. Gilbert, E. W. Voyles. D. Klopfenstein, J. H. Lantry, L. H.
Netteburg, E. D. Sorensen, M. C.
Licensed Missionaries: Torkelsen.
Robert Firth, Paul Haughey, Milo Licensed Missionaries:
Hill, Mrs. Milo Hill, A. N. Johnson,
I. 0. Johnson, Victoria Larsen, Mrs. Mrs. D. C. Butherus, Mrs. Bertha
Charlotte Link, Mrs. Jerry Lien. Cromwell, Betty J. Glew, Arthur
Alice Mattson, Madelin Mendenhall, Hagele, Stephen Holm, Mrs. E. R.
Mrs. C. B. Newmyer, Lorena Piper, Leno, William Nordrum, Mrs. Harry
William Rankin, Leo Thibeau, Leland Roedel, N. J. Roy, Russell Schaeffer,
Torkelsen, Mrs. Gertrude Weatherly, Mrs. Wilma Schaeffer, Ethel Trygg.
Reva Williams. Church School Teachers:
Church School Teachers: Marieda Blehm, Delorei Boyko, Elsie
Mrs. W. R. Archbold, Kathryn Barn- Fandrich, Mrs. Melvin Juhl, Mrs.
hart, Emily Berggren, Mildred Berg- Anne Karpenko, Mrs. G. E. Kriede-
gren, Mrs. Jack Dassenko, Paul Dup- mann, Mrs. J. H. Lantry, Elsie Opp,
per, Ray Frederickson, William Hilda Schneider, Mrs. E. D. Soren-
Fuches, Melvin Gilliland, Ardyce sen, Mrs. H. J. Stebner.
Hansen, Mrs. T. 0. Hanson, Jack Legal Association: "The North Dakota
Harrison, I. 0. Johnson. Conference Association of Seventh-
Betty Larsen, Betty Loga, Marva day Adventists."
L. Main, Mrs. J. McKellip, Mrs.
Elmer Merickel, Fred Neisner, Cor-
inne Nelson, Mrs. Harry Nelson,
Lilliebelle Osvold, Ramona Roberts, SOUTH DAKOTA CONFERENCE
Helen Slayton, Mrs. L. Thibeau, Mrs. Organized 1879; reorganized 1902
Mary Wold, Betty Zuberbier.
Territory: The State of South Dakota.
Legal Association: "The Minnesota Con-
ference Association of Seventh-day Population: 642,961 ; churches, 34; mem-
Adventists." bers, 1,668.
Office Address: 302 North Broadway,
NORTH DAKOTA CONFERENCE Watertown, S. Dak. (Telephone,
Organized 1879; reorganized 1902 3614.)
Territory: The State of North Dakota. Officers:
Population: 616,185; churches, 58; President, L. L. McKinley.
members, 2,403. Secretary-Treasurer, G. L. Sather.
Office: 218 Second St., S. E., James- Executive Committee: L. L. McKin-
ley, A. L. Eisenman, P. P. Kier, 0. F.
town, N. Dak. (Telephone, 676.) Lenz, Glenn Marcoe, Adam Rudy,
Postal Address: Box 1491, Jamestown, G. L. Sather.
N. Dak.
Departmental Secretaries:
Officers: Book and Bible House, G. L. Sather.
President, D. C. Butherus. Educational, Home Missionary, Sab-
Secretary-Treasurer, L. H. Netteburg. bath School, and Y.P.M.V., H. R.
Executive Committee: D. C. Butherus, Kehney.
L. G. Barker, W. K. Chapman, Kurt Publishing, R. H. Kinsey.
Kurz, L. H. Netteburg, William Tara- Religious Liberty, L. L. McKinley.
senko, Herman Widicker. Ordained Ministers:
Departmental Secretaries: C. A. Braun, G. L. Chalker, R. E.
Book and Bible House, L. H. Nette- Eckerman, J. 0. Herr, H. R. Kehney,
burg. W. S. Lawrence, C. A. Lindquist,

L. L. McKinley, C. M. Monks, R. D. Lorraine Mickelson, Mrs. Emma Ol-

Necker, Adam Rudy. son, R. A. Widmer.
Credentialed Missionaries: Legal Association: "South Dakota Con-
ference Association of Seventh-day
R. H. Kinsey, 0. F. Lenz, D. E. Adventists."
Schwartz, Paul Scofield.
Licensed Ministers:
Sather, Walter Webb. UNION CONFERENCE
Licensed Missionaries: Educational:
B. W. Davis, Vernon Marsh, Virginia Maplewood Academy, 700 N. Main St.,
Marvin, Edna May, M. Morford, Hutchinson, Minn.
Doris Nast, Dan Olderbak, Mrs. Oak Park Academy, Nevada, Iowa.
Helen Sather. Plainview Academy, Redfield, S. Dak.
Church School Teachers: Sheyenne River Academy, Harvey.
Mrs. G. L. Chalker, Alma Kungel, N. Dak.


Organized 1906
Territory: Idaho, Montana, Oregon, H. E. Weaver, H. E. Westermeyer.
Washington, and Alaska, comprising Honorary: W. R. Andrews, W. P.
the Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Upper Barto, A. C. Bird, G. L. Budd, C. L.
Columbia, and Washington Confer- Chastain, I. C. Colcord, E. H. Curtis,
ences, and .the Alaska Mission. W. D. Emery, J. K. Fish, W. G.
Population: 4,432,981; churches, 304; Forshaw, J. C. Foster, W. E. Gillis.
members, 32,113. 0. W. Herwick, G. E. Johnson, Al-
bert Kruger, H. M. Lee, H. S. Miller,
Office Address: 1544 S. E. Hawthorne C. M. Norman, A. J. Olson, John
Blvd., Portland 14, Oreg. (Telephone, Peterson, G. W. Pettit, A. V. Rhoads,
Vermont 4121.1 J. A. Rippey, W. R. Smith, A. G.
Steinert, F. E. Stratton, G. A.
Officers: Thompson, J. G. Walker, M. H.
President, C. A. Scriven. Wentland.
Secretary-Treasurer, C. J. Nagele.
Auditor, E. S. Humann. Credentialed Missionaries:
Executive Committee: C. A. Scriven, Marguerite Aplington, L. M. Ashley,
R. L. Benton, L. E. Biggs, C. L. Mrs. Irene Black, Anna L. Blackney,
Bond, G. W. Bowers, Theodore Car- Ernest Booth, Orason Brinker, Ro-
cich, G. W. Chambers, 0. T. Garner, bert Brown, R. L. Collins, Edward
E. S. Humann, C. S. Joyce, C. C. Cross, W. E. Cushman, C. W. Dortch,
Kott, J. C. Kozel, C. J. Nagele, J. T. G. G. Kretschmar, Veda S. Marsh,
Porter, D. H. Spillman, M. V. Tucker, Frank Meckling, J. G. Mehling, Jr.,
A. L. Zumwalt. Mrs. Lulu Miller, Daisy Schluntz, W.
M. Schneider, Bernice Searle, Amelia
Departmental Secretaries: Sherrard, Agnes Sorenson, C. 0. Tru-
Educational, J. T. Porter. bey, R. A. Underhill, J. J. Walcker,
Home Missionary, Radio, Sabbath Myrtle Walker, Eugene Winter.
School, and Temperance, C. S. Honorary: W. E. Abernathy, E. C.
Joyce. Kellogg, W. L. Manful.
Industrial Relations, Rural Living,
and Y.P.M.V., G. W. Chambers. Licensed Ministers:
Press Relations and Religious Liberty, K. A. Aplington, F. R. Hanson,
R. L. Benton. Richard Litke, D. W. Palmer, Elwood
Publishing, M. V. Tucker. Sherrard, W. J. Siegenthaler, H. L.
War Service, G. W. Chambers; Assist- Sonnenberg, C. E. Thurston, Stanley
ant, R. L. Benton. Walker.
Ordained Ministers: Honorary: S. J. Abegg, W. F. Hahn.
R. E. Keller.
H. J. Alcock, R. L. Benton, G. W.
Bowers, G. W. Chambers, V. E. Licensed Missionaries:
Hendershot, E S. Humann, C. S. Edna M. Alexander, Gertie L. Alex-
Joyce, J. C. Kozel, L. B. Losey. ander, E. 0. Becker, Florence Bern-
L. E. Lyman, C. J. Nagele, S. R. hardt, June Bishop, Pearl Cook,
Peterson, J. T. Porter, C. A. Scriven, Darrell Cowin, Rose Crooker, Victor
C. W. Shankel, W. I. Smith, D. H. DeVoir, 0. L. Driskell, Beatrice
Spillman, H. G. Stoehr, M. V. Tucker, Emery, Charles Geddes, Paul Grun-

zensky, Marie Hansen, Mrs. Ethel legar, Louise K. Unruh, Robert

Hendershot, Mrs. Jewel Henrickson, Wagner, Mrs. Robert Wagner, Doro-
A. 0. Hiebert, Ida Johnson, William thy Weisz.
Kelly, Mrs. G. G. Kretschmar, Oscar
Lee, George Lewis, Julian Lobsien,
Mrs. G. H. Maxwell, Mrs. Frank IDAHO CONFERENCE
Heckling, Janet Miller, Mrs. Victoria
Miller, Mrs. Ione Morgan, Elaine Organized 1907; reorganized 1930
Myers, J. R. Odell, Orpha Osborne, Territory: That portion of Idaho south
Mrs. Margaret Palmer, Leland
Parker, Glenn Patchen, Caleb Prall, of the 45th parallel, including all
Grace Prentice, Robert Reynolds, of Lemhi County, together with six
Warren Runyan, Stanley Sargeant, counties in Oregon, as follows: Wal-
Lilah Schlotthauer, Nondes Schmehl, lowa, Union, Baker, Malheur, Har-
Roy Schmunk, Delbert Shankel, Nellie ney, Grant.
Sharman, B. H. Simmons, Esther Population: 463,370; churches, 38;
Sonnenberg, Audrey Stockton, Fran- members, 2,629.
ces Stoddard, Elenor Summerton, Ver-
non Pohle, Clinton Wall, Genevieve Office: 523 Main St.,. Boise, Idaho.
Weaver, Reta Williams, Luenell With- (Telephone, 1651.)
ers, Evelynne Wright, Art Ziegele.
Postal Address: Box 2238, Boise, Idaho.
Honorary:, Anna Pierce, R. A. Prick-
ett, Mrs. Eliza C. Thorp. Officers:
Legal Association: "The North Pacific President, C. C. Kott.
Union Conference Association of Sev- Secretary-Treasurer, J. 0. Hanson.
enth-day Adventists." Executive Committee: C. C. Kott,
Erling Calkins, J. 0. Hanson, A. E.
Hempel, C. M. Munsey, W. A. Mc-
ALASKA MISSION Cluskey, Leonard Spears.
Organized 1901 Departmental Secretaries:
Territory: Territory of Alaska. Book and Bible House, J. 0. Hanson.
Educational, and Y.P.M.V., A. J.
Population: '72,524 ; churches, 9 ; mem- Werner.
bers, 328. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Wayne Scriven.
Office: 131 Main Street, Juneau, Alaska. Publishing, G. F. Wimer.
(Telephone, 241.) Religious Liberty, C. C. Kott.
Postal Address: Box 2841, Juneau, Ordained Ministers:
Paul Bartholomew, W. S. Boynton,
Officers: Erling Calkins, L. R. Callender, T. M.
President, A. L. Zumwalt. Cole, D. E. Duncan. R. A. Garner,
Secretary-Treasurer, J. W. Griffin. A. E. Hempel, Kenneth Juhl, C. C.
Kott, Arnold Kurtz, Earl Lee, L. B.
Executive Committee: North Pacific Mershon, S. W. Palmer, F. D. Rusche,
Union Conference Committee. Wayne Scriven, A. J. Werner.
Departmental Secretaries: Credentialed Missionary: G. F. Wimer.
Book and Bible House, and Y.P.M.V., Licensed Ministers:
J. W. Griffin.
Educational, Home Missionary, Pub- G. L. Beane, D. L. Clarambeau, L.
lishing, and Sabbath School, A. L. H. Cowles, Gordon Geer, J. 0. Hanson,
Gordon Harris, Walter Wheeler.
Ordained Ministers: Licensed Missionaries:
F. T. Munsey, M. W. Smith, F. H. Vernon Atkins, Rose Budd, Monte
Wagner, A. L. Zumwalt. Cheney, Mrs. Monte Cheney, Marian
Cherry, Leon Cornforth, H. F. Crays,
Licensed Ministers: Dean Dennis, Mrs. W. E. Goodman,
E. L. Broder, J. W. Griffin, I. A. Mrs. B. W. Jennings, Mrs. John
Loeppke, M. W. Troutman. Rader, Mrs. Myrtle Rowse, Mrs. C.
W. Walker, Mrs. H. C. Wilson.
Licensed Missionaries:
Church School Teachers:
Mrs. E. L. Broder, Janice Butzbach,
Mrs. J. W. Griffin, Mrs. F. T. Mun- Mrs. Orpha Atkins, Mrs. Eunice
sey, Mrs. M. W. Smith, Mrs. M. W. Bartholomew, Geraldine Bruce, Mar-
Troutman, Mrs. F. H. Wagner, Mrs. garet Chase, Verne Clarambeau, Mrs.
A. L. Zumwalt. L. H. Cowles, Clarice Gompert, Ro-
bert Griffin, Mrs. Alice Gudath, Zeph
Church School Teachers: Foster, Mrs. Lois Johnson, Mrs. Ken-
Doris Moody, R. G. Stambaugh, Mrs. neth Jones, W. M. Ladd, Mrs. W. M.
Blanche Stambaugh, Clair A. Terwil- Ladd, Mildred Lovejoy, Ellen Phil-

lips, Mrs. William Pflugrad, Loraine OREGON CONFERENCE

Putnam, Mrs. Hilda Qualley, Sylves- Organized 1877
ter Roberts, Bertha Somerville, Victor
Sossong, Mrs. Victor Sossong, Mrs. Territory: That portion of the State of
Hazel Sterling, Mrs. Clyde Stover, Oregon lying west of Gilliam, Grant,
Mrs. Myrtle Thompson, Keith Van Wheeler, and Harney Counties: also
Wag en on . the Counties of Clarke, Skamania,
Legal Association: "The Southern Idaho Cowlitz, Wahkiakum, Klickitat west
Conference Association of Seventh- of Klickitat River, and southern por-
day Adventists." tion of Pacific, in the State of Wash-
Population: 1,538,011 ; churches, 102 ;
MONTANA CONFERENCE members, 12,684.
Organized 1898 Office Address: 414 S.E. 89th Ave.,
Territory: State of Montana. Portland 15, Ore. (Telephone, EM-
pire 2187.)
Population: 559,456 ; churches, 29 ; Officers:
members, 1,611.
President, L. E. Biggs. (Telephone,
Office: 417 S. Black St., Bozeman, Mont. VErmont 3944.)
(Telephone, 435.) Secretary-Treasurer, R. T. Emery.
(Telephone, LIncoln 1483.)
Postal Address: Box 743, Bozeman,
Mont. Executive Committee: L. E. Biggs,
G. S. Belleau, R. F. Bresee, St. Clair
Officers: Diamond, II. T. Emery, E. G. Fjarli,
President, 0. T. Garner. A. J. Gordon, R. W. Nelson, C. A.
Secretary-Treasurer, Andrew Roedel. Shepherd.
Executive Committee: 0. T. Garner, Departmental Secretaries:
R. L. Badgley, George Beech, L. L. Book and Bible House, H. It. Gay.
Grand Pre, Andrew Roedel, John Educational and Rural Living, G.
Sehaak, C. L. Witzel. S. Belleau ; Assistant, Ethel Johnson.
Departmental Secretaries: Home Missionary and Press Relations,
D. N. Reiner.
Book and Bible House, Andrew Roedel. Publishing, E. F. Coy Assistant,
Educational, Home Missionary, and C. E. Wimer.
Y.P.M.V., J. S. Leeper. Religious Liberty, L. E. Biggs.
Publishing, C. A. Woodland. Sabbath School and Temperance, C.
Religious Liberty. 0. T. Garner. J. Ritchie.
Sabbath School, G. L. Van Houten. War Service and Y.P.M.V., A. J.
Ordained Ministers: Reisig.
R. L. Badgley, K. E. Baker, S. H. Ordained Ministers:
Emery, E. G. Fresk, 0. T. Garner,
P. C. Alderson, J. H. Apigian, L. E.
R. A. Lodahl, L. L. Grand Pre, C. A.
Woodland. Biggs, G. S. Belleau, Walter Blehm,
R. F. Bresee, A. A. Bringle, A. W.
Credentialed Missionary: Andrew Roe- Clarke, E. F. Coy, D. D. Doleman,
del. J. J. Dollinger, R. W. Engstrom, N.
Credentialed Bible Instructor: Myrtle C. Erntson, H. R. Gay, Ralph Glad-
Krejci. den, A. J. Gordon, Don Gray, E. A.
Hamlin, J. C. Hansen, H. W. Hem-
Licensed Ministers: pel, L. L. Huntington, R. J. Kegley,
P. W. Johnson, J. S. Leeper, C. L. Jr., B. M. Kurtz, P. E. Limerick, C.
Witzel. G. McKeown, R. S. Michel, H. A.
Licensed Missionaries: Peckham, W. W. Ring, D. N. Reiner,
A. .I. Reisig, C. J. Ritchie, E. W.
Robert Allaway, Mrs. Robert Alla- Rogers, I. J. Rood, R. G. Schaffner,
way, Violet Archambeau, Cathleen 0. E. Schnepper, C. A. Shepherd, R.
Chilson, H. W. Farnsworth, Olive K. C. Skinner, E. W. Striplin, R. J.
Powell, Wesley Parker, G. L. Van Thomas, J. D. Trude, W. I. Unter-
Houten, Claris Way. seher, E. J. Westman, H. E. Wil-
Church School Teachers: loughby, C. E. Wimer.
Marshall Anderson, Mrs. Marshall Credentialed Missionaries:
Anderson, Mrs. Dewey Brown, Mrs.
A. P. Busby, Gerald Hill, Mrs. Violet J. H. Irvine, R. W. Nelson, Ann
Schmidt, Louvilla Seivers, Miss I. Stratton.
Stuivenga, Mrs. Esther Wagner. Credentialed Bible Instructors:
Legal Association: "The Montana Con- Mrs. Florence Backstrom, Mrs. Mil-
ference Association of Seventh-day dred Ford, Mrs. Etta Gage, Justine
Adventists," R. Reed, Pearl Stafford.

Licensed Ministers: Harbison, Mrs. Frances Harding,

Mrs. Alma C. Hargrove, Ruth Har-
Clare Bishop, A. D. Chilson, R. T. grove, Nila Harris, R. C. Harsh, Mrs.
Emery, H. E. Goffar, Calvin Hartnell, R. C. Harsh, Mrs. Inez Hitchman,
A. J. Johnson, J. S. Koehler, Kenneth Ruth Holsinger, Delbert Holt, C. E.
McVay, Manson Metcalf, A. M. Run- Homann, Wilbur James, H. A. Jenks,
ning, R. C. Schwartz, Preston Smith,
Bonnie Johnson, Mrs. Clyde Johnson,
Eldon Stratton, R. M. Sturdevant, Phyllis Kivett, Paul Knowles. Mrs.
Melvin Tompkins, Leo Van Dolson, Paul Knowles, Delores Leas, Wendell
C. L. Wyman. Lucas, Joy Manley, Mrs. Augusta
Licensed Missionaries: Marsh, Dale Marsh, Mrs. Dale Marsh,
Bernard A. Aaen, Eleanor Baer, Mrs. Hattie Martin, Mrs. Lelah Ma-
Lydia Belz, Mrs. Ardoth Blair, son, Marie May, Mrs. Luella Miller,
Wesley Blehm, Laura Brenner, Irmin Evelyn Morris, Mrs. Verna Mosser,
E. Burke, Pearl Canwell, Myrtle Elmo Nelson, Mrs. Elmo Nelson,
Cochran, Ruby Cook, Mrs. Louise Mrs. Iva Noyes.
Dustin, Ethel Eddy, Mrs. Margaret David Parker, Mrs. David Parker,
Elliott, Mrs. Ruth Engstrom. Mariam Pease, Mrs. Violet Peckham,
Lillie J. Fakler, W. W. Fleck, Mrs. Ted Pyke, Tom Porter, Mrs.
V. H. Fullerton, R. L. Geates, Naomi Tom Porter, Leland Reiber, Mrs.
Gowan, Alma Gyland, H. T. Gyland, Leland Reiber, Mrs. Edith Richmond,
Gertrude Haussler, Mrs. Anna Hib- B. R. Ritz, Mrs. Bessie Shaw, Mrs.
bard, G. E. Hibbard, Gladys House, Ruth Smelser, Mrs. Dorothy Snarr,
Le Roy Holmes, Ethel Johnson, Mary Enid Sparks, Mrs. A. M. Stacy, Earl
E. Johnson, Wallace Johnson, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Wilma Strike, Mrs.
Dallas Kime, G. J. Lang, Mrs. C. M. Mildred Thorman, Royal Tucker,
Larson, Opal Lewis, R. C. Lyman. Wilma I. Turner, Velma Vipond,
Mrs. Margaret F. McCann, Dick Wilma Walker, Mrs. Buford Ward,
McCoy, Mrs. Dick McCoy, C. R. Mrs. Vera Warner, Mrs. Jeanne
Merickel, Esther Miller, Lois Miller, Weidman, Mae Wells, F. D. Wilbur,
A. R. Morley, Madge Muchmore, Car- Fern Wilson, Mrs. Georgia Wilson,
rie Nelson, Viola E. Neufeld, Belle Goldie Winter, Mrs. Esther Wood,
O'Neil, Alberta Parish, Mrs. J. J. Tom Wooldridge, Mrs. Tom Woold-
Paxton, Mrs. Artha Pettit, Mrs. ridge, Ruth Zundel.
George Reis, Mrs. Mabel Richardson, Legal Association: "Western Oregon
Iva Rowland, Ralph Sandberg, Mi- Conference Association of Seventh-
randa Schmidt, C. W. Smith, A. W. day Adventists."
Spoo, J. M. Stone, P. M. Stuart,
Mary F. Sumner.
Arthur Torland, Mrs. Helen Van Organized 1880
Santen, Don Van Tassel, Mrs. M. V.
Tucker, Mrs. Annette Wallace, Annie Territory: That portion of the State of
M. Wasell, Marjorie Watson, Don Washington lying east of the Cascade
Wesslen, Eugene Wesslen, Mrs. Ar- Mountains, excepting that portion of
lene White, Mrs. Geraldine White, R. Klickitat County lying west of the
A. White, Evelyn Wilson, Florence Klickitat River, and the counties
Wimer, Mrs. Thelma Winters, M. L. of Umatilla, Morrow, Gilliam, and
Wisbey. Wheeler, in the State of Oregon; and
Licensed Bible Instructor: Mrs. Jeanette that portion of the State of Idaho
Worth. lying north of the 45th parallel, ex-
cepting Lemhi County.
Church School Teachers:
Mae Aerni, Olga Almskog, C. A. Population: 685,970 : churches, 63 ;
Anderson, Mrs. C. A. Anderson, Ferne members, 9,172.
Anliker, Mrs. Carrie Appel, Audrey Office Address: W1025 Indiana Avenue,
Ashby, Prince Baker, Carol Barclay, Spokane, Wash. (Telephone, Broad-
E. L. Barclay, Mrs. E. L. Barclay, way 0577 and 0578.)
Mrs. Arthur Bisseger, Esther Bovee,
Mrs. R. F. Bresee, Mrs. B. A. Brown, Officers:
Willis Bruce, Mrs. H. C. Chilson, President. C. L. Bond.
Mrs. Laura Christensen, Mrs. Wanda Secretary-Treasurer, H. J. Perkins.
Clymer. (Telephone, Empire 1113.)
Mrs. Lawrence Daws, Mabel Dough- Executive Committee: C. L. Bond,
erty, Mrs. Esther Dunston, Mrs. Walter Bunch, Clyde Harris, A. R.
Irene Dykes, E. C. Eaton, Mrs. E. C. Holt, J. H. Link, H. J. Perkins,
Eaton, Florence Enneberg, Lorraine L. A. Reynolds, E. H. Weijohn.
Erickson, Mrs. Oscar Erlandson, Jr.,
Mrs. Ralph Gladden, Mrs. A. J. Gor- Departmental Secretaries:
don, Mable E. Griffin, Dorotha Hanna, Book and Bible House, E. V. Nelson.
Mrs. Bernice Hanson, Wallace Hara- Educational and Temperance, W. C.
den, Mrs. Wallace Haraden, G. B. Loveless.

Home Missionary and Religious Lib- Mrs. Ida Moore, Mrs. Mary Mowery.
erty, B. M. Preston. Mrs. Elsa Nelson, V. L. Nieman,
Industrial Relations and Press Rela- Mrs. V. L. Nieman, Alice Osborne,
tions, C. L. Bond. William Palmer, Mrs. Dewey Payne,
Publishing, B. B. Buck. Mary Patterson, Leon Pederson, Mrs.
Sabbath School, R. S. Dexter. Evangeline Pflugrad, Dell Phelps,
Y.P.M.V., M. J. Ferry. Mrs. Agnes Purvis, Mrs. L. K. Robi-
son, Alyce Rogers, Catherine Shep-
Ordained Ministers: ard, Norman Skeels, Milton Smith,
L. A. Baughman, E. J. Bergman, C. R. J. Sype, Mrs. R. J. Sype, Lois
L. Bond, E. G. Brown, I. M. Burke, Teel, Mrs. Vera Weber, Leona Weller.
J. G. Gjording, Leland Hesseltine, L. Legal Association: "Upper Columbia
E. Houser, A. R. Holt, Rudolph Mission Society of Seventh-day Ad-
Knauft, W. C. Loveless, H. I. Miller, ventists."
Melvin Oss.
H. J. Perkins, M. J. Perry, B. M.
Preston, C. A. Renschler, L. A. Rey- WASHINGTON CONFERENCE
nolds, W. B. Riffel, Leon Robbins, Organized 1902; reorganized 1930
W. L. Schoepflin, H. A. Schultz, L.
W. Shaw, D. B. Spaulding, Lloyd Territory: All of the State of Washing-
Stephens, C. L. Vories, Aaron Wag- ton west of the Cascade Mountains,
ner, E. H. Wilcox. except the Counties of Clarke, Ska.
Honorary: W. A. Gosmer, F. M. mania, Cowlitz, and Wahkiakum, and
Oliver. the south tip of Pacific County.
Credentialed Missionary: W. E. Guthrie. Population: 1,113,650 ; churches, 63 ;
Credentialed Bible Instructors: members, 5,689.
Viola Brooks, Mrs. Sarah Burnett, Office Address: 3144 Eastlake Ave.,
D. C. Dudley, Mona M. Oliver, Mm. Seattle 2, Wash. (Telephone, Capitol
Dorothy Pfiugrad, Mrs. Teresa Potter, 7800.)
Mrs. Rosalie Wainer. Officers:
Licensed Ministers: President, Theodore Carcich;"` (Tele-
E. A. Ammundsen, J. B. Andres, B. phone, MElrose 0292.)
B. Buck. W. V. Clements. Melvin Secretary-Treasurer, L. R. Alexander.
Derby, R. S. Dexter, Dallas Dull, (Telephone, GArfield 6927.)
Fulmer Eiseman, Edward Graves, Executive Committee: Theodore Car-
Roland Hegstad, E. L. Jolliffe, W. A. cich. L. R. Alexander, A. H. Grau-
Loveless, James McKinstry, Francis man, J. C. Nelson, D. A. Neufeld,
Phelps, Clarence Wallace, A. H. F. B. Phillips, F. R. Piper.
Warner. Departmental Secretaries:
Licensed Missionaries: Book and Bible House, R. L. Walin ;
Leona Bigelow, C. E. Davis, Mrs. Assistant, W. A. Crane.
C. E. Davis, I Genevieve Gyes, Etta Educational, Temperance, War Serv-
Hewgley, Hazel Jenkins, James Mc- ice, and Y.P.M.V., T. W. Walters.
Kinstry, E. V. Nelson, Marjorie Nel- Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
son, Mrs. C. M. Norman, Mrs. H. J.
Perkins, Mrs. Janette L. Sewall, Medical, Philip Nelson.
Mrs. G. R. Soper. Publishing, E. H. Tucker.
Religious Liberty, Theodore Carcich.
Church School Teachers:
Ordained Ministers:
Alice Baker, A. A. Berthelsen, Mrs.
A. A. Berthelsen, C. E. Botimer, C. R. Aimes, V. 0. Blair, Theodore
Mrs. C. E. Botimer, Mrs. Henry Carcich, W. J. Cleveland, K. Inoue,
13rincken, Marjorie Budd, Luke William Lay, M. M. Mohr, D. A.
Bunch, Mrs. Luke Bunch, Edward Neufeld, E. M. Oberg, J. W. Osborn,
Cobb, Mrs. Edward Cobb, Mrs. Mabel G. E. Patterson, F. B. Phillips, C. A.
Colvin, Gueneviere Couch, Daniel Purdom, J. J. Robertson, F. G.
Davidson, Mrs. Margaret Dondino, Roper, F. W. Ruddle, Cree Sandefur,
Mrs. Marion Fisk, Faith Fullerton, E. N. Sargeant, J. A. Smith, R. J.
Mrs. Phil Gooding, Lucille Graham, Sype, T. W. Walters, R. J. Winders,
Mrs. Ed Guthrie. F. A. Wyman, J. G. Ziegler.
Mrs. Edith Haley, Richard Hall, Credentialed Missionaries:
Mrs. Cleve Henriques, Zada Hiebert,
Wayne Hixson, Mrs. Merzella Holm, W. M. Robinson, R. L. Walin.
Helen Hudson, Mrs. Patricia Ingersol, Credentialed Bible Instructors:
Oralee Johnson, Florence Jones, Mrs. Sine C. Hansen, Mrs. Audrey
Hilda Kilby, Gerald Knapp, John Johnson.
Lamberton, John McGee, Mrs. T. S.
Makovsky, Gordon Maxwell, Mrs. Licensed Ministers:
Frank Meckling, Nathan Merkel, L. R. Alexander, W. A. Crane, W. E.

Dopp, A. W. Fiedler, Eugene Flet- INSTITUTIONS IN THE NORTH PA-

cher, Bruce Johnston, E. K. Mooers, CIFIC UNION CONFERENCE
Alexander Snyman, T. E. Spindle,
E. H. Tucker, Educational:
Licensed Missionaries: Auburn Academy, Route 1, Auburn,
Beth Atkinson, Mrs. Juanita Blak- Wash.
ley, Betty Canon, Marian Stanger, Columbia Academy, Route 2, Battle
Muriel Wichman. Ground, Wash.
Church School Teachers: Gem, State Academy, Box 691, Cald-
Mrs. Leva Aufderhar, Fern Baird, well, Idaho.
Mrs. Norine Bartholomew, Mrs. Doris Laurelwood Academy, Route 2, Gas-
Batchelder, Mrs. Thelma Bunch, Ray ton, Oreg.
Cain, Ruth Cain, Mrs. Myrtle Cham- Mount Ellis Academy, Route 4, Boze-
paign, W. A. Coffeen, Mrs. Imo- man, Mont.
gene Combs, Luella Crane, Merritt
Crooker, Mrs. Merritt Crooker, Wil- Portland Union Academy, 4837 N. E.
liam Dickman, Mrs. William Dick- Couch St., Portland 16, Oregon.
man, Edna Dopp, Jan Doward, Mrs. Rogue River Academy, Route 1, Box
Jan Doward, Mrs. Pauline Freeman, 330, Medford, Oregon.
Horace Gates, Roy Hartbauer, Mrs.
Etta Hartley, H. E. Hall, Mrs. Jose- Upper Columbia Academy, Spangle,
phine Hedrick, Edna Howe, Florence Wash.
Jacobson, Mrs. Alice Johnson, Mrs. Walla Walla College, College Place,
Amanda Kimball, Beverly Kyes, Mrs. Wash.
_ H. Alice Lagreide, Cleo Lile, William
Lowe, Mrs. William Lowe, Hubert Medical:
Ludden, Mrs. Minita Lyman, Gilbert Portland Sanitarium and Hospital,
McConnell, Mark Olcott, Mrs. Mark 932 S. E. 60th Ave., Portland 15,
Olcott, Mrs. Hazel Oliver, Mrs. Oregon.
Mildred Paddock, Jean Payne, Laura
Payne, Mrs. Howard Smith, Maurice Walla Walla General Hospital, 933
Smith, Mrs. Maurice Smith, Glenn Bonsella, Walla Walla, Wash.
Stewart, Mrs. Marie Wilkinson,
Charles Wilson, Mrs. Charles Wilson. Publishing:
Legal Association: "Western Washing- Northwest Branch of the Pacific
ton Corporation of Seventh-day Ad- Press Pub. Assn., 2101 N. E.
ventists." Flanders St., Portland 15, Oreg.


Organized 1901
Territory: Arizona, California, Nevada, Executive Committee: C. L. Bauer,
and Utah, and Hawaiian Islands, W. M. Adams, G. T. Anderson, C. E.
comprising the Arizona, Central Cal- Andross, F. G. Ashbaugh, R. C. Baker,
ifornia, Nevada-Utah, Northern Cal- Carl Becker, R. It. Breitigam, R. R.
ifornia, Southeastern California, and Bietz, G. T. Chapman, A. C. Fearing,
Southern California Conferences, and E. M. Fishell, G. T. Harding, H. H.
the Hawaiian Mission. Hicks, James Howarth, F. G. Mote, A.
C. Nelson, G. B. Nelson. J. R. Nelson,
Population: 9,111,692 ; churches, 347 ; E. L. Place, G. H. Rustad, F. W.
members, 51,3'74. Schnepper, E. T. Seat, 0. A. Troy,
Cable Address: Adventist, Glendale, H. W. Vollmer, J. E. Weaver, I. J.
Calif. Woodman.
Office: 1545 N. Verdugo Road, Glendale, Departmental Secretaries:
Calif. (Telephones, Chapman 5-1047 Bureau of Visual Education, E. T.
and Citrus 1-5174.) Seat; Associates, Leston Post, W.
Postal Address: Box 146, Glendale 5, L. Goffar.
Calif. Civil Defense, War Service, and Y.P.
M.V., J. R. Nelson.
Officers: Colored, 0. A. Troy.
President, C. L. Bauer. Educational, A. C. Nelson ; Associates,
Secretary-Treasurer, F. W. Schnepper; H. G. Lucas, Else Nelson, W. W.
Assistants, S. G. Lashier, J. H. Nies. Ruble.
Auditor, James Howarth ; Associate, Home Missionary, A. D. Bohn.
A. R. Smith. Industrial Relations, Religious Lib-
Transportation Agents, H. G. Childs, erty, and Temperance, F. G. Ash-
F. W. Schnepper. baugh, W. M. Adams.

Medical, H. W. Vollmer. Kunkel, W. W. R. Lake, T. M. Lang-

Medical Cadet Corps, and Assistant berg, N. W. Lawrence, J. A. Leland,
Y.P.M.V., Clark Smith. A. J. Lockert, J. L. Loots, J. D.
Press Relations, D. H. Thomas. Lorenz, R. J. McKeague, W. P. Mc-
Publishing, E. M. Fishell ; Associate, Lennan, S. Meleen, H. J. Meyer, A. A.
A. G. Sutton. Meyers, C. W. Miller, L. D. Minner,
Purchase and Supply, L. V. Grunke. C. E. Moon, A. G. Nelson, H. J.
Sabbath School, R. R. Breitigam. Neumann, Leon Nyman.
Ordained Ministers: H. C. Olmstead, Monrad Olsen, A.
J. Osborne, M. Ostoich, F. M. Owen,
G. T. Anderson, F. G. Ashbaugh, W. H. Pankoke, H. B. Parker, D. A.
E. 'Atkin, C. L. Bauer, A. D. Bohn, Parsons, J. R. Patterson, F. L.
A. L. Bietz, R. R. Breitigam, L. L. Perry, E. F. Peterson, V. E. Peugh,
Caviness, H. K. Christman, W. B. U. D. Pickard, G. McCready Price,
Clark, R. F. Cottrell, Emanuel Ehlers, W. C. Raley, G. A. Raus, C. E. Rent-
M. I. Fayard, E. M. Fishell, W. L. Gof- fro, H. A. Rentfro, C. H. Rittenhouse,
far, L. V. Grunke, G. D. Hagstotz, M. P. G. Rodgers, W. M. Ruminson.
M. Hare, J. C. Haussler, Edward Hep- N. H. Saunders, J. W. Shafer,
penstall, P. C. Heubach, W. T. B. E. L. Sheldon, H. J. Sheldon, Lyle
Hyde, A. F. Johns, W. K. Koelling, Shepherd, J. E. Shultz, George Sims,
Ernest Lloyd, H. G. Lucas, W. E. E. K. Slade, 0. R. Staines, R. B.
Macpherson, A. C. Madsen, A. S. Stauffer, G. A. Stevens, J. B. Stuyve-
Maxwell, Frank Moran. sant, E. H. Swanson.
M. L. Neff, A. C. Nelson, A. E. H. F. Taylor, E. W. Thomann,
Nelson, J. R. Nelson, D. C. Newbold, J. T. Thompson, H. G. Thurston, J.
D. L. Olsen, R. W. Olson, C. L. Pad- H. N. Tindall, G. A. Truesdell, E. M.
dock, N. F. Pease, B. P. Perez, J. L. Trummer, E. J. Urquhart, W. J.
Pettis, D. V. Pond, A. F. Purcell, Venen, C. A. Walgren, J. Z. Walker,
P. E. Quimby, Emanuel Remsen, H. A. Washburn, V. B. Watts, C. It.
W. W. Ruble, E. T. Seat. Webster, G. A. Wheeler, B. J. White,
F. W. Schnepper, P. E. Shakes- L. A. Wilcox, A. H. Zimmerman, 0.
speare, J. C. Shull, Clark Smith, D. J. Ziprick.
W. Smith, Walter Specht, A. G.
Sutton, G. B. Taylor, 0. A. Troy, H. Credentialed Missionaries:
W. Vollmer, H. M. Walton, J. E. Mrs. Beth Alexander, R. L. Atcheson,
Weaver, G. F. Wolfkill, I. J. Wood- It. K. Boyd, W. E. Carlson, Mrs.
man. Mary Champion, C. B. Courville, D.
Honorary: R. P. Abel, E. H. Abbott, A. Courville, A. A. Cree, G. H.
P. P. Adams, W. L. Adams, W. M. Curtis, F. C. Davidson, Minnie E.
Adams, R. W. Airey, J. W. Allison, Dauphinee, Harold Ermshar, E. T.
M. E. Anderson, W. M. Andress, F. Fickas, R. E. Fisher, W. C. Fisher,
B. Armitage, J. D. Baker, W. E. C. W. Gardner, S. K. Gernet.
Barr, J. W. Beams, Ilija Belich, D. V. Hemphill, W. P. Henderson,
Henry Berg, 0. 0. Bernstein, W. L. Jr., D. G. Hilts, G. M. Hunt, George
Bird, I. F. Blue, P. B. Bontemps, Jeys, T. F. Judefind, M. J. Julian,
L. J. Barrowdale, W. H. Bradley, E. Kenneth Kellogg, C. C. Krohn, G. C.
A. Bristol, E. A. Brown, R. J. Lashier, Myrna C. Lee, F. A. Landis,
Bryant, M. B. Butterfield. L. H. Lonergan, Eric Lundquist, E.
J. M. Campbell, A. A. Carscallen, B. Mattison, J. S. McMullen, H. F.
C. H. Castle, F. L. Chaney, J. A. Meyer, Ralph Michaelson, P. C. Miles,
Chaney, A. G. Christiansen, Alexis Fred Moor, R. A. Mortensen, A. G.
Clement, L. A. Connally, F. H. Con- Munson.
way, N. H. Conway, Arthur Currow, I. R. Neilsen, H. S. Nelson, Mrs.
E. C. Cushman, H. H. Dexter, C. L. Kathryn J. Nelson, J. H. Nies, W. F.
Dinius, A. N. Durant. Norwood, 0. B. Pratt, D. E. Reck,
E. H. Emmerson, C. T. Everson, T. G. Reynolds, Leon Robertson, R. P.
D. P. Gaede, P. J. Gaede, W. A. Rowe, J. A. Scharffenberg, Harold
George, A. C. Gilbert, B. M. Grandy, Shryock, C. S. Small, A. A. Sprengel,
J. A. P. Green, W. R. Guthrie, Anol H. 0. Stilson, W. L. Stilson, D. H.
Grundset. Thomas, J. L. Thompson, C. D. Utt,
G. B. Haining, G. A. Hamilton, J. A. Vaughn, E. C. Walter,
R. S. J. Hamilton, V. M. Hansen, Mrs. Marguerite Williamson, Evabelle
W. R. Hansen, E. G. Hayes, L. T. Winning, T. I. Zirkle.
Heaton, P. W. Hermann, N. R. Hick- Honorary: Rose E. Boose, Stella B.
man, G. G. Hmelevsky, W. H. Holden, Lowry Cornell, Mrs. Marie Franselau,
M. A. Hollister, E. P. Howard, H. H. Ellen B. Fattebert, Mrs. M. E. Hoyt,
Humann, Mrs. Ella E. Hughes, Mrs. J. L. Kay,
E. H. Huntley, Daniel Isaac, F. R. Mary C. M. Reynolds, Alma E. Mc-
Isaac, John Isaac, Adolph Johnson, Kibben, M. W. Newton, N. E. Paulin,
E. R. Johnson, Fred Johnson, C. C. Mrs. Alice H. Robinson, Louise C.
Kellar, Stewart Kime, 0. M. Kittle, Scholz, Margaret Warnock, Mrs.
C. E. Knight, 0. B. Kuhn, C. J. Luther Warren.

Licensed Ministers: Maybel Jensen, C. C. Jepson, Varner

W. J. Airey, K. F. Ambs, W. E. Johns, Alfaretta Johnson,' C. W.
Anderson, E. E. Backus, E. A. Brooks, Johnson, Arthur Jones, Alvin Jung-
A. D. Butterfield, G. L. Caviness, G. hans, Helen C. Kannenberg, J. W.
T. Chapman, H. W. Clark, W. T. Kent, Myra A. Kite, Mrs. Esthelle
Crandall, C. L. Dale, J. E. Denehy, Klingerman, Robert Koorenny, Thora
Jerry Dill, L. E. Downs, R. H. Dun- Koorenny, Mrs. Jean Kraft, A. I.
can, Robert Edwards, E. W. Everest, Kugel, Sam Laffoon, Frances Laus-
I. E. Gillis, J. T. Hamilton, L. M. ten, W. A. Lee, Miss Leo Lehman,
Hamilton. Ruth Lindbloom, C. R. Lovell, Pansy
H. B. Hannum. G. T. Harding, F. Luchessa, Carl Ludwig, Frieda Lutz,
L. Harrison, R. E. Hoen, W. H. C. G. Macauley, Robert MacGowan,
Hooper. G. A. Houck, James Howarth, Lucille Mallory, A. A. Manley, Mrs.
R. B. Lewis, A. G. Maxwell, G. B. Georgina Manley, Ethel Manwell,
Nelson, L. C. Palmer, Robert Reyn- R. L. Marshall, C. L. Martin, Joseph
olds, J. W. Rhodes, J. M. Rowse, Mashmeyer.
Robert Seamount, H. L. Shull, A. R. N. E. Matthews, DeVere McGuffin,
Smith, J. P. Stauffer, U. WiS'sner, Vaughn McManaman, Willard Meier,
Floyd Wood, C. L. Woods. G. W. Meldrum, S. S. Merrill, Char-
lotte Meyer, Jeanne Middleton, Mrs.
Honorary: L. J. Black, Harry Cam- Ella M. Miles, C. E. Miller, Anna-
eron, S. P. S. Edwards, H. H. How- belle Mills, Hugh Mink, Rene
ard, C. W. Johnson, F. A. Lashier, Modglin, Mrs. Evelyn Moran, Elton
E. L. Lutz, C. C. Mattison, I. G. Morel, E. J. Moser, Ruth E. Motta,
Ortner, W. B. Payne, W. E. Perrine, Edward Moye, H. N. Mozar, W. A.
J. M. Peterson, J. G. Pettey, R. F. Nary, Alice Neilsen, Claire Nelson,
Radke, Bert Rhoads, H. B. Thomas, Clyde Nelson, Elsa Nelson, P. Night-
C. J. Tolf. ingale, Robert Nutter.
Licensed Missionaries: Anna J. Olson, Irene Ortner, Alvina
Alberta Aam, Frank Alcorn. B. M. Osiek, Allie Owen, Ruth B. Pearce,
Allen, Mrs. Ethel B. Allen, Paul John Peterson, Christine Pflaumer,
Allred, Esther Ambs, Margaret L. D. E. Pipkin, Leston Post, 0. R.
Ambs, Fred Anderson, Mable Andre, Randleman, J. N. Reeves, Fred Riley,
Ray Arnold, Maxine Atteberry, Mrs. E. L. Rogers, F. E. Romant, Mrs.
Helen Austin, Lyle Barlow, M. R. Mabel C. Romant, Carl Rosenquist,
Battee, C. W. Becker, F. T. Belding, Edith Ryberg, C. L. Sampson, R. C.
William Berdan, R. W. Bickett, Cloice Schneider, Marjorie Schweder, Mrs.
Biggins, H. L. Bird, Evelyn Black- Mary H. Seat, 0. W. Serns, J. C.
burn, 0. A. Bloomquist, G. H. Sherman, Grace Shull.
Boehrig, L. H. Booth, Eva Borden, Loleta Simpson, J. K. Skahen, Har-
Mrs. Clella Bowen, Fred Bowers, riet Smith, Maxine Smith, Millard
Marion H. Bowers, Mrs. Constance Smith, Chloe Sofsky, Lydia Sonnen-
Bristow, J. B. Brown, Irene Burge- berg, C. C. Specht, Norman Specht,
son, Mrs. Leona Burman. Victoria Specht, Muriel Spear, Jennie
C. K. Canwright, Willeta Carlsen, Stagg, Edward Steele, Mrs. Luella
Flossie Case, Astrid Chadwick, El- Stewart, Opal Stone, Dallas Strawn,
dene Childs, R. L. Chinnock, E. C. John Sullivan, Oren Sutter.
Christensen, L. C. Christensen, Nora Lucille Talmage, Mrs. Coramae
D. Cloud, Wilma Cook, C. E. Cot- Thomas, Mrs. N. Thompson, A. L.
ton, J. E. Craver, Lester Cushman, Towes, Harry Turner, Jack Turner,
C. W. Dail, L. C. Dale, Paul Deeb, Mrs. Miriam Utt, E. E. Vander
Elsie Deutsch, Erna Deutsch, Elmer Vlugt, Jean Venden, Ethel Walder,
Digneo, D. S. Doty, Carol Dunn, E. S. Lois Walker, Velma Wallace, Mrs.
Edwards, Marion Eggert, Hertha Edna Ward, Vivian Warren, Alice
Ehlers, La Verna Ellis, Herman Wentworth, Eleanor Wentworth,
Ermshar, Mrs. C. Estes, J. 0. Ewert. Charles West, H. D. Wheeler, Paul
J. G. Fallon, Adeline Farnsworth, Whitney, Mrs. Ruth Wipperman, F.
Edna Farnsworth, Lois Ferguson, S. Wolfe, Marcedene Wood, Harold
Lauretta Fickess, C. C. Fink, J. D. Ziprick.
Fletcher, S. W. Ford, Paul Foster. Legal Association: "Pacific Union Asso-
C. P. Frye, Orpha Gann, Ola K. ciation of Seventh-day Adventists."
Gant, F. W. Gardner, H. W. Gober,
R. Goltermann, Beatrice Gore, F.
A. Gregerson, Mrs. Catherine Graf, ARIZONA CONFERENCE
Edward Hamilton, Mrs. Bernice Organized 1902 ; reorganized 1936
Hansen, Louise Hardiman, M. G.
Hardinge, Dell D. Haughey, Bernice Territory: State of Arizona.
Hawkins, H. E. Hein, Herbert Population: 499,261; churches, 23; mem
Henken, L. H. Henry, Ruth Hersher, members, 1,800.
M. W. Hill, A. E. Hirst, Winifred
Holmden, E. G. Hoxie, Robert Hoyt, Office: 2601 East Thomas Road,
Audrienne Huey, J. E. Hughes. Phoenix, Ariz. (Telephone, 6-3342.)

Postal Address: Box 5277, Phoenix, lare, San Luis Obispo, Kern (north of
Ariz. Tehachapi Mountains), Santa Barbara
west of 120th meridian.
President, G. H. Rustad. Population: 1,712,413; churches, 90 ;
Secretary-Treasurer, M. E. Hagen. members, 9,627.
Executive Committee: G. H. Rustad, Office: 435 N. Third St., San Jose,
M. E. Hagen, W. C. Hankins, R. L. Calif. (Telephone, Cypress 2-3987.)
Hubbs, R. W. Rosenquist, E. W.
Storing. Postal Address: P. 0. Box 580, San
Jose 6, Calif.
Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, M. E. Hagen.
Educational and Y. P. M. V., R. L. President, R. C. Baker.
Hubbs. Secretary-Treasurer, Scott Donaldson.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Cashier, R. E. Osborn.
E. W. Storing. Field Secretary, H. B. Westcott.
Publishing, L. M. Harding.
Religious Liberty, G. H. Rusted. Executive Committee: R. C. Baker,
J. E. Cox, Scott Donaldson, L. A.
Ordained Ministers: Hansen, 0. R. Rees, B. A. Reile,
R. P. Rowe, A. N. Tonge, M. L.
Samuel Alberro, D. L. Bauer, L. E. Venden, H. B. Westcott.
Davidson, W. H. England, Orno Fol-
lett, W. R. French, M. E. Hagen, Departmental Secretaries:
W. C. Hankins, S. R. Haynes, R. L.
Hubbs, W. G. Mills, C. C. Rouse, Book and Bible House, C. S. Johnson ;
G. H. Rustad, E. W. Storing, H. D. Assistant, Mrs. Viola Marnella.
Strever, Marvin Walter, L. D. Weber, Educational, E. F. Heim.
A. L. Westphal. Home Missionary, 0. R. Rees.
Credentialed Missionary: L. M. Harding. Medical, Sabbath School, and Tem-
perance, K. H. Wood.
Licensed Ministers: Publishing, A. R. Reiswig ; Assist-
ants, L. G. Hemmrich, C. C. Stoner.
Melvin Heinrich, Harry Ramsey, C. Religious Liberty, R. C. Baker.
G. Rasmussen, George Smith, Major War Service, and Y.P.M.V., H. T.
White. Bergh.
Licensed Missionaries:
Ordained Ministers:
Ardell Altman, Mrs. Margaret Baze,
Delight Clapp, Mrs. Amy Darby, E. G. Annofsky, R. R. Archuleta,
Frank Daugherty, Mary L. Durning, F. C. Baker, A. V. Bentz, H. T.
Mrs. Esther Hagen, Lucille Haskin, Bergh, R. E. Berry, D. J. Bieber,
Ray Hartlein, Mrs. Ray Hartlein, V. L. Bliss, W. B. Bristow, H. N.
Kenneth Juler, William Merkel, Alma Brodersen, C. Bufano, J. E. Christen-
Reiter, W. Rathbun, Noel Shelton. sen, J. E. Cox, H. A. Crawford,
Church School Teachers: Donald Darst, S. J. Demehuk, Scott
Donaldson, F. H. Effenberg, Warren
Mrs. Ruth Bailey, Mrs. Letha Davis, Gordon, C. E. Grant, L. W. Radiated,
Mrs. Frank Daugherty, Mrs. Gwen A. C. Harder, C. R. Harrison, E. F.
Dodge, Addie Fry, Pauline Hopkins, Heim, C. A. Heitman, Stanley Hiten,
Mrs. Edith Jones, Norman Jones, B. P. Hoffman, Wilbur Holbrook,
Gordon Lewis, Mrs. Opal Lull, Alice C. S. Johnson.
Matthews, Jewel Meador, Mrs. Wil- A. E. Lickey, C. F. Lickey, A. C.
liam Merkel, Mrs. Frank Parkhurst, Lien, L. S. Melendy, A. W. Millard,
Mrs. W. Rathbun, I. F. Stahl, Mrs. C. S. Nicolas, K. Nozaki, 0. R. Rees,
1. F. Stahl, Mrs. J. W. Summers. B. A. Reile, A. R. Reiswig, E. F.
Legal Association: "Arizona Confer. Reynolds, H. E. Sample, B. E. Schaff-
ence Corporation of Seventh-day Ad- ner, F. A. Soper, D. E. Venden, M. L.
ventists." Venden, M. C. Warren, Jr., G. R.
West, H. B. Westcott, K. H. Wood,
M. A. Wyman, J. E. Young.
CENTRAL CALIFORNIA CON- Honorary: E. H. Adams, W. L.
Avery, L. I. Bowers, B. C. Clark,
Organized 1911; reorganized 1932 C. F. Cole, E. R. Johnson, C. L.
Lingenfelter, W. B. Miramontes, C.
Territory: The following-named coun- S. Prout, Isaac Schneider, Archie
ties in the State of California: San Tonge, J. Vitrano.
Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Cruz,
Santa Clara, Stanislaus, Alpine, Tuol- ,Credentialed Missionaries:
umne, Merced, Mariposa, Madera, San Mrs. Viola Marnella, Mrs. K. Nozaki,
Benito, Monterey, Fresno, Kings, Tu- R. E. Osborn, Mrs. Lulu P. Wilcox.

Credentialed Bible Instructors: June VvlasIcey, C. K. Wilson, Mrs.

Helen Clark, Esther Heim, Mrs. C. K. Wilson, George Wister, Mrs.
Thyrza Nelson, Marion Warrington, L. H. Wolfsen, Shirley Woodin.
Mrs. G. It. West. Legal Association: "Central California
Conference Association of the Sev-
Honorary: Mrs. Helen Armstrong, enth-day Adventists, a Corporation."
Mrs. Jane Baldwin, Mrs. Florence
Collier, Katherine B. Hale, Rose E.
Herr, Mrs. Helen M. Jarvais, Mrs.
Bessie MacMillan, Mrs. Theresa H. HAWAIIAN MISSION
Noble, Mrs. Della Richardson, Mrs. Organized 1895
Anna Schick.
Territory: The Hawaiian Islands.
Licensed Ministers:
Andrew Dahl, Elman Folkenberg, G. Population : 530,891 ; churches, 15 ; mem-
H. Friedrich, Paul Gregoroff, C. C. bers, 1,717.
Groomer, 0. D. Hancock, L. G. Hem- Cable Address: "Adventist," Honolulu.
mrich, R. L. Hilde, Ray Hixon,
Robert Ishikawa, C. E. Larsen, Frank Office: 2003 Keeaumoku Street, Hono-
Martinez, Max Martinez, Wellesley lulu, Hawaii. (Telephone, 969345.)
Muir, R. E. Odell, C. C. Stoner, W. F.
Van Atta. Postal Address: Box 4037, Honolulu,
Licensed Missionaries:
Beverly J. Beaudoin, Mrs. Genevieve
Black, G. E. Greene, Mrs. Marjorie President, C. E. Andross.
Greene, Mrs. Almeda Hamren, Lena Secretary-Treasurer, E. L. Herr.
Hamilton, Sara A. Hoskins, Mrs. Advisory Committee: C. E. Andross,
Bertha E. Parmentier, Mrs. Hazel M. W. E. Barber, R. C. Barger, D. R.
Roth, D. R. Sperry, Mrs. Milicent Christman, E. L. Herr, William
Vance, Mrs. Elbertine Westcott. Hong, J. F. Knipschild, Jr., George
Miranda, Hideo Oshita, Perry Sum-
Licensed Bible Instructors: ida, A. R. Tucker.
Harriet Schaefer, Mary Vornholt.
Departmental Secretaries:
Church School Teachers: Book and Bible House, G. M. Mac-
Marian Babb, Mrs. Quinnette Bailey, " Lafferty.
J. D. Bare, Mrs. Albert Bradley, Mrs. Educational and Y.P.M.V., J. F.
Eleanor Buchannan, V. V. Burt, Ken- Knipschild, Jr.
dall Butler, Betty Canfield, Mrs. Home Missionary, Radio, Sabbath
Evelyn Case, Mrs. B. C. Clark, Mrs. School, and Temperance, D. R.
Helen Clark, Mrs. Olive Christopher, Christman.
Mrs. Edythe B. Dunham, John Du- Publishing, D. D. Dirksen.
Nesme, L. Eda Eastman, Mrs. June Religious Liberty, C. E. Andross.
Ehrler, Edward Evans.
Paul Felker, Juanita Fenderson, Ordained Ministers:
Barbara Foote, Jack Fridley, Mrs. Victor Aladen, C. E. Andross, W. E.
Myrtle Gallion, Mrs. Irene V. Gould, Barber, R. C. Barger, D. R. Christ-
Mrs. Ethel Haley, Mrs. 0. D. Han- man, George Kiyabu, J. F. Knips-
cock, Charles Hanson, Grace Harvey, child, Jr., R. S. Larson, G. M. Mac-
Leeta Hemme, Oren Hewitt, Mrs. Lafferty, J. D. Marshall, B. H. Mat-
Roby Hightower, Frieda Hoffer, Lu- thews, Robert Nomi, Hideo Oshita,
cille Hoskins, Mrs. Frances A. Howell, A. R. Tucker.
Mrs. Mattie Hughes, Vada Huling, Honorary: Shohei Miyake.
Mrs. Ruth Isaac, Anna Jensen, Mrs.
Helen E. Knittle, Mrs. Esther Kurtz. Credentialed Missionaries.:
Nancy Larson, Arthur Mitchell, W. V. Albee, E. L. Herr, J. H.
Milisande Montgomery, David Nei- Horning, L. 0. McCoy, Truman Reed,
digh, Mrs. Vera J. Neumann, R. E. R. A. Strickland.
Odell, Paul Plummer, Catherine Plunz,
Mrs. Ruby L. Pople, Genevieve Rags- Licensed Ministers:
dale, H. C. Reile. Fred Riley, Mrs. L. L. Bennett, Paul Bornhauser, C.
Hazel M. Riley, Elmer Ross, Gladys A. Phelps, Wilmott Smith.
Mrs. Dorothy Sackett, Margaret Licensed Missionaries:
Sackett, H. W. Sauer, Mrs. H. W. Mrs. Victor Aladen, Mrs. W. V. Al-
Sauer. Martha L. Sauer, Mrs. Ruby I. bee, Mrs. C. E. Andros-s, Lloyd Bar-
Schaffner, Beulah Schippmann, Mrs. ber, Mrs. Lloyd Barber, Mrs. W. E.
Natalie Schultz, Carolyn Shobe, E. Barber, Mrs. R. C. Barger, Mrs. L.
K. Smith, Soletha Smith, Jean Stev- L. Bennett, Mrs. Paul Bornhauser,
ens, Hazel Striplin, Mrs. Lelah Tay- Mun On Chang, Mrs. Mun On Chang,
lor, Horace Tuttle, Grace Van Hook, Mrs. D. R. Christman, Mrs. D. D.

Dirksen, Alice Fukunaga, Madge Medical, Lloyd Mason.

Gould, Tetsu Hirayama, Mrs. Tetsu Publishing, C. L. Williams.
Hirayama, Elmer Herr, Mrs. Elmer Rural Living, H. W. Tamka.
Herr, Mrs. Ernest Herr, Mrs. J. H. Temperance, I. E. Anunsen.
Mrs. George Kiyabu, Miyoko Ku- Ordained Ministers:
suhara, Mrs. R. S. Larson, Mrs. A. C. Fearing, H. M. Lodge, Paul
G. M. MacLafferty, Mrs. J. D. Mar- McFeeters, Albert Munson, C. F.
shall, Mrs. B. H. Matthews, Mrs. Phillips, E. R. Priebe, F. H. Rahm,
Lyle McCoy, Mrs. Shohei Miyake, D. F. Smith.
Amy Nakama, Mrs. Robert Nomi, Licensed Ministers:
Mrs. Hideo Oshita, Deborah Peile,
Mrs. C. A. Phelps, Mrs. Truman Sydney Allen, I. E. Anunsen, B. J.
Reed, Nellie Roser, Lloyd Sewake, Boundy, J. B. Currier, Darrell Ken-
Mrs. R. A. Strickland, Mrs. A. R. ney, Clifford Mulvihill, C. L. Williams.
Tucker. Licensed Missionaries:
Church School Teachers: Mrs. Jaunita Currie, Mavis Merrell,
Mrs. Ethel Hesseltine, Helen Eii, Mrs. Joyce Sawyer.
Mrs. Lillian Fonseca, Edna Ishikawa, Licensed Bible Instructor: Mrs. F. H.
Alice Kondo, Mrs. B. Leialoha, Mrs. Rahm.
Ruth Medeiros, Amy Nakamoto, Ken-
neth Nip, Mrs. Annie Park, Mrs. Church School Teachers:
Nellie Shim, Yaeko Shimada, Marg- Mrs. Alice Goodrich, Mrs. Iva M.
ery Smith, Wilmot Smith, Mrs. Vera Heald, Harley Hiscox, Beulah Ice,
L. Smith, Geraldine Swift, Florence Mrs. Edna Lodge, Mrs. Samuel Pierce,
Tamanaha, Virginia J. Woods. Mrs. Gladys Thompson.
Legal Association: "Hawaiian Associa- Legal Association: "Nevada-Utah Asso-
tion of Seventh-day Adventists." ciation of Seventh-day Adventists."


Utah organized 1895; Nevada, 1913; CONFERENCE
reorganized, 1931 Organized 1873; reorganized 1911
Territory: The States of Nevada and and 1932
Utah, the counties of Inyo and Mono Territory: The following-named coun-
in California, also that part which ties in the State of California: Modoc,
lies along and east of Highway 89, Siskiyou, Del Norte, Humboldt, Trin-
beginning at its junction with High- ity, Mendocino, Shasta, Lassen, Te-
way 50 south of Lake Tahoe and hama, Glenn, Plumas, Butte, Sierra,
northward along Highway 89 to its Lake, Colusa, Sutter, Yuba, Nevada,
junction with Highway 36 west of Eldorado, Placer, Sonoma, Marin,
Lake Almanor, and along and south Napa, Yolo, Amador, Calaveras, Sac-
of Highway 36 eastward to its junc-
ramento, San Joaquin, Contra Costa,
tion with Highway 395, and eastward
along Highway 395 and an unnum- Alameda, Solano, with the exception
bered roadway to the California- of that small portion of these coun-
Nevada line. ties along and east of Highway 89,
beginning at its junction with High-
Population: 685,894 ; churches, 13; way 50, south of Lake Tahoe and
members, 888. northward along Highway 89 to its
Office Address: 185 Martin Avenue, junction with Highway 36 west of
Reno, Nevada. (Telephone, 2-6920 Lake Almanor and along and south of
and 2-6929.) Highway 36 eastward to its junction
with Highway 395, eastward along
Officers: Highway 395 and an unnumbered
President, A. C. Fearing. road to the California-Nevada line.
Secretary-Treasurer, I. E. Anunsen.
Population: 1,507,701; churches, 91;
Executive Committee: A. C. Fearing, members, 13,331.
I. E. Anunsen, H. M. Lodge, C. F.
Phillips, F. H. Rahm, C. M. Smith, Office: 1811 Eleventh Ave., Oakland,
H. W. Tamka. Calif. (Telephone, KEllog 4-1710.)
Departmental Secretaries: Postal Address: Box 149, Oakland 4,
Book and Bible House, I. E. Anunsen. Calif.
Civil Defense, Home Missionary, Officers:
Press Relations, Radio, Religious
President, Carl Becker.
Liberty, A. C. Fearing.
Educational, Sabbath School, War Secretary-Treasurer, F. T. Oakes.
Service, and Y.P.M.V., H. M. Executive Committee: Carl Becker,
Lodge. M. R. Bailey, W. L. Hyatt, C. N.

Kohler, C. C. Landis, R. W. Nelson, Richard Lange, Don Mansell, Law-

F. T. Oakes, E. L. Place, Helmuth rence Maxwell, F. T. Oakes, Fred
Retzer, Robert Thompson, L. E. Osborn, E. L. Place, L. W. Roth,
Tupper, P. G. Wipperman, H. R. Harold Ruppert, R. E. Sanders,
Wolfsen. William Shelly, C. E. Townsend,
Owen Troy, Jr., Preston Wallace,
Departmental Secretaries: T. R. Waterhouse, Roger West, Wil-
Book and Bible House, V. D. Dortch. liam Wilkinson, Earl Wright.
Educational, P. G. Wipperman; As- Licensed Missionaries:
sociate, Mildred Ostich.
Home Missionary, Walter Lind. Bette Aylesworth, Mrs. Louise
Medical, Eva I. Beeler. Brooks, Irene Bowes, Mrs. Ervin
Press Relations and Y.P.M.V., Glenn Foster, Verda Gibson, Amelia Hand,
Fillman. A. J. Harder, Mrs. Floyd Hutchin-
Publishing, L. L. Dinwiddie. son, Daniel Kerr, Florence Kimmel,
Sabbath School and Temperance, J. Mildred Lindsay, Mildred Ostich,
W. Rich. Dora Reed, Vera Smith, Mrs. Wilma
Religious Liberty, Carl Becker. Wood, Eva Workman, Joseph Wong.
Ordained Ministers: Church School Teachers:
C. E. AcMoody, W. B. Ammundsen, Emily Achtziger, F. V. Anderson,
F. C. Bailey, M. R. Bailey, Carl Charles Ary, Mrs. Charles Ary, Mrs.
Becker, E. E. Beddoe, L. A. Blumen- C. L. Avery, R. P. Axtell, Dalton
shien, S. T. Borg, Clyde Bradley, G. Baldwin, Sue Bernacchi, Edna Berry,
G. Brown, R. C. Calderone, Philip Mrs. Mildred Bird, Florence Birge,
Chiodo, L. L. Dinwiddie, S. L. Dom- Thelma Blackburn, E. W. Brooks,
brosky, E. W. Erickson, Glenn Fill- Marjorie Brown, Mrs. Bernice Bur-
man, W. R. Foulston, F. 0. Fowler, den, R. B. Burgeson, Lena M. Butler,
Claude Hall, 0. A. Hall, J. D. Hardt, Mrs. Hazel Callender, Mrs. Irma
C. W. Hartwick, Weiland Henry, Carlson, Mrs. Richard Clement, Mrs.
W. L. Hesseltine, W. L. Hyatt, Gladys Coddry, Winifred Craig, Doris
Seikichi Imai, E. H. James, S. W. Crocker, Mrs. Mary Deming, Ruth
Johnson, C. N. Kohler, Walter Lind, Dovich, Robert DuBose, Harriett
G. H. Loewen, V. N. Mallernee, H. Echols, Mary Ellquist, Fred Elkins.
K. Martin, B. W. Mattison, Gordon W. L. Ferguson, Mrs. Glenn Fill-
McCrillis, R. C. McPherson, H. E. man, Mrs. Lettie Fiman, Mrs. A. 0.
McWhinny. Forbes, Mrs. Marguerite Fox, Rich-
A. E. Nelson, R. W. Nelson, E. H. ard Gibson, Mrs. Wilma Goode, Mrs.
Oswald, Joseph Phillips, Helmuth Alna Grant, Mrs. Maecel Hansen,
Ritzer, J. W. Rich, S. Rutan, A. 0. Mrs. Bernice Hanson, Mrs. J. D.
Sage, C. M. Sage, Donald Sather, J. Hardt, Martha Harlin, Muriel Har-
V. Schull, B. H. Shaw, 0. H. Shrews- low, Roberta Hawkins, Mrs. Flossie
bury, P. K. Simpson, B. R. Spears, Hempel, Mrs. Clara Howland.
L. M. Stump, G. E. Taylor, Robert Donald Irland, Grace Johnson,
Thompson, T. L. Thuemler, J. L. Mildred Jones, Myra Kite, Vernon
Tucker, L. E. Tucker, L. E. Tupper, Koenig, Quentin Kuhlman, Hilda
A. F. Wellman, W. A. Westerhout, Lambert, Irvih Landmark, Betty
Clarence Williams, P. G. Wipperman, Landstrom, Winifred Larson, Mrs.
T. D. Zaharis. Maymie Litchfield, Mrs. Jack Luther.
Mrs. Viola Mathe, Mrs. Alma Mc-
Honorary: B. L. Diffenbacher, C. C. Donald, Mrs. Lillian McNeil, Nor-
Landis. man Morris, Ada Moothart, Mrs.
Bonny Neufeld, Mrs. Elon Nulk, Mrs.
Credentialed Missionaries: Mary O'Neil, Kenneth Perrin, Mrs.
T. E. Saber, Eva Beeler, V. D. Dortch, Janie Price, Mrs. Bessie Ratzlaff,
E. J. Foster, A. F. Layman, P. E. Merrill Reese, Merlyn Reeves, Mrs.
Nightingale. Merlyn Reeves, Margaret Robinson,
Earl Rollins, Mrs. Ruth Roth, W. T.
Credentialed Bible Instructors: Royer.
Mrs. Mary E. Cass, Mrs. Dorothy Roy Sanders, Mrs. Roy Sanders,
Danforth, Mrs. Jessie Gully, Mrs. Florence Santee, Dorothy A. Ship-
W. A. Henry, Veva Knox, Mrs. ley, Mrs. Frances Smith, A. B. Stein-
Marorie L. Lloyd, Mrs. Nan Mac- ert, Mrs. Luella Stewart, Albert
Kenzie, Mrs. Lula Maycock, Stella Stoops, Mrs. Gwendolin Teney, Ruth
Petersen, Marian Rook, Mrs. Mae Terrill. Mrs. Grace Tolton, Mrs.
Van Horne, Mrs. Esta Wyrick. Mabel Tupper, Mrs. Mildred Ward,
Donald Warren, T. R. Waterhouse,
Licensed Ministers: Mrs. T. R. Waterhouse, Norma Webb,
F. V. Anderson, R. P. Axtell, Bert Patricia West, Richard West, Mar-
Beach, Vernon Bratten, Carl Coff- jorie Whalley, Alex Widicker, Leslie
man, Robert DuBose, David Hughes, Wildes, Mrs. Leslie Wildes, Mrs. How-
W. E. Jamerson, George Jenson, ard Woodall, Miriam Zumwalt.

Legal Association: "Northern California Credentialed Bible Instructors:

Conference Association of the Sev- Mary D. Johnson, Mrs. Maxine Mor-
enth-day Adventists." rison, Mrs. Edith Sawyer.

Licensed Ministers:
CONFERENCE Hollis Anderson, Carlos Ayala, P. G.
Baden, Max Barkhurst, Earl Canson,
Organized 1915 ; reorganized 1932 Bernard Cayton, H. F. Clark, Bow-
Territory: The following-named coun- man Deal, Paul Diaz, Phillip Dunham,
ties in the State of California: San S. 0. Francisco, Harry Garlick, Fen-
Diego, Orange, Imperial, Riverside, ton Hopp, Philip Knoche, R. J. Lar-
San Bernardino. son, Earl Meyer, Warren Neal, Ken-
neth Perry, E. A. Schmidt, Clarence
Population: 1,260,076; churches, 56; Schram. Richard Serns, John Shew-
members, 10,672. make, Hugh Sterling, A. D. Stewart,
H. G. Vences, Ellsworth Wellman,
Office: 9707 Magnolia Ave., Arlington, Robert Wheatley, H. B. Wiles.
Calif. (Telephone, Riverside 9012.)
Licensed Missionaries:
Postal Address: Box 584, Arlington,
Calif. Mrs. Dorothy Bott, Frank Ford, Mrs.
Twila Frisbey, Oma Gentry, F. A.
Officers: Gregerson, Mrs. Shirley McClintock,
President, H. H. Hicks. Mrs. Hazel E. Morey, Naomi Nixon,
Secretary-Treasurer, E. A. Schmidt. Mrs. Frances Shafer, Mrs. Marjorie
Executive Committee: H. H. Hicks, Stier, Elwood Van Noty, Mrs. Jo A.
G. T. Anderson, D. T. Black, C. G. Wallace, Mrs. Leola West, J. H.
Giddings, John Hancock, F. B. Jen- Whitney, Mrs. Evelyn Williams.
sen, R. G. Mote, L. E. Niermeyer, Licensed Bible Instructor: Mrs. Tom-
E. A. Schmidt, Harold Shryock, asea Tallant.
Claude Steen.
Church School Teachers:
Departmental Secretaries:
Mrs. Hazel Anderson, Mrs. Lois
Book and Bible House, Henry Norton. Bacon, Eugene Bates, Robert Becker,
Educational, C. I. Chrisman. Mrs. Robert Becker, Mrs. Mary L.
Health Education, Mrs. Leola West. Belier, Mrs. Mary E. Benton, Robert
Home Missionary, Radio, and Tem- Bobst, Mary J. Bruce, William Claw-
perance, D. E. Dirksen. son, Margaret Crane, Mrs. H. A.
Press Relations, Religious Liberty, Craw, Mrs. Florence Dale, Arthur
and Sabbath School, S. M. Jefferson.
Dalgleish, Jean Dalgleish, Mrs. Noreen
Publishing, Herbert Wiles ; Assistant, Damazo, Mrs. Evelyn Dinsmore, Clar-`
Roger Evans. ice Driver, Mrs. Winifred Early, Earl
War Service, and Y.P.M.V., J. H.
Hancock; Assistant, War Service, Meyer, Mrs. Mabel Emley.
Mrs. Lee Fickess, Mrs. Grace Ful-
Harry Garlick. ler, Robert Gale, Mrs. June Gorman,
Ordained Ministers: Ida J. Gosse, Mrs. Mary Groome,
Junerose Guild, Mrs. Rhoda F. Helm,
F. L. Abbott, W. M. Adams, Jr., Mrs. Mary E. Hensley, Josephine
Antonio Arteaga, V. C. Becraft, Holmes, W. C. Jeffreys, Mrs. Pauline
Charles Betz, D. T. Black, J. N. Koorenny, Mrs. Hazel Lee, Ernest
Brown, A. E. Butler, C. C. Cantwell, Mattison, Mrs. Rose McClure, Theo-
G. W. Casebeer, C. I. Chrisman, G. T. dore McIntyre, Mrs. Bertha McKim,
Dickinson, D. E. Dirksen, W. E. Gal- Helen Mead.
brath, J. F. Games, G. L. Goffar. Gerald Neff, Alma Nephew, Mrs.
J. H. Hancock, H. A. Hansen, E. A. Nixon, Richard Norman, Mrs.
J. D. Haynes, H. H. Hicks, A. B. Marie Northcott, Nellie Odell, Mrs.
Huenergardt, S. M. Jefferson, W. R. Viola Osnes, Juanita Paxton, Carl
Jefferson, F. B. Jensen, J. L. Jesper- Petterson, Mrs. Dorothea Pitts, Mrs.
sen, V. J. Johns, J. E. Johnson, R. Margaret Putnam, Mrs. Nellie Ram-
H. Kezer, E. I. Lehman, C. D. Mar- sey, Elaine Schander, Clifford Shep-
tin, J. C. Michalenko, F. L. Mohr, ard, Mrs. Clifford Shepard, Mrs.
R. G. Mote, L. E. Niermeyer, R. A. Grace Snyder, Mrs. Harvey Somdahl,
Rentfro, Thomas Requenez, Harvey Betty Spaulding, Bernice Squire,
Retzer, E. R. Reynolds, W. C. Risley, Helen Swenson, Jean Tuttle, Mrs.
W. R. Robinson, E. J. Royer, B. J. Lois Whitaker, Mrs. J. D. Wilburn,
Savage, J. V. Scully, F. F. Schwindt, Wanda Williams, Mary Woodward,
Calvin Sterling, H. W. Williams. Mrs. Lois Workman.
Credentialed Missionaries: Legal Association: "Southeastern Cali-
G. L. Cooper, Roger Evans, 0. A. fornia Association of Seventh-day Ad-
Hudson, Henry Norton. ventists."


FERENCE Wilber Alexander, P. H. Barnes,
Organized 1901 Gordon Collier, R. W. Coon, W.
13. Dart, M. L. Enright, Henry de
Territory: The following counties in the Fluiter, B. M. Emerson, D. R. God-
State of California: Los Angeles, dard, Herbert Griffith, M. A. R.
Ventura, and all that part of Santa Jones, Sakae Kubo, R. G. Lewis, M.
Barbara County lying to the east and C. Lopez, Garland Millet, R. L. Os-
south of a line beginning at the inter- borne, N. L. Parker, Andrew Peters,
section of the 120th meridian with Rudolph Rodriguez, Manuel Rosado,
the north boundary line of said Santa Jr., L. P. Schutter, S. C. West.
Barbara County, thence south on the
said 120th meridian to the summit of Licensed Missionaries:
the No Joqui Grade; thence following Bruce Aitkin, Mrs. Helen Austin,
the No Joqui Grade in a southwesterly Esther R. Baring, Mrs. Marguerite
direction to the Pacific Ocean. B. Clark, F. J. Cook, Cecelia Derry,
Population: 2,915,456 ; churches, 59 ; C. E. Feik, Dorothy Greeley, Jennie
members, 13,339. L. Ireland, G. C. Johnson, Virginia
Kollmorgen, Mrs. Myrtie C. Lewis,
Office: 3131 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles Mrs. Ophelia Maurman, Ernest Mc-
31, Calif. (Telephone, Capitol 6136.) Gruff, Doretta Meyer, John Nahorney,
Postal Address: Station A, Box 148, Frances Neal, Mrs. Dorothy Priebe,
Los Angeles 31, Calif. Doris A. Smith, Letha Surdam, C. R.
Officers: Swan, Selma Uhrig, Ruth West,
Vera Wilkins, Susannah Williams.
President, R. R. Dietz.
Secretary-Treasurer, R. G. Lewis. Licensed Bible Instructors:
Executive Committee: R. R. Bietz, Clete Butcher, Mrs. Myrtle Camp,
Miller Brockett, E. M. Davis, J. F. Vinny Catalona, Anne Caton, Mrs.
Dent, I. E. Gillis, Emmitt Jenson, H. A. Curran, Effie B. Davies,
A. H. Johns, R. G. Lewis, J. A. Florencia N. Domingo, Emily Fischer,
Simonson, B. R. Spear, H. M. Walton, Mrs. Grace Folkenberg, Vienna Ham-
B. F. Williams. ilton, Mrs. B. M. Harmon, Reathel
Jenkins, Mrs. Kathleen G. Nelson,
Departmental Secretaries: Mrs. Hazel Perkins, Mrs. P. B.
Book and Bible House, Herbert Grif- Bond, Mrs. Ana Souza, H. B. Walsh.
Educational, J. A. Simonson. Church School Teachers:
Home Missionary and Temperance, D. Mrs. Harold Ackerman, Mrs. Rachel
R. Schierman. Alderson, Mrs. Jereldyne M. Allen,
Medical, ; Associate, Mrs. Laurence Albright, Mrs. Helen Al-
Helen Austin. bright, Dan Anderson, Mrs. Verla
Publishing, C. L. Finney. Bates, Mrs. Joyce Bradford, Dovie
Religious Liberty and Sabbath School, Brix, Katherine Brooks, Mrs. Florence
Raymond Cales. Burnett, Marjorie Butler, Herbert
Y.P.M.V., Miller Brockett. Butzer, H. W. Carter, Mrs. Audrey
Carter, Verona Chambers, Mrs. Lu-
Ordained Ministers: cetta Cochran, Mrs. Helen G. Collins,
Milton Adams, R. F. Alderson, 0. C. R. Cyphers, Mrs. C. R. Cyphers,
M. Berg, R. R. Bietz, Miller Brockett, Mrs. Ruby Daily, Carrie Davis, Mrs.
B. W. Brown, J. H. Calderone, Ray- J. F. Dent.
mond Cales, P. 0. Campbell, R. F. R. A. Fischer, Mrs. Mayme L.
Cottrell, E. M. Davis, S. F. Dent, Fischer, Mrs. Gladys Fletcher, Oleta
W. A. Dunn. Frakes, Mrs. Charles Freese, S.
0. G. Erich, A. J. Escobar, C. W. Griswold, Marjorie Hackett, Mrs.
L. Finney, L. E. Folkenberg, S. Pauline Hanson, Howard Hardcastle,
L. Frost, R. W. Greiner, D. R. Royal Hay, Mrs. Vashti Hayden, Mrs.
Guild, C. R. Hall, K. C. Holman, A. S. G. Hegstad, Mrs. Zenobia Hill,
H. Johns, Robert Kitto, P. L. Knox, Mrs. Anastasia Jackson, Mrs. J. G.
H. A. Lindsey, D. R. Loutzenhiser, Jacques.
Melvin Lukens, S. 0. Martin, J. W. Kathleen Kachuck, Mrs. Lucille
McComas, W. S. McCully, Henry Kimmal, Dorothea Larson, Mrs. Dor-
Meissner, F. W. Miller, Kingsley ita Lessard, Mrs. Inez Lopez, Mrs.
Minifie, E. Niemann. Elizabeth 13. Lust, Mrs. Jean Marsa,
A. T. Okohira, L. D. Patter- Mrs. J. K. Macmillan, Virginia Mc-
son, J. E. Perez, R. G. Reid, J. D. Cool, Mrs. Lucille M. McKinzie. Ted
Rhodes, F. E. Rice, R. H. Robertson, Miller, Mrs. Ursula Millet, Alfrieda
W. H. Schacht, L. B. Schick, D. R. Mortensen, Emma Neufeld, Mrs.
Schierman, J. A. Simonson, B. R. Gertrude Nunn, Leila Oberdiear,
Spear, David Voth, H. L. Wallace, Wilfred Olmstead, Mrs. Wildred Os-
A. E. Webb, W. C. Webb, B. F. good, Lois Parkhouse, Kenneth Par-
Williams, W. G. Wirth. rett, Robert Perry.

Emma Ramstead, Jessie Raymond, Glendale Union Academy, 700 Kimlin

Lois Raymond, Margaret Roby, Syl- Drive, Glendale 6, Calif.
via W. Rogers, Mrs. Louise Runge, Golden Gate Academy, 3800 Moun-
Adolph Sawzak, Mrs. Marcia Sawzak, tain Blvd., Oakland 19, Calif.
Gertrude Seward, Mrs. Hazel Shafer,
Mrs. P. E. Shakespeare, Reginald Hawaiian Mission Academy, 1438
Shephard, Jack Sinksen, Mavis Pensacola St., Honolulu 4, Hawaii.
Smith, Bernice Soliday, Mrs. Marion Loma Linda Union Academy, Loma
Soth, Mrs. Ruth Sutton, Mrs. La Linda, Calif.
Vern Swegles. Los Angeles Academy, 846 East El
Mrs. Georgia Thomas, Robert Segundo Blvd., Los Angeles 2, Calif.
Thomas, Boyd Thompson, Murl
Vance, Mrs. Murl Vance, Mrs. Mabel Lynwood Academy, 11081 Locust St.,
Walton, Frank Wallstrom, Charles Lynwood, Calif.
Watkins, Mrs. E. B. Watkins, Mrs. Modesto Union Academy, 1205 Figaro
Joan Watkins, Joe W. Watkins, St., Modesto, Calif.
Mrs. Clara Wessels, Mrs. Florence Mountain View Union Academy,
Weyand, Mrs. Florence White, Mrs. 1281 Dana St., Mountain View,
Violet Zapara. Calif.
Legal Association: "Southern Califor- San Diego Union Academy, 2700 East
nia Association of Seventh-day Ad- 4th Street, National City, Calif.
Food Company:
INSTITUTIONS IN THE PACIFIC Loma Linda Food Co., Arlington,
Educational: Medical:
Colleges Azusa Valley Sanitarium, 16244 E.
College of Medical Evangelists, Loma Gladstone, Azusa, Calif.
Linda and Los Angeles, Calif. Glendale Sanitarium and Hospital,
La Sierra College, La Sierra Station, 1509 E. Wilson Ave., Glendale 6,
Arlington, Calif. Calif. (Mail address, Box 871,
Glendale, Calif.)
Pacific Union College, Angwin, Napa
Co., Calif. Loma Linda Sanitarium and Hospital,
Loma Linda, Calif.
Boarding Academies Paradise Valley Sanitarium and Hos-
Arizona Academy, 1325 N. 14th St., pital, National City, Calif.
Phoenix. Ariz. St. Helena Sanitarium and Hospital,
Lodi Academy, Box 640, Lodi, Calif. Sanitarium, Napa Co., Calif.
Monterey Bay Academy, P. 0. Box White Memorial Hospital, 312 N.
191, Watsonville, Calif. Boyle Ave., Los Angeles 38, Calif.
Newbury Park Academy, Box 77, Publishing:
Newbury Park, Calif.
Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain
San Pasqual Academy, Route 1, B,ox View, Calif.
890 A, Escondido, Calif.
Non-Boarding Academies Radio:
Fresno Union Academy, 841 W. Bel- The Voice of Prophecy, 1500 E. Chevy
mont Ave., Fresno 1, Calif. Chase, Glendale 6, Calif.


Organized 1932
Territory: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Postal Address: Box 449, Decatur, Ga.
Kentucky, Mississippi, North Caro-
lina, South Carolina, and Tennessee, Officers:
comprising the Alabama-Mississippi, President, V. G. Anderson.
Carolina, Florida, Georgia-Cumber- Secretary-Treasurer, H. E. Schneider.
land, Kentucky-Tennessee, South At- Auditor, A. P. McDow.
lantic, and South Central Conferences.
Population: 22,263,800; churches, 357 ; Executive Committee: V. G. Anderson,
members, 29,015. E. E. Cleveland, J. M. Cox, A. 0.
Dart, I. M. Evans, H. P. Evens,
Office: 437 E. Ponce de Leon Ave., L. Hall, H. S. Hanson, W. A. Hig-
Decatur, Ga. (Telephone, DEarborn gins, C. H. Lauda, A. P. McDow, H.
3351.) R. Murphy, G. R. Nash, L. M. Nelson,

R. H. Nightingale, F. L. Petersen, Licensed Missionaries:

H. .E. Schneider, H. D. Singleton, Cora Albritton, Marie Baldwin, Mrs.
W. E. Strickland, R. H. Wentland, Frank Beckley, Mrs. Alice Bell, Bruce
K. A. Wright. Biggs, Thyra Bowen, C. F. Boyd, Mrs.
Departmental Secretaries: Odessa Boyd, Mrs. J. L. Brackett,
H. A. Brown, Gladys Clarke, G. E.
Child Guidance and Sabbath. School, Coulson, Clara Crawford, Jacque
A. 0. Dart. Evans, Gladys Elliott, LaVerne Ful-
Educational and Rural Living, II. S. ler, Mrs. Elva Gardner, Mildred
Hanson. Grace, Dora Greve, Mrs. Lois Harris,
Extension, Press, and Public Rela- Hazel Hartle, Mrs. Lou Hoar, Paul
tions, J. M. Cox. Hoar, Ralston Hooper, Mrs. 0. M.
Home Missionary, R. H. Wentland. Konnerth, Betty Koudele, Eleanor
Publishing, W. A. Higgins. Krogstad, Grace Larsen, Mrs. Camille
Radio, Temperance, War Service, and Lloyd, R. E. Lynn.
Y.P.M.V., L. M. Nelson. Betty J. Martin, Thelma McCain,
Religious Liberty, V. G. Anderson. Emma McCain, J. E. McCarthy, Car-
Ordained Ministers: los McDonald, Louis McDonald, Mrs.
Wesley Amundsen, V. G. Anderson, C. McIntyre, T. H. McIntyre, R. C.
E. C. Banks, E. L. Cardey, J. M. Cox, Mizell, Bobra Morgan, H. A. Nobel,
Doris Payne, L. W. Payne, Bernice
A. 0. Dart, H. P. Evens, R. E. Fin-
ney, Jr., R. L. Hammill, H. S. Han- Pittman, Elsie Randall, Lawrence
son, W. A. Higgins, I. H. Ihrig, L. M. Randall, Mrs. Irene Skender, Carl
Smith, Maple Sterling, W. H. Ster-
Nelson, 0. S. Flue, H. E. Schneider, ling, S. Tavoukdjian, A. R. Tomp-
M. J. Sorenson, T. W. Steen, Leif
Tobiassen, F. D. Wells, R. W. Went- kins, Nellie Tompkins, Myrtle Wat-
land, Charles Wittschiebe, R. A. rous, Marguerite Webster, W. W.
Webster, Marie Wingo, Margaret
Wright. Workman, Alice M. Young.
Honorary: C. S. Baum, W. E. Bid- Legal Association: "Southern Union
well, W. L. Black, J. II. Capman, Conference Association of Seventh-
A. J. Clark, H. J. Doolittle, R. E. day Adventists."
French, 0. U. Giddings, M. C. Guild,
H. C. Hartwell, S. G. Haughey, A. E. Colored Department
Hughes, J. S. James, C. P. Lillie, J. Ordained Ministers:
B. Locken, H. E. Lysinger, Glendour
Mediary, J. D. Reavis, A. B. Russell. 0. B. Edwards, C. E. Moseley. L. B.
W. F. H. Schroeder, L. A. Smith, Reynolds, C. Richards, E. E. Rogers.
W. E. Straw, C. U. Taylor, C. E. Honorary: W. E. Adams, J. A. Book-
Weaks, L. E. Wellman, B. A. Wol- hart, J. F. Crichlow, C. M. Kinney,
cott, E. W. Wolfe. M. C. Strachan.
Credentialed Missionaries: Credentialed Missionaries:
H. M. Baldwin, Edna Behner, R. G. Stewart Brantley, E. B. Dykes, L. E.
Bowen, C. W. Boynton, Theresa Ford, Ruth Frazier, C. E. Galley, R.
Brickman, S. D. Brown, L. M. Chris- Lewis, J. M. Cox, T. T. Frazier.
tensen, M. E. Connell, R. W. Craw- Honorary: Anna Knight.
ford, H. T. Curtis, G. B. Dean, Olivia
Dean, Mrs. Mary Dietel, Henri Doug- Licensed Missionaries:
lass, R. M. Eldridge, Elaine Giddings, Nathan Banks, Mrs. Maxine Brantley,
G. T. Gott, L. T. Hall, D. C. Hart- S. A. Brantley, W. S. Brown, Na-
well, H. L. Harvey, M. J. Harvey. telkka Burrell, C. B. Gentry, Ruth E.
Lois L. Jacobs, Maude I. Jones, Mosby, G. R. Partridge, Trula Wade.
Norman Krogstad, H. H. Kuhlman,
C. A. Lang, Ruby E. Lea, H. A.
Miller, E. I. Mohr, N. C. Nelsen,
G. J. Nelson, Ray Olmstead, G. R. ALABAMA-MISSISSIPPI CON-
Pearmon, E. A. Pender, J. B. Pierson, FERENCE
A. W. Spalding, Jr., Mrs. Margaret Organized 1932
M. Steen, A. L. Suhrie, L. M. Sutter,
J. E. Tomkins, E. T. Watrous, Mrs. Territory: Alabama and Mississippi, and
Esther Williams, Mabel Wood. the following counties in Florida:
Escambia, Santa Rosa, Walton,
Credentialed Bible Instructor: Violet Holmes, Washington, Jackson, Oka-
Larsen. loosa, Gulf, Bay, and Calhoun.
Licensed Ministers: Population: 3,123,311 ; churches, 32 ;
members 2555.
F. A. Coffin, R. M. Craig, R. M.
Davidson. Charles Fleming, Jr., Office: 2641-24th Ave., Meridian, Miss.
Charles Franz. D. C. Ludington, A. P. (Telephone, 2-0834.)
McDow, F. 0. Rittenhouse, L. F. Postal Address: Box 1311, Meridian,
Thiel, Wayne Thurber. Miss.

Officers: Postal Address: Box 930, Charlotte,

President, I. M. Evans. N. C.
Secretary-Treasurer, A. C. McKee. Officers:
Executive Committee: I. M. Evans, President, C. H. L'auda.
V. W. Collins, F. H. Dortch, H. V. Secretary-Treasurer, B. C. Marshall.
Hendershot, A. C. McKee, L. D. Pratt,
J. R. Spangler, J. G. White. Executive Committee: C. H. Lauda,
M. B. Elliston, F. W. Foster, G. F.
Departmental Secretaries: Graves, E. L. Marley, B. C. Marshall,
J. A. Oliver, M. C. Patten, L. C.
Book and Bible House, C. L. Jacobs ; Waller.
Assistant, S. W. Neece.
Educational, Temperance, and Y.P. Departmental Secretaries:
M.V., M. E. Moore.
Home Missionary, Radio, and Sabbath Book and Bible House, B. P. Haskell
School, L. D. Pratt. (Acting.)
Press Relations, A. C. McKee. Educational, Temperance, War Serv-
Publishing, I. W. Young ; Assistants, ice and Y.P.M.V., F. W. Foster.
J. T. Mason, Jr., W. W. Welborn. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Religious Liberty, I. M. Evans. R. H. Fickling.
Medical, L. C. Waller.
Ordained Ministers: Press Relations. B. C. Marshall.
Publishing, W. E. Roberson; Assist-
G. W. Asher, A. L. Dickerson, V. W. ants, Thelma Flanagan, W. B.
Collins, I. M. Evans, W. D. Fleming, Hunt, S. R. Mull.
H. V. Hendershot, L. R. Holley, K. Radio and Religious Liberty, C. H.
M. Kennedy, W. J. Lighthall, E. L. Lauda.
Marley, Sr., M. E. Moore, L. D. Pratt,
J. R. Spangler, Allen Walker. Ordahied Ministers:
Credentialed Bible Instructors: D. G. Anderson, E. M. Chalmers, R.
H. Clausen, M. B. Elliston, J. L.
Mrs. 0. D. Cardey, Fannie Mosby. Everett, R. II. Fickling, F. W. Foster,
Licensed Ministers: C. F. Graves, W. R. Holley, L. P.
Knecht, C. H. Lauda, E. A. Lemon,
R. L. Chism, Otis Graves, C. L. R. E. Logan, A. D. McKee, E. L.
Jacobs, J. T. Mason, Jr., A. C. Mc- Marley, L. H. Pitton, W. W. Scott,
Kee, J. N. Morgan, S. W. Neece, H. D. Thurber.
W. W. Welborn, R. H. Wood, I. W.
Young. Credentialed Bible Instructors:
Licensed Missionaries: Dorothy Detwiler, Hazel McDowell.
Janet Batchelor, Doris Davis, Edna Licensed Ministers:
E. Swain, Ann Travis. S. I. Bauer, Robert Darnell, B. P.
Haskell, Glenn Henriksen, J. E. Kep-
Church School Teachers: linger, Robert Kistler, B. C. Marshall,
Mildred Baldwin, Mrs. Flora D. Bray, W. E. Roberson, J. H. Turner, Philip
Charles Cutter, Mrs. A. L. Dickerson, Young.
Howard Dinwiddie, Mrs. Howard Din-
widdie, Mrs. Virginia Dudley, Paul Licensed Missionaries:
Hendershot, Mrs. Paul Hendershot, C. R. Darnell, Maurice Godwin, W..
J. B. Kinder, Mrs. Frances Koch, B. Hunt, Aline Mangum, W. N.
Anne Lowe, Mrs. Viola Mitchell, Martz, S. R. Mull, Sallie Walsh.
Wilbur Ostman, George Petty, Mrs.
George Petty, Carrol Prather, Flora Church School Teachers:
Savelle, Laura B. Self, Billie Turnage, Mrs. Marie Acuff, Rachel Atkins,
Mrs. Lorraine Vickery. Esther Badzik, Mrs. H. E. Beck,
Gilbert Bertocchini, Mrs. William
Legal Association: "Alabama-Mississip- Bumby, Violet Calloway, Mrs. Olive
pi Conference Association of Sev- Clark, Mrs. Winston Clark, R. I.
enth-day Adventists." Denton, Mrs. R. I. Denton, Charlotte
Haskell, Mrs. V. W. Hayes, Marie
Halloway, Mrs. R. A. Jorgensen,
CAROLINA CONFERENCE Miss Billie Kelly, Betty, Mrs.
W. W. Longstreet, Cleide McDowell,
Organized 1901; reorganized 1918 Ruth Padgett, Mrs. C. M. Pearson,
Territory: North Carolina, excepting Mrs. H. H. Strickland, Mrs. Myrtle
Cherokee County, and South Carolina. Stroud, Edward Swanson, Mrs. G. P.
Tripp, Mrs. H. A. Wilcox, George
Population: 3,657,152; churches, 41; Yost, Mrs. George Yost.
members, 3,172. Legal Association: "Carolina Confer-
Office: 1936 East Seventh St., Charlotte, ence Association of Seventh-day Ad-
N.C. (Telephone, 2-6951.) ventists, Incorporated."

FLORIDA CONFERENCE Licensed Missionaries:

Theo Bosarge, Marie Cramer, Francis
Organized 1893 Cossentine, Charles DeArk, John Gar-

Territory: Florida, excepting the coun- ner, William Hall, Mrs. Helen Hughes,
ties of Escambia, Santa Rosa, Wal- Sally Hulsey, Jesse Jones, Marjorie
ton, Holmes, Washington, Gulf, Jack- Hanhardt, Jean Kuster, Mrs. Celeste
son, Okaloosa, Bay, and Calhoun. Kirstein, J. J. Knittle, Mrs. Daisy
McDowell, J. E. Minesinger, Charles
Population: 1,218,794 ; churches, 57 ; O'Dell, Marion Offer, E. Olsen, Eloise
members, 5,522. Rogers, M. V. Rudisale, C. M. Russ,
J. B. Stevens, Edna Stoneburner,
Office: 311 N. Rosalind Ave., Orlando, Daniel Suhrie, 0. D. Tomkins, George
Fla. (Telephone, 8131 ; Book and Walper.
Bible House, 20448.) Church School Teachers:
Postal Address: Box 1313, Orlando, Fla. Mrs. L. 0. Olderman, Mary C. Bee,
Audrey Bergmann, Mrs. L. F. Boh-
Officers: ner, Anna Brownlee, Mrs. Nora
Burke, Grace Bush, Mrs. Elizabeth
President, R. H. Nightingale. Carawan, Francis Clark, Edith Cor-
Secretary-Treasurer, W. F. Miller. bitt, Mrs. J. F. Crowder.
Executive Committee: R. H. Nightin- John Garner, Lola Genton, Laura
gale, R. S. Akers, M. C. Bird, L. 0. Ruth Hancock, Mrs. C. B. Hardin,
Coon, W. C. Hatch, W. F. Miller, Mrs. E. S. Henderson, Mildred Hil-
W. 0. Reynolds, S. S. Will. derbrandt, Otto Hirsch, Mrs. Patricia
Hust, Evelyn Killen, Estelle Krasko,
Departmental Secretaries: Mrs. Bertha Lang, Flora Lester,
Vesta Lester, V. A. Merth.
Book and Bible House, H. W. Bricker. Annicie Nama, Mrs. I. C. Pound,
Educational, Temperance, and Y.P. Mrs. Edith Quarles, Mrs. W. E. Ricks,
M.V., K. D. Johnson. Martin Russ, Ruby Shreve, Mrs. Carol
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Sturgis, Martha Viehman, Mrs. Le-
S. S. Will. land Wood.
Medical, W. E. Westcott.
Publishing, C. L. Wilber ; Assistants, Legal Association: "Florida Conference
G. W. Sisson, C. E. Danielson. Association of Seventh-day Advent-
Radio and Religious Liberty, R. H. ists, Inc."
J. M. Ackerman, W. G. Ambler, H. C. FERENCE
Brown, G. E. Carter, L. 0. Coon, Organized: Cumberland, 1900; Georgia,
J. A. Crews, Ray Davidson, A. E. 1901; consolidated 1932
Deyo, W. B. Findley, W. C. Hatch,
D. P. Herbert, M. J. Jackson, K. D. Territory: Georgia, Cherokee County in
Johnson, W. H. Ludwig, W. L. North Carolina, Eastern Tennessee,
Mazart, R. H. Nightingale, L. W. to the eastern boundaries of the
Pettis, I. C. Pound, W. T. Rea, counties of Clay, Macon, Trousdale,
W. 0. Reynolds, E. H. Schneider, Wilson, Cannon, Coffee, and Franklin.
H. B. Taylor, R. B. Thurmond, C. L. Population: 3,089,411 ; churches, 54 :
Wilber, S. S. Will, J. R. Young. members, 4,878.
Credentialed Missionaries: Office: 547 Cherokee Ave., S. E., At-
lanta, Ga. (Telephone, LAmar 6846-7.)
D. L. West, F. G. Winters.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 4929, At-
Credentialed Bible Instructors: lanta 2, Ga.
Mrs. Coralee Barnhart, Mrs. Rena Officers:
M. Clark, Mrs. Lucy Gattis, M. President, G. R. Nash. (Telephone
Doris Mathews, Mrs. Lucille Phillippi. DIxie 2534.)
Secretary-Treasurer, R. S. Blackburn.
Licensed Ministers: (Telephone, CRescent 6789.)
H. W. Bricker, F. D. Buchmiller, Executive Committee: G. R. Nash,
H. J. Carubba, E. M. Clough, C. R. H. R. Beckner, R. S. Blackburn, L. E.
Coffey, Kenneth Davis, Harold Flynt, Coolidge, J. A. Dewald, W. B. John-
R. A. Hamm, J. A. Just, R. W. son, W. A. Striven, B. F. Summerour,
Laue, Robert Mathews, Kenneth Men- It W. Walker.
sing, W. F. Miller, William Morrison,
M. L. Ritchie, G. W. Sisson, Robert Departmental Secretaries:
Swofford, David Wagner, W. E. Book and Bible House, 'B. L. Thomp-
Westcott. son.

Educational, Publicity, Temperance, KENTUCKY-TENNESSEE CON-

War Service, and Y.P.M.V., W. A. FERENCE
Home Missionary, Radio, and Sabbath Organized: Tennessee, 1888; Kentucky,
School, V. W. Esquilla. 1908; consolidated, 1932
Medical, J. S. Cruise.
Publishing, R. L. Chamberlain: Asso- Territory: The State of Kentucky and
ciates, E. A. Brodeur, Jr., J. G. Western Tennessee, to the eastern
Fulfer. boundaries of the counties of Clay,
Religious Liberty, G. R. Nash ; Asso- Macon, Trousdale, Wilson, Cannon,
ciate, H. R. Beckner. Coffee, and Franklin.
Population: 5,000,000; churches, 58;
Ordained Ministers: members, 4,776.
H. T. Anderson, C. W. Beach, H. R.
Beckner, R. S. Blackburn, G. F. Office: 3208 West End Ave., Nashville,
Cherry, W. 0. Coe, J. A. Dewald, 5, Tenn. (Telephone, 7-1348.)
V. W. Esquilla, L. G. Foll, F. E. Postal Address: Box 987, Nashville,
Froom, A. J. Hirsch, W. B. Johnson, Tenn.
D. E. Kenyon, E. E. Kungel, Woodrow Officers:
Larson, C. R. Lickey, B. W. Light-
hall, G. R. Nash, W. A. Scriven, President, W. E. Strickland. (Tele-
G. S. Stevens, B. L. Thompson, H. W. phone, Madison 7-3440.)
Walker, W. W. Walker, C. D. Well- Secretary-Treasurer, C. W. Higgins.
man. (Telephone, 5-4380.)
Credentialed Bible Instructors: Executive Committee: W. E. Strick-
land, E. E. Carman, C. W. Higgins,
Ruby Farley, Corrine Graham, Mrs. W. P. Lockwood, J. 0. Marsh, Calvin
Ivy Joiner, Mrs. Lucia H. Lee, Mrs. Osborn, J. W. Osborne, E. L. Pin-
Thelma Pinson. genot, E. C. Wood.
Licensed Ministers: Departmental Secretaries:
R. L. Chamberlain, M. C. Connell, Book and Bible House, J. M. Jansen
T. E. Hanson, C. R. Morton, R. H. Assistant, J. M. Baker.
Nasvall, L. G. Scales, B. D. Wheeler. Educational, War Service, and Y.P.
Licensed Missionaries: M.V., T. A. Mohr.
Home Missionary, Press Relations,
L. N. Blackburn, E. A. Brodeaur, Jr., Sabbath School, and Temperance,
Mildred Carlton, Helen Ellis, Langdon J. 0. Marsh.
Elmore, James Fulfer, Marie Guinn, Medical, J. W. Osborne.
Ferrell Mathieu, Grace Maxwell, Publishing, W. L. Crofton ; Assist-
George Walters, Doris Williams, Clell ants, U. E. Stallings, Mrs. Bessie
Yauger. Vincent.
Church School Teachers: Religious Liberty, W. E. Strickland.
Mrs. Irva Baessler, Mrs. E. R. Baker, Ordained Ministers:
Mrs. Joe Barnes, Mrs. Florence Bar- C. C. Balser, C. A. Boykin, A. D.
rett, Thyra Bowen, L. E. Bowman, Burch, E. E. Carman, G. A. Coon,
Mrs. L. E. Bowman, T. E. Bullock, C. C. Cress, Z. R. Currie, J. D. Dobbs,
Harry Burkett, Nobel Carlson, Mrs. L. M. Heifner, A. M. Karolyi, W. P.
Bertha Clise, Mrs. Juanita Coble, Lockwood, D. W. O'ffill, Calvin Os-
Mrs. J. R. Conger, Mary L. Coulson, born, R. E. Osborne, E. L. Pingenot,
Mrs. E. E. Crandall, Mamie Echols, L. H. Rahn, J. 0. Marsh, T. A. Mohr,
Catherine Fauser, Mrs. Archie Fox, R. E. Stewart, L. C. Strickland,
Mrs. Iona Friday, Minnie Goble. W. E. Strickland, J. A. Tucker, H. R.
Lola M. Hammond, Mrs. A. J. Veach, M. K. Wahl, Frank Weeks.
Hanson, Mrs. J. 0. Highsmith, Annie
Hope, Mrs. L. A. Jacobs, Mrs. Kline Credentialed Bible Instructors:
Lloyd, Mrs. Mabel P. Maguire, Mrs. Mrs. Wilbur James, Violet Ritche,
Amy Manous, Ann Maxwell, Mrs. G. Mrs. J. W. Wilhelm, Mrs. Ruby Wil-
J. Nelson, Bernice Pittman, Earl son.
Pugh, Marvin Salhany, Melva Sand- Licensed Ministers:
ers, Mrs. Marjorie Silverstein, Mrs.
Irene Skender, Mrs. Alpha Smith, J. H. Bischoff, W. L. Crofton, J. L.
Mrs. Leland Straw, Mrs. J. B. Evans, Paul Felt, 0. R. Henderson,
Thomas, Mrs. Margaret West, Mrs. Jack Griffith, C. W. Higgins, Charles
D. N. Whetstone, Mrs. Lela Whorton. Hill, J. M. Jansen, K. M. Mathews,
Ralph Ricks, P. J. Salhany, R. H.
Legal Associations: "The Cumberland Wentland, . L. White, Henry
Conference Association of Seventh- Wilmot, C. Jr.,
d. Wolff.
day Adventists, Incorporated," and
"The Georgia Conference Association Licensed Missionaries:
of Seventh-day Adventists, Incorpor- J. M. Baker, A. J. Hess, Mrs. C. W.
ated." Higgins, Mrs. J. M. Jansen, A. L.

Lynd, Norma Marsh, Donaphin Credentialed Missionary: C. L. Benja-

Schlinkert, U. E. Stallings, Mrs. min.
Bessie Vincent. Licensed Ministers: .
Church School Teachers: W. S. Banfield, H. M. Barker, M. T.
Virginia Alexander, Mrs. H. H. Ard, Battle, D. L. Crowder, L. E. Daniels,
Mrs. Frank Artress, R. P. Bailey, W. A. Darby, F. S. Hill, Silas Mc-
Mrs. Ethel 14. Banta, Jacqueline Clamb, Samuel Thomas, E. C. Ward,
Bartley, Mrs. Roy Boes, Mrs. W. S. D. J. Williams, J. B. E. Williams.
Byram, Robert Carrico, Dallas Col- J. P. Winston, J. S. Wise.
vin, Mrs. Bertha Coppock, Minnie Licensed Missionaries:
Duncan, Mrs. Julia Grow, Mrs. Rob-
ert Eldridge, Mrs. Iris Harrell, Ma- F. A. Darby, V. E. Hughes, I. G.
bel Howard, Wilbur James. Miller, L. F. Savage, F. II. Valentine.
Mrs. Virginia Langston, Mrs. Lila Licensed Bible Instructors:
Marshall, Dorothy Mathews, R. D. Mrs. Elizabeth Coleman, Estelle Gully,
Murray, Linda Porter, J. P. Priest, Ola M. Harris.
Mrs. J. L. Prunty, Harold Robbins,
Dorothy Rudisaile, W. H. Shaffer, Church School Teachers:
Mrs. Lottie Tinnin, Mrs. Mary L. Eugenia' Ashley, Rosetta Baldwin,
Van Slyke, W. L. Vickers, Mrs. W. L. Helene Brooks, Ann Cantrell, Mildred
Vickers, Mrs. H. M. Walen, Paul Carr, Doris Cherry, Eleanor Collins,
Watson, Mrs. Paul Watson, Melba Mary Copeland, Juanyta Danley,
Winfrey, Izora Wood. Pearlester Earl, Alyce Follette, C. E.
Legal Association: "Kentucky-Tennes- Gallagher, Eugene Green, Viola Ham-
see Conference Association of Sev- ilton, Rebecca Hightower.
enth-day Adventists, Inc." V. A. Jenkins, Helen Maynor, Helen
Miller, Juanita Mitchell, Catherine
Murray, Omar Pettway, Musette
SOUTH ATLANTIC CONFERENCE Reeves, Mary Rivers, Lucille Rogers,
Organized 1946 Mattie L. Speights, Constance Strong,
Mrs. 0. S. White.
Territory: Colored constituency of
North Carolina, South Carolina,
Georgia, and Florida except that por- SOUTH CENTRAL CONFERENCE
tion west of the Apalachicola River. Organized 1946
Population: 3,343,079; churches, 65;
members, 5,291. , Territory: Colored constituency of
Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Ala-
Office: 886 Simpson St., N.W., Atlanta, bama, and that portion of Florida
Ga. (Telephone, Amhurst 5741.) lying west of the. Apalachicola River.
Postal Address: Box 4027, Atlanta, Ga. Population: 2,832,143 ; chUrches, 50 ;
Officers: members, 2,821.
President, H. D. Singleton. Office: 1914 Charlotte Avenue, Nash-
Secretary-Treasurer, L. S. Follette. ville, Tennessee.
Executive Committee: H. D. Single- Postal Address: Box 936, Nashville 4,
ton, A. J. Bailey, E. E. Cleveland, Tenn.
L. S. Follette, Matthew Green, L. R. Officers:
Hastings, F. H. Jenkins, W. M.
Starks, J. F. Street. President, H. R. Murphy.
Secretary-Treasurer, V. Lindsay.
Departmental Secretaries:
Executive Committee: H. R. Murphy,
Book and Bible House, L. S. Follette. B. W. Abney, Sr., I. H. Hudson, V.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., F. H. Lindsay, E. T. Mimms, C. S. Myles,
Jenkins. F. B. Slater, A. D. Shorter, J. G.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Thomas.
Temperance, N. G. Simons.
Religious Liberty, H. D. Singleton. Departmental Secretaries:
Publishing, Richard Robinson; Asso- Book and Bible House, P. C. Winley.
ciates, Silas McClamb, Samuel Educational, Temperance, and Y.P.
Thomas. M.V., L. A. Paschal.
Ordained Ministers: Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
B. H. Ewing.
E. E. Cleveland, D. E. Davis, L. S. Publishing, M. G. Cato ; Associates,
Follette, Matthew Green, L. R. W. E. Lester, Odell Mackey.
Hastings, F. H. Jenkins, J. W. Jones, Religious Liberty, H. It. Murphy.
F. S. Keitts, P. H. Morgan, Richard
Robinson, N. G. Simons, H. D. Ordained Ministers:
Singleton, F. H. Stevens, N. B. D. W. Abney, Sr., E. F. Carter,
Smith, W. M. Starks, J. F. Street, B. H. Ewing, V. Lindsay, E. T.
0. S. White. Mimms, H. R. Murphy, C. S. Myles,

J. N. Richardson, F. B. Slater, A. D. INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTHERN

Shorter, J. G. Thomas, P. C. Winley. UNION CONFERENCE
Credentialed Bible Instructor: Mrs. C. Educational:
L. Baker.
Atlanta Union Academy, 734 Mercer
Licensed Ministers: St., S. E., Atlanta 2, Ga.
B. W. Abney, Jr., R. C. Brown, Forest Lake Academy, Route 2, Mait-
M. G. Cato, C. E. Dudley, C. R. land, Fla.
Graham, E. J. Humphrey, Jerome Highland Academy, Fountain Head,
James, H. L. Jones, W. E. Lester, Tenn.
N. A. Lindsay, Odell Mackey, A. P.
McNichols, W. J. Mitchell, L. A. Oakwood College, Huntsville, Ala.
Paschal, G. H. Rainey. Southern Missionary College, College-
Licensed Missionaries: dale, Tenn.
Ruby L. Jones, Martha M. Ligon, Medical:
Doris Meredith, Martha P. Owens, Florida Sanitarium and Hospital,
Allie Terrell. Drawer 3673, Orlando, Fla.
Licensed Bible Instructors: Forsyth Memorial Sanitarium and
Josephine Johnson, Mrs. Charlotte Hospital, 805 N. Gadsden St., Tal-
Mitchell. lahassee, Fla.
Church School Teachers: Fountain Head Sanitarium and Hos-
Mrs. B. W. Abney, Mrs. Pauline pital, Fountain Head, Tenn.
Allison, Marion Bradford, Natellka Riverside Sanitarium and Hospital,
Burrell, Elizabeth Carter, F. D. 800 Youngs Lane, Nashville 7,
Chandler, W. L. Cosby, Merrill Dan- Tenn.
ley, Mrs. Esma Davis, Mary Eldridge,
Zeola B. Germany, Earline Hall, Ruby Walker Memorial Sanitarium and
Harris, Mrs. Avie Joseph, Alyce Hospital, Avon Park, Fla.
Lewis, Donazell McClendon, Doris
McNichols, Katrina Nesbitt, Mrs. Ber- Publishing:
nice Pearson, Mrs. Bernice Reynolds, Southern Publishing Assn., 2119-2126
Violet Wiles, Katherine Wilson. 24th Ave., N., Nashville 8, Tenn.


Organized 1901; reorganized 1902

Territory: Arkansas, Louisiana, New Publishing and Temperance, J. J.

Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas, ex- Strahle.
cepting San Juan county in New Religious Liberty, J. W. Turner.
Mexico, comprising the Arkansas- Rural Living, II. C. Kephart.
Louisiana, Oklahoma, Southwest Re-
gion, Texas, and Texico Conferences. Ordained Ministers:
H. M. Burwell, W. A. Howe, H. C.
Population: 15,418,150; churches, 222 ; Kephart, M. D. Lewis, J. V. Peters,
members, 16,679. J. J. Strahle, J. W. Turner, I. M.
Office Address: 2829 W. Cantey St., Vacquer.
Fort Worth 9, Texas. (Telephone, Honorary: J. F. Anderson, Isaac
Wilson 9220.) Baker, F. E. Bates, W. H. Clark,
I. A. Crane, C. J. Dart, A. C. Grif-
Officers: fin, H. H. Hamilton, A. G. Haughey,
President, J. W. Turner. W. S. North, H. L. Peden, 0. F.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, H. Schwedrat, J. I. Taylor, A. W. Tru-
C. Kephart. man, Bernard Voth.
Executive Committee: J. W. Turner, Credentialed Missionaries:
H. M. Burwell, N. R. Dower, W. W. C. C. Blackburn, J. R. Sloop, Lorena
Fordham, C. G. Gordon, W. A. Howe, Wilcox, P. L. Wilson.
H. C. Kephart, H. C. Klement, J. V.
Peters, F. 0. Sanders, J. J. Strahle, Licensed Ministers:
I. M. Vacquer. C. J. Fisher, Morris Lowry, Reginald
Matteson, Max Williams.
Departmental Secretaries:
Honorary: D. E. McNeil.
Educational, War Service, and Y.P.
M.V., W. A. Howe. Licensed Missionaries:
Home Missionary and Sabbath School. W. C. Adams, Vera Baker, R. L.
H. M. Burwell. Carr, H. L. Caviness, Betty Christen-

sen, Lawrence Claridge, Carl Clark, Licensed Ministers:

Jay Clymer, M. J. Denman, Harold C. F. Adams, C. H. Gerald, H. E.
Doering, Dorothy Dorland, Mary J. Haas, R. L. Kretz, L. J. Meidinger,
Douglas, H. A. Drake, Naoma Draper, R. W. Merchant, J. P. Palmieri,
Agnes Eroh, Lila Fehrer, Mrs. C. G. L. E. Russell, M. C. ShaM, J. H.
Fisher. Whitehead.
Mrs. Thelma Galbraith, Mrs. Mamie
H. Greenhill, Mrs. S. D. Greenhill, Licensed Missionaries:
Dorothy Harrison, Perry Hill, Evelyn E. F. Armour, Roy Cole, Mrs. C. H.
Lindberg, H. C. Lovett, Mrs. Lise Gerald, Maude Hendrixson, F. 0.
Lovett, Ellen McCartney, B. S. Put- Ullrich, Mrs. J. H. Whitehead.
nam, Mrs. Dell Ramey, Mrs. Irene
Rice, Ross Rice, M. M. Roller, Mrs. Licensed Bible Instructor: Mrs. M. C.
Malissa Ruybalid, Merritt Schumann, ShaM.
E. E. Seamount, Ralph Sherman,
Ruby Simmons, G. A. Spaulding, Church School Teachers:
Mrs. G. A. Spaulding, 0. E. Torkel- Mrs. Clyde A. Armour, Richard Bar-
son, M. E. Trevino, Mrs. Lottie War- rett, Mrs. Richard Barrett, Mrs. G. E.
ren, Donald Welch, Olive Westphal, Boatwright, Mary Chavannes, Mrs.
Mrs. Laura Winn, H. A. Work. Aurora Chesnut, Carl Cornell, Mrs.
Legal Association: "The Southwestern Carl Cornell, Miriam DeLaune, L. J.
Union Conference Corporation of Sev- Fick, Mrs. L. J. Fick, Mrs. Mabel
enth-day Adventists." Haag, Leona Holloway, Mabyline
Holloway, Mrs. Rachel Hunter, Billie
Lambert, W. R. Liston, Mrs. Clay
Mathis, Mrs. Mary Miller, Barbara
ARKANSAS-LOUISIANA Murphy, Mrs. Laurence Paranto,
CONFERENCE Daniel Peckham, Richard Powell,
Organized: Arkansas, 1888 ; Louisiana, Mrs. Mary E. Singer, Mrs. Ruth
1901 ; consolidated 1932 Weeks, R. R. Works, Mrs. R. R.
Territory: Arkansas, Louisiana, and Legal Association: "Arkansas Confer-
Texarkana, Texas. ence Association of Seventh-day Ad-
Population: 2,998,405; churches, 37; ventists."
members, 2,925.
Office: 1215 Marshall St., Little Rock,
Ark. (Telephone, 4-4501.) OKLAHOMA CONFERENCE
Postal Address: Drawer 1821, Little Organized 1894
Rock, Ark. Territory: The State of Oklahoma and
Officers: Lipscomb County, Texas.
President, F. 0. Sanders. (Telephone, Population: 2, 227,115; churches, 48;
3-7073.) members, 3,793.
Secretary-Treasurer, C. H. Gerald.
(Telephone, 4-5955.) Office: 525 N. W. 13th St., Oklahoma
City 1, Okla. (Telephone, 7-4618.)
Executive Committee: F. 0. Sanders,
B. W. Davidson, C. H. Gerald, J. R. Postal Address: Box 528, Oklahoma
Hoffman, L. C. Lee, D. H. Miller, City 1, Okla.
A. R. Sousa, W. H. Westermeyer,
M. L. Wilson. Officers:
Departmental Secretaries: President, H. C. Klement. (Tele-
phone, 5-6437.)
Book and Bible House, C. F. Adams. Secretary-Treasurer, 0. J. Bell.
Educational, War Service, and Y.P.
M.V., Executive Committee: H. C. Klement,
Home Missionary, Press Relations, H. L. Baker, 0. J. Bell, J. C. Chris-
and Sabbath School, W. H. Wester- tenson, R. M. Johnson, Reinhold Pat-
meyer. zer, E. E. Perry, L. E. Rogers.
Publishing, A. E. Eubanks. Departmental Secretaries:
Religious Liberty and Rural Living.
F. 0. Sanders. Book and Bible House, H. A. Iles.
Temperance, J. H. Whitehead. Educational, Temperance and Y.P.
M.V., T. 0. Willey.
Ordained Ministers: Home Missionary, Press Relations,
W. H. Elder, Jr., A. E. Eubanks, and Sabbath School, J. C. Christen-
J. R. Hoffman, C. R. Holden, L. C. son.
Lee, D. H. Miller, E. D. Nelson, J. D. Medical Secretary, A. W. Truman.
Nichols, J. C. Powers, F. 0. Sanders, Publishing, G. E. Lindquist.
A. R. Sousa, R. W. Stevens, W. Religious Liberty and Rural Living,
H. Westermeyer, M. L. Wilson. H. C. Klement.

Ordained Ministers: Ordained Ministers:

0. J. Bell, W. D. Bresee, L. C. D. C. Batson, C. E. Bradford, A. R.
Caviness, J. C. Christenson, Harold Carethers, J. E. Cox, L. G. Cox,
Flory, H. C. Klement, G. E. Lind- D. J. Dixon, H. J. Fordham, W. W.
quist, Kenneth Moore, Reinhold Pat- Fordham, C. E. Howell, A. B. Hum-
zer, E. E. Perry, M. T. Reiber, L. E. phrey, J. H. Williams.
Rogers, W. S. Sanders, H. V. Shafer, Licensed Ministers:
A. W. Wennerberg, T. 0. Willey, C. C. Cunningham, Oscar Dunn, F. L.
H. M. Williams. Jones, J. H. Jones, W. C. Jones,
Credentialed Bible Instructor: Mrs. 0. S. D. Meyers, F. W. Parker, Hilliard
J. Bell. Pettway, C. R. Pritchett, J. C. Smith,
R. E. Tottress, L. Williams.
Licensed Ministers:
Licensed Missionaries:
Carroll Brauer, G. I. Gantz, H. J.
Harris, H. A. Iles, T. G. Sample. Mrs. 0. Dunn, Cora Isabel, Miss
D. M. Kimble.
Licensed Missionaries:
Licensed Bible Instructors:
Margaret Baker, Robert Chunestudy,
Bernice Malone, Margie Malone, J. Mrs. M. M. Fitch, Mrs. Birdie Mc-
W. Maupin, May Powell. Cluster, L. R. Proctor.

Church School Teachers: Church School Teachers:

Mrs. Joe Aitken, Eva L. Bardon, Mrs. H. D. Cox, Mrs. L. G. Cox,
Agnes Barnes, J. M. Davis, Mrs. Mrs. P. M. Greene, Mrs. V. B.
J. M. Davis, George Draper, Mrs. Harden, Mrs. E. M. Henderson, L. D.
A. R. East, Wendell Graham, Jesse Henderson, Mrs. A. P. Humphrey,
Graves, Wilma Jarvis, Mrs. A, S. Mrs. D. G. Jones, Miss E. I. Miller,
Lutz, Thelma J. Malone, John Mc- Mrs. E. C. Moore, E. L. Randall, Mrs.
Intosh, Esther Pitman, E. F. Stairs, E. R. Randall, Mrs. K. M. Randall,
Mrs. Cleo Swart, Ella Tautfest, Lu- Mrs. B. B. Smith, Miss T. V. Wells.
cile Turner, M. M. Ward, Mrs. Roscoe
Legal Association: "Oklahoma Confer- TEXAS CONFERENCE
ence Corporation of Seventh-day Ad- Organized 1878; reorganized 1932
Territory: That part of the State of
Texas lying east and south of the
following counties, except the city of
SOUTHWEST REGION CONFERENCE Texarkana: Hardeman, Foard, Knox,
Organized 1947; reorganized 1950 Haskell, Jones, Taylor, Runnels,
Concho, Tom Green, Irion, Reagan,
Territory: Colored constituency of Upton, Crane, Ward, Reeves, Culber-
Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico son, Hudspeth, and El Paso.
(except San Juan County), Okla- Population: 6,480,643 ; churches, 59;
homa and Texas. members, 5,568.
Population: 2,429,793; churches, 35; Office Address: 2838 Hemphill St., Fort
membership, 2,127.
Worth 4, Texas. (Telephone Wilson
Office: 3711 Oakland Avenue, Dallas, 4253.)
Texas. (Telephone, Harwood 4305.)
Book and Bible House Address: 706
Postal Address: Box 6289, Dallas, Texas. West Lowden, Fort Worth 4, Texas.
(Telephone WAyside 5282.)
President, W. W. Fordham. Officers:
Secretary-Treasurer, A. R. Carethers. President, N. R. Dower.
Secretary-Treasurer, P. W. Ochs.
Executive Committee: W. W. Ford-
ham, A. R. Carethers, J. E. Cox, Executive Committee: N. R. Dower,
C. C. Cunningham, L. R. Proctor, H. Christensen, H. J. Hassenpflug,
J. H. Williams. H. D. Jeffries, H. W. Jewkes, R. R.
Mattison, P. W. Ochs, L. F. Webb,
Departmental Secretaries: R. L. Winders.
Book and Bible House, A. R. Careth-
ers ; Assistant, Hilliard Pettway. Departmental Secretaries:
Civilian Defense, Educational, Sab- Bible Correspondence School, J. H.
bath School, Temperance, and Y.P. Wardrop.
M.V., C. C. Cunningham. Book and Bible House, A. E. Hayes.
Home Missionary, Religious Liberty, Educational and War Service, B. E.
and Rural Living, W. W. Fordham. Olson.

Home Missionary, Sabbath School, Legal Associations: "Texas Conference

and Temperance, M. H. Jensen. Association of Seventh-day Advent-
Publishing, Oscar Dunn ; Assistant, ists"; "South Texas Conference Asso-
F. L. Jones. ciation of Seventh-day Adventists."
Press Relations and Y.P.M.V., H. W.
Publishing, J. T. Welch. TEXICO CONFERENCE
Religious Liberty, N. R. Dower. New Mexico organized 1908 ; West
Rural Living, P. W. Ochs. Texas organized 1909; consolidated 1916
Ordained Ministers: Territory: The State of New Mexico
C. J. Ashlock, E. C. Beck, R. R. Biloff, (excepting San Juan County, in-
G. T. Burgess, H. Christensen, N. R. cluded in the Colorado Conference),
Dower, C. E. Fillman, Harry Gray, and that part of the State of Texas
Perry Green, Alexander Houghton, lying west and north of the follow-
H. D. Jeffries, R. A. Jenkins, M. H. ing counties (excepting Lipscomb
Jensen, H. W. Jewkes, 0. L. Johns- County) : west of the eastern line of
ton, R. E. Lunt, V. J. Maloney, D. C. Hardeman, Foard, Knox, Haskell,
Marchus, R. F. Marshall, R. R. Mat- Jones, Taylor, Runnels, Concho, and
tison, C. B. Messer, R. P. Mont- north of the south line of Concho,
gomery, A. E. Neil, B. E. Olson, Green, Irion, Reagan, Upton, Crane,
A. V. Serra, Frank Sherrill, A. E. Ward, Reeves, Culberson, Hudspeth,
Soper, N. H. Watters, R. G. Wearner, and El Paso.
L. F. Webb, J. T. Welch, R. L. Population: 1,282,194 ; churches, 43 ;
Winders. members, 2,266.
Honorary : J. B. Hampton. Office: 1522 Van Buren St., Amarillo,
Credentialed Missionary: J. D. Spiva. Texas. (Telephone, 28387-28388.)
Credentialed Bible Instructors: Postal Address: P.O. Box 1107, Ama-
rillo, Texas.
Mrs. Dorothy Conklin, Martha Feree,
Rachel M. Lemon, Mrs. Bessie Officers:
Rountree, Mrs. Lucille J. Tibbets, President, C. G. Gordon.
Maria Trevino. Secretary-Treasurer, E. L. Moore.
Licensed Ministers: Executive Committee: C. G. Gordon,
W. D. Kieser, A. L. May, E. L.
Elvin Benton, J. B. Gray, Joseph Moore, I. V. Stonebrook, Max Torres,
Greene, A. E. Hayes, Alfredo Matar, Roy Wharton.
Marvin Montgomery, P. W. Ochs,
I. C. Pound, Jr., Melvin Sample, Departmental Secretaries:
Marion Travis, Howard Voss, J. H. Book and Bible House, D. E. Latham.
Ward rop. Educational, Temperance, and Y.P.
Licensed Missionaries: M.V., I. V. Stonebrook.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Betty Buckley, Betty Fleming, Naomi R. F. Schneider.
Head, Rosemary Richards, Pauline Publishing, C. H. Lowe.
Watkins. Religious Liberty and Rural Living,
Church School Teachers: C. G. Gordon.
Vera Baker, Woodrow Baker, Mrs. Ordained Ministers:
Woodrow Baker, Mrs. Edna L. Bal- D. C. Aalborg, Gabriel Arregui, Wil-
lard, M. J. Bicek, Leta Brown, Opal liam Goransson, C. G. Gordon, E. B.
Capps, Richard Carlsen, Wendell Co- Hallsted, F. H. Hewett, C. A. Holt,
ble, Phyllis Cooper, Domingo DeLeon, W. D: Kieser, Edward Koenig, A. L.
Mary J. Douglas, Ivagene Ellis-ton, May, R. E. Rieger, R. F. Schneider,
Mrs. Fred Ewald, A. N. Gafner, G. M. Schram, I. V. Stonebrook.
C. D. Garrett, Mrs. C. D. Garrett, Honorary: G. A. LaGrone.
H. A. Gober, Mrs. T. R. Hackett,
Theresa Harrison, Mrs. Anna Hen- Licensed Ministers:
derson, P. G. Hills, C. D. Hughes, J. W. Burgess, J. R. Carner, E. E.
Mrs. C. D. Hughes, Joann Jernigan, Herr, C. H. Lowe, W. R. May, L. E.
A. T. King, Elswerth Leiske, Mrs. Mills, E. L. Moore, R. C. Perez, Carl
Elswerth Leiske, I. C. Levering, Mrs. Rose.
I. C. Levering, J. 0. Lorenz, Joyce
Marsh, Sara Martinez, Iris May, Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. L. S. McRee, Inez Myers, Mary Ellen Bowsher, R. E. Brooks, Bernice
C. Myers, Mrs. Opal Oden, Rose- Elliston, Esther Gantz, D. E. Latham.
mary Proctor, Eleanor Quindt.
Mrs. W. F. Riffel, Jesusita Salinas, Church School Teachers:
Arlene Smith, Mrs. H. J. Spicer, Ida L. Allmen, Margaret Amyx,
Mrs. Arthur Tomlinson, Mrs. Lottie Ruth Brenneise, Bessie Burnett, E.
Warren, Mrs. F. S. Wier. E. Butterfield, Sofia Fernandez, Rob-

ert Groome, Mrs. Robert Grooms. INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTH-

Ruth Gantz, D. E. Hilliard, Mrs. D. WESTERN UNION CONFERENCE
E. Hilliard, Mrs. Margaret Lecklider, Educational:
Frances Martinez, Lucas Martinez,
A. W. Matheson, Mrs. C. R. May, Ozark Academy, Gentry, Arkansas.
Kathryn Richman, Mrs. Ella M. Rob- Southwestern Junior College, Keene,
ertson, Lu E. Ruf, Robert Stahl- Tex.
necker. Spanish-American Seminary, Sando-
Legal Association: "The Texico Con- val, New Mexico.
ference Association of Seventh-day Valley Grande Academy, Weslaco,
Adventists." Texas.
Division status granted 1922


Organized as Union Conference 1894; reorganized as Inter-Union Conference 1949.

Territory: Commonwealth of Australia H. Forbes, A. M. Fraser, E. R. Gane,

and its territories ; Dominion of New E. H. Guilliard, T. W. Hammond, R.
Zealand and its territories and the E. Hare, H. E. Hargreaves, A. W.
islands of the South Pacific. Knight, A. F. J. Kranz, G. M. Mas-
ters, F. A. Mote, W. G. C. Murdoch,
Population: 11,000,000; churches, 469 ; L. C. Naden, W. L. Pascoe, A. W.
members, 27,417. Peterson, H. E. Piper, R. C. Piper,
Cable Address: "Adventist," Sydney. R. N. Price, A. G. Stewart, S. V.
Stratford, C. F. L. Uurich, C. H. Wat-
Office Address: 148 Fox Valley Road, son, E. E. White, N. C. Wilson.
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
tralia. (Telephone, J.W.1061.) Licensed Ministers:
G. F. Bohringer, A. H. Carton, N. P.
Officers: Clapham. G. W. Greer, G. A. Currow,
President, N. C. Wilson. A. W. Dawson, P. A. Donaldson, C.
Secretary, F. A. Mote; Associate, S. W. Harrison, B. 0. Johanson, W. L.
V. Stratford. Kilroy, H. Millist, G. W. Richardson,
Treasurer, W. L. Pascoe. F. A. Rocke, G. A. Rosenhain, P. N.
General Manager A.C.A., A. W. Sheppard, J. C. H. Shirley, H. E.
Dawson. Totenhofer, L. H. Turner, R. B.
Chief Auditor, L. J. Staee; Auditor, Watts.
R. L. Parkinson. Licensed Missionaries:
Statistician, E. H. Guilliard.
A. H. Battye, F. M. Bennet, T. J.
Executive Committee: N. C. Wilson, Dowling, M. C. Earles, W. E. Ed-
W. E. Battye, W. H. Bagnall, G. wards, C. H. Eiszele, H. E. Eiszele,
Branster, George Butler, J. B. Conley, L. H. Engelbrecht, A. H. Evans, D.
A. W. Dawson, A. H. Forbes, E. R. S. Faull, H. J. Gibson, L. A. Gill,
Gane, J. D. Gillespie,.R. E. Hare, R. W. Gray, R. W. Groom, Marian
W. T. Hooper, B. 0. ohanson, W. Hay, S. J. Hartley, C. B. Hopkins,
L. Kilroy, F. A. Mote, H. G. Moulds, G. R. Hopkins, C. J. Howell, C. G.
W. G. C. Murdoch, L. C. Naden, W. Lane, N. K. Neill, V. N. Nilsson.
L. Pascoe, A. W. Peterson, A. H. R. L. Parkinson, L. A. Piper, J.
Piper, H. E. Piper, David Sibley, A. Rigby, W. P. Rippon, G. E. Salis-
G. Stewart, S. V. Stratford, W. G. bury, L. J. Stace, H. C. Tempest, C.
Turner, C. H. Watson, E. E. White, W. Tinworth, C. F. Thrift, L. G.
Herbert White, W. E. Zeunert. Unwin, Luise Vetter, R. W. Wester..
man, I. E. Whittaker, J. A. Wilson,
Departmental Secretaries:
W. R. Wilson, W. E. Zeunert.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., A. W.
Peterson ; Associate, E. E. White. Licensed Medical Missionaries:
Health Food, B. 0. Johanson, General Mrs. Frances Abbott, Mrs. Ada
Manager. Bunch, Mary Burnside, S. W. Carter,
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Isabelle Colley, F. R. Dawson, Nita
George Butler. D'ray, Doris Felsch, Marjorie Greive,
Medical, H. E. Hargreaves. S. D. Hall, 0. V. Hellestrand, N.
Ministerial, J. B. Conley. Hogg, E. Hokin, H. Louise Hollings-
Press Relations, Religious Liberty, wirth, Lena Lewin, Jean McPherson,
and Temperance, R. E. Hare. Jessie Murdoch, J. F. Newman, Ida
Publishing, E. R. Gane. Pearce, Alma Phemister, Lena Phil-
Radio, L. C. Naden. lips, Eulalia Richards, Mrs. R. Rowe,
S.D.A. Travel and Purchasing Agency: J. L. Simpson, A. K. Tulloch, Phyllis
De Mestre Place, 5 Hunter Street,
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Licensed Teachers:
(Telephone, BL 1835.) Manager, G. R. Elva Bade, Jean Doble, Wanda Nie-
Hopkins. buhr, Elaine Pengilley, Enid Richter,
Ordained Ministers: May Schnapel, Elva Thorpe.
R. P. Brown, N. C. Burns, George Legal Assn.: "Australasian Conference
Butler, J. B. Conley, N. A. Ferris, A. Association, Ltd."


Organized 1949

Territory: The New Hebrides, Fiji, Officers:

Tonga, Gilbert and Ellice Groups, the President, J. E. Cormack.
Cook Islands, Samoa, Niue, Nauru, Secretary, J. Cernik.
and other inter-related islands, Pit-
cairn Island, and the French Islands Departmental Secretaries:
of the South Pacific. Educational, Home Missionary, and
Churches: 94 ; members, 2,462. Publishing, J. E. Cormack.
Sabbath School, Miriama Rau.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Cenpac, Y.P.M.V., Vaine Mareta.
Suva, Fiji.
Ordained Ministers:
Postal Address: P.O. Box 270, Suva,
Fiji, Pacific Ocean. J. Cernik, J. E. Cormack, E. Greig,
Joseph Vati.
Licensed Ministers:
President, G. Branster.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, E. Uane Iriiria, Matamua Iti, Ngatama.
W. Howse. Mareta, Richard Marsters, Henry
Moala, Oki Ngatai, Edward Strick-
Executive Committee: G. Branster, land, Tauraki Tane.
R. L. Aveling, H. B. Christian, J. E.
Cormack, E. W. Howse, A. E. Jones, Licensed Missionaries:
J. B. Keith, A. W. Martin, J. D. Mrs. J. Cernik, Mrs. J. E. Cormack,
Pietz, L. S. Wood. Miriama Rau.
Departmental Secretaries:
Educational and Y.P.M.V., A. W.
Publishing, R. L. Aveling. Established 1889 ; organized 1921
Ordained Ministers: Churches: 58 ; members, 840.
G. Branster, A. W. Martin, J. H. D. Postal Address: Box 297, Suva, Fiji,
Miller, C. E. Summerfield, L. S. Wood.
Pacific Ocean.
Licensed Ministers:
R. L. Aveling, E. W. Howse, A. E.
Jones. President, J. B. Keith.
Secretary-Treasurer, C. Sawyer.
Licensed Missionaries:
Departmental Secretary:
Mrs. R. L. Aveling, Mrs. G. Branster,
Mrs. E. Hema, Mrs. E. W. Howse, Publishing, Sabbath School, and Y.P.
Mrs. A. E. Jones, Mrs. A. W. Martin, M.V., C. S. Adams.
Mrs. J. Pearce, Mrs. N. B. Singh, Ordained Ministers:
Mm. C. E. Summerfield, Mrs. L. S.
Wood. C. S. Adams, K. D. L. Brook, S. W.
Licensed Medical Missionary: Mrs. J. Carr, J. C. H. Collett, W. G. Ferris,
Semiti Gade, J. B. Keith, Eroni Koro,
H. D. Miller. Jope Laweloa, Pereniki Lotudonu,
Licensed Teachers: Timoci Nawara, Tareti Niqara, N.
Daphne Chapman, J. Osborne, J. T. W. Palmer, Wiliami Rabailotu, Sani-
Pearce, Marian Singh. palati Ramuwai, Isimeli Seresere,
Meli Sakai, Peni Vaceloa, Eroni
Vagewa, Semi Vuloaloa.
Licensed Ministers:
COOK ISLANDS MISSION M. P. Cozens, Laitia Lewa, Joeli
Organized 1892; reorganized 1923 Lotawa, Sairusi Nalewadonu, Maloni
Namelo, Jemesa Namulo, Sepeci Ra-
Territory: Those islands comprising the vetau, C. Sawyer, Nemani Tausere,
Cook or Hervey Group, and other Taniela Tiko, Suila Vunimoli.
small islands adjoining.
Licensed Missionaries:
Churches: 12 ; members, 272.
Mrs. C. S. Adams, Mrs. K. D. L.
Postal Address: Box 31, Rarotonga, Brook, Mrs. S. W. Carr, Mrs. J. C.
Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean. H. Collett, Mrs. M. P. Cozens, Mrs.

W. G. Ferris, Mrs. J. B. Keith, Mrs. SAMOAN MISSION

C. Sawyer. Established 1895; organized 1921
Licensed Teachers: Churches: 4 ; members, 352.
Jacob Budhu, Wili Ligabalavu, Tevita
Tagiri. Postal Address: Box 6, Apia, Samoa.
Pacific Ocean.
President: H. B. Christian.
MISSIONS Sanika Afa'ese, H. B. Christian, Tini
Established 1947 Inu, Siaosi Neru.
Churches: ; members, 15. Licensed Ministers:
Office Address: Abemama, Gilbert Is- J. R. Dobson, Toulu Tamara, Sione
lands, Pacific Ocean. Tanielu, R. W. Taylor.
President: G. R. Miller. Licensed Missionaries:
Licensed Ministers: Mrs. H. D. Christian, Mrs. J. R.
G. R. Miller, Tavita Niu, K. Wright.
Licensed Missionaries: Licensed Medical Missionary: Mrs. R.
W. Taylor.
Mrs. G. R. Miller, Mrs. K. Wright.
Established 1892 ; reorganized 1916
NEW HEBRIDES MISSION Territory: Society Islands, Leeward
Organized 1924 Group, Marquezas, Northern and
Southern Tuamotus, Austral Group
Churches: 9 ; members, 481. .and Mangareva.
Office Address: Aore, New Hebrides, Churches: 3 ; members, 200.
Pacific Ocean.
Postal Address: Box 95, Papeete, Tahiti,
Officers: Society Islands, Pacific Ocean.
President, A. D. Pietz. President: M. P. Nouan.
Secretary-Treasurer, E. N. Hokin. Ordained Ministers:
Ordained Ministers: Charles Doom, Charles Flohr, M. P.
Joel Damanman, D. A. Ferris, A. Nouan.
Gallager, Joses, Joe Keikei, Ma- Licensed Ministers:
segnalo, A. D. Pietz, Solomon, Teitei, Heimata Atae, Lazare Doom, Ors-
A. G. Thomson, Timothy. mond Flohr, F. J. H. MacDougall,
Licensed Ministers: Tofa Pau, Tihoni Titi, Frank Tohaha.
Sam Caleb, Sam Dick, A. R. Hiscox, Licensed Missionaries:
E. N. Hokin, Isaiah, Malachi, Ma- Mrs. F. J. H. MacDougall, Mrs. A.
sengbu, Peter, Philip, Seth, Tenkon. Poroi, Mrs. L. Poroi.
Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. A. Gallagher, K. Mitchell, Mrs. TONGAN MISSION
A. D. Pietz, Mrs. A. C. Thomson. Established 1895 ; organized 1921
Licensed Medical Missionaries: Churches: 7 ; members, 211.
Mrs. D. A. Ferris, Mrs. E. N. Hokin. Postal Address: Box 15, Nukualofa,
Tonga, Friendly Islands, Pacific
President: 0. D. F. McCutcheon.,
Established 1895 ; organized 1921 John Kamea, 0. D. F. McCutcheon,
Semesi Moala, Iskeli Peaua.
Church : 1 ; members, 91.
Licensed Ministers:
Address: Pitcairn Island, Pacific Ocean. A. H. Dawson, S. Fua, M. Nuiafe,
Licensed Minister: F. P. Ward. Muti Palu, Johnnie Tofua'a.
Licensed Missionaries:
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. F. P. Ward.
H. Afu, Mrs. A. H. Dawson, M. Fua,
Licensed Medical Missionary: Mrs. E. I. Hema, Mrs. J. Kamea, Mrs. 0. D.
Christian. F. McCutcheon, J. Valou.


Organized 1949

Territory: Papua, the Mandated Terri- Ordained Ministers:

tory of New Guinea, and the British T. F. Judd, Cyril Pascoe, Patavaki,
Solomon Islands Protectorate. Ragopitu, Simi, Tati.
Churches: 103 ; members, 4,204. Licensed Ministers:
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- Are, Baugasi, Beni, J. J. Dever, H.
ventist Union," Lae, New Guinea. A. Dickens, Ereman, R. A. Harrison,
Hoke, Kamau, Kavaia, Kovasi,
Office Address: Memorial Avenue, Lae, Mouvo, Namaloi, Naulomoni, Ope
Territory of New Guinea. Loma, Oti, Papaol, Piperanu.
Officers: Licensed Missionaries:
President, Herbert White. Mrs. J. J. Dever, Mrs. H. A. Dickens,
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, C. K. Dickens, Mrs. K. Dickens,.D. Gil-
A. Hart; Assistant, J. K. L. lis, Mrs. It. A. Harrison, Mrs. T. F.
Fletcher. Judd, J. R. Martin, Mrs. J. R. Mar-
Field Secretary, S. Rore. tin, Mrs. Cyril Pascoe, Barbara Wise-
Executive Committee: Herbert White,
J. D. Anderson, J. K. L. Fletcher, S. Licensed Medical Missionary: Maysie S.
H. Gander, K. J. Gray, C. A. Hart, Beveridge.
T. F. Judd, L. N. Lock, C. E.
Mitchell, J. II. Newman, H. W.
Nolan, Cyril Pascoe, S. Rore. EASTERN SOLOMON ISLANDS
Departmental Secretaries: Established 1914; organized 1920
Educational, Home Missionary, and
Y.P.M.V., K. J. Gray. Churches: 13 ; members, 424.
Publishing, R. A. McFarlane.
Sabbath School, Office Address: Honiara, British Solo-
mon Islands Protectorate.
Ordained Ministers:
A. R. Barrett, K. J. Gray, S. Rore,
Herbert White. President, J. H. Newman.
Secretary-Treasurer, I. R. Stratford.
Licensed Ministers:
Ordained Ministers:
' J. K. L. Fletcher, C. A. Hart, I. R.
Harvey, R. A. McFarlane. Jugha, Liligeto, J. H. Newman,
Pada hite.
Licensed Missionaries:
Licensed Ministers:
Mrs. J. K. L. Fletcher, Mrs. K. J.
Gray, Mrs. C. A. Hart, G. Johnson, Ghera, Goropava, J. C. Gosling, Haro,
Mrs. R. A. McFarlane, Mrs. Herbert Julasi, Laejama, Nagaha, Posala, R.
White. W. Richter, S. A. Stocken, I. R.
Licensed Missionaries:
Organized 1947 Richter, Mrs. S. A. Stocken, Mrs. I.
R. Stratford, Mrs. A. W. Tilley.
Territory: New Britain, New Ireland, Licensed Medical Missionaries:
New Hanover, Bougainville, Buka,
St. Matthias Group. Mrs. J. C. Gosling, A. W. Tilley.

Churches: 53 ; members, 1,468.

Office Address: "Palm Beach," Rabaul, NORTHEAST NEW GUINEA
New Britain, Territory of New MISSION
Guinea. Organized 1949
Officers: Churches: 6; members, 267.
President, T. F. Judd. Office Address: Madang, Territory of
Secretary-Treasurer, J. J. Dever. New Guinea.

Officers: Officers:
President, H. W. Nolan. President, C. E. Mitchell.
Secretary-Treasurer, Secretary-Treasurer, M. R. Smith.
Departmental Secretary: Departmental Secretary:
Educational and Y.P.M.V., L. R. Educational, R. M. Ellison.
Ordained Ministers:
Ordained Ministers:
C. E. Mitchell. Ngava, H. M. Pascoe,
A. J. Campbell, Guibau, H. W. Nolan, Sogovare, Tauku.
Credentialed Missionary: M. R. Smith.
Licensed Ministers:
Licensed Ministers:
J. W. French, Galoghasa, L. A. Gil-
more, Gola, L. T. Greive, B. C. Aihe. Fa ole, Hailaevila, Hairi Guba,
Grosser, L. I. Howell, Luke, F. T. Heiai Hoke, Heroma, Hilake Haehae,
Maberly, Masibau, Masiva, Navala, Hiro, Kariko, E. C. Lemke, Omahae,
Patikia, Paul, Piani, Rembi, Riringi, Paiva.
Saripi, Selo, Sobu Sobu, C. R. Staf- Licensed Missionaries:
ford, L. R. Thrift. Mrs. D. A. Caldwell, Mrs. R. M.
Licensed Missionaries: Ellison, Mrs. E. C. Lemke, Mrs. E. L.
Mrs. A. J. Campbell, Mrs. J. W. Martin, Mrs. M. R. Smith, Miss B.
French, Mrs. L. A. Gilmore, Mrs. L. Wiseman.
T. Greive, Mrs. B. C. Grosser, Mrs. Licensed Medical Missionaries: '
L. N. Hawkes, Mrs. L. I. Howell, Nancy Curtis, Mrs. Alma Wiles.
Mrs. F. T. Maberly, Mrs. H. W. No-
lan, H. R. Rudd, Mrs. H. R. Rudd, Licensed Teachers:
Mrs. 0. L. Specht, Mrs. C. R. Staf- Agewalo, D. A. Caldwell, R. M. El-
ford, Mrs. L. R. Thrift. lison, Gapi, Inia, Kila Galama, Koivi
Licensed Medical Missionary: L. N. Hanaia, Laa, Lui, Wari Mai, E. L.
Hawkes. Martin, A. S. Page-Dhu, Mrs. Page-
Dhu, Rivawai.


Organized 1960 MISSION
Churches: 4 ; members, 271. Established 1914; organized 1950
Office Address: Wewak, Territory of Churches: 16; members, 1,305.
New Guinea.
Office Address: Batuna, Marovo, La-
Officers: goon, British Solomon Islands.
President, S. H. Gander. Officers:
Secretary-Treasurer, A. H. Rose.
President, J. D. Anderson.
Ordained Ministers: Secretary-Treasurer, I. R. Stratford.
E. A. Boehm, S. H. Gander, K. Man- Departmental Secretaries:
ovaki, Robert Salau.
Educational, L. R. Tonkin.
Licensed Ministers: Publishing, Sejama.
Apia, Bauela, Joseph Mave, Kove, Sabbath School, Kata Ragoso.
Laia, Lapani, Matepa, Oloulo, A. H. Y.P.M.V., Kuma Orepala.
Rose, Sam, Sakomai, Sipi, 0. L.
Speck. Ordained Ministers:
Licensed Missionaries: J. D. Andeison, W. R. Ferguson,
Itulu, Alex Lianga, Likiveki, Kata
Mrs. A. E. Boehm, Mrs. S. H. Gan- Ragoso, Rini, Seama, Pamu Siliko.
der, Mrs. A. H. Rose, Mrs. 0. L.
Speck. Licensed Ministers:
Kuma Orepala, Sialo, L. R. Tonkin,
L. A. J. Webster, Zogahite.
Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. J. D. Anderson, D. K. Behrens,
Established 1908; organized 1928 Mrs. D. K. Behrens, Mrs. W. R. Fer-
Territory: Papua. guson, Mrs. C. H. Palmer, Mrs. L. R.
Tonkin, Mrs. L. A. J. Webster.
Churches: 11 ; members, 469. Licensed Medical Missionaries:
Office Address: Port Moresby, Papua, Hazel Bentley, Gwen. M. Long, C. H,
Pacific Ocean. Palmer,


Organized 1949
Territory: Northern and Federal Capi- D. Harris, R. C. Hill, Marion Isaacs,
tal Territories; Western Australia, Eric Ivey, Joan Lane, G. H. A.
South Australia, Victoria, Tasmania, McLaren, Edna Mitchell, Margaret
and that part of New South Wales Oakenfal, May Shirley.
lying to the south and to the west of Licensed Teachers:
a straight line from the entrance of
Lake Illawarra to Yerranderie, thence Mrs. M. Posselt, Edith Stewart.
due north to the Capertee River, fol-
lowing the river west to the 150th
meridian of east longitude, thence SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CON-
north to Cassilis, then a line running FERENCE
northwest from Cassilis to where the
147th meridian of east longitude Organized 1899
meets the 29th parallel of south lati- Territory: The State of South Aus-
tude. tralia.
Churches: 119 ; members, 8,000. Churches: 22; members, 1,351.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Tras- Office: 82 Angas St., Adelaide, South
da," Melbourne, Victoria. Australia, Australia.
Office Address: 15 Trafalgar Street, Postal Address: Box 1011J, Adelaide,
Mont Albert, E. 10. Victoria, Aus- South Australia, Australia.
President, J. W. Kent.
President, H. G. Moulds. Secretary-Treasurer, Clem Hill.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, R.
E. G. Blair. Departmental Secretaries:
Executive Committee: H. G. Moulds, Book and Bible House, Pearl Farrant.
R. E. G. Blair, A. W. G. Davey, Educational and Religious Liberty,
A. P. Dyason, W. J. Gilson, S. C. J. W. Kent.
Greive, H. E. Hargreaves, C. F. Home Missionary, Temperance, and
Hollingsworth, H. W. Hollingsworth, Y.P.M.V., R. Brandstater.
W. T. Hooper, C. J. Howell, J. W. Publishing, J. T. Young, R. C. Smith.
Kent, T. C. Lawson, R. Reye, W. J. Sabbath School,
Richards, R. W. Richardson, W. M. Ordained Ministers:
R. Scragg, C. F. Ulrich, S. M. Uttley,
A. E. White. E. Behrens, R. Bullas, R. Brandstater,
S. C. Butler, A. P. Cooke, S. L. Dun-
Departmental Secretaries: stan, J. S. Jackson, J. W. Kent, W.
Educational, W. J. Gilson. N. Lock, A. W. Macauley, G. V.
Home Missionary, Press Relations, Palmateer, C. Rieckmann, G. W.
and Sabbath School, T. C. Lawson. Rollo.
Medical, H. E. Hargreaves. Licensed Ministers:
Publishing, --
Religious Liberty, H. G. Moulds. R. L. Bartlett, R. Cobbin, A. L. Hef-
Temperance and Y.P.M.V., A. P. ren, Clem Hill, E. M. Logue, R. C.
Dyason. Smith, M. M. Stewart, J. T. Young.
Ordained Ministers: Licensed Missionary: Pearl Farrant.
R. E. G. Blair, A. P. Dyason, H. E. Bible Instructors:
Hargreaves, T. C. Lawson, H. G. Frances Carver, Ruby V. Stratford.
Moulds, R. Reye. Licensed Teachers:
Licensed Ministers: E. Arthur, Patricia Brooker, John
J. L. Abbott, C. F. Futcher, W. J. Duffy, Annie Eggan.
Gilson, M. F. Nash, H. O'Hara, T.
W. Rutter.
Licensed Missionaries: SOUTH NEW SOUTH WALES
S. C. Greive, H. Osmond, R. W. Rich- Organized 1895
Licensed Medical Missionaries: Territory: That part of the state of New
South Wales lying to the south and
0. M. Anderson, Mrs. L. Bailey, to the west of a straight line from
Irene Baldwin, H. M. Carter, Nellie the entrance of Lake Illawarra to
Faulkner, Olive Fisher, J. H. Greive, Yerranderie, thence due north to the

Capertee River, following the river Licensed Ministers:

west of the 150th meridian of east H. L. Allum, F. C. Fell, V. J. Heise,
longitude, thence north to Cassilis, Ralph Smith.
then a line running northwest to
where the 147th meridian meets the Bible Instructor: Ruby Pegler.
29th parallel of south latitude. Licensed Teachers:
Churches: 23 ; members, 901. Lyle Davis, Mary Riepon.
Postal Address: Box S. 78, South
Wagga, New South Wales, Australia.
President, W. M. R. Scragg. Organized 1888
Secretary-Treasurer, F. J. Butler.
Territory: The State of Victoria.
Executive Committee: W. M. R.
Scragg, M. S. Ball, L. C. Coombe, F. Churches: 36 ; members, 3,195.
D. Gordon, A. Lamplough, L. Ro-
berts, C. A. Wrigley. Office Address: 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn,
E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
Departmental Secretaries: Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Mel-
Book and Bible House, F. J. Butler. bourne.
Educational and Radio, W. M. R.
Scragg. Officers:
Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., L. President, W. T. Hooper.
C. Coombe. Secretary-Treasurer, W. R. Litster.
Publishing, H. G. Bone.
Sabbath School, L. C. Coombe. Departmental Secretaries:
Ordained Ministers: Book and Bible House, W. F. Taylor.
M. S. Ball, F. A. Basham, F. J. But- Educational,
ler, L. C. Coombe, E. H. Clarke, J. Home Missionary, Press Relations,
C. Dever, E. S. House, R. A. Millsom, and Temperance, E. A. Turner.
H. Mitchell, G. Robinson, W. M. R. Publishing, H. M. Kent, H. A. Tre-
Scragg, C. A. Wrigley. vethan.
Radio, C. F. Hollingsworth.
Licensed Ministers: Religious Liberty, H. S. Streeter.
H. G. Bone, R. K. Brown, A. Bullock, Sabbath School, Marion L. Taylor.
L. G. noble, D. Sutcliffe, S. K. White. Y.P.M.V., W. E. Rudge; Assistant,
D. A. Hokin.
Bible Instructor: Annie E. Douglass.
Ordained Ministers:
H. Baird, F. Breaden, E. S. Butz,
A. J. Dyason, A. J. Gathercole, B. E.
TASMANIAN CONFERENCE Hadfield, W. J. Hawken, R. N.
Organized 1926 Heggie, C. F. Hollingsworth, W. T.
Territory: Island of Tasmania and its L. J. Imrie, L. L. Jones, H. M.
adjacent islets. Kent, H. W. Kingston, G. E. Marriott,
A. I. Mitchell, A. F. Parker, L. S.
Churches: 12 ; members, 828. Rose, W. E. Rudge, T. E. A. Sedg-
Office Address: 361 Argyle St., North man, T. A. Sherwin, H. S. Streeter,
Hobart, Tasmania. E. R. Tucker, E. A. Turner, E. G.
Whittaker, R. A. Wood.
President, H. W. Hollingsworth.
Licensed Ministers:
Secretary-Treasurer, H. L. Allum. E. S. Bartlett, W. R. Conley, A. N.
Duffy, A. T. Dunne, S. J. Eggins,
Departmental Secretaries: R. Faithful, G. B. Gilson, H. W.
Educational and Religious Liberty, Gunter, D. A. Hokin, J. G. Litster,
H. W. Hollingsworth. W. G. Litster, W. R. Litster, C. R.
Home Missionary. L. H. Hay. Murchison, F. H. Nash, K. S. Par-
Publishing, Ralph Smith. menter, E. G. Pearce, E. Raethal, H.
Sabbath School, H. L. Allum ; As- F. Ramptom, M. Robb, W. R. L.
sistant, Valda Hall. Scragg, G. Southwell, W. F. Taylor,
Y.P.M.V. L. H. Hay; Assistant, H. A. Trevethan, S. G. Winter.
Valda 'Hall. Licensed Missionaries:
Ordained Ministers: Mrs. A. Cornell, Viola M. Rogers,
H. G. Bryant, H. R. Christian, A. M. Marion L. Taylor.
Cott, W. G. Drain, L. H. Hay, H. W.
Hollingsworth, C. D. Judd, W. D. Licensed Medical Missionaries:
Smith. Margherita Freeman, J. W. Kent,

Mrs. G. E. Marriott, H. McMahon, Departmental Secretaries:

Dorothy I. Parker. Educational, Radio, and Religious
Bible Instructors: Liberty, W. J. Richards.
Mrs. M. Badcock, Mabel C. Barlow, Home Commission and Y.P.M.V., D.
Lily M. Cook, Jean Cormack, Mrs. A. Brennan.
J. C. Cornell, Ruby Creelman, Mavis Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Gould, Elsie Hopgood, Daisy Moore. E. H. J. Steed.
Publishing, S. H. Shell; Assistant,
Licensed Teachers: A. F. Moir.
Elva Austin, Mary Burgoyne, Eva-
line Clery, Ineen Cornell, Alice Ordained Ministers:
Hardy, Eunice Longley, Muriel L. R. H. Abbott, D. A. Brennan, R. W.
North, Norma Steel, Mamie Streeter, Howes, J. C. H. Perry, R. H. Powrie,
Shirley Wright. W. J. Richards, C. P. Southwell, D.
A. Speck, S. M. Uttley, V. Warden,
G. I. Wilson.
Organized 1902
R. S. Bower, K. J. Bullock, A. G.
Territory: The State of West Australia. Chapman, William Chapman, W. D.
Dyson, H. W. Hammond, A. L. King,
Churches: 26 ; members, 1,725. R. W. Lang, S. 0. J. Louis, G. W.
Office Address: 62 Clotilde Street, Mt. Maywald, D. E. Mitchell, A. F. Moir,
Lawley, West Australia, Australia. H E. Roberts, J. M. A. Ross, S. H.
(Telephone, U 1737.) Shell, C. R. Stanley,.E. H. J. Steed.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Perth. Bible Instructor: Mrs. F. E. Lyndon.
Officers: Licensed Teachers:
President, W. J. Richards. Gladys M. Clark, Edna Flack, Lois
Secretary-Treasurer, R. W. Lang. Nash, Ula Stevens.


Organized 1949
Territory: New Zealand with adjacent Murdoch, G. Peacock, L. A. Piper,
islands; that part of New South E. Scotten, David Sibley, L. G.
Wales lying to the north and to to Unwin, F. T. Webb.
the east of a straight line from the
entrance of Lake Illawarra to Yer- Departmental Secretaries:
randerie, thence due north to Caper- Educational and Y.P.M.V., B. H.
tee River, following the river west to McMahon.
the 150th meridian of east longitude, Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
thence north to Cassilis, then a line C. Head.
running northwest from Cassilis to Publishing, F. T. Webb.
where the 147th meridian of east Religious Liberty, W. E. Battye.
longitude meets the 29th parallel of Ordained Ministers:
south latitude; the state of Queens-
land ; Norfolk and Lord Howe Islands. W. E. Battye, C. Head, B. H. Mc-
Mahon, L. V. Wilkinson.
Churches: 153; members, 12,751.
Licensed Ministers:
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Tran- R. R. Frame, E. A. R. Langsford, G.
tas," Sydney. Laxton, E. G. McDowell, F. T. Webb,
Office Address: 148 Fox Valley Road, W. R. Whisker.
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- Licensed Missionaries:
tralia. H. Fisher, J. K. Ervine.
Officers: Licensed Teachers:
President, W. E. Battye. H. Devine, Sylvia McGowan, Freda
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, R. Whisker.
R. Frame.
Executive Committee: W. E. Battye, GREATER SYDNEY CONFERENCE
H. 0. Belworthy, R. J. Burns, G.
Burnside, L. A. Butler, E. Colwill, D. Organized 1949
Easthope. A. H. Forbes, R. R. Frame, Territory: That part of New South
R. A. Greive, H. J. Halliday, B. Hart, Wales bounded on the south by a
C. Head, E. G. McDowell, B. H. Mc- straight line bearing westerly from
Mahon, A. R. Mitchell, W. G. C. the entrance of Lake Illawarra to

Yerranderie ; on the west by a Nina Lambert, Lucille Romero, L.

straight line bearing due north Ross, Grace Tonkin, Olive White.
from Yerranderie to the Capertee
River ; and on the north by the Caper-
tee and Hawkesbury Rivers bear- LORD HOWE ISLAND MISSION
ing east to the sea; and on the east
bearing southerly by the coast of Church : 1 ; members 26.
New South Wales to the entrance of Office Address: Lord Howe Island,
Lake Illawarra ; and Lord Howe Is- Australia.
Licensed Minister: R. Farrar.
Churches: 30 ; members, 3,002,
Licensed Medical Missionary: Mrs. R.
Cable and Telegraphic Adress: "Con- Farrar.
ference, Strathfield."
Office Address: 84 The Boulevarde, MONAMONA MISSION FOR
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- ABORIGINES
Established 1913
Church: 1 ; members, 116.
President, L. A. Butler.
Secretary-Treasurer, A. H. E. Miller. Office Address: Oak Forest, via Cairns,
Executive Committee: L. A. Butler, North Queensland, Australia.
W. H. Bagnall, M. Grolimund, A. H. President: G. Peacock.
E. Miller, C. Selman, H. Schofield,
Arthur White, R. C. Wall, E. R. Ordained Minister: G. Peacock.
Licensed Ministers:
Departmental Secretaries: J. A. B. Blanch, W. E. Zanotti.
Book and Bible House, J. Ludlow. Licensed Missionary: L. C. Hobson.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
I. W. White; Assistant, E. W. Hon. Licensed Medical Missionaries:
Press Relations, R. Tudor. Mrs. J. A. B. Blanch, Mrs. G. Pea-
Publishing, H. A. L. Freeman, G. cock.
Hedges, H. J. Meyers.
Radio, W. A. Stewart.
Temperance and Y.P.M.V., Arthur Established 1893
Church: 1 ; members, 34.
Ordained Ministers:
0. K. Anderson, T. A. Anderson, L. Address: Norfolk Island, Australia.
A. Butler, H. A. L. Freeman, W. Ordained Minister: George Weslake.
Gillis, M. Grolimund, Robert Hare, Licensed Missionary: Mrs. George Wes-
T. R. Kent, W. D. Lauder, L. G. lake.
Maxwell, H. J. Meyers, W. Morris,
C. S. Palmer, R. A. Salton, H.
Stacey, W. A. Stewart, R. Tudor, NORTH NEW SOUTH WALES
S. Wallace, A. E. Watts, Arthur CONFERENCE
White, A. H. White, I. W. White, Organized 1920
E. R. Whitehead, M. H. Whittaker.
Territory: That part of New South
Licensed Ministers: Wales north of the Hawkesbury and
C. H. Brown, E. A. Butler, E. G. Capertee Rivers as far west as the
Conley, W. G. Dowling, S. K. Gillis, 150th meridian of east longitude,
G. Hedges, G. W. Hill, E. W. Hon, thence east of the line running north
D. Jenkins, H. G. Josephs, R. King, to Cassilis, thence northeast of a line
E. Krause, K. Low, A. Lowe, K. running northwesterly from Cassilis
Mead, A. H. E. Miller, R. H. Parr, to where the 147th meridian of east
C. H. Pretyman, E. Tonkin, Edwin longitude meets the 29th parallel of
Totenhofer, H. Vetter. south latitude.
Licensed Missionaries: Churches: 38; members, 3,033.
Phyllis Kilroy, Alice Miller. Office: 21 Gordan Ave., Hamilton, New
Bible Instructors: South Wales, Australia.
Ruth French, Florence Grolimund, Postal Address: P.O. Box 27, Hamilton,
Iva Hoy, Elsie Moran, Sybil Read, New South Wales, Australia.
Amy Willis, Pearl Willis.
Licensed Teachers: President, David Sibley.
V. Gladys Camp, Mrs. Judith Gane, Secretary-Treasurer, E. J. Garrard.

Executive Committee: David Sibley, Home Missionary, W. H. Stevens.

R. Groom, A. F. J. Kranz, E. Rosen- Publishing, F. Fleming.
dahl, E. Scotten, R. A. R. Thrift, W. Sabbath School, W. H. Stevens.
Wyborn. Y.P.M.V., S. T. Leeder.
Departmental Secretaries: Ordained Ministers:
Book and Bible House, R. W. Ed- M. C. Bland, R. J. Burns, E. F.
wards. Giblett, P. Glockler, T. L. House, E.
Educational and Religious Liberty, B. Ibbott, A. G. Jacobson, A. G.
David Sibley. Judge, S. T. Leeder, J. A. Mitchell,
Home Missionary, L. J. Kent. H. C. Murch, V. Novelly, A. Parker,
Publishing, F. L. Sharp, W. H. Stevens, H. L.
Sabbath School, Florence Cherrett. Tolhurst, L. D. Vince, D. Whittaker,
Y.P.M.V., J. F. Hankinson. S. H. Wood.
Ordained Ministers: Licensed Ministers:
E. P. Barrington, George Burnside, 0. Battye, L. H. Blair, E. Browne,
A. J. Giblett, J. F. Hankinson, H. C. J. F. Colthearth, J. J. C. Cox, D. H.
Harker, L. R. Harvey, H. A. Hill, Davies, D. K. Down, F. Fleming, R.
H. T. Howse, H. B. Jones, L. J. Kent, Fox, G. Helsby, V. B. Herbert, J. A.
A. E. Magnusson, J. E. Martin, R. B. Perez, T. R. Potts, A. G. Ratcliffe,
Mitchell, G. J. Parker, A. L. Pascoe, J. Richardson, E. Robinson, K: E.
W. H. Pascoe, A. H. Piper, C. H. Satchel], G. Smith, C. R. Thompson,
Raphael, E. Rosendahl, David Sibley, F. Thomson, D. F. Thoresen, I. E.
G. L. Sterling, G. G. Stewart, R. A. Trevena, 0. H. Twist, E. P. Wolfe.
R. Thrift, W. G. Turner, R. H. Tutty,
D. H. Watson, H. B. P. Wicks, K. J. Bible Instructors:
Wooller, D. H. Wyborn. Joyce Bransgrove, Elaine Smith.
Licensed Ministers: Licensed Teachers:
B. E. Bobin, W. J. Driscoll, R. W. Joy Briggs, Joy Coltheart, June
Edwards, A. H. Ferris, E. J. Garrard, Ellis, Marjorie Gilmore, Maureen
D. H. Gray, T. B. Hawkins, J. P. Peacock.
Holmes, J. R. Kent, R. M. Kranz, C.
J. Ogg, H. C. C. Taylor, M. Tonkin,
Organized 1929
Licensed Medical Missionaries:
Territory: That portion of Queensland
Honorary: F. Harrison, J. M. Hel-
lestrand, D. W. Lawson, R. H. Ludo- north of a straight line parallel with
wici. the 22nd degree of latitude commenc-
ing at the coast at a point immedi-
Bible Instructors: ately south of St. Lawrence, and run-
Margaret Burnside, Florence Cher- ning due west between Winton and
rett, Betty Lambert, Iris Pedrana. Muttaburra, and north of Boulia to
a point on the border between the
Licensed Teachers: Northern Territory and Queensland.
Joan Davis, Deidre Holmes, D. Kent, Churches: 12 ; members, 434.
F. A. Rocke.
Office: 61 Sturt Street, Townsville,
Queensland, Australia.
NORTH NEW ZEALAND Postal Address: P. 0. Box 266, Towns-
CONFERENCE ville, Queensland, Australia.
Organized 1889 Officers:
President, H. J. Halliday.
Territory: That portion of New Zealand Secretary-Treasurer, G. H. Engel-
north of Cook's Straits. brecht.
Churches: 34; members, 2,981. Departmental Secretaries:
Cable Address: "Mastery," or "Advent- Home Missionary, H. J. Halliday.
ist," Auckland, New Zealand. Publishing, P. N. Nickles.
Sabbath School, G. H. Engelbrecht.
Office Address: 27 Esplanade Road, Mt. Y.P.M.V., W. J. Stafford.
Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
Ordained Ministers:
Officers: W. P. Claus, G. H. Engelbrecht, H.
President, R. J. Burns. J. Halliday, A. C. Needham, F. M.
Secretary-Treasurer, 0. H. Twist. Slade, S. G. Wood.
Departmental Secretaries: Licensed Ministers:
Educational and Religious Liberty, A. Cinzio, P. N. Nickles, W. J. Staf-
R. J. Burns. ford.

QUEENSLAND CONFERENCE Departmental Secretaries:

Organized 1899 Educational and Religious Liberty, A.
R. Mitchell.
Territory: That portion of Queensland Home Missionary, F. L. Taylor.
situated south of a straight line par- Publishing, H. C. Barritt.
allel with the 22nd degree of latitude, Sabbath School, F. L. Taylor.
commencing from the coast at a Y.P.M.V., W. A. Townend.
point immediately south of St. Law- Ordained Ministers:
rence and running due west between
Winton and Muttaburra, and north of A. C. Ball, S. A. Bartlett, A. E. Cook,
Boulia to a point on the border line A. S. Herbert, A. It. Mitchell, V. W.
between the Northern Territory and Stotesbury, F. L. Taylor, W. A. Town-
Queensland. end, J. H. Wade.
Churches: 21, members, 1,960. Licensed Ministers:
Office Address: 37 O'Connell Terrace, H. C. Barritt, C. Bernoth, G. C. Best,
Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, R. Bowers, F. W. Gifford, F. W. Hal-
Australia. liday, W. McClintock, L. G. Moulds,
Officers: E. C. Rosendahl, H. J. Windeyer, C.
President, R. A. Greive.
Secretary-Treasurer, W. W. Petrie. Bible Instructor: Pearl Harvey.
Executive Committee:.R. A. Greive, Licensed Teachers:
P. Hanley, S. Harker, A. Mee Lee, Mrs. June Halliday, Fay McPhee,
T. A. Mitchell, W. W. Petrie, B. H. Maud M. Smart.
Swartzkopf, V. Timms, L. G. Unwin.
Departmental Secretaries:
Educational and Religious Liberty, INSTITUTIONS IN THE AUSTRALA-
R. A. Greive; Assistant Educa- SIAN INTER-UNION CONFERENCE
tional, F. J. Brown.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, Educational:
and Temperance, J. W. Nixon.
Press Relations, T. A. Mitchell. Advent Correspondence School, De-
Publishing, A. Jackson ; Assistant, D. Mestre Place, 5 Hunter Street,
Young. Sydney, New South Wales, Aus-
Radio, W. W. Petrie.
Y.P.M.V., L. A. Dyason. Aore Training School, Aore, New
Hebrides, Pacific Ocean.
Ordained Ministers:
L. A. Dyason, R. A. Greive, A. Jack- Australasian Missionary College, Coo-
son, 0. W. Knight, T. A. Mitchell, ranbong, N. S. W., Australia.
W. W. Petrie, C. T. Potter E. A. Batuna Intermediate School, Marovo
Reye, B. H. Swartzkopf. Lagoon, Solomon Islands.
Licensed Ministers: Bautama Missionary School, Bautama,
F. Benham, F. J. Brown, L. Burns, via Port Moresby, Papua.
W. A. Coates, K. deVille, 0. C. Ferris, Betikama Missionary School, Beti-
H. Irvine, A. Maberly, E. J. Newman, kama, Guadalcanal, Solomon Is-
J. W. Nixon. lands.
Bible Instructor: Beulah Training School, Vaini, Nu-
Honorary: Hetty L. Cozens. kualofa, Tonga, Pacific Ocean.
Licensed Teachers: Choiseul Intermediate School, Ruru-
Olive Blayden, Grace Peatey. vae, Choiseul, Solomon Islands.
Cook Islands Training School, Box 21,
Rarotonga, Cook Islands, Pacific
Coral Sea Union College, Kambubu,
Organized 1915 New Britain, Pacific Ocean.
Territory: That portion of New Zealand Fulton Missionary College, Korovau,
south of Cook's Straits. Tai Levu, Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
Churches: 15 ; members, 1,165. Monamona Mission School, Oak For-
Cable Address: "Adventist," Christ- est, via Cairns, Queensland, Aus-
church. tralia.
Office Address: 40 Bealey Ave., Christ- New Guinea Highlands Missionary
church, New Zealand. School, Garoka, Via Lae, Territory
Officers: of New Guinea.
President, A. R. Mitchell. New Zealand Missionary College,
Secretary-Treasurer, H. J. Windeyer. Longburn, New Zealand.

Omaura Intermediate School, Omaura, Sydney Sanitarium and Hospital,

Via Arona, Territory of New Wahroonga, New South Wales,
Guinea. Australia.
Samabula Indian School, Suva, Fiji, Warburton Sanitarium and Hospital,
Pacific Ocean. Warburton, Victoria, Australia.
Trans-Commonwealth Union Mission- Dispensary
ary College, Carmel, West Aus-
tralia. Sydney Treatment Rooms, 13 Hunter
Street, Sydney, New South Wales,
Vailoa Training School, Vailoa, Australia.
Samoa, Pacific Ocean.
Vatuvonu Central School, Buca Bay, Publishing:
Vanua Levu, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Cook Islands Mission Press, Raro-
tonga, Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Food Factories:
Fiji Mission Press, Suva, Fiji, Pacific
Head Office: 148 Fox Valley Road, Ocean.
Wahroonga, New South Wales,
Australia. Papuan Mission Press, Bisiatabu,
Port Moresby, Papua, Pacific
Medical: Ocean.
Sanitariums Samoan Islands Mission Press, Apia,
Samoa, Pacific Ocean.
Amyes Memorial Hospital, Kukudu,
Island of Kolumbangara, Solomon Signs Publishing Co., Warburton,
Islands. Victoria, Australia.
Kwailibisi Hospital, Malaita, Solo- Society Islands Mission Press, Tipae-
mon Islands, Pacific Ocean. rui, Papeete, Tahiti, Society Islands.
New Guinea Highlands Leprosy Solomon. Islands Mission Press, Heti-
Hospital, Mount Hagen, Territory kama, Guadalcanal, Solomon Is-
of New Guinea. lands, Pacific Ocean.
Organized 1928; reorganized 1948


Territory: Germany; comprising the Ministerial Association, W. Mueller.
East German, South German, and Publishing, A. Wicklein.
West German 'Union Conferences. Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., W.
Population: About 62,000,000; churches, Raecker.
853 ; members 43,882. Temperance and Welfare, 0. Brozio.
Cable Address: Adventist, Berlin. Ordained Ministers:
Office Address: Niklasstrasse 19, (1) 0. Brozio, M. Busch, A. Minck, W.
Berlin-Zehlendorf, American Sector, Mueller, W. Raecker, Otto Schild-
Germany. hauer, Felix Vogt, Max Voigt, A.
President, W. Mueller. Licensed Ministers:
Secretary-Treasurer, Otto Schild- S. Christoffers, G. Fenner.
Assistant Treasurer, Felix Vogt. Licensed Missionaries:
Auditor, Max Voigt. Hildegard Betker, Edith Bonnes,
Field Secretary, A. Minck. Gerda Freiwald, Gertrud Lehmann,
Executive Committee : W. Mueller, 0. Elly Motzer, Elfriede Schroeder,
Brozio, M. Budnick, M. Busch, S. Hanna Sieber, Annelies Vietze.
Christoffers, L. E. Conradi, G. Fenner, Legal Associations: "Advent-Missions-
0. Gmehling, A. Minck, W. Raecker, gesellschaft E. V.," (Advent Mission
Otto Schildhauer, G. Seng, Max Society). "Advent-Wohlfahrtswerk
Voigt, A. Wicklein. E.V.," (Advent Welfare Work As-
Departmental Secretaries: sociation), operates the Welfare
Educational, Work, and Nursing Homes in Ger-
Home Missionary and Radio, M. many."Hamburger Verein der Sie-
Busch. benten-Tags-Adventisten," (Hamburg
Medical, G. Fenner. Adventist Association).


Organized 1909
Territory: Berlin, March Lusatian, Y.P.M.V., and Welfare, Karl Koeh-
Mecklenburg, Northeast Saxonian, ler.
Saxony-Anhalt. Thuringian and West Medical,
Saxonian Conferences. Ordained Ministers:
Population: About 20,000,000 ; churches, M. Budnick, W. Eberhardt, W. Knit-
386 ; members, 19,814. ter, H. Kobs, G. Lupke, S. Lupke.
Office Address: Koblenzer Strasse S. Licensed Ministers: P. Schmidt, 0.
Adventhaus (1) Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Vogel.
British Sector, Germany. (Telephone, Honorary: E. Meyer.
87 26 49.)
Legal Associations: Ostdeutscher Ver-
Officers: band der Gemeinschaft der Siebenten-
President, M. Budnick. Tags-Adventisten. Mitteldeutsche
Secretary-Treasurer, W. Knitter. Grundstuecksgesellschaft m. b. H.
Assistant Treasurers, Mrs. M. Glass, Deutscher Verein fuer Gesundheits-
P. Schmidt. pflege e. V. Friedensau.
Auditor, R. Kluttig.
Executive Committee: 0. Bahr, H.
Brinkmann, M. Budnick, A. Buerger, BERLIN CONFERENCE
W. Eberhardt, 0. Haase, F. Hamb-
. rock, W. Knitter, L. Krug, 0. Vogel, Organized 1909
K. Wagner.
Territory: Province of Berlin, Admin-
Departmental Secretaries: istration District of Potsdam (except-
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, ing the Districts of Angermuende,

Beeskow-Storkow, Juterbog, Ober- Departmental Secretary:

barnim, Prenzlau, Templin, Ebers- Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
walde) Strausberg,. Werneuchen, Ora- Y.P.M.V., H. Ruestig.
nienburg, Burg, Church School Fried-
ensau. Ordained Ministers:
W. Adamsky, 0. Bahr, J, Beier, F.
Population: About 4,500,000 ; churches, Dobinski, G. Hummel, V. Krause, H.
69; members, 4,619. Oestreich, R. Patzig, H. Ruestig, E.
Office Address: Koblenzer Strasse 3, Simon.
(1) Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sec- Honorary: P. Behrendt, R. Dietrich,
tor, Germany. (Telephone, 87 26 48.) A. Krautschick, H. Strodecke.
Officers: Licensed Ministers:
President, A. Buerger. B. Arnhold, G. Oerterer, E. Tulas-
Secretary, Karl Koehler. zewski.
Treasurer, R. Kluttig ; Assistant, E.
Schofer. Licensed Missionary: E. Hennig.
Executive Committee: A. Buerger, F. Legal Association: Gemeinschaft der
Dombrowski, Karl Koehler, E. Kolsch, Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten, Markisch
S. Lupke, W. Rogge, H. Schacht. Lausitzer Vereinigung.
Departmental Secretary:
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Ordained Ministers: Territory: Mecklenburg and Vorpom-
A. Birsgal, A. Buerger, K. Danke, F. mern.
Dombrowsky, M. Gloeckner, R. Helm, Population: 3,500,000 ; churches, 44 ;
0. Kiehnast, Karl Koehler, W. Kor- members, 1,709.
inth, W. Mueller, W. Ninow, K.
Pansegrau, A. Rebensburg, G. Roen- Office Address: August-Bebel-Strasse 39,
isch, R. Scheibitz, H. Schmitz, H. (3a) Rostock, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Vollrath. Officers:
Honorary: A. Behrens, R. Daeumi- President, 0. Haase.
chen, F. A. Dorner, J. Kanzok, F.
Kessel, H. Korsch, G. Mai, J. See- Treasurer, Johanna Kaliner.
fried. Executive Committee: 0. Haase, G.
Buck, K. Goetzinger, Chr. Greim, G.
Licensed Ministers: Hirschfeld, W. Schoen, P. Warkentin.
R. Kluttig, K. Strasdowski, H. Vogel, Departmental Secretary:
A. Wesselow.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Licensed Missionaries: Y.P.M.V., K. Goetzinger.
H. Binus, H. Goebel, J. Hildebrandt, Ordained Ministers:
J. Mager, G. Seeliger, Mrs. R.
Stecher, E. Thomas. K. Goetzinger, 0. Haase, W. Hampel,
A. Heiderstaedt, F. Leskien, H. Os-
Honorary: Mrs. E. Trusen. wald, G. Petzold, W. Reinheimer, W.
Legal Association: Gemeinschaft der Schoen, J. Schor, B. Schulz, H. Stol-
Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten Berliner tenberg.
Vereinigung. Honorary: G. Duerolf, C. Gloeckner.
Licensed Minister: P. Schaar.
MARCH LUSATIAN CONFERENCE Licensed Missionary: J. Grellmann.
Organized 1929
Territory: Upper and Lower Lusatian, NORTHEAST SAXONIAN CON-
the territory of Province Brandenburg FERENCE
except the districts belonging to the
Berlin and Mecklenburg Conferences. Organized 1919
Population: About 2,000,000; churches, Territory: District of Dresden, Bautzen,
36; members, 1,576. and Leipzig.
Office Address: Thalmann-Platz 46, (2) Population: About 2,500,000; churches,
Cottbus, Soviet Zone, Germany. 68; members, 3,700.
Officers: Office Address: Haydnstrasse 16, (10a)
President, 0. Bahr. Dresden-A 16, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Secretary-Treasurer, E. Tulaszewski. Officers:
Executive Committee: 0. Bahr, J. President, F. Hambrock.
Beier, A. Lass, H. Ruestig, P. Secretary-Treasurers, E. Kermer, W.
Schulze. Lusky.

Executive Committee: F. Hambrock, Officers:

F. Heinrich, K. Hentschel, H. Kunath, President, L. Krug.
K. Landgraf, H. Laue, M. Thuermer, Treasurer, I. Hager.
W. Uhlig.
Executive Committee: L. Krug, E.
Departmental Secretary: Binanzer, M. Huhn, R. Kopp, W.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Meinhard, H. Muller, E. Tiesnes.
Y.P.M.V., W. Uhlig. Departmental Secretary:
Ordained Ministers: Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
W. Derlath, A. Geserick, H. Gunther, Y.P.M.V., E. Binanzer.
F. Hambrock, F. Heinrich, M. Hoch-
muth, F. Jurke, P. Kopping, H. Lane, Ordained Ministers:
G. Lehmann, F. Meyer, M. Posel, H. E. Binanzer, W. Gauger, W. Gericke,
Schafer, W. Thalmann, W. Uhlig, B. W. Herbert, H. Kachel, F. Kopp, L.
Westhofer. Krug, H. Neumann, P. Paprotny, H.
Honorary: J. Brzezinski, R. Lusky, Pohle, E. Radtke, E. Tiesnes.
W. Schwenecke. Honorary: W. Koch.
Licensed Ministers: Licensed Ministers:
R. Dienel, R. rrmer, R. Krause, H. 0. Hesse, H. Simon.
Schluttig, K. Vogt. Licensed Missionaries:
Licensed Missionaries: P. Hoehne, J. Koehler, G. Richter,
G. Ackermann, M. Boettcher, G. H. Schmidt.
Rempel. Honorary: A. Hertwig, Mrs. K.
Legal Association: Gemeinschaft der Horn, A. Stamberger.
Siebenten - Tags - Adventisten Nord-
ostsachsische Vereinigung.
Territory: Saxony-Anhalt. Territory: District of Chemnitz and
Population: 2,500,000; churches, 43;
members, 1,898. Population: About 2,500,000; churches,
78 ; members, 3,917.
Office Address: Landwehrstrasse 18/I,
(19a) Halle/Saale, Soviet Zone, Ger- Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
many. venthaus," Chemnitz.
Officers: Office Address: Adventhaus, Hans-
Sachs-Strasse 9, (10b) Chemnitz, So-
President, K. Wagner. viet Zone, Germany.
Treasurer, L. Kipnick.
Executive Committee: K. Wagner, E. Officers:
Meine, E. Oestreich, K. Schieber, J. President, H. Brinkmann.
Wehner. Secretary-Treasurer, F. Wiedmer.
Departmental Secretary: Executive Committee: H. Brinkmann,
M. Beier, R. Biller, A. Hallmeier, P.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Haufe, F. Klamt, K. Koehler, R.
Y.P.M.V., E. Oestreich. Koehler, K. Steudel.
Ordained Ministers:
Departmental Secretary:
A. Amian, L. Martin, E. Oestreich,
0. Panzig, W. Pohland, A. Scherf, Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
K. Schieber, K. Wagner. Y.P.M.V., C. Steudel.
Licensed Minister: J. Krautschick. Ordained Ministers:
Licensed Missionaries: K. Amelung, R. Biller, H. Brink-
W. Gaebel, W. Hartlapp, Th. Knieb- mann, W. Czembor, A. Doelling, A.
ler, Mrs. Olga Thaden. Faetting, F. Grellmann, P. Haute, K.
Keohler, J. Parusel, F. Binder, H.
Honorary: A. Krautschick, A. Lu- Saborowski, H. Schaller, C. Steudel,
edtke, W. Rieckmann, P. Schornstein. W. Strohl.
Honorary: K. Jonuleit, O. P. Mueller.
Territory: Thuringia. J. Kulessa, H. Lingel, E. Loeser.
Honorary: Anita Broszat, H. Langner.
Population: 2,500,000 ; churches, 48 ;
members, 2,395. Licensed Missionaries:
Office Address: Grafengasse 20, (15) W. Lang, H. Leonhardt, G. Wunder-
Erfurt, Soviet Zone, Germany. lich.


Organized 1912
Territory: Baden, Central Rhenish, Legal Association: Gemeinschaft der
North Bavarian, South Bavarian, and Siebenten=Tags-Adventisten, Badische
Wurtemberg Conferences. Vereinigung.
Population: 17,000,000 ; churches, 226 ;
members, 11,139.
Office Address: Diemershaldenstrasse 23, CENTRAL RHENISH CONFERENCE
(14a) Stuttgart-O, Wuertemberg, Organized 1920
American Zone, Germany.
Officers: Territory: State of Hessen, except Kas-
sel, South of Rhine-Province, District
President, G. Seng. Birkenfeld.
Secretary-Treasurer, 0. Neubauer. Population: 4,600,000 ; churches, 40 ;
Assistant Treasurer, Mrs. Lina Siegle. members, 2,204.
Auditor, M. Woysch.
Executive Committee: G. Seng, E.
Office Address: Boehmerstrasse 13, (16)
Frankfurt /Main , American Zone,
Berner, W. Binanzer, W. Edener, K. Germany.
Kafitz, E. Mayer, H. Nau, 0. Neu-
bauer, A. Rosenthal, A. Sachsenmeyer, Officers:
H. Werner, M. Woysch. President, H. Nau.
Departmetal Secretary: Treasurer, Lydia Rein.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Executive Committee: H. Nau, L.
Y.P.M.V., W. Binanzer, Dietz, H. Gruebler, F. Hafner, F. }Ul-
mer, G. Rebensburg, F. Wilhelm.
Ordained Ministers:
Departmental Secretary:
W. Binanzer, R. Dangschat, 0. Neu-
bauer, G. Seng. Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Y.P.M.V., R. Fischer.
Legal Association: Gemeinschaft der
Siebenten - Tags-Adventisten, Sued- Ordained Ministers:
deutscher Verband. F. Hilmer, W. John, E. Maier, K.
Maier, A. W. Mueller, H. Nau, H.
Noltze, A. B. Porsch.
BADEN CONFERENCE Honorary: H. Zimmermann.
Organized 1912; reorganized 1922 Licensed Ministers:
Territory: Baden and Bavarian Palatin- H. Fischer, R. Fischer, F. Guenther,
ate. J. Schoenach.
Population: 2,400,000 ; churches, 28 ; Licensed Missionaries:
members, 1,600.
Luise Fuerst, W. Hausmann, E. Wer-
Office Address: Kriegsstrasse 84, (17a) ner, W. Willmann.
Karlsruhe/Baden, American Zone,
Germany. Legal Association: Gemeinschaft der
Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten, Mittel-
Officers: rheinische Vereingung.
President, Edward Mayer.
Treasurer, Babette Muth.
Executive Committee: Edward Mayer, NORTH BAVARIAN CONFERENCE
K. Kafitz, M. Ludewig, F. Mehlin, K.
Ohm, K. Rupp, H. Schmidt. Organized 1934
Departmental Secretary: Territory: Upper, Central, and Lower
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Franconia (excepting Aschaffenburg)
Y.P.M.V., Edward Mayer. Upper Palatinate (excepting Regens-
Ordained Ministers:
W. Gemeinhardt, Heinrich Goebel, F. Population: 2,500,000 ; churches, 4'7;
members, 2,201.
C. Grieser, K. Kastl, R. Lange, W.
Lorenz, Edward Mayer, E. Roocks, Office Address: Hinterm Bahnhof 30,
H. Schmidt, F. Weigel. (13a) Nuernberg, American Zone,
Honorary: E. Gugel, M. Ludewig, M. Germany.
Poenig, W. Steinmeier. Officers:
Licensed Minister: H. Poehler. President, W. Edener.
Licensed Missionaries: Treasurer, Gertrud Boeckenhaupt.
H. Ehrle, R. Eisenbraun. Executive Committee: W. Edener, E.

Adolph, G. Cran, W. Hofmockel, H. Honorary: J. F. Grieser, W. Guelden-

Martin, A. Sachse, H. Schmidt, F. pfennig, M. Hartmann, K. Hossfeld,
Schrattenholzer, F. Vogel. G. Schmalkoke.
Licensed Minister: 0. Gutwald.
Departmental Secretary:
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Licensed Missionaries:
Y.P.M.V., W. Edener. F. Degner, F. Fechter, H. Huy, H.
Ordained Ministers: Jaeger, A. Kleinlein, R. Mueller, A.
Schneider, K. Westenberger.
E. Adolph, A. Ansel, 0. Elssmann,
Wilhelm Gehl, W. Edener, J. Goett- Legal Association: Gemeinschaft der
fert, E. Koch, H. Schmidt, F. Schrat- Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten, Suedbay-
tenholzer, H. Wittig. ris-che Vereinigung.
Honorary: K. Sinz.
Licensed Ministers:
0. Fuchs, H. Morenings.
Organized 1912
Licensed Missionaries:
W. Hann, E. Kuespert, M. Kobialka, Territory: Wuertemberg including Hoh-
R. Wolf, St. Woysch, H. Zuber. enzoellernSigmaringen.
Legal Association: Gemeinschaft der Population: 3,100,000; churches, 51;
Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten, Nordbay- members, 2,274.
rische Vereinigung.
Office Address: Fangelsbachstrasse 11,
(14a) Stuttgart-S, American Zone,
Organized 1919 Officers:
Territory: Upper and Lower Bavaria. President, E. Berner.
Swabia, Newburg, and the southern Treasurer, Esther Kloettschen.
part of the Upper Palatinate, includ- Executive Committee: E. Berner, J.
ing Regensburg. Duerr, L. Feucht, W. Kraemer, Fr.
Roth, E. Schank, H. Teichmann,
Population: 4,400,000; churches, 60;
members, 2,860. Departmental Secretary:
Office Address: Isartalstrasse 40, (13b) Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Munich 6, Bavaria, American Zone, Y.P.M.V., W. Binanzer.
Germany. Ordained Ministers:
Officers: E. Alberth, E. Berner, K. Buerk, 0.
Daebritz, E. Flammer, K. Fleck, A.
President, A. Sachsenmeyer. Haag, M. Kaestner, K. Noltze, F.
Treasurer, Dora Sommer. Roth, E. Schank, H. Teichmann, H.
Executive Committee: A. Sachsen- Zettwoch.
meyer, K. Beer, F. Eilers, M. Ganzle- Honorary: F. Durr, M. Kunze, C.
ben, W. Kehr, A. Konrad, W. Noack, Reihlen, R. Werner.
A. Rosenthal, H. Schwarz.
Departmental Secretary: Licensed. Ministers:
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and F. Hager, A. Jaerschke.
Y.P.M.V., A. Sachsenmeyer. Licensed Missionaries:
Ordained Ministers: J. Baschenegger, H. von Betzold, A.
F. Fleck, M. Ganzleben, W. Gast, K. Koehle, W. Seiler.
Goelzer, C. Loosen, W. Noack, A. Legal Association: Gemeinschaft der
Sachsenmeyer, 0. Saur, H. Schwarz, Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten, Wuertem-
R. Vogel. bergische Vereinigung.


Organized 1909

Territory: Central German, Hanover, Officers:

Hansa, Hessia-Westphalian, and Rhe- President, Otto Gmehling.
nish Conferences. Secretary, E. Detlefsen.
Population: 25,000,000 ; churches, 241 ; Treasurer and Auditor, A. Poehl.
members, 12,929. Assistant Treasurer, G. Minck.
Office Address: Mendelssohnstrasse Executive Committee: Otto Gmehling,
13/11, (20a) Hanover, British Zone, E. Bartz, E. Detlefsen, R. Dettmar,
Germany. (Telephone, Hanover 80831.) E. Goldstein, W. Heil, E. Hennecke,

R. Kaufmann, C. A. Motzer, H. Oster- Bremen, the Land Oldenburg without

burg, A. Poehl, J. Schwital. Birkenfeld and Eutin.
Departmental Secretary: Population: 5,000,000; churches, 50;
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and members, 3,073.
Y.P.M.V., E. Detlefsen. Office Address: Peiner Strasse 19 A,
Ordained Ministers: (20a) Hanover-Dohren, British Zone,
Germany. (Telephone, Hanover 82694.)
E. Detlefsen, Otto Gmehling, C. A.
Motzer, R. Reider, J. Schwital. Officers:
Licensed Ministers: President, E. Hennecke.
W. Fenner, G. Minck, A. Poehl, R. Secretary, E. Denkert.
Seel. Treasurer, Frieda Meier.
Licensed Missionaries: Executive Committee: E. Hennecke,
F. Baecker, E. Baumbach, E. Denkert,
0. Bremer, A. de Marco. J. Erbs, H. Knolle, A. Oehlert.
Legal Associations: Gemeinschaft der Departmental Secretary:
Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten, West-
deutscher Verband. Westdeutsche Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Grundstuecksgesellschaft m. b. H., Y.P.M.V., E. Denkert.
Hamburg-Hanover. (Building Associ- Ordained Ministers:
W. Althoff, F. Baecker, E. Baumbach,
W. Begemann, E. Denkert, K. Druege,
CENTRAL GERMAN CONFERENCE F. Fischdick, E. Hennecke, E. Kar-
watzke, A. Piorr, F. Schlueter, A.
Organized 1934 Strahla, H. Tilgner, K. Voget, K.
Territory: Land Brunswick, from the Wloka.
Land Hanover the administrative Licensed Minister: A. Schuechel.
district Hildesheim.
Licensed Missionaries:
Population: 1,000,000 ; churches, 31 ; F. Besmehn, J. Roerich, G. Wiesener.
members, 1,097.
Office Address: Bueltenweg 14, (20b) Legal Association: Gemeinschaft der
Brunswick, British Zone, Germany. Siebenten - Tags - Adventisten, Han-
noversche Vereinigung. e. V.
President, R. Kaufmann.
Secretary, K. Wittwer.
Treasurer, Martha Fuchs. HANSA CONFERENCE
Executive Committee: R. Kaufmann, Organized 1900
R. Arnold, J. Fenner, H. Knoner, A. Territory: Land Hamburg, from the
Soetbeer, R. Ziemann. Land Oldenburg, the district Eutin,
Departmental Secretary: and Land Schleswig-Holstein.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, Population: About 4,500,000; churches,
Y.P.M.V., K. Wittwer. 40 ; members, 2,656.
Ordained Ministers: Office Address: Charlottenstrasse 24,
A. Arnhold, G. Fischdick, R. Kauf- (24a) Hamburg 19, British Zone,
mann, A. Soetbeer, F. Sutor, A. Germany. (Telephone, 434884).
Weinert. Officers:
Licensed Minister: K. Wittwer. President, R. Dettmar.
Licensed Missionaries: Secretary, G. Suckert.
Treasurer, P. Jaeschke.
0. Gomola, L. Mueller, J. Schmieder,
Johanna Volkmann. Executive Committee: R. Dettmar,
Honorary: M. Roelecke. G. Elf, P. Jaeschke. R. Klinger, P.
Kraatz, F. Bickers, R. Schroeder, H.
Legal Association: Gemeinschaft der Starke, G. Suckert.
Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten, Mittel-
deutsche Vereinigung. Departmental Secretary:
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Y.P.M.V., G. Suckert.
HANOVER CONFERENCE Ordained Ministers:
Organized 1919 F. Binneboessel, R. Dettmar, K. Do-
binsk i, H. Heuser, R. Klinger, H.
Territory: From the Land Hanover the Knoener, G. Kortenhorn, 0. Lutz, W.
administrative districts Lueneburg, Peters, W. Rohde, R. Schroeder, G.
Stade, Aurich, Hanover, the Land Suckert, E. Tilgner, W. Unger.

Honorary: J. Bohlmann, D. Brink- RHENISH CONFERENCE

mann, F. Goetting, H. Poetschke.
Organized 1902
Licensed Ministers:
J. Buerger, W. Nehls, G. Ottschoff- Territory: Land Rhineland and the old
sky, E. Plambeck, P. Wuttke. Province Rhineland without Saarland
Licensed Missionaries: and the districts Kreuznach, Meisen-
heim, St. Wendel-Baumholder, Trier
K. Jungmann, E. Kilian, Mrs. E. city, and rural Merzig-Wadern Saar-
Prieser. burg. From the Land Great Hessia the
Legal Association: Gemeinschaft der Underlahn district and the district
Siebenten -Tags- Adventisten, Hansa Gaarshausen, Niederlahnstein, Ober-
Vereinigung e. V. lahnstein, Braubach.
Population: 7,500,000 ; churches, 59 ;
members, 3,366.
Office Address: Herzogstrasse 94 IV,
CONFERENCE (22a) Duesseldorf, British Zone, Ger-
Organized 1898 as West German many. (Telephone, Duesseldorf 12394.)
Territory: Land Westphalia, from the President, H. Osterburg.
Land Great Hessia the adminis- Secretary, It. Eichwald.
trative district Kassel with the dis- Treasurer, K. Tiefenthal.
tricts Eschwege, Frankenberg, Fritz-
lar, Hersfeld, Hofgeismar, Romberg, Executive Committee : IL Osterburg,
Kassel city and rural, Nelsungen, Ro- F. Brunotte, R. Eichwald, K. von
tenburg, Witzenhausen, Wolfhagen, Fuehren, F. Metz, A. Pioch, R. Stein.
Ziegenhain, Hunfeld, the Eder, the
Eisenberg, the Twiste, Schaumburg ; Departmental Secretary:
from the administrative district Osne- Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
bruck (province of Hanover), the dis- Y.P.M.V., R. Eichwald.
tricts: Osnabruck city and rural,
Wittlage, Melle, and Iburg. Ordained Ministers:
Population: 7,000,000 ; churches, 61 ; W. Berthold, R. Braeger, H. Detlef-
members, 2,737. sen, R. Eichwald, B. Engel, F. Ernst,
J. Fenner, H. Osterburg, A. Pinch,
Office Address: Kurfuerstenstrasse 91, R. Rittau, H. Schor, R. Stein, P.
(21a) Bielefeld, British Zone. Ger- Weinand, E. Wenzel, 0. Westermann.
many. (Telephone, Bielefeld 62861.)
Honorary : E. Jaeger, H. Schulte.
Licensed Ministers:
President, E. Bartz.
Secretary, F. Raecker. A. Henneberg, R. Linker, W. Schu-
Treasurer, E. Christoffers ; Assistant, bert.
Martha Nawrotzki.
Licensed Missionaries:
Executive Committee: E. Bartz, A.
Blankenburg, K. Keller, E. Limpert, Martha Diekmann, A. Muhl, Martha
F. Raecker, W. Schomburg. Rueckert, C. Schulz, K. Tiefenthal.
Departmental Secretary: Legal Association: Gemeinschaft der
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Siebenten - Tags - Adventisten, Rhein-
Y.P.M.V., F. Raecker. ische Vereinigung e. V.
Ordained Ministers:
E. Bartz, T. Boetcher, A. Bremer, F.
Brockmann, H. Claus, E. Kaufmann, INSTITUTIONS IN THE CENTRAL
K. Keller, G. Ludwig, E. Lueftner, EUROPEAN DIVISION
A. Mannesmann, F. Raecker, E.
Schubert, H. Waldeck, A. v. Wallen- Educational:
stern, H. Wehrmann.
Friedensau Missionary Seminary,
Honorary: F. Dzik, F. Rischmueller. Friedensau bei Burg, (19b) Post
Licensed Minister: E. Christoffers. Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg, Soviet
Zone, Germany.
Licensed Missionaries:
J. Bohlmann, P. Bromba, W. Cremer, Marienhoehe Missionary Seminary,
H. Klingeberg, H. Schroeder. (16) Marienhoehe b. Darmstadt,
Honorary: M. Morenings. American Zone, Germany.
Legal Association: Gemeinschaft der Neandertal Missionary Seminary,
Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten, Hessisch- Diepensiepen 16, (22a) Mettmann/
Westfalische Vereingung e. V. Rheinland, British Zone, Germany.

Food Factory: Krankenhaus "Waldfriede," Fischer-

German Health Food Factory (De- huetten Strasse 99-109, (1) Berlin-
Vau-Ge Gesundkostwerk G. m. b. Zehlendorf, American Sector, Ger-
H), Anton Ree-Weg 18, Hamburg many.
24, British Zone, Germany.
Hamburg Publishing House, "Advent
Bad Aibling Sanitarium, (13b) Bad Verlag G. in. b. H." and "Vollmer
Aibling, Kurhotel Wittelsbach, and Bentlin G. m. b. H." Grindel-
Oberbayern, American Zone, Ger- berg 15a, (24a) Hamburg 13, Brit-
many. ish Zone, Germany.

Organized 1931

Territory: China and its possessions, Ordained Ministers:

(except Tibet proper,) Hong Kong, Chen Ming, Giang Tsung Gwang,
and Macao ; comprising the Central Goh Chao Liang, P. T. Ho, Hsu Hwa,
China, East China, North China, Hsu Tang Ching, Kao Chieh, Ken
Northeast China, Northwest China, Kun Lin, S. J. Lee, Liang Nai To,
South China, Southeast China, South David Lin, Herbert Liu, H. C. Shen,
China Island, West China Union Mis- Su Hsing, H. H. Tan, Tuan Yung
sions, and the Southwest China Mis- Chien, Wang Shen Tung, Wang Tzu
sion. Yuan.
Population: 507,399,401 ; churches, 284 ; Credentialed Missionaries:
members, 23,028.
Lee Su Liang, Shan Ying Ming, S.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Shanghai, T. Wang.
China. Codes used: Western Union
5 letter edition ; A.B.C. Licensed Ministers:
Office Address: 526 Ningkuo Road, Andrew Chen, Chang Chui Yu,
Shanghai, China. (Telephone, 50104.) Chiang Wen Chuen, H. S. Chiao,
Officers: Chuang Hsi Tien, Benjamin Gia, Hsu
Yen Ching, Kuan Sung Yao, Paul
President, Hsu Hwa. Lee, Li Su Liang, Liu Pu Tung, Y.
Secretary, David Lin ; Associate, H. M. Shen, Tai Ya Fu, Luke Tsai,
H. Tan. Tsai Pu Chou, Tsao Chun Kai, Wang
Treasurer and Auditor, S. J. Lee. Sung Tao.
Executive Committee: Hsu Hwa,
Chang Kuo En, Chang Po Ching, Licensed Missionaries:
Chen Ming, H. S. Chian, C. H. Davis, Chang Chi Shan, Chang Hsin Fang,
Goh Chao Liang, Goh Chao Oh, P. T. Chao Tung Mei, Chen Teng Yung,
Ho, S. J. Lee, Lee Su Liang, Leung Chen Tsung Tao, Chester Chi, Chin
Noi To, David Lin, Herbert Liu, Liu Chang Ching, Chin Tung Kang, Fei
Chang Li, H. C. Shen, T. R. Shen, Tsung, Mrs. Helen Giang, Goh Mei
Su Hsing, Tai Ya Fu. H. H. Tan, Chu, Ho Chun Hsien, Hsu Deh, Hsu
Wang Fu Yuen, S. T. Wang, Wu Pao Shen, Hwang Chin, Hwang Yueh
Ming Seng. Tsang.
Departmental Secretaries: Jen Pei Ming, Ku Chang Seng, Ku
Yu Chun, Mrs. Li Su Liang, Liao
Educational and Y.P.M.V., P. T. Ho. Chu Seng, Lin Chien Ying, Frank
Home Missionary and Publishing, H. Lin, Liu Wei Deh, Ou Yang Yu
S. Chiao. Kang, Peng Chu.
Medical, Herbert Liu. Shen Bing Ran, Mrs. H. C. Shen,
Ministerial, Chen Ming. Mrs. Su Hsiang, Mrs. S. T. Wang,
Radio, David Lin. Wang Tsu Tan, Wu Tzu Chou, Yen
Sabbath School, H. C. Shen. Shu Bing, T. F. Yuen.


Organized 1919
Territory: The Provinces of Honan, H. M. Chow, Djang Dzen Hai, Dzan
Hunan, Hupeh, and Kiangsi. Yu Hsuen, L. Y. Dzao, Liu Djung
Gwang, D. D. Wang, Wang Ging Bo,
Population: 103,945,622 ; churches, 25 ; Wang Ya Kang; Medical Superin-
members, 2,251. tendents of East Lake and Yencheng
Office Address: 17 Li Hwang Pei Road, Hospitals.
Hankow 7, Hupeh, China. Departmental Secretaries:
Educational, Sabbath School and
Telegraphic Address: "Adventists," Y.P.M.V., H. M. Liu.
Hankow, China. Home Missionary and Publishing,
Radio, T. R. Shen.
President, T. R. Shen.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, Religious Liberty, Wang Ging Bo.
Chow Hsin Ming. Ordained Ministers:
Executive Committee: T. R. Shen, Chang Tseng Hai, Liu Djung Gwang,

T. R. Shen, Wang Ging Bo, Wang Church School Teachers:

Ya Kang. Dung Feng Tsi, Dzen Hung Chang,
Credentialed Missionaries: Dzeng Yung Chien, Gia Wen Deh,
H. M. Chow, L. Y. Dzao. Liu Gin Djung, Shih Hung Hsuen,
Tang Hung Hsuen, Yu Wang Yuin.
Licensed Minister: H. M. Liu.
Licensed Missionaries:
Chang Wei Li, Carolyn Chen, Chen HUNAN MISSION
Liang Dzo, Chow Giu Gu, Djang
Dzi Yun, Djang Gia Hwei, Djang Organized 1917
Yu Gwang, Dzan Yu Hsuen, Fan Territory: The Province of Hunan.
Lung Chow, Gia Wen Bin, Giang
Djao Wen, Go Djung Liang, Hsiao Population: 28,293,735 churches, 4;
Yu Wen, Ih Hsiao Dzu, Mrs. James members, 362.
Lee, Liu Han Hwa, Lee Tien Hsi,
Lou Wen Chuen, Pan Gwei Chin, Office Address: 44 Fu Tzen Street,
Pu An Sen, Helen Tai, Wang Wen Changsha, Hunan, China.
Hsin, Yen Dzi Li. Telegraphic Address: "Adventists,"
Changsha, Hunan.
Organized 1917 President, Liu Djung Gwang.
Secretary-Treasurer, Gung Dan Chiu.
Territory: The Province of Honan. Executive Committee: Liu Djung
Population: 34,289,848 ; churches, 11 ; Gwang, Gung Dan Chiu, Hu Hsi
members, 1,001. Gwei, Li Deng Ren, Li Gwang Ren,
Office Address: Lowanho, Yencheng, Liang Shui Sen, D. D. Wang.
Honan, China. Departmental Secretaries:
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist Mis- Educational, Sabbath School, and
sion," Yencheng, Honan. Y.P.M.V., Liang Shui Sen.
Home Missionary and Publishing, Li
Officers: Deng Ren.
President, Wang Ya Kang. Religious Liberty, Liu Djung Gwang.
Secretary-Treasurer, Dzan Yu Hsuen
(Acting). Ordained Ministers:
Executive Committee: Wang Ya Hwang Tsung Sen, Li Gwang Ren,
Kang, Dzan Yu Hsuen, H. W. Fan, Liu Djung Gwang, D. D. Wang.
Y. F. Fan, Liu Djen Bang, T. L. Ma,
Peng Hsien Djung, Tang Hsin Loh, Licensed Ministers:
Wu Yung Gwang. Djang Bao Tin, Gung Dan Chiu, Hu
Hsi Gwei, Hwang Ren Wu, Li Deng
Departmental Secretaries: Ren, Liang Shui Sen.
Educational, Sabbath School, and Y.
P.M.V., Licensed Missionaries:
Home Missionary and Religious Chen Dzu Guin, Djang Gin Bao,
Liberty, Y. F. Fan. Djang Hsiu Deh, Hsia Giang Yu,
Publishing, Ren Hai Bing. Hsu Chien Hsu, Lung Hsiao Hsi,
Ordained Ministers: Wang Tsun Yung, Wang Tung Hwei.
Liu Djen Bang, Peng Hsien Djung,
Tang Hsin Loh.
Credentialed Missionaries: HUPEH MISSION
Y. F. Fan, Wu Yung Gwang. Organized 1909
Licensed Ministers: Territory: The Province of Hupeh.
Djang Ying Ko, Feng Chen Gieh, Population: 26,541,636 ; churches, 4;
Kuo Djen, Li Chang Hwa, Sze Hsien members, 538.
Office Address: 1365 Chung Shan Dah
Licensed Missionaries: Dao, Hankow, Hupeh, China.
Dzeng Yung Tien, Han Yao Hsi, Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Han-
Han Yu Wen, Li Dzai Yuin, Li Hsiu kow.
Feng, Liu Shih Chang, Liu Yung
Chang, T. L. Ma, Ma Yao Dzu, Officers:
Ren Hai Bing, Shi Yung Chi, Tang President, Wang Ging Bo.
Hsin Ho. Secretary-Treasurer,
Licensed Bible Instructors: Executive Committee: Wang Ging Bo,
Mrs. Djang Ching Hsin, Mrs. Gia Djang Dji Dzan, Ho Hsu Hsuen, Hsu
Su Ren. Sing Tang, Ih Ping, James Lee.

Departmental Secretaries: Office Address: Kiukiang, Kiangsi,

Educational, Evangelistic, and Y.P. China.
M.V., I. H. Ping. Telegraphic Address: "Adventists,"
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Kiukiang.
Publishing, Ho Hsu Hsuen. Officers:
Religious Liberty, Wang Ging Bo. President, Djang Dzen Hai.
Ordained Ministers: Secretary-Treasurer, Y. S. Leng.
Fan Chih Hsiang, Ho Hsu Hsuen, Executive Committee: Djang Dzen
Hsu Sing Tang, I. H. Ping. Hai, Ko Djung lb, Y. S. Leng, Wang
Wen Hwei.
Licensed Ministers:
Departmental Secretaries:
Djang Dji Dzan, Tsuei Dzen Fang.
Educational, Religious Liberty, Sab-
Licensed Missionaries: bath School, and Y.P.M.V., Djang
Chen Hung Guin, Chiao Lo Deh, Dzu Dzen Hai.
Yueh Djang, Hsu Hung En, Lu Home Missionary and Publishing, Ko
Bing Chuen, Yen Gia Gieh. Djung Ih.
Church School Teachers: Ordained Ministers:
Djang Tien En, Miss Shih Su Yin, Djang Dzen Hai, Shen Hsuen Hung,
Miss Wu Ging Mei. Wang Wen Hwei. -
Credentialed Missionary: Y. S. Leng.
KIANGSI MISSION Licensed Ministers:
Organized 1917 Hsu Liang Gi, Ko Djung Ih, Lo Dzi
Djung, I.o Yeuh Chin, Peng Liang.
Territory: The Province of Kiangsi. Licensed Missionaries:
Population: 15,820,403 ; churches, 6 ; Den Hsiao Hsien, Hu Bing Chen,
members. 349. Lo Su Chien, Wang Hsi Tien.


Organized 1909; reorganized 1919

Territory: The Anhwei, Kiangsu and Licensed Minister: Dih Tse Djen.
Chekiang Provinces.
Ministerial Interns:
Population: 76,831,536 ; churches, 88 ; Chiao Hung Fan, Shih Hsiao Hsia,
members, 5,535. Wang Shu Chung.
Office Address: 105 Chang Shu Road,
Shanghai, China. (Telephone, 71,107.)
Telegraphic Address: "Mizpah," Shang- ANHWEI MISSION
hai. Organized 1910
Officers: Territory: Province of Anhwei, and
President, Wu Ming Seng. Nanking district of Kiangsu Province.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, Wu Population: 21,976,920 ; churches, 7 ;
Hsiao Djen. members, 1,048.
Executive Committee: Wu Ming Seng, Office Address: 20 Goh Low Meng,
H. F. Chiao, Chu Deh Ming, Dih Tse Nanking, China.
Djen, Du Shu Ren, Fu Yu Ying, Lee
Kwang Cheng, Herbert Liu, Pan Shui Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Nan-
Ru, Suen Tsung Kwang, Ernest Tsai, king.
Wang Tsan Ching, Helen Wu, Wu Officers:
Fan Chong, Wu Hsiao Djen, Yen
Shih Meng. President, Fu Yi Ying.
Secretary-Treasurer, Wu Fan Chung.
Departmental Secretaries: Executive Committee: Fu Yi Ying,
Educational and Y.P.M.V., Dih Tse Chang Lan Ching, Ku Chao Chiao,
Djen. Shao Chi Hsuan, Swen Tsung Kwang,
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Tuan Yung Chien, Wang Feng Ying,
S. M. Yen. Wu Fan Chung, Wu Fang Pei.
Medical, Herbert Liu.
Publishing, H. F. Chiao. Departmental Secretaries:
Ordained Ministers: Educational, Sabbath School, and Y.
P.M.V., Wu Fang Pei.
Wu Hsiao Chen, Wu Ming Seng, Yen Home Missionary and Publishing,
Shih Meng. Chang Lan Ching.

Ordained Ministers: Chiang Wen Yung, Lee Ren Yu, Tien

Ynen Siang, Tsia Soy Ling.
Fu Yi Ying, Swen Tsung Kwang.
Bible Instructors:
Licensed Ministers:
Chou Chang Shih Nien, Fei Hui
Bai Wen Min, Chang Lan Ching, Fang, Goh Ai Lin.
Chao Chi Shien, Chu Chien Pan,
Ku Chao Chiao, Meng Ching Chih, Ministerial Interns:
Wang Feng Ying, Wu Fan Chung, Chao Chien Chiu, Wang Shu Ching.
Wu Fang Pei, Wu Pei Ling.
Church School Teachers:
Licensed Missionaries:
Chang Chi MM, Chen A. Chu, Chin
Hsiao Shih Mu, Hsu Shih Teh, Kao Chung Chiang, Chou Chun. Chou
Tai Hsin, Lei Hsing Yah, Lien Yu Chung Hsin, Chou Yang Hui, Dih
Ching, Liu Hsiu Sheng, Pan Chi Lee Ying, Jui Yun Chung, Kee Chao
Shan, Su Chi Kang, Tsao Ping Yi, Yang, Lee Keh Chen, Ling Seng
Wang Chien Chih. Yung, Liu Tse Sing, Tang Wen
Church School Teachers: Chun, Teng Wen Dji, Wang Ih Fee,
Chih Yao Chiu, Ke Jui Hsuen, Tung Wu Fong Gei, Wu Yu Ling.
Pen Hui, Yang Chou Ning.
KIANGSU MISSION Organized 1931
Organized 1913 Territory: Northern Kiangsu Province,
Territory: The southern portion of except the Nanking District.
Kiangsu Province, and the northern Population: 16,781,489; churches, 10;
portion of Chekiang Province. members, 460.
Population : 30,456,610 ; churches, 35 ; Office Address: Hsuchow, Kiangsu,
members, 2,808. China.
Office Address: Court 1207 Yu-Yuen Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Hsu-
Road, Shanghai 27, China. (Telephone, chow.
Telegraphic Address: "Mizpah," Shang- President, Pan Shui Ru.
hai. Secretary-Treasurer, Lee Kwang
Officers: Chen.
President, Du Shu Ren. Executive Committee: Pan Shui Ru,
Secretary-Treasurer, Helen Wu. Chen Ching Nei, Chou Chieh Fan,
Executive Committee: Du Shu Ren, Kao Chiang Hwa, Lee Kwang Chen,
Chow Kang Ling, Feng Shuh Fan, Li Yueh Chien, Wang Yung Yeh.
Ku Kang Wei Ho, Ning Lai Tong, Departmental Secretary:
Swen Ching Fu, Wang Hung Yu, Educational, Sabbath School, and Y.
Wang Lin Hsu. Wang Tsai Ching, P.M.V., Kao Chiang Hwa.
Helen Wu.
Ordained Minister: Pan Shui Ru.
Departmental Secretaries: Licensed Ministers:
Book and Bible House, Helen Wu.
Educational, Sabbath School, and Y. Chen Ching Nei, Chen Yu Tseng,
P.M.V., Wang Tsai Ching. Chou Chieh Fan, Lee Kwang Chen,
Home Missionary and Publishing, Wang Yung Yeh.
Ning Lai Tong. Licensed Missionaries:
Ordained Ministers: Chen, Chow Shuh Djen,
Chang Hsiao Chen
Chow Kang Ling, Djen Ru Bing, Du Chu Ching Lai, Chang Yuan,
Shu Ren, Wang Lu San, Wu Tien En. Fong Hung Fu, Hu Liu Djeh, Hu Ya
Wei, Li Shu Ying, Kou Chang Hwa,
Credentialed Missionary: Helen Wu. Meng En Kwang.
Licensed Ministers: Church School Teachers:
Chang Hsin Tseng, Chen Bei Seng, Li Hsi Lin, Liu Chi Mei, Ma Tung
Chen Ih Noh, John Chen, Fang Kwei Nien.
Ching, Fong Ping, Miss Chu Hsien,
Hsu Shih Hsun, Ku Kang Wei Ho,
Swen Ching Fu, Wang Lin Hsu,
Wang Tsai Ching, Wei Yung Tseng, SOUTH CHEKIANG MISSION
Yu Chung Yeh. Organized 1919
Licensed Missionaries: Territory: Prefectures of Wenchow,
Chang Ming Teh, Chang Pei Lai, Chuchow, and Taichow, in Chekiang
Chang Ren Shu, Chiang Li Chung, Province,

Population: 7,616,517; churches, 36; Licensed Ministers:

members, 1,219. Chen Fei, Chen Ih Fu, Chen Ih MM,
Office Address: Wenchow, Chekiang, Chou Chi Hsun, Ho Ching Lung, Mei
China. Chieh Chung, Ernest Tsai, Wang
Kwang Hwei, Wu Hsiao Tung, Wu
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Wen- Kao Fu, Wu Shan, Yang Fu Shih,
chow. Yang I Fu.
Officers: Licensed Missionaries:
President, Ernest Tsai (Acting). Chang Chung Cheng, Chang Shan
Secretary-Treasurer, Ernest Tsai. Kwang, Chao Han Chou, Chao Yu
Executive Committee: Ernest Tsai, Kwei, Chen Hsin Sheng, Chen Kuo
Chen Fei, Chen Ih Fu, Chen Wen Sze, Chang, Chen Lien Fang, Chen Pu
Chu Teh Ming, Mei Chieh Chung, Sheng, Chen Tung Chien, Chen Yi
Wu Huan Wen, Yang Fu Shih. Djen, Cheng Li Chiao, Pan Yun Ren,
Wang Cheng Hsien, Wen Ping, Yang
Departmental Secretaries: Hua Djen, Yi Hou Chee.
Educational, Ernest Tsai. Ministerial Interns:
Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., Chen
Fei. Chao Tien Lai, Du Kang, Su Cheng
Publishing and Sabbath School, Mei Chieh, Wen Li Tuan, Wu Huan Wen.
Chai Chung. Church School Teachers:
Ordained Ministers: Chen Min Chen, Chen Yung Chu,
Chen Wen Sze, Chu Teh Ming, Liu Chou Feng Yu, Li Teh Kuei, Liu
Hsiao Tien. Kwang Chao, Wu Shao Kwang.


Organised 1919

Territory: The Provinces of Chahar, HOPEI MISSION

Hopei, Shansi, Shantung, and that Organized 1918; reorganized 1949
portion of Suiyuan Province lying
north of 40 degrees North Latitude, Territory: Province of Hopei, Chahar
and Mongolia. and Suiyan except that portion of
Suiyan south of latitude 40, also that
Population: 83,972,076 ; churches, 17 ; portion of Shansi north of the Great
members, 2,270. Wall, and Mongolia.
Office Address: 62 Ta Fang Chia Hu- Population: 35,341,756 ; churches, 8 ;
tung, Peiping, China. (Telephone, members, 863.
Office Address: 11 Pei Yueh Ya Hutung,
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Pei- Peiping, China.
ping, China.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Pei-
Officers: ping.
President, Chang Po Ching.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, Liu Officers:
Fu Ning. President, Meng Wan Shu.
Executive Committee: Chang Po Secretary-Treasurer, Lee Chih Wen.
Ching, Han Rei Chang, Liu Fu An, Executive Committee: Meng Wan
Liu Fu Ning, Liu Yu Liang, Meng Shu, Djeng Diu Tsai, Li Huan Min,
Wan Hsu, Sung Djuin Ming, Wang Sung Djun Ming, Tsai Chu Hsuan.
Ya Ru.
Departmental Secretaries:
Departmental Secretaries: Educational, Meng Wan Shu.
Educational, Sabbath School, and Y. Home Missionary and Publishing,
P.M.V., Sung Djuin Ming. Djeng Dju Tsai.
Home Missionary and Publishing, Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., Sung
Wang Ya Ru. Djun Ming.
Ordained Ministers: Ordained Ministers:
Chang Po Ching, Liu Fu Ning. Keng Fu Kwang, Meng Wan Shu,
Shan Lo Tien, Wang Deh Djuin.
Licensed Ministers:
Shen Chih Min, Sung Djuin Ming, Licensed Ministers:
Wang Ya Ru. Djao Fu Tung, Djeng Dju Tsai, Fan

Feng Tien, Hsu Yao Tang, Li Chih Chung Hou, Li Chun Hsiu, Tian Feh
Wen, Li Huan Ming, Liu Yung Chun.
Chang, Tsai Chu Hsuan, Wang Wei Ministerial Interns:
An Shih Hsiao, Chang Hsiao Chung,
Licensed Missionaries: Chang Hsin Chen, Che Wei Shih,
Feng Ru Ih, Ma Feng Ku, Tien Wei Chui Wen Tao, Li An Ren, Li Shu
Chen. Sheng, Pei Hui Ping.
Bible Instructor: Ma Feng Ku.
Ministerial Interns:
Hui Yu Chiu, Tien Wei Chen, Wang
Yung An. Organized 1917
Teachers: Territory: The Province of Shantung.
Chang Chuan Chen, Li Yueh Ching, Population: 38,029,294 ; churches, 3 ;
Wang Mo Lin, Wu Hsiu Min, Wu Ya members, 297.
Min. Office Address: 185 Wei I Lu, Tsinan,
Shantung, China.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Tsi-
Organized 1928 nan.
Territory: The Province of Shansi, Officers:
south of the Great Wall. President, Liu Fu An.
Population: 10,601,026 ; churches, 6 ; Secretary-Treasurer, Djao Hsiu Chia.
members, 1,110. Executive Committee: Liu Fu An,
Chang Chi Yuen, Chang Chou, Djao
Office Address: 36 Fu Hsi Chieh, Tai- Hsiu Chia, Fan Kuo Dung, Lin Yu
Yuan, Shansi, China. Liang.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Tai- Departmental Secretaries:
Educational, Liu Fu An.
Officers: Home Missionary, Publishing, and
President, Chang Po Ching (Acting). Sabbath School, Chang Chou. '
Secretary-Treasurer, Che Wei Shih. Y.P.M.V., Djao Hsiu Chia.
Executive Committee: Chang Po Ordained Ministers:
Ching, Chang Fu En, Chang Yean Fan Kuo Dung, Liu Fu An, Wang
Chai, Che Wei Shih, Ho Chung Hou. Ching Yang.
Departmental Secretaries: Licensed Ministers:
Book and Periodical House, Li Dzi Chang Chou, Djao Hsiu Chia, Lin
Wen. Yu Liang.
Educational, Chang Po Ching.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, Ministerial Interns:
and Y.P.M.V., Chang Yean Chai. - Chang Chi Yuen, Chao Chi Yao, Hsia
Licensed Ministers: Chen Kang, Shen Teh Chen, Wang
Chang An, Wang Tien Tou, Wang Yu
Chang Fu En, Chang Yean Chai, Ho Min, Yu Hsiu Feng.


Organized 1919
Territory: Manchuria. Executive Committee: Liu Chang
Population: 37,898,176 ; churches, 27 ; Li, Chao Wen Chung, Chang Chao
members, 1,973. Lin, Fu Chi Nien, Hsu Tang Ching,
Kwan Sung Yao, Li Shieh Tung,
Office: 47 Huanh Shi Ta Chieh, Mukden Liang Rei Ho, Liu Chang Li, Sun
4, Manchuria. Kwei Sheng.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 341, Mukden, Departmental Secretaries:
Manchuria. Educational, Sabbath School, and Y.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Muk- P.M.V., Sun Kwei Sheng.
den, Manchuria. Home Missionary and Publishing,
Liang Rei Ho.
Officers: Medical, Chang Chi Fan.
President, Liu Chang Li.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, Ordained Ministers:
Kwan Sung Yao, Liang Rei Ho, Liu Chang Li.

Licensed Ministers: Hsiao Feng, Tang Chih Ching, Than

Kwan Sung Yao, Sun Kwei Sheng. Wen Hai, Wang Hsiao Hsin, Yang
Po Lin.
Licensed Missionary: Sun Han Chi.
Church School Teachers:
Li Shu Yao, Lin Chung Hsin.
Organized 1913; reorganized 1950
Territory: The Province of Jehol and SUNG KIANG MISSION
all territory south of the railway line Organized 1929 ; reorganized 1950
(including cities on the line) begin-
ning at Tumen on the east and Territory: All territory north of the
passing through Kirin, Changchun, railway line (excluding cities on the
to Tungliao on the west. line) beginning at Tumen on the east
and passing through Kirin, Chang-
Population: 25,265,451; churches, 15; chun, to Tungliao on the west.
members, 989.
Population: 12,632,725; churches, 12;
Office Address: 47 Huang Shih Ta Chieh, members, 984.
Mukden 4, Manchuria.
Officers: Office Address: Ta Tung Lu, Dao Li,
Harbin, Manchuria.
President, Liu Chang Li (Acting).
Secretary-Treasurer, Li Yao Chung. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Har-
Executive Committee: Liu Chang Li,
Chao Wen Chung, Cheng Shu Ping, Officers:
Lee Shiuh Tung, Sun Kwei Sheng, President, T. C. Hsu.
Tsai Rei Tung, Wang Tien Yuan. Secretary-Treasurer, C. K. Li.
Departmental Secretaries: Departmental Secretaries:
Educational, Sabbath School, and Y. Educational, Sabbath School, and Y.
P.M.V., Sun Kwei Sheng. P.M.V., Chang Chao Lin.
Home Missionary and Publishing, Home Missionary and Publishing,
Cheng Shu Ping. Liang Rei Ho.
Ordained Ministers: Ordained Ministers:
Chao Wen Chung, H. T. Li. T. C. Hsu, Chang Chao Lin.
Licensed Ministers: Licensed Ministers:
Chian Tien Chen, Chin Yao San, Chang Chian Ru, Chou Hsiao Fan,
Chen Shu Ping, Hwang Chung Wen, Li Hsiao Fa, Liu Chih Lien, Mo Wen
Wang Yu Chu. Huan, Tsui Yu Chang, Yang Sung
Licensed Missionaries: San.
Chia Meng Oh, Chu Kuo Chiang, Licensed Missionaries:
Kuan Chih Ching, Lee Chan Kwei, Chang Hsuan MM, Li Chan Yuan,
Li Cho Hwa, Li Shu Yao, Y. C. Li, Pien Chih Feng, Sung Chu Ching,
Li Yu Ting, Liu Chih Chen, Sung Wang Yu Shu.


Organized 1932
Territory: Provinces of Chinghai, Bing, Chia Tai Hsiang, Gao Chieh,
Kansu, Ningheia, Shensi, and Sin- Hao Tsi Tien, Lee Gwang Hain,
kiang, and that portion of Suiyuan Liang Kwei San, Stanley Lee, Peng
Province south of 400 N. Lat. Hsi Hsien.
Population: 26,595,521 ; churches, 18 ; Departmental Secretaries:
members, 1,815.
Educational, Sabbath School, and Y.
Office Address: Ren Min Road, Lan- P.M.V., Chia Tai Hsiang.
chow, Kansu, China. (Telephone, 464.) Home Missionary and Religious Lib-
erty, Wang Fu Yuen.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Lan- Medical, Lin Shih Rung.
chow, Kansu, China. Publishing, Peng Hsi Haien.
Officers: Radio, Chang Dz Chien.
President, Wang Fu Yuen. Ordained Ministers:
Secretary-Treasurer, Gao Chieh. Chia Tai Hsiang, Wang Fu Yuen.
Executive Committee: Wang Fu Yuen, Credentialed Missionary: Peng Hsi
Chang Dz Chien, Chen Pei Dao, Chia Hsien.

Licensed Missionaries: Telegraphic Address: "Adventist,"

Chao Yu Yuen, Stanley Lee, Lin Ninghsia.
Shih Yung. Officers:
President, Chen Pei Dao.
Secretary-Treasurer, Chen Pei Dao.
RANCHING MISSION Executive Committee: Chen Pei Dao,
Liang Kwei San, Li Deh Yuen, Yuen
Organized 1933 Shu Ren.
Territory: Kansu and Chinghai Prov- Departmental Secretaries:
Educational and Y.P.M.V., Chen Pei
Population: 13,450,645 ; churches, 4 ; Dao.
members, 448. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Yuen Hsu Ren.
Office Address: Ren Min Road, Lan- Religious Liberty, Liang Kwei San.
chow, Kansu, China. (Telephone 464.) Ordained Minister: Chen Pei Dao.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Lan- Licensed Ministers:
chow, China.
Officers: Liang Kwei San, Yuen Shu Ren, Yu
Ton Tien.
President, Chang Dz Chien.
Secretary-Treasurer, Swen Yuen Keh
Executive Committee: Chang Dz
Chien, Ding Chao Ching, Shen Ko Organized 1933
Chang, Swen Yuen Keh, Stanley Lee, Territory: Shensi Province, except
Tan Wei Lun, Wang Hsi Chen. northernmost thirteen counties.
Departmental Secretaries: Population: 11,602,451; churches, 11 ;
Educational and Y.P.M.V., Ding members, 1,248.
Chao Ching.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Office Address: Outside West Gate,
Tan Wei Lun. Sian, Shensi, China. (Telephone, 417.)
Publishing, Peng Hsi Hsien. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Sian,
Radio, Chang Dz Chien. China.
Ordained Ministers:
Chang Dz Chien, Shen Ko Chang, Yu President, Lee Gwang Hsin.
Hsien Sheng. Secretary-Treasurer, Shu Dien Yu.
Licensed Ministers: Executive Committee: Lee Gwang
Cho Wen Bing, Charles Ding, Li Yu Hsin, Chang Wen Hsuan, Chang
Ting, Liu Mao Shin, Liu Tsung Ho, Wen Li, Chia Bing, Liu Wei An, Shu
Wang Hsi Wu. Dien Yu, Yuen Hsu Kwei.
Licensed Missionaries: Departmental Secretaries:
Swen Yuen Keh, Tan Wei Lun. Educational and Y.P.M.V., Hsu Rung
Bible Instructors: Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Mrs. Chang Dz Chien, Chao Shien Chang Wen Hsuan.
En, Chen Pei Chuen, Ho Meng Jun, Publishing, Chang Wen Li.
Mrs. Wu Li Wen Hsiu.
Ordained Ministers:
Ministerial Intern: Lee Wen E.
Chang Wen Hsuan, Lee Gwang Hsin.
Church School Teachers:
Licensed Ministers:
Ho Meng Cheng, Hsih Keh Yung,
Wang Ren Ih, Wu Jih Hsin. Chang Wen Hsien, Chen Lee Jih,
Cheng Hsi Tien, Li Tien Hsi, Liu
Wei An, Ma Hsiu Chuen, Mu Wen
NINGHSIA MISSION Licensed Missionary: Lee Lai Bao.
Reorganized 1948 Bible Instructor: Mrs. Liu E Deh.

Territory: Ninghsia Province, and that Ministerial Interns:
portion of Suiyuan Province south of Lee Gwan Lan, Liu Shih Deh.
400 N. Lat., and the thirteen north-
ernmost counties of Shensi Province. Church School Teachers:
Population: 1,542,425 ; churches, 3; Chen Li Chih, Chia Tai Fang, Chia
members, 88. Tai Ming, Chu Fu Yuen, Jing Ko
Hsien, Liu Chun, Liu E Deh, Liu
Office Address: 1 Ho Ping Jieh, Ningh- Hsi Deh, Lou Wan Ling, Wang Pi
sia, china, Min, Yang Dz Yu,


Organized 1949

Territory: Colonies of Hong Kong and HAINAN MISSION

Macao, Islands of Taiwan and Hai- Organized 1935
Territory: Hainan Island.
Population: 14,000,000; churches, 9; Population: 4,000,000 ; churches, 3 ;
membership, 687. members, 120.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "SDA- Office Address: 83 Chun Tung St., Hoi-
Mission," Hong Kong. how, Hainan Island, China.
Office: 17 Ventris Road, Hong Kong. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Hoi-
(Telephone, 38683.) how.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 310, Hong
Kong. President, T. P. Tshi.
Secretary-Treasurer, Hsien Li Chien.
Officers: Mission Committee: T. P. Tshi, Chan
President, C. H. Davis. Ying Bun, Hsien Li Chien, Lam
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, H. Kwok Wah, Wang Tak Shan.
H. Morse; Assistant, L. S. Chan. Departmental Secretaries:
Executive Committee: C. H. Davis, Home Missionary, Lam Kwok Wah.
D. M. Barnett, L. S. Chan, T. C. Publishing and Sabbath School, T. P.
Chin, C. H. Currie, T. S. Geraty, Tshi.
Milton Lee. T. C. Lee, H. S. Leung,
A. R. Mazat, H. H. Morse, T. P. Tshi. Ordained Minister: T. P. Tshi.
Licensed Ministers:
Departmental Secretaries:
Lam Kwok Wah, Wang Tak Shan.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., T. S. Licensed Missionaries:
Home Missionary and Publishing, A. Lam Sui Lan, Leung Chung Man.
R. Mazat ; Assistant, Aaron Wang. Ministerial Interns:
Sabbath School, A. R. Mazat. Pang King So, Wan Chung Suen.
Ordained Ministers:
D. M. Barnett, C. H. Davis, T. S. HONG KONGMACAO MISSION
Geraty, Milton Lee, H. S. Leung, S.
H. Lindt, E. L. Longway, A. R. Organized 1949
Mazat, H. H. Morse, John Oss, T. S. Territory: The Colonies of Hong Kong
and Macao.
Credentialed Missionaries: Population: 3,000,000 ; churches, 5 ;
Chow Yung Yau, Ku Dao Sin, Mrs. members, 498.
G. A. Lee. Office: 17 Ventris Road, Hong Kong.
(Telephone, 38683.)
Credentialed Bible Instructors:
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 319, Hong
Bessie Mount, Mrs. Thelma Smith. Kong.
Licensed Ministers: Telegraphic Address: "SDAMission,"
Hong Kong.
L. S. Chan, Harold Cole, Lee Ming
Dao, Lo Hing So, T. T. La, H. H. Officers:
Luke, Yang Chung Pei. President, C. H. Davis.
Secretary-Treasurer, H. H. Morse;
Licensed Missionaries: Assistant, L. S. Chan.
Mrs. D. M. Barnett, Mrs. Harold Executive Committee: C. H. Davis,
Cole, Chou Yung Yao, Mrs. C. H. L. S. Chan, T. C. Chin, T. M. Lei,
Currie, Mrs. C. H. Davis, Mrs. T. S. H. S. Leung, H. H. Morse, Aaron
Geraty, Shirley Ho, Mrs. Ku Dao Sin, Wang.
Mrs. Milton Lee, Mrs. Lee Ming Dao,
Mrs. S. H. Lindt, Mrs. E. L. Long- Departmental Secretaries:
way, Mrs. A. R. Mazat, Mrs. H. H. Educational and Y.P.M.V., H. S.
Morse, Mrs. John Oss, O'Yang Yiu Leung.
Tien, Aaron Wang, Woo Shing Siu, Home Missionary, Publishing, and
Mrs. Yang Chung Pei, Mrs. F. T. Sabbath School, A. R. Mazat;
Yap. Assistant, Aaron Wang.

Ordained Ministers: Office Address: 36 West Nanking Road,

T. C. Chin, Chue Tin Ming, Chung Taipeh, Taiwan.
Wai Poh, Lo Wai On. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Tai-
Credentialed Bible Instructor: Abbie peh, Taiwan.
Licensed Minister: K. S. Yeung.
President, C. H. Currie ; Assistant,
Licensed Missionaries: T. C. Lee.
Mrs. T. C. Chin, Mrs. David Hwang, Secretary-Treasurer, Carl Shen.
Mrs. H. S. Leung, Mrs. Leung Wah Executive Committee: C. H. Currie,
Yau, V. S. Mountain, Mrs. V. S. T. C. Lee, Carl Shen.
Bible Instructors: Departmental Secretaries:
Mrs. Chow Fook San, Liang Pui Yuk, Home Missionary, C. H. Currie.
Weng Ching Ha, Jean Yu. Publishing and Sabbath School, Carl
Church School Teachers:
Stanley Chan, Mrs. Cheung Wang Ordained Ministers:
Hang Ching, Ann Chin, Bert Chow, C. H. Currie, T. C. Lee, Ling Ben
Young Hsien Sheng. Shan.
Licensed Ministers:
TAIWAN MISSION Hsu Hsiang Yung, Yang Tak Hsin.
Organized 1948 Licensed Missionaries:
Territory: Island of Taiwan (Formosa). Chang Hooi En, Chang Yee Ching,
Population: 7,000,000 ; church, 1 ; mem- Lo Yuen Tsai, Carl Shen, Su Tung
bers, 69. 0, Tshi Tsing Shia.


Reorganized 1919 and 1949

Territory: The Provinces of Kwangsi, Ih, Mrs. Solomon Lee, Leung Man
Kwangtung, exclusive of the territory Chu, Lo Ka Chung, Luk Yau Htng,
of the Swatow Mission and Hainan Siu Sing Ng, Tseng Chuen Cheng.
Licensed Ministers:
Population: 30,803,247 ; churches, 32;
members, 1,191. Albert Lau, Lee Ming Ih.
Office Address: 12 Sam Yuk Road, Licensed Missionaries:
Tungshan, Canton, China. (Tele- Chan Kit Fong, Chang Po An, Chue
phone, 17252.) Oi Lin, Chueng Ying Ngo, Hui Chung
Yuen, Lam Chi Kwong, Lam Yut
Telegraphic and Cable Address: "Ad- Sun, Lei Chiu Ming, Li Fu Tien, Li
ventist," Canton. Tze Wen, Shih Feng Lun, Mok Kwei
Officers: Ying, Peng Sun Djen, Siao Wen
President, Cheung Kwok Yan (Act- Djen, Tso Kung Yu, Wai Fook Tim,
ing). Yeung Hok Mong.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, Al-
bert Lau.
Executive Committee: Cheung Kwok CANTONESE MISSION
Yan, Chang Po An, S. C. Ha, Albert Territory: The Cantonese-speaking por-
Lau, Solomon Lee, B. W. Loh, Siu tion of Kwangtung Province.
Pok On.
Population: 8;000,000 ; churches, 5 ;
Departmental Secretaries: members, 863.
Educational, Home Missionary, and Office Address: 12 Sam Yuk Road, Tung-
Y.P.M.V.. Chang Po An. shan, Canton, China.
Medical, B. W. Loh. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Can-
Publishing, ton.
Sabbath School, S. M. Choi.
Ordained Ministers:
President, S. C. Ha.
Cheung Kwok Yan, S. M. Choi, Solo- Secretary-Treasurer, Lao Lai Ming.
mon Lee.
Executive Committee: S. C. Ha, S. M.
Credentialed Missionaries: Choi Lao Lai Ming, Solomon Lee,
Cheung Man Shan, Mrs. Lee Ming P. H. Leung.

Departmental Secretaries: Licensed Ministers:

Medical, P. H. Leung. Cheung Dao Hung, S. T. Cheung, Y.
Sabbath School, Lei Sai Kwong. C. Cheung, M. H. Lee, Y. B. Ng.
Licensed Missionaries:
Ordained Ministers:
Cheung Kwok SW, Cheung To Fan,
Chan Woo Shang, S. C. Ha. Chui Hyuk Cheong, Chuk Fong Yi,
Licensed Ministers: Lau Tsu Ngu, Lee Tau Fan, Lo Tak
Man, Lo Wan Kao, Wong Kwok
S. K. Lei, P. H. Leung.
Kiu, Wong Tsi Lai.
Licensed Missionaries:
Cheung Chan Lun, Ha Shau Shek, KWANGSI MISSION
Lam Kie, Lao Lai Ming, Lei Yau
Kiong, Mrs. P. H. Leung, Wang Chak Territory: The Province of Kwangsi,
Lam. and Po On, Ling Shan and Yam
Chow Districts in Kwangtung.
Bible Instructors:
Population: 14,603,247; churches, 16;
Chan Ye Ku, Yik Suk Yin. members, 414.
Office Address: Nanning, Kwangsi,
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist Mis-
Territory: The Hakka-speaking portion sion," Nanning, Kwangsi, China.
of the Province of Kwangtung.
Population: 8,200,000; churches, 11; President. Siu Pok On.
members, 714.
Secretary-Treasurer, Edward Chue.
Office Address: Waichow, Kwangtung, Executive Committee: Siu Pok On,
China. Edward Chue, Lee Hung Sung, B. W.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist Mis- Loh, Luk Yao Hing, Siu Sing Ng,
sion," Waichow, Kwangtung. Tsik Tai Keung.
Officers : Departmental Secretaries:
President, Cheung Kwok Tan. Medical, Lee Ming Ih.
Secretary-Treasurer, Chuk Fong Yi. Home. Missionary, Publishing, and
Sabbath School, Lee Hung Sung.
Executive Committee: Cheung Kwok
Yan, Cheung Fa Min, Cheung Dao Ordained Ministers:
Hung, Cheung Kwok Shui, Chuk Siu Pok On, Tsik Tai Keung.
Fong Yi, Annie Loo. Licensed Minister: Lee Hung Seng.
Departmental Secretaries: Licensed Missionaries:
Educational, Sabbath School, and Y. Chan Sheu, Cheung Chan Chung,
P.M.V., Cheung Dao Hung. Edward Chue, Chiu Chung Lei, Ho
Home Missionary and Publishing, Sai Yuk, Lam Yau Nam, Li Yaet
Cheung Kwok Shui. Shing, Liu Chuen Yu, So Nei Kei,
Medical, Tseng Chuen Cheng. Wong Beh Suen, Wong Chi Lam,
Ordained Minister: Cheung Fa Min. Wong Hak Ming.
Credentialed Missionary: Annie Loo. Bible Instructor: Chue Tai Koo.


Organized 1949

Territory: The Province of Fukien and Executive Committee: Leung Noi To,
the eastern slope of Kwangtung Ang Kim Hi, Ging Su Tang, Y. C.
comprising the Swatow Mission. Hsu, K. H. Hung, Sia Chung Ong,
Su Kuan Chi.
Population: 36,200,000; churches, 24 ;
members, 3,004. Departmental Secretaries:
Office Address: Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Educational and Y.P.M.V., Ang Kim
(Telephone, 192.) Home Missionary and Publishing, K.
Telegraphic and Cable Address: H. Hung.
"Adventist," Kulangsu, China.
Ordained Ministers:
Officers: Ang Kim Hi, Leung Noi To.
President, Leung Noi To.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, Y. Licensed Ministers:
C. Hsu. Y. C. Hsu, K. H. Hung.

NORTH FUKIEN MISSION Executive Committee: Ging Su Tang,

Cheung Chung To, Ko Yu Ming, Ngo
Territory: Northern Fukien. Kong Leong, Mrs. C. T. Tan.
Departmental Secretaries:
Population: 13,200,000 ; churches, 14 ;
members, 1,109. , Book and Bible House, Y. C. Hsu.
Educational, Sabbath School, and Y.
Office Address: Foochow, China. P.M.V., Ang Kim Hi.
Home Missionary, So King Hi.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist Mis-
sion," Foochow, China. Ordained Ministers:
Ging Su Tan, C. Y. Hung, T. K.
Officers: Keh, C. T. Tan.
President, Sia Chung Ong. Licensed Minister: So King Hi.
Secretary-Treasurer, Lee Yan Yi. Licensed Missionaries:
Executive Committee: Sia Chung Ong, Cheung Chung To, In Su Hui, Jim
Chang Shuk Ching, Diong Chiong Mi, Se Kong, C. Y. Khang, Keh Hong
Lee Yan Yi, Li Kwok Chung, Lim Mo, Mrs. Lee, C. Y. Lin.
Ching Ciong, Ngai Koon Hung, Ngu L. M. Ngo, C. M. Ren, Mrs. Siu,
Go Hau. So King Hi, E. S. So, B. L. Tan, M.
Departmental Secretaries: H. Tan, Y. Tan, T. C. Tan, Tsai Sik
Bin, Wang Pu Kwong, Mrs. Wei,
Book and Periodical House and Sab- Yuen Sun Shan.
bath School, Lee Yan Yi.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., Sia Chung
Home Missionary and Publishing, Iek
Ordained Ministers: Territory: The Eastern slope of the
Province of Kwangtung.
Choi Guok Uong, Diong Chiong Mi, Population: 11,000,000 ; churches, 2 ;
Ging Ko Bing, Sia Chung Ong. 1,121.
Licensed Ministers: Office Address: Huei Chia Tau, Swatow,
H. T. Cong, Ding Ngie Yung, Iek Kwangtung, China.
Sing Hu, B. H. Ling, Ling Ging
Djong, Ting Iek Sing, Uong Ong Po, Telegraphic Address: "Adventist Mis-
Wong Hung Gi. sion," Swatow, China.
Licensed Missionaries: Officers:
Chang Yit Li, Chen Git Mey, Chen President, Su Kwan Chi.
Sing En, Cheng Ming Chui, Chou Secretary-Treasurer, Cong Ga Ciong.
Shou En, Chou Si Fon, Fong Wen Executive Committee: Su Kwan Chi,
Hok, Lei Muk Lan, Li Shek Sang, Cong Ga Ciong, Heng Seng Teck, T.
Ling Chui Yin, Ling Ho Si, Liu N. Lo, H. C. Pang, Yao Tien You.
Hook Yin, Tang Shin Ming, Wang Departmental Secretaries:
Bing Choi, Yang Ming En, Yeu Siong
Chuan. Educational and Y.P.M.V., Tan Bao
Bible Instructors: Home Missionary and Publishing.
Mrs. Dang Cie Ing, Mrs. Ngu Hok Lee Djen Li.
Liong, Mrs. Woi Siong Chang. Sabbath School, Cong Ga Ciong.
Ordained Ministers:
T. N. Lo, Su Kwan Chi.
SOUTH FUKIEN MISSION Licensed Ministers:
Territory: Southern Fukien. Cong Ga Ciong, Heng Seng Teck, Li
Teng Fong.
Population: 12,000,000 ; churches, 8 ; Licensed Missionaries:
members, 774.
Ang Tsu Chai, Hwang Yung Yiu, Kho
Cable Address: "Adventist," Kulangsu, Khi Heung, Kwok Wae Chu, Lee
China. Ching Li, Lin Pan Tau, Ng Sing
Siang, Ngai Ying Yung, Pang Chok
Office Address: Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Tao.
(Telephone No. 192.)
Church School Teachers:
Fong Tak Yee, Lee Mao Hui, L0 Su
President, Ging Su Tang. Chong, Te Chin Ming, Tsang Hing
Secretary-Treasurer, Y. C. Hsu. Hwa.


Organized 1919
Territory: Provinces of Szechwan, Shang Lu, Li Tien Fu, Li Wan
Sikang, Tibet, and Eastern Kwei- Chuen, Liu Dz Shih, Wei Su An,
chow. Yang Hein Seng, Yu Djung Liang.
Population: 78,462,000 ; churches, 20 ; Departmental Secretaries:
members, 1,368. Educational and Y.P.M.V., Liu Dz
Office Address: Da Chi Gou, Chungking, Shih.
Szechwan, China. Home Missionary and Publishing, Yu
Djung Liang.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Sabbath School, Hwang Dzi Chiang.
Chungking. Ordained Ministers:
Officers: Li Wan Chuen, Wei Su An, Yang
President, Goh Chao Oh. Hsin Seng.
Secretary-Treasurer, H. B. Lee. Licensed Ministers:
Executive Committee: Goh Chao Oh, Han Pao Lo, Kao Shang Lu, Li Chi
Chiao Wen Li, Chiu Chi Shu, Djan Feng, Li Tien Fu, Liu Dz Shih,
Tieh Nung, Djang Djen Gwoh, Djeng Wang Wen Tien.
Djao Yung, Ho Ai Dun, Hwang Dzi
Chiang, Kung Ping San, H. B. Lee, Licensed Missionaries:
Li Teh Hsin, Li Tien Fu, Lo Yun Chang Yu Rung, Dju Show En, Ho
Chiao, Wei Su An. Ping, Ho Wen Chieh, Li Shan Da,
Departmental Secretaries: Wang Peng Chou, Wu Yu Sheng, Yu
Djung Liang.
Educational, Religious Liberty, and
Y.P.M.V., Goh Chao Oh. Bible Instructor: Wang Yung Kwang.
Home Missionary, Djang Djen Gwoh. Church School Teachers:
Publishing, Chiu Chi Shu. Chen Wen Liang, Giang Lung Gao,
Sabbath School, Hwang Dzi Chiang. Hsing Ih Ming, Kao Wen Hsien,
Ordained Ministers: Liu Ming Ih, Tsao Yun.
Chiu Chi Shu, Djang Djen Gwoh,
Goh Chao Oh, Ho Ai Dun, Hwang
Licensed Ministers: Organized 1927; reorganized 1928,
Djeng Djao Yung, Feng Cheng Yun, 1945, and 1948
H. B. Lee. Territory: The Province of Kweichow
Licensed Missionaries: except the following hsiens: Sishui,
Chiang Chi En, Djao Ming Hsueh, Chichsui, Jenhwai, Tating, Kiensi,
Goh En Kuang, Liu Shou To, Su Chihkin, Pichieh, Shuicheng, and
thing Wu, Wu Chung Ho. Weining.
Bible Instructors: Population: 7,850,000 ; churches, 3 ;
Sen Yu Yun Fang, Yu Chen Ching members, 153.
Yuan. Office Address: Chien Ling Road,
Kweiyang, Kweichow, China.
President, Lo Yun Chiao.
Organized 1919 Secretary-Treasurer, Chen Wei Djung.
Territory: All hsiens east of boundary Executive Committee: Lo Yun Chiao,
formed by and including the follow- Chen Feng Ling, Chen Wei Djung,
ing: Kwangyuan, Changchih, Si- Chen Wen Gwang, Djang Hung Bin,
chung, Pengan, Suining, Neikiang, Li Tieh Djen, Ma Ling Sen, Tsui
Lungchang, Kiangtsing, Anyo. Chin Ming.
Population: 32,550,000; churches, 8; Departmental Secretaries:
members, 711. Educational, Tsui Chin Min.
Office Address: Da Chi Gou, Chungking, Home Missionary, Ho Ping.
Szechwan, China. Sabbath School, Djang Hung Bin.
Officers: Licensed Ministers:
President, Chin Chi Hsiu (Acting). Chen Feng Ling, Chen Wen Gwang,
Secretary-Treasurer, Li Tien Fu. Li Deh Hsin, Lo Yun Chiao.
Executive Committee: Chin Chi Hsiu Licensed Missionaries:
(Acting), Hwang Dzi Chiang, Kao Chang Tzu Chung, Chao Chun Hwei,

Djang Hung Bin, Li Tieh Djen, Ma WEST SZECHWAN MISSION

Organized 1919
Bible Instructor: Ren Shu Kwang.
Territory: All hsiens west of lines
Teachers: formed by and including the follow-
Djang Yung Ling, Lo Ih Hwei, Tswei ing: Chaohwa, Kienko, Yenting, She-
Chin Min. hung, Lochih, Tzechung, Fushun,
Ipin (Suifu), except those already al-
lotted to Kweichow and those to be
TIBETAN BORDER MISSION allotted to Sikang as noted under Ti-
betan Mission.
Organized 1919 Population: 32,062,000; churches, 7;
members, 459.
Territory: Sikang and the follow-
ing 13 hsiens in Szechwan; Choakioh, Office Address: Chengtu, Szechwan,
Sichang, Yenyuan, Yuehsi, Luipo, China.
Tsingki, Jungking, Yaan, Tienchuan,
Lushan, Kintang, Mowkung, Mien- Officers:
ning. President, Djan Tieh Nung.
Population: 6,000,000 ; churches, 2 ; Secretary-Treasurer, Hsueh Mu Kun.
members, 45. Executive Committee: Djan Tieh
Nung, Chiao Wen Li, Fang Wen
Office Address: Kangting (Tatsienlu), Hwa, Hsueh Mu Kun, Hwang Tzi
Sikang, China. Rang, Li Chuen An, Lin Han Ching,
Officers: Wang An Hsi.
President, Kung Ping Shan (Acting). Departmental Secretaries:
Secretary-Treasurer, Leng Wen Hwa. Educational, Hwang Chih Jang.
Departmental Secretaries: Home Missionary, Chiao Wen Li.
Publishing, Li Chuen An.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., Leng Wen Sabbath School, Chan Tieh Nung.
Hwa. Y.P.M.V., Fang Wen Hwa.
Sabbath School, Kung Ping Shan.
Ordained Ministers:
Ordained Minister: Kung Ping Shan.
Chiao Wen Li, Djan Tieh Nung, Li
Licensed Ministers: Chuen An, Lin Han Ching, Wang
Ko MM, Wang Dju Chiao. An Hsi.
Licensed Missionary: Leng Wen Hwa. Licensed Ministers:
Ministerial Intern: Li Kuei Lin. Chu Kuo An, Hsieh Mo Kwen, Lin
Teachers: Li Dzai, Yang Kai Hsuen.
Djou Ren Ching, Li Kwei Lin. Licensed Missionary: Yu Chang Tai.

