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28 1
OlUsSA ACT 18 OF 1987
1. Short title, extent and ammen~ement
2. Ddnition
3. Advomtes' Welfare Fund

4. Establishment of Trust Committee

5. Disqualifintion of nominated members of the Cornmillee

6. Vacancy due to resignation

7. Act of Committee not to be invalidated by vamacy, def&, ttc.
8. Vesting and applidon of Fund

9. Functions of the Committee

10. Funds borrowing and iavestment

11, Powers and Duties of Secretary

12. Contribution by the Bar Council

13. Recognition and registration of Bar Grbociatlon

14, Duties of Bar &sociation

15. Membership in the Fund
16. Payment from the fund on cessation of practice
17. Restriction on alienation, attachment, etc. of interest In the fund

18. CRs~tionand readmission

19. Meetings of the Gommittee

20. Travelling and daily allowance to Members of G o d t t e e
21. Appeal against decision of Committee

22. Printing and distribution of stamps by the State Government

23. Valcalat to bear stamp

24. Protection of action taken in good failh

25. Bar of jurisdiction of Civil Courts

26. Power to summon witnesses and take evidence

27. Power to make Rules

28. Scmum

7 .r, r ,: # , ,:-?.
&lk$@y .,-,,j.,
m Am,m

..,.-., rlrpqdept
.,.,,,,:.: on ?be 20th October 1987, Crst-~ublisiyl
:' jfl 1' 12.. irr!qn7eE41f~o~di4um
J? I~&elof lh! ~r$s.q.&
. tt e, ddlpd fhe?-3rd,hven;_r!@
::'t;l!.., -.,

, ,
. P

- hd*s , .li0:ii

tbe.payment ofretj~ement~$nd,
&dllot :.:,,,!,,,;., >*;; ,,.,., -
90 p r ~ ~ i d e e t ~ r ' ~ ~ & ~ ~ f i ~ t ~ L+&l;ld d t i for
other:b;eneQtsto Advyyte? in the State or. Qriss? and
' - . . -..

&? ...
.fiiidFs. ..-." ... . . thei,cl&;
I ,dc,, . coqected--tbtirkwg
. ,,. ,.dl:i&jdedal
d ul,
._ . . . .. . .

. . ,...
. ,. I ! : 1 . , ', . . . -..
. . I .
; 1; i . , , ,

Be it enacted by'the Leag~sktureof the State of Orissa in the ~ h i i r y e i ~ hYear th

&,the Republic~nCIndia, a3 ..foUdw$:,- ': ; . -. . , -. .. f;i-{r:-... : . ;; l > , : i , * ' ,
- ? ~ l , . ~ , ~ l ~ ! l . , ;>- ;, , .' . ! : . 3 ;;::,, . ., ;.;! ;,:i,. f ,,> - -
0 L -,
1; *,,;, -. . .. . . , . , .... . ,Q',.I;;.'/ ,
I. J
\ ., . I .

Short title, 1. (I) This Act may be called the Orissa Advocates' Welfare .Fund Act, 1987.
oxtent and .. -
ommence- (2) I t extends to the whole of-thb ;bf Q r i ~ s i . -. :-. , - 2 -
,- 1

I&: 1: ~@j.iP~~~lll:.&hp'irjt&J fbrce'<&n .,fueh &te as ihe stgtk .& v ~ ~ may,
~ ~ n t
.,- ,
by notifiation, appoint in that behalf. .+ , .. ;. .

n ~ f i ~ i u o m':,lL. 2: : f i t h l s l act, ,unlesi' - t h Lht6dtiidtlieiql/ie

" . i
I ; : , . :, . , ,



.. ,
'Advocate' r n & d ' = ? $k&
(a) %hose daine' coitihu'& 'i= the State roll
of Advocates prepared and maintained by , the .Bar Cpuncii of Orissa ,
under sectton 17 of tht Adv&&tes' Act; 1961 iiid whd. is &ij a member '

or a Bar hsociation. OF a Society of Advocates registered under the21 of

..:') < ~ ! : ~ ; f .$~~&i&iR&&~t~~i~~!.&t,~''1~60;:
i , -;,. . ' :; ., - - . . ,. _ I: ,,, ,
, I

;! f::.-i>!:; -; I ? -, - ,m .

;Bar Association'
(4- means an association of Advocates either recagnised by 21 of 1860,
;--- . J

, -th$: Ehl'i'&diih6i11 untlk'$:S&tidii;lb,oi.'.?@i$t&$d,.dndci:lhe Sbcielies Regis-

; .. . .. . .. - 1860;:.
. tration:!Act,
., >:.i , .,
. - ,.
- ,,
,..- , .
..,.., _ ... . . --- , :! f

(c) 'Bar Councii'means the'33;i ~tiilhdilb r ~ ~ ~ s i - - & & i t i t u t ~Section3 d . ~ ~ d25e ~ofI961,
of the Advocates' Act,,,l961; . ' -
, ' .!. 1j1:

.d L
;~>::;!il - . ,., , - -.. I L.2 .,
... - .,.)

i!,;;; !,, > # , ,; i , ; j i ~. . , ~ i ! *-:I . ;I: i . , ' !;i l2 -:*: *!. .;r!:. ,>>:. i ' . , ', ::::'. : ( 5 , , .
L , ;! .'

( d l 'Cessation of phPtieg.mgnf removal of ::the name of an ,:advocate from

the State roll maintained by the Bar Council on account of his death
' - . :,:[. or 09 accqupt_:9f; his voluntmy cessation
, ,
. .., on-the ground , :'i'
. ..,, -
of permanent pliys~cal or mental 'dis'ability I

,- .:,-.,-::1'-]
.*Fuhd&jisist;&*idi under Section 3 ;

''F$id" &&i6iihk 'kdvo&f&' *elf~i

'Mcmkr of 'the ' ~ & h ' ~ ' & e &-'~afi,

&576&e 'admittid:,to . the: benefit of
the Fund and .contipu,bg to be, .a. memb~r thereof under the provisions
ofthisAct;. . .
4 ....
. .. . .
"I,,.' . ,,

(g) 'Prescribe' means prescribed by rules made under this Act ;
;,l.2f[8 >',,*<, ,.; -
.,.., ,.,!',i. .'. ,, , ,

(hy retirement' . k&ns stoppage of' j%icficc k ' k b ~d&&caic ., +.... a . . ~ ? - ciinmunicated

to and rccognised - by thc Trust Committee;

; ' i .,,dr:;- i l ,:'id!:;, .::J, :
, - , i ~ ; ~ ~ i -kid.,
. . , .\ ,

rhe ~ d ~ -diifs
I .

