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Helium-neon Laser

Construction of He-Ne laser

Helium-Neon Lasers
Schematic arrangement of the
first gas laser.

Typical schematic design

of a modern laser.
The left side of the representation shows

the lower levels of the helium atoms. The

energy scale is interrupted and that there is a

larger difference in energy in the

recombination process than is evident in the


A characteristic of helium is that its first

states to be excited, 2S1 and 2S0 are

metastable, i.e. optical transitions to the

ground state 1S0 are not allowed, because

this would violate the selection rules for

optical transitions. As a result of gas

discharge, these states are populated by

electron collisions
He-Ne Energy level diagram
Working of He-Ne laser
F2 E6

F1 E4



Applications of He-Ne laser

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