SOUTHWEST CHINA MISSION Keng Yung Lin, Lu Shou Dao, Neng
Organized 1948 Da Deh.
Departmental Secretaries:
Territory: All of Yunnan Province and
nine hsiens in Kweichow : Sishui, Educational, Sabbath School, and Y.
Chichsui, Jenhwai, 'rating, Kiensi, P.M.V., Neng Da Deh.
Chihkin, Piehieh, Suicheng, Weining ; Home Missionary and Publishing,
and also that portion of Szechwan Ching Ming Gao.
lying south of a line passing east and Ordained Ministers:
west just south of the city of Hsu Feng Deh Seng, Goh Djao Liang,
Yung. Hu Ben Djen.
Population: 18,691,223; churches, 24 ; Licensed Ministers:
members, 2,134. Chen Dzi Len, Feng Kai Lin, Han
Office Address: 86 North Gate Street, Hsin Deh, Keng Yung Lin, Lu Shou
Dao, Neng Da Deh.
Kunming, Yunnan, China.
Licensed Missionaries:
Chang Chao Kwang, Chang Chung
President, Goh Djao Liang. Chieh, Chang Chung Ping, Chang
Secretary-Treasurer, Chen Den Yung. Kai Hui, Chen Den Yung, Chen Shou
Executive Committee: Goh Djao Tao, Ching Min Kao, Ding Chao,
Liang, Chen Den Yung, Ching Ming Feng Mo Chao, Han Chie, Han Chun
Gao, Djang Chung Chieh, Feng Deh Min, Han Hain Dzi, Han Hsin Tsai,
Seng, Feng Kai Lin, Hu Ben Djen, Hu Peng, Hu Ting Hsien, Hu Yueh

Oh, Hwang En Deh, Kuo Yu Min, Chiaotou Sanitarium and Hospital,

Lung Chang Teh, Lung Chih Ying, Chiaotoutseng, Kiangsu, China.
Lung Wen Kwang, Lung Yung
Kwang, Ma Chung Ren, Ma Shih Chungking Wuhan Sanitarium and
Min, Ning Hsiao Chen, Pai Shih Hospital, Chungking, Szechwan,
Kian, Pen Kwang Min, Pen Tei China.
Kang, Pen Wen Liang, Peng Tien East Lake General Hospital, East
En, Shih Heh Feng, Ting Chai, Lake, Wuchang 3, Hupeh, China.
Wang Deh Fu, Wang Li Hsin, Wang
Teh An, Yang Deh Hsin, Yang Sheng Little Eden Hospital-Dispensary,
Wu, Yuan Teh San. Shek Lo Tau Street, Fatshan,
Kwangtung, China.
INSTITUTIONS IN THE CHINA Nanning Seventh-day Adventist Hos-
DIVISION pital, Nanning, Kwangsi, China.
Educational: North China Sanitarium and Hospi-
Central China Union Academy, East tal, Kalgan, Chahar, China. (Opera-
Lake, Wuchang 3, Hupeh, China. tion temporarily suspended.)
China Training Institute, Chiaotou- Northwest China Sanitarium and
tseng, Kiangsu, China. Hospital, Lanchow, Kansu, China.
East China Union Academy, Chiao- Shanghai Medical Center, Shanghai
toutseng, Kiangsu, China. Sanitarium and Hospital, Postal Ad-
Honan Junior Academy, Lowanho, dress, 1714 Hami (Rubicon) Road,
Yencheng, Honan, China. Shanghai, China; Clinic, 171 Wut-
Kiangsu Junior Acadeiny, 453 Ning- sin (Range) Road, Shanghai, China.
kuo Road, Shanghai, China. Shenyang Clinic-Hospital, 47 Hwang
North China Union Academy, Feng- Tsu Ta Chieh, Mukden 4, Manchu-
tai, Hopei, China. ria.
Northeast China Union Academy, Shenyang Sanitarium and Hospital,
Shenyang P.O. Box 341, Mukden, Peiling, Mukden, Manchuria. (Oper-
Manchuria. (Operation temporarily ation temporarily suspended.)
North Fukien Junior Academy, Foo- Tibetan Mission Hospital, Kanting
chow, China. (Tatsienlu), Sikang, China.
Northwest China Union Academy, Tsingtao Sanitarium and Hospital, 2
Outside West Gate, Sian, Shensi, Hwei Chuan Road, Tsingtao, Shan-
China. tung, China.
South Chekiang Junior Academy, Wai. On Hospital-Dispensary, Advent-
Wenchow, Chekiang, China. ist Mission, Waichow, Kwangtung,
South China Island Union Academy, China.
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Yencheng Sanitarium-Hospital, Low-
Kong. anho, Yencheng, Hon an, China.
Southeast China Union Academy, Ku-
langsu, Amoy, China. Dispensary
West China Union Academy, Sung Toishan Hospital and Dispensary,
Bao, Tsichsikow, Chungking, China. S.D.A. Mission, Toishan, Kwang-
West Szechwan Junior Academy, tung, China.
Chengtu, Szechwan, China.
Yunnan Junior Academy, Kunming, Publishing:
Yunnan, China. Signs of the Times Publishing House,
Medical: 515 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai 19,
Sanitariums China.
Canton Sanitarium and Hospital, Sam Tibetan Mission Press, Kangting,
Yuk Road, Tungshan, Canton, Sikang, China. (Operation tem-
China. porarily suspended.)
Organized, apart from China, in 1931

Territory: Japan, Korea, Thailand, Re- Departmental Secretaries:

public of Philippine, Federation of Educational, W. 0. Baldwin; Assist-
Malaya, Colony of Singapore, Colony ant for Parent and Home Educa-
of North Borneo, State of Brunei, Sar- tion, Mrs. V. T. Armstrong.
awak, Indo-China, Indonesia, the Por- Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
tuguese section of Timor, the Kando F. A. Pratt.
Province in Manchuria, and the Medical, R. F. Waddell.
Islands of the Pacific north of the Ministerial and Radio, F. W. Deta-
Equator and west of the International more.
Date Line and south of 50 degrees Publishing, B. M. Wickwire.
north, not including any of the Gilbert Temperance, W. 0. Baldwin.
Islands group north of the Equator. Religious Liberty and Y.P.M.V., C.
Population: 245,053,234; churches, 873; P. Sorensen.
members, 50,018. Division Builder, H. R. Emmerson.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Far- Transportation Agents:
east," Singapore. Division Treasurer, Division Cashier,
Office: 800 Thomson Road, Singapore, Union Treasurers of the Indonesia,
Colony of Singapore. Japan, Korean, Malayan, and Philip-
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 226, Singa- pine Unions.
pore, Colony of Singapore. Ordained Ministers:
Officers: V. T. Armstrong, W. 0. Baldwin,
President, V. T. Armstrong. F. W. Detamore, F. A. Pratt, C. P.
Secretary, C. P. Sorensen. Sorensen, B. M. Wickwire, P. L.
Treasurer and Auditor, P. L. Wil- Williams.
liams. Credentialed Missionaries:
Assistant Auditor and Cashier, W. J.
Blacker. W. J. Blacker, H. R. Emmerson, M.
Accountant, M. N. Hempel. N. Hempel.
Executive Committee: V. T. Arm- Licensed Missionaries:
strong, E. W. Bahr, W. 0. Baldwin, Mrs. V. T. Armstrong, Mrs. W. 0.
E. L. Becker, W. J. Blacker, R. E. Baldwin, Mrs. W. J. Blacker, Frieda
Dunton, F. W. Detamore, H. R. Em- Clark, Mrs. F. W. Detamore. Mrs.
merson, Gil de Guzman, M. N. Hem- H. R. Emmerson, Mrs. M. N. Hempel,
pel, W. U. Hutapea, D. S. Kime, K. Signe Nelson, Mrs. F. A. Pratt, Mrs.
T. Kong, F. R. Millard, A. N. Nelson, C. P. Sorensen, Mrs. B. M. Wickwire,
J. M. Nerness, F. A. Pratt, C. P. Mrs. P. L. Williams.
Sorensen, Pak Chang Uk, R. F. Wad-
dell, B. M. Wickwire, P. L. Williams, Legal Assn.: "General Conference Cor-
T. Yamagata. poration of Seventh-day Adventists."


Organized 1929
Territory: Indonesia and Portuguese M. M. Keuntul, P. Klop, M. G.
Timor. Laloan, A. Londa, K. Mandias, L. J.
Norris, A. Pasuhuk, II. E. R. Schell,
Population: 70,467,000 ; churches, 214 ; M. Siregar, Tan Peng Hong, R. 0.
members, 9,238. Walean, B. M. Wickwire, L. R.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- Winkler.
ventist," Bandung. (Telephone, Ban- Departmental Secretaries:
dung South 46.) Educational, A. M. Bartlett.
Office Address: Naripan 63, Bandung, Home Commission, Mrs. D. S. Kime.
Java, Indonesia. Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
and Y.P.M.V., M. G. Laloan.
Officers: Medical, D. N. Holm.
President, D. S. Kime. Publishing,
Secretary-Treasurer, H. D. Johnson. Radio, H. E. R. Schell.
Executive Committee: D. S. Kime, Ordained Ministers:
A. M. Bartlett, M. E. Diredja, R. A. A. M. Bartlett. M. E. Diredja, L.
Figuhr, D. N. Holm, H. D. Johnson, Hogendorp, H. D. Johnson, D. S.

Kime, M. G. Laloan, A. Mamora, DUTCH MISSION

T. D. Manulland, L. J. Norris, H. E. Organized 1949
R. Schell.
Credentialed Missionaries: Territory: Indonesia.
D. N. Holm, L. R. Winkler, Mrs. L. Churches: 3 ; members, 336.
M. D. Wortman.
Office Address: Naripan 63, Bandung,
Licensed Ministers: Java, Indonesia.
E. van Alphen, R. A. Figuhr, W. U. Officers:
Hutapea, L. W. Mauldin, S. F. Sitom- President, D. S. Kime.
poel, J. H. N. Tenda. Secretary, P. Klop.
Licensed Missionaries: Executive Committee: Indonesia Un-
Mrs. E. van Alphen, J. A. Ander- ion Mission Executive Committee.
son, Mrs. J. A. Anderson, Mrs. A. Ordained Minister: P. Klop.
B. Bartlett, D. Batoebara, Miss Es- Licensed Missionary: Kraft van Ermel.
tinah, Mrs. R. A. Figuhr, Mrs. D.
N. Holm, William Injo, Mrs. H. D.
Johnson, Mrs. D. S. Rime, Mrs. P.
Klop, J. B. Laloan, Mrs. J. B. Laloan, EAST JAVA MISSION
Mrs. M. G. Laloan, J. H. Lesiasel, Z.
H. Macarewa, H. Mangkei, E. B. Organized 1913
Matahari, Mrs. L. W. Mauldin, Mrs.
L. J. Norris, J. H. Pieters, Mrs. E. Territory: Provinces East Java, Cen-
B. Schallig, Mrs. H. E. R. Schell, W. tral Java (except the Residencies
J. van Son, G. Steyvers, C. W. Banjoemas and Pekalongan) ; Resi-
Suyderhoud, E. H. L. Suyderhoud, dencies Bali, Lombok, and Madoera.
Mrs. Annie Supit, Jenny Tan, Tillie
Tan, Miss Fientje Triebel, Miss N. Churches: 15 ; members, 714.
Twijnstra, J. Wairata, Mrs. E. J. Cable Address: "Adventist," Soerabaja.
Wegner, Mrs. L. R. Winkler.
Office Address: Tandjung Anom 3,
Soerabaja, Java, Indonesia.
President, M. M. Kauntul.
Organized 1929 Secretary-Treasurer, H. Kosakoy.
Territory:. Residency Moluccas, except Executive Committee: M. M. Kauntul,
the islands of Ternate, Halmahaira, H. Kosakoy, F. Liem, J. W. Lumen-
and Batjan. tut, Njoo Liang Seng, M. Onsoe, J.
B. Pattinaja, Soon Hoo, Tan Swie
Churches: 10 ; members, 347. Gwan.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- Departmental Secretaries:
ventist", Ambon. Home Missionary. H. Kosakoy.
Office Address: Amboina, South Moluc- Publishing, Sabbath School, and Y.P.
cas, Indonesia. MN., M. Onsoe.
Ordained Ministers:
M. M. Kauntul, J. W. Lumentut.
President, R. 0. Walean.
Secretary-Treasurer, M. Patty. Licensed Ministers:
Executive Committee: R. 0. Walean, H. Kosakoy, H. M. Mangero, Njoo
Th. H. Njio, M. Patty, A. Pesulima, Liang Seng.
J. Tanasale, J. P. Tomasowa, L. Tua- Licensed Missionaries:
Th. Kermite, F. Kilapang, A. K.
Departmental Secretaries: Pandjaitan, P. Wagiran.
Home Missionary, M. Patty.
Publishing, Sabbath School, and
Ordained Ministers: Organized 1923
L. Tuasuun, R. 0. Walean. Territory: Residency Menado, and the
Licensed Ministers: Ternate, Helmahaira, Batjan, Sanger,
A. Pesulima, I. Tuamulia, D. Pat- and Talud Islands.
tikawa. Churches: 90 ; members, 4,735.
Licensed Missionaries: Cable Address: "Adventist," Tondano.
M. Patty, Ch. Simon, P. Tamasowa, Office Address: Tondano, Celebes, Indo-
P. Tuarisja. nesia.

Officers: jaitan, A. Panggebean, L. Pohan, K.

Radjagukguk, Sibarani, P. Silitonga,
President, K. Mandias. E. Simaremare, F. Simorngkir, S.
Secretary-Treasurer, A. T. Slung. Tambunan, B. L. Tobing, D. Tobing.
Executive Committee: K. Mandias, H.
F. Laloan, G. Kainde, H. Pattyranie,
A. T. Siong, Chr. L. Sondakh, Tan SOUTH CELEBES MISSION
Tjin An, R. Umboh,
Departmental Secretaries: Organized 1939
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Territory: Residencies of Celebes, South-
Chr. L. Sondakh. ern and Eastern Borneo, Portuguese
Publishing and Y.P.M.V., H. F. Timor, and Timor Koepang.
Laloan. Churches: 2; members, 160.
Ordained Ministers: Cable Address: "Adventist," Makassar.
F. Hamel, H. F. Laloan, A. Londa,
K. Mandias, H. Pattyranie, S. Ran- Office Address: Djalan Wali Kota 28,
tung, A. Sakul, K. Walandow, W. F. Makassar, S. Celebes, Indonesia.
Walean, H. Zacharias. Officers:
Licensed Ministers: President, A. Pasuhuk.
J. Manembu, J. Moroisa, A. J. Pan- Secretary-Treasurer, A. Waworoen-
gkei, M. A. Sumual. deng.
Licensed Missionary: A. T. Siong. Executive Committee: A. Pasuhuk,
Lim Choon Lock, F. Mandolang, F.
Pinontoan, Z. Pisarahu, C. Saribulan,
S. H. Tan, A. Waworoendeng.
Organized 1917 ; reorganized 1937 Ordained Minister: A. Pasuhuk.
Licensed Missionaries:
Territory: Residency of Tapanuli, East
Coast of Sumatra, Atjeh. A. Ka dir, F. Mandolang, F. Pin-
ontoan, A: Waworoendeng.
Churches: 77 ; members, 2,012.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
ventist," Pematangsiantar, Indonesia. SOUTH SUMATRA MISSION
Office Address: Pematang Siantar, Su- Organized 1929
matra, Indonesia. Territory: Residencies of Bengkoelen,
Officers: Bangka, Djambi, Palembang, Lam-
pong District, West Coast of Su-
President, K. Tambunan. matra, Riouw.
Secretary-Treasurer, A. M. Sitompul.
Executive Committee: K. Tambunan, Churches: 5; members, 173.
H. Gultom, U. H. Manullang, I.
Pohan, Sutan Mangatas Siregar, A. Cable Address: "Adventist," Palem-
M. Sitompul, S. Tamba, A. Tambu- bang.
nan, M. Tambunan. Office Address: Lorongvoetbal 118, Pal-
Departmental Secretaries: embang, Sumatra, Indonesia.
Educational, Sabbath School, and Y. Officers:
P.M.V., M. Tambunan. President, M. Siregar.
Home Missionary and Publishing, S. Secretary-Treasurer,
Tamba. Executive Committee: M. Siregar,
Lee Chiang Lin, J. Mandias, Ong
Ordained Ministers: Iaan Wie, A. Tambunan, M. Zebe-
H. Aritonong, M. Hutapea, U. H. deus.
Manullang, S. Ritonga, K. Tambo- Ordained Minister: M. Siregar.
Licensed Missionaries:
Licensed Ministers:
J. Mandias, H. C. Mende, E. Sabari,
E. Hutapea, Sutan Mangatas Siregar, M. Zebedeus.
M. S. Sormin, S. Tamba.
Licensed Missionaries:
A. Leiwakabessy, Z. Nadeak, Theo. WEST JAVA MISSION
Pandjaitan, L. Purba, A. M. Sitom- Organized 1913
pul, M. Tambunan. Territory: Province West Java and
Church School Teachers: Residencies of Banjoemas, Peka-
0. Butarbutar, K. Lumbanradja, A. longan, Western Borneo.
Naibaho, P. Pakpahan, G. H. Pand- Churches: 11 ; members, 711.

Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- Licensed Missionaries:

ventist," Bandung. Miss C. M. Lewakabessy, J. T. Man-
Office: Naripan 63, Bandung, Java, ullang, L. Pandjaitan.
Indonesia. Church School Teachers:
Postal Address: Naripan 63, Bandung, M. T. Silitonga, Mrs. S. F. Sitompoel,
Java, Indonesia. A. Sukidjo.
President, D. S. Kime (Acting).
Secretary-Treasurer, J. T. Manullang. WEST NEW GUINEA MISSION
Executive Committee: D. S. Kime, D. Organized 1950
Batoebara, L. Hogendorp, P. Klop, J.
Lekahena, A. L. Lesiasel, Liem Soon Territory: Dutch New Guinea, Biak,
Hock, J. T. Manullang, L. Panjaitan. Seroei.
Departmental Secretaries: Population: 1,000,000; church, 1; mem-
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, bers, 50.
and Y.P.M.V., A. L. Lesiasel. Office Address: Naripan 63, Bandung,
Publishing, L. Pandjaitan. Java, Indonesia.
Ordained Ministers: Officers:
B. C. Dompas, A. Hasiboean, B. P. President and Treasurer, E. H. Vij-
Simandjoentak. sma.
Honorary: P. R. Goeltom. Ordained Ministers:
Licensed Ministers: D. A. Dompas, E. H. Vijsma.
A. L. Lesiasel, Z. Maruanaja, S. Licensed Minister: D. van Waarden-
Rantung, D. Rhebok. burg.


Organized 1917

Territory: Japan. Credentialed Missionaries:

Population: 79,532,440 ; churches, 29 ; V. E. Adams, Mrs. Ai Fukazawa, H.
members, 1,579. Imura, H. B. Ludden, M. H. Reeder,
C. E. Syphers, K. W. Tilghman, Y.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Tokyo. Seino.
(Telephone, Ogikubo 39-2869.)
Licensed Ministers:
Office Address: 171 Amanuma 1-chome, A. K. Davis, A. R. Boynton, S. Fu-
Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan. chita, T. Hara, S. Kunihira, I. Ta-
Railway Station: Ogikubo. buchi, Miss E. Yokomizo.
Officers: Licensed Missionaries:
President, F. R. Millard. Mrs. V. E. Adams, Shirley Barnell,
Secretary-Treasurer, W. I. Hilliard. Mrs. A. R. Boynton, Mrs. A. K.
Executive Committee: F. R. Millard, Davis, Mrs. P. H. Eldridge, Fukata
P. H. Eldridge, M. Fukazawa, W. I. Takako, Fukata Toshiko, Ernestine
Hilliard, II. Imura, S. Kaneko, V. E. Gill, Hara Haruka, Harada Mine,
Kelstrom, S. Ogura, E. Seino, Y. Se- Mrs. W. I. Hilliard, Inagaki Takeshi,
ino, E. Shibata, C. E. SyPhers, S. Ta- Iragaki Tomino, Mrs. E. E. Jensen,
buchi, K. W. Tilghman, T. Yamagata. Kato Fumiko, Kato Takeo, Kawai
Eiichi, Kioka Kiku, Kumangai Masako.
Departmental Secretaries: Mrs. H. B. Ludden, Mrs. F.
Audio-Visual Aids, F. R. Millard. R. Millard, Matsumura Kan, Matsu-
Educational, mura Yasuko, Matsutani Rakashi,
Home Missionary, M. Fukazawa. Mori Masachika, Morita Matsumi,
Medical, C. E. Syphers. Murakami Yuriko, Miyake Masamichi,
Publishing, M. H. Reeder. Nagakubo Yoko, Nakagaki Takashi,
Radio, P. H. Eldridge. Nemoto Nobuyosi, Niwa Ai, Mrs.
Sabbath School, Mrs. F. R. Millard. M. H. Reeder, Mrs. C. E. Syphers,
Temperance, S. Ogura. Sasaki Masuko, Seino Satoji, Shibata
Y.P.M.V., Y. Seino. Fumiko, Sudo Isao, Suzuki Kenkichi,
Suzuki Mieko, Tabuchi Mitsuharu,
Ordained Ministers: Takagi Tomoko, Takahashi Koji, Ta-
M. Fukazawa, W. I. Hilliard, E. E. mura Seitaro, Mrs. K. W. Tilghman,
Jensen, F. R. Millard, S. Ogura, T. Torimoto Teruko, Wakabayashi Sa-
Yamagata. kuyo, Yamamoto Makiko, Yamamoto

Mitsuko, Yamazaki Chieko, Yanami OKINAWA MISSION

Hidesada, Yohimura Michihisa, Yo- Established 1950
shida Kojiro.
Territory: Island of Okinawa.
Legal Name: Ansoku Nichi Sairin Kyo-
dan. Population: 600,000.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Okinawa.
Office Address: Akahira Machi, 2-chome,
Organized 1948 Director: E. E. Jensen.
Churches: 17 ; members, 1,040.
Office Address: 164 Onden 3-chome SOUTH JAPAN MISSION
(2,3), Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Organized 1948
Officers: Churches, 12 ; members, 539.
President, P. H. Eldridge. Office Address: 3 Nakajimadori 2-
Secretary-Treasurer, T. Hasegawa. chome, Fukiai-ku, Kobe, Japan.
Executive Committee: P. H. Eldridge, Officers:
T. Hasegawa, S. Ikeda, T. Kajiyama,
Hiroshi Kuniya, E. Shibata. President, V. E. Kelstrom.
Secretary-Treasurer, K. Yasui.
Ordained Ministers: Executive Committee: V. E. Kelstrom,
Winston Clark, P. H. Eldridge, T. J. Maeda, E. Seino, S. Tabuchi, B.
Hasegawa, T. Kajiyama, S. Kaneko, Takagi, K. Yasui, M. Yonami.
Hide Kuniya, Hiroshi Kuniya, E. Ordained Ministers:
K. Hatada, V. E. Kelstrom, E. Seino.
Licensed Ministers: Credentialed Missionary: K. Yasui.
T. Kato, Jack Sager, M. Sudoki, K.
Watanabe, S. Yamamoto. Licensed Ministers:
F. Atari, J. Maeda, Paul Nelson, R.
Licensed Missionaries: Usuda, K. Yamagata, M. Yonami.
S. Arima, Mrs. Winston Clark,
H. Hagiwara, K. Imamoto, K. Ima- Licensed Missionaries:
nishi, S. Inomaki, Mrs. L. Kajiyama, T. Asonuma, A. Atari, T. Enomata,
A. Kato, Y. Kimura, Y. Kinoshita, T. Fujita, S. Ito, T. Iwahashi, Shi-
M. Kotoyoshi, S. Kurosu, K. Matsu- geko Kaneko, Mrs. V. E. Kelstrom,
koto, K. Mineyama, K. Nishino, Mrs. K. Mori, T. Nakatani, Mrs. Paul
S. Ochai, K. Oda, K. Oikawa, Mrs. Nelson, S. Sasaki, K. Sugimoto, N.
Jack Sager, Y. Wakana, T. Wata- Tanaka, S. Tabuchi, K. Uchimura,
nabe, R. Yamanaka, K. Yoshida. M. Ueda, R. Yokoyama.


Organized 1919
Territory: Korea and the Kando Prov- G. W. Munson, Pak Chang Uk, Ryu
ince in Manchuria. Sung Ryul, Ryu Young Soon.
Population: 24,326,327 ; churches, 29 ; Departmental Secretaries:
members, 2,551. Educational and Y.P.M.V., Lee Ryu
Cable Address: "Adventist," Seoul. Home Missionary, Oh Young Sup.
Western Union Five Letter Code. Medical, George H. Rue.
Office: Outside East Gate, Seoul, Korea. Publishing, Cho Kyung Chul.
(Telephone, Tong-dai-Moon 1721.) Sabbath School, Oh Young Sup.
Postal Address: Box 43, Seoul, Korea. Ordained Ministers:
Officers: E. W. Bahr, Kim Kyu Hyuk, R. W.
President, E. W. Bahr. Pearson, Ryang Chong Il.
Assistant President, Chung Tong Credentialed Missionaries:
Shim. Kim Sang Chil, R. C. Mills, Pak
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, Chang Uk, G. H. Rue, Ryu Young
R. C. Mills. Soon, Mrs. Theodora Wangerin.
Executive Committee: E. W. Bahr,
Cho Kyung Chul, Chung Tong Shim, Licensed Ministers:
Im Sung Won, Kim Myung Kil, Kim Chae Ok Man, Cho Kyung Chul, Kim
Pyung Mok, Lee Hai Sung, J. M. Kuk Yun, J. M. Lee, Lee Ryu Sik,
Lee, Lee Myun Teuk, R. C. Mills, G. W. Munson, Oh Young Sup.

Licensed Missionaries: Doe, Kim Nan Kyung, Lee Kyung

Ahn Kyung Whee, Mrs. E. W. Bahr, Ill, Lee Sook Chin, Pak Chang Yong.
L. M. Baldwin, Mrs. L. M. Baldwin, Church School Teachers:
Chung Chin Sil, Chung Choong Sil, Lee Kyung Ilr Lo Won Ho, Oh Suk
Chung Chung He, Chung Sa Young, Young.
Chung Tai Hyuk, Chung Tai Young,
Chung Young Choon, Helen Fessler,
Han Ki Cho, Im Chung Hyuk, Im Py- NORTH KOREAN MISSION
ung Eui, Kim Chang Pok, Kim Chong Organized 1934
Kun, Kim E. Yul, Kim Hyung Chu,
Kim Ki Pank, Kim Pyung Jai, Kim Territory: That portion of Korea lying
Whal Suk, Kim Yoon Choo, Kim North of the 38th parallel and the
Young Do, Kwak Man Soo, Kwun Kando Province in Manchuria.
Kyung Cha, Lee Chang Kyu, Lee Churches: 15 ; members, 903.
Choon Min, Mrs. J. M. Lee, Lee
Young Choon, Lee Yuk Ik, Mrs. R. Office Address: Sang Soori, Pyengyang,
C. Mills, K. L. Mitchell, Mrs. K. L. Seishin, Korea.
Mitchell, Moon Pyung Nan, Mrs. G. Officers:
W. Munson, Nahm Young Cha, Oh
Sung Yong, Pai Won Sook, Pak President, Im Sung Won.
Chong Un, Mrs. R. W. Pearson, Secretary-Treasurer, Kim Kyum Mok.
Irene Robson, Mrs. G. H. Rue, Executive Committee: Im Sung Won,
Song Kwan Young, Song Yong Whan, Kim Kyum Mok and others.
You Chul Choon. Departmental Secretaries:
Legal Organization Title: Legal Associ- Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., Im
ation of the Korean Union Mission of Sung Won.
Seventh-day Adventists. Ordained Ministers:
Im Sung Won, Pak Won Sil.
Organized 1919 Cha Young Choon, Chun Ka Hyuk,
Ha Eui Tuk, Kang Tai Pong, Kim
Territory: Provinces of Kang Won, Kyum Mok.
Kyung Ki, and Whang Hai, except
those portions lying north of the 38th
parallel. North Choong Chung, ex- SOUTH KOREAN MISSION
cept the counties of Ok Chun and Organized 1939,
Young Dong ; South Choong Chung, Territory: North and South Kyung Sang,
except the counties of Non San and
Tai Chun ; and the city of Seoul. North and South Chulia and Cheiju
Provinces; and the counties of Ok
Churches: 7 ; members, 1,273. Chun and Young Dong in North
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Seoul. Choong Chung Province, and Non
San and Tai Chun in South Choong
Office Address: 99 Hoi Ki Dong, Seoul, Chung Province.
Churches: 7 ; members, 375.
Office Address: Taichun, Korea.
President, Kim Myung Kil.
Secretary-Treasurer, Kim Tuk Shin. Officers:
Executive Committee: Ahn Yong President, Chung Tong Shim.
Choon, Cho Kyung Chul, Kim Tuk Secretary-Treasurer, Kim Eung Sik.
Shin, Kim Myung Kil, Kim Sung Executive Committee: Chung Tong
Tul, Pang Nei Too, Shin Tai Sik. Shim, Huh Man Sik, Kim Eung Sik,
Departmental Secretaries: Pan Nai Hyun, Pak Chan Moon, Pak
Sung Sik, Yu Sung Yul.
Publishing, Kim Hyung Do.
Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., Kim Departmental Secretaries:
Myung Kil. Home Missionary, Y.P.M.V., and Sab-
Sabbath School, Kim Tuk Shin. bath School, Chung Tong Shim.
Ordained Minister: Kim Myung Kul. Publishing, Pak Chan Moon.
Licensed Ministers: Ordained Minister: Chung Tong Shim.
Chung Sung Chul, Kim Chang Choo, Licensed Ministers:
Kim Tuk Shin, Lee Hai Sung, Lee Huh Man Sik, Kim Wan Sik, Kwon
Myun Tuk, Oh Suk Young, Shin Suk Yun, Pak Chan Moon, Pan Nai
Tai Sik. Hyun, Yun Ok Chin.
Licensed Missionaries: Licensed Missionaries:
Chae Pyuk Song, Ghe Tai Sung, Han Chai Tai Nam, Kim Eung Sik, Kim
Ke Chong, Kim Chin Ok, Kim Hyung Kwon Ho, Pak Chun Sup.


Organized 1917; reorganized 1929
Territory: Colonies of Singapore, North Blanche Keasberry, K. S. Khng, Kho
Borneo, and Sarawak, State of Brunei, Kar Yoke, Mrs. A. I. Krautschick,
Federation of Malaya, Siam, and Wilma Leazer, Faith Lee, Mrs. E.
Indo-China. Ling, Mrs. R. M. Milne, Hazel Mote,
Lena Nevis, Mrs. J. N. Nerness, Ngo
Population: 51,932,678 ; churches, 55 ; Beng Hoe, Ngo Beng Lim, Mrs. H.
members, 2,808. W. Peterson, Mrs. J. L. Pogue, Nai
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- Prung, J. P. Rao, John Richards,
ventist," Singapore. Mrs. A. P. Ritz, P. R. Sibarani, Mrs.
S. N. Siregar, Djamaan Soelaiman,
Office Address: 399 Upper Serangoon Mrs. M. P. Sormin, A. Tan, C. K.
Road, Singapore 13, Colony of Singa- Tan, Gloria Tan, Tan Oui Kiang,
pore. (Telephone, 89292-3.) Mrs. R. F. Waddell, Mrs. P. C. Wan,
Mrs. L. C. Wilcox, Mrs. W. H. Wood,
Officers: Mrs. Grace Yeo, T. L. Yeo.
President, J. M. Nerness. Credentialed School Teachers:
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor.
C. C. Cleveland ; Assistant, K. T. Anwar Bey, Henry Canagasabai, K.
Kong. H. Goh, Viola Knight, Mrs. K. T.
Kong, James Wong.
Executive Committee: J. M. Nerness,
V. L. Bond, C. C. Cleveland, L. E. A. Legal Association: "General Conference
Fox, G. G. Innocent, V. L. Kon, K. Corporation of Seventh-day Advent-
T. Kong, C. M. Lee, R. M. Milne, H. ists."
W. Peterson, Y. H. Phang, R. A.
Pohan, A. P. Ritz, Daniel Tan, S.
H. Tan, T. N. Te, R. F. Waddell, INDO-CHINA MISSION
E. H. Wallace, L. C. Wilcox, W. H. Organized 1937
Wood, R. R. Youngberg. Territory: Cochinchina, Cambodia, An-
Departmental Secretaries: nam, Tonkin, and Laos.
Educational, Home Missionary and Population: 25,000,000; churches, 14;
Sabbath School, L. C. Wilcox. members, 581.
Ministerial Association, J. M. Nerness.
Publishing, Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
Radio, H. W. Peterson. ventiste," Saigon.
Y.P.M.V., Daniel Tan.
Office: 124 Route Locale 22, Phu-nhuan,
Ordained Ministers: Saigon, Indo-China.
R. M. Milne, Arthur Mountain, J.
M. Nerness, H. W. Peterson, J. L. Postal Address: Boite Postale 453, Sai-
Pogue, R. A. Pohan, R. F. Waddell, gon, Indo-China. (Telephone, 20702.)
L. C. Wilcox. Officers:
Honorary: N. T. Phang, K. 0. Tan. President, E. H. Wallace.
Credentialed Missionaries: Secretary-Treasurer, Le Huu.
Ruby Barnett, V. D. Bond, Chen Executive Committee: E. H. Wallace,
Wen Yu, S. F. Chu, C. C. Cleveland, Paul Hung, Le Huu, Nguyen Huu
P. M. Coleman, F. N. Crider, R. C. Nha, Nguyen van Xuan, Pham Troung
Gregory, B. T. Hammond, G. G. In- Thanh, L. G. Storz, Tran ngoc Te.
nocent, K. T. Kong, A. I. Krautschick, Departmental Secretaries:
H. M. Ku, M. Lucas, L. G. Luding- Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
ton, Mrs. L. G. Ludington, Mrs. L. G. Storz.
Arthur Mountain, Ruth Munroe, Eliz- Publishing, Tran ngoc Te.
abeth Rogers, J. E. Sandness, S. N. Y.P.M.V., Le Huu.
Siregar, M. P. Sormin, Samuel Tsai,
Pleng Vitiamyalaksana, W. H. Wood, Ordained Ministers:
Charles Yao, Yeo Peng Yee. Ho Wai Yue, Pham Truong Thanh,
Licensed Ministers: E. H. Wallace.
K. T. Chin, Daniel Tan. Licensed Ministers:
Licensed Missionaries: Paul Hung, Le van Ngo, Le van Ut,
Nguyen van Xuan, L. G. Storz, Tran
Mrs. V. D. Bond, T. K. Chong, Y. F. ngoc Te.
Choo, Mrs. C. C. Cleveland, Mrs. P.
M. Coleman, Mrs. F. N. Crider, Licensed Missionaries:
Esther Feltus, Goh Boon Chay, Mrs. Do Binh, Duong Hoa, K. Hang, Mrs.
R. C. Gregory, Mrs. B. T. Hammond, Paul Hung, Mrs. Helen Khng, Mrs.
Mrs. G. G. Innocent, Jue Man Him, Le Bris, Le Huu, Mrs. Loi Trung Dan,

Pham Thien, Mrs. L. K. Storz, Mrs. Officers:

E. H. Wallace. President, R. R. Youngberg.
Legal Assn., Societe des Missions Ad- Secretary-Treasurer, D. P. Siagian.
ventistes de France. Executive Committee: R. R. Young-
berg, Majangan, Peter Leopold, J.
T. Pohan, Wong Kiat Sam, D. P.
MALAY STATES MISSION Siagian, L. S. Sibarani.
Organized 1914 Departmental Secretaries:
Territory: Colony of Singapore, Federa- Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
tion of Malaya. J. T. Pohan.
Publishing, D. P. Siagian.
Population: 6,244,968; churches, 18; Ordained Ministers:
members, 905.
J. T. Pohan, D. P. Siagian, L. S.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- Sibarani, R. R. Youngberg.
ventist," Kuala Lumpur.
Licensed Ministers:
Office Address: 140 Bukit Bintang Road, M. Agian, Bibi, Buja, Peter Leopold,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaya. Wong Kiat Sam.
Officers: Licensed Missionaries:
President, Y. H. Phang. Dungko, Mandatang Gaban, Mrs. R.
Secretary-Treasurer, Stephen Pan. R. Youngberg.
Executive Committee: Y. H. Phang, Credentialed School Teachers:
M. Arokiasamy, C. C. Huang, P. C.
Liew, H. W. Peterson, Stephen Pan, Mrs. A. Dizon, G. Y. Dizon.
R. A. Pohan, A. K. Tan, K. B. Tan.
Departmental Secretaries: SARAWAK MISSION
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Organized 1937
Stephen Pan.
Publishing, K. T. Chin. Territory: The Colony of Sarawak and
Radio, R. A. Pohan. the State of Brunei.
Religious Liberty, Y. H. Phang. Population: 591,385; churches, 7; mem-
Ordained Ministers: bers, 426.
C. C. Huang, Daniel Liem, Y. H. Postal Address: P.O. Box 41, Kuching,
Phang, E. H. Wu. Sarawak, Borneo.
Credentialed Bible Instructor: Mrs. Amy Officers:
President, L. E. A. Fox.
Licensed Ministers: Secretary, P. L. Tamboenan.
Y. F. Chong, K. B. Tan. Executive Committee: L. E. A. Fox,
Licensed Missionaries: Y. F. Choo, G. Nyaud, A. L. Pauner,
M. T. Sibadogil, Elam Sinaga, P. L.
S. C. Chan, H. Y. Cheah, A. S. Tamboenan.
Lazarus, Stephen Pan, K. B. Phuah,
Bonar Pohan, P. G. Ratman. Ordained Ministers:
Honorary: M. Arokiasamy. L. E. A. Fox, M. T. Sibadogil, Elam
Credentialed School Teachers:
Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. P. F. Chau, Mrs. K. T. Chin,
L. T. Lee, M. S. Leong, P. K. Leong, Mrs. L. E. A. Fox, G. Nyaud, A. T.
Mrs. Daniel Liem, P. C. Liew, Mrs. Rueh, P. L. Tamboenan.
P. C. Liew, Mrs. Y. Liew, Mrs. Credentialed School Teachers:
Stephen Pan, J. L. See, K. S. See, C. Mrs. P. L. Tamboenan, Mrs. S. F.
Y. Wu. Yong.


Organized 1914 Organized 1919
Territory: Colony of North Borneo. Territory: Kingdom of Thailand.
Population: 340,000; churches, 14; Population: 19.256,325 ; churches, 2 ;
members, 700. members, 196.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
ventist," Jesselton. ventist," Bangkok.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 34, Jesselton, Office Address: 1325 Rama IV Road,
Colony of North Borneo. Bangkok, Thailand.

Officers: Ordained Ministers:

President, A. P. Ritz.
Secretary, V. L. Kon. V. L. Kon, W. A. Martin, A. P. Ritz.
Treasurer, A. I. Krautschick.
Licensed Minister: E. B. Smith.
Executive Committee: A. P. Ritz,
V. L. Kon, A. I. Krautschick, W. A. Licensed Missionaries:
Martin, Nai Pleng, E. B. Smith, M. S.
Teo, It. F. Waddell. H. M. Khu, Mrs. A. I. Krautschick,
Departmental Secretaries: Mrs. W. A. Martin, Mrs. J. E. Sand-
ness, Mgrs. E. B. Smith, Sok Sek
Book and Periodical Agency, S. T. Tang, Sook Vongsason, Pruie Ton-
Soh. asudh, Sok Sek Tong, Charles Yao.
Educational, A. P. Rif,
Home Missionary and Publishing, V. Licensed School Teachers:
L. Kon.
Sabbath School, S. T. Soh. Mrs. J. T. Ee, Pajong Sauetler, Mrs.
Y.P.M.V., W. A. Martin. Philip Peng.


Organized 1917

Territory: Republic of Philippines. L. Garcesa, W. E. Hilgert, Muriel

Howe, R. C. Imperio, Bessie Irvine,
Population: 19,109,230; churches, 642 ; C. T. Jones, I. Kintanar, J. A. Le-
members, 33,728. land, It. G. Manalaysay, H. A. Mun-
son, Phyllis Naude, F. D. Ponce, W.
Cable Address: "Adventists," Manila. C. Richli, R. T. Santos, J. Tauro, N.
Office: 1939 Luna St., Pasay City, B. Vining, Irene Wakeham.
Philippines. Licensed Ministers:
Postal Address: P.O. Box 401, Manila, J. M. Herrera, B. G. Mary, L. L.
Philippines. Quirante.
Officers: Licensed Missionaries:
President, E. M. Adams (Acting) ; Mrs. E. M. Adams, A. C. Andal,
Associate, Gil de Guzman. M. Arriola, B. Bandiola, Mrs. E. L.
Secretary, E. L. Becker (Acting). Becker, I. Blancaflor, G. D. Brion,
Treasurer and Auditor, E. L. Becker. F. Cabansag, E. C. Corpus, C. Cruz,
Assistant Auditor, H. L. Dyer. Mrs. A. V. Dick, Mrs. W. G. Dick,
Executive Committee: E. M. Adams, Mrs. H. L. Dyer, Tarciana Galang,
A. A. Alcaraz, P. C. Banaag, J. 0. F. T. Geslani, Maria Geslani, Mrs.
Bautista, E. L. Becker, R. D. Brion, A. E. Gibb, B. 0. Gravino, Mrs. W.
E. Capobres, J. D. Cristobal, F. de E. Hilgert, Mrs. R. Imperio, Mrs. V.
la Cruz, P. R. Diaz, P. B. Gonzales, R. Jewett, Mrs. C. T. Jones, Mrs. J.
Gil de Guzman, J. A. Leland, V. A. Leland, A. E. de Leon, Mrs. N.
M. Montalban, H. A. Munson, A. Mallari, L. H. Miranda, Mrs. H. A.
N. Nelson, W. C. Richli, Eric Ristau, Munson, Mrs. A. N. Nelson, Mrs. R.
A. Z. Roda, P. H. Romulo, R. T. L. Odom, Eufrocina Parago, J. Par-
Santos, C. C. Vicarra, M. C. Warren. ago, Mrs. 3. Pascual, Mrs. P. M.
Poblete, Mrs. D. Reyes, Ligaya
Departmental Secretaries: Reyes, Pacita Reyes, Mrs. W. C.
Educational, V. R. Jewett. Richli, Mrs. Eric Ristau, Alvaro Roda,
Home Missionary, P. R. Diaz. Mrs. P. H. Romulo, Mrs. J. W. Row-
Medical, W. G. Dick. land, C. San Juan, R. Sasa, Mrs. Q.
Publishing, Eric Ristau. Tamayo, J. Tawatao, T. Torrico, 1.
Radio, A. E. Gibb ; Assistant, A. A. Vigils:, V. L. Villanueva, Mrs. N. B.
Alcaraz. Vining.
Religious Liberty, A. A. Alcaraz.
Sabbath School, P. C. Banaag.
Y.P.M.V., P. H. Romulo.
Ordained Ministers:
Organized 1931
E. M. Adams, P. C. Banaag, P. R.
Diaz, A. E. Gibb, J. Hwang, V. R. Territory: The provinces of Bataan.
Jewett, A. N. Nelson, R. L. Odom, Bulacan, Cavite, Balawan, Pampanga,
T. A. Pilar, Erie Ristau, P. H. Zambales, Nueva Ecija, and Tarlac
Romulo, J. W. Rowland. (except those parts in the north
given to the Northern Luzon Mis-
Credentialed Missionaries: sion), the towns of Baler and Casi-
E. L. Becker, R. D. Brion, W. G. guran of the province of Quezon
Dick, H. L. Dyer, Nellie Feree, Miss (formerly Tayabas) the town of San

Jose, Mindoro, and the city of clan, Conchita Romano, Edna del
Manila. Rosario, Lydia Roxas, Virginia San-
tos, Dolores Tresvalles, Vieenta Trin-
Population: 3,673,325; churches, 80 ; idad.
members, 4,671.
Cable Address: "Adventists," Manila.
Office: Isabel Avenue, Malabon, Rizal,
Philippines. Organized 1914
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 2494, Ma- Territory: Provinces of Cebu, Bohol,
nila, Philippines. Negros Oriental, Masbate, Samar,
Leyte and the Island of Siquijor.
Officers: Population: 4,095,191; churches, 63;
President, Gil de Guzman. . members, 5,553.
Secretary-Treasurer, F. A. Velasco.
Executive Committee: Gil de Guzman, Office: 398 Tres de Abril St., San Nico-
A. J. Abawag, C. M. Cruz, F. D. las, Cebu City, Philippines.
Martin, F. A. Velasco, L. A. Yutuc. Postal Address: P. 0, Box 119, City of
Cebu, Philippines.
Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Periodical Agency, F. A. Officers:
Velasco. President, M. C. Warren.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., A. J. Secretary-Treasurer, L. L. Villanueva.
Abawag. Executive Committee: M. C. Warren,
Home Commission, Consolation 0. A. 0. Cabardo, A. Capobres, D. M.
Vergara. Hechanova, Jr., D. B. Ladion, L. L.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Quirante, A. N. Somoso, L. L. Vil-
L. A. Yutuc. lanueva.
Medical, C. C. Vizcarra.
Publishing, F. M. Bayuna. Departmental Secretaries:
Religious Liberty, A. A. Alcaraz. Book and Periodical Agency, D. B.
Ordained Ministers: Ladion ; Assistant, Solomon Cuizon.
A. J. Abawag, C. M. Cara, Isaac Educational and Y.P.M.V.., G. B.
Enriques, Gil de Guzman, F. D. Mar- Silud.
tin, F. 0. Reyes, J. L. Tulio, L. A. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Yutuc. D. B. Ladion (Acting).
Medical, R. C. Cuizon.
Honorary: F. Dalisay, J. Imperio, Publishing, R. Almocera ; Assistant,
M. C. Pascual. E. N. Dicen.
Credentialed Missionaries: Religious Liberty, M. C. Warren.
A. M. Cruz, F. A. Velasco, Consola- Ordained Ministers:
tion 0. Vergara. A. 0. Cabardo, Doroteo Noval, M. C.
Credentialed Bible Instructors: Warren, M. Yorac.
Mrs. E. P. Arevalo, Mrs. F. A. Mar- Credentialed Missionaries:
tin, Juan Pamintuan, C. San Juan, Mrs. Modesta Gulfan, D. B. Ladion,
N. P. Venzon. F. T. Verde, L. L. Villanueva.
Licensed Ministers: Licensed Ministers:
F. M. Bayuna, M. P. Dizon, I. D. R. G. Almocera, F. Banez, R. C.
Hernando, M. T. Isberto; S. V. Man- Cuizon, B. Ferraren, T. Gulfan, V.
ual, P. A. Perez, E. J. Tangunan, Quijada, G. B. Silud.
P. V. Tayag.
Licensed Missionaries:
Licensed Missionaries: Jose Atil, Eduardo Canas, Gertrudes
Mrs. I. L. Abawag, A. S. Canlas, J. T. Cuizon, Solomon Cuizon, Crisog-
S. Coloma, R. V. Dirige, S. M. Mor- ono Diaz, Mrs. Villanueva C. Diaz,
eno, U. A. Liwanag. Eutiquio Dizen. Vicente Gisulga, D.
M. Hechanova, Jr., Mrs. Fidela Hech-
Church School Teachers: anova, Helen Llaguno, Fortunita
Ester Abawag, Filipina Abracosa, Manatad, Gavino M. Marquez, Prax-
Vicenta Aquino, Fortunato Arit, edes Ramos, Ruth Reyes, Leodigario
Lydia Bautista, Caridad Binavides, Teves, Martha Verde.
Cornelio Bustamante, Rose Cas-
tillo, Evangeline Diaz, Naomi Diaz, Licensed Bible Instructors:
Lucia Ferrer, Caridad Gajes, Mar- Mrs. Dominga Elumir, Milagros
cela Hipolito, Rhody Hipolito, Lydia Velez.
de Leon, Eulalia Limson, Elena
Llorente, Priscila Llorente, Rosalina Church School Teachers:
Macalinao, Gregorio Marano, Leonita Marcosa Acebron, Caridad Adlawan,
Nabong, Aurora Ordanez,, Milka Rol- Mrs. Pascasia Alburo, Esther Arro-

gante, Proxidio Bolitrez, Genara Home Missionary and Sabbath School,

Ruling, Timoteo Dacoco, Mrs. Fran- S. R. Quines.
cisca Dicen, Cristita Gonzales, Li- Medical,
brada Granada, Sotera Javellana, publishing, J. A. Revita.
Eunice Llaguno, Rita Montebon, Re- Religious Liberty, F. B. dela Cruz.
becca Mendoza, Juanita Napoles, Ordained Ministers:
Froilan Naro, Mrs. Hermogina Rocel-
losa, Trinidad Suson, Juanita Vic- F. B. dela Cruz, V. C. Medina, C.
toria. P. Miguel, E. G. Vigilia.
Credentialed Missionary: A. S. Aqui.
Licensed Ministers:
Established 1939 Quines, J. A. Revita.
Territory: The Mountain Province, Licensed Missionaries:
composed of the sub-provinces of V. C. Cabansag, Mrs. L. C. Carino,
Apayao, Benguet, Bontoc, Ifugao, S. C. Corpus, J. T. Donato, Mrs. M.
and Kalinga; the municipality of S. Feliciano, N. R. leo, E. A. Pasa-
Angaki, Bocce Sor ; and barrio monte, M. A. Pasamonte, S. G. Paul-
Dilong, Tube, Abra. ino, U. P. Paulino.
Population: 285,107 ; churches, 4 ; mem- Church School Teachers:
bers, 383. Felicitation Agustines, Rizalina Al-
marez, Rosalia Cabanada, Catalina
Postal Address: P.O. Box 17, Baguio, Calla, Laura Carino, Florentina Ca-
Mt. Province, Philippines. viliza, Juanito dela Cruz, Juana
Director: A. V. Dick. Donato, Maria Feliciano, Esmeralda
(This mission is operated under the Jusay, Luz Luna, Anselma Mayor,
Ursula Paulino, Priscila Pedro, Lo-
direct supervision of the officers and renza Seguro, Cecilia Ulangca, Maria
the Executive Committee of the Phil- Ulangca, Blandina Vendiola.
ippine Union Mission.)
Ordained Ministers:
A. V. Dick, Bernardo Q. Malqued, NORTHERN LUZON MISSION
A. A. Panaga. Organized 1914
Licensed Minister: Tiwan Atiteo. Territory: Provinces of Abra, Ilocos
Licensed Missionary: Mark Balaoas. Norte, Ilocos Sur, La Union, Panga-
sinan, part of Nueva Ecija, and Tar-
Church School Teachers: lac.
Tiburcio Bandula, Felipe Berto, Al- Population: 2,000,000; churches, 70 ;
fredo Damocles, Dionisio Gallao, members, 2,995.
Rizalina Roda, Mrs. Higina L. Ver-
dan, Dora Zarate, Faith Zarate. Office Address: Artacho, Sison, Panga-
sinan, Philippines.
Organized 1948 Secretary-Treasurer, Z. B. Cahilig.
Territory: Provinces of Cagayan, Isa- Executive Committee: A. Z. Rods,
bela, Nueva Vizcaya, and Batanes G. E. Amansec, A. Balinao, Z. B.
Islands. Cahilig, P. dela Cruz, A. T. Geslani,
U. M. Oliva.
Population: 726,300; churches, 29 ; Departmental Secretaries:
members, 1,598.
Book and Periodical Agency, F. Fan-
Office Address: Santiago, Isabela, Phil- fonilo.
ippines. Educational and Y.P.M.V., R. 0.
Officers: Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
President, F. B. dela Cruz. R. A. Pilar.
Secretary-Treasurer, A. S. Aqui. Medical, J. Manuel.
Executive Committee: F. B. dela Publishing, J. C. Medina.
Cruz, A. S. Aqui, J. A. Bangloy, C. Religious Liberty, A. Z. Roda.
P. Miguel, J. A. Revita, Andres Ordained Ministers:
Vendiola, E. G. Vigilia.
U. M. Oliva, R. A. Pilar, A. Z. Roda,
Departmental Secretaries: J. Y. Yovan.
Book and Periodical Agency, A. S. Honorary: T. P. Atiga, E. Valera.
Aqui ; Assistant, N. R. Ico.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., Victor Credentialed Missionaries:
Cabansan. A. Balinao, Z. B. Cahilig.

Licensed Ministers: Miranda, J. Obregon, Mrs. A. Pob-

lete, A. J. Reyes, P. Rocero, Mrs.
C. M. Basconcillo, P. Jimeno, J. C.
Medina. P. Rocero, A. Savilla, Eustacio Sinco,
Mrs. R. Somoso, F. Ta-ala, Mrs. F.
Licensed Missionaries: Ta-ala, S. Tangjal, T. Torrico.
F. R. Abaya, R. 0. Diagan, F. Fan- Church School Teachers:
gonilo, V. Gaspar, J. Manuel, A. Mi-
H. Abadinas, Eleutena Atil, Elena
guel, R.- Oliva, B. Pagaduan, A. Pe- Briones, Bienvenida Chavit, Angelina
rez, J. Puen, N. Reyes, B. Roxas, I.
Saladino, B. Sanidad, 0. Vigilia. Cordova, Mrs. A. Cuambot, Aurora
Elmedulan, Mercela Fronteras, Viven-
Licensed Bible Instructor: Laureana cia Gayao, Filemon Gono, Florentina
Taaca. Gonzales, Victorina Janolino, Teofila
Jimenez, Mrs. Constancia Llaguno,
Church School Teachers: Rebecca Medina, Roberta Peteros,
Conrado Afenir, Lucia Andres, Ve- Catalina Perez, Elias Salapan, Pacita
ronica Atiga, Maura Bautista, Flor- Tayanes.
enda Cabanada, Consolation Casa-
nova, Cornelio Castelo, Arsenia
Dominno, Ursula Esguerra, Mrs. SOUTH-CENTRAL LUZON MISSION
N. C. Geslani, Isabel Geslani, Gavina Organized 1931
Macaraeg, Paz Maningding, Mariano
Pauline, Ignacia A. Pulido, Esfelina Territory: Provinces of Quezon, Laguna,
Tumaneng. Batangas, Mindora, Marinduque.
Population: 1,000,000; churches, 31;
members, 2,888.
Organized 1937 ; reorganized 1950 Office: Corner Palma and Merchan
Streets, Lucena, Quezon, Philippines.
Territory: Provinces of Surigao, Agu-
san, Bukidnon, Misamis Oriental, Postal Address: P. 0, Box 39, Lucena,
Lanao, Misamis Occidental, the Quezon, Philippines.
northern part of Zamboanga, part of Officers:
the southern part of Zamboanga. President, P. B. Gonzales.
Population: 1,427,569; churches, 66 ; Secretary-Treasurer, E. R. Cupino.
members, 4,237. Executive Committee: P. B. Gonzales,
E. R. Cupino, It. P. Alinsod, M. P.
Office Address: Cagayan, Oriental Misa- Arevalo, P. L. Gonzales, F. R. Lucas,
mis, Philippines. A. G. Macasiano.
Officers: Departmental Secretaries:
President, E. A. Capobres. Book and Periodical Agency, E. R.
Secretary-Treasurer, A. J. Reyes. Cupino Assistant, M. S. Yulip.
Executive Committee: E. A. Capobres, Educational and Y.P.M.V., A. Macs-
T. Cabaluna, L. Gaje, T. Layon, J. eiano.
Obregon, A. A. Poblete, A. J. Reyes. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
M. P. Arevalo.
Departmental Secretaries: Medical, C. L. Miranda.
Book and Periodical Agency, A. Publishing, A. P. Constantino.
Lazaro. Religious Liberty, P. B. Gonzales.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., J. Obre-
gon. Ordained Ministers:
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, M. P. Arevalo, F. G. Dabu, P. B.
T. A. Layon. Gonzales, A. G. Macasiano, P. S. Mag-
Medical, salin.
Publishing, Z. Ferenal.
Credentialed Missionary: E. R. Cupino.
Ordained Ministers:
Licensed Ministers:
T. Cabaluna, E. A. Capobres, T. A.
Layon, R. Llaguno, A. N. Somoso. R. P. Alinsod, G. A. Arguzon, A. H.
Halcon, M. L. Siaga.
Credentialed Missionaries: Licensed Missionaries:
L. P. Gaje, A. A. Poblete. A. P. Constantino, M. S. Yulip.
Licensed Ministers: Credentialed Bible Instructor: Pacien-
Gabriel Briones, Serafin Flores, Sera- cia Molimbayan.
pio Solano. Licensed Bible Instructor: Alicia Mo-
Licensed Missionaries:
B. Calahat, Pedro Claveria, Antonio Church School Teachers:
Cometa, Z. Ferenal, F. Ginging, A. Leoncia Bautista, Concepcion Cama-
Lazaro, B. Mary, Mrs. B. Mary, G. gay, Marcelina Corpus, Antonio Gar-

cia, Mrs. P. Garcia, Loreta Garing, Officers:

Martina Lagajino, Estefania Lardiza- President, J. 0. Bautista.
bal, Febe Lardizabal, F. Magnaye, Secretary-Treasurer, P. S. Arriola.
Eufrocina Parago, Mrs. Z. Pasco, J. Executive Commitee: J. 0. Bautista,
Repequi, Angelita Valladolid, Augus- P. S. Arriola, F. M. Arrogante, F. C.
tina Vergara. Cabansag, R. B. Cahilig, T. Espenia,
A. L. Sumicad.
SOUTHERN LUZON MISSION Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Periodical Agency, P. S.
Organized 1926 Arriola.
Territory: Sorsogon, Albay, Camarines Educational and Y.P.M.V., B. R.
Sur, Camarines Norte, Catanduanes, Arit.
Islands of Ticao and Burias. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
F. M. Arrogante.
Population: 1,400,000 ; churches, 43 ; Medical, F. C. Cabansag.
members, 1,265. Publishing, L. E. Montania.
Religious Liberty, J. 0. Bautista.
Office: Albay, Albay, Philippines.
Ordained Ministers:
Postal Address: Legaspi City, Philip-
pines. J. 0. Bautista, R. B. Cahilig, A. L.
Officers: Credentialed Missionaries:
President, J. D. Cristobal. P. S. Amoguis, P. S. Arriola, F. C.
Secretary-Treasurer, M. G. Jeros. Cabansag.
Executive Committee: J. D. Cristobal, Credentialed Bible Instructor: Mrs. L.
T. B. Frias, Mel Gabarra, F. L. 0. Dalumpines.
Jabola, M. G. Jereos, Simeon Sam-
ante, A. T. Tangalin. Licensed Minister: F. M. Arrogante.
Departmental Secretaries: Licensed Missionaries:
Book and Periodical Agency, P. T. B. R. Arit, Oliva Llaguno, I. 13. Ra-
Reyes. velo, S. G. Villacampa.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, Church School Teachers:
and Y.P.M.V.,A. T. Aristorenas.
Publishing, A. . Tangalin. Clovis Arante, Elizabeth Arellano,
Religious Liberty, J. D. Cristobal. Mansueta Camacho, Estelita Cauti-
var, Mrs. S. R. Cautivar, Permitiva
Ordained Ministers: Colegado, Mrs. F. M. Decolongon,
J. D. Cristobal, F. L. Jabola. Restituto Flores, Asuncion Fonda,
Credentialed Missionary: M. G. Jereos. Angel Gepaya, Avelina Justo, Martin
Ligan, Fely Mediadero, Inocencio
Licensed Minister: D. L. Hizon. Obregon, Perla Obsiana, Solidad Ra-
Licensed Missionaries: monal, Protacio Sabayle, Marcelina
Cenon Andalis, A. T. Aristorenas, B.
Salud, Marciano San Juan, Jeconias
Solis, Felix Suico.
B. Barnedo, T. B. Frias, Jacinto
Haniel, P. T. Reyes.
Church School Teachers:
Mrs. I. P. Adonay, Mrs. M. S. Bota- WEST VISAYAN MISSION
bara, Mrs. D. V. Delgado, Leonila de Organized 1914
Guzman, Rosalina Lagajino, Mrs. D.
A. Reyes, Mrs. R. B. San Juan, Mrs. Territory: The Provinces of Antique,
P. B. Torralba. Capiz, Iloilo, Occidental Negros,
Romblon ; and the island of Guimaras.
Population: 2,639,334 ; churches, 88 ;
Organized 1950 Office: Corner Jalandoni and Ledesma
Street, Iloilo City, Philippines.
Territory: Provinces of Davao, Cota-
bato, Southern Lanao, Southern Zam- Postal Address: Box 241, Iloilo City,
boanga, and Sulu. Philippines.
Population: 1,386,631; churches, 35; Officers:
members, 2,583. President, V. M. Montalban.
Secretary-Treasurer, M. M. Zamora.
Office: Corner Sta. Ana Avenue and Assistant Auditor, J. G. Quijote.
Adriatico Street, Davao City, Philip-
pines. Executive Committee: V. M. Montal-
ban, Nicholas Jardinico, F. H. Jor-
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 293, Davao nada, Norberto Reyes, D. C. Sabrina,
City, Philippines. E. Tantia, M. M. Zamora.

Departmental Secretaries: A. Cautiver, G. Correces, D. P. Dan-

Book and Periodical Agency, 0. C. lag, Garcia S. Diaz, J. S..Diaz, Gloria
Aguirre. Empestan, Maria Enano, R. N. Gal-
Educational and Y.P.M.V., L. Duri- eno, F. G. Geganto, Maria Gonzales,
quez. A. Hilado, Lilia Hilado, Lydia Hilado,
Medical, C. A. Lamanero. D. G. Jucaban, C. A. Lamanero,
Publishing, Dominador P. Danlag : Mrs. E. A. Lamanero, Mrs. F. Lira-
Assistant, Lourdes Lirazan. can, C. P. Legaspi, Lourdes Lirazan,
Religious Liberty, B. B. Alsaybar. Agafe Magdamo, Flordeliza Malunes,
Sabbath School and Home Missionary, P. Maypa, Estefano Miraflores, Mar-
D. C. Sabrine. celita Miraflores, Elly Molino, Maria
C. Pamisaran, T. E. Pamonag, J. C.
Ordained Ministers: Plaza, Amparo Recalde, Geminana
F. G. Jereos, E. L. Lamera, V. M. Santillana, Bienvenida delos Santos,
Montalban, D. C. Sabrine, E. Tantia. Marcelita delos Santos, E. M. Sar-
soza, Jerusha Tabo, Maria Tumang-
Honorary: F. H. Jornada. day, Lourdes Victoriano, Adelf a
Credentialed Missionaries: Vingno.
M. M. Claveria, Mrs. Beatriz H. Licensed Bible Instructors:
Jornada, J. G. Quijote, A. C. Solivio, Agrifina B. Mopia, Enriqueta T.
Mrs. Oliva D. Solvio, M. M. Zamora. Tauro.
Licensed Ministers: Church School Teachers:
L. D. Duriquez, E. Ferrer, R. G. Gar- Alicia Apostol, Bienvenida Bilbao,
cia, Crisanto Garilva, Pedro de Reyes, Juanita Clava, Teresa M. Delicano,
E. M. Salazar, D. R. Tamares, T. B. Lilia Donato, Lyonesses Fadri, Pon-
Toral, J. S. Urbanoso. ciano Genis, Raquel Jardinico, Mo-
desta Mingoy, Estefana Miraflores,
Licensed Missionaries: Mamerta Miraflores, Raquel Mira-
0. C. Aguirre, Estelita Almaiz, B. B. floras, Angeles Molen, Encarnacion
Alsaybar, R. de Angel, Olimpia V. Palomo, Rosella. Pedrena, A. Repique.
Arroyo, Rosario Aujero, B. J. Castro, Elena Tuvilla, Esther Vingno.

FAR EASTERN ISLAND MISSION ton, Guillermo Flores, Mrs. C. G.
Oliver, Mrs. It. M. Turner.
Organized 1948

Territory: Guam and Islands of the INSTITUTIONS IN TUB FAR

Trust Territory, formerly known as EASTERN DIVISION
Japanese Mandated Islands.
Population: 185,569; churches, 4; mem-
bers, 114. Agdangan Junior Academy, Agdan-
gan, Quezon, Philippines.
Postal Address: Box 149, Agana, Guam, Ayer Mania School, (Dyak Training
Marianas Islands. School) Serian, Kuching, Sarawak.
Officers: Bangkok Seventh-day Adventist Mis-
President, R. E. Dunton. sion School, Rama IV Road, Bang-
Secretary-Treasurer, C. G. Oliver. kok, Siam. -
Executive Committee: R. E. Dunton, Celebes Training School, Kowang-
J. L. Bowers, Guillermo Flores, C. G. koan, Celebes, Indonesia.
Oliver, Miguel Taitano, Toribion, R., East Visayan Academy, Bulacao, Tali-
M. Turner. say, Cebu, Philippines.
Departmental Secretaries: Indo-China Training School, 124
Home Commission, Mrs. C. G. Oliver. Route Localle 22, Phu-nhuan, Sai-
Home Missionary, Guillermo Flores. gon, Indo-China.
Sabbath School, It. M. Turner. Indonesia Union Seminary, Gadobang-
Y.P.M.V., C. G. Oliver. kong, Tjimahi, Java, Indonesia.
Ordained Ministers: Japan Junior College (Nihon San-
J. L. Bowers, R. E. Dunton, R. M. Iku Cakuin), Shows, Machi, Kimitsu
Turner. Gun, Chiba Ken, Japan.
Korean Junior College, Seoul, Korea.
Credentialed Missionary: C. G. Oliver.
Malayan Seminary, 401 Upper Seran-
Licensed Missionaries: goon Road, Singapore, Colony of
Mrs. J. L. Bowers, Mrs. R. E. Dun- Singapore.

Mindanao Mission Academy, Manti- Penang Mission Hospital, 465 Burma

cao, Initao, Misamis Oriental, Phil- Road, Penang, Malaya.
ippines. Seoul Sanitarium and Hospital, Seoul,
Northeast Luzon Junior Academy, Korea.
Divisoria, Santiago, Isabela, Philip- Tokyo Sanitarium-Hospital, (Tokyo
pines. Eisei Byoin) 171 Amanuma 1
Northern Luzon Academy, Artacho, Chome, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Sison, Pangasinan, Philippines. Ubol Mission Clinic of S.D.A., Ubol,
Philippine Union College, College Thailand.
Place, Caloocan, Rizal, Philippines. Youngberg Memorial Hospital, 513
Polillo Vocational Institute, Polillo, Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore,
Quezon, Philippines. Colony of Singapore.
Sabah Training School, Tamparuli, Dispensaries
Tuaran, North Borneo.
Bandung Mission Clinic, Kiaratjon-
Sumatra Training School, Pematang dong 201, Bandung, Java, Indo-
Siantar, Sumatra, Indonesia. nesia.
Sunny Hill School, Third Mile, Si- Cebu Public Health Dispensary, 398
manggang Road, Kuching, Sara- Tres de Abril St., San Nicolas,
wak, Borneo. Cebu City, Philippines.
Teh Sin School, Peel Road, Kuala Cholon Maternity Home, 203-205 Bd
Lumpur, Selangor, Malaya. Charles Thompson, Cholon, Indo-
West Visayan Academy, Bonco, Poto- China.
tan, Iloilo, Philippines. Philippine Union College Clinic,
Baesa, Caloocan, Rizal, Philippines.
Sanitariums and Hospitals
Indo-China Press, 124 Route Na-
Bandung Mission Hospital, Djl. Ta- tionale 22, Phu-nhuan, Saigon,
man Sari 40, Bandung, Java, Indo- Indo-China.
nesia. Indonesia Publishing House, Naripan
Bangkok Mission Clinic, 56 Maitrichitr 63, Bandung, Java, Indonesia.
Road, Bangkok, Thailand. Japan Seventh-day Adventist Pub-
Bangkok Sanitarium and Hospital, lishing House (Fukuinsha), 1966
807 Lan Luang Road, Bangkok, Kamikawai Machi, Hodagaya-ku,
Thailand. Yokohama, Japan.
Bhuket Mission Clinic, Bhuket, Thai- Malayan Signs Press, 399 Upper Ser-
land. angoon Road, Singapore, Colony of
Haad Yai Mission Clinic of S.D.A.,
Haad Yai, Thailand. Philippine Publishing House, Baesa,
Caloocan, Rizal, near Philippine
Manila Sanitarium and Hospital, 1875 Union College. Postal Address: Box
Donada St., Pasay City, Philippines. 813, Manila, Philippines.
Lakeside Clinic, Dansalan, Lanao, Signs of the Times Publishing House,
Mindanao, Philippines. Chyung-yang-ri, Seoul, Korea.
Organized 1922

Territory: Mexico, Guatemala, Hondu- Religious Liberty, Sabbath School,

ras, British Honduras, Salvador, Nica- - and Temperance, W. A. Wild.
ragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ministerial Association and Radio, A.
Venezuela, British Guiana, Dutch H. Roth.
Guiana, French Guiana, West Indies nigraiing, J. C. Culpepper.
Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Advisory Board for Mexico:
Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Trinidad,
Windward, Leeward, Virgin and Administrative, H. J. Westphal.
Bahama IslandsFrench and Nether- Financial, R. B. Caldwell.
lands West Indies, and that portion Educational and Y.P.M.V., Charles
of the city of Miami, Florida, known Taylor.
as Coconut Grove, southeast of the Home Missionary, Sabbath School and
Dixie Highway and south to the Red Temperance, D. J. Thomann.
Road and east of the Red Road to the Press Relations and Radio, B. 0.
bay ; comprising the Antillian, Brit- Maxson.
ish West Indies, Caribbean, Central Publishing, R. D. Fleitas.
American, Colombia-Venezuela, and Transportation Agents:
Mexican Union Missions.
Division Treasurer, and Union Treas-
Population: 64,460,046; churches, 930; urers of the Antillian, British West
members, 73,106. Indies, Carribean, Central American,
Colombia-Venezuela, and Mexican
Cable Address: "Adventist," Miami, Fla. Union Missions.
Office and Telegraphic Address: 1921 Ordained Ministers:
South Bayshore Drive, Miami, Flor-
ida, U.S.A. (Telephone, 83-2551.) W. E. Baxter, Jr., V. E. Berry, Glenn
Calkins, J. C. Culpepper, R. D. Flei-
Postal Address: Box 228, Coconut Grove, tas, C. L. Paddock, Jr., A. H. Roth,
Miami, Florida, U.S.A. D. J. Thomann, H. J. Westphal,
W. A. Wild.
President, Glenn Calkins. Credentialed Missionaries:
Treasurer and Auditor, L. F. Bohner; Robert Bowen, H. E. Butka, Kenneth
Assistant, K. H. Emmerson. Fisher, H A. Habenicht, Effie A.
Division Committee: Glenn Calkins, James, A. R. Monteith, Marguerite
Francisco Arroyo, V. E. Berry, L. F. Peugh, C. L. von Pohle.
Bohner, V. T. Boyce, R. B. Caldwell, Licensed Ministers:
J. C. Culpepper, B. R. Hamilton, Ho-
racio Hernandez, A. V. Larson, H. B. L. F. Bohner, R. B. Caldwell, K. H.
Lundquist, G. C. Nickle, R. W. Num- Emmerson, B. 0. Maxson, C. R.
bers, C. L. Paddock, Jr., A. H. Roth, Taylor.
F. S. Thompson, H. J. Westphal, Licensed Missionaries:
W. A. Wild.
Roberta Beck, Mrs. Robert Bowen,
Departmental Secretaries: Margot Christiansen, Mrs. K. H. Em-
Educational, Medical Training Corps, merson, Raquel Genanian, Mrs. Mar-
and Y.P.M.V., V. E. Berry. jorie Hall, Mrs. C. L. Paddock, Jr.,
Home Missionary, Press Relations, Goldie Starkey, Mrs. C. L. von Pohle.


Reorganized 1923

Territory: Cuba, Dominican Republic, Postal Address: Apartado 50, General

Haiti, Puerto Rico. Peraza, Havana, Cuba.
Population: 11,730,264 ; churches, 165 ; Officers:
members, 16,894. President, H. B. Lundquist.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor,
Cable Address: "Unionantil," Havana, C. 0. Franz.
Cuba. Cashier, Dorothy Liese.
Office: 3d and F Sts., General Peraza Executive Committee: H. B. Lund-
(Rancho Boyeros), Havana, Cuba. quist, F. G. Drachenberg, S. L. Folk-
(Telephone, No. 8.) enberg, C. 0. Franz, F. B. Moore,

L. L. Reile, R. J. Roy, Guiscard Ordained Ministers:

Sablier, D. J. Sargeant, Valentin E. A. Girado, Jr., E. A. Pupo, Juan
Schoen, Ignacio Vazquez, Miguel E. Rivera, H. A. B. Robinson, Valen-
Vazquez, Ernest Veuthey. tin Schoen, Angel de la Torre.
Departmental Secretaries: Credentialed Missionaries:
Educational and Y.P.M.V., L. L. Eligio Gonvalez, Leonela Gonzales.
Reile. Licensed Ministers:
Home Missionary, Press Relations,
Radio, and Sabbath School, S. L. Adolfo Moretta, L. A. Wheeler.
Folkenberg. Licensed Missionaries:
Publishing, F. B. Moore.
Arturo Broch, Magnolia Broch, Mrs.
Ordained Ministers: E. A. Girado, Domingo Mena, Luisa
H. E. Baasch, F. G. Drachenberg, L. Moore, Mrs. E. A. Pupo, Mrs. H. A.
L. Dunn, S. L. Folkenberg, C. 0. B. Robinson, Mrs. Valentin Schoen,
Franz, H. B. Lundquist, F. B. Moore, Mrs. Angel de la Torre, Mrs. L. A.
L. L. Reile. Wheeler.
Credentialed Missionary: H. F. Meyer. Church School Teachers:
Honorary: H. W. Miller. Salvador Alvarez, Muriel Burke, Sil-
Licensed Ministers: via Cana, Dionieio Christian, Josefa
Contreras, Maria Davis, Damares
A. L. Christensen, M. Carballal, Gores, Elereia Perez, Olympia Reyes,
Rufino Vazquez. Daniel Williams, Edgar Williams.
Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. H. E. Baasch, Mrs. M. Carballal,
John Carr, Mrs. John Carr, Marie EAST CUBA CONFERENCE
Caveda, Mrs. A. L. Christensen, Mrs. Organized 1941
F. G. Drachenberg, Mrs. L. L. Dunn,
Mrs. S. L. Folkenberg, Mrs. C. 0. Territory: The eastern part of Cuba,
Franz, Therlow Harper, Dorothy consisting of the provinces of Cama-
Liese, Mrs. H. B. Lundquist, Mrs. H. guey and Oriente.
S. Mendez, Mrs. H. F. Meyers, Mrs. Population: 1,661,849 ; churches, 35 ;
H. W. Miller, Mrs. F. B. Moore, Car- members, 1,907.
men Monzon, Mrs. L. L. Reile, Mrs.
Celestina Sales. Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Adven-
tista," Camaguey, Cuba.
Office: Avenida de la Libertad No. 268,
DOMINICAN MISSION Camaguey, Cuba. (Telephone, 2925.)
Organized 1924 Postal Address: Apartado 80, Cama-
Territory: Dominican Republic. guey, Cuba.
Population: 1,616,561; churches, 25; Officers:
members, 1,973. President, Miguel Vazquez.
Cable Address: "Adventists," Ciudad Secretary-Treasurer, M. E. Lysinger.
Trujillo, Republica Dominicana. Executive Committee: Miguel Vaz-
Office: Wenceslao Alvarez No. 4, Cuidad quez, David Caveda, Samuel Z. Daley,
Trujillo, Republica Dominicana. Juan Palau, Miguel Leon, M. E.
Lysinger, Fernando Valcarcel.
Postal Address: Apartado 568, Ciudad Departmental Secretaries:
Trujillo, Republica Dominicana. (Tel-
ephone 4110.) Book and Bible House, M. E. Ly-
Officers: Educational, Home Missionary, Radio,
President, Valentin Schoen. and Y.P.M.V., David Caveda.
Secretary-Treasurer, H. A. B. Robin- Publishing, Juan Palau.
son. Sabbath School, Miguel Vazquez.
Executive Committee: Valentin Ordained Ministers:
Schoen, E. A. Girado, Jr., Eligio Miguel Leon, Ignacio Vazquez, Mi-
Gonzales, E. A. Pupo, H. A. Robin-
son, Napoleon Saad, L. A. Wheeler. guel Vazquez.
Honorary: J. B. Sales.
Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, and Radio, Credentialed Missionary: Juan Palau.
H. A. B. Robinson. Credentialed Bible Instructor: Ana Rosa
Educational, Sabbath School, Tem- Alvarado.
perance, and Y.P.M.V.,
Home Missionary and Press Relations, Licensed Ministers:
Valentin Schoen. David Caveda, M. E. Lysinger, Val-
Publishing, Eligio Gonzalez. eriano Vazquez, Raul Villanueva.

Licensed Missionaries: Rabuka, Mrs. M. M. Rabuka, Mrs.

Guiscard Sablier, Mrs. Ernest Veu-
Roberto Cols, Leopoldo Guzman, they.
Mrs. Frances Lysinger, Mrs. Raul
Villanueva. Church School Teachers:
Church School Teachers: Roger Aime, Bossuet Angrand, Fene-
lon Andain, Edouard Banks, Ber-
Tranquilino Bejarano, Evaristo Gon- nard Bastien, Mrs. Merlin Jean Bap-
zales, Winifred Holdip, Eucilda Jorge,
Enrique Maury, W. R. Miller, Ana tiste, Mrs. Luc Blot, Joseph Bouzy,
Joses Brutus, Anthilde Byssainthe,
Rodriquez, Jacob Salcedo, Gladys Max Charles, Paul Conze, Becel Du-
Small, Isaias de la Torre, Felix
breuze, Mariette Henry, Hyvron Jul-
Vasquez. ney, Abner Lafleur, Mrs. Duvilla
Pierre, Pierre Pierre-Louis, Theodore
Pierre-Louis, Amedee Saint Pierre,
HAITIAN MISSION Gesner Thamas, Emilie Timothee,
Established 1905 Morel Torchon, S. Toussaint, Eunice
Valcin, Romanua Valentin, Mrs.
Territory: Republic of Haiti. Louis Vernet.
Population: 4,000,000; churches, 37 ;
members, 8,229.
Cable Address: "Adventiste," Port-au- Reorganized 1948
Prince, Haiti.
Territory: Islands of Puerto Rico and
Office: Avenue Joseph Nicolas and Viequez.
Magloire Ambroise, Port-au-Prince,
Haiti. (Telephone, 2083.) Population: 2,017,000 ; churches, 38 ;
members, 2,943.
Postal Address: Casier Postal S, Port-
au-Prince, Haiti. Cable Address: "Adventists," San Juan,
Officers: Puerto Rico.
President, Ernest Veuthey. Office: Calle Hoare esqu. Jose Marti,
Secretary-Treasurer, Guiscard Sab- Stop 14, Santurce, Puerto Rico. (Tel-
lier. ephone, 2-1463.)
Executive Committee: Ernest Veu- Postal Address: Apartado 3005, San-
they, Toussenel Alexis, V. R. Lebe- turce, Puerto Rico.
doff, Edner Pierre-Louis, Pierre Pi-
erre-Louis, A. G. Roth, Guiscard Officers:
Sablier. President, Eloy Acosta.
Departmental Secretaries: Secretary-Treasurer, A. P. Christian-
Book and Bible House, Guiscard Sab-
liar. Executive Committee, Eloy Acosta,
Home Missionary, Publishing, and Victor Capriles, A. P. Christiansen,
Radio, Ernest Veuthey. C. W. Dunscombe, Ramon Hernan-
Publishing and Temperance, Edner dez, Antonio Marrero, Pedro Perales.
Pierre-Louis. Departmental Secretaries:
Sabbath School, Y.P.M.V., and Edu- Book and Bible House, A. P. Chris-
cational, V. R. Lebedoff. tiansen.
Ordained Ministers: Educational, Temperance, and Y.P.
Toussenel Alexis, Matthieu Berming- M.V., C. G. Bushnell.
ham, Joses Brutus, Maxi Cherenfant, Home Missionary, Radio, and Sabbath
Julien Craan, Nahum Issac, Bossuet School, Jose Gil.
Lanoix, V. R. Lebedoff, Andre G. Publishing, Bernardo Hernandez.
Roth, Ernest Veuthey. Ordained Ministers:
Honorary: F. D. Apollon, A. J. Jean- Eduardo Acosta, Eloy Acosta. Jose
Baptiste. Castrejon, Max Grunzeug, Ramon
Hernandez, Antonio Marrero, Manuel
Licensed Ministers: Mendez, Pedro Perales, J. A. Phipps,
Marcel Abel, Carpel Desvarieux, An- A. J. Stewart.
tony Henry, Edner Pierre-Louis,
Honorary: Rafael Bracero, Francisco
Guiscard Sablier. Megrant.
Honorary: Themistocle Abel, Hero-
dote Lanoix, Alexis Valcourt. Credentialed Missionaries:
Licensed Missionaries: A. P. Christiansen, Bernardo Her-
nandez, T. Maldonado, Rosa Rosario.
Abdonel Abel, Roland Bermingham,
Napoleon Charles, Assiedius Isaac, Licensed Ministers:
Isaac Jean Baptiste, Mrs. V. R. C. G. BushnellTose Gil, H. S.
Lebedoff, Horatius Petigny, M. M. Mendez.

Licensed Missionaries: Executive Committee: R. J. Roy,

Rogelio Campillo, Rene Chavez, Jose
Mrs. C. G. Bushnell, Mrs. A. P. de la Maza, Silvio Sales.
Christiansen, Mrs. Jose Castrejon,
Rafael Garcia, Mrs. Jose Gil, Marie Departmental Secretaries:
McCall, Mrs. H. S. Mendez, Mrs. J. Book and Bible House, Reiner Macias.
A. Phipps, Marcos Sanchez, Mrs. A. Educational, Sabbath School, and
J. Stewart. Y.P.M.V., Celestino Roque.
Church School Teachers: Home Missionary and Radio, R. J.
Mrs. Margarita Acosta, Maria T. Roy.
Cancel, Teresa Cancel, Julia Delgado, Publishing, Franciso Ruiz.
Mrs. Luz Maria de Diaz, Eliezer Ordained Ministers:
Melendez, Mrs. Amanda Morales, Juan Rene Chavez, E. A. Girado, Sr., R. J.
A. Ortiz, Flora C. Ossorio, Evelia Roy, J. A. Zaragoza.
Polanco, Adriano Quiles, Mrs. Julia
Renovales, Aurora Sanchez, Franco Honorary: Pedro Cruz.
L. Vega. Credentialed Missionary: Silvio Sales.
WEST CUBA CONFERENCE Licensed Ministers:
Organized 1941 Rogelio Campillo, Israel Gonzalez,
Celestino Roque, Francisco Ruiz,
Territory: The western part of Cuba, Virgilo Zaldivar.
made up of the provinces of Pinar Licensed Missionaries:
del Rio. Havana, Matanzas and
Santa Clara; the Isle of Pines. Mario de Armas, Hilda Cardero, Rei-
Population: 2,534,854 ; churches, 30 ; ner Macias, Esther Martinez, Mrs.
members, 1,842. R. J. Roy, Felida Vences.
Cable Address: "Adventists," Havana, Church School Teachers:
Cuba. Maria Bazan, Juan Castillo, Concep-
Office Address: Patrocinio No. 20, Vi- cion Colina, Sergio Fuentes, Gilberto
bora, Havana, Cuba. (Telephone, I- Harper, Alejandrina Lorenzo, Basilia
4004.) Cuellar de Marin, Justino Montelier,
Petronila Oxamendi, Ines Watson de
Officers: Reid, Ramon Salcedo, Humberto San-
President, R. J. Roy. chez, Ramon Silva, Luisa Valdivia,
Secretary-Treasurer, Silvio Sales. Esther Vivancos.


Organized 1944

Territory: Jamaica, Bahama Islands, Stockhausen, W. H. Waller, H. S.

British Honduras, Swan Island, Cay- Walters, J. N. Williams.
man Islands, Turks and Caicos Is-
lands. Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, Curtis Parch-
Population: 1,389,345; churches, 247; ment.
members, 16,487. Educational, Press Relations, and
Cable Address: "Adventist," Mande- Y.P.M.V., 0. V. Schneider.
ville, Jamaica. Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
and Temperance, A. C. Stockhausen.
Office: Mandeville, Jamaica, British Ministerial and Radio, E. E. Parch-
West Indies. ment.
Publishing, A. R. Haig.
Postal Address: Box 22, Mandeville, Religious Liberty, R. W. Numbers.
Jamaica, British West Indies.
Ordained Ministers:
Stanley Bull, B. G. Butherus, A. R.
President, R. W. Numbers. Haig, B. R. Hamilton, R. W. Num-
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, bers, W. A. Osborne, E. E. Parch-
A. L. Edeburn. ment, 0. V. Schneider, A. C. Stock-
Field Secretary. E. E. Parchment. hausen.
Executive Committee: R. W. Numb- Honorary: Frank Hall, E. C. Hen-
ers, B. G. Butherus, H. D. Colburn, riques, W. H. Randle, J. A. Reid, G.
A. L. Edeburn, Frank Fletcher, R. E. A. E. Smith.
Gibson, A. R. Haig, B. R. Hamilton,
E. J. Horsley, A. D. Laing, W. A. Credentialed Missionaries:
Osborne, Curtis Parchment, E. E. L. L. D'Andrade, A. W. N. Druitt,
Parchment, 0. V. Schneider, A. C. A. L. Edeburn, E. J. Horsley, Edna

C. Parchment, Oswald Rugless, E. E. Cable Address: "Adventist," Belize,

Walters, Marjorie Whitney. British Honduras.
Credentialed Bible Instructor: Agnes Postal Address: Box 170, Belize, Brit-
W. Sangster. ish Honduras, Central America.
Licensed Missionaries:
Headley Anderson, Sidney Beaumont,
Pearl Bell, Vincent Boyd, Zeta Boyd, President, J. N. Williams.
Dell Brodie, Gladys Brodie, Mavis Secretary-Treasurer, Ivy Usher.
Byran, Mrs. Stanley Bull, Valerie Executive Committee: J. N. Williams,
Burke, Mrs. B. G. Butherus, Dorothy Ivy Usher, Clifford Atherley, S. A.
Campbell, Mrs. A. L. Edeburn, Aston Clarke, Arthur Harding, Garfield
English, Urceline Greene, Roslyn Newman, S. Vascianni, B. A. Wood-
Grant, Esther Harriott, Ellice Hogg, burn.
Mrs. E. J. Horsley, Allen McIntosh,
Olive McCartney, Laurel Marr, Leslie Departmental Secretaries:
Morrison, Erline Nation, Anita Nemb- Book and Bible House, Ivy Usher.
hard, Myrtle Nembhard, Mary C. Educational, Caleb Clayton.
Noble, Mrs. R. W. Numbers, Curtis Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., J.
Parchment, Mrs. H. S. Walters, N. Williams.
Ralphus Williams, Roy Williams. Sabbath School, Mrs. J. N. Williams.
Ordained Ministers:
BAHAMAS MISSION Garfield Newman, J. N. Williams.
Entered 1909 Credentialed Missionary: Ivy Usher.
Territory: The Bahama Islands. Licensed Minister: B. A. Woodburn.
Population: 75,008 ; churches, 18 ; mem- Licensed Missionaries:
bers, 701.
Caleb Clayton, Mrs. Garfield New-
Cable Address: "Adventist," Nassau, men, Mrs. S. Vascianni, Mrs. J. N.
Bahamas. Williams, Mrs. B. A. Woodburn.
Office: 355 Bay Street (near Rawson
Square), Nassau, Bahamas, British Church School Teachers:
West Indies. (Telephone, 3011.) Mrs. C. A. Gill, Roleta Clarke, Mrs.
Postal Address: Box 356, Nassau, Ba- J. Tapia, Mrs. F. Trapp.
hamas, British West Indies.
President, R. E. Gibson.
Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. 0. P. Jones. CAYMAN ISLANDS MISSION
Executive Committee: R. E. Gibson, Organized 1944
W. W. Antonio, J. B. Dean, Owen
P. Jones, U. B. Toote, Paul Ward. Territory: Grand Cayman, Cayman,
Departmental Secretaries: Brac, Little Cayman, and Swan
Book and Bible House, Mrs. 0. P.
Jones. Population: 7,000 ; churches, 4; mem-
Educational, Home Missionary, Radio, bers, 139.
and Y. P. M. V., R. E. Gibson.
Publishing, 0. P. Jones. Office Address: George Town, Grand
Sabbath School, Mrs. 0. P. Jones. Cayman, British West Indies.
' Temperance, Florence Wood. Officers:
Ordained Ministers: President and Secretary-Treasurer, 0.
R. E. Gibson, Lee Gouldborne, 0. P. V. Schneider.
Jones. Executive Committee: 0. V. Schneider,
Credentialed Missionary: Mrs. 0. P. J. T. Bodden, T. N. Diaz, George
Jones. Merren, Mrs. 0. V. Schneider, C. R.
Licensed Missionaries: Wood.
Mrs. R. E. Gibson, Paul Ward. Departmental Secretaries:
Church School Teachers: Educational and Y.P.M.V., 0. V.
Mrs. C. J. Barnes, Ualee Lawrence, Schneider.
U. B. Toote. Home Missionary, C. R. Wood.
Publishing, A. R. Haig.
Sabbath School, Mrs. 0. V. Schneider.
Reorganized 1937 Ordained Minister: O. V. Schneider.
Territory: British Honduras. Licensed Missionaries:
Population: 64,000 ; churches, 14 ; mem- J. T. Sodden, George Merren, Mrs.
bers, 473. 0. V. Schneider, C. R. Wood.


Organized 1944 President and Secretary-Treasurer,
W. H. Waller.
Territory: Eastern Jamaica, consisting Executive Committee: W. H. Waller,
of St. Catherine, St. Mary, Portland, Felix Clayton, Mrs. W. H. Waller.
St. Thomas, St. Andrew, and Kings-
ton parishes. Ordained Minister: W. H. Waller.
Population: 569,840 ; churches, 91 ; mem- Licensed Missionaries:
bers, 8,157.
Felix Clayton, Mrs. W. H. Waller.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Kingston,
Office Address: 176 Orange Street, WEST JAMAICA CONFERENCE
Kingston, British West Indies. (Tele-
phone, 4102.) Organized 1944
Officers: Territory: Western Jamaica, consisting
President, H. D. Colburn. of Clarendon, Manchester, St. Eliza-
Secretary-Treasurer, E. Winnifred beth, Westmoreland, Hanover, St.
Parchment. James, Trelawny, and St. Ann par-
Executive Committee: H. D. Colburn, ishes.
W. U. Campbell, W. A. Holgate, E. Population: 666,497 ; churches, 118 ;
J. Horsley, A. D. Laing, W. J. Mil- members, 6,981.
ler, E. Winnifred Parchment.
Cable Address: "AdventistHazelrigg,"
Departmental Secretaries: Mandeville, Jamaica.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., Hilbert Office Address: "Hazelrigg," Mande-
Nembhard. ville, Jamaica, British West Indies.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, (Telephone, 218.)
Publishing, W. U. Campbell ; Assist- Officers:
ant, C. C. Nebblet. President, H. S. Walters.
Ordained Ministers: Secretary-Treasurer, L. A. Morrison.
W. U. Campbell, H. D. Colburn, K. S. Executive Committee: H. S. Walters,
Crofoot, C. F. Edwards, W. A. Hol- S. H. Brodie, Frank Fletcher, C. S.
gate, A. D. Laing, Hilbert Nembhard, Greene, S. G. Undo, L. A. Morrison,
E. C. Walton. E. C. H. Reid, J. D. Robinson, K. G.
Credentialed Missionary: E. Winnifred
Parchment. Departmental Secretaries:
Educational and Y.P.M.V., Joseph
Licensed Ministers: Fletcher.
David McCalla, C. C. Nebblet, S. Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
Reid. and Temperance, C. S. Greene.
Licensed Missionaries: Publishing, B. E. Hurst; Assistant,
R. Douglas.
Mrs. H. D. Colburn, Mrs. K. S. Cro- Religious Liberty, H. S. Walters.
foot, Elethia Gibson, Mrs. W. A. Hol-
gate, W. J. Miller, Herman Mills, Ordained Ministers:
Jean Mullings, Ena Parker, V. H. Frank Fletcher, C. S. Greene, Owen
Percy, Valerie Ryan, Hulda Shaw, Holness, B. E. Hurst, S. G. Lindo,
Olga Smith, Inez Waldrew, Vinette W. S. Nation, E. C. H. Reid, K. G.
Walker, Lenox Westney. Vaz, H. S. Walters.
Church School Teachers: Licensed Ministers:
Felix Hyatt, A. G. Lawrence, Mrs.
L. Richardson. R Douglas, Harry Fletcher, Joseph
Fletcher, L. A. Morrison, John Pal-
mer, Irvin Smith, Adrian Westney.
Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. G. Alexander, Cynthia Fletcher,
Organized 1945 Sybil Moncriffe, Mrs. W. S. Nation,
Annie Parchment, Mrs. U. R. Vent.
Territory: Turks and Caicos Islands.
Bible Instructor: Merle Lawrence.
Population: 7,000; .churches, 2; mem-
bers, 36. Church School Teachers:
Postal Address: Box 7, Grand Turk, Percival Clayton, Herbert Fletcher,
Turks and Caicos Islands, British Dorcas Reid, Rita Richards, Beryl
West Indies. (Telephone 4102.) Williamson.


Organized as Union Conference 1926; reorganized as Union Mission 1945.

Territory: Trinidad and Tobago, Bar- BRITISH GUIANA MISSION

bados, the Windward, Leeward, and Organized 1926; reorganized 1945
Virgin Islands; British, Dutch, and
French Guianas. Territory: British Guiana, South
Population: 2,321,118 ; churches, 203 ;
members, 15.570. Population: 381,325 ; churches, 43 ;
members, 3,401.
Cable Address: "Caribunion," Port-of- Cable Address: "Adventist," George-
Spain, Trinidad. town, British Guiana, South America.
Office: 7 Rookery Nook, Port-of-Spain, Office: 222 Peter Rose and Almond
Trinidad, British West Indies. (Tele- Streets, Queenstown, Georgetown,
phone, 22514.) British Guiana, South America. (Tel-
Postal Address: Box 221, Port-of-Spain, ephone, Qn. 1284.)
Trinidad, British West Indies. Postal Address: Box 78, Georgetown,
Officers: British Guiana, South America.
President, F. S. Thompson. Officers:
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, J. President, R. E. Delafield.
0. Emmerson. Secretary-Treasurer V. T. Boyce.
Cashier, G. 0. Dunham. Executive Committee: R. E. Delafield,
Executive Committee: F. S. Thomp- V. T. Boyce, C. Dirgoonanan, N. A.
son, B. L. Archbold, Ralph Combes, Premdas, V. Stoll.
R. E. Delafield, R. F. Dunlop, G. 0.
Dunham, J. 0. Emmerson, Vernon Departmental Secretaries:
Flory, Charles Kum, A. H. Linzau, Book and Bible House, V. T. Boyce.
P. W. Manuel, G. C. Osgood, A. A. Educational, Home Missionary, and
Ward, S. E. White. Y.P.M.V., N. A. Premdas.
Publishing, Charles Dirgoonanan.
Departmental Secretaries: Sabbath School, V. T. Boyce.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., M. G.
Nembhard. Ordained Ministers:
Home Missionary, Press Relations, R. E. Brooks, R. E. Delafield, Charles
Radio, and Sabbath School, Vernon Dirgoonsnan, A. A. Fortune, N. A.
Flory. Premdas, 0. C. Walker.
Publishing, G. C. Osgood. Credentialed Missionaries:
Temperance, R. F. Dunlop.
V. T. Boyce, Riley Caesar.
Ordained Ministers:
Licensed Missionaries:
Vernon Flory, L. A. Kraner, P. W.
Manuel, M. G. Nembhard, F. S. F. A. Blenman, Mrs. R. E. Delafield,
Thompson. F. F. Morales, P. A. West, Irma
Robins, M. Thompson, Stella Edoo,
Honorary: Henry Beck, R. T. E. Colt- Jemmy Rohoman.
burst, W. H. Lewis, N. Payne, A. E.
Riley, T. J. Warner, J. D. Wood. Bible Instructors:
Credentialed Missionaries: Kathleen Brathwaite, Floretta Moore.
Linda Austin, I. W. Baerg, G. 0. Church School Teachers:
Dunham, R. F. Dunlop, B. L. Rich- A. Benjamin, J. Calder, K. Dummett,
ards, R. Wilson. E. Dyett, Cynthia Hinds, J. J. Lewis,
Daphne Wallerson, P. A. West.
Licensed Ministers:
Legal Title: "Guiana Conference of
J. 0. Emmerson, G. C. Osgood. Seventh-day Adventists."
Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. I. W. Baerg, Pretha Boyce,
Evelyn Dummett, Mrs. G. 0. Dun- FRENCH GUIANA MISSION
ham, Lois Dunlop, Olive Edwards, Organized 1945
Mrs. J. 0. Emmerson, Irisdeane Fran-
cis, Mrs. Vernon Flory, Agnes Territory: French Guiana.
Harris, Olive Hunte, Mrs. L. A. Population: 47,341 ; church, 1 ; mem-
Kraner, A. A. La Touche, L. Law- bers, 31.
rence, Mrs. P. W. Manuel, Ruby Postal Address: Casier Postal 65, Cay-
Mondesir, Joyce Moore, Mrs. G. C. enne, French Guiana, South America.
Osgood, Mrs. B. L. Richards, Verna
Roberts, Myrtle Shorey, Mrs. F. S. President: F. S. Thompson.
Thompson. Ordained Minister: A. Ii. Linzau.

FRENCH WEST INDIAN MISSION Postal Address: Box 223, Bridgetown,

Barbados, British West Indies.
Established 1929
Territory: French West IndiesMar- President, S. E. White.
tinique, Guadeloupe, and dependen- Secretary-Treasurer, C. A. Kum.
cies. Executive Committee: S. E. White,
Population: 514,212 ; churches, 24 ; mem- C. M. Greenidge, C. A. Kum, W. H.
bers, 1,546. Lewis, E. J. Parchment, 0. P. Reid.
Cable Address: "Adventiste," Fort-de- Departmental Secretaries:
France, Martinique. Book and Bible House, C. A. Kum.
Educational, Home Missionary, and
Office: Route de Schoelcher 2 Km 100, Y.P.M.V., E. J. Parchment.
Fort-de-France, Martinique, French Publishing, George McMillan.
West Indies. Sabbath School, S. E. White.
Postal Address: Boite Postale 194, Fort- Ordained Ministers:
de-France, Martinique, French West N. C. Gooding, V. H. McEachrane,
Indies. E. J. Parchment, 0. P. Reid, W. W.
Officers: Weithers, S. E. White.
President, Ralph Combes. Credentialed Missionary: C. A. Kum.
Secretary-Treasurer, Licensed Ministers:
Cashier, Marie-Luee Sainte Claire. L. B. Arthur, Noel Bailey, Kenrick
Executive Committee: Ralph Combes, Davis, George McMillan.
Eugene Berle, Joseph Bigord, Andre Licensed Missionaries:
Dellevi, S. B. Jean-Elie, Yves Menal.
Daphne Browne, Myrtle McClean,
Departmental Secretaries: Esther Osborne, Joyce Shannon, Mrs.
S. E. White.
Book and Bible House,
Educational, Home Missionary, and Church School Teachers:
Sabbath School, Ralph Combos. John Alleyne, Ruby Bovell, Beatrice
Publishing and Y.P.M.V., Yves Menal. Brathwaite, Arhoda Callender, M. A.
Ordained Ministers: Joseph, Hugh King, Clarence Lash-
ley, Alfred Lewis, David Lewis, H.
Eugene Berle, Ralph Combes, S. B. B. Philips, Marjorie Philpot, Ferris
Jean-Elie, Marcel Pereau. Scott.
Credentialed Missionary: Yves Menal. Legal Titles: The Board of Trustees of
Licensed Minister: George Erin. the Seventh-day Adventist Church in
the Leeward Islands, Antigua; The
Licensed Missionaries: Leeward Islands Conference of Sev-
enth-day Adventists, Barbados, British
Michelle Beauregard, Mrs. Ralph West Indies.
Combes, Elmire Valleray, Eugenie
Joseph Bigord, Mrs. Fl. Bouquety, Organized 1926; reorganized 1945
Mrs. Rene Jules Gaston, Fernande Territory: Trinidad, Tobago, Grenada,
Pavot, Paulo Samar, Mrs. Al. Sol- the Grenadines, and St. Vincent.
Population: 721,010 ; churches, 74 ; mem-
bers, 6,042.
LEEWARD ISLANDS MISSION Cable Address: "Adventist," Port-of-
Spain, Trinidad.
Organized 1926; reorganized 1945
Office: 46 Warren Street, Port-of-Spain,
Territory: Barbados, St. Lucia, Lee- Trinidad, British West Indies. (Tele-
ward, Windward, and St. Maarten, phone, 6401.)
excepting the French West Indies.
Postal Address: Box 66, Port-of-Spain,
Population: 452,964 ; churches, 52 ; mem- Trinidad, British West Indies.
bers, 4,008. Officers:
Cable Address: "Adventist," Barbados, President, B. L. Archbold.
British West Indies. Secretary-Treasurer, A. A. Ward.
Executive Committee: B. L. Arch-
Office: Corner Upper Collymore Rock bold, S. D. Ash, S. L. Badsby, R. F.
and Britton's Cross Road, St. Mich- Haynes, C. Manoram, H. E. Nemb-
ael, Barbados, British West Indies. hard, W. Thomson, A. A. Ward, J.
(Telephone, 3469.) D. Wood.

Departmental Secretaries: in Trinidad and Tobago. Also: The

Book and Bible House, A. A. Ward; Incorporated Trustees of the Seventh-
Assistant, W. W. Thompson. day Adventist Church in St. Vincent.
Educational, Home Missionary, and
Y.P.M.V., Charles Manoram.
Sabbath School, A. A. Ward. SURINAM MISSION
Publishing, R. Haynes.
Organized 1945
Ordained Ministers:
B. L. Archbold, J. T. Carrington, Territory: Dutch Guiana (or Surinam).
Samuel L. Gadsby, C. D. Henry, C. Population: 173,089; churches, 2; mem-
L. Jones, Charles Manoram, H. E. bers, 222.
Nembhard, G. W. Riley, John Rob-
erts, F. A. Sebro, A. A. Ward. Office: 7 Annie Straat, Paramaribo,
Dutch Guiana, South America.
Licensed Ministers:
Henry Gabriel, R. F. Haynes. Postal Address: Box 445, Paramaribo,
Dutch Guiana, South America.
Licensed Missionaries:
President: F. S. Thompson.
Mrs. B. L. Archbold, Rose Cuffie, J.
Joseph So'Brien, P. Stoll, Isabel Ordained Minister: C. G. van Putten.
Sunderland, W. W. Thompson, Ethel Licensed Missionaries:
Wallerson. Mrs. C. G. van Putten, D. St. J. van
Bible Instructors: Putten.
Gwendolyn Robins, Iris Wiltshire.
Church School Teachers: VIRGIN ISLANDS MISSION
Iona Bernard, Hilbert Brice, Thelma Organized 1948
Brice, Clifton A. Buddy, J. H. Cal-
lender, Mrs. J. H. Callender, Aaron Territory: Virgin Islands, (British and
Darlington, Lerma Delaney, Lessie U. S.)
Delaney, Edith Ephraim, Aaron W.
Haynes, Sheila Haynes, John R. Hill, Population: 31,177; churches, 7; mem-
Irene Long, Irene Lyons, Edward bers, 320.
Marcano, Merille McKinsey, Thelma Postal Address: Box 196, Fredericksted,
Murray, Helen Providence, Alma St. Croix, Virgin Islands.
Quashie, Jonathan Riley, Una Roach,
Hugh Sammerson, George Trotman. President: L. D. Braithwaite.
Legal Titles: The Incorporated Trustees Ordained Minister: L. D. Braithwaite.
of the Seventh-day Adventist Church Church School Teacher: M. E. Russel.


Reorganized 1926

Territory: Republics of Costa Rica, El L. A. Concepcion, Jorge Escandon, K.

Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Ni- L. Fleck, Orley Ford, E. E. Jensen, C.
caragua, Panama (including the J. McCleary, Peter Nygaard, M. W.
Canal Zone) ; and the Colombian Sickler, A. L. Tucker.
Islands of San Andres and Old Provi- Departmental Secretaries:
Educational and Y.P.M.V., L. L. Cook
Population: 9,058,178; churches, 121, (Acting).
members, 7,725. Home Missionary, Radio, and Sab-
Cable Address: "Adventista," San Jose, bath School, Samuel Weiss.
Costa Rica. Publishing, Jorge Escandon.
Office: 5a Avenida, No. 252, San Jose, Ordained Ministers:
Costa Rica. (Telephone, office, 3359; Nicholas Chaij, Jorge Escandon, A.
residence, 3469.) V. Larson, Samuel Weiss.
Postal Address: Apartado 1320, San Credentialed Missionary: A. L. Tucker.
Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. Licensed Minister: L. L. Cook.
Officers: Licensed Missionaries:
President, A. V. Larson. Mrs. Nicholas Chaij, Mrs. L. L. Cook,
Secretary-Treasurer, A. L. Tucker. Ruth Conard, Luisa Escandon, Ruth
Cashier, Ruth Gustin. Gustin, J. C. Hamer, Mrs. J. C.
Executive Committee: A. V. Larson, Hamer, Ruth Ingram, Mrs. A, V.
Juan M. Castillo, C. D. Christensen, Larson, Mrs. A. L. Tucker.

COSTA RICA MISSION Departmental Secretaries:

Organized 1927 Book and Bible House, A. G. Robin-
Territory: Republic of Costa Rica. Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., J.
M. Castillo.
Population: 762,635 ; churches, 20 ; mem- Sabbath School,
bers, 1,133. Publishing and Educational, E. L.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- Porras.
ventista," San Jose, Costa Rica. Ordained Ministers:
Office: 50 Varas Norte de Chelles, Casa J. M. Castillo, K. L. Fleck, Richard
40 N., San Jose, Costa Rica, Central Utt.
America. Credentialed Missionary: A. G. Robin-
Postal Address: Apartado 1825, San
Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. Licensed Minister: Gregorio Orozco.
(Telephone, 6114.) Licensed Missionaries:
Officers: Mrs. K. L. Fleck, E. L. Porras, Mrs.
A. G. Robinson, R. M. Tahay, Mrs.
President, Peter Nygaard. Richard Utt.
Secretary-Treasurer, L. L. Garbutt.
Executive Committee: Peter Nygaard, Church School Teachers:
L. L. Garbutt, Jorge Escandon, David Marta Arguenta, Eva Santa Cruz,
Garcia, U. E. Morgan. Oscar Santa Cruz, Eliseo Garcia,
Rigoberto Garcia, Lola Morales.
Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, L. L. Garbutt.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, HONDURAS MISSION
Peter Nygaard.
Reorganized 1937
Ordained Ministers:
Territory: Republic of Honduras.
David Garcia, U. E. Morgan, Peter
Nygaard. Population: 1,107,859 ; churches, 21 ;
Honorary: 0. D. Andrean. members, 934.
Cable Address: "Adventists," La Ceiba,
Credentialed Missionary: L. L. Garbutt. Honduras.
Licensed Minister: Gonzalo Gonzalez. Office: Opposite bakery, "El Comercio,"
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. Peter Ny- La Ceiba, Honduras.
gaard. Postal Address: Mision Adventists, La
Church School Teachers: Ceiba, Honduras, Central America.
Janet Brown, Ethel Christian, Mrs. Officers:
L. L. Garbutt, Ella Hay, Albert President, E. E. Jensen.
Hibbert, P. A. McGregor, Mrs. U. E. Secretary-Treasurer, R. G. Jones.
Morgan, Hubert Thompson.
Executive Committee: E. E. Jensen,
Paul Barrow, H. C. Ferguson, L. E.
Greenidge, R. G. Jones, Roque Reyes.
Departmental Secretaries:
Reorganized 1927
Book and Bible House, R. G. Jones.
Territory: Republic of Guatemala. Educational and Y.P.M.V., E. E. Jen-
Population: 3,450,732; churches, 17; sen.
members, 1,354. Home Missionary and Publishing,
Roque Reyes.
Cable Address: "Adventists," Guate- Sabbath School, R. G. Jonee.
mala City, Guatemala. Ordained Ministers:
Office: Segunda Avenida Sur No. 22, L. E. Greenidge, E. E. Jensen, R. G.
Guatemala City, Guatemala, Central Jones.
America. (Telephone, 3419.)
Credentialed Missionaries:
Postal Address: Apartado 218, Guate- Felicito Cantoral, Miguel A. Cerna.
mala City, Guatemala, Central
America. Licensed Minister: Elden Ford.
Officers: Licensed Missionaries:
President, K. L. Fleck. Mrs. L. E. Greenidge, Mrs. E. E.
Secretary-Treasurer, A. G. Robinson. Jensen, Mrs. R. G. Jones.
Executive Committee: K. L. Fleck, Church School Teachers:
J. M. Castillo, E. L. Porras, A. G. Paul Barrow, Wilbur Cooper, Cata-
Robinson, Javier Sosa. R. M. Tahay. lina Sandoval, Sarah Webster.

NICARAGUA MISSION Executive Committee: C. D. Chris-

tensen, C. D. Abramans, J. R. Casta-
Organized 1928 non, S. F. Clarke, P. W. Kemper, C.
Territory: Republic of Nicaragua. L. Paddock, Jr., R. T. Rankin, Virgil
Thorp, K. W. Whitney.
Population: 1,095,481; churches, 9 ;
members, 383. Departmental Secretaries:
Cable Address: "Adventista," Managua, Book and Bible House, K. W. Whit-
Nicaragua. ney.
Educational, Home Missionary, and
Office: Costado Sur Palacio Comuni- Y.P.M.V., P. W. Kemper.
caciones 3 Cuadras Oeste, Managua, Publishing and Sabbath School, Juan
Nicaragua, Central America. (Tele- R. Castanon.
phone 1107.) Radio, Mrs. C. L. Von Pohle.
Postal Address: Apartado 92, Managua, Ordained Ministers:
Nicaragua, Central America. C. D. Christensen, S. F. Clarke, P.
Officers: W. Kemper, R. T. Rankin, B. Vil-
President, L. E. Concepcion.
Secretary-Treasurer, Francisco Mo- Honorary: A. A. Grizzle.
watt. Credentialed Missionaries:
Executive Committee: L. E. Concep- J. R. Castanon, C. V. Henriquez, J.
cion, J. Flores, Nicolas Morales, An- A. Maynard, W. F. Moore, R. T.
tonio Rocha. Newball, K. W. Whitney.
Departmental Secretaries: Licensed Minister: Oswald Gordon.
Book and Bible House, Antonio Rocha. Licensed Missionaries:
Educational and Y.P.M.V., L. E. Con-
cepcion. Mrs. J. R. Castanon, Mrs. C. D.
Sabbath School and Radio, Anita de Christensen, Mrs. Oswald Gordon,
Concepcion. Mrs. C. V. Henriquez, Mrs. P. W.
Publishing and Home Missionary, Kemper, Mrs. Mildred Radlein, Ellen
Jesus Flores. Robinson, Neva Robinson, Mrs. K.
W. Whitney, Mrs. Amy Whyte.
Ordained Minister: L. E. Concepcion.
Church School Teachers:
Credentialed Missionaries:
Mrs. Garciela Allen, Emma Argueta,
R. H. Brooks, Jesus Flores. Marcelina Barroso, Mrs. Edda New-
Licensed Ministers: ball Bryan, Corina Camdenedo,
Gladys Concepcion, Ana Maria Cu-
C. A. Norman, Wilbus Oliver, L. A. billa, Mrs. Elizabeth Dixon, Isaura de
Rocha. Fonseca, Violet Gill, Mrs. Rosa de
Licensed Missionaries: Gonzales, Sebastiana Guerra, Mrs.
Arthur Henry, Francisco Mowatt. Josephine Howarth, J. A. Maynard,
Inez Newball, Ludim Newball, Zula
Church School Teachers: Ortega, Hilda Quieroz, Mrs. Eunice
James Bodle, Mrs. James Bodle, Mrs. Richards, Nicolasa Rios, Mrs. Inez de
R. H. Brooks, J. H. Watson. Villarreal, Berta Zarate.


Organized 1906 Reorganized 1927
Territory: Republic of Panama (includ- Territory: Republic of El Salvador.
ing the Canal Zone), Talamanca Val- Population: 2,018,895; churches, 10 ;
ley (Costa Rica), and the islands of members, 856.
Old Providence and San Andres
(Colombia). Cable Address: "Adventists," San Sal-
vador, El Salvador.
Population: 622,576; churches, 44;
members, 3,065. Office Address: 8a Avenida Norte, No.
57, San Salvador, El Salvador Cen-
Cable Address: "Adventista," Cristobal, tral America.
Canal Zone.
Office: Sixteenth and Bolivar Sts., Officers:
Cristobal, Canal Zone. (Telephone, President, Orley Ford.
Dial 3-1325.) Secretary-Treasurer, F. A. Arroyo.
Postal Address: Box M, Cristobal, Canal Executive Committee: Orley Ford, F.
Zone. A, Arroyo, Manuel Calderon, Daniel
Moncada, Ruben Ruiz.
President, C. D. Christensen. Departmental Secretaries:
Secretary-Treasurer, K. W. Whitney. Book and Bible House, F. A. Arroyo.

Educational, Home Missionary, and Licensed Ministers:

Sabbath School, Orley Ford. F. A. Arroyo, Manuel Calderon.
Publishing, Manuel Calderon. Licensed Missionaries:
Radio and Y.P.M.V., Mrs. Orley Lazaro Duenas, Mrs. Orley Ford,
Ford. Emilio Garcia, Elvira de Rodriquez.
Ordained Ministers: Church School Teachers:
Dorcas de Garcia, M. L. de Hurtado,
Orley Ford, Daniel Moncada, Ruben Irene Magana, Estella Valle, Delfina
Ruiz, Villegas.


Organized 1927
Territory: The Republics of Colombia Mrs. W. T. Collins, Mercedes Eng-
and Venezuela, and the Islands of land, Jaime Foronda, Sara de Fo-
Curacao, Aruba, and Bonaire. ronda, Mrs. G. C. Nickle, Mrs. Eu-
genio Plata, Mario Robinson.
Population: 14,396,923; churches, 41 ;
members, 4,290.
Cable Address: "Adventista," Medellin, ATLANTIC COLOMBIA MISSION
Colombia, South America. Organized 1926
Office: Carrera 71, No. 44-59, Medellin, Territory: Departments of Atlantico,
Colombia, South America. (Telephone, Bolivar, Magdalena, and the comisaria
"America" 1053.) of La Guajira, Ocana district of North
Postal Address: Apartado Nacional 39, Santander, and that part of Choco
Medellin, Colombia, South America. and Antioquia that lies north of 7.5
Air Mail Address: Correo Aereo 609, Population: 1,774,515; churches, 11;
Medellin, Colombia, South America.
members, 1,169.
Officers: Cable Address: "Adventists," Baran-
President, G. C. Nickle. quilla, Colombia, South America.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, E.
T. Burley (Acting). Office: Calle 56, No. 44-09, Magdalena-
Cashier, Mercedes England. Cuartel, Barranquilla, Colombia,
South America. (Telephone, 49-51.)
Executive Committee: G. C. Nickle,'
Jose Abreu, W. E. Aeschlimann, Postal Address: Apartado 261, Barran-
David Baasch, C. R. Beeler, E. T. quilla, Colombia, South America.
Burley, R. R. Henneberg, F. H. Mc- Officers:
Niel, A. R. Norcliffe, D. C. Prenier,
Fernon Retzer. President, Fernon Retzer.
Secretary-Treasurer, Paula Garcia.
Departmental Secretaries: Executive Committee: Fernon Retzer,
Educational, Press Relations, and Samuel Camacho, Paula Garcia, Fran-
Y.P.M.V., David Baasch. cisco Narvaez.
Home Missionary, Radio, and Sab-
bath School, C. R. Beeler. Departmental Secretaries:
Publishing, Jose Abreu. Book and Bible House, Paula Garcia.
Religious Liberty and Temperance, G. Educational, Fernon Retzer.
C. Nickle. Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., F.
H. McNiel.
Ordained Ministers: Publishing and Sabbath School, Fran-
David Baasch, C. R. Beeler, Gilberto cisco Narvaez.
Bustamante, G. C. Nickle, Eugenio
Plata. Ordained Ministers:
Samuel Camacho, Fernon Retzer.
Credentialed Missionaries:
Jose Abreu, W. T. Collins, Julian Licensed Missionaries:
Werner, Mrs. Julian Werner. Alonzo Abdul, Paula Garcia, Fran-
cisco Narvaez, Jose Pereyra, Ana
Licensed Ministers: Teresa Perez, Mrs. Fernon Retzer.
W. E. Aeschlimann, Luis Larrazabal.
Church School Teachers:
Licensed Missionaries: Victoria Armenta, Angela Cordero,
Mrs. Jose Abreu, W. E. Aeschlimann, Bienvenida Navarro, Ardyth Newball,
Mrs. David Baasch, Mrs. C. R. Beeler, Concepcion Pacheco, Yvonne Robin-'
E. T. Burley, Mrs. E. T. Burley, son, Emilia Ulloque, Maria Elena
Ignacio Carillo, Mrs. Ignacio Carillo, Verjel.

CURACAO MISSION Ordained Ministers:

Organized 1934 Gabriel Castro, D. C. Prenier.
Territory: Islands of Aruba, Bonaire Licensed Ministers:
and Curacao, Netherlands West Indies. Pedro R. Gonzalez, G. E. Maxon.
Population: 115,000 ; churches, 4 ; mem- Licensed Missionaries:
bers, 387. Lucinda Cardonza, Jose N. Carvajal,
Cable Address: "Adventist," Curacao, Mrs. Jose N. Carvajal, 'Mrs. G. E.
Netherlands West Indies. Maxon, Carlos Munoz, Mrs. D. C.
Office Address: Piscaderaweg 18, Mundo Prenier.
Nobo, Curacao, Netherlands West In- Church School Teachers:
dies. Sara Acosta, Jaime Foronda, Ernes-
Officers: tine Moreno.
President, R. R. Henneberg.
Secretary-Treasurer, Una Creighton.
Executive Committee: R. R. Henne- PACIFIC COLOMBIA MISSION
berg, Ivan Berkel, Una Creighton,
Enrique Elizabeth, R. L. Klingbeil, Organized 1941
Fred Labega.
Territory: Departments of El Valle,
Departmental Secretaries: Cauca, Narino, CaIdes, the comisar-
Book and Bible House, Una Creighton. iato of Putumayo, and that part of
Home Missionary, It. R. Henneberg. Choco and Antioquia that lies south
Publishing, Ivan Berkel. of 7.5 degrees.
Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., R. R. Population: 4,506,968 ; churches, 5 ;
Henneberg. members, 863.
Ordained Ministers: Cable Address: "Adventista," Cali,
Ivan Berkel, R. R. Henneberg, It. L. Colombia, South America.
Licensed Minister: Enrique Elizabeth. Office: Carrera 7a, No. 15-58, Cali,
Colombia, South America. (Tele-
Licensed Missionaries: phone, 45-12.)
Una Creighton, Mrs. R. R. Henne- Postal Address: Apartado Nacional 313,
berg, Mrs. R. L. Klingbeil. Cali, Colombia, South America.
Legal Association: "Advent Zendings- Air Mail Address: Correo Aereo 1269,
genootschap." Cali, Colombia, South America.
Reorganized 1934; 1950 Secretary-Treasurer, Ricardo Arjona.
Territory: Eastern portion of Venezu- Executive Committee: F. H. McNiel,
ela. Ricardo Arjona, Luis A. Bolivar,
Jose Moreno, Norberto Quiros, Ismael
Population: 2,400,944; churches, 7 ; Rojas.
members, 555.
Departmental Secretaries:
Cable Address: "Adventists," Caracas, Book and Bible House, Ricardo Ar-
Venezuela, South America. jona.
Office: Bucare a Carmen No. 97-2, Educational, F. H. McNiel.
Caracas, Venezuela, South America. Home Missionary, Radio, Sabbath
(Telephone, 83-877.) School, and Y.P.M.V.,
Postal Address: Apartado 986, Caracas, Publishing, Ismael Rojas.
Venezuela, South America. Ordained Ministers:
Officers: Luis A. Bolivar, F. H. McNiel.
President, D. C. Prenier. Licensed Ministers:
Secretary-Treasurer, Jose N. Carva- Balmore Osorno, Marcos Quinones,
jal. Norberto Quiroz.
Executive Committee: D. C. Prenier,
Alberto Acosta, Jose N. Carvajal, Licensed Missionaries:
Gabriel Castro, Pedro It. Gonzalez. Ernestine Galeano, Margarita Ger-
echter, Elias Lopez, Mrs. F. H. Mc-
Departmental Secretaries: Niel.
Book and Bible House, Charles
Munoz. Church School Teachers:
Home Missionary, Radio, Sabbath Hortensia de Betancourt, Gerardo
School, and Y.P.M.V., Bucelli, Elvia Garcia, Maria Hurtado,
Publishing, Pedro R. Gonzalez. Elias Lopez, Irene de Quinones.

UPPER MAGDALENA MISSION Licensed Missionaries:

Reorganized 1941 Miguel Arevalo, J. N. Carvajal, Mrs.
Territory: Departments of Cundina- A. R. Norcliffe.
marca, Boyaca, Tolima, Huila, San- Bible Instructors:
tander, and Santander del Norte Mercedes Castro, Luis A. Lievano.
except the Ocana district north ; and
the territories of Vichada, Meta, Church School Teachers:
Vaupes, Arauca, Caqueta, and Ama- Fernandez Florez, Fanny Gomez, Al-
zonas. fredo Navarro, Julieta Oviedo, Isabel
Population: 3,599,176 ; churches, 9 ; Pena, Conchita Pacheco, Juan Val-
members, 1,035. derrama.

Cable Address: "Adventista," Bogota,

Colombia, South America. WEST VENEZUELA MISSION
Organized 1950
Office: Carrera 9, No. 18-42, Bogota,
Colombia. South America. (Tele- Territory: Western Portion of Venezu-
phone, 19599.) ela.
Postal Address: Apartado Nacional 436, Population: 2,000,320 ; churches, 5 ;
Bogota, Colombia, South America. members, 281.
Air Mail Address: Correo Aereo 4979, Cable Address: "Adventista," Barqui-
Bogota, Colombia, South America. simeto, Venezuela, South America.
0 fficers : Postal Address: Apartado 25, Barqui-
President, A. R. Norcliffe. simeto, Lara, Venezuela, South Amer-
Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. A. R. Nor- ica.
cliffe. Officers:
Executive Committee: A. R. Nor- President, C. M. Christianson.
cliffe, Miguel Aravelo, Tirso Escan- Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. C. M.
don, Luis A. Lievano, Salvador Plata. Christianson.
Departmental Secretaries: Executive Committee: C. M. Chris-
tianson, Mrs. C. M. Christianson, R.
Book and Bible House, Mrs. A. R. S. Arismendi, E. Freites.
Educational and Publishing, Miguel Departmental Secretary:
Arevalo. Publishing, E. Freites.
Home Missionary, Radio, Sabbath
School, and Y.P.M.V., A. R. Nor- Ordained Ministers:
cliffe. C. M. Christianson, R. S. Arismendi.
Ordained Ministers: Licensed Missionaries:
Guillermo Arevalo, Tirso Escandon, Mrs. C. M. Christianson, E. Freites,
Gregorio Laguna, A. R. Norcliffe. Tulio Robinson.
Licensed Ministers: Church School Teachers:
Julio Avendano, Jose Mendoza. Oscar Soto, Haidee de Soto.


Organized 1923

Territory: The Republic of Mexico. Executive Committee: Emiliano Ponce,

Population: 25,564,218 ; churches, 152 ; Antonio Alarcon, Melchor Covarru- ,
members, 12,110. bias, Raymundo Garza, Eustano Her-
nandez, Ignacio Ponce, Xavier Ponce,
Office: Uxmal No. 365, Col. Narvarte, J. Quintero, F. Reyes, Cleofas Valen-
Mexico 12, D. F., Mexico. (Telephone, zuela, all Division Advisors, and such
37-07-73.) other institutional and Corporation
Postal Address: Apartado No. 25510, administrators as prescribed by the
Mexico 12, D. F., Mexico. Statutes of the Mexican Union.
Departmental Secretaries:
Administration: Book and Bible House, Melchor Cover-
Executive Secretary, Emiliano Ponce. rubies.
Division Administrative Adviser, Educational and Y.P.M.V. Associate,
H. J. Westphal. Antonio Alarcon.
Division Financial Adviser, R. B. Legal and Religious Liberty, Antonio
Caldwell. Alarcon.
Cashier, Ignacio Ponce. Medical, Raymundo Garza.

Division Departmental Advisers: Licensed Missionaries:

Educational and Y.P.M.V., Charles Enrique Covarrubias, Delfina Flores,
TE:o Manuel Gonzalez.
Publighing, R. D. Fleitas. Bible Instructors:
Home Missionary, Sabbath School and
Temperance, D. J. Thomann. Carmen Vargas, Fausto Hernandez.
Press Relations and Radio. B. 0.
Credentialed Missionaries: INTER-OCEANIC MISSION
A. Alarcon, Melchor Covarrubias, H. Reorganized 1924 and 1948
Hernandez, I. Ponce.
Territory: The States of Puebla, Tlax-
Licensed Ministers, Honorary: cala, Morelos, Guerrero, and the
L. Arriaga, V. M. Calvo, F. B. northern part of the State of Vera-
Zaynos. cruz.
Licensed Missionaries: Population: 4;085,172; churches, 28;
Mrs. W. E. Baxter, Mrs. H. E. Butka, members, 2,388.
Mrs. R. B. Caldwell, Edmundo Office Address: Calle 9 Poniente 1702,
Carreon, Amparo P. de Covarrubias, Puebla, Puebla, Mexico. (Telephone,
M. Diehl, Maria Elena Escobar, Mexicana 31-64.)
Mrs. K. B. Fisher, Mrs. R. D. Fleitas, Officers:
Mrs. Dora Fuss, R. Garza, Mrs. H. A.
Habenieht, H. A. Kelley, Mrs. H. A. President, Xavier. Ponce.
Kelley, Mrs. B. 0. Maxson, Mrs. J. Secretary-Treasurer, W. B. Robin-
R. Mejia, Mrs. A. R. Monteith, Alma son.
Moron, Carmen Ortega, M. Peugh, Executive Committee: Xavier Ponce,
Mrs. J. Plenc, Irma de Ponce, Ruth Emilio Abodon, Francisco Y. Cortez,
Ponce, Manuela Ramon, Efrain Ri- Jose 0. Gutierrez, Vicente Limon,
vera, Mrs. W. B. Robinson, Mrs. C. W. B. Robinson, Luis 0. Villareal.
R. Taylor, Mrs. D. J. Thomann, Mrs.
H. J. Westphal, Mrs. R. F. Williams. Departmental Secretaries:
Educational, Emiliano Ponce.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
and Y.P.M.V., Vicente Limon.
CENTRAL MEXICAN MISSION Publishing and Temperance,
Ordained Ministers:
Organized 1924
Jose Carpintero, Sebastian Garcia,
Territory: The Federal District and the Emiliano Ponce, Xavier Ponce, W. B.
States of Mexico, Michoacan, Guana- Robinson, Luis Villarreal.
juato, Queretaro, and Hidalgo, Licensed Ministers:
Population: 8,180,061 ; churches, 7 ; Francisco Y. Cortez, Jose 0. Gu-
members, 786. tierrez, Vincente Limon.
Office Address: Agricultura 79, Colonia Licensed Missionaries:
Escandon, Mexico 18, D. F., Mexico. Hiram Calderon, Melquiades Chable,
(Telephone, Mex. 37-09-93.) Samuel Guizar, Esteban Leon, Jr.,
Officers: Consnelo Rivera, Mrs. W. B. Robin-
son, Isaac Vallejo.
President, Eustano Hernandez.
Secretary-Treasurer, Jose Leor y Ruiz.
Executive Committee: Eustano Her-
nandez, Antonio Alarcon, Enrique NORTH MEXICAN MISSION
Covarrubias, Manuel Gonzalez, Jose
de la Paz Matus, Jose Leor y Ruiz, Organized 1924
S. Shultz. Territory: The states of Aguascalientes,
Departmental Secretaries: Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango, Nu-
evo Leon, San Luis Potosi, Tamauli-
Educational, Antonio Alarcon. pas, Zacatecas, and the North of
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, Veracruz.
and Y.P.M.V., Eustano Hernandez.
Publishing, Manuel Gonzalez. Population: 6,352,391 ; churches, 31 ;
Radio, Jose Leor y Ruiz. members, 2,576.
Ordained Ministers: Office Address: Vallarta Sur 644, Mon-
Jose C. Aguilar, Jose A. Conjura, terrey, N. L., Mexico. (Telephone,
Eustano Hernandez, J. de la Paz 56-57.)
Matus, Juan Ramon. Officers:
Credentialed Missionary: Jose Leor y President, Juan Plenc.
Ruiz. Secretary-Treasurer, A. J. Calderon.

Executive Committee: Juan Plenc, SOUTH MEXICAN MISSION

Benjamin Arteaga, W. E. Baxter, A. Organized 1944; reorganized 1948
J. Calderon, Jose Corral, Jose Quin-
tero, Roberto Trevino. Territory: The States of Chiapas and
Departmental Secretaries:
Educational, Juan Plenc. Population: 2,340,711 ; churches, 37 ;
Home Missionary, Radio, Sabbath members, 2,799.
School, Temperance, and Y.P.M.V., Office: 7a. Poniente No. 18, Tuxtla
Benjamin Arteaga. Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico.
Publishing, Jose Quintero. Postal Address: Apartado No. 37, Tux-
Ordained Ministers: tla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico.
Benjamin Arteaga, Jose Castillo, Jose Officers:
Corral, Juan Plenc, Tomas Rodriguez, President, Francisco Reyes.
Antonio Torres. Secretary-Treasurer, Miguel Lara
Credentialed Missionary: A. J. Calderon. Flores.
Licensed Minister: Jose Quintero. Executive Committee: Francisco Reyes,
Miguel Lara Flores, Apolonio Cama-
Licensed Missionaries: rena, Arnulfo Murillo, Josue Tirado,
Daniel Chavez, Noe Chong, Angela Miguel J. Martinez, Paciente Trini-
Garcia, Raymundo Garza, Marcelino dad, and Director Escuela Agricola
Quiroz, Jose Ramirez, Pedro Rascon, del Sureste.
Piedad Rodriguez, Josue Zarandona. Departmental Secretaries:
Educational, Rural Living, and Tem-
perance, Xavier Ponce.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Organized 1924 Publishing, Arnulfo Murillo.
Ordained Ministers:
Territory: The states of Jalisco,
Colima, Nayarit, Sinaloa, Sonora, and Apolonio Camarena, Alfonso Castillo,
Lower California. Josue Fernandez, Francisco Reyes,
Paciente Trinidad.
Population: 3,554,164 ; churches, 11 ; Honorary: Aurelio Jimenez.
members, 710. Credentialed Missionary: M. Lara
Office: Av. Dr. Noriega No. 3 Pte. Flores.
Altos, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. Licensed Ministers:
Postal Address: Apartado 134, Sucursal Rosendo S. Espinosa, Octavio Ser-
"B," Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. rano, M. Pedro Pet Sims, Josue
Officers: Licensed Missionaries:
President, Max Fuss. Arnulfo Murillo, Margarita C. de
Secretary-Treasurer, Delia Mendoza. Ponce.
Executive Committee: Max Fuss, Gil-
berto Corona, Juan Gil, Porfirio
Lizarraga, Roberto Mansalvo, Jose SOUTHEAST MEXICAN MISSION
Morales, Francisco Reyes. Organized 1943; reorganized 1948
Departmental Secretaries: Territory: The states of Yucatan, Cam-
Educational, Home Missionary, Sab- peche, Tabasco, the southeastern part
bath School, Temperance, and Y.P. of Veracruz, and the territory of
M.V., Gilberto Corona, Quintana Roo.
Publishing, Roberto Mansalvo. Population: 2,051,719 ; churches, 38 ;
members, 2,851.
Ordained Ministers:
Rafael Arroyo, Max Fuss, Jose Mor- Office: Iguala 41, Villahermosa, Ta-
ales, Francisco Reyes, J. A. Salazar. basco, Mexico.
Credentialed Missionaries: Postal Address: Apartado 52, Villaher-
mosa, Tabasco, Mexico.
Gilberto Corona, Juan Gil, Roberto
Monzalvo. Officers:
Licensed Minister: Daniel Zertuche. President, C. R. Valenzuela.
Secretary-Treasurer, R. F. Williams.
Licensed Missionaries: Executive Committee: C. R. Valen-
Hildeliza de Alvarez, Alberto Espi- zuela, Blas Covarrubias, J. Marcos de
nosa, Dora de Fuss, Manuel Orozco, Leon, R. D. Moody, Prospero Hernan-
Tiburcio Reyes. dez, Raul Sanchez, R. F. Williams.

Departmental Secretaries: Pacific Agricultural and Industrial

Educational, Home Missionary, Sab- School (Agricola e Industrial del
bath School, and Y.P.M.V., Raul Pacifico), Apartado 134, Navajoa,
Sanchez. Son., Mexico.
Publishing, R. D. Moody. Puerto Rico Academy (Colegio Ad-
Ordained Ministers: ventista de Puerto Rico), Apartado
3930, Santurce, Puerto Rico.
Daniel Landeros, C. R. Valenzuela.
Southeast Mexican Agricultural and
Credentialed Missionary: R. F. Williams. Industrial School (Escuela Agricola
Licensed Ministers: e Industrial del Sureste), Domicilio
Conocido, Teapa, Tabasco, Mexico.
Blas Covarrubias, R. D. Moody, J. M. West Indian Training College, Cools-
de Leon, Raul Sanchez. worthy, Mandeville, J a m a i c a,
Licensed Missionaries: British West Indies.
Francisco Borras, Rodrigo Bustillos,
Daniel Cortez, J. R. Mansilla, Sal- Medical:
vador Martinez. Sanitariums
Andrews Memorial Clinic, 56 James
Street, Kingston, Jamaica, British
Andrews Memorial Hospital, 27 Hope
Educational: Road, Half-Way-Tree, Jamaica,
Antillian Junior College (Colegio Ad- British West Indies.
ventista de las Antillas), Apartado Montemorelos Hospital and Sanitar-
329, Santa Clara, Cuba. ium, Montemorelos, N.L., Mexico.
Caribbean Training College, Box 176, Port-of-Spain Seventh-day Adventist
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, British Clinic, 2a Mucurapo Road, Port-of-
West Indies. Spain, Trinidad, British West In-
Central American Vocational College dies.
(Colegio Vocacional de America Dispensaries
Central), Apartado 1320, San Jose,
Costa Rica, Central America. Caracas Adventist Dispensary (Dis-
pensario Adventista), Plaza Con-
Colombia-Venezuela Union Training cordia a Pilita No. 2, Caracas,
School (Instituto Colombo-Vene- Venezuela, South America.
zolano), Apartado 224, Medellin,
Colombia, South America. Clinica Adventista de Monterrey,
Calle Matamoras No. 802 Pte., Mon-
Dominican Junior Academy (Colegio terry, N.L., Mexico.
Adventists Dominicano) Apartado
568, Ciudad Trujillo, Republica Do- Clinica Buena Esperanza, Puebla No.
minicans. 348, Ciudad Obregon, Sonora, Mex-
Haitian Seminary (Seminaire Adven-
tiste D'Haiti), Casier Postal A-115 Clinica de Torreon, Iturbida 204 Ote.,
Diquini, Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Torreon, Coah., Mexico.
Honduras Industrial Academy, (Cole- Clinics Tacotalpa, Figueroa No. 23,
gio Industrial Hondureno) San Tacotalpa, Tabasco, Mexico.
Francisco, Atlantida, Honduras.
Kingsway High School, 12 Osborne Publishing:
Road, Half Way Tree, Jamaica, Agencia de Publicaciones, "Mexico
British West Indies. Central," Calle Prosperidad 89, Ta-
Mexican Agricultural and Industrial cubaya, D. F., Mexico.
School, (Escuela Agricola Industrial Pacific Press Publishing Association,
Mexicana) Apartado 16, Montemore- Inter-American Branch, Box 6007,
los, N.L., Mexico. Cristobal, Canal Zone.
Organized 1951

Territory: Aden, Anglo-Egyptian Su- Departmental Secretary:

dan, Cyprus, Egypt, Hadhramaut, Home Missionary and Publishing, .
Iran, Iraq, Jordania, Kuwait, Leba-
non, Lybia, Neutral Territory be- Ordained Ministers:
tween Iraq and Jordania, Oman, G. J. Appel, M. V. Jacobson, G. D.
Saudi-Arabia, Syria, Turkey, and Ye- Keough, G. M. Krick, C. C. Morris,
men. J. S. Russell.
Population: 79,969,000; churches, 32; Credentialed Missionaries:
members, 1,384. Nora Atkins, Edith C. Davis, A. J.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Beirut. Jones, J. I. Saaty.
Office: Imm. Elias Helou, Rue Sioufi, Licensed Ministers:
Achrafiya, Beirut, Lebanon. (Tele- Wadie Farag, R. K. Hasso, R. L.
phone 76-26.) Mole.
Postal Address: P.O. Box 1011, Beirut,
Lebanon. Licensed Missionaries:
Officers: Mrs. G. J. Appel, Ayoub Azar, Zakia
Fargo, Mrs. R. K. Hasso, Mrs. M. V.
President, G. J. Appel. Jacobson, Mrs. A. J. Jones, Mrs. G.
Secretary-Treasurer, C. C. Morris. D. Keough, Mrs. G. M. Krick, Mrs.
Cashier, Nora Atkins. R. L. Mole, Mrs. C. C. Morris, Camille
Executive Committee: G. J. Appel, Nowfel, Mrs. J. S. Russell, Phillip
R. H. Hartwell, G. D. Keough, G. M. Srour, Ruth Tobiassen, Evangeline.
Krick, Ramses Mina, C. C. Morris, Voth.
Selim Nogeimie, K. S. Oster, Neal C.
Wilson, the Division Departmental Credentialed Teachers:
Secretaries, and Medical Director of Sabaa Hasso, Shahin Ouzounian, Ib-
Dar el Salaam Hospital. rahim Swaidan.


Reorganized 1941 and 1951
Territory: Cyprus, Iraq, Jordania, Ku- Ordained Ministers:
wait, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, and R. H. Hartwell, G. A. Keough.
that portion of Arabia bordering on
the Persian Gulf, together with Oman. Honorary: R. S. Greaves, Shukri
Population: 45,200,000; churches, 17 ;
members, '787. Credentialed Missionaries:
Cable Address: "Adventist," Beirut. A. W. Fund, A. B. King.
Office: Imm. Elias Helou, Sioufi, Achra- Licensed Missionaries:
fiya, Beirut, Lebanon. (Telephone, Yossif Barbawy, Mrs. A. W. Fund,
76-26.) Yussif Fargo, Mrs. R. S. Greaves,
Postal Address: P.O. Box 1011, Beirut, Mrs. R. H. Hartwell, Mrs. G. A.
Lebanon. Keough, Mrs. A. B. King.
. President, R. H. Hartwell.
Secretary-Treasurer, A. B. King. IRAQ MISSION
Cashier, A. W. Fund. Organized 1923
Executive Committee: R. H. Hart-
well, Bashir Hasso, A. B. King, G. A. Territory: Hadhramaut, Iraq, Kuwait,
Keough, B. J. Mondics, Selim Nogei- Neutral Territory between Iraq and
mie, and Presidents of Iraq, Jordania, Saudi-Arabia, Oman, and the Trucial
and Lebanon-Syria Missions. Coast of Saudi-Arabia.
Departmental Secretaries: Population: 5,700;000 ; churches, 3 ;
Educational, Sabbath School, and Y. members, 64.
P.M.V., G. A. Keough. Cable Address: '"Adventist," Baghdad.
Home Missionary, R. H. Hartwell.
Publishing and Radio, G. D. Keough ; Office Address: 444/1 Rashid Street,
Assistant, Youssif Fargo. Baghdad, Iraq.

Officers: fiya, Beirut, Lebanon. (Telephone,

President, 76-26.)
Treasurer, Union Treasurer. Postal Address: P. 0. Box 1011, Beirut,
Executive Committee: Union Minority Lebanon.
Committee. Officers:
Ordained Minister: P. H. Doss.
Licensed Ministers: Secretary-Treasurer, Union Secretary-
Behnam Arshat, Adeeb Fargo, Salim Treasurer.
Majeed. Executive Committee: Union Minority
Credentialed Teachers: Committee.
Nageeba Isaac, Fawzia Khalil, Philip Ordained Ministers:
Saaty, Said Tooma, Selma M. Tooma, W. E. Olson, Chafic Srour.
Shamiram Yussif.
Credentialed Missionary: Selim Noge-
Licensed Teachers: imie.
Leila Ayoub, Samira H. Fargo, Credentialed Bible Instructor: Ruby
Emilia Feddo, Nassima Gamil, Gha- Williams.
zala Khalil, Alice Z. Majeed, Majeeda
Shamoun, Sarah G. Srour, Selma Su- Licensed Ministers:
leman, Mareen Saaty, Rose Sursum. A. E. Ashod, F. B. Bishai, Mousa
Ghazal, Towfic Issa, Michael Kebbas,
George Rafoul.
JORDANIA MISSION Licensed Missionaries:
Organized 1929 ; reorganized 1950 A. N. Barlas, Mrs. W. E. Olson.
Territory: Aden, Saudi-Arabia, Jor- Credentialed Teachers:
dania, and Yemen. Naim Awais, Aida Ghazal, Haigouhi
Population: 10,798,500 ; churches, 2 ; Keuchgerian, Minerva Nowfel.
members, 50. Licensed Teachers:
Cable Address: "Adventist," Heliopolis Angel Dikran, Mousa Karkanny,
(Cairo). Mary Nassimian, Elias Yussif.
Office Address: 16 Av. de Koubbeh,
Heliopolis, Egypt. (Telephones, 6-1596,
Officers: Entered 1899
President, Territory: Turkey.
Treasurer, Union Treasurer.
Executive Committee: Union Minority Population: 18,000,000; church, 1; mem-
Committee. bers, 75.
Teacher Evangelist: Mousa Azer. Office Address: 14 Saray Arkasi, Ayaz-
Credentialed Teachers: pasa, Istanbul, Turkey.
Rose Dikran, Hannah Jubran. Officers :
Licensed Teacher: Wadad Waimuram. President, B. J. Mondies.
Treasurer, Union Treasurer.
Executive Committee: B. J. Mondics,
LEBANON-SYRIA MISSION Yebrakse Gomig, K. Kalustian, N.
Entered 1899 Ouzounian, N. J. Sedotty.
Territory: Cyprus, Lebanon, and Syria. Ordained Minister: B. J. Mondics.
Population: 4,500,000 ; churches, 6; Licensed Minister: K. Kalustian.
members, 332. Licensed Missionary: Mrs. B. J. Mon-
Cable Address: "Adventist," Beirut.
Licensed Bible Instructor: Yebrakse
Office: Imm. Elias Helou, Sioufi, Achra- Gomig.


Organized 1951
Territory: Egypt, Libya, Northern Cable Address: "Adventist," Heliopolis,
Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, and that por- (Cairo).
tion of Arabia bordering on the Red
Sea, together with Aden Protectorate. Office Address: 16 Av. de Koubbeh,
Population: 33,689,000 ; churches, 14 ; Heliopolis, Egypt. (Telephones, 6-
members, 578. 1596, 6-0292,)

Officers: Executive Committee: A. G. Zytkos-

President, Neal C. Wilson. kee, Hakin Abadeer, Farag Assad, A.
Secretary-Treasurer, A. E. Klein. E. Klein, Nashid Yacoub.
Executive Committee: Neal C. Wil- Ordained Ministers:
son, A. E. Klein, Ramses Mina, A. G. Zytkoskee.
Nashid Yacoub, A. G. Zytkoskee.
Honorary: Basta Bishai, M. C. Grin.
Ordained Ministers:
Credentialed Missionaries:
Nashid Yacoub, Neal C. Wilson.
Euphemia M. Bryne, Mrs. Erna
Credentialed Missionaries: Kruger.
A. E. Klein, Antar Yacoub. Credentialed Bible Instructor: Emilie
Licensed Missionaries: Levy.
Mrs. A. E. Klein, Mrs. Ellen H. Licensed Ministers:
Nashed, Mrs. Neal C. Wilson. Wilson Basta, Peter Beach, Daniel
Credentialed Teacher: Habib Ghali. Doss, William Gayed, Nageeb Mossad.
Licensed Teacher: Shehata Guindi. Honorary: Samuel Farag.
Licensed Missionaries:
EGYPT MISSION Farag Assad, Mrs. Peter Beach, Mrs.
M. C. Grin, Fakhry Naguib, Ibrahim
Entered 1899 Youssef, Mrs. A. G. Zytkoskee.
Territory: Egypt. Credentialed Teachers:
Population; 18,000,000 ; churches, 12; Fotna Basta, William Ibrahim, Ruth
members, 528. Nashid.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Heliopolis, Licensed Teachers:
(Cairo). Nasif Beutros, Badour Farag, Angeli
Office Address: 16 Av. de Koubbeh, He- Gayed, Rebecca Saleeba, Iris Shafik,
liopolis, Egypt. (Telephones, 6-1596, Shehata Wahba, Hoda Watson.
6-0292.) Teacher Evangelists:
Alexandria Office: Adventist Auditori- Benjamin Butros, Abadir A. Messih.
um, 10 Sidi Gaber Ave., Sporting,
Alexandria, Egypt. (Telephone, 71426.) Matariah Mercy Home (Orphanage),
8 Sharia Balasan, Matariah, Cairo,
Officers : Egypt. Director, A. G. Zytkoskee;
President, A. G. Zytkoskee. Matron, Mrs. Erna Kruger; Teacher,
Secretary-Treasurer, A. E. Klein. Fakhry Naguib.

IRAN MISSION Credentialed Missionaries:
Entered 1911 J. S. Gabriel, E. J. Green.
Territory: Iran. Credentialed Bible Instructor: N. Badal.
Population: 17,000,000; churches, 6; Licensed Ministers:
members, 218.
M. Gasparian, 0. Keshishzade, G. Ma-
Cable Address: "Adventist," Tehran. naserian, Manoug Nazirian, Y. 0.
Office Address: Avenue Pahlavi 2075, Sangarloo.
Tehran, Iran. (Telephone, 5525.)
Licensed Missionaries:
Officers: Mrs. P. C. Boynton, Mrs. E. J. Green,
President, K. S. Oster. Mrs. D. V. Kubrock, Mrs. Sella M.
Secretary-Treasurer, E. J. Green. Nazirian, Mrs. K. S. Oster.
Cashier and Accountant, J. S. Ga-
briel. Licensed Teachers:
Executive Committee: K. S. Oster, Serob Ayvazian, Joe Azarnia, H.
J. S. Gabriel, M. Gasparian, E. J. Grigorian, K. Hakopian, Satenik Me-
Green, D. V. Kubrock, Y. 0. Sangar- gerchian, M. H. Morovati, I. Of-
loo, and Principal Iran Training cherof, Mrs. H. Shirvanian.
Ordained Ministers:
M. S. Beitzakhar, P. C. Boynton,
D. V. Kubrock, K. S. Oster, Haik (Formerly Palestine Mission)
Salalcian, Territory: Republic of Israel.

Area: 7,100 square miles. Iran Training School, 2075 Pahlavi

Population: 1,080,000 ; church, 1 ; mem- Avenue, Tehran, Iran.
bers, 19. Iraq Training School, Mosul Iraq.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Jerusalem, Matariah Mercy Home (Orphanage),
Israel. 8 Sharia Balasan, Matariah, Cairo,
Office: Advent House, Julian's Way, Egypt.
Jerusalem, Israel. Middle East College, Post Office Box
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 592, Jerusa- 1170, Beirut, Lebanon.
lem, Israel. 4 Medical:
Missionary in Charge: Bror Farnstrom. Hospitals
Credentialed Missionary: Bror Farn- Dar el Salaam Hospital, 444 /1 Rashid
strom. Street, Baghdad, Iraq.
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. Bror Farn- Sultanabad Hospital, Arak (Sultana-
strom. bad), Iran.
INSTITUTIONS IN THE. MIDDLE Jerusalem Institute for Massage, Ju-
EAST DIVISION lian's Way, Jerusalem, Israel.
Educational: Publishing:
Adventist Training School, Seila, Fay- Middle East Press, P.O. Box 595,
oum, Egypt. Beirut, Lebanon.
Organized 1928

Territory: British Isles, Eire, Denmark, Nelson, 0. J. Olsen, A. Y. Rintala,

Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, E. B. Rudge, F. Stekla, K. Tilstra,
Greenland, Faroes, Netherlands, Po- Axel Warmer, and president West
land, Ethiopia, Eritrea, the Somali- African Union.
lands, Southern Anglo-Egyptian Su-
dan, and West Africa; comprising the Departmental Secretaries:
British, East Nordic, West Nordic, Educational,
Netherland, and Polish Union Con- Home Missionary and Radio, Axel
ferences; Ethiopian, West African Varmer.
Union Missions, and Iceland Mission. Medical, A. Andersen.
Population: Approximately 149,696,360; Ministerial Association, T. J. Bradley.
churches, 551 ; members, 37,407. Publishing, Press Relations, and Re-
ligious Liberty, G. D. King.
Cable Address: "Adventist," London. Sabbath School, Temperance, and
Telegriphic Address: "Adventist," Nor- Y.P.M.V., E. L. Minchin.
phone, London. Transportation Agent: C. H. Anscombe,
Office Address: 41 Hazel Gardens, 41 Hazel Gardens, Edgeware, Middle-
Edgware, Middlesex, England. (Tele- sex ; Telephone, Edgeware 7758; Cable
phone, Edgeware 7758.) Address, "Adventist, London" ; Tele-
grams, "Adventist, Phone, London."
President, A. F. Tarr. Ordained Ministers:
Secretary, E. B. Rudge. T. J. Bradley, G. D. King, G. A.
Treasurer, G. A. Lindsay; Assistant, Lindsay, E. L. Minchin, 0. J. Olsen,
Alf Karlman. E. B. Rudge, A. F. Tarr, Axel Var-
Field Secretary, 0. J. Olsen. mer.
Executive Committee: A. F. Tarr, Credentialed Missionary: Alf Karlman.
A. Andersen, W. W. Armstrong, T.
J. Bradley, L. M. Hamilton, Alf Karl- Licensed Missionaries:
man, G. D. King, G. A. Lindsay, E. Joan Hardy, Karin Johansson, Mrs.
L. Minchin, W. McClements, P. G. Gertrud Pederson.


Organized 1920

Territory: England, Wales, Scotland, Departmental Secretaries:

Northern Ireland, Republic of Ire- Educational, Temperance, and Y.P.-
land and adjacent islands. M.V., E. H. Foster.
Population: 49,196,872; churches, 101; Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
members, 6,579. E. R. Warland.
Press, R. D. Vine.
Cable Address: "Advent," Watford, Publishing, A. W. Cook.
Herts., England. Radio, C. R. Bonney.
Religious Liberty, W. L. Emmerson.
Office Address: Stanborough Park, Wat- Ordained Ministers:
ford, Herts., England. (Telephone,
Garston [Watford] 2251-2.) W. W. Armstrong, B. Belton, C. R.
Bonney, A. W. Cook, W. L. Emmer-
Officers: son, E. H. Foster, W. R. A. Madg-
wick, E. W. Marter, E. 13. Phillips,
President, W. W. Armstrong. R. D. Vine, E. R. Warland, A. H.
Secretary-Treasurer, A. H. Thomp- Williams, A. J. Woodfield.
Auditor, J. H. Craven. Honorary: J. E. Bell, H. F. De'Ath,
E. G. Essery, J. Harker, H. J. Hur-
Executive Committee: W. W. Arm- low, S. Joyce, W. H. Meredith, D.
strong, G. E. Adair, J. H. Bayliss, Morrison, A. S. Rodd, A. Watson,
C. R. Bonney, W. Cook, W. L. Em- J. B. West, R. Whiteside.
merson, 0. M. Dorland, E. H. Foster, Licensed Ministers:
J. M. Howard, W. R. A. Madgwick,
J. A. McMillan, A. J. Mustard, A. H. A. Clement, D. J. Dunnett, A. W.
Thompson, E. R. Warland, A. H. Lethbridge, H. W. Walklett.
Williams. Honorary: A. Carey.

Licensed Missionaries: Population: 19,015,555 ; churches, 35 ;

G. E. Adair, W. G. Baldry, J. D. members, 2,007.
Brailsford, Winifred Buckle, J. R. Office Address: 22 Zulla Road, Mapper-
Buzenet, .7. H. Craven, Myrtle Dor- ley Park, Nottingham, England. (Tel-
land, Hilda Forster, W. G. Futcher, ephone, Nottingham 66312.)
Irene A. Himsworth, Janet M. Hyde, Officers:
R. W. Luxton, Ruth Richardson,
Monica M. Roe, A. H. Thompson, President, 0. M. Dorland.
Clarice Throssel. Secretary-Treasurer, J. H. Parkin.
Legal Associations: Executive Committee: 0. M. Dorland,
Elizabeth A. Buck, V. H. Cooper, E.
British Advent Missions, Limited, E. Craven, H. Baldwin, C. L. Kelly,
Watford, Herts., England. J. H. Parkin, F. A. Williams.
Good Health Assn., Ltd., Stanborough Departmental Secretaries:
Park, Watford, Herts., England.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Granose Foods, Ltd., Stanborough A. W. Howard.
Park, Watford, Herts., England.. Publishing, W. C. McLeod.
Irish Good Health Assn., Ltd., Ran- Y.P.M.V., V. H. Cooper.
elagh Health Institute, Ranelagh Ordained Ministers:
Road, Dublin, Eire.
Stanborough Press, Ltd., Stanborough J. E. Bell, J. G. Bevan, J. Clifford,
V. H. Cooper, E. E. Craven, 0. M.
Park, Watford, Herts., Erigland. Dorland, F. Edwards, K. A. Elias,
World Wide Advent Missions, Ltd., T. H. Fielding, T. L. Gillett, B. F.
41 Hazel Gardens, Edgware, Middle- Kinman, W. M. Lennox, H. W. Mc-
sex, England. Crow, H. K. Munson, L. Murdock,
W. G. Nicholson, S. H. Parkin, R. A.
Vince, J. P. West.
Licensed Ministers:
Organized 1948
E. A. Butters, A. H. Cowley, R. A.
Territory: Republic of Ireland. Derbyshire, A. W. Howard, L. A. D.
Population: 2,950,000 ; churches, 2 ; Lane, D. R. Lowe, W. C. McLeod,
members, 28. D. Mustow, A. Norman, J. H. Parkin,
F. C. J. Pearce, B. Pilmoor, L. Shaw,
Office Address: Stanborough Park, R. M. A. Smart, C. Smith, T. W. H.
Watford, Herts., England. Vick, C. D. Watson.
Officers: Bible Instructors:
President, A. J. Mustard, 9 Church- E. M. L. Bryant, Elizabeth A. Buck,
town Drive, Rathgar, Dublin, Eire. Elizabeth Cleary, Hilda M. Ford,
Secretary-Treasurer, A. Clement, Lucinda Gardner, Elizabeth M.
Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts., Hanna, Martha Kirby, Laura L.
England. Mason, Jean Mitchell, J. B. Moore.
Advisory Committee: A. J. Mustard, M. M. Thompson, Mrs. Dora Watson,
A. Clement, Elsie W. Layng, H. Elizabeth Wroe.
E. Nix, Mrs. Edith N. Stephens, M.
Departmental Secretaries: NORTHERN IRELAND MISSION
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Organized 1902
E. R. Warland. Territory: Northern Ireland.
Publishing, A. W. Cook. Population: 1,309,000; churches, 2;
Y.P.M.V., E. H. Foster. members, 1.51.
Ordained Minister: A. J. Mustard. Office Address: Stanborough Park, Wat-
Licensed Missionaries: ford, Herts., England.
H. E. Nix, Mrs. C. Nix. Officers:
Bible Instructor: Mrs. Edith N. Steph- President, A. J. Mustard, 9 Church-
ens. town Drive, Rathgar, Dublin, Eire.
Secretary-Treasurer, A. Clement,
Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts.,
Organized 1904; reorganized 1928 Advisory Committee: A. J. Mustard,
A. Clement, Mayme Clements, J.
Territory: Lancashire, Yorkshire, Dur- Houston, C. Rhodes.
ham, Cheshire, Isle of Man, West-
moreland, Cumberland, Northumber- Departmental Secretaries:
land, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Lincolnshire, Staffordshire, North- E. R. Warland.
amptonshire, Rutland, Leicestershire, Publishing, A. W. Cook.
Worcestershire, Warwickshire. Y.P.M.V., E. H. Foster.

Ordained Ministers: Executive Committee: J. A. McMil-

W. J. Cannon, J. Handysides, J. R. lan, G. R. Bell, E. Bunker, W. A.
Lewis. Girling, H. T. Johnson, Veronica M.
Warren, L. G. White.
Licensed Ministers:
Departmental Secretaries:
H. D. Howard, E. Logan.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., H. T.
Bible Instructors: Johnson.
Millie Aikenhead, Mayme Clements, Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Sylvia R. Dunlop. A. C. Vine.
Publishing, S. Combridge.
SCOTTISH MISSION Ordained Ministers:
Organized 1902 A. K. Armstrong, R. H. Bainbridge,
G. R. Bell, R. T. Bolton, D. A. Con-
Territory: Scotland, including The Heb- roy, E. Cox, P. 0. Cumings, J. C.
rides, Orkneys, and Shetland Islands. French, G. T. Hewlett, G. M. Hyde,
Population: 4,842,980; churches, 4; S. G. Hyde, H. T. Johnson, L. E. A.
members, 321. Lane, W. Maudsley, J. A. McMillan,
G. Roper, R. H. Smith, F. A. Spear-
Office Address: Stanborough Park, Wat-
ing, F. L. Stokes, A. C. Vine, F. J.
ford, Herts., England. Wilmshurst.
Officers: Licensed Ministers:
President, J. H. Bayliss, 9 Davidson E. Bell, V. Benefield, F. D. Buckle,
Park, Edinburgh, Scotland. H. Bull, D. Chesters, S. Combridge,
Secretary-Treasurer, A. Clement. R. W. Dougherty, A. H. Farthing,
Advisory Committee: J. H. Bayliss, W. H. Frazer, J. C. Frost, K. A.
A. Barr, T. S. Brash, A. Clement, Gammon, R. E. Graham, D. Hall, A.
K. Lacey, J. Macgillivray, D. Mor- C. Jackson, N. H. Knight, H. Mus-
rison. grave, E. R. Norman, E. Syme, A. G.
Departmental Secretaries: Tapping, A. J. Timothy, K. L. Vine,
H. J. West, R. Wilson.
Home Missionary ai1d Sabbath School,
E. R. Warland. Honorary: E. Ashton.
Publishing, M. Roe. Bible Instructors:
Y.P.M.V., E. H. Foster.
Jean Atkins, Amy Ashley, Winifred
Ordained Ministers: Bradbury, Emily M. Donaldson, Edna
J. H. Bayliss, T. S. Brash, K. Lacey, P. Dyer, S. J. Herrington, Vera E.
I. McGougan. Howard, Kathleen Mahon, Pearl D.
Nippress, Neina Roe, Aurelia Rud-
Licensed Ministers: dick, G. B. Sheldrick, Beryl Trimmer,
I. Abbott, C. D. Baildam, D. J. Dab- Veronica M. Warren.
son, V. H. Hall, J. Mahon, M. Roe. Honorary: Mrs. M. E. Brooks, Ethel
Bible Instructors: S. Guntrip.
Jean M. M. Cowan, Mrs. L. Hazel Church School Teachers:
Heywood. Irene J. Hulbert, Hazel Maudsley,
Honorary: Jane Archibald. Marjorie Patten, Margaret Stendall,
Grace E. Thomas, Ruth Uffindell.


Organized 1902; reorganized 1928 WELSH MISSION
Territory: Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Organized 1902
Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire,
Cornwall, Devonshire, Dorsetshire, Es- Territory: Principality of Wales, Coun-
sex, Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Hert- ties of Monmouthshire, Shropshire,
fordshire, Huntingdonshire, Kent, and Herefordshire.
London, Middlesex, Norfolk, Oxford- Population: 2,948,931 ; churches, 9 ;
shire, Somerset, Suffolk, Surrey, Sus- members, 471.
sex, Wiltshire, also the Channel Isles, Office Address: Stanborough Park, Wat-
Scilly Isles and Isle of Wight. ford, Herts., England.
Population: 18,130,406; churches, 49;
members, 3,591. Officers:
Office Address: 780 St. Albans Road, President, J. M. Howard, Castleton,
Watford, Herts., England. (Phone, Glasllwch Crescent, Newport, Mon.,
Garston [Watford] 2213-4.) Wales.
Secretary-Treasurer, A. Clement,
Officers: Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts.,
President, J. A. McMillan. England.
Secretary-Treasurer, N. H. Knight. Advisory Committee: J. M. Howard,

H. V. Baker, A. Clement, D. J. Licensed Ministers:

Francis, A. Lacey, S. Smith.
Departmental Secretaries: G. L. Brown, C. L. W. Cooke, A. H.
Cooper, G. Emm, J. Freeman, H.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Humphries, C. W. Knowlson, A.
E. R. Warland. Lacey, H. Logan.
Publishing, A. Lacey.
Y.P.M.V., E. H. Foster. Bible Instructors:
Ordained Ministers: Marjorie J. Cooper, C. H. Darroch,
J. M. Howard, D. J. Handysides, F. Mrs. Ethel Freeman, J. K. Laflin,
S. Jackson. Mrs. Kathleen M. Watson.


Organized 1931
Territory: Sweden and Finland. Suomen Adventtikirkko (for East
Population: 10,875,000 ; churches, 110 ; and West Finland Conferences.)
members, 8,125. Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland.
Cable Address: "Advent," Stockholm.
Office Address: Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- EAST FINLAND CONFERENCE
holm, Sweden. (Telephone, 101724.) Organized 1946
Territory: East Finland.
President, A. Y. Rintala.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, 0. Population: 2,000,000; churches, 21;
Grundberg. members, 2,019.
Executive Committee: A. Y. Rintala, Telegraphic Address: Adventtikirkko,
0. Angervo, A. Arasola, D. Carlsson, Annankatu 7, Helsinki.
E. Erenius, C. Gidlund, 0. Grund- Office Address: Annankatu 7, Helsinki,
berg, H. Karstrom, E. H. Larason, E. Finland. (Telephone, Helsinki 35779.)
Luukko, Y. Miettinen, E. Rollin, T. Officers:
Seljavaara, R. Svenson, V. Sucksdorff,
I. Unhall. President, T. Seljavaara.
Departmental Secretaries: Secretary-Treasurer, T. Heinonen.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Executive Committee: T. Seljavaara,
Y.P.M.V., D. Carlsson. T. Heinonen, H. Karstrom, V. Koh-
Medical, V. Sucksdorff. tanen, A. Markanen, K. V. Osola,
Publishing, E. Roslin. B. Tarnainen.
Ordained Ministers: Departmental Secretaries:
0. Angervo, A. Blomstedt, D. Carls- Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
son, C. Gidlund, T. Ketola, V. Koh- Y.P.M.V., I. Heikkinen.
tanen, 0. Maattanen, K. V. Osola, Publishing, J. Onjukka ; Assistant,
A. Y. Rintala, E. Roslin. Hellin Inkinen.
Honorary: C. 0. Carlstjerna, G. Ordained Ministers:
Hermansson, J. Wallenkamp. T. Seljavaara, E. Sivonen.
Licensed Ministers: Licensed Ministers:
I. Hekkinen, G. Linde. W. Aittala, V. Liukkonen.
Licensed Missionaries: Licensed Missionaries:
Ingrid Albiner, Clara Andersson, 0. Halmajarvi, T. Heinonen, Helena
S. Bjur, R. Blomdahl, E. Edfors, 0. Kallioinen, Martta Kokkonen, Bertta
Grundberg, Helga Helenius, Kaisu Lassila, Aino Lehtoluto, U. Luostar-
Kaarima, H. Karstrom, E. H. Lars- Men, Elsa Luukkanen, Helmi Mesi-
son, Y. Miettinen, Etel Nordstrom, ainen, J. Onjukka, U. Savolainen,
Elsa Parpe, S. Rehumaki, Helmi Tilda Tiilikainen.
Sihvola, E. Soderberg, V. Sucksdorff,
A. Unhola. Legal Association: (for East and West
Legal Associations: Finland Conferences) : "Suomen Ad-
Filantropiska foreningen Praktisk
kristendom r.f. (Finland-Swedish
Conference.) Annegatan 7, Helsing- FINLAND SWEDISH CONFERENCE
fors, Finland. Organized 1929
Sallskapet Sanningens Harold (for
North and South Swedish Confer- Territory: Finland.
ences.) Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Population: 350,000 ; churches, 15 ;
Sweden. members, 579.

Office Address: Annegatan 7, Helsing- Sundberg, Anna Sundqvist, Maria

fors, Finland. (Telephone, Helsing- Vogel, Elsa Wall.
fors 34281.)
Legal Association (for North and South
Officers: Swedish Conferences) : "Sallskapet
President, Ragnar Svenson. Sanningens Harold."
Secretary-Treasurer, Helge Nyholm.
Executive Committee: Ragnar Sven-
son, Otto Gronros, H. Nyholm, An- SOUTH SWEDISH CONFERENCE
selm Nystrom, Harry Olsson, Albert Organized 1929
Stenlund, V. Sucksdorff.
Departmental Secretaries: Territory: South Sweden.
Home Missionary, Anna Sundqvist. Population: 3,325,000 ; churches, 27 ;
Publishing, I. Heikkinen. members, 1,590.
Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., Anna Cable Address: "Advent," Goteborg.
Sundqvist. Office Address: Vasagatan 12, Goteborg,
Ordained Ministers: Sweden. (Telephone, 139904.)
Harry Olsson, Ragnar Svenson. Officers:
Licensed Ministers: President, E. Luukko.
B. Lillas, Ernst Lillback, H. Nyholm. Secretary-Treasurer, K. Utterback.
Licensed Missionaries: Executive Committee: E. Luukko, G.
Berglund, E. Hanson, S. Klahr, S.
Helga Gronros, Anna Sundquist. Lundstrom, E. Mahrberg, K. Utter-
Legal Association: "Filantropiska back.
foreningen Praktisk kristendom r.f." Departmental Secretaries:
Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
S. Lundstrom.
NORTH SWEDISH CONFERENCE Publishing, Arne Klingstrand.
Organized 1929 Y.P.M.V., E. Roslin.
Ordained Ministers:
Territory: North Sweden.
Alfr. Anderson, Gosta Berglund, B.
Population: 3,600,000; churches, 32; Fernstad, John Larsson, C. Lindberg,
members, 1,842. Helge Lindberg, S. Lundstrom, E.
Cable Address: "Advent," Stockholm. Luukko, Ernst Mattsson, 0. Svens-
son, K. Utterback.
Office Address: Tunnelgatan 25, Stock-
holm, Sweden. (Telephone, 101724.) Licensed Ministers:
, G. Anderson, H. Anderson, S. Eman-
uelsson, A. Klingstrand, Arne Ljung,
President, E. Erenius. Olov Norvang, L. Sandberg, G.
Secretary-Treasurer, Lisa Soderberg. Sjoren.
Executive Committee: E. Erenius, K. Licensed Missionaries:
Axelsson, H. Holmgren, P. Hornfeldt,
G. Linde, 0. Spanghagen, 0. Sund- Febe Bergdahl, Birgit Edenberg, Alf-
qvist. hild Erenius, G. 0. Hansson, Martha
Departmental Secretaries: Hedlund, Selma Johansson, Helga
Malmberg, Ruben Svensson, Isak Un-
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, hall, Roland Unnersten.
P. Hornfeldt.
Publishing, S. Axelsson.
Ordained Ministers: Organized 1946
E. Erenius, G. Forsblom, P. Hornfeldt,
W. Runelf, E. Sonestam, 0. A. Territory: West Finland.
Spanghagen, E. Stinessen, K. Ulf- Population: 1,600,000 , churches, 15 ;
strom, Nils Zerne. members, 2,095.
Licensed Ministers: Cable Address: Adventtikirkko Lapintie
Sigvard Axelsson, G. Gudmunds, Sven 3 C, Tampere.
Karlsson, Ingemar Linden, 0. Olson, Office Address: Lapintie 3 C 46, Tam-
Willow Palm, Bertil Rudholm. pere, Finland. (Telephone, Tampere
Licensed Missionaries:
Maj Dahlberg, A. Ericsson, Olga
Forsberg, Berta Israelsson, Hildur President, A. Arasola.
Johnsson, Brits Kvarnstrom, Sigrid Secretary-Treasurer, U. Rouhe.
Lennartsson, Dagny Lind, P. Lind- Executive Committee: A. Arasola, I.
berg, Elsa Pohlson, Iris Olsson, Stine Heikkinen, Y. Miettinen, E. Orpana,
Sandholm, Lisa Soderberg, Hjordis 0. Peltonen, U. Rouhe.

Departmental Secretaries: Licensed Ministers:

Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and S. Halminen, L. Raunio.
Y.P.M.V., I. Heikkinen.
Publishing, Unto Hongisto ; Assistant, Licensed Missionaries:
Lydia Turunen. S. Alftan, U. Aarniranta, Lisi Halm-
Men, Unto Hongisto, Ida Kekkonen,
Ordained Ministers: M. Kettunen, Aili Matikainen, Senja
A. Arasola, 0. Halminen, 0. Pel- Piilola, U. Rouhe, Siiri Savolainen,
tonen. Hanna Vaananen.


Entered 1921; reorganized 1938, 1945

Territory: Ethiopia, Eritrea, the So- Licensed Teachers:

malilands, and Southern Anglo-Egyp- Alaka Mont Bainor, Kassech Heile
tian Sudan south of lat. 150 N. Mariam, Heile Mikael, Alaka Negassi.
Population: 12,400,000 ; churches, 8 ; Elementary School Teachers:
members, 522. Tekla Haimanot, Lazarous, Tekeste.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Addis
Postal Address: P.O. Box 145, Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia. Territory: Arussi Province.
Postal Address: P.O. Box 145, Addis
Officers: Ababa, Ethiopia.
President, N. B. Nielsen.
Secretary-Treasurer, W. S. Jensen. Church: 1 ; members, 19.
Executive Committee: N. B. Nielsen, Officers:
M. G. Anderson, F. L. Artress, Erling President, V. E. Toppenberg.
Bjaanes, H. E. Davis, H. A. Hanson, Secretary-Treasurer, Erik Palm.
Kristian Hogganvik, W. S. Jensen, Ordained Ministers:
Roland Nielsen, Erik Palm, Claude
Steen, V. E. Toppenberg, J. H. Wol- Erik Palm, V. E. Toppenberg.
Ian. Licensed Missionaries:
Departmental Secretaries: Tekla Haimanot Kallecha, Gladys
Martin, Mrs. Erik Palm, Teklaham-
Educational, H. A. Hanson. inot, Mrs. V. E. Toppenberg.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Mae Matthews ; Assistant, Dessie
Medical, M. G. Anderson. BEGEMDER MISSION
Y.P.M.V., Dessie Kassabun. Territory: Begernder Province.
Ordained Ministers: Address: S.D.A. Mission, Debra Tabor,
H. A. Hanson, N. B. Nielsen. Begemder.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 146, Addis
Credentialed Missionaries: Ababa, Ethiopia.
F. L. Artress, Alma Binder, Margit Churches: 2 ; members, 240.
Halvorsen, Mae Matthews, Roland
Nielsen. Officers:
President, Erling Bjaanes.
Licensed Ministers: Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Erling
M. G. Anderson, W. S. Jensen, Dessie Bjaanes.
Kassabun. Ordained Minister: Erling Bjaanes.
Licensed Missionaries: Credentialed Missionaries:
Mrs. M. G. Anderson, Mrs. F. L. Kristian Hogganvik, Shake Nalkran-
Artress, Lois Bowen, Mrs. H. E. ian.
Davis, Irene Ride, Mrs. H. A. Hanson,
Marie Hauge, Mrs. W. S. Jensen, Ar- Licensed Missionaries:
thur Jorgensen, Mrs. Arthur Jorgen- Mrs. Erling Bjaanes, Negussie Bogale,
sen, Mary Magnusson, R. C. New- Mrs. Kristian Hogganvik, Mont
berg, Mrs. R. C. Newberg, Alice Bainor Warshew, Alemu Wassihun,
Shollenburg. Mullalin Wassy.
Credentialed Teachers: Credentialed Teachers:
Tersite Abeba, Negarie Muletta, 01- Dessie Gudday, Tebedje Gudday,
gera Samuel. Amara Yershaw.

Licensed Teachers: Officers:

Jared Ghile, Alaka Mengistu. President, N. B. Nielsen.
Secretary-Treasurer, W. S. Jensen.

Territory: Eritrea.
Population: 800,000; church 1 ; mem- Territory: Wollega Province.
bers, 66. Address: P. 0. Box 145, .Addis Ababa,
Postal Address: P.O. Box 210, Asmara, Ethiopia.
Eritrea, East Africa. Churches: 3 ; members, 103.
Officers: Officers:
President and Secretary-Treasurer, J. President and Secretary-Treasurer, H.
H. Wollan. E. Davis.
Ordained Ministers: Postal Address: P.O. Box 145, Addis
M. Ogbazghi, J. H. Wollan. Ababa, Ethiopia.
Licensed Minister: Mangor Omland. Ordained Minister: H. E. Davis.
Licensed Missionaries: Credentialed Missionaries:
Tekeste Ghile, Lazarus Habtemariam, Alice Lind, Claude Steen.
Ghebremichel Kelati, Tekle-Abb Mer-
rid, Tekeste Obassien, Mrs. Mangor Licensed Minister: Hugo Palm.
Omland, Essaias Habte Sellasie, Sol- Licensed Missionaries:
omon Woldendrass, Mrs. J. H. Wol- Girsha Aga, Furgasa Bari, Ayana
lan. Burkana, Gudina Daba, Bulcha Da-
maksa, Mrs. H. E. Davis, Argeni
SHOA MISSION Faisa; Mulugeta ltaf a, Hundesa
Kombashi, Malifu Nagao, Negari,
Territory: Shoa Province. Nephthalim Nencha, Mrs. Hugo
Church: 1 ; members, 94. Palm, Wareti Seno, Elizabeth Shaf-
qat, Mrs. Claude Steen,
Postal Address: P.O. Box 145, Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia. Licensed Teacher: Tesema.


Organized 1938
Territory: The Netherlands. Schmutzler, Philip Schuil, Klaas Til-
Population: 10,000,000; churches, 35 ; stra, F. J. Voorthuis.
members, 2,152. Credentialed Missionaries:
Telegraphic Address: Advent, Huis ter K. Beijer, J. van Iterson.
Licensed Minister: G. L. A. Faber.
Office Address: Prins Alexanderweg
1 B, Huis ter Heide, Gem. Zeist, Legal Name: Kerkgenootschap der
Netherlands. (Telephone, K3403-509.) Zevende-Dags Adventisten in Neder-
land, Huis ter Heide.
President, Klaas Tilstra.
Secretary, F. J. Voorthuis. NORTH NETHERLAND CON-
Treasurer, K. Beijer. FERENCE
Executive Committee: Klaas Tilstra, Organized 1938
K. Beijer, W. Betram, T. M. Eijkelen-
boom, J. Lankhorst, P. van Oos-- Territory: North Holland, including the
sanen, Ph. Schuil, K. Sloot, F. J. Gelderland northward of the river
Voorthuis. Rijn from Lobith to Rhenen; Overij-
Departmental Secretaries: sel, Drente, Groningen, and Fries-
Educational, Ph. Schuil. Population: 4,750,000; churches, 19;
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, members, 1,176.
P. Voorthuis.
Press Relations, Radio, Temperance, Office Address: Paramaribostraat 87 I,
and Welfare, F. J. Voorthuis. Amsterdam, Netherlands. (Telephone,
Publishing, J. van Iterson. Amsterdam 88144.)
Y.P.M.V., N. Heijkoop. Officers:
Ordained Ministers: President, P. van Oossanen.
W. Betram, N. Heijkoop, A. C. Secretary, P. Voorthuis.

Treasurer, P. van Oossanen. to Rhenen ; Limburg, Noord-Brabant,

Executive Committee: P. van Oos- and Zeeland.
sanen, J. Brinkman, H. Kokmeijer, Population: 5,250,000 ; churches, 16 ;
M. Knopper, C. Lint, D. Vink, P. members, 976.
Office Address: van Lumeystraat 64,
Departmental Secretaries: The Hague, Netherlands. (Telephone,
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, The Hague 552759.)
Temperance, and Welfare, P. Voor- Officers:
Publishing, J. van Iterson. President, J. Lankhorst.
Y.P.M.V., J. Brinkman. Secretary, B. Slond.
Ordained Ministers: Treasurer, J. Lankhorst.
P. van Oossanen, D. Vink, P. Voor- Executive Committee: J. Lankhorst,
thuis. C. Baars, P. Brandhorst, M. de Man,
J. A. Mennes, J. A. de Ruiter, B.
Licensed Ministers: Slond.
J. Brinkman, S. Bouwer, J. J. Con- Departmental Secretaries:
tant, C. P. de Ruiter.
Licensed Missionaries: Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
Temperance, and Welfare, J. A.
C. Amman, W. Eykelenboom, E. van de Ruiter.
Hemert, P. de Raad, G. Tap. Publishing, J. van Iterson.
Y.P.M.V., N. Heijkoop.
Ordained Ministers:
FERENCE J. A. de Ruiter, J. Lankhorst, B.
Organized 1938
Territory: South Holland, excepting the Licensed Missionaries:
village Hillegom ; Gelderland south- C. F. W. Berkel, B. Gabriel, J. Snuif,
ward of the river Rijn from Lobith W. Twijnstra.


Organized 1921; reorganized 1946
Territory: The Polish Republic compris- EAST POLISH CONFERENCE
ing the East Polish, South Polish, and Organized 1927; reorganized 1946
West Polish Conferences. Territory: Governments of Warszawa,
Population: 23,625,500; churches, 80; Bialystok, Lodz, Kielce, and Lublin.
members, 2,863. Population: 9,738,900; churches, 23;
Office Address: Foksal 8, Warszawa, members, 635.
Poland. (Telephone, 832-75.) Office Address: Traugutta 34, Radom,
Telegraphic Address: "Advent," War- Poland.
szawa. Officers:
Officers: President, A. Kruk.
President, F. Stekla. Secretary, M. Kot.
Secretary, J. Skrzypaczek. Treasurer, Z. Tatarowna.
Treasurer, Helena Wawruszakowa. Executive Committee: A. Kruk, S.
Executive Committee: F. Stekla, J. Buzek, J. Gorski, M. Kot, E. Szworak.
Gorski, M. Kot, A. Kruk, J. Kulak, Departmental Secretary, A. Kruk.
E. Niedoba, J. Rosiecki, W. Siemien-
owics, J. Skrzypaczek. Ordained Ministers:
Departmental Secretaries: M. Kot, A. Kruk.
Home Missionary and Publishing, W. Licensed Ministers:
Siemienowicz. E. Bujak, A. Smyk, E. Szworak.
Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., J.
Skrzypaczek. Licensed Missionaries:
Ordained Ministers: D. Jaworski, K. Lisek, Z. Tataro-
wana, R. Wawrzonek, W. Zak.
G. Baron, A. Maszczak, J. Rosiecki,
F. Stekla, W. Siemienowicz.
Licensed Minister: J. Skrzypaczek. SOUTH POLISH CONFERENCE
Licensed Missionaries: Organized 1920 ; reorganized 1946
Z. Lyko, B. Nowicka, W. Ostapowics, Territory: Governments of Krakow,
Helena Wawruszakowa. Rzeszow, Slasko-Dabrowski, Wroclaw.

Population: 8,433,300; churches, 34; WEST POLISH CONFERENCE

members, 1,596. Organized 1918; reorganized 1946
Office Address: Kamienica na Slasku Territory: Governments of Poznan, Byd-
272, pow. Bielsko, Poland. goszcz, Gdansk, Olsztyn, Szszecin.
Population: 5,453,300 ; churches, 23 ;
Officers: members, 632.
President, F. Stekla. Office. Address: Zeylanda 11, Poznan,
Secretary, J. Holeksa. Poland.
Treasurer, S. Koutna.
Executive Committee: F. Stekla, K. Officers:
Czarny, J. Gomola, J. Holeksa, P. President, E. Niedoba.
Krol, A. Pyc, J. Urbanski. Secretary-Treasurer, L. Gajzler.
Departmental Secretary, J. Holeksa. Departmental Secretary, A. Czem-
Ordained Ministers: Executive Committee: E. Niedoba,
P. Englert, J. Gomola, J. Kulak, E. L. Gajzler, St. Ksiazkiewicz, P. Leh-
Kulessa. man, J. Zielinski.
Ordained Ministers:
Licensed Ministers:
E. Niedoba, 0. Niedoba, J. Zielinski.
B. Leupowicz, J. Lipski, Antoni Licensed Minister: L. Gajzler.
Licensed Missionaries:
Licensed Missionaries: W. Czapnik, A. Czemborowna, G.
E. Berets, F. Himel, J. Holeksa, S. Pacewics, S. Rafanowicsz, K. Tom-
Koutna, W. Sedzik, A. 1JImanowna. czyk.


Organized 1943

Territory: Nigeria, Gold Coast, Ivory Licensed Missionaries:

Coast, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Gambia, Mrs. A. E. Brendel, Mrs. D. V.
Togoland, Dahomey, and Mandated Cowin, Mrs. D. L. Chappell, Mrs.
British Cameroons ; comprising the Maxime Duplouy, Phyllis McClements,
East Nigerian, Gold Coast, Ivory Mrs. William McClements, Rosa Mu-
Coast, Liberia, North Nigerian, derspach.
Sierra Leone, and West Nigerian
Population: 36,318,190 ; churches, 69 ; EAST NIGERIAN MISSION FIELD
members, 8,622. Total adherents, 25,-
421. Entered 1923; organized 1930; reor-
ganized 1945
Cable Address: "Adventists," Accra.
Territory: Calabar, Owerri, Warri,
Postal Address: P.O. Box 1016, Accra, Ogoja, Onitsha, Beneu part of Kabba
Gold Coast, West Africa. and Adamawa Provinces, and that
part of the British Mandated Ter-
Officers: ritory of the Cameroons south of
President, the River Beneu.
Secretary-Treasurer, Maxime Duplouy. Population: 9,350,000; churches, 24;
Executive Committee: church companies, 184 ; members,
G. N. Banks, Maxime Duplouy, J. 0. 4,016. Total adherents, 16,428.
Gibson, J. A. Hyde, J. J. Hyde,, Edgar Office Address: Aba, Nigeria, West
Keslake, S. Nagel, W. J. Newman. Africa.
Departmental Secretaries: Officers:
Educational, Home Missionary, Sab- President, W. J. Newman.
bath School, and Y.P.M.V., D. V. Secretary-Treasurer, W. G. Till.
Cowin. Executive Committee : W. J. New-
Publishing, D. L. Chappell. man, A. J. Dickay, L. R. Downing,
Radio, E. E. Hulbert. -
G. M. Ellstrom, J. D. Meade, A.
Ordained Ministers: Miller, A. Nzeotta, I. Onuoha, P.
A. E. Brendel, D. V. Cowin, William Onwere, D. Onyedo, W. G. Till.
McClements, D. B. Simons. Departmental Secretaries:
Credentialed Missionary: Maxime Du- Book and Bible House, W. G. Till.
plouy. Educational and Y.P.M.V., G. M.
Licensed Minister: D. L. Chappell. Ellstrom.

Publishing, A. Ahuchaogu. Postal Address: Boite Postale 335,

Sabbath School, J. D. Meade. Abidjan, Ivory Coast, West Africa.
Ordained Ministers: Ordained Minister:
A. J. Dickay, G. M. Ellstrom, J. D.
Meade, W. J. Newman, A. Nzeotta,
S. Ongbonna, P. Onwere, D. Onyeodo,
Licensed Minister: J. Kanu. Established 1927
Licensed Missionaries: Territory: Republic of Liberia, West
Mrs. G M. Ellstrom, Mrs. J. D. Africa.
Meade, Mrs. W. J. Newman, Mrs. W. Population: 2,000,000 ; churches, 5 ;
G. Till. members, 266. Total adherents, 478.
Office Address: Monrovia, Liberia, West
Entered 1894 ; reorganized 1933 Officers:
Territory: Gold Coast and British To- President, G. N. Banks.
goland. Secretary-Treasurer, G. N. Banks.
Population: 3,163,568; churches, 26; Executive Committee: G. N. Banks,
members, 2,430. Total adherents, W. H. Barchue, J. H. Hallowanger,
6,162. C. D. Henri, P. E. Giddings.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Kumasi. Departmental Secretaries:
Postal Address: P.O. Box 480, Kumasi, Educational and Y.P.M.V., P. E.
Gold Coast, West Africa. Giddings.
Publishing, G. N. Banks.
Officers: Sabbath School, C. D. Henri.
President, J. 0. Gibson. Ordained Ministers:
Secretary-Treasurer, P. H. Stearman.
G. N. Banks, P. E. Giddings, J. H.
Executive Committee: J. 0. Gibson, Hallowanger, W. Helbig, C. D. Henri.
W. B. Ackah, A. Amponsah, J. M.
Arloo, D. J. Clarke, S. B. Essien, C. Licensed Missionaries:
B. Mensah, P. H. Stearman, J. C. Mrs. G. N. Banks, H. Flumo, C.
Vetter, H. J. Welch. Freeman, Mrs. P. E. Giddings, Mrs.
Departmental Secretaries: C. D. Henri, Kekula, S. B. Knowlden,
Educational, J. C. Vetter. David Scott, M. Sulonta, A. Y. Tur-
Publishing, P. H. Stearman. ray.
Sabbath School, J. 0. Gibson.
Ordained Ministers: Territory: Sokoto, Niger, Plateau, Za-
D. M. Agboka, J. K. Amoah, J. M. ria, Katsina, Kano, Bauchi, Adamawa
Arlo*, I. A. Benson, S. B. Essien, and Bornu Provinces.
J. 0. Gibson, C. B. Mensah, P. H.
Stearman, H. J. Welch. Population: 8,742,097 ; church, 1;
companies, 15; members, 144. Total
Honorary: J. K. Garbrah. adherents, 342.
Licensed Ministers:
Office Address: Jengre, Railway Sta-
E. B. Achiano, A. Amofah, R. K. tion, via Jos. N. Nigeria, West Africa.
Antwi, A. K. Arhizi, D. K. Asare,
J. Baidoo, Q. B. Brimpong, D. J. President: J. A. Hyde.
Clarke, S. A. Dankwa, E. Essel, J. Ordained Minister: R. 0. Wosu.
K. Mensah, A. M. Moyer, J. C. Vetter. Licensed Minister: J. A. Hyde.
Licensed Missionaries: Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. D. J. Clarke, Mrs. J. 0. I. K. Dariya, Mrs. J. A. Hyde, T. Z.
Gibson, Mrs. A. M. Moyer, Mrs. Kadoki, M. B. Kakwi, F. M. Kakwi,
P. H. Stearman, Mrs. J. C. Vetter, S. B. N. Kakwi, R. N. Wosu.
Mrs. H. J. Welch.


(Unorganized) Organized 1913
Entered 1946 Territory: Sierra Leone and Gambia.
Territory: Ivory Coast. Population: 4,310,455 ; churches, 3 ;
Population: 4,093,168; churches, companies, 16; members, 417.
companies, 7 ; members, 77. Total Cable Address: Adventist Mission, Bo,
adherents, 167. Sierra Leone.

Postal Address: P.O. Box 26, Bo, Sierra Population: 4,658,902; churches, 10;
Leone, West Africa. members, 1,272. Total adherents,
Officers: 1,427.
President, Edgar Keslake.
Secretary-Treasurer, Amanda S. Postal Address: P.O. Box 19, Ibadan,
Nuka. Nigeria, West Africa.
Executive Committee: Edgar Keslake,
C. A. Bartlett, J. B. Leigh, S. C. Officers:
Nicol, Amanda S. Nuka, D. B. President, J. J. Hyde.
Simons, J. B. Terry, H. Wilson. Secretary-Treasurer, L. G. Anniss.
Departmental Secretaries:
Educational, C. A. Bartlett. Executive Committee: J. J. Hyde, J.
Sabbath School, Publishing, and Y.P. Adeoye, J. Adepoju, L. G. Anniss,
M.V., Edgar Keslake. I. B. Apata, S. Dare, A. E. Farrow,
J. B. Oriola, J. Oyelakin.
Ordained Ministers:
C. A. Bartlett, Edgar Keslake, J. B. Departmental Secretaries:
Leigh, S. C. Nicol, J. B. Terry,
S. F. Tharawoli, H. Wilson. Educational, Publishing, and Sabbath
School, J. J. Hyde.
Honorary: H. E. A. Lynch.
Y.P.M.V., L. G. Anniss.
Licensed Minister: D. B. Thomas.
Licensed Missionaries: Ordained Ministers:
J. F. Amara, Mrs. C. A. Bartlett, J. Adeoye, S. Dare, A. E. Farrow,
D. S. Conteh, T. E. Harding, A. 0. J. J. Hyde, J. B. Oriole.
Kennick, Mrs. Edgar Keslake, J. S.
Myers, J. Mbakpoh, Amanda S. Licensed Ministers:
Nuka, S. Sankoh, J. N. Vandi, S.
E. Williams. J. Adeogun, D. B. Adeshima, D. B.
Alabi, L. G. Anniss, E. E. Hulbert,
J. A. Makendi, J. 0. Olomojobi, D. K.
Entered 1913 ; organized 1930; reor-
ganized 1944 Licensed Missionaries:
Territory: Lagos Colony, Ijebu, Ondo, Mrs. L. G. Anniss, Mrs. A. E. Far-
Oyo, Benin, Abeokuta, Ilorin and row, Mrs. E. E. Hulbert, Mrs. J. J.
Kabba Provinces. Hyde.


Organized 1901; reorganized 1931

Territory: Denmark, Norway, Faroe Is- Publishing, 0. S. Sorensen.

lands, and Greenland. Religious Liberty and Sabbath School,
Population: 7,136,798; churches, 142 ; Olav Frenning.
members, 8,239. Temperance and Y. P. M. V., H.
Cable Address: "Adventunion," Oslo. Ordained Ministers:
Office Address: Holmenkollveien 31, Karl Abrahamsen, Trygve Asheim,
Oslo, Norway. Mogens Bakke, Elias Bjaanes, Olav
Officers: Frenning, G. Gudmundsen, C. A.
Larsen, P. G. Nelson, J. Reichelt.
President, P. G. Nelson.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, R. Honorary: E. Arnesen, J. P. U. Jen-
Abrahamsen. sen, L. J. Kirkelokke, L. Muderspach,
L. J. Stene, Joh. A. Tillgren, Chr.
Executive Committee: P. G. Nelson, Tobiassen, T. Tobiassen, A. Wasli.
R. Abrahamsen, Karl Abrahamsen,
A. Andersen, Elias Bjaanes, S. A. Licensed Ministers:
Broberg, 0. Frenning, Paul Frivold, P. A. Christiansen, R. F. Jensen,
J. D. Henriksen, R. F. Jensen, Thv. 0. S. Sorensen, 0. Wiik.
Kristensen, C. A. Larsen, Alf Lohne,
H. Muderspach, 0. S. Sorensen, V. Licensed Missionaries:
Thomsen, H. Westerlund. R. Abrahamsen, Karl Bagger, Alf
Departmental Secretaries: Berg, Ruth Berglund, 0. Bjerkan,
Per Bohmer, Karl Frederiksen, Agda
Educational, H. Muderspach. Hansen, Gudrun Johansen, Karsten
Home Missionary, Olav Frenning. Johnson, Mrs. Kamilla Larsen, 1.
Medical, J. D. Henriksen. Salvesen.

Legal Association: Nordisk filantropisk Executive Committee: Alf Lohne,

Selskab (Nordic Philanthropic So- Harald Dunes, G. Gudmundsen, Kr.
ciety), Skodsborg, Badesanatorium, Hagan, 0. Haugvik, Willy Jordahl,
Skodsborg, Denmark. Leif Nielsen, R. J. Skyllstad, T. S.
Departmental Secretaries:
EAST DENMARK CONFERENCE Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Organized 1880; reorganized 1931 0. Udbjorg.
Publishing, Aksel Steen.
Territory: East Denmark, and Faroe Is- Y.P.M.V., Johan Elisenberg.
Ordained Ministers:
Population: 1,700,000 ; churches, 28;
members, 1,926. A. A. Andreasen, Alf Lohne, F. 0.
Ryen, L. Saeboe-Larssen, R. J. Skyll-
Cable Address: "Adventist," Copen- stad, T. Torkelsen, 0. Udbjorg, T. S.
hagen. Valen.
Office Address: Svanevej 10, Copen- Licensed Ministers:
hagen N.V., Denmark. (Telephone, Johan Elisenberg, Bjarne Hoggenvik,
AEgir 1200.) Ole Ranes, J. Struksnes, Charles
Officers: Wang.
President, S. A. Broberg. Licensed Missionaries:
Secretary-Treasurer, B. Albertsen. Ruth Andersen, Margaret Endersen,
Executive Committee: S. A. Broberg, Mina Fosse, Elsie M. Halvorsen,
Caleb Andreasen, B. Albertsen, David Helga Harjen, Anna Hogganvik, Re-
Guldhammer, Dines Jersin, Lauritz bekka Krogsrud, Leif Nielsen, Ron-
Poulsen, E. Vedelso-Nielsen. naug Running, Aksel Steen.
Departmental Secretaries: Church School Teachers:
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, Thoralf Fonnebo, Henny Gismarvik,
and Y.P.M.V., David Guldhammer. Torlaug Gismarvik, 0. K. Narland,
Publishing, Frank Hauvre. Ellen Pettersen, Ingeborg Ruud,
Knut Tollevik.
Ordained Ministers:
S. A. Broberg, A. Guldhammer, Da-
vid Guldhammer, Carl Jensen, Johan-
nes Jensen, Andreas Nielsen, V. NORTH NORWAY CONFERENCE
Norskov Olsen, E. Vedelso-Nielsen, Organized 1929
G. E. Westmann.
Territory: North Norway.
Licensed Ministers: Population: 280,000; churches, 21 ;
J. A. Hansen, R. B. Hansen, S. A. members, 812.
Jorgensen, A. Koller, Borge Larsen, Cable Address: "Adventist," Tromso.
Louis Nielsen.
Office Address: Parkgaten 35, Tromso,
Licensed Missionaries: Norway,
B. Albertsen, Helge Andersen, L. Officers:
Brogaard, W. W. Hansen, Frank President, H. Muderspach.
Hauvre, Esther Henriksen, Ole Lar- Secretary-Treasurer, Gerd Tjeransen.
sen, Harald Nielsen, Othilia Nielsen,
Esther Poulsen. Executive Committee: H. Muderspach,
Kristian Bardsen, Kristian Berntsen,
Church School Teachers: Arvid Dyresen, H. B. Hansen, Aslak
Grethe Christiansen, Erna Flindt, G. Helmersen, A. Krogstad.
Frederiksen, J. Kongstad, Inge Departmental Secretary:
B. Larsen.
Home Missionary, Publishing, Sab-
bath School, and Y.P.M.V., A.
Organized 1887; reorganized 1946 Ordained Ministers:
Territory: East Norway. Arvid Dyresen, A. Krogstad, H. Mu-
derspach, M. Rosen.
Population: 2,014,100; churches, 38; Licensed Ministers:
members, 2,564.
J. R. Arnesen, Alfred Lie, Alf Ulland.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Oslo.
Licensed Missionaries:
Office Address: Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Borghild Bertheussen, Arne Friis,
Norway. Konrad Holm, T. A. Johansen, B.
Officers: Petterson, Gerd Tjeransen.
President, Alf Lohne. Church School Teachers:
Secretary-Treasurer, Leif Nilsen. Aksel Hogganvik, Odd Wollan.


Organized 1880 ; reorganized 1931 Organized 1942
Territory: Jylland and Fyn.
Population: 2,203,498; churches, 41; Territory: West Norway.
members, 1,691. 939,200 ; churches,
Population: 14,
Office Address: Norre Alle 30, Aarhus, members, 1,246.
Officers: Cable Address: "Adventist," Stavanger.
President, Thy. Kristensen. Office Address: Bergjelandsgaten 45,
Secretary-Treasurer, Alf Berg. Stavanger, Norway.
Executive Committee: Thy. Kristen- Officers:
sen, 1. W. Christiansen, C. C. Han- President, Paul Frivold.
sen, L. Harlund, Marinus Jensen,
Nic Jorgensen, Borge Olsen. Secretary-Treasurer, Hildur Tobias-
Departmental Secretaries:
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Executive Committee: Paul Frivold,
Y.P.M.V., Borge Olsen. B. Holm, Harry Holman, John Iver-
son, Ole Jordahl, J. M. Reiakvam.
Publishing, Ernst Hansen.
Ordained Ministers: Departmental Secretaries:
I. W. Christiansen, Hagen Jensen, Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
Marinus Jensen, Thy. Kristensen, and Y.P.M.V., Alf Steen.
Borge Olsen. Publishing, Harry Haystein.
Licensed Ministers: Ordained Ministers:
Hans J. Christensen. Gunnar Dam, Paul Frivold, Ole Jordahl, 0. S. Lie,
Ernst Hansen, Preben Petersen, Kaj P. J. Olsen.
Licensed Missionaries: Licensed Ministers:
Bodil Christensen, Hugo Christiansen, G. M. Berge, Odd Jordahl, Leif Kvalen,
Rigmor Nielsen, Elly Pedersen, Kaj Georg Nilsen, Alf Steen.
Pedersen, Kristha Pedersen, Agnes Licensed Missionaries:
Siggaard, Kay Stott.
Church School Teachers: Hildur Aarreberg, Mary Eriksen,
Oyvind Gjertsen, Solveig Gregersen,
Chr. Christiansen, Eli Jacobsen, Ella Julie Jacobsen, T. G. Paulsen, Hildur
Lund, Marie Schmidt. Tobiassen.

ICELAND MISSION Ordained Minister: Julius Gudmunds-
Entered 1897 ; Organized 1930 son.
Territory: Iceland. Licensed Minister: Sigfus Halgrimsson.
Population: 144,000 ; churches, 6 ; mem- Licensed Missionaries:
bers, 305. Olafur Gudmundsson, Magnus Hel-
Cable Address: "Adventists," Reikjavik. gason, Kristana Steindorsdottir.
Postal Address: Box 262, Reykjavik, Church School Teachers:
Iceland. (Telephone, Reykjavik 3899 J. H. Johnsson, Lilja Sveinsdottir.
and 4913.)
President, Julius Gudmundsson.
Secretary-Treasurer, Magnus Helga-
Executive Committee: Julius Gud-
mundsson, Sveinbjorn Einarsson, Educational:
Sigfus Halgrimsson, Magnus Helga-
son, Snorri Michelsson, Olafur On- Bekwai Training School, P.O. Box 45,
undssun, Oddur Thorsteinsson. Bekwai, Gold Coast, West Africa.
Departmental Secretaries: Danish Mission School (Vejlefjord
Educational, Sabbath School, and Hojskole), Daugaard, Denmark.
Y.P.M.V., Julius Gudmundsson. Ethiopian Mission Training School for
Home Missionary and Publishing, Boys, (Shoe), Post Office Box 145,
Olafur Gudmundsson. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Ethiopian Mission Training School Nyhyttan Sanitarium, Jarnboas,

for Girls, (Shoa), Post Office Box Sweden.
145, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Skodsborg Sanitarium, Skodsborg,
Finland S. D. A. Mission School, Denmark.
Piikkio, Finland.
Skogli Sanitarium, Lillehammer, Nor-
Liberian Mission School, Post Kakata, way.
Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa.
Stanborough Park Sanitarium (The
Netherland Missionary School, Huize Stanboroughs Hydro), Stanborough
"Zandbergen", Amersfoortsestraat- Park, Watford. Herts., England.
weg 18, Huis ter Heide, Zeist,
Netherland. Toivonlinna Summer Sanitarium,
Newbold Missionary College, Brack- Piikkio, Finland.
nell, Berkshire, England. Zauditu Memorial Hospital, P.O. Box
Nigerian Training College, Ihie (via 145, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Nbawsi), Nigeria, West Africa.
Onsrud Mission School, Algarheim, Dispensaries
Norway. Copenhagen Clinic, (Fysisk Kuran-
Polish Mission Training School, Kam- stalt) St. Kongensgade 36-38, Cop-
ienica na Slasku 230, pow. Bielsko, enhagen, K., Denmark.
Poland. Dublin Treatment Rooms, 47 Ran-
Sierra Leone Training School, P.O. elagh Road, Ranelagh, Dublin, Ire-
Box 26, Bo, Sierra Leone, West land.
Africa. Helsingfors Hydro-Electric Institute,
Stanborough Secondary and Church Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland.
School, Stanborough Park, Wat-
ford, Herts., England. Jengre S.D.A. Medical Unit, Jenslre
via Jos., North Nigeria, West Africa.
Swedish Missionary School, Ekeby-
holm, Rimbo, Sweden. Oslo Health Home, Akersgaten 74,
Oslo, Norway.
Food Companies:
Stockholm Hydro-Electric Institute,
Copenhagen Food Factory, Balders- Humlegardsgatan 18, Stockholm,
gade 14, Copenhagen, N., Denmark. Sweden.
Granose Foods, Ltd. (British Health
Food Factory), Stanborough Park, Publishing:
Watford, Herts., England. Advent Press, P. 0. Box 1016, Accra,
Medical: Gold Coast, West Africa.
Sanitariums British Publishing House, Stanbor-
"Aftenhvile," (Old People's Home), ough Press, Ltd., Stanborough Park,
Skodsborg Sanitarium, Skodsborg, Watford, Herts., England.
Copenhagen Publishing House, Suo-
Ekebyholm Summer Sanitarium, misvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
Rimbo, Sweden.
Finland Publishing House, Annegatan
Ekebyholmshemmet, (Old People's 7, Helsingfors, Finland.
Home), Rimbo, Sweden.
Gimbie Hospital, Gimbie, Wallega. Iceland S. D. A. Publishing House,
Postal Address: Box 145, Addis Box 262, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Ababa, Ethiopia. Netherland Publishing House, Sticht-
Heile Selassie No. 1 Hospital, Debra ing : Boekenhuis "Veritas" van
Tabor, Begemder. Postal Address: Weede van Dijkveldstraat 77, The
Box 145, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Hague, Netherland.
Hopeanemi Sanitarium, Nummela, Norwegian Publishing House, Akers-
Finland. gaten 74, Oslo, Norway.
Hultafors Sanitarium, Hultafors, Polish Publishing House, Lubelska
Sweden. 25, Krakow, Poland.
Ile-Ife Mission Hospital, Ile-Ife, Ni- Stockholm Publishing House, Tunnel-
geria, West Africa. gatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden..
Organized 1916

Territory: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Departmental Secretaries:

Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, and Educational and Y.P.M.V., D. Garcia.
Uruguay, with the islands in the At- Home Missionary, Press Relations,
lantic and Pacific Oceans adjacent and Sabbath School, Santiago
thereto, comprising the Austral and Schmidt.
South Brazil Union Conferences, and Ministerial Association, Walter Schu-
the East Brazil, Inca, and North bert.
Brazil Union Missions. Publishing and Temperance, W. A.
Area: 5,890,423 square miles. Bergherm.
Population: 86,920,228 ; churches, 330 ; Radio, ; Associates: (Austral),
members, 53,802. Juan Ferri; (Brazil), R. M. Ra-
bello; (Inca), B. A. Larsen.
Cable Address: "Division," Montevideo, Religious Liberty, W. E. Murray.
Note: The Secretarial and Treasury Transportation:
Departments are (and from July 1 General Agent, 0. A. Blake ; Assist-
the President will be) located in ant, L. C. Rhys ; and Union Treas-
Montevideo, Uruguay, the address urers of the Austral, East Brazil,
being as follows : Inca, North Brazil, and South Bra-
Office: 2358 Dr. Enrique Pouey, Apt. 6, zil Unions.
Montevideo, Uruguay, South America. Ordained Ministers:
(Telephone, 41-72-61.)
Henry Baerg, W. A. Bergherm, 0. A.
Postal Address: Casilla 2025, Zone 1, Blake, E. S. Cubley, Juan Ferri,
18 de Julio 2022, Montevideo, Uru- D. Garcia, B. A. Larsen, W. E. Mur-
guay, South America. ray, R. M. Rabello, Santiago Schmidt,
Argentine Address: Virrey del Pino Walter Schubert, E. Weidle.
3801, Suc. 30, R. 11, Buenos Aires,
Argentina, South America. (Tele- Credentialed Missionaries:
phones: 73-2045 ; 76-5442.) F. L. Baer, G. M. Conner.
Cable Address: "Division," "Advent-
ist," Buenos Aires, Argentina. Licensed Missionaries:
Officers: T. Alva, Dilma Araujo, Mrs. F. L.
Baer, Mrs. Henry Baerg, Mrs. W. A.
President, W. E. Murray. Bergherm, Mrs. 0. A. Blake, R. W.
Secretary, Cash, Mrs. R. W. Cash, Mrs. G. M.
Treasurer and Auditor, 0. A. Blake. Conner, Mrs. E. S. Cubley, Margarita
Assistant Treasurer, E. S. Cubley. Deek, Edna Edeburn, Nelida Ferri,
Assistant Auditor, G. M. Conner. Mrs. D. Garcia, Catarina Grabby, A.
Cashier, Henry Baerg. Guzman.
Executive Committee: W. E. Murray, Leon ,Harder, Mrs. Leon Harder,
A. E. Aeschlimann, F. L. Baer, Henry M. Juste, Otto Keppke, Mrs. B. A.
Baerg, R. W. Belz, W. A. Bergherm, Larsen, Mrs. W. E. Murray, Cely
0. A. Blake, G. M. Conner, E. S. Oliveira, Bernard Penner, Mrs. Ber-
Cubley, D. Garcia, J. G. Garcia, L. B. nard Penner, S. Perris, Mrs. R. M.
Halliwell, L. H. Olson, Juan Rifle], Rabello, L. C. Rhys, Loida Rodriguez,
Santiago Schmidt, Walter Schubert, Aurora Rojas, Mrs. Santiago Schmidt,
B. W. Steinweg, G. N. Vieira, R. A. Mrs. Walter Schubert, Mrs. Sarah
Wilcox. F. Williams.


Organized 1906
Territory: The Buenos Aires, Chile, and Office Address: Calle V. Vergara 3227,
Central Argentine Conferences; and Florida, F. C. N. Gral. Bme. Mitre,
the Cuyo, North, Paraguay, and Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
Uruguay Missions. America. (Telephone, 740, Ombu
Area: 1,597,137 square miles. 0236.)
Population: 26,140,447; churches, 131; Officers:
members, 12,750. President, A. E. Aeschlimann.
Cable Address: Division (Para Austral), Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, Ner
Buenos Aires, South America. Soto.

Executive Committee: A. E. Aeschli- Postal Address: Casilla 39, Suc. 25

mann, E. Almonte, Alfredo Bellido, (Palermo), Buenos Aires, Argentina,
P. M. Brouchy, W. J. Brown, Benja- South America.
min Bustos, F. Chaij, R. F. Dobanton, Officers:
Daniel Hammerly, E. Kanna, Merardo
Leon, Juan Meier, J. J. Oliveira, President, H. J. Peverini.
H. J. Peverini, M. F. Perez, Mario Secretary-Treasurer, Ernesto Steger.
Rasi, Juan Riffel, F. Sittner, Ner Executive Committee: H. J. Peverini,
Soto, C. E. Westphal. F. Astoviza, J. A. Bonjour, Pablo
Gomez, D. Palau, Ernesto Steger,
Departmental Secretaries: Juan Tabuenca, Samuel Weber.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., M. F.
Perez. Departmental Secretaries:
Home Missionary, Radio, and Sab- Book and Bible House, Daniel Fischer.
bath School, Mario Rasi. Educational and Y.P.M.V., Roberto
Press Relations, Daniel Hammerly. Rojas.
Publishing, J. J. Oliveira. Home Missionary, Radio, and Sabbath
Ordained Ministers: School, P. R. Gomez.
Publishing, Delfin Gomez ; Assistant,
A. E. Aeschlimann, P. M. Brouchy, Juan Busso.
W. J. Brown, Daniel Hammerly, M.
F. Perez, Mario Rasi, Ner Soto, Niels Ordained Ministers:
Wensell. E. Block, J. A. Bonjour, Roberto
Honorary: A. Berchin, Edgar Brooks, Otto, H. J. Peverini, Wasily Polishuk,
A. M. Buzgherian, David Dalinger, Juan Tabuenca, S. C. Weber.
Luis Ernst, Camilo Gil, Miguel Gnad-
jin, I. Kalbermatter, G. D. Klatt, C. Credentialed Missionaries:
E. Krieghoff, Mateo Leytes, Santiago Daniel Fischer, Ernesto Steger.
Mangold, V. E. Thomann.
Licensed Ministers:
Credentialed Missionaries: Carlos Biaggi, P. Di Dionisio, L.
D. Biaggi, 0. Biaggi, R. F. Dobanton, Gerometta, Delfin Gomez, P. R. Go-
M. Hammerly, D. H. Rhys, C. E. mez, Salim Japes, J. P. Kalbermatter,
Westphal. Guillermo Krieghoff, D. Riffel, Ro-
Licensed Ministers: berto Rojas, E. H. Wensell, Luis
V. Ampuero, F. Chaij, R. Chaskelis,
D. Nestares, J. J. Oliveira. Licensed Missionaries:
Licensed Missionaries: Blanca Berisso, J. Bernhardt, Juan
Mrs. V. Ampuero, Raquel Basanta, Busso, Celia Castro, Norberto Castro,
L. Baum, Beatriz Bellido, Hulda Ber- Mrs. Holanda Mulinari, R. L. Posse,
chin, Albina C. Bernhardt, Emma E. Schmidt.
Bernhardt, Marta Bernhardt, Mrs. Bible Instructors:
Ruth H. Block, Mrs. P. M. Brouchy,
Mrs. F. Chaij, F. Chovanec, G. Clou- Elena Dupertuis, Ana Gironde, Esther
zet, M. Esparcia, G. Fayard, Mrs. G. Iuorno, Laura Lista, Nilda de Vaz.
Fayard, L. Gambetta, I. Gerometta, Church School Teachers:
Lida R. Gourian, Mercedes Habe-
nicht, R. Kaerst, Elena Kahl, A. Gerda de Bernhardt, Adela Dupertuis,
Kalbermatter, 0. Kalbermatter, C. Norma L. de Koch, Ines de Posse,
Krieghoff, J. J. Mulinari, Mrs. D. Ester Ramos, Isabel Roboni, Sara
Nestares, Mrs. Mercedes Papasian, Vasquez.
Leoni I. Peverini, Encarnacion Ra-
mos, Josef a Ramos, Mrs. D. H. Rhys, CENTRAL ARGENTINE CON-
J. Uria, D. Utz, Mrs. Blanca Villa- FERENCE
rreal, Mrs. Niels Wensell, J. Weiss.
Organized 1921
Territory: Provinces of Entre Rios,
Organized 1921 Population: 3,720,000; churches, 22 ;
Territory: Province of Buenos Aires, members, 2,654.
Territories of La Pampa, Rio Negro, Office Address: Cervantes 144, Parana,
Neuquen, Chubut, Santa Cruz, Tierra Entre Rios, Argentina, South Amer-
del Fuego, and the Falkland Islands. ica. (Telephone, 10671, Parana.)
Population: 9,133,894; churches, 19; Officers:
members, 2,141. President, Juan Riffel.
Office: Uriarte 2429, Buenos Aires, Ar- Secretary-Treasurer, P. C. Beskow.
gentina, South America. (Telephone, Executive Committee: Juan Riffel, P.
Palermo (71) 3904. Parque (72) 3187.) C. Beskow, W. J, Brown, Jose Car-

ballal, Antonio Dortonia, Daniel Licensed Ministers:

Feder, Adan Mayer, R. Van De Wyn- Aranzazu Duarte, Atilo Giannelli,
gard, Roberto Weiss. Erwin Hise, Jose Ramos, C. Treptow.
Departmental Secretaries: Bible Instructor: Maria Bacigalupi.
Book and Bible House, Heriberto Di
Giacomo. Church School Teachers:
Educational and Y.P.M.V., R. Van De Laura B. de Duarte, Maria Fornari.
Home Missionary, Radio, and Sabbath
School, Adan Mayer.
Publishing, Santiago Kalbermatter. NORTH CHILE CONFERENCE
Ordained Ministers: Organized 1907; reorganized 1951
V. C. Aeschlimann, Godofredo Block, Territory: That portion of Chile north
Daniel Feder, Santiago Kalbermatter, of the Linares-Nuble provincial bor-
Adan Mayer, Juan Riffel, J. F. Sitt- der.
Population: 3,500;000; churches, 24 ;
Licensed Ministers: members, 2,065.
P. C. Beskow, Rolf Butendieck, Jose Cable Address: "Adventista," Santiago,
Carballal, Benjamin Treiyer, R. Van Chile, South America.
De Wyngard.
Licensed Missionaries: Office: Porvenir 72, Santiago, Chile,
South America. (Telephone, Auto
Adela Bellido, Heriberto Di Giacomo, 34970.)
Elisa B. Gourian, Arturo Schmidt.
Postal Address: Casilla 2830, Santiago,
Church School Teachers: Chile, South America.
Jacobo Bernet, Edwin Buchhammer,
Susana P. de Buchhammer, Ines Du- Officers:
pertuis, Dora T. Feiock, Emilia Frey, President, Eliel Almonte.
Margot Gnadjin, Juan Navarro, Te- Secretary-Treasurer, Juan Zevallos.
resa Ramos, Olga H. de Schmidt,
Samuel Schmidt, Julio Schneider, Executive Committee: Eliel Almonte,
Elba Weiss, Hulda Weiss. G. Augsburger, Arturo Herrera, Me-
rardo Leon, Ernesto Meza, Luis
Rojas (A.), Eduardo Torreblanca,
Juan Zevallos.
Departmental Secretaries:
Organized 1943
Book and Bible House, Emeterio
Territory: Provinces of Mendoza, La Arias.
Rioja, Catamarca, San Juan, and San Educational and Y.P.M.V., Eliel Al-
Luis, in Argentina. monte.
Home Missionary, Radio, and Sabbath
Population: 1,273,483 ;' churches, 7; School, Guillermo Augsburger.
members, 418.
Office Address: Avenida Gral. Belgrano Ordained Ministers:
1366, Mendoza, Argentina, South Benjamin Almonte, Eliel Almonte,
America. (Telephone, C.A.T. 11763.) Fernando Arriagada, Samuel Fayard,
Luis Rojas (A.), 0. R. Scully,
Officers: Eduardo Torreblanca.
President, Felipe Sittner.
Secretary-Treasurer, Guillermo Itin. Credentialed Missionaries:
Executive Committee: Felipe Sittner, Emeterio Arias, Juan Zevallos.
Hugo Beskow, Armando Biaggi, Ati- Licensed Ministers:
lio Giannelli, Guillermo Itin, Jose
Ramos, Jorge Riffel. Guillermo Augsburger, Carlos Busso,
Francisco Jimenez.
Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, Guillermo Din. Licensed Missionaries:
Educational and Y.P.M.V., Felipe Jose Sepulveda, Zoila P. de Sepul-
Sittner. veda, Belarmino Torres.
Home Missionary, Publishing and
Radio, Jorge Riffel. Bible Instructor: Annie Cameron.
Sabbath School, Guillermo Itin. Church School Teachers:
Ordained Ministers: Omar Arias, Enrique Ferraresi, En-
Hugo Beskow, Felipe Sittner. riqueta Ferraresi, Oliverio Ibarbe,
Credentialed Missionaries: Mrs. Oliverio Ibarbe, Sebastian
Lagos, Elba de Torres, Jose Torres,
Guillermo Itin, Jorge Riffel. Selfa de Torres.

NORTH MISSION Departmental Secretaries:

Organized 1906 Book and Bible House, E. J. Kanna.
Home Missionary, Publishing, and
Territory: The Provinces of Corrientes, Radio, Arturo Gnass.
Jujuy, Salta, Tucuman, Santiago del Educational and Y.P.M.V., E. J.
Estero, and the Territories of Mis- Kanna.
iones, Chaco, and Formosa.
Ordained Ministers:
Population: 2,971,738 ; churches, 18 ; D. E. Iuorno, E. J. Kanna.
members, 1,340.
Office Address: Avda. Espana 851, Cor- Credentialed Missionaries:
rientes, Argentina, South America. Arturo Gnass, Arnol Treiyer.
(Telephone, 2572.) Licensed Ministers:
Officers: Alejandro Arn, Bert Elkins, David
President, J. Meier. Weisheim.
Secretary-Treasurer, Romualdo Kal-
bermatter. Licensed Missionaries:
Executive Committee: J. Meier, Ro- Mrs. Maria Arn, Luise Elkins, Mrs.
mualdo Kalbermatter, Danton Larra- Elisa Iuorno, Mrs. Svea Kanna, Dora
vide, Daniel Leichner, Jose Moreno, Leytes, Mrs. Evelina Treiyer, Maria
Miguel Valega. Triantafilo, Hilda Weisheim.

Departmental Secretaries: Bible Instructor: Mrs. N. Castro.

Book and Bible House, Romualdo Kal- Church School Teacher: Andrea Osorio.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., Daniel
Home Missionary, Publishing, and
Sabbath School, Jose Moreno. Organized 1951
(Adained Ministers: Territory: That portion of Chile south
of the Nuble-Linares provincial bor-
Enrique Lautaret, J. Meier. der.
Credentialed Missionaries: Population: 2,000,000; churches, 22;
Romualdo Kalbermatter, Daniel Leich- members, 2,375.
ner, Jose Moreno, J. J. Vallejos.
Office: Gral. Lagos, 855, Temuco, Chile,
Licensed Ministers: South America.
Edmundo Bublitz, Danton Larravide, Postal Address: Casilla 326, Temuco,
Ricardo Quispe. Chile, South America.
Licensed Missionaries: Officers:
Hector Kalbermatter, Helena K. de President, B. B. Flores.
Leichner, Olinda V. de Quispe, Elva Secretary-Treasurer, G. E. Emmeneg-
L. de Steckler. ger.
Church School Teachers: Executive Committee: B. B. Flores,
G. E. Emmenegger, Climaco Hildalgo,
Irma H. de Aap, Zulema E. Mar- Merardo Leon, Marcelo Pidoux, Pedro
cenaro, Juan Sicalo, Amalia B. de Robles, Luis Rojas (S.), Alfredo
Steger, Carlos Steger, Ramona de Streich.
Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House,
PARAGUAY MISSION Educational and Y.P.M.V., B. B.
Organized 1948 Flores.
Home Missionary, Publishing, and
Territory: The Republic of Paraguay. Radio, Alf redo Streich.
Population: 1,141,332 ; churches, 5 ; Sabbath School, Mrs. B. B. Flores.
members, 209. Ordained Ministers:
Office Address: Yegros 429, Asuncion, Alcides Alva, B. B. Flores, H. E.
Paraguay, South America. (Tele- Greer, L. A. Griott, Merardo Leon,
phone 9739.) C. H. Mayr, Marcelo Pidoux, Luis
Rojas (S.).
Credentialed Missionaries:
President and Treasurer, E. J. Kanna.
Secretary, . G. E. Emmenegger, Neva Sandborn.
Executive Committee: E. J. Kanna, Licensed Ministers:
Samuel Brack, Bert Elkins, D. E. Emilio Arias, Augusto Bacigalupi,
Iuorno, Arnol Treiyer. Hector Pereyra.

Licensed Missionaries: Ordained Ministers:

Roberto Drachemberg, Mrs. H. E. Alfredo Bellido, Santiago Bernhardt,
Greer, Esther de Leon, Esther de H. J. Cairus, Jose Riffel, Jose Ta-
Pereyra, Alfredo Streich, Irma B. de buenca.
Vyhmeister, Otto Vyhmeister.
Credentialed Missionaries:
Church School Teachers:
Arnold Arias, Mrs. Arnold Arias, Madeleine R. Gourian, Adolfo Lista,
Alejandro Baier, Mrs. Alejandro Enrique Pidoux, A. M. Rode, C. J.
Baier, Jorge Basaez, Mrs. Jorge Weber, Sarkis Zurigian.
Basaez, Eduardo Bustos, Mrs. Ed- Licensed Ministers:
uardo Bustos, Reinaldo Guinez, Te-
resa Parra, Rufina Montecinos, Mrs. Benoni Cayrus, Enrique Collins, Man-
Luis Rojas (S.). uel Nestares, Elbio Pereyra.
Licensed Missionaries:
URUGUAY MISSION Mrs. Alfredo Bellido, Mrs. Santiago
Bernhardt, Osvaldo Biurrum, Jose
Organized 1906 Busso, Mrs. H. J. Cairus, Mrs. A. E.
Territory: The Republic of Uruguay. Collins, Mrs. Jose Galante, Ruben
Population: 2,400,000; churches, 14; Gutierrez, Jorge luorno, Mrs. Jorge
members, 1,548. Iuorno, Mrs. Adolfo Lista, Mrs. Ma-
nuel Nestares, Rosa Neves, Mrs. E.
Office Address: Avda. Italia 2360, Mon- Pidoux, Andres Rode, Elvira W. de
tevideo, Uruguay, South America. Schmidt, Reynold Schmidt, Mrs. Jose
(Telephone, 43-5-83.) Tabuenca, Mrs. C. J. Weber, Mrs.
Officers: Sarkis Zurigian.
President, Alfredo Bellido. Bible Instructors:
Secretary-Treasurer, A. M. Rode.
Executive Committee: Alfredo Bel- Mrs. Ida Maldonado, Erika Schneider.
lido, Santiago Bernhardt, H. J. Church School Teachers:
Cairus, Jose Galante, Julio Gerber,
A. M. Rode, Jose Tabuenca. Anna de Biurrum, Mrs. Julia Ernst,
Yolanda Kalbermatter, Delia de Lust,
Departmental Secretaries: Rafael Lust, Ataides Luz, Alba Mar-
Book and Bible House, A. M. Rode. rone, Marta Ott, Irma Puente, Elsa
Educational, Alfredo Bellido. M. de Seco, Eva Suarez.
Home Missionary, Radio, Sabbath
School, and Y.P.M.V., Benoni Cay- Legal Association:
rus. "Corporation Uruguaya de los Ad-
Publishing, Jose Galante. ventistas del Septimo Dia."


Organized 1919
Territory: Federal District and the D. D. Holtz, M. Ost, F. M. Porto, E.
States of Rio de Janeiro, Minas Ge- Roth, P. S. Seidl, G. N. Vieira,
rais, Espirito Santo, Bahia, Sergipe, J. Wagner, E. Zorub.
Alagoas, Pernambuco, Paraiba, Rio
Grande do Norte. Departmental Secretaries:
Area: 569,270 square miles. Educational and Y.P.M.V., D. D.
Population: 26,132,157; churches, 58; Home Missionary, Radio, and Sabbath
members, 8,176. School, R. E. Adams.
Cable Address: "Adventistas," Rio de Medical, G. N. Vieira.
Janeiro, Brazil. Publishing, Arry Raffo.
Office 'Address: Rua Lopes Trovao 84, Ordained Ministers:
Niteroi, Estado do Rio, Brazil, South R. E. Adams, J. T. Araujo, T. Kan-
America. (Telephone, Niteroi 3810.) eda, C. C. Schneider, J. Wagner, R.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventistas," Ni- A. Wilcox.
teroi, Estado do Rio, Brazil. Honorary: J. A. Minan.
Officers: Credentialed Missionaries:
President, R. A. Wilcox. M. Fuhrmann, J. P. Lobo.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, J.
Wagner. Licensed Ministers:
Executive Committee: R. A. Wilcox, D. D. Holtz, Arry Raffo, G. N. Vieira.
R. E. Adams, J. Araujo, J. Baracat, Honorary: E. Ebinger.

Licensed Missionaries: NORTHEAST MISSION

Mrs. It. E. Adams, Mrs. J. H. Reorganized 1937
Boehm, Mrs. I. Carvalhaes, A. T.
Dourado, W. Groeschel, Alberta Territory: States of Alagoas, Pernam-
Hodde, Mrs. D. D. Holtz, J. Klosko, buco, Paraiba, Rio Grande do Norte.
Elza Prado, Mrs. C. C. Schneider, Population: 6,405,000 ; churches, 9;
Hilda Silva, A. P. de Souza, Mrs. members, 1,465.
C. Vieira, Mrs. J. Wagner, J. F.
Waiting, Mrs. R. A. Wilcox. Office: Rua Gervasio Pires 717, Recife,
Honorary: Regina Braga, G. Oliveira, Pernambuco, Brazil, South America.
L. C. Rodrigues, M. P. da Silva. Postal Address: Caixa Postal 378, Re-
Legal Association: cife, Pernambuco, Brazil, South
"Associacao da Uniao Este Brasileira America.
dos Adventistas do Setimo Dia." Telegraphic Address: "Adventistas," Re-
cife, Pernambuco, Brazil.
President, Jose Baracat.
Reorganized 1937 Secretary-Treasurer, 0. M. Groeschel.
Territory: States of Bahia and Sergipe, Executive Committee: Jose Baracat,
excluding Sao Francisco River work. B. C. Andrade, Joao Bork, Aldo Car-
valho, 0. M. Groeschel, F. S. Leitao,
Population: 5,027,157 ; churches, 9 ; A. A. Netto.
members, 1,189.
Departmental Secretaries:
Office: Rua Alvaro Tiberio 58, Cidade
do Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, South Book and Bible House, 0. M. Groes-
America. chel.
Educational, Home Missionary, Sab-
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 198, Ci- bath School, and Y.P.M.V., B. C.
dade do Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, South Andrade.
America. Publishing, F. S. Leitao.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventistas," Ordained Ministers: .
Cidade do Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, Jose Baracat, Aldo Carvalho, A. A.
South America.
Officers: Credentialed Missionaries:
President, M. Ost.
Secretary-Treasurer, F. Vegele. Joao Bork, 0. M. Groeschel.
Executive Committee: M. Ost, A. Licensed Ministers:
Anniehs, W. Bleck, J. F. Carvalho, B. C. Andrade, Artur Leitzke.
S. Lima, P. L. Souza, F. Vegele.
Licensed Missionaries:
Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, W. Bleck. Iracema Araujo, Neander Harder,
Eucational, Sabbath School, and Y. F. S. Leitao, A. A. Leite, Elza Sergio
P.M.V., S. Lima. de Mello, Manoel Melo, Ezequias
Home Missionary, M. Ost. Monteiro, J. L. do Nascimento, Shi-
Publishing, A. Anniehs. shiro Takadohi, A. M. Viana.
Ordained Ministers: Bible Instructor: Tharsilia Caldas.
J. F. Caravalho, M. Ost, P. L. Souza. Church School Teachers:
Licensed Ministers: Dina Barbosa, Hesperides Caldas,
Lieselote Harder, Aurea Monteiro,
S. Lima, A. P. da Silva, F. Vegele. Sara Moreira, Carmelita Patricio,
Licensed Missionaries: Milton Pinheiro, Elvira Sales, Aline
Silva, Joaquina Tavares.
A. Anniehs, W. Bleck, M. Britto,
Mrs. F. Vegele.
Zilda Abreu, S. Bastos, Hilda Gros- Established 1919
chel, Maura Jacobs, Noemi de Jesus,
Eunice R. de Lima, Josefa Luduvice, Territory: State of Espirito Santo and
Elvira Oliveira, Pelsa Oliveira, Brau- the northern part of the State of Rio
lina Paixao, Gilda Palma, Jacy de Janeiro, northeastern part of the
Pereira, Elizabeth Ramos, N. de State of Minas Gerais, part of the
Oliveira Ramos, Joselia Santos, W. States of Bahia south of Rio Jequiti-
F. Santos, Antonia Silva, Clara nhonha, excluding Sao Francisco
Vidal. river work,

Population: 2.200,000 ; churches, 25 ; Officers:

members, 2,596. President, E. Zorub.
Office: Rua Graciano Neves 250, Secretary-Treasurer, Palmer Harder.
Vitoria, Espirito Santo, Brazil. Executive Committee: E. Zorub, W.
(Telephone 333.) Bechara, R. A. Sutler, Palmer Harder,
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 233, Vi- I. Loyola, N. Schwantes, L. Schmidt,
toria, Espirito Santo, Brazil, South F. N. Siqueira, J. A. Vallado.
America. Departmental Secretaries:
Telegraphic Address: "Adventistas," Vi- Book and Bible House, Palmer Harder.
toria, Espirito Santo, Brazil. Educational and Y.P.M.V., R. A.
0 fficers : Butler.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
President, E. Roth. W. Bechara.
Secretary-Treasurer, G. F. Ebinger. Publishing, J. A. Vallado.
Executive Committee: E. Roth, J. H. Ordained Ministers:
Boehm, A. R. Coelho, G. F. Ebinger,
G. G. Ivanicska, A. L. Meier, J. B. R. C. Araujo, W. Bechara, 0. G. de
R. Passos. Pinho, R. Rocco, N. Schwantes, H. E.
Walker, E. Zorub.
Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, G. F. Ebinger. Credentialed Missionaries:
Educational and Y.P.M.V., J. B. R. Palmer Harder, J. A. Vallado.
Home Missionary, Publishing, Radio, Licensed Ministers:
Sabbath School, and Temperance,
G. G. Ivanicska. R. A. Butler, N. Gomes, I. Loyola, J.
Naves, R. Pereira, F. N. Siqueira,
Ordained Ministers: S. Silva.
J. H. Boehm, G. F. Ebinger, J. Kat- Licensed Missionaries:
twinkel, G. Ludwig, A. L. Meier, J.
B. R. Passos, W. Reissner, E. Roth. I. Andrade, M. Andrade, E. Gon-
calves, 0. Marques, M. Parisio, Y.
Licensed Minister: J. F. Moura. Ramalho, C. Stancher, Mrs. H. E.
Licensed Missionaries: Walker.
0. M. da Costa, G. G. Ivaniscka, M. Bible Instructor: Cyr Garcia.
F. dos Santos.
Church School Teachers:
Church School Teachers:
G. Carmo, F. Carvalho, E. Correa, A.
N. E. Almeida, W. Berger, E. H. Duarte, E. Emerciano, H. Leite, L.
Bohry, H. T. Botelho, I. Garcez, E. Luduvice, T. Luizzi, C. Modesto, C.
Gutzeit, E. M. D. Lopes, C. M. Olive- Oliveira, S. Oliveira, A. Pereira, B.
ira, J. F. Oliveira, M. Peixoto,' H. C. Rosa, M. Rosa, I. Ruela.
Peres, M. Porto, M. S. Porto, G.
Prado, W. M. Queiroz, Z. Rodrigues,
J. Silva, V. S. Storch.
RIO-MINAS GERMS CONFERENCE Territory: Sao Francisco River work
in the states of Bahia, Minas Gerais,
Established 1931 ; re-organized 1951 and Sergipe.
Territory: The State of Minas Gerais Members: 248.
except Southwest corner of the State;
the Southern part of the State of Rio Office: Ave. Octavio Carneiro 582, Pi-
de Janeiro and Federal District, ex- rapora, Minas, Brazil, South America.
cluding Sao Francisco River work.
Population: 12,500,090; churches, 15 ; Postal Address: Caixa Postal 51, Pira-
members, 2,678. pora, Minas, Brazil, South America.

Office: Rua Matoso 161, Rio de Janeiro, President: P. S. Seidl.

Brazil. (Telephone, 28-7796.)
Ordained Minister: P. S. Seidl.
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 1919, Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil. South America. Licensed Missionary: P. da Rocha Pita.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventistas," Church School Teacher: Helena M.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Montebello.


Organized 1914
Territory: The Bolivia, Ecuador, Lake Office: Colombia 252, Oeste, Cocha-
Titicaca, Peru, and Upper Amazon bamba, Bolivia, South America. (Tele-
Missions. phone: U. T. 2070.)
Area: 1,001,870 square miles. Postal Address: Casilla 771, Cocha-
bamba, Bolivia, South America.
Cable Address: "Incaunion," Lima.
Population: 14,396,824 ; churches, 60;
members, 14,850. President, E. D. Clifford.
Secretary-Treasurer, J. N. Perez.
Office: Avda. Comandante Espinar 750,
Miraflores, Lima, Peru, South Amer- Executive Committee: E. D. Clifford,
ica. C. S. Brendell, Delmer Holbrook, J.
N. Perez. Javier Triantafilo, It. V.
Postal Address: Casilla 1003, Lima, Vinglas.
Peru, South America.
Departmental Secretaries:
Telegraphic Address: "Incaunion," Mi-
raflores, Peru. (Telephone, 56-639.) Book and Bible House, J. N. Perez.
Home Missionary and Publishing,
Officers: C. S. Bendrell.
President, L. H. Olson. Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., Del-
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, J. I. mer Holbrook,
Hartman. Ordained Ministers:
Cashier, A. G. Johnson. E. D. Clifford, R. V. Vinglas.
Executive Committee: L. H. Olson, Licensed Ministers:
M. E. Aguilar, A. Alva, J. I. Hart-
man, It. A. Hayden, It. L. Jacobs, Moises Aguilar, Feliciano Chuquimia,
Oswald Krause, C. R. Potts, S. C. Delmer Holbrook, Ignacio Mamani,
Pritchard, Benjamin Riffel, Francisco Daniel Ramos.
Scarcella, A. M. Tillman, D. J. von Licensed Missionaries:
Pohle. Laureano Acnuta, Mrs. Moises Agui-
Departmental Secretaries: lar, Felipe Aleon, C. S. Bendrell, Mrs.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., D. J. von C. S. Bendrell, Mrs. E. D. Clifford,
Pohle: Rebeca Goldammer, Mrs. Delmer Hol-
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, brook.
R. A. Hayden. Atanacio Martinez, D. H. Max-
Publishing, Benjamin Riffel. son, Mrs. D. H. Maxson, Pedro
Ordained Ministers: Nolasco, Mrs. J. N. Perez, Manuel
Quinalatta, Mrs. Pastora Ramos,
Guillermo Bernal, G. R. Ernst, It. A. Ruben Ramos, Mrs. Victoria Ramos,
Hayden, R. L. Jacobs, L. H. Olson, M. N. Soto, Mrs. M. N. Soto, Mrs. R.
Isaias Ramos, Benjamin Riffel, Fran- V. Vinglas, Daniel Wandersleben,
cisco Scarcella, D. J. von Pohle. Mrs. Neila Wandersleben.
Credentialed Missionaries:
J. I. Hartman, A. G. Johnson. Cochabamba Mission Station
Licensed Ministers:
Address: Casilla 528, Cochabamba, Bo-
Mateo Aguilar, C. R. Potts. livia.
Licensed Missionaries: Director: R. V. Vinglas.
Mrs. Febe Achata, Victor Achata,
Ana Angulo, Mrs. G. R. Ernst, Ja-
cobs Florian, Felipe Gonzalez, Mrs. Collana Mission Station
R. A. Hayden, Walter Hein, Mrs. Address: Casilla 355, La Paz, Bolivia.
Walter Hein, Mrs. A. G. Johnson,
Mrs. C. R. Potts, Mrs. Isaias Ramos, Director: Juan Ayala.
Mrs. Benjamin Riffel, Elias Ruiz,
Mrs. Francisco Scarcella, 0. Socol,
Mrs. 0. Socol, Mrs. D. J. von Pohle, Ingavi Mission Station
Eva Whitehead.
Address: Casilla 355, La Paz, Bolivia.
Director: Manuel Quinallata.
Established 1907 Inquisive Mission Station
Territory: Republic of Bolivia. Address: Quime (Via Eucaliptus) Bo-
Population: 3,457,000; churches, S ; livia.
members, 2,946. Director: Moises Aguilar.

Mollobamba Mission Station Population: 1,841,485; churches, 22 ;

members, 7,685.
Address: Correo Oruro, Bolivia.
Director: Feliciano Chuquimia. Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
ventists," Puno, Peru.
Office: Calle Lima No. 115, Puno, Peru.
Pacajes Mission Station (Telephone, No. 193.)
Address: General Camacho, F. C. La Postal Address: Casilla 85, Puno, Peru,
Paz to Arica (Casilla 355, La Paz, South America.
Director: Mario Pairo.
President, B. W. Steinweg.
Secretary-Treasurer, F. C. Petty.
Yungas Mission Station Executive Committee: B. W. Stein-
weg, Andres Achata, Moises Cruzado,
Address: Chulumani, Sud Yungas, (La David Duffle, Mariano Huayllara,
Paz), Bolivia. Pedro Leon, F. C. Petty, Philip
Director: D. H. Maxson. Werner.
Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, F. C. Petty.
ECUADOR MISSION Educational, Sabbath School, and Y.P.
Established 1906 M.V., Andres Achata.
Home Missionary and Publishing,
Territory: Republic of Ecuador. Moises Cruzado.

Population: 3,085,871 ; churches, 3 ; Medical, David Duffie.
. members, 280. Ordained Ministers:
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- Andres Achata, Felipe Chambilla,
ventista," Guayaquil, Ecuador. Mariano Huayllara, Anselmo Ma-
quera, B. W. Steinweg, Philip Wer-
Office: Esmeraldas esq. Luque, Guaya- ner.
quil, Ecuador, South America. Honorary: A. E. Sosa.
Postal Address: Casilla 1140, Guayaquil, Credentialed Missionaries:
Ecuador, South America.
Cipriano Cacallaca, Luciano Chambi,
Officers: Angel Foppiano, Noel Mangold, Pedro
President, A. M. Tillman. Neira, Andres Solano.
Secretary-Treasurer, D. M. Ingersoll. Licensed Ministers:
Executive Committee: A. M. Tillman, David Duffie, P. P. Leon, F. C. Petty,
Julio Espinosa, D. M. Ingersoll, H. E. Ruckle, Lot Sosa, Mariano
Vicente Zielenkievicz. Sosa, Gregorio Yujra.
Departmental Secretaries: Licensed Missionaries:
Educational, Y.P.M.V., and Sabbath Benjamin Arohuanca, Arturo Car-
School, A. M. Tillman. cagno, Armando Ccama, Moises Con-
Home Missionary and Publishing, dori, Moises Cruzado, Pedro Chambi,
Vicente Zielenkievicz. Ricardo Chambi, Mrs. David Duffle,
Radio, D. M. Ingersoll. Mrs. Angel Foppiano, Juan Herrera,
Mrs. Haydee Mangold, Vicente Ma-
Ordained Ministers: quera, Severo Miranda, Eduardo
Julio Espinosa, Jorge Rendon, A. M. Ocampo, Mrs. F. C. Petty, Pedro
Tillman. Quispe, Victor Quispe, Felipe Ramos,
Licensed Ministers: Mrs. H. E. Ruckle, Mrs. B. W. Stein-
weg, Roman Taina, Carmelo Turpo,
S. E. Andrade, Daniel Flores, E. R. Bethel Wareham, Mrs. Philip Wer-
Flores, D. M. Ingersoll, Joseph Pierce. ner, Francisco Zegarra.
Licensed Missionaries: Bible Instructors:
Mrs. E. R. Flores, Mrs. D. M. Inger- Pedro Pablo Castro, Cristobal Cha-
soll, Mrs. Joseph Pierce, Mrs. Jorge varria, Mariano Colquehuanca, An-
Rendon, Mrs. A. M. Tillman. tonio Condori, Encarnacion Flores,
Hilario Huanca, Luciano Maquera,
Evaristo Pacori, Juan Ticona.
Established 1916
Cairani Mission Station
Territory: Departments of Puno, Cuzco,
Apurimac, Arequipa, Moquegua, Tac- Address: Cairani, Peru, via Tacna.
na, and Madre de Dios in Peru. Director: Benjamin Arohuanca.

Dave Mission Station ' Stets Mission Station

Address: Mision Adventists de Pilcuyo, Address: Mission Adventists de Sicta,
Ilave, Peru. Huancane, Peru.
Director: Pedro Araca. Director: Angelino Pino.

Juliaca Mission Station Sicuani Mission Station

Address: Casilla 4, Juliaca, Peru. Address: Sicuani, Peru.
Director: Lot Sosa. Director: Pedro Neira.

Jullicunca Mission Station Umuchi Mission Station

Address: Mision Adventists de Julli- Address: Mision Adventists, Umuchi,
cunca, Ocongate, Peru. Moho, Peru.
Director: Carmelo Turpo. Director: Anselmo Maquera.

Laro Mission Station Yanaoco Mission Station

Address: Mision Adventists, Laro, Address: Mision Adventists, Yanaoco,
Peru. Huancane, Peru.
Director: Mariano Sosa. Director: Felipe Chambilla.

Occopampa Mission Station PERU MISSION

Address: Mision Adventists Occopampa, Established 1906
Moho, Peru.
Director: Felipe Ramos. Territory: Republic of Peru, excepting
the Departments making up the Lake
Titicaca and Upper Amazon Missions.
Pacastiti Mission Station Population: 5,480,654 ; churches, 19 ;
members, 2,920.
Address: Mision Adventists, Pacastiti,
Asillo, Peru. Office: Calle Colina 254, Miraflores,
Director: Ramon Taina.
Lima, Peru. (Telephone, 57-316.)
Postal Address: Casilla 1002, Lima,
Peru, South America.
Pinta Mission Station Telegraphic Address: "Adventists,"
Miraflores, Peru.
Address: Mision Adventists de Piata,
Huancane, Peru. Officers:
Director: Mariano Huayllara. President, Oswald Krause.
Secretary-Treasurer, H. C. Morton.
Executive Committee: Oswald Krause,
Plateria Mission Station A. A. Alva, Filiberto Boris, H. C.
Morton, Francisco Piro, J. P. Ramos.
Address: Mision Adventists, Plateria,
Peru. Departmental Secretaries:
Director: Pedro Chambi. Book and Bible House, H. C. Morton.
Educational, Sabbath School, and Y.
Home Missionary and Publishing,
Pomata Mission Station Francisco Piro ; Assistants, L. E.
Diaz, S. M. Leon.
Address: Mission Adventists de Pomata,
Peru. Ordained Ministers:
Director: Severo Miranda. A. A. Alva, Bernabe Chavez, Raul
Chavez. Oswald Krause, H. C. Mor-
ton, J. P. Ramos.
Sandia Mission Station Licensed Ministers:
Address: Mision Adventists, Sandia, Emilio Casas, Francisco Piro, Moises
Peru. Tenorio.
Director: Gregorio Yujra. Honorary: Cayetano Diaz.

Licensed Missionaries: Ordained Ministers:

Raul Alarcon, Apolinario Alvites, J. I. Alomia, S. C. Pritchard, J. D.
Juan Arauzo, Eduardo Castillo, L. E. Replogle.
Diaz, H. V. Espino, Mrs. Oswald Credentialed Missionary: J. A. Diaz.
Krause, S. M. Leon, Mrs. H. C. Mor-
ton, Mrs. Francisco Piro, Antenor Licensed Ministers:
Salazar, Pablo Silva, Victor Tenorio. G. E. Alva, Melchor Camposano, Es-
Church School Teachers: teban Lopez.
Josefina Alvardo, Lourdes de Alvites, Licensed Missionaries:
Lastenia Angulo, Bessy Basso, Mrs. Jose Chavez, L. R. Dickinson, Mrs.
Mercedes de Bernal, Olga Bringas, L. R. Dickinson, Zoila de Gomez,
Eduardo Castillo, Mariano Chaina, Felipe Gonzalez, Mrs. S. C. Pritchard,
Elena F. de Flores, N. S. de Garayco- Mrs. F. M. Vasquez.
chea, Lucia Iglesias, Melva Leon,
Damarias Lopez, Rosa de MacGregor, Honorary: Rufino Pacho.
Leonila Marin, Emma Nique, Sofia de
Roncal, Debora Salazar, Wilfrida
Tenorio, Carmen Villalobos. Alto Huallaga Mission Station
Address: Tarapoto, Peru.
Campa Mission Station Director : J. I. Alomia.
Address: Puerto Bermudez (Nazare-
teque), Perth
Director: Eduardo Castillo. Alto Ucayali Mission Station
Address: Casilla 240, Iquitos, Peru.
UPPER AMAZON MISSION Director: L. R. Dickinson.
Organized 1927
Huallaga Mission Station
Territory: The Departments of Loreto,
San Martin, and Amazonas. Address: Yurimaguas, Peru.
Population: 531,814; churches, 8; mem- Director: Jose Chavez.
bers, 1,019.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
ventista," Iquitos, Peru. Iquitos Mission Station
Office: Avda. Coronel Portillo No. 77, Address: Casilla 240, Iquitos, Peru.
Iquitos, Peru.
Director: Gonzalo E. Alva.
Postal Address: Casilla 240, Iquitos,
Peru, South America.
Moyobamba Mission Station
President, S. C. Pritchard.
Secretary-Treasurer, J. A. Diaz. Address: Moyobamba, Peru.
Executive Committee: S. C. Prit- Director: Esteban Lopez.
chard, J. I. Alomia, Gonzalo Alvo,
Melchor Camposano, J. A. Diaz, Fe-
lipe Gonzales, J. D. Replogle.
Pucallpa Mission Station
Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, J. A. Diaz. Address: Pucallpa, Peru.
Educational, S. C. Pritchard. Director: Melchor Camposano.
Home Missionary and Publishing, Medical Launch: "La Auxiliadora."
Felipe Gonzales.
Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., J. A. Address: Casilla 240, Iquitos, Peru.
Diaz. Director: J. D. Replogle,


Organized 1936

Territory: States of Amazonas, Ceara, Population: 5,960,461; churches, 13;

Maranhao, Para, and Piauhy ; Ter- members, 1,839.
ritories of Acre, Amapa, Guapore,
and Rio Branco. Office: Rua Arcipreste Manoel Teodoro
386, Belem, Para, Brazil, South
Area: 1,583,538 square miles. America. (Telephone, 2794.)

Postal Address: Caixa Postal 656, Be- Office: Rua Arcipreste Manoel Teodoro
lem, Para, Brazil, South America. 386, Belem, Para, Brazil, South
Telegraphic Address: "Adventista," Be_ 'America. (Telephone, 2794.)
lem, Para, Brazil. Postal Address: Caixa Postal 656, Be-
Officers: lem, Para, Brazil, South America.
President, L. B. Halliwell. Telegraphic Address: "Adventista," Be-
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, S.
C. Crawford. lem, Para, Brazil.
Departmental Secretaries: Officers:
Educational and Publishing, Manoel President, L. B. Halliwell.
Banque. Secretary-Treasurer, Manoel Banque.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
and Y.P.M.V., R. R. Cronk. Departmental Secretary:
Ordained Ministers: Book and Bible House, Manoel
John Baerg, R. R. Cronk, L. B. Hal- Banque.
liwell. Ordained Minister: Fernando Garcia.
Credentialed Missionary: S. C. Craw-
ford. Licensed Minister: W. S. Lima.
Licensed Missionaries:
Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. John Baerg, Mrs. S. C. Craw-
ford, Mrs. R. R. Cronk, Mrs. L. B. Manoel Banque, Mrs. Manoel Banque,
Halliwell. Mrs. W. S. Lima, Augusto Neno,
Mrs. Augusto Neno, Milton Sousa.

CENTRAL AMAZON MISSION Church School Teachers:

Established 1940 Zulbelia Cardoso, Guiomar Comes,
Raymundo Pacheco.
Territory: Amazonas, Territories of
Acre, Guapore, and Rio Branco.
Population: 712,600 ; churches, 5 ; mem-
Office: Av. Sete Setembro 1887, Manaos, Established 1936
Amazonas, Brazil, South America.
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 243, Ma- Territory: States of Ceara, Piauhy,
naos, Amazonas, Brazil, South Amer- Maranhao.
Population: 4,170,366 ; churches,' 4 ;
Telegraphic Address: "Adven4ista," Ma- members, 458.
naos, Amazonas, Brazil. '
Officers: Office: Rua Major Faeundo 364, Forta-
leza, Ceara, Brazil, South America.
President, W. J. Streithorst.
Secretary-Treasurer, C. F. Fonseca. Postal Address: Caixa Postal 341, For-
Ordained Minister: W. J. Streithorst. taleza, Ceara, Brazil, South America.
Credentialed Missionary: C. F. Fonseca. Telegraphic Address: "Adventista," For-
Licensed Ministers: taleza, Ceara, Brazil, South America.
Harley Boehm, D. S. Lima. Officers:
Licensed Missionaries: President, G. S. Storch.
Secretary-Treasurer, B. C. Kalber-
Mrs. Harley Boehm, Mrs. W. J. matter.
Ordained Ministers:
Church School Teachers:
J. Gnutzmann, F. C. Pritchard, G. S.
Clea Gonsalves, Joao Laurentino, Storch.
J. P. Moura, Maria Pedrina da Silva.
Credentialed Missionary: B. C. Kalber-
LOWER AMAZON MISSION Licensed Missionaries:
Established 1927 Orlando Barreto, J. C. Bessa, Emery
Cohen, Mrs. B. C. Kalbermatter, Mrs.
Territory: Para and Territory of Am- F. C. Pritchard.
Population: 1,077,495 ; churches, 4 ; Church School Teachers:
members, 1,021. Odete Anchieta, B. T. de Castro.


Organized 1911
Territory: The Conferences of Rio Odete Oberg, Andre Pascui, Eunice
Grande do Sul, Parana-Santa Cata- C. M. Porto, Orlando Ritter, E. B.
rina and Sao Paulo, and the Mission Rodrigues, Mario Roque, Loide Si-
fields of Mato Grosso and Goiaz, in- mon, Mrs. F. C. Webster.
cluding the Minas Triangulo. Legal Association:
Area: 1,138,608 square miles. "Uniao Sul-Brasileira da Igrela Ad-
Population: 14,290,339 ; churches, 68 ; ventists do Setimo Dia."
members, 16,187.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Uniao,"
Office: Alameda Caetes No. 262, Bai- Established 1927
rro, Indianopolis, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Territory: States of Goiaz and Minas
South America. (Telephone, 7-3122.) Triangle.
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 2898, Sao Population: 832,869 ; churches, 2 ; mem-
Paulo, Brazil, South America. bers, 487.
Officers: Office: Avenida Goiaz No. 82, Goiania,
President, Rodolpho Belz. Goiaz, Brazil, South America.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor,
Naor Klein. Postal Address: Caixa Postal 60, Goi-
ania, Goiaz, Brazil, South America.
Executive Committee: Rodolpho Belz,
P. S. Camacho, J. G. Garcia, Naor Telegraphic Address: "Adventists,"
Klein, Durval S. Lima, Joao Linhares, Goiania, Goiaz,
M. S. Nigri, R. E. Oberg, F. M. Porto,
A. Rutz, D. P. da Silva, Luiz Wald- Officers:
vogel, F. C. Webster. President, Arnoldo Rutz.
Secretary-Treasurer, Roberto Doehn-
Departmental Secretaries: ert.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., Executive Committee : Arnoldo Rutz,
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Roberto Doehnert, Oscar dos , Reis,
F. C. Webster. Carlos Trezza.
Publishing, P. S. Camacho.
Religious Liberty, F. M. Porto. Departmental Secretaries:
Ordained Ministers: Book and Bible House, Roberto
Rodolpho Belz, J. G. Garcia, S. Kuem- Educational, Home Missionary and
pel, D. P. da Silva, Luiz Walvogel, Y.P.M.V., Arnoldo Rutz.
F. C. Webster. Publishing and Sabbath School, Carlos
Honorary: Oscar Castellani, F. R. Trezza.
Kuempel, Manoel Kuempel, Manoel
Margarido. Ordained Ministers:
Oscar dos Reis, Arnoldo Rutz.
Credentialed Missionaries:
Wilson Avila, Esther E. Benfati, Licensed Ministers:
Ernesto Bergold, Renato Bivar, Al- Roberto Doehnert, Orion Fonseca,
fredo Bleck, Waldemar Conrad, Jose Carlos Trezza.
Guimares, Emilio Kepke, Naor Klein,
A. P. Mendes, A. Schwantes, Alber- Church School Teachers:
tina R. Simon, Mrs. Olinda B. Spin- Juvencio Decol, Jordina Fiuza, Val-
dola, Alice Zorub. devino B. Freitas, Leonor Lima, Joao
Honorary: E. Langenstrassen. Neves, Jr.
Licensed Ministers:
P. S. Camacho, C. P. Cunha, G. F. MATO GROSSO MISSION
Denz, Miguel Malty, A. Miranda, Established 1921
F. M. Porto, 0. E. Santo, B. E.
Schuenemann. Territory: State of Mato Grosso.
Honorary: Emilio Doehnert, S. M. Population: 434,265; churches, 4 ; mem-
Oliveira. bers, 299.
Licensed Missionaries: Office: Rua Barao do Rio Branco es-
Nevil Gorski, Mrs. Rute Guimaraes, quina da Rua 24 de Fevereiro, Campo
W. E. Nelson, Mrs. W. E. Nelson, Grande, Math Grosso.