- . . .:ti) 'Stamp. me& ~ ~ K nl d ....

ii~& $-5iinted
. . .. -
a d distributed -,

under agtion 22.

3 3 1 i ) 1 . ; L t . 1 , . 3 - ., -,:, . !. .. ., :,! 5:. . , , ,

1. For Statemenl or objcct and reasons see Orism Gnzefrc, ~ ~ t i & o r d i n ~dared,!ltiP3rd
i~; Mash
2 . : r . : : : 5 , , : , ,, . . . .
2. Came into force, w. c, f. 1-1-1988, vide Orissa Gazerle, ~ t r a o r d i n a i y~dt'ik4'1;
dated'iih; 3Ist
DcCember 1987.

THE ORIssA A D V c q C @ ~ ' .~. , -,~<~: /A i t R E , F UACT,

N D 1987
[Orissa Act 18 of 'I987 1
* . !'I!
-. *,. !F<;g()
' ,.I.( 7 'isec*a
34. ><-.-$<;;-
L --I-
' ; T !

' (j)''$&i& means a'a.'a%&iiittioi ~ d & & t i s .resist&& unakf t& ' s h e t i c s of .,;.,'-<' '

h a-nd iactddes':the All 21 eflw

&gistration .'Ad; I fl60 , oth'er. tliaa-.BaryAi'so~iatio "

Orissa Iawyers' Association;

. . ,. ."! . .
(k) astar$!mean;
r.: ,
the. sbtc. .i ?. f.,o

. . . . . . .
. . . . .
,' ;

I I . 'I

(m) 'Commjitec' means the Trust Oornmittee atablished

,, - . .' .,' u,nder
S 9 .-.
f ion.,.f ;
, , , , ,
. ,
(n) + f i t * mtans ~akalat&i a n d includes mehionndum . apW& '

or any other dscument by which an' advoate is empowered to appear '

or plead Wore any cqurt, tribunal or other authority.

I ' . I. ,,. . - r' : I
. . . . .
With effect from the d a t i of atablishme& of thb-'"Cornmitt& uhdet
3. (1)
subsection (I) of Section 4 there shall be mnstituted a Fund called the Advocates'
Wdfare Fund. . -:: .. ;, . - , . :) ..: ,' h
, ':,;! !:.:,'<;
.;,i:ri ! - . , L i ; L
(2)Thereshallbecreditedto tbis.find.-. ,;, -- , . : , , --;': "-. . .,
., -.Y : !
(4)all, amounts that may ,kpaid by ,the Bar Council of Ori-,. , under
12; .'.,.
., ; - . .. - . 2 . . ..,.I .
(bl any voluntary donations or cqntribution made to. the Fund by, tpe Bar . ,, , ,,-,

CaunciI of India, any Bar Association, any otber AssocraClon, or

.. -
Institution, any advocate, or any . other person; :..!j I . 1.
, .
. .
- ,
... ' . (~$,anysum borrow4 . , . . under !Section 10 ; *
, ,. ,

. . . , ',J; . , .-
...,,, . . I
- ,- I,

(d) a y interest or dwidend -or othpr, &tyr,n on any,i~veipvebtmeitmade out

ofany part of the Fund;
I , . , , . . -
r ,. ,, , . .
- 1
. (e) all sums collected :by .yii-& sale & stamps ti ndit,_~ecti&,22; '"and
. , .. ',i>,

(/I all .urns collected iinder Section 16 by ~ ~ y ' applimtion
df fms and
. . .. .. . .. . a w a I subs-riptioq:and interest thereof. .-.,. ' : :.,I , I 8

- ' :,?
(3) The sums specfid in subsection (2) shall be' paid to i;:. mllected by
tbe Committee and the accounts of the fund sbalI be maintained and
.. operated in such manner; a s - m a y be prescribed. .... r
. . ., ...
'. ,
. -, , . -l
, , ,,
Batabllab ,

m d of 4. (1) There shall bs a Trust .~drnmitt&"&nsistin~

,;.. of the foUowing members:-

Trmt . . I , I I, I

, (i)A d v o ~ ~ G e n e r aofl Or&, Ex c@c@ M,ember
.. _ I..I .
and Chairmaq-; ,

(ii) Secretary, ,Law D e p ~ F e n tEx .. .

, oficio Member ; . . ;(. ' j y

(iij) Chairman, State Bar touncil, Ex oscio Memhr ;

(v) a [Three]
eminent Advocates to be nominated by the State Government
Members; -. ., .I
. 0

[vil a .....
[ Vicc-Chairman, ilar Council] Ex o8;cip ~ e m b c rand Tra.seasurcr.

1. Omirted by tho Orissa Advocates, WeHalare Fund (Arnendmentj Act, '1991 ' (&l'& t 10
of 1991) 5.2 (0. . .

, . 2. Substituted by ibid. B. 2. {ii) ',: -:, .I

3. substituted by the Orisso Advwales' WelZwe Fund (Amtndment) Act, , 1989'(.0sisk :-
Act lOpP.!?%9)s.2. .,.,. :. , - .. . . . ,;. ... . . i, . . . . ' # ! . . . . . , .:

i , .'i .,;.: .... .., I

. .
., -ACT,1987 . i . L . . , - . , . . t , . . . . L

(2) The Secretary, B?rr Council shall be the Ex ofilo, h e p r y d the....

, . < , .
.:I ,~i\:l:
Qommittee. ..: :.
; h I,#

?.:I :: .
. >. . m .
. . , -
I .- :
. .
.> .*:>
J ~ l ~ ~ ~ , ~ .


(3) Tho Committee shill .be a body Grporale :-wit6 ~ott&n real;!-aa
perpetual sut;cession with its Heaa O@x at Cuttack having power to
; acquire and hold property and -shall, by the saidl,name, sue or belhed

- ...
. ,. (4) . , 'far a period
The nominated mbmben shall 'hold' office of foul $ars.
. - -, -. ..