Postal Address: Caixa Postal 146, Licensed Ministers:

Campo Grande, Mato Grosso, Brazil, Willi Baranski, A. A. Neto, Enoch
South America. Oliveira, Belarmino Pereira, Herbert
Telegraphic Address: "Adventista," Weber.
Campo Grande, Mato Grosso. Licensed Missionaries:
Officers: Ceres Antunes, Eurico Avi, H. E.
Conrado, H. Crivellaro, Hugo Gegem-
President, Durval S. Lima. bauer, Zita Kiel, Edna Kuempel, P.
Secretary-Treasurer, R. S. Ferreira. Marquart,Ide Weber.
Executive Committee: Durval S. Honorary: Conrado Stoehr.
Lima, R. S. Ferreira, Boni Renck.
Church School Teachers:
Departmental Secretaries:
Maria Bellesi, Wally Bornholdt, Ma-
Book and Bible House, Educational, ria Calixto, M. L. Cebulski, M. R.
and Y.P.M.V., R. S. Ferreira. Ferreira, Elsa Gross, H. Horn, Ilse
Home Missionary, Radio, and Sabbath Hort, Zita Kiel, G. Kuntze, Irma
School, Durval S. Lima. Kuntze, Milton Kuntze, Francisco
Publishing, Lago, Natalia Linhares, D. R. Mar-
Ordained Ministers: tins, Nair M. Maurer, Walter Preuss,
Maria Reinert, L. Schiavetto, P.
Durval S. Lima, Boni Renck. Stange, Mafalda R. Teixeira.
Licensed Missionary: R. S. Ferreira.
Pedro Braga, A. S. Silva, Edy Souza. Organized 1906
Territory: State of Rio Grande do Sul.
PARANA-SANTA CATARINA Population: 3,350,120 ; churches, 25 ;
CONFERENCE members, 3,995.
Organized 1940 Office: Rua General Vitorino No. 77,
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul,
Territory: States of Parana and Santa Brazil, South America.
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 177, Porto
Population: 2,433,374 ; churches, 18 ; Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil,
members, 4,482. South America.
Office: Rua Dr. Ermelino de Leao No. Telegraphic Address: "Adventistas,"
170, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, South Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul,
America. Brazil.
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 810, Curi- Officers:
tiba, Parana, Brazil, South America. President, R. E. Oberg.
Secretary-Treasurer, H. S. Bergold.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventistas,"
Curitiba, Parana, Brazil. Executive Committee: R. E. Oberg,
R. R. Azevedo, H. S. Bergold, Silas
Officers: Gianini, Siegfried Hoffmann, A. S.
President, M. S. Nigri. Melo, Joao Rabello, Germano Streit-
Secretary-Treasurer, Dermival S. horst, J. G. Streithorst.
Lima. Departmental Secretaries:
Executive Committee: M. S. Nigri, Book and Bible House, H. S. Bergold.
Willi Baranski, Antonio Jimenes, Educational and Y.P.M.V.,
Dermival S. Lima, Oscar Lindqvist, Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Enoch Oliveira, R. It. Reis, Antonio Germano Streithorst.
B. de Souza. Publishing, Joao Rabello.
Departmental Secretaries: Ordained Ministers:
Educational, Sabbath School, and Y. R. R. Azevedo, Carlos Ebling, Louri-
P.M.V., Oscar Lindqvist. val Ferreira, Luiz Gianini, Silas
Home Missionary and Publishing, Gianini, Herbert Hoffmann, Siegfried
Willi Baranski. Hoffmann, A. S. Melo, R. E. Oberg,
Ordained Ministers: Germano Streithorst, Ricardo Zukow-
J. T. Burgo, Antonio Jimenes, Oscar ski.
Lindqvist, Geraldo Marski, M. S. Credentialed Missionaries:
Nigri, R. R. Reis, Manoel Soares, A. H. S. Bergold, Frederico Gerling, Jr.,
B. de Souza, Idilio Tschurtschen- Luiz Marquart, Henrique Ruhe.
thaler, W. A. Weber.
Licensed Ministers:
Credentialed Missionaries: J. B. de Meneses, J. de Deus Pinho,
Ana P. Kiel, Dermival S. Lima. J. G. Streithorst.

Licensed Missionaries: Genske, Jorge Hoyler, Waldemar

Leitzke, Joao Linhares, Altino Mar-
Manoel Braff, Blair Cavalheiro, Elly tins, J. A. Neto, Geraldo Oliveira,
Cavalheiro, Irma Conrado, Almerinda J. R. Passos, G. G. Ritter, W. R.
Dias, Lucilia bitter, Paulo Dutra, Silva, J. N. Siqueira, Hermilio Tri-
Elvira Gonzales, Alfredo Holtz, Wal-
demar Leipnitz, Frida Lopez, Lourdes velato.
Mylius, Waldemar Rabello, Romeu Credentialed Missionaries:
X. Santos. A. A. Bronze, Mario Dias, Meryan
Church School Teachers: Gianini, Maria Kudzielicz, Berta
Lipke, 0. V. Machado, Antonio
Ligia Almeida, Emira Barreto, Ruy Miranda, Carmo Naufal, Isaura
D. Barreto, Idelcy Boeira, Arnoldo P. de Oliveira, Ludgero Reinert, 0. A.
Campos, Salvita Castro, Eva B. Silva, Heloiza Waldvogel, Lillian
Coelho, Eliazib Cruz, Julia R. Dias, Wentz.
Edith Goncalves, Ilda Goncalves, El-
vira Gonzalez, Paulo Gonzalez, Pedro Licensed Ministers:
Gonzalez, Tereza Gonzalez, Athaliba J. B. Araujo, Ermano Bassi, Alcides
Huff, Francisca Kassner, Orestes Campolongo, Luiz Freitas, Flavio
Klein, Henrique Knoener, Erna Garcia, 0. S. Joas, Erison Michiles,
Kohler, Lenira Lutz, Enedina Mi- Nelson Mouad, Edgar Oliveira, Helio
randa, Irene M. Oliveira, Osvaldo Pereira, M. M. Pinto, A. M. Raffo,
Oliveira, Timoteo Oliveira, Maria U. Carlos Tavares, A. N. Xavier.
Paim, Donatila Rosario, Reinaldo
Schuck, Jovino Tormes, Juracy A. Licensed Missionaries:
Vieira, Nelda Wolff. Claudio Belz, Harry Bergold, Ana
Boekenkamp, Walter Boekenkamp,
Legal Association: Ermelinda Condoleo, Roberto Cre-
"Assotiacao Sul Riograndense da monese, Artur Dassow, Amanda
Igreja Adventists do Setimo Dia." Eidam, R. Ermshar, Iolando Fisch,
Zoe Garcia, Jonas Gouvea, Orquidea
de C. Gouvea, Carlos Schwantes, Ra-
SAO PAULO CONFERENCE quel Silveira, Matuzinha P. Souza,
Harry Streithorst, Senhorinha M.
Organized 1922 Tomiazzi.
Territory: State of Sao Paulo. Church School Teachers:
Donina Araujo, Eliziaria Araujo,
Population: '7,239,711 ; churches, 19; Noemi R. Berger, A. A. Bronze, Eli-
members, 6,924.
sabeth Condoleo, Judith F. Correia,
Office: Rua Tagua No. 88, Sao Paulo, 1. P. Damaceno, Cordelia Denz, M.
Brazil, South America. (Telephone, D. Diaz, Zuleika Diaz, Rute Faria,
4-1353.) Anesia Ferreira, Edite Hoyler, Josias
B. Mello, Elisabete P. Morais, Celisa
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 1830, Sao Mots, Dacio Penteado, Indalacio dos
Paulo, Brazil, South America. Santos, Maria Z. Souza, Odorino Sou_
Telegraphic Address: "Adventists," Sao za, Maria J. Tavares, Olimpia Tei-
Paulo, Brazil, South America. xeira, Nilce Toledo, Bernardete Tor-
quato, A. G. Torres, A. G. Valiante,
Officers: Benigno Wolfs.
President, Joao Linhares. ,
Secretary-Treasurer, 0. V. Machado. INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTH
Executive Committee: Joao Linhares, AMERICAN DIVISION
0. R. Azevedo, Waldemar Ehlers, 0.
V. Machado, Altino Martins, Geraldo Educational:
Oliveira, W. Roloff, H. Sarli, Carlos Bolivia Training School (Colegio Ad-
Schwantes, J. N. Siqueira. ventista de Bolivia), Casilla 528,
Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Departmental Secretaries:
Brazil College (Colegio Adventists
Book and Bible House, 0. V. Ma- Brasileiro), Caixa Postal 258-A,
chado. Sao Paulo (1), Brazil.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., J. N. Buenos Aires Academy (Institute
Siqueira. , "Florida"), Avenida San Martin
Ministerial, Geraldo Oliveira. 4601, F.C.N. Gral. Bme. Mitre, Bue-
Home Missionary, Radio, and Sab- nos Aires, Argentina.
bath School, Waldemar Ehlers.
Publishing, Herminio Sarli. Chile College (Colegio Adventista de
Chile), Casilla 7 D., Chillan, Chile.
Ordained Ministers: East Brazil Academy (Institute Teo-
E. R. Azevedo, 0. R. Azevedo, Jose logico Adventista), Caixa Postal
D. Campos, Josino D. Campos, Wal- 55, Petropolis, Estado do Rio
demar Ehlers, Itanel Ferraz, S. de Janeiro, Brazil.

Inca Union College (Colegio Union) Juliaca Clinic, Casilla 22, Juliaca,
Casilla 2102, Lima, Peru. Peru.
Lake Titicaca Training School Rio de Janeiro Sanitarium and Hos-
(Colegio Adventists del Titicaca), pital,Ladeira dos Guararapes 263,
Casilla 4, Juliaca, Peru. Silvestre, Rio de Janeiro, D.F.,
North Argentine Academy '(Instituto River Plate Sanitarium, Puiggari, F.
Adventists Juan Bautista Alberdi), N. Gral. Urquiza, Entre Rios,
Casilla 6, Leandro N. Alem, Mis- Argentina.
iones, Argentine.
Sao Paulo Clinic and Hospital, Rua
Northeast Brazil Academy (Educan- Tamandare 495, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
dario Nordestino Adventista), Be-
lem de Maria, Pernambuco, Brazil. Medical Missionary Launches:
"La Auxiliadora" (Helper). Oper-
Parana-Santa Catarina Academy ates along that part of the Ama-
(Ginasio Adventists Paranaense) zon River which is in Peru. J. D.
Caixa Postal 1155, Curitiba, Parana, Replogle in charge. Headquarters:
Brazil. Casilla 240, Iquitos, Peru.
River Plate College (Colegio Adven- "Luminar" (Luminary). Operates
tista del Plata) Puiggari, F. N. along the Sao Francisco River and
Gral. Urquiza, Entre Rios, Argen- its tributaries. P. S. Seidl in
tina. charge. Headquarters: Ave. Oc-
Sao Paulo Academy (Ginasio Ad- tavio Carneiro 582, Pirapora, Minas,
ventista Campineiro), Caixa Postal Brazil. Postal address: Caixa Postal
572, Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 51, Pirapora, Minas, Brazil.
Taquara Academy (Ginasio Adven- "Luzeiro I" (Light-bearer). Operates
tista), Caixa Postal 12, Taquara, on the second thousand miles of the
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Amazon River and its tributaries.
Headquarters : Caixa Postal 243,
Uruguay Academy (Instituto Adven- Manaos, Amazonas, Brazil.
tista del Uruguay), Progreso, De- "Luzeiro II" (Light-bearer). Oper-
partamento Canelones, Uruguay.
ates on the first thousand miles of
Food Companies: the Amazon River and its tribu-
taries. L. B. Halliwell in charge.
Brazil Food Factory (Productos Ali- Headquarters: Caixa Postal 656,
menticios Superbom). Colegio Ad- Belem, Brazil.
ventista Brasileiro, Caixa Postal
258-A, Sao Paulo (1), Brazil. "Luzeiro III" (Light-bearer). Oper-
ates on the Parnaiba River. F. C.
Buenos Aires Health Food Company Pritchard in charge. Headquarters:
(Alimentos Granix, Sociedad Anon- Posta Restante, Parnaiba, Piaui,
ima), Avenida San Martin 4625, Brazil.
Florida, F. C. N. Gral. Bme. Mitre,
Buenos Aires, Argentina. "Luzeiro B." Operates on the Maues
River and the Parana Ramos. W.
Medical: S. Lima in charge. Headquarters:
Maues, Amazonas, Brazil.
Asuncion Treatment Rooms, 25 de
Mayo 411, Asuncion, Paraguay. "Luzeiro P." Operates on the Madeira
River. Headquarters: Porto Velho,
Belem Hospital, Caixa Postal 666, Guapore, Brazil.
Belem, Para, Brazil.
Chulumani Sanitarium and Hospital
(Hospital Chulumani), Chulumani, Brazil Publishing House (Casa Pub-
Sud Yungas, Depto de La Paz, licadora Brasileira), Caixa Postal
Bolivia. 34, Santo Andre, E.F.S.J., Sao
Paulo, Brazil.
Good Hope Clinic, Casilla 1003, Lima,
Peru. Buenos Aires Publishing House (Casa
Editors Sudamericana) Avenida
Good Samaritan Clinic, Rua General San Martin 4555, Florida, F. C. N.
Vitorino 77, Porto Alegre, Rio Gral. Bme. Mitre, Buenos Aires,
Grande do Sul, Brazil. Argentina.
Organized 1920
Territory: The Union of South Africa, W. E. McClure, E. A. Moon, Milton
Basutoland, Swaziland, South-West Robison, G. S. Stevenson, E. L. Tarr,
Africa, Bechuanaland Protectorate, E. W. Tarr, F. H. Thomas.
Northern Rhodesia, Southern Rhode- Credentialed Missionaries:
sia, Nyasaland Protectorate, Belgian
Congo, Ruanda-Urundi, Tanganyika Frederick Bell, Francis Brown, C. F.
Territory, Uganda Protectorate, Clarke, M. E. Dawson, Ethel Edmed,
S. Glanz, Mrs. R. V. Gork, Anne
Kenya Colony and Protectorate, the
Islands of Zanzibar, Pemba, St. Visser, A. L. Watt, Beatrice Webb,
Helena, Tristan de Cunha and As- D. A. Webster.
cension ; comprising the Congo, East Licensed Ministers:
African, Southeast African, and Zam- J. L. Milford, A. J. Raitt, P. J. van
besi Union Missions, and South Af- Eck.
rican Union Conference. Licensed Missionaries:
Population: 49,288,798; churches, 504 ; V. J. Adamson, Mrs. V. J. Adamson,
members, 67,314 ; total adherents, Mrs. Frederick Bell, Petrus Bonnet,
132,811. Mrs. Petrus Bonnet, Muriel Bosch,
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- Mrs. C. W. Bozarth, Mrs. C. Paul
ventist," Claremont, Cape. Bring le, Mrs. F. C. Clarke, Mrs. F.
Office Address: Grove Avenue, Clare- G. Clifford, Martha Coetzee, Mrs.
mont, Cape Province, South Africa. Jean Cripps, Mrs. M. E. Dawson,
(Telephone, 7-4847.) Alwine Ficker, Genevieve Fortner,
Phyllis Fouche, Mrs. S. Glanz, W. R.
Officers: Grant, Mrs. W. R. Grant, Norma
President, C. W. Bozarth. Hendriksen, R. S. Hill, Mrs. R. S.
Secretary, F. G. Clifford. Hill.
Treasurer and Auditor, E. A. Moon. Emma Hinterleitner, Mrs. J. M.
Assistant Treasurer, D. A. Webster. Hnatyshyn, H. Joubert, Myrtle Ke-
Field Secretary, Milton Robison. ough, Mary Kidson, Ruby Lehnberg,
Executive Committee: C. W. Bozarth, Mrs. '. M. Lewis, Mrs. T. K. Lud-
K. F. Ambs, C. P. Bringle, F. G. gate, . Kotze, Mrs. F. Kotze, Eliza-
Clifford, M. E. Dawson, W. D. Eva, beth Malan, S. Maxwell, Mrs. W. E.
E. D. Hanson, S. 'S. Hiten, J. M. McClure, Mrs. J. L. Milford, Mrs. E.
Hnatyshyn, P. M. Lewis, S. G. Max- A. Moon, Ivor Neuman, Mrs. A. J.
well, W. E. McClure, E. A. Moon, Raitt, Esme Rentzke, Mrs. Milton
Milton Robison, E. W. Tarr, D. A. Robison.
Webster. Mrs. A. Shone, Gladys Smit, Gwen-
doline Smith, Mrs. C. E. Smuts,
Departmental Secretaries: J. H. Smuts, Mrs. J. H. Smuts, Marie
Educational, Press Relations, and Smuts, Mrs. G. S. Stevenson, Mrs. M.
Religious Liberty, E. W. Tarr. Stockil, D. Swan, Mrs. D. Swan, W.
Home Missionary and Y. P. M. V., E. Tapper, Mrs. W. E. Tapper, Mrs.
J. M. Hnatyshyn. E. L. Tarr, Mrs. E. W. Tarr, Mrs. F.
Medical and Temperance, C. P. H. Thomas, Beryl Toerien, Mrs. P. J.
Bringle. van Eck, Mrs. C. L. van Rooyen, P.
Ministerial, F. G. Clifford. Venter, Jr., Mrs. P. Venter, Jr., F.
Publishing, P. M. Lewis. Visser, Mrs. F. Visser, Mrs. A. L.
Sabbath School and Radio, S. S. Watt, Mrs. D. A. Webster, Mary
Hiten. Winkler.
Ordained Ministers: Honorary: Mrs. W. B. Commin.
C. W. Bozarth, C. P. Bringle, F. G. Legal Association: Seventh-day Ad-
Clifford, J. M. Hnatyshyn, S. S. Hi- ventist Community of Africa (Incor-
ten, P. M. Lewis, T. K. Ludgate, porated).


Organized 1925
Territory: Belgian Congo and Ruanda- Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
Urundi. ventiste," Elizabethville.
Postal Address: Boite Postal 327, Elisa-
Area: 909,654 square miles. bethville, Congo Beige, Africa.
Population: 14,290,350; churches, 91; Officers:
members, 12,341 ; total adherents, President, K. F. Ambs.
40,149. Secretary-Treasurer, M. Koopma is.


Executive Committee: K. F. Ambs, Lulengele Mission Station

V. Davies, A. L. Davy, E. I. Edstrom, Established 1949
M. Koopmans, 0. Rouhe, T. W. Sta-
ples, J. P. Sundquist, P. K. Wiley. Postal Address: D/S Lulnabourg, Congo
Beige, Africa.
Departmental Secretaries:
Director: B. P. Wendell; Assistant,
Educational, Sabbath School, and P. E. Delhove.
Y.P.M.V., J. P. Sundquist.
Temperance, K. F. Ambs. Licensed Ministers:
Ordained Ministers: Phineas Manyori, B. P. Wendell.
K. F. Ambs, J. P. Sundquist. Licensed Missionaries:
Credentialed Missionary: Gilberte Ma- P. E. Delhove, Mrs. P. E. Delhove,
hieux. Mrs. B. P. Wendell.
Licensed Minister: M. Koopmans.
Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. K. F. Ambs, Mrs. Mary Elling. Nebasa Mission Station
worth, Mrs. M. Koopmans, W. Palm, Established 1948
Mrs. W. Palm, Mrs. J. P. Sundquist, Postal Address: D/S Buta, Congo Beige,
Florence Wendell, Helen Wessels. Africa.
Honorary: Mrs. D. E. Delhove. Director: T. W. Staples.
Legal Organization for Congo Beige: Ordained Minister: T. W. Staples.
The Congo Union Mission of Seventh- Licensed Minister: Zefaniya Rutwa.
day Adventists.
Legal Representative for Congo Beige:
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. T. W. Sta-
K. F. Ambs. ples.
Legal Organization for Ruanda-Urundi:
Mission Evangelique des Adventistes Rwesse Mission Station
-du Septieme Jour. Established 1941
Legal Representative for Ruanda-
Urundi: K. F. Ambs; Suppliant: A. Postal Address: B. P. 65, Butembo,
L. Davy. Congo Beige, Africa.
Director: H. W. E. Beavon.
Ordained Ministers:
Bikobo Hill Mission Station Samuel Karekezi, Eliakim Magwije,
Established 1930 Simon Ntiskwira.
Postal Address: Boite Postal 3. Kon- Licensed Ministers:
golo, Belgian Congo, Central Africa. H. W. E. Beavon, Obedi Ruvakure.
Director: P. F. Lemon. Licensed Missionaries:
Ordained Ministers: Mrs. H. W. E. Beavon, W. Palm,
Tundula Belson, Japhet Kanyama- Mrs. W. Palm.
ihigo, Jonathan Kiambe, A. Matter,
Talla Mission
Licensed Ministers:
P. F. Lemon, Tito Kiambe, Abednego Established 1949
Myambo, Solomon Lupande. Postal Address: B.P. 28, Nioka, Congo
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. P. F. Lemon. Beige, Africa.
Director: P. K. Wiley.
Licensed Ministers:
Kirundu Mission Station
Eliabu Mpanaguru, L. C. Robinson,
Postal Address: Kirundu, B. P. Stan- P. K. Wiley.
leyville, Congo Beige, Africa.
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. P. K. Wiley.
Director: A. A. Matter, Jr.
Ordained Ministers:
Kossam Pains, Eliezer Rwanyomga. Established 1947
Licensed Ministers: Territory: Ruanda-Urundi.
Joseph Busemeya, Samuel Papa. Area: 22,000 square miles.
Licensed Missionaries: Population: 3,628,931; churches, 77;
Mrs. B. R. Bickley, Julia Hoel, Mrs. members, 11,011 ; total adherents,
A. A. Matter, Jr. 34,775.

Postal Address: Gitwe, via Usumbura, bakuze, Aroni Nzabonariba, L. K.

Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian East Africa. Rittenhouse.
Officers: Licensed Ministers:
President, A. L. Davy. C. E. Felton, Simoni Gasimba, Hes-
Secretary-Treasurer, roni Nyirambibi, Abeli Rubambana,
Executive Committee: A. L. Davy, Sethi Rusatsi, Aminadabu Rwanya-
E. W. Bradbury, H. J. Bennett, E. I. bugigira, Aristriko Semaguge, Eze-
Edstrom, Daniel Kagegera, Amos ziel Semugeshi.
Muhia, L. K. Rittenhouse, Mariko Licensed Missionaries:
Sembagari, Ezra Tabaro. Mrs. C. E. Felton, Tabea Matter,
Departmental Secretary: A. L. Davy. Mrs. L. K. Rittenhouse.
Ordained Minister: A. L. Davy.
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. A. L. Davy. Rwankeri Mission Station
Established 1922
Gitwe Mission District Postal Address: B. P. 33, Ruhengeri,
Established 1942 Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian East Africa.
Postal Address: Via Usumbura, Ru- Director: J. A. Birkenstock.
anda-Urundi, Belgian East Africa. Inspector: J. C. Evert.
Director: H. J. Bennett. Ordained Ministers:
Inspector: A. L. Hands. Jonas Mbyirukira, Paul Rwangezeho,
Ordained Ministers: Mariko Sembagare, Stefano Sengabo.
H. J. Bennett, E. I. Edstrom, Daniel Honorary: Yohanna Ruvugihomvu.
Kagegera, Nehemia Kinyogote, Zaka- Licensed Ministers:
riya Mateteri, Abeli Mpagazehe, Yo- Elasto Basaninyenzi, J. A. Birken-
hanna Munyampundu, Natanaeli stock, J. G. Evert, Salatiel Furebo,
Rwandema, Eliazar Semutwa. Labani Gahunde, Nikodemo Giha-
Licensed Ministers: mangabo, Silas Kayijuka, Kezekiya
Mberabagabo, Manase Munyampanze,
Gideon Bandora, W. H. Johnson, Ezra Joeli Ndeziki, Hozeya Nzabarusha,
Kagwegwe, Yosefu Kajibgami, Da- Barnabas Rukika, Zakayo Rutebuka,
widi Kavubi, Zablon Ngamije, Eliya Eliazari Rwakana, Jafeti Rwandu-
Nyagatema, Samuel Rushema, Na- ranya, Eleazari Serubungo.
humu Sekabga, Elasto Semparabashi.
Licensed Missionaries:
Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. J. A. Birkenstock, Lydia Del-
Mrs. H. J. Bennett, Ruth Carnahan, hove, Mrs. J. G. Evert.
Mrs. E. I. Edstrom, A. L. Hands,
Mrs. W. H. Johnson.
Ndora Mission Station Postal Address: B. P. 327, Elisabeth-
Established 1936 ville, Congo Beige, Africa.
Director: Valentine Davies.
Postal Address: P. 0. Usumbura, Ordained Ministers:
Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian East Africa.
Director: E. W. Bradbury. Valentine Davies, Zebedee L. Kaunda,
Titus Kiana.
Ordained Ministers: Licensed Missionary: Mrs. Valentine
Jonas Kaduha, Ezekiel Munyakiko, Davies.
Jonas Munyarari, Ezra Tabaro.
Licensed Ministers: Songa Mission Station
Stefano Baraburiye, E. W. Bradbury, Established 1921.
Daniel Kiburago, Stefano Mabgejagu,
Salatiel Rwanamiza. Postal Address: Boite Postale, Kamina,
Congo Beige, Africa.
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. E. W. Brad-
bury. Director: H. E. Marais.
Ordained Ministers:
Ngoma Mission Station Simoni Kabashi, Silas Monga, Daniel
Mubanda, 0. Rouhe.
Established 1931 Licensed Ministers:
Postal Address: Gitwe, Usumbura, Adam Banza, Jotham Itanga, Amosi
Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian East Africa. Madikalo, Abel Mande.
Director: C. E. Felton. Licensed Missionaries:
Ordained Ministers: Paula Lamnek, Valborg Larsson, H.
Barnabas Bisomimbga, Amos Muhaya, E. Marais, Mrs. H. E. Marais, Mrs.
Andreya Murama, Mariko Nkuda- 0. Rouhe, Ruth Wightman.


Organized 1912; reorganized 1942

Territory: Kenya Colony and Protec- Telegraphic Addresi: "Advent," Nai-

torate, Tanganyika Territory, Uganda robi.
Protectorate, and the islands of Zan- Officers:
zibar and Pemba.
President, E. W. Pedersen.
Area: 956,781 square miles. Secretary-Treasurer, R. A. Carey.
Population: 15,874,457 ; churches, 117 ; Executive Committee: E. W. Peder-
members, 19,459 ; total adherents, sen, D. H. Abbott, R. A. Carey, T.
40,245. F. Duke, Nikalao Mang'ich, Abel Nya-
kundi, James Odero, Jeremiah Oyigo,
Postal Address: P.O. Box 2276, Nairobi, W. C. S. Raitt, V. E Robinson, K.
Kenya Colony, East Africa. G. Webster.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Departmental Secretaries:
Nairobi. Educational, V. E. Robinson ; Inspec-
Officers: tor, R. C. Pearson.
Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., E. W.
President, W. D. Eva. Pedersen.
Secretary-Treasurer, C. T. Bannister. Medical, D. H. Abbott.
Excutive Committee: W. D. Eva, Sabbath School, R. A. Carey.
D. H. Abbott, W. N. Andrews, C. T. Ordained Ministers:
Bannister, H. E. Kotz, E. W. Peder-
sen, E. J. Trace, R. L. Wangerin, Elise Arunga, Silfano Ayaya, Petro.
R. J. Wieland. Chetambe, T. F. Duke, Nikalao Mang-
'ich, Nathaniel Misate, F. H. Muder-
Departmental Secretaries: spach, Abel Nyakundi, Paulo Ny-
Educational and Y.P.M.V., W. N. amweya, James Odero, Silvano Ododo,
Andrews. Jeremiah Oigo, Abraham Oirere,
Publishing, Home Missionary, and Isaak Okeyo, Elisha Olero, Malaki
Sabbath School, R. L. Wangerin. Osoo, Joshua Ouma, E. W. Pedersen,
Medical, D. H. Abbott. W. C. S. Raitt, Ezekiel Rewe, V. E.
Temperance, C. J. Hyde. Robinson, D. K. Short, K. G. Webster.
Ordained Ministers: Credentialed Missionaries:
W. N. Andrews, W. D. Eva, C. J. N. Agona, M. Ating'a, Y. Atinda, Y.
Hyde. Auma, N. Agonda, R. A. Carey,
Grace Clarke, Norah Cross, N. Kerosi,
Credentialed Missionaries: E. Kimenja, K. Kipkessio, B. N. Kir-
C. T. Bannister, E. J. Trace, R. L. iamburi, L. Kumo, C. Masio, P. M.
Wangerin. Mutheke, Dorothea Nielsen, Karen
Licensed Minister: G. J. E. Coetzee. Nielsen, E. M. Njage, M. Oduma, E.
Ogeto, B. Okumo, I. Omwega, J.
Licensed Missionaries: Onyango, Carentze Olsen, H. Owuor,
Mrs. W. N. Andrews, Mrs. C. T. J. Rumo, Catherine J. Schuil, I.
Bannister, Mrs. G. J. E. Coetzee, Simi.
Helen 0. Collins, Mrs. W. D. Eva, Licensed Ministers:
Mrs. C. J. Hyde, R. A. Marx, Mrs.
R. A. Marx, C. J. Rolfe, Mrs. D. H. Abbott, Filipo Achieng, Yo-
E. J. Trace, Mrs. R. L. Wangerin. hana Anyengo, A. Awuor, K. J.
Berry, P. Ishmael, K. Kipkichurit,
S. Mariera, E. Maobe, P. M. Nduke,
S. Ngao, S. K. Ngoroi, Thadayo
KENYA MISSION FIELD Nyabwa, N. Nyakeriga, Nathaniel
Organized 1912; reorganized 1942 Nyanusi, C. Odero, D. Odula, Erasto
Ogila, Israel Okoth, S. Okoye, Timo-
Territory: Kenya Colony and Protec- theo Otega, Zefaniya Oyier, R. G.
torate, and the islands of Pemba and Pearson, A. Saisi.
Licensed Missionaries:
Area: 384,960 square miles. Mrs. D. H. Abbott, Mrs. K. J. Berry,
Population: 4,473,600 ; churches, 78 ; Elsa Brandt, Kathleen Budde, Mrs.
members, 12,807 ; total adherents, R. A. Carey, Mrs. T. F. Duke, Louise
27,217. Leeper, Mrs. F. H. Muderspach.
R. G. Pearson, Mrs. R. G. Pearson,
Office: Crauford Road, Nairobi, Kenya Mrs. E. W. Pedersen, Mrs. W. C. S.
Colony, East Africa. (Telephone, Raitt, Mrs. V. E. Robinson, A. J.
Nairobi 2598.) Schoeman, Mrs. A. J. Schoeman,
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 1352, Nairobi, Mrs. D. K. Short, Joy Teixiera, Mrs.
Kenya Colony, East Africa. K. G. Webster.

Changamwe Mission Station TANGANYIKA MISSION FIELD

Established 1934 Entered 1903
Address: Box 273, Mombasa, Kenya Territory: Tanganyika Territory.
Colony, East Africa.
Area: 365,000 square miles.
Population: 7,403,267 ; churches, 25 ;
members, 5,318; total adherents,
Chebwai Mission Station 10,199.
Established 1931 Office: Busegwe Mission, 20 miles from
Musoma on main road to Mwanza.
Address: P.O. Box 29, Kakameka, Kenya Postal Address: P. 0. Musoma, Tangan-
Colony, East Africa. yika Territory, East Africa.
Director: K. J. Berry.
President, IL E. Kotz.
Gendia Mission Station Secretary-Treasurer, H. Robson.
Established 1906 Executive Committee: H. E. Kotz,
Luka Amayo, .L. D. Brown, Isaiah
Address: Gendia, Private Bag, P.O. Fue, Yohana Makanta, F. G. Reid, H.
Kisumu, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Robson, F. E. Schlehuber, J. G. Siep-
Director: D. K. Short. man, Andrea Siti.
Departmental Secretaries:
Educational, F. E. Schlehuber.
Kamagambo Mission Station Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., H. E.
Established 1916 Kotz.
Address: P.O. Kamagambo, via Kisii, Sabbath School, H. Robson.
Kenya Colony, East Africa. Ordained Ministers:
Director: V. E. Robinson. Luka Amayo, L. D. Brown, Isaya Fue,
Filipo Kamba, Elisa Kilonzo, Paulo
Kilonzo, H. E. Kotz, Timoteo Lima,
Karura Mission Station Ezekieli Mafuru, Yohana Makanta,
Yohana Mugobi, M. B. Musgrave,
Established 1933 Hosea Ng'homano, Efraim Nguru, F.
Address: P.O. Box 1835, Nairobi, G. Reid, Petro Risase, H. Robson,
Kenya Colony, East Africa. Tuvako Senzala, J. G. Siepman, Ste-
fano Singo, Andrea Siti.
Director: W. C. S. Raitt.
Credentialed Missionaries:
Aroni Choloi, Abeli Kahungo, Adri-
ano Kileng'a, Yohana Kilonzo, Esikia
Lumbwa, Mission Station Kirekero, Tito Lugoi, Benjamin
Address: P.O. Kericho, Kenya Colony, Mkichwe, Petro Mkwavi, Yoeli Otieno,
East Africa. Yonazi Salehe, Aroni Sekuba, Abra-
Director: Paul Nyamweya. hamu Sengoka.
Licensed Ministers:
Simeon Dea, Stefano Kajiru, Daudi
Maliera Mission Kisusi, Petro Magunda, Petro Marwa,
Established 1951 Fares Masokomya, Petro Mwasi, Tho-
mas Ndaro, F. E. Schlehuber.
Address: P.O. Box 221, Kisumu, Kenya
Colony, East Africa. Licensed Missionaries:
Director: F. H. Muderspach. Mrs. L. D. Brown, G. F. Clifford,
Mrs. G. F. Clifford, Jessie Hawman,
Alice Jensen, Mrs. H. E. Kotz, Mrs.
Nyanchwa Mission Station M. B. Musgrave, Mrs. F. G. Reid,
Mrs. H. Robson, Mrs. F. E. Schlehu-
Established 1922 ber, Mrs. J. G. Siepman, W. H.
Address: P.O. Box 22, Kisii, Kenya Taylor, Mrs. W. H. Taylor, I. G. van
Colony, East Africa. Aswegen, Mrs. I. G. van Aswegen, G.
L. van Niekerk, Mrs. G. L. van
Director: K. G. Webster. Niekerk.

Ranen Mission Station' Busegwe Mission Station

Established 1918 Established 1910
Address: Ranen, P.O. Kisii, Kenya Address: P.O. Musoma, Tanganyika
Colony, East Africa. Territory, East Africa.
Director: T. F. Duke. Director: H. Robson,

Heri Mission Station Population: 3,997,690 ; churches, 14 ;

Established 1949 members, 1,334 ; total adherents, 2,-
Address: P.O. Kasulu, via Uvinza,
Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. Office: Kireka Hill Mission, Mile 6 on
Jinja Road, Kampala, Uganda, East
Director: W. H. Taylor. Africa.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 22, Kanpala,
Ikizu Mission Station Uganda, East Africa.
Established 1909 Officers:
Address: P.O. Musoma, Tanganyika President, R. J. Wieland.
Territory, East Africa. Secretary-Treasurer, W. 0. England.
Director: F. E. Schlehuber. Executive Committee: R. J. Wieland,
W. A. Clarke, G. J. E. Coetzee,
Majita Mission Station W. 0. England, R. L. Garber, Si-
mioni Golola, Samsoni Kalette, M. E.
Established 1909 Lind, Eriasafu Mwanje, D. L. Stilson.
Address: P.O. Musoma, Tanganyika Ordained Ministers:
Territory, East Africa.
Y. Bamanya, W. A. Clarke, Simioni
Director: L. D. Brown. Golola, Henry Guwedeko, Mesaki Ka-
bala, M. E. Lind, Eriasafu Mwanje,
Cranmer Namaswala, Gordon Pear-
Mbeya Mission Station son, R. J. Wieland.
Established 1938 Credentialed Missionary: W. 0. Eng-
Address: P.O. Box 99, Mbeya, Southern land.
Highlands Province, Tanganyika Ter- Licensed Ministers:
ritory, East Africa.
Zefania Biraro, R. L. Garber, Sam-
Director: G. L. van Niekerk. soni Kalette, Daudi Mukasa, Eriya
Musoke, W. A. Musoke.
Mwagala Mission Station Licensed Missionaries:
Established 1914 Elsa Brandt, Mary Bredenkamp, Mrs.
W. A. Clarke, Mrs. W. 0. England,
Address: P.O. Maswa, via Malampaka, Mrs. R. L. Garber, Mrs. M. E. Lind,
Lake Province, Tanganyika Territory, Mrs. Gordon Pearson, D. L. Stilson,
East Africa. Mrs. Mildred L. Stilson, Mrs. R. J.
Director: Wieland.

Ntusu Mission Station Kakoro Mission Station

Established 1912 Established 1934
Address: P.O. Maswa, via Malampaka, Address: P.O. Box 49, Mbale, Uganda,
Lake Province, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa.
East Africa.
Director: W. A. Clarke.
Director: J. G. Siepman.

Katikumu Mission Station

Suji Mission, Station
Established 1905 Established 1943
Address: P. 0. Wobulenzi, Uganda,
Address: P.O. Malcanya, Tanga Prov- East Africa.
ince, Tanganyika Territory, East Af-
rica. Director: R. L. Garber.
Director: M. B. Musgrave.
Kireka Mission Station
Utimbaru Mission, Station Established 1930
Established 1912 Address: P. 0. Box 22, Kampala,
Address: P.O. Tarime, via Musoma, Uganda, East Africa.
Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. Director: R. J. Wieland.
Director: F. G. Reid.
Ruwenzori Mission Station
Established 1927 Address: P.O. Box 22, Fort Portal,
Territory: Uganda Protectorate. Uganda, East Africa.
Area: 98,981 square miles. Director: M. E. Lind.


Organized 1902
Territory: The Union of South Africa, tha Hansen, Mrs. E. D. Hanson,
South-West Africa, Basutoland, Swa- Mrs. 0. B. Hanson.
ziland, and St. Helena Island. Miss D. Ingle, Mrs. C. H. Mackett,
Mrs. G. A. S. Madgwick, S. Malapa,
Area: 851,063 square miles. D. Malotle, Elsa Marais, H. Mayaba,
Population: 12,898,568; churches, 157 ; Mrs. I. Mbenenge, Enrico Msuseni,
members, 10,644 ; total adherents D. Ndzala, Olga Olsen, Irene Segers,
10,824. F. Slate, Mrs. J. M. Staples, Ruby
Theunissen, Miss H. Ueckermann,
Office: 31 Fichardt Chambers, 144 Mait- Marie van der Merwe, Marie Walti.
land Street, Bloemfontein, Orange
Free State, South Africa. Honorary: Mrs. C. Burton, Mrs. M.
Commin, Mrs. W. B. Commin, Miss
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 468, Bloem- E. Edie, Mrs. W. H. Haupt, Mrs. 0.
fontein, Orange Free State, South Honey, Sr., Mrs. C. Robinson, Mrs.
Africa. N. Shone, Mrs. H. M. Sparrow, Mrs.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," E. L. Stevensen, Mrs. N. C. Stuart,
Bloemfontein, 0. F. S. Mrs. M. Walston, Mrs. J. V. Wilson.
Officers: Legal Association:
President, E. D. Hanson. Seventh-day Adventist Community of
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, Africa (Incorporated).
C. H. Mackett.
Executive Committee: E. D. Hanson, J.
N. de Beer, E. L. Cardey, J. B. Cooks, CAPE CONFERENCE
P. H. Coetzee, B. L. Hassenpflug,
C. H. Mackett, Principal Helderberg Reorganized 1936
College, Principal Bethel Training Territory: All Europeans and Asiatics
College, A. C. LeButt, G. A. S. Madg- in the Cape Province, except for the
wick, A. W. Staples, J. M. Staples, territory north of Kururaan and
J. van de Merwe. Taungs ; that portion of the Orange
Departmental Secretaries: Free State south of and including
Boshof, Brandfort, and Ladybrand
Educational and Sabbath School, T. B. Basutoland; and the mandated terri-
Cooks. tory of South-West Africa. (For
Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., P. H. European work.)
Medical, G. A. S. Madgwick. Area: 630,610 square miles.
Publishing and Temperance, J. M.
Staples. Population: 940,521; churches, 28;
Religious Liberty, E. D. Hanson. members, 2,154.
Ordained Ministers: Office: 162 Russel Road, Port Elizabeth,
Cape Province, South Africa.
S. W. Beardsell, P. H. Coetzee, J. B.
Cooks, A. V. Edwards, E. D. Hanson, Postal Address: Box 1133, Port Eliza-
C. H. Mackett. beth, Cape Province, South Africa.
Honorary: J. J. Birkenstock, 0. 0. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Port
Bredenkamp, W. H. Haupt, C. Robin- Elizabeth, Cape Province, South Af-
son, J. C. Rogers, H. M. Sparrow, rica.
J. V. Wilson. Officers:
Credentialed Missionaries: President, A. W. Staples.
Kate Beaton, Margaret Dawkins, G. Secretary-Treasurer, P. W. Willmore.
A. S. Madgwick. Executive Committee: A. W. Staples,
Honorary: Aileen Fleming. D. M. Baird, A. Chilton, J. M. Coet-
zee, S. J. Fourie, R. M. Gardner,
Licensed Ministers: N. F. Jeffes, P. J. Trytaman, C. S.
G. S. Grass, J. F. R. Linton, A. A. van Heerden, P. W. Willmore.
Pitt. Departmental Secretaries:
Licensed Missionaries: Book Depository, P. W. Willmore.
Sarah Balintaba, Mrs. S. W. Beard- Educational, R. M. Gardner.
sell, F. W. Bredenkamp, Mrs. F. W. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Bredenkamp, R. E. Clifford, Mrs. R. J. M. Coetzee.
E. Clifford, Mrs. P. H. Coetzee, Mrs. Publishing, C. S. van Heerden.
J. B. Cooks, Rena Curtis, Elvera Religious Liberty, A. W. Staples.
Eckermann, Mrs. A. V. Edwards, Temperance and Y.P.M.V., R. M.
Mrs. G. S. Glass, Lulu Gowabe, Mar- Gardner.

Ordained Ministers: Licensed Missionaries:

D. M. Baird, J. M. Coetzee, S. J. Mrs. C. Africa, Mrs. G. Beyers, Mary
Fourie, R. M. Gardner, C. S. Pike, Fouche, A. R. Grove, Mrs. A. R.
A. W. Staples, J. E. Symons, P. A. Grove, Mrs. 0. B. Hanson, J. Human,
Venter, P. W. Willmore. Mrs. J. Human, Mrs. L. Hunter, A.
Jepthas, Mrs. A. Jepthas, Mrs. D.
Licensed Ministers: LaKay, Mrs. K. Landers, Mrs. A. C.
N. Josling, Basil Kriel, R. L. Staples, LeButt, Mrs. J. J. Oosthuizen, W.
P. P. van Eck, C. S. van Heerden, Phillips, Mrs. D. M. Swaine, C. J.
Eric Webster. Theron, Mrs. W. A. Turner, Evadne
Licensed Missionaries: Webster.
Mable Ackermann, Susanna M. Acker- Honorary: Mrs. D. C. Theunissen.
mann, Mrs. D. M. Baird, Francis Bible Instructors:
Campbell, Mrs. J. M. Coetzee, Mrs. Mrs. A. Ohlsson, Adeline Sutherland.
S. J. Fourie, Mrs. R. M. Gardner,
Mrs. N. Josling, Gladstone Mdliva, Teachers:
Mrs. C. S. Pike, Cornelia du Plessis, P. Adonis, C. Africa, Mrs. E. Heub-
Loris H. Roberts. ner, L. Hunter, Mavis Jepthas, E.
Mrs. A. W. Staples, Mrs. R. May, Rebecca Slamat, Patricia Sedg-
L. Staples, Mrs. J. E. Symons, Mrs. wick, N. Springveldt, W. A. Turner.
P. P. van Eck, Mrs. C. S. van
Heerden, Maria van Ravesteyn, Mrs.
P. A. Venter. Indian Mission
Bible Instructors: Office Address: Knutsford & Main Rds.,
Lily Bradley, Olive Davies, Georgina Plumstead, Cape, South Africa.
Snyman, Wilhelmina Welman. Churches: 2, members, 34.
Church School Teachers: Licensed Minister: R. Lindup.
Mrs. E. Bulgin, Mrs. R. Holbrook, Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. J. B. Naude, Doreen Staples.
C. B. Hammond, Mrs. R. Lindup.

CAPE FIELD OF SEVENTH-DAY St. Helena Island Mission

ADVENTISTS Unorganized
Work for the Colored People and
Asiatics in the Union Of South Africa Population: 5,000 ; members, 7.
and South-West Africa. Office Address: Knutsford & Main Rds.,
Population: 1,203,744; churches, 28; Plumstead, Cape, South Africa.
members, 1,369. Ordained Minister: H. P. Campher.
Office Address: Knutsford & Main Rds., Licensed Missionary: Mrs. H. P. Cam-
Plumstead, Cape, South Africa. pher.
President, A. C. LeButt.
Secretary-Treasurer, Louise Kleinert. NATAL-TRANSVAAL CONFERENCE
Executive Committee: A. C. LeButt, Reorganized 1936
G. Beyers, W. Cerfontyne, Louise
Kleinert, J. J. Oosthuizen, C. M. Territory: All Europeans in the ter-
Sampson, D. M. Swaine, G. Theunis- ritories of the Provinces of Natal and
sen, Principal Good Hope Training Transvaal ; portion of the Cape Prov-
School. ince known as British Bechuanaland
north of Kurunam and Taungs; por-
Departmental Secretaries: tion of the Orange Free State Prov-
Educational, 0. B. Hanson. ince north of Boshof, Brandfort, and
Home Missionary, Publishing, Sab- Ladybrand ; Swaziland, and Portu-
bath School, and Y.P.M.V., J. J. guese East Africa south of Latitude
Oosthuizen. 22.
Ordained Ministers: Area: 260,000 square miles (approxi-
G. Beyers, D. La Kay, K. Landers, mately).
A. C. LeButt, J. J. Oosthuizen, D. M. Population: 1,465,137; churches, 37;
Swaine, G. Theunissen. members, 2,777.
Honorary: D. C. Theunissen.
Office: 14 Claim Street, Johannesburg,
Credentialed Missionary: Louise Klein- Transvaal, South Africa.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 7768, Jo-
Licensed Minister: 0. B. Hanson. hannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa.

Telegraphic Address: "Natracon," East Africa (south of Latitude 220),

Johannesburg. Swaziland, Transvaal, and Zululand.
Officers: Area: 332,901 square miles.
President, J. van de Merwe.
Secretary-Treasurer, D. R. Symons. Population: 6,952,067 ; churches, 50 ;
members, 2,777.
Executive Committee: J. van de
Merwe, J. J. Birkenstock, J. J. B. Office Address: 11-12 Allbret Building, 9
Combrinck, J. J. Coss, J. S. le Roux, Fraser Street, Johannesburg, Trans-
M. C. Murdoch, J. H. Roode, D. R. vaal, South Africa.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Jo-
Departmental Secretaries: hannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa.
Book Depository, W. M. Webster. Officers:
Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
W. J. J. Englebrecht. President, J. D. Harcombe.
Publishing, J. S. le Roux; Assistant, Secretary-Treasurer, I. L. Ansley.
P. Keulder. Executive Committee: J. D. Har-
Temperance and Y.P.M.V., G. E. combe, I. L. Ansley, J. N. Bacela, E.
Game. A. Buckley, R. A. Buckley, E. ka J.
Kuboni, I. E. Shultz, E. A. Tsotetsi,
Ordained Ministers:
H. R. S. Tsukudu.
J. J. B. Combrinck, B. L. Hassen-
pflug, M. C. Murdoch, E. J. Steven- Departmental Secretaries:
son, H. R. Turner, A. van den Bergh, Educational and Sabbath School, E.
J. van de Merwe, P. J. van de Merwe. A. Buckley.
Credentialed Missionaries: Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., E. A.
D. R. Symons, W. M. Webster.
Ordained Ministers:
Licensed Ministers:
J. N. Barcela, E. A. Buckley, R. A.
J. Bekker, K. Birkenstock, J. D. Buckley, J. D. Harcombe, J. M. Hlubi,
Cotzee, W. J. J. Englebrecht, J. S. T. M. Kote, E. Ka J. Kuboni, D.
le Roux, J. W. Newman, J. M. Wes- Masina, M. R. Moletsi, N. M.
sels. Ngwenya, I. E. Schultz, J. N. Sen-
Licensed Missionaries: koto, W. C. Tarr, E. A. Tsotetsi,
W. H. J. Badenhorst, Mrs. W. H. J. H. R. S. Tsukudu.
Badenhorst, Mrs. J. Bekker, Mrs. J. Honorary: J. S. Moya.
J. Birkenstock, Mrs. D. J. Coetzee, Licensed Ministers:
Mrs. J. D. Coetzee, Mrs. J. J. Com-
brinck, Adelaide de Beer, Mrs. W. J. I. L. Ansley, M. Kunene, A. Lukele,
J. Englebrecht, G. E. Garne, Mrs. G. S. G. Mkwananzi, J. Maseleku, P. V.
E. Garne, Mrs. B. L. Hassenpflug, Msimang, W. Ndabambi, A. M. Nkosi,
Mrs. 0. Honey, Jr., Pieter Keulder, E. Nteso, J. Phomodi, A. Zondi.
Mrs. J. S. le Roux, Mrs. M. C. Mur- Honorary: K. Itumeling, K. Mosedi,
doch, Mrs. J. W. Newman, Jean P. Zungu.
Pratt, Anna Reitz, A. C. Sparrow,
Mrs. A. C. Sparrow, Yvonne Staples, Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. E. J. Stevenson, Mrs. D. R. Mrs. I. L. Ansley, F. L. Bogopa, Mrs.
Symons, Mrs H. R. Turner, Rina van E. A, Buckley, Mrs. R. A. Buckley,
Biljon, Martha van de Merwe, Mrs. John N. de Beer, Jr., P. Dhludhlu,
P. J. van de Merwe, Mrs. A. van den S. J. Kanyile, S. J. Mnanzana,
Bergh, Mrs. W. M. Webster, Mrs. J. Mrs. A. M. Molokomme, J. Neuhoff,
M. Wessels. M. S. Ngubeni, W. Ngubeni, J.
Bible Instructors: Nkonjera, Miss D. Nott, J. R. Sang-
weni, Mrs. I. E. Schultz, Mrs. J. N.
Ann Albers, Minnie Delport, Minnie Senkoto, Mrs. W. C. Tarr, Mrs. E. A.
J. Dixie, Myrtle Harebottle, Johanna Tsotetsi.
Church School Teachers:
I. Bacela, Gladys Kalaka, Obbie Kan-
Irvine Barry, Kathleen Bremner, yile, S. Kgasa, A. Koopedi, G. Ku-
Dudley Bulgin, Dick Coetzee, Mrs. boni, Moses Kunene, Mrs. A. Lecogo,
Lily Hiten, Dulcie Kitney. C. N. Legoabe, Mrs. C. N. Legoabe,
Mrs. E. Madonna, E. Majola, Grace
Mangoaela, T. Mashwa, D. Masina,
NORTH BANTU MISSION FIELD E. Matshelane, M. Moeketsi, D. Mo-
Reorganized 1936 gegeh, S. Morallana, E. Moya, Mrs.
H. Msimang, Beauty Ndhlovu, G.
Territory: Native work in Basutoland, Njesu, E. Nteso, C. Ntsikeni, Mrs.
Bechuanaland (south of Mafeking), C. Ntsikeni, L. D. Planks., Thalitha
Orange Free State, Natal, Portuguese Tabane.

Children's Home Shiloh Mission Station and District

(Home for Untainted Children Established 1930
of Leper Parents.)
Address: P.O. Lunsklip Siding, North
Address: Emmanuel Mission, P. 0. Transvaal, South Africa.
Leribe. Basutoland, South Africa.
In Charge: Mary Martin. Director: J, Neuhoff.

South Natal Mission District

Eastern Transvaal-Swaziland Mission
District Address:410 Lamont Village, P.O.,
Address: P.O. Box 68, Ermelo, Trans- Lamontville, via Durban, Natal,
vaal, South Africa. South Africa.
Director: E. Ka J. Kuboni. Director: J. M. Hlubi.

Ekuhanyeni Mission and Zululand SOUTH BANTU MISSION FIELD

District Reorganized 1936
Address: P.O. Box 1, Nongoma, Zulu- Territory: Native work in the Province
land, South Africa. of the Cape of Good Hope.
Director: I. E. Schultz. Area: 207,869 square miles.
Population: 2,327,099; churches, 14;
members, 1,567; total adherents,
Emmanuel Mission Station and District 1,747.
Established 1910 Office Address: 19 Union House, 24
Address: P. 0. Leribe, Basutoland, Union Street, East London, Cape
South Africa. Province, South Africa.
Director: R. A. Buckley. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," East
Kolo Mission Station President, J. N. de Beer.
Established 1899 Secretary-Treasurer, Priscilla E. Will-
Address: P. 0. Mohlalefis, Via Morija, more.
Basutoland, South Africa. Executive Committee: J. N. de Beer,
R. E. Ansley, S. W. Beardsell, D. D.
Director: John N. de Beer, Jr. Ntsikeni, S. K. Ntwana, B. T. Scott,
Priscella E. Willmore.
Departmental Secretaries:
Mafeking-Taungs Mission District
Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., B. T.
Address: P. 0. Box 108, Vryburg, C. P., Scott.
South Africa. Publishing, J. N. de Beer.
Director: M. R. Moeletsi. Sabbath School,
Ordained Ministers:
R. E. Ansley, J. N. de Beer, D. D.
North Natal Mission District Mankayi, W. Marais, S. S. Mgqamqo,
Address: P.O. Box 34, Dundee, Natal, W. J. Nomvete, D. D. Ntsikeni, S. K.
South Africa. Ntwana, S. T. Pikoli, G. F. Potwana,
B. T. Scott, A. P. Tarr.
Director: D. Masina.
Honorary: G. S. Mayaba.
Credentialed Missionary: Priscilla E.
Orange Free State Mission District Willmore.
Address: 288 Lovedale Road, Mahla- Licensed Ministers:
mole Location, Bloemfontein, Orange W. K. Magalela, M. Myendeki, C. B.
Free State, South Africa. Ntshangase, A. Sopangiso, A. G. Wil-
Director: H. R. S. Tsukudu. liams.
Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. J. N. de Beer, Mrs. D. N. Hogg,
Rand-Pretoria Mission District Mrs. M. E. Jakavula, Maureen Loots,
Address: 11-12 Allbret Building, 9 Fra- V. Magalakangqa, Mrs. V. V. Ma-
zer St., Johannesburg, Transvaal, ' fuya, Mrs. D. D. Mankayi, Mrs. W.
Marais, Mrs. S. S. Mgclanago, J. J.
South Africa. Mkosi, M. Myendeki, W. Ncontsa,
Director: J. N. Bacela. Mrs. W. J. Nomwete, Mrs. D. D.

Ntsikeni, Mrs. S. K. Ntwana, M. Glen Grey Mission District

Phekana, Mrs. S. T. Pikoli, Mrs. G.
F. Potwana, Mrs. B. T. Scott, Mrs. Postal Address: B. D. 12, Location,
N. C. Stuart, Mrs. A. P. Tarr, Mrs. Queenstown, Cape Province, South
A. G. Williams, M. B. Yaze. Africa.
Honorary: Hans Shai. Director: W. J. Nomvete.
L. Kobe, B. Mafuya, V. Magala- Eastern Pondoland District
kanqa, E. Maliti, S. S. Mgqamqo,
A. T. Mzozoyana, Mary Nkumbesi, Postal Address: S.D.A. Mission, P. 0.
W. N. Ntwana, S. Phantsi, Evelyn Box 12, Lusikisiki, East Pondoland,
Pototo, Nolungile Qoshe, Priscilla South Africa.
Radebe, Inet Solontsi, M. Tenyane, Director: G. F. Potwana.
Eunice Xonxa.

Umtata Mission District

Butterworth Mission District
Postal Address: S.D.A. Mission, P. 0.
Postal Address: S.D.A. Mission, But- Umtata, Transkei, Cape Province,
terworth, Transkei, Eastern Prov- South Africa.
ince, South Africa.
Director: D. D. Mankayi.
Director: D. D. Ntsikeni.

Western Province Mission District

Cancele-Umtata Mission District Postal Address: 765 Jungle Walk, P.O.
Postal Address: Cancele Mission, Pri- Langa, Cape, South Africa.
vate Bag, Mount Frere, East Griqua- Director: M. Myendeki.
land, Cape Province, South Africa.
Director: R. E. Ansley.
Eastern Province Mission District For Non-European Work
Postal Address: Native Post Office, Territory: The mandated territory of
Kingwilliamstown, Cape Province, South-West Africa.
South Africa. Area: 817,725 square miles.
Director: S. K. Ntwana. Population: Non-whites, 820,868.


Organized 1925

Territory: Nyasaland ; Northeast Rhode- Home Missionary, Publishing and

sia, east of meridian 32. Sabbath School, I. T. Crowder,
Area: 74,389 square miles. B. Riteh.
Medical, S. A. Kotz.
Population: 2,473,670; churches, 33:
members, 8,196; total adherents, 14- Ordained Ministers:
424. I. T. Crowder, E. Jonas, S. G. Max-
well, W. D. Pierce, B. Bitch, P.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 51, Blan- Stevenson.
tyre, Nyasaland, Africa.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Blan- Licensed Missionaries:
tyre, Nyasaland. Mrs. I. T. Crowder, Mrs. S. G. Max-
Officers: well, Mrs. W. D. Pierce, T. H. Rave-
nor, Mrs. P. Stevenson.
President, S. G. Maxwell.
Secretary-Treasurer, P. Stevenson.
Executive Committee: S. G. Maxwell, BLANTYRE DISTRICT
A. Bambury, A. M. Brandt, I. T.
Crowder, W. L. Davy, 0. I. Fields, Chileka Mission Station
S. A. Kotz, W. D. Pierce, H. W. Address: Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasaland,
Stevenson, P. Stevenson. Africa.
Departmental Secretaries:
Director: John Thomas.
Educational, Temperance, and Y.P.
M.V., W. D. Pierce, E. Jonas. Ordained Minister: John Thomas.

Licensed Ministers: A. Donda, J. Licensed Missionaries:

Nkoka, D. Bitch. Rachel Anderton, Mrs. A. H. Brandt,
Head Teacher: Birks Harry. Mrs. L. A. Edwards, Ruth Foote,
Mrs. Mark Fowler, Mrs. S. A. Kotz,
Yvonne Marais, Dorothy Walters,
Mrs. A. Tyson-Flyn.
Mwami Mission Station NORTHERN DISTRICT
Address: P.O. Fort Jameson, North- Luwazi Mission Station
east Rhodesia, Africa. Address: P. 0. Nkata Bay, Nyasaland,
Director: A. K. Phillips. Africa.
Ordained Ministers: Director: W. L. Davy.
Soldier Kanjanga, A. K. Phillips. Ordained Ministers:
Licensed Ministers: W. L. Davy, Nemen Jere, Simon
0. B. Beardsley, Custom Gwedeza, M. Ngaiyayi,
Kalonga. Licensed Ministers:
Licensed Missionaries: R. Ndhalamini, Daniel Ndove, Barson
Mrs. 0. B. Beardsley, Margaret John- Nkhosi, James Nyerenda, M. Phiri,
son, Mrs. A. K. Phillips. Samuel Ziyaya.
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. W. L. Davy.

Lake View Mission Station Mombera Mission Station

Address: Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasaland, Address: P. 0. Mzimba, Nyasaland,
Africa. Africa.
Director: J. W. Haarhoff. Director: G. A. Otter.
Licensed Ministers: Ordained Minister: James Ngaiyaye.
J. W. Haarhoff, J. Kalonga, W. Lu- Licensed Minister: G. A. Otter.
wani. Licensed Missionary: Mrs. G. A. Otter.
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. J. W. Haar- Head Teacher: R. Mazunda.
hoff. School Inspector: Lincoln Chipungu.
Head Teacher: S. Abner.
Cinyama Outstation
Zomba Outstation Address: P. 0. Tekerani, Nyasaland,
Address: Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasaland, Africa.
Africa. Director: Ered Maliro.
Director: N. Denga. Ordained Ministers:
Ordained Ministers: Ben Chona, Ered Maliro.
Albert Kambuwa, B. Saps. Licensed Ministers:
Head Teacher: Birston Kalonga. Bennet Makawa, Jim Malowa.
Head Teacher: Lodson Smith.

Tekerani Mission Station
Malamulo Mission Station
Established 1923
Established 1902
Address: P. 0. Tekerani, Nyasaland.
Address: P.O. Malamulo, Nyasaland, Africa.
Africa. Director: A. V. Bambury.
Director: A. H. Brandt. Ordained Ministers:
Ordained Ministers: Roman Cimera, Jonathan Kabambe,
A. H. Brandt, L. A. Edwards, Yolam S. Napangani.
Kamwendo. Licensed Minister: A. V. Bambury.
Licensed Ministers: Licensed Missionary: Mrs. A. V. Barn-
Mark Fowler, W. M. Hofstar, R.
Jackson, S. A. Kotz, P. Lopanda, School Inspector: Joseph Mangame.
A. Tyson-Flyn. Head Teacher: Nelson Khonje.

WESTERN DISTRICT Thambani Outstation

Matandani Mission Station
Organized 1929
Established 1908
Address: Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasaland, Address: Box 61, Blantyre, Nyasaland,
Africa. Africa.
Director: 0. I. Fields. Director: Harry Khonje.
Ordained Ministers:
Ordained Minister: Harry Khonje.
0. I. Fields, Yokoniah Sosola.
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. 0. I. Fields. Head Teacher: George Andrew.


Organized 1916
Territory: Northern Rhodesia west of Licensed Missionaries:
latitude meridian 32. Caprivi Strip, Mrs. A. W. Austen, Grace Bristow,
Southern Rhodesia and Bechuanaland Mrs. D. T. Burke, Mrs. J. G. Foster,
Protectorate; comprising Northern Gertrude Geraty, Lilian E. Guy, Hazel
Rhodesia Mission Field, Southern Hahn, Mrs. J. A. Hay, Edith Hurlow,
Rhodesia Mission Field, Barotseland Mrs. F. B. Jewell, Anna Kwapinski,
Mission Field, and the Rhodesia- Mrs. W. R. Quittmeyer, Grace E.
Bechuanaland Conference. Robinson, Myrtle Sather, Mrs. B.
Searle, Mrs. J. R. Siebenlist, Babson
Area: 614,950 square miles. Treasure, Mrs. W. R. Vail, Collin
Population: 3,751,753 ; churches, 86; Willmore.
members, 16,674 ; total adherents, Legal Assn.: Seventh-day Adventist
27,169. Community of Africa (Incorporated).
Office: 114 Jameson St., Bulawayo,
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. (Tele- Kanye Mission Station
phone, 2210.)
Established 1921
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 673, Bula- Address: P.O. Kanye, via Lobatsi, Be-
wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. chuanaland Protectorate, South Af-
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Bul- rica.
awayo. Director: J. A. Hay.
President, W. R. Vail. Maun Mission Station
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, .
Executive Committee: W. R. Vail, Established 1936
G. 0. Adams, A. W. Austen, A. Address: P.O. Maun, Bechuanaland
Bristow, D. T. Burke, J. A. Hay, Protectorate, South Africa.
W. H. Hurlow, J. R. Siebenlist, Sec-
retary-Treasurer. ' Director: D. T. Burke.
Departmental Secretaries:
Educational, Sabbath School, and Y.P. BAROTSELAND MISSION FIELD
M.V., A. W. Austen. Address: P. 0. Mongu, Northern Rhod-
Home Missionary and Temperance, esia, Africa.
W. R. Vail.
Publishing, Frank Unger. Churches: 10; members, 1,226; total
adherents, 1,596.
Ordained Ministers:
A. W. Austen, D. T. Burke, Phile-
mon Kgasa, Matkiti Moyo, J. R. President, E. A. Trumper.
Siebenlist, A. A. Tsoteti, W. R. Vail. Secretary-Treasurer, A. W. Bell.
Honorary: Moses Donga, Mark Gan- Ordained Ministers:
gasa, Luck Ndolovu, Harry Sibagobe. Joseph Malinki, Samuel Shape, E. A.
Credentialed Missionaries: Trumper.
F. B. Jewell, Mrs. M. Owens. Credentialed Missionaries:
Licensed Ministers: Petra Hovig, Winifred Tickton.
Johannes Dry, J. G. Foster, J. A. Licensed Ministers:
Hay, J. Korgan, W. R. Quittmeyer, Paul Mate, George Sikongo, R. C.
B. Searle, Frank Unger. Tarr, F. G. Thomas.

Licensed Missionaries: Licensed Ministers:

A. W. Bell, Mrs. A. W. Bell, Junior M. Chipondo, N. Chiungi, M. Chi-
Fields. Mrs. Junior Fields, Mrs. R. C. wanga, G. A. C. Ellingworth, R.
Tarr, Mrs. F. G. Thomas, Mrs. E. A. E. Eva, E. Himbole, A. Kakomwe,
Trumper. M. Kapimpa, J. Koko, Jam Mainza,
J. Manongo, W. Molobala, Nelson
Moomba, W. Mudaala, E. Mulenga,
Liumba Hill Mission District T. Mundusa, S. Muwile, E. Muyeba,
S. Muzelenga, A. Mwape, S. Mwenda,
Established 1928 J. Mwesa, J. Mwimo, S. Mwinga, A.
Address: P. 0. Kalabo, Northern Rho- Nyoni, W. Sabila, L. Sinyokosa.
desia, Africa. Licensed Missionaries:
Director: F. G. Thomas. Mrs. A. Bristow, Mrs. W. W. Chris-
tensen, Mrs. G. A. C. Ellingworth,
Mrs. R. E. Eva, Mrs. W. A. Hurlow,
Mrs. S. T. Palvie, D. G. Ristow, Mrs.
Southern Barotseland Mission District R. P. Robinson, A. W. Siedler, Laura
Stevens, Ethel Wood.
Address: Sitoti, P. 0. Senanga, North-
ern Rhodesia, Africa.
Director: R. C. Tarr. Bwengwa Mission District
Established 1935
Address: c/o Mr. Desai, Box 4, Monze,
Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
Director: Simon Mwenda.
Organized 1921
Territory: Northern Rhodesia, except
Barotseland, Caprivi Strip and ter- Chimpempe Mission Station
ritory east of meridian 32. Established 1921
Area: 219,995 square miles. Address: Private Bag, Kasama, North-
Population: 1,573,720; churches, 30 ; ern Rhodesia, Africa.
members, 5,187 ; total adherents, 9,- Director: G. A. C. Ellingworth.
Postal Address: Chisekesi Siding, North-
ern Rhodesia, Africa. Demu Mission District
Established 1930
Address: P.O. Pemba, Northern Rho-
President, A. Bristow. desia, Africa.
Secretary-Treasurer, E. B. Jewell.
Director: Jam Mainza.
Executive Committee: A. Bristow,
W. W. Christensen, G. A. C. Elling-
worth, R. E. Eva, W. A. Hurlow, E. Dimbwe Mission District
B. Jewell, James Malinki, Paul S.
Mulendema, S. Mulombe, James Mu- Established 1935
yeba, Stephen Ngwenya, S. T. Palvie, Address: Dimbwe Mission, Private Bag,
W. G. Webster. Livingstone, N. Rhodesia, Africa.
Departmental Secretaries: Director: Judah Manongo.
Sabbath School, R. E. Eva.
Self-Support, James Malinki, James
Muyeba. Kalungwishi Mission District
Y.P.M.V., R. E. Eva; Assistant, B. Established 1921
Ordained Ministers: Address: Care Chimpempe Mission,
Private Bag, Kasama, Northern Rho-
A. Bristow, W. W. Christensen, Law- desia, Africa.
son Endaenda, W. A. Hurlow, Richard
Jere, E. B. Jewell, Peter Lengalenga, Director: Stephen Mulomba.
Job Mabuti, Jack Mahlantini, James
Malinki, Wilfred Muhwanga, Stephen
Mulomba, S. Mulombe, James Mu- Luapula Mission District
yeba, J. Mwanakapini, Laban Ndai- Established 1929
seka, Luck Ndhlovu, Ben Ngwenya,
S. T. Palvie, R. P. Robinson, A. Address: Care Chimpempe Mission,
Shamilimo, Paul Shamalambo. Private Bag, Kasama, Northern Rho-
Credentialed Missionary: C. Laura desia, Africa.
Stevens. Director: Simon Muwile.

Muchenje Mission District Population: 93,979; churches, 5; mem-

Established 1941 bers, 214.
Address: P.O. Lusaka, Northern Rho- Postal Address: P. 0. Box 348, Gwelo,
desia, Africa. Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Director: Lawson Endaenda. Officers:
President, W. H. Hurlow.
Munenga Mission District Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. M. Botes.
Established 1930 Executive Committee: W. H. Hurlow,
W. Pohl, M. L. Sanford, F. R.
Address: P.O. Mazabuka, Northern Rho- Stockil, S. Stockil, H. A. Wallace.
desia, Africa. Departmental Secretaries:
Director: Andrew Shamolimo. Educational and Home Missionary,
W. H. Hurlow.
Musofu Mission Station Sabbath School, Mrs. M. Botes.
Established 1917 Y.P.M.V., M. L. Sanford.
Ordained Ministers:
Address: Private Bag, Ndola, Northern W. H. Hurlow, F. R. Stockil.
Rhodesia, Africa.
Director: S. T. Palvie. Licensed Minister: M. L. Sanford.
Licensed Missionaries:
Mutaba Mission District Mrs. M. Botes, John Burns, Mrs.
Established 1937 John Burns, Mrs. W. H. Hurlow,
Mrs. M. L. Sanford.
Address: P.O. Ndola, Northern Rho-
desia, Africa.
Director: Jiles Mwanakapini. SOUTHERN RHODESIA
Mweru Mission District Organized 1921
Address: Care Chimpempe Mission, Pri- Territory: Native work in Southern
vate Bag, Kasama, Northern Rho- Rhodesia, and Tati Concession of
desia, Africa. Bechuanaland Protectorate.
Director: Wilson Sabila. Area: 160,616 square miles.
Population: 2,066,529 ; churches, 36 ;
Nteme Mission District members, 9,499; total adherents, 14,-
Established 1950
Postal Address: P.O. Lower Gwelo,
Address: P.O. Monze, Northern Rho- Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
desia, Africa.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist,"
Director: Job Mabuti. Lower Gwelo.
Rusangu Mission Station
Established 1905 President, G. 0. Adams.
Secretary-Treasurer, F. C. Sandford.
Address: Chisekesi Siding, Northern Executive Committee: G. 0. Adams,
Rhodesia, Africa. P. B. Fairchild, J. Lupahla, C. Mac-
Director: W. A. Hurlow. donald, J. Magabola, E. Mlalazi, H.
Nkiwane, W. P. Owen, F. C. Sand-
ford, J. R. Siebenlist.
Sala Mission District
Departmental Secretaries:
Established 1931
Educational and Y.P.M.V., G. 0.
Address: P.O. Lusaka, Northern Rho- Adams.
desia, Africa. Publishing and Sabbath School, F. C.
Director: Peter Lengalenga. Sandford; Assistant, Simeon Dube.
Ordained Ministers:
G. 0. Adams, W. M. Cooks, S. Dube,
RHODESIA-BECHUANALAND Philemon Dzmiri, E. Janda, J. Lu-
CONFERENCE pahla, J. Magobola, P. Mbono, E. D.
Organized 1929 Mlalazi, C. S. Moyo, J. M. Moyo,
J. S. Moyo, W. M. Moyo, J. Ncube,
Territory: Southern Rhodesia and Be- J. Ndebele, R. Ndhlovu, H. T. Nki-
chuanaland Protectorate. wane, P. Nkomazana, W. P. Owen,
Area: 425,354 square miles. E. Wahungana.

Credentialed Missionary: F. C. Sand- Inyazura Mission Station

ford. Established 1910
Licensed Ministers:
Address: P.O. Inyazura, Southern Rho-
W. Bastiaans, Joseph Chimuka, Peter desia, Africa.
Dube, P. B. Fairchild, David Gurure,
Aaron Habenzu, T. Hogo, Johannes Director.
Jibajiba, M. Kgetse, C. Magutsha,
Silas Mangwendi, Philemon Maposa,
C. Macdonald, James Moyo, Onias Lower Gwelo Mission Station
Muza, Jackson Ncube, Vincent Established 1901
Ncube, Joshua Ntini, I. R. Peckham,
Simon Sipepa. Address: P.O. Lower Gwelo, Southern
Licensed Missionaries: Rhodesia, Africa.
Mrs. G. 0. Adams, Mrs. W. Bastiaans, Telegraphic Address: "Adventist,"
Mrs. P. B. Fairchild, Helen Furber, Gwelo.
Marjorie Johnson, Mrs. W. P. Owen, Director: W. P. Owen.
Mrs. I. R. Peckham, Mrs. F. C.
Sandford, Charlette Wallin.
Lower Shangani Mission District
Established 1911
Bulawayo Mission District
Established 1929 Address: c/o African Bus Service, 60,
2nd St., Location, Bulawayo, South-
Address: c/o Box 573, Bulawayo, ern Rhodesia, Africa.
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Director:
Director: J. M. Moyo.

Mapani Mission Station

Chiduku-Makoni Mission District Established 1936
Established 1938
Address: c/o Private Bag 29 K, Bula-
Address: c/o Inyazura Mission, Inya- wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
zura, Southern Rhodesia. Director: W. M. Moyo.
Director: Paul Mbono.

Maranke Mission District

Filabusi Mission Station Established 1938
Established 1929
Address: c/o Maranke Clinic, P.O. Odzi,
Address: Private Bag 205T, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: Silas Mangwendi.
Director: H. T. Nkiwane.

Midlands Mission District

Fort Victoria Mission District Established 1936
Established 1910
Address: P.O. Lower Gwelo, Southern
Address: Mafuoa Mission, Private Bag Rhodesia, Africa.
68, Fort Victoria, Southern Rhodesia, Director: John Lupahla.
Director: J. Magobola.
Mondora Mission District
Established 1936
Gwaai Mission Station
Established 1929 Address: c/o E. B. Tarr, Silver Star
Ranch, Box 13, P.B. Que Que, South-
Address: P.O. Gwaai Siding, Southern ern Rhodesia, Africa.
Rhodesia, Africa. Director: Enoch Manga.
Director: James Ndebele.

Mrewa Mission District

Hanke Mission Station Established 1929
Established 1910
Address: African Trading Co., Muka-
Address: Private Bag, Selukwe, South- rakate Store, P.O. Mrewa, Southern
ern Rhodesia, Africa. Rhodesia, Africa.
Director: M. Nkomo. Director: Edward Janda.

Nata Mission District Helderberg College, P.O. Box 22,

Established 1936 Somerset West, Cape Province,
South Africa.
Address: c/o Solusi Mission, Private Hillcrest Secondary School, Bollihope
Bag 189T, Bulawayo, Southern Rho- Crescent, Mowbray, Cape Town,
desia, Africa. South Africa.
Director: C. Magutsha. Ikizu Training School, P.O. Musoma,
Tanganyika Territory, East Africa.
Que Que Mission District Kamagambo Training School, P. 0.
Kamagambo, via Kisii, Kenya Col-
Established 1943 ony, East Africa.
Address: Gunde Mission, c/o L. G. Tay- Kasai Training School, D/S Lulu-
lor, Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. abourg, Congo Beige, Africa.
Director: R. Ndhlovu. Malamulo Mission Training Institute,
P. 0. Malamulo, Nyasaland, Africa.
Solusi Training School, Private Bag,
Ruia Mission Station 189T, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia,
Established 1948 Africa.
Address: Mt. Darwin, Southern Rhode-
sia, Africa. Medical:
Director: W. Bastiaans.
Ankole Mission Hospital, P. 0.
Mbarara, Uganda, East Africa.
Salisbury Mission District Hari Mission Hospital, P.O. Kasulu,
Established 1948 via Uvinza, Tanganyika, East Af-
Address: Room 6, Third Avenue, P.O.
Harari, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Kanye Hospital, P.O. Kanye, via Lo-
batsi, Bechuanaland Protectorate,
Director: A. Habenzu. Africa.
Kendu Hospital, Gendia, Private Bag,
P.O. Kisumu, Kenya Colony, East
Solusi Mission Station Africa.
Established 1894 Lower Gwelo Mission Hospital, P.O.
Address: Solusi Mission, Private Bag Lower Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia,
189T, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Africa. Malamulo Mission Hospital and Leper
Director: J. R. Siebenlist. Colony, P.O. Malamulo, Nyasaland,
Central Africa.
Mwami Mission Hospital and Leper
Colony, P.O. Fort Manning, Nyasa-
Tati Mission District land, Africa.
Established 1940 Ngoma Mission Hospital, P. 0. Usum-
bura, Ruanda-Urun'di, Central Af-
Address: c/o Mr. L. R. Tarr, P.O. rica.
Tsessebe, Bechuanaland Protectorate,
South Africa. Nokuphila Hospital, Western Native
Township, Johannesburg, Trans-
Director: Johannes Jibajiba. vaal, South Africa.
Songa Mission Hospital and Leper
Colony, Boite Postal Kamina, Bel-
INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTHERN gian Congo, Central Africa.
Bikobo Hill Dispensary, B.P. 3, Kon-
Bethel Training College, P.O. But- golo, Belgian Congo, Africa.
terworth, Transkei, South Africa.
East African Union Training School, Busegwe Mission Dispensary, P.O.
P.O. Bombo, Uganda, East Africa. Musoma, Tanganyika, East Africa.
Gitwe Training School (Seminaire Ad- Chimpempe Mission Dispensary, P. 0.
ventists), via Usumbura, Ruanda- Kawambwa, Northeast Rhodesia,
Urundi, Belgian East Africa. Africa.
Good Hope Training School, Klipfon- Gitwe Mission Dispensary, P. O.
tein Road, Athlone, Cape Province, Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian
South Africa. East Africa.

Ikizu Mission Dispensary, Ikizu Rwankeri Mission Dispensary, B.P.

Training School, P. 0. Musoma, 33, Ruhengeri, Ruanda-Urundi, Bel-
Tanganyika, East Africa. gian East Africa.
Inyazura Mission Dispensary, Inya- Rwesse Mission Dispensary, Rwesse,
zura, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. B. P. 65, Butembo, Congo Beige,
Kolo Mission Dispensary, P.O. Moh- Africa.
lalefis, via Morija, Basutoland,
South Africa. Sitoti Mission Dispensary, P.O. Sen-
anga, Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
Liumb a Hill Dispensary, P. O.
Kalabo, Barotseland, Northern Solusi Mission Dispensary, Bulawayo,
Rhodesia, Africa. Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Luwazi Mission Dispensary, P. 0. Suji Mission Dispensary, P.O. Maka-
Nkata Bay, Nyasaland, Africa. nya, Tanga Province, Tanganyika,
East Africa.
Majita Mission Dispensary, P.O. Mu-
soma, Tanganyika, East Africa. Tekerani Mission Dispensary, P.O.
Tekerani, Nyasaland, Africa.
Matandani Mission "Dispensary, P.O.
Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasaland, Af- Utimbaru Mission Dispensary, P.O.
rica. Tarime, via Musoma, Tanganyika,
East Africa.
Mbeya Mission Dispensary, P. 0.
Box 99, Mbeya, Southern Highlands, Utiolio Dispensary, Mission Ad-
Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. ventiste Kirundu, D. Sp. Stanley-
ville, Province Orientale, Congo
Musofu Mission Dispensary, Private Belga, Central Africa.
Bag, Ndola, Northern Rhodesia,
Africa. Publishing:
Mwagala Mission Dispensary, P. 0.
Maswa, Via Malampaka, Tangan- Advent Press, Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu,
yika Territory, East Africa. Kenya Colony, East Africa.
Ndora Mission Dispensary, Ndora, Malamulo Press, P. 0. Malamulo,
P.O. Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Nyasaland, Africa.
Belgian East Africa. Sentinel Publishing Co., Rosmead
Ntusu Mission Dispensary, P. 0. Ave., Kenilworth, Cape Province,
Maswa, via Malampaka, Lake Prov- South Africa.
ince, Tanganyika, East Africa.
Rusangu Mission Dispensary, P. 0. Bible Correspondence School:
Mission Siding, Northern Rhodesia, The Voice of Prophecy, Box 88, Cape
Africa. Town, Cape Province, South Africa.
Organized as the India Union Mission, 1910; reorganized 1919
Territory: India, Pakistan, Burma, Cey- Isaiah, A. J. Johanson, M. E. Kem-
lon, and adjacent islands, politically merer, R. S. Lowry, H. H. Mattison,
attached, Afghanistan, Baluchistan, W. H. McHenry, E. M. Meleen, L. G.
Tibet, Nepal, Sikkim, and Bhutan. Mookerjee, N. G. Mookerjee, R. H.
Pierson, A. E. Rawson, C. A. W.
Area: 2,695,257 square miles. Ritchie, L. C. Shepard, E. D. Thomas.
Population: 421,870,928; churches, 218; Credentialed Missionaries:
members, 10,504. C. N. Abraham, Leila A. Baird,
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- Emma Binder, D. G. Bower, N. A.
ventist," Poona. Buxton, J. S. Dason, I. D. Higgins,
Elizabeth J. Hiscox, 0. L. Hoover,
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 15, Poona, S. James, L. J. Larson, Mrs. Bertha
1, India. (Telephones, Poona, 3065 ; Lowry, Rose Meister, J. B. Oliver,
Bombay, 41908.) M. S. Prasada Rao, Joelle E. Rentfro,
Officers: R. E. Rice, Thyra E. Sandberg, J. L.
Shannon, P. H. Shigley, Ina White,
President, R. H. Pierson. B. J. Williams, I. C. Woodward.
Secretary, J. F. Ashlock.
Treasurer and Auditor, M. E. Kem- Licensed Ministers:
merer. W. C. Mackett, Winston McHenry,
Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, J. L. J. Pandit, R. W. Shorter, C. B.
Shannon. Williams.
Assistant Auditor, M. S. Prasada Rao.
Field Secretary, E. D. Thomas. Licensed Missionaries:
Transportation Agent, J. L. Shannon. Mrs. W. L. Barclay, Mrs. D. G.
Division Committee: R. H. Pierson, Bower, Mrs. E. F. Buck, Mrs. Elmira
J. F. Ashlock, W. L. Barclay, E. A. M. Buxton, Mrs. A. Fossey, Mrs. I. D.
Crane, C. B. Guild, I. D. Higgins, A. Higgins, Mrs. W. A. Hilliard, Mrs.
J. Johanson, D. S. Johnson, M. E. 0. L. Hoover, Mrs. A. J. Johanson,
Kemmerer, R. S. Lowry, W. C. C. N. John, Mrs. M. E. Kemmerer,
Mackett, M. 0. Manley, 0. 0. Matti- Mrs. P. Killoway, Christine Kruger,
son, E. M. Meleen, L. G. Mookerjee, Mrs. L. J. Larson, Emma Lehman,
G. A. Nelson, M. S. Prasada Rao, P. A. T. C. Lobo.
A. E. Rawson, R. E. Rice, J. L. Mrs. W. C. Mackett, N. 0. Mat-
Shannon, L. C. Shepard, F. E. Spiess, thews, Mrs. H. H. Mattison, M. M.
E. D. Thomas. McHenry, Mrs. M. M. McHenry, Mrs.
Winston McHenry, Mrs. W. H. Mc-
Departmental Secretaries: Henry, Mrs. E. M. Meleen, Mrs. L.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., R. S. G. Mookerjee, Mrs. N. G. Mookerjee,
Lowry. Mrs. J. B. Oliver, Mrs. M. S. Prasada
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, Rao, Mrs. A. E. Rawson, Mrs. R. E.
and Temperance, W. L. Barclay. Rice, Mrs. N. Ritchie, Mrs. C. A. W.
Medical, G. A. Nelson. Ritchie, Margaret Roelke.
Ministerial, Press Relations, and Ra- W. L. Sharalaya, Mrs. L. C. Shep-
dio, A. E. Rawson. ard, Mrs. P. H. Shigley, Mrs. R. W.
Publishing, A. J. Johanson. Shorter, Ella M. Stoneburner, E.
Religious Liberty, J. F. Ashlock ; As- Streeter, Mrs. E. Streeter, Jessie E.
sociate, L. G. Mookerjee. Wale, Mrs. B. J. Williams, Mrs. I. C.
Woodward, Edna York.
Ordained Ministers: Legal Assn.: "The India Financial As-
J. F. Ashlock, E. T. Austin, W. L. sociation of Seventh-day Adventists."
Barclay, E. F. Buck, G. P. Chussiah, "The Surat Hospital Trust Associa-
W. A. Hilliard, B. A. Howard, G. tion of Seventh-day Adventists."


Organ ized 1919
Territory: Burma, and the Andaman Postal Address: P.O. Box No. 977,
and Nicobar Islands. Rangoon, Burma.
Population: 16,823,798; churches, 22; Officers:
members, 498. President. M. 0. Manley.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, Pein
ventist," Rangoon. Gyi.
Office: 68 U Wisara Road, Rangoon, Executive Committee: M. 0. Manley,
Burma. Ah Chu, Chit Maung, J. F. Hamel,

Kalee Paw, Myat Pe, P. A. Parker, Officers:

Pein Gyi, Pein Yee, Thra Peter, G. President, P. A. Parker.
E. Richardson, Saw U, F. R. Scott, Secretary-Treasurer, Pein Yee.
E. M. Smith, J. 0. Wilson.
Executive Committee: P. A. Parker,
Departmental Secretaries: Aye Maung, Ba Nyein, Myat Pe,
Educational, M. 0. Manley. Myat Po, Pein Yee, Thra Peter.
Home Missionary, Publishing, and Y. Departmental Secretary:
P.M.V., W. 0. Hendley.
Medical, E. M. Smith. Educational, Myat Pe.
Religious Liberty and Sabbath School, Sabbath School, San Chi.
Pein Gyi. Y.P.M.V., Barnabas Peter.
Ordained Ministers: Ordained Ministers:
Myat Po, P. A. Parker, Thra Peter.
Deacon David, J. F. Hamel, M. 0.
Manley, F. R. Scott, Tha Myaing, J. Credentialed Missionary: Myat Pe.
0. Wilson. Licensed Ministers:
Honorary: Ng Hong Boon. Aye Maung, Ba Nyein, Thein Ngwe.
Credentialed Missionaries: Licensed Missionaries:
W. Martin, Pein Gyi, G. E. Richard- Aung Win, Barnabas Peter, Johnnie
son, Saw U, E. M. Smith. Kyaw Thung, Mrs. Myat Pe, Ohn
Licensed Ministers: Myit, Mrs. P. A. Parker, Pein Yee,
L. N. Hare, F. C. Wyman. Pyo Sein, San Che.
Licensed Missionaries: Teacher-Evangelists:
H. David, R. David, Annie L. Gifford, Emma, Ma Thoung Sein, Ma Wine,
Mrs. Gregory, Mrs. J. F. Hamel, Mrs. Mahn San Sha, Maung Twa, Mg
L. N. Hare, W. 0. Hendley, Hilfred Sein, Po Shwe Ngone, Sa U Ni, Sein
Johansen, Kyaw Din, Mrs. M. 0. Chit, Than Yin, Toun Khin, Tun
Manley, Maung Sein, Maung Ywa, Shein.
Nant U, Stephen Peter, Mrs. G. E.
Richardson, Mrs. F. R. Scott, Miss E.
Sparks, Daw Susie, Mrs. J. 0. Wil- TENASSARIM MISSION FIELD
son, Mrs. F. C. Wyman. Territory: Tenassarim District, (exclud-
ing Toungoo District).
Churches: 6 ; members, 346.
CENTRAL AND UPPER BURMA Office Address: Paan P.O., Thaton
MISSION FIELD District, Burma.
Territory: Rangoon City, Hanthawaddy Officers:
and Insein Districts, Central and President, Kalee Paw.
Upper Burma, and Shan States. Secretary-Treasurer, Tun Maung.
Churches: 5 ; members, 341. Executive Committee: Kalee Paw,
Ah Chu, Chit Maung, Ohn Bwint,
Office Address: 68 U Wisara Road, Ran- Thoung See, Tun Maung, Tun Sein.
goon, Burma.
Departmental Secretaries:
Educational, Kalee Paw.
President, M. 0. Manley. Home Missionary, Tun Maung.
Secretary-Treasurer, Pein Gyi. Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., Ah
Executive Committee: Union Mission Chu.
Ordained Ministers:
Licensed Ministers: Chit Maung, Kalee Paw, Ohn Bwint.
Baw Dee, Po Han. Credentialed Missionaries:
Teacher Evangelists: Tun Maung, Tun Sein.
Baw Kho, Ohn Khin, TheM Nay, Licensed Minister: Ah Chu.
Yin Hla Aye.
Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. Ah Chu, Mabel Claw, Maung
Thein, Mg. Chit, Mg. TheM, Myat
IRRAWADDY DELTA MISSION Kyaw, Nant Yennie, Saw Timo, Shwe
FIELD Hliang.
Territory: The Delta, Arakan Division, Teacher-Evangelists:
Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Ah Taw, Mrs. Chit Maung, Kyaw
Churches: 11 ; members, 811. Din 2nd., Kyi Maung, Ma Pyu, Maung
Nee, Naw Lilly, Naw Thein Khin,
Office Address: Myaungmya, Burma. Sein Tun, Tun Hmwe, Tun Meng 2nd.


Organized 1950
Territory: Ceylon, Lacadive and Maldive Executive Committee: Union Mission
Islands: Committee.
Population: 7,323,072 ; churches, 10; Ordained Minister: L. F. Hardin.
members, 366. Licensed Minister: B. D. Juriansz.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
ventist," Colombo. Licensed Missionary: Mrs. L. F. Hardin.
Office Address: 7 Alfred House Gardens, Bible Instructor: C. C. Kurunathan.
Colpetty, Colombo, Ceylon. (Tele-
phone, 8851.)
President, E. A. Crane. Organized 1950
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, R.
S. Fernando. Territory: Northern, North-Central and
Executive Committee: E. A. Crane, North-Western Provinces.
C. S. Cooper, J. M. Fernando, R.S. Population: 1,415,694; church, 1; mem-
Fernando, L. F. Hardin, C. P. Jon- bers, 15.
ahs, E. L. Juriansz, A. R. Pieris, H.
G. Prakasam, A. W. Robinson, E. H. Postal Address: Jaffna, Ceylon.
J. Scott.
Departmental Secretaries:
Book Depot, R. S. Fernando. President, E. A. Crane.
Dorcas Welfare, Mrs. E. A. Crane. Secretary-Treasurer, R. S. Fernando.
Educational, E. L. Juriansz. Executive Committee: Union Mission
Home Missionary and Radio, E. A. Committee.
Press Relations, B. D. Juriansz. Ordained Minister: C. P. Jonahs.
Publishing, E. H. J. Scott.
Religious Liberty, Sabbath School,
and Y.P.M.V., R. S. Fernando.
Alva Appel, E. A. Crane. Organized 1950
Credentialed Missionaries: Territory: Sabaragamawa, Southern,
R. S. Fernando, A. W. Robinson. and Western Provinces.
Licensed Minister: E. L. Juriansz. Population: 3,942,074 ; churches, 7 ;
members, 310.
Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. Alva Appel, Mrs. E. A. Crane, Office Address: 7 Alfred House Gar-
J. M. Fernando, Mrs. R. S. Fernando, dens, Colpetty, Colombo, Ceylon.
Genevieve Marshall, Mrs. A. W. Rob- (Telephone, 8851.)
inson, E. H. J. Scott, D. E. Wijes- Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Co-
inghe. lombo.
P. M. Dason, S. A. de Silva, Mary E.
Fernando, C. K. John, Ralph Juri- President, E. A. Crane.
ansz, James Prakasam, Mrs. E. K. Secretary-Treasurer, R. S. Fernando.
Taylor. Executive Committee: Union Mission
Organized 1950 , C. S. Cooper, A. R. Pieris.
Territory: Central Uva and Eastern
Provinces. Licensed Minister: Y. G. Prakasam.
Population: 1,966,304 ; churches, 2; Licensed Missionaries:
members, 41.
Mrs. C. S. Cooper, Miss H. M. Goona-
Office Address: 536 Peradeniya Road, tileke, B. Pinghe.
Kandy, Ceylon.
Officers: Teacher-Evangelists:
President, E. A. Crane. P. P. Dias, Mrs. E. H. J. Scott, Nal-
Secretary-Treasurer, R. S. Fernando. lammal Storer.


Organized 1919
Territory: Assam, West Bengal, East Office Address: Nongthymmai, Shil-
Pakistan, Bihar, Orissa, Sikkim, Bhu- long, Assam, India.
tan, and part of Nepal.
Area : 325,027 square miles. President, N. 0. Dahlsten.
Population: 126,221,968; churches, 39; Secretary-Treasurer, P. W. Poole.
members, 1,480. Executive Committee: N. 0. Dahlsten,
Mabel V. Broderson, D. S. Laursen,
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- W. G. Lowry, P. W. Poole, R. E.
ventist," Calcutta. Rajee, L. Z. Sailo, Albert Schimke.
Office Address: 36 Park Street, Cal- Departmental Secretaries:
cutta, India. (Telephone P.K. 567.)
Educational, Albert Schimke.
Officers: Home Missionary, R. E. Rajee.
President, F. E. Spiess. Publishing, R. E. Rajee, L. Z. Sailo.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, M. Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., P. W.
Amirtham. Poole.
Executive Committee: F. E. Spiess, Ordained Minister: N. 0. Dahlsten.
M. Amirtham, H. T. Burr, M. G.
Champion, N. 0. Dahlsten, R. N. Licensed Ministers:
Dass, P. C. Gayen, A. W. Howard, D. S. Laursen, R. E. Rajee, Albin
C. B. Israel, J. Japagnanam, C. J. Roy, L. Z. Sailo, Albert Schimke.
Jensen, 0. W. Lange, R. V. Shearer,
W. B. Votaw. Licensed Missionaries:
Mabel V. Broderson, Mrs. N. 0.
Departmental Secretaries: Dahlsten, Clarabelle Laloo, Mrs. D.
Book Depot, G. A. Poole. S. Laursen, P. W. Poole, Ivorene
Educational and Y.P.M.V., 0. W. Rynjah.
Home Missionary, J. Japagnaman. Teacher-Evangelists:
Medical, R. V. Shearer. 0. Gatphoh, A. B. Rynjah, I. Rynjah.
Publishing, T. M. Ashlock.
Radio and Sabbath School, C. B.
Ordained Ministers: Organized 1920
M. G. Champion, F. E. Spiess.
Territory: Bihar.
Creldentialed Missionary: M. Amirtham.
Area: 97,745 square miles.
Licensed Ministers:
Population: 39,550,515 ; churches, 6 ;
T. M. Ashlock, M. M. Ekka, C. B. members, 342.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
Licensed Missionaries: ventist," Ranchi.
Mrs. T. M. Ashlock, Mrs. M. G.
Champion, Edward Gayen, P. N. Postal Address: P.O. Box 4, Ranchi,
Haldar, Mrs. 0. W. Lange, R. V. India.
Shearer, Mrs. R. V. Shearer, M. D. Officers:
Spicer, Mrs. F. E. Spiess.
President, R. J. Borrowdale.
Teacher-Evangelists: Secretary, B. Nowrangi.
Miss M. Bazroy, Miss N. Dass, Miss Treasurer, M. Amirtham.
J. Hembrom, E. Holroyd, Anil Kach- Executive Committee: R. J. Barrow-
chap. dale, Martin Kandulna, I. C. Kujur,
H. Lakra, B. Nowrangi, R. V.
Organized 1935 Departmental Secretaries:
Educational and Y.P.M.V., W. B.
Territory: Assam and Bhutan. Votaw.
Area: 95,014 square miles. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Population: 11,180,000; churches, 6 ; B. Nowrangi.
members, 204. Ordained Ministers:
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- R. J. Borrowdale, B, Nowrangi, W.
ventist Mission," Shillong. B. Votaw.

Licensed Ministers: Officers:

H. Lakra, J. P. Tiru. President, C. J. Jensen.
Licensed Missionaries: Secretary-Treasurer, M. Amirtham.
Mrs. R. J. Barrowdale, Shanti Now- Executive Committee: C. J. Jensen,
rangi, Mrs. W. B. Votaw. M. Amirtham, K. S. Ekka, Barko
Kisku, N. Murmu.
Teacher-Evangelists: Ordained Ministers:
Ohma Ekka, Martin Kandulna, Chan- C. J. Jensen, Barko Kisku.
dra Kujur, Mansidh Tirkey.
Licensed Ministers:
K. S. Ekka, J. Hembrom.
EAST PAKISTAN MISSION FIELD Licensed Missionary: Mrs. C. J. Jensen.
Organized 1919
Territory: East Pakistan. ORISSA MISSION FIELD
Area: 64,100 sq. miles. Organized 1927
Population: 41,000,000; churches, 14;
members, 460. Territory: Orissa.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- Area: 57,392 square miles.
ventist Mission," Gopalganj. Population: 13,369,453 ; church, 1 ;
Office Address: Gopalganj P.O., Farid- members, 29.
pur District, East Pakistan. Office Address: Khurda, Puri District,
Officers: India.
President, R. N. Bass. Officers:
Secretary-Treasurer, P. K. Gayen. President and Secretary, H. T. Burr.
Executive Committee: R. N. Dass, Treasurer, M. Amirtham.
S. N. Arinda, G. C. Baroya, T. C. Executive Committee: H. T. Burr,
Boiragi, C. R. Bala, J. N. Dass, P. M. Amirtham, J. Bozroy, F. E. Spiess.
K. Gayen, S. K. Haldar, U. N. Haldar. Ordained Minister: H. T. Burr.
Departmental Secretaries: Licensed Minister: John Baziroy.
Educational, R. N. Dass. Licensed Missionary: Mrs. H. T. Burr.
Home Missionary, and Sabbath School,
P. K. Gayen.
Ordained Ministers: Organized 1919; reorganized 1939
I. B. Boiragi, T. C. Boiragi, R. N.
Dass, S. K. Haldar, U. N. Haider. Territory: West Bengal, and Sikkim.
Licensed Ministers: Area: 20,776 square miles.
P. K. Gayen, S. C. Madhu, J. N. Population: 21,122,000; churches, 2;
Sircar. members, 141.
Honorary: A. K. Boiragi, P. N. Paroi. Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
ventist," Calcutta.
Licensed Missionaries: Office Address: 36 Park Street, Cal-
S. N. Arinda, C. R. Bala, S. K. cutta, Bengal, India. (Telephone,
Sarkar. P. K. 567.)
Teacher-Evangelists: Officers:
J. N. Dass, S. K. Dass. President, 0. W. Lange.
Secretary-Treasurer, M. Amirtham.
Executive Committee: 0. W. Lange,
NORTHERN FRONTIER MISSION M. Amirtham, R. Carrau, S. N. Dass,
Organized 1939; reorganized 1949 P. C. Gayen.
Churches: 10, members, 304. Ordained Ministers:
Office Address: "Winston," Kalimpong, P. C. Gayen, 0. W. Lange.
Darjeeling, India. Licensed Missionary: Mrs. 0. W. Lange.


Organized 1919; reorganized 1929; 1937; 1942; 1947; 1948.
Territory: East Punjab, United Prov- Population: 87,789,008; churches, 11.
inces, Delhi Province, Rajputana, members, 921.
Kashmir, with connected native Office Address: 76 Queensway, New
States, and part of Nepal. Delhi 1, India.

Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- Provinces north of the Agra Railway
ventist," New Delhi. running from the border of Nepal to
Officers: Barielly and Muttra.
President, Population: 40,000,000; churches, 8;
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, L. members, 715.
E. Allen. Office Address: Mushtaq Manzil, Mora-
Executive Committee: , L. E. dabad, U.P., India.
Allen, I. It Bazliel, Faqir Chand, Officers:
Chandersen, G. B. Hoag, It. F. Ju- President, Chander Sen.
riansz, W. C. Mackett, B. M. Shad, Secretary-Treasurer, S. M. Moses.
E. R. Streeter, T. R. Torkelson.
Executive Committee: Chander Sen,
Departmental Secretaries: L. E. Allen, Dal Chand, Inayat Chand,
Book Depot, R. K. Pandit. Sunder Dass, R. F. Juriansz, S. M.
Educational, E. R. Streeter. Moses.
Home Missionary and Publishing, G. Departmental Secretaries:
B. Hoag.
Sabbath School, Educational, R. F. Juriansz.
Radio and Y.P.M.V., B. M. Shad. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Chander Sen.
Ordained Ministers:
Ordained Ministers:
L. E. Allen, G. B. Hoag, Inayat
Chand, B. M. Shad, E. R. Streeter, Chander Sen, A. Gardner.
F. J. Strunk. Licensed Ministers:
Licensed Ministers: G. D. Bates, Dal Chand, Sunder Dass,
P. E. Howard, W. G. Jenson, David Masih Dayal, Edward Gardner, Hira
Skau. Lall, Nihal Singh, Ram Swaroop,
Francis Wray.
Licensed Missionaries:
I. Bazliel, Mrs. G. B. Hoag, R. F. Licensed Missionaries:
Juriansz, Hidayat Kahn, S. M. Moses, A. Frank, B. S. Gilbert, K. L. Singh,
L. D. Paul, J. M. Salik, Mrs. David Nirmal Singh.
Skau, Mrs. E. R. Streeter, Mrs. F. J.
Honorary: Vera Chilton. SOUTH UNITED PROVINCES
Territory: That portion of the United
EAST PUNJAB MISSION FIELD Provinces south of the railway from
Organized 1942; reorganized 1948 the border of Nepal to Barielly and
Aggra, including the Kumoan Hills.
Territory: East Punjab. Population: 17,000,000 ; churches, 2 ;
Church: 1 ; members, 149. members, 57.
Office Address: 65 The Mall, Jullundur Office Address: 17 Abbott Road, Luck-
Cantt., East Punjab, India. now, U.P., India.
Officers: Officers:
President, Faqir Chand.
Secretary-Treasurer, L. E. Allen. President, T. R. Torkelson.
Secretary-Treasurer, L. E. Allen.
Executive Committee: Faqir Chand,
L. E. Allen, Makhan Chand, Harnam Executive Committee: T. R. Torkel-
Dass, C. Samuel, E. R. Streeter. son, L. E. Allen, D. Jackson, H. M.
Lamb, J. Martin, W. H. Mattison.
Ordained Minister: Faqir Chand.
Ordained Minister: T. R. Torkelson.
Licensed Ministers:
Licensed Missionaries:
Organized 1919; reorganized 1937
1942, and 1947 D. Jackson, Mrs. D. Jackson, J.
Martin, R. M. Massey, Mrs. W. H.
Territory: That portion of the United Mattison, Mrs. T. R. Torkelson.


Organized 1919
Territory: The Madras Presidency with are allied thereto by languages, and
its neighboring native states, includ- the Dharwar and North Kanara dis-
ing such parts of Hyderabad State as tricts of the Bombay Presidency.

Population: 75,412,090 ; churches, 105; KANARESE MISSION FIELD

members, 4,536.
Organized 1937
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
ventist," Bangalore. Territory: Mysore State, North and
South Coorg, Dharwar, Kollegal Ta-
Office: 9 Cunningham Road, Banga- ink, Doddogazanur, and that portion
lore 1, India. (Telephone, No. 265 of North Kanara not included in
Bangalore.) Western India.
Postal Address: P.O. Box 20, Bangalore, Population: 9,139,039 ; churches, 7 ;
India. members, 416.
Officers: Office Address: 3071 Yadavagiri Ext.
President, 0. 0. Mattison. Road, Mohulla, Mysore City, India.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, D. Officers:
0. Calkins.
Assistant Treasurer, S. John. President, R. H. Shepard.
Secretary-Treasurer, D. 0. Calkins.
Executive Committee: 0. 0. Mattison,
R. H. Broderson, D. 0. Calkins, A. Executive Committee: R. H. Shepard,
F. Jessen, S. John, V. D. Koilpillai, D. 0. Calkins, M. K. Samuel, E. L.
C. Moses, I. K. Moses, J. B. Oliver, Sorensen, H. A. Walls, J. D. Wesley.
H. E. Preston, E. S. Eswar Rao, R. Departmental Secretaries:
H. Shepard, E. L. Sorenson, W. F.
Storz, S. Thomas, H. A. Walls. Educational and Y.P.M.V., H. A.
Departmental Secretaries: Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Book Depot, T. Prakasam. R. H. Shepard.
Dorcas and Home Commission, Mrs. Publishing, M. K. Samuel.
0. 0. Mattison. Ordained Minister: E. L. Sorensen.
Educational, and Y.P.M.V., H. A.
Walls. Licensed Ministers:
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, J. P. Masilamoni, V. Navarathnam,
I. K. Moses, It. H. Shepard.
Medical, J. B. Oliver.
Publishing, H. E. Preston. Licensed Missionaries:
Radio, S. Thomas. R. Daniel, J. S. Moses, R. Y. Phra-
Religious Liberty and Temperance, bakar, M. K. Samuel, R. Sathyasee-
0. 0. Mattison. lappa, Mrs. R. H. Shepard, J. D.
Ordained Ministers:
G. Gurugatham, 0. 0. Mattison, 0. A. Teacher-Evangelists:
Skau, S. Thomas. M. Abraham, K. M. John.
Honorary: 0. W. Nolda.
Credentialed Missionaries: NORTH KERALA MISSION FIELD
G. A. Anandam, D. 0. Calkins, S.
John, T. Prakasam. Organized 1920; reorganized 1942;
reorganized 1949
Licensed Ministers:
Territory: State of Cochin, North and
Y. Abraham, I. K. Moses, H. E. Pres- South Malabar and South Kanara
ton, R. L. Rowe, H. A. Walls. Districts.
Licensed Missionaries: Population: 6,875,816 ; churches, 2 ;
T. V. Chacko, H. R. H. DeJong, members, 76.
Mrs. L. C. Janes, Mrs. N. Martins,
Mrs. 0. 0. Mattison, Mrs. H. E. Office Address: S. Tellicherry, Malabar,
Preston, I. Sandananda Rao, Mrs. R. South India.
L. Rowe, E. N. Simon, Mrs. 0. A.
Skau, Mrs. E. L. Sorensen, W. G. Officers :
Thomas, Mrs. H. A. Walls. President, W. F. Storz,
Secretary-Treasurer, D. 0. Calkins.
Honorary: Mrs. 0. W. Nolda.
Executive Committee: W. F. Storz,
Teacher-Evangelists: D. 0. Calkins, J. V. Jacob, A. Joseph,
S. Anbiah, I. Chelliah, W. Egan, P. K. P. Kurian, P. T. Paul, T. M.
I. Elikutty, L. C. George, Miss I. Sigamony.
Ingayam, K. Israel, A. D. Jackson, Departmental Secretaries:
S. Jesudass, D. John, A. D. Jonathan,
0. B. Jonathan, R. Koilpillai, M. Educational, H. A. Walls.
Luke, P. Paul, N. Y. Ponniah, T. Home Missionary, V. T. Thomas.
Paul Raj, Robert Sam Raj, A. S. Publishing, A. Joseph.
Rice, L. C. Samuel, Miss R. Samuel, Radio and Sabbath School, T. V.
G. Vedamoney, J. Veloo-Pillai. Zachariah.

Ordained Ministers: Officers:

J. V. Jacob, S. Nathaniel, W. F. President, E. S. Eswar Rao.
Storz. Secretary-Treasurer,
Licensed Ministers: Executive Committee: E. S. Eswar
Rao, P. Asirvatham, N. V. Jesudas,
K. P. Kurian, T. M. Sigamony, V. T. J. B. Oliver, R. S. P. Rao, I. Subhush-
Thomas, T. V. Zachariah. anam.
Licensed Missionaries: Departmental Secretaries:
M. J. Ahimaz, P. T. Paul, Mrs. W. Dorcas and Home Commission, Mrs.
F. Storz. E. S. Eswar Rao.
Educational, G. A. Anandam.
Home Missionary, E. S. Eswar Rao.
NORTH TAMIL MISSION FIELD Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., N. V.
Organized 1920; reorganized 1942; 1949
Ordained Ministers:
Territory: North and South Arcot, M. Benjamin, M. P. Daniel, E. S.
Chingleput, Coimbatore (excluding the Eswar Rao.
Kanarese language sections), Karai-
kal, Nilgiri Hills, Pondicherry, Ram- Honorary: P. J. Kelly, M. Prakasam.
nad, Salem, Tanjore, Trichinopoly, Licensed Ministers:
Population: 15,870,423 ; churches, 8 ; J. C. David, P. Jacob, N. V. Jesudas,
members, 445. M. B. Laban, R. S. P. Rao, G. N.
Solomon, K. Solomon, I. Subhusha-
Office Address: 1127 Anthumanthai nam, N. Subramaniam.
Street, Tanjore, South India.
Honorary: G. C. Joseph.
Officers: Licensed Missionaries:
President, C. Moses. P. Devadanam, K. Elijah, P. Lazarus,
Secretary-Treasurer, D. Henry. R. I. Mathew, L. S. Philip, P. Prab-
Executive Committee: C. Moses, G. hudas, D. Samuel, K. Sathyanandam.
Gurubatham, D. Henry, D. M. Joshua, Teacher-Evangelists:
A. D. Pillai, W. G. Thomas, E. D.
Willmott. M. Devashayam, Ch. Jaganadam, M.
Jeevarathnam, Ch. Krupavaram, G.
Departmental Secretaries: Prasada Rao, K. J. P. Rao, P. Raja
Educational, 0. S. 'Matthews. Rao.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
and Y.P.M.V., D. Henry.
Radio, C. Moses. Organized 1920; reorganized 1942; 1949
Ordained Ministers: Territory: Trivandrum political division,
C. Moses, S. Selvanayagam, E. D. with the exception of that territory
Willmott. included in the Tamil Missions.
Honorary: A. M. Jesudawson. Population: 5,370,018 ; churches, 28 ;
Licensed Ministers: members, 990.
V. D. Edward, K. Joseph, Gabriel Office Address: Sadanandapuram, A.O.,
Matthew, N. Rathnaswamy. Kottarakara, P.O., Travancore, South
Licensed Missionaries: Officers:
D. Henry, S. Issac, Mrs. E. D. Will- President, A. F. Jessen.
mott. Secretary-Treasurer, P. S. Johnson.
Executive Committee: A. F. Jessen,
J. Gabriel, P. G. Ididiandi, P. S.
NORTH TELUGU MISSION FIELD Johnson, A. Joseph, P. C. Mathew.
Organized 1920; reorganized 1942; 1949 Departmental Secretaries:
Territory: East and West Godavari Educational, A. F. Jessen.
Districts, and all territory north to Home Missionary and Radio, L. C.
Orissa, including the Districts of Charles.
Kistna, Warangol, Karimnagar, and Publishing, A. Joseph.
Padilabad. Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., P. S.
Population: 9,832,189; churches, 30; Ordained Ministers:
members, 1,555.
M. Bhaggian, L. C. Charles, A. C.
Office Address: Nuzvid P.O., Kistna Jacob, A. F. Jessen, J. Joshua, S.
District, South India. Nallathamby, K. S. Peter.

Licensed Ministers: Licensed Missionaries:

J. Gabriel, M. J. Laban. S. Anbiah, D. David, W. M. Isaac,
Licensed Missionaries: J. P. Masilmamoney, S. Seenivasa-
gam, S. Vedanayagam.
G. Dhermadass, Mrs. A. F. Jessen,
P. S. Johnson, T. M. Joseph, Mrs. D. Teacher-Evangelists:
Mary, Al: C. Moses, J. Paul, A. William Gore, S. Sundaram, D. P.
Shadreck, P. J. Theophilus. Thomas.
Teacher-Evangelist: K. J. Matthew.


Organized 1920; reorganized 1942; 1949
Organized 1920; reorganized 1942; 1949
Territory: Districts of Guntar, Nellore,
Territory: Tinnevelly, Madura, Ramnad Chittur, Cudappah, Kurnool, Anan-
and Tanjore Districts with the previ- thapur, Bellary, and the major part
ous Pudukottah State now annexed of Hyderabad State.
to Trichinopoly District, and that por-
tion of South Travancore south of Population: 17,952,115; churches, 2 ;
Kulitara River. members, 119.
Population: 10,372,490 ; churches, 28 ; Office Address: Nellore, South India.
members, 935. Officers:
Office Address: "Foi Cotta," Palamcot- President, R. H. Broderson.
tah, Tinnevelly District, South India. Secretary-Treasurer, K. P. Jeevara-
Officers: thanam.
President, V. D. Koilpillai. Executive Committee: R. H. Broder-
Secretary-Treasurer, D. David. son, G. A. Anandam, K. P. Jeevara-
Executive Committee: V. D. Koilpil thanam, B. S. Moses, R. J. Moses,
lai, D. David, J. V. Henry, A. Man- E. S. Sudarsanam, E. N. William.
uel, 0. S. Matthews, Job Miller, Y. Departmental Secretaries:
G. Thomas, A. Yesudian.
Educational, G. A. Anandam.
Departmental Secretaries: Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
Educational and Y.P.M.V., i 0. S. and Y.P.M.V., K. P. Jeevarathanam.
Matthews. Publishing, F. S. Sudarsanam.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
D. David. Ordained Ministers:
Publishing, S. Anbiah. R. H. Broderson, R. J. Moses, E.
Radio, V. D. Koilpillai. N. William.
Ordained Ministers: Licensed Ministers:
P. K. David, C. John, V. D. Koilpil- K. J. Jesudass, B. S. Moses, E. S.
lai, Y. G. Thomas, N. Vinayagam. Sudarsanam.
Licensed Ministers:
Licensed Missionaries:
S. K. Arumainayagam, D. Gnana-
sundaram, A, Manuel, Job Miller, Mrs. R. H. Broderson, K. P. Jeevara-
G. A. Yesudian. thanam, P. Moses.


Organized 1929: reorganized 1937, 1941, and 1945

Territory: Bombay Presidency (except- Postal Address: P.O. Box No. 4565,
ing North Kanara and Dharvar Dis- Bombay, India.
trict) the parts of Hyderabad State
related thereto by language; Central Officers:
India, Central Provinces with related President, C. B. Guild.
native states, and Goa. Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, R.
Population: 73,228,000; churches, 18; L. Juriansz.
members, 786. Executive Committee: C. B. Guild, R.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- L. Juriansz, A. Fossey, D. S. Harris,
ventist," Bombay. S. L. Khandagle, W. J. McHenry,
Office: 16 Club Road, Byculla, Bombay M. D. Moses, S. S. Pandit, Jr., R. J.
8, India. (Telephone, Bombay 41908.) Ritchie.

Departmental Secretaries: Postal Address: P.O. Box 4565, Bombay,

Dorcas, Home Commission and Sab- India.
bath School, Mrs. C. B. Guild. Officers:
Educational, Radio, and Y.P.M.V., President, R. J. Ritchie.
W. J. McHenry. Secretary-Treasurer, R. L. Juriansz.
Home Missionary and Publishing,
A. C. Lamb. Executive Committee: R. J. Ritchie,
S. B. Gaikwad, I. D. Higgins, R. L.
Ordained Ministers: Juriansz, W. H. McHenry.
C. B. Guild, W. J. McHenry. Ordained Minister: R. J. Ritchie.
Licensed Missionaries: Licensed Ministers:
G. H. Edwards, Mrs. C. B. Guild, R. S. B. Gaikwad, W. Moses.
L. Juriansz, S. Kamble, A. C. Lamb,
Mrs. W. J. McHenry, C. A. Rodgers, Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. C. A. Rodgers. S. B. Devade, J. P. Fajage, E.
James, Mrs. P.A.T.C. Lobo.


Territory: Central Provinces and Cen-
tral India Agency. Territory: Districts of Nasik, East and
West Khandesh, Aurangabad, Ahmed-
Churches: 2; members, 53. nagar, Berar, Parbhani, Nander, Ni-
zamabad, Shir.
Office Address: 677 Clarke Town Civil
Lines, Nagpur, Central Provinces, Churches: 3 ; members, 146.
India. Office Address: Lasalgaon, Nasik Dis-
Officers: trict, India.
President, C. B. Guild. Officers:
Secretary-Treasurer, R. L. Juriansz. President, M. D. Moses.
Executive Committee: The Union Mis- Secretary-Treasurer, P. M. Thomas.
sion Executive Committee. Executive Committee: M. D. Moses,
Ordained Minister: D. S. Harris. B. J. Hivale, W. J. McHenry, V. P.
Muthiah, P. M. Thomas.
Licensed Minister: C. R. Holford.
Credentialed Missionary: H. C. Lamb. Departmental Secretaries:
Educational, Radio, and Y.P.M.V.,
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. D. S. Harris. M. D. Moses.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
P. M. Thomas,
GUJERAT MISSION Ordained Ministers:
M. D. Moses, V. P. Muthiah.
Territory: Cutch, Kathiawar and all
Gujerat States and Territories. Licensed Minister: B. J. Hivale.
Church: 1 ; members, 30. Licensed Missionaries:
Office Address: Nanpura, Surat, India. U. R. Anando Rao, Gracebai Bhakre,
D. P. Borge, B. S. Kakade, D. P.
Director: A. Fossey. Kate, Mrs. D. N. Ohal.
Executive Committee: The Union Mis-
sion Executive Committee.
Ordained Minister: A. Fossey.
Licensed Minister: P. R. Phasge. Territory: Districts of Belgaurn, Bija-
pur, Gulbarga, Ratnagiri, Satara, and
States of Goa, Kolhapur, Jath, Mund-
CENTRAL MARATHI MISSION Churches: 5; members, 180.
Office Address: Hatkanagle P.O. Kol-
Territory: Districts of Bider, Kolaba, hapur District, India.
Osmanabad, Poona, Sholapur, and
Thana, and States of Akalkot, Bhor, Officers:
Janjira, Jawhar, Phaltan. President, S. L. Khandagle.
Secretary-Treasurer, A. M. Tudu.
Churches: 7; members, 377.
Executive Committee: S. L. Khan-
Office: 16 Club Road, Byculla, Bom- dagle, S. P. Engles, B. H. Kale, S. S.
bay 8, India. Pandit, Jr., A. M. Tudu.

Departmental Secretaries: Licensed Minister: S. P. Engles.

Educational, Radio, and Sabbath
School, S. L. Khandagle. Licensed Missionaries:
Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., S. B. H. Kale, B. P. Nade, S. S. Pandit,
P. Engles. Jr., Mrs. S. S. Pandit, Jr., S. S.
Ordained Minister: S. L. Khandagle. Pandit, Sr., Hanabai Ranade.


Organized 1949

Territory: West Punjab, Northwest CENTRAL PUNJAB MISSION

Frontier Provinces, Sind, Afghan- Organized 1945
istan, Baluchistan, Kashmir, with
connected native states. Territory: Part of Punjab Province
and Bahawalpur State.
Population: 35,072,992; churches, 13;
members, 917. Churches: 4 ; members, 223.
Office Address: 48 Lawrence Road, La-
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- hore, Pakistan.
ventist," Lahore.
Office: 32 Mozang Road, Lahore, Pa- President, Munshi Ram.
kistan. Secretary-Treasurer, S. Rai.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box No. 32, Executive Committee: Munshi Ram,
Lahore, Pakistan. Barkat Masih, N. E. Bolst, A. A.
Ditta, R. A. Ditta, D. S. Johnson, S.
Officers: Rai.
President, D. S. Johnson. Departmental Secretaries:
Secretary-Treasurer, N. R. Fouts.
Executive Committee: D. S. Johnson, Educational, N. E. Bolst.
A. M. Akbar, H. C. Alexander, N. E. Home Missionary, Sabbath School and
Bolst, K. S. Brown, N. R. Fouts, C. Y.P.M.V., Munshi Ram.
H. Hamel, S. Rai, Munshi Ram, F. Radio, A. A. Ditta.
M. Sajid, R. G. Ubbink. Ordained Ministers:
Departmental Secretaries: N. E. Hoist, Munshi Ram.
Book Depot, Mrs. J. M. Bo1st (Act- Credentialed Missionary: Qamar Din.
ing). Licensed Ministers:
Dorcas, Home Commission, and Sab- R. A. Ditta, Barkat Masih.
bath School, Mrs. D. S. Johnson.
Educational, D. S. Johnson. Licensed Missionaries:
Home Missionary, C. H. Hamel. Daniel, R. M. Khan.
Publishing, J. M. Khan (Acting).
Y.P.M.V., S. Rai.
Ordained Minister: D. S. Johnson. NORTHWEST FRONTIER MISSION
Credentialed Missionaries: Organized 1948
H. C. Alexander, R. H. Dunn, N. R. Territory: Northwest Frontier Prov-
Fouts, S. Rai, R. E. Rothe, R. G. inces, Kashmir, Afghanistan and ter-
Ubbink. ritory lying north of the Jhelum
Licensed Ministers: where it crosses the Kashmir border
to Kushab and across to Khundian
J. M. Khan, B. M. Victor. and the Indus River.
Licensed Missionaries: Churches: 2; members, 36.
Mrs. H. C. Alexander, A. A. Ditta, Office Address: 3 Cavagnarie Road,
Mrs. R. H. Dunn, Mrs. N. R. Fouts, Peshawar, Northwest Frontier Prov-
D. C. Hunter, Mrs. D. S. Johnson, inces; Pakistan.
Mrs. R. E. Rothe, Mrs. R. G. Ubbink, Officers:
M. B. Worsley.
President, C. H. Hamel.
Teacher-Evangelists: . Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. C. H.
Miss D. Chand, Shariff Din, D. C. Hamel.
Hunter, B. M. Khan, Iqbal Masih, R. Executive Committee: Union Mission
Peter. Committee.

Ordained Ministers: Bangalore Middle Day School, S.D.A.

A. M. Akbar, Hakim Din, C. H. Mission School, 3 Spencer Road.
Hamel. Cleveland Town, Bangalore, India.
Hapur Elementary Boarding School,
Licensed Minister: K. S. Brown. Hapur, U.P., India.
Licensed Missionaries: Mrs. K. S. Hatkanagle Elementary Boarding
Brown, Mrs. C. H. Hamel. School, Hatkanagle, Kolhapur Dis-
trict, India.
James Secondary Boarding School,
SIND MISSION Prakasapuram, Tinnevelly District,
South India.
Organized 1937
Kellogg-Mookerjee High School,
Territory: Sind Province. Jalirpar, Faridpur District, East
Churches: 2 ; members, 57. Pakistan.
Khunti Elementary Boarding School,
Office Address: 91 Depot Lines, Karachi, Khunti, Ranchi District, India.
Kottarakara Secondary Boarding
Officers: School, Kottarakara, Travancore,
President, R. G. Ubbink (Acting). South India.
Secretary-Treasurer, N. R. Fouts. Kottawa Secondary Boarding School,
Executive Committee: Union Mission Kottawa, Pannipitiya, Ceylon.
Committee. Lasalgaon Elementary Boarding
Ordained Minister: W. H. McGhee. School, Lasalgaon, Nasik District,
Credentialed Missionary: G. A. Nelson.
Lowry Memorial Secondary Boarding
Licensed Minister: Sultan Ahmed. School, Krishnarajapuram, Banga-
Licensed Missionaries: lore District, South India.
Mrs. W. H. McGhee, Mrs. G. A. Myaungmya High Boarding School,
Nelson. Myaungmya, Burma.
Narsapur Secondary Boarding School,
WEST PUNJAB MISSION Narsapur, West Godavari District,
South India.
Organized 1942
Ohn Daw Elementary Boarding School,
Territory: Part of Punjab Province. Ohn Daw, Shwegon P. 0., Thaton
Churches: 5 ; members, 601. District, Burma.
Office Address: Chichoki Mallian, Sheik- Raymond Memorial Training School,
hupura District, Pakistan. Falakata P.O., Jalpaiguri District,
Officers: India.
President, F. M. Sajid. Roorkee Secondary Boarding School,
Secretary-Treasurer, S. Rai. The Retreat, Roorkee, IL P., India.
Executive Committee: F. M. Sajid, Spicer Missionary College, Aundt
H. C. Alexander, Allah Ditta, Ghulam Road, Kirkee, near Poona, India.
Masih, Prem Masih, M. B. Worsley. Vincent Hill College, Muasoorie, U. P.,
Departmental Secretaries: India.
Educational, H. C. Alexander. West Pakistan Union High School,
Sabbath School, F. M. Sajid. Chuharkana Mandi, Sheikhupura
Ordained Ministers: District, Pakistan.
Viru Mall, B. Peter, F. M. Sajid. Medical:
Licensed Ministers: Sanitariums and Hospitals
Jande Khan, Mengha Mall, Ghulam Chuharkana Mission Hospital-Dispen-
Masih, Prem Masili. sary, Chuharkana Mandi, Sheikhu-
Licensed Missionaries: pura District, Pakistan.
Allah Ditta, Moghul Khan, Labbu Giffard Mission Hospital of S. D. A.,
Mall, Fazal Masih, Inayat Masih. Nuzvid, Kistna District, South In-
Teacher-Evangelist: Samuel Victor. dia.
Gopalganj Mission Hospital, S.D.A.
Mission Hospital, Gopalganj, Farid-
INSTITUTIONS IN SOUTHERN pur District, Bengal India. (Oper-
ASIA DIVISION ating temporarily as dispensary.)
Educational: Karachi Seventh-day Adventist Hos-
Assam Training School Jowai, Ship pital, 91 Depot Lines, Karachi, Pa-
long P.O., Assam, India. kistan.

Nalwazhi Clinic, 3 Birds Road, Tri- Chuadanga Dispensary, Chuadanga,

chinopoly Cantt., India. Kustia District, Pakistan.
Ranchi Hospital, P.O. Box No. 4, Hapur Dispensary, Hapur, Meerut
Ranchi, B.N. Rly., Bihar, India. District, India.
Rangoon Mission Hospital of S.D.A., Jalirpar Mission Dispensary, Jalirpar
67 Signal Pagoda Road, Rangoon, P.O., Faridpur District, Bengal,
Burma. Pakistan.
Simla Sanitarium and Hospital, Car- Myaungmya Dispensary, Mosokwin
ton House, Simla 4, India. Rd., Myaungmya, Burma.
Surat Mission Hospital, Surat, Bom-
bay Presidency, India. Publishing:
Dispensaries Kinsaung Publishing House, P. 0.
Box No. 977, Rangoon, Burma.
Buruabari Dispensary, Buruabari,
P.O. Radhaganj, Faridpur District, Oriental Watchman Publishing House,
Pakistan. Salisbury Park, Poona, India.
Organized 1928
Territory: Switzerland, Liechtenstein, H. Pichot, P. Tissot, I. Schneebauer,
France, Monaco, Belgium, Luxem- 0. Schuberth, A. Vaucher, Ch. Wehrli.
burg, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hun-
gary, Spain, Andorra, Portugal, Italy, Departmental Secretaries:
Vatican State, San Marino, Yugo- Educational, 0. Schuberth.
slavia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Greece, Al- Home Missionary, F. Charpiot; As-
geria, Tunisia, Morocco, Tangier, Rio sistant, A. D. Gomes.
de Oro, Mauritania, Senegal, French Medical,
Sudan, French Niger, French Guinea, Ministerial, A. Meyer.
French Cameroons, Chad, Ubangi, Press Relations and Radio, M. Fridlin.
Shari, Middle Congo, Gabon, Portu- Publishing and Temperance, F. Char-
guese Guinea, the Azores Islands, Ma- piot.
deira, Canary Islands, Cape Verde Religious Liberty, J. Nussbaum, 49
Islands, St. Thomas, Angola, Portu- avenue de la Grande Armee, Paris,
guese East Africa, Spanish Guinea, 16, France; Assistant, J. J. Aitken.
Fernando-Po, Madagascar, Reunion, Sabbath School, A. D. Gomes.
Mauritius and Dependencies, the Sey- Y.P.M.V., J. J. Aitken.
chelles Islands, Comoro Islands ; com-
prising the Austrian, Czechoslovakian, Transportation: 0. Ganty, 8, Rue de
Franco-Belgian, Hungarian, Ruma- Chantilly, Paris 9e, France. (Tele-
nian, Swiss, and Yugoslavian Union phone, Trudaine 73.38.)
Conferences ; Angola, French West Ordained Ministers:
and Equatorial African, Indian
Ocean, Italian, North African, and J. J. Aitken, W. R. Beach, R. Ber-
Portuguese Union Missions; Bul- meilly, E. Bertalot, F. Charpiot, C.
garian, Grecian, Portuguese East Af- Comiot, M. Fridlin, R. Gerber, A. D.
rica, and Spanish Missions. Gomes, R. Guenin, G. Haberey. A.
Meyer, 0. Schuberth, P. Steiner, A.
Population: 260,514,249 ; churches, 1,- Vaucher.
385 ; members, 72,045.
Credentialed Missionaries:
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
vent," Berne. (Telephone, 4.91.71.) R. Erdmann, R. Fasnacht, 0. Ganty,
P. Tissot, D. Toureille, Ch. Wehrli.
Office Address: Hoheweg 17, Berne,
Switzerland. Licensed Ministers:
J. Nussbaum, Ch. Rihs.
President, W. R. Beach. Licensed Missionaries:
Secretary, M. Fridlin. J. Abot, J. P. Aeschlimann, Simone
Treasurer, R. Gerber; Assistant, P. Benezech, Esther Benton, E. Bernard,
Tissot. Mrs. E. Bertalot, Christiane Birckel,
Auditor, G. Haberey. A. Buser, Doris Chapellier, Mrs. F.
Field Secretaries, A. D. Gomes, 0. Charpiot, Lille Eppner, Lydie Erd-
Schuberth. mann, Esther Fenz, R. Guy, Mrs. L.
Division Committee: W. R. Beach, Harlet, Mrs. M. Hessloehl, Erna Ihlen-
J. J. Aitken, L. Beer, J. A. de Caenel, burg, A. Jordan, R. Klaschwitz,
F. Charpiot, J. Doubraysky, R. Erd- Gretly Krebs, Jeanne Marty, Odette
mann, E. Ferreira, D. Flores, M. Mathey, Isabelle Meyer, B. Paschku-
Fridlin, R. Gerber, P. Girard, A. D. lew, Anny Tissot.
Gomes, J. C. Guenin, G. Haberey, F. Legal Assn.: Societe Philanthropique de
Lavenchy, A. Lorencin, A. Meyer, la Ligniere, Gland (Vaud), Switzer-
L. Michnay, H. Muller, J. Nussbaum, land.


Organized 1925
Territory: Angola (Portuguese West Postal Address: Caixa Postal No. 3,
Africa). Nova Lisboa, Angola, Portuguese
Area: 510,670 square miles. West Africa.
Population: 4,200,000; churches, 30; Officers:
members, 3,839 ; total adherents, 7,- President, M. Lourinho.
017. Secretary-Treasurer, E. L. Jewell.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- Executive Committee: M. Lourinho,
ventista," Nova Lisboa, Angola. A, M. Candelas, E. V. Hermanson,

E. L. Jewell, R. B. Parsons, A. J. Lucusse Mission Station

Rodrigues, B. E. Sparrow. Office Address: Posto do Lucusse, via
Departmental Secretaries: Vila Luso, Angola, Portuguese West
Educational, Sabbath School, and Africa.
Y.P.M.V., B. E. Sparrow. Director: A. C. Lopes.
Medical, R. B. Parsons.
Ordained Minister: Isaias Goncalves.
Ordained Ministers:
Licensed Missionaries:
M. Lourinho, A. J. Rodrigues, B. E.
Sparrow. A. C. Lopes, Mrs. A. C. Lopes.
Licensed Minister: E. L. Jewell.
Licensed Missionaries: Luz Mission Station
Mrs. A. J. Rodrigues, Mrs. B. E. Postal Address: Caixa Postal, No. 38,
Sparrow. Vila Luso, Angola, Portuguese West
Bongo Mission Station Director: E. V. Hermanson.
Office Address: Lepi, Angola, Portu- Ordained Ministers:
guese West Africa. E. V. Hermanson, Eduardo Machai,
Leonardo Mines, Jeremias Minganjo.
Director: Licensed Minister: M. S. Castro.
Ordained Ministers: Licensed Missionaries:
Mario Abel, R. B. Parsons. Mrs. M. S. Castro, Mrs. E. V. Her-
Licensed Ministers:
A. J. S. Casaca, Leonardo Chicondo. Namba Mission Station
Licensed Missionaries: Postal Address: Caixa Postal, No. 33,
Mrs. A. J. S. Casaca, V. Chaves, Vila Luso, Angola, Portuguese West
Mrs. V. Chaves, Jose de Sa, Mrs. Africa.
Jose de Sa, Mrs. E. L. Jewell, Ruth Director: 0. Nell.
Johnson, Mrs. It. B. Parsons, A. N.
Pires, Mrs. A. N. Pires, Ruby Visser. Ordained Minister: Herculano de Castro.
Teachers: Licensed Ministers:
Mario Abel, Rodrigues Cesar, Rai- Avelino Chopi, Carlos Sequeseque.
mundo Chingolo, Paulino Dias, Jose
Estevao, Jose Fernando, Rode Mala-
quias, Samuel Sequeira. Ovimbundu Outschools
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 3, Nova
Lisboa, Angola, Portuguese West Af-
Cuale Mission Station rica.
Office Address: Duque de Braganca, Director: 0. Nell.
Districto do Malange, Angola, Portu- Ordained Ministers:
guese West Africa.
Alberto Chacussanga, Venancio Chi-
Director: A. M. Candeias. popa.
Ordained Ministers: Licensed Ministers:
Diniz Capinala, Pedro Freitas. Pedro Cavita, C. J. Chico, Chi-
Licensed Minister: A. M. Candeias. parica Chiquete, Eduardo Gando, Sil-
vino Goncalves, 0. Nell.
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. A. M. Can-
deias. Licensed Missionary: Mrs. 0. Nell.


Organized 1947

Territory: Vienna, Lower Austria, Up- Office Address: Nussdorferstrasse 5,

per Austria, Burgenland, Salzburg, Vienna IX, Austria. (Telephone,
Tirol, Styria, Carinthia, Vorarlberg.
Population : 7,057,000 ; churches, 39 ; President, L. Schneebauer.
members, 2,558. Secretary-Treasurer, J. Lackner.

Executive Committee: L. Schneebauer, Publishing, F. Stronegger.

K. Fischbacher, R. Grabner, W. Kass- Y.P.M.V., 0. Uebersax.
mann, J. Lackner, F. Pfingstl, F. Ordained Ministers:
Pieringer, H. Schnoetzinger, F.
Svrcek, R. Ueberbacher, 0. Uebersax. M. Dreschsler, K. Fischbacher, K.
Fleck, W. Lesovsky, F. Lubschina, H.
Departmental Secretaries: Schnoetzinger, A. Wegener.
Educational, F. Pieringer. Licensed Missidnaries:
Home Missionary, 11. Schnoetzinger.
Press Relations, Radio, and Religious W. Kassmann, F. Stronegger.
Liberty, K. Fischbacher. Bible Instructors:
Publishing, R. Grabner. Martha Herrmann, E. Herrnstein.
Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., 0.
Ordained Ministers:
F. Pieringer, L. Schneebauer, 0. DANUBE CONFERENCE
Uebersax. Organized 1947
Credentialed Missionaries: Territory: Vienna, Lower Austria, Up-
R. Grabner, J. Lackner, R. Ueber- per Austria, Burgenland.
bacher. Population: 5,057,000; churches, 20;
Licensed Missionaries: members, 1,433.
Maria Rollett, Traude Schneebauer. Office Address: Nussdorferstrasee 5,
Vienna IX, Austria. (Telephone,
Organized 1947 President, H. SchnoetZinger.
Secretary-Treasurer, J. Lackner.
Territory: Salzburg, Tirol, Styria, Ca-
rinthia, Vorarlberg. Executive Committee: L. Schneebauer,
Th. Erbes, J. Lackner, R. Lohner, M.
Population : 2,000,000 ; churches, 19 ; Schwab, P. Voltscheff, A. Weiss.
members, 1,125.
Office Address: Freumbichlerweg 22, Departmental Secretaries:
Salzburg, Austria. (Telephone, 6-81- Educational, F. Pieringer.
84.) Home Missionary, F. A. Gratz.
Publishing, R. Grabner.
Officers: Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., 0.
President, H. Schnoetzinger. Uebersax.
Secretary-Treasurer, W. Kassmann. Ordained Ministers:
Executive Committee: H. Schnoet- Th. Erbes, F. A. Gratz, E. Kiepe, 0.
zinger, W. Kassmann, A. Kusterle, Lenzi, R. Lohner, F. Pfingstl, M.
E. V. Peisser, F. Pieringer, A. Wege-
ner. Schwab.
Licensed Ministers:
Departmental Secretaries:
W. Aigner, A. Schleicher.
Educational, F. Pieringer.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Licensed Missionaries:
H. Schnoetzinger. Ruth Grabner, H. Herrnstein.
Press Relations and Religious Lib-
erty, K. Fischbacher. Bible Instructor: Frieda Foditsch.


Organized 1919; reorganized 1939 and 1945

Territory: Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia, Executive Committee: J. Doubrav-

Slovakia. sky, J. Cepl, V. F. Galan, J. Jung-
wirth, V. Kroulik, D. Krynsky, L.
Population: 12,000,000 ; churches, 114 ; Picha, J. Popelka, P. Strba, P. Styk,
members, 5,521. F. Sumbera, J. Turon, F. Zidek, P.
Office Address: Londynska 30, Praha- Zidek, T. Zigmund.
Vinohrady, Czechoslovakia. (Tele- Departmental Secretaries:
phone, 544-15.)
Education, Home Missionary, Reli-
Officers: gious Liberty, and Y.P.M.V., J.
President, J. Doubraysky. Cepl.
Secretary-Treasurer, 0. Wagenknecbt, Medical, P. Zidek.

Publishing, F. Sumbera. Office Address: Sidova 1, Ostrava,

Sabbath School, 0. Wagenknecht. Czechoslovakia. (Telephone, 4921.)
Ordained Ministers: Officers:
J. Doubraysky, F. Sumbera. President, D. Krynsky.
Secretary-Treasurer, E. Gazda.
Credentialed Missionary: 0. Wagen-
knecht. Executive Committee: D. Krynsky,
K. Chlebek, E. Gazda, P. Holubec, J.
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. Kloudova. Kantor, E. Kosar, J. Marcolla, F.
Legal Association: Ceskoslovenska led- Murin, J. Popelka, J. Turon.
nota adventistu sedmeho dne v Praze. Departmental Secretaries:
Bible School, J. Popelka.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Y.P.M.V., E. Gazda.
Ordained Ministers:
Territory: Bohemia. J. Chodura, 0. Drapal, R. Gomola,
Population: 5,500,000; churches, 32; J. Kantor, D. Krynsky, J. Oborny,
members, 1,489. K. Polednik, J. Popelka, A. Prazan,
J. Richter, J. Sk'rla, B. Teply, A.
Office Address: Londynska 30, Praha- Zurek.
Vtnohrady, Czechoslovakia. (Tele-
phone, 644-15.) Licensed Minister: J. Sobotka.
Officers: Bible Instructors:
President, J. Cepl. J. Bandurovicz, E. Gazda, S. Gibiec,
Secretary-Treasurer, V. Kysilko. Koldinsky, Br. Kolonicny, B. Mosko-
rova, J. Valach, M. Vranova.
Executive Committee:' J. Cepl, 0.
Drapal, J. Jimgwirth, V. Kysilko, J.
Mokrey, 0. Wagenknecht, T. J. Zig-
Departmental Secretaries: Territory: Slovakia.
Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., 0. Population: 3,000,000; churches, 34;
Wagenknecht. members, 1,312.
Sabbath School and Welfare Work, Office Address: Tr. Marsala Malinovs-
V. Kysilko. keho 24a, Bratislava, Slovakia. (Tele-
Ordained Ministers: phone: 33013.)
F. Bures, J. Cepl, 0. Kimler, H. Officers:
Knobloch, V. Kroulik, A. Kubecka, President, J. Gajan.
J. Kuty, J. Marcolla, P. Raska, P. Secretary-Treasurer, St. Macko.
Executive Committee: J. Gajan, J.
Licensed Ministers: Ciz, St. Macko, M. Slams, Ing. J.
P. Gajdusek, K. Hurta, M. Sustek. Stefanec, C. Strba, P. Styk.
Licensed Missionary: V. Kysilko. Departmental Secretaries:
Bible Instructors: Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
J. Kaba.
M. Adamova, J. Doubraysky, 0. Religious Liberty, Ing. J. Stefanec.
Klouda, L. Kvintus, V. Kysilko, H. Welfare Work, Mrs. E. Stefanec.
Petr, R. Suchanek, L. Svrcek, J. Y.P.M.V., A. Mesik.
Trdla, J. Zahuransky.
Ordained Ministers:
0. Benovesky, J. Gajan, J. Kaba, J.
Lichy, G. Lovas, J. Strba, P. Styk,
Territory: Moravia and Silesia. Licensed Minister: A. Dobrota.
Population: 8,500,000 ; churches, 48 ; Bible Instructors:
members, 2,720. S. Juhas, J. Kartik, A. Mesik.


Oiganized 1928
Territory: France, Monaco, Corsica, Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
Belgium, and Luxemburg. vent," Paris.
Office Address: 130 Boulevard de l'Hopi-
Population: 50,386,500 ; churches, 73 ; tal, Paris 13e, France. (Telephone,
members, 3,406. Gobelins, 6176.)

Officers: Licensed Ministers:

President, F. Lavanchy. R. Dederen, J. De Laere, M. De Vos,
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, H. G. Vandenvelde.
Roeland. Licensed Missionaries:
Executive Committee: F. Lavanchy, J. Cazaerck, Mrs. M. Denoblele, H.
M. J. Bureaud, A. Henriot, F. Joch- De Vos, A. Gibson, F. Lecompte, Rita
mans, G. Kiehl, P. Lanares, L. A. Roba, Philomene Swallyee.
Mathy, J. Nussbaum, H. Roeland, E.
Sauvagnat, M. Tieche, P. Tieche, A. Church School Teacher: R. Lienard.
Vaucher, C. Veuthey. Legal Assn.: Conseil de Gerance de la
Departmental Secretaries: Federation Beige des Eglises Ad-
ventistes du Septieme Jour.
Education and Radio, M. Tieche.
Home Missionary, E. Sauvagnat.
Medical and Religious Liberty, J.
Publishing, C. Veuthey. Organized 1919
Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., P.
Tieche. Territory: The departments of Bas-
Ordained Ministers: Rhin, Haut-Rhin, Moselle, Meurthe et
Moselle, Vosges, Haute-Saone, Meuse,
Ch. Gerber, F. Lavanchy, L. A. Haute-Marne, the territory of Belfort.
Mathy, C. Veuthey. Population: 4,000,000; churches, 16;
Honorary: Elia Bertalot, Emil Fawer, members, 451.
A. J. Girou, Jacob Wibbens. Office Address: 5 Boulevard d'Anvers,
Credentialed Missionary: H. Roeland. Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France. (Tele-
Licensed Ministers: phone 512-27.)
E. Sauvagnat, M. Tieche, P. Tieche. Telegraphic Address: "Advent," Stras-
Honorary : A. M. Sallee.
Licensed Missionaries:
President, A. Henriot.
Madeleine Cuisset, Marie-Louise Miles. Secretary-Treasurer, R. Birckel.
Honorary: Marthe Chevalerias, Andree Executive Committee: A. Henriot, R.
Liotier. Birckel, E. Brobecker, R. Buyck, E.
Lefebre, E. Roesch, A. Sittler.
BELGIAN CONFERENCE Departmental Secretaries:
Organized 1920 Book and Bible House, R. Birckel.
Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., A.
Territory: Belgium and Luxemburg. Merckling.
Population: 8,386,500; churches, 18; Press Relations, Radio, and Religious
members, 871. Liberty, A. Henriot.
Publishing, H. Nisse.
Office Address: 11-13, rue Ernest Allard, Sabbath School, R. Birckel.
Brussels, Belgium. (Telephone, 113-
680.) Ordained Ministers:
E. Brobecker, R. Buyck, A. Henriot.
Licensed Ministers:
President, F. Jochmans.
Secretary-Treasurer, R. Collin. R. Birckel, M. Bornett, F. Lefebvre,
E. Morosoli.
Executive Committee: F. Jochmans,
L.Belloy, R. Collin, A. De Ligne, A. Licensed Missionaries:
Hantson, L. Palange, A. Roeland. A. de Saulces, G. Desplanches, J.
Martin, A. Merckling, H. Nisse, Mrs.
Departmental Secretaries: Marthe Zigan.
Book and Bible House, R. Collin. Church School Teacher: Cecile Wirr-
Educational, A. Roeland. mann.
Home Missionary, J. Vandromme.
Press Relations and Radio, A. De Legal Assn.: Societe Missionnaire de
Ligne. l'Est de la France.
Publishing. G. Cazaerck.
Religious Liberty, F. Jochmans.
Sabbath School, R. Collin. NORTH FRANCE CONFERENCE
Y.P.M.V., G. Vandenvelde.
Organized 1928
Ordained Ministers:
Territory: Departments north of Cha-
L. Belloy, A. De Ligne, F. Jochmans, rente Inferieure, Charente, Haute-
R. Lenoir, J. Maes, A. Roeland, A. Vienne, Creuse, Allier, Saone et Loire,
Scalliet, J. Vandromme. and Ain ; and west of Meuse, Haute-
Credentialed Missionary: R. Collin. Marne, and Haute-Saone.

Population: 22,000,000 ; churches, 17 ; Executive Committee: P. Lanares, E.

members, 1,016. Benezech, R. Bermeilly, J. L'Huillier,
A. Nion, J. Ribot, D. Vez.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
vent," Paris. Departmental Secretaries:
Office Address: 130 Boulevard de l'Ho- Book and Bible House, J. Gondrand.
pital, Paris 13e, France. (Telephone, Home Missionary, E. Benezech.
Gobelins 6176.) Publishing, P. Petit; Assistant, G.
Officers: Religious Liberty, P. Lanares.
President, F. Lavanchy. Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., R.
Secretary-Treasurer, 'E. Arnaud. Raibaut.
Executive Committee: F. Lavanchy, Ordained Ministers:
E. Arnaud, G. Brillet, A. De Luca, F. Augsburger, E. Benezech, P. La-
P. Honey, A. Grisier, A. Herbert, A. nares, 0. Meyer, A. Nion, S. Yeret-
Lecoultre, W. Milhorat. zian, A. Zucher.
Departmental Secretaries: Credentialed Missionary: D. Vez.
Book and Bible House, E. Arnaud.
Educational, M. Tieche. Licensed Ministers:
Home Missionary, E. Sauvagnat. J. P. Collin, G. Steveny, J. Surel.
Publishing, C. Veuthey. Licensed Missionaries:
Religious Liberty, F. Gilson.
Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., P. G. Buatois, N. Colard, J. Gondrand,
Tieehe. J. Normand, R. Raibaut, G. Reynaud,
A. Sanchez.
Ordained Ministers:
R. Devins, P. Douay, E. Grisier, P. Bible Instructors:
Haignere, A. Herbet, E. Landa, A. Marie-Therese Broly, Blanche Mossaz,
Lecoultre, W. Milhorat, J. Monnier, Emma Ribot, Juliette Troussel.
Ch. Winandy.
Church School Teacher: Jacqueline Le-
Credentialed Missionary: E. Arnaud. kieffre.
Licensed Ministers: Legal Assn.: Association Cultuelle de
la Federation des Eglises Adventistes
R. Bertalot, J. Berthy, J. P. Fas- du Septieme Jour du Sud-Est de la
nacht, F. Gilson, P. Jaron, S. Mon- France.
nier, J. Musil.
Licensed Missionaries:
R. Chemla, J. Decaris, C. Delargil- SOUTHWEST FRANCE CONFERENCE
Here, D. Orvoine, Suzanne Rochat, Organized 1949
Mrs. P. Scherer, Hugette Schild.
Territory: Departments of Charente
Bible Instructors: Maritime, Charente, Haute Vienne,
Simone Bellier, Elisa Huguenin. Creuse, Correze, Lot, Tarn et Gar-
onne, Tarn, Haute Garonne, Ariege,
Legal Assn.: Association Cultuelle de Hautes Pyrenees, Basses Pyrenees,
la Federation des Adventistes de 7e Landes, Gers, Lot et Garonne, Gir-
Jour du Nord de la France. onde, Dardogne.
Population: 6,740,000 ; churches, 5 ;
members, 163.
SOUTHEAST FRANCE CONFERENCE Office Address: 37, Rue Georges Mandel,
Organized 1923 Bordeaux (Gironde), France. (Tele-
phone, 8-27-27.)
Territory: Departments southeast of Officers:
Ariebe, Haute Garonne, Tarn, Tarn
et Garonne, Lot, Correze, Creuse, President, M. J. Bureaud.
Indre, Cher, Nievre, Cote d'Or, Haute Secretary-Treasurer, H. Roeland.
Saone and Doubs, the principality Executive Committee: M. J. Bureaud,
of Monaco and the island of Corsica. F. Almendros, R. Delcamp, J. Medard,
H. Roeland, E. Sussmann, J. Vales.
Population: 9,260,000 ; churches, 22 ;
members, 905. Ordained Ministers:
Office Address: 5 Boulevard Longchamp, M. J. Bureaud, J. Medard, E. Suss-
Marseille, France. (Telephone, Na- mann.
tional 23-44.) Licensed Ministers:
Officers: J. Cazeaux, E. Davy.
President, P. Lanares. Licensed Missionaries:
Secretary-Treasurer, D. Vez. J. Delefortrie, Jeanna Matton.


Organized 1949
Territory: French Cameroons, Chad, KRIBI MISSION FIELD
Ubangi-Shari, Middle Congo, Gabon, Entered 1938 ; reorganized 1949
Spanish Guinea, Fernando Po, French
Guinea, Senegal, Niger, Sudan, Upper Churches: 3 ; members, 159.
Volta, Mauretania.
Office Address: Kribi, French Came-
Population: 22,500,000; churches, 16 ; roons, West Africa.
members, 1,892.
Office Address: Nanga-Eboko, French
Cameroons, West Africa. President and Secretary-Treasurer, A.
Officers: Executive Committee: A. Cosendai,
President, J. A. de Caenel. A. Ekitike, Antoine Mpfoumi, G.
Secretary-Treasurer, K. Scheidegger. Ndongo.
Executive Committee: J. A. de Caenel, Ordained Ministers:
P. Bernard, R. H. Bergstrom, A.
Cosendai, I. Curmatureanu, R. A. Cosendai, A. Ekitike, Antoine
Hirschy, K. Scheidegger. Mpfoumi.
Departmental Secretaries: Licensed Minister: G. Ndongo.
Bible Correspondence School, Mrs. R. Licensed Missionaries:
de Caenel. Th. Bendele, Mrs. A. Cosendai, V.
Book and Bible House and Publish- Obam.
ing, K. Scheidegger.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., P. Ber-
Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
J. A. de Caenel. Entered 1931; reorganized 1933
Ordained Ministers: Territory: That part of the French
Cameroons North of latitude 10, and
P. Bernard, J. A. de Caenel. Chad.
Credentialed Missionary: K. Scheideg- Population: 1,300 ; churches, 2 ; mem-
ger. bers, 183.
Licensed Missionaries: Office Address: Marotta, French Came-
Mrs. P. Bernard, Mrs. J. A. de roons, West Africa.
Caenel, Mrs. K. Scheidegger.
Honorary: Herminie Roth. Officers:
President and Secretary-Treasurer, R.
H. Bergstrom.
Executive Committee: R. H. Berg-
BATOURI MISSION FIELD strom, A. Matton, B. Samuel.
Entered 1932 ; reorganized 1949 Departmental Secretaries:
Churches: 3 ; members, 498. Educational and Y.P.M.V., A. Mat-
Office Address: Batouri, French Came- ton.
roons, West Africa. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
R. H. Bergstrom.
Officers: Ordained Minister: R. H. Bergstrom.
President and Secretary-Treasurer, R.
Hirschy. Licensed Minister: A. Matton.
Executive Committee: R. Hirschy, Licensed Misionaries:
R. Bentz, Ndinga Marcel, Salomon Mrs. R. H. Bergstrom, Mrs. A. Mat-
Olinga. ton.
Ordained Ministers:
R. Bentz, R. Hirschy.
Licensed Minister: Salomon Olinga.
Entered 1928 ; reorganized 1949
Licensed Missionaries:
Churches: 6 ; members, 812.
Mrs. R. Bentz, Pierre Essous, Mrs.
R. Hirschy, Marcel Ndinga, Antoine Office Address: Nanga-Eboko, French
Yanga. Cameroons, West Africa.

Officers: Mekinda, Salomon Ndibi, Matthieu

President, J. A. de Caenel. Ndongo.
Secretary-Treasurer, K. Scheidegger.
Executive Committee: J. A. de Caenel, SANGMELIMA MISSION FIELD
Pierre Assamba, P. Bernard, Jean Entered 1940; reorganized 1949
Mballa, K. Scheidegger.
Churches: 2 ; members, 240.
Departmental Secretaries:
Educational and Y.P.M.V., P. Ber- Office Address: Sangmelima, French
nard. Cameroons, West Africa.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Officers:
J. A. de Caenel.
Publishing, K. Scheidegger. President and Secreilary-Treasurer, J.
Ordained Minister: Daniel Ndi. Executive Committee: J. Curmature-
Licensed Ministers: anu, Josue Medjo, Joseph Mimbiang.
Pierre Assamba, Daniel Engoz'o'o. Ordained Ministers:
Licensed Missionaries: J. Curmatureanu, Joseph Mimbiang.
Francois Angoula, David Ekolo, Jean Licensed Missionaries:
Mballa, Samuel Mbang, Samuel Mrs. J. Curmatureanu, Josue Medjo.


Organized 1912: reorganized 1925 and 1936

Territory: Hungary; comprising Cen- CENTRAL HUNGARIAN

tral, East, and West Hungarian Con- CONFERENCE
Organized 1925 and 1936
Population: 8,000,000 ; churches, 155 ;
members, 6,518. Territory: Pest-, Csongrad-, Baas-,
Hont-, Heves-, and Nograd-Comitates.
Office Address: Szekely Bertalan-utca
18, Budapest VI, Hungary. (Tele- Population: 2,800,000 ; churches, 55 ;
phone, 125-980.) members, 2,475.
Officers: Office Address: Szekely Bertalan-utca
President, L. Michnay. 13, Budapest VI, Hungary. (Tele-
Secretary-Treasurer, A. Rooz. phone, 125-980.)
Executive Committee: L. Michnay, Officers:
L. Bajor, M. Bartha, I. Berghauer, J. President, D. Zarka.
Dobos, B. Gyarmati, J. Pechtol, A. Secretary-Treasurer, K. Berzenczey,
Rooz, St. Stoics, J. Toth, D. Zarka. Jr.
Departmental Secretaries: Executive Committee: D. Zarka, K.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School and Berzenczey, Jr., J. Dobos, M. Hanko,
Y.P.M.V., J. Pechtol. J. Koroknai, J. Lorincz, J. Negyesy.
Publishing, J. Toth. Departmental Secretaries:
Religious Liberty and Welfare, L.
Bajor. Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
and Y.P.M.V., J. Koroknai.
Ordained Ministers: Publishing, M. Hanko.
L. Bajor, B. Gyarmati, L. Michnay, Ordained Ministers:
J. Pechtol, J. Toth.
K. Berzenczey, Sr., S. Gsiki, L. Halasz,
Credentialed Missionary: A. Rooz. J. Negyesy, M. Vanko, D. Zarka.
Licensed Missionaries: Credentialed Missionary: K. Berzenc-
T. Barteky, Miss Ch. Greiner, J. zey, Jr.
Koszta, L. Lenk, Miss K. Michnay, Licensed Ministers:
Miss I. Nuczas, Miss M. Rooz, Miss
M. Szekernyes. Z. Buday, M. Hanko, J. Koroknai, A.
Legal Assn.: Building Society "Koch
es Tarsa." Licensed Missionary: M. Dertil.

Bible Instructors: Bible Instructors:

Miss E. Csaplar, J. Granar, A. Hofer, J. Beretka, K. Cservenak, J. Fegyver-
L. Kaposy, Miss K. Kiraly, Miss Ch. neki, Miss E. Fekete, Miss M. Herc-
Kubinyi, L. Laszlo, K. Olah, L. Os- zegh, A. Papp, E. Pintye, K. Potoc-
wald, Miss M. Rona, J. Rooz, Miss zky, R. Sohr, St. Szikszai, Sz. Urszan,
M. Sztodola, T. Tamas, D. Zarka, Jr. Miss S. Uzonyi, F. Vico.


Organized 1925; reorganized 1936 Organized 1925; reorganized 1936
Territory: Borsod-, Bihar-, Hajdu-, Territory: Esztergom-, Fejer-, Baranya-,
Bekes-, Csanad-, Szolnok-, Bereg-, and Komarom-, Veszprem-, Somogy-, So-
Zemplen-Comitates. pron-, Tolna-, Zala-, Vas-, Moson-,
Population: 2,700,000 ; churches, 65 ; and Gyor-Comitates.
members, 2,958. Population: 2,500,000; churches, 35 ;
members, 1,085.
Office Address: Kun Jozsef utca 29, Mis-
kolcz, Hungary. (Telephone, 69-70.) Office Address: Kegl Gyorgy utca 5 sz.,
Szekesfehervar, Hungary.
President, I. Berghauer.
Secretary-Treasurer, B. Fleischer. President, St. Stoics.
Secretary-Treasurer, M. Erdody.
Executive Committee: I. Berghauer, Executive Committee: St. Stoics, J.
M. Bartha, B. Fleischer, J. Kiss, A. Albrecht, J. Benko, J. Daniel, M.
Kraszko, St. Olah, G. Santa, P. Sza- Erdodi, D. Farkas, J. Molnar, J.
mecz, J. Szigethy. Szabo.
Departmental Secretaries: Departmental Secretaries:
Home Missionary, Sabbath School and Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
Y.P.M.V., J. Kiss. and Y.P.M.V., J. Molnar.
Publishing, G. Santa. Publishing, J. Daniel.
Ordained Ministers: Ordained Ministers:
I. Berghauer, M. Buzgo, St. Olah, J. J. Albrecht, D. Farkas, V. Fekete, K.
Pasztor, P. Szamecz, J. Szigethy, K. Kovacs II, St. Stoics, J. Szabo.
Kovacs I. Credentialed Missionary: M. Erdodi.
Credentialed Missionary: B. Fleischer. Licensed Ministers:
H. Arvai, J. Daniel, L. Liebhardt, J.
Licensed Ministers: Molnar.
J. Kiss, F. Kononyei, G. Santa, 0. Licensed Missionary: E. Kalosa.
Szabo, St. Toth.
Bible Instructors:
Licensed Missionaries: K. Fazekas, St. Kovacs, G. Roth, E.
M. Berghauer, J. Koloknai. Toth.


Organized 1936
Territory: Madagascar and Dependen- Executive Committee: H. Pichot, J.
cies, Mauritius, Reunion, Seychelles, Belloy, H. Evard, E. Fayard, H. L.
and Rodriguez. Henriksen, R. Jublin, A. Lams, S.
Meyer, C. Monnier, D. Riemens, H.
Population: 4,760,000; churches, 49; Salzmann, A. Schnyder, R. Vertal-
members, 1,781. lier, E. Villeneuve, R. Villeneuve,
J. Zurcher.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventiste," Ta-
nanarive. Departmental Secretaries:
Office Address: Ambohijatovo, Tanana- Educational, A. Lams.
rive, Madagascar. (Telephone, Tana- Home Missionary, Publishing, Sab-
narive 291.) bath School, and Y.P.M.V., D.
Officers: Radio, J. Zurcher.
President, H. Pichot. Ordained Ministers:
Secretary-Treasurer, H. L. Henrik- ,H. L. Henriksen, A. Lams, H.
sen. Pichot, D. Riemens, J. Zurcher.

Licensed Ministers: Officers:

Antoine Mananirina, Jean Raoseia, President, E. Vervoort.
Razafimahafaly, R. Villeneuve. Secretary-Treasurer, H. L. Henriksen.
Licensed Missionaries: Executive Committee: E. Vervoort,
H. L. Henriksen, H. Pichot, R. Ras-
Marnoel Andrianasolo, Mrs. H. L. amimanana.
Henriksen, Mrs. A. Lams, Mrs. H.
Pichot, Mrs. D. Riemens, Mrs. R. Departmental Secretary:
Villeneuve, Mrs. J. Zurcher. Educational, Publishing, Sabbath
Church School Teacher: Miss A. Ithier. School, and Y.P.M.V., E. Vervoort.
Licensed Ministers:
R. Rasamimanana, E. Vervoort.
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. E. Vervoort.
Organized 1949
Churches: 9 ; members, 148. Marcel Rakoto, Jacques Ranala, Gil-
Office Address: Antsirabe, Madagascar. bert Ratsimbazafy.
President, E. Fayard.
Secretary-Treasurer, H. L. Henriksen. MAJUNGA MISSION
Executive Committee: E. Fayard, P.
Bernard, H. L. Henriksen, Rabe Organized 1949
Jerome, J. Rabarijoel. Churches: 5; members, 97.
Departmental Secretary: Office Address: Majunga, Madagascar.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, Officers:
and Y.P.M.V., E. Fayard.
President, E. Villeneuve.
Ordained Ministers: Secretary-Treasurer, H. L. Henriksen.
P. Bernard, E. Fayard, J. Rabarijoel. Executive Committee: E. Villeneuve,
Licensed Missionaries: H. L. Henriksen, Morattel, Rajaonize.
Mrs. E. Fayard, Rabe Jerome, Raben- Departmental Secretary:
Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
Teacher-Evangelists: and Y.P.M.V., E. Villeneuve.
Rakoto Emile, Robert Justin, Vincent Ordained Ministers:
Rakotoarisoa, Rakotonirina. N. Rajaonize, E. Villeneuve.
Licensed Missionaries:
DIEGO-SUAREZ MISSION Gabriel Andrianarinosy, Mila, R.
Organized 1949 Rakotomala, Mrs. E. Villeneuve.
Churches: 1 ; members, 6. Teacher-Evangelists:
Jonah Andrianasolo, Randriarnampan-
Office Address: Diego-Suarez, Madagas- dry.
President, A. Schnyder. MAURITIUS MISSION
Secretary-Treasurer, H. L. Henriksen. Entered 1914
Executive Committee: A. Schnyder,
H. L. Henriksen, Felix Ramanantsi- Territory: Islands of Mauritius and
Departmental Secretary: A. Schnyder. Population: 485,000; churches, 13;
members, 783.
Licensed Minister: A. Schnyder.
Telegraphic Address: "AdVentists,"
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. A. Schnyder. Mauritius.
Teacher-Evangelist: Felix Ramanantsi- Office Address: 10 Salisbury Road, Rose
alonina. Hill, Mauritius, Indian Ocean.
(Telephone, Rose-Hill 474.)
Organized 1949 President, Cb. Monnier.
Secretary-Treasurer, J. Liyung.
Churches: 3; members, 41.
Executive Committee: Ch. Monnier,
Office Adress: Andilanatoby, Madagas- J. Belloy, H. Evard, A. Latter, J. Li-
car. yung, E. Mallet, D. Munroop.

Departmental Secretaries: Postal Address: P.O. Box 28, Victoria-

Educational, H. Evard. Mahe, Seychelles Islands.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Telegraphic Address: "Adventiste,"
Ch. Monnier. Mahe-Seychelles.
Publishing and Y.P.M.V., J. Belloy.
Ordained Ministers:
President, H. Salzmann.
J. Belloy, H. Evard, Ch. Monnier, D. Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. H. Salz-
Munroop, N. Seenyen. mann.
Licensed Ministers: Departmental Secretaries:
V. Cundasamy, Rene Jayram. Educational, Mrs. H. Salzmann.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
Licensed Missionaries: and Y.P.M.V., H. Salzmann.
Mrs. J. Belloy, S. Cangy, Mrs. H. Ordained Minister: H. Salzmann,
Evard, J. Liyung, Raymonde Michel,
Mrs. Ch. Monnier, M. Supramayen. Licensed Minister: L. K. Johnson.
Honorary: S. Cuniah, L. Henriot, Licensed Missionary: Mrs. H. Salz-
Lydia Le Meme, S. Sibilant. mann.
Bible Instructor: S. Appave.
Legal Assn.: The Seventh-day Adventist TAMATAVE MISSION
Diocese of Mauritius. Organized 1949
Churches: 1 ; members, 48.
REUNION MISSION Office Address: Tamatave, Madagascar.
Entered 1936 Officers:
Territory: Reunion Island. President, R. Jublin.
Secretary-Treasurer, H. L. Henriksen.
Population: 240,000 ; churches, 6 ; mem- Executive Committee: R. Jublin, H.
bers, 192. L. Henriksen, Rakotoarison.
Office Address: Rue National, Saint Departmental Secretary: R. Jublin.
Pierre, Reunion, Indian Ocean.
Licensed Minister: R. Jublin.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventiste," St.
Pierre, Reunion. Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. R. Jublin, Rakotoarison.
President and Secretary-Treasurer, S. Church School Teacher: Mrs. R. Rano-
Meyer. rovao.
Local Committee: S. Meyer, M. Arl-
anda, A. Dijoux, R. Vertallier, M. TANANARJVE MISSION
Vitry. Organized 1949
Departmental Secretaries: Churches: 10 ; members, 385.
Educational, Mrs. R. Vertallier. Office Address: Ambohijatovo, Tanana-
Home Missionary, Publishing, Sabbath rive, Madagascar.
School, and Y.P.M.V., R. Vertallier.
Medical, Mrs. S. Meyer. Officers:
Ordained Ministers: President, H. Pichot.
Secretary-Treasurer, H. L. Henriksen.
S. Meyer, R. Vertallier.
Executive Committee: H. Pichot, H.
Credentialed Missionary: M. Vitry. L. Henriksen, J. Rajoelison, J. Ram-
Licensed Missionaries: amonjisoa, A. Rasamoelina.
M. Arlanda, Mrs. S. Meyer, Mrs. R. Departmental Secretaries:
Vertallier, M. Vitry. Educational, A. Lams.
"Dispensaire de l'Enfance," Saint Publishing, Sabbath School, and
Pierre, Reunion. Y.P.M.V., D. Riemens.
Ordained Ministers:
J. Rajoelison, J. Ramamonjisoa, A.
Territory: The Seychelles Islands. Licensed Missionaries:
Population: 35,000 ; churches, 1 ; mem- Rabenjamina, J. Rakotovao, V. Ra-
bers, Si. laivao, E. Razanajatovo.

Teacher-Evangelists: Joseph Razafimbelo.

E. Rakotoarniranga, Rakotomalala, Church School Teachers:
Rakotomamonjy, Andre Rakotondra- Paul Rakotoarivelo, Mariette Rano-
naivo, Edmond Ralibera, Marie- rovao, Felice Razafisoa.


Organized 1928

Territory: Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, San Officers:

Marino. President, L. Beer.
Population: 46,000,000 ; churches, 48; Secretary-Treasurer, S. Agnello.
members, 1,707. Executive Committee: L. Beer, S. Ag-
nello, F. Ferraro, P. Fortunato, F.
Office Address: Lungotevere Michelan- Sabatino.
gelo 7, Rome, Italy. (Telephone,
378936.) Departmental Secretaries:
Officers: Home Missionary, L. Beer.
Publishing, G. Ferraro.
President, L. Beer. Sabbath School, S. Agnello.
Secretary-Treasurer, S. Agnello. Y.P.M.V., F. Sabatino.
Executive Committee: L. Beer, S.
Agnello, R. Bongiiii, G. Cavalcante, Ordained Minister: A. Long.
S. Cortesi, G. Cupertino, G. Fenz, G.
Ferraro, F. Sabatino, D. Verona, M. Licensed Ministers:
Vincentelli. S. Di Paola, P. Fortunato, M. Mag-
giolini, E. ,Melani.
Departmental Secretaries:
Educational, G. Cupertino. Licensed Missionaries:
Home Missionary and Religious Lib- S. Capparelli, F. Ferroni, Esther
erty, L. Beer. Pferschy, G. Valcarenghi, L. Viotti.
Publishing, G. Ferraro.
Sabbath School, S. Agnello.
Y.P.M.V., F. Sabatino.
Ordained Ministers: Organized 1946
S. Agnello, L. Beer, G. Cupertino,
G. Ferraro, A. Karl, F. Sabatino, M. Territory: The Provinces of Piemonte,
Vincentelli. Lombardia, Liguria (except the dis-
trict of La Spezia), Venezia, Triden-
Honorary: G. L. Lippolis. tine, Trieste, Veneto, including the
Credentialed Missionary: G. Fenz. districts of Reggio, E., Parma, Pia-
Licensed Minister: A. Caracciolo.
Population: 18,500,000; churches, 13;
Licensed Missionaries: members, 526.
E. Cacciatore, A. Lippolis, M. Lippo- Office Address: Piazza Carlo. Mirabello
lis, E. Long, L. Long, S. Pagano, 2, Milano, Italy. (Telephone, 63.26.72.)
I. Rimoldi, G. Rossi, G. Rovati, A.
Tomasini, L. Vanoli. Officers:
President, R. Bongini.
]Secretary-Treasurer, D. Asiano.
CENTRAL ITALIAN MISSION Executive Committee: R. Bongini, D.
Organized 1946 Asiano, G. Cesario, A. Damini, N.
Territory: The Provinces of Emilia
(Districts of Bologna, Modena, Forli, Departmental Secretaries:
Ferrara, Ravenna), Toscana, Marche, Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Umbria, Sardegna, Lazio (Districts R. Bongini.
of Roma, Viterbo, Rieti). Publishing and Y.P.M.V., V. Caccia-
Population: 11,500,000; churches, 11;
members, 465. Ordained Ministers:
Office Address: Lungotevere Michelan- D. Asiano, It. Bongini, G. Cesario,
gelo 7, Rome, Italy. (Telephone, S. Cortesi, N. Marzocchini, G. Pfers-
378936.) chy.

Licensed Missionaries: Secretary-Treasurer, Fr. Rimoldi.

D. Fasci, Miss Lampacrescia, R. Executive Committee: G. Cavalcante,
Novelli, C. Russo, S. Sirri, Maria G. Catalano, D. Cupertino, F. Rimoldi,
Vanzetta. D. Verona.
Departmental Secretaries:
SOUTH ITALIAN MISSAIN Home Missionary and Publishing, G.
Organized 1928 Catalano.
Sabbath School, F. Rimoldi.
Territory: The Provinces of Lazio (Dis- Y.P.M.V., G. Cavalcante.
tricts of Latina, Frosinone), Cam-
pania, Abruzzo e Molise, Puglie, Lu- Ordained Ministers:
cania, Calabria, and the island of G. Cavalcante. D. CUpertino, G. Fer-
Sicily. raris, V. Speranza, D. Verona.
Population: 16,000,000 ; churches, 24 ; Licensed Ministers:
members, 726.
G. Catalano, G. La Marca, L. Matta,
Office Address: Via Tommaso Campa- F. Santini.
nella, 8, (Mergellina), Napoli, Italy.
(Telephone, 11168.) Licensed Missionaries:
Rosina Fatigati, Marianna Infranco,
Officers: C. Lo Iacono, V. Notarbartolo, F.
President, G. Cavalcante. Rimoldi, V. Straga-pede.


Organized 1928
Territory: Algeria, French Morocco, Cable Address: "Vie et Sante," Hydra-
Spanish Morocco, Tangier, Tunis. Alger.
Population: 15,000,000 ; churches, 16; Office Address: 3, Rue du Sacre Coeur,
members, 603. Alger (Algeria). (Telephone, 665-55.)
Cable Address: "Vie et Sante," Hydra-
Alger. Officers:
Office Address: 3, Rue du Sacre Coeur, President, P. Girard.
Alger (Algeria). (Telephone, 665-55.) Secretary-Treasurer, C. Dudragne.
Officers: Executive Committee: P. Girard, A.
President, P. Girard. Avelin, J. Colomar, F. Fernandez,
Secretary-Treasurer, C. Dudragne. H. Joquenod, W. Ruf.
Executive Committee: P. Girard, C. Departmental Secretaries:
Dudragne, R. Dunkel, W. Fuchs, R. Book and Bible House, C. Dudragne.
Meyer, J. Reynaud, W. Ruf, G. Vuil- Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
leumier. and Y.P.M.V., N. Ruf.
Departmental Secretaries: Publishing, R. Dunkel.
Educational and Religious Liberty, Ordained Ministers:
P. Girard.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, J. Colomar, H. Jaquenod, J. Reynaud.
and Y.P.M.V., W. Ruf. Licensed Minister: R. Eposito.
Medical, G. Vuilleumier.
Publishing, R. Dunkel. Licensed Missionaries:
Radio, W. Ruf.
A. Autin, Mrs. Odette Autin, Irene
Ordained Ministers: Gerber, E. Haran, A. Paradis, Mrs.
P. Girard, W. Ruf. M. Roig, Alexandrine Rovira, H.
Credentialed Missionary: C. Dudragne.
Legal Corporation: Association Philan-
Licensed Minister: R. Dunkel. thropique des Amis des Malades.
Licensed Missionary: Madeleine Lafour-
Organized 1905 ; reorganized 1928 Territory: French and Spanish Morocco,
Territory: Algeria. and Tangier.
Population: 6,500,000 ; churches. 10 ; Population: 6,000,000 ; churches, 4 ;
members. 407. members. 127.

Office Address: Oasis Superieure, Casa- TUNIS MISSION

blanca, Morocco. Organized 1937
Officers: Territory: Tunisia.
President, W. Fuchs. Population: 2,500,000 ; churches, 2 ;
Secretary-Treasurer, J. J. Hecket- members, 69.
sweiler. Office Address: 2, Rue de TEglis-e, Tunis
Executive Committee: W. Fuchs, J. (Tunisia). (Telephone, 70-39.)
J. Hecketsweiler. J. Kamm, A. Reb- Officers:
semen, Y. Roullet.
President, R. Meyer.
Departmental Secretaries: Secretary-Treasurer, C. Galdeano.
Book and Bible House and Sabbath Executive Committee: R. Meyer, F.
School, J. J. Hecketsweiler. Filippi, C. Galdeano, P. Giraud, R.
Home Missionary, Publishing, and Senty.
Y.P.M.V., W. Fuchs. Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, C. Galdeano.
Ordained Minister: W. Fuchs. Home Missionary, Publishing, and
Y.P.M.V., R. Meyer.
Licensed Ministers: Sabbath School, C. Galdeano.
J. Kamm, Y. Roullet. Ordained Minister: R. Meyer.
Licensed Missionaries: Licensed Ministers:
P. Gilson, J. J. Hecketsweiler, J. C. Galdeano, R. Senty.
Meddour. Licensed Missionary: Aline Barri.


Organized 1936 as the Iberian Union Mission; reorganized 1939

Territory: Portugal, the Azores, Ma- AZORES ISLANDS MISSION

deira, Cape Verde, and Sao Tome Is- Entered 1934
lands, and Portuguese Guinea.
Population: 8,570,000; churches, 26; Territory: The Azores Islands.
members. 1,469. Population: 300,000 ; churches, 4 ; mem-
Office Address: Rua Joaquim Bonifacio bers, 108.
17, Lisbon, Portugal. (Telephone, 42- Postal Address: Apartado 12, Angra do
169.) Heroismo, Azores Islands.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventists," Lis- Officers:
bon. President, J. Esteves.
Officers: Secretary-Treasurer, P. Ribeiro.
President, E. Ferreira. Executive Committee: J. Esteves, R.
Secretary-Treasurer, P. Ribeiro. Menezes, M. Miguel.
Executive Committee: E. Ferreira, Departmental Secretary: J. Esteves.
J. N. Branco, F. Cordas, J. Esteves, Ordained Minister: J. Esteves.
M. Leal, F. Mendes, E. Miranda,
A. F. Raposo, P. Ribeiro. Licensed Minister: M. Miguel.
Departmental Secretaries: Ministerial Intern: R. Menezes.
Educational, Religious Liberty, and
Home Missionary, M. Leal.
Publishing, F. Mendes. Entered 1935
Sabbath School, P. Ribeiro. Territory: Cape Verde Islands.
Ordained Ministers: Population: 150,000 ; churches, 3 ; mem-
E. Ferreira, A. F. Raposo, P. Ribeiro. bers, 112.
Honorary: F. Simoes. Office: Rua Sa da Bandeira 61, Praia,
Cape Verde Islands.
Licensed Minister: J. N. Branco.
Postal Address: Apartado No. 6, Praia,
Licensed Missionaries: Cape Verde Islands.
Miss L. Godinho, F. Mendes, Maria Telegraphic Address: "Adventists,"
Nunes. Praiacverdeislands.

Officers: Executive Committee: E. Ferreira,

President, F. Cordas. J. Grave, J. Mendes, J. J. Pires, J.
Secretary-Treasurer, P. Ribeiro. Pires da Silva.
Executive Committee: F. Cordas, J. Departmental Secretaries:
Mendonca, G. Rosa. Book and Bible House, P. Ribeiro.
Ordained Minister: F. Cordas. Educational, Religious Liberty, and
Y.P.M.V., E. Ferreira.
Licensed Minister: A. Miranda. Home Missionary, M. Leal.
Ministerial Intern: Joao de Mendonca. Publishing, F. Mendes.
Sabbath School, P. Ribeiro.
Church School Teachers:
J. Morgado, Miss M. J. Sosa. Ordained Ministers:
J. Grave, M. Leal, J. J. Pires.
Credentialed Missionaries:
MADEIRA ISLANDS MISSION J. J. Larangeira, F. Mendes.
Entered 1931; organized 1933
Licensed Minister: S. Reis.
Territory: Madeira and Porto Santo Bible Instructors:
M. Montes, Mrs. A. Sommer.
Population: 260,000 ; churches, 1 ; mem-
bers, 127. Ministerial Interns:
Cable Address: "Missao Adventista," J. Abella, J. Gomes, Lobato, M.
Funchal. Mendonea.
Office Address: Rua Joao de Deus 7, Church School Teacher: Mrs. C. Galvao.
Funchal, Madeira Islands.
President, (Sao Tome)
Secretary-Treasurer, P. Ribeiro.
Entered 1938
Departmental Secretaries:
Educational and Sabbath School, Rosa Territory: St. Thomas and neighboring
Raposo. islands.
Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., Population: 60,000 ; church, 1 ; mem-
Church School Teacher: Rosa Raposo. bers, 156.
Postal Address: Caixa Postal No. 349,
St. Thomas Islands, West Africa.
Organized 1904; reorganized 1935 President, E. Miranda.
Secretary-Treasurer, P. Ribeiro.
Territory: Portugal.
Executive Committee: E. Miranda,
Population: 7,800,000; churches, 17; J. Augusto, Jr., A. Castro.
members, 966.
Departmental Secretaries:
Office Address: Rua Joaquim Bonifaeio
17, Lisbon, Portugal. (Telephone, 42,- Educational and Y.P.M.V., J. Augusto,
169.) Jr.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Telegraphic Address: "Adventista," Lis- E. Miranda.
Ordained Minister: E. Miranda.
President, E. Ferreira. Church School Teachers:
Secretary-Treasurer, P. Ribeiro. J. Augusto, Jr., Lucilia Ferreira.


Organized 1919
Territory: Rumania, comprising the Office Address: Str. Mitropolitul Ghe-
Muntenian, Oltenia-Banat, North nadie Petreseu No. 116, Bucuresti IV,
Transylvanian, South Transylvanian, Rumania.
North Moldavian and Dunarea Con-
ferences. Officers:
Population: 15,925,419 ; churches, 551: President, D. Florea.
members, 30,000. Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, G.
Cable Address: Florea, Labirint, 116, Stanica.
Bucharest. Executive Committee: D. Florea, I.

Batrana, I. Bauer, I. Danetiu, V. Office Address: Strada Eduard Grand 25,

Diaconescu, T. Dobre, I. Dragusin, Bucuresti II, Rumania.
V. Florescu, N. Ghiorghita, M. Manes,
P. Paunescu, A. Popov, I. Prevlitz, Officers:
Joan Reit, G. Stanica, A. Vacareanu, President, M. Manea.
V. Zamfir. Secretary-Treasurer, C. Andries.
Executive Committee: M. Manea, N.
Departmental Secretaries: Alexe, C. Andries, G. Dodu, G. Indri-
Home Missionary, loan Reit. cau, C. Marculescu, St. Popa, C.
Publishing, N. Ghiorghita. Trasca, C. Tolici.
Religious Liberty, I. Batrana.
Sabbath School, G. Stanica. Departmental Secretaries:
Y.P.M.V., V. Florescu. Home Missionary, C. Tolici.
Ordained Ministers: Publishing, G. Dodu.
Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., G. In-
D. Flores, P. P. Paulini, P. Paunescu, dricau.
Ioan Reit.
Ordained Ministers:
Licensed Missionaries:
N. Alexe, Leon Balan, P. Cucure-
I. Batrana, V. Florescu, G. Stanica. zeanu, St. Demetrescu, V. Georgescu,
Legal Building Society: "Cuvantul I. Ghiorghisor, M. Hioara, R. Ieremia,
Evangheliei.'; Ig. Iorga, M. Manes., V. Mocanu, St.
Nailescu, A. Oprisan, D. Paraschiv, C.
Paun, I. Pascu, S. Popa, I. Ranea, A.
Rizea, I. Solea, C. Trasca, C. Tolici,
Organized 1928 Licensed Ministers:
Territory: South Moldavian and part St. Albulescu, C. Alexe.
of East Muntenian Provinces.
Licensed Missionaries:
Population: 2,461,734 ; churches, 62 ;
members, 3,286. C. Andries, G. Carstea, G. Ciovica, N.
Constantin, G. Dodu, A. Doroftei, I.
Office Address: Strada Golesti No. 11. Gains., G. Indrican, St. Mandoianu, V.
Braila, Rumania. Marinescu, I. Popa, P. Sersea, D.
Stoica, Fl. Vlad, D. Voicu.
President, V. Zamfir.
Secretary-Treasurer, B. Danau.
Executive Committee: V. Zamfir, I. NORTH MOLDAVIAN CONFERENCE
Carabelea, B. Danau, G. Dasoveanu, Organized 1928
F. Dumitrascu, E. Dumitrescu, David
Fauresco. Territory: Northern Moldavia.
Departmental Secretaries: Population: 2,351,231 ; churches, '74 ;
members, 3,571.
Home Missionary, V. Zamfir.
Publishing, C. Baca. Office Address: Strada Regina Maria No.
Sabbath School and Y.P.M.V., B. 12, Bacau, Rumania.
Ordained Ministers:
President, A. Popov.
D. Badescu, D. Ceausu, T. Coconcea, Secretary-Treasurer, C. Munteanu.
I. Danila, G. Dasoveanu, David Faur-
escu,- C. Grajdinoiu, G. Iordanescu, Executive Committee: A. Popov, L.
St. Ouatu, V. Zamfir. Constantinescu, D. Cureteu, G. Gher-
ase, C. Munteanu, E. Niculescu, C.
Licensed Ministers: Pahoncea, V. Schiopoaia.
I. Barbu, M. Chelcea, F. Dumitrascu. Departmental Secretaries:
Licensed Missionaries: Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., G.
C. Bacau, St. Caraivan, B. Danau, G. Gherase.
Safciu. Publishing, V. Schiopoaia.
Sabbath School, C. Munteanu.
Organized 1928 P. Anghel, L. Constantinescu, D.
Cureteu, G. Gherase, N. Marinescu,
Territory: Seven Departments of the P. Morosan, C. Munteanu, E. Nicules-
Muntenian Province. cu, I. Petrescu, A. Popov, D. Roibes-
Population: 4,067,863 churches, 134;
'members, 10,000. Licensed Minister: V. Schiopoaia.

Licensed Missionaries: Executive Committee: T. Dobre, G.

C. Cling, D. Herghelegiu, G. Merealbe, Baciu, A. Balan, G. Cazan, I. Ghi-
I. Of iteru. tescu, I. D. Radulescu.
Departmental Secretaries:
NORTH TRANSYLVANIAN Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., G.
Publishing, I. Leonte.
Organized 1911 Sabbath School, A. Balan.
Territory: Northern Transylvania. Ordained Ministers:
Population: 2,300,321 ; churches, 124 ; G. Cazan, P. Crisan, T. Dobre, Dumi-
members, 6,143. tru Irod, C. Popescu, G. Popescu, M.
Radu, I. D. Radulescu, G. Sibianu, Ilie
Office Address: Strada Cuza Voda No. Tachici, V. Tolan, M. Visinica.
12, Cluj, Rumania.
Licensed Minister: I. Grigorescu.
President, I. Bauer. Licensed Missionaries:
Secretary-Treasurer, D. Csongvay. A. Balan, J. Dumitrescu, N. Ghitescu,
Executive Committee: I. Bauer, B. I. Leonte, C. Samota.
Bartha, St. Csedula, D. Csongvay, I.
Ference, G. Ichim, St. Keleman, I.
Departmental Secretaries: CONFERENCE
Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., K. Organized 1940
Publishing, F. Filop. Territory: Southern Transylvania.
Sabbath School, D. Csongvay. Population: 1,347,977; churches, 61;
Ordained Ministers: members, 2,714.
B. Bartha, I. Bauer, K. Berner, St. Office Address: Strada Rosenfeld No. 4,
Csedula, C. Csongvay, D. Csongvay, Sibiu, Rumania.
I. Ference, I. Fodor, St. Kelemen, A.
Nemes, T. Tatar. Officers:
Licensed Minister: D. Rosca. President, I. Prevlitz.
Secretary-Treasurer, M. Hariuc.
Licensed Missionaries:
Executive Committee: I. Prevlitz, M.
I. Albu, D. Chioreanu, I. Dengel, F. Hariuc, P. Hermann, I. Lederhilger,
Filop, L. GalS, A. Gladis, St. Laslu, R. Zinove, A. Mustafa, 0. Streja.
P. Marinica, I. Moldovan, M. Nobhi,
A. Popp, A. Szentagotai. Departmental Secretaries:
Home Missionary and Y.P.M.V., 1.
OLTENIA-BANAT CONFERENCE Publishing, F. Alexandrescu.
Organized 1920 Sabbath School, M. Hariuc.
Ordained Ministers:
Territory: Oltenia and Banat Provinces.
Filip Cionca, P. Hermann, R. Kestner,
Population: 3.396,293 ; churches, 96 ; A. Mustafa, I. Prevlitz, R. Zinove.
members, 4,286.
Office Address: Calea Bucuresti 57, Licensed Ministers:
Craiova, Rumania. M. Hariuc, C. Radoi, I. Saytos.
Officers: Licensed Missionaries:
President, T. Dobre. F. Alexandrescu, G. Amarandi, G.
Secretary-Treasurer, A. Balan. Iancu, G. Piturlea, D. Roman.


Organized 1928

Territory: Switzerland and Liechten- Officers:

. stein. President, A. Meyer.
Secretary-Treasurer, P. Tissot.
Population: 4,300,000 ; churches, 57 ;
members, 3,062. Executive Committee: A. Meyer, J. J.
Aitken, A. Buser, 0. Fasnacht, R.
Office Address: Hoheweg 17, Berne, Gerber, M. Giger, J. C. Guenin, H.
Switzerland. (Telephone, 4.91.71.) Muller, E. Naenny, L. Rochat, 0.

Schuberth, K. Sturzenegger, P. Tis- Licensed Missionaries:

sot, G. Weber, C. Wehrli, A. Wi- Marcella Agostoni, Dora Baumann,
nandy. H. Finkhaus, H. Freitag, Pauli Ha-
Departmental Secretaries: dorn, J. Laich, H. Selinger, Mrs. E.
Educational and Sabbath School, Trahagen, K. Waber.
A. D. Gomes. Bible Instructors:
Home Missionary, E. Naenny. Margrit Dutler, Maria Rommel,
Medical, H. Muller, Maria Haseneder. Elisabeth Schmid.
Publishing, Church School Teacher: Mrs. P. Schil-
Religious Liberty, R. Gerber. stra.
Y.P.M.V., J. J. Aitken.
Ordained Ministers: Legal Assn.: German Swiss Building
Honorary: U. Augsburger, A. Guyot,
J. Rey, .J. Vuilleumier.
Credentialed Missionary: H. Muller. LEMAN CONFERENCE
Legal Assn.: Societe Philanthropique de Organized 1884
la Ligniere, Gland (Vaud), Switzer-
land. Territory: French-speaking Switzerland.
Population: About 1,300,000; churches,
25 ; members, 1,210.
GERMAN-SWISS CONFERENCE Office Address: 8 Avenue de l'Eglise
Organized 1901 Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland.
(Telephone, 26-50-30.)
Territory: German, Italian and Ro-
mansh-speaking parts of Switzerland Officers:
and Liechtenstein. President, J. C. Guenin.
Secretary, M. Guy.
Population: About 3,000,000 ; churches, Treasurer, G. Weber.
32 ; members, 1,850.
Executive Committee: J. C. Guenin,
Office Address: Gubelstrasse 23, Zurich A. Baumberger, A. Corsini, R.
50, Switzerland. (Telephone, 46.47.02.) Guenin, A. Houriet, E. Naenny, G.
Officers: Weber.
President, K. Sturzenegger. Departmental Secretaries:
Secretary-Treasurer, 0 Fasnacht. Book and Bible House, M. Guy.
Executive Committee: K. Sturzeneg- Educational, R. Bermeilly.
ger, J. Bommer, A. Brand, S. Buchli, Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
0. Fasnacht, J. Fehr, M. Fischer, H. E. Naenny.
Moschinger, G. Tobler, E. Zurcher. Medical, E. Moretti.
Departmental Secretaries: Publishing, A. Houriet.
Religious Liberty, J. C. Guenin.
Book and Bible House, G. Tobler. Y.P.M.V., A. Corsini.
Educational, 0. Sehuberth. Ordained Ministers:
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Y.P.M.V., E. Zurcher. C. Cornaz, A. Corsini, R. Dallenbach,
Medical and Welfare, Maria Hasen- J. C. Guenin, E. Naenny, 11. Willi.
eder. Credentialed Missionaries:
Publishing, H. Selinger.
Radio, J. Fehr. M. Guy, G. Weber.
Religious Liberty, H. Erzberger. Licensed Ministers:
Ordained Ministers: A. Houriet, J. Lavanchy, A. Richli.
J. Bommer, A. Brand, S. Buchli, V. Licensed Missionaries:
Butler, H. Erzberger, J. Fehr, H. A. Gafner, R. Mauch, W. Morosoli,
Moschinger, A. Schmid, Th. Schreyalc, Jeanne Petter, B. Wagner.
K. Sohlmann, K. Sturzenegger. Bible Instructors:
Credentialed Missionaries: Panic Lavanchy, M. Roth.
0. Fasnacht. G. Tobler. Church School Teachers:
Licensed Ministers: Lucy Villeneuve, Denise Wuest, Marie
H. Schaepper, E. Zurcher. Romanovitch.


Organized 1925
Territory: The Republic of Yugoslavia. Particulars regarding Yugoslavia are not
published as no communication is
Population: 15,000,000 ; churches, 157 ; maintained with that territory at the
members, 6,750. present time.

BULGARIAN MISSION Credentialed Missionary: A. N. Stabel-
Organized 1911; reorganized 1942 los.
Licensed.Minister: D. A. Christoforides.
Territory: Bulgaria.
Licensed Missionaries:
Population: 7,000,000 ; churches, 39 ;
members, 1,851. G. Kotsasarides, D. C. Lewis, N.
Poulos, B. Sarides.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Sofia,
Solunska 10. Bible Instructor: Maria Kalfa.
Office Address: Solunska 10, Sofia, Bul-
garia. (Telephone, 2-64-66.) PORTUGUESE EAST AFRICAN
Officers: MISSION
President, B. W. Boneff. Munguluni Mission
Secretary-Treasurer, D. Kiroff. Organized 1933
Executive Committee: B. W. Boneff, Territory: Portuguese East Africa
N. Arkalieff, I. Balashikoff, A. north of latitude 22.
Georgieff, D. P. Harboff, D. Kiroff, St.
Konstantinoff, M. Krasteff, J. Michail- Area: 252,900 square miles.
off, B. Nikoloff, G. Theodoroff.
Population: 3,835,330 ; members, 245.
Departmental Secretaries:
Home Hissionary, Sabbath School, and Postal Address: P. 0. Mocuba, Dis-
Y.P.M.V., A. Georgieff. tricto de Quilemane, Portuguese East
Religious Liberty, J. Michailoff. Africa.
Ordained Ministers: Director: E. P. Mansell.
N. Arkalieff, B. W. Boneff, M. Ganeff, Ordained Minister: E. P. Mansell.
A, Georgieff, W. Ivanoff, St. Konstan- Licensed Missionary: Mrs. E. P. Man-
tinoff, D. Krastiloff, J. Michailoff, sell.
B. Nickoloff.
Head Teacher: Abilio Thunuluni.
Licensed Ministers:
D. P. Harboff, B. Kiriloff, Chr. Kiroff,
P. Kostoff.
Licensed Missionaries:
Organized 1903; reorganized 1932
A. Ivanoff, Miss R. Jeljaskowa, D.
Kadaleff, D. Kiroff, Miss Chr. Kirowa, Territory: Spain, Baleares and Canary
P. Marinkoff, D. Opreff, B. Ortoff, K. Islands.
Shemkoff, Mrs. J. K. Waswasowa.
Population: 28,000,000; churches, 10;
members, 677.
GRECIAN MISSION Office: Calle Zurbaran 2, Pral.
Madrid, Spain. (Telephone,
Entered 1903
Postal Address: Apartado 4078, Madrid,
Territory: Greece and Albania. Spain.
Population: 7,980,000 ; churches, 5 ; Telegraphic Address: "Advent." Madrid,
members, 166. Spain.
Office Address: Keramikou 18, Athens, Officers:
Greece. (Telephone, 54.962.) President, D. G. Rose.
Officers: Secretary-Treasurer, E. Abenia.
President, C. A. Christoforides. Executive Committee: D. G. Rose, E.
Secretary-Treasurer, A. N. Stabellos. Abenia, I. Aguilar, A. Codejon, S.
Executive Committee: C. A. Chris- Iserte, D. Sanz, F. Valtuena.
toforides, N. Poulos, A. N. Stabellos. Departmental Secretaries:
Departmental Secretaries: Educational and Y.P.M.V.,I. Aguilar.
Educational and Y.P.M.V., N. Poulos. Home Missionary and Pul ishing, F.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Valtuena.
C. A. Christoforides. Sabbath School, D. G. Rose.
Publishing, B. Sarides. Ordained Ministers:
Ordained Ministers: I. Aguilar, J. Boix, I. Gonzalez, S.
C. A. Christoforides, N. S. Papasta- Iserte, D. G. Rose, D. Sanz.
moulis, Honorary: Pedro Sanz.

Lake Geneva Sanitarium, "La Llg-

Credentialed Missionaries: niece," Etablissement Medical, Die-
E. Abenia, F. Valtuena. tetique et Physiotherapique, Gland.
Licensed Missionaries: Vaud, Switzerland.
A. Bueno, L. Bueno, A. Codejon, C. "Victoria" School of Nursing and Dis-
Comabello, N. Pamplona, M. Ripoll, pensary, Strada Mitropolitul Ghen-
E. Rodriguez, E. Saguar, Carmen adie Petrescu 116, Bucuresti IV,
Seco. Rumania.
Bible Instructors: Dispensaries
Purita Bellido, Maria Hernandez. Batouri Dispensary, Mission Advent-
iste, Batouri, French Cameroons,
Honorary : A. J. Lopez. West Africa.
Cuale Mission Dispensary, Duque de
Braganca, Malange, Angola, Portu-
Lucusse Mission Dispensary, Caixa
Educational: Postal No. 34, Vila Luzo, Angola,
Ankadifotsy School, Ankadifotsy, Ta- Portuguese West Africa.
nanarive, Madagascar, Indian Ocean. Luz Mission Dispensary, Caixa Postal
Austrian Missionary Seminary, 33, Vila Luso, Angola, Portuguese
Schloss Bogenhofen, Post Hagenau, West Africa.
Austria. Maroua Dispensary, Mission Advent-
Bongo Mission Training School, Mis- iste, Maroua, French Cameroons,
sao Adventista, Lepi, Angola, Por- West Africa.
tuguese West Africa. Mauritius Dispensary, "Dispensaire
Czechoslovakian Bible School, Londyn- Adventiste," Beau Bassin, Mauri-
ska 30, Praha-Vinohrady, Czecho- tius, Indian Ocean.
slovakia. Munguluni Mission Dispensary, P.O.
French Adventist Seminary (Semin- Munhamade, Districto de Quile-
aire Adventiste du Saleve), Collon- mane, Portuguese East Africa.
ges-sous-Saleve (Haute-Savoie), Ndoumbi Dispensary, Mission Ad-
France. ventiste, Ndoumbi par Bertoua,
French Cameroons Bible Training French Cameroons, West Africa.
School, Nanga-Eboko, French Cam- Nova Lisboa Dispensary, Caixa
eroons, West Africa. Postal 3, Nova Lisboa, Angola,
Indian Ocean Union Training School, Portuguese West Africa.
(Seminaire Adventiste Soamanan- Polyclinic "Vie et Sante", 37, rue
drariny), P.O. Box 466, Tanana- Georges Mandel, Bordeaux, France.
rive, Madagascar, Indian Ocean.
Reunion Dispensary, "Dispensaire de
Italian Training School (Istituto Av- l'Enfance", Saint Pierre, Reunion,
ventista di Cultura Biblica), Via Indian Ocean.
del Pergolino 12, "Villa Aurora,"
Florence, Italy. Tunis Dispensary, 2 rue de l'Eglise,
Tunis, Tunisia, North Africa.
Mauritius Training School, Phoenix, "Vie et Sante" (Life and Health)
Mauritius, Indian Ocean.
Institute, Pare d'Hydra, Birman-
Portuguese Training School (Semin- dreis (Alger), Algeria, North Af-
ario Adventista), Quinta de Santo rica.
Antonio, Portalegre, Portugal.
Rumanian Union Training School
(Institutul Biblic), Casuta Postala Algerian Publishing House, Pa re
No. 71, Brasov, Rumania. d'Hydra 4, Birmandreis (Alger),
Algeria, North Africa.
Spanish Mission Training School,
Alenza 6, Madrid, Spain. Austrian Publishing House, Verlags-
buchhandlung, Rudolf Ueberbacher,
Food Factories: Nussdorferstrasse 5, Vienna IX,
Gland Hygienic Food Factory (Fabri- Austria.
cue de Produits Alimentaires .Hy- Bulgarian Book and Bible House
gieniques "Phag") Gland, Vaud, (Knigoisdateltsvo "Nov Schivot"),
Switzerland. Solunska 10, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Pur-Aliment Food Factory, 15 rue French Publishing House (Imprimerie
Honnet, Clichy (Seine), France. "Les Signes des Temps"), 92 avenue
Medical: Anatole France, Dammarie-les-Lys
Sanitariums (S. et M.), France.
Bongo Mission Hospital, Lepi, An- Greek Depository, Keramikou 18,
gola, Portuguese West Africa. Athens, Greece.

Hungarian Publishing House (Elet es Rumanian Publishing House (Grain]

Egeszseg Kiadovallalat), Budapest Literar), S. A. Institut de Arte
XII, Nemetvolgyi ut 26, Hungary. Grafice si Editura, Strada Mitrop.
Italian Publishing House (Casa Edi- Ghenadie Petrescu 116, Bucuresti
trice "L'Araldo della Yerita"), Via IV, Rumania.
Trieste 23, Florence, Italy.
Spanish Publishing House (Editorial
Malagasy Publishing House, "Li- Espanola), Apartado 4078, Madrid,
brairie Adventiste", Ambohijatovo, Spain.
Tananarive, Madagascar, Indian
Ocean. Swiss Publishing House (Advent
Portuguese Pub. House, Rua Joaquim Verlag), Gubelstrasse . 23, Zurich
Bonifacio 17, Lisbon, Portugal. 50, Switzerland.

Organized 1920; reorganized 1928

(Because of conditions, it is impossible to report further than above respecting

any organizations or work in the U.S.S.R. Numbers of churches and members
are estimates based on latest figures available.)

Territory: Soviet Russia proper, Moldavia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia.

Ukraine, Byelorussia (White Russia), Area: 8,518,000 square miles.
Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Uz-
bek, Turkmen, Tadjikistan, Kazakh, Population: 211,384,985 ; churches, 834 ;
Kirghiz, Karelo-Finnish Republic, members, 21,611.
As a result of various actions taken by the Department of Education, it is
recommended that the work of our intermediate schools, academies, and colleges
be organized upon a semester basis, each semester to be subdivided approximately
into three periods of six weeks each. It was also recommended that the credits
given in secondary schools be reckoned upon a unit basis, one unit representing a
study pursued 36 weeks with five recitations a week, forty-five minutes in length,
or its equivalent; that college credits be given on the semester-hour basis, a
semester-hour representing a study pursued one sixty-minute hour a week for
eighteen weeks. Some colleges following the quarter plan instead of the semester,
give credit on a quarter-hour basis, a quarter-hour for this purpose representing
a course of study pursued one sixty-minute hour a week for twelve weeks. The
scope of the work offered in Seventh-day Adventist schools is as follows:
Intermediate Schools (Grades 7-10) 4
Secondary Schools (Grades 9-12) 4
Colleges :
Junior Colleges and Lower Divisions of Senior Colleges
(Terminal Courses) 2
Applied Arts
Bible Instructors' Training
Business Administration
Pre-Nursing (1 Year)
Secretarial Training
Teachers' Training (Elementary)
Senior Colleges 4
Liberal Arts
Nursing Education
Teachers' Training
Technical Training
Medical College (Includes 1 year internship) 5
Theological Seminary (M.A. 1 year; B.D. 3 years) 3
Schools of Nursing in Sanitariums above Pre-Nursing 3
Lists of church school teachers will be found in connection with directories of
the conferences in which such teachers are located. Directories of colleges, acad-
emies, and intermediate schools follow in alphabetical order.
If it is desired to find the directory of a school or other institution whose name
cannot be recalled, refer to the list of institutions at the close of the respective
North American union conference or division directories in preceding pages, and
there will be found the name of every institution listed. Then refer to the General
Index, where the institution may be readily located.
The names of teachers and other workers in colleges and secondary schools are
also given in the Index of Institutional Workers.
ADELPHIAN ACADEMY Bookkeeping, H. A. Wohlers.
Commercial, Mrs. V. E. Garber.
Holly, Michigan English, M. J. Church, Mrs. L. Spal-
Established 1904 ding.
French, M. J. Church.
Telephone: Holly 7-3751. History and Government, V. E. Gar-
Board of Trustees: G. E. Hutches, Chair- ber, Miriam Foreman, L. E. Mobley.
man ; Herbert Nelson, Secretary. Home Economics, Mrs. Gordon En-
Faculty: Music, B. L. Jackson, Alyse Swed-
Principal and Manager, V. E. Garber. berg.
Accountant, H. A. Wohlers. Science and Mathematics, C. W.
Registrar, Mrs. Gordon Engen. Mayor, Roland Cole, Mrs. L. Spal-
Dean of Boys, R. W. Pratt. ding.
Dean of Girls, Miriam Foreman. Engineer, P. P. Anderson.
Librarian, L. E. Mobley. Farm, L. W. Taft.
Bible, R. W. Pratt, Gordon Engen, Matron, Mrs. C. W. Mayor.
B. L. Jackson. Mill Superintendent, E. P. Weaver.

Printing, Gordon Engen. retary ; H. E. Baasch, Manuel Car-

Shop, Roland Cole. ballal, S. L. Folkenberg, L. L. Reile,
R. J. Roy, Valentin Schoen, F. S.
Thompson, Miguel Vazquez, Samuel
SCHOOL Administration :
DeMestre Place, 5 Hunter Street, President, F. G. Drachenberg,
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Business Manager and Treasurer,
Board of Management: W. L. Pascoe, Manuel Carballal.
Chairman W. J. Gilson, G. M. Mas- Registrar,
ters, B. H. McMahon, F. A. Mote, W. Librarian, Mrs. H. W. Miller.
G. C. Murdoch, A. W. Peterson, S. V. Dean of Men, Rufino Vazquez.
Stratford, E. E. White. Dean of Women, Carmen Monzon.
Matron, Marie Caveda.
Principal: G. M. Masters.
President, F. G. Drachenberg.
ADVENTIST TRAINING SCHOOL Agriculture and Dairy, John Carr.
Seila, Fayoum, Egypt Bible and Ministerial Training, H. E.
Established 1946 Baasch.
Commercial, Manuel Carballal.
Telephone: Seila 14. English, Mrs. H. E. Baasch, Mrs.
Board of Management: Neal C. Wilson, H. F. Meyer.
Mathematics, Angela Estrada, Ther-
Chairman ; Yacoub Nashid, Secre- low Harper.
tary. Piano, Barbara Vivancos.
Faculty: Science, F. G. Drachenberg, Therlow
Principal, Nashid Yacoub (Acting). Harper.
Secretarial Training, Mrs. Rebecca
Sewing and Tailoring, Mrs. Ornelia
Agdangan, Quezon, Philippines Social Sciences,
Established 1949 Spanish, Mrs. F. G. Drachenberg.
Teacher Training, Mrs. H. W. Miller.
Faculty: Elementary School, Angela Estrada,
Principal, S. Miraflores. Mrs. H. W. Miller, Vicente Rodri-
Registrar, Rosario Salagubang. guez.
Mathematics, V. Cerna. Food Factory, F. G. Drachenberg.
National Language and Science, C. Furniture and Broom Factory, A. L.
Fernando. Christensen.
Religion, Rosario Salagubang. Laundry, Mrs. Orfelina Perez.
Printing, H. F. Meyer.
Elementary School, R. Carillo, Fran-
cis Dominguez, Conrada Paredes.
ANKADIFOTSY SCHOOL Aore, New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean
(Ecole Adventiste) Established 1929
Ankadifotsy, Tananarive, Headmaster: A. R. Hiscox.
Madagascar, Indian Ocean
Board of Management: H. Pichot, A.
Lams, H. L. Henriksen, J. Rajoeli- ARIZONA ACADEMY
son, J. Ramamonjisoa, D. Riemens,
J. Zurcher. 1325 North Fourteenth Street,
Phoenix, Arizona
Director: A. Lams.
Established 1920
Telephones: 3-8806, 4-9361.
ANTILLIAN JUNIOR COLLEGE Board of Management: G. H. Rustad,
(Colegio Adventists de las Antillas) Chairman ; G. E. Smith, Secretary.
Apartado 329, Santa Clara, Cuba Faculty:
Established 1923 Principal and Business Manager,
G. E. Smith.
Telephone: 2473. Accountant, V. K. Juler.
Board of Management: H. B. Lundquist, Registrar, Delight T. Clapp.
Chairman ; F. G. Drachenberg, Sec- Librarian, Lucile Haskin.

Preceptor, C. R. Hartlein. Dean of Men, J. P. Crabtree.

Preceptress, Mary L. Durning. Dean of Women, Mary McConaughey.
Bible, G. E. Smith, C. R. Hartlein, Dean of Theology, G. H. Minchin.
Commercial, Mary L. Durning. Director of Cafeteria, Clinton Mar-
English, Ella M. Hartlein, Lucile shall.
Haskin. Director of Health Service, Mrs.
History, Lucile Haskin. Josephine G. Svennevig.
Mathematics and Science, Delight T. Faculty:
Clapp. President, L. N. Holm.
Music, Noel Shelton, Mrs. Lloyd
Baze. Art, Mabel R. Bartlett.
Physical Education, Mary L. Durning, Bible and Theology, G. H. Minchin,
C. R. Hartlein. T. G. Bunch, C. 0. Smith.
Sewing, Ella M. Hartlein. Biology, Richard Ritland.
Spanish, Esther Alberro. Business Administration and Eco-
Elementary School, N. L. Jones, nomics, C. J. Stokes, C. C. Hamstra.
Pauline Hopkins, Mrs. Opal Lull, Chemistry, J. R. Chambers, P. S.
Jewell Meador. Chen.
Education, W. L. King, Mrs. Grace
Baking, Alma Riter. M. Nelson.
Matron, Alma Riter. English, Mrs. Rochelle P. Kilgore,
Woodworking, V. K. Juler. Mary McConaughey, H. W. Taylor.
Greek, C. 0. Smith.
History, W. L. King, G. E. Shankel,
Seventh-day Adventist Mission High Home Economics, Ruth G. Higgins,
School, Jowai Road, Shillong P.O., Mary P. Beyers.
Assam, India Library Science, A. N. Brandon.
Manual Arts, C. H. Dye.
Established 1941 Mathematics, Daniel Koval.
Faculty: Albert Schimke, Principal; Modern Languages, Edward Ney,
Mabel V. Broderson, 0. Gatphoh, Jeane W. Jordon.
S. Hansdak, Lalkuliama, Clarabelle Music, Mrs. Ruth B. Brown, Dorothy
Laloo, D. S. Laursen, Mina Poole, L. V. Evans, Mrs. Astrid W. King,
Thanzauva. Mrs. Virginia S. Rittenhouse, W. A.
Schram, Mrs. W. A. Schram, Mrs.
Win 0. Shankel, Mrs. H. W. Taylor.
Physical Education, C. R. Smith, Mrs.
South Lancaster, Massachusetts Physics, B. H. Van Horne.
Established 1882 Pre-Nursing and Health Education,
L'Marie Porter.
Telephones: Secretarial Training, Ruth Nelson.
Administration Building and Regis- Speech, Dorothy V. Evans.
trar's Office, Clinton 1770. Academy Faculty:
Business Office, Clinton 1270.
Academy, Clinton 1643-M. Principal, C. E. Kellogg.
Library, Clinton 972-J. Registrar, Thelma E. Hale.
Men's Dormitory, Clinton 1593. Librarian, Rowena E. Purdon.
Women's Dormitory, Clinton 233. Art, Mabel R. Bartlett.
Board of Trustees: M. L. Rice, D. K. Bible, W. B. Higgins.
Beetle, E. L. Branson, L. C. Evans, Commercial, Geraldine T. Hale.
L. N. Holm, G. E. Jones, J. S. Koot- French, Thelma E. Hale.
sey, E. Leffler, R. W. Moore, H. A. History. C. E. Kellogg.
Morrison, Carl Prager, J. J. Reiswig, Home Economics, Iva S. Furnival.
L. A. Senseman, R. S. Senseman, Mathematics and Science, P. G. Ford.
M. C. Taft, X. P. Walton. Music, Mrs. Astrid W. King.
Physical Education, C. R. Smith.
Local Board: M. L. Rice, L. E. Aldrich,
L. C. Evans, T. R. Gardner, W. J. Printing, Harold Knox.
Hackett, C. C. Hamstra, L. N. Holm, Critic Teachers:
C. E. Kellogg, R. A. Nesmith. English, Isabella Z. Taylor.
Administration : History, C. E. Kellogg.
President and Business Manager, L. Grammar Grades, C. E. Nelson.
N. Holm. Intermediate Grades, Mrs. Olive L.
Roberts, Ruth Hirt.
Dean and Director, Summer Session, Primary Grades, Mrs. Marian Clark.
G. E. Shankel.
Treasurer, C. C. Hamstra. Industries:
Accountant, A. W. Hamra. Bookbindery, Clifton Calkins.
Registrar, Dorothy Bartlett. Farm, Dairy, Gardening, and Poultry,
Librarian, A. N. Brandon. H. E. Clasing.

Laundry, Mrs. Gladys Quittmeyer. Turner, E. E. White, H. White, W. R.

Machine Shop Practice, Daniel Koval. Wilson.
Maintenance, J. A. Roberts. Administration :
Power Plant, H. F. Howes.
Printing, C. H. Dye, W. D. Jemson. Principal, W. G. Murdoch.
Business Manager, A. W. Dawson.
Accountant, C. D. Morgan.
Building Supervisor, T. W. Hammond.
AUBURN ACADEMY Librarian, A. F. J. Kranz,
Auburn, Washington Matron, Luise Vetter.
Established 1918 Preceptor, Marjorie Greive.
Telephone: Auburn 697. Faculty:
Board of Management: Theodore Car- Accountancy and Economics,
cich, Chairman ; William Lay, Sec- Art, II. E. Totenhofer.
retary. Bible, A. F. J. Kranz, N. C. Burns.
Chemistry and Physics, R. B. Watts.
Faculty: Domestic Science, E. Pengilley.
Principal and Business Manager, Elementary Education, G. Rosenhain.
William Lay. English, L. H. Turner, N. P. Clap-
Assistant Business Manager and ham.
Treasurer, W. M. Robinson. Evangelism, N. C. Burns.
Accountant, R. G. Hunt. Greek and Hebrew, W. G. Murdoch.
Registrar, D. F. Spenst. History, N. P. Clapham, G. Currow.
Librarian, Mrs. W. M. Robinson. Mathematics, R. B. Watts, L. H. Tur-
Dean of Boys, L. B. Griffin. ner.
Dean of Girls, Mrs. Edgar Grundset. Music, G. W. Greer, Mrs. Yvonne
School Nurse, Mrs. L. E. Dart. Howard.
Physiology, G. Currow, H. E. Toten-
Bible, V. 0. Blair, Mrs. G. C. Peter- hofer.
son, Mrs. W. M. Robinson. Secretarial, Elva Thorpe.
Biology and Chemistry, Edgar Grund- Speech, L. H. Turner.
Bookkeeping, R. G. Hunt. Vocational Arts, G. W. Richardson.
English, Mrs. William Lay, Mrs. W. Secondary School, H. Millist, Elva
M. Robinson. Bade, Enid Richter.
History, D. F. Spenst, V. 0. Blair. Elementary School, N. Sheppard, Jean
Home Economics, Vivian Hassell. Doble, Wanda Neibhur, May Schna-
Mathematics, D. F. Spenst, Edgar pel.
Metal Shop and Woodwork, J. E. Industries:
Hagele. Dairy and Farm, I. Irvine.
Music, G. C. Peterson, Olivia Harder, Engineering, J. H. Crisp.
Vivian Hassell. Garden, H. Grosser.
Physical Education, L. B. Griffin. Orchard and Poultry, L. Sonter.
Shorthand and Typing, Mrs. Elwood
Spanish, Elwood Mabley. AUSTRIAN MISSIONARY
Engineer, L. E. Harter. SEMINARY
Matron, Mrs. L. E. Soule. Schloss Bogenhofen, Post Hagenau,
Wood Products, T. A. Lorren. Austria
Established 1949
COLLEGE Board of Management: L. Schneebauer,
Cooranbong, New South Wales, W. Kaessmann, J. Lackner, F. Pie-
Australia ringer, H. Schnotezinger.
Established 1894 Faculty:
Board of Management: N. C. Wilson, Principal, F. Pieringer.
Chairman; F. A. Mote, W. L. Pascoe, Preceptress, Mrs. F. Pieringer.
Vice-chairmen ; W. H. Bagnall, W. E. Teacher, E. Korinek.
Battye, G. Branster, R. J. Burns, L.
A. Butler, A. W. Dawson, W. J. Gil-
son, R. A. Greive, H. J. Halliday, T. AYER MANIS SCHOOL
W. Hammond, H. W. Hollingsworth,
W. T. Hooper, B. 0. Johanson, J. W. (Dyak Training School)
Kent, B. H. McMahon, A. R. Mitchell, Serian, Kuching, Sarawak
H. G. Moulds, W. G. C. Murdoch, Established 1933
A. W. Peterson, W. T. Richards,
W. M. R. Scragg, D. Sibley, W. G. Principal: E. Sinaga.


Seventh-day Adventist Mission Middle Butterworth, Transkei, South Africa
School, 3 Spencer Road, Cleveland
Town, Bangalore, South India Established 1928
Board of Management: E. L. Sorenson, Board of Management: E. D. Hanson,
Chairman ; W. Egan, Secretary. Chairman ; S. W. Beardsell, Secre-
Faculty: tary.
Principal, E. L. Sorenson. Administration:
Headmaster, W. Egan. Principal and Business Manager,
Teachers, Mrs. W. Egan, Coleen Roe, S. W. Beardsell.
Pauline Thomas. Registrar, R. E. Clifford.
Preceptor, E. Msuseni.
BANGKOK S. D. A. MISSION SCHOOL Preceptress, Mrs. I. Mbenenge.
Rama IV Road, Bankok, Thailand Faculty:
Reorganized 1934 Accounting, R. E. Clifford.
Agriculture, G. S. Glass.
Board of Management: A. P. Ritz, Bible,
Chairman; Miss Pajong, Secretary. Domestic Science, Esme Webster.
English, Mrs. S. W. Beardsell.
BATTLE CREEK ACADEMY Teacher-Training, Elvers Eckerman.
180 Welch Road Secondary School, Elza Marais.
Battle Creek, Michigan Intermediate School, R. E. Nhlapo.
Elementary School, H. Mayaba, S.
Telephone: 2-8611. Molapo.
Board of Management: M. L. Mills, Farm Manager, G. S. Glass.
Chairman ; M. D. Hannah, Secretary. Woodwork and Construction, F. W.
Faculty: Bredenkamp.
Principal and Manager, M. D. Han-
Registrar, M. D. Hannah. Betikama, Guadalcanal,
Librarian, M. Margaret Taylor. Solomon Islands
Bible, Paul Evers, James Cunnington. Headmaster: R. W. Richter.
Commercial, W. L. Iles.
English, M. Margaret Taylor, W. L.
History and French, Paul Evers. BEULAH TRAINING SCHOOL
Music and Sewing, Evelyn Farley. Vaini, Nukualofa, Tonga, Pacific Ocean
Science and Mathematics, Bruce Lee.
Secretarial, M. Margaret Taylor. Established 1938
Vocational, Richard Myers.
Headmaster: A. H. Dawson.
Elementary School, Mrs. Dorothy
SCHOOL (Colegio Adventists de Bolivia)
Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands, Casilla 528, Cochabamba, Bolivia,
Pacific Ocean South America
Established 1923 Established 1931
Headmaster: L. R. Tonkin. Cable and Telegraphic Address: Cocha-
bamba, Bolivia.
BAUTAMA MISSIONARY SCHOOL Board of Management: E. D. Clifford,
Bautama, via Port Moresby, Papua, Chairman ; R. V. Vinglas, Secretary.
Pacific Ocean Administrative Board: E. D. Clifford,
Principal: E. C. Lemke. Chairman; It. V. Vinglas, Vice-
Chairman ; M. N. Soto, Secretary.
Post Office Box 45, Bekwai, Gold Coast, Principal and Manager, It. V. Vin-
West Africa glas.
Established 1939 Treasurer, M. N. Soto.
Principal: H. J. Welch. Librarian, G. Llusco.
Matron, Mrs. G. Llusco.
Vice Principal: A. M. Moyer. Nurse, Mrs. R. V. Vinglas.

Preceptor, D. Wandersleben. Physicians, E. B. Rodrigues, Walter

Preceptress, Mrs. M. N. Soto. Gomes.
Faculty: Dean of Men, Mario Roque.
Dean of Women, Vera L. Sabeff.
Agriculture, Geography, and History,
D. Wandersleben. Faculty :
Bible, R. Ramos, D. Wandersleben.
Drawing, First Aid, and Nursing, President, J. G. Garcia.
Mrs. R. V. Vinglas. Bible and Spanish, S. J. Schwantes.
Geography and History, D. Wander- Biology, E. B. Rodrigues.
sleben. Chemistry and Physics, W. E. Nelson.
Home Economics, Mrs. R. Ramos. Clothing, Erna Krueger.
Mathematics, M. N. Soto. Commercial, W. S. Avila, P. Apoli-
Music and Spanish, Mrs. M. N. Soto. nario, J. Azevedo, G. Denz, N.
Physical Education, Mrs. M. N. Soto, Gorski, R. Guimaraes, A. Hisi,
G. Llusco. Mrs. W. E. Nelson, 0. Oberg, 0.
Sciences, R. Ramos. Ritter, E. Rodrigues, S. J. Schwan-
Teacher Training, R. V. Vinglas. tes, L. Simon.
Elementary School, G. Llusco. Drawing, Ruth 0. Guimaraes, E. Ma-
Electricity, Photography, and Radio,
W. E. Nelson.
English, Mrs. W. E. Nelson, W. E.
Missao Adventists, Lepi, Angola, French, A. Grandmaison.
Portuguese West Africa Geography, 0. Oberg.
Mathematics, 0. Ritter, N. Gorski.
Faculty: Normal, L. Avila, B. C. Alves, P.
Principal, A. J. S. Casaca. Apolinario, G. Denz, J. Guimaraes,
Preceptor, Jose Fernando. R. Guimaraes, E. Maluf, Mrs. W. E.
Preceptress, Sofina Culembe. Nelson, 0. Ritter, E. B. Rodrigues,
S. J. Schwantes, L. Simon.
Teachers, Mario Abel, A. J. S. Casaca, Nursing and First Aid, Maria Rod-
Mrs. A. J. S. Casaca, V. Chaves, rigues.
Rodrigues Cesar, Leonardo Chi- Philosophy, G. Denz.
condo, Raimundu Chingolo, Sofina Physical Culture, L. Simon.
Culembe, Paulino Dias, Jose Fer- Piano, W. Apolinario.
nando, Rode Malaquias, Mrs. A. Pi_ Portuguese, A. Simon, P. Apolinario.
res, Samuel Sequeira, Ruby Visser. Theology, P. Apolinario, J. Azevedo,
G. Denz, N. Gorski, J. Guimaraes,
S. Kuempel, W. E. Nelson, 0.
Ritter, E. B. Rodrigues, Maria
BRAZIL COLLEGE Rodrigues, S. J. Schwantes.
(Colegio Adventists Brasileiro) Academy Faculty:
Established 1915
Bible, S. J. Schwantes, G. Denz, A.
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 258-A, Garcia, E. Maluf, A. Simon.
Sao Paulo, Capital, Brazil, South Drawing, E. Maluf, R. Guimaraes.
English, Mrs. W. E. Nelson.
America. French, A. Grandmaison.
Telegraphic Address: "Colegio," Sao Geography, 0. Oberg.
Paulo, Capital, Brazil. History, G. Denz, 0. Oberg.
Board of Management: R. Belz, Presi- Latin, A. Simon.
dent, R. A. Wilcox, Vice-President; J. Manual Arts, L. Avila, L. Fabiano,
G. Garcia, Secretary ; W. S. Avila, As- E. Maluf.
sistant Secretary ; D. Garcia, L. Hal- Mathematics, 0. Ritter, N. Gorski.
liwell, D. Holtz, N. Klein, J. Linhares, Music, J. Guimaraes, L. Simon.
M. Nigri, R. E. Oberg, F. M. Porto, Physical Culture, L. Simon.
Arno Schwantes, S. J. Schwantes, D. Portuguese, A. Simon, R. Guimaraes.
P. da Silva, J. Siqueira, J. Wagner. Science, N. Gorski, 0. Ritter.
Executive Committee: R. Belz, Presi- Elementary School, W. D. Pereira,
dent; J. G. Garcia, Vice-President; J. A. Oliveira, Preparatory; Odete
W. Avila, Secretary ; N. Klein, J. Oberg, Elziara Araujo, Cordelia
Linhares, Arno Schwantes, S. J. Denz, Ruth F. Moura, Noemi Rit-
Schwantes, R. A. Wilcox. ter, Primary.
Administration: Industries:
President, J. G. Garcia. Agriculture, Ernesto Bergold.
Vice-President, S. J. Schwantes. Carpentry, ---
Treasurer, W. S. Avila. Culinary, A. Garcia, M. Talvik.
Cashier, Olinda Spindola. Food Factory, Arno Schwantes.

BROADVIEW ACADEMY Established 1939

La Grange, Illinois Telephone: Ombu (740) 0674.
Established 1910 Board of Management: H. J. Peverini,
President; Ernesto Steger, Secretary.
Telephone: Brookfield 7100 and 7101.
Corporate Name: Broadview College Faculty:
and Theological Seminary. Principal, Guillermo Krieghoff.
Board of Management: J. L. McCon- Anatomy and Science, Jose Bernhardt.
aughey, Chairman ; Lee Taylor, Sec- Bible, R. L. Posse, Guillermo Krieg-
tary. hoff.
Administration : Drawing, Elina N. Romero, Jose
Principal and Business Manager, Bernhardt.
Lee Taylor. English, Mrs. D. W. Brooks.
Geography, Elina N. Romero.
Treasurer, D. N. Hartman. History, Guillermo Krieghoff.
Registrar, Annabelle Davidson. Latin, Ana G. de Hein.
Librarian, Richard Schwarz. Manual Training, Nestor Collazo,
Dean of Boys, A. J. Anders. Elina N. Romero.
Dean of Girls, Arlene Friestad. Mathematics, Mrs. Holanda Mulinari.
Health Service, Mrs. 0. J. Ferris. Music, Blanca Berisso.
Faculty: Spanish, R. L. Posse.
Principal, Lee Taylor. Elementary School, Ines S. de Posse,
G. de Bernhardt, Adela Dupertuis,
Agriculture, Lyle Hamel. Norma L. de Koch, Ester Ramos.
Bible, R. W. Wentland.
Commercial, Mrs. Virginia Reedy.
English, Ruth Wiest, Annabelle Dav-
Foreign Language, Annabelle David-
son. Loveland, Colorado
History, R. W. Wentland, Richard Established 1907
Household Arts, Mrs. C. R. Smith. Telephone: 0289-J-1.
Mathematics and Printing, C. R.
Smith. Board of Trustees: N. C. Petersen,
Music, Melvin Johnson, Mrs. Vir- Chairman ; V. W. Becker, Secretary.
ginia S. Olson.
Physical Education, Lee Taylor. Faculty:
Science, N. R. Hallock, C. R. Smith.
Principal and Manager, V. W. Becker.
Dairy and Farm, Lyle Hamel.
Engineer, Eric Peterson. Assistant Business Manager, R. L.
Matron, Elizabeth Eitel. Stretter.
Store, Mrs. A. J. Anders. Registrar, Audra Ching.
Woodwork, Daniel Capen. Librarian, Leola Castle.
Dean of Boys, George Thomson.
Dean of Girls, Myrtle Johnson.
Bible, D. W. Curry.
East Taunton, Massachusetts Commerce, R. L. Stretter, Frances
Established 1930 Chamberlain, Audra Ching.
Telephone: Taunton 23336. English, C. E. Stenberg, Beth Town-
Board: I. C. Evans, Chairman ; Ralph History, George Thompson; C. E.
Nobrega, Secretary. Stenberg.
Faculty: Home Economics and Language,
Principal and Business Manager, Leola Castle.
Ralph Nobrega. Mathematics, Carl Specht.
Medical Service, Myrtle Johnson.
Bible, English, and History, Settimio Music, C. L. Westermeyer, Frances
Renzi. Chamberlain, William Van Ornam.
Foreign Language, Ralph Nobrega. Printing, C. E. Stenberg.
Mathematics and Science, J. H. Webb. Science, Carl Specht, R. L. Stretter.
Music, Mrs. Ada Renzi.
Elementary School, Mrs. Francis
Jones, Mrs. W. G. Durham.
Broomshop, N. A. Coffin.
(Instituto "Florida") Cafeteria, Lura Newkirk.
Avenida San Martin 4601, Dairy, Farm, and Woodwork, N. C.
Florida, F.C.N. Gral. Bme. Mitre, Nash.
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Engineer and Maintenance, Harold
America Powell.


College Heights, Alberta, Canada Box 175, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad,
Established 1907 British West Indies
Established 1927
Telephone: 345.
Cable Address: "Training," Port-of-
Territory: Conferences of British Co- Spain, Trinidad.
lumbia, Alberta, and Manitoba-
Saskatchewan. For Eastern Canada, Board of Management: F. S. Thompson,
grades 15 and 16. Chairman ; J. 0. Emmerson, Vice-
Chairman ; P. W. Manuel, Secretary ;
Board of Trustees: W. A. Nelson, Chair- B. L. Archbold, Linda Austin, I. W.
man ; A. E. Millner, Vice-Chairman ; Baerg, Ralph Combes, R. F. Dunlop,
E. E. Bietz, Secretary; J. W. Bothe, R. E. Delafield, Vernon Flory,
C. M. Crawford, H. D. Henriksen, Charles Manoram, H. E. Nembhard,
G. E. Jones, P. M. Lewis, J. A. Mc- S. E. White.
Kibbin, W. H. Roberts, H. A. Shep-
ard, L E. Smart, R. A. Smithwick, Administration:
W. A. Sowers, C. C. Weis. Principal and Manager, P. W. Man-
Board of Management: W. A. Nelson, Treasurer, Linda Austin.
Chairman; A. E. Millner, Vice-Chair-
man ; E. E. Bietz, Secretary ; L. H. Registrar and Librarian, Mrs. Edith
Davies, H. D. Henriksen, J. A. Mc- Baerg.
Kibbin, T. C. Murdoch, H. A. Shep- Dean of Men, Walter Low.
ard, R. A. Smithwick. Dean of Women, Olive Edwards.
Matron, Prisca Da Jong.
Administration: Nurse, Mrs. L. Lawrence.
President and Business Manager, E. Faculty:
E. Bietz.
Agriculture, Walter Low.
Assistant to President and Treasurer, Bible, L. A. Kraner, P. W. Manuel,
T. C. Murdoch. Reuben Wilson.
Accountant, V. W. Stoodley. Commercial, Linda Austin, Mrs. L.
Registrar, Verda Deer. A. Kraner.
Librarian, Emma P. Coffin. English, Mrs. Edith Baerg, Olive
Dean of Men, H. J. Campbell. Edwards.
Dean of Women, Marjorie Jones. French, L. Lawrence.
Health Service, Mrs. Mary Gimbel. Health Principles, B. L. Richards.
Physician, J. A. McKibbin. History, L. A. Kraner.
Home Economics, Mrs. Edith Baerg.
Faculty: Mathematics, Olive Edwards, L. Law-
President, E. E. Bietz. rence.
Bible, Gordon Balharrie, H. J. Camp- Music, Mrs. B. L. Archbold, Olive
bell, Marjorie Jones, T. C. Mur- Edwards.
doch, D. F. Neufeld. Spanish, Linda Austin, Reuben Wil-
Biological Science, H. G. Coffin. son.
Chemistry, V. A. Winn. Normal, Mrs. P. W. Manuel.
Commerce, E. E. Bietz, P. W. Joice. Elementary, A. A. LaTouche, Mrs.
English, G. A. Graham, Dorothy A. A. LaTouche.
History, J. R. Bowett, G. A. Graham. Industries:
Home Economics, Jeanne Dorsette. Bakery and Laundry, Prisca Da Jong.
Industrial Arts, L. M. Cowin, E. L. Broomshop,
Nielson. Farm,
Language, Louise Dedeker. Printshop, I. W. Baerg.
Mathematics, P. G. Miller, Agnes Sewing, Mrs. Edith Baerg.
Anderson, Verda Deer. Woodwork and Mechanics,
Music, F. Bacon-Shone, G. I. Fer-
Nursing, Mrs. Mary Gimbel. CEDAR LAKE ACADEMY
Physical Science, P. G. Miller.
Secretarial Science, Ruth Joice. (Incorporated)
Intermediate School, Mrs. Willis Cedar Lake, Michigan
Clark. Established 1899
Elementary School, Anna M. Fey- Telephone: Edmore 128F2.
Board of Management: G. E. Hutches,
Farm, Elbert Neilsen, D. D. Warner. Chairman: H. R. Nelson, Secretary.
Cafeteria, J. H. Kuchta.
Laundry, Warren Mabley. Faculty:
Maintenance, F. 0. Jones. Principal and Business Manager,
Printing, W. A. Tetz. R. 0. Stone.

Accountant, E. J. Beardsley. Commercial, Ruth Conard.

Registrar, F. E. Shelton. English, Ruth' Ingram.
Librarian, Roger Bentley. History,
Preceptor, C. W. Mauro. Literature, Reuben Ruiz.
Preceptress, Clara Hoogenboom. Mathematics and Science, J. C. Hamer.
Agriculture, Elmer Moore. Music,
Bible, H. A. Weaver, Mrs. D. D. Normal Training,
Scott. Social Science, Martha San Martin.
Commercial, Mrs. Roger Bentley. Spanish, Francisco Lopez.
English, Mrs. D. D. Scott, Roger Agriculture,
Bentley. Carpentry, J. C. Hamer.
History, H. A. Weaver, R. 0. Stone. Matron,
Home Economics, Mrs. C. W. Mauro,
Mrs. R. 0. Stone.
Language, F. E. Shelton.
Mathematics, D. E. Davis. CENTRAL CHINA UNION
Music, D. L. Jones, Dorothy Winn. ACADEMY
Science, Roger Bentley, D. E. Davis. Postal Address: East Lake, Wuchang 3,
Auto Mechanics and Shop, D. E. Hupeh, China.
Davis. Telephone: 7-516.
Farm Superintendent, Elmer Moore.
Matron, Ethel Bowen. Board of Management: T. R. Shen,
Printing, Cecil McNeal. Chairman; K. S. Djao, Secretary.
Principal, K. S. Djao.
Teachers, Djang Dzi Yun, Djang Yu
(Sekolah Pendidikan Sulawesi) Gwang, Steven Fan, Giang Djao
Kowangkoan, Celebes, Indonesia Wen, Miss Go Djung Liang, Miss
Liu Han Hwa, Liu Sheng Kwang,
Established 1948 Y. S. Mao, Yen Dzi Li.
Cable Address: "SEPESU," Menado,
Principal, L. R. Winkler. (Colegio Adventista de Chile)
Treasurer, E. B. Matahari. Casilla 7 D,
Teachers, John Anderson, Mrs. John Chillan, Chile, South America
Anderson, Z. Macarewa, Mrs. Z. Established 1906
Macarewa, H. Mangkei, E. B.
Matahari, Mrs. E. B. Matahari, Telephone: 3032.
L. R. Winkler, Mrs. L. R. Winkler.
Telegraphic Address: Mariposas, Chil-
lan, Chile, South America.
Board of Management: Eliel Almonte,
CENTRAL AMERICAN VOCA- Chairman ; Merardo Leon, Secretary ;
TIONAL COLLEGE Alfredo Aeschlimann, Benjamin Bus-
(Colegio Vocacional de America tos, Roberto Drachemberg, Guillermo
Central) Emmenegger, Dario Garcia, Oliverio
Ibarbe, Ernesto Maldonado, Moises
Apartado 138, Alajuela, Costa Rica, Orellana, Manuel Perez, Ner Soto,
Central America Juan Zevallos.
Established 1927 Local Board: Eliel Almonte, Alcides
Cable Address: "Adventista," San Jose, Alva, Augusto Bacigalupi, Roberto
Costa Rica. Drachemberg, Herbert Greer, Me-
rardo Leon, Otto Vyhmeister.
Telephone: Alajuela 158.
Board of Management: A. V. Larson, President, Merardo Leon.
Chairman ; , Secretary.
Treasurer, Roberto Drachemberg.
Administration: Registrar, Mrs. Roberto Drachemberg.
Principal, . Dean of Men, H. E. Greer.
Treasurer, Ruth Conard. Dean of Women, Neva Sandborn.
Registrar, Mrs. Nicolas Chaij. Faculty:
Librarian, Nicolas Chaij. President, Merardo Leon.
Dean of Men,
Dean of Women, Ruth Ingram. Bible. Augusto Bacigalupi, H. E.
Faculty: Commerce, Roberto Drachemberg.
Bible, Nicolas Chaij. Cooking, Mrs. Merardo Leon.

Dietetics and Nursing, Nolvia Tapia. Home Economics, Mrs. Su Hsing, Ho

Education and Science, A. J. Alva. Bein Ying, Mrs. P. H. Lin.
English, H. E. Greer, Neva Sand- Music,
born. Science and Mathematics, Chung Hsin
French, Mrs. Hector Pereyra. Fang, Ho Tsun Hsien, Hwang Wen
Geography and History, Joel Sepul- Pei.
veda. Social Science, Ku Tao Hsin, Chou
Manual Arts, Mrs. Alcides Alva. Yung Yao.
Mathematics, Mrs. Otto Vyhmeister. Elementary School, Yeh En Tsi, Mrs.
Music and Piano, Aida Herrera. Chang Chui Yu.
Physical Education, H. E. Greer.
Spanish, Hector Pereyra.
Primary Department, Joel Sepulveda. CHOISEUL INTERMEDIATE
Farm, Otto Vyhmeister. SCHOOL
Ruruvae, Choiseul, Solomon Islands,
Pacific Ocean
Chiaotoutseng, Kiangsu, China
Established 1910 EVANGELISTS
Board of Trustees: Hsu Hwa, Chair- Loma Linda and Los Angeles,
man ; Su Hsing, Secretary ; Chen California
Ming, Dih Tse Djen, Fu Yu Ying,
Ho Tsun Hsien, P. T. Ho, Lee Su Established 1906 ; chartered 1909
Liang, David Lin, Herbert Liu, H. C.
Shen, H. H. Tan, S. T. Wang, Wu Board of Trustees: R. W. Barnes, C. L.
Ting Chi, Wu Tzu Chou. Bauer, A. L. Bietz, R. R. Bietz, Olov
Blompuist, W. H. Branson, M. V.
Committee on Administration: Su Campbell, W. B. Clark, E. E. Cossen-
Using, Chairman ; Wu Ting Chi, Act- tine, W. P. Elliott, Harold Ermshar,
ing Secretary; Chao Tung Mei, An- T. R. Flaiz, G. T. Harding, H. H.
drew Chen, Chester Chi, Chiang Hicks, F. E. Leffingwell, W. E. Mac-
Tsung Kwang, Duan Yun Chieh, Ho pherson, J. L. McElhany, F. B. Moor,
Tsun Hsien, S. T. Wang, Wu Tzu H. S. Nelson, Mrs. Kathryn J. Nel-
Chou, two representatives from the son, W. B. Ochs, 0. B. Pratt, F. W.
student body, two representatives Sehnepper, S. A. Striven, Harold
from the faculty staff. Shryock, J. C. Shull, W. S. Smith,
Administration: H. 0. Stilson, C. L. Torrey, H. M.
President, Su Hsing.
Dean, Wu Ting Chi (Acting). Advisory Members of the Board: V. G.
Business Manager, S. T. Wang. Anderson, G. H. Curtis, L. E. Len-
Treasurer, Wu Tzu Chou. heim, E. L. Morel, D. A. Ochs, M. L.
Dean of Men, Chen You Shih. Rice, G. A. Roberts, H. L. Rudy, J.
D. Smith, J. W. Turner, H. W. Voll-
Dean of Women, Chao Tung Mei. mer.
Officers of the Board: W. P. Elliott,
Agriculture, Chiang Kwang Yu, Hwa President and Chairman ; G. T. Har-
Yi Hsin. ding, First Vice-President; W. E.
Bible, Chiang Tsung Kwang. Macpherson, Second Vice-President;
Biology, Fan Chen Chien, Fredrick C. L. Bauer, Third Vice-President; J.
Ma, Hwang Wen Pei. C. Shull, Comptroller and Treasurer ;
Business Administration, S. T. Wang. Leon Roberson, Secretary and As-
Chinese Language and Literature, Ku sistant Treasurer; G. H. Curtis, R.
Shih. L. Ateheson, Assistant Secretaries.
Evangelistic, Duan Yun Chieh.
Foreign Language and Literature, General Administrative Officers:.
Lin Pao Heng. President, G. T. Harding.
Home Economics, Ho Bein Ying. Vice-President, W. E. Macpherson.
Music, Comptroller, J. C. Shull ; Associate,
Normal Training, Chen Yu Shih. A. G. Munson.
Pre-Medical, Andrew Chen. Resident Auditor, R. L. Ateheson.
Social Science, Su Hsing. Medical Extension Secretary, Carl
Academy Faculty:
Principal, Ho Tsun Hsien.
Bible, Chang Chui Yu. School of Medicine
Chinese Language, Chen Tsung Tao,
Mrs. Wu Ting Chi. Administration:
English Language, Loh Deh, Mrs. S. Dean, W. E. Macpherson.
T. Wang. Associate Dean, Harold Shryock.

Dean of Students, Loma Linda, Divi- Anesthesiology: J. K. Skahen, In-

sion, W. B. Clark. structor.
Registrar, Loma Linda Division, C. Christian Ethics and Doctrine: N. F.
C. Fink. Pease, Professor ; R. W. Olson, As-
Registrar, Los Angeles Division, Wil- sistant Professor.
leta Carlsen.
Executive Committee, Los Angeles Di-
Executive Committee, Loma Linda Di- vision (Clinical Division) : G. T. Har-
sion (Preclinical Division): G. T. ding, Chairman ; W. E. Macpherson,
Harding, Chairman ; Harold Shryock, Vice-Chairman; Willeta Carlsen, Sec-
Vice-Chairman ; C. C. Fink, Secre- retary ; R. W. Barnes, A. L. Bietz,
tary; W. B. Clark, W. E. Macpherson, C. B. Courville, R. B. Haining, F. B.
R. A. Mortensen, H. N. Mozar, J. C. Moor, 0. B. Pratt, Harold Shryock,
Shull, C. S. Small, Lydia M. Sonnen- J. C. Shull, H. 0. Stilson, W. L. Stil-
berg, H. M. Walton. son, R. J. Thompson, H. M. Walton.
Faculty Council, Loma Linda Division Faculty Council, Los Angeles Division
(Preclinical Division): Harold Shry- (Clinical Division): W. E. Macpher-
ock, Chairman ; C. C. Fink, Secre- son, Chairman ; Willeta Carlsen, Sec-
tary; R. G. Auvil, E. C. Christensen, retary ; R. W. Barnes, C. T. Batten,
W. B. Clark, G. L. Dybdahl, E. C. Jr., R. T. Bergman, A. L. Bietz; 0.
Ehlers, J. 0. Ewert, J. D. Fletcher, A. Blomquist, M. B. Brooks, J. B.
C. E. Francis, B. W. Halstead, E. B. Brown, H. G. Childs, Jr., R. F. Chin-
Hardin, G. T. Harding, M. G. Har- nock, B. N. Colver, C. E. Counter,
dinge, J. E. Hughes, G. M. Hunt, F. D. A. Courville, C. W. Dail, H. A.
W. Gardner, A. B. Jones, T. F. Jude- Davis, P. H. Deeb, Hertha Ehlers,
find, K. E. Kellogg, L. H. Lonergan, R. D. Ekroth, Harold Ermshar, L. S.
W. E. Macpherson, F. R. Modglin, R. Goerke, H. J. Gomes, D. E. Griggs,
A. Mortensen, H. N. Mozar, H. S. G. G. Hadley, R. B. Haining, W. L.
Nelson, R. W. Olson, N. F. Pease, J. Halverson, F. D. Hankins, H.
E. Peterson, 0. B. Pratt, L. J. Rich- J. Hama, G. T. Harding, Dell D.
ards, E. L. Rogers, J. C. Roos, J. A. Haughey, P. C. Heubach, M. R. Hill,
Scharffenberg, Loleta E. Simpson, J. A. E. Hirst, Jr., L. R. House, C. R.
K. Skahen, C. S. Small, H. M. Smith, Howson, E. G. Hoxie, R. E. Hoyt, E.
C. E. Winter, T. I. Zirkle. J. Jorgenson, V. J. Johns, A. I.
Kugel, L. D. Lee, F. E. Leffingwell,
Seventh-day Adventist Faculty, Loma J. E. Maschmeyer, F. B. Moor, E. L.
Linda Division: Morel, M. W. Nugent, J. L. Pettis,
Anatomy: J. E. Hughes, Harold Shry- 0. B. Pratt, L. J. Regan, T. G. Rey-
ock, Associate Professors; M. G. nolds, J. J. Short, Harold Shryock,
Hardinge, G. M. Hunt, Assistant Mollie Sittner, N. W. Specht, C. E.
Professors; J. D. Fletcher, F. R. Stafford, H. 0. Stilson, W. L. Stilson,
Modglin, L. J. Richards, Instruc- G. M. Taylor, R. J. Thompson, G. M.
tors. Uhl, P. J. Vogel, H. M. Walton, H.
Physiology: K. E. Kellogg, Professor; F. Ziprick.
H. M. Smith, Instructor. Committee on Graduate and Postgradu-
Therapeutics: F. B. Moor, Professor; ate Medical Education: H. M. Wal-
C. W. Dail, L. H. Lonergan, Asso- ton, Chairman; Ruth. R. Steitz, Re-
ciate Professors; E. C. Christensen, cording Secretary ; H. A. Davis, Di-
Assistant Professor. rector, Basic Science Course in Sur-
Biochemistry: R. A. Mortensen, Pro- gery and Surgical Specialties; H. J.
fessor; D. A. Courville, Assistant Hara, Director, Basic Science Course
Professor. in Otolaryngology; W. E. Macpher-
son, Chairman of Section on Medi-
Pathology and Bacteriology: 0. B. cine; E. L. Morel, Assistant Director,
Pratt, Professor; T. F. Judefind, Basic Science Course in Surgery and
C. S. Small, Associate Professors ; Surgical Specialties ; J. J. Short,
J. C. Roos, C. E. Winter, G. L. Director, Basic Science Course in
Dybdahl, Instructors ; B. W. Hal- Internal Medicine; G. M. Taylor,
stead, Instructor (Medical Zoology). Director, Division of Postgraduate
Internal Medicine: W. E. Macpherson, Courses.
Professor ; J. E. Peterson, Associate
Clinical Professor; E. C. Ehlers, F. Seventh-day Adventist Faculty, Los An-
W. Gardner, Assistant Professors ; geles Division:
E. B. Hardin, A. B. Jones, E. L. Therapeutics: F. B. Moor, Professor;
Rogers, J. A. Scharffenberg, In- C. W. Dail, Associate Professor;
structors. S. C. Knox, J. E. Maschmeyer, H.
Radiology: Loleta E. Simpson, In- C. Turner, Instructors.
structor. Pathology and Bacteriology: 0. B.
General Surgery: T. I. Zirkle, Asso- Pratt, Professor; A. F. Brown, T.
ciate Professor ; R. G. Auvil, In- S. Kimball, Associate Professors;
structor. A. L. Chaney, G. D. Curtis, A. E.

Hirst, Jr., E. G. Hoxie, A. A. Ophthalmology: S. B. Brownsberger,

Kosky, R. H. Osborne, Assistant Clinical Professor; L. C. George,
Professors; H. J. Gomes, G. G. R. J. Schillinger, Assistant Profes-
Hadley, Instructors. sors; A. S. Gray, D. L. Hauck, E.
E. Merkel, Instructors.
Internal Medicine: W. E. Macpher-
son, Professor; D. E. Griggs, Clini- Otolaryngology: B. N. Colver, Pro-
cal Professor; B. E. Grant, H. J. fessor ; H. J. Hara, Clinical Pro-
Hoxie, A. R. Roos, J. J. Short, H. fessor ; L. R. House, L. D. Trott,
M. Walton, Associate Professors ; Associate Professors; L. K. Rosen-
0. A. Blomquist, J. E. Peterson, vold, M. C. Schroeder, Assistant
Associate Clinical Professors ; L. J. Professors; A. J. Patt, Assistant
Brunie, Belle W. Comstock, W. D. Clinical Professor; J. D. Abbey, J.
Evans, L. J. Fisher, E. W. Gilbert, 0. Ewert, J. M. Gibbins, Leslie
R. B. Haining, H. N. Mozar, S. H. Riechel, C. E. Stewart, Jr., In-
Phang, Assistant Professors; Otto structors.
Arndal, A. M. Bond, C. C. Bunch,
R. M. Hill, M. F. Lay, Assistant Urology: R. W. Barnes, Professor;
Clinical Professors; J. E. Affeldt, R. T. Bergman, Clinical Professor;
M. S. Bourdeau, H. F. Ermshar, S. E. Farley, C. L. Turner, Instruc-
A. P.../ Funk, R. H. Iwata, D. L. tors.
John, V. J. Johns, L. J. Klingbeil, Proctology: M. R. Hill, Professor; F.
L. P. Krall, N. W. Specht, H. 0. G. ReBell, Assistant Clinical Pro-
Stilson, Florence C. Voth, Law- f essor.
rence Whitaker, Instructors.
Stomatology: H. G. Childs, Jr., Asso-
Pediatrics: Hertha Ehlers, Associate ciate Professor ' G. K. Adams, As-
Clinical Professor, R. F. Chinnock, sistant Clinical Professor; J. W.
Assistant Professor; F. A. Miracle, Durham, C. C. Emmerson, W. W.
Assistant Clinical Professor ; P. K. Gibbs, S. R. Kunkel, B. W. Miller,
Ito. Geraldine J. Leech, Maude E. R. J. Phillips, E. L. Schneider, J.
O'Neil, Naomi K. Pitman, Harriett V. Scott, Instructors.
B. Randall, M. H. Telling, Instruc-
tors. Anesthesiology: F. E. Leffingwell,
Diseases of the Chest: C. E. Babcock, Associate Clinical Professor ; H. S.
Assistant Professor. Downs, A. H. Kirk, A. J. Martin-
son, Assistant Clinical Professors ;
Dermatology and Syphilology: C. E. E. A. Bower, Alethea M. Dollinger,
Counter, Associate Clinical Profes- Katherine C. Fisher, C. A. Mounce,
sor; Molleurus Couperus, Assistant Instructors.
Professor; T. E. Gibson, M. D.
Knoll, H. E. Starr, Assistant Clini- Department of Obstetrics and Gyne-
cal Professors; S. B. May, J. D. cology, R. J. Thompson, Professor;
Rogers, Instructors. A. H. Larson, Clinical Professor;
W. C. Bradbury, Elizabeth Lar-
Radiology: W. L. Stilson, Associate son, Associate Professors; Dell D.
Professor ; P. II. Deeb, 0. J. Neu- Haughey, H. F. Ziprick, Assistant
feld, Assistant Clinical Professors; Professors; V. 0. Parrett, Assist-
Delos Comstock, Instructor. . ant Clinical Professor ; J. B. Brown,
Public Health and Preventive Medi- R. D. Ekroth, Lucy K. Lawrence,
cine: W. L. Halverson, Professor; E. E. Nicols, G. E. Norwood, A. L.
Mary B. Dale, Instructor. Peterson, F. L. Scott, R. R. Scott,
R. L. Stone, Instructors.
General Surgery: E. J. Joergenson,
C. E. Nelson, C. S. Stafford, Asso- Neurology: C. B. Courville, Profes-
ciate Clinical Professors; R. W. sor ; C. W. Olsen, Clinical Profes-
Allen, Jacob Janzen, G. A. John- sor; E. D. Fisher, Clemson Marsh,
stone, E. A. Nelson, Assistant Pro- Assistant Professors.
fessors; H. H. Drake, A. E. Gilbert,
F. D. Hankins, F. E. Poole, C. H. Neurosurgery: P. J. Vogel, Associate
Talmage, Assistant Clinical Profes- Clinical Professor.
sors; R. N. Brown, L. V. Hofgaar- Psychiatry: G. T. Harding, Profes-
den. F. H. Jones, A. I. Kugel, J. sor; C. T. Batten, Jr., Assistant
H. Leary, D. W. McGuffin, E. L. Professor; B. A. M. Williamson,
Morel, J. E. Ostendorph, H. C. Assistant Clinical Professor ; V. J.
Prout, Ernest Smith, T. F. Wright, Miller, Instructor.
Cultural Medicine: W. F. Norwood,
Orthopedics: G. M. Taylor, Profes- Professor; J. L. Pettis, Mollie Sit-
sor ; A. J. Neufeld, Associate Clini- ner, Assistant Professors.
cal Professor ; C. A. Mason, Assist-
ant Professor ; M. B. Downs, W. Applied Christianity: A. L. Bietz,
H. Emery, Assistant Clinical Pro- Professor ; P. C. Heubach, Associ-
fessors; T. G. Reynolds, Instructor. ate Professor.

School of Tropical Medicine Blood Bank, Elisabeth Larsson.

Director, H. N. Mozar. Hematology, LaVerna L. Ellis, Flor-
ence Winton.
Medical Zoology, B. W. Halstead.
Histologic Technique, Bruce Sem-
Public Relations, Milton Murray. mens, Georgia Sutherland.
Entomology, Raymond Ryckman. Parasitology, Bruce Halstead, Chester
Pathology, H. J. Gomes, E. G. Hoxie.
School of Dietetics
Religion, P. C. Heubach.
Director, Lydia M. Sonnenberg. Serology, May F. Weiss.
Administrative Faculty: Surgical Technique, Dorothea Sheldon,
G. T. Harding, Harold Shryock, C. C. Sue Van Tilborg.
Fink, Lydia M. Sonnenberg, Ruth
Stenborn, R. W. Olson, N. F. Pease,
W. B. Clark, Jennie L. Stagg, Ruth School of Nursing
Faculty of Instruction: General Administrative Officers:
Health Principles, Nutrition in Dis- Dean, Mrs. Kathryn J. Nelson.
ease, Quantity Cookery, Accounting Assistant Dean (Loma Linda Divi-
Food Cost Control, Institutional sion), Mrs. Catherine Graf.
Organization and Management, and Assistant Dean (Los Angeles Divi-
Institutional Experience, Lydia M. sion), Maxine Atteberry.
Sonnenberg. Personnel Guidance, W. B. Clark.
Registrar, C. C. Fink.
Advanced Nutrition, Food Manage- Comptroller. J. C. Shull.
ment, Child Nutrition, Animal Ex- General Educator, G. T. Anderson.
perimentation, Experimental Foods, Director of Hospitals, H. M. Walton.
Methods in Teaching, Nutrition
Seminar, Ruth Stenborn. Administrative Faculty Council:
Bible, R. W. Olson. Loma Linda Division:
Bacteriology, T. Judefind. Mrs. Kathryn J. Nelson, Mrs. Cath-
Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, R. erine Graf, Maureen Maxwell, Mrs.
A. Mortensen. Phyllis Norman, Alice Rampson,
Velma Wallace.
Physiology, K. E. Kellogg, H. M.
Smith. Los Angeles Division:

Psychobiology, Harold Shryock. Mrs. Kathryn J. Nelson, Maxine
Atteberry, Lila R. Frederick, Ana..
Student Supervisors, Loma Linda Divi- belle Mills, Pauline Neal, Harriet
sion: Smith.
Loma Linda Sanitarium, Elvira Blais, Faculty of Instruction:
Zella Nixon.
Institutional Marketing, Jennie L. Applied Christianity: A. L. Bietz,
Stagg. Professor; P. C. Heubach, F. A.
Moran, Associate Professors ; N.
Student Supervisors, Los Angeles Di- R. Nelson, D. C. Newbold, Mar-
vision: guerite Williamson, Assistant In-
White Memorial Hospital, Ellen An- structors.
derson, Muriel Bafus, Ruth Little, Biological and Physical Sciences:
Eileen Pangburn, Edith R. Twi- R. A. Mortensen, Professor; Max-
chell. ine Atteberry, Associate Professor;
White Memorial Clinic, Alfaretta R. W. Berdan, Technical Assistant.
White Memorial Cafeteria, Eileen Health Conservation: Harriet Smith,
Pangburn. Associate Professor ; Mrs. Ruth
Lindbloom, Assistant Professor;
Director of Dietetic Internships: Eva Borden, Adeline Farnsworth,
Loma Linda, Jennie L. Stagg. Pauline Neal, Alice Rampson, In-
Los Angeles, Ruth Little. structors ; Marian Davenport, Claire
Nelson, Assistant Instructors.
Humanities and Fine Arts: La Sierra
School of Laboratory Technique College Faculty.
Medical and Surgical Nursing: Mau-
Director, 0. B. Pratt. reen Maxwell, Assistant Professor ;
Faculty: Flossie Case, Alice Kuhn, Frieda
Lutz, Jean Rebok, Vivian Warren,
Bacteriology, Ruby Dybdahl. Anabelle Mills, Instructors ; Selma
Bio-chemistry, Stanley Wiess, Jean- Adams, Mrs. Hazel Bennett, Luthea
nie Wiessman. Estey, Lois Ferguson, Bernice Haw-

kins, Esther Healzer, Patricia Dorothy Davis, C. W. Dail, J. E.

Hughes, Althea Regester, Marjorie Maschmeyer, Joyce McInnis, R. A.
Schweder, Hazel Schultz, Lucille Hershey.
Talmage, Bessie Wat, Freda Wil- Neurology, C. B. Courville, V. J.
liams, Mary K. Woods, Mrs. Inge- Miller.
borg Zerne, Assistant Instructors. Occupational Therapy, Ernestine Es-
Medical Science and Therapeutics: tis.
F. B. Moor, Professor ; C. S. Small, Orthopedics, A. J. Neufeld, T. G.
Associate Professor; Flossie Case, Reynolds, G. M. Taylor, Vernon
Mrs. Dora Dalbey, J. E. Masch- Nickel.
meyer, J. C. Roos, Loleta E. Simp-
son, Instructors ; Ruth Little, Lydia Pathology, C. S. Small.
M. Sonnenberg, Dietitians; Ethel M. Physical Therapy Technique, Jeanne
Manwell, Physical Therapist; Fred Middleton, G. M. Crandall, R. W.
Bowers, Dorothy Davis, Gladys Ry- Berdan.
der, Assistant Instructors. Physiology, K. E. Kellogg, H. M.
Obstetrical and Gynecological Nurs- Smith.
ing: R. J. Thompson, C. E. Francis, Posture Training. R. A. Hershey, J.
Professors; Elisabeth Larsson, As- E. Maschmeyer, C. W. Dail.
sociate Professor; Mrs. Irene Wai-
ner, Mrs. Ruth Wipperman, In- Principles of Physical Therapy, R. W.
structors ; Illa Casey, Beatrice Gore, Berdan, E. C. Christensen.
Mrs. Orpha G. Riise, Florence Psychology, G. T. Harding, V. J.
Shepard, Assistant Instructors. Miller.
Pediatric Nursing: Hertha Ehlers, Surgery, C. E. Stafford.
Associate Professor; R. F. Chin- Rehabilitation, J. E. Maschmeyer,
nook, Assistant Professor; Mrs. Joyce McInnis, C. W. Dail.
Clara Woo, Instructor; Priscilla
Dewey, Assistant Instructor. Tests and Measurements, E. Evelyn
Britt, C. W. Dail, R. A. Hershey,
Psychology and Mental Health: C. B. Dorothy Davis, Joyce McInnis.
Courville, G. T. Harding, Profes-
sors; Harold Shryock, Harriet
Smith, Associate Professors; Mau-
reen Maxwell, Assistant Professor. School of X-ray Technique
Social Studies: A. L. Bietz, Mrs. Director, W. L. Stilson.
Kathryn J. Nelson, Professors ; Faculty:
Maxine Atteberry, Mrs. Catherine
Graf, P. C. Heubach, F. A. Moran, Photography, Edward Hamilton.
Associate Professors ; Mrs. Ruth Radiology, D. C. Adler, P. H. Deeb.
Lindbloom, Assistant Professor. Radiation Physics and Biology, Ralph
Adams, W. L. Stilson.
Religious Edtication, P. C. Heubach.
School of Physical Therapy Reontgen Anatomy, Neil Thrasher,
Director, F. B. Moor. Merlin Woesner, Geoffry Gardiner.
Anatomy and Kinesiology, J. E. COLOMBIA-VENEZUELA UNION
Hughes, M. G. Hardinge, J. D. TRAINING SCHOOL
Fletcher, Jeanne Middleton. (Institute Colombo-Venezolano)
Applied Christianity, A. L. Bietz, P.
C. Heubach. Apartado 224,
Medellin, Colombia, South America
Bible, R. W. Olson, N. F. Pease.
Established 1936
Clinical Practice, Ethel M. Manwell,
J. E. Maschmeyer, F. B. Moor. Air Mail Address: Correo Aereo 877,
Electrotherapy and Light Therapy, Medellin, Colombia, South America.
Dorothy Davis. Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Acol-
Ethics, Ethel M. Manwell. ven" Medellin, Colombia, South
Fever Therapy, F. B. Moor, Edna America.
Ward. Telephone: America 12-63.
Hydrotherapy, Dorothy Davis, R. A. Board of Directors: G. C. Nickle, Chair-
Hershey. man ; W. E. Aeschlimann, Secretary.
Massage, C. W. Dail, Eunice Marsh, Local Board: W. E. Aeschlimann,
Ethel M. Manwell. Chairman ; Luis Camacho, Secretary.
Medicine, F. B. Moor, C. W. Dail, Administration:
J. E. Maschmeyer. Principal and Business Manager, W.
Muscle Reeducation, E. Evelyn Britt, E. Aeschlimann.

Treasurer, Luis Camacho. CORAL SEA UNION COLLEGE

Registrar, Eloina Caceres.
Preceptor, L. C. Larrazabal. Kambubu, New Britain, Pacific Ocean
Preceptress, Principal : I. R. Harvey.
School Nurse, Consuela V. de Carrillo.
Bible, Gilberto Bustamante. Londynska 30, Praha-Vinohrady,
Bookkeeping, L. C. Larrazabal. Czechoslovakia
Commercial, Lola Escandon.
English, Mrs. W. T. Collins. Established 1925 ; re-established 1946
History, Ignacio Carrillo.
Mathematics, W. E. Aeschlimann. Faculty :
Music, Mario Robinson. Principal, T. Zigmund.
Normal, Mrs. W. E. Aeschlimann. Anatomy, J. Simon.
Printing, W. T. Collins. Bible and Theology, T. Zigmund.
Science, Julian Werner, Antonio Ce- Czech, Literature, and Logic, V.
ballos. Vorac.
Elementary School, Mrs. W. E. English, Mrs. Tvrdikova.
Aeschlimann, Judith Rivera, Rosa Greek and Latin, Mr. Hvizdala.
Ruiz. Hebrew, Dr. Klima.
Matron, Amanda de Larrazabal. Mathematics, Miss Ptackova.
Music, Miss E. Doubrayska.
Physics and Chemistry, A. Stefanec.
Psychology and History, K. Spinar.
Battle Ground, Washington
Established 1908
Telephone: Battle Ground 5457.
Vejlefjord Hojskole, Daugaard,
Board of Management: L. E. Biggs, Denmark
Chairman ; B. M. Kurtz. Secretary.
Established 1908 ; reorganized 1931
Board of Trustees: P. G. Nelson, Chair-
Principal and Business Manager, B. man; C. A. Larsen, Secretary.
M. Kurtz.
Assistant Manager and Accountant,
C. W. Smith. Principal, C. A. Larsen.
Registrar, Madge Muchmore. Accountant: Mrs. Camilla Larsen.
Dean of Boys, Joseph Stone. Dean of Girls, Anna Jensen.
Dean of Girls, Florence Gill. Dean of Boys, J. Reichelt.
Bible, C. G. McKeown. Faculty :
Bookkeeping and Commercial, C. W.
Smith, Florence Gill. Accounting and English, Mrs. Ka-
English, Madge Muchmore, A. R. milla Larsen.
Morley. Bible, Homiletics, and Psychology,
History, Wendell Fleck, A. R. Morley, C. A. Larsen.
Joseph Stone. Church History, J. Reichelt.
Home Economics, Mrs. Don Wesslen. Danish, K. A. Frederiksen.
Language, A. R. Morley. History and Geology, C. Bagger.
Mathematics, A. R. Morley, Don Typing and Shorthand, Herdis Lund.
Wesslen. Academy Faculty:
Music, Mrs. George Reis, Archie De-
vitt. Bible, J. Reichelt.
Science, Don Wesslen, Joseph Stone. Danish, Swedish, Mathematics and
Nature Study, K. A. Frederiksen.
Elementary School, C. E. Homann, Domestic Science: Mrs. Ellis Jacob-
Mrs. E. Wood, Mrs. Ted Pyke. sen.
Industrial, Ira Jackson. English and Manual Training, Mrs.
Matron, Mrs. Irene F. Hamilton. Kam illa Larsen.
Shop, Don Wesslen. History, Geography, German, and
Physics, C. Bagger.
Physiology, First Aid, and Sewing,
Anna Jensen.
Elementary School, Marie Schmidt.
Box 21, Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Pacific Ocean Agriculture, S. Rasmussen.
Cement and Woodwork, Th. Tranborg.
Headmaster: J. Cernik. Gardening, W. A. Moller.


(Colegio Adventists Dominicano) Chiaotoutseng, Kiangsu, China
Apartado 87, Ciudad Trujillo, Faculty:
Republica Dominicans
Principal and Manager, S. T. Wang.
Board of Managers: Valentin Schoen, Assistant Principal, Dih Tsi Djen.
Chairman ; L. A. Wheeler, Secretary. Treasurer, Wu Chih Chow.
Faculty : Registrar, Ho Tsun Hsien.
Principal and Manager, L. A. Teachers: Chang Tsui Yu, Chao Tong
Wheeler, Mei, Chia Ming Hsien, Dih Tsi
Accountant, Arturo Broch. Djen, Djen Chen, Mrs. Djen, Feng
Preceptor, Edgar Williams. Chao Ying, Ho Tsun Hsien, Luh
Preceptress and Matron, Leonela Deh, H. C. Shen, Tuan Yun Chien,
Gonzales. Yeh En Tse, S. T. Wang, Wu Chih
Bible and Mathematics, L. A.
Geography and History, Arturo EAST VISAYAN ACADEMY
Science and Spanish, Ana Retif. Bulacao, Talisay, Cebu, Philippines
Elementary School, Edgar Williams. Established 1936
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 119, Cebu
City, Philippines.
SCHOOL Board of Management: M. C. Warren,
Chairman ; D. M. Hechanova, Jr.,
P.O. Bombo, Uganda, East Africa Secretary.
Established 1946 Faculty:
Staff: C. J. Hyde, G. J. E. Coetzee, It. Principal and Business Manager, D.
A. Marx. M. Hechanova, Jr.
Treasurer, F. T. Verde.
Registrar, F. S. Hechanova.
EAST BRAZIL ACADEMY Librarian, R. Y. Reyes.
Preceptor, P. P. Ramos.
(Institute Teologico Adventists) Preceptress, V. C. Diaz.
Caixa Pastal 55 Agriculture and Physical Education,
Petropolis, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, C. E. Diaz.
Brazil, South America Bible, D. M. Hechanova, Jr., P. P.
Established 1939 Ramos.
Bookeeping, Economics, Stenography,
Telegraphic Address: "ITA," Petropolis, and Typing, F. T. Verde.
Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. English, V. C. Diaz.
Board of Management: R. A. Wilcox, History, P. P. Ramos, R. Y. Reyes.
Chairman ; J. T. Araujo, Secretary. Home Economics and Music, F. S.
Faculty: Mathematics and Science, C. E. Diaz,
Principal, J. T. Araujo. F. C. Manatad.
National Language, R. Y. Reyes.
Treasurer, J. F. Waiting.
Preceptor, S. C. Souza. Elementary School, J. M. Atil, H.
Preceptress, Hilda Silva. Llaguno, E. Llaguno.
School Physician, G. N. Vieira. Farm and Grounds, J. M. Atil.
Architectural Drawing and Domestic Flower Nursery, R. Y. Reyes.
Science, E. Patto. Laundry, H. Llaguno.
Bible, T. Kanada. Matron, M. T. Verde.
Biology and Science, W. Groeschel. Poultry, D. M. Hechanova, Jr.
English and French, E. H. Walker, X. Sewing, F. C. Manatad.
Groeschel, R. R. Brandao. Store, F. T. Verde.
Geography, Hilda Silva, R. R. Bran-
Language, S. C. Souza, W. Groeschel, Berrien Springs. Michigan
R. R. Brandao. Established 1874 as Battle Creek Col-
Mathematics, W. Groeschel, J. F. lege; present location 1901
Elementary School, Lourdes Ludu- Telephone: Berrien Springs 5521.
vice. Legal Title: "Emmanuel Missionary
Matron, Camila N. Vieira. College, Incorporated."

Board of Trustees: L. E. Lenheim, ert MaeMorland, W. W. Nelson,

Chairman ; P. W. Christian, Secre- H. L. Rasmussen, C. D. Striplin.
tary; N. L. Beebe, C. M. Bunker, Academy Faculty:
R. G. Burchfield, H. J. Capman,
F. N. Crowe, Elton Dessain, 0. C. Principal, R. A. Johnson.
Durham, T. M. Fountain, J. B. Frank, Librarian, Arlene Marks.
E. L. Green, G. E. Hutches, W. T. Agriculture, V. H. Campbell.
Lindsay, T. R. Lukens, J. L. Mc- Bible, C. W. Lee.
Conaughey, H. A. Morrison, W. A. Biology, P. W. Anderson.
Nelson, M. W. Prince, H. L. Rudy, English, Mrs. Alma M. Campbell.
L. J. Wall, A. H. Welklin, S. E. French, George Smith.
Wight, E. F. Willett, W. H. Wil- History, C. S. Field, It. A. Johnson.
liams. Home Economics, Beatrice Holquist.
Administration: Mathematics, A. D. Holmes.
Music, Paul Hamel, Mrs. Annetta S.
President, P. W. Christian. Reiber.
Dean, A. H. Rulkoetter. Physics, H. E. Hein.
Business Manager, V. P. Lovell. Shorthand and Typewriting, Mrs.
Treasurer and Accountant, Earl Pearl H. Gaitens.
Beaty. Woodcraft, Leslie Smith.
Assistant Treasurer and Associate Ac-
countant, Robert MacMorland. Elementary School Faculty:
Registrar, C. D. Striplin. Principal, Louise Ambs.
Director of Admissions, Mrs. Wanda First Grade, Marguerite Ross.
Second and Third Grades, Bernice
W. MacMorland.
Librarian, Arlene Marks. Webber.
Assistant Librarians, Barbara Phipps, Third and Fourth Grades, Marie
Dorothy Ferren.
Dean of Men, C. L. Gemmell. Fifth and Sixth Grades, Margaret
Dean of Women, Rachel Christman; Benedict.
Assistant, Mildred Martin. Seventh and Eighth Grades, Merton
Matron, Mrs. Clara G. Marsh. Peterson.
Field Representative, A. 0. Dunn. Industries:
College Physician, G. W. Brown. Bindery, W. W. Nelson.
Faculty: Dairy and Farm, V. H. Campbell.
Engineering, J. E. Riffel.
President, P. W. Christian. Laundry, Mrs. Louise Gibson.
Agriculture, V. H. Campbell, Clar- Press, Albert Anderson.
ence Noblitt, Niel Sorensen. Store, Fred Sweringen.
Applied Arts, Leslie Smith. Wood Products, Joseph Day.
Bible and Religion, E. R. Thiele, A. College Wood Products:
E. Axelson, 0. H. Christensen,
H. 0. Olson. General Manager,
Biology, F. L. Marsh, B. II. Phipps, Treasurer, Earl Beaty.
H. Y. C. Wong. Plant A, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
Chemistry, H. F. Halenz, John Chris- Plant B, La Grange, Illinois.
tensen, J. C. Gaitens. Board of Directors, L. E. Lenheim,
Education, H. E. Edwards, Louise Chairman ; Earl Beaty, Acting Sec-
Ambs, J. D. Wang. retary ; Daniel Capen, P. W. Chris-
English and Literature, P. T. Gibbs, tian ; Joseph Day, V. P. Lovell,
Violet Morgan, Mrs. Marlys P. J. L. McConaughey, Lee Taylor.
Owen, H. J. Shaw, Edith Stone.
French, Daniel Augsburger, George
Home Economics, Beatrice Holquist, Enterprise, Kansas
Mrs. Alice G. Marsh.
Library Science, Arlene Marks. Organized 1919
Mathematics, E. J. Specht, A. D.
Holmes. Telephone: Enterprise 4281.
Music, V. W. Thompson, P. W. Beach, Board of Trustees: D. R. Rees, Presi-
R. J. Borrowdale, M. W. Davis, dent; 0. L. Heinrich, Secretary.
Paul Hamel, Verne Kelsey, Estelle Faculty:
Nursing Education, Vera M. Fisher, Principal and Manager, 0. L. Hein-
Maude Fahrbach. rich.
Physics, H. M. Lashier. Accountant, Francis Crofoot.
Secretarial Science, Mrs. Elsie 0. Registrar, Mrs. 0. L. Heinrich.
Johnson, Mrs. Pearl H. Gaitens. Librarian, Mrs. Pete Roehl.
Social Science, Earl Beaty, E. K. Dean of Boys, Francis Knittel.
Vande Vere, P. W. Christian, Rob- Dean of Girls, Genevieve Dickerson.


English, Francis Knittel. Maitland, Florida
History and Science, Pete Roehl.
Home Economics, Mrs. Pete Roehl. Established 1926
Language and Commercial, Ida Ed-
gerton. Telephone: Winter Park 26-201.
Mathematics and Vocations, Lester Board of Management: R. H. Night-
Ball. ingale, Chairman; J. M. Ackerman,
Music, Robert Warner, Harold Lickey, Secretary.
Mrs. Robert Warner.
Elementary School, Ileane Smith.
Principal and Business Manager, J.
Cafeteria, Mrs. Ben Brost. M. Ackerman.
Farm, Ben Brost.
Print Shop, Edward Coffman. Treasurer, D. L. West.
Registrar, Grace Keith.
Librarian, Eloise Rogers.
Dean of Boys, K. R. Davis.
ETHIOPIAN MISSION TRAINING Dean of Girls and Nurse, Edna Stone-
P.O. Box 145, Bible, Lois Pettis, K. R. Davis, J. M.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Ackerman.
Faculty: Bookeeping, D. L. West.
English, Mrs. Celeste Kirstein, Eloise
Principal, H. A. Hanson. Rogers.
Teachers, Irene Eide, Mrs. H. A. Home Economics, Edna Stoneburner.
Hanson, Negarie Mulatta, Kassesh History, Jesse Jones.
H. Mariam. Mathematics and Science, J. E. Mine-
singer, Jesse Jones.
Medical Cadet Corps and Physical
Music, Francis Cossentine, George
P.O. Box 145, Printing, Daniel Suhrie.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Spanish, Mrs. Celeste Kirstein.
Typing, Mrs. K. R. Davis.
Dairy, 0. D. Tompkins.
Principal, Mae Matthews. Matron,
Teachers, Tersite Abeba, Akele Ber- Press, Daniel Suhrie, Ed Olsen.
hanie, Olgera Samuel.


(Seminaire Adventiste du Saleve)
(Toivonlinnan Kristillinen Opisto)
Collonges-sous-Saleve (Haute-Savoie),
Piikkio, Finland France
Established 1918; reorganized 1932 Established 1921
Telegraphic Address: Toivonlinna, Piik- Board of Management: W. R. Beach,
kio, Finland. Chairman; A. Vaucher, Secretary.
Telephone: Piikkio 24. Local Board: A. Vaucher, Chairman;
R. Guenin, Secretary.
Board of Management: A. Y. Rintala,
Chairman ; H. Karstrom, Secretary. Faculty:
Faculty: President, A. Vaucher.
Principal, H. Karstrom. Dean, R. Bermeilly.
Manager, R. Guenin.
Preceptress, Lina Lehti. Treasurer, A. Jordan.
Bible, Toivo Ketola, 0. Maattanen. Registrar, Doris Chapellier.
Chemistry, Physics, and Biology, H. Preceptor, B. Paschkulew.
Karstrom. Preceptress, Odette Mathey.
English, Toivo Ketola, K. Kaarima. Ancient Languages, C. Comiot.
Finnish, K. Kaarima, H. Lylykari. Bible, A. Vaucher, E. Bertalot.
Geography, Helmi Sihvola. Commerce, J. P. Aeschlimann.
History and Homiletics, 0. Maat- Domestic Science, Mrs. M. Hessloehl.
tanen. English, Mrs. F. Charpiot, Mrs. E.
Mathematics, H. Viirla. Bertalot.
Music, S. Jalkanen. French, R. Bermeilly.
Swedish, Helmi Sihvola, Kitty Kar- German, P. Steiner.
strom. History, Ch. Rihs.
Matron, Asta Backman. Mathematics, R. Guy.

Music, A. Buser. Teachers: A. Birsgal, W. Eberhardt,

Normal, R. Guenin. H. Kobs, Waldtraut Langer, G.
Science, D. Toureille. Lupke, S. Lupke.
Intermediate School, R. Bermeilly,
Mrs. M. Harlet, Jeanne Marty.
Elementary School, Jacqueline Leki- FULTON MISSIONARY COLLEGE
eff re. Korovau, Tai Levu, Fiji, Pacific Ocean
Farm, E. Bernard. Established 1904
Gardens, Louis Vez.
Mechanical Industries, R. Klaschwitz, Principal: L. S. Wood.
R. Magni.
Printing, Jean Abot.
FRENCH CAMEROONS BIBLE Box 691, Caldwell, Idaho
TRAINING SCHOOL Established 1918
Nanga-Eboko, French Cameroons, Telephone: 828.
West Africa
Board of Management: C. C. Kott,
chairman ; G. L. Beane, Secretary.
841 W. Belmont Ave., Fresno 1, Principal and Manager, G. L. Beane.
California Treasurer, H. F. Crays.
Registrar, G. L. Beane.
Established 1921 Librarian, Mrs. M. Rowse.
Telephone: 2-7649. Dean of Boys, Leon Cornforth.
Dean of Girls, Rose Budd.
Board of Management: A. E. Lickey,
Chairman ; 0. D. Hancock, Secretary. Baking, Vernon Atkins.
Bookkeeping and Typing, H, F. Crays.
Faculty: English, Mrs. M. Rowse.
Principal and Business Manager, 0. Music, Walter Wheeler, Audrey Rader.
D. Hancock. Old Testament, Rose Budd.
Physical Education, Leon Cornforth.
Accountant and Registrar, Beatrice Science, M. 0. Cheney.
Sage. Spanish, G. L. Beane.
Bible, Wilbur Holbrook. Bakery, Dean Dennis.
Commercial and Home Arts, Martha Dairy and Farm, M. 0. Cheney.
J. Anderson. Matron, Mrs. M. 0. Cheney.
English, Jo R. Beach.
History, 0. D. Hancock.
Music, Vera Lester.
Physical Education, Wilbur Holbrook, GITWE TRAINING SCHOOL
Martha J. Anderson. (Seminaire Adventiste)
Science and Mathematics, J. A. Mc- Gitwe, via Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi,
Spanish, E. R. Johnson. Belgian East Africa
Woodcraft, W. H. Bronsert. Established 1931
Elementary School, Mrs. Evelyn Case,
Mrs. Harriett Hancock, Anna Jen- Faculty:
sen, John Du Nesme, Carolyn Principal, E. I. Edstrom; Assistant
Shobe. W. H. Johnson.
Cafeteria, Mildred Harker. Nurse, Ruth Carnahan.
Teacher, Mrs. W. H. Johnson.

Friedensau, (19b) Post Grabow, uber 700 Kimlin Drive, Glendale 6, California
Burg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
Established 1923
Established 1899
Telephone: Citrus 2-8301.
Board of Management: M. Budnick,
Chairman. Board of Managers:
Chairman ; N. L. Parker, Secretary-
Faculty: Treasurer.
Principal, W. Eberhardt. Faculty:
Preceptor, G. Lupke. Principal and Business Manager, N.
Preceptress, Waldtraut Langer. L. Parker.

Accountant, M. M. Millner. Faculty:

Registrar, Gertrude M. Gibson. Principal, 0. B. Hanson.
Bible, Floyd Hills, E. B. Matheson. Teachers: P. Adonis, C. Africa, Mavis
Commerce, Elizabeth Husman. Jepthas, E. May, N. Springveldt,
English, Kathryn Speh. D. M. Swaine, W. A. Turner.
History, E. B. Matheson.
Home Economics, Mrs. Miriam Tur-
Library Science, Emma A. Frost.
Mathematics and Science, G. H. Gib- 415 Newbury Street
son, E. B. Seitz. Boston 15, Massachusetts
Music, M. D. Plumb, Mrs. Helen Tup- Established 1944
per, Glen Cole, Eleanor Attarian.
Physical Education, R. J. Geier, Telephone: Kenmore 6-7462.
Emma A. Frost. Board: L. C. Evans, Chairman; E. C.
Printing, J. B. Krauss, E. B. Seitz. Harkins, Secretary.
Spanish, Mrs. Lydia Cole.
Woodwork, R. J. Geier. Faculty:
Elementary School, Mavis Smith, Principal and Treasurer, E. C. Har-
Principal ; Murl Vance, Dovie Brix, kins.
Marjorie Hackett, Martha Hagsted, Bible and History, Richard Hammond.
Mrs. Pauline Hanson, Kathleen English, E. C. Harkins.
Kachuck, Virginia McCool, Mrs. Language and Typing, Bernece M.
Shakespeare, Marion Seth, Mrs. Harkins.
Ruth Sutton, Mrs. Florence Wey- Science and Mathematics, Kenneth
and. Spaulding.
Cafeteria, Mrs. Marie Geier. Sewing, Maxine Spaulding.
Elementary School, Mrs. Annie Belle
Patterson, Mrs. J. R. Adams.
3800 Mountain Blvd., Oakland 19, Calif.
Established 1923
41-32 58th Street, Woodside,
Telephone: KEllogg 4-8320. Long Island, New York
Board of Directors: B. W. Mattison, Established 1920
Chairman, S. W. Johnson, Secretary.
Faculty: Telephone: Newton 9-0799.
Principal and Manager, S. W. John- Board: E. L. Branson, Chairman; J. H.
son. Nylander, Secretary.
Vice-Principal, J. D. Hardt. Faculty:
Accountant and Registrar, Fannie Principal, J. H. Nylander.
Cooke. Accountant, Charlene Baker.
Librarian, Vernon Braaten.
Librarian, Mrs. J. H. Nylander.
Bible, J. D. Hardt.
Commerce, Fannie Cooke, Mrs. Shirley Bible, J. H. Nylander.
West. Commercial, Charlene Baker.
English, Vernon Braaten. English and Home Economics, Evelyn
History, J. D. Hardt, George Casebeer. Russell.
Homemaking, Mrs. Vera Nethercott. German and History, W. M. Maurer.
Mathematics, Science, and Woodwork, Mathematics and Science, Sidney Rit-
F. D. Fisher. tenhouse.
Music, Mrs. Shirley West, George Music, Mrs. J. T. Harrop.
Casebeer, John Dovich. Cafeteria, Mrs. J. T. Harrop.
Spanish, George Casebeer.
Elementary School, Mrs. Alma M.
Grant, Mrs. Elizabeth Hardt, Muriel HAITIAN SEMINARY
Harlow, Florence Santee, Albert (Seminaire Adventiste D'Haiti)
Matron, Mrs. Vera Nethercott. Diquini, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Established 1934
GOOD HOPE TRAINING SCHOOL Postal Address: Casier A-115, Port-au-
Prince, Haiti.
Klipfontein Road, Athlone, Cape,
South Africa Board of Management: Ernest Veuthey,
Established 1930 Chairman ; A. G. Roth, Secretary.
Board of Management: A. C. LeButt, Faculty:
Chairman ; 0. B. Hanson, Secretary. Principal and Manager, A. G. Roth.

Treasurer, Julien Craan. Library Science, Miyoko Kusuhara.

Registrar, Mathematics and Photography, J. H.
Preceptor, Sem Pierre-Louis. Horning.
Preceptress and Matron, Mrs. Albert Music, Madge Gould.
Painson. Printing, Lloyd Barber.
Bible, Marcel Abel. Science, W. V. Albee.
Commerce, Julien Craan. Spanish, J. D. Marshall.
English, M. M. Rabuka. Speech, Miriam Ohta.
French, Max Chaumette. Elementary School, Viola Herr, Ethel
Geography, History, and Normal, Hesseltine, Betsy Hirayama, Lua
Marcel Perpignan. Horning, Amy Nakama, Truman
Mathematics and Science, Albert Reed, Nellie Shim, Margery Smith,
Painson. Yoshito Taba, Virginia Woods.
Industrial Enterprises, M. M. Ra- Shop, J. H. Horning.
Wood Products, Michel Toussaint.
P. 0. Box 22, Somerset West,
Hapur, United Provinces, India Board of Trustees: C. W. Bozarth,
Chairman, W. E. McClure, Secretary ;
Faculty: K. F. Ambs, E. F. Birkenstock, F. G.
Principal, R. F. Juriansz. Clifford, J. B. Cooks, V. R. Cooks,
W. D. Eva, E. D. Hanson, N. Jeffes,
Teachers: E. F. Gardner, Mrs. G. B. S. G. Maxwell, E. A. Moon, A. W.
Hoag, Sardaran Khan, Viola Sen, Staples, E. W. Tarr, F. H. Thomas,
Miss Sharma. P. J. Trystman, W. R. Vail, J. van
de Merwe.
Local Board: C. W. Bozarth, W. E.
BOARDING SCHOOL McClure, E. A. Moon, F. G. Clifford,
F. H. Thomas.
Hatkanagale, Kolhapur, India Administration:
Established 1950 President, W. E. McClure.
Faculty: Business Manager, F. H. Thomas.
Cashier, Mary Kidson.
Principal, S. S. Pandit. Registrar, A. J. Raitt.
Teachers: Esterbai Adagle, Santosh Librarian, Mrs. Ruth Gorle.
Hivale, Mrs. S. S. Pandit, Jr., Dean of Men, E. L. Tarr.
A. M. Tudu, Mrs. Wood. Dean of Women, Anne Visser.
Supervisor of Junior Hostel, Mrs.
C. H. Smuts.
1438 Pensacola Street, Honolulu, Hawaii
President, W. E. McClure.
Established 1915
Afrikaans, M. A. Ficker, P. J. van
Telephones: 65376 and 93881. Eck.
Agriculture, R. S. Hill.
Board of Directors: C. E. Andross,
Chairman; A. R. Tucker, Secretary. Bible, T. K. Ludgate, E. L. Tarr.
Biology, V. J. Adamson.
Faculty: Building Construction and Carpentry,
Principal and Manager, A. R. Tucker. S. W. J. Glanz.
Business Administration and Secre-
Treasurer and Accountant, R. A. tarial Science, Ethel Edmed, Stan-
Strickland. ley Maxwell.
Registrar and Secretary, Thelma Reed. Chemistry, C. F. Clarke.
Librarian, Miyoko Kusuhara. Education, J. P. van Eck, A. J. Raitt,
Art, Florence Tucker. W. E. McClure.
Bible, J. D. Marshall, Hideo Oshita, English, Mrs. Ruth Gorle.
Elmer Herr. French, A. J. Raitt.
Commercial, Alice Fukunaga, R. A. Geography, Hophni Joubert.
Strickland. Greek and Hebrew, T. K. Ludgate.
English, Miriam Ohta, Miyoko Ku- History, J. H. Smuts, E. L. Tarr.
suhara, Lloyd Sewake, Florence Home Economics, Myrtle Keough.
Tucker. Mathematics, A. L. Watt, C. F.
History, Elmer Herr. Clarke.
Home Economics, Lorna Kuniyasu, Music, Frances L. Brown, Muriel
Florence Tucker. Stockil, Gwendoline Smith, Mrs.
Japanese, Lloyd Sewake. W. E. McClure.

Physical Science, C. F. Clarke, A. L. H. W. Lowe, H. A. Morrison, W. E.

Watt. Nelson, W. B. Ochs, L. R. Rasmus-
Teacher Training, P. J. van Eck. sen, D. E. Rebok, W. H. Shephard,
Elementary School, Mary Winkler. W. H. Williams.
Industries: Advisory Council: W. H. Teesdale,
Chairman; G. T. Anderson, E. E.
Dairy, Farm, and Poultry, R. S. Hill. Bietz, V. E. Berry, P. W. Christian,
Carpentry and Woodwork, S. W. J. H. C. Hartman, L. N. Holm, B. H.
Glanz. McMahon, J. V. Peters, F. L. Peter-
Food Services, Mrs. S. van Rooyen. son, D. E. Rebok, A. H. Roth, Otto
Laundry, Mrs. F. C. Pelser. Schuberth, W. H. Shephard, W. A.
Maintenance, W. E. Tapper. Sowers, E. W. Tarr, J. E. Weaver,
K. A. Wright.
HIGHLAND ACADEMY Administration:
Fountain Head, Tennessee President, W. H. Teesdale.
Established 1945 Registrar and Treasurer, M. E. Evans.
Office Secretary, Mrs. Dorothy F.
Board of Management: W. E. Strick- Beltz.
land, Chairman ; J. H. Bischoff, Secre-
tary. Faculty:
Faculty: President, W. H. Teesdale.
Principal and Business Manager, J. H. Astronomy and Geology, H. W. Clark,
Bischoff. R. E. Hoen.
Bible and Evangelism, I. F. Blue,
Accountant, A. J. Hess. E. W. Carey, J. D Livingston, Mrs.
Registrar, Mrs. H. D. Lawson. D. A. Ochs, D. E. Robinson, H. T.
Librarian, W. F. Ray. Terry.
Dean of Boys, L. C. Strickland. Biblical Languages, R. E. Loasby,
Dean of Girls, Mrs. V. L. Johnson. Biology, Barbara Smith.
Bible, A. J. Hess, W. F. Ray, L. C. Education, Mabel Cassell, G. F. Wolf-
Strickland. kill, Lorena Wilcox.
Commercial, A. J. Hess, Mrs. H. D. English, Rhetoric, and Literature,
Lawson. Linnie L. Keith, W. F. Tarr, Mrs.
English, H. D. Lawson, Mrs. V. L. L. E. Woods.
Johnson. French, Mrs. Daniel Walther.
History, L. C. Strickland. German, Esther Br uck,
Home Economics, Mrs. Nina Bogar. Harmonyand Hymnology, H. B. Han-
Mathematics and Spanish, H. D. Law- num.
son. Health, Mrs. Edyth T. James, Dorothy
Medical Cadet Corps, L. C. Strick- Sampson.
land, H. D. Lawson. History, L. M. Hamilton, F. A. Meier,
Printing, Homer Lynd. Daniel Walther, A. W. Werline.
Science, W. F. Ray, Homer Lynd. Mathematics, E. M. Andross, E. B.
Farm, W. E. Clayburn. Ogden, L. E. Woods.
Matron, Mrs. Nina Bogar. Shorthand and Typewriting, B. P.
Spanish, Mrs. J. D. Livingston.
Elementary Division, Mrs. Francis
Bollihope Crescent, Mowbray, Cape Folger, Mrs. Holger Lindsjo.
Town, South Africa
Teachers: Mrs. E. Bulgin, Mrs. R. Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China
Holbrook, Mrs. J. B. Naude, Doreen
Staples. Established 1916
HOME STUDY INSTITUTE Principal, Liu Kuei Lin (Acting).
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. Teachers: Chang Li Yeh, Han Yu
Wen, Liu Kuei Lin, Yang Chun
Established 1909 Yung.
Constituency: The General Conference
Board of Managers: A. V. Olson, Chair- (Colegio Industrial Hondureno)
man ; E. E. Cossentine, Vice-Chair-
man; W. H. Teesdale, Secretary; L. San Francisco, Atlantida, Honduras,
K. Dickson, E. W. Dunbar, J. E. Ed- Central America
wards, H. T. Elliott, M. E. Evans, Established 1946

Board of Management: E. E. Jensen, History, Guillermo Bernal, Jacoba

Chairman ; L. E. Greenidge, Secre- Florian. '
tary. Home Economics and Handicrafts,
Administration : Mrs. Victor Achata, Mrs. Isaias
Ramos, Mrs. Mateo Aguilar.
Principal, L. E. Greenidge. Mathematics, Walter Hein.
Treasurer, Normal Training, Mrs. Guillermo
Preceptor, Charles Jones. Bernal, Mrs. G. R. Ernst.
Preceptress, Mrs. L. E. Greenidge. Physical Culture, Napoleon Linares,
Elvira Henriquez.
Faculty: Science, Walter Hein.
Bible, Spanish, Mateo Aguilar, Mrs. Walter
Commercial, Hein.
English, Lula V. C. Gregory. Bakery, L. D. Ruckle.
History, L. E. Greenidge. Farm,
Mathematics and Science,
Farm, Peter Wood.
Matron, Mrs. L. E. Greenidge. INDIANA ACADEMY
Cicero, Indiana
P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika Territory, Telephone: 15 W.
East Africa
Board: C. M. Bunker, President; C. M.
Established 1930 Willison, Secretary-Treasurer.
Principal: F. E. Schlehuber. Faculty:
Head Master: I. G. van Aswegen. Principal and Business Manager, C.
Head Mistress (Girls' School) : Jessie M. Willison.
Hawman. Accountant, William Stitt.
Head Teacher: Justin Salimu. Dean of Boys, Garth Thompson.
Dean of Girls, Eliza Parfitt.
Accounting, William Stitt.
INCA UNION COLLEGE Agriculture, C. M. Willison.
(Colegio Union) Bible, L. L. Murphy, Garth Thompson.
Biology, Mathematics, and Science, C.
Km. 25 CarreteraLima Chosica C. Hansen.
Nana, Lima, Peru Commercial, Marion Merchant.
Established 1919 English, Lillian Keller, Garth Thomp-
Telephone: 09 Larga distancia. French, Mrs. V. R. Pike.
Postal Address: Casilla 2102, Lima, History, Eliza Parfitt.
Peru. Music, Celia Walker, Garth Thomp-
Boad of Management: L. H. Olson,
President ; R. L. Jacobs, Secretary ; Dairy, Paul Johnson.
E. D. Clifford, G. R. Ernst, J. I. Farm, A. M. Houck.
Hartman, 0. Krause, S. C. Pritchard, Matron, Mrs. C. C. Hansen.
Donald von Pohle, B. W. Steinweg,
A. M. Tillman.
President, R. L. Jacobs. SCHOOL
Vice-President, Jaeoba Florian. Seminaire Adventiste Soamanandrariny,
Manager and Treasurer, G. R. Ernst. Madagascar
Accountant, Olga Lopez.
Dean of Men, Isaias Ramos. Established 1938
Dean of Women, Postal Address: P. 0. Box 466, Tanana-
Matron, Mrs. L. D. Ruckle. rive, Madagascar, Indian Ocean.
Faculty: Board of Management: H. Pichot,
Principal, A. J. Alva. Chairman ; J. Zurcher, Secretary.
Art, Victor Achata. Faculty:
Bible, Edmundo Alva, Isaias Ramos,
R. L. Jacobs. Principal and Manager, J. Zurcher.
Commerce, G. R. Ernst, Olga Lopez. Teachers: A. Ithier, A. Mananarina,
English, Mrs. G. R. Ernst, Mrs. R. L. A. Manoel, J. Rajoelison, B. Rako-
Jacobs. toarisoa, J. Ramamonjisoa, J. Rao-
Geography and National History, seta, Razafimahafaly, C. Razafindra-
Victor Achata, Jacoba Florian. soa.


124 Route Nationale 22, Phu-nhuan, (Istituto Avventista di
Saigon, Indo-China Cultura Biblica)
Established 1939 Via del Pergolino 12, "Villa Aurora,"
Florence, Italy
Faculty: Le Huu, L. G. Storz, Mrs. E. Established 1940
H. Wallace.
Telephone: 41-214.
Board of Management: L. Beer, Chair-
INDONESIA UNION SEMINARY man ; G. Cupertino, Secretary.
Gadobangkong, Tjimahi, Java, Indonesia Faculty:
Principal, G. Cupertino.
Established 1929 Treasurer, G. F. Rossi.
Local Board: D. S. Kime, Chairman ( Preceptor, G. Valcarenghi.
A. M. Bartlett, Secretary. Preceptress, Anna Lippolis.
Faculty: Bible, G. Cupertino.
History, M. Vincentelli.
Principal, A. M. Bartlett. Italian and Latin, G. Valcare'nghi.
Treasurer, J. B. Laloan. Mathematics, L. Valcarenghi.
Music, Anna Lippolis.
Teachers: A. M. Bartlett, Mrs. A. M.
Bartlett, L. Hogendorp, J. B. La-
loan, A. P. Mamora, L. W. Mauldin, JAMES SECONDARY BOARDING
Mrs. L. W. Mauldin, J. Wairata, SCHOOL
Mrs. E. J. Wegner.
Prakasapuram, Tinnevelly District,
South India
IRAN TRAINING SCHOOL Board of Management: 0. 0. Mattison,
Chairman ; 0. S. Matthews, Secre-
2075 Pahlavi Avenue, Tehran, Iran tary.
Established 1946 Faculty :
Telephone: 5525. Principal, 0. S. Matthews.
Teachers: S. Alice, I. Chelliah, M.
Board of Management: K. S. Oster, Paul, Y. Ponniah, Rebecca Samuel,
Chairman; P. C. Boynton, Secretary. Robert Samraj, Mrs. Robert Sam-
Faculty: raj.
Principal and Business Manager, P. C.
Armenian and Farsee, Mrs. Shirva- (Nihon San-Iku Gakuin)
nian. Showa Machi, Kimitsu Gun,
Bible, P. C. Boynton, I. Pourhadi. Chiba Ken, Japan
English, Mrs. P. C. Boynton. Established 1926
Music, Mrs. K. S. Oster.
Telephone: Narawa 18.
Board of Management: F. R. Millard,
IRAQ TRAINING SCHOOL Chairman ; , Secretary ; W. I.
Hilliard, T. Kajiyama, S. Kunihara,
Mosul, Iraq H. B. Ludden, S. Tabuchi, S. Tamura,
Established 1927 T. Yamagata.
Board of Management: Director of Iraq
Mission, Chairman ; Said Touma, Se- President,
cretary. Dean, T. Yamagata.
Manager, H. B. Ludden.
Faculty: Treasurer, S. Tamura.
Principal and Business Manager, Registrar, Haruko Hara.
Said Touma. Librarian, Mieko Suzuki.
Dean of Men, I. Tabuchi.
Arabic, Nageeba Isaac. Dean of Women, Ai Niwa.
Bible, Behnam Arshat. Nurse, Sakuyo Wakabayashi.
English, Mrs. Selma M. Towns.
Mathematics, Said Touma. Faculty: a
Science, Philip Saaty, Mareen Saaty. President, .
Primary School, Nassima Gamil, Ma- Art, S. Takahashi.
jeeda Shamoun, Rosa Sursum, Sha- Bible and Evangelism, T. Yamagata,
miram Yussiff. S. Kunihira, S. Fuchita.

Commercial, S. Tamura, Sumi Yoshi- Board of Management: R. N. Dass,

mura. Chairman ; P. K. Gayen, Secretary.
English, S. Fuchita, Sophie Ludden, Faculty:
M. Mori, Ai Niwa, I. Tabuchi, H.
Yanami. Principal, P. K. Gayen.
Home Arts, Fumiko Shibata, Mieko Teachers: Mrs. C. M. Biswas, J. N.
Suzuki. Dass, S. K. Dass, N. L. Roy, P N.
Japanese, Haruko Hara, T. Funada. Sommaddar.
Mathematics and Science, E. Kawai,
M. Yoshimura, I. Tabuchi, Fumiko
Shibata, H. Yanami, K. Yamagata. KHUNTI ELEMENTARY BOARDING
Music, Ai Niwa, Sachiko Hirano. SCHOOL
Physical Education, M. Mori, Sakuyo
Wakabayashi. Khunti, Ranchi District, India
Social Sciences, M. Mori, S. Taka- Established 1940
hashi, T. Funada.
Vocational Education, I. Tabuchi, M. Faculty:
Yoshimura, S. Seino. Principal, Mrs. W. B. Votaw.
Industries: Teachers: I. C. Kujur, P. D. Kujur,
Dining Service, M. Yoshimura. Johi Suren, S. Swansi.
Farm, T. Tabuchi, N. Nemoto.
Health Foods, M. Yoshimura.
Maintenance, S. Seino. KINGSWAY HIGH SCHOOL
12 Osborne Road, Half Way Tree,
KAMAGAMBO TRAINING SCHOOL Jamaica, British West Indies
P.O. Kamagambo, via Kisii, Established 1943
Kenya Colony, East Africa Board of Directors: H. D. Colburn,
Established 1928 Chairman ; W. A. Holgate, Secretary.
Faculty: Faculty:
Principal, V. E. Robinson. Principal, W. A. Holgate.
Teachers: Louise Leeper, Mrs. V. E. Accountant and Cashier, Rupert Har-
Robinson, J. A. Schoeman, Mrs. riott.
J. A Schoeman, Catherine J. Sehuil. Instructors: Herman Mills, Jean Mul-
lings, Ena Parker, V. H. Percy,
Olga Smith, Eva Williams.
Established 1950 458 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China
Faculty: Established 1947
Principal, Ting Chao Ching.
Registrar, Hsu Tien Mei.
Principal, Feng Shuh Fan.
Teachers: Chia Tai Hsing, Hsu Tien Teachers: Chang Ching, Fang Shu
Mei, Kao Chieh, Kao Ping Chien, Li Kwang, Ling Seng Yung, Wang
Ih Chin, Sun Yuen Kuo, Ting Chou
Ching, Wang Hsin Lan, Wu Chih Yeh Kuen, Wu Chi Wei.
(Sam Yuk Tai Hock)
(Mission Adventiste de la Lulengele)
Box 43, Seoul, Korea
D/S Luluabourg, Congo Beige, Africa
Established 1949 Established 1949
Faculty: Board of Directors: E. W. Bahr, Chair-
man ; J. M. Lee, Secretary ; Cho
Principal, B. P. Wendell. Kyung Chul, Chung Tong Shim, Im
Teacher, P. E. Delhove. Sung Won, Kim Myung Kil, Kim
Pyung Mok, Lee Hai Sung, Lee Myun
Duk, Lee Ryu Sik, R. C. Mills, G. W.
KELLOGG-MOOKEItJEE HIGH Munson, Oh Young Sup, Pak Chang
SCHOOL Uk, Ryu Sung Yul, Ryu Young Soon.
Jalirpur, Faridpur District, Administration:
East Pakistan President and Manager, J. M. Lee.
Established 1921 Assistant President, Lee Ryu Sik.

Dean, Lee Chang Kyu. Board of Management: B. W. Steinweg,

Treasurer, Im Pyung Eui. Chairman ; P. P. Leon, Secretary.
Preceptor, Lee Ung Choon.
Preceptress and Matron, Chun Chang Administration:
Shim. Principal and Manager, P. P. Leon.
College Nurse, Chung Chung He. Registrar, Andres Solano.
Faculty: Librarian, Francisco Zegarra.
Dean of Men, Vicente Marmara.
President, J. M. Lee. Dean of Women, Olivia de Foppiano.
Agriculture, Kim Young Do.
Art, Kim Ke Pang. Faculty:
Bible, Lee Ryu Sik, Lee Ting Choon, Principal, P. P. Leon.
Im Pyung Eui. Bible, Angel Foppiano.
Chemistry, Kim Young Do. English, Olivia de Foppiano, Elena
English, Kim Ke Chun. V. de Leon.
Language, Cho Ton Ha. Geography and National History, An-
History, Lee Chang Kyu. dres Solano.
Home Economics, Song Nu Koo. History, P. P. Leon.
Nursing Education, Chung Chung He. Home Arts, Olivia de Foppiano.
Mathematics, Choi Myung Hwan, Lee Mathematics, Arturo Carcagno.
Young Choon. Music and Spanish, Elena V. de Leon.
Music, Kim Pyung Jai, Nahm Pyinn. Nursing, Daisy Duffle.
Elementary School, Ro Won Ho. Physical Education, Arturo Carcagno,
Industries, K. L. Mitchell. Daisy Duffle, Haydee Mangold.
Science, Francisco . Zegarra, David
KOTTARAKARA SECONDARY Vocational Education, Noel Mangold,
Dairy and Farm, Pedro Quispe.
Kottarakara, Travancore, South India Knitting, Olivia de Foppiano.
Board of Management: 0. 0. Mattison, Rugs, Vicente Marmara.
Chairman; A. F. Jessen, Secretary.
Teachers: Miss M. Alice, Mrs. P. I.
Alykutty, L. C. Charles, J. Gabriel, Lasalgaon, Nasik District, India
L. C. George, A. D. Jackson, Mrs. Faculty:
A. F. Jessen, S. Jesudas, M. Lucas,
K. P. Philip, L. C. Samuel, Mrs. Principal, V. P. Muthiah.
P. Vadamuthu, P. Varghese, J. Teachers, U. Anando Rao, Mrs. D. N.
Velloopillai. Ohol, Vasant Ohol, Mrs. P. M.
Thomas, M. Waidande.
Kottawa, Pannipitiya, Ceylon
La Sierra Station, Arlington, California
Established 1924
Established 1922
Board of Management: E. A. Crane,
Chairman ; R. S. Fernando, Secre- Telephone: Riverside 9180.
tary. Board of Management: C. L. Bauer,
Faculty: Chairman G. T. Anderson, Secretary ;
Principal, E. L. Juriansz. K. F. Ambs, R. C. Baker, Carl Becker,
R. R. Bietz, G. T. Chapman, F.
Business Manager, A. W. Robinson. Griggs, H. H. Hicks, W. E. Mac-
Headmaster, P. M. Dason, pherson, A. C. Nelson, E. L. Place,
Headmistress, Mary Fernando. G. H. Rustad, F. W. Sehnepper, H. L.
Teachers, S. A. de Silva, C. K. John, Shull, R. A. Smithwick, J. E. Weaver.
Ralph Juriansz, James Prakasam,
Mrs. S. Tanley. Administration:
President, G. T. Anderson.
SCHOOL Manager, K. F. Ambs; Assistant, W.
E. Anderson.
(Colegio Adventists del Titicaca) Registrar, Mrs. Mary I. Champion ;
Casilla 4, Juliaca, Peru, South America Assistant, Mrs. Mary D. Bothe.
Established 1922 Librarian, D. G. Hilts; Assistant,
Hope H. Hayton.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Colegio Dean of Men, H. F. Lease; Assistant,
Adventists, Juliaca, Peru. Floyd Wood.

Dean of Women, Lois McKee; Assist- Mrs. Pauline Kooreny, Nellie Odell,
ant, Mrs. Helen .Evans. Helen Swenson, Mary Woodward.
Matron, Mrs. Anna G. Van Ausdle. Industries:
College Nurse, Mrs. Maria Hoof.
College Store, F. E. Romant.
College Faculty: Dairy and Farm, G. E. Stearns.
Engineering and Maintenance, C. L.
President, G. T. Anderson.
Accountancy and Economics, W. E. Laundry, Mrs. Pearl Guild.
Anderson. Printing, John Wohlers.
Agriculture, Frank Judson, D. C.
Art, Mrs. Chloe A. Sofsky.
Bible, Edward Heppenstall, J. C. LAURELWOOD ACADEMY
Haussler, W. F. Specht, T. H. Gaston, Oregon
Blincoe, A. F. Johns.
Biology, L. E. Downs, R. D. Walters. Established 1904
Business Administration, R. W. Koo-
renny. Telephone: Forest Grove 5R3.
Chemistry, L. C. Palmer, H. R. Board: L. E. Biggs, Chairman ; P. E.
Shelden. Limerick, Secretary.
Domestic Science, Ola K. Gant, Mrs.
Arlene Hoover. Faculty:
Elementary Education, Maybel Jen- Principal and Manager, P. E. Lim-
sen. erick.
English, T. A. Little, Lilian Beatty, Treasurer and Assistant Business
W. B. Crawford, Mrs. Helen Little. Manager, Wallace Johnson.
Evangelism, T. H. Blineoe. Accountant, Mrs. Victor Fullerton.
Greek, W. F. Specht, A. F. Johns. Registrar, Esther Miller.
History, W. J. Airey, J. C. Haussler. Librarian, B. A. Aaen.
Journalism, T. A. Little. Dean of Boys, A. G. Tappen; Associ-
Mathematics, L. H. Cushman, James ates, M. L. Wisbey, L. R. Holmes.
Riggs. Dean of Girls, Mary Ella Johnson ;
Modern Language, Margarete Ambs, Associate, Carrie M. Larson.
Mrs. Grace Alvarez, Edward Nach- School Nurse, Mrs. E. Beckner.
reiner. Agriculture, C. R. Merickel.
Music, H. B. Hannum, H. A. Craw,
J. T. Hamilton, Edna S. Farns- Art and Spanish, Esther Miller.
worth, Mrs. Ellen Oblander, Ralph Bible, H. A. Peckham, Victor Fuller-
Pierce, Alfred Walters. ton, Richard McCoy.
Physical Education, W. J. Napier, Biology, C. R. Lyman.
Maudie Bryan. Bookkeeping, Wallace Johnson.
Physics, J. L. Thompson, James Dairying, Frank Davis.
Riggs, R. W. Woods. Engineering, Cecil Ashley.
Pre-Nursing, Mrs. Anna Edwardson. English, B. A. Aaen, L. R. Holmes.
Printing, W. W. Kennedy.
History, A. G. Tappen, Victor Fuller-
Secondary Education, G. T. Simpson, ton.
Secretarial, Irene Ortner, Lois McKee. Home Economics, Mrs. Marion Tap-
Speech, Mrs. Mabel C. Romani, Betsy pen.
Ross. Mathematics and Science, R. A.
Vocational Arts, A. L. Toews. White.
Music, Instrumental, C. R. Lyman,
Academy Faculty: Richard McCoy.
Piano, Mrs. Richard McCoy, Mrs.
Principal, Elmer Digneo. Dallas Kime.
Registrar, Nellie Phillips. Voice, Mrs. J. J. Paxton, Mrs. Dallas
Agriculture, D. C. Barr. Kime.
Bible, A. C. Madsen, Floyd Wood. Physical Education, M. L. Wisbey,
Commerce, Nellie Phillips. Mrs. J. J. Paxton, Mrs. Dallas
Domestic Science, Mrs. Arlene Hoover. Kime.
English, Fedelma Ragon. Secretarial, Mrs. Melvin White.
History, A. C. Madsen. Speech, Victor Fullerton.
Mathematics and Modern Language, Carpentry, E. J. Wesslen.
Mabel Andre. Matron, Mrs. M. L. Wisbey.
Music, Jean Patzel. Pasteurizing, Robert Helm.
Physical Education, W. J. Napier,
Maudie Bryan.
Printing, W. W. Kennedy.
Elementary School, G. G. Neff, Post Kakata, Monrovia, Liberia,
Principal ; Eugene Bates, Mrs. West Africa
Frances B. Craw, Mrs. Mary
W. Groome, Mrs. Rhoda J. Helm, Principal: P. E. Giddings.

LODI ACADEMY Physical Education, George Ellquist,

Box 640, Lodi, California Irene Simkin.
Spanish, Soledad de Ochoa.
Established 1908 Elementary School, William Clawson,
Telephone: 792. Jr., Principal ; Mrs. Francis Dins-
more, Mrs. June Gorman, Mary E.
Board of Management: Carl Becker, Hensley, Alma Nephew, Mrs. Marie
Chairman ; L. M. Stump, Secretary. Northcott, Mrs. Dorothea Pitts,
Faculty: Bernice Squier.
Principal and Manager, L. M. Stump. Cafeteria, Mrs. Rosetta Ames.
Woodwork, George Ellquist.
Accountant and Cashier, F. C. Gib-
Registrar, L. W. Roth.
Librarian, Grace Morel. LOS ANGELES ACADEMY
Dean of Boys, M. E. Loewen.
Dean of Girls, Lillian Whisenhunt; 846 East El Segundo Blvd.,
Assistant, Kathryn Andrews. Los Angeles 2, Calif.
Auto Mechanics, Walter Berthelson. Established 1947
Bible, L. W. Roth, William Wilkin-
son. Telephone: Plymouth 62250.
Biology, F. L. Bunch. Board of Managers: A. E. Webb,
English, Mrs. L. W. Roth, Grace Chairman ; J. F. Dent, Secretary.
History, William Wilkinson, M. E. Faculty:
Loewen. Principal and Business Manager, J. F.
Home Economics, Kathryn Andrews.
Language, Felix Wallace, Spanish ; Dent.
L. W. Roth, German. Assistant Business Manager, Andrew
Mathematics and Science, F. L. Mitchell.
Bunch, Felix Wallace. Accountant, Mary Jane Rogers.
Music, E. F. Judy, Vera H. Watts, Registrar, Mrs. M. Esther Masters.
Ruth Lust. Bible, Avice Graham, R. R. Robinson.
Physical Education, M. E. Lowen, Bookkeeping, Andrew Mitchell.
Lillian Whisenhunt. Commerce, Mrs. M. Esther Masters.
Printing, Lorrell Wohlfeil. English and Library Science, Celeste
Radio, Felix Wallace. Lewis.
Shorthand and Typewriting, Mrs. M. History and Spanish, R. R. Robinson.
E. Loewen. Mathematics and Science, Avice Gra-
Woodwork, Walter Berthelson. ham.
Cafeteria, Mrs. Robert Glass. Music, Malita Phipps, J. F. Dent,
Farm, J. K. Herman. Mrs. M. Esther Masters.
Press, Lorrell Wohlfeil. Physical Education, R. R. Robinson,
Celeste Lewis.
Elementary School, Katherine Brooks,
Carrie Davis, Alice Dent, Gladys
LOMA LINDA UNION ACADEMY Fletcher, Ursula Millett, Gertrude
Loma Linda, California Nunn, Jessie Raymond.
Telephone: 2121. Cafeteria, Mrs. Edmonia Taylor.
Mechanics, J. G. Smith.
Board of Managers: L. E. Niermeyer, Woodwork, R. R. Robinson.
Chairman ; P. G. Baden, Secretary.
Principal and Business Manager, LOWRY MEMORIAL SECONDARY
Accountant, Earle Strunk. Krishnarajapuram, Bangalore District,
Registrar, Mrs. P. G. Baden. South India
Librarian, Marie Lucas.
Bible, C. H. Baker. Board of Management: 0. 0. Mattison,
Commerce and Home Economics, Chairman ; H. A. Walls, Jr., Acting
Betty Dolan. Secretary.
English, Soledad de Ochoa, Audrey Faculty:
History, Audrey Haugen, J. H. Whit- Principal, H. A. Walls, Jr. (Acting).
ney. Teachers, S. G. David, Miss S. Inga-
Mathematics and Science, J. H. Whit- yam, S. Jesudass, A. D. Jonathan,
ney. C. Jonathan, 0. B. Jonathan, Rob-
Music, Irene Simkin, Mrs. C. H. inson Koilpillai, Albert Rice, R. L.
Baker, Glenn Votaw. Rowe, G. Vedamoney,

LYNWOOD ACADEMY English, S. F. Chu, B. L. Ngo, Mrs.

J. M. Nerness, Mrs. J. L. Pogue.
11081 Locust St., Lynwood, California Hygiene, Mrs. E. Ling.
Established 1938 Manual Arts, P. M. Coleman.
Mathematics, Anwar Bey, S. F. Chu,
Telephone: Newmark 1-2101. K. H. Goh.
Music, Mrs. W. H. Wood.
Board of Managers: L. B. Schick, Chair- Science, K. H. Gho.
man ; C. E. Counter, Vice-Chairman ; Social Science, A. B. Siregar, S. N.
W. B. Dart, Secretary. Siregar.
Faculty : Training Course, J. L. Pogue, Mrs.
Principal, W. B. Dart. J. M. Nerness.
Accountant, Lila Nahorney. Elementary School, Henry Canagas-
Registrar, Marjorie Keene. abia, Vida Knight, Mrs. K. T.
Librarian, Joan Kewley. Kong, B. H. Ngo, John Richards,
Mrs. D. Tan.
Bible and History, H. L. Wallace,
W. V. Cowper.
Comrherce, Lois Fouts.
English, Vivian Smith. MAPLEWOOD ACADEMY
Foreign Language, Mrs. Clara Craig. 700 N. Main St., Hutchinson,
Home Economics, Mrs. Geneva K. Minnesota
Alcorn. Established 1904
Mathematics, Edna L. Kilcher.
Music, Stanley Ledington, Esther Led- Telephone: 72725.
ington, A. W. Rowe.
Science, D. E. Lust. Board of Management: F. E. Thompson,
Chairman ; G. P. Stone, Secretary.
Auto Mechanics and Wood Shop, J. W.
Craig. Faculty :
Matron, Sylvia Simon. Principal and Manager, G. P. Stone.
Accountant, Robert Firth.
Registrar and Librarian, Victoria
INSTITUTE Dean of Boys, W. I. Rankin.
P.O. Malamulo, Nyasaland, Africa Dean of Girls, Mrs. Jeanette Rennie.
Bible, Dyre Dyreson, G. P. Stone.
Established 1902 Commercial, Reva Williams.
Telegraphic Address: "Malamulo," Ny- English, Victoria Larsen, Mrs. F. P.
asaland. Gilbert.
German and Mathematics, Enok An-
Faculty: derson.
Principal, A. H. Brandt. History, W. I. Rankin, Dyre Dyreson.
Normal Director, Mrs. L. A. Edwards. Home Economics, Reva Williams,
Teachers, Ruth Foote, Yolam Kam- Ethel Hartzel.
wendo, R. Jackson. Industrial Arts and Science, F. P.
Music, Milo W. Hill. Mrs. Charlotte
Link, Martha J. Breech.
MALAYAN UNION SEMINARY Spanish, Victoria Larsen.
401 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, Bindery, P. S. Haughey,' Leland Tor-
Colony of Singapore kelsen.
Established 1916 Craftshop, Leo Thibeau.
Culinary, Mrs. Pearl Bradley.
Telephone: 89292-3 Farm, A. N. Johnson.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
ventist," Singapore.
Board of Management: J. M. Nerness, MARIENHOHE MISSIONARY
Chairman; W. H. Wood, Secretary. SEMINARY
Faculty : (16) Marienhohe b. Darmstadt, Germany
Principal, Business Manager, and Established 1921
Treasurer, W. H. Wood. Board of Management: W. Mueller,
Assistant Treasurer, M. P. Sormin. President; G. Seng, Vice-President.
Registrar, Gloria Tan.
Librarian, Mrs. J. M. Nerness. Faculty:
Preceptor, S. F. Chu. Principal, H. Werner.
Preceptress, Mrs. E. Ling. Manager, K. Hasenknopf.
Bible and Ministerial Training, J. L. Bookkeeper, Laura Hagelstein.
Pogue. Preceptor, H. Werner.
Commercial, Mrs. P. M. Coleman. Preceptress, Frieda Buerklin.

Teachers, R. Dangschat, I. Plamann, Postal Address: P.O. Box 1170, Beirut,

Margarethe Udritz. Lebanon. (Telephone, 68-68.)
Board of Management: G. J. Appel,
Chairman ; G. M. Krick, Secretary.
(Ecole Adventiste de Phoenix)
President and Business Manager, G.
Phoenix, Mauritius, Indian Ocean M. Krick (Acting).
Board of Management: C. Monnier, Treasurer, R. L. Mole.
Chairman ; H. Evard, Secretary. Accountant, Shahine Ouzounian.
Registrar, Edith C. Davis.
Director: H. Evard. Librarian, Mrs. Robert Hasso.
Dean of Men, J. S. Russell.
Dean of Women, Ruby Williams.
INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL Director of Extension Division, G.
(Escuela Agricola Industrial Mexicana) A. Keough.
Apartado 16, Montemorelos, N. L., Faculty:
Mexico President, G. M. Krick (Acting).
Established 1942 Arabic, I. N. Swaidan.
Bible and Theology, G. M. Krick, J. S.
This institution is owned and controlled Russell.
by the Asociacion Civil Filantropica Biblical Languages, G. M. Krick.
y Educativa of Mexico. Business Administration and Secre-
tarial Training, A. 3. Jones, Sha-
Faculty: hine Ouzounian.
Principal and Manager, H. A. Hab- Domestic Science, Home Nursing, and
enicht. Mathematics, Ruby Williams.
Technical Director, Antonio Alarcon. Education, Edith C. Davis.
Assistant Principal, Horacio Her- English, Edith C. Davis, Mrs. Robert
nandez. Hasso.
Assistant Manager, A. R. Monteith. History, R. L. Mole, Robert Hasso.
Cashier, Delia Mendoza. Homiletics, J. S. Russell.
Preceptor, Hipolito Preciado. Music, Mrs. Robert Hasso.
Preceptress, Mrs. Carmen A. Rodri- Physical Education, R. L. Mole.
guez. Science, Sabah Hasso.
School Physician, H. E. Butka. Vocational, A. J. Jones.
Anatomy, H. A. Habenicht.
Bible, W. E. Baxter.
Civics, Literature, and Science, Hora- MINDANAO MISSION ACADEMY
cio Hernandez. Mantiacao, Initao, Misamis Oriental,
Commercial, Natividad Catemac, Delia Philippines
Mendoza, S. Torres. Established 1947
Domestic Science, Mrs. Graciela Me-
jia. Board of Management: E. Capobres,
English, Mrs. Ruby Marsh. Chairman ; A. A. Poblete, Secretary.
Geography and Spanish, Mrs. Carmen Faculty:
A. Rodriguez.
History, Hipolito Preciado, Horacio Principal, A. A. Poblete.
Hernandez. Treasurer, L. P. Gaje.
Literature and Mathematics, Violet Registrar, M. Moscatilla.
Sordo. Preceptor, F. Taala.
Music, Mrs. Micaela Flores. Preceptress, Editha Sumicad.
Natural Science, Soledad Acevedo. Bible, A. A. Poblete, Pelagio Rocero.
Elementary School, Soledad Acevedo, English, Mrs. A. A. Poblete.
Irma Trujillo, Pablo Flores. History, Mathematics, and Science,
Agriculture, Eusebio de Ochoa. Abelardo Gensolin, Loreto Jabola.
Building, H. A. Habenieht. National Language, Juan Valdez.
Carpentry, Lauro Trujillo. Stenography, Mrs. Juan Valdez.
Matron, Mrs. Graciela Mejia. Elementary School, Adelina Fadri,
Mechanics, Mrs. Judith Gensolin, Mrs. B. Mary.
Matron, Mrs. R. Somoso.


College Park, Beirut, Lebanon
1205 Figaro St., Modesto,
Established 1939 California
Cable Address: "Mecollege", Beirut. Telephone: 1230.

Board Members: J. E. Young, Chair- Cafeteria, Leota Gibson.

man ; J. G. Maclntyre, Secretary. Dairy and Farm, R. W. Farley.
Gardening and Grounds, A. It. Malott.
Faculty: Poultry, William Moffatt.
Principal and Business Manager, J. Shop, E. J. Burgdorff.
G. Maclntyre.
Accountant and Registrar, A. C.
Librarian, Mrs. Blanche Palmer.
Bozeman, Montana
Bible, C. A. Bradley.
Commercial, A. C. Tonsberg. Established 1901
English and Spanish, Mrs. Blanche
Palmer. Telephone: 090R1.
History, J. G. Maclntyre. Board of Management: O. T. Garner,
Music, Mrs. Ellen K. Jacobson. Chairman; C. L. Witzel, Secretary.
Science and Mathematics, John Mc-
Connell. Faculty:
Vocational, C. A. Bradley, Mrs. J. G. Principal and Manager, C. L. Witzel.
Maclntyre. Registrar, Mrs. Wesley Parker.
Elementary School, Mrs. C. A. Brad- Librarian and Preceptress, Violet
ley, Vada Huling, Genevah Rags- Archambeau.
dale, Bulah Schippmann. Preceptor, Wesley Parker.
Bible, S. H. Emery, C. L. Witzel.
Biology, S. H. Emery.
MONAMONA MISSION SCHOOL English and Spanish, Cathleen Chil-
Oak Forest, via Cairns, Queensland, History and Sewing, Violet Archam-
Australia beau.
Mathematics and Physics, Wesley
Headmaster: W. E. Zanotti. Parker.
Mechanical Arts, Robert Allaway.
Music, Mrs. C. L. Witzel, Claris F.
Physical Education, Violet Archam-
Box 191, Watsonville, California beau, Claris F. Way.
Shorthand and Typing, Mrs. Wesley
Established 1949 Parker.
Telephone: 4-8123. Matron, Mrs. Robert Allaway.
Board of Management: R. C. Baker, Shop, Robert Allaway.
Chairman ; D. J. Bieber, Secretary.
Principal and Manager, D. J. Bieber.
Assistant Manager and Accountant, Mount Vernon, Ohio
Lester MacGlashan. Established 1893
Registrar, Mrs. Loleta Barron.
Librarian, Georgia Nelson. Telephone: 71621.
Dean of Boys, D. R. Watts; Assistant, Legal Name: Mt. Vernon College Cor-
Delmar Glover. poration.
Dean of Girls, Dorothy Kuester ; As-
sistant, Mrs. Amelia B. Cross. Board of Management: M. E. Loewen,
School Nurse, Mrs. Amelia B. Cross. Chairman ; J. R. Shull, Secretary.
Agriculture, R. W. Farley. Faculty:
Bible, A. W. Millard, D. R. Watts, Principal and Manager, J. R. Shull.
Delmar Glover.
Biology, William Moffat. Assistant Business Manager, D. H.
Commerce, Mrs. Loleta Barron, Dor- Miller.
othy Kuester. Registrar, R. C. Kraft.
English, C. D. Anderson, Georgia Librarian, Vincent DiBiase.
Nelson. Preceptor, Richard Dickinson.
History and Spanish, C. D. Anderson. Preceptress, Ann Lastine.
Home Economics, Leota Gibson. Bible, Clayton Sowler, J. R. Shull,
Mathematics and Science, Violet Scott. Richard Dickinson.
Music, Mrs. Helen Steinel, R. L. Commercial, D. H. Miller, R. C. Kraft.
Johnson, Mrs. Virginia Leer, Alden English, Mrs. Mabel Baker, Ann
Follett. Lastine.
Physical Education, Delmar Glover, History and Problems of Democracy,
Dorothy Kuester. Clayton Sowler.
Printing, Alden Follett. Horne Economics, Olive Pitehen.
Vocational Arts, A. R. Barron. Industrial Arts, Laurence Wolfe.

Languages, Vincent DiBiase. NEANDERTAL MISSIONARY

Mathematics and Science, Donald Lee. SEMINARY
Laurence Wolfe. Diepensiepen 16, (22a) Mettmann/
Music, Wilmoth Benson, Mrs. Maude Rheinland, Germany
Printing, Paul Haynes. Established 1921
Farm, Clifton Baker. Telephone: 562 Mettmann.
Industrial Superintendent, Arthur
Workman. Board of Management: 0. Gmehling,
Matron, Olive Pitchen. . Chairman ; J. Schwital, Secretary.
Press, Clayton Kinney. Faculty:
Principal, J. Schwital.
MOUNTAIN VIEW UNION Preceptor, A. de Marco.
ACADEMY Preceptress, Mrs. M. Fenner.
Teachers, W. Fenner, A. de Marco,
Mountain View, California R. Reider.
Telephone: YO 7-2324.
Board: C. E. Grant, Chairman; C. R. NETHERLAND MISSIONARY
Harrison, Secretary. SCHOOL
Faculty: Huize "Zandbergen" Amersfoort-
Principal, C. R. Harrison. sestraatweg 18, Ruise ter Heide, Zeist,
Accountant and Registrar, Mrs. R. D. Netherland
Drayson. Board of Directors: K. Tilstra, Chair-
Bible, C. R. Harrison. man ; Ph. Schuil, Secretary.
Commercial and. Music, Bonnie Kin- Faculty:
English, Zella Rine, E. Karman. Director and Manager, Ph. Schuil.
Home . Economics and Spanish, Ge- Preceptress and Matron,
neva Ackerman. Teachers, Miss A. de Leers, G. L. A.
History and Woodwork, E. Karman. Faber, A. Schmutzler, K. Tilstra,
Mathematics and Science, J. B. Logan. S. C. v. Westrhenen.
Woodwork, E. Karman.
Elementary School, Paul Felker, Prin-
cipal; Marian Babb, Mrs. June NEWBOLD MISSIONARY COLLEGE
Ehrler, Mrs. Paul Felker, Mrs. Bracknell, Berks., England
Established 1901
Board of Directors: W. W. Armstrong,
MYAUNGMYA HIGH SCHOOL Chairman ; W. R. A. Madgwick, Sec-
retary ; G. E. Adair, A. Carey,
Myaungmya, Burma J. H. Craven, 0. M. Dorland, W. L.
Board of Management: M. 0. Manley, Emmerson, E. H. Foster, J. M.
Chairman ; Robert Myat Pe, Secre- Howard, A. W. Lethbridge, E. W.
tary. Marter, J. A. McMillan, A. H.
Thompson, A. J. Woodfield.
Executive Committee: W. W. Arm-
Principal, Robert Myat Pe. strong, Chairman ; W. R. A. Madg-
Teachers, Ba Nyein, Barnabas, Hla wick, Secretary; G. E. Adair, A.
.. Pe. Nan Shein, Ohn Myint, Mrs. Carey, A. W. Lethbridge, A. H.
Myat Pe, P. A. Parker, Mrs. P. A. Thompson, A. J. Woodfield.
Parker, Pein Yee, Pyo Sein, Rosetta,
San Che, F. R. Scott, Than Sein. Faculty:
Principal, W. R. A. Madgwick.
Business Manager, A. W. Lethbridge.
ING SCHOOL Preceptress, Ruth Richardson.
Narsapur, West Godavari District, Bible, E. W. Marter.
South India Bookkeeping, A. W. Lethbridge.
Education, English, and Literature,
Board: 0. 0. Mattison, Chairman ; G. Myrtle Dorland.
Anandam, Secretary. French, J. R. Buzenet.
Greek and Hebrew, E. B. Phillips.
Faculty: History, A. J. Dunnett.
Principal, G. Anandam. Mathematics and Science, J. D. Brails-
Teachers,' K. Israel, D. John, K. ford.
Joseph, T. Paul, Miss D. Ruby, Music, .
E. N. Simon. Correspondence Sshosir E. D, Phillips.


Newbury Park, Calif. (Incorporating Aba Girls' School)
Telephone: Thousand Oaks 687. Ihie (via Nbawsi) Nigeria, West Africa
Board of Management, R. R. Bietz, Established 1932
Chairman ; F. E. Rice, Secretary.
Faculty: Faculty:
Principal and Manager, F. E. Rice. Principal, Laurence Downing.
Assistant Principal, H. B. Wilcox. Vice Principal, A. E. Brendel.
Assistant Business Manager, C. M. Headmistress, Girls Boarding Depart-
Laue. ment, Alpha Rahn.
Accountant, Ardyth Hagenson. School Nurse, Mrs. A. E. Brendel.
Registrar, Evelyn Rice. Teachers, S. B. Akande, Mrs. Laur-
Librarian, Winona Slater. ence Downing, E. C. Esiaba, M.
Dean of Boys, W. T. Will. Moses.
Dean of Girls, Mrs. Alma B. Smith. Elementary School, T. Achibiri, J.
School Nurses, Betty Laue, Gladys Enwerin, K. Nwaf or, N. Onwukwe,
Will. C. Ujoatughonu, A. Wachuku, G.
Agriculture, P. A. Emde, R. S. Hill. Wigwe, E. Wombu.
Auto Mechanics, Edward Broadbeck.
Bible, R. F. Alderson, Edward Broad-
Commerce and Spanish, Virginia NORTH ARGENTINE ACADEMY
English, Winona Slater, Mrs. Millie (Instituto Adventists Juan Bautista
Adamson. Alberdi)
History, W. T. Will. Casilla 6, Leandro N. Alem, Misiones,
Home Economics, Barbara Simons. Argentine, South America.
Music, Jean S. Hill, M. S. Hill,
Evelyn Rice, Betty Rouse, Wayne Faculty:
Science and Mathematics, H. B. Wil- Director, J. J. Vallejos.
cox. Treasurer and Dean of Men, Carlos
Broom Shop, Roland Babcock. Steger.
Dairy, W. S. Koenig. Dean of Women, Amalia B. de Steger.
Matron, Maybelle Banks. Industries, J. Sicalo.
Printing, Wayne Rouse.
Poultry, R. F. Alderson, Eldon
Shoe Shop, Walter Freeman. NORTH CHINA UNION ACADEMY
Fengtai, Hopei, China
Garoka, via Lae, Territory of Board of Directors: Chang Po Ching,
New Guinea Chairman ; Han Rei Chang, Secre-
Headmaster: F. Maberly.
NEW ZEALAND MISSIONARY Principal, Han Rei Chang.
COLLEGE Treasurer, Wu Yu En.
Longburn, New Zealand Dean, Wang Wu Fei.
Preceptor, Chi Chiu Ying.
Established 1907 Preceptress, Miss Chang Wen Ying.
Board of Management: R. J. Burns, Teachers: Djang Chwen, Hwang Shou
Chairman ; E. G. McDowell, Secre- Tu, Kung Chung Lin, Li Yu Chun,
tary ; A. W. Dawson, R. R. Frame, Wang Wu Fei.
A. J. Furness, S. T. Leeder, B. H.
McMahon, A. R. Mitchell, W. L. Elementary School, Liu Pen Sheng.
Pascoe, L. A. Piper, A. W. Peterson, Factory, Yin Chang Lan.
W. A. Townend.
Accountant, G. Laxton.
Teachers, H. Devine, H. Fisher, E. A. Foochow, China
R. Langsford, Norma Podmore, B. Established 1916
Townend, Una Watts, Freda Whis-
ker, W. R. Whisker. (Operation temporarily suspended)

NORTHEAST BRAZIL ACADEMY Mathematics and Science, N. 0.

(Educandario Nordestino Adventista) Phipps.
Music, Hazel Edgecombe.
Belem de Maria, Pernambuco, Brazil, Secretarial, Meryl Joseph.
South America Vocational Training, Jesse M. Godley.
Established 1943
Telegraphic Address: "Ena," Catende, NORTHERN LUZON ACADEMY
Pernambuco, Brazil. Artacho, Sison, Pangasinan, Philippines
Board of Management: J. Baracat,
Chairman ; J. Bork, Secretary. Established 1931
Faculty: Board of Management: A. Z. Roda,
Principal and Business Manager, J.
Chairman ; U. M. Oliva, Secretary.
Bork. Faculty:
Preceptor, E. Monteiro. Principal and Business Manager, U.
Preceptress, Iracema Araujo. M. Oliva.
Agriculture, S. Takatohi, M. Mello. Treasurer, A. Balinao.
Bible, A. Leitzke, J. Nobrega. Registrar, R. F. Oliva.
Carpentry, A. Leitzke. Librarian, N. Y. Reyes.
Drawing and Science, S. Takatohi. Preceptor, R. Tabucol.
English and Mathematics, J. Bork, S. Preceptress, Miss I. Saladino.
Takatohi. Matron and Nurse, Mrs. J. L. Puen.
Geography, Iracema Araujo, J. No- Bible, U. M. Oliva.
brega. English, N. Y. Reyes.
History, Iracema Araujo. Mathematics and Science, B. Roxas.
Home Economics and Manual Arts, National Language, Miss I. Saladino.
Rosa Bork.
Portuguese, E. Monteiro, J. Nobrega. Elementary School, A. Perez, B.
Sanidad, 0. Vigilia.
Elementary School, Aline Silva.
Industrial Supervisor, B. Pagaduan.
Matron, Hesperetusa Caldas.


Outside West Gate, Sian, Shensi,
Shenyang, P. 0. Box 341, Mukden, China
Organized in 1932
Established 1923
(Operation temporarily suspended)
Principal, Chia Bing.
Business Manager, Chiao Hung En.
NORTHEAST LUZON JUNIOR Treasurer, Chao Ting Shiu.
ACADEMY Preceptor, Yuen Shu Liu.
Preceptress, Liu Yieh.
Divisoria, Santiago, Isabella,
Philippines Teachers, Chao Ting Shiu, Chiao
Hung En, Gia Tai Shiang, Lee
Established 1948 Tien Ming, Liu Ih Teh, Sun Hwan
Wen, Shieh Che Shih, Swen Deh
Faculty: Ren, Tung Yun Hui, Yuen Shu
Principal, J. A. Bangloy. Liu, Yuen Shu Kwei.
Teachers, G. M. Coloma, S. G. Corpuz, Cloth Factory, Lee Tien Ming.
B. M. Donato, P. C. Valdez.


806 Jennings Street, Bronx, New York
Established 1902
Established 1947
Telephone : 291.
Board: L. H. Bland, Chairman ; J. L.
Moran, Secretary. Board of Management: W. A. Dessain,
Chairman ; M. E. Smith, Secretary.
Principal, J. L. Moran. Faculty:
Bible, J. L. Moran. Principal, M. E. Smith.
English, George Smallwood. Accountant, E. M. Hagele.
Foreign Language and History, Dean of Boys, C. W. Jorgensen.
Eunice Willis. Dean of Girls, Elizabeth Lothian.

Bible and History, G. G. Davenport. Home Economics, Thomasine Long-

Biology, William Garrison. ware.
Commercial, E. M. nagele. Industrial Arts and Carpentry, H. L.
English, Shirley Burton. Wright.
Home Economics, Mrs. M. E. Smith. Mathematics,. C. B. Gentry.
Music, Mrs. Marilyn Jorgensen. Music, Inez Booth, Evelyn Jackson.
Physics, M. E. Smith. Printing, M. J. Harvey.
Shorthand and Typing, Enid Wilson. Secondary Teacher Training, G. R.
Broomshop, Jacob Joyner. Partridge.
Culinary, Mrs. C. Gilbert. Voice, Johnnie Mae Robinson.
General Shop, William Garrison. Academy Faculty:
Printing, J. E. Lippert. Principal, Mrs. Maxine Brantley.
Agriculture, Rothacker Smith.
OAKWOOD COLLEGE Bible, John Beale.
Huntsville, Alabama English, Henrietta Emanuel.
French, Johnnie Mae Robinson.
Established 1896 History, Lois Bookhardt.
Telephone: 6802. Mathematics and Science, Emerson
Board of Management: Glenn. Calkins, Cooper.
Spanish and Typewriting, Mrs. Max-
Chairman ; V. G. Anderson, C. 0. ine Brantley.
Franz, Vice-Chairmen ; F. L. Peter-
son ; Secretary ; F. L. Bland, L. H. Elementary School:
Bland, M. V. Campbell, E. E. Cos- Principal, Natelkka Burrell.
sentine, C. A. Dent, T. R. Flaiz,
W. W. Fordham, T. M. Fountain, Critic Teachers, Violet Wiles, Mrs.
H. S. Hanson, L. E. Lenheim, H. R. Katrina Nesbit.
Murphy, D. A. Ochs, W. B. Ochs, Industries:
G. E. Peters, M. L. Rice, H. E. Dairy, M. C. Custard.
Schneider, H. D. Singleton, 0. A. Engineer, Hollis Knight.
Troy, J. W. Turner, J. H. Wagner. Farm, Rothacker Smith.
Local Board: Glenn Calkins, Chair- Maintenance, H. L. Wright.
man ; V. G. Anderson, Vice-Chair- Store, C. E. Galley.
man ; F. L. Peterson, Secretary ; C.
A. Dent, I. M. Evans, L. E. Ford,
C. 0. Franz, H. S. Hanson, H. R. OHN DAW ELEMENTARY BOARD-
Murphy, H. E. Schneider, H. D. ING SCHOOL
Singleton, 0. A. Troy. Ohn Daw, Shwegon P. 0., Thaton
Administration: District, Burma
President, F. L. Peterson. Board of Management: Kalee Paw,
Chairman ; Chit Maung, Secretary.
Dean, 0. B. Edwards.
Manager, L. E. Ford; Assistant, C. E.
Treasurer, T. T. Frazier.
Registrar, Mrs. Roberta C. Edwards. Route 2, Kelowna, British Columbia
Librarian, Johnnie Mae Robinson. Canada
Dean of Men, S. A. Brantley. Faculty:
Dean of Women, Ruth E. Mosby; As- Principal, Ted McDonald.
sistant, Trula Wade.
Matron, Chessie Harris. Bible, English, Mathematics, Science,
and Social Studies, Ted McDonald,
Faculty: P. Robson.
President, F. L. Peterson. French, Mrs. Warner.
Secretarial, E. Edstrom.
Agriculture, Rothacker Smith.
Bible, C. E. Moseley, C. T. Richards.
Chemistry, Nathan Banks.
Commerce, C. E. Galley, Dolores A. Omaura, Via Arona,
Henderson. Territory of New Guinea
Elementary Teacher Training, Na- Headmaster: E. R. Gane, Jr.
telkka E. Burrell.
English Language and Literature,
Eva B. Dykes, Celestine E. Frazier. ONSRUD MISSION SCHOOL
French Language and Literature,
Wilma Minisee. (Onsrud Misjonsskole)
Greek, Ernest Rogers. Algarheim, Norway
Health and Nursing Education, Mrs. Established 1922
Harriet Moseley.
History, 0. 13. Edwards, Joseph Staf- Board of Trustees: P. G. Nelson, Chair-
ford. man ; Karl Abrahamsen, Secretary.

Faculty: Elementary School, Mrs. V. Hall, Mrs.

Principal, Karl Abrahamsen. J. Blahovich, Miss A. Parrish.
Manager and Treasurer, P. Bohmer. Industries:
Preceptor, 0. Bjerkan. Farm, Wilbert Bresette.
Preceptress, Ingeborg Londahl. Maintenance, Alexander Vickers.
Bible, T. Asheim, Karl Abrahamsen. Wood Products, N. J. Wagar.
Bookkeeping, Church History, Math-
ematics, P. Bohmer.
English, Karl Abrahamsen, 0. Bier- OZARK ACADEMY
kan, C. Johnsen, T. Asheim. Gentry, Arkansas
Educational Subjects and Geography,
Ruth Berglund. Established 1940
Greek, Karl Abrahamsen. Telephone: Gentry 4-W.
Hebrew, 0. Bjerkan.
History, 0. Bjerkan, Martin Steins- Board of Management: F. 0. Sanders,
vag. Chairman ; L. E. Russell, Secretary.
Music, Bjorn Keyn. Faculty:
Norwegian, C. Johnsen, Bjorn Keyn,
Lydia Lange. Principal and Business Manager, L. E.
Psychology, C. Johnsen. Russell.
Physics, Martin Steinsvag. Accountant, R. W. Merchant.
Elementary School, Sigrid Nilsen. Registrar and Librarian,
Dean of Boys, H. E. Haas.
Matron, 0. Tonnesen. Dean of Girls, Mrs. Adelyne Martin-
School Nurse, Mrs. L. E. Russell.
Bible, Roy Cole, Mrs. Adelyne Martin-
Box 308, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada son, R. W. Merchant, L. E. Russell.
Established 1912 Commercial, R. W. Merchant, Mrs.
Adelyne Martinson.
Telephone: 3440J. English,
History, R. W. Merchant.
Board of Directors: W. A. Nelson, Home Arts, Mrs. L. E. Russell.
Chairman ; W. A. Sowers, Secretary ; Mathematics, Science, and Woodwork,
E. E. Bietz, J. W. Bothe, C. M. Roy Cole.
Crawford, H. D. Henrikson, G. E. Medical Cadet Corps and Spanish,
Jones, P. M. Lewis, C. G. Maracle, H. E. Haas.
A. E. Miliner, P. Moores, W. H. Music, Mrs. Ruth E. Olsen.
Roberts, H. A. Shepard, L. E. Smart,
R. A. Smithwick, C. C. Weis, Dallas Elementary School, Mrs. V. D. Singer,
Youngs. Principal ; Mrs. W. H. Chesnut,
Mrs. Mabel Haag.
Board of Management: W. A. Nelson,
Chairman; G. E. Jones, Vice-Chair- Broomshop and Farm, M. T. Pettey.
man ; W. A. Sowers, Secretary ; J. W. Matron, Mrs. Vesta Shelton.
Bothe, C. G. Maracle, A. G. Rodgers,
H. A. Shepard.
President and Manager, W. A. Sowers. (Escuela Agricola e Industrial
Assistant Treasurer, R. J. Radcliffe. del Pacifico)
Accountant, H. Johnson. Apartado 134, Navojoa, Son., Mexico
Registrar, E. Monteith.
Librarian, C. H. Casey. This institution is owned and controlled
Dean of Men, James Wilson. by the Asociacion Civil Filantropica
Dean. of Women, Mrs. Mildred Vye. y Educativa of Mexico.
Matron, Mrs. Alexander Vickers.
Principal, Juan Gil.
Bible, H. W. Bedwell.
Treasurer, Rosa M. Flores.
Commerce, R. J. Radcliffe, H. John- Preceptress, Mrs. Ignacia Gil.
English, Esther Brassington, Elwin Teachers, Francisco Cardenas, Mrs.
Vixie. Ignacia Gil, Tiburcio Reyes, Mrs.
French, E. Monteith. Tiburcio Reyes.
History, C. H. Casey, James Wilson.
Home Economics, Mrs. C. H. Casey.
Mathematics, G. W. Streifling. PACIFIC UNION COLLEGE
Music, Mrs. Erwin Lange, R. J. Rad- Angwin, Napa County, California
cliffe, Elwin Vixie.
Nursing Science, Mrs. Mildred' Vye. Established 1909
Science, Robert Mehling. Telephone: St. Helena 300.

Legal Name: Pacific Union College Nursing Education, Ethel J. Walder,

Association. Eleanor Lawson.
Physical Education, Cyril Dean.
Board of Trustees: C. L. Bauer, Presi- Physics, I. R. Neilsen, R. L. Nutter.
dent; J. E. Weaver, Secretary; Printing, G. H. Jeys.
K. F. Ambs, G. T. Anderson, R. C. Secretarial Science, Alice L. Hoist,
Baker, Carl Becker, R. R. Bietz, Evelyn Rittenhouse.
G. T. Chapman, A. C. Fearing, Fred- Social Science, G. W. Meldrum, R.
erick Griggs, H. H. Hicks, W. E. Mac- L. Reynolds.
pherson, A. C. Nelson, E. L. Place, Spanish, G. B. Taylor, Mrs. G. B.
G. H. Rustad, F. W. Schnepper, H. Taylor.
L. Shull. Speech, T. W. Benedict.
Academy Faculty:
President, J. E. Weaver.
Principal, W. H. Meier.
Dean, C. L. Woods.
Business Manager, H. L. Shull; As- Registrar, Isabel Zumwalt.
sistant, Dudley Tomblinson. Librarian, Mrs. Leona S. Burman.
Accountant, Eric Lundquist; Assist- Agriculture, G. A. Hicks.
ant, C. J. Smith, Jr. Bible, F. W. Steunenberg.
Cashier, Mrs. Stanley Chaffee. English, Mrs. Leona S. Burman.
Registrar, E. C. Walter. History, W. H. Meier.
Librarian, Lois J. Walker; Assist- Home Economics and Secretarial
ants, Shelley Marshall, Mary Oliver, Science, Mary Putnam.
Dorothy Roberson. Mathematics and Science, P. L. Howe.
Dean of Men, R. L. Reynolds ; As- Music, Dean Friedrich.
sistant, G. L. Pursley. Printing, G. H. Jeys.
Dean of Women, Evabelle Winning ; Science, P. L. Howe.
Assistant, Ruth Burgeson. Secretarial Science, Mary Putnam.
Director of Audio-Visual Service, H. Spanish, Isabel Zumwalt.
D. Wheeler. Woodcraft, R. E. Fisher.
Director of Student Health Service, Elementary School, Alice A. Neilsen,
Mrs. Fern Christensen. Principal ; D. D. Baldwin, Mary
Director of Summer Session, G. L. Elquist, Mrs. Bernice Hanson, Myra
Caviness. B. Kite, Dorothy D. Shipley.
Chaplain, H. K. Martin.
Staff Physician, Richard Reiswig. Industries:
Faculty: Bindery, J. C. Sherman.
Cafeteria, Mrs. Opal Smith.
President, J. E. Weaver. Electrical Maintenance, J. E. Craver.
Agriculture, C. C. Krohn. Engineering and Plumbing, L. C.
Art, Joe Maniscalco. Christensen.
Astronomy, Geneva E. Durham. Farm, C. C. Krohn.
Bible and Evangelism, L. H. Hartin, Garage, Keith Bartling.
Raymond F. Cottrell, W. T. Hyde, Laundry, Mrs. Lois Williams.
P. E. Quimby. Mill, Fred Anderson.
Biblical Languages, L. L. Caviness, Press, G. H. Jeys.
A. G. Maxwell. Store, A. L. Foster.
Biological Science, H. W. Clark, J. G.
Fallon, D. V. Hemphill, A. A. Roth.
Business Administration, R. K. Boyd.
Chemistry, R. E. Hoen, M. E. Mathi- PARANA-SANTA CATARINA
sen, L. G. Sevrens. ACADEMY
Education, R. S. Moore, Alice A. (Ginasio Adventists Paranaense)
Nielsen, E. C. Walter.
English, R. B. Lewis, Alice Babcock, Caixa Postal 1155, Curitiba,
J. P. Stauffer. Parana, Brazil, South America
French and German, G. L. Caviness.
History, L. M. Hamilton, G. W. Mel- Established 1947
Home Economics, Esther Ambs, Mrs. Faculty:
Lloyd Hazelton. Director, R. R. Reis.
Industrial Arts, R. E. Fisher, Dan Treasurer, Hugo Gegembauer.
Edge, L. C. Christensen, J. E. Preceptor, H. K. Weber.
Craver. Preceptress, Ana P. Kiel.
Journalism, L. W. Sargent.
Library Science, Lois J. Walker. Bible and Mathematics, H. K. Weber.
Mathematics, C. L. Woods, Geneva E. Drawing and Sciences, Ana P. Kiel.
Durham. English and Portuguese, R. R. Reis.
Music, S. K. Gernet, C. W. Becker, French and Latin, Jamile Cury.
J. J. Hafner, Mary E. Hartley, Geography, History, and Music, Zita
Mrs. H. K. Martin, J. W. Rhodes, Kiel.
Mrs. J. P. Stauffer. Elementary School, Zita Kiel.

PHILADELPHIA ACADEMY Nursing and Health, Phyllis Naude,

Mrs. C. T. Jones, Consolacion Ver-
6063 Drexel Road gara. _
Philadelphia 31, Pennsylvania History, Earle Hilgert, G. L. Miranda,
Telephone: Trinity 7-3355, 7-9884. Mrs. J. C. Pascual, T. A. Pilar.
Home Economics, Mrs. R. C. Imperio,
Board: A. W. Ortner, Chairman; R. Mrs. R. G. Manalaysay.
E. Francis, Secretary. Mathematics, J. M. Tawatao.
Faculty: Medical Cadet and Physical Educa-
Principal, R. E. Francis. tion, C. T. Jones, Felisa Magpiong,
J. P. Villegas.
Bible, R. E. Francis, Mrs. Ann E. Music, Mrs. P. Poblete, Mrs. J. W.
Meisler. Rowland.
Commercial, Mrs. Ann E. Meisler. National Language, J. M. Herrera.
English and French, Rose DeBene- Science and Mathematics, C. T. Jones,
detto. R. C. Imperio, C. M. Jimenez,
History, Mrs. Ann E. Meisler, R. E. J. M. Tawatao.
Francis. Spanish, Mrs. N. S. Mallari.
Science and Mathematics, W. H.
Walker. Academy, J. M. Herrera.
Elementary School, Nellie Ferree,
Elementary School, Anita DiBiase, Principal ; Lily Alvarez, Margarita
Audrey Lee. Arriola, B. D. Bandiola, Alfea
Carpio, Tarciana Galang; Remedios
Baesa, Caloocan, Rizal, Philippines Agriculture, J. M. Parago.
Cafeteria, Mrs. H. L. Dyer.
Established 1933 Clinic, Phyllis Naude, Maria Geslani,
Cable and Telegraphic Address, "Phil- Mrs. C. T. Jones, V. G. Tamayo,
coll," Manila. Consolacion Vergara.
Commercial Art, H. L. Dyer.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 1772, Ma- Laundry, Mrs. Gaudalupe Ordanez.
nila, Philippines. Sewing, Mrs. J. C. Imperio.
Board of Trustees: E. M. Adams, Chair-
Woodwork, Celedonio Cruz.
man ; A. N. Nelson, Vice-Chairman ;
G. de Guzman, Secretary ; E. L.
Becker, Treasurer ; J. 0. Bautista, Extension Division of Philippine Union
E. A. Capobres, J. D. Cristobal, F. College
de la Cruz, J. A. Leland, V. M. Mon- Manticao, Oriental Misamis,
talban, L. L. Quirante, W. C. Richli, Mindanao, Philippines
A. Z. Roda, P. H. Romulo.
Dean, R. G. Mary.
President, A. N. Nelson. Business Manager, A. A. Poblete.
Business Manager, E. L. Becker; As- Registrar, Mrs. L. H. Miranda.
sistant, R. D. Brion. Bible, R. G. Mary, S. Flores.
Accountant, G. D. Brion. Education, P. Rocero, Mrs. L. H.
Registrar, Irene Wakeham ; Mrs. N. Miranda.
S. Mallari (Acting). English, Mrs. L. H. Miranda.
Librarian, Mrs. N. S. Mallari. History, S. Flores.
Dean of Men, T. A. Pilar; Assistant,
G. L. Miranda.
Dean of Women, Mrs. P. H. Romulo.
Pine Forge, Pennsylvania
President, A. N. Nelson.
Bible, J. W. Rowland, J. M. Herrera, Established 1946
Earle Hilgert, T. A. Pilar, A. P. Telephone: Pottstown 3316.
Commerce, E. L. Becker, G. D. Brion, Board of Management: J. H. Wagner,
G. L. Miranda, Mrs. P. H. Romulo, Chairman ; R. L. Reynolds, Secretary.
J. P. Villegas. Faculty:
Education, R. G. Manalaysay, Mar-
garita Arriola, Nellie Ferree, Pris- Principal and Manager, R. L. Reyn-
cilla Jimenez, Mrs. R. G. Mana- olds.
laysay, A. N. Nelson, Mrs. P. Accountant, Ethel Smith.
Poblete. Registrar, N. E. Ashby.
English, Irene Wakeham, Alfea Car- Librarian, Mrs. Bertha Newman.
pio, Mrs. Earle Hilgert, Felisa Dean of Boys, R. L. Handy.
Magpiong, Mrs. P. Poblete. Dean of Girls, Mariam Gresham.

Agriculture, R. L. Reynolds. Music, C. M. Monks.

Bible J. T. Powell. Broomshop, D. A. Olderbak.
English, Mrs. Bertha Newman. Farm, V. G. Marsh.
History, N. E. Ashby, J. T. Powell. Matron, Mrs. B. A. Mclllwain.
Home Economics, Mariam Gresham.
Language, N. E. Ashby, Velma Bee-
Mathematics, Cordell Evans. PLATTE VALLEY ACADEMY
Music, Velma Beeman. Shelton, Nebraska
Science, Ethel Smith, Cordell Evans.
Secretarial, Ethel Smith, Mrs. Bertha Established 1919
Newman. Telephone: 7902.
Cafeteria, Mrs. Bailie Hartie.
Health and Hygiene, Mariam Board of Management: R. S. Joyce,
Gresham. Chairman ; R. M. Mote, Secretary.
Industries, R. L. Handy. Faculty:
Principal and Business Manager,
R. M. Mote; Assistant, L. G.
Dean of Boys, R. E. Hamilton.
622 W. 8th St., Plainfield, New Jersey Dean of Girls, Kathryn Rhymes.
Established 1926 Bible, L. G. Cooper, R. E. Hamilton.
Commerce, Ella Jensen.
Telephone: Plainfield 6-7060. English, Kathryn Rhymes, R. E.
Board of Management: W. B. Hill, Hamilton.
Chairman ; W. G. McCready, Secre- Farm Mechanics, V. E. Bascom.
tary. History, R. E. Hamilton.
Home Economics, Mrs. Lowell Barger.
Faculty: Mathematics and Science, Milo An-
Principal, W. G. McCready. derson.
Registrar, Mrs. W. G. McCready. Music, W. Beaman, Mrs. W. Beaman.
Accountant, Adele Dorland. Elementary School, Lola Malone.
Placement Director, Mrs. W. G. Farm, V. E. Bascom, J. Minear.
McCready. Matron, Helen England ; Assistant,
Bible, W. G. McCready, George Amelia Craig.
Katcher. Woodwork, Lowell Barger.
Commercial, Adele Dorland.
English, Annie M. Chambers, Ruth
History and Mathematics, George POLILLO VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE
Language, Annie M. Chambers. Polillo, Quezon, Philippines
Science, Alma Chambers. Established 1949
Typewriting, Ruth Fatscher.
Matron, Alma Chambers. Faculty:
Principal, R. C. Ferrer.
Registrar, Mrs. R. C. Ferrer.
PLAINVIEW ACADEMY Education, History, and Religion, P.
Redfield, South Dakota English and Mathematics, Susana
Established 1902 Ada.
Home Economics and National Lan-
Telephone: 321-W. guage, Narcisa Vergara.
Board of Management: L. L. McKinley, Elementary School, Loreto Acopio,
Chairman ; 0. F. Lenz, Secretary. S. Arit, Mrs. A. Lopez.
Principal and Manager, 0. F. Lenz.
Dean of Girls, Doris Nast. SCHOOL
School Nurse, Essie Barber. Kamienica na Slasku 230, pow.
Bible, W. L. Webb, P. M. DeBooy. Bielsco, Poland
Commercial, L. E. Davis.
English, Doris Nast. Established 1927; re-established 1947
History and Social Science, 0. F. Faculty:
Mathematics and Science, Monroe Principal, A. Maszczak.
Morford. Teachers, C. Baron, Z. Lyko.


4837 Northeast Couch Street,
Portland 15, Oregon Falakata P.O., Salpaiguri District,
Telephone: EMpire 1511.
Established 1949
Board of Management: J. H. Irvine,
Chairman ; R. M. Sturdevant, Sec- Faculty:
retary. Principal, M. G. Champion.
Faculty: Teachers, S. K. Bairagee, Miriam
Principal, R. M. Sturdevant. Bazroy, S. K. Besra, Mrs. M. G.
Accountant, G. E. Hibbard. Champion, Miss N. Dass, M. M.
Librarian, Mrs. Thelma Winter. Ekka, Miss P. Hembrom, E. W.
Holroyd, A. K. Kachchap.
Algebra and Geometry, P. M. Stuart.
Bible E. W. Rogers.
Biology and Physical Education, Don-
Chemistry and Driving Education. (Colegio Adventists del Plata)
R. M. Sturdevant. Puiggari, F. N. Gral. Urquiza, Entre
English and Spanish, Mrs. Thelma Rios, Argentina, South America
Winter, B. R. Ritz.
History, E. W. Rogers, P. M. Stuart. Established 1898
Music, R. W. Sandberg. Telephone: Crespo 55.
Sewing, Mrs. Hartley Johnson.
Typing, G. E. Hibbard. Board of Directors: Alfredo Aeschli-
Woodwork, P. M. Stuart. mann, Chairman; Ner Soto, Vice-
Chairman ; W. J. Brown, Secretary ;
Elementary School: B. R. Ritz, Prin- Eliel Almonte, Alfredo Bellido, 0. A.
cipal ; Mae Aerni, Audrey Ashby, Blake, P. M. Brouchy, Benjamin
Mabel Dougherty, Ruth Holsinger, Bustos, Dario Garcia, Eduardo Kanna,
Bonnie Johnson, Mrs. Hattie M. Juan Meier, W. E. Murray, Daniel
Martin, Clara M. Wells. Nestares, L. H. Olson, M. F. Perez,
Daniel Peverini, H. J. Peverini, Juan
PORTUGUESE TRAINING SCHOOL Riffel, F. Sittner, C. E. Westphal.
(Seminario Adventista) Local Board: Alfredo Aeschlimann,
Chairman; W. J. Brown, Vice-Chair-
Quinta de Santo Antonio, Portalegre,, man ; Daniel Nestares, Secretary ;
Portugal P. M. Brouchy, V. E. A. Matta,
Established 1936 Juan Riffel, David H. Rhys, C. E.
Telephone: 189. Westphal.
Telegraphic Address: Seminario Ad- Administration:
ventists, Portalegre. President and Business Manager,
Faculty: W. J. Brown.
Principal and Manager, A. F. Raposo. Vice-President, D. H. Rhys.
Teachers, B. Gouveia, A. Graudo. Treasurer, Daniel Nestares.
Registrar, Victor Ampuero.
Dean of Men, Rene Chaskelis.
PUERTO RICO ACADEMY Dean of Women, Mercedes Habenicht.
Matron, Encarnacion Ramos.
(Academia Adventista Puertorriquena)
Apartado 3930, Santurce, Puerto Rico Faculty:
President, W. J. Brown.
Telephone: 2-5222.
Bible, Niels Wensell, W. J. Brown,
Board of Managers: Eloy Acosta, Victor Ampuero.
Chairman ; H. S. Mendez, Secretary. Chemistry, Rene Chaskelis.
Faculty: Commerce, Daniel Nestares.
Cooking, Encarnacion Ramos.
Principal, H. S. Mendez. English, Mercedes Habenicht, Mrs.
Treasurer and Registrar, Mrs. Hilda W. J. Brown.
Mendez. French, Rene Chaskelis, G. A. Fa-
Bible and English, Flora Ossorio. yard.
Mathematics and Science, H. S. Geography, G. A. Fayard.
Mendez. History, Raquel Basanta, Isidoro
History and Spanish, Rosalina Car- Gerometta, W. J. Brown.
dona. Hydrotherapy, G. P. de Ampuero.
Manual Arts, Rodolfo Kaerst, Isi-
Elementary School, Maria T. Cancel, doro Gerometta.
Luz M. Diaz, Amanda Morales, Mathematics, D. H. Rhys, Isidoro
Evelia Palanco. Gerometta.
Matron, Consuelo Soto de Perez. Music, 0. A. Sabino.

Philosophy, Victor Ampuero. Postal Address: Casuta Postala No. 71,

Physical Education, Isidore Gero- Brasov, Rumania.
metta, Raquel Basanta. Faculty:
Physics and Science, J. A. Uria.
Secretarial Training, Adela Chaij Director, V. Diaconescu.
Rhys. Treasurer, M. Parvan.
Sewing, Delicia Fayard. Preceptor, G. Proksch.
Spanish and Literature, Leon Gain- Agriculture, C. Pascariu.
betta. Bible, G. Proksch, R. Artenian.
Elementary School, Raquel Basanta, Commerce, C. Cojea, M. Parvan.
Principal ; A. C. Bernhardt, Ruth Cooking, Miss I. Garai.
H. de Block, Luisa Frey, Horacio Engineering, G. Doaga.
Ruggiero. English and History, M. Ionescu.
Industries: Geography and Science, I. Mihordea.
German, G. Proksch.
Bakery and Store, Daniel Utz. Hungarian, G. Kovacs.
Bookbinding, Mercedes Habenicht. Rumanian, V. Diaconescu.
Carpentry, Jose Jarocki.
Engineering, Rodolfo Kaerst.
Farm and Poultry, Jose Weiss.
Tamparuli, Tuaran, North Borneo
Established 1940
Route 1, Box 330 Faculty:
Medford, Oregon Principal, G. Y. Dizon.
Established 1926 Teacher, Mrs. A. Dizon.
Telephone: 3-1239.
Board of Management: 0. E. Schnepper, SAMABULA INDIAN SCHOOL
Chairman ; H. E. Goffar, Secretary.
Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean
Principal and Manager, H. E. Goffar. Headmaster.
Accountant and Registrar, G. J. Lang.
Algebra, Bible, and Biology, II. T. . SAN DIEGO UNION ACADEMY
English, Mrs. Alma Gayland. 2700 E. 4th St., National City, California
Physics and Spanish, H. E. Goffar. Telephone: G 7-5541.
Physical Education, H. T. Gayland,
Mrs. Alma Gayland. Board of Management: H. W. Pfeiffer,
Music, Mrs. Alta Robinson, Mrs. 0. E. Chairman ; J. C. Michalenko, Secre-
Schnepper. tary.
Elementary School, Esther Bovee, Faculty:
Mrs. H. C. Chilson, Mrs. Mabel E. Principal and Business Manager,
Griffin, Mrs. Goldie Winter. J. C. Michalenko.
Cafeteria, Mrs. Maecel Cartwright. Accountant, A. L. Dale.
Librarian, Mrs. Lottie Westermeyer.
SCHOOL Commerce, A. L. Dale.
English and Speech, Mrs. Lottie
School "The Retreat," Roorkee, U.P., Westermeyer.
India Home Economics, Thelma Hemme.
Faculty: Mathematics, M. It. Borg, J. C.
Principal, E. R. Streeter.
Music, Mrs. Ethel Casey, Victor
Teachers, I. M. Chand, P. D. Enos, Johnson, Mrs. Rodney Wood.
P. E. Howard, A. M. Isaac, H. B. ,Physical Education, F. L. Hopp, N.
Khan, Daniel Rai, Mrs. Daniel Rai, R. Borg, Thelma Hemme.
J. M. Salik, Lal Singh, Sunder Science, M. R. Borg.
Singh, Mrs. E. It. Streeter, F. J. Spanish, Thelma Hemme.
Strunk. Woodwork, Kenneth Myers.
Elementary School, Robert Gale, Prin-
RUMANIAN UNION TRAINING cipal; Mrs. Grace Fuller, Elaine
INSTITUTE Schander, Clifford Shepard, Mrs.
("Institutul Biblic") Clifford Shepard, Jeanne Tuttle,
Mrs. J. D. Wilburn, Wanda Wil-
Stupini No. 113, Brasov, Rumania liams.
Established 1924 Cafeteria, Thelma Hemme.

SAN PASQUAL ACADEMY Geography, Artur Dassow, Jonas Gou-

Box 890, Route 1, Escondido, California vea.
History and Physical Education, Ro-
Established 1949 berto Cremonesi.
Latin and Portuguese, Erison Mi-
Telephone: Escondido 971. chiles.
Mathematics, Artur Dassow.
Board of Directors: H. H. Hicks, Chair- Music, Esther Pinho.
man ; R. J. Larson, Secretary.
Primary School, Elisabeth Pacheco.
Principal and Manager, R. J. Larson.
Assistant Business Manager, M. A. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST
Accountant, Mrs. Daphne Larson.
Registrar, Mrs. Marjorie Bean. Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Librarian, Dorothea Fitzgerald. Established 1934
Dean of Boys, John Ward.
Dean of Girls, Marcella Duerksen. Telephone: GEorgia 0803.
Agriculture, James Fulmore. Board of Trustees: W. H. Branson,
Bible, A. E. Butler. President; E. E. Cossentine, Vice-
Commerce, Mrs. Marjorie Bean, M. A. President; D. E. Rebok, Secretary;
Smith, Mrs. Cecille Pierce. C. L. Torrey, Treasurer ; R. A. An-
English, Dorothea Fitzgerald. derson, C. L. Bauer, G. W. Bowers,
History, Frederick Hoyt. P. W. Christian, E. D. Dick, L. K.
Home Arts, Doris Larsen. Dickson, H. T. Elliott, R. R. Fighur,
Hygiene and Physiology, Marcella L. N. Holm, L. E. Lenheim, H. A.
Duerksen. Morrison.
Mathematics and Science, Earman D. A. Ochs, W. B. Ochs, A. V.
Stearns. Olson, F. L. Peterson, K. J. Reynolds,
Mechanics (Auto), Norman Bean. M. L. Rice, H. L. Rudy, W. H. Shep-
Music, Mrs. Joyce Butler, Mrs. hard, J. D. Smith, J. W. Turner,
Cecille Pierce. J. E. Weaver, W. H. Williams, L. H.
Physical Education, Charles Pierce, Wood, R. W. Woods.
Doris Larsen.
Spanish, Charles Pierce. Executive Committee: W. H. Branson,
Speech, John Ward. Chairman ; D. E. Rebok, Secretary ;
Woodwork, Norman Bean. R. A. Anderson, E. E. Cossentine,
Elementary School, Mary L. Bean. E. D. Dick, L. K. Dickson, H. T.
Cafeteria, Mrs. 0. Stricklin. Elliott, R. R. Fighur, H. A. Morrison,
Farm Manager, M. A. Martin. D. A. Ochs, W. B. Ochs, A. V. Olson,
K. J. Reynolds, H. L. Rudy, W. H.
Shepherd, C. L. Torrey, C. E. Weni-
ger, W. H. Williams, L. H. Wood.
(Ginasio Adventists Campineiro)
President, D. E. Rebok.
Caixa Postal, 572, Campinas, Sao Paulo,
Brazil, South America Dean, C. E. Weniger.
Registrar, Theodora Wirak.
Established 1950 Librarian, Holger Lindsjo.
Board of Management: Joao Linhares, Archaeology and History of Antiquity,
Chairman; Waldemar Ehlers, Secre- L. H. Wood, Holger Lindsjo.
tary. Bible and Systematic Theology, F. H.
Yost, D. E. Rebok, Holger Lindsjo.
Faculty: Biblical Languages, R. E. Loasby.
Principal, Waldemar Ehlers. Church History, Daniel Walther.
Vice-Principal, Artur Dassow. Practical Theology, C. E. Weniger,
Secretary, Roberto Cremonesi. D. E. Rebok, J. L. Shuler.
Treasurer, Rute Michiles.
Preceptor, Jonas Gouvea. Visiting Instructors:
Preceptress, Alice Gouvea. Bible and Systematic Theology, D. E.
Admission Course, Benedito Fontoura. Robinson.
Bible, Jonas Gouvea, Erison Michiles. Church History, L. E. Froom, E.
Crafts, Alice Gouvea, Roberto Cre- Bethmann.
monesi. Practical Theology, R. A. Anderson,
Drawing, Roberto Cremonesi, Alice Roger Altman, Mrs. Dorothy Beltz,
Gouvea. M. K. Eckenroth, J. R. Ferren,
English, Liria Dassow. Louise C. Kleuser, T. K. Martin,
French, Alice Gouvea. R. S. Senseman, G. E. Vandeman.


New Market, Virginia P. O. Box 26, Bo, Sierra Leone,
West Africa
Established 1908
Principal, C. A. Bartlett.
Telephone: 9.
Board of Trustees: H. J. Detwiler,
President ; W. C. Hannah, Secretary. SOLUSI TRAINING SCHOOL
Faculty: Private Bag 189T,
Principal and Manager, W. C. Han- Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa
nah. Established 1928
Accountant, Mrs. W. C. Hannah.
Dean of Boys, Phillip Fetter.
Dean of Girls, Mrs. Pearl Deiter. Principal and Business Manager, J. R.
Registrar, Helen Hambleton. Siebenlist.
Librarian, Mrs. W. T. Weaver. Accountant, C. K. Willmore.
Agriculture, C. A. French. Preceptor, I. Gurure.
Bible, W. T. Weaver. Preceptress, Mrs. Enoch Ndhlovu.
Commercial, Phillip Fetter. Bible, J. Korgan.
English, Frances Andrews. Domestic Science, Mrs. Marie Owens.
French, Mrs. W. T. Weaver. Normal Directors, Wilbur Quittmeyer,
History, W. C. Hannah. Anna Kwapinski, Grace Robinson.
Home Economics, Georgene Mine- Critic Teachers, Enoch Chakawa, I.
singer. Gurure, George Maswimba, Maggie
Mathematics and Science, Grace Sibanda.
Ashton. Standards VII and VIII, Anna Kwa-
Medical Cadet Corps, W. T. Weaver. pinski.
Music, Margarita Dietel. Elementary School, Mrs. F. B. Jewell,
Spanish, Helen Hambleton. Johannes Dry, Levi Ncube, Inno-
Elementary School, Mrs. Helen Gra- cent Nkomo.
ham. Building and Carpentry, Enoch
Farm, L. J. Jensen. Ndhlovu.
Matron, Mrs. Pearl Deiter; Assist- Girls' Industries, Mrs. William Kona.
ants, Mrs. Phillip Fetter, Georgene Farm, Philemon Tshuma.


Harvey, North Dakota Wenchow, Chekiang, China
Established 1903 Organized 1920
Telephone: 11-F3.
Principal, Chen Ih Fu.
Board of Management: D. C. Butherus,
President; L. G. Barker, Secretary. Treasurer, Wu Hsin Chou.
Registrar, Chu Wen.
Faculty: Teachers, Chin Chen, Chou Feng Yu,
Chow Hsin Chin, Ho Ching Lung,
Principal and Manager, L. G. Barker. Wu Hsin Chou.
Accountant, William Nordrum.
Registrar, Mrs. R. H. Schaeffer.
Librarian, Betty J. Glew.
Dean of Boys, George Akers. SOUTH CHINA TRAINING
Dean of Girls, Betty J. Glew. INSTITUTE
Bible, V. K. Burgeson. P.O. Box 1929, Clear Water Bay,
Commercial, William Nordrum, Mrs. Kowloon, Hong Kong
R. H. Shaeffer. Established 1915
English, Erma Nelson, George Akers.
German, Arthur Hagele. Board of Management: C. H. Davis,
History, L. G. Barker, George Akers. Chairman ; H. S. Leung, Secretary.
Home Economics, Erma Nelson.
Mathematics and Science, L. D. Rion- Faculty:
fenstein. Principal and Manager, H. S. Leung.
Music, N. J. Roy. Assistant Business Manager and
Spanish, Betty J. Glew. Treasurer, H. H. Luke.
Farm, Steve Holm. Registrar, M. D. Lee.
Matron, Mrs. Bertha Cromwell. Librarian, H. S. Lo.

Preceptor, Y. Y. Chow. Telephone: Chattanooga 4-3323.

Preceptress, Wang Keh Wen. Legal Title: Southern Missionary Col-
Bible, T. S. Geraty. lege, Incorporated.
Instructors, H. S. Lo, M. D. Lee.
Vocational Training, Harold Cole. Board of Management: V. G. Anderson,
Chairman; K. A. Wright, Secretary;
Elementary School, Y. K. Hwang. F. H. Dortch, I. M. Evans, Charles
Farm, Harold Cole. Fleming, Jr., H. S. Hanson, C. H.
Printing, Benjamin Ku. Lauda, G. R. Nash, R. H. Nighting-
ale, M. C. Patten, H. E. Schneider,
W. E. Strickland, B. F. Summerour.
12 Sam Yuk Road, Tungshan, President, K. A. Wright.
Canton 25, China. Dean, F. 0. Rittenhouse.
Established 1950 Business Manager, Charles Fleming,
Board _of Trustees: Chang Kuo En, Credit Manager, G. T. Gott.
Chairman (Acting) ; Chang Peh An, Treasurer and Accountant, R. G.
Secretary. Bowen.
Faculty: Associate Accountant, R. C. Mizelle.
Registrar, Ruby E. Lea.
Principal, Chang Peh An. Librarian, S. D. Brown.
Treasurer, Liu Pu Tung. Dean of Men, Y. T. Watrous.
Registrar, Tang Chung Hsuen. Dean of Women, Dora Greve.
Teachers, Fu Chi Yeh, Hu Wen Yuen, Director of Health Service, Dorothy
Hung Shu Than, Lo Chi Hsi, Teng H. Douglas.
Chung Hsuan, Tseng Nep Mu Sun. College Pastor, H. It. Beckner.
College Physician, W. G. Shull.
SOUTHEAST CHINA UNION President, K. A. Wright.
Applied Theology and Religion, C. E.
Kulangsu, Amoy, China Wittschiebe, E. C. Banks, R. L.
Established 1909 Hammill, L. K. Tobiassen,
Art, H. R. Hooper.
Faculty: Biology, H. H. Kuhlman, G. B. Dean.
Principal and Manager, Ang Kim Hi. Business Administration and Eco-
nomics, R. M. Craig, H. T. Curtis,
Registrar, Hwang Tsu Bing. G. T. Gott, Mrs. Lois H. Jacobs.
Teachers, Chen Che Hwa, Chen Shu Chemistry, G. J. Nelson.
Fen, Hwang Chih Hsi, Keh Hong Education, T. W. Steen, Theresa
Mo, Wu Chui Hwa. Brickman, Mrs. Olivia B. Dean,
Mrs. ltiva B. Gardner, Mrs. Lois
H. Jacobs, Mrs. Betty B. Koudele,
SOUTHEAST MEXICAN AGRICUL- H. A. Miller, E. I. Mohr, Bernice
(Escuela Agricola e Industrial del Educational Consultant, A. L. Suhrie.
Sureste) Elementary Teacher Training, Mrs.
Olivia B. Dean, Dora Greve, Ber-
Domicilio Conocido, Teapa, Tabasco, nice Pittman.
Mexico English and Speech, Elaine Giddings,
Jacque Evans, D. C. Ludington,
Board of Directors: C. R. Valenzuela, Maude I. Jones.
Chairman ; Blas Covarrubias, Secre- Foreign Languages, Mrs. Mary H.
tary. Deitel, R. L. Hammill, 0. S. Plue,
Faculty: Mrs. Ruth Tobiassen.
Principal, Blas Covarrubias; Assist- History and Social Sciences, F. 0.
ant, Francisco Borras. Rittenhouse, L. K. Tobiassen, M. J.
Sorenson, E. T. Watrous, Dora
Treasurer, R. F. Williams. Greve, A. L. Suhrie.
Preceptor, Francisco Borras. Home Economics, Mrs. Lois H. Ja-
Preceptress and Matron, Margarita cobs, Adel Kong'.
Alarcon. Industrial Arts, G. W. Boynton, H.
Teachers, Margarita Alarcon, Fran- R. Hooper, R. E. Lynn.
cisco Borras, Salvador Martinez. Library Science, S. D. Brown, Mrs.
Myrtle Watrous.
Mathematics, E. I. Mohr, H., T. Curtis.
SOUTHERN MISSIONARY COLLEGE Music, H. A. Miller, N. L. Krogstad,
Mrs. N. L. Krogstad, Wayne
Collegedale, Tennessee Thurber, J. Mabel Wood, Charles
Established 1916 Pierce.

Nursing Education, Dorothy H. Doug- Faculty :

las. President. J. V. Peters.
Physical Education, F. M. Miller, Agriculture, H. C. Lovett.
N. L. Krogstad. Bible, M. D. Lewis, Morris Lowry
Physics, E. I. Mohr. C. C. Blackburn.
Secretarial Science, Theresa Brick- Commerce, M. J. Denman, H. L.
man, Mrs. J. L. Brackett. Caviness.
Academy Faculty: Education, Lorena Wilcox.
Principal, M. J. Sorenson. English, Evlyn Lindberg, Lorena
Bible, 0. S. Plue. History, Morris Lowry, C. C. Black-
Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and burn.
Physics, P. J. Hoar. Home Economics, Dorothy Borland.
Bookkeeping, Mrs. P. J. Hoar. Languages, Olive Westphal, M. D.
English, Mrs. Betty B. Koudele. Lewis.
. Languages, Mrs. T. W. Steen.
Foreign Mathematics and Science, R. R. Rice,
History, M. J. Sorenson. H. A. Drake, P. L. Wilson.
Home Economics, Adel Kougl. Music, Harold Doering, C. G. Fisher,
Mechanical Drawing, G. W. Boynton. Betty Christensen, Merritt Schu-
Music, Wayne Thurber, N. L. Krog- mann, H. A. Work.
stad, J. Mabel Wood. Physical Education, C. C. Blackburn.
Physical Education, F. M. Miller. Pre-Nursing, Ellen McCartney.
Printing, R. E. Lynn. Vocational Arts, Lawrence Claridge,
Typing, Mrs. J. L. Brackett. P. L. Wilson.
Elementary School, Mrs. Olivia B. Elementary School, P. G. Hills, Vera
Dean, Mrs. Irene Skender, Thyra Baker, Mary J. Douglas, Lottie
E. Bowen, Mrs. Camille Lloyd, Ber- Warren.
nice Pittman.
Cafeteria, Dell Barney.
Industries: Chenille, R. L. Carr.
Dairy and Farm, H. C. Lovett.
Broommaking, M. E. Connell. Furniture and Trellis Mfg., M. M.
Farm and Dairy, J. B. Pierson. Williams.
Food Service, Mrs. Esther Williams. Maintenance, Ben Putnam.
Fruit, Garden, and Campus, A. W. Laundry, Mamie Greenhill.
Spalding, Jr. Printing, Jay Clymer.
Garage, C. A. Lang. Store, M. M. Roller.
Laundry, J. E. Tompkins.
Maintenance, George Pearman, Carl
Store, Charles Fleming, Jr. (Acting). Sandoval, New Mexico
Wood Products, Ray Olmstead.
Established 1942
Board of Management: J. W. Turner,
SOUTHWESTERN JUNIOR President; I. M. Vacquer, Secretary;
COLLEGE H. M. Burwell, R. G. Campbell, L. K.
Dickson, H. C. Klement, E. E. Cos-
Keene, Texas , sentine, N. R. Dower, H. T. Elliott,
Calvin Gordon, H. C. Hartman, W.
Established 1894 A. Howe, E. J. Lorntz, W. B. Ochs,
Telephone: Keene 44. J. V., Peters, F. 0. Sanders, I. V.
Stonebrook, C. L. Torrey, W. H.
Board of Management: J. W. Turner, Williams.
Chairman ; J. V. Peters, Secretary ;
H. M. Burwell, N. R. Dower, C. G. Administration:
Gordon, H. C. Hartman, W. A. Howe, Principal and Business Manager, I.
H. C. Kephart, H. C. Klement, F. 0. M. Vacquer.
Sanders, J. R. Sloop, I. M. Vacquer.
Administration: Registrar, Mrs. Malissa Ruybalid.
President, J. V. Peters. Dean of Boys, Reginald Mattison, Jr.
Business Manager and Treasurer, Dean of Girls, Termutis Padilla.
J. R. Sloop. Faculty:
Accountant, Carl Clark.
Registrar, P. L. Wilson. Principal, I. M. Vacquer.
Librarian, Mrs. P. H. Galbraith. Bible, I. M. Vacquer, Reginald. Matti-
Dean of Men, 0. E. Torkelson. son, Jr.
Dean of Women, Agnes Eroh. Commerce, Mrs. Alma Bergold, M. P.
Personnel and Guidance Director, M. Clem.
J. Denman. Language, Mrs. Malissa Buybalid.
Nurse, Ellen McCartney. History, Donald Welch.

Mathematics and Science, Eugene Speech, I. D. Higgins.

Cole. Vocational Training, D. G. Bower.
Music, Mrs. Elen Mattison.
Voice, Mrs. Eugene Cole. High School Faculty:
Elementary School, Mrs. J. D. Leck- Principal, I. D. Higgins.
lider, Robert Stahlnecker. Bible, G. Isaiah, Mrs. J. N. Samuel.
Broom Factory, M. P. Clem. Domestic Science, Mrs. Bertha Lowry,
Farm, Adolpho Bergold. Mrs. H. H. Mattison.
English, L. J. Larson, Mrs. N. 0.
Matron, Termutis Padilla. Matthews.
First Aid, Mrs. J. N. Samuel.
Geography and History, M. E. Che-
SCHOOL Hygiene and Physiology, Mrs. B. J.
Alenza 6, Madrid, Spain Language, P. Pathak, R. S. Shinge.
Established 1941 Mathematics, N. 0. Matthews, J. N.
Faculty: Printing, C. N. John.
Principal, I. Aguilar. Vocational Training, D. G. Bower.
Teacher, M. Ripoll. Industrial Superintendent, D. G.
Bower; Assistant, A. J. Valens.
Printing, C. N. John.
Aundh Road, Kirkee, Poona 3, India CHURCH SCHOOL
Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts.,
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Spicer, England
Board of Management: W. W. Arm-
Telephone: 2321, extension 44. strong, Chairman ; A. J. Woodfield,
Board of Management: R. H. Pierson, Secretary.
Chairman ; I. D. Higgins, Secretary ; Faculty:
J. F. Ashlock, E. A. Crane, G. Isaiah,
D. S. Johnson, M. E. Kemmerer, R. Principal, A. J. Woodfield.
S. Lowry, W. C. Mackett, M. 0. Business Manager, A. H. Thompson.
Manley, N. 0. Matthews, H. H. Matti- Headmaster, A. J. Woodfield.
son, 0. 0. Mattison, E. M. Mejeen, Teachers, Beryl Belton, W. Futcher,
I. K. Moses, M. S. Prasada Rao, J. L. R. W. Luxton, Muriel Smith.
Shannon, L. C. Shepard, 0. A. Skau,
F. E. Spiess, A. F. Tarr, E. D. Elementary School, Lilian Bevan,
Thomas, B. J. Williams. Joan Coveney, Winnifred E. Willis.
President and Business Manager, SUMATRA TRAINING SCHOOL
I. D. Higgins.
Treasurer, B. J. Williams. Pemantang Siantar, Sumatra, Indonesia
Registrar and Librarian, Mrs. I. D. Established. 1949
Assistant Librarian, M. E. Cherian. Faculty:
Dean of Men, G. J. Christo. Principal, R. A. Figuhr.
Dean of Women, Mrs. Bertha Lowry. Teachers, E. Hutapea, L. Purba, S. M.
Nurse, Mrs. B. J. Williams. Siregar.
College Faculty:
President, I. D. Higgins.
Bible, H. H. Mattison, G. Isaiah. SUNNYDALE ACADEMY
Business Administration, B. J. Wil- Box 209, Centralia, Missouri
Elementary Teacher Training, Rose Established 1946
Meister. Telephone: Centralia 15.
English, Mrs. L. J. Larson.
Home Economics and Health, Mrs. Board of Managers: R. S. Watts, Chair-
Bertha Lowry. man ; L. S. Davis, Secretary.
Indian Languages, P. Pathak. Faculty:
Mathematics. and Science, N. 0. Mat-
thews. Principal, L. S. Davis.
Piano, Mrs. N. 0. Matthews. Business Manager, C. L. Powers.
Secondary Education, L. J. Larson. Dean of Boys, Eldon Christie.
Secretarial Training, G. J. Christo. Dean of Girls, Hilda F. Remley.

School Nurse, Mrs. Miles Kellogg. Mathematics and Science, A. Selso.

Bible, L. S. Davis, C. L. Powers. Music, E. Edfors.
Commerce, Janis Bascom. Swedish and German, Ingrid Albiner.
Agriculture, Garfield Jorgenson. Helga Helenius, G. Linde.
English, Hilda F. Remley, Eloise
History, Eldon Christie, Eloise Tyrer. TAQUARA ACADEMY
Home Economics, Eloise Tyrer. (Ginasio Adventists)
Mathematics and Science, Stanley
Jensen, Eldon Christie. Caixa Postal 12, Taquara, Rio
Mechanical Arts, R. T. Morrison. Grande do Sul, Brazil, South
Medical Cadet Corps, Eldon Christie. America
Music, R. L. MacManaman, Mrs. R. L. Established 1937
Spanish, Mrs. C. L. Powers. Board of Management: R. E. Oberg,
Chairman ; G. Streithorst, Secretary.
Agriculture, H. G. Turner.
Dairy, Raymond Hartley. Faculty:
Engineer, R. T. Morrison. Principal, J. G. Streithorst.
Food Factory, Elmer Hagele. Secretary, Almerinda Dias.
Matron, Mrs. Pauline Long. Treasurer, Joao de Deus Pinho.
Preceptor, Manoel Braff.
Preceptress, Elvira Gonzales.
SUNNY HILL SCHOOL Admission Course, Elvira Gonzales.
Third Mile, Simanggang Road, Bible, Mathematics, and Science,
Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo Herbert Hoffman.
Crafts, Romeu X. dos Santos.
Established 1925 Drawing, Joao de Deus Pinho.
Faculty: English, Latin, Language,' and Music,
Principal, L. E. A. Fox. J. G. Streithorst.
French, Elvira Gonzales.
Teachers, Mrs. L. E. A. Fox, G. Geography, .
Kwok, P. L. Tamboenan, Mrs. History, Waldemar Rabello.
P. L. Tamboenan, Mrs. S. F. Physical Education, Almerinda Dias,
Yong, T. F. Yong. Waldemar Rabelo.
Farm, Romeu X. dos Santos.
Swatow, Kwangtung, China TEH SIN SCHOOL
Faculty: Peel Road, Kuala Lumpur,
Principal, Li Chen Hwa. Selangor, Malaya
Teachers, Chen Hsiao Ping, Chen Established 1923
Hung, Hsieh Chun Hsin, Su En Faculty:
Sheng. Honorary Principal, P. C. Liew.
Teachers: Mrs. K. T. Chin, Mrs. S. H.
Cho, Mrs. W. Y. Ho, M. S. Leong,
(Ekebyliolmsskolan) Liew, Mrs. Y. Liew, Mrs. Stephen
Ekebyholm, Rimbo, Sweden Pan, J. L. See, K. S. See, K. S.
Wong, C. Y. Wu.
Established 1898
Telephone: Rimbo 5.
Board: A. Y. Rintala, Chairman ; C. MISSIONARY COLLEGE
Gidlund, Secretary.
Carmel, West Australia, Australia
Established 1907
Principal, C. Gidlund.
Board of Management: H. G. Moulds,
Preceptress and Matron, Clara An- Chairman ; R. Reye, Secretary ; R.
dersson. E. G. Blair, D. A. Brennan, A. W.
Bible and Homiletics, C. Gidlund. Dawson, W. J. Gilson, H. W. Hol-
Bookueeping and Shorthand, E. Ed- lingsworth, C. J. Howell, J. W. Kent,
fors. W. L. Pascoe, P. T. Peet, A. W.
English and Philosophy, G. Linde. Peterson, W. J. Richards, W. M. R.
French and Swedish, R. Blomdahl. Scragg, C. F. Thrift.
Geography, Botany, Biology, Hanna
Gidlund. Faculty:
History, Ingrid Albiner, Helga Hele- Principal and Manager, R. Reye.
nius, R. Blomdahl. Accountant, J. L. Abbott.

Preceptor, Chemistry, G. C. Jorgensen, Douglas

Preceptress, Mrs. M. Posselt. Brown.
Matron, Mrs. L. Bailey. Education and Psychology, E. M. Cad-
Teachers, C. F. Futcher, T. W. Rut- wallader, Helen Hyatt, G. H.
ter, M. F. Nash, Edith Stewart. Straight.
English and Journalism, Virginia
Shull, Mrs. Alice Fowler, William
College View Station, Lincoln 6. Health, Mazie A. Herin, R. T. Smith.
Nebraska History and Political Science, E. N.
Dick, Robert Cleveland, E. R. Maas.
Established 1891 Home Economics, Mrs. Anne D. Dunn,
Telephone: 4-2331. Mabel Flemmer.
Board of Trustees: M. V. Campbell, Mathematics, E. B. Ogden, Hilmer
President; J. D. Smith, J. W. Tur- Besel, Earl Leonhardt.
ner, Vice-Presidents ; H. C. Hartman, Modern and Biblical Languages, H.
Secretary ; V. S. Dunn, Treasurer ; G. Reinmuth, J. N. Anderson (eme-
N. L. Bebe, D. C. Butherus, C. W. itus), Pearl Hall.
Degering, W. A. Dessain, N. R. Music, Harlyn Abel, Mrs. Florence
Dower, G. R. Fattic, G. C. Gordon, Abel, Mrs. Dorothy Burg, C. C.
W. A. Howe, R. S. Joyce. Engel (emeritus), Clifton Cowles,
H. C. Kephart, H. C. Klement, Mrs. Phyllis Joyce, Opal Miller,
L. L. McKinley, W. B. Mohr, E. R. C. J. Watson, Mrs. Marguerite
Osmunson, J. V. Peters, N. C. Peter- Widener.
son, D. R. Rees, H. E. Rice, E. A. Nursing Education, Francis Avery,
Robertson, F. 0. Sanders, A. R. Louise Chatfield, Dorothy Clemens,
Smouse, F. E. Thompson, R. S. Watts, Helen Davidson, Rodney Davidson,
I. H. Wernick, H. A. Young. Muriel Fleming, Helga Forehand,
Grace Hatanaka, Mazie A. Herin,
Executive Committee: M. V. Campbell. Verna Johnson, Mary Kisz, Emma
Chairman ; H. C. Hartman, Secretary, S. Landon, G. K. Lashier, Susie
W. A. Dessain, V. S. Dunn, G. R. Mansker, Del Parkins, Hulda Roehl,
Fattic, W. A. Howe, H. C. Klement, Ann Shaner, Allice E. Smith, Alice
W. B. Mohr, E. A. Robertson, J. D. Weaver.
Smith, J. W. Turner. Physics, M. D. Hare, Hilmer Besel.
Administration: Physical Education, E. N. Dick, Carl
President, H. C. Hartman. Watts.
Dean, E. B. Ogden. Secretarial Science. Mrs. Irma V.
Business Manager and Treasurer, V. Minium, Charles Read, Mary Zweig.
S. Dunn. Speech, Mrs. Alice Fowler, J. J.
Accountant, H. L. Keene. Williamson.
Registrar, Marie Anderson. Supervisory Teachers in Secondary
Personnel Director, L. W. Welch. Education, Ralph Carter, J. G.
Librarian, Floda Smith ; Assistant, Galusha, E. R. Maas, Mrs. E. R.
Gertrude Huygens. Maas, Mrs. Viola Welch, Mary
Dean of Men, M. S. Culver. Zweig.
Dean of Women. Mrs. Blanche E. Supervisory Teachers in Elementary
Jones. Education, Myrtle Maxwell, Maude
School Physician and Director of Reid, Esther Surdam, Dorothy Cad-
Health Service, R. T. Smith. wallader, Mrs. Winnie Turner.
Director of School of Nursing, Academy Faculty:
Mazie A. Herin; Associate (Clinical
Division), Verna B. Johnson ; As- Principal, E. R. Maas.
sistants, Dorothy Clemens, Del Automobile Mechanics, L. L. Minium.
Parkins. Bible, Ralph Carter.
Deans of Women, Clinical Division, Bookkeeping, P. G. Hildebrand.
Ernestine Burkett. Esther Cornell. English, Mrs. Viola Welch.
Coordinators of Medical and Surgical Foreign Languages, Mrs. E. R. Maas.
Nursing, Clinical Division, Mary History, E. R. Maas.
Kiss, Alice Smith. Mathematics and Science, J. G.
Matron, Ruth M. Whitfield. Galusha.
Faculty: Music, Dorothy Burg, Clifton Cowles.
Physical Education, Merlene Ogden.
President, H. C. Hartman. Typewriting, Mary Zweig.
Bible and Religion. A. J. Wearner, I.
F. Blue (emeritus), A. V. Wallen- Industries:
kampf, L. W. Welch, J. J. Wil- Bookbinding, J. A. Mayer.
liamson. Dairy and Farm, J. C. Turner.
Biology. D. M. Brown, Mrs. Gladys Laundry, P. G. Hildebrand.
Jeurink, Walter Page. Maintenance and Power, F. R. Klein-
Business Administration, It. W. Fow- man.
ler, P. G. Hildebrand. Printing, J. D. Anderson.


Union Springs, New York (Institute Adventista del Uruguay)
Established 1921 Progreso, Departamento de Canelones
Uruguay, South America
Telephone: 2481.
Established in 1944
Board of Management: J. J. Reiswig,
Chairman; V. L. Bartlett, Secretary. Telegraphic and Cable Address: "Ad-
ventistas," Montevideo.
Principal and Business Manager, V. Board of Trustees: Alfredo Bellido,
L. Bartlett. President; Jose Tabuenca, Secretary.
Accountant, Roy Stotz. Local Board: Alfredo Bellido, Presi-
Registrar, Irma Kopitzke. dent; Jose Tabuenca, Vice-President;
Librarian, 0. R. Schmidt. E. E. Pidoux, Secretary.
Dean of Boys, Malcolm Hartwell. Faculty:
Dean of Girls, Eva Wensley. Principal, Jose Tabuenca.
Bible, V. L. Bartlett. Treasurer, E. E. Pidoux.
Commercial, Mrs. V. L. Bartlett. Registrar, A. L. Hugo.
English, 0. R. Schmidt, Irma Ko- Dean of Men, Reynold Schmidt.
pitzke. Dean of Women, Madeleine R. Gou-
French, Malcolm Hartwell.
History, Edwin Scott. rian.
Mathematics and Science, Mervin Bible, Jose Tabuenca, Sarkis Zuni-
York. gian.
Music, Frank Heppel, Virginia Hart- Domestic Science, Mrs. Hazel Weber.
well. English, C. J. Weber.
Physical Education, Lester Stannard. Geography, Jorge Iuorno.
Farm, M. E. Wright. History and Natural History, Reynold
Maintenance, Edwin Scott. Schmidt.
Matron, Esther David. Science, A. L. Hugo.
Sewing, Madeleine R. Gourian.
Spanish, Jorge Iummo, E. E. Pidoux.
Typewriting, Mrs. C. C. Tabuenca.
Elementary School, Mrs. Elvira
Spangle, Washington Schmidt.
Telephone: 0401. Bakery, Ruben Gutierrez.
Board of Management: C. L. Bond, Carpentry, Sarkis Zurigian.
Chairman ; W. L. Schoepflin, Secre- Farm, Garden,Mechanical, and Poul-
tary. try, C. J. eber.
Matron, Madeleine R. Gourian.
Principal and Business Manager, W.
Treasurer, R. G. Dutro. Vailoa, Samoa, Pacific Ocean
Registrar, Mrs. C. E. Davis. Headmaster: J. R. Dobson.
Librarian, Mrs. M. A. Dopp.
Dean of Boys, C. S. Wallace.
Dean of Girls, Mrs. Lyle Hanson.
School Nurse, Mrs. C. S. Wallace. VALLEY GRANDE ACADEMY
Bible, Harold Ochs, M. A. Dopp. Weslaco, Texas
Bookkeeping, R. G. Dutro. Telephone: 437-M, 366-M.
English, Lyle Hanson, Mrs. Lyle
Hanson. Board of Managers: M. H. Jensen,
History, C. S. Wallace, Lyle Hanson. Chairman ; C. D. Garrett, Secretary.
Home Economics, Helen Litvin. Faculty:
Mathematics and Science, C. E. Davis.
Medical Cadet Corps, C. S. Wallace. Principal and Business Manager, C.
Music, M. A. Dopp, Mrs. M. A. Dopp, D. Garrett.
Mrs. Don Hall. Accounting, Bookkeeping, and Wood-
Physical Education, Harold Ochs, work, Woodrow Baker.
Mrs. C. E. Davis. American History, Chemistry, and
Secretarial Science, Helen Litvin. Mathematics, C. D. Garrett.
Spanish, Harold Ochs. Bible and Spanish, Wendell Coble.
Woodwork and Mechanical Drawing, English and Typing, Joyce Marsh.
C. M. Rusch. Elementary School, Mrs. C. D. Gar-
Elementary School, Alice Rogers. rett, Mrs. William Riffle, Mrs.
Dairy and Farm, Walter Werth. Woodrow Baker.
Engineering, E. J. Wagner. Cafeteria, Mrs. John Smith.
Matron, Mrs. W. L. Schoepflin. Shop Foreman, John. Smith.


Buca Bay, Vanua Levu, Fiji, College Place, Washington
Pacific Ocean Established 1892
Established 1932 Telephone: Walla Walla 3883.
Headmaster: M. P. Cozens. Board of Trustees: C. A. Striven,
Chairman ; G. W. Bowers, Secretary ;
J. C. Kozel, Treasurer; L. E. Biggs,
VINCENT HILL COLLEGE C. L. Bond, T. Carcich, G. W. Cham-
bers, 0. T. Gardner, Clyde Harris, E.
Mussoorie, United Provinces, India S. Humann, C. S. Joyce, C. C. Kott,
C. J. Nagele, J. T. Porter, H. L.
Established 1911 Rudy, M. V. Tucker.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Vin. Administration:
school, Mussoorie. President, G. W. Bowers.
Telephone: 137. Dean, Student Welfare, and Person-
nel, H. L. Sonnenberg.
Board: R. H. Pierson, Chairman ; W. C. Business Manager, J. C. Kozel.
Mackett, Secretary; J. F. Ashlock, Accountant, Mrs. Marguerite S.
E. A. Crane, C. B. Guild, I. D. Hig- Aplington.
gins, D. S. Johnson, M. E. Kemmerer, Registrar, Mrs. Irene S. Black ; As-
M. 0. Manley, 0. 0. Mattison, E. M. sistant, Orpha Osborne.
Meleen, G. A. Nelson, R. J. Ritchie, Librarian, Anna L. Blackney; As-
J. L. Shannon, L. C. Shepard, F. E. sistants, Ellenor Summerton, Grace
Spiess, E. R. Streeter, E. D. Thomas, Prentice, Audrey Stockton.
I. C. Woodward. Dean of Men, L. B. Losey.
Dean of Women, Mrs. Amelia H.
Administration: Sherrard ; Assistants, Mrs. Nellie
Sharman, Edna M. Alexander.
Principal and Business Manager, W. Physician, J. E. Potts.
C. Mackett. Director of Health Service, Mrs.
Treasurer, E. A. Streeter. Lyman Miller.
Registrar, M. M. McHenry. College Faculty:
Librarian, S. E. Hendley. President, G. W. Bowers.
Dean of Men, E. T. Austin.
Dean of Women, Emma E. Lehmann. Agriculture, L. B. Losey.
Small Boys Matron, Mrs. M. A. Art, Mrs. Lulu H. Miller.
Rodgers. Biology, Ernest Booth, L. M. Ashley,
School Nurse, Mrs. I. C. Woodward. Beatrice T. Emery, R. A. Underhill.
Matron, Leila A. Baird. Business Administration, Wilbert
Schneider, J. G. Mehling, Jr.,
Faculty: Myrtle Walker, Mrs. Genevieve
S. Weaver.
Art and Home Economics, Leila A. Chemistry, C. E. Thurston, Mrs. Lu-
Baird. ella L. Kretschmar, C. W. Shankel.
Bible and Ministerial, E. F. Buck, Paul Gruzensky.
E. T. Austin. Education, W. I. Smith, Bernice
Bookkeeping, E. A. Streeter. Searle, Frances Stoddard.
English, E. T. Austin, E. J. Keelan, Engineering, Edward Cross, V. L.
W. C. Mackett. Von Pohle, G. 0. Patchen.
French, I. C. Woodward. English, K. A. Aplington, Mrs. V. E.
Geography, E. A. Streeter, E. J. Hendershot, Marie Hansen, Mrs.
Keelan, Margaret L. Palmer, Edna M.
Hindi, M. Thomas. Alexander.
History, M. M. McHenry, E. T. History, H. E. Westermeyer, F. E.
Austin, W. C. Mackett. Meckling.
Hygiene, Physiology, and Science, Home Economics, Daisy Schluntz,
I. C. Woodward. Evelynne Wright.
Mathematics, M. M. McHenry, E. J. Industrial Arts, J. J. Walcker, Oscar
Keelan. Lee.
Music and Secretarial Training, Mrs. Library Science, Anna L. Blackney.
M. M. McHenry. Mathematics, 0. L. Brinker, Mrs.
Normal Department, Emma E. Leh- Lilah G. Schlotthauer.
mann. Modern Languages, Agnes L. Soren-
Elementary School, Mrs. E. T. Austin, son, H. L. Sonnenberg, H. G.
Miss E. Sharrock, Mrs. E. A. Stoehr.
Streeter, S. E. Hendley. Nursing Education, Frederick Han-
son, Veda Sue Marsh.
Bakery, K. R. Berry. Physical Educationt Eugene Winter,
Hospital Matron, Mrs. R. C. King. Robert Reynolds.

Physics, G. G. Kretschmar, R. H. Board of Trustees: D. A. Ochs, Chair-

Brown. man ; W. H. Shephard, Secretary :
Speech, Caleb Prall, Mrs. Margaret C. V. Anderson, N. S. Ashton, C. J.
L. Palmer. Coon, E. E. Cossentine, H. J. Detwiler,
Teacher Training, W. I. Smith, Ber- H. T. Elliott, J. L. Hagle, W. C.
nice Searle, Frances Stoddard. Hannah, R. A. Hare, J. M. Howell,
W. H. Jones, W. B. Hill, C. H. Kelly,
School of Theology I. J. Mills, H. A. Morrison, J. P.
President, G. W. Bowers. Neff, C. E. Palmer, A. J. Robbins,
W. M. Robbins, John Shull, George
Dean, V. E. Hendershot. Suhrie, T. E. Unruh, W. H. Williams.
Ancient Languages and Antiquities, Administration:
R. D. Drayson, Richard Litke.
Applied Theology, V. E. Hendershot, President, W. H. Shephard.
S. R. Peterson. Dean, C. N. Rees.
Bible, H. J. Alcock, R. D. Drayson, Business Manager, H. T. Johnson ;
V. E. Hendershot, S. R. Peterson, Assistant, C. E. Murphy.
Elwood Sherrard. Accountant, Leonard Woods.
Registrar, Eunice J. Rozema.
School of Music Librarian, T. G. Weis.
Director, Stanley Walker. Dean of Men, C. F. Montgomery..
Piano, Florence Bernhardt, Stanley Dean of Women, Maybelle Vander.
Walker, Mrs. Lillie B. Maxwell, mark.
Janet Miller. Physician, C. H. Wolohon.
Pipe Organ and Theory, Stanley Nurse, Elvie Fildes.
Walker. Faculty:
Violin, Julian Lobsien. President, W. H. Shephard.
Voice, C. W. Dortch, Elaine Myers.
Wind Instruments, C. 0. Trubey. Architecture, Ronald Senseman.
Art, T. K. Martin.
Academy Faculty: Biology, C. E. Winter, Gayle Nelson,
Principal, D. W. Palmer. Lester Harris.
Chemistry, C. C. Morrison, L. W.
Bible, H. E. Weaver. Botimer, Bruce Bush.
English and History, William Kelly. Business Administration, S. W. Tyme-
Home Economics, Evelynne Wright. son, Bonnie J. Hannah, Mrs. Eva
Language, Esther Sonnenberg. Maclvor.
Mathematics and Science, Delbert Dietetics and Home Economics, Har-
Shankel. riette Hanson.
Music, C. 0. Trubey. Economics, S. W. Tymeson.
Woodwork, Oscar Lee. Education, C. N. Rees, A. N. Bunch.
Elementary School: Elementary Education, Mabel Cassell.
Faith Fullerton, Mrs. Edward Guthrie, English, L. W. Cobb, Linnie L. Keith,
Mrs. Clara Henriquez, Helen Hudson, Merton Christensen.
G. H. Maxwell, Mrs. Frank Meckling, Foreign Languages, F. E. Wall, P. de
Alice Osborne, Mrs. Irene T. Robin- F. Henderson, Mrs. S. S. Hiten,
son. J. D. Livingston.
History, W. J. McComb, Walter Rails,
Industries: Charles Stephenson.
Auto Mechanics, Darrell Cowin. Homiletics, Leslie Hardinge, Maybelle
Baking, Rollin Otterstraum. Vandermark.
Bindery, W. E. Cushman. Library Science, T. G. Weis.
Farm, E. 0. Becker. Mathematics, G. G. O'Brien, Mrs.
Food Service, Clinton Wall; Assist- Anita Milam.
ant, June Bishop. Music, George Wargo, 0. S. Heitz,
Garage, B. H. Simmons. Werner Gerlach, Robert Quade.
Heat and Light, Leland Parker. Niel Tilkins, Elna Quade.
Laundry, G. W. Lewis. Nursing Education, Mrs. Edyth T.
Printing, R. L. Collins. James, Leah M. Griffee.
Store, Warren Runyan. Physical Education, Earl Wilson.
Physics, Nis Hansen, C. B. Smith.
Political Science, W. J. McComb.
Radio and Speech, W. F. Tarr.
WASHINGTON MISSIONARY Religion, T. H. Jemison, Leslie
COLLEGE Hardinge, Maybelle Vandermark.
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. Academy Faculty:
Established 1904 reorganized 1914 Principal, J. P. Laurence.
Registrar, F. A. Meier.
Telephone: SHepherd 2135. Librarian, Esther Bruck.
Legal Title: Washington Missionary Bible, H. T. Terry, F. A. Meier.
College Corporation. Commercial, Mrs. Eva Bainum.

English, Mrs. Margaret G. Plymire, Administration:

Rhea J. Beckwith. President, B. G. Butherus.
French, Esther Bruck.
Mathematics, E. M. Andross, R. B. Manager and Treasurer, W. A. Os-
Hatt. borne.
Music, Inez Gleason. Registrar, Mrs. B. G. Butherus.
Physical Education, Earl Wilson. Dean of Men, 0. W. Ruggles.
Printing and Woodworking, Ralph Dean of Women, Laurel Marr.
Walter. Faculty:
Science, R. B. Hatt, L. W. Botimer. President, B. G. Butherus.
Social Science, E. M. Andross, F. A.
Meier. Bible and History, Stanley Bull.
Spanish and Home Economics, Rhea Commercial, W. A. Osborne, Olive
J. Beckwith. McCartney, Roy Williams.
English, Mrs. Stanley Bull, Mrs. B. G.
Elementary School: Butherus.
Principal, Louise Stuart ; Jack Cas- Geography and Mathematics, Esther
sell, Adelaide Christian, Elizabeth Harriott.
Hudak, Esther Senger, Nellie J. Music, Myrtle Nembhard.
Smith, Irene Walker, Mrs. Mildred Science, S. 0. Beaumont.
Welker, Paul Welker. Spanish, Roslyn Grant.
Industries: Elementary School, Dell Brodie ; As-
Cafeteria, Jeffery Halifax, Mrs. Alice sistant, Dorothy Campbell.
M. Whitman. Industries:
Engineer, L. G. Small. Agriculture, Headley Anderson.
Printing, Jewell Peeke. Bakery, Ralphas Williams.
Store,A. R. Klug. Laundry, Muriel Wray.
Woow ork, C. C. Pulver. Maintenance and Sheet Metal, Leslie
Matron, Gladys Brodie.
Sung Bao, Tsichikow, Chungking, China Wood Products, Ashton English.
Organized 1932
Board of Management: Goh Chao Oh, WEST PAKISTAN UNION HIGH
Chairman ; Ho Ai Tung, Secretary. SCHOOL
Faculty: Chuharkana Mandi, Sheikhupura
Principal, Ho Ai Tung. District, Pakistan
Manager, Giang Chin. Faculty:
Treasurer, Goh En Gwang. Principal and Manager, H. C. Alex-
Registrar, Wang Peng Djou. ander.
Teachers, Goh Su Fee, Hu Yin Hsi, Staff, Miss D. Chand, D. C. Hunter,
Kao Wen Sheng, Li Chi Feng, S. S. Mrs. D. C. Hunter, Miss D. James,
Lin, Liu Lo Ren, Tsai Su Fang, Mrs. B. John, B. M. Khan, Inayat
Wang Kwei Chang, Wang Li Hwa Masih, Obal Masih, Sahrif Din,
Ying, Yang Mao Chi. B. M. Victor, M. B. Worsley.


Coolsworthy, Mandeville, Jamaica, ACADEMY
British West Indies Chengtu, Szechwan, China
Established 1918
Cable Address: "Witco," Mandeville, Principal, Fang Wen Hwa.
Registrar, Wang Kuei Chuen.
Board of Management: R. W. Numbers,
Chairman ; B. G. Butherus, Secretary ; Teachers: Mrs. W. H. Fang, Hsu Lo.
Stanley Bull. H. D. Colburn, K. S. Yun, Hwang Chih Jang, Hu Hui
Crofoot, A. L. Edeburn, Frank Flet- Chieh, Ma Chung Teh, Sung Tao.
cher, R. E. Gibson, C. S. Greene,
A. R. Haig, E. J. Horsley, W. A.
Holgate, W. S. Nation, H. E. Nemb-
hard, W. A. Osborne, E. E. Parch- WEST VISAYAN ACADEMY
ment, 0. V. Schneider, Kenneth Vaz, Bongco, Pototan, Iloilo, Philippines
W. H. Waller, H. S. Walters, J. N.
Williams. Established 1930
Local Board: R. W. Numbers, Chair- Postal Address: P.O. Box 5 2. Iloilo,
man ; B. G. Butherus, Secretary. Philippines.

Board of Management: V. M. Montal- Board of Managers: H. J. Capman.

ban, Chairman ; B. B. Alsaybar, Sec- Chairman ; E. L. Gammon, Secretary.
Faculty: Principal and Manager, E. L. Gam-
Principal, B. B. Alsaybar. mon.
Treasurer, M. M. Claveria. Accountant, LeRoy Ramsey.
Registrar, Lilia G. Hilado. Dean of Boys, Lawrence Bogdanovich.
Librarian, Mrs. Oliva D. Solivio. Dean of Girls, Sibyl Partain.
Preceptor, J. S. Diaz. Agriculture, Herbert Polk.
Preceptress, Flordelisa Malunes. Bible and Spanish, A. G. Parfitt.
Bible, Pedro de los Reyes, Angel C. Commercial, Sibyl Partain, Mrs. A.
Solivio. G. Parfitt.
English, Marie G. Enano, Grace S. English, Mildred Summerton.
Diaz. History, Lawrence Bogdanovich, Mil-
History, B. B. Alsaybar, Lilia G. dred Summerton.
Hilado. Home Economics, Wava White.
Mathematics, Angel C. Solivio, Mrs. Mathematics and Science, Dwain Ford.
Oliva D. Solivio. Music, Louise Larmon.
Music, Belle J. Castro. Bindery, G. W. Curry.
National Language, G. R. Correces, Dairy, Alvin Koehler.
J. S. Diaz, Pedro de los Reyes. Farm, Herbert Polk.
Science, Mrs. Oliva D. Solivio, Lilia Matron, Wava White.
G. Hilado.
Elementary School, Roberto De Angel,
Estefana G. Miraflores, Geminiana YUNNAN JUNIOR ACADEMY
Santillana, Maria G. Tumangday. Kunming, Yunnan, China
Carpentry, G. R. Correces. Established 1945
Cafeteria, Mrs. Beatriz N. Jornada.
Clinic, Flordelisa Malunes. Postal Address: P.O. Box 2, An-Ning,
Farm, M. M. ,Claveria. Yunnan, China.
Laundry, Consolation B. Isuga. Faculty:
Sewing, Belle J. Castro.
Principal, Lu Shou Dao.
Treasurer, Hu Yeuh Oh.
WISCONSIN ACADEMY Teachers: Chen Shiu Tao, Ding Chao,
Columbus, Wisconsin Han Hsin Dzi, Ting Chao, Hwang
En Deh, Ma Chung Ren, Shao Shan,
Telephone: Columbus 738. Mrs. Shao.

Brazil Food Factory (Produtos Ali- ness Manager, R. F. Jensen. Board:
menticios Superbom).Colegio Ad- H. Westerlund, Chairman ; R. F.
ventista Brasileiro, Caixa Postal, Jensen, Secretary.
258-A, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South
America. Established 1936. Board of German Health Food Factory (De-
Managers: R. .Belz, President; R. Vau-Ge Gesundkostwerk G.m.b.H.).
Wilcox, Vice-President; J. G. Garcia, Anton Ree-Weg 18, Hamburg 24, Ger-
Secretary; Wilson Avila, Assistant many. Manager: H. Niemann. Board:
Secretary. Administration: J. G. Gar- W. Mueller, President; H. Niemann,
cia, President ; Arno Schwantes, Secretary.
Manager ; W. Conrado, Cashier ; Ger- Gland Hygienic Food Factory (Fab-
son Mattos, City Office. rique de Produits Alimentaires Hy-
Buenos Aires Health Food Company gieniques "Phag").Gland, Switzer-
(Alimentos Granix, Sociedad Ano- land. Established 1896. Corporate
nima).Avenida San Martin 4625, name: Societe Philanthropique de La
Florida, F.C.N. Gral. Bme. Mitre, Ligniere. Manager: Ch. Wehrli.
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Granose Foods, Ltd. Stanborough Park,
America. Established 1938. Board Watford, Herts., England. Established
of Trustees: Alfredo Aeschlimann, 1899. Officers: W. W. Armstrong,
Chairman. Board of Directors : Al- Chairman ; G. E. Adair, Manager and
fredo Aeschlimann, President; Hector Secretary; G. E. Norris, Assistant
J. Peverini, Vice-President; R. F. Manager ; H. Benwell, Sales Manager ;
Dobanton, Manager. J. A. Clement, Accountant.
Copenhagen Food Factory.Baldersgade Health Food Stores (Owned and oper-
14, Copenhagen, N., Denmark. Busi- ated by Boulder Sanitarium Associa-

tion.) General Manager, H. A. Young. Wholesale Branches

Dallas Health Food Center, 1804A
Main St., Dallas, Texas. Adelaide, South Australia; 73 Hackney
Denver Health Food Center, 433 14th Rd., Hackney. C. B. Hopkins, Man-
St., Denver, Colo. ager.
Kansas City Natural Food Center, Brisbane, Queensland ; 220 Roma Street.
104 East 10th St. (Store No. 1) ; A. H. Evans, Sales Manager.
3222 Troo St. (Store No. 2) ; Kansas
City Mo. Hobart, Tasmania ; Corner Main and
Wichita Health ..Food Center, 148 Derwent Park Roads, Derwent Park.
North Broadway, Wichita, Kansas. J. A. Wilson. Manager.
Loma Linda Food Company.Arlington, Melbourne, Victoria; 118 Union Street,
California. (Incorporated 1935.) Prahan, S. 1. R. W. Westerman,
Board of Directors, G. T. Anderson, Manager.
President; G. T. Chapman, Secretary. Newcastle, New South Wales; Cr.
Officers: C. L. Bauer, President; Tudor St. and Parkway Avenue, Ham-
F. W. Schnepper, H. H. Hicks, Vice- ilton. R. W. Groom, Manager.
Presidents; G. T. Chapman, Secre-
tary; F. L. Harrison, Treasurer. New Zealand, Harewood Road, Papanui,
Fur-Aliment Food Factory.-15 rue
Christchurch. S. J. Hartley, Manager.
Honnet, Clichy (Seine), France. Man- Perth, West Australia; 445 Murray St.
ager, Fred L. Kiehl. Telephone, PER. C. J. Howell, Manager.
25-75. Sydney, New South Wales ; 1 Brown
Sanitarium Health Food Company. Street, Lewisham, N. K. Neill, Man-
Head Office, 148 Fox Valley Road, ager.
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
tralia. Australasian Manager, B. 0. Retail Shops and Cafes
Johanson. Sales and Advertising
Manager, Australasia, A. H. Carton ; Adelaide, South Australia ; 51 Adelaide
Production Manager, Australasia, W. Arcade. G. E. Salisbury, Manager.
L. Kilroy; Office Secretary, L. H. Auckland, New Zealand; 174 Queen
Engelbrecht ; New Zealand Manager, Street. W. E. Edwards, Manager.
L. A. Piper; West Australian Man-
ager, C. J. Howell. Brisbane, Queensland; 138 Adelaide
Street. I. E. Whittaker, Manager.
Factories Camberwell, Victoria; 791 Bourke Road.
Adelaide, South Australia ; 73 Hackney C. G. Lane, Manager.
Rd., Hackney. T. J. Dowling, Mana- Christchurch, New Zealand; 698 Col-
ombo Street. H. J. Gibson, Manager.
Auckland, New Zealand ; 62 Randolph
Street. J. Rigby, Manager. Dunedin, New Zealand; 37 George
Street. G. L. Haycock, Manager.
Brisbane, Queensland ; 220 Roma Street.
L. G. Unwin, Manager. Hobart, Tasmania ; 43 Elizabeth Street.
Carmel, West Australia; C. F. Thrift, G. F. Hayden, Manager.
Manager. Launceston, Tasmania; 82 Charles
Christchurch, New Zealand ; Harewood Street. G. F. Hayden, Manager.
Road, Papanui. F. M. Bennet, Man- Melbourne, Victoria; Australia Arcade,
ager. 293 Little Collins Street. C. G. Lane,
Cooranbong, New South Wales ; W. R. Manager.
Wilson, Manager; V. N. Nilsson, As- Newcastle, New South Wales; 14 and 15
sistant Manager. The Arcade, Hunter Street. R. W.
Hobart, Tasmania, Corner Main and Groom, Manager.
Derwent Park Roads, Derwent Park.
J. A. Wilson, Manager. Perth, West Australia ; 757 Hay Street,
M. C. Earles, Manager.
Sydney, New South Wales ; 1 Brown
Street, Lewisham. C. W. Tinworth, Perth (No. 2), West Australia; 18 Cen-
Manager. tral Arcade. M. C. Earles, Manager.
Warburton, Victoria. A. H. Battye, Sydney, New South Wales ; 13 Hunter
Manager. Street. H. E. Eiszele, Manager.
Windsor, Victoria; 118 Union Street, Wellington, New Zealand; 83 Willis
Prahan, S. 1. L. A. Gill, Manager. Street. R. W. Gray, Manager.
The medical institutions listed in this section are all denominationally
controlled. An index of the workers in these organizations is given in the Index
of Institutional Workers.


AND LEPROSARIUM Hospital Supervisor, Marjorie Whit-
Kukudu, Island of Kolumbangara, ney.
Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean Instructor,
Director, C. H. Palmer. Technical Services:
Pharmacist, E. E. Walters.
Laboratory Technician, V. A. Boyd.
Hydrotherapy, Allan McIntosh.
P.O. Mbarara, Uganda, East Africa Instructor of Religion, B. R. Hamilton.
Medical Director: D. L. Stilson. Dietetics Instructor,
Nurse: Elsa Brandt. Supervisor of Nurses' Residence, Mad-
' orie Whitney.
Supervisor of Instruction, Mary C.
Supervisor of Surgical Instructions,
56 James Street, Kingston, Jamaica, Earlene Nation.
British West Indies
Established 1945
Number of Patient Beds: 25. AZUSA VALLEY SANITARIUM
Board of Directors: Same as for An- 16244 East Gladstone, Azusa, California
drews Memorial Hospital.
Established 1923
Administration: Same as for Andrews
Memorial Hospital. Telephone: Fleetwood 4-2981.
Number of Patient Beds: 99.
ANDREWS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Legal Name: The Azusa Valley Sani-
27 Hope Road, Half Way Tree, Jamaica, tarium and Rest Home.
British West Indies Board of Management: B. M. Emerson,
Established 1945 President; R. R. Bietz, Vice-Presi-
Number of Patient Beds: 40. dent; Charles Martin, Secretary; R.
G. Lewis, G. B. Nelson, Tesla Nicola,
Board of Directors: R. W. Numbers, John Rogers.
Chairman ; E. J. Horsley, Secre-
tary ; L. F. Bohner, B. G. Butherus, Administration:
H. D. Colburn, K. S. Crofoot, C. 0. Manager and Treasurer, Charles
Franz, R. E. Gibson, A. R. Haig, B. Martin.
R. Hamilton, Ruth Mitchell, L. A. Accountant, J. W. Freeman.
Morrison, W. S. Nation, M. G. Nemb- Chaplain, E. L. Sheldon.
hard, E. E. Parchment, John Shone, Nursing Staff, Alice Payne. Ruth
W. H. Waller, E. E. Walters, H. S. Moyer.
Walters, J. N. Williams. Dietitian, Mrs. Ella Webber.
Local Board: R. W. Numbers, Chair- Matron, Mrs. Dorothy Martin.
man ; E. J. Horsley, Secretary.
Medical Director, E. J. Horsley. BAD AIBLING SANITARIUM
Business Manager, B. R. Hamilton. (13b) Bad Aibling, Kurhotel Wittels-
Treasurer, Edna C. Parchment. bach, Oberbayern, Germany
Director of Nurses, Marjorie Whitney.
Established 1920
Staff Physicians: A. W. N. Druitt,
E. J. Horsley, John Shone. Board of Management: E. Berner, W.
Binanzer, W. Edener, E. Mayer, H.
School of Nursing Administration: Nau, 0. Neubauer, A. Sachsenmeyer,
Director, Marjorie Whitney. G. Seng, M. Woysch.

BANDUNG MISSION HOSPITAL Cable Address: "Sanitarium," Bangkok.

Djl. Taman Sari 40, Bandung, Java, Telephone: 20077.
Established 1950 Number of Patient Beds: 100.
Local Board of Management: J. M. Ner-
Administration: ness, Chairman; R. F. Waddell, Vice-
Medical Director, D. N. Holm. Chairman ; A. I. Krautschick, Secre-
Accountant, J. H. N. Tenda. tary; Ruby Barnett, Mrs. A. J. Kra-
Laboratory, W. J. van Son. utschick, Wilma Leazer, L. G. Lud-
Pharmacy, J. H. Pieters. ington, Mrs. L. G. Ludington, Ruth
Nursing Staff: Estinah, Mrs. E. B. M. Munroe, Mrs. A. P. Ritz, Pleng
Schallig, N. Simandjuntak, Mrs. Vitiamyalaksana, Mrs. R. F. Waddell,
Annie Supit, C. W. Suyderhoud, Charles Yao.
E. H. L. Suyderhoud, Mrs. S. Wort- Administration:
Medical Superintendent. R. F. Wad-
dell ; Assistant, L. G. Ludington.
BANGKOK MISSION CLINIC Business Manager and Treasurer, A.
56 Maitrichitr Road, Bangkok, Thailand I. Krautschick.
Assistant Business and Personnel
Established 1937 Manager, Nai Pleng Vitiamyalak-
Cable Address: "Sanitarium," Bangkok. sana.
Accountant, Tan Qui Kiang.
Telephone: 22813. Cashier, Itong Rosa Wang.
Chaplain, Mrs. Quah.
Number of Patient Beds: 47. Director of Nursing Service, Ruth
Local Board of Management: J. M. M. Munroe.
Nerness, Chairman; R. F. Waddell, Staff Physicians, Jonathan Cheng, Ru-
Vice-Chairman ; A. I. Krautschick, chee Chulajata, L. G. Ludington,
Secretary. Mrs. L. G. Ludington, R. F. Waddell.
Administration: Nursing Staff: Ruth M. Munroe, Direc-
tor of Nursing Service; Mrs. A. P.
Medical Superintendent, R. F. Wad- Ritz, Surgical Supervisor and Anes-
dell ; Assistant, L. G. Ludington. thetist ; Saiyoot Aruntada, Boon
Business Manager and Treasurer, A. Chuey, Charernsri, Duangtipya, Ra-
I. Krautschick. pee, Sarly, Vien Seniwongse, Laor
Assistant Business and Personnel Thong Thaen, Mrs. It. F. Waddell,
Manager, Nai Pleng Vitiamyalak- Yindee.
Accountant, Tan Qui Kiang. Faculty School of Nursing:
Cashier, Soh Sek Tang. Director School of Nursing, Ruth M.
Chaplain, Mrs. Quah. Munroe.
Supervisor of Nurses, Ruth M. Instructors:
Staff Physicians: Lec Boonnag, Jon- Basic Sciences, Ruby Barnett.
athan Cheng, L. G. Ludington, Mrs. Medical Nursing, Wilma Leazer.
L. G. Ludington, Isaran Kura, Ban- Physical Therapy and Surgical
chong Sathirapathya, It. F. Waddell. Nursing, Mrs. A. P. Ritz.
Assistant Instructors, Apsorn, Mrs.
Technical Assistants: Chiam, Kasorn, Manchu.
Pharmacy, Charles Yao, Sujitr Hong- Supervisor of Clinical Instruction,
sri. Mrs. R. F. Waddell.
Laboratory, Anant Boonkarnoke,
Chan Kham Neng, Lee Hur Chu, Supervisors of Clinical Services:
Sanit Netnarintara, George Woon, Clinic, Wilma Leazer.
Ko Kar Yoke. Hospital, Mrs. A. P. Ritz.
X-ray, Nai Pravet, Sakont, Udom Medical Director, R. F. Waddell.
Hydrotherapy, Thawalya, T. W.Wen. Business Manager, A. I. Krautschick.
Nurses: Wilma Leazer, Clinic Super- Instructor of Religion, A. P. Ritz.
visor; Nara, Nitaya, Orapin, Chaliau
Pativesvisit, Arb Punnabayaka, Sali-
nee, Sirianant, Vanna.
Tito Franco 850, Belem, Para, Brazil
493 Lan Luang Road, Bangkok, Postal Address: Caixa Postal 656,
Thailand Belem, Para, Brazil, South America.
Established 1940 ; Reopened 1947 Telephone: 9326.

Number of Patient Beds: 40. Night Supervisors, (Boulder) Mary

L. Chatfield; (Porter) Bernice
Administration: Ludy.
This hospital is under the direction Medical and Surgical Instructor,
of the North Brazil Union Committee. (Boulder) Muriel Fleming.
Medical and Surgical Coordinator,
(Boulder) Frances Pride.
BHUKET MISSION CLINIC OF Nursing Arts, Alice Smith.
SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Supervisors of Clinical Services:
Bhuket, Thailand Electrotherapy,
Established 1940; Reopened 1949 Hydrotherapy, Mrs. Dorothy Clem-
Nunber of Patient Beds: 10. Medical Nursing, (Porter) Dorothy
Medical Director: F. N. Crider. Patterson; (Boulder) Hulda Ro-
Nursing Staff: Mrs. E. Lim, Sujinta Operating Room, (Boulder)
Norada Khanondha. (Porter) Alice Weaver.
Out-patient Department, (Boulder)
Technical Assistants: Prung Keonin, Susie L. Mansker.
Maitri. Surgical Nursing, (Boulder) ;
(Porter) Ann Shaner.
Medical Director, (Boulder) R. H.
BONGO MISSION HOSPITAL Hanson; (Porter) A. L. Moon.
Lepi, Angola, Portuguese West Africa Business Manager, (Boulder) H. A.
Young; (Porter) H. E. Rice.
Number of Patient Beds: 44. Instructor of Religion, (Porter) G. K.
Administration: Lashier; (Boulder) F. W. Avery.
Medical Superintendent, R. B. Par-
sons. '
Nurses: Ruth Johnson, Mrs. R. B. Par- HOSPITAL
sons, Jose de Sa, Mrs. Jose de Sa.
Sam Yuk Road, Tungshan,
Canton, China
Boulder, Colorado Telephone: 17252.
Established 1895 Board of Directors: Chang Kuo En,
Chairman ; Chang Po An, Chen Chun,
Telephone: 1800. Ching Tsien Chieng, Hsai Shin Chuan,
Legal Name: Boulder-Colorado Sanitar- Hsu Ai Yu, Hsu Chung Yuan, Lao
ium Association. Pei Hwa, Li Yun Ih, Liu Pu Tung,
Shao Pu An, Tsai Shu Wen.
Number of Patient Beds: 101.
Board of Trustees: Central Union Con- Medical Superintendent, Solomon Lee.
ference Committee. Business Manager, Hsu Chung Yuan.
Executive Board: M. V. Campbell, Treasurer, Siao Wen Djen.
Chairman H. A. Young, Secretary
R. H. Hanson, H. C. Hartman, R. S.
Joyce, H. E. Rice, W. B. Mohr, A. L. CARACAS
Moon, Donald Page, N. C. Petersen, ADVENTIST DISPENSARY
C. E. Smith.
Administration: Plaza Concordia a Pilita No. 2, Caracas,
Venezuela, South America
Medical Director, R. H. Hanson.
Business Manager and Treasurer, H. Postal Address: Apartado 986, Caracas,
A. Young. Venezuela, South America.
Credit Manager, E. H. Smith.
Chaplain, F. W. Avery.
Director of Nursing Service, Mrs. CHIAOTOU SANITARIUM AND
Dorothy Clemens. HOSPITAL
Dietitian, Mrs. Archie Landon.
Chiaotoutseng, Kiangsu, China
Staff Physicians: Carrie A. Robbins.
R. H. Hanson, Donald Page, Mabel Established 1948
Page, T. E. Wade. Administration:
Faculty of the Clinical Division, Union Medical Superintendent, Chester Chi.
College School of Nursing: Staff Doctor, Andrew Chen.
Associate Director, Alice Smith; As- O.B. Department, Mrs. Andrew Chen.
sistants, (Boulder) Mrs. Dorothy Nurses, Mrs. Chester Chi, Mrs. Li
Clemens; (Porter) Del Parkins. Su Chinn, Mrs. Chen Chun Dao.


HOSPITAL-DISPENSARY 444/1 Rashid Street, Baghdad, Iraq
S.D.A. Mission, Chuharkana Mandi, Established 1946
Sheikupura District, Pakistan
Cable Address: "Adventist," Baghdad.
Number of Patient Beds: 12.
Telephone: 7716.
Administration: Number of Patient Beds: 25.
Medical Superintendent, R. M. Board of Management: G. J. Appel,
Shrewsbury. Chairman.
Cashier, Kenneth Dweltz. Medical Superintendent,
Nursing Staff: Kenneth Dweltz, Mrs. Business Manager, M. V. Jacobson.
Kenneth Dweltz, Mrs. B. M. Khan.
Compounder, Abdullah Aziz. Staff Physician, Joseph Saaty.
Director, School of Nursing, Evangeline
Nursing Staff, Evangeline Voth, super-
CHULUMANI SANITARIUM AND visor ; Zakia Fargo, Stella Mirzayian,
HOSPITAL Ruth Tobiassen.
Established 1939 Chaplains, M. V. Jacobson, P. H. Doss.
Chulumani, Sud Yungas, Depto de Laboratory, Abdulahad Salim, Hanna
La Paz. Bolivia, South America Dibsy.
Pharmacy, B. H. Hasso, Ayoub Azar.
Telegraphic Address: "Hospital," Chulu- Reception, Philip Srour.
mani. Maintenance, Lewis Rice.
X-ray, Hanna Dibsy.
Number of Patient Beds: 40.
Board of Management: E. D. Clifford, EAST LAKE GENERAL HOSPITAL
Chairman , , Secretary ;
Elmer Bottsford, D. P. Duffle, D. Hol- Organized 1938
brock, D. H. Maxson, J. N. Perez, R. Postal Address: East Lake, Wuchang 3,
V. Vinglas. Hupeh, China.
Administration: Telephone: 7-516.
Physician, Surgeon, and Manager, Telegraphic Address: "Adventists,"
Treasurer, D. H. Maxson.
Superintendent of Nurses, City Clinic: 19 Li Hwang Pei Lu,
Floor Supervisor, Rebeca Goldammer. Hankow, China. (Tel. 2661).
Number of Patient Beds: 100.
Board of Management: T. R. Shen,
CHUNGKING WUHAN SANITARIUM Chairman ; K. S. Chao, H. S. Chiao,
AND HOSPITAL S. M. Chou, Djang Dzen Hai, Ih
Litzepah, Chungking, Szechwan, China Ping, Lee Tien Hsi, Liu Diung
Gwang, H. M. Liu, T. R. Shen, T. S.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Shih, S. Y. Tso, Wang Ging Bo,
Chungking. Wang Wen Hsin, Y. K. Wang.
City Clinic: Bao An Road, Chungking, Administration:
Szechwan, China. Medical Director, T. H. Lee.
Manager and Treasurer, T. S. Shih.
Number of Patient Beds: 102. Superintendent of Nurses, Miss Wang
Wen Hsing.
Board of Directors: Goh Djan Oh, Staff Physicians: Chen Liang Dzo,
Djan Tie Nung, Feng Cheng Yun, Lee Tien Hsi.
Kung Pin San, H. B. Lee, Li Tien
Fu, Lo Yun Chiao, Lin Beh Hwa,
Administration: TARIUM
Superintendent, Cheng Chao Yung, Rimbo, Sweden
(acting). Telephone: Rimbo 6.
Business Manager, Feng Cheng Yun.
Superintendent of Nurses, Lin Beh Medical Superintendent: Georg Fogel-
Hwa. gren.
Chaplain, Li Wan Chuen. Business Manager: C. Gidlund.
Staff Physicians: Su Djao Hsiu, Wang Matron and Nurse of Home for Old
Wei Hwa, Wu Tsung Ho, Yu Djao People (Ekebyholmshemmet), Hildur
Swei. Jonsson.

FLORIDA SANITARIUM AND Number of Patient Beds: 37.

HOSPITAL Board of Directors: R. H. Nightingale,
601 E. Rollins Ave., Chairman ; F. G. Winters, Secretary ;
Orlando, Florida R. S. Akers, M. C. Bird, L. 0. Coon,
Established 1908 W. C. Hatch, W. F. Miller, W. 0.
Legal Name: Florida Sanitarium and Reynolds, W. E. Westcott, S. S. Will.
Benevolent Association. Administration:
Postal Address: Drawer 3673, Orlando, Medical Director, W. E. Westcott.
Fla. Business Manager, F. G. Winters.
Telephone: 2-4411. Staff Physicians: J. A. Lauer, W. E.
Number of Patient Beds: 150. Westcott.
Board of Directors: V. G. Anderson,
Chairman; L. T. Hall, Secretary;
H. M. Baldwin, L. N. Christensen, FOUNTAIN HEAD SANITARIUM
I. M. Evans, D. C. Hartwell, C. J. Fountain Head, Tennessee
Larsen, C. H. Lauda, G. R. Nash, Established 1945
R. H. Nightingale, H. E. Schneider,
W. E. Strickland, W. D. Walton, Telephone: Portland 3969.
W. E. Westcott, K. A. Wright.
Number of Patient Beds: 35.
Medical Director, L. N. Christensen. Board of Directors: W. E. Strickland,
Business Manager, L T. Hall. Chairman ; A. L. Lynd, Secretary ;
Assistant Business Manager and E. E. Carman, C. W. Higgins, W. P.
Credit Manager, W. D. Walton. Lockwood, J. 0. Marsh, T. A. Mohr,
Chaplain, Calvin Osborne, J. W. Osborne, E. L.
Director of Nurses, Mrs. Edna J. Pingenot, E. C. Wood.
Behner. Administration:
Staff Physicians: L. N. Christensen, Business Manager, A. L. Lynd.
D. J. Brown, Marion S. Brown, D. C. Accountant, Nelda Mitchell.
Hartwell, A. P. Haynalt, M. H. R. Supervisor, Mis. Dorothy Lowder.
Lukens, J. A. Pines, E. J. Stevens, Physicians, A. G. Dittes, R. L. John-
L. M. Sutter. son.
Faculty of the School of Nursing: Chaplain, Frank Weeks.
Director, School of Nursing and Other Workers, Mrs. Esther Bischoff,
Nursing Service, Mrs. Edna J. Mrs. Geraldine Hess, Mrs. Edythe
Behner. Reich, Mrs. Loretta Wilson.
Assistant Director, School of Nurs-
ing, Mildred Bradley.
Assistant Director, Nursing Service, GIFFARD MISSION HOSPITAL OF
Nursing Instructor and Clinical Co- Nuzvid, Kistna District, South India
ordinator, Marian Miles.
Supervisor of Instruction, Bertha Established 1924
Parker. Number of Patient Beds: 120.
Night Supervisor, Frances Quarles.
Supervisors of Clinical Services: Board of Management: R. H. Pierson,
Electrotherapy, Leland Wood. Chairman; 0. 0. Mattison, Vice-
Women's Hydrotherapy, Mrs. Ger- Chairman ; J. B. Oliver, Secretary ;
trude Muench. D. 0. Calkins, Y. Daniel, E. S. Eswar
Men's Hydrotherapy, Paul Furman. Rao, M. E. Kemmerer, R. Nagabush-
Medical Nursing, Pearl Howington. nam, P. H. Shigley, I. Subushnam.
Obstetrical Nursing, Leonora Trim- Medical Superintendent, J. B. Oliver.
Surgical Nursing, May Wheeler. Business Manager, P. H. Shigley, As-
sistant, Y. Daniel.
Medical Director, L. N. Christensen.
Business Manager, L. T. Hall. Associate Doctors, Elizabeth J. Hiscox,
Instructor in Religion, Joelle E. Rentfro.
Supervisor of Nurses' Residence, Director of School of Nursing, Emma
Mrs. Myrtle M. Wood. Binder.
Dietitian, Wilma Steinman. Supervisor of Nursing Instruction, Edna
Supervisor and Instructors, Ella M.
FORSYTH MEMORIAL SANITARIUM Stoneburner, Christine Kruger, Mrs.
805 N. Gadsden Street. Tallahassee, Graduate Nurses and Compounders:
Florida G. Devanandam, Mrs. G. Devanan-
dam, A. Grace, S. Joseph, Mrs. S.
Telephone: 2-1010. Joseph, K. Mary Matthews, Janobi

Murray, A. Perinbam, N. Peter, Mrs. Instructor of Nursing Arts, Fern

K. Gopal Rao, Mrs. P. Rajah Rao, Potter; Assistant, Elizabeth Nelson.
Mrs. V. Prasada Rao, J. Ruth, S. Night Supervisor, Mrs. Lyda Parker.
Ruth, K. Samuel.
Laboratory Technician, P. D. Asirva- Supervisors of Clinical Services:
dam, B. Solomon. Medical Nursing, Enola Davis,
Registrar, R. Nagabhushanam. Erma Henise.
Bible Worker, K. Estheramma. Obstetrical Nursing, Ellen Gibson.
Matron of Nurses' Hostel, Mrs. Thomas. Physical Therapy. G. R. Kaufman,
Rosa Kozel, Mrs. Beulah Stein-
GIMBIE HOSPITAL Surgical Nursing, Frances Arnet,
Mrs. Irma Taggart.
Gimbie, Wallega, Ethiopia Administrator, G. B. Nelson.
Established 1946 Instructor of Religion, S. L. Frost.
Dietitian, Mrs. Lois B. Stuckey.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 145, Addis Supervisor of Nurses' Residence,
Ababa, Ethiopia. Mrs. Vera Lower.
Director: Claude Steen, Jr.
Nurses: Alice Lind, Elizabeth Shafgat. GOOD HOPE CLINIC
Miraflores, Lima, Peru, South
Telephone: 57308.
1509 E. Wilson Ave.,
Glendale 6, California Postal Address: Casilla 1003, Lima,
Established 1906
Number of Patient Beds: 24.
Telephones: Citrus 1-3101, Chapman 5- Administrative Board: L. H. Olson,
1121. Chairman ; C. R. Potts, Secretary ;
Legal Name: Glendale Sanitarium and J. I. Hartman, 0. Krause, A. A.
Manrique, 0. Socol, Eva Whitehead.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 871, Glen-
dale 6, Calif. Medical Director, C. R. Potts.
Business Manager, A. A. Manrique.
Number of Patient Beds: 225. Laboratory, X-ray Technologist, and
Board of Directors: C. L. Bauer, Presi- Anesthetist, 0. Socol.
dent; R. R. Bietz, Vice-President; G. Director of Nurses, Eva Whitehead.
B. Nelson, Secretary W. E. Atkin, Pharmacist, Alicia Renteria.
A. F. Brown, Harold Hoxie, R. G. Staff Physicians, C. R. Potts, C. F.
Lewis, E. R. Sanders, F. W. Schnep- Gonzalez.
per, C. H. Talmage, H. W. Vollmer, Nurses: Anita Angulo, Maximiliana
David Voth, H. M. Walton. Garcia, Mrs. C. F. Gonzalez, Lucia
Leon, Telma Santillana, Eva White-
Administration: head.
Administrator, G. B. Nelson.
Treasurer, E. R. Sanders. GOOD SAMARITAN CLINIC
Credit Manager, Kent Griffin.
Personnel Director, W. T. Crandall. Rua General Vitorino, 77
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do
Chaplain, S. 0. Martin. Sul, Brazil, South America
Director of the School of Nursing,
Martha Johnson. Established 1944
Dietitian, Mrs. Lois B. Stuckey. Telephone: 7305.
Staff Physicians: A. F. Brown, J. B. Board of Management: Under supervis-
Brown, B. N. Colver, D. D. Haughey, ion of Associacao Sul Riograndense
R. M. Hill, L. R. House, Harold da Igreja Adventists do Setimo Dia
Hoxie, Jacob Janzen, Louis Klingbeil, committee.
Ellsworth Larson, Elton Morel, 0. J.
Neufeld, A. J. Patt, W. L. Stilson. Medical Director: Siegfried Hoffman.
Faculty of the School of Nursing:
Director, School of Nursing and Nurs- GOPALGANJ MISSION HOSPITAL
ing Service, Martha Johnson. Seventh-day Adventist Mission, Gopal-
Assistant Director, School of Nurs- gani, Faridpur District, Bengal,
ing, Louise Brown. East Pakistan
Associate Director, Nursing Service, (Operating temporarily as a
Genevieve Hansen ; Assistant, Mrs. dispensary.)
Gertrude Hebble.
Supervisor of Instruction, Mrs. Freida Established 1929
Paul. In Charge: S. N. Arinda, S. K. Sarkar.

HAAD YAI MISSION CLINIC Night Supervisor, Viola Carleton.

Haad Yai, Thailand Supervisors of Clinical Services:
Medical Nursing, Evelyn Wiik.
Established 1949 Obstetrical Nursing, Edna Shel-
Number of Patient Beds: 11. burg.
Operating Room, Elsie Wendth.
Medical Director: R. C. Gregory. Surgical Nursing, -,
Chaplain: Ku Hyuk MM. Mental Hygiene, Mrs. Fletcher Wil-
Nursing Staff: Mrs. R. C. Gregory, Physical Therapy (Women). Stella
Kabkan, Sompit, Sunee. C. Peterson; (Men), L. E. Peter-
Technical Assistants: Chalermpong Ya- son.
merbsilp, Ng Yiang Siah. Anesthetists, Lela Harper, Mrs.
John Evens.
HAILE SELASSIE No. 1 HOSPITAL Supervisor of Nurses' Residence, Mrs.
Margaret Greene.
Debra Tabor, Begemder, Ethiopia Dietitian, Mrs. A. W. Vandeman.
Established 1946 0
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 145, Addis
Nummela, Finland
Director: Kristian Hogganvik.
Established 1943
Nurse: Shake Nalkranian.
Telephone: Nummela 146.
Medical Superintendent, Manager: V.
Established 1949
Postal Address: P.O. Kasulu, via
Uvinza, Tanganyika, East Africa. HULTAFORS SANITARIUM
Hultafors, Sweden
Medical Director: W. H. Taylor.
Nurse: Alice Jensen. Established 1926
Telephone: Boras 95050,

HINSDALE SANITARIUM AND Business Manager: R. Unnersten.

HOSPITAL Staff Physician: I. Unhall.
Hinsdale, Illinois School of Nursing Faculty: Chief Su-
pervising Instructor, I. Unhall ; Di-
Telephone: Hinsdale 2100. rector and Superintendent of Nurses,
Febe Bergdahl; Instructor of Bible,
Legal Name: Hinsdale Sanitarium and John Larsson.
Benevolent Association.
Number of Patient Beds: 125.
Board of Directors: L. E. Lenheim,
President; J. L. McConaughey, Vice- S. D. A. Mission Hospital, Ile-Ife,
President; N. C. Taylor, Secretary; Nigeria, West Africa
C. M. Bunker, H. J. Capman, P. W.
Christian, J. B. Frank, W. W. Frank, Postal Address: Box 23, Ile-He, Nigeria,
E. L. Green, G. E. Hutches, T. R. British West Africa.
Lukens. Telephone: Ife 15.
Administration: Number of Patient Beds: 70.
Administrator, Treasurer, and Credit
Manager, N. C. Taylor. Board of Governors: W. McClements,
Accountant, 0. T. Moline. Chairman ; M. Duplouy, Secretary ; G.
Personnel Director, A. W. Vandeman. N. Banks, D. V. Cowin, J. 0. Gibson,
Chaplain, D. W. Anderson. J. J. Hyde, S. A. Nagel, Jr., W. J.
Director of Nurses, Jessie S. Tupper. Newman, L. Shepherd.
Dietitian, Ruby Johnson. Local Advisory Board: W. McClements,
Staff Physicians: F. M. Brayshaw, Chairman; S. A. Nagel, Jr., Vice-
H. S. Brown, W. W. Frank. Chairman and Secretary.
Faculty of the School of Nursing: Administration:
Director, School of Nursing and Nurs- Medical Director and Business Man-
ing Service, Jessie S. Tupper ; As- ager, S. A. Nagel, Jr.
sistant, Mrs. Eva M. Martin. Accountant and Cashier, R. V. San-
Supervisor of Instruction, Amy Klose. tini.
Nursing Arts Instructor, Ida Patzer. Chaplain, D. K. Omoleya.

Nursing Staff: Cable Address: "Adventist," Karachi.

Director of Nurses and Supervisor Telephone: '1651.
of Nursing Instruction: Esther
Rose. Board of Management: R. H. Pierson,
Supervisor of School of Mid-wifery: Chairman ; D. S. Johnson, Vice-
B. M. Turtill. Chairman ; R. G. Ubbink, Secretary ;
Staff Physicians: S. A. Nagel, Jr., M. E. Kemmerer, E. M. Meleen, G. A.
William Wagner. Nelson, L. C. Shepard.
Supervisor of Clinical Services: Medical Superintendent, G. A. Nelson ;
Male Medical and Surgical Nursing, R. H. Dunn (Acting.)
F. Martz. Staff Physician, R. E. Rothe.
Female Medical and Surgical Nurs- Nursing Staff : Lal Baz, Beverly Bun-
ing, S. W. Turtill. nell, Zelpha Miller.
Operating Room Supervisor, Esther
Rose. Business Manager, R. G. Ubbink.
Obstetrical Nursing, B. M. Turtill, Chaplain, W. H. McGhee.
S. W. Turtill.
Out-patient, Richard Ekeke.
Faculty of School of Nursing: F. Martz, KENDU HOSPITAL
S. A. Nagel, Jr., Mrs. S. A. Nagel, Gendia, Private Bag, P.O.
Jr., Esther Rose, R. V. Santini, Mrs. Kisumu, Kenya Colony, East Africa
R. V. Santini, B. M. Turtill, S. W.
Turtill, William Wagner, Mrs. Wil- Established 1924
liam Wagner. Number of Patient Beds: 89.
Faculty of School of Mid-wifery: S. A. Board of Management: Kenya Mission
Nagel, Jr., William Wagner, B. M. Field Committee.
Turtill, S. W. Turtill.
Medical Director: D. H. Abbott.
Nurses: Kathleen Budde, Karen Nielsen,
JULIACA CLINIC Carentze Olson.
Casilla 22, Juliaca, Peru,
South America Dispensary: Kamagambo.
Established 1922
Number of Patient Beds: 20. KRANKENHAUS WALDFRIEDE
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Clini- Fischerhuttenstrasse 99-109, (1) Berlin-
ca," Juliaca. Zehlendorf, American Sector, Germany
Established 1920
Board of Managers: B. W. Steinweg,
Chairman ; Andres Achata, D. P. Telegraphic Address: Krankenhaus
Duffle, M. Huayllara, P. P. Leon, F. Waldfriede, (1) Berlin-Zehlendorf,
C. Petty. American Sector, Germany.
Administration: Number of Patient Beds: 150.
Medical Director, D. P. Duffie. Administration:
Business Manager and Technician,
Noel Mangold. Medical Director, L. E. Conradi.
Superintendent of Nurses, Bethel Business Manager, Ernst Muller.
Wareham. Matron and Head Nurse, Ida Bahr.
Nurses, Mrs. Noel Mangold, Mrs. Male Head Nurse, Carl Rohleder.
D. P. Duffle. Staff Physicians, F. Busch, L. E. Con-
radi, G. Fenner, Erna Weinlandt.
P. 0. Kanye, via Lobatsi, Bechuanaland KWAILIBISI HOSPITAL
Protectorate, South Africa
Malaita, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean
Number of Patient Beds: 36. Director: A. W. Tilley.
Director: J. A. Hay.
Nurses: Lillian E. Guy, Myrtle Sather.
KARACHI SEVENTH-DAY "La Ligniere," Etablissement Medical,
ADVENTIST HOSPITAL Dietetique et Physiotherapique, Gland,
91 Depot Lines, Karachi, Pakistan Vaud, Switzerland
Established 1950 Established 1904
Number of Patient Beds: 80. Telephone: Gland 98.061.

Board of Directors: The executive com- Ochs, 0. B. Pratt, F. W. Schnepper,

mittee of the Swiss Union Confer- C. A. Scriven, Harold Shryock, J. C.
ence. Shull, W. S. Smith, H. 0. Stilson,
C. L. Torrey, H. M. Walton.
Local Board: A. Meyer, Chairman; Ch.
Wehrli, Secretary; A. Guyot, J. C. Officers of the Board: W. P. Elliott,
Guenin, Dora Meyer, .E. Moretti, H. President; G. T. Harding, First Vice-
Muller. President; W. E. Macpherson, Second
Vice-President; C. L. Bauer, Third
Administration: Vice-President; J. C. Shull, Comp-
Medical Director, H. Muller. troller and Treasurer; A. G. Munson,
Business Manager, Ch. Wehrli; As- Associate Comptroller and Assistant
sistant, Dora Meyer. , Treasurer; Leon Roberson, Secretary
School of Nursing Faculty: Supervisors and Assistant Treasurer; R. L.
of Instruction, H. Muller, E. Moretti; Atcheson, G. H. Curtis, Assistant.
Bible, J. C. Guenin ; Hortense Fehr, Secretaries.
Mathilde Gerber, Dora Meyer, Emmy Administration:
Schreyak. Director of Hospitals, H. M. Walton.
Comptroller, J. C. Shull.
Business Manager, H. S. Nelson.
LAKESIDE CLINIC Chaplain, F. A. Moran.
Dansalan, Lanao, Mindanao, Director of Nursing Service, Mrs.
Philippines Catherine Graf.
Established 1948 Dietitian, Jennie Stagg.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Lake- Staff Physicians: R. G. Anvil, E. C.
side Clinic," Dansalan, Lanao, Phi- Christensen, E. C. Ehlers, J. 0.
lippines. Ewert, C. E. Francis, F. W. Gardner,
E. B. Hardin, A. B. Jones, C. R.
Number of Patient Beds: 12. Lovell, Genevieve E. McWilliams,
Director, R. T. Santos. J. E. Peterson, E. L. Rogers, J. A.
Scharffenberg, L. E. Simpson, J. K.
Cashier, V. D. Ponce. Skahen, C. S. Small, T. I. Zirkle.
Medical Staff: F. D. Ponce, R. T. Faculty of the School of Nursing: (See
Santos. College of Medical Evangelists).
Nursing Staff: L. 0. Garcesa, T. R.
Ponce, T. Torrico, I. Vigilia.
P.O. Lower Gwelo, Southern
LITTLE EDEN Rhodesia, Africa
Fatshan, Kwangtung, China
Number of Patient Beds: 16.
Board of Directors: Hsia Shiu Chung,
Chairman ; P. H. Leung, Secretary. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist."
Medical Superintendent, P. H. Leung. Gwelo.
Treasurer, Leung Yang Sheue Yao. Executive Committee: Southern Rho-
desia Mission Field Committee.
Director: W. P. Owen.
(Incorporated with College of Medical
Loma Linda, California AND LEPER COLONY
Established 1905 P. 0. Malamulo, Nyasaland, Africa
Telephone: Loma Linda 2710. Established 1908
Number of Patient Beds: 133. Number of Patient Beds: 40.
Board of Directors: W. P. Elliott, Telegraphic Address: Malamulo, Nyasa-
Chairman; R. W. Barnes, C. L. land.
Bauer, A. L. Bietz, R. R. Bietz, Administration:
A. 0. Blomquist, W. H. Branson, Medical Superintendent: S. A. Kotz.
M. V. Campbell, W. B. Clark, E. E.
Cossentine, Harold Ermshar, T. R. Staff Physicians: S. A. Kotz, M.
Flaiz, G. T. Harding, H. H. Hicks, Fowler.
F. E. Leffingwell, W. E. Macpherson, Nurses: Rachel Anderton, Yvonne
J. L. McElhany, F. B. Moor, H. S. Nel- Marais, Anna Vaughn, Dorothy
son, Mrs. Kathryn J. Nelson, W. B. Walter.


1875 Donada St., Pasay City, P.O. Fort Manning, Nyasaland, Africa
Philippines Established 1928
Established 1928 Number of Patient Beds: 8.
Cable Address: "Adventists," Manila. Medical Superintendent, 0. B. Beardsley.
Postal Address: P.O. Box 1592, Manila, Nurse: Margaret Johnson.
Philippines. Agricultural-Industrial Instructor: W.
Number of Patient Beds: 75. H. Trollip.

Board of Directors: E. M. Adams, Chair-

man ; J. 0. Bautista, E. L. Becker, R. NALWAZHI CLINIC
D. Brion, P. B. Gonzales, G. de Guz-
man, V. M. Montalban, H. A. Munson, 43 Heber Road, Trichinopoly Cantt.,
A. N. Nelson, W. C. Richli, A. Z. South India
Roda, P. H. Romulo, R. D. Santos. Established 1947
Medical Superintendent, W. C. Richli. Number of Patient Beds: 12.
Business Manager, H. A. Munson. Board of Management: The South India
Union Committee.
Director of Nurses, Bessie Irvine. Medical Director: W. G. Thomas.
Dietitian, Mrs. Esmeraldo de Leon.
School of Nursing Faculty: Adele An-
dal, W. G. Dick, F. T. Geslani, Bessie NANNING SEVENTH-DAY AD-
E. Ervine, Mrs. Esmeraldo de Leon, VENTIST HOSPITAL
Mrs. Gloria Mascardo, H. A. Munson, Nanning, Kwangsi, China
Phyllis Naude, Mrs. H. V. Passion,
Legaya Reyes, W. C. Richli, Gem- Board of Management: Chang Kuo En,
iniano Rojo, Rafaela Sasa, Mrs. Julita Chairman ; Chang Po An, Albert Lau,
Sellona, Mrs. Pacita de Vera. Lee Ming Yi, W. C. Soo ; Chaplain,
Head of Nurses' Training School, and
local mission Presidents.
SANITARIUM Superintendent and Manager, Lee
Ming Yi.
Apartado 16, Montemorelos, Treasurer, Miss Shao Hsing Woo.
Nuevo Leon, Mexico Superintendent of Nurses, Mrs. Lee
Heng Sung.
Established 1946 Superintendent of Nursing School,
Number of Patient Beds: 40. Lo Chia Chung.
This institution is owned and controlled
by the Asociacion Civil Filantropica
y Educative of Mexico. NEW ENGLAND SANITARIUM
Local Board: Juan Plenc, Chairman; AND HOSPITAL
A. R. Monteith, Secretary ; H. E. Melrose, Massachusetts
Butka, K. B. Fisher, Raymundo Garza,
H. A. Habenicht, H. A. Kelley, Mar- Established 1899
guerite Peugh. Telephone: Melrose 4-1740.
Administration: Number of Patient Beds: 145.
Medical Director, H. E. Butka ; As- Legal Name: New England Sanitarium
sistant, K. B. Fisher. and Benevolent Association.
Business Manager, A. R. Monteith.
Technical Services, H. A. Kelley. Board of Trustees:- M. L. Rice, Presi-
Director of Nurses, Marguerite Peugh. dent ; A. C. Larson, Secretary; L. C.
Evans, T. R. Gardner, C. A. Hays-
Staff Physicians, R. M. Aragon, H. E. mer, L. N. Holm, W. B. Johnson,
Butka, K. B. Fisher, Raymundo C. E. Kellogg, J. S. Kootsey, R. W.
Garza. Moore, R. A. Nesmith, J. J. Reiswig.

Faculty of the School of Nursing: Local Board: M. L. Rice, Chairman ;

A. C. Larson, Secretary ; L. E. Ald-
Director, School of Nursing and Nurs- rich, L. C. Evans, C. A. Haysmer,
ing Services, Marguerite Peugh. J. S. Kootsey, R. F. Linthwaite, R.
Assistant Director of Nurses, Mildred G. Manuel, Howard Maxson, D. R.
Diehl. Toppenberg, Blooma Woodard.

Administration: Staff : Alta Birkenstock, Josephine

Medical Director, J. S. Kootsey. Clayburn, Martha Hansen, F. W.
Business Manager and Treasurer, Slate, W. Staples.
A. C. Larson.
Chaplain, Howard Maxson.
Director of Nurses, Blooma Woodard. NORTH CHINA SANITARIUM AND
Dietitian, Shirley Moore. HOSPITAL
Staff Physicians: R. J. Carruthers, Kalgan, Chahar, China
C. A. Haysmer, J. S. Kootsey, Robert Established 1931
Linthwaite, J. H. Nelson, Harvey
Rittenhouse, D. R. Toppenberg. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Kal-
Faculty of the School of Nursing:
Board of Directors: North China Union
Director, School of Nursing and Nurs- Mission Executive Committee.
ing Service, Blooma Woodard; As-
sistant, Mrs. M. Evelyn Nelson. (Operation suspended temporarily)
Supervisor of Instruction, Amanda I.
Night Supervisor, Evelyn Houck. NORTHWEST CHINA SANITARIUM
Supervisors of Clinical Services: AND HOSPITAL
Medical Nursing, Bessie Peck. 1 Ren Ming Lu,
Obstetrical Nursing, Sara Conger. Lanchow, Kansu, China
Operating Room, Alta Welch.
Out-patient, Glenda Rolfe. Established 1934
Physical Therapy, D. J. Stone. Telephone: 464.
Surgical Nursing, Barbara Tyler.
Medical Director, J. S. Kootsey. Telegraphic Address: "1015" Lanchow.
Business Manager, A. C. Larson. Number of Patient Beds: 30.
Instructor of Religion, Howard Max-
son. Board of Directors: Northwest China
Supervisor of Nurses' Residence, Mrs. Union Mission Committee.
Mattie B. Edgerton. Local Board: Wang Fu Yuen, Chair-
Dietitian, Shirley Moore. man ; Chang Dc Chien, Chen Pei Tao,
Gao Chieh, Gia Tai Hsiang, Ho Ping
Chang, Lee Kuang Hsin, Peng Hsi
NEW GUINEA HIGHLANDS Hsian, Stanley Lee, Yan Chi Yun.
LEPROSY HOSPITAL Administration:
Mount Hagen, Territory of New Superintendent, Stanley Lee.
Guinea Business Manager and Treasurer, Ho
Superintendent: L. H. Barnard (Act- Ping Chang.
ing). Superintendent of Nurses, Frank Yen.
Staff Physicians: Stanley Lee, Lin Shih
Yung, Yang Ting Fang.
NGOMA MISSION HOSPITAL Nurses: Chao Chu Kwei Fen, Chen I
Care Gitwe Mission, P. 0. Usumbura, Chang, Chen Kuang Ha, Giang Li
Ruanda-Urundi, Central Africa. Wei, Kao Wan Cheng, Lee Chen
Number of Patient Beds: 30. Tung, Lee Shao Ming, Ren Sow
Ching, Ting Cheng Tung, Wang
Director: L. K. Rittenhouse. Hsiu Ling.
Nurse: Tabea Matter.

Western Native Township, Johan- Established 1905
nesburg, Transvaal, South Africa
Telephone: Jarnboas 13.
Established 1936
Business Manager: Nils Zerne.
Number of Patient Beds: 38.
Board: E. D. Hanson, J. D. Harcombe,
Madgwick, and the Native Commis- AND HOSPITAL
sioner of Witwatersrand Area.
National City, California
Administration: Established 1906
Medical Superintendent, G. A. S.
Madgwick. Legal Name: Paradise Valley Sanita-
Secretary-Treasurer, A. A. Pitt. rium and Hospital.
Matron, Rena Curtis. Telephone: Greeley 7-9353.

Number of Patient Beds: 115. Number of Patient Beds: 225 ; Bas-

sinets, 31.
Board of Directors: H. H. Hicks. Chair-
man; B. D. Fickess, Secretary; G. T. Board of Directors: M. V. Campbell,
Anderson, C. L. Bauer, V. C. Becraft, President; H. E. Rice, Secretary;
C. F. Birkenstock, Ralph Giddings, C. W. Degering, G. R. Fattic, P. D.
Otis Hudson, R. G. Mote, E. A. Gerrard, R. H. Hanson, H. C.
Schmidt, F. W. Schnepper, C. T. Hartman, H. M. Johnson, R. S.
Smith, H. W. Vollmer, J. W. Warren. Joyce, W. B. Mohr, A. L. Moon, E. R.
Osmunson, N. C. Peterson, D. R.
Administration: Rees, D. E. Reiner, R. S. Watts,
Administrator and Treasurer, R. G. H. A. Young.
Mote. Administration:
Chaplain, J. N. Clapp.
Director of Nurses, Mrs. Alladene Medical Director, A. L. Moon.
Nash. Business Manager and Treasurer,
Dietitian, Mrs. Ruth Jacobson. H. E. Rice.
Credit Manager, H. G. Eichman.
Staff Physicians: R. M. Clarke, C. E. Chaplain, G. K. Lashier.
Randolph, B. A. Sanderson, E. A. Director of Nursing Service, Del La-
Wagner, J. W. Warren, Mrs. Josie Verne Parkins.
S. Warren. Dietitian, Mrs. Helga C. Forehand.
Faculty of the School of Nursing: Executive Housekeeper, Mrs. Beryl
Director, School of Nursing and Nurs- Meiklejohn.
ing Service, Mrs. Alladene Nash ; Staff Physicians: H. G. Burden, J. A.
Assistant, -- Davis, A. L. Moon.
Supervisor of Instruction, Mrs. Doris Supervisors of Clinical Services:
Night Supervisor, Ellen Wilson. Hydrotherapy (Ladie's) Mrs. Elsie B.
King ; (Men's) Michael Durichek.
Supervisors of Clinical Services: Medical Nursing, Mrs. Dorothy Pat.
Clinic, Mrs. Clara Grandon. terson.
Hydrotherapy (Men's), William Gra- Night Supervisor, Alice Ganz.
vatt : (Women's), Mrs. Charlotte Obstetrical Nursing, Grace Hatanaka.
K. Ross. Operating Room, Alice Weaver.
Medical Nursing, Thelma Irvin. Psychiatric Nursing, Faye Crawford.
Obstetrical Nursing, Ardis Kiser. Public Health, Mrs. Jeanne Boernge.
Operating Room, Lucille Lewis. Supervisor 3-11, Bernice Lude.
Surgical Nursing, Thelma Vance. Surgical Nursing, Anne Shaner.
Administrator, R. G. Mote. Faculty School of Nursing: See Boulder-
Instructor of Religion, J. N. Clapp. Colorado Sanitarium and Union Col-
lege Schools of Nursing.
Supervisor of Nurses' Residence, Mrs.
Marian Marshall.
932 S. E. 60th Ave., Portland 15,
465 Burma Road, Penang, Malaya Oregon
-Established 1930 Established 1893 ; reorganized 1902
Board of Managers: J. M. Nerness, Telephone: EMpire 4121.
Chairman; Brian Hammond, Vice-
Chairman ; Arthur Mountain, Secre- Legal Corporation: Portland Sanitarium
tary; G. Cheng, C. C. Cleveland, Mrs. and Benevolent Association.
Arthur Mountain, Yeo Peng Yee. Number of Patient Beds: 170.
Administration: Board of Directors: L. E. Biggs, Chair-
Medical Superintendent, Brian Ham- man ; R. W. Nelson, Secretary ; G.
mond. S. Belleau, R. F. Bresee, St. Clair
Business Manager, Arthur Mountain ; Diamond, R. T. Emery, J. E. Fjarli,
Assistant, Yeo Peng Yee. A. J. Gordon, W. B. Holden, C. A.
Scriven, Clarence Shepherd.
Superintendent of Nurses, Mrs. Ar-
thur Mountain. Administration :
Administrator, R. W. Nelson.
Treasurer, J. H. Irvine.
PORTER SANITARIUM AND Director of Nurses, Anne M. Strat-
Dietitian, Lois Miller.
2525 S. Downing St., Denver, Colorado
Faculty of the School of Nursing:
Established 1930
Director, School of Nursing and Nurs-
Telephone: SHerman 1721. ing Service, Anne M. Stratton.

Assistant Director, School of Nursing, Superintendents of Nurses: Hilfred

Naomi Gowan. Johanson, Margaret Roelke.
Supervisor of Instruction, Florence Other Workers: Mrs. Gregory, Nant U.
Night Supervisor, Sadie Oickle.
Instructor of Nursing Arts, Eleanor REST HAVEN SANITARIUM AND
Supervisors of Clinical Service: Sidney (Near Victoria), British
Medical Nursing, Lydia Belz. Columbia, Canada
Obstetrical Nursing, Alberta Parish.
Operating Room, Gladys House. Established 1921
Physical Therapy and Hydrothera- Telephone: Sidney 265.
py, Mary F. Sumner.
Surgical Nursing, Belle O'Neill. Number of Patient Beds: 50.
Administrator, R. W. Nelson. Board of Directors: W. A. Nelson, Pres-
Instructor of Religion, Pearl Stafford. ident and Chairman ; R. A. Smith-
Supervisor of Nurses' Residence, wick, Vice-Chairman ; C. M. Craw-
Thelma Storey. ford, Secretary ; J. C. Neithercut, W.
Dietitian, Lois Miller. H. Roberts, H. A. Shepard, Ruth
Chaplain, H. E. Willoughby. Stickle.
PORT-OF-SPAIN SEVENTH-DAY Manager, C. M. Crawford.
ADVENTIST CLINIC House Physician, W. H. Roberts.
2A Mucurapo Road, Port-of-Spain, Director of Nurses, Ruth Stickle.
Trinidad, British West Indies
Local Board of Management: F. S. RIO DE JANEIRO SANITARIUM
Thompson, Chairman ; R. F. Dunlop, AND HOSPITAL
Secretary. Ladeira dos Guararapes 263, Silvestre,
Administration: Rio de Janeiro, D.F., Brazil
Medical Director, R. F. Dunlop. Established 1948
Treasurer, J. 0. Emmerson.
Cashier, Olive Hunte. Postal Address: Caixa Postal 768, Rio
Office Secretary, Agnes Harris. de Janeiro, D. F. Brazil.
Nurses, Elma Mosely, Evelyn Bum-
mett, Ruby Mondesir. Telephone: 45-2211.
X-ray, Laboratory, and Hydrotherapy, Number of Patient Beds: 50.
B. L. Richards.
Board of Directors: R. A. Wilcox,
Chairman; R. E. Adams, J. Araujo,
RANCHI HOSPITAL Jose Bacarat, D. D. Holtz, M. Ost,
Ranchi, Bihar, India F. M. Porto, Arry Raffo, E. Roth,
P. S. Seidl, G. N. Vieira, J. Wagner,
Established 1949 E. Zorub.
Postal Address: P.O. Box No. 4, Ranchi, Administration:
B.N. Rly., Bihar, India.
Medical Superintendent, G. N. Vieira.
Superintendent: R. V. Shearer. Business Manager and Treasurer, M.
Staff: J. C. Bairagee, D. Khajekar, Fuhrmann.
Mrs. D. Prasada Rao, Mrs. R. V. Head Nurse and Matron, Alberta A.
Shearer. Hodde.
Nurse, J. Klosko.
Dietitian, Martha Miller.
67 Signal Pagoda Road, Rangoon, RIVER PLATE SANITARIUM
Burma Puiggari, F. N. Gral. Urquiza, Entre
Established 1948 Rios, Argentina, South America
Established 1908
Number of Patient Beds: 60.
Board of Management: Members of the Board of Management: Alfredo Aesch-
Burma Union Committee and two liman, Chairman ; P. M. Brouchy,
Division Representatives. Secretary; Eliel Almonte, David
Bernhardt, Pablo Beskow, 0. A.
Medical Superintendent, E. M. Smith ; Blake, W. J. Brown, M. A. Ham-
Associate, G. E. Richardson. merly, Eduardo Kanna, Daniel Nes-
Business Manager, W. L. Murrill ; As- tares, Daniel Peverini, H. J. Peverini,
sistant, F. Ba Tin. Juan Riffel, Felipe Sittner, Ner Soto,
Accountant, Kyaw Din. C. E. Westphal.

Executive Committee: Alfredo Aeschli- Board of Directors: Carl Becker, Chair-

mann, Chairman; C. E. Westphal, man ; E. L. Place, Secretary ; M. It.
Vice-Chairman ; P. M. Brouchy, Sec- Bailey, R. C. Baker. C. L. Bauer,
cretary ; W. J. Brown, M. A. Ham- S. T. Borg, J. E. Weaver, Scott
merly, Daniel Nestares, Juan Riffel. Donaldson, M. D. Elkins, Edward
Administration: Hoehn, H. E. James, F. T. Oakes, C.
S. Prout, F. W. Schnepper, H. L.
Medical Superintendent, C. E. West- Shull, H. W. Vollmer.
phal ; Assistant, M. A. Hammerly.
Business Manager and Treasurer, Administration:
P. M. Brouchy. Medical Director, H. E. James.
Accountant and Cashier, 0. E. Cesan. Business Manager and Treasurer, E.
Staff Physicians: C. E. Westphal, L. Place.
M. A. Hammerly. Assistant Manager, M. D. Elkins.
Faculty of the School of Nursing: Chaplain, 0. H. Shrewsbury.
Director, School of Nursing and Nurs- Director of Nurses, Mrs. Edith F.
ing Service, C. E. Westphal, As- Strand.
sistant, M. A. Hammerly. Dietitian, Avis Dixson.
Matroni Marta Bernhardt. Staff Physicians: Harri L. Davis, R. T.
Anesthesia, Bacteriology and Pharm- Hamer, Edward Hoehn, H. E. James,
acy, 0. E. Biaggi. Edna F. Patterson, It. V. Reiswig.
Bible, P. M. Brouchy. Faculty of the School of Nursing:
Cooking, Josefa Ramos.
Nursing, Miguel Esparcia. Director, School of Nursing and Nurs-
Obstetrics and Pediatrics, Elena Kahl. ing Service, Mrs. Edith F. Strand ;
Assistant, Eulalia White.
Supervisor of Instruction, Alba
RIVERSIDE SANITARIUM AND Night Supervisor, Gladys Hurd.
Established 1936 Supervisors of Clinical Services:
Medical Nursing, Waloma Fehren-
800 Youngs Lane, Nashville, Tennessee bach (acting).
Telephones: 2-0454, 2-0455. Obstetrical Nursing, Mrs. Martha
Number of Patient Beds: .84 ; Bassi- Operating Room, Miriam Moore
nets, 10. (acting).
Board of Management: A. L. Ham, Out-patient, Patricia McDowell.
Chairman ; C. A. Dent, Secretary ; Physical Therapy, Harold Whiting.
V. G. Anderson, F. L. Bland, L. H. Surgical Nursing, Jean Bartling.
Bland, M. V. Campbell, E. E. Cos- Medical Director, H. E. James.
sentine, T. R. Flaiz, W. W. Ford-
ham, T. M. Fountain, C. 0. Franz, Business Manager, E. L. Place.
H. S. Hanson, L. E. Lenheim, H. R. Instructor of Religion, 0. H.
Murphy, D. A. Ochs, W. B. Ochs, Shrewsbury.
G. E. Peters, F. L. Peterson, M. L. Supervisor of Nurses' Residence, Min-
Rice, H. E. Schneider, H. D. Single- nie E. Dauphinee.
ton, 0. A. Troy, J. W. Turner, J. H.
Wagner. Dietitian, Avis Dixson.
Medical Director, C. A. Dent. SAO PAULO CLINIC
Business Manager, A. Warren. AND HOSPITAL
Director of Nurses, Mrs. Ruth F. Rua Tamandare 495, Sao Paulo, Brazil,
Stafford. South America
Physiotherapist, W. H. McDonald. Established 1942
X-Ray and Laboratory Technician,
L. L. Benson. Legal Corporation: Associacao Paulista
Staff Physicians, J. M. Cox, R. Lewis. da Igreja Adventista do Setimo Dia.
Chaplain, E. F. Carter. . Board of Directors: Joao Linhares,
Chairman ; Ary Streithorst, Secretary ;
Rodolpho Belz, Oscar Castellani, F.
ST. HELENA SANITARIUM M. Porto, C. F. Schwantes.
Sanitarium, Napa County, California Administration:
Established 1878 Medical Superintendent, C. F.
(Operated by the California Medical Schwantes.
Missionary and Benevolent Associa- Business Manager, Oscar Castellani.
tion, a corporation.) Treasurer, Ary Streithorst.
Telephone: St. Helena 760. Chaplain, Oscar Castellani.
Director of Nursing, Maria Kudzi-
Number of Patient Beds: 170. elicz.

Dietitian, Lillian Wentz. City Clinic: 171 Wutsin (Range) Road,

Men Nurses: Pedro Barboza, Geraldo Shanghai. (Telephone, 42337-9.)
Boekenkamp, D. S. Otino. Board of Management: Hsu Hwa, Chair-
Physician, Antonio Miranda. man ; Herbert Liu, Vice-Chairman ;
Women Nurses: Amanda Eidam, T. T. Wang, Secretary; P. S. Chang,
Meryan Gianini, Eugenia Lidke, John Chen, Chen Ming, H. S. Chiang,
Bertha Lipke, Ilse Preuss, Eloisa S. R. Du, G. 0. Goh, M. C. Goh,
Waldvogel. P. T. Ho, Y. T. Hwang, Paul Lee,
Women's Hydrotherapy: Eliza Al- S. J. Lee, David Lin, H. C. Shen,
meida. T. R. Shen, Su Hsing, H. H. Tan,
Electrotherapy, Bertha Lipke, Eloisa F. Y. Wang, M. S. Wu, Mrs. T. F.
Waldvogel. Yuen.
Laboratory, Mario Ritter.
X-ray, Raymond Ermshar. Administration:
Medical Director and Superintendent,
Herbert Liu.
SEOUL SANITARIUM AND Assistant Superintendents, Paul Lee,
Business Manager, T. T. Wang.
Seoul, Korea Treasurer, H. S. Chiang ; Assistant,
Established 1934 Mrs. John Chen.
Telephone: Tong Dai Moon 1285. Director of School of Nursing, Goh
Mei Chu.
Number of Patient Beds: 103 ; Bas- Superintendent of Nurses, Mrs. T. F.
inetts, 11. Yuen.
Board of Directors: E. W. Bahr, Chair- Staff Physicians: C. T. Chen, Y. T.
man ; G. H. Rue, Secretary; Chung Hwang, Paul Lee, Herbert Liu, W. Y.
Sa Young, Kim Myung Kil, R. C. Shih, C. H. Wang, C. K. Wang,
Mills, Pak Chang Uk, R. W. Pearson, T. C. Yang, W. F. Yu.
Irene Robson.
Medical Director, G. H. Rue. 47 Hwang Tsu Ta Chieh, Mukden 4,
Business Manager, Manchuria
Treasurer, Pak Chang Uk.
Chaplain, Chae Ok Man. Established 1931
Director of Nurses, Irene Robson. Telegraphic Address: Clinic "Advent-
Staff Physicians: Chung Sa Young, Kim ist," Mukden.
Yoon Choo, Lee Kun Wha, R. W. Board of Directors: Liu Chang Li,
Pearson, G. H. Rue. Chairman ; and the Northeast China
Faculty of the School of Nursing: Union Executive Committee.
Director, School of Nursing and Nurs- Administration:
ing Service, Irene Robson ; Assist- Medical Superintendent, Chang Chi
ant, Ahn Kyung He. Fan (Acting).
Supervisor of Instruction, Irene Rob- Business Manager, Chi Teh Fu.
son. Superintendent of Nurses, Kao Kuei
Night Supervisor, Chung Choong Sil. Ying.
Supervisors of Clinical Services:
Medical Nursing, Kong Sung Sil: Staff Physicians, Chang Chi Fan, Liu
Obstetrical Nursing, Mrs. G. H. Yu Tang.
Operating Room, Mrs. G. H. Rue. SIMLA SANITARIUM AND
Out Patient Department, Shung HOSPITAL
Chin Sil.
Surgical Nursing, Nahm Young Carton House, Simla 4, India
Cha. Established 1915; Reopened 1950
Medical Director, G. H. Rue. Board of Management: Northwest In-
Instructor of Religion, Chae Ok Man.
dia Union Committee.
Medical Superintendent: I. R. Bazliel.
SHANGHAI MEDICAL CENTER Medical Assistant: Mrs. I. R. Bazliel.
1714 Hami (Rubicon) Road Staff Workers: S. L. Charles, R. Hood,
Shanghai, China Bella John, Samson Singh.
Telegraphic and Cable Address: "Sani-
Telephone: 29629. Skodsborg, Denmark
Established 1897
Medical Offices: 30 Tsingkiang Road,
Shanghai. (Telephone, 70811.) Telephone: Skodsborg 200.

Number of Patient Beds: 252. W. R. A. Madgwick, J. A. McMillan,

A. J. Mustard, A. H. Thompson,
Board of Directors: G. A. Lindsay, A. H. Williams.
Chairman ; L. Muderspach, Secretary ;
A. Andersen, Georg Bacher, S. A. Administration:
Broberg, J. Christiansen, C. C. Han- Medical Superintendent, A. H. Wil-
sen, Eskild Hansen, Carl Ilsgard, liams.
R. F. Jensen, T. Kristensen, P. Accountant, C. Walton.
G. Nelson, A. Rintala, M. K. Stay- Matron, Valerie Rudge.
nem, L. Saboe-Larssen, I. Unhall,
H. Westerlund-Pedersen.
Local Board: H. Westerlund-Pedersen, SULTANABAD HOSPITAL
Chairman ; A. Andersen, Georg Ba- Arak (Sultanabad), Iran
cher, Eskild Hansen, Finn Muders- Number of Patient Beds: 10
pach, Carla West.
Administration: Board of Management, K. S. Oster,
Medical Director, A. Andersen.
Business Manager, H. Westerlund- Medical Superintendent,
Reception Manager, Georg Bacher.
Chaplain, A. Guldhammer. Surat, Bombay Presidency, India
Director of Nurses, Carla West. Established 1936
Staff Physicians: A. Andersen, Eskild Number of Patient Beds: 52.
Hansen, J. D. Henriksen, Harold Lie,
A. Milholt. Legal Title: Surat Hospital Trust As
sociation of Seventh-day Adventists.
Head Nurses: Gertrud Sjogren, Ella
Prastin, Elise Norheim. Cables and Telegrams: "Adventist,"
Board of Trustees: R. H. Pierson,
SKOGLI SANITARIUM Chairman ; J. F. Ashlock, Secretary ;
Lillehammer, Norway M. E. Kemmerer, Treasurer ; C. N.
Abraham, N. A. Buxton, A. Fosses,
Established 1946 C. B. Guild, R. L. Juriansz, 0. 0.
Postal Address: Lillehammer, Norway. Mattison, E. M. Meleen, L. G. Mook-
erjee, M. S. Prasada Rao, J. L. Shan-
Board of Management: M. K. Stavnem, non, William Sharalaya, L. C. Shep-
P. Frivold, Sigurd Johansen, Willy ard, F. E. Spiess, E. D. Thomas.
Jordahl, Alf Lohne, H. Muderspach,
P. G. Nelson, Bjarne Rost, C. M. Board of Management: R. H. Pierson,
Scott. Chairman ; J. F. Ashlock, N. A.
Administration: Buxton, A. Fossey, C. B. Guild, R. L.
Juriansz, M. E. Kemmerer, M. S.
Director, M. K. Stavnem. Prasada Rao, J. L. Shannon, E. D.
Advisory Physician, Willy Jordahl. Thomas.
Medical Superintendent, N. A. Buxton.
SONGA MISSION HOSPITAL AND Business Manager and Treasurer, A.
B. P. Kamina, Belgian Congo, Assistant Business Manager, J. Deva-
Central Africa das.
Number of Patient Beds: 50 Supervisors of Clinical Services:
Director: 0. Rouhe. Head Nurse, Miss S. Hoglund ; As-
sistant, Mrs. G. Burns.
Nurse: Paula Lamnek. Laboratory Technician, K. K. George.
Pharmacist and Compounder, T.
(The Stanboroughs Hydro) Staff Physicians: N. A. Buxton, Mrs.
(Good Health Association, Limited) N. A. Buxton, Mrs. L. Chelvam.
Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts.,
Established 1912 HOSPITAL
Board of Management: W. W. Arm- Wahroonga, New South Wales,
strong, Chairman C. Walton, Secre- Australia
tary, G. E. Adair, J. H. Bayliss, Established 1902
A. Carey, J. H. Craven, W. L. Em-
merson, 0. M. Borland, J. M. Howard, Number of Patient Beds: 169.

Board of Management: N. C. Wilson, Board of Directors: Chang Po Ching,

Chairman; Vice-Chairmen, F. A. Mote, Chairman ; Phillip Lamb, Secretary ;
W. L. Pascoe; W. E. Battye, Mary Fan Ching Li, Fan Kuo Tung, Liu
Burnside, L. A. Butler, A. W. Daw- Fu An, Meng Wan Shu, Sun Ren
son, A. H. Forbes, C. W. Harrison, Hwa.
H. E. Hargreaves, J. B. Letham, Administration:
H. G. Moulds, A. W. Peterson, B. H. Medical Superintendent, Phillip Lamb.
Reynolds, A. K. Tulloch. Manager,
Manager, A. H. Forbes. Treasurer, Fan Ching Li.
Medical Director, C. W. Harrison. Matron, Lin Hsiao Ai.
Laboratory, Djang Bao Dju.
Faculty, School of Nursing; Mary Pharmacy and X-ray, Swen Ren Hwa.
Burnside, Matron ; Mrs. F. Abbott, Nurses: Chang Hsien Chen, Chao Ti
Mrs. A. M. Bunch, F. R. Dawson, Chen, Li En Dien.
Mrs. A. Franks, C. W. Harrison,
E. Hokin, J. B. Letham, J. Newman,
R. N. Price, B. H. Reynolds, W. H. UBOL MISSION CLINIC
Simmonds, W. I. Taylor, A. K. Tul-
loch. Ubol, Thailand
Established 1949
TIBETAN MISSION HOSPITAL Number of Patient Beds: 10.
Kanting (Tatsienlu), Sikang, China Medical Director: J. E. Sandness.
Cashier, Benjawn Kalyanamitr.
Medical Superintendent: Kung Pin San Translator, Choy Sirichotiratana.
(Acting). Nurse: Prapit.
Technical Assistant, Chalee Chuenchol.
Established 1933
Strada Mitropolitul Ghenadie Petrescu
Medical Superintendent: 116, Bucuresti, IV, Rumania
Business Manager: H. Karstrom. Established 1945
Director, School of Nursing, Mrs. E.
171 Amanuma 1 Chome, Suginami-Ku, Assistant Manager, Miss Zoe boy.
Tokyo, Japan
School of Nursing Faculty:
Established 1928
Staff Physicians, I. Modovan, Mrs.
Telephone: 39-0051. E. I. Prisecaru.
Board of Management: F. R. Millard, Bible Instructor, St. Demetrescu.
Chairman ; Ernestine Gill, W. I. Hil-
liard, H. Imura, Tomino Itagaki, K.
Medical Director: C. E. Syphers. Waichow, Kwangtung, China
Business Manager, A. R. Boynton.
Treasurer, K. Suzuki. Board of Management: Chang Kuo En,
Director of Nursing Service, Ernestine Chairman ; Chen Kwei Ming, Cheng
Gill. Chuen Seng, Lin Pak Wah, Liu
Ping Yung, Annie Loo.
Assistant Director of School of Nurs-
ing Service, Tomino Itagaki. Administration:
Director, School of Nursing, Ernestine Medical Superintendent, Cheng Chuen
Gill ; Assistant, Matumi Morita. Seng.
Manager and Treasurer, Annie Loo.
Principal of Nursing School, Lin Pak
HOSPITAL Head Nurse, Mrs. Chen Kwei Ming.
2 Hwei Chuan Road, Tsingtao,
Shantung, China
Established 1945 AND HOSPITAL
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Avon Park, Florida
Established 1948
City Office: 27 Anhwei Road, Tsingtao, Board of Management: V. G. Ander-
Shantung, China.
son, Chairman ; H. M. Baldwin, Sec-
Telephone: 2-3340. retary; L. N. Christensen, I. M.

Evans, L. T. Hall, Donald Hartwell, A. E. Coyne, H. J. Detwiler, H. T.

C. J. Larsen, C. H. Lauda, G. R. Elliott, R. R. Figuhr, D. K. Meade,
Nash, R. H. Nightingale, H. E. H. A. Morrison, D. A. Ochs, H. L.
Schneider, W. E. Strickland, W. E. Rudy, W. H. Shepherd.
Westcott, K. A. Wright. Administration:
Administration: Medical Director, R. A. Hare.
Medical Director, C. J. Larsen. Business Manager and Treasurer,
Business Manager, H. M. Baldwin.
Chaplain, J. R. Young. Assistant Manager, H. L. Nielsen.
Director of Nurses, Doris Payne. Chaplain, C. E. Westphal.
Director of Nursing Service, Olive
M. Bennett.
WALLA. WALLA GENERAL Dietitian, Pearl Jenkins.
HOSPITAL Staff Physicians: C. R. Anderson, F.
933 Bonsella, Walla Walla, Washington W. Brennwald, J. F. Brownsberger,
A. E. Coyne, R. A. Hare, Emma
Established 1905 Hughes, J. N. Kimble, E. W. Lorenz,
Telephone: 480. D. K. Meade, P. V. Starr.
Number of Patient Beds: 53. Faculty of the School of Nursing:
Legal Name: Upper Columbia Medical Director, Leah M. Griffee.
Missionary and Benevolent' Associa- Supervisors of Clinical Instruction,
tion. Dorothy Sampson, Mrs. Leila
Board of Management: C. L. Bond,
Chairman ; W. E. Guthrie, Secretary ; Supervisors of Clinical Services:
G. W. Bowers, Walter Bunch, Clyde Medical Nursing, Helen Anderson,
Harris, H. J. Perkins, Harold Steen. Mrs. A. B. Loasby, Mrs. Mabel
Administration : Obstetrical Nursing, Irena Stevens.
Business Manager, W. E. Guthrie. Operating Room, Charlotte Bow-
Accountant, Mrs. Edythe Hubbs. man.
Chaplain, E. L. Jolliffe. ' Out-patient Department,
Director of Nurses, V. Verdelle Ells. Surgical Nursing, Minna Marshall.
Dietitian, Nellie DeFord ; Assistant, Medical Director, R. A. Hare.
Beverly Symonds. Business Manager,
Instructor of Religion, C. E. West-
phal; Assistant Bess Ninaj.
WARBURTON SANITARIUM Supervisor of Nurses' Residence,
AND HOSPITAL Esther L. Pierce.
Warburton, Victoria, Australia
Established 1910
Number of Patient Beds: 62. (Incorporated with the College of
Board: H. G. Moulds, Chairman; Medical Evangelists)
A. H. Battye, R. E. G. Blair, J. C. 312 N. Boyle Ave., Los Angeles 33,
Craven, A. W. Dawson, J. H. Greive, California
S. C. Grieve, T. W. Hammond, H. E. Established 1918
Hargreaves, H. W. Hollingsworth,
W. T. Hooper, J. W. Kent, G. H. A. Telephone: Angelus 8221.
McLaren, Edna Mitchell, H. Osmond,
W. L. Pascoe, W. J. Richards, W. M. Number of Patient Beds: 207.
R. Scragg, N. C. Wilson. Board of Trustees: W. P. Elliott,
Medical Director, G. H. A. McLaren. Chairman ; R. W. Barnes, C. L. Bauer,
A. L. Bietz, R. R. Bietz, Olov Blom-
quist, W. H. Branson, M. V. Camp-
WASHINGTON SANITARIUM bell, W. B. Clark, E. E. Cossentine,
Harold Ermshar, T. R. Flair, H. H.
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. Hicks, G. T. Harding, F. E. Leffing-
Established 1907 well, W. E. Macpherson, J. L. Mc-
Elhany, F. B. Moor, H. S. Nelson,
Telephone: SHepherd 8800. Mrs. Kathryn J. Nelson, W. B. Ochs,
Corporate Name: "Washington (D.C.) 0. P. Pratt, F. W. Schnepper, C. A.
Sanitarium Association." Scriven, Harold Shryock, J. C. Shull,
W. S. Smith, H. 0. Stilson, C. L.
Number of Patient Beds: 226. Torrey, H. M. Walton.
Board of Directors: C. L. Torrey, Officers of the Board: W. P. Elliott,
President; R. A. Hare, Vice-Presi- President; G. T. Harding, First
dent; , Secretary-Treasurer; Vice-President; W. E. Macpherson,

Second Vice-President; C. L. Bauer, YOUNGBERG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL

Third Vice-President; J. C. Shull, 513 Upper Serangoon Road,
Comptroller and Treasurer ; A. G. Singapore
Munson, Associate Comptroller and
Assistant Treasurer; Leon Rober- Established 1948
son, Secretary and Assistant Treas- Board of Directors: Malayan Union
urer ; R. L. Atcheson, C. H. Curtis, Mission Executive Committee.
Assistant Secretaries.
Medical Director, G. G. Innocent.
Medical Director, H. M. Walton. Accountant, Goh Boon Chay.
Comptroller, J. C. Shull. Superintendent of Nurses, Hazel 0.
Business Manager, Harold Ermshar. Mote.
Chaplain, D. C. Newbold. Laboratory and X-ray, M. Lucas.
Director of Nurses, Maxine Atteberry. Pharmacy, J. P. Rao.
Dietitian, Edyth Ryberg. Technicians: A. P. Mamora, S. D.
Staff Physicians: Medical staff of the Liu, S. M. Hutapea.
White Memorial Hospital is composed Chaplain, Mrs. Amy Tan.
of the physician members of the fac- Receptionist: Mrs. G. G. Innocent.
ulty of the clinical division of the Nursing Staff: Lily Chung, Mrs.
College of Medical Evangelists. (For Gloria Cheah, Mrs. S. George, Mrs.
list of names see College of Medical M. Kezele, Faith Lee, Mrs. S. D.
Evangelists.) Liu, Olive Neo, Chee Shoon Nyong,
Faculty of the School of Nursing: Hyacinth Ong, Mrs. Wendy Phang,
(See College of Medical Evangelists). Chan Lim Seng, Mrs. Stella Wan,
Ranee Thangatura, Mrs. Eunice
Wong, Mrs. H. R. Wong.
Incorporated as the Central China P.O. Box 195, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Union Sanitarium-Hospital
Board of Directors: Central China Un- Board of Management: Ethiopian Union
ion Mission Committee. Mission Committee.
Administration: Director: M. G. Anderson ; F. L. Artress
Medical Director, Tsao Sen Yuan. (Acting).
Treasurer, Tu Yu Teh. Nurses: Adam Ali, Alma Binder, Lois
Ladies' Head Nurse, Mrs. Tien Tsoh Bowen, Margit Halvorsen, Maria
Wen. Hauge, R. C. Newberg.
Men's Head Nurses, Liu Yung Chang,
Lee Hsu Feng. Dietitian: Bertha Shollenburg.


Asuncion Treatment Rooms.-25 de Cebu Public Health Dispensary.-398
Mayo 411, Asuncion, Paraguay, South Tres de Abril St., San Nicolas, Cebu
America. (Telephone 9739.) Nurses: City, Philippines.
Arnol Treiyer, Maria Triantafilo. Chimpempe Mission Dispensary.P. 0.
Bandung Mission Clinic (Polikliniek Kawambwa, Northeast Rhodesia,
Advent).Kiaratjondong 201, Ban- Africa. Missionary in charge, Mrs.
dung, Java, Indonesia. G. A. C. Ellingworth.
Cholon Maternity Home.-203-205 Bd
Batouri Dispensary.Mission Advent- Charles Thompson, Cholon, Indo-
iste, Batouri, French Cameroons, West China.
Africa. Chuadanga Dispensary. Chuadanga,
Bikobo Hill Dispensary.Boite Postal Kustia District, Pakistan. A. C. Bal
3, Kongolo, Belgian Congo, Africa. in 'Charge.
Buruabari Dispensary.Buruabari, P. Clinics Adventists de Monterrey.
0. Radhaganj, Faridpur District, Pa- Calle Matamoros No. 802 Pte., Mon-
kistan. Z. Bain in charge. terrey, N. L., Mexico.
Busegwe Mission Dispensary.P. 0. Clinics Buena Esperanza.Puebla No.
Musoma, Tanganyika, East Africa. 348, Ciudad Obregon, Sonora, Mexico.
Nurses in charge, Mrs. H. E. Kotz, Clinics de Torreon.Iturbida 204 Ote.,
Mrs. H. Robson. Torreon, Coah., Mexico.

Clinica Tacotalpa.Figueroa No. 23, Majita Mission Dispensary.P. 0.

Tacotalpa, Tabasco, Mexico. Musoma, Tanganyika, East Africa.
Copenhagen Clinic.St. Kongensgade Missionary in charge, Mrs. L. D.
36-38, Copenhagen K., Denmark. Es- Brown.
tablished 1899. Corporate name: "Fy- Maroua Dispensary.Mission Advent-
sisk Kuranstalt". Telephones: Cen. iste, Maroua, French Cameroons, West
tral 9656, 9657, 9658. Manager, C. L, Africa.
Matandani Mission Dispensary.P.O.
Cuale Mission Dispensary.Duque de Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasaland, Africa.
Braganca, Malange, Angola, Portu- Mrs. 0. I. Fields in charge.
guese West Africa. Mrs. A. M. Can-
deias in charge. Mauritius Dispensary."Dispensaire Ad-
ventiste," Beau Bassin, Mauritius,
Dublin Treatment Rooms (Ranelagh Indian Ocean.
Health Institute ; Irish Good Health
Association, Limited).No. 47 Ran- Mbeya Mission Dispensary.P.O. Box
elagh Road, Ranelagh, Dublin, Ire- 99, Mbeya, Southern Highlands Prov-
land. Established 1949. Officers: Chair_ ince, Tanganyika Territory, East Af-
man, W. W. Armstrong ; Secretary- rica.
Treasurer, A. J. Mustard; Auditor, Munguluni Mission Dispensary.P. 0.
J. H. Craven ; Director, H. E. Nix ; Munhamade, Districto de Quilemane,
Treatment Room Asst., Mrs. C. Nix. Portuguese East Africa. Anna Vaughn
in charge.
Gitwe Mission Dispensary.Gitwe, P. 0.
Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian Musofu Mission Dispensary.Private
East Africa. Nurse, Ruth Carnahan. Bag, Ndola, Northern Rhodesia, Af-
rica. Mrs. S. T. Palvie in charge.
Hapur Dispensary.Hapur, Meerut
District, India. Mrs. R. F. Juriansz Mwagala Mission Dispensary.P. 0.
in charge. Maswa, via. Malampaka, Tanganyika
Territory, East Africa.
Helsingfors Hydro-Electric Institute.
Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland. Myaungmya Dispensary.Established
Established 1926. Corporate name: 1928. Mosokwin Road, Myaungmya,
Helsingfors Fysikaliska Institut. Man- Burma. Nurse, Ma Thoun Sein.
ager, V. Sucksdorff. Ndora Mission Dispensary.Ndora, P.O.
Ikizu Mission Dispensary.Ikizu Train- Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian
ing School, P. O. Musoma, Tanganyika, East Africa. Mrs. E. W. Bradbury in
East Africa. charge.
Inyazura Mission Dispensary.Inyazu- Ndoumbi Dispensary.Mission Advent-
ra, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Mrs. iste, Ndoumbi par Bertoua, French
I. R. Peckham in charge. Cameroons, West Africa.
Jalirpar Mission Dispensary.Jalirpar Nova Lisboa Dispensary.Caixa Postal
P.O., Faridpur District, Bengal, Pa- No. 3, Nova Lisboa, Angola, Portu-
kistan. C. R. Bala in Charge. guese West Africa.
Jengre S.D.A. Medical Unit.Jengre, Ntusn Mission Dispensary.P. 0. Mas-
via Jos., North Nigeria, West Africa. wa, Via Mwalampaka, Lake Province,
Opened 1947. Medical Director, J. A. Tanganyika, East Africa. Nurse in
Hyde; nurse assistant, Israel Azuogu. charge, Mrs. J. G. Siepman.
Jerusalem Institute for Massage, Juli- Oslo Health HomeAkersgaten 74, Oslo,
an's Way, Jerusalem, Israel. Estab- Norway. Corporate name, "Kurbadet."
lished 1929. Manager: Bror Farn- Established 1900. Director, 0. Stay-
strom ; Assistant: Mrs. Bror Farn- dal. Advisory Physician, Gunnar
strom. Vetne.
Kolo Mission Dispensary.P.O. Mohla- Philippine Union College Clinic, Baesa,
lefis, via Morija, Basutoland, South Coloocan, Rizal, Philippines.
Africa. J. N. de Beer, Jr., in charge. Polyclinic "Vie et Sante".-37, rue
Liumba Hill Dispensary.P. 0. Kalabo, Georges Mandel. Bordeaux, France.
Barotseland, Northern Rhodesia, Af- Director, E. Sussmann.
rica. Petra Hovig in charge. Reunion Dispensary."Dispensaire de
Lucusse Mission Dispensary.Caixa l'Enfanee," Saint Pierre, Reunion,
Postal, No. 34, Vila Luso, Angola, Indian Ocean.
Portuguese West Africa. Mrs. A. C. Rusangu Mission Dispensary.P. O.
Lopes in charge. Mission Siding, Northern Rhodesia,
Luwazi Mission Dispensary.P. 0. Africa. Mrs. W. A. Hurlow in charge.
Nkata Bay, Nyasaland, Africa. Mrs. Rwankeri Mission Dispensary.B.P. 33,
W. L. Davy in charge. Ruhengeri, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian
Luz Mission Dispensary.Caixa Postal East Africa, Lydia Delhove in charge.
No. 33, Vila Luso, Angola, Portu- Rwesse Mission Dispensary.B.P. 65,
guese West Africa. Mrs. E. V. Her- Butembo, Congo Beige, Africa. W.
manson in charge. Palm in charge.

Sitoti Mission Dispensary.P.O. Sen- Tekerani Mission Dispensary.P.O.

anga, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Tekarani, Nyasaland, Africa. Mrs. A.
Mrs. R. C. Tarr in charge. V. Bambury in charge.
Tunis Dispensary.-2, rue de l'Eglise,
Solusi Mission Dispensary.Bulawayo, Tunis, Tunisia, North Africa. Nurse
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. F. B. in charge. Aline Barri.
Jewell in charge.
Utimbaru Mission Dispensary.P. 0.
Stockholm Hydro-Electric Institute. Tarime, via Musoma, Tanganyika,
Humlegardsgatan 18, Stockholm, East Africa. Missionary in charge,
Sweden. Established 1916. Corporate Mrs. F. G. Reid.
name: Stockholms Fysikaliska Ku- Utiolio Dispensary.Mission Adventists
ranstalt. Manager, J. P. Lindberg. Kirundu, D.Sp. Stanleyville, Province
Telephones: 610678, 625444. Orientale, Congo Beige, Central Af-
rica. Julia Hoel in charge.
Suji Mission Dispensary.P.O. Maka- "Vie et Sante" (Life and Health) In.
nya, Tanga Province, Tanganyika, stitute.Parc d'Hydra, Birmandreis,
East Africa. Missionary in charge, Alger, Algeria, North Africa.
Mrs. M. B. Musgrave.
Washington Sanitarium Mission Hos-
Sydney Treatment Rooms.-13 Hunter pital.-1252 Sixth Street, S.W., Wash-
Street, Sydney, New South Wales, ington, D.C. Director and Manager,
Australia. H. G. Hadley.

ADVENT PRESS Administration :

Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya Manager, D. P. da Silva.
Colony, East Africa Treasurer, B. E. Schunemann.
Superintendent, A. P. Mendes.
Manager: E. J. Trace. Chief Editor, Luiz Waldvogel.
Languages in which publications are Book Committee:
issued: Kisii, Luo, Luganda, Swahili. Luiz Waldvogel, Rodolpho Belz, W. A.
Bergherm, J. Linhares, D. P. da
Silva, R. A. Wilcox.
Periodicals Published:
Postal Address: P.O. Box 1016, Accra, 0 Atalaia (Watchman).
Gold Coast, West Africa. Editor, 0. E. Santo.
Manager: H. S. Pearce. Review and Herald (World Edition)
Editor, Luiz Waldvogel.
Parc d'Hydra 4, Birmandreis (Alger), Editor, Luiz Waldvogel.
Algeria, North Africa Vida e Saude (Life and Health).
Manager: C. Dudragne. Editors, 0. E. Santo, Antonio Mi-
randa, G. N. Vieira.


Verlagsbuchhandlung Rudolf BRITISH PUBLISHING HOUSE
Ueberbacher, Nussdorferstrasse 5, (Stanborough Press, Ltd.)
Vienna IX, Austria Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts.,
Established 1948 England
Telephone: A. 17484. Established 1889
Board of Management: L. Schneebauer, Cable Address: "Stanpress," Watford,
Chairman ; R. Ueberbacher, Secretary. Herts., England.
Manager: R. Ueberbacher.
Telephone: Garston (Watford) 2271-72.
Periodicals Published:
Jugendruf. Editor, F. Pieringer. Board of Management: W. W. Arm-
strong, Chairman ; J. H. Craven, Sec-
retary ; A. W. Cook, W. L. Emmer-
son, G. D. King, J. A. McMillan.
(Casa Publicadora Brasileira)
General Manager and Treasurer, J.
Caixa Postal 34, H. Craven.
Santo Andre, E.F.S.J., Sao Paulo, Editor, W. L. Emmerson.
Brazil, South America Circulation Manager, B. Belton.
Established 1906 Production Manager, C. Richter.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ata- Book Committee: W. W. Armstrong,
laia," Santo Andre, E.F.S.J., Sao B. Belton, A. W. Cook, J. 11. Craven,
Paulo, Brazil, South America. 0. M. Dorland, W. L. Emmerson,
Telephone: Santo Andre 2-3-4. J. A. McMillan, W. R. A. Madgwick.
Board of Management: Rodolpho Belz, Periodicals Published:
Chairman; J. Linhares, Vice-Chair- British Advent Messenger
man; D. P. da Silva, Secretary; Pe- Editor, W. L. Emmerson.
dro Camacho, J. G. Garcia, L. B. Hal-
liwell, M. S. Nigri, R. E. Oberg, Church Officers' Leader
F. M. Porto, Arry Raffo, B. E. Schu- Editor, J. A. McMillan.
nemann, Luiz Waldvogel, R. A. Wil- Good Health
cox, Emanuel Zorub. Editor, R. D. Vine.
Executive Committee: Rodolpho Belz,
Chairman ; J. Linhares, Vice-Chair- Light Bearer, The
man ; D. P. da Silva, Secretary ; Editor,
F. Gerling, A. P. Mendes, B. E. Present Truth
Schunemann, Luiz Waldvogel. Editor, W. L. Emmerson.

BUENOS AIRES PUBLISHING Board of Directors: W. A. Nelson,

HOUSE Chairman; G. E. Jones, Vice-Chair-
man; C. G. Maracle, Secretary-Treas-
(Casa Editora Sudamericana) urer ; E. E. Bietz, J. W. Bothe, J. M.
Avenida San Martin 4555, Florida, Bucy, C. M. Crawford, H. D. Hen-
F.C.N. Gral. Bme. Mitre, Buenos Aires, riksen, A. E. Millner, W. H. Roberts,
Argentina H. A. Shepard, W. A. Sowers, C. C.
Established 1897 Board of Management: W. A. Nelson,
Telegraphic Address: Casa Editora Sud- Chairman; G. E. Jones, Vice-Chair-
americana, Avenida San Martin 4555, man, C. G. Maracle, Secretary; P. G.
Florida, F. C. N. Gral. Bme. Mitre, Biy, J. M. Bucy, J. L. Leatherdale,
Buenos Aires, Argentina. ' A. E. Millner, H. A. Shepard, W. A.
Sowers, C. C. Weis, Dallas Youngs.
Telephones: Automatic Dial, 740-2426,
740-0416. Administration:
Board of Management: W. E. Murray, General Manager, C. G. Maracle ;
Chairman; 0. A. Blake, Vice-Chair- Assistant, J. L. Leatherdale.
man; F. L. Baer, Secretary; A. E. Superintendent, A. McIntyre.
Aeschlimann, E. Almonte, W. A. Book and Periodical Departments:
Bergherm, Fernando Chaij, F. Cho- Manager, R. E. Crawford ; Assist-
vanec, J. J. Oliveira, L. H. Olson, ant, P. J. Biy.
H. J. Peverini, Benjamin Riffel, Juan The circulation departments are op-
Riffel, Santiago Schmidt, Walter erated as a subsidiary business un-
Schubert, B. W. Steinweg. der the name of Signs of the Times
Publishing Association ; the manu-
House Executive Committee: F. L. facturing department is operated
Baer, Chairman ; David Biaggi, Sec- as a subsidiary business under the
retary. name of Maracle Printing Company.
Administration: Periodicals Published:
Manager and Treasurer, F. L. Baer. Canadian Signs of the Times
Superintendent, F. Chovanec. Editor, Dallas Youngs.
Book Committee: F. L. Baer, Chair- Le Messager
man; Fernando Chaij, Secretary; A. Editor, J. Revert.
E. Aeschlimann, W. A. Bergherm, D.
Hammerly, J. J. Oliveira, H. J.
Periodicals Published: ASSOCIATION
El Atalaya 3705 S. 48th St., Lincoln 6, Nebr.
Editor, Fernando Chaij. Established 1900
Juventud Telephone: 4-1119.
Editor, Lorenzo Baum.
Board of Management: M. V. Campbell,
La Revista Adventista Chairman ' C. W. Degering, Secre-
Editor, Fernando Chaij ; Associate, tary; D. C. Duffield, H. T. Elliott,
Gaston Clouzet. H. C. Hartman, L. E. Lenheim, W. B.
Mohr, W. B. Ochs, M. L. Rice, J. D.
Smith, C. L. Torrey.
HOUSE Manager and Editor, C. W. Degering.
Solunska 10, Sofia, Bulgaria Treasurer, D. C. Duffield.
Established 1924
Periodicals Published:
Telephone: 2-64-66. The Christian Record, a monthly mag-
Corporate Name: Knigoisdatelstvo "Nov azine for the blind.
Schivot." The Christian Record Sabbath School
Telegraphic Address: Sofia, Solunska 10. Monthly, containing the denomina-
Manager: D. Kiroff. tional lessons.
The Bible Expositor, dealing more
particularly with doctrinal subjects.
CANADIAN WATCHMAN PRESS The Children's Friend, a monthly
Box 398, Oshawa, Ontario journal in Braille for children on
the order of Our Little Friend.
Organized 1895; incorporated 1920 The first three of these publications
are printed in Revised Braille and New
Telephone: 3781-2. York Point types, the fourth is printed
Territory: The Canadian Union Con- in Braille only, and all are furnished
ference. free to the blind who desire them.