~i3qudt6- 5. (I) A person shall be disqualified for being nominated or appointed as and
eetion of for. being a member of the Committee, if he- :
nmimted I.,; , . .)
memhrn -
d tho . . . (a) bccomes unsound mind,or .
&mmlt(ca ;: ., " . ,.,
-(b)is ahjudged insolvent. or . I , .
. . .. (c) is absent without leave of the Cdmmittee for ' more 'than three
consecutivemeetings of the Committee, or
, 1 ... , . ., - . ~i
- '

(4is a defaulter ta the k i d bn case he is a member bf tho. Fandl

- .. : , or has committed breach of tmst, or .


(e) i s convicted by a cridnal court for a n offience involving moral p p i t u e

unless such conviction has +n set aside; or - "-:, .
. -. .
, . -.

. ./ ., - . ,

, ,

,. .
of an advoate removed fro& the roll of the' Statc Bar U ~ u n l
if) in k c
for whatsower reason.
-, .. - .
-I -I
:, ;.I
(2) On a mcmber being disqualified as per sub-sectiba (1 a vaknGhw i s a from

. ..
. . which the, Committee declare him to be so 1squali6ed...
the date on
. .':
: ,
1. - ,<:.!,!~,,i
;: ,;':!+:,',;!
v n a q due .. 6. (I) Any member nominated under clause (v) of subsection (1) of:~cction:'4:-;6;. : .:.!:;

to re- may resign from his ofice by giving notice in writing ta the Chairplan of the , I- .
tr*. Oommitte and on aoceptance of his resignatiorlhe shall be. deemed to have vamted
his a c e . .. . -
, , . , ' A

. ..
, b b , l

(2) Any mual vamncy in the o w of a member may be filled up, ak soon"as
may be, by the Government and a memlxr so nominated to a such vacancy shall
_hold ofice 'for the unexpired portion of the term of office of the meinter. who~e
.place- he Us. .. .. ,
.'I .
::' : . (3) wheneve1 a cdsual or temporary vacancy occun in tho -offi%,of]

man of the Qommittee whoever is In charge of the oEw' of the Advocate-General
.. - the -time being shall function as the Qhairman' of the Committee. 7' r.1
.for, 2 ,'
'. ..,' 11
.. -

~ a o f :7. No Act done or .proceeding taken under this Act or the rule$ r&de the*
Commtaso -under by the Bommittec shall be invalidated mereIy by reason. of- -.; . - J
not to bo
hlId*tod ., 1 , . - 1 . )

I. I

--(a) any vmney or defcct in -the coistiiution df . the , Cdmmittee

ddccl, etc.
.. . 4 . L ... .
..-. ,-.
(b) any defect or irregularity
. in ,the nomination of any -person.:.m, a ,rgcmbtt
. '
-thereof; or . ,. ' .:, . , ..:- :.. :/ Q !.k .J

(c) any d e f c t or irreguhrity. in such act or proceeding .not &hi* tha b:rlr *9:bv;uct
malt of the case. .. . , . . .. . - . . P < >
.. . . . .. , . . . - - . . . . - +..A!
8. P ~ Fund
C shall vest in, and be held a& a plied by tho ~ o d t t m subjact
a~plIcatlon to%the provisions, and
Of Fmd. :.,, :-.: ,..
for- the purposes of this
. . - -. ,
.. . .
kL i. .. - . , * I (6)
G-+:.*iCt: 't:)> 211)

, . ' . .
d tbe
9, ii)c-h;
,.&&&&.. i&
t'& Fuhd.
! eOmmItttl. . (2) In the administration of the Fund, the Committee shall, subject to the

;ho$dens of this Act,,and the rules made thereurider-

.- - ,
. - ;.
,I:'': 1; .< , . .. .
.I . . -:(;],hold.
1 -- -the ,puou~isa$ &s& belonging to tbe ~ i h din t e s i ;
(b) receive ap Iication for., .admission or readmission !o the Fugd, and
thereof ;
ir'iaos'e 6 .sukh 'a$pIid~itrons ivithiii ninety aiyk fr*m thie dab6 bf receipt
, . . . . -.
. .... , '
, . ..
, , ,, , . -
the ~ " d hthiir iibminees or legal .'
11 . . . I 1,- '
(c) receive application f i 6 k khi rnemEeZ3 6k . .

representatives, as the m e may .bo3,for pgEents out of the Fund, con-

duct such enquiry as it deems iekssary Tor tEe diip,iibsil o'f such appli- ' -
. .
cations and dispose of the applications within .three months from the date
of receipl thereof ;

- , .. ,(d.record .in,tlfeminutes book of the Comniittee dekisioh an the bpplications ;
, > . -- .. . .
(e) pay to the applicants amount at the rates specdied in the schedule ;
.. -
- 1 , -
' , .
' .. . ! ,dt , .. ,

(f1 send such periodical8 and a k u a i . repbrts f b the State Government and
the Bar Council in the prescribed manner;
. .,.:,
. .
.I ' ,
..,I11 .:.;.>a<. ' .>d.: : , , ::,.,.I..<,
eammnnrcate t ~ j b 5 app1j-t~
, legiste~d,&it with .~,a~lmowlcdgcmcnt
due, the dmsrons of the Cbmmittee in respect of applications for ad-
. . misviqn
or readmission to the Fund or claims to the bcncfit of the Fund ;
, ,

.,I I..

(h] do such other acts as are, or may bc, required be done under this
.. ,,.
- . Act and the rules made thereunder. .. . . , ,