The Christian Record Benevolent As- FINLAND PUBLISHING HOUSE

sociation also has a free circulating Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland
library department, containing denomi-
national books and pamphlets and other Established 1897
books of general interest for free circu- Corporate Name: Kustannusliike, Kjr-
lation among the blind. These are sent jatoimi.
to the reader and returned to the office Cable Address: Kirjatoimi, Annegatan
franked by the government. The Voice 7, Helsingfors.
of Prophecy Free Bible Correspondence
Course is also published in Braille by Telephone: Helsingfors 36022.
the Association. Board of Management: A. Rintala,
Recorded denominational books pre- Chairman; A. Arasola, H. Karstrom,
pared by the Association are available Y. Miettinen, J. Onjukka, K. V.
as Talking Books for the blind through Osola, T. Seljavaara, V. Suscksdorff,
the regional branches of the Library of R. Svenson, A. Unhola.
Congress. Local Board: Y. Miettinen, Chairman.
Manager, Y. Miettinen.
Rarotonga, Cook Islands, Periodicals Published:
Pacific Ocean
Adventti-Airut (Review and Herald,
Established 1938 World Edition, Finnish.)
Editor, A. Unhola.
Manager: J. E. Cormack.
Nuori Usko
Editor, A. Unhola.
Siionin Ystava
Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark Editor, V. Sucksdorff.
Corporate Name: Dansk Bogforlag. Valon Viesti
Editor, K. V. Osola.
Cable Address: "Expedit," Copenhagen.
Local Board: Viggo Thomsen, Chair- (Imprimerie "Les Signes des Temps.")
man. 92 avenue Anatole France,
Business Manager: Viggo Thomsen. Dammarie-les-Lys (Seine et
Marne), France
Periodicals Published:
Established 1896
Advent Ungdom
Editor, Mogens Bakke. Telegraphic Address: Signes, Dam-
Missionsefterretninger marie-les-Lys (S.-et-M.).
Editor, Mogens Bakke. Telephone: Melun 521.
Review and Herald (World Edition)
Danish. Board of Management: W. R. Beach,
Editor, Mogens Bakke. Chairman ; R. Erdmann, Secretary ; J.
Bureaud, F. Charpiot, M. Fridlin,
Sundhedsbladet (Health Journal) R. Gerber, J. C. Guenin, A. Henriot,
Editors, A. Andersen, J. D. Hen- F. Jochmans, P. Lanares, F. Lavan-
riksen. chy, A. Mathy, A. Meyer, H. Muller,
Sundheds Evangelisten (Paper for K. Sturzenegger, C. Veuthey.
Medical Workers) House Committee: R. Erdmann, Chair-
Editor, J. D. Henriksen. man ; P. Cosendai, Secretary.
Tidernes Tegn (Missionary Paper) Administration:
Editor, Mogens Bakke.
Manager, R. Erdman.
Treasurer, P. Cosendai.
FIJI MISSION PRESS Periodicals Published:
Jeunesse (Youth).
Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean Editor, J. Boureau.
Established 1929 Moniteur, Le (Monthly Departmen-
tal Bulletin).
Manager: J. B. Keith. Editor, 0. Schuberth.
Periodical Published: Revue Adventiste, La (The Advent
Rarama (The Light). Review).
Editor, Peni Tavodi. Editor, L. A. Mathy.

Review and Herald (World Edition), Manager: B. Cyarmati.

Editor, R. Devins. Periodicals Published:
Signes des Temps (Signs of the Az Idok Jelei (Signs of the Times).
Times). Editor, J. Pechtol.
Editor, J. Boureau. Boldog Elet (Happy Life).
Vie et Sante (Life and Health). Editor, B. Gyarmati.
Managing Editor, C. Gerber.
Keramikou 18, Athens, Greece Box 262, Reykjavik, Iceland
Manager: A. N. Stabellos. Manager: Julius Gudmundsson.
Periodicals Published:
"Advent-Verlag G.m.b.H.", Grindel- Braedrabandid
berg 15a, (24a) Hamburg 13, British Editor, Julius Gudmundsson.
Zone, Germany
Established 1889
Telephones: 44 85 70 Hamburg. INDO-CHINA PRESS
44 81 03 Hamburg. 124 Route Nationale 22, Phu-nhuan,
Board of Management: W. Mueller, Saigon, Indo-China
Chairman ; W. Bentlin, Secretary, Established 1939
0. Brozio, M. Budnick, M. Busch,
S. Christoffers, G. Fenner, 0. Gmeh- Manager: Pham-Thien.
ling, A. Minek, W. Raecker, 0. Languages in which publications are
Schildhauer, G. Seng, M. Voigt, A. issued: Annamese, Cambodian, and
Wicklein. French.
Literature Committee: E. Berner, A.
Burger, S. Christoffers, R. Dettmar,
W. Edener, 0. Gmehling, S. Lupke, INDONESIA PUBLISHING HOUSE
W. Nehls, H. Schmitz, K. Sinz, P. (Pertjetakan Pertandaan Zaman)
Staubert, H. Werner, A. Wicklein.
Manager: S. Christoffers.
Naripan 63, Bandung, Java
Periodicals Published: Established 1929
Das Wort zur Zeit (The Word For
the Time). Cable Address: "Adventist," Bandung.
Editor, W. Nehls. Administration:
Der Adventbote (Advent Messenger). Manager, H. E. R. Schell (Acting).
Editor, S. Christoffers. Treasurer, J. H. Lesiasel.
Der Gemeindehelfer (Church Helper). Translators, D. Batoebara, T. D.
Editor, M. Busch. Manullang.
Leben and Gesundheit (Life and Periodicals Published:
Health). Adventbode
Editor, E. Schneider. Editor, P. Klop.
"Vollmer and Bentlin G.m.b.H." Pertandaan Zaman
(Printing Office) Editor, M. E. Diredja.
Grindelberg 15a, (24a) Hamburg 13, Tekenen des Tijds
British Zone, Germany Editor, P. Klon.
Telephones: 44 85 70 Hamburg. Warta Geredja
44 81 03 Hamburg. Editor, M. E. Diredja.
Manager: W. Bentlin. Languages in which publications are
House Committee: W. Bentlin, Chair- issued: Dutch, Batak (Toba), Indo-
man ; H. Gotting, Secretary. nesian, Javanese, Sundanese, Nias.


Budapest XII. Nemetvolgyi ut 26. (Casa Editrice "L'Araldo della Verita")
Hungary Via Trieste 23, Florence, Italy
Established 1912 Established 1928
Corporate Name: "Elet es Egeszseg Telephone: 45-406.
Kiadovallalat." House Committee: G. Fenz, Chairman.

Administration: Telephone: Tananarive No. 2-91.

Manager, G. Fenz. Manager: H. L. Henriksen.
Treasurer, Maria Lippolis. Factory Superintendent: R. Villeneuve.
Editor, F. Sabatino.
Periodicals Published: Periodicals, tracts, and books published
in Malagasy.
Messaggero Avventista (Advent Re-
Segni dei Tempi (Signs of the Times) MALAMULO PRESS
P.O. Malamulo, Nyasaland, Africa
Telegraphic Address: Malamulo, Nyasa-
1966 Kamikawai Machi, Hodagaya-ku land.
Yokohama, Japan
Board of Management: S. G. Maxwell,
Established 1908 Chairman ; A. Tyson-Flyn, Secretary ;
Cable Address: "Adventist," Tokyo. A. H. Brandt, I. T. Crowder, P.
Telephone: 39-2869. Stevenson.
Board of Management: F. R. Millard, Manager: A. Tyson-Flyn.
Chairman ; K. W. Tilghman, Secre- Translators: Moffat Chona, Master
tary ; V. E. Adams, W. I. Hilliard, H. Samuel.
Kajiyama, M. Miyake, M. H. Reeder,
Y. Seino, E. Shibata. Publications in Nyanja: Sabbath School
Quarterly, "Mlengezi" (Church pa-
Administration: per), Tracts, and Colporteur Litera-
Manager and Treasurer, K. W. Tilgh- ture.
Factory Superintendent, V. E. Adams.
Periodicals Published:
399 Upper Serangoon Road,
Jicho (Signs of the Times) Singapore 13, Colony of Singapore
Editor, Y. Seino.
Kodomo no Gakuin (Our Little Established 1917
Friend) Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
Editor, Y. Seino. ventist," Singapore.
Sabbath School Quarterly Board of Management: J. M. Nerness,
Editor, Mrs. F. R. Millard. Chairman ; V. D. Bond, Vice-Chair-
Shimei (The Message) man and Secretary; Blanche Keas-
Editor, K. Kuniya. berry, Assistant Secretary; Y. F.
Choo, C. C. Cleveland, C. C. Huang,
R. M. Milne, R. A. Pohan, Samuel
72 U Wisara Road, Administration:
Rangoon Cantt., Burma
Manager, V. D. Bond.
Established 1949 Treasurer, K. T. Kong.
Postal Address: P.O. Box No. 977, Ran- Accountant, Blanche Keasberry.
goon, Burma. Editor, Samuel Tsai.
Shop Superintendent, Y. F. Choo.
Periodical Published:
Manager, J. 0. Wilson.
Treasurer and Book Depot Manager, Shi Djao Yueh Bao (Chinese Signs of
W. Martin. the Times, Overseas Edition).
Literature Committee: Burmese: Saya Languages in which publications are
Saw U, Chairman ; Deacon David, issued: Batak, Cambodian, Chinese,
Mrs. Myat Maung, Pein Gyi, J. 0. Dusun, English, Lao, Malay (Arabic,
Wilson. Sgaw Karen: Maung Sein, English Romanized, and Dutch Ro-
Chairman; Ah Chu, Barnabas Peter, manized), Palauan, Siamese (Thai).
Chit Maung, Myat Po, Thara Paul.
Pwo Karen: Daw Susie, Ba Nyein,
Kalee Paw, Myat Pe, Thein Ngwe.
P.O. Box 1011, Beirut, Lebanon
MALAGASY PUBLISHING HOUSE Cable Address: "Adventist," Beirut.
(Librairie Adventists) Manager.
Ambohijatovo, Tananarive, Madagascar
Periodicals Published:
Established 1930 Blessed Hope (Arabic).
Cable Address: Adventiste, Tananarive. Middle East Messenger.

Languages in which publications are Manufacturing Manager, Trygve Op-

issued: Arabic, Armenian, Pharsee, sahl.
Syriac, Turkish. Book Committee: P. G. Nelson, E.
Bjaanes, Olaf Wiik.
NETHERLAND PUBLISHING Periodicals Published:
HOUSE Evangeliets Sendebud (Gospel Mes-
van Weede van Dijkveldstraat 77, senger)
Editor, Olaf Wiik.
The Hague, Netherland
Norsk Advent-Ungdom (Norwegian
Corporate Name: Stichting. Boekenhuis Advent Youth).
"Veritas." Editor, Johan Elisenberg.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Veritas, Review and Herald (World Edition)
The Hague. Norwegian.
Telephone: 55 41 40, The Hague. Editor, Olaf Wiik.
Board of Management: F. J. Voorthuis,
Sunnhetsbladet (Health Journal).
Chairman ; T. M. Eijkelenboom, J. Editor, Arthur Collett Associate,
van Iterson, J. Lankhorst, K. Sloot, Olaf Wiik.
P. van Oossanen, K. Tilstra. Tidens Tale (Signs of the Times).
Editor, Olaf Wiik.
Manager, F. J. Voorthuis.
Treasurer, J. R. de Jong.
Book Committee: W. Betram, J. Lank- ORIENTAL WATCHMAN PUBLISH-
horst, P. van Oossanen, F. J. Voort- ING HOUSE
huis, J. van Iterson, W. Jong, K. Salisbury Park, Poona, India
Tilstra. Established 1898
Periodicals Published: Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Watch-
Bijbellessen (Sabbath School Lessons) man," Poona.
De Adventbode (Advent Messenger) Telephone: Poona 3065.
Editor, F. J. Voorthuis. Postal Address: P.O. Box No. 35, Poona
De Jonge Advent-Heraut (The Young 1, India.
Advent-Messenger) Board of Management: R. H. Pierson,
Editor, N. Heijkoop. Chairman; L. C. Shepard, Vice-
De Vriend der Kinderen (Friend of Chairman ; E. M. Meleen, Secretary ;
the Children) C. N. Abraham, J. F. Ashlock, E. A.
Editor, Miss M. Wijnkoop. Crane, J. A. Johanson, D., S. John-
De Zendingsvriend (Friend of Mis- son, M. E. Kemmerer, R. S. Lowry,
sions) M. 0. Manley, 0. 0. Mattison, M. S.
Editor, F. J. Voorthuis. Prasada Rao, J. L. Shannon, F. E.
Spiess, E. D. Thomas.
Teekenen des Tijds (Signs of the
Times) Manager and Treasurer: L. C. Shepard.
Editor, F. J. Voorthuis. Literature Committee: R. H. Pierson,
Chairman ; G. Isaiah, W. H. McHenry,
E. M. Meleen, L. G. Mookerjee, A. E.
NORWEGIAN PUBLISHING HOUSE Rawson, L. C. Shepard, E. D. Thomas.
Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway Periodicals Published:
The Oriental Watchman and Herald
Established 1879 ; reorganized of Health
1911 and 1940 Editor, E. M. Meleen ; Associate,
Corporate Name: Norsk Bokforlag. H. C. Menke].
Cable Address: Sunnhetsbladet, Oslo. Eastern Tidings
Editor, E. M. Meleen ; Assistant,
Telephones: 410486, 412550. Ina White.
Board of Directors: (Hovedstyre) P. G.
Nelson, Chairman ; E. Bjaanes, Sec- Kerala Deepam
retary; George Audersen, 0. Fren- Editor, E. M. Meleen ; Assistant,
ning, Paul Frivold, Alf Lohne, Leif L. C. George.
Nilsen, J. N. Reiakvam, Trygve Op- Kyan-Ma-Yai (Burmese)
sahl, Olaf Wiik. Editor, Saya Saw U.
Board of Management: (Driftstyre) lVfarga Darsi (Telugu)
E. Bjaanes, Alf Lohne, Agnes Lovlie, Editor, E. M. Meleen ; Associates,
Trygve Opsahl, Aksel Steen, Olaf C. B. Williams, J. B. Oliver.
Vetne, Olaf Wiik.
Nalvazhi (Tamil)
Administration: Editor, E. M. Meleen ; Associates,
General Manager, E. Bjaanes. J. S. Dason, 3, B. Oliver.

Swasthya our Jiwan P. R. Miramontes, M. L. Neff, C. L.

Editor, E. M. Meleen ; Assistant, Paddock, C. L. Paddock, Jr., G. A.
B. A. Howard. Perrine, R. P. Rowe, J. M. Rowse,
Eugene Sample, W. J. Siegenthaler,
Languages in which publications are F. A. Soper, C. L. Torrey, W. R.
issued: Bengali, Burmese, English, Wollard, I. J. Woodman.
Gujarati, Gurmukhi, Hindi, Kanarese,
Khasi, Lushai, Malayalam, Marathi, Periodicals Published:
Mundari, Oriya, Pwo Karen, Santali, Alert
Sgau Karen, Singhalese, Tamil, Telu- Editor, J. A. Buckwalter.
gu, Urdu. (Literature is being pub- Listen
lished in Pwo Karen, Oriya, and Mun- Editor, J. A. Buckwalter.
dari, but not in our own institutions.)
My Bible Story
Editor, Mrs. Madge H. Morrill ;
Office Editor, Eugene Sample.
ASSOCIATION Our Little Friend
Editor, Eugene Sample; Associate,
Mountain View, California F. A. Soper.
Established 1876 Present Truth
Editor, M. L. Neff ; Assistant, F. A.
Telephone: YOrkshire 7-5527. Soper.
Cable Address: "Pacific Press," Moun- Signs of the Times
tain View, Calif. Editor, A. S. Maxwell; Associate,
TerritOry: The Pacific, North Pacific, M. L. Neff ; Assistant, F. A.
Central, and Northern Union Confer- Soper.
ences and the Inter-American Divi- Sabbath School Lesson Quarterlies
sion Conference.
Board of Management: W. P. Elliott, Central Branch
Chairman; H. G. Childs, I. J. Wood- 2621 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebr.
man, Vice-Chairmen ; J. L. Jones, Manager: W. R. Wollard ; Assistant,
Secretary ; C. L. Bauer, M. V. Camp- W. R. Lawson.
bell, H. K. Christman, E. W. Ever-
est, A. S. Maxwell, M. L. Neff, R. P. Northwest Branch
Rowe, C. A. Striven, J. D. Smith. 2101 N.E. Flanders St., Portland 15,
Advisory Committee: Oregon
The secretary and publishing depart- Manager: W. G. Siegenthaler; Assist-
ment secretary of the Inter-American ant, Orvil Driskell.
Division of the General Conference Pacific Branch
of Seventh-day Adventists; presidents
of the local conferences in the State Box 548, Mountain View, Calif.
of California; and J. H. Cochran, Manager: J. M. Rowse; Assistant,
former manager of the Association, D. A. Lau.
shall constitute the Advisory Com-
mittee. Inter-American Branch Factory
Administration: Box 5007, Cristobal, Canal Zone
General Manager, H. G. Childs ; As- Administration:
sociate, I. J. Woodman. Manager, C. L. Paddock, Jr.,
Treasurer, R. P. Rowe; Assistant, Cashier, R. N. Bowen.
G. A. Perrine.
Superintendent, C. L. von Pohle.
Manager Book Department, E. W. Editor, M. I. Fayard.
Everest; Associate, C. L. Paddock.
Periodical Department, H. K. Christ- Advisory Committee: C. L. Paddock,
man ; Assistant, Ray Hixson. Jr., Chairman ; R. N. Bowen, J. C.
Superintendent, J. L. Jones; Assist- Culpepper, A. H. Roth, C. L. von
ant, H. G. Simshauser. Pohle, W. A. Wild.
Art Director, P. R. Miramontes. Periodicals Published:
Book Editor, M. L. Neff.
Publishing Committee: R. C. Baker, C. El Centinela
L. Bauer, Henry Bergh, A. L. El Amigo De Los Ninos
Bietz, A. W. Browne, H. G. Childs,
H. K. Christman, J. H. Cochran, International Branch
J. C. Culpepper, W. P. Elliott, A. A. Brookfield, Ill.
Esteb, E. W. Everest, M. I. Fayard,
E. M. Fishell, T. R. Flaiz, Fred- Manager: I. T. Johnson.
erick Griggs, II. H. Hicks, G. A. House Committee: I. T. Johnson,
Huse, J. M. Jackson, I. T. Johnson, Chairman ; L. E. Lenheim, J. L.
J. L. Jones, C. N. Lake, Ada M. McConaughey, J. B. Penner, Tycho
Leavett, Ernest Lloyd, A. S. Maxwell, Onstad, E. Thuesen.

Periodicals Published: Administration:

Botschafter Manager and Treasurer, N. B. Vining.
Editor, J. B. Penner. Superintendent, J. A. Leland.
Evangeliets Sendebud Editor, R. L. Odom.
Editor, Henry Grundset. Editorial Staff: R. L. Odom, Editor-in-
I Segni Dei Tempi chief ; P. G. Poblete (Tagalog) ; I. A.
Editor, R. Calderone. Kintanar (Cebuan) ; J. Tauro (Pana-
Signs of Our Time (Ukrainian) yan) ; Alvaro Roda (Ilocano).
Editor, S. J. Demchuck. Periodicals Published:
Sions Vaktare Mizpa (Cebuan Church Paper)
Editor, Olaf Granlund. Mizpa (Ilocano Church Paper)
Zeichen der Zeit
Editor, J. B. Penner. Mizpa (Panayan Church Paper)
Managing Editor: I. T. Johnson. Mizpa (Tagalog Church Paper)
The Pacific Press Publishing Associa- S.S. Quarterly, Primary and Senior
tion at its main office and two factory (Bicol, Cebuan, Ilocano, Panayan,
branches, issues: Tagalog.)
Periodicals and Magazines in Bohemian, Languages in which publications are
Danish-Norwegian, Dutch, English, issued: Bicol, Cebuan, Chinese, Eng-
Finnish, German, Greek, Hungarian, lish, Ilocano, Pampangan, Panayan,
Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Pangasinan, Samarenyo, Tagalog,
Rumanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak- Zambal.
ian, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian,
Yiddish, and English-Yiddish.
Sabbath School Lesson Quarterlies in
Bohemian, Danish-Norwegian, Eng- Lubelska 25, Krakow, Poland
lish, German, Hungarian, Italian, Established 1921; reorganized 1947
Jugoslavian, Polish, Russian, Slovak-
ian, Spanish, Swedish, and Ukrain- Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
ian. vent," Krakow.
Telephone: 508-69.
Books, Pamphlets, and Tracts in Arabic,
Armenian, Bohemian, Croatian, Dan- Corporate Name: Wydawnictwo "Zna-
ish-Norwegian, Dutch, English, Fin- ki Czasu" (Signs of Times).
nish, German, Greek, Hungarian, Ice- Administration:
landic, Italian, Malay, Polish, Portu-
guese, Rumanian, Russian, Serbian, Manager, Josef. Rosiecki.
Slovakian, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrain- Treasurer, S. Dabrowski.
ian, Yiddish and English-Yiddish ; Editor, Josef Rosiecki ; Associate, J.
and stocks in the Oriental languages. Barody.
Periodicals Published:
Lekcje Biblijne (Sabbath School
Bisiatabu, Port Moresby, Papua, Slugs Zboru (Church Servant).
Pacific Ocean Znaki Czasu (Signs of the Times),
Established 1937
Manager: R. M. Ellison.
Language: Motuan.
Rua Joaquim Bonifacio 17,
Lisbon, Portugal
Baesa, Coloocan, Rizal, Manager: P. Ribeiro.
Philippine Islands
Editor: E. Ferreira.
Established 1914
Local Board: E. Fereira, Chairman ;
Cable Address: "Adventists," Manila. P. Ribeiro, Secretary.
Postal Address: Box 813, Manila, Periodicals Published:
Philippines. Revista Adventists
Telegraphic Address: "Filpub," Manila. Saude e Lar
Board of Management: E. M. Adams,
Chairman ; N. B. Vining, Secretary ; REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISH-
E. L. Becker, R. D. Brion, P. R. ING ASSOCIATION
Diaz, G. de Guzman, R. L. Odom,
Eric Ristau. Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.

Established 1849 ; incorporated 1861 ; Life and Health

reincorporated 1903 Editor, J. DeWitt Fox; Assistant
Telephone: GEorgia 3700. editor, D. A. Delafield ; Consult-
ing Editors, T. R. Flaiz, H. M.
Cable Address: "Randh," Washington. Walton, R. A. Hare, W. E. Mac-
Territory: The Atlantic, Columbia, and pherson, J. W. McFarland.
Lake Union Conferences. Medical Arts and Sciences
Board of Trustees: E. D. Dick, Chair- Editor, W. E. Macpherson ; Associ-
man ; H. A. Morrison, Vice-Chairman ; ate Editors, H. J. Hara, R. A.
C. E. Palmer, Secretary; D. A. Bailey, Mortensen, T. R. Flaiz, J. W.
R. J. Christian, H. J. Detwiler, Fred- McFarland, C. W. Olsen ; Man-
erick Lee, L. E. Lenheim, F. D. aging Editor, J. DeWitt Fox.
Nichol, D. A. Ochs, W. B. Ochs, The Ministry
M. L. Rice, J. D. Snider, M. R.
Thurber, W. H. Williams. Editor, R. A. Anderson ; Associate
Editors, W. H. Branson, L. K.
Administration: Dickson, M. K. Eckenroth, G. E.
General Manager, H. A. Morrison. Vandeman, Louise C. Kleuser ;
Treasurer, C. E. Palmer. Office Editor, Ben Glanzer.
Superintendent, , Assistant, The North American Informant
V. N. Clymer.
Book Department Manager, J. D. ' Editor, G. E. Peters; Associate
Snider; Associate, D. A. Bailey. Editor, W. B. Ochs.
Periodical Department Manager, R. J. Sabbath School Worker
Christian ; Associates, C. R. Mac-
Ivor, J. M. Jackson; Assistant, Editor, L. L. Moffitt; Associate
P. S. Douglas. Editors, W. J. Harris, E. B. Hare,
Advertising Manager, Life and H. W. Lowe, Louise Meyer ; As-
Health, C. It. MacIvor. sistant Editors, Ethel Howard,
Art Director, T. K. Martin. Mary Ogle.
Book Editor, M. It. Thurber ; Associ- The Youth's Instructor
ate, H. M. Tippett.
Editor, Lora E. Clement ; Associate
Book Committee: H. A. Morrison, Editor, Frederick Lee ; Consult-
Chairman; M. R. Thurber, Secretary ; ing Editors, L. L. Moffitt, E. W.
Wesley Amundsen, It. A. Anderson, Dunbar, K. J. Reynolds.
M. L. Andreasen, D. A. Bailey, W.
A. Butler, R. J. Christian, Lora E.
Clement, D. A. Delafield, E. D. Dick,
Elliott, J. DeWitt Fox. Strada Mitropolitul Ghenadie
E. E. Franklin, L. E. Froom, Ben Petersen 116
Glanzer, C. B. Haynes, G. A. Huse, Bucuresti IV, Rumania
T. H. Jemison, M. E. Kern, Frederick
Lee, Holger Lindsjo, T. E. Lucas, Established 1920
D. A. McAdams, J. W. McFarland, Corporate Name: "Graiul Literar,"
L. L. Moffitt, F. D. Nichol, M. E. Institut de Arte Grafice si Editura.
Olsen, T L. Oswald, C. E. Palmer,
Local Committee: A. Vacareanu, Chair-
D. E. Rebok, K. J. Reynolds, J. D.
Snider, J. A. Stevens, H. M. Tippett, man.
C. E. Weniger, F. M. Wilcox, L. H. Administration:
Wood, F. H. Yost. Manager, A. Vacareanu.
Periodicals Published: Treasurer, G. Radoi.
Editors, A. Vacareanu, G. Graur.
Advent Review and Sabbath Herald
Editor, F. D. Nichol ; Consulting Book Committee:
Editor, W. H. Branson ; Associate Rumanian: D. Florea, A. Vacareanu,
Editors, Frederick Lee, F. M. V. Florescu, P. Paulini, St. Deme-
Wilcox, W. A. Spicer; Assistant trescu, V. Diaconescu.
Editor, D. A. Delafield. Hungarian: V. Truppel, D. Farkas,
A. Szentagotai.
Journal of True Education German: I. Bauer, I. Dengel, G.
Editor, K. J. Reynolds ; Associ- Proksch.
ate Editors, E. E. Cossentine, G.
M. Mathews, L. R. Rasmussen,
Liberty Apia, Samoa, Pacific Ocean
Editor, H. H. Votaw ; Associate Established 1949
Editors, A. W. Johnson, S. C.
Harris ; Office Editor, M. R. Manager: H. B. Christian.
Thurber. Periodical Published: Tali Moni.


Hsu Hwa, Ku Chang Sheng, Liu Han
Rosmead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape Hsiang, Shan Ying Ming, Mrs. Tsai,
Province, South Africa Wong Sung Tao.
Established 1916
Periodicals Published:
Telegraphic and Cable Address: "Sen-
tinel," Kenilworth, Cape. An Hsi Jeh Hsuo Ko (Sabbath School
Board of Management: C. W. Bozarth,
Chairman ; M. E. Dawson, Secretary ; Ching Nien Chih Yu (Friend of Youth)
K. F. Ambs, F. L. Bell, F. G. Clifford, Chuan Tao Chieh (Evangelists)
W. D. Eva, S. J. Fourie, E. D. Mo Sheng (Shepherd's Call)
Hanson, P. M. Lewis, S. G. Max-
well, E. A. Moon, A. W. Staples, Shi Djao Yueh Bao (Signs of the
J. M. Staples, G. S. Stevenson, J. van Times)
de Merwe, W. R. Vail.
Manager and Treasurer, M. E. Daw-
son. Chyung-yang-ri, Seoul, Korea
Superintendent, F. L. Bell. Established 1909
Editor, G. S. Stevenson. Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
Translators, J. L. Milford, P. A. ventist," Seoul.
Periodicals Published: Officers:
Signs of the Times Manager,
Treasurer, You Chul Choon.
Tekens van die Tye
Periodicals Published:
The Southern African Division Out-
look Church Compass
Editor, F. G. Clifford; Assistant, Editor, Theodora Wangerin; Assist.
ant, Oh Sung Ryang.
Languages in which publications are Sabbath School Quarterly
issued: Afrikaans, Chibemba, Chin- Editor, Theodora Wangerin.
yanja, Chishona, Chitonga, English, Signs of the Times
Kiluba, Lamba, Luganda, Luo, Por- Editor, Theodora Wangerin; Assist-
tuguese, Runyarunda, Sechwana, Se- ant, New Young Soon.
suto, Silozi, Swahili, Umbundu, Xosa,
SIGNS OF THE TIMES PUBLISH- Warburton, Victoria, Australia
ING HOUSE Established 1905
515 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai 19, China Cable Address: "Signs,"' Warburton.
Established 1905 Telephones: Warburton 1, 91.
Cable Address: "Signs," Shanghai. Board of Management: N. C. Wilson,
Board of Management: Hsu Hwa, Chair- Chairman ; F. A. Mote, W. L. Pascoe,
man; Chang Kuo En, Chang Po Vice-Chairmen ; C. F. L. Ulrich, Secre-
Ching, Chen Ming, Chiao Hung Fen, tary ; A. H. Battye, W. E. Battye, G.
H. S. Chio, Du Shu Ren, Benjamin Butler, R. P. Brown, E. R. Gane, A.
Gia, Goh Chao Oh, Goh Chao Ling, W. Dawson, P. A. Donaldson, W. J.
P. T. Ho, Keng Kun Lin, S. J. Lee, Ellis, S. C. Greive, W. T. Hooper,
T. S. Lee, Leung Noi To, David Lin, G. H. A. McClaren, H. G. Moulds,
Liu Chang Li, Herbert Liu, Ning R. E. Pengilley, J. C. H. Shirley,
Lan Tang. R. M. Wallace.
Shan Ying Min, H. C. Shen, Shen Administration:
Tien Ran, H. H. Tan, Wang Fu Yuen, Manager, C. F. L. Ulrich.
T. T. Wang, Wu Ming Seng. Accountant, R. E. Pengilley.
Administration: Production Manager, W. J. Ellis.
"Signs of the Times" Field Promotion
General and Circulation Manager, Manager, P. A. Donaldson.
T. S. Lee.
Treasurer, K. L. Keng. Book Committee:
Factory Superintendent, Benjamin C. F. L. Ulrich, R. P. Brown, J. B.
Gia. Conley, R. E. Hare, Marian M. Hay,
House Committee: T. S. Lee, Ching E. R. Gane, F. A. Mote, A. G.
Chung Mei, Benjamin Gia, Hsing Hsi Stewart
Ling, K. L. Keng, Nan Hsiang Chun, Periodicals Published:
Ou Yang, Yu Kang, Pan Kwei Sheng, Australasian Record
Shan Ying Ming, Yang Pen Swang, Editor, A. G. Stewart.
Wang Sung Tao. Health
Editorial Staff: Chin Chang Ching, Mrs. Editor, R. M. Wallace.

Missionary Leader Managing Editor, R. E. Finney, Jr.

Editor, A. G. Stewart. The Message Magazine
Our Little Friend Editor, L. B. Reynolds.
Editor, Marian M. Hay. These Times
Signs of the Times Editor, R. E. Finney, Jr.
Editor, R. P. Brown.


Tipaerui, Papeete, Tahiti, Society (Editorial Espanola)
Islands, Pacific Ocean Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain
Manager: M. P. Nouan. Established 1915
Periodical Published: Tiarama (The Telegraphic Address: "Advent," Madrid.
Light). MEtnager: E. Abenia.


Betikama, Guadalcanal, Solomon
Islands, Pacific Ocean Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden
Manager: J. D. Anderson. Established 1895
Cable Address: "Advent," Stockholm.
SOUTHERN PUBLISHING ASSOCIA- Telephones: 107560, 107568.
ADVENTISTS Corporate Name: Skandinaviska For-
2119-2125 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, lagsexpeditionen.
Nashville 8, Tenn. Publishing Board: A. Y. Rintala, A. An-
Established 1901 derson, 0. Angervo, K. Axelsson, G.
Telephone: 5-3183. Berglund, S. Bjur, D. Carlsson, C.
Gidlund, E. H. Larsson, E. Roslin.
Postal Address: Box 59, Nashville 2,
Tenn. Manager: E. H. Larsson.
Cable Address: "Southern," Nashville. Periodicals Published:
Territory: The Southern and South- Advent Harolden (Review and Herald,
western Union Conferences. World Edition, Swedish)
Board of Directors: Glenn Calkins, Editor, E. Soderberg.
Chairman ; V. G. Anderson, H. P. Missionaren
Evens, J. W. Turner, Vice-Chairmen; Editor, 0. Angervo.
R. M. Eldridge, Secretary; R. M. Sundhetsbladet
Davidson, H. T. Elliott, I. M. Evans, Editor, I. Unhall ; Associate editor,
R. E. Finney, Jr., M. J. Harvey,
S. Bjur.
I. H. Ihrig, H. It. Murphy, N. C.
Nelsen, F. 0. Sanders. Tidens Tecken
Administration: Editor, 0. Angervo.
General Manager, H. P. Evens.
Ungdomens Budbarare
Editors, G. Linde, Ingrid Albiner.
Treasurer, It. M. Davidson.
Superintendent, N. C. Nelsen.
Book Department Manager, M. J.
Periodical Department Manager, I. H. (Advent Verlag)
Publishing Committee: H. P. Evens, Gubelstrasse 23, Zurich 50, Switzerland
Chairman ; M. J. Harvey, Secretary, Manager: G. Tobler.
R. A. Anderson, H. M. Burwell, R. G. Periodicals Published:
Campbell, It. M. Davidson, E. W. Dun- Leben and Gesundheit (Life and
bar, R. M. Eldridge, H. T. Elliott, Health)
R. E. Finney, Jr., T. R. Flaiz, Eric Editor, A. Haenel.
Hare, Kenneth Holland, G. A. Huse.
I. H. Ihrig, Mary Moore, N. C. Nelsen, Review and Herald (World edition in
G. E. Peters, F. L. Peterson, L. R. the German language)
Rasmussen, L. B. Reynolds, L. F. Zeichen der Zeit (Signs of the Times)
Thiel, B. E. Wagner, R. H. Wentland, Editor, It. Gerber.
F. H. Yost.
Book Editor: L. F. Thiel (Acting).
Periodicals Published: TIBETAN MISSION PRESS
The Church Officers' Gazette Kangting, Sikang, China
Editor, J. I. Robison. (Operation temporarily suspended.)

General Periodicals

Advent Review and Sabbath Herald: Publishing Association, Box 898, Osh-
Denominational church paper, es- awa, Ontario, Canada ; editor, Dallas
tablished 1849 ; published weekly ; Youngs.
annual subscription, $4.75 ; Revitw Children's Friend, The: a monthly jour-
and Herald Publishing Association, nal for blind children, printed in
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. ; Braille by the Christian Record Be-
editor, F. D. Nichol; consulting edi- nevolent Association, 3705 S. 48th
tor, W. H. Branson, associate edi- St., Lincoln 6, Nebr. ; editor and
tors, Frederick Lee, F. M. Wilcox, manager, C. W. Degering.
W. A. Spicer ; assistant editor, D. A.
Christian Record, The: printed for the
blind in Revised Braille and in New
World Edition. This is a 16-page York Point, monthly, 56 pages, sent
monthly condensation of material that free to blind persons; published by
has appeared in the weekly Review. the Christian Record Benevolent As-
This World Edition is prepared in the sociation, 3705 S. 48th St., Lincoln 6,
editorial offices of the Review in Nebr. ; editor and manager, C. W.
Washington, D.C., and copies mailed Degering.
to the various English speaking areas Christian Record Sabbath School
of the world. At the same time a Monthly, The: containing the denomi-
copy of the English edition is air- national Sabbath school lessons; pub-
mailed to various publishing houses lished in embossed type, by the Chris-
overseas for translation into certain tian Record Benevolent Association,
languages, and also for printing and 3705 S. 48th St., Lincoln 6, Nebr. ;
circulating among the members who Editor and manager, C. W. Degering.
speak those languages. These lan-
guages are: Afrikaans, Danish, Dutch, Church Officers' Gazette: 32-page
Finnish, French, German, Norwegian, monthly, devoted to general promo-
Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish. tion material for Young People's and
Home Missionary Societies, Home and
Alert: Published quarterly, is the of- Parent Education, and Temperance.
ficial organ of the International Annual subscription, $1.75; in clubs
Temperance Association. Regular of 4 or 6 copies, $1.60 each; 6 or
membership $2.00 ; contributing mem- more copies, $1.50 each; published by
bership $5.00 ; sustaining membership the Southern Publishing Assn., Box
10.00 ; life membership $100.00. Alert 59, Nashville, Tenn. ; editor, J. I.
is sent to all members of the Associa- Robison ; associate editors, T. L. Os-
tion. Editor, J. A. Buckwalter ; Edi- wald, E. W. Dunbar, E. E. Roenfelt ;
torial office, Takoma Park, Washing- assistant editors, Mildred Johnson,
ton 12, D.C.; publishing office, Pacific Mrs. Arabella M. Williams, Mrs. Mary
Press Publishing Assn., Mountain L. Scott.
View, Calif.
Church Officers' Leader, The: An 8-page
The Bible and Our Times (British) : monthly for the promotion of depart-
Devoted to' the exposition of Bible mental activities in the British Union
truth and signs of the times: 16-page Conference. Annual subscription 2/6d
semimonthly, annual subscription 8/6d ($.35). The Stanborough Press Lim-
($1.19) ; Stanborough Press Limited, ited, Stanborough Park, Watford,
Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts., Herts., England; editor, J. A. Mc-
England; Editor, W. L. Emmerson. Millan.
Bible Expositor, The: A 42-page monthly Color Set: Outline Pictures for the
journal for the blind, printed in children to color. The pictures are on
Revised Braille and New York the topics of the Sabbath school les-
Point, dealing with Bible doctrines ; sons ; 35 cents a year. Published by
published by the Christian Record Review and Herald Publishing Asso-
Benevolent Association, 3705 S. 48th ciation, Takoma Park 12, D. C.
St., Lincoln 6, Nebr. ; editor and Dorcas Letter, The: A medium of ex-
manager, C. W. Degering. change between Dorcas society lead-
Canadian Signs of the Times: 20-page ers throughout the world. Printed
monthly; annual subscription, $2.00; 8-page; issued quarterly. No charge.
published by the Signs of the Times Editor,

Good Health: A 20-page monthly health $100.00. All but Junior members will
journal, teaching the principles of receive Listen as part of their mem-
healthful living and the rational treat- bership fees. Editor, J. A. Buckwal-
ment of disease; annual subscription ter, Takoma Park, Washington 12,
5/- ($ .70). The Stanborough Press D.C.; published by Pacific Press Pub-
Limited, Stanborough Park, Watford, lishing Assn., Mountain View, Calif.
Herts., England; editor, R. D. Vine.
Message Magazine, The: An illustrated
Health: 32-page bi-monthly ; annual missionary magazine containing art-
subscription 6s ; foreign subscription, icles setting forth Bible truths writ-
7s ; published by the Signs Publishing ten by leading Negro evangelists and
Co., Warburton, Victoria, Australia; writers of the country. Annual sub-
editor, R. M. Wallace. scription, $1.75 ; published monthly,
by the Southern Publishing Assn.,
Journal of True Education: Official Nashville, Tenn. ; editor, L. B.
organ of Department of Education Reynolds.
of Seventh-day Adventists ; journal of
Christian education in elementary, Ministry, The: 48-page monthly; annual
secondary, and collegiate fields ; a subscription, $2.50: official organ of
32-page magazine; published five the Ministerial Association of Sev-
times a year, February, April, June, enth-day Adventists ; also medium of
October, and December ; yearly. sub- communication between members of
scription, $1.50, published by Review the Medical Missionary Association
and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park, of Seventh-day Adventists ; published
Washington 12, D.C. ; editor, K. J. for the Ministerial Association by
Reynolds; associate editors, E. E. the Review and Herald Pub. Assn.,
Cossentine, G. M. Mathews, L. R. Takoma Park. Washington 12. D.C.;
Rasmussen, Mrs. Arabella M. Wil- editor, R. A. Anderson ; associate edi-
liams. tors, W. H. Branson, L. K. Dickson,
M. K. Eckenroth, G. E. Vandeman,
Lay Preacher, The: Printed 8-page bi- Louise C. Kleuser ; office editor, Ben
monthly; furnished free to lay Glanzer.
preachers as a medium of exchange
in the interests of world-wide lay Missionary Leader: 8-page monthly,
evangelism. T. L. Oswald, editor. published by the Australasian In-
ter-Union Conference, Wahroonga,
Liberty: A magazine of religious free- N.S.W., Australia; editor, A. G.
dom ; an illustrated quarterly organ Stewart.
of the Religious Liberty Association ;
single copy, 25 cents; yearly sub- Morning Watch, The: A 82-page booklet
scription, $1.00. Published by the arranged by the Young People's De-
Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Ta- partment of Missionary Volunteers
koma Park, Washington 12, D.C. ; of the General Conference and pub-
editor, H. H. Votaw ; associate ed- lished by the Review and Herald
itors, A. W. Johnson, S. C. Harris ; Publishing Association, Takoma Park,
office editor, M. R. Thurber. Washington 12, D. C. Price, 10 cents;
de luxe, 25 cents.
Life and Health: An illustrated month-
ly; a practical journal for the com- My Bible Story: Four pages weekly,
mon people; yearly subscription, published for the Sabbath School De-
$2.75 ; published by the Review and partment of the General Conference
Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park, by the Pacific Press Publishing As-
Washington 12, D.C. ; editor, J. De- sociation, Mountain View, California.
Witt Fox; assistant editor, D. A. Subscription rate $1.00 per year; edi-
Delafield ; consulting editors, T. R. tor, Mrs. Madge H. Morrill ; office
Flaiz, R. A. Hare, W. E. Macpherson, editor, F. A. Soper.
J. W. McFarland, H. M. Walton.
News Beat: Inspirational and educa-
Life and Health (Braille edition) : A tional 4-page printed, illustrated sheet
condensed edition of the ink-print issued monthly by the General Conf-
journal issued in Braille, grade 1,/2 , erence Bureau of Press Relations.
and mailed free to the blind by the Reflects the denomination's world
Christian Record Benevolent Associa- progress with newspapers. Furnished
tion, 3705 South 48th St., Lincoln 6, free to pastors and church press
Nebraska ; editor, J. DeWitt Fox ; secretaries. Editor, Helen F. Smith.
managing editor, C. W. Degering.
North American Informant, The; Rep-
Listen: Published quarterly by the resenting the colored work of the
American Temperance Society, also Seventh-day Adventist Denomination ;
serves as the official organ of the printed bi-monthly for the General
Canadian Temperance Society. Junior Conference by the Review and Herald
membership $.25 ; regular membership Publishing Association, Takoma Park
$1.00 (Canadian $1.25) contributing 12, D. C.; annual subscription, 60
membership $5.00 ; sustaining mem- cents ; editor, G. E. Peters ; associate
bership $10.00 ; life membership editor, W. B. Ochs.

Oriental Watchman and Herald of of Australia, and in the Postal Union,

Health, The: 28 pages including 10/6 ($2), Warburton, Victoria, Aus-
cover ; issued monthly ; annual sub- tralia ; editor, R. P. Brown.
scription Rs. 7-8 ; editor, E. M. Meleen, Signs of the Times: Devoted to an ex-
P.O. Box 35, Poona, India. planation of the signs of the times
Our Little Friend: A child's paper; il- and Sabbath truth; 12-page monthly;
lustrated ; weekly ; annual subscrip- annual subscription 6/-; editor, G. S.
tion, $1.75 ; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Stevenson. Published by the Sentinel
Mountain View, Calif.; editor, Eugene Publishing Company, Rosmead Ave.,
Sample. Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa.
Our Little Friend: Semimonthly; 5/6 a These Times: General full message jour-
year; Signs Pub. Co., Warburton, nal and Bible expositor for circula-
Victoria, Australia; editor, Marian tion as a sales journal; an illustrated
M. Hay. 36-page monthly magazine; annual
subscription $2.50 ; published by the
Present Truth, The: A one-topic 8-page Southern Publishing Assn., Nashville,
semimonthly for general missionary Tenn. ; editor, R. E. Finney, Jr.
purposes; illustrated. Single sub-
scription, 50 cents. Published by the Voice of Prophecy News: Illustrated
Pacific Press Publishing Association, newspaper for radio listeners and
Mountain View, Calif. ; editors, M. L. Bible correspondents; 8 pages, semi-
Neff, F. A. Soper. monthly, gratis. Published at the
Voice of Prophecy office, Box 4112,
Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly (Jun- G.P.O., Sydney, N.S.W., Australia.
ior): Containing the Sabbath school
lessons for the junior division ; an- Voice of Prophecy News: Illustrated
nual subscription, 35 cents; Review newspaper for radio listeners, sus-
and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park, taining members, and Bible corres-
Washington 12, D.C. pondents ; 8 pages monthly, gratis.
Published at the Voice of Prophecy
Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly (Pri- office, Box 55, Los Angeles 53, Calif.
mary): 32 pages; containing the Sab-
bath school lessons for the primary Worker Picture Roll: Published quar-
division ; annual subscription, 35 terly in chart form by the Review and
cents ; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Herald Publishing Association, Ta-
Mountain View, Calif. koma Park 12, D. C., for use in the
children's departments of the Sabbath
Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly (Sen- school. A picture in colors and mem-
ior) : 40 pages; containing the senior ory verse for each Sabbath; $5.00 a
Sabbath school lessons; annual sub- year.
scription, 35 cents;_Pacific Press
Pub. Assn., Mountain View, Calif. Worker Picture Series: A quarterly set
Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly of twelve cards for use in the chil-
(Youth's) : 16 pages; containing les- dren's departments of the Sabbath
sons for the youth's division; annual school: A card with picture in colors
and memory verse for each Sabbath.
subscription, 35 cents ; Review and Used in connection with the Picture
Herald Publishing Assn., Takoma Roll ; 35 cents a year. Published
Park, Washington 12, D.C.
quarterly by Review and Herald Pub-
Sabbath School Worker: Organ of the lishing Association, Takoma Park 12,
Sabbath School Department of the D. C.
General Conference; 32-page monthly;
annual subscription, $2.50 ; in clubs of Youth's Instructor, The: Denomina-
tional young people's paper, serving
two or more, $1.75 each; published by the interests of all departments of
the Review and Herald Pub. Assn., our organized work; also contains
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. ; the Sabbath school lessons for the
editor, L. L. Moffitt ; associate edi- youth; published weekly; annual
tors, W. J. Harris, H. W. Lowe, E. B. subscription, $4.75. Published by the
Hare, Louise Meyer ; assistant edi- Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Ta-
tors, Ethel Howard, Mary Ogle. koma Park, Washington 12, D.C. ; ed-
Signs of the Times, The: A missionary itor, Lora E. Clement; associate edi-
paper and prophetic expositor; il- tor, Frederick Lee, consulting editors,
lustrated 16-page weekly; annual sub- L. L. Moffitt, K. J. Reynolds, E. W.
scription, $2.00; published by the Dunbar.
Pacific Press Pub. Assn.. Mountain
View. Calif. ; editor, A. S. Maxwell, FOREIGN LANGUAGES
associate editor, M. L. Neff ; as- AFRIKAANS
sistant editor, F. L. Soper.
Review and Herald (World Edition,
Signs of the Times, The: Devoted to an Afrikaans) ; 16-page monthly pub-
exposition of Bible truth and signs of lished by the Sentinel Publishing
the times ; 16-page weekly, annual Company, Rosmead Avenue, Kenil-
subscription, 5/-; to countries outside worth, Cape, South Africa.

Sabbath School Quarterlies: Senior and Sabbath School Lessons Quarterly: 36-
Primary translated from the English; page quarterly, containing the Gen-
published by the Sentinel Publishing eral Conference Sabbath School De-
Company, Rosmead Avenue, Kenil- partment Youth's lessons in Bengali;
worth, Cape, South Africa. annual subscription, 12 annas ; printed
Tekens van die Tye: 12-page monthly; at the Raymond Memorial Training
annual subscription 6/-; published School Press, Falakata, India.
by the Sentinel Publishing Company, Sabbath School Lessons Quarterly: 36-
Rosmead Avenue, Kenilworth, Cape, page quarterly containing primary
South Africa. lessons in Bengali ; printed at the
ANNAMESE Raymond Memorial Training School
Press, Falakata, India.
Bai-hoc Truong Sa-bat (Sabbath School
Quarterly) : 40 pages ; containing the BICOL
General Conference Sabbath School Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly: 32
Department lessons; annual subscrip- pages, containing the senior lessons,
tion, 40 cents, I. C. currency ; Indo- published quarterly by the Philippine
China Tract Society, 124 Route Na- Publishing House, Manila, Philippines.
tionale 22, Phu-nhuan, Saigon, Indo-
ARABIC Sabbath School Lessons Quarterly: Con-
Blessed Hope: 32-page monthly. An- taining lessons and notes translated
nual subscription, . Middle East from the English. Pacific Press Pub.
Press, P.O. Box 1011, Beirut, Lebanon. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.
Mission Quarterly: 36-page quarterly BURMESE
magazine, a translation of the mis-
Kyan-Ma-Yai (Health) : A monthly mis-
sion readings issued by the General
Conference Sabbath School Depart- sionary paper, published by the
ment. Published by the Middle East Oriental Watchman Publishing House
Press, P.O. Box 1011, Beirut, Lebanon. (Burma Branch), 68 U Wisara Road,
Rangoon, Burma. Editor, Saya Saw U,
Sabbath School Lessons Quarterly: 60- S.D.A. Mission, Thonze, Burma.
page quarterly, containing the Gen-
eral Conference Sabbath School De- CEBUAN
partment Senior Lessons in Arabic. Mizpa: 8-page monthly church paper;
Annual subscription, L. L. 2.00 Pesos 3.00 a year; foreign, US $1.60;
($1.00). Published by the Middle East Philippine Publishing House, Manila,
Press, P.O. Box 1011, Beirut, Lebanon. Philippines.
Sabbath School Lessons Quarterly: 60- Sabbath School Lesson Quarterlies: 48
page quarterly containing primary pages, containing primary and senior
lessons in Arabic. Published by the lessons and 32 pages containing prim-
Middle East Press, P.O. Box 1011, ary lessons. Philippine Publishing
Beirut, Lebanon. House, Manila, Philippines.
Sabbath School Lessons Quarterly: 60- Sabbath School Quarterlies: Translated
page quarterly, containing the Gen- from General Conference Sabbath
eral Conference Sabbath School De- School Lessons for mission fields;
partment Senior Lessons in Armenian. published by the Sentinel Publishing
Annual subscription L. L. 2.00. Pub- Company, Rosmead Avenue, Kenil-
lished by the Middle East Press, P.O. worth, Cape, South Africa.
Box 1011, Beirut, Lebanon.
(Periodicals issued by the Signe of
Sabbath School Lessons Quarterly: Pub- the Times Publishing House. 515
lished by the North Sumatra Mission Ningkuo Road, Shanghai 19, China.)
of S.D.A., Kerkstraat 64, Pematangsi-
antar, Sumatra, Indonesia; fl 4.00 An Hsi Jih Hsiao Liang Chu: (The
a year. Sabbath School Helper).
BENGALI Ching Nien Chih Yu: (Friend of Youth).
Bangs Dot: 6-page bimonthly church Mo Shi Muh Sheng: (The Last Day
paper; published by the East Bengal Shepherd's Call) 82-page monthly.
Mission ; editor, P. K. Gayen ; asso-
ciate editor, U. N. Haldar. Shi Djao Yueh Bao: (Signs of the
Missions Quarterly: 36-page quarterly Times) ; 36-page monthly magazine.
magazine, a translation of the mission Shi Djao Yueh Bao (Signs of the Times,
readings issued by the General Con- Overseas Edition) : Chinese 36-page
ference Sabbath School Department. monthly magazine, published by the
Printed at the Raymond Memorial Malayan Signs Press, 399 Upper
Training School Press, Falakata, Serangoon Road, Singapore; US$2.50,
India. a year; editor, S. Tsai.

CHITONGA Tidernes Tegn: (Missionary paper) ; 16-

Sabbath School Quarterlies: Translated page monthly ; annual subscription,
from General Conference Sabbath Kr. 9.00 ; Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen,
School Lessons for mission fields ; V., Denmark ; editor, Mogens Bakke.
published by the Sentinel Publishing DANISH-NORWEGIAN
Company, Rosmead Avenue, Kenil-
worth, Cape, South Africa. Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly: Con-
taining lessons and notes, translated
CISHONA from the English; Pacific Press Pub.
Sabbath School Quarterlies: Translated Assn., Brookfield, Ill.
from General Conference Sabbath DUTCH (NETHERLAND)
School Lessons for mission fields;
published by the Sentinel Publishing Bijbellessen (Sabbath School Lessons) :
Company, Rosmead Avenue, Kenil- 28-page, or more, quarterly ; contain-
worth, Cape, South Africa. ing the General Conference Sabbath
School department lessons; annual
CROATIAN subscription, $.50 ; Boekenhuis "Veri-
(Yugoslavia) tas," The Hague, Netherland.
Adventni Glasnik (The Advent Mes- De Adventbode (The Advent Messen-
senger) : 8-page monthly church pa- ger) 8-page monthly ; annual sub-
per. scription, $1; editor, F. J. Voorthuis ;
Preporod (Regeneration). Boekenhuis "Veritas", The Hague,
Zivot i Zdravlje (Life and Health) :
16 pages, devoted to healthful living. De Jonge Advent-Heraut (The Young
Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages; Advent Messenger): 8-page monthly ;
containing the General Conference editor, N. Heijkoop ; Boekenhuis "Ver-
Sabbath School Department lessons itas", The Hague, Netherland.
Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Brook- De Vriend der Kinderen (Friend of the
field, Ill., U.S.A. Children) : 8-page ; Editor, Miss M.
Wijnkoop ; Boekenhuis "Veritas" ;
DANISH The Hague, Netherland.
Advent Ungdom (Young People's pa- De Zendingsvriend (The Friend of Mis-
per) : 12-page monthly ; annual sub- sions) : 4-page monthly ; annual sub-
scription, Kr. 5.00 ; published for scription $.75 ; editor, F. J. Voorthuis ;
Denmark; Suomisvej 6, Copenhagen, Boekenhuis "Veritas", The Hague,
V., Denmark ; editor, Mogens Bakke. Netherland.
Afdelings-Baandet: 4-page quarterly; Tekenen des Tijils (Signs of the Times) :
Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, 16-page monthly; annual subscrip-
Ill.; editor, Henry Grundset.
tion, $1.25 ; editor, F. J. Voorthuis ;
Bibellektier for Sabbatsskolen: (Sab- Boekenhuis "Veritas", The Hague,
bath School Lessons Quarterly) con- Netherland.
taining the Seventh-day Adventist
Sabbath School Department's lessons DUTCH
in Danish ; annual subscription, Dkr. Adventbode (Indonesia Union Church
3.00. Paper) : Published monthly by the
Evangeliets Sendebud: 8-page weekly Indonesia Publishing House, Naripan
church and missionary paper; Pacific 63, Bandung,"Java, Indonesia; editor,
Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; P. Klop.
editor, Henry Grundset. Tekenen des 'Bids (Signs of the Times) :
Missionsefterretninger: (Church paper) ; 16-page monthly, published by the
8-page monthly published for Den- Indonesia Publishing House, Naripan
mark; Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., 63, Bandung, Java, Indonesia; annual
Denmark; editor, Mogens Bakke. subscription fl. 20.00; editor, P. Klop.
Review and Herald (World Edition, FARSEE
Danish) : 16 page monthly; published
by the Copenhagen Publishing House, Sabbath School Lessons Quarterly: 15-
Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen V., Den- page quarterly, containing the Gen-
mark; editor, Mogens Bakke. eral Conference Sabbath School De-
partment Senior lessons. Avenue
Sunhedsbladet (Health Journal) : 20- Pahlavi 2075, Tehran, Iran.
page monthly; annual subscription,
Kr. 12.00; Soumisvej 5, Copenhagen, FIJIAN
V., Denmark ; editors, A. Andersen, Rarama (The Light) : 6-page monthly ;
J. D. Henriksen. annual subscription, 2/-; published at
Sundheds-Evangelisten (The Medical the Fiji Mission Press, Suva, Fiji.
Evangelist) : 12-page monthly; Suo-
misvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark ; FINNISH
editors, A. Andersen, J. D. Henrik- Adventti-Airut (Review and Herald,
sen, V. Sucksdorff. World Edition, Finnish) : 16-Page

monthly ; Published by Finland Pub- Switzerland, 5.- francs (Swiss) ; for

lishing House, Annegatan '7, Helsing- other countries, 300.- francs (French) ;
fors, Finland; editor, A. Unhola. editor, J. Boureau, Dammarie-les-
Nuori Usko: (Young People's paper), Lys (S. et M.), France.
8-page monthly ; annual subscription Vie et Sante (Life and Health) : 16-
in Finland Fmk. 150.00, for other page monthly health paper; annual
countries Fmk. 250.00; Annegatan '7, subscription, for France, 500.- francs
Helsingfors, Finland; editor, A. Un- (French) ; for Switzerland, 8.80 francs
hola. (Swiss) ; for other countries,600.-
francs (French). Editors, Ch.rber,
Sabattiloulolaksyja: (Sabbath School H. Muller.
Lessons Quarterly) containing the
Seventh-day Adventist Sabbath School GERMAN
Department lessons in Finnish ; an-
nual subscription in Finland : Fink. Advent Echo: 16-page church paper,
70.00 ; Foreign: Fink. 90.00. published monthly; annual subscrip-
tion, Fr. 5.-. Southern European
Siionin Ystava: 12-page monthly; an- Division, Hoheweg 17, Berne, Swit-
nual subscription, in Finland Fmk. zerland; editor, 0. Schuberth.
75.00, for other countries, Fmk.
110.00, Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Botschafter (The Messenger) : An 8-
Finland; editor, K. Osola. page semimonthly church paper; Pa-
cific Press Publishing Assn., Brook-
Terveys: 20-page monthly; annual sub- field, Ill.; editor, J. B. Penner.
scription, in Finland Fmk. 200.00, for
other countries Fmk. 250.00; Anne- Das Wort zur Zeit (The Word for the
gatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland; editor, Time): published monthly by the
V. Sucksdorff. Hamburg Publishing House, Grindel-
berg 15a, Hamburg 13, Germany ;
Valon Viesti: 16-page monthly; an- editor, W. Nehls.
nual subscription, in Finland, Fmk.
100.00, for other countries Fmk. Der Adventbote (Advent Messenger):
150.00; Annegatan '7, Helsingfors, 16-page paper published semimonthly
Finland : editor, K. Osola. by the Hamburg Publishing House,
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg 13, Ger-
FRENCH many ; editor, S. Christoffers.

Gazete, La: Church officers paper; Jugendruf (Call of Youth) : 16-page

editor, , Box 228, Coconut monthly for the German speaking
Grove, Miami, Florida, U.S.A. youth ; annual subscription for Swit-
zerland, 3.- Swiss francs ; editors, F.
Jeunesse I (Youth): 32-page monthly ; Pieringer, 0. Uebersax.
annual subscription for France 240.-
francs (French) ; for Switzerland Leben and Gesundheit (Life and
4.- francs (Swiss) ; for other coun- Health) : 16-page health paper; pub-
tries 300.- French francs; editor, lished bimonthly by the Advent-
J. Boureau, Dammarie-les-Lys (S. et Verlag, Gubelstrasse 23, Zurich 50,
M), France. Switzerland; annual subscription, Fr.
4.20 ; editor, A. Haenel.
Messager, Le (The Messenger) : 16-page
monthly; $1.00 a year; Signs of the Leben und Gesundheit (Life and
Times Publishing Association. Osh- Health) : published monthly by the
awa, Ontario, Canada ; editor, J. Hamburg Publishing House, Grindel-
berg 15a, Hamburg 13, Germany ;
editor, E. Schneider.
Moniteur, Le (Monthly Departmental
Bulletin) : 28-page monthly paper ; Sabbath, School Lesson Quarterly: Con-
annual subscription, for France and taining lessons and notes, translated
colonies, 50.- francs (French): for from the English; Pacific Press Pub-
Switzerland, 2.50 francs, (Swiss) ; for lishing Assn., Brookfield, Ill.
Belgium 25.- francs (Belgian), for Schauen und Schaffen (Looking and
other countries, $0.76. Editor 0. Schu- Working) : published bimonthly by
berth, Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzer- the Hamburg Publishing House, Grin-
land. delberg 15a, Hamburg 13, Germany ;
Revue Adventiste, La (The Advent Re- editor, W. Nehls.
view) : 16-page monthly church paper ; Zeichen der Zeit (Signs of the Times) :
annual subscription, for France, 240.- 8-page weekly, German family and
francs (French) ; for Switzerland, missionary paper ; Pacific Press Pub-
5.-francs (Swiss) ; for other coun- lishing Assn., Brookfield, Ill. ; editor,
tries. 300.- francs (French) ; editor, J. B. Penner.
L. A. Mathy, Dammarie-les-Lys (S. et Zeichen der Zeit (Signs of the Times),
M.), France. 16-page paper : published bimonthly
Signes des Temps (Signs of the Times): by the Advent-Verlag, Gubelstrasse
16-page monthly; annual subscription, 23, Zurich 50, Switzerland ; annual
for France, 280.- francs (French) ; for subscription, Fr.3.-; editor, R. Gerber.

HINDI Stjarnan (The Star) : 8-page mission-

Dhanya Asa (Blessed Hope): 6-page ary monthly; published by the Cana-
bimonthly published by the Bihar lo- dian Union Conference of S.D.A.;
cal mission ; printed at the Raymond annual subscription $1 ; editor, Miss S.
Memorial Training School Press, Johnson, 1202 3rd Avenue, North,
Falakata, India ; annual subscription Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
12 annas ; editor, P. D. Kujur ; as- ILOCANO
sociate, A. K. Kachchap.
Mizpa: 8-page monthly church paper;
Sabbath School Lessons Quarterly: 36- Pesos, 3.00, a year ; foreign, US $1.50
page quarterly, containing the Gen- Philippine Publishing House, Manila,
eral Conference Sabbath School De- Philippines.
partment Youth's Lessons in Hindi ; Sabbath School Lesson Quarterlies: 48
annual subscription 12 annas ; Ray- pages, containing primary and senior
mond Memorial Training School lessons, and 32 pages containing
Press, Falakata, India. primary lessons. Philippines Publish-
Sabbath School Lessons Quarterly; 36- ing House, Manila, Philippines.
page quarterly containing Primary
Lessons in Hindi. ITALIAN
Swasthya our Jiwan (Life and Health) : I Segni Dei Tempi: monthly; editor,
20-page monthly missionary paper, R. Calderone ; Pacific Press Publish-
published by the Oriental Publishing ing Assn., Brookfield, Ill.
House, P.O. Box 35, Poona, India ; Messaggero Avventista (Advent Re-
editor, E. M. Meleen ; associate edi- view) : 16-page monthly ; annual sub-
tors, B. A. Howard, J. B. Oliver ; scription for Italy, 100 lire, foreign
annual subscription, Rs. 5/12. countries, 180 lire; editor, F. Saba-
Missions Quarterly: 36-page quarterly tino, Via Trieste 23, Florence, Italy.
translation of the mission readings Sabbath School Quarterly: Containing
issued by the General Conference Sab- the General Conference Sabbath School
bath School Department ; Raymond Department lessons in Italian ; Pacific
Memorial Training School Press, Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.
Falakata, India.
Segni dei Tempi (Signs of the Times) :
HUNGARIAN 16-page bimonthly ' editor, F. Saba-
tino, Via Trieste 23, Florence, Italy.
Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages;
containing the General Conference JAPANESE
Sabbath School Department lessons
in Hungarian ; subscription, 20 cents ; Jicho (Signs of the Times) : 52-page
Advent Kiadohivatal, Budapest VI, monthly ; annual subscription $1.00 ;
Nemetvolgyi ut 26, Hungary. published by Japan S.D.A. Publish-
ing House, 1966 Kamikawai Machi,
Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages; Hodaya-ku, Yokohama, Japan ; edi-
containing the General Conference tor, Y. Seino.
Sabbath School Department lessons in
Hungarian ; Pacific Press Publishi,ng Kodomo no Gakuin (Our Little Friend) :
Assn., Brookfield, Ill., U.S.A. 20-page monthly; annual subscrip-
tion $1.00 ; published by Japan S.D.A.
Az Idok Jelei (Signs of the Times) : Publishing House, 1966 Kamikawai
16-page monthly paper; annual sub- Machi, Hodaya-ku, Yokohama, Japan ;
scription, 20 cents ; editor, J. Pechtol, editor, Y. Seino.
Budapest VI, Szekely Bertalan utca
13, Hungary. Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly: 112
pages; containing a complete trans-
Boldog Elet (Happy Life) : 16-page lation of the Sabbath School Depart-
monthly paper ; annual subscription, ment's lesson in Japanese with helps
30 cents ; editor, B. Gyarmati, Buda- included ; annual subscription $ .80 ;
pest XII, Nemetvolgyi ut 26 as., published by Japan S.D.A. Publishing
Hungary. House, 1966 Kamikawai Machi, Ho-
IBO daya-ku, Yokohama, Japan.
Shimei (The Message) : 36-page monthly
Sabbath School Lessons Quarterly: 32 church paper; published by Japan
pages; printed by the Advent Press, S.D.A. Publishing House, 1966 Kami-
P.O. Box 1016, Accra, Gold Coast, kawai Machi, Hodaya-ku, Yokohama,
West Africa. Japan.
Advent-Askan (Youth Paper) : 10-page Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly: 16
bimonthly ; editor, pages; containing the General Con-
Braedrabandid (Church Paper) : 8-page ference Sabbath school lessons for
monthly ; editor, Julius Gudmunds- mission fields in Kisii. Annual sub-
son, Box 262, Reykjavik, Iceland. scription, 80 cents (East African).

The Advent Press, Gendia, P.O. Ki- India; editor, E. M. Meleen ; associate
sumu, Kenya Colony, East Africa. editors, L. C. George, J. B. Oliver;
annual.subscription, Rs. 5/12.
Messenger: a monthly church paper,
Church Compass: 32-page monthly ; published by the Kerala Missions
annual subscription, W 1,000.00 ; for- and printed at S. D. A. Mission High
eign, US$ .50 ; published by the Signs School, Kottarakara, Travancore, S.
of the Times Publishing House, Seoul, India; editor and translator, S. Jesu-
Korea; editor, Mrs. Theodora Wan- dass.
gerM ; assistant editor, Oh Sung MARATHI
Missions Quarterly: 18-page quarterly
Sabbath School Quarterly: 64 pages, containing the missions readings is-
containing the General Conference sued by the General Conference Sab-
Sabbath School Department lessons bath School Department; printed at
in Korean. Published by the Signs the Spicer Missionary College Press,
of the Times Publishing House, Seoul, Aundh Road, Kirkee, near Poona,
Korea. India.
Signs of the Times: 32-page monthly; Sabbath School Quarterly: 43 pages;
6 mos. subscription, W 750.00; for- containing the General Conference
eign, US$2.50 ; published by the Signs Sabbath School Department junior
of the Times Publishing House, Seoul ; lessons ; annual subscription one rupee
editor, Mrs. Theodora Wangerin ; printed at the Spicer Missionary Col-
associate editor, New Young Soon. lege Press.
LUGANDA Sabbath School Quarterly: 43 pages;
containing the General Conference
Sabbath School Quarterly: 16 pages; Sabbath School Department primary
containing the General Conference lessons ; annual subscription one
Sabbath school lessons for mission rupee; printed at the Spicer Mission-
fields in Luganda. Annual subscrip- ary College Press.
tion, 80 cents (E. A.). Advent Press,
Gendia, P.O. Kisumu, Kenya Colony, Warthahar (Messenger) : 6 pages
East Africa. monthly; published by the Western
India Union Mission ; printed at the
LUO Spicer Missionary College Press ; edi-
Sabbath School Quarterly: 16 pages; tor, W. J. McHenry.
containing the General Conference
Sabbath school lessons for mission NORWEGIAN
fields in Luo. Annual subscription, Bibellekser for Sabbatsskolen (Sabbath
80 cents (East African). Advent School Lessons Quarterly) : Contain-
Press, Gendia, P.O. Kisumu, Kenya ing the Seventh-day Adventist Sab-
Colony, East Africa. bath School Department's lessons in
Norwegian ; annual subscription, NKr.
Ny Vavolombelona (The Witness) : A Evangeliets Sendebud (Gospel Messen-
missionary paper ; 16-page monthly ; ger): 8-page monthly church pa-
annual subscription ; editor, J. per; Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway;
Ramamonjisoa, Ambohijatovo, Tana- editor, Olaf Wiik.
narive, Madagascar.
Norsk Advent-Ungdom (Norwegian Ad-
MALAY (ROMANIZED) vent Youth) : 16-page monthly young
people's paper; annual subscription,
Pertandaan Zaman (Signs of the Kr. 5.00 Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway ;
Times) : published monthly by the editor, J. Elisenberg.
Indonesia Publishing House, Nari-
pan 63, Bandung, Java, Indonesia ; Review and Herald (World Edition, Nor-
fl. 20.00 a year; editor, M. E. Diredja. wegian) : 16-page monthly ; Akers-
gaten 74, Oslo, Norway; editor, Olaf
Sabbath School Quarterly: Published by Wiik.
the Indonesia Publishing House,
Naripan 63, Bandung, Java, Indo- Sunnhetsbladet (Health Journal) : 16-
nesia ; fl. 4.00 a year. page monthly health journal; annual
subscription Kr. 12.00 ; Akersgaten
Warta Geredja (Union church paper) : 74, Oslo, Norway ; editor, Arthur
Published monthly by the Indonesia Collett; associate editor, Olaf Wiik.
Publishing House, Naripan 63, Ban-
dung, Java, Indonesia; fl. 5.00 a year; Tidens Tale (Signs of the Times) : 16-
editor, M. E. Diredja. page monthly missionary paper; an-
nual subscription, Kr. 9.00 ; Akers-
MALAYALAM gaten 74, Oslo, Norway ; editor, Olaf
Kerala Deepam (Light of Kerala) : a Wiik.
20-page monthly missionary paper, NYANJA
Published by the Oriental Watchman Mlengezi: issued in the Nyanja lan-
Publishing House, P.O. Box 35, Poona, guage by the Malamulo Press, Ny-

asaland, Africa. Editor, S. G. Max- sociate editor, W. E. Murray; office

well. editor, Otto Keppke.
Sabbath School Quarterly: issued in the Revista Adventists: 16-page bimonthly ;
Nyanja language by the Malamulo Yearly subscription, 76 cents; pub-
Press, Nyasaland, Africa. lished by the Publicadora Atlantico,
Lda, Rua Joaquim Bonifacio, 17, Lis-
PANAYAN bon ; editor, E. Ferreira.
Mizpa: 8-page monthly church paper; Revista Adventists: 32 pages; annual
Pesos 3.00, a year ; foreign, US $1.50 ; subscription, Cr$30,00 ; published by
Philippine Publishing House, Manila, the Casa Publicadora Brasileira,
Philippines. Caixa Postal 34, Santo Andre, E.F.
Sabbath School Lesson Quarterlies: 48 S.J., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer-
pages, containing primary and senior ica; editor, Luiz Waldvogel.
lessons and 32 pages containing Sabbath School Lessons: Sabbath School
primary lessons, Philippine Publish- Lessons for the entire Portuguese
ing House, Manila, Philippines. field for adults, juniors, and children ;
annual subscription, Cr$12,00; pub-
POLISH lished by the Casa Publicadora Bra-
Lekcje Biblijne (Sabbath School Quar- sileira, Caixa Postal 34, Santo Andre,
terly) : Four numbers published annu- E.F.S.J., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South
ually by the Polish Publishing House, America.
Lubelska 25, Krakow, Poland ; editor, Sande e Lar: 20-page bimonthly;
Josef Rosiecki. yearly subscription, $1; published by
Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages; the Publicadora Atlantico, Lda, Rua
containing the General Conference Joaquim Bonifacio, 17, Lisbon ; man-
Sabbath School Department lessons aging editor, E. Ferreira.
in Polish; Pacific Press Publishing Vida e Saude (Life and Health) : 24-
Assn., Brookfield, Ill., U.S.A. page monthly ; Cr. 45,00 a year ; pub-
Slugs Zboru (Church Servant) : monthly lished by the Casa Publicadora Bra-
church paper, 16 pages, published by sileira, Caixa Postal 34, Santo Andre,
the Polish Publishing House, Lubel- E.F.S.J., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South
ska 26, Krakow, Poland; editgr, America ; editors, 0. E. Santo, An-
Josef Rosiecki. tonio Miranda, Galdino N. Vieira.
Znaki Czasu (Signs of the Times) RUMANIAN
monthly church missionary paper ;
subscription ZI. 480 :-; published by Amicul Tinerimii (Youth's Friend) : 16-
the Polish Publishing House, Lubel- page quarterly ; annual subscription,
ska 26, Krakow, Poland ; editor, JoSef Lei 2,500.-; editor, V. Florescu.
Rosiecki. Curierul Misionar (The Missionary Mes-
senger) : 16-page monthly church pa-
PORTUGUESE per ; annual subscription, Lei 2,000.-
Home Missionary Programs: 4-page editor, A. Vacareanu.
monthly, published by the South
American Division of the General Semnele Timpului (Signs of the Times) :
Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 16-page bimonthly missionary paper;
for the Home Missionary Department, annual subscription, Lei 2,500.-; edi-
Calle Virrey del Pino 3801, Suc. 30, tor, A. Vacareanu.
R. 11, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Sfetnicul Vietii (The Counsellor of
America. Health) : 16-page monthly paper; an-
Missionary Volunteer Programs: 16- nual subscription Lei 2,500:: editor,
page monthly, published by the South A. Vacareanu.
American Division of the General All printed at the Rumanian Pub-
Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, lishing House, "Graiul Literar," S. A.
for the Missionary Volunteer Depart- Institut de Arte Grafice si Editura,
ment, Calle Virrey del Pino 8801, Strada Mitrop. Ghenadie Petreecu 116,
Suc. 30, R. 11, Buenos Aires, Argen- Bucharest IV, Rumania.
tina, South America ; editor, Dario
Garcia ; office editor, Margarita Deak. RUNYURWANDA
0 Atalaia: 20-page monthly; Cr$35,00 a Sabbath School Quarterly: For adults
year ; published by the Casa Publica- and children; 4 francs each per year.
dora Brasileira, Caixa Postal 34, Gitwe Mission Press, Gitwe, Ruanda,
Santo Andre, E.F.S.J., Sao Paulo, via Usumbura, Belgian Congo.
Brazil, South America ; editor, 0. E. RUSSIAN
Sabbath School Quarterly: Containing
Pregador Adventista: 24-page bi- the General Conference Sabbath
monthly, published by the South School Department lessons ; Pacific
American Division for the Ministerial Press Publishing Assn., Brookfield,
Association. Editor, W. Schubert ; as- Ill., U.S.A.

SAMOAN America; editor, Fernando Chaij ;

associate editor, Lorenzo Baum.
Ole Tali Moni (The Message of Truth) :
6 pages; monthly; annual subscrip- Auxiliar de la Escuela Sabittica, El:
tion, 3/6 ; issued by Samoan Mission. Sabbath School Worker) 20-page
SECHWANA monthly; published by the South
American Division of the General
Sabbath School Quarterlies: Translated Conference of Seventh-day Advent-
from General Conference Sabbath ists for the Sabbath School Depart-
School Lessons for missions fields ; ment, Calle Virrey del Pino 3801.
pubished by the Sentinel Publishig Suc. 30, R. 11, Buenos Aires, Argen-
Company, Rosmead Avenue, Kenil- tina, South America ; editors, San-
worth, Cape, South Africa. tiago Schmidt, W. A. Wild.
SERBIAN Centinela, El: 20-page monthly ; annual
Adventni Glasnik (The Advent Messen- subscription, $1 10 cents per copy.
ger) ; 8-page monthly church paper. Editor, M. I. Fayard, Pacific Press
Publishing Association, Box 5007,
Preporod (Regeneration). Cristobal, Canal Zone.
Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages; Gaceta Misionera, La: Church officers'
containing the General Conference paper; 12-page quarterly. Editor, W.
Sabbath School Department lessons. A. Wild, Box 228, Coconut Grove,
Zivot in Zdravlje (Life and Health) ; Miami, Florida, U.S.A.
16 pages; devoted to healthful liv- Home Missionary Programs: 4-page
ing. monthly, published by the South
SESUTO American Division of the General
Conference of Seventh-day Adventists,
Sabbath School Quarterlies: Translated for the Home Missionary Department,
from General Conference Sabbath Calle Virrey del Pino 3801, Suc. 30,
School lessons for mission fields ; R. 11, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
published by the Sentinel Publishing America.
Company, Rosmead Avenue, Kenil- Juventud: Spanish youth's paper; 16-
worth, Cape, South Africa. page monthly ; annual subscription,
SILOZI $7.80 min overseas, US$1.00 ; pub-
lished by Casa Editora Sudamericana,
Sabbath School Quarterlies: Translated Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos Aires,
from General Conference Sabbath Argentina, South America editor,
School Lessons for mission fields ; Lorenzo Baum.
published by the Sentinel Publishing
Company, Rosmead Avenue, Kenil- Lecciones pare la Escuela Sabatica: 36
worth, Cape, South Africa. pages: containing the General Confer-
ence Sabbath School Department les-
SINHALESE sons in Spanish; annual subscription,
Ceylon Messenger: Church paper pub- $3.20 m/n ; Casa Editora Sudameri-
lished by the Ceylon Mission of Sev- cans, Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos
enth-day Adventists; editor, R. S. Aires, Argentina, South America.
Fernando. Note.Separate Quarterlies are pre-
Sabbath School Quartely: Containing pared for the adults', juniors', and
the General Conference Sabbath children's lessons.
School Department lessons ; subscrip-
tion, Rs. 1/-. Ministerio Adventists, El: 16-page bi-
monthly for Spanish workers; editor,
SLOVAKIAN A. H. Roth ; associate editors, ,
Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages; W. A. Wild, Box 228, Coconut Grove,
containing the General Conference Miami, Florida, U.S.A.
Sabbath School Department lessons; Missionary Volunteer Programs: 16-
Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Brook-
field, Ill., U.S.A. page monthly ; published by the South
American Division of the General Con-
SLOVENIAN ference of Seventh-day Adventists, for
the Missionary Volunteer Department,
Sabbath School Quarterly: Containing Calle Virrey del Pino 3801, Suc. 30.
the General Conference Sabbath R. 11, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
School Department lessons. America ; director, D. Garcia ; editor,
SPANISH Margarita Deak.
Atalaya, El: 20-page monthly; annual Predicador Adventista, El: 24-page bi-
subscription $12.00 m/n ; overseas, monthly published by the South Amer-
US$1.00 ; published by the Casa Edi- ican Division for the Ministerial As-
tors Sudamericana, Florida, F.N.G. sociation. Editor, W. Schubert; asso-
B.M., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South ciate editor, W. E. Murray.

Revista Adventists, La: Spanish church lessons, and 32 pages containing

paper; 16-page monthly; published primary lessons, Philippine Publish-
by the Casa Editors Sudamericana, ing House, Manila, Philippines.
Florida, F.N.G.B.M., Buenos Aires, TAHITIAN
Argentina, South America ; editor,
Fernando Chaij ; associate editor, Tiarama (The Light) : 8-page monthly ;
Gaston Clouzet. annual subscription 3/9 ; issued by the
Society Islands Mission at Tahiti,
SWAHILI Society Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Sabbath School Quarterly: 16 pages; TAMIL
containing the General Conference
Sabbath school lessons for mission Messenger: a monthly church paper
fields in Swahili. Annual subscrip- published by the Tamil Missions and
tion, 80 cents. (East African.) The printed at Lowry Memorial High
Advent Press, Gendia, Kisumu, Kenya School of Seventh-day Adventists,
Colony, East Africa. Krishnarajapuram P. 0., Bangalore,
SWEDISH India; editor and translator, Y. G.
Advent Harolden (Review and Herald, Nalwazhi (The Good Way): a 20-page
World Edition, Swedish) : 16 page monthly missionary paper, published
monthly; Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, by the Oriental Watchman Publishing
Sweden ; editor, E. Soderberg. House, P.O. Box 35, Poona, India ;
Avedelningsbrevet: 4-page quarterly; editor, E. M. Meleen ; associate edi-
Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Brook- tors, J. S. Dason, J. B. Oliver ; an-
field, Ill.; editor, 0. C. Granlund. nual subscription, Rs. 5/12 .
Missionaren: 16-page monthly ; annual TELUGU
subscription, kr. 3 :50 rate for other
countries, kr. 4 :50 ; Tunnelgatan 25, Messenger: a monthly church paper
Stockholm, Sweden ; editor, 0. An- published by the Telugu Missions, and
servo. printed at Nuzvid, Kistna District,
South India; editor and translator,
Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly: Con- N. V. Jesudass.
taining lessons and notes, translated
from the English. Pacific Press Pub- Marga Darsi (Pathfinder) : a 20-page
lishing Assn., Brookfield, Ill. monthly missionary paper published
by the Oriental Watchman Publishing
Sabbatsskollaxan (Sabbath School Les- ' House, P.O. Box 35, Poona, India ;
sons Quarterly) containing the Sev- editor, E. M. Meleen ; associate edi-
enth-day Adventist Sabbath School tors, C. B. Williams, J. B. Oliver;
Departments lessons in Swedish ; annual Subscription Rs. 5/12.
nual subscription in Sweden, Skr.
2.00; Foreign, Skr. 3.00. THAI
Sions Vaktare: 8-page weekly church Chu Chart: 80-page health and religious
and missionary paper; Pacific Press undated magazine ; Ts. 2.00 per copy ;
Publishing Assn. Brookfield, Ill. ; published by the Local Mission Com-
editor, Olaf Grar;lund. mittee, Singapore, Colony of Singa-
Sundhetsbladet (Health Journal) : 24- pore.
page monthly ; annual subscription, Sabbath School Quarterly: 64 pages;
kr. 8 :00, for other countries, kr. 9:0,0 ; published quarterly by the Thailand
Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden ; Mission, 1325 Rama IV Road, Bang-
editor, I. Unhall. kok, Thailand ; annual subscription,
Tidens Tecken: 16-page monthly; an- $.40 ; translated from Junior and Pri-
mary English Quarterly.
nual subscription, kr. 5:00, rate for
other countries, kr. 6:00 ; Tunnel- TONGAN
' gatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden; editor,
0. Angervo. Tala'fekau Mo'oni (True Messenger) : 4
pages; bimonthly; annual subscrip-
Ungdomens Budbarare (Youth's Mes- tion 1/-; issued by the Tongan Mis-
senger) : 16-page monthly; annual sion.
subscription, kr. 4.00; other countries
outside Scandinavia, kr. 5.00 ; Tun- TURKISH
nelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden ; ed- Sabbath School Lessons Quarterly: 30-
itors, G. Linde, Ingrid Albiner. page quarterly, containing the Gen-
TAGALOG eral Conference Sabbath School De-
partment Senior lessons in Turkish.
Mizpa: 8-page monthly church paper; 14 Saray Arkasi, Ayaz pasa, Beyoglu,
Pesos 3.00, a year ; foreign, US $1.50 ; Istanbul, Turkey.
Philippine Publishing House, Manila,
Philippines. UKRAINIAN
Sabbath School Lesson Quarterlies: 48 Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages;
pages, containing primary and senior containing the General Conference

Sabbath School Department lessons School Lessons for mission fields:

in Ukrainian ; Pacific Press Publishing published by the Sentinel Publishing
Assn.; Brookfield, Ill., U.S.A. Company, Rosemead Avenue, Kenil-
worth, Cape, South Africa.
Signs of Our Time: 16-page monthly
missionary magazine; editor, S. J. YORUBA
Demchuck ; Pacific Press Publishing
Assn., Brookfield, Ill., U.S.A. Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly: 32
pages; printed by the Advent Press,
URDU P.O. Box 1016, Accra, Gold Coast,
West Africa.
Qasid-Jadid: a monthly church paper
published by the Northwest India ZULU
Union Mission. Address: 48 Lawrence Sabbath School Quarterlies: Translated
Road, Lahore, Pakistan ; editor, F. from the General Conference Sabbath
M. Sajid. School Lessons for missions fields ;
XHOSA published by the Sentinel Publishing
Sabbath School Quarterlies: Translated Company, Rosmead Avenue, Kenil-
from General Conference Sabbath worth, Cape, South Africa.

Division P eriodicals
Australasian Record: Official organ of Miami, Florida; editor, A. H. Roth;
the Australasian Inter-Union Confer- associate editors, Effie A. James,
ence; 8-page weekly; annual sub- H. S. Mendez.
scription 5s ; foreign countries, 10/6 ; Messager de Ia Division Inter-Ameri-
published at Wahroonga, N.S.W., caine (French) : 8-12 page monthly;
Australia; editor, A. G. Stewart; as- Box 228, Coconut Grove, Miami,
sociate editor, Mary M. Campbell. Florida; editor, A. H. Roth ; associate
China Division Reporter, The: Organ editor, Effie A. James.
of theChina Division of the General Middle East Messenger: Official organ
Conference of Seventh-day Adventists ; of the Middle East Division ' 8
8 to 12 pages quarterly, subscription pages ; published monthly. P.O. Box
price, $1.00 U.S. for two years'; ed- 1011, Beirut, Lebanon.
itor, Bessie Mount; address: P.O.
Box 1750, Hong Kong. Quarterly Review: Organ of the South-
ern European Division of the .Gen-
Eastern Tidings: Official organ of the eral Conference; editor, M. Fridlin.
Southern Asia Division ; 8-page 17 Hoheweg, Berne, Switzerland.
semimonthly ; Rs. 2. a year ; editor,
E. M. Meleen; assistant editor, Ina Southern African Division Outlook:
White, P.O. Box 35, Poona, India. Fortnightly ; annual subscription 2 /6 ;
published by the Southern African
Far Eastern Division Outlook: Organ Division of the General Conference of
of Far Eastern Division, Singapore, Seventh-day Adventists, Claremont,
Colony of Singapore; 4-page monthly; Cape, South Africa ; editor F. G.
annual subscription, U.S.$.50. Clifford ; assistant editor,
Inter-American Division Messenger: South American Bulletin: Organ of the
8-12 page monthly; Box 228, Coco- South American Division of the Gen-
nut Grove, Miami, Florida ; editor, eral Conference; 8-page bimonthly;
A. H. Roth ; associate editor, Effie annual subscription US$.50 ; issued
A. James.
at Calle Virrey del Pino 3801, Sue. 30,
Mensajero de Ia Division Inter-Ameri- R. 11, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
cana, El (Spanish) : 8-12 page America; editor, 0. A. Blake; office
monthly; Box 228, Coconut Grove, editor, Mrs. Eva M. Baerg.

Union Confere nce Periodicals

Atlantic Union Gleaner: Official organ borough Press, Ltd., Stanborough
of the Atlantic Union Conference ; Park, Watford, Herts., England ;
8-page weekly; 50 cents a year; pub- editor, W. L. Emmerson.
lished at South Lancaster, Mass., and
printed by the College Press ; editor, British West Indies Union Visitor, The:
T. R. Gardner. Official organ of the British West
Indies Union Mission ; 8-page
British Advent Messenger: Official or- monthly ; 2 shillings a year ; printed
gan of the British Union Conference; by the West Indian Training College,
8-pages; published fortnightly; an- Mandeville, Jamaica, British West
nual subscription, 3/6 ($ .49). Stan- Indies ; editor, R, W. Numbers.

Canadian Union Messenger: Official or- lished in Monterrey, N. L., Mexico ;

gan of the Canadian Union Confer- editor, ; associate editor,
ence; 8-page biweekly; 60 cents a H. J. Westphal ; assistant, Francisco
year; published by the Canadian Jimenez.
Union Conference at College Heights, North Pacific Union Gleaner: Official
via Lacombe, Alberta ; editor, H. A. organ of the North Pacific Union
Shepard, Box 396, Oshawa, Ontario, Conference, 1544 S. E. Hawthorne
Canada. Blvd., Portland 14, Oreg. ; 8-page
Caribbean Union Gleanings: Official weekly ; 50 cents a year.
organ of the Caribbean Union Mis- Northern Union Outlook: Official or-
sion, P. 0. Box 221, Port-of-Spain, gan of the Northern Union Confer-
Trinidad, B.W.I. ; monthly; annual ence, 501 Forest Ave., Minneapolis 3,
subscription, 48 cents ; editor, F. S. Minn. ; 8-page weekly ; 50 cents a
Thompson ; associate editor, J. 0. year; published by Oak Park Press,
Emmerson. Nevada, Iowa; editor, A. R. Smouse.
Central Union Reaper: Organ of the
Central Union Conference; 8-page Notes of Progress: Published monthly
weekly ; annual subscription, $1.00 ; by the Malayan Union Mission, 399
published at College View Station, Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore,
Lincoln 6, Nebr. ; managing editor, Colony of Singapore. (Temporarily
W. B. Mohr; editor, Audra L. Wood. suspended.)
Colombia-Venezuela Union Herald"El Pacific Union Recorder: Official organ
Heraldo de la Union Colombo-Venezo- of the Pacific Union Conference ; 8-
lana": (Spanish) Official organ of the page weekly ; 50 cents yearly ; pub-
Colombia-Venezuela Union Mission, lished at the Pacific Union College
Apartado 39, Medellin, Colombia, Press; editor, F. W. Schnepper ; mail
South America; 8 pages; editor, G. C. address, Angwin, Calif.
Pilot, The (English and Spanish) : A 4-
Columbia Union Visitor: Official organ page monthly; published by the Cen-
of the Columbia Union Conference ; tral American Union Mission, Apar-
8-page weekly; $1.00; published at tado 1059, San Jose, Costa Rica; edi-
Washington College Press, Takoma tor, A. V. Larson ; office editor, Mrs.
Park, Washington 12, D.C. ; editor, A. V. Larson.
W. F. Adams.
Heraldo Adventista: (Spanish). Official Record, The: Official organ of the South-
organ of the Antillian Union Mission, western Union Conference, 2829 W.
General Peraza, Havana, Cuba; Cantey St., Fort Worth 9, Texas ;
8-page monthly ; printed by Colegio 8-page weekly ; $1.00 yearly ; printed
Adventists, Santa Clara, Cuba ; edi- by the College Press, Keene, Texas;
tor, H. B. Lundquist; associate editor, editor, H. C. Kephart ; associate ed-
itor, J. W. Turner.
Lake Union Herald: Official organ of Southern Tidings: Organ of the South-
the Lake Union Conference; 8 to 16- ern Union Conference, 437 E. Ponce
page weekly; $1.00 a year; published de Leon Ave., Decatur, Ga. ; 8-page
at Berrien Springs, Mich., and weekly; $1.00 yearly; printed by
printed by the College Press; editor, College Press, Collegedale, Tenn.
W. F. Grail, advisory editor, E. L. West African Advent Messenger: pub-
Green. lished by West African Union Mis-
Mexican Union Voice"La Voz de la sion, Box 1016, Accra, Gold Coast,
Union Mexicana," (Spanish) Pub- West Africa; editor, D. V. Cowin.

Local Periodicals

Haitian Messenger: (French) 8-page Light Bearer, The: An 8-page

monthly periodical, published by the monthly published in the interests of
Haitian Mission, Port-au-Prince, the Missionary Volunteer work in the
Haiti; furnished free to the constitu- British Union Conference; annual
ency. subscription by post 4/- ($ .56). The
borough Park, Watford, Herts., Eng-
Indian Missionary, The: A monthly pub- land ; editor,
lication devoted to the interests of Notes and News: 6-pages; published
Indian Mission work in the Arizona monthly for workers, members, and
Conference, Box 5277, Phoenix, Ariz. ; students; $.50 per year; published by
editor, Orno Follett. the Thailand Mission.

School and Sanitarium Journals

Alma Colegial: (Spanish) 8-page Echo, El (Spanish) : 6 pages ; published
monthly; issued by the student body six times each year by the student
of the Chile College; $50.00 (Chilean body of the Inca Union College ;
pesos) per year; published at Casilla subscription price, 5/ 4.00 per year.
71) Chillan, Chile, South America. Peruvian currency.)
Aurora, The: 4-page bi-weekly, pub- Eco Estudiantil: (Spanish) 4-page bi-
lished during the school year by monthly ; issued by the student body
Canadian Union College, College of the Central American Vocational
Heights, Alberta ; annual subscription College; annual subscription, US$1.00
$1.00 ; editor, Beverly Henrikson. or local equivalent; publishing ad-
Boulder Canon Sentinel: 4-page, issued dress, Apartado 1320, San Jose, Costa
quarterly, by the Boulder-Colorado Rica ; editor, J. A. Solares.
Sanitarium Nurses Alumni Assn., Enterprise, The: Published monthly dur-
Boulder, Colo. ; annual subscription ing the school year by Vincent Hill
50 cents ; editor, Verna Johnson. College, Musoorie, U.P., India; an-
nual subscription, Rs. 2/-; editor,
Broadview Exponent, The: 8 pages, pub- D. H. Hunter.
lished eight times a year by the stu-
dents of the Broadview Academy, La Frontiersman, The: 4-page biweekly;
Grange, Ill.; annual subscription 50 published by the student body of the
cents ; editor, Juanita Croxton. Campion Academy, Loveland, Colo. ;
annual subscription, $1.00 ; editor,
Campus Chronicle, The: 4-page weekly; Wanda Petersen.
published by the Student Association
of Pacific Union College, Angwin, Gateway, The: 4-page monthly; $1.00
Calif., during the school year ; editor, a year; published by the students of
Masao Nakamoto ; faculty adviser, L. Lodi Academy, Lodi, California; Mrs.
W. Sargent. L. W. Roth, faculty sponsor.
Campus Echoes: 4-page monthly by the G. N. Y. A. Spotlight: Published
Campus Echoes staff of Enterprise monthly by the students of the
Academy, Enterprise, Kansas; $1,00 Greater New York Academy, Long
a year. Island, New York ; annual subscrip-
Cedar Log, The: 4-pages 10 issues per tion, 50 cents; editor, Ruth A.
school year, published by the Cedar Lindsfors ; business manager, William
Lake Academy, Cedar Lake, Michigan. Forsberg.
Subscription price, 50 cents. Horizontes: (Spanish) 4-page monthly;
Clock Tower, The: Published biweekly issued by the student body of the
during school year and every month Uruguay Academy; $1.50 o/u per
during the summer by Union College, year ; published at Progreso, Depto.
College View Station, Lincoln 6, Canelones, Uruguay, South America.
Nebr. ; annual subscription, $1.00 ; Hour Glass: 4-page monthly, published
president, John Ruffcorn ; editor, by the Student Association of the
Velma Johnson. Battle Creek Academy, Battle Cretk.
College Criterion: 4-page weekly ; pub- Mich.; subscription price 60 cents;
lished by the students of La Sierra editor, Joyce Wildman.
College, Arlington, Calif. ; subscrip- Journal, The: 36-page monthly pub-
tion, $1 ; editor, Charles Oliphant. lished by the Alumni Association,
College Voice: 4-page monthly, pub- School of Medicine, College of Med-
lished by the Philippine Union Col- ical Evangelists, Loma Linda, Calif.,
lege, P. 0. Box 1772, Manila, Philip- annual subscription, $3.00 ; editor,
pines ; Local Pesos 2.50 ; U.S.$1.50. R. T. Bergman.
Collegian, The: 4-page weekly, by The Ka Elele: 4-page monthly, published by
Associated Students of Walla Walla the student body of the Hawaiian
College, College Place, Wash. ; $1 a Mission Academy, Honolulu 4, T. H. ;
year, editor, Gordon Dalrymple. annual subscription, $1.00 ; editor,
E. V. A. Courier: 4-page monthly, Amy Hadano.
published by the East Visayan Acad-
emy, P. 0. Box 119, City of Cebu, Key, The: 4-page, 9 issues per year;
Philippines. Local Pesos 2.50 ; US$ published by the students of Glendale
1.50. Union Academy, Glendale 6, Calif.:
75 cents a year ; editor, Warren Fish.
Echo: 4-page- monthly, published dur-
ing the school year by the student Lancastrian, The: Biweekly, 18 num-
body of the Union Springs Academy, bers; published by the student associa-
Union Springs, N.Y.; annual sub- tions of Atlantic Union College and
scription, 50 cents; editor, Joyce South Lancaster Academy, South
Clarke. Lancaster, Mass.

Lynwood Log: 4-page monthly, pub- Sligonian, The: 4-page biweekly issued
lished October to May inclusive, at La during the school year; annual sub-
Sierra College Press, Arlington, Calif., scription, $1.00, publishes by the Stu-
for the students of Lynwood Acad- dents' Association, Washington Mis-
emy ; annual subscription, 50 cents ; sionary College, Takoma Park 12,
editor, La Vern Andress ; Faculty D.C. ; editor, Robert, Montgomery.
sponsor, Vivian Smith. Southern Accent, The: 4-page periodical
Medical Arts and Sciences: 40-page published biweekly at Southern
quarterly for the scientific papers of Missionary College, Collegedale, Ten-
the medical school faculty of the nessee. Annual subscription, $1.00.
College of Medical Evangelists, Loma Southwesterner, The: 8-page monthly,
Linda, Calif. ; published by the Review published during the school year by
and Herald Publishing Association ; the students of the Southwestern
annual subscription, $2.00 ; editor-in Junior College, Keene, Texas; $1.00
chief, W. A. Macpherson. a year ; editor, Mrs. Enice Work.
Medical Evangelist, The: published semi- Spirit of M. V. A., The: Bi-monthly,
monthly by the College of Medical $1.00 per year; published by the
Evangelists, Loma Linda, Calif, with students of Mt. Vernon Academy, Mt.
no subscription price; editor, G. T. Vernon, Ohio; editor, Robert Sooy.
Spreading Oak, The: Published monthly
M. U. A. Observer: 4-page monthly, except July and September by the
published during the school year by
the Modesto Union Academy, Modesto, Oakwood College, Huntsville, Ala.
Calif. ; annual subscription, $1.00. Annual subscription, $1.00
N. L. A. Reflector: 4-page monthly, Student Echo, The: 4-page monthly;
published by the Northern Luzon 50 cents a year by Indiana Academy,
Academy, Artacho, Sison, Pangasi- Cicero, Ind. ; editor, Carolyn Caton.
nan, Philippines. Local pesos 2.50 ; Student Movement, The: 4 pages; bi-
overseas US$1.50. weekly ; $1 a year ; 18 issues ; pub-
Northerner, The: 4-page monthly; pub- lished by the Student Association of
lished by the students of Maplewood Emmanuel Missionary College, at Ber-
Academy, Hutchison, Minn. subscrip- rien Springs, Mich.; editor, Kenneth
tion price $.75 ; editorial advisor, Vic- Strand.
toria Larsen. Takoma Globe, The: 4-page monthly ;
Pacific Union College Bulletin: Quar- published during the school year by
terly; free, published by Pacific Union the Student Association of Takoma
College at Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Academy, Takoma Park, Washing-
ton 12, D.C. ; annual subscription, 60
Reflector: 4-page monthly, published by cents ; editor, Martha Remington.
student body of Mountain View Union
Academy, Mountain View, California ; Ungdomens Budbarare: (Swedish) Stu-
annual subscription, 75 cents; editor, dents' paper of the Mission School,
Lenhart Cochran. Ekebyholm, Rimbo, Sweden ; 16-page
monthly subscription, kr. 4 :00 editor,
Reflector, The: Published monthly dur- Gillis Linde.
ing the school year by the students of
Forest Lake Academy, Maitland, Tropic Topics: 4-page quarterly pub-
Florida; annual subscription, $1.00. lished by the School of Tropical and
Faculty sponsor, Mrs. Celeste H. Preventive Medicine of the College
Kirstein. of Medical Evangelists (Loma Linda,
Calif.) to promote missionary-human-
Saleve Echo, The (L'Echo du Saleve) itarian-scientific interests among non-
(French) : 28 pages; published five Adventists; no subscription price;
times each year by the student body editors, staff.
of the Seminaire Adventiste du Saleve;
subscription price, 250.- French Union College Alumnus: 4-page bi-
francs; 3.50 Swiss Francs. monthly published by the Alumni
Association of Union College, College
Seminarian, The: 4-page bimonthly, View Station, Lincoln 6, Nebraska;
free, published by the Seventh-day subscription with association member-
Adventist Theological Seminary, Ta- ship ; editor, Virginia Rees-Ogden, '22.
koma Park, Washington 12. D. C.
Union College Bulletin: Published quar-
Shen-Val-Lore: 4-page biweekly ; pub- terly by Union College; free. College
lished by the Shenandoah Valley View Station, Lincoln 6, Nebr.
Academy, New Market, Va. ; 25 cents
a year ; editor, Frances Andrews. Voz del Colegio, La: (Spanish) 8-page
monthly; issued by the student body
Shiawassian: 4-page bimonthly ; pub- of the River Plate College; $0.75
lished by the Student Association of per year ; published at Puiggari,
Adelphian Academy, Holly, Mich.; Entre Rios, Argentina, South Amer-
$1.00 a year; editor, Nancy Bather. ica.

Walla Walla College Bulletin: Quar- Philippines. Local pesos 2.50 ; over-
terly ; free ; published by the Fac- seas US$1.50.
ulty Publication Committee at Col
lege Place, Wash. Wisconian, The: 4 pages, published nine
times during the school year; Wis-
Western Views: 4-page monthly, pub- consin Academy, Columbus, Wis-
lished by the West Viscayan Acad- consin ; editor, Joan Tillcens ; sponsor,
emy, P. 0. Box 502, Iloilo City, Mildred Summerton.

Session Delegates Date of Convening Place of Holding

1 20 May 20, 1863 Battle Creek, Mich.
2 20 May 18, 1864 Battle Creek, Mich.
3 21 May 17, 1865 Battle Creek, Mich.
4 19 May 16, 1866 Battle Creek, Mich.
5 18 May 14, 1867 Battle Creek, Mich.
6 16 May 12, 1868 Battle Creek, Mich.
7 16 May 18, 1869 Battle Creek, Mich.
8 22 March 16, 1870 Battle Creek, Mich.
9 17 February 7, 1871 Battle Creek, Mich.
10 14 December 29, 1871 Battle Creek, Mich.
11 18 March 11, 1873 Battle Creek, Mich.
12 21 November 14, 1873 Battle Creek, Mich.
13 19 August 10, 1874 Battle Creek, Mich.
14 18 August 15, 1875 Battle Creek, Mich.
1st Special 15 March 31, 1876 Battle Creek, Mich.
15 16 September 19, 1876 Lansing, Mich.
2d Special 16 November 12, 13, 1876 Battle Creek, Mich.
16 20 September 20, 1877 Lansing, Mich.
3d Special 22 March 1, 1878 Battle Creek, Mich.
17 39 October 4, 1878 Battle Creek, Mich.
4th Special 29 April 17 to 21, 1879 Battle Creek, Mich.
18 39 November 7, 1879 Battle Creek, Mich.
5th Special 28 March 11 to 15, 1880 Battle Creek, Mich.
19 38 October 6, 1880 Battle Creek, Mich.
20 41 December 1, 1881 Battle Creek, Mich.
21 47 December 7, 1882 Rome, N. Y.
22 65 November 8, 1883 Battle Creek, Mich.
23 67 October 30, 1884 Battle Creek, Mich.
24 70 November 18. 1885 Battle Creek, Mich.
25 71 November 18, 1886 Battle Creek, Mich.
26 70 November 13, 1887 Oakland, Calif.
27 91 Oct. 17 to Nov. 4, 1888 Minneapolis, Minn.
28 109 Oct. 18 to Nov. 5, 1889 Battle Creek, Mich.
29 126 March 5 to March 25,1891 Battle Creek, .Mich.
30 130 Feb. 17 to Mar. 6, 1893 Battle Creek, Mich.
31 160 Feb. 15 to Mar. 4, 1895 Battle Creek, Mich.
32 140 Feb. 19 to Mar. 8, 1897 College View, Nebr.
33 149 Feb. 16 to Mar. 7, 1899 South Lancaster, Mass.
34 268 April 2 to April 23, 1901 Battle Creek, Mich.
35 139 Mar. 27 to Apr. 13, 1903 Oakland, Calif.
36 197 May 11 to May 30, 1905 Washington, D.C.
37 328 May 13 to June 6, 1909 Washington, D.C.
38 372 May 15 to June 8, 1913 Washington, D.C.
39 443 Mar. 29 to Apr. 14, 1918 San Francisco, Calif.
40 681 May 11 to May 28, 1922 San Francisco, Calif.
41 677 May 27 to June 14, 1926 Milwaukee, Wis.
42 577 May 29 to June 12, 1930 San Francisco, Calif.
43 671 May 26 to June 8, 1936 San Francisco, Calif.
44 619 May 26 to June 7, 1941 San Francisco, Calif.
45 828 June 5 to June 15, 1946 Washington, D.C.
46 943 July 10 to July 22, 1950 San Francisco, Calif.


Name Date of Service
1. John Byington May 21, 1863, to May 17, 1865
2. James White . May 17, 1865, to May 14, 1867
3. J. N. Andrews May 14, 1867, to May 18, 1869
4. James White May 18, 1869, to Dec. 29, 1871
6. George I. Butler Dec. 29, 1871, to Aug. 10, 1874
6. James White Aug. 10, 1874, to Oct. 6, 1880
7. George I. Butler Oct. 6, 1880, to Oct. 17, 1888
8. 0. A. Olsen Oct. 17, 1888, to Feb. 19, 1897
9. G. A. Irwin Feb. 19, 1897, to April 2, 1901
10. A. G. Daniells April 2, 1901, to May 11, 1922
11. W. A. Spicer May 11, 1922, to May 28, 1930
12. C. H. Watson May 28, 1930, to May 26, 1936
13. J. L. McElhany May 26, 1936. to July 10, 1950
14. W. H. Branson July 10, 1950, to


Name Date of Service
1. Uriah Smith May 21, 1863, to Nov. 14, 1873
2. S. Brownsberger Nov. 14, 1873, to Aug. 10, 1874
3. Uriah Smith Aug. 10, 1874, to Sept. 19, 1876
4. C. W. Stone Sept. 19, 1876, to Sept. 20, 1877
5. Uriah Smith Sept. 20, 1877, to Dec. 1, 1881
6. A. B. Oyen Dec. 1, 1881, to Nov. 8, 1883
7. Uriah Smith Nov. 8, 1883, to Oct. 17, 1888
8. Dan T. Jones Oct. 17, 1888, to Mar. 5, 1891
9. W. A. Colcord Mar. 5, 1891, to Mar. 6, 1893
10. L. T. Nicola Mar. 7, 1893, to Feb. 19, 1897
11. L. A. Hoopes Feb. 19, 1897, to April 2, 1901
12. H. E. Osborne April 2, 1901, to April 11, 1903
13. W. A. Spicer April 11, 1903, to May 11, 1922
14. A. G. Daniells May 11, 1922, to May 27, 1926
15. C. K. Meyers May 27, 1926, to Oct. 17, 1933
16. M. E. Kern Oct. 22, 1933, to May 26, 1936
17. E. D. Dick May 26, 1936, to


Name Date of Service
1. E. S. Walker May 21, 1863 to May 17, 1865
2. I. D. Van Horn May 17. 1865 to May 12, 1868
3. J. N. Loughborough May 12, 1868 to May 18, 1869
4. E. S. Walker May 18, 1869 to Mar. 15, 1870
5. G. H. Bell Mar. 15, 1870 to Feb. 7, 1871
6. Mrs. A. P. Van Horn Feb. 7, 1871 to Mar. 11, 1873
7. E. B. Gaskill Mar. 11, 1873 to Aug. 10, 1874
8. Harmon Lindsay Aug. 10, 1874 to Aug. 15, 1875
9. Miss Fredericka House , 1875 to Sept. 19, 1876
10. U. Smith Sept. 19, 1876 to Sept. 20, 1877
11. Mrs. M. J. Chapman Sept. 20, 1877 to Nov. 8, 1883
12. A. R. Henry Nov. 8, 1883 to Oct. 17, 1888
13. Harmon Lindsay Oct. 17, 1888 to Feb. 17, 1893
14. W. H. Edwards Feb. 17, 1893 to Feb. 19, 1897
15. A. G. Adams Feb. 19, 1897 to Oct. 21, 1900
16. H. M. Mitchell Nov. 12, 1900 to Mar. 27, 1903
17. I. H. Evans Mar. 27, 1903 to May 13, 1909
18 W. T. Knox May 13, 1909 to May 11, 1922
19. J. L. Shaw May 11, 1922 to May 26, 1936
20. W. E. Nelson May 26, 1936 to July 10, 1950
21. C. L. Torrey July 10, 1950 to

In the three preceding tables the dates given indicate the time when the Con-
ference sessions were convened.

Countries, Island Groups, and Islands in

which Seventh-day Adventist Work
Has Been Established.
The work of Seventh-day Adventists is being carried on in nearly all of the
principal countries of the world, and in many of the smaller geographical and
political divisions. It is generally considered that a country or political division
has been entered by Seventh-day Adventist interests when regular medical, educa-
tional, or other mission activities are being conducted among the people of that
particular area, or when there is in the territory one or more groups of persons
connected in an organized way with the denomination, such as in Sabbath school
or church fellowship. A new field is not considered as entered when only,,itinerant
preaching or colporteur work has been done, or when there are only a few scattered
Recognizing the need of a reliable list of geographical and political divisions
which could be used as a basis for checking the different areas in which Seventh-
day Adventist work is being carried forward, the following action was taken at the
1946 General Conference session:
"Voted, That the designations of the several sections of the world field in which
Seventh-day Adventists are conducting their work be based on the list of coun-
tries, islands, and island groups in such authoritative works as the World Almanac
and the Statesman's Yearbook."
Following this procedure, the list shown below comprises the geographical and
political divisions taken from the World Almanac and the Statesman's Yearbook.
With world conditions as unsettled as they are at this time, it is not unlikely
that political changes may render difficult the maintaining of stable lists of coun-
tries for checking purposes. Furthermore, there may be other standard catalogs of
countries which should be consulted in addition to those mentioned above. The
editor of the YEARBOOK will welcome any corrections or additions to the lists
here presented, substantiated by authoritative sources of information.
Parallelling the standard list of geographical and political areas shown below,
there are given the names of the countries, island groups, and islands in which
Seventh-day Adventist work is being conducted at the present time, as far as
they have been recorded in the General Conference office. This list also is subject
to correction by those who are intimately acquainted with conditions in the various
sections of the world field; and the list will be extended as new mission territories
are entered.
Geographical and political divisions of the world as Geographical and political
given in the WORLD ALMANAC and the areas in which Seventh-day
STATESMAN'S YEARBOOK. Adventist work is being done.
Countries, etc. Continent Countries, etc. Entered
Aden and Protectorate Asia
Aegean Islands Europe
Afghanistan Asia
Alaska North America Alaska
Albania Europe Albania
Algeria Africa Algeria
Andaman and Nicobar Is. Asia
Andorra Europe
Anglo-Egyptian Sudan Africa
Angola Africa Angola
Arabia, Saudi Asia
Argentina South America Argentina
Armenia Asia Armenia
Ascension and Tristan South Atlantic
da Cunha Islands
Australia Australia Australia
Austral Islands Oceania Austral Islands
Austria Europe Austria
Azerbaijan Republic Asia
Azores Islands North Atlantic Azores
Bahamas West Indies Bahamas

Countries, etc. Continent Countries, etc. Entered

Bahrain Islands Asia

Barbados Islands West Indies Barbados Islands
Basutoland Africa Basutoland
Bechuanaland Africa Bechuanaland
Belgian Congo Africa Belgian Congo
Belgium Europe Belgium
Bermuda North America Bermuda
Bhutan Asia
Bismarck Archipelago Oceania Bismarck Archipelago
Bolivia South America Bolivia
Borneo Asia Borneo
Buriat-Mongol Republic Asia
Brazil South America Brazil
British Honduras Central America British Honduras
Brunei Asia Brunei
Bulgaria Europe Bulgaria
Burma Asia Burma
Byelorussian Republic Europe Byelorussian Republic
Cambodia Asia Cambodia
Cameroons, British Africa Cameroons, British
Cameroon, French Africa Cameroon, French
Canada North America Canada
Canary Isles North Atlantic Canary Isles
Cape Verde Isles North Atlantic Cape Verde Isles
Caroline Islands Oceania Caroline Islands
Cayman Islands West Indies Cayman Islands
Ceylon Asia Ceylon
Chile South America Chile
China Asia China
Colombia South America Colombia
Cook Islands Oceania Cook Islands
Costa Rica Central America Costa Rica
Cuba West Indies Cuba
Curacao South America Curacao
Cyprus Europe Cyprus
Czechoslovakia Europe Czechoslovakia
Denmark Europe Denmark
Dominican Republic West Indies Dominican Republic
Ecuador South America Ecuador
Egypt Africa Egypt
El Salvador Central America El Salvador
Ellice Islands Oceania Ellice Islands
Eritrea Africa Eritrea
Estonia Europe Estonia
Ethiopia Africa Ethiopia
Faroe Islands Europe Faroe Islands
Falkland Islands South Atlantic Falkland Islands
Fiji Islands Oceania Fiji Islands
Finland Europe Finland
Formosa (Taiwan) Asia Formosa
France Europe France
French Equatorial Africa Africa Fr. Equat. Africa
French Oceania Oceania
French West Africa Africa Fr. West Africa
Friendly Islands Oceania Friendly Islands
Gambia Africa
Georgian Republic Europe Georgian Republic
Germany Europe Germany
Gibraltar Europe Gibraltar
Gilbert Islands Oceania Gilbert Islands
Gold Coast Africa Gold Coast
Great Britain Europe Great Britain
Greece Europe Greece
Greenland North Atlantic Greenland
Guadeloupe Island West Indies Guadeloupe Island
Guam Oceania Guam
Guatemala Central America Guatemala

Countries, etc. Continent Countries, etc. Entered

Guiana, British South America Guiana, British

Guiana, French South America Guiana, French
Guiana, Netherlands South America Guiana, Netherlands
Guinea, Portuguese Africa Guinea, Portuguese
Guinea, Spanish Africa
Haiti West Indies Haiti
Hawaiian Islands Oceania Hawaiian Islands
Honduras Central America Honduras
Hong Kong and Territory Asia Hong Kong
Hungary Europe Hungary
Iceland North Atlantic Iceland
India, Republic of Asia India, Republic of
India, French Asia
India, Portuguese (Goa, etc. ) Asia India, Portuguese
Indonesia Asia Indonesia
Iran (Persia) Asia Iran
Iraq Asia Iraq
Ireland, Republic of Europe Ireland, Republic of
Ireland, Northern Europe Ireland, Northern
Israel (Palestine) Asia Israel
Italy Europe Italy
Jamaica West Indies Jamaica
Japan Asia Japan
Jordania Asia Jordania
Karelo-Finnish Republic Europe Karelo-Finnish Republic
Kashmir Asia
Kazakhstan Asia Kazakhstan
Kenya and Protectorate Africa Kenya
Kirghizia Asia Kirghizia
Korea Asia Korea
Kuwait Asia
Laos Asia Laos
Latvia Europe Latvia
Lebanon Asia Lebanon
Leeward Islands West Indies Leeward Islands
Liberia Africa Liberia
Libya Africa
Liechtenstein Europe Liechtenstein
Lithuania Europe Lithuania
Loyalty Islands Oceania Loyalty Islands
Luxemburg Europe Luxemburg
Macao Asia Macao
Madagascar Africa Madagascar
Madeira Islands North Atlantic Madeira Islands
Malaya Asia Malaya
Maldive Islands Asia
Malta Europe Malta
Mariana Islands Oceania
Marshall Islands Oceania
Martinique West Indies Martinique
Mauritius Africa Mauritius
Mexico North America Mexico
Moldavia Europe Moldavia
Monaco Europe
Mongolia Asia Mongolia
Morocco, French Africa Morocco, French
Morocco, Spanish Africa Morocco, Spanish
Morocco, (Tangier) Africa Morocco, (Tangier)
Mozambique Africa Mozambique
Muscat and Oman Asia
Nauru Oceania
Nepal Asia
Netherlands Europe Netherlands
New Caledonia Oceania New Caledonia
New Guinea, British Oceania New Guinea, British
New Guinea, Netherlands Oceania New Guinea, Netherlands

Countries, etc. Continent Countries, etc. Entered

New Hebrides Islands Oceania New Hebrides Islands

New Zealand Oceania New Zealand
Nicaragua Central America Nicaragua
Nigeria Africa Nigeria
Norfolk Island Australia Norfolk Island
Norway Europe Norway
Nyasaland Africa Nyasaland
Pakistan Asia Pakistan
Panama Central America Panama
Papua Oceania Papua
Paraguay South America Paraguay
Peru South America Peru
Phoenix Islands Oceania
Philippines Asia Philippines
Pitcairn Island Oceania Pitcairn Island
Poland Europe Poland
Portugal Europe Portugal
Principe and Sao Tome Is. Africa Principe and Sao Tome
Puerto Rico West Indies Puerto Rico
Reunion Island Indian Ocean Reunion
Rhodesia, Northern Africa Rhodesia, Northern
Rhodesia, Southern Africa Rhodesia, Southern
Ruanda-Urundi Africa Ruanda-Urundi
Rumania Europe Rumania
St. Helena South Atlantic St. Helena
St. Pierre and Miquelon Is. North America
Sakhalin Island (So.) Asia Sakhalin Island
Samoan Islands, British Oceania Samoan Islands, British
Samoan Islands, U. S. Oceania Samoan Islands, U. S.
San Marino Europe San Marino
Sarawak (Borneo) Asia Sarawak
Seychelles Islands Africa Seychelles Islands
Siam (Thailand) Asia Siam (Thailand)
Sierra Leone Africa Sierra Leone
Sikkim Asia
Singapore Asia Singapore
Society Islands Oceania Society Islands
Solomon Islands, British Oceania Solomon Islands, British
Solomon Islands, Australia Oceania Solomon Islands, Aust.
Somaliland, British Africa
Somaliland, French Africa
Somaliland, Italian Africa
South-West Africa Africa South-West Africa
Soviet Russia Europe Soviet Russia
Spain Europe Spain
Spanish Sahara Africa
Spitzbergen Europe Spitzbergen
Swaziland Africa Swaziland
Sweden Europe Sweden
Switzerland Europe Switzerland
Syria Asia Syria
Tadzhikistan Asia Tadzhikistan
Tanganyika Africa Tanganyika
Tibet Asia Tibet
Timor Island, Portuguese Asia
Togoland, British Africa Togoland, British
Togoland, French Africa
Trinidad and Tobago West Indies Trinidad and Tobago
Tunisia Africa Tunisia
Turkey Europe-Asia Turkey
Tukmenistan Asia Turkmenistan
Turks and Caicos Islands West Indies Turks and Caicos Islands
Uganda Protectorate Africa Uganda
Ukraine Europe Ukraine
Union of South Africa Africa Union of South Africa
United States North America United States
Uruguay South America Uruguay
Uzbekistan Asia Uzbekistan

Countries, etc. Continent Countries, etc. Entered

Vatican City, State of Europe

Venezuela South America Venezuela
Viet Nam Asia Viet Nam
Virgin Islands West Indies Virgin Islands
Windward Islands West Indies Windward Islands
Yakutsk Republic Asia Yakutsk Republic
Yemen Asia
Yugoslavia Europe Yugoslavia
Zanzibar Africa Zanzibar

Total Number of Countries Listed Above 230
Total Countries Entered by Seventh-day Adventists 193
Total Countries Still Unentered 37

N.B. Recent political developments in different parts of the world, resulting

in the absorption of and combining together of certain areas hitherto considered
to be separate political entities, have necessitated a considerable curtailment in
the number of countries listed. The totals as given above are therefore somewhat
reduced as compared with previous years. In no case, however, does this indicate
the withdrawal of our denominational activities from any previously listed
country or island.


(Not including children or workers returned from furlough)

Year Workers Year Workers

1901-02 107 1926 . 216
1903 60 1927 184
1904 40 1928 159
1905 60 1929 155
1906 76 1930 183
1907 58 1931 119
1908 140 1932 67
1909 134 1933 64
1910 61 1934 72
1911 74 1935 123
1912 97 1936 131
1913 157 1937 137
1914 103 1938 148
1915 76 1939 92
1916 147 1940 122
1917 69 1941 81
1918 103 1942 44
1919 83 1943 100
1920 310 1944 111
1921 212 1945 186
1922 137 1946 370
1923 110 1947 359
1924 142 1948 267
1925 175 -1949 239
Total since 1900 6,450

Languages in Which Seventh-day Adventist Publications

Have Been or Are Being Issued
(Other names by which some of these languages are known
are shown in parentheses)

Country Where Country Where

Language Language Is Used Language Language Is Used

Afrikaans South Africa Ghurmuki India

Akawaio Venezuela Greco-Turkish Greece, Turkey
Amharic Ethiopia Greek Greece
Amo Nigeria Gujerati India
Amok New Hebrides Gusii (Kisii) Kenya
Amoyese (Hokkien) Amoy, China
Indo-China Hausa Nigeria
Annamese Hawaiian
Appolonian Gold Coast Hawaii
Syria, Arabia Hindi India
Arecuna (Arakuna) Venezuela Hungarian Hungary
Armenian Asia Minor, Greece Iban (Sea Dyak) Sarawak (Borneo)
Armeno-Turkish Turkey Ibanag Philippines
Atchinese New Hebrides Ibo Nigeria
Aymara Peru Icelandic Iceland
Azerbaijan Iran Ilocano Philippines
Solomon Islands Inus Br. New Guinea
Bambatana Italian
Bassa Liberia .Italy
Batak (Angkola) Sumatra Japanese Japan
Batak (Toba-Batak) Sumatra Javanese (Romanized) Java
Beh-Miao West China Javanese (Script) Java
Bengali Bengal (India) Jita Tanganyika
Bicol Philippines
Bihari India Kanarese Mysore (India)
Blanch Bay New Guinea Keka (Baiap & Ambrymese) New Hebri.
Bohemian (Czechian) Czechoslovakia Khasi (Hadem) Assam (India)
Bum Br. New Guinea Kieta Br. New Guinea
Bulgarian Bulgaria Kizu Tanganyika
Bulu Cameroons, Br. Kuyu Kenya
Burmese Burma Kiluba Belgian Congo
Cambodian (Khmer) Indo-China Kimbundu (Mbundu) Angola
South China Kinande Belgian Congo
Cantonese Kingwana Belgian Congo
Cebuan-Visayan Philippines Konno Sierra Leone
Chibemba N. Rhodesia
Cook Islands Korean Korea
Chiila (Ila)
Chilamba N. Rhodesia Lao Indo-China, Siam
Chisona S. Rhodesia Lappish Finland, Sweden
Chitonga N. Rhodesia Latgalian Latvia
Chokwe Angola Latvian Latvia
Cinyanja (Nyanja) Nyasaland Lau Solomon Islands
Croatian Yugoslavia Lithuanian Lithuania
Lomwe Mozambique
Da Hwa Miao Yunnan, China Luganda Uganda
Danish Denmark
Solomon Islands Luo Kenya, Tanganyika
Dovele Lushai Assam (India)
Dusun (Kedayan) Borneo
Dusun (Parpar) Borneo Makassar Makassar (Celebes)
Dutch Holland Makwano Solomon Islands
English British Empire, U.S.A. Malagasy (Hovas) Madagascar
Estonian Estonia Malay (Arabic) Malaya
Ethiopic (Gez) Ethiopia Malay (Romanized) Indonesia
Malay (English Romanized) Malaya
Farsee Iran Malayalam South India
Fijian Fiji Mandarin China
Finnish Finland Manus Admiralty Islands
Flemish Belgium Maori (Cook Is.) Cook Islands
French France Maori New Zealand
Fulfulde Cameroons Marathi India
Mare Loyalty Islands
Garo Bengal, Assam (India Marovo Solomon Islands
German Germany Marquesas (Nukahivan) Marquesas IS.

Country Where Country Where

Language Language Is Used Language Language Is Used

Mende Sierra Leone Sesuto Basutoland

Mongolian Mongolia Sgau-Karen Burma
Moro (Maranaw) Philippines Shanghai (Wu) China
Motuan Br. New Guinea Siamese (Thai) Thailand
Mundari India Silozi (Sikololo, Lozi) Barotseland,
Mussau Br. New Guinea N. Rhodesia
Sindebele S. Rhodesia
Navajo Arizona, N. Mexico Sindhi India
Nepali Assam Singhalese Ceylon
Nias Indonesia Sioux South Dakota
Niuen Savage(Cook)Islands Slovakian Czechoslovakia
Norse Norway Slovenian Yugoslavia
Norwegian Norway Spanish Spain, Latin Am.
Nzima .Gold Coast Sukuma Tanganyika
Old Norse Norway Sundanese Java
Oriya India Swahili Kenya, Tanganyika
Swedish Sweden
Palau Palau (W. Carolines) Syriac Syria
Pampangan Philippines Syro-Chaldaic Iran
Panayan-Visayan Philippines Tagalog Philippines
Pangasinan Philippines Tahitian Tahiti (Society Is.)
Papaimentsch Curacao Tamil India
Pare (Chasu, Asu) Tanganyika Tegerinya (Tigre) Eritrea
Polish (Gothic) Poland Telugu India
Polish (Latin) Poland Temne Sierra Leone
Portuguese" Portugal, Angola, Brazil
Tibetan Tibet
Punjabi India Tongan Tonga
Pushtu (Pathan, Pashto) Pakistan
Turkish Turkey
Pwo-Karen Burma Twi Gold Coast
Quichua Peru Ukranian Poland, Ukraine
Ranonga Solomon Islands Umbundu Angola
Rarotongan Cook Islands Urdu (Persian) India, Pakistan
Roviana Solomon Islands Urdu (Roman) India, Pakistan
Rumanian Rumania Welsh Wales
Runyaruanda Belgian Congo Wendic Hungary
Russian Russia Wenli China
Ruthenian Czechoslovakia
Xosa (Kaffir) South Africa
Sakau New Hebrides
Samarenio Philippines Yiddish Jews in Europe, Am.
Samoan Samoa Yoruba Nigeria
Santali India
Santo New Hebrides Zambal (Tino) Philippines
Sechwana Bechuanaland Zanaki Tanganyika
Serbian Yugoslavia Zulu South Africa

Summary of all Languages in Which

Seventh-day Adventist Work is Being Conducted
Total Number of Languages with Publications 197
Total Number of Languages used in Oral Work 510
Grand Total Number of All Languages 707

Union Local Local Total Denomi-
Year Conferences Conferences Missions Institutions national Invest.
1865 .... 7 1 1 $ 38,712.63
1876 18 . 2 5 282,179.56
1886 . . 28 3 11 885,382.97
1895 1 36 22 29 2,858,726.82
1905 18 80 66 126 4,799,419.51
1910 23 106 87 188 10,086,245.27
1914 26 128 106 147 14,039,279.39
1915 26 130 109 147 14,254,615.45
1916 26 130 113 149 15,284,215.27
1917 81 135 119 156 16,873,422.54
1918 36 141 117 164 19,975,500.49
1919 - 44 133 141 172 25,432.582.52
1920 46 148 153 183 30,699,461.49
1921 51 139 160 204 34,196,049.15
1922 55 143 153 224 36,903,593.95
1923 64 146 150 234 40,675,238.72
1924 52 138 164 248 44,971,881.12
1926 60 139 180 266 45,648,299.24
1926 65 143 198 266 48,025,317.33
1927 64 146 211 291 49,293,887.27
1928 65 153 222 328 50,281,614.54
1929 67 155 - 245 375 63,314,348.60
1930 71 160 270 399 54,115,482.55
1931 71 156 278 417 54,114,844.52
1932 70 144 289 424 53,235,460.37
1933 70 146 309 441 53,979,143.72
1934 70 144 818 443 56,045,968.88
1985 69 146 .320 446 57,745,120.18
1936 70 143 328 489 60,026,066.23
1987 69 145 333 498 64,271,476.01
1938 69 136 315 623 60,348,878.04
1939 69 133 306 518 62,128,579.07
1940 69 186 194 621 64,704,761.82
1941 69 137 193 535 66,776,612.19
1942 68 186 194 646 74.785,933.08
1943 67 136 185 540 86,141,653.96
1944 69 135 192 657 100,443,162.13
1945 69 137 197 610 118,565,591.70
1946 70 137 204 535 138,440,570.51
1947 71 136 206 645 151,246,974.05
1948 74 139 213 534 166,078,322.64
1949 78 145 216 551
* Including only regularly organized local missions.


Organizations North America Overseas Total
From 1948 Financial Summary:
Conferences $22,476,967.75 $21,229,114.57 $ 43,706,082.32
Associations 10,335,049.37 13,945,094.92 24,280,144.29
Book and Bible Houses 1,624,145.09 900,877.42 2,525,022.51
Educational Institutions 26,833,872.86 4,847,370.58 31,681,243.44
Medical Institutions 16,958,583.61 4,361,843.98 21,320,427.59
Publishing Houses 7,346,355.29 2,794,976.99 10,141,332.28
Food Factories 618,595.11 606,866.21 1,225,461.32
Radio Evangelism 727,929.34 53,231.94 781,161.28
. Totals $86,921,498.42 $48,739,376.61 $135,660,875.03
From 1948 Statistical Report:
Church Buildings $17,451,096.72 $ 7,876,752.65 $ 25,327,849.37
Church School Buildings, etc. 4,052,405.28 1;037,192.96 5,089,598.24
Totals $21,503,502.00 $ 8,913,945.61 $ 30,417,447.61
Grand Totals, 1948 $108,425,000.42 $57,653,322.22 $166,078,322.64
Percentages 65.29% 34.71% 100.00%


Per Per
Year Amount Capita Year Amount Capita
1907 $ 7,281,646.29 $ 90.01 1928 $50,281,614.54 $176.24
1908 8,436,309.41 101.46 1929 53,314,348.60 177.98
1909 9,562,722.05 108.05 1930 54,116,482.55, 172.20
1910 10,086,245.27 111.07 1931 54,114,844.52 161.03
1911 11,204,962.35 119.99 1932 53,235,460.37 147.02
1912 12,084,438.13 123.26 1933 53,979,143.72 140.52
1913 12,812,783.61 111.84 1934 56,045,968.38 138.55
1914 14,039,279.39 111.56 1935 57,745,120.18 136.52
1915 14,254,615.45 104.14 1936 60,026,066.23 137.00
1916 15,284,215.27 108.02 1937 64,271,475.01 141.96
1917 16,873,422.54 109.66 1938 60,348,878.04 128.42
1918 19,976,500.49 122.80 1939 62,128,679.07 127.66
1919 25,432,582.62 142.69 1940 64,704,751.82 128.19
1920 30,699,461.49 165.54 1941 66,776,612.19 128.26
1921 34,196,049.15 172.63 1942 74,785,933.08 139.75
1922 36,903,593.95 176.77 1943 86,141,653.96 158.14
1923 40,675,238.72 183.33 1944 100,443,162.13 180.08
1924 44,971,881.12 188.44 1945 118,565,691.70 205.71
1925 45,648,299.24 181.87 1946 138,440,570.61 231.24
1926 48,025,317.33 183.42 1947 151,246,974.05 240.61
1927 49,293,887.27 179.86 1948 166,078,322.64 246.89


Foreign All Per Cap.
Year Membership Annual Tithe Miss. Offgs. Other Fds. Tot. Fds.
1863 3,600 $ 8,000.00 $ $ $ 2.29
1865 4,000 12,000.00 3.00
1870 5,440 21,822.46 4.66
1875 8,022 32,618.62 536.57 4.13
1880 15,570 61,856.88 3,160.22 2,784.35 4.35
1885 20,547 122,641.69 21,649.85 6,898.74 7.36
1890 29,711 225,433.98 50,495.63 10,935.36 9.66
1895 47,680 309,142.76 73,331.54 24,819.40 8.55
1900 75,767 610,258.97 130,151.09. 21,558.93 8.74
1905 87,311 858,014.91 169,335.11 153,567.62 13.52
1910 104,526 1,338,689.65 458,943.70 426,134.17 21.27
1915 136,879 1,968,168.26 872,666.84 566,463.07 24.89
1920 185,450 7,195,463.04 3,251,550.01 1,407,391.18 63.92
1925 250,988 5,909,496.99 3,620,347.95 1,665,502.37 44.21
1930 314,253 6,230,362.04 4,020,398.21 1,861,849.29 38.64
1931 336,046 6,641,514.44 3,649,455.31 1,743,192.47 32.84
1932 362,101 4,736,430.93 3,022,870.89 1,497,735.61 25.66
1933 384,151 4,491,730.36 2,730,641.22 1,420,280.85 22.50
1934 404,509 6,318,630.57 3,024,983.07 1,549,601.03 24.46
1935 422,968 5,743,281.80 3,150,404.29 1,599,448.13 24.81
1936 438,139 6,429,793.46 3,394,894.00 1,785,291.99 26.49
1937 452,758 7,032,921.31 3,603,504.70 1,976,763.61 27.86
1938 469,951 7,280,728.67 3,636,597.65 2,089,411.74 27.68
1939 486,670 7,631,829.39 3,701,109.16 2,167,034.55 27.74
1940 504,752 8,071,653.76 3,827,536.59 2,327,139.24 28.18
1941 520,644 9,467,574.28 4,303,444.96 2,434,368.95 31.13
1942 635,134 12,137,513.79 5,029,589.97 2,942,044.80 37.57
1943 544,710 15,294,796.76 6,303,487.97 4,080,964.38 47.14
1944 557,768 17,865,482.31 7,498,171.99 3,321,779.81 51.43
1945 576,378 19,423,952.64 7,837,868.00 4,278,114.80 54.72
1946 698,683 21,793,606.74 8,823,741.74 5,399,179.30 60.16
1947 628,594 23,849,625.15 9,293,140.96 5,835,730.46 62.02
1948 672,658 25,956,859.72 9,703,621.96 6,374,055.10 62.49
1949 716,538 27,078,860.05 10,184,854.96 7,187,088.20 62.03
Totals-87 years $336,153,118.53 $154,849,333.79 $86,519,821.17
Percentage of Totals 58.21% 26.81% 14.98%
Total Funds Raised, 1863-1949 $577,522,273.49


The amounts following have been taken from the annual receipt and dis-
bursement statements of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists for
the several years. Prior to 1905 these reports were made up on a somewhat differ-
ent plan than since that date, and are not easily comparable. The amounts here
given represent mission contributions and percentages of tithe receipts, and other
General Conference income from the entire world field; and General Conference
expenditures for foreign mission and home appropriations, and for the General
Conference headquarters administration.

Year Receipts Expenditures Year Receipts Expenditures

1905 $ 172,948.17 $ 143,796.86 1928 $5,063,554.70 $4,867,933.27
1906 212,296.85 163,755.56 1929 6,217,631.99 5,384,941.16
1907 232,956.47 253,445.74 1930 5,043,215.76 5,381,604.28
1908 270,405.96 272,873.08 1931 4,733,209.45 4,938,606.82
1909 377,972.79 357,532.56 1932 3,943,385.15 3,997,644.92
1910 374,639.37 410,611.48 1933 3,081,923.38 3,217,012.65
1911 427,861.98 404,922.63 1934 3,721,069.36 3,533,725.66
1912 663,458.28 495,361.92 1935 3,906,791.04 3,614,950.04
1913 586,977.11 550,375.90 1936 4,051,769.27 3,801,000.57
1914 643,556.03 632,130.16 1937 4,316,458.97 4,264,406.54
1915 734,276.89 734,276.89 1938 4,329,530.32 4,273,289.48
1916 808,062.44 859,586.38 1939 4,533,405.82 4,325,387.87
1917 1,221,878.86 1,045,920.32 1940 4,795,206.07 4,316,330.56
1918 2,123,371.06 1,751,892.64 1941 5,621,579.55 4,705,152:61
1919 2,404,263.32 1,906,283.90 1942 6,777,210.45 5,955,838.65
1920 3,371,331.62 3,109,073.95 1943 8,928,916.79 7,733,045.36
1921 4,065,871.44 3,836,136.83 1944 10,717,558.31 9,120,660.70
1922 3,313,246.36 3,675,419.04 1945 11,651,952.05 10,516,228.38
1923 3,686,742.38 3,802,512.38 1946 13,421,762.29 12,580,137.24
1924 3,802,872.25 8,486,154.76 1947 12,731,354.30 13,713,864.37
1925 4,176,969.30 4,023,415.31 1948 14,236,211.19 15,062,267.11
1926 4,595,758.32 4,398.270.02 1949 14,828,428.27 14,453,527.81
1927 4,679,669.65 4,773,540.18


of Church
Year No. Schools Members Membership Offerings
1878 177 5,851 44.74 $ 25.00
1880 451 11,821 75.91 2,784.35
1890 1,414 33,783 113.67 28,642.75
1900 2,334 50,804 67:07 46,794.40
1910 4,151 101,161 96.82 138,037.72
1920 6,151 195,653 105.47 1,441,962.40
1930 9,966 382,743 121.79 1,870,343.13
1933 11,466 465,755 121.24 1,309,704.47
1934 11,967 491,067 121.40 1,384,872.19
1935 12,530 519,990 122.94 1,447,961.97
1936 13,009 541,489 123.59 1,546,466.78
1937 13,320 553,389 122.23 1,669,833.86
1938 13,536 588,358 125.20 1,705,490.28
1939 14,010 611,123 125.57 1,718,204.93
1940 14,817 618,507 122.54 1,765,277.38
1941 14,543 646,192 124.11 1,931,726.26
1942 14,436 641,559 119.89 2,327,770.03
1943 14,574 654,370 120.13 3,005,825.14
1944 14,602 669,863 120.10 3,544,888.34
1945 15,640 688,281 119.41 3,796,809.89
1946 14,443 707,428 118.16 4,198,516.62
1947 15,107 765,952 121.85 4,290,178.33
1948 16,587 833,628 123.93 4,643,939.29
1949 16,176 889,386 124.12 4,790,896.42

No. Elementary Elementary Elementary No. Colleges
Year Schools Teachers Enrollment Acad., etc. Teachers Enrollment
1872 1 3 90
1880 1 1 15 1 20 490
1890 9 15 350 7 56 979
1900 220 250 5,000 25 199 2,357
1910 594 758 13,357 86 561 7,169
1920 928 1,273 23,481 97 1,020 9,540
1930 1,977 2,547 67,719 201 1,794 17,058
1935 2,357 8,074 81,052 208 2,698 15,603
1936 2,514 3,283 83,605 221 2,432 16,873
1937 2,526 3,471 88,048 243 2,633 18,155
1938 2,483 3,356 81,268 255 2,673 18,114
1939 2,611 8,491 83,786 252 2,749 18,061
1940 2,626 3,753 91,594 251 2,782 19,185
1941 2,871 8,799 99,740 260 1,927* 20,220
1942 2,982 3,973 103,838 267 2,505 20,514
1943 3,027 4,305 107,447 277 2,258 21,082
1944 3,116 4,411 113,945 285 2,497 22,572
1945 3,189 4,777 123,581 269 2,750 24,563
1946 3,341 4,772 128,877 290 3,356 27,887
1947 3,474 5,222 141,463 290 3,222 28,832
1948 3,650 5,598 150,692 292 3,579 30,082
1949 3,854 5,904 162,764 310 3,599 32,277
*The number of elementary school teachers in colleges, academies, and inter-
mediate schools are not included after 1940.
No. of Sanitariums Total
Year and Treatment Rooms No. of Physicians Nurses Employees Assets
1866 1 2 14 $ 24,800.60
1870 1 6 35 44,221.54
1875 1 7 125 70,189.22
1880 2 10 165 190,956.74
1885 2 13 225 310,808.81
1890 3 15 315 548,923.45
1895 7 33 477 800,786.99
1900 27 74 1,216 1,294,474.73
1905 55 80 1,300 1,600,000.00
1910 74 116 723 1,989 3,368,041.46
1915 40 65 754 1,663 2,774,058.94
1920 41 80 992 2,225 4,309,701.10
1925 65 127 1,306 3,281 6,599,656.15
1930 106 146 1,577 3,867 7,999,591.82
1933' 123 165 1,733 3,656 8,459,711.05
1934 131 178 1,952 4,341 8,903,507.13
1935 138 193 2,072 4,565 9,192,943.67
1936 163 232 2,293 5,157 9,992,574.27
1937 153 242 2,389 5,544 9,574,428.86
1938 159 254 2,193 5,550 9,538,708.48
1939 158 220 2,549 5,738 9.585,186.19
1940 158 251 2,507 6,184 9,687,457.49
1941 163 262 1,838t 6,231 10,072.803.01
1942 167 293 1,752 6,685 10,818,773.39
1943 173 293 1,818 5,758 12,713,673.25
1944 184 296 1,880 5,885 14,242,977.51
1945 172 256 1,620 6,013 15,843,184.74
1946 167 267 1,708 6,455 17,898,198.25
1947 177 336 1,808 7,229 18,748,231.59
1948 160 318 1,985 7,605 21,320,427.59
1949 161 342 2,199 7,639
* Between 1912 and 1933 self-supporting sanitariums and treatment rooms were
not included in the General Conference statistics. Hence the smaller number of
institutions, physicians and total workers between these dates. The assets through-
out are for denominationally-owned institutions only.
'Student nurses excluded beginning with 1941.
No. Pub. Em- Peri- Languages-all Total
Year Houses .ployees odicals Publications Annual Sales
1850 1 1 $
1855 1 2 1 2,000.00
1860 17 2 1 3,000.00
1865 20 2 1 4,000.00
1870 30 3 1 7,000.00
1875 3 71 8 ' 2 18,000.00
1880 4 128 10 7 40,000.00
1885 6 232 21 9 121,692.36
1890 7 412 24 12 734,397.00
1895 11 585 40 23 250,000.00
1900 13 600 96 39 250,000.00
1905 20 400 89 46 548,067.03
1910 28 610 126 67 1,560,510.58
1915 40 698 120 95 2,174.591.94
1920 45 1.125 144 99 5,682,972.35
1925 53 965 177 128 4,631,706.47
193.0 67 1,145 219 146 4,715,709.89
1935 69 1,090 256 171 3,546,804.60
1938 79 1,221 316 195 4,190,330.13
1939 79 1,324 321 199 4,532,743.77
1940 83 1,255 329 202 3,734,032.84*
1941 83 1,262 329 200 4,275,853.68
1942 83 1,293 313 200 5,467,664.99
1943 611 1,223 313 200 7,682,683.94
1944 61 1,106 280 8,509,267.09
1945 52 1,284 273 185 9,291,594.79
1946 51 1,542 281 188 10,332,186.28
1947 49 1,641 282 190 11,477,499.76
1948 52 1,747 294 195 11,730,590.22
1949 50 1,772 315 195 12,456,770.25
Beginning with 1940, annual sales of literature have beeen computed on a
somewhat different basis, which accounts for the seeming decrease in value.
tAfter 1942 printing plants operated in connection with schools are not in-


North Outside
Year Evangelistic Institutional America North America Totals
1921 7,421 6,588 6,397 7,612 14,009
1922 7,600 6,789 6,280 8,109 14,389
1923 7,795 7,361 7,063 8,093 15,156
1924 8,679 7,726 7,275 9,130 16,405
1925 9,230 8,239 7,512 9,957 17,469
1926 9,516 8,430 7,563 10,383 17,946
1927 9,873 8,434 7,690 10,617 18,307
1928 9,765 9,101 7,999 10,867 18,866
1929 10,051 10,227 8,100 12,178 20,278
1930 10,988 10,473 8,046 13,415 21,461
1931 10,850 10,757 8,033 13,574 21,607
1932 10,749 9,966 7,395 13,320 20,715
1933 10,946 11,308 8,165 14,089 22,254
1934 11,642 12,111 8,907 14,846 23,753
1935 12,185 13,000 9,350 15,835 25,185
1936 12,589 13,964 9,650 16,903 26,553
1937 13,008 15,021 10,167 17,862 28,029
1938 13,105 14,979 10,361 17,723 28,084
1939 13,257 15,643 10,608 18,292 28,900
1940 13,579 15,191 10,505 18,265 28,770
1941 13,899 14,436 10,131 18,204 28,335
1942 14,207 15,672 10,794 19,085 29,879
1943 13,889 15,337 10,985 18,788 29,773
1944 14,648 15,017 11,158 18,507 29,665
1945 14.874 16,045 11,793 19,126 30,919
1946 14,972 17,428 13,202 19,198 32,400
1947 16,551 18,684 13,518 21,717 35,235
1948 17,313 20,020 13,880 23,453 37,333
1949 17,523 20,408 13,540 24,391 37,931
Year Australasia C. Europe China Far East Inter-Amer. N. America

1908 $ 14,136.77
1909 41,183.46
1910 41.643.92
1911 32,654.45
1912 60,164.46
1913 56,282.99
1914 57,598.73
1915 78,833.25
1916 125,953.10
1917 169,170.18
1918 $22,735.58 199,920.49
1919 33,781.36 $ 6,864.71 340,992.47
1920 61,921.26 6,129.41 546,731.38
1921 93,290.40 18,232.66 527,618.77
1922 78,234.22 14,839.51 637,878.13
1923 73,722.80 16,087.21 $15,589.00 579,899.03
1924 79,136.36 22,441.69 22,090.17 589,729.33
1925 76,050.84 20,019.07 21,119.38 650,408.46
1926 71,270.94 23,298.40 21,242.48 696,315.66
1927 76,960.61 18,729.63 24,691.93 756,369.84
1928 73,050.75 55,445.18 26,464.19 827,261.96
1929 78,100.16 $87,031.61 57,024.93 29,861.69 851,416.55
1930 75,460.30 93,354.44 80,009.43 27,047.04 801,789.80
1931 62,161.33 98,634.35 $16,236.61 11,595.61 23,249.38 688,096.60
1932 63,793.55 85,556.95 17,889.46 17,154.08 19,540.39 528,710.69
1933 62,244.84 82,722.53 22,523.76 17,143.90 14,478.13 520,359.35
1934 60,622.89 62,250.94 17,768.01 18,912.15 18,494.59 639,410.11
1935 60,722.07 54,896.74 20,669.01 21,712.03 24,389.53 707,667.69
1936 65,144.78 57,637.89 18,403.45 26,309.02 26,480.93 787,819.83
1937 60,050.43 66,807.89 6,272.95 37,044.52 30,203.43 826,136.81
1938 64,461.97 49,286.24 9,199.85 46,641.69 33,801.92 860,843.73
1939 63,773.07 7,583.77 24,813,90 43,025.35 33,317.38 881,853.12
1940 67,919.93 6,200.07 16,288.24 45,288.12 34,538.68 927,744.23
1941 67,335.15 1,755.40 1,585.72 34,898.15 42,127.83 1,098,667.72
1942 65,174.96 1,535.65 54,053.60 1,243,278.72
1943 82,189.45 1,625.92 72,846.27- 1,472,488.15
1944 107,259.66 13,358.55 232,820.87 85,118.52 1,731,560.06
1945 107,112.71 581,136.70 2,600.31 103,468.64 1,976,226.49
1946 114,654.17 81,896.16 5,941.81 115,160.15 2,219,502.73
1947 122,278.28 130,167.00 72,077.89 133,259.79 2,311,450.30
1948 155,513.33 36,966.65 122,339.92 151,318.98 2,586,078.92
1949 186,678.56 26,695.91 29,526.79 132,119.24 153,754.98 2,755,603.12
Totals $2,532,806.70 $775,934.35 $1,263,195.11 $990,825.12 $1,357,599.00 $33,276,941.04

Publishing Treatment Advanced Food Corn- Grand
Year Houses Sanitariums Rooms Schools panies, etc Total
1920 45 83 8 97 183
1925 53 34 31 148 266
1930 67 51 65 201 25 399
1933 69 66 57 207 42 441
1935 69 72 64 208 33 446
1940 83 90 68 251 29 621
1941 88 82 81 260 29 535
1942 83 82 85 267 29 546
1943 61j 82 91 277 29 540
1944 61 84 100 285 27 557
1945 52 79 83 269 27 510
1946 51 85 82 290 27 535
1947 49 91 86 290 29 545
1948 52 92 68 292 30 534
1949 50 93 68 310 30 551
Beginning with 1933 a varying number of self-supporting schools and medical
Institutions have been included,
tAfter 1942 printing plants operated in connection with schools are not included.

N. Europe S. Africa S. America S. Asia S. Europe Unattached Totals
5 14,136.77
$12,942.18 627,724.23
$ 88,788.97 $ 8,837.47 25,296.06 762,064.33
71,137.57 8,936.45 27,920.36 $ 5,702.75 744,648.99
77,781.35 13,518.81 33,408.18 8,852.30 818,858.68
123,274.59 15,245.10 39,555.21 6,474.15 897,946.60
149,898.64 14,854.60 40,053.56 7,098.00 979,502.45
152,337.02 17,129.45 29,860.01 5,599.00 1,017,042.96
171,350.08 16,136.18 27,892.85 6,813.98 1,098,845.10
179,905.13 22,951.76 29,375.48 5,060.55 1,219,515.00
92,489.65 27,186.15 34,168.76 5,246.05 $42,328.29 1,304,838.83
99,595.20 29,556.12 32,182.83 11,981.45 47,058.83 1,298,035.44
87,332.93 28,097.32 32,491.64 9,850.92 50,381.77 1,108,128.46
73,164.31 24,086.53 27,775.75 8,825.71 46,512.06 913,009.47
97,870.05 27,205.26 25,182.17 10,103.06 45,595.45 925,428.50
102,623.93 31,289.87 27,796.29 14,611.71 44,569.37 1,028,349.86
107,567.94 35,403.84 80,996.63 15,770.56 43,490.15 1,123,276.19
111,346.95 42,181.06 31,976.34 18,695.78 40,141.63 1,225,136.66
119,939.25 51,521.85 33,213.29 17,427.69 50,999.18 1,288,616.79
121,836.02 50,535.44 83,808.32 17,161.59 60,819.55 1,327,291.32
113,008.51 57,040.20 31,091.68 14,079.02 31,494.15 1,301,080.15
73,630.33 59,130.72 29,991.29 19,231.05 29,973.01 1,308,935.67
161,278.07 74,685.52 35,652.60 19,544.64 33,667.18 1,571,197.98
75,477.57 98,906.32 41,126.19 15,857.21 9,346.98 1,604,757.20
130,998.44 121,419.39 54,936.37 22,786.68 1,959,290.67
132,974.11 157,967.28 75,354.88 35,292.11 2,571,706.04
520,262.54 173,882.07 92.463.44 44,441.82 74,670.68 10,810.83 3,687,076.23
239,188.23 195,651.27 112,604.24 42,040.85 421.75 3,127,060.85
144,281.02 167,232.90 135,517.04 35,281.35 78,248.78 131,090.75 3,460,885.10
202,556,86 199,312.48 175,481.82 30,657.16 88,279.64 147,543.59 3,846,079.35
196,909.46 206,367.48 178.198.15 36,548.65 110,848.96 153,549.94 4,166,801.24
$4,018,804.72$1,976,268.29$1,538,298.61 $491,035.79 $918,420.66 $443,416.86 $49,583,546.25


Year Societies Members Year Societies Members
1902 186 3,478 1929 3,694 78,094
1905 196 3,471 1930 3,825 84,823
1906 400 5,400 1931 4,211 86,668
1907 461 8,933 1932 4,064 94,203
1910 647 12,408 1933 4,730 107,861
1913 964 19,428 1934 5,068 112,126
1914 1,070 19,898 1935 5,381 116,883
1915 1,196 23,442 1936 5,611 122,679
1916 1,342 25,1;36 1937 5,923 180,748
1917 1,369 26,337 1938 6,230 134,486
1918 1,446 27,879 1939 6,512 140,826
1919 1,681 32,921 1940 6,622 148,698
1920 2,030 41,916 1941 6,774 163,826
1921 2,147 45,012 1942 7,153 176,258
1922 2,285 46,933 1943 7,232 173.196
1928 2.341 48,760 1944 7,442 186,087
1924 2,574 53,522 1945 7,882 191.653
1926 3,042 59,723 1946 7,600 171,834
1926 8,121 66,031 1947 8,173 210.327
1927 8,320 65.186 1948 9,619 241,706
1928 8,555 75.776 1949 10,009 251,679


Divisions Mem- Sabbath Mem- Miss.Vol. Mem- Dorcas
Churches hers Schools hers Societies bers Societies
Australasia 460 26,983 789 39,910 523 17,414 88
Central Europe 847 43,570 1,395 49,123 434 11,631
China 300 23,415 452 21,037 99 3,972 35
Far East 815 47,515 1,244 59,830 732 19,108 224
Inter-America 926 71,784 1,737 95,353 1,139 26,562 1,659
North America 2,833 243,193 3,031 229,008 2,777 67,813 1,708
Northern Europe 377 21,764 543 21,729 156 3,277 582
South America 333 52,982 1,532 65,733 797 24,604 245
Southern Africa 511 70,190 2,094 152,598 2,143 44,574 74
Southern Asia 211 10,373 441 19,047 81 3,762 105
Southern Europe . 1,349 66,873 1,576 71,246 726 20,065 136
Unattached Unions 195 16,285 591 39,477 246 6,840 18
U.S.S.R. (Estimated) 834 21,611 751 25,296 156 2,057
Totals 9,991 716,538 16,176 889,386 10,009 251,679 4,874
* Includes Baltic Union figures.
The names of ordained and licensed ministers and workers holding missionary
and Bible instructor's credentials appear in this list. Credentialed missionaries are
indicated by (m), credentialed Bible instructors by (b), and licensed ministers by (I).

Adair, R. H., Takoma Park, Washing-

A ton 12, D.C.
Adams, C. F. (1), 5420 W. Markham
Aalborg, D. C., 910 Wallace St., Clovis, St., Little Rock, Ark.
N. Mex. Adams, C. S., S.D.A. Mission, Box 297,
Abawag, A. J., P. 0. Box 2494, Manila, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
Philippines. Adams, E. II., 286 Palo Ave., Mountain
Abbott, D. H. (1), Kendu Hospital, View, Calif.
Private Bag, P.O. Kisumu, Kenya Adams, E. M., P. 0. Box, 401, Manila,
Colony, East Africa. Philippines.
Abbott, E. H., Route 2, Sonora, Calif. Adams, G. 0., P. 0. Lower Gwelo,
Abbott, F. L., Box 124, La Sierra Sta- Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
tion, Arlington, Calif. Adams, Milton, 700 Ave. "A", Redondo
Abbott, G. K., Sonora, Box 64, Calif. Beach, Calif.
Abbott, I. (I), Stanborough Park, Wat- Adams, P. P., Box 5850, Dry Creek
ford, Herts., England. Road, Napa, Calif.
Abbott, J. L. (1), Trans-Commonwealth Adams, R. E., Rua Lopes Trovao 84,
Union Missionary College, Carmel, Niteroi, Estado do Rio, Brazil, South
West Australia, Australia. America.
Abbott, R. H., 62 Clotilde St., Mt. Law- Adams, R. R. (1), Box 255, Stroudsburg,
ley, West Australia, Australia. Pa.
Abegg, S. J. (1), Route 1, Box 731, Adams, V. E. (m), 171 Amanuma 1-
Gresham, Oreg. Chome, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Abel, Marcel (1), Casier Postal S. Port- Adams, W. E., Oakwood College, Hunts-
au-Prince, Haiti, French West Indies. ville, Ala.
Abel, Mario, Bongo Mission, Lepi, Adams, W. F., 617 Carroll Ave., Tako-
Angola, Portuguese West Africa. ma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Abel, R. P., 1175 Cariota Drive, Laguna Adams, W. L., 1572 E. Chevy Chase
Beach, Calif. Drive, Glendale 6, Calif.
Abel, S. H. (1), Union College, Lincoln Adams, W. M., 1808 El Sereno, Pasa-
6, Nebr. dena, Calif.
Abel, Temistocle (1), Casier Postal S, Adams, W. M. Jr., 2509 34th St., San
Port-au-Prince, Haiti, French West Diego 4, Cali f.
Indies. Adamsky, W., Thalmann-Platz 46, (2)
Abelson, L. E., 320 7th Ave. S., Apt. Ccittbus, Soviet Zone, Germany.
202, St. Cloud, Minn. Adangas, I. P. (1), Santiago, Isabela,
Abenia, E. (m), Apartado 4078, Madrid, Philippines.
Spain. Adeogun, J. (1), P. 0. Box 19, Ibadan,
Abernathy, W. E. (m), 2717 N. E. Knott Nigeria, West Africa.
Street, Portland 14, Oregon. Adeoye, J. A., P.O. Box 19, Ibadan,
Abney, B. W., Jr. (1), 815 Rose St., Nigeria, West Africa.
Jackson, Miss. Adeshima, D. B. (1), P. 0. Box 19,
Abney, B. W., Sr., 815 Rose St., Jack- Ibadan, Nigeria, West Africa.
son, Miss. Adolph, E., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, (13a)
Abraham, C. N. (m), P. 0. Box 35, Nurnberg, American Zone, Germany.
Poona 1, India. Aeschlimann, A. E., Calle V. Vergara
Abraham, Y. (1), 9 Cunningham Road, 3227, Florida, F.C.N. Gral. Bme.
P.O. Box 4, Bangalore, India. Mitre, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
Abrahamsen, Karl, Holmenkollvein 31, America.
Oslo, Norway. Aeschlimann, V. C., Cervantes 144,
Abreu, Jose (m), Apartado Nacional 39, Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina, South
Medellin, Colombia, South America. America.
Achata, Andres, Casilla 85, Puno, Peru, Aeschlimann, W. E. (1), Apartado
South America. Nacional 224, Medellin, Colombia,
Achiano, E. B. (I), P. 0. Box 480, South America.
Kumasi, Gold Coast, West Africa. Afa'ese. Sanika, S.D.A. Mission, P. 0.
Achieng, Filipo (1), Ranen Mission, P. Box 6, Apia, Samoa, Pacific Ocean.
0. Kisii, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Agboka, D. M., P.O. Box 480, Kumasi,
Ackerman, J. M., Forest Lake Academy, Gold Coast, West Africa.
Maitland, Fla. Agian, M. (1), P. 0. Box 34, Jesselton,
Ackers, George (1), Sheyenne River Colony of North Borneo.
Academy, Harvey, N. Dak. Agnello, S., Lungotevere Michelangelo
AcMoody, C. E., Angwin, Calif. 7, Rome, Italy.
Acosta, Eduardo, Apartado 3005, San- Agonda, N. (m), Gendia Mission, P.O.
turce, Puerto Rico. Kisumu, Kenya, East Africa.
12 353

Aguilar, I., Apartado 4078, Madrid, Allen, L. E., 76 Queensway, New Delhi
Spain. 1. India.
Aguillar, Jose C., Agricultura 79, Allen, Sydney (1), 621 So. West Temple,
Colonia Escandon, Mexico 18, Distrito Salt Lake City, Utah.
Federal, Mexico. Allison, J. W., Box 6, Monrovia, Calif.
Aguilar, Mateo (1), Casilla 1003, Lima, Allison, J. W., Jr., 1464 West Grand
Peru, South America. Blvd. Detroit 8, Mich.
Aguilar, Moises (I), Casilla 771, Cocha- Allum,,L. H. (1), 361 Argyle St., North
bamba, Bolivia, South America. Hobart, Tasmania.
As Chu (1), S.D.A. Mission, Paan P.O., Almonte, Benjamin, Casilla 2830, San-
Thaton Dist., Burma. tiago, Chile, South America.
Aigner, W. (1), Nussdorferstrasse 5, Almonte, Eliel, Casilla 2830, Santiago,
Vienna IX, Austria. Chile, South America.
Aihe (I), S.D.A. Mission, Port Moresby, Alomia, J. I., Casilla 240, Iquitos, Peru,
Papua, Pacific Ocean. South America.
Aimes, C. R., 1318 N. Cambrian, Brem- Althoff, W., Peiner Strasse 19 A, (20a)
erton, Wash. Hanover-Dohren, British Zone, Ger-
Airey, It. W., Loma Linda, Calif. many.
Airey, W. J. (1), La Sierra College, Altman, Roger, Takoma Park, Washing-
Arlington, Calif. ington 12, D.C.
Aitken, J. J., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Swit- Almocera, R. G. (I), P.O. Box 119,
zerland. City of Cebu, Philippines.
Aittala, W. (1), Annankatu 7, Helsinki, Alva, A. A., Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru,
Finland. South America.
Akbar, A. M., 3 Cavagnarie Road, Pesh- Alva, Alcides, Casilla 326, Temuco,
awar, N.W.F.P., Pakistan. Chile, South America.
Alabi, D. B. (1), P.O. Box 19, Ibadan, Alva, G. E. (1), Casilla 240, Iquitos,
Nigeria, West Africa. Peru, South America.
Aladen, Victor, 3045 Kaimuki Ave., Alvarado, Ana Rosa (b), Apartado 30,
Honolulu 16, Territory Hawaii. Camaguey, Cuba.
Alarcon, A. (m), Comercio 70-14, Tacu- Amayo, Luka, Utimbaru Mission, P. 0.
baya, Mexico, D. F., Mexico. Tarime, via Musoma, Tanganyika Ter-
Albee, W. V. (m), 1438 Pensacola St., ritory, East Africa.
Honolulu 14, Territory Hawaii. Ambler, W. G., 1880 N.W. 50th St.,
Alberro, Samuel, 1345 E. Brill, Phoenix, Miami, Fla.
Ariz. Ambs, K. F. (1), La Sierra Station,
Alberth, E., Fangelsbaehstrasse 11, Arlington, Calif.
(14a) Stuttgart-S, American Zone, Ambs, K. F., Box 327, Elizabethville,
Germany. Congo Beige, Africa.
Albrecht, J., Kegl Gyorgy utca 5 sz., Ambs, Louise (m), College Station, Ber-
Szekesfehervar, Hungary. rien Springs, Mich.
Albulescu, St. (I), Strada Eduard Amelung, K., Hans-Sachs-Strasse 9,
Grand 25, Bucuresti II, Rumania. (10b) Chemnitz, Soviet Zone, Ger-
Alcock, H. J., College Place, Wash. many.
Alderson, P. C., 535 Laguna St., Kla- Amian A., Landwehrstrasse 18/I, (19a)
math Falls, Oreg. Halle-Saale, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Alderson, R. F., Route 1, Box 37K, Amirtham, M. (m), 36 Park Street,
Camarillo, Calif. Calcutta, India.
Aldrich, L. E. (1), South Lancaster, Ammundsen, Edward A. (1), 707 S.
Mass. Naches St., Wapato, Wash.
Aldridge, F. R. (1), 517 W. Newell Ammundsen, W. B., 246 N. Garfield,
St., Syracuse 5. N.Y. Manteca, Calif.
Alexander, Mrs. Beth (m), Loma Linda Amoah, J. K., P.O. Box 480, Kumasi,
Food Co.. Arlington, Calif. Gold Coast, West Africa.
Alexander, H. C. (m), S.D.A. Mission, Amofah, A. (I), P.O. Box 480, Kumasi,
Chuharkana Mandi, Punjab, Pakistan. Gold Coast, West Africa.
Alexander, L. It. (1), 1107 Emerson Amoguis, P. S. (m), P.O. Box 293,
St., Seattle 99, Wash. Davao City, Philippines.
Alexander, Wilber (1), 5745 Bonfair St., Ampuero, V. (I), Calle V. Vergara 3227,
Long Beach 8, Calif. Florida, F.C.N. Gral. Bme. Mitre, Bue-
Alexe, C. (1), Strada Eduard Grand 25, nos Aires, Argentina, South Amer-
Bucuresti II, Rumania. ica.
Alexe, N., Strada Eduard Grand 25, Amundsen, Wesley, Madison College,
Bucuresti II, Rumania. Tenn.
Alexis, Toussenel, Casier Postal S, Port- Amundson, Earl W., 11001/ Bartlett
au-Prince, Haiti, West Indies. St., Burlington, Iowa.
Alinsod, R. P. (1), P. 0. Box 39, Lucena, Anandam, G. A. (m), Narsapur, West
Quezon, Philippines. Godavari District, India.
All, J. E., 317 West 10th St., Jackson- Anderson, Alfr., Vasagatan 12, Gote-
ville, Fla. borg, Sweden.
Allaway, Charles (1), Mission City, Anderson, A. N., 802 Griswold Street,
British Columbia, Canada. Worthington, Ohio.

Anderson, August, Route 2, Stanchfield, Andreasen, M. L., 2809 Midwick Drive,

Minn. Alhambra, Calif.
Anderson, A. S., 8 Crestmont Road, Andreasen, Alf A., Akersgaten 74, Oslo,
Binghamton, N.Y. Norway.
Anderson, B. L., Angwin, Calif. Andres, James B. (1), Box 276, Arling-
Anderson, C. V., 1402 Hubner Ave., ton, Oreg.
Baltimore 28, Md. Andress, W. M., 4927 Strong Ave., Ar-
Anderson, C. P., South Lancaster, Mass. lington, Calif.
Anderson, D. G., General Delivery, Pitts- Andrews, W. N., Box 2276, Nairobi,
boro, N.C. Kenya Colony, East Africa.
Anderson, D. W., Hinsdale Sanitarium, Andrews, W. R., 4107 N. E. Hoyt St.,
Hinsdale, Ill. Portland, Oreg.
Anderson, E. L. (1), 10622 124th St., Andross, C: E., Box 4037, Honolulu 12,
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Territory Hawaii.
Anderson, F. V. (1), Route 4, Box 65, Andross, E. M. (m), Washington Mis-
Lodi, Calif. sionary College, Takoma Park 12, D.C.
Anderson, G. (1), Vasagatan 12, Gote- Ang Kim Hi, S.D.A. Mission, Kulangsu,
borg, Sweden. Amoy, China.
Anderson, G. T., La Sierra College, Angervo, 0., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock-
Arlington, Calif. holm, Sweden.
Anderson, Gt W. (1), 7324 Susquehanna Anghel, P., Strada Regina Maria No. 12,
St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Bacau, Rumania.
Anderson, H. (1), Vasagatan 12, Gote- Anniss, L. G. (1), P.O. Box 19, Ibadan,
borg, Sweden. Nigeria, West Africa.
Anderson, H. F. (m), Box 337, Oshawa, Annofsky, E. G., Box 276, Armona,
Ontario, Canada. Calif.
Anderson, Hollis (1), Box 184, Barstow, Anscombe, C. H. (m), 41 Hazel Gardens,
Calif. Edgware, Middlesex, England.
Anderson, H. P., College View, Nebr. Ansel, A., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, (13a)
Anderson, H. T., 3911 Marse Allen Nurnberg, American Zone, Germany.
Road, Macon, Ga. Ansley, I. L. (1), 26 Haig Street, Roset-
Anderson, J. D., S.D.A. Mission, Ba- tenville, Johannesburg, Transvaal,
tuna, Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Is- South Africa.
lands, Pacific Ocean. Ansley, R. E., Cancele Mission, Private
Anderson, J. F., 1014 Lincoln, San Bag, Mount Frere, East Griqualand,
Juan, Texas. South Africa.
Anderson, J. N., 5013 Prescott Ave., Antwi, R. K. (1), P.O. Box 480, Kumasi,
Lincoln 6, Nebr. Gold Coast, West Africa.
Anderson, J. P., 4 Hickory Ave., Ta- Anunsen, I. E. (1), 1119 W. 7th St.,
koma Park, Washington 12, D.C. Reno, Nev.
Anderson, L. R., 3852 Myers St.. Arling- Apia (I), S.D.A. Mission, Wewak, Ter-
ton, Calif. ritory of New Guinea.
Anderson, M. E., 4997 Mitchell St., Ar- Apigian, J. H., 831 N.E. 7th St., Grants
lington, Calif. Pass, Oregon.
Anderson, M. G. (1), P.O. Box 145, Aplington, K. A. (1), College Place,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Wash.
Anderson, Milo (1), Platte Valley Acad- Aplington, Marguerite (m), College
emy, Shelton, Nebr. Place, Wash.
Anderson, 0. K., 84 The Boulevarde, Apollon, F. D., Casier Postal 5, Port-
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- au-Prince, Haiti, West Indies.
tralia. Appel, Alva, 7 Alfred House Gardens,
Anderson, R. A., Takoma Park, Wash- Colpetty, Colombo, Ceylon.
ington 12, D. C. Appel, G. J., P.O. Box 1011, Beirut,
Anderson, Soverine (b), General Deliv- Lebanon.
ery, Paradise, Calif. Aqui. A. S. (rn), Santiago, Isabela,
Anderson, T. A., 84 The Boulevarde, Philippines.
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Arasola, A., Lapintie 3 C 46, Tampere,
tralia. Finland.
Anderson, V. A., 257 S. Main St., Arason, S. (m), Takoma Park, Wash-
Jamestown, N.Y. ington 12, D. C.
Anderson, V. G., 101 Berkley Rd.,
Avondale, Ga. Araujo, J. B. (1), Caixa Postal 1830,
Anderson, W. E. (1), La Sieria Sta- Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
tion, Arlington, Calif. Araujo, J. T., Rua Lopes Trovao 84,
Anderson, Winton C. (1), 2320 S. 16th Niteroi, Estado do Rio, Brazil, South
St., St. Joseph, Mo. America.
Andrade, B. C. (1), Caixa Postal 378, Araujo, R. C., Caixa Postal 1919, Rio
Recife, Pernambuco, South America. de Janeiro, Brazil, South America.
Andrade, S. E. (1), Casilla 1140, Gua- Archbold, B. L., Box 66, Port-of-Spain,
yaquil, Ecuador, South America. Trinidad, British West Indies.
Andrean, 0. D., Apartado 1325, San Archbold, W. R., 1003 E. 10th St., Du-
Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. luth, Minn.

Archuleta, R. R. 1495 Whitton Ave., Arteaga, Benjamin, Vallarta Sur 644,

San Jose, Calif. Monterrey, N.L., Mexico.
Are (I), "Palm Beach," Rabaul, New Arthur, Lionel B. (1), Box 223, Bridge-
Britain, Territory of New Guinea. town, Barbados, British West Indies.
Arevalo, Guillermo, Apartado Nacional Artress, F. L. (m), P. 0. Box 145,
436, Bogota, Colombia, South Amer- Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
ica. Arumainayagam, S. K. (1), ."Foicotta"
Arevalo, M. P., P.O. Box 39, Lucena, Curzon Maidan, Palamcottah, Tinne-
Quezon, Philippines. velly District, India.
Arguzon, G. A. (1), P.O. Box 39, Lu- Arvai, H. (1), Kegl Gyorgy utca 5 sz.,
cena, Quezon, Philippines. Szekesfehervar, Hungary.
Arhizi, A. K. (1), P.O. Box 480, Kumasi, Arunga, Elisha (I), Gendia Mission,
Gold Coast, West Africa: Private Bag, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya
Arias, Emeterio (m), Casilla 2830, San- Colony, East Africa.
tiago, Chile, South America. Asare, D. K. (1), P. 0. Box 480, Ku-
Arias, Emilio (1), Casilla 326, Temuco, masi,Gold Coast, West Africa.
Chile, South America. Ashbaugh, F. G., Route 2, Box 3222,
Arismendi, R. S., Apartado 25, Barqui- Aptos, Calif.
simeto, Lara, Venezuela, South Amer- Ashby, N. E. (1), Pine Forge Institute,
ica. Pine Forge, Pa.
Aritonong, H., Pematang Siantar, Su- Asheim, Trygve, Holmenkollveien 31,
matra, Indonesia. Oslo, Norway.
Arkalieff, N., Solunska 10, Sofia, Bul- Asher, G. W., 1201 Maxwell, Tupelo,
garia. Miss.
Arloo, J. M., P.O. Box 480, Kumasi, Ashley, L. M. (m), Walla Walla Col-
Gold Coast, West Africa. lege, College Place, Wash.
Armitage, F. B., General Delivery, Ashlock, C. J., 804 Ramsey, Fort Worth,
Loma Linda, Calif. Texas.
Armstrong, A. D., 700 Ave. "A," Re- Ashlock, J. F., Box 15, Poona 1, India.
dondo Beach, Calif. Ashlock, T. M. (I), 36 Park Street,
Armstrong, A. K., 780 St. Albans Road, Calcutta, India.
Watford, Herts., England. Ashod, A. E. (1), Poste Restante, Ni-
Armstrong, Mrs. Helen (b), Route 2, cosia, Cyprus.
Box 535, Acampo, Calif. Ashton, E. (1), 780 St. Albans Road,
Armstrong, V. T., P. 0. Box 226, Singa- Watford, Herts., England.
pore, Colony of Singapore. Ashton, N. S., 7306 Trescott Ave., Ta-
Armstrong. W. W., 780 St. Albans koma Park, Washington 12, D. C.
Road, Watford, Herts., England. Asiano, D., Piazza Carlo Mirabello 2 -,
Arn, Alejandro (I), Yegros 429, Asun- Milano, Italy.
cion, Paraguay, South America. Aso, G. S., 3612 Williams St., Denver
Arnaud, E. (m), 130 Boulevard de 5, Colo.
l'Hopital, Paris 13e, France. Assamba, Pierre (1), Mission Adven-
Arnes.en, E., Holmenkollveien 31, Oslo, tiste, Nanga-Eboko, French Came-
Norway. roons, West Africa.
Arneson, Jakob R. (I), Parkgaten 35, Astleford, L., 3122 Athol St., Regina,
Tromso, Norway. Saskatchewan, Canada.
Arnhold, A., Bueltenweg 14, (20b) Atea, Heimata (I), Boite 95, Papeete,
Brunswick, British Zone, Germany. Tahiti, Society Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Arnhold, B. (1), Thalmann-Platz 46, Atari, F. (1), 3 Nakajimadori 2-chome,
(2) Cottbus, Soviet Zone, Germany. Fukiai-ku, Kobe, Japan.
Arregui, Gabriel, 1029 Olive St., El Atcheson, R. L. (m), College of Med-
Paso, Texas. ical Evangelists, Loma Linda, Calif.
Arriaga, L. (1), Apartado 25510, Colo- Atiga, T. P., Artacho, Sison, -Panga.
nia Narvarte, Mexico, D.F., Mexico. sinan, Philippines.
Arriagada, Fernando, Casilla 2830, San- Atinda, Y. (m), Nyanchwa Mission,
tiago, Chile, South America. P.O. Kisii, Kenya, East Africa.
Arrington, Mrs. T. Hogue (b), 820 Ating'a, M. (m), Ranen Mission, P.O.
Beecher St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kisii, Kenya, East Africa.
Arriola, P. S. (m), P.O. Box 293, Davao Atiteo, Tiwan (1), P.O. Box 17, Baguio,
City, Philippines. Mt. Province, Philippines.
Arrogante, F. M. (1), P.O. Box 293, Atkin, W. E., 130 Cedar St., Glendale,
Davao City, Philippines. Calif.
Arroyo, F. A. (1), 8a Avenida Norte Atkins, Nora (m), P.O. Box 1011, Bei-
No. 57, San Salvador, Rep. de El Sal- rut, Lebanon.
vador, Central America. Atteberry, A. N. (1), Graysville, Tenn.
Arroyo, Rafael, Apartado 134, Sucursal Augsberger, Daniel (1), College Station,
"B", Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. Berrien Springs, Mich.
Arshat, Behnam (1), c/o Hasso Bro. Augsburger, F. 5 Boulevard Long-
Store, Basrah, Iraq. champ, Marseille, France.
Arteaga, Antonio, 1428 F St., National Augsburger, Guillermo (1), Casilla 2830,
City, Calif. Santiago, Chile, South America.

Augsburger, U., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Baden, P. G. (I), Loma Linda, Calif.
Switzerland. Badescu, D., Strada Golesti No. 11,
Auma, Y. (m), Nyanchwa Mission, P.O. Braila, Rumania.
Kisii, Kenya, East Africa. Badgley, R. L., 3425 4th Ave. North,
Austen, A. W., Box 573, Bulawayo, Great Falls, Mont.
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Baecker, F., Peiner Strasse 19 A, (20a)
Austin, E. T., Vincent Hill College, Hanover-Dohren, British Zone, Ger-
Mussoorie, U.P., India. many.
Austin, Linda (m), Box 221, Port-of- Baer, F. L. (m), Virrey del Pino 3801,
Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Suc. 30, R. 11, Buenos Aires, Argen-
Aveling, R. L. (1), P.O. Box 270, Suva, tina, South America.
Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Baerg, Henry, Casilla 2025, Zone 1, 18
Avendano, Julio (1), Apartado Nacional de Julio 2022, Montevideo, Uruguay,
436, Bogota, Colombia, South Amer- South America.
ica. Baerg, I. W. (m), Box 175, Port-of-
Avery, F. W., Boulder-Colorado Sani- Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies.
tarium, Boulder, Colo. Baerg, John, Caixa Postal 656, Belem,
Avery, W. L., Route 3, Box 821 C, Wat- Para, Brazil, South America.
sonville, Calif. Bahr, E. W., S.D.A. Mission, Outside
Avila, Wilson (m), Caixa Postal 2898, East Gate, Seoul, Korea.
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer- Bahr, 0., Thalmann-Platz 46, (2) Cott-
ica. bus, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Awuor, Kaleb (1), Ranen Mission, P.O. Bai Wen Min (1), S.D.A. Mission, 20
Kisii, Kenya, East Africa. Goh Low Meng, Nanking, China.
Axelson, A. E., College Station, Berrien Baidoo, J. (1), P.O. Box 480, Kumasi,
Springs, Mich. Gold Coast, West Africa.
Axelsson, Sigvard (1), Tunnelgatan 25, Baildam, C. D. (1), Stanborough Park,
Stockholm, Sweden. Watford, Herts., England.
Axtell, R. P. (1), Route 5, Box 2421, Bailey, D. A. (1), Review and Herald,
Oroville, Calif. Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C.
Ayala, Carlos (1), Box 505, Barstow, Bailey, F. C., 854 8th St., Crescent
Calif. City, Calif.
Ayars, E. U. (1), Academia, Mt. Ver- Bailey, M. R., 740 S. Church St., Lodi,
non, Ohio. Calif.
Ayayo, Silfano, Ranen Mission, P.O. Bailey, Noel (I), Box 223, Bridgetown,
Kisii, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Barbados, British West Indies.
Aye Maung (1), S.D.A. Mission, My- Bainbridge, R. H., 780 St. Albans Road,
aungmya, Burma. Watford, Herts., England.
Ayengo, Yohana (1), Ranen Mission, Baird, D. M., P. 0. Box 1133, Port Eliza-
P.O. Kisii, Kenya, East Africa. beth, Cape Province, South Africa.
Azevedo, E. R., Caixa Postal 1830, Baird, Leila A. (m), Vincent Hill Col-
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. lege, Mussoorie, U. P., India.
Azevedo, 0. R., Caixa Postal 1830, Baird, H., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, E.2,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Victoria, Australia.
Azevedo, R. R., Caixa Postal 177, Bajor, L., Szekely Bertalan-utca 13,
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Budapest VI, Hungary.
Brazil, South America. Baker, Mrs. C. L. (b), 1716 E. Fourth
St., Chattanooga, Tenn.
Baker, Isaac, Route 1, Traskwood, Ark.
B Baker, J. D. Stockton, Calif.
Baker, K. E., Box 645, Helena, Mont.
Ba Nyein (1), S.D.A. Mission, Myaung- Baker, L. B. (1). 2125 Ohio, Gary, Ind.
mya, Burma. Baker, R. C., 1034 Laurie Ave., San
Baasch, David, Correo Aereo 609, Me- Jose, Calif.
dellin, Colombia, South America. Bakke, Mogens, Holmenkollveien 31,
Baasch, H. E., Apartado 329, Santa Oslo, Norway.
Clara, Cuba. Balan, Leon, Strada Eduard Grand 25,
Babcock, C. M., Centralia, Mo. Bucuresti II, Rumania.
Baber, T. E. (m), 2552 25th Ave., Oak- Baldwin, H. M. (m), Walker Memorial
land 1, Calif. Hospital and Sanitarium, Avon Park,
Babienco, T. T., Route 1, Box 308, Fla.
Nevada City, Calif. Baldwin, Mrs. Jane (b), P.O. Box 580,
Bacela, J. N., P.O. Box 8043, Orlando San Jose, Calif.
West, Transvaal, South Africa. Baldwin, W. 0.. P.O. Box 226, Singa-
Bacheller, 0. W., Box 29, Brookfield, pore, Colony of Singapore.
Ill. Balharrie, G. S., Canadian Union Col-
Bacigalupi, Augusto (1), Casilla 326, lege, College Heights, Alberta, Can-
Temuco, Chile, South America. ada.
Backus, E. E. (I), Box 580, San Jose, Balinao, A. (m), Artacho, Sison, Pan-
Calif. gasinan, Philippines.
Badal, N. (b), 2075 Pahlavi Ave., Teh- Ball, A. C., 40 Bealey Avenue, Christ-
ran, Iran. church, New Zealand.

Ball, M. S., P. 0. Box S.78, South Barnhardt, Mrs. Coralee (b), 734 N.
Wagga, New South Wales, Australia. Gadsden, Tallahassee, Fla.
Balmer, F. T., Box 461, Kaslo, British Baron, G., Foksal 8, Warszawa, Poland.
Columbia, Canada. Barr, W. E., c/o R. M. Barr, Nice,
Balser, C. C., 422 Fakes Ave., Dyers- Calif.
burg, Tenn. Barrett, A. R., Coral Sea Union Mis-
Bamanya, Y., Bugema Training School, sion, Memorial Avenue, Lae, Terri-
P. 0. Box 22, Kampala, Uganda, East tory of New Guinea.
Africa. Barringham, W. H., 41 Glen Ave.,
Ramburi, A. V. (1), Tekarani Mission, Baltimore, 21, Md.
P. 0. Tekarani, Nyasaland, Africa. Barrington, E. F'., P. 0. Box 27, Hamil-
Banaag, P. C., P.O. Box 401, Man- ton, New South Wales, Australia.
ila, Philippines. Barritt, H. C. (1), 40 Bealey Ave.,
Bandora, Gideon (I), Gitwe Mission, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Via Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Bel- Barron, R. C., Box 5092, 744 N. Negley
gian East Africa. Ave., Pittsburgh 6, Pa.
Banes, F. (1), P.O. Box 119, City of Barrows, H. W. (1), Takoma Park,
Cebu, Philippines. Washington 12, D. C.
Banfield, M. S., Box 720, Pottstown, Pa. Bartha, B., Strada Cuza Voda No. 12,
Banfield, W. S. (1), Box 4027, Atlanta, Cluj, Rumania.
Ga. Bartholomew, Paul, 1106 H St., La-
Bangloy, J. A. (1), Santiago, Isabela, Grande, Oreg.
Philippines. Bartlett, A. M., Naripan 63, Bandung,
Banks, E. C., Collegedale, Tenn. Java, Indonesia.
Banks, G. Nathaniel, S.D.A. Mission, Bartlett, C. A., P.O. Box 26, Bo, Sierra
Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa. Leone, West Africa.
Bannister. C. T. (in), Box 2276, Nairobi, Bartlett, E. S. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw-
Kenya Colony, East Africa. thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
Banza, Adam (1), Songa Mission, B.P. Bartlett, R. L. (1), Box 1011J, Adelaide,
Kamina, Congo Belge, Africa. South Australia, Australia.
Baraburiye, Stefano (1), Ndora Mission, Bartlett, S. A., 40 Bealey Ave., Christ-
Via Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Bel- church, New Zealand.
gian East Africa. Bartlett, V. L. (1), Union Springs,
Baracat, Jose, Caixa Postal 378, Recife, N. Y.
Pernambuco, Brazil, South America. Barto, W. P., Route 7, Box 434, Salem,
Baranski, Willy, Caixa Postal 810, Cu- Oreg.
ritiba, Parana, Brazil, South America. Bartz, E., Kurfurstenstrasse 91, (21a)
Barber, Mrs. Mabel L. (m), 57 Lefferts Bielefeld, British Zone, Germany.
Place, Brooklyn 16, N.Y. Basaninyenzi, Elasto (I), B.P. 33, Ru-
Barber, W. E. 124 Leilehua Road, hengeri, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian
Wahiawa, Oahu, Territory Hawaii. East Africa.
Barbu, L (1), Strada Golesti No. 11, Basconcillo, C. M. (1), Artacho, Sison,
Braila, Rumania. Pangasinan, Philippines.
Barclay, W. L., Box 15, Poona 1, India. Basham, F. A., Box S.78, South Wagga,
Barger, Lowell (1), Platte Valley Acad- New South Wales, Australia.
emy, Shelton, Nebr. Bass, H. W., 1906 Valley Drive, Syra-
Barger, R. C., 1436-A Makiki Street, cuse 7, N.Y.
Honolulu 14, Territory Hawaii. Bassi, Ermano (1), Caixa Postal 1830,
Barkat Masih (1), 48 Lawrence Road, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Lahore, Pakistan. Basta, Wilson (1), 16 Av. de Koubbeh,
Barker, H. M. (1), Box 4027, Atlanta, Heliopolis, Egypt.
Ga. Bastiaans, W. (1), Lower Gwelo Mis-
Barker, L. G., Sheyenne River Academy, sion, P.O. Lower Gwelo, Southern
Harvey, N. Dak. Rhodesia, Africa.
Barkhurst, Max (1), 1414 So. Olive, Bata, R. A., 219 N. 10th St., Hamil-
Santa Ana, Calif. ton, Ohio.
Barnes, E. J., Box 831, Mt. Vernon, Bates, F. E., Ringling, Okla.
Ohio. Bates, G. D. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Mush-
Barnes, Joseph (1), 407 Moody Street, taq Manzil, Moradabad, U.P., India.
Waltham, Mass. Batson, D. C., 2019 Ilhenny St., Hous-
Barnes, L. 0. Box 694, McCook, Nebr. ton, Texas.
Battle, M. T. (1), 2153 9th Ave. South,
Barnes, L. S., 8632 Buffalo Ave., Nia- St. Petersburg, Fla.
gara Falls, N.Y. Battey, 0. (I), 27 Esplanade Road, Mt.
Barnes, P. H. (1), 1143 E. Lomita Ave., Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
Glendale 5, Calif. Battye, W. E., 148 Fox Valley Rd.,
Barnes, V. M., Jr. (1), 707 Mathewson Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
Ave., Wichita, Kan. tralia.
Barnett, D. M., P.O. Box 310, Hong Bauela (1), S.D.A. Mission, Wewak,
Kong. Territory of New Guinea,
Barnett, Ruby (m), 399 Upper Seran- Bauer, A. W., Mission City, British
goon Road, Singapore 13, Singapore. Columbia, Canada.

Bauer, C. L., 1923 Eden Ave., Glendale Beavon, Fred (1), 801 Maple, Manistee,
6, Calif. Mich.
Bauer, D. L., Box 294, Cottonwood, Beavon, H. W. E. (1), P. 0. Box 65,
Ariz. Butembo, Congo Beige, Africa.
Bauer, I., Strada Cuza Voda No. 12, Beazley, A. L.. Route 1, Box 39-A,
Cluj, Rumania. Beavercreek, Oreg.
Bauer, S. I. (1), Box 430, Lake Juna- Bechara, W., Caixa Postal 1919, Rio
luska, N.C. de Janeiro, Brazil, South America.
Baugasi (1), "Palm Beach," Rabaul, Beck, Carl, 201 S. Kansas, Chanute,
New Britain, Pacific Ocean. Kan.
Baughman, B. Y., 2414 S. Steele St., Beck, E. C., 401 4th St., Waxahachie,
Denver 10, Colo. Texas.
Baughman, L. A., 11 North 11th Ave., Beck, Henry, Box 221, Port-of-Spain,
Yakima, Wash. Trinidad, British West Indies.
Baum, C. S., 5026 27th Ave., S., Gulf- Becker, Carl, 2600 Alvin Groom St.,
port, Fla. Oakland 5, Calif.
Baumbach, E., Peiner Strasse 19-A, Becker, E. L. (m), P.O. Box 401, Ma-
(20a) Hanover-Dohren, British Zone, nila, Philippines.
Germany. Becker, N. W., 31 Hollywood St., Wor-
Bautista, J. 0., P.O. Box 293, Davao cester, Mass.
City, Philippines. Becker, V. W., Campion Academy, Love-
Baw Dee (I), 68 U Wisara Road, Ran- land, Colo.
goon, Burma. Beckner, H. R., Collegedale, Tenn.
Baxter, W. E. Jr., Apartado 16, Monte- Becraft, V. C., 410 Harbison Ave., Na-
morelos, NI., Mexico. tional City, Calif.
Baxter, W. E., Sr., Box 126, Graysville, Beddoe, E. E., 360 Park St., Gridley,
Tenn. Calif.
Bayliss, J. H., Stanborough Park, Wat- Bedwell, H. M., Box 308, Oshawa, On-
ford, Herts., England. tario, Canada.
Baysinger, W. W., Box 708, Chadron, Bee, C. M., Route 1, Arpin, Wis.
Nebr. Beeler, C. R., Apartado Nacional 39,
Bayuna, F. M. (I), P. 0. Box 2494, Medellin, Colombia, South America.
Manila, Philippines. Beeler, Eva (m), 1696 Old Dublin Road,
Bazroy, John (1), S.D.A. Mission, Kurda Hayward, Calif.
P.O., Puri District, India. Beem, K. C. (1), South Lancaster, Mass.
Beach, Bert (1), 2212 Parker St., Beer, L., Lungotevere Michelangelo 7,
Berkeley 4, Calif. Rome, Italy.
Beach, C. W., 904 Ave St., Waycross, Begemann, W., Peiner Strasse 19-A,
Ga. (20a) Hanover-Dohren, British Zone,
Beach, Margaret (m), Rest Haven San- Germany.
itarium, Sidney, British Columbia, Behner, Mrs. Edna (in), Box 3673, Or-
Canada. lando, Fla.
Beach, Perry (m), 30 Walnut St., Ber- Behrendt, P., Thalmann-Platz 46, (2)
rien Springs, Mich. Cottbus, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Beach, Peter (1), 16 Av. de Koubbeh, Behrens, A., Koblenzer Strasse 3, (I)
Heliopolis, Egypt. Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sector,
Beach, W. R., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Germany.
Switzerland. Behrens, E., Box 1011J, Adelaide, South
Beaman, Willard (1), 940 W. 24 St., Australia, Australia.
Kearney, Nebr. Beier, J., Thalmann-Platz 46, (2) Cott-
Beane, G. L. (1), Box 691, Caldwell, bus, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Idaho. Beijer, K. (m), Prins Alexanderweg 1
Beans, L. G., P. 0. Box 95, Lander, B, Huis ter Heide, Gem. Zeist, Neth-
Wyo. erlands.
Beardsell, S. W., Bethel Training I3eitzakhar, M. S., Avenue Pahlavi 2075,
School, Butterworth, Transkei, South Tehran, Iran.
Africa. Bekker, J. (1), P.O. Box 7768, Johan-
Beardsley, E. J. (m), Cedar Lake Acad- nesburg, Transvaal, South Africa.
emy, Cedar Lake, Mich.
Beardsley, Mrs. Grace (b), 2211 West Bench, Ilija, 1336 W. 60th Place, Los
Seventh Street, Duluth, Minn. Angeles 44, Calif.
Beardsley, 0. B. (1), Mwami Mission, Bell, E. (1), 780 St. Albans Road, Wat-
P. O. Fort Jameson, N. E. Rhodesia, ford, Herts., England.
Africa. Bell, Frederick (m), Sentinel Publishing
Beaton, Kate (m), Box 88, Cape Town, Company, Box 6, Claremont, Cape
South Africa. Province, South Africa.
Beatty, F. D., P. 0. Box 1164, Charles- Bell, G. R. 780 St. Albans Road, Wat-
ton 24, W. Va. ford, Heitz., England.
Beaty, Earl (m), 330 Grove Ave., Bell, J. E., 22 Zulla Road, Mapperley
Berrien Springs, Mich. Park, Nottingham, England.
Beavon, E. A., 833 Sherwood Ave., Bell, 0. J., 1201 N.W. 27th St., Okla-
Pittsburgh 21, Pa. homa City, Okla.

Bell, Mrs. 0. J. (b), 1201 N.W. 27th St., Berge, G. M. (1), Baergjelandsgaten 45,
Oklahoma City, Okla. Stavanger, Norway.
Bellah, C. G., 406 Marshall St., Fred- Bergey, W. (m), 434 Ellice Ave., Win-
ericktown, Mo. nipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
Belleau, G. S., 4125 S.E. Belmont, Bergh, H. T., 94 N. Cragmont, San
Portland 15, Oreg. Jose, Calif.
Bellido, Alfredo, Avda. Italia 2360, Berghauer, I., Kun Jozsef u. 29, Mis-
Montevideo, Uruguay, South America. kolcz, Hungary.
Belloy, J., 10 Salisbury Road, Rose Hill, Bergherm, W. A., Virrey del Pino 3801,
Mauritius, Indian Ocean. Suc. 30, R. 11, Buenos Aires, Argen-
Belloy, L. 11-13, rue Ernest Allard, tina, South America.
Brussels, Belgium. Bergherm, W. H., Takoma Park, Wash-
Belson, Tundula, Bikobo Mission, B.P. ington 12, D. C.
3. Kongolo. Congo Gelge. Berglund, Gosta, Vasagatan 12, Gote-
Belton, B., Stanborough Park, Watford, borg, Sweden.
Herts., England. Bergman, E. J., Box 138, Pendleton,
Belts, 0. S. (1), Washington Mission- Oreg.
ary College, Takoma Park 12, D. C. Bergold, Ernesto (m), Caixa Postal
Belz, Rodolpho, Caixa Postal 2898, Sao 2898, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer-
Paulo, Brazil, South America. ica.
Bender, U., 812 Academy Road, Holly, Bergold, H. S. (m), Caixa Postal 177,
Mich. Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul,
Benedict, Margaret (m), College Sta- Brazil, South America.
tion, Berrien Springs, Mich. Bergstrom, R. H., Mission Adventiste,
Benefield, V. (1), 780 St. Albans Road, ' Maroua, French Cameroons, West Af-
Watford, Herts., England. rica.
Benezech. E., 5 Boulevard Longchamp, Berke], Ivan, Piscaderaweg 18, Mundo
Marseille, France. Nobo, Curacao, Netherlands West
Benfati, Esther E. (m), Caixa Postal Indies.
2898, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer- Berkeley, S. P. (1), 298 Woodfords St.,
ica. Portland, Maine.
Benham, F. (1), 37 O'Connell Terrace, Berle, Eugene, Boite Postale 194, Fort-
Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, de-Franee Martinique, French West
Australia. Indies.
Beni (I), "Palm Beach," Rabaul, New Bermeilly, R., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Swit-
Britain, Territory of New Guinea. zerland.
Benjamin, C. L. (m), Box 4027, At- Bermingham, Matthieu, Casier Postal S,
lanta, Ga. Port-au-Prince, Haiti, French West
Benjamin, M. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Indies.
Nuzvid P.O., Kistna District, India. Bernal, Guillermo, Casilla 1003, Lima,
Benjamin, W. A. (m), Takoma Park, Peru, South America.
Washington 12, D. C. Bernard, Mission Adventiste, Antsirabe,
Bennett, L. L. (I), Box 454, Kekaha, Madagascar.
Kauai, Territory Hawaii. Bernard, P., Union Adventiste, Nanga-
Bennett, H. J. (1), Gitwe Mission, P. Eboko, French Cameroons, West Af-
0. Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Bel- rica.
gian East Africa. Berner, E., Fangelsbachstrasse 11, (14a)
Benovesky, 0., Tr. Marsala Malinov- Stuttgart-S, American Zone, Ger-
skeho 24a, Bratislava, Slovakia. many.
Benson, I. A., P.O. Box 480, Kumasi, Berner, K., Strada Cuza Voda No. 12,
Gold Coast, West Africa. Cluj, Rumania.
Benton, Elvin (1), 2608 Bagby, Houston, Bernhardt, Santiago, Avda. Italia 2360,
Texas. Montevideo, Uruguay, South Amer-
Benton, R. L., 1544 S.E. Hawthorne ica.
Blvd., Portland 14, Oreg. Bernoth, C. (1), 40 Bealey Ave., Christ-
Bentz, A. V., Box 1105, Shafter, Calif. church, New Zealand.
Bentz, R., Mission Adventiste, Bato- Bernstein, O. O., 10326 Sherman Grove
uri, French Cameroons, West Africa. Ave., Sunland, Calif.
Bentzinger, 0. H., 1629 N. Tejon, Colo- Berry, K. J. (I), Chebwai Mission, P.O.
rado Springs, Colo. Kakamega, Kenya Colony, East Af-
Bensinger, L. A., Jr. (1), Norridge- rica.
wock, Maine. Berry, R. E., 2490 Geneva St., Fresno,
Berchin, A., Calle V. Vergara 3227, Calif.
Florida, F.C.N. Gral. Bme. Mitre, Bue- Berry, V. E., Box 228, Coconut Grove,
nos Aires, Argentina, South America. Miami, Fla.
Berg, Dalrie (1), Ninth and Pine Sts., Berry, W. 0., 924 Burton St., Water-
Hastings, Nebr. loo, Iowa.
Berg, Henry, 263 S. Cypress St., Bertalot, Elia, 130 Boulevard de l'Ho-
Orange, Calif. pital, Paris 13e, France.
Berg, Orley M., 11141 Saticoy St., Sun Bertalot, E., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Swit-
Valley, Calif. zerland.

Bertalot, R. (1), 130 Boulevard de l'Ho- Binanzer, W., Diemerhaldenstrasse 23,

pital, Paris 13e, France. (14a) Stuttgart-O, Wurtemberg,
Berthold, W., Herzogstrasse 94 IV, American Zone, Germany.
(22a) Dusseldorf, British Zone, Ger- Binder, Alma (m), P. 0. Box 145, Addis
many. Ababa, Ethiopia.
Berthy, J. (I), 130 Boulevard de l'Ho- Binder, Emma (m), Giffard Mission
pital, Paris 13e, France. Hospital, Nuzvid, Kistna District,
Berzenczey, K., Jr. (m), Szekely Berta- India.
lan-utca 13, Budapest VI, Hungary. Binneboessel, F., Charlottenstrasse 24,
Berzenczey, K., Sr., Szekely BertaIan- (24a) Hamburg 19, British Zone, Ger-
utca 13, Budapest VI, Hungary. many.
Beskow, Hugo, Avenida Gral. Belgrano Biraro, Zefania (1), Kakoro Mission, P.
1366, Mendoza, Argentina, South 0. Box 49, Mbale, Uganda, East Af-
America. rica.
Beskow, P. D. (1), Cervantes 144, Birckel, R. (I), 5, Boulevard d'Anvers,
Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina, South Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France.
America. Bird, A. C., c/o Mrs. Roy Betts, Middle-
Best, G. C. (1), 40 Bealey Ave., Christ- ton, Idaho.
church, New Zealand. Bird, Inez (m), 310 E. 23rd St., Indi-
Bethmann, E., Review and Herald, anapolis 5, Ind.
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C. Bird, W. L., Dulzura, Calif.
Betram, W., Prins Alexanderweg 1 B, Birkenstock, J. A. (I), B.P. 33, Ruhen-
Huis ter Heide, Gem. Zeist, Nether- geri, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian East
lands. Africa.
Betz, Charles, 1721 Glencoe Drive, Birkenstock, J. J., P. 0. Box 7768,
Lemon Grove, Calif. Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Af-
Bevan, J. G., 22 Zulla Road, Mapperley rica.
Park, Nottingham, England. Birkenstock, K. (1), Box 7768, Johan-
[layers, G., 55a van Beek Street, Doorn- nesburg, Transvaal, South Africa.
fontein, Johannesburg, Transvaal, Birsgal, A., Koblenzer Strasse 3, (1)
South Africa. Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sector,
Bhaggian, M., S.D.A. Mission, Kottara- Germany.
kara, Travancore, India. Bischoff, J. H. (1), Highland Academy,
Biaggi, Carlos (1), Uriarte 2429, Buenos Fountain Head, Tenn.
Aires, Argentina, South America. Bisel, H. E., Route 2, Box 21, Three
Biaggi, D. (m), Calle V. Vergara 3227, Rivers, Mich.
Florida, F.C.N. Gral. Bme. Mitre, Bishai, Basta, 16 Av. de Koubbeh, Hel-
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Amer- iopolis, Egypt.
ica. Bishai, F. B. (1), P.O. Box 1011, Beirut,
Biaggi, 0. (m), Calle V. Vergara, 3227, Lebanon.
Florida, F.C.N. Gral. Bme. Mitre, Bishop, Clare (1), Apt. 5, 2454 Broad-
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Amer- way, North Bend, Oreg.
ica. Bishop, Mrs. Frances (b), 129 Prentice
Bibi (1), P. 0. Box 34, Jesselton, Col- St., Springfield, Mass.
ony of North Borneo. l3isomimbga, Barnabas, Ngoma Mission,
Bickely, B. R. (1), Kirundu Mission, via Gitwe, Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi,
B.P. Stanleyville, Congo Beige, Af- Belgian East Africa.
rica. Bivar, Renato (m), Caixa Postal 2898,
Bidwell, A. T., 1212 N. Main St., Wil- Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
liston, N. Dak. Biy, P. G. (m), Box 398, Oshawa, On-
Bidwell, W. E., 228 Rollins Ave., Or- tario, Canada.
lando, Fla. Bjaanes, Elias, Holmenkollveien 31,
Bieber, D. J., P. 0. Box 191, Watson- Olso, Norway.
ville, Calif. Bjaanes, Erling, P. 0. Box 145, Addis
Bieber, F. W., 116 E. Lakeside St., Ababa, Ethiopia.
Madison 5, Wis. Black, Dennis T., 3084 Valle St., San
Bierly, Mary (b),, Box 1051, Morgan- Diego 2, Calif.
town, W. Va. Black, Mrs. Irene (m), College Place,
Bietz, A. L., 312 No. Boyle Ave., Los Wash.
Angeles 33, Calif.
Bietz, E. E., Canadian Union College, Black, L. J. (1), Route 1, Loma Linda,
College Heights, Alberta, Canada. Calif.
Bietz, R. R., 1322 Cleveland Road, Black, W. L., Route 3, Wilmington,
Glendale 2, Calif. N. C.
Biggs, L. E., 6115 S.E. Taylor Court, Blackburn, C. C. (m), Southwestern
Portland 15, Oreg. Junior College, Keene, Texas.
Biller, R., Hans-Sachs-Strasse 9, -(10b) Blackburn, R. S., 222 Winter Ave.,
Chemnitz, Soviet Zone, Germany. Decatur, Ga.
Biloff, R. R., 1610 Van Loan, Corpus Blacker, W. J. (m), P.O. Box 226,
Christi, Texas. Singapore, Colony of Singapore.
Binanzer, E., Grafengasse 20, (15) Er- Blackney, Anna L. (m),. Walla Walla
furt, Soviet Zone, Germany. College, College Place, Wash.

Blair, Ainsley, 10749 109th St., Edmon- Bohlmann, J., Charlottenstrasse 24,
ton, Alberta, Canada. (24a) Hamburg 19, British Zone,
Blair, L. H. (I), 27 Esplanade Road, Germany.
Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Bohn, A. D., Box 146, Glendale, Calif.
Blair, R. E. G., 15 Trafalgar Street, Bohner, J. F., 1051 Lancaster Ave.,
Mont Albert, E 10, Victoria, Aus- Syracuse 10, N.Y.
tralia. Bohner, L. F. (1), Box 228, Coco-
Blair, Van 0., Auburn Academy, Au- nut Grove, Miami, Fla.
burn, Wash. Bohr, Harold, 1503 Ash St., Baraboo,
Blake, 0. A., Casilla 2025, Zone 1, 18 Wis.
de Julio 2022, Montevideo, Uruguay, Bohringer, G. F. (I), Sanitarium Health
South America. Food Company, Cooranbong, New
Blanch, J. A. B. (1), Monamona Mis- South Wales, Australia.
sion, Oak Forest, via Cairns, North Boirago, A. K. (1), Gopalganj, Faridpur
Queensland, Australia. District, East Pakistan.
Bland, F. L., 3302 E. 27th St., Kansas Boiragi, I. B., Gopalganj, Faridpur
City 1, Mo. District, East Pakistan.
Bland, L. H., 560 West 150th St., New Boiragi, T. C., Gopalganj, Faridpur
York 31, N.Y. District, East Pakistan.
Bland, M. C., 27 Esplanade Road, Boix, J., Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain.
Auckland, New Zealand. Bolivar, Luis A., Apartado Nacional
Blandford, C. L., Route 1, Westville, 313, Cali, Colombia, South America.
N. H. Bolst, N. E., S.D.A. Mission, 48 Law-
Blasius, Marion (b), 5307 S. Justine St., rence Road, Lahore, Pakistan.
Chicago 9, 111. Bolton, R. T., 780 St. Albans Road,
Blecha, Byron (1), Box 592, Pittsburg, Watford, Herts., England.
Kan. Bommer, J., Gubelstrasse 23, Zurich 50,
Bleck, Alfredo (m), Caixa Postal 2898, Switzerland.
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Bond, C. Lester, 118 E. 33rd St., Spo-
Blehm, Walter (1), 955 A St., Spring- kane, Wash.
field, Oreg. Bond, V. D. (m), 399 Upper Serangoon
Bliss, V. L., 418 N. G St. Madera, Calif. Road, Singapore 13, Singapore. -
Block, E., Uriarte 2429, Buenos Aires, Bone, H. G. (I), P. 0. Box S. 78, South
Argentina, South America. Wagga, New South Wales, Australia.
Block, Godofredo, Cervantes 144, Par- Boneff, B. W., Solunska 10, Sofia,
ana, Entre Rios, Argentina, South Bulgaria.
America. Bongini, R., Piazza Carlo Mirabello 2,
Blom, Lloyd (1), 310 Stewart St., Ya- Milano, Italy.
kima, Wash. Bonjour, J. A., Uriarte 2429, Buenos
Blomstedt, A., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- Aires, Argentina, South America.
holm, Sweden. Bonney, C. R., Stanborough Park,
Blosser, J. B., Cooks, Mich. Watford, Herts., England.
Bloum, H. P. (1), Takoma Park, Wash- Bontemps, P. B., 705 S. Valley View
ington 12, D.C. Ave., San Bernardino, Calif.
Blue, I. F., 1182 Highway 99, San Ber- Bookhart, J. A., 526 Mary Ave., New
nardino, Calif. Smyrna Beach, Fla.
Blumenshien, L. A., 6091/2 Yama St., Boose, Rose E. (m), Box 1832, Santa
Yreka, Calif. Ana, Calif.
Blunden, H. M., 306 Patterson Court, Booth, Ernest (m), College Place,
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. Wash.
Boatwright, William (1), 5919 Winona Boothby, R. L., 906 Flower Ave., Ta-
St., West, Des Moines, Iowa. koma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Bobin, B. E. (1), P. 0. Box 27, Hamil- Borg, S. T., Box 4, Sanitarium, Calif.
ton, New South Wales, Australia. Rork, Joao (m), Caixa Postal 378,
Bock, L. L. (1), 9507 Donnell Road, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, South
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. America.
Bodrug, N., 1439 Newton Road, New Bornert, M. (1), 5 Boulevard d'Anvers,
Westminster, Route 6, British Co- Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France.
lumbia, Canada. Bornhauser, Paul, Box 225, Kaunaka-
Boehm, E. A., Wewak, Territory of kai, Molokai, Territory Hawaii.
New Guinea, Pacific Ocean. Bornstein, William (1), 906 Eastridge
Boehm, Harley (1), Caixa Postal 243, Ave., Apt. F, Takoma Park, Wash-
Manaos, Amazonas, Brazil, South ington 12, D.C.
America. Borrowdale, L. J., 2745 East Eighth
Boehm, J. H., Caixa Postal 233, Vic- Street, National City, Calif.
toria, Espirito Santo, Brazil, South Borrowdale, R. J., P.O. Box 4, Ranchi,
America. B.N.R., India.
Boetcher, T., Kurfuerstenstrasse 91, Bothe, J. W., Box 125, Moncton, New
(21a) Bielefeld, British Zone, Ger- Brunswick, Canada.
many. Boulting, C. J., 148 Fox Valley Road,
Bogle, Jack B. (1), 10615 E. 57th St., Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
Kansas City, Mo. tralia.

Boundey, B. J. (1), Box 2.77, Milford, Brand, A., Gubelstrasse 23, Zurich 50,
Utah. Switzerland.
Bouwer, S. (1), Paramaribostraat 87 I, Brander, Mrs. D. (b), 516 E. Darts-
Amsterdam, Netherlands. mouth St., Flint 5, Mich.
Bowen, Glenn, Box 594, Worland, Wy- Brandon, Mrs. Anna (b), 43-11 64th St.,
oming. Woodside, Long Island, N.Y.
Bowen, Robert (m), Box 5007, Cristobal, Brandt, A. H. (1), Malamulo Mission,
Canal Zone. P.O. Malamulo, Nyasaland, Africa.
Bowen, R. G. (m), Collegedale, Tenn. Branson, E. L., 7131 Ingram St., For-
Bowen, T. E., Box 7, Foneswood, Va. est Hills, Long Island, N.Y.
Bower, D. G. (m), Spicer Missionary Branson, W. H., Takoma Park, Wash-
College, Aundh Road, Kirkee, Poona ington 12, D.C.
3, India. Brandstater, R., P. 0. Box 10115, Ade-
Bower, R. S. (1), 62 Clotilde St., Mt. laide, South Australia, Australia.
Lawley, West Australia, Australia. Branster, Gordon, P.O. Box 270, Suva,
Bowers, G. W., Walla Walla College, Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
College Place, Wash. Brantley, E. D. (1), 266 E. Lorain St.,
Bowers, J. L., P. 0. Box 149, Agana, Oberlin, Ohio.
Guam, Marianas Islands. Brantley, L. W. (I), Route 4, N. Dupont
Bowers, L. I., Route 2, Box 237 Y, Blvd., Dover, Del.
Mountain View, Calif. Brantley, Stewart (m), Oakwood Col-
Bowers, R. (1), 40 Bealey Ave., Christ- lege, Huntsville, Ala.
church, New Zealand. Brash, T. S., Stanborough Park, Wat-
Boyce, V. T. (m), Box 78, Georgetown, ford, Herts., England.
British Guiana, South America. Brathwaite, Kathleen (b), Box 78,
Boyd, J. W., 1104 Gilson St., Madison Georgetown, British Guiana, South
5, Wis. America.
Boyd, L. N. (1), Box 27, Sextonville, Brauer, Carroll (1), 417 E. Cherokee,
Nowata, Okla.
Boyd, R. K. (m), Pacific Union College, Braun, C. A., Pine Ridge, S. Dak.
Angwin, Calif. Breaden, F., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn,
Boyer, Harold (1), 2007 Indiana Ave., E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
New Castle, Ind. Bredenkamp, 0. 0. Box 468, Bloem-
Boykin, C. A., Route 2, Paducah, Ky. fontein, Orange 'Free State, South
Boynton, A. R. (1), 171 Amanuma- Africa.
chome, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Breitigam, R. R.. 2550 Sleepy Hollow
Boynton, C. W. (n), Collegedale, Tenn. Drive, Glendale, Calif.
Boynton, P. C., Avenue Pahlavi 2075, Bremer, A. Kurfuerstenstrasse 91,
Tehran, Iran. (21a) Biele
feld, British Zone, Ger-
Boynton, W. S., Box Q, Cove, Oreg. many.
Bozarth, C. W., Grove Ave., Clare- Brendel, A. E., P. 0. Box 1016, Accra,
mont, Cape Province, South Africa. Gold Coast, West Africa.
Braaten, Vernon, 16229 Andeta, San Brendel, H. J., 91 Mount Vernon Ave.,
Lorenzo, Calif. Melrose, Mass.
Bracero, Rafael, Apartado 3005, San- Brennan, D. A., 62 Clotilde Street,
turce, Puerto Rico. Mt. Lawley, West Australia, Aus-
Bradbury, E. W. (1), Ndora Mission, tralia.
via Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Bel- Brennan, H. R., 308 N. Fayette, Sagi-
gian East Africa. naw, Mich.
Bradford, C. E., 922 S. 14th St:, Brennwald, F. (1), Takoma Park, Wash-
Baton Rouge, La. ington 12, D. C.
Bradford, R. L., Box 79, Richmond, Va. Bresee, F. E., 1348 Oak St., Eugene,
Bradley, Clyde, P. 0. Box 922, Fortuna, Oreg.
Calif. Bresee, H. N., 26 Grounds Place, Al-
Bradley, E. W. (1), 8216 Forrest Ave., bany, N.Y.
Philadelphia 19, Pa. Bresee, R. F., 931 Taylor St., Eugene,
Bradley, T. J., 41 Hazel Gardens, Edg- Oreg.
ware, Middlesex, England.
Bresee, W. D., Box 194, Sand Springs,
Bradley, W. P., Takoma Park, Wash- Okla.
ington 12, D. C.
Braeger, R., Herzogstrasse 94 IV, (22a) Bretz, Mrs. Verna (b), 32 Hanover St.,
Dusseldorf, British Zone, Germany. Battle Creek, Mich.
Braithwaite, L. D., Box 196, Frederick- Brewer, N. F., Takoma Park, Wash-
sted, St. Croix, Virgin Islands. ington 12, D.C.
Braley, Bradford W. (1), Box 29, Brook- Brewer, R. E., 338 Eyre St., Sudbury,
field, Ill. Ontario, Canada.
Braley, Mrs. Bradford W. (m), Box Bricker, H. W. (1), 2910 N. Orange
29, Brookfield, Ill. Ave., Orlando, Fla.
Braman, 0. A. (m), South Lancas- Brickman, Theresa (m), Collegedale,
ter, Mass. Tenn.
Branco, J. Nunes (1), Rua Joaquim Brimpong, Q. B. (1), P. 0. Box 480,
Bonifacio 17, Lisbon, Portugal. Kumasi, Gold Coast, West Africa.

Bringle, A. A., 616 24th Ave., Long Brown, D. M. (m), Union College,
view, Wash. Lincoln 6, Nebr.
Bringle, A. S., Box 262, Enterprise, Kan. Brown, E. G., 1121 W. Nixon, Pasco,
Bringle, C. Paul, Grove Ave., Clare- Wash.
mont, Cape Province, South Africa. Brown, F. J. (1), 37 O'Connell Ter-
Brinker, Orason (m), Walla Walla race, Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queens-
College, College Place, Wash. land, Australia.
Brinkman, J. (1), Paramaribostraat 87 Brown, Francis (m), Helderberg Col-
I, Amsterdam, Netherlands. lege, Box 22, Somerset West, Cape
Brinkmann, D., Charlottenstrasse 24, Province, South Africa.
(24a) Hamburg 19, British Zone, Brown, G. G., Angwin, Calif.
Germany. Brown, G. L. (1), Stanborough Park,
Brinkmann, H., Hans-Sachs-Strasse 9, Watford, Herts., England.
(10b) Chemnitz, Soviet Zone, Ger- Brown, C., 1104 S. Success St., Lake-
many. land, Fla.
Brion, R. D. (m), P.O. Box 401, Ma- Brown, H. F., Takoma Park, Wash-
nila, Philippines. ington 12, D.C.
Briones, Gabriel (1), Cagayan, Oriental Brown, H. S. (m), Hinsdale Sanitar-
Misamis, Philippines. ium, Hinsdale, Ill.
Bristol, A. L. (1), Box 136, Lawrence, Brown, J. L., 501 Hill Drive, Glen-
Mich. dale, Calif.
Bristol, E. A., Loma Linda, Calif. Brown, J. Norvell, 130 State St.,
Bristow, A., Chisekesi Siding, Northern Corona, Calif.
Rhodesia, Africa. Brown, Joseph, 418 4th Ave., S. E.,
Bristow, W. B., 252 N. Villa St., Di- Jamestown, N. Dak.
nuba, Calif. Brown, K. S. (1), 3 Cavagnarie Road,
Britt, J. R. (I), 636 N. 32nd St., Phil- Peshawar, N.W.F.P., Pakistan.
adelphia, Pa. Brown, L. D., Majita Mission, P.O.
Brobecker, E., 5 Boulevard d'Anvers, Musoma, Tanganyika Territory, East
Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France. Africa.
Broberg, S. A., Svanevej 10, Copen- Brown, R. K. (I), Box S. 78, South
hagen N.V., Denmark. Wagga, New South Wales, Australia.
Brock, Ruth (m), Box 398, Oshawa, Brown, R. P., Signs Publ. Co., Warbur-
Ontario, Canada. ton, Victoria, Australia.
Brockett, Miller, 2557 East Villa St., Brown, R. C. (1), 2525 13th St.,
Pasadena 8, Calif. Tuscaloosa, Ala.
Brockman, F., Kurfuerstenstrasse 91, Brown, Robert (m), Walla Walla Col-
(21a) Bielefeld, British Zone, Ger- lege, College Place, Wash.
many. Brown, S. D. (m), Collegedale, Term.
Broder, E. L. (1), Box 75, Juneau, Brown, V. C. (1), 37 Laurel Ave..
Alaska. Trenton, N.J.
Brodersen, H. N., General Delivery, Brown, W. J., Calle V. Vergara
Selma, Calif. 3227, Florida, F.C.N. Gral. Bme.
Broderson, R. H., 12/C Ritherdon Road, Mitre, Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Vepery, Madras, India. South America.
Bronze, A. A. (m), Caixa Postal 1830, Brownell, Mrs. Kathleen (b), 607 4th
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. St., S.W., Roanoke, Va.
Brook, K. D. L., S.D.A. Mission, Box Brownie, E. (I), 27 Esplanade Rd., Mt.
297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
Brooks, E. A. (I), Pacific Union College, Browning, R. E., 507 Cline Road, Coffey-
Angwin. Calif. ville, Kan.
Brooks, Edgar, Uriarte 2429, Buenos Browneberger, J. F. (m), Washington
Aires, Argentina, South America. Sanitarium, Takoma Park 12, D. C.
Brooks, R. E., Box 78, Georgetown, Brozio, 0., Niklasstr. 19, (1) Berlin-
British Guiana, South America. Zehlendorf, American Sector, Ger-
Brooks, Roger H. (m), Apartado 92, many.
Managua, Nicaragua, Central Amer- Bruck, Carl, 221 S. Blue Lake Ave.,
ica. DeLand, Fla.
Brooks, Viola (b), 817 W. Nora, Spo- Bruder, Mrs. Eva L. (b), 1372 W. 111th
kane, Wash. St., Cleveland 2, Ohio.
Broszat, Anita (1), Adventhaus, Hans- Brutus, Joses, Casier Postal 7, Port-au-
Sachs-Strasse 9, (10b) Chemnitz, Prince, Haiti, French West Indies.
Soviet Zone, Germany.
Brouchy, P. M., Calle V. Vergara 3227, Bryant, F. J., 138 Forest Ave., Wash-
Florida, F.C.N. Gral. Bme. Mitre, ington, Pa.
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Bryant, H. G., 361 Argyle St., North
America. Hobart, Tasmania.
Brown, B. W., 13820 E. Don Julian Bryant, R. J., Box 495, Ramona, Calif.
Road, Puente, Calif. Bryne, Euphemia M. (m), 16 Av. de
Brown, C. H. (1), 84 The Boulevarde, Koubbeh, Heliopolis, Egypt.
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Brzezinski, J., Haydnstr. 16, (10a)
tralia. Dresden-A 16, Soviet Zone, Germany.

Bublitz, Edmundo (1), Avda. Espana Burgeson, V. K., Sheyenne River Acad-
851, Corrientes, Argentina, South emy, Harvey, N. Dak.
America. Burgess, C. B. (in), 9019 Grant Ave.,
Buchli, S., Gubelstrasse 23, Zurich 50, Brookfield, Ill.
Switzerland. Burgess, G. T., 3012 Miami, Wichita
Buchmiller, F. D. (1), Route 2, Box 663, Falls, Texas.
Fort Myers, Fla. Burgess, J. W. (1), 600 S. 3rd, Raton,
Buck, B. (1), 5109 N. Belt, Spokane, N. Mex.
Wash. Burgess, M. A., 1018 Christian St.,
Buck, F. C., Vincent Hill College, Mus- Philadelphia, Pa.
soorie, U.P., India. Burgo, J. T., Caixa Postal 810, Curitiba,
Buckle, F. D. (1), 780 St. Albans Road, Parana, South America.
Watford, Herts., England. Burke, D. T., P. 0. Maun, via Francis-
Buckley, E. A., 12 Buckingham Road, town, Bechuanaland Protectorate,
Kensington, Johannesburg, Trans- South Africa.
vaal, South Africa. Burke, I. M., Box 305, College Place,
Buckman, W. M., 2815 Third Ave., Wash.
Huntington, W. Va. Burke, K. B. (1), Meadow Brook Apt.
Buckwalter, J. A., Takoma Park, Wash- 17, Corning, N.Y.
ington 12, D.C. Burkett, E. E., 708 Oak St., Niles,
Bucy, J. M., Box 396, Oshawa, On- Mich. -
tario, Canada. Burnett, D. Lois (m), Takoma Park,
Buday, Z. (1), Szekely Bertalan-utca Washington 12, D. C.
13, Budapest VI, Hungary. Burnett, Mrs. Sarah (b), Box 544,
Budnick, M., Koblenzer Strasse 3, (1) Brewster, Wash.
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sector, Burns, L. (1), 37 O'C,onnell Terrace,
Germany. Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland,
Buerger, A., Koblenzer Strasse 3, (1) Australia.
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sector, Burns, N. C., Australasian Missionary
Germany. College, Cooranbong, New South
Buerger, J. (1), Charlottenstrasse 24, Wales, Australia.
(24a) Hamburg 19, British Zone, Burns, R. J., 27 Esplanade Road, Mt.
Germany. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
Buerk, F., Fangelsbachstrasse 11, (14a) Burns, W. E., 17 Allen Road, Rockville
Stuttgart-S, American Zone, Ger- Centre, N.Y.
many. Burnside, George, Box 27, Hamilton,
Bufano, C., Route 2, Box 107-D, Oak- New South Wales, Australia.
dale, Calif. Burr, H. T., S.D.A. Mission, Khurda
Buja (1), P.O. Box 34, Jesselton, Col- P.O., Puri District, India.
ony of North Borneo. Burrows, S. W., Route 4, Bridgeton,
Bujak, E. (1), Traugutta 34, Radom, N.J.
Poland. Burton, I. B., R.R. No. 6, Hagersville,
Bull, H. (1), 780 St. Albans Road, Wat- Ont., Canada.
ford, Herts., England. Burwell, H. M., 2823 West Cantey St.,
Bull, Stanley, West Indian Training Fort Worth 4, Texas.
College, Mandeville, Jamaica, British Busch, M., Niklasstr. 19, (1) Berlin-
West Indies. Zehlendorf, American Sector, Ger-
Bullas, R., Box 1011-J, Adelaide, South many.
Australia, Australia. Busemeya, Joseph (I), Kirundu, B.P.
Bullock, A. (1), Box S. 78, South Stanleyville, Congo Beige, Africa.
Wagga, New South Wales, Australia. Bush, F. F., 2816 Brentwood Ave., Pitts-
Bullock, K. J. (1), 62 Clotilde St., Mt. burgh 27, Pa.
Lawley, West Australia, Australia. Bushnell, C. G. (1), Apartado 3005,
Bunch, T. G., South Lancaster, Maps. Santurce, Puerto Rico.
Bunker, C. M., 4425 E. 38th St., In- Busso, Carlos (1), Casilla 2830, Santi-
dianapolis 18, Ind. ago, Chile, South America.
Burbach, Marvin (m), 1804 Kienlen Bustamante, Gilberto, Correo Aereo 877,
Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Medellin, Colombia, South America.
Burbank, H. D. (I), 63-34 110th St., Butendieck, Rolf (1), Cervantes 144,
Forest Hills, Long Island, N.Y. Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina, South
Burch, A. D., 1124 Wilson St., Bowling America.
Green, Ky. Butherus, B. G., West Indian Training
Burchfield, R. G., (1), 4234 Doncaster College, Mandeville, Jamaica, British
Drive, Madison 5, Wis. West Indies.
Burden, H. G. (1), 2525 S. Downing St., Butherus, D. C., Box 1491, James-
Denver 10, Colo. town, N. Dak.
Bureaud, M. J., 37 Rue Georges Mandel, Butka, H. E. (m), Apartado 16, Monte-
Bordeaux (Gironde), France. morelos, N. L., Mexico.
Bures, F., Londynska 30, Praha-Vinoh- Butler, A. B., Sylvan Lane, Route 3,
rady, Czechoslovakia. Ellicott City, Md.
Burgeson, Larry (1), General Delivery, Butler, A. E., Route 1, Box 890, Es-
Blue Earth, Minn. condido, Calif.

Butler, E. A. (1), 84 The Boulevarde, Calderon, A. J. (m), Vallarta Sur 644,

Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Monterrey, N. L., Mexico.
tralia. Calderon, Manuel (1), 8a Avenida.
Butler, F. J., P.O. Box S. 78, South Norte No. 57, San Salvador, Rep. de
Wagga, New South Wales, Australia. El Salvador, Central America.
Butler, George, 148 Fox Valley Road, Calderone, J. H., 1218 E. Broadway,
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- Glendale 5, Calif.
tralia. Calderone, R. C., 3063 Parker Ave.,
Butler, J. L. (1), 2117 "T" St., Lincoln, Oakland 3, Calif.
Neb. Caldwell, R. B. (1), Apartado 25510,
Butler, L. A., 84 The Boulevarde, Mexico, D.F., Mexico.
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Caleb, Sam (1), S.D.A. Mission, Aore,
tralia. New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean.
Butler, 0. K., Box 878, San Luis Obispo, Cales, P. R., Box 2286, Casper, Wyo.
Calif. Cales, Raymond, 741 Glenn St., Glen-
Butler, R. (1), Caixa Postal 1919, Rio dale 6, Calif.
de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Calkins, D. 0. (m), P.O. Box 20, Ban-
Butler, S. C., Box 1011J, Adelaide, galore, India.
South Australia, Australia. Calkins, Erling, 1628 Poplar Ave.,
Butler, T. M. (1), 1919 Myrtle St., Twin Falls, Idaho.
Erie, Pa. Calkins, E. D., 135 Chestnut, Shilling-
Butler, V., Gubelstrasse 23, Zurich 50, ton, Pa.
Switzerland. Calkins, E. L. (1), Box 325, Osawa-
Butler, W. A., Takoma Park, Washing- tomie, Kan.
ton 12, D. C. Calkins, Glenn, Box 228, Coconut Grove,
Butler, Xavier. (1), 816 Clay St., To- Miami, Fla.
peka, Kan. Calkins, H. L., 1618 18th St., C., Moline,
Butterfield, A. D. (1), Loma Linda, 111.
Calif. Callendar, L. R., 2301 Indiana St.,
Butterfield, M. B., Wikieup, Ariz. Caldwell, Idaho.
Butters, E. A. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Map- Calvo, V. M. (1), Apartado 25510,
parley Park, Nottingham, England. Mexico 12, D.F., Mexico.
Butz, E. S., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, E. Camacho, P. S. (1), Caixa Postal 2898,
2, Victoria, Australia. Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Buxton, N. A. (m), S.D.A. Mission Camacho, Samuel, Apartado 261, Bar-
Hospital, Athwa Lines, Surat, India. ranquilla, Colombia, South America.
Buyck, R., 5 Boulevard d'Anvers, Stras- Camarena, Apolonio, Apartado No. 37,
bourg, Bas-Rhin, France. Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico.
Buzgo, M., Kun Josef u. 29, Miskolcz, Cameron, Harry (1), 11075 Pine St.,
Hungary. Lynwood, Calif.
Buzugherian, A. M., Calle V. Vergara Campbell, A. J., Madang, Territory
3227, Florida, F.C.N. Gral. Bme. New Guinea, Pacific Ocean.
Mitre, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Campbell, G. A., 2645 Knox Ave., Los
South America. Angeles 26, Calif.
Byers, W. W., 3470 Oregon St., Gary, Campbell, H. J., Canadian Union Col-
Ind. lege, College Heights, Alberta, Can-
Byrd, E. L., 3080 Michigan Ave., W., ada.
Battle Creek, Mich. Campbell, J. M., 1321 S. White Ave.,
Pomona, Calif.
Campbell, J. R., Box 675, College Place,
C Wash.
Cabaluna, T., Cagayan, Oriental Misa- Campbell, M. N.. Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
mis, Philippines. Campbell, M. V., 4547 Calvert St.,
Lincoln 6, Nebr.
Cabansag, F. C. (m), P.O. Box 293, Da-
vao City, Philippines. Campbell, Paul 0., 685 Luton Drive,
Cabardo, A. 0., P.O. Box 119, City of Glendale 6, Calif.
Cebu, Philippines. Campbell, R. G., 135 Walnut Street,
Cacallaca, Cipriano (m), Casilla 85, Berrien Springs, Mich.
Puno, Peru, South America. Campbell, V. IL (m), College Station,
' Cadiz, Wenceslao (I), 114 E. 97th St., Berrien Springs, Mich.
Apt. 3W, New York, N.Y. Campbell, Mrs. V. H. (m), College
Station, Berrien Springs. Mich.
Cadwallader, E. M., Union College, Lin- Campbell, W. U., 176 Orange St.,
coln 6, Nebr. Kingston, Jamaica, British West
Caesar, Riley (m), Box 78, Georgetown, Indies.
British Guiana, South America. Campher, H. P., Market St., James-
Cahilig, R. B., P.O. Box 293, Davao town, St. Helena, South Atantic.
City, Philippines. Campillo, Rogelio (1), Patrocinio
Cahilig, Z. B. (m), Artacho, Sison, 20, Vibora, Havana, Cuba.
Pangasinan, Philippines. Campolongo, Alcides (1), Caixa Postal
Cairus, H. J., Avda. Italia 2360, Mon- 1830, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer-
tevideo, Uruguay, South America. ica.

Campos, Jose D., Caixa Postal 1830, Carpenter, William (1), 188 Norfolk
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Avenue, Pawtucket, R.I.
Campos, Josino D., Caixa Postal 1830, Carpintero, Jose, Calle 9, Poniente 1702,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Puebla, Puebla, Mexico.
Camposano, Melchor (1), Casilla 240, Carrington, J. T., Box 66, Port-of-
Iquitos, Peru, South America. Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies.
Canada:, 0. A., 344 White Road, Fre- Carruthers, R. J. (m), New England
mont, Ohio. Sanitarium, Melrose 76, Mass.
Candeias, A. M. (1), Missao Adventists Carscallen, A. A., Route 1, Box 628 B,
do Cuale, Duque de Braganca, Ma- Arlington, Calif.
lange, Angola, Portuguese West Af- Carter, E. F., Riverside Sanitarium,
rica. 800 Young's Lane, Nashville, Tenn.
Cannon, W. J., Stanborough Park, Carter, G. R., 3684 Lindell Blvd., St.
Watford, Herts., England. Louis, Mo.
Canson, Earl (1), 3084 Valle, San Diego Carter, G. E., 516 Carson Ave., Kis-
2, Calif. simmee, Fla.
Cantoral, Felicito (m), Mision Adven- Carter, J. B., 2560 S. Marion St., Den-
tista, La Ceiba, Honduras, Central ver 10, Colo.
America. Carter, Lee, 2641 S. Pennsylvania,
Cantrell, Paul (1), 364 Woodland Ave., Denver, Colo.
Toledo, Ohio. Carter, R. T., Union College, Lincoln
Cantwell, C. C., 419 E. Santa Clara 6, Nebr.
Ave., Santa Ana, Calif. Carton, A. 11. (1), 148 Fox Valley Road,
Capinala, Diniz, Cuale Mission, Duque Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
de Braganca, Malange, Angola, Por- tralia.
tuguese West Africa. Carubba, Henry J. (1), 438 Ave. "I"
Capman, H. J., 613 Emerson St., Madi- S.E., Winter Haven, Fla.
son 5, Wis. Carvalho, Aldo, Caixa Postal 378, Re-
Capman, J. H., Route 1, Lawrence- cife, Pernambuco, Brazil, South Am-
burg, Tenn. erica.
Capobres, E. A., Cagayan, Oriental Carvalho, J. F., Caixa Postal 198.
Misamis, Philippines. Cidade do Salvador, Bahia, Brazil,
Cara, C. M., P. 0. Box 2494, Manila, South America.
Philippines. Carver, William (1), Trenton, Nebr.
Caracciolo, A. (1), Lungotevere Michel- Casas, Emilio (1), Casilia 1002, Lima,
angelo 7, Rome, Italy. Peru, South America.
Carballal, Jose (1), Cervantes 144, Par- Casaca, A. J. S. (1), Bongo Mission,
ana, Entre Rios, Argentina, South Lepi, Angola, Portuguese West Af-
America. rica.
Carballal, M. (1), Apartado 329, Santa Casebeer, George W., 1069 Beverly
Clara, Cuba. Road, Corona, Calif.
Carcich, Theodore, 4702 Freemont Ave., Casey, C. H. (m), Box 308, Oshawa,
Seattle, Wash. Ontario, Canada.
Cardey, E. L., 154 Hurt St., N.E., At- Cash, R. E., Red Lake Falls, Minn.
lanta, Ga. Cash, Vesta (b), 3443 W. Adams St.,
Cardey, Mrs. 0. D. (b), Box 1311, Chicago 24, III.
Meridian, Miss. Caslow, D. E., 901 Colerick St., Fort
Carethers, A. R., 3810 Wilder St., Wayne 5, Ind.
Dallas, Texas. Caslow, J. R. (1), 202 S. Main St.,
Carey, A. (1), Stanborough Park, Wat- Anna, Ill.
ford, Herts., England. Cass, Mrs. Mary E. (b), 238 Carrillo St.,
Carey, E. W., Route 1, Toms Brook, Santa Rosa, Calif.
Va. Cassell, Mabel (m), Washington Mis-
Carey, R. A. (m), P.O. Box 1352, Nai- sionary College, Takoma Park, Wash-
robi, Kenya, East Africa. ington 12, D.C.
Cade, G. H., 20186 Tracey, Detroit, Castanon, Juan R. (m), Box M, Cris-
Mich. tobal, Canal Zone.
Carlill, R. (1), General Delivery, Leth- Castelbuono, Anthony (1), 108-11 69th
bridge, Alberta, Canada. Road, Forest Hills, N.Y.
Carlson, W. E. (m), Loma Linda Food Castellani, Oscar, Caixa Postal 2898,
Company, Arlington, Calif. Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Carlsson, D., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- Castillo, Alfonso, Apartado No. 37,
holm, Sweden. Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico.
Carlstjerna, C. 0., Tunnelgatan 25, Castillo, Jose, Vallarta Sur 644, Mon-
Stockholm, Sweden. terrey, N.L., Mexico.
Carman, E. E., 1049 McEvers Road, Castillo, J. M., Apartado 218, Guate-
Memphis, Tenn. mala City, Guatemala, Central Amer-
Carner, J. R. (1), 205 W. Alabama, ica.
Sweetwater, Texas. Castillo, Samuel, 723 Platte, Denver,
Carnes, 0. G., 229 7th St., Sharpsville, Colo.
Pa. Castle, C. H., Box 40, Sanitarium, Calif.

Castrejon, Jose, Apartado 3005, San- Chalker, G. L., Box 1093, Rapid City,
turce, Puerto Rico. S. Dak.
Castro, Gabriel, Apartado 986, Caracas, Chalmers, E. M., General Delivery,
Venezuela, South America. Albemarle, N.C.
Castro, Herculano de, Caixa Postal 3, Chamberlain, R. L. (1), 246 Patterson
Nova Lisboa, Angola, Portuguese Ave., S.E., Atlanta, Ga.
West Africa. Chambers, G. W., 1544 S. E. Haw-
Castro, M. S. (1), Caixa Postal 33, thorne Blvd., Portland 14, Oreg.
Vila Luso, Angola, Portuguese West Chambi, Luciano (m), Casilla. 85, Puna,
Africa. Peru, South America.
Castro, Mercedes (b), Apartado Aereo Chambilla, Felipe, Casilla 86, Puno,
4979, Bogota, Colombia, South Amer- Peru, South America.
ica. Champion, M. G., S.D.A. Mission, Fala-
Catalano, Anthony, 3935 W. Gladys kata P. 0., Jalpaiguri District, India.
Ave., Chicago 24, III. Champion, Mrs. Mary (m), La Sierra
Catalano, G. (I), Via Tommaso Cam- College, Arlington, Calif.
panella 8, (Mergellina), Napoli, Italy. Chan, L. S. (1), P. 0. Box 310, Hong
Cato, M. G. (I), 1400 Hawkins St., Kong.
Nashville, Tenn. Chan Woo Shang, 12 Sam Yuk Road,
Cavalcante, G., Via Tommaso Campa- Tungshan, Canton, China.
nella 8, (Mergellina), Napoli, Italy. Chander Sen, S.D.A. Mission, Mushtaq,
Caveda, David (1), Apartado 30, Cama- Manzil, Moradabad, U.P., India.
guey, Cuba. Chaney, F. L., Box 252, Star Route,
Caviness, G. L. (1), Pacific Union Col- Arcata, Calif.
lege, Angwin, Calif. Chaney, J. A., 505 S. Escondido Ave.,
Caviness, L. C., 431 H, S.W., Ardmore, Vista, Calif.
Okla. Chang Chao Lin, Ta Tung Lu, Dao Li,
Caviness, L. L., Angwin, Napa Co., Harbin, Manchuria.
Calif. Chang Chian Ru (1), Ta Tung Lu,
Caviness, W. R., 905 Pine St., Atlantic, Dao Li, Harbin, Manchuria.
Iowa. Chang Chou (1), S.D.A. Mission, 185
Cavita, Pedro (I), Caixa Postal 3, Nova Wei I Lu, Tsinan, Shantung, China.
Lisboa, Angola, Portuguese West Af- Chang Chui Yu (1), 526 Ningkuo Road,
rica. Shanghai, China.
Cayrus, Benoni (1), Avda. Italia 2360, Chang Dz Chien, 1 Ren Min Road,
Montevideo, South America. Lanchow, Kansu, China.
Cayton, Bernard (1), 224 "I" St., San Chang Fu En (1), 36 Fu Hsi Chieh, Tai-
Bernardino, Calif. Yuan, Shansi, China.
Cazan, G., Calea Bucuresti 57, Craiova, Chang Hsin Tseng (1), Court 1207,
Rumania. Yu-Yuen Road, Shanghai 27, China.
Cazeaux, J. (1), 37, Rue Georges Mandel, Chang Lan Ching (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Bordeaux (Gironde), France. 20 Goh Low Meng, Nanking, China.
Ceausu, D., Strada Golesti No. 11, Chang Po Ching, S.D.A. Mission, 62 Ta
Braila, Rumania. Fang Chia Hutung, Peiping, China.
Cemer, R. K., 138-17 58th Ave., Flush- Chang Tseng Hai, 17 Li Hwang Pei
ing, N.Y. Road, Hankow 7, Hupeh, China.
Cepl, J., Londynska 30, Praha-Vinoh- Chang Wen Hsuan, Outside West Gate,
rady, Czechoslovakia. Sian, Shensi, China.
Cerna, Miguel A. (m), Mision Adven- Chang Yean Chai (1), 36 Fu Hsi Chieh,
tists, La Ceiba, Honduras, Central Tai-Yuan, Shansi, China.
America. Chao Chi Shien (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Cernik, J., Box 31, Rarotonga, Cook 20 Goh Low Meng, Nanking, China.
Islands, Pacific Ocean. Chao Wen Chung, 47 Huang Shih Ta
Cesario, G., Piazza Carlo Mirabello 2 -, Chieh, Mukden 4, Manchuria.
Milano, Italy. Chapman, A. G. (1), 63 Clotilde St.,
Mt. Lawley, West Australia, Aus-
Chace, E. S., Jr. (1), 874 Prospect tralia.
Ave., Hartford, Conn. Chapman, G. W., 1918 Pennsylvania
Chacussanga, Alberto, Ovimbundo Out- Ave., Los Angeles 33, Calif.
schools, Caixa Postal 3, Nova Lisboa, Chapman, G. T., Loma Linda Food
Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Company, Arlington, Calif.
Chae Ok Man (1), Box 43, Seoul, Korea. Chapman, W. K., 617 3rd, Ave., S.W.,
Chai Guok Uong, S.D.A. Mission, Foo- Jamestown, N. Dak.
chow, China. Chapman, William (I), 62 Clotilde St.,
Chaij, F. (1), Calle V. Vergers 3227, Mt. Lawley, West Australia, Aus-
Florida, F.C.N. Gral. Bme. Mitre, tralia.
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Chappell, D. L. (1), P.O. Box 1016,
America. Accra, Gold Coast, West Africa.
Chaij, Nicolas, Apartado 138, Alajuela, Charles, L. C., S.D.A. Mission, Kottara-
Costa Rica, Central America. kara, Travancore, India.
Chalker, B. K., Box 92, Sheridan, Wyo- Charpiot, F., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Swit-
ming. zerland.

Chase, J. E., 509 So. 41 St., Omaha 5, Cheung Fa Min, S.D.A. Mission, Wai-
Nebr. chow, Kwangtung, China.
Chaskelis, R. (1), Calle V. Vergara Cheung Kwok Yan, 12 Sam Yuk Road,
3227, Florida, F.C.N. Gral. Bme. Tungshan, Canton, China.
Mitre, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Cheung Man Shan (m), 12 Sam Yuk
America. Road, Tungshan, Canton, China.
Chastain, C. L., Route 5, Box 723, Cheung, S. T. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Wai-
Oregon City, Oreg. chow, Kwangtung, China.
Chavez, Rene, Patrocinio No. 20, Vi- Cheung, Y. C. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Wai-
bora, Havana, Cuba. chow, Kwangtung, China.
Chavez, Bernabe, Casilla 1002, Lima, Chia Tai Hsiang, 1 Ren Min Road,
Peru, South America. Lanchow, Kansu, China.
Chavez, Raul, Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru, Chiang Wen Chuen (1), 526 Ningkuo
South America. Road, Shanghai, China.
Cheatham, W. L., 1905 Wheeler Ave., Chiao, H. S., 526 Ningkuo Road, Shang-
Baltimore 16, Md. hai, China.
Chelcea, M. (1), Strada Golesti No. 11, Chiao Tien Chen (1), 47 Huang Shih
Braila, Rumania. Ta Chieh, Mukden 4, Manchuria.
Chen, Andrew W., 526 Ningkuo Road, Chiao Wen Li, S.D.A. Mission, Chengtu,
Shanghai, China. Szechwan, China.
Chen Bei Seng (1), Court 1207 Yu-Yuen Chico, Colino J. (I), Caixa Postal 3,
Road, Shanghai, China. Nova 'Lisboa, Angola, Portuguese
Chen Ching Nei (1), S.D.A. Mission, West Africa.
Hsuchow, Kiangsu, China. Chicondo, Leonardo (1), Bongo Mission,
Chen Dzi Len (1), S.D.A. Mission, 86 Lepi, Angola, Portuguese West
North Gate Street, Kunming, Yunnan, Africa.
China. Childs, H. G. (m), Mountain View,
Chen Fei (I), S.D.A. Mission, Wenchow, Calif.
Chekiang, China. Chilson, A: D. (1), Box 23, Gladstone,
Chen Feng Ling (1), S.D.A. Mission, Oreg.
Chien Ling Road, Kweiyang, Kwei- Chilson, V. A., 1210 Coles Blvd., Ports-
chow, China. mouth, Ohio.
Chen Ih Fu (1), S.D.A. Mission, Wen- Chimuka, Joseph (1), P. 0. Lower
chow, Chekiang, China. Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Chen Ih Min (1), S.D.A. Mission, Wen- Chin, K. T. (I), 399 Upper Serangoon
chow, Chekiang, China. Road, Singapore 13, Colony of Singa-
Chen Ih Noh (1),t Court 1207 Yu-Yuen pore.
Road, Shanghai 27, China. Chin, T. C., P.O. Box 310, Hong Kong.
Chen, John (1), Court 1207, Yu-Yuen Chin Yao San (1), 47 Huang Shih Ta
Road, Shanghai 27, China. Chieh, Mukden 4, Manchuria.
Chen Ming, 526 Ningkuo Road, Shang- Chiodo, Phillip, 1086 61st St., Oak-
hai 19, China. land 8, Calif.
Chen Lee Jih (1), S.D.A. Mission, Out- Chipondo, M. (1), P.O. Chisekesi,
side West Gate, Sian, Shensi, China. Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
Chen, P. S. (m). South Lancaster. Mass. Chipopa, Venancio, Ovimbundu Out-
Chen Pei Dao, 1 Ho Ping Jieh, Ningh- schools, Caixa Postal 3, Nova Lisboa,
sia, China. Angola, Portuguese West Africa.
Chen Shu Ping (I), 47 Huang Shik Ta Chiquete,` Chiparica (1), Caixa Postal 3,
Chieh, Mukden 4, Manchuria. Nova Lisboa, Angola, Portuguese
Chen Wen Gwang (1), Chien Ling Road, West Africa.
Kweiyang, Kweichow, China. Chisholm, Darrell (1), 4408 Queensbury
Chen Wen Sze, S.D.A. Mission, Wen- Road, Hyattsville, Md.
chow, Chekiang, China. Chism, R. L. (1), General Delivery,
Chen Wen Yu (m), 399 Upper Seran- Brookhaven, Miss.
goon Road, Singapore 13, Colony of Chit Maung, S.D.A. Mission, Paan P.O.,
Singapore. Thaton District, Burma.
Chen Yu Tseng (I), S.D.A. Mission, Chiu Chi Shu, S.D.A. Mission, Da Chi
Hsuchow, Kiangsu, China. Gou, Chungking, Szechwan, China.
Cheng Hsi Tien (1), Outside West Gate, Chiungi, N. (1), Chimpempe Mission,
Sian, Shensi, China. Private Bag, Kasama, Northern Rho-
Cherenfant, Maxi (1), Casier Postal 5, desia, Africa.
Port-au-Prince, Haiti, French West Chiwanga, Matthew (1), Musofu Mis-
Indies. sion, Private Bag, Ndola, Northern
Cherry, G. F., 1817 Glenwood Apart- Rhodesia, Africa.
ments, Rome, Ga. Cho Kyung Chul (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Chesters, D. (I), 780 St. Albans Road, Outside East Gate, Seoul, Korea.
Watford, Herts., England. Cho Wen Bing (1), 1 Ren MM Road,
Chetambe, Petro (1), Chebwai Mission, Lanchow, Kansu, China.
P. 0. Kakamega, Kenya Colony, East Chodura, J., Sidova 1, Ostrava, Czecho-
Africa. slovakia.
Cheung Dao Hung (1), S.D.A. Mission, Choi, S. M., 12 Sam Yuk Road, Tung-
Waichow, Kwangtung, China. shan, Canton, China.

Chopi, Avelino (1), Caixa Postal No. 3, Christman, H. K., Pacific Press Pub-
Nova Lisboa, Angola, Portuguese lishing Assn., Mountain View, Calif.
West Africa. Christman, Rachel (m), College Sta-
Chou Chi Hsun (1), S.D.A. Mission, tion, Berrien Springs, Mich.
Wenchow, Chekiang, China. Christoffers, E. (1), Kurfuerstenstrasse
Chou Chie Fan (1), S.D.A. Mission, 91, (21a) Bielefeld, British Zone, Ger-
Hsuchow, Kiangsu, China. many.
Chou Hsiao Fan (1), Ta Tung Lu, DE10 Christoffers, S. (1), Grindelberg 15A,
Li, Harbin, Manchuria. Hamburg 13, Germany.
Chow, H. M. (m), 17 Li Hwang Pei Christoforides, C. A., Keramikou 18,
Road, Hankow 7, Hupeh, China. Athens, Greece.
Chow Kang Ling, Court 1207, Yu-Yuen Christoforides, D. A. (1), Keramikou 18,
Road, Shanghai 27, China. Athens, Greece.
Chow Yung Yau (m), P.O. Box 310, Chu Chien Pan (1), S.D.A. Mission, 20
Hong Kong. Goh Low Meng, Nanking, China.
Chrisman, C. I., 11409 Westwood Dr., Chu Kuo An (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Arlington, Calif. Chengtu, Szechwan, China.
Chrispens, J. B., 357 Grotto Ave., Chu, S. F. (m), 399 Upper Serangoon
Pawtucket, R.I. Road, Singapore 13, Singapore.
Christensen, A. L. (1), Apartado 329, Chu Teh Ming, S.D.A. Mission, Wen-
Santa Clara, Cuba. chow, Chekiang, China.
Christensen, C. D., Box M, Christobal, Chuang Hsi Tien (1), 526 Ningkuo
Canal Zone. Road, Shanghai, China.
Christensen, Hans J. (1), Norre Alle 30, Chue Tin Ming, P.O. Box 310, Hong
Aarhus, Denmark. Kong.
Christensen, H., 5227 Richard, Dallas, Chung Tong Shim, S.D.A. Mission, Tai-
Texas. chun, Korea.
Christensen, J. E., 1200 Hyde St., San Chung Sung Chul (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Francisco, Calif. 99 Hoi Ki Dong, Seoul, Korea.
Christensen, John (m), College Station, Chung Wai Po, P.O. Box 310, Hong
Berrien Springs, Mich. Kong.
Christensen, L. M. (m), Box 3673, Chuquimia, Feliciano (1), Casilla 771,
Orlando, Tenn. Cochabamba, Bolivia, South America.
Christensen, 0. H., 55 Walnut St., Church, J. B. (I), 315 River St., Al-
Berrien Springs, Mich. legan, Mich.
Christensen, W. J. (I), 321 Broadway, Cimera, Roman, P.O. Box 51, Blantyre,
Goodland, Kan. Nyasaland, Africa.
Christiensen, W. W., P.O. Chisekesi, Cinzio, A. (1), Box 266, Townsville,
Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Queensland, Australia.
Christenson, J. C., 2632 N. W. Park, Cionca, Filip, Strada Rosenfeld No. 4,
Oklahoma City, Okla. Sibiu, Rumania.
Christian, H. B., S.D.A. Mission, Box 6, Clapham, N. P. (1), Australian Mis-
Apia, Samoa, Pacific Ocean. sionary College, Cooranbong, New
Christian, H. R., 361 Argyle St., North South Wales, Australia.
Hobart, Tasmania. Clapp, R. B., Box 4365, Takoma Park
Christian, H. W., 809 Donelly, Colum- Washington 12, D.C.
bia, Mo. Clarambeau, D. L. (1), Route 1, Twin
Christian, J. W., 924 8th Ave., S.E., Falls, Idaho.
Rochester, Minn. Clark, A. J., Skyland, N.C.
Christian, P. W., 350 Grove Ave., Clark, B. C., 521 E. Tunnel], Santa
Berrien Springs, Mich. Maria, Calif.
Christian, R. J., Review and Herald, Clark, Harold F., (1), Route 1, Box
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. 476, Yucaipa, Calif.
Christiansen, A. G., General Delivery, Clark, H. W. (1), Angwin, Calif.
Smith River, Calif. Clark, Helen (b), 1245 Divisadero St.,
Christiansen, A. P. (m), Apartado 3005, San Francisco, Calif.
Santurce, Puerto Rico. Clark, Mrs. Rena Mae (b), 411 N.W.
Christiansen, I. W., Norre Alla 30, 37th St., Miami, Fla.
Aarhus, Denmark. Clark, S. L. (1), South Lancaster, Mass.
Christiansen, P. A. (1), Holmenkollveien Clark, Sally (b), 138 Hensley, San
31, Oslo, Norway. Diego, Calif.
Christiansen, R. G. (1), Box 323, Char- Clark, W. B., Loma Linda, Calif.
lottetown, Prince Edward Island, Clark, W. H., 4005 N. Ann Arbor, Okla-
Canada. homa City 7, Okla.
Christianson, C. M., Apartado Nacional Clark, Winston, 146 Onden 3-chome (2,
436, Bogota, Colombia, South Amer- 3), Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
ica. Clarke, A. W., 71 N.E. Thompson St.,
Christie, E. C. (m), Takoma Park, Portland 12, Oreg.
Washington 12, D.C. Clarke, C. F. (m), Helderberg College,
Christman, D. R., Box 4037, Honolulu Box 22, Somerset West, Cape Pro-
12, Territory Hawaii. vince, South Africa.

Clarke, D. J., P.O. Box 480, Kumasi, Coetzee, J. D. (1), Box 7768, Johannes-
Gold Coast, West Africa. burg, Transvaal, South Africa.
Clarke, Grace A. (m), P.O. Box 221, Coetzee, J. M., 53 Kennerley Street,
Kisumu, Kenya, East Africa. Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, Cape
Clarke, E. H., P. 0. Box S.78, South Province, South Africa.
Wagga, New South Wales, Australia. Coetzee, P. H., P. 0. Box 468, Bloem-
Clarke, J. W. (1), 8601 Euclid Ave., fontein, O.F.S., South Africa.
Cleveland, Ohio. Coffen, George (1), 95 Peace St., Provi-
Clarke, Samuel F., Box M, Cristobal, dence, R. I.
Canal Zone. Coffey, C. R. (1), 1044 Ethan Allen,
Clarke, W. A., Box 49, P.O. Mbale, Jacksonville, Fla.
Uganda, East Africa. Coffin, F. A. (1), Southern Publishing
Claus, H., Kurfuerstenstrasse 91, (21a) Association, Box 59, Nashville, Tenn.
Bielefeld, British Zone, Germany. Coffman, Carl (1), 3266 Liberty Ave.,
Claus, W. P., P.O. Box 266, Towns- Alameda, Calif.
ville, Queensland, Australia. Coffman, W. H., 70 Monroe Terrace,
Clausen, R. H., General Delivery, Hil- Radford, Va.
debran, N.C. Colburn, H. D., 176 Orange St., Kings-
Claveria, M. M. (m), Box 241, Iloilo ton, Jamaica, British West Indies.
City, Philippines. Colcord, I. C., Route 1, Box 49, Scap-
Cleek, E. M., Route 5, Box 279, Spring- poose, Oreg.
field, Mo. Cole, C. F., Box 63, Caruthers, Calif.
Clemenson, W. A., 65 Byron Ave., Lon- Cole, Harold (1), P.O. Box 310, Hong
don, Ontario, Canada. Kong.
Clement, A. (1), Stanborough Park, Cole, J. W. (1), Coalmont, Tenn.
Watford, Herts., England. Cole, T. M., 270 Roosevelt Ave., Poca-
Clement, Alexis, 1977 Eden Ave., Glen- tello, Idaho.
dale 6, Calif. Cole, V. 0., Cumberland Rest Home,
Clement, Lora E. (m), Review and Coalmont, Tenn.
Herald, Takoma Park, Washington Coleman, P. M. (m), 399 Upper Ser-
12, D.C. angoon Road, Singapore 13, Colony of
Clements, William V. (1), Box 271, Singapore.
Goldendale, Wash. Collett, J. C. H., Box 155, Suva, Fiji,
Clemons, J. M., 870 Prospect Ave., Pacific Ocean.
Hartford, Conn. Collier, Mrs. Florence (b), 333 Diana
Cleveland, Clyde C. (m), 399 Upper St., Fresno, Calif.
Serangoon Road, Singapore 13, Col- Collier, Gordon (1), 524 State St., Glen-
ony of Singapore. dale 3, Calif.
Cleveland, E. E., 142 Overlook Dr. Park Collin, J. P. (1), 5 Boulevard Long-
Terrace, Winston-Salem, N.C. champ, Marseille, France.
Cleveland, W. J., 1617 28th Ave., Collin, It. (m), 11-13 rue Ernest Allard,
Seattle 22. Wash. Brussels, Belgium.
Clifford, E. D., Casilla 771, Cochabamba, Collins, D. E., 8 University Ave.,
Bolivia, South America. Battle Creek, Mich.
Clifford, F. G., Grove Ave., Claremont, Collins, Enrique (1), Avda. Italia 2360,
Cape Province, South Africa. Montevideo, Uruguay, South America.
Clifford, J., 22 Zulla Road, Mapperley Collins, It. L. (m), Walla Walla Col-
Park, Nottingham, England. lege, College Place, Wash.
Clough, Chester (1), 10160 Antago, Collins, V. W., Route 6, Box 290,
Farmington, Mich. Jackson, Miss.
Clough, E. M. (1), 327 Ave. "B" S.E., Collins, W. T. (m), Apartado 'Nacio-
Winter Haven, Fla. nal 39, Medellin, Colombia, South
Coates, W. A. (1), 37 O'Connell Terrace, America.
Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Colomar, J., 3, Rue du Sacre Coeur,
Australia. Alger (Algeria).
Coats, H. R., 1427 57th St., Place, Colson, Ellis R., 1759 Iglehart, St. Paul
Des Moines, Iowa. 4, Minn.
Cobb, L. W. (1). Washington Mission- Coltheart, J. F. (1), 27 Esplanade Rd.,
ary College, Takoma Park, Wash- Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
ington 12, D.C. Colthurst, R. T. E., Box 221, Port-of-
Cobban, H. H. (1), 221 Willow Ave., Spain, Trinidad, British' West Indies.
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. Combes, Ralph, Casier Postal 194, Fort-
de-France, Martinique, French West
Cobbin, R. (1), Box 1011 J, Adelaide, Indies.
South Australia, Australia. Combridge, S. (1), 780 St. Albans Road,
Coberly, Z. H., 9153 Hoyt St., Portland Watford, Herts., England.
16, Oreg. Combrinck, J. J. B., P.O. Box 905,
Coconcea, T., Strada Golesti No. 11, Pretoria, South Africa.
Braila, Rumania. Comiot, C., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzer-
Coe, W. 0., Box 320, Albany, Ga. land.
Coetzee, G. J. E. (1), P.O. Bombo, Conard, Claude (m), Route 1, Box 1315,
Uganda, East Africa. Paradise, Calif.

Concepcion, L. E., Apartado 92, Ma- Cooper, A. H. (1), Stanborough Park,

nagua, Nicaragua, Central America. Watford, Herts., England.
Cone, A. A., Box 82, Marionville, Cooper, C. S., P.O. Box No. 905,
Mo. Colombo 3, Ceylon.
Cone, D. A. (1), Takoma Park, Wash- Cooper, Giles L. (m), Arlington, Calif.
ington 12, D.C. Cooper, Julia (b), 2017 McCulloh St.,
Cong Ga Ciong (1), Hue Chia Tau, Baltimore, Md.
Swatow, Kwangtung, China. Cooper, L. G. (I), Platte Valley Acad-
Cong, H. T. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Foo- emy, Shelton, Nebr.
chow, China. Cooper, V. H., 22 Zulla Road, Mapper-
Conger, M. G., 1104 Wise St., Lynch- ley Park, Nottingham, England.
burg, Va. Coopwood, T. H., 2625 Massachusetts
Conjura, Jose A., Agricultura 79, Co- Ave., Gary, Ind.
Ionia Escandon, Mexico 18, D. F., Copeland, T. L., Box 645, Elsinore, Calif.
Mexico. Copeland, T. S., 3725 So. 48th St.,
Conklin, Mrs. Dorothy (b), 3457 Gordon, Lincoln 6, Nebr.
Ft. Worth, Texas. Corban, John (1), 277 Railway St.,
Conley, E. G. (1), 84 The Boulevarde, Trail, British Columbia. Canada.
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Cordas, F., Apartado No. 6, Praia, Cape
tralia. Verde Islands.
Conley, J. B., 148 Fox Valley Road, Cormack, A. W., Takoma Park, Wash-
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- ington 12, D. C.
tralia. Cormack, J. E., Box 31, Rarotonga,
Conley, W. R. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw- Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean.
thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Cornaz, C., 8 Avenue de l'Eglise An-
Conmack, J. G., General Delivery, glaise, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Norton, Va. Cornelius, L. G., 1320 42nd St., Parkers-
Connally, L. A.. Escalon, Calif. burg, W. Va.
Connell, M. C. (1), 1300 N. Toombs St., Cornell, Mrs. Esther (m), 2525 South
Valdosta, Ga. Downing St., Denver 10, Colo.
Connell, M. E. (m), Collegedale, Tenn. Cornell, Stella L. (m), Route 1, Box 77,
Conner, G. M. (m), Casilla 2025, Zone 1, St. Helena, Calif.
18 de Julio 2022, Montevideo, Uru- Cornforth, George (m), Lancaster,
guay, South America. Mass.
Conrad, Waldemar (m), Caixa Postal Corner, Myrta M. (m), Washington
2898, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer- Sanitarium, Takoma Park, Washing-
ica. ton 12, D.C.
Conradi, L. E. (1), Fischerhuettenstrasse Corona, Gilberto (m), Apartado 134,
99-109, (1) Berlin-Zehlendorf, Amer- Sucursal "B", Hermosillo, Sonora,
ican Sector, Germany. Mexico.
Conroy, D. A., 780 St. Albans Road, Corral, Jose, Vallarta Sur 644, Monte-
Watford, Herts., England. rrey, N.L., Mexico.
Contant, J. J. (1), Paramaribostraat 87 Correia, R. F., 125 S. Lexington Ave.,
I, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Covington, Va.
Constantinescu, L., Strada Regina Corsini, A., 8 Avenue de l'Eglise An-
Maria No. 12, Bacau, Rumania. glaise, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Conway, F. H., Cathay, Calif. Cortesi, S., Piazza Carlo Mirabello 2,
Conway, N. H., 11642 Prospect Ave., Milano, Italy.
Arlington, Calif. Cortez, Francisco (1), Calle 9 Poniente
Cook, .A. E., 40 Bealey Ave., Christ- 1702, Puebla, Puebla, Mexico.
church, New Zealand. Cosby, Margaret (b), 218 So. Grove St.,
Cook, A. W., Stanborough Park, Wat- East Orange, N.J.
ford, Herts., England. Cossendai, A., Mission Adventiste, Kribi,
Cook, L. L. (1), Apartado 1320, San French Cameroons, West Africa.
Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. Cossentine, E. E., Takoma Park,
Cooke, A. P., Box 1011J, Adelaide, Washington 12, D. C.
South Australia, Australia. Cossentine, R. M., 303 Lincoln Ave.,
Cooke, C. L. W. (1), Stanborough Park, Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Watford, Herts., England. Costa, James (1), 270 Acushnet Ave.,
Cooks, W. M., Solusi Mission, P.B: New Bedford, Mass.
189T, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Cott, A. M., 361 Argle St., North Ho-
Africa. bart, Tasmania.
Coombe, L. C., P. 0. Box S. 78, South Cottrell, Raymond F., Angwin, Napa
Wagga, New South Wales, Australia. Co., Calif.
Coon, C. J., 2121 E. 7th St., Parkers- Cottrell, Roy F., 140 Harvey Drive,
burg, W. Va. Glendale 6, Calif.
Coon, G. A., Madison College, Tenn. Counsel], I. V., Takoma Park, Wash-
Coon, L. 0., 1403 Azalea Drive, Jackson- ington 12, D. C.
ville. Fla. Courville, C. B. (m), 312 North Boyle
Coon, Roger W. (1), 621Y2 E. Man- Ave., Los Angeles 33, Calif.
chester Terrace, Inglewood, Calif. Courville,' D. A. (m), Angwin, Calif.

Covarrubias, Blas (1), Apartado 52, Creighton, J. H. (1), 3143 Breckenridge

Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico. St., Pittsburgh 19, Pa.
Covarrubias, Melchor (m), Apartado Cress, C. C., Box 205, Jackson, Tenn.
No. 25510, Mexico 12, D.F., Mexico. Crestakos, P. G., Park Ave., Appalachia,
Cowan, Earl (1), 22 Albany Ave., West- Va.
bury, N.Y. Crews, J. A., 502 McDaniel, Tallahassee,
Cowan, L. M. (rn), Canadian Union Fla.
College, College Heights, Alberta, Crichlow, J. F., 818 Tulip St., Knoxville,
Canada. Tenn.
Cowin, D. V., P. 0. Box 1016, Accra, Crider, Charles C., Theological Sem-
Gold Coast, West Africa. inary, Takoma Park, Washington 12,
Cowles, L. Hugh (1), 2250 15th St., D.C.
Baker, Oreg. Crider, F. N. (m), 399 Upper Serangoon
Cowley, A. H. (I), 22 Zulla Road, Map- Road, Singapore 13, Colony of Singa-
parley Park, Nottingham, England. pore.
Cox, E., 780 St. Albans Road, Wat- Crisan, P., Calea Bucuresti 57, Craiova,
ford, Herts., England. Rumania.
Cox, J. J. C. (1), 27 Esplanade Road, Cristobal, J. D., Legaspi City, Philip-
Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. pines.
Cox, J. E., 2712 California St., San Crofoot, K. S., 176 Orange Street,
Francisco, Calif. Kingston, Jamaica, British West In-
Cox, J. E., 4518 Magnolia St., New dies.
Orleans, La. Crofton, W. L. (1), Resha Lane, Bor-
Cox, J. M., Box 3673, Orlando, Fla. deaux, Nashville, Tenn.
Cox, J. M. (ml. Riverside Sanitarium, Cronk, R. R., Caixa Postal 656,
800 Young's Lane, Nashville, Tenn. Belem, Para, Brazil, South America.
Cox, L. G., 1105 Madison Ave., Shreve- Crosby, Edwin (1), 130 Virginia Ave.,
port, La. Bridgeport, Conn.
Cox, L. H. (1), Route 1, Hudson Falls, Cross, A. H. (1), 1172 Ridge Ave.,
N.Y. Zanesville, Ohio.
Coy, E. F., Route 1, Box 130-D, Sandy, Cross, C. G., Takoma Park, Washing-
Oreg. ton 12, D.C.
Coyne, A. E., Washington Sanitarium, Cross, Mrs. Edith (b), 310 East 23rd
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. St., Indianapolis 5, Ind.
Cozens, M. P. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Box Cross, Edward (m), Walla Walla Col-
297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. lege, College Place, Wash.
Craan, Julien, Casier A-115, Port-au- Cross, Norah (m), Kendu Hospital,
Prince, Haiti, French West Indies. P.O. Kisumu, Kenya, East Africa.
Craig, E. H. (m), 818 Buffalo, Lansing, Crowder, D. L. (1), 8161/2 9th St.,
Mich. West Palm Beach, Fla.
Craig, R. M. (1), Collegedale, Tenn. Crowder, I. T., Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasa-
Crandall, W. T. (1), Glendale Sani- land, Africa.
tarium and Hospital, Glendale, Calif. Crowe, F. N., 621 Woodland Park,
Crandall, H. H., 609 8th Ave., Alpena, Chicago 16, Ill.
Mich. Crump, Maud (b), Box 797, Danville,
Crane, E. A., P.O. Box No. 905, Co- Va.
lombo 3, Ceylon. Crussiah, G. P., Box 35, Poona 1,
Crane, I. A., Route 4, Cleburne, Texas. India.
Crane, Wesley A. (1), 7333 Keen Way, Cruz, A. M. (m), P. 0. Box 2494, Ma-
Seattle 3, Wash. nila, Philippines.
Craven, E. E., 22 Zulla Road, Mapper- Cruz, Pedro, Patrocinio No. 20, Vibora,
ley Park, Nottingham, England. Havana, Cuba.
Craven, J. C. (I), Signs Publishing Co., Csedula, St., Strada Cuza Voda No. 12,
Warburton, Victoria, Australia. Cluj, Rumania.
Crawford, C. M. (1), Rest Haven Sani- Csongvay, C., Strada Cuza Voda No. 12,
tarium and Hospital, Sidney, British Cluj, Rumania.
Columbia, Canada. Csongvay, D., Strada Cuza Voda No. 12,
Crawford, H. A., 23 Iris St., Redwood Cluj, Rumania.
City, Calif. Cubley, E. S. Casilla 2025, Zone 1, 18
Crawford, J. I., 11133 124th St., Ed- de Julio 2022, Montevideo, Uruguay,
monton, Alberta, Canada. South America.
Crawford, R. E., Canadian Watchman Cucurezeanu, P., Strada Eduard Grand
Press, Box 398, Oshawa, Ontario, 25, Bucuresti II, Rumania.
Canada. Cuizon, R. C. (1), P.O. Box 119, City
Crawford, R. W. (m), Collegedale, Tenn. of Cebu, Philippines.
Crawford, S. C. (m), Caixa Postal 656, Culpepper, J. C., Box 228, Coconut
Belem, Para, Brazil, South America. Grove, Miami, Fla.
Cree, A. A. (m), Loma Linda Food Co., Culver, M. S., Union College, Lincoln
Arlington, Calif. 6, Nebr.
Creighton, Gordon (1), 18620 Dale Ave., Cumings, P. 0., 780 St. Albans Road,
Detroit 19, Mich. Watford, Herts., England.

Cummings, F. W., Fuller Memorial Daggett, Eva (m), 21 Home St., Wor-
Sanitarium, South Attleboro, Mass. cester 2, Mass.
Cummins, J. F. (1), Takoma Park, Dahl, Andrew (1), Box 580, San Jose,
Washington 12, D. C. Calif.
Cummins, Mrs. Virginia (m), 1229 20th Dahl, 0. J., 2337 W. 9th St., Greeley,
St., Parkersburg, W. Va. Colo.
Cunha, C. P. (1), Caixa Postal 2898, Dahlsten, N. 0., S.D.A. Mission, Nong-
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. thymmai, Shillong, Assam, India.
Cundasamy, V. (1), 10 Salisbury Road, Dal Chand (1), S.D.A. Mission, Mush-
Rose Hill, Mauritius, Indian Ocean. taq Manzil, Moradabad, U.P., India.
Cunningham, C. C. (1), 3522 Havana Dale, C. L., (1) 312 N. Boyle Ave.,
St., Dallas, Texas. Los Angeles, Calif.
Cunningham, L. F. (1). Route 1, Blythe- Dalinger, David, Calle V. Vergara 3227,
dale Road, Perryville, Md. Florida, F.C.N. Gral. Bme: Mitre,
Cunnington, James (1), 20 Frelinghuy- Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
sen, Battle Creek, Mich. America.
Cupertino, D., Via Tommaso Campa- Dalisay, F., P. 0. Box 2494, Manila,
nella, 8, (Mergellina), Napoli, Italy. Philippines.
Cupertino, G., Lugotevere Michelangelo Dallenbach, R., 8 Avenue de l'Eglise,
7, Rome, Italy. Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Cupino, E. R. (m), P.O. Box 39, Dalumpines, Mrs. L. 0. (b), P.O. Box
Lucena, Quezon, Philippines. 293, Davao City, Philippines.
Cureteu, D., Strada Regina Maria No. Dam, Gunnar (1), Norre Alle 30, Aar-
12, Bacau, Rumania. hus, Denmark.
Curmatureanu, J., Mission Adventiste, Damanman, Joel, S.D.A. Mission, Aore,
Sangmelima, French Cameroons, West New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean.
Africa. Damazo, Joseph (1), 125 Ashcroft Road,
Currie, C. H.,. 36 West Nanking Road, New London, Conn.
Taipeh, Taiwan (Formosa). D'Andrade, L. L. (m), West Indian
Currie, Z. R. (1), 312-A E. Court, Law- - Training College, Mandeville, Ja-
renceburg, Ky. maica, British West Indies.
Currier, J. B. (1), 1165 Holcomb Ave., Danforth, Mrs. Dorothy (b), 544% E.
Reno, Nev. 21st St., Oakland 6, Calif.
Curry, G. W. (m), Fall River, Wis. Dangschat, R., Diemerhaldenstrasse 23,
Curry, J. E. (I), Route 1, Bluff St., (14a) Stuttgart-O, Wurtemberg, Am-
Hutchinson, Minn. erican Zone, Germany.
Currow, Arthur, Route 1, Box 292, Daniel, J. (1), Kegl Gyorgy utca 5 sz.,
Loomis, Calif. Szekesfehervar, Hungary.
Currow, G. A. (1), Australasian Mis- Daniel, M. P., S.D.A. Mission, Nuzvid,
sionary College, Cooranbong, New Kistna District, India.
South Wales, Australia. Daniels, L. E. (1), 541 Goode St.,
Curry, D. W., Campion Academy, Love- Greenwood, S.C.
land, Colo. Danila, I., Strada Golesti No. 11, Braila,
Curtis, E. H., 14352 S. East Main St., Rumania.
Portland 16, Oreg. Danke, K. Koblenzer Strasse 3, (1)
Curtis, G. H. (m), 312 N. Boyle Ave., Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sector,
Los Angeles 33, Calif. Germany.
Curtis, H. T. (m), Collegedale, Tenn. Dankwa, S. A. (1), P.O. Box 480,
Curtis, Mrs. Jessie W. (1), Dallas Road, Kumasi, Gold. Coast, West Africa.
Lehman, Pa. Darby, W. A. (I), 254 Wittaker Circle,
Curtis, L. W. (1), Main St., Pep- Atlanta, Ga.
perell, Mass. Darbyshire, R. A., (1), 22 Zulla Road,
Cushman, E. C., 4996 Holden Ave., Mapperley Park, Nottingham, Eng-
Arlington, Calif. land.
Cushman, W. E. (m), Walla Walla Dare, S., S.D.A. Mission, Box 19, Iba-
College, College Place, Wash. dan, Nigeria, West Africa.
Czembor, W., Hans-Sachs-Strasse 9, Darnell, Robert (I), Box 452, Albemarle,
(10b) Chemnitz, Soviet Zone, Ger- N.C.
many. Darst, Donald E., Route 1, Box 276 A,
Chowchilla, Calif.
D Dart, A. 0., Box 449, Decatur, Ga.
Dart, C. J., Box 533, Vinita, Okla.
Dabson, D. J. (1), Stanborough Park, Dart, W. B. (1), 11081 Pine St., Lyn-
Watford, Herts., England. wood, Calif.
Dabu, F. G., P. 0. Box 39, Lucena, Dasent, J. G., 2838 Centre Ave., Pitts-
Quezon, Philippines. burgh, Pa.
Daebritz, 0., Fangelsbachstrasse 11, Dason, J. S. (m), P.O. Box 35, Poona
(14a) Stuttgart-S, American Zone, 1, India.
Germany. Dasoveanu, G., Strada Golesti No. 11,
Daeumichen, R., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Braila, Rumania.
(1) Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sector, Dass, R. N., S.D.A. Mission, Gopalganj,
Germany. Fardipur District, East Pakistan.

Dauphinee, Minnie E. (m), St. Helena Dawson, A. W. (1), 148 Fox Valley
Sanitarium, Sanitarium, Napa County, Road, Wahroonga, New South Wales,
Calif. Australia.
Davenport, Glenn, Oak Park Academy, Dawson, M. E. (m), Sentinel Publish-
Nevada, Iowa. ing Co., Box 6, Claremont, Cape
David, Deacon, 68 U Wisara Road, Ran- Province, South Africa.
goon, Burma. Day, W. C. (I), 1311 63rd St., Des
David, J. C. (I), S.D.A. Mission, Nuzvid Moines, Iowa.
P.O., Kistna District, South India. Dea, Simeon (1), Utimbaru Mission,
David, P. K., "Foi Cotta," Palamcottah, P. 0. Tarime, via Musoma, Tangan-
Tinnevelly District, India. yika Territory, East Africa.
Davidson, F. C. (m), Loma Linda Deal, Bowman (1), General Delivery,
Food Co., Arlington, Calif. Victorville, Calif.
Davidson, J. E. (1), 1229 E. Broadway, Dean, G. B. (m), Collegdale, Tenn.
Logansport, Ind. Dealy, M. G. (1), Box 26, College View
Davidson, L. E., 4027 S. 13th St., Station, Lincoln, Nebr.
Phoenix, Ariz. Dean, J. C., 210 Tulip Ave., Takoma
Davidson, R. M. (1), Southern Publish- Park, Washington 12, D.C.
ing Assn., Box 59, Nashville, Tenn. Dean, Mrs. Olivia (m), Collegedale,
Davidson, Ray, 1924 N.W. 6th St., Tenn.
Gainesville, Fla. Deapen, Henry (m), 933 Portland Place,
Davies, D. H. (1), 27 Esplanade Road, Boulder, Colo.
Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. De'Ath, H. F., Stanborough Park, Wat-
Davies, L. H., 10916 82nd St., Edmon- ford, Herts., England.
ton, Alberta, Canada. deBeer, J. N., 19 Union House, 24
Davies, Valentine, Box 327, Elizabeth- Union St., East London, Cape Pro-
ville, Congo Beige, Africa. vince, South Africa.
Davis, A. K. (1), 171 Amanuma 1-chome, DeBooy, Paul (1), Plainview Academy,
Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Redfield, S. Dak.
Davis, C. H., P. 0. Box 310, Hong Kong. de Caenel, J. A., Union Adventists,
Davis D. E., 519 W. 41st St., Savan- Nanga-Eboko, French Cameroons,
nah, ' Ga. West Africa.
Davis, E. M., 858 Paige Drive, Po- Dederen, R. (1), 11-13, rue Ernest Al-
mona, Calif. lard, Brussels, Belgium.
Davis, Edith C. (m), P.O. Box 1170, Dedeker, Louise (m), Canadian Union
Beirut, Lebanon. College, College Heights, Alberta,
Davis, Evelyn (m), c/o W. K. Smith, Canada.
Route 1, Bourbon, Mo. Deer, Verda (m), Canadian Union Col-
Davis, H. B., 217 20th St., N.E., Cedar lege, College Heights, Alberta, Can-
Rapids, Iowa. ada.
Davis, Herman E., P. 0. Box 145, Addis de Fluiter, Henry (1), 15234 Raymond
Ababa, Ethiopia. Ave., Gardena, Calif.
Davis, John (m), 2525 South Downing Degering, C. W., Box 66, College View
St., Denver 10, Colo. Station, Lincoln 6, Nebr.
Davis, Kenneth (D. Forest Lake Acad- de Guzman, Gil, P. 0. Box 2494, Ma-
emy, Maitland, Fla. nila, Philippines.
Davis, Kenrick (1), Box 223, Bridge- De Jesus, Pedro (1), 443 W. 25th St.,
town, Barbados, British West Indies. New York 1, N.Y.
Davis, L. H., 621 Woodland Park, dela Cruz, F. B., Santiago, Isabela,
Chicago 16, Ill.
Davis, L. S., Sunnydale Academy, Cen- Philippines.
tralia, Mo. De Laere, J. (I), 11-13 rue Ernest Al-
Davis, M. K. (m), College Station, Ber- lard, Brussels, Belgium.
rien Springs, Mich. Delafield, D. A., Review and Herald,
Davis, T. L., 95 Monroe St., Roxbury Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C.
19, N.Y. Delafield, R. E., Box 78, Georgetown,
Davison, Mrs. B. (b), 135 Travis St., British Guiana, British West Indies.
N. E., Grand Rapids 5, Mich. de Leon, J. M., Apartado 52, Villaher-
Davy, A. L., Gitwe Mission, P.O. Usum- mosa, Tabasco, Mexico.
bura, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian East De Ligne, A., 11-13, rue Ernest Allard,
Africa. Brussels, Belgium.
Davy, E. (1), 37, Rue Georges Mandel,
Bordeaux (Gironde), France. DeLillo, Louis (1), Box 140, West Leb-
Davy, W. L., Luwazi Mission, P. 0. anon, N.H.
Nkata Bay, Nyasaland, Africa. Demchuk, S. J., 1640 Westmoor Road,
Dawes, Harold (1), 648 Dickens St., Burlingame, Calif.
q'rail, British Columbia, Canada Demetrescu, St., Strada Eduard Grand
Dawkins, Margaret Beryl (m), P. 0. 25, Bucuresti II, Rumania.
Box 88, Cape Town, South Africa. Deming, M. W., 3515 So. 48 St., Lincoln
Dawson, A. H. (1), Box 15, Nukualofa, 6, Nebr.
Tonga, Friendly Islands, Pacific Denehy, J. E. (1), Loma Linda Food Co.,
Ocean. Arlington, Calif.

Denkert, E., Peiner Strasse 19 A, (20a) Dick, A. V., P.O. Box 17, Baguio, Mt.
Hanover-Dohren, British Zone, Ger- Province, Philippines.
many. Dick, E. D., Takoma Park, Washing-
Dennis, W. K., 113 Carroll Ave., Takoma ton 12, D. C.
Park, Washington 12, D.C. Dick, E. N. (1), Union College, Lincoln
Dennis, W. R., 5515 Appleton Ave., 6, Nebr.
Route 3, Kansas City, Mo. Dick, Sam (1), S.D.A. Mission, Aore,
Denslow, 0. L., Route 2, Hamilton, Ga. New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean.
Dent, C. A. (m), 800 Youngs Lane, Dick, W. G. (m), P. 0. Box 401, Manila,
Nashville, Tenn. Philippines.
Dent, J. F., 439 E. 118th St., Los Dickay, A. J., S.D.A. Mission, Aba,
Angeles 3, Calif. Nigeria, West Africa.
Denz, G. F. (1), Caixa Postal 2898, Sao Dickens, H. A. (I), "Palm Beach,"
Paulo, Brazil, South America. Rabaul, New Britain, Pacific Ocean.
Derby, Melvin (1), Farmington, Wash. Dickerson, A. L., 307 13th Ave., Hat-
de Reyes, Pedro (1), Box 241, Iloilo tiesburg, Miss.
City, Philippines. Dickinson, G. T., 8042 Artesia, Buena
de Ruiter, C. P. (1), Paramaribostraat Park, Calif.
87 I, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Dickinson, Richard (1), Box 311, Mt.
de Ruiter, J.' A., van Lumeystraat 64, Vernon, Ohio.
The Hague, Netherlands. Dickson, L. K., Takoma Park, Wash-
Derlath, W., Haydnstr. 16, (10a) Dres- ington 12, D. C.
den-A 16, Soviet Zone, Germany. Dienel, R. (1), Haydnstrasse 16, (10a)
Dessain, Elton (1), 3266 N. Meridian Dresden-A 16, Soviet Zone, Germany.
St., Indianapolis 7, Ind. Dietel, Mrs. Mary (m), Collegedale,
Dessain, W. A., 658 39th St., Des Tenn.
Moines, Iowa. Dietrich, R., Thalmann-Platz 46, (2)
Desvarieqx, Carpel (1), Casier Postal S, Cottbus, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Diffenbacher, B. L., Brown St., St.
Detamore, F. W., P.O. Box 226, Singa- Helena, Calif.
pore, Colony of Singapore. Dih Tse Djen (I), 105 Chang Shu
Detlefsen, E., Mendelssohnstrasse 13/11, Road, Shanghai, China.
(20a) Hanover, British Zone, Ger- Dill, Jerry (1), Box 1511, Glendale 5,
many. Calif.
Detlefsen, H., Herzogstrasse 94 IV, Dillett, E. S., 2490 Washington St.,
(22a) Duesseldorf, British Zone, Ger- Apt. E-2, Gary, Ind.
many. Dilts, Clark (1), 828 Lancaster Ave.,
Dettmar, R., Charlottenstrasse 24, (24a) Syracuse, N.Y.
Hamburg 19, British Zone, Germany. Ding, Charles (1), 1st Ren Min Road,
Detwiler, Dorothy (b), Box 930, Char- Lanchow, Kansu, China.
lotte, N.C. Ding Ngie Yung (I), S.D.A. Mission,
Detwiler, H. J., 331 Flower Ave., Ta- Foochow, China.
koma Park, Washington 12, D. C. Dinius, C. L. 11161 Pierce Place, Ar-
Dever, J. C., Box S.78, South Wagga, lington, Calif.
New South Wales, Australia. Dionisio, P. Di (1), Uriarte 2429,
Dever, J. J. (I), Rabaul. New Britain, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Am-
Territory New Guinea, Pacific Ocean. erica.
De Ville, K. (1), 37 O'Connell Terrace, Dinsbier, R. H., 63 N. Portage St.,
Bowen Hills, Queensland, Australia. Westfield, N.Y.
Devins, R., 130 Boulevard de l'Hopital, Dinwiddie, L. L., 3941 Enos Ave., Oak-
Paris 13e, France. land 19, Calif.
De Vos, M. (1), 11-13, rue Ernest Allard, Diong Chiong Mi, S.D.A. Mission, Foo-
Brussels, Belgium. chow, China.
Dewald, J. A., 224 N. Howell Ave., Di Paola, S. (1), Lungotevere Michel-
Chattanooga, Tenn. angelo 7, Rome, Italy.
Dexter, H. H., Route 3, 1295 E. Palmyra Diredja, M. E., Naripan 63, Bandung,
Ave., Orange, Calif. Java, Indonesia.
Dexter, R. S. (1). 717 W. Nora Ave., Dirgoonanan, Charles (1), Box 78,
Spokane 12, Wash. Georgetown, British Guiana, South
Deyd, A. E., 126 E. Orlando Ave., Or- America.
lando, Fla. Dirksen, A. A., 3230 So. 46th St., Lin-
Dias, Mario (m), Caixa Postal 1830, Sao coln 6, Nebr.
Paulo, Brazil, South Anierica. Dirksen, D. E., Box 584, Arlington,
Diaz, Cayetano (1), Casilla 1002, Lima, Calif.
Peru, South America. Ditta, R. A. (1), 48 Lawrence Road,
Diaz, J. A. (m), Casilla 240, Iquitos, Lahore, Pakistan.
Peru. South America. Dittberner, J. L., 2674 S. Lafayette,
Diaz, Paul (I), Box 57, La Sierra Sta- Denver 10, Colo.
tion, Arlington, Calif. Dittmar, F. J. J., Box 16, Oakes, N.Dak.
Diaz, P. R., P. 0. Box 401, Manila, Dixon, D. J., 1514 Mill St., Lake
Philippines. Charles, La.

Dixon, H. R. (m), Takoma Park, Wash- Dompas, B. C., Naripan 63, Bandung,
ington 12, D.C. Java, Indonesia.
Dizon, M. P., P. 0. Box 2494, Ma- Dompas, D. A., Naripan 63, Bandung,
nila, Philippines. Java, Indonesig.
Djan Tieh Nung, S.D.A. Mission, Donaldson, P. A. (I), Australasian Mis-
Chengtu, Szechwan, China. sionary College, Cooranbong, New
Djang Bao Tin (1), 44 Fu Tzen Street, South Wales, Australia.
Changsha, Hunan, China. Donaldson, Scott, 524 East St. James
Djang Dji Dzan (I), 1365 Chung Shan St.,San Jose 12, Calif.
Dah Dao, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Dona, A. (1), P.O. Box 51, Blantyre,
Djang Djen Gwoh, Da Chi Gou, Chung- Nyasaland, Africa.
king, Szechwan, China. Donga, Moses, Box 573, Bulawayo,
Djang Dzen Hai, S.D.A. Mission, Kiu- Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
kiang, Kiangsi, China. Doolittle, H. J., Box 213, East Flat
Djang Ying Ko (I), S.D.A. Mission, Rock, N.C.
Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. Doom, Charles, Boite 95, Papeete, Ta-
Djao Fu Tung (1), S.D.A. Mission, 11 hiti, Society Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Pei Yueh Ya Hutung, Peiping, China. Doom, Lazare (1), Boite 95, Papeete,
Djao Hsiu Chia (1), 185 Wei I Lu, Tahiti, Society Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Tsinan, Shantung, China. Dopp, W. E. (1), Sequim, Wash.
Djeng Dju Tsai (1), S.D.A. Mission, Doran, M. V. (1), 105 Tuttle Ave.,
11 Pei Yueh Ya Hutung, Peiping, Trenton, N.J.
China. Dorland, 0. M., 22 Zulla Road, Map-
Djen Ru Bing, Court 1207 Yu-Yuen parley Park, Nottingham, England.
Road, Shanghai 27, China. Dornburg, C. A. (1), Route 1, Gettys-
Djeng Djao Yung, Da Chi Gou, Chung- burg, Pa.
king, Szechwan, China. Dornburg, C. J., 1418 Weigold Ave.,
Doan, Mary L. (m), 228 N. Charles, Cincinnati 23, Ohio.
Wichita 12, Kan. Dorner, F. A. Koblenzer Strasse 3,
Dobanton, R. F. (m), Calle V. Vergara (1) Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sec-
3227, Florida, F.C.N. Gral. Bme. tor, Germany.
Mitre, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Dortch, C. W. (m), Walla Walla Col-
America. lege, College Place, Wash.
Dobbins, H. D., 707 Walnut St., Cam- Dortch, V. D. (m), 16321 Helo Drive,
den, N.J. San Leandro, Calif.
Dobbs, J. D., Box 223 (Highway 80), Doss, Daniel (I), 16 Av. de Koubbeh,
London, Ky. Heliopolis, Egypt.
Dobias, Joseph, 4302 S. Maple Ave., Doss, H. S. (1), Marydel, Md.
Brookfield, Ill. Doss, Philip Habib, 444 /1 Rashid St.,
Dobinski, F., Thalmann-Platz 46, (2) Baghdad, Iraq.
Cottbus, Soviet Zone, Germany. Doty, Mrs. Edna M. (m), 900 Carroll
Dobinski, K., Charlottenstrasse 24, Ave, Takoma Park, Washington 12,
(24a) Hamburg 19, British Zone, D.C.
Germany. Douay, P., 130 Boulevard de l'Hopital,
Doble, L. G. (1), Box S.78, South Wagga, Paris 13e, France.
New South Wales, Australia. Doubraysky, J. Londynska 30, Praha-
Dobre, T., Calea Bucuresti 57, Craiova, Vinohrady, dzechoslovakia.
Rumania. Dougherty, R. W. (1), 780 St. Albans.
Dobrota, A. (1), Tr. Marsala Malinov- Road, Watford, Herts., England.
skeho 24a, Bratislava, Slovakia. Douglas, A. A., 704 Peck St., Muske-
Dobson, J. R. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Box gon Heights, Mich.
6, Apia, Samoa, Pacific Ocean. Douglas, R. (1), "Hazelrigg," Mande-
Doehnert, Emilio (1), Caixa Postal ville, Jamaica, British West Indies.
2898, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer- Douglass, H. E. (1), Route 1, Douglas
ica. Road, Oswego, Ill.
Doehnert, Roberto (1), Caixa Postal Douglass, Henri (m), Collegedale Tenn.
60, Goiania, Goiaz, Brazil, South Dow, I. A., Jr. (I), 310 N. 8th St., Vine-
America. land, N.J.
Doelling, A., Hans-Sachs-Strasse 9,
(10b) Chemnitz, Soviet Zone, Ger- Dower, N. R., 2203 8th Ave., Fort
many. Worth, Texas.
Doleman, D. D., 720 13th St., Hood Dowling, W. G. (1), 84 The Boulevarde,
River, Oreg. Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus-
Dollinger, J. J., 215 S.E. 86th Ave., tralia.
Portland 16, Oreg. Down, D. K. (1), 27 Esplanade Rd., Mt.
Dombrosky, S. L., 157 Ventura St., Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
Willows, Calif. Downs, L. E. (1), La Sierra Station,
Dombrowsky, F., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Arlington, Calif.
(1) Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sec- Drachenberg, F. G., Apartado 329,
tor, Germany. Santa Clara, Cuba.
Dorninski, J. A., 3036 N. Linder Ave., Drain, W. G., 361 Argyle St., North
Chicago 41, Ill. Hobart, Tasmania.

Drapal, 0., Sidova 1, Ostrava, Cze- Dunn, A. 0., 415 Grove Ave., Berrien
choslovakia. Springs, Mich.
Dreschsler, M., Freumbichlerweg 22, Dunn, L. L., Apartado 3005, Santurce,
Salzburg, Austria. Puerto Rico.
Driscoll, W. J. (1), P.O. Box 27, Hamil- Dunn, N. W., Takoma Park, Washing-
ton, New South Wales, Australia. ton 12, D.C.
Drouault, H. A., 3506 Laval Ave., Dunn, Oscar (1), 2601 Marburg St.,
Montreal 18, Quebec, Canada. Dallas, Texas.
Druege, K., Peiner Strasse 19, (20a) Dunn, R. H. (m), 91 Depot Lines, Kara-
Hanover-Dohren, British Zone, Ger- chi, Pakistan.
many. Dunn, V. S. (m), Union College, Lin-
Druitt, A. W. N. (m), 27 Hope Road, coln 6, Nebr.
Half-Way-Tree, Jamaica, British Dunn, W. A. 343 N. Myrtle Ave.,
West Indies. Monrovia, Calif.
Dry, Johannes (1), Private Bag, 189T, Dunne, A. T. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw-
Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. thorn, E.2, Victoria, Australia.
Dryer, L. D. (1), 29 Bates St., Portland, Dunnett, D. J. (I), Stanborough Park,
Maine. Watford, Herts., England.
Du Shu Ren, Court 1207, Yu-Ruen Road, Dunstan, S. L., Box 1011J, Adelaide,
Shanghai 27, China. South Australia, Australia.
Duarte, Aranzazu (I), Avenida Gral. Dunton, R. E., P. 0. Box 149, Agana,
Belgrano 1366, Mendoza, Argentina, Guam, Marianas. Islands.
South America. Dupluoy, Maxime (m), P.O. Box 1016,
Dube, Peter (1), P.O. Lower Gwelo, Accra, Gold Coast, West Africa.
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Durichek, M. G. (m), 2525 S. Downing
Dube, S. B., P. 0. Lower Gwelo, South- St., Denver 10, Colo.
ern Rhodesia, Africa. Duriquez, L. D. (m), Box 241, Iloilo
DuBois, Alma (b) 1446 Forbes, Kala- City, Philippines.
mazoo, Mich. Durr, F., Fangelsbachstrasse 11, (14a)
DuBose, Robert (I), Box 162, Placer- Stuttgart-S, American Zone, Germany.
ville, Calif. Durrant, A. N., 1607 S. San Diego Blvd.,
Dudley, C. E. (1), 371-A Silver Age Escondido, Calif.
Ave., Memphis, Tenn. Dyason, A. J., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn,
Dudley, Dean C. (b), Route 1, Wenat- E.2, Victoria, Australia.
chee, Wash. Dyason, A. P., 15 Trafalgar Street,
Dudragne, C. (m), 3, Rue du Sacre Mont Albert, E.10, Victoria, Australia.
Couer, Alger (Algeria). Dyason, L. A., 37 O'Connell Terrace,
Duerolf, G., August-Bebel-Strasse 39, Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland,
(3a) Rostock, Soviet Zone, Germany. Australia.
Duffle, David (I), Casilla 85, Puno, Dye, C. H. (m), South Lancaster, Mass.
Peru, South America. Dyer, H. L. (m), P.O. Box 401, Manila,
Duffield, C. L., 8346 Forrest Ave., Phila- Philippines.
delphia 19, Pa. Dykes, E. B. (m), Oakwood College,
Duffield, D. C. (m), Box 66, College Huntsville, Tenn.
View Station, Lincoln 6, Nebr. Dykes, J. E. (1), 1614 Fay St., Flint,
Duffy, A. N. (I), 8 Yarra St., Haw- Mich.
thorn E.2, Victoria, Australia. Dyresen, Dyre, Maplewood Academy,
Duke, T. F.,Ranen Mission, P.O. Kisii, Hutchinson, Minn.
Kenya, ast Africa. Dyson, W. D. (1), 62 Clotilde Street,
Dukes, H. M., 216 6th St., Blackstone, Mt. Lawley, West Australia, Aus-
Va. tralia.
Dull, Dallas (1), Box 210, Chewelah, Dzao, L. Y. (m), S.D.A. Mission, 17 Li
Wash. Hwang Pei Road, Hankow 7, Hupeh,
Dumitrascu, F. (I), Strada Golesti No. China.
11, Braila, Rumania. Dzik, F., Kurfurstenstrasse 91, (21a)
Dunbar, E. W., Takoma Park, Washing- Bielefeld, British Zone, Germany.
ton 12, D.C. Dzimri, Philemon, P.O. Lower Gwelo,
Duncan, Don E., 1511 Linden St., Cald- Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
well, Idaho.
Duncan, R. H. (1), 312 N. Boyle Ave.,
Los Angeles 33, Calif.
Dunham, G. 0. (m), Box 221, Port-of- Earle, G. R. (1), 128 Winthrop Ave.,
Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. New Rochelle, N.Y.
Dunham, Philip (1), 951 East 3rd St., Eastman, W. W., 351 San Matthew
Escondido, Calif. Drive, Loma Linda, Calif.
Dunkel, R. (1), 3, Rue du Sacre Coeur, Eberhardt, W., Koblenzer Strasse 3,
Alger (Algeria). (1) Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sec-
Dunlop, It. F. (m), 2A Mucurapo Road, tor, Germany.
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, British West Ebinger, E. (1), Rua Lopes Trovao 84,
Indies. Niteroi, Estado do Rio, Brazil, South
Dunn, Abbie (b), Box 310, Hong Kong. America.

Ebinger, G. F., Caixa Postal, 233, Vi- Ekka, M. M. (1), 36 Park St., Calcutta,
toria, Espirito Santo, Brazil, South India.
America. Elder, W. H., Jr., 2405 County Ave.,
Ebling, Carlos, Caixa Postal 177, Porto Texarkana, Texas.
Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, Eldridge, Claude E., 2526 N. 14th St.,
South America. Phoenix, Ariz.
Eckenroth, M. K., Takoma Park, Wash- Eldridge, P. H., 164 Onden 3-chome
ington 12, D. C. (2,3), Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Eckerman, R. E., 516 First St., N., Eldridge, R. M. (m), Southern Pub-
Aberdeen, S. Dak. lishing Assn., Box 59, Nashville,
Edeburn, A. L. (m), Box 22, Mande- Tenn.
ville, Jamaica, British West Indies. Elias, K. A., 22 Zulla Road, Mapperley
Edener, W., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, (13a) Park, Nottingham, England.
Nurnberg, American Zone, Germany. Elisenberg, Johan (1), Akersgaten 74,
Edgerton, Mrs. Mattie (rn), New Eng- Oslo, Norway.
land Sanitarium, Melrose 76, Mass. Elizabeth, Enrique (1), Piscaderaweg
Edmed, Ethel (m), Helderberg College, 18, Mundo Nobo, Curacao, Nether-
Box 22, Somerset West, Cape Pro- lands West Indies.
vince, South Africa. Ellingworth, G. A. C. (1), Chim-
Edstrom, E. I., Gitwe Mission, via pempe Mission, Private Bag, Ka-
Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian sama, Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
East Africa. Elkins, Bert (1). Yegros 429, Asuncion,
Edward, V. D. (I), 1127 Authumanthai Paraguay, South America.
Street, Tanjore, India. Elliott, H. T., Takoma Park, Washing-
Edwards, A. V., P.O. Box 468, Bloem- ton 12, D. C.
fontein, Orange Free State, South Elliott, W. P., White Memorial Hospital,
Africa. 312 North Boyle Ave., Los Angeles 33,
Edwards, C. A. 501 Forest Ave., Min- Calif.
neapolis 3, Minn. Ellis, C. C., Route 2, Box 32, Tamaqua,
Edwards, C. F., 176 Orange Street, Pa.
Kingston, Jamaica, British West In- Ellison, L. R. (1), General Delivery,
dies. North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Can-
Edwards, C. G., 3626 S. Boots, Marion, ada.
Ind. Elliston, M. B., 206 Mead St., Green-
Edwards, F., 22 Zulla Road, Mapperley ville, N. C.
Park, Nottingham, England. Ellstrom, G. M., S.D.A. Mission, P. 0.
Edwards, H. E., 60 Walnut St., Berrien Aba, Nigeria, West Africa.
Springs, Mich. Elssmann, O., Hinterm Bahnhof 30,
Edwards, J. E., Takoma Park, Wash- (13a) Nurnberg, American Zone,
ington 12, D.C. Germany.
Edwards, L. A., Malamulo Mission, P. Elstrom, G. R., 1415 Rodd St., Mid-
0. Malamulo, Nyasaland, Africa. land, Mich.
Edwards, 0. B., Oakwood College, Elvedahl, A. K. (m), Rest Haven San-
Huntsville, Ala. itarium, Sidney, British Colombia,
Edwards, Robert (1), Box 1511, Glen- Canada.
dale 5, Calif. Emanuelsson, S. (1), Vasagatan 12,
Edwards, R. W. (1), P.O. Box 27, Goteborg, Sweden.
Hamilton, New South Wales, Aus- Emerson, B. M. (1), 441 Salem St., Glen-
tralia. dale 3, Calif.
Edwards, S. P. S. (I), Loma Linda, Emery, R. T. (1), 6705 S.E. Yamhill
Calif. St., Portland 16, Oreg.
Effenberg, F. H., Turlock, Calif. Emery, S. H., Route 4, Bozeman, Mont.
Eglit, A., 152 Crest, Hot Springs, Ark. Emery, W. D., 1433 S. Third St., Walla
Eggins, S. J. (1). 8 Yarra St., Haw- Walla, Wash.
thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Emm, G. (1), Stanborough Park, Wat-
Ehlers, Emanuel, Loma Linda, Calif. ford, Herts., England.
Ehlers, Waldemar, Caixa Postal 1830, Emmenegger, G. E. (m), Casilla 326,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Temuco, Chile, South America.
Emmer, A. G., 26 Commonwealth Ave.,
Ehrhardt, L. J., 1112 N. 18th, Kansas Middletown, N.Y.
City, Kan. Emmerson, E. H., Hemet, Calif.
Eichman, Harold (m), 2525 S. Down- Emmerson, H. R. (m), P. 0. Box 226,
ing St., Denver 10, Colo. Singapore, Colony of Singapore.
Eichwald, R., Herzogstrasse 94 IV, Emmerson, J. 0. (1), P. 0. Box 221,
(22a) Duesseldorf, British Zone, Ger- 1 Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, British West
many. Indies.
Eiseman, Fulmer (1), Box 262, Golden- Emmerson, K. H. (1), Box 228, Coco-
dale, Wash. nut Grove, Miami, Fla.
Ekitike, A., Mission Adventiste, Kribi, Emmerson, Vernon W., Hackensack,
French ameroons, West Africa. Minn.
Ekka, K. S. (1), "Winston," Kalimpong, Emmerson, W. L., Stanborough Park,
Darjeeling, India. Watford, Herts., England.

Endaenda, Lawson, Muchenje Mission, Escandon, Tirso, Apartado Nacional

P.O. Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia, Af- 436, Bogota, Colombia, South Amer-
rica. ica.
Engel, B., Herzogstrasse 94 IV, (22a) Escobar, Arthur J., 2075 W. 54th St.,
Duesseldorf, British Zone, Germany. Los Angeles 37, Calif.
Engelbrecht, G. H., P.O. Box 266, Eslinger, H. (1), 406 Poison Ave.,
Townsville, Queensland, Australia. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
Engelbrecht, W. J. J. (I), Box '7768, Esposito, R. (1), 3, Rue du Sacre Coeur,
Johannesburg. Transvaal, South Alger (Algeria).
Africa. Espinosa, Julio, Casilla 1140, Guaya-
Engen, B. 0., 2112 Kansas Ave., Ben- quil, Ecuador, South America.
son, Minn. Espinosa, Rosendo S. (1), Apartado
England, W. H., Box 832, Globe, Ariz. No. 37, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas,
England, W. 0. (m), P. 0. Box 22, Mexico.
Kampala, Uganda, East Africa. Esquilla, V. W., 145 E. Lake Drive, S.E.,
Englert, P., Kamienica na Slasku 272, Atlanta, Ga.
pow. Bielsko, Poland. Essel, E. (1), P.O. Box 480, Kumasi,
Engles, S. P. (1), Bungalow, Hatka- Gold Coast, West Africa.
nagle P.O., Kolhapur District, India. Essery, E. G., Stanborough Park. Wat-
English, Sidney (1), 27 W. Main St., ford, Herts., England.
Earlville, N.Y. Essien, S. B., P.O. Box 480, Kumasi,
Engoz'o'o, Daniel (1), Mission Adven- Gold Coast, West Africa.
tiste, Nanga-Eboko, French Came- Esteb, A. A., Takoma Park, Washing-
roons, West Africa. ton 12, D.C.
Engstrom, R. W., 1149 S. E. 52nd Ave., Esteb, L. E., South Lancaster, Mass.
Portland 15, Oreg. Esteb, Mrs. L. E. (in), South Lancaster,
Enright, M. L. (1), 4112 Cutler, Bald- Mass.
win Park, Calif. Estes, Lowell E. (1), 534 42nd St.,
Enriques, Isaac, P. 0. Box 2494, Ma- Des Moines, Iowa.
nila, Philippines. Esteves, J., Apartado 12, Angra do
Erbes, Th., Nussdorferstrasse 5, Vienna Heroismo, Azores Islands.
IX, Austria. Estey, J. A., Dixon, Wyo,
Erdman, Charlotte (rn), Box 48, Bar- Eswar Rao, E. S., S.D.A. Mission, Nuz-
ons, Alberta, Canada. vid, Kistna District, India.
Erdmann, R. (m), Hoheweg 17, Berne, Eubanks, A. E., 300 Rose St., Little
Switzerland. Rock, Ark.
Erdodi, M. (m), Kegl Gyorgy utca 5 sz., Eva, R. E.(1), P. 0. Chisekesi Siding,
Szekesfehervar, Hungary. Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
Ereman (1), "Palm Beach," Rabaul, Eva, W. D., P.O. Box 2276, Nairobi,
New Britain, Territory of New Gui- Kenya, East Africa.
nea. Evans, I. M., Box 1311, Meridian, Miss.
Erenius, E. Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- Evans, J. L. (1), Box 367, Somer-
holm, Sweden. set, Ky.
Erich, 0. G., 1544 E. Wilson Ave., Evans, L. C., South Lancaster, Mass.
Glendale 6, Calif. Evans, M. E. (m), Takoma Park, Wash-
Erickson, E. W., General Delivery, ington 12, D.C.
Auburn, Calif. Evans, Roger (m), 12190 Raley Drive,
Erickson, Geneva (m), Hinsdale San- Arlington, Calif.
itarium, Hinsdale, Ill. Evard, H., 10 Salisbury Road, Rose
Erickson, M. E. (1), 195 Princess St., Hill, Mauritius, Indian Ocean.
Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada. Evens, H. P., Southern Publishing
Erin, George (1), Boite Postale 194, Assn., Box 59, Nashville 2, Tenn.
Fort-de-France, Martinique, French Everest, Charles (1), 13643 Chadwick
West Indies. St., Detroit 27, Mich.
Erlecke, F. K., 85-31 90th St., Wood- Everest, E. W. (1), Pacific Press Pub.
haven, N.Y. Assn., Mountain View, Calif.
Ermshar, Harold (m), 312 North Boyle Everett, J. L., 2524 S. Front St., Wil-
Ave., Los Angeles 33, Calif. mington, N.C.
Ernst, F., Herzogstrasse 94 IV, (22a) Evers, Paul (1), 299 W. Van Buren,
Duesseldorf, British Zone, Germany. Battle Creek, Mich.
Ernst, G. R., Casilla 1003, Lima, Peru, Everson, C. T., Elmshaven, St. Helena,
South America. Calif.
Ernst, Luis, Calle V. Vergara 3227, Evert, J. G. (1), B.P. 33, Ruhengeri,
Florida, F.C.N. Gral. Bme. Mitre, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian East Africa.
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Ewing, B. H., 514 19th Ave., N., Nash-
America. ville, Tenn.
Erntson, N. C., 7603 S.E. Taylor St.,
Portland 16, Oreg.
Erzberger, H., Gubelstrasse 23, Zurich
50, Switzerland. Faber, G. L. A.(1), Prins Alexander-
Escandon, Jorge, Apartado 1320, San weg 1 B, Huis ter Heide, Gem. Zeist,
Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. Netherlands.

Faetting, A., Hans-Sachs-Strasse 9, Fearing, Richard (1), Route 3, Fleet-

(10b) Chemnitz, Soviet Zone, Ger- wood, Pa.
many. Feder, Daniel, Cervantes 144, Parana,
Fagal, H. E., 54 Hillcrest Ave., Entre Rios, Argentina, South Amer-
Hamden, Conn. ica.
Fagal, W. A. 58-31 217th St., Bayside, Fehr, J., Gubelstrasse 23, Zurich 50,
N.Y. Switzerland.
Fairchild, P. B. (1), P.O. Box 22, Gwelo, Fekete, V., Keg] Gyorgy utca 5 sz.,
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Szekesfehervar, Hungary.
Faithful, R. (1), 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Fell, F. C. (1), 361 Argyle Street,
E.2, Victoria, Australia. North Hobart, Tasmania.
Fan Chih-Hsiang, 1365 Chung Shan Felt, Paul (1), Box 409, Loyall, Ky.
Dah Dao, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Feltman, Elvin (1), 647 Washington
Fan Feng Tien (1), S.D.A. Mission, 11 St., Defiance, Ohio.
Pei Yueh Ya Hutung, Peiping, China. Felton, C. E. (1), Ngoma Mission, c/o
Fan Kuo Dung, S.D.A. Mission, 185 Gitwe, via Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi,
Wei I Lu, Tsinan, Shantung, China. Belgian East Africa.
Fang, Y. F. (m), S.D.A. Mission, Feng Chen Gieh (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China.
Fang Kwei Ching (1), Court 1207, Yu- Feng Cheng Fun (1), Da Chi Gou,
Yuen Road, Shanghai 27, China. Chungking, Szechwan, China.
Fanselau, Mrs. Marie (m), 1814 E. Feng Deh Seng, 86 North Gate St.,
Glenoaks Blvd., Glendale, Calif. Kunming, Yunnan, China.
Faole (1), S.D.A. Mission, Port Moresby, Feng Kai Lin (1), 86 North Gate St.,
Papua, Pacific Ocean. Kunming, Yunnan, China.
Faqir Chand, 65 The Mall, Jullundur Fenner, G. (1), Niklasstrasse 19, (1)
Cantonment, East Punjab, India. Berlin-Zehlendorf, American Sector,
Farag, Samuel (1), 16 Av. de Koubbeh, Germany.
Heliopolis, Egypt. Fenner, J., Herzogstrasse 94 IV, (22a)
Farag, Wadie (1), P. 0. Box 1170, Duesseldorf, British Zone, Germany.
Beirut, Lebanon. Fenner, W. (I), Mendelssohnstrasse
Fargo, Adeeb (1), 444/1 Rashid Street, 13/II, (20a) Hanover, British Zone,
Baghdad, Iraq. Germany.
Farkas, D., Keg,I Gyorgy utca 5 sz., Fenz, G. (m), Lungotevere Michel-
Szekesfehervar, Hungary. angelo 7, Rome, Italy.
Farley, R. F., 757 W. Hight St., Lima, Ference, I., Strada Cuza Voda No. 12.
Ohio. Cluj, Rumania.
Farley, Ruby (b), Branham Ave., N.E., Ferguson, Mrs. Ena (b), 116-14 141st
Atlanta, Ga. St., South Ozone Park 20, Long
Farnstrom, Bror (m), P.O. Box 592, Island, N.Y.
Jerusalem, Israel. Ferguson, W. R., Batuna, Marovo La-
Farrar, R. (I), Lord Howe Island, goon, Solomon Islands.
Australia. Fernandez, Josue, Apartado No. 37,
Farrow, A. E., P.O. Box 19, Ibadan, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico.
Nigeria, West Africa. Fernando, R. S. (m) P.O. Box No.
Farrow, J. E. (1), 3015 Corprew Ave., 905, Colombo 3, Ceylon.
Norfolk, Va. Fernstad, B., Vassagatan 12, Goteborg,
Farthing, A. H. (1), 780 St. Albans Sweden.
Road, Watford, Herts., England. Ferraris, G., Via Tommaso Campanella,
Fasnacht, J. P. (1), 130 Boulevard de 8, (Mergellina), Napoli, Italy.
l'Hopital, Paris 13e, France. Ferraren, B. (1), P.O. Box 119, City
Fasnacht, 0. (ml Gubelstrasse 23, Zu- of Cebu. Philippines.
rich 50, Switzerland. Ferraro, G., Lungotevere Michelangelo
Fasnacht, R. (m), Hoheweg 17, Berne, 7, Rome, Italy.
Switzerland. Ferraz, Itanel (1), Caixa Postal 1830,
Fattebert, Ellen B. (m), 1318 East Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Culver, Phoenix, Ariz. Ferree, Martha (b), 632 Harvard,
Houston, Texas.
Fattic, G. It., 4547 Calvert St., Lin- Ferree, Nellie (m), P.O. Box 401, Ma-
coln 6, Nebr. nila, Philippines.
Faurescu, David, Strada Golesti No. 11, Ferreira, E., Rua Joaquim Bonifacio
Braila, Rumania. 17, Lisbon, Portugal.
Fawer, Emil, 130 Blvd. de l'Hopital, Ferreira, Lourival, Caixa Postal 177,
Paris 13e, France. Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul,
Fayard, E., Mission Adventiste, Ant- Brazil, South America.
sirabe, Madagascar. Ferran, J. R. (1), Takoma Park, Wash-
Fayard, M. I., Pacific Press Pub. Assn., ington 12, D. C.
Mountain View, Calif. Ferrer, E. (1), Box 241, Iloilo City,
Fayard, Samuel, Casilla 2830, Santi- Philippines.
ago, Chile, South America. Ferri, Juan, Virrey del Pino 3801, Sue.
Fearing, A. C., 185 Martin Ave., Reno, 30, R. 11, Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Nev. South America.

Ferris, A. H. (1), P. 0. Box 27, Hamil- Fischer, Theophil (1), Carrington, N.

ton, New South Wales, Australia. Dak.
Ferris, David A., S.D.A. Mission, Aore, Fish, H. A., Box 5, Angwin, Calif.
New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. Fish, J. K., Route 4, Box 497, Hood
Ferris, E. F., Route 1, Box 145, Ber- River, Oreg.
rien Springs, Mich. Fishell, E. M., 231 Sinclair Ave., Glen-
Ferris, N. A., Australasian Missionary dale 6, Calif.
College, Cooranbong, New South Fisher, C. G. (1), Keene, Texas.
Wales, Australia. Fisher, Kenneth (m), Apartado 16,
Ferris, 0. C. (1), 37 O'Connell Terrace, Montemorelos, N. L., Mexico.
Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Fisher, M. S., Box 404, Waterloo, Que-
Australia. bec, Canada.
Ferris, W. G., Vatu Vonu School, P.M. Fisher, R. E. (m), Angwin, Calif.
Bay, No. 2, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Fisher, Vera (m), College Station, Ber-
Fetter, Phillip (1), Shenandoah Valley rien Springs, Mich.
Academy, New Market, Va. Fisher, W. C. (m), College of Medical
Fickas, E. T. (m), Loma Linda Food Evangelists, Loma Linda, Calif.
Co., Arlington, Calif. Flaiz, T. R., Takoma Park, Washing-
Fickes, Mrs. Elizabeth (m), 900 Carroll ton 12, D. C.
Ave., Takoma Park, Washington 12, Flammer, E., Fangelsbachstrasse 11
D.C. (14a) Stuttgart-S, American Zone,
Fiqkling, R. H., 1806 Burgin St., Germany.
Charlotte, N.C. Fleagle, David G., Route 1, Hagers-
Fiedler, Alvin W. (I), 3111 Pinewood, town, Md.
Bellingham, Wash. Fleck, F., Isartalstrasse 40, (13b)
Field, A. H., 4971 Sierra Vista, Arling- Munich 5, Bavaria, American Zone,
ton, Calif. Germany.
Field, C. S. (m), 415 Division St., Ber- Fleck, K., Freumbichlerweg 22, Salz-
rien Springs, Mich. burg, Austria.
Fielding, T. H., 22 Zulla Road, Map- Fleck, K., Fangelsbachstrasse 11, (14a)
perley Park, Nottingham, England. Stuttgart-S, American Zone, Ger-
Fields, Grace (m), Takoma Park, many.
Washington 12, D.C. Fleck, K. L., Apartado 218, Guatemala
Fields, 0. I., Box 51, Matandani Mission, City, Guatemala, Central America.
Blantyre, Nyasaland, Africa. Fleischer, B. (m), Kun Jozsef u. 29,
Figuhr, R. A. (1), Naripan 63, Ban- Miskolcz, Hungary.
dung, Java, Indonesia. Fleisher, Stella (m), Takoma Park,
Figuhr, R. R., Takoma Park, Washing- Washington 12, D. C.
ton 12, D.C. Fleitas, R. D., Anaxagoras 960-2, Colo-
Fillman, C. E., Route 1, Weslaco, Texas. nia Narvarte, Mexico, D.F., Mexico.
Fillman, Glenn, Route 3, Box 1932, Fleming, Charles, Jr., (1), Collegedale,
LaFayette, Calif. Tenn.
Fillman, 0. M. (1), Box 46, Lamberton, Fleming, F. (1), 27 Esplanade Road,
Minn. Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
Flock, E. F., 3916 25th Avenue South, Fleming, W. D., 900 Speedway, Corinth,
Minneapolis, Minn. Miss.
Findley, W. B., 628 E. Bahia Vista Flemming, Aileen (m), P.O. Box 468,
Avenue, Sarasota, Fla. Bloemfontein, Orange Free State,
Finley, J. W. (m), Hinsdale Sanitarium, South Africa.
Hinsdale, Ill. Fletcher, Eugene (1), 1911 74th St.,
Finney, C. L., 11162 Locust St., Lyn- Everett, Washington.
wood, Calif. Fletcher, Frank, "Hazelrigg," Mande-
Finney, R. E., Jr., Southern Publishing ville, Jamaica, British West Indies.
Assn., Box 59, Nashville 2, Tenn. Fletcher, Harry (I), "Hazelrigg," Man-
Finster, L. V., 203 Garland Ave., Tak- deville, Jamaica, British West Indies.
oma Park, Washington 12, D.C. Fletcher, J. K. L. (1), Memorial Ave-
Fischbacher, K., Freumbichlerweg 22, nue, Lae, Territory of New Guinea.
Salzburg, Austria. Fletcher, Joseph (I), "Hazelrigg", Man-
Fischdick, F., Feiner Strasse 19A, (20a) deville, Jamaica, British West Indies.
Hanover-Dohren, British Zone, Ger- Flohr, Charles, Boite 95, Papeete, Tahiti,
many. Society Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Fischdick, G., Bueltenweg 14, (20b) Flohr, Orsmond (1), Boite 95, Papeete
Brunswick, British Zone, Germany. Tahiti, Society Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Fischer, Daniel (m), Uriarte 2429, Flores, D., Strada Mitropolitul Ghena-
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South die, Petrescu 116, Bucuresti IV, Ru-
America. mania.
Fischer, H. (1), Boehmerstrasse 13, (16) Flores., Jeremia, 15348 Wildemere St.,
Frankfurt/Main, American Zone, Detroit 21, Mich.
Germany. Flores, B. B., Casilla 326, Temuco, Chile,
Fischer, R. (1), Boehmerstrasse 13, (16) South America.
Frankfurt/Main, American Zone, Flores, Daniel (1), Casilla 1140, Guaya-
Germany. quil, Ecuador, South America.

Flores, E. R. (1), Casilla 1140, Guaya- Fortunato, P. (1), Lungotevere Michel-

quil, Ecuador, South America. angelo 7, Rome, Italy.
Flores, Jesus (m), Apartado 92, Mana- Fortune, A. A., Box 78, Georgetown,
gua, Nicaragua, Central America. British Guiana, South America.
Flores, M. Lara, Apartado No. 37, Foss, Kermit I. (m), 1857 Carroll Ave.,
Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico. St. Paul 4, Minn.
Flores, Serafin (1), Cagayan, Oriental Fossey, A., S.D.A. Mission Hospital,
Misamis, Philippines. Athwa Lines, Surat, India.
Flory, Harold, 120 N. Walker, Elk City, Foster, E. H., Stanborough Park, Wat-
Okla. ford Herts., England.
Flory, Vernon, Box 221, Port-of-Spain, Foster, E. J. (m), 3801 Everett Ave.,
Trinidad, British West Indies. Oakland 2, Calif.
Flynt, Harold (1), Seminole Apts., Foster, F. W., 1836 Mecklenburg, Char-
Okeechobee, Fla. lotte, N.C.
Flyte, Clarence I. (m), Hinsdale San- Foster, J. C., Route 2, Newberg, Oreg.
itarium, Hinsdale, Ill. Foster, J. G. (I), P. 0. Chisekesi Sid-
Fodor, I., Strada Cuza Voda No. 12, ing, Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
Cluj, Rumania. Foulston, W. R., Route 4, Box 4757A,
Folkenberg, Elman (I), 10 Rosanna St., Paradise, Calif.
Gilroy, Calif. Fountain, T. M., 619 Woodland Park,
Folkenberg, L. E., 801 E. Leslie Drive, Chicago 16, Ill.
San Gabriel, Calif. Fourie, S. J., 19 Brill Street, Bloemfon-
Folkenberg, S. L., Apartado 50, General tein, Orange Free State, South Africa.
Peraza, Havana, Cuba. Fouts, N. R. (m), P.O. Box No. 32,
Foll, L. G., 1780 Jordon Ave., Cleveland, Lahore, Pakistan.
Tenn. Fowler, F. 0., Box 452, Lakeport,
Foll, M. E. (1), 5027 N. 19th St., Mil- Calif.
waukee 9, Wis. Fowler, F. S., Route 2, Westgate Hills,
Follett, Ira D., Box 2, Saint John, New Bethlehem, Pa.
Brunswick, Canada. Fowler, H. A. (1), 6505 Roe St., Cincin-
Follett, Orno, Route 1, Box 822, Scotts- nati 27, Ohio.
dale, Ariz. Fowler, M. W. (1), P.O. Malamulo,
Follette, L. S., 886 Simpson St., N.W., Nyasaland. Africa.
Atlanta, Ga. Fowler, 0. W., (1), 3133 Hackberry St.,
Fong Ping (1), Court 1207 Yu-Yuen Cincinnati 7, Ohio.
Road, Shanghai 27, China. Fowler, R. W. (1), Union College, Lin-
Fonseca, C. F. (1), Caixa Postal 243, coln 6, Nebr.
Manaos, Amazonas, Brazil, South Fox, L. E. A., P. 0. Box 41, Kuching,
America. Sarawak, Borneo.
Fonseca, Orion (1), Caixa Postal 60, Fox, R. (I), 27 Esplanade Rd., Mt.
Goiania, Goiaz, Brazil, South America. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
Foppiano, Angel (m), Casilla 85, Puno, Frame, R. R. (1), 148 Fox Valley Road,
Peru, South America. Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
Forbes, A. H., Sydney Sanitarium, tralia.
Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga, New Francis, R. E. (1), 6063 Drexel Road,
South Wales, Australia. Philadelphia 31, Pa.
Ford, Elden, (1), Mision Adventista, La Francisco, S. 0. (1), 5911 Fullerton
Ceiba, Honduras, Central America. Ave., Apt. 8, Buena Park, Calif.
Ford, J. W. (1), 115 S. Mulberry St., Frank, J. B. (I), 3514 Park Ave., Brook-
Richmond, Va. field, Ill.
Ford, L. E. (m), Oakwood College, Frank, W. W. (m), Hinsdale Sani-
Huntsville, Ala. tarium, Hinsdale, Ill.
Ford, Orley, 8a Avenida Norte No. 57, Franklin, E. E., Takoma Park, Wash-
San Salvador, El Salvador, Central ington 12, D. C.
America. Franklin, J. W., 310 Leonard Lane,
Ford, Paul (m), South Lancaster, Mass. Cambridge, Md.
Forde, W. D., 1150 W. Euclid, Detroit 2, Franz, Charles 0. (1), Madison College,
Mich. Tenn.
Fordham, H. J., 1509 N.E. Page St., Franz, C. 0., Apartado 50, General
Oklahoma City, Okla. Peraza, Havana, Cuba.
Fordham, W, M., 156 Stuben St., East Fraser, A. M., 148 Fox Valley Road,
Orange, N.J. Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
Fordham, W. W., 3525 Havana St., tralia.
Dallas, Texas. Frazer, W. H. (1), 780 St. Albans
Forehand, Mrs. Helga (m), 2525 South Road, Watford, Herts., England.
Downing St., Denver 10, Colo. Frazier, Ruth (m), Oakwood College,
Forquer, H. J. (1), 2535 Forest, Lansing Huntsville, Ala.
10, Mich. Frazier, T. T. (m), Oakwood College,
Forsblom, G., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- Huntsville, Ala.
holm, Sweden. Frederick, G. W., Milroy, Pa.
Forshaw, W. G., Route 2, Walla Walla, Freeman, G. R., 858 Mill Plain Road,
Wash. Fairfield, Conn.

Freeman, H. A. L., 84 The Boulevarde, Funk, Ervin S., 1033 S. James Ave.,
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Ottumwa, Iowa.
tralia. Furebo, Salatiel (1), B. P. 33, Ruhen-
Freeman, J. (I), Stanborough Park, geri, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian East
Watford, Herts., England. Africa.
Freitas, Luiz (1), Caixa Postal 1830, Furst, B. J. (1), Box 442, Newcastle,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Wyo.
Freitas, Pedro, Missao Adventista do Fuss, Max, Apartado 134, Sucursal "B,"
Cuale, Duque da Braganca, Malange, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.
Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Futcher, C. F. (1), Trans-Commonwealth
Freiwirth, Paul (1), 409 E. 155 St., Union Missionary College, Carmel,
New York 55, N.Y. West Australia, Australia.
French, C. R., 3434 Oak Ave., Brook-
field, Ill.
French, H. T., 933 Woodland Ave., Win-
chester, Va. Gabriel, Henry (1), Box 66, Port-of-
French, J. C., 780 St. Albans Road, Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies.
Watford, Herts., England. Gabriel, J. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Kottara-
French, J. W. (1), Madang, Territory kara, Travancore, India.
of New Guinea, Pacific Ocean. Gabriel, J. S. (m), Avenue Pahlavi
French, R. E., Route 1, Box 527-F, 2075, Tehran, Iran.
Orlando, Fla. Gackenheimer, E. T., 3218 Hardesty
French, W. R., 4421 E. Ear11 Drive, Ave., Kansas City, Mo.
Phoenix, Ariz. Gade, Semiti, Box 297, Suva, Fiji, Pa-
Frenning, Olav, Holmenkollveien 31, cific Ocean.
Oslo, Norway. Gadsby, Samuel L., Box 66, Port-of-
Fresk, E. G., 1110 4th St. W., Billings, Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies.
Mont. Gaede, D. P., Loma Linda, Calif.
Frey, R. E., Box 124, Culpeper, Va. Gaede, G. P., 553 Walnut St., Marion,
Frick, J. E., 212 E. 2nd Ave., Cheyenne, Kan.
Wyo. Gaede, J. P., 123 Orchard Lane, Co-
Fridlin, M., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switz- lumbus 2, Ohio.
erland. Gaede, P. J., Route 3, Box 158, Yu-
Friedrich, A. R. (1), 118 Broadway, caipa, Calif.
Taunton, Mass. Gahunde, Labano (1), B. P. 33, Ruhen-
Friedrich, G. H. (1), 381 Humboldt, geri, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian East
Fresno, Calif. Africa.
Frivold, Paul, Bergjelandsgaten 45, Sta- Gaikwad, S. B. (1), P.O. Box 4565, Bom-
vanger, Norway. bay 8, India.
Froom, F. E., 171 Beverley Road, N.E., Gaitens, J. C., College Station, Berrien
Atlanta, Ga. Springs, Mich.
Froom, L. E., Takoma Park, Wash- Gaitens, Mrs. Pearl (m), College Sta-
ington 12, D. C. tion, Berrien Springs, Mich.
Frost, J. C. (1), '780 St. Albans Road, Gajan, J., Tr. Marsala Malinovskeho
Watford, Herts., England. 24a, Bratislava, Slovakia.
Frost, S. L. 1824 Orchard Ave., Glen- Gaje, L. P. (m), Cagayan, Oriental Mi-
dale 6, Calif. samis, Philippines.
Fu Yi Ying, S.D.A. Mission, 20 Goh Gajdusek, P. (1), Londynska 30, Praha-
Low Meng, Nanking, China. Vinohrady, Czechoslovakia.
Fua, S. (1), Box 15, Nukualofa, Tonga, Gajzler, L. (1), Zeylanda 11, Poznan,
Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean. Poland.
Fuchita, S. (1), 171 Amanuma 1-chome, Galbreth, William E., 996 Western Ave.,
Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan. San Bernardino, Calif.
Fuchs, 0. (1), Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Galdeano, C. (1), 2 Rue de l'Eglise,
(13a) Nurnberg, American Zone, Tunis (Tunisia).
Germany. Gallagher, A., S. D. A. Mission, Aore,
Fuchs, W., Mission Adventiste, Oasis New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean.
Superieure, Casablanca, Morocco. Galley, C. E. (m), Oakwood College,
Fue, Isaya, Mwagala Mission, P. 0. Huntsville, Ala.
Maswa, Via Mwanza, Tanganyika Galoghasa (1), S.D.A. Mission, Madang,
Territory, East Africa. Territory of New Guinea.
Fuhrmann, M. (m), Rua Lopes Trovao Games, J. F., Route 1. Box 216, Loma
84, Niteroi, Estado do Rio, Brazil, Linda, Calif.
South America. Gammon, E. (1), Wisconsin Academy,
Fukazawa, Mrs. Ai (m), 171 Amanuma Columbus, Wis.
1-chome, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Gammon, K. A. (1), 780 St. Albans Rd.,
Fukazawa, M., 171 Amanuma 1-chome, Watford, Herts., England.
Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Gander, S. H., S.D.A. Mission, Wewak,
Fuller, Margaret (m), 14361/2 7th St., Territory New Guinea, Australia.
Parkersburg, W. Va. Gando, Eduardo (I), Caixa Postal 3,
Fund, A. W. (m), P.O. Box 1011, Beirut, Nova Lisboa, Angola, Portuguese
Lebanon. West Africa.

Cane, E. R., 148 Fox Valley Road, Gasimba, Simoni (1)', Ngoma Mission,
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- c/o Gitwe, via Usumbura, Ruanda-
tralia. Urundi, Belgian East Africa.
Ganeff, M., Solunska 10, Sofia, Bul- Gasparian, M. (1), Avenue Pahlavi
garia. 2075, Tehran, Iran.
Gangasa, Mark, P.O. Lower Gwelo, Gaspie, Leonard (1), 76 Puritan Road,
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Buzzards Bay, Mass.
Gant, K. L., Route 1, Box 541, La Mesa, Gast, W., Isartalstrasse 40, (13b)
Calif. Munich 5, Bavaria, American Zone,
Ganty, 0. (m), Hoheweg 17, Berne, Germany.
Switzerland. Gathercole, A. J., 8 Yarra St., Haw-
Gantz, G. I. (1), 319 S. Sixth St., thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
Muskogee, Okla. Gattis, Mrs. Lucy (b), 821 Hansen St.,
Ganzleben, M., Isartalstrasse 40, (13b) W. Palm Beach, Fla.
Munich 5, Bavaria, American Zone, Gauger, W., Grafengasse 20, (15) Er-
Germany. furt, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Garber, R. L. (1), Katikamu Mission, Gauker, H. G., 948 Mt. Vernon Ave.,
P. 0. Wobulenzi, Uganda, East Marion, Ohio.
Africa. Gay, H. R., 10632 N.E. Shaver St., Port-
Garber, V. E., Adelphian Academy, land 20, Oreg.
Holly, Mich. Gayed, William (1), 16 Av. de Koubbeh,
Garbrah, J. K., P.O. Box 480, Kumasi, Heliopolis, Egypt.
Gold Coast, West Africa. Gayen, P. C., 36 Park St., Calcutta,
Garbutt, L. L. (m), Apartado 1325, India.
San Jose, Costa Rica, Central Am- Gayen, P. K. (1), Gopalganj P.O.,
erica. Faridpur District, East Pakistan.
Garcesa, Miss L. (m), P.O. Box 401, Geer, Gordon (1), 49 E. Galloway St.,
Manila, Philippines. Weiser, Idaho.
Garcia, D., Virrey del Pino 3801, Suc. Gehl, Wilhelm, Hinterm Bahnhof 30,
30, R. 11, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (13a) Nurnberg, American Zone,
Garcia, David, Apartado 1325, San Jose, Germany.
Costa Rica, Central America. Gemeinhardt, W., Kriegsstrasse 84,
Garcia, Fernando, Caixa Postal 656, (17a) Karlsruhe/Baden, American
Belem, Para, Brazil, South America. Zone, Germany.
Garcia, Flavio (1), Caixa Postal 1830, Gemmel, Cecil (1), College Station, Ber-
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. rien Springs, Mich.
Garcia, J. G., Caixa Postal 2898, Sao Genske, S., Caixa Postal 1830, Sao
Paulo, Brazil, South America. Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Garcia, R. G. (1), Box 241, Iloilo City, Georgescu, V., Strada Eduard Grand
Philippines. 25, Bucuresti II, Rumania.
Garcia, Sebastian, Calle 9 Poniente 1702, Georgieff, A., Solunska 10, Sofia, Bul-
Puebla, Puebla, Mexico. garia.
Gardiner, L. H., 264 Hale St., Beverly, Gerald, C. H. (1), 1805 West 13th St.,
Mass. Little Rock, Ark.
Gardner, A., S.D.A. Mission, Mushtaq Geraty, T. S., P.O. Box 310, Hong Kong.
Manzil, Moradabad, U. P., India. Gerber, Ch., 130 Boulevard de l'Hopital,
Gardner, C. W. (m), Loma Linda Food Paris 13e, France.
Co., Arlington, Calif. Gerber, R. Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switz-
Gardner, Edward (1), Mushtaq Manzil, erland.
Moradabad, United Provinces, India. Gerhart, 0. B., Route 2, Cumberland,
Gardner, R. M., 1 Derry House, An- Md.
nerley Terrace, Port Elizabeth, Cape Gericke, W., Grafengasse 20, (15) Er-
Province, South Africa. furt, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Gardner, T. R., South Lancaster, Mass. Gerling, Frederico, Jr. (m), Caixa Postal
Garlick, Harry (1), 3689 Harrison, Ar- 177, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do
lington, Calif. Sul, Brazil, South America.
Garilva, Crisanto (1), Box 241, Iloilo Gernet, B. P., 3640 Bellevue Road,
City, Philippines. Toledo 13, Ohio.
Garner, 0. T., Box 743, Bozeman, Gernet, S. K. (m), Pacific Union Col-
Mont. lege, Angwin, Calif.
Garner, R. A., 120 N. Oak St., Jerome, Gerometta, L. (I), Uriarte 2429, Buenos
Idaho. Aires, Argentina, South America.
Gerrard, P. D., 4547 Calvert St., Lin-
Garrard; E. J. (1), P. 0. Box 27, coln 6, Nebr.
Hamilton, New South Wales, Aus- Gerst, Albert, H. (I), 534 Summit St.,
tralia. West Plains, Mo.
Garrarde, H.E. (1), 1617 Lee St., Par- Geserick, A., Haydnstr. 16, (10a) Dres-
kersburg, W. Va. den-A 16, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Garrett, R. U., 508 N. Main St., Ber- Ghazal, Mousa (1), P.O. Box 1011,
rien Springs, Mich. Beirut, Lebanon.
Garton, B. M., 2815 4th St., Boul- Ghera (I), S.D.A. Mission, Honiara,
der, Colo. Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean.

Gherase, G., Strada Regina Maria No. Gillis, I. E. (1), Box 1511, Glendale,
12, Bacau, Rumania. 5, Calif.
Ghiorghisor; I., Strada Eduard Grand Gillis, S. K. (1), 84 The Boulevarde,
25, Bucaresti II, Rumania. Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus-
Ghulam Masih (1), Chichoki Mallian, tralia.
Sheikhupura District, Pakistan. Gillis, W. 84 The Boulevarde, Strath-
Gia, Benjamin (1), 526 Ningkuo Road, field,Newiew South Wales, Australia.
Shanghai 19, China. Gillis, W. E., East Walker Ranch, Yer-
Gianini, Meryan (m), Caixa Postal 1830, ington, Nev.
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Gilmore, L. A. (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Giangrande, Anthony (1), Route 1, Ave. Madang, Territory of New Guinea.
B. Arlington Road, West Babylon, Gilson, F. (1), 130 Boulevard de l'Hopi-
L.I., N.Y. tal, Paris 13e, France.
Gianini, Luiz, Caixa Postal 177, Porto Gilson, G. B. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw-
Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
South America. Gilson, W. J. (1), 15 Trafalgar St., Mont
Gianini, Silas, Caixa Postal 177, Porto Albert, E.10, Victoria, Australia.
Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, Ging Ko-Bing, S.D.A. Mission, Foo-
South America. chow, China.
Giang Tsung Gwang, 526 Ningkuo Ging Su Tan, S.D.A. Mission, Ku'angst',
Road, Shanghai 19, China. Amoy, China.
Giannelli, Atilio (1), Avenida Gral. Ginther, Rosamond (m), Box 427,
Belgrano 1366, Mendoza, Argentina, Gladstone, Oreg.
South America. Girado, E. A., Jr., Apartado 568, Ciudad
Gibbons, Virgil (1), 615 N. Carrollton Trujillo, Republica Dominicana.
Ave., Baltimore, Md. Girado, E. A., Sr., Patrocinio No. 20,
Gibb, A. E., P.O. Box 401, Manila, Vibora, Havana, Cuba.
Philippines. Girard, P. 3, Rue du Saere Coeur,
Gibbs, C. R., 422 Campbell Ave., Wood- Alger (Algeria).
mere Park, Havertown, Pa. Girou, A. J., 130 Boulevard de l'Hopi-
Gibbs, D. R. (m), 110 N. Main St., tal, Paris 13e, France.
Cortland, N.Y. Gjording, J. G., 3607 W. Providence,
Gibbs, P. T. (1), 200 Grove Ave., Berrien Spokane, Wash.
Springs, Mich. Gladden, Ralph (1), Box 572, Ocean-
Giblett, A. J. (1), P. 0. Box 27, Ham- lake, Oreg.
ilton, New South Wales, Australia. Glanz, S. (m), Heldeberg College, Box
Giblett, E. F., 27 Esplanade Road, Mt. 22, Somerset West, Cape Province,
Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. South Africa.
Gibson, J. 0., P.O. Box 480, Kumasi, Glanzer, Ben, Takoma Park, Washing-
Gold Coast, West Africa. ton 12, D.C.
Gibson, R. E., Box 356, Nassau, Baha- Glass, G. S. (1), Bethel Training School,
mas, British West Indies. Butterworth, Transkei, South Africa.
Gibson, T. J. (1), 214 Edmonton Ave.,
Pinticton, British Columbia, Canada. Glockler, P., 27 Esplanade Road, Mt.
Gibson, W. G., Box 831, Mt. Vernon, Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
Ohio. Gloeckner, C., August-Bebel-Strasse 39,
Giddings, Elaine (m), Collegedale, Tenn. (3a) Rostock, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Giddings, 0. U., Collegedale, Tenn. Gloeckner, M. (1), Koblenzer Strasse 3,
Giddings, P. E., S.D.A., Mission, Mon- (1) Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sec-
rovia, Liberia, West Africa. tor, Germany.
Gidlund, C., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- Gmehling, Otto, Mendelssohnstrasse
holm, Sweden. 13/11, (20a) Hanover, British Zone,
Gifford, F. W. (1), 40 Bealey Ave., Germany.
Christchurch, New Zealand. Gnadjin, Miguel, Calle V. Vergara 3227,
Gihamangabo, Nikodemo (1), B. P. 33, Florida, F.C.N. Gral. Bme. Mitre,
Ruhengeri, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
East Africa. America.
Gil, Camilo, Calle V. Vergara 3227, Gnanasundaram, D. (1), "Foi Cotta,"
Florida, F.C.N. Gral. Bme. Mitre, Palamcottah, Tinnevelly District, In-
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South dia.
America. Gnass, Arturo (m), Yegros 429, Asun-
Gil. Jose (1), Apartado 3005, Santurce, cion, Paraguay, South America.
Puerto Rico. Gnutzmann, J., Caixa Postal 341, For-
Gil, Juan (m), Apartado 134, Sucursal taleza, Ceara, Brazil, South America.
"B," Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. Goddard, D. R. (I), 723 So. Locust St.,
Gilbert, A. C., 292 Bailey Ave., Moun- Compton, Calif.
tain View, Calif. Goebel, Heinrich, Kriegsstrase 84, (17a)
Gilbert, F. P. (1), Maplewood Academy, Karlsruhe/Baden, American "Zone,
Hutchinson, Minn. Germany.
Gillett, T. L., 22 Zulla Road, Mapperley Goeltom, P. R., Naripan 63, Bandung,
Park, Nottingham, England. Java, Indonesia.

Goelzer, K., Isartalstrasse 40, (13b) Goransson, William, 1564 Bridge St.,
Munich 5, Bavaria, American Zone, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Germany. Gordon, A. J., 325 S. 17th St., Salem,
Goertzen, C. H. (1), Box 236, Botwood, Oreg.
Newfoundland, Canada. Gordon, C. G., 2106 Van Buren, Ama-
Goertzen, Mrs. C. H. (m), Box 236, rillo, Texas.
Botwood, Newfoundland, Canada. Gordon, Oswald (1), Box M, Cristobal,
Goettfert, J., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Canal Zone.
(13a) Nurnberg, American Zone, Gordon, Warren, Box 172, Turlock,
Germany. Calif.
Goetting, F., Charlottenstrasse 24, (24a) Gork, Mrs. R. V. (m), Helderberg Col-
Hamburg 19, British Zone, Germany. lege, Box 22, Somerset West, Cape
Goetzinger, K., August-Bebel-Strasse Province, South Africa.
39, (3a) Rostock, Soviet Zone, Ger- Goropava (I), S.D.A. Mission, Honiara,
many. Solomon Islands Protectorate, Pacific
Goffar, Glenn L., 1316 Perris Hill Rd., Ocean.
San Bernardino, Calif. Gosling, J. C. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Honi-
Goffar, H. E. (1), Rogue River Academy, ara, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Route 1, Medford, Oreg. Gosmer, W. A., Box 231, College Place.
Goffar, W. L., Box 146, Glendale, Calif. Wash.
Goh Chao Liang, 526 Ningkuo Road, Gott, G. T. (m), Collegedale, Tenn.
Shanghai, China. Gouldbourne, Lee, Box 356, Nassau,
Goh Chao Oh, S.D.A. Mission, Da Chi Bahamas, British West Indies.
Gou, Chungking, Szechwan, China. Gourian, Madeleine R. (m), Avda. Italia
Goh Djao Liang, S.D.A. Mission, 86 2360, Montevideo, Uruguay, South
North Gate Street, Kunming, Yunnan, America.
China. Grabner, R. (m), Nussdorferstrasse 5,
Golia (1), S.D.A. Mission, Madang, Ter- Vienna IX, Austria.
ritory of New Guinea, Pacific Ocean. Graham, C. R. (1), 446 Cleveland St.,
Golola, Simioni, S.D.A. Church, P.O. Greenville, Miss.
Mityana, Uganda, East Africa. Graham, Corine (b), Bloomfield Drive,
Gomes, A. D., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Swit- Macon, Ga.
zerland. Graham, L. W. (1), 104 Park Ave., Ta-
Gomes, N. (1), Caixa Postal 1919, Rio koma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Graham, R. E. (1), 780 St. Albans Road,
Gomez, Delfin (1), Uriarte 2429, Buenos Watford, Herts., England.
Aires, Argentina, South America. Grajdinoiu, C., Strada Golesti No. 11,
Gomez, P. R., (1), Uriarte 2429, Buenos Braila, Rumania*.
Aires, Argentina, South America. Gram, H. P., Route 1, Hastings, N.Y.
Gomola, J., Kamienica na Slasku 272, Grand Pre, L. L., 234 S.W. 5th, Mis-
pow. Bielsko, Poland. soula, Mont.
Gomola, R., Sidova 1, Ostrava, Cze- Granlund, 0. C. (1), Coalmont, Tenn.
choslovakia. Grandy, B. M., Vista, Calif.
Goncalves, Isaias, Lucusse, via Vila Grant, C. E., Route 2, Box 230-M,
Luso, Angola, Portuguese West Af- Mountain View, Calif.
rica. Gratz, A., Nussdorferstrasse 5, Vienna
Goncalves, Silvino (1), Caixa Postal 3, IX, Austria.
Nova Lisboa, Angola, Portuguese Gran, M. F., 1333 N. Comfort, Lansing
West Africa. 15, Mich.
Gonzales, I., Apartado 4078, Madrid, Grave, J., Rua Joaquim Bonifacio 17,
Spain. Lisbon, Portugal.
Gonzales, P. B.. P.O. Box 39, Lucena, Graves, C. F., 2720 Whiting Ave., Char-
Quezon, Philippines. lotte, N.C.
Gonzalez, Eligio (m), Apartado 668, Graves, Edward (1), 2729 N. Olympic,
Ciudad Trujillo, Dominican Republic. Spokane, Wash.
Gonzalez, Gonzalo (1), Apartado 1325, Graves, Otis (1), Gen. Delivery, Tupelo,
San Jose, Costa Rica, Central Am- Miss.
erica. Graves, Willis (I), 20 Church St., Nor-
Gonzalez, Israel (1), Patrocinio No. 20, wich, Conn.
Vibora, Havana, Cuba. Gray, D. If., (1), P. 0. Box 27, Hamil-
Gonzalez, Pedro R. (1), Apartado 986, ton, New South Wales, Australia.
Caracas, Venezuela, South America. Gray, Don, 206 W. bth St., McMinn-
ville, Ore.
Gooding, N.C., Box 223, Bridgetown, Gray, Harry, General Delivery, Mt.
Barbados, British West Indies. Pleasant, Texas.
Goodman, Fred (1), Route 5, Box 353, Gray, H. L., 5851 N. High St., Apt. D,
Dayton 11, Ohio. Worthington, Ohio.
Goodner, Vinnie L. (b), 201 Hancock Gray, J. B. (I), 9051/ Park, Corpus
Ave., Takoma Park, Washington 12, Christi, Texas.
D.C. Gray. K. J., Memorial Avenue, Lae, New
Gooss, Sophia (m), di., Lawson, Pine Britain, Pacific Ocean.
Mountain Valley, Ga. Greaves, R. S., Box 43, Kyrenia, Cyprus.

Green, C. B., 744 N. Negley Ave, Grin, M. C., 16 Av. de Koubbeh, Heli-
Pittsburgh 6, Pa. oplis, Egypt.
Green, E. L. (1), 115 Walnut St., Ber- Griott, L. A., Casilla 326, Temuco, Chile,
rien Springs, Mich. South America.
Green, Eldon (m), Avenue Pahlavi 2075, Grisier, E. 130 Boulevard de l'Hopital,
Tehran, Iran. Paris 13e, France.
Green, J. A. P., Route 3, Box 981, Vista, Grizzle, A. A., Box M, Cristobal, Ca-
Calif. nal Zone.
Green, Matthew, 213 Magnolia St., Groesehel, 0. M. (m), Caixa Postal
Thomasville, Ga. 378, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, South
Green, Perry, 1355 Hale St., Beaumont, America.
Texas. Grolimund, M., 84 The Boulevarde,
Greene, C. S., "Hazelrigg," Mandeville, Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus-
Jamaica, British West Indies. tralia.
Greene, G. H., Box 125, Springwater, Groom, C. E. (I), Spoffard, N.H.
N.Y. Groomer, C. C. (1), HO Charlotte St., -
Greene, H. E., 89 Ridge Ave., Athol, Turlock, Calif.
Mass. Grosser, B. C. (1), Madang, Territory
Greene, J. S. Jr. (I), 48 Catherine of New Guinea, Pacific Ocean.
St., Springfield, Mass. Grosball, J. N. (m), 232 W. 4th St.,
Greene, Joseph (1), 101 Glen Park, Loveland, Colo.
Houston, Texas. Grotheer, W. H., 1253 Broadview Ave.,
Greenidge, L. E., San Francisco, Atlan- Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
tida, Honduras, Central America. Grove, J. P., 882 Lisbon St., Lewiston,
Greer, G. W. (1), Australasian Mis- Maine.
sionary College, Cooranbong, New Gruesbeck, C. M., Route 2, Box 6-P,
South Wales, Australia. Fredericksburg, Va.
Greer, H. E., Casilla 326, Temuco, Chile, Grundset, Anol, Loma Linda, Calif.
South America. Grundset, H. R., Route 3, Clear Lake,
Gregg, E. J. (m), 2333 Harrison, Wis.
Topeka, Kan. Grunke, L. V., Box 146, Glendale 6,
Gregg, Lizzie M. (m), 1920 Pennsyl- Calif.
vania Ave., Los Angeles 33, Calif. Grunzeug, Max, Apartado 3005, San-
Gregoroff, Paul (1) 105 N. Fairway, turce, Puerto Rico.
South San Francisco, Calif. Gsiki, S., Szekely Bertalan-utca 13,
Gregory, B. F., Box 358, Angwin, Calif. Budapest VI, Hungary.
Gregory, R. C. (m), 399 Upper Seran- Gudmunds, G. (I), Tunnelgatan 25,
goon Road. Singapore 13, Colony of Stockholm, Sweden.
Singapore. Gudmundsen, G., Holmenkollveien 31,
Greig, E., Box 31, Rarotonga, Cook Oslo, Norway.
Islands, Pacific Ocean. Gudmundsson, Julius, Box 262, Rey-
Greiner, Robert W., 1719 Arcadia Ave., kjavik, Iceland.
San Gabriel, Calif. Gueldenpfennig, W., Isartalstrasse 40,
Creive, L. T. (1), Madang, Territory (13b) Munich 5, Bavaria, American
of New Guinea, Pacific Ocean. Zone, Germany.
Greive, R. A., 37 O'Connell Terrace,
Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Guenin, J. C., 8 Avenue de l'Eglise
Australia. Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Grellmann, F., Hans-Sachs-Strasse 9, Guenin, R., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Swit-
(10b) Chemnitz, Soviet Zone, Ger- zerland.
many. Guenther, C. E., 501 Forest Ave., Min-
Grieser, F. C., Kriegstrasse 84, (17a) neapolis 3, Minn.
Karlsruhe/Baden, American Zone, Guenther, C. W., 2229 North Terrace
Germany. Ave., Milwaukee 2, Wis.
Grieser, J. F., Isartalstrasse 40, (13b) Guenther, F. (1), Boehmerstrasse 13,
Munich 5, Bavaria, American Zone, (16) Frankfurt/Main, American Zone,
Germany. Germany.
Griffee, Mrs. Leah M. (m), Washing- Gugel, E., Kriegsstrasse 84, (17a) Karls-
ton Sanitarium, Takoma Park, Wash- ruhe/Baden, American Zone, Ger-
ington 12. D.C. many.
Griffin, A. C., Box 13, Keene, Texas. Guibau, S.D.A. Mission, Madang, Terri-
Griffin, J. W. (1), Box 2841, Juneau, tory of New Guinea, Pacific Ocean.
Alaska. Guild, C. B., P.O. Box No. 4565, Bombay
Griffith, Herbert (1), 129 Sinclair St., 8, India.
Glendale 6, Calif. Guild, Daniel R., 784 W. 22nd St., San
Griffith, Jack (I), Route 3, Sunset Park, Pedro, Calif.
Columbia, Tenn. Guild, M. C., 2512 Sanitarium Ave.,
Griggs, Frederick, 3868 Dwiggins St., Orlando, Fla.
Los Angeles 33, Calif. Guilliard, E. H., 148 Fox Valley Road,
Grigorescu, I. (I), Calea Bucuresti 57, Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
Craiova, Rumania. tralia.

Guimaraes, Jose (m), Caixa Postal Haberey, G., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Swit-
2898, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer- zerland.
ica. Hackett, W. J., South Lancaster, Mass.
Guldbranson, David, La Sierra Station, Hadel, W. F. (1), 2017 Barker, Lawr-
Box 40, Arlington, Calif. ence, Kan.
Guldhammer, A., Svanevej 10, Copen- Hadfield, B. E., 8 Yarra St., Haw-
hagen, N.V., Denmark. thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
Guldhammer, David, Norre Alle 30, Hagberg, Elsa (b), 20-39 57th St.,
Aarhus, Denmark. Brooklyn 4, N. Y.
Gulfan, Mrs. Modesta (m), P.O. Box Hagele, Emil (1), Oak Park Academy,
119, City of Cebu, Philippines. Nevada, Iowa.
Gulfan, T. (1), P.O. Box 119, City of Hagen, A. E., Box 599, Casper, Wyo.
Cebu, Philippines. Hagen, A. R., 1017 "H" Ave., Nevada,
Gully, Mrs. Jessie (b), 412 South St., Iowa.
Richmond, Calif. Hagen, E. E. 1109 Topeka Blvd., To-
Gung Dan Chiu (1), S.D.A. Mission, peka, Kan.
44 Fu Tzen Street, Changsha, Hunan, Hagen, M. E.,Box 5277, Phoenix, Ariz.
China. Hager, F. (I), Fangelsbachstrasse 11,
Gunter, H. W. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw- (14a) Stuttgart-S, American Zone,
thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Germany.
Gunther, H., Haydnstrasse 16, (10a) Hagstotz, G. D., 312 N. Boyle Ave.,
Dresden-A 16, Soviet Zone, Germany. Los Angeles 33, Calif.
Gurubatham, G., P.O. Box 20, Banga- Hahn, W. F. (1), Box 144, College
lore, India. Place, Wash.
Gurure, David (1), P.O. Lower Gwelo, Haig, A. R., Box 22, Mandeville, Ja-
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. maica, British West Indies.
Guthrie, W. E. (m), Walla Walla Gen- Haignere, P., 130 Boulevard de l'Hopital,
eral Hospital, Walla Walla, Wash. Paris 13e, France.
Guthrie, W. R., La Sierra Heights, Hailaevila (I), S.D.A. Mission, Port
Calif. Moresby, Papua, Pacific Ocean.
Gutierrez, Jose 0. (1), Calle 9 Poniente Haining, G. B., 1616 Trenton Ave.,
1702, Puebla, Puebla, Mexico. Glendale 5, Calif.
Gutwald, 0. (1), Isartalstrasse 40, (13b) Hairi Guba (1), S.P.A. Mission, Port
Munich 5, Bavaria, American Zone, Moresby, Papua, Pacific Ocean.
Germany. Hakim Din, 3 Cavagnarie Road, Pesh-
Guwedeko, Henry, Box 22, Kampala, awar, N.W.F.P., Pakistan.
Uganda, East Africa. Halasz, L., Szekely Bertalan-utca 13,
Guy, M. (m), 8 Avenue de l'Eglise Budapest VI, Hungary.
Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Halcon, A. II. (1), P.O. Box 39, Lucena,
Guyot, A., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Swit- Quezon, Philippines.
zerland. Haldar, S. K., S.D.A. Mission, Gopal-
Gwedeza, Custom (I), P.O. Fort Jame- ganj, Faridpur District, Pakistan.
son, N.E. Rhodesia, Africa. Haldar, U. N., S.D.A. Mission, Gopal-
Gyarmati, B., Szekely Bertalan-utca 13, ganj, Faridpur District, Pakistan.
Budapest VI, Hungary. Hale, Katherine B. (b), 3020 Spruce
St., Bakersfield, Calif.
Hale, M. L., 1175 So. State St., Dover,
H Del.
Halenz, H. F. (1), College Station, Ber-
Ha, S. C., 12 Sam Yuk Road, Tungshan,
rien Springs, Mich.
Canton, China. Halgrimsson, Sigfus (1), Box 262, Rey-
Haag, A., Fangelsbachstrasse 11, (14a) kjavik, Iceland.
Stuttgart-S, American Zone, Germany.
Hall, A. E. (1), 637 Palo Alto Ave.,
Haarhoff, J. W. (1), Lake View Mis- Mountain View, Calif.
sion, P.O. Mlangeni, Nyasaland, Af- Hall, Charles R., 3302 W. 115th St.,
rica. Inglewood, Calif.
Haas, G. A., 814 East Third St., North
Hall, Claude, Box 327, Clearlake High-
Platte, Nebr. lands, Calif.
Haas, H. E. (1), Ozark Academy, Hall, D. (I), 780 St. Albans Road,
Gentry, Ark. Watford, Herts., England.
Haas. H. L. (1), 2561 S. Williams, Hall, Frank, "Hazelrigg," Mandeville,
Denver 10, Colo. Jamaica, British West Indies.
Haase, 0. August-Bebel-Strasse 39, (3a) Hall, L. T. (m), Box 3673, Orlando,
Rostock, ' Soviet Zone, Germany. Fla.
Haase, W. E., Apt. No. 47, 460 Club Hall, 0. A., Route 1, Box 564-B, St.
Way, Hackensack, N.J. Helena, Calif.
Habenicht, H. A. (m), Apartado 16, Hall, V. H. (1), Stanborough Park,
Montemorelos, N. L., Mexico. Watford, Herts., England.
Habenicht, J. P., Adelphian Academy, Halladay, H. K., 300 Grove Ave.,
Holly, Mich. Berrien Springs, Mich.
Habenzu, Aaron (I), P.O. Lower Gwelo, Halliday, D. (1), 40 Healey Ave., Christ-
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. church, New Zealand.

Halliday, H. J., P.O. Box 266, Towns- Hampton, J. B., Box 2014, Harlingen,
ville, Queensland, Australia. Texas.
Halliwell, L. B., Caixa Postal 656, Be- Hamrick, J. L., Jr., Box 368, Taze-
lem, Para, Brazil, South America. well, Va.
Hallock, N. R. (m), Broadview Acad- Hamrick, J. F. (1), 3249 W. 121st St.,
emy, La Grange, Ill. Cleveland 11, Ohio.
Hallowanger, J. H., S.D.A. Mission, Han Hsin Deh (1), 86 North Gate St.,
Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa. Kunming, Yunnan, China.
Halisted, E. B., 417 S. Girrard, Albu- Han Pao Lo (1), S.D.A. Mission,
querque, N. Mex. Da Chi Gou, Chungking, Szechwan,
Hallsted, L. W., 520 Capitol Road, China.
Santa Cruz, Calif. Hancock, John H., 4243 Gardena Drive,
Halminen, 0., Lapintie 3 C 46, Tam- Riverside, Calif.
pere, Finland. Hancock, 0. D. (1), 841 W. Belmont,
Halminen, S. (1), Lapintie 3 C 46, Tam- Fresno 1, Calif.
pere, Finland. Handysides, D. J., Stanborough Park,
Halswick, L., 310 Longbranch Park- Watford, Herts., England.
way, Takoma Park, Washington 12, Handysides, J., Stanborough Park, Wat-
D.C. ford, Herts., England.
Halvorsen, Margit (m), P. 0. Box 145, Hanhardt, J. G., 4911 Calvert St., Lin-
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. coln 6, Nebr.
Ham, A. L., Takoma Park, Washing- Hanhardt, W. H., 1400 Clay St., Winter
ton 12, D.C. Park, Fla.
Hambrock, F., Haydnstr. 16, (10a) Hankins, W. C., 1933 East Willeta St.,
Dresden-A 16, Soviet Zone, Germany. Phoenix, Ariz.
Hamel, C. H., 3 Cavagnarie Road, Hankinson, J. F., P.O. Box 27, Hamil-
Peshawar, N.W.F.P., Pakistan. ton, New South Wales, Australia.
Hamel, F., North Celebes Mission of Hanko, M. (1), Szekely Bertalan-utca 13,
S.D.A., Tondano, Celebes, Indonesia. Budapest VI, Hungary.
Hanna, J. G., 218 Park Ave.. Takoma
Hamel, J. F., 68 U Wisara Road, Ran- Park, Washington 12, D. C.
goon, Burma. Hannah, M. D. (1), 233 N. Kendall,
Hamilton, B. R., Box 22, Mandeville, Battle Creek, Mich.
Jamaica, British West Indies. Hannah, W. C. (1), Shenandoah Val-
Hamilton, G. A., Box 16, Hickman, ley Academy, New Market, Va.
Calif. Hannurn, H. B. (I), La Sierra Station,
Hamilton, H. H. Keene, Texas. Arlington, Calif.
Hamilton, J. T. (1) La Sierra College, Hansen, Ernst (1), Norre Alle 30, Aar-
Arlington, Calif. hus, Denmark.
Hamilton, L. M. (1), Pacific Union Hansen, H. A., 450 E. 11th St., Beau-
College, Angwin, Calif. mont, Calif.
Hamilton, R. S. J., Hickman, Calif. Hansen, J. C., 110 W. 10th St., Eilla-
Hamilton, Robert (1), Platte Valley mook, Oreg.
Academy, Shelton, Nebr. Hansen, Jens Arne (1), Svanevej 10,
Hamlin, Eugene, Box 803, Astoria, Copenhagen N.V. Denmark.
Oreg. Hansen, L. A., 127 ' E. Winter Park
Hamm, R. A. (1), Route 2, Box 112-G, Ave., Orlando, Fla.
Brooksville, Fla. Hansen, R. B. (I), Svanevej 10, Co-
Hammerly, Daniel, Calle V. Vergara penhagen N.V., Denmark.
3227, Florida, F.C.N. Gral. Bme. Hansen, Mrs. Sine C. (b), 2122 Rucker
Mitre, Buenos Aires, Argentina, St., Everett, Wash.
South America. Hansen, V. M., Box 146, Glendale,
Hammerly, M. (m), Calle V. Vergara Calif.
3227, Florida, F.C.N. Gral. Bme. Hansen, W. R., Box 203, Sebastopol,
Mitre, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Calif.
South America. Hanson. E. D., P. 0. Box 468, Bloem-
Hammill, R. L., Collegedale, Tenn. fontein, O.F.S., South Africa.
Hammond, B. T. (m), 399 Upper Ser- Hanson, E. L., 228 Manor Circle,
angoon Road, Singapore 13, Colony Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
of Singapore. Hanson, F. R. (1), College Place, Wash.
Hammond, H. W., 62 Clotilde St.. Mt. Hanson, H. S., 163 Vidal Blvd., Deca-
Lawley, West Australia, Australia. tur, Ga.
Hammond, R. J. (I), Greater Boston Hanson, Herbert A., P.O. Box 145,
Academy, 415 Newbury St., Boston, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Mass. Hanson, J. 0. (1), Box 2238, Boise,
Hammond, T. W., 148 Fox Valley Road, Idaho.
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- Hanson, 0. B. (1), Klipfontein Road,
tralia. Athlone, Cape, South Africa.
Hampel, W., August-Bebel-Strasse 39, Hanson, R. H. (m), Boulder-Colorado
(3a) Rostock, Soviet Zone, Germany. Sanitarium, Boulder, Colo.
Hampton, H. L., 312 E. 4th St., Delta, Hanson, T. E. (1), c/o G. T. Handley,
Colo. Wesleyan Drive, Macon, Ga.

Hara, T. (I), 171 Amanuma 1-chome, Harris, H. J. (1), 1623 W. Oklahoma,

Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Guthrie, Okla.
Harboff, D. P. (1), Solunska 10, Sofia, Harris, R. E. (1), 2403 Brady St., Rich-
Bulgaria. mond, Va.
Harbour, William, 313 N. Main, Ber- Harris, S. C., Takoma Park, Washing-
rien Springs, Mich. ton 12, D.C.
Harcombe, J. D:, 26 Arthur Road, Nor- Harris, Vernon (1), 643 W. River St.,
wood, Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Elyria, Ohio.
Africa. Harris, W. J., Takoma Park, Washing-
Harder, A. C., 945 5th St., Los Banos, ton, 12, D.C.
Calif. Harrison, C. W. (1), Sydney Sanitar-
Harder, D. P., Box 127, Enterprise, ium, Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga,
Kan. New South Wales, Australia.
Harder, F. E. J., 484 Washington Ave., Harrison, C. R., Mt. View and Dana,
Brooklyn 16, N.Y. Mountain View, Calif.
Harder, J. C., College Place, Wash. Harrison, F. L. (1), Loma Linda Food
Harder, Palmer (m), Caixa Postal 1919, Co., Arlington, Calif.
Rio de Janeiro, D.F., Brazil, South Harrison, I. H. (m), 119 Carroll Ave.,
America. Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Hardin, L. F., 536 Peradeniya Road, Harrison, R. A., "Palm Beach," Rabaul,
Kandy, Ceylon. New Britain, Pacific Ocean.
Harding, G. T. (1), 312 N. Boyle Ave., Harrison, R. M. (I), 19 N. Washington,
Los Angeles 33, Calif. Battle Creek, Mich.
Harding, L. M. (m), Box 5277, Phoenix, Hart, C. A. (1), Memorial Ave., Lae,
Ariz. New Guinea, Pacific Ocean.
Hardinge, Leslie, Washington Mission- Hartman, B. F., 607 W. Henley St.,
ary College, Takoma Park, Wash- Olean, N. Y.
ington 12, D.C. Hartman, D. N, (m), Broadview Acad-
Hardt, J. D., 5631 Weaver Place, Oak- emy, La Grange. Ill.
land, Calif. Hartman, G. E. (m), c/o E. R. Maas,
Hare, E. B., Takoma Park, Washing- College View, Lincoln 6, Nebr.
ton 12, D.C. Hartman, H. C., Union College, Lin-
Hare, H. H., 2603 E. 14th St., Sioux coln 6, Nebr.
City, Iowa. Hartman, J. I. (m), Casilla 1003,
Hare, L. N. (I), P.O. Box No. 977, Lima, Peru, South America.
Rangoon, Burma. Hartmann, M., Isartalstrasse 40, (13b)
Hare, M. D. (m), Union College, Lin- Munich 5, Bavaria, American Zone,
coln 6, Nebr. Germany.
Hare, M. M., 2383 Colorado Blvd., Hartnell, Calvin (1), 6128 S.W. Corbett
Eagle Rock, Los Angeles 41, Calif. St., Portland, Oreg.
Hare, Robert, 84 The Boulevarde, Hartwell, D. C. (m), Box 3673, Orlando,
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Fla.
tralia. Hartwell, H. C., 2220 E. Rollins Ave.,
Hare, R. A., Washington Sanitarium, Orlando, Fla.
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C. Hartwell, Malcolm (m), Union Springs,
Hare, R. E., 148 Fox Valley Road, N.Y.
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- Hartwell, R. H., P.O. Box 1011, Beirut,
tralia. Lebanon.
Hargreaves, H. E., 148 Fox Valley Hartwick, C. W., 540 Seymour St.,
Road, Wahroonga, New South Wales, Napa, Calif.
Australia. Harvey, F. W., 44 S. Alexander St.,
Hariuc, M. (1), Strada Rosenfeld No. Danville, Ill.
4, Sibiu, Rumania. Harvey, H. L. (m), Box 3673, Orlando,
Harker, H. C., P. 0. Box 27, Hamilton, Fla.
New South Wales, Australia. Harvey, I. R. (1), Memorial Avenue,
Harker, J., Stanborough Park, Wat- Lae, New Guinea, Pacific Ocean.
ford, Herts., England. Harvey, L. R., P.O. Box 27, Hamilton,
Harkins, E. C. (1), Greater Boston New South Wales, Australia.
Academy, 415 Newbury St., Boston, Harvey, M. J. (m), Box 59, Nashville
Mass. 2, Tenn.
Harlan, N. M., Box 141, Milton Junc- Hasegawa, T., 164 Onden 3-chome (2,3),
tion, Wis. Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Haro (1), S.D.A. Mission, Honiara, Hasiboean, A., Naripan 63, Bandung,
Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Java, Indonesia.
Harper, Lela (m), Hinsdale Sanitarium, Haskell, B. P. (1), 823 Wesley Ave.,
Hinsdale, Ill. Charlotte, N.C.
Harris, D. S., P.O. Box 4565, Bombay 8, Haas, Herbert (1), 2234 P St., Bedford,
India. Ind.
Harris, G. M. (m), 104-24 90th Ave., Hassenpflug, B. L., P. 0. Box 7768,
Apt. 3A, Richmond Hill, N.Y. Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Af-
Harris, Gordon (I), John Day, Idaho. rica.

Hasso, R. K. (1), P. 0. Box 1011, Hegsted, Roland (1), Box 904, Wenat-
Beirut, Lebanon. chee, Wash.
Hatada, K., 3 Nakajimadori 2-chome, Heiai Hoke (1), S.D.A. Mission, Port
Fukiai-ku, Kobe, Japan. Moresby, Papua, Pacific Ocean.
Hastings, L. R., Route 4, Box 314-A-2, Heiderstadt, A., August-Bebel-Strasse
Charleston, S.C. 39, (3a) Rostock,, Soviet Zone,
Hatch, W. C., 4221 Cardinal Way, Germany.
St. Petersburg, Fla. Heifner, L. M., Pewee Valley Sani-
Hauck, Arthur (1), Box 1180, Torring- tarium, Pewee Valley, Ky.
ton, Wyo. Heijkoop, N., Prins Alexanderweg 1 B,
Haufe, P., Hans-Sachs-Strasse 9, (10b) Huis ter Heide, Gem. Zeist, Nether-
Chemnitz, Soviet Zone, Germany. lands.
Haughey, A. G., Route A, Jefferson, Heikkinen, I. (I), Tunnelgatan 25,
Texas. Stockholm, Sweden.
Haughey, S. G., Route 1, Crestwood, Heim, E. F., 136 N. White Road, San
Ky. Jose, Calif.
Haupt, W. H., Hlobane, via Vryheid, Heim, Esther S. (b), 425 Delano Ave.,
Natal, South Africa. Fresno, Calif.
Haussler, J. C., La Sierra College, Ar- Hein, H. E. (m), College Station, Ber-
lington, Calif. rien Springs, Mich.
Hawken, W. J., 8 Yarra St., Haw- Heinrich, F., Haydnstrasse 16, (10a)
thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Dresden-A 16, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Hawkins, T. B. (1), P.O. Box 27, Heinrich, Melvin (1), 978 5th Ave.,
Hamilton, New South Wales, Aus- Yuma, Ariz.
tralia. Heinrich, 0. L., Enterprise Academy,
Hawley, D. T. (I), Box 26, College Enterprise, Kan.
View Station, Lincoln 6, Nebr. Heise, V. J. (1), 361 Argyle St.,
Hay, J. A. (1), Kanye Hospital, P. 0. North Hobart, Tasmania.
Kanye, via Lobatsi, Bechuanaland Heitman, C. A., 202 Valley Road,
Protectorate, South Africa. Arroyo Grande, Calif.
Hay, L. H., 361 Argyle St., North Ho- Helbig, W., S.D.A. Mission, Monrovia,
bart, Tasmania. Liberia, West Africa.
Hayden, R. A., Casilla 1003, Lima, Helm, R., Koblenzer Strasse 3. (1)
Peru, South America. Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sector,
Hayes, A. E. (1), 3200 Illinois, Fort Germany.
Worth, Texas. Helsby, G. (1), 27 Esplanade Road,
Hayes, E. G., Lynwood, Calif. Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
Haynal, A. D., 1423 Grandview Ave., Helvio, Matilda (m), 939 Main St.,
North Braddock, Pa. Leominster, Mass.
Haynal, John M. (1), 1235 Broadway, Hembron, J. (1), "Winston," Kalim-
Quincy, Ill. pong, Darjeeling, India.
Haynes, C. B., Takoma Park, Wash- Hemmrich, L. G. (1), 327 Hale St.,
ington 12, D. C. San Francisco, Calif.
Haynes, D. F., 1100 S. Alfred St., Hempel, A. E.. 1607 N. 20th, Boise,
Alexandria, Va. Idaho.
Haynes, J. D., 4425 Oakwood Place, Hempel, H. W.. Box 945, Redmond.
Victorville, Calif. Oreg.
Haynes, R. F. (1), Box 66, Port-of- Hempel, M. N. (m), P.O. Box 226,
Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Singapore, Colony of Singapore.
Haynes, S. R., Box 952, Prescott, Ariz. Hemphill, D. V. (rn), Pacific Union
Haysmer, C. A., (m), New England College, Angwin, Calif.
Sanitarium, Melrose 76, Mass. Hendershot, H. V., 55 South L St.,
Hayward, John (1), 107 Cowesett Road, Pensacola, Fla.
Apponaug, R.I. Hendershot, V. E., Walla Walla College,
Head, C., 148 Fox Valley Road, Wah- College Place, Wash.
roonga, New South Wales, Australia. Henderson, J. S. (1), 320 Court St.,
Headley, A. L. (1), 6424 83rd Place, Huntington, Ind.
Forest Hills, Long Island, N.Y. Henderson, 0. R. (1), Peytonsburg, Ky.
Heald, Bertram M., 87 Division St., Henderson, Perlie deF. (ni), Wash-
Schenectady, N.Y. ington Missionary College, Takoma
Hearn, R. L. (1), 1849 Third St., Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Moline, Ill. Henderson, W. P., Jr. (m), Moun-
Heaton, L. T., Box 83, Loma Linda, tain View, Calif.
Calif. Heng Seng Teck (1). S.D.A. Mission,
Hedges, G. (1), 84 The Boulevarde, Huei Chia Tau, Swatow, Kwang-
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- tung, China.
tralia. Henneberg, A. (1), Herzogstrasse 94 IV,
Hefren, A. L. (1), Box 1011J, Adelaide, (22a) Duesseldorf, British Zone, Ger-
South Australia, Australia. many.
Heggie, R. N., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Henneberg, R. R., Piscaderaweg 18,
E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Mundo Nobo, Curacao, Netherlands
Heglund, Vernon (1), Hamburg, Iowa. West Indies.

Hennecke, E., Peiner Strasse 19 A, Herr. T. G, 1133 N. Main St., Rock-

(20a) Hanover/Dohren, British Zone, ford. Ill.
Germany. Herrera, J. M. (1), P. 0, Box 401,
Henri, C. D., S.D.A. Mission, Monrovia, Manila, Philippines.
Liberia, West Africa. Hershberger, 0. S., 1206 Prospect Ave.,
Henriksen, Glenn (1), Route 3, Char- Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
lotte, N.C. Herwick, 0. W., Ketchikan, Alaska.
Henriksen, H. D., 1202 3rd Ave. N., Herwick, P. G., Main St., Salisbury,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Mass.
Henriksen, H. L., Mission Adventiste, Herzel, E. F., 125 E. Patterson St.,
Ambohijatovo, Tananarive, Madagas- Bellenfontaine, Ohio.
car. Hesse, 0. (1), Grafengasse 20, (15)
Henroit, A., 5 Boulevard d'Anvers, Erfurt, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France. Hesseltine, Leland, 909 Spokane St.,
Henriquez, C. V. (m), Box M, Cristobal, Ellensburg, Wash.
Canal Zone. Hesseltine, W. L., 185 Calvert Court,
Henriquez, E. C Box 22, Mandeville, Ukiah, Calif.
Jamaica, British West Indies. Heubach, P. C.. 312 North Boyle Ave.,
Henry, Antony (1), Casier Postal S, Los Angeles 33, Calif.
Port-au-Prince, Haiti, French West Heuser, H., Peiner Strasse 19 A, (20a)
Indies. Hanover-Dohren, British Zone, Ger-
Henry, C. D., Box 66, Port-of-Spain, many.
Trinidad, British West Indies. Hewlett, G. T., 780 St. Albans Road,
Henry, Weiland, 1341 Menlo Ave., Napa, Watford, Herts., England.
Calif. Hewitt, F. H., 909 Avenue T, Lubbock,
Henry, Mrs. W. A. (b), 134 Adams Texas.
St., Vallejo, Calif. Hiatt, H. M., 1615 S. Ferry St.,
Heppenstall, Edward, La Sierra College, Anoka, Minn.
Arlington, Calif. Hickman, John, 2580 Manderson,
Herbert, A. S., 40 Healey Avenue, Omaha 11, Nebr.
Christchurch, New Zealand. Hickman, M. G. (I), 2217 Hughitt Ave.,
Herbert, D. P., 1411 Berkshire, Winter Superior, Wis.
Park, Fla. Hickman, N. R., 1340 E. 8th St., Na-
Herbert, V. B. (1), 27 Esplanade Road, tional City, Calif.
Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Hicks, H. H., 4917 El Molino Ave.,
Herbert, W., Grafengasse 29, (15) Riverside, alif.
Erfurt, Soviet Zone, Germany. Higgins, A. E. (1), 3709 S. Grant St.,
Herbet, A., 130 Boulevard de l'Hopital, Denver, Colo.
Paris 13e, France. Higgins, ' C. W., 1715 River Drive,
Hermann, P., Strada Rosenfeld 4, Bordeaux, Nashville, Tenn.
Sibiu, Rumania. Higgins, I. D. (m), Spicer Missionary
Hermann, P. W., 1158 West 38th St., College, Aundh Road, Kirkee, Poona
Los Angeles 37, Calif. 3, India.
Hermanson, E. V., Caixa Postal 33, Higgins, W. A., Box 449, Decatur, Ga.
Vila Luso, Angola, Portuguese West Higgins, W. B., South Lancaster, Mass.
Africa. Higgs, C. A., Jr. (1), 11752 W. Watkins,
Hermansson, G., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- Chicago, Ill.
holm, Sweden. Hilake Haehae (1), S.D.A. Mission.
Hernandez, Bernardo (m), Apartado Port Moresby, Papua, Pacific Ocean.
3005, Santurce, Puerto Rico. Hilde, R. L. (1), 91 E. Morton St.,
Hernandez, Eustano, Agricultura 79, Porterville, Calif.
Colonia Escandon, Mexico 18, D.F., Hilgert, W. E. (m), P.O. Box 401,
Mexico. Manila, Philippines.
Hernandez, Fausto (b), Apricultura 79, Hill, Charles (1), Erin, Tenn.
Colonia Escandon, Mexico 18, D.F., Hill, Clem (1), Box 1011 J, Adelaide,
Mexico. South Australia, Australia.
Hernandez, H. (m), Apartado 25510, Hill, F. S. (1), 907 Douglas St.,
Mexico, D.F., Mexico. Greensboro, N. C.
Hernandez, Ramon, Apartado 3005, Hill, G. W. (1), 84 The Boulevarde,
Santurce, Puerto Rico. Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus-
Hernando, L D. (1), P.O. Box 2494,
Manila, Philippines. tralia.
Heroma (1), S.D.A. Mission, Port Hill, H. A., P. 0. Box 27, Hamilton,
Moresby, Papua, Pacific Ocean. New South Wales, Australia.
Herr, E. E. (1), 2024 S. 4th, Tucum- Hill, R. B., 3417 Peach St., Erie, Pa.
cart, N. Mex. Hill, T. S., 1440 East Lake St., Hop-
Herr, E. L. (m), Box 4037, Honolulu kins, Minn.
12, Hawaii. Hill, W. B., 766 Pear St., Trenton, N.J.
Herr, J. 0., 519 N. Summit, Madison, Hilliard, Floyd, 12 Alton St., Portland,
S. Dak. Me.
Herr, Rose, E. (b), Route 3, Box 821-G, Hilliard, W. I., 171 Amanuma 1-chome,
Watsonville, Calif. Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan.

Hilliard, W. A., S.D.A. Mission, "Win- Hoffman, Herbert, Caixa Postal 177,
ston," Kalimpong, Darjeeling, India. Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul,
Hilliard, Warren I., 163 Onden 3-chome Brazil, South America.
(2,3), Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Hoffman, J. E., 71 Bidlack St., Forty
Hillier, R. M., 321 Walders St., Minot, Fort, Pa.
N. Dak. Hoffman, J. M., 771 Fairmount Place,
Hillock, Emerson (1), Box 574, St. New York, N.Y.
John's, Newfoundland, Canada. Hoffman, J. R., 3543 Frederick St.,
Hilmer, F., Boehmerstrasse 13, (16) Shreveport, La.
Frankfurt/Main, American Zone, Hoffmann, Raymond (1), 4227 N.
Germany. Spaulding Ave., Chicago 18, Ill.
Hilts, D. G. (m), La Sierra College, Hoffman, Siegfried, Caixa Postal 177,
Arlington, Calif. Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Bra-
Himbole, E. (1), P.O. Box 4, Monze, zil, South America.
Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Hoffman, V. C. (I), 347 Trenton St.,
Hioara, M., Strada Eduard Grand 25, Indianapolis 5, Ind.
Bucuresti II, Rumania. Hogendorp, L., Naripan 63, Bandung,
Hira Lall (1), S.D.A. Mission, Mushtaq Java, Indonesia.
Manzil, Moradabad, U.P., India. Hogganvik, Bjarne (1), Akersgaten 74,
Hiro (1), S.D.A. Mission, Port Moresby, Oslo, Norway.
Papua, Pacific Ocean. Hogganvik, Kristjan (m), P. 0. Box
Hirsch, A. J., 3113 Bransford Road, . 145, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Augusta, Ga. Hogo, T. (1), P. 0. Lower Gwelo,
Hirschy, R., Mission Adventiste, Bato- Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
uri, French Cameroon, West Africa. Hoke (1), S.D.A. Mission, Rabaul, New
Hiscox, A. R. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Aore, Britain, Pacific Ocean.
New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. Hokin, D. (1), 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn,
Hiscox, Elizabeth J. (m), Giffard Mis- E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
sion Hospital, Nuzvid, Kistna District, Hokin, E. N. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Aore,
India. New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean.
Hise, Erwin (1), Avenida Gral. Bel- Holbert, Mrs. Lloyd (m), Washington
grano 1366, Mendoza, Argentina, Missionary College, Takoma Park,
South America. Washington 12, D.C.
Hiten, S. S., Grove Avenue, Claremont, Holbrook, Delmer, Casilla 771, Cocha-
Cape Province, South Africa. bamba, Bolivia, South America.
Hiten, Stanley, 61 20th St., Merced, Holbrook, F. B. (1), 111 Norfolk Ave.,
Calif. Colonial Heights, Va.
Hivale, B. J. (1), S.D.A. Mission, La- Holbrook, Wilbur, 841 W. Belmont Ave.,
salgaong, Narsik District, India. Fresno 1, Calif.
Hixon, Ray (1), Pacific Press Pub. Hold, J. S., Route 2, Rochester Mills,
Assn., Mountain View, Calif. Pa.
Hizon, D. L. (1), Legaspi City, Phil- Holden, C. R., 2805 Grand Ave., Fort
ippines. Smith, Ark.
Hlubi, J. M., 410 Lamont Village, P.O. Holden, W. H., 11344 Westwood Dr.,
Lamontville, Natal, South Africa. Arlington, Calif.
Hmelevsky, G. G., 1922 Academy Place, Holford, C. R. (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Glendale 6, Calif. 677 Clarke Town Civil Lines, Nagpur,
Hnatyshyn, J. M., Grove Avenue, Clare- Central Provinces, India.
mont, Cape Province, South Africa. Holgate, W. A., 12 Osborne Road, Half-
Ho Ai Dun, S.D.A. Mission, Da Chi Gou, Way-Tree, Kingston, Jamaica, British
Chungking, Szechwan, China. West Indies.
Ho, P. T., 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, Holland, J. C., 902 Houston Ave., Ta-
19, China. koma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Ho Ching Lung (1), S.D.A. Mission, Holland, Mrs. Ruth R. (m), 334 W.
Wenchow, Chekiang, China. Washington Ave., Madison 3, Wis.
Ho Chung Hou (1), 36 Fu Hsi Chieh, Holley, L. R., 741 Tuscaloosa Ave.,
Tai-Yuan, Shansi, China. Birmingham, Ala.
Ho Hsu Hsuen, 1365 Chung Shan Dah Holley, W. R., 207 Osborne St., Shelby,
Dao, Hankow, Hupeh, China. N.C.
Ho Hai Yue, Boite Postale 453, Saigon, Hollingsworth, C. F., 8 Yarra St.,
Indo-China. Hawthorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
Hollingsworth, H. W., 361 Argyle St.,
Hoag, G. B., 76 Queensway, New Delhi North Hobart, Tasmania.
1, India. Hollister, M. A., 306-A Vallejo Drive,
Hochmuth, M., Haydnstrasse 16, (10a) Glendale, Calif.
Dresden-A 16, Soviet Zone, Germany. Holm, D. N. (m), Naripan 63, Ban-
Hochsetter, G. E., Box 73, Goodrich, dung, Java, Indonesia.
N. Dak. Holm, L. N., South Lancaster, Mass.
Hoen, R. E. (1), Angwin, Napa Co., Holman, G. W., 301 Main St., Mill-
Calif. ville, N.J.
Hoffman, B. P., Box 864, Mountain Holman, Keith C., 251 Sinclair Ave.,
View, Calif. Glendale 6, Calif.
Holmes, A. D. (m), College Station, Howard, A. W. (1), 22 Zulla Road,
Berrien Springs, Mich. Mapperley Park, Nottingham, Eng-
Holmes, J. P. (1), P.O. Box 27, Ham- land.
ilton, New South Wales, Australia. Howard, B. A., P.O. Box 15, Poona 1,
Holness, Owen, "Hazelrigg," Mande- India.
ville, Jamaica, British West Indies. Howard, E. P., Arlington, Calif.
Holquist, Beatrice (m), College Station, Howard, H. D. (1), Stanborough Park,
Berrien Springs, Mich. Watford, Herts.,England.
Hoist, A. E., 306 N.W. Fifth St., Rich- Howard, Henry . (1), 1710 Michigan
mond, Ind. Ave., Los Angeles 30, Calif.
Hoist, L. R., 306 N.W. Fifth St., Rich- Howard, J. M., Stanborough Park, Wat-
mond, Ind. ford, Herts., England.
Holt, A. R., 6 South Franklin, Wenat- Howard, M. D., 109-09 210th St.,
chee, Wash. Queens Village, Long Island, N. Y.
Holt, C. A., Box 1335, Midland, Texas. Howard, P. E. (1), 76 Queens-way, New
Holtz, D. D. (1), Rua Lopes Trovao Delhi, India.
84, Niteroi, Estado do Rio, Brazil, Howard, Walter R., 609 E. Buchanan
South America. St., Winterset, Iowa.
Hon, E. W. (1), 84 The Boulevarde. Howarth, James (1), 1707 Orchard Ave.,
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Glendale 6, Calif.
tralia. Howe, Muriel (m), P.O. Box 1592,
Hoogenboom, Ari (1), 270 Alexander Manila, Philippines.
Ave., Apt. 4-C, Bronx 54, N.Y. Howe, W. A., 3028 Waits St., Fort
Hooper, W. H. (1), Box 1511, Glen- Worth 4, Texas.
dale 5, Calif. Howell, C. E., 1812 N. Moore Ave.,
Hooper, W. T., 15 Trafalgar Street, Tyler, Texas.
Mont Albert, E 10, Victoria, Australia. Howell, J. M., 1109 Flower Ave, Takoma
Hoover, 0. L. (m), P. 0. Box No. 15, Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Poona 1, India. Howell, L. I. (I), Madang, Territory of
Hopp, Fenton (1), 2700 E. 4th St., New Guinea, Pacific Ocean.
National City, Calif. Howes, R. W., 62 Clotilde St., Mt. Law-
Horn, M. C., 5051/2 S. St. Paul St., ley, West Australia, Australia.
Austin, Minn. Howse, E. W. (1), P.O. Box 270, Suva,
Horn, S. H., Theological Seminary, Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. Howse, H. T., P.O. Box 27, Hamilton,
Hornfeldt, P., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- New South Wales, Australia.
holm, Sweden. Howse, J. T., 40 Healey Avenue, Christ-
Horning, J. H. (m), 1430 Makiki St., church, New Zealand.
Honolulu 14, Hawaii. Hoyler, Jorge, Caixa Postal 1830, Sao
Hornyak, S. J., 405 West 11th, Traverse Paulo, Brazil, South America.
City, Mich. Hoyt, Mrs. M. E. (m), 56 39th Ave.,
Horsley, E. J. (m), Box 22, Mandeville, San. Mateo, Calif.
Jamaica, British West Indies. Hsieh Mo Kwen (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Horton, F. D., 40 Villa Heights, Chengtu, Szechwan, China.
Martinsville, Va. Helen, Miss Chu (1), Court 1207 Yu-
Hosford, Grant W., Route 3, Stanton, Yuen Road, Shanghai 27, China.
Mich. Hsu Hsiong Yung (1), 36 West Nanking
Hosford, G. H. 705 S. Franklin, Mt. Road, Taipeh, Taiwan (Formosa).
Pleasant, Mich. Hsu Hwa, 526 Ningkuo Road, Shang-
Houck, G. A. (1), Pacific Union Col- hai 19, China.
lege, Angwin, Calif. Hsu Liang Gi (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Hossfeld, K., Isartalstrasse 40, (13b) Kiukiang, Kiangsi, China.
Munich 5, Bavaria, American Zone, Hsu Shih Hsun (1), Court 1207 Yu,
Germany. Yuen Road, Shanghai 27, China.
Houghton, Alexander, 1113 36th St., Hsu Sing Tang, 1365 Chung Shan Dab
Galveston, Texas. Dao, Hankow, Hupeh, China.
Houghton, R. L. (m), Box 1340, Port- Hsu Tang Ching, 526 Ningkuo Road,
land 2, Maine. Shanghai 19, China.
Houriet, A. (1), 8 Avenue de l'Eglise Hsu, T. C., Ta Tung Lu, Dao Li,
Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Harbin, Manchuria.
House, E. S., P. 0. Box S. 78, South Hsu, Y. C. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Ku-
Wagga, New South Wales. Australia. langsu, Amoy, China.
House, H. F., Apartado No. 25510, Hsu Yen Ching (1), 526 Ningkuo Road,
Mexico 12, D.F., Mexico. Shanghai, China.
House, T. L., 27 Esplanade Road, Mt. Hsu Yao Tang (1), 11 Pei Yueh Ya
Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Hutung, Peiping, China.
Houser, L. E., Route 2, Box 272, Coeur Hu Ben Djen, 86 North Gate St.,
d' Alone, Idaho. Kunming, Yunnan, China.
Hovig, Petra, (m), P. 0. Kalabo, Hu Hsi Gwei (1), 44 Fu Tzen Street,
Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Changsha, Hunan, China.
How, A. N. (m), Lacombe, Alberta, Huang, C. C., 140 Bukit Bintang Rd.,
Canada. Kuala Lumpur, Malaya,

Huayllara, Mariano, Casilla 85, Puno, Hurta, K. (1), Londynska 30, Praha-
Peru, South America. Vinohrady, Czechoslovakia.
Hubbs, R. L., Box 5277, Phoenix, Ariz. Huse, G. A. (1), Takoma Park, Wash-
Hubley, R. A., Box 1093, College Place, ington 12, D. C.
Washington. Hutapea, E. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Pe-
Hudgins, Franklin (1), 402 Glendale St., mantang, Siantar, Sumatra, Indo-
Flat River, Mont. nesia.
Hudgins, James (1), 5646 Ohio St., Hutapea, M., S.D.A. Mission, Peman-
Omaha, Nebr. tang, Siantar, Sumatra, Indonesia.
Hudson, Metta I. (m), Washington Hutapea, W. U. (1), Naripan 63, Ban-
Sanitarium, Takoma Park 12, D. C. dung, Java, Indonesia.
Hudson, Otis A. (m), 332 Mound St., Hutches, G. E., 310 W. St., Joseph,
Loma Linda, Calif. Lansing, Mich.
Hudson, R. T., 4436 Falls Terrace, S.E., Hwang Chung Wen (1), 47 Huang Shih
Washington 19, D.C. Ta Chieh, Mukden 4, Manchuria.
Huenergardt, A. B., Route 1, Box 281, Hwang Dzi Chiang, S.D.A. Mission,
Blythe, Calif. Da Chi Gou, Chungking, Szechwan,
Huenergardt, J. F., 1326 Dawnridge Dr., China.
Beverly Hills, Calif. Hwang, J., P. 0. Box 401, Manila,
Huffman, B. E., LaCygne, Kan. Philippines.
Hughes, A. E., Box 25, Collegedale, Hwang Ren Wu (1), 44 Fu Tzen Street,
Tenn. Changsha, Hunan, China.
Hughes, David (1), 1604 35th Ave., Hwang Tsung Sen, 44 Fu Teen Street,
Oakland 2, Calif. Changsha, Hunan, China.
Hughes, Mrs. Ella E. (m), Route A, Hyatt, Helen (m), Union College, Lin-
Box 185, Redlands, Calif. coln 6, Nebr.
Hughes, Emma (m), Washington San- Hyatt, W. L., 235 Kattelman Lane,
itarium, Takoma Park, Washington Lodi, Calif.
12, D.C. Hyde, C. J., P.O. Box 22, Kampala,
Huh Man Sik (1), S.D.A. Mission, Tai- Uganda, East Africa.
chun, Korea. Hyde, G. M., 780 St. Albans Road, Wat-
Hulbert, E. E. (I), P.O. Box 19, Ibadan, ford, Herts., England.
Nigeria, West Africa. Hyde, J. A. (1), Jengre Railway Sta-
Hull, Ethel M. (m), 96 Brock St., tion, via Jos., N. Nigeria, West Af-
Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. rica.
Humann, E. S., 1544 S. E. Hawthorne Hyde, J. J., P.O. Box 19, Ibadan,
Blvd., Portland 14, Oreg. Nigeria, West Africa.
Humann, H. H., 2726 Southwest Drive, Hyde, S. G., 780 St. Albans Road, Wat-
Los Angeles, Calif. ford, Herts.,England.
Hummel, G., Thalmann-Platz 46, (2) Hyde, S. W., 1602 Corunna Ave.,
Cottbus, oviet Zone, Germany. Owosso, Mich.
Humphrey, A. B., 709 S. '7th St., Hyde, Wayne (I), 306 Park St., Gray-
Muskogee, Okla. ling, Mich.
Humphrey, E. J. (1), 1609 30th Ave., Hyde, W. T. B., Pacific Union Col-
Meridian, Miss. lege, Angwin, Calif.
Humphries, H. (1), Stanborough Park,
Watford, Herts., England.
Hung, C. Y., S.D.A. Mission, Kulangsu, I
Amoy, China. Ibbott, E. B., 27 Esplanade Road, Mt.
Hung, K. H. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Ku- Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
langsu, Amoy, China. Iek Sing Hu (I), S.D.A. Mission, Foo-
Hung, Paul (1), Boite Postale 453, SM- chow, China.
. gon, Indo-China. Ieremia, R., Strada Eduard Grand 25,
Hunt, G. M. (m), College of Medical Bucuresti II, Rumania.
Evangelists, Loma Linda, Calif. Ihrig, I. H., Southern Pub. Assn., Box
Hunt, J. N. (1), Box 26, College View 59, Nashville 2, Term.
Station, Lincoln 6, Nebr. Ilchuk, Nicholas, 622 St. Johns Ave.,
Hunter, D. W., 125 Walnut St., Berrien Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
Springs, Mich. Iles, H. A., 2808 No. Military St.,
Huntington, L. L., 950 Hamilton St., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Roseburg, Oreg. Ira Sung Won, S.D.A. Mission, Sang
Hurdon, W. J., 97 Carroll Ave., Niagara Soori, Pyengyang, Seishin, Korea.
Falls, Ontario, Canada. Imai, Seikichi, 3209 Grove St., Oakland
9, Calif.
Hurlow, H. J., Stanborough Park, Wat- Imperio, J., P. 0. Box 2494, Manila,
ford, Herts., England. Philippines.
Hurlow, W. A., Chisekisi Siding, North- Imperio, R. C. (m), P.O. Box 401, Ma-
ern Rhodesia, Africa. nila, Philippines.
Hurlow, W. H., P.O. Box 348, Gwelo, Imrie, L. J., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn,
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
Hurst, B. E.,"Hazelrigg," Mandeville, Imura, H. (m), 171 Amanuma 1-chome,
Jamaica, ritish West Indies. Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan.

Inayat Chand, 76 Queensway, New Iversen, J. 0. Broadview Subdivision,

Delhi 1, India. La Grange, Ill.
Ingersoll, D. M. (1), Casilla 1140,
Guayaquil, Ecuador, South America.
Innocent, G. G. (m), 399 Upper Se- J
rangoon Road, Singapore 13, Colony Jabola, F. L., Legaspi City, Philippines.
of Singapore. Jackson, A., 37 O'Connell Terrace,
Inoue, K., 456 24th St., North, Seattle Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland,
2, Wash. Australia.
Inu, Tini, S.D.A. Mission, Box 6, Apia, Jackson, A. C. (1), 780 St. Albans Road,
Samoa, Pacific Ocean. Watford, Herts., England.
Iordanescu, G., Strada Golesti No. 11, Jackson, C. G. (1), 4205 Audrey Ave.,
Braila, Rumania. Baltimore 25, Md.
Iorga, Ig., Strada Eduard Grand 25, Jackson, F. S., Stanborough Park,
Bucuresti H, Rumania. Watford, Herts., England.
Ipes, T. P., 718 E. 22nd St., Paterson, Jackson, J. M., Review and Herald,
N.J. Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Ireland, J. J. (m), Takoma Park, Jackson, J. S., Box 1011J, Adelaide,
Washington 12, D. C. South Australia, Australia.
Iriiria, Uane (I), Box 31, Rarotonga, Jackson, M. J., 226 Kingston, Daytona
Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean. Beach, Fla.
Irmer, R. (1), Haydnstrasse 16, (10a) Jackson, R. (1), Malamulo Mission,
Dresden-A 16, Soviet Zone, Germany. P.O. Malamulo, Nyasaland, Africa.
Irod, Dumitru, Calea Bucuresti 57, Jacob, A. C., S.D.A. Mission, Kottara-
Craiova, Rumania. kara, Tranvancore, India.
Irvine, Bessie (m), P.O. Box 401, Ma- Jacob, J. V., S.D.A. Mission, Telli-
nila, Philippines. cherry, Malabar, India.
Irvine, H. (1), 37 O'Connell Terrace, Jacob, P. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Nuzvid
Bowen Hills, Queensland, Australia. P.O., Kistna District, South India.
Irvine, J. H. (m), 932 S.E. 60th Ave., Jacobs, C. L (1), Box 1311, Merid-
Portland 15, Oreg. ian, Miss.
Isaac, Daniel, 261 Academy Way, Di- Jacobs, D. E., Box 254, Lakeview, Mich.
nuba, Calif. Jacobs, Louis L. (m), Collegedale, Tenn.
Isaac, F. R., 11269 Pierce St., Arling- Jacobs, R. L., Casilla 1003, Lima, Peru,
ton, Calif. South America.
Isaac, John, Route 1, Box 146 A, Jacobson, A. G., 27 Esplanade Road.
Shafter, Calif. Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
Isaac, Nahum, Casier Postal S, Port- Jacobson, M. V., P.O. Box 1011, Beirut,
au-Prince, Haiti, French West Indies. Lebanon.
Isaiah (I), S.D.A. Mission, Aore, Santo, Jacques, 0. L., Star Route, Strasburg,
New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. Va.
Isaiah, G., Spicer Missionary ' College, Jaeger, E., Herzogstrasse 94 IV, (22a)
Aundh Road, Kirkee, Poona 3, India. Duesseldorf, British Zone, Germany.
Isensee, W. W. (1), 67-56 224th St., Jaerschke, A. (1), Fangelbachstrasse 11,
Bayside, Long Island, N.Y. (14a) Stuttgart-S, American Zone,
Iserte, S., Apartado 4078, Madrid, Germany.
Spain. Jamerson, W. E. (1), 1623 E 31st St.,
Ishikawa, Robert (I), 114 Orchard St., Oakland 6, Calif.
Mountain View, Calif. James, E. H., St. Helena Sanitarium,
Ismond, W. (1), Box 377, Oshawa, Sanitarium, Calif.
Ontario, Canada. James, Mrs. Edyth (m), Washington
Israel, C. B. (1), 36 Park Street, Cal- Missionary College, Takoma Park,
cutta, India. Washington 12, D.C.
Issa, Towfic (1), P.O. Box 1011, Beirut, James, Jerome (1), 502 Lott St., Mo-
Lebanon. bile, Ala.
Itanga, Jotham (1), Songa Mission, James, J. S., Collegedale, Tenn.
B.P. Kamina, Congo Beige, Africa. James, S. (m), P. 0. Box 15, Poona,
Iti, Matamua (I), Box 31, Rarotonga, India.
Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean. James, S. 0. (1), 490 Adelphi St.,
Itin, Guillermo (m), Avenida Gral. Bel- Brooklyn, N.Y.
grano 1366, Mendoza, Argentina, James, Mrs. Wilbur (b), 1720 Simkin
South America. St., Nashville, Tenn.
Itulu, S.D.A. Mission, Batuna, Marovo Jameson, J. S., 412 S. Farwell St.,
Lagoon, Solomon Islands, Pacific Eau Claire, Wis.
Ocean. Janda, E., P. 0. Lower Gwelo, Southern
Itumeling, K. (I), P.O. Taunts, Cape Rhodesia, Africa.
Province, South Africa. Jande Khan, (1), S.D.A. Mission, Chi-
Iuorno, D. E., Yegros 429, Asuncion, choki Mallain, Sheikhupura District,
Paraguay, South America. Pakistan.
Ivanoff, W., Solunska 10, Sofia, Bul- Jansen, J. M. (1), 2125 26th Ave., N.,
garia. Nashville, Tenn.

Japas, Salim (1), Uriarte 2429, Buenos Jensen, W. C., 615 N. 17th St., Harris-
Aires, Argentina, South America. burg, Pa.
Jaquenod, IL, 3, Rue du Sacre Coeur, Jensen, W. S., (1), P. 0. Box 145,
Alger ( Algeria) . Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Jaynes, H. I., 415 Pelton Ave., Staten Jenson, George (1), 807 W. Forbes St.,
Island, N.Y. Yuba City, Calif.
Jarnes, P. C., 6621 Knoll St., Min- Jenson, W. G. (1), 76 Queensway, New
neapolis 22, Minn. Delhi 1, India.
Jaron, P. (1), 130 Boulevard de l'Hopi- Jepson, C. R. (1), Box 544, Brewster,
tal, Paris 13e, France. Wash.
Jarry, J. A., Box 831, Mt. Vernon, Jepson, Evelyn (b), 920 E. 19th St., Min-
Ohio. neapolis, Minn.
Jarvais, Mrs. Helen M. (b), P.O. Box Jere, Nemen, P.O. Box 51, Blantyre,
580, San Jose, Calif. Nyasaland, Africa.
Jayne, S. R., 1534Y, E. Washington St., Jere, Richard, P.O. Box 131, Mufulira,
Charleston, W. Va. Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
Jayram, Rene (1), 10 Salisbury Road, Jereos, F. G., Box 241, Iloilo City, Phil-
Rose Hill, Mauritius, Indian Ocean. ippines.
Jean-Baptiste, A. J., Casier Postal S, Jereos, M. G., (m), Legaspi City,
Port-au-Prince, Haiti, French West Philippines.
Indies. Jespersen, J. L., 603 Cocamonga, On-
Jean-Elie, S. B., Boite Postale 194, tario, Calif.
Fort-de-France, Martinique, French Jessen, A. F., S.D.A. Mission, Sadanan-
West Indies. dapuram A.O., Kottarakara P. 0.
Jefferson, S. M., 5378 Arlington Ave., Travancore, India.
Riverside, Calif. Jesske, W. S., Rolla, Mo.
Jefferson, W. R., 607 N. Escondido, Jesudas, N. V. (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Vista, Calif. Nuzvid P.O., Kistna District, India.
Jeffreys, J. F., 203 Hutton St., Jersey Jesudass, K. J. (I), S.D.A. Mission,
City, N.J. Nellore, India.
Jeffries, F. E. Roy, 523 West 143rd St., Jesudawson, A. M., 1127 Authuman-
New York 31, N.Y. thai Street, Tanjore, India.
Jeffries, H. D.. Box 97, Keene. Texas. Jewell, E. B., P.O. Chisekesi, Northern
Jemison, T. H., Washington Missionary Rhodesia, Africa.
College, Takoma Park 12, D.C. Jewell, E. L. (1), Caixa Postal No. 3,
Jenkins, D. (1), 84 The Boulevarde, Nova Lisboa, Angola, Portuguese
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- West Africa.
tralia. Jewell, F. B. (1), P.B.T. 189, Bulawayo,
Jenkins, F. H., Box 4027, Atlanta, Ga. Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Jenkins Pearl M. (m), Washington Jewett, V. R. P.O. Box 401, Manila,
Sanitarium, Takoma Park 12, D. C. Philippines.
Jenkins, Mrs. Nora P. (b), 321 Ham- Jewkes, H. W., 3613 5th Ave., Brown-
line Ave. South, St. Paul, Minn. wood, Texas.
Jenkins, R. A., 1416 Coggin Ave., Jeys, Geofge (m), Pacific Union College,
Brownwood, Texas. Angwin, Calif.
Jenkins, Reese, 11 Ferris Lane, Pough- Jibajiba, Johannes (1), P.O. Lower
keepsie, N.Y. Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Jenkins, T. J., 1921 19th St., Park- Jimenes, Antonio, Caixa Postal 810,
ersburg, W. Va. Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, South
Jensen, Carl J., Svanevej 10, Copen- America.
hagen N.V., Denmark. Jimenez, Aurelio, Apartado No. 37,
Jensen, C. J., S.D.A. Mission, "Win- Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico.
ston," Kalimpong, Darjeeling, India. Jimenez, Francisco (I), Casilla 2830,
Jensen, E. E., 171 Amanuma 1-chome, Santiago. Chile, South America.
Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Jimeno, P. (1), Artacho, Sison, Pan-
Jensen, Edward E., Mision Adventista, gasinan, Philippines.
La Ceiba, Honduras, Central Amer- Joas, 0. S. (1), Caixa Postal 1830,
ica. Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Jensen, F. B., 3673 Linwood, Riverside, Jochmans, F., 11-13, rue Ernest Allard.
Calif. Brussels, Belgium.
Jensen, Hagen, Norre Alle 30, Aarhus, Johanson, A. J., P. 0. Box No. 15,
Denmark. Poona 1, India.
Jensen, J. P. U., Holmenkollveien 31, Johanson, B. 0. (1), 148 Fox Valley
Oslo, Norway. Rd., Wahroonga, New South Wales,
Jensen, Johannes, Svanevej 10, Copen- Australia.
hagen N.V., Denmark. Johanson, E. J., Takoma Park, Wash-
Jensen, M. H., Keene, Texas. ington 12, D. C.
Jensen, Marinus, Norre Alle 30, Aar- John, C., "Foi Cotta," Pallamcottah,
hus, Denmark. Tinnevelly District, India.
Jensen, R. F. (1), Holmenkollveien 31, John, S. (m), P.O. Box 20, Bangalore 1,
Oslo, Norway. India.

John, W., Boehmerstrasse 13, (16) Johnson, Reuben (m), Boulder-Colorado

Frankfurt/Main, American Zone, Sanitarium, Boulder, Colo.
Germany. Johnson, Miss S. (b), Lundar, Mani-
Johns, A. F., La Sierra Station, Arling- toba, Canada.
ton, Calif. Johnson, S. W., 3616 Field St., Oak-
Johns, A. H., 2441 E. 7th St., Long land, Calif.
Beach 4, Calif. Johnson, Mrs. Verna (m), Boulder-Col-
Johns, V. J., Box 745, Loma Linda, orado Sanitarium, Boulder, Colo.
Calif. Johnson, W. B., 1202 Mariet St., S.E.,
Johnson, Adolph, Route 1, Box 43 D, Atlanta, Ga.
Ukiah, Calif. Johnson, W. H. (1), Gitwe Mission,
Johnson, A. G., (m), Casilla 1003, via Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Congo
Lima, Peru, South America. Beige, Africa.
Johnson, A. J. (1); 119 N.E. 47th Ave., Johnson, Werber (m), Box 831, Mt.
Portland 15, Oreg. Vernon, Ohio.
Johnson, A. W., Takoma Park, Wash- Johnston, Bruce (1), 1214 W. Plum St.,
ington 12, D.C. Centralia, Wash.
Johnson, Mrs. Audrey (b), 1400 Boren Johnston, F. W., Box 349, Loma Linda,
Ave., Apt. 218, Seattle 1, Wash. Calif.
Johnson, C. S., 226 N. 34th St., San Johnston, 0. L., 944 W. Seale, Nacog-
Jose, Calif. doches, Texas.
Johnson, C. W. (I), Loma Linda, Calif. Joiner, Mrs. Ivy (b), 6514 Ringgold
Johnson, D. S., P.O. Box 32, Lahore, Road, Chattanooga, Tenn.
Pakistan. Jolliffe, E. L. (I), Box 82, College
Johnson, E. R., 841 W. Belmont, Fresno, Place, Wash.
Calif. Jonas, E., Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasa-
Johnson, Mrs. Elsie (m), College Sta- land, Africa.
tion, Berrien Springs, Mich. Jonahs, C. P., S.D.A. Mission, Jaffna,
Johnson, Fred, 1130 Lincoln .Way, Au- Ceylon.
burn, Calif. Jones, A. E. (1), P.O. Box 270, Suva,
Johnson, F. E., 11331 106th St., Ed- Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
monton, Alberta, Canada. Jones, A. J. (m), P.O. Box 1011, Beirut,
Johnson, G. E., 322 S. 4th St., Forest Lebanon.
Grove, Oregon. Jones, C. L., Box 66, Port-of-Spain,
Johnson, Grace H. (b), Box 556, 1602 Trinidad, British West Indies.
E. 47th St., Ashtabula, Ohio. Jones, C. T. (m), P.O. Box 401, Ma-
Johnson, H. D., Naripan 63, Bandung, nila, Philippines.
Java, Indonesia. Jones, F. L. (1), 3806 Dryades St.,
Johnson, H. M., 4722 Bancroft, Lin- New Orleans, La.
coln 6, Nebr. Jones, G. E., Box 337, Oshawa, On-
Johnson, H. T. (1). Washington Mis- tario, Canada.
sionary College. Takoma Park, Wash- Jones, H. B., P.O. Box 27, Hamilton,
ington 12, D.C. New South Wales, Australia.
Johnson, H. T., 780 St. Albans Road, Jones, H. L. (1), 617 Avenue G.,
Watford, Herts., England. Greenwood, Miss.
Johnson, I. T. (m), Pacific Press, Jones, J. H. (1), 3711 Octavia St.,
Brookfield, Ill. Dallas, Texas.
Johnson, J. D., Box 147, Blair, Nebr. Jones, J. W., 1200 W. 10th St., San-
Johnson, J. E., Route 5, Box 291, West ford, Fla.
Riverside, Calif. Jones, L. L., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn,
Johnson, J. R., 666 Carlisle Ave., Day- E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
ton, Ohio. Jones, Maude I. (m), Collegedale, Tenn.
Johnson, K. D., 1638 Berkshire, Winter Jones, Merwin A. R. (I), 43 Portola
Park, Fla. Lane, Santa Barbara, Calif.
Johnson, L. K. (1), Victoria-Mahe, Jones, 0. P., Box 356, Nassau, Baha-
P. 0. Box 28, Seychelles Islands. mas, British West Indies.
Johnson, Mary Della (b), 118 W. Fern, Jones, Mrs. 0. P. (m), Box 356,
Redlands, Calif. Nassau, Bahamas, British West Indies.
Johnson, M. G., 203 Cooper St., Aga- Jones, W. C. (1), 2827 E. Juniper St.,
wam, Mass. Lubbock, Texas.
Johnson, Mildred (m), Takoma Park, Jones, W. H. (1), 911 Eastridge Ave.,
Washington 12, D.C. Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C.
Johnson, N. J., Beach, N. Dak. Jonuleit, K., Hans-Sachs-Strasse 9,
Johnson, N. R., 290 Conklin Ave., (10b) Chenmitz, Soviet Zone, Ger-
Penticton, British Columbia. Canada. many.
Johnson, P. W. (1), 306 South Lake, Jordahl, Odd (1), Bergjelandsgaten 45,
Miles City, Mont. Stavanger, Norway.
Johnson, R. A. (m), College Station, Jordahl, Ole, Bergjelandsgaten 45,
Berrien Springs, Mich. Stavanger, Norway.
Johnson, R. R. (I), Box 213, Beaver Jorgensen, C. W. (I), Oak Park Acad-
City, Nebr. emy, Nevada, Iowa.

Jorgensen, G. C. (in), Union College, Kabambe, Jonathan, P.O. Tekarane,

Lincoln 6, Nebr. Nyasaland, Africa.
Jorgensen, Gilbert (I), General Del- Kabashi, Simoni, Songs Mission, Boite
ivery, Broken Bow, Nebr. Postal Kamina, Congo Beige, Africa.
Jorgensen, L. G., 320 Francis, Long- Kachel, H. (1), Grafengasse 20, (15)
mont, Colo. Erfurt, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Jorgensen, S. A. (1), Svanevej 10, Kaduha, Jonas, Ndora Mission, via
Copenhagen N. V., Denmark. Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian
Jornada, Mrs. Beatriz H. (m), Box East Africa.
241, Iloilo City, Philippines. Kaelin, A. D. (1), 414 N. Graves,
Jornada, F. H., Box 241, Iloilo City, Norton, Kan.
Philippines. Kagegera, Daniel, Gitwe Mission, via
Joseph, G. C. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian
Nuzvid P.O. Kistna District, India. East Africa.
Joseph, K. (1), ' S.D.A. Mission, Ma- Kagwegwe, Ezra (1), Gitwe Mission,
hatma Gandhi Road, Pondicherry, via Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Bel-
India. gian East Africa.
Joseph, V. A., Route 1, Box 40-D, Kagels, Lawrence, 317 May St., Cadil-
Earlimont, Calif. lac, Mich.
Josephs, H. G. (1), 84 The Boulevarde, Kahungo, Abeli (m), Suji Mission, P. 0.
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Makanya, Tanga Province, Tangan-
tralia. yika Territory, East Africa.
Josling, N. (1), "Bethel," Swellen- Kajibgami, Yosefu (1), Gitwe Mission,
grebel Street,' Riversdale, Cape Prov- via Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Bel-
ince, South Africa. gian East Africa.
Joses, S.D.A. Mission, Aore, Santo, Kajiru, Stefano (1), Suji Mission, P. 0.
New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. Mankaya, Tanga Province, Tangan-
Joshua, J. S.D.A. Mission, Kattara- yika Territory, East Africa.
kara, Travancore, India. Kajiyamai T., 164 Onden 3-chome (2,3),
Joyce, C. S., 1544 S. E. Hawthorne Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Blvd., Portland 14, Oreg. Kakomwe, A. (1), Sala Mission, P.O.
Joyce, R. S. 4619 Bancroft Ave., Lin- Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
coln 6, Nebr. Kalbermatter, B.C. (in), Caixa Postal
Joyce, S., Stanborough Park, Watford, 341, Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil, South
Herts., England. America.
Joyce, S. G., 2620 Quadra St., Victoria, Kalbermatter, I., Calle V. Vergara
British Columbia, Canada. 3227, Florida, F.C.N. Gral. Bme.
Juberg, Morten (1), Box 599, Casper, Mitre, Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Wyo. South America.
,Tublin, R. (I), Mission Adventiste, Kalbermatter, J. P. (1), Uriarte 2429,
Tamatave, Madagascar. Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
Judefind, T. F. (m), College of Medical America.
Evangelists, Loma Linda, Calif. Kalbermatter, Romualdo (in), Avda.
Judd, C., 361 Argyle St., North Ho- Espana 851, Corrientes, Argentina,
bart, Tasmania. South America.
Judd, T. F., Rabaul, New Britain, Kalbermatter, Santiago, Cervantes 144,
Pacific Ocean. Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina, South
Judge, A. G., 27 Esplanade Road, Mt. America.
Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Kalee Paw, S.D.A. Mission, Paan P.O.,
Jugha, S.D.A. Mission, Honiara, Solo- Thaton District, Burma.
mon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Kalette, Samsoni (1), P. 0. Box 22,
Juhl, Kenneth, 2000 College Ave., Sta- Kampala, Uganda, East Africa.
dium Apt. 18, Caldwell, Idaho. Kalonga, J. (1), P.O. Box 61, Blan-
Julasi (1), S.D.A. Mission, Honiara, tyre, Nyasaland, Africa.
Solomon Islands Protectorate, Paci- Kalonga, M. (1), P.O. Fort Jameson,
fic Ocean. N.E. Rhodesia, Africa.
Julian, M. J. (in), Loma Linda Food Kalustian, K. (1), 14 Saray Arkasi,
Co., Arlington, Calif. Ayazpasa, Istanbul, Turkey.
Juriansz, B. D. (1), 536 Peradeniya Kamau (1), "Palm Beach," Rabaul,
Road, Kandy, Ceylon. New Britain, Pacific Ocean.
Juriansz, E. L. (1), S.D.A. Mission- Kambuwa, Albert, Box 51, Blantyre,
School, Kottawa, Pannipitiya, Ceylon. Nyasaland, Africa.
Jurke, F., Haydnstrasse 16, (10a) Kamea, John, Box 15, Nukualofa, Tonga,
Dresden-A 16, Soviet Zone, Germany. Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Just, J. A. (1), 204 Lemon St., Plant Kamba, Filipo, Ntusu Mission, P. 0.
City, Fla. Maswa, Via Malampaka, Tanganyika,
K East Africa.
Kamm, J. (1), Mission Adventiste,
Kaba, J., Tr. Marsala Malinovskeho Oasis Superieure, Casablanca, Mor-
24a, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. occo.
Kabala, Mesaki, S.D.A. Church, P. 0. Kamwendo, Yolam, P.O. Box 51, Blan-
Iganga, Uganda, East Africa. tyre, Nyasaland, Africa.

Kanada, T., Rua Lopes Trovao 84, Ni- Kavubi, Dawidi (1), Gitwe Mission, via
teroi, Estado do Rio, Brazil, South Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian
America. East Africa.
Kanachky, Branes, 43-01 57th St., Kay, Mrs., J. L. (m), 233 Plymouth
Woodside, Long Island, N.Y. Drive, Vista, Calif.
Kaneko, S., 124 Onden 3-chome (2,3), Kayijuka, Silas (I), B.P. 33, Ruhengeri,
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian East Africa.
Kanjanga, Soldier, P.O. Box 51, Blan- Kaytor, A. W., Box 337, Oshawa, On-
tyre, Nyasaland, Africa. tario, Canada.
Kanna, E. J., Yegros 429, Asuncion, Kearbey, C. F., Box 413, Hutchinson,
Paraguay, South America. Kan.
Kannenberg, Stanley (1), 509 West Kebbas, Michael (1), P. 0. Box 1011,
Second St., North Platte, Nebr. Beirut, Lebanon.
Kantor, J., Sidova 1, Ostrava, Czecho- Keene, H. L. (m), Union College, Lin-
slovakia. coln 6, Nebr.
Kanu, J. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Aba, Kegley, Ronald J., Jr., Route 2, Box 38,
Nigeria. West Africa. Sanday, Oreg.
Kanymahigo, Japhet, Bikobo Mission, Keh, T. K., S.D.A. Mission, Kulangsu,
Boite Postal 3, Kongolo, Congo Beige, Amoy, China.
Africa. Kehney, H. R., 302 N. Broadway,
Kanzok, J., Koblenzer Strasse 3, (1) Watertown, S. Dak.
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sector, Keikei, Joe, S.D.A. Mission, Aore,
Germany. New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean.
Kao Chieh, 526 Ningkuo Road, Shang- Keiser, C. V., 712 Terrace Ave., Mari-
hai 19, China. nette, Wis.
Kao Shang Lu (1), S.D.A. Mission, Keith, J. B., Box 297, Suva, Fiji, Pa-
Da Chi Gou, Chungking, Szechwan, cific Ocean.
China. Keith, W. J., 272 Market St., Akron,
Kapimpa, M. (1), Musofa Mission, Pri_ Ohio.
vate Bag, Ndola, Northern Rhodesia, Keitts, F. S., 3301 39th Ave., Tampa,
Africa. Fla.
Kaplan, S. A., 807 Kennebec Ave., Ta- Kelemen, St., Strada Cuza Voda No. 12,
koma Park, Washington 12, D.C. Cluj, Rumania.
Karekezi, Samuel, P.O. Box 65, Bu- Kellar, C. C., Box 836, Shafter, Calif.
tembo, Belgian Congo, Africa. Keller, K. Kurfuerstenstrasse 91, (21a)
Kariko (I), S.D.A. Mission, Port Bielefeld, British Zone, Germany.
Moresby, Papua, Pacific Ocean. Keller, R. E. (1), 1730 N. Riverside St.,
Karl, A., Lungotevere Michelangelo 7, Medford, Oreg.
Rome, Italy. Kellogg, C. E., South Lancaster, Mass.
Karlman, Alf (m), 41 Hazel Gardens, Kellogg, E. C. (m), Cove, Oreg.
Edgeware, Middlesex, England. Kellogg, Kenneth (m), College of -Med-
ical Evangelists, Loma Linda, Calif.
Karlsson, Swen (1), Tunnelgatan 25, Kelly, C. H. (1), 720 Maple Ave., Ta-
Stockholm, Sweden. koma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Karolyi, A. M., Greenfield Estates, Kelly, P. J., S.D.A. Mission, Nuzvid,
R.F.D., Dickson, Tenn. Kistna District, South India.
Karwartzke, E., Peiner Strasse 19A, Kelsey, Verne (m), College Station,
(20a) Hanover-Dohren, British Zone, Berrien Springs, Mich.
Germany. Kelstrom, V. E., 3 Nakajimadori 2-
Kasa, J. W., Chelsea, Iowa. chome, Fukiai-ku, Kobe, Japan.
Kassabun, Dessie (1), P. 0. Box 145, Kemmerer, M. E., P.O. Box 15, Poona
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 1, India.
Kastl, K., Kriegsstrasse 84, (17a) Karls- Kemper, P. W., Box M, Cristobal,
ruhe/Baden, American Zone, Ger- Canal Zone.
many. Keng Fu Kwang, 11 Pei Yueh Ya
Kato, T. (1), 164 Onden 3-chome (2,3), Hutung,, Peiping, China.
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan, Ken Kun Lin, 626 Ningkuo Road,
Shanghai 19, China.
Kattwinkel, J., Caixa Postal 233, Keng Yung Lin (1). 86 North Gate
Vitoria, Espirito Santo, Brazil, South Street, Kunming, Yunnan, China.
America. Kennedy, K. M., 753 S. Lawrence St.,
Kaufmann, E., Kurfuerstenstrasse 91, Montgomery, Ala.
(21a) Bielefeld, British Zone, Ger- Kenney, D. L. (I), Box 103, Green-
many. ville, Calif.
Kaufmann, R., Bultenweg 14, (20b) Kent, H. M., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn,
Brunswick, British Zone, Germany. E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
Kaunda, Zebedee L., B. P. 327, Eliza- Kent, J. F., 331 Flower Ave., Takoma
bethville, Congo Beige. Africa. Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Kauntul, M. M., Tandjung Anom 3, Kent, J. R. (I), P. 0. Box 27, Hamil-
Soerabaja, Java, Indonesia, ton, New South Wales, Australia.
Kavaia (I), "Palm Beach," Rabaul, Kent, J. W., Box 1011J, Adelaide,
New Britain, Pacific Ocean. South Australia, Australia.

Kent, L. 3., P. 0. Box 27, Hamilton, Kiepe, E., Nussdorferstrasse 5, Vienna

New South Wales, Australia. IX, Austria.
Kent, T. R., 84 The Boulevarde, Strath- Kieser, W. D., Box 22, Socorro, N. Mex.
field, New South Wales, Australia. Kiesz, Arthur, 310 East 23rd St., India-
Kenyon, D. E., Box 42, Lenoir City, napolis 5, Ind.
Tenn. Kikpkichurit, K. (1), Chebwai Mission,
Keough, G. A., P.O. Box 1011, Beirut, P.O. Kakamega, Kenya, East Africa.
Lebanon. Kileng'a, Adriano (m), Suji Mission,
Keough, G. D., P.O. Box 595, Beirut, P. 0. Makanya, Tanga Province,
Lebanon. Tanganyika Territory, East Africa.
Kephart, H. C., 3229 Merida St., Ft. Kilgore, Mrs. Rochelle P. (m), South
Worth, Texas. Lancaster, Mass.
Kepke, Emilio (m), Caixa Postal 2898, Kilonzo, Elisa, Suji Mission, P. 0.
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Makanya, via Moshi, Tanganyika,
Kepkey, R. E., 515 S. Bryant, Fort East Africa.
Collins, Colo. Kilonzo, Paulo, Suji Mission, P. 0.
Keplinger, J. E. (1), 610 Welch Ave., Makanya, Tanga Province, Tangan-
Golfview, Charleston, S.C. yika Territory, East Africa.
Kern, M. E., Takoma Park, Washing- Kilonzo, Yohana (m), Suji Mission,
ton 12, D. C. P. 0. Makanya, Tanga Province,
Kerosi, N. (m), Nyanchwa Mission, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa.
P.O. Kisii, Kenya, East Africa. Kilroy, W. L. (I), 148 Fox Valley Rd.
Kerr, Robert, 223-02 133rd Ave., Spring- Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
field Gardens, Long Island, N.Y. tralia.
Keshishzade, 0. (1), Avenue Abassabad, Kim Chang Choo (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Hamadan, Iran. 99 Hoi Ki Dong, Seoul, Korea.
Keslake, E., P.O. Box 26, Bo, Sierra Kim Kuk Yun (1), Box 43, Seoul, Korea.
Leone, West Africa. Kim Kyu Hyuk, S.D.A. Mission, Out-
Kessel, F., Koblenzer Strasse 3, (1) side East Gate, Seoul, Korea.
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sector, Kim Myung Kil, S. D. A. Mission, 99
Germany. Hoi Ki Dong, Seoul, Korea.
Kestner, R., Strada Rosenfeld No. 4, Kim Sang Chit (m), S.D.A. Mission,
Sibiu, Rumania. Outside East Gate, Seoul, Korea.
Ketola T., Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Kim Tuk Shin (1), S.D.A. Mission, 99
Sweden. Hoi Ki Dong, Seoul Korea.
Ketterman, Jody (b), 1859 N. Mobile Kim Wan Sik (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Ave., Chicago 39, Ill. Taichun, Korea.
Keymer, Charles I., 4725 Holly St., Kimble, J. N. (m), Washington Sani-
Kansas City, Mo. tarium, Takoma Park 12, D. C.
Kazer, R. H. Route 3, Box 882, Yu- Kimble, R. L., 6011 Uta Ave., N.W.,
caipa, Calif. Washington, D.C.
Kgasa, Philemon, Kanye Mission, P.O. Kime, D. S., Naripan 63, Bandung,
Kanye, Bechuanaland, Africa. Java. Indonesia.
Kgetse, Molosiwa (1), P. 0. Lower Kime, Stewart, Box 96, Angwin, Calif.
Gwelp, Southern Rhodesia. Africa. Kimenja, E. (m), Poste Restante, Ke-
Khan, J. M. (1), P. 0. Box No. 32, richo, Kenya, East Africa.
Lahore, Pakistan. Kimler, 0., Londynska 30, Praha-Vi-
Khandagle, S. L., S.D.A. Mission Bun- nohradv, Czechoslovakia.
galow, Hatkanagle P. 0., Kolhapur Kinder, C. 0., 168 Carroll Ave., Colo-
District, India. nial Heights, Va.
Khonje, Harry, P. 0. Box 51, Blantyre, King, A. B. (m), P. 0. Box 1011, Bei-
Nyasaland, Africa. rut, Lebanon.
King, A. L. (1), 62 Clotilde St., Mt.
Kiambe, Jonathan, B.P. 3, Kongolo, Lawley, West Australia, Australia.
Congo Beige, Africa.
Kiambe, Tito (1), Bikobo Hill Mission, King, Mrs. Elsie B. (m), 2525 S. Down-
B.P.3, Kongolo, Congo Beige, Africa. ing St., Denver 10, Colo.
Kiana, Titus, Chisunka Mission, Mo- King, G. D., 41 Hazel Gardens, Edg-
ware, Middlesex, England.
kambo, Congo Beige, Africa.
Kibble, H. W., 57 Lefferts Place, Brook- King, L. H., 132 Paul Ave., Syracuse,
lyn 16, N.Y. N.Y.
Kiburago, Daniel (1), Ndora Mission, King, Mrs. Myrtle (b), 1306 Brunswick
via Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Bel- Ave., Norfolk, Va.
gian East Africa. King, R. (1), 84 The Boulevarde, Strath-
Kiehnhoff, Estelle (m), College Station, field, New South Wales, Australia.
Berrien Springs, Mich. King, Mrs. Sybil M. (m), 5022 Stenton
Kienhast, 0., Koblenzer Strasse 3, (1) Ave., Philadelphia 44, Pa.
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sector, King, W. L. (1), South Lancaster, Mass.
Germany. Kingston, H. W., 8 Yarra St.. Haw-
Kiel, Ana P. (m), Caixa Postal 810, thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, South Kinman, B. F., 22 Zulla Road, Map-
America. perly Park, Nottingham, England.

Kinney, C. M., Riverside Sanitarium, Klingstrand, A. (1), Vasagatan 12.

800 Youngs Lane, Nashville, Tenn. Goteborg, Sweden.
Kinney, C. Ray, 1144 S. Scoville Ave., Klop, P., Naripan 63, Bandung, Java,
Oak Park, Ill. Indonesia.
Kinsey, F. J. (1), Route 2, Box 22, Klopfenstein, L. D. (1), Sheyenne River
Knox, Ind. Academy, Harvey, N. Dak.
Kinsey, R. H. (m), 302 N. Broadway, Klose, J. C., 1727 Charlton Ave., Ann
Watertown, S. Dak. Arbor, Mich.
Kintanar, I. (m), P.O. Box 401, Ma- Klut, E., 207 W. Delaware, Evansville,
nila, Philippines. Ind.
Kinyogote, Nehemia, Gitwe Mission, Kluttig, R. (1), Koblenzer Strasse 3,
via Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Bel- (1) Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sec-
gian East Africa. tor, Germany.
Kipkessio, K. (m), Chebwai Mission, Knapp, Richard (1), 67 Seaview Ave.,
P.O. Kakamega, Kenya, East Africa. Malden, Mass.
Kirekero, Esikia (m), Suji Mission, Knauft, E. H., 8011 Willard, Detroit
P. 0. Makanya, Tanga Province, Tan- 13, Mich.
ganyika Territory, East Africa. Knauft, Rudolph, Box 544, Brewster,
Kiriamburi, B. N. (m), P.O. Box 1835, Wash.
Nairobi, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Knecht, E. S. (m), 411 Cedar St.,
Kiriloff, B. (1), Solunska 10, Sofia, Bul- Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
garia. Knecht, L. P., Route 1, Flat Rock, N.C.
Kirk, A. L., 4049 4th Ave. S., Minne- Kneeland, B. F., Box 683, Morganton,
apolis, Minn. N. C.
Kirk, H. F., South Lancaster, Mass. Knight, A. W., 148 Fox Valley Road,
Kirkelokke, L. J., Holmenkollveien 31, Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
Oslo, Norway. tralia.
Kiroff, Chr. (1), Solunska 10, Sofia, Knight, Anna (m), 1025 E. Fifth St.,
Bulgaria. Chattanooga, Tenn.
Kisack, W. J. (1), 1318 E. Washington Knight, C. E. Route 4, Box 4102,
St., Springfield, Ill. Paradise, Calif.
Kisku, Barko, S.D.A. Mission, "Win- Knight, F. B. (m). Takoma Park,
ston," Kalimpong, India. Washington 12, D.C.
Kiss, J. (1), Kun Jozsef u. 29, Miskolcz, Knight, N. H. (I), 780 St. Albans
Hungary. Road, Watford, Herts., England.
Kistler, Robert (I), General Delivery, Knight, 0. W., 37 O'Connell Terrace,
Pittsboro, N.C. Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland,
Kisusi, Daudi (1), Ntusu Mission, P. 0. Australia.
Maswa, Via Malampaka, Tanganyika Knipschild, J. F., 210 Wendell Ave.,
Territory, East Africa. Pittsfield, Mass.
Kittle, 0. M., Box 346, Loma Linda, Knipschild, J. F., Jr., Box 4037, Hono-
Calif. lulu 12, Hawaii.
Kitto, Robert, 3464 Larga Ave., Los Knitter, W., Koblenzer Strasse 3, (1)
Angeles 39, Calif. Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sector,
Kiyabu, George, P.O. Box 214, Kamuela, Germany.
Hawaii. Knobloch, H., Londynska 30, Praha-Vi-
Klam, D. E., 1001 West Thomas St., nohrady, Czechoslovakia.
Route 3, Rome, N.Y. Knoche, Philip (1), 810 Houston Ave.,
Klatt, G. D. Calle V. Vergara 3227, Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Florida, F.C.N. Gral. Bme. Mitre, Knoener, H., Charlottenstrai=e 24, (24a)
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Hamburg, 19, British Zone, Germany.
America. Knowlson, C. W. (1), Stanborough
Klein, A. E. (m), 16 Av, de Koubbeh, Park, Watford, Herts., England.
Heliopolis, Egypt. Knox, Phillip L., 686 Atkins Drive,
Klein, Naor (m), Caixa Postal 2898, Glendale 6, Calif.
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer- Knox, R. E. (1), 24 Fusting Ave.,
ica. Baltimore 28, Md.
Knox, Veva (b), 2732 Dohr St., Berke-
Klein, Obed, 839 Lapeer, Port Huron, ley, Calif.
Mich. Knutson, F. A. (m), P.O. Box 574,
Kleinert, Louise (m), 10 Paradise Man- St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada.
sions, Foyle Road, Claremont, Cape Ko Djung Ih (1), S.D.A. Mission, Kiu-
Province, South Africa. kiang, Kiangsi, China.
Klement, H. C., 2405 N. W. 21st St., Ko Min (1), S.D.A. Mission, Kangting
Oklahoma City, Okla. (Tatsienlu), Sikang, China.
Kleuser, Louise C. (b), Takoma Park, Kobs, H., Koblenzer Strasse 3, (1)
Washington 12, D.C. Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sector,
Klingbeil, R. L., Piscaderaweg 18, Mun- Germany.
do Nobo, Curacao, Netherlands West Koch, Alfred, 1324 Vermont Ave.,
Indies. N.W., Washington, D.C.
Klinger, R., Charlottenstrasse 24, (24a) Koch, E., Hinterm Hahnhof 30, (13a)
Hamburg 19, British Zone, Germany. Nurnberg, American Zone, Germany.

Koch, E. F., 4628 Kensington Ave., Kovacs, A. (1), Szekely Bertalan-utca

Richmond, Va. 13, Budapest VI, Hungary.
Koch, W., Grafengasse 20, (15) Erfurt, Kovacs, I. K., Kun Jozsef utca 29,
Soviet Zone, Germany. Miskolcz, Hungary.
Koehler, J. S. (1), 61 N. E. 41st Ave., Kovacs II, K., Kegl Gyorgy utca 5 sz.,
Portland 15, Oreg. Szekesfehervar. Hungary.
Koehler, Karl, Koblenzer Strasse 3, (1) Kovasi (1), "Palm Beach," Rabaul,
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sector, New Britain, Pacific Ocean.
Germany. Kove (1), S.D.A. Mission, Wewak, Ter-
Koehler, Kurt, Hans-Sachs-Strasse 9, ritory of New Guinea.
(10b) Chemnitz, Soviet Zone, Ger- Kozel, J. C., College Place, Wash.
many. Kraner, L. A., Box 175, Port-of-Spain,
Koelling, W. K., General Delivery, Trinidad, British West Indies.
Angwin, Calif. Kranz, A. F. J., Australasian Mission-
Koenig, Edward, 715 N. Hobart St., ary College, Cooranbong, New South
Pampa, Texas. Wales, Australia.
Kohler, C. N., 114 West 10th Ave., Kranz, R. M. (1), Box 27, Hamilton,
Chico, Calif. New South Wales, Australia.
Kohtanen, V., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- Krastiloff, D., Solunska 10, Sofia, Bul-
holm, Sweden. garia.
Koilpillai, V. D., "Foi Cottah," Palam- Krause, E. (1), 84 The Boulevarde
cottah, Tinnevelly District, India. Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus-
Koko, J. (1), P.O. Chisekesi, Northern tralia.
Rhodesia, Africa. Krause, Oswald, Casilla 1002, Lima,
Koller, A. (1), Svanevej 10, Copenhagen Peru, South America.
N.V., Denmark. Krause, R. (1), Haydnstr. 16, (10a)
Kolmodin, Walter (1), 1331 Otto Blvd., Dresden-A 16, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Chicago Heights, Ill. Krause, V. Thalmann-Platz 46, (2)
Kon, V. L., 1325 Rama IV Road, Cottbus, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Bangkok, Thailand. Krautschick, A. I. (m), 399 Upper
Kong, K. T. (m), 399 Upper Seran- Serangoon Road, Singapore 13, Col-
goon Road, Singapore 13, Colony of ony of Singapore.
Singapore. Krautschick, A., Thalmann-Platz 46, (2)
Kononyei, F. (I), Kun Jozsef utca 29, Cottbus, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Miskolcz, Hungary. Krautschick, J. (1), Landwehrstrasse
Konstantinoff, St., Solunska 10, Sofia, 18/I, (19) Halle/Saale, Soviet Zone,
Bulgaria. Germany.
Kootsey, J. S. (m), New England San- Krejci, Myrtle (b), Box 743, Bozeman,
itarium, Melrose 76, Mass. Mont.
Kopp, F., Grafengasse 20, (15) Erfurt, Krenzler, L. R. (1), 123 11A St., N.E.,
Soviet Zone, Germany. Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Kopping; P., Haydnstrasse 16, (10a) Kress, D. H., 405 Niblick Ave., Orlando,
Dresden-A 16, Soviet Zone, Germany. Fla.
Korinth, W., Koblenzer Strasse 3, (1) Kretschmar, G. G. (m), College Place,
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sector, Wash.
Germany. Kretz, R. L. (1), Route 2, Pocahontas,
Korgan, J. (I), Private Bag T189, Bu- Ark.
lawayo, Southern Rhodesia. Krick, G. M., Post Office Box 1170,
Koro, Eroni, S.D.A. Mission, P. 0. Box Beirut, Lebanon.
297, Su,..A, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Krick, R. K., 606 W. Washtenaw, Lan-
Koroknai, J. (1), Szekely Bertalan-utca sing 15, Mich.
13, Budapest VI, Hungary. Krieghoff, C. E., Calle V. Vergara 3227,
Korsch, H., Koblenzer Strasse 3, (1) Florida, F.C.N. Gral. Bme. Mitre,
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sector, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
Germany. America.
Kortenhorn, G., Charlottenstrasse 24, Krieghoff, Guillermo (1), Uriarte 2429,
(24a) Hamburg 19, British Zone, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
Germany. America.
Kosakoy, H. (I), Tandjung Anom 3, Kriel, Basil (I), P.O. Box 1133, Port
Soerabaja, Java, Indonesia. Elizabeth, Cape, South Africa.
Kostenko, Pete (1), Box 67, Wray, Colo. Krietzky, M. S., Box 153, Belleville,
Kostoff, P. (1), Solunska 10, Sofia, Bul- Mich.
garia. Kristensen, Thy., Norre Alle 80, Aar-
Kot, M., Traugutta 34, Radom, Poland. hus, Denmark.
Kote, T. M., Nokuphila Hospital, New Kroeger, T. J., 406 State St., Ottawa,
Western Native Township, Johan- Ill.
nesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Krogstad, A., Parkgaten 35, Tromso,
Kott, C. C., Box 2238, Boise, Idaho. Norway.
Kotz, H. E., P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika Krogstad, Norman (m), Collegedale,
Territory, East Africa. Tenn.
Kotz, S. A. (1), Malamulo Mission, Kroncke, John (1), 3143 Breckenridge
Malamulo, Nyasaland, Africa. St., Pittsburg 19, Pa.

Krohn, C. C. (m), Angwin, Calif. Kunkel, C. J., Azusa Valley Sanitarium,

Kroulik, V., Londynska 30, Praha-Vi- Azusa, Calif.
nohrady, Czechoslovakia. Kunze, M. Fangelsbachstrasse 11, (14a)
Krug, L., Grafengasse 20, (15) Erfurt, Stuttgart-S, American Zone, Germany.
Soviet Zone, Germany. Kuo Djen (I), S.D.A. Mission, Lowanho,
Kruger, Albert, Box 296, College Place, Yencheng, Honan, China.
Wash. Kurian, K. P. (I), S.D.A. Mission, Tell-
Kruger, Mrs. Erna (m), 8 Sharia cherry, Malabar, South India.
Balassan, Mataria, Cairo, Egypt. Kurtz, Arnold, 993 Rose St., Baker,
Kruk, A., Traugatta 34, Radom, Poland. Oreg.
Krynsky, D., Sidova 1, Ostrava, Cze- Kurtz. B. M., Columbia Academy,
choslovakia. Route 2, Battle Ground, Wash.
Ku Chao Chiao (1), S.D.A. Mission, Kurtz, H. E. (1), 520 N. Oak St.,
20 Goh Low Meng, Nanking, China. Eureka, Kan.
Ku Dao Sin (m), P.O. Box 310, Hong Kurz, Kurt, 203 Cheyenne Ave., Bis-
Kong. mark, N. Dak.
Ku, H. M. (m), 399 Upper Serangoon Kuty, J., Londynska 30, Praha-Vi-
Road, Singapore 13, Colony of Sing- norady, Czechoslovakia.
apore. Kvalen, Leif (1), Bergjelandsgaten 45,
Ku Kang Wei Ho (1), Court 1207 Stavanger, Norway.
Yu-Yuen Road, Shanghai 27, China. Kwan Sung Yao (1), P. 0. Box 341,
Kuan Sung Yao (I), 526 Ningkuo Road, Mukden, Manchuria, China.
Shanghai 19, China. Kwon Suk Yun (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Kubecka, A., Londynska 30, Praha-Vi- Taichun, Korea.
nohrady, Czechoslovakia.
Kuba, Sakae (1), 3010 Eagle St., Los
Angeles 33, Calif. L
Kuboni, E. Ka J., P.O. Box 68, Ermolo, Laban, M. B. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Nuz-
Transvaal, South Africa. vid P.O., Kistna District, South India.
Kubrock, D. V., Avenue Pahlavi 2075, Laban, M. J. (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Tehran, Tram Kottarakara P.O., Travancore, India.
Kudzielicz, Maria (m), Caixa Postal Lacey, A. (I), Stanborough Park, Wat-
1830, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer- ford, Herts., England.
ica. Lacey, K., Stanborough Park, Watford,
Kuehl, A. W., 3419 S. 48th St., Lincoln Herts., England.
6, Nebr. Lackner, J. (in), Nussdorferstrasse 5,
Kuempel, F. R., Caixa Postal 2898, Vienna IX, Austria.
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Ladion, D. 13. (m), P. 0. Box 119, City
Kuempel, Manoel, Caixa Postal 2898, of Cebu, Philippines.
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Laejama (1), S.D.A. Mission, Honiara,
Kuempel, S., Caixa Postal 2898, Sac Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Paulo, Brazil, South America. LaGrone, G. A., 2702 Arthur Ave.,
Kuester, W. E., Takoma Park, Wash- Amarillo, Texas.
ington 12, D.C. LaGrone, V. A., 151 Clifton Place,
Kuhlman, H. H. (m), Collegedale, Tenn. Syracuse, N.Y.
Kuhn, B. J. (1), 201 Kurby Ave., Laguna, Gregorio, Apartado Nacional
Dauphin, Manitoba, Canada. 436, Bogota, Colombia, South Amer-
Kuhn, 0. B., 197 N. San Juan St., ica.
Lorna Linda, Calif. Laia (1), S.D.A. Mission, Wewak, Terri-
Kulak, J., Kamienica na Slasku 272, tory of New Guinea.
pow. Bielsko, Poland. Laing, A. D., 176 Orange Street,
Kulessa, E., Kamienica Na Slasku 272, Kingston, (Port Antonio), Jamaica,
pow. Bielsko, Poland. British West Indies.
Kulessa, J. (1), Hans-Sachs-Strasse 9, LaKay, D. lla Milner Road, North
(10b) Chemnitz, Soviet Zone, Ger- End, East London, South Africa.
many. Lake, W. W. R., Box 101, Yarnell,
Kum, C. A. (m). Box 223, Bridgetown, Ariz.
Barbados, British West Indies. Lakra, H. (1), S.D.A. Mission, P.O.
Kunio, L. (m), Ranen Mission, P.O. Box 4, Ranchi, B.N.R., India.
Kisii, Kenya, East Africa. Laloan, H. F., S.D.A. Mission, Ton-
Kunene, M. (I), Setebesi School, Eden- dano, Celebes, Indonesia.
dale, Natal, South Africa. Laloan, M. G., Naripan 63, Bandung,
Kung Ping Shan, S.D.A. Mission, Java, Indonesia.
Kangting (Tatsienlul. Sikang. China. Lalonga, Jeremiah (I), Mwami Mission,
Kungel, E. E., 1005 W. Crawford St., P.O. Fort Jameson, N.E. Rhodesia,
Dalton, Ga. Africa.
Kunihira, S. (1), 171 Amanuma 1- LaMarca, G. (I), via Tommaso Campa,
chome, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan. nella, 8, (Mergellina), Napoli, Italy,
Kuniya, Hide, 164 Onden 3-chome (2,3), Lam Kwok Wah (I), 83 Chun Tung
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Street, Hoihow, Hainan Island, China,
Kuniya, Hiroshi, 164 Onden 3-chome Lamb, H. C. (m), 677 Clarke Town,
(2,3), Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Nagpur, C. P., India,

Lamb, H. M. (1), 8 Cawnpore Road, Larrazabal, Luis (1), Correa Aereo 609,
Allahabad, India. Medellin, Colombia, South America.
Lamb, P. W. (1), 524 N. Jefferson, Larsen, B. A., Casilla 560, Lima, Peru,
Ionia, Mich. South America.
Lamb, Ruth S. (b), 1125 River St., Larsen, Borge (I), Svanevej 10, Copen-
Canon City, Colo. hagen N.V., Denmark.
Lampson, C. P. (1), South Lancaster, Larsen, C. A., Holmenkollveien 31,
Mass. Oslo, Norway.
Lamera, E. L., Box 241, Iloilo City, Larsen, C. E. (1), 1400 5th St., Wasco,
Philippines. Calif.
Lams, A., Mission Adventiste, Ambo- Larsen, F. M. 801A Mason St., Rhine-
hijatovo, Tananarive, Madagascar. lander, Wis.
Lanares, P., 5 Boulevard Longchamp, Larson, A. C. (m), New England San-
Marseille, France. itarium, Melrose 76, Mass.
Lands, E., 130 Boulevarde de l'Hopital, Larson, A. V., Apartado 1320, San
Paris 13e, France. Jose, Costa Rica, Central America.
Landeros, Daniel, Apartado 52, Villa- Larson, Alfrida P. (b), 4645 N. Main
hermosa, Tabasco, Mexico. St., Dayton 5, Ohio.
Landers, K., P.O. Indudutu, via Urn- Larson, L. J. (m), Spicer Missionary
zinto, Natal, South Africa. College, Aundh Road, Kirkee, Poona
Landis, C. C., Chico Clinic, Box 501, 3, India.
Chico, Calif. Larson, R. J. (1), Route 1, Box 890,
Landis, F. A. (m), Pacific Union Col- Escondido, Calif.
lege, Angwin, Calif. Larson, R. S., P.O. Box 1475, Hilo,
Lane, F. G., Route 1, Box 500, Escon- Hawaii, Territory Hawaii.
dido, Calif. Larson, Woodrow, Box 167, McMinn-
Lane, L. A. D. (1), 22 Zulla Road, ville, Tenn.
Mapperley Park, Nottingham, Eng- Larsson, John, Vasagatan 12, Goteborg,
land. Sweden.
Lane, L. E. A., 780 St. Albans Road, Lashier, F. A. (1), Loma Linda, Calif.
Watford, Herts., England. Lashier, G. C. (m), 604 Corwin Ave.,
Lang, C. A. (m), Collegedale, Tenn. Glendale, Calif.
Lang, R. W. (1), 62 Clotilde St., Mt. Lashier, G. K., 2940 S. Washington,
Lawley, West Australia, Australia. Englewood, Colo.
Langberg, T. M., 4980 Vine Ave., Ar- Lashier, H. M. (m), 370 Grove Ave.,
lington, Calif. Berrien Springs, Mich.
Lange, 0. W., 36 Park Street, Calcutta, Latham, W. L., 2812 Ruckle St., In-
India. dianapolis 5, Ind.
Lange, R., Kriegsstrasse 84, (17a) Lau, Albert (I), 12 Sam. Yuk Road,
Karlsruhe/Baden, American Zone, Tungshan, Canton, China.
Germany. Lauda, C. H., 1401 Pinecrest Ave., Char-
Lange, Richard (I), 2362 88th Ave., lotte, N.C.
Oakland 3, Calif. Lauda, E. R., Route 2, Box 167, Love-
Langenstrassen, E. (m), Caixa Postal, land, Colo.
2898, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer- Lauder, W. D., 84 The Boulevarde,
ica. Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus-
Langner, H. (I), Hans-Sachs-Strasse 9, tralia.
(10b) Chemnitz, Soviet Zone, Ger- Laue, H., Haydenstrasse 16, (10a) Dres-
many. den-A 16, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Langsford, E. A. R. (1), New Zealand Laue, R. W. (1), Box 692, Fort Meade,
Missionary College, Box 1, Longburn, Fla.
New Zealand. Laurence, J. H. 7017 Cedar Ave.,
Langworthy, L. R., 130 Lincoln Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio.
Gardiner, Maine. Laurence, J. Parker, 1067MI W. 5th St.,
Lankhorst J., van Lumeystraat 64, Marion, Ind.
The Hague, Netherlands. Laurence, J. P. (I), Takoma Acad-
Lanoix, Bossuet, Casier Postal S, Port- emy, Takoma Park, Washington 12,
au-Prince, Haiti, French West Indies. D.C.
Lanoix, Herodote (1), Casier Postal S.,
Port-Au-Prince, Haiti, French West Laursen, D. S. (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Indies. Jowai, Assam, India.
Lantry, J. H. (1), Box 1491, James- Lautaret, Enrique, Avda. Espana 851,
town, N. Dak. Corrientes, Argentina, South Amer-
Lapani (1), S.D.A. Mission, Wewak, ica.
New Guinea, Pacific Ocean. Lavanchy, F.,130 Boulevard de l'Hopi-
Larangeira, J. J. (m), Rua Joaquim tal, Parise, 3 France.
Bonifacio 17, Lisbon, Portugal. Lavanchy, J. (1), 8 Avenue de l'Eglise
Larmon, Louise (m), Wisconsin Acad- Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland.
emy, Columbus, Wis. Laweloa, Jope, S.D.A. Mission, Box
Larravide, Danton (I), Avda. Espana 297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
851, Corrientes, Argentina, South Lawrence, G. W., 600 N. Port St.,
America. Baltimore 5, M(1.

Lawrence, N. W., 1850 West 81st St., Lee, Mrs. Lucia H. (b), 495 Cherokee
Los Angeles, Calif. Ave., S.E., Atlanta, Ga.
Lawrence, W. P., 606 S. 3rd St., Lee, M. H. (1), S.P.A. Mission, Wai-
Grand Forks, N. Dak. chow, Kwangtung, China.
Lawrence, W. S., 6111/2 S. First Ave., Lee, Milton, P.O. Box 310, Hong Kong.
Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Lee Ming Dao (1), P.O. Box 310, Hong
Lawson, A. R. (1), 614 Linden Ave., Kong.
Middletown, N.Y. Lee Ming Ih (I), 12 Sam Yuk Road,
Lawson, T. C., 15 Trafalga Street, Tungshan, Canton, China.
Mont Albert, E. 10, Victoria, Aus- Lee Ming Ih, Mrs. (m), '12 Sam Yuk
tralia. Road, Tungshan, Canton, China.
Lawson, W. R. (m), 2621 Farnam St., Lee, Myrna C. (m), 312 North Boyle
Omaha 2, Nebr. Ave., Los Angeles 33, Calif.
Laxton, G. (1), New Zealand Missionary Lee Myun Tuk (1), S.P.A. Mission,
College, Longburn, New Zealand. 99 Hoi Ki Dong, Seoul, Korea.
Lay, William, Auburn Academy, Auburn, Lee, Paul (1), 526 Ningkuo Road,
Wash. Shanghai, China.
Layman, Adam F. (m), 4524 Parker Lee Ryu Sik (1), S.P.A. Mission, Out-
Ave., Sacramento, Calif. side East Gate, Seoul, Korea.
Layon, T. A., Cagayan, Oriental Mi- Lee, S. J., 526 Ningkuo Road, Shang
samis, Philippines. hai, China.
le Roux, J. S. (1), P.O. Box 7768, Lee, Solomon, 12 Sam Yuk Road, Tung_
Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Af- Shan, Canton, China.
rica. Lee, Mrs. Solomon (m), 12 Sam Yuk
Le van Ngo (I), Boite Postale 453, Road, Tungshan, Canton, China.
Saigon, Indo-China. Lee Su Liang, 526 Ningkuo Road,
Le van Ut (I), Boite Postale 453, Shanghai 19, China.
Saigon, Indo-China. Lee, T. C., 36 West Nanking Road,
Lea, Ruby E. (m), Collegdale, Tenn. Taipeh, Taiwan (Formosa).
Leach, B. E., 67 Runkle Ave., Ashta- Lee, W. S., 269 Leonox Ave., New York
bula, Ohio. 26, N.Y.
Leach, C. V., Route 3, Walker, W. Va. Leeder, S. T., 27 Esplanade Road, Mt.
Leach, R. W., 4907 Lowell Ave., Lincoln Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
6, Nebr. Leeper, J. S. (1), Box 743, Bozeman,
Leal, M., Rua Joaquim Bonifacio 17, Mont.
Lisbon, Portugal. Lefebvre, F. (1), 5 Boulevard d'Anvers,
Lebedoff, Mary (b), 756 W. 13th Ave., Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Leftrook, Nicholas (1), 3122 S. Logan,
Lebedoff, V. R., Casier Postal S., Port- Lansing, Mich.
au-Prince. Haiti, French West Indies. Lehman, E. Irvin, 927 E. 28th St.,
Le Butt, A. C., "St. Hilary," Eyre- National City, Calif.
monde Road, Plumstead, Cape Prov- Lehmann, G., Haydnstrasse 16, (10a)
ince, South Africa. Dresden-A 16, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Lecoultre, A., 130 Boulevard de l'Hopi- Lehnhoff, E. H., 3775 140th St., Cleve-
tal, Paris 13e, France. land 11, Ohio.
Lee, C. W., College Station, Berrien Lehnhoff, S. K., 919 Clifton Ave.,
Springs, Mich. Springfield, Ohio.
Lee, D. S. (m), Lorane Route, Cottage Lei, S. K. (1), 12 Sam Yuk Road, Tung-
Grove, Oreg. shan, Canton, China.
Lee, Earl, 421 3rd Ave., N., Payette Lei, T. M., P.O. Box 310, Hong Kong.
Idaho. Leichner, Daniel (m), Avda. Espana
Lee, Frederick, Review and Herald, 851, Corrientes, Argentina, South
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C. America.
Lee, Mrs. G. A. (m), P.O. Box 310, Leigh, J. B., P.O. Box 26, Bo, Sierra
Hong Kong. Leone, West Africa.
Lee Gwang Hsin, S.D.A. Mission, Out- Leiske. A. A., 14829 Penrod, Detroit
side West Gate, Sian, Shenshi, China. 23, Mich.
Lee, H. B. (I), S.D.A. Mission, Da Chi Leiske, L. J., 1081 Marion St., Denver,
Gou, Chungking, Szechwan, China. Colo.
Lee, H. M., Lorane Route, Cottage Leitzke, Artur (1), Caixa Postal 378,
Grove, Oreg. Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, South
Lee Hai Sung (I), S.D.A. Mission, 99 America.
Hoi Ki Dong, Seoul, Korea. Leitzke, Waldemar, Caixa Postal 1830,
Lee Hung Sung (1), S.P.A. Mission, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Nanning, Kwangsi, China. Lejnieks, R. A., cio P. Gorbenko,
Lee, James M. (1), Box 43, Seoul, Korea. Arelee, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Lee, J. F. (m), 619 Woodland Park, Leland, J. A., Box 496, Clearlake High-
Chicago 16, Ill. lands, Calif.
Lee Kwang Cheng (1), S.D.A. Mission, Leland, J. A. (in), P.O. Box 401, Ma-
Hsuchow, Kiangsu, China. nila, Philippines.
Lee, L. C., 2809 Palmer Ave., New Lemon, E. A., 18 Burgess Court,
Orleans, La. Sumter, S.C.

Lemon, Philip F. (I), Boite Postale 3, Lewis, R. G. (1), 13201/2 Stanley Ave.,
Kongolo, Belgian Congo, Africa. Glendale 6, Calif.
Lemon, Rachel May (b), 711 Pleasant Lewis, W. H., Box 221, Port-of-Spain,
Road, San Antonio, Texas. Trinidad, British West Indies.
Leng, Y. S. (m), S.D.A. MiSsion, Leytes, Mateo, Calle V. Vergara 3227,
Kiukiang, Kiangsi, China. Florida, F.C.N. Gral, Bme. Mitre,
Lengalenga, Peter, Sala Mission, P.O. Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. America.
Lenheim, L. E., 310 Grove Ave., Ber- Li Chang Hwa (I), S.D.A. Mission,
rien Springs, Mich. Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China.
Lennox, W. M., 22 Zulla Road, Map- Li Chi Feng (1), S.D.A. Mission, Da
parley Park, Nottingham, England. Chi Gou, Chungking, Szechwan,
Lenoir, R., 11-13, rue Ernest Allard, China.
Brussels, Belgium. Li Chi Wen (I), S.P.A. Mission, 11 Pei
Lenz, 0. F. (m), Plainview Academy, Yueh Ya Hutung, Peiping, China.
Redfield, S. Dak. Li Chuen An, S.D.A. Mission, Chengtu,
Lenz, W. 0., 510 Belmont, La Junta, Szechwan, China.
Colo. Li Chun Hsiu (1), 36 Fu Hsi Chieh,
Lenzi, 0., Nussdorferstrasse 5, Vienna Taiyuan, Shansi, China.
IX, Austria. Li Deh Hain (1), S.D.A. Mission, Chien
Leon, Merardo, Casilla 326, Temuco, Ling Road, Kweiyang, Kweichow,
Chile, South America. China.
Leon, Miguel, Apartado 30, Camaguey, Li Deng Ren (1), 44 Fu Tzen St.,
Cuba. Changsha, Hunan, China.
Leon, P. P. (1), Casilla 85, Puno, Li Gwang Ren, 44 Fu Tzen St., Chang-
Peru, South America. sha, Hunan, China.
Leopold, Peter (1), P.O. Box 34, Jessel- Li, H. T., 47 Huang Shih Ta Chieh,
ton, Colony of North Borneo. Mukden 4, Manchuria, China.
Lesher, W. R. (1), Box 342, Morrisville, Li Hsiao Fa (1), Ta Tung Lu, Dao Li,
Vt. Harbin, Manchuria, China.
Lesiasel, A. L. (1), Naripan 63, Ban- Li Huan Ming (1), S.P.A. Mission, 11
dung, Java, Indonesia. Pei Yueh Ya Hutung, Peiping, China.
Leskien, F., August-Bebel-Strasse 39, Li Su Liang (I), 526 Ningkuo Road,
(3a) Rostock, Soviet Zone, Germany. Shanghai, China.
Leslie, J. D., Route 1, Box 290, Yu- Li Teng Fong (I). S.D.A. Mission, Huei
caipa, Calif. Chia Tau, Swatow, Kwangtung,
Lesovsky, W., Freumbichlerweg 22, China.
Salzburg, Austria. Li Tien Fu (1), S.D.A. Mission, Da Chi
Lessner, N. A., 1223 Dartmouth Ave., Gou, Chungking, Szechwan, China.
S.W., Canton 10, Ohio. Li Tien Hsi (1), S.D.A. Mission, Out-
Lester, J. H., 303 S. Wheatland Ave., side West Gate, Sian, Shensi, China.
Columbus, Ohio. Li Wan Chuen, S.D.A. Mission, Da Chi
Lester, W. E. (1), 2341 Avenue 0, Gou, Chungking, Szechwan, China.
Birmingham, Ala. Li Yu Ting (1), 1 Ren Min Road, Lan-
Lethbridge, A. W. (1), Stanborough chow, Kansu, China.
Park, Watford, Herts., England. Liang Kwei San (1), 1 Ho Ping Jieh,
Leung, H. S., P. 0. Box 310, Hong Ninghsia, China.
Kong. Liang Nai To, 526 Ningkuo Road,
Leung Man Chiu (m), 12 Sam Yuk Shanghai, China.
Road, Tungshan, Canton, China. Liang Rei Ho, P.O. Box 341, Muk-
Leung Noi To, S.D.A. Mission, Ku- den, Manchuria, China.
langsu, Amoy, China. Liang Shui Sen (1), 44 Fu Tzen St.,
Leung, P. H. (1), 12 Sam Yuk Road, Changsha, Hunan, China.
Tungshan, Canton, China. Lianga, Alex (I), S.D.A. Mission, Ba-
Leupowics, B. (I), Kamienica na Slasku tuna, Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Is-
272, pow. Bielsko, Poland. lands, Pacific Ocean.
Levy, Emilie (b), 16 Av. de Koubbeh, Libby, R. H. 2713 Cylburn Ave., Bal-
Heliopolis, Egypt. timore 15, Md.
Lichy, J., Tr. Marsala Malinovskeho
Lewa, Laitia, (1), S.D.A. Mission, Box 24a, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia.
297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Lickey, A. E., 1872 Mayfair Drive East,
Lewis, Mrs. Myrta K. (m), 200 Flower Fresno, Calif.
Ave., Takoma Park, Washington 12, Lickey, Arthur R. (1), Route 2, Poplar
D.C. Bluff, Mo.
Lewis, J. R., Stanborough Park, Lickey, C. F., 1203 El Tejon, Oildale,
Watford, Herts., England. Calif.
Lewis, M. D., Keene, Texas. Lickey, C. R., 1350 15th St., Columbus,
Lewis, P. M., Grove Avenue, Clare- Ga.
mont, Cape Province, South Africa. Lidner, V. A., 43-11 64th St., Woodside,
Lewis, R. (m), Riverside Sanitarium, Long Island, N.Y.
800 Young's Lane, Nashville, Tenn. Lie, Alfred (1), Parkgaten 35, Tromso,
Lewis, R. B. (1), Angwin, Calif. Norway.

Lie, 0. S., Bergjelandsgaten 45, Stav- Lindberg, Beige, Vasagatan 12, Gote-
anger, Norway. borg, Sweden.
Liebelt, A. H. (1), Triangle Trailer Linde, G. (1), Tunnelgatan 25, Stock-
Camp, Keokuk, Iowa. holm, Sweden.
,Liebelt, B. .J., 2822 12th St., Great Linden, Ingemar (1), Tunnelgatan 25,
Bend, Kan. Stockholm, Sweden.
Liebhardt, L. (1), Kegl Gyorgy utca Lindo, S. G., "Hazelrigg," Mandeville,
5 sz., Szekesfehervar, Hungary. Jamaica, British West Indies.
Liem, Daniel, 140 Bukit Bintang Road, Lindquist, C. A., Chamberlain, S. Dak.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaya. Lindquist, G. E., 2937 N.W. Park, Okla-
Lien, A. C., 34 Maro Drive, San Jose homa City, Okla.
12, Calif. Lindavist, Oscar, Caixa Postal 810,
Lien, G. M., 3813 Zenith Ave. North, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, South Amer-
Minneapolis, Minn. ica.
Lievano, Louis A., Apartado Aereo 4979, Lindsay, G. A., 41 Hazel Gardens, Edg-
Bogota, Colombia, South America. ware, Middlesex, England.
Lightball, B. W., 1615 Broad St., Lindsay, N. A. (1), Box 11, Sylacauga,
Bristol, Tenn. Ala.
Lighthall, W. J., 3525 Highland Ave., Lindsay, V., 514 19th Ave., N., Nash-
Meridian, Miss. ville, Tenn.
Lightner, Charles, 2625 Charles St., Lindsey, Harold A., 610 Del Monte St.,
Omaha, Nebr. Pasadena 3, Calif.
Likiveki, S.D.A. Mission, Batuna, Ma- Lindsey, Mrs. Rose L. (b), 1564 Tre-
rovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands, Pa- mont. St., Cincinnatti 14, Ohio.
cific Ocean. Lindsjo, Holger (1), Theological Sem-
Liligeto, S.D.A. Mission, Honiara, Solo- inary, Takoma Park, Washington 12,
mon Islands, Pacific Ocean. D. C.
LiIlas, B. (1), Annankatu 7, Helsinki, Lindt, S. H., P.O. Box 310, Hong Kong.
Finland. Lindup, R. (1), 162 Gordon Road,
Lillback, Ernst (I), Annegatan 7, Hel- Durban, Natal, South Africa.
singf ors, Finland. Ling, B. H. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Foo-
Lilley, H. C. (1), 24 Fusting Ave., chow, China.
Baltimore 28, Md. Ling Ben Shan, 36 West Nanking Road,
Lillie, C. P., Altamont, Tenn. Taipeh, Taiwan, (Formosa).
Lima, Dermival S. (m), Caixa Postal, Ling Ging Djong (1), S.D.A Mission,
Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, South Foochow, China.
America. Lingel, H. (1), Hans-sachs-Strasse 9,
Lima, D. S. (I), Caixa Postal 243, (10b) Chemnitz, Soviet Zone, Ger-
Manaos, Amazonas, Brazil, South many.
America. Lingenfelter, C. L., 350 Lambuth Ave.,
Lima, Durval S., Caixa Postal 146, Oakdale, Calif.
Campo Grande, Mato Grosso, Brazil, Linhares, Joao, Caixa Postal 1830, Sao
South America. Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Lima, S. (I), Caixa Postal 198, Cidade Link, R. W. (1), 1912 Vine St.. Van-
do Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, South couer, British. Columbia, Canada.
America. Linker, R. (1), Herzogstrasse 94 IV,
Lima, Timoteo, Majita Mission, P.O. (22a) Deusseldorf, British Zone, Ger-
Musoma, Tanganyika, East Africa. many.
Lima, W. S. (1), Caixa Postal 656, Linton, J. F. R, (1), P. 0. Chisekesi
Belem, Para, Brazil, South America. Siding, Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
Limerick, P. E., Laurelwood Academy, Linthwaite, R. F. (m), New England
Route 2, Gaston, Oreg. Sanitarium, Melrose 76, Mass.
Limon, Vicente (1), Calle 9 Poniente Linzau, A. H., Casier Postal 65, Cay-
No. 1702, Puebla, Puebla, Mexico. enne, French Guiana, South America.
Lin, David, 526 Ningkuo Road, Shang- Lipke, Berta (m), Caixa Postal 1830,
hai, China. Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Lin Han. Ching, S.D.A. Mission, Cheng- Lippart, J. E. (1), Oak Park Academy,
tu, Szechwan, China. Nevada, Iowa.
Lin Li Dzai (1), S.D.A. Mission, Cheng- Lippincott, Mrs. Lillian (b), Box 473,
tu, Szechwan, China. St. Albans, W. Va.
Lin Yu Liang (1), 185 Wei I Lu Lippolis, G. L., Lungotevere Michel-
Tsinan, Shangtung, China. angelo 7, Rome, Italy.
Lind, Alice (m), P. 0. Box 145, Addis Lipski, J. (1), Kamienica na Slasku 272,
Ababa, Ethiopia. pow. Bielsko, Poland.
Lind, M. E., P.O. Box 22, Fort Portal, Liscombe, G. W., Box 831, Mt. Vernon,
Uganda, East Africa. Ohio.
Lind, Walter, 4322 Park Blvd., Oak- Lista, Adolfo (m), Avda. Italia 2360,
land 10, Calif. Montevideo, Uruguay, South America.
Lindbeck, L. H., 57 Maplewood Ave., Litke, Richard (I), Walla Walla College,
Hempstead, N. Y. College Place, Wash.
Lindberg, C., Vasagatan 12, Goteborg, Litster, J. G. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw-
Sweden. thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia.

Litster, W. G. (1), 8 Yarra St. Haw- Loasby, Mrs. A. Bernice (m), Wash-
thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia. ington Sanitarium, Takoma Park,
Litster, W. R. (I), 8 Yarra St., Haw- Washington 12, D.C.
thorn, E. 2. Victoria, Australia. Loasby, R. E., 913 Hadden Drive, Ta-
Litwinenco, J. A., Max, N. Dak. koma Park, Washington 12, D. C.
Liu Chang Li, P.O. Box 341, Mukden, Lobo, J. P, (m), Rua Lopes Trovao 84,
Manchuria, China. Niteroi, Estado do Rio, Brazil, South
Liu Chi Lien (1), Ta Tung Lu, Dao Li, America.
Harbin, Manchuria, China. Lock, W. N., Box 1011 J, Adelaide,
Liu Djung Gwang, 44 Fu Tzen Street, South Australia, Australia.
Changsha, Hunan, China. Locke, 0. F., 408 Darwin Drive, Buf-
Liu Dz Shih (1). S.D.A. Mission, Da falo 21, N.Y.
Chi Gou, Chungking, Szechwan, China. Locken, J. B., Route 2, Lakeland, Fla.
Liu Djen-Bang, S.D.A. Mission, Lo- Lockert, A. J., General Delivery, Vista,
wanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. Calif.
Liu Fu An, S.D.A. Mission, 185 Wei Lockett, Edgar A., 277 Tarrytown Road,
I Lu, Tsinan, Shantung, China. White Plains, N. Y.
Liu Fu Ning, 62 Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Lockwood, Marion, 623 N. 13th St.,
Peiping, China. Garden City, Kan.
Liu, H. M. (I), 17 Li Hwang Pei Road, Lockwood, W. P., 461 Emerson Drive,
Hankow 7, Hupeh, China. Lexington, Ky.
Liu, Herbert, 526 Ningkuo Road, Shang- Lodahl, R. A. (1), 38 Caroline Road,
hai, China. Kalispell, Mont.
Liu Hsiao Tien, S.D.A. Mission, Wen- Lodge, H. M., 103 Washington St.,
chow, Chekiang, China. Reno, Nevada.
Liu Mao Shin (1), 1 Ren Min Road, Loe, Ivar K. (1), 530-B 46th St., Oak-
Lanchow, Kansu, China. land, Calif.
Liu Pu Tung (1), 526 Ningkuo Road, Lieppke, I. A. (1), Box 2065, Anchor-
Shanghai, China. age, Alaska.
Liu, Sunny (1), W-1025 Indiana Ave. Loeser, E. (I), Hans-Sachs-Strasse 9,
Spokane, Wash. (10b) Chemnitz, Soviet Zone, Ger-
Liu Tsen Kwang, 17 Li Hwang Pei many.
Road, Hankow 7, Hupeh, China. Loewen, G. H., 720 Virginia St., Man-
Liu Tsung Ho (1), 1 Ren MM Road, teca, Calif.
Lanchow, Kansu, China. Loewen, M. E., Box 831, Mt. Vernon,
Liu Wei An (1), Shensi Mission of Ohio.
S.D.A., Outside West Gate, Sian, Logan, E. (I), Stanborough Park, Wat-
Shensi, China. ford, Herts., England.
Liu Yung Chang (1), 11 Pei Yueh Ya Logan, H. (I), Stanborough Park, Wat-
Hutung, Peiping, China. ford, Herts., England.
Liukkonen, V. (1), Annankatu 7, Hel- Logan, R. E., 2409 Walker Ave.,
sinki, Finland. Greensboro, N. C.
Livengood, A. D., 1452 W. Water St., Logue, E. M. (I), Box 10113, Adelaide,
Elmira, N.Y. South Australia, Australia.
Livingston, J. D., 810 Houston Ave., Lohne, Alf, Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Nor-
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. way.
Ljung, Arne (1), Vasagatan 12, Gote- Lohner, R., Nussdorferstrasse 5, Vienna
borg, Sweden. IX, Austria.
Llaguno, R., Cagayan, Oriental Misa- Lahr, Herbert (1), 14 James St.,
mis, Philippines. Pontiac, Mich.
Lloyd, Ernest, Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Londa, A., S.D.A. Mission, Celebes,
Mountain View, Calif. Indonesia.
Lloyd, Mrs. Marjorie Lewis (b), 5435 Lonergan, L. H. (m), College of Med-
Claremont, Oakland 9, Calif. ical Evangelists, Loma Linda, Calif.
Lo Dzi Djung (I), S.D.A. Mission, Long, A., Lungotevere Michelangelo 7,
Kiukiang, Kiangsi, China. Rome, Italy.
Lo Hing So (1), P.O. Box 310, Hong Long, A. C., 575 E. Amherst, Engle-
Kong. wood, Colo.
Lo Ka Chung (m), 12 Sam Yuk Road, Long, C., Box 79, Woodroffe, Ontario,
Tungshan, Canton, China. Canada.
Lo, T. N., S.D.A. Mission, Huei Chia Long, M. L., Aldersyde, Alberta,
Tau, Swatow, Kwangtung, China. Canada.
Lo, T. T. (I), P.O. Box 310, Hong Longacre, C. S., 102 Park Avenue,
Kong. Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Lo Wai On, P.O. Box 310, Hong Kong. Longway, E. L., P.O. Box 310, Hong
Lo Yeuh Chin (1), S.D.A. Mission, Kong.
Kiukiang, Kiangsi, China. Loo, Annie (m), S.D.A. Mission, Wai-
Lo Yun Chiao (1), S.D.A. Mission, chow, Kwangtung, China.
Chien Ling Road, Kweiyang, Kei- Loomer, L. E., 1833 Medford St., To-
chow, China. peka, Kan.

Loosen, C., Isartalstrasse 40, (13b) Ludden, H. B. (m), 171 Amanuma

Munich 5, Bavaria, American Zone, 1-chome, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Germany. Ludewig, M., Kriegsstrasse 84, (17a)
Loots, J. L., 4011/ Central Ave., Loma Karlsruhe/Baden, American Zone,
Linda, Calif. Germany.
Lopanda, P. (1), P.O. Malamulo, Nyasa- Ludgate, T. K., Helderberg College, Box
land, Africa. 22, Somerset West, Cape Province,
Lopez, Esteban (1), Casilla 240, Iquitos, South Africa.
Peru. South America. Ludington, D. C. (1), Collegedale, Tenn.
Lopez, M. C. (1), 1314 So. Myrtle Ave., Ludington, L. G. (m), 56 Maitrichitr
Monrovia, Calif. Road, Bangkok, Thailand.
Lorenz, J. D., 3636 Mariella St., Ludington, Mrs. L. G. (m), 56 Mait-
Riverside, Calif. richitr Road, Bangkok, Thailand.
Lorenz, W., Kriegsstrasse 84, (17a) Ludwig, G., Kurfuerstenstrasse 91,
Karlsruhe/Baden, American Zone, (21a) Bielefeld, British Zone, Ger-
Germany. many.
Lorntz, E. J., Takoma Park, Washing- Ludwig G., Caixa Postal ;33, Vi-
ton 12, D. C. toria, Espirito Santo, Brazil, South
Losey, L. B., College Place, Wash. America.
Lotawa, Joeli (1), Box 297, Suva, Fiji, Ludwig, W. H., 100 Wyoming Ave.,
Pacific Ocean. Fort Pierce, Fla.
Lotudonu, Pareniki, S.D.A. Mission, Lueftner, E., Kurfuerstenstrasse 91,
Box 297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. (21a) Bielefeld, British Zone, Ger-
Louis, S. 0. J. (1), 62 Clotilde St., Mt. many.
Lawley, West Australia, Australia. Lugoi, Tito (m), Majita Mission, P.O.
Lourinho, M., Caixa Postal No. 3, Nova Musoma, Tanganyika, East Africa.
Lisboa, Angola, Portuguese West Af- Luk Yau Hing (m), 12 Sam Yuk Road,
rica. Tungshan, Canton, China.
Loutzenhiser, D. R., 2511 E. Chevy Luke (1), S.D.A. Mission, Madang, Ter-
Chase, Glendale 6, Calif. ritory of New Guinea, Pacific Ocean.
Lovas, G., Tr. Marsala Malinoyskeho Luke, H. H. (1), P. 0. Box 310, Hong
24a, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. Kong.
Liveless, W. C., 2414 W. Gordon, Spo- Lukele, A. (1), 114 15th Avenue,
kane, Wash. Alexandria, Transvaal, South Africa.
Loveless, William A. (1), 2414 W. Gor- Lukens, Melvin, 3715 Cherrywood Ave.,
don, Spokane, Wash. Los Angeles 18, Calif.
Lovell, V. P., 180 Grove Ave., Berrien Lukens, T. R. (m), College Wood Pro-
Springs, Mich. ducts, La Grange, Ill.
Low, K. (1), 84 The Boulevarde, Strath- Lumentut, J. W., Tandjung Anom 3,
field, New South Wales, Australia. Soerabaja, Java, Indonesia.
Lowe, A. ( 1), 84 The Boulevarde, Lund, A. 0., 5500 W. Kammerling Ave.,
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Chicago 51. Ill.
tralia. Lundquist, Eric (m), Angwin, Calif.
Lowe, C. H. (1), 2123 Tyler, Amarillo, Lundquist, H. B., Apartado 50, General
Texas. Peraza, Havana, Cuba.
Lowe, D. R. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Map- Lundstrom, S., Vasagatan 12, Gote-
parley Park, Nottingham, England. borg. Sweden.
Lowe, H. W., Takoma Park, Washing- Lunt, R. E., 601 W. 10th, Mt. Pleasant,
ton 12, D. C. Texas.
Lowry, Mrs. Bertha (in), Spicer Mis- Lupahla, J., P. 0. Lower Gwelo, South-
sionary College, Aundh Road, Kirkee, ern Rhodesia, Africa.
Poona 3, India. Lupande, Solomon (1), Bikobo Hill
Lowry, M. E., Box 243, Sault Ste. Marie, Mission, B. P. 3, Kongolo, Congo
Mich. Beige, Africa.
Lowry, Morris (1), Southwestern Junior Lupke, G., Koblenzer Strasse 3, (1)
College, Keene, Tex. Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sector,
Lowry, R. S., P.O. Box 15, Poona 1, Germany.
India. Lupke, S., Koblenzer Strasse 3, (1)
Loyola, I. (I), Caixa Postal 1919, Rio Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sector,
de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Germany.
Lu Shou Dao (I), 86 North Gate Street, Lusk, W. A., 602 23rd Ave., Greeley,
Kunming, Yunnan, China. Colorado.
Lubschina, F., Freumbichlerweg 22, Lusky, R., Haydnstrasse 16, (10a) Dres-
Salzburg, Austria. den-A 16, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Lucas, H. G., 1930 Academy Place, Lutz, E. L. (1), Loma Linda, Calif.
Glendale 6, Calif. Lutz, E. E., Jr., Box 1991, Wichita,
Lucas, M. (m), 399 Upper Serangoon Kan.
Road, Singapore 13, Colony of Singa- Lutz, 0., Charlottenstrasse 24, (24a)
pore. Hamburg 19, British Zone, Germany.
Lucas, T. E., Takoma Park, Washing- Luukko, E., Vasagatan 12, Goteburg,
ton 12, D. C. Sweden.

Luwani, W. (I), P.O. Box 51, Blantyre, MacMorland, R. B. (m), 65 Walnut

Nyasaland, Africa. St., Berrien Springs, Mich.
Lyman, L. E., 1104 E. LaCrosse, Spo- MacMorland, Mrs. Wanda (m), 65
kane, Wash. Walnut St., Berrien Springs, Mich.
Lynch, H. E. A., S.D.A. Mission, P. 0. Macpherson, W. E., 312 N. Boyle Ave.,
Box 26, Bo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. Los Angeles 33, Calif.
Lynes, C. A., 1716 W. Chestnut St., Maddox, Harold (m), South Lancaster,
Louisville, Ky. Mass.
Lysinger, H. E., 656 Waldo Street, S.E., Madikalo, Amosi (1), Songa Mission,
Atlanta, Ga. Boite Postale Kamina, Congo Beige,
Lysinger, M. E. (1), Apartado 30, Africa.
Camaguey, Cuba. Madgwick, G. A. S. (m), Nokuphila
Hospital, Western Native Township,
M Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Af-
Madgwick, W. R. A., Stanborough
Ma Hsiu Chuen (1), Shensi Mission of
Outside West Gate, Sian, Park, Watford, Herts., England.
Shensi, China. Madhu, S. C. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Go-
Maas, E. R., Union College, Lincoln 6, palganj, Faridpur District, Pakistan.
Nebr. Madison, D. H., Box 265, Scottsbluff,
Maattanen, 0., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- Nebr.
holm, Sweden. Madsen, A. C., La Sierra Station,
Maberly, A. (1), 37 O'Connell Terrace, Box 165, Arlington, Calif.
Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Maeda, J. (1), 3 Nakajimadori 2-chome,
Australia. Fukiai-ku, Kobe, Japan.
Maberly, F. T. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Maes, J., 11-13, rue Ernest Allard,
Madang, Territory of New Guinea. Brussels, Belgium.
Mabgejuga, Stefano (I), Ndora Mis- Mafuru, Ezekiel, Utimbaru Mission, P.
sion, via Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, 0. Musoma, Tanganyika Territory,
Belgian East Africa. East Africa.
Mabuti, Job, Nteme Mission, P.O. Magalela, W. K. (1), "The Willows,"
Monze, Rhodesia, Africa. P.O. Sterkspruit, via Herschel, Cape
Macasiano, A. G., P. 0. Box 39, Lu- Province, South Africa.
cena, Quezon, Philippines. Maggiolini, M. (1), Lungotevere Michel-
Macauley, A. W., Box 1011-J, Adelaide, angelo 7, Rome, Italy.
South Australia, Australia. Magi, Edward, 175-18 93rd Ave., Jam-
Macdonald, C. (1), P. 0. Box 573, aica 3, N. Y.
Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Magobola, J.,P. 0. Lower Gwelo,
MacDougall, F. J. H. (1), S.D.A. Mis- Southern hodesia, Africa.
sion, Boite 95, Papeete, Tahiti, So- Magnusson, A. E., Box 27, Hamilton,
ciety Islands, Pacific Ocean. New South Wales, Australia.
Mace, Mrs. Grace D. (in), 810 Green- Magutsha, C. (1), Private Bag 189T
wood Ave., Takoma Park, Washing- Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Af-
ton 12, D.C. rica.
MacGuire, Meade, Box 581, Sonora,
Calif. Magsalin, P. S., P. 0. Box 39, Lucena,
Machado, 0. V. (m), Caixa Postal 1830, Quezon, Philippines.
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Magunda, Petro, (1), Majita Mission,
Machai, Eduardo, Caixa Postal 33, P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika Territory,
Vila Luso, Angola, Portuguese West East Africa.
Africa. Mahieux, Gilberte (m), P.O. Box 327,
Maclntyre, A. (m), Box 398, Oshawa, Elizabethville, Congo Beige, Africa.
Ontario, Canada. Mahlantini, Jack, Matabele Settlement,
MacIvor, C. R. (1), Review and Herald, P.O. Monze, Northern Rhodesia, Af-
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. rica.
MacKenzie, Mrs. Nan (b), 4361 Howe Mahon, J. (1), Stanborough Park, Wat-
St., Oakland 11, Calif. ford, Herts., England.
Mackett, C. H., P. 0. Box 468, Bloem- Mahurin, Angie I. (m), 4547 Calvert
fontein, Orange Free State, South St., Lincoln 6, Nebr.
Mackett, W. C. (I), Vincent Hill Col- Mai, G., Koblenzer Strasse 3, (1) Berlin_
lege, Mussoorie, United Provinces, Wilmersdorf, British Sector, Germany.
India. Maier, E., Boehmerstrasse 13, (16)
Mackey, Odell (1), 144 14th Court, Frankfurt/Main, American Zone,
West Birmingham, Ala. Germany.
Mackintosh, D. 1019 Thomas Road, Maier, K., Boehmerstrasse 13, (16)
Glen Burnie, Md. Frankfurt/Main, American Zone,
MacLafferty, G. M., Box 4037, Hono- Germany.
lulu 12, Hawaii. Mainza, Jam (1), Demu Mission, P.O.
MacMillan, Mrs. Bessie (b), 2026A Pemba, Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
E. Chevy Chase Dr., Glendale 6, Majeed, Salim (1), 444/1 Rashid Street,
Calif. Baghdad, Iraq.

Makanta, Yohana, Suji Mission, P. 0. Mannesmann, A., Kurfuerstenstrasse 91,

Makanya, Via Moshi, Tanganyika (21a) Bielefeld, British Zone, Ger-
Territory, East Africa. many.
Makawa, Bennet (1), P.O. Tekerani, Manongo, J. (1), Dimbwe Mission, Pri-
Nyasaland, Africa. vate Bag, Livingstone, Northern Rho-
Makendi, J. A. (1), P. 0. Box 19, desia, Africa.
Ibadan, Nigeria, West Africa. Manoram, Charles, Box 66, Port-of-
Malachi (1), S.D.A. Mission, Aore, New Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies.
Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. Manovaki, S.D.A. Mission, Wewak, Ter-
Maldonado, T. (m), Apartado 3005, ritory of New Guinea, Pacific Ocean.
Santurce, Puerto Rico. Manry, E. A., Route 1, Box 188, Avon
Malinki, James, Rusangu Mission, P.O. Park, Fla.
Chisekesi, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Mansell, Don (1), Route 2, Box 2214,
Malinki, Joseph, P.O. Katima Mulilo, Paradise, Calif.
via Sesheke, Northern Rhodesia, Af- Mansell, E. P., Munguluni Mission,
rica. P.O. Mocuba, Dist. de Quilemane,
Maliro, Ered, P.O. Box 51, Blantyre, Portuguese East Africa.
Nyasaland, Africa. Mansell, L. R., 1147 Howbert Ave.,
Mallernee, V. N., Murphys, Calif. Roanoke, Va.
Mallory, J. B., Route 1, Box 84, Gor- Mansker, W. K., West 7th Extension,
donsville, Va. Frederick, Md.
Malobala, W. (1), Sala Mission, P. 0. Manuel, A. (1), "Foi Cotta," Tinne-
Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. velly, Palamcottah District, India.
Maloney, M. A., 154 Clinton St., Brook- Manuel, B. E., Philmont, Va.
lyn 2, N. Y. Manuel, P. W., Box 175, Port-of-Spain,
Maloney, V. J., 5746 Dwinnel, Houston, Trinidad, British West Indies.
Texas. Manuel, R. G. (m), New England San-
Malowa, Jim (1), P.O. Tekerani, Nyasa- itarium, Melrose 76. Mass.
land, Africa. Manuel, S. V. (1), P.O. Box 2494,
Malqued, Bernardo Q., P.O. Box 17, Manila, Philippines.
Baguio, Mt. Province, Philippines. Manulland, T. D., Naripan 63, Ban-
Malty, Miguel (1), Caixa Postal 2898, dung, Java, Indonesia.
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Manullang, U. H., Pematang Siantar,
Mamani, Ignacio (I), Casilla 771, Co- Sumatra, Indonesia.
chabamba, Bolivia, South America. Manyori, Phineas (I), D/S Lulua-
Mamora, A., Naripan 63, Bandung, bourg, Congo Beige, Africa.
Java, Indonesia. Maobe, E. (1), P.O. Box 273, Mombasa,
Manalaysay, R. G. (m), P.O. Box 401, Kenya, East Africa.
Manila, Philippines. Maposa, Philemon (1), P. 0. Lower
Mananirina, Antoine (1), Mission Ad- Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
ventiste, Ambohijatovo, Tananarive, Maquera, Anselmo, Casilla 85, Puno,
Madagascar. Peru, South America.
Manaserian, G. (1), Avenue Pahlevi Maracle, C. G., Box 398, Oshawa, On-
2075, Tehran, Iran. tario, Canada.
Mande, Abel (1), B. P. Kamina, Congo Marais, W., Cancele Mission, Private
Beige, Africa. Bag, Mount Frere, East Grigualand,
Mandias, K., S.D.A. Mission, Tondano, South Africa.
Celebes, Indonesia. Marchus, D. C., 447 Linares, San
Manea, M., Strada Eduard Grand 25, Antonia, Texas.
Bucuresti II, Rumania. Marcolla, J., Londynska 30, Praha-
Manembu, J. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Ton- Vinohrady, Czechoslovakia.
dano, Celebes, Indonesia. Mareta, Ngatama (1), Box 31, Raro-
Manful, W. L. (m), 403 4th Ave., tonga, Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean.
S.E., Puyallup, Wash. Margarido, Manoel, Caixa Postal 2898,
Mang'ich, Nikolao, Kamagambo Train- Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
ing School, P. 0. Kisii, Via Kisumu, Mariera, S. (1), Nyanchwa Mission,
Kenya Colony, East Africa. P.O. Kisii, Kenya, East Africa.
Mangold, Noel (m), Casilla 85, Puno, Mark, Mrs. Fae (b), 437 East Ave.,
Peru, South America. Bridgeport, Conn.
Mangero, H. M. (1), Tandjung Anom 3, Marks, Arlene (m), College Station,
Soerabaja, Java, Indonesia. Berrien Springs, Mich.
Mangold, Santiago, Calle V. Vergara Marinescu, N., Strada Regina Maria
3227, Florida F.C.N. Gral. Bme. Mitre, No. 12, Bacau, Rumania.
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Marley, E. L., Jr., 216 Dupont Drive,
America. Greenville, S.C.
Mangwendi, Silas (1), P. 0. Lower Marley, E. L., Sr., 700 Richton Ave.,
Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Sheffield, Ala.
Mankayi, D. D., Cancele Mission, Pri- Marnella, Mrs. Viola (m), 397 N. 12th
vate Bag, Mount Frere, East Grigua- St., San Jose, Calif.
land, South Africa. Marquat, Luiz (m), Caixa Postal 177,
Manley, M. 0., 68 U Wisara Road, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul,
Rangoon, Burma. Brazil, South America.

Marple, A. C., 3024 Simpson St., Nor- Masengbu (1), S.D.A. Mission, Aore,
folk, Va. Santo, New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean.
Marrero, Antonio, Apartado 3005, San- Masibau (1), S.D.A. Mission, Madang,
turce, Puerto Rico. New Guinea, Pacific Ocean.
Marriott, G. E., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Masih Dayal (I), S.D.A. Mission, Mush_
E. 2, Victoria, Australia. taq Manzil, Moradabad, U. P., India.
Marsa, Leonard J., Route 2, Rochester, Masina, D., P.O. Box 34, Dundee, Natal,
South Africa.
Marsh, F. L. (m), 395 Grove Ave., Masio, C. (m), Gendia Mission, P.O.
Lincoln 6, Nebr. Kisumu, Kenya, East Africa.
Marsh, J. 0., 1707 Simkin St., Nash- Masilamoni, J. P. (1), P.O. Box 20,
ville, Tenn. Bangalore, India.
Marsh, Veda Sue (m), Walla Walla Masiva (1), S.D.A. Mission, Madang,
College, College Place, Wash. Territory of New Guinea, Pacific
Marshall, B. C. (1), 1409 Pinecrest Ocean.
Ave., Charlotte, N.C. Masokomya, Fares (1), Majita Mission,
Marshall, J. D., 3329-C Woodlawn Ave., P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika Territory,
Honolulu 14, Hawaii. East Africa.
Marshall, J. S., Paradise Valley San- Mason, J. T., Jr. (1), Box 1311, Meri-
itarium, National City, Calif. dian, Miss.
Marshall, R. F., 126 E. Church St., Massengill, W. L., 913 S. Garvin St.,
Grand Prairie, Texas. Evansville 13, Ind.
Marski, Geraldo, Caixa Postal 810, Cu- Masters, G. M., 148 Fox Valley Rd.,
ritiba, Parana, Brazil, South Amer- Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
ica. tralia.
Marsters, Richard (1), Box 31, Raro- Maszczak, A., Foksal 8, Warszawa,
tonga, Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean. Poland.
Marter, E. W., Stanborough Park, Maszczak, Antoni (1), Kamienica na
Watford, Herts., England. Slasku 272, pow. Bielsko, Poland.
Martin, A. W., Box 270, Suva, Fiji, Matacio, P. M., Route 3, New London,
Pacific Ocean. Wis.
Martin, Charles D., 20 Wheaton St., Matar, Alfredo (1), 115 W. Courtland,
Redlands, Calif. San Antonia, Texas.
Martin, Mrs. Eva M. (m), Hinsdale Mate, Paul (1), P.O. Mongo, Southern
Sanitarium, Hinsdale, Ill. Rhodesia, Africa.
Martin, F. D., P. 0. Box 2494, Manila, Matepa (1), S.D.A. Mission, Wewak,
Philippines. Territory of New Guinea.
Martin, H. K., P.O. Drawer R., Angwin, Mateteri, Zakariya, Gitwe Mission,
Calif. Via Usumbura, Urundi, Congo Beige,
Martin, I. M., Boulder Dell, Higganum, Africa.
Conn. Mathews, K. M. (1), Box 761, Ash-
Martin, J. E., P.O. Box 27, Hamilton, land, Ky.
New South Wales, Australia. Mathews, M. Doris (b), 203 W. Belve-
Martin, L., Landwehrstrasse 18/I, (19a) dere, Lakeland, Fla.
Halle/Saale, Soviet Zone, Germany. Mathews, G. M., Takoma Park, Wash-
Martin, Mildred (m), College Station, ington 12, D.C.
Berrien Springs, Mich. Mathews, Robert (1), Box 83, Inverness,
Martin, S. 0., 427 School Drive, Glen- Fla.
dale 6, Calif. Mathy, L. A., 130 Boulevard de l'Ho-
Martin, W. (m), 68 U Wisara Road, pital, Paris 13e, France.
Rangoon, Burma. Matta, L. (I), Via Tommasa Campa-
Martin, W. A., 1325 Rama IV Road, nella 8, (Mergellina), Napoli, Italy.
Bangkok, Thailand. Matter, A., Sr., Boite Postal 3, Kongolo,
Martinez, Frank (1), 529 E. 5th St., Congo Beige, Africa.
Hanford, Calif. Matter, A. A., Jr., Kirundu Mission,
Martinez, Max (1), 172 Jersey St., San B.P. Stanleyville, Congo Beige, Af-
Francisco, Calif. rica.
Martins, Altino, Caixa Postal 1830, Matteson, Reginald (1), Spanish-Amer-
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. ican Seminary, Sandoval, N.M.
Maruanaja, Z. (I), Naripan 63, Ban- Matthew, Gabriel (1), S.D.A. Mission,
dung, Java, Indonesia. 1127 Anthumanthai Street, Tanjore,.
Marwa, Petro (1), Heri Mission and South India.
Hospital, P. 0. Kasulu, Via Uvinza, Matthews, B. H., 3922 Maunaloa Ave.,
Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. Honolulu 16, Hawaii.
Mary, B. G. (I), P. 0. Box 401, Manila, Matthews, Mae (in), P.O. Box 145,
Philippines. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Marzocchini, N., Piazza Carlo Mira- Matthews, J. H. (1), 2615 S. Pearl St.,
bello 2, Milano, Italy. Denver 10, Colo.
Masegnalo, S.D.A. Mission, Aore, New Matthews, R. A., Box 740, North Syd-
Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. ney, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Maseleku, J. (I), Box 1, Nongoma, Mattingly, Charles (1), Route 2, Sey-
Zululand, South Africa. mour, Ind.

Mattison, B. W., 3365 Mountain Blvd., Mazart, W. L., 1330 Harmon Ave.,
Oakland 2, Calif. Winter Park, Fla.
Mattison, C. C. (1), 5010 Sierra Vista Mazat, A. R., Box 310, Hong Kong.
St., Arlington, Calif. Mberabagabo, Kezekiya (1), B.P. 33,
Mattison, E. B. (m), La Sierra Col- Ruhengeri, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian
lege, Arlington, Calif. East Africa.
Mattison, H. H., Spicer Missionary Mbyirukira, Jonas, B.P. 33, Ruhengeri,
College, Aundh Road, Kirkee, Poona Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian East Africa.
3, India. Mbono, P., P. 0. Lower Gwelo, South-
Mattison, 0. 0., P. 0. Box 20, Banga- ern Rhodesia, Africa.
lore, India. McAdams, D. A., Takoma Park, Wash-
Mattison, R. 11., 250 West Malone, San ington 12, D.C.
Antonio, Texas. McAllister, R. K. (m), Porter Sani-
Mattison, W. H. (I), 17 Abbott Road, tarium, 2525 S. Downing St., Denver
Lucknow, U.P., India. 10, Colo.
Matton, A. (1), Mission Adventiste, McCalla, D. (1), 176 Orange Street,
Maroua, French Cameroon, West Af- Kingston, Jamaica, British West
rica. Indies.
Mattsson, Ernst, Vasagatan 12, Gote- McCartney, John (m), Takoma Park,
borg, Sweden. Washington 12, D.C.
Matus, Jose de la Paz, Agricultura 19, McClamb, Silas (1), 2320 Sanders St.,
Colonia Escandon, Mexico 18, D.F., Charlotte, N. C.
Mexico. McClements, William, P. 0. Box 1016,
Maudsley, W., 780 St. Albans Road, Accra, Gold Coast, West Africa.
Watford, Herts., England. McClintock, W. (1), 40 Bealey Ave.,
Mauldin, L. W. (I), Naripan 63, Ban- Christchurch, New Zealand.
dung, Java, Indonesia. McClure, A. V., 5827 Kingman Des
Mave, Joseph (I), S.D.A. Mission, We- Moines, Iowa.
wak, Territory of New Guinea. McClure, H. E., 2327 N. Alabama St.,
Maxson, B. 0. (I), Apartado 25510, Indianapolis 5, Ind.
Mexico 12, D.F., Mexico. McClure, W. E., Helderberg College,
Maxson, Glenn E. (1), Apartado 986, P. 0. Box 22, Somerset West, Cape
Caracas, Venezuela, South America. Province, South Africa.
Maxson, H. F., New England San- McClurg, Clark (1), 672 Carpenter St.,
itarium and Hospital, Melrose 76, Akron, Ohio.
Mass. McComas, J. W., 9361A N. Inglewood
Maxson, R. E. (m), Pine Mountain Ave., Inglewood, Calif.
Valley, Ga. McComas, K. M., Route 3, Mt. Blvd.
Maxwell, A. G. (1), Pacific Press Pub. Plainfield, N.J.
Assn., Mountain View, Calif. McComb, W. J. (m), Washington Mis-
Maxwell, A. S., Pacific Press Pub. sionary College, Takoma Park, Wash-
Assn., Mountain View, Calif. ington 12, D.C.
Maxwell, L. G., 84 The Boulevarde, McConaughey, J. L., 3601 Prairie Ave.,
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Brookfield, Ill.
tralia. McCormick, S. M., 2332 Kensington
Maxwell, Lawrence (1), 2590 Browns Road, Lansing 10, Mich.
Valley Road, Napa, Calif. McCready, W. G. (1), 622 W. 8th St.,
Maxwell, S. G., Box 51, Blantyre, Plainfield, N.J.
Nyasaland, Africa. McCloy, L. 0. (m), 172 Kapiolani, Hilo,
May, A. L., 409-B N. Kentucky St., Hawaii.
Roswell, N. Mex. McCr illis, Gordon, 506 S. Main St.,
May, W. R. (I), 1703 Church St., Sebastapol, Calif.
Carlsbad, N. Mex. McCrow, H: W., 22 Zulla Road, Mapper-
Maycock, Mrs. Lula (b), 181 E. 5th ley Park, Nottingham, England.
St., Chico, Calif. McCully, W. S., 11169 Elm St., Lyn-
Mayer, Adan, Cervantes 144, Parana, wood, Calif.
Entre Rios, Argentina, South Amer- McCutcheon, 0. D. F. Box 15, Nukua-
ica. lofa, Tonga, Friendly Islands, Pacific
Mayer, Edward, Kriegstrasse 84, (17a) Ocean.
Karlsruhe/Baden, American Zone, McDaniels, P. W., c/o Foster, 29 Dick-
Germany. erman St., New Haven, Conn.
Mayer, Virgil (1), 818 East Overland McDonald, Mrs. Geneva (b), 3801 10th
St., Scottsbluff, Nebr. St., N.W., Washington, D.C.
Maynard, J. A. (m), Box M, Cristobal, McDougall, Mabel (m), Limoges, On-
Canal Zone. tario, Canada.
Mayne, M. L. (1), 328 East 145th St., McDow, A. P. (1), 187 Vidal Blvd.,
Bronx, N.Y. Decatur, Ga.
Mayr, C. H., Casilla 326, Temuco, Chile, McDowell, E. G. (1), New Zealand
South America. Missionary College, Longburn, New
Maywald, G. W. (1), 62 Clotilde Street, Zealand.
Mt. Lawley, West Australia, Aus- McDowell, Hazel (b), Box 930, Char-
tralia. lotte, N.C.

McDowell, Nellie (b), 124 E. Main St., McPherson, R. C., 1228 Poplar St.,
Lebanon, Ohio. Santa Rosa, Calif.
McEachern, J. H., Box 15, Loma Linda, McReynolds, Mary C. (m), Angwin,
Calif. Calif.
McEachrane, V. H., Box 190, St. Johns, McVay, Kenneth (1), Route 1, Box 374,
Antigua, British West Indies. La Center, Wash.
McElhany, J. L., 13858 East Lomitas McWhinny, H. E., 163 Mae St., Pitts-
Ave., Puente, Calif. burg, Calif.
McFarlane, R. A. (I), Memorial Ave., McWilliam, J. R., 714 S. Washington,
Lae, Territory of New Guinea. Wellington, Kan.
McFarland, J. W., Takoma Park, Mead, K. (1), 84 The Boulevarde,
Washington 12, D.C. Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus-
McFeeters, Paul, Box 695, Susanville, tralia.
Calif. Mead, Melville (m), Hinsdale Sani-
McGann, Ralph D., Sr. (1), 2622 Cyl- tarium, Hinsdale, Ill.
burn Ave., Baltimore 15, Md. Meade, J. D., S.D.A. Mission, Aba,
McGhee, W. H., 91 Depot Lines, Kara- Nigeria, West Africa.
chi, Pakistan. Meager, N. L. (1), 411 Cedar St.,
McGougan, I., Stanborough Park, Wat- Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
ford, Herts., England. Mecker, B. A., Pine Mountain Valley,
McGraw, J. W. (1), Big Stone Gap, Va. Ga.
McHenry, Winston (1), P. 0. Box 15, Meckling, Frank E. (m), College Place,
Poona 1, India. Wash.
McHenry, W. H., P.O. Box No. 17, Medard, J., 37, Rue Georges Mandel,
Poona, 1, India. Bordeaux (Gironde), France.
McHenry, W. J., P. 0. Box No. 4565, Mediary, Glendour, Box 414, Wauchula,
Bombay 8, India. Fla.
McKeague, R. J., 1425 Kinau. St., Medina, J. C. (I), Artacho, Sison, Pan-
Honolulu 4, Hawaii. gasinan, Philippines.
McKee, A. C. (1), Box 1311, Meridian, Medina, V. C., Santiago, Isabela, Philip-
Miss. pines.
McKee, A. D., 238 Haywood St., Ashe- Megrant, Francisco, Apartado 3005,
ville, N.C. Santurce, Puerto Rico.
McKendry, Emily (b), Stock Exchange Mehling, J. G., Jr., (m), Walla Walla
Hotel, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. College, College Place, Wash.
McKeown, C. G., Route 2, Box 205-A, Mei Chieh Chung (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Battle Ground, Wash. Wenchow, Chekiang, China.
McKibbin, Alma E. (m), 525 Palo Alto Meidinger, L. J. (1), 1215 Marshall St.,
Ave, Mountain View, Calif. Little Rock, Ark.
McKinley, L. L., 302 N. Broadway, Meier, A. L., Caixa Postal 233, Vitoria,
Watertown, S. Dak. Espirito Santo, Brazil, South Amer-
McKinstry, James (1), 728 W. 14th, ica.
Spokane, Wash. Meier, F. A. (m), Washington Mis-
McLean, G. NI., 2321 Abbott St., Ke- sionary College, Takoma Park, Wash-
lowna, British Columbia, Canada. ington 12. D.C.
McLean, 0. L. (1), 525 North Park, Meier, J., Avda. Espana 851, Corrientes,
Montrose, Colo. Argentina, South America.
McLennan, W. P., 38 E. Monte Vista Meier, J. H., 2883 South Ave., La
Road, Phoenix, Ariz. Crosse, Wis.
McLeod, J. 0. (1), 732 Cherry Tree Meierhofer, Mrs. Mathilda (b), 124
Lane, Trenton, N. J. Hague St., Jersey City, N.J.
McLeod, W. C. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Meiklejohn, Mrs. Beryl (m), 2525 S.
Mapperley Park, Nottingham, Eng- Downing St., Denver 10, Colo.
land. Meinhardt, Mrs. Mabel (m), 908 Jack-
McMahon, B. H., 148 Fox Valley Road, son Ave., Takoma Park, Washing-
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- ton 12, D.C.
tralia. Meissner, Henry, 9435 Arkansas St.,
McMillan, George (I), Box 223, Bridge-
town, Barbados, British West Indies. Bellflower, Calif.
McMillan, J. A., 780 St. Albans Road, Meister, Rose (m), Spicer Missionary
Watford, Herts., England. College, Aundh Road, Kirkee, Poona
McMullen, J. S. (m), Box 105, Loma 3, India.
Linda, Calif. Melani, E. (1), Lungotevere Michel-
McMurphy, E. J. (1), 402 Carroll Ave., angelo 7, Rome, Italy.
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. Melashenko, George, 324 2nd St., N.W.,
McNeil, D. E. (1), Elkhart, Texas. Minot, N. Dak.
McNeill, S. E. (m), 4 Crescent Place, Meleen, E. M., P.O. Box 35, Poona,
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. India.
McNichols, A. P. (1), 1914 Charlotte Meleen, S., c/o So. Calif. Conf., 3131
Ave., Nashville, Tenn. Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles 31, Calif.
McNiel, F. H., Apartado National 313, Melendy, L. S., 119 Washington Drive,
Cali, Colombia, South America. Salinas, Calif.

Mellor, C. M., 10812 Langton Ave., Meyer, R., 2 Rue de l'Eglise, Tunis,
Cleveland 5, Ohio. Tunisia.
Melo, A. S., Caixa Postal 177, Porto Meyer, S., Mission Adventiste, Rue Na-
Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil tionale, Saint Pierre, Reunion, Indian
South America. ' Ocean.
Menal, Yves, (m), Boite Postale 184, Meyers, A. A., 435 Poplar St.,. Lodi,
Fort-de-France, Martinique, French Calif.
West Indies. Meyers, E. H., 637 High St., Topeka,
Mendes, A. P. (m), Caixa Postal 2898, Kan.
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Meyers, H. J., 84 The Boulevarde,
Mendes, F. (m). Rua Joaquim Boni- Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus-
facio 17, Lisbon, Portugal. tralia.
Mendez, H. S. (1), Apartado 8278, Meyers, S. D. (1), 1724 Andrew St.,
Fernandez Juncos Station, Santurce, Fort Worth, Texas.
Puerto Rico. Mgqampo, S. S.. S.D.A. Mission, Urn-
Mendez, Manuel, Apartado 3005, San- tata, East Griqualand, South Africa.
turce, Puerto Rico. Mgwije, Eliakim, B.P. 65, Butembo,
Mendoza, Jose (I), Apartado Nacional Congo Beige, Africa.
436, Bogota, Colombia, South Amer- Michael, D. L., 1336 London St., W.,
ica. Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
Meneses, J. B. de (1), Caixa Postal 177, Michaelson, Ralph (m), Fort Jones,
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Calif.
Brazil, South America. Michailoff, J., Solunska 10, Sofia, Bul-
Meng Ching Chih (I), S.D.A. Mission, garia.
20 Goh Low Meng, Nanking, China. Michalenko, J. C., 2700 E. 4th St., Na-
Meng Wan Sshu, S.D.A. Mission, 11 tional City, Calif.
Pei Yueh Ya Hutung, Peiping, China. Michiles, Erison (1), Caixa Postal 1830,
Mengha Mall (1), S.D.A. Mission, Chi- Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
choki Mallian, Sheikhupura District, Michel, R. S., 2700 J. St., Vancouver,
Pakistan. Wash.
Menkel, H. C., 3733 Sheridan Blvd., Michnay, L., Szekely Bertalan-utca 13,
Denver 12, Colo. Budapest VI, Hungary.
Mensah, C. B., P.O. Box 480, Kumasi, Miguel, C. P., Santiago, Isabela, Philip-
Gold Coast, West Africa. pines.
Mensah, J. K. (1), P. 0. Box 480, Miguel, M. (1), Apartado 12, Angra
Kumasi, Gold Coast, West Africa. do Heroismo, Azores Islands.
Mensing, Kenneth (1), Box 909, Kis- Miklos, J. C., 917 Holton, Lansing,
simmee, Fla. Mich.
Merchant, Robert W. (1), Ozark Acad- Miles, M. L., Freewater, Oreg.
emy, Gentry, Ark. Miles, Percy C. (n), Loma Linda Food
Meredith, W. H., Stanborough Park, Co., Arlington, Calif.
Watford, Herts., England. Milford, J. L. (1), Sentinel Publishing
Mershon, J. M., 826 West Mark St., Co., Box 6, Claremont, Cape Province,
Winona, Minn. South Africa.
Mershon, L. B., Box 731, Vale, Oreg. Milhorat, W., 130 Boulevard de l'Hop-
Messer, C. B., 718 S. Clements, Gaines- ital, Paris 13e, France.
ville, Texas. Millard, A. W., Box 191, Watsonville,
Metcalf, H. E., Route 3, Box 67, Mor- Calif.
gantown, W. Va. Millard, F. R., 171 Amanuma 1-chome,
Metcalf, Manson (1), 347 N.E. Oaks, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Sheridan, Oreg. Millard, Glenn, 1429 Brady St., Dav-
Meyer, A., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzer- enport, Iowa.
land. Miller, A. H. E. (1), 84 The Boulevarde,
Meyer, Augusta (b), 1835 Stephen St., Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus-
Brooklyn 27, N. Y. tralia.
Meyer, E. (1), Koblenzer Strasse 3, Miller, A. L., c/o M. L. Wilson, Route
(1) Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sec- 2, Gentry, Ark.
tor, Germany. Miller, B. E., 369 20th Ave., Paterson
Meyer, Earl (1), 500 2d St., Calexico, 3, N.J.
Calif. Miller, C. B., 4942 N. Kilpatrick Ave.,
Meyer, F., Haydnstrasse 16, (10a) Dres- Chicago 30, In.
den-A 16, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Meyer, H. F. (m), Apartado 329, Santa Miller, C. H., Box 15, Bennet, Nebr.
Clara, Cuba. Miller, C. W., 1918 Lomita Blvd.,
Meyer, H. F. (m), Loma Linda Food Lomita, Calif.
Company, Arlington, Calif. Miller, David, 527 Finley St., Dyers-
Meyer, H. J. 3645 Blanche St., Pasa- burg, Tenn.
dena 8, Calif. Miller, D. H., Box 262, Hammond, La.
Meyer, Louise (rn), Takoma Park, Miller, D. P., 3502 S. 51st St., Lincoln
Washington 12, D. C. 6, Nebr.
Meyer, 0., 5 Boulevard Longchamp, Miller, Duane, 126 E. 39th, Holland,
Marseille, France. Mich.