,> ,, - ,
Pun4 10. 0) '&-'tte'~ myY, ivik ihi prior approval of the St& ~overoment
~~~ ., bonow -from t h e to time, any sum required for carrying out the ;pumposes of, tbis'Act.
8Udinrcrl-.- ,-

mat. - . ,, ,

(Z1W7 ,:

Pu6a schedule?l bahk or I ~ V C Sthe

m?.neys adreceipts forming part of t&
p t t e e i@,'d.e_gd:it-a!
~ same in loans in any mrporatioi bwnd
or controlled by the Central Government or the State Government or in loans floated
i by.I [ d the
Central Government or' thc Stale -Government.
I T .(,..'

- 33)-i~1
gthquk'ts d u ~ i=b ail, expedd&k AGL
ib-'ihe f&&de&~nt 2nd 'admihistrhtibn 'of the- Fiiiid shaIlbc paid out 'of thcFudd,
piynbie:i~+iiqthii, AA

(41 The a q ~ n t sof the Committee shaU be audited annudy by a Chartered

-,d&.npslht- asaihted, by We Stite Govehid'eilt. . .
, ' dl..d, : . _ I

(5) The Aikmt3, of ti&, OornuiiM,a$ wtified bj thk $,dig&, &i&

the audit report .thereon, ahall k forweed to the State Government by the CO--
-flq,,-mck,,th$Sta~q.Govesqnept may Issue such directions as it debs fit lo the
&mmittee m respect thereof., .
. ,
- (6)The Committee qhfl comply with the directions issued by the SJafe>Govem- . ,.
merit under Siik#&oh 15). - ' .,.
1, , -I..:. .J x p t & i ~ p * ~ 455-~t tbk
bu~pb'se.s.,af ~ ~ & . f ~ ~ in; kihe L~
Department shall be the Administrative Depment.
' pmua .nd !ai;mt, .Secretary, of the Committg: s h & . .i . ., I ;

Dutb d , .
k W . (a) be the chief wecutive authority of the ~ o m & * t e e and is responsible fo
.. -, . . carryiqg . i!s decjsjons;, ,
.... .out , ., , , . ... ., .., .. . I .; :,- ::-r
. .
, ,& c&;
a:. ..
!.,i\. .' . . .--
(b) represent the Corn1 tee ln
ioi an$
&'i+&-&&is =anal

the Committee;

.. .,-- . . . . - ..
*& V o ~ -;:4 * ~ ~ ' ~ ~ b L + P
A R~E ~ .~k?,
I )
.- , . .
,--f' :

- A
, - - ' *

i I;0~i=saAct r % ,bf l9$7 9 :

( Secsll2-14)
authenticate by his signature.all decisions ana.instr~clionsofi .-.- ..
-':. . ....
,',,- . '
.. -
. .the .&mmittee;
., .
., ,. -.., -
, . ..
(a,opekatetheha';ika&u&h.df , t$k b m i t t d c j o i f i t l y , w i ( h i h t T t ~ . a s.-u f.i ~ J

(e) convene rnceting of the Committee and prepare its minutes ;

( f ) attehd the m&ingi of thi Cofimitiec l i t h all the ndcesury req& and
information :

(B) '&int&b sbh 'fsitils, &hiand .6rhci ieeardi as mayb6 b*&jbed

from time to t&e %fid ;d& 'all .cdrt&sporldehceiklatin'g tb 'the C o d t ' t & j
. -

ih) k e k a i - 14. a d a I 'sgiehcn't of busiiiess trahiictc8 by th; ''&miittcc

during each 'financial ye& ; and
. . . .

(8 do such other acts as may "bc difected bp thc &miitlet, . .

Coatribdon 12;-Thb 3ar'Gonnid mag mntrib'ute to the fuid annuallyan amoufit't@al

2d,*Bar to twenty percenturn of the cmolment fee realistd by. .it etwy year.
-. . . , .

RccognltIm 13. (1) All Asrodations af ~d$o&tcsknown tiy any name fpnctidning,, a@ ii
md Court may, ,before. a date,; .notjiicd By , the Bar b u n c i l jn this bcbalf, apply
d f l m t i o n to tKe Bdr Council in 'su'ch f d r h as may be pi$Scribed fdr recognitiirn and regi s-
h o c k t i o n . tiation. ..
, . ,

(2) The Provisions of ilnuie (a) bf r~&~&ctitioq(1) +ail apply niutahniurmdis 21 of U8

ri Yb;oGk'tiei,o'f Advdhtes r&ste&d Wider the Sdcieties Registration Act, 1860.
- (3) Evey q'diiratidn fof . r a g n i t i o n and registration shall bc accompanied
by the rules or bye-laws of the Association, names and addresses of the office
N e r s @ the,Asspciatjon with an-upto-date list of the mcmbcrs of thc Associattoii'
di6wibg ; h'i ad,$ks, %ge, dare of eaiolineul hiid the ordinary placi of
p?acti& '6 'ea'ch mehbk~.- A

(4) The BU jt'(jouhoil may, ifter such 'enquiry, as it deem necessary, recognisc
We BStlr Associatian ana issue a certficatc of registration in such form as may be
. .

- :<$. $he deaisj*, of thc Bar C?uncil regarding thc recogoi tion and regirtration

of the Bar Association shah 'be final. - .

Dull- uf 14. (I) Every Bar Association shall, on or bciorqthc 13th A& s+iy.y& furdie : i d
b o d k - the BarGuncil a list of its members as on the 31st Merch of Lhal ycar.
i(b -.;. &r $&-$-O&ti&'$
very 'iitinjstc fa the Bd!CbuiCjl:-
'(a) w!&nge of the affice bearers of thc Assocjation within fificcn days Tram
such'ohaage; ,

(b) i n y chango inthe membe'rshipindudih~aa&i&n - a d ~ ~ h i i i i o n GiiG

I. , thirty days of such change;: , . . . -r :

; . ,jv
. . .. .. (c)'the
d&h, rJtire&kt 'dk~voli~t&y$tikp~+ioh;of -'&acticb.:of :any !of . i t b
' . , .-- ''im..k
. hlxf$ '$i&h 'tbir-1y'day.s
.. 'fro'& th'e 'dare, of' pccurr'khci thereof;
. . .and .- .. ..J ..-
.. , . . ' ..
,, !
-, ,
., J

- -A-cb.atbsr mittrrs..amay k rcquired by 'tlic B& Coihjci1:'fr'b'mifdE

- ...-
to time.
. .
-. . . . I
. ,
.,, ,'.
.I :(-I 2
'rhe Sqc$ticr
(3) The provisions of nibswtiao (2) shall apply mufatis rn~ibjlhe,~tii
-..- .. r
21 of l8Y.
mgistered under tbe Societies R c m t i o n A c t , 1160.

" ' '


- . .ACT, 1987.
, . I -, L . . .^. ., -- .I

the -, - 15.11j-~ v d r y ~ d v o c a tpractising
e in any b u d , inthe$ate'ahd 'beidg a idem-
of a Bar &sociation, or a Society recognised by the Bar ,council m a y apply to
the toamittee for admission as a member of the Fund in such form as d a y be