Miller, F. W., 426 Huntington St., Minganjo, Jeremias, Caixa Postal 33,
San Fernando, Calif. Vila Luso, Angola, Portuguese West
Miller, G. R. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Abe- Africa.
mama, Gilbert Islands, Pacific Ocean. Minifie, Kingsley, 716 18th St., Santa
Miller, H. A. (m), Collegedale, Tenn. Monica, Calif.
Miller, H. J., 2745 Park Ave., Kansas Minium, Lee, Union College, Lincoln
City 3, Mo. 6, Nebr.
Miller, H. S., Route 1, Box 248, Dallas, Minner, Fred (1), 108-25 63rd Drive,
Oreg. Forest Hills, Long Island, N.Y.
Miller, H. W. (m), Apartado 329, Santa Minner, L. D., Route 1, Box 1464,
Clara, Cuba. Paradise, Calif.
Miller, Henry I., 1045 Madrona Ave., Miramontes, W. B., 426 Bailey Ave.,
Hermiston, Oreg. Mountain View, Calif.
Miller, J. H. D., Box 270, Suva, Fiji, Miranda, A. (1), Rua Sa da Bandeira
Pacific Ocean. 61, Praia, Cape Verde Islands.
Miller, Job (1), "Foi Cotta," Palam- Miranda, A. (1), Caixa Postal 2898,
cottah, Tinnevelly District, India. Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Miller, Mrs. Lulu Hill (m), Walla Miranda, Antonio (m), Caixa Postal
Walla College, College Place, Wash. 1830, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer-
Miller, Theodore (1), 179 Henry St., ica.
Kingston, N.Y. Miranda, E., Caixa Postal No. 349,
Miller, W. F., Route 1, Box 64, Ca- Thomas Island, West Africa.
mino, Calif. Misati, Nathaniel, Poste Restante, Ke-
Miller, W. F. (1), 1309 Dubsdred Circle, richo, Kenya Colony, East Africa.
Orlando, Fla. Mitchell, A. I., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn,
Millet, Garland (1), 13432 Stanford E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
Ave., Los Angeles 2, Calif. Mitchell, A. R., 40 Bealey Ave., Christ-
Millist, H. (1), Australasian Missionary church, New Zealand.
College, Cooranbong, New South Mitchell, C. E., S.D.A. Mission, Port
Wales, Australia. Moresby, Papua, Pacific Ocean.
Millner, A. E., 11718 97th St., Ed- Mitchell, D. E. (1), 62 Clotilde St., Mt.
monton, Alberta, Canada. Lawley, West Australia, Australia.
Mills, B. K.,1635 Wyoming Ave., Mitchell, H., P. 0. Box S.78, South
Scranton, a. Wagga, New South Wales, Australia.
Mills, L. E. (1), Route 1, Box 364-A, Mitchell, J. A., 27 Esplanade Road, Mt.
San Angelo, Texas. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
Mills, Merle, 169 Oaklawn Ave., Battle Mitchell, J. G., Box 123, Waynes-
Creek, Mich. boro, Pa.
Mills, 0. J., 66 S. Broad St., Hillsdale, Mitchell, R. A., Box 870, Presque
Mich. Isle, Me.
Mills, R. C. (m), S.D.A. Mission, Out- Mitchell, R. B., P.O. Box 27, Hamilton,
side East Gate, Seoul, Korea. New South Wales, Australia.
Mills, W. G., 963 E. Monroe, Phoenix, Mitchell, T. A., 3'7 O'Connell Terrace,
Ariz. Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland,
MilIsom, R. A., Box S.78, South Wagga, Australia.
New South Wales, Australia. Mitchell, W. J. (1), 1914 Charlotte
Milne, R. M., 399 Upper Serangoon Ave., Nashville, Tenn,
Road, Singapore 13, Colony of Sing- Mizher, N. S. (1), Box 538, Rutland, Vt.
apore. Miyake, Shohei, 567-C Kawailoa Road,
Mimbiang, Joseph, Mission Adventiste, Lanikai P.O., Oahu, Hawaii.
Sangelima, French Cameroons, West Mkichwe, Benjamin (m), Suji Mission,
Africa. P. 0. Makanya, Tanga Province,
Mimms, E. T., 1041 S. 34th St., Louis- Tanganyika Territory, East Africa.
ville, Ky. Mkwananzi, S. G. (1), Linokana, via
Minan, J. A., Rua Lopes Trovao 84, Zeerust, Transvaal, South Africa.
Niteroi, Estado do Rio, Brazil, South Mkwavi, Petro (m), Suji Mission, P. 0.
America. Makanya, Tanga Province, Tangan-
yika Territory, East Africa.
Minchin, E. L., 41 Hazel Gardens, Edg- Mlalazi, E. D. P. 0. Lower Gwelo,
ware, Middlesex, England. Southern Rhode sia, Africa.
Minchin, G. H., South Lancaster, Mass. Mo Wen Huan (1), Ta Tung Lu, Dao
Minck, A., Nikklasstrasse 19, (1) Ber- Li, Harbin, Manchuria, China.
lin-Zehlendorf, American Sector, Ger- Moala, Henry (1), Box 31, Rarotonga,
many. Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Minck, G. (1), Mendelssohnstrasse 13/11, Moala, Semesi, Box 15, Nukualofa,
(20a) Hanover, British Zone, Ger- Tonga, Friendly Is., Pacific Ocean.
many. Mobley, A. E. (I), 20 Walnut St.,
Mines, Leonardo, Caixa Postal 33, Vila Berrien Springs, Mich.
Luso, Angola, Portuguese West Af- Mocanu, V., Strada Eduard Grand 25,
rica. Bucuresti II, Rumania.
Minesinger, R. T., 2563 Glenmawr Ave., Mock, C. A., 319 West 13th St., Grand
Columbus, Ohio. Island, Nebr.

Moeletsi, M. R., P.O. Box 108, Vryburg, Moomba, Nelson (1), Rusanga Mission,
Cape Province, South Africa. P.O. Chisekesi, Northern Rhodesia,
Moffett, W. C., 1537 Riverside Heights, Africa.
Verona, Pa. Moon, A. L. (1), 2525 So. Downing St.,
Moffitt, L. L., Takoma Park, Wash- Denver 10, Colo.
ington 12, D. C. Moon, C. E., Coulterville, Calif.
Mohr, A. R., 103 North 19th, Escanaba, Moon, E. A., Grove Ave., Claremont,
Mich. Cape Province, South Africa.
Mohr, E. I. (m), Collegedale, Tenn. Moon, R. D., 2240 Avon St., S. W.,
Mohr, F. I., 2439 Broadway Ave., Grand Rapids 9, Mich.
Boulder, Colo. Moor, Fred (m), 312 N. Boyle Ave.,
Mohr, F. L., 425 N. Imperial, Brawley, Los Angeles 33, Calif.
Calif. Moore, C. H. (m), 1156 W. Philadel-
Mohr, M. M., Route 2, Box 143, East phia, Detroit, Mich.
Stanwood, Wash. Moore, E. L. (1), 3815 Van Buren,
Mohr, T. A., 1426 Harwood Drive, Amarillo, Texas.
Nashville, Tenn. Moore, F. B., Apartado 50, General
Mohr, W. B. (m), 4547 Calvert St., Peraza, Havana, Cuba.
Lincoln 6, Nebr. Moore, Floretta (b), Box 78, George-
Moir, A. F. (1), 84 The Boulevarde, town, British Guiana, South America.
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Moore, Kenneth, 424 S. Taylor, Enid,
tralia. Okla.
Moldrik, E. H., 9 Welland Ave., Irving- Moore, M. E., Box 1311, Meridian, Miss.
ton 11, N.J. Moore, R. W., 81 Highland Road,
Mole, R. L. (1), P.O. Box 1170, Beirut, South Portland, Me.
Lebanon. Moore, W. E. (1), 1213 Madison Ave.,
Molimbayan, Paciencia (b), P.O. Box Yakima, Wash.
39, Lucena, Quezon, Philippines. Moore, W. F. (m), Box M, Cristobal,
Moline, 0. T. (m), Hinsdale Sanitarium, Canal Zone.
Hinsdale, Ill. Moores, Philip, Box 574, St. John's,
Molnar, J. (1), Kegl Gyorgy utca 5 sz., Newfoundland, Canada.
Szekesfehervar, Hungary. Moores, Mrs. Philip (m), Box 574,
Moncada, Daniel, 8a Avenida Norte, St. John's Newfoundland, Canada.
No. 57, San Salvador, El Salvador, Morales, Jose, Apartado 134, Sucursal
Central America. "B", Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.
Mondics, B. J., 14 Saray Arkasi, Ayaz- Moran, Frank, Loma Linda, Calif.
pasa, Istanbul, Turkey. Moran, J. L., 806 Jennings St., Bronx
Monga, Silas (1), B.P. Kamina, Congo 59, N.Y.
Beige, Africa. Morenings, H. (1), Hinterm Bahnhof
Monks, C. M., Plainview Academy, Red- 30, (13a) Nurnberg, American Zone,
field, S. Dak. Germany.
Monnier, Ch., 10 Salisbury Road, Rose Moreno, Jose (m), Avda. Espana 851,
Hill, Mauritius, Indian Ocean. Corrientes, Argentina, South Amer-
Monnier, J., 130 Boulevard de l'Hopital, ica.
Paris 13e, France. Moretta, Adolfo (1), Apartado 568,
Monnier, S. (1), 130 Boulevarde de Ciudad Trujillo, Republica Domini-
l'Hopital, Paris 13e, France. cana.
Montalban, V. M., Box 241, Iloilo City, Morey, Keith (1), 405 W. 11th St.,
Philippines. Traverse City, Mich.
Monteith, A. R. (m), Apartado 16, Morgan, J. N., (1), Box 4367, Mobile,
Montemorelos, N. L., Mexico. Ala.
Monteith, E. J. (m), Box 308, Oshawa, Morgan, P. H.,, 1306 Hargett St.
Ontario, Canada. Raleigh, N.C.
Montgomery, C. F., Washington Mis- Morgan, U. E., Apartado 1325, San
sionary College, Takoma Park, Wash- Jose, Costa Rica, Central America.
ington 12, D.C. Morgan, Violet (m), College Station,
Montgomery, Marvin (1), Route 1, Berrien Springs, Mich.
Box 7, Nacogdoches, Texas. Morlan, C. C., 1520 N. Main St.,
Montgomery, R. P., 2714 Windsor, Santa Ana, Calif.
Waco, Texas. Moroisa, J. (1), Tondano, Celebes, In-
Monzalvo, Roberto (m), Apartado 134, donesia.
Sucursal "B", Hermosillo, Sonora, Morosan, P., Strada Regina Maria No.
Mexico. 12, Bacau, Rumania.
Moody, R. D. (1), Apartado 52, Villa- Morosoli, E. (1), 5 Boulevard d'Anvers,
hermosa, Tabasco, Mexico. Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France.
Moores, Earl K. (1), Route 9, Box 334, Morris, C. C., P.O. Box 1011, Beirut,
Olympia, Wash. Lebanon.
Mookerjee, L. G., "Morhabadi Villa," Morris, R. P., Star Route, Coalmont,
Ranchi, B.N.R., India. Tenn.
Mookerjee, N. G., P.O. Box No. 17, Morris, W., 84 The Boulevarde, Strath-
Poona 1, India. field, New South Wales, Australia.

Morrison, C. C., Washington Missionary Mowry, B. F., 385 Richland Ave.,

College, Takoma Park 12, D.C. Athens, Ohio.
Morrison, D., Stanborough Park, Wat- Mowry, George (1), Box 481, Prince-
ford, Herts., England. ton, W. Va.
Morrison, H. A., Takoma Park, Wash- Moya, J. S., P. 0. Box 4880, Johan-
ington 12, D. C. nesburg, Transvaal, South Africa.
Morrison, L. A. (1), "Hazelrigg," Moyer, A. M. (1), P.O. Box 480, Ku-
Mandeville, Jamaica, British West masi, Gold Coast, West Africa.
Indies. Moyo, C. S., P.O. Box 573, Bulawayo,
Morrison, Mary L., (m), 1802 Seventh Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Ave., New York 26, N.Y. Moyo, J. M., P.O. Box 573, Bulawayo,
Morrison, Mrs. Maxine (b), 4060 Adams Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
St., San Diego, Calif. Moyo, J. S., P. 0. Lower Gwelo, South-
Morrison, William (1), 711 Lehigh, ern Rhodesia, Africa.
Lake City, Fla. Moyo, James (1), P. 0. Lower Gwelo,
Morse, H. H., P.O. Box 310, Hong Kong. Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Mortensen, R. A. (m), College of Med- Moyo, Matikiti, P.O. Katchikua, via
ical Evangelists, Loma Linda, Calif. Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia, Af-
Morton, C. R. (1), 718 Cates Ave., rica.
Waynesboro, Ga. Moyo, W. M., P.B. 29K, Bulawayo,
Morton, H. C., Casilla 1002, Lima, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Peru, South America. Mozar, D. A., 340 East 184th St., New
Mosby, Fannie (b), 259 Cherokee St., York 57, N. Y.
Mobile, Ala. Mozar, Mrs. D. A. (b), 340 East 184th
Moschinger, H., Gubelstrasse 23, Zurich St., New York 57, N. Y.
50, Switzerland. Mpagazehe, Abeli, Gitwe Mission, via
Mosedi, K. (1), 1613 Location, Brak- Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian
pan, Transvaal, South Africa. East Africa.
Moseley, C. E., Oakwood College, Mpanaguru, Eliabu (1), B.P. 28, Nioka,
Huntsville, Ala. Congo Beige, Afriea.
Moses, B. S. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Nel- Mpfoumi, A., Mission Adventiste, Kribi,
lore, India. French Cameroon, West Africa.
Moses, C., 1127 Anthumanthai Street, Mpheza, Victor, Box 51, Blantyre, Ny-
Tanjore, South India. asaland, Africa.
Moses, I. K. (1), P. 0. Box No. 20, Msimang, P. V. (1), 991 Round 32,
Bangalore, India. Payneville Location, Springs, South
Moses, R. John, S.D.A. Mission, Nellore, Africa.
India. Mu Wen Chih (1), S.D.A. Mission, Out-
Moses, M. D., S.D.A. Mission, Lasal- side West Gate, Sian, Shensi, China.
gaon, Nasik District, India. Mubanda, Daniel, Songa Mission, B. P.
Moses, W. (1), P.O. Box 4565, Bombay Kamina, Congo Beige, Africa.
8, India. Mudaala, W. (1), P.O. Chisekesi, North-
Mossad, Nageeb (1), S.D.A. Church, ern Rhodesia, Africa.
Tataliah, Egypt. Muderspach, F. H., P.O. Box 221,
Mote, F. A., 148 Fox Valley Road, Wah- Kisumu, Kenya, East Africa.
roonga, New South Wales, Australia. Muderspach, H., Pargaten 35, Tromso,
Mote, R. G., Paradise Valley Sanitar- Norway.
ium, National City, Calif. Muderspach, L., Holmenkollveien 31,
Mote, R. M., Platte Valley Academy, Oslo, Norway.
Shelton, Nebr. Mueller, A. W., Boehmerstrasse 13, (16)
Motzer, C. A., Mendelssohnstrasse 13/11, Frankfurt/Main, American Zone, Ger-
(20a) Hanover, British Zone, Ger- many.
many. Mueller, 0. P., Hans-Sachs-Strasse 9,
Mouad, Nelson (I), Caixa Postal 1830, (10b) Chemnitz, Soviet Zone, Ger-
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. many.
Moulds, H. G., 15 Trafalgar St., Mont Mueller, W., Niklasstrasse 19, (1) Ber-
Albert, E. 10, Victoria, Australia. lin-Zehlendorf, American Zone, Ger-
Moulds, L. G. (I), 40 Bealey Ave., many.
Christchurch, New Zealand. Mueller, W. Koblenzer Strasse 3, (1)
Mount, Bessie (b), P.O. Box 310, Hong Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sector,
Kong. Germany.
Mountain, Arthur, 399 Upper Seran- Mugobi, Yohana, Majita Mission, P.P.
goon Road, Singapore 13, Colony of Musoma, Tanganyika Territory, East
Singapore. Africa.
Mountain, Mrs. Arthur (m), 399 Upper Muhaya, Amos, Ngoma Mission, via
Serangoon Road, Singapore 13, Col- Gitwe, Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi,
ony of Singapore. Belgian East Africa.
Moura, J. F. (1), Caixa Postal 233, Muhwanga, Wilfred, c/o Northern Rho-
Vitoria, Espirito Santo, Brazil, South desia Mission, P.O. Chesikesi Sid-
America. ing, Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
Mouvo (I), S.D.A. Mission, Rabaul, Muir, Wellesley (1), 283 San Luis Ave.,
New Britain, Pacific Ocean. Pismo Beach, Calif.

Mukasa, Daudi (I), Katikamu Mission, Murdoch, T. C., Canadian Union Col-
P. 0. Wobulenzi, Uganda, East Af- lege, College Heights, Alberta, Can-
rica. ada
Mulenga, E. (1), Chimpempe Mission, Murdoch, W. G. C., Australasian Mis-
Private Bag, Kasama, Northern Rho- sionary College, Cooranbong, New
desia, Africa. South Wales, Australia.
Mulholland, W. R. Review and Herald, Murphy, C. E. (m), Washington Mis-
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. sionary College, Takoma Park, Wash-
Muller, G. W. (1), 75-05 Commonwealth ington 12, D.C.
Blvd., Bellerose, N.Y. Murphy, H. R., 1914 Charlotte Ave.,
Muller, H. (m), Hoheweg 17, Berne, Nashville, Tenn.
Switzerland. Murphy, L. L., Indiana Academy, Cic-
Mulomba, Stephen, Northern Rhodesia ero, Ind.
Mission Field, P. 0. Chisekesi Sid- Murray, W. E., Virrey del Pino 3801,
ing, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Sue. 30, R. 11, Buenos Aires, Argen-
Mulombe, S., Chimpempe Mission, Pri- tina, South America.
vate Bag, Kasama, Northern Rhode- Musgrave, H. (1), 780 St. Albans Road,
sia, Africa. Watford, Herts., England.
Mulvihill, Clifford (1), Box 247, Elko, Musgrave, M. B., P.O. Musoma, Tan-
Nev. ganyika, East Africa.
Mundusa, T. (1), Mutaba Mission, Pri- Musil, J. (I), 130 Boulevard de l'Hopi-
vate Bag, Ndola, Northern Rhodesia, tal, Paris 13e, France.
Africa. Musoke, Eria (1). S.D.A. Church, Amu-
Munger, M. E., 11166 Olds Road, Otis- cha, P.O. Lira, Uganda, East Africa.
ville, Mich. Musoke, W. A. (1), P.O. Box 22,
Munroe, Faith (b), South Lancaster, Kampala, Uganda, East Africa.
Mass. Mustafa, A., Strada Rosenfeld No. 4,
Munroe, Ruth (m), 399 Upper Seran- Sibiu, Rumania.
goon Road, Singapore 13, Colony of Mustard, A. J.. Stanborough Park,
Singapore. Watford. Herts., England.
Munroop, D., 10 Salisbury Road, Rose Mustow, D. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Mapper-
Hill, Mauritius, Indian Ocean. ley Park, Nottingham, England.
Munsey, F. T., Box 216, Fairbanks, Mutheke, P. M. (m), P.O. Box 1835,
Alaska. Nairobi, Kenya Colony, East Africa.
Munshi Ram, S.D.A. Mission, 48 Law- Muthiah, V. P., S.D.A. Mission, Lasal-
rence Road, Lahore, Pakistan. gaon, Nasik District, India.
Munson, Albert, Box 507, Fallon, Nev. Muwile, S. (1), Chimpempe Mission,
Munson, A. G. (m), 642 Glenmore Private Bag, Kasama, Northern Rho-
Boulevard, Glendale 6, Calif. desia, Africa.
Munson, G. W. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Muyeba, E. (1), Chimpembe Mission,
Outside East Gate, Seoul, Korea. Private Bag, Kasama, Northern Rho-
Munson, H. A. (m), P.O. Box 401, desia, Africa.
Manila, Philippines. Muyeba, James, Mutaba Mission, Pri-
vate Bag, Ndola, Northern Rhodesia,
Munson, H. K., 22 Zulla Road, Mapper- Africa.
ley Park, Nottingham, England. Muza, Onias (1), P. 0. Lower Gwelo,
Munteanu, C., Strada Regina Maria No. Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
12, Bacau, Rumania. Muzelenga, S. (1), Rusangu Mission,
Munyakiko, Ezekiel, Ndora Mission, via P.O. Chisekesi, Northern Rhodesia,
Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian Africa.
East Africa. Mwanakapini, J., Mutaba Mission, Pri-
Munyampanze, Manase (I), B.P. 33, vate Bag, Ndola, Northern Rhodesia,
Ruhengeri, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian Africa.
East Africa. Mwanje, Eriasafu, Katikamu Mission,
Munyampundu, Yohanna, Gitwe Mis- P. 0. Wobulenzi, Uganda, East Af-
sion, via Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, rica.
Belgian East Africa. Mwape, A. (I), Musofu Mission, Pri-
vate Bag, Ndola, Northern Rhodesia,
Munyarari, Jonas, Ndora Mission, via
Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian Africa.
Mwasi, Petro (1), Busegwe Mission,
East Africa. P.O. Musoma, Tanganyika Territory,
Murama, Andreya, Ngoma Mission, via East Africa.
Gitwe, Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Mwenda, Simon (1), P.O. Box 4, Moose,
Belgian East Africa. Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
Murch, H. C., 27 Esplanade Road, Mt. Mwesa, Jonathan (1), Musofu Mission,
Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Private Bag, Ndola, Northern Rho-
Murchison, C. R. (1), 8 Yarra St., desia, Africa.
Hawthorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Mwino, Joseph (1), c/o Rusangu Mis-
Murdoch, L., 22 Zulla Road, Mapperley sion, P. 0. Chisekesi, Northern Rho-
Park, Nottingham, England. desia, Africa.
Murdoch, M. C., P. 0. Box 7768, Johan- Mwinga, S. (1), Sala Mission, P.O.
nesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia, Africa.

Myambo, Abednego (1), P.B. 3, Kon- Navala (1), S.D.A. Mission, Madang,
golo, Belgian Congo, Central Africa. New Guinea, Pacific Ocean.
Myat Pe (m), S.D.A. Mission, Mya- Navarathnam, V. (1), P.O. Box 20, Ban-
ungmya, Burma. galore, India.
Myat Po, S.D.A. Mission, Myaungmya, Naves, J. (1), Caixa Postal 1919, Rio
Burma. de Janeiro, Brazil, South America.
Myendeki, M. (1), 765 Jungle Walk, Nazirian, Manoug (1), Avenue Pahlavi
P.O. Langa, Cape Province, South 2075, Tehran, Iran.
Africa. Ncube, J., P.O. Lower Gwelo, Southern
Myers, D. B. 2208 Eoff St., Wheeling, Rhodesia, Africa.
W. Va. Ncube, Jackson (1), c/o T. Tombs Store,
Myers, Mrs. E. Olive (b), 3289 N. 5th Belingwe, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
St., Milwaukee 12, Wis. Ncube, Vincent (I), P. 0. Lower Gwelo,
Myers, L. F., Box 293, Canton, N.Y. Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Myles, C. S., 1262 6th St., North Ndabambi, W. (1), Kolo Mission, P. 0.
Birmingham, Ala. Mohlalefis, via Morija, Basutoland,
South Africa.
Ndaiseka, Laban, Chimpempe Mission,
N Private Bag, Kasama, Northern Rho-
Naden, L. C., 148 Fox Valley Road, desia, Africa.
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- Ndaro, Thomas (1), Majita Mission,
tralia. P.O. Musoma, Tanganyika Territory,
Nagaha (1), S.D.A. Mission, Honiara, East Africa.
Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean Ndebele, J., P.O. Gwaai, Southern Rho-
Nagele, C. J., 1544 S.E. Hawthorne desia, Africa.
Blvd., Portland 14, Oregon. Ndeziki, Joeli (1), B.P. 33, Ruhengeri,
Nagy, A. D., 1235 E. Central Ave., Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian East Africa.
Toledo 8, Ohio. Ndhalamini, R. (1), P.O. Nkata Bay,
Nailescu, St., Strada Eduard Grand 25. Nyasaland, Africa.
Bucuresti II, Rumania. Ndholovu, R., P. 0. Lower Gwelo,
Nalewadonu, Sairusi (I), Box 297, Suva, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Ndi, Daniel, Mission Adventiste, Nanga-
Nalkranian, Shake (m), P.O. Box 145, Eboko, French Cameroon, West Af-
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. rica.
Nallathamby, S., S.P.A. Mission, Kotta- Ndongo, G. (1), Mission Adventiste,
rakara, Travancore, India. Kribi, French Cameroon, West Af-
Namaloi (1), "Palm Beach," Rabaul, rica.
New Britain, Pacific Ocean. Ndove, Daniel (1), P.O. Nkata Bay,
Namaswala, Cranmer, Box 22, Kam- Nyasaland, Africa.
Pala, Uganda, East Africa. Nduke, P. M., P.O. Box 1835, Nai-
Namelo, Maloni (1), Box 297, Suva, Fiji, robi, Kenya, East Africa.
Pacific Ocean. Neal, Warren (1), General Delivery.
Namulo, Jemesa (I), S.D.A. Mission, Blythe, Calif.
Box 297. Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Neall, R. E. (1), 569 Thurston Road,
Naenny, E., 8 Avenue de l'Eglise An- Rochester, N.Y.
glaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Nebblett, C. C. (1), 176 Orange Street,
Napangani, S., P.O. Box 51, Blantyre, Kingston, Jamaica, British West
Nyasaland, Africa. Indies.
Nash, F. H. (1), 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Necker, R. D., Pierre, S. Dak.
E. 2. Victoria. Australia. Neece, S. W. (I), Box 1311, Meridian,
Nash, G. R., 36 Clarendon Ave., Avon- Miss.
dale Estates, Ga. Needham, A. C., P.O. Box 266, Towns-
Nash, M. F. (1), Trans-Commonwealth ville, Queensland, Australia.
Union Missionary College, Carmel, Neergaard, T. N., 5940 Second Ave., So.,
West Australia, Australia. Minneapolis, Minn.
Nasvall, R. H. (I), 37-R Franklin Neff, J. P. (1), Staunton, Va.
Apartments, Savannah, Ga. Neff, Merlin L., Pacific Press Publish-
Nathaniel, S., S.P.A. Mission, Telli- ing Assn., Mountain View, Calif.
cherry, Malabar, India. Neff. W. C., 20234 Schaefer St., De-
Nation, W. S., "Hazelrigg," Mande- troit 13, Mich.
ville, Jamaica, British West Indies. Negyeey, J., Szekely Bertalan-utca 13, fig
Nau, H., Boehmerstrasse 13, (16) Frank- Budapest VI, Hungary.
furt/Main, American Zone, Germany. Neil, A. E., 1018 North Spring, Tyler,
Naude, Phyllis (m), P. 0. Box 401, Texas.
Manila, Philippines. Neil, J. Lee, 411 Cedar St., Takoma
Naufal, Carmo (m), Caixa Postal 1830, Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Neilsen, I. R. (m), Angwin, Calif.
Naulomoni (1), "Palm Beach," Ra- Neira, Pedro (m), Casilla 85, Puno,
baul, New Britain, Pacific Ocean. Peru, South America.
Nawara, Timoci, S.D.A. Mission, Box Neithercut, J. C. (I), Mission City,
297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. British Columbia, Canada.

Nell, Mrs. Ethel (b), 1027 Florida Ave., Nerness, J. M., 399 Upper Serangoon
N. E.. Washington, D. C. Road, Singapore 13, Colony of Singa-
Nell, 0. (1), Caixa Postal 3, Nova pore.
Lisboa, Angola, Portuguese West Af- Neru, Siaosi, S.D.A. Mission, Box 6,
rica. Apia, Samoa, Pacific Ocean.
Nelsen, N. C. (m), Southern Publishing Nesmith, R. A., South Lancaster, Mass.
Assn., Box 59, Nashville, Tenn. Nestares, D. (1), Calle V. Vergara 3227,
Nelson,. A. C., 2661 Hollister Terrace, Florida, F.C.N. Gral. Bme. Mitre,
Glendale 6, Calif. Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
Nelson, A. E., Loma Linda, Calif. America.
Nelson, A. Edwin, 2654 Mira Vista Dr., Nestares, Manuel (1), Avda. Italia 2360,
El Cerrito, Calif. Montevideo, Uruguay, South Amer-
Nelson, A. G., 2320 E. 5th St., National ica.
City, Calif. Nethery, J. J., 920 W. 7th St., Love-
Nelson, A. N., P.O. Box 401, Manila, land, Colo.
Philippines. Neto, Alfrisio A. (1), Caixa Postal 810,
Nelson, C. A., Maynard Drive, Marcy, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, South Amer-
N.Y. ica.
Nelson, C. E. (m), So. Lancaster, Mass. Neto, J. A., Caixa Postal 1830, Sao
Nelson, E. D., 3662 Dalton St., Baton Paulo, Brazil, Eouth America.
Rouge, La. Netteburg, L. H. (1), Box 1491, James-
Nelson, G. J. (m), Collegedale, Tenn. town, N. Dak.
Nelson, G. A. (m), 91 Depot Lines, Netto, A. A. Caixa Postal 378, Recife,
Karachi, Pakistan. Pernambuco, Brazil, South America.
Nelson, G. B. (1), Glendale Sanitarium, Neubauer, 0., Diemershaldenstrasse 23,
Glendale, Calif. (14a) Stuttgart-O, Wurtemburg, Am-
Nelson, Gunnar H., 215 N. Oak St., erican Zone, Germany.
Hinsdale, Ill. Neufeld, D. A., 1432 South 57th St.,
Nelson, H. R., 1402 W. Hills-dale, Lan- Tacoma, Wash.
sing, Mich. Neufeld, D. D., 2240 Herman Ave.,
Nelson, H. S. (m), College of Medical Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Evangelists, Loma Linda, Calif. Neufeld, J. D., 3676 Highland Road,
Nelson, James (m), New England San- Cleveland 11. Ohio.
itarium, Melrose 76, Mass. Neumann, H., Grafengasse 20, (15) Er-
Nelson, J. It., 2428 Hollister Terrace furt, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Glendale 6, Calif. Neumann, H. F., 116 Echandia St.,
Nelson, Mrs. Kathryn J. (m), Loma Los Angeles 33, Calif.
Linda, Calif. Newball, R. T. (m), Box M, Cristobal,
Nelson, L. M., 136 Forrest Blvd., De- Canal Zone.
catur, Ga. Newbold, D. C., 312 N. Boyle Ave., Los
Nelson, N. R., Loma Linda, Calif. Angeles 33, Calif.
Nelson, Olena (m), Pacific Press, Newbold, R. S. (1), Songa Mission,
Brookfield, Ill. B.P. Kamina, Congo Beige, Africa.
Nelson, P. G., Holmenkollveien 31, Newman, E. J. (1), 37 O'Connell Ter-
Oslo, Norway. race, Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queens_
Nelson, Paul, 3 Nakajimadori 2-chome, land, Australia.
Fukiai-ku, Kobe, Japan. Newman, Garfield, Box 170, Belize,
Nelson, It. W., 1714 Stuart St., Berke- British Honduras, Central America.
ley, Calif. Newman, J. H., S.D.A. Mission, Honi-
Nelson, Mrs. Thyrza (b), 520 24th St., ara, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Paso Robles, Calif. Newman, J. W. (1), P. 0. Box 7768,
Nelson, W. A., 290 Grove Ave., Ber- Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Af-
rien Springs, Mich. rica.
Nelson, W. A., Box 396, Oshawa, On- Newman, Roland (1), Box 170, McClel-
tario, Canada. landtown, Pa.
Nelson, W. E., Takoma Park, Wash- Newman, R. It., Box 599, Casper, Wyo.
ington 12, D. C. Newman, W. J., S.D.A. Mission, Aba,
Nelson, W. W. (m), 135 Parkway, Nigeria, West Africa.
Berrien Springs, Mich. Newmyer, C. B., 152 S. Lexington
Nembhard, Hilbert, 176 Orange Street, Parkway, St. Paul, Minn.
Kingston, Jamaica, British West Newton, M. W. (m), Pacific Union
Indies. College, Angwin, Calif.
Nembhard, M. G., Box 221, Port-of- Ney, Edward, South Lancaster, Mass.
Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Ng Hong Boon, 68 U Wisara Road,
Nembhard, H. E., Box 66, Port-of-Spain, Rangoon, Burma.
Trinidad, British West Indies. Ng, Y. B. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Wai-
Nemes, A., Strada Cuza Voda No. 12, chow, Kwangtung, China.
Cluj, Rumania. Ngamije, Zablon (I), Gitwe Mission,
Nen Dad Deh (1), 86 North Gate Street, via Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Bel-
Kunming, Yunnan, China. gian East Africa.
Nerlund, 0. J., 64 Progress Ave., Ngaiyayi, James, P.O. Box 51, Blan-
Providence 9, R. I. tyre, Nyasaland, Africa.

Ngaiyayi, Simon, P.O. Box 51, Blan- Nightingale, R. H., 301 E. Smith St.,
tyre, Nyasaland, Africa. Orlando, Fla.
Ngao, S. (1), Ranen Mission, P. 0. Nigri, M. S., .Caixa Postal 810, Curi-
Kisii, Kenya Colony, East Africa. tiba, Parana, Brazil, South America.
Ngatai, Oki (1), Box 31, Rarotonga, Nihal Singh (1), S.D.A. Mission, Mush-
Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean. taq Manzil, Moradabad, U.P., India.
Ngava, S.D.A. Mission, Port Moresby, Nilsen, Georg (1), Bergjelandsgaten 45,
Papua, Pacific Ocean. Stavanger, Norway.
Ng'homano, Hosea, Ntusu Mission, P. Ninaj, Bess (b), Washington Sanitar-
0. Maswa, Via Malampaka, Tangan- ium, Takoma Park 12, D. C.
yika Territory, East Africa. Ninow, W. Koblenzer Strasse 3, (1)
Ngori, S. K. (1), P.O. Box 1835, Nai- Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sector,
robi, Kenya, East Africa. Germany.
Nguru, Efraim, Utimbaru Mission, P.O. Nion, A., 5 Boulevard Longchamp,
Tarime, via Musoma, Tanganyika Marseille, France.
Territory, East Africa. Niu, Tavita (m), S.D.A. Mission, Abe-
Nguyen van Xuan (1), Boite Postale mama, Gilbert Islands, Pacific Ocean.
453, Saigon, Indo-China. Niqara, Tareti, Box 297, Suva, Fiji,
Ngwenya, Ben, Chisekesi Siding, North- Pacific Ocean.
ern Rhodesia, Africa. Nixon, J. H., 516 First St., Alamosa,
Ngwenya, N. M., P.O. Lowsburg, Na- Colo.
tal, South Africa. Nixon, J. W. (1), 37 O'Connell Terrace,
Nichol, F. D., Review and Herald, Ta- Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland,
koma Park, Washington 12, D. C. Australia.
Nichols, J. D., 813 N. Agee St., Cam- Njage, E. M. (m), P.O. Box 1835,
den, Ark. Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa.
Nicholson, W. G., 22 Zulla Road, Map- Njoo Liang Seng (I), Tandjung Anom
perley Park, Nottingham, England. 3, Soerabaja, Java, Indonesia.
Nickle, G. C., Correo Aereo 609, Mede- Nkiwane, H. T., Private Bag T205,
llin, Colombia, South America. Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Af-
Nickles, P. N. (1), P.O. Box 266, rica.
Townsville, Queensland, Australia. Nkomazana, P., c/o St. Patrick's Mis-
Nickless, Arva, Box 1849, Madison sion, P.O. Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia,
College, Tenn. Africa.
Nickoloff, B., Solunska 10, Sofia, Bul- Nkhosi, Barson (I), P.O. Nkata Bay,
garia. Nyasaland, Africa.
Nickum, Tom (1), 8th and Hershey Sts., Nkosi, A. M. (1), 97, 3rd Avenue,
Waukon, Iowa. Klerksdorp, Transvaal, South Africa.
Nicol, S. C., P.O. Box 26, Bo, Sierra Nkoka, J. (1), P.O. Box 51, Blantyre,
Leone, West Africa. Nyasaland, Africa.
Nicolas, C. S., 1265 Safford Ave., Nkudabakuze, Mariko, Ngoma Mission,
Fresno 4, Calif. via Gitwe, Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi,
Niculescu, E., Strada Regina Maria Belgian East Africa.
No. 12, Bacau, Rumania. Noack, W., Isartalstrasse 40, (13b)
Niedoba, E., Zeylanda 11, Poznan, Po- Munich 5, Bavaria, American Zone,
land. Germany.
Niedoba, 0., Zeylanda 11, Poznan, Po- Noble, J. N. (1), Box 445, Lemmon,
land. S. Dak.
Nielsen, Andreas, Svanevej 10, Copen- Noble, Mrs. Theresa H. (b), Route 2,
hagen N.V., Denmark. Box 133, Lemoore, Calif.
Nielsen, Dorothea (m), Nyanchwa Mis- Noblitt, Clarence (m), College Station,
sion, P.O. Kisii, Kenya, East Africa. Berrien Springs, Mich.
Nielsen, E. Vedelso, Svanevej 10, Copen- Nobrega, Ralph (1), 667 Wareham St.,
hagen N. V., Denmark. Middleboro, Mass.
Nielsen, Karen (m), Hendu Hospital, Nolan, H. W., Madang, Territory of
Private Bag, Kisumu, Kenya, East New Guinea, Pacific Ocean.
Africa. Nolda, 0. W., P. 0. Box No. 20,
Nielsen, Louis (1), Svanevej 10, Copen- Bangalore, India.
hagen N. V., Denmark. Noltze, H., Boehmerstrasse 13, (16)
Nielsen, N. B., P. 0. Box 145, Addis Frankfurt/Main, American Zone, Ger-
Ababa, Ethiopia. many.
Nielsen, H. L. (m), Washington Sani- Noltze, K., Fangelsbachstrasse 11,
tarium, Takoma Park 12, D. C. (14a) Stuttgart-5, American Zone,
Nielsen, Roland (m), P.O. Box 145, Germany.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Nomi, Robert, P. 0. Box 297, Kapaa,
Niemann, E., 3931 Wisconsin Place, Kauai, Territory Hawaii.
Los Angeles 37, Calif. Nomvete, W. J., B.D. 12, Location,
Niermeyer, L. E., Box 763, Loma Linda, Queenstown, Cape Province, South
Calif. Africa.
Nies, J. H. (m), Box 146, Glendale 5, Norcliffe, A. Ray, Apartado Nacional
Calif. 436, Bogota, Colombia, South Amer-
Nightingale, P. E., (m), Angwin, ica.

Nord, G. E., 4330 S. Clarkson St., Nyakeriga, N. (I), Nyanchwa Mission,

Cherry Hills, Englewood, Colo. P. 0. Kisii, Kenya, East Africa.
Nordstrom, J. A., 3226 Pillsbury Ave. Nyakundi, Abel Nyanchwa Mission,
So., Minneapolis, 8, Minn. P.O. Kisii, Kenya, East Africa.
Norman, A. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Nyamweya, Paulo, Poste Restante, Keri-
Mapperley Park, Nottingham, Eng- cho, Kenya, East Africa.
land. Nyanusi, Nathaniel (1), Nyanchwa Mis-
Norman, C. M., Drawer 188, College sion, P. 0. Kisii, Kenya Colony, East
Place, Wash. Africa.
Norman, Clinton (1), Apartado 92, Ma- Nygaard, Peter, Apartado 1325, San
nagua, Nicaragua, Central America. Jose, Costa Rica, Central America.
Norman, E. R. (1), '780 St. Albans Nyholm, H. (I), Annankatu 7, Hel-
Road, Watford, Herts., England. sinki, Finland.
Norris, L. J., Naripan 63, Bandung, Nyerenda, James (1), P.O. Nkata Bay,
Java, Indonesia. Nyasaland, Africa.
North, J. J., 1185 Union Ave., Bronx Nyirambibi, Hesoni (1), Ngoma Mis-
59, N.Y. sion, via Gitwe, Usumbura, Ruanda-
North, W. S., 1726 N. 9th St., Fort Urundi, Belgian East Africa.
Smith, Ark. Nyoni, A. (1), P.O. Chisekesi, Northern
Norton, Henry (m), Box 584, Arling- Rhodesia, Africa.
ton, Calif. Nylander, J. H., 41-32 58th St., Wood-
Norvang, Olov (I), Vasagatan 12, Gote- side, Long Island, N.Y.
borg, Sweden. Nyman, Leon, 3253 Lynwood Road,
Norwood, W. F. (m), 312 N. Boyle Ave., Lynwood, Calif.
Los Angeles 33, Calif. Nzabarusha, Hozeya (I), B.P. 33, Ru-
Nosworthy, P. I. (1), 75 Hillside Ave., hengeri, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian East
So. Portland, Me. Africa.
Nosworthy, W. M. (I), 1705 Covert St., Nzabonariba, Aroni, Ngoma Mission, via
Parkersburg, W. Va. Gitwe, Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi,
Nouan, M. P., Boite 95, Papeete, Ta- Belgian East Africa.
hiti, Society Isalnds, Pacific Ocean. Nzeotta, A., S.D.A. Mission, Aba, Ni-
Noval, Doroteo, P. 0. Box 119, City geria, West Africa.
of Cebu, Philippines.
Novelly, V., 27 Esplanade Road, Mt.
Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. 0
Nowfel, Shukri, P.O. Box 595, Beirut, Oakes, F. T. (1), 2325 E. 19th Ave.,
Lebanon. Oakland 6, Calif.
Nowrangi, B., S.D.A. Mission, P.O. Box Oberg, E. M., 2237 Grandview Ave.,
4, Ranchi, B.N.R., Chehalis, Wash.
Nozaki, K., 2334 Post St., San Fran- Oberg, R. E., Caixa Postal 177, Porto
cisco, Calif. Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil,
Nozaki, Mrs. K. (m), 2334 Post St.. South America.
San Francisco, Calif. Oborny, J., Sidova 1, Ostrava, Czecho-
Nteso, E. (1), Emmanuel Mission, Le- slovakia.
ribe, Basutoland, South Africa. O'Brien, G. D., 2005 Capilano Road,
Ntini, Joshua (1), P. 0. Lower Gwelo, North Vancouver, British Columbia,
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Canada.
Ntiskwira, Simon, B.P. 65, Butembo, Ochs, D. A., 1204 Prospect Ave., Ta-
Congo Beige, Africa. koma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Ntshangase, C. B. (1), 97 Msimka Street, Ochs, P. W. (1), 3601 Laughton, Fort
New Brighton, Port Elizabeth, Cape Worth, Texas.
Province, South Africa. Ochs, W. B. Takoma Park, Washing-
Ntsikeni, D. D.. S.D.A. Mission, But- ton 12, D.C.
terworth, Cape Province, South Af- Odegaard, M. H., Box 163, Rice Lake,
rica. Wis. '
Ntwana, S. K., Native Post Office, King- Odell, R. E. (I), General Delivery, Hol-
williamstown, Cape Province, South lister, Calif.
Africa. Odero, C. (1), Gendia Mission, P.O. Ki-
Nuiafe, M. (I), Box 15, Nukualofa, sumu, Kenya, East Africa.
Tonga, Friendly Islands, Pacific Odero, James, Gendia Mission, Private
Ocean. Bag, P.O. Kisumu, Kenya Colony,
Numbers, R. W.. Box 22, Mandeville, East Africa.
Jamaica, British West Indies. Ododa, Silvano, Gendia Mission, Pri-
Nussbaum, J. (1), Hoheweg 17, Berne, vate Bag, P.O. Kisumu, Kenya Col-
Switzerland. ony, East Africa.
Nyabwa, Thadayo (1), Gendia Mission, Odom, R. L., P.O. Box 401, Manila,
Private Bag, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya, Philippines.
East Africa. Odula, D. (1), Ranen Mission, P. 0.
Nyagatema, Eliya (1), Gitwe Mission, Kisii, Kenya, East Africa.
via Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Bel- Oduma, M. (m), P.O. Box 221, Kisumu,
gian East Africa. Kenya, East Africa.

Oerterer, G. (1), Thalmann-Platz 46, Oliveira, J. J. (1), Calle V. Vergara

(2) Cottbus, Soviet Zone, Germany. 3227, Florida, F.C.N. Graf. Bme.
Oestreich, E., Landwehstrasse 18/I, Mitre, Buenos Aires, Argentina,
19a) Halle/Saale, Soviet Zone, Ger- South America.
many. Oliveira, S. M. (1), Caixa Postal 2898,
Oestreich, H., Thalmann-Platz 46, (2) Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Cottbus, Soviet Zone, Germany. Oliver, C. G. (m), Box 149, Agana,
Offerman, K. A., Walnut Ave., Route Guam, Marianas Islands.
1, Downers Grove, III. Oliver, F. M., 212 18th St., Lewiston,
O'ffill, D. W., Bowman Road, Box 144-E, Idaho.
Independence, Ky. Oliver, J. B. (m), Giffard Mission Hos-
Ogbazghi, M., Post Office Box 145, Ad- pital, Nuzvid, Kistna District, India.
dis Ababa, Ethiopia. Oliver, Mona M. (b), Route 2, Box 234,
Ogbonna, S., S.D.A. Mission, Aba, Ni- Walla Walla, Wash.
geria. West Africa. Oliver, Wilbur (1), Apartado 92, Ma-
Ogden E. B., (m), Union College, Lin- nagua, Nicaragua, Central America.
coln 6, Nebr. Olmstead, C. R. (1), 13448 Placid,
Ogeto, E. (m), Nyanchwa Mission, P.O. Norwalk, Calif.
Kisii, Kenya, East Africa. Olmstead, H. C., Route 1, Box 49-E,
Ogg, C. J. (1), P.O. 27, Hamilton, New Placerville, Calif.
South Wales, Australia. O lmstead, Ray (m), Collegedale, Tenn.
Ogila, Erasto (1), Gendia Mission, Olomojobi, J. 0. (1), P. 0. Box 19,
Private Bag, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya Ibadan, Nigeria, West Africa.
Colony, East Africa. Olney, S. B., 369 Allen Ave., Port-
Ogren, J. T. (1), Hemingford, Nebr. land, Maine.
Ogura, S., 171 Amanuma 1-chome, Su- Oloulo (1), S.D.A. Mission, Wewak,
ginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Territory of New Guinea.
Oh Suk Young (1), S.D.A. Mission, Olsen, Barge, Norre Alle 30, Aarhus,
Outside East Gate, Seoul, Korea. Denmark.
Oh Young Sup (1), Box 43, Seoul, Olsen, Carentze (m), Kendu Hospital,
Korea. Private Bag, Kisumu, Kenya Colony,
O'Hara, H. (1), 15 Trafalgar St., East Africa.
Mont Albert, E. 10, Victoria, Aus- Olsen, D. L., Box 1511, Glendale 5,
tralia. Calif.
Ohn Bwint, S.D.A. Mission, Paan P.O., Olsen, M. E., 502 Flower Ave., Takoma
Thaton District, Burma. Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Oigo, Jeremiah, Ranen Mission, P.O. Olsen, Monrad, 1308 N Ave., National
Kisii, Kenya Colony, East Africa. City, Calif.
Oirere, Abraham, Nyanchwa Mission, Olsen, 0. J., 41 Hazel Gardens, Edg-
P. 0. Kisii, Kenya Colony, East Af- ware, Middlesex, England.
rica. Olsen, P. J., Bergjelandsgaten 45, Sta-
Okeyo, Isaak, Gendia Mission, P.O. vanger, Norway.
Kisumu, Kenya, East Africa. Olsen, V., Norskov, Svanevej 10, Copen-
Okohira, Alfred T., 1963 Pennsylvania hagen N.V., Denmark.
Ave., Los Angeles 33, Calif. Olson, A. J., 409 N. Santa Cruz,
Okoth, Israel (1), P.O. Box 273, Mom- Modesto, Calif.
basa, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Olson, A. V., Takoma Park, Washing-
Okeye, S. (1), Gendia Mission, P.O. ton 12, D. C.
Kisumu, Kenya, East Africa. Olson, B. E., 2838 Hemphill St., Fort
Okumo, B. (m), Gendia Mission, P.O. Worth 4, Texas.
Kisumu, Kenya, East Africa. Olson, D. K., Box 162, Glenwood, Minn.
Olah, St., Kun Jozsef utca 29, Miskolcz, Olson, H. 0., 70 Walnut St., Berrien
Hungary. Springs, Mich.
Oldham, Helen (b), 7341 Euclid Ave., Olson, J. J., Box 252, Norfolk, Nebr.
Cleveland 3, Ohio. Olson, L. H., Casilla 1003, Lima, Peru,
Olero, Elisha, Ranen Mission, P. 0. South America.
Kisii, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Olson, 0. (1), Tunnelgatan 25, Stock-
Olinga, Salomon (1), Mission Adven- holm, Sweden.
tiste, Batouri, French Cameroons, Olson, R. W., College of Medical Evan-
West Africa. gelists, Loma Linda, Calif.
Olson, W. E., P.O. Box 240, Tripoli,
Oliphant, W. W. (1), Union College, Lebanon.
Lincoln 6, Nebr. Olsson, Harry, Annegatan 7, Helsing-
Oliva, U. M., Artacho, Sison, Pangasi- fors, Finland.
nan, Philippines. Omahae (1), S.D.A. Mission, Port
Oliveira, Edgar (1), Caixa Postal 1830, Moresby, Papua, Pacific Ocean.
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Omland, Mangor (1), P.O. Box 145,
Oliveira, Enoch (1), Caixa Postal 810, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, South Omoleya, D. K. (1), P. 0. Box 19, Iba-
America. dan, Nigeria, West Africa.
Oliveira, Geraldo, Caixa Postal 1830, Omwega, I. (m), Nyanchwa Mission,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. P.Q. Kisii, Kenya, East Africa.

Onwere, P., S.D.A. Mission, Aba, Ni- Ostoich, M., 1147 South Rowan Ave.,
geria, West Africa. Los Angeles, Calif.
Onyango, J. (m), Gendia Mission, P.O. Oswald, E. H., 245 E. Mission St.,
Kisumu, Kenya, East Africa. Lodi, Calif.
Onyeodo, D., S.D.A. Mission, Aba, Ni- Oswald, H., August-Bebel-Strasse 39,
geria, West Africa. (3a) Rostock, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Oosthuizen, J. J., "Penzance," Chudleigh Oswald, J. C., Route 1, Box 86, Perth
Road, Plumstead, Cape Province, Amboy, N. J.
South Africa. Oswald, M. D., Box 26, College View
Ope Loma (1), "Palm Beach," Rabaul, Station, Lincoln 6, Nebr.
New Britain, Pacific Ocean. Oswald, T. L., Takoma Park, Washing-
Oprisan, A., Strada Eduard Grand 25, ton 12, D. C.
Bucuresti II, Rumania. Otega, Timotheo (1), Gendia Mission,
Orepala, Kuma (1), S.D.A. Mission, Private Bag, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya
Batuna, Marovo Lagoon, British Colony, East Africa.
Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Oti (1), S.D.A. Mission, Rabaul, New
Oriola, John B., S.D.A. Mission, P. 0. Britain, Pacific Ocean.
Box 19, Ibadan, Nigeria, West Africa. Otieno, Yoeli, (m), Utimbaru Mission,
Orozco, Gregorio (1), Apartado 218, P. 0. Tarime, Via Musoma, Tangan-
Guatemala City, Guatemala, Central yika Territory, East Africa.
America. Otter, Gordon A. (1), Mombera Mission,
Ortner, A. W., 6039 Columbia Ave., P.O. Mzimba, Nyasaland, Africa.
Philadelphia 31, Pa. Otto, Roberto, Uriarte 2429, Buenos
Ortner, I. G. (1), La Sierra Station, Aires, Argentina, South America.
Box 94, Arlington, Calif. Ouatu, St., Strada Golesti No. 11,
Ortner, W. P., 207 E. Ewing Ave., Braila, Rumania.
South Bend 14. Ind. Ouma, Joshua, Ranen Mission, P.O.
Osborn, Calvin, 1077 Alder Ave., Louis- Kisii, Kenya, East Africa.
ville, Ky. Overstreet, C. E., Box 192, Eltrick, Va.
Osborn, J. W., 7506 28th Ave., N.W., Owen, F. M., Riverbank, Calif.
Seattle, Wash. Owens, Mrs. M. (m), P.B. 189T, Bula-
Osborn, R. E. (m), 36 Marian Lane, wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
San Jose, Calif. Owen, W. P. P.O. Lower Gwelo,
Osborne, A. J., Sanitarium, Napa Co., Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Calif. Owuor, H. (m), P.O. Kamagambo, via
Osborne, J. C. (1), 81 Pennsylvania Kisii, Kenya, East Africa.
Ave., Westminster, Md. Oxley, R. E. (m), College Station, Ber-
Osborne, Robert L. (1), 907 N. Brand, rien Springs, Mich.
San Fernando, Calif. Oyier, Sefaniya (1), P.O. Box 273,
Osborne, R. R., 1214 E. Wood, Paris, Mombasa, Kenya Colony, East Africa.
Osborne, W. A., West Indian Training
College, Coolsworthy, Mandeville, P
Jamaica, Britsh West Indies. Padahite, S.D.A. Mission, Honiara,
Osbourn, Fred (1), 318 Mill St., Grass Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Valley, Calif. Paddock, C. L. Jr., Box 5007, Cristobal,
Osgood, DeWitt 5.,.8031 South Lafay- Canal Zone.
ette Ave. Chicago 20, Ill. Paddock, C. L., Sr., Pacific Press Pub-
Oshita, Hideo, 1432 Makiki St., Hono- lishing Assn., Mountain View, Calif.
lulu 14, Territory Hawaii. Paden, C. A., 20 W. 6th St., Chillicothe,
Osmunson, E. R., Box 599, Casper, Ohio.
Wyoming. Paden, M. A. (1), Box 5092, Pittsburgh
Osmunson, R. L., 4818 Pioneers Blvd., 6, Pa.
Lincoln 6, Nebr. Page, A. L. (1), 2321 Liberty St.,
Osola, K. V. Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- Parkersburg, W. Va.
holm, Sweden. Page, Donald (m), Boulder-Colorado
Osoo, Malaki, Raman Mission, P. 0. Sanitarium, Boulder, Colo.
Kisii, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Page, F. A. (1), Route 2, Box 218,
Osorno, Balmore (1), Apartado Nacional Loveland, Colo.
313, Cali, Colombia. South America.
Oss, John, P.O. Box 310, Hong Kong. Page, Mabel (m), Boulder-Colorado
Oss, Melvin, Box 296, Granger, Wash. Sanitarium, Boulder, Colorado.
Ost, M., Caixa Postal 198, Cidade do Paipa, Kossam, Kirundu Mission, B.P.
Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, South Amer- Stanleyville, Congo Belge, Africa.
ica. Paiva (1), S.D.A. Mission, Port Moresby,
Oster, F. F., 1420 Pacific Beach Drive, Papua, Pacific Ocean.
San Diego 9, Calif. Pak Chan Moon (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Oster, K. S., Avenue Pahlavi 2075, Taichun, Korea.
Tehran, Iran. Pak Chang Uk (m), S.D.A. Mission,
Osterburg, H., Herzogstrasse 94 IV, Outside East Gate, Seoul, Korea.
(22a) Duesseldorf, British Zone, Ger- Pak Won Sil, S.D.A. Mission, Sang
many. Soori, Pyengyang, Seishin, Korea.

Palau, Juan (m), Apartado 30, Cama- Parfitt, Eliza (m), Indiana Academy,
guey, Cuba. Cicero, Ind.
Palm, Erik, P.O. Box 145, Addis Ababa, Parke, C. C. (m), 4835 Harlan St.,
Ethiopia. Wheatridge, Colo.
Palm, Hugo (1), P.O. Box 145, Addis Parker, A, 27 Esplanade Road, Mt.
Ababa, Ethiopia. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
Palm, Willow (I), Tunnelgatan 25, Parker, A. F., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn,
Stockholm, Sweden. E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
Palmateer, G. V., P. 0. Box 1011J, Parker, F. W. (1), 1621 S. Maple St.,
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. Little Rock, Ark.
Palmer, C. E. (1), Review and Herald, Parker, G. J., P. 0. Box 27, Hamilton,
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C. New South Wales, Australia.
Palmer, C. S. 84 The Boulevarde, Parker, Grace M. (m), Washington
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Sanitarium, Takoma Park 12, D. C.
tralia. Parker, H. B., Route 1, Box 4-C, San-
Palmer, D. W. (1), Walla Walla Col- ger, Calif.
lege, College Place, Wash. Parker, N. L. (1), 626 Kimlin Drive,
Palmer, John (1), "Hazelrigg," Mande- Glendale 6, Calif.
ville, Jamaica, British West Indies. Parker, P. A., S.D.A. Mission, Myaung-
Palmer, L. C. (1), La Sierra Station, mya, Burma.
Arlington, Calif. Parkin, J. H. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Map-
Palmer, N. W., Box 297, Suva, Fiji, perley Park, Nottingham, England.
Pacific Ocean. Parkin, S. H., 22 Zulla Road, Map-
Palmer, S. W., Route 3, Caldwell, Idaho. perley Park, Nottingham, England.
Palmieri, J. P. (1), 2014 Butler St., Parmenter, K. S. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw-
New Orleans, La. thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
Palu, Muti (1), Box 15, Nukualofa, Paroi, P. N. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Go-
Tonga, Friendly Islands, Pacific palganj P.O., Faridpur District, East
Ocean. Pakistan.
Palvie, S. T., Musofo Mission, Pri- Parr, R. H. (1), 84 The Boulevards,
vate Bag, Ndola, Northern Rhodesia, Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus-
Africa. tralia.
Pan Nai Hyun (1), S.D.A. Mission, Parrish, F. H., 915 S. Pearl St., Cen-
Taichun, Korea. tralia, Wash.
Pan Shui Ru, S.D.A. Mission, Hsuchow, Parsons, D. A., Box 252, Vista, Calif.
Kiangsu, China. Parson, E. H., P.O. Box S78, Wagga,
Panaga, A. A., P.O. Box 17, Baguio, New South Wales, Australia.
Mt. Province, Philippines. Parsons, R. B., Bongo Mission, Lepi,
Pandit, J. (I), Box 17, Poona 1, India. Angola, Portuguese West Africa.
Pangkei, A. J. (I) S.D.A. Mission, Parusel, J., Hans-Sachs-Strasse 9, (10b)
Indonesia. Chemnitz, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Pankoke, Celebes,
H., 956 Noe St., San Fran- Paschal, L. A. (1), 1400 Hawkins St.,
cisco 14, Calif. Nashville, Tenn.
Pansegrau, K., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Pascoe, A. L., Box 27, Hamilton, New
(1) Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sec- South Wales, Australia.
tor, Germany. Pascoe, Cyril, -"Palm Beach," Rabaul,
Panzig, 0., Landwehrstrasse 18/I, (19a) New Britain, Pacific Ocean.
Halle /Saale, Soviet Zone, Germany. Pascoe, H. M., S.D.A. Mission, Vilirupu,
Papa, Samuel (1), Kirundu, B.P. Stan- Papua, Pacific Ocean.
leyville, Congo Beige, Africa. Pascoe, W. H., P. 0. Box 27, Hamilton,
Papaol (1), "Palm Beach," Rabaul, New New South Wales, Australia.
Britain, Territory of New Guinea. Pascoe, W. L., 148 Fox Valley Road,
Papastamoulis, N. S., Keramikou 18, Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
Athens, Greece. tralia.
Paprotny, P., Grafengasse 20, (15) Er- Pascu, I., Strada Eduard Grand 25, Bu-
furt, Soviet Zone, Germany. curesti II, Rumania.
Paraschiv, D., Strada Eduard Grand 25,
Bucuresti II, Rumania. Pascual, M. C., P. 0. Box 2494, Manila,
Parchment, E. E., Box 22, Mandeville, Philippines.
Jamaica, British West Indies. Passos, J. B. R., Caixa Postal 233, Vi-
Parchment, E. J., Box 223, Bridge- toria, Espirito +Santo, Brazil, South
town, Barbados, British West Indies. America.
Parchment, Edna C. (m), 27 Hope Road, Passos, Jose R., Caixa Postal 1830, Sao
Half Way Tree, Jamaica, British West Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Indies. Pasuhuk, A., Djalan Wali Kota 28, Ma-
Parchment, E. Winnifred (m), 176 kassar, S. Celebes, Indonesia.
Orange St., Kingston, Jamaica, Pasztor, J., Kun Joszef utca 29, Mis-
British West Indies. kolcz, Hungary.
Parfitt, A. G., Wisconsin Academy, Patavaki, "Palm Beach," Rabaul, New
Columbus, Wis. Britain, Pacific Ocean.
Parfitt, Mrs. A. G. (in), Wisconsin A ca- Patikia (1), S.D.A. Mission, Madang,
demy, Columbus, Wis, Territory of New Guinea.

Patterson, G. E., Box 831, Olympia, Pedersen, E. W., P. 0. Box 1352, Nair-
Wash. obi, Kenya Colony, East Africa.
Patterson, J. R., 4945 Strong St., Ar- Pedersen, S. F. (1), 1503 E. 2d St., Fre-
lington, Calif. mont, Nebr.
Patterson, Lester D., 635 West Rose- Peeke, W. E., Box 771, Marion, Va.
crans, Gardena, Calif. Pein Gyi (m), 68 U Wisara Road, Ran-
Pattikawa, D. (1), S.D.A. Mission, goon, Burma.
Amboina, Moluccas, Indonesia. Peixoto de Oliveira, Isaura (m), Caixa
Patton, E. E. (1), Box 413, Hutchison, Postal 1830, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South
Kan. America.
Pattyranie, iii., Tondano, Celebes, In- Peixoto da Silva, D.,, Caixa Postal 34,
donesia. Santo Andre, E.F.S.J., Sao Paulo,
Patzer, Arthur, 4012 N. 12th St., Phil- Brazil, South America.
adelphia 40, Pa. Pelton, R. A. (1), Box 538, Rutland, Vt.
Patzer, Reinhold, Box 404, Shattuck, Peltonen, 0., Lapintie 3 C 46, Tam-
Okla. pere, Finland.
Patzig, R., Thalmann-Platz 46, (2) Pender, E. A. (m), Collegedale, Tenn.
Cottbus, Soviet Zone, Germany. Peng Hsi Hsien (m), 1 Ren Min Road,
Patzkowski, J. E., 87 Union Ave., Ir- Lanchow, Kansu, China.
vington, N. J. Peng Hsien-Djung, S.D.A. Mission,
Pau, Tofa (1), B.P. 95, Papeete, Tahiti, Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China.
Society Islands, Pacific Ocean. Peng Liang (1), S.D.A. Mission, Kiu-
Paul (I), S.D.A. Mission, Madang, Ter- kiang, Kiangsi, China.
ritory of New Guinea, Pacific Ocean. Penick, W. E., 2511 N. 26th St., Omaha,
Paulin, N. E. (m), Pacific Union Col- 10, Nebr.
lege, Angwin, Calif. Penner, J. B., 3604 Forest Ave., Brook-
Paulini, P. P., Strada Mitropolitul Ghe- field, Ill.
nadie Petrescu No. 116, Bucuresti IV, Penner, J. G., Route 3, Buckhannon,
Rumania. W. Va.
Paully, Stephen, 30 Lillian Ave., Tren- Perales, Pedro, Apartado 3005, Santur-
ton 8, N.J. ce, Puerto Rico.
Paun, C., Strada Eduard Grand 25, Pereau, Marcel, Boite Postal 194, Fort-
Bucuresti II, Rumania. de-France, Martinique, French West
Paunescu, P., Strada Mitropolitul Ghe- Indies.
nadie Petrescu No. 116, Bucuresti IV, Pereira, Belarmino (1), Caixa Postal
Rumania. 810, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, South
Payne, M. E., Box 632, Bloomfield, America.
Nebr. Pereira, Helio (1), Caixa Postal 1830,
Payne, N., Box 221, Port-of-Spain, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Trinidad, British West Indies. Pereira, R. (1), Caixa Postal 1919, Rio
Payne, W. B. (1), 8728 Magnolia Ave., de Janeiro, Brazil, South America.
Riverside, Calif. Perepelitza, M. J., (See M. J. Perry,
Peacock, G., 1\4 onamona Mission, Oak new legal name.)
Forest, via Cairns, North Queens- Pereyra, Elbio (1), Avda. Italia 2360,
land, Australia. Montevideo, South America.
Pearce, E. G. (I), 8 Yarra St., Haw- Pereyra, Hector (I), Casilla 326, Te-
thorn, E.2, Victoria, Australia. muco, Chile, South America.
Pearman, G. R. (m), Collegedale, Tenn. Perez, B. F., Box 1511, Glendale, Calif.
Pearse, F. C. J. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Perez, J. A. (1), 27 Esplanade Road,
Mapperley Park, Nottingham, Eng- Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
land. Perez, Juan E., 6506 Fairfield Ave.,
Pearson, Gordon, P.O. Box 22, Uganda, Los Angeles 22, Calif.
East Africa. Perez, M. F., Calle V. Vergara 3227,
Pearson, R. G. (1), Nyanchwa Mission, Florida, F.C.N. Gral. Bme. Mitre, Bu-
P.O. Kisii, Kenya, East Africa. enos Aires, Argentina, South America.
Pearson, R. W., S.D.A. Mission, Out- Perez, P. A. (1), P.O. Box 2494, Manila,
side East Gate, Seoul, Korea. Philippines.
Pease, N. F., College of Medical Evan- Perez, R. C. (I), Box 41, Cleveland,
gelists, Loma Linda, Calif. N. Mex.
Peaua, Iskeli, S.D.A. Mission, Box Perkins, H. J., 2208 W. Buckeye, Spo-
15, Nukualofa, Tonga, Friendly Is- kane, Wash.
Perkins, Malcolm (m), 8th and Mesa
lands, Pacific Ocean. Sts., Grand Junction, Colo.
Pechtol, J., Szekely Bertalan-utca 13, Perrine, A. W., 99 Portland Ave., Ro-
Budapest VI, Hungary. chester, N.H.
Peck, Sarah (m), Angwin, Calif. Perrine, W. E. (1), 2456 East St.,
Peckham, H. A., Route 2, Box 49-B, Concord, Calif.
Gaston, Oreg. Perry, C. E., 15 Brook St., Barre, Vt.
Peckham, I. R. (1), P. 0. Inyazura, Perry, E. E., 1611 N. Ellison, Okla-
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. homa City, Okla.
Peden, H. L., 4441 North 3rd St., Perry, F. L., Route 1, Box 416, Para-
Albuquerque, N.M. dise, Calif.

Perry, J. C. H., 62 Clotilde St. Mt. Pettway, Hilliard (1), 3515 Havana St.,
Lawley, West Australia, Austra:lia. Dallas, Texas.
Perry, Kenneth (1), 364 E. Magnolia, Petty, F. C. (1), Casilla 85, Puno, Peru,
Costa Mesa, Calif. South America.
Perry, M. J., 3507 West Walton, Spo- Petzold, G., August-Bebel-Strasse 39,
kane, Wash. (3a) Rostock, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Perry, W. L. (m), 11525 40th N.E., Peugh, Marguerite (m), Apartado 16,
Seattle, Wash. Montemorelos, N.L., Mexico.
Pesulima, A. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Am- Peugh, V. E., Route 1, Box 663, Cres-
boina, Moluccas, Indonesia. cent City, Calif.
Pet Sima, M. Pedro (1), Apartado 37, Peverini, H. J., Uriarte 2429, Buenos
Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico. Aires, Argentina, South America.
Peter (1), S.D.A. Mission, Aore, Santo, Pfeifle, Marie (m), College Station,
New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. Berrien Springs, Mich.
Peter, B., S.D.A. Mission, Chichoki Pferschy, G., Piazza Carlo Mirabello 2-,
Mallian, Sheikupura District, India. Milano, Italy.
Peter, K. S., S.D.A. Mission, Kottara- Pfingstl, F., Nussdorferstrasse 5, Vi-
kara, Travancore, India. enna IX, Austria.
Peters, Andrew (1), 1252 Fern St., Pflaumer, P. E., 705 N. 11th St.,
Lancaster, Calif. Reading, Pa.
Peters, G. E., Takoma Park, Washing- Pflaugrad, Dorothy (b), 1104 S.W.
ton 12, D.C. Goodwin, Pendleton, Oreg.
Peters, J. V., Keene, Texas. Pham Troung Thanh (1), Boite Postale
Peters, W., Charlottenstrasse 24, (24a) 453, Saigon, Indo-China.
Hamburg 19, British Zone, Germany. Phang, N. T., 1325 Rama IV Road,
Petersen, B., Route 1, Box 133, Loma Bangkok, Thailand.
Linda, Calif. Phang, Y. H., 140 Bukit Bintang Road,
Petersen, L. E. (m), Hinsdale Sani- Kuala Lumpur, Malaya.
tarium, Hinsdale, Ill. Phasge, P. R. (1). S.D.A. Mission Hos-
Petersen, N. C., 2640 S. Clarkson, Den- pital, Athwa Lines, Surat, India.
ver 10, Colo. Phelps, C. A. (1), P.O. Box 612, Wai-
Petersen, Preben (1), Norre Alle 30, luku, Maui, Territory, Hawaii.
Aarhus, Denmark. Phelps, Francis (1), Orofino, Wash.
Petersen, Stella (b), 5229 9th Ave., Philbrick, M. IL, 14 Salem Ave., Ham-
Sacramento, Calif. ilton, Ontario, Canada.
Petersen, Stella (m), Hinsdale Sani- Philip (1), S.D.A. Mission, Aore, Santo,
tarium, Hinsdale, Ill. New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean.
Petersen, W. A. (1), 2325 N. Alabama Phillippi, Mrs. Lucile (b), 657 10th
St., Indianapolis 5, Ind. Ave. So., St. Petersburg, Fla.
Peterson, A. W., 148 Fox Valley 'Road, Phillips, A. K., Mwami Mission, P.O.
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- Fort Jameson, Northern Rhodesia,
tralia. Africa.
Peterson, E. F., 1643 Scott Ave., St. Phillips, C. F., 1852 S. 8th East, Salt
Helena, Calif. Lake City, Utah.
Peterson, E. M., Mission City, British
Columbia, Canada. Phillips, E. B., Stanborough Park,
Watford, Herts., England.
Peterson, F. L., Oakwood College,
Huntsville, Ala. Phillips, Frank B., Route 1, Box 388-A,
Peterson, H. W., 399 Upper Serangoon Centralia, Wash.
Road, Singapore 13, Singapore. Phillips, Joseph, Route 1, Box 131,
Peterson, J. M. (1), Pope Star Route, Woodland, Calif.
St. Helena, Calif. Phillips, W. E. (1), Takoma Park,
Peterson, John, 301 N. E. 67th Ave., Washington 12, D. C.
Portland 16, Oregon. Philpott, L. L., 227 S. Atlantic Ave.,
Peterson, S. R., College Place, Wash. Pittsburgh 24, Pa.
Petrie, W. W., 37 O'Connell Terrace, Phipps, B. H. (m), 130 S. Parkway
Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, St., Berrien Springs, Mich.
Australia. Phipps, Barbara (m), 130 S. Parkway
Petrescu, I., Strada Regina Maria No. St., Berrien Springs, Mich.
12, Bacau, Rumania.
Petrone, A. M., 108-11 69th Road, For- Phipps, J. A., Apartado 3005, Santurce,
est Hills, Long Island, New York. Puerto Rico.
Petrovic, Elma (b), 1125 S. 16th St., Phipps, N. 0. (m), 1410 Crotona Pk.,
Harrisburg, Pa. E., Bronx 60, N.Y.
Pettey, J. G. (1), 4981 Sierra Vista St., Phomodi, J. (1), 3 D Location, Kroon-
Arlington, Calif. stad, South Africa.
Pettis, J. L., 312 N. Boyle Ave., Los Piani (I), S.D.A! Mission, Madang, Ter-
Angeles 33, Calif. ritory of New Guinea, Pacific Ocean.
Pettis, L. W. Forest Lake Academy, Phiri, M. (1), P.O. Nkata Bay, Nyasa-
Maitland, Fla. land, Africa.
Pettit, G. W., Route 1, Box 16813, Piehot, H., Mission Adventiste, Am-
Vancouver, Wash. bohijatovo; Tananarive, Madagascar.

Pickard, U. D., Yucaipa, Calif. Piper, R. C., 148 Fox Valley Road,
Pidoux, Enrique (m), Avda. Italia 2360, Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
Montevideo, Uruguay, South America. tralia.
Pidoux, Marcelo, Casilla 326, Temuco, Piperanu (1), S.D.A. Mission, Rabaul,
Chile, South America. New Britain, Pacific Ocean.
Pierce, Esther L. (m), Washington Pires, J. J., Rua Joaquim Bonifacio 17,
Sanitarium, Takoma Park 12, D,C. Lisbon, Portugal.
Pierce, Joseph (1), Casilla 1140, Guay- Piro, Francisco (1), Casilla 1002, Lima,
aquil, Ecuador, South America. Peru, South America.
Pierce, Lela (m), Route 1, Box 145AA, Pitcher, Eva (m), Hinsdale Sanitarium,
Cicero, Ind. Hinsdale, Ill.
Pierce, W. D., P. 0. Box 51, Blan- Pitt, A. A. (1), Nokuphila Hospital,
tyre, Nyasaland, Africa. Western Native Township, Johannes-
Pieringer, F., Nussdorferstrasse 5, Vi- burg, Transvaal, South Africa.
enna IX, Austria. Pitton, L. H., Box 486, Spartanburg,
Pieris, A. R., P.O. Box 905, Colombo 3, S.C.
Ceylon. Place, E. L. (1), St. Helena Sanitarium,
Pierre-Louis, Edner (1), Casier Postal Sanitarium, Calif.
S, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, French Plambeck, E. (1), Charlottenstrasse 24,
West Indies. (24a) Hamburg 19, British Zone,
Pierson, J. B. (m), Collegedale, Tenn. Germany.
Pierson, M. G., 1110 Sixth St., Fair- Plata, Eugenio, Correo Aereo 609, Me-
bury, Nebr. dellin, Colombia, South America.
Pierson, It. H., P.O. Box 15, Poona 1, Platt, Evelyn (m), 3266 N. Meridian
India. St., Indianapolis 7, Ind.
Pietrasz, Alexander, Route 2, Box 224-A, Plenc, Juan, Vallarta Sur 644, Monte-
Berrien Springs, Mich. rrey, N.L., Mexico.
Pietz, A. D., S.D.A. Mission, Aore, Plue, 0. S., Collegedale, Tenn.
Santo, New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. Po Han (1), 68 U Wisara Road, Ran-
Pike, C. M., 31 Glenwood Ave., Paw- goon, Burma.
tucket, R.I. Poblete, A. A. (m), Cagayan, Oriental,
Pike, C. S., 12 Longacres, Sans Souci Misamis, Philippines.
Road, Newlands, Cape, South Africa. Poehl, A. (1), Mendelssohnstrasse 13/11,
Pike, V. R., 419 West 10th St., Ander- (20a) Hanover, British Zone, Ger-
son, Ind. many.
Pikoli, S. T., P.O. Box 14, Qumbu, East Poehler, H. (I), Kriegsstrasse 84, (17a)
Griqualand, South Africa. Karlsruhe/Baden, American Zone,
Pilar, R. A., Artacho, Sison, Panga- Germany.
sinan, Philippines. Poenig, M., Kriegsstrasse 84, (17a)
Pilar, T. A., P.O. Box 401, Manila, Karlsruhe/Baden, American Zone,
Philippines. Germany.
Pilmoor, B. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Map- Poetschke, H., Charlottenstrasse 24,
perley Park, Nottingham, England. (24a) Hamburg 19, British Zone,
Pine, Carl (1), 405 So. E St., Broken Germany.
Bow, Nebr. Pogue, J. L., 399 Upper Serangoon
Ping, I. II., 1365 Chung Shan Dah Dao, Road, Singapore 13, Singapore.
Hankow, Hupeh, China. Pohan, J. T., P. 0. Box 34, Jesselton,
Pingenot, E. L., 2020 McGavock Pike, Colony of North Borneo.
Nashville, Tenn. Pohan, R. A., 399 Upper Serangoon
Pinho, J. de Deus (1), Caixa Postal Road, Singapore 13, Singapore.
177, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Pohland, W., Landwehrstrasse 18/1,
Brazil, South America. (19a) Halle/Saale, Soviet Zone, Ger-
Pinho, 0. G. de, Caixa Postal 1919, many.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South Amer- Pohle, H. (1), Grafengasse 20, (15) Er-
ica. furt, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Pinkney, A. V. (I), 1453 N. Redfield Pohle, W. W. (1), 2031 E. Elkhart St.,
St., Philadelphia 31, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa.
Pinto, M. M. (I), Caixa Postal 1830, Pohlman, A. B., 733 Campbell St., Wil-
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. liamsport, Pa.
Pinson, Mrs. Thelma L. (b), Box 6053, Polednik, K., Sidova 1, Ostrava, Czecho-
Knoxville, Tenn. slovakia.
Pioch, A., Herzogstrasse 94 IV, (22a) Polishuk, Wasily, Uriarte 2429, Buenos
Duesseldorf, British Zone, Germany. Aires, Argentina, South America.
Piorr, A., Peiner Strasse 19 A, (20a) Ponce, Emiliano, Calle 9, Poniente 1702,
Hanover-Dohren, British Zone, Ger- Puebla, Puebla, Mexico.
many. Ponce, F. D. (m), P.O. Box 401, Manila,
Piper, A. H., Avondale Road, Cooran- Philippines.
bong, New South Wales, Australia. 'Ponce, I. (m), Apartado 25510, Mexico
Piper, H. E., 148 Fox Valley Road, 12, D.F., Mexico.
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- Ponce, Xavier, Calle 9 Poniente 1702,
tralia. Puebla, Puebla, Mexico.

Pond, D. V., Box 1511, Glendale 5, Premdas, N. A., Box 78, George-
Calif. town, British Guiana, South America.
Pontynen, W. B., 104 E. Houghton Prenier, D. C., Apartado 986, Caracas,
Ave., Houghton, Mich. Venezuela, South America.
Popa, S., Strada Eduard Grand 25, Bu- Prenier, H. S., 1728 Simpkins N., Nash-
curesti II, Rumania. ville 8, Tenn.
Popelka, J., Sidova 1, Ostrava, Czecho- Preston, B. M., W2619 Walton, Spokane,
slovakia. Wash.
Popescu, C., Calea Bucuresti 57, Crai- Preston, H. E. (1), Box 20, Bangalore,
ova, Rumania. India.
Popescu, G., Calea Bucuresti 67, Crai- Preston, L. R. (1), Box 720, Pottstown,
ova, Rumania. Pa.
Popov, A., Strada Regina Maria No. 12, Pretyman, C. H. (1), 84 The Boule-
Bacau, Rumania. varde, Strathfield, New South Wales,
Porsch, A. B., Boehmerstrasse 13, (16) Australia.
Frankfurt/Main, American Zone, Prevlitz, I., Strada Rosenfeld No. 4,
Germany. Sibiu, Rumania.
Porter, J. T., 1544 S. E. Hawthorne Price, G. McCready, Loma Linda, Calif.
Blvd., Portland 14, Oreg. Price, R. N. Sydney Sanitarium, Fox
Porter, Mabel (m), 5036 Denny Ave., Valley Road, Wahroonga, New South
N. Hollywood, Calif. Wales, Australia.
Porto, F. M. (1), Caixa Postal 2898, Priebe, E. R., 2206 W. Bonanza Rd.,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Las Vegas, Nev.
Posala (1), S.D.A. Mission, Honiara, Prince, R. W., 779 Forest Ave., New
Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. York 56, N.Y.
Posel, M., Haydnstrasse 16 (10a), Dres- Pritchard, F. C., Caixa Postal 341,
den A-16, Soviet Zone, Germany. Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil, South Amer-
Potlin, Abraham M. (1), 2538 Young ica.
Ave., New York, N.Y. Pritchard, S. C., Casilla 240, Iquitos,
Potter, C. T., 37 O'Connell Terrace, Peru, South America.
Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Pritchett, C. It. (1), 1407 Farquhar St.,
Australia. Navasota, Texas.
Potter, E. It., 749 Massachusetts Ave., Proctor, J. W. (1), 11602 69 St., Ed-
Alma, Mich. monton, Alberta, Canada.
Potter, Mrs. Teresa (b), Box 1012, Prout, C. S., Box 464, Angwin, Calif.
Walla Walla, Wash. Pruitt, C. W., 1210 S. 20th St., Terre
Potts, C. R. (1), Casilla 1003, Lima, Haute, Ind.
Peru, South America. Pryor, L. J., 4556 Aldine Ave., St.
Potts, T. R. (1), 27 Esplanade Road, Mt: Louis 13, Mo.
Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Pulver, C. C. (1), Washington Mission-
Potwana, G. F., P.O. Box 12, Lusikisiki, ary College, Takoma Park 12, D.C.
Pandoland, South Africa. Pupo, E. A., Apartado 568, Ciudad
Pound, I. C., Box 1116, St. Augustine, Trujillo, Republica Dominicans.
Fla. Purcell, A. F., Box 1511, Glendale 5,
Pound, Ira C., Jr. (1), 2832 Willing, Calif.
Fort Worth, Texas. Purdey, A. J., Box 35, West Lebanon,
Powell, J. T. (1), Pine Forge Institute, N.H.
Pine Forge, Pa. Purdom, C. A., Box 976, Kirkland,
Powers, C. L., Sunnydale Academy, Wash.
Centralia, Mo. Purdon, Rowena (in), South Lancaster,
Powers, J. C., 1215 Marshall St., Mass.
Little Rock, Ark.
Powrie, R. H., 62 Clotilde St., Mt. Q
Lawley, West Australia, Australia.
Prakasam, M., S.D.A. Mission, Nuzvid, Qamar Din (m), 48 Lawrence Road,
Kistna District, India. Lahore, Pakistan.
Prakasam, T. (m), P. 0. Box No. 20, Quackenbush, Curtis, 315 S. 8th St.,
Bangalore, India. Wytheville, Va.
Prakasam, Y. G. (1), 7 Alfred House Quackenbush, Russell, 2302 Seminole
Gardens, Colpetty, Colombo, Ceylon. St., Hyattsville, Md.
Prasada Rao, M. S. (m), P. 0. Box 15, Quigley, W. B. (1), 1002 Warren St.,
Poona 1, India. Beverly, N.J.
Pratt, F. A., P. 0. Box 226, Singapore, Quijada, V. (I), P.O. Box 119, City of
Colony of Singapore. Cebu, Philippines.
Pratt, L. D., Box 1311, Meridian, Miss. Quijote, J. G. (in), Box 241, Iloilo City,
Pratt, 0. B. (m), 312 N. Boyle Ave., Philippines.
Los Angeles 33, Calif. Quimby, P. E., Pacific Union College,
Prazan, A., Sidova 1, Ostrava, Czecho- Angwin,
slovakia. Quines, S. R. (1), Santiago, Isabela,
Prem Masih (I), S.D.A. Mission, Chi- Philippines.
choki Mallian, Sheikhupura District, Quinn, Joseph (1), Route 2, Reed City,
Pakistan. Mich.

Quinones, Marcos (I), Correo Aereo Rajaonize, N., Mission Adventiste, Ma-
1269, Cali, Colombia, South America. junga, Madagascar.
Quintero, Jose (1), Vallarta Sur 644, Rajee, R. E. (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Monterrey, N. L., Mexico. Nongthymmai, Shillong, Assam, In-
Quirante, L. L. (m), P.O. Box 401, dia.
Manila, Philippines. Rajoelison, J., Mission Adventiste, Am-
Quiroz, Norberto (1), Correo Aereo bohijatovo, Tananarive, Madagascar.
1269, Cali, Colombia, South America. Raley, W. C., Route 2, Box 2214, Para-
Quispe, Ricardo (1), Avda. Espana 851, dise, Calif.
Corrientes, Argentina, South America. Raley, W. H. (m), 703 Market St., San
Quittmeyer, Wilbur R. (1), P.D. 189T, Francisco 3, Calif.
Bulawayo, S. Rhodesia, Africa. Ram, Swaroop (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Mushtaq Manzil, Moradabad, U.P.,
R Ramamonjisoa, J., Mission Adventists,
Ambohijatovo, Tananarive, Madagas-
Rabailotu, Willami, P.O. Box 297, Suva, car.
Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Ramon, Juan, Agricultura 79, Colonia
Rabarijoel, J., Mission Adventiste, Ant- Escandon, Mexico 18, D.F., Mexico.
sirabe, Madagascar. Ramos, Daniel (I), Casilla 771, Cocha-
Rabello. R. M., Caixa Postal 1189, Rio bamba, Bolivia, South America.
de Janeiro, D. F., Brazil, South Amer- Ramos, Isaias, Casilla 1003, Lima, Peru,
ica. South America.
Radke, F. (1), Trinidad, Humboldt Ramos, Jose (1), Avenida Gral. Bel-
County, Calif. grano 1366, Mendoza, Argentina,
Radoi, C. (1), Strada Rosenfeld No. 4, South America.
Sibiu, Rumania. Ramos, J. P., Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru,
Radtke, E., Grafengasse 20, (15) Erfurt, South America.
Soviet Zone, Germany. Rampton, H. F. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw-
Radu, M., Calea Bucuresti 57, Craiova, thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
Rumania. Ramsey, Harry (1), 529 W. Pima, Coo-
Radulescu, I. D., Calea Bucuresti 57, lidge, Ariz.
Craiova, Rumania. Ramsey, Leroy (ml, Wisconsin Acad-
Raecker, F., Kurfuerstenstrasse 91, emy, Columbus, Wis.
(21a) Bielefeld, British Zone, Ger- Ramuwai, Sanipalati, Box 297, Suva,
many. Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
Raecker, W., Niklasstrasse 19, (1) Randall, A. E. (1), 150-25 84th Road,
Berlin-Zehlendorf, American Sector, Jamaica, Long Island, N.Y.
Germany. Randle, W. H., "Hazelrigg," Mande-
Raethal, E. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw- ville, Jamaica, British West Indies.
thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Ranea, I., Strada Eduard Grand 25,
Rafferty, L. E., Box 61, New Bloom- Bucuresti II, Rumania.
field, Pa. Mules, Ole (1), Akersgaten 74, Oslo,
Raffo, A. M. (1), Caixa Postal 1830, Norway.
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Rankin, R. T., Box M, Cristobal, Canal
Raffo, Arry (1), Rua Lopes Trovao 84, Zone.
Niteroi, Estado do Rio, Brazil, South Rantung, S. (I), Naripan 63, Bandung,
America. Java, Indonesia.
Rafoul, George (1), P.O. Box 1011, Rantung, S., North Celebes Mission of
Beirut, Lebanon. S.D.A., Tondano, Celebes, Indonesia.
Ragopitu, S.D.A. Mission, Rabaul, New Rao, R. S. P. (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Britain, Pacific Ocean. Nuzvid, Kistna District, India.
Ragoso, .Kata, S.D.A. Mission, Batuna, Raoseia, Jean (I), Mission Adventists,
Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands, Ambojihatovo, Tananarive, Madagas-
Pacific Ocean. car.
Ragsdale, A. M., 10 Alton St., Portland, Raphael, C. H., P.O. Box 27, Hamil-
Maine. ton, New South Wales, Australia.
Rahm, F. H., Box 115-A, Lone Pine, Raposo, A. F., Rua Joaquim Bonifacio
17, Lisbon, Portugal.
Rahn, L. H., 1228 O'Byrne St., Hen-
" derson, Ky. Rapp, G. S., 917 Flower Ave., akoma
Rai, S. (m), P.O. Box 32, Lahore, Park, Washington 12, D. d.
Pakistan. Rasamimanana, R. (I), Mission Adven-
Rainey, G. H. (I), 714 S. 15th St., tists, Andilanatoby, Madagascar.
Louisville, Ky. Rasmoelina, A., Mission Adventists,
Raith, B. L. (I), 1108 Corlies Ave., Ambohijatovo, Tananarive, Madagas-
Neptune, N.J. car.
Raitt, A. J. (I), Helderberg College, Rasi, Mario, Calle V. Vergara 3227,
Box 22, Somerset West, Cape Prov- Florida, F.C.N. Gral. Bme. Mitre,
ince, South Africa. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Raitt, W. C. S., Box 1835, Nairobi, Kaska, P., Londynska 30, Praha-Vi-
Kenya Colony, East Africa. nohrady, Czechoslovakia.

Rasmussen, C. G. (I), 723 Winslow Reichelt, J., Holmenkollveien 31, Oslo,

Ave., Winslow, Ariz. Norway.
Rasmussen, E., 4006 29th St., Vernon, Reichenbaugh, C. E. (1), 125 Baltimore
British Columbia, Canada. Ave., Takoma Park, Washington 12,
Rasmussen, George, 315 8th Ave., Du- D.C.
rango, Colo. Reid, D. B., 2208-a Brooklyn Ave.,
Rasmussen, H. L. (1), College Station, Kansas City, Mo.,
Berrien Springs, Mich. Reid, E. C. H., "Hazelrigg," Mande-
Rasmussen, L. R., Takoma Park, ville (Claremont), Jamaica, British
Washington 12, D. C. West Indies.
Ratcliffe, A. G. (1), 27 Esplanade Road, Reid, F. G., Utimbaru Mission, P.O.
Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Tarime, Via Musoma, Tanganyika
Rathbun, F. 0. (1), 218 Highland Ave., Territory, East Africa.
S.W., Roanoke, Va. Reid, J. A., "Hazelrigg," Mandeville
Rathnaswamy, N. (1), 1127 Anthuman- (May Penn), Jamaica, British West
thai Street, Tanjore, South India. Indies.
Raunio, L. (1), Lapintie 3 C 46, Tam- Reid, 0. P., Box 223, Bridgetown,
pere, Finland. Barbados, British West Indies.
Raus, G. A., 3018 Division St., Los Reid, Royal G., 2019 E. Chevy Chase
Angeles 41, Calif. Drive, Glendale 6, Calif.
Ravetau, Sepeci (1), S.D.A. Mission, Reid, S. (1), 176 Orange Street, Kings-
Box 297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. ton, Jamaica, British West Indies.
Rawson, A. C. (1), 303 W. Franklin Reider, R., Mendelsohnstrasse 13/11,
Ave., New Castle, Del. (20a) Hanover, British Zone, Ger-
Rawson, A. E., P.O. Box 17, Poona many.
1, India. Reihlen, C., Fangelsbachstrasse 11,
Razafimahafaly (I), Mission Adventiste, (14a) Stuttgart-S, American Zone,
Ambohijatovo, Tananarive, Madagas- Germany.
car. Reile, B. A., General Delivery, Turlock,
Rea, Walter T., 1016 Victoria, Fort Calif.
Myers, Fla. Reile, Ellsworth (1), Box 69, Sterling,
Read, W. E., Takoma Park, Washing- Colo.
ton 12, D. C. Reile, L. L., Apartado 50, General
Beading, H. C. (1), Box 17, Mainesburg, Peraza, Havana, Cuba.
Pa. Reile, S. A., General Delivery, Broken
Reading, E. J., (1), 2315 Lynhaven Bow, Nebr.
Ave., Richmond, Va. Reimche, H. E. (1), Box 296, Wanham,
Reavis, J. D., 2810 Musselwhite, S., Alberta, Canada.
Orlando, Fla. Reiner, D. E., 4547 Calvert St., Lin-
Rebensburg, A., Koblenzer Strasse 3, coln 6, Nebr.
(1) Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sec- Reiner, D. N., 436 S.E. 44th Ave.,
tor, Germany. Portland 15, Oreg.
Rebok, D. E., Theological Seminary, Reinert, Ludgero (m), Caixa Postal
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C. 1830, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer-
Reck, D. E. (m), Loma Linda Food ica:
Company, Arlington, Calif. Reinhard, R. M. (1), 331 Flower Ave.,
Redmond, Mrs. Bernice S. (b), 6 Spring Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
St., Amesbury, Mass. Reinheimer, W., August-Bebel-Strasse
Reed, H. V., 6438 Woodcrest Ave., 39, (3a) Rostock, Soviet Zone, Ger-
Philadelphia 31, Pa. many.
Reed, L. E., 311 N. Pearl, Tecumseh, Reinmuth, H. G. (m), Union College,
Mich. Lincoln 6, Nebr.
Reed, Truman (m), 1415 Makiki St., Reis, Oscar dos, Caixa Postal 60, Goi-
Honolulu 14, Hawaii. ania, Goiaz, Brazil, South America.
Reeder, M. H. (1), 171 Amanuma 1- Reis, R. R., Caixa Postal 810, Curitiba,
chome, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Parana, Brazil, South America.
Reis, S. (1), Rua Joaquim Bonifacio 17,
Rees, C. N. (1), Washington Mission.
ary College, Takoma Park, Washing- Lisbon, Portugal.
Reisig, A. J., 101 S.E. 65th Ave.,
ton 12, D. C.
Portland 16, Oreg.
Rees, Don R.. 1419 Topeka Blvd., Reissner, W., Caixa Postal 233, Vitoria,
Topeka, Kansas. Espirito Santo, Brazil, South America.
Rees, 0. R., 111 N. Cragmont Ave., Reiswig, A. R., 169 N. 25th St., San
San Jose 12, Calif. Jose, Caliif.
Rees, Pearl L. (m), 7011 Brookside, Reiswig, J. J., 182 Harding Place, Syra-
Kansas City, Mo. cuse 5, N.Y.
Rees, V. D., 231 Beaumont Ave., Bal- Reit, loan, Strada Mitropolitul Ghena-
timore 28, Md. die Petrescu No. 116, Bucuresti IV,
Reeves, C. A., Canadian Union College, Rumania.
College Heights, Alberta. Rembi (1), S.D.A. Mission, Madang,
Reiber, M. T., 223 Connell Ave., Still- New Guinea, Pacific Ocean.
water, Okla. Remboldt, R. C. (1), Hemingford, Nebr.

Remick, G. S., 593 Boyd Ave., Win- Reynolds, T. G. (m), 312 N. Boyle
nipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Ave. Los Angeles 33, Calif.
Remsen, Emanuel, 766 Holly Drive, San , W. 0., 721 Plover Ave.,
Bernardino, Calif. Miami Springs, Fla.
Renk, Boni, Caixa Postal 146, Campo Rhebok, D. (1), Naripan 63, Bandung,
Grande, Mato Grosso, Brazil, South Java, Indonesia.
America. Rhoads, Bert (1), 12100 Raley Drive,
Rendon, Jorge, Casilla 1140, Guayaquil, Arlington, Calif.
Ecuador, South America. Rhoads, A. V., 313 West 13th, Ellens-
Renschler, C. A., 207 South Deanway, burg, Wash.
Colfax, Wash. Rhoads, J. H., Route 4, Cleburne, Texas.
Rentfro, C. A. (1), Takoma Park, Rhodes, J. W. (1), Pacific Union Col-
Washington 12, D.C. lege, Angwin, Calif.
Rentfro, C. E., 3875 Stichman Ave., Rhodes, John D., 2263 Alameda, Ven-
Baldwin Park, Calif. tura, Calif.
Rentfro, H. A. No. 4 Brookside, San Rhys, D. H. (m), Calle V. Vergara
Anselmo, Cali f. 3227, Florida, F.C.N. Gral. Bme.
Rentfro, Joelle E. (m), Giffard Mission Mitre, Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Hospital, Nuzvid, Kistna District, South America.
India. Ribeiro, P., Rua Joaquim Bonifacio 17,
Rentfro, R. A., 3983 Calle San An- Lisbon, Portugal.
tonio, Palm Springs, Calif. Rice, Frank E., Box 77, Newbury Park,
Renzi, S. (I), Myrick St., East Taun- Calif.
ton, Mass. Rice, H. E., Porter Sanitarium, 2525
Replogle, J. D., Casilla 240, Iquitos, S. Downing St., Denver 10, Colo.
Peru, South America. Rice, M. L., South Lancaster, Mass.
Replogle, Leon, Kimmell, Rice, R. E. (m), Vincent Hill College,
Requenez, Tomas, 1030 "I" St., Braw- Mussoorie, United Provinces, India.
ley, Calif. Rice, W. W., South Lubec, Maine.
Resseguie, Mrs. Gertrude (b). 5022 Rich, J. W. 383 Adams St., Apt. D.,
Stenton Ave., Philadelphia 44, Pa. Oakland 10, Calif.
Retzer, Fernon, Apartado 261, Barran- Richards, B. L. (m), Box 221, Port-of-
quilla, Colombia. South America. Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies.
Retzer, Harvey, 3519 Myers, Arlington, Richards, C., Oakwood College, Hunts-
Calif. ville, Ala.
Retzer, Helmuth, 4254 Atlas Ave., Oak- Richards, H. M. J., 2035 Eleanor Drive,
land 19, Calif. Glendale, Calif.
Rewe, Ezekiel, P.O. Box 221, Kisumu, Richards, H. M. S., Box 1511, Glen-
Kenya Colony, East Africa. dale, Calif.
Revert, Jeanne (m), Box 398, Oshawa, Richards, W. J., 62 Clotilde St., Mt.
Ontario, Canada. Lawley, West Australia, Australia.
Revita, J. A. (1), Santiago, Isabela, Richardson, Mrs. Della (b), P.O. Box
Philippines. 580, San Jose, Calif.
Rey, J., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzer- Richardson, G. E. (m), 68 U Wisara
land. Road, Rangoon, Burma.
Reye, E. A., 37 O'Connell Terrace, Bo- Richardson, G. W. (1), Australasian
wen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Missionary College, Cooranbong, New
Australia. South Wales, Australia. '
Reye, R., Trans-Commonwealth Union Richardson, J. (1), 27 Esplanade Road,
College, Carmel, West Australia, Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
Australia. Richardson, J. N., 502-D N. Aspen-
Reyes, F. 0., P.O. Box 2494, Manila, dale, Lexington, Ky.
Philippines. Richli, A. (1), 8 Avenue de l'Eglise
Reyes, Francisco, Apartado 37, Tuxtla Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico. Richli, W. C. (m), P.O. Box 401, Ma-
Reynaud, J., 3, Rue du Sacre Coeur, nila, Philippines.
Alger (Algeria). Richter, J. Sidova 1, Ostrava, Czecho-
Reynolds, A. F., Box 61, Netcong, N. J. slovakia.
Reynolds, E. R., 1036 Vine St., El Richter, R. W. (1), Honiara, Solomon
Centro, Calif. Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Reynolds, E. Robert, Box 147, Twain Rick, P. A., 54 Alexander Ave., Chilli-
Harte, Calif. wack, British Columbia, Canada.
Reynolds, K. J., Takoma Park, Wash- Rick, W. C. 1202 3d Ave. N., Saska-
ington 12, D. C. toon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Reynolds, L. A., Box 107, Sandpoint, Ricks, Ralph (1), 424 Washington St.,
Idaho. Elizabethtown, Ky.
Reynolds, L. B., Southern Pub. Assn., Rieckman, C., Box 1011J, Adelaide,
Box 59, Nashville, Tenn. South Australia, Australia.
Reynolds, R. L. (1), Pine Forge Insti- Rieger, R. E., 3615 Lipscomb St.,
tute, Pine Forge, Pa. Amarillo, Texas.
Reynolds, Robert (1), Pacific Union Riemens, D., Mission Adventiste, Ambo-
College, Angwin, Calif. hijatovo, Tananarive, Madagascar.

Riffel, Benjamin, Casilla 1003, Lima, Rittenhouse, L. K. (I), Ngoma Mission,

Peru, South America. via Gitwe, Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi,
Riffel, D. (1), Uriarte 2429, Buenos Belgian East Africa.
Aires, Argentina, South America. Rittenhouse, Sidney, Jr. .(1), 114-33
Riffel, J. E. (m), College Station, Ber- 121st St., Ozone Park, ' N.Y.
rien Springs, Mich. Ritter, G. G., Caixa Pastal 1830, Sao
Riffel, Jorge (m), Avenida Gral. Bel- Paulo, Brazil, South America.
grano 1366, Mendoza, Argentina, Ritz, A. P., 1325 Rama IV Road, Bang-
South America. kok, Thailand.
Riffel, Jose, Avda. Italia 2360, Monte- Ritz, 0. J., 4250 Western Avenue,
video, Uruguay, South America. Westmount, Quebec, Canada,
Riffel, Juan, Cervantes 144, Parana, Rivera, Jose I., 4379 S. Larson Ave.,
Entre Rios, Argentina, South Amer- Chicago 38, Ill.
ica. Rivera, Juan E., Apartado 568, Ciu-
Riffel, W. B., Box 184, College Place, dad Trujillo, Republica Dominicans.
Wash. Rizea, A., Strada Eduard Grand 25,
Rihs, Ch. (1), Hoheweg 17, Berne, Bucuresti II, Rumania.
Switzerland. Roache, Jonathan E. (1), 760 Home
Riley, A. E., Box 221, Port-of-Spain, St., Bronx 56, N.Y.
Trinidad, British West Indies. Robb, M. (1), 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn,
Riley, G. W., Box 66, Port-of-Spain, E.2, Victoria, Australia.
Trinidad, Britith West Indies. Robbins, A. J., 744 N. Negley Ave.,
Rinder, F., Hans-Sachs-Strasse 9, (10b) Pittsburgh 6, Pa.
Chemnitz, Soviet Zone, Germany. Robbins, D. S., 684 S. 18th St., Newark,
Ring, W. W., White Salmon, Wash. N.J.
Rini, S.D.A. Mission, Batuna, Morovo Robbins, F. H.,908 Jackson Ave., Ta-
Lagoon, Solomon Islands, Pacific koma Park 2, D. C.
Ocean. Robbins, Leon, Box 2016, College Place,
Rintala, A. Y., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- Wash.
holm, Sweden. Robbins, Nita (b), 2 Munster Terrace,
Rippey, J. A., 5834 S. E. Belmont St., Waltham, Mass.
Portland 15, Oreg. Robbins, W. M., Route 1, Riggs Road,
Riringi (1), S.D.A. Mission, Madang, Hyattsville, Md.
Territory of New Guinea. Roberson, Leon (m), College of Medi-
Risase, Petro, Suji Mission, P.O. Ma- cal Evangelists, Loma Linda, Calif.
kanya, Via Moshi, Tanganyika Ter- Roberson, W. E. (1), 2351 E. 7th St.,
ritory, East Africa. Charlotte, N.C.
Risehmueller, F., Kurfurstenstrasse 91, Roberts, Mrs. Cassie C. (b), 1128 Chap-
(21a) Bielefeld, British Zone, Ger- man St.,S.W., Roanoke, Va.,
many. Roberts, . A., 249 Kendall Way, Co-
Risley, William C., 355 Richfield, El vina, Calif.
Cajon, Calif. Roberts, Giles N. (I), 1128 Chapman
Ristau, Eric, P.O. Box 401, Manila, St., S.W., Roanoke, Va.
Philippines. Roberts, H. E. (1), 62 Clotilde St.,
Riston, W. R., 1224 Colonial Ave., Mt. Lawley, West Australia, Aus-
Green Bay, Wis. Roberts, J. A. (m), South Lancaster,
Ritch, .B., Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasa- Mass.
land, Africa. Roberts, John, Box. 66, Port-of-Spain,
Ritch, D. (1), P.O. Box 51, Blantyre, Trinidad, British West Indies.
Nyasaland, Africa. Roberts, V. L., 560 West 150th St.,
Ritche, Violet (b), Madison College, New York 31, N.Y.
Tenn. Roberts, W. H. (m), Rest Haven San-
Ritchie, C. A. W., P.O. Box 17, Poona, itarium, Sidney, British Columbia,
1, India. Canada.
Ritchie, C. J., 4107 N.E. Hoyt St., Robertson, E. A., 501 Forest Ave.,
Portland 13, Oreg. Minneapolis 3, Minn.
Ritchie, M. L. (1), 502 McDaniel, Tal- Robertson, J. J., 9818 Roosevelt Way,
lahassee, Fla. Seattle, Wash..
Ritchie, R. J., P.O. Box No. 4565, Robertson, R. H., 2361 W. 30th St.,
Bombay 8, India. Los Angeles 7, Calif.
Ritonga, S., Pematang Siantar, Su- Robins, Gwendolyn (b), Box 66, Port-
matra, Indonesia. of-Spain, Trinidad, British West
Rittau, R., Herzogstrasse 94 IV, (22a) Indies.
Duesseldorf, Britsh Zone, Germany. Robinson, Mrs. Alice H. (m), Route L,
Rittenhouse, C. H., Box 202, Loma Box 77, St. Helena, Calif.
Linda, Calif. Robinson, A. G. (m), Apartado 218,
Rittenhouse, F. 0. (1), Southern Mis- Guatemala City, Guatemala, Central
sionary College, Collegedale, Term. America.
Rittenhouse, Harvey (m), New England Robinson, A. W. (m), S.D.A. Mission,
Sanitarium, Melrose 76, Mass. Kottawa, Pannipitiya, Ceylon.

Robinson, C., P.O. Box 468, Bloem- Roenisch, G., Koblenzer Strasse 3, (1)
fontein, Orange Free State, South Berlin-Wilmersdorf,, British Sector,
Africa. Germany.
Robinson, D. E., Takoma Park, Wash- Roenfelt, E. E., Takoma Park, Wash-
ington 12, D. C. ington 12, D. C.
Robinson, E. (1), 27 Esplanade Road, Rogers, E. E., Oakwood College, Hunts-
Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. ville, Ala.
Robinson, G., P. 0. Box S.78, South Rogers, E. W., 232 N.E. 73rd Ave.,
Wagga, New South Wales, Australia. Portland, Oreg.
Robinson, H. A. B., Apartado 568, Rogers, Elizabeth (m), 399 Upper Se-
Ciudad Trujillo, Republica Domini- rangoon Road, Singapore 13, Colony
cana. of Singapore.
Robinson, L. C. (1), B.P. 28, Nioka, Rogers, J. C., Box 468, Bloemfontein,
Congo Beige, Africa. Orange Free State, South Africa.
Robinson, R. E. (m), 1166 Tolmie Ave., Rogers, L. E., 46 S. Kingston, Tulsa,
Victoria, British Columbia. Canada. Okla.
Robinson, Richard, Box 4027, Atlanta, Rogers, W. W. (1), 933 Rae Street,
Ga. Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Robinson, R. P., P.O. Chisekesi, North- Rohde, W., Charlottenstrasse 24, (24a)
ern Rhodesia, Africa. Hamburg 19, British Zone, Germany.
Robinson, V. E., Kamagambo Training Roibescu, D., Strada Regina Maria No.
School, P.O. Kisii, Kenya Colony, 12, Bacau, Rumania.
East Africa. Rojas (A), Luis, Casilla 2830, San-
Robinson, W. B., Calle 9 Poniente 1702, tiago, Chile, South America.
Puebla, Puebla, Mexico. Rojas (S.), Luis, Casilla 326, Temuco,
Robinson, W. M. (rn), Auburn Academy, Chile, South America.
Auburn, Wash. Rojas, Roberto (I). Uriarte 2429, Bue-
Robinson, W. R., Box 720, Pottstown. nos Aires, Argentina, South America.
Pa. Rolfe, H. R., 495 Merrimack St.,
Robinson, William R., 347 S. Thomp- Manchester, N.H.
son, Hemet, Calif. Roll, H. F., 5309 Swope Parkway,
Robison, J. I., Takoma Park, Wash- Kansas City, Mo.
ington 12, D. C. Rollo, G. W., Box 1011J, Adelaide,
Robison, Milton, Grove Ave. Clare- South Australia Australia.
mont, Cape Province, South' Africa. Romulo, P. H., P. 0. Box 401, Manila,
Robson, H., P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika Philippines.
Territory, East Africa. Ronning, S. C. (1), 5619 N. Park Ave.,
Rocco, R., Caixa Postal 1919, Rio de Philadelphia 41, Pa.
Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Rood, I. J., 165 Michael St., St. Helens,
Rocha, L. A. (1), Apartado 92, Mana- Oreg.
gua, Nicaragua, Central America. Roocks, E., Kriegsstrasse 84, (17a) Karls-
Rochat, A. L., 3506 Laval Ave., Mon- ruhe/Baden, American Zone, Ger-
treal, Quebec, Canada. many.
Rocke, F. A. (1), Australasian Mis- Rook, Marian (b), 1331 Pearl St.,
sionary College, Cooranbong, New Napa, Calif.
South Wales, Australia. Rooz, A. (m), Szekely Bertalan-utca 13,
Roda, A. Z., Artacho, Sison, Pangasi- Budapest VI, Hungary.
nan, Philippines. Roper, F. G., Pinehurst, Wash.
Rodd, A. S., 'Stanborough Park, Wat- Roper, G., 780 St. Albans Road, Wat-
ford, Herts., England. ford, Herts., England.
Rode, A. M. (m), Avda. Italia 2360, Roque, Celestino (1), Patrocinio No. 20.
Montevideo, Uruguay, South America. Vibora, Havana, Cuba.
Rodgers, A. G. (1), Box 337, Oshawa, Rore, S., S.D.A. Mission, Memorial
Ontario, Canada. Avenue, Lae, New Guinea, Pacific
Rodgers, P. G., 10511 S. Hoover St., Ocean.
Los Angeles 44, Calif. Rosado, Manuel, Jr. (1), 5434 Dorner
Rodriguez, A. J. Caixa Postal 3, Nova Drive, Los Angeles 22, Calif.
Lisboa, Angola , Portuguese West Rosario, Rosa (m), Apartado 3005, San-
Africa. turce, Puerto Rico.
Rodriguez, Rudolph (I), 4412 S. Cen- Rosca, D. (1), Strada Cuza Voda No.
tral Ave., Los Angeles 11, Calif. 12, Cluj, Rumania.
Rodriguez, Tomas, Vallarta Sur 644, Rose, A. H. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Wewak,
Monterrey, N.L., Mexico. Territory of New Guinea.
Roe, M. (1), Stanborough Park, Wat- Rose, Carl (1), Box 117, Clayton, N.
ford, Herts., England. Mex.
Roedel, Andrew (m), Box 743, Boze- Rose, D. G., Apartado 4078, Madrid,
man, Mont. Spain.
Roeland, A., 11-13 rue Ernest Allard, Rose, L. S., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, E.
Brussels, Belgium. 2, Victoria, Australia.
Roeland, H. (m), 130 Blvd. de I'llopital, Rose, G. H. (m), Box 337, Oshawa,
Paris 13e, France. Ontario, Canada.

Rosen, M., Parkgaten 35, Tromso, Nor- Ruddle, F. W., Route 1, Box 221,
way. Auburn, Wash.
Rosendahl, E. C. (1), 40 Bealey Ave., Rudge, E. B., 41 Hazel Gardens, Edg-
Christchurch, New Zealand. ware, Middlesex, England.
Rosendahl, E., P. 0. Box 27, Hamilton, Rudge, W. E., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn,
New South Wales, Australia. E.2, Victoria, Australia.
Rosenhain, G. A. (I), Australasian Mis- Rudholm, Bertil (1), Tunnelgatan 25,
sionary College, Cooranbong, New Stockholm, Sweden.
South Wales, Australia. Rudy, Adam, P.O. Box 67, Bowdle,
Rosiecki, J., Foksal 8, Warzsawa, Po- S. Dak.
land. Rudy, H. L., Takoma Park, Washing-
Roslin, E., Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, ton 12, D.C.
Sweden. Rue, G. H. (m), S.D.A. Mission, Out-
Ross, J. M. A. (I), 62 Clotilde St., side East Gate, Seoul, Korea.
Mt. Lawley, West Australia, Aus- Ruf, A. F., 4022 York Road, Philadel-
tralia. phia 40, Pa.
Roth, Andre G., Casier Postal A-115, Ruf, W., 3, Rue du Sacre Coeur, Alger,
Port-au-Prince, Haiti, French West (Algeria).
Indies. Ruf, G. F., 922 Lawrence St., Madison,
Roth, A. H., Box 228, Coconut Grove, 5, Wis.
Miami 33, Fla. Ruf, R. M., Route 3, 15th St., Babylon,
Roth, D. F., 2249 S. 34th St., Mil- N.Y.
waukee 15, Mis. Ruffin, Roosevelt (m), 427 Harvard
Roth, Don (1), 1300 W. Huntington Place, Indianapolis, Ind.
Park Ave. Philadelphia 40, Pa. Rugless, Oswald (m), Box 22, Mande-
Roth, E., Caixa Postal 233, Vitoria, ville, Jamaica, British West Indies.
Espirito Santo, Brazil, South Amer- Ruhe, Henrique (m), Caixa Postal 177,
ica. Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul,
Roth, F., Fangelbachstrasse 11, (14a) Brazil, South America.
Stuttgart-S, American Zone, Ger- Ruhling, R., 21 Woodland Ave., Takoma
many. Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Roth, J. H., 1018 E. Wilson, Glendale Ruiz, Francisco (1), Patrocinio No. 20,
6, Calif. Vibora, Havana, Cuba.
Roth, L. W. (1), Lodi Academy, Lodi, Ruiz, Jose Leor y (m), Agricultura 79,
Calif. Colonia Escandon, Mexico 18, D.F.,
Rothe, R. E. (m), 91 Depot Lines, Ka- Mexico.
rachi, Pakistan. Ruiz, Ruben, 8a Avenida Norte No. 57,
Rouhe, 0., Songa Mission, P.O. Ka- San Salvador, El Salvador, Central
mina, Congo Beige, Africa. America.
Roullet, Y. (1), Mission Adventiste, Rukika, Barnabas (1), B.P. 33, Ruhen-
Oasis Superieure, Casablanca, Mo- geri, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian East
roCco. Africa.
Rountree, Mrs. Bessie (b), General Rulkoetter, A. H., 90 Walnut St., Ber-
Delivery, Brownsville, Texas. rien Springs, Mich.
Rouse, Clifford C., Box 242, Safford, Ruminson, W. M., 1049 Garfield Ave.,
Ariz. Lodi, Calif.
Rowe, R. P. (m), Mountain View, Calif. Rumo, J. (m), Gendia Mission, P.O.
Rowe, R. L. (1), P.O. Box 20, Banga- Kisumu, Kenya, East Africa.
lore 1, India. Running, A. M. (1), 1751 N.E. 59th
Rowe, T. M., 3945 Lake Park, Chicago Ave., Portland 16, Oreg.
15, Ill. Runolf, W., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock-
Rowland, J. W., P.O. Box 401, Manila, holm, Sweden.
Philippines. Ruppert, Harold (1), 105 S. A St., Mt.
Rowse, J. M. (1), Pacific Press Pub. Shasta Calif.
Assn., Mountain View, Calif. Rusatsi, Sethi (1), Ngoma Mission, via
Roy, Albin (I), S.D.A. Mission, Nong- Gitwe, Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi,
thymmai, Shillong, Assam, India. Belgian East Africa.
Roy, R. J., Patrocinio No. 20, Vibora, Rusche, F. D., 824 10th Ave. S., Nampa,
Havana, Cuba. Idaho.
Rush, T. 1., Route 2, St. Louis, Mich.
Roy, Mrs. Ruth (b), 45 Clyde St., Rushema, Samuel (I), Gitwe Mission,
Malden, Mass. Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian
Royer, E. J., Route 2, Box 266, Fall- East Africa.
brook, Calif. Russell, A. B., 1902 Jewell Ave., Win-
Rubambana, Abeli (1), Ngoma Mission, ter Park, Fla.
via Gitwe, Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Russell, C. A., 20 Elm Ave., Takoma
Belgian East Africa. Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Ruble, W. A.,c/o Glendale Sanitarium, Russell, J. S., Box 1170, Beirut, Leba-
Glendale, alif. non.
Ruble, W. W., Box 146, Glendale, Calif. Russell, Leon E. (1), Ozark Academy,
Ruckle, H. E. (I), Casilla 85, Puno, Gentry, Ark.
Peru, South America. Rustad, G. 11., Box 5277, Phoenix, Ariz.

Rustig, H., Thalmann-Platz 46, (2) Sage, A. 0., Box 1188, St. Helena Road,
Cottbus, Soviet Zone, Germany. Napa, Calif.
Rutan, S., 2120 H St., Eureka, Calif. Sage, C. M., 1015 Arcade Blvd., Sacra-
Rutebuka, Zakayo (1), B.P. 33, Ruhen- mento, Calif.
geri, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian East Sage, Royal, 1 Crestfair Drive, Camden
Africa. 4, N.J.
Rutherford, H. G., 521 W. 7th St., Sager, Jack (1), 164 Onden 3-chome
Flint 3, Mich. (2,3), Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Rutter, T. W. (1), Trans-Commonwealth Saisi, A. (1), Nyanchwa Mission, P. 0.
Union Missionary College, Carmel, Kisii, Kenya Colony, East Africa.
West Australia, Australia. Sailo, L. Zuala (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Rutwa, Zefaniya (1), Nebassa Mission, Nongthymmai, Shillong, Assam, India.
D/S Buta, Congo Beige, Africa. Sajid, F. M., S.D.A. Mission, Chi-
Rutz, Arnoldo, Caixa Postal 60, Goiania, choki Mallian, Sheikhupura District,
Goiaz, Brazil, South America. Pakistan.
Ruvugihomvu, Yohanna, B.P. 33, Ru- Sakomai (1), S.D.A. Mission, Wewak,
hengeri, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian East Territory of New Guinea.
Africa. Sakul, A., North Celebes Mission of
Ruvakure, Obedi (1), B.P. 65, Butembo, S.D.A., Tondano, Celebes, Indonesia.
Congo Beige, Africa. Salakian, Haik, Avenue Pahlavi 2075,
Rwakana, Eliazari (1), B.P. 33, Ru- Tehran, Iran.
hengeri, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian East Salau, Robert, S.D.A. Mission. Wewak,
Africa. Territory New Guinea, Pacific Ocean.
Rwanamiza, Salatiel (1), Ndora Mis- Salazar, E. M., (1), Box 241, Iloilo
sion, Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, City, Philippines.
Belgian East Africa. Salazar, J. A., Apartado 134, Sucursal
Rwandema, Natanaeli, Gitwe Mission, "B", Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.
via Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Bel- Salehe, Yonazi (m), Suji Mission, P. 0.
gian East Africa. Makanya, Tanga Province, Tangan-
Rwanduranya, Jafeti (1), B.P. 33, Ru- yika Territory, East Africa.
hengeri, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian East Sales, J. B., Apartado 30, Camaguey,
Africa. Cuba.
Rwangezeho, Paul, B.P. 33, Ruhengeri, Sales, Silvio (m), Patrocinio No. 20,
Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian East Africa. Vibora, Havana, Cuba.
Rwanyabugigira, Aminadabu (1), Ngo- Salhany, P. J. (1), Box 81, Madison-
ma Mission, via Gitwe, Usumbura, ville, Ky.
Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian East Africa. Sallee, A. M. (1), 130 Boulevard de
Rwanyomga, Eliezer, Kirundu Mission, l'Hopital, Paris 13e, France.
B.P., Stanleyville, Congo Beige, Af- Salton, R. A., 84 The Boulevarde,
rica. Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus-
Ryang Chong II, S.D.A. Mission, Out- tralia.
side East Gate, Seoul, Korea. Salzmann, H., Victoria-Mahe, P.O. Box
Ryen, Fritz Olsen, Akersgaten '74, Oslo, 28, Seychelles Islands.
Norway. Sam (1), S.D.A. Mission, Wewak, Ter-
Ryu Young Soon (m), Box 43, Seoul, ritory of New Guinea, Pacific Ocean.
Korea. Samograd, C. G., Box 242, Buchanan,
Saskatchewan, Canada.
S Samograd, Peter (1), General Delivery,
Willingdon, Alberta, Canada.
Saati, J. I. (m), P.O. Box 1011, Beirut, Sample, H. E., Pacific Press Pub. Assn.,
Lebanon. Mountain View, Calif.
Sabatino, F., Lungotevere Michelangelo Sample, Melvin (1), Casa Rosa Courts,
7, Rome, Italy. Brownsville, Texas.
Sabila, W. (1), Chimpempe Mission, Sample, T. G. (I), Box 528, Oklahoma
Private Bag, Kasama, Northern Rho- City, Okla.
' desia, Africa. Shanchez, Raul (m), Apartado 52, Villa-
Sablier, Guiscard (I), Casier Postal S, hermosa, Tabasco, Mexico.
Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Sandberg, L. (1), Vasagatan 12, Gote-
Sabrina, D. C., Box 241, Iloilo City, borg, Sweden.
Philippines. Sandberg, Thyra E. (in), P.O. Box 17,
Saborowski, H., Hans-Sachs-Strasse 9, Poona 1, India.
(10b) Chemnitz, Soviet Zone, Ger-
many. Sandborn, Neva (m), Casilla 326, Te-
Sachsenmeyer, A., Isartalstrasse 40, muco, Chile, South America.
(13b) Munich 5, Bavaria, American Sandefur, Cree, 9249 Phinney, Seattle
Zone, Germany. 3, Wash.
Sackett, F. A., 206 7th St., Wausau, Sanders, F. 0., 2916 West Capitol Ave.,
Wis. Little Rock, Ark.
Sackett, Lee (m), 413 Wisconsin St., Sanders, R. E. (1), P.O. Box 403,
Waupaca, Wis. Nevada City, Calif.
Saeboe-Larssen, L., Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Sanders, W. S., 620 W. Midland, Shaw-
Norway, nee, Okla.

Sanderson, A. E., Prospect Hill, Ware- Scales, L. G. (1), 37-R Franklin Apt.,
house Point, Conn. Savannah, Ga.
Sandford, F. C. (m), P.O. Lower Gwelo, ScarceIla, Francisco, Casilla 1003, Lima,
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Peru, South America.
Sandness, J. E. (m), 399 Upper Seran- Schaar, P. (1), August-Bebel-Strasse 39,
goon Road, Singapore 13, Colony of (3a) Rostock, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Singapore. Schacht, W. H., 12216 Rives Ave.,
Sandstrom, Donald (I), 785 Lee's River Downey, Calif.
Ave., Swansea, Mass. Schaeffler, William, 2033 W. Belmont
Sanford, M. L. (1), "Avonaura", Ayr Ave., Chicago 18, Ill.
Road, Avondale, Salisbury, Southern Schaepper, H. (1), Gubelstrasse 23, Zu-
Rhodesia, Africa. rich 50, Switzerland.
Sangarloo, Y. 0. (1), Adventist Hos- Schafer, 11., Haydnstrasse 16 (10a)
pital, Arak, Iran. Dresden-A 16, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Sangster, Agnes W. (b), Box 22, Schaffner, B. E., Box 216, Armona,
Mandeville, Jamaica, British West Calif.
Indies. Schaffner, R. G., 955 Tamarack St.,
Santa, G. (I), Kun Jozsef u. 29, Mis- Salem, Oreg.
kolcz, Hungary. Schaller, H., Adventhaus, Hans-Sachs-
Santini, F. (I), Via Tommaso Campa- Strasse 9, (10b) Chemnitz, Soviet
nella 8, (Mergellina), Napoli, Italy. Zone, Germany.
Santo, 0. E. (1), Caixa Postal 2898, Schander, Harley, 610 Grove St.,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Brainerd, Minn.
Santos, R. T. (m), P.O. Box 401, Ma- Schank, E., Fangelbachstrasse 11,
nila, Philippines. (14a) Stuttgart-S, American Zone,
Sanz, D., Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain. Germany.
Sanz, Pedro, Apartado 4078, Madrid, Scharffenberg, J. A. (m), College of
Spain. Medical Evangelists, Loma Linda,
Sapa, B., P.O. Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasa- Calif.
land, Africa. Scharffenberg, W. A., Takoma Park,
Sargeant, E. N., 1408 Florida Drive, Washington 12, D. C.
Everett, Wash. Scheibitz, R., Koblenzer Strasse 3, (1)
Sargeant, Stanley (m), Box 651, Col- Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sector,
lege Place, Wash. Germany.
Sargeant, A. J. Route 3, Box 775, Scheidegger, K. (m), Union Adventiste,
Sebastopol, Calif. Nanga-Eboko, French Cameroon, West
Saripi (I), S.D.A. Mission, Madang, Africa.
New Guinea, Pacific Ocean. Schell, H. E. R., Naripan 68, Ban-
Satchell, K. E. (1), 27 Esplanade Road, dung, Java, Indonesia.
Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Scherf, A., Landwehrstrasse 18/I, (19a)
Sather, Donald, 1100 Melrose Ave., Halle/Saale, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Roseville, Calif. Scharr, B. A., 250 N. 8th St., Salina,
Sather, G. L., (I), 302 N. Broadway, Kan.
Watertown, S. Dak. Schick, Mrs. Anna (b), P.O. Box 580,
Saucier, Mrs. Claire (b), 205 Wick St., San Jose, Calif.
Pittsburgh, Pa. Schick, L. B., 8177 Evergreen St.,
Sauder, H. L. (I), Route 2, Latrobe, South Gate, Calif.
Pa. Schieber, K., Landwehrstrasse 18/I,
Saulter, H. T. (I), P.O. Box 720, Potts- Halle/Saale, Soviet Zone, Ger-
town, Pa. many.
Saunders, N. H., 403 Cahill Ave., Tur- Schierman, D. R., 6632 Pollard Ave.,
lock, Calif. Los Angeles 42, Calif.
Saur, 0., Isartalstrasse 40, (13b) Mun- Schiffbauer, D. W., 418 Ellis St., Fond
ich 5, Bavaria, American Zone, Ger- du Lac, Wis.
many. Schildhauer, Otto, Niklasstr. 19, (1)
Sauvagnat, E. (I), 130 Boulevard de Berlin-Zehlendorf, American Sector,
l'Hopital, Paris 13e, France. Germany.
Savage, B. J., 606 Stanley, Oceanside, Schimke, Albert (1), Assam Training
Calif. School, Jowai P.O., Assam, India.
Saw U. (m), 68 Wisara Road, Ran- Sehiopoaia, V. (1), Strada Regina Ma-
goon, Burma. ria No. 12, Bacau, Rumania.
Sawyer, C. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Box Schlehuber F. E. (I), Ikizu Training
297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. School, P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika
Sawyer, Mrs. Edith (b), Box 493, Ful- Territory, East Africa.
lerton, Calif. Schleicher, A. (1), Nussdorferstrasse 5,
Saxton, Mary (b), 109 Anne St., Ta- Vienna IX, Austria.
koma Park, Washington 12, D.C. Schlotthauer, B. L. (1), 2590 S. Hum-
Saytos, I. (1), Strada Rosenfeld No. 4, boldt, Denver 10, Colo.
Sibiu, Rumania. Schlueter, F., Peiner Strasse 19 A, (20a)
Scalliet, A., 11-13, rue Ernest Al- Hanover-Dohren, British Zone, Ger-
lard, Brussels, Belgium. many.

Schluntz, Daisy (in), Walla Walla Col- Schoenach, J. (1), Boehmerstrasse 13,
lege, College Place, Wash. (16) Frankfurt/Main, American Zone,
Schluttig, H. (1), Haydnstrasse 16, (10a) Germany.
Dresden-A 16, Soviet Zone, Germany. Scholz, Louise C. (m), Route 1, Box 311,
Schmalkoke, G., Isartalstrasse 40, (13b) Loma Linda, Calif.
Munich 5, Bavaria, American Zone, Schomburg, William M. (1), General
Germany. Delivery, Webster Springs, W. Va.
Schmehl, F. W. (1), 403 W. Benton St., Schor, H., Herzogstrasse 94 IV, (22a)
Wapakoneta, Ohio. Duesseldorf, British Zone, Germany.
Schmid, A., Gubelstrasse 23, Zurich 50, Schor, J., August-Bebel-Strasse 39, (3a)
Switzerland. Rostock, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Schmidt, Anna (m), 41 Hazel Gardens, Schram, Clarence (1), 2840 8th St.,
Edgware, Middlesex, England. National City, Calif.
Schmidt, E. A. (1), 6965 Capistrano Schram, G. M., 3713 Tularosa St., El
Way, Riverside, Calif. Paso, Texas.
Schmidt, H., Kriegsstrasse 84, (17a) Schram, W. A. (n), South Lancaster,
Karlsruhe/Baden, American. Zone, Mass.
Germany. Schrattenholzer, F., Hinterm Bahnhof
Schmidt, H. Hinterm Bahnhof 30, 30, (13a) Nurnberg, American Zone,
(13a) Nurnberg,
' American Zone, Ger- Germany.
many. Schreyak, Th., Gubelstrasse 23, Zurich
Schmidt, H. H., Box 29, Brookfield, Ill. 50, Switzerland.
Schmidt, I. C., College Place, Wash. Schroeder, W. F. H., 600 Dora St..
Schmidt, 0. R. (1), Union Springs, N.Y. New Smyrna, Fla.
Schmidt, P. (1), Koblenzer Strasse 3, Schroeder, R., Charlottenstrasse 24,
(1) Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sec- (24a) Hamburg 19, British Zone,
tor, Germany. Germany.
Schmidt, Santiago, Virrey del Pino Schroeder, R. 0. (1), 133 S. Pierce St.,
3801, Sue. 30, R. 11, Buenos Aires, Lima, Ohio.
Argentina, South America. Schubert, E., Kurfuerstenstrasse 91,
Schmidt, W. F., 220 Columbia Ave., (21a) Bielefeld, British Zone, Ger-
Dover, Del. many.
Schmitz, H. Koblenzer Strasse 3, (1) Schubert, W. (1), Herzogstrasse 94 IV,
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sector, (22a) Duesseldorf, British Zone, Ger-
Germany. many.
Schmutzler, A. C., Prins Alexanderweg Schubert, Walter, Virrey del Pino 3801,
1 B, Huis ter Heide, Gem. Zeist, Suc. 30, R. 11, Buenos Aires, Argen-
Netherlands. tina, South America.
Schneebauer, L., Nussdorferstrasse 5, Schuberth, H. F., Hunibach-Thun,
Vienna IX, Austria. Switzerland.
Schneider, C. C., Rua Lopes Trovao 84, Schuberth, 0., Hoheweg 17, Berne,
Niteroi, Estado do Rio, Brazil, South Switzerland.
America. Schuechel, A. (1), Peiner Strasse 19 A,
Schneider, E. H., 3613 Sevilla Ave., (20a) Hanover-Dohren, British Zone,
Tampa, Fla. Germany.
Schneider, H. E., 154 Vidal Blvd, De- Schuenemann, B. E. (1), Caixa Postal
catur, Go. 34, Santo Andre, E.F.S.J., Sao Paulo,
Schneider, Isaac, Route 1, Box 557, Brazil, South America.
Bakersfield, Calif. Schuil, Catherine J. (m), Kamagambo
Schneider, 0. V., Box 22, Mandeville, Training School, P.O. Kisii, Kenya
Jamaica, British West Indies. Colony. East Africa.
Schneider, R. F., Box 1107, Amarilla, Schuil, Philip, Prins Alexanderweg 1 B,
Texas. Huis ter Heide, Gem. Zeist, Nether-
Schneider, W. M. (m), College Place, lands.
Wash. Schull, J. V., Box 148, Grass Valley,
Schnepper, F. W., 323 Sinclair Ave., Calif.
Glendale, Calif. Schulte, H., Herzogstrasse 94 IV, (22a)
Schnepper, 0. E., 111 Clover Lane, Duesseldorf, British Zone, Germany.
Medford, Oreg. Schulz, B., August-Bebel-Strasse 39,
Schnetzler, Joseph, 45 Jackson Ave., (3a) Rostock, Soviet Zone, Germany.
South Glens Falls, N.Y. Schultz, Alfred (m), Dove Creek Court
Schoepflin, W. L., Upper Columbia No. 7, Dove Creek, Colo.
Academy, Spangle, Wash. Schultz, Fred, Route 1, Mason City,
Schnoetzinger, H., Freurnbichlerweg 22, Iowa.
Salzburg, Austria. Schultz, H. A., Box 99, Newport, Wash.
Schnyder, A. (1), Mission Adventiste, Schultz, I. E., P.O. Box 1, Nongoma,
Diego-Suarez, Madagascar. Zululand, South Africa.
Schoen, Valentin, Apartado 568, Ciu- Schuster, M. H., 1965 S. Emerson St.,
dad Trujillo, Republica Dominicans. Denver 10, Colo.
Schoen, W., August-Bebel-Strasse 39, Schutter, Louis P., '727 S, "D" St.,
(3a) Rostock, Soviet Zone, Germanny. Oxnard, Calif.

Schwab, M., Nussdorferstrasse 5, Vi- Seel, R. (1), Mendelssohnstrasse 13/11,

enna IX, Austria. (20a) Hanover, British Zone, Ger-
Schwantes, A. (m), Caixa Postal 258-A, many.
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Seenyen, N., 10 Salisbury Road, Rose
Schwantes, N., Caixa Postal 1919, Rio Hill, Mauritius, Indian Ocean.
de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Seidl, P. S., Caixa Postal 51, Pirapora,
Schwartz, D. E. (m), Box 139, Hermosa, Minas, Brazil, South America.
S. Dak. Seino, E., 3 Nakajimadori 2-chome,
Schwartz, R. C. (1), Box 325, Ocean- Fukiai-ku, Kobe, Japan. .
lake, Oreg. Seino, Y. (m), 171 Amanuma 1-chome,
Schwarz, G. (1), 840 McPherson Road, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Seitz, Charles H. (1), Route 1, College-
Schwarz, H., Isartalstrasse 40, (13b) ville, Pa.
Munich 5, Bavaria, American Zone, Sekabga, Nahumu (I), Gitwe Mission,
Germany. via Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Bel-
Schwedrat, 0. F., 812 W. Oklahoma gian East Africa.
Ave., Enid, Okla. Sejama, S.D.A. Mission, Batuna, Ma-
Schwenecke, W., Haydnstrasse 16, (10a) rovo Lagoon, British Solomon Islands,
Dresden-A 16, Soviet Zone, Germany. Pacific Ocean.
Schwerer, W. J. (1), 612 Carpenter Sekuba, Aroni (m), Suji Mission, P. 0.
Ave., Iron Mountain, Mich. Makanya, Tanga Province, Tangan-
Schwerin, G. A., 349 W. Bluff St., yika Territory, East Africa.
Marquette, Mich. Seljavaara, T., Annankatu 7, Helsinki,
Schwindt, F. F., 20 Ivy St., Redlands, Finland.
Calif. Selo (I), S.D.A. Mission, Madang, Ter-
Schwital, J., Mendelssohnstrasse 13/11, ritory of New Guinea.
(20a) Hanover, British Zone. Ger- Selvanayagam, S., 1127 Anthumanthai
many. Street, Tanjore, India.
Scofield, Paul (m), 302 N. Broadway, Semaguge, Aristriko (1), Ngoma Mis-
Watertown, S. Dak. sion, via Gitwe, Usumbura, Ruanda-
Scott, B. T., 19 Union House, East Urundi, Belgian East Africa.
London, Cape Province, South Africa. Sebagare, Mariko, B.P. 33, Ruhengeri,
Scott, E. E. (m), Union Springs, N.Y. Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian East Africa.
Scott, F. R., 68 U Wisara Road, Ran- Semparabashi, Elasto (1), Gitwe Mis-
goon, Burma. sion, via Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi,
Scott, L. R., 319 N. Justina St., Hins- Belgian East Africa.
dale, Ill. Semugeshi, Ezekiel (1), Ngoma Mission,
Scott, W. W., Box 453, Morganton, via Gitwe, Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi,
N.C. Belgian East Africa.
Scragg, W. 1)1. R., Box S.78, South Semuwata, Eliazar, Gitwe Mission, via
Wagga, New South Wales, Australia. Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian
Scragg, W. R. L. (1), 8 Yarra Street, East Africa.
Hawthorn, E.2, Victoria, Australia. Senecal, Beaman, Box 370, Hamilton,
Scriven, C. A., 1544 S.E. Hawthorne Bermuda.
Blvd., Portland 14, Oreg. Seng, G., Diemershaldenstrasse 23,
(14a) Stuttgart-O, Wurtemberg,
Scriven, W. A., 902 Forrest Road, N.E., American Zone, Germany.
Atlanta, Ga. Sengabo, Stefano, B.P. 33, Ruhengeri,
Scriven, Wayne, Box 2238, Boise, Idaho. Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian East Africa.
Scully, J. V., Box 335, Escondido, Calif. Sengoka, Abrahamu (m), Suji Mission,
Scully, 0. R., Casilla 2830, Santiago, P. 0. Makanya, Tanga Province,
Chile, South America. Tanganyika Territory, East Africa.
Seaman, E. H. (m), 11815 Jasper Ave., Senkoto, J. N., Emmanuel Mission,
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. P.O. Leribe, Basutoland, South Af-
Seamount, Robert (1), 3549 Buena Vista, rica.
Sparr Heights, Calif. Senty, R. (I), 2 Rue de l'Eglise, Tunis,
Searle, B. (1), P.O. Box 22, Somerset (Tunisia).
West, Cape Province, South Africa. Senzala, Tuvako, Mbeya Mission, P. 0.
Searle, Bernice E. (m), College Place, Mbeya, Southern Highlands Province,
Wash. Tanganyika Territory, East Africa.
Seat, E. T., 709 Glenmore Blvd., Glen- Sequeseque, Carlos (1), Caixa Postal 3,
dale 6, Calif. Nova Lisboa, Angola, Portuguese
Sebastian, W. H., 315 Wash St., Mari- West Africa.
etta, Pa. Seresere, Isimeli, S.D.A. Mission, Box
Sebro, F. A., Box 66, Port-of-Spain, 297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
Trinidad, British West Indies. Serns, Richard (1), 1440 Crestview,
Sedgman, T. E. A., 8 Yarra St., San Bernardino, Calif.
. Hawthorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Serra, A. V., 1913 Mestena, Corpus
Seefried, J., Koblenzer Strasse 3, (1) Christi, Texas.
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sector, Serrano, Octavio (1), Apartado No. 37,
Germany. Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico.

Serubungo, Eleazari (I), B.P. 33, Ru- Shen, T. R., S.D.A. Mission, 17 Li
hengeri, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian East Hwang Pei Road, Hankow 7, Hupeh,
Africa. China.
Seth (1), S.D.A. Mission, Aore, Santo, Shen, Y. M. (1), 526 Ningkuo Road,
New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. Shanghai, China.
Shad, B. M., 76 Queensway, New Delhi, Shepard, L. C., P.O. Box 35, Poona 1,
India. India.
Shafer, E. E. (1), Box 245, Rock Shepard, Lyle, 232 Avenue H., Yucaipa,
Springs, Wyo. Calif.
Shafer, H. V., Box 45, Okeene, Okla. Shepard, R. H. (1), 3071 Yadavagiri Ex-
Shafer, J. W., La Sierra Station, Ar- tension Road, Mohulla, Mysore, In-
lington, Calif. dia.
Shain, M. C. (1), 813 Georgia St., Shephard, W. H., Washington Mis-
Monroe, La. sionary College, Takoma Park, Wash-
Shakespeare, P. E., 312 N. Boyle Ave., ington 12, D.C.
Los Angeles, Calif. Shepherd, C. A., 3779 Sherman Ave.,
Shamalambo, Paul, Chisekesi Siding, North Bend, Oreg.
Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Sheppard, P. N. (1), Australasian Mis-
Shamilimo, Andrew, Munega Mission, sionary College, Cooranbong, New
P.O. Mazabuka, Northern Rhodesia, South Wales, Australia.
Africa. Sherbondy, George, 406 South High St,.
Shan Lo Tien, S.D.A. Mission, 11 Pei Kirksville, Mo.
Yueh Ya Hutung, Peiping, China. Sherman, A. R., Box 1064, College
Shan Ying Ming (m), 526 Ningkuo Place, Wash.
Road, Shanghai 19, China. Sherrard, Amelia (m), Walla Walla
Shankel, C. W., College Place, Wash. College, College Place, Wash.
Shankel, G. E., South Lancaster, Mass. Sherrard, Elwood (1), Walla Walla
Shanko, M. J., 247 N. High St., Har- College, College Place, Wash.
risonburg, Va. Sherrill, Frank, 508 N.W. 5th, Mineral
Shannon, J. L. (m), P.O. Box No. 15, Wells, Texas.
Poona 1, India. Sherwin, T. A., 8 Yarra St.. Hawthorn,
Shapa, Samuel, P.O. Box 9, Mongo, E.2, Victoria, Australia.
Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Shewmake, John (1), 158 South St.,
Sharman, Glenn, (1), 11 Sebago Drive, Rialto, Calif.
Portsmouth, Va. Shibata, E., 164 Onden 3-chome (2,3),
Sharp, F. L., 27 Esplanade Road, Mt. Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Shields, L. V. (1), 148 Fox Valley Road,
Sharp, W. 0. (1), 148 Fox Valley Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
Road, Wahroonga, New South Wales, tralia.
Australia. Shigley, P. H. (m), Giffard Missionary
Shaw, B. H., 51 Vendola Drive, San Hospital, Nuzvid, Kistna District,
Rafael, Calif. India,
Shaw, David I., Route 1, West Paris, Me. Shin Tai Sik (1), S.D.A. Mission, 99
Shaw, H. J., College Station, Berrien Hoi Ki Dong, Seoul, Korea.
Springs, Mich. Shirley, J. C. H. (1), Signs Publishing
Shaw, J. L., Loma Linda, Calif. Co., Warburton, Victoria, Australia.
Shaw, L. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Mapperley Shiwatenk o, T., 186 Markham St.,
Park, Nottingham, England. Toronto, Ontario. Canada.
Shaw, Lyman W., Box 131, Moscow, Short, D. K., Gendia Mission, Private
Idaho. Bag, Kisumu, Kenya Colony, East
Sheldon, E. L.. Azusa Valley Sani- Africa.
tarium, Box B, Azusa, Calif. Shorter, A. D., 553 Cedar Ave., Mobile,
Sheldon, H. J., 600 N. Kauffman Ave., Ala.
Temple City, Calif. Shorter, R. W. (1), Spicer Missionary
Shelburg, Edna (m), Hinsdale, San- College, Aundh Road, Kirkee, Poona
itarium, Hinsdale, Ill. 3, India.
Shoup, H. L., 213 S. Catherine St., Bay
Shelburg, June (m), Hinsdale San- City 9, Mich.
itarium, Hinsdale, Ill. Shrewsbury, 0. H., Sanitarium, Napa
Shell, S. H. (1), 62 Clotilde Street, Co., Calif.
Mt. Lawley, West Australia, Aus- Shryock, Harold (m), College of Med-
tralia. ical Evangelists, Loma Linda, Calif.
Shelly, Williams (I), Route 1, Box Shuler, J. L. Theological Seminary,
266A, Ft. Bragg, Calif. Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Shen Chi MM (1), 62 Ta Fang Chia Shull, E. H., 6920 Willow St., N.W.,
Hutung, Peiping, China. Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Shen, H. C., 526 Ningkuo Road, Shang- Shull, H. L. (1), Pacific Union College,
hai 19, China. Angwin, Calif.
Shen Hsuen Hung, S.D.A. Mission, Kiu-. Shull, Helen M. (m), Washington Sani-
kiang, Kiangsi, China. tarium, Takoma Park 12, D. C.
Shen Ko Chang, 1 Ren Min Road, Lan- Shull, J. C., 312 N. Boyle Ave., Los
chow, Kansu, China. Angeles 33, Calif.

Shull, J. R., Box 311, Mt. Vernon, Simon, E., Thalmann-Platz 46, (2)
Academy, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Cottbus, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Shull, Virginia (m), Union College, Lin- Simon, H. (1), Grafengasse 20, (15)
coln 6, Nebr. Erfurt, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Shultz, Mrs. Grace (b), 1510 Admiral Simons, D. B., S.D.A. Mission, P. 0. Box
Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. 1016, Accra, Gold Coast, West Africa.
Shultz, J. H., 1046 Sierra Highway, Simons, N. G., Box 4027, Atlanta, Ga.
Lancaster, Calif. Simonson, J. A., 1952 Eden Ave., Glen-
Shultz, J. E., 5260 Holden Ave., Arling- dale 6, Calif.
ton, Calif. Simpson, P. K., Alturas, Calif.
Shultz, J. W., Route 4, Bucyrus, Ohio. Sims, George, Route 3, Box 8, Chico,
Sia Chung Ong, S.D.A. Mission, Foo- Calif.
chow, China. Sinaga, Elam, P.O. Box 41, Kuching,
Siaga, M. L. (1), P.O. Box 39, Lucena, Sarawak, Borneo.
Quezon, Philippines. Sinclair, David (m), Hinsdale Sani-
Siagian, D. P., P.O. Box 34, Jesselton, tarium, Hinsdale, Ill.
Colony of North Borneo. Sinclair, H. E. (1), 208 E. 5th, Eureka,
Sialo, S.D.A. Mission, Batuna, Marovo Kan.
Lagoon, Solomon Islands, Pacific Singleton, H. D., 1008 Westmore Drive,
Ocean. N.W., Atlanta, Ga.
Sibadogil, M. T., P. 0. Box 41, Kuching, Singo, Stefano (1), Suji Mission, P. 0.
Sarawak, Borneo. Makanya, Tanga Province, Tangan-
Sibagobe, Harry, P.O. Box 573, Bula- yika Territory, East Africa.
wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Sinyokosa, L. (1), Musofu Mission,
Sibarani, L. S., P. 0. Box 34, Jesselton, Private Bag, Ndola, Northern Rho-
Colony of North Borneo. desia, Africa.
Sibianu, G., Calea Bucuresti 57, Craiova, Sinz, K., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, (13a)
Rumania. Nurnberg, American Zone, Germany.
Sibley, David, P. 0. Box 27, Hamilton, Sipepa, Simon (1), Private Bag T192,
New South Wales, Australia. Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Sickler, M. W., Apt. C, 907 Eastridge Sipi (1), S.D.A. Mission, Wewak, Ter-
Ave., Takoma Park, Washington 12, ritory of New Guinea.
D.C. Siqueira, F. N. (1), Caixa Postal 1919,
Siebenlist, J. R., Solusi Mission, P.B. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America.
189T, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Siqueira, J. N., Caixa Postal 1830,
Africa. Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Siegenthaler, W. J. (1), 2101 N.E. Sircar, J. N. (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Flanders, Portland 15, Oreg. Gopalganj, Faridpur District, Pakis-
Siemienowicz, W., Foksal 8, Warszawa, tan.
Poland. Siregar, M., Lorongvoetbal 118, Pelam-
Siepman, J. G., Ntusu Mission, P.O. bang, Sumatra, Indonesia.
Maswa, Via Mwalampaka, Tangan- Siregar, S. N. (m), 399 Upper Seran-
yika, East Africa. goon Road, Singapore 13, Singapore.
Sigamony, T. M. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Siregar, Sutan Mangatas (1), S.D.A.
Telicherry, Malabar, South India. Mission, Pemantang Siantar, Suma-
Sikongo, George (1), P. 0. Mongo, tra, Indonesia.
Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Sisson, G. W. (1), 401 Westminster,
Siliko, Pamu, S.D.A. Mission, Batuna, Orlando, Fla.
Marovo Lagoon, Britsh Solomon Is- Siti, Andrea, Majita Mission, P.O. Mus-
lands, Pacific Ocean. oma, Tanganyika Territory, East Af-
Silud, G. B. (1), P.O. Box 119, City rica.
of Cebu, Philippines. Sitompoel, S. F. (I), Naripan 63, Ban-
Silva, A. P. da (1), Caixa Postal 198, dung, Java, Indonesia.
Cidade do Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, Sittner, Felipe, Avenida Gral. Belgrano
South America. 1366, Mendoza, Argentina, South
Silva, 0. A. (m), Caixa Postal 1830, America.
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Sittner, J. F., Cervantes 144, Parana,
Silva, S. (1), Caixa Postal 1919, Rio de Entre Rios, Argentina, South Amer-
Janeiro, Brazil, South America.
Silva, W. R., Caixa Postal 1830, Sao ica.
Paulo, Brazil, South America. Siu Pok On, S.D.A. Mission, Nanning,
Simandjoentak, B. P., Naripan 63, Ban- Kwangsi, China.
dung, Java, Indonesia. Siu Sing Ng (m), 12 Sam Yuk Road,
Simi, "Palm Beach, Rabaul, New Brit- Tungshan, Canton, China.
ain, Territory of New Guinea. Sivonen, E., Annankatu 7, Helsinki,
Simi, I. (m), Nyanchwa Mission, P.O. Finland.
Kisii, Kenya, East Africa. Sjoren, G. (I), Vasagatan 12, Goteborg,
Simoes, F., Rua Joaquim Bonifacio 17, Sweden.
Lisbon, Portugal. Skadsheim, M. N., 513 Buckingham
Simon, Albertina R. (ml, Caixa Postal Ave., Syracuse, N. Y.
258-A, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer- Skau, David (1), 76 Queensway, New
ica. Delhi, India.

Skau, 0. A., P.O. Box 20, Bangalore, Smith, J. A., Box 142, Mt. Vernon,
India. Wash.
Skilton, W. T. (1), 87 Division St., Smith, J. C. (1), 1004 Tulsa St., Wi-
Schenectady, N.Y. chita Falls, Texas.
Skinner, L. A., Takoma Park, Wash- Smith, J. D., 501 Forest Ave., Min-
ington 12, D. C. neapolis 3, Minn.
Skinner, R. C., 524 E. Main St., Hills- Smith, J. H., Saint Brides, Va.
boro, Oreg. Smith, L. A., 1334 Lischey Ave., Nash-
Skrla, J., Sidova 1, Ostrava, Czecho- ville 7, Tenn.
slovakia. Smith, Leslie (m), 35 Walnut St., Ber-
Skrypaczek, J. (1), Foksal 8, Warszawa, rien Springs, Mich.
Poland. Smith, L. L. (1), 225 E. 6th St., Powell,
Skyllstad, R. J., Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Wyo.
Norway. Smith, M. E., Oak Park Academy,
Slade, E. K., 431 El Vina Drive, Glen- Nevada, Iowa.
dale 6, Calif. Smith, M. R. (m), S.D.A. Mission, Port
Slade, F. M., P.O. Box 266, Townsville, Moresby, Papua, Pacific Ocean.
Queensland, Australia. Smith, M. W., Dillingham, Alaska.
Slate, J. G. (m), 355 West 52nd St., Smith, N. B., 361 W. Marion St.,
New York 19, N.Y. Florence, S.C.
Slates', F. B., 238 W. Jeff Davis St., Smith, Preston (1), Box 114, Dallas,
Montgomery, Ala. Oreg.
Slond, B., van Lumeystraat 64, The Smith, Ralph (1), 361 Argyle St., North
Hague, Netherlands. Hobart, Tasmania.
Sloop, J. R. (m), Southwestern Junior Smith, R. C. (1), Box 1011 J, Adelaide,
College, Keene, Texas. South Australia, Australia.
Small, C. S. (m), College of Med- Smith, R. C. (1), 210 N. Walnut
ical Evangelists, Loma Linda, Calif. St., Benton Harbor, Mich.
Smart, L. E., Box 396, Oshawa, On- Smith, R. D. (1), 213 E. 20th St.,
tario, Canada. Alton, Ill.
Smart, R. M. A. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Smith, R. H., 780 St. Albans Road,
Mapperley Park, Nottingham, Eng- Watford, Herts., England.
land. Smith, Mrs. Thelma (b), Box 310,
Smith, A. R. (1), 1813 Orchard Ave., Hong Kong.
Glendale 6, Calif. Smith, W. D., 361 Argyle Street, North
Smith, Asa (rn), 3518 S. 48th St., Hobart, Tasmania.
Lincoln 6, Nebr. Smith, W. I., College Place, Wash.
Smith, C. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Mapper- Smith, Wilmot (1), 172 Kapiolani St.,
ley Park, Nottingham, England. Hilo, Hawaii.
Smith, C. E., 643 Mapleton, Boulder, Smith, W. K., Route 1, Bourbon, Mo.
Colo. Smith, W. R., Box 110, College Place,
Smith, C. H., 1300 W. Hunting Wash.
Park Ave., Philadelphia 40, Pa. Smith, W. T., 316 '71st St., Newport
Smith, C. 0., South Lancaster, Mass. News, Va.
Smith, C. D., Box 183, Irrigon, Oreg. Smith, W. 3 Brown Ave., Cort-
Smith, Clark, Box 146 Glendale, Calif. land, N.Y.
Smith, C. R. (m), Broadview Acad- Smithwick, R. A., British Columbia
emy, La Grange, Ill. Conference of S.D.A., Mission City,
Smith, D. F., 2514 Madison St., Ogden, British Columbia, Canada.
Utah. Smouse, A. R. (1), 601 Forest Ave.,
Smith, D. K. (1), Spencerville, Md. Minneapolis 3, Minn.
Smith, D. W., Loma Linda, Calif. Smyk, A. (1), Traugutta 34, Radom,
Smith, E. B. (1), 1325 Rama IV Road, Poland.
Bangkok, Thailand. Snider, J. D. (1), Review and Herald,
Smith, E. M. (m), 68 U Wisara Road, Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C.
Rangoon, Burma. Snider, W. E. (1), 667% Madigan Ave.,
Smith, Floyd, 1407 Maryland Ave., Morgantown, W. Va.
Steubenville, Ohio.
Smith, G. (1), 27 Esplanade Road, Mt. Snow, Earl (1), 917 Michigan Ave.,
Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Monroe, Mich.
Smith, G. A. E., Box 22, Mandeville, Snyman, Alexander (1), 3016 Simpson
Jamaica, British West Indies. Ave., Hoquiam, Wash.
Smith, G. B. (1), Box 554, Fredericton, So King Hi, S.D.A. Mission, Kulangsu,
New Brunswick, Canada. Amoy, China.
Smith, G. E., 504 2nd St., Juniata, Soares, Manoel, Caixa Postal 810, Curi-
Altoona, Pa. tiba, Parana, Brazil, South America.
Smith, George (1), 1325 North 14th Sobotka, J. (1), Sidova 1, Ostrava,
St., Phoenix, Ariz. Czechoslovakia.
Smith, George (in), College Station, Sobu Sobu (I), S.D.A. Mission, Madang,
Berrien Springs, Mich. New Guinea, Pacific Ocean.
Smith, Irvin (1), "Hazelrigg," Mande- Soetbeer, A., Bueltenweg 14, (20b)
ville, Jamaica, British West Indies.. Brunswick, British Zone, Germany.

Scgovare, S.D.A. Mission, Port Moresby, Sousa, A. R.; 137 Langston St., Hot
Papua, Pacific Ocean. Springs, Ark.
Sohlmann, Charles, Wolfhalden, Appen- Southwell, C. P., 62 Clotilde St., Mt.
zell, Switzerland. Lawley, West Australia, Australia.
Sohlmann, K., Gubelstrasse 23, Zurich Southwell, G. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw-
50, Switzerland. thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
Sokai, Meli, S.D.A. Mission, Box 297, Souza, A. B. de, Caixa Postal 810,
Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, South
Solano, Andre (m), Casilla 85, Puno, America.
Peru, South America. Souza, P. L., Caixa Postal 198, Cidade
Solano, Serapio (1), Cagayan, Orien- do Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, South
tal Misamis, Philippines. America.
Solea, I., Strada Eduard Grand 25, Sowler, G. C. (1), Box 311, Mt. Vernon,
Bucuresti II, Rumania. Ohio.
Soles, C. I. (1), 1311 W. 50th St., Sowers, W. A. (1), Box 308, Oshawa,
Norfolk, Va. Ontario, Canada.
Solivio, Mrs. Oliva D., (m), Box 241, Spalding, A. W., Madison College, Tenn.
Iloilo City, Philippines. Spalding, A. W., Jr. (m), Collegedale,
Solomon, S.D.A. Mission, Aore, New Tenn.
Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. Spanghagen, 0. A., Tunnelgatan 25,
Solomon, G. N. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Stockholm, Sweden.
Nuzvid P.O., Kistna District, India. Spangle, R. E. (1), 1006 Van Kirk St.,
Solomon, K. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Nuzvid Philadelphia 24, Pa.
P.O., Kistna District, South India. Spangler, C. R., 401 Coshocton Ave.,
Soloniuk, George, 12010 89th St., Ed- Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
monton, Alberta, Canada. Spangler, J. R., 50 Bradford Ave.,
Soloniuk, William (1), Box 97, Terrace, Meridian, Miss.
British Columbia, Canada. Spangler, It. C. (m), 1202 3rd Ave.
Sommerfeld, C. E., Fulton Missionary North, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,
College, Tailevu, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Canada.
Somoso, A. N., Cagayan, Oriental Mi- Sparrow, B. E., Caixa Postal 3, Nova
samis, Philippines. Lisboa, Angola, Portuguese West
Sonestam, E., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- Africa.
holm, Sweden. Sparrow, H. M., P.O. Box 468, Bloem-
Sonnenberg, H. L. (1), Walla Walla fontein, Orange Free State, South
College, College Place, Wash. Africa.
Sopangiso, A. (1), c/o Argyle Store, Spaulding, D. B., Benner, Oreg.
Alice, Cape Province, South Africa. Spear, B. R., 11100 Elm St., Lynwood,
Soper, A. E., 875 4th St., S.W., Paris, Calif.
Texas. Spears, Byron R., 1641 E. LaFayette St.,
Soper, F. A., Pacific Press Pub Assn., Stockton, Calif.
Mountain View, Calif. Spearing, F. A., 780 St. Albans Road,
Sorensen, C. P., P. 0. Box 226, Singa- Watford, Herts, England.
pore, Colony of Singapore. Specht, Carl (m), Campion Academy,
Sorensen, E. D. (1), Box '1491, James- Loveland, Colo.
town, N. Dak. Specht, E. J. (m), 340 Grove Ave.,
Sorensen, E. L., 3 Spencer Road, Ban- Berrien Springs, Mich.
galore, India.
Sorensen, 0. S. (I), Holmenkollveien Specht, Walter, La Sierra College,
31, Oslo, Norway. Arlington, Calif.
Sorenson, Agnes (m), College Place, Speck, D. A., 62 Clotilde Street, Mt.
Wash. Lawley, West Australia, Australia.
Sorenson, C. M., Angwin, Calif. Speck, 0. L. (1), Wewak, New Guinea,
Sorenson, M. J., Collegedale, Tenn. Pacific Ocean.
Sormin, M. S. (1), Pematang Siantar, Spencer, R. M., Dewart, Pa.
Sumatra, Indonesia. Spencer, R. M. Jr., Box 122, Couders-
Sormin, M. P. (m), 399 Upper Saran- port, Pa.
goon Road, Singapore 13, Colony of Speranza, V., Via Tommaso Campanella
Singapore. 8, (Margellina), Napoli, Italy.
Sosa, Ascencio, Casilla 85, Puno, Peru, Spenst, A. M. (1), 1551/2 Selkirk St.,
South America. Chatham, Ontario, Canada.
Sosa, Lot (1), Casilla 86, Puno, Peru, Spicer, Joseph, Route 6, Box 366,
South America. Wright Road, Akron 7, Ohio.
Sosa, Mariano (1), Casilla 85, Puno, Spicer, W. A., 606 Carroll Ave., Ta-
Peru, South America. koma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Sosola, Yokoniah, P. 0. Box 51, Blan- Spiess, F. E., 36 Park St., Calcutta,
tyre, Nyasaland, Africa. India.
Soto, Ner, Calle V. Vergara 3227, Spillman, D. H., 1509 S. Maple St.,
Florida, F.C.N. Gral. Bme. Mitre, Spokane, Wash.
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Spindle, Thomas E. (1), 5102 E. Sheri-
America. dan, Tacoma, Wash.

Spindola, Mrs. Olinda B. (m), Caixa Steinmeier, W., Kriegsstrasse 84, (17a)
Postal 2898, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Karlsruhe/Baden, American Zone,
America. Germany.
Spiva, J. D. (in), Route 4, Box 78-A, Steinweg, B. W., Casilla 85, Puno,
Dallas 10, Texas. Peru, South America.
Sprengel, A. A. (m), Loma Linda Food Stekla, F., Foksal 8, Warszawa, Poland.
Co., Arlington, Calif. Stenberg, C. E. (m), Campion Acad-
Srour, Chafic, Tartous, Syria. emy, Loveland, Colo.
Stabellos, A. N. (m), Keramikou 18, Stene, L. J., Holmenkollveien 31, Oslo,
Athens, Greece. Norway.
Staben, C. F., Box 164, Morrison, Okla. Stephens, Lloyd, Grandview, Wash.
Stacey, H., 84 The Boulevarde, Strath- Stephens, Ray W., 110 E. Beech Road,
field, New South Wales, Australia. Maplewood, La.
Stafford, C. R. (1), Madang, Territory Sterling, Calvin, Box 111, Elsinore,
of New Guinea, Pacific Ocean. Calif.
Stafford, W. J. (I), P. 0. Box 266, Sterling, G. L., P. 0. Box 27, Hamil-
Townsville, Queensland, Australia. ton, New South Wales, Australia.
Staines, 0. R., 203 W. Prospect St., Sterling, Hugh (1), General Delivery,
Loma Linda, Calif. Crestline, Calif.
Stanley, C. R. (1), 62 Clotilde Street, Steudel, C., Hans-Sachs-Strasse 9, (10b)
Mt. Lawley, West Australia, Aus- Chemnitz, Soviet Zone, Germany.
tralia. Stevens, C. Laura (m), Rusangu Mis-
Staples, A. W., 3 Northwood Road, sion, Chisekesi Siding, Northern Rho-
Port Elizabeth, Cape Province, South desia, Africa.
Africa. Stevens, F. H., Box 364, Winter Park,
Staples, R. L. (1), Box 1133, Port Eliza- Fla.
beth, Cape Province, South Africa. Stevens, G. A., 415 N. Adams, Glen-
Staples, T. W., Nebasa Mission, D/S dale, Calif.
Bata, Congo Belge, Africa. Stevens, G. S., Pleasant Hill Route,
Stapleton, F. A. (I), Route 1, Blythe- Crossville, Tenn.
dale Road, Perryville, Md. Stevens, J. A., 500 Tulip Ave., Takoma
Starks, W. M., 5095 N.W. 25th Ave., Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Miami, Fla, Stevens, W. H., 27 Esplanade Road,
Starr, P. V. (I), Washington Sani- Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
tarium, Takoma Park, Washington Stevenson, E. J., P.O. Uvongo Beach,
12, D.C. South Coast, Natal, South Africa.
Staton, J. R., 816 Fourth St., Rapid Stevenson. G. S., Sentinel Publishing
City, S. Dak, Co., Box 6, Claremont, Cape Province,
Stauffer, J. P. (1), Angwin, Calif. South Africa.
Stauffer, R. B., 4320 Pierce St., Ar- Stevenson, H. W., Box 51, Blantyre,
lington, Calif. Nyasaland, Africa.
Stearman, P. H., P.O. Box 480, Ku- Stevenson, P., Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasa-
masi, Gold Coast, West Africa. land, Africa.
Stearns, H. R. (1), 1011 E. Front St., Steveny, G. (1), 5 Boulevard Long-
Traverse City, Mich. champ, Marseille, France.
Stewart, A. G., 148 Fox Valley Road,
Stebbeds, Fred, Box 28, Clearwater Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
Lake, Wis. tralia.
Steed, E. H. J. (I), 62 Clotilde St., Mt. Stewart, A. J., Apartado 3005, San-
Lawley, West Australia, Australia. turce, Puerto Rico.
Steele, William, 513 Sligo Parkway, Stewart. Arlyn D. (1), Box 464, Victor-
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. ville, Calif.
Steen, Alf (1), Bergjelandsgaten 45, Stewart, Mrs. Grace (m), 901 Jennings
Stavanger, Norway. Ave., Hot Springs, S. Dak.
Steen, Claude (Tn), P.O. Box 145, Addis Stewart, G. G., P.O. Box 27, Hamilton,
Ababa, Ethiopia. New South Wales, Australia.
Steen, Mrs. Margaret M. (m), College- Stewart, M. M. (I), Box' 1011J, Adelaide,
dale, Tenn. South Australia, Australia.
Steen, T. W., Collegedale, Tenn. Stewart, R. E., Box 1812. Madison
Steeves, F. W., 2060 Eleanor Drive, College, Tenn.
Glendale, Calif. Stewart, W. A., 84 The Boulevarde,
Steger, Ernesto (m), Uriarte 2429, Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus-
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South tralia.
America. Stickle, B. H. (m), 1202 3rd Ave.
Stein, R., Herzogstrasse 94 IV, (22a) North, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,
Duesseldorf, British Zone, Germany. Canada.
Steiner, P., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzer- Stickle, Ruth E. (m), Canadian Union
land. College, College Heights, Alberta,
Steinert, A. G., College Place, Wash. Canada.
Steinman, D. V., Route 2, Wake- Stilson, H. 0. (m), 312 N. Boyle Ave.,
man, Ohio. Los Angeles 33, Calif.

Stilson, W. L. (m), 312 No. Boyle Ave., Streeter, H. S., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn,
Los Angeles 33, Calif. E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
Stimpson, 0. L., Rock Hall, Md. Streifling, A. G., 1811 32nd Ave. S.W.,
Stinessen, E., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
holm, Sweden. Streifling, Gus (m), Box 308, Oshawa,
Stocken, S. A. (1), Honiara, Solomon Ontario, Canada.
Islands, Pacific Ocean. Streifling. W. B., 313 S. Edward St.,
Stockhausen, A. C., Box 22, Mande- Fort William, Ontario, Canada.
ville, Jamaica, British West Indies. Streithorst, Germano, Caixa Postal 177,
Stockil, F. R., Essanby, P.O. Zaka, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul,
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Brazil, South America.
Stoehr, H. G., Walla Walla College, Streithorst, J. G. (1), Caixa Postal
College Place, Wash. 177, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul,
Stoehr, W. W., Box 2060, Walla Walla, Brazil, South America.
Wash. Streithorst, W. J., Caixa Postal 243,
Stoics, St., Kegl Gyorgy utca 5 sz., Mangos, Amazonas, Brazil, South
Szekesfehervar. Hungary. America.
Stokes, F. L., 780 St. Albans Road, Wat- Stretter, Ronald (m), Campion Acad-
ford, Herts., England. emy, Loveland, Colo.
Stoltenberg , H., August-Bebel-Strasse Strever, H. D., 2501 E. Seneca, Tucson,
39, (3a) Rostock, Soviet Zone, Ger- Ariz.
many. Strickland, C. L. (1), Saxtons River, Vt.
Stone, G. P., Maplewood Academy, Strickland, Edward (1), Box 31, Raro-
Hutchinson, Minn. tonga, Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Stone, R. 0., Cedar Lake Academy, Strickland, L. C., Highland Academy,
Cedar Lake, Mich. Fountain Head, Tenn.
Stonebrook, I. V., 2908 Tyler St., Ama- Strickland, R. A., (m), 1438 Pensacola
rillo, Texas. St., Honolulu 14, Hawaii.
Stoner, C. C. (1), 1332 Roosevelt Ave., Strickland, W. E., 718 Oakdale Ave.,
Fresno 4, Calif. Madison, Tenn.
Storch, G. S., Caixa Postal 341, Forta- Striplin, C. D., 360 Grove Ave., Berrien
leza, Ceara, Brazil, South America. Springs, Mich.
Storing, E., Box 5277, Phoenix, Ariz. Striplin, E. W., Route 3, Box 158,
Storz, A. F., 1812 Berkley Ave., Pue- Corvallis, Oreg.
blo, Colo. Strodecke, H., Thalmann-Platz 46, (2)
Storz, L. G. (1), Boite Postale 453, Cottbus, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Saigon, Indo-China. Strohl, W., Adventhaus, Hans-Sacbs-
Storz, W. F., S.D.A. Mission, Telli- Strasse 9, (10b) Chemnitz, Soviet
cherry, Malabar, India. Zone, Germany.
Stotesbury, V. W., 40 Bealey Ave., Strunk, F. J., "The Retreat," Roorkee,
Christchurch, New Zealand. U.P., India.
Strachan, H. C., 85 Chicamauga St., Struksnes, J. (1), Akersgaten 74, Oslo,
Atlanta, Ga. Norway.
Strahla, A., Peiner Strasse 19 A, (20a) Struve, H., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Swit-
Hanover-Dohren, British Zone, Ger- zerland.
many. Stuart, Louise B. (m), Washington
Strahle, J. J., 2829 W. Cantey St., Missionary College, Takoma Park,
Fort Worth, Texas. Washington 12, D.C.
Straight, G. H. (m), Union College, Stump, L. M., Lodi Academy, Lodi,
Lincoln 6, Nebr. Calif.
Stradowski, K. (1), Koblenzer Strasse 3, Sturdevant, R. M. (1), 10 S.E. 24th,
(1) Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sec- Portland 15, Oreg.
tor, Germany! Sturzenegger, K., Gubelstrasse 23, Zur-
Stratford, I. R. (1), Honiara, Solomon ich 50, Switzerland.
Islands, Pacific Ocean. Stuyvesant, J. B., Box C, Morro Bay,
Stratford, S. V., 148 Fox Valley Road, Calif.
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- Styk, P., Tr. Marsala Malinovskeho 24a,
tralia. Bratislava, Slovakia.
Stratton, Ann (m), 932 S. E. 60th Ave., Suckert, G., Charlottenstrasse 24, (24a)
Portland 15, Oreg. Hamburg 19, British Zone, Germany.
Stratton, Eldon (1), Box 373, Ridgefield, Sudarsanam, E. S. (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Wash. Nellore, India.
Stratton, F. E., Route 2, Walla Walla. Su Hsing, 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai,
Wash. China.
Straw, W. E., Madison College, Tenn. Su Kwan Chi, S.D.A. Mission, Huei
Strba, J., Tr. Marsala, Malinovskeho Chia Tau, Swatow, Kwangtung,
24a, Bratislava, Slovakia. China.
Street, J. F., 1355 W. 9th St., Jack- Subhushanam, I. (1), S.D.A. Mission,
sonville, Fla. Nuzvid P.O., Kistna District, India.
Streeter, E. R., "The Retreat," Roorkee, Subramaniam, N. (1), S.D.A. Mission,
United Provinces, India. Nuzvid P.O., Kistna District, India.

Sudoki, M. (1), 164 Onden 3-chome (2,3), Symons, D. R. (m), P.O. Box 7768,
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Johannesburg, Transvaal, South /V-
Suhrie, A. L. (m), Collegedale, Tenn. ries.
Sultan Ahmed (1), 91 Depot Lines, Symons, J. E., 39 Fitzroy Street,
Karachi 3, Pakistan. Grahamstown, Cape, South Africa.
Sumbera, F., Londynska 30, Praha. Sype, Ross, 408 9th Ave. N.E., Puyal-
Vinohrady, Czechoslovakia. lup, Wash.
Sumicad, A. L., P.O. Box 293, Davao Syphers, C. E. (m), 171 Amanuma
City, Philippines. 1-chome, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Summerton, Mildred (m), Wisconsin Szabo, J., Kegl Gyorgy utca 5 sz.,
Academy, Columbus, Wis. Szekesfehervar, Hungary.
Summerville, T. M., Route 1, Glennie, Szabo, 0, (1), Kun Jozef utca 29, Mis-
Mich. kolcz, Hungary.
Sumner, C. J. (1), Box 26, College Szarnecz, P., Kun Jozsef u. 29, Miskolcz,
View Station, Lincoln 6, Nebr. Hungary.
Sumual, M. A. (I), S.D.A. Mission, Sze Hsien Ting (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Tondano, Celebes, Indonesia. Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan. China.
Sun Kwei Sheng (1), P.O. Box 341, Szigethy, J., Kun Jozsef u. 29, Miskolcz,
Mukden, Manchuria. Hungary.
Sunder Dass (1), S.D.A. Mission, Mush- Szworak, E. (1), Traugatta 34, Radom,
taq Manzil, Moradabad, U.P., India. Poland.
Sundin, Carl, 312 N. Boyle Ave., Los
Angeles 33, Calif. T
Sundquist, J. P., Boite Postale 327,
Elisabethville, Congo Beige, Africa. Tabaro, Ezra, Ndora Mission, via Usum-
Sung Djuin Ming (1), 62 Ta Fang Chia bura, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian East
Hutung, Peiping, China. Africa.
Surel, J. (1), 5 Boulevard Longchamp, Tabuchi, I (1), 171 Amanuma 1-chome,
Marseille, France. Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Surman, P., Londynska 30, Praha- Tabuenca, Jose, Avda. Italia 2360,
Vinohrady, Czechoslovakia. Montevideo, Uruguay, South America.
Sussman, E., 37, Rue Georges Mandel, Tabuenca, Juan (1), Uriarte 2429, Bue-
Bordeaux (Gironde), France. nos Aires, Argentina, South Amer-
Sustek, M. (1), Londynska 30, Praha- ica.
Vinohrady, Czechoslovakia. Tachici, Ilie, Calea Bucuresti 57, Crai-
Sutcliffe, D. (1), Box S. 78, South ova, Rumania.
Wagga, New South Wales, Australia. Taft, M. C. (m), Takoma Park, Wash-
Sutherland, E. A., Madison College, ington 12, D. C.
Tenn. Tai Ya . Fu (I), 526 Ningkuo Road,
Sutor, F., Bueltenweg 14, (20b) Bruns- Shanghai, China.
wick, British Zone, Germany. Tamara, Toulu (1), S.D.A. Mission, Box
Sutter, L. M. (m), Box 3673, Orlando, 6, Apia, Samoa, Pacific Ocean.
Fla. Tamares, D. R. (1), Box 241, Iloilo City,
Sutton, A. G., 1458 E. Wilson, Glen- Tamba, S. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Pema-
dale, Calif. tang Siantar, Sumatra, Indonesia.
Svenson, Ragnar, Annankatu 7, Hel- Tamboenan, K., Pematang Siantar, Su-
sinki, Finland. matra, Indonesia.
Svensson, 0., Vasagatan 12, Goteborg, Tan, Mrs. Amy (b), 140 Bukit Bin-
Sweden. tang Road, Kuala Lumpur, Malaya.
Swaine, D. M., Good Hope Training Tan, C. T., S.D.A. Mission, Kulangsu,
School, Klipfontein Road, Athlone, Amoy, China.
Cape, South Africa. Tan, Daniel (I), 399 Upper Serangoon
Swanson, A. R. (1), Ascutney Star Road, Singapore 13, Singapore.
Route, Windsor, Vt. Tan, H. H., 526 Ningkuo Road, Shang-
Swanson, E. H., 4750 Jessie Ave., La hai 19, China.
Mesa, Calif. Tan, K. B. (m), 140 Bukit Bintang
Swartzkopf, B. H., 37 O'Connell Terrace, Road, Kuala Lumpur, Malaya.
Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Tan, K. 0., 399 Upper Serangoon Road,
Australia. Singapore 13, Colony of Singapore.
Swearingen, F. F. (m), College Station, Tane, Tauraki (1), Box 31, Rarotonga,
Berrien Springs, Mich. Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Swen Ching Fu (I), Court 1207 Yu-Yuen Tang Hsin Loh, S.D.A. Mission, Low-
Road, Shanghai 27, China. anho, Yencheng, Honan, China.
Swen Tsung Kwang, S.D.A. Mission, 20 Tangunan, E. J. (1), P.O. Box 2494,
Goh Low Meng, Nanking, China. Manila, Philippines.
Swenson, C. P., 11717 Hazeldell Drive, Tanielu, Sione (1), S.D.A. Mission, Box
Arlington, Calif. 6, Apia, Samoa, Pacific Ocean.
Swofford. Robert (1), Forest Lake Tantia, E., Box 241, Iloilo City, Philip-
Academy, Route 2, Maitland, Fla. pines.
Syme, E. (1), 780 St. Albans Road, Tapping, A. G. (I), 780 St. Albans Road,
Watford, Herts., England. Watford, Herts., England.

Tarr, A. F. 41 Hazel Gardens, Edg- Teitei, S.D.A. Mission, Aore,' Santo,

ware, Middlesex, England. New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean.
Tarr, A. P., 19 Union House, 24 Union Teichmann, H., Fangelbachstrasse 11,
Street, East London, Cape Province, (14a) Stuttgart-S, American Zone,
South Africa. Germany.
Tarr, E. L., Helderberg College, Box Tenda, J. H. N. (I), Naripan 63,
22, Somerset West, Cape Province, Bandung, Java, Indonesia.
South Africa. Tenkon (1), S.D.A. Mission, Aore, New
Tarr, E. W., Grove Ave. Claremont, Hebrides, Pacific Ocean.
Cape Province, South Africa. Tenorio, Moises (1), Casilla 1002, Lima,
Tarr, G. F. (m), Washington Missionary Peru, South America.
College, Takoma Park, Washington Teply, B., Sidova 1, Ostrava, Czecho-
12, D.C. slovakia.
Tarr, R. C. (1), Sitoti Mission, P.O. Terry, H. T., 1109 Flower Ave., Ta-
Senanga, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. koma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Tarr, W. C., P.O. Amanzimtoti, South Terry, J. B., P.O. Box 26, Bo, Sierra
Coast, Natal, South Africa. Leone, West Africa.
Tatar, T., Strada Cuza Voda No. 12, Terzo, J. A., 805 New York Ave.,
Cluj, Rumania. Union City, N.J.
Tauku, S.D.A. Mission, Port Moresby. Teters, D. S. (1), 118 W. High St.,
Papua. Pacific Ocean. Bryan, Ohio.
Taula, S.D.A. Mission, Madang, New Tetz, William (m), College Heights, Al-
Guinea, Pacific Ocean. berta, Canada.
Tauro, J. (m), P.O. Box 401, Manila, Tha Myaing, 68 U Wisara Road, Ran-
Philippines. goon, Burma.
Tausere, Nemani (1), S.D.A. Mission, Thalmann, W., Haydnstrasse 16, (10a)
Box 297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Dresden-A 16, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Tavares, Carlos (I), Caixa Postal 1830, Tharawoli, S. F., P.O. Box 26, Bo,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Sierra Leone, West Africa.
Tayag, P. V. (I), P.O. Box 2494, Them Ngwe (1), S.D.A. Mission, Mya-
Manila, Philippines. ungmya, Burma.
Taylor, C. L., South Lancaster, Mass. Theiss, G. F., 2854 Stevens St., Phila-
Taylor, C. It. (1), Apartado 25510, delphia 24, Pa.
Mexico 12, D.F., Mexico. Theunissen, D. C., "Kentucky," Kent
Taylor, C. U., 2516 N. Orange Ave., Road, Wynberg, Cape Province, South
Orlando, Fla. Africa.
Taylor, E. (1), 24 Fusting Ave., Balti- Theunissen, G., "Kentucky," Kent Road,
more 28, Md. Wynberg, Cape Province, South Af-
_ Taylor, F. L., 40 Bealey Ave., Christ- rica.
church, New Zealand. Thiel, Leo F. (1), Box 59, Nashville,
Taylor, G. B., Pacific Union College, Tenn.
Angwin, Calif. Thiele, E. R., College Station, Berrien
Taylor, G. E., 501 San Antonio Way, Springs, Mich.
Sacramento, Calif. Thirwell, T. W., Box 831, Mt. Vernon,
Taylor, G. H. (1), 2639 High St., Den- Ohio.
ver 5, Colo. Thomann, D. J., Apartado 25510,
Taylor, H. B., 821 S. Lake Formosa Mexico 12, D.F., Mexico.
Dr., Orlando Fla. Thomann, E. W., 116 Echandia, Los
Taylor, H. C. C. (1), P.O. Box 27, Angeles 33, Calif.
Hamilton, New South Wales, Aus- Thomann, V. E., Calle V. Vergara 3227,
tralia. Florida, F.C.N. Gral. Bme. Mitre,
Taylor, H. F., 2808 Mentone Bldg., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
Mentone, Calif. America.
Taylor, H. W. (1), South Lancaster, Thomas, D. B. (1), P.O. Box 26, Bo,
Mass. Sierra Leone, West Africa.
Taylor, J. I., Route 5, Sherman, Texas. Thomas, D. H. (m), 1336 San Luis
Taylor, L. H. (1), Broadview Academy, Rey, Glendale, Calif.
La Grange, Ill. Thomas, E. D., Box 15, Poona 1, India.
Taylor, L. W., R.R. 2, Oshawa, On- Thomas, F. G. (1), Liumba Hill Mis-
tario, Canada. sion, P.O. Kalabo, Northern Rho-
desia, Africa.
Taylor, Milford (I), 9020 Longacre,
Thomas, F. H., Helderberg College, Box
Detroit 28, Mich.
22, Somerset West, Cape Province,
Taylor, N. C. (m), Hinsdale Sanitarium, South Africa.
Hinsdale, Ill. Thomas, H. B. (1), 3997 North Temes-
Taylor, R. W. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Box cal, Corona, Calif.
6, Apia, Samoa, Pacific Ocean. Thomas, James (1), 26 Pacific Ave.,
Taylor, W. F. (1), 8 Yarra Street, Haw- Cape May Court House, New Jersey.
thorn, E.2, Victoria, Australia. Thomas, J. G. 1816 E. 3rd St., Chat-
Teel, C. W., Spencerville, Md. tanooga, Tenn.
Teesdale, W. H., Takoma Park, Wash- Thomas, John, Box 51, Blantyre, Ny-
ington 12, D. C. asaland, Africa.

Thomas, Milton (1), 41 Montgomery Thurston, H. G., 751 W. Cambridge,

Place, Trenton, New Jersey. Fresno, Calif.
Thomas, R. J., 101 N.E. 53rd Ave., Tian Feh Chun (1), 36 Fu Hsi Chie,
Portland 15, Oreg. Taiyuan, Shansi, China.
Thomas, S., P. 0. Box No. 20, Ban- Tibbets, Mrs. Lucille J. (b), 6108 Junius,
galore, India. Dallas, Texas.
Thomas, Samuel (1), Box 4027, Atlanta, Tickton, Winifred (m), P. 0. Kalabo,
Ga. Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
Thomas, V. T. (1), West Hill, Malabar, Tieche, M. (1), 130 Boulevard de l'Hopi-
South India. tal, Paris 13e, France.
Thomas, Y. G., "Foi Cotta," Palarn- Tieche, P. (1), 130 Boulevard de l'Hopi-
cottah, Tinnevelly District, India. tal, Paris 13e, France.
Thompson, B. L., 495 Cherokee Ave., Tiesnes, E., Graf engasse 20, (15) Er-
S.E., Atlanta, Ga. furt, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Thompson, C. R. (I), 27 Esplanade Tiko, Taniela (1), Box 297, Suva, Fiji,
Road, Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Pacific Ocean.
Zealand. Tilghman, K. W. (m), 171 Amanuma
Thompson, F. E., 3629 Park Ave. South, 1-chome, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Minneapolis, Minn. Tilgner, E. (1), Charlottenstrasse 24,
Thompson, F. S., Box 221, Port-of- (24a) Hamburg 19, British Zone,
Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Germany.
Thompson, G. A., Route 2, Box 80, Tilgfiner, H., Peiner Strasse 19 A, (20a)
Forest Grove, Oreg. Hanover-Dohren, British Zone, Ger-
Thompson, Mrs. G. R. (m), Takoma many.
Park, Washington 12, D. C. Till, W. G., S.D.A. Mission, Aba, Ni-
Thompson, G. D. (1), Indiana Acad- geria, West Africa.
emy, Cicero, Ind. Tillgren, J. A., Holmenkollveien 31,
Thompson, J. T., Route 1, Box 415, Oslo, Norway.
Placerville, Calif. Tillman, A. M., Casilla 1140, Guayaquil,
Thompson, J. L. (m), La Sierra Col- Ecuador, South America.
lege, Arlington, Calif. Tilstra, Klaas, Prins Alexanderweg 1 B,
Thompson, Robert, Placerville, Calif. Hula ter Heide, Gem. Zeist, Nether-
Thompson, W. A., 4403 E Street, S.E., lands.
Washington, D.C. Timothy, A. J. (1), 780 St. Albans Road,
Thomsen, H. J., 2914 W. North Ave., Watford, Herts., England.
Chicago 47, Ill. Timothy, S.D.A. Mission, Aore, Santo,
Thomsen, Kaj (1), Norre Alle 30, Aar- New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean.
hus, Denmark. Tindall, J. H. N., Route 1, Box 58,
Thomson, A. C., S.D.A. Mission, Aore, Paradise, Calif.
Santo, New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. Ting Iek Sing (1), S.D.A. kission, Foo-
Thomson, F. (I), 27 Esplanade Road, Mt. chow, China.
Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Tinkler, D. E. (1), 5906 Sherbrooke St.,
Thoresen, D. F. (1), 27 Esplanade Road, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Tippett, H. M. (1), Review and Herald,
Thorp, F. W. 1042 Prospect Ave., Takoma Park. Washington 12. D. C
New York 59, N.Y. Tirado, Josue (1), Apartado No. 37,
Thra Peter, S.D.A. Mission, Myaunga- Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico.
mya, Burma. Tiru, J. P. (1), S.D.A. Mission, P.O.
Thrift, L. R. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Box 4, Ranchi, B.N.R., India.
Madang, New Guinea, Pacific Ocean. Tissot, P. (m), Hoheweg 17, Berne,
Thrift, R. A. R., P.O. Box 27, Hamil- Switzerland.
ton, New South Wales, Australia. Titi, Tihoni (1), Boite 95, Papeete, Ta-
Thuemler, T. L., 711 J St., Crescent hiti, Society Islands, Pacific Ocean.
City, Calif. Tivy, C. B. (1), 410 Taylor St., Wil-f
Thumwood, F. E., Route 2, Box 54, mington, Del.
Salem, Virginia. Tkachuk, Nick (m), 9566 101 Ave.,
Thurber, Mrs. Cora F. (m), 47 Kew Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Gardens Road, Kew Gardens, Long Tobiassen, Chr., Holmenkollveien 31,
Island, N.Y. Oslo, Norway.
Thurber, E. W., Williamstown, Vt.
Thurber, H. R., 2926 Greensboro Road, Tobiassen, Leif, Collegedale, Tenn.
Winston-Salem, N.C. Tobiassen, T., Holmenkollveien 31, Oslo,
Thurber, M. R. (1), Review and Her- Norway.
ald, Takoma Park, Washington 12, Tobler, G. (m), Gubelstrasse 23, Zurich
D.C. 50, Switzerland.
Thurber, Wayne (1), Collegedale, Tenn. Tofua'a, Johnnie (I), Box 15, Nukua-
Thurmon, R. B., 1015 N.W. 69th St., lofa, Tonga, Friendly Islands, Pacific
Miami, Fla. Ocean.
Thurston, C. E. (1), College Place, Tahaha, Frank (1), Boite 95, Papeete,
Wash. Tahiti, Society Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Thurston, D. S., 637 Crew Ave., Galion, Tolan, V., Calea Bucuresti 57, Crai-
Ohio. ova, Rumania.

Tolf, C. J. (1); Route 1, Box 35, Red- Travis, Marion (I), 1009 S. 39th St.,
lands, Calif. Temple, Texas.
Tolici, C., Strada Eduard Grand 25, Treiyer, Arnol (m), Yegros 429, Asun-
Bucuresti II, Rumania. cion, Paraguay, South America.
Tolhurst, H. L., 27 Esplanade Road, Treiyer, Benjamin (1), Cervantes 144,
Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina, South
Tompkins, J. E. (m), Collegedale, Tenn. America.
Tompkins, Melvin (1), 558 Iowa, Ash- Treptow, C. (I), Avenida Gral. Bel-
land, Oreg. grano 1366, Mendoza, Argentina,
Toms, H. A., 312 East St., Bloomsburg, South America.
Pa. Trevino, Maria (b), 510 Romana St.,
Tonge, Archie, 328 Needham Ave., Mo- San Antonio, Texas.
desto, Calif. Trevena, I. E. (1), 27 Esplanade Road,
Tonkin, E. (1), 84 The Boulevarde, Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Trevetham, H. A. (1), 8 Yarra St.,
tralia. Hawthorn, E.2, Victoria, Australia.
Tonkin, L. R. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Trezza, Carlos (1), Caixa Postal 60,
Batuna, Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Goiania, Goiaz, Brazil, South Amer-
Islands, Pacific Ocean. ica.
Tonkin, M. (1), P.O. Box 27, Hamil- Trinidad, Paciente, Apartado No. 37,
ton, New South Wales, Australia. Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico.
Toop, J. A., 65-44 223rd Place, Bay- Trivelato, Herminio, Caixa Postal 1830,
side, New York. Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Toppenberg, David (m), New England Troutman, M. W. (1), Box 216, Nome,
Sanitarium, Melrose 76, Mass. Alaska.
Toppenberg, V. E., P. 0. Box 145, Ad- Troy, Owen A., 735 Winona Ave., Pasa-
dis Ababa, Ethiopia. dena 3, Calif.
Torkelsen, M. C. (1), 1811 5th St. North, Troy, Owen, Jr. (1), 1641 E. LaFayette
Fargo, N. Dak. St., Stockton, Calif.
Torkelsen, T., Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Trubey, C. 0. (m), Walla Walla Col-
Norway. lege, College Place, Wash.
Torkelson, T. R., S.D.A. Mission, 17 Trude, J. D., 220 E. 7th St., Albany,
Abbot Road, Lucknow, U.P., India. Oreg.
Torre, Angel de la, Apartado 568, Ciu- Truesdell, G. A., Route 1, Box 202-A,
dad Trujillo, Republica Dominicans. Hemet, Calif.
Torreblanca, Eduardo, Casilla 2830, Truman, A. W., The Ardmore Hospital,
Santiago, Chile. Ardmore, Okla.
Torres, Antonio, Vallarta Sur 644, Mon- Trummer, E. M., 1044 Paradise Drive,
terrey, N.L., Mexico. National City, Calif.
Torrey, C. L., Takoma Park, Washing- Trumper, Edward A., P.O. Box 9,
ton 12, D.C. Mongu, Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
Tortal, T. B. (1), Box 241, Iloilo City, Tsai Cha Hsuan (1), 11 Pei Yueh Ya
Philippines. Hutung, Peiping, China.
Totenhofer, Edwin (1), 84 The Boule- Tsai; Ernest (1), S.D.A. Mission, Wen-
varde, Strathfield, New South Wales, chow, Chekiang, China.
Australia. Tsai Luke (I), 526 Ningkuo Road,
Totenhofer, H. E. (1), Australasian Shanghai 19, China.
Missionary College, Cooranbong, New Tsai Pu Chou (1), 526 Ningkuo Road,
South Wales, Australia. Shanghai, China.
Toth, St., Kun Jozsef utca 29, Mis- Tsai, Samuel (m), 399 Upper Serangoon
kolcz, Hungary. Road, Singapore 13, Singapore.
Toth, J., Szekely Bertalan-utca 13, Bu- Tsao Chun Kai (1), 526 Ningkuo Road,
dapest VI, Hungary. Shanghai, China.
Tottress, R. E. (1), 421 E. Marshall Tschurtschenthaler, Idilio, Caixa Postal
Place, Tulsa, Okla. 810, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, South
Toureille, D. (m), Hoheweg 17, Berne, America.
Towery, Mrs. Mabel (m), Takoma Park. Tseng Chuen Cheng (m), 12 Sam Yuk
Washington 12, D. C. Road, Tungshan, Canton, China.
Townend, B. (1), New Zealand Mission- Tshi, T. P., 83 Chun Tung Street, Hoi-
ary College, Longburn, New Zealand. how, Hainan Island, China.
Townend, W. A., 40 Bealey Ave., Tsik Tai Keung, S.D.A. Mission, Nan-
Christchurch, New Zealand. ning, Kwangsi, China.
Townsend, C. E. (1), Box 130, Auburn, Tsotetsi, A. A., P. 0. Maun, via
Calif. Francistown, Bechuanaland Protec-
Townsend, V. C., Oxford, Me. torate, South Africa.
Trace, E. J. (m), Advent Press, Gendia, Tsotetsi, E. A., 863-B Jabann, Johan-
P.O. Kisumu, Kenya, East Africa. nesburg, Transvaal, South Africa.
Tran-ngoc-Te (I), Boite Postale 453, Tsuei Dzen Fang (I), 1365 Chung Shan
Saigon, Indo-China. Dah Dao, Hankow, Hupeh, China.
Trasca, C., Strada Eduard Grand 25. Tsui Yu Chang (1), Ta Tung Lu, Dao
Bucuresti II, Rumania. Li, Harbin, Manchuria, China.

Tsukudu, H. R. S., 288 Lovedale Road, Tutty, R. H., Avondale Rd., Cooran-
Mahlamola Location, Bloemfontein, bong, New South Wales, Australia.
Orange Free State, South Africa. Twist, 0. H., (1), 27 Esplanade Road,
Tuamulia, I. (I), S.D.A. Mission, Am- Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
boina, South Moluccas. Indonesia. Tymeson, S. W. (1), Washington Mis-
Tuan Yung Chien, 526 Ningkuo Road, sionary College, Takoma Park, Wash-
Shanghai, China. ington 12, D. C.
Tuasuun, L., Ambon Mission of S.D.A., Tyson, E. M., Route 1, Box 238, Green-
Amboina, South Moluccas, Indonesia. ville, N.C.
Tucker, A. L. (m), Apartado 1320, San Tyson-Flyn, A. (1), Malamulo Mission,
Jose, Costa Rica, Central America._ P. 0. Malamulo, Nyasaland, Africa.
Tucker, A. R., 1438 Pensacola .,
gt Tyson, R. A., 92 Woodside Road, Maple-
wood, N.J.
Honolulu 14, Hawaii.
Tucker, C. A. (1), 148 Fox Valley Road,
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- U
tralia. Ubbink, R. G. (m), 91 Depot Lines,
Tucker, E. H. (1), 222 E. 97th St., Karachi, Pakistan.
Seattle, Wash. Udbjorg, 0., Akersgaten 74, Oslo,
Tucker, E. R., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Norway.
E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Ueberbacher, R. (m), Nussdorfer-
Tucker, J. A., Madison College, Tenn. strasse 5, Vienna IX, Austria.
Tucker, J. L., 4229 Mountain View Ave., Uebersax, 0., Nussdorferstrasse 5, Vi-
Oakland 5, Calif. enna IX, Austria.
Tucker. L. E., 1261 Magnolia Ave., UhI, H. A. (1), 2639 Wright Ave.,
Redding, Calif. Racine, Wis.
Tucker, M. V., 1544 S. E. Hawthorne Uhlig, W., Haydnstrasse 16 (10a)
Blvd., Portland 14, Oreg. Dresden-A 16, Soviet Zone, Germany.
Tudor, R., 84 The Boulevarde, Strath. Ulfstrom, K., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock-
field. New South Wales, Australia. holm, Sweden.
Tulaszewski, C. G., 3308 Madison Ave., Ulland, Alf (1), Parkgaten 35, Tromso,
Brookfield, Ill. Norway.
Tulaszewski, E. (1), Thalmann-Platz Ulrich, C. F. L., Signs Publishing Co.,
46, (2) Cottbus, Soviet Zone, Ger- Warburton, Victoria, Australia.
many. Underhill, R. A. (m), College Place,
Tulio, J. L., P.O. Box 2494, Manila, Wash.
Philippines. Unger, Frank (1), P.O. Box 573, Bula-
Tun Maung (m), S.D.A. Mission, Pawl wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
P.O., Thaton District, Burma. Unger, W., Charlottenstrasse 24, (24a)
Tun Sein (m), S.D.A. Mission, Paan Hamburg 19, British Zone, Germany.
P.O., Thaton District, Burma. Uniat, P., Box 352, Sin-woe, Ontario,
Tupper, Jessie S. (m), Hinsdale Sani- Canada.
tarium, Hinsdale, Ill. Unruh, T. E., 1300 W. Hunting Park
Tupper, L. E., 16309 Hilo Drive, San Ave., Philadelphia 40, Pa.
Leandro, Calif. Unterseher, W. I., 1615 N.E. 55th Ave.,
Turk, D. G., 111 S. Washington St., Portland, Oreg.
Binghamton, N.Y. Uong Ong Po (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Turner, C. L., 146 Duffield Ave., Gales- Foochow, China.
burg, Ill. Urbanoso, J. S. (1), Box 241, Iloilo City,
Turner, E. A., 8 Yarra St., Haw- Philippines.
thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Urquhart, E. J., Whitmore, Calif.
Turner, H. R., P. 0. Box 7768, Johan-
nesburg, South Africa. Usher, Ivy (m), Box 170, Belize, Brit-
Turner, Herchel G. (1), Sunnydale ish Honduras, Central America.
Academy, Centralia, Mo. Usuda, R. (1), Nakajimadori 2-chome,
Turner, J. C. (1), Union College, Lin- Fukiai-ku, Kobe, Japan.
coln 6, Nebr. Utterback, K., Vasagatan 12, Cote-
Turner, J. H. (1), General Delivery, burg, Sweden.
Plymouth, N.C. Utt, C. D. (m), Angwin, Calif.
Turner, J. W., 2625 Greene Ave., Fort Utt, Richard, Apartado 218, Guatemala
Worth 4, Texas. City, Guatemala, Central America.
Turner, L. H. (1), 148 Fox Valley Road, Uttley, S. M., 62 Clotilde Street, Mt.
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- Lawley, West Australia, Australia.
Turner, R. M., P. 0. Box 149, Agana,
Guam, Marianas Islands. V
Turner, W. G., R.M.B. 38a, Tacking
Point Road, Port Macquarie, New Vaceloa, Peni, S.D.A. Mission, Box
South Wales, Australia. 297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
Turner, W. H. (1), P.O. Box 27, Ham- Vaquer, I. M., Spanish-American Sem-
ilton, New South Wales, Australia. inary, Sandoval, N.M.
Turturica, Fl., Strada Eduard Grand Vail, W. R., P. 0. Box 573, Bulawayo,
26, Bucuresti II, Rumania. Southern Rhodesia, Africa.

Valcourt, Alexis (1), Casier Postal S, Van Sanford, E. L. (1), 131 West
Port-au-Prince, Haiti, French West Ostrander Ave., Syracuse 5, N.Y.
Indies. Vansickle, F. E. (1), Washington San-
Valen, T. S., Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Nor- itarium, Takoma Park, Washington
way. 12, D.C.
Valentine, G. W., 557 Cypress Ave., van Waardenburg, D. (1), Naripan 63,
Johnstown, Pa. Bandung, Java, Indonesia.
Valenzuela, C. R., Apartado 52, Villa- Vagewa, Eroni, Box 297, Suva, Fiji,
hermosa, Tabasco, Mexico. Pacific Ocean.
Valera, E., Artacho, Sison, Pangasinan, Varga, Gabriel, 841 Eagle Ave., Perth
Philippines. Amboy, N.J.
Valerio, Raffele, 1327 S. 49th St., Phil- Vargas, Carmen (b), Agricultura 79,
adelphia 43, Pa. CoIonia Escandon, Mexico 18, .D.F.,
Vallado, J. A. (m), Caixa Postal 1919, Mexico.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South Amer- Yammer, Axel, 41 Hazel Gardens, Edg-
ica. ware, Middlesex, England.
Vallejos, J. J. (m) Avda. Espana 851, Vasko, J. G. (1), Box 272, Crewe, Va.
Corrientes, Argentina, South Amer- Vati, Joseph, Box 31, Rarotonga, Cook
ica. Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Valtuena, F. (m), Apartado 4078, Ma- Vaucher, A., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Swit-
drid, Spain. zerland.
van Alphen, E. (I), Naripan 63, Ban- Vaughn, J. A., (m), Loma Linda Food
dung, Java, Indonesia. Co., Arlington, Calif.
Van Arsdell, R. A. (1), Box 29, Brook- Vaughn, R. L., Box 154, Rich Creek,
field, Ill. Va.
Van Atta, W. F. (1), 60 N. White Vaz, K. G., "Hazelrigg," Mandeville,
Road, San Jose, Calif. (Lucea), Jamaica, British West
Vandeman, G. E., Takoma Park, Wash- Indies.
ington 12, D. C. Vazquez, Ignacio, Apartado 30, Cama-
Vandermark, Maybelle E. (m), Wash- guey, Cuba.
ington Missionary College, Takoma Vazquez, Miguel, Apartado 30, Cama-
Park, Washington 12, D.C. guey, Cuba.
van de Merwe, J., Box 7768, Johannes- Vazquez, Rufino (1), Apartado 30,
burg, Transvaal, South Africa. Camaguey, Cuba.
van de Merwe, P. J., P. 0. Box 7768, Vazquez, Valeriano (I), Apartado 30
Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Af- Camaguey, Cuba.
rica. Veach, J. E., Six Mile Run, Pa.
van den Bergh, A., P. 0. Box 7768, Veach, H. R., Box 81, Madisonville, Ky.
Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Af- Vegele, F. (1), Caixa Postal 198, Cidade
rica. do Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, South
Vandenvelde, G. (1), 11-13, rue Ernest America.
Allard, Brussels, Belgium. Vehorn, W. M. (m), Route 1, Mill and
VandeVere, E. K. (m), 11 Maple St., Carters Sts., Lancaster, Mass.
Berrien Springs, Mich. Velasco, F. A., (m), P. 0. Box 2494,
Van De Wyngard, R. (I), Cervantes Manila, Philippines.
144, Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina, Vences, H. G. (1), 1202 Columbia St.,
South America. Redlands, Calif.
Van Dolson, Leo (1), Box 581, Brook- Venden, D. E., 90 Seminole St., San
ings, Oreg. ' Francisco, Calif.
Vandromme, J., 11-13, rue Ernest Al- Venden, L. 0.. St. Helen, Mich.
lard, Brussels, Belgium. Venden, M. L., 301 Rome St., San
van Eck, P. J. (1), Helderberg Col- Francisco, Calif.
lege, Box 22, Somerset West, Cape Venen, W. J., 222 Sinclair Ave., Glen-
Province, South Africa. dale 6, Calif.
van Eck, P. P. (1), Box 1133, Port Venter, P. A., P.O. Box 22, Vredenal,
Elizabeth, Cape, South Africa. Cape Province, South Africa.
van Heerden, C. S., Box 1133, Port
Elizabeth, Cape, South Africa. Verde, F. T. (m), P.O. Box 119, Cebu
Van Horn, N. C. (1), Wytheville Hos- City, Philippines.
pital, Wytheville, Va. Vergara, Consolacion 0. (m), P. 0. Box
Van Horne, Mrs. Mae (b), 904 Marin 2494, Manila, Philippines.
Ave., Hayward, Calif. Verona, D., Via Tommaso Campanella.
van Iterson, J. (m), Prins Alexander- 8, (Mergellina), Napoli, Italy.
weg 1 B, Huis ter Heide, Gem. Zeist, Vertallier, R., Mission Adventiste, Rue
Netherlands. Nationale, Saint Pierre, Reunion,
Vanko, M., Szekely Bertalan-utca 13, Indian Ocean.
Budapest VI, Hungary. Vervoort, E. (1), Mission Adventiste,
van Oossanen, P., Paramaribostraat Andilanatoby, Madagascar.
87 I, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Vessels, F. E. (1), 4421/2 S. Davis Ave.,
van Putten, C. G., 7 Annestraat, Para- Centralia, Ill.
maribo, Dutch Guiana, South Amer- Vetter, J. C. (1), P.O. Box 480, Ku-
ica. masi, Gold Coast, West Africa.

Veuthey, C., 130 Boulevard de l'Hopital, Vogel, H. (1), Koblenzer Strasse 3,

Paris 13e, France. (1) Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sec-
Veuthey, Ernest, Casier Postal S, Port- tor, Germany.
au-Prince, Haiti. Vogel, 0. (1), Koblenzer Strasse 3,
Vez, D. (m), 5 Boulevard Longchamp, (1) Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sec-
Marseille, France. tor, Germany.
Vick, T. W. H. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Vogel, R., Isartalstrasse 40, (13b)
Mapperley Park, Nottingham, Eng- Munich 5, Bavaria, American Zone,
land. Germany.
Victor, B. M. (1), P.O. Box 32, Lahore, Voget, K., Peiner Strasse 19 A, (20a)
Pakistan. Hanover-Dohren, British Zone, Ger-
Videto, W. E., Box 413, 347 Broad St., many.
Michigan Center, Mich. Vogt, Felix, Niklasstrasse 19, (1) Ber-
Vieira, Galdino N. (1), Rua Lopes lin-Zehlendorf, American Sector, Ger-
Trovao 84, Niteroi, Estado do Rio, many.
Brazil, South America. Vogt, K. (I), Haydnstrasse 16, (10a)
Vigilia, E. G., Santiago, Isabela, Philip- Dresden-A 16, Soviet Zone, Germany.
pines. Voigt, Max, Niklasstrasse 19, (1) Ber-
Vijsma, E. H., Naripan 63, Bandung, lin-Zehlendorf, American Sector, Ger-
Java, Indonesia. many.
Villanueva, L. L. (m), P. 0. Box 119, Vollmer, H. W., 2215 E. Glenoaks,
City of Cebu, Philippines. Glendale 6, Calif.
Villanueva, Raul (1), Apartado 30, Vollrath, H., Koblenzer Strasse 3, (1)
Camaguey, Cuba. Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sector,
Villarreal, B. (1), Box M, Cristobal, Germany.
Canal Zone. von Pohle, C. L. (m), Cristobal, Canal
Villarreal, Luis, Calle 9 Poniente 1702, Zone.
Puebla, Puebla, Mexico. von Pohle, D. J., Casilla 1003, Lima,
Villeneuve, E., Mission Adventiste, Peru, South America.
Majunga, Madagascar. Voorhees, H. E., 24 Fusting Ave., Bal-
Villeneuve, R. (1), Mission Adventiste, timore 28, Md.
Ambohijatovo, Tananarive, Madagas- Voorthuis, F. J., Prins Alexanderweg
car. 1 B, Huis ter Heide, Gem. Zeist,
Vinayagam, N., 51 Subramaniapuram, Netherlands.
Madura, India. Voorthuis, P., Paramaribostraat 87 I,
Vince, L. D., 27 Esplanade Road, Mt. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Vore, George T., Bellevue, Colo.
Vince, R. A., 22 Zulla Road, Mapperley Vories, C. L., Box 235, College Place,
Park, Nottingham, England. Wash.
Vincentelli, M., Lungotevere Michel- Voss, Howard (1), 101 N.E. 9th, Min-
angelo 7, Rome, Italy. eral Wells, Texas.
Vine, A. C., 780 St. .Albans Road, Wat- Votaw, H. H., Takoma Park, Wash-
ford, Herts., England. ington 12, D. C.
Vine, K. L. (1), 780 St. Albans Road, Votaw, W. B., S.D.A. Mission, Khunti
Watford, Herts, England. P.O., Ranchi District, India.
Vine, R. D., Stanborough Park, Wat- Voth, Bernard, 324 N.W. 29th Street,
ford, Herts., England. Oklahoma City, Okla.
Vining, N. B. (m), P.O. Box 401, Voth, C. C., Box 43, Wetaskiwin, Al-
Manila, Philippines. berta, Canada.
Vinglas, R. V., Casilla 771, Cocha- Voth, David, 1801 Orchard Ave., Glen-
bamba, Bolivia, South America. dale 6, Calif.
Vink, D., Paramaribostraat 87 I, Ams- Voyles, E. W. (1), 717 First St., Will-
terdam, Netherlands. mar, Minn.
Viru Mall, S.D.A. Mission, Chichoki,
Mallian, Sheikhupura District, Pak- Vreeland, Mabel (b), 165 Winthrop St.,
istan. Watertown, N.Y.
Visinica, M., Calea Bucuresti 57, Crai- Vuilleumier, J., Hoheweg 17, Berne,
ova, Rumania. Switzerland.
Visser, Anne (m), Helderberg College, Vuloaloa, Semi, S.D.A. Mission, Box
Box 22, Somerset West, Cape Prov- 297, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
ince, South Africa. Vunimoli, Suila (1), Box 297, Suva, Fiji,
Vitiamyalaksana, Pleng (m), 399 Up- Pacific Ocean.
per Serangoon Road, Singapore 13,
Colony of Singapore.
Vitrano, Justus, 801 Safford Ave.,
Fresno, Calif.
Vitrano, Steven P., 431 S. Poplar St., Waddell, R. F., 50 Maitrichitr Road,
Centralia, Ill. Bangkok, Thailand.
Vitry, M. (m), Mission Adventiste, Rue Wade, A. E., 110 E. Orchard St.,
National, Saint Pierre, Reunion, In- Athens, Pa.
dian Ocean. Wade, J. H., 40 Bealey Avenue, Christ-
Vixie, L. A., Monteagle, Tenn. church, New Zealand.

Wade, Theodore (rn), Boulder-Colorado Walker, Stanley (I), College Place,

Sanitarium, Boulder, Colo. Wash.
Wagar, N. J. (m), Box 308, Oshawa, Walker, W. W., Takoma and Moore Sts.,
Ontario, Canada. Greeneville, Tenn.
Wagenknecht, 0. (m), Londynska 30, Walklett, H. W. (1), Stanborough Park,
Praha-Vinohrady, Czechoslovakia. Watford, Herts., England.
Wagner, Aaron, Moses Lake, Wash. Walkowiak, Chester (m), South Lan-
Wagner, A. S. (1), 210 Stewart St., Dan- caster, Mass.
ville, Va. Wall, D. N., 433 E. Vine St., Lodi,
Wagner, B. E., Takoma Park, Wash- Calif.
ington 12, D.C. Wall, F. E. (m), Washington Missionary
Wagner, David (I), Box 177, Chosen, College, Takoma Park, Washington
Fla. 12, D.C.
Wagner, F. H., Box 778, Ketchikan, Wallace, Clarence (I), Spangle, Wash.
Alaska. Wallace, E. H., Boite Postale 453,
Wagner, J., Rua Lopes Trovao 84, Ni- Saigon, Indo-China.
teroi, Estado do Rio, Brazil, South Wallace, H. L., 11033 Pine St., Lyn-
America. wood, Calif.
Wagner, J. H., P. 0. Box 720, Potts- Wallace, Preston (1), 2362 88th Ave.,
town, Pa. Oakland 3, Calif.
Wagner, K., Landwehrstrasse 18/I, Wallace, Ralph E., Jr. (1), 113 Prince-
(19a) Halle/Saale, Soviet Zone, Ger- ton Ave., Salisbury, Md.
many. Wallace, S., 84 The Boulevarde, Strath-
Wagner, Lewis H. (1), Route 1, Wapp- field, New South Wales, Australia.
wallopen, Pa. Wallace, W. G. (m), 6129 Winthrop,
Wahl, M. K., General Delivery, Law- Indianapolis 20, Ind.
renceburg, Tenn. Wallack, D. S., 1806 Shaffer Drive,
Wahungana, E. P. 0. Lower Gwelo, Kalamazoo, Mich.
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Wallenkamp, J., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock-
Wainer, Mrs. Rosalie (b), 518 3rd St., holm, Sweden.
Pasco, Wash. Wallenkampf, A. V., Union College,
Wakeman, Irene (m), P.O. Box 401, Lincoln 6, Nebr.
Manila, Philippines. Wallenstern, A. v., Kurfuerstenstrasse
Walandow, K., S.D.A. Mission, Ton- 19, (21a) Bielefeld, British Zone, Ger-
dano, Celebes, Indonesia. many.
Walcker, J. J. (m), Walla Walla Col- Waller, W. H., Grand Turk, Turks and
lege, College Place, Wash. Caicos Islands, British West Indies.
Walde, E. R., Takoma Park, Washing- Walls, H. A. (I), P.O. Box 20, Banga-
ton 12, D.C. lore, India.
Waldeck, H., Kurfuerstenstrasse 91, Walsh, Horace, Fort Meade, Md.
(21a) Bielefeld, British Zone, Ger- Walsh, Mary (1), 10 Denwood Ave.,
many. Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Waldo, H. P., 132 Maple Ave., Takoma Walter, E. C. (m), Angwin, Calif.
Park, Washington 12, D.C. Walter, Marvin, Kayenta, Ariz.
Waldvogel, Heloiza (m), Caixa Postal Walters, E. E. (m), P. 0. Box 22,
1830, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer- Mandeville, Jamaica, British West
ica. Indies.
Waldvogel, Luiz, Caixa Postal 34, Walters, H. S., "Hazelrigg," Mande-
Santo Andre, E.F.S.J., Sao Paulo, ville, Jamaica, British West Indies.
Brazil, South America. Walters, T. W., 3646 12th Ave. W.,
Walean, R. 0., S.D.A. Mission, Aboina, Seattle, Wash.
South Moluccas, Indonesia. Walther, Daniel (1), Theological Semi-
Walean, W. F., Tondano, Celebes, Indo- nary, Takoma Park, Washington 12,
nesia. D. C.
Walgren, C. A., 596 N. Valencia Place,
Covina, Calif. Walton, B. A., S.D.A. Mission, Aba,
Nigeria, West Africa.
Walin, R. L. (m), 1502 N. 107th,
Seattle, Wash. Walton, E. C., 176 Orange Street,
Walker, Allan, 309 E. Washington St., (Highgate) Kingston, Jamaica, Brit-
Dothan, Ala. ish West Indies.
Walker, H. E., Caixa Postal 1919, Rio Walton, H. M., 312 N. Boyle Ave.,
de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Los Angeles, Calif.
Walker, H. W., 1107 W. Adair Drive, Wang An Hsi, S.D.A. Mission, Chengtu,
Knoxville, Tenn. Szechwan, China.
Walker, J. G., Route 1, Box 34-D, Wang, Charles (1), Akersgaten 74, Oslo,
Pendleton, Oreg. Norway.
Walker, J. Z., Northern Calif. Conf., Wang Ching Yan, S.D.A. Mission, 185
Box 149, Oakland 4, Calif. Wei I Lu, Tsinan, Shantung, China.
Walker, Myrtle (m), Walla Walla Col- Wang Deli Djuin, S.D.A. Mission, 11
lege, College Place, Wash. Pei Yueh Ya Hutung, Peiping, China.
Walker, 0. C., Box 78, Georgetown, Wang, D. D., S.D.A. Mission, 44 Fu
British Guiana, South America, Tzen St., Changsha, Hunan, China.

Wang Dju Chiao (1), S.D.A. Mission, Warner, T. J., Box 221, Port-of-Spain,
Kangting (Tatsienlu), Sikang, Shins. Trinidad, British West Indies.
Wang Fu Yuen, 1 Ren Ming Road, Warnick, R. F., 2160 North Capitol
Lanchow, Kansu, China. Ave., Indianapolis 2, Ind.
Wang Feng Ying (1), S.D.A. Mission, Warnock, Margaret (m), 124 E. 33rd
20 Goh Low Meng, Nanking, China. St., Tucson, Ariz.
Wang Ging Bo, 17 Li Hwang Pei Road, Warren, C. F. (1) , 623 Jarman, Mus-
Hankow 7, Hupeh, China. kegon Heights, Mich.
Wang Hsi Wu (1), 1 Ren Min Road, Warren, Mrs. Luther (m), Loma Linda,
Lanchow, Kansu, China. Calif.
Wang, James, College Station, Berrien Warren, M. C., P. 0. Box 119, City
Springs, Mich. of Cebu, Philippines.
Wang Kwang Hwei (1), S.D.A. Mis- Warren, M. C., Jr., Route 2, Box 7-A,
sion, Wenchow, Chekiang, China. Sonora, Calif.
Wang Lin Hsu (1), Court 1207, Yu- Warrington, Marion (b), 2712 Califor-
Yuen Road, Shanghai 27, China. nia St., San Francisco, Calif.
Wang Lu San, Court 1207 Yu-Yuen Wartzok, L. G. (1), 4238 Doncaster
Road, Shanghai 27, China. Drive, Madison 5, Wis.
Wang, S. T. (m), 526 Ningkuo Road, Wasenmiller, J. A., 355 E. 163rd St.,
Shanghai 19, China. New York 56, N. Y.
Wang Shen Tung, 526 Ningkuo Road, Washburn, H. A.. Route 1, St. Helena,
Shanghai, China. Calif.
Wang Sung Tao (1), 526 Ningkuo Washburn, J. S., 4041/2 W. Washington
Road, Shanghai 19, China. St., Hagerstown, Md.
Wang Tak Shan (1), 83 Chun Tung WasH, A., Holmenkollveien 31, Oslo,
Street, Hoihow, Hainan Island, China. Norway.
Wang Tsai Ching (1), Court 1207 Yu- Watanabe, K. (1), 164 Onden 3-chome
Yuen Road, Shanghai 27, China. (2,3), Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Wang Tzu Yuan, 526 Ningkuo Road, Waterhouse, T. R. (1), Route 2, Box
Shanghai, China. 966-D, Fair Oaks, Calif.
Wang Wei Chieh (1), 11 Pieh Yueh Ya Waters, N. H., Box 1316, Laredo, Texas.
Hutung, Peiping, China. Watrous, E. T. (m), Collegedale, Tenn.
Wang Wen Hwei, S.D.A. Mission, Kiu- Watson, A., Stanborough Park, Wat-
kiang, Kiangsi, China. ford, Herts., England.
Wang Wen Tien (1), S.D.A. Mission, Watson, C. D. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Map-
Da Chi Gnu, Chungking, Szechwan, perley Park, Nottingham, England.
China. Watson, C. H., 148 Fox Valley Road,
Wang Ya Kang, 17 Li Hwang Pei Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
Road, Hankow 7, Hupeh, China. tralia.
Wang Ya Ru (1), 62 Ta Fang Chia Watson, D. H., P.O. Box 27, Hamilton,
Hutung, Peiping, China. New South Wales, Australia.
Wang Yu Chu (1), 47 Huang Shih Ta Watson, E. I. (1), 1205 Home Ave.,
Chieh, Mukden 4, Manchuria, China. Dayton 7, Ohio.
Wang Yung Yeh (I), S.D.A. Mission, Watt, A. L. (1), Helderberg College,
Hsuchow, Kiangsu, China. Box 22, Somerset West, Cape Prov-
Wangerin, R. L. (ml, Advent Press, ince, South Africa.
Gendia Mission, Private Bag, Ki- Watts, A. E., 84 The Boulevarde, Strath-
sumu, Kenya, East Africa. field, New South Wales, Australia.
Wangerin, Mrs. Theodora (m), S.D.A. Watts, C. B. (1), Union College, Lin-
Mission, Outside East Gate, Seoul, coln 6, Nebr.
Korea. Watts, R. B. (I), Australian Mission-
Ward, A. A., Box 66, Port-of-Spain, ary College, Cooranbong, New South
Trinidad, British West Indies. Wales, Australia.
Ward, E. C. (I), 1405-B Samuel; Char- Watts, R. S., 624 E. 96th St., Kansas
lotte, N.C. City, Mo.
Ward, F. P. (1), Pitcairn Island, Pa- Watts, V. B., 958 Hunt Ave., St. Helena,
cific Ocean. Calif.
Warden, V., 62 Clotilde St., Mt. Law- Weaks, C. E., Coalmont, Tenn.
ley, West Australia, Australia. Wearner, A. J., Union College, Lin-
Wardrop, J. H. (1), 3124 Evans, Fort coln 6, Nebr.
Worth, Texas. Wearner, R. G., 2011 Sunset, Austin,
Wargo, George (1), 1008 Flower Ave., Texas.
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. Weaver, H. A. (1), Cedar Lake Acad-
Warland, E. R., Stanborough Park, emy, Cedar Lake, Mich.
Watford, Herts., England. Weaver, H. E., College Place, Wash.
Warner, A. H. (1), Box 100, Omak, Weaver, J. E., Pacific Union College,
Wash. Angwin, Napa County, Calif.
Warner, H. D., P. 0. Box 720, Potts- Weaver, E. P. (m), Adelphian Acad-
town, Pa. emy, Holly, Mich.
Warner, R. L. (1), 322 E. Mullan St., Weaver, W. T., Shenandoah Valley
Waterloo, Iowa. Academy, New Market, Va.

Webb, A. E., 12913 Stanford Ave., Weinand, P. Herzogstrasse 94 IV, (22a)

Los Angeles 2, Calif. Duesseldorf, British Zone, Germany.
Webb, Beatrice (m), Sentinel Publish- Weinert, A., Bueltenweg 14, (20b)
ing Company, Box 6, Claremont, Cape Brunswick, British Zone, Germany.
Province, South Africa. Weinberg, D. S., Box 211, Appomat-
Webb, F. T. (1), 148 Fox Valley Road, tox, Va.
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- Weir, Margaret (m), 511 Bradford St.,
tralia. Albany 5, N.Y.
Webb, Joseph (1), 1519 Somerset Ave., Weis, C. C., P. 0. Box 396, Oshawa,
Taunton, Mass. Ontario, Canada.
Webb, L. F., 1514 Scharpe, Houston, Weis, T. H. (I), 1121 N. Saunders,
Texas. Hastings, Nebr.
Webb, Walter (1), Plainview Academy, Weisheim, David (1), Yegros 429, Asun-
Redfield, S. Dak. cion, Paraguay, South America.
Webb, W. C., 1203 E. 124th St., Los Weiss, Samuel, Apartado 1320, San
Angeles 2, Calif. Jose, Costa Rica, Central America.
Webber, Bernice (m), Berrien Springs, Weithers, W. W., Box 223, Bridgetown,
Mich. Barbados, British West Indies.
Weber, C. J. (m), Avda. Italia 2360, Welborn, W. W. (1), Box 1311, Merid-
Montevideo, Uruguay, South America. ian, Miss.
Weber, G. (m), 8 Avenue de l'Eglise Welch, C. E. (I), Newark Road, Mt.
Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Vernon, Ohio.
Weber, Herbert (I), Caixa Postal 810, Welch, H. J., P. 0. Box 480, Kumasi,
Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, South Gold Coast, West Africa.
America. Welch, J. T., 2838 Hemphill, Fort
Weber, L. D., 5217 N. 43rd Ave., Glen- Worth, Texas.
dale, Ariz. Welch, L. W., Union College, Lincoln
Weber, S. C., Uriarte 2429, Buenos 6, Nebr.
Aires, Argentina, South America. Welklin, H. A., 415 Francis Ave.,
Weber, W. A., Caixa Postal 810, Curi- Clarksville, Ind.
tiba, Parana, Brazil, South America. Weller, 0. C. (1), 703 Pennsylvania
Webster, C. R. Route 2, Box 518 A, Ave., York, Pa.
Ventura, Calif. Wellman, A. F., 9515 Lawlor Ave.,
Webster, D. A. (I), Grove Avenue, Oakland 5, Calif.
Claremont, Cape, South Africa. Wellman, C. D., Graysville, Tenn.
Webster, Eric (1), P.O. Box 1133, Port Wellman, Ellsworth (I), 1680 El Roy
Elizabeth, Cape, South Africa. Dr., Lemon Grove, Calif.
Webster, F. C., 348 Mankin Ave., Beck- Wellman, L. E., Box 233, Mountain
ley, W. Va. City, Tenn.
Webster, F. C., Jr. Caixa Postal 2898, Wellman, S. A., 1949 Staunton Ave.,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Winter Park, Fla.
Webster, K. G., Nyanchwa Mission, Wellman, W. L., Star Route 9188,
P.O. Kisii, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Ocean City, N.J.
Webster, L. A. J. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Wells, Emma (m), Route 2, Quassaick
Batuna, Marovo Lagoon, British Ave., M.D. 25, Newburgh, N.Y.
Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Wells, F. B., Box 337, Oshawa, Ontario,
Webster, W. M. (m), P. 0. Box 7768, Canada.
Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Af- Wells, F. D., Collegedale, Tenn.
rica. Wenberg, Kenneth (I), Box 655, Pali-
Weeks, Frank, Highland Academy, sade, Colo.
Fountain Head, Tenn. Wendell, B. P. (1), Lulengele Mission,
Weeks, H. B. (1), Takoma Park, Wash- D/S Luluabourg, Congo Beige, Africa.
ington 12, D.C. Weniger, C. E., Theological Seminary,
Wegener, A., Freumbichlerweg 22, Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Salsburg, Austria. Wennerberg, A. W., Box 86, Wilbur-
Wehrli, Ch. (m), Hoheweg 17, Berne, ton, Okla.
Switzerland. Wensell, E. H. (1), Uriarte 2429, Bue-
nos Aires, Argentina, South America.
Wehrmann, H., Kurfuerstenstrasse 91, Wensell, Niels, Calle V. Vergara 3227,
(21a) Bielefeld, British Zone, Ger- Florida, F.C.N. Gral. Bme. Mitre,
many. Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
Weidle, E., Virrey del Pino 3801, Suc. America.
30, R. 11, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Wentland, M. H., Walla Walla General
Weigel, F. Kriegsstrasse 84, (17a) Hospital, Walla 'Walla, Wash.
aden, American Zone,
Karlsruhe/B Wentland, R. H.,'320 Glendale, Decatur,
Germany. Ga.
Weikum, A. A. (1), 430 Linn St., Wentland, R. H., Jr. (1), Box 129,
Boone, Iowa. Tullahoma, Tenn.
Wei Su An, S.D.A. Mission, Da Chi Wentland, R. W., Box 29, 'Brookfield,
Gou, Chungking, Szechwan, China. Ill.
Wei Yung Tseng (I), Court 1207, Yu- Wentz, Lillian (m), Caixa Postal 1830,
Yuen Road, Shanghai 27, China. Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.

Wenzel, E., Herzongstrasse 94 IV, (22a) Westney, Adrian (1), "Hazelrigg,"

Duesseldorf, British Zone, Germany. Mandeville, Jamaica, British West
Werline, A. W. (1), South Lancaster, Indies.
Mass. Weston, Helen (b), 54 Wachusett St.,
Werner, A. J., Box 2238, Boise, Idaho. Worcester, Mass.
Werner, Julian (m), Apartado Nacio- Westphal, A. L., 804 East 7th St.,
nal 39, Medellin, Colombia, South Tucson, Ariz.
America. Westphal, C. E., 10900 Colesville Road,
Werner, Mrs. Julian (m), Apartado Silver Spring, Md.
Nacional 39, Medellin, Colombia, Westphal, C. E. (in), Calle V. Vergara
South America. 3227, Florida, F.C.N. Gral. Bme.
Werner, Philip, Casilla 85, Puno, Peru, Mitre, Buenos Aires, Argentina,
South America. South America.
Werner, R., Fangelsbachstrasse 11, Westphal, Henry J., Apartado 25510,
(14a) Stuttgart-S, American Zone, Mexico 12, D.F., Mexico.
Germany. Wheatley, Robert (1), 12541 Euclid,
Wernick, F. W., 510 W. King St., Garden Grove, Calif.
York, Pa. Wheeler, B. D. (1), 1111/2 Elizabeth St.,
Wernick, H. L., 613 Wall St., Man- Cedartown, Ga.
kato, Minn. Wheeler, C. E., 407 Avenue "A", Ope-
Wertz, R. G., 718 N. Dunham St., lika, Ala.
Decatur 19, Ill. Wheeler, E. J. (1), 3081/2 W. North St.,
Wesselow, A. (1), Koblenzer Strasse 3, Springfield, Ohio.
(1) Berlin-Wilmersdorf, British Sec- - Wheeler, G. A., 617-A Myrtle Ave., In-
tor, Germany. glewood, Calif.
Wessels, J. M. (I), 33 Niekerk Street, Wheeler, H. A. (1), P. 0. Box 27,
Carolina, Transvaal, South Africa. Hamilton, New South Wales, Aus-
Wessman, Carl (in), Box 125, Monc- tralia.
ton, N. B., Canada. Wheeler, J. H., Marsland, Nebr.
West, D. L. (m), Forest Lake Academy, Wheeler, L. A. (1), Apartado 568,
Maitland, Fla. Ciudad Trujillo, Republica Domini-
West, G. L.. Route 1, Mt. Vernon, cana.
Ohio. Wheeler, Mertie A. (m), 4715 Bancroft
West, G. R., General Delivery, Free- St., Lincoln 6, Nebr.
dom, Calif. Wheeler, Walter (1), Box 691, Cald-
West, Mrs. G. R. (b), General Delivery, well, Idaho.
Freedom, Calif. Whelpley, J. E.. Box 178, Armdale,
West, H. J. (1), 780 St. Albans Road, Halifax Co., Nova Scotia, Canada.
Watford, Herts., England. Whisker, W. R. (1), New Zealand Mis-
West, J. B., Stanborough Park, Wat- sionary College, Longburn, New
ford, Herts., England. Zealand.
West, J. P., 22 Zulla Road, Mapperley White, Arthur, 84 The Boulevarde,
Park, Nottingham, England. Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus-
West, Roger (I), 207 E. Adams St., tralia.
White, A. H., 84 The Boulevarde,
Stockton, Calif. Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus-
West, Stanley C. (1), 3434 E. 5th St., tralia.
Los Angeles 63, Calif. White, A. L., Takoma Park, Washing-
Westbrook, T. B., 206 W. Hilda St., ton 12, D.C.
Tampa 3, Fla. White, C. L. (1), Box 76, Augusta, Ky.
Westcott, H. B., 2493 Old San Jose White, E. E., 148 Fox Valley Road,
Road, Santa Cruz, Calif. Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
Westcott, W. E. (1), 805 North Gads- tralia.
den, Talahassee, Fla. White, Herbert, S.D.A. Mission, Me-
Westerhout, W. 'A., Box 297, Walnut morial Avenue, Lae, Territory of
Creek, Calif. New Guinea, Pacific Ocean.
Westermann, 0., Herzogstrasse 94 IV, White, H. II., 923 E. 5th St., Spencer,
(22a) Duesseldorf, British Zone, Ger- Iowa.
many. White, I. W., 84 The Boulevarde,
Westermeyer, H. E., Walla Walla Col- Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus-
lege, College Place, Wash. tralia.
Westermeyer, W. H., 1002 Washing- White, Ina (m), P. 0. Box 35, Poona 1,
ton St., Little Rock, Ark. India.
Westhofer, B., Haydenstrasse 16, (10a) White, Major (1), 1241 N. 13th Ave.,
Dresden-A 16, Soviet Zone, Germany. Tucson, Ariz.
Weslake, G., S.D.A. Mission, Norfolk White, 0. S., 672 Coleman's Lane,
Island, Australia. East Macon, Ga.
Westman, E. J., Leduc, Alberta, Can- White, S. E. (1), Box 223, Bridgetown,
ada. Barbados, British West Indies.
Westman, G. E., Svanevej 10, Copen- White, S. G., 2173 Central Ave., Vic-
hagen N.V., Denmark. toria, British Columbia, Canada.

White, S. K. (I), P. 0. Box S.78, South Wilcox, Mrs. Lulu P. (m), 345 N. 3rd
Wagga, New South Wales, Australia. St., San Jose, Calif.
White, W. R. (m), 3006 Cliff Drive, Wilcox, R. A., Rua Lopes Trovao 84,
Nashville 7, Tenn. Niteroi, Estado do Rio, Brazil, South
White, Wava (m), Wisconsin Acad- America.
emy, Columbus, Wis. Wild, W. A., Box 228, Coconut Grove,
Whitehead, E. R., 84 The Boulevarde, Miami, Fla.
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Wiles, Herbert B. (1), 11473 Bonita
tralia. Dr., Arlington, Calif.
Whitehead, J. H. (1), 1215 Marshall Wiley, P. K. (I), B. P. 28, Nioka,
St., Little Rock, Ark. Congo Beige, Central Africa.
Whiteside, R., Stanborough Park, Wat- Wilhelm, C. A., 131 Fairview Blvd.,
ford, Herts., England. Hempstead, N. Y.
Whitlow, Paul, 1918 55th St., Des Wilhelm, Mrs. J. W. (b), 505 W. South-
Moines, Iowa. ern Heights, Louisville, Ky.
Whitney, K. W. (m), Box M, Cristo- Wilkinson, B. G., 7120 Piney Branch
bal, Canal Zone. Road, Takoma Park, Washington 12,
Whitney, Marjorie (m), 27 Hope Road, D.C.
Half Way Tree, Jamaica, British Wilkinson, William (1), Lodi Academy,
West Indies. Lodi, Calif.
Whitsett, R. M., Box 29, Brookfield, Will, S. S., 1320 Clay St., Winter Park,
Ill. Fla.
Whittaker, D., 27 Esplanade Rd., Mt. Will, Th., S.E. 8th St., College Place,
Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Wash.
Whittaker, E. G., 8 Yarra St., Haw- Willett, E. F. (I), Box 900, Lansing,
thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Mich.
Whittaker, M. H., 84 The Boulevarde, Willey, T. 0., 1528 N.W. 41st St., Okla-
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- homa City, Okla.
tralia. Willi, H., 8 Avenue de l'Eglise Anglaise,
Whitten, Louie G. (1), Box 1475, Des Lausanne, Switzerland.
Moines 6, Iowa. William, E. N., S.D.A. Mission, Nellore,
Whitten, W. C. (1), 525 Spruce St., India.
Madison 5, Wis. Williams, A. G. (1), c/o Mr. Hartley,
Wibbens, Jacob, 130 Boulevard de l'Ho- Dallas Store, Komgha, Cape Province,
pital, Paris 13e, France. South Africa.
Wicklein, A., Niklasstrasse 19, (1) Williams, A. H., Stanborough Park,
Berlin-Zehlendorf, American Sector, Watford, Herts. England.
Germany. Williams, Mrs. Arabella
' M. (m), Ta-
Wickman, Paul, Takoma Park, Wash- koma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
ington 12, D. C. Williams, B. F., 1360 E. Acacia, Glen-
Wicks, H. B. P., P. 0. Box 27, Hamil- dale 5, Calif.
ton, New South Wales, Australia. Williams, B. J. (m), Spicer Missionary
Wickwire, B. M., P.O. Box 226, Sing- College, Aundh Road, Kirkee, Poona
apore, Colony of Singapore. 3, India.
Widmer, R. R., 304 Third Ave. South, Williams, C. B. (1), P. 0. Box No. 35,
Virginia, Minn. Poona 1, India.
Wiedemann, M. F., 1013 Stone, Musca- Williams, C. L. (1), Box 59. Reno, Nev.
tine, Iowa. Williams, Clarence, Box 149, Arcata,
Wieland, R. J., Box 22, Kampala, Calif.
Uganda, East Africa. Williams, D. J. (I), 301 W. North St.,
Wierts, J. H., St. Georges Apts., Mill Lakeland, Fla.
Cr. Rd., Ardmore, Pa. Williams, Mrs. Esther (m), College-
Wiest, C. S., 755 Ouray Ave., Grand dale, Tenn.
Junction, Colo. Williams, Garnet (I), 1152 Hickman St.,
Wight, S. E., 15 Maple St., Berrien Vincennes, Ind.
Springs, Mich. Williams, G. D. (1), Box 471, Kearney,
Wiik, Evelyn (m), Hinsdale Sanitarium, Nebr.
Hinsdale, Ill. Williams, H. M., Box 574, Sand Springs,
Wiik, 0. (1), Holmenkollveien 31, Oslo, Okla.
Wilber, C. L., 3670 Dubsdread Circle, Williams, H. N., Route 4, Frankfort,
Orlando, Fla. Ind.
Wilcox, E. H., 746 2nd St., Clarkston, Williams, H. W., La Sierra Station,
Wash. Box 3, Arlington, Calif.
Wilcox, F. M., 1929 E. Glenoaks Blvd., Williams, J. B. E. (1), 402 6th St.,
Glendale, Calif. Palatka, Fla.
Wilcox, L. A., 310 Chiquita Ave., Williams, J. C. (m), 3506 Laval Ave.,
Mountain View, Calif. Montreal 18, Quebec, Canada.
Wilcox, L. C., 399 Upper Serangoon Williams, J. H., 1018 Dakota St., San
Road, Singapore 13, Singapore. Antonio, Texas.
Wilcox, Lorena (m), Southwestern Jun, Williams, J. N., Box 170, Belize, British
for College, Keene, Texas. Honduras, Central America.

Williams, L. (1), P.O. Box 943, Waco, Wiltshire, Iris (b), Box 66, Port-of-
Texas. Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies.
Williams, Max (1), Keene, Texas. Wimer, C. E., 546 Fairmount St., Med-
Williams, P. L., P. 0. Box 226, Singa- ford, Oreg.
pore, Colony of Singapore. Wimer, G. F. (m), Box 2238, Boise,
Williams, R. F. (m), Apartado 52, Idaho.
Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico. Winandy, Ch., 130 Boulevard de l'Hopi-
Williams, Ruby (b), P.O. Box 1011, tal, Paris 13e, France.
Beirut, Lebanon. Winders, R. J., 1007 Liberty St., Bell-
Williams, W. C., 1067 Darms Lane, ingham, Wash.
Napa, Calif. Winders, R. L., Box 103, Weslaco,
Williams, W. H. (1), Takoma Park, Texas.
Washington 12, D. C. Windeyer, H. J. (1), 40 Bealey Ave.,
Williamson, Guy C., 3134 Karnes Blvd., Christchurch, New Zealand.
Kansas City, Mo. Wineland, W. H., Theological Seminary,
Williamson, J. J., Union College, Lin- Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
coln 6, Nebr. Wines, E. C. (1), 45261/2 Prescott Ave.,
Williamson, Mrs. Marguerite (m), Lincoln 6, Nebr.
Loma Linda, Calif. Wing, R. B., Route 2, Seneca, Mo.
Willis, C. M. (1), 107-13 95th Ave., Winkler, L. R. (m), Naripan 63, Ban-
Richmond Hill, Long Island, N.Y. dung, Java, Indonesia.
Willis, U. S., 147 E. Lorain St., Ober- Winley, P. C., 1400 Hawkins St.,
lin, Ohio. Nashville, Tenn.
Willis, U. S., Jr. (1), 286 Englewood Winning, Evabelle (m), Angwin, Calif.
Ave., Englewood, N.J. Winslow, G. C. (1), Theological Sem-
Willison, C. M. (m), Indiana Academy, inary, Takoma Park, Washington 12,
Cicero, Ind. D.C.
Willmore, Priscilla E. (m), 19 Union Winston, J. P. (1), 1015 Lincoln St.,
House, 24 Union Street, East Lon- Wilson, N. C.
don, Cape Province, South Africa. Winston, W. H., 146 Spring St.,
Willmott, E. D., "Udipi Cottage," Fern- Charleston, S. C.
hill, Ootacamund, Nilgiris, India. Winter, C. (I), 40 Bealey Ave., Christ-
Willoughby, H. E., 6415 S.E. Morrison, church, New Zealand.
Portland, Oreg. Winter, C. E. (1), Washington Mission-
Wilmore, P. W., Box 1133, Port Eliza- ary College, Takoma Park, Wash-
beth, Cape Province, South Africa. ington 12, D.C.
Wilmot, Henry (I), Box 21, Ashland Winter, Eugene (1), College Place,
City, Tenn. Wash.
Wilmshurst, F. J., 780 St. Albans Road, Winter, S. G. (I), 8 Yarra St., Haw-
Watford, Herts., England. thorn, E. 2, Victoria, Australia.
Wilson, G. C. (I), 6232 Oakland, St. Winters, F. G. (m), 805 N. Gadsden,
Louis, Mo. Tallahassee, Fla.
Wilson, G. I., 62 Clotilde St., Mt. Law- Wipperman, P. G., 3363 Guido Place,
ley, West Australia, Australia. Oakland 2, Calif.
Wilson, H., S.D.A. Mission, P. 0. Box Wirsz, J. (m), 1202 3rd Ave. North,
26, Bo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Wilson, J. 0., 68 U Wisara Road, Ran- Wirth, W. G., 6447 El Verano Ave., Los
goon, Burma. Angeles 41, Calif.
Wilson, J. V., P.O. Box 468, Bloem- Wise, J. S. (1), 813 W. 17th St.,
fontein, Orange Free State, South Jacksonville, Fla.
A f rit a Wissner, U. (1), Box 1511, Glendale 5,
Wilson, James (1), Box 308, Oshawa, Calif.
Ontario, Canada. Wittenberg, W. N., 411 Cedar St.,
Wilson, M. L., Route 2, Gentry, Ark. Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Wilson, N. C., 148 Fox Valley Road, Wittig, H., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, (13a)
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- Nurnberg, American Zone, Germany.
tralia. Wittschiebe, Charles, Collegedale, Tenn.
Wilson, Neal C., 16 Av. de Koubbeh, Wittwer, K. (1), Bueltenweg 14, (20b)
Heliopolis, Egypt. Brunswick, British Zone, Germany.
Wilson, P. L. (m), Southwestern Junior Witzel, C. L. (1), Route 4, Bozeman,
College, Keene, Texas. Mont.
Wilson, R. (m), Box 175, Port-of-Spain, Wloka, K., Peiner Strasse 19 A, (20a)
Trinidad, British West Indies. Hanover-Dohren, British Zone, Ger-
Wilson, R. (1), 780 St. Albans Road, many.
Watford, Herts., England. Wolcott, B. A., Route 2, Hamilton, Ga.
Wilson, Mrs. Ruby (b), 992 Springdale Wolfe, E. P. (1), 27 Esplanade Road,
St., Memphis, Tenn. Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.
Wilson, R. T. (1), 540 Valley St., Wolfe, E. W., Ooltewah, Tenn.
New Haven, Conn. Wolff, C. M. (1), Route .3, c/o W. T.
Wilson, T. W., 130 Northland Ave., Butt, Madisonville, Ky.
Buffalo 8, N.Y. Wolfkill, G. F., Angwin, Napa Co.. Calif.

Wollan, J. H., Post Office Box 195, Wray, Francis (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Mushtaq Manzil, Moradabad, U.P.,
Wollard, W. R. (1), 2621 Farnam St., India.
Omaha 2, Nebr. Wright, Earl (1), Route 1, Box 189,
Wong Hung Gi (I), S.D.A. Mission, Grass Valley, Calif.
Foochow, China. Wright, K. (1), S.D.A. Mission, Abe-
Wong Kiat Sam (1), P.O. Box 34, Jes- mama, Gilbert Islands, Pacific Ocean.
selton, Colony of North Borneo. Wright, K. A., Southern Missionary Col.
Woo, T. S., P.O. Box 310, Hong Kong. lege, Collegedale, Tenn.
Wood, E. C. (1), 1005 Houston Ave., Wright, M. E. (m), Union Springs,
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C. N.Y. -
Wood, Floyd (1), La Sierra College, Wright, 0. D., 445 Hursbourne Road,
Arlington, Calif. Rochester 9, N.Y,.
Wood, Gyneth (m), Hinsdale Sani- Wrigley, C. A., P. 0. Box S.78, South
tarium, Hinsdale, Ill. Wagga, New South Wales, Australia.
Wood, J. D., Box 221, Port-of-Spain, Wu, E. H. (1), 140 Bukit Bintang
Trinidad, British West Indies. Road, Kuala Lumpur, Malaya.
Wood, J. W., 44 Wing St., Bangor, Wu Fan Chung (1), S.D.A. Mission, 20
Maine. Goh Low Meng, Nanking, China.
Wood, K. H., 1264 Bird Ave., San Jose, Wu Fang Pei (1), S.D.A. Mission, 20
Calif. Goh Low Meng, Nanking, China.
Wood, K. H., Jr., 63 Bryn Mawr Ave., Wu, Helen (1), Court 1207, Yu-Yuen
Trenton 8, N.J. Road, Shanghai 27, China.
Wood, L. H., Theological Seminary, Wu Hsiao Chen, 105 Chang Shu Road,
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D,C. Shanghai, China.
Wood, L. S., P.O. Box 270, Suva, Fiji, Wu Hsiao Tung (I), S.D.A. Mission,
Pacific Ocean. Wenchow, Chekiang, China.
Wood, Mabel (m), Collegedale, Tenn. Wu Kao Fu (1), SAA. Mission, Wen-
Wood, R. A., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, chow, Chekiang, China.
E. 2, Victoria, Australia. Wu Ming Seng, 105 Chang Chu Road,
Wood, R. (1), 2907 Edgecombe Circle, Shanghai, China.
Baltimore 15, Md. Wu Pei Ling (1), S.D.A. Mission, 20
Wood, R. H., 665 Cypress Ave., Old Goh Low Meng, Nanking, China.
Orchard, Panama City, Fla. Wu Shan (I), S.D.A. Mission, Wenchow,
Wood, S. G., P.O. Box 266, Towns- Chekiang, China.
ville, Queensland, Australia. Wu Tien En, Court 1207, Yu-Yuen Road,
Wood, S. H., 27 Esplanade Road, Mt.,- Shanghai 27, China.
Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Wu Yung Gwang (m), S.D.A. Mission,
Wood, W. H. (m), 399 Upper Seran- Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China.
goon Road, Singapore 13, Singapore. Wyatt, C. R. (1), 821 Richmond St.,
Woodard, Blooma (m), New England Mattoon, Ill.
Sanitarium, Melrose 76, Mass. Wyborn, D. H., Box 27, Hamilton, New
Woodburn, B. A. (1), Box 170, Belize, South Wales, Australia.
British Honduras, Central America. Wyman, C. L. (1), 661 B St., Spring-
Woodfield, A. J., Stanborough Park, field, Oreg.
Watford, Herts., England. Wyman, F. A., 424 Ave. D., Snohomish,
Woodfork, R. L., 2032 Springfield, Wash.
Blvd., Kansas City, Kan. Wyman, F. C. (1), 68 U Wisara Road,
Woodland, C. A., Box '743, Bozeman, Rangoon, Burma.
Mont. Wyman, M. A., Route 6, Box 49, Visalia,
Woodman, I. J., Pacific Press Publish- Calif.
ing Assn., Mountain View, Calif. Wyrick, Mrs. Esta (b), 587 S. J St.,
Woodruff, G. M. (1), Turner St., Man- Livermore, Calif.
tua, N.J.
Woods, A. C., 120 West Channing Ave.,
Fergus Falls, Minn. X
Woods, C. L. (1), Pacific Union College, Xavier, A. N. (1), Caixa Postal 1830,
Angwin, Calif. Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Woods, Kenneth M. (1), Box 370,
Hamilton, Bermuda.
Woods, It. F., Route 1, Churchville, Va.
Woodward, H. G., 1124 Adoline Ave.,
Fresno, Calif. Yacoub, Antar (m), Fayoum Training
Woodward, I. C. (m), Vincent Hill Col- School, Seila, Fayoum, Egypt.
lege, Mussoorie, United Province, Yacoub, Nashid, Bet Kulta Bey, Shirket,
India. Assuit, ,Egypt.
Wooller, K. J., Box 27, Hamilton, New Yakovenko, P. G., 1321 S. Hutchins St.,
South Wales, Australia. Lodi, Calif.
Wortman, Mrs. L. M. D. (m), Naripan Yacush, Andrew, 3342 W. 84th St.,
63, Bandung, Ja'va, Indonesia. Cleveland, Ohio.
Wosu, R. 0., S.D.A. Mission, Jengre, Yakush, S. A., 150 Cline Ave., Mans-
via Jos, N. Nigeria, West Africa. field, Ohio.

Yamagata, K. (1), 3 Nakajimadori 2- Yovan, J. Y., Artacho, Sison, Pangasi-

chome, Fukiai-ku, Kobe, Japan. nan, Philippines.
Yamagata, T., 171 Amanuma 1- Yu Chung Ye (I), Court 1207, Yu-
chome, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Yuen Road, Shanghai 27, China.
Yamamoto, S. (I), 164 Onden 3-chome Yu Hsien Sheng, 1 Ren Min Road,
(2,3), Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Lanchow, Kansu, China.
Yang Chung Pei (1), P.O. Box 310, Yu Ton Tien (1), 1 Ho Ping Gieh,
Hong Kong. Ninghsia, China.
Yang I Fu (1), S.D.A. Mission, Wen- Yuen Shun Ren (1), 1 Ho Ping Gieh,
chow, Chekiang, China. Ninghsia, China.
Yang Fu Shih (1), S.D.A. Mission, Wen- Yun Ok Chin (1), S.D.A. Mission, Tai-
chow, Chekiang, China. chun Korea.
Yang Kai Hsuen (1), S.D.A. Mission, Yujra, Gregorio (1), Casilla 85, Puno,
Chengtu, Szechwan, China. Peru, South America.
Yang Hsin Seng, S.D.A. Mission, Da Yutuc, L. A., P. 0. Box 2494, Manila,
Chi Gou, Chungking, Szechwan, Philippines.
Yang Sung San (1), Ta Tung Lu, Dao
Li, Harbin, Manchuria, China.
Yen Shih Ming, 105 Chang Shu Road, Zachariah, T. V. (1), S.D.A. Mission,
Shanghai, China. Tellichery, Malabar, India.
Yang Tak Hsin (1), 36 West Nanking Zacharias, H., Tondano, Celebes, Indo-
Road, Taipeh, Taiwan (Formosa.) nesia.
Yao, Charles (m), 399 Upper Serangoon Zaharis, T. D., 3801 Everett Ave., Oak-
Road, Singapore 13, Singapore. ' land 2, Calif.
Yarnell, C. A. (1), New Market. Va. Zaldivar, Virgilio (I), Patrocinio 20,
Yasui, K. (m), 3 Nakajimadori 2-chome, Vibora, Havana, Cuba.
Fukiai-ku, Kobe, Japan. Zamfir, V., Strada Golesti No. 11,
Yates, H. L., Route 3, Bradford, Pa. Braila, Rumania.
Yeaton, A. M., Box 661, Rifle, Colo. Zamora, M. M. (m), Box 241, Iloilo
Yeo Peng Yee (m), 399 Upper Seran- City, Philippines.
goon Road, Singapore 13, Colony of Zamorano, Luis (1), Uriarte 2429,
Singapore. Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Amer-
Yeretzian, S., 5 Boulevard Longchamp, ica.
Marseille, France. Zanotti, W. E. (1), Monamona Mission,
Yesudian, G. A. (1), "Foi Cotta," Pa- Oak Forest, via Cairns, Queensland,
lamcottah, Tinnevelly District, India. Australia.
Yeung, K. S. (1), P.O. Box 310, Hong Zaragoza, J. A., Patrocinio No. 20, Vi-
Kong. bora, Havana, Cuba.
Yokomizo, Miss E. (1), 171 Amanuma Zarka, D., Szekely Bertalan-utca 13,
1-chome, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Budapest VI, Hungary.
Yonami, M. (I), 3 Nakajimadori 2- Zaynos, F. B. (1), Apartado 25510,
chome, Fukiai-ku, Kobe, Japan. Mexico 12, D.F., Mexico.
Yorac, M., P. 0. Box 119, City of Zeidler, Elizabeth (m), Takoma Park,
Cebu, Philippines. Washington 12, D. C.
York, Mervin (m), Union Springs, N.Y. Zerne, Nils, Tunnelgatan 25, Stock-
Yost, F. D. (1), 608 Albermarle Ave., holm, Sweden.
Takoma Park, Wa4hington 12, D.C. Zertuche, Daniel (1), Apartado 134,
Yost, F. H., Theological Seminary, Ta- Sucursal "B", Hermosillo, Sonora,
koma Park, Washington 12, D.C. Mexico.
Young, F. G., 4237 S. 48th St., Lin- Zettwoch, H., Fangelsbachstrasse 11,
coln 6, Nebr. (14a) Stuttgart-S, American Zone,
Young, H. A. (1), Boulder-Colorado Germany.
Sanitarium, Boulder, Colo. Zevallos, Juan (m), Casilla 2830, San-
Young, I. W. (1), Box 1311, Meridian, tiago, Chile, South America.
Miss. Ziegler, J. G., Route 4, Box 264, Kirk-
Young, J. E., 317 Rosins Ave., Modesto, land. Wash.
Calif. Zielinski, J., Zeylanda 11, Poznan,
Young, J. R., Walker Memorial Sni- Poland.
tarium, Avon Park, Fla. Zima, Willard (1), 14321/2 E. Court
Young, J. T. (1), Box 1011J, Adelaide, Ave., Des Moines, Iowa.
South Australia, Australia. Zimmermann, A. H., Pope Star Route,
Young, Philip (I), Box 508, Mooresville, St. Helena, Calif.
Zimmermann, H., Boehmerstrasse 13,
(16) Frankfurt/Main, American Zone,
Young, S. M. (1), Route 2, Salem, Va. Germany.
Youngberg, A. G., 12008 Knoefler St., Zinove, R., Strada Rosenfeld No. 4,
Arlington, Calif. Sibiu, Rumania.
Youngberg, R. R., P. 0. Box 34, Zins, E., Box 279, Paris Station, Ont.,
Jesse1ton, Colony of North Borneo. Canada.
Youngs, Dallas, Box 398, Oshawa, On- Ziprick, 0. J., 313 E. Palmyra Ave.,
tario, Canada. Orange, Calif.

Zirkle, T. I. (m), College of Medical Zungu, P. (1), P.O. Wilberforce, Eva-

Evangelists, Loma Linda, Calif. ton, Transvaal, South Africa.
Ziyaiya, Samuel (1), Luwazi Mission, Zurcher, A., 5 Boulevard Longchamp,
.P.O. Nkata Bay, Nyasaland, Africa. Marseille, France.
Zogahite (1), S.D.A. Mission, Batuna, Zurcher, E. (1), Gubelstrasse 23, Zurich
Marovo Lagoon, British Solomon Is- 50, Switzerland.
lands, Pacific Ocean. Zureher, J., Mission Adventiste, Ambo-
Zollbrecht, J. C., 815 State St., Petos- hijatovo, Tananarive, Madagascar.
key, Mich. Zurek, A., Sidova 1, Ostrava, Czecho-
Zondi, A. (1), P.O. Mahamba, Swazi- slovakia.
land, South Africa. Zurek, J., Tr. Marsala Malinovskeho
Zorub, Alice (m), Caixa Postal 2898, 24a, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia.
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer-
ica. Zurigian, Sarkis (m), Avda. Italia 2360,
Zorub, E., Caixa Postal 1919, Rio de Montevideo, Uruguay, South America.
Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Zytkoskee, A. G., 16 Av. de Koubbeh,
Zukowski, Ricardo, Caixa Postal 177, Heliopolis, Egypt.
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Zytkoskee, A. S:, 800 E. McCarty St.,
Brazil, South America. Jefferson City, Mo.
Zumwalt, A. L., Box 2841, Juneau, Zytkoskee, T. V. (1), 24 Fusting Ave.,
Alaska. Baltimore 28, Md.

"They rest from their labors, and their works do follow them."

A Brown, Mrs. Joseph, February 12,

Anderson, W. H., June 26, Claremont, Jamestown, N. Dak.
N.C. Brown, Mrs. R. W., February 10,
Andross, E. E., August 22, Takoma Canon City, Colo.
Park, Md. Budd, G. L., January 4, Walla Walla,
Armitage, Mrs. F. B., April 12, Loma Wash.
Linda, Calif. Butterfield, Mrs. C. L., July 12, An-
Avila, Manuel, January 18, Minas, chorage, Kentucky.
Camaguey, Cuba.
B Campbell, Mrs. A. B., August 28, St.
Babcock, Mrs. D. C., January 23, New- Helena, Calif.
port News, Va. Cardey, 0. D., August 11, Fletcher, N.C.
Bard, A., May 30, Algeria. Christensen, Mrs. J. C., March 10,
Beams, J. W., October 24, Yakima, Juneau, Alaska.
Wash. Coats, Mrs. H. A., October 13, Des
Beatty, J. F., March 13, La Sierra, Moines, Iowa.
Calif. Christensen, Mrs. J. C., March, 10,
Beeson, C. A., September 4, Napa, Calif. land, Oreg.
Bowen, Mrs. C. L., July 8, Mansfield Crooks, S. A., September 2, Loma Linda,
Center, Conn. Calif.
Bowen, L. S., August 9, Takoma Park, Culbert, Sarah Abbey, June 21, Hins-
Md. dale, Ill.
Bowen, Mrs. T. E., February 6, Ta- Cushman, Mrs. E. C., April 11, Arling-
koma Park, Md. ton, Calif.
Bradley, W. 11., May 20, Sonora, Calif. D
Brown, E. A., November 27, Santa Rosa, Dart, Mrs. Albert, January 30, Azusa,
Calif. Calif.
NECROLOGY-1950 465

Drinhaus, Peter, July 14, San Francisco, L

Calif. Lacey, H. C., December 8, Glendale,
Droll, G. A., November 28, Madison Calif.
College, Tenn. M
F McGee, J. P., January 11, Henderson-
Follett, A. R., December 24, Kansas. ville, N.C.
Ford, Mrs. C. L., April 11, Portland, McKeague, Mrs. R. J., April 22, Glen-
Oreg. dale, Calif.
Foster, P. G., July 5, Warburton, Miller, Mrs. A. L., February 7, Des
Australia. Moines, Iowa.
Fulton, Mrs. J. E., March 30, Sun- Miller, Mrs. C. W., November 26, 1949,
land, Calif. Lomita, Calif.
G Mohr, Mrs. F. I., June 21, Boulder,
George, W. A., September 4, Loma Colo.
Linda, Calif. Mullinnex, M. E., August 10, Paradise,
Gibson, F. E., March 21, Glendale, Calif. Calif.
Gibson, L. A., August 21, Loma Linda, N
Calif. Neilsen, J. A., February 24, Sebasto-
Graf, 0. J., October 11, Loma Linda, pol, Calif.
Calif. Nelson, Andrew, August 9, Sanitarium,
Gregory, A. L., February 25, Atlantida, Calif.
Honduras. Nutter, Mrs. Verbrook, January 18,
Grundset, Mrs. 0. J., August 27, Maple East Windsor, Conn.
Plain, Minn.
Guild, J. A., October 8, Orneytown, 0
N.J. Oberholtzer, Mrs. D. H., March 2,
H Sanitarium, Calif.
Hagen, Mrs. A. E., June 26, Boulder, P
Colo. Paap, F. W., November 12, Long Beach,
Hallsted, Mrs. E. B., February 11, San Calif.
Antonio, Texas. Pandjaitan, S. H., March 17, Java.
Hartzell, H. W., September 25, Na- Place, A. E.. April 6, Rome, N.Y.
tional City, Calif. Priebe, W. E., May 31, Los Angeles,
Haysmer, A. J., February 2, Melrose, Calif.
Holbrook, J. A., December 9, Clear Redfield, C. T., July 9, Butte, Mont.
Lake, Wash. Reppe, Mrs. Dora, January 27, Wash.
Hoskins, S. G., June 12, San Jose, Rhode, Max, February 3, Porto Alegre,
Calif. Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
Huffman, Mrs. B. E., June 26, LaCygne, Riffel, Jacob, September 30, Walla
Kansas. Walla, Wash.
Huntley, E. H., August 24, Loma Linda, Ritchie, I. S., October 24, Arlington,
Calif. Calif.
Hyde, J., January 3, Stanborough Park, Roach, T. J., June 1, Hampton, Ia.
England. Rogers, A. H., July 4, Australia.
Ising, W. K., September 23, Takoma S
Park, Md. Schutt, C. A., April 16, Ahmednagar,
.1 India.
Jensen, C. C., January 20, Glendale, Shryock, Alfred, January 3, Loma
Calif. Linda, Calif.
Jesperson, Lydia A., July 11, San Smith, Mrs. C. M., January 16, Mt.
Francisco, Calif. Vernon, Ohio.
Johanson, Mrs. J. M., October 19, Stahl. F. A., November 30, Paradise,
1949, Sydney, Australia. Calif.
Johnson, Mrs. A. E., October 24, Lin- w
coln, Nebr. White, B. J., April 22, Loma Linda,
Johnson, Harriet A. B., January 6, Calif.
Sidney, British Columbia. Wilbur, F. J., June 27, Glendale, Calif.
Wilkins, Mrs. Lloyd, April 28, Indio,
K Calif.
King, C. C., March 1, Pomona, Calif. Willa, H., February 9, Germany.
Kirk, H. E., December 19, 1949, Wich- Wood, D. P., April 2, Orlando, Fla.
ita, Kansas.
Knox, Mrs. W. T., July 4, California. Y
Krum, Mrs. J. H., September 5, New Yates, J. S., January 7, Reed's Spring,
Smyrna, Fla. Mo.
In the following index are given the names of workers listed in the Educa-
tional, Food Companies, Medical, and Publishing sections of the Yearbook, such
as college and secondary school teachers, managers and other institutional adminis-
trators, editors, physicians, and nurses. In addition to the page on which the name
appears, a designation is given to indicate the class of institution in which the
worker is employed: As E for Education, F for Food Companies, M for Medical,
and P for Publishing ; also the general nature of the work is shown : as t for teacher,
p for physician, n for nurse, e for editor, b for business. Thus a teacher is
designated Et; an editor, Pe; a physician, Mp; a sanitarium business manager or
treasurer, Mb, etc. A few names that do not fall into these particular groups are
shown simply by the class of institution. For workers in North America, the name
or initials of the institution employing them is given, but outside of North
America, the name of the country only is usually shown.
EducationalE MedicalM PublishingP
College or Academy PhysicianMp EditorPe
TeacherEt NurseMn Manager or Treasurer
Manager or Treasurer Manager or Treasurer Pb
Eb Mb Food CompanyF

A Albiner, I., Et, Pe, Sweden, 280, 319

Aaen, B. A., Et, Laurelwood, 260 Alcock, H. J., Et, WWC, 283
Abbey, J. D., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Alcorn, Mrs. G. K., Et, Lynwood, 262
Abbott, D. H., Mp, East Africa, 295 Alderson, R. F., Et, Newbury Pk., 266
Abbott, Mrs. F., Mn, Australia, 304 Alexander, Edna M., Et, WWC 283
Abbott, J. L., E, Australia, 280 Alexander, H. C., Eb, Pakistan, 285
Abeba, Tersite, Et, Ethiopia, 251 Ali, Adam, Mn, Ethiopia, 306
Abel, Mrs. Florence, Et, UC, 281 Alice, Miss, M., Et, India, 259
Abel, Harlyn, Et, UC, 281 Alice, S., Et, India, 257
Abel, Marcel, Et, Haiti, 254 Allaway, Robert, Et, Mount Ellis, 264
Abel, Mario, Et, Angola, 239 Allaway, Mrs. R., E, Mount Ellis, 264
Abenia, E., Pb, Spain, 319 Allen, R. W., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Abot, Jean, E, France, 252 Almeida, Alzira, Mn, Brazil, 302
Abrahamsen, Karl, Et, Norway, 269 Alsaybar, B. B., Et, Philippines, 286
Acevado, Soledad, Et, Mexico, 263 Alva, A. J., Et, Chile, 243
Achata, Victor, Et, Peru, 256 Alva, Mrs. Alcides, Et, Chile, 243
Achata, Mrs. Victor, Et, Peru, 256 Alva, A. J., Et, Peru, 256
Ackerman, Geneva, Et, Mtn. View, 265 Alva, Edmundo, Et, Peru, 256
Ackerman, J. M., Eb, Forest Lake, 251 Alvarez, Mrs. Grace, Et, La Sierra, 260
Ada, Susana, Et, Philippines, 272 Alves, B. C., Et, Brazil, 239
Adagle, Esterbai, Et, India, 254 Alykutty, Mrs. P. I., Et, India, 259
Adair, G. E., Fb, England, 286 Ambs, Esther, Et, PUC, 270
Adams, G. K., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Ambs, K. F., Eb, La Sierra, 259
Adams, Ralph, Et, CME, 247 Ambs, Louise, Et, EMC, 250
Adams Selma, Mn, Et, CME, 246 Ambs, Margarethe, Et, La Sierra, 260
Adams, V. E., P, Japan, 313 Ames, Mrs. R., E, Loma Linda, 261
Adamson, Mrs. M., Et, Newbury, 266 Ampuero, 0. P. de, Et, Argentina, 273
Adamson, V. J., Et, South Africa, 254 Ampuero, Victor, Et, Argentina, 273
Adler, D. C., Et, CME, 247 Anandam, G., Et, India, 265
Adonis, P., Et, South Africa, 253 Andal, Adela, Mn, Philippines, 297
Aeschlimann, J. P., Et, France, 251 Anders, A. J., Et, Broadview, 240
Aeschlimann, W. E., Eb, Columbia, 247 Anders, Mrs. A. J., Et, Broadview, 240
Aeschlimann, Mrs. W., Et, Colombia, 248 Andersen, A., Mp, Denmark, 303, 311
Affeldt, J. E., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Anderson, Agnes, Et, CUC, 241
Africa, C., Et, South Africa, 253 Anderson, Albert, E, EMC, 250
Aguilar, I., Et, Spain, 279 Anderson, C. D., Et, Monterey Bay, 264
Aguilar, Mateo, Et, Peru, 256 Anderson, C. R., Mp, Washington, 305
Aguilar, Mrs. Mateo, Et, Peru, 256 Anderson, D. W., M, Hinsdale, 294
Ahn Kyung He, Mn, Korea, 302 Anderson, Ellen, Et, CME, 246
Airey, W. J., Et, La Sierra, 260 Anderson, Enok, Et, Maplewood, 262
Akande, S. B., Et, Nigeria, 266 Anderson, Fred, E, PUC, 270
Akers, George, Et, Sheyenne River, 276 Anderson, G. T., Et, CME, 246
Alarcon, Antonio, E, Mexico, 263 Anderson, G. T., Et, La Sierra, 259
Alarcon, Margarita, Et, Mexico, 277 Anderson, Headley, E, Jamaica, 285
Albee, W. V., Et, Hawaii, 254 Anderson, Helen, Mn, Washington, 305
Alberro, Esther, Et, Arizona, 236 Anderson, J. D., E, UC, 281

Anderson, J. D., Pb, Solomon Is., 319 Bacher, Georg, Mb, Denmark, 303
Anderson, John, Et, Indonesia, 242 Bacigalupi, Augusto, Et, Chile, 242
Anderson, Mrs. J., Et, Indonesia, 242 Backman, Asta, E, Finland, 251
Anderson, J. N., Et, Union, 281 Bacon-Shone, F., Et, CUC, 241
Anderson, M. G., Mp, Ethiopia, 306 Bade, Elva, Et, Australia, 237
Anderson, Marie, E, UC, 281 Baden, P. G., Eb, Loma Linda, 261
Anderson, Martha J., Et, Fresno, 252 Baden, Mrs. P. G., E, Loma Linda, 261
Anderson, Milo, Et, Platte Valley, 272 Baer, Eleanor, Mn, Portland, 300
Anderson, P. P., Et, Adelphian, 234 Baer, F. L., Pb, Argentina, 310
Anderson, P. W., Et, EMC, 250 Baerg, Mrs. Edith, Et, Trinidad, 241
Anderson, W. E., Et, La Sierra, 259 Baerg, I. W., Et, Trinidad, 241
Andersson, Clara, E, Sweden, 280 Bafus, Muriel, Et, CME, 246
Anderton, Rachel, Mn, Africa, 296 Bagger, C., Et, Denmark, 249
Andre, Mable, Et, La Sierra, 260 Bahr, Ida, Mn, Germany, 295
Andrews, Frances, Et, Shenandoah, 276 Bailey, D. A., Pb, R & H, 317
Andrews, Kathryn, Et, Lodi, 261 Bailey, Mrs. L., E, Australia, 281
Andross, E. M., Et, WMC, 285, 255 DaMe, B., Mn, Pakistan, 306
Ang Kim Hi, Eb, China, 277 Bainum, Mrs. Eva, Et, WMC, 284
Angervo, 0., Pe, Sweden, 319 Bairagee, J. C., M, India, 300
Angulo, Anita, Mn, Peru, 293 Bairagee, S. K., Et, India, 273
Aplington, K. A., Et, WWC, 283 Baird, Leila A., Et, India, 283
Aplington, Mrs. M. S., E, WWC, 283 Baker C. H., Et, Loma Linda, 261
Apolinario, P., Et, Brazil, 239 Baker, Mrs. C. H., Et, Loma Linda, 261
Apolinario, W., Et, Brazil, 239 Baker, Charlene, Et, Greater N.Y., 253
Apsorn, Mn, Thailand, 289 Baker, Clifton, E, Mount Vernon, 265
Aragon, R. M., Mp, Mexico, 297 Baker, Mrs. M., Et, Mount Vernon. 264
Araujo, Iracema, Et, Brazil, 267 Baker, W., Et, Valley Grande, 282
Araujo, J. T., Et, Brazil, 249 Bakke, Mogens, Pe, Denmark, 311
Archambeau, Violet, Et, Mt. Ellis, 264 Bal, A. C., Mn, Pakistan, 306
Archbold, Mrs B. L., Et, Trinidad, 241 Bala, C. R., Mn, Pakistan, 307
Arinda, S. N., M, Pakistan, 293 Baldwin, H. M., Mb, Walker, 305
A rndal, Otto, Mp, Et, CME, 245 Balharrie, Gordon, Et, CUC, 241
Arnet, Frances, M, Glendale, 293 Balinao, A., Eb, Philippines, 267
Arriola, Margarita, Et, Philippines, 271 Ball, Lester, Et, Enterprise, 251
Arshat, Behnam, Et, Iraq, 257 Bambury, Mrs. A. V., Mn, Africa, 308
Artenian, R., Et, Rumania, 274 Bangoloy, J. A., Et, Philippines, 267
Artress, F. L., Mp, Ethiopia, 306 Banks, E. C., Et, SMC, 277
Aruntada, Saiyoot, Mn, Thailand, 289 Banks, M., E, Newbury Park, 266
Ashby, N. E., Et, Pine Forge, 271 Banks, Nathan, Et, Oakwood, 268
Asheim, T., Et, Norway, 269 Barber, Essie, E, Plainview, 272
Ashley, Cecil, Et, Laurelwood, 260 Barber, Lloyd, Et, Hawaii, 254
Ashley, L. M., Et, WWC, 283 Barboza, Pedro, Mn, Brazil, 302
Ashton, Grace, Et, Shenandoah, 276 Barger, Lowell, E, Platte Valley, 272
Asirvadam, P. D., M, India, 293 Barger, Mrs. L., Et, Platte Valley, 272
Aswegen, I. G. van, Et, Africa, 256 Barker, L. G., Eb, Sheyenne River, 276
Atcheson, R. L., Eb, CME, 243 Barnabas, Et, Burma, 265
Atil, J. M., E, Philippines, 249 Barnard, L. H., Mp, New Guinea, 298
Atkins, Vernon, Et, Gem State, 252 Barnes, R. W., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Attarian, Eleanor, Et, Glendale, 253 Barnett, Ruby, Mn, Thailand, 289
Atteberry, M., Mn, Et, CME, 246, 306 Baron, C., Et, Poland, 272
Augsberger, Daniel, Et, EMC, 250 Barr, D. C., Et, La Sierra, 260
Austin, E. T., Et, India, .283 Barron, A. R., Et, Monterey Bay, 264
Austin, Linda, Eb, Trinidad, 241 Barron, Mrs. L., Et, Monterey Bay, 264
Auvil, R. G., Mp, Et, CME, 244, 296 Bartlett, A. M., Et, Indonesia, 257
Avery, F. W., M, Boulder, 290 Bartlett, Mrs. A. M., Et, Indonesia, 257
Avery, Francis, Et, Union, 281 Bartlett, C. A., Et, Sierra Leone, 276
Avila, L., Et, Brazil, 239 Bartlett, Dorothy, Et, AUC, 236
Avila, W. S., Eb, Brazil, 239 Bartlett, Mabel R., Et, AUC, 236
Axelson, A. E., Et, EMC, 250 Bartlett, V. L., Eb, Union Springs, 282
Azar, Ayoub, M, Iraq, 291 Bartlett, Mrs. V., Et, Un. Springs 282
Azevedo, J., Et, Brazil, 239 Bartling, Jean, Mn, St. Helena, 301
Aziz, Abdullah, M, Pakistan, 291 Bartling, Keith, E, PUG, 270
Azuogu, Israel, Mn, West Africa, 307 Basanta, Raquel, Et, Argentina, 273
B Bascom, Janis, Et, Sunnydale, 280
Bascom, V. E., Et, Platte Valley, 272
Ba Nyein, Et, Burma, 265 Batoebara, D., P, Indonesia, 312
Ba Tin, F., M, Burma, 300 Batten, C. T., Jr., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Baasch, H. E., Et, Cuba, 235 Battye, A. H., Fb, Australia, 287
Baasch, Mrs. H. E., Et, Cuba, 235 Baum, Lorenzo, Pe, Argentina, 310
Babcock, Alice, Et, PUC, 270 Baxter, W. E.. Et, Mexico, 263
Babcock, C. E.,Mp, Et, CME, 245 Baz Lal, Mn, Pakistan, 295
Babcock, R., , Newbury Park, 266 Baze, Mrs. Lloyd, Et, Arizona, 236

Bazliel, I. R., Mp, India, 302 Binder, Emma, Mn, India, 292
Bazliel, Mrs. I. R., Mn, India, 302 Birkenstoek, Alta, Mn, Africa, 298
Bazroy, Miriam, Et, India, 273 Birsgal, A., Et, Germany, 252
Beach, Jo R., Et, Fresno, 252 Bischoff, Mrs. E., M, Fountain Hd., 292
Beach, P. W., Et, EMC, 250 Bischoff, J. H., Eb, Highland, 255
Beale, John, Et, Oakwood, 268 Bishop, June, E, WWC, 284
Beaman, W., Et, Platte Valley, 272 Biswas, Mrs. C. M., Et, E. Pakistan, 258
Beaman, Mrs. W., Et, Platte Valley, 272 Biy, P. J., P, Canada, 310
Bean, Mrs. M., Et, San Pasqual, 275 Bjaanes, E., Pb, Norway, 314
Bean, Norman, Et, San Pasqual, 275 Bjerkan, 0., Et, Norway, 269
Beane, G. L., Eb, Gem State, 252 Bjur, S., Pe, Sweden, 319
Beardsell, S. W., Eb, South Africa, 238 Black, Mrs. Irene S., E, WWC, 283
Beardsell, Mrs. S. W., Et, S. Africa, 238 Blackburn, C. C., Et, SWJC, 278
Beardsley, E. J., Et, Cedar Lake, 242 Blackney, Anna L., Et, WWC, 283
Beardsley, 0. B., Mp, Africa, 297 Blair, V. 0., Et, Auburn, 237
Beatty, Lillian, Et, La Sierra, 2.60 Blais, Elvira, Et, CME, 246
Beaty, Earl, Et, EMC, 250 Blincoe, T. H., Et, La Sierra, 260
Beaumont, S. 0. Et, Jamaica, 285 Blomdahl, R., Et, Sweden, 280
Becker, C. W., Et, PUC, 270 Blomquist, 0. A., Mp, Et, Cme, 244
Becker, E. L., Eb, Philippines, 271 Blue, I. F., Et, UC, 281, 255
Becker, E. 0., E, WWC, 284 Boekenkamp, Geraldo, Mn, Brazil, 302 '
Becker, V. W., Eb, Campion, 240 Boernge, Mrs. Jeanne, Mn, Porter, 299
Beckner, Mrs. E., E, Laurelwood, 260 Bogar, Mrs. Nina, Et, Highland, 255
Beckner, H. R., E, SMC, 277 Bogdanovich, Lawrence, Et, Wis., 286
Beckwith, Rhea J.,Et, WMC, 285 Bohmer, P., Eb, Norway, 269
Bedwell, H. W., Et, Oshawa, 269 Bond, A. M., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Beeman, Velma, Et, Pine Forge, 272 Bond, V. D., Pb, Singapore, 313
Behner, Mrs. Edna J., Mn, Florida, 292 Bookhardt, Lois, Et, Oakwood, 268
Bell, F. L., Pb, South Africa, 318 Boonkarnoke, Anant, M, Thailand, 289
Belton, B., Pb, England, 309 Boonnag, Lec, Mp, Thailand, 289
Belton, Beryl, Et, England, 279 Booth, Ernest, Et, WWC, 283
Beltz, Mrs. D. F., Et, Home Study, 255 Booth, Inez, Et, Oakwood, 268
Belts, 0. S., Et, WMC, 284 Borden, Eva, Mn, Et, CME, 246
Belz, Lydia, Mn, Portland, 300 . Borg, M. R., Et, San Diego, 274
Benedict, T. W., Et, PUC, 270 Bork, J., Eb, Brazil, 267
. Bennett, F. M., Fb, New Zealand, 287 Bork, Rosa, Et, Brazil, 267
Bennett, Mrs. Hazel, Mn, Et, CME, 246 Borody, J., Pe, Poland, 316
Bennett, Olive M., Mn, Washington, 305 Borras, Francisco, Et, Mexico, 277
Benson, L. L., M, Riverside, 301 Borrowdale, R. J., Et, EMC, 250
Benson, Wilmoth, Et, Mt. Vernon, 265 Bothe, Mrs. Mary D., E, La Sierra, 259
Bentley, Roger, Et, Cedar Lake, 242 Botimer, L. W., Et, WMC, 284
Bentley, Mrs. Roger, Et, Cedar Lake, 242 Bourdeau, M. S., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Bentlin, W., Pb, Germany, 312 Boureau, J., Pe, France, 311
Benwell, H., F, England, 286 Bowen, Ethel, Et, Cedar Lake, 242
Berdan, R. W., Et, CME, 246 Bowen, Lois, Mn, Ethiopia, 306
Bergdahl, Febe, Mn, Sweden, 294 Bowen, R. G., Eb, SMC 277
Berglund, Ruth, Et, Norway, 269 Bowen, R. N., P, Pacific Press, 315
Bergman, R. T., Mp, Et, CME, 244 Bower, D. G., Et, India, 279
Bergold, Adolpho, E, Spanish-Am, 279 Bower, E. A., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Bergold, Mrs. Alma, Et, Span-Am, 278 Bowers, Fred, Et, CME, 247
Bergold, Ernesto, Et, Brazil, 239 Bowers, G. W., Et, WWC, 283
Berhanie, Akele, Et, Ethiopia, 251 Bowett, J. R., Et, CUC, 241
Berisso, Blanca, Et, Argentina, 240 Bowman, Charlotte, Mn, Wash, 305
Bermeilly, R., Et, France, 251 Boyd, B, K., Et, PUC, 270
Bernal, Guillermo, Et, Peru, 256 Boyd, V. A., M, Jamaica, 288
Bernal, Mrs. Guillermo, Et, Peru, 256 Boynton, A. R., Mb, Japan, 304
Bernard, E., E, France, 252 Boynton, G. W., Et, SMC, 277
Bernhardt, Florence, Et, WWC, 284 Boynton, P. C., Eb, Iran, 257
Bernhardt, Jose, Et, Argentina, 240 Boynton, Mrs. P. C., Et, Iran, 257
Berhardt, Martha, M, Argentina, 301 Braaten, Vernon, Et, Golden Gate, 253
Berry, K. R., E, India, 283 Brackett, Mrs. J. L., Et, SMC, 278
Bertalot, E., Et, France, 251 Bradbury, Mrs. E. W., Mn, Africa, 307
Bertalot, Mrs. E., Et, France, 251 Bradbury, W. C.', Mp, Et, CME, 245
Berthelson, Walter, Et, Lodi, 261 Bradley, C. A., Et, Modesto, 264
Besel, Hilmer, Et, Union, 281 Bradley, Mrs. Helen, Mn, Florida, 292
Besra, S. K., Et, India, 273 Bradley, Mildred, Mn, Florida, 292
Bey, Anwar, Et, Singapore, 262 Bradley, Mrs. Pearl, E, Maplewood, 262
Biaggi, 0. E., M, Argentina, 301 Braff, Manoel, E Brazil, 280
Bieber, D. J., Eb, Monterey Bay, 264 Brailsford, J. D., Et, England, 265
Bietz, A. L., Et, CME, 244 Brandao, R. R., Et, Brazil, 249
Bietz, E. E., Eb, CUC, 241 Brandon, A. N., Et, AUC, 236
Binder, Alma, Mn, Ethiopia, 306 Brandt, A. H., Et, Africa, 262

Brandt, Elsa, Mn, Africa, 288 Burnside, Mary, Mn, Australia, 304
Brantley, Mrs. Maxine, Et, Oakwd, 268 Burrell, Natelkka E., Et, Oakwood, 268
Brantley, S. A., E, Oakwood, 268 Burri, Aline, Mn, North Africa, 308
Brassington, Esther, Et, Oshawa, 269 Burton, Shirley, Et, Oak Park, 268
Brayshaw, F. M., Mp, Hinsdale, 294 Busch, F., Mp, Germany, 295
Bredenkamp, F. W., Et, S. Africa, 238 Busch, M., Pe, Germany, 312
Breech, Martha J., Et, Maplewood, 262 Busche, Bruce, Et, WMC, 284
Brendel, A. E., Et, Nigeria, 266 Buser, A., Et, France, 252
Brendel, Mrs. A. E., Et, Nigeria, 266 Bustamante, Gilberto, Et, Colombia, 248
Brennwald, F. W., Mp, Washington, 305 Butherus, B. G., Et, Jamaica, 285
Bresette, Wilbert, E, Oshawa, 269 Butherus, Mrs. B. G., Et, Jamaica, 285
Brickman, Theresa, Et, SMC, 277 Butka, H. E., E, Mp, Mexico, 263, 297
Brinker, 0. L., Et, WWC, 283 Butler, A. E., Et, San Pasqual, 275
Brion, G. D., Et, Philippines, 271 Butler, Mrs. Joice, Et, San Pasqual, 275
Brion, R. D., E, Philippines, 271 Buxton, N. A., Mp, India, 303
Britt, E. Evelyn, Mn, Et, CME, 247 Buxton, Mrs. N. A., Mp, India, 303
Broadbeck, Edward, Et, Nwbry Pk, 266 Byers, Mary P., Et, AUC, 236
Broch, Arturo, Et, Dominican Rep, 249 Buzenet, J. R., Et, England, 265
Broderson, Mabel V., Et, India, 236
Brodie, Gladys, E, Jamaica, 285 C
Bronsert, W. H., Et, Fresno, 252 Caceres, Eloina, Et, Colombia, 248
Brooks, Mrs. D. W., Et, Argentina, 240 Cadwallader, E. M., Et, UC, 281
Brooks, M. B., Mp, Et, CME, 244 Caldas, Hesperetusa, E, Brazil, 267
Brost, Ben, E, Enterprise, 251 Calderone, R., Pe, Pacific Press, 316
Brost, Mrs. Ben, E, Enterprise, 251 Calkins, Clifton, E, AUC, 236
Brouchy, P. M., Mb, Argentina, 301 Camacho, Luis, Eb, Colombia, 248
Brown, A. F., Mp, Et, CME, 244, 293 Campbell, Alba, Mn, St. Helena, 301
Brown, D. J., Mp, Florida, 292 Campbell, Mrs. Alma M., Et, EMC, 250
Brown, D. M., Et, UC, 281 Campbell, H. J., Et, CUC, 241
Brown, Douglas, Et, UC, 281 Campbell, V. H., Et, EMC, 250
Brown, Frances L., Et, South Africa, 254 Candeias, A. M., Mn, Africa, 307
Brown, G. W., Mp, Et, EMC, 250 Capen, Daniel, Et, Broadview, 240
Brown, H. S., Mp, Hinsdale, 294 Caraballal, Manuel, Eb, Cuba, 235
Brown, J. B., Mp, Et, CME, 244, 293 Carballal, Rebecca, Mrs., Et, Cuba, 235
Brown, Mrs. L. D., Mn, Africa, 307 Carcagno, Arturo, Et, Peru, 259
Brown, Louise, Mn, Glendale, 293 Cardona, Rosalina, Et, Puerto Rico, 273
Brown, Marion S., Mp, Florida, 292 Carey, E. W., Et, Home Study, 255
Brown, R. H., Et, WWC, 284 Carleton, Viola, Mn, Hinsdale, 294
Brown, R. N., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Carlsen, Willetta, Et, CME, 244
Brown, R. P., Pe, Australia, 319 Carnahan, R., E, Mn, Africa, 252, 307
Brown, Mrs. Ruth B., Et, AUC, 236 Carpio, Alfea, Et, Philippines, 271
Brown, S. D., Et, SMC, 277 Carr, John, Et, Cuba, 235
Brown, W. J. Eb, Argentina, 273 Carr, R. L., E, SWJC, 278
Brown, Mrs. W. J., Et, Argentina, 273 Carrillo, C. V. de, Et, Colombia, 248
Brown, W. S., Et, Oakwood, 268 Carrillo, Ignacio, Et, Colombia, 248
Brownsburger, J. F., Mp, Wash, 305 Carruthers, R. J., Mp, New England, 298
Brownsberger, S. B., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Carter, E. F., M, Riverside, 301
Bruck, Esther, Et, WMC, 255, 284 Carter, Ralph, Et, UC, 281
Brunie, L. J., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Carton, A. H., Fb, Australia, 287
Bryan, Maudie, Et, La Sierra, 260 Cartwright, Mrs. M., E, Rogue R., 274
Buck, E. F., Et, India, 283 Casaca, A. J. S., Et, Angola, 239
Budd, Rose, Et, Gem State, 252 Casaca, Mrs. A. J. S., Et, Angola, 239
Budde, Kathleen, Mn, East Africa, 295 Case, Flossie, Mn, Et, CME, 246
Buerklin, Frieda, E, Germany, 262 Casebeer, George, Et, Golden Gate 253
Bulgin, Mrs. E., Et, South Africa, 255 Casey, C. H., Et, Oshawa, 269
Bull, Stanley, Et, Jamaica, 285 Casey, Mrs. C. H., Et, Oshawa, 269
Bull, Mrs. Stanley, Et, Jamaica, 285 Casey, Mrs. Ethel, Et, San Diego, 274
Bunch, Mrs. A. M., Mn, Australia, 304 Casey, Ilia, Mn, Et, CME, 247
Bunch, A. N., Et, WMC, 284 Sassell, Mabel, Et, WMC, 255, 284
Bunch, C. C., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Castellani, Oscar, Mb, Brazil, 301
Bunch, F. L., Et, Lodi, 261 Castle, Leola, Et, Campion, 240
Bunch, T. G., Et, AUC, 236 Castro, Belle J., Et, Philippines, 286
Bunnell, Beverly, Mn, Pakistan, 295 Catemac, Natividad, Et, Mexico, 263
Burden, H. G., Mp, Porter, 299 Caveda, Marie, Et, Cuba, 235
Burg, Mrs. Dorothy, Et, UC, 281 Caviness, G. L., Et, PUC, 270
Burgdorff, E. J., E, Monterey Bay, 264 Caviness, L. L., Et, PUC, 270
Burgeson, Ruth, E, PUC, 270 Caviness, H. L., Et, SWJC, 278
Burgeson, V. K., Et, Sheyenne Riv., 276 Ceballos, Antonio, Et, Colombia, 248
Burkett, Ernestine, E, UC, 281 Cerna, V., Et, Philippines, 235
Burman, Mrs. Leona S., Et, PUC, 270 Cernick, J., Et, Cook Islands, 248
Burns, Mrs. G., Mn, India, 303 Cesan, 0. E., M, Argentina, 301
Burns, N. C., Et, Australia, 237 Cesar, Rodrigues, Et, Angola, 239

Chae Ok Man, M, Korea, 302 Chi, Mrs. Chester, Mn, China, 290
Chaffee, Mrs. Stanley, E, PUC, 270 Chi Chin Ying E, China, 266
Chaij, Fernando, Pe, Argentina, 310 Chi Teh Fu, Mb, Manchuria, 302
Chaij, Nicolas, Et, Costa Rica, 242 Chia Bing, Et, China, 267
Chaij, Mrs. Nicolas, Et, Costa Rica, 242 Chia Ming Hsien, Et, China, 249
Chakawa, Enoch, Et, Africa, 276 Chia Tai Hsing, Et, China, 258
Chalermpong, Y., Mn, Thailand, 294 Chiam, Mrs., Mn, Thailand, 289
Chamberlain, Frances, Et, Campion, 240 Chiang, H. S., Mb, China, 302
Chambers, Alma, Et, Plainfield, 272 Chiang Kwang Yu, Et, China, 243
Chambers, Annie Mae, Et, Plainfd., 272 Chiang Tsung Kwang, Et, China, 243
Chambers, J. R., Et, AUC, 236 Chiao Hung En, Eb, China, 267
Champion, M. G., Et, India, 273 Chicondo, Leonardo, Et, Angola, 239
Champion, Mrs. M. G., Et, India, 273 Childs, H. G., Pb, Pacific Press, 315
Champion, Mrs. M. I., E, La Sierra, 259 Childs, H. G., Jr., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Chan Kham Neng, M, Thailand, 289 Chin Chen, Et, China, 276
Chan Lim Seng, Mn, Singapore, 306 Chin, Mrs. K. T., Et, Malaya, 280
Chand, I. M., Et, India, 274 Chilson, Cathleen, Et, Mount Ellis, 264
Chand, Miss D., Et, Pakistan, 285 Chin Chang Ching, Pe, China, 318
Chaney, A. L., Et, CME, 244 Ching, Audra, Et, Campion, 240
Chang Chi Fan, Mp, Manchuria, 302 Chingolo, Raimundu, Et, Angola, 239
Chang Ching, Et, China, 258 Chinnock, R. F., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Chang Chui Yu, Et, China, 243 Cho, Mrs. S. H., Et, Malaya, 280
Chang Hsien Chen, Mn, China, 304 Cho Ton Ha, Et, Korea, 259
Chang Li Yeh, Et, China, 255 Choi Myung Hwan, Et, Korea, 259
Chang Peh An, Et, China, 277 Chona, Moffat, P, Africa, 313
Chang Tsui Yu, Et, China, 249 Choo, Y. F., P, Singapore, 313
Chang Wen Ying, Miss, E, China, 266 Chou Feng Yu, Et, China, 276
Chao Chu Kwei Fen, Mn, China, 298 Chou Young Yao, Et, China, 243
Chao Ti Chen, Mn, China, 304 Chovanec, F., P, Argentina, 310
Chao Ting Shiu, Eb, China, 267 Chow Hsin Chiu, Et, China, 276
Chao Tong Mei, Et, China, 249 Chow, Y. Y., Et, China, 277
Chao Tung Mei, Et, China, 243 Christie, Eldon, Et, Sunnydale, 279
Chapellier, Doris, Et, France, 251 Christense, Mrs. Fern, E, PUC, 270
Chapman, G. T., Fb, Loma Linda, 287 Christensen, A. L., Et, Cuba, 235
Charernsri, Mn, Thailand, 289 Christensen, Betty, Et, SWJC, 278
Charles, L. C., Et, India, 259 Christensen, E. C., Mp, Et, CME, 244,296
Charles, S. L., M, India, 302 Christensen, John, Et, EMC, 250
Charpiot, Mrs. F., Et, France, 251 Christensen, L. C., Et, PUC, 270
Chaskelis, Rene, Et, Argentina, 273 Christensen, L. N., Mp, Florida, 292
Chatfield, Louise, Et, -UC, 281 Christensen, Merton, Et, WMC, 284
Chatfield, Mary L., Mn, Boulder, 290 Christensen, 0. H., Et, EMC, 250
Chaumette, Max. Et, Haiti, 254 Christian, H. B., Pb, Samoa, 317
Chaves, V., Et, Angola, 239 Christian, P. W., Et, EMC, 250
Cheah, Mrs. Gloria, Mn, Singapore, 306 Christian, R. J., Pb, R & H, 317
Chee Shoon Nyong, Mn, Singapore, 306 Christman, H. K., Pb, Pacific Press, 315
Chelliah, I., Et, India, 257 Christman, Rachel, Et, EMC, 250
Chelvam, Mrs. L., Mp, India, 303 Christo, G. J., Et, India, 279
Chen, Andrew, Mp, Et, China, 243, 290 Christoffers, S., Pb, Germany, 312
Chen, Mrs. Andrew, Mn, China, 290 Chu, S. F., Et, Singapore, 262
Chen Che Hwa, Et, China, 277 Chu Wen, Et, China, 276
Chen Chun Dao, Mrs., Mn, China, 290 Chuenchol, Chalee, M, Thailand, 304
Chen, C. T., Mp, China, 302 Chuey, Boon, Mn, Thailand, 289
Chen Hsiao Ping, Et, China, 280 Chulajata, Ruchee, Mp, Thailand, 289
Chen Hung, Et, China, 280 Chun Chang Shim, Et, Korea, 259
Chen I Chang, Mn, China, 298 Chung Choong Sil, Mn, Korea, 302
Chen Ih Fu, Et, China, 276 Chung Chung He, Et, Korea, 259
Chen, Mrs. John, M, China, 302 Chung Hsin Fang, Et, China, 243
Chen Kuang Ha, Mn, China, 298 Chung, Lily, Mn, Singpore, 306
Chen Kwei Ming, Mrs. Mn, China, 304 Chung Sa Young, Mp, Korea, 302
Chen Liang Dzo, Mp, China, 291 Church, M. J., Et, Adelphian, 234
Chen, P. S., Et, AUC, 236 Clapham, N. P., Et, Australia, 237
Chen Shiu Tao, Et, China, 286 Clapp, Delight T., Et, Arizona, 235
Chen Shu Fen, Et, China, 277 Clapp, Mrs. D., Mn, Paradise V., 299
Chen Tsung Tao, Et, China, 243 Clapp, J. N., M, Paradise Valley, 299
Chen You Shih, Et, China, 243 Claridge, Lawrence, Et, SWJC, 278
Cheney, M. 0., Et, Gem State, 252 Clark, Carl, E, SWJC, 278
Cheney, Mrs. M. 0., Et, Gem State, 252 Clark, H. W., Et, PUC, 255, 270
Cheng Chao Yung, Mp, China, 291 Clark, Mrs. Marian, Et, AUC, 236
Cheng Chuen Seng, Mp, China, 304 Clark, W. B., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Cheng, Jonathan, Mp, Thailand, 289 Clarke, C. F., Et, South Africa, 254
Cherian, M. E., Et, India, 279 Clarke, R. M., Mp, Paradise Valley, 299
Chi, Chester, Mp, China, 290 Clasing, H. E., E, AUG. 236

Claveria, M. M., Eb, Philippines, 286 Craig, R. M., Et, SMC, 277
Clayburn, Josephine, Mn, Africa, 298 Crandall, G. M., Mn, Et, CME, 247
Clayburn, W. E., E, Highland, 255 Crandall, W. T., M, Glendale, 293
Clem, M. P., Et, Spanish-Am., 278 Craven, J. H., Pb, England, 309
Clemens, Mrs. Drthy, Mn, Bldr., 281,290 Craver, J. E., Et, PUC, 270
Clement, Lora E., Pe, R & H, 317 Craw, H. A., Et, La Sierra, 260
Clement, J. A., F, England, 286 Crawford, C. M., Mb, Rest Haven, 300
Cleveland, Robert, Et, UC, 281 Crawford, Faye, Mn, Porter, 299
Clifford, R. E., Et, South Africa, 238 Crawford, R. E., Pb, Canadian, 310
Clouzet, Gaston, Pe, Argentina, 310 Crawford, W. B., Et, La Sierra, 260
Clymer, Jay, E, SWJC, 278 Crays, H. F., Eb, Gem State, 252
Clymer, V.N., Pb, R & H, 317 Cremonesi, Roberto, Et, Brazil, 275
Cobb, L. W., Et, WMC, 284 Crider, F. N., Mp, Thailand, 290
Coble, Wendell, Et, Valley Grande, 282 Crisp, J. H., E, Australia, 237
Coetzee, G. J. E., Et, East Africa, 249 Crofoot, Francis, Et, Enterprise, 251
Coffin, Emma P., Et, CUC, 241 Cromwell, Mrs. Bertha, E, Sheyenne, 276
Coffin, H. G., Et, CUC, 241 Cross, Mrs. Amelia B., E, Monterey, 264
Coffin, N. A., Et, Campion, 240 Cross, Edward, Et, WWC, 283
Coffman, Edward, E, Enterprise, 251 Cruz, Celedonio, E, Philippines, 271
Cojea, C., Et, Rumania, 274 Columba, Sofina, Et, Angola, 239
Collazo, Nestor, Et, Argentina, 240 Culver, M. S., E, UC, 281
Cole, Eugene, Et, Spanish-Am., 279 Cunnington, James, Et, Battle Creek, 238
Cole, Mrs. Eugene, Et, Spanish-Am., 279 Cupertino, G., Et, Italy, 257
Cole, Glenn, Et, Glendale, 253 Currow, G., Et, Australia, 237
Cole, Harold, Et, China, 277 Curry, D. W., Et, Campion, 240
Cole, Mrs. Lydia, Et, Glendale, 253 Curry, G. W., Wisconsin, 286
Cole, Roland, Et, Adelphian, 234 Cary, Jamile, Et, Brazil, 270
Cole, Roy, Et, Ozark, 269 Curtis, G. D., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Coleman, P. M., Et, Singapore, 262 Curtis, H. T., Et, SMC, 277
Coleman, Mrs. P. M., Et, Singapore, 262 Curtis, Rena, Mn, Africa, 298
Collett, Arthur, Pe, Norway, 314 Cushman, L. H., Et, La Sierra, 260
Collins, R. L., E, WWC, 284 Cushman, W. E., E, WWC, 284
Collins, W. T., Et, Colombia, 248 Custard, M. C., E, Oakwood, 268
Collins, Mrs. W. T., Et, Colombia, 248 Cyarmati, B., Pb, Hungary, 312
Coloma, G. M., Et, Philippines, 267
Colver, B. N., Mp, Et, CME, 244, 293 D
Comiot, C., Et, France, 251 Dabrowski, S., Pb, Poland, 316
Comstock, Belle W., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Dail, C. W., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Comstock, Delos, Mp, Et, CME, 245 Da Jong, Prisca, E, Trinidad, 241
Conger, Sara, Mn, England, 298 Dalbey, Mrs. Dora, Mn, Et, CME, 247
Connell, M. E., E, SMC, 278 Dale, A. L., Et, San Diego, 274
Conard, Ruth, Eb, Costa Rica, 242 Dale, Mary B., Mp, Et, CME, 245 '
Conradi, L. E., Mp, Germany, 295 D'Andrade, L. L., E, Jamaica, 285
Conrado, W., F, Brazil, 286 Dangschat, R., Et, Germany, 263
Cooke, Fannie, Et, Golden Gate, 253 Daniel, Y., Mb, India, 292
Cooper, Emerson, Et, Oakwood, 268 Dart, Mrs. L. E., Et, Auburn, 237
Cooper, L. G., Et, Platte Valley, 272 Dart, W. B., Et, Lynwood, 262
Cormack, J. E., Pb, Cook Islands, 311 da Silva, D. P., Pb, Brazil, 309
Cornell, Esther, E, UC, 281 Dason, J. S., Pe, India, 314
Cornforth, Leon, Et, Gem State, 252 Dason, P. M., Et, Ceylon, 259
Corpus, S. G., Et, Philippines, 267 Dass, J. N., Et, East Pakistan, 268
Correces, G.. Et, Philippines, 286 Dass, Miss N., Et, India, 273
Cosendai, P., 'Pb, France, 311 Dass, S. K., Et, East Pakistan, 258
Cossentine, Francis, Et, Forest Lake, 251 Dassow, Arthur, Et, Brazil, 275
Cottrell, Raymond F., Et, PUC, 270 Dassow, Liria, Et, Brazil, 275
Counter, C. E., Mp, Et, CME, 244 Dauphinee, Minnie E., M, St. Helena, 301
Couperus, Molleurus, Mp, Et, CME, 245 Davenport, G. G., Et, Oak Park, 268
Courville, C. B., Mp, Et, CME, 244 Davenport, Marian, Mn, Et, CME, 246
Courville, D. A., Mp, Et, CME, 244 David, Esther, E, Union Springs, 282
Covarrubias, Bias, Et, Mexico, 277 David, S. G., Et, India, 261
Cowin, Darrell, E, WWC, 284 Davidson, Annabelle, Et, Broadview, 240
Cowin, L. M., Et, CUC, 241 Davidson, Helen, Et, ITC, 281
Cowles, Clifton, Et, UC, 281 Davidson, R. M., Pb, Southern Pub., 319
Cowper, W. V., Et, Lynwood, 262 Davidson, Rodney, Et, UC, 281
Cox, J. M., Mp, Riverside, 301 Davies, Harri L., Mp, St. Helena, 301
Coyne, A. E., Mp, Washington, 305 Davis, C. E., Et, Upper Columbia, 282
Cozens, M. P., Et, Fiji, 283 Davis, Mrs. C. E., Et, Up. Columbia, 282
Craan, Julien, Eb, Haiti, 254 Davis, D. E., Et, Cedar Lake, 242
Crabtree, J. P., Et, AUC, 236 Davis, Dorothy, Mn, Et, CME, 247
Craig, Amelia, E, Platte Valley, 272 Davis, Edith C., Et, Lebanon, 263
Craig, Mrs. Clara, Et, Lynwood, 262 Davis, Enola, Mn, Glendale, 293
Craig, J. W., Et, Lynwood, 262 Davis, Frank, Et, Laurelwood, 260

Davis, H. A., Mp, Et, CME, 244 Dizon, G. Y., Et, Borneo, 274
Davis, J. A., Mp, Porter, 299 Djang Bao Dju, M, China, 304
Davis, K. R., Et, Forest Lake, 251 Djang Chwen, Et, China, 266
Davis, Mrs. K. R., Et, Forest Lake, 251 Djang Dzi Yun, Et, China, 242
Davis, L. E., Et, Plainview, 272 Djang Yu Gwang, Et, China, 242
Davis, L. S., Et, Sunnydale, 279 Djao, K. S., Et, China, 242
Davis, M. W., Et, EMC, 250 Djen Chen, Et, China, 249
Davy, Mrs. W. L., Mn, Africa, 307 Djen, Mrs., Et, China, 249
Dawson, A. H., Et, Tonga, P. Ocean, 238 Doaga, G., Et, Rumania, 274
Dawson, A. W., Eb, Australia, 237 Dobanton, R. F., Fb, Argentina, 286
Dawson, F. R., Mn, Australia, 304 Dobson, J. R., Et, Samoa, 282
Dawson, M. E., Pb, South Africa, 318 Doering, Harold, Et, SWJC, 278
Day, Joseph, Et, EMC, 250 Dolan, Betty, Et, Loma Linda, 261
Dean, Cyril, Et, PUC, 270 Dollinger, Alethea, M, Mp, Et, CME, 245
Dean, G. B., Et, SMC, 277 Donaldson, P. A., Pb, Australia, 318
Dean, Mrs. Olivia B., Et, SMC, 277 Donato, B. M., Et, Philippines, 267
De Ark, Charles, Et, Forest Lake, 251 Dopp, M. A., Et, Up. Columbia, 282
deBeer, J. N., Jr, Mn, Africa, 307 Dopp, Mrs. M. A., Et, Up. Columbia, 282
DeBenedetto, Rose, Et, Philadelphia, 271 Dorland, Adele, Et, Plainfield, 272
DeBooy, P. M., Et, Plainview, 272 Dorland, Dorothy, Et, SWJC, 278
Dedeker, Louise, Et, CUC, 241 Dorland, Myrtle, Et, England, 265
Deeb, P. H., Mp, Et, CME, 244 Dorsette, Jeanne, Et, CUC, 241
Deer, Verda, Et, CUC, 241 Dortch, C. W., Et, WWC, 284
DeFord, Nellie, M, Walla Walla, 305 Doss, P. H., M, Iraq, 291
Degering, C. W., Pb, Chr. Record, 310 Doubrayska, Miss E., Et, Czech., 248
Deitel, Mrs. Mary H., Et, SMC, 277 Douglas, Dorothy H., E, SMC, 277
Deiter, Mrs. Pearl, E, Shenandoah, 276 Douglas, P. S., P, R & II, 317
de Jong, R. J., Pb, Netherland, 314 Dovich, John, Et, Golden Gate, 253
Delafield, D. A., Pe, R & H, 317 Dowling, T. J., Fb, Australia, 287
Delhove, Lydia, Mn, Africa, 307 Downing, Laurence, Et, Nigeria, 266
Delhove, P. E., Et, Africa, 258 Dawning, Mrs. L., Et, Nigeria, 266
Demchuck, S. J., Pe, Pacific Press, 316 Downs, H. S., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Demetrescu, St., M, Rumania, 304 DoWns, L. E., Et, La Sierra, 260
Denman, M. J., Et, SWJC, 278 Downs, M. B., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Dennis, Dean, Et, Gem State, 252 Drachemberg, Roberto, Eb, Chile, 242
Dent, C. A., Mp, Riverside, 301 Drachembers, Mrs. Robt., Et, Chile, 242
Dent, J. F., Eb, Los Angeles, 261 Drachenberg, F. G., Et, Cuba, 235
Denz, G., Et, Brazil, 239 Drachenberg, Mrs. F. G., Et, Cuba, 235
de Ochoa, Soledad, Et, Loma Linda, 261 Drake, H. A., Et, SWJC, 278
de Sa, Jose, Mn, Africa, 290 Drake, H. H., Mp, Et, CME, 245
de Sa, Mrs. Jose, Mn, Africa, 290 Drayson, R. D., Et, WWC, 283
de Silva, S. A., Et, Ceylon, 259 Drayson, Mrs. R. D., E, Mtn. View, 265
Devadas, J., M, India, 303 Driskell, Orvil, P, Pacific Press, 315
Devanandam, G., Mn, India, 292 Druitt, A. W. N., Mp, Jamaica, 288
Devanandam, Mrs. G., Mn, India, 292 Duan Yun Chieh, Et, China, 243
Devine, H., Et, New Zealand, 266 Duangtipya, Mn, Thailand, 289
Devins, R., Pe, France, 312 Dudragne, C., Pb, North Africa, 309
Devitt, Archie, Et, Columbia, 248 Duerksen, Marcella, Et, S. Pasqual, 275
Dewey, Priscilla, Mn, Et, CME, 247 Duffle, D. P., Mp, Peru, 295
Diaconescu, V., Et, Rumania, 274 Duffie, Mrs. D. P., Mn, Peru, 295
Dias, Almerinda, Et, Brazil, 280 Duffie, Daity, Et, Peru, 259
Dias, Paulino, Et, Angola, 239 Duffie, David, Et, Peru, 259
Diaz, J. S., Et, Philippines, 286 Duffield, D. C., Pb, Chr. Record, 310
Diaz, C. E., Et, Philippines, 249 Dummett, Evelyn, Mn, Trinidad, 300
Diaz, Grace S., Et, Philippines, 286 Dunlop, R. F., Mp, Trinidad, 300
Diaz, V. C., Et, Philippines, 249 Dunnett, A. J., Et, England, 265
DiBiase, Vincent, Et, Mt. Vernon, 265 Dunn, A. 0., E, EMC, 250
Dibsy, Hanna, M, Iraq, 291 Dunn, Mrs. Anne D., Et, Union, 281
Dick, E. N., Et, UC, 281 Dunn, R. H., Mp, Pakistan, 295
Dick, W. G., Mp, Philippines, 297 Dunn, V. S., Eb, Union, 281
Dickerson, G., Et, Enterprise, 250 Durham, Geneva, E., Et, PUC, 270
Dickinson, Richard, Et, Mt. Vernon, 264 Durham, J. W., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Diehl, Mildred, Mn, Mexico, 297 Duricheck, Michael, Mn, Porter, 299
Dietel, Margarita, Et, Shenandoah, 276 burning, Mary L., Et, Arizona, 236
Digneo, Elmer, Et, La Sierra, 260 Dutro, R. G., Eb, Up. Columbia, 282
Dih Tsi Djen, Et, China, 249 Dweltz, Kenneth, Mn, Pakistan, 291
Din, Sahrif, Et, Pakistan, 285 Dweltz, Mrs. Ken., Mn, Pakistan, 291
Ding Chao, Et, China, 286 Dybdahl, G. L., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Diredja, M. E., Pe, Indonesia, 312 Dybdahl, Ruby, Et, CME, 246
Dittos, A. G., Mp, Fountain Head, 292 Dye, C. H., Et, AUC, 236
Dixon, Avis, M, St. Helena, 301 Dyer, H. L., E, Philippines, 271
Dizon, Mrs. A., Et, Borneo, 274 Dyer, Mrs. H. L., E, Philippines, 271

Dykes, Eva B., Et, Oakwood, 268 Estheramma, K., AI, India, 293
Dyreson, Dyre, Et, Maplewood, 262 Estey, Luthea, Mn, Et, CME, 247
Estis, Ernestine, Mn, Et, CME, 247
E Estrada, Angela, Et, Cuba, 235
Earles, M. C., Fb, Australia, 287 Evans, A. H., Fb, Australia, 287
Eberhardt, W., Et, Germany, 252 Evans, Cordell, Et, Pine Forge, 272
Eckerman, Elvera, Et, So. Africa, 238 Evans, Dorothy V., Et, AUC, 236
Edfors, E., Et, Sweden, 280 Evans, Mrs. Helen, E, La Sierra, 260
Edge, Dan, Et, PUC, 270 Evans, Jacque, Et, SMC, 277
Edgecombe, Hazel, Et,Northeastern, 267 Evans, M. E., Eb, Home Study, 255
Edgerton, Ida, Et, Enterprise, 251 Evans, W. D., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Edgerton, Mrs. M., M, N. England, 298 Ewert, J. 0., Mp, Et, CME, 244, 296
Edmed, Ethel, Et, South Africa, 254 Evard H., Et, Mauritius, 263
Edstrom, E., Et, Canada, 268 Evens, H. P., Pb, Southern Pub, 319
Edstrom, E. I., Et, Belg. E. Africa, 252 Evens, Mrs. John, M, Hinsdale, 294
Edwards, H. E., Et, EMC, 250 Everest, E. W., Pb, Pacific Press, 315
Edwards, L. A., Et, Africa, 262 Evers, Paul, Et, Battle Creek, 238
Edwards, Mrs. L. A., Et, Africa, 262 Ewert, J. 0., Mp, Et, CME, 245, 296
Edwards, 0. B., Et, Oakwood, 268
Edwards, Olive, Et, Trinidad, 241 F
Edwards, Mrs. R. C., Et, Oakwood, 286
Edwards, W. E., Fb, New Zealand, 287 Faber, G. L. A., Et, Netherlands, 265
Edwardson, Mrs. Anna,Et,La Sierra,260 Fabiano, L., Et, Brazil, 239
Egan, W., Et, South India, 238 Fahrbach, Maude, Et, EMC, 250
Egan, Mrs. W., Et, South India, 238 Fallon, J. G., Et, UC, 270
Ehlers, E. C., Mp, Et, CME, 244, 296 Fan Chen Chien, Et, China, 243
Ehlers, Hertha, Mp, Et, CME, 244 Fan Ching Li, Mb, China, 304
Ehlers, Waldemar, Et, Brazil, 275 Fan, Steven, Et, China, 242
Eichman, H. G., Mb, Porter, 299 Fang Shu Kwang, Et, China, 258
Eidam, Amanda, Mn, Brazil, 302 Fang Wen Hwa, Et, China, 285
Eide, Irene, Et, Ethiopia, 251 Fang, Mrs. W. H., Et, China, 286
Eiszele, H. E., Fb, Australia, 287 Fargo, Zakia, Mn, Iraq, 291
Eitel, Elizabeth, Et, Broadview, 240 Farley, Evelyn, Et, Battle Creek, 238
Ekeke, Richard, Mn, West Africa, 295 Farley, R. W., Et, Monterey Bay; 264
Ekka, M. M., Et, India, 273 Farley, S. E., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Ekroth, R. D., Mp, Et, CME, 244 Farnstrom, Bror, Mb, Israel, 307
Eldridge, R. M., P, Southern Pub., 319 Farnstrom, Mrs. Bror, Mn, Israel, 307
Elisenberg, Johan, Pe, Norway, 314 Farnsworth, Adeline, Mn, Et, CME, 246
Elkins, M. D., M, St. Helena, 301 Farnsworth, Edna S., Et, La Sierra, 260
Ellingworth, Mrs. G., Mn, Africa, 306 Fatscher, Ruth, Et, Plainfield, 272
Ellis, La Verne, L., Et, CME, 246 Fayard, Delicia, Et, Argentina, 274
Ellis, W. J., Pb, Australia, 318 Fayard, G. A., Et, Argentina, 273
Ellison, R. M., Pb, Papua, 316 Fayard, M. I., Pe, Pacific Press, 315
Eliquist, George, Et, Loma Linda, 261 Fehr, Hortense, Mn, Switzerland, 296
Ells, V. Verdelle, Mn, Walla Walla, 305 Fehrenbach, Waloma, Mn, St.Helena,301
Emanuel, Henrietta, Et, Oakwood, 268 Feng Chao Ying, Et, China, 249
Emde, P. A., Et, Newbury Park, 266 Feng Cheng Yun, Mb, China, 291
Emery, Beatrice T., Et, WWC, 283 Feng Shuh Fan, Et, China, 258
Emery, S. H., Et, Mt. Ellis, 264 Fenner, G., Mp, Germany, 295
Emery, W. H., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Fenner, Mrs. M., E, Germany, 265
Emmerson, C. C., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Fenner, W., Et, Germany, 265
Emmerson, J. 0., Mb, Trinidad, 300 Fenz, G., Pb, Italy, 313
Emmerson, W. L., Pe, England, 309 Ferguson, G. I., Et, CUC, 241
Enano, Marie G., Et, Philippines, 286 Ferguson, Lois, Mn, Et, CME, 246
Engel, C. C., Et, UC, 281 Fernando, C., Et, Philippines, 235
Engelbrecht, L. H., Fb, Australia, 287 Fernando, Jose, Et, Angola, 239
Engen, Gordon, Et, Adelphian, 234 Fernando, Mary, Et, Ceylon, 259
Engen, Mrs. Gordon, Et, Adelphian, 234 Ferree, Nellie, Et, Philippines, 271
England, Helen, E, Platte Valley, 272 Ferreira, E., Pe, Portugal, 316
English, Ashton, E, Jamaica, 285 Ferren, Dorothy, Et, EMC, 250
Enos, P. D., Et, India, 274 Ferrer, R. C., Et, Philippines, 272
Erdmann, R., Pb, France, 311 Ferrer, Mrs. R. C., E, Philippines, 272
Ermshar, H. F., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Ferris, Mrs. 0. J., Et, Broadview, 240
Ermshar, Harold, Mb, White, 306 Fetter, Phillip, Et, Shenandoah, 276
Ermshar, Raymond, Mp, Brazil, 302 Fetter, Mrs. Phil., E, Shenandoah, 276
Ernst, G. R., Et, Peru, 256 Ficker, M. A., Et, South Africa, 254
Ernst, Mrs. G. R., Et, Peru, 256 Field, C. S., Et, EMC, 250
Eroh, Agnes, E, SWJC, 278 Fields, Mrs. 0. I., Mn, Africa, 307
Escandon, Lola, Et, Colombia, 248 Figuhr, R. A., Et, Sumatra, 279
Esiaba, E. C., Et, Nigeria, 266 Fildes, Elvie, E, Mn, WMC, 284
Fink, C. C., Et, CME, 244
Estinah, Mn, Java, 289 Finney, R. E., Jr., Pe, South. Pub., 319
Esparcia, Miguel, Mn, Argentina, 301 Firth, Robert, E, Maplewood, 262

Fisher, C. G., Et, SWJC, 278 G

Fisher, E. D., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Gabriel, J., Et, India, 259
Fisher, F. D., Et, Golden Gate, 253 Gaitens, J. C., Et, EMC, 250
Fisher, H., Et, New Zealand, 266 Gaitens, Mrs. Pearl H., Et, EMC, 250
Fisher, K. B., Mp, Mexico, 297 Gaje, L. P., Eb, Philippines, 263
Fisher, Katherine C., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Galbraith, Mrs. P. H., E, SWJC, 278
Fisher, L. J., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Galley, C. E., Et, Oakwood, 268
Fisher, It. E., Et, PUC, 270 Galusha, J. G., Et, UC, 281
Fisher, Vera M., Et, EMC, 250 Gambetta, Leon, Et, Argentina, 274
Fitzgerald, Dorothea, Et, S. Pasqual, 275 Gammon, E. L., Eb, Wisconsin, 286
Fleck, Wendell, Et, Columbia, 248 Gane, E. R., Jr., Et, New Guinea, 268
Fleming, Charles, Jr., Eb, SMC, 277 Ganz, Alice, Mn, Porter, 299
Fleming, Muriel, Et, Mn, UC, 281, 290 Gant, Ola K., Et, La Sierra, 260
Flemmer, Mabel, Et, UC, 281 Garai, Miss I., Et, Rumania, 274
Fletcher, J. D., Mp, Et, CME, 244 Garber, V. E., Eb, Adelphian, 234
Flores, Mrs. Micaela, Et, Mexico, 263 Garber, Mrs. V. E., Et, Adelphian, 234
Flores, Rosa M., E, Mexico, 269 Garcesa, L. 0., Mn, Philippines, 296
Flores, S., Et, Philippines, 271 Garcia, A., Et, Brazil, 239
Florian, Jacobs, Et, Peru, 256 Garcia, J. G., Et, Brazil, 239
Follett, Alden, Et, Monterey Bay, 264 Garcia, Maximiliana, Mn, Peru, 293
Fontoura, Benedito, Et, Brazil, 275 Gardenas, Francisco, Et, Mexico, 269
Foote, B. P., Et, Home Study, 255 Gardiner, Geoffrey, Mp, Et, CME, 247
Foote, Ruth, Et, Africa, 262 Gardner, E. F., Et, India, 254
Foppiano, Angel, Et, Peru, 259 Gardner, Mrs. Elva B., Et, SMC, 277
Foppiano, de Olivia, Et, Peru, 259 Gardner, F. W., Mp, Et, CME, 244, 296
Forbes, A. H., Mb, Australia, 304 Garrett, C. D., Eb, Valley Grande, 282
Ford, Dwain, Et, Wisconsin, 286 Garrison, William, Et, Oak Park, 268
Ford, L. E., Eb, Oakwood, 268 Garza, Raymundo, Mp, Mexico, 297
Ford, P. G., Et, AUC, 236 Gatphoh, 0., Et, India, 236
Forehand, Mrs. H., Et, M, Porter, 281,299 Gayen, P. K., Et, East Pakistan, 258
Foreman, Miriam, Et, Adelphian, 234 Gegenbauer, Hugo, Eb, Brazil, 270
Fossey, A., Mb, India, 303 Geier, Mrs. Marie, E, Glendale, 253
Foster, A. L., E, PUC, 270 Geier, R. J., Et, Glendale, 253
Fouts, Lois, Et, Lynwood, 262 Gemmell, C. L., Et, EMC, 250
Fowler, Mrs. Alice, Et, UC, 281 Gensolin, Abelardo, Et, Philippines, 263
Fowler, M., Mp, Africa, 296 Gentry, C. B., Et, Oakwood, 268
Fowler, R. W., Et, UC, 281 George, K. K., M., India, 303
Fox, J. deWitt, Pe, It & H, 317 George, L. C., P, India, 314
Fox, L. E. A., Et, Sarawak, 280 George, L. C., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Fox, Mrs. L. E. A., Et, Sarawak, 280 George, Mrs. S., Mn, Singapore, 306
Francis, C. E., Mp, Et, CME, 244, 296 Geraty, T. S., Et, China, 277
Francis, R. E., Et, Philadelphia, 271 Gerber, C., Pe, France, 312
Frank, W. W., Mp, Hinsdale, 294 Gerber, Mathilde, Mn, Switzerland, 296
Franks, Mrs. A., Mn, Australia, 304 Gerber, R., Pe, Switzerland, 319
Frazier, Celestine E., Et, Oakwood, 268 Gerlach, Werner, Et, WMC, 284
Frazier, T. T., Eb, Oakwood, 268 Gernet, S. K., Et, PUC, 270
Frederick, Lila R., Mn, Et,. CME, 246 Gerometta, Isidoro, Et, Argentina, 273
Frederiksen, K. A., Et, Denmark, 249 Geslani, F. T., Mp, Philippines, 297
Freeman, J. W., Mb, Azusa, 288 Geslani, Maria, E, Philippines, 271
Freeman, Walter, E, Newbury Pk., 266 Gia, Benjamin, P, China, 318
French, C. A., Et, Shenandoah, 276 Gia Tai Shiang, Et, China, 267
Friedrich, Dean, Et, PUC, 270 Giang, Mrs., Pe, China, 318
Giang Chin, Eb, China, 285
Friestad, Arlene, Et, Broadview, 240 Giang Djao Wen, Et, China, 242
Frost, Emma A., Et, Glendale, 253 , Giang Li Wei, Mn, China, 298
Frost, S. L., M, Glendale, 293 Giang Wen Chuen, Pe, China, 318
Fu Chi Yeh, Et, China, 277 Gianini, Meryan, Mn, Brazil, 302
Fuchita, S., Et, Japan, 258 Gibbon, F. C., E, Lodi, 261
Fuhrmann, M., Mb, Brazil, 300 Gibbons, J. M., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Gibbs, P. T., Et, EMC, 250
Fukunaga, Alice, Et, Hawaii, 254 Gibbs, W. W., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Fullerton, Victor, Et, Laurelwood, 260 Gibson, Ellen, Mn, Glendale, 293
Fullerton, Mrs. V., E, Laurelwood, 260 Gibson, G. H., Et, Glendale, 253
Fulmore, James, Et, San Pasqual, 275 Gibson, Gertrude M., Et, Glendale, 253
Funada, T., Et, Japan, 258 Gibson, H. J., Fb, New Zealand, 287
Funk, A. P., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Gibson, Loofa, Et, Monterey Bay, 264
Gibson, Mrs. Louise, E, EMC, 250
Furber, Helen, Mn, Africa, 296 Gibson, T. E., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Furman, Paul, M, Florida, 292 Giddings, Elaine, Et, SMC, 277
Furnival, Iva S., Et, AUC, 236 Giddings, P. E., Et, Liberia, 260
Futcher, C. F., Et, Australia, 281 Gidlund, C., Et, Sweden, 280, 291
Futcher, W., Et, England, 279 Gidlund, Hanna, Et, Sweden, 280

Gil, Mrs. Ignacia, Et, Mexico, 269 Griffie, Leah M., Et, WMC, 284, 305
Gil, Juan, Et, Mexico, 269 Griffin, Kent, Mb, Glendale, 293
Gilbert, A. E., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Griffin, L. B., Et, Auburn, 237
Gilbert, Mrs. C. E., Oak Park, 268 Griggs, D. E., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Gilbert, E. W., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Groeschel, W., Et, Brazil, 249
Gilbert, F. P., Et, Maplewood, 262 Groom, R. W., Fb, Australia, 287
Gilbert, Mrs. F. P., Et, Maplewd., 262 Grosser, H., E, Australia, 237
Gill, Florence, Et, Columbia, 248 Grundset, Edgar, Et, Auburn, 237
Gill, Ernestine, Mn, Japan, 304 Grundset, Mrs. Edgar, Et, Auburn, 237
Gill, L. A., Fb, Australia, 287 Grundset, Henry, Pe, Pacific Press, 316
Gimbel, Mrs. Mary, Et, CUC, 241 Gruzensky, Paul, Et, WWC, 283
Glanz, S. W. J., Et, South Africa, 254 Gudmundsson, Julius, Pb, Iceland, 312
glass, G. S., Et, South Africa, 238 Guenin, J. C., M, Switzerland, 296
Glass, Mrs. Robert, E, Lodi, 261 Guenin, R., Eb, France, 251
Gleason, Inez, Et, WMC, 285 Guild, Mrs. Pearl, E, La Sierra, 260
Glew, Betty J., Et, Sheyenne R., 276 Guimaraes, J., Et, Brazil, 239
Glover, Delmar, Et, Monterey Bay, 264 Guimaraes, R., Et, Brazil, 239
Go Djung Liang, Miss, Et, China, 242 Guimaraes, Ruth 0., Et, Brazil, 239
Godley, Jesse M., Et, Northeastern, 267 Guldhammer, A., M, Denmark, 303
Goerke, L. S., Mp, Et, CME, 244 Gurure, I., Et, Africa, 276
Goffar, H. E., Et, Rogue River, 274 Guthrie, W. E., Mb, Walla Walla, 305
Goh Boon Chay, M, Singapore, 306 Gutierrez, Ruben, E, Uruguay, 282
Goh En Gwang, Eb, China, 285 Guy, Lillian E., Mn, Africa, 295
Goh, K. H., Et, Singapore, 262 Guy, R., Et, France, 251
Goh Mei Chu, Mn, China, 302 Gyland, Mrs. Alma, Et, Rogue Riv., 274
Goh Su Fee, Et, China, 285 Gyland, H. T., Et, Rogue River, 274
Goldhammer, Rebecca, Mn, Bolivia, 291 Gyarmati, B., Pe, Hungary, 312
Gomes, H. J., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Gomes, Walter, Et, Brazil, 239 H
Gonzales, Elvira, Et, Brazil, 280 Haas, H. E., Et, Ozark, 269
Gonzales, Leonela, Et, Domin. Rep., 249 Habenicht, H. A., Eb, Mexico, 263
Gonzalez, C. F., Mp, Peru, 293 Habenicht, M., Et, Argentina, 273
Gonzalez, Mrs. C. F., Mn, Peru, 293 Harley, G. G., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Gopal Rao, Mrs. K., Mn, India, 293 Hadley, H. G., Mp, Washington, 308
Gore, Beatrice, Mn, Et, CME, 247 Haenel, A., Pe, Switzerland, 319
Gorle, Mrs. Ruth, Et, So. Africa, 254 Hafner, J. J., Et, PUC, 270
Gorski, N., Et, Brazil, 239 Hagele, A., Et, Sheyenne River, 276
Gott, G. T., Eb, SMC, 277 Hagele, E. M., Et, Oak Park, 268
Gould, Madge, Et, Hawaii, 254 Hagele, Elmer, E, Sunnydale, 280
Gourian, Madeleine R., Et, Uruguay, 282 Hagele, J. E., Et, Auburn, 237
Gouvea, Alice, Et, Brazil, 275 Hagelstein, Laura, E, Germany, 262
Gouvea, Jonas, Et, Brazil, 275 Hagenson, Ardyth, E, Newbury, 266
Gouveia, B., Et, Portugal, 273 Haining, R. B., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Gowan, Naomi, Mn, Portland, 300 Hale, Geraldine I., Et, AUC, 236
Grace, A., Mn, India, 292 Hale, Thelma E., Et, AUC, 236
Graf, Mrs. Cath., Mn, Et, CME, 246, 296 Halenz, H. F., Et, EMC, 250
Graham, Avice, Et, Los Angeles, 261 Halifax, Jeffery, E, WMC, 284
Graham, G. A., Et, CUC, 241 Hall, Mrs. D., Et, Upper Columbia, 282
Gram, H., M, Denmark, 303 Hall, L. T., Mb, Florida, 292
Grandmaison, A., Et, Brazil, 239 Hall, Pearl, Et, UC, 281
Grandon, Mrs. Clara, Mn, Par. Val., 299 Hallock, N. R., Et, Broadview, 240
Granlund, Olaf, Pe, Pacific Press, 316 Halstead, B. W., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Grant, B. E., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Halstead, Bruce, Et, CME, 246
Grant, Roslyn, Et, Jamaica, 285 Halverson, W. L., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Graudo, A. Et, Portugal, 273 Halvorsen, Margit, Mn, Ethiopia, 306
Graur, G., Pe, Rumania, 317 Hambleton, H., Et, Shenandoah, 276
Gravatt, William, M, Paradise Val., 299 Hamel, Lyle, Et, Broadview, 240
Gray, A. S., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Hamel, Paul, Et, EMC, 250
Gray, R. W., Fb, New Zealand, 287 Hamer, J. C., Et, Costa Rica, 242
Greene, Mrs. Margaret, M, Hinsdale, 294 Hamer, R. T., Mp, St. Helena, 301
Greenhill, Mamie, E, SWJC, 278 Hamilton, B. R., Mb, Jamica, 288
Greenidge, L. E., Et, Honduras, 256 Hamilton, Edward, Et, CME, 247
Greenidge, Mrs. L. E., Et, Honduras, 256 Hamilton, J. T., Et, La Sierra, 260
Greer, G. W., Et, Australia, 237 Hamilton, Mrs. I. F., E, Columbia, 248
Greer, H. E., Et, Chile, 242
Greive, Marjorie, Et, Australia, 237 Hamilton, L. M., Et, PUC, 255, 270
Gregory, Mrs., M, Burma, 300 Hamilton, R. E., Et, Platte Valley, 272
Gregory, Lula V. C., Et, Honduras, 256 Hammerly, M. A., Mp, Argentina, 301
Gregory, R. C., Mp, Thailand, 294 Hammill, R. L., Et, SMC, 277
Gregory, Mrs. R. C., Mn, Thailand, 294 Hammond, Brian, Mp, Malaya, 299
Grlesham, Mariam, Et, Pine Forge, 272 Hammond, R., Et, Greater Boston, 253
Greve, Dora, Et, SMC, 277 Hammond, T. W., Eb, Australia, 237

Hamra, A. W., Et, AUC, 236 Hassell, Vivian, Et, Auburn, 237
Hamstra, C. C., Eb, AUC, 236 Hasso, B. H., M, Iraq, 291
Han Hsin Dzi, Et, China, 286 Hasso, Robert, Et, Lebanon, 263
Han Rei Chang, Et, China, 266 Hasso, Mrs. Robert, Et, Lebanon, 263
Han Yu Wen, Et, China, 255 Hasso, Sabah, Et, Lebanon, 263
Hancock, 0. D., Eb, Fresno, 252 Hatanaka, Grace, Et, Mn, UC, 281, 299
Handy, R. L., E, Pine Forge, 271 Hatt, R. B., Et, WMC, 285
Hankins, F. 13., Mp, Et, CME, 244 Hauck, D. L., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Hannah, Bonnie J., Et, WMC, 284 Hauge, Maria, Mn, Ethiopia, 306
Hannah, M. D., Eb, Battle Creek, 238 Haugen, Audrey, Et, Loma Linda, 261
Hannah, W. C., Eb, Shenandoah, 276 Haughey, D. D., Mp, Glendale, 293
Hannah, Mrs. W. C., E. Shenandoah, 276 Haughey, Dell H., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Hannum, H. B., Et, La Sierra, 255, 260 Haughey, P. S., E, Maplewood, 262
Hansdak, S., Et, India, 236 Haussler, J. C., Et, La Sierra, 260
Hansen, C. C., Et, Indiana, 256 Hawkins, Bernice, Mn, Et, CME, 246
Hansen, Mrs. C. C., E, Indiana, 256 Hawman, Jessie, Et, Africa, 256
Hansen, Eskild, Mp, Denmark, 303 Hay, J. A., Mp, Africa, 295
Hansen, Genevieve, Mn, Glendale, 293 Hay, Marian M., Pe, Australia, 319
Hansen, Marie H., Et, WWC, 283 Haycock, G. L., Fb, New Zealand, 287
Hansen, Martha, Mn, Africa, 298 Hayden, G. F., Fb, Australia, 287
Hansen, Nis, Et, WMC, 284 Haynal, A. P., Mp, Florida, 292
Hanson, Frederick, Et, WWC, 283 Haynes, Paul, Et, Mount Vernon, 265
Hanson, H. A., Et, Ethiopia, 251 Haysmer, C. A., Mp, New England, 298
Hanson, Mrs. H. A., Et, Ethiopia, 251 Hayton, Hope H., Et, La Sierra, 259
Hanson, Harriette, Et, WMC, 284 Hazelton, Mrs. Lloyd, Et, PUC, 270
Hanson, Lyle, Et, Upper Columbia, 282 Healzer, Esther, Mn, Et, CME, 247
Hanson, Mrs. L., Et, Up. Columbia, 282 Hebble, Mrs. Gertrude, Mn, Glendale, 293
Hanson, 0. B., Et, South Africa, 253 Hechanova, D. M., Jr., Eb, Philipp., 249
Hanson, R. H., Mp, Boulder, 290 Hechanova, F. S., Et, Philippines, 249
Hara, H. J., Mp, Et, CME, 244 Heijkoop, N., Pe, Netherlands, 314
Hara, Haruko, Et, Japan, 257 Hein, Ana G. de, Et, Argentina, 240
Hardin, E. B., Mp, Et, CME, 244, 296 Hein, H. E., Et, EMC, 250
Harding, G. T., Mp, Et, CME, 243 Hein, Walter, Et, Peru, 256
Hardinge, Leslie, Et, WMC, 284 Hein, Mrs. Walter, Et, Peru, 256
Hardinge, M. G., Mp, Et, CME, 244 Heinrich, 0. L., Eb, Enterprise, 250
Harder, Olivia, Et, Auburn, 237 Heinrich, Mrs. 0. L., Et, Enterprise, 250
Hardt, J.D., Et, Golden Gate, 253 Helenius, Helga, Et, Sweden, 280
Hare, M. D., Et, UC, 281 Helm, Robert, E, Laurelwood, 260
Hare, R. A., Mp, Washington, 305 Hembrom, Miss P., Et, India, 273
Harebottle, Mrs. M., Mn, St. Helena, 301 Hemme, Thelma, Et, San Diego, 274
Harker, Mildred, E, Fresno, 252 Hemphill, D. V., Et, PUC, 270
Harkins, Bernece, Et, Gr., Boston, 253 Hendershot, V. E., Et, WWC, 283
Harkins, E. C., Eb, Greater Boston, 253 Hendershot, Mrs. V. E., Et, WWC, 283
Harlet, Mrs. M., Et, France, 252 Henderson, Dolores A., Et, Oakwood, 268
Harper, Lela, M, Hinsdale, 294 Henderson, P. de F., Et, WMC, 284
Harper, Therlow, Et, Cuba, 235 Hendley, S. E., E, India, 283
Harriott, Esther, Et, Jamaica, 285 Henise, Erma, Mn, Glendale, 293
Harriott, Rupert, Eb, Jamaica, 258 Henriksen, J. D., Mp, Denmark, 303, 311
Harris, Agnes, M, Trinidad, 300 Henriksen, H. L., Pb, Madagascar, 313
Harris, Chessie, E, Oakwood, 268 Henriques, Elvira, Et, Peru, 256
Harris, Lester, Et, WMC, 284 Heppel, Frank, Et, Union Springs, 282
Harrison, C. R., Et, Mtn. View, 265 Heppenstall, Edward, Et, La Sierra, 260
Harrison, C. W., Mp, AUstralia, 304 Herin, Maziei A., Et, UC, 281
Harrop, Mrs. J. T., Et, Greater N.Y.,253 Herman, J. K., E, Lodi, 261
Harter, L. E., E, Auburn, 237 Hermanson, Mrs. E. V., M, Africa, 307
Hartie, Mrs. Hallie, E, Pine Forge, 272 Hernandez, Horacio, Et, Mexico, 263
Hartin, L. H., Et, PUC, 270 Herr, Elmer, Et, Hawaii, 254
Hartlein, C. R., Et, Arizona, 236 Herrera, Aida, Et, Chile, 243
Hartlein, Ella M., Et, Arizona, 236 Herrera, J. M., Et, Philippines, 271
Hartley, Mary E., Et, PUC, 270 Hershey, R. A., Mn, Et, CME, 247
Hartley, Raymond, E, Sunnydale, 280 Hess, A. J., Et, Highland, 255
Hartley, S. J., Fb, New Zealand, 287 Hess, Mrs. G., M, Fountain Head, 292
Hartman, D. N., Eb, Broadview, 240 Hessloehl, Mrs. M., Et, France, 251
Hartman, H. C., Et, UC, 281 Heuhach, P. C., Et, CME, 244
Hartzel, Ethel, Et, Maplewood, 262 Hibbard, G. E., Et, Portland, 273
Hartwell, D. C., Mp, Florida, 292 Hicks, G. A., Et. PUC, 270
Hartwell, Malcolm, Et, Union Sps., 282 Higgins, I. D., Eb, India, 279
Hartwell, Virginia, Et, Union Sps., 282 Higgins, Mrs. I. D., E, India, 279
Harvey, I. R., Et, New Britain, 248 Higgins, Ruth G., Et, AUC, 236
Harvey, M. J., Et, Pb, Oakwood, 268, 319 Higgins, W. 13., Et, AUC, 236
Hasenknopf, K., Eb, Germany, 262 Hilado, Lilia, G., Et, Philippines, 286
Haskin, Lucile, Et, Arizona, 235 Hildebrand, P. G., Et, UC, 281

Hilgert, Earle, Et, Philippines, 271 Howes, H. F., E, AUC, 237

Hilgert, Mrs. Earle, Et, Philippines, 271 Howington, Pearl, Mn, Florida, 292
Hill, Jean S., Et, Newbury Park, 266 Howson, C. R., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Hill, M. It., Mp, Et, CME, 244 Hoxie, E. G., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Hill, M. S., Et, Newbury Park, 266 Hoxie, H. J., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Hill, Milo W., Et, Maplewood, 262 Hoxie, Harold, Mp, Glendale, 293
Hill, R. M., Mp, Et, CME, 245, 293 Hoyt, Frederick, Et, San Pasqua], 275
Hill, R. S., Et, Newbury Park, 266 Hoyt, R. E., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Hill, R. S., Et, South Africa, 254 Hsieh Chun Hsin, Et, China, 280
Hills, Floyd, Et, Glendale, 253 Hsu Chung Yuan, Mp, China, 290
Hilts, D. G., E, La Sierra, 259 Hsu Deh, Pe, China, 318
Hirano, Sachiko, Et, Japan, 258 Hsu Lo Yun, Et, China, 285
Hirst, A. E., Jr., Mp, Et, CME, 244 Hsu Tien Mei, Et, China, 258
Hirt, Ruth, Et, AUC, 236 Hu Hui Chieh, Et, China, 285
Hiscox, A. R., Et, New Hebrides, 235 Hu Wen Yuen, Et, China, 277
Hiscox, Elizabeth J., Mp, India, 292 Hu Yin Hsi, Et, China, 285
Hisi, A., Et, Brazil, 239 Hu Yueh Oh, Eb, China, 286
Hiten, Mrs. S. S., Et, WMC, 285 Hubbs, Mrs. E., M, Walla Walla, 305
Hivale, Santosh, Et, India, 254 Hughes, Emma, Mp, Washington, 305
Hixson, Ray, P, Pacific Press, 315 Hughes, J. E., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Hla Pe, Et, Burma, 265 Hughes, Patricia, Mn, Et, CME, 247
Ho Ai Tung, Et, China, 285 Hugo, A. L., Et, Uruguay, 282
Ho Bein Ying, Et, China, 243 Hung Shu Tuan, Et, China, 277
Ho Ching Lung, Et, China, 276 Hunt, G. M., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Ho Ping Chang, Mb, China, 298 Hunt, R. G., Et, Auburn, 237
Ho Tsun Hsien, Et, China, 243, 249 Hunte, Olive, M, Trinidad, 300
Ho, Mrs. W. Y., Et, Malaya, 280 Hunter, D. C., Et, Pakistan, 285
Hoag, Mrs. G. B., Et, India, 254 Hunter, Mrs. D. C., Et, Pakistan, 285
Hoar, P. J., Et, SMC, 278 Hurd, Gladys, Mn, St. Helena, 301
Hoar, Mrs. P. J., SMC, 278 Hurlow, Mrs. W. A., Mn, Africa, 307
Hodde, Alberta A., Mn, Brazil, 300 Husman, Elizabeth, Et, Glendale, 253
Hoehn, Edward, Mp, St. Helena, 301 Hutapea, E., Et, Sumatra, 279
Hoel, Julia, Mn, Africa, 308 Hutapea, S. M., M, Singapore, 306
Hoen, R. E., Et, PUC, 255. 270 Huygens, Gertrude, E, UC, 281
Hogendorp, L., Et, Java, 257 Hvizdala, Mr., Et, Czechoslovakia, 248
Hogganvik, Kristian, Mp, Ethiopia, 294 Hwa Yi Hsin, Et, China, 243
Hoffman, Herbert, Et, Brazil, 280 Hwang Chih Hsi, Et, China, 277
Hoffman, Siegfried, Mp, Brazil, 293 Hwang Chih Jang, Et, China, 285
Hofgaarden, L. V., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Hwang En Deh, Et, China, 286
Hoglund, Miss S., Mn, India, 303 Hwan Shou Tu, Et, China, 266
Hokin, E., Mn, Australia, 304 Hwan Tsu Bing, E, China, 277
Holbrook, Mrs. R., Et, South Africa, 255 Hwang Wen Pei, Et, China, 243
Holbrook, Wilbur, Et, Fresno, 252 Hwang, Y. C., Mp, China, 302
Holgate, W. A., Et, Jamaica, 258 Hwang, Y. T., Mp, China, 302
Holm, D. N., Mp, Java, 289 Hyatt, Helen, Et, UC, 281
Holm, L. N., Eb, AUC, 236 Hyde, C. J., Et, East Africa, 249
Holm, Steve, E, Sheyenne River, 276 Hyde, J. A., lip, West Africa, 307
Holmes, A. D., Et, EMC, 250 Hyde, W. T., Et, PUC, 270
Holmes, L. It., Et, Laurelwood, 260
Holroyd, E. W., Et, India, 273
Holquist, Beatrice, Et, EMC, 250 Ihrig, I. H., Pb, Southern Pub., 319
Hoist, Alice L., Et, PUC, 270 Iles, W. L., Eb, Battle Creek, 238
Hongsri, Sujitr, M., Thailand, 289 Ilsgaard, C. L., Mb, Denmark, 307
Hood, R., M, India, 302 Im Pyung Eui, Eb, Korea, 259
Hoof, Mrs. Maria, E, La Sierra, 260 Imperio, R. C., Et, Philippines, 271
Hoogenboom, Clara, Et, Cedar Lake, 242 Imperio, Mrs. R. C., Et, Philippines, 271
Hooper, H. R., Et, SMC, 277 Ingayam, Miss S., Et, India, 261
Hoover, Mrs. Arlene, Et, La Sierra, 260 Ingram, Ruth, Et, Costa Rica, 242
Hopkins, C. B., Fb, Australia, 287 Innocent, G. G., Mp, Singapore, 306
Hopp, F. L., Et, San Diego, 274 Innocent, Mrs. G. G., M, Singapore, 306
Horning, J. H., Et, Hawaii, 254 Ionescu, M., Et, Rumania, 274
Horsley, E. J., Mp, Jamaica, 288 boy, Miss Zoe, Mb, Rumania, 304
Houck, A. M., E, Indiana, 256 Irvin, Thelma, Mn, Paradise Valley, 299
Houck, Evelyn, Mn, New England, 298 Irvine, Bessie, Mn, Philippines, 297
House, Gladys, Mn, Portland, 300 Irvine, I., E, Australia, 237
House, L. R., Mp, Et, CME, 244, 293 Irvine, J. H., Mb, Portland, 299
Hovig, Petra, Mn, Africa, 307 Isaac, A. M., Et, India, 274
Howard, B. A., P, India, 315 Isaac, Nageeba, Et, Iraq, 257
Howard, P. E., Et, India, 274 Isaiah, G., Et, India, 279
Howard, Mrs. Yvonne, Et, Australia, 237 Israel, K., Et, India, 265
Howe, P. L., Et, PUC, 270 Isuga, Consolation B., E, Philipp., 286
Howell, C. J., Fb, Australia, 287 Itagaki, Tomino, Mn, Japan, 304

Ithier, A., Et, Madagascar, 256 Johnson, Myrtle, Et, Campion, 240
Ito, P. K., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Johnson, Paul, E, Indiana, 256
Itong Rosa Wang, M, Thailand, 289 Johnson, R. A., Et, EMC, 250
Iuorno, Jorge, Et, Uruguay, 282 Johnson, R. L., Et, Monterey Bay, 264
Iwata, R. H., Mp, Et, CME Johnson, R. L., Mp, Fountain Hd., 292
Johnson, Ruby, M, Hinsdale, 294
J Johnson, Ruth, Mn, Africa, 290
Jabola, Loreto, Et, Philippines, 263 Johnson, S. W., Eb, Golden Gate, 253
Jackson, A. D., Et, India, 259 Johnson, Mrs. V. L., Et, Highland, 255
Jackson, B. L., Et, Adelphian, 234 Johnson, Verna, Et, UC, 281
Jackson, Evelyn, Et, Oakwood, 268 Johnson, Victor, Et, San Diego, 274
Jackson, Ira, E, Colombia, 248 Johnson, W. H., Et, Belg. E. Africa, 252
Jackson, J. M., Pb, R & H, 317 Johnson, Wallace, Eb, Laurelwood, 260
Jackson, R., Et, Africa, 262 Johnstone, G. A., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Jacobs, Mrs. Lois H., Et, SMC, 277 Joice, P. W., Et, CUC, 241
Jacobs, R. L., Et, Peru, 256 Joice, Ruth, Et, CUC, 241
Jacobs, Mrs. R. L., Et, Peru, 256 Jolliffe, E. L., M, Walla Walla, 305
Jacobsen, Mrs. Ellis, Et, Denmark, 249 Jonathan, A. D., Et, India, 261
Jacobson, Mrs. Ellen K., Et Modesto, 264 Jonathan, C., Et, India, 261
Jacobson, M. V., Mb, Iraq, 291 Jonathan, 0. B., Et, India, 261
Jacobson, Mrs. Ruth, M, Paradise V., 299 Jones, A. B., Mp, Et, CME, 244, 296
Jalkanen, S., Et, Finland, 251 Jones, A. J., Et, Lebanon, 263
James, Miss D., Et, Pakistan, 285 Jones, Mrs. Blanche E., E, UC, 281
James, Mrs. Edyth T., Et, WMC, 284,255 Jones, C. T., Et, Philippines, 271
James, H. E., Mp, St. Helena, 301 Jones, Mrs. C. T., Et, Philippines, 271
Janzen, Jacob, Mp, Et, CME, 245, 293 Jones, Charles, Et, Honduras, 256
Jarocki, Jose, E, Argentina, 274 Jones, D. L., Et, Cedar Lake, 242
Jemison, T. H., Et, WMC, 284 Jones, F. H., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Jemson, W. D., E, AUC, 237 Jones, F. 0., E, CUC, 241
Jenkins, Pearl, M, Washington, 305 Jones, J. L., P, Pacific Press, 315
Jensen, Alice, Mn, Africa, 294 Jones, Jesse, Et, Forest Lake, 251
Jensen, Anna, Et, Denmark, 249 Jones, Marjorie, Et, CUC, 241
Jensen, Ella, Et, Platte Valley, 272 Jones, Maude I., Et, SMC, 277
Jensen, L. J., E, Shenandoah, 276 Jonsson, Hildur, Mn, Sweden, 291
Jensen, Maybe], Et, La Sierra, 260 Jordahl, Willy, Mp, Norway, 303
Jensen, R. F., Fb, Denmark, 286 Jordan, A., Eb, France, 251
Jensen, Stanley, Et, Sunnydale, 280 Jordon, Jeane, W., Et, AUC, 236
Jepthas, Mavis, Et, South Africa, 253 Jorgensen, C. W., E, Oak Park, 267
Jessen, A. F., Et, India, 259 Jorgensen, G. C., Et, UC, 281
Jessen, Mrs. A. F., Et, India, 259 Jorgensen, Mrs. M., Et, Oak Park, 268
Jesudas, S., Et, India, 259 Jorgenson, Garfield, Et, Sunnydale, 280
Jesudass, S., Et, India, 261 Jornada, Mrs. B. N., E, Philippines, 286
Jeurink, Mrs. Gladys, Et, UC, 281 Joseph, K., Et, India, 265
Jewell, F. B., Mn, Africa, 808 Joseph, Meryl, Et, Northeastern, 267
Jeys, G. H., Et, PUC, 270 Joseph, S., Mn, India, 292
Jimenez, C. M., Et, Philippines, 271 Joseph, Mrs. S., Mn, India, 292
Jimenez, Priscilla, Et, Philippines, 271 Joubert, Hophni, Et, South Africa, 254
Joergenson, E. J., Mp, Et, CME, 244 Joyce, Mrs. Phyllis, Et, UC, 281
Johanson, B. 0., Fb, Australia, 287 Joyner, Jacob, E, Oak Park, 268
Johanson, Hilfred, Mn, Burma, 300 Judefind, T. F., Mp, Et, CME, 244
John, Mrs. B., Et, Pakistan, 285 Judson, Frank, Et, La Sierra, 260
John, Bella, M, India, 302 Judy, E. F., Et, Lodi, 261
John, C. K., Et, Ceylon, 259 Juler, V. K., Et, Arizona, 235
John, C. N., Et, India, 279 Juriansz, E. L., Et, Ceylon, 259
John, D., Et, India, 265 Juriansz, Ralph, Et, Ceylon; 259
John, 13. L., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Juriansz, R. F., Et, India, 254
John, T., M, India, 303 Juriansz, Mrs. R. F., Mn, India, 307
Johns, A. F., Et, La Sierra, 260
Johns, V. J., Et, CME, 244 K
Johnsen, C., Et, Norway, 269 Kaarima, K., Et, Finland, 251
Johnson, A. N., E, Maplewood, 262 Kabkan, Mn, Thailand, 294
Johnson, Alfaretta, Et, CME, 246 Kachchap, A. K., Et, India. 273
Johnson, E. R., Et, Fresno, 252 Kaerst, Rudolfo, Et, Argentina, 273
Johnson, Mrs. Elsie 0., Et, EMC, 250 Kahl, Elena, Mn, Argentina, 301
Johnson, H., Et, Oshawa, 269 Kalyanamitr, Benjawn, M, Thailand, 304
Johnson, H. T., Eb, WMC, 284 Kamwendo, Yolam, Et, Africa, 262
Johnson, Mrs. H., Et, Portland, 273 Kanada, T., Et, Brazil, 249
Johnson, I. T., Pb, Pacific Press, 315 Kao Chie, Et, China, 258
Johnson, Margaret, Mn, Africa, 297 Kao Kuei Ying, Mn, Manchuria, 302
Johnson, Martha, Mn, Glendale, 293 Kau Ping Chien, Et, China, 258
Johnson, Mary E., Et, Laurelwood, 260 Kau Wan Cheng, Mn, China, 298
Johnson, Melvin, Et, Broadview, 240 Kao Wen Sheng, Et, China, 285

Karman, E., Et, Mountain View, 265 .Klosko, J., Mn, Brazil, 300
Karstrom, H., Et, Finland, 251, 304 Klug, A. R., E, WMC, 284
Karstrom, Kitty, Et, Finland, 251 Knight, Hollis, E, Oakwood, 268
Kastorn, Mn, Thailand, 289 Knittel, Francis, Et, Enterprise, 250
Katcher, George, Et, Planfield, 272 Knoll, M. D., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Kaufman, G. R., M, Glendale, 293 Knox, Harold, Et, AUC, 236
Kawai, E., Et, Japan, 258 Knox, S. C., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Keasberry, Blanche, Pb, Singapore, 313 Ko Kar Yoke, M, Thailand, 289
Keelan, E. J., Et, India, 283 Kobs, H., Et, Germany, 252
Keene, H. L., E, UC, 281 Koehler, Alvin, E, Wisconsin, 286
Keene, Marjorie, E. Lynwood, 262 Koenig, W. S., E, Newbury Park, 266
Keith, Grace, Et, Forest Lake, 251 Koilpillai, Robinson, Et, India, 261
Keith, J. B., Pb, Fiji, 311 Kona, Mrs. William, E, Africa, 276
Keith, Linnie L., Et, WMC, 255, 284 Kong, K. T., Pb, Singapore, 313
Keh Hong Mo, Et, China, 277 Kong Sung Sil, Mn, Korea, 302
Keller, Lillian, Et, Indiana, 256 Koorenny, R. W., Et, La Sierra, 260
Kelley, H. A., M, Mexico, 297 Kootsey, J. S., Mp, New England, 298
Kellogg, C. E., Et, AUC. 236 Kopitzke. Irma, Et, Union Springs, 282
Kellogg, K. E., Ma, Et, CME, 244 Korgan, J., Et, Africa, 276
Kellogg, Mrs. Miles, E, Sunnydale, 280 Korinek, E., Et, Austria, 237
Kelly, William, Et, WWC, 284, Kosky, A. A., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Kelsey, Verne, Et, EMC, 250 Kotz, Mrs. H. E., Mn, Africa, 306
Keng, K. L., Pb, China, 318 Kotz, S. A., Mp, Africa, 296
Kennedy, W. W., Et, La Sierra, 260 Koudele, Mrs. Betty B., Et, SMC, 277
Keonin, Prung, M, Thailand, 290 Kougl, Adel, Et, SMC, 277
Keough, G. A., Et, Lebanon, 263 Kovacs, G., Et, Rumania, 274
Keough, Myrtle, Et, South Africa, 254 Koval, Daniel, Et, AUC, 236
Ketola, Toivo, Et, Finland, 251 Kozel, J. C., Eb, WWC, 283
Kewley, Joan, E, Lynwood, 262 Kozel, Rosa, M, Glendale, 293
Keyn, Bjorn, Et, Norway, 269 Kraft, R. C., Et, Mount Vernon, 264
Kezele, Mrs. M., Mn, Singapore, 306 Kra11, L. P., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Khajekar, D., M, India, 300 Kraner, L. A., Et, Trinidad, 241
Khan, B. M., Et, Pakistan, 285 Kraner, Mrs. L. A., Et, Trinidad, 241
Khan, Mrs. B. M., Mn, Pakistan, 291 Kranz, A. F. J., Et, Australia, 237
Khan, H. B., Et, India, 274 Kraus, B., Et, Czechoslovakia, 248
Khan, Sardaran, Et, India, 254 Krauss, J. B., Et, Glendale, 253
Kidson, Mary, Eb, South Africa, 254 Krautschik, A. I., Mb, Thailand, 289
Kiehl, Fred L., Fb, France, 287 Kretschmar, G. G., Et, WWC, 284 -
Kiehnhoff, Estelle, Et, EMC, 250 Kretschmar, Mrs. L. L., Et, WWC, 283
Kiel, Ana P., Et, Brazil, 270 Krick, G. 1VI., Eb, Lebanon, 263
Kiel, Zita, Et, Brazil, 270 Krick, Mrs. G. M., Et, Lebanon, 263
Kilcher, Edna L., Et, Lynwood, 262 Krieghoff, Guillermo, Et, Argentina, 240
Kilgore, Mrs. Rochelle P., Et, AUC, 236 Kriigel, Mrs. Leila, Mn, Washington, 305
Kilroy, W. L., Fb, Australia, 287 Krogstad, N. L., Et, SMC, 277
Kim Ke Chum, Et, Korea, 259 Krogstad, Mrs. N. L., Et, SMC, 277
Kim Ke Pang, Et, Korea, 259 Krohn, C. C., Et, PUC, 270
Kim Pyung Jai, Et, Korea, 259 Krueger, Erna, Et, Brazil, 239
Kim Yoon Choo, Mp, Korea, 302 Kruger, Christine, Mn, India, 292
Kim Young Do, Et, Korea, 259 Ku, Benjamin, E, China, 277
Kimball, T. S., Mp, Et, CME, 244 Ku Chang Sheng, Pe, China, 318
Kimble, J. N., Mp, Washington, 305 Ku Hyuk Min, M, Thailand, 294
Kime, Mrs. Dallas, Et, Laurelwood, 260 Ku Shih, Et, China, 243
Kindopp, Bonnie, Et, Mtn, View, 265 Ku Tao Hsin, Et, China, 243
King, Mrs. Astrid W., Et, AUC, 236 Kuchta, J. H., E, CUC, 241
King, Mrs. Elsie B., Mn, Porter, 299 Kudzielicz, Maria, Mn, Brazil, 301
King, Mrs. R. C., E, India, 283 Kuempel, S., Et, Brazil, 239
King, W. L., Et, AUC, 236 Kuester, Dorothy, Et, Monterey Bay, 264
Kinney, Clayton, E, Mount Vernon, 265 Kugel, A. I., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Kintanar, I. A., Pe, Philippines, 316 Kuhlman, H. H., Et, SMC, 277
Kirk, A. H., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Kuhn, Alice, Mn, Et, CME, 246
Kiroff, D., Pb, Bulgaria, 310 Kujur, I. C., Et, India, 258
Kirstein, Mrs. C., Et, Forest Lake, 251 Kujur, P. D., Et, India, 258
Kiser, Ardis, Mn, Paradise Valley, 299 Kung Chung Lin, Et, China, 266
Kisz, Mary, E, Mn, UC, 281 Kung Pin San, Mp, China, 304
Klaschwitz, R., E, France 252 Kunihira, S., Et, Japan, 257
Kleiman, F. R., E, UC, 281 Kuniya, K., Pe, Japan, 313
Klima, Dr., Et, Czechoslovakia, 248 Kuniyasu, Lorna, Et, Hawaii, 254
Klingbeil, L. J., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Kunkel, S. R., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Klingbeil, Louis, MP, Glendale, 293 Kura. Isaran, Mp, Thailand, 289
Klop, P., Pe, Java, 312 Kurtz, B. M., Eb, Columbia, 248
Klopfenstein, L. D., Et, Sheyenne, 276 Kusuhara, Miyoko, Et, Hawaii, 254
Klose, Amy, Mn, Hinsdale, 294 Kwapinski, Anna, Et, Africa, 276

Kwok, G., Et, Sarawak, 280 Lee, Faith, Mn, Singapore, 306
Kyaw Pin, M, Burma, 300 Lee, Frederick, Pe, R & H, 317
Lee Heng Sung, Mrs., Mn, China, 297
L Lee Hsu Feng, Mn, China, 306
Lee Heir Chu, M, Thailand, 289
Laloan, J. B., Eb, Java, 257 Lee, J. M., Eb, Korea, 258
Lulkuliama, Et, India, 236 Lee Kun Wha, Mp, Korea, 302
Laloo, Clarabelle, Et, India, 236 Lee, L. D., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Lamb, Philip, Mp, China, 304 Lee, M. D., Et, China, 276
Lamnek, Paula, Mn, Africa, 303 Lee Ming Yi, Mp, China, 297
Lams, A., Et, Madagascar, 235 Lee, Oscar, Et, WWC, 283
Landon, Mrs. Archie, M, Boulder, 290 Lee, Paul, Mp, China, 302
Landon, Emma S., Et, UC, 281 Lee Ryu Sik, Et, Korea, 258
Lane, C. G., Fb, Australia, 287 Lee, Solomon, Mp, China, 290
Lang, C. A., E, SMC, 278 Lee, Stanley, Mp, China, 298
Lang, G. J., E, Rogue River, 274 Lee, T. H., Mp, China, 291
Lange, Mrs. Erwin, Et, Oshawa, 269 Lee, T. S., Pb, China, 318
Lange, Lydia, Et, Norway, 269 Lee Tien Hsi, Mp, China, 291 '
Langer, Waldtraut, Et, Germany, 252 Lee Tien Ming, Et, China, 267
Langsford, E. A. R., Et, New Zealand, 266 Lee Ung Choon, Et, Korea, 259
Laor Thong Thaen, Mn, Thailand, 289 Lee Young Choon, Et, Korea, 259
Larmon, Louise, Et, Wisconsin, 286 Leech, Geraldine J., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Larrazabal, A. de, E, Colombia, 248 Leeper, Louise, Et, East Africa, 258
Larrazabal, L. C., Et, Colombia, 248 Leer, Mrs. V., Et, Monterey Bay, 264
Larsen, C. A., Et, Denmark, 249 Leers, Miss A. de, Et, Netherlands, 265
Larsen, C. J., Mp, Walker, 305 Leffingwell, F. E., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Larsen, Doris, Et, San Pasqual, 275 Lehmann, Emma E., Et, India, 283
Larsen, Mrs. Kamilla, Et, Denmark, 249 Lehti, Lina, Et, Finland, 251
Larsen, Victoria, Et, Maplewood, 262 Leitzke, A., Et, Brazil, 267
Larson, A. C., Mb, New England, 298 Leland, J. A., P., Philippines, 316
Larson, A. H., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Lemke, E. C., Et, Papua, 238
Larson, Carrie M., E, Laurelwood, 260 Lenz, 0. F., Eb, Plainview, 272
Larson, Mrs. D., E, San Pasqua], 275 Leon, Elenea V. de, Et, Peru, 259
Larson, Ellsworth, Mp, Glendale, 293 Leon, Mrs. Esmeraldo de, M, Philip., 297
Larson, L. J., Et, India, 279 Leon, Lucia, Mn, Peru, 293
Larson, Mrs. L. J., Et, India, 279 Leon, Merardo, Et, Chile, 242
Larson, R. J., Eb, San Pasqual, 275 Leon, Mrs. Merardo, Et, Chile, 242
Larsson, E. H., Pb, Sweden, 319 Leon, P. P., Eb, Peru, 259
Larsson, Elisabeth, Mp, Et, CME, 245 Leong, M. S., Et, Malaya, 280
Larsson, John, M, Sweden, 294 Leong, P. K., Et, Malaya, 280
Lawson, H. D., Et, Highland, 255 Leonhardt, Earl, Et, UC, 281
Laxton, G., E, New Zealand, 266 Lesiasel, J. H., Pb, Java, 312
Lashier, G. K., Et, UC, 281, 290, 299 Lester, Vera, Et, Fresno, 252
Lashier, H. M., Et, EMC, 250 Letham, J. B., Mn, Australia, 304,
Lastine, Ann, Et, Mount Vernon, 264 Lethbridge, A. W., Eb, England, 265
Lau, D. A. Pb, Pacific Press, 315 Leung, H. S., Eb, China, 276
Laue, C. Id., E, Newbury Park, 266
Laue, C. M., E, Nawbury Park, 266 Leung, P. H., Mp, China, 296
Leung Yang Sheue Yau, Mb, China, 296
Lauer, J. A., Mp, Forsyth, 292 Lewis, Celeste, Et, Los Angeles, 261
Laurence, J. P., Et, WMC, 284 Lewis, G. W., E, WWC, 284
Laursen, D. S., Et, India, 236 Lewis, Lucille, Mn, Paradise Valley, 299
Lawrence, L., Et, Trinidad, 241 Lewis, M. D., Et, SWJC, 278
Lawrence, Mrs. L., Et, Trinidad, 241 Lewis, R., Mp, Riverside, 301
Lawrence, Lucy K., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Lewis, R. B., Et, PUC, 270
Lawson, Eleanor, Et, PUC, 270 Li Chen Hwa, Et, China, 280
Lawson, Mrs. H. D., Et, Highland, 255 Li Chi Feng, Et, China, 285
Lawson, W. R., P, Pacific Press, 315 Li En Dien, Mn, China, 304
Lay, William, Eb, Auburn, 237 Li Ih Chin, Et, China, 258
Lay, Mrs. William, Et, Auburn, 237 Li, S. S., Et, China, 285
Le Huu, Et, Indo-China, 257 Li Su Chiun, Mrs., Mn, China, 290
Lea, Ruby E., E, SMC, 277 Li Wan Chuen, M, China, 291
Leary, J. H., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Li Yu Chun, Et, China, 266
Lease, H. F., E, La Sierra, 259 Lickey, Harold, Et, Enterprise, 251
Leatherdale, J. L., P, Canada, 310 Lidke, Eugenia, Mn, Brazil, 302
Leazer, Wilma, Mn, Thailand, 289 Lie, Harold, Mp, Denmark, 303
Ledington, Esther, Et, Lynwood, 262 Liew, F., Et, Malaya, 280
Ledington, Stanley, Et, Lynwood, 262 Liew, P. C., Et, Malaya, 280
Lee, Bruce, Et, Battle Creek, 238 Liew, Mrs. P. C., Et, Malaya, 280
Lee, C. W., Et, EMC, 250
Lee Chang Kyu, Et, Korea, 259 Lim, Mrs. E., Mn, Thailand, 290
Lee Chao Ming, Mn, China, 298 Limerick, P. E., Eb, Laurelwood, 260
Lee Chen Tung, Mn, China, 298 Lin Beh Hwa, Mn, China, 291
Lee, Donald, Et, Mount Vernon, 265 Lin Hsiao Ai, M, China, 304

Lin, Mrs. P. H., Et, China,.243 Lowry, Morris, Et, SWJC, 278
Lin Pak Wah, Mn, China, 304 Loy, M. F., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Lin Pao Heng, Et, China, 243 Lu Shou Dao, Et, China, 286
Lin Shih Yung, Mp, China, 298 Lucas, M., Et, India, 259
Linares, Napoleon, Et, Peru, 256 Lucas, M., M, Singapore, 306
Lind, Alice, Mn, Ethiopia, 293 Lucas, Marie, Et, Loma'Linda, 261
Lindberg, Evlyn, Et, SWJC, 278 Ludden, H. B:, Eb, Japan, 257
Lindberg, J. P., Mb, Sweden, 308 Ludden, Sophie, Et, Japan, 258
Lindbloom, Mrs. R., Mn, Et, CME, 246, Lude, Bernice, Mn, Porter, 299
Linde, G., Et, Sweden, 280, 319 Ludgate, T. K., Et, South Africa, 254
Lindsjo, Holger, Et, Theo. Sem., 275 Ludington, D. C., Et, SMC, 277
Ling, Mrs. E., Et, Singapore, 262 Ludington, L. G., Mp, Thailand, 289
Ling Seng Yung, Et, China, 258 Ludington, Mrs. L. G., Mp, Thailand, 289
Link, Mrs. C., Et, Maplewood, 262 Ludy, Bernice, Mn, Boulder, 290
Linthwaite, R., Mp, New England, 298 Luh Deh, Et, China, 249
Lipke, Bertha, Mn, Brazil, 302 Luke, H. H., Eb, China, 276
Lippart, J. E., E, Oak Park, 268. Lukens, M. H. R., Mp, Florida, 292
Lippolis, Anna, Et, Italy, 257 Lund, Herdis, Et, Denmark, 249
Lippolis, Maria, Pb, Italy, 313. Lundquist, Eric, E, PUC, 270
Litke, Richard, Et, WWC, 283 Lupke, G., Et, Germany, 252
Little, Mrs. Helen,. Et, La Sierra, 260 - Lupke, S., Et, Germany, 252
Little, Ruth, Et, CME, 246 , ' Lust, D. E., Et, Lynwood, 262
Little, T. A., Et, La Sierra, 260 Lust, Ruth, Et, Lodi, 261,
Litvin, Helen, Et; Upper Colombia, 282 Lutz, Frieda, Mn, Et, 'CME, 246
Liu Han Hwa, Miss, Et, China, 242 Luxton, R. W., Et, England, 279
Liu Hang Hsiang, Pe, China, 318 Lylykari, H., Et, Finland, 251 '
Liu, Herbert, Mp, China, 302 Lyman, C. R.,Et, Laurelwood, 260
Liu Ih Ten, Et, China, 267 Lynd, A. L., Mb, Fountain Head, 292 "
Liu Kuei Lin, Et, China, 255 Lynd, Homer, Et, Highland, 255,
Liu Lo Ren, Et, China, 285 Lynn, R. E., Et, SMC, 277
Liu Pu Tung, Eb, China, 277 Lyoko, Z., Et, Poland, 272
Liu, S. D., M, Singapore, 306.
Liu, Mrs. S. D., Mn, Singapore, 306
Liu Sheng Kwang, Et, China, 242 Ma Chung Ren, Et,,China, 286
Liu Yieh, E, China, 267 Ma Chung Teh, Et, China, 285
Liu Yu Tang, Mp, Manchuria,' 302 Ma, Frederick, Et, China, 24.3
Liu Yung Chang, Mn, China, 306 Ma Thoun Sein, Mn, Burma, 307
Livingston, J. D., Et, WMC, 285, 255, Maas, E. R., Et, UC, 281,
Livingston, Mrs. J. D., Et, Home Study, Maas, Mrs. E. R., Et, UC, 281 -
255 Maattanen, 0., Et, Finland, 251
Llaguno, H., E, Philippines, 249 Mabley, Elwood, Et, Auburn, 23,7
Llusco, G., Et, Bolivia, 238 Mabley, Mrs. Elwood, Et, Auburn, 237
Llusco, Mrs. G., Et, Bolivia, 239 Mabley, Warren, E, CUC, 241
Lo Chi Hsi, Et, China, 277 Maberly, F., Et, New Guinea, 266
Lo Chia Chung, Mn, China, 297 Macarewa, Z., Et, Celebes, 242,
Lo, H. S., Et, China, 277 Macarewa, Mrs. Z., Et, Celebes, 242
Loasby, Mrs. A. B., Mn, Washington, 305 MacGlasham, L., E, Monterey Bay, 264
Loasby, R. E., Et, Theo. Sem., 275, 255 MncIntyre, J. G., Et, Modesto, 264
Lobsien, Julien; Et, WWC, 284 Maclntyre, Mrs, J. G., Et, Modesto; 264
Loewen, M. E., Et, Lodi, 261 Maclvor, C. R., Pb, R & H, 317.
Loewen, Mrs. M. E., Et, Lodi, 261 Maclvor, Mrs. Eva, Et, WMC, 284
Logan, J. B., Et, Mountain View, 265 Mackett, W. C., Et, India, 283
Loh Deh, Et, China., 243 MacManaman, R. L., Et, Sunnydale, 280
Lohndahl, Ingoborg, E, Norway, 269 MacManaman, Mrs., Et.Sunnydale, 280
Lonergan, L. H., Mp, Et, CME, 244 MacMorland, Robert, Et. EMC, 250
Long, Mrs. Pauline, E., Siinnydale; 280 MacMorland, Mrs. W. W., Et, EMC, 250
Longware, Thomasine, Et, Oakwood, 268 Macpherson, W. E., Mp, Et, CME, 243
Loo, Annie, Mb, China 304 Madgwick, G. A. S., Mp, Africa, 298
Lopes, Mrs. A. C., Mn, Africa, 307 Madgwick, W. R. A., Et, England, 265
Lopez, Francisco, Et, Costa Rica, 242 Madsen, A. C., Et, La Sierra, 260
Lopez, Olga, Et, Peru, 256 Magpiong, Felisa, Et, Philippines, 271
Lorenz, E. W., Mp, Washington, 305 Magni, R., Et, France, 252
Lorren, T. A., E, Auburn, 237 Maitri, M, Thailand, 290
Losey, L. B., Et, WWC, 283 Malaquias, Rode, Et, Angola, 239
Lothian, Elizabeth, E, Oak Park. 267, Mallari, Mrs. N. S., E, Philippines, 271
Lovell, C. R., Mp, Loma Linda, 296 Malott, A. R., E, Monterey Bay, 264
Lovell, V. P., Eb, EMC, 250
Lovett, H. C., Et, SWJC, 278 Maluf, E., Et, Brazil, 239
Low, Walter, Et; Trinidad, 241 Malunes, Flordelisa, E, Philippines, 286
Mamora, A. P., Et, Java, 257
Lowder, Mrs. D., Mn, Fountain Hd., 292 Mamora, A. P., M, Singapore, 806
Lower, Mrs. Vera, M, Glendale, 293 Manalaysay, R. G., Et, Philippines, 271
Lowry, Mrs. Bertha, Et, India, 279 Manalaysay, Mrs., Et, Philippines, 271

Mananarina, A., Et, Madagascar, 256 Mathy, L. A.; Pe, France, 311
Manatad, F. C.. Et, Philippines, 249 Matthews, K. Mary, Mn, India, 292
Manchun, Mn, Thailand, 289 Matthews, Mae, Et, Ethiopia, 251
Mangkei, H., Et, Celebes, 242 Matthews, N. 0., Et, India, 279
Mangold, Haydee, Et, Peru, 259 Matthews, Mrs. N. 0., Et, India, 279
Mangold, Noel, Et, Mb, Peru, 259, 295 Matthews, 0. S., Et, India, 257
Mangold, Mrs. Noel, Mn, Peru, 295 Matter, Tabea, Mn, Africa, 298
Maniscalo, Joe, Et, PUC, 270 Mattison, Mrs. E., Et, Spanish-Am., 279
Manrique, A. A., Mb, Peru, 293 Mattison, H. H., Et, India, 279
Mansker, Susie, Et, Mn, UC, 281, 290 Mattison, Mrs. H. H., Et, India, 279
Manuel, P. W., Eb, Trinidad, 241 Mattison, It., Jr., Et, Spanish-Am., 278
Manuel, Mrs. P. W., Et, Trinidad, 241 Mattes, Gerson, F, Brazil, 287
Manullang, T. D., P, Java, 312 Mauldin, L. W., Et, Java, 257
Manwell, Ethel M., Mn, Et, CME, 247 Mauldin, Mrs. L. W., Et, Java, 257
Mao, Y. S., Et, China, 242 Maurer, W. M., Et, Greater N.Y., 253
Maquera, Vicente, E, Peru, 259 Mauro, C. W., Et, Cedar Lake, 242
Maracle, C. G., Pb, Canada, 310 Mauro, Mrs. C. W., Et, Cedar Lake, 242
Marais, Elza, Et, South Africa, 238 Maxson, D. H., Mb, South America, 291
Marais, Yvonne, Mn, Africa; 296 Maxson, Howard, M, New England, 298
Marco, A. de, Et, Germany, 265 Maxwell, A. G., Et, PUC, 270
Mariam, Kassesh H., Et, Ethiopia, 251 Maxwell, A. S., Pe, Pacific Press, 315
Marks, Arlene, Et, EMC, 250 Maxwell, Mrs. Lillie B., Et, WWC, 284
Marnoel, A., Et. Madagascar, 256 Maxwell, Maureen, Mn, Et, CME, 246
Marr, Laurel, E, Jamaica, 285 Maxwell, Stanley, Et, So. Africa, 254
Marsh, Mrs. Alice G., Et, EMC, 250 May, E., Et, South Africa, 253
Marsh, Mrs. Clara G., Et, EMC, 250 May, S. B., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Marsh, Clemson, Mp, Et, CME, 245 Mayer, J. A., E, UC, 281
Marsh, Eunice, Mn, Et, CME, 247 Mayor, C. W., Et, Adelphian, 234
Marsh, F. L., Et, EMC, 250 Mayor, Mrs. C. W., Et, Adelphian, 234
Marsh, Joyce, Et, Valley Grande, 282 Mbenenge, Mrs. I., Et, So. Africa, 238
Marsh, Mrs. Ruby, Et, Mexico, 263 McCartney, Ellen, Et, SWJC, 278
Marsh, V. G., E, Plainview, 272 McCartney, Olive, Et, Jamaica, 285
Marsh, Veda S., Et, WWC, 283 , McClenneghan, J. A., Et, Fresno, 252
Marshall, Clifton, Et, AUC, 236 McClure, W. E., Et, So. Africa, 254
Marshall, J. D., Et, Hawaii, 254 McClure, Mrs. W. E., Et, So. Africa, 254
Marshall, Mrs. M., M, Paradise Val., 299 McComb, W. J., Et, WMC, 284
Marshall, Minna, Mn, Washington, 305 McConaughey, Mary, Et, AUC, 236
Marshall, Shelley, E, PUC, 270 McConnell, John, Et, Modesto, 264
Marter, E. W., Et, England, 265 McCoy, Richard, Et, Laurelwood, 260
Martin, C. L., Et, La Sierra, 260 McCoy, Mrs. R., Et, Laurelwood, 260
Martin, Mrs. Dorothy, M, Azusa, 288 McCready, W. G., Et, Plainfield, 272
Martin, Charles, Mb, Azusa, 288 McCready, Mrs. W. G., E, Plainfield, 272
Martin, Mrs. Eva M., Mn, Hinsdale, 294 McDonald, Ted, Et, Okanagan, 268
Martin, H. K., Et, PUC, 270 McDonald, W. H., M, Riverside, 301
Martin, Mrs. H. K., Et, PUC, 270 McDowell, E. G., Et, New Zealand, 266
Martin, M. A., E, San Pasqua], 275 McDowell, Patricia, Mn, St. Helena, 301
Martin, Martha San, Et, Costa Rica, 242 McGhee, W. H., M, Pakistan, 295
Martin, Mildred, Et, EMC, 250 McGuffin, D. W., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Martin, S. 0., M, Glendale, 293 McHenry, M. M., Et, India, 283
Martin, T. K., P, Et R & H, 284, 317 McHenry, Mrs. M. M., Et, India, 283
Martin, W., Pb, Burma, 313 McIllvvain, Mrs. B. A., E, Plainview, 272
Martinez, Salvador, Et, Mexico, 277 McInnis, Joyce, Mn, Et, CME, 247
Martinson, A. J., Mp, Et, CME, 245 McIntosh, Allan, M, Jamaica, 288
Martinson, Mrs. Adelyne, Et, Ozark, 269 McIntyre, A., P, Canadian, 310
Marty, Jeanne, Et, France, 252 McKee, Lois, Et, La Sierra, 260
Martz, F., Mn, West Africa, 295 McKeown, C. G., Et, Columbia, 248
Marx, R. A., Et, East Africa, 249 McKibbin, J. A., Et, CUC, 241
Mary, R. G., Et, Philippines, 271 McLaren, G. H. A., Mp, Australia, 305
Mascardo, Mrs. G., Mn, Philippines, 297 McMillan, J. A., Pe, England, 309
Maschmeyer, J. E., Mp, Et, CME, 244 McNeal, Cecil, E, Cedar Lake, 242
Masih, Obal, Et, Pakistan, 285 McWilliams, Genevieve E., Mp, Loma
Masih, Inayat, Et, Pakistan, 285 Linda, 296
Mason, C. A., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Meade, D. K., Mp, Washington, 305
Masters, G. M., Et, Australia, 235 Meekling, F. E., Et, WWC, 283
Masters, Mrs. M. E., Et, Los Angeles, 261 Mehling, J. G., Jr., Et, WWC, 283
Mehling, Robert, Et, Oshawa, 269
Maswimba, George, Et, Africa, 276 Meier, F. A., Et, WMC, 255, 284
Masczak, A., Et, Poland, 272 Meier, W. H., Et, PUC, 270
Matahari, E. B., Eb, Celebes, 242 Meiklejohn, Mrs. Beryl,'M, Porter, 299
Matheson, E. B., Et, Glendale, 253 Meisler, Mrs. Ann, Et, Philadelphia, 271
Mathey, Odette, E, France, 251 Meister, Rose, Et, India, 279
Mathiesen, M. E., Et, PUC, 270 Mejia, Mrs. Graciela, Et, Mexico, 263
Meldrum, G. W., Et, PUC, 270 Mondesir, Ruby, Mn, Trinidad. 300
Meleen, E. M., Pe, India, 314 Monks, C. M., Et, Plainview, 272
Mello, M., Et, Brazil, 267 Monteiro, E., Et, Brazil, 267 '
Mendes, A. P., P, Brazil, 309 Monteith, A. R., Eb, Mb, Mexico, 263,297
Mendez, H. S., Et, Puerto Rico, 273 Monteith, Oshawa, 269
Mendoza, Delia, Et, Mexico, 263 Montgomery, C. F., E, WMC, 284
Menkel, H. C., Pe, India, 314 Monzon, Carmen, Et, Cuba, 235
Merchant, Marion, Et, Indiana, 256 Moon, A. L., Mp, Porter, 299
Merchant, R. W., Et, Ozark, 269 Moon, A. L., Mn, Boulder, 290
Merickel, C. R., Et, Laurelwood, 260 Moor, F. B., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Merkel, E. E., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Moore, Elmer, Et, Cedar Lake, 242
Meyer, Dora, M, Switzerland, 296 Moore, Miriam, Mn, St. Helena, 301
Meyer, H. F., Et, Cuba, 235 Moore, R. S., Et, PUC. 270
Meyer, Mrs. H. F., Et, Cuba, 235 Moore, Shirley, M, New England, 298
Michalenko, J. C., Eb, San Diego, 274 Moran, F. A., Et, CME, 246, 296
Michiles, Erison, Et, Brazil, 275 Moran, J. L., Et, Northeastern, 267
Michiles, Rute, Eb, Brazil, 275 Morel, E. L., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Middleton, Jeanne, Mn, Et, CME, 247 Morel, Elton, Mp, Glendale, 293
Miettinen, Y., Pb, Finland, 311 Morel, Grace, Et, Lodi, 261
Mihordea, I., Et, Rumania, 274 Moretti, E., Mn, Switzerland, 296
Milam, Mrs. Anita, Et, WMC, 284 Morford, M., Et, Plainview, 272
Miles, Marian, Mn, Florida, 292 Morgan, C. D., Et, Australia, 237
Milford, J. L., P, So. Africa, 318 Morgan, Violet, Et, EMC, 250
Milholt, A., Mp, Denmark, 303 Mori, M., Et, Japan, 258
Millard, A. W., Et, Monterey Bay, 264 Morita, Matsumi, Mn, Japan, 304
Miller, B. W., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Morley, A. R., Et, Columbia, 248
Miller, D. H., Et, Mount Vernon, 264 Morrill, Mrs. M. H., Pe, Pac. Press, 315
Miller, H. A., Et, SMC, 277 Morrison, H. A., Pb, R & H, 317
Miller, Esther, E, Laurelwood, 260 Morrison, C. C., Et, WMC, 284
Miller, Janet, Et, WWC, 284 Morrison, R. T., Et, Sunnydale, 280
Miller, F. M., Et, SMC, 278 Morrison, Leslie, E, Jamaica, 285
Miller, Mrs. H. W., Et, Cuba, 235 Mortensen, R. A., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Miller, lois, M, Portland, 299 Mosby, Ruth E., E, Oakwood, 268
Miller, Mrs. Lulu H., Et, WWC, 283 Moscatilla, M., E, Philippines, 263
Miller, Mrs. Lyman, Et, WWC, 283 Moseley, C. E., Et, Oakwood, 268
Miller, Martha, M, Brazil, 300 Moseley, Mrs. Harriet, Et, Oakwood, 268
Miller, Opal, Et, UC, 281 Mosely, Elma, Mn, Trinidad, 300
Miller, P. G., Et, CUC, 241 Moses, M., Et, Nigeria, 266
Miller, V. J., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Mozar, H. N., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Miller, Zelpha, Mn, Pakistan, 295 Mounce, C. A., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Millner, M. M., Et, Glendale, 253 Mountain, Arthur, Mb, Malaya, 299
Milliard, Mrs. F. R., Pe, Japan, 313 Mountain, Mrs. Arthur, Mn, Malaya, 299
Millist, H., Et, Australia, 237 Mote, Hazel 0., Mn, Singapore, 306
Mills, Anabelle, Mn, Et, CME, 246 Mote, R. G., Mb, Paradise Valley, 299
Mills, Herman, Et, Jamaica, 258 Mote, R. M., Eb, Platte Valley, 272
Minchin, Dorothy, Et, CUC, 241 Moyer, A. M., Et, West Africa, 238
Minchin, G. H., Et, AUC, 236 Mayer, Ruth, Mn, Azusa, 288
Minear, J., E, Platte Valley, 272 Msuseni, E., Et, South Africa, 238
Minesinger, Georgine, Et. Shenan., 276 Muchmore, Madge, Et, Columbia, 248
Minesinger, J. E., Et, Forest Lk., 251 Muench, Mrs. Gertrude, M, Florida, 292
Minisee, Wilma. Et, Oakwood, 268 Mulatta, Negarie, Et, Ethiopia, 251
Minium, Irma V., Et, UC, 281 Mulinari, Mrs. H., Et, Argentina, 240
Minium, L. L., E, UC, 281 Muller, Ernst, Mb, Germany, 295
Miracle, F. A., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Muller, H., Mp, Switzerland, 296
Miraflores, S., Et, Philippines, 235 Mullings, Jean, Et, Jamaica, 258
Miramontes, P. R., P, Pacific Press, 315 Munroe, Ruth M., Mn, Thailand, 289,
Miranda, Antonio, Mp, Brazil, 301,310 Munson, A. G., Eb, CME, 243
Miranda, G. L., Et, Philippines, 271 Munson, H. A., Mb, Philippines, 297
Miranda, Mrs. L. H., Et, Philippines, 271 Murdoch, W. G., Et, Australia, 237
Mirzayian, Stella, Mn, Iraq, 291 Murdoch, T. C., Eb, CUC, 241
Mizelle, R. C., E, SMC, 277 Murphy, C. E., E, WMC, 284
Mitchell, Andrew, Et, Los Angeles; 261 Murphy, L. L., Et, Indiana, 256
Mitchell, K. L., E, Korea, 259 Murray, Janobi, Mn, India, 293
Mitchell, Nelda, M, Fountain Head, 292 Murray, Milton, Et, CME, 246
Mobley, L. E., Et, Adelphian, 234 Murrill, W. L., Mb, Burma, 300
Modglin, F. R., Mp, Et, CME, 244 Musgrave, Mrs. M. B.. Mn, Africa, 308
Modovan, I., Mp, Rumania, 304 Muthia, V. P., Et, India, 259
Moffat, William, Et, Monterey Bay, 264 Myat Pe, Robert, Et, Burma, 265
Mohr, E. I., Et, SMC, 277 Myat Pe, Mrs. Et, Burma, 265
Mole, R. L., Eb, Lebanon, 263 Myers, Elaine, Et, WWC, 284
Moline, 0. T., M, Hinsdale, 294 Myers, Kenneth, E, San Diego, 274
Moller, W. A., E, Denmark, 249 Myers, Richard, Et, Battle Creek, 238

N Ngo, B. L., Et, Singapore, 262

Nhlapo, R. E., Et; South Africa, 238
Nachreiner, Edward, Et, La Sierra, 260 Nichol, F. D., Pe, R & H, 317
Nagabhushanam, R., M, India, 293 Nickel, Vernon, Mp, Et, CME, 247
Nagel, S. A., Jr., Mp, W. Africa, 294 Nicols, E. E., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Nagel, Mrs. S. A. ,Jr., Mn, W.Africa,295 Nielsen, Alice A., Et, PUC, 270
Nahorney, Lila, E; Lynwood, 262 Nielsen, H. L., M, Washington, 305
Nahm Pyinn, Et, Korea, 259 Nielsen, Karen, Mn, East Africa, 295
Nahm Young Cha, Mn, Korea, 302 Nielson, E. L., Et, CUC, 241 .
Nalkranian, Shake, Mn, Ethiopia, 294 Niemann, H., Fb, Germany, 286
Nan Shein, Et, Burma, 265 Nilsson, V. N.; F, Australia, 287
Nant U, M, Burma, 300 Ninaj, Bess, M, Washington, 305
Napier, W. J., Et, La Sierra, 260 Nitaya, Mn, Thailand, 289
Nara, Mn, Thailand, 289 Niwa, Ai, Et, Japan, 267
Nash, Mrs. A., Mn, Paradise Valley, 299 Nix, Mrs. C., Mn, Eire, 307
Nash, M. F., Et, Australia, 281 Nix, H. E., Mp, Eire, 307
Nash, N. C., E, Campion, 240 Nixon, Zella, Et, CME, 246
Nashid, Yacoub, Et, Egypt, 235 Noble, Mary C., Mn, Jamaica, 288
Nast, Doris, Et, Plainview, 272 Noblitt, Clarence, Et, EMC, 250
Nation, Earlene, Mn, Jamaica, 288 Nobrega, J., Et, Brazil, 267.
Naude, Phyllis, Et, Philippines, 271, 297 Nobrega, Ralph, Eb, Brookside, 240
Naude, Mrs. J. B., Et, So. Africa, 255 Nordrum, William, Et, Sheyenne R., 276
Ndhlovu, Enoch, E, Africa, 276 Norheim, Elise, Mn, Denmark, 303
Ndhlovu, Mrs. Enoch, E, Africa, 276 Norman, Mrs. Phyllis, Mn, Et, CME, 246
Neal, Pauline, Mn, Et, Cme, 246 Norris, G. E., F, England, 286
Nebres, P., Et, Philippines, 272 Norwood, G. E., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Neff, Merlin L., Pe, Pacific Press, 315 Norwood, W. F., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Nehls, W., Pe, Germany, 312 Nouan, M. P., Pb, Society. Islands, 319
Neill, N. K. Fb, Australia, 287 Nugent, M. W., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Neilsen, Elbert, E, CUC, 241 Nutter, R. L., Et, PUC, 270
Neilsen, I. R., Et, PUC, 270 Nylander, J. H., Et, Greater N.Y., 253
Nelsen, N. C., P, Southern Pub., 319 Nyland, Mrs. J. H., Et, Gr. N.Y.,253
Nelson, A. N., Et, Philippines, 271
Nelson, C. E., Et, AUC, 236 0
Nelson, C. E., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Nelson, Claire, Mn, Et, CME, 246 Oberg, 0., Et, Brazil, 239 . '
Nelson, E. A., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Oblander, Mrs. E., Et, La Sierra, 260
Nelson, Elizabeth, Mn, Glendale, 293 O'Brien, G. G., Et, WMC, 284
Nelson, Erma, Et, Sheyenne River, 276 Ochoa, Eusebio de, E, Mexico, 263
Nelson, G. A., Mp, Pakistan, 295 Ochs, Mrs. D. A., Et, Home Study, 255.
Nelson, G. B., Mb, Glendale, 293 Ochs, Harold, Et, Upper Columbia, 282
Nelson, G. J., Et, SMC, 277 Odom, R. L., Pe, Philippines, 316
Nelson, Gayle, Et, WMC, 284 Ogden, E. B., Et, UC, 281, 255 '
Nelson, Georgia, Et, Monterey Bay, 264 Ogden, Merlene, Et, UC, 281 ,
Nelson, Mrs. Grace M, Et, AUC, 236 Oh Sung Ryan; Pe; Korea,'318
Nelson, H. S., Mp, Et, CME, 244, 296 Ohn Myint, Et, Burma, 265,
Nelson, J. H., Mp, New England, 298 Ohol, Mrs. D. N., Et, India, 259
Nelson, Mrs. K. J., Mn, Et, CME, 246 Ohol, Vasant, Et, India, 259
Nelson, Mrs. M. E., Mn, New Eng., 298 Ohta, Miriam, Et, Hawaii, 254
Nelson, N. R., Et, CME, 246 Oickle, Sadie, Mn, Portland, 300
Nelson, Ruth, Et, AUC, 236 Olderbak, D, A., .E, Plainview, 272
Nelson, R. W., Mb, Portland, 299 Oliva, R. F., E, Philippines, 267
Nelson, W. E., Et, Brazil, 239 Oliva, U. M.; Eb, Philippines, 267'
Nelson, Mrs. W. E., Et, Brazil, 239 Oliveiro, J. A., Et, Brail; 239
Nelson, W. W., Et, EMC, 250 Oliver, J. B., Mp, India, 292, 314
Nembhard, Myrtle, Et, JamaiCa, 285 Olmstead, Ray, E, SMC, 278
Nemoto, N., E, Japan, 258 Oliver, Mary, Et, PUC, 270,
Neo, Olive, Mn, Singapore, 306 Olsen, C. W., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Nerness, Mrs. J. M., Et, Singapore, 262 Olsen, Mrs. Ruth E., Et, Ozark, 269
Nestares, Daniel, Eb, Argentina, 273 Olsen, Ed, E, Forest.Lake, 251
Nethercott, Mrs. y., Et, Golden Gate, 253 Olson, Carentie, Mn, East Africa', 295
Netnarintara, Sanit, M, Thailand, 289 Olson, H. 0., Et, EMC, 250
Neufeld, A. J., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Olson, Mrs. V. S., Et, Broadview, 240.
Neufeld, D. F., Et, CUC, 241 Olson, R. W., Et, CME,,244
Neufeld, 0. J., Mp, Et, CME, 245, 293 Omoleya, D. K., M, West. Africa, 294
Newkirk, Laura, E, Campion, 240 O'Neil, Maude E., Mp, Et, CME, 245
New Young Soon, Pe, Korea, 318 O'Neill, Belle, Mn, Portland, 300
Newberg, R. C., Mn, Ethiopia, 306 Ong, Hyacinth, Mn, Singapore, 306
Newbold, D. C., Et, CME, 246, 306 Opsahl, Trygve, Pb, Norway, 314
Newman, Mrs. B., Et, Pine Forge, 272 Orapin, Mn, Thailand: 289 -
Newman, J., Mn, Australia, 304 Ordanez, Mrs. G., E; Philippines, 271
Ney, Edward, Et, AUC, 236 Ortner, Irene, Et, La Sierra, 260
Ng Yiang Slab, Mn, Thailand, 294 Osborne, Orpha, E, WWC, 283

Osborne, R. H., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Patzel, Jean, Et, La Sierra, 260
Osborne, W: A., Et, Jamaica, 285 Patzer, Ida, Mn, Hinsdale,294
Oshita, Hideo, Et, Hawaii, 254 Paul, Mrs. Frieda, Mn, Glendale, 293
Osola, K. V., Pe, Finland, 311 Paul, M., Et, India. 257
Ossorio, Flora, Et, Puerto Rico, 273 Paul, T., Et, India, 265
Ostendorph, J. E., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Paxton, Mrs. J. J., Et, Laurelwood, 260
Oster, Mrs. K. S., Et, Iran, 257 Payne, Alice, Mn, Azusa, 288 .
Otoni, D. S., Mn, Brazil, 302 Payne, Doris, Mn, Walker, 305
Otterstraum, Rollin, E, WWC, 284 Pearce, H. S., Pb, West Africa, 309
Ozounion, Shahine, Et, Lebanon, 263 Pearman, George, E, SMC, 278
Owen, Mrs. Maryls P., Et, EMC, 250 Pearson, R. W., Mp, Korea, 302
Owen, W. P., Mp, Africa, 296 Pease, N. F., Et, CME, 244
Owens, Mrs. Marie, Et, Africa, 276 Pechtol, J., Pe, Hungary, 312
Peck, Bessie, Mn, New England, 298
P Peckham, H. A., Et, Laurelwood, 260
Paddock, C. L., Pb, Pacific Press, 315 Peckham, Mrs. I. R., Mn, Africa, 307
Paddock, C. L., Jr., Pb, Pac. Press, 315 Peeke, Jewell, E, WMC, 284
Padilla, Termutis, E, Spanish-Am., 278 Pein Yee, Et, Burma, 265
Pagaduan, B., Et, Philippines, 267 Pelser, Mrs. F. C., E, So. Africa, 255
Page, Donald, Mp, Boulder, 290 Pender, E. A., E, SMC, 278
Page, Mabel, Mp, Boulder, 290 Peni Tavodi, Pe, Fiji, 311
Page, Walter, Et, UC, 281 Pengilley, E., Et, Australia, 257
Painson, Albert, Et, Haiti, 254 Pengilley, R. E., P, Australia, 318
Painson, Mrs. Albert, Et, Haiti, 254 Penner, J. B., Pe, Pacific Press, 316
Pak Chang Uk, Mb, Korea, 302 Pham-Thien, Pb, Indo-China, 312
Palm, W., Mn, Africa, 307 Phang, S. H., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Palmer, Mrs. B., Et, Modesto, 264 Phang, Mrs. Wendy, Mn, Singapore, 306
Palmer, C. E,, Pb, R & H, 317 Philip, K. P., Et, India, 259
Palmer, C. H., Mp, Solomon Is., 288 Phillips, E. B., Et, England, 265
Palmer, D. W., Et, WWC, 284 Phillips, Nellie, Et, La Sierra, 260
Palmer, L. C., Et, La Sierra, 260 Phillips, R. J., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Palmer, Mrs. M. L., Et, WWC, 283 Phipps. B. H., Et, EMC, 250
Palvie, Mrs. S. T., Mn, Africa, 307 Phipps, Barbara, Et, EMC, 250
Pan, Mrs. Stephen, Et, Malaya, 280 Phipps, Malita, Et, Los Angeles, 261
Pandit, S. S., Jr., Et, India, 254 Phipps, N. 0., Et, Northeastern, 267
Pandit, Mrs. S. S., Jr., Et, India, 254 Pidoux, E. E., Eb, Uruguay, 282
Pangburg, Eileen, Et, CME, 246 Pierce, Mrs. C., Et, San Pasqual, 275
Parago, J. M., E, Philippines, 271 Pierce, Charles, Et, SMC, 277 '
Parchment, Edna C., Mn, Jamaica, 288 Pierce, Charles, Et, San Pasqual, 275
Paredes, R., Et, Peru, 259 Pierce, Esther L., M, Washington, 305
Parfitt, A. G., Et, Wisconsin, 286 Pierce, Ralph, Et, La Sierra, 260
Parfitt, Mrs. A. G., Et, Wisconsin, 286 Pieringer, F., Et, Austria, 237, 309
Parfitt, Eliza, Et, Indiana, 256 Pierre-Louis, Sem, Et, Haiti, 254
Parish, Alberta, Mn, Portland, 300 Pierson, J. B., E, SMC, 278
Parker, A. H., Et, La Sierra, 260 Pieters, J.'H., M, Indonesia, 283
Parker, Bertha, Mn; Florida, 292 Pike, Mrs. W. R., Et, Indiana, 256
Parkar, Ena, Et, Jamaica, 258 Filar, T. A., Et, Philippines, 271
Parker, Leland, E, WWC, 284 Pines, J. A., Mp, Florida, 292
Parker, Mrs. Lyda, Mn, Glendale, 293 Pinho, Esther, Et, Brazil, 275
Parker, 'N. L., Eb, Glendale, 252 Pinho, Joao de Deus, Et, Brazil, 280
Parker, P. A., Et, Burma, 265, Percy, V. H., Et, Jamaica, 258
Parker, Mrs. P. A., Et, Burma, 265 Pereira, W. D., Et, Brazil, 239
Parker, Wesley, Et, Mount Ellis, 264 Pereyra, Hector, Et, Chile, 243
Parker, Mrs. W., Et, Mount Ellis, 264 Pereyra, Mrs. Hector, Et, Chile, 243
Parkins, Del, Et, Mn, UC, 281, 299 Perez, C. S. de, E, Puerto Rico, 273
Pairett, V. 0., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Perez, Mrs. Orfelina, Et, Cuba, 235
Parsons, R. B., Mp; Africa, 290 Perinbam, A., Mn, India, 293
Parsons, Mrs. R. B., Mn, Africa, 290 Perpignan, Marcel, Et, Haiti, 254
Partain, Sibyl, Et, Wisconsin, 286 Perrine, G. A., P, Pacific'Press, 315
Partridge, G. R., Et, Oakwood, 268 Peter, N., Mn, India, 293
Parvan, M.,Et, Rumania, 274 Peters, J. V., Et, SWJC, 278
Pascariu, ., Et, Rumania, 274 Petersen, A. L., Mp, Et, CME, 245,
Paschkulew, B., Et, France, 251 Peterson, Eric, Et, Broadview, 240
Pascual, Mrs. J. C., Et, Philippines, 271 Peterson, F. L., Et, Oakwood, 268
Passion, Mrs. H. V., Mn, Philippines, 297 Peterson, G. C., Et, Auburn, 237.
Patchen, G. 0., Et, WWC, 283 Peterson, Mrs. G. C., Et, Auburn, 237
Pathak, P., Et, India, 279 Peterson, J. E., Mp, Et, CME, 244, 296
Pativesvisit, Chaliau, Mn, Thailand, 289 Peterson, L. E., M, Hinsdale, 294
Patt, A. J., Mp, Et, GME, 245, 293 Peterson, S. R., Et, WWC, 283
Patterson, Mrs. D., Mn, Porter, 299, 290 Peterson, Stella C., M, Hinsdale, 294
Patterson, Edna F., Mp, St. Helena, 301 Pettey, M. T., E, Ozark, 269
Patto, E., Et, Brazil, 249 Pettis, J. L., M, Et, CME, 244

Pettis, Louis, Et, Forest Lake, 251 Quarles, Frances, Mn, Florida, 292
Peugh, Marguerite, Mn, Mexico, 297 Quimby, P. E., Et, PUC, 270
Piper, L. A., Fb, New Zealand, 287 Quispe, Pedro, E, Peru, 259
Pires, Mrs. A., Et, Angola, 239 Quittmeyer, Mrs. Gladys, E, AUC, 237
Pathan, Olive, Et, Mount Vernon, 265 Quittmeyer, Wilbur, Et, Africa, 276
Pitman, Naomi K., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Pittman, Bernice, Et, SMC, 277 11
Pitt, A. A., Mb, Africa, 298 Rabello, Waldemar, Et, Brazil, 280
Place, E. L., Mb, St. Helena, 301 Rabuka, M. M., Et, Haiti, 254
Placial, Virginia, Et, Newbury Pk., 266 Radcliffe, R. J., Et, Oshawa, 269
Plamann, I., Et, Germany, 263 Rader, Audrey, Et, Gem State, 252
Plue, 0. S., Et, SMC, 277 Radoi, G., Pb, Rumania, 317
Plumb, M. D., Et, Glendale, 253 Ragon, Fedelma, Et, La Sierra, 260
Plymire, Mrs. Margaret, Et, WMC, 285 Rahn, Alpha, Et, Nigeria, 266
Poblete, A. A., Et, Philippines, 263, 271 Rai, Daniel, Et, India, 274
Poblete, Mrs. A. A., Et, Philippines, 263 Rai, Mrs. Daniel, Et, India, 274
Poblete, Mrs. P., Et, Philippines, 271 Raitt, A. J., Et, South Africa, 254
Poblete, P. G., Pe, Philippines, 316 Raja Rao, Mrs. P., Mn, India, 293
Podmore, Norma, Et, New Zealand, 266 Rajoelison, J., Et, Madagascar, 256
Pogue, J. L., Et, Singapore, 262 Rakotaorisoa, B., Et, Madagascar, 256
Pogue, Mrs. J. L., Et, Singapore, 262 Rails, Walter, Et, WMC, 284
Polk, Herbert, Et, Wisconsin, 286 Ramamonjisoa, J., Et, Madagascar, 256
Ponce, F. D., Mp, Philippines, 296 Ramey, Dell, E, SWJC, 278
Ponce, T. R., Mn, Philippines, 296 Ramos, Encarnacion, Et, Argentina, 273
Ponce, V. D., M, Philippines, 296 Ramos, Isaias, Et, Peru, 256
Ponniah, Y., Et, India, 257 Ramos, Mrs. Isaias, Et, Peru, 256
Poole, F. E., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Ramos, Josefa, M., Argentina, 301
Poole, Mina, Et, India, 236 Ramos, P. P., Et, Philippines, 249
Porter, L'Marie, Et, AUC, 236 Ramos, R., Et, Bolivia, 239
Posse, R. L., Et, Argentina, 240 Ramos, Mrs. It., Et, Bolivia, 239
Podselt, Mrs. M., E, Australia, 281 Rampson, Alice, Mn, Et, CME, 246
Potter, Fern, Mn, Glendale, 293 Ramsey, LeRoy, E, Wisconsin, 286
Potts, C. R., Mp, Peru, 293 Randall, Harriett B., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Potts, J. E., E, Mp, WWC, 283 Randolph, C. E., Mp, Paradise Val., 299
Pourhadi, I., Et, Iran, 257 Rankin, W. I., Et, Maplewood, 262
Powell, Harold, E, Campion, 240 Rao, J. P., M, Singapore, 306
Powell, J. T., Et, Pine Forge, 272 Rao, U. Anando, Et, India, 259
Powers, C. L., Eb, Sunnydale, 279 Raoseta, J., Et, Madagascar, 256
Powers, Mrs. C. L., Et, Sunnydale, 280 Rapee, Mn, Thailand, 289,
Prakasam, James, Et, Ceylon, 259 Raposo, A. F., Eb, Portugal, 273
Prall, Caleb, Et, WWC, 284 Rasmussen, H. L., Et, EMC, 250
Prapit, Mn, Thailand, 304 Rasmussen, S., E, Denmark, 249
Prasada Rao, Mrs. D., Mn, India, 300 Ray, W. F., Et, Highland, 255
Prasada Rao, Mrs. V., Mn, India, 293 Razafimahafaly, Et, Madagascar, 256
Prastin, Ella, Mn, Denmark, 303 Razafindrasoa, C., Et, Madagascar, 256
Pratt, 0. B.. Mp, Et, CME, 244 Read, Charles, Et, UC, 281
Pratt, R. W., Et, Adelphian, 234 ReBell, F. G., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Pravet, Nai, M, Thailand, 289 Rebok, D. E., Et, Theo. Seminary, 275
Preciado, Hipolito, Et, Mexico, 263 Rebok, Jean, Mn, Et, CME, 246
Prentice, Grace, E, WWC, 283 Reed, Thelma, Et, Hawaii, 254
Preuss, Ilse, Mn, Brazil, 302 Reedy, Mrs. V., Et, Broadview, 240
Price, It. N., M, Australia, 304 Rees, C. N., Et, WMC, 284
Pride, Frances, Mn, Boulder, 290 Regan, L. J., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Prieringer, Mrs. F., Et, Austria, 237 Regester, Althea, Mn, Et, CME, 247
Prisecaru, Mrs. E. I., Mn, Rumania, 304 Reiber, Mrs. Annetta S., Et, EMC, 250
Proksch, G., Et. Rumania, 274 Reich, Mrs. E., 114, Fountain Head. 292
Prout, H. C., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Ptackova, Miss, Et, Czechoslovakia, 248 Reichelt, J., Et, Denmark, 249
Puen, Mrs. J. L., E, Philippines, 267 Reid, Mrs. F. G., Mn, Africa, 308
Pulver, C. C., E, WMC, 284 Reider, R., Et, Germany, 265
Punnabayaka, Arb, M, Thailand, 289 Reinmuth, H. G., Et, UC, 281
Purba, L., Et, Sumatra, 279 Reis, Mrs. George, Et, Columbia, 248
Purdon, Rowena E.. Et, AUC, 236 Reis, It. R., Et, Brazil, 270
Pursley, G. L., E, PUC, 270 Reiswig, Richard, E, Mp, PUC, 270
Putnam, Ben, E, SWJC, 278 Reiswig, R. V., Mp, St. Helena, 301
Putnam, Mary, Et, PUC, 270 Remley, Hilda F., Et, Sunnydale, 279
Pyo Sein, Et, Burma, 265 Ren Sow Ching, Mn, China, 298
Rennie, Mrs. J., E, Maplewood, 262
Q Renteria, Alicia, M, Peru, 293
Rentfro, Joelle E., Mp, India, 292
Quade, Elna, Et, WMC, 284 Renzi, Mrs. Ada, Et, Brookside, 240
Quade, Robert, Et, WMC, 284 Renzi, Settimio, Et, Brookside, 240
Quah, Mrs., M, Thailand, 289 Retif, Ana, Et, Dominican, Rep., 249

Revert, J., Pe, Canada, 310 Robson, Irene, Mn, Korea, 302
Reye, R., Eb, Australia, 280 Robson, P., Et, Canada, 268
Reyes, Legaya, Mn. Philippines, 297 Rocero, Pelagio, Et, Philippines, 263, 271
Reyes, N. Y., Et, Philippines, 267 Rods, A. P., Et, Philippines, 271
Reyes, P. de los, Et, Philippines, 286 Rode, Alvaro, Pe, Philippines, 316
Reyes, R. Y., Et, Philippines, 249 Rodgers, Mrs. M. A., E, India, 283
Reyes, Tiburcio, Et, Mexico, 269 Rodrigues, E. B., Et, Brazil, 239
Reyes, Mrs. Tiburcio, Et, Mexico, 269 Rodrigues, Maria, Et, Brazil, 239
Reynolds, B. H., Mp, Australia, 304 Rodriguez, Mrs. Carmen, Et, Mexico, 263
Reynolds, L. B., Pe, Southern Pub., 319 Roe, Coleen, Et, South India, 238
Reynolds, R. L., Et, PUC, 270 Roehl, Pete, Et, Enterprise, 251
Reynolds, R. L., Eb, Pine Forge, 271 Roehl, Mrs. Pete, Et, Enterprise, 251
Reynolds, Robert, Et, WWC, 283 Roehle, Hulda, Mn, Boulder, 281, 290
Reynolds, T. G., Mp, Et, CME, 244 Roelke, Margaret, Mn, Burma, 300
Rhodes, J. W., Et, PUC, 270 Rogers, E. L., Mp, Et, CME, 244, 296
Rhymes, Kathryn, Et, Platte Valley. 272 Rogers, E. W., Et, Portland, 273
Rhys, Adele Chaij, Et, Argentina, 274 Rogers, Eloise, Et, Forest Lake, 251
Rhys, D. H., Et, Argentina, 273 Rogers, Ernest, Et, Oakwood, 268
Ribeiro, P., Pb, Portugal, 316 Rogers, J. D., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Rice, Albert, Et, India, 261 Rogers, Mary Jane, E, Los Angeles, 261
Rice, Evelyn, Et, Newbury Park, 266 Roehleder, Carl, Mn, Germany, 295
Rice, F. E., Eb, Newbury Park, 266 Rojo, Geminiano, Mn, Philippines, 297
Rice, H. D., Mb, Boulder, 290, 299 Rolfe, Glenda, Mn, England, 298
Rice, Lewis, M, Iraq, 291 Roller, M. M., E, SWJC, 278,
Rice, R. R., Et, SWJC, 278 Romant, F. E., E, La Sierra, 260
Richards, B. L., Et, Trinidad, 241, 300 Romant, Mrs. M. C., Et, La Sierra, 260
Richards, C. T., Et, Oakwood, 268 Romero, Elina N., Et, Argentina, 240
Richards, L. J., Mp, Et, CME, 244 Romulo, Mrs. P. H., Et, Philippines, 271
Richardson, G. W., Et, Australia, 237 Roos, A. R., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Richardsbn, Ruth, E, England, 265 Roos, J. C., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Richli, W. C., Mp, Philippines, 297 Roque, Mario, Et, Brazil, 239
Richter, C., Pb, England, 309 Rose, Esther, Mn, West Africa, 295
Richter, Enid, Et, Australia, 237 Rosenhain, G., Et, Australia, 237
Richter, R. W., Et, Solomon Islands, 238 Rosenvold, L. K., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Riechel, Leslie, Mp, Et, CME, 245 Rosetta, Et, Burma, 265
Riffel, J. E., E, EMC, 250 Rosiecki, Joseph, Pb, Poland, 316
Rigby, J., Fb, Australia, 287 Ross, Betsy, Et, La Sierra, 260
Riggs, James, Et, La Sierra, 260 Ross, Mrs. C. K., Mn, Paradise, 299
Rihs, Ch., Et, France, 251 Rossi, G. F., Eb, Italy, 257
Riise, Mrs. Orpha G., Mn, Et, CME, 247 Roth, A. A., Et, PUC, 270
Rine, Zella, Et, Mountain View, 265 Roth, A. G., Et, Haiti, 253
Ripoll, M., Et, Spain, 279 Roth, L. W., Et, Lodi, 261
Riter, Alma, Et, Arizona, 236 Roth, Mrs. L. W., Et, Lodi, 261
Ritland, Richard, Et, AUC, 236 Rothe, R. E., Mp, Pakistan, 295
Rittenhouse, Evelyn, Et, PUC, 270 Rouhe, 0., Mp, Africa, 303
Rittenhouse, F. 0., Et, SMC, 277 Rouse, Betty, Et, Newbury Park, 266
Rittenhouse, H., Mp, New England, 298 Rouse, Wayne, Et, Newbury Park, 266
Rittenhouse, L. K., Mp, Africa, 298 Rowe, A. W., Et, Lynwood, 262
Rittenhouse, S., Et, Greater N.Y., 253 Rowe, R. L., Et, India, 261
Rittenhouse, Mrs. V. S., Et, AUC, 236 Rowe, R. P., Pb, Pacific Press, 315
Ritter, Mario, M, Brazil, 302 Rowland, J. W., Et, Philippines, 271
Ritter, 0., Et, Brazil, 239 Rowland, Mrs. J. W., Et, Philippines, 271
Ritz, A. P., M, Thailand, 289 Rowse, J. M., Pb, Pacific Press, 315
Ritz, Mrs. A. P., Mn, Thailand, 289 Rowse, Mrs. M., Et, Gem State, 252
Ritz, B. R., Et, Portland, 273 Roxas, B., Et, Philippines, 267
Robbins, Carrie A., Mp, Boulder, 290 Roy, N. J., Et, Sheyenne River, 276
Roberson, Dorothy, Et, PUC, 270 Roy, N. L., Et, East Pakistan, 258
Roberts, J. A., E, AUC, 237 Rozema, Eunice J., E, WMC, 284
Roberts, Mrs. Olive L., Et, AUC, 236 Ruby, Miss D., Et, India, 265
Roberts, W. H., Mp, Rest Haven, 300 Ruckle, L. D., E, Peru, 256
Robinson, A. W., Eb, Ceylon, 259 Ruckle, Mrs. L. D., E, Peru, 256
Robinson, Mrs. Alta, Et, Rogue R., 274 Rudge, Valerie, M, England, 303
Robinson, D. E., Et, Home Study, 255 Rue, G. H., Mp, Korea, 302
Robinson, Grace, Et, Africa, 276 Rue, Mrs. G. H., Mn, Korea, 302
Robinson, Jonnie Mae, Et, Oakwood, 268 Ruggles, 0. W., E, Jamaica, 285
Robinson, Mario, Et, Colombia, 248 Ruiz, Ruben, Et, Costa Rica, 242
Robinson, R. R., Et, Los Angeles, 261 Rulkoetter, A. H., Et, EMC, 250
Robinson, V. E., Et, East Africa, 258 Runyan, Warren, E, WWC, 284
Robinson, Mrs. V. E., Et, E. Africa, 258 Rusch, C. M., Et, Up. Columbia, 282
Robinson, W. M., Eb, Auburn, 237 Russell, Evelyn, Et, Greater N.Y., 253
Robinson, Mrs. W. M., Et, Auburn, 237 Russell, J. S., Et, Lebanon, 263
Robson, Mrs. H., Mn, Africa, 306 Russell, L. E., Eb, Ozark, 269

Russell, Mrs. L. E., Et, Ozark, 269 Schnepper, Mrs. 0. E., Et, Rogue R., 274
Ruth, J., Mn, India, 293 Schoeman, J. A., Et, East Africa, 258
Ruth, S., Mn, India, 293 Schoeman, Mrs. J. A., Et, E. Africa, 258
Rutter, T. W., Et, Australia, 281 Schoeplin, W. L., Eb, Up. Columbia, 282
Ruybalid, Mrs. M., Et, Spanish-Am., 278 Schoeplin, Mrs. W. L., E, Up. Col., 282
Ryberg, Edyth, M, White, 306 Scott, Mrs. D. D., Et, Cedar Lake, 242
Ryckman, Raymond, Mp, Et, CME, 246 Scott, Edwin, Et, Union Springs, 282
Ryder, Gladys, Mn, Et, CME, 247 Scott, F. L., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Scott, F. R., Et, Burma, 265
S Scott, J. V., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Scott, R. R., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Saaty, Joseph, Mp, Iraq, 291 Scott, Violet, Et, Monterey Bay, 264
Saaty, Mareen, Et, Iraq, 257 Schram, W. A., Et, AUC, 236
Saaty, Philip, Et, Iraq, 257 Schram, Mrs. W. A., Et, AUC, 236
Sabatino, F., Pe, Italy, 313 Schreyak, Emmy, Mn, Switzerland, 296
Sabeff, Vera L., Et, Brazil, 239 Schroeder, M. C., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Sabino, 0. A., Et, Argentina, 273 Schuberth, 0., Pe, France, 311
Sage, Beatrice, Et, Fresno, 252 Schuil, Catherine, J., Et, E. Africa, 258
Sahajamanob, Udom, M., Thailand, 289 Schuil, Ph., Eb, Netherlands, 265
Sakont, M, Thailand, 289 Schultz, Hazel, Mn, Et, CME, 247
Saladino, Miss I., Et, Philippines, 267 Schumann, Merritt, Et, SWJC, 278
Salagubang, Rosario, Et, Philipp., 235 Schunemann, B. E., Pb, Brazil, 309
Salik, J. M., Et, India, 274 Schutt, Mrs. M., Mn, Washington, 305
Salim, Abdulahad, M, Iraq, 291 Schwantes, Arno, E, Brazil, 239, 286
Salimu, Justin, Et, Africa, 256 Schwantes, C. F., Mp, Brazil, 301
Salinee, Mn, Thailand, 289 Schwantes, S. J., Et, Brazil, 239
Salisbury, G., E, Australia, 287 Schwarz, Richard, Et, Broadview, 240
Sample, Eugene, Pe, Pacific Press, 315 Schweder, Marjorie, Mn, Et, CME, 247
Sampson, Dorothy, Mn, Wash., 305, 255 Schwital, J., Et, Germany, 265
Samraj Robert, Et, India, 257 Searle, Bernice, Et, WWC, 283
Samraj, Mrs. Robert, Et, India, 257 See, K. S., Et, Malaya, 280
Samuel, K., Mn, India, 293 See, J. L., Et, Malaya, 280
Samuel, Mrs. J. N., Et; India, 279 Seino, S., Et, Japan, 258
Samuel, L. C., Et, India, 259 Seino, Y., Pe, Japan, 313
Samuel, Master, P, Africa, 313 Seitz, E. B., Et, Glendale, 253
Samuel, Olgera, Et, Ethiopia, 251 Sellona, Mrs. J., Mn, Philippines, 297
Samuel, Rebecca, Et, India, 257 Selso, A., Et, Sweden, 280
San Che, Et, Burma, 265 Semmens, Bruce, Et, CME, 246
Sandberg, R. W., Et, Portland, 273 Sen, Viola, Et, India, 254
Sandborn, Neva, Et, Chile, 242 Seniwongse, Vien, Mn, Thailand, 289
Sanders, E. R., Mb, Glendale, 293 Senseman, Ronald, Et, WMC, 284
Sanderson, B. A., Mp, Paradise, 299 Sepulveda, Joel, Et, Chile, 243
Sandness, J. E., Mp, Thailand, 304 Sequeira, Samuel, Et, Angola, 239
Santillana, Telma, Mn, Peru, 293 Sevrens, L. 'G., Et, PUC, 270
Santini, R. V., M, West Africa, 294 Sewake, Lloyd, Et, Hawaii, 254
Santini, Mrs. R. V., Mn, W. Africa, 295 Shafgat, Elizabeth, Mn, Ethiopia, 293
Santo, 0. E., Pe, Brazil, 309 Shan Ying Ming, Pe, China, 318
Santos, Mrs. Onelia, Et, Cuba, 235 Shaner, Ann, Mn, Boulder, 281, 290, 299
Santos, R. T., Mp, Philippines, 296 Shankel, C. W., Et, WWC, 283 -
Santos, Romeu X. dos, Et, Brazil, 280 Shankel, Delbert, Et, WWC, 284
Sargent, L. W., Et, PUC, 270 Shankel, G. E., Et, AUC, 236
Sarkar, S. K., M, Pakistan, 293 Shankel, Mrs. Win 0., Et, AUC, 236
Sarly, Mn, Thailand, 289 Shao, Mrs., Et, China, 286
Sasa, Rafaela, Mn, Philippines, 297 Shao Gung Shan, Et, China, 286
Sather, Myrtle, Mn, Africa, 295 Shao Hsing Woo, Miss, Mb; China, 297
Sathirapathya, B., Mp, Thailand, 289 Sharma, Miss, Et, India, 254
Says Saw U, Pe, India, 314 Sharman, Mrs. Nellie, E, WWC, 283
Schaeffer, Mrs. R. H., Et, Sheyenne, 276 Shaw, H. J., Et, EMC, 250
Schallig, Mrs. E. B., Mn, Java, 289 Shearer, R. V., Mp, India, 300
Sharffenberg, J. A., Mp, Et, CME, 244, Shearer, Mrs. R. V., Mn, India, 300
296 Shelburg, Edna, Mn, Hinsdale, 294
Schell, H. E. R., Pb, Java, 312 Shelden, H. R., Et, La Sierra, 260
Schillinger, R. J., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Sheldon, Dorothea, Et, CME, 246
Schimke, Albert, Et, India, 236 Sheldon, E. L., M, Azusa, 288
Schlehuber, F. E., Et, Africa, 256 Shelton, F. E., Et, Cedar Lake, 242
Schlotthauer, Mrs. L. G., Et, WWC, 283 Shelton, Noel, Et, Arizona, 236
Schluntz, Daisy, Et, WWC, 283 Shelton, Mrs. Vesta, E, Ozark, 269
Schmidt, 0. R., Et, Union Springs, 282 Shen, H. C., Et, China, 249
Schmidt, Reynold, Et, Uruguay, 282'
Schmutzler, A., Et, Netherlands, 265 Shepard, Florence, Mn, Et, CME, 247
Schneider, E, Pe, Germany, 312 Shepard; L. C., Pb, India, 314
Schneider, E. L. Mp, Et, CME, 245 Shephard, W. H., Et, WMC, 284
Schneider, Wilbert, Et, WWC, 283 Sherman, J. C., E, PUC, 270

Sherrard, Elwood, Et, WWC, 283 Smith, C. R., Et, BroadvieW, 240
Sherrard, Mrs. A. H., E, WWC, 283 Smith, Mrs. C. R., Et, Broadview, 240
Shibata, Fumiko, Et, Japan, 258 Smith, C. W., Eb, Columbia, 248
Shieh Che Shih, Et, China, 267 Smith, Carl, E, SMC, 278
Shigley, P. H., Mb, India, 292 Smith, E. H., Mb, Boulder, 290
Shigley, Mrs. P. H., Mn, India, 252 Smith, Ernest, Mp, Et, CME, 245
Shih, T. S., Mb, China, 291 Smith, Ethel, Et, Pine Forge, 272
Shih, W. Y., Mp, China, 302 Smith, Floda, E, UC, 281
Shinge, R. S., Et, India, 279 Smith, G. E., Eb, Arizona, 235
Shirley, J. C. H., Pb, Australia, 318 Smith, George, Et, EMC, 250
Shirvanian, Mrs., Et, Iran, 257 Smith, Gwendoline, Et, So. Africa, 254
Shollenburg, Bertha, M, Ethiopia, 306 Smith, H. M., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Shone, John, Mp, Jamaica, 288 Smith, Harriet, Mn, Et, CME, 246
Short, J. J., Mp, Et, CME, 244 Smith, J. G., E, Los Angeles, 261
Shrewsbury, 0. H., M, St. Helena, 301 Smith, John, E, Valley Grande, 282
Shrewsbury, R. M., Mp, Pakistan, 291 Smith, Mrs. John, E, Valley Grande, 282
Shryock, Harold, Mp, Et, CME, 243 Smith, Leslie, Et, EMC, 250
Shuler, J. L., Et, Theo. Seminary, 275 Smith, M. A., Et, San Pasqua], 275
Shull, H. L., Eb, PUC, 270 Smith, M. E., Et, Oak Park, 267
Shull, J. C., Eb, CME, 243, 296, 306 Smith, Mrs. M. E., Et, Oak Park, 268
Shull, J. R., Eb, Mount Vernon, 264 Smith, Muriel, Et, England, 279
Shull, Virginia, Et, UC, 281 Smith, Olga, Et, Jamaica, 258
Shull, W. G., E, Mp, SMC, 277 Smith, Mrs. Opal, E, PUC, 270
Shung Chin Sil, Mn, Korea 302 Smith, Rothacker, Et, Oakwood, 268
Siao Wen Djen, Mb, China, 290 Smith, R. T., E, Mp, UC, 281
Sibanda, Maggie, Et, Africa, 276 Smith, Vivian, Et, Lynwood, 262
Sicalo, J., E, Argentina, 266 Smith, W. I., Et, WWC, 283
Siebenlist, J. R., Eb, Africa, 276 Smuts, Mrs. C. H., Et, So. Africa, 254
Siegenthaler, W. G., Pb, Pac. Press, 315 Smuts, J. H., Et, South Africa, 254
Siepman, Mrs. J. G., Mn, Africa, 307 Snider, J. D., Pb, R & H, 317
Sihvola, Helmi, Et, Finland, 251 Socol, 0., M, Peru, 293
Silva, Hilda, Et, Brazil, 249 Soderberg, E., Pe, Sweden, 319
Simandjuntak, N., Mn, Java, 289 Sofsky, Mrs. C. A., Et, La Sierra, 260
Simkin, Irene, Et, Loma Linda, 261 Soh Sek Tang, M, Thailand, 289
Simmonds, W. H., Mn, Australia, 304 Solano, Andres, Et, Peru, 259
Simmons, B. H., E, WWC, 284 Solivio, A. C., Et, Philippines, 286
Simon, A., Et, Brazil, 239 Solivio, Mrs. 0. D., Et, Phillipines, 286
Simon, E. N., Et, India, 265 Solomon, B., M, India, 293
Simon, J., Et, Czechoslovakia, 248 Sommaddar, P. N., Et, E. Pakistan, 258
Simon, L., Et, Brazil, 239 Somoso, Mrs, R., E, Philippines, 263
Simon, Sylvia, E., Lynwood, 262 Sompit, Mn, Thailand, 294
Simons, Barbara, Et, Newbury Pk., 266 Song Nu Koo, Et, Korea, 259
Simpson, G. T., Et, La Sierra, 260 Sonnenberg, Esther, Et, WWC, 284
Simpson, Loleta, Mp, Et, CME, 244, 296 Sonnenberg, H. L., Et, WWC, 283
Simshauser, H. G., P, Pacific Press, 315 Sonnenberg, Lydia M., Et, CME, 246
Sinaga, E, Et, Sarawak, 237 Sonter, L., E, Australia, 237
Singh, Lal, Et, India, 274 Soper, F. A., Pe, Pacific Press, 315
Singh, Samson, M., India, 302 Sordo, Violet, Et, Mexico, 263
Singh, Sunder, Et, India, 274 Sorensen, Niel, Et, EMC, 250
Siregard, A. B., Et, Singapore, 262 Sorenson, Agnes L., Et, WWC, 283
Siregar, S. M., Et, Sumatra, 279 Sorenson, E. L., Et, South India, 238
Siregar, S. N., Et, Singapore, 262 Sorenson, M. J., Et, SMC, 277
Sirianant, Mn, Thailand, 289 Sormin, M. P., Eb, Singapore, 262
Sirichotiratana, Choy, M, Thailand, 304 Soto, M. N., Eb, Bolivia, 238
Sittner, Mollie, Mp, E, CME, 244 Soto. Mrs. M. N., Et, Bolivia, 239
Sjoren, Gertrud, Mn, Denmark, 303 Soule, Mrs. L. E., E, Auburn, 237
Skahen, J. K., Mp, Et, CME, 244, 296 Souza, S. C., Et, Brazil, 249
Slate, F. W., Mp, Africa, 298 Sowers, W. A., Eb, Oshawa, 219
Slater, Winona, Et, Newbury Park, 266 Sowler, Clayton, Et, Mount Vernon, 264
Sloane, Amanda I., Mn, New Eng., 298 Spalding, A. W., Jr., E, SMC, 273
Sloop, J. R., Eb, SWJC, 278 Spalding, Mrs. L., Et, Adelphian, 234
Small, C. S., Mp, Et, CME, 244, 296 Spaulding, Kenneth, Et, Gr. Boston, 253
Small, L. G., E, WMC, 284 Spaulding, Maxine, Et, Gr. Boston, 253
Smallwood, Geo., Et, Northeastern, 267 Specht, Carl, Et, Campion, 240
Smith, Alice E., Et, Mn, UC, 281, 290 Specht, E. J., Et, EMC, 250
Smith, Mrs. A. B., E, Newbury Pk, 266 Specht, N. W., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Smith, Barbara, Et, Home Study, 255 Specht, W. F., Et, La Sierra, 260
Smith, C. B., Et, WMC, 284 Speh, Kathryn, Et, Glendale, 253
Smith, C. J., Jr., E, PUC, 270 Spenst, D. F., Et, Auburn, 237
Smith, C. 0., Et, AUC, 236 Spicer, Eldon, E, Newbury Park, 266
Smith, C. R., Et, AUC, 236 Spinar, K., Et, Czechoslovakia, 248
Smith, Mrs. C. R., Et, AUC, 236 Spindola, Olinda, Et, Brazil, 239

Springveldt, N., Et, South Africa, 253 Streithorst, Ary, Mb, Brazil, 301
Srour, Philip, M, Iraq, 291 Streithorst, J. G., Et, Brazil, 280
Stabellos, A. N., Pb, Greece, 312 Stretter, R. L., Eb, Campion, 240
Stafford, C. E., Mp, Et, CME, 244 Strickland, L. C., Et, Highland, 255
Stafford, Joseph, Et, Oakwood, 268 Strickland, R. A., Eb, Hawaii, 254
Stafford, Pearl, Mn, Portland, 300 Stricklin, Mrs. 0., E, San Pasqua], 275
Stafford, Mrs. R. F., Mn, Riverside, 301 Striplin, C. D., Et, EMC, 250
Stagg, Jennie L., Et, CME, 246, 296 Strunk, Earle, E, Loma Linda, 261
Stannard, Lester, Et, Union Spgs., 282 Strunk, F. J., Et, India, 274
Staples, Doreen, Et, South Africa, 255 Stuart, P. M., Et, Portland, 273
Staples, W., Mp, Africa, 298 Stuckey, Mrs. Lois B., M, Glendale, 293
Starr, H. E., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Su Djao Hsiu, Mp, China, 291
Starr, P. V., Mp, Washington, 305 Su En Shang, Et, China, 280
Stauffer, J. P., Et, PUC, 270 Su Hsing, Et, China, 243
Stauffer, Mrs. J. P., Et, PUC, 270 Su Hsing, Mrs., Et, China, 243
Stavdal, 0., Mp, Norway, 307 Sucksdorff, V., Mp, Finland, 294, 307
Stavnam, M. K., Mp, Norway, 303 Suhrie, A. L., Et, SMC, 277
Stearns, Erman, Et, San Pasqual, 275 Stump, L. M., Eb, Lodi, 261
Stearns, G. E., Et, La Sierra, 260 Sturdevant, R. M., Et, Portland, 273
Steen, Claude, Jr., Mp, Ethiopia, 293 Suhrie, Daniel, Et, Forest Lake, 251
Steen, T. W., Et, SMC, 277 Sujinta Norada Khanondha, Mn, Thai-
Steen, Mrs. T. W., Et, SMC, 278 land, 290
Stefanec, A., Et, Czechoslovakia, 248 Sumicad, Editha, E, Philippines, 263
Steger, Amalie B. de, E, Argentina, 266 Summerton, Ellenor, E, WWC, 283
Steger, Carlos, Eb, Argentina, 266 Summerton, Mildred, Et, Wisconsin, 286
Steinel, Mrs. H., Et, Monterey Bay, 264 Sumner, Mary F., M, Portland, 300
Steiner, P., Et, France, 251 Sun Hwan Wen, Et, China, 267
Steinert, Mrs. Beulah, M, Glendale, 293 Sun Yuen Kuo, Et, China, 258
Steinman, Wilma, M, Florida, 292 Sundin, Carl, Et, CME, 243
Steinsvag, Martin, Et, Norway, 269 Sunee, Mn, Thailand, 294
Steitz, Ruth R., Et, CME, 244 Sung Tao, Et, China, 285
Stenberg, C. E., Et, Campion, 240 Supit, Mrs. Annie, Mn, Java, 289
Stenborn, Ruth, Et, CME, 246 Suren, Johi, Et, India, 258
Stephenson, Charles, Et, WMC, 284 Sussman, E., Mp, France, 307
Steunenberg, F. W., Et, PUC, 270 Sutherland, Georgia, Et, CME, 246
Stevens, E. J., Mp, Florida, 292 Sutter, L. M., Hp, Florida, 292
Stevens, Irena, Mn, Washington, 305 Suyderhoud, C. W., Mn, Java, 289
Stevenson, G. S., Pe, So. Africa, 318 Suyderhoud, E. H. L., Mn, Java, 289
Stewart, A. G., Pe, Australia, 319 Suzuki, K., Mb, Japan, 304
Stewart, C. E., Jr., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Suzuki, Mieko, Et, Japan, 257
Stewart, Edith, Et, Australia, 281 Svennevig, Mrs. J. G., Et, AUC, 236
Stickle, Ruth, Mn, Rest Haven, 300 Swaidan, I. N., Et, Lebanon, 263
Stilson, D. L., Mp, Africa, 288 Swaine, D. M., Et, South Africa, 253
Stilson, H. 0., Mp, Et, CME, 244 Swansi, N., Et, India, 258
Stilson, W. L., Mp, Et, CME, 244, 293 Swearingen, Frank, E, EMC, 250
Stitt, William, Et, Indiana, 256 Swedberg, Alyse, Et, Adelphian, 234
Stockil, Muriel, Et, South Africa, 254 Swen Deh, Ren, Et, China, 267
Stockton, Audrey, E, WWC, 283 Swen Ren Hwa, M, China, 304
Stoddard, Frances, Et, WWC, 283 Symonds, Beverly, M, Walla Walla, 305
Stoehr, 11. G., Et, WWC, 283 Syphers, C. E., Mp, Japan, 304
Stokes, C. J., Et, AUC, 236
Stone, D. J., M, England, 298 T
Stone, G. P., Et, Maplewood, 262 Taala, F., E, Philippines, 263
Stone, Edith, Et, EMC, 250, Tabuchi, I, Et, Japan, 257
Stone, Joseph, Et, Columbia, 248 Tabuchi, T., E, Japan, 258
Stone, R. L., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Stone, R. 0., Eb, Cedar Lake, 241 Tabucol, R., E, Philippines, 267
Stone, Mrs. R. 0., Et, Cedar Lake, 242 Tabuenca, Mrs. C. C., Et, Uruguay, 282
Stoneburner, Edna, Et, Forest Lake, 251 Tabuenca, Jose, Et, Uruguay, 282
Stoneburner, Ella M., Mn, India, 292 Taft, L. W., Et, Adelphian, 234
Stoodley, V. W., Et, CUC, 241 Taggart, Mrs. Irma, M, Glendale, 293
Storey, Thelma, M, Portland, 300 Takahashi, S., Et, Japan, 257
Storz, L. G., Et, Indo-China, 257 Takatohi, S., Et, Brazil, 267
Stotz, Roy, E, Union Springs, 282 Talmage, C. H., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Straight, G. H., Et, UC, 281 Talmage, Lucille, Mn, Et, CME, 247
Strand, Mrs. E. F., Mn, St. Helena, 301 Talvik, M., Et, Brazil, 239
Stratton, Anne M., Mn, Portland, 299 Tamayo, V. G., E, Philippines, 271
Strawn, Dallas, Et, CME, 247 Tamboenan, P. L., Et, Borneo, 280
Streeter, E. A., Et, India, 283 Tamboenan, Mrs. P. L., Et, Borneo, 280
Tamura, S., Eb, Japan, 257
Streeter, E. R., Et, India, 274 Tan, Mrs. Amy, M, Singapore, 306
Streeter, Mrs. E. R., Et, India, 274 Tan Gloria. E, Singapore, 262
Streifling, G. W., Et, Oshawa, 269 Tan Qui Kiang, M, Thailand, 289

Tang Chung Hsuen, E, China, 277 Tomblinson, Dudley, E, PUC, 270

Tanley, Mrs. S., Et, Ceylon, 259 Tompkins, J. E., E, SMC, 278
Tapia, Nolvia, Et, Chile, 243 Tompkins, 0. D., E, Forest Lake, 251
Tappen, A. G., Et, Laurelwood, 260 Tonkin, L. R., t, Solomon Is., 238
Tappen, Mrs. M., Et, Laurelwood, 260 Tonnesen, 0., E, Norway, 269
Tapper, W. E., E, South Africa, 255 Tonsberg, A. C., Et, Modesto, 264
Tarr, E. L., Et, South Africa, 254 Toppenberg, D. R., Mp, New Eng, 298
Tarr, Mrs. R. C., Mn, Africa, 308 Torkelsen, Leland, E, Maplewood, 262
Tarr, W. F., Et, WMC, 255, 284 Torkelson, 0. E. E, SWJC, 278
Tauro, J., Pe, Philippines, 316 Torres, S., Et, Mexico, 263
Tawato, J. M., Et, Philippines, 271 Torrico, T., Mn, Philippines, 296
Taylor, Mrs. E., E, Los Angeles, 261 Totenhofer, H. E., Et, Australia, 237
Taylor, G. B., Et, PUC, 270 Touma, Said, Eb, Iraq, 257
Taylor, Mrs. G. B., Et, PUC, 270 Touma, Mrs. Selma M., Et, Iraq, 257
Taylor, G. M., Mp, Et, CME, 244 Toureille, D., Et, France, 252
Taylor, H. W., Et, AUC, 236 Toussaint, Michel, E, Haiti, 254
Taylor, Mrs. H. W., Et, AUC, 236 Townend, B.,Et, New Zealand, 266
Taylor, Isabella Z., Et, AUC, 236 Townsend, eth, Et, Campion, 240
Taylor, Lee, Eb, Broadview, 240 Trace, E. J., Pb, Africa, 309
Taylor, M. Marg., Et, Battle Creek, 238 Tranborg, Th.,E, Denmark, 249
Taylor, N. C., Mb, Hinsdale, 294 Treiyer, Arno, Mn, Paraguay, 306
Taylor, W..H., Mp, Africa, 294 Triantafilo, Maria, Mn, Paraguay, 306
Taylor, W. I., Mn, Australia, 304 Trimmier, Leonora, Mn, Florida, 292
Taylor, William, Et, UC, 281 Trollip, W. H., M, Africa, 297
Teesdale, W. H., Et, Home Study, 255 Trott, L. D., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Telling, M. H., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Trubey, C. 0., Et, WWC, 284
Tends, J. H. N., M, Indonesia, 289 Trujillo, Lauro, E, Mexico, 263
Teng Chung Hsuan, Et, China, 277 Tsai, Mrs., Pe, China, 318
Terry, H. T., Et, WMC, 255, 284 Tsai, Samuel, Pe, Singapore, 313
Tetz, W. A., E, CUC, 241 Tsai Su Fang, Et, China, 286
Than Sein, Et, Burma, 265 Tsau Sen Yuan, Mp, Honan, 306
Thangatura, Ranee, Mn, Singapore, 306 Tseng Nep Mu Sun, Et, China, 277
Thanzauva, L., Et, India, 236 Tshuma, Philemon, E, Africa, 276
Thawalya, M, Thailand, 289 Tu Yu Teh, Mb, China, 369
Thibeau, Leo, E, Maplewood, 262 Tuan Yun Chien, Et, China, 249
Thiel, L. F., Pe, Southern. Pub., 319 Tucker, A. R., Eb, Hawaii, 254
Thiele, E. R., Et, EMC, 250 Tucker, Florence, Et, Hawaii, 254
Thomas, F. H., Eb, South Africa, 254 ' Tudu, A. M., Et, India, 254
Thomas, M., Et, India, 283 Tulloch, A. K., Mn, Australia, 304
Thomas, Mrs., M, India, 293 Tung Yun Hui, Et, China, 267
Thomas, Mrs. P. M., Et, India, 259 Tupper, Mrs. Helen, Et, Glendale, 253
Thomas, Pauline, Et, South India, 238 Tupper, Jessie S., Mn, Hinsdale, 294
Thomas, W. G., Mp, India, 297 Turner, C. L., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Thompson, A. H., Eb, England, 279. Turner, H. C., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Thompson, Garth, Et, Indiana, 256 Turner, H. G., E, Sunnydale, 280
Thompson, J. L., Et, La Sierra, 260 Turner, J. C., E, UC, 281
Thompson, R. J. Mp, Et, CME, 244 Turner, Mrs. Miriam, Et, Glendale, 253
Thompson, V. W., Et, EMC, 250 Turner, W. A., Et, South Africa, 253
Thomsen, Viggo, Pb, Denmark, 311 Turner, L. H., Et, Australia, 237
Thomson, George, Et, Campion, 240 Turtill, B. M., Mn, West Africa, 295
Thorpe, Elva, Et, Australia, 237 Turtill, S. W., Mn, West Africa, 296
Thrasher, Neil, Mp, Et, CME, 247 Tvrdikova, Mrs., Et, Czechoslovakia, 248
Thrift, C. F., Fb, Australia, 287 Twichell, Edith R., Et, CME, 246
Thurber, M. R., Pe, R & H, 317 Tyler, Barbara, Mn, England, 298
Thurber, Wayne, Et, SMC, 277 Tymeson, S. W., Et, WMC, 284
Thurston, C. E., Et, WWC, 283 Tyrer, Eloise, Et, Sunnydale, 280
Tien Tsoh Wen, Mrs., Mn, China, 306 Tyson-Flyn, A., Pb, Africa, 313
Tilghman, K. W., Pb, Japan, 313
Tilkins, Niel, Et, WMC, 284 U
Tilley, A. W., Mp, Solomon Is., 295 Ubbink, R. G., Mb, Pakistan, 295
Tilstra, K., Et, Netherlands, 265 Ueberbacher, R., Pb, Austria, 309
Ting Chao, Et, China, 286 UhI. G. M., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Ting Chao Ching, Et, China, 258 Ulrich, C. F. L., Pb, Australia, 318
Ting Cheng Tung, Mn, China, 298 Underhill, R. A., Et, WWC, 283
Ting Chou Ching, Et, China, 258 Undritz, Margarethe, Et, Germany, 263
Tinworth, C. W., Fb, Australia, 287
Tippett, H. M., Pe, R & H, 317 Unhall, I., Mp, Sweden, 294, 319
Tobiassen, L. K., Et, SMC, 277 Unhola, A., Pe, Finland, 311
Tobiassen, Mrs. Ruth, Et, SMC, 277 Unnersten, R., Mb, Sweden, 294
Unwin, L. G., Fb, Australia, 287
Tobiassen, Ruth, Mn, Iraq, 291 Uria, J. A., Et, Argentina, 274
Tobler, G., Pb, Switzerland, 319 Utz, Andres, E, Argentina, 274
Toews, A. L., Et, La Sierra, 260 Utz, Daniel, E, Argentina, 274

V w
Vacareanu, A., Pb, Rumania, 317 Waddell, R. F., Mp, Thailand, 289
Vacquer, I. M., Et, Spanish-Am., 278 Waddell, Mrs. R. F., Mn, Thailand, 289
Vadamuthu, Mrs. P., Et, India, 259 Wade, T. E., Mp, Boulder, 290
Valcarenghi, G., Et, Italy, 257 Wade, Trula, E, Oakwood, 268
Valcarenghi, L. Et, Italy, 257 Wagar, N. J., E, Oshawa, 269
Valdez, Juan, El, Philippines, 263 Wagner, E. A., Mp, Paradise, 299
Valdez, Mrs. Juan, Et, Philippines, 263 Wagner, E. J., E, Up. Columbia, 282
Valdez, P. C., Et, Philippines, 267 Wagner, William, Mp, W. Africa, 295
Valens, A. J., E, India, 279 Wagner, Mrs. Wm., Mn, W. Africa, 295
Vallejos, J. J., Et, Argentina, 266 Waidande, M., Et, India, 259
Van Ausdel, Mrs. A.,E, La Sierra, 260 Wairata, J., Et, Java, 257
van Eck, P. J., Et, outh Africa, 254 Wakabayashi, Sakuyo, Et, Japan, 257
Van Horne, B. H., Et, AUC, 236 Wakeham, Irene, Et, Philippines, 271
Van Ornam, William, Et, Campion, 240 Walcker, J. J., Et, WWC, 283
van Rooyen, Mrs. S., E, So. Africa, 255 Walder, Ethel J., Et, PUC, 270
van Son, W. J., M, Java, 289 Waldvogel, Eloisa, Mn, Brazil, 302
Van Tassel, Donald, Et, Portland, 273 Waldvogel, Luiz, Pe, Brazil, 309
Van Tilborg, Sue. Et, CME, 246 Walker, Celia, Et, Indiana, 256
Vance, Thelma, Mn, Paradise, 299 Walker, E. H., Et, Brazil, 249
Vande Vere, E. K., Et, EMC, 250 Walker, Lois J., Et, PUC, 270
Vandemann, A. W., M, Hinsdale, 294 Walker, Myrtle, Et, WWC, 283
Vandeman, Mrs. A. W., M, Hinsdale, 294 Walker, Stanley, Et, WWC, 284
Vandermark, Maybelle, Et, WMC, 284 Walker, W. H., Et, Philadelphia, 271
Vanna, Mn, Thailand, 289 Wall, Clinton, E, WWC, 284
Varghese, P., Et, India, 259 Wall, F. E., Et, WMC, 284
Vaucher, A., Et, France, 251 Wallace, C. S., Et, Up. Columbia, 282
Vaughn, Anna, Mn, Africa, 296, 307 Wallace, Mrs. C. S., E, U. Columbia, 282
Vasquez, Rufino, Et, Cuba, 235 Wallace, Mrs. E. H., Et, Indo-China, 257
Vedamoney, G., Et, India, 261 Wallace, Felix, Et, Lodi, 261
Velloopillai, J., Et, India, 259 Wallace, H. L., Et, Lynwood, 262
Venter, P. A., P. South Africa, 318 Wallace, R. M., Pe, Australia, 318
Vera, Mrs. P. de; Mn, Philippines, 297 Wallace, Velma, Mn, Et, CME, 246
Verde, F. T., Eb, Philippines, 249 Wallenkampf, A. V., Et, UC, 281
Verde, M. T., E, Philippines, 249 Walls, H. A., Jr., Et, India, 261
Vergara, Consolation, Et, Philipp., 271 Walper, George, Et, Forest Lake, 251
Vergara, Narcisa, Et, Philippines, 272 Walper, Mrs., Irene, Mn, Et, CME, 247
Vetne, Gunnar, Mp, Norway, 307 Walther, D., Et, Theo. Seminary, 275
Vetter, Luise, Et, Australia, 237 Walther, Mrs. D., Et, Home Study, 255
Vez, Louis, E, France, 252 Walter, Dorothy, Mn, Africa, 296
Vickers, Alexander, E, Oshawa, 269 Walter, E. C., Et, PUC, 270
Vickers, Mrs. Alexander, E, Oshawa, 269 Walter, Ralph, Et, WMC, 285
Victor, B. M. Et, Pakistan, 285 Walters, Alfred, Et, La Sierra, 260
Vieira, Camila N., Et, Brazil, 249 Walters, E. E., M, Jamaica, 288
Vieira,'G. N., Mp, Brazil, 249, 300, 309 Walters, R. D., Et, La Sierra, 260
Vigilia, I., Mn, Philippines, 296 Waiting, J. F., Eb, Brazil, 249
Viirla, H., Et, Finland, 251 Walton, C., M, England, 303
Villegas, J. P., Et, Philippines, 271 Walton, H. M., Mp, CME, 244, 296, 306
Villeneuve, R., Pb, Madagascar, 313 Walton, W. D., Mb, Florida, 292
Vincentelli, M., Et, Italy, 257 Wan, Mrs. Stella, Mn, Singapore, 306
Vine, R. D. Pe, England, 309 Wandersleben, D., Et, Bolivia, 239
Vinglass, R., Eb, Bolivia, 238 Wang, C. H., Mp, China, 302
Vinglass, Mrs. R. Et, Bolivia, 239 Wang, C. K., Mp, China, 302
Vining, N. B., Pb, Philippines, 316 Wang Hsin Lan, Et, China, 258
Visser, Anne, Et, South Africa, 254 Wang Hsiu Ling, Mn, China, 298
Visser, Ruby, Et, Angola, 239 Wang, J. D., Et, EMC, 250
Vitiamyalaksana, N. P., Mb, Thai., 289 Wang Keh Wen, Et, China, 277
Vivancos, Barbara, Et, Cuba, 235 Wang Kuei Chuen, E, China, 285
Vixie, Elwin, Et, Oshawa, 269 Wang Kwei Chang, Et, China, 285
Vogel, P. J., Mp, Et, CME, 244 Wang Li Hwa Ying, Et, China, 285
von Pohle, C. L., P, Pacific Press, 315 Wang Peng Djou, E, China, 285
Von Pohle, V. L., Et, WWC. 283 Wang, S. T., Eb, China, 243, 249
Voorthuis, F. J.,Pb, Netherlands, 314 Wang, Mrs. S. T., Et, China, 243
Vorac, V., Et, zechoslovakia, 248 Wang, T. T., Mb, China, 202
Votaw, Glenn. Et, Loma Linda, 261 Wang Wei Hwa, Mp, China, 291 '
Votaw, Mrs. W. B., Et, India, 258 Wang Weh Hsing, Miss, Mn,
Voth, Evangeline, Mn, Iraq, 291 Wang Wu Fei, Et, China, 266
Voth, Florence C., Mp, Et, CME, 245 Wang Yeh Kuen, Et, China, 258
Wangerin, Theodora, Pe, Korea, 318
Vye, Mrs. Mildred, Et, Oshawa, 269 Ward, Edna, Mn, Et, CME, 247
Vyhmeister, Mrs. 0, Et, Chile, 243 Ward, John, Et, San Pasqua], 275
Vyhmeister, Otto, F, Chile, 243 Wareham, Bethel, Mn, Peru, 295

Warner, Mrs., Et, Okanagan, 268 Westphal, C. E., M, Washington, 305

Warner, D. D., E, CUC, 241 Westphal, Olive, Et, SWJC, 278
Warner, Robert, Et, Enterprise, 251 Westrhenen, S. C. v., Et, Nether., 265
Warner, Mrs. Robert, Et, Enterprise, 251 Wheeler, H. D., Et, PUC, 270
Wargo, George, Et, WMC, 284 Wheeler, L. A., Eb, Dominican Rep., 249
Warren, A., Mb, Riverside, 301 Wheeler, May, Mn, Florida, 292
Warren, Mrs. J. S., Mp, Paradise, 299 Wheeler, Walter, Et, Gem State, 252
Warren, Vivian, Mn, Et, CME. 246 Whisenhunt, Lillian, Et, Lodi, 261
Wat, Bessie, Mn, Et, CME, 247 Whisker, Freda, Et, New Zealand, 266
Watrous, E. T., Et, SMC, 277 Whisker, W. R., Et, New Zealand, 266
Watrous, Mrs. Myrtle, Et, SMC, 277 Whitaker, Lawrence, Mp, Et, CME, 245
Watson, C. J., Et, UC, 281 White, Eulalia, Mn, St. Helena, 301
Watt, A. L., Et, South Africa, 254 White, Ina, P, India, 314
Watts, Carl, Et, Union, 281 White, Mrs. Melvin, Et, Laurelwood, 260
Watts, D. R., Et, Monterey Bay, 264 White, R. A., Et, Laurelwood, 260 .
Watts, R. B., Et, Australia, 237 White, Wava, Et, Wisconsin, 286
Watts, Una, Et, New Zealand, 266 Whitehead, Eva, Mn, Peru, 293
Watts, Vera. H., Et, Lodi, 261 Whitfield, Ruth M., E, UC, 281
Way, Claris F., Et, Mount Ellis, 264 Whiting, Harold, Mn, St. Helena, 301
Wearner, A. J., Et, Union, 281 Whitman, Mrs. Alice M., E, WMC, 284
Weaver, Alice, Mn, Boulder, 281, 290, 299 Whitney, J. H., Et, Loma Linda, 261
Weaver, E. P., Et, Adelphian, 234 Whitney, Marjorie, Mn, Jamaica, 288
Weaver, Mrs. G. S., Et, WWC, 283 Whittaker, I. E., Fb, Australia, 287
Weaver, H. A., Et, Cedar Lake, 242 Widener, Mrs. Marguerite, Et, UC, 281
Weaver, H. E., Et, WWC, 284 Wiess, Stanley, Et, CME, 246
Weaver, J. E., Et, PUC, 270 Wiessman, Jeannie, Et, CME, 246
Weaver, W. T., Et, Shenandoah, 276 Wiest, Ruth, Et, Broadview, 240
Weaver, Mrs. W. T., Et, Shenandoah, 276 Wiik, Evelyn, Mn, Hinsdale, 294
Webb, J. H., Et, Brookside, 240 Wiik, Olaf, Pe, Norway, 314
Well, W. L., Et, Plainview, 272 Wijnkoop, Miss M., Pe, Netherlands, 314
Webber, Mrs. Ella, M, Azusa, 288 Wilcox, F. M., Pe, R & H, 317
Weber, C. J., Et, Uruguay, 282 Wilcox, H. B., Et, Newbury Park, 266
Weber, H. K., Et, Brazil, 270 Wilcox, Lorena, Et, SWJC, 255, 278
Weber, Mrs. Hazel, Et, Uruguay, 282 Wilkinson, William, Et, Lodi, 261
Webster, Esme, Et, So. Africa, 238 Will, Gladys, E, Newbury Park, 266
Weeks, Frank, M, Fountain Head, 292 Will, W. T., Et, Newbury Park, 266
Wegner, Mrs. E. J., Et, Indonesia, 257 Williams, A. H., Mp, England, 303
Wehrli, Ch.. Mb, Switzerland, 286, 296 Williams, B. J., Eb, India, 279
Weinlandt, Erna, Mp, Germany, 295 Williams, Mrs. B. J., E, India, 279
Weis, T. G., Et, WMC, 284 Williams, C. B., Pe. India, 314
Weiss, Jose, E, Argentina, 274 Williams, Edgar, Et, Domin. Rep., 249
Weiss, May F., Et, CME, 246 Williams, Mrs. Esther, E, SMC, 278
Welch, Alta, Mn, England, 298 Williams, Eva, Et, Jamaica, 258
Welch, Donald, Et, Spanish-Am., 278 Williams, Freda, Mn, Et, CME, 247
Welch, H. J., Et, West Africa, 238 Williams, Mrs. Lois, E, PUC; 270
Welch, L. W.. Et, Union, 281 Williams, M. M., E, SWJC, 278
Welch, Mrs. Viola, Et, Union, 281 Williams, R. F., Eb, Mexico, 277
Wen, T. W., M, Thailand, 289 Williams, Ralphas, E, Jamaica, 286
Wendell, B. P., Et, Africa, 258 Williams, Reva, Et, Maplewood, 262
Wendth, Elsie, Mn, Hinsdale, 294 Williams, Ray, Et, Jamaica, 285
Weniger, C. E., Et, Theo. Sem., 275, 255 Williams, Ruby, Et, Lebanon, 263
Wensell, Niels, Et, Argentina, 273 Williamson, B. A. M., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Wensley, Eva, E, Union Springs, 282 Williamson, J. J., Et, Union, 281
Wentland, R. W., Et, Broadview, 240 Williamson, M., Mn, Et. CME, 246
Wentz, Lillian, M, Brazil, 302 Willis, Eunice, Et, Northeastern, 267
Werline, A. W., Et, AUC, 236, 255 Willison, C. M, Eb, Indiana, 256
Werner, H., Et, Germany, 262 Willmore, C. K., Et, Africa, 276
Werner, Julian, Et. Colombia, 248 Willoughby, H. E., M, Portland, 300
Werth, Walter, E, Up. Columbia, 282 Wilson, Earl, Et, WMC, 284
Wesslen, Don, Et, Colombia, 248 Willson, Ellen, Mn, Paradise, 299
Wesslen, Mrs. Don, Et, Colombia, 248 Wilson, Enid, Et, Oak Park, 268
Wesslen, E. J., E, Laurelwood, 260 Wilson, Mrs. Fletcher, M, Hinsdale, 294
West, Carla, Mn, Denmark, 303 Wilson, J. A., Fb, Australia, 287
West, D. L., Eb, Forest Lake, 251 Wilson, J. 0., Pb, Burma, 313
West, Mrs. S., Et, Golden Gate, 253 Wilson, James, Et, Oshawa, 269
Westcott, W. E., Mp, Forsyth, 292 Wilson, Mrs. L., M. Fountain Head, 292
Westurlund-Pedersen, IL, Mb, Den., 303 Wilson, P. L., Et, SWJC, 278
Westerman, R. W., Fb, Australia, 287 Wilson, Reuben, Et, Trinidad, 241
Westermeyer, C. L., Et, Campion, 240 Wilson, W. R., Fb, Australia, 287
Westermeyer, H. E., Et, WWC, 283 Wimer, Florence, Mn, Portland, 300
Westermeyer, Mrs. L., Et, San D., 274 Winkler, L. R., Et, Celebes, 242
Westphal, C. E., Mp, Argentina, 301 Winkler, Mrs. L. R., Et, Celebes, 242

Winn, Dorothy, Et, Cedar Lake, 242 Wright, H. L., Et, Oakwood, 268
Winn, V. A., Et, CUC, 241 Wright, K. A., Et, SMC, 277
Winning, Evabelle, E, PUC, 270 Wright, M. E., E, Union Springs, 282
Winter, C. E., Et, CME, 244, WMC, 284 Wright, T. F., Mp, Et, CME, 245
Winter, Eugene, Et, WWC, 283 Wu, C. Y., Et, Malaya, 280
Winter, Mrs. Thelma, Et, Portland, 273 Wu Chi Wei, Et, China, 258
Winters, F. G., Mb, Forsyth, 292 Wu Chih Chow, Eb, China, 249
Winton, Florence, Et, CME, 246 Wu Chih Hsin, Et, China, 258
Wipperman, Mrs. R., Mn, Et, CME, 247 Wu Chui Hwa, Et, China, 277,
Wirak, Theodora, E, Theo. Sem., 275 Wu Hsin Chou, Eb, China, 276
Wisbey, M. L.,,Et, Laurelwood, 260 Wu Ting Chi, Et. China, 243
Wisbey, Mrs. M. L., E, Laurelwood, 260 Wu Ting Chi, Mrs., Et, China, 243
Wittschiebe, C. E., Et, SMC, 277 Wu Tsung, Ho, Mp, China, 291
Witzel, C. L., Eb, Mount Ellis, 264 Wu Tzu Chou, Eh, China, 243
Witzel, Mrs. C. L., Et, Mount Ellis, 264 Wu Yu En, Eh, China, 266
Woesner, Merlin, Mp, Et, CME, 247
Wohlers, H. A., Et, Adelphian, 234 Y
Wohlers, John, E, La Sierra, 260
Wohlfeil, Lorrell, Et, Lodi, 261 Yamagata, K., Et, Japan, 258
Wolfe, Laurence, Et, Mt. Vernon, 264 Yamagata, T., Et, Japan, 257
Wolfe, Mrs. M., Et, Mt. Vernon, 265 Yanami, H., Et, Japan, 258
Wolfkill, G. F., Et, Home Study, 255 Yang Chun Yung, Et, China, 255
Wollard, W. R., Pb, Pacific Press, 315 Yang Mao Chi, Et, China, 285
Wolohon, C. H., E, Mp, WMC, 284 Yang, T. C., Mp, China, 3U2
Wong, Chester, Et, CME, 246 Yang Ting Fang, Mp, China, 2:35
Wong, Mrs. Eunice, Mn, Singapore, 306 Yao, Charles, M, Thailand, 284
Wong, Mrs. H. R., Mn, Singapore, 306 Yeh En Tse, Et, China, 249
Wong, K. S., Et, Malaya, 280 Yen Dzi Li, Et, China, 242
Wong Sung Tao, Pe, China, 318 Yen, Frank, Mn, China, 298
Wong, H. Y. C., Et, EMC, 250 Yeo Peng Yee, M, Malaya, 299
Woo, Mrs. Clara, Mn, Et, CME, 247 Yin Chang Lan, E, China, 266
Wood, Mrs. Et, India, 254 Yindee, Mn, Thailand, 289
Wood, F., E, England, 265 Yong, Mrs. S. F., Et, Borneo, 280
Wood, Floyd, E, La Sierra, 259 Yong, T. F., Et, Borneo, 280
Wood, J. Mabel, Et, SMC, 277 York, Edna, Mn, India, 292
Wood, L. S., Et, Fiji, 252 York, Mervin, Et, Union Springs, 282
Wood, Leland, M, Florida, 292 Yoshimura, M.. Et, Japan, 258
Wood, Lynn H., Et, Theo. Seminary, 275 Yoshimura, Sumi, Et, Japan, 258
Wood, Mrs. Myrtle M., Mn, Florida, 292 Yost, F. H., Et, Theo. Seminary, 275
Wood, Peter, Et, Honduras, 256 You Chul Choon, Pb, Korea, 318
Wood, Mrs. Rodney, Et, San Diego, 274 Young, H. A., Mb, Boulder, 286, 290
Wood, W. H., Eb, Singapore, 262 Young, J. R., M, Walker, 305
Wood, Mrs. W. H., Et, Singapore, 262 Youngs. Dallas, Pe, Canadian, 310
Woodard, Blooma, Mn, New Eng., 298 Yu Djao Swei, Mp, China, 291
Woodfield, A. J., Et, England, 279 Yu, W. F., Mp, China, 302
Woodman, I. J., Pb, Pacific Press, 315 Yuen Shu Kwei, Et, China, 267
Woods, C. L., Et, PUC, 270 Yuen Shu Liu, Et, China, 267
Woods, L. E., Et, Home Study, 255 Yuen, Mrs. T. F., Mn, China, 302
Woods, Mrs. L. E., Et, Home Study, 255
Woods, Leonard, E, WMC, 284
Woods, Mary K., Mn, Et, CME, 247 Zanotti, W. E., Et, Australia, 264
Woods, R. W., Et, La Sierra, 259 Zegarra, Francisco, Et, Peru, 250
Woodward, I. C., Et, India, 283 Zerne, Mrs. Ingeborg, Mn, Et, CME, 247
Woodward, Mrs. I. C., E, India, 283 Zerne, Nils, Mb, Sweden, 298
Woon, George, M, Thailand, 289 Zigmund, T., Et, Czechoslovakia, 248
Work, H. A., Et, SWJC, 278 Ziprick, H. F., Mp, Et, CME, 244
Workman, Arthur, E, Mt. Vernon, 265 Zirkle, T. I., Mp, Et, CME, 244, 296
Worsley, M. B., Et, Pakistan, 285 Zumwalt, Isabel, Et, PUC, 270
Wortman, Mrs. S., Mn, Indonesia, 289 Zurcher, J., Et, Madagascar, 256
Wray, Muriel, E, Jamaica, 285 Zurigian, Sarkis, Et, Uruguay, 282
Wright, Evelynne, Et, WWC, 283 Zweig, Mary, Et, Union, 281
Academia Adventista Puertorri- Bad Aibling Sanitarium 288
quena 273 Baden Conference 96
Academies, directory of 234-286 Bahamas Mission 135
Adelphian Academy 234 Bahia and Sergipe Mission 171
Advent Correspondence School 235 Bandung Mission Clinic 306
Advent Press, East Africa 309 Bandung Mission Hospital 289
Advent Press, Gold Coast 309 Bangalore Middle Day School 238
Advent Verlag 319 Bangkok Mission Clinic 289
Advent Verlag G.m.b.H. 312 Bangkok Sanitarium and Hospital 289
Adventist Training School 235 Bangkok S.D.A. Mission School 238
Afrikaans language, periodical in 322 Barotseland Mission Field. 194
Agdangan Junior Academy 235 Batak language, periodical in 323
Alabama-Mississippi Conference 71 Batouri Dispensary 306
Alaska Mission 57 Batouri Mission Field 219
Alberta Conference 36 Battle Creek Academy 238
Algerian Mission 225 Batuna Intermediate School 238
Algerian Publishing House 309 Bautama Missionary School 238
Allegheny Conference 44 Begemder Mission 157
Alpine Conference, 215 Bekwai Training School 238
Alto Huallaga Mission Station 176 Belem Hospital 289
Alto Ucayali Mission Station 176 Belgian Conference 217
Ambon Mission 117 Beliefs, Fundamental 5-7
American Temperance Society 22 Bengali language, periodicals 323
Amyes Memorial Hospital and Berlin Conference 93
Leprosarium 288 Bermuda Mission 32
Andrews Memorial Clinic 288 Bethel Training College 238
Andrews Memorial Hospital 288 Betikama Missionary School 238
Angola Union Mission 213 Beulah Training School 238
Anhwei Mission 103 Bhuket Mission Clinic 290
Ankadifotsy School 235 Bicol language, periodical in 323
Ankole Mission Hospital 288 Bihar Mission Field 203
Annamese language, periodical in 323 Bikoba Hill Dispensary 306
Antillian Junior College 235 Bikobo Hill Mission Station 183
Antillian Union Mission 131 Bismarck Archipelago Mission 84
Antsirabe Mission 222 Blantyre District 192
Aore Training School 235 Bohemian Conference 216
Appropriations to Missions .. 347 Bohemian language, periodical in 323
Arabic language, periodicals in 323 Bolivia Mission 173
Arizona Academy 235 Bolivia Training School 238
Arizona Conference 63 Bongo Mission Hospital 290
Arkansas-Louisiana Conference 77 Bongo Mission Station 214
Armenian language, periodical in 323 Bongo Mission Training School 239
Arussi Mission 157 Boulder-Colorado Sanitarium 290
Assam Mission Field 203 Brazil College 239
Assam Training School 236 Brazil Food Factory 286
Association of S.D.A. Self-Support- - Brazil Publishing House 309
tug Institutions 24 British Columbia Conference 36
Asuncion Treatment Rooms 306 British Guiana Mission 137
Atlantic Colombia Mission 142 British Honduras Mission 135
Atlantic Union College 236 British Publishing House 309
Atlantic Union Conference 31 British Union Conference 152
Institutions in 35 British West Indies Union Mission 134
Auburn Academy 237 Broadview Academy 240
Austral Union Conference 166 Brookside Academy 240
Australasian Division 81 Buenos Aires Academy 240
Institutions in 91 Buenos Aires Conference 167
Australasian Inter-Union Confer- Buenos Aires Health Food Com-
ence 81 pany 286
Institutions in 91 Buenos Aires Publishing House 310
Australasian Missionary College 237 Bulawayo Mission District 197
Austrian Missionary Seminary 237 Bulgarian Book and Bible House 310
Austrian Publising House 309 Bulgarian Mission 231
Austrian Union Conference 214 Bureau of Press Relations 23
Ayer Manis School 237 Burma Union Mission 200
Azores Islands Mission 226 Burmese language, periodical in 323
Azusa Valley Sanitarium 28 Buruabari Dispensary 306

Busegwe Mission Dispensary 306 Chiduku-Makoni Mission District 197

Busegwe Mission Station 186 Children's Home 191
Butterworth Mission District 192 Chile College 242
Bwengwa Mission District 195 Chileka Mission Station 192
By-Laws of the General Conference Chimpempe Mission Dispensary 306
7-13 Chimpempe Mission Station 195
China Division 101
C Institutions in 115
Detached Mission 114
Cafes 287 China Training Institute 243
Cairani Mission Station 174 Chinese language, periodicals in 323
Calendar of Offerings 14 Chitonga language, periodicals in 324
Campa Mission Station 176 Choiseul Intermediate School 243
Campaigns, dates of 14 Cholon Maternity Home 306
Campion Academy 240 Christian Record Benevolent Asso-
Canadian Temperance Society . 22 ciation 310
Canadian Union College 241 Chuadanga Dispensary 306
Canadian Union Conference 35 Chuharkana Mission Hospital-Dis-
Institutions in 38 pensary 291
Canadian Watchman Press 310 Chulumani Sanitarium and Hospital 291
Caneele-Umtata Mission District 192 Chungking Wuhan Sanitarium and
Canton Sanitarium and Hospital 290 Hospital 291
Cantonese Mission 110 Church Membership, Statistics of 346
Cape Conference 188 Cinyama Outstation 193
Cape Field of S.D.A. 189 Cishona language, periodicals in 324
Cape Verde Islands Mission 226 Clinica Adventista de Monterrey 306
Caracas Adventist Dispensary 290 Clinica Buena Esperanza 306
Caribbean Training College 241 Clinica de Torreon 306
Caribbean Union Mission 137 Clinica Tacotalpa 307
Carolina Conference 72 Cochabamba Mission Station 173
Casa Editors Sudamericana 310 Colegio Adventists de las Antillas 235
Casa Editrice "L'Araldo della Ve- Colegio Adventista de Bolivia 238
rita" 312 Colegio Adventista Brasileiro 239
Casa Publicadora Brasileira 309 Colegio Adventista de Chile 242
Cayman Islands Mission 135 Colegio Adventista Dominicano 249
Cebu Public Health Dispensary 306 Colegio Adventista del Plata 273
Cebuan language, periodicals in . 323 Colegio Adventists del Titicaca 259
Cedar Lake Academy 241 Colegio Industrial Hondureno 255
Celebes Training School 242 Colegio Vocacional de America Cen-
Central Amazon Mission 177 tral 242
Central American Union Mission 139 Colegio Union, Peru 256
Central American Vocational Col- Collana Mission Station 173
lege 242 College of Medical Evangelists 243-247
Central and Upper Burma Mission School of Dietetics 246
Field 201 School of Laboratory Technique 246
Central Argentine Conference 167 243
64 School of Medicine
Central California Conference School of Nursing 246
Central China Union Academy 242 247
101 School of Physical Therapy
Central China Union Mission School of Tropical Medicine 246
Central District (N.E. Rhodesia) 193 247
202 School of X-ray Technique
Central East Ceylon Mission Colleges, directory of 234-286
Central European Division 93
Periodicals by 333-335
Institutions in 99
98 Colombia-Venezuela Union Mission 142
Central German Conference Colombia-Venezuela Union Training
Central Hungarian Conference 220 247
224 School
Central Italian Mission Colorado Conference 40
Central Korean Mission 121 20
124 Colored Department
Central Luzon Mission Columbia Academy 248
Central Marathi Mission Field 209
145 Columbia Union Conference 43
Central Mexican Mission 48
Central Pacific Union Mission 82 Institutions in
Congo Union Mission 182
Central Province Mission 209
210 Constitution and By-Laws of the
Central Punjab Mission 7-13
Central Rhenish Conference 96 General Conference
40 Cook Islands Mission 82
Central States Mission Cook Islands Mission Press 311
Central Union Conference 39
42 Cook Islands Training School 248
Institutions in 307
Ceylon Union Mission 202 Copenhagen Clinic
186 Copenhagen Food Factory 286
Changamwe Mission Station 311
Chebwai Mission Station 186 Copenhagen Publishing House
Chesapeake Conference 44 Coral Sea Union College 248
Chiaotou Sanitarium and Hospital 290 Coral Sea Union Mission 84
Chibemba language, periodical in 323 Costa Rica Mission 140

Council on Industrial Relations 23 Educamlario Nordestino Adventists 267

Countries in which work is being Education, Department of 18
done 338-342 Board of Regents 18
Croation language, Periodicals in 324 Statistics of 348
Cuale Mission Dispensary 30'7 Educational Institutions 234-286
Cuale Mission Station 214 Outline of courses in 234
Curacao Mission 143 Egypt Mission 150
Cuyo Mission 168 Eire Mission 153
Czechoslovakian Bible School 248 Ekebyholmskolan 280
Czechoslovakian Union Conference 215 Ekebyholm Summer Sanitarium 291
Ekuhanyeni Mission and Zululand
D District 191
Danish Mission School 248 Ellen G. White Publications 23
Danish language, periodicals in 324 Emmanuel Mission Station and Dis-
Danube Conference 215 trict 191
Dar el Salaam Hospital 291 Emmanuel Missionary College 249
Demu Mission District 195 English Periodicals 320-322
Denominational investment 345, 346 Enterprise Academy 250
Denominational periodicals 320 Eritrean Mission 158
Diego-Suarez Mission 222 Escuela Agricola Industrial Mex-
Dimbwe Mission District 195 icana 263
Directory of Workers 353-464 Escuela Agricola e Industrial del
Dispensaries and Treatment Rooms Pacifico 269
306-308 Escuela Agricola e Industrial del
Dominican Junior Acadamy 249 Sureste 277
Dominican Mission 132 Esda Sales and Service 23
Dublin Treatment Rooms 307 Ethiopian Mission Training School
Dunarea Conference 228 for Boys 251
Dutch Language, Perodicals in 324 Ethiopian Mission Training School
Dutch Mission (Indonesia) 117 for Girls 251
Dyak Training School Ethiopian Union Mission 157
(See Ayer Manis School) 237 Evangelistic Workers Statistics 349
East African Union Mission 185 Far Eastern Division 116
East African Union Training School 249 Institutions in 129
East Brazil Academy 249 Detached Mission 129
East Brazil Union Mission 170 Far Eastern Island Mission 129
East China Union Academy 249 Farsee language, perodicals in 324
East China Union Mission 103 Federation of S.D.A. in U.S.S.R. 233
East Cuba Conference 132 Fiji Mission 82
East Denmark Conference 163 Fiji Mission Press 311
East Finland Conference 155 Fijian language, periodical in 324
East France Conference 217 Filabusi Mission Station 197
East German Union Conference 93 Finland S.D.A. Mission School 251
East Hungarian Conference 221 Finland Publishing House 311
East Jamaica Conference 136 Finland Swedish Conference 155
East Java Mission 117 Finnish language, periodicals in 324
East Lake General Hospital 291 Florida Conference 73
East Mediterranean Union Mission 148 Florida Sanitarium and Hospital 292
East Nigerian Mission Field 160 Food Companies 286
East Nordic Union Conference 155 Foreign Languages, Periodicals in
East Norway Conference 163 322-331
East Pakistan Mission Field 204 Forest Lake Academy 251
East Pennsylvania Conference 45 Forsyth Memorial Sanitarium and
East Polish Conference 159 Hospital 292
East Punjab Mission Field 205 Fort Victoria Mission District 197
East Szechwan Mission 113 Fountain Head Sanitarium 292
East Venezuela Mission 143 Franco-Belgian Union Conference 216
East Visayan Academy 249 French Adventist Seminary 251
East Visayan Mission 125 French Cameroons Bible Training
Eastern District (Nyasaland) 193 School 262
Eastern Pondoland District 192 French Guiana Mission 137
Eastern Province Mission District 192 French language, periodicals in 325
Eastern Solomon Islands Mission 84 French Publishing House 311
Eastern Transvaal-Swaziland Mis- French West and Equatorial Af-
sion District 191 rican Union Mission 219
Ecole Adventiste Madagascar 235 French West Indian Mission 138
Ecole Adventiste de Phoenix, Mauri- Fresno Union Academy 252
tius 263 Friedensau Missionary Seminary 252
Ecuador Mission 174 Fulton Missionary School 252
Editorial Espanola 319 Fundamental Beliefs 5-7

G Health Food Stores 286

Gem State Academy 252 Helderberg College 254
Gendia Mission Station 186 Helsingf ors Hydro-Electric Institute 307
General Conference 15 Heri Mission Hospital 294
Appropriations 347 Hen Mission Station 187
Association 23 Hessia-Westphalian Conference 99
Constitution and By-Laws 7-13 Highland Academy 255
Corporation 24 Hillerest Secondary School 255
Departments 18 Hindi language, periodicals in 326
Directory 15 Hinsdale Sanitarium and Hospital 294
Esda Sales and Service 23 Home Foreign Bureau 20
Executive Committee 15 Home Missionary Department 18
Insurance Service 24 Home Study Institute 255
Presidents 337 Honan Junior Academy 255
Secretaries 337 Honan Mission 102
Sessions 336 Honduras Industrial Academy 255
Transportation 25 Honduras Mission 140
Treasurers 337 Hong Kong-Macao Mission 109
Workers Holding Credentials 26-29 Hopeaniemi Sanitarium 294
Georgia-Cumberland Conference .. 73 Hopei Mission 10,5
German Health Food Factory 286 Hospitals 288-306
German language, periodicals in 325 Huallaga Mission Station 176
German-Swiss Conference 230 Hultafors Sanitarium 294
German Inter-Union Association 93 Hunan Mission 102
Giffard Mission Hospital 292 Hungarian language, periodicals in 326
Gilbert and Ellice Islands Mission 83 Hungarian Publishing House 312
Gimbie Hospital 293 Hungarian Union Conference 220
Ginasio Adventista Campineiro 275 Hupeh Mission 102
Ginasio Adventista Paranaense 270
Ginasio Adventista Taquara 280 I
Gitwe Mission Dispensary 307 Ibo language, periodical in 326
Gitwe Mission District 184 Iceland Mission 164
Gitwe Training School 252 Iceland S.D.A. Publishing House 312
Gland Hygienic Food Factory 286 Icelandic language, periodicals in 326
Glen Grey Mission District 192 Idaho Conference 57
Glendale Sanitarium and Hospital 293 Ikizu Mission Dispensary 307
Glendale Union Academy 252 Ikizu Mission Station 187
Goiano-Mineira Mission 178 Ikizu Training School 256
Gold Coast Mission Field 161 Ilave Mission Station 175
Golden Gate Academy 252 Ile-He Mission Hospital 294
Good Hope Clinic 293 Illinois Conference 50
Good Hope Training School 253 Ilocano language, periodicals in 326
Good Samaritan Clinic 293 Imprimerie "Les Signes des Temps" 311
Gopalganj Mission Hospital 293 Inca Union College 256
Granose Foods, Ltd. 286 Inca Union Mission 173
Greater Boston Academy 253 Index of Institutional Workers 466
Greater New York Academy 253 Indian Mission (South Africa) 189
Greater New York Conference 32 Indian Ocean Union Mission 221
Greater Sydney Conference 88 Indian Ocean Union Training School 256
Grecian Mission 231 Indiana Academy
312 256
Greek Depository Indiana Conference 50
Guatemala Mission 140 Indo-China Mission
209 122
Gujerat Mission Indo-China Press 312
Gwaai Mission Station 197 Indo-China Training School 257
H Indonesia Publishing House 312
Indonesia Union Mission 116
Haad Yai Mission Clinic 294 Indonesia Union Seminary 257
Haile Selassie No. 1 Hospital 294 Industrial Relations, Council on 23
Hainan Mission 109 Ingathering, statistics of 350
Haitian Mission 133 Ingavi Mission Station 173
Haitian Seminary 253 Inquisive Mission Station 173
Hakka Mission 111 Institutional Workers Index 466
Hamburg Publishing House 312 Institutional Workers Statistics 349
Hanke Mission Station 197 Institutions, statistics of 345
Hanover Conference 98 Instituto Adventists Juan Bautista
Hansa Conference 98 Alberdi 266
Hapur Dispensary 307
Instituto Colombo-Venezolano 247
Hapur Elementary Boarding School 254
Hatkanagale Elementary Boarding Instituto Florida 240
School 254 Instituto Adventista del Uruguay 282
Hawaiian Mission 65 Instituto Teologico Adventista 249
Hawaiian Mission Academy 254 Institutul Biblic 274

Insurance Service, General Confer- Kolo Mission Dispensary 307

ence 24 Kolo Mission Station 191
Inter-American Division 131 Korean language, periodicals in 327
Institutions in 147 Korean Union Mission 120
Inter-Oceanic Mission 145 Korean Junior College 258
International Commission for Med- Kottarakara Secondary Boarding
ical Cadet Service 24 School 259
International Insurance Company 24 Kottawa Secondary Boarding
International Temperance Associa- School 259
tion 22 Krankenhaus Waldfriede 295
Investment, Denominational .... 345, 346 Kribi Mission Field 219
Inyazura Mission Dispensary 307 Kwailibisi Hospital 295
Nnyazura Mission Station 197 Kwangsi Mission 111
Iowa Conference 54 Kweichow Mission 113
Iquitos Mission Station 176
Iran Mission 150 L
Iran Training School 257
Iraq Mission Lac Alaotra Mission 222
Iraq Training School 257 Lake Geneva Sanitarium 295
Irawaddy Delta Mission Field 201 Lake Region Conference 51
Israel Mission 150 Lakeside Clinic 296
Istituto Avventista de Cultura Bib- Lake Titicaca Mission 174
lica 257 Lake Titicaca Training School 259
Italian language, periodicals in ... 326 Lake Union Conference 49
Italian Publishing House 312 Institutions in 53
Italian Union Mission 224 Lake View Mission Station 193
Italian Training School 257 Languages in which denominational
Ivory Coast Mission Field 161 literature is issued 343, 344
Laro Mission Station 175
J Lasalgaon Elementary Boarding
School 259
Jalirpar Mission Dispensary 307 La Sierra College 259
James Secondary Boarding School 257 Latin American Radio Production
Japan Junior College 257 Commission 24
Japan Publishing House 313 Laurelwood Academy 260
Japan Union Mission 119 Lebanon-Syria Mission 149
Japanese language, periodicals in . 326 Leeward Islands Mission 138
Jengre Medical Unit 307 Legal Corporation of the General
Jerusalem Institute for Massage 307 Conference 24
Jordania Mission 149 Leman Conference 230
Juliaca Clinic 295 Liao Ho Mission 107
Juliaca Mission Station 175 Liberian Mission Field 161
Jullicunca Mission Station 175 Liberian Mission School 260
Libraire Adventiste Madagascar 313
K Little Eden Hospital-Dispensary 296

Kakoro Mission Station 187 Liumba Hill Dispensary 307
Kalungwishi Mission District 195 Liumba Hill Mission District 195
Kamagambo Mission Station 186 Lodi Academy 261
Kamagambo Training School 258 Loma Linda Food Company . 287
Kanarese Mission Field 206 Loma Linda Sanitarium and Hos-
Kanching Junior Academy 258 pital 206
Kanching Mission 108 Loma Linda Union Academy 261
Kansas Conference 41 Lord Howe Island Mission 89
Kanye Hospital 295 Los Angeles Academy 261
Karachi S.D.A. Hospital 295 Lower Amazon Mission 177
Karura Mission Station 186 Lower Gwelo Mission Hospital 296
Kasai Training School 258 Lower Gwelo Mission Station 197
Katikumu Mission Station 187 Lower Shangani Mission District .. 197
Kellogg-Mookeriee High School 258 Lowry Memorial Secondary Board-
Kendu Hospital 295 ing School 261
Kentucky-Tennessee Conference 74 Luapula Mission District 195
Kenya Mission Field 185 Lucusse Mission Dispensary 307
Khunti Elementary Boarding Lucusse Mission Station 214
School 258 Luganda language, periodical in 327
Kiangsi Mission 103 Lulengele Mission Station 183
Kiangsu Mission 104 Lumbwa Mission Station 186
Kiangsu Junior Academy 258 Luo language, periodical in 327
Kingsway High School 258 Luwazi Mission Dispensary 307
Kinsaung Publishing House 313 Luwazi Mission Station 193
Kireka Mission Station 187 Luz Mission Dispensary 307
Kirundu Mission Station 183 Luz Mission Station 214
Kisii language, periodicals in 326 Lynwood Academy 262

M Montana Conference 58
Madeira Islands Mission 227 Montemorelos Hospital and Sani-
Mafeking-Taungs Mission District 191 tarium 297
Majita Mission Dispensary 307 Monterey Bay Academy 264
Majita Mission Station 187 Moravian-Silesian Conference 216
Majunga Mission 222 Moroccan Mission 225
Malagasy language, periodical in 327 Mount Ellis Academy 264
Malagasy Publishing House 313 Mount Vernon Academy 264
Malamulo District 193 Mountain Province Mission 126
Malamulo Mission Hospital 296 Mountain View Union Academy 266
Malamulo Mission Station 193 Moyobamba Mission Station 176
Malamulo Mission Training Insti- Mrewa Mission District 197
tute 262 Muchenje Mission District 196
Malamulo Press 313 Munenga Mission District 196
Malay language, periodicals in 327 Munguluni Mission 231
Malay States Mission 123 Munguluni Mission Dispensary 307
Malayalam language, periodical in 327 Muntenian Conference 228
Malayan Signs Press 313 Musofu Mission Dispensary 307
Malayan Union Mission 122 Musofu Mission Station 196
Malayan Union Seminary 262 Mutaba Mission District 196
Maliera Mission Station 186 Mwagala Mission Dispensary 307
Manila Sanitarium and Hospital 297 Mwagala Mission Station 187
Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference 37 Mwami Mission Hospital 297
Map of North America 30 Mwami Mission Station 193
Mapani Mission Station 197 Mweru Mission District 196
Maplewood Academy 262 Myaungmya Dispensary 307
Maranke Mission District 197 Myaungmya High School 265
Marathi language, periodicals in 327
March Lusatian Conference 94 N
Marienhohe Missionary Seminary 262 Nalwazhi Clinic 297
Maritime Conference 37 Namba Mission Station 214
Maroua Dispensary 307 Nanga-Eboko Mission Field 219
Maroua Mission Field 219 Nanning S.D.A. Hospital 297
Matandani Mission Dispensary 307 Narsapur Secondary Boarding
Matandani Mission Station 194 School 265
Mato Grosso Mission 178 Nata Mission District 198
Maun Mission Station 194 Natal-Transvaal Conference 189
Mauritius Dispensary 307 Ndora Mission Dispensary 307
Mauritius Mission 222 Ndora Mission Station 184
Mauritius Mission School 263 Ndoumbi Dispensary 307
Mbeya Mission Dispensary 307 Neandertal Missionary Seminary .. 265
Mbeya Mission Station 187 Nebasa Mission Station 183
Mecklenburg Conference 94 Nebraska Conference 42
Medical Department 19 Necrology, 1950 464
Medical Institutions 288-308 Netherland Missionary School 265
Statistics of 348 Netherland Publishing House 314
Membership, Statistics of 346 Netherland Union Conference 158
Mexican Agricultural and Indus- Nevada-Utah Conference 66
trial School 263 New England Sanitarium and Hos-
Mexican Union Mission 144 pital 297
Michigan Conference 51 New Guinea Highlands Leprosy
Middle East College 263 Hospital 298
Middle East Press 313 New Guinea Highlands Missionary
Middle East Division 148 School 266
Institutions in 151 New Hebrides Mission 83
Detached Missions 150 New Jersey Conference 45
Midlands Mission District 197 New York Conference 33
Mindanao Mission Academy 263 New Zealand Missionary College 266
Ministerial Association 19 Newbold Missionary College 265
Ministerial Directory 353-464 Newbury Park Academy 266
Ministers under the General Con- Newfoundland Mission Conference 37
ference 26 Ngoma Mission Hospital 298
Minnesota Conference 54 Ngoma Mission Station 184
Missionary Volunteer Department 22 Nicaragua Mission 141
Statistics of 359 Nigerian Training College 266
Missouri Conference 41 Nile Union Mission 149
Modesto Union Academy 263 Ninghsia Mission 108
Mollobamba Mission Station 174
Mombera Mission Station 193 Nokuphila HoSpital 298
Monamona Mission for Aborigines 89 Norfolk Island Mission 89
Monamona Mission School 264 North African Union Mission 225
Mondora Mission District 197 North American Division 31

North American Conference Corpo- Northern Luzon Academy 267

ration of Seventh-day Adventists 24 Northern Luzon Mission 126
North American Colored Dept. 20 Northern Mindanao Mission 127
North American Commission for Northern New England Conference 34
Self-Supporting Missionary En- Northern Rhodesia Mission Field 195
terprises 24 Northern Union Conference 53
Self-Supporting Institutions 24 Institutions in 56
North American Home-Foreign Northwest China Sanitarium and
Bureau 20 Hospital 298
North American War Service Com- Northwest China Union Academy 267
mission 25 Northwest China Union Mission .... 107
North Argentine Academy 266 Northwest Frontier Mission 210
North Bantu Mission Field 190 Northeast India Union Mission .... 204
North Bavarian Conference 96 Northwest New Guinea Mission ... 85
North Borneo Mission 123 Norwegian language, periodicals in 327
North Brazil Union Mission 176 Norwegian Publishing House 314
North Celebes Mission 117 Nova Lisboa Dispensary 307
North Chile Conference 168 Nteme Mission District 196
North China Sanitarium and Hos- Ntusu Mission Dispensary 307
pital 298 Ntusu Mission Station 187
North China Union Academy 266 Number of Languages in which de-
North China Union Mission 105 nominational literature is pub-
North Coast Mission (Brazil) 177 lished 343, 344
North Dakota Conference 55 Nyanchwa Mission Station 186
North England Conference 153 Nyanja language, periodicals in .... 327
North France Conference 217 Nyhyttan Sanitarium 298
North Fukien Junior Academy 266
North Fukien Mission 112 0
North Italian Mission 224 Oak Park Academy 267
North Japan Mission 120 Oakwood College 268
North Kiangsu Mission 104 Obituary Record for 1950 464
North Kerala Mission Field 206 Occopampa Mission Station 175
North Korean Mission 121 Offerings, Special 14
North Marathi Mission 209 Offerings, Statistics of 346
North Mexican Mission 145 Ohio Conference 46
North Mission (Argentina) 169 Ohn Daw Elementary Boarding
North Moldavian Conference 228 School 268
North Natal Mission District 191 Okanagan Academy 268
North Netherland Conference 158 Okinawa Mission 120
North New South Wales Conference 89 Oklahoma Conference 77
North New Zealand Conference ... 90 Oltenia-Banat Conference 229
North Nigerian Mission Field 161 Omaura Intermediate School 268
North Norway Conference 163 Onsrud Mission School 268
North Pacific Union Conference 56 Ontario-Quebec Conference 38
Institutions in 61 Orange Free State Mission District 191
North Queensland Mission 90 Oregon Conference 58
North Sumatra Mission 118 Organizations, Statistics of 345
North Swedish Conference 156 Oriental Watchman Publishing
North Tamil Mission Field 207 House 314
North Telugu Mission Field 207 Orissa Mission Field 204
North Transylvanian Conference .... 229 Oshawa Missionary College 269
North United Provinces Mission Oslo Health Home 307
Field 205 Ovimbundu Outschools 214
Northeast Brazil Academy 267 Ozark Academy 269
Northeast China Union Academy .... 267
Northeast China Union Mission 106 P
Northeast India Union Mission 203 Pacajes Mission Station 174
Northeast Luzon Junior Academy 267 Pacastiti Mission Station 175
Northeast Luzon Mission 126 Pacific Agricultural and Industrial
Northeast Mission (Brazil) 171 School 269
Northeast New Guinea Mission 84 Pacific Colombia Mission 143
Northeast Saxonian Conference 94 Pacific Mexican Mission 146
Northeastern Academy 267 Pacific Press Publishing Association 315
Northeastern Conference 33 Central Branch 315
Northern California Conference 66 Inter-American Branch Factory 316
Northern Ceylon Mission 202 International Branch 315
Northern District (Nyasaland) 193 Northwest Branch 315
Northern European Division 152 Pacific Branch 316
Institutions in 164 Pacific Union College 269
Detached Mission 164 Pacific Union Conference 61
Northern Frontier Mission 204 Institutions in 70
Northern Ireland Mission 153 Panama Conference 141

Panayan language, periodicals in 328 Rangoon Mission Hospital 300

Papuan Mission 85 Raymond Memorial Training
Papuan Mission Press 316 School 273
Paradise Valley Sanitarium and Religious Liberty Department 21
Hospital 298 Rest Haven Sanitarium and Hos-
Paraguay Mission 169 pital 300
Parana-Santa Catarina Academy 270 Reunion Dispensary 307
Parana-Santa Catarina Conference 179 Reunion Mission 223
Penang Mission Hospital 299 Review and Herald Publishing As-
Periodicals Issued 320 sociation 316
Division 331 Review of 1950 4
General, English 320 Rhenish Conference 99
General, Foreign 322 Rhodesia-Bechuanaland Conference 196
Local 332 Rio de Janeiro Sanitarium and
School and Sanitarium 333 Hospital 300
Union 331 Rio-Espirito Santo Mission 171
Peru Mission 175 Rio Grande do Sul Conference 179
Philadelphia Academy 271 Rio-Minas Gerais Conference 172
Philippine Publishing House 316 Rio San Francisco Mission 172
Philippine Union College 271 River Plate College 273
Extension Division of 271 River Plate Sanitarium 300
Philippine Union College Clinic 307 Riverside Sanitarium and Hospital 301
Philippine Union Mission 124 Rogue River Academy 274
Piata Mission Station 175 Roorkee Secondary Boarding School 274
Pine Forge Academy 271 Ruanda-Urundi Mission Field 183
Pitcairn Island Mission 83 Ruia Mission District 198
Plainfield Academy 272 Rumanian language, periodicals in 328
Plainview Academy 272 Rumanian Publishing House 317
Plateria Mission Station 175 Rumanian Union Conference 227
Platte Valley Academy 272 Rumanian Union Training Institute 274
Polillo Vocational Institute 272 Runyurwanda language, periodical
Polish language, periodicals in 328 in 328
Polish Mission Training School 272 Rusangu Mission Dispensary 307
Polish Publishing House 316 Rusangu Mission Station 196
Polish Union Conference 159 Russian language, periodicals in 328
Polyclinic "Vie et Sante" 307 Ruwenzori Mission Station 187
Pomata Mission Station 175 Rwankeri Mission Dispensary 307
Porter Sanitarium and Hospital .. 299 Rwankeri Mission Station 184
Portland Sanitarium and Hospital 299 Rwesse Mission Dispensary 307
Portland Union Academy 273 Rwesse Mission Station 183
Port-of-Spain S.D.A. Clinic 300
Portuguese Conference 227 S
Portuguese East African Mission 231 Sabah Training School 274
Portuguese language, periodicals in 328 Sabbath School Department 21
Portuguese Publishing House 316 Statistics of 347
Portuguese Training School 273 St. Helena Island Mission 189
Portuguese Union Mission 226 St. Helena Sanitarium 301
Potomac Conference 47 St. Lawrence Mission 38
Preface 5 St. Thomas Islaad Mission 227
Press Relations, Bureau of 23 Sala Mission District 196
Publishing Department 20 Salisbury Mission District 198
Statistics of 349 Salt Cays Mission 136
Publishing Houses 309-319 Salvador Mission 141
Pucallpa Mission Station 176 Samabula Indian School 274
Puerto Rico Academy 273 Samoan Island Mission Press 317
Puerto Rico Conference 133 Samoan language, periodical in .. 329
Pur-Aliment Food Factory 287 Samoan Mission 83
Purchase and Supply, Department Sandia Mission Station 175
of (See Esda Sales and Service) . 23 Sangmelima Mission Field 220
Sanitarium Health Food Company 237
Q Sanitariums 288-306
Queensland Conference 91 Journals of 333-335
Statistics of 360
Que Que Mission District 198
San Diego Union Academy 274
R San Pasqual Academy 275
Sao Paulo Academy 275
Radio Department 21 Sao Paulo Clinic 301
Radio Production Commission, Sao Paulo Conference 180
Latin American 24 Sarawak Mission 123
Ranchi Hospital 300 Saxony-Anhalt Conference 95
Rand-Pretoria Mission District 191 Schools 234-286
Ranen Mission Station 186 Scottish Missions 154

Sechwana language, periodical in 329 South Dakota Conference 55

Sekolah Pendidikan Sulawesi (See South England Conference 154
Celebes Training School) 242 South Fukien Mission 112
Self-Supporting Institutions, The South German Union Conference .. 96
Association of S.D.A. 24 South India Union Mission 205
Seminaire Adventiste D'Haiti 253 South Italian Mission 225
Seminaire Adventiste, Gitwe 252 South Japan Mission 120
Seminaire Adventiste du Saleve . 251 South Kerala Mission Field 207
Seminario Adventists, Portugal . 273 South Korean Mission 121
Sentinel Publishing Company 318 South Marathi Mission Field 209
Seoul Sanitarium and Hospital .... 302 South Mexican Mission 146
Serbian language, periodicals in 329 South Natal Mission District 191
Sesuto language, periodical in 329 South Netherland Conference 159
S.D.A. Theological Seminary 275 South New South Wales Conference 86
Seychelles Islands Mission 223 South New Zealand Conference .... 91
Shanghai Medical Center 302 South Polish Conference 159
Shansi Mission 106 South Sumatra Mission 118
Shantung Mission 106 South Swedish Conference 156
Shenandoah Valley Academy 276 South Tamil Mission Field 208
Shensi Mission 108 South Telugu Mission Field 208
Shenyang Clinic-Hospital 302 South Transylvanian Conference 229
Sheyenne River Academy 276 South United Provinces Mission
Shiloh Mission Station and District 191 Field 205
Shoa Mission 158 South-West Africa 192
Siete Mission Station 175 Southeast African Union Mission 192
Sicuani Mission Station 175 Southeast China Union Junior
Sierra Leone Mission Field 161 Academy 277
Sierra Leone Training School 276 Southeast China Union Mission 111
Signs of the Times Publishing Southeast France Conference 218
House (China) 318 Southeast Mexican Agricultural and
Signs of the Times Publishing Industrial School 277
House (Korea) 318 Southeast Mexican Mission 146
Signs Publishing Co. (Australia) 318 Southeastern California Conference 68
Silozi language, periodical in 329 Southern African Division 182
Simla Sanitarium and Hospital . 302 Institutions in 198
Sind Mission 211 Bible Correspondence School in 199
Sinhalese language, periodicals in . 329 Southern Asia Division 200
Sitoti Mission Dispensary 308 Institutions in 211
Skodsburg Sanitarium 302 Southern Barotseland Mission Dis-
Skogli Sanitarium 303 trict 195
Slovakian Conference 216 Southern California Conference 69
Slovakian language, periodical in 329 Southern District (Nyasaland) 193
Slovenian language, periodical in 329 Southern European Division 213
Society Islands Mission 83 Institutions in 232
Society Islands Mission Press 319 Detached Missions 231
Solomon Islands Mission Press 319 Southern Luzon Mission 128
Solusi Mission Dispensary 308 Southern Mindanao Mission 128
Solusi Mission Station 198 Southern Missionary College 277
Solusi Training School 276 Southern New England Conference 34
Songs Mission Hospital 303 Southern Publishing Association 319
Songs Mission Station 184 Southern Rhodesia Mission Field 196
South African Union Conference 188 Southern Union Conference 70
South American Division 166 Institutions in 76
Institutions in 180 Southwest Ceylon Mission 202
Medical Missionary Launches in 181 Southwest China Mission 114
South Atlantic Conference 75 Southwest France Conference 218
South Australian Conference 86 Southwest Region Conference 78
South Bantu Mission Field 191 Southwestern Junior College 278
South Bavarian Conference 97 Southwestern Union Conference 76
South Brazil Union Conference 178 Institutions in 80
South Caribbean Mission 138 Soviet Republics 233
South Celebes Mission 118 Spanish-American Seminary 278
South Central Conference 75 Spanish language, periodicals in 329
South-Central Luzon Mission 127 Spanish Mission 231
South Chekiang Junior Academy 276
South Chekiang Mission 104 Spanish Mission Training School .. 279
South Chile Conference 169 SpaniSh Publishing House 319
South China Training Institute 276 Special Days of Offering for 1951 14
Shuth China Island Union Mission 109 Spicer Missionary College 279
South China Union Academy 277 Stanborough Park Sanitarium 303
South China Union Mission 110 Stanborough Press (see British Pub-
South Congo Mission District 184 lishing House) 309

Stanborough Secondary and Church U

School 279 Ubol Mission Clinic 304
Statistical Tables 336 Uganda Mission Field 187
Stockholm Hydro-Electric Institute 308 Ukranian language, periodicals in 330
Stockholm Publishing House 319 Umtata Mission District 192
Suji Mission Dispensary 308 Umuchi Mission Station . 175
Suji Mission Station 187 Union College 281
Sultanabad Hospital 303 Union Springs Academy 282
Sumatra Training School 279 Upper Amazon Mission of Peru 176
Sung Kiang Mission 107 Upper Columbia Academy 282
Sunny Hill School 280 Upper Columbia Conference 59
Sunnydale Academy 279 Upper Magdalena Mission 144
Surat Mission Hospital 303 Urdu language, periodical in 331
Surinam Mission 139 Uruguay Academy 282
Swahili language, periodical in 330 Uruguay Mission 170
Swatow Junior Academy 280 U.S.S.R Division 233
Swatow Mission 112 Utimbaru Mission Dispensary 308
Swedish language, periodicals in 330 Utimbaru Mission Station 187
Swedish Missionary School 280 Utiolio Dispensary 308
Swiss Publishing House 319
Swiss Union Conference 229 V
Sydney Sanitarium and Hospital 303 Vailoa Training School 282
Sydney Treatment Rooms 308 Valley Grande Academy 282
Vatuvonu Central School 283
T "Victoria" School of Nursing and
Tagalog language, periodicals in .... 330 Dispensary 304
Tahitian language, periodical in 330 Victorian Conference 87
Taiwan Mission 110 "Vie et Sante" Institute 308
Talla Mission Station 183 Vincent Hill College 283
Tamatave Mission 223 Virgin Islands Mission 139
Tamil language, periodicals in 330 Voice of Prophecy Corporation 26
Tananarive Mission 223 Voice of Prophecy, The 26
Tanganyika Mission Field 186
Taquara Academy 280 W
Tasmanian Conference 87 Wai On Hospital-Dispensary 304
Tati Mission District 198 Walfriede Sanitarium and Clinic
Teh Sin School 280 (see Krankenhaus Walfriede) .. 295
Tekerani Mission Dispensary 308 Walker Memorial Sanitarium and
Tekerani Mission Station 193 Hospital 304
Television Commission 25 Walla Walla College 283
Telugu language, periodical in 330 Walla Walla General Hospital 305
Temperance Organization 22 War Service Commission, North
Tenasserim Mission Field 201 American 25
Texas Conference 78 Warburton Sanitarium and Hospital 3 05
Texico Conference 79 Washington Conference 60
Thailand Mission 123 Washington Missionary College 2 84
Thai language, periodicals in 330 Washington Sanitarium 3 05
Thambani Outstation 194 Washington Sanitarium and Hospi-
Theological Seminary 275 tal 308
Thuringia Conference 95 Welsh Mission 154
Tibetan Border Mission 114 West African Union Mission 160
Tibetan Mission Hospital 304 West Australian Conference 88
Tibetan Mission Press 319 West Bengal Mission Field 204
Tithe, Statistics of 346 West China Union Academy 285
Toivonlinna Kristillinen Opisto (See West China Union Mission 113
Finland S.D.A. Mission School) .. 251 West Cuba Conference 134
Toivonlinna Summer Sanitarium .. 304 West Denmark Conference 164
Tokyo Sanitarium and Hospital 304 West Finland Conference 156
Tongan language, periodical in .... 330 West German Union Conference 97
Tongan Mission 83 West Hungarian Conference 221
Trans-Commonwealth Union Con- West Indian Training College 285
ference 86 West Jamaica Conference 136
Trans-Commonwealth Union Mis- West Java Mission 118
sionary College 280 West New Guinea Mission 119
Transportation 25 West Nigerian Mission Field 162
Trans-Tasman Union Conference 88 West Nordic Union Conference .. 162
Treatment Rooms 306-308 West Norway Conference 164
Tsingtao Sanitarium and Hospital 304 West Pakistan Union High School 285
Tunis Dispensary 308 West Pakistan Union Mission 210
Tunis Mission 226 West Pennsylvania Conference 48
Turkish language, periodical in 330 West Polish Conference 160
Turkey Mission 149 West Punjab Mission 211

West Saxonian Conference 95 X

West Szechwan Junior Academy 285
West Szechwan Mission 114 Xhosa language, periodical in 331
West Venezuela Mission 144
West Virginia Conference 48 Y
West Visayan Academy 285 Yanaoco Mission Station 175
West Visayan Mission 128 Yencheng Sanitarium-Hospital 306
Western District (Nyasaland) 194 Yoruba language, periodical in 331
Western India Union Mission 208 Y.P.M.V. Department 22
Western Province Mission District 192 Statistics of 351
Western Solomon Islands Mission 85 Youngberg Memorial Hospital 306
White Publications, Ellen G. 23 Young People (see Y.P.M.V. De-
White Memorial Hospital 305 partment) 22
Wholesale Food Branches 287 Yugoslavian Union Conference 230
Wisconsin Academy 286 Yungas Mission Station 174
Wisconsin Conference 53 Yunnan Junior Academy 286
Wollega Mission 158
Workers Directory 353-464 Z
Workers Directory, General Confer-
ence 26 Zambesi Union Mission 194
Workers Sent to Foreign Fields .. 342 Zauditu Memorial Hospital 306
Wuertemberg Conference 97 Zomba Outstation 193
Wyoming Conference 42 Zulu language, periodical in 331

Effective advertising is more than a gesture of goodwill between com-
petent suppliers and their favorite buyers. It is specific information con-
cerning available services rendered by whom, when, and where.
The Yearbook serves thousands of S.D.A. offices throughout the world.
While it is designed primarily as a directory and reference book, the fol-
lowing pages reflect, in a measure, the expression of business-like coopera-
tion which exists between these alert advertisers and experienced Seventh-
clay Adventist institutional buyers. We introduce each group to the other
in this volume.
We welcome the new "faces" in this select group; and when you write
to advertisers, kindly mention that you saw their advertisement in the
1951 S.D.A. Yearbook. To all we wish a very prosperous year.

Albert F. Prieger Tampa, Fla. 516

A. S. Aloe Co. Washington, D.C. 513
Esda Sales and Service Washington, D.C. 514
Estey Organ Corporation Brattleboro, Vt. 507
Frederick W. Edwards New York, N.Y. 516
Huntington Laboratories Huntington, Ind. 511
International Insurance Company Washington, D.C. 516
Loma Linda Food Company (Eastern Office) Mt. Vernon, Ohio 512
Loma Linda Food Company (Western Office) Arlington, Calif. 515
Royal Typewriter Co., Inc. New York, N.Y. 508
Sexton Quality Foods Chicago, III. 510
Simmons Company New York, N.Y., 509
The Sabbath School Worker Washington, D.C. 518
The Upjohn Company Kalamazoo, Mich. 517
Underwood Corporation Washington, D.C. 511
Western Advertising Agency, Inc. Los Angeles, Calif. 506
Brings a new challenge to
adapt the fundamentals of good
advertising to the needs of the
client. That's why advertising
counsel in all phases of tele-
vision brings results, in both
industrial and consumer fields,
which justify the investment.


are making their mark on
American life.

The Agency welcomes inquiries from

individuals and firms who require coun-
sel from a business organization with an
understanding of Seventh-day Adventist
purposes and plans.

Wire or Phone



DUnkirk 7-7367

Favorite of Schools and Missions . . .


to carry ( only 73 lb.) , whether
from room to room, floor to
floor or school to school. 15,000
Estey Folding Organs were
used exclusively by the armed
forces overseas. Strongly built,
yet attractive. Easy to play
many pupils without elemen-
tary musical knowledge start
with it. Highly useful for enter-
tainment, religious or instruc-
tional purposes. Price $175 plus
tax* F.O.B. factory.

The Estey Folding Organ. Compact, Sturdy.

Dark walnut or special finishes at slight
extra cost. Two full set of reeds. 8' Dia-
pason; 4' Flute. Four octave keyboard. Swell
shade and mute release provide vibrant
crescendo and tone brilliance. Oversize bel-
lows give smooth sustained chords, wide
volume range. Length 301/2". Height (open)
30", (folded) 20". Depth (open) 16",
(folded) 111/2".


Brattleboro 15, Vermont
I would like your FREE illus-
trated brochure.
I Please name nearest Estey dealer.


NEW! Solo Bass and Treble
stops, added to the 4' reeds (F:r
giving even greater tone
*No Federal excise tax on
purchases by churches.
and up to 0


The easiest-writing
office typewriter
ever built . . .

. . . the amazing

Unbelievable as it
sounds, ROYAL again "betters the best"!
Operators get greater typing ease, power, and speed. You
get crisper originals; clearer, sharper carbons.
Gray Magic Royal, preferred better than 21/4 to 1 over any
other make, is now electrified. The Royal Electric is the
perfect answer to a multitude of typing problems.
No typing habits to change! "Magic" Margin, tabulator
I key, shift keys, and other famous Royal features are
identical in shape and position with Gray Magic Royal.
A Royal exclusive!
No "Change-over" problems! The operator can adjust the
touch to correspond to that of a manually operated machine.
i Thanks to "Touch Control" another Royal exclusive! a

mby the World's Largest Manufacturer of Typewriters
"Magic"and "Touch Control" are registered trade-marks of
Royal Typewriter Company, Inc.

gor domes, Aospitals, and institutions
of die world


Steel Beds and Cots
Cribs and Youth's Beds
Inner Spring Mattresses and Boxsprings
Metal Bed SpringsCoil and Fabric
Steel Bedroom Furniture
Hide-A-Bed Sofas and Lounges

Descriptive Literature Upon Request

Export Offices
New York 16, N.Y. Kenosha, Wis.
1 Park Avenue 5511 5th Ave.
San Francisco, California
295 Bay Street

/C /C /C /C

These Are Equally Divided
Between Men and Women

Women buyers judge largely by intuition. Men buyers depend upon careful .
Appreciate immediately the value of new analysis. Slower to accept new items
products in brightening their service Weigh because they prefer to have things more
the value of the product in their individual standardized. Sometimes overemphasize
service rather than by a price standard alone. price as a "actor in their determination.

Buyers for the institutional and restaurant field are skilled in the
technique of appraising foods. They make full use of scientific
methods of ascertaining food cost.
Sexton sells to 60,000 individual units in this great market. The
growth of the company has been based entirely on quality and
service. A policy of fine merchandise, carefully packaged, fairly
priced and promptly delivered has won the confidence and good
will of these trained buyers.

Long Island City
San Francisco
Dallas Atlanta
Pittsburgh Detroit
Modern Office Aids . . .
Rhythm Touch De Luxe
greater speed . . . durability
. . . simplicity

Adding - Figuring Machine
Simple 10-Key Keyboard
gives speed and accuracy
Ask for a demonstration today!
1630 L Street, N.W., Washington 6, D.C.

TESTS SHOW that Hexachloro-

phene Germa-Medica drastically
reduces bacterial flora on the skin.
Used regularly, its residual action keeps
count down. Its low pH factor, pure
vegetable oil content make it safe, gentle
on hands. Write for technical bulletin.



Hexachlorophene Germa-Medica
.m Hexachlorophene Geirma-Medica Liquid Soap contains
MONTING/0 2 1/2 Hexcichlorophede on the anhydrous soap
basis, 1% total weight.

the S milk
NOW produced at Mount Vernon, Ohio,
cessors to International Laboratory, Inc.

SOYALAC is made from Soy Beans with other non-

animal ingredients. It is spray dried and mixes easily.
One pound makes one gallon of rich milk.


is the equivalent of dairy milk and may be used in the
same way.

1. ALL-PURPOSE for general
2. MALT FLAVOR for those
who prefer it.

3. INFANT FOOD for babies.


special cases.

A complete line of Lorna Linda Foods is now available at Mount

Vernon, Ohio, to better serve those East of the Mississippi River.

Descriptive literature will be mailed on request. Order from your

food dealer, Book and Bible House, or direct from:



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Being the world's largest surgical

supply house, A. S. Aloe Co. offers
definite advantages to those buying
equipment for the physician or hos-

11 We are equipped to handle promptly

any requirements for domestic or for-
eign shipment.

Catalogs on request.

a alo, of
Washington, D.C.
1501 14th St. N.W. Washington 5, D.C.


Esda Sales and Service extends to
conferences and institutions' over-
seas and in the homeland its services
for supplying equipment and sup-
plies for denominational organiza-
tions and workers.
Contracts and franchises are main-
tained with most of the advertisers
in the Yearbook and with many
others. Esda Sales and Service
solicits your requests for informa-
tion and quotations. A list of avail-
able merchandise will be sent for
the asking.
In order to expedite the handling of
overseas orders, you are requested
to process them through your Union
or Division office, according to the
existing policy in your Division

Esda Sales and Service Esda Sales and Service
107 Carroll Street, N.W. Room 310, 703 Market Street,
Takoma Park, San Francisco 3, California
Washington 12, D.C.
"ESDA" Washington "ESDA" San Francisco

Export orders for Loma Linda Foods may be sent direct to
107 Carroll St., N. W., Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.

Write to
6840 Eastern Ave., N.W.
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.




(Not Made by Students)
312-314 W. Louisiana Avenue Tampa 3, Fla., U.S.A.


Placed in us by the


and wish our many S.D.A. friends

around the world


e'keelerickY1). cl.cuards
Institutional Furnishings, Simmons Beds and Bedding



c..0 Q --)


Fine Pharmaceuticals Since 1886


The Official Bible Lesson Kelp

* Widens Your Bible Knowledge

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* Adds to Your Teaching Power
* Saves Your Time and. Energy

The Sabbath School Worker

* Gives a Closer Touch With All the Church
* Fosters the Spirit of Foreign Missions
* Keeps the Children in the Church
* Binds the Family Together
A Helping Hand to Preachers, Parents, Laymen,
Teachers, Dedicated to Soul-saving evangelism, With
Outlines, Diagrams, and Cut-Outs

Subscription Rates
One Year-12 Issues - U.S. $2.50; Overseas $2.85
One YearCombination* U.S. 2.25; Overseas 2.60
Two or More, 1 Address,
1 Year U.S. 1.75; Overseas 2.10
a If ordered with any other Review and Herald periodical,
except Life and Health


Forty-eight Pages Packed With Information and Inspiration

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