prescribed. I
- t
. , . .

(2) On receipt of an applimtion under sub-section (I), thc Committee shall make
filch ehquiry as it deems fit and either adniit the applicant to the Fund or for reasons
to be recorded in writing reject the application: .. , ,

--Provided-that no order rejecting . an application shall be passed unless the

applicant has been given an opportunity of being heard. I

(3) Every applicant shaU pay an applimtion Tee of =[two hundred] rupees b e i a
payable -albngwith the applimtion to the account ,of the Committee:.,. .: .';'
Provided that Advocates having less than five years standing practice of the
Bar will pay only rupees" 8[one hundred]. .,
: ....m
In.the event of rejection of the application the fee paid - alongwith ' the
application shall be refunded to the applicant, .. . . . - . . , .. , ,

(5) Every member shall pay an annual subscription to the fund

. on or before the
30th June of every year at the following rates, nimely:- . . . ;-!<--
, m


(a) where the standing of the advakte at . . & is five years. "my rupee4
, the
. - , .
(b) where thc standing of the A d v o d e at the Bar is more than five. years
. . . . . but less than meen years, Yone hundrd rupees]. -,- .
h-3;;. i, 7,; .
(c) where the standing of thc Advomte at- the .Bar- is meen yeais or morq ..
a[two hundred rupees].
.,(6)A mernkr m y the subscription under sub-section (5) in two equal instal-
ments at his option.
': . (7) Any member who fails to remit the amual 'subscription for any year befo+
the 30th June of the year shall be liable to be removed from the membership of
the Fund.
(8) A person removed from the membership of the Fund under sub-section (71,
shall be readmitted to the fund on payment of the arrears, with interest at twelve pcr
, cent per annum, withrn slx months from the date of removal subject to payment
of twenty-five perccnhm of the amual subscription as renewal fee.
(9) Every member .shall, at the time of admissibn to the membership of ihe Fund
make a nomination conferring on one or more persons- thc right to'receive the
amount prhich may l x due to him from the Fund, in the event of his death before
,. . , . . .
the amount had been paid to him. . , L .

- (10) If i member nohnatcr more than one person under subsectibn (9)'he ' kball
. speciiy in Lhe nomination -the amount or share payble to mch of 'the noqnee in
such manner as to cover the whole of the amount that may be due to him.
- ,, ,

.-. (I I) A rnernbar may at any time a n e l a oominatidn by. sending a - notice in


writing t o the Cornmiltee, provided that he shall along with such not~cesend a
fresh nomination. ,No cancellation shall be erective unless fresh nominations are
h i d e by the member cancelling carlier nomination. . ' >

(12) A mcmber who recived any other pensionary benefits or has suspended
~s : p r ~ t i evoluntarilly or otherwise before amning his 60th year ,-not k i n g
pqrmneotly disabled, shall not - be permitted -to the benefit under the Act; ' however
at the discretion of the Csommitt& he ' b y be pald the total annual membership
..-... . . - paid
subscription -
. by him.
, . .
.. . . .. A ..... 't>?
, ,

1. Substituted by Orissa Act 7 of 2001, s. 2 (i)

. Z .SWdtu.tcd by ibid -. --
. .c. -.I
. ,-
,wr;fi ~7 . -
'.3;.~u'bsiitutod-bjr1bldr~~2(ii)..--;~ . - - .
.. . ..
, - ,.',- - -. .'.
; ; , : ... -. .- . . . : j :--.;,I-, .,,--. -,?
, ..Ii'p,,

. A,. ; :. . QELFARE
1 . . , FUND
'- . ACT,
, I.-287 ,

I Orissa, Act 18 pf :!?ST I

'7. '
.I, :'...I
..- - '
(13) Subject 'to ,the p~ovisions made. absve the'"adnua1 subscr~ption i s nan- - ..
' ,

refufidable :.:11i -:..>:I

- (14) A memba o f the Fund shall have t h e obligation of appmrin and con'ductiog
such m e s which may be entrusted to him by the State Legal d and advise
bmmittee and -similar Committees fu nctiqning in different districts and subdivi-
sions of the State unless 'there are reasonable excuses for his non-appedrank.
from tho 16.11) A - memberj of the Fund'shall, on ceisat/on of practice, be ,entitledlo -rmive
fuad on f r o m a a d o u t ~ f t h e F u n d a ~ a m ~ u ~rheratesspecified
tat in the Schedu1e:'iubjd';
to other provisions of this Act. ,

of practice. . , ,. ,, , !

(2) In the event of the death o f -a member, the amount shall be,paid to : ,:,:-A j:i!lr 1-

his- nominees or, where there is no nominees, to,-hislegal heirs. : j (,.

,,;j;;, l,,;;.
.,,, , <>:!I, . -
;,, ,: ,
, .,..!,,,~',/ .
, - L

(3) A member of the Fund may opt retirement benefits at any time *' ' ' .'''"':'
after five years of his admission as a member of the Fund, but he shaII be , ' , . ., ..,.,
eligible for readmission to the Fund as a new membar subject to such conditions,

,,' .r, c::;

as may be prescribed : -.
,(, :,:
,,. .,-,,',
. .-: . '-,

Provided that a memb~r suffering from permanent disability shall be allowed1

t o retire within five years of his admission to the Fund.

. (4) For dcuIating the period of 'mmpleted years of practice for,the purpose
of payment under this Act every four years of practice at the Bar, if any, before
the admission of a m e m h r to the Fund, shall be computed as one year of practice
after such admission. I

(5) An application for payment from the Fund shall be preferred to the
Committee in such form as may be prescribed.

. (6) An appliralion received under subsection (5) shall be disposed of by the . .

Committee after such enquiry 'as it may deem necessary.
; ! .. . .
I' ,I "

Rsaalcllon 17. ( 1 j The interest of any member in the Fund or the right of a memkr
allaeHm,or his nominee or legal heirs to receive any amount from the Fund, s b d not
attachment, be assigned alienated, or charged and shall not be liable to attachment under any
etc- of inter+ decree or order of any Court, Tribunal or other authority.
at In the 4 .

(21 No creditor shall be entiffed to proceed against the Fund or the interest
therein of any member or his nominee or legal heirs.

fiphfibn-For the purposes of' this section, creditor . includes the Stat& - o r an
&a1 assignee or receiver appointed under the Insolvency Act, 1955 'or 'any other 2 6 19%
law for the time being in force. " , ,

wtlon 18. (1) A member oC the fund m a y suspend his membership for any reason what
and te- so ever and on.his suspension, he shall cease to be a member of the . fund and ,

admiselon. become disentitled to. the benefifs under this Act. , .

I' - - .

(2) On his resumption of practia, he may apply for readmission on making

the folIowing payments to entitle him to the benefits under this Act:- . .
. . . ,

(a) 50% of the admission fee; and

. - - .,
.. , . ,
; . I . ., .
,- , . ..
(b) an atnoin; equal to the total a u k 1 rubscriptions that he-.'would'have '

paid, had he not discontinued his membership. -- ....

- .-. ,
, : '
. I . .


, . ,
, ,
. -- 8 ., ,
I.. . ..

Meot-of 19..(1)TheiG@tt~e,s~11,m~t once in.t&e ealendqr..monthsof

mnBa to trantkict busihess hn&r this A C or
m&rY ofien, if ' f o ~ ~ necessiir$.
dd ~ thii i ~ l dbi d ...
thereunder. . , ' 7

,... .; - 42) Five .merphrs of the Commitfee shall form the eorp.:
for a,ny meeting
6 .f the; :.
C~mrm@e~: - ,, . .

, , , . ,
-. .. , . . -,.. . ..

' prin his absenkk, a ol(mbdi elicteil, : by the &&Eers

r: .A . I

, (3). . CJai*!
-, ,
preseht-khdl-presrdeo4er a 'hdtidg of tEe Commitfee.
t . : .1 .(41, Any: matter coming -UP before, a meting of. the %@nee be , sw .
deeiged by dmajoriN af the..members p r e s e n ~ . a n ~ , v o ~ g , ~ a t -.m,e$ting
; t h e and,
in the a s e of an equality of votes, the Chairman or-,t e, memkr presiding over
the meeting shall have a .casting vote.
m l l h j2id;,~fielhd-0fici$tmember$ ,of the &&ittee
' -&all be eligible to get such
Md dBnf travelling allowance add, daily aUowanc& as .ere admisSible to tKe- rnembkfi of t b
a m to
M- of State Bar huncil.
omduru -.. , -
. . , . J

2b. (1) Ah d$he$l,

. -&idst -any .deeisidh
of the ,co-ttee - . l i i . tb tlia S,b14
ih& ..,
, , , . + ,
Ad Gavermnent.
. .-
d d o n of :>.c .... -
,- , ,

ammlttee. (2) The appeal shall be in the prescribed form a i d shall be a&om;&ied
by.- ., , ..
, ,
- .
7. .
,,--i :, , .. '- - - .. .
(a) a copy of the ord& appdled agaiiist ; and
. .,+ .., (b).a:r&ipt of one hundred gupees,to.the credit-of the
- -.i:.-;' . .;..: fund,:.&any of the bdnches of the State Ba'nkofIadia .in.Qrissa. .
I, , ,

.- - ,. - - .*he-
-. '

9. &jj .&: ilk* withid dbYl~frGm ,

the 61' ttceip!
of the order appealed against.
i (4) The:decisidn of the State ~overnmentqn appeal shalt be fidal.
. .. * ._ I
- . .:

Prl n ti n e a.(1) The StateGovernment shall cause to b e printgd' ind disiiibuied ihe
md sfame of the y a k of Itfive rypee? y d for the purpose of utilisation, of the stamps
i i k t i d ' firiiji i6"th8 db-dhdcem$nt 'd @tio,ii '9- of the Oijsjii $ d y ~ d t & ;welfare
by tho sate Fund (Amendment) Act, 2002' And ih s ocg, 'if Any; o S ~rhpek,
respecti~eIyinscribed thereon.] .
, add theii. diba ' f
I -: . ,. .
., , ,

(2) Tii= . skiips

. i 6 ~ &,df
i !lie Size lm-x,2".
The custody of the stamps &l be with the State ~ a v e f n m e b i who
will maintain separate account and head for this.
?[(4) .Th!: State G-overnment shall control the distribution and salg of stamps

the Bar Council in the $rescribed manner. .

(5),1ly State Government, .. at the end of every financial year, shdl-
, , ,

c2cl iO
i h e , ,$'ihk r ) a d ~ ~ ihe
, ~ ~Fund
b , a R k j deducting
t ti& &st' of ' ~ r i i t i i gfhere'rjf dnd dthir' inci@kfal chh&, if aiiy, aEd d . ,I I '

( i i ) furnish the Committee a statement containing the number of stamps

printed; Sold irnd'amourit tiansferred to the ' Fund]. . ,
to bear 23. (Lj ~ [ b di d Stft6i such dhtd Lai thk state Go~eintb~hl- may, by notifigtioh,

atamp. specify, every Advocate] shall o n i staiiib 4[iiii in-ca$ of stainpi of thevalue d i tiird
rupees printed prior to thg date of-commencement of the Orissa Advocates, Welfare
Fund (AmendWmt)..Act,. .l5!9?,pd in,sf?ck,if any, .two sgmpsl on,-ev, y , vakalat,
memorandum ofapgaraqs, .E l ~ d by,him a-qd pp v+k+ht qr memqra54um s all be fled
before or received by any Court, ~rrbunalor other authority unless it IS so st&'&d.
3 ' '

. .
1. bubstitukd by the Orissa ACt 12 of 2003. s. 2 . ,
2 Substituted by the Orissa Addvetes' Welare Fund (Amendment) Act, 1991 (Orissa Act 10 d
ih11s: 3. , , ' 2

3. Substituted by Ibldds. .. . . ,.
4. Inserted by the Orlssa Act of 1998 s. 3 (e)


:%f&IiAfi~ FUND A&, 1987

, .. A*

(2~-~;&ij.sla,aip a b e d an v a l a f a filed before iiii Ciuiii.tiib;unal b i other

authority shall ble 'canalled in the manner provided for couif Fee -stamps.
' .
J3J-Ths- &u_e of 3s starng s h a l l neither ---be casts -.. the
-- -- in . .. . hit or wse. .-nor- .be
. . - . ... ..
&cted -
in .any event G the aleat.
. ,
# L

y: contravention of the provisions of sub-section (31, I[by an advocate]

shall diseh itlk him tomthe benifits of the fund and the QdMittee. shaU report
such instgnces to the Bar Council for appropriate action. .
. . .
. , m.

(5) N .,,,court,tribunal or authority shall accept any ,,Vakalatnama or memo-

ranam 08
$~$arance.-fledQ[unless it ir Stamped as dToresaid] exapt .&hen filed
by an 4cJvocatc appearing-
,..>.. . 5,
(o),for an indigent
. . person, or

(b);.,f?r: any person receiving legal aid, or

. -

(c):g$ :amicus .cuire.

Pcotectfon of 24. (1) NQ suit, prosecution or other legal proceedings shaU lie against any
?tion taken person for i'iylhing which is in good faith done or inti'idcd to be ddii'e in pur-
In =Ond
faith. suance or this Act or any rule made thereunder.

(2) Mo suit, or other legal p~oceeding shall Iie ,a~bst. the Committee for ,

any &mag; mused oi likely to be caused by anythtng which is ,in-good faith

done or inteoded to be done in pursuance of this Act or any
. ru!e
. 9 d .e. thereunder.
I I...

Bar of 25. Nq$iviI Cou!!, shall have jurisdiction to settIe, dpide or deaI with any ,

jurisfli$on question dr determine any matter which is required t o k settled, decidtd or deall
CLnl with or too+
be determined by the Committee or any other author~tyunder, this Act,
. .. , J ' ? -

Powern to 26. The Committee shall for the purpose of any eaquiry udder this I Act have
the same powers as are vested in a Civilcourt while try~nga suit under the &de
of Civil Prbcedure, 1908 in respect of the following mat!ers, nsmely :- . I
Saf 1W8
(a) enforcing the. attendance of any person or e e d n g him Q p oath;
(b) '&uiiing the- diswvery and production of doci&bht;
( c ) ' i e k i ~ i n gevidence on &davit;

(4 iiitiihg comtdissions for the examination of wifi&ies.

, ,

Power to 27. he state Goiernment may, in consultation with tkk ~om;$ittee makc rules8
make Rules. for the putpdse of ca-rqing into effect the provisions of this Act.

- I . --
1. substituted bi ;he Orissa Act 10 of 1989, s. 3 Cb)

d the Orissa Act of 1 of 1998, s. @)

2. ~ u b i t i ~ u t cby
7 F& Rule scc Orifso Gazette, Extraordinary, dated the lqlh fmuary l990 (NO.

Period of completed years Amount to be received

of practice (in rupees) .
, ,

30 years' standing , . ,
. .

28 y m s ' standing
- , .'
I .I
-. '87,000

28 years' .standing . . , -
A .- 84,000 , .,

27 years' standing
26 years' standing
25 years' standing

24 yas' standing
23 years' standing
22 years' standing
21 years' standing
' 20 years' standing
19 years' standing

. I7 years' standing
.. I

16 years' standing
15 years' standiog
14 years' standing ,

13 yars' standing
12 years' standing
11 years' sbndtng
10 yearsmstanding

9 years' standing
8 years' standing

7 years' standing,
6 years* standing
5 years' standing
Less than 5 years' standing
(only on death,) .

1. Substituled by OrIssa Act 7 of 2001, s. 3

Onrss~ACT 9 OF 1996

[Received B e assrmf of fJle Governor O?I tire 2nd May 1996,jrst plrbli~hed iir at] e-~fraordb~ary
issire of i11e Orissa Gazettc, dared the 4th May 19961'

BE it enactcd by the Legislature of thc State of ~ r i s s ain I lie k ~ ~ - t y - r c v e n t year

of the Republic of India as fo1lon.s :-

Sort litle. I . This Act may bc called the Orjsw Adv~cales' Welfare Fund (Amendment)

Amendment 2. In the Orissa Advocates' WeIrare Fund Act.1987, for thc Schedule, the following uriss Act
of Schedule shall be substituted, namely :- 18 of198j. 1

*For tbc Bill See Orjssa Gozerre Exitaodinary, daled the 18th March 1996 (No.287)

(See sections 9 and 16)
30 years' standing 60,00OmO0
29 years' standing 5P,OOO-00
28 ycars',Ista~dingf 56,000'00
27 pars' standing 5~,000~00
26 years' standing 52,00OmO0
25 years' etanding 50,000'00
24 years' standing 48,000'00
23 years' standing 46,00OmO0
22 years7 standing 44,000'00
21 years' standing 42,0OOm00
20 years' standing 40,00OmO0
19 years' standing 3S,O0OmCK)
18 years' standing 36,000-00
17 Years' 'standing
16 years' standing
15 years' standing
14 year? standing
13 . ycars'
, standing
12 ycars' standing
I1 years' stending
10, years' standing
9 ycars' tand ding
F ywrs' standing
7 ycars' standirrg
6 ycnrs' standing
5 years' stnndiny
Less than 5 yea<systanding 10,000'00 only
on d ~ t i ? . " .


1. Short title
2. Amendment of section 22
3. Amendment of section 23

- ,
[Received Il~eassent of , t l Govei-por
~ i 9~ ~f , r , p ~ ~in .w
0.7. /la?:141l ~ ~ a ! ~ u a : y YfI p ~ b ~xfraordinory
I i ~
' ' ;'Tarn of*-Ori~sa~'~azenc;aarerl' Ib? l T r h ' J a ~ l i ( o F y ~ 3*"~' 8 ~'-"
- "
. - .. .. .
- ' AN Am F U R T B E ~TO A&~~:~~~-oRIGA-
-,-,-- - & k s 9 WELFAREFWD
h$o -,
ACT, 1987.
'. .',.,....-
7. . .!

B E it enacted,by the legislature af the Slntc of Orirra in the Forty-eighth.L . - , - d z . .pw

of the RepubIic of India 3 s full~ws: - .. - I 0-

Short title 1. This Act may br called the Orissa Advocates* Welfare Fund (~mendmeni)
Act, 1997. -<,
. .-.. --- -- - -, ..C.-. :.:.-.
. ..:-.{!t *c ...
Amendment 2. In the Orissa Advocatesg WeIfare Fund Act, 1981-&ereia8ffer Orissa Act
OP secbkn the principal Act) in szbsecticn (1) of sectian 22, for the words 4 ~ w orupeess?,the 18 of 1987.
words "Tour rupees" shaIl be substituted.

Amendment 3. la the principal Act, in section 23,-,

of nection
23. (a) in sub-section (I), aflcr the words "one stamp", tho words, brackets and
figure "or, in casz of stamps ofthe valuc of twa rupees printed prior t o
the dltc o f commzncement of the Orissa Advocates' Wclfare Fund
(Amendment) ~ c t , 1997 and in stock if any, two stamps" shall be
inserted; and
(b) in sub-section (S), for the words ~'unless,the stamps is affixed t o it", the
words g'unl,:ss i t is stampzd as aforesaid" shall be substituted.

*For th= Bill see Orissa Gaerte, Exlraordinary. dated thc 4th D-ccmbcr, 1997 (No. 1487)

[Received the assent of the Governor on'the 73th ! June 2007, first published
. in an m ~ o r d i n e r yissue of the Orissa G azette, dated the 19rh June, 2001
: N o 7 ? : 1 '! . .C: ,. * . .- .

DEit qnapted bY the teglslature of the State o f , Orissa in the Fifty<

second Year hf h e Republie of lndla as follows:-

Short title , ,

I.~ h i e i c ht a y be called the Orissa ~ d v a c a t e s ' Welfare ~ u n d{Amend;?

ment) ~ c t 2001.
of 2. In the orissa ~dvacates'Welfare Fund Act, 1987 (hereinafter -referred ~ ~ ~ ; " 9 ~ ~ ! ,
Sadon 15- to as the principal Act), in section 1 5 - -
( i ) in sub-section (3), for the words "one hundred", the, worde
'"TWO hundred" and for the word "fifty" appearihg in the proviso
, f. h. e.,r ~ i othe
, words
., "one hundred" shall be substituted, end
(ii) in sub-section (5), for the words "Nil*', .'fifty rup.80~':an$ '*one
' h i d e d rupe8s" appearing against clause (a), clause (b) and
.,L.l thereof, ths words #'fifty rupees"',, , ,,;'one hundred-;rupees"
and "two hun'dred rupeess*shall, respeetiirel~be substituted.
* For the ill,' s$e Orissa 'Gazette, Extraordinary, d a t i d ;he 31 st March, 2001

Am edmmt 3. In tho principal Act, forthe schedule t t e fallowing schedule shall be

schedu~~ ~nbstftuted,namely:- . - ,
, - - , .

(See sectlons 9 and 16) , .

Period of completed years of practlce Amount to be received {In rupees)

(1) L (2)-

30 Years* standing .. 90,000

29 years' standfng
28 Years' standing
27 years' stending
26 yeais' standing
25 pare' atandlng
24 years'standing

23 years' standing
22 Years'-standing

21 years' standing

20 years' standing-

19 years' standing
18 years' standlng
17 ,yearsmstanding

16 Years'standlng
15 years' standing

14 years' standlng

3 3 Years' standing
12 years' aanding

I Iyaars' standing
10 years' standing

9 years' standing

8 Years' standing

7 Years' standing

6 Years' standing
5 years' standing ..
Less than 5 years' standlng (onlY on death)


ACT, 2002


1. Short titlo and commoncement

-0RlSSA ACT 12 OF 2002

, I 'V ~ L $ A ~ ' E 'F, U ~ D (AMENDMENT)
'THE QRISS 4 AQYO Z % T ~ J ' ACT. 2002

. -.. .
. . .. .
it enacted by tho ~ o ~ i s l & u ~ e ! . o f State of Orissa in the Fifty-third
Year of the- Republic o f . India as follows:- ,? .! - ' ,

Short title . . ':I. ( I ) .This :Act may . .be. :called the;. ~Odssa Advacatcs! ..Welfare :Fuad ;

and cornme- (Amendment) Act, 2002. . .*-..

. . . :. .. ,,. .,. , , -',- ,F.-.:? ,:i:lfJ
r l
, , 7

,, A --'-

nfcmerrt. .. -
.: , . . {2),This ,section and sdction..2. shall- come: into ,;,.on<eand
section 3 shall come into force on such date as the State Government
may, by *.notification, appoinr'r :. ,;:.:I - -I u : , ,* :';,:.,11 (f;' , ,-'
, , ' ,-

. . . . . .. . . . ..:*.,-
. . . . . .,--., '* , , ,.:A

eeodme~t 2. In section 22 of the Orissa Advocates' ,-Welfare- Fund Actm 1987

di;,i;,22. [herzinafter t e f c ~ as..,the ,p$incip+I fict),, : i n sub-le$i~n-.(!j,.[of*lke, zords
''f0ur rupees and i t s value in~cribed,tbk(cppv, $h=cwogdf:$ew7e&$;311%
for the purpose of utilisrltion of the stamps 'Ijrinted prior t o the commence-
- I ment of section 3 of the Orissa Advocates' Welfare ..,Fwd-.(Amendment)
Act, 2002 and id s t ~ c k , if any, one rupee, and 'their value rtspect~vely
inscribed thereon" shalI be substituted. . .. :,,
,.-,. - ., ;i:,.. ' - r .'s- x

Amendment 3. In section 23 :o f : the,, p.rjecdqal Act,, . i ,$u+sectiog

~ ( I ) , Tar :he words.
. . ofsection 23. brackets and figures "one' sta$D 'or;.' in chse' of ''sGhp4'' df "lkeL'Value of two

rupees printed prior to the csmmenceqe,qt ,,gf t&, ,O~'s!a-., A d y L ~ a t yWelfare V

Fund (Amendment) Ad, 1997 and i n s t o L mifman)i. iwo stamps", the wards
.,.. . - or; stamps
, . of...the .value.'!or
- ' . <five rupees:
. I . 1 . :shaII be . substitutgd. .
,,..,:,.-rlt,: >:!:7
2;: a
. . 1 4

. - . .- , . b,, , >.+4-. , , m. ,! -, 'J #,

i --.
* P Q ~the :Billi %e, j OtiFa.,Gqc!fe,. @lf?f$pin-. O$?%174'3) daffd, t;Lv tb.q$qj Po.
,3:z ~1
*Came intifo- w.e . f. 1st November. 2W3 vide Law !Department Notifl~ationNO. 14519- L,
::dated the: 3 ~ t h~Octokier:-z603